CoinSchedule API v2


Welcome to the Coinschedule API! You can use our API to get information on the projects listed in Coinschedule.

If you need to you may still access the documentation for api v1


Important! Before you start you need to request an API key using the API Access Form.


Coinschedule uses API keys for authentication. If you haven't already, you can request an API key on our API Access Form. Your API key must be included in the Authentication-Info header of every request!

Here are a few examples of how to do this in

(in the following examples replace {{apikey}} with the api key value supplied by CoinSchedule)

$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
    CURLOPT_URL => "",
        "Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}",
        "Cache-Control: no-cache"

$response = curl_exec($curl);
$err = curl_error($curl);


if ($err) {
    echo "cURL Error #:" . $err;
} else {
    echo $response;
var request = require("request");

var options = { method: 'GET',
  url: '',
   { 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache',
     'Authentication-Info': 'Basic {{apikey}}' } };

request(options, function (error, response, body) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);

import requests

url = ""

headers = {
    'Authentication-Info': "Basic {{apikey}}",
    'Cache-Control': "no-cache",

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)


Error Codes

Coinschedule API endpoints return errors from 2xx to 5xx, in the JSON response status and a message in the response body with the nature of the error.

Rate limit

60 requests per minute

Ended Crowdfunds

GET List all ended crowdfunds


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}} Note replace {{apikey}} with the api key value supplied by CoinSchedule

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "ended crowdfunds found",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1260,
            "ProjName": "ATLANT",
            "ProjDesc": "Invest. Rent. Trade. World’s Real Estate Blockchain Platform\r\n\r\n",
            "ProjCatID": 22,
            "ProjCatName": "Real Estate",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",
            "ProjTopOfUpcoming": 0,
            "ProjImageURL": "",
            "ProjImageLargeURL": "",
            "ProjURL": "",
            "EventID": 429,
            "EventName": "ATLANT pre-ICO",
            "EventStartDate": "2017-08-01 00:30:00",
            "EventEndDate": "2017-08-19 00:00:00",
            "EventURL": "",
            "Percent": 100,
            "Status": "Ended",
            "StatusID": 3

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by categories,2


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "ended crowdfunds found for required categories",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1269,
            "ProjName": "VeChain",
            "ProjDesc": "VeChain is a blockchain-based supply chain management solution\r\nWe currently have several big clients both in China and Europe working with us on different use cases for our blockchain platform. Some of our clients:\r\nD.I.G. \r\nK&N \r\nC.I.Q.\r\nRENAULT",
            "ProjCatID": 1,
            "ProjCatName": "Supply & Logistics",
            "ProjPlatID": "",
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by platforms,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "ended crowdfunds found for required platforms",
    "categories": "",
    "package": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1260,
            "ProjName": "ATLANT",
            "ProjDesc": "Invest. Rent. Trade. World’s Real Estate Blockchain Platform\r\n\r\n",
            "ProjCatID": 22,
            "ProjCatName": "Real Estate",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by package


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found of required package type",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1093,
            "ProjName": "Ethereum Movie Venture",
            "ProjDesc": "EMV is a decentralised movie-investment platform designed for investing in the independent movie industry",
            "ProjCatID": 0,
            "ProjCatName": null,
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms,2/plat/2,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "ended crowdfunds found for required categories and platforms",
    "package": "",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1270,
            "ProjName": "Wabi",
            "ProjDesc": "WaBi connects digital and physical worlds, solves fakes in China. We are building sales of baby food with anti-counterfeiting protection through baby stores in China. Technology is commercially deployed with hundreds of paying users.",
            "ProjCatID": 1,
            "ProjCatName": "Supply & Logistics",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by categories and package,2/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1226,
            "ProjName": "IMMLA",
            "ProjDesc": "MMLA (International MultiModal Logistic Application) is the first multimodal logistics service with a decentralised system of transportation, document workflow and payments.",
            "ProjCatID": 1,
            "ProjCatName": "Supply & Logistics",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by platforms and package,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required platforms and package",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1093,
            "ProjName": "Ethereum Movie Venture",
            "ProjDesc": "EMV is a decentralised movie-investment platform designed for investing in the independent movie industry",
            "ProjCatID": 0,
            "ProjCatName": null,
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all ended crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms and package,2/plat/2,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories, platforms and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1226,
            "ProjName": "IMMLA",
            "ProjDesc": "MMLA (International MultiModal Logistic Application) is the first multimodal logistics service with a decentralised system of transportation, document workflow and payments.",
            "ProjCatID": 1,
            "ProjCatName": "Supply & Logistics",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

