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Wellness Tips

There are a number of things that you can do to have a wellness lifestyle in addition to Alignment, Exercise, Nutrition, and Healthy Thinking.

In addition to the major pillars of wellness - Alignment, Exercise, Nutrition, and Healthy Thinking - there are a number of other things that you can do to live a life of richness. These include minimizing the sugar in your diet, drinking more pure water, turning off the television, smoking cessation, attracting love and intimacy, and becoming an advanced citizen.

THIS ---->https://advancedhealth.chiromatrixbase.com/member_wellness/c_78_wellness_lifestyle_tips.html

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8am - NN By Appt 8am - NN By Appt 8am - NN By Appt By Appt
2pm - 6pm By Appt 2pm - 6pm 2pm - 6pm By Appt By Appt By Appt


I have been a patient of Dr. Pisarek for a few years now. Every morning I have to say "thank you Dr. P.!". Your care and your treatment renew my energy... no more pains in my lower back, knee and foot. With your help I lost 20 pounds and I am keeping it off. I am really grateful to you and your wife Hilda for taking care of me. My retirement got a new meaning, thanks to you.

Eva Horazdovska
Toronto, ON

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