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office_ergonomics_1.jpgJust about everyone who uses a computer has experienced discomfort in the neck, upper back, arms, wrists and low back at some point.

Click here for "Checklist to Determine Whether Your Workstation is Ergonomically Safe"

If your job keeps you planted at your desk most of the day, try following these tips to minimize discomfort and potential injury:

Click here for article "Smart Choices for Back and Neck Health"

Click here for article "Consumers' Guide to Sit-Stand Desks and Risers"

Adjust the monitor
The most common cause of neck pain is overuse of the neck muscles to hold the head up, instead of letting the spine do the job. Try positioning the screen about an arms length away from the chair. The best level to place the screen is always at eye level.

Click here for article: "10 Tips For Reducing Computer-Related Eye Strain".

Position the chair
Feet should support themselves on the ground. If necessary, lower the chair until feet can sit flat on the floor or find a step to place under the feet keeping knees around 90°.workplace ergonomics_1.jpg

Adjust the seat depth so there is one-to-three fingers' space between the front of the chair and the back of the knee.

Position armrests so they are one inch below the forearm.

If you primarily use a mouse, try out a chair designed with a pear-shaped back. This type of chair supports the spine, but frees the scapula to move, encouraging whole-arm use rather than motion only from the wrist.

Choose a keyboard

A keyboard that allows angle and pitch adjustments is generally best to avoid severely bent wrists. Additionally, a keyboard tray can fix problems such as excessive reach for the keyboard and improper wrist angles when typing. If necessary, place a soft gel pad under your wrists to keep the wrists from breaking and creating harmful angles.

If you use a mouse frequently, use your whole arm to move the mouse when possible. If you rest your wrist on the desk for extended periods, consider using a soft gel pad to minimize pressure on the carpal tunnel. You can also look into a graphic tablet that uses a digital pen allowing a more relaxed and neutral position of the fingers, hand, wrist and forearm.

Give yourself a break
In addition to following these ergonomic tips, take 30-45 second 'micro-breaks' every hour to stand-up, shake out your arms and allow your eyes to focus on something farther away than the computer screen. You might even try taking a short 5-10 minute walk in the middle of your day to encourage some leg circulation and stretching your muscles.

We Care! Our chiropractic office is committed to keeping your spine- and overall health on the straight and narrow. If you have any concerns about how the ergonomics of your workplace may be affecting your health, plan on discussing it with Dr. Pisarek either at your next visit, or click here to send him an email.

THIS ---->https://advancedhealth.chiromatrixbase.com/conditions/ergonomics/office-ergonomics.html

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I have been a patient of Dr. Pisarek for a few years now. Every morning I have to say "thank you Dr. P.!". Your care and your treatment renew my energy... no more pains in my lower back, knee and foot. With your help I lost 20 pounds and I am keeping it off. I am really grateful to you and your wife Hilda for taking care of me. My retirement got a new meaning, thanks to you.

Eva Horazdovska
Toronto, ON

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