Live Crowdfunds

GET List all live crowdfunds


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "live crowdfunds found",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2118,
            "ProjName": "FireLotto",
            "ProjDesc": "We built a completely transparent and fully decentralized platform for organizing and conducting a lottery using the blockchain technology and ETH smart contracts for collecting and distributing funds, drawing winning numbers in a random fashion, and paying lottery tickets sales commission to token holders.",
            "ProjCatID": 6,
            "ProjCatName": "Gambling & Betting",
            "ProjPackageID": 3,
            "PackageName": "Silver Listing",
            "ProjTopOfUpcoming": 0,
            "ProjImageURL": "",
            "ProjImageLargeURL": "",
            "ProjURL": "",
            "EventID": 1881,
            "EventName": "FireLotto Pre-Sale",
            "EventStartDate": "2018-01-01 00:00:00",
            "EventEndDate": "2018-02-15 00:00:00",
            "EventURL": "",
            "Percent": 99.1022890946502,
            "Status": "Live",
            "StatusID": 2

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by categories,2


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "live crowdfunds found for required categories",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1991,
            "ProjName": "HOQU",
            "ProjDesc": "HOQU is a decentralized affiliate platform that combines the performance-marketing model with blockchain technology.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by platforms,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "live crowdfunds found for required platforms",
    "categories": "",
    "package": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2118,
            "ProjName": "FireLotto",
            "ProjDesc": "We built a completely transparent and fully decentralized platform for organizing and conducting a lottery using the blockchain technology and ETH smart contracts for collecting and distributing funds, drawing winning numbers in a random fashion, and paying lottery tickets sales commission to token holders.",
            "ProjCatID": 6,
            "ProjCatName": "Gambling & Betting",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by package


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found of required package type",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1745,
            "ProjName": "Lucyd",
            "ProjDesc": "Our mission is to make truly user-friendly smartglasses, and a blockchain-based AR app ecosystem. Lucyd owns a portfolio of 13 unique, AR patents that will allow for the development of an interactive AR display that appears like a normal pair of glasses.",
            "ProjCatID": 12,
            "ProjCatName": "Gaming & VR",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms,2/plat/2,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "live crowdfunds found for required categories and platforms",
    "package": "",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1991,
            "ProjName": "HOQU",
            "ProjDesc": "HOQU is a decentralized affiliate platform that combines the performance-marketing model with blockchain technology.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by categories and package,2/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1991,
            "ProjName": "HOQU",
            "ProjDesc": "HOQU is a decentralized affiliate platform that combines the performance-marketing model with blockchain technology.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by platforms and package,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required platforms and package",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1745,
            "ProjName": "Lucyd",
            "ProjDesc": "Our mission is to make truly user-friendly smartglasses, and a blockchain-based AR app ecosystem. Lucyd owns a portfolio of 13 unique, AR patents that will allow for the development of an interactive AR display that appears like a normal pair of glasses.",
            "ProjCatID": 12,
            "ProjCatName": "Gaming & VR",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all live crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms and package,2/plat/2,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories, platforms and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 1991,
            "ProjName": "HOQU",
            "ProjDesc": "HOQU is a decentralized affiliate platform that combines the performance-marketing model with blockchain technology.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

Upcoming Crowdfunds

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "upcoming crowdfunds found",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2161,
            "ProjName": "Ethearnal Reputation Token",
            "ProjDesc": "Ethearnal is peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if needed. We collide reputation and economic initiatives into one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Thus, all parties, moderators included, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, since everyone has something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.",
            "ProjCatID": 16,
            "ProjCatName": "Identity & Reputation",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",
            "ProjTopOfUpcoming": 1,
            "ProjImageURL": "",
            "ProjImageLargeURL": "",
            "ProjURL": "",
            "EventID": 1946,
            "EventName": "Ethearnal ICO",
            "EventStartDate": "2018-02-28 12:00:00",
            "EventEndDate": "2018-03-31 12:00:00",
            "EventURL": "",
            "Percent": 0,
            "Status": "Upcoming",
            "StatusID": 1

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by categories,2


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "upcoming crowdfunds found for required categories",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2087,
            "ProjName": "Thrive",
            "ProjDesc": "Thrive is a Blockchain Based Marketplace to buy and sell Advertising at very low fees. People get paid for data sharing and for reviewing the quality of each website in the ecosystem. You are finally taking back the control of the internet.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by platforms,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "upcoming crowdfunds found for required platforms",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2161,
            "ProjName": "Ethearnal Reputation Token",
            "ProjDesc": "Ethearnal is peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if needed. We collide reputation and economic initiatives into one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Thus, all parties, moderators included, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, since everyone has something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.",
            "ProjCatID": 16,
            "ProjCatName": "Identity & Reputation",
            "ProjPackageID": 3,
            "PackageName": "Silver Listing",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by package


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found of required package type",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2161,
            "ProjName": "Ethearnal Reputation Token",
            "ProjDesc": "Ethearnal is peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if needed. We collide reputation and economic initiatives into one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Thus, all parties, moderators included, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, since everyone has something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.",
            "ProjCatID": 16,
            "ProjCatName": "Identity & Reputation",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms,2/plat/2,3


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "upcoming crowdfunds found for required categories and platforms",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2087,
            "ProjName": "Thrive",
            "ProjDesc": "Thrive is a Blockchain Based Marketplace to buy and sell Advertising at very low fees. People get paid for data sharing and for reviewing the quality of each website in the ecosystem. You are finally taking back the control of the internet.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by categories and package,2/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2220,
            "ProjName": "TV-TWO",
            "ProjDesc": "TV-TWO is bringing trustless transactions and crypto wallets to 700 million Smart TVs around the globe. We tokenize reach on the Big Screen and facilitate a direct value exchange between users, advertisers, and content creators through payment channels.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by platforms and package,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required platforms and package",
    "categories": "",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2161,
            "ProjName": "Ethearnal Reputation Token",
            "ProjDesc": "Ethearnal is peer-to-peer (P2P) freelance system, in which employers and freelancers meet, enter into trustless smart contracts with reputation and money in escrow, and take advantage of a decentralized system of moderators, if needed. We collide reputation and economic initiatives into one by tokenizing reputation and giving it value. Thus, all parties, moderators included, have strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, since everyone has something of value at stake, as well as something to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.",
            "ProjCatID": 16,
            "ProjCatName": "Identity & Reputation",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

GET List all upcoming crowdfunds filtered by categories and platforms and package,2/plat/2,3/pack/gold


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url ',2/plat/2,3/pack/gold' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "crowdfunds found for required categories, platforms and package",
    "categories": "1,2",
    "platforms": "2,3",
    "package": "gold",
    "crowdfunds": [
            "ProjID": 2220,
            "ProjName": "TV-TWO",
            "ProjDesc": "TV-TWO is bringing trustless transactions and crypto wallets to 700 million Smart TVs around the globe. We tokenize reach on the Big Screen and facilitate a direct value exchange between users, advertisers, and content creators through payment channels.",
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising",
            "ProjPlatID": "2",
            "ProjPlatName": "Ethereum",
            "ProjPackageID": 4,
            "PackageName": "Gold Listing",

Crowdfund Details

GET List crowdfund details by project ID


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "project found",
    "project": [
            "ProjID": 1331,
            "ProjName": "300cubits",
            "ProjDesc": "300cubits is a blockchain initiative relieving the $23B pain points of the $150B container shipping industry through creation of a crypto currency called TEU and integration of industry process with Ethereum blockchain.",
            "ProjCatID": 1,
            "ProjCatName": "Supply & Logistics",
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing",
            "ProjTopOfUpcoming": 0,
            "ProjImageURL": "",
            "ProjImageLargeURL": "",
            "ProjURL": "",
            "Events": [
                    "EventID": 561,
                    "EventName": "300cubits Pre-ICO",
                    "EventStartDate": "2018-03-15 02:00:00",
                    "EventEndDate": "2018-04-12 02:00:00",
                    "EventURL": "",
                    "Percent": 0,
                    "Status": "Upcoming",
                    "StatusID": 1
                    "EventID": 2114,
                    "EventName": "300cubits ICO",
                    "EventStartDate": "2018-03-15 02:00:00",
                    "EventEndDate": "2018-04-12 02:00:00",
                    "EventURL": "",
                    "Percent": 0,
                    "Status": "Upcoming",
                    "StatusID": 1

GET List crowdfund details by event ID


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "event found",
    "event": [
            "ProjID": 1233,
            "ProjName": "Moosecoin",
            "ProjDesc": "We are creating a decentralised organisation for musicians to cover for every aspect of a musicians' career; from start to finish. We would like to be the most used blockchain platform facilitating new musicians and all ecosystem partners around them. \r\n",
            "ProjCatID": 23,
            "ProjCatName": "Art & Music",
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing",
            "ProjTopOfUpcoming": 0,
            "ProjImageURL": "",
            "ProjImageLargeURL": "",
            "ProjURL": "",
            "EventID": 386,
            "EventName": "Moosecoin ICO",
            "EventStartDate": "2017-07-30 23:59:00",
            "EventEndDate": "2018-03-28 20:40:00",
            "EventURL": "",
            "Percent": 82.5920474607481,
            "Status": "Live",
            "StatusID": 2


GET List category filters


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "categories found",
    "categories": [
            "ProjCatID": 23,
            "ProjCatName": "Art & Music"
            "ProjCatID": 2,
            "ProjCatName": "Commerce & Advertising"
            "ProjCatID": 27,
            "ProjCatName": "Commodities"
            "ProjCatID": 28,
            "ProjCatName": "Communications"

GET List platform filters


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "platforms found",
    "platforms": [
            "ProjPlatID": "1",
            "ProjPlatName": "Bitcoin"
            "ProjPlatID": "18",
            "ProjPlatName": "BitShares"
            "ProjPlatID": "60",
            "ProjPlatName": "Burst"

GET List package filters


Authentication-Info Basic {{apikey}}

Sample Request
curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Authentication-Info: Basic {{apikey}}'
Sample Response
    "message": "packages found",
    "packages": [
            "ProjPackageID": 1,
            "PackageCode": "standard",
            "PackageName": "Standard Listing"
            "ProjPackageID": 2,
            "PackageCode": "plus",
            "PackageName": "Plus Listing"
            "ProjPackageID": 3,
            "PackageCode": "silver",
            "PackageName": "Silver Listing"