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In addition to the Release Notes, the HPCC Systems Red Book also contains useful information to help users manage the transition between releases.


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Release Notes for Community Edition 7.0.8-1

Known Limitations for 7.0.8-1
HPCC-19615 Should not be able to login 2 different users with same session ID. 
           For now, if you need to login to multiple accounts, use a different browser or an
           incognito window. 
HPCC-17472 The new eclcc indexer could cause issues detailed in the Jira issue. 
           To avoid these issues, you can bypass the eclcc indexer by adding --metacache= 
           on the command line or in the IDE’s compiler options. This sets it to an empty value. 
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager
           may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set 
           these values. 
HPCC-20254 File scope checking doesn't work in workunit mode 
HPCC-20812 not returning status calls
HPCC-20842 System with UsernameOnly security doesn't support changing users 
HPCC-20893 Recreate Query recreates and republishes, but list needs manual refresh
IDE-815 Clicking on a WU's  Graphs tab in the IDE fails to display the graphs.
           You can see the graphs in the embedded ECL Watch view in the IDE. 

Comprehensive list of changes from 7.0.6-1 to 7.0.8-1
Build process, Plugins              | HPCC-21334 Build failure due to outdated spark-hadoop version in url 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-21310 Cassandra build fails with GCC 8.2                
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21245 Ensure datasets used to create dictionaries are resourced correctly 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21245 Fix assert in debug mode caused by previous fix   
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-21323 DeploymentEngine build errors with gcc 8.2        
DFU Server                          | HPCC-21290 DFUPlus copysuper action result report is wrong.  
Dali                                | HPCC-21266 Improve dali digital signature error message      
Dali                                | HPCC-21267 Possible issue in Dali regarding timestamp comparison 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-21265 Add information to error message in STD.File.Copy 
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20903 Send html page for session reload when invalid session 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19632 CEsdlSDSStore should honor Dali attach state      
ESP                                 | HPCC-21219 Config tank file limit for ESP logging            
ESP                                 | HPCC-21263 Return expiration date in WsAccess.UserInfoEditInput 
ESP                                 | HPCC-21273 Fix memory leaks in ESDL service and xmllib       
ESP                                 | HPCC-21284 Change tooltip for ESP logging SafeRolloverThreshold 
ESP                                 | HPCC-21298 Unable to clear permissions cache                 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-20944 Hthor exe cannot create WLOCAL_XXXXX temp dir     
EclAgent                            | HPCC-20944 Hthor exe cannot create WLOCAL_XXXXX temp dir (2) 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20713 Update password expiration upon save              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20823 Error/Warning visible when locked                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-21261 Read @thorname as cluster name for running WUs on thor 
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-21270 Incorrect temporary directory used in make install mode 
Regression Suite, Thor              | HPCC-21312 Support local on stepped and use it in thor test case 
SoapPlus                            | HPCC-20633 Soapplus stress test should keep track of failed transactions 
Thor                                | HPCC-21291 Fix issue if using OPT dataset inside child query. 
Thor                                | HPCC-21306 Fix issue with PARTITION keys with 0 recs in part 0 
ecl command                         | HPCC-20976 Do not fail if eclcc cache cannot be created      
eclrtl                              | HPCC-21327 Fix potential infinite loop with qstring indexes  

Release Notes for Community Edition 7.0.6-1

Known Limitations for 7.0.6-1
HPCC-19615 Should not be able to login 2 different users with same session ID. 
           For now, if you need to login to multiple accounts, use a different browser or an
           incognito window. 
HPCC-17472 The new eclcc indexer could cause issues detailed in the Jira issue. 
           To avoid these issues, you can bypass the eclcc indexer by adding --metacache= 
           on the command line or in the IDE’s compiler options. This sets it to an empty value. 
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager
           may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set 
           these values. 
HPCC-20254 File scope checking doesn't work in workunit mode 
HPCC-20812 not returning status calls
HPCC-20842 System with UsernameOnly security doesn't support changing users 
HPCC-20893 Recreate Query recreates and republishes, but list needs manual refresh
HPCC-20903 ECLWatch returns JSON instead of page. 
IDE-815 Clicking on a WU's  Graphs tab in the IDE fails to display the graphs.
           You can see the graphs in the embedded ECL Watch view in the IDE. 

Comprehensive list of changes from 7.0.4-1 to 7.0.6-1
                                    | Support contextAttRemove="*" even without contextRemove="*" 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21002 Enable the option to generate meta information to the graph 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21125 Fix memory leaks in the code generator            
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-21192 Changed confusing "Cluster" in Keys to "ClusterGroup" 
DESDL                               | HPCC-20874 Support transaction_log_online in ESP logging agent 
DESDL                               | HPCC-20960 Echo the transformed DESDL request in the response for logging 
DESDL                               | HPCC-21059 Enhance custom request transform targeting        
DESDL                               | HPCC-21186 Service level transforms should run for all methods 
DESDL                               | HPCC-21220 Explicit selection of DESDL config content sent to roxie 
Documentation                       | HPCC-20866 Add Sparkmaster host IP and Port parameter        
Documentation                       | HPCC-21047 Fix LOOP topic                                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-21225 Update Copyright Date                             
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-21191 Upload file issues after cancelling               
ESDL                                | HPCC-21008 Montitoring not handling mixed diff_monitor values correctly 
ESP                                 | HPCC-21168 Setup ESP logging agent to only run specified services 
ESP                                 | HPCC-21190 Support end user IP in ESP transaction log        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20372 Removing subfiles action does nothing             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20648 Remove timeline max zoom limit                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-21159 Not able to upload file in Landing Zone           
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19268 Logging in not unlocking other tabs               
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-21207 Python 3 examples segfault at termination         
Init system                         | HPCC-21157 Fixed init_sparkthor log file growth              
JHTree                              | HPCC-21085 Assert failure viewing 6.x key in fileview        
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-21167 Report in logs if transparent_hugepage/enabled is set to always 
Roxie                               | HPCC-21209 Ensure onCreate() is called before input is started 
Thor                                | HPCC-21091 Fix smart join race condition causing crash       
Thor                                | HPCC-21122 Potential crash in KJ with translation            
Thor                                | HPCC-21156 Fix problem with TLK and PARTITION keys           
Thor                                | HPCC-21206 Ensure local copies scanned before considering remote 
Thor                                | HPCC-21231 Fix KJ fetch race                                 
Thor                                | HPCC-21237 Fix build error related to HPCC-21231 change.     
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-21188 Report exception message when deleting ECL WU 

Release Notes for Community Edition 7.0.4-1

Known Limitations for 7.0.4-1
HPCC-19615 Should not be able to login 2 different users with same session ID. 
           For now, if you need to login to multiple accounts, use a different browser or an
           incognito window. 
HPCC-17472 The new eclcc indexer could cause issues detailed in the Jira issue. 
           To avoid these issues, you can bypass the eclcc indexer by adding --metacache= 
           on the command line or in the IDE’s compiler options. This sets it to an empty value. 
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager
           may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set 
           these values. 
HPCC-20254 File scope checking doesn't work in workunit mode 
HPCC-20812 not returning status calls
HPCC-20842 System with UsernameOnly security doesn't support changing users 
HPCC-20893 Recreate Query recreates and republishes, but list needs manual refresh
HPCC-20903 ECLWatch returns JSON instead of page. 
IDE-815 Clicking on a WU's  Graphs tab in the IDE fails to display the graphs.
           You can see the graphs in the embedded ECL Watch view in the IDE. 

Comprehensive list of changes from 7.0.2-1 to 7.0.4-1

Build process                       | HPCC-21144 replace "/" in library file name pattern          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20928 Avoid hoisting SUM where argument depends on the context 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20974 Optimize the code that resolves dataset selectors 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21033 Ensure selectors are correctly mapped when aliases are added 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21045 Add __OPTION__ to the token->text routines        
DESDL                               | HPCC-20583 Allow DESDL application transforms to affect entire request 
DESDL                               | HPCC-20639 Fix core in EsdlBindingImpl::qualifyServiceName() 
DESDL                               | HPCC-20641 Fix core in Esdl2Transformer                      
DESDL                               | HPCC-20957 Allow DESDL gateway transformations               
Dali                                | HPCC-21081 7.0.0 engine cannot access 6.4.26 file            
Documentation                       | HPCC-20909 Adding DOC_VERSION_ONLY variable to releases      
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-21066 Remove unused package files                       
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-20739 No need to load or show empty static ESDL binding 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20188 Fix 3 memory leaks                                
ESP                                 | HPCC-20552 Detect endpoints that don't support persistent connection 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20719 Fix 2 problems in ESP Transaction Logging         
ESP                                 | HPCC-20822 Report Expire Days in WsDfu.DFUInfo               
ESP                                 | HPCC-20956 Properly release socket for ESP thread pool mode  
EclAgent                            | HPCC-21088 Hthor needs to fallback to non row stream remote access 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19395 Add URL param for new DESDL widget                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20116 Landing Zone Filter set not loading               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20120 Add support for multiple server queues in Activity view 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20317 Add require validation for fixed spray            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20397 Return better message when preflight failed       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20851 Unable to delete/deactivate packages              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20879 Missing graph attributes                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20923 Secondary Translation for SR, HR, BS              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20935 Set ESPSessionState to false for non-session ESP  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-21152 Active WUs not attaching to correct queue         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-21185 Invalid state icon is being displayed             
JHTree                              | HPCC-21085 - assert failure viewing 6.x key in fileview      
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-21044 Allow -c- to disable comparison after compiler regression test 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20817 Limit version of java to 8 for spark compatibility 
Thor                                | HPCC-20910 Prevent slave initialization aborting too early   
Thor                                | HPCC-20912 Add a configurable max block time to DFS operations 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20969 Prevent dafilesrv misinterpreting multi part packet 
unittests                           | HPCC-21073 Unittests -l generates different result depend on the location where it is executed. 

Release Notes for Community Edition 7.0.2-1

Known Limitations for 7.0.2-1
HPCC-19615 Should not be able to login 2 different users with same session ID. 
           For now, if you need to login to multiple accounts, use a different browser or an
           incognito window. 
HPCC-17472 The new eclcc indexer could cause issues detailed in the Jira issue. 
           To avoid these issues, you can bypass the eclcc indexer by adding --metacache= 
           on the command line or in the IDE’s compiler options. This sets it to an empty value. 
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager
           may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set 
           these values. 
HPCC-20254 File scope checking doesn't work in workunit mode 
HPCC-20817 Spark-HPCC currently supports Java 8 only
HPCC-20812 not returning status calls
HPCC-20842 System with UsernameOnly security doesn't support changing users 
HPCC-20893 Recreate Query recreates and republishes, but list needs manual refresh
HPCC-20903 ECLWatch returns JSON instead of page. 
IDE-815 Clicking on a WU's  Graphs tab in the IDE fails to display the graphs.
           You can see the graphs in the embedded ECL Watch view in the IDE. 
HPCC-20120 Unable to pause or resume queues. Need to add queue names to each new server name.
HPCC-21081 7.0.0 engine cannot access 6.4.26 file. 
HPCC-21085 assert failure viewing 6.x key in fileview.

Comprehensive list of changes from 7.0.0-1 to 7.0.2-1
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19235 Remove timestamps from regression suite output    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20885 Avoid internal error for dataset operation in case mapping 
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-20857 Add user data to transform variable map           
Dali                                | HPCC-20959 Unable to query file scope permissions            
Documentation                       | HPCC-20825 Add sudo to spark install doc                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-20875 Spark constructor updates                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20852 All packagemaps show up as last added             
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-20882 Fix alignment tracing in heap initialization error 
Thor                                | HPCC-20763 Destroy graph when it finishes.                   
Thor                                | HPCC-20849 Change a couple of edge case uses of /d$ to correct defaults 
Thor                                | HPCC-20864 Avoid race condition fetching loop input dataset  
ecl command                         | HPCC-20861 Missing Thor slave logs in ZAP file when --inc-thor-slave-logs used with ecl zapgen command. 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20595 When simplified expression is too complex, add to "do not simplify" list 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20862 Avoid assert defining a function that returns a function 

Release Notes for Community Edition 7.0.0-1

Release Date November 2, 2018

Known Limitations for 7.0.0-1
HPCC-19615 Should not be able to login 2 different users with same session ID. 
           For now, if you need to login to multiple accounts, use a different browser or an
           incognito window. 
HPCC-17472 The new eclcc indexer could cause issues detailed in the Jira issue. 
           To avoid these issues, you can bypass the eclcc indexer by adding --metacache= 
           on the command line or in the IDE’s compiler options. This sets it to an empty value. 
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager
           may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set 
           these values. 
HPCC-20254 File scope checking doesn't work in workunit mode 
HPCC-20817 Spark-HPCC currently supports Java 8 only
HPCC-20812 not returning status calls
HPCC-20842 System with UsernameOnly security doesn't support changing users 
HPCC-20893 Recreate Query recreates and republishes, but list needs manual refresh
HPCC-20903 ECLWatch returns JSON instead of page. 
IDE-815 Clicking on a WU's  Graphs tab in the IDE fails to display the graphs.
           You can see the graphs in the embedded ECL Watch view in the IDE. 
HPCC-20120 Unable to pause or resume queues. Need to add queue names to each new server name.
HPCC-21081 7.0.0 engine cannot access 6.4.26 file. 
HPCC-21085 assert failure viewing 6.x key in fileview.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.18-1 to 7.0.0-1


BackUpNode                          | HPCC-17986 Allow backupnode to be automatically generated by wizard 
Build process                       | HPCC-15414 Correct error message of CBLAS LIB dependency checking 
Build process                       | HPCC-15414 clean lib2 for lib name changes on Mac OS Before using install_name_tool 1) call otool to find out dependent lib name 2) find dependent lib name under lib2 directory Also add fix for JIRA HPCC-16930: add dependent libraries for CBLAS support 
Build process                       | HPCC-16754 Add py2embed and py3embed to platform package by default 
Build process                       | HPCC-17012 Update Pull request template                      
Build process                       | HPCC-17016 Deprecate use of loop macro                       
Build process                       | HPCC-17072 Add U/I specific items to checklist               
Build process                       | HPCC-17408 Add Clienttools bin to Windows PATH variable      
Build process                       | HPCC-17646 Memcached dependency added to esp                 
Build process                       | HPCC-17714 Set CMAKE_INSTALL_MESSAGE to LAZY to squelch up-to-date output when doing make install 
Build process                       | HPCC-17844 Libmemcached should not be used in windows clienttools builds 
Build process                       | HPCC-17878 Move redeclaration of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to above any Find calls 
Build process                       | HPCC-18005 OSX build break                                   
Build process                       | HPCC-18089 Add directory exists guard for FILE() calls in find_package scripts 
Build process                       | HPCC-18356 Build break on latest Clang                       
Build process                       | HPCC-18640 Fix packaging of libmemcached for plugins         
Build process                       | HPCC-18700 Remove README.txt and EspMethods.txt from componentfiles 
Build process                       | HPCC-18785 Memcached Plugin cmake references unknown variable 
Build process                       | HPCC-18873 Cpack exclusion of /usr/etc                       
Build process                       | HPCC-18913 Added CUSTOM_PACKAGE_SUFFIX to package name       
Build process                       | HPCC-18976 Py2embed and Py3embed build fix for platform      
Build process                       | HPCC-19218 Can't build ws-sql under osx                      
Build process                       | HPCC-19266 Non Null error fix for ws_dfuService.cpp          
Build process                       | HPCC-19295 Add wssql to stock env.xml                        
Build process                       | HPCC-19319 Move node version testing into CPack instructions 
Build process                       | HPCC-19463 Add option USE_DIGISIGN                           
Build process                       | HPCC-19463 Allow system to build on windows                  
Build process                       | HPCC-19597 Pass CMake OPENSSL options to Couchbase CMake call  Couchbase cannot build with Openssl 1.1. Like HPCC it need to use Openssl 1.0.2 instead for now. 
Build process                       | HPCC-19738 Suppress REMBED build warnning                    
Build process                       | HPCC-19775 Fix another 64 bit windows compile problem        
Build process                       | HPCC-19775 Fix windows 64 bit build problems                 
Build process                       | HPCC-19847 Unicode Library version check                     
Build process                       | HPCC-19997 Run execStartPre as hpcc user                     
Build process                       | HPCC-20012 Libuv/cassandra CMake changes for shlibdeps       
Build process                       | HPCC-20024 Build fails on Ubuntu 18.04 with default CMake settings 
Build process                       | HPCC-20175 Use ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} instead of $(MAKE)      
Build process                       | HPCC-20431 Added curl to dependency list                     
Build process                       | HPCC-20440 legacy openssl BIO_new_mem_buf compatibility issue 
Build process                       | HPCC-20455 Make ws_config2 and ws_sql build without openssl  
Build process                       | HPCC-20496 Fix configenv build error                         
Build process                       | HPCC-20502 Windows esp build problems.                       
Build process                       | HPCC-20511 Update ECL file location in Programmer Guide build script 
Build process                       | HPCC-20518 Add java dependency information into packages containing spark 
Build process                       | HPCC-20522 Add USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS to installation of spark 
Build process                       | HPCC-20525 Avoid static library build issues                 
Build process                       | HPCC-20525 openssl 1.1 + new gcc spotted compile issues      
Build process                       | HPCC-20539 Escape "$" to preserve variable for error handling Change log message from "WARNING" to "FATAL_ERROR" to stop the build if error happens 
Build process                       | HPCC-20643 Move spark build to a plugin                      
Build process                       | HPCC-20727 Fix location of genenvrules.conf file for DESTDIR build 
Build process, Documentation        | HPCC-19211 Add CMake configure option "DOCTAG" for independent doc build 
Build process, Documentation        | HPCC-19974 Add language and locale to  WsSQL User Guide PDF file name 
Build process, Documentation        | HPCC-20000 DOCS: Output Portal HTML to docs directory        
Build process, Documentation        | HPCC-20045 replace Eclipse_Html.xsl with PortalGen.xsl in Portal HTML generation fix dockbool-xsl path in PortalGen.xsl 
Build process, Init system          | HPCC-19664 Update centos 6 dependencies to include C++11 compatible gcc 
Build process, Init system          | HPCC-19776 Fix relative file location for compatibility with LN builds 
Build process, Plugins              | HPCC-18629 Python cache variables allow dev overwrite        
Cassandra                           | HPCC-19312 Update to latest cassandra driver                 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14700 Change loop to for(;;)                            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14700 Fix coverity and windows warnings                 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14700 Remove unused code for expanding field lists at generate time 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14700 Use a class to calculate offsets in rows with variable length fields 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15082 Use constexpr for the field meta information      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16171 String operation on varstring results in extra call to strlen 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16203 Change default severity of duplicate assignment to an error 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16603 Extract Java Doc comments from attributes.        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16652 Spurious "Roxie requires constant filenames" errors 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16712 Ensure dataset parameters have correct LCR representation 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16735 Changes to comments following review              
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16735 Refactoring to create MemberFunction objects      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16880 Experiment with a field list that expands nested rows 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16886 Switch from max to min record size in field information 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16901 ECLCC compile/link error if folding overflows     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16995 PATTERN EscapeQuot := ''''; no longer compiles    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17019 Fix problems with upmerge to master               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17068 Fix internal error when an action is associated with a persist name 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17127 Enable code for MFopt accidentally disabled (currently unused) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17188 Store index payload information in the dali record 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17548 Fix problems with streamed dataset parameters     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17697 Ensure scopes are generated in the new canonical form 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17836 Ensure numInstances is initialised to 0           
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17854 Add missing #include to rtlrecord.hpp             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17880 Add --metacache option to eclcc                   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18009 Move WorkunitErrorReceiver out of hql             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18012 Generate and release meta information earlier in batch mode 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18017 Use c++11 for generated code                      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18034 Various issues with typecasts                     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18100 Remove default branch causing unreachable code warning 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18101 Coverity: Uninitialized members (UNINIT_CTOR)     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18128 Allow default parameter values for dictionaries (and other types) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18274 Avoid generating boolean switch statements        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18275 Avoid generating out of range case statements     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18276 Generate override attribute on helper functions   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18469 Calculate the minimal set of fields to pass to the disk read transform 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18575 Provide access to more transform statistics (on #ifdef) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18614 Don't generate dictionary helper code             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18622 Store dictionary payload information in RtlTypeInfo structures 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18622 Store payload information in RtlTypeInfo structures 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18637 Add an indication to the workunit if a Thor query is executed on hthor 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18642 Allow user to set the label for independent workflow items 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18666 Add fallthrough comment to hqldesc.cpp            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18670 Clean up and simplify createPhysicalIndexRecord() 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18670 Fix assert from recent change to createPhysicalIndexRecord() 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18672 Access fileposition from an index row instead of special casing 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18695 Rename embeddedWarningsFatal option               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18735 Ensure .childds is treated as grouped    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18757 Annotate read and write to persist files in graph label 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18765 Calls taking recordof() not being constant folded. 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18766 Fix internal error for a constant function call that returns a row 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18767 ASSERT(dataval = otherdataval) problems           
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18780 Generate projected as well as expected disk meta functions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18794 Allow the code generator to generate IValueSet/IFieldFilter 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18799 Improve default support for child dataset fields  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18805 Ensure the LHS of a FETCH is in the serialized format 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18858 Remove activityId and ctx from readahead          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18859 Misleading warning issued when explicitly defining a LOOKUP join that has a index as a RHS 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18860 Report error for full KEYED JOIN with no fileposition in the key 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18888 Coverity - Use createValueSets instead of createValueSet 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18916 Generate conditions for IFBLOCKS at compile time  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18917 Add KEYED substring filters to disk files         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18917 New tests and changes following review            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18970 Clean up existing remote scope file resolution    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18970 Start adding override attributes and new lookupContents function 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18977 Ensure failing to start g++ is reported in the workunit 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19140 Test case for fileposition and PERSIST            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19171 Add a new semantic check stage to the compiler    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19220 Add an option to time parsing individual attributes 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19420 Assume worse case for unbalanced splitters        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19424 Switch over to using WuAttr in code generator     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19455 Introduce TAKspillread and TAKspillwrite to aid graph viewer 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19478 Move choosen semantic check out of parser         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19518 Move ATMOST(0) check from parser to semantic check stage 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19586 Prevent moving filters over joins if it creates an ambiguity 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19591 Missing type_keyedint translating scalar type     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19674 Do not report warning on ASSERT being context dependent 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19685 Ensure dummy lookup context created after dummy parse context 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19704 Improve isTrivialTransform for nested rows        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19743 Allow disk read to directly deserialize a row without calling a transform 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19745 Move warning related to grouping in tables out of parser 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19783 Optimize JOIN(row, row, true, transform(const))   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19899 Avoid assert when reporting scope warning         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19915 Fix implementation of TABLE,MERGE with computed grouping 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19918 Fix problem with LOOP conditions being corrupted  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19931 Refactor code in preparation for other work       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19937 Fix memory corruption assigning to a DATASET within an IFBLOCK 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19946 Fix various problems optimizing LOOPs             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20010 Remove invalid optimizations of NONEMPTY          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20011 Extend the tests for NONEMPTY for > 2 parameters  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20028 Support conditional modules which are dependent on #CONSTANT 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20078 Avoid some calls to Link/Release on IHqlExpressions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20135 Ensure expressions are evaluated in the correct context 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20177 Optimize CASE() returning a row                   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20204 Fix check whether a filter has already been processed 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20210 Refactor CASE processing and optimize a couple of cases 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20328 Fix error for function with virtual dataset inside MODULE 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20402 Sort orders could be lost if dataset duplicated in sort criteria 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20439 Remove empty child actions from inside PARALLEL() 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20478 Rename #option embeddedWarningsAreFatal           
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20579 OSX error compiling nestedif.ecl                  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20599 Row form of MAP() could be incorrectly treated as a dataset 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20658 Fix memory corruption clearing rows containing IFBLOCKs 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20707 Ensure global attribute dependencies are recorded in the cache 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20708 Ensure index filenames are correctly expanded by BUILD 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20721 Avoid generating the Simplified tags if it will be empty 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20764 Fix invalid c++ generated from hashing an integer6 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-8835 Generate shared global classes instead of member classes 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-8835 WIP                                                
Code Generator, Config Process/Services, eclrtl, Roxie, Workunit | HPCC-18652 Fix various windows compile warnings              
Code Generator, ESP                 | HPCC-19552 Create correct type information for old indexes   
Code Generator, EclAgent            | HPCC-20252 refactor index read generation to allow remote projection 
Code Generator, EclAgent, Roxie, Thor | HPCC-19721 Split canMatch() from transform() for disk and index read 
Code Generator, EclAgent, Thor      | HPCC-18813 Extend field filters to variable size fields      
Code Generator, JHTree, Roxie       | HPCC-19469 BLOOM attribute on filters                        
Code Generator, Language            | HPCC-15523 Support JOIN transform MATCHED(LEFT) and MATCHED(RIGHT) 
Code Generator, Roxie               | HPCC-19428 Rename the xml tag used for remote child graphs and library graphs 
Code Generator, Roxie, Thor         | HPCC-13036 Add support for embed activities                  
Code Generator, Roxie, Thor         | HPCC-15926 Add BEST attribute to DEDUP                       
Code Generator, Thor                | HPCC-18428 Output meta information for outputs to the graph  
Code Generator, Thor                | HPCC-19593 Add a flag to indicate an index read uses blobs   
Code Generator, ThorHelper          | HPCC-18952 Rename a RegexParser class to avoid a potential name clash 
Code Generator, ThorHelper          | HPCC-19229 Implement virtual fields in the field translation code 
Code Generator, ecl command, eclccserver | HPCC-13026 Allow eclcc to do a better job of resourcing smaller clusters 
Code Generator, eclrtl              | HPCC-18095 Refactor VarOffset segmonitors so they can be serialized 
Code Generator, eclrtl              | HPCC-18566 Add support for serializing ifblocks              
Code Generator, eclrtl              | HPCC-18755 Remove translated segMonitor support              
Code Generator, eclrtl              | HPCC-18755 Temporarily disable field translation tests       
Code Generator, eclrtl              | HPCC-18847 Enable prefetch for alien types and ifblocks      
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-16702 Componentize xsl logic for ESP logging agents     
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-19487 Allow dash (-) in names                           
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-19719 Propagate Custom Binding Params to DESDL Bindings 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-19822 Manually added ESP/Binding/FeatureAuth does not contain path 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-20020 Fix typos in roxie.xsd                            
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-20514 Set fieldTranslationEnabled default to true       
Config Process/Services, Config UI, Config Utils, Session Management | HPCC-18707 Fix 2 issues for ESP UserNameOnly mode            
Config Process/Services, ConfigManager 2.0 | HPCC-18324 Phase 2 ConfigMgr support                         
Config Process/Services, ConfigManager 2.0, Init system | HPCC-16183 Output slave port and slaves per node in configgen 
Config Process/Services, Documentation | HPCC-18772 Replace configurator with XSLT in docs build configurator was used to generate xml from xsd for docs build. For better maintenance saxon with XSLT 2.0 script is used to replace configurator. Move XML delcaration to the top 
Config Process/Services, ESP        | HPCC-19512 Conditionally comment out WsSQL from default environment.xml 
Config Process/Services, EclWatch   | HPCC-18336 Support infinite timeout                          
Config Process/Services, Session Management | HPCC-18037 Fix 3 bugs related to ESP AuthDomain setting      
Config UI                           | HPCC-19358 Add new attributes to ESP configuration           
Config UI                           | HPCC-19865 Error defining child elements in security mgr plugin schema 
Config UI                           | HPCC-20500 Rename class static variables with "c_" prefix and make them all lowercase 
Config UI                           | HPCC-20507 Fix invalid comparison Remove special computer name handling for ip="." 
Config UI                           | HPCC-20507 Remove configurator. "configurator" is replaced with config2. Rename duplicated ESP.t2 to ESP.t8 
Config UI, Config Utils             | HPCC-16676 Implement ConfigMgr Session Management            
Config UI, ConfigManager 2.0        | HPCC-8396 Change default value for localThorPortInc          
Config UI, ConfigManager 2.0, DESDL, ESP, Security Manager | HPCC-20424 ESP bindings with DESDLservices need default URL Authentication 
Config UI, DESDL, ESP               | HPCC-20534 Re-engage AuthenticateSetting configuration elements 
Config UI, ESP                      | HPCC-19761 Add code to configure ESP Cache Groups            
Config Utils                        | HPCC-16663 Refactoring environment.xml configuration libraries 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-17617 ConfigMgr Sessions tab needs some rework          
Config Utils                        | HPCC-18231 Fix ConfigMgr code for session timeout and AuthDomains 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-19014 Implement common method to query shared HPCC key filespecs 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-20508 Fix some trivial build warnings                   
Config Utils                        | HPCC-20619 Prevent backupnode and thor master are on the same node Disable adding backupnode instance automatically. Resume every component has at least one instance except backupnode if ip/ipfile provided 
Config Utils, Spark-HPCC            | HPCC-20662 Spark xsd and xsl changes to modify labels in configmgr 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19066 Fix coverity issues                               
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19099 Migrate ecl watch integration config to config manager 2.0 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19216 Dynamically add  section from buildset 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19219 Warnings from configmanager build                 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19481 Add auto set of attribute values when adding new element 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19766 Initial esp.xsd                                   
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19896 Add XSD test files                                
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19898 Include changed mirrored values in status         
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19902 Move attribute modifiers array                    
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19904 Change folder for Config Manager 2.0 schema files 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19925 Add not present in the environment indicator      
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19969 Expand environment attribute type information     
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-19978 Change custom name space attribute for default value in code 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20007 Initial Hardware XSD                              
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20076 ESP requests structures must be unique            
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20082 Change pattern matching for string limits to use boost regex 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20098 Fail session unlock if modified and return modified status 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20102 Look at refactoring componentName and itemType in XSD schema def 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20114 Don't allow service binding to https with no certificate 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20137 New defects reported by Coverity Scan             
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20195 Roxie MySQL cache options for ConfigManager 2     
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20200 Improve attribute group processing                
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20269 Initial ESP XSD conversion                        
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20384 Convert dafilesrv XSD to new format               
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20492 Add config manager 2.0 unit tests                 
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20520 Add support for plugins                           
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20577 Initial BackupNodes XSD                           
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20586 Initial DFUServer XSD Conversion                  
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20628 Build error on OSX                                
ConfigManager 2.0                   | HPCC-20664 Change directory layout and component names       
ConfigManager 2.0, ESDL, ESP        | HPCC-17851 New config manager core library                   
ConfigManager 2.0, ThorHelper       | HPCC-19149 Fix windows build problems                        
ConfigManager 2.0, eclrtl           | HPCC-20754 Fix a couple of windows link issues               
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18690 TBB sub module update to 2018_U1                  
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18762 Avoid buffer overrun writing string to ptree IXMLWriter 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18831 Add JLIB support for rooted JSON writers          
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-19269 Fix bug in RtlRecord::deserialize for variable rows. 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-19337 Add streaming remote (dafilesrv) disk read support 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-19782 Change getXMLParseTree() to create valid xml      
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-20080 Rearrange some sort code and add debugging helper function 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-20383 Add RSA and AES crypto helper functions and unit tests 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-20435 Allow 16/24/32 bit aes keys and fix 0 length issue. 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-20505 Decrypt environment pass phrase                   
Core Libraries, Dali, eclrtl, ESP, FTSlave, Roxie | HPCC-18585 Replace uses of rand() with fastRand()            
Core Libraries, JLib                | HPCC-20426 Refactor crypto helper and compile into jlib.     
Core Libraries, dafilesrv, DFU Server | HPCC-18004 Remote file open share flags                      
DESDL                               | HPCC-20292 Port 0 causes issues when starting ESP            
DESDL                               | HPCC-20540 Fix Dynamic ESDL Request transform core           
DESDL                               | HPCC-20608 Too much logging at log level 1                   
DESDL                               | HPCC-20666 Special char not handled in EchoTest              
DESDL                               | HPCC-20775 HttpClient not closing socket before reconnecting 
DESDL                               | HPCC-20799 EchoTest not using the escaped XML/JSON string    
DESDL, Documentation                | HPCC-20150 Document ESP support for Dynamic ESDL Proxy mode  
DESDL, ESDL                         | HPCC-20133 Upgrade ESDL transaction log for Royalty logging, etc 
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-19727 Add support for scapps style namespaces to dynamicESDL 
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-20354 Fix esdl service name validation                  
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-20362 Ensure custom transform append target path        
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-20433 Allow both service and method level DESDL Request transforms 
DESDL, ESP                          | HPCC-20532 Re-add support for multiple request transforms    
DESDL, EclWatch, ESP                | HPCC-19953 Dojo unavailable to ESP services                  
DFS                                 | HPCC-18645 Normalize logical filenames                       
DFS                                 | HPCC-18968 Ensure inline superfile properties are set        
DFS                                 | HPCC-19414 Prevent protected status being copied into super. 
DFS                                 | HPCC-19447 Scope iterator failing if base scope given        
DFS                                 | HPCC-19730 Add information about bloom fields to file metadata in Dali 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-18994 Spraying small JSON file - "Read beyond buffer" error 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19116 Error using DATASET(CSV(ESCAPE('')))              
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19443 Default spray behaviour to a replicated cluster should set replication and mean will be asynchronously replicated. 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19557 Spray partition calculation can't be aborted.     
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19802 Failed wildcard spray, empty directory, assert (#2) 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-20530 Log basic information (size, last modification date) if spray source file(s). 
DFU Server, EclWatch                | HPCC-20758 Error spraying BLOB                               
Dali                                | HPCC-11696 Suppress false update of new 'spares' clusters    
Dali                                | HPCC-16637 Save old environment when update detected.        
Dali                                | HPCC-18291 Add better validation and error messages.         
Dali                                | HPCC-18291 Add option to set logical file attribute.         
Dali                                | HPCC-18370 Daliadmin silently quits when xpath ends with /   
Dali                                | HPCC-18626 Ensure value subscriber notification for replaced trees. 
Dali                                | HPCC-18627 Fix issue with subscription notify and changes at '/' 
Dali                                | HPCC-18803 Add 'nobackup' option to daliadmin delete         
Dali                                | HPCC-19062 Daliclient too many epoll notifies                
Dali                                | HPCC-19090 Uninitialized variable in CUserDescriptor         
Dali                                | HPCC-19449 daliadmin dfsscopes not using scope param.        
Dali                                | HPCC-19965 Check for declared component before service configuration 
Dali                                | HPCC-19975 Remove session token support from IUserDescriptor 
Dali                                | HPCC-20004 Protect query base directories from unknown group 
Dali                                | HPCC-20220 Dali cores when getPermissions called internally  
Dali                                | HPCC-20284 Dali calls to get scope permissions can fail      
Dali                                | HPCC-20469 Allow empty password on calls to Dali getPermissions 
Dali                                | HPCC-20558 Add ability for daliadmin listmatches to return multiple values 
Dali, ECL Standard Library, EclWatch | HPCC-17826 Set IsCompressed for key file in WsDFU.DFUInfo    
Dali, ESP                           | HPCC-18039 Enhance Security creds to include ESP Session and signature 
Dali, ESP, Session Management       | HPCC-18675 Compute/Pass user's digital signature to Dali     
Dali, EclWatch                      | HPCC-18131 Revise based on review                            
Dali, Sasha                         | HPCC-16703 Ensure default keepStores match configmgr default 
Dali, eclccserver, Thor             | HPCC-19951 Core using compile-time file resolution with eclserver/legacy 
Digisign                            | HPCC-20156 Digisign incorrectly checking key file presence   
Documentation                       | HPCC-14375 DOCS: Rename Using Config Manager                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14376 DOCS:ROXIE redundancy config options              
Documentation                       | HPCC-14399 DOCS: Automate HTML production                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-15654 ESDL automatically generates Xml prereq           
Documentation                       | HPCC-15684 DOCS:ESPArray needs max_count or max_count_var    
Documentation                       | HPCC-16262 DOCS:Session Management                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-16290 Document BEST option for DEDUP                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-16869 Drop support for IE 8,9,&10                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-16922 Document STD.Math library methods                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17407 Add Windows Path info to Client Tools doc         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17865 Provide documentation on recent changes to roxiemem 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18234 Document ecl queries recreate                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-18345 Document new Unicode methods in Std library       
Documentation                       | HPCC-18359 Add DO Not Translate tags to docs                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18374 Document ecl zapgen                               
Documentation                       | HPCC-18436 Move WsSQL doc to main repo                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-18494 Document Std.File.GetEspURL                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-18621 Document Std.Uni.Version()                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-18628 Change Creative Commons License in LR to a link   
Documentation                       | HPCC-18771 Revise docs directory structure to support additional langauges 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18815 DOCS: Copy WUID to Clipboard                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-18883 Document ping_min_ver ESDL attribute              
Documentation                       | HPCC-18954 Update eclcc options in docs                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-19031 Special characters in docbook XML files           
Documentation                       | HPCC-19053 Document WsEcl's create workunit feature          
Documentation                       | HPCC-19075 Document WHITESPACE option for TRIM               
Documentation                       | HPCC-19088 Document Std TimeZone functions                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-19117 Document Std.File.GetLogicalFileAttribute csvEscape option 
Documentation                       | HPCC-19129 Document ESP & Roxie HTTP persistent connections  
Documentation                       | HPCC-19137 DOCS:Data Tutorial Link                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-19138 DOCS:Programmers Guide Link                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-19139 DOCS:Updates to VM doc                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-19184 ALLNODES topic has "See Also" list without links  
Documentation                       | HPCC-19186 Explain inheritance in ESDL ref                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-19224 DOCS:Invalid XML files                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-19253 Document the Mine (filter) button                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-19264 Update the Installing and Running for 7.0         
Documentation                       | HPCC-19302 Add some details of dali queues to WORKUNITS.rst  
Documentation                       | HPCC-19335 Typo ECL Scheduler Manual                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-19367 Document recreate WU for ECL Watch                
Documentation                       | HPCC-19379 Incorrect parameter descriptions for STD.BLAS.daxpy 
Documentation                       | HPCC-19382 DOCS: Fix Anagram example                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-19403 DOCS:Updates to Installing and Running            
Documentation                       | HPCC-19408 DOCS:Update Running Basic ECL Program             
Documentation                       | HPCC-19410 DOCS:Update Config Multi-Node System              
Documentation                       | HPCC-19425 DOCS:Update enabling htpasswd                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19437 Docs Std.Date functions YearWeekNumFromDate & MonthWeekNumFromDate 
Documentation                       | HPCC-19458 Lang Ref: arithmetic operator precedence table    
Documentation                       | HPCC-19471 DOCS:Systemctl changes to Admin doc               
Documentation                       | HPCC-19501 Documentation of IsValidTime is incorrect         
Documentation                       | HPCC-19503 Docs: RemoveSuperFile incorrect argument name     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19527 Remove DNT Tags                                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-19532 DOCS: DocID entries for WsELK                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19561 Document nice-based priorities                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-19574 Update to Auto-refresh button                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19635 DOCS:ECLWatch Lock Link                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-19660 DOCS:CentOS 6 dependency on devtoolset-2          
Documentation                       | HPCC-19670 DOCS:Remove Graph Control                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-19677 HTTPCALL/SOAPCALL multiple HTTPHEADER options     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19680 DOCS: Add HPCC-Spark connector                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-19691 DOCS:Information about your account               
Documentation                       | HPCC-19767 Configuring Log Visualization                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-19769 Document eclcc --metacache                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-19772 Improve Logging information                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-19773 ESP Authentication in System Admin                
Documentation                       | HPCC-19797 DOCS:Improve Dali and LDAP settings explanation   
Documentation                       | HPCC-19816 DOCS:Update DESDL UI                              
Documentation                       | HPCC-19934 DOCS:Update link to system requirements           
Documentation                       | HPCC-19983 Document setting timeLimit for a roxie query      
Documentation                       | HPCC-19988 DOCS:Deprecate the ECL Plugin for Eclipse         
Documentation                       | HPCC-20049 fix typos in Std library reference                
Documentation                       | HPCC-20051 DOCS:Add Safari Support to docs                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-20068 Add info about cost of File Scope depth           
Documentation                       | HPCC-20085 Updates to ECLWatch dropzone                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-20089 Rationalize and consolidate the developer documentation 
Documentation                       | HPCC-20122 DOCS:Add Ubuntu 14.04 start/stop info             
Documentation                       | HPCC-20129 DOCS:Update installation instructions for ECL IDE 
Documentation                       | HPCC-20130 DOCS:Update Debian installation dependencies      
Documentation                       | HPCC-20134 Update docs for STD.System.Thorlib.Group          
Documentation                       | HPCC-20140 DOCS:ECL IDE Go button is now Submit              
Documentation                       | HPCC-20151 Document std.system.log.getGlobalId() and std.system.log.getLocalId() 
Documentation                       | HPCC-20155 DOCS: Harmonize TOC headings                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-20161 Fix typos in STD.File.DeleteLogicalFile topic     
Documentation                       | HPCC-20171 Update Landing Zones image                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-20172 Update Spray fields in Data Tutorial              
Documentation                       | HPCC-20196 Document STD.Date.DayOfWeek                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-20199 Add See Also link to ROWDIFF in JOIN topic        
Documentation                       | HPCC-20222 Data Handling Typo                                
Documentation                       | HPCC-20257 Remove ECL Debugger references                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-20262 Change init.d to systemctl in configuring book    
Documentation                       | HPCC-20263 Add sudo to devtools-2 instructions               
Documentation                       | HPCC-20298 Explain parameters used in the eclplus.ini are examples 
Documentation                       | HPCC-20305 ECL Watch Incorrect User Details                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-20321 ECL CLI docs inconsistent capitalization          
Documentation                       | HPCC-20333 Add See also links to LIBRARY in LR               
Documentation                       | HPCC-20344 Document HPCC Spark integration                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-20374 Update Advanced Menu Options                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-20401 Add ECL Watch Expiry support to docs              
Documentation                       | HPCC-20420 Document OVERWRITE in STD.File.RenameLogicalFile  
Documentation                       | HPCC-20422 Typo in Installing and Running                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-20434 ECL Run --limit has no default                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-20445 DFUPlus examples should use default settings      
Documentation                       | HPCC-20544 Fix bind-method docs                              
Documentation                       | HPCC-20549 ESParray error in example code                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-20651 Clarify PERSIST topic                             
Documentation                       | HPCC-20681 Normalize SysAdmin Includes                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-20733 Fix Spark Instance Configure Tab                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-3126 DOCS:Improve ftslave and dafilerv                  
Documentation                       | IDE-715 Add Programmer's Guide Example Code to IDE examples  
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-18588 Document ecl queries import/export                
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-18588 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-18906 Document ecl --wait-connect and --wait-read       
Dumpkey                             | HPCC-18679 Coverity: Error handling issues (UNCAUGHT_EXCEPT) in dumpkey.cpp 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-16520 Std.Date.MonthsBetween special support for end-of-month dates 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-16612 Add Std.File.GetEspURL to standard library        
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-16883 Add time zone support to Std.Date                 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-16923 Added new funtions Std.Math.FMod and Std.Math.FMatch 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18040 Provides unicode implementations for excludeNthWord 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18041 Unicode Implementation for ExcludeLastWord        
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18042 Unicode Implementation for ExcludeFirstWord       
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18043 Unicode Implementation for CountWords             
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18044 Build error on modern ICU versions                
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18044 Unicode Implementation for SplitWords             
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18058 Update Unicode Test Cases WordCount & GetNthWord  
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18067 Unicode Implementation for Translate              
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18112 Unicode Implementation for StartsWith             
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18113 Unicode Implementation of EndsWith                
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18114 Unicode implementation of removeSuffix            
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18148 Std.Date: Fix handling of of local time and DST   
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18162 Unicode Implementation for findCount              
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18187 Unicode Implementation of Repeat                  
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18329 Only test chinese breakiterator semantics if ICU version >= 50 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19435 Add new week number functions                     
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19489 STD.File.RenameLogicalFile should support OVERWRITE 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19868 Fix Std.Date parsing of 2-digit years with %Y     
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19881 Ensure that parameters are consistent for uni and str functions 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19881 Minor change to javadoc comments to match parameter names 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-19964 Std.File.Copy not preserving compression          
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-20115 Installed BundleBase.ecl causes syntax check warning 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-20259 Add Std.Date.TimestampToString function           
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-20571 Date.timestampToString unit test failing on osx   
ECL Standard Library, Language, Roxie | HPCC-19389 Expose global and local IDs to ECL via lib_logging 
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-19913 Logical File Details refresh issue                
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-19989 Modify appears to do nothing                      
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20001 Disable Mine button if no user                    
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20005 Remove all instances of ActiveX control           
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20119 Landing Zone Filter cannot clear                  
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20274 Despray only showing single dropzone              
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20293 stub.htm gets corrupted by               
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20315 Sorting Added to dialogues showing users not in groups 
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20322 DojoConfig typo                                   
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20327 Permmission checkboxes not setting values         
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20360 Sorting stats issue                               
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20432 Update playground graph to new Graph7Widget       
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20793 Secondary Translation for HU, Pt-BR, ZH, and ES   
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20836 Send logout response content with 200 OK          
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20887 Prevent old style login from displaying           
ESDL                                | HPCC-15037 Add mechanism to detach ESP from DALI             
ESDL                                | HPCC-16707 Improve use of Dali SDS query                     
ESDL                                | HPCC-18172 Change keywords in ECL code generated from ESDL to uppercase 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18183 Direct ESDL.exe errors to stderr                  
ESDL                                | HPCC-19154 DESDL Custom request transform implementation     
ESDL                                | HPCC-19524 System fails to build on windows                  
ESDL                                | HPCC-19592 ECL generated by esdl command no longer compiles  
ESDL                                | HPCC-19637 ListESDLBindings returns port 0 for legacy bindings 
ESDL                                | HPCC-19665 ListEsdlBindings should always return all ESP processes 
ESDL                                | HPCC-19679 Report ESDL Binding and Definition History        
ESDL                                | HPCC-19872 ESP support multi-level esdl structure extensions 
ESDL                                | HPCC-20497 ESDL.bat not handling include files                
ESDL                                | HPCC-20550 remove target ESDL service name in ESDL.          
ESDL                                | HPCC-20587 esdl2ecl default generated ECL strings to UTF8    
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18153 Merge DESDL functionality into ESP itself         
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18287 Rename ESPenum RoxieControlCmd to RoxieControlCmdType 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18362 ESDL/ESP service no longer render main page       
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-19959 Port need to be validated when adding ESDL binding 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-20023 ESDL binding loading issues                       
ESDL, Session Management            | HPCC-19459 Update to latest hpcc-js/comms    
ESP                                 | HPCC-9259 Add JSON support to ESP                                         
ESP                                 | HPCC-11822 Improve archived workunit paging in WsWorkunits   
ESP                                 | HPCC-12516 Add generalized Esp caching mechanism             
ESP                                 | HPCC-16311 Add feature level authentication to WsPackageProcess 
ESP                                 | HPCC-16428 Coverity: resource leak                           
ESP                                 | HPCC-16653 Download WU ZAP report and WU files using IOStream 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17508 Automatically add Ping method to all ESP services 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17581 Adding ESP Server side persistent connection support 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17581 Persistent connection support for ESP             
ESP                                 | HPCC-17797 Fix compile errors with HPCC-12516                
ESP                                 | HPCC-17798 Improve ESP generalized cache                     
ESP                                 | HPCC-17809 Hide password from ESP login page in esp.log      
ESP                                 | HPCC-17841 Remove unused setting  form esp.xml   
ESP                                 | HPCC-18032 Add authentication to EspControl binding in esp.xml 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18102 Fix Coverity warning for calling handleExceptions() 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18115 Submitting archive_date2str.xml for compilation causing esp crashing 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18122 Remove ESP service ECLDirect                      
ESP                                 | HPCC-18200 Sort files by compressed/uncompressed in DFUQuery 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18223 Download multiple WU files                        
ESP                                 | HPCC-18228 Refactor generated ESP code to use unique member var names 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18281 Upgrade ESP Paging cache                          
ESP                                 | HPCC-18293 Remove the no longer needed ESPuses HIDL feature  
ESP                                 | HPCC-18347 Assign an error code to a WsWorkunits exception   
ESP                                 | HPCC-18357 Remove file description from filter and sortBy    
ESP                                 | HPCC-18408 Create an interface to hide dali esdl access details and xpaths 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18517 Remove ESP direct calls to validateCache() and clean 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18618 Change DFUDefFileRequest.Format to ESPenum        
ESP                                 | HPCC-18649 Only call setMeasure for non-empty measure        
ESP                                 | HPCC-18655 Clean ESP cache after certain ESP methods         
ESP                                 | HPCC-18761 Deprecate FileName in WsDFU.DFUInfo request       
ESP                                 | HPCC-18763 Service to translate a ECL record definition to serialized type info. 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18857 Replace queue name string in WsSMC ServerJobQueue 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18872 Wssql normalize all string declarations           
ESP                                 | HPCC-18943 Deprecate LastNDays filter from WUQuery           
ESP                                 | HPCC-19019 Return "roxie too busy" when RoxieControlLock fails. 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19113 Send HTTP 401 for HTTP POST or Origin header      
ESP                                 | HPCC-19121 Add WsWorkunits.WUQueryGetSummaryStats            
ESP                                 | HPCC-19192 Disable esp http response caching code            
ESP                                 | HPCC-19225 Return logical file information in packagemap     
ESP                                 | HPCC-19340 Add email option when creating ZAP report         
ESP                                 | HPCC-19342 Add URL field to WU ZAP Request                   
ESP                                 | HPCC-19343 Include ThorSlave log into ZAP report by default  
ESP                                 | HPCC-19365 Add WU ECLTimer timestamp to WsWorkunits.WUInfo   
ESP                                 | HPCC-19372 Clean login error cookie after authenticated      
ESP                                 | HPCC-19386 Reset Transaction Seed using pre-configured conditions 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19393 Implement single-use security manager plugin      
ESP                                 | HPCC-19479 Create WsELK for ELK Stack integration            
ESP                                 | HPCC-19504 Log file deletions into dali audit log            
ESP                                 | HPCC-19554 Clear invalid session ID cookie                   
ESP                                 | HPCC-19568 Declare ESPcfg class as export                    
ESP                                 | HPCC-19579 Add information about activities to the wu details meta service 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19581 Add redirect url check, new CORS check, etc.      
ESP                                 | HPCC-19594 Set default values for invalidURLsAfterAuth       
ESP                                 | HPCC-19598 Clear ESPAuthencated cookie when logout           
ESP                                 | HPCC-19599 Send back an error when extra login               
ESP                                 | HPCC-19601 Connect logMsgManager only when dali is available 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19621 WsEsdlConfig member var is uninitialized          
ESP                                 | HPCC-19639 Scope requires workflow id prefix                 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19639 Update WUDetails regression with schema changes   
ESP                                 | HPCC-19654 Address uninitialized var                         
ESP                                 | HPCC-19654 Code review changes                               
ESP                                 | HPCC-19661 WUDetail's AllProperties and AllAttributes option changes 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19689 Add IncludeTotalClusterTime option to WUInfo request 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19725 Set ISecUser authentication status in valid ESP session 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19746 Copy resource parameters instead of merging       
ESP                                 | HPCC-19751 Finalize ELK Integration access mechanism         
ESP                                 | HPCC-19771 ESP methods for returning file type info should use new data 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19785 Fix one bug for checking ESP service              
ESP                                 | HPCC-19805 Report authentication failures in ESP TxSummary   
ESP                                 | HPCC-19807 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsWorkunits 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19842 Declare ISecProperty::setValue                    
ESP                                 | HPCC-19848 Add /esp/getauthtype to check esp auth type       
ESP                                 | HPCC-19926 Content-Type for JSON should not contain charset declaration 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19936 Add global export visibility to WsEclClient       
ESP                                 | HPCC-19976 Enable optionality to log_id                      
ESP                                 | HPCC-20025 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsSMC 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20067 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsFileSpray 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20069 Report authentication failures to TxSummary in WsDfu 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20070 Report authentication failures to TxSummary in WsTopology 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20071 Remove superfile check from WsDFU Get File MetaData 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20090 Return partition/bloom information in WsDfu.DFUInfo 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20090 Support multiple Blooms                           
ESP                                 | HPCC-20103 Fix two problems for retrieving thorslave log     
ESP                                 | HPCC-20112 No need to build soaplib                          
ESP                                 | HPCC-20124 Return ECLServer queue object in WsSMC.Activity   
ESP                                 | HPCC-20138 Unprotected variable causing esp core             
ESP                                 | HPCC-20142 Never return NULL property iterators              
ESP                                 | HPCC-20149 ESP support for Dynamic ESDL Proxy mode           
ESP                                 | HPCC-20159 Fix ESPArray JSON output format when empty 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20182 wselk should return proper def values             
ESP                                 | HPCC-20193 Return ECLCCServer name in WsSMC.Activity if available 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20203 WsESDLConfig should reference xsd:string          
ESP                                 | HPCC-20268 CLdapClient::lookupAccount No entries             
ESP                                 | HPCC-20270 Address non-xmllib build break                    
ESP                                 | HPCC-20307 Removed method being used by LN build             
ESP                                 | HPCC-20340 DFUReadAccess + wsdfuaccess lib                   
ESP                                 | HPCC-20342 Use JLib base64 encode/decode in ESP              
ESP                                 | HPCC-20368 Certificates defaults set correctly for developers wishing to use them. 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20405 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in ws_sql 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20407 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsMachine 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20409 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsFileIO 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20410 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WSESPControl 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20411 Report authentication failures to TxSummary in WsLogging 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20412 Report authentication failures to TxSummary in wsesdlconfig 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20413 Report authorization failures to TxSummary in WsECL 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20437 Check if not all '*'                              
ESP                                 | HPCC-20437 Remove dropzone root path from dropzone file path 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20437 Set limit of returned files in DropZoneFileSearch 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20557 Return special error for wrong esp session request 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20588 HttpClient should retry with new connection if peer closes persistent 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20631 Set session id context                            
ESP                                 | HPCC-20669 Label for checkbox not display                    
ESP                                 | HPCC-20712 Roll back code for authorizing user when restoring WU 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20747 Bloating ESP log with SSL messages                
ESP                                 | HPCC-20771 Publish file using new file name                  
ESP                                 | HPCC-20776 Unable to start ESP if https and no passphrase    
ESP                                 | HPCC-20826 Report exception info in dedicate txsummary entries 
ESP, JHTree, Plugins, Roxie         | HPCC-20627 New defects reported by Coverity Scan             
ESP, LDAP                           | HPCC-16332 Send error message if root authorization fails    
ESP, Security Manager               | HPCC-19784 Improve access to user and resource name value pairs 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-16678 Add session based authentication to ESP           
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17660 Support password expiration in ESP session        
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17845 Add logout button to common ESP pages and fix bugs 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17845 Move logout() to new logout.js                    
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17977 Add session ID to ESP session xml tag             
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17980 Allow admin to control all sessions or sessions by user ID 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-17998 Ensure dali session tree for ESP using old env xml 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18068 Authenticate per request if request has Authorization header 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18070 Move ensureSDSSessionDomains() call to initDali() 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18090 Support get_session_timeout and UI auto refresh in esp 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18170 Change default ESP session timeout to 2 hours     
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18179 Add code to support User Name Only mode           
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18184 Redirect login page to home page for existing session 
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18218 Upgrade ESP to timeout session after client       
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18295 Remove HTTPOnly flag from session timeout cookie  
ESP, Session Management             | HPCC-18603 Add ESP thread to clean session                   
ESP, WS-Access/Account              | HPCC-20818 User cannot change LDAP password                  
ESP, XREF                           | HPCC-17410 Add roxie cluster into DFUXRefList                
EclAgent                            | HPCC-17699 EclAgent to ensure scope format is w?:graph?:sg?:a?:c?:sg?:a? 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18268 Default to no access if no user available         
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18467 HThor support for record translation              
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18607 Do not generate stats for edges leaving sink activities 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18630 Add extra condition to address coverity warning   
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18687 Ensure all temp files are written to wuid subdir  
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18692 Ensure per job temp workunit directory removed    
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18730 Fix out of order scope error caused by extra wfid entry 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18770 Fix crash in stand alone hthor program when using daliserver=... and -xml 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-18980 Detect incompatible index/flat file usage and report 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19079 Fix issues with disk grouped datasets and translation 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19157 Support keyed filters on grouped aggregates in hThor 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19308 Cleanly report an error if a child query is called too early 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19538 Correct scope for elapsed graph time from hthor   
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19853 Fix internal assert when translating to an empty record 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-19903 Ensure localPath filled for remoteFiles           
EclAgent                            | HPCC-20291 Catch illegal SKIP inside a ROW transform         
EclAgent, Performance suite         | HPCC-13971 Improve timeouts and polling for ecl command      
EclAgent, Plugins                   | HPCC-19150 Core at closedown unloading python plugin         
EclAgent, Roxie                     | HPCC-18808 Roxie and hthor are interpreting skipFileFormatCrcCheck wrongly 
EclAgent, Roxie                     | HPCC-18942 Use new translator in place of old for roxie/hthor index read 
EclAgent, Roxie                     | HPCC-19763 Add activity level control over the translation mode of a file 
EclAgent, Roxie, Thor               | HPCC-18269 Avoid repeatedly processing long CSV line text.   
EclAgent, Roxie, Thor               | HPCC-18406 Use global and local ids to track related transactions 
EclAgent, Roxie, Thor               | HPCC-18422 Add new format meta data to indexes               
EclAgent, Roxie, Thor               | HPCC-19239 Publish per part record counts                    
EclAgent, Thor                      | HPCC-12861 Error message when building index for dataset that is not in key order 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12229 Improved graph progress colours                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14734 UI items login/logout in ECL Watch                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15456 Add units to file sizes                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15717 Support paging in retrieving permissions          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15891 Expose all stats without graph                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16112 WU Status Flow                                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16292 Lint "eqeqeq"                                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16296 Add "undef" linting                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16314 Show active graph on WU Details page              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16506 Call refresh on queries tab upon click            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16686 WuDetails using new iterator                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16804 ECL Watch Flat Theme                              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16851 Add expiry parameter to sprays                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16945 Cookie detection for session mgmt                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17130 Mine button to return owner results               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17167 Replace dojo request with @hpcc-js/comms          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17169 Silence/fix lint warnings                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17292 WUQueryDetails Response Change                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17383 Modify how we load logical files                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17566 Remove "Column Reorder"                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17643 Preserve dgrid current page on refresh            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17655 Add logout feature with redirect upon success     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17656 Fix for dojo localization in session management   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17657 Add internal timer to initiate logout             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17834 On logout all URL pages should redirect to Login  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17840 Normalize data for stats chart                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17891 Logical File List, sort selection missing from filter dialog 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17967 Prevent XREF scanning duplicate nodes and misreporting 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18019 Remove support for stats from legacy (4.x) workunits 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18028 Improve the aesthetics of the login page          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18035 DESDL empty services message needs improvement    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18103 Keep compressed icon consistent                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18144 DESDL context actions                             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18236 Filter Event Scheduled WUs by job name            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18248 Remove HaveSubGraphTimings from WsWorkunits.WUInfo 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18320 Disable logout button if no sessions              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18340 Log out message should be shortened in timeout pop-up 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18448 Change dropzone display on ECLWatch System Server page 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18509 Add missing ECL Watch Graph resources             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18510 Upgrade to latest Viz Framework                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18512 Switch to WebPack for ECL Watch build             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18512 Update ECL Watch stats to use WebPack             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18551 Copy WUID to Clipboard                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18581 Upgrade codemirror                                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18601 Re-evaluate package maps widget in 7.0            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18611 Alphabetize Users/Groups in "Check File Permissions" 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18659 DOCS:Update ECLWatch Despray Dialogs              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18737 Logical file page fails to fully display          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18744 Improve WebPack out of box experience             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18769 Improve WebPack Experience II                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18778 Improve WebPack out of box experience III         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18800 Improve WebPack out of box experience IV          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18824 New timings page using WUDetails                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18825 WUDetails Graph                                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18928 Remove crossfilter references                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18931 Remove references to crossfilter build logic in 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18964 Add translations to Login.html                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18998 Minor tweaks to ease ECL Watch development        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19016 Add additional DFUInfo details                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19018 DFUInfo FileName Deprecated                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19043 7.0 Available Permissions hitting exception       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19051 Make sprays conform to thor replication           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19093 Update to latest hpcc-js                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19097 Various XREF improvements                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19100 ECLWatch Log Visualizer Manager view              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19132 Propagate "Copy to Clipboard" feature across ECL Watch 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19194 Logical File Tree fails to render                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19252 ECLWatch reports undefined targets                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19303 WUDetails Exceptions + XML                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19363 Change Logout redirect URL for legacy ECLWatch    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19366 Add abilty to recreate query                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19387 DESDL UI to conform to ESP 2.0                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19423 Refresh of Topology Tab remains on selected service 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19429 Add version number for DESDL requests             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19432 Skip NPM optional dependencies                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19444 Indicate delayed replication default              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19445 Remove invalid omni search                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19474 ECLWatch UI calls new streaming method to download ZAP report 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19505 View dali audit log in ECLWatch                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19528 Animate auto-refresh icon                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19530 Reset_session_timeout after a click               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19567 Update to latest hpcc-js                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19607 Revise based on review                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19622 Add timeline to timers page                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19659 Recreate doesn't replublish the query             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19663 ECL Watch Missing Icons                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19671 Loading bar not being removed on iframe load      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19750 Broken image on new Mine button                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19755 Improve WsWorkunits.WUResultBin - file contents read 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19756 Viz tooltip clipping issue(s)                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19778 Declare wselk feature level in configmgr - Declares new wselkaccess flag in missing locations 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19779 Format all JS + TS Files                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19818 ECL Watch fails to load in Chrome 67.x            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19826 Correct the scope in Thor for stats on activities in child queries 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19830 Graph IsDependency links can be hard to see       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19852 Check pointer expandedClusterGroup before using it 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19907 "Open in new page" link issue                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19912 LogicalFiles global search is empty               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19920 Improve WU Status Graphic                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19942 Additional Info and Download added to Members Section 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19952 Workunit error(s) not being reported with GitHooks are enabled 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19991 Protect/unprotect a logical file from WsDfu       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20017 Unable to review packagemap info                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20060 Add es translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20061 Add bs translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20062 Add hr translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20063 Add hu translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20064 Add pt-br translations                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20065 Add sr translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20066 Add zh translations                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20093 Fix segfault when cloning query set               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20143 window.location is not a function in chrome       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20153 Activity page does not show eclccserver names properly 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20157 Add missing defintions to DESDL                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20163 Upgrade to Webpack v4                             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20178 Partially revert HPCC-19912                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20180 stub.htm has window.location() which Chrome does not like 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20212 Move new Graph into GraphTreeWidget paradigm      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20215 ECLWatch script error                             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20241 Retrieve User Details from LDAP server            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20278 LandingZone delete file issue                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20301 Contents displays no information                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20358 DESDL method configuration missing                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20430 Open in new window should include nopack=1        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20460 PermissionWidget issue with request               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20475 Include SubGraphs in Timings Gantt Chart          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20480 Set Focus on Login Screens                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20515 Toaster message when starting eclwatch            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20516 Timings chart, tweak normalization logic          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20564 Inconsistent time units                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20565 ECL Watch grid title tooltip                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20572 GraphsWidget + Open in new window                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20625 ECLWatch Graph re-enable missing options          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20653 "Status" Cookie should be removed on Logout       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20705 Resolve conflicting IPs in S.M.                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20706 Unable to log into ECLWatch                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20717 Disk usage not returning data                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20729 Playground + Result Visualizations not displaying 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20767 Third Party Security Issues                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20786 Focus not being set in login screen               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20827 ECL Watch not sending lock request                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20831 Add missing dependencies (open in new window)     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20832 EclWatch Choropleths failing to load              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20838 Send JSON exceptions when invalid session ID      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20859 ECL Watch manual lock does not work               
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-20860 Do not check Authorization header if session calls 
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-20860 Refactor an if statement                          
EclWatch, ESP, Session Management   | HPCC-18129 Add ESP call to reset session timer from UI       
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18328 Set userID/password before calling onUpdatePassword() 
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18339 Browser tab synchronization                       
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18358 Add IP check after session ID check               
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18526 Add locking mechanism to ECL Watch                
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18602 Lock/unlock ESP session                           
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18703 Create Username Only Login Screen                 
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-18850 Username Only Login does not display username     
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19048 Unable to refresh locked session                  
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19143 GetUserName.html moved to /esp/files for 7.0      
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19236 Allow ECLwatch to read ESPUserName Cookie         
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19238 Allow login page to access ESPAuthenticationMSG cookie 
EclWatch, Session Management        | HPCC-19238 Send authentication error message to login page   
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-16906 Fix problems upmerging python3 code to 7.x        
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-18840 Support __future__ usage in embedded Python       
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-18862 The embedpy2.ecl regression test failed in OBT    
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-19375 Spray Dropdowns not populating                    
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-20201 Supplied example R-simple.ecl does not compile    
FileView                            | HPCC-18415 Clean up unnecessary fileview code                
Init system                         | HPCC-12355 Allow configuration of nice value for all HPCC components 
Init system                         | HPCC-15618 Fix windows build break from daemon changes       
Init system                         | HPCC-15618 Systemd script rework and daemon code             
Init system                         | HPCC-19328 Self Signed Certificate generation at installation 
Init system                         | HPCC-19329 Allow parallel init for faster start/stop         
Init system                         | HPCC-19448 Add check for devtoolset-2 and CL_PATH export     
Init system                         | HPCC-19522 Systemd update for and desktop icon   
Init system                         | HPCC-19804 Add public key alongside certificates             
Init system                         | HPCC-19804 Fix for public key                                
Init system                         | HPCC-19888 Stop hpcc-init/dafilersv on platforms using systemctl during uninstall 
Init system                         | HPCC-19911 Clear up wording in hpcc-run start/stop message   
Init system                         | HPCC-19972 Disallow use of -a on systemd for hpcc-run        
Init system                         | HPCC-20131 Modify regex to avoid issues with hyphens         
Init system                         | HPCC-20213 Mkdir and chown changes to hpcc-conf              
Init system                         | HPCC-20527 Fix status return from remote machine 
Init system                         | HPCC-20612 Add logic to remove hpcc-systems.desktop entry from unity, and rework install 
Init system                         | HPCC-20750 Move spark xsd/xsl files into platform            
Init system, Spark-HPCC             | HPCC-20575 Comment out debugging information in spark components 
Internal                            | HPCC-18020 Add new option to pull request template           
Internal                            | HPCC-18536 Provide default value for the playProperties() property filter 
Internal                            | HPCC-19696 Remove 2 left over files from batch dispatcher    
JHTree                              | HPCC-12982 Add a statistic of the number of key duplicates for an index build 
JHTree                              | HPCC-18312 Remove critsec in CSetKeySegmentMonitor::matchesBuffer 
JHTree                              | HPCC-18671 Move the fileposition field into the index row    
JHTree                              | HPCC-18671 Remove code to pass keySize around                
JHTree                              | HPCC-18796 Recent filepos changes have broken dumpkey        
JHTree                              | HPCC-19120 Internal errors from fileview code on indexes with payload 
JHTree                              | HPCC-19431 Use Bloom filter to avoid btree lookups           
JHTree                              | HPCC-19544 Move code from CKeyLevelManager to CKeyCursor     
JHTree                              | HPCC-19563 COMPRESSED(ROW) issues                            
JHTree                              | HPCC-19580 Fix PARTITION calculation on integer fields to match filters 
JHTree                              | HPCC-19584 Add support for new field filters into JHTree     
JHTree                              | HPCC-19638 Fix various windows compile warnings              
JHTree                              | HPCC-20126 Allow index translation when merging index parts  
JHTree, Thor                        | HPCC-19102 Add option to keybuild to suppress ordering check 
JLib                                | HPCC-11841 Add utility method getSortedDirectoryIterator()   
JLib                                | HPCC-16017 Network stats use correct interface               
JLib                                | HPCC-18030 Simplify ITimeReporter and refactor inefficient code 
JLib                                | HPCC-18082 Move mapEnum functions and rename to EnumMapping  
JLib                                | HPCC-18149 Jsocket notifySelected() save exception to end of loop 
JLib                                | HPCC-18189 Replace some SpinBlock instances with atomics     
JLib                                | HPCC-18193 Minor changes following review.                   
JLib                                | HPCC-18193 Return fail on wait_read POLLHUP event            
JLib                                | HPCC-18193 Serialize base64 binaries to/from json.           
JLib                                | HPCC-18256 Avoid potential process termination during dynamic dll load 
JLib                                | HPCC-18389 Implement begin and end on hash tables            
JLib                                | HPCC-18394 Rename the main() function in CThread             
JLib                                | HPCC-18523 Ensure multi-value properties have correct binary flag 
JLib                                | HPCC-18531 Correct method name in error message of append* methods. 
JLib                                | HPCC-18531 Fix issues with IPT::append* and multi value properties 
JLib                                | HPCC-18534 isBinary/isCompressed failing for nested properties 
JLib                                | HPCC-18548 Ensure JSON #value's are deserialized correctly   
JLib                                | HPCC-18636 Fix recent regressions in windows build           
JLib                                | HPCC-18727 COVERITY: Uninitialized field in CKeyLevelManager 
JLib                                | HPCC-18863 Add a getAllStacks() function.                    
JLib                                | HPCC-18927 Fix compile problem on osx, and remove deprecated throws 
JLib                                | HPCC-18927 Fix various gcc7.2 compiler warnings/errors       
JLib                                | HPCC-18947 Libbase58 linking for jlib in plugins builds      
JLib                                | HPCC-18947 Removed libbase58 from system Cmake               
JLib                                | HPCC-18996 Epoll notify handler add/remove refactoring       
JLib                                | HPCC-19001 Poll() POLLERR set errno                          
JLib                                | HPCC-19035 Use __builtin_prefetch when expanding hash tables 
JLib                                | HPCC-19052 Add epoll handler threads                         
JLib                                | HPCC-19055 Revert POLLHUP readtms() return (undo HPCC-18193) 
JLib                                | HPCC-19106 Secure socket avail_read() fix for when peer closes socket 
JLib                                | HPCC-19208 CSmartSocketFactory ctor parse out http[s]://     
JLib                                | HPCC-19263 [E]POLLRDHUP added to [E]POLLIN events            
JLib                                | HPCC-19288 Enhancements to jutil queryHPCCPKIKeyFiles()      
JLib                                | HPCC-19306 Support OpenSSL 1.1 and Ubuntu 18.04              
JLib                                | HPCC-19323 Poll() to handle EINTR consistently               
JLib                                | HPCC-19511 Remove #define new on windows                     
JLib                                | HPCC-19717 standardize StringBuffer methods to size_t        
JLib                                | HPCC-19731 Improve wuStats filter checking                   
JLib                                | HPCC-19736 Remove incorrect dbgassert as quick fix for HPCC-19731 
JLib                                | HPCC-19770 Socket shutdown for write before close            
JLib                                | HPCC-19955 Fix windows build break caused by header file change 
JLib                                | HPCC-19955 Use the pthread read write lock implementation    
JLib                                | HPCC-19958 Disk stats may not find nvme device               
JLib                                | HPCC-20205 Introduce a NoBool class and check calls to Array::find 
JLib                                | HPCC-20244 getInterfaceIp not working on osx                 
JLib                                | HPCC-20367 toJSON/encodeJSONChar incorrectly escaping '/'    
JLib                                | HPCC-20386 Ensure no line breaks encoding base64 for json    
JLib                                | HPCC-20425 Add OwnedPtr variety with custom free             
JLib                                | HPCC-20429 Work around windows build problem (template expansion bug) 
JLib                                | HPCC-20448 Writetms write() return -1 logic fix              
JLib                                | HPCC-20494 Revert aesEncrypt/aesDecrypt to use jlib aes routines 
JLib                                | HPCC-20510 Must force --whole-archive for cryptohelper lib to load 
JLib                                | HPCC-20584 Epoll race add/remove after epoll_wait            
JLib                                | HPCC-20769 Remove uninitialized MTimeSection::title          
JLib, Workunit                      | HPCC-18069 Implement an efficient scope filter               
JLib, Workunit                      | HPCC-18314 Remove all old stats iterator code                
LDAP                                | HPCC-15963 mechanism for providing "working" permissions     
LDAP                                | HPCC-19133 LDAP group membership improvement                 
LDAP                                | HPCC-19142 Improve LDAP Security Manager inefficiencies      
LDAP                                | HPCC-19956 LDAPSecMgr uses insecure LDAP even when LDAPS specified 
LDAP                                | HPCC-20111 LDAP Managed Scope cache improvements             
LDAP                                | HPCC-20118 LDAP Resource cache incorrectly thinks entries are stale 
LDAP                                | HPCC-20249 Updates to ECL IDE Docs                           
LDAP                                | HPCC-20255 Improve ldap tracing when cache connection fails  
LDAP, Security Manager              | HPCC-19119 Checking for signature should use isEmptyString   
Language                            | HPCC-16900 Add multi-line string constants to ECL            
Language                            | HPCC-18522 Fix build break by moving class out of header file 
Language                            | HPCC-18875 Add support for __TARGET_PLATFORM__               
LibBase58                           | HPCC-18934 Fix Windows build broken by libbase58 use of C99 extensions 
LibBase58                           | HPCC-19617 Clienttools master build fails on OS X            
Log Visualization                   | HPCC-19866 Log Visualizaiton displays wrong information      
MP                                  | HPCC-18409 Rename MP link closed error to Unexpected termination 
MP                                  | HPCC-19418 Catch exceptions in a couple of mp logging destructors 
MP                                  | HPCC-19667 Initialize lastxfer in ctor                       
MP                                  | HPCC-19950 Added MP tests - Ring and AlltoAll                
MP                                  | HPCC-19973 Add NxN test.                                     
MP                                  | HPCC-20092 Refactor/cleanup mptest                           
MP, Thor                            | HPCC-20618 Fix KJ remote replytag warning.                   
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-16244 Implement delayed heaplet link counting           
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-16244 Reimplement and optimize row compaction           
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-16244 Update comment and freeBase following review      
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17366 Fix mis-merge from 6.4 to master                  
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-19057 Clean up a couple of memory manager names/parameters 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-19059 Allow all rows for a heap to be released in a single call 
Performance suite, Regression Suite | HPCC-19267 Add a flushDiskCache option option switchable by //version in to regression suite 
Performance suite, Roxie            | HPCC-18950 Roxie aggregate performance-suite issues          
Plugins                             | HPCC-18002 Couchbase Plugin: Solve upmerge issue             
Plugins                             | HPCC-18212 Provide normalization code for icu version < 4.4  
Plugins                             | HPCC-18540 Confusion over entry in desrpay dialog            
Plugins                             | HPCC-18604 CID 1458468: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)       
Plugins                             | HPCC-18676 Fix problems with datasets requiring evaluation in Thor 
Plugins                             | HPCC-19086 Fix core in getEspURL when no environment available. 
Plugins                             | HPCC-19493 Add access to activity context for other embedded languages 
Plugins                             | HPCC-19595 REMBED build error on Ubuntu 18.04                
Plugins                             | HPCC-19596 SQS Plugin build error on Ubuntu 18.04            
Plugins                             | HPCC-19603 Remove soaplib as dependency from fileservices plugin 
Plugins                             | HPCC-19718 R_NewHashedEnv was not declared in R              
Plugins                             | HPCC-19720 Suppress build warnings for SQS on Ubuntu 18.04   
Plugins                             | HPCC-19933 Add default value for parameter is_local_time     
Plugins                             | HPCC-20208 Need newer version of libcouchbase to work with OpenSSL1.1 / Ubuntu 18.04 
Plugins, Roxie                      | HPCC-18992 Fix coverity warning                              
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-16926 dbz3.ecl failed in OBT                            
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18195 Modify rediserrortest.ecl to avoid interference with Couchbase server. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18204 Enable to pass couchbase server address as a stored parameter to couchbase-simple.ecl. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18561 WUDetails Regression script                       
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18709 Allow file prefixes in regression suite to be overridden 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18775 Regression suite [Failure] line should name source file 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18783 Inconsistent overrides in cppdataset.ecl          
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18822 Enable to pass drop zone path as a stored parameter to spray/despray test cases. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-18944 Occasional failure in toxml.ecl test              
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19151 Fix assert(required <= maxOffset) in roxie remote normalize 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19161 Add a regression test for HPCC-19160              
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19259 Move all spray and despray tests from hthor to thor and roxie target 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19361 issue18735.ecl failed in OBT.                     
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19649 Create unittests for WUDetailsMeta                
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19932 Execute result comparison in background           
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-19949 Persist_replicate.ecl failed on Roxie after "make install". 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20008 Rediserrortest.ecl failed in OBT                  
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20035 The remoteread.ecl doesn't compatible with parallel query execution mode 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20194 Randomize eclcc compiler test order               
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20347 The badindex.ecl doesn't compatible with parallel query execution mode 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20676 Ensure regression query generated files don't clash 
Regression Suite, Roxie             | HPCC-19258 Remove noroxie from regression files              
Regression Suite, Thor              | HPCC-18776 Fix steplimit2 test                               
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17762 Improve Regression Test Engine error handling     
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-18221 Replace HTTP call with ecl command to create ZAP file for a failed test case 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-18711 Tests sometimes passing, but workunit failed.     
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19073 Regression queries with //skip type=hthor TBD are also suppressing Thor runs 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19084 Regression Test Engine should handle syntactically wrong tags in ECL files. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19094 Regression Test Engine should handle thor and thorlcr target in same way. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19122 Enable for user to specify workunit job name suffix. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19197 ./ecl-test -fabcdef causes an error 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19248 Extend Regression Test Engine List command to generate list of test cases without execute or generate a fully parameterised ECL tool command line for all of them. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19523 Regression Test Engine doesn't report properly if the key file is missing. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-19759 Move Python dependency back from version 3.5 to 3.4 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-20287 No way to safely specify the password for regression suite 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-20673 Improve clearOSCache() error messaging.           
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-20757 Implement new features in Regression Test Engine  
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-20790 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle the --pq 1 and -timeout -1 parameters well. 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16517 Add some stats for some additional row managers   
Roxie                               | HPCC-16517 Changes following review                          
Roxie                               | HPCC-16517 Continue refactoring the roxie stats              
Roxie                               | HPCC-16517 Track number of allocations for variable size rows 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16606 CRoxieServerFetchActivity::processRow should use a cached allocator 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16884 Fix core gathering stats from parallel loop graph 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17398 Don't cache superfile resolution on slave end     
Roxie                               | HPCC-17569 Add roxie support for persistent http connections 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17698 Ensure roxie prefixes graph with wfid             
Roxie                               | HPCC-17760 Prevent scheduled workunits createing duplicate elapsed stats 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18242 Clean up UDP code regarding burst completion messages 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18243 Reduce scope of collatorsLock spinlock            
Roxie                               | HPCC-18250 Move gatherStats() from destructor to avoid accessing invalid memory 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18253 Use atomics for factory::processed or started     
Roxie                               | HPCC-18254 Rename some roxie stats to make them consistent   
Roxie                               | HPCC-18259 Add option to not collect summary statistics for all queries 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18278 Ensure stats have human readable units in tracing 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18466 Roxie to support record translation on disk files 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18721 Roxie not correctly preloading py3/py2 plugins    
Roxie                               | HPCC-18788 Roxie continuation results broken by HPCC-18242 change 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18887 Fix coverity warning                              
Roxie                               | HPCC-18895 Roxie disk read to use new field filters          
Roxie                               | HPCC-18899 Avoid modifying prefetcher for grouped data       
Roxie                               | HPCC-18900 Apply keyed filters on translated disk reads correctly 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18902 Make sure buf is reset in InMemoryIndexCursor when translating 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18903 Fix issues in continuation info when using in-memory indexes 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18915 Unittests generate segmentation fault when load libraries. 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18924 Remove spurious semicolon                         
Roxie                               | HPCC-18979 Detect incompatible index/flat file usage and report 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18989 Incorrect checks for whether keyed fields were translated 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18993 Remove incorrect comments regarding deprecated method. 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19074 Prevent key+transform filters causing early exit  
Roxie                               | HPCC-19081 Remove unneeded critical sections.                
Roxie                               | HPCC-19082 Refactoring code to make some arrays static.      
Roxie                               | HPCC-19156 Reset roxie KEYED disk read filters in child queries. 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19462 Standalone roxie executables help text is incomplete/inaccurate 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19482 Support PARTITION keys in Roxie keyed join        
Roxie                               | HPCC-19510 Roxie ibytiPacketsReceived metric is incorrect    
Roxie                               | HPCC-19513 Roxie does not free all static objects on closedown 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19626 imgkey.ecl test fails in roxie regression suite   
Roxie                               | HPCC-19695 valgrind error running aggds1.ecl                 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19708 Roxie core on abnormal closedown                  
Roxie                               | HPCC-19780 Roxie repeating its output multiple times         
Roxie                               | HPCC-19820 Roxie deadlock loading query if multiple sinks in ONCE workflow 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19845 Fix the scope for stats within roxie child queries 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19849 Increment number of rows processed in roxie disk and index aggregates 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19869 Switch back to using a non scanning allocator in roxie 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19873 Fix timing stats for stranded activities in roxie 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19892 Fix problem with roxie stand alone programs starting up 
Roxie                               | HPCC-19994 Fix incorrect edge stats in child queries on roxie 
Roxie                               | HPCC-20043 Roxie tracing of excessive seeks does not handle variable records well 
Roxie                               | HPCC-20190 MySQL cache options missing from roxie.xsd        
Roxie                               | HPCC-20279 Fix roxie core if lockChild gets a blank response 
Roxie                               | HPCC-20282 Std.System.Job.User() fails on Roxie              
Roxie                               | HPCC-20369 Fix Roxie SSL connection logs assertion after timeout 
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-19222 Default activity timing to off if !define(HAS_GOOD_CYCLE_COUNTER) 
Roxie, ThorHelper                   | HPCC-19870 Fix some minor dynamic affinity issues            
RoxiePipe                           | HPCC-18616 Add usage info to roxiepipe                       
Sasha                               | HPCC-20034 recursiveCreateDirectory with empty dir caused exception 
Sasha                               | HPCC-20036 Various sasha cli fixes.                          
Sasha                               | HPCC-20748 Skip wuid.dependencies.xml when listing archived WUs 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-16677 Implement Sec Mgr Session Management              
Security Manager                    | HPCC-18084 HTPasswd security manager needs to support session 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-18205 ZCRYPT logging can't be set until after creation  
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19068 Refactor ESP session and signature data types     
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19187 Implement security manager userLogout() functionality 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19223 Copy session token and signature to new CSecureUser 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19261 Authentication should include digital signature check 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19384 HTPasswd security manager to implement logout     
Security Manager                    | HPCC-19787 Send timestamped signature for Dali file requests 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-20013 Fix windows build errors from recent digisign changes 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-20013 Implement digisign improvements                   
Security Manager                    | HPCC-20040 Rename factory method in digisign                 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-20553 New defects reported by Coverity Scan for HPCC-Platform on 17th of September 
Security Manager, Session Management | HPCC-18593 Create helper library to digitally sign text      
Session Management                  | HPCC-18731 Copy session management setting when secmgrPlugin 
Session Management                  | HPCC-18823 Change default location for Login/GetUserName pages 
Session Management                  | HPCC-18878 Return lock/unlock response in xml/json format    
Session Management                  | HPCC-19026 Add hidden message for Invalid Credentials.       
Session Management                  | HPCC-19399 Add ability to hit enter key to submit            
Session Management                  | HPCC-19404 Undefined username at Login                       
Session Management                  | HPCC-19506 Unlock validation not showing errors              
Session Management                  | HPCC-19612 Invalid Message displays without ever hitting enter on Login 
Session Management                  | HPCC-20141 Prevent requests after in lock mode               
Session Management                  | HPCC-20441 Return special exception for invalid session ID or IP 
SoapPlus                            | HPCC-20145 Make soapplus stress test work with persistent connections 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20168 Include Spark conditionally into platform package 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20169 Spark runtime and configuration for HPCC Platform 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20355 Fetch spark-hpcc.jar and wsclient-with-dependencies.jar for build 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20355 Make certain variables overwritable               
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20355 Removed some variables, only Download from central repository, allow for user to include their own local jars 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20523 Add spark default files to conf and runtime directories 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20613 Use frunssh for parallel sparkthor-worker startup 
Spark-HPCC                          | HPCC-20779 Configure dafilersv file access with default keys 
Testsocket                          | HPCC-18681 Coverity: null dereference                        
Testsocket                          | HPCC-19115 Testsocket fprintf() should be removed            
Testsocket, Thor                    | HPCC-19145 Fix some JSON output issues.                      
Thor                                | HPCC-16476 Refactored Keyed Join                             
Thor                                | HPCC-16630 Add expiry parameter to spray commands            
Thor                                | HPCC-16876 add failOnLeaks option - fail if row leaks detected 
Thor                                | HPCC-17415 Generate DISTRIBUTE->SORT(LOCAL)->GROUP for GROUP(,ALL) 
Thor                                | HPCC-17415 Modify regression tests to ensure grouped TABLE() results are sorted 
Thor                                | HPCC-17700 Ensure Thor prefixes graph scopes with wfid       
Thor                                | HPCC-18029 Remove unused queryTimeReporter()                 
Thor                                | HPCC-18092 Fix foreign wildcard issue inside inline superfiles 
Thor                                | HPCC-18303 Fix nway input stop issues.                       
Thor                                | HPCC-18305 Avoid follow on crash after splitter prepare exception 
Thor                                | HPCC-18465 Thor record translation support                   
Thor                                | HPCC-18786 Thor workunit read from disk may call random method 
Thor                                | HPCC-18811 Create KEYED filters on Thor disk reads after the helper is initialised 
Thor                                | HPCC-18861 Avoid re-starting RHS if RHS is constant          
Thor                                | HPCC-18961 Ensure activity init exceptions are propagated    
Thor                                | HPCC-18965 Detect incompatible index/flat file usage and report 
Thor                                | HPCC-18986 Fix potential stall with csvread with header lines 
Thor                                | HPCC-19087 Delay IKeyManager::setKey calls to ensure lazy open 
Thor                                | HPCC-19152 Regression introduced by HPCC-19087               
Thor                                | HPCC-19476 Enable valgrind in Thor via environment option    
Thor                                | HPCC-19483 Support PARTITION keys in thor                    
Thor                                | HPCC-19508 Fix KJ remote muti packet serialization issue     
Thor                                | HPCC-19516 keyed join manager not correctly added/removed from cache 
Thor                                | HPCC-19560 Fixed size record check incompatible with translation 
Thor                                | HPCC-19565 Remote disk read support in Thor                  
Thor                                | HPCC-19578 Remote dafilesrv index reads/filters/counts + Thor impl. 
Thor                                | HPCC-19588 Pass through field callback to translator         
Thor                                | HPCC-19620 Add Smart Join value to indicate type of join performed 
Thor                                | HPCC-19655 Start splitter input earlier to ensure meta populated 
Thor                                | HPCC-19690 Embed activity without output not executing       
Thor                                | HPCC-19729 If file lock causing block, report to workunit    
Thor                                | HPCC-19858 Ensure input started before count project accesses input meta 
Thor                                | HPCC-19874 Ensure filter inputs are not marked fast through  
Thor                                | HPCC-19879 Convert SEQUENTIAL to ORDERED inside a child query 
Thor                                | HPCC-19893 Avoid known local count race conditional stall    
Thor                                | HPCC-19906 Fix race during finalization of spilling container. 
Thor                                | HPCC-19916 Trace memory stats. at Thor startup time.         
Thor                                | HPCC-19935 Potential crash in lookupjoin in oom exception handling 
Thor                                | HPCC-19941 isFastThrough must be checked after input started 
Thor                                | HPCC-20014 Rollback change causing regression from HPCC-19874 
Thor                                | HPCC-20027 Prevent possible lockup in LOOP,LOCAL             
Thor                                | HPCC-20037 Skip edge to child activity when checking if graph local 
Thor                                | HPCC-20087 DESDL Query not rendering                         
Thor                                | HPCC-20087 Ensure helper->onCreate called in keyedjoin service 
Thor                                | HPCC-20152 Fix global loop result issues.                    
Thor                                | HPCC-20185 Ensure loop again flag is synchronized before reading 
Thor                                | HPCC-20323 Ensure loader stats are reset each iteration      
Thor                                | HPCC-20330 Stop aggregate stream to avoid potential deadlock 
Thor                                | HPCC-20346 Stable sortness lost if loader reused (e.g. in CQ) 
Thor                                | HPCC-20365 Avoid row collector/roxiemem callback deadlock    
Thor                                | HPCC-20603 Add options to trace postmortem debug info on job abort 
Thor                                | HPCC-20657 Add support for PARTITION keys to Thor keyed join 
Thor                                | HPCC-20671 Fix leak of min/max rows during sort partitioning 
Thor                                | HPCC-20675 Fix some row memory leaks                         
Thor                                | HPCC-20677 Index distribute using wrong base helper, could crash 
Thor                                | HPCC-20715 Fix a couple of small row leaks, relating to ,UPDATE 
Thor                                | HPCC-20808 Fix minor roxiemem leak                           
ThorHelper                          | HPCC-19590 Avoid creating translator if projectedCrc == sourceCrc 
VM Image/Live CD                    | HPCC-20581 Move Ganglia Watch into ECL Watch                 
WS-DFU/WS-FS                        | HPCC-18696 Add new integer fields for WsDFU size, etc.       
WS-DFU/WS-FS                        | HPCC-20443 Add WsDfu.DFUFileCreate and WsDfu.DFUFilePublish  
WS-ECL                              | HPCC-13347 Add roxie workunit support to WsEcl               
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-17886 Add WsWorkunits.WUECLQueryAction                  
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-17886 Change NULL to nullptr                            
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-17886 Change default timeout                            
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-17886 Revise based on the last review                   
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-18363 Fix problem processing global scope filter        
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-19314 AllAttributes should be AllProperties             
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-19315 Requesting scopes with 0 properties               
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-19316 Add support for workflow scopes to wudetails      
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-19553 Generate repeatable attributes as a list format   
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-19569 Always include completed results in workunit summary 
Workflow                            | HPCC-19610 getListAttribute should return WuAttr type        
Workflow                            | HPCC-19841 Record time taken to execute workflow items       
Workunit                            | HPCC-17312 Changes following review                          
Workunit                            | HPCC-17312 Introduce a new scope iterator implementation     
Workunit                            | HPCC-17326 Rationalise the use of StTimeElapsed etc          
Workunit                            | HPCC-17329 Change global scope to a blank                    
Workunit                            | HPCC-17461 Rationalise the use of TimeElapsed                
Workunit                            | HPCC-17680 Add scope and priority to warnings/errors         
Workunit                            | HPCC-17928 Avoid problems preserving compile time warnings   
Workunit                            | HPCC-18018 Remove all calls to getStatistics()               
Workunit                            | HPCC-18156 Add wutool info command to extract workunit unformation 
Workunit                            | HPCC-18206 Ensure some members are always initialised        
Workunit                            | HPCC-18262 Improve the syntax for filtering workunit scopes  
Workunit                            | HPCC-19292 Escape xml content in eclplus wu view             
Workunit                            | HPCC-19348 Implement consistent source/target for edges      
Workunit                            | HPCC-19555 Move information about child queries to the correct subgraph 
Workunit                            | Revert "HPCC-19555 Move information about child queries to the correct subgraph" 
Workunit                            | HPCC-19827 wutool info displays all properties if no restriction specified 
Workunit                            | HPCC-19839 First statistics result was incorrectly being filtered out 
Workunit                            | HPCC-20223 Fix windows build problem from recent release     
Workunit                            | HPCC-20223 Remove legacy token from WU/DFUWU, and write new signed token 
WsSQL                               | HPCC-18380 Changes for peer review                           
WsSQL                               | HPCC-18380 WsSQL migration into platform                     
WsSQL                               | HPCC-18855 Addresses invalid string compare                  
WsSQL                               | HPCC-18886 Coverity issues in wssql component                
WsSQL                               | HPCC-18966 Address invalid unsigned comparison               
XREF                                | HPCC-18639 Fix XREF regression involving mixed size clusters. 
XREF                                | HPCC-18801 Add CLI options for listing and attaching found files. 
XREF                                | HPCC-18801 minor formatting changes + rename getData to queryData 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18485 Compressed [binary] output support                
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18515 Dafilesrv remote read streaming                   
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18576 Add compressed support to dafilesrv remote read   
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18680 Buffer overrun in dafilesrv                       
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18725 Optimize dafilesrv size() and getInfo() operations 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18746 Release exception on handling in setFilePermissions 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18818 Fix xml/json serialization issues                 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19566 Add virtual field support to remote reads         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19628 Auto detect compressed files                      
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19668 Allow unspecified file type reads (auto-detect)   
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19697 handle first request separately in refill()       
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19977 Create correct output type for index count        
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-19980 Invalid unknown cmd handling could cause crash    
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20100 Limit reply size by configurable option in request 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20173 Variable to balidate serial read needs to be offset_t 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20499 Dafilesrv windows build break fix                 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20501 Fix dali metainfo verification bug                
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20504 Add some error codes to dafilesrv reply errors    
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20504 Fix windows build error in recent release         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20554 Split remote row service into [optional] separate port 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20723 rowServiceSSL not working                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20724 Fix crash at startup                              
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-20728 Fix some problems with DafilesrvGroup settings    
dafilesrv, EclAgent, Thor           | HPCC-19687 Add workunit option to disable or force remote reads 
dafilesrv, EclAgent, Thor           | HPCC-20391 Dafilesrv support for secure file access          
dafilesrv, Init system              | HPCC-19164 Component hpcc user limits set at startup         
dafilesrv, Init system              | HPCC-20479 Environment.conf cert file paths                  
dafilesrv, JHTree                   | HPCC-19760 Add index part crc to remote read request         
dafilesrv, JHTree                   | HPCC-19760 Avoid changing member crc                         
dafilesrv, JHTree                   | HPCC-19760 Use crc + file datestamp for index cache identification 
dafilesrv, JLib                     | HPCC-19233 Add env. option to force local file to be remote read 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17491 Add ecl commands to import/export entire querysets 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17491 Updated for review                                
ecl command                         | HPCC-18210 Extend ECL tool with zapgen command.              
ecl command                         | HPCC-19230 Fix windows build problem with isValidMemoryValue 
ecl command                         | HPCC-19385 Typo on ecl queries recreate usage                
ecl command                         | HPCC-20380 ecl zapgen usage has typos                        
ecl command                         | HPCC-20387 ECL zapgen usage option typo                      
ecl command                         | HPCC-20389 Zapgen needs create directory option              
ecl command                         | HPCC-20423 zapgen doesn't fail if credentials aren't provided against ldap enabled system 
ecl command                         | HPCC-20477 Add placeholders for 6.x functions so old dlls can be loaded 
ecl command                         | HPCC-20701 OSX Build error                                   
ecl command                         | HPCC-20742 ECL zapgen fails if --description provided.       
ecl command, EclWatch               | HPCC-16870 Add method to rebuild a query from its ECL archive 
eclcc                               | HPCC-17935 Fix Meta Generator for Documentation              
eclcc                               | HPCC-18096 Add Type System to Meta Generator                 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18353 Update some stats filters to match the new syntax 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18516 Fix various problems with the graph scope iterator 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18564 Prevent LOADXML from crashing inside a #LOOP      
eclcc                               | HPCC-19006 Initial support for a parsed ECL cache            
eclcc                               | HPCC-19012 Document __TARGET_PLATFORM__ & __PLATFORM__       
eclcc                               | HPCC-19024 Fix missing keywords from a couple of tables      
eclcc                               | HPCC-19167 Ensure full meta is still generated if cache is enabled 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19169 Generate simple Simplified Expression and check generated expression 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19172 Fix problems using -syntax --fastsyntax           
eclcc                               | HPCC-19174 Implement createSimplifiedDefinition for numerics 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19175 Implement createSimplifiedDefinition for strings  
eclcc                               | HPCC-19185 Fix internal error processing obscure KEL example query 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19467 Fix problems with windows stand alone compiling   
eclcc                               | HPCC-19507 Make toEcl produce default values for functions when appropriate 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19537 Remove warning msg constant group in sort list & sort element in ds unrelated 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19623 Ensure that macros and forward modules are handled correctly 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19641 Report and error if VIRTUAL/BLOB fields have default values 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19644 Add some stats for simplification                 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19650 Ensure all activities have text/label associated with them 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19662 PassParameterMeta does not work with C++ Embeds   
eclcc                               | HPCC-19684 Add --ignoreunknownimport to eclcc                
eclcc                               | HPCC-19686 Cache not created for some exprs and modules      
eclcc                               | HPCC-19709 eclcc --expand option should output the query to stdout 
eclcc                               | HPCC-19815 Embed activity downgraded to hthor                
eclcc                               | HPCC-19815 Fix regressions in the previous fix               
eclcc                               | HPCC-19970 In simplified expr use no_simplified operator     
eclcc                               | HPCC-20003 forwardscope type is itself                       
eclcc                               | HPCC-20079 Output scope items in alphabetical order when dumping expression 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20084 Compiler needs to check for three periods used in string slicing 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20184 Ensure that old cache entries are overwritten     
eclcc                               | HPCC-20191 Option to exclude attributes from simplification  
eclcc                               | HPCC-20192 Fix eclcc help page                               
eclcc                               | HPCC-20297 Change eclcc's neverSimplify option to neversimplify (make option lowercase) 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20574 Internal linker error on OSX                      
eclcc                               | HPCC-20590 Improvements following review comments            
eclcc                               | HPCC-20590 Suppress all semantic errors when syntax checking 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20684 Minor improvements to the simplified expression flags 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20738 Ensure that global symbols are added to the dependencies 
eclcc                               | HPCC-20777 Refactor so regenerateDefinition is called just once 
eclcc, eclrtl                       | HPCC-19054 Add option to TRIM to remove all whitespace, not just spaces 
eclcc, unittests                    | HPCC-18665 Coverity: uncaught exception in dalitests.cpp     
eclccserver                         | HPCC-16908 C++ compile failures prevent c++ files being added as helpers 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-17693 Add direct dependency from to  
eclccserver                         | HPCC-17693 Fix mismerge which caused compiling from stdin to fail 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-17693 Preserve error information in eclccserver         
eclccserver                         | HPCC-17839 Avoid duplicating stats from eclccserver          
eclccserver                         | HPCC-19748 Compile elapsed time reported incorrectly         
eclccserver                         | HPCC-20187 eclcc does not periodically trace memory usage    
eclccserver                         | HPCC-20607 Ensure "git hook" mode saves ecl archive in workunit 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-16805 Start refactoring field and type formats          
eclrtl                              | HPCC-16811 Changes following review                          
eclrtl                              | HPCC-16811 Provide functions to extract values from a typed field 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-16854 Start exploring classes for dynamically accessing rows 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-17513 Allow field type information to be serialized/deserialized 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18010 Refactor eclhelper_base.hpp                       
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18013 Add method to get RtlRecord from IOutputMetaData  
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18021 New record translation engine                     
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18063 Serialize/deserialize RtlTypeInfo to binary       
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18309 Implement deserialize and readahead from RtlFieldType 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18330 Build break from newer clang compilers            
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18351 Assert errors are converted to ascii              
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18423 RtlRecord could have a new recordSize(row) method 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18424 Alien datatype failures                           
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18435 Implement new versions of segment monitors        
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18493 Refactor record translation code so dafilesrv can use it 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18535 Use a prefetcher based on the field information when possible 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18547 Filters to support utf8 escape sequences          
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18613 Define serialized binary type info format more robustly 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18653 Code to access a real from an initialiser looks wrong 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18668 Resource leak in rtlrecord.cpp                    
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18673 Remove index filepos special casing from helper interfaces 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18678 Invalid assert(_offset=0) in diskread.ecl         
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18777 Pass record information to segment monitors       
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18779 Add canMemCmp() method to RtlTypeInfo classes     
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18869 Refactoring of RowCursor prior to integration into Roxie 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18885 Fix uninitialised member in InMemoryRowCursor     
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18912 Some tests failed in Debug build OBT              
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18918 Ensure computed ifblock keys last as long as the deserializer 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18967 Remove constexpr from RtlSerialIfBlockTypeInfo that has a destructor 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19008 Change UNICODE TRIM to only remove spaces, NOT whitespace 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19021 Fix potential null dereference caught by Coverity 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19070 Add support to base classes for substring matches on fields. 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19080 Allow initial row size to be specified to avoid reallocation 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19472 Eclrtl related bugs                               
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19716 Fix bugs in RtlUtf8TypeInfo::deserialize          
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19765 Up eclhelper version prior to beta release        
eclrtl                              | HPCC-19999 Record translator should support de-blobbing BLOB fields 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-20053 Ensure the return type for lookupBlob is consistent 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-20083 Fix problems with utf8 ordering for chars < 0x80  
eclrtl                              | HPCC-20117 Fall back to using published ECL record.          
eclrtl, ESP                         | HPCC-18584 New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for HPCC-Platform on 23rd of October 
eclrtl, JLib, Thor                  | HPCC-18810 Coverity - ensure members are always initialised  
eclrtl, JLib, Thor                  | HPCC-18876 Coverity - ensure ThorDataLinkMetaInfo is always initialised 
eclrtl, Roxie                       | HPCC-19477 Unreadable file metadata should not be fatal      
eclrtl, Roxie                       | HPCC-19676 New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for HPCC-Platform 2018-05-14 
roxiemem                            | HPCC-20016 Change getMemoryUsage() to return bytes instead of pages 
unittests                           | HPCC-18532 New Defects reported by Coverity Scan for HPCC-Platform on 16th of October 
unittests                           | HPCC-18533 Add jptree unit tests                             
unittests                           | HPCC-18617 Refactor Dali unit tests                          
unittests                           | HPCC-18720 Fix a race condition in dali subscription unit test 
unittests                           | HPCC-18802 Fix intermittent roxiemem unit test failure       
unittests                           | HPCC-18910 Fix unittests bug.                                
unittests                           | HPCC-18936 Allow a timing unit test to be run individually   
unittests                           | HPCC-18990 InMemoryIndexTest::test1 failed in OBT            
unittests                           | HPCC-19294 Add some unit tests to time atomics               
unittests                           | HPCC-20694 Add missing include directory to cmake file       
unittests                           | HPCC-20704 Skip testGroups unit test                         
ws-elk                              | HPCC-19757 Address WsELK Windows and interface related issues 

IDE                                 | IDE-415 Library and Locked background color unchangeable     
IDE                                 | IDE-711 Update Scintilla to 3.7.6                            
IDE                                 | IDE-730 Auto Complete Sprint 1 + 2                           
IDE                                 | IDE-731 Fix path in meta data returned from server           
IDE                                 | IDE-750 Prevent submission of archives with errors           
IDE                                 | IDE-765 Opening a builder window for searched attribute always creates new tab 
IDE                                 | IDE-786 Missing options on builder window                    
IDE                                 | IDE-787 Bump comms layer to 6.4.0                            
IDE                                 | IDE-802 File SaveAs should default to ECL                    
IDE                                 | New 6.4.22 branch (skipping 6.4.18/6.4.20) 
IDE                                 | IDE-716 "Collapse All" option for tree                       
IDE                                 | IDE-739 Default to roxie target cluster                      
IDE                                 | IDE-740 Remove native graph control                          
IDE                                 | IDE-755 Remove "Local" target in the builder window for local attributes 
IDE                                 | IDE-758 Update lang ref xml to 7.0                           
IDE                                 | IDE-759 'Windows' button opens Help dialog                   
IDE                                 | IDE-768 Double click attribute search result locall should open a builder window 
IDE                                 | IDE-771 Insert file grayed out when right click on added ECL folder 
IDE                                 | IDE-777 Save not working for files                           
IDE                                 | IDE-783 Unable to open multiple blank builder windows        
IDE                                 | IDE-788 Wrong folder color when selecting top level repository 
IDE                                 | IDE-793 IDE-786 change blocks the check syntax button        
IDE                                 | IDE-799 Existing bookmark descriptions not updating when file is saved 
IDE                                 | IDE-800 Crash when double-click on empty line in bookmark tab 
IDE                                 | IDE-801 Default button in color preferences does not work    
IDE                                 | IDE-805 Trim ECL Watch URLs                                  
Usability                           | IDE-717 ESDL hover-over samples need to be polished   

VM Image/Live CD                    | HPCC-20581 Move Ganglia Watch into ECL Watch                 



Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.32-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.32-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.30-1 to 6.4.32-1
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21245 Ensure datasets used to create dictionaries are resourced correctly 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-21245 Fix assert in debug mode caused by previous fix   
ESDL                                | HPCC-21008 Montitoring not handling mixed diff_monitor values correctly 
Roxie                               | HPCC-21209 Ensure onCreate() is called before input is started 
Thor                                | HPCC-21291 Fix issue if using OPT dataset inside child query. 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.30-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.30-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.28-1 to 6.4.30-1
Code Generator                      | HPCC-20658 Fix memory corruption clearing rows containing IFBLOCKs 
ESP                                 | HPCC-20747 Bloating ESP log with SSL messages    

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.28-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.28-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.26-1 to 6.4.28-1
ESP                                 | HPCC-20631 Set session id context                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20093 Fix segfault when cloning query set               
unittests                           | HPCC-20704 Skip testGroups unit test   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.26-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.26-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.24-1 to 6.4.26-1
DESDL                               | HPCC-20292 Port 0 causes issues when starting ESP            
Dali                                | HPCC-20469 Allow empty password on calls to Dali getPermissions 
ECL Watch                           | HPCC-20274 Despray only showing single dropzone              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-20301 Contents displays no information                  
Roxie                               | HPCC-20279 Fix roxie core if lockChild gets a blank response 
Thor                                | HPCC-20330 Stop aggregate stream to avoid potential deadlock 
Thor                                | HPCC-20365 Avoid row collector/roxiemem callback deadlock    

IDE                                 | IDE-786 Missing options on builder window                    
IDE                                 | IDE-755 Remove "Local" target in the builder window for local attributes 
IDE                                 | IDE-771 Insert file grayed out when right click on added ECL folder 
IDE                                 | IDE-783 Unable to open multiple blank builder windows        
IDE                                 | IDE-788 Wrong folder color when selecting top level repository 
IDE                                 | IDE-793 IDE-786 change blocks the check syntax button 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.24-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.24-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.22-1 to 6.4.24-1
Documentation                       | HPCC-14376 DOCS:ROXIE redundancy config options              
Documentation                       | HPCC-19137 DOCS:Data Tutorial Link                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-19138 DOCS:Programmers Guide Link                       
ESP                                 | HPCC-19976 Enable optionality to log_id                      
LDAP                                | HPCC-20111 LDAP Managed Scope cache improvements             
LDAP                                | HPCC-20118 LDAP Resource cache incorrectly thinks entries are stale 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.22-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.22-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.20-1 to 6.4.22-1
                                    | Remove unused ownsRows and fix SpillableStream priority tracing 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-19937 Fix memory corruption assigning to a DATASET within an IFBLOCK 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19802 Failed wildcard spray, empty directory, assert (#2) 
Dali, eclccserver, Thor             | HPCC-19951 Core using compile-time file resolution with eclserver/legacy 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19936 Add global export visibility to WsEclClient       
LDAP                                | HPCC-19956 LDAPSecMgr uses insecure LDAP even when LDAPS specified 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-20008 Rediserrortest.ecl failed in OBT                  
Roxie                               | HPCC-19820 Roxie deadlock loading query if multiple sinks in ONCE workflow 
Thor                                | HPCC-19874 Ensure filter inputs are not marked fast through  
Thor                                | HPCC-19906 Fix race during finalization of spilling container. 
Thor                                | HPCC-20014 Rollback change causing regression from HPCC-19874

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.20-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.20-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.18-1 to 6.4.20-1
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19818 ECL Watch fails to load in Chrome 67.x            

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.18-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.18-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.16-1 to 6.4.18-1
Dali                                | HPCC-19726 Dali to check file scopes when CheckScopeScans disabled 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19535 Get Thor node group using group name when ThorSlaveLog 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19535 Modify an error message                           
Init system                         | HPCC-19452 Getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN incorrect with containers 
Init system                         | HPCC-19452 Getconf NPROCESSORS_ONLN incorrect with containers2 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.16-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.16-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.14-1 to 6.4.16-1

DFU Server                          | HPCC-19332 Large multi file source spray stalls for a long period after data transfer is finished 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-19442 Replicate operation on a CSV file causes Segmentation Fault in DFU server. 
Documentation                       | HPCC-19136 DOCS:Update data links in IMDB                    
Roxie                               | HPCC-19494 New IBYTI logic not working properly              
dafilesrv, ESP                      | HPCC-19417 CmdGetDir duplicate directory in file path  

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.14-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.14-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.12-1 to 6.4.14-1

Build process                           | HPCC-19243 Build error in ICU with Ubuntu 18.04              
Build process                           | HPCC-19237  Add dependencies for Ubuntu 18.04                
Build process                           | HPCC-19301 Build failures if try to disable zlib or ssl      
Build process, Memory Manager, roxiemem | HPCC-19265 Disable TBBMALLOC by default                      
EclWatch                                | HPCC-18904 Various DESDL U/I changes                         
EclWatch                                | HPCC-19131 Landing Zone list not populating on despray       
JLib                                    | HPCC-18927 Fix compile problem on osx, and remove deprecated throws 
JLib                                    | HPCC-18927 Fix various gcc7.2 compiler warnings/errors       
JLib                                    | HPCC-19304 Zcrypt build error on Ubuntu 18.04                
LDAP                                    | HPCC-17103 LDAP issues denying access to scopes              
Thor                                    | HPCC-19160 Fix potential loop crash if in CQ and below IF/CASE 
dafilesrv                               | HPCC-19168 A IFile::size() call for a dafilesrv file throws an exception (8019) if file is missing, a std. (local) file returns (offset_t)-1 
dafilesrv                               | HPCC-19168 getDir must return null iterator on invalid path/file 
dafilesrv                               | HPCC-19300 Convert old Solaris daliservix error codes        

IDE                                     | IDE-736 Local repo has invalid config folder.                
IDE                                     | IDE-625 Extraneous message on Syntax Check                   
IDE                                     | IDE-734 Possible crash reading version information           
IDE                                     | IDE-735 Add option to disable GraphControl 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.12-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.12-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.10-1 to 6.4.12-1
Documentation                       | HPCC-18524 DOCS:Improve Physical Files description           
Documentation                       | HPCC-18615 Clarify dependencies in Bundle Writer's Guide     
ESDL                                | HPCC-19003 ESDL unsubscribe causes assertex exception at shutdown 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-19028 Do not prevent ESP load due to DESDL configuration 
ESP                                 | HPCC-19049 Fix ESP support for CORS with authentication      
ESP                                 | HPCC-19111 Prevent ESP termination upon JSON sample request  
Init system                         | HPCC-18391 Copy env xml and conf files only if they don't exist 
Init system                         | HPCC-18391 Move filecheck from generation to before copy     
Roxie                               | HPCC-19067 IBYTI delay mechanism fails when more than 2 slaves per channel 
Thor                                | HPCC-19087 Delay IKeyManager::setKey calls to ensure lazy open 
Thor                                | HPCC-19125 -ve leak causing KJ crash (regression in HPCC-19087) 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-18725 Optimize dafilesrv size() and getInfo() operations 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.10-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.10-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.8-1 to 6.4.10-1
Dali, LDAP                          | HPCC-18985 At startup, Dali doesn't write sudoersbasedn to daliconf.xml 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17832 DOCS: Not adding servers to farm                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-17846 DOCS:Additional Info for Multiple Thors           
Documentation                       | HPCC-17947 DOCS:ECLWatch Omni search default                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18110 Document changes to esdl publish                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-18178 DOCS:Update WUQuery Context Menu                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-18623 DOCS:Improve Python package installation documentation 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18698 Fix typo in parsing example in LR                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18836 DOCS: Updates to VM doc                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-18920 DOCS:Improvements to Lang. Reference doc          
Documentation                       | HPCC-18921 Clarify #GETDATATYPE topic in Lang Ref            
Documentation                       | HPCC-18935 DOCS:Update copyright year 2018                   
Documentation                       | IDE-653 DOCS:IDE Delete button functionality                 
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-18335 Document ecl CLI support for --nostdinc & --fastsyntax 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18881 ESDL onPublishESDLDef should properly report failures 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18905 Address EsdlConfig publish binding issues         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17764 DOCS:Update DynamicESDL Methods                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17890 Filescope scan status not accurate                
Thor                                | HPCC-18986 Fix potential stall with csvread with header lines 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.8-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.8-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.6-1 to 6.4.8-1

Code Generator                      | HPCC-18657 Fix problem where import $.^.^ cannot access container 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18830 Fix stack fault when casting utf8 to change locale 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18891 Delay global import so that //#import can control semantics 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18643 int64 (ESDL) translated to integer8 (ECL)         
ESDL                                | HPCC-18674 Clarifies access error message                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18843 EmpID routed to wrong Active Directory field      
Plugins                             | HPCC-18760 Add lib_keylib.ecllib in clienttools install package 
Plugins                             | HPCC-18841 Embedded python may lock up at process termination 
Thor                                | HPCC-18890 Prevent potential deadlock in pause handler.      
Thor                                | HPCC-18892 Propagate skip count correctly in fast through choosen 
Thor                                | HPCC-18893 Grouped rhs to local join regression fix          
Thor                                | HPCC-18919 Fix potential choosen stall involving conditional. 
Thor                                | HPCC-18937 Parse in child query regression, reusing last results 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.6-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.6-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.4-1 to 6.4.6-1
                                    | HPCC-18718 Back-compatiibility issues with python2 plugin    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18633 Fix case/choose mapping int->variable length string 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18633 Regress HPCC-17269 due to issues with variable length strings 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18717 Python 3 embedded code may fail on imports        
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18751 Fix CentOS 6 build break due to older version of libxslt 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18752 Increase global xsltMaxDepth and xsltMaxVars      
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18816 Libxslt: remove use of global xsltMaxVars         
DFU Server                          | HPCC-18705 Spraying to a larger cluster appears to be mangling the size in the target file 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-18738 Pass current user creds, if no foreign creds available 
Dali                                | HPCC-18641 Dali skipping user authentication with file scope '.' 
Dali, Security Manager              | HPCC-18706 Sometimes file access calls to Dali don't provide creds 
ESP                                 | HPCC-18689 Avoid sharing method accessmap to avoid core      
ESP                                 | HPCC-18691 Do not challenge OPTIONS requests                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18499 Upload window in DZ should autofill IP            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18504 Make WsEcl libxslt max complexity parameters configurable 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18620 Logical File details tabs disabled                
Init system                         | HPCC-18648 Thor fails to start from rsync hang/fail          
JLib                                | HPCC-18784 Ensure windows share translated                   
Plugins                             | HPCC-18723 Poor error message when Python code does not return a value 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-18688 HTPasswd security manager feature support incomplete 
ThorHelper                          | HPCC-18747 Ensure row remains alive for long enough to link it 
WS-ECL                              | HPCC-18565 Support roxie log capture via SOAP and WSECL      
ecl command                         | HPCC-18308 eclcmd should pass eclcc options as debug values  
ecl command, eclcc                  | HPCC-17911 Add --fastsyntax to eclcc help                    
eclcc                               | HPCC-18651 Reduce severity of overlapping -I paths to a warning 

IDE                                 | IDE-702 Change open source label, display behavior, and add warning 
IDE                                 | IDE-704 Submitting large ECL/Archive fails 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.4-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.4-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.2-1 to 6.4.4-1
Build process                       | HPCC-18356 Build break on latest Clang                       
Build process                       | HPCC-18506 Remove ssh key generation/deletion for development builds 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18497 Allow duplicate parameter error to be remapped as a warning 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18598 Support INLINE as a nop on older versions of ECLCC 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-18553 Non-posix DropZone paths should be translated by the environment. 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-18294 dfuserver segfault                                
Dali                                | HPCC-18495 Ensure rollback() works for new SDS tree nodes    
Documentation                       | HPCC-17085 Document bundle self-test                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17085 Edits made based upon review                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-17673 DOCS:Update ECL Watch Landing Zone images         
Documentation                       | HPCC-18201 DOCS:Log Management info                          
Documentation                       | HPCC-18220 DOCS:Update ECL Watch Menu                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-18286 Clarify documentation about wildcard support for file name masks 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18333 Add expireDays to Std.File.GetLogicalFileAttribute docs 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18368 VM Doc refers to wrong figure                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-18369 DOCS Standardize TOC                              
Documentation                       | HPCC-18413 Fix DTD error in ECL Watch Manual                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18595 Improve Documentation for slaveQueryReleaseDelaySeconds 
Documentation                       | IDE-641 DOCS:Other language functionality                    
ESDL                                | HPCC-18191 Variable points to string that would become invalid 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18501 Fix ESDL batch file path                          
ESP                                 | HPCC-18420 Remove linefeeds from ESP JSON base64 strings     
ESP                                 | HPCC-18525 Translate non-posix spray/despray paths to posix paths 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16929 Queues disappear when refreshing data             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17683 ECLWatch truncates variable tab results           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18222 DESDL refresh issue when overwriting              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18438 Landing zone ignoring ECLWatchVisible             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18559 Despray path not correct in LFDetails             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18592 Roxie graphs list is empty                        
EclWatch, Thor                      | HPCC-18354 Unable to download Thor slave logs                
JLib                                | HPCC-18554 Add getStandardPosixPath() into jlib              
JLib                                | HPCC-18556 Ensure url /c$ (and similar) are translated.      
LDAP                                | HPCC-18301 Memory leaks in ldapsecurity dll when authorizing a user 
Sasha                               | HPCC-18285 Fix patching extra info into workunit xml.        
Thor                                | HPCC-18192 Remove proper thorslave pid files on stop         
Thor                                | HPCC-18279 Prevent deadlock dealing with super CSV's with HEADING 
Thor                                | HPCC-18316 Fix potential roxiemem OOM during sort.           
WS-DFU/WS-FS                        | HPCC-18518 Improve ws_FsService exception error message for missing Drop Zone. 
ecl command                         | HPCC-18334 Add eclcmd support for --nostdinc and --fastsyntax 
ecl command                         | HPCC-18387 Quote -I and -L parameters when pipeProcessing to eclcc 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18597 ECLCC: 'fatal: No names found, ...etc', when using -checkDirty 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-18574 Use --nostdinc when compiling with eclccserver    

IDE                                 | IDE-697 No colorization for history and compare windows      
IDE                                 | IDE-700 IDE crashes when opening up an local file   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.2-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.2-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.4.0-1 to 6.4.2-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17993 Relative paths for esdl.bat                       
Build process                       | HPCC-18057 OSX build break from latest clang                 
Build process                       | HPCC-18089 Add directory exists guard for FILE() calls in find_package scripts 
Build process                       | HPCC-18214 RelWithDebInfo build symbol visibility            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17019 Fix problem generating code for inline table inside allnodes 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17931 Add an INLINE operator to force function expansion with --fastsyntax 
Code Generator, Documentation       | HPCC-18071 Docs: labels cannot begin with UNICODE_ , UTF8_, or VARUNICODE_ 
Core Libraries, dafilesrv           | HPCC-18059 Dafilesrv ssl client to be certificateless        
DFS                                 | HPCC-18174 Ensure that Attr node exists during setAccessedTime 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-18007 Dfuplus spray to dafilesrv with SSLFirst problem  
Documentation                       | HPCC-15509 Docs:ESDL Command Syntax: unbind-service and bind-service 
Documentation                       | HPCC-15689 Clarify docs for NAMED                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-16252 Document #WEBSERVICE(FIELDS('*'))                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17827 DOCS: Update interface changes                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-18061 DOCS:XREF does not display Thor cluster           
Documentation                       | HPCC-18117 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-18117 Update dESDL Tutorial to use IDE and ECL Watch    
Documentation                       | HPCC-18143 DOCS:Bad Break in ConfigMgr doc                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-18146 DOCS:Prog.Guide Section missing ID attribute      
Documentation                       | HPCC-18168 DOCS:Updates Installing and Running               
Documentation                       | HPCC-18169 DOCS:More detail on deschedule/reschedule         
Documentation                       | HPCC-18175 DOCS:Bad Break in ECLWatch                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-18203 Typo in STD.File.Copy docs                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-18288 DOCS:Include Image Source Data in Version Control 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18289 Fix formatting in Language Reference              
Documentation                       | HPCC-18290 Document EMBED(C++ [: options])                   
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-18202 Fileservices wsfs lookup based on ESP type attribute 
ESDL                                | HPCC-16427 Address several memleaks in ESDL compiler (Coverity) 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17982 DynamicESDL: Forms should indicate visible optional fields 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17983 DynamicESDL: support for optional fields that default to on 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18038 Remove the version option from the publish and java command 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18125 DESDL provide ns overwrite at service level       
ESDL                                | HPCC-18132 - ESDL support include paths for searching EspInclude files 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18140 ESDL command generates superfluous set of method declarations 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18164 Handle invalid ESDL syntax when generating ECL    
ESDL                                | HPCC-18182 ESDL Syntax errors should be reported on stderr   
ESDL                                | HPCC-18238 ESDLCompiler should close esxdlo file hand        
ESDL                                | HPCC-18266 ExistsESDLMethodDef is not using the right EsdlMethod defitions 
ESDL                                | HPCC-18267 SecAccessFlags map variable causes core dump      
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18093 WsESDLConfig getDef should accept name without version 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18118 Build error in javaembed                          
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18118 Improve DESDL feature level authorization         
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18142 Unbound DESDL based ESP services should report unbound state 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18145 ESDL bindings and definitions to keep publish info 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-18147 Report all ESDL Binding/Definition change requests 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17945 Exclude ECL search from omnibox search            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17954 Search results context tabs empty                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17955 Retrieve subfiles for query files in packagemap   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17970 Reschedule/Deschedule buttons enabling            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18049 Fix broken resource links                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18055 ECL Watch: Fix XRef's attaching found files       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18086 Copy workunit dll shouldn't continue write temp file fails 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18086 Improve query dll copying/naming scheme           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18158 ESDL binding refresh issue                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18165 ECL playground error highlighter                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18219 Logical file parts sorting                        
JLib                                | HPCC-17956 Remove clang warning by deleting unnecessary virtuals 
JLib                                | HPCC-18106 Coverity: Incorrect expression (MISSING_COMMA)    
JLib                                | HPCC-18111 Stand alone eclcc delay calling gethostbyname     
JLib                                | HPCC-18139 CSocketEpollThread::run segfault calling si.nfy->nofitySelected 
JLib                                | HPCC-18152 CSocketEpollThread::run segfault in si.nfy->nofitySelected 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17730 Switch memory manager from a spinlock to a critical section. 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17930 Provide couchbase plugin sample queries           
Plugins                             | HPCC-18006 Couchbase Plugin: Child datasets w/o XPATH        
Plugins                             | HPCC-18109 Couchbase Plugin: Allow access to password-protected buckets 
Plugins                             | HPCC-18173 Couchbase Plugin: Solve various memory leaks      
Plugins                             | HPCC-18207 Couchbase Plugin: Enable connection caching       
Plugins                             | HPCC-18237 Couchbase Plugin: Address Coverity concerns       
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17833 Unable to run regression suite when HTTPS enabled 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17563 Fix compile problem on old windows compilers      
Roxie                               | HPCC-17563 Race condition updating factory stats             
Roxie                               | HPCC-17999 Fix Roxie OUTPUT(extend) support for JSON         
Roxie                               | HPCC-18080 Roxie PING message should report units            
Roxie                               | HPCC-18081 Suppress initial ERROR: UDP inErrors msg          
Roxie                               | HPCC-18225 CSlaveDynamicFileCache::releaseAll() needs to acquire cs 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18230 Don't use tbbmalloc in Roxie                      
Roxie                               | HPCC-18240 Roxie not handling out-of-sequence UDP messages well 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18241 Remove unwanted spinlock in UDP collation         
Roxie                               | HPCC-18244 UDP test program uttest needs to set requestToSend timeout 
Sasha                               | HPCC-18054 Sasha: Enable configmgr's xrefCutoff setting      
Thor                                | HPCC-17536 Grouped Aggregate, incorrectly reporting grouped output 
Thor                                | HPCC-17984 Avoid assert error  on dataset read if ENCRYPT and OPT 
Thor                                | HPCC-18065 Fix potential race condition in heap manager reallocation 
Thor                                | HPCC-18107 Backport unstopped funnel input fix.              
Thor                                | HPCC-18198 FastThrough FirstN, must ensure local count sent. 
Thor                                | HPCC-18297 Prevent choosen recalling input nextRow after stop 
Thor                                | HPCC-18298 FastThrough FirstN, must ensure local count sent. 
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-18003 Search for ECL text in workunit should imply "within" not "exact" 
ecl command                         | HPCC-18296 WsWorkunits should ignore debug values that begin with '-' 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18000 Do not require macro parameters when syntax checking 
eclcc                               | HPCC-18209 Avoid losing casts which change signed-ness from sort orders 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-18263 Avoid crashes with very large type conversions    

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.4.0-1

Known Limitations for 6.4.0-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.20-1 to 6.4.0-1
                                    | Fix accidental change to cassandra driver submodule when upmerging 
                                                               | HPCC-14841 Retrieve WU graph information in WUQueryDetails 
                                    | HPCC-16236 Multiple States for WUQuery - cassandra support 
                                    | HPCC-16237 Support OR filter in getWorkUnitsSorted() 
                                    | HPCC-16287 Add roxie-centric _TransactionId to request top level 
                                    | HPCC-16879 Bundle tool catalog support 
                                    | HPCC-17227 AWS SQS Plugin 
                                    | HPCC-17243 Code context asserts not being reported 
                                    | HPCC-17297 DOCS:Nested R dataset support 
                                    | HPCC-17385 Roxie graph "Count" missing 
                                    | HPCC-17390 Ensure utf8 expressions are correctly cast 
                                    | HPCC-17530 DZ restriction failure message should be more informative 
                                    | HPCC-17709 STD.System.Log exports are actions, but not indicated as such 
                                    | HPCC-17732 Scope in workunit timings using semicolon rather than colon 
                                    | HPCC-17748 Add Std.Str.ExtractMultiple to Standard Library docs 
                                    | HPCC-17766 Add BS Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17767 ES Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17768 Add HR Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17769 Add HU Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17770 Add PT-BR Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17771 Adding SR Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17772 ZH Translations 
                                    | HPCC-17811 configmgr terminates unexpectedly 
                                    | HPCC-17848 Graph progress counts broken for aggregate activities in hthor 
                                    | HPCC-17862 incorrectly refers to pages 
                                    | HPCC-17866 Document upper size limit for DATA/STRING types 
                                    | HPCC-17898 Make testsocket with -ssl option default to port 19876 
                                    | HPCC-17952 ENDMACRO not found using 2-param form of EMBED inside macro 
                                                               | Revert "HPCC-16869 Drop support for IE 8,9,&10" 
BackUpNode                          | HPCC-17976 Fixed grammar error in backupnode.xsd             
BackUpNode, Init system             | HPCC-17519 Backupnode_vars XSLT rework                       
Build process                       | HPCC-12817 Add testsocket for Clienttools                    
Build process                       | HPCC-16990 Include pyembed in clienttools package            
Build process                       | HPCC-16990 Use MACOSX_RPATH instead of INSTALL_NAME_DIR      
Build process                       | HPCC-17016 Deprecate use of loop macro                       
Build process                       | HPCC-17070 Ensure system can build with USE_ICU=0 and USE_OPENLDAP=0 
Build process                       | HPCC-17070 More consistent errors if built with USE_ICU=0    
Build process                       | HPCC-17080 System built with USE_OPENLDAP=0 doesn't start    
Build process                       | HPCC-17196 Update supported distributions                    
Build process                       | HPCC-17207 creating HTML files                               
Build process                       | HPCC-17234 Use ExternalProject_Add for more reliable libmemcache build 
Build process                       | HPCC-17501 DEBUG build skip -fvisibility=hidden gcc flag     
Build process                       | HPCC-17600 SQS Plugin modifications                          
Build process                       | HPCC-17910 Deprecated 'register' warning from hidl build     
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 Do not turn off "USE_APR" when "INCLUDE_PLUGINS" enabled 
Build process, JLib                 | HPCC-17308 Fix problems with 64bit windows builds            
Build process, Plugins              | HPCC-17340 Include and check for Rcpp version at build 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-17478 Number of partitions should be configurable in Cassandra WU store 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-16965 Performance warnings from Cassandra workunit code 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-16972 Cassandra workunit store not handling deletes properly 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-11172 Fix internal error using WAIT in conditional and sequential 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-11172 refactor code                                     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15198 Fix Lang Ref example for #GETDATATYPE             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16531 Label filtered disk count/exist in the graph      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16603 Extract Java Doc comments from attributes.        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16638 Improve option to regenerate ECL and add it to help 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16649 Restrict moving projects over distributes if row size increases 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16684 Remove parameters from the transform type and check #CONST 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16715 Improve generated code for COUNT(DATASET(, record)) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16817 Fix processing functionmacros inside forward modules 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16843 Ensure ,DISTRIBUTE has an effect on constant inline datasets 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-16949 Add support for class types in IR generation      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17018 When normalizing filenames do not lowercase string constants within comparisons 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17019 Fix problem generating code for inline table inside allnodes 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17022 Correctly report error for invalid manifest files. 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17023 Ensure some members are initialised to remove coverity warnings 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17024 Spot scalar cses within inline table activities   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17028 Fix invalid bitfield range comparison             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17029 Fix regression in standalone eclcc windows compiles 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17063 Reduce compile time (in ScopedDependentTransformer) for some queries 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17068 Fix internal error when an action is associated with a persist name 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17122 Better tracking of scoped context                 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17141 Fix -ve memory leak processing bitfields          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17148 Fix various minor warnings and unreachable code   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17175 Fix very rare filter condition too complex        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17179 Add FEW option to LOOP                            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17182 Warning: assert(funcdef->getOperator() == no_funcdef) failed 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17197 Stop AnnotationNormalizer creating inconsistent graphs 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17202 Improve code for short const sets of variable length strings 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17214 Refactor code to determine where to evaluate cses 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17216 Output each statistic on a single line (in batch mode) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17217 Provide a mechanism for suppressing signed warnings 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17235 Short circuit graph traversal in constant propagation 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17237 Correctly nest mapping when generating constant rows 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17239 Include more transformation stats into the workunit 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17241 Minor optimization - avoid use of maxRecordSize   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17252 Track which activities take a long time to generate 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17253 Optimize resolving expressions and cursors in an BuildCtx 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17263 Do not convert (string)(string100)string50value to string50value 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17265 Minor refactor of code for assigning rows         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17269 Improve the code for CASE with a dense range of integer values 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17286 options are not passed to parameterless embed functions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17302 Code has no effect in hqlttcpp.cpp                
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17368 Optimize assignment of no_if() if already evaluated 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17370 Common up uses of CLUSTERSIZE within a workflow item 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17418 Remove invalid warning on distributed LHS for lookup join 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17436 Remove unused fields before optimizing the graph  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17504 EMBED() within a FUNCTIONMACRO failing to compile 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17505 Fix invalid constant propagation from a DENORMALIZE transform 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17571 Preserve the case of identifiers in the generated meta 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17615 Fix SEH when empty xml tag supplied for STORED row 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17641 Implement constant folding of external functions for WIN64 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17651 Add --fastsyntax to delay expansion of functions  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17666 Rename local variables to avoid coverity warning  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17685 Avoid problems with sorts with cast-duplicated sort fields 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17789 Avoid hthor spilling datasets used inside LOOP to workunit 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17812 Fix occasional internal error generating COMBINE inline 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17861 Fix various problems generating meta information  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17939 Report an error for constant expressions containing calls 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17957 Report overlapping include paths as an error      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17971 Avoid recursively expanding nested delayed functions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17992 Fix typo in MACRO expansion error message         
Code Generator, EclAgent, Thor      | HPCC-16238 Add an indication that jobs are blocked calling an external function 
Code Generator, Language            | HPCC-16727 Add test cases for HTTPCALL and SOAPCALL use of PROXYADDRESS 
Code Generator, Language            | HPCC-16727 HTTPCALL support for PROXYADDRESS option          
Code Generator, Language            | HPCC-17099 Allow eclcc/eclserver to read file information from Dali 
Code Generator, Plugins             | HPCC-17543 Work around misaligned double access in eclblas::dgemm 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-16370 Adds whitelist entry to dropzone entries          
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17044 Update DZ configuration structure                 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17100 Fix esp.xml missing format information            
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17226 Path change in configmgr awk call                 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17359 Roxie farmer ssl configuration                    
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17412 Add a -f option to control the max number of eclcc errors 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-17737 Config Manager should handle new comp type requests 
Config Process/Services, Config UI  | HPCC-17629 Automatically assign DropZone to support node when using wizard 
Config Process/Services, ESDL, ESP  | HPCC-17380 Revert change allowing multiple DESDL services share port 
Config UI                           | HPCC-12798 Remove auto discovery option                      
Config UI                           | HPCC-16424 Fix Coverity errors                               
Config UI                           | HPCC-16433 Fix strncpy problem                               
Config UI                           | HPCC-16438 Fix minor resource leak in configmgr reported by coverity 
Config UI                           | HPCC-16640 Remove trailing blanks from ECL Agent queue name  
Config UI                           | HPCC-17336 Add WuWsBilling agent support                     
Config UI                           | HPCC-17434 Properly process IP/IP-Ranges/Hostnames           
Config UI                           | HPCC-2968 Add host name support - code review 1              
Config UI                           | HPCC-2968 ConfigMgr should allow hostnames in computer configuration 
Config UI, Config Utils             | HPCC-17168 Config wizard ensures only hostname is specified  
Config Utils                        | HPCC-16796 Fix configurator coredump                         
Config Utils                        | HPCC-16796 Use checkFileExists to check file Remove the change for "assert(pChar..." but leave the comment. "assert" is only enabled in debug mode. There are more than one or two places which cause assert failures. The code may need a deeper look and re-design. Remove commented-out code. 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-16796 Use checkFileExists to check file Remove the change for "assert(pChar..." but leave the comment. "assert" is only enabled in debug mode. There are more than one or two places which cause assert failures. The code may need a deeper look and re-design. Remove commented-out code. Remove tab-in-indent. Update CMake Configuration files to build configurator before docs 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-17632 Add process "required" entry in AppInfo           
Config Utils, EclWatch, Init system | HPCC-17416 Added dropzone and listdir changes to configgen   
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-16946 Add server list handling to CLocalEnvironment     
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17160 do not define micro _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE on Windows 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17304 Leaking environment iterators                     
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17341 Disable roxiemem clear row compile options in debug builds 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17541 Add a helper that provides a group of the processes running on a cluster 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17561 Remove unused member variable                     
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17622 Bug fixed                                         
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17648 Fix CSingleKeySegmentMonitorBase serialization    
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17807 Dafilesrv SSL / non-SSL bug fix                   
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-17837 Coverity warning calling timedout without checking return 
Core Libraries, Roxie               | HPCC-17735 Roxie excessive SSL connection logging            
Core Libraries, Roxie               | HPCC-17835 Roxie SSL farmer do not log port scan secure_accept failures 
Core Libraries, dafilesrv           | HPCC-17815 Dafilesrv SSL refinements                         
Core Libraries, dafilesrv           | HPCC-17815 Fix windows build break from previous commit      
Core Libraries, dafilesrv           | HPCC-17934 Dafilesrv SSL socket cleanup on secure_connect failure 
DFS                                 | HPCC-17105 Default created superfiles in PromoteSuperFile to interleaved 
DFS                                 | HPCC-17351 Logical file meta data migration tool             
DFS                                 | HPCC-17702 Fix migratefiles mid-group offset issue.          
DFU Server                          | HPCC-16913 DropZone file checks should be moved, so that not hit by remote logical file copy. 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17293 Add environment.conf option to disable DropZone restrictions 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17294 Improve CCsvPartitioner::getRecordStructure() assertex message. 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17403 SPRAY VARIABLE with zero-byte source file fails (6.4.0) 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17437 DFU Server Drop Zone path checking doesn't support list of source files 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17506 SPRAY VARIABLE without at least one TERMINATOR fails 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-17612 DFUPlus eraseHistory can lose backup info         
DFU Server, EclAgent, eclccserver, ESP, JLib, Sasha, Thor | HPCC-17110 JSocket::appendv4range should handle dash chars correctly 
DFU Server, EclAgent, eclccserver, ESP, JLib, Sasha, Thor | HPCC-17110 Jsocket appendv4range properly handles dash chars 
Dali                                | HPCC-13443 Avoid spurious 'Invalid CPTStack detected'/stack tracing 
Dali                                | HPCC-16757 Restructure dautils::EnsureSDS                    
Dali                                | HPCC-17057 Prevent single logical file error causing no files being returned 
Dali                                | HPCC-17251 Fix invalid use of StringBuffer string in dali connection 
Dali                                | HPCC-17373 Coverity: Memory leak in checkOldFormat()         
Dali                                | HPCC-17375 Fix misdeclared overriden method spotted by Coverity 
Dali                                | HPCC-17608 Slight fix to existing dfsreplication             
Dali                                | HPCC-17640 Avoid collecting change info. for new SDS client trees 
Dali                                | HPCC-17665 Replace QUERYINTERFACE with static cast           
Dali                                | HPCC-17808 Add daliadmin option to translate a logical filename to an xpath 
Dali                                | HPCC-17829 Add run time option to enable slow transaction tracing. 
Dali, DFU Server, Sasha             | HPCC-16964 Corrects inaccurate dali related default conf values - No longer inserts optional elements/attributes - Removes "outputBool" template and all references to that template,    per component owner's request 
Dali, JHTree                        | HPCC-17670 Fix clashing class names                          
Dali, JLib                          | HPCC-17192 Refactor PTree to have atom and non-atom versions 
Documentation                       | HPCC-12531 Document supported data types in keyed portion of index 
Documentation                       | HPCC-13994 Document ONFAIL() for FROMXML and FROMJSON        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14184 Document the TRACE activty                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-15027 Document DENORMALIZE Options                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15113 Add DEDUP MANY option to docs                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-15155 Add missing links to topics in LR                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-15238 Document ESP HTTPS cipher list configuration      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15275 Update link to Boost docs                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-15278 DOCS:HTML-CHM Linebreak support                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-15519 Correct the syntax and example for esdl xsd/wsdl/ecl 
Documentation                       | HPCC-15841 Clarify Logical Filename Rules                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-15942 Document STD.String.FindWord                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15984 Update foreign file access documentation          
Documentation                       | HPCC-16272 Document new unbind method feature                
Documentation                       | HPCC-16333 Document auth_feature attribute in DESDL          
Documentation                       | HPCC-16362 Document FORMAT option for OUTPUT to CSV          
Documentation                       | HPCC-16850 Document expireDays for file spray                
Documentation                       | HPCC-16868 Document ecl bundle install  requires git 
Documentation                       | HPCC-16869 Drop support for IE 8,9,&10                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17053 Change in Dropzone Config                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17132 DOCS:ConfigMgr can use IP or Hostnames            
Documentation                       | HPCC-17133 Document LOOKUP attribute                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17157 Document Embed Python3                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-17257 DOCS: Roxie Files Copy Status                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-17288 DOCS:New Scope Options for R plugin               
Documentation                       | HPCC-17317 DOCS:ECLWatch Add Delete Part                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-17349 DOCS:ESDL servicename optional                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-17369 DOCS:ECL Scheduler bold headings                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-17400 DOCS: Standardize usage of plugin                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17409 Fix typo in Client tools doc regarding Path       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17422 DOCS:Documentation for BackupNode                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17444 Add missing index entries to Language Reference   
Documentation                       | HPCC-17445 Document COMPRESSED for CSV                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17447 Document built in compile time constants          
Documentation                       | HPCC-17479 Add documentation for DaliPlugin options          
Documentation                       | HPCC-17507 DOCS: Config Roxie for Load Balancer              
Documentation                       | HPCC-17531 Document SET option on BUILDINDEX                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17535 DOCS: Please document file history                
Documentation                       | HPCC-17549 Document EncodeBase64 & DecodeBase64              
Documentation                       | HPCC-17554 Fix Typo in ECLCC Options docs                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-17560 Document ECLCC option for allowsigned datafile    
Documentation                       | HPCC-17593 Document FEW option on LOOP                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17596 Document DFUPlus listhistory and erasehistory     
Documentation                       | HPCC-17609 Document DfuAccess permission requirement to delete history 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17681 Add missing index terms to Standard Library Reference 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17694 Add tooltip for ESP HTTPS passphrase in Config Mgr 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17712 DOCS:Roxie SSL listener                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-17718 DOCS:usage packagemap/package map                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17728 Update docs for STD.System.Log actions            
Documentation                       | HPCC-17776 DOCS:Update Tabs in ECL Watch Logical Files       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17781 Add ESDL Lang Ref to IDE                          
Documentation                       | HPCC-17781 Add ESDL Lang Ref to IDE and Eclipse Help         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17793 Add ID Attributes and Index tags in DESDL doc     
Documentation                       | HPCC-17799 DOCS:ECLWatch ESDL Definitions                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-17802 Fix doc typo in Std.Date.FromStringToDate         
Documentation                       | HPCC-17820 DOCS:Fix sentence in System Admin                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17897 Add a Tip to LOOKUP JOIN about rhs memory limits  
Documentation                       | HPCC-17902 Provide links to the existing developer documentation 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17912 Document eclcc -checkDirty option                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17917 Document get_data_from attribute in ESDL          
Documentation                       | HPCC-17923 DOCS:ECLWatch Common Elements                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-17929 Change structure for ESDLLangRef in CHM           
Documentation                       | HPCC-17944 Add Details to STORED in LR                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17965 Document -f-xxx for ecl run                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-17988 Docs:Link in External Service Implementation for ECL to C++ Mapping 
Documentation                       | HPCC-17995 Document ESDL version and default_client_version attributes 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18014 Std Lib Ref GetLogicalFileAttribute: typo in example. 
Documentation                       | HPCC-18031 Document optional attribute ESDL                  
Documentation                       | IDE-623 Correct shortcut in docs for Submit Selected         
Documentation                       | IDE-640 DOCS::IDE Color File type icons                      
Documentation                       | IDE-643 DOCS:Configuration in Preferences                    
Documentation, EclWatch             | HPCC-17186 DOCS: Spray queue dropdown                        
Documentation, Init system          | HPCC-17485 DOCS:SSH for Thor AllowUsers                      
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-17201 Document ecl run poll option                      
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-17382 Document ecl packagemap copy                      
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-17594 Document use of ECLCC_PATH environment variable   
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-16780 STD.Date.ConvertDateFormat returns -ve for invalid dates 
ESDL                                | HPCC-15545 ESDL Tool and WsESDLConfig to make ESDL Serv name optional 
ESDL                                | HPCC-16146 Allow multiple DESDL ESP services share common binding 
ESDL                                | HPCC-16429 Coverity: out-of-bounds-access                    
ESDL                                | HPCC-16451 Fix Coverity warnings in hidl generated ESP code  
ESDL                                | HPCC-17000 Split result monitoring ECL into create and run attributes 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17021 Improve result monitor query error handling       
ESDL                                | HPCC-17021 Use more consistent naming for record layouts     
ESDL                                | HPCC-17346 DESDL Enable JSON req/resp samples                
ESDL                                | HPCC-17381 Improve processHPCCResult speed by using map look up 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17392 Update ESDL example readme file                   
ESDL                                | HPCC-17456 Improve EsdlDefStruct efficiency by using map lookup 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17457 Add instructions for debugging java services      
ESDL                                | HPCC-17458 Check esdl structures don't have duplicate name and ecl_name 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17528 Include esdl.bat in windows clienttools builds    
ESDL                                | HPCC-17630 Create ESDL.bat file                              
ESDL                                | HPCC-17849 Warn about duplicate names and don't check ecl_name 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17852 ESDL based result monitoring improvements         
ESDL                                | HPCC-17855 DynamicESDL support for get_data_from             
ESDL                                | HPCC-17855 New methods needed for DynamicESDL support for get_data_from 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17870 Result Monitoring query to return active monitoring template 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17903 Clang build error in esdlcmd_monitor.cpp          
ESDL                                | HPCC-17981 DynamicESDL: Use version in service ESDL as default version 
ESDL                                | HPCC-17996 ESDL.bat update process unknown req type          
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-16789 Improve DESDL trxsummary output                   
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-17185 Display explicit messages for errors like missing lib 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-17662 WsESDLConfig Publish bindings allows empty methods configuration 
ESDL, ESP                           | HPCC-17790 WsESDLConfig ensures method name uniqueness       
ESP                                 | HPCC-14681 Add new updateLog method to ESP logging manager   
ESP                                 | HPCC-14681 Fix "double free" memory in ESP esdl logging      
ESP                                 | HPCC-14681 Remove ESP LoggingClient code                     
ESP                                 | HPCC-16169 Extend securecontext                              
ESP                                 | HPCC-16431 Coverity: Resource leak WsDeployService.cpp       
ESP                                 | HPCC-16746 Remove unused constructor                         
ESP                                 | HPCC-16872 Provide per method xml configuration              
ESP                                 | HPCC-16873 FileSpray web service should allow a caller to specify dfuserver queue 
ESP                                 | HPCC-16873 Get/set dfuserver queue in FileSpray web services 
ESP                                 | HPCC-16887 Control TxSummary level in ESP log                
ESP                                 | HPCC-16896 Specify ZAP report file name when creating the report. 
ESP                                 | HPCC-16961 Automatically provide sample JSON responses for ESP services 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17058 Support server list in dropzone settings for WsTopology, etc 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17084 New LZ Structure                                  
ESP                                 | HPCC-17092 Report correct RAM values in CentOS 7             
ESP                                 | HPCC-17178 Allow setting of timeouts for ESDL generated c++ soap clients 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17210 Do not rollover tank files if there is unfinished job 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17275 Validate user input in getDropZoneInfoByIP()      
ESP                                 | HPCC-17395 Unsafe code in tokenserializer.hpp                
ESP                                 | HPCC-17451 Fix generated esp message schema for empty complex type 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17533 Report configured dropzone node address           
ESP                                 | HPCC-17540 Do not check PID for dropzone and ftslave in preflight 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17575 Return DZ hostname in WsTopology.TpDropZoneQuery  
ESP                                 | HPCC-17587 Fix ESP Sample JSON Response representing numbers as strings 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17599 Add security to deny users from erasing metadata WsDfu/EraseHistory 
ESP                                 | HPCC-17843 Check DFU queue name correctly in FileSpray web service 
ESP                                 | HPCC-8983 Add support for -fvisibility to reduce dll exports 
ESP                                 | HPCC-9123 Copy PackageMap from one target to another         
ESP                                 | HPCC-9123 Remove test code accidentally left in              
ESP, WS-Access/Account              | HPCC-17432 Pre-populate "ManagedBy" in Group Create          
EclAgent                            | HPCC-16646 Eclagent does not record new log files on date rollover 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-17782 Fix error with PARALLEL/SEQUENTIAL used in a child query 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-17784 Fix crash when using a superfile within a prefetch project 
EclServer                           | HPCC-16354 Fix internal error triggered by SORT(ds, x, -x)   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13391 Set default for row tag                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13925 Add percent compressed to ECLWatch U/I            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15546 Save button disabled at certain states            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15644 Add De-schedule confirmation with WU's            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15693 Add dfuserver queue name selection                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15951 ECLWatch to support package parts                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16246 Improve SubGraph Viewing Speed                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16377 Display file history information                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16381 Add GetNumFileToCopy                              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16820 Improved WU monitoring                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16877 Xref not showing found file                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16904 Sorting in users/groups does not work             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16924 Add U/I input for Zap file name                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16925 Add SuperOwner to WsDfu.DFUFileView               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16931 Avoid loading dlls when extracting resources in esp 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-16991 Hex Preview Silently Fails                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17128 Disable event column sorting                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17145 Graph gets stuck "Fetching Data..."               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17151 Throw exception if Thor group not found for ZAP report 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17161 Add delete confirmation dialog                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17183 Fix 'Sort by ManagedBy' not working For GroupQuery 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17194 Send "No job queue found" in WsSMC.Activity response 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17230 Allow more rows in results widget                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17256 Add paging/sorting to WsWorkunits.WUGetNumFileToCopy 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17296 GraphTree tree causing slowness                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17402 WsDfu/ListHistory & WsDfu/EraseHistory to return a valid U/I response 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17433 Pre-populate managed by field                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17433 Remove unused doc file                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17492 GraphStore sorted selection sync issue            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17524 Add/modify comments                               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17524 Do not return thor slave channel as thor slave node 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17577 Check a char pointer in querying Log files        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17639 Cannot delete files in i18n modes                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17650 Definition dropdown has stale data                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17725 Add part has extra fields                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17751 Defintion Explorer/Details Widget                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17901 Add ID parameter to DESDL Def widget              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17919 Trailing comma causing build issue                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17922 SET in childDataset display issue                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17945 Exclude ECL search from omnibox search            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17979 LZ Filter not clearing                            
EclWatch, ESDL                      | HPCC-16613 DESDL to allow freehand configuration             
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-17245 DOCS:Update ConfigMgr images                      
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-16906 Add a new plugin for embedded Python3 code        
Embedded Languages                  | HPCC-16979 Assert failure when can't load plugin for folding on OSX 
GangliaMonitoring                   | HPCC-17503 Fix warning in ganglia plugin build               
Init system                         | HPCC-17075 Warnings handled differently than xslt exceptions 
Init system                         | HPCC-17079 Removed unneccessary chown in hpcc-init           
Init system                         | HPCC-17123 Added descriptive error message and fixed init_thorslave call 
Init system                         | HPCC-17224 Fix INIT_PATH in configure target for development builds 
Init system                         | HPCC-17246 Logging improvements in frunssh and thor          
Init system                         | HPCC-17425 Various fixes for running HPCC in windows linux subsystem 
Init system                         | HPCC-17431 Inclusion of Default-Start/Stop headers           
Init system                         | HPCC-17431 Modified LSB Block                                
Init system                         | HPCC-17675 Remove backupnode from wizard generated environments 
Init system                         | HPCC-17907 Hpcc-init asking for password when starting thor  
Internal                            | HPCC-17454 Support Result monitoring calling ESP or Roxie    
Internal                            | HPCC-17455 Result monitoring demo feature                    
JHTree                              | HPCC-17476 Bad code in jhtree memory tracing                 
JHTree                              | HPCC-17529 Work around compile problem with VS2017           
JLib                                | HPCC-16533 Include time waiting for failed reads in stats    
JLib                                | HPCC-16537 Keep track of the number of retries accessing remote files 
JLib                                | HPCC-16543 Improve error reporting of JlibSemTest and implement JlibSemTestStress. 
JLib                                | HPCC-16643 Improve reporting of assert failures              
JLib                                | HPCC-16644 Improve reporting of segfaults                    
JLib                                | HPCC-16648 Add methods to log interface to retrieve current log position 
JLib                                | HPCC-16980 Remove tabs accidently introduced in previous fix 
JLib                                | HPCC-17017 Add port info to socket tracename                 
JLib                                | HPCC-17027 Initialise (unused) tm_wday and tm_mday in the tm struct 
JLib                                | HPCC-17038 Report and return POLLERR errors                  
JLib                                | HPCC-17039 Switch StringAttr to use size_t                   
JLib                                | HPCC-17096 GetCpuInfo() 64k file size limit                  
JLib                                | HPCC-17249 Various small ptree fixes                         
JLib                                | HPCC-17270 Allow IP grouping syntax                          
JLib                                | HPCC-17283 Fix missing const on derived COrderedPTree::isEquivalent 
JLib                                | HPCC-17285 Atom PTree attributes linkcount not reduced when removed 
JLib                                | HPCC-17316 Additional change to fix build problems with VS2017 
JLib                                | HPCC-17316 Fix various windows build issues                  
JLib                                | HPCC-17438 Num CPUs incorrect                                
JLib                                | HPCC-17522 Provide a thread safe singleton helper function and class 
JLib                                | HPCC-17570 Catch and translate exceptions thrown by TBB      
JLib                                | HPCC-17625 JPTree memory usage and contention issues         
JLib                                | HPCC-17647 DelayedSizeMarker must write size in correct endian. 
JLib                                | HPCC-17664 Add template version of CDelayedMarker            
JLib                                | HPCC-17679 Add workflow and childgraph scope types           
JLib                                | HPCC-17721 Ensure serialized lengths have correct endian format. 
JLib                                | HPCC-17743 Crash in CSocketEpollThread                       
JLib                                | HPCC-17745 JPtree memory usage greater than intended         
JLib                                | HPCC-17746 Include missing registers from the exception reports 
JLib                                | HPCC-17914 Optimize the performance for WildMatch            
JLib                                | HPCC-17973 Use a read-only common value table for attributes. 
JLib, Roxie                         | HPCC-17877 Fix Roxie SSL exception - check_connection not implemented 
LDAP                                | HPCC-16903 LDAP Sys User not authenticated                   
LDAP                                | HPCC-17042 Coverity: Fix numerous LDAP issue found by Coverity 
LDAP                                | HPCC-17144 Strange code in getScopePermissions               
LDAP                                | HPCC-17279 Improve LDAP logging                              
LDAP                                | HPCC-17384 Admins can't add users                            
LDAP                                | HPCC-17393 Cannot delete Employee ID                         
LDAP                                | HPCC-17471 LDAP DN not copied to cached user                 
Language                            | HPCC-17974 Support xpath('<>') in soapcall response layout   
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-16460 Allow the base type for the heap bitmap to be configured 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17026 Remove minor leaks from roxiemem unit tests       
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17366 Improve performance of scan detection code        
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17667 Catch possible TBB exception when releasing rows in parallel 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17717 Avoid allocating rows from multiple blocks        
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17872 Ensure peak memory usage is correctly sorted      
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-17873 Provide an operator | for roxiemem::RoxieHeapFlags 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14535 Fetch all available ESPs and verify ESP is active 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14535 Fetch all configured WsFS and verify service is active 
Plugins                             | HPCC-16597 - Update Cassandra driver to 2.5.0                
Plugins                             | HPCC-16838 Improve error reporting when embedded Java fails to load 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17050 Coverity: uninitialised fields in metaphone code  
Plugins                             | HPCC-17051 Coverity: Null dereference warning in cassandrawu.cpp 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17199 The python2 and python3 plugins should not be loaded together 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17280 Embedded R code uses persistent, shared environment 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17281 Support reading/writing fields of type BIT(nn) in MySQL 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17295 Add nested dataset support to R                   
Plugins                             | HPCC-17298 Uninitialized member variable in Python plugin    
Plugins                             | HPCC-17301 Unchecked string copy in javaembed.cpp            
Plugins                             | HPCC-17374 Fix Coverity unreachable code warning.            
Plugins                             | HPCC-17450 Thor leaks globally-cached MySQL connections      
Plugins                             | HPCC-17532 Build Windows Client with Pyembed                 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17706 Memory leaks in SQS plugin                        
Plugins                             | HPCC-17754 Correct test logic for boolean values             
Plugins                             | HPCC-17757 Couchbase Plugin: Improve parsing of complex query result 
Plugins                             | HPCC-17791: Add proxy configuration for SQS plugin           
Plugins                             | HPCC-17915 SQS plugin crashing on centos                     
Plugins                             | HPCC-17927 Couchbase plugin: Add support for parsing SET datatypes in query results 
Plugins                             | HPCC-18016 IDEPlugins batch file uses clienttools relative path 
Plugins, Regression Suite           | HPCC-17102 The redissynctest fails if parallel queries used in regression suite. 
Plugins, unittests                  | HPCC-16813 Fix implicit cast to boolean warning              
Plugins, unittests                  | HPCC-16813 Fix various gcc warnings                          
Plugins, unittests                  | HPCC-16813 Remove unused parameter from printf               
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-16815 Make rollup1.ecl consistent on any number of slaves. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17074 Avoid race condition in rowset release            
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17094 The spray_test.ecl doesn't compatible with parallel query execution mode 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17176 Remove xmlout2.eclccwarn file                     
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17208 Regression suite test with multiple versions can run out of order and cause failures 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17238 Rename and add //class=python2 tag to all related test cases. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17435 Add class=embedded to QA file                     
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17462 The modelingWithR.ecl test generates slightly different results on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17475 Add test cases for node sizes other than 8192     
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17516 Roxie-specific tests in testing/ecl/roxie never got migrated to new regression suite 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17602 Add regression test for Roxie 503 Server too busy 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17620 Some regression cases fail on roxie with multiple slave channels 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17624 Both distributeddataset.ecl and streamread.ecl fails with syntax error in regression test. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-17778 Update keyfiles for all test cases impacted by HPCC-17692 changes 
Regression Suite, Roxie             | HPCC-17652 Fix incorrect substitution of constants from inline datasets into child queries 
Regression Suite, Roxie, RoxiePipe  | HPCC-16827 Add regression test for roxiepipe                 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-16660 Add version information to jobname                
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-16847 Enable to store engine parameters into the ecl-test.json file. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-16865 Update documentation about engine parameters      
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-16988 Can't run the regression suite from another directory without --config parameter 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17065 Regression suite should not report stdout from failed eclcc 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17095 Regression Test Engine doesn't use --pq parameter if only one, but versioned ecl file executed. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17112 Regression suite to check warnings                
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17278 DFS related Regression Suite test cases are failed 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17363 Generate versioned result file for queries.       
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17459 Regression Test Engine generates malformed error message for forced compiler errors. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17619 Internal error from the regression suite engine   
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-17795 HPCC-17778 introduced problem with update.ecl on Thor 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16110 Dedup unexpected results when using KEEP n and RIGHT 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16346 Improve zlib compression output buffer size calculation 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16346 Support gzip/deflate compressed I/O in roxie      
Roxie                               | HPCC-16466 Roxie not reporting well if multicast not available 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16783 Pass flushing string buffer in a couple of places 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16829 Valgrind reporting invalid memory access in roxie 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16833 Regression suite mode to fail on row leaks and missing stops 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16848 QUANTILE activity is not releasing rows to roxie heap 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16849 N-Way input activity reports RESET without STOP   
Roxie                               | HPCC-16852 Limited prefix joins may leak roxie rows          
Roxie                               | HPCC-16861 Roxie is not descheduling workunits once event count completed 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16874 FILTER activity leaks a row on exceptions         
Roxie                               | HPCC-16885 Workunits don't check for unexpected failure until timeout 
Roxie                               | HPCC-16958 Roxie copy thread priority configuration          
Roxie                               | HPCC-17064 UDP code is passing large objects around          
Roxie                               | HPCC-17083 Spurious 'different version of index already loaded' error 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17097 Roxie does not report record length mismatches on disk files 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17106 Improve roxie handling of query name in REST URL  
Roxie                               | HPCC-17137 Improve efficiency of registerTimer               
Roxie                               | HPCC-17242 Roxie does not preserve group information in persist files 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17260 Roxie SSL listener for batch queries              
Roxie                               | HPCC-17271 Add options to layout translation                 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17342 Leaks of IException objects                       
Roxie                               | HPCC-17396 Roxie grouped disk read not working when using remote adaptor 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17442 roxie support for xml body with Content-Type form-urlencoded 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17470 Changes to plugin builds (#3)                     
Roxie                               | HPCC-17470 TBB build problem with library path               
Roxie                               | HPCC-17483 Reduce contention on Roxie lazy IFileIO           
Roxie                               | HPCC-17573 Roxie control:querypackageinfo should return list of part ids 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17677 Add missing timings to roxie stats                
Roxie                               | HPCC-17711 Roxie ssl listener passphrase decrypt             
Roxie                               | HPCC-17785 Internal error using a superfile inside a prefetch project 
Roxie                               | HPCC-17786 Roxie can't reload files after modification       
Roxie                               | HPCC-17920 Fix NamedGroupStore core when resolving deleted group 
RoxiePipe                           | HPCC-17572 Roxiepipe SSL support                             
Security Manager                    | HPCC-16808 SecLoader to better handle pluggable secmgr errors 
SoapPlus                            | HPCC-17705 Soapplus xml parsing enhancement                  
SoapPlus                            | HPCC-17759 Windows build failure http.cpp                    
SoapPlus                            | HPCC-17796 Uninitialized variables in http.cpp (CID 1441195) 
Thor                                | HPCC-11273 Backupnode as a configurable service in environment 
Thor                                | HPCC-15675 Refactor lazy fileio                              
Thor                                | HPCC-16392 Avoid deregistering/re-registering memory callbacks. 
Thor                                | HPCC-16550 Ensure __COMPRESSED__ flag applied to external files 
Thor                                | HPCC-16582 Ensure logical filename issued on index read error 
Thor                                | HPCC-16859 Report failed to write sent query dll             
Thor                                | HPCC-16919 Make graph/edge stat. slave #'s 1 based.          
Thor                                | HPCC-16956 Add an optional warning when global datasets are hoisted from child queries 
Thor                                | HPCC-17036 Non interleaved superindexes in a keyed join lost data 
Thor                                | HPCC-17040 Follow-up errors could be returned before primary cause 
Thor                                | HPCC-17078 Dedup ALL in child query could lose rows if not fully read 
Thor                                | HPCC-17152 Abort and improve error message if slaves don't respond 
Thor                                | HPCC-17181 Refactor aggregate HT to use Roxiemem+merge sort locals 
Thor                                | HPCC-17228 Add TBB as a submodule                            
Thor                                | HPCC-17228 Add TBB build and package logic                   
Thor                                | HPCC-17231 Add option to control sort spill compressed block size 
Thor                                | HPCC-17309 Fix issue reading sorted superindex with 1-part keys 
Thor                                | HPCC-17313 Fix potential smartjoin assert if failing over to local 
Thor                                | HPCC-17314 Fix excessive splitter tracing bug                
Thor                                | HPCC-17420 Early abort could cause lookupjoin crash          
Thor                                | HPCC-17430 Avoid rsync if localThor=true                     
Thor                                | HPCC-17464 A sink with an UPDATE, could cause balanced splitter stall 
Thor                                | HPCC-17523 AllJoin in multi-channel setup crash              
Thor                                | HPCC-17523 Update alljoin.ecl test to actually test ALL Join! 
Thor                                | HPCC-17536 Grouped Aggregate, incorrectly reporting grouped output 
Thor                                | HPCC-17537 Configuration option to enable file restriction   
Thor                                | HPCC-17555 Fix various chained stop() issues and conditional loop initialization. 
Thor                                | HPCC-17607 Fix splitter stop chaining issue.                 
Thor                                | HPCC-17618 Improve auto-affinity on systems with >2 nodes    
Thor                                | HPCC-17654 Add check for non existent wuid in getExternalResult() 
Thor                                | HPCC-17691 KeyedJoin support for remote key filtering.       
Thor                                | HPCC-17777 Fix issue with DICTIONARY's spilling.             
Thor                                | HPCC-17818 Make debug port based on Thor port bases.         
Thor                                | HPCC-17847 Ensure smartjoin marks failover if late.          
Thor                                | HPCC-17894 Remove superfluous tracing in abort/pause handler. 
Thor                                | HPCC-17904 Avoid losing early query initialization exceptions. 
Thor                                | HPCC-17991 Avoid using a smart lookahead reader if input is fastThrough 
Thor                                | HPCC-18001 Mark disk read activities as 'fastThrough'        
WS-ECL                              | HPCC-13605 Remember user input in ws_ecl form                
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-16971 Add 3 additional options for WUInfo               
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-16971 Rename an old variable                            
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-16986 Remove default value of HasArchiveQuery in WsWorkunits 
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-17062 Return HelpersCount in WsWorkunits.WUInfo         
Workunit                            | HPCC-16547 Allow an activity to be associated with an error  
Workunit                            | HPCC-16600 Optimize reading stats and timings from the workunit 
Workunit                            | HPCC-17004 Suppress the token when displaying workunit xml   
Workunit                            | HPCC-17925 Avoid duplicate Exceptions node if all warnings removed 
Workunit                            | HPCC-17926 Prevent wutool list from coring on the global workunit 
Workunit                            | HPCC-17946 Ensure that ECL workunit searches do not search the whole archive 
XREF                                | HPCC-16858 Detect compressed files when reattaching XREF files. 
XREF                                | HPCC-16936 Add file size to XRef Lost Files Query Result     
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-13259 Add super owner information                       
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17005 Remove dafilesrv execute functionality.           
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17087 Fix remote file appendFile functionality.         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17088 Force shutdown() in cancel_accept if not in accept state 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17247 Dafilesrv SSL and non-SSL together                
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17255 Secure dafilesrv timeouts                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17690 Fallback to local key manager                     
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17823 Fix compile error in dafilesrv windows build      
dafilesrv, DFU Server               | HPCC-17997 Change path for windows despray prompt            
dafilesrv, Thor                     | HPCC-17644 Support for remote key filtering + counting/limits. 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16259 Clean up command line handling and display of unauthorized 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16819 Add query publish and copy reporting of DFS not found issues 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16867 Fix ecl-bundle temporary directory creation on Windows 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16888 Add option to specify branch when installing bundle from git 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16921 Fix ecl-run --help displaying twice               
ecl command                         | HPCC-16983 Ecl bundle installation errors                    
ecl command                         | HPCC-16987 Ecl bundle installation fails with wrong temporary file path 
ecl command                         | HPCC-16996 Show compiler errors and warnings generated by bundle install 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17191 ecl results command to output full workunit results 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17248 DFS numSubFiles(true) should recurse all supers.  
ecl command                         | HPCC-17290 Document ecl results  command               
ecl command                         | HPCC-17299 Uninitialized member optPre64 in ecl command      
ecl command                         | HPCC-17426 Windows not finding "ecl bundle" command          
ecl command                         | HPCC-17518 ecl-run should return error code when workunit fails 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17589 Improve parameter and workunit state checking in ecl-run 
ecl command                         | HPCC-17590 ecl run has problems on "make install" system     
ecl command                         | HPCC-17623 Fix _spawnvp windows build break                  
ecl command                         | HPCC-17692 Ecl run command loses compiler warnings           
ecl command                         | HPCC-17729 Coverity reports uncaught exception in wuget      
ecl command                         | HPCC-17913 ecl run (etc) should be able to pass options to eclcc 
ecl command, EclServer              | HPCC-17037 Add polling option to ecl command line "run"      
ecl command, EclServer              | HPCC-17037 ecl-run wait connected for first 10 seconds even when polling 
ecl command, Thor                   | HPCC-17578 Fix implicit project of THOR(no_compound)         
ecl command, eclcc                  | HPCC-17559 Error from eclcc creating archive if GPG not installed 
ecl command, eclccserver, EclServer | HPCC-17591 All calls to IPipeProcess::run should check the return value 
eclcc                               | HPCC-11392 Add keyed field indicator for KEYPATCH to generated xml schema 
eclcc                               | HPCC-11392 Add keyed field indicator support to ECL generated xml schema 
eclcc                               | HPCC-16462 Function with non-unique parameter names should give error 
eclcc                               | HPCC-16472 Add the ability to add user information onto fields 
eclcc                               | HPCC-16723 Allow macros to be called in place of transforms  
eclcc                               | HPCC-16952 Loading eclblas plugin on OSX causes fork() to core 
eclcc                               | HPCC-17170 For regression tests split timing information into a separate file 
eclcc                               | HPCC-17170 Remove unneeded addTimingToWorkunit option        
eclcc                               | HPCC-17300 Exception from destructor in eclcc                
eclcc                               | HPCC-17303 Incorrect layout in eclcc help text               
eclcc                               | HPCC-17900 Ability to capture git status through eclcc       
eclccserver                         | HPCC-17305 eclccserver not running correct version of eclcc  
eclccserver, ESP                    | HPCC-17082 Reduce time taken deducing scopes for pathological queries 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-16812 Fix multiple problems with bitfields              
unittests                           | HPCC-17089 Unit tests for remote file/dafilesrv commands     
unittests                           | HPCC-17669 Allow wutool -selftest to be run on a pre-existing dali 


Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.30-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.30-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct   

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.28-1 to 6.2.30-1
EclWatch                            | HPCC-19818 ECL Watch fails to load in Chrome 67.x            

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.28-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.28-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct    

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.26-1 to 6.2.28-1

Dali                                | HPCC-19726 Dali to check file scopes when CheckScopeScans disabled 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.26-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.26-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct    

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.24-1 to 6.2.26-1

Thor                                | HPCC-19160 Fix potential loop crash if in CQ and below IF/CASE 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.24-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.24-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct    

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.22-1 to 6.2.24-1
Code Generator                      | HPCC-18598 Support INLINE as a nop on older versions of ECLCC 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.22-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.22-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct    

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.20-1 to 6.2.22-1
Code Generator                      | HPCC-17019 Fix problem generating code for inline table inside allnodes 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-17945 Exclude ECL search from omnibox search            
JLib                                | HPCC-18139 CSocketEpollThread::run segfault calling si.nfy->nofitySelected 
Roxie                               | HPCC-18240 Roxie not handling out-of-sequence UDP messages well 
Thor                                | HPCC-17536 Grouped Aggregate, incorrectly reporting grouped output 
Thor                                | HPCC-18065 Fix potential race condition in heap manager reallocation 
Thor                                | HPCC-18107 Backport unstopped funnel input fix.   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.20-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.20-1
Build process                       | HPCC-17958 htpasswd plugin will not build if REMBED enabled  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-18091 Change duplicate shared object name mangling scheme 
Thor                                | HPCC-17881 Fix leaking graph object.                         
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-17874 Dafilesrv file sharing mode not correct    

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.18-1 to 6.2.20-1

ESP, WS-Workunit Server                   | HPCC-17806 Copy WUID into WsWorkunits.WUUpdate request   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.18-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.18-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.16-1 to 6.2.18-1

ESP, WS-Workunit Server                   | HPCC-17806 Copy WUID into WsWorkunits.WUUpdate request   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.16-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.16-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.14-1 to 6.2.16-1

Roxie                                     | HPCC-17704 Fix Roxie intermittent result array merge errors   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.14-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.14-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.12-1 to 6.2.14-1

Roxie                                     | HPCC-17517 Fix roxie HTTP server too busy errors formatted incorrectly 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17564 Fix various threading issues with stats in ContextLogger 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.12-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.12-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.10-1 to 6.2.12-1

                                          | HPCC-17243 Code context asserts not being reported 
                                          | HPCC-17322 Roxie graph properties fail to display 
DFU Server                                | HPCC-17403 SPRAY VARIABLE with zero-byte source file fails         
Documentation                             | HPCC-14955 DOCS:Remove Auto Discovery                              
Documentation                             | HPCC-16022 Remove 64mb limit from GROUP docs                       
Documentation                             | HPCC-16495 Edits based upon review                                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16495 Initial Docs for Visualizer bundle                      
Documentation                             | HPCC-17007 Document cluster option for INDEPENDENT                 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17337 Ensure that NONEMPTY stops inputs if input fails in start() 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17338 Increase the excessive scans threshold because of excessive tracing 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17338 Remove duplicate excessive scans warnings from memory manager 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17442 roxie support for xml body with Content-Type form-urlencoded 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17078 Dedup ALL in child query could lose rows if not fully read 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17143 Potential SmartJoin row leak if failing over to std join 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17313 Fix potential smartjoin assert if failing over to local 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17331 Prevent Smartjoin crash when failing over to local      
Thor                                      | HPCC-17419 Fix core when concatenating utf8 strings of length 0    
Thor                                      | HPCC-17420 Early abort could cause lookupjoin crash                
Thor                                      | HPCC-17446 Crash in MERGE if never started                         
ecl command                               | HPCC-17248 DFS numSubFiles(true) should recurse all supers. 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.10-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.10-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.8-1 to 6.2.10-1

                                          | HPCC-16993 Fix invalid code generation converting varstrings to utf8 
Config Process/Services                   | HPCC-17147 rewrite description to avoid single quote               
Core Libraries, JLib                      | HPCC-17162 Disable socket close (_TRACELINKCLOSED) stack reporting 
Documentation                             | HPCC-15803 Document Advanced (Security) Menu                       
Documentation                             | HPCC-16340 Remove References to deprecated feature permissions     
Documentation                             | HPCC-17067 Fix Typos in STD.Date Docs                              
Documentation                             | HPCC-17142 DOCS:Eclwatch too many files Error                      
Documentation                             | HPCC-17190 Errant Sentence in System Admin                         
Documentation, ESDL                       | HPCC-17076 DOCS:DESDL IP Range                                     
ESP, Roxie                                | HPCC-17310 HTTP 100 Continue using wrong terminator sequence       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16991 Hex Preview fails to display                            
Thor                                      | HPCC-17149 Allow child graph initialization timeout to be configured 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17155 Fix crash in global join if LHS is empty                
Thor                                      | HPCC-17158 Improve Sort error emanating from slave                 
Thor                                      | HPCC-17209 Global join with pre-sorted primary side crash          
Thor                                      | HPCC-17209 Regression in global join if LHS pre-sorted.  

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.8-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.8-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.6-1 to 6.2.8-1

Build process                             | HPCC-17012 Add github file                
Build process                             | HPCC-17060 Changes to ecl standard library not included in package 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16935 Do not complain about missing main when syntax checking a module 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-17104 Improve code for inline dataset with empty child dataset 
Documentation                             | HPCC-15808 Remove unused images                                    
Documentation                             | HPCC-16258 Update Docs for Employee ID                             
Documentation                             | HPCC-16710 Document Dali and Sasha data store roles                
Documentation                             | HPCC-16871 Despray BLOBs with DFUPLus info                         
Documentation                             | HPCC-17010 DOCS:Prog.Guide. Add ID Attribute                       
Documentation, ESDL                       | HPCC-16917 DESDL Configuration Passthrough                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16234 Err/Warn break ECL Playground                           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16997 Users filter not functioning                            
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-17138 Fix potential race condition in the memory manager      
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17056 _stripWhitespaceFromStoredDataset not working in roxie  
Roxie                                     | HPCC-17135 Functions with TIME attribute not threadsafe            
Thor                                      | HPCC-16927 Global sort timeout not causing job to abort            
ecl command                               | HPCC-16897 FIX OSX client tools " missing"     

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.6-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.6-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.4-1 to 6.2.6-1

Build process                             | HPCC-17014 Split cmake execute_process commands up for gpg test    
Cassandra, Workunit                       | HPCC-16963 Failures from wutool -selftest                          
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16683 Avoid unnecessary traversing the body of delayed calls  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16683 Rename parameters for consistency following review      
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16798 Simplify guard condition of (x || (x && y)) -> x        
Dali                                      | HPCC-16839 Avoid issue when asyncBackup=false and backup node down 
Dali                                      | HPCC-16976 Fix external binary leak when asyncBackup is off        
ESP                                       | HPCC-16787 Add ESP Logging timing to TxSummary, etc                
ESP                                       | HPCC-16840 Do not log TxSummary if both user and request are empty 
ESP                                       | HPCC-16891 Add implementation independent method to ISmartSocket interface 
ESP                                       | HPCC-16891 Utilize hostname if available when constructing conn URL 
ESP, Security Manager                     | HPCC-16940 CPermissionsCache is corrupting password                
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16822 Extract query archive from DLL in WsWorkunits           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16825 Timing TreeMap / Graphs not working on IE8              
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16864 Download to CSV not working                             
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16966 embedded "__html" fails to render.                      
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16998 HIDL generated warning message needs new line char      
JLib                                      | HPCC-16981 Ensure StringAttr::set is safe when called with *this   
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-16920 Update despray regression test keyfile accordingly to latest changes 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16892 Thor master seg fault with Debug                        
Thor                                      | HPCC-16898 WuidRead inside child query provided wrong meta info.   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16928 Thor sort connection timeout too low                    
WS-Workunit Server                        | HPCC-16708 Retrieve correct number of thor slaves to get slave logs 
eclccserver, Workunit                     | HPCC-16866 Add flag hasArchive set even if archive is removed from text 
unittests                                 | HPCC-16968 Problem with executing wutool                           
unittests                                 | HPCC-16969 Wutool -selftest result has 3 failures.   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.4-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.4-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.2-1 to 6.2.4-1

                                          | HPCC-16910 Thor to thor copies between environments fail with dropzone error 
                                          | rename 6.2.4 branch to 6.2.6 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.2-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.2-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.0-2 to 6.2.2-1

                                          | HPCC-16619 Ensure no_select in out of line functions are normalized 
Build process                             | HPCC-16800 update module libcouchbase entry to plugins/couchbase/libcouchbase Without above git fetch submodule libcouchbase will fail on latest Jenkins 2.8 
Build process                             | HPCC-16801 Libuv permissions re-fix                                
Build process                             | HPCC-16814 move icui18n ahead of cuuc and icudata                  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16778 Syntax check the contents of macros                     
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16781 Various code generator transformation optimizations     
Documentation                             | HPCC-16795 copyright date 2017                                     
Documentation                             | HPCC-16845 Configuration Manager: Update htpasswd                  
Documentation                             | HPCC-16846 Fix Typo in PromoteSuperFileList topic                  
Documentation, ESDL                       | HPCC-15564 Document DESDL Front End                                
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16862 Esdlconfig Wsdl no longer generated with uppercase String var 
ESP                                       | HPCC-16761 Remove extra critset for ESP Logging queue              
ESP, Security Manager                     | HPCC-16816 Copy original password to cached secuser                
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16818 WUPublish not resolving query _indexFileNames           
Init system                               | HPCC-16837 Remove spaces from num_arenas assignment                
Init system, Thor                         | HPCC-16731 Set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX for better glibc malloc performance 
JLib                                      | HPCC-16521 CMemoryUsageReporter crash from klogctl bug             
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16841 repository not populating in ECL IDE                    
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16661 Added libhiredis submodule                              
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16823 - Library calls with unused inputs will core            
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16824 Roxie not handling namespace prefix on SOAP Header tags 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16828 Fix roxie not outputing raw response in block mode      
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16832 JOIN in roxie may leak rows if not consumed entirely   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.0-2

Known Limitations for 6.2.0-2
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.0-1 to 6.2.0-2
Build process                             | HPCC-16800 update module libcouchbase entry to plugins/couchbase/libcouchbase Without above git fetch submodule libcouchbase will fail on latest Jenkins 2.8 
Build process                             | HPCC-16801 Libuv permissions re-fix   

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.2.0-1

Known Limitations for 6.2.0-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-16749 The user interface to add custom binding data for ESP Bindings in Configuration Manager may not work as expected. You may have to manually edit the environment.xml file to set these values.

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.2.0-1 to 6.0.6-1
                                          | Added Field Usage support for Cassandra Workunits 
                                          | Cmake required version updated to 3.3.2 
                                          | Communtiy Edition 6.2.0-1 Gold 
                                          | Conditional changes to cmake version 
                                          | ConfigMgr 2.0 - The Configurator 
                                          | FieldUsage Logic Changes 
                                          | HPCC-15749 Add new EPlikelihood property 
                                          | HPCC-15750 Implement getLikelihood for And, OR, NOT 
                                          | HPCC-15751 Use getLikelihood of filter condition to decide whether to spill 
                                          | HPCC-16180 addscopes should offer the option to clear ldap cache 
                                          | HPCC-16634 Disabled selections block log access 
                                          | HPCC-16666 Add more tracing info for HPCC-15043 mplink closed 
                                          | HPCC-16688 Add CBlas library to lib2 for APPLE 
                                          | HPCC-16695 Spray segfaulted on UK Prod 
                                          | IDE-449 Document TortoiseGit integration 
                                          | Improve aborting procedure 
                                          | Re-work. Store History inside the Attr 
                                          | Update Visualization submodule to match 6.0.0 
                                          | gpg-patch-6.2-rc7 tty allocation for pinentry in gpgv2 w/ compatibility for gpg1 
Build process                             | HPCC-15142 DESTDIR moved to cmake variable                         
Build process                             | HPCC-15142 Documentation Changes for make install                  
Build process                             | HPCC-15142 Minimal changes needed for DESTDIR                      
Build process                             | HPCC-15142 OSX compatibility changes                               
Build process                             | HPCC-15445 Errors building master on OSX                           
Build process                             | HPCC-15671 Dpkg-shlibdeps fix for cassandra library                
Build process                             | HPCC-15793 Cassandra plugin not being built                        
Build process                             | HPCC-15810 Build errors with USE_CASSANDRA selected                
Build process                             | HPCC-16088 Excessive calls to install_name_tool                    
Build process                             | HPCC-16089 Fix trigraph warning in esp logging code                
Build process                             | HPCC-16090 - Build error on Clang in new logging code              
Build process                             | HPCC-16098 Cmake configure target now sets up ssh keys if not present 
Build process                             | HPCC-16109 WsEsdlConfig OSX build break                            
Build process                             | HPCC-16355 Fix compile error in dalift                             
Build process                             | HPCC-16355 Fix windows compile error for clienttools build         
Build process                             | HPCC-16467 Fix configurator file collision issue when installing plugin packages 
Build process                             | HPCC-16491 Work-around CMake productbuild packaging issue CMake productbuild generator doesn't work correct in CMake 3.7 rc1 Also add CXX flag to non-virtual destructor compiler error for CLANG 8.0.0 For OS X 10.9 may need to add -DOPENLDAP_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include" otherwise ldap.h may referenced incorrectly. 
Build process                             | HPCC-16519 Fix library path for clienttools It is be opt/HPCCSystems//clienttools instead of opt/HPCCSystems/lib 
Build process                             | HPCC-16527 Fixed for hpcc-init and dafilesrv       
Build process                             | HPCC-16561 Add support Ubuntu 16.10                                         
Build process                             | HPCC-16574 Add platform.h to the standalone clienttools package    
Build process                             | HPCC-16584 Ensure .sh files are only terminated with \n            
Build process                             | HPCC-16584 Ensure run time script files are \n terminated          
Build process                             | HPCC-16598 Removal of readdir_r for CriticalBlocked readdir() call 
Build process                             | HPCC-16615 Dependency list setup for ubuntu 16.10                  
Build process                             | HPCC-16616 -Werror=maybe-uninitialized ignored pragma              
Build process                             | HPCC-16617 GPG v2 compatibility changes                            
Build process                             | HPCC-16662 Update libcouchbase-cxx submodule to clarify licence    
Build process                             | HPCC-16745 Include zlib.dll in platform and clienttools packages   
Build process                             | HPCC-16753 Modified gpg call and version check for 16.10           
Build process, Cassandra                  | HPCC-16687 Turn off cassandra pkgconfig installation               
Build process, JLib                       | HPCC-8116 More compiler warning fixes                              
Build process, Plugins                    | HPCC-15587 Added Individual plugin addition, and exclusion, to builds 
Build process, Plugins                    | HPCC-15760 __declspec(noreturn) needed with __attribute__((noreturn)) 
Build process, Plugins                    | HPCC-16522 Added libcouchbase as submodule and packaged alongside plugin 
Build process, Plugins                    | HPCC-16522 Couchbase plugin build fix and moved USE_OPTIONAL       
Cassandra                                 | HPCC-15535 USE_CASSANDRA changes for cassandralogagent target      
Cassandra                                 | HPCC-15885 Cassandra cpp driver 2.4.x list type issue              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-12396 Add ability to time specific functions                  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-13826 Extension of index_field[1..n]=field to IN              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-13861 Remove rtlStrToStrX() call                              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-14988 Projecting fields into embeds                           
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15197 Generated c++ warns about narrowing conversions         
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15209 Limit eclcc compile errors                              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15210 Compile direct from .gz files                           
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15367 no_extractresults may prevent other optimizations       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15551 Reduce false positive suggestions for adding independent 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15565 Fix problems with inconsistent expression folding       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15572 Allow the parser state table to dynamically expand      
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15682 Add auto project for unprojected indexes                
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15701 Add no_likely                                           
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Add syntax for volatile modifier on a function          
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Final final changes taken from branch                   
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Fix incorrect mismerge (out of date parameter)          
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Remove calls to isPure()                                
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Restructure the flags - step1.  No code changes         
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Split volatile into two flags                           
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15767 Start merging changes made for volatile variables       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15775 Optimize count(dataset) and exists(dataset)             
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15844 Only add linkcounted modifier if not already present    
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15892 Allow EMBEDDED code to create a timing stat             
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15925 Minor code generator speed ups                          
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15925 Reduce the overhead of annotations by 8 bytes           
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15925 Remove extra 8 bytes from annotations                   
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15925 Remove mutex if hql compiled as single threaded         
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15993 Prevent embedded c++ from reporting other warnings as errors 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15993 Previous fix failed with spanMultipleCpp=1              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16267 Fix internal error on index with grandchild datasets with a row 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16345 Optimize MAX(unsigned, 0) and IF(unsigned < 0, 0, unsigned) 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16363 Reuse ISectionTimer instances in the same context       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16379 Allow typesdefs for SERVICE function return types       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16386 Improve hoisting of no_dataset_from_transform subgraphs 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16388 Generated #line directives can be split                 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16446 Fix various warnings in the code generator              
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16461 Fix eclcc hanging on signed code if gpg not installed   
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16503 Generate constant inline child datasets efficiently     
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16516 Associate results with the activity that creates them   
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16551 Ensure timing calls surround an external function call  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16558 Fix problems comparing serialized nested child datasets 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16559 Include descending sort orders when checking if sorted by all fields 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16560 Resource limit tracing should use output unsigned numbers 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16573 Java plugin causes complex queries to stack fault       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16620 Add //#IMPORT to control the legacy import semantics    
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16626 Fix regression in HPCC-16379 and ensure r/r errors are fatal 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16650 Error loading workunit: undefined symbol: _Z14rtlDecPushUtf8jPKc 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16697 Fix problem commoning conditional and unconditional expressions 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16704 CHOOSEN may not be short-circuited when inlined         
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16704 Improvements to CHOOSEN() short circuiting for python datasets 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16742 Add support for //#WHEN(LEGACY|MODERN)                  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16772 Fix core when symbol in base module is invalid          
Code Generator                            | HPCC-8603 When assign to SELF.x.y also check if SELF.x assigned    
Code Generator                            | HPCC-9578 ASSERT code is poor                                      
Code Generator, EclAgent, Roxie, Thor     | HPCC-10132 Implement constant rhs for lookup/smart join            
Code Generator, Roxie, Security Manager, Thor | HPCC-15930 Allow access to files to be restricted to signed code   
Code Generator, Roxie, Security Manager, Thor | HPCC-15930 Fix regression in csv attribute on pipe                 
Code Generator, Thor                      | HPCC-16041 Indicate if inline tables can be filtered               
Config Process/Services                   | HPCC-15220 ConfigMgr - Add custom binding parameters               
Config Process/Services                   | HPCC-15899 Change to WsDeployService string literal to STANDARD_CONFIG_STAGED_PATH 
Config Process/Services                   | HPCC-16585 Custom binding should not be empty                      
Config Process/Services                   | HPCC-16632 Add cassandra logging agent to init files               
Config Process/Services, Config UI        | HPCC-16013 Add a config option to enable/disable Views Security Feature 
Config Process/Services, JLib             | HPCC-16590 UDP stats reporting config option                       
Config UI                                 | HPCC-15734 ConfigMgr to add LDAPServer field for columnsBasedn     
Config UI                                 | HPCC-16010 LDAPServer incorrectly references ActiveDirectory       
Config UI                                 | HPCC-16227 Configmgr crash generating new xml                      
Config UI                                 | HPCC-16416 Remove extra semicolon following an if ()               
Config UI                                 | HPCC-16417 Replace - with ->                                       
Config UI                                 | HPCC-8614 Improved ConfigMgr                                       
Config Utils                              | HPCC-15636 envgen - set thor master option                         
Config Utils                              | HPCC-15962 Envgen - add options to specify multiple esp instances  
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-15947 Fix missing __declspec on class causing windows link error 
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-15965 Prevent CInterface::Release() from being inlined        
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-15965 Reorder inheritance for various significant classes     
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-15990 Remove a base class to speed up row creation            
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16194 SocketEndpointv4 added getUrlStr(StringBuffer &) to struct 
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16223 Fix CMPChannel object leak                              
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16265 Add DropZone @ECLWatchVisible handling to CLocalEnvironment 
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16366 Define enums with size                                  
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16418 Correct mismatched delete []                            
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16422 Fix clang warning about use of uninitialized variable   
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16439 Release file handle if fstat fails                      
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16579 Reduce notifyClosed tracing.                            
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16618 XmlSchema xs:fractionalDigits should be xs:fractionDigits 
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16743 Fix crash when using PARSE(NOT MATCHED)                 
DFS                                       | HPCC-15797 Restrict spray source to designated dropzones           
DFS                                       | HPCC-16132 Missing foreign subfiles cause problems to superfile ops. 
DFS                                       | HPCC-16440 Clear up some minor issues spotted by Coverity          
DFS                                       | HPCC-16440 Make compare check at top of clusterGroupCompare clearer 
DFS                                       | HPCC-16441 Fix super getAccessedTime method                        
DFU Server                                | HPCC-14344 Fix gcc warning in daformat.ipp                         
DFU Server                                | HPCC-16165 Spray CSV with Record Structure Present doesn't create ECL metadata 
DFU Server                                | HPCC-16376 Extend DFUplus to list or erase history                 
DFU Server                                | HPCC-16445 Fix a couple more uninitialised variables               
DFU Server                                | HPCC-16667 Despray setFilePerms to older dafilesrv compatibility   
Dali                                      | HPCC-15512 Add a csv output option to daliadmin stats              
Dali                                      | HPCC-16011 Add a daliadmin dfscheck command to locate dfs problems 
Dali                                      | HPCC-16172 Fix some usability issues with daliadmin add.           
Dali                                      | HPCC-16375 Add core functionality                                  
Dali                                      | HPCC-16442 Fix a few minor issues spotted by Coverity              
Dali                                      | HPCC-8742 Add a dfsls command to daliadmin/daliadmin               
Dali                                      | HPCC-8742 Changes following review                                 
Dali, Roxie, WS-ECL                       | HPCC-16554 Fix WsEcl seg fault when alias references missing query id 
Dali, Thor                                | HPCC-16751 Prevent potential join crash on stop()                  
Documentation                             | HPCC-12706 Revise Hardware Section                                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-13887 More Detail for clone, resume, and resubmit             
Documentation                             | HPCC-14025 Document Local and LDAPS Authentication                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-14192 Add Documentation for Nagios ThorMaster Checks          
Documentation                             | HPCC-14219 Using Multiple Credentials with Nagios                  
Documentation                             | HPCC-14549 RowTag required for XML Spray                           
Documentation                             | HPCC-15260 ECL Watch Slave Logs Dialog                             
Documentation                             | HPCC-15765 Document LIKELY/ UNLIKELY                               
Documentation                             | HPCC-15765 Edits based upon review                                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16014 Contributors file needs some refreshing                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16034 Fix typo in WHEN topic in LR                            
Documentation                             | HPCC-16157 dafilesrv setting for remote file access                
Documentation                             | HPCC-16199 Document Dali File access                               
Documentation                             | HPCC-16274 Roxie ldapUser info                                     
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Add more date/time functions to Std Lib Ref             
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Additional edits made based upon review                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Fix ID tags in new doc files                            
Documentation                             | HPCC-16399 Document hthorMemoryLimit                               
Documentation                             | HPCC-16400 Document Keyboard Shortcuts in IDE                      
Documentation                             | HPCC-16406 Document BLAS Support in Std Library                    
Documentation                             | HPCC-16408 Fix typos in UNICODE Topic                              
Documentation                             | HPCC-16420 DOCS CRON Ranges                                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-16489 Fix table in Comparison Operators docs                  
Documentation                             | HPCC-16502 Clarify short circuiting in OR expressions              
Documentation                             | HPCC-16658 Typo in STD.File.PromoteSuperFileList                   
Documentation                             | IDE-544 Document IDE Bookmarks                                     
Documentation                             | IDE-545 Document Tab Close to the right/left                       
Documentation                             | IDE-575 IDE Docs typo and clarification                            
Documentation                             | IDE-576 Document Background Color option                           
Documentation, Plugins                    | HPCC-12635 Add example plugin                                      
ECL Scheduler                             | HPCC-16415 Protect scheduler tree with a critical section          
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-13563 Add Std.String.FindWord function                        
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-13714 Option for #Webservice(Fields()) to include unspecified fields 
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-15887 Add time attribute to various standard library functions 
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-15997 Treat a month/day of 0 as 1 for simplicity              
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-16282 Add BLAS wrappers as standard library attributes and plugins 
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-16413 - TestDate.ecl failures on OSX                          
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15540 Provide command to unbind method from ESDL Bind         
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15541 ESDL Publish binding usage update                       
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15608 Method Level Authentication                             
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15608 Method Level Authentication  - Support access level for auth_feature, default to FULL 
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15608 Method Level Authentication - revert accidental check of CMakeLists.txt changes 
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15619 Enhance WsESDLConfig getESDLBinding method              
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16095 Result Monitoring ECL code generator                    
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16219 Result Monitoring - Also generate a direct comparison query 
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16245 Support ESPlist in esdl                                 
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16284 ESDL2ECL generate ECL comment regarding array max_count 
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16394 Fix ResultMontitoring ordering of adds and deletes      
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16557 Add helper method to dautils                            
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16557 Create ESDL Bindings/Defintions dali path by default    
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16557 Default DESDL root paths on dali upon query             
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16557 Ensure ESDL root paths at service load time             
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16557 Ensure SDS Path is referenced as a static function      
ESDL                                      | HPCC-16668 Virtualize ESDL related destructors                     
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-15375 Add default feature level authorization                 
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-15375 Changed default auth based on comments from service owners 
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-15375 DESDL Auto ESP feature auth                             
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-15375 Report all feature levels need upon failure             
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16083 Add new List ESP bindings of type desdl method          
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16083 Addressed issues from 2nd code review                   
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16083 Interface enhancements to help UI development           
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16123 Populate return fields                                  
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16158 Delete methods should acknowledge optional params       
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16162 Parse out ESDLService name for UI consumption           
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16162 Version intereface chages                               
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16181 Mechanism for pass-through method configuration         
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16226 Echo resulting binding                                  
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16247 Propagated 'LOG_'datasets to logging                    
ESDL, ESP                                 | HPCC-16251 Improve Ptree memory management                         
ESP                                       | HPCC-14168 Include who aborted a WU                                
ESP                                       | HPCC-14493 Cross domaing scripting of ESP API                      
ESP                                       | HPCC-14497 Log WUIDs for WsWorkunits.WUDeploy                      
ESP                                       | HPCC-14563 Fetch trxid from logging manager if available           
ESP                                       | HPCC-14703 Add Cassandra based logging agent                       
ESP                                       | HPCC-15481 Add 2 transaction ID functions to logging               
ESP                                       | HPCC-15494 Workunit results aren't cleared when WU is cloned       
ESP                                       | HPCC-15513 Fix missing Build Version in ZAP report                 
ESP                                       | HPCC-15569 Send 'No matching query' error when query not found     
ESP                                       | HPCC-15570 Get WUQueryDetails by queryID or query alias            
ESP                                       | HPCC-15659 Add "Refresh" to results view                           
ESP                                       | HPCC-15699 Add column-level security enforcement                   
ESP                                       | HPCC-15769 Remove Deprecated features from Feature Permission List 
ESP                                       | HPCC-16036 Add option to bypass cached WUResult in WsWorkunits     
ESP                                       | HPCC-16169 Extend securecontext                                    
ESP                                       | HPCC-16260 Support new public parameter per DZ                     
ESP                                       | HPCC-16353 Provide static array size                               
ESP                                       | HPCC-16423 Ensure subclass methods signature is correct            
ESP                                       | HPCC-16437 Fix wrong length passed to MessageBuffer.append         
ESP                                       | HPCC-16455 Fix a few more unbounded strcpy examples                
ESP                                       | HPCC-16755 Release log queue lock after a queue item is read       
ESP                                       | HPCC-9230 remove unused php ESP sub_service defines                
ESP, Roxie                                | HPCC-9440 Support HTTP Expect: 100-continue in Roxie and ESP       
ESP, Security Manager                     | HPCC-16257 Provide Binding node to sec manager plugins             
EclAgent                                  | HPCC-16419 Fix compiler warning                                    
EclAgent                                  | HPCC-16435 Coverity: Resource leaks                                
EclAgent                                  | HPCC-16656 Debug Regression                                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-12131 Xref Upgrade                                            
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-12464 Dynamic ESDL U/I                                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13041 No error message when uploading a file                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13194 Adding subfiles to super via ECLwatch                   
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13498 Ability to export list to CSV                           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13695 Simplify error messages "copy to clipboard"             
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14148 Support paging in security area                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14453 Preflight upgrade                                       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14777 Landing Zone Search                                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15121 Add WsWorkunits.WUGetNumFileToCopy                      
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15121 Modify based on review comments                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15341 add abortby and abortTime for workunit                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15590 Refer users to admin for group rename                   
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15681 Add WsTopology.TpMachineInfo                            
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15704 Show error count                                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15791 Add ECLWatchVisible to ConfigMgr                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15798 Aborting Workunit Translation missing                   
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15799 Add minimal linting                                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15859 Graph List Sorting and "null" fields                    
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16006 Remove sources link                                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16061 Improve nest datasets in result viewer                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16108 Add UI centric enhancements                             
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16108 Several changes based off code review                   
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16188 Physical Tabs in DESDL not changing                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16222 Grid always opens last file in the list                 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16225 Add employee ID to user areas                           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16277 Add json_inline                                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16277 Return WsDFUXref response in JSON                       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16317 Results fail to display                                 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16325 Add CSV download option for Results                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16359 ws_account need to return EmployeeID on MyAccount       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16364 Add read-only employeeID                                
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16365 Result contents not being encoded                       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16378 Nested datasets not displaying                          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16396 Enable latedef linting                                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16397 Build failing due to syntax issues.                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16405 Preflight upgrade not opening tabs                      
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16523 Output did not return false or 0                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16556 Show message when no DESDL services                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16564 EmployeeID not showing up                               
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16565 ws_access/UserQuery needs to return employeeID          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16604 Remove TODO from topology page                          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16763 Fix typo in language files                              
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16763 Invalid JSON in language files                          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16764 ES Translations                                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16765 PT-BR Translations                                      
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16766 ZH Translations                                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16767 Add HU translations                                     
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16768 BS, HR, SR Translations                                 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16771 Unable to add user to LDAP group                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16773 Typo in english trans file                              
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16774 Member widgets not showing active members               
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16790 BS ES HR PT-BR SR ZH Translations                       
Embedded Languages                        | HPCC-16487 Can't import tensorflow in embedded python              
Embedded Languages                        | HPCC-16511 Python plugin mixes up local and global scopes          
Embedded Languages                        | HPCC-16512 Avoid using global scope to pass parameters to embedded python 
Init system                               | HPCC-15893 Script tmp.txt cleanup                                  
Init system                               | HPCC-15921 Support Linux /tmp hardening                            
Init system                               | HPCC-16099 Add check to init-functions for getopt compatibility    
Init system                               | HPCC-16200 Systemd hpcc startup file perms cause kernel msgs       
Init system                               | HPCC-16349 Added logging to init_thor for frunssh and uslaves check 
Init system                               | HPCC-16398 Force kill after sigterm attempt (exception for dali)   
Init system                               | HPCC-16535 INIT_PID_NAME missing from init_thor                    
JLib                                      | HPCC-11367 Add spinlock back into constructor following review     
JLib                                      | HPCC-11367 review and clean up use of spinlocks                    
JLib                                      | HPCC-12883 Remove socket fd max from select and epoll              
JLib                                      | HPCC-15361 Use std::atomic for spin locks                          
JLib                                      | HPCC-15362 Remove other uses of atomic_t from jlib                 
JLib                                      | HPCC-15447 Move a few static variables out of functions            
JLib                                      | HPCC-15451 Add c++11 move semantics to string classes              
JLib                                      | HPCC-15486 Remove unused jmalloc code                              
JLib                                      | HPCC-15705 Fix regression in HPCC-15362                            
JLib                                      | HPCC-15757 Add non-inplace string replace function to StringBuffer 
JLib                                      | HPCC-16055 Avoid fatal errors accessing stats from an old esp      
JLib                                      | HPCC-16383 CentOS5 epoll_create1() build issue                     
JLib                                      | HPCC-16432 Initialise members of struct tm to avoid warning        
JLib                                      | HPCC-16434 Coverity: Resource leak                                 
JLib                                      | HPCC-16436 Fix minor leak when pipe fails to start                 
JLib                                      | HPCC-16454 Fix potential buffer overflows (low likelihood)         
JLib                                      | HPCC-16518 Fix potentially hitting asserts in UDP/SNMP reports     
JLib                                      | HPCC-16541 jsocket / MP link closed tracing                        
JLib                                      | HPCC-16546 Allow statistics to be filtered by value                
JLib, Performance suite                   | HPCC-16339 Both summary01last.ecl and summary02all.ecl are segfaulted in performance test. 
JLib, Roxie                               | HPCC-15845 Add support for average/sd on query stats               
JLib, Roxie                               | HPCC-15845 Fix a couple of issues following own review             
JLib, Thor                                | HPCC-15933 Fix mismerge from 6.0.4 to master                       
JLib, Thor                                | HPCC-16481 Persistent Thor Performance Monitor for UDP stats       
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15864 Investigate improvements to LDAP cache                  
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16179 Redundant LDAP server not used                          
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16525 LDAP Connection reconnects without SSL                  
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE after LdapBind w/TLS                     
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE after ldap_bind() calls                  
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE before ldap_unbind                       
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15360 Switch the memory manager over to using std::atomic     
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15496 Refactor DataBuffer code                               
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15995 Allow heapflags to be configured in thor                
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15995 Implementation of scanning heaplets                     
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16018 Implement blocked heap allocators                       
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16020 Make memTraceLevel into a static variable               
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16385 Add support for number of allocation scans statistic    
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16385 Minor refactor of the roxie row allocator creation functions 
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16421 Improve register usage, and prefetch the next potential address 
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16499 Add tracing for excessive scanning in the new allocator 
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-16602 Fix potential over allocation in global shared heap     
NagiosMonitoring                          | HPCC-14218 Using Multiple Credentials with Nagios                  
Performance suite                         | HPCC-15940 Disable crc for benchmark                               
Performance suite                         | HPCC-16003 Terasort optimization                                   
Plugins                                   | HPCC-14405 Redis Plugin - cache all subscription connections       
Plugins                                   | HPCC-14405 Redis Plugin - use cached connection for subscriptions  
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15292 Redis Plugin - make connection caching optional         
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15499 Redis Plugin: add redis command INCRBY                  
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15542 Regression from HPCC-15499                              
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15612 Libcouchbase as an embedded language in ECL             
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15612 Merging M. Gardner's CMAKE changes                      
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15612 Target hpcc-systems' fork of libcouchbase-cxx           
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15616 Redis plugin - UNWATCH WATCHed key in UNLOCK            
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15655 Change tooltips                                         
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15655: Allow port number and direct host for mysql server HPCC-15655 Set mysql connection port and use host HPCC-15655 Fix a bug 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15656: Add the ability to log Response Time  - add ResponseTime in ms to logging 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15656: Add the ability to log Response Time  - the response time keeps 4 digits after decimal points 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15657: ESPLogging Agent: Filters Type should be enumeration, instead of free text 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15710 Redis Plugin - close connection on exception            
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15785 - Improve connection re-use in MySQL driver             
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15805 - Update to latest (2.4.1) Cassandra driver             
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16084 MySQL Plugin connection cache - retire old connections  
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16085 MySQL plugin connection cache needs to retry on failure 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16091 MySQL Plugin connection cache - make values configurable 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16105 Fileservices checkExternalFileRights() incorrect check  
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16249 All string results were inexplicably nulled out         
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16249 Provide const static NULL Field processor               
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16264 Couchbase plugin accept port for connection string      
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16409 Regression suite failures from BLAS library selftests   
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16425 Add missing va_end call in success code                 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16448 WorkunitServices filter by priority code incorrect      
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16449 Various coverity warnings in Cassandra plugin           
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16570 Correct prototype of Extract_Tri so it is exported      
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16571 Mangle the functions exported from eclblas plugin       
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16625 Add options to control lifetime of global variables in embedded Python 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16655 Extract_Tri anomaly in eclblas                          
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16661 Added libhiredis submodule                              
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16669 - Test suite failures on embedpy-fold and embedpy-catch 
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16705 Returning nested dataset from embedded Python is not assuming LINKCOUNTED 
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-15880 In Regression Suite mysqlembed.ecl failed in OBT.       
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-16322 A test of parallel child queries that request results   
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-16458 Spray regression test cases failed after drop zone restriction reactivated. 
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-16492 Rediserrortest.ecl doesn't handle subscribe timeout     
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15664 Add gzip header to http/soapcall test result key files  
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15686 ecl-test is assuming eclcc is in /usr/bin               
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15881 Improve test result and keyfile diff handling           
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-16023 ecl-test only supports a single -f argument             
Roxie                                     | HPCC-14142 Roxie could avoid exists() call in fileUpToDate         
Roxie                                     | HPCC-14732 Address Cleaner Plugin options with ConfigMgr           
Roxie                                     | HPCC-14732 Address Cleaner Plugin options with Configmgr           
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15392 Remove non-functional crcResources option in Roxie      
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15404 Optimize roxie standalone queries                       
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15871 Add a mode for standalone Roxie queries to use a local workunit 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15878 - Minor leaks reported from Valgrind                    
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15884 Add support for function timings to roxie slave activities 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16130 Change default timeout on ok_to_send response           
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16426 Uninitialized fields reported by coverity               
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16452 - Suppress more coverity defect reports                 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16529 Protect update of stats with a critical section         
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16665 Roxie core dumps when PIPE activity stopped before it was started 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16782 Excessive tracing of aggregate strand processor creation 
Roxie, Thor                               | HPCC-16012 Fix class name clash between Thor and Roxie             
Security Manager                          | HPCC-15005 Support creating service accounts for HPCC              
Security Manager                          | HPCC-15696 Add column-level security support for Security Managers 
Security Manager                          | HPCC-16030 Security Manager cache to implement read/write locks    
Security Manager                          | HPCC-16086 Security permissions values are hardcoded               
Security Manager                          | HPCC-16309 Security Manager to improve handling access code        
Security Manager                          | HPCC-16351 Convert SecAccess flags to typesafe enum                
Security Manager                          | HPCC-16351 Fix build break                                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15525 Ensure index parts are not reloaded in child queries    
Thor                                      | HPCC-15525 Minor changes following review                          
Thor                                      | HPCC-15666 Fix multipart index regressions                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15678 Index group aggregate on multi slave thor deadlock      
Thor                                      | HPCC-15916 Added more verbose logging to init_thorslave            
Thor                                      | HPCC-15939 Debug/@fileCrcDisabled check not correct                
Thor                                      | HPCC-15939 Debug/@fileCrcDisabled defaults                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15953 Ordering fix for Local wuid write with EXTEND           
Thor                                      | HPCC-15987 Minor improvements to disk read processing              
Thor                                      | HPCC-15987 Reorder assignments to optimize return builder.finalizeRowClear() 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16009 Improve the code for CRowStreamReader with no limit     
Thor                                      | HPCC-16051 A couple of problems in prev. commit spotted/fixed      
Thor                                      | HPCC-16051 Fix problems with child act. initialization             
Thor                                      | HPCC-16071 Default Thor and roxie to using the new scanning allocator 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16147 Fix keyedjoin skip bug.                                 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16213 - Thor allocates 0 pages on OSX                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-16221 Include all available nodes in the auto affinity        
Thor                                      | HPCC-16228 Implement parallel child queries                        
Thor                                      | HPCC-16254 Fix regression in child group master activity.          
Thor                                      | HPCC-16361 Respect 'sequential' flag when executing sibling child queries 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16369 Fix missing child query progress issue                  
Thor                                      | HPCC-16374 Fix invalid indexes created in regression test          
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 A couple of other stop() cases being called early       
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Change in hasStarted() caused selfjoin stall            
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Ensure stop is not called until after all rows returned 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Fix issue with unstarted conditionals                   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Fix issues with stopping arms of conditionals           
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Reinstate hasStarted check in dataLinkIncrement         
Thor                                      | HPCC-16430 Fix minor master merge activity leak                    
Thor                                      | HPCC-16443 Minor change to method prototype                        
Thor                                      | HPCC-16444 Minor issue with overrideReplicateDirectory setting     
Thor                                      | HPCC-16447 Fix potential integer overflow calculating array size   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16488 Thor cleaner abort/signal shutdown                      
Thor                                      | HPCC-16534 Multi part disk aggregates failed to merge stats.       
Thor                                      | HPCC-16610 Ensure lookup join with const RHS still stops RHS.      
Thor                                      | HPCC-16636 Superfile locks held too long if read from child query  
Thor                                      | HPCC-16671 Fix potential stall in lookupjoin in multichannel child query 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16769 Avoid locking out stats/watchdog thread for long periods during slow disk opens 
WS-Access/Account                         | HPCC-15732 Update ESP web services to support column level security 
WS-ECL                                    | HPCC-14499 Allow WsECL VIP DNS cache timeout to be configurable    
WS-ECL                                    | HPCC-15454 Filter out duplicated schemas for WU Results XML        
WS-ECL                                    | HPCC-15702 Misspelled property name in ws_ecl_service.cpp          
WS-Workunit Server                        | HPCC-15216 Add WsWorkunits.WUUpdateQueryEntry                      
WS-Workunit Server                        | HPCC-16077 Add option to download WU result in CSV format          
Workunit                                  | HPCC-14459 Job queues should not ignore queued items from closed clients 
Workunit                                  | HPCC-15802 Add a text stats filter format                          
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-15792 Re-enable restriction on despraying only to dropzones   
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-15943 Dafilesrv status check to alleviate port in use issue   
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-16271 Dafilesrv copyfile exception crash                      
ecl command                               | HPCC-14879 Fix windows compile regression                          
ecl command                               | HPCC-14879 Support gzip option in soapcall                         
ecl command                               | HPCC-15312 Fix ecl-queries-copy-set not setting shared object directory 
ecl command, EclWatch                     | HPCC-13243 Indicate Opt and Compulsory in Packagemap validation report 
eclcc                                     | HPCC-15180 Add eclcc option to save field usage                    
eclcc                                     | HPCC-15727 Can't fold functions in eclrtl on OSX                   
eclcc                                     | HPCC-15728 foldExternalCall C++ mangling issues                    
eclcc                                     | HPCC-15847 Add --leakcheck option to aid catching memory leaks     
eclcc                                     | HPCC-16124 GPG Signing changes                                     
eclcc                                     | HPCC-16124 PLUGINS ON will negate SIGN_MODULES                     
eclcc                                     | HPCC-16124 Swap Default for SIGN_MODULES back to off               
eclcc                                     | HPCC-16270 Support constant folding of embedded code               
eclccserver                               | HPCC-15286 Improve eclccserver tracing                             
eclccserver                               | HPCC-16569 Report eclccserver rather than eclserver terminated     
eclrtl                                    | HPCC-16038 Ensure headers and separators are utf8 for unicode csv  
eclrtl                                    | HPCC-16038 Fix regression with CSV(HEADING(),UTF)             
unittests                                 | HPCC-16689 Unittests hangs up after it reports the result.         


Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.12-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.12-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.10-1 to 6.0.12-1
Documentation                             | HPCC-16795 copyright date 2017                                     
Init system                               | HPCC-16837 Remove spaces from num_arenas assignment                
Init system, Thor                         | HPCC-16731 Set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX for better glibc malloc performance 
JLib                                      | HPCC-16521 CMemoryUsageReporter crash from klogctl bug             
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16661 Added libhiredis submodule                              
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16823 - Library calls with unused inputs will core            
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16824 Roxie not handling namespace prefix on SOAP Header tags 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16828 Fix roxie not outputing raw response in block mode      
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16832 JOIN in roxie may leak rows if not consumed entirely  

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.10-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.10-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.8-1 to 6.0.10-1
                                          | HPCC-16666 Add more tracing info for HPCC-15043 mplink closed 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16573 Java plugin causes complex queries to stack fault       
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16772 Fix core when symbol in base module is invalid          
Config Process/Services, JLib             | HPCC-16590 UDP stats reporting config option                       
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16743 Fix crash when using PARSE(NOT MATCHED)                 
DFU Server                                | HPCC-16667 Despray setFilePerms to older dafilesrv compatibility   
Documentation                             | HPCC-14192 Add Documentation for Nagios ThorMaster Checks          
Documentation                             | HPCC-14219 Using Multiple Credentials with Nagios                  
Documentation                             | HPCC-16157 dafilesrv setting for remote file access                
Documentation                             | HPCC-16199 Document Dali File access                               
Documentation                             | HPCC-16274 Roxie ldapUser info                                     
Documentation                             | HPCC-16408 Fix typos in UNICODE Topic                              
Documentation                             | IDE-575 IDE Docs typo and clarification                            
NagiosMonitoring                          | HPCC-14218 Using Multiple Credentials with Nagios                  
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16665 Roxie core dumps when PIPE activity stopped before it was started 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16782 Excessive tracing of aggregate strand processor creation 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16671 Fix potential stall in lookupjoin in multichannel child query 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16769 Avoid locking out stats/watchdog thread for long periods during slow disk opens 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.8-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.8-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.6-1 to 6.0.8-1
Build process                             | HPCC-16598 Removal of readdir_r for CriticalBlocked readdir() call 
Build process                             | HPCC-16615 Dependency list setup for ubuntu 16.10                  
Build process                             | HPCC-16616 -Werror=maybe-uninitialized ignored pragma              
Build process                             | HPCC-16617 GPG v2 compatibility changes                            
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16388 Generated #line directives can be split                 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16650 Error loading workunit: undefined symbol: _Z14rtlDecPushUtf8jPKc 
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-16579 Reduce notifyClosed tracing.                            
Documentation                             | HPCC-12706 Revise Hardware Section                                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-13887 More Detail for clone, resume, and resubmit             
Documentation                             | HPCC-15260 ECL Watch Slave Logs Dialog                             
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Add more date/time functions to Std Lib Ref             
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Additional edits made based upon review                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Edits made based upon review                            
Documentation                             | HPCC-16367 Fix ID tags in new doc files                            
Documentation                             | HPCC-16399 Document hthorMemoryLimit                               
Documentation                             | HPCC-16400 Document Keyboard Shortcuts in IDE                      
Documentation                             | HPCC-16420 DOCS CRON Ranges                                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-16420 Edits based upon review                                 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16489 Fix table in Comparison Operators docs                  
JLib                                      | HPCC-15486 Remove unused jmalloc code                              
JLib                                      | HPCC-16518 Fix potentially hitting asserts in UDP/SNMP reports     
JLib                                      | HPCC-16541 jsocket / MP link closed tracing                        
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE after LdapBind w/TLS                     
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE after ldap_bind() calls                  
LDAP                                      | HPCC-16611 Ignore SIGPIPE before ldap_unbind                       
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16448 WorkunitServices filter by priority code incorrect      
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 A couple of other stop() cases being called early       
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Change in hasStarted() caused selfjoin stall            
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Ensure stop is not called until after all rows returned 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Fix issue with unstarted conditionals                   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Fix issues with stopping arms of conditionals           
Thor                                      | HPCC-16387 Reinstate hasStarted check in dataLinkIncrement         
Thor                                      | HPCC-16636 Superfile locks held too long if read from child query  

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.6-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.6-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.4-1 to 6.0.6-1
Code Generator                            | HPCC-12789 Evaluate child queries after skips if not dependant     
Code Generator                            | HPCC-16142 Fix problems creating spills from dictionaries          
DFS                                       | HPCC-15763 Increase default physical parallel delete limit.        
DFS                                       | HPCC-16092 Log filename CDelayedDelete is pending on.              
DFU Server                                | HPCC-14655 Handle environment connection reload failure            
Documentation                             | HPCC-16059 Improve example code for STD.Str.Contains               
Documentation                             | HPCC-16076 DOCS: Fix Errors generating docs                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-16081 Improve documentation for Dali setting filesDefaultUser 
Documentation                             | HPCC-16178 Docs fix link to See Also in FETCH topic                
Documentation                             | HPCC-16350 Add docs for some Date Functions                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-16350 Fix dupe ID tag                                         
Documentation                             | HPCC-16356 Add CurrentTime to Std Lib Ref                          
Documentation                             | HPCC-16356 Add some Time functions to Std Library Reference        
ESP                                       | HPCC-15744 Allow to '~file::::' opens an external file with any character that's invalid to a logical file path. 
ESP                                       | HPCC-16103 Removed logging from common/remote/rmtssh.cpp           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14207 Make sure graphids returned by WUQueryDetails are unique 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14767 Persist filters in "openInNewWindow"                    
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15848 Graph properties fail to display                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15857 GraphTreeWidget missing tooltips                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15922 Despray to a single Landing Zone fails                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15978 Possible deadlock on blocking splitter when stopping    
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16057 Requesting thorslave log gives error                    
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16096 Add "legacy" mode for results.                          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16191 Add missing alerts in ECL Watch                         
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16222 Grid always opens last file in the list                 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-16341 Build system breaks function hoisting                   
Init system, Thor                         | HPCC-16211 Thor slaves need MALLOC_ARENA_MAX env var set           
JLib, Thor                                | HPCC-15933 Add a new NumCompares stat ready for generating in 6.2  
Plugins                                   | HPCC-16046 Avoid potential invalid memory access or garbage output in Kafka plugin 
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-16175 Thor issue13081.ecl multislave stable                   
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15895 Roxie NWay expanded input v input stream handling fixes 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15970 Implement getDaliServers() in roxie                     
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16060 Fix regression causing roxie log of query id to be lost 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16116 - Improve tracing when setting thread priorities        
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16117 UDP messaging threads should run at elevated priority   
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16140 Roxie fails with assert(factory) error if workunit submitted multiple times 
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16173 Add tracing to note lost UDP packets in roxie log       
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16173 Fix windows compile error                               
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16315: Fix roxie json response missing "Results" object       
Roxie, Thor                               | HPCC-16288 Revert "HPCC-12789 Evaluate child queries after skips if not dependant" 
Thor                                      | HPCC-15849 Splitter timing caused downstream timings to be wrong   
Thor                                      | HPCC-15945 Thor slave hang in countproject                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-16004 UPDATE regression fix                                   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16064 Log stalled splitter outputs                            
Thor                                      | HPCC-16093 Fix potential deadlock race condition                   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16094 Directly check workunit aborting in abort handler       
Thor                                      | HPCC-16097 Memory leak when using Java plugin                      
Thor                                      | HPCC-16120 Fix type causing regression in init_thor script         
Thor                                      | HPCC-16121 Problems with virtual logicalfilename in superfiles     
Thor                                      | HPCC-16193 Prevent lightweight selfjoin deadlocking on stop        
Thor                                      | HPCC-16248 Fix minor leak in splitter                              
Thor                                      | HPCC-16250 Fix leaking JOIN LHS if LHS already sorted              
Thor                                      | HPCC-16256 Avoid re-reading wuid result per child query execution  
Thor                                      | HPCC-16266 Fix issue with SOAP DATASET/ACTION inside child query   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16269 Fix thormaster wuid read result leak                    
Workunit                                  | HPCC-16016 CheckAbnormalTermination could incorrectly report job failed 
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-16185 Allow Dali file access auth when no scope scanning enabled 
eclcc                                     | HPCC-16106 eclcc cores when using -qa and -main together           
eclrtl                                    | HPCC-16308 Avoid using the decimal stack for decimal->string conversion 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.4-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.4-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.2-1 to 6.0.4-1

Config Utils, Init system                 | HPCC-15920 Optimize number and placement of configgen calls        
Core Libraries                            | HPCC-15976 Fix build break in centos 5 (very old numa support)     
DFS, EclAgent                             | HPCC-15748 HThor virtual(logicalfilename) fails on superfile with 1 subfile 
Documentation                             | HPCC-14870 DOCS:Clusters Display as Links in ECLWatch              
Documentation                             | HPCC-14895 DOCS:Update Name value in Feature Level Authentication  
Documentation                             | HPCC-15740 Remove deprecated RFS functions from Std Lib Ref        
Documentation                             | HPCC-15755 DOCS:Correction to ECL SEQUENTIAL example               
Documentation                             | HPCC-15780 Typo in REGEXFINDSET topic in LR                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-15809 DOCS:Add Enable Virtualization Notice                   
Documentation                             | HPCC-16029 Add COMPRESSED option to OUTPUT CSV Docs                
Documentation                             | HPCC-16049 DOCS:Add Proper ID Attributes                           
Documentation                             | HPCC-16073 DOCS: Fix Errors generating docs                        
Documentation                             | HPCC-16076 DOCS: Fix Errors generating docs                        
Documentation                             | IDE-543 DOCS:Submit Select                                         
Documentation, EclWatch                   | HPCC-15484 DOCS:Update ECL Watch Superfile - Sub file (removal button) 
ECL Standard Library                      | HPCC-15850 Remove duplicate format tests for Std.Date module       
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15917 DESDL Engine should treat all data as UTF8              
ESP                                       | HPCC-15768 Attach the archive to ZAP using IP/Name                 
ESP                                       | HPCC-15873 Add FileUploadAccess to default permissions             
ESP                                       | HPCC-15982 Add ServiceBuildSet to WsTopology TpBinding             
EclServer                                 | HPCC-15876 Add information about the global heap when out of memory 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13459 Fix auto refresh for Roxie Metrics display not working  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14614 Sorting by total thor time isn't working                
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15801 Advanced menu context enabling                          
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15828 Alphabetize member of list                              
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15872 Edit permission event not firing                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15903 Archived WU filter does not work                        
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15988 Query test pages fail to load                           
Init system                               | HPCC-15677 Fixed incorrect path in frunssh failure output          
JLib                                      | HPCC-15937 Add new stats in 6.2 to 6.0.4 to aid backward compatibility 
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15954 ESP crash with 389DS LDAP and creating default OU       
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15956 LDAP base OU not created in Active Directory            
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15980 Fix upmerge of change from 5.6.6                        
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15980 Foreign file request honored to unauthenticated user    
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15826 Remove invalid dbgassertex in memory manager            
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15952 Execute void transactions up-front                      
Regression Suite, Thor                    | HPCC-15824 Thor multislave regression results                      
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15836 Improve ZAP archives creation for failed OBT jobs       
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15877 Fix roxie server context 'trim' value not being set     
Roxie, Thor                               | HPCC-15875 Thor NWay expanded input v input stream handling fixes  
Roxie, WS-ECL                             | HPCC-15981 Roxie SOAP response missing outer tags Results/Result   
Thor                                      | HPCC-15788 Thor logs should report virtual slave info              
Thor                                      | HPCC-15829 Race condition spilling result stream after read        
Thor                                      | HPCC-15894 Need to use primary comparitor if no key serializer     
Thor                                      | HPCC-15950 Race condition in firstn inside child query             
Thor                                      | HPCC-15955 Fix All Join stop by conditional activity regression    
Thor                                      | HPCC-15958 Numa binding when ids have gaps                         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15960 Avoid calling seletnth getRowToSelect too early         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15966 Master activity needs reseting on init request.         
Thor                                      | HPCC-15985 Fix uninitialised variable in CSplitterOutput::getMetaInfo 
Thor                                      | HPCC-15985 Fix uninitialised variable in NSplitterSlaveActivity::getMetaInfo 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16040 Fix regression in HPCC-15985                            
ecl command                               | HPCC-15971 Set command line return code when exceptions returned   
ecl command                               | HPCC-15971 Update based on review                                  
eclccserver                               | HPCC-15832 Regex unicode can core on illegal regex                 

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.2-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.2-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.0-2 to 6.0.2-1

BackUpNode                                | HPCC-15566 Fixed bug with backupnode log files being overwritten   
Build process                             | HPCC-15434 System agnostic implementation of libmemcached generation 
Build process                             | HPCC-15567 Remove libmemcached download artifact on failed download 
Build process                             | HPCC-15576 Option for mysql support                                
Build process                             | HPCC-15672 Do not force CPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE             
Build process                             | HPCC-15687 Configure buildset based on Build Level Abbreviation    
Build process                             | HPCC-15761 Suppress spurious warnings on OSX builds                
Build process, Documentation, Init system | HPCC-13583 DOCS:systemd init usage                                 
Cassandra, EclWatch, ESP                  | HPCC-15804 ECLWatch displays partial WU XML when using Cassandra   
Cassandra, ecl command                    | HPCC-15789 Ecl run command fails when Cassandra workunits are enabled 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15611 Do not percolate constants into a keyed distribute condition 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15640 Do not mark unresolved selections from modules as constant 
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15712 Spurious warnings from generated code when using Clang  
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15713 Spurious compiler warnings in generated code            
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15714 Fix row incorrectly tagged as a member variable         
Code Generator                            | HPCC-15720 Remove side-effect dependencies between parameters      
DFU Server                                | HPCC-15679 An attempt to replace a logical file belongs to a superfile with re-spray generates wrong error message. 
DFU Server                                | HPCC-15787 Write a log entry and continue instead of throw an exception when the de-spray target is not in any drop zone. 
Documentation                             | HPCC-13193 DOCS:SysAdmin -More Roxie Setup info                    
Documentation                             | HPCC-15281 DOCS:ECLWatch Security U/I updates                      
Documentation                             | HPCC-15673 DOCS:Text overflow in Security Manager Doc              
Documentation                             | HPCC-15680 DOCS:Table Format in Cassandra Sect.                    
Documentation                             | HPCC-15688 DOCS:Update the Platform binary                         
Documentation                             | HPCC-15690 Improve examples STD.Date.FromStringToDate              
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15553 WsESDLConfig onpublishesdlconfig use correct param      
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15577 ESDLConfig getESDLBinding report failures                                          
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15591 DESDL - use loaded service name as actual service name  
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15668 XSLT disable automatic encoding                         
ESDL                                      | HPCC-15739 Fix issue with IXmlWriterExt saving state for possible rewind 
ESP                                       | HPCC-15452 JSON spray target lists group names                     
ESP                                       | HPCC-15706 HTTP headers need to be parsed in a case-insensitive manner 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-13069 Job queue menu items not disabled                       
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14037 ECL Watch Resource URL always equals 1                  
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-14615 ECL workunit list refreshing                            
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15647 Display first 12 chars of description in legacy ECLWatch 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15647 Not truncate Description in DFUQuery response           
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15716 ECL Watch reports different information between new and legacy modes 
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15831 Fix truncated filename backward compatibility issue.    
EclWatch                                  | HPCC-15831 Iterator re-read flag causing issue to persist          
FTSlave                                   | HPCC-15461 FTSlave incorrectly reports/logs chunk parameters at start of the transfer. 
Init system                               | HPCC-15807 Added psmisc package to dependencies for thorslave restarts 
JLib                                      | HPCC-14424 Memory stats not all correct                            
JLib                                      | HPCC-15416 Calculate heap memory in use                            
JLib                                      | HPCC-15707 Fix getVMInfo scanf format                              
JLib                                      | HPCC-15715 Use pread for getMemUsage()                             
JLib                                      | HPCC-15759 Avoid malloc in forked process before exec.             
LDAP                                      | HPCC-15855 ESP cores in LDAP cache code                            
Memory Manager                            | HPCC-15819 Trace global memory manager and include callbacks       
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15477 Removed postinst, prerm scripts from plugin packages    
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15660 Can't pass stored values to EMBED options in Thor       
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15663 Fileservices plugin is not threadsafe                   
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15692 Embedded TRANSFORM in MySQL failing                     
Plugins                                   | HPCC-15694 MySQL executed twice for scalar results                 
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-15753 Add a SMART,LOCAL test to regression suite              
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-15776 New test despray.ecl fails on Roxie the first time it runs 
Regression Suite                          | HPCC-15794 Update key file of despray regression test case in conformity with the changes in HPCC-15787 
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-13029 Clean up unit tests                                     
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15389 Create ZAP archives for failed OBT jobs                 
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15466 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle properly the test execution retry count. 
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15600 Use a consistent include directory for the regression tests 
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15685 Allow server to be configured from ecl-test command line 
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15722 Compiler regression suite doesn't run on OSX            
Regression Test Engine                    | HPCC-15735 Regression test engine uses wrong ESP server address    
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15136 Add a statistic to include the number of strands        
Roxie                                     | HPCC-15691 Standalone Roxie programs can core in in checkConnection 
Thor                                      | HPCC-14867 Better cleanup when aborting a job                      
Thor                                      | HPCC-15674 Report key node stats. at end of graph, not per channel 
Thor                                      | HPCC-15683 Smart join deadlock if only some nodes fit in mem                                            
Thor                                      | HPCC-15695 Smart lookup, fix a few bugs + add a few optimizations  
Thor                                      | HPCC-15754 Fix Smart,LOCAL regression                              
Thor                                      | HPCC-15756 Fix SMART,LOCAL group right input regression            
Thor                                      | HPCC-15764 KeyedJoin crash if condtional stop chained without start 
Thor                                      | HPCC-15818 Chained stop from condtionals regression effecting LIMIT 
Thor                                      | HPCC-15822 Uninitialized member preventing spilling                
Thor                                      | HPCC-15827 Fix IF lookupjoin regresson, if stopped without start   
Thor                                      | HPCC-15839 Fixed chained stop() issues                             
Thor                                      | HPCC-15840 Master not passing aux rowIf in join.                   
Workunit                                  | HPCC-15854 Iterate subsequent graphs if the first graph has not subgraphs 
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-15846 Prerm script change for dafilesrv stop                  
ecl command                               | HPCC-15661 ecl-bundle fails to find bundle location from eclcc     
eclccserver                               | HPCC-15559 Check if git is installed on eclccserver box            

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.0-2

Known Limitations for 6.0.0-2
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 6.0.0-1 to 6.0.0-2

Language                            | HPCC-15665 packaging error for pt_br                         

Release Notes for Community Edition 6.0.0-1

Known Limitations for 6.0.0-1
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.2-1 to 6.0.0-1

                                    | Add jessie/arm support 
                                    | Created cleanupRuntimeEnvironment 
                                    | ELF32 support for Raspberry Pi 
                                    | HPCC-14210 Deprecate the iplanet directory server 
                                    | HPCC-12011 Add additional resource links 
                                    | HPCC-12373 Add test to runtime suite 
                                    | HPCC-12373 Convert global streamed join against key to keyeddistribute 
                                    | HPCC-12552 Show queued job under eclserver/eclccserver 
                                    | HPCC-12658 Enable c++11 support by default 
                                    | HPCC-13515 A proper, moving old -> 
                                    | HPCC-13515 Update to the documentation for "make install" 
                                    | HPCC-13545 Expose lock info to clients. 
                                    | HPCC-13545 Rename lockinfo to lock for clarity to next commit 
                                    | HPCC-13796 Add support for filtering WUs by file in Cassandra 
                                    | HPCC-13865 Add cql tracing to Cassandra WU support 
                                    | HPCC-13917 Make sure that query is only fetched on demand 
                                    | HPCC-14133 Critical sections 
                                    | HPCC-14260 Fix duplicate statistic for non root subgraph in child query 
                                    | HPCC-14331 Means to import and export workunits from Dali and Cassandra 
                                    | HPCC-14389 Added boolean check to autoSwapNode 
                                    | HPCC-14389 ProcessPerSlave change and thor related configxml cleanup 
                                    | HPCC-14575 Display Row Tracing 
                                    | HPCC-14629 EclWatch Results + Tab Chars 
                                    | HPCC-14636 Add parallel quick sorts to roxie (for comparison) 
                                    | HPCC-14668 Fix destructors that can throw exceptions 
                                    | HPCC-14711 Fix potential overflows in binary searches 
                                    | HPCC-14771 Addition of TEST_PLUGINS option to build plugins in package 
                                    | HPCC-14798 Add FileSpray.DropZoneFileSearch to ESP 
                                    | HPCC-14833 Additional _releaseAll() calls following review 
                                    | HPCC-14833 Reduce reallocation of hashtables when freeing 
                                    | HPCC-14928 Add support for parsing json scientific notation values 
                                    | HPCC-14967 Improve separator handling in delimited spray 
                                    | HPCC-15084 CInterface atomics 
                                    | HPCC-15084 Fix __declspec warnings on windows builds. 
                                    | HPCC-15084 Statistics class should be lightweight 
                                    | HPCC-15106 Remove use of binutils library 
                                    | HPCC-15194 Log and check connection to dali 
                                    | HPCC-15247 Workunit tool wutool should handle cassandra username and password 
                                    | HPCC-15302 Edit STD.FIle.FileExists topic 
                                    | HPCC-15411 Uncaught exception if wutool can't load plugin 
                                    | HPCC-15438 On despray incorrect DZ selected when > 1 DZ per machine 
                                    | HPCC-15487 Fileservices functions not threadsafe if ESP URL not supplied 
                                    | HPCC-15533 Use TBB scalable memory allocator where available 
                                    | HPCC-1628 Check network address before listing files 
                                    | HPCC-2403 Log format still old in Roxie command line 
                                    | HPCC-3011 std.file.sprayVariable and "No Separator" 
                                    | HPCC-348 Fix rounding on LSD for division 
                                    | HPCC-397 Tidy up hthor/roxie input interfaces 
                                    | HPCC-9920 Add and use new LZ4 compression algos for spill 
                                    | IDE-105 Document Compiler settings for multiple versions 
                                    | Manually merge HPCC-14418 #7887 
                                    | Post review changes 
                                    | Preparation for 6.0.0-beta1 release 
                                    | Proper formatting for the markdown. 
                                    | Rearrange tests 
                                    | Rebase and update 
                                    | Remove unnecessary CriticalBlock. 
                                    | Resolves an issue when compiling ECL on OS X. 
                                    | Revert "HPCC-12862 Need to support nothor and noroxie etc. as option on //version" 
                                    | Revert "HPCC-14286 Redis Plugin - add publish and subscribe functions" 
                                    | Revert "HPCC-15082 Add constexpr to constructors" 
                                    | Second rework. 
                                    | Spotted a couple of issue whilst working on HPCC-14410 
                                    | Updated documentation for builds on mac's. (and moved README to markdown) 
                                    | Updates to detail dependencies required for Linux build. (used base Ubuntu 14 to test) 
                                    | Updates to preprocessiong and make files to build start-stop-daemon on OS X 
                                    | lay down environment.cfg before calling envgen Move envgen call to a new file: Remove duplication environment.xml for regression test 
BackUpNode                          | HPCC-14726 Fixed regression in start_backupnode logging      
BackUpNode, Build process           | HPCC-14902 Added FindNUMA.cmake file                         
Build process                       | HPCC-12073 Can't build without openssl                       
Build process                       | HPCC-13101 Added option(WITH_PLUGINS) to allow for disabling all plugins 
Build process                       | HPCC-13525 Adding testing/regress/ecl to whitelist
Build process                       | HPCC-13525 added whitelist file patterns for testing directory            
Build process                       | HPCC-13727 Add support for power8                            
Build process                       | HPCC-13827 Add TBB dependency for CentOS installs            
Build process                       | HPCC-14118 Update third party libraries and settings to support VS2015 
Build process                       | HPCC-14241  Add wily.cmake for Ubuntu 15.10 support          
Build process                       | HPCC-14272 Compile errors from latest XCode                  
Build process                       | HPCC-14303 Added TOP_LEVEL_PROJECT variable to CMakeLists.txt 
Build process                       | HPCC-14303 Added eclserver,eclccserver,eclagent,eclscheduler as a component to start only if also found in topology 
Build process                       | HPCC-14305 6.0.0-beta1 does not build on centos 5            
Build process                       | HPCC-14380 Fix various c++11 compile warnings                
Build process                       | HPCC-14380 Fix warnings and errors on windows builds         
Build process                       | HPCC-14434 Fix testsocket so it can run on windows           
Build process                       | HPCC-14436 Add support for Visual Studio 14 2015             
Build process                       | HPCC-14457 Split R plugin to its own package                 
Build process                       | HPCC-14458 Moving plugins to own packages                    
Build process                       | HPCC-14550 New Java 6 include location (Ubuntu)              
Build process                       | HPCC-14557 Typos in aci.cpp give compiler errors             
Build process                       | HPCC-14558 Wc++11-narrowing errors on latest OSX builds      
Build process                       | HPCC-14566 Fix "non-constant format string" warnings         
Build process                       | HPCC-14577 OSX builds warn about missing CLOCK_MONOTONIC     
Build process                       | HPCC-14578 Fix jlib warnings                                 
Build process                       | HPCC-14650 LN build failure, include path update             
Build process                       | HPCC-14706 Remove trademark from Clienttools Windows Start Menu 
Build process                       | HPCC-14712 Build failure from array bounds jlib warning      
Build process                       | HPCC-14724 Add -stdlib=libc++ to CXXFLAGS                    
Build process                       | HPCC-14725 Improve code to ensure fields are on separate cache lines 
Build process                       | HPCC-14750 Naming changes to redis/memcached/kafka plugins   
Build process                       | HPCC-14790 Overwrite Cmake supplied RelDebWithInfo w Release cxx flags 
Build process                       | HPCC-14818 Add dependencies check for Ubuntu 15.10           
Build process                       | HPCC-14820 Added USE_SHLIBDEPS option to CMake               
Build process                       | HPCC-14913 Ignore deprecated warnings in OSX                 
Build process                       | HPCC-14914 - Unused variable ucmCrit in eclrtl.cpp           
Build process                       | HPCC-14915 Set USE_OPTIONAL to OFF if building a plugin      
Build process                       | HPCC-14924 Fixes for dpkg-shlibdeps conflicting with imported libraries 
Build process                       | HPCC-14931 Add ability to sign ecl libraries with SIGN_MODULES=ON 
Build process                       | HPCC-14931 Add export and import of public key for eclcc     
Build process                       | HPCC-14931 Revisions from PR                                 
Build process                       | HPCC-14932 CMake does not validate build type properly       
Build process                       | HPCC-14934  Add code to detect amazon linux                  
Build process                       | HPCC-14996 package all required third party libraries from MacPorts 
Build process                       | HPCC-14999  Replace USE_XXX with _USE_XXX                    
Build process                       | HPCC-15029 Add wutool to the deployed package.               
Build process                       | HPCC-15029 Move cassandra embed into libs directory          
Build process                       | HPCC-15052 Change TEST_PLUGINS to INCLUDE_PLUGINS            
Build process                       | HPCC-15053 Changes to add_subdirectory dependencies for jlib 
Build process                       | HPCC-15056 Added check to make sure LIBMEMCACHED_INCLUDE_DIR was populated before FILE call 
Build process                       | HPCC-15057  Use default CMAKE__COMPILER_VERSION from cmake if it set correctly 
Build process                       | HPCC-15060 Added dependency list for ubuntu 16.04            
Build process                       | HPCC-15096 Build fails if mysql header not available.        
Build process                       | HPCC-15097 USE_NUMA missing from CMakeList.txt               
Build process                       | HPCC-15108 Invalid gcc flag                                  
Build process                       | HPCC-15158 Complete-uninstall removes dependent packages     
Build process                       | HPCC-15192 RelWithDebInfo CC flags should match Release      
Build process                       | HPCC-15213 Redis plugin constrain minversion for connection caching 
Build process                       | HPCC-15231 Clang warnings from inconsistent override         
Build process                       | HPCC-15252 Remove separate Cassandra plugin package          
Build process                       | HPCC-15306 only set "-stdlib=libc++" on OS X                 
Build process                       | HPCC-15316 Added permissions to file installation of libuv   
Build process                       | HPCC-15352 Made the copy more system generic by using -E copy 
Build process                       | HPCC-15374 Updated the link in the node.js error             
Build process                       | HPCC-15412 Use vcredist.exe to install vc runtimes           
Build process                       | HPCC-15413 Update ICU to version 57                          
Build process                       | HPCC-15421 Invalid compiler warning in cmake                 
Build process                       | HPCC-15434 System agnostic implementation of libmemcached generation 
Build process                       | HPCC-15462  Fix compile warning due to auto_ptr              
Build process                       | HPCC-15475 Fix Regression in Clienttools package regarding ecllib files 
Build process                       | HPCC-15495 Remove Java-1.6 entries Add Java-1.8 and Java-1.9 
Build process                       | HPCC-15532 Fix various clang warnings                        
Build process                       | HPCC-15571 Add executable permission to and 
Build process                       | HPCC-15581 Libmemcached changes to allow for dpkg-shlibds usage 
Build process                       | HPCC-15588 Changes to tbbmalloc_found conditional in commonSetup 
Build process                       | HPCC-8401 Modifications to use dpkg-shlibdeps during packaging 
Build process, JLib                 | HPCC-14662 Disable strict aliasing for jencrypt              
Build process, Plugins              | HPCC-14793 Added plugin name change to top level Cmake       
Build process, Plugins              | HPCC-15012 Redis Plugin - correct cmake package names        
Build process, Thor                 | HPCC-14665 Fix compile errors and warnings on windows        
Build process, Thor                 | HPCC-14665 Updates following code review                     
Cassandra                           | HPCC-13382 Fix incorrect update of submodules                
Cassandra                           | HPCC-13520 Previous Cassandra change typo broke plugin       
Cassandra                           | HPCC-13830 Split cassandraembed.cpp source file              
Cassandra                           | HPCC-13848 Add support for results/temporaries/variables in Cassandra WU plugin 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-13926 Fix cassandrawu build error in older gcc versions 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-14827 Update cassandra cpp driver to latest version 2.2.2 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-14845 Cassandra cpp driver 2.2.2 list type issue        
Cassandra                           | HPCC-14926 Cassandra plugin exported unwanted symbol "test"  
Cassandra                           | HPCC-15227 Using wutool to move workunits to/from dali also moves files 
Cassandra                           | HPCC-15377 Update dali plugin code to match new environment layout 
Cassandra, Sasha, Workunit          | HPCC-14031 Sasha accesses dali workunit tree directly        
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13889 Add support for graphs in Cassandra WU plugin     
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13890 GetXXXcount workunit methods should be made more efficient 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13899 Add support for graph progress in Cassandra       
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13907 Add support for global workunit in Cassandra      
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13911 Cassandra workunit code can core when requesting sorted wu lists 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13932 Add version check when connecting to Cassandra    
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13976 Use subscription mechanism in waitForWorkUnit     
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-13977 Fix issues running thor/hthor regression suites using C* workunits 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14035 Variable 'xmlValue' setting lost in Cassandra workunits 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14041 DiskUsage stats not saved in Cassandra workunits  
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14042 Water mark warning writing workunits to Cassandra 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14043 CWorkunitResumeHandler reads dali workunit branch directly 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14048 Regression test apersistschedule1.ecl hangs in cassandra 
Cassandra, Workunit                 | HPCC-14055 Error from regression suite test "readresult.ecl" 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12103 Remove virtual attributes from crc of output files 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12350 Default string parameters to const char *         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12738 Codegen should not assume Roxie output is always XML 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12789 Evaluate child queries after skips if not dependant 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12872 TRACE activity                                    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12887 Regress optimization which is not valid for noroot indexes 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13055 OSX support                                       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13173 Constant folding should not call plugin functions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13445 Commented out #option libraries not ignored       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13602 Add NOCOMBINE a less intrusive version of NOFOLD  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13602 Improve the token position information for NOCOMBINE 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13699 Fix eclcc internal error accessing result from a sibling graph 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13828 Generate key comparison functions for sorts       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13828 Update with changes request by Jake               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13845 Improve the generated code for constant inline datasets 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13854 Allow PROJECT(ROW,TRANSFORM(SKIP)) to be optimized 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13892 Incorrect comment in hqlinline.cpp                
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13895 Fix problems with embedded datasets in nested rows 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-13898 Use no_attr_expr in more places                   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14000 Better fix for incorrect balanced splitters       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14052 Fix error on implicit project of MERGE(,SORTED(childrow.field)) 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14185 Support the option to sign code                   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14224 Adding missing entries from new trace activity    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14225 Add no_json to the IR case statement              
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14280 Access rights checks should include SERVICE calls 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14301 Generate valid helper class for self join         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14366 STD.Str.Contains may constant-fold incorrectly    
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14385 Minor fixes in preparation for HPCC-9318          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14398 ESP process core when plugin contains invalid ECL 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14417 Add additional xml fetch test case                
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14417 Further JSON parsing and fileposition fixes       
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14417 Implement JSON Fetch                              
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14454 Fix incorrect constant folding of CHOOSE(0,...)   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14461 Fix SEH in PARSE on empty computed string         
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14483 A hash aggregate no longer treated as a trivial operation 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14507 Fix problem creating empty dictionaries           
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14586 Support HINT on COUNT() and DATASET([])           
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14596 Changes following review                          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14596 Improve error checking on variable offset aggregates 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14623 Allow SUM(GROUP)/y inside a TABLE activity        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14633 Fix error with results read from other workunits  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14642 Improve error message for invalid distribute by key 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14705 Thor rollup group loses records following skipped transform 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14743 Fix incorrect reference counts on the results     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14743 Implement createRow(no_getgraphresult)            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14744 Use the correct row type for some generated expressions 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14745 Minor inline aggregate improvements               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14772 Delete unused code                                
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14789 Ensure sizeof(target) is not incorrectly cached   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14809 Ensure temporary fields are marked as link counted if required 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14810 Default append in a child query to ordered        
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14811 Avoid duplicating annotations on expressions      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14812 Add ROWDIFF test case to the regression suite     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14812 Fix ROWDIFF with nested records                   
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14816 Minor memory reduction for quoted c++ statements  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14824 Reduce the memory used by CHqlVariable            
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14826 Remove calls to removeAssociation and addGroup()  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14872 Add new attributes for ordering and parallel execution 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14930 regexfindset generates poor code for returning a constant set 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14950 Add graph name to exceptions                      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14972 Fix problems passing rows to REMOTE() graphs      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14972 Use a temporary row to avoid directly serializing 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14997 Error 'First parameter of FETCH should be a disk file' 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15013 Add fold and nofold to the list of valid external attrs 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15025 Remove duplicate rows from the parent extract     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15075 Add regression tests                              
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15075 Clean up the code                                 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15075 Detect LEFT, RIGHT row count mismatch             
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15075 Implement inline COMBINE generation               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15082 Add constexpr to constructors                     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15083 Use the c++11 enum syntax in hqlexpr.hpp          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15103 Add information about which c++ file contains an activity 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15112 Fix incorrect distribution match                  
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15133 Associate the skip callback in the correct context 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15134 Ensure parallel activities are not executed inline 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15204 Ensure execution on another cluster modifies the distribution 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15225 Meta exprs should be skipped, instead of preventing compounds 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15228 Improve error message for recursive filename      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15246 Improve error message passing a dataset to a datarow 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15390 Fix const parameters on sets and LCR datasets     
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15425 Common up some code following review              
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15425 Improve the reported position for invalid string characters 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15443 Add an annotation onto a graph to indicate it is the loop body 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15449 Fix bug indexing sets with signed characters      
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15574 Use TBB allocator in Thor and Roxie only          
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15586 Add a LIKELY syntax                               
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15609 Explicitly mark compare functions for optimization 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-15639 SORT cannot be removed before an aggregate of a COUNT project 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-2819 Would be nice to be able to add inline qualifier to embedc++ 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-2978 Make IF(cond, unicode_x, unicode_y) variable length 
Code Generator, EclAgent, Roxie     | HPCC-9228 Roxie/hthor join activities should group their inputs 
Code Generator, Thor                | HPCC-13763 Ensure non body subgraphs of loop are marked local 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-12750 Add thor_roxie setting in genenvrules.conf        
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-12750 Generate environment.xml during package install and configure 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14150 Add feature to envgen to set any xpath attribute value 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14191 Configgen should report thormaster ports          
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14310 Add Envgen (wizard) cmd line parameters to specifiy component IPs 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14669 ConfigMgr - Add security manager support          
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14900 ConfigMgr - Fix do_not_generate_list in genenvrules.conf 
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14949 ConfigMgr - Fix registered trademark symbol       
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14957  ConfigMgr - Add Security Manager Support         
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-14982 ConfigMgr - Fix invalid ws_ecl xsd                
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-15181  EspBindings should include feature security      
Config Process/Services             | HPCC-15613 ConfigMgr - Copy Authentication                   
Config Process/Services, Init system | HPCC-15152 Fix issue with AutoSwapNode not being correctly set from configgen 
Config UI                           | HPCC-10487 ConfigMgr - Fix ambiguous path when naming clusters 
Config UI                           | HPCC-12852 Modified more of                     
Config UI                           | HPCC-14323 Bad type definition on processPerSlave            
Config UI                           | HPCC-14330 Add Dali Plugin                                   
Config UI                           | HPCC-14447 ConfigMgr incorrectly encodes passwords           
Config UI                           | HPCC-14684 ConfigMgr - Add alias attribute to Cluster section in Topology 
Config UI                           | HPCC-14956 ConfigMgr crashes when using wizard               
Config UI                           | HPCC-14978 ConfigMgr - Fix hardware copy across files        
Config UI                           | HPCC-15357 ConfigMgr - Topology Cluster should include alias attribute 
Config UI                           | HPCC-15589 ConfigMgr -  Fix ambiguous xpath error in binding authentication 
Config Utils                        | HPCC-13979 Configgen cores if env contains elements without @name or @buildSet 
Config Utils, Init system           | HPCC-13630 Change to LocalEnvConfFile                        
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14090 Suppress MP connection closed msg for 0 bytes sent 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14162 Release sock before continuing                    
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14244 Enable ability to create/use multiple MP servers  
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14252 Clear up a few minor MP leaks.                    
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14432 Minor rationalization of new global MPServer code. 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14536 MP connection should retry connection if received graceful close 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14825 Helper classes for managing multiple strands      
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14850 In CLocalEnvironment the dropZoneCacheBuilt doesn't initialize. 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14857 CLocalEnvironment doesn't handle multiple local drop zones. 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14861 Convert inline embeds to functional form          
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-15050 Protect access to binutils with a critical section 
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-15428 CLocalEnvironment doesn't check properly the drop zone path in getDropZoneByAddressPath() function. 
Core Libraries, JLib                | HPCC-14452 CSocketEpollThread - no exception for bad file descriptor 
DFS                                 | HPCC-14606 ESP deadlock with fcl and SuperOwnerLock          
DFS                                 | HPCC-14606 ESP deadlock with file lock and superOwnerLock    
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Allow warnings when removing superfiles.          
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Fix issue picked up in review (ctx may be NULL)   
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Tidy up transaction interface and private methods. 
DFS                                 | HPCC-14768 Fix spurious error adding empty superfile to super 
DFS                                 | HPCC-14785 Throw an error on attempt to remove super that's owned 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-13105 Fix despray/spray of ECL generated and rootless JSON files 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-14111 To dfuplus, add capability to export and restore super files. 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-14975 Should not copy "Protected" metadata from source to new copy 
DFU Server                          | HPCC-15384 DFU server should distinguish between copy and replication 
Dali                                | HPCC-13897 Spray ignoring replication=false and creating logical files  flagged as replicated 
Dali                                | HPCC-14181 'daliadmin validatestore' command generates core if 0 workunit associated file gathered. 
Dali                                | HPCC-14212 Previous fix still left a small window for deadlock. 
Dali                                | HPCC-14243 A couple of minor changes following review        
Dali                                | HPCC-14243 Add method to retrieve cluster group              
Dali                                | HPCC-14420 Dali should initialize cassandra data store       
Dali                                | HPCC-14584 Avoid potential exception in call from destructor 
Dali                                | HPCC-15248 Allow daliadmin to display stats from multiple workunits 
Dali                                | HPCC-15322 Allow Dali backup queue limits to be configured   
Dali, ESP                           | HPCC-13608 Return warning message if too many files          
Dali, LDAP                          | HPCC-14804 Clearing permissions cache causes dali to lose connection 
Documentation                       | HPCC-12519 Docs:Thor Memory Settings                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-12575 Docs:Clarify parameterlist is comma sep list      
Documentation                       | HPCC-12760 Add some #OPTIONS to docs                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-12776 Document .trim=0 option                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-12776 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-12776 Edits made based upon review                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-12828 Update Data type mapping docs                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-12830 Document Roxie Processor affinity                 
Documentation                       | HPCC-12869 Document BUILD(index, dataset)                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-12888 Docs:Document changes to make ecl cli more intuitive 
Documentation                       | HPCC-12888 Edit usage for ecl cli                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-13106 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-13106 Edits from feedback                               
Documentation                       | HPCC-13106 Edits made based upon review                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-13106 Expand GetLogicalFileAttribute Docs               
Documentation                       | HPCC-13120 Add reciprocal See Also                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-13128 Add index terms to Lang Ref                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-13195 Docs: Change term Farmer to Roxie server          
Documentation                       | HPCC-13334 DOCS:Add Functional LDAP Images                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-13703 DOCS:documentation for systemd script             
Documentation                       | HPCC-13743 Fix example code for External Services            
Documentation                       | HPCC-13864 DOCS:Remove Hardware Recomendations from Installing 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14057 DOCS:Update ECL Watch documentation for Nagios    
Documentation                       | HPCC-14167 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-14167 Improve docs for -I parameter in ecl cli          
Documentation                       | HPCC-14226 Document range of values for RANDOM               
Documentation                       | HPCC-14232 Fix Syntax diagram for LOOP                       
Documentation                       | HPCC-14247 Add index terms to doc                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-14247 Document FOLD / NOFOLD options for SERVICE        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14254 Docs rename CreateSuperFile parameter             
Documentation                       | HPCC-14275 Document missing ecl publish options              
Documentation                       | HPCC-14309 DOCS:Keywords Global Search in ECL Watch.         
Documentation                       | HPCC-14325 DOCS:Update Sect ID Attributes Prog. Guide        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14326 Add delete flag to STD.File.RemoveOwnedSubFiles   
Documentation                       | HPCC-14329 DOCS:Update Install Docs Sect ID Attributes       
Documentation                       | HPCC-14335 DOCS:Update Sect ID Attr. ECLWatch, Client Tools  
Documentation                       | HPCC-14356 Document Code Signing options                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-14357 Lang Ref Man missing ',' in WHEN syntax           
Documentation                       | HPCC-14368 DOCS:Rename RDDE (ROXIE) manual name.             
Documentation                       | HPCC-14368 Remove UTF-8 BOM from CMakeLists.txt              
Documentation                       | HPCC-14377 DOCS:Update Sect ID Att. SysAdmin, Certify        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14379 Docs:Remove references to VMWare                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-14379 Edits based upon feedback                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-14438 DOCS:Update Sect ID Att:Monitor,DHand,IMDB        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14441 Document ecl bundle command using URL             
Documentation                       | HPCC-14446 DOCS:Add WsECL and ECLWatch to Config book        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14451 DOCS:Rep and Monitoring duplicateID               
Documentation                       | HPCC-14464 Docs:Improve TOPN description                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-14486 Document DFUPlus export and restore superfiles    
Documentation                       | HPCC-14506 Document HTTPHEADER option for SOAPCALL & HTTPCALL 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14506 Edits based upon feedback                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-14511 Fix Typo in STD.Str.FIND docs                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-14513 Document #OPTION('soapTraceLevel','n')            
Documentation                       | HPCC-14526 DOCS:Document Roxie preferred cluster             
Documentation                       | HPCC-14561 Document SetWorkunitAppValue & filter by appvalue 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14652 Clarify DISTRIBUTION in LR                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-14657 Document SELECT attribute on STORED(FORMAT())     
Documentation                       | HPCC-14660 Document Roxie Alias added diagram                
Documentation                       | HPCC-14680 DOCS:Add Security Manager doc                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-14685 Incorrect info for PERSIST regarding SEQUENTIAL in the Lang-Ref-Man 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14687 DOCS:Build Error in Certify doc                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-14694 Add workflow evaluation info to SEQUENTIAL in the Lang Ref Man 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14696 Move RemoteDirectory topic to External Files chapter 
Documentation                       | HPCC-14733 DOCS:Change copyright date to 2016 for all docs   
Documentation                       | HPCC-14752 DOCS:Update Platform installation references      
Documentation                       | HPCC-14759 Fix typo in StartsWith topic                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-14801 Add image for DESDL permissions                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-14801 Document LDAP Feature permissions for DESDL       
Documentation                       | HPCC-14801 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-14814 Typo in DISTRIBUTE docs                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-14846 Document Multipart Packagemaps use                
Documentation                       | HPCC-14846 Edits based upon review                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-14856 Document REFRESH option on PERSIST                
Documentation                       | HPCC-14856 Edits made from review                            
Documentation                       | HPCC-14906 DOCS: Fix PERSIST syntax diagram                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-14922 DOCS: Update LDAP Server Image                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-14927 Document REGEXFINDSET                             
Documentation                       | HPCC-14969 Clarify Explicit Type casting topic in LR         
Documentation                       | HPCC-15035 Document the parallel language changes            
Documentation                       | HPCC-15045 DOCS:Document EclWatch WUPublish update super files option 
Documentation                       | HPCC-15116 Document Cassandra WU Storage                     
Documentation                       | HPCC-15116 Fix table formatting                              
Documentation                       | HPCC-15117 DOcument Virtual Slaves                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-15117 Edits made based upon review                      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15153 DOCS:Filter Set                                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-15169 LRM #option optimizelevel has incorrect default listed 
Documentation                       | HPCC-15170 DOCS:Config Doc Thorbackup tab removed            
Documentation                       | HPCC-15187 DOCS:Options dropdown in QuerySetQueryWidget      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15214 DOCS:Update Method for Configuring htpasswd       
Documentation                       | HPCC-15274 Lang Ref Missing bracket in JOIN options                              
Documentation                       | HPCC-15311 Fix docs for DivideByZero                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-15337 Fix Typo in DENORMALIZE                           
Documentation                       | HPCC-15369 Document running the eclcc regression suites      
Documentation                       | HPCC-15376 Fix parameter name in STD.File.Copy docs          
Documentation                       | HPCC-15429 DOCS:Update ECL Watch ZAP                         
Documentation                       | HPCC-15470 DOCS:Built in Cassandra Support                   
Documentation                       | HPCC-15511 DOCS:Invalid XML error Programmer Guide           
Documentation                       | HPCC-15530 dESDL Docs Fix double quote typo                  
Documentation                       | HPCC-15558 dESDL Docs-fix code sample                        
Documentation                       | HPCC-8082 Document monitorinterval in STD.File.MonitorFile   
Documentation                       | HPCC-8275 DOCS:Select All option Target clusters             
Documentation                       | HPCC-8283 DOCS:Activity Page in ECL Watch                    
Documentation                       | HPCC-9862 Fix table formatting in ClientTools docs           
Documentation, Language             | HPCC-10944 Add UTF8 topic to language ref                    
Documentation, Language             | HPCC-10944 Document UTF8 value type                          
Documentation, Roxie                | HPCC-13662 Document RESTful Roxie                            
Documentation, ecl command          | HPCC-13773 Clarify usage text for eclcmd option "--ecl-only" 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-14263 Add extra fold attributes where necessary         
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-14495 ApplicationVariables filterable in workunitservices.workunitlist 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-14503 errors out on roxie platform 
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-15123 Reimplement WorkunitServices.WorkunitTimeStamps   
ESDL                                | HPCC-14673 Adds WsESDLConfig access security flag to WsSMC   
ESDL                                | HPCC-14929 Code review changes                               
ESDL                                | HPCC-14929 Save DESDL state to local file                    
ESDL                                | HPCC-15283 Fixes ESDL min_ver comparison                     
ESDL                                | HPCC-15520 Fix usage issues                                  
ESDL                                | HPCC-15520 Removes duplicate new line char, update usage     
ESDL                                | HPCC-15547 Handle ECM imports                                
ESDL                                | HPCC-15549 Clarify ESDL XSD|WSDL|JAVA usage                  
ESDL                                | HPCC-15549 Update usage based on code review                 
ESP                                 | HPCC-12311 Remove extra calls to Dali for JobQueues          
ESP                                 | HPCC-12311 Rename isDuplicatedECLWUID and not cache IEspContext 
ESP                                 | HPCC-12686 Use 3 enumerations in ws_dfu/ws_fs/ws_wu ecm files 
ESP                                 | HPCC-12914 Add ESP runtime option for dumping the SOAP requests in full into log 
ESP                                 | HPCC-12914 Change esp log settings when ESP is running       
ESP                                 | HPCC-13370 filter ESP WUQuery by >1 ApplicationName/Value    
ESP                                 | HPCC-13390 Return persist/superowners in WsDfu.DFUQuery      
ESP                                 | HPCC-13547 Add WsSMC.LockQuery to report locks               
ESP                                 | HPCC-13547 Initialize ttLTHigh and ttLTLow (compile warnings) 
ESP                                 | HPCC-13547 Revise based on review                            
ESP                                 | HPCC-13648 Fix end-user specific code imported into esdl_svc_engine 
ESP                                 | HPCC-13732 Add WsWorkunits.WULightWeightQuery                
ESP                                 | HPCC-13901 Fix Ambiguous xPath Error when binding 2 ECLWatch 
ESP                                 | HPCC-13905 Return child dataset structure in DFUGetFileMetaData 
ESP                                 | HPCC-13906 A reliable way to identify the type of file on a cluster 
ESP                                 | HPCC-13939 Add WUGetGraphNameAndTypes for graph name/types   
ESP                                 | HPCC-13958 Return CanReplicate in WsDfu.DFUInfo              
ESP                                 | HPCC-13958 Revise based on code review                       
ESP                                 | HPCC-14104 Check getWorkflowItems() return before using      
ESP                                 | HPCC-14153 Modified ws_machineService and ws_machineServiceRexec to use CFRunSSH 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14205 Add paging functions to ws_access                 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14246 Allow DynamicESDL service methods to be written in JAVA 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14246 Update based on review                            
ESP                                 | HPCC-14256 Add DynamicESDL java services support for simple arrays 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14256 Update based on review                            
ESP                                 | HPCC-14289 add option to pull thorslave logs into ZAP reports 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14342 Move #define ... __declspec from ipp to hpp       
ESP                                 | HPCC-14383 Change WUListQueries filters to be case insensitive 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14427 Catch and log JAVA exception when loading ESDL definitions 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14427 Update based on review                            
ESP                                 | HPCC-14428 Replace popen/pclose with _popen/_pclose on Windows Also remove "extern COMPONENTSTATUS_API" in componentstatus.cpp 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14428 overwrite popen/pclose with _popen/_pclose on Windows in platform.h. Remove "extern C" in getComponentStatusFactory() declaration. 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14435 Set WSESPControl use https when appropriate       
ESP                                 | HPCC-14476 Adds support for declared ECL imports and ECL header 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14476 Adds support for dynamic import statements        
ESP                                 | HPCC-14476 Further enhances simple bug fix                   
ESP                                 | HPCC-14476 Represent String Arrays as ECL set of string      
ESP                                 | HPCC-14523 ESP incorrectly parses user,pwd                   
ESP                                 | HPCC-14648 Update ESDL CLI docs                              
ESP                                 | HPCC-14678 Check/abort WU when WUSyntaxCheck times out       
ESP                                 | HPCC-14702 Add logging service to HPCC repo                  
ESP                                 | HPCC-14717 Update WsWorkunits Interface version for 6.0      
ESP                                 | HPCC-14758 Code review changes                               
ESP                                 | HPCC-14758 Various enhancements to wsesdlconfig              
ESP                                 | HPCC-14760 Depreciate DFUArrayActionResult from WsDfu.DFUArrayAction 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14765 Handle imports correctly                          
ESP                                 | HPCC-14822 Support dropzone umask in FileSpray web service   
ESP                                 | HPCC-14869 Add ApplicationValues to WURun                    
ESP                                 | HPCC-14899 Create new WU only if no wuid in WUUpdate request 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14907 Fix ambiguous xpath in WUQuerysetDetails          
ESP                                 | HPCC-14939 Encapsulate TxSummary logging in a new interface  
ESP                                 | HPCC-14940 Limited, read-only, context information for security managers 
ESP                                 | HPCC-14944 Return PercentCompressed in WsDfu.DFUInfo         
ESP                                 | HPCC-14964 Simplify filter in FileSpray.DropZoneFileSearch   
ESP                                 | HPCC-14970 Return service BindingType in WsTopology.TpServiceQuery 
ESP                                 | HPCC-15141 Supports configurable NS base for ESDL ESP services 
ESP                                 | HPCC-15171 Fix compilation warning                           
ESP                                 | HPCC-15191 Extend TxSummary functionality to support timing milestones 
ESP                                 | HPCC-15237 Make ESP SSL cipher list configurable             
ESP                                 | HPCC-15474 Remove internal cookies from HTTPBinding          
ESP                                 | HPCC-8462 Improve ESP log                                    
ESP, WS-DFU/WS-FS                   | HPCC-14896 Always fill in destFileOut for getDropZoneInfoByIP() 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-10811 ECL WU should indicate that an eclagent job is 'spraying' 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-13336 SELF JOIN with limited ATMOST and SKIP is incorrect 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-13658 Ensure temp wuid directory is created upfront     
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14273 Fix externals files not being listed in hthor workunits 
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14478 HThor KJ release index when subgraph is done.     
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14517 Agentexec error on shutdown                       
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14555 SoapCall retries(0) still does one retry          
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14601 Use constants instead of numbers                  
EclAgent                            | HPCC-15635 - Memcached tests fail with undefined symbols     
EclAgent, JHTree                    | HPCC-14164 Error: System error: 1000: Key size mismatch on key [merger] 
EclAgent, JLib, Roxie               | HPCC-14749 Ensure HPCC generates core dump if abort condition sensed. 
EclAgent, Roxie, Thor               | HPCC-13886 Use merge sort in preference to stable quick sort 
EclServer                           | HPCC-14762 Prevent scope cleanup from invalidating an active record 
EclServer                           | HPCC-15030 Recursively expand modules inside the plugin directory 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12153 ECL Watch Security Improvements                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12224 eclagent.log sometimes shows activity not related to workunit 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12414 Row tag required for spray xml                    
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12499 MemberofWidget needs a refresh state              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-12724 Activity Heat Map                                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13013 Expand Query ID column                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13146 Prevent Script Injection                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13187 Add description to helpers list                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13200 A better way to show a filter was set             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13236 Fix whitepace issue and add toolbar separator     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13236 Make query list checking status on all roxie nodes optional 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13236 Updated based on review                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13342 Numeric results fail to display in ECL Watch      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13758 Test Page page cannot be found message            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13774 Remove information not provided                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13807 Give warning when too many files                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13833 Add description and owner to groups               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13891 Fix inefficient code in getResults and getWorkflow 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13953 Banner does not show in new ECL Watch             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13998 Monitoring Icon Selects Wrong Tab                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14013 Add file cluster input belongs to                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14045 Sorting via size column not sorting               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14097 Add multiple thor logs to ZAP report              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14106 Read query's xref info using IReferencedFile      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14108 Libraries filter needs a clear label              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14170 Pasuing ECLCC, ECLServer throws error             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14183 Simplify Visualizations                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14229 Nested superfiles not displaying                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14258 Add option for thor slave in ZAP                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14288 Allow thorslave download                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14292 Auto refresh button needs tooltip                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14300 File upload dialog columns do not align           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14306 ECL Watch remembers checked files                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14332 LogicalFile State Cache Error                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14333 Modified CFRunSSH code in ws_machineService.cpp   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14445 Change "deleted" to "not found"                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14462 Fix subfile removal when only one file            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14515 Issues sorting logical files                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14537 Capture graph progress info in ZAP report         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14547 Add open ability to superfile tab                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14574 Improve JS Graph Control                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14585 Logical File Page Count Invalid                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14616 Activity time sorting is alphabetical             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14649 Fix html/xml display in legacy ECLWatch WUDetails 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14688 Despray puts data in wrong directory              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14690 Add thousand separators to files                  
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14715 Filter file size using __int64 in DFUQuery        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14782 Hyper-link to graphs mentioned in errors          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14783 Change ActionType to WUActionType in WsWorkunits.WUAction 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14821 Throw exception in WsWorkunits when ECLWU cannot be deleted 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14859 Conditional AlphaNum sorting                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14935 QuerySetQuery not loading                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14937 Remove old permission type: ExecuteAccess         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14945 IE8 Build Issue                                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14973 Remove ./ from despray path                       
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14977 Show logical file protection                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14993 Return Protect info in WsDfu.DFUQuery and DFUInfo 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15004 Pass in 0 for no preserve compression             
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15008 Logical files tab not showing all                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15009 QuerySetQuery not displaying icon                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15010 ECLWatch does not display files in use            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15044 Expose WUPublish update superfiles option via EclWatch 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15044 Remove trim props from EclWatch PublishForm checkboxes 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15061 Same ID registered error                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15086 WUStats Enable Export to CSV                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15090 Simplify Timing Map Labels                        
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15091 Graph optionally hide spill write/reads           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15104 Graph activity + Helper                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15114 Add file name to exception when iterateFilteredFiles 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15122 DOCS:Show Logical File Protection                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15124 Workunit scope checking issues with Cassandra WU store 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15161 LF Details tabs disabled incorrectly              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15166 Timers page opens legacy graph view               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15256 Activity Heat Map Metrics                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15277 Min/Max Skew Renamed                              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15293 Missing i18n String.                              
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15294 EclWatch build broken.                            
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15298 Fix regression caused by rmtssh and environment changes 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15301 Removing ./ from despray                          
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15358 Enable spray path field for despray               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15408 Graph edges duplication                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15419 Native graph regression                           
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15420 JS Graph Depth + No Subgraphs                     
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15444 Show Subgraph IDs                                 
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15471 Activities list empty on graph page               
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15476 Error viewing Roxie graphs if multiple packages   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15585 6.0 translations SR,HR,BS                         
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15592 Remove legacy ECL Watch link                      
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15593 Adding HU, and ZH translations.                   
EclWatch                            | HPCC-15623 ES,BR Translations                                
EclWatch                            | HPCC-8058 Add tooltips for "Resubmit/Restart"                
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-13923 Add replicate to logical file details             
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-14313 Add skews to heatmap                              
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-14500 Change warning message for cluster status         
EclWatch, ESP                       | HPCC-14516 Logical file size reporting not correct           
FTSlave                             | HPCC-15516 Despray umask pull method support                 
Init system                         | HPCC-12978 Made changes in line with PR                      
Init system                         | HPCC-12978 Stop_thor uses kill_process.  kill_process parameter order changed 
Init system                         | HPCC-13537 changes to thor status message                    
Init system                         | HPCC-13844 Lookup of topology processes and match instances  
Init system                         | HPCC-13980 Added configgen checks and validation checks for xml 
Init system                         | HPCC-14132 Fix ssh calls from scripts to include LogLevel=QUIET 
Init system                         | HPCC-14132hpcc-14132 Fix ssh calls from scripts to include LogLevel=QUIET 
Init system                         | HPCC-14113 Cleaned up unneeded files leftover in /tmp        
Init system                         | HPCC-14129 Clean up reporting output in          
Init system                         | HPCC-14160 Added macro for dependencies                      
Init system                         | HPCC-14160 Changed around the order of the macro parameters  
Init system                         | HPCC-14160 Create cache variables for dependencies to be passed between projects 
Init system                         | HPCC-14160 Made safe for reconfigure of cmake                
Init system                         | HPCC-14245 Changed variable named java to JNI_PATH           
Init system                         | HPCC-14395 Fixed regression with frunssh code in thor/slave  
Init system                         | HPCC-14160 Cache variable set differently in platform        
Init system                         | HPCC-14433 Allow  user to run hpcc-init and dafilesrv  
Init system                         | HPCC-14487 Change stop component to be more succinct         
Init system                         | HPCC-14609 Fixed propagation of umask for init scripts after hpcc_setenv source 
Init system                         | HPCC-14780 Added UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null for cases where we don't want strict host key checking 
Init system                         | HPCC-14851 Make unknown component error visible in hpcc-init 
Init system                         | HPCC-15059 Added check to return value of ssh call for throwing exception 
Init system                         | HPCC-15154 Changes to centos references where needed         
Init system                         | HPCC-15154 Replace reference to $USER environment variable with invocation of whoami 
Init system                         | HPCC-15321 Moved from sudoers file to /etc/sudoers.d/hpcc    
Init system                         | HPCC-15398 Sudoers file permission fix                       
JLib                                | HPCC-12622 Deprecate sget()                                  
JLib                                | HPCC-12622 Deprecate toCharArray()                           
JLib                                | HPCC-12708 Changes following review.                         
JLib                                | HPCC-12708 Optimize jset and provide countTrailingZeros() helpers 
JLib                                | HPCC-13077 Add isEmpty() to StringBuffer                     
JLib                                | HPCC-13496 'this' pointer cannot be null in well-defined C++ code 
JLib                                | HPCC-13496 Fix compilation Error: 'this' pointer and references cannot be null 
JLib                                | HPCC-13710 Minor changes following review                    
JLib                                | HPCC-13710 Multi threaded implementation of merge sort using tbb 
JLib                                | HPCC-13775 Use __sync_lock_release in spin blocks            
JLib                                | HPCC-14073 Removed unused jbroadcast code                    
JLib                                | HPCC-14287 Fix jptree attrvalue allocator to use memsize_t   
JLib                                | HPCC-14336 Epoll assert for event on already removed fd      
JLib                                | HPCC-14354 Better handling for slot contention               
JLib                                | HPCC-14354 Initial version of a new producer/consumer queue  
JLib                                | HPCC-14421 Fix various warnings reported by -Wconversion     
JLib                                | HPCC-14421 Use size_t for the size of a memory allocation    
JLib                                | HPCC-14465 Fix __linux__ typo preventing memory mapped files working 
JLib                                | HPCC-14469 Implement partitioned merging for final stage of merge sort 
JLib                                | HPCC-14531 Fix regression in merge sort on semi sorted items 
JLib                                | HPCC-14531 Refactor code, and minor optimization             
JLib                                | HPCC-14570 Allow get_cycles_now() to be inlined as getTSC()  
JLib                                | HPCC-14570 Default USE_INLINE_TSC on for 64bit, off for 32bit 
JLib                                | HPCC-14570 Fix build problem from unused variable            
JLib                                | HPCC-14571 Add support for power8 equivalent to RDTSC        
JLib                                | HPCC-14572 Add IO timing information to the stats            
JLib                                | HPCC-14572 Fix windows build break (function not defined)    
JLib                                | HPCC-14572 Fixes following code review                       
JLib                                | HPCC-14576 Fix incorrect code detected by compiler warning   
JLib                                | HPCC-14602 Add check on range of packed value                
JLib                                | HPCC-14602 Remove unused legacy stats tag code               
JLib                                | HPCC-14603 Compress serialized stats format                  
JLib                                | HPCC-14604 Remove internal errors accessing more modern workunits 
JLib                                | HPCC-14643 Add socket keepalive to thor<->eclagent conversation 
JLib                                | HPCC-14704 Assume that assertex() conditions are likely to be true 
JLib                                | HPCC-14720 Use __pause for 32bit GNU build                   
JLib                                | HPCC-14721 Platform build error signed/unsigned comparison   
JLib                                | HPCC-14741 Fix various warnings in jlib on power8            
JLib                                | HPCC-14787 Add a move constructor to Shared               
JLib                                | HPCC-14787 Use && instead of the more modern and             
JLib                                | HPCC-14909 Reset jsonfetch end of object state after each fetch 
JLib                                | HPCC-15130 Reduce jlib dependencies                          
JLib                                | HPCC-15130 Revert HPCC-12750 changes.  Add new default environment.xml" 
JLib                                | HPCC-15164 The assert macro was configured to be active even in release builds 
JLib                                | HPCC-15219 Reading files direct from git repos may truncate  
JLib                                | HPCC-15223 - Build break on OSX                              
JLib                                | HPCC-15249 FD_SET jsocket macros not correct for Power8      
JLib                                | HPCC-15267 Catch out of range array replace or swap use cases 
JLib                                | HPCC-15356 Possible race condition in ASyncFor can cause core in sem_post 
JLib                                | HPCC-15607 Match names of derived statistics                 
LDAP                                | HPCC-13832 Add description and owner to LDAP Group creation  
LDAP                                | HPCC-13909 Deprecated warnings from ldap code                
LDAP                                | HPCC-14021 Do we support basic, local, remotens authentication? 
LDAP                                | HPCC-14115 LDAP Enumerations need to support paging          
LDAP                                | HPCC-14165 LDAP compare on 389 DirectoryServer fails         
LDAP                                | HPCC-14220 Improve LDAP Paged Search memory management       
LDAP                                | HPCC-14291 LDAP build fails on Centos5                       
LDAP                                | HPCC-14293 Client Tools build break on LDAP component        
LDAP                                | HPCC-14382 LDAP build break on Windows                       
LDAP                                | HPCC-14448 LDAP Creation of parent OU should be more lenient 
LDAP                                | HPCC-14468 LDAP SecMgr unable to search distinguishedName with backslash 
LDAP                                | HPCC-14501 Remove annoying compile time warning              
LDAP                                | HPCC-14675 Remove dead security manager code                 
LDAP                                | HPCC-14823 LDAP OUs can be modified by any user              
LDAP                                | HPCC-15109 LDAP Resources listed twice in ECLWatch           
LDAP                                | HPCC-15119 LDAP Paged results sometimes fails unexpectedly   
LDAP                                | HPCC-15382 LDAPSecMgr sometimes creates conflicting LDAP entries 
LDAP, Security Manager              | HPCC-15439 Implement a single permissions cache shared by all sec mgrs 
Language                            | HPCC-12196 HTTPCALL support for JSON REST responses          
Language                            | HPCC-14396 Add missing entry for "REFRESH" in token text mapping 
Language                            | HPCC-14396 REFRESH(boolean) option on persist                
Language                            | HPCC-14402 Splitting strings efficiently                     
Language                            | HPCC-1513 Improve the syntax of #option inside beginc++      
Language, WS-ECL                    | HPCC-14653 STORED(FORMAT(SELECT())) to create drop down on generated form 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-12511 Allow resizeRow() to shrink huge memory allocations 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13641 Improve OOM error report                          
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13690 Fix regression in hthor topn destructor           
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13690 Implement synchronous parallel row release        
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13803 Swap a NonReentrantSpinLock for SpinLock          
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13808 Use an atomic_set instead of an atomic_cas        
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-13823 Use NonReentrantSpinLock where possible           
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-14442 Fix regression setting memory limit to 0          
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-14442 Initial work on global/slave memory managers      
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-14588 Disable parallel release with old versions of tbb (centos6) 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-14980 Fix race condition copying stale data when reallocating memory 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-14980 Improve compactRows tests                         
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-15379 Ensure unique heaps are freed when they are no longer in use 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-15490 MADV_HUGEPAGE define missing from CentOS build    
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-15518 Do not dump an out of memory report if memory not required 
Memory Manager                      | HPCC-15601 Do not fail if an unregistered callback is removed 
Performance suite                   | HPCC-14474 Improve testing of sorts                          
Plugins                             | HPCC-12240 Update Cassandra driver to latest                 
Plugins                             | HPCC-12943 Added LD_PRELOAD export to hpcc_setenv            
Plugins                             | HPCC-13724 Review use of batch in cassandra plugin           
Plugins                             | HPCC-13731 WorkunitsService does not always go via workunit.hpp 
Plugins                             | HPCC-13735 Add support for sorting/filtering WU lists in Cassandra 
Plugins                             | HPCC-13795 Add support for filtering WUs by application values in Cassandra 
Plugins                             | HPCC-13797 Add support for WU locking in Cassandra           
Plugins                             | HPCC-13862 Build errors in Rembed                            
Plugins                             | HPCC-13874 Improve mySQL error messages                      
Plugins                             | HPCC-14109 Redis plugin - extend timeouts to duration of plugin calls 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14116 Redis plugin: fail when attempting to initiate a persistent lock 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14121 Multiple MatchBagOfWords matching requests (saltlib) 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14122 Adding jvmoptions w/ -UsePerfData to environment.conf 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14286 Redis Plugin - Add independent pub/sub functions  
Plugins                             | HPCC-14286 Redis Plugin - add publish and subscribe functions 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14393 New Kafka plugin for Thor and Roxie               
Plugins                             | HPCC-14400 Redis Plugin - incorrect context checked on error 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14401 Redis Plugin - catch all NULL replies             
Plugins                             | HPCC-14418 Redis Plugin - open new connection upon previous context error 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14439 Build errors in Rembed with RInside 0.2.13        
Plugins                             | HPCC-14449 Redis Plugin - fix upmerge issue from HPCC-14418  
Plugins                             | HPCC-14490 Mark superfiles in files read with attribute      
Plugins                             | HPCC-14492 Redis Plugin - increase regression test stability 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14520 Redis plugin - improve error message coverage of timeout test 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14559 Add WorkunitServices function to set application values 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14683 Make Kafka SetMessageOffsets() work correctly in multi-node setup 
Plugins                             | HPCC-14835 Can't pass a dataset that includes a set/child dataset to Python 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15165 Check for invalid date formats within Std.Date.ConvertDateFormatMultiple() 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15175 Remove trailing ws from FindLIBMEMCACHED.cmake    
Plugins                             | HPCC-15307 Added libmemcached source build to cmake          
Plugins                             | HPCC-15400 Memcached linking issue to symlinks               
Plugins                             | HPCC-15446 Redis Plugin code typo                            
Plugins                             | HPCC-15478 MySQL embed supports setting various MySQL options 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15524 MySQL Plugin error when running with multiple threads 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15622 MySQLEMBED build (candidate-6.0.0) fails on CentOS 5 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15624 Rename Consumer and Publisher within the kafka plugin 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15653 Update example code in documentation to match recent MODULE rename 
Plugins, Regression Suite           | HPCC-13921 Update min libmemcached version and add connection exception test 
Plugins, Regression Suite           | HPCC-14565 Redis plugin - catch additional results to timeout test 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-12859 Update regression test to match new multi file support 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13123 Suppress warning in test against roxie            
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13150 Keydiff.ecl fails for multiPart=false             
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13427 Release some example queries                      
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13510 Exclude childds4, 5, 6 and 7 tests from Hthor in Regression Suite 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13622 Add //class=embedded tag to all embedded/plug-in test cases to easy exclusion 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13721 Add some examples derived from real world queries 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-13831 Regression suite test cassandra-simple.ecl failing 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-14267 Make trace.ecl test run on single node            
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-14530 Exclude TBB related sort versions from hthor.     
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-15031 Update keyfile for update.ecl to reflect message changes. 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-15179 regression suite tests for platform.ecl comparing wrong cluster 
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-15383 Add despray test case to Regression Suite         
Regression Suite                    | HPCC-15629 Kafka regression suite test failing               
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-12664 global name 'eclfile' is not defined              
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-12672 The //noxxxxxx tag won't work together with the --runclass/ --excludecalss parameters 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-12675 Prevent Regression Test Engine hangs when ecl command hangs. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-12862 Need to support nothor and noroxie etc. as option on //version. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-13521 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle well standard library exception. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-14223 Reword Regression Test Engine retry attempt message. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-14266 TargetIP being ignored and assumed to be same as engine IP's. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-14544 Improve underlying ecl (eclcc) return code handling. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-15339 Setup.ecl and setup_fetch.ecl fails on thor in Regression Suite setup. 
Regression Test Engine              | HPCC-15391 Fix Unexpected error:'' in Regression Test Engine log processor 
Roxie                               | HPCC-12293 Roxie cores if indexFileName is null              
Roxie                               | HPCC-12548 Roxie in memory indexes don't check for wrapping 2^32 
Roxie                               | HPCC-12599 Option in Roxie to bind queries to cores          
Roxie                               | HPCC-12660 Helper class for compressing and decompressing row pointers 
Roxie                               | HPCC-12907 Roxie graph links with no records are not shown as "0" 
Roxie                               | HPCC-13421 Add roxie support for '#anchor' URLs              
Roxie                               | HPCC-13421 Add roxie support for POST FormUrlEncoded         
Roxie                               | HPCC-13422 Add RESTful roxie support for control messages    
Roxie                               | HPCC-13451 Added config setting for Roxie multicast TTL      
Roxie                               | HPCC-13526 Writing to file fails in roxie stand alone mode   
Roxie                               | HPCC-13691 Fix windows link error caused by HPCC-9228        
Roxie                               | HPCC-13711 Add merge sort algorithms to roxie                
Roxie                               | HPCC-14140 Potential thread and socket leak from cacheFileConnect 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14141 Roxie should not force a disconnect of a file that it is about to ope 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14334 roxie resetStats should support specifying target querySet 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14367 Support target alias names for roxies behind a VIP 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14367 Update based on review                            
Roxie                               | HPCC-14472 Protect against exceptions thrown inside graph->reset() 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14525 Roxie check for compatible WU version missing     
Roxie                               | HPCC-14527 UDP sniffer still sends multicast when roxieMulticastEnabled=false 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14554 Roxie control:queries messages need to return errors 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14621 Include id field from query in logging            
Roxie                               | HPCC-14634 Roxie publishes file info before file has finished writing 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14692 Fixed size keyed joins may allocate too much memory 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14742 Roxie may core if keyed join limit transform references RHS row 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14764 Fix issues in standalone Roxie programs           
Roxie                               | HPCC-14764 Fix release only build break                      
Roxie                               | HPCC-14764 Roxie protocol encapsulation                      
Roxie                               | HPCC-14844 Cache database connections when using Embedded SQL 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14854 Add Roxie implementation of parallel PROJECT and PARSE 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14854 Fix windows compile error and warnings            
Roxie                               | HPCC-14864 Roxie start fails in container due to RMEM_MAX missing 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14871 - Missing include caused OSX build break          
Roxie                               | HPCC-14871 Add support for stranded inline table             
Roxie                               | HPCC-14871 Changes following code review                     
Roxie                               | HPCC-14871 Initialise strands variables after activity has been initialised 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14873 Add support for parallel aggregates               
Roxie                               | HPCC-14873 Add support to indicate readers are completed     
Roxie                               | HPCC-14878 Pass stop() up the stream chain - even if not started 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14905 Roxie does not support scheduling                 
Roxie                               | HPCC-14912 Ensure thread hooks are called before query dll is unloaded 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15000 Unchecked malloc in udp memory allocation         
Roxie                               | HPCC-15017 Roxie cumulative counts not working               
Roxie                               | HPCC-15094 Fix Roxie not returning exceptions for some malformed XML 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15156 - Roxie crashes unloading workunit after running once.ecl 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15193 Fix missing delimiter between output datasets in JSON 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15199 Setting useTreeCopy may cause corrupt files on Roxie 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15201 Improve error message on corrupt indexes          
Roxie                               | HPCC-15215 Fix roxie "STAT" request handling                 
Roxie                               | HPCC-15268 Code to increment active lost from roxie          
Roxie                               | HPCC-15284 Add roxie support for "Adaptive" rest             
Roxie                               | HPCC-15464 Query priority in Roxie being ignored             
Roxie                               | HPCC-15479 Fix Roxie not logging query COMPLETE              
Roxie                               | HPCC-15578 Missing coresPerQuery and affinity in roxie.xsd   
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-11162 Improve spin block performance when contended     
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-13030 Add row tracing support to engines                
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-14613 Fix trivial windows build errors                  
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-14656 Fix windows link problem                          
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-14656 Split concepts of an input and a row stream       
Roxie, Thor                         | HPCC-15062 Design and implement parallel child queries       
RoxiePipe                           | HPCC-12895 roxiepipe cores if asked to log to an invalid location 
Sasha                               | HPCC-14397 Prevent invalid filename from stopping XREF       
Sasha                               | HPCC-15531 Switch queue needs to use cluster name, not thor name 
Sasha, Workunit                     | HPCC-13934 Fix crash when 'unlocking' a delete workunit      
Security Manager                    | HPCC-14698 Security Manager code needed to support plug-in sec managers 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-14839 memory leak in CPermissionsClass                  
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15001 SecManager restructure to support per-binding secmanager plugins 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15003 Secmanager should remove superflous artifacts     
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15047 Refactor HTPass into an embedded SecManager plugin 
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15208 time_t is not always 32-bit                       
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15482 Implement read/write locks in permission cache    
Security Manager                    | HPCC-15507 Rework shared permissions cache                   
Thor                                | HPCC-11927 Add missing spaces around RIPF/RCPF's             
Thor                                | HPCC-11927 Fix issues picked up in review                    
Thor                                | HPCC-11927 Further optimizations to lookup/smart join        
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Add QUANTILE support to the code generator        
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Add QUANTILE to the ecl parser                    
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Define code generator/engine interface for QUANTILE 
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Finish roxie implementaton QUANTILE activity      
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Fix already sorted to allow distribution to mismatch 
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Initial implementation of roxie QUANTILE activity 
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Temporarily restrict quantile regression tests to roxie 
Thor                                | HPCC-12267 Test case for QUANTILE activity                   
Thor                                | HPCC-12315 Suppress ignore list warnings in Thor             
Thor                                | HPCC-13175 Avoid generating invalid code for IF() with type data 
Thor                                | HPCC-13791 Use keys in sort partitioning                     
Thor                                | HPCC-14083 Avoid early removal of spilling callback          
Thor                                | HPCC-14155 Skip slave unregister when asked to shutdown      
Thor                                | HPCC-14234 WHEN subgraph execution race condition fix        
Thor                                | HPCC-14270 Enth could deadlock if numerator = 0              
Thor                                | HPCC-14294 Correctly transform expressions hoisted inside keyed limits 
Thor                                | HPCC-14343 Deadlock fix for global LOOP loopagain if stopped early 
Thor                                | HPCC-14409 Introduce a row manager per slave channel.        
Thor                                | HPCC-14409 add a activity getRowAllocator queryRowManager    
Thor                                | HPCC-14410 Introduce row manager shared amongst slave channels 
Thor                                | HPCC-14410 switch to use std::atomic                         
Thor                                | HPCC-14416 Create compressed empty files when writing larger file 
Thor                                | HPCC-14429 Add options to specify slave processes and channels 
Thor                                | HPCC-14466 Add option to configure HD pull buffer size       
Thor                                | HPCC-14504 Expose Thor crc read+write options                
Thor                                | HPCC-14522 Implement support for affinity in Thor            
Thor                                | HPCC-14582 Add better spilling and grouping statistics       
Thor                                | HPCC-14582 Changes following review                          
Thor                                | HPCC-14607 Some orphaned temp files not deleted              
Thor                                | HPCC-14630 Speed up group sort by only checking option once  
Thor                                | HPCC-14689 Multi channel lookup/smart join implementation.   
Thor                                | HPCC-14730 Fix issue with conditional null inputs in child queries 
Thor                                | HPCC-14756 SOAP calls in child query need to reinit helper   
Thor                                | HPCC-14776 Improve exception handling during child init exceptions 
Thor                                | HPCC-14852 Fix Enth,LOCAL bug, uninitialized denominator     
Thor                                | HPCC-14858 Changes following review                          
Thor                                | HPCC-14858 Give context to OOM if upstream from gathering activity 
Thor                                | HPCC-14936 EclWatch logical file copy to other clusters, loses blockCompression flag and adds other spurious meta flags. 
Thor                                | HPCC-14984 Prevent follow on crash in distributor            
Thor                                | HPCC-14986 Use the correct stats collection for Thor disk read activities 
Thor                                | HPCC-14998 Spot Thor topology vs group mismatch during init  
Thor                                | HPCC-15033 Improve error message when processing utf16       
Thor                                | HPCC-15072 Seg fault when MemoryBuffer grows beyond 32bit limit 
Thor                                | HPCC-15088 Suppress misleading skew stats where small row count 
Thor                                | HPCC-15110 Load Graph XGMML from query dll instead of Dali   
Thor                                | HPCC-15253 Fix HPCC-14668 regression, causing part outputs to fail 
Thor                                | HPCC-15258 Thor stranded support + stranded project          
Thor                                | HPCC-15269 Fix missing child graph progress issue            
Thor                                | HPCC-15299 Protect multi writer getWriter from race condition 
Thor                                | HPCC-15320 Refactor graphs to avoid reconnecting graphs      
Thor                                | HPCC-15345 Swap change in init_thor                          
Thor                                | HPCC-15355 Fix various windows compile errors and warnings   
Thor                                | HPCC-15385 Fix strand regression in JOIN,ALL tests           
Thor                                | HPCC-15395 Thormaster crash when running job and asked to stop 
Thor                                | HPCC-15396 Fix splitter issue in cq, if buffer used then not. 
Thor                                | HPCC-15397 Fixes following HPCC-15320                        
Thor                                | HPCC-15401 Enth deadlock due to uninitialized members + lookahead 
Thor                                | HPCC-15401 Fix reuse of changed inputStream spotted in review 
Thor                                | HPCC-15407 Fix orphan change if no file on initialization    
Thor                                | HPCC-15422 Fix skip catch regression                         
Thor                                | HPCC-15432 A couple of incidental issues picked up in review 
Thor                                | HPCC-15432 Avoid conditionals child activity early initialization 
Thor                                | HPCC-15435 Pickup max cores hint or global  in parallel join 
Thor                                | HPCC-15440 Conditional could cause grouping to be wrong      
Thor                                | HPCC-15450 Ensure lookahead required count restartable       
Thor                                | HPCC-15463 Avoid marking loop subgraphs global where unecessary 
Thor                                | HPCC-15467 Allow leaf and block node cache configuration     
Thor                                | HPCC-15472 Smart join crash during stop regression           
Thor                                | HPCC-15489 Fix crash with child datasets and multiple channels 
Thor                                | HPCC-15489 Use __int64 in channel/actId allocator cache      
Thor                                | HPCC-15521 Ensure prefetchDone called at right time (avoid crash) 
Thor                                | HPCC-15536 Regression in distribute stop could cause restart issue 
Thor                                | HPCC-15544 Avoid leak in stop()                              
Thor                                | HPCC-15544 FirstN/Enth lookahead issues in loop              
Thor                                | HPCC-15582 A few minors picked up during review              
Thor                                | HPCC-15582 Revert HPCC-15489 and give slave managers own cache 
Thor                                | HPCC-15594 Avoid hashdedup roxiemem callback removal if already done 
Thor                                | HPCC-15595 Fix to lookupjoin multichannel race conditions    
Thor                                | HPCC-15602 Protect against number of threads/cores being set to 0 
Thor                                | HPCC-15605 Calculate average even if values are small        
Thor                                | HPCC-15620 By default use affinity/channels(rounded up) strands 
Thor                                | HPCC-8710 Multi slave in same process framework              
WS-Workunit Server                  | HPCC-10472 Add WsWorkunits methods to retrieve WU archive Info 
Workunit                            | HPCC-12250 Allow pluggable interface to workunit creation    
Workunit                            | HPCC-12251 Create cassandra plugin for workunit storage      
Workunit                            | HPCC-12251 Link cassandra plugin into wutest for easier debugging 
Workunit                            | HPCC-12666 Fix regressions in workunit refactoring (HPCC-12250) 
Workunit                            | HPCC-12755 Rationalize secure workunit interface             
Workunit                            | HPCC-13620 Scope checking of workunit lists defeats lazy fetch 
Workunit                            | HPCC-14005 WuTest selftest is not deleting one of the wus    
Workunit                            | HPCC-14485 Remove (duplicate) legacy timing stats from progress 
Workunit                            | HPCC-14674 Read WU CreateTime/ModifyTime from Statistics     
Workunit                            | HPCC-14674 Revise based on review                            
XREF                                | HPCC-14795 XREF - Tolerate physical files that do not conform 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14146 maxConnectTime ignored when clientSetRemoteFileTimeouts set 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14337 Protect against a potential corruption + invalid access 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14610 Add IFile::setFilePermissions for more control of dirs and files 
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14843 Despray segv when permissions do not allow open   
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14888 GetRFCText array bounds check                     
dafilesrv, JLib                     | HPCC-14832 File perms and umask correclty honored for local and remote 
ecl command                         | HPCC-14828 VS 2015 build has conflicting errno definitions   
ecl command                         | HPCC-14882 Fix eclcmd error messages when file not found     
ecl command                         | HPCC-15172 PM-validate should preprocess the PM the same way PM add does 
ecl command                         | HPCC-15203 Preload option in a package copying all parts to all nodes 
ecl command                         | HPCC-15599 Fix 5.4 regression with eclcc not flushing file descriptors on exit 
ecl command, EclWatch               | HPCC-14528 Refactor DFS update during publish/add-pkgmap/copy-query 
ecl command, EclWatch               | HPCC-14528 Updated based on review                           
ecl command, Roxie                  | HPCC-14071 Supporting maintaining PackageMaps in multiple files 
ecl command, Roxie                  | HPCC-14071 Update based on review                            
ecl command, Roxie, Thor            | HPCC-14444 Copying DISTRIBUTED indexes                       
ecl command, XREF                   | HPCC-14708 ecl-roxie-unused-files should check in-active PackageMaps 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14039 Ensure SORT(ds, TRIM(x)) is equivalent to SORT(ds, x) 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14053 Comments not always ignored when resolving macro parameter IDs 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14242 Constant-folding of external function calls could give wrong answer 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14388 Force full warnings as errors for embedded C++    
eclcc                               | HPCC-14388 Linux build error (missing " terminator on #pragma) 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14605 Remove bison output files before rebuilding       
eclcc                               | HPCC-14612 ECLlocation's constructor should initialize its members 
eclcc                               | HPCC-14925 Avoid core compiling directly from a git repository 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15018 Fix windows build break                           
eclcc                               | HPCC-15018 Update reservedwords.cpp with missing reserved words 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15271 Access denied message for embedded code assumes C++ 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15319 Allow spaces before #option inside embedc++       
eclcc                               | HPCC-15319 Fixes following code review                       
eclcc                               | HPCC-15403 Default eclcc stand alone generation to roxie     
eclcc                               | HPCC-15457 Ensure archive is included in workunits built from git source 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15458 Add option to eclcc to include archive in generated workunit 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15459 Always output the prototype - even if warnings disabled 
eclcc                               | HPCC-15459 Option to disable embedded c++ errors             
eclccserver                         | HPCC-14901 Git hook does not properly update the local bare repository 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-15285 Improve information when Compiling from a git repository 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-15343 Cannot override git branch in workunit            
eclrtl                              | HPCC-13804 Minor improvements to HASH32/HASH64               
eclrtl                              | HPCC-13804 Use a for loop instead of explicitly unwinding it 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-14353 Unicode collator lookup should be case-sensitive  
eclrtl                              | HPCC-14564 Disable -std=c++11 for eclrtl.cpp when on debian and boost < 1.48 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-14849 Fix problems using thread_local on apple          
eclrtl                              | HPCC-14849 Prevent BCD from deadlocking by using thread local storage 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-15077 Fix problem building on windows with no boost regex 
eclrtl                              | HPCC-15077 Use C++11 regex if boost regex not found and not disabled 

eclide                              | IDE-335 LAUNCH external eclwatch page without first going to eclwatch tab in IDE 
eclide                              | IDE-401 There is no way to wrap a wildcard text search 
eclide                              | IDE-415 Added set caret color to preferences 
eclide                              | IDE-437 File rename doesn't "stick" 
eclide                              | IDE-471 Importing KEL files 
eclide                              | IDE-474 Open Source IDE 
eclide                              | IDE-482 Add Submit Selected ECL 
eclide                              | IDE-490 New Bookmarks Feature 
eclide                              | IDE-498 Tooltip edge conditions for non-identical monitors 
eclide                              | IDE-499 VS2015 + update 2 Compile Issues 
eclide                              | IDE-500 Update About Screen to Apache License 
eclide                              | IDE-501 Add "Load Merge" and "Delete from list" to bookmark menu 
eclide                              | IDE-502 Remove VC runtimes from install 
eclide                              | IDE-503 Bookmark type counts wrong when loading save bookmarks 
eclide                              | IDE-505 Add missing files 
eclide                              | IDE-506 WU History Regression 
eclide                              | IDE-507 Resetting View Layout Fails 
eclide                              | IDE-508 Add Submit Selected to two dropdown menu 
eclide                              | IDE-513 Graph Timing List Sync Issue 
eclide                              | IDE-517 Add F1 help to Attribute Windows 
eclide                              | IDE-519 SetMarks and DeleteMarkedBookmarks wrong logic 
eclide                              | IDE-520 CreateIEclCC function returning null and Crashing IDE 
eclide                              | IDE-524 Edge condition crash on bookmarks bookkeeping 
eclide                              | Put deleting the user data into the LVN_DELETEITEM and fixed header bug to autosize initial bookmarks loaded. 



Release Notes for Community Edition 5.6.8-1

Known Limitations for 5.6.8-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.6.6-1 (gold) to 5.6.8-1 (gold)

Init system, Thor                         | HPCC-16211 Thor slaves need MALLOC_ARENA_MAX env var set           
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16173 Add tracing to note lost UDP packets in roxie log       
Roxie                                     | HPCC-16173 Fix windows compile error                               
Roxie, Thor                               | HPCC-16288 Revert "HPCC-12789 Evaluate child queries after skips if not dependant" 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16248 Fix minor leak in splitter                              
Thor                                      | HPCC-16250 Fix leaking JOIN LHS if LHS already sorted              
Thor                                      | HPCC-16266 Fix issue with SOAP DATASET/ACTION inside child query   
Thor                                      | HPCC-16269 Fix thormaster wuid read result leak                    
dafilesrv                                 | HPCC-16185 Allow Dali file access auth when no scope scanning enabled 
eclrtl                                    | HPCC-16308 Avoid using the decimal stack for decimal->string conversion 

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.6.6-1

Known Limitations for 5.6.6-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.6.4-1 (gold) to 5.6.6-1 (gold)

LDAP                                      | HPCC-15980 Foreign file request honored to unauthenticated user    
Thor                                      | HPCC-15985 Fix uninitialised variable in CSplitterOutput::getMetaInfo 
Thor                                      | HPCC-16040 Fix regression in HPCC-15985                            

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.6.4-1

Known Limitations for 5.6.4-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.6.2-1 (gold) to 5.6.4-1 (gold)

Build process                       | HPCC-14436 Add support for Visual Studio 14 2015             
Build process                       | HPCC-14996 package all required third party libraries from MacPorts 
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14633 Fix error with results read from other workunits  
FTSlave                             | HPCC-15516 Despray umask pull method support                 
JLib                                | HPCC-15356 Possible race condition in ASyncFor can cause core in sem_post 
LDAP                                | HPCC-15382 LDAPSecMgr sometimes creates conflicting LDAP entries 
Plugins                             | HPCC-15524 MySQL Plugin error when running with multiple threads 
Thor                                | HPCC-15299 Protect multi writer getWriter from race condition 
ecl command                         | HPCC-15599 Fix 5.4 regression with eclcc not flushing file descriptors on exit 
eclccserver                         | HPCC-15343 Cannot override git branch in workunit            

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.6.2-1

Known Limitations for 5.6.2-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.6.0-1 (gold) to 5.6.2-1 (gold)

Code Generator                      | HPCC-14507 Fix problem creating empty dictionaries
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-15050 Protect access to binutils with a critical section
ECL Standard Library                | HPCC-15123 Reimplement WorkunitServices.WorkunitTimeStamps
EclWatch                            | HPCC-13953 Banner does not show in new ECL Watch
JLib                                | HPCC-15219 Reading files direct from git repos may truncate
JLib                                | HPCC-15223 Build break on OSX
Roxie                               | HPCC-15017 Roxie cumulative counts not working
Roxie                               | HPCC-15199 Setting useTreeCopy may cause corrupt files on Roxie
Roxie                               | HPCC-15201 Improve error message on corrupt indexes
Thor                                | HPCC-14984 Prevent follow on crash in distributor
ecl command                         | HPCC-15203 Preload option in a package copying all parts to all nodes
eclide                              | IDE-493 Text Compare Fails

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.6.0-1

Known Limitations for 5.6.0-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.10-1 (gold) to 5.6.0-1 (gold)
                                    | HPCC-1628 Check network address before listing files
Build process                       | HPCC-14790 Overwrite Cmake supplied RelDebWithInfo w Release cxx flags
Build process                       | HPCC-14913 Ignore deprecated warnings in OSX
Cassandra                           | HPCC-14827 Update cassandra cpp driver to latest version 2.2.2
Cassandra                           | HPCC-14845 Cassandra cpp driver 2.2.2 list type issue
Code Generator                      | HPCC-12789 Evaluate child queries after skips if not dependant
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14398 ESP process core when plugin contains invalid ECL
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14454 Fix incorrect constant folding of CHOOSE(0,...)
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14483 A hash aggregate no longer treated as a trivial operation
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14623 Allow SUM(GROUP)/y inside a TABLE activity
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14642 Improve error message for invalid distribute by key
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14705 Thor rollup group loses records following skipped transform
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14811 Avoid duplicating annotations on expressions
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14812 Add ROWDIFF test case to the regression suite
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14812 Fix ROWDIFF with nested records
Code Generator                      | HPCC-2978 Make IF(cond, unicode_x, unicode_y) variable length
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Allow warnings when removing superfiles.
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Fix issue picked up in review (ctx may be NULL)
DFS                                 | HPCC-14727 Tidy up transaction interface and private methods.
DFS                                 | HPCC-14768 Fix spurious error adding empty superfile to super
DFS                                 | HPCC-14785 Throw an error on attempt to remove super that's owned
Documentation                       | HPCC-14232 Fix Syntax diagram for LOOP
Documentation                       | HPCC-14309 DOCS:Keywords Global Search in ECL Watch.
Documentation                       | HPCC-14526 DOCS:Document Roxie preferred cluster
ESP                                 | HPCC-14822 Support dropzone umask in FileSpray web service
ESP                                 | HPCC-14869 Add ApplicationValues to WURun
ESP                                 | HPCC-14907 Fix ambiguous xpath in WUQuerysetDetails
ESP, WS-DFU/WS-FS                   | HPCC-14896 Always fill in destFileOut for getDropZoneInfoByIP()
EclAgent, JHTree                    | HPCC-14164 Error: System error: 1000: Key size mismatch on key [merger]
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14306 ECL Watch remembers checked files
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14547 Add open ability to superfile tab
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14945 IE8 Build Issue
Init system                         | HPCC-14780 Added UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null for cases where we don't want strict host key checking
Init system                         | HPCC-14851 Make unknown component error visible in hpcc-init
JLib                                | HPCC-14643 Add socket keepalive to thor<->eclagent conversation
Plugins                             | HPCC-14835 Can't pass a dataset that includes a set/child dataset to Python
Roxie                               | HPCC-14554 Roxie control:queries messages need to return errors
Roxie                               | HPCC-14621 Include id field from query in logging
Roxie                               | HPCC-14844 Cache database connections when using Embedded SQL
Roxie                               | HPCC-14912 Ensure thread hooks are called before query dll is unloaded
Thor                                | HPCC-14630 Speed up group sort by only checking option once
Thor                                | HPCC-14756 SOAP calls in child query need to reinit helper
Thor                                | HPCC-14776 Improve exception handling during child init exceptions
Thor                                | HPCC-14852 Fix Enth,LOCAL bug, uninitialized denominator
Workunit                            | HPCC-14674 Read WU CreateTime/ModifyTime from Statistics
Workunit                            | HPCC-14674 Revise based on review
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14610 Add IFile::setFilePermissions for more control of dirs and files
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14843 Despray segv when permissions do not allow open
dafilesrv                           | HPCC-14888 GetRFCText array bounds check
eclcc                               | HPCC-14053 Comments not always ignored when resolving macro parameter IDs
eclcc                               | HPCC-14925 Avoid core compiling directly from a git repository
eclccserver                         | HPCC-14901 Git hook does not properly update the local bare repository


Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.10-1

Known Limitations for 5.4.10-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.8-1 (gold) to 5.4.10-1 (gold)
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14972 Fix problems passing rows to REMOTE() graphs
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14972 Use a temporary row to avoid directly serializing

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.8-1

Known Limitations for 5.4.8-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.6-1 (gold) to 5.4.8-1 (gold)
BackUpNode                          | HPCC-14726 Fixed regression in start_backupnode logging
Build process                       | HPCC-14706 Remove trademark from Clienttools Windows Start Menu
Build process                       | HPCC-14818 Add dependencies check for Ubuntu 15.10
Core Libraries                      | HPCC-14850 In CLocalEnvironment the dropZoneCacheBuilt doesn't initialize.
Documentation                       | HPCC-13864 DOCS:Remove Hardware Recomendations from Installing
Documentation                       | HPCC-14733 DOCS:Change copyright date to 2016 for all docs
Documentation                       | HPCC-14814 Typo in DISTRIBUTE docs
ESDL                                | HPCC-14673 Adds WsESDLConfig access security flag to WsSMC
EclServer                           | HPCC-14762 Prevent scope cleanup from invalidating an active record
EclWatch                            | HPCC-14515 Issues sorting logical files
JLib                                | HPCC-14604 Remove internal errors accessing more modern workunits
LDAP                                | HPCC-14823 LDAP OUs can be modified by any user
Roxie                               | HPCC-12293 Roxie cores if indexFileName is null
Roxie                               | HPCC-14692 Fixed size keyed joins may allocate too much memory
Roxie                               | HPCC-14742 Roxie may core if keyed join limit transform references RHS row
Thor                                | HPCC-14730 Fix issue with conditional null inputs in child queries
XREF                                | HPCC-14795 XREF - Tolerate physical files that do not conform

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.6-1

Known Limitations for 5.4.6-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.4-1 (gold) to 5.4.6-1 (gold)
                                    | HPCC-14260 Fix duplicate statistic for non root subgraph in child query
Code Generator                      | HPCC-14052 Fix error on implicit project of MERGE(,SORTED(childrow.field))
Config UI                           | HPCC-14447 ConfigMgr incorrectly encodes passwords
Core Libraries, JLib                | HPCC-14452 CSocketEpollThread - no exception for bad file descriptor
Documentation                       | HPCC-14506 Document HTTPHEADER option for SOAPCALL & HTTPCALL
Documentation                       | HPCC-14511 Fix Typo in STD.Str.FIND docs
Documentation                       | HPCC-14513 Document #OPTION('soapTraceLevel','n')
ESP                                 | HPCC-14523 ESP incorrectly parses user,pwd
EclAgent                            | HPCC-14478 HThor KJ release index when subgraph is done.
LDAP                                | HPCC-14448 LDAP Creation of parent OU should be more lenient
LDAP                                | HPCC-14468 LDAP SecMgr unable to search distinguishedName with backslash
Roxie                               | HPCC-14525 Roxie check for compatible WU version missing
Roxie                               | HPCC-14527 UDP sniffer still sends multicast when roxieMulticastEnabled=false
eclrtl                              | HPCC-14353 Unicode collator lookup should be case-sensitive

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.4-1

Known Limitations for 5.4.4-1 (gold)
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-10282 ConfigMgr Advanced mode should automatically add Roxie farm with port 0

For this release, support for embedded R has been temporarily removed due to a change in their licensing.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.4.0-1 (gold) to 5.4.4-1 (gold)
Build process             | HPCC-14434 Fix testsocket so it can run on windows
Code Generator            | HPCC-14225 Add no_json to the IR case statement
Code Generator            | HPCC-14301 Generate valid helper class for self join
Code Generator            | HPCC-14366 STD.Str.Contains may constant-fold incorrectly
Documentation             | HPCC-12519 Docs:Thor Memory Settings
Documentation             | HPCC-12575 Docs:Clarify parameterlist is comma sep list
Documentation             | HPCC-12888 Docs:Document changes to make ecl cli more intuitive
Documentation             | HPCC-12888 Edit usage for ecl cli
Documentation             | HPCC-14254 Docs rename CreateSuperFile parameter
Documentation             | HPCC-14275 Document missing ecl publish options
Documentation             | HPCC-14325 DOCS:Update Sect ID Attributes Prog. Guide
Documentation             | HPCC-14329 DOCS:Update Install Docs Sect ID Attributes
Documentation             | HPCC-14335 DOCS:Update Sect ID Attr. ECLWatch, Client Tools
Documentation             | HPCC-14377 DOCS:Update Sect ID Att. SysAdmin, Certify
Documentation             | HPCC-14379 Docs:Remove references to VMWare
Documentation             | HPCC-14438 DOCS:Update Sect ID Att:Monitor,DHand,IMDB
Documentation             | HPCC-14451 DOCS:Rep and Monitoring duplicateID
ESP                       | HPCC-14383 Change WUListQueries filters to be case insensitive
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13998 Monitoring Icon Selects Wrong Tab
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14045 Sorting via size column not sorting
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14108 Libraries filter needs a clear label
Init system               | HPCC-14395 Fixed regression with frunssh code in thor/slave
JLib                      | HPCC-14287 Fix jptree attrvalue allocator to use memsize_t
JLib                      | HPCC-14336 Epoll assert for event on already removed fd
Plugins                   | HPCC-14400 Redis Plugin - incorrect context checked on error
Plugins                   | HPCC-14418 Redis Plugin - open new connection upon previous context error
Roxie                     | HPCC-14334 roxie resetStats should support specifying target querySet
Sasha                     | HPCC-14397 Prevent invalid filename from stopping XREF
Thor                      | HPCC-14270 Enth could deadlock if numerator = 0
Thor                      | HPCC-14294 Correctly transform expressions hoisted inside keyed limits
Thor                      | HPCC-14343 Deadlock fix for global LOOP loopagain if stopped early
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-14337 Protect against a potential corruption + invalid access
eclcc                     | HPCC-14039 Ensure SORT(ds, TRIM(x)) is equivalent to SORT(ds, x)

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.2-1

Known Limitations for 5.4.2-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.8-1 apply.

Build process             | HPCC-14250 OSX build errors
Code Generator            | HPCC-13940 Correctly determine the scope to evalue graph results
Code Generator            | HPCC-14196 Fix out of order graph result access caused by HPCC-14196
Code Generator            | HPCC-14209 Add missing member function rtlRowAttr::set()
DFS                       | HPCC-14199 RemoveOwnedSubFiles crashed with nested superfiles
DFU Server                | HPCC-14194 DFUServer asserted in wildcard fixed spray if there is no input file.
DFU Server                | HPCC-14282 Spray of a zero byte file resulting in an exception
Dali                      | HPCC-14190 Avoid possible deadlock during node subscription removal
Dali                      | HPCC-14212 Add node subscription could cause deadlock
Dali                      | HPCC-14212 Avoid deadlock with subscription sub system
Dali                      | HPCC-14212 Previous fix still left a small window for deadlock.
Dali                      | HPCC-14212 Protect getSubscribers (node subscribers)
Documentation             | HPCC-13376 DOCS: Clarify steps regarding Replicate checkbox
Documentation             | HPCC-13937 Document need for thread safety
Documentation             | HPCC-14032 Docs:Only result returned from ecl run without --verbose
Documentation             | HPCC-14125 Docs:Fix syntax diagram for form5 of LOOP
Documentation             | HPCC-14131 Clarify GLOBAL example in Language Reference
Documentation             | HPCC-14131 Edits based upon review
Documentation             | HPCC-14159 Document #OPTION('obfuscateOutput',TRUE)
Documentation             | HPCC-14159 Document #OPTION('obfuscateOutput',TRUE)
Documentation             | HPCC-14186 DOCS:undocumented Spray Option
EclServer                 | HPCC-14161 Fix processing FORWARD definitions with inline transforms
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14195 LZ directories should default to closed
Init system               | HPCC-14156 Modified preflight query to use new thor naming scheme
Roxie                     | HPCC-12687 Roxie may retry indefinitely in localSlave mode
Roxie                     | HPCC-14117 Continue loading packagemap after preload file fails
Roxie                     | HPCC-14149 Roxie does not clear copying flag on insufficient space
Roxie                     | HPCC-14208 Roxie can core unloading a query using mixed-size superkeys
Thor                      | HPCC-14050 Fix issue with child filter + varying canMatchAny()
Thor                      | HPCC-14086 Do not generate case via array if default is not constant
Thor                      | HPCC-14166 Ensure indexcount row manager cleared
Thor                      | HPCC-14177 Remove spurious stepping meta code in Sorted activity
Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.0-1 Gold Release

Known Limitations for 5.4.0-1 (gold)
HPCC-14050 Certain child filter activities can cause graph initialization failure
HPCC-13933 Missing top level key part doesn't use replicated file part
HPCC-13998 Monitoring icon doesn't work when launching ECLwatch the first time

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.2.4-1 (gold) to 5.4.0-1 (gold)
                          |            Created cleanupRuntimeEnvironment
                          | HPCC-14084 HAVING operator failed if inside child query
                          | HPCC-3651  Edits based upon review
                          | IDE-324    Update info to run IDE under WINE
                          | IDE-407    Add ECL Watch View topic
                          | IDE-407    Minor edit to tag
                          |            Replaced unicode \xc2 with (R) in python copywrite headers
                          |            Update comment regarding lua script SHA1
Build process             | HPCC-13021 Fix CMake 3.x warnings
Build process             | HPCC-13251 Fix HPCC Windows VS 9 2008 Win64 errors
Build process             | HPCC-13251 Update configuration for Win32
Build process             | HPCC-13273 Add and re-order header files to support Visual Studio 12 2013
Build process             | HPCC-13297 Replace '-' with '~' for rc build on DEB systems
Build process             | HPCC-13301 Added python to ubuntu/debian releases as dependency
Build process             | HPCC-13301 Formatting changes to
Build process             | HPCC-13444 Add Ubuntu 15.04 amd64 support
Build process             | HPCC-13512 Use latest available JDK when building system
Build process             | HPCC-13523 Fix spelling mistakes highlighted by lintian
Build process             | HPCC-13531 Fix various windows compile warnings
Build process             | HPCC-13601 Travis-CI
Build process             | HPCC-13801 Place unittests executable in standard HPCC directory
Build process             | HPCC-13858 CMake not detecting MySQL include directory
Build process             | HPCC-13884 Remove compile error for cassandra on windows
Build process             | HPCC-13927 Dependency problem in parallel build.
Build process             | HPCC-14094 Somaxconn setting for Windows Visual Studio build
Cassandra                 | HPCC-13794 Cassandra plugin should use paging
Cassandra                 | HPCC-13799 Cassandra plugin should delay/overlap waiting for results
Code Generator            | HPCC-10243 Fix -ve memory leak introduced by the initial commit
Code Generator            | HPCC-10243 Support for WHEN(scalar, action, BEFORE|SUCCESS|FAILURE)
Code Generator            | HPCC-11421 Validate format of ECL Attribute XMLNS prefix
Code Generator            | HPCC-12129 Support default values for bitfield fields
Code Generator            | HPCC-12205 Support PATTERN(constant-string-definition)
Code Generator            | HPCC-12934 Add attributes to ensure ordering is preserved
Code Generator            | HPCC-12934 Optimize IF(a, b+c, b+d) to b + IF(a,c,d)
Code Generator            | HPCC-13081 Ignore ,MERGE on non-grouping Aggregate
Code Generator            | HPCC-13171 Improve generated code for  IN dictionary
Code Generator            | HPCC-13229 Improve error reporting of #WEBSERVICE and other #commands
Code Generator            | HPCC-13245 Improve temporary row code for no_selectnth
Code Generator            | HPCC-13246 Constant rows are now legal to link count
Code Generator            | HPCC-13249 Do not create temporary expressions for events
Code Generator            | HPCC-13266 Improve processing of global scalar expressions
Code Generator            | HPCC-13275 Split the child dependency spotting from the resourcer
Code Generator            | HPCC-13292 Remove (very old) incorrect LIMIT optimization
Code Generator            | HPCC-13314 Allow datasets to be used in sort lists
Code Generator            | HPCC-13318 Add -fsaveCpp as a synonym for -fsaveCppTempFiles
Code Generator            | HPCC-13318 Add -fsaveCpp to help text, and improve consistency of output
Code Generator            | HPCC-13357 Improve error message for invalid ROWDIFF
Code Generator            | HPCC-13381 Add #option ('obfuscateOutput') to hide original ECL
Code Generator            | HPCC-13381 Add #option ('obfuscateOutput') to regression suite example
Code Generator            | HPCC-13417 Fix internal error using WILD(field) on PRELOAD DATASET
Code Generator            | HPCC-13476 Output dependencies in a consistent order
Code Generator            | HPCC-13487 Fix ECL IR unit tests to match updated format
Code Generator            | HPCC-13503 Use "jobtemp::" as a prefix for temp files with job duration
Code Generator            | HPCC-13533 Fix invalid code generated for disk normalize
Code Generator            | HPCC-13534 Improve support for distributed streaming functions
Code Generator            | HPCC-13561 Fix core and problems with alias scope in transform
Code Generator            | HPCC-13581 Fix problem projecting index read with ONFAIL LIMIT
Code Generator            | HPCC-13588 Fix bug in generated code for index containing datasets inside rows
Code Generator            | HPCC-13693 Fix internal error comparing a dataset against an empty dataset
Code Generator            | HPCC-13700 Add option to add a child query count to the graph information
Code Generator            | HPCC-13749 Add missing dependencies between definitions
Code Generator            | HPCC-13767 Fix stack fault in code generator iterating grouped datasets
Code Generator            | HPCC-13805 Can't use parameter in embed option string
Code Generator            | HPCC-13863 Fix incorrect child filter, moving filter over project
Code Generator            | HPCC-14047 Default newBalancedSpotter off as deadlock workaround
Code Generator            | HPCC-8704  Do not remove PULL activities from roxie graphs.
Config Process/Services   | HPCC-12770 DOCS:Update Nagios Docs
Config Process/Services   | HPCC-13942 ConfigMgr wizards fails with "Could not locate filename"
Config UI                 | HPCC-12852 Modified more of
Config UI                 | HPCC-13614 ConfigMgr - Fix Highlighting in file selection
Config Utils              | HPCC-13726 Expose Thor Slave fileCacheLimit
Core Libraries            | HPCC-10666 Operations on Files should not, by default, change the state of the file.
                          |            e.g., STD.File.Copy converts compressed files to uncompressed files.
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13448 Source Code needs Marca Registrada next to HPCC Systems
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13486 Fix memory leaks in wuwebview
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13528 Windows constants correct type, add U64C()
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13580 Correct text of logging error messages
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13580 Support ELF format resource without binutils
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13948 Fix divide by zero regression when retries exhausted
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13968 Protect MP channel use from async expiry/deletion.
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13984 Increase listen backlog for large clusters with many thor slaves
DFS                       | HPCC-13686 Avoid unecessary locking if subfile missing on remove
DFS                       | HPCC-13754 changed ssh LogLevel for banner issue with old clients
DFS                       | HPCC-13978 Fix regression preventing subfiles being removed
DFS                       | HPCC-13988 CSV Parsing QUOTE char and ESCAPE char cannot be the same
DFU Server                | HPCC-13331 Should be able to despray XML without rowTag specification.
DFU Server                | HPCC-13576 Removed remote call to dfuserver process and replaced with simple kill
DFU Server                | HPCC-13685 Support whitespace separated JSON objects at file root level
DFU Server                | HPCC-13975 Support spraying  multiple small JSON files to one logical
DFU Server                | HPCC-13981 Fix isses with filenames with leading numeric characters
DFU Server                | HPCC-14072 CUtfPartitioner::storeFieldName() generates invalid field names.
Dali                      | HPCC-13713 Remove redundant code in XmlSplitter::getHeaderLength()
Dali                      | HPCC-13800 Avoid potential Dali crash, as nodes being destroyed.
Dali                      | HPCC-13800 Use static_cast in release
Documentation             | HPCC-11023 DOCS:Huge Page Support
Documentation             | HPCC-11345 Docs: Fix typo in indexterm
Documentation             | HPCC-12063 Document eclcc --keywords option
Documentation             | HPCC-12456 Fix docs for Std.Date.ToGregorianYMD
Documentation             | HPCC-12749 Docs: Document new options for std.file.SprayVariable
Documentation             | HPCC-13332 Document preservecompression for DFU Copy
Documentation             | HPCC-13388 Documentation for how to understand workunits
Documentation             | HPCC-13419 DOCS: Add Config Security to SysAdmin
Documentation             | HPCC-13431 DOCS:New functionality in
Documentation             | HPCC-13539 Document Quoted Terminator option
Documentation             | HPCC-13579 Correct doc error MonitorLogicalFileName
Documentation             | HPCC-13599 Document Metaphone3
Documentation             | HPCC-13613 Document STORED(FORMAT(PASSWORD))
Documentation             | HPCC-13651 Docs: Add missing params to AVE and SUM
Documentation             | HPCC-13666 Docs: Clarify use of EXPIRE
Documentation             | HPCC-13696 Document Minus operator on DATASET
Documentation             | HPCC-13737 Fix typos in Lang Ref
Documentation             | HPCC-13757 Update examples to use STD.File
Documentation             | HPCC-13766 Docs:Advise to use SSL when using Authentication
Documentation             | HPCC-13790 Docs Fix sceeenshot
Documentation             | HPCC-13790 Docs: Update ECL Watch screenshot
Documentation             | HPCC-13810 DOCS:Modify files for Doc (ConfigMgr) AutoGeneration
Documentation             | HPCC-13829 Document Preserve Compression in ECL Watch
Documentation             | HPCC-13872 Clarify #Workunit Topic in LR
Documentation             | HPCC-13876 Fix typo in STD.System.Job.Target
Documentation             | HPCC-13888 Document Index filter for Logical Files in ECL Watch
Documentation             | HPCC-13904 Improve docs for eclplus action=graph
Documentation             | HPCC-13913 Document FromStringToDate
Documentation             | HPCC-13914 Document STD.Date.Today()
Documentation             | HPCC-13915 Document STD.Date.DayOfYear
Documentation             | HPCC-14024 DOCS:Target Name to Scope
Documentation             | HPCC-14033 Fix Typo in LR : AllowAutoQueueSwitch
Documentation             | HPCC-9348  DOCS:Integrate ConfigMgr Doc generation tool
ECL Standard Library      | HPCC-12781 Add an ONFAIL attribute to FROMXML/FROMJSON
ECL Standard Library      | HPCC-13883 ulUnicodeLocaleEditDistanceWithinRadius can access uninitialized data
ESP                       | HPCC-10746 Fix FileView2 can't display keys that contain blobs
ESP                       | HPCC-12691 Add ESP method to report Component Status
ESP                       | HPCC-12792 Allow symlinks in componentfiles/files folder
ESP                       | HPCC-13113 Fix incorrect use of default_client_version
ESP                       | HPCC-13472 Add new Stored Format(password) option to hide passwords
ESP                       | HPCC-13495 Add/use environment methods to get target dir
ESP                       | HPCC-13495 Use correct default target directory for despray
ESP                       | HPCC-13636 Fix ESDL CL crash
ESP                       | HPCC-13777 Filter/sort logical files on @kind attr
ESP                       | HPCC-13787 Return cluster type in TpLogicalClusterQuery
ESP                       | HPCC-13900 Not return data fields if not set
ESP                       | HPCC-13900 Report 'Replicate' in WsDfu.DFUInfo
ESP                       | HPCC-13903 Fix ECLPlus Action=graph results in error
ESP                       | HPCC-13912 Return Replicate for files on >2 clusters
ESP                       | HPCC-13960 Add PublishedBy as filter in WUListQueries
EclAgent                  | HPCC-13574 EclAgent should not keep wu locked over esp soapcalls
EclAgent                  | HPCC-13595 Fix workunit parameter xml handling of unescaped xml
EclAgent                  | HPCC-13818 Improvements for outputting directly to external logical files
EclWatch                  | HPCC-10089 Integration of system health / nagios
EclWatch                  | HPCC-11665 Banner to support color picker
EclWatch                  | HPCC-11727 Downgrade Expected Errors to Info
EclWatch                  | HPCC-11809 Refresh on LZ page collapse the list
EclWatch                  | HPCC-12210 Change confusing label
EclWatch                  | HPCC-12692 Additional Plugin Points
EclWatch                  | HPCC-12937 Look up replication scheme when cloning roxie subfiles
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13007 LandingZone Download Name Wrong
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13165 Machine view cannot access logs
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13188 Dependency helper file not displayed
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13220 Remove eclagent from preflight report
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13296 Rename DFUWU not a read-only field
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13328 Graph Status Indicator
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13329 Add Graphs to Logical File Details
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13333 Add preserve compression flag to copy dialog
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13384 WUQuery/WUDetails need schedule buttons
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13386 Sort by owner in scheduled workunits
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13399 Remember states of collapsed clusters
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13404 Fix memory leak when in ECLWatch (ESP get graph)
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13414 Add Graph Zoom GUI
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13447 Give user ability to filter by ID
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13462 Add ability filter by DFUWUID
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13465 Disable refresh on activity page
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13618 Add a useful exception toaster message
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13634 Only cache WU result when WU is done
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13635 Update Viz Framework to v1.0.2
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13670 Filter ECL WUs using case-insensitive filename
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13676 Add ZH translations.
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13677 Add spanish translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13678 Add Hungarian Translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13679 Add Portuguese Translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13680 Add Bosnian Translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13681 Add Serbian Translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13682 Add Croatian Translations
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13689 Remove allowed cluster dropdown
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13759 Logical Files names missing
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13760 Displaying incorrect tooltips
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13765 Filter by content type: "index"
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13822 Logical File Parts not displaying correctly
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13837 Return correct query status when roxie node stops
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13839 Delete empty superfile
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13842 Add WUID filter for searching Archived WUs
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13851 DOCS:Document Autorefresh option
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13853 Show replicate state of a file
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13869 ESP Exception not echoed correctly.
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13951 Add suspended state to summary page
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13956 Add "published by" filter
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13983 WU Helper tab shows HTML not logs
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14022 Cannot view logs on multi-node env
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14028 ECLAgent config not displaying
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14030 Preserve compression on single file
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14034 Fix Search DFU By Cluster in legacy ECLWatch
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14063 Nagios Toolbar icon out of sync
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14066 Modify "Scope" translations to match
Embedded Languages        | HPCC-13616 Cache sessions and prepared queries in Cassandra driver
Init system               | HPCC-12923 Added sane logging/debugging to hpcc-init and component init files
Init system               | HPCC-12965 Fix xsl:message handling
Init system               | HPCC-12978 Stop_thor uses kill_process.  kill_process parameter order changed
Init system               | HPCC-12987 Added case statement for new thor exit codes
Init system               | HPCC-13058 Check frunssh failure in run_thor
Init system               | HPCC-13230 Added dfsgroup checking into init_thor
Init system               | HPCC-13278 Now remove Defaults:hpcc line from sudoers file
Init system               | HPCC-13279 Added removal of remote_install.tgz
Init system               | HPCC-13285 Install cluster can pass previously generated keys
Init system               | HPCC-13289 trap ctrl-c and exit
Init system               | HPCC-13310 The checkPid call is unneccessary as it is replicated within the checkPidExists function
Init system               | HPCC-13335 Suppressed output from kill and rm commands
Init system               | HPCC-13401 Removed unused default passwords from Host class
Init system               | HPCC-13478 Complete re-write of init_thor
Init system               | HPCC-13482 Added Timeout log_msg
Init system               | HPCC-13489 Make a 1 to 1 relationship between init_compname and init process
Init system               | HPCC-13555 Changes to and for Force stop
Init system               | HPCC-13582 Fix stop_component to work with reworked check_status for 5.4+
Init system               | HPCC-13672 Uninstall should not remove install dir if it is a symbolic link
Init system               | HPCC-13673 Changed killall to use verbose signal name instead of value
Init system               | HPCC-13673 Fix Thorslave socket not being freed on shutdown
Init system               | HPCC-13701 Add systemd service files on Ubuntu 15.04
Init system               | HPCC-13706 Modified unlock to be done within component init scripts
JLib                      | HPCC-13496 Add backwards compatible str() and lower() to aid merging
JLib                      | HPCC-13564 Improve comments to clarify packing of PTrees
JLib                      | HPCC-13564 Reduce packing overrides and fix misaligned atomic access
JLib                      | HPCC-13578 Prevent logging from destroyed crit secs from segfaulting
JLib                      | HPCC-13578 Prevent logging from destroyed crit secs from segfaulting
JLib                      | HPCC-13647 Avoid global jlog LogMsgPrepender
JLib                      | HPCC-13663 Implementation of a vector merge sort
JLib                      | HPCC-13663 Refactor stable quicksort to return sorted rows in place
JLib                      | HPCC-13684 Fix JSON PullParser attempting to rewind past start of buffer
JLib                      | HPCC-13802 Fix misleading memory exception - reported K vs bytes
JLib                      | HPCC-13885 Unnecessary code in jlib recursiveCreateDirectory
JLib                      | HPCC-14103 Remove extra client connection log msgs in DEBUG mode
LDAP                      | HPCC-13439 Query of LDAP maxPwdAge issued too often
LDAP                      | HPCC-13470 memory leaks in ldapsecurity code
LDAP                      | HPCC-13809 LDAP OU values should allow spaces
LDAP                      | HPCC-13963 Allow password reset when required
Language                  | HPCC-13134 Record fields with complex xpaths should output valid xml
Memory Manager            | HPCC-12904 Introduce a heapHWM to optimize large allocations
Memory Manager            | HPCC-12904 Update comment following review
Memory Manager            | HPCC-13642 Changed for(;;) to loop following review
Memory Manager            | HPCC-13642 Reduce out of memory errors when heaps are highly fragmented
Memory Manager            | HPCC-13656 Include information about huge page size in tracing
Memory Manager            | HPCC-14095 Fix race condition on shared spilling stream.
Plugins                   | HPCC-13253 UNICODE EditDistance Enhancements
Plugins                   | HPCC-13708 Streamed datasets from Python not thread-safe
Plugins                   | HPCC-13723 Update Datastax Cassandra library to version 2.0
Plugins                   | HPCC-13724 Review use of batch in cassandra plugin
Plugins                   | HPCC-13756 Geohash Functions
Plugins                   | HPCC-13875 Implement DATE and TIME types for MySQL
Plugins                   | HPCC-14085 Redis Plugin - Add independent lock expiration
Plugins                   | HPCC-14092 Redis plugin fix units of expire bug
Plugins                   | HPCC-14105 Embedded python calls can deadlock
Regression Suite          | HPCC-13928 Apply change HPCC-13510 to candidate-5.4.0
Regression Suite          | HPCC-13929 Use & rather than + in regression test
Regression Test Engine    | HPCC-13320 Regression tests marked with //fail shouldn't pass if they succeed
Regression Test Engine    | HPCC-13554 Add TargetIP as stored variable to test cases run via ecl-test
Regression Test Engine    | HPCC-13577 Publish and testing publshed library fails in OBT
Regression Test Engine    | HPCC-13617 Enable ECL code coverage generation with 'ecl run' command.
Regression Test Engine    | HPCC-13922 Speed up --pq option for the regression suite
Roxie                     | HPCC-12507 Cli roxie-unused-files --delete improvements
Roxie                     | HPCC-13002 Allow roxie target to be specified in the url
Roxie                     | HPCC-13162 Allow HTTPCALL/SOAPCALL to set one or more http headers
Roxie                     | HPCC-13254 Add backwards compatible constructor to class
Roxie                     | HPCC-13254 Fix duplicate id errors in unicode test module
Roxie                     | HPCC-13280 Fix incomplete foreign LFN for roxie cache and remote lookup
Roxie                     | HPCC-13420 Restful Roxie: support calling queries via HTTP-GET
Roxie                     | HPCC-13429 Better error for scalar output inside child query
Roxie                     | HPCC-13429 Fix regression outputing scalars in roixe direct to xml
Roxie                     | HPCC-13429 Generate a compile error for scalar output inside a child query
Roxie                     | HPCC-13429 Improve Thor internal error message
Roxie                     | HPCC-13429 Move test from runtime regression suite
Roxie                     | HPCC-13433 Misleading tracing on Roxie startup
Roxie                     | HPCC-13469 Roxie sets incorrect file part CRC when outputting XML file.
Roxie                     | HPCC-13683 Safeguard against cleared socket on file disconnect
Roxie                     | HPCC-13825 Fix roxie not ignoring foreign
Roxie                     | HPCC-13986 Valgrind reporting memory leaks from Roxie re statistics
Roxie                     | HPCC-13986 Valgrind reporting memory leaks in statistics code.
Roxie                     | HPCC-14056 Make command line ecl-roxie-reload use of forceRetry optional
Roxie                     | HPCC-14101 Core in processCompletedGroups after query exception
Roxie                     | HPCC-14102 Roxie dynamic file lookup timeout too short
Roxie                     | HPCC-14123 PULL in a roxie query gives internal error
Thor                      | HPCC-11980 Ensure local/child variety of NONEMPTY works.
Thor                      | HPCC-12257 Faster dafilesrv version check on thor startup when replicate is on
Thor                      | HPCC-13156 Fix windows "multiple default constructor" warning
Thor                      | HPCC-13156 Modification of jlib and thor signal handling
Thor                      | HPCC-13207 Avoid uint overflow and crash if lookup HT huge.
Thor                      | HPCC-13239 Release stopped distribute buckets as soon as possible
Thor                      | HPCC-13247 Delete temporary spill file from smart buffer
Thor                      | HPCC-13272 Fix to allow localThor setup to work with hostnames
Thor                      | HPCC-13437 Added removal of sentinel file upon normal shutdown
Thor                      | HPCC-13692 Not considering globalness of loop graph correctly
Thor                      | HPCC-13781 Add break to explicitly abort loop
Thor                      | HPCC-13781 Prevent large row arrays from looping forever when resizing
Thor                      | HPCC-13821 Ensure owner activity initialized on child query init
Thor                      | HPCC-13836 Thor write to external lost rows if slaves on >1 node
Thor                      | HPCC-13857 Fix issue with distribute using compressors with large rows
Thor                      | HPCC-13881 Init_thor now defaults to restarting on unknown return codes from thormaster process
Thor                      | HPCC-13936 Check helper loopFirstTime in Thor
Thor                      | HPCC-13936 Extend loopall.ecl regression to test loopFirstTime()
Thor                      | HPCC-13941 Make unicode conversions thread safe.
Thor                      | HPCC-13985 Fix graph result accessed by generated code on master
Thor                      | HPCC-14058 Workunit services not honouring #option('slaveDaliClient', true)
Thor                      | HPCC-14059 Global Thor debug options not read due to getOpt* bug
Thor                      | HPCC-14060 Remove legacy largeMemSize
Thor                      | HPCC-14067 Avoid possible deadlock if spilling + callback called
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-10488 Add JSON and JSONP support to WsECL example links
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-12126 Add WsEcl support for Exception severity tags
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-13707 Fix WsECL form handling of simplified array like datasets
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-13820 Fix WsEcl form ignoring password format option
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-14026 Skip hidden params when building PTree from HTTP requests
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-14051 WsEcl empty form fields should be treated as null
WS-Workunit Server        | HPCC-13591 Tell user abort active WU before deleting
WS-Workunit Server        | HPCC-13843 ECL Timing Data is missing GID
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-13573 Improve throttling and diagnostic statistics
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-13768 Fix windows build break in dafilesrv
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-13868 Prevent wild throttle configure values
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-14093 Fix regression causing corrupt dafilesrv commands
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-14093 Move generaated include path into correct cmake file
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-8179  Logged error messages in OS X version of dafilesrv
ecl command               | HPCC-12462 Share usage info between eclcc and eclcmd
ecl command               | HPCC-12485 show ecl command usage after any parameter or option errors
ecl command               | HPCC-12822 Make command line target parameters more intuitive
ecl command               | HPCC-13302 Add option to rollup ecl output to single file
ecl command               | HPCC-13321 Add ecl-packagemap-add cli "--preload-all" option
ecl command               | HPCC-13405 Client tools failing to execute sub-commands if not on path
ecl command               | HPCC-13959 Add compulsory check to Packagemap validation
ecl command               | HPCC-14019 ecl-roxie-reload should set forceRetry
ecl command               | HPCC-14098 eclcmd errors from calling should not display usage
ecl command               | HPCC-14099 Ecl run usage text typos
eclcc                     | HPCC-13637 Make eclcc --keywords print to stdout rather than to file
eclcc                     | HPCC-13657 Update --keywords usage info from ECLKeywords.xml to stdout
eclrtl                    | HPCC-13623 Fix various bugs in REALFORMAT boundary cases

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.4.0-rc4

Known Limitations for 5.4.0-rc4

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.6-1 apply.

Changelogs Community Edition 5.4.0-rc4 Release Candidate 4
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13448 Source Code needs Marca Registrada next to HPCC Systems®
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13676 Add ZH translations.
DFU Server                | HPCC-13981 Fix isses with filenames with leading numeric characters
Thor                      | HPCC-14060 Remove legacy largeMemSize
Thor                      | HPCC-14059 Global Thor debug options not read due to getOpt* bug
Thor                      | HPCC-14058 Workunit services not honouring #option('slaveDaliClient', true)
Thor                      | HPCC-13985 Fix graph result accessed by generated code on master
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-14051 WsEcl empty form fields should be treated as null
Code Generator            | HPCC-14047 Default newBalancedSpotter off as deadlock workaround
EclWatch                  | HPCC-11809 Refresh on LZ page collapse the list
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13760 Displaying incorrect tooltips
Documentation             | HPCC-14024 DOCS:Target Name to Scope
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13983 WU Helper tab shows HTML not logs
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14030 Preserve compression on single file
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14022 Cannot view logs on multi-node env
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13951 Add suspended state to summary page
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14034 Fix Search DFU By Cluster in legacy ECLWatch
Documentation             | HPCC-14033 Fix Typo in LR : AllowAutoQueueSwitch
ecl command               | HPCC-14019 ecl-roxie-reload should set forceRetry
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-14026 Skip hidden params when building PTree from HTTP requests
Documentation             | HPCC-13829 Document Preserve Compression in ECL Watch
EclWatch                  | HPCC-14028 ECLAgent config not displaying
Core Libraries            | HPCC-13448 Source Code needs Marca Registrada next to HPCC Systems®
WS-Workunit Server        | HPCC-13843 ECL Timing Data is missing GID


Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.8-1

Known Limitations for 5.2.8-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.6-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.2.6-1 (gold) to 5.2.8-1 (gold)
                          |             Update comment regarding lua script SHA1
Code Generator            | HPCC-14047 Default newBalancedSpotter off as deadlock workaround
DFS                       | HPCC-13754 changed ssh LogLevel for banner issue with old clients
DFU Server                | HPCC-14072 CUtfPartitioner::storeFieldName() generates invalid field names.
Memory Manager            | HPCC-14095 Fix race condition on shared spilling stream.
Plugins                   | HPCC-13708 Streamed datasets from Python not thread-safe
Plugins                   | HPCC-14092 Redis plugin fix units of expire bug
Roxie                     | HPCC-13825 Fix roxie not ignoring foreign
Roxie                     | HPCC-14101 Core in processCompletedGroups after query exception
Roxie                     | HPCC-14101 Core in processCompletedGroups after query exception
Roxie                     | HPCC-14102 Roxie dynamic file lookup timeout too short
Thor                      | HPCC-14067 Avoid possible deadlock if spilling + callback called
Thor                      | HPCC-14084 HAVING operator failed if inside child query

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.6-1

Known Limitations for 5.2.6-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.4-1 apply.

Core Libraries            | HPCC-13948 Fix divide by zero regression when retries exhausted
Thor                      | HPCC-13857 Fix issue with distribute using compressors with large rows
Code Generator            | HPCC-13863 Fix incorrect child filter, moving filter over project
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13869 ESP Exception not echoed correctly.
WS-ECL                    | HPCC-13707 Fix WsECL form handling of simplified array like datasets
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13188 Dependency helper file not displayed
Documentation             | HPCC-13790 Docs: Update ECL Watch screenshot
Code Generator            | HPCC-13749 Add missing dependencies between definitions
Documentation             | HPCC-13666 Docs: Clarify use of EXPIRE
                          | IDE-324 Update info to run IDE under WINE
Documentation             | HPCC-13651 Docs: Add missing params to AVE and SUM
Documentation             | HPCC-13737 Fix typos in Lang Ref
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13689 Remove allowed cluster dropdown
                          | IDE-407 Add ECL Watch View topic
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13670 Filter ECL WUs using case-insensitive filename
                          | HPCC-13696 Document Minus operator on DATASET
JLib                      | HPCC-13684 Fix JSON PullParser attempting to rewind past start of buffer
Memory Manager            | HPCC-13642 Reduce out of memory errors when heaps are highly fragmented

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.4-1

Known Limitations for 5.2.4-1

HPCC-13636 esdl CLI crashes in Windows when you try to output to a protected folder.

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.2-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.2.2-1 (gold) to 5.2.4-1 (gold)
Changelogs Community Edition 5.2.4-rc4 Release Candidate 4
Documentation             | HPCC-12475 Document eclcc -D syntax
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13632 Drop Down Filter Width
Documentation             | HPCC-13669 Doc dupe ID tag resulted in build error
                          | HPCC-13667 DropZone folder loading
Documentation             | HPCC-12621 Document #WEBSERVICE and STORED/FORMAT options
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13411 Result fails to display with "large" row
 Community Edition 5.2.4-rc3 Release Candidate 3
eclcc                     | HPCC-13624 Catch exceptions from 'eclcc --keywords'
JLib                      | HPCC-13612 Fix race condition on pipe stop that caused deadlock
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13507 Translations
Documentation             | HPCC-11039 Document ORDERED keyword
Roxie                     | HPCC-13597 Potential roxie core when a query fails
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13464 Display allowed clusters in ECLWatch
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-13603 Fix corruption due to large handle + associated issues
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13611 Supress Valid Warnings
Code Generator            | HPCC-13590 Default debug builds to fill released rows with 0xdd
Documentation             | HPCC-12195 Document how to read JSON files
Code Generator            | HPCC-13590 Fix IF() row accessing row that has been destroyed
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-10709 Fix windows build break in dafilesrv
Documentation             | HPCC-12194 Document writing JSON files
Documentation             | HPCC-12066 Document FROMJSON
Documentation             | HPCC-12082 Document TOJSON
Roxie                     | HPCC-13604 Leaking a RowManager in localSlave mode
DFU Server                | HPCC-13488 ps -ef will reveal passwords
Config UI                 | HPCC-13527 Add throttling settings to ConfigMgr
Roxie                     | HPCC-13597 Potential roxie core when a query fails
JLib                      | HPCC-13496 Suppress compilation errors on new version of clang
 Community Edition 5.2.4-rc2 Release Candidate 2
Code Generator            | HPCC-13560 Avoid exponential graph walk when expanding aliases
                          | HPCC-13558 Uninitialized StTimeSoapcall stat causing roxie assert
Dali                      | HPCC-13497 Changes to waittime if dali and conditional sleep
Dali                      | HPCC-13497 Added change to unlock stop_component
 Community Edition 5.0.16-rc1 Release Candidate 1
Regression Suite          | HPCC-13544 Add parallel child query execute test
Code Generator            | HPCC-13543 Optimize fixed size parent extracts
Code Generator            | HPCC-13543 Move parent extract from member to local variable
Code Generator            | HPCC-13543 Clean up code that tracks if extracts are variable size
Code Generator            | HPCC-13543 Fix superfluous parent extract member variable
dafilesrv                 | HPCC-10709 Allow dafilesrv throttle limit to be configured
Init system               | HPCC-13540 Attempt to fix 12780 regression
Thor                      | HPCC-13542 Return new set of results per child query evaluate.
Documentation             | HPCC-11705 DOCS:SysAdmin: Relocate Data Handling
Regression Suite          | HPCC-13250 Change seconds-oriented tests to succeed on fuzzy values to account for clock changes during execution.
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13461 Fix WsEcl form handling of top level stored sets
                          | HPCC-13532 Set reschedule flag based on WU state
Thor                      | HPCC-13519 Add some denormalize child query regression tests
ESP                       | HPCC-13483 Add space between two weblinks
Thor                      | HPCC-13529 Regression could cause some early spilling
JLib                      | HPCC-13496 Suppress compilation errors on new version of clang
Thor                      | HPCC-13519 Fix crash if keyed denormalize in child query.
                          | HPCC-13514 Java plugin should detect insufficient arguments
DFU Server                | HPCC-13509 Fix JSON Parser handling of negative integers
                          | HPCC-13513 Fix broken hyperlink in doc
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13398 DropZone Folder Selector
 Community Edition 5.2.4-rc1 Release Candidate 1
Documentation             | HPCC-13492 Fix example code formatting in MERGEJOIN
                          | HPCC-13502 Fix for handling timestamps (as signed 64 bit integers)
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13385 WUQuery + Filters
Thor                      | HPCC-13477 FLZ compressor fixes (2) for when input buffer > internal buffer
ESP                       | HPCC-13483 Remove call to exportWorkUnitToXML() in WUInfo
EclWatch                  | HPCC-13446 Disable button when subfile is selected
BackUpNode                | HPCC-13440 Backupnode could corrupt slaves file and hit problems

Release notes for Community Edition 5.2.2-1 Gold Release

Known Limitations for 5.2.2-1 (gold)

  • HPCC-13477 Inline table can cause CMemoryBufferSerialStream::get read past end of stream error
  • HPCC-13491 Distributing data with large input field gives "FastLZExpander - corrupt data" error
  • Note: The following issues do not affect deb-based systems.
  • On rpm-based systems, if you have any version of HPCC Platform prior to 4.0.0-rc10 installed, you must first manually uninstall (using rpm -e) before attempting to upgrade.
  • For RPM based systems, there are two different installation packages available.
  • One package includes the optional plug-ins to support embedded code from other languages, such as JAVA,JavaScript, R, or Python.
    • If you do not want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with:
    • If you want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with:
      You must install the packages that have the plug-ins using the --nodeps option. Then you will have to install the dependencies for each language you wish to support. The dependencies to support each language are installed separately.

      The optional plug-ins are:
      SQLITE3: sqlite3embed
      MYSQL: mysqlembed
      v8: v8embed
      Python: pyembed
      JNI: javaembed
      R: Rembed
      Cassandra: cassandraembed
      redis: redis
      memcached: memcached
Comprehensive list of changes from 5.2.0-1 (gold) to 5.2.2 Gold
HPCC-13456 Fixed regression in stop/start of Thor
HPCC-13463 Fix potential Dali crash due async delete/read.
HPCC-13453 Don't include hidden form field "itemcount" as query xml
HPCC-13457 5.2 regression causing lookup stall if node stop early
HPCC-13455 Early stop of parallel funnel can cause deadlock.
HPCC-13202 WU Input files out of date.
HPCC-13452 New ECLWatch unable to display WU's
HPCC-13449 DOCS: RenameThor Group SysAdmin book
HPCC-13450 Fixed regression where cleanupRuntimeEnvironment was not present in 5.2.x branch
HPCC-13416 WUID filter should force uppercase
HPCC-13409 Superfile details page enhancement
HPCC-13394 Docs: Specify location for CLI INI Files
HPCC-13352 hThor can't handle foreign files in 5.2.0
HPCC-13201 Fix WsECL form handling of blank fields
HPCC-13438 Docs Fix indentation for NONEMPTY example
HPCC-13424 Roxie may segfault on startup if no querySets specified
HPCC-13436 Dali can crash when serializing large property values
HPCC-13363 Fix stall regression in balanced splitter
HPCC-13241 Fixed minor spelling error
HPCC-13408 DFUplus should support spraying json files
HPCC-13261 Ensure streaming graph inputs are evaluated globally
HPCC-13406 Fix table formatting in LR
HPCC-13288 PT_BR Translations
HPCC-13400 STD.Str.FindCount example typo
HPCC-13352 Only published roxie queries should ignore foreign prefix
HPCC-13392 Disambiguate ID Tags for STRING
HPCC-12233 Fix Docs for RULE
HPCC-13380 Doc error in RECORD in LR
HPCC-13349 New ECLWatch reports expired HTPASSWD
HPCC-13355 Remote copy group target display
HPCC-13374 Potential Distribute send stall if many targets stop
HPCC-13316 Spray delimited missing escape char
HPCC-13366 Group denormalie crash fix
HPCC-13343 Check group's 'kind' attr before using it
HPCC-13354 Usage % expensive in production
HPCC-13311 Edits based upon review
HPCC-13311 Add missing OPTIONs to docs
HPCC-13241 Add support for ESDL file extension
HPCC-13341 Language Reference Manual BUILD text format issue
HPCC-13298 DOCS: Document Graphs and Stats
HPCC-13065 Fix core when empty EspPropertyDef is processed
HPCC-13322 Check Cached CPECacheElem point before using it
HPCC-13319 Local slave mode issues
HPCC-13322 Check Cached CPECacheElem point before using it
HPCC-13295 DOCS: Changes to Systems Admin
HPCC-13304 Assert failure in localSlave mode
HPCC-13284 Added default options that are not overwritten once set
HPCC-13282 Fix grep -v matching error in createIPListFileExcludeDIP
HPCC-13312 Redis Plugin - revert removal of Del from 5.2.2
HPCC-13291 Hpcc_common stop_component inf loop
HPCC-13152 DOCS:Match VM Documentation text and image
HPCC-13219 Redis Plugin README typo
HPCC-13294 Support RelWithDebInfo builds
HPCC-13290 Redis Plugin - remove 'Del' synonym for 'Delete'

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.2.0-1

Known Limitations for 5.2.0-1

memcached plug-in is not supported in Centos 5 and Centos 6 (HPCC-12825 ). For more information, see:

Note: The following issues do not affect deb-based systems.

  1. On rpm-based systems, if you have any version of HPCC Platform prior to 4.0.0-rc10 installed, you must first manually uninstall (using rpm -e) before attempting to upgrade.
  2. For RPM based systems, there are two different installation packages available. One package includes the optional plug-ins to support embedded code from other languages, such as JAVA, JavaScript, R, or Python.
    • If you do not want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with
    • If you want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with:
      You must install the packages that have the plug-ins using the --nodeps option. Then you will have to install the dependencies for each language you wish to support. The dependencies to support each language are installed separately.

      The optional plug-ins are:
      SQLITE3 sqlite3embed
      MYSQL mysqlembed
      v8 v8embed
      Python pyembed
      JNI javaembed
      R Rembed
      Cassandra cassandraembed
      redis redis
      memcached memcached
Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.8-1 (gold) to 5.2.0-1 (gold)
HPCC-12478 Remove "RowTag" from non XML Sprays
HPCC-12893 DOCS:Document VM mouse support
HPCC-11764 Dafilesrv authentication and encryption on transport
HPCC-12785 Update based on review
HPCC-12929 Fix Windows Crash
HPCC-12940 DOCS:Update VM doc for a VMPlayer image
HPCC-12863 Option to pass options from xml to a query
HPCC-12915 Reset send queue, on lookup/smart restart (in loop)
HPCC-12951 Refresh WU Lists on Tab Selection
HPCC-12785 Output JSON BigIntegers as strings
HPCC-12809 Landing Zone Spray Group shows too many clusters
HPCC-12916 JS Graph has corrupt subgraph
HPCC-12948 Add DojoD32DChart to copy only list
HPCC-12228 DOCS:Add ver_ info to SOAPCALL
HPCC-11482 Automatically add manifests named same as included ECL files
HPCC-12885 Fix spelling of variant
HPCC-12665 Update comments and other minor changes following review
HPCC-12665 Use a list to maintain a list of heaplets that may have space
HPCC-12935 Improve the values returned from getInlineFlag()
HPCC-11559 Don't implicitly create ordered appends from disk by default
HPCC-12945 Improve the internal error message
HPCC-9395  Expand hashjoin to hashdistributes+local join.
HPCC-12944 Memcached - UChar* function parameter when char* intended
HPCC-12939 Add include file to make sync_file_region call more efficient
HPCC-12927 Populate method help and description
HPCC-12823 Add option to not expand any versions
HPCC-12813 Improve parallel query number calculation to work on CentOS same way as it works on Ubuntu.
HPCC-460   Add an eclcc option to generate definition dependencies
HPCC-12847 Failures need to contain details of the version
HPCC-12925 Save remote DALI IP when resolving file references
HPCC-12924 Docs: Remove references to PRELOAD on INDEX
HPCC-12931 SET USE_LIBXSLT as default
HPCC-12890 DOCS: Update some LDAP settings
HPCC-12884 Modified hpcc-init to start dafilesrv across all nodes first
HPCC-12640 Jsocket / readtms error msg
HPCC-12917 Regression suite test topn.ecl doesn't test topn
HPCC-10575 Support spilling sort in roxie
HPCC-12912 Some examples in regression suite fail on python 2.6
HPCC-11714 Log soap request type/user/ip in a line
HPCC-12890 DOCS: Update some LDAP settings
HPCC-12885 Introduce backward compatible statistics
HPCC-12903 Fix segfault when lacking file permissions
HPCC-12909 Remove "*.consoleStripped.js" files from deb package
HPCC-10575 Fix compile issue when unit testing is enabled
HPCC-12839 Fix crash when row being looked up in a dictionary is aliased
HPCC-12902 Correct password variable name
HPCC-12901 Fix spurious delete logical file timeout
HPCC-10575 Support spilling sort in roxie
HPCC-12889 HINT should propogate to implicitly-generated SORT
HPCC-12791 Paste not working in ECL Playground
HPCC-12811 When a test case aborted by timeout then it logged with a wrong test id.
HPCC-12882 Go back to using #defines to make it easy to lookup errors
HPCC-12882 Fix various warnings and problems with the regression suite
HPCC-12672 The //noxxxxxx tag won't work together with the --runclass/--excludecalss parameters
HPCC-11289 Add README file for HPCC Juju Charm Development
HPCC-12862 Need to support nothor and noroxie etc. as option on //version
HPCC-12882 Merge workunit and exception error enumerations
HPCC-12862 Need to support nothor and noroxie etc. as option on //version
IDE-384    Use new Visualizations in ECL Watch
HPCC-12541 Preserve ORDERED()
HPCC-12889 HINT should propogate to implicitly-generated SORT
HPCC-12874 Improved Visualization Build
HPCC-12667 Spurious calls to WUQuery after batch delete
HPCC-12128 MP connections take too long
HPCC-12877 Use spilling sort by default when index building
HPCC-12881 Fix a few windows warnings
HPCC-12877 Use spilling sort by default when index building
HPCC-12803 Dropzone list not showing all dropzones
HPCC-11599 Add nothor to tests that use index translation
HPCC-12875 Fix problems with lines > 1024 characters long
HPCC-12854 Support variables in EMBED attributes
HPCC-10248 Show JobName on Summary Tab for WU Details
HPCC-12870 Allow arrays to allocate > 4Gb of memory
HPCC-12873 Add missing export declaration
HPCC-8663  Define and build INDEXes independently of the dataset
HPCC-12810 Include dmetaphone in the OSS version of HPCC Systems
HPCC-12858 Cassandra example crashes in release builds
HPCC-12855 Add GetSprayTargets() to ESP FileSpray
HPCC-12623 Publishing query to roxie should resolve foreign sub files
HPCC-12856 Remove "su  -c" for ssh/scp with real password
HPCC-11599 Move remainder of the old regression suite over to new suite
HPCC-12833 Document STD.Metaphone phonetic encoding functions
HPCC-12702 Minor change from code review
HPCC-12702 Use newer loggingmanager function
HPCC-12702 First logging manager integration
HPCC-12102 Add Logging to dynamicesdl configuration
HPCC-12848 Fixed lockFile in configmgr script
HPCC-12846 Std.System.Util.CmdProcess() did not process arguments to command
HPCC-12840 Change reference parameter passed to va_start to a pointer
HPCC-12819 Crash in roxie when no library is deployed
HPCC-12837 Correct clienttools package file name
HPCC-12838 Fix renaming of DESDL ESP methods and bindings
HPCC-12835 DOCS:Update params
HPCC-12834 Only warn users about missing output dir when necessary
HPCC-12810 Include dmetaphone in the OSS version of HPCC Systems
HPCC-12827 Minor fix to DojoX submodule
HPCC-12801 ECL Watch allow user to select target folder for file upload
HPCC-12707 Cassandra plugins compile failed on Ubuntu 10.04
HPCC-12805 JavaScript Graph Control
HPCC-12764 Eliminated unused variable logic
HPCC-11734 Do not retain a read lock to QuerySets in the cache.
HPCC-12696 Check version of workunit before loading the dll
HPCC-12820 Update ECLWatch Third Party Libraries
HPCC-11347 Remove warnings from the regression suite
HPCC-12248 Don't clip info/warnings/errros on WU Details Page
HPCC-12764 Init System - check_status rework, stop_thor fix, uslaves.start rework
HPCC-12021 Remove some unnecessary combinations
HPCC-12816 Must release memory to OS within the criticial section
HPCC-12814 Funnel can stall if input fails on start
HPCC-12009 ECL Watch results fail to show "set of scalar"
HPCC-12240 Update Cassandra driver to latest
HPCC-12021 Restructure to use single/multi for file parts
HPCC-12799 Roxie support for reading from external workunit results
HPCC-12804 Update Log using grouped log contents
HPCC-11520 Compressed File Size
HPCC-12694 DOCS:Update Copyright info
HPCC-12585 fix sudo prompt pattern
HPCC-12585 switch to provided user before call ssh/scp
HPCC-8175  DOCS:Update ldap
HPCC-12240 Update Cassandra driver to latest
HPCC-12584 DOCS:UI change for ECLWatch.
HPCC-12786 Ip address from scripts to match ifconfig
HPCC-12794 Docs:Fix typos in XPATH examples
HPCC-12796 DOCS:Fix typo in LOADXML example
HPCC-12710 Support persists based on results in other workunits
HPCC-12314 Allow a default severity to be supplied
HPCC-12020 Add textsearch class to tests requiring external files
HPCC-12314 Add OnWarning section to the workunit to configure warnings
HPCC-12784 Output WU Stats TimeStamp in UTC format
HPCC-12591 Revise based on review comments
HPCC-12779 Avoid dedupping distributor, sorting on all threads
HPCC-12335 Added success message where already started
HPCC-12783 Add option to unconditionally optimize no_select(no_createrow)
HPCC-12709 Allow huge pages to be separately configured for the master
HPCC-12739 Add an option to not return memory back to OS
HPCC-12771 Replace libxalan with libxslt on Ubuntu 10.x and 12.x
HPCC-12729 Redesign memcached plugin exception handling
HPCC-12623 Treat roxie foreign files like other files resolved remotely
HPCC-12718 Support roxie trim over HTTP (via roxie and wsecl)
HPCC-12674 Fix regression from previous pull request
HPCC-12674 updates following review
HPCC-12767 Regression in splitter, could cause divide by zero.
HPCC-12766 Add comment for ISO C++ 2011 standard
HPCC-12761 Fix memcachedtest xml key
HPCC-12759 Fix incorrect test (mostly harmless)
HPCC-12677 Fixed wrong static defaults used in a couple of places
HPCC-12754 Remove an extra variable in WsTopology.TpLogFile
HPCC-12157 Correct rpm package version and release
HPCC-12591 Add new method WsWorkunits.WUGetStats
HPCC-12712 ECL CLI support for generating debug workunit shared objects
HPCC-11031 Edits based upon code review
HPCC-12682 Modified per review
HPCC-12483 Set MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=8 to lower heap usage
HPCC-12735 Prevent duplicate IPs for computers
HPCC-12677 Pickup option in Roxie too
HPCC-11031 Document MAXLENGTH Options
HPCC-12701 Std.File.SprayVariable doesn't support format (encoding)
HPCC-12745 Move interface of esp logging service to CE
HPCC-12743 Fix typo in DENORMALIZE example
HPCC-12693 Fix compile error with old versions of centos
HPCC-12702 Address windows warnings
HPCC-12674 RoxieReleaseRow() Avoid locking decrements when possible
HPCC-12723 Optimize memory manager using the new functions
HPCC-12732 Remove unneeded '#include '
HPCC-12708 Changes following review.
HPCC-12708 Optimize jset and provide countTrailingZeros() helpers
HPCC-12693 Add transparent huge pages option, default on if they are available
HPCC-12693 Improve the support for huge pages
HPCC-12740 Regression from HPCC-12728
HPCC-11951 Update docs to say Roxie can write files
HPCC-12728 The memcached plugin does not compile on Ubuntu 12.04
HPCC-12663 Fix out of date assert in compaction unit tests
HPCC-12714 Add an example which triggers the new error message
HPCC-12698 Move tests to the run time regression suite
HPCC-12730 Build libesdl for clienttools as well
HPCC-12677 Allow max CSV row size to be configured
HPCC-12719 Use 'EclAgentProcess' to get EclAgent Config
HPCC-9917  Add webservice options to ECL
HPCC-12633 Add some memory buffering to spilling variety
HPCC-12633 Some changes following review
HPCC-12633 Improve contention cost in splitter
HPCC-12642 Updates following review
HPCC-12662 Fix compile issue with older gcc versions
HPCC-12681 Minor change based on review comment
HPCC-12662 Fix windows compile issue
HPCC-12399 Address cleaner socket updates
HPCC-12662 Further fix to IBitSet::incl()
HPCC-12662 Add single threaded version of IBitSet
HPCC-12213 Revise based on review comments
HPCC-12679 Ensure statistics cache is cleared on workunit reload
HPCC-12714 Catch internal consistency errors more quickly
HPCC-12714 Support EMBEDDED DATASET syntax (currently ignored)
HPCC-12711 Release rowmanager early to prevent leak checking crash
HPCC-12705 Check before set measure in StatisticsFilter::setKind()
HPCC-12704 Set measure filter in StatisticsFilter::set()
HPCC-12699 Support new Timer formats from WUInfo
HPCC-12698 Allow pointers to functions to be passed to out of line functions
HPCC-12697 Fix warnings reported as errors with gcc 4.4
HPCC-12663 Reduce the default page size, default packed on in thor
HPCC-12682 Modify to allow for stopall command
HPCC-12335 Cosmetic change to stop messages, referencing current state
HPCC-12681 Do Not show WU Scope if no security setting
HPCC-12223 reworked onto candidate-5.2.0
HPCC-12528 Report error if varstring used in an index
HPCC-12213 Add new WsDFU method to retrieve meta data
HPCC-12668 Check_status changes for start and status commands
HPCC-11928 rhsAlreadyChanges
HPCC-11928 Fix a couple of issues picked up in review
HPCC-11928 Smart Join failing over to full join too early.
HPCC-11522 libmemcached plugin
HPCC-12659 Regression test failure in new Std.Date code
HPCC-8572  Std.Date functionality
HPCC-12644 Fix problems in 32bit folding int64 return types
HPCC-12625 Fix regression in last commit for this issue.
HPCC-11516 Extract errors from compile logs and add to workunit
HPCC-12648 Add default port for ESP WsLogging service
HPCC-12645 Don't generate internal errors looking at old workunits
HPCC-12642 Add link implementations that are not thread safe
HPCC-12602 Update ESDL executable
HPCC-12491 Fix core when COMBINE doesn't have a transform
HPCC-12638 Correct warning text in removeSubFile
HPCC-12628 Fix internal error on ROW(record) with no defaults.
HPCC-12631 Improve error coming back from File.DeleteLogicalFile
HPCC-12618 Issue existing locks in exception
HPCC-11086 Rename "recordCount" to "predictedCount" to avoid confusion
HPCC-12603 Clean up formatting, and clarify comment
HPCC-12104 Generate stack traces on unexpected execution exception
HPCC-12237 Add information about the current wfid to the graph
HPCC-12481 Add peak memory usage for the compile phase to wu stats
HPCC-10537 Remove warnings from some of the compiler only tests
HPCC-12619 Add //class=embedded into the relevant test cases
HPCC-12627 Optimize BuildCtx::queryAssociation
HPCC-12625 subscription notifying erroneously on some changes
HPCC-12626 workunit reload could lose uncommitted writes
HPCC-12606 Move DESDL components to OSS HPCC-Platform
HPCC-12564 New regressionsuite option to generate multiple variants
HPCC-12480 SSL_connect: incorrect use of return value in securesocket
HPCC-12351 Avoid compiler error - ensure both branches are const char *
HPCC-12603 Minor optimizations and introduce bits_t to IBitSet
HPCC-12564 New regressionsuite option to generate multiple variants
HPCC-11639 Don't include file positions on WU results written to disk
HPCC-12351 Updates following review
HPCC-12351 Switch various StringBuffers to StringAttrs
HPCC-12351 Use an internal buffer for small dyanamic strings
HPCC-12598 Configgen ldapserver enumeration map incorrectly updated
HPCC-12547 Minor improvements to isLastTailReader()
HPCC-12596 Improve eclcc help text
HPCC-12547 Improve the roxie splitter performance
HPCC-12588 Fix a spurious assert hit during compactRows
HPCC-12166 Add ESP Services Plugin Support
HPCC-8833  Remove unused macro definition
HPCC-10537 Make it easier to report warnings with error severities
HPCC-12411 Allow "NONE" as compressor type for HD
HPCC-10537 Generate a warning if MERGEJOIN is not specified as LOCAL
HPCC-8833  Assume keyed join is sorted unless UNORDERED
HPCC-12561 Also speed up boolean xml reading
HPCC-12573 Report a more helpful error message running an uncompiled wu
HPCC-12563 Clean up scheduling workunits that are failed then deleted
HPCC-12122 Always pass allocator even for null records
HPCC-11614 Support outputting workunit result to disk in roxie
HPCC-12569 remove unused files from esp soap binding directory
HPCC-11922 Clean-up
HPCC-12565 Add test case for regression suite option
HPCC-11922 Remove method implementation from interface
HPCC-12561 Implement 1st set of xml read improvements
HPCC-12542 Revise based on review comments
HPCC-9937  Add ecl-roxie-unused-files --delete option
HPCC-11922 Move isnumeric flag out of IxmlWriter methods
HPCC-12515 no_datasetfromrow should always traverse input
HPCC-12554 Modify key file for update.ecl to reach clean regression test.
HPCC-12513 Changes following code review
HPCC-11993 Add URL fetch for bundle install
HPCC-12200 Roxie splitters aren't very fair
HPCC-12529 Report an error for an unknown %symbol%
HPCC-11993 Add URL fetch for bundle install
HPCC-12542 Add ECLWatch UI to call resetquerystats
HPCC-11960 Regression suite Wild card oddity
HPCC-12162 DOCS:ECL Watch Match UI changes
HPCC-12522 Clean old unused filters based on review
HPCC-12533 Fix incorrect log when deleting a file
HPCC-11905 Regression test engine sensitive to parameter order
HPCC-12522 Do not fetch extra data for WU Details page
HPCC-12200 Roxie splitters aren't very fair
HPCC-12411 Allow compressor used in DISTRIBUTE to be configurable
HPCC-12513 Clean up various windows warnings
HPCC-12486 Optimize binding module functions
HPCC-12415 Excessive tracing from cassandra plugin
HPCC-12470 Document IMPORT ^ syntax
HPCC-12410 Add Ubuntu 14.10 amd64 (Utopic) support
HPCC-12282 Move roxie query stats to use new mechanism
HPCC-2566  Add -D support to ecl run/deploy etc.
HPCC-2566  Allow attribute values to be specified on the command line
HPCC-12469 Implement import ^ as ... to access root scope
HPCC-12474 Report exceptions thrown by eclccserver
HPCC-12473 Pluggable compressors
HPCC-12452 Allow configurable bucket sizes for the heap allocator
HPCC-12455 Remove spurious serialization from getGlobalUniqueIds
HPCC-12460 Avoid uninitialized warning
HPCC-12453 Docs: ecl getname --limit=HPCC-12447 Regression suite error message poor
HPCC-12416 Regression suite run is creating temporary ecl file that is not cleaned up
HPCC-3129  Convert some test to use the new () syntax
HPCC-12408 Clarify comment (in pre-existing code).
HPCC-3129  Further tests
HPCC-3129  Add an example, and make it always an error
HPCC-3129  Generate an error if a reserved word used as parameter name
HPCC-12416 Regression suite run is creating temporary ecl file that is not cleaned up
HPCC-12408 Changes following code review
HPCC-12282 Move roxie query stats to use new mechanism
HPCC-12450 Return start/stop clock time for graph
HPCC-8510  Fixed incorrect function name log_msg_failure to log_failure_msg
HPCC-12448 Add zip package
HPCC-12294 Add space before (
HPCC-12303 Fix incorrect return check for BoolHash getValue
HPCC-12183 Component cleanup with 12093 dependencies
HPCC-12294 Add option to use password on ZAP files
HPCC-9293  Ensure spill names are consistent for each compile
HPCC-12282 Move roxie query stats to use new mechanism
HPCC-12442 Fix compile warnings from implicit type casts
HPCC-12285 Fix set index ranges
HPCC-12282 Move roxie query stats to use new mechanism
HPCC-10765 Better error report for index filename matching dataset field
HPCC-9073  Report better error for unsupported DISTRIBUTION types
HPCC-12435 Remove leading '~' character from logical file name provided by queryLogicalFilename() on hthor
HPCC-12391 Refactor activity timers to track start/end time too
HPCC-12430 Remove Roxie traceActivityTimes option
HPCC-12391 Refactor activity timers to track start/end time too
HPCC-12425 Display 'Total Cluster Time' in ECLWatch UI
HPCC-12282 Move roxie global stats into new mechanism
HPCC-12391 Refactor activity timers to track start/end time too
HPCC-12408 Various code generator optimizations
HPCC-12298 Checking all sentinel files for health
HPCC-11922 Changes from code review
HPCC-12282 Fix link errors on windows.
HPCC-11072 set returned values to 0 if not available
HPCC-12405 sqlite.ecl test not working under thor
HPCC-12402 Key file for mysql test case out of date
HPCC-12282 Move roxie global stats into new mechanism
HPCC-12320 Modify listmachines in configgen main.cpp to only produce nodes with hpcc components
HPCC-12282 Move roxie global stats into new mechanism
HPCC-11072 Add total time for roxie and hthor
HPCC-11922 DESDL add JSON Support
HPCC-12392 Internal error in Roxie using -fdisableLocalOptimizations=1
HPCC-12282 Move roxie global stats into new mechanism
HPCC-12282 Simplify stats definitions so all done in one place
HPCC-12142 Enhancement to Roxie COMPLETE line in log
HPCC-12187 Move classes for gathering selections of statistics
HPCC-12370 Changes to javascript following review comments
HPCC-10673 Update based on review
HPCC-10673 ECL support for reading JSON Files
HPCC-12370 Improve timing display and support merging statistics
HPCC-12215 Roxie record counts missing from child queries
HPCC-12369 Fix stats for graphs by naming the graph consistently
HPCC-12215 Roxie record counts missing from child queries
HPCC-12361 Assert error (hashtable not empty) from new statistics
HPCC-12046 Change stats to use hash table and a value array
HPCC-12349 tojson.xml regression key has extra characters
HPCC-12298 Moved SENTINELCHECK assignment out of the while loop
HPCC-12241 Enable Roxie monitor tracing of Roxie heap
HPCC-12161 Cassandra plugin should distinguish ASCII from TEXT fields
HPCC-12343 Missing content of diff result when a test case output doesn't match to key file.
HPCC-12046 Changes following review
HPCC-12046 Reimplement the graph and other statistics
HPCC-12297 Remove use of NULL for a non-pointer comparison
HPCC-12290 Reimplement jarray using templates
HPCC-12298 Comment to Sentinel Files, Default err message if component goes over wait time, increase in wait time.
HPCC-12298 Hpcc_common start time and thor sentinel changes
HPCC-12338 If localThor adjust slave/master default memory
HPCC-10142 Support queryLogicalFilename on hthor
HPCC-10142 Support queryLogicalFilename on hthor
HPCC-12333 Update unit tests to support different page sizes
HPCC-12117 Remove unnecessary code to clear the default timer
HPCC-11987 Improve cli usage description for --no-files and --daliip
HPCC-12226 Push kernel message info new section of workunit
HPCC-9936  Add option --keywords to eclcc to create xml list of reserved words
HPCC-12307 Add __declspec(noreturn) to functions
HPCC-12297 assert(hostname) error if SOAPCALL to invalid IP
HPCC-12117 Clean up access to the default timer
HPCC-12170 Fix noxpath ignored when outputting files or a single row
HPCC-10674 Update based on review
HPCC-11958 Remove the context from CRoxie...Param class
HPCC-12099 Remove commented out code
HPCC-12036 Warn if floating point indices used when perhaps a range was intended
HPCC-12284 Changed REAL index to index range in hashjoin regression test
HPCC-11400 Fix issues with balanced splitters
HPCC-12172 Better error message if required git update steps not done
HPCC-12192 Fix problems building esdlcomp on windows
HPCC-12147 %a and %A options on not returning expected values
HPCC-12240 Update Cassandra driver to latest
HPCC-12227 Include slave # in slave exceptions
HPCC-12235 Remove legacy redundant derived RowAggregator class
HPCC-12206 Avoid function call if no child expression
HPCC-12149 Add back in call to record a library used by workunit
HPCC-12191 Reduce calls to createRowAllocator() for roxie NWayMergeJoin
HPCC-12099 Add 4 componentTypes for ESP logging service
HPCC-12169 Minor MP/Jsocket tracing improvements
HPCC-10674 ECL support for writing JSON files
HPCC-12127 Use 64-bit integer for HTTP Content-Length header
HPCC-11734 Fix efficiency issues with CQuerySetQueriesPager
HPCC-12178 Fix format string and add braces to clarify if
HPCC-10525 Fix regression in windows constant folding (wrong flag tested)
HPCC-8664  Minor fix to error text
HPCC-12149 Clean up unused workunit fields
HPCC-12154 Update Third Party Libraries for ECL Watch
HPCC-12149 Clean up unused workunit fields
HPCC-12149 Clean up unused workunit fields
HPCC-12159 add ability to suppress outputing imports
HPCC-12138 ADD_PLUGIN macro only works if exactly one dependent package
HPCC-12139 Spurious Warnings concerning -L libaprlib.dylib on OSX
HPCC-10617 Add support for Cassandra
HPCC-12029 Optimize crc_file, updated to fix Centos 5.7 and OSX build errors
HPCC-10617 Add support for Cassandra
HPCC-11955 Document Import path for development
HPCC-12081 Add ToJSON function to ECL
HPCC-12112 dependencies/el7.cmake for CentOS 7.0
HPCC-12116 Do not allocate memory for 0 size in rtlMalloc
HPCC-12114 Ensure testing lower cased hint id's
HPCC-12111 Use a different sub directory for each slave instance
HPCC-12100 ECL Watch Build Error (IE8 trailing comma)
HPCC-12080 Fix codegen JSON formatting for Sets of "All"
HPCC-10525 Solve constant folding functions for ARM
HPCC-10525 Solve constant folding functions for ARM
HPCC-10308 Check for paths that may access directories outside esp/files
HPCC-12029 Optimize crc_file
HPCC-10525 Solve constant folding functions for ARM
HPCC-11976 Get list of a query's workunit resources via WsEcl
HPCC-12062 Update based on review
HPCC-12062 Add FromJSON function to ECL
HPCC-11619 Show xmlns declarations in WSDL display
HPCC-11819 Remove new commented out lines
HPCC-11958 Add Roxie State check to preflight
HPCC-10308 Add support for getting ESP files directory listing
HPCC-11919 Changes submitted by Fishbeck
HPCC-11754 use more realistic target names in usage text
HPCC-11754 Support copy entire queryset from one environment to another
HPCC-12028 Cache the ifblock size in the deserialize code
HPCC-12028 Improve the code generated for ifblocks
HPCC-12034 Constant fold x+0,x-0,x*1,x DIV 1
HPCC-11819 Code review changes -esdl2xml tranform() remove use of extraneous flag -remove commented out code -Do not output includes if not writing to file -Utilize multiple appends vs appendf per Fi
HPCC-12012 Revise exception wording
HPCC-12012 Revise based on code review
HPCC-12006 Avoid internal error adding tiny resources
HPCC-12012 Cache PackageMaps/PackageSets info in WsPackageProcess
HPCC-12007 Extend description for SERVICE keyword CONTEXT
HPCC-11643 Remove dummy LOADXML
HPCC-10525 Solve constant folding functions for ARM
HPCC-11819 Add option to output ESXDL to buffer
HPCC-10525 Solve constant folding functions for ARM
HPCC-11819 Changes from code review - Fixed Memory management issues - Legacy code cleanup - fixed a grammar issue regarding negative enum values - Enhanced grammar to support enum syntax currently
HPCC-9608  Potentially unsafe code in 64-bit constant-folding
HPCC-10047 Rename MakeStringException etc
HPCC-11954 Remove unused SIGNAL_TO_EXCEPTION code
HPCC-11855 Display search results by "type"
HPCC-11856 Add published queries to global search
HPCC-11838 Don't hoist expressions from within SIZEOF()
HPCC-9278  Roxie tracing options inconsistent
HPCC-11921 Create the correct node type from a readspill
HPCC-11852 Remove calls to getDatasetName from indexwrite
HPCC-11668 Add custom password end date.
HPCC-11819 Restructure esdlcomp for advanced use - Package scanner/parser compiler in shared lib (esdlcomp) -- Move from tools/esdlcmd-xml to tools/esdlcomp - Restructure scanner/parser code for rent
HPCC-11802 DOCS: HPCC Monitoring and Reporting integration
HPCC-11757 Private user file scope not created on 389DirectoryServer
HPCC-11668 ECLWatch needs to support configurable password expiry num days
HPCC-11717 LDAP login for system Admin fails on non-ActiveDirectory
HPCC-11635 389DirectoryServer LDAP cannot create HPCC OUs
HPCC-11633 LDAP changes to support LDAP Server Type
HPCC-11632 Add serverType attribute to LDAP config
HPCC-11589 Configmgr tooltip needs better explaination of ldap username fields
HPCC-11416 Make OOM reports conditional
HPCC-11417 Eliminate epoll uninitialized warning, update 2
HPCC-11417 Eliminate epoll uninitialized warning, update 1
HPCC-9896  Deploy jar files to HPCC cluster and update classpath
HPCC-11417 Eliminate epoll uninitialized warning
HPCC-11489 Add simple crosssite Roxie call
HPCC-11360 Variable file spray fails with out of disk space message
HPCC-11416 Report stack and memory report on exhausted heap
HPCC-11469 Add gcc -Wparentheses
HPCC-11468 Argparse Python library throws exception in overnight test based on dependency.
HPCC-10828 coverage collection and reporting automation as part of new regression suite
HPCC-11408 ecl-test run --target=roxie doesn't use the archive
HPCC-11322 Allow parameters to be passed to regression suite queries
HPCC-11428 Make xsd file names consistent
HPCC-11322 Allow parameters to be passed to regression suite queries
HPCC-11379 Remove uninitialised variable warnings (never actually a problem)
HPCC-10215 Slight better error report on failed expiry delete
HPCC-10828 coverage collection and reporting automation as part of new regression suite
HPCC-11380 Move SDS base 'state' to client class
HPCC-11382 Add SuperHashTableOf::next
HPCC-12981 Thor may core on second job that uses python
HPCC-13006 DOCS:Standardize right-click
HPCC-12780 Altered logic handling user resource limits
HPCC-13005 Fixed cleanup of slaves on bad startup of thormaster
HPCC-11347 Fix more warnings in the regression suite
HPCC-12992 Avoid out of disk follow on issues
remove 'IMPORT * FROM' from  regression tests
HPCC-13003 Regression Test Engine system check won't work on remote cluster.
HPCC-12961 Fix check for JSON BigNumber size too low
HPCC-12999 HTTPCALL error
HPCC-13006 DOCS:Standardize right-click
HPCC-10483 Unicode EditDistanceWithinRadius update
HPCC-13001 Check "MAKE_DOCS" before building Eclipse Help
HPCC-12995 Fix extra semicolon causing function to return early
HPCC-12967 Use a 64bit integer cast to remove warning building on osx
HPCC-12994 Change Exist to Exists
HPCC-11949 Add ability to modify WU scope in ECLWatch
HPCC-12996 Clean up a couple of error messages
HPCC-10074 Generate Eclipse Help and generate zip file Enable ECLReference xsltproc process but disabling PDF generation Add --nonet option to speed up xsltproc process Eclipse Help zip file is gener
HPCC-12532 Superfile delete/remove confusion
HPCC-12639 Refresh Logical File Details doesn't highlight deleted clearly
HPCC-12991 Fix core on error case in debug mode
HPCC-12989 Sort queries by target cluster
HPCC-12976 Add xmlonly output option
HPCC-12980 Disambiguate ESPProcess Xpath
HPCC-11759 Admin not recognized on OpenLDAP
HPCC-12968 Fix typo LIBSLT Also add libxslt for CentOS5 and  remove xerces in dependent files
HPCC-12949 Utilize base class parameter verification
HPCC-12966 Improve text generated for a couple of joins
HPCC-12958 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle well stderr stream of ecl command.
HPCC-12960 Fix stepping3.ecl by reintroducing a fully keyed index
HPCC-12911 change regression output to no longer use legacy eclwatch
HPCC-12957 JS Graph Subgraphs are Solid Blue
HPCC-12950 Prevent seg fault when requesting ESDL lists
HPCC-12956 Propagate bool flag on recursive calls
HPCC-13087 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle well the retry count and abort logging
when execute test cases one by one.
reset context->err on retrieving cached connection
HPCC-12947 Support for new Metaphone 3
Added Delete and changed units of 'expire' to seconds
HPCC-13075 Superfile details page enhancement
HPPC-12993 Move #pragma for backwards compatibility with old gcc versions
correct link counting
HPCC-13088 Fix FORMAT as an attribute on HEADING
HPCC-12993 Fix gcc warnings
HPCC-13085 Implement //fail tag handling
HPCC-13049 DOCS:OpenLDAP not supported
HPCC-10675 Support spraying of JSON files
HPCC-13047 Redis plugin sync module
HPCC-13079 Memcached plugin local thread cache
HPCC-13080 Can't build system with USE_OPENLDAP=0
HPCC-13018 DOCS:Update Data Tutorial
HPCC-13070 Remove Roxie Restrictions from docs
HPCC-11635 DOCS:LDAP Server Type
HPCC-13068 Reorder memcached function parameter lists
HPCC-13043 Add explicit dependency
HPCC-13064 Building 5.0.x after installing Node.JS will cause the packaging to fail.
HPCC-13061 Allow users to resubmit other users workunits
HPCC-13053 StartCmd and check_status fix
HPCC-13059 HPCC-init restart bug fix
HPCC-13018 DOCS:Update to Data Tutorial
HPCC-11715 Back and forward buttons read "refresh"
HPCC-12942 Process standard query responses correctly
HPCC-13009 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle well the eclcc warning messages.
HPCC-13056 Version information missing in Output part of result log.
HPCC-13045 DFU server should log which kind of splitter/partitioner used in spray
HPCC-13055 OSX support
HPCC-13050 Forward ReplicateOutputs to ECLWatch Spray
HPCC-13046 Pass back fatal slave init exceptions to master
HPCC-12979 Failed workunits still being displayed on roxie in activity page
HPCC-12741 Convert to c++11 literal-suffix ws rules
HPCC-12969 Columns resizing incorrectly
HPCC-12815 Updated again based on review
HPCC-13022 Work around use of () in cmake ${}
HPCC-12741 Convert to c++11 literal-suffix ws rules
HPCC-12815 Updated based on review
HPCC-12953 PTree toJSON should escape JSON values
HPCC-12829 Fix JSON escaping of character '\0'
IDE-404    Embedded ECL Watch Regression
HPCC-12973 Changes from code review
HPCC-12954 Implement late breaking changes to secure DaFileSrv
HPCC-894    Clean up examples and debug output
HPCC-894    Improve support for out of line functions
HPCC-12973 Avoid esdl_def static object
HPCC-12815 Dynamically detect JSON file root format when reading in ECL
HPCC-13139 DOCS:System Admin docs formatting
HPCC-8616  Enable generating xml from xsd with configurator
HPCC-13140 Packet size exceeded on one-way Roxie with dynamic file lookup
Removed 'locking' module
Changed tests and keys Changed timeout from mus -> ms
HPCC-13122 Fix problems with keydiff in regression suite
HPCC-13051 Redis locking module
HPCC-12879 Add ESP Service URLs
HPCC-10762 Display Graph Start/Finish times
HPCC-13147 Build errors on Windows 64 bit
HPCC-13042 Set WsTopology.default_client_version to 1.21
HPCC-12918 Visualize WU Stats
HPCC-13137 Remove duplicate dependencies from output
HPCC-12508 WsEcl unsequenced fields should be alphabetical
HPCC-12646 Improve stats filtering and remove duplicate elapsed time
HPCC-13125 Regression test should not fail a test case if it generates warning(s) only.
HPCC-13105 Fix despray/spray of ECL generated and rootless JSON files
HPCC-12990 Fix wrong function name caused by rebase
HPCC-11917 Full keyed joins fail or worse unless key was remote
HPCC-13115 Add //fail tag for all 'have to fail' Regression Suite test cases
HPCC-11835 New Topology
HPCC-12952 WU/DFUWU Refresh on Idle
HPCC-13078 Auto close password dialog after save
HPCC-13067 DOCS:Add marca registrada symbol
HPCC-13017 Mark sorts that include all fields as potentially unstable
HPCC-11991 Weird count displayed on graph
HPCC-13108 Fix regression in precompiled header generation
HPCC-13102 Create a splitter node of the correct type
HPCC-13091 Complete uninstall should not remove soft link dir(s)
HPCC-13084 DOCS:Updates to SystemAdmin Doc
HPCC-12297 Make sure error if SOAPCALL to invalid IP is caught late
HPCC-13060 Ensure CreateExternalDirectory passes LFN validation
HPCC-12905 DFU Spray always shows 100%
HPCC-12087 Ensure cached files released by implicit transaction
HPCC-13102 Regress HPCC-9577 so conditional subgraphs are not merged
HPCC-13095 Regression Test Engine doesn't handle/report well the linker errors
HPCC-13096 Improve error message accessing invalid graph result
HPCC-13093 Nested Results + XPath
HPCC-13092 Return more variables in WsTopology.TpGroupQuery
HPCC-12990 Allow external c++ files to be compiled into queries
HPCC-13099 Fix regressions compiling under windows.
HPCC-12653 Std.Date should not use %F, %T, %R
HPCC-13093 Nested Results + XPath
HPCC-13073 Create a zip file for Programmer's Guide ECL code files
HPCC-13082 DOCS:Fix typo in indexterm
HPCC-13072 Edit SOAPCALL examples in Prog Guide
HPCC-13198 Redis Plugin README
HPCC-13158 Change locking SET & GET behaviour
HPCC-13192 Add a more sensible authorization message for older versions or redis
HPCC-12119 DOCS:CentOS 7.0
HPCC-9283  Fix incorrect resourcing of RIGHT.dataset
HPCC-13190 Spray Request Formatting Issues
HPCC-13191 Ensure case insensitivy on bool/int HINT options
HPCC-13185 Assert connection before setting timeout
HPCC-13180 Locking SET - database & expire passed incorrectly
HPCC-12782 Disable default for jvm using huge pages
HPCC-13170 Stats Viz Issues
HPCC-13155 Fixes for 13051
HPCC-13116 Spurious non-fatal error message from eclcc for unloadable plugin
HPCC-13126 Regression test join.ecl output doesn't match keyfile on Roxie
HPCC-13169 Inputs to JOIN should still be sorted if STREAMED/SMART
HPCC-13168 Revert default compression for fixed length to RDiff
HPCC-13157 DOCS:Improve initldap doc
HPCC-13042 Disable replicate where needed
HPCC-13161 Fix ESP componentFile directory support for symlinks
HPCC-13163 Only creating in documentation build.
HPCC-13135 Enable Platform libraries build on Visual Studio 9 2008 Win64
HPCC-13233 Correct recursive threadchain creation
HPCC-13228 Preserve non-zero error codes from exceptions thrown in eclcc
HPCC-13232 Correct recursive threadchain creation
HPCC-12217 Document Eclwatch / Ganglia integration
HPCC-13234 Do not try to read graph statistics if running with no dali
HPCC-13216 Use relative paths based on exe current path to find resources
HPCC-13225 Convert units of expire to seconds
HPCC-13222 enable ECLReference build
HPCC-13221 Remove Spray to Roxie from docs
HPCC-13205 Avoid spilling window in LOCAL LOOKUP JOIN
HPCC-13177 Add multiple hash_webservice error test case
HPCC-13218 Fix DISTRIBUTE race that could cause deadlock
HPCC-13215 Add nothor comment to tests
HPCC-13212 sendlimit test failing on Roxie when localSlave set
HPCC-13205 Avoid spilling window in LOCAL LOOKUP JOIN
HPCC-10018 Initial documentation for DESDL
HPCC-9691  DOCS:Handling removal thor nodes
HPCC-13177 Only allow #webservice to be called once
HPCC-9691  DOCS:Handling removal thor nodes
HPCC-13267 Ensure ctx is available if external function needs it
HPCC-13262 ZH Translations
HPCC-13265 Read file part size using getPropInt64 in ws_dfu
HPCC-13264 Ensure CSV, XML files do not use run-length compression
HPCC-13196 Document Spray JSON in Eclwatch
HPCC-13240 DOCS:Ops/Topology added to ECL Watch
HPCC-13244 Memcached expiration test timing too short
HPCC-13224 Memcached - add Delete(<key>) function
HPCC-13287 Add HU Translations
HPCC-13281 Remove unnecessary defaults
HPCC-13240 DOCS:Ops/Topology added to ECL Watch
HPCC-13263 ES Translations


Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.16-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.16-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.14-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.14-1 (gold) to 5.0.16-1 Gold
HPCC-10709 Allow dafilesrv throttle limit to be configured

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.14-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.14-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.8-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.8-1 (gold) to 5.0.14-1 (gold)
HPCC-13416 WUID filter should force uppercase
HPCC-13409 Superfile details page enhancement
HPCC-13201 Fix WsECL form handling of blank fields
HPCC-13424 Roxie may segfault on startup if no querySets specified
HPCC-13436 Dali can crash when serializing large property values
HPCC-13374 Potential Distribute send stall if many targets stop
HPCC-13316 Spray delimited missing escape char
HPCC-13366 Group denormalie crash fix
Community Edition 5.0.12-1 Gold
HPCC-13354 Usage % expensive in production
Community Edition 5.0.10-1 Gold
HPCC-13322 Check Cached CPECacheElem point before using it

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.8-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.8-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.6-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.6-1 (gold) to 5.0.8-1 (gold)
HPCC-13267 Ensure ctx is available if external function needs it
HPCC-13264 Ensure CSV, XML files do not use run-length compression
HPCC-13218 Fix DISTRIBUTE race that could cause deadlock
HPCC-13205 Avoid spilling window in LOCAL LOOKUP JOIN
HPCC-13190 Spray Request Formatting Issues
HPCC-13191 Ensure case insensitivy on bool/int HINT options
HPCC-13169 Inputs to JOIN should still be sorted if STREAMED/SMART
HPCC-13168 Revert default compression for fixed length to RDiff

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.6-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.6-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.4-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.4-1 (gold) to 5.0.6-1 (gold)
HPCC-13102 Create a splitter node of the correct type
HPCC-13060 Ensure CreateExternalDirectory passes LFN validation
HPCC-12905 DFU Spray always shows 100%
HPCC-12087 Ensure cached files released by implicit transaction
HPCC-13102 Regress HPCC-9577 so conditional subgraphs are not merged
HPCC-13093 Nested Results + XPath
HPCC-13064 Building 5.0.x after installing Node.JS will cause the packaging to fail.
HPCC-13061 Allow users to resubmit other users workunits
HPCC-12829 Fix JSON escaping of character '\0'
HPCC-12981 Thor may core on second job that uses python
HPCC-12992 Avoid out of disk follow on issues
HPCC-12478 Remove "RowTag" from non XML Sprays
HPCC-12915 Reset send queue, on lookup/smart restart (in loop)
HPCC-12839 Fix crash when row being looked up in a dictionary is aliased
HPCC-12901 Fix spurious delete logical file timeout
HPCC-12541 Preserve ORDERED()
HPCC-12335 Added success message where already started
HPCC-11031 Document MAXLENGTH Options
HPCC-12743 Fix typo in DENORMALIZE example
HPCC-11951 Update docs to say Roxie can write files

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.4-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.4-1

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.2-1 apply.

Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.2-1 (gold) to 5.0.4-1 (gold)
HPCC-12778 Fix libxslt package name
HPCC-12762 Multi filenames using wildcards allocate large amounts of memory
HPCC-12763 Does not release exceptions if it is rethrown
HPCC-12634 Replace libxalan111 with libxslt1
HPCC-12115 Eclserver should use same hooks as eclccserver
HPCC-12594 Allow DATASET(value) in a record to add a dataset field
HPCC-11371 Docs: Fix DICTIONARY Example
HPCC-12468 Belongs to superfile tab added
HPCC-10359 Embedded Python may fail due to ^M characters in source
HPCC-10537 Allow LOCAL on MERGEJOIN, JOIN([]) and MERGE([])
HPCC-12592 DOCS:Update Samples in installing and Running
HPCC-12490 Ensure linked progress is released when connection is
HPCC-12490-3 link progress
HPCC-12362 Clip toaster messages to ensure title is visible.
HPCC-12064 New preload option in a package copies all files
HPCC-12490 Add getGraphsMeta() to explicitly get the meta info
HPCC-12557 Show 'Queue Paused' tag for paused ECLServer
HPCC-12567 Remove ASCII option from XML Spray
HPCC-12064 New preload option in a package copies all files
HPCC-12426 Update based on code review
HPCC-11442 DOCS:ECL Watch Match UI Remote Copy
HPCC-12463 Cannot paste into search field
HPCC-12534 Fix regression introduced in last commit for this issue
HPCC-12426 Add WUQueryDetails option to list applicable WsEcl Addresses
HPCC-12543 Create the deserializer object in the correct context
HPCC-11632 Add serverType attribute to LDAP config
HPCC-12492 ECL Watch add indicators for keyed columns
HPCC-12534 Prevent >1 file delete from deadlocking each other
HPCC-12437 Prioritize Columns for Roxie Graphs
HPCC-12375 Add missing WU actions on Activity PageBreak.css
HPCC-12490 Correction to WUERR_WorkunitPublished id
HPCC-12523 Prevent accidental wildcard lookups (for 4.2.x)
HPCC-12512 Fix incorrect parameter type on rtlWriteInt8
HPCC-12518 Add support for Ubuntu 14.04 and 14.10
HPCC-8576  Document Thor Memory settings
HPCC-12308 ECLPlus minor edits
HPCC-12490 Add getGraphsMeta() to explicitly get the meta info
HPCC-12364 Document setting classpath for embedded java
HPCC-12234 Should warn if admin is removed
   Whenever an administrator removes themselves from being a member of "Administrators" they can potentially
   lock themselves out of the group due to a auto save feature within ECL Watch.
   Now they will receive a confirm warning them that they are about to lock themselves out of the admin group.
HPCC-12445 Libraries used shows incorrect value
HPCC-12467 Modified reporting structure in
HPCC-12488 LDAP Security core if reference uninitialized member
HPCC-12487 Fix unresolved links in ECL Watch doc
HPCC-12479 Document using MODULE to return multiple values from a FUNCTION
HPCC-12471 Fix pull distribute regression
HPCC-12465 DOCS:Fix build fail Issues ECLWatch.xml
HPCC-12443 Improve distributor tracing
HPCC-12409 Set target to NULL for clarity
HPCC-12409 A little more refactoring
HPCC-12390 Move and update the test case
HPCC-12146 DOCS:document initldap utility
HPCC-12390 Allow variable parameters to SAMPLE
HPCC-12146 DOCS:document initldap utility
HPCC-12249 Fix memory leaks in LDAPSecurity lib
HPCC-12428 Java package support is broken
HPCC-12441 Unordered join deadlock if stopped early
HPCC-12378 WHEN clause triggered on the false branch of an IF, in Roxie
HPCC-12434 Log details of out of order lines
HPCC-12401 Rename paramters so they don't clash with reserved words
HPCC-12446 Prevent a potential deadlock in IRowMultiWriterReader
HPCC-12409 Some changes following code review
HPCC-12409 Collect object arrays in to unified target object
HPCC-12439 Fix potential crash and row corruption in JOIN
HPCC-12300 remote copy creates ambiguous xpath
HPCC-12347 Refresh graph only merged new data into control
HPCC-12325 Making run in parallel by default
HPCC-12427 GetESPServiceBaseURL(type) matches on name
HPCC-12422 Fix compile errors caused by rebase
HPCC-12420 OSX eclcc stdout/stderr pipes get closed prematurely
HPCC-12300 remote copy creates ambiguous xpath
HPCC-12059 Need tool to create initial LDAP OUs and admin HPCC user
HPCC-12300 remote copy creates ambiguous xpath
HPCC-12406 Ensure PIPE files are unique if multiple slaves
HPCC-12409 Pathological distribute slowdown fix
HPCC-12246 Add order sensitive option to soapplus
HPCC-11079 Docs: nosplit needed for remote copy with variable len fields records
HPCC-10606 Add STREAMED flag to JOIN to prevent implicit keyed or lookup
HPCC-12349 Updated based on review
HPCC-12380 Remove internal error (triggered by invalid source)
   Version number correction
HPCC-12349 Updated based on review
HPCC-12349 JSON outputUnicode outputs extra characters
HPCC-12363 Remove BOM from stub.htm
HPCC-12288 agentexec looks for config in code dir
HPCC-12163 DOCS:Document ECL Watch Workunit details
HPCC-9877  Clarify use of const in BEGINC++ docs
HPCC-12346 Control:resetquerystats is not resetting counts
HPCC-12344 Give error if control:resetquerystats given invalid id
HPCC-9207  DOCS: DECIMAL not supported in DISTRIBUTION action
HPCC-12293 Roxie cores if indexFileName is null
HPCC-12341 Improve syntax checking for FORWARD modules (and fix core)
HPCC-12339 Change user's filter for logical file name to lower case
HPCC-12164 Cant bind HPCCAdmin to LDAP on 389DS
HPCC-12327 Configgen should extract and write LDAPServer config
HPCC-12242 Trace slow MP accept & connect's
HPCC-12334 Fix core if -main is used with no filename
HPCC-12326 Revise based on review comment
HPCC-12326 Fix 4 memory leaks in ESP libs
HPCC-12295 Packagemap validate should ignore ~~ on file names
HPCC-12146 DOCS:document initldap utility
HPCC-12322 Change WsTopology.TpGetServicePlugins response
HPCC-11758 DOCS:make an ECLWatch user an Administrator
HPCC-12146 DOCS:document initldap tool

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.2-1

Known Limitations for 5.0.2-1

*When running ECL Watch under Chrome, fonts in any data grid may display larger than intended. In addition, a superfluous blank line appears at the top of the page. (HPCC-12363)

Note: The following issues do not affect deb-based systems.

  1. On rpm-based systems, if you have any version of HPCC Platform prior to 4.0.0-rc10 installed, you must first manually uninstall (using rpm -e) before attempting to upgrade.
  2. For RPM based systems, there are two different installation packages available. One package includes the optional plug-ins to support embedded code from other languages, such as JAVA, JavaScript, R, or Python.
    • If you do not want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with
    • If you want support for other languages, choose the package for your distro that begins with:
      You must install the packages that have the plug-ins using the --nodeps option. Then you will have to install the dependencies for each language you wish to support. The dependencies to support each language are installed separately.

      The optional plug-ins are:
      Python : pyembed
      JAVA : jniembed
      JavaScript : v8embed
      R : Rembed
  3. The RPM-based installation packages do not have the supporting plug-in for JavaScript support. This will be resolved in the next release. JavaScript support is present in the installation packages for other distros and in the VM.
Comprehensive list of changes from 5.0.0-1 (gold) to 5.0.2-1 (gold)
HPCC-12309 Catch memory wrap and full hash table
HPCC-12302 Regression Test Engine doesn't use platform specific result file when run setup.
HPCC-12084 Remove unnecessary internal error
HPCC-11972 Roxie data copying majority from remote Roxie and not buddy node
HPCC-11999 Should not set url param if not downloading
HPCC-12198 Abort parsing earlier for invalid queries
HPCC-11506 Alert to contain existing files
HPCC-11999 Set url param for downloading WU Archive ECLXML
HPCC-12277 Fix memory leaks in ECLWatch services
HPCC-12022 New //dynamicsource tag
HPCC-12244 Fix xpath used to lookup WsEcl VIP configuration
HPCC-12167 Add WsTopology.TpGetServicePlugins
HPCC-12239 Only track expressions as conditional within a workflow item
HPCC-12220 SuperHashTable kill not resetting tablecount
HPCC-12065 ECL Watch Missing Favicon and update page title
HPCC-11858 DOCS: DFUPlus copy files
HPCC-11055 Update LOADXML docs to remove dummy calls
HPCC-12155 Add --help option
HPCC-12090 Add a separate environment.xml for the regrssion suite
HPCC-11913 Integrate Performance Testing into nightly build.
HPCC-12158 Check ptree pointer before use in addClusterQueryStates
HPCC-10949 DOCS: document Spray Variable and Spray BLOB
HPCC-12175 Index normalize may ignore choosen limit on Roxie
HPCC-12180 Fix windows build break in mysqlembed
EPE-127    Docs: Update image to show new ECL Watch
HPCC-12174 Build may fail due to missing esp.hpp
HPCC-11763 Docs: add --version to DFUPlus
HPCC-12175 Index normalize may ignore choosen limit on Roxie
HPCC-12143 Add port to MySQL example code
HPCC-11574 Replace Playground tab with ECL tab
HPCC-11983 Enable Sorting for Users and Groups
HPCC-11984 Group Members List Corruption
HPCC-11840 Remote Copy Requires Credentials
HPCC-12107 Segmentation fault when supplying an incorrect Wuid
HPCC-12145 Jsocket printf causes invalid output from eclcc
HPCC-12133 Change log level for Roxie failed to open file
HPCC-12150 Check cached item pointer before using in getElementsPaged
HPCC-12148 Accept more standard signature for java iterator parameters
HPCC-12136 Embedded MySQL has no means to specify port
HPCC-11893 LFDetailsWidget has inconsistent forms
HPCC-12137 Enhance embedded MySQL example
HPCC-12107 Segmentation fault when supplying an incorrect Wuid to DATASET(WORKUNIT(...
HPCC-12033 Default target environment for regression suite should be configurable
HPCC-12094 NamedMutex needs to use correct lock directory
HPCC-12124 Examples for embedded language support weak
HPCC-12075 Allow to select a good landing zone for Upload/download
HPCC-12113 Heat Map does not refresh with timers
HPCC-11812 Add //IP/Path to Landing Zones Page
HPCC-11968 Don't use unique allocators per bucket
HPCC-12110 MySQL plugin returns random data for NULL fields
HPCC-12044 Disable actions on details page for deleted items
HPCC-12088 Improve initial Graph experience
HPCC-12094 Check if existing daserver running and abort out.
HPCC-12097 Echo ECL Watch build errors to console
HPCC-11741 WUDetails Helper Count is calculated at the wrong time/place
HPCC-12092 DOCS: Error in Systems Admin. header
IDE-379    Update Graph Image in CT manual
HPCC-12079 Start Activity Cache timeout from cache creation completion
HPCC-12085 Avoid malloc/free when updating the buffer callbacks
HPCC-12083 Remove ROXIEMM_LARGE_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED from newly merged code
HPCC-12053 Index writes were broken by last change.
HPCC-11693 Add maxSpillCost option to allocateRowTable too
HPCC-12077 Grid Hyperlink clicks do not get de-registered correctly
HPCC-11667 Advanced menu falls behind nav bar
HPCC-11966 Extend locking primitives to add assertLocked()
HPCC-11975 Restrict height of confirmation dialog
HPCC-12047 String repad causes seg fault on -ve lengths
HPCC-12060 Show running WUs in bold on Activity page
HPCC-11966 Extend locking primitives to add assertLocked()
HPCC-12055 DOCS: Refactor Inside cover PDF files
HPCC-12053 Make relative filename handling consistent.
HPCC-11924 Improve result_lib display of sets
HPCC-12035 Implement portable j_isnan() and j_isinf() functions
HPCC-11910 DOCS:UPdate Images for latest ECLWatch
HPCC-12027 Fix $.^ for items in the root module.
HPCC-11902 Make configmgr WsEcl target restriction wording more clear
HPCC-12038 Clarify Contributor to doc
HPCC-12037 virtual(logicalfilename) missing implicit scope
HPCC-11923 DOCS: Updates to LDAP section
HPCC-12031 Always throw exceptions if cannot allocate enough memory
HPCC-11693 More changes, spotted during review
HPCC-12017 Refactor the self.args.setupExtraX code
HPCC-12014 Provide the regression suite path to all queries.
HPCC-11693 Improove OOM handling when sizing tables
HPCC-12015 Move the regression suite text files
HPCC-11902 Allow targets shown in WsEcl to be restricted through config
HPCC-12015 Move the regression suite text files
HPCC-11492 Refactor / Cleanup AddPackageMap
HPCC-12014 Provide the regression suite path to all queries.
HPCC-11860 Fix confusing formatting of hidl ProcInfo::out_method
HPCC-11636 Updated to fix raw output format
HPCC-12002 Clarify SegMonitorList::checkSize error message
HPCC-12001 Improve performance for WsWorkunits.WUListQueries
HPCC-12000 CDfsLogicalFileName::set,removeForeign broken.
HPCC-11988 Fix hthor calling helper functions too early
HPCC-11997 ECLWatch should not auto-refresh archived WU pages
HPCC-11996 Read correct HTTP header for AcceptLanguage
HPCC-11995 Improve logging for getActivityInfo
HPCC-11995 Update to match 5.0
HPCC-11992 Regression Test Engine crashed in Overnight Build
HPCC-11994 Improve no-files description in CT docs
HPCC-11986 Force exit with 0 after trying to delete directories
HPCC-11935 Fix Narrowing Conversions
HPCC-10735 Support different query classes in the regression suite
HPCC-11865 Update based on review
HPCC-11865 Clean up string handling in XMlTokenizer when exceptions thrown
HPCC-11863 createReferencedFileList parameters in wrong position
Revert "HPCC-11863 createReferencedFileList parameters in wrong position"
HPCC-11636 Fix JSON output of INIFINITE and NaN real values
HPCC-11690 Fix DEDUP,HASH crash if OOM freed empty bucket
HPCC-11906 ecl-test run should take same options as ecl-test query
HPCC-11966 Extend locking primitives to add assertLocked()
HPCC-11961 Roxie json output of scalar data should be quoted
HPCC-10656 Roxie in standalone mode should not be xml encoding output strings
HPCC-11863 createReferencedFileList parameters in wrong position
HPCC-11419 Clean up some //MORE comments
HPCC-11933 Fix WsSMC.setActivityResponse to not update Activity cache
HPCC-11937 Fix race condition in smart join
HPCC-11953 Throw error when RIGHT rows would be lost
HPCC-11748 Fix WsDFU.DFUQuery not return compressed file size
Revert "HPCC-11901 CSV auto discovery generates wrong field names if recordstructurepresent=false"
HPCC-11940 Avoid multiple control:queries calls for same queryset
HPCC-11938 Fix incorrect Number of Queries from WUListQueries
HPCC-11587 Remove extra lines and add return statements
HPCC-11945 Suspended queries lock files even when allFilesDynamic set
HPCC-11413 Queries show no file information if allFilesDynamic=true
HPCC-11932 Roxie attach causing Roxie cluster to load empty package
HPCC-11912 Docs Roxie superfile support updates
HPCC-11932 Roxie attach causing Roxie cluster to load empty package
Revert "HPCC-11903 Update Docs for scripts that write to logs"
HPCC-11920 Prevent SKIPiness leaking outside an ONFAIL
HPCC-11914 VIRTUAL(filename) not supported on Roxie
HPCC-11587 Add 'Open In New Page' to Package Map area
HPCC-11912 DOCS:Roxie now supports superfile with >1 subfile
HPCC 11911 Fix Minor LR doc issues
HPCC-11903 Update Docs for scripts that write to logs
HPCC-11872 Attr @compressedSize is not set for a compressed logical file
HPCC-11901 CSV auto discovery generates wrong field names if recordstructurepresent=false
HPCC-11898 Roxie should support superfiles with >1 file
HPCC-11896 Spurious regression suite failure on superfile6 test
HPCC-11894 Roxie can core in superfile2 test
HPCC-11620 Return permission list for current user
HPCC-11756 Rebuild persist if input persist is newer
HPCC-11603 Fix issue copying file on non-Thor groups
HPCC-11788 Remove ECLWatch Tech Preview from legacy ECLWatch
HPCC-11785 Fix Thor Usage/Queue display in legacy ECLWatch
HPCC-11874 Remove #define CHAR from the sources
HPCC-11846 Fix various clang warnings
HPCC-11867 Clean up calls to CStringArray::sort
HPCC-11693 Catch and handle OOM and failover when setting up HT
HPCC-11828 Issue operator warning, if clusters mismatch
HPCC-11765 Avoid compiler warning for potentially uninitialized
HPCC-11823 Improve efficiency of sorting archived wuid list
HPCC-11666 Make filtering by referenced library case insensitive
HPCC-11699 Add "LibraryName" to Query Set Filter
HPCC-11666 Make Queries list filterable by referenced library
HPCC-11485 Return same data in WsDFU/DFUQuery and DFUFileView

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-3

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-2 apply.

Community Edition 5.0.0-3 Gold
HPCC-12000 CDfsLogicalFileName::set,removeForeign broken.
HPCC-12010 Fix deadlock in onActivity cache building

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-2

All Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-1 apply.

HPCC-11918 Allow and run as hpcc user
HPCC-11933 Fix WsSMC.setActivityResponse to not update Activity cache

Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-1


Release Notes for Community Edition 5.0.0-1 Gold
Known Limitations

* If you are using a 32-bit Browser under Linux, there is no installer for the Graph control available. 
  For now, you must either build a 32-bit Graph Control yourself from sources or switch to a 64-bit Browser 
  and install the 64-bit graph control.

Comprehensive list of changes from 4.2.4-4 to 5.0.0-1
HPCC-11900 Roxie graphs fail to display
HPCC-11571 Files with spaces in the name give errors from eclwatch
HPCC-11897 Spaces in filenames should be allowed
HPCC-11895 ECL Playgrounds toolbar is wrapping to two lines
HPCC-11091 DOCS:Update Install and Config tools
HPCC-11891 DOCS: Update Instant Cloud Doc for ECLWatch 5
HPCC-11875 Update Certify Manual for ECL Watch 5
HPCC-11887 DOCS: Update VM Docs for ECLWatch 5
HPCC-11836 Gold Translations
HPCC-11343 Should have better errors from the server
HPCC-11842 Add missing permission actions
HPCC-11700 Update Scheduler Docs for ECL Watch 5
HPCC-11882 Roxie should use supplied jobname if present
HPCC-11881 Roxie assert reading file::ip::x::y::z
HPCC-11880 Update Data Handling manual for ECL Watch 5
HPCC-11436 DOCS: Update Installing and Running for ECLWatch
HPCC-11437 Update IMDB tutorial for 5.0 ECL Watch
HPCC-11581 Add "File Scopes" to security page
HPCC-11873 Update Roxie Manual for 5.0 EclWatch
HPCC-11876 Roxie not updating wu result info after diskwrite
HPCC-11861 Copying query .so files can result in truncated .so files
HPCC-11858 Add a #option to only report the filename tail from assert
HPCC-11857 Roxie gives assert error if try to execute suspended query
HPCC-11847 Embedded R component installation info is out of date
HPCC-8872  DOCS:ECL Watch Docs
HPCC-11821 Writes to file names without :: not working in roxie
HPCC-11851 Roxie index creation failing
HPCC-11849 Roxie cores if persist rebuilt
HPCC-11702 Fix ambiguous path error when pausing a thor queue
HPCC-11844 Fix inconsistency generated in expression tree
HPCC-11830 Fix bad group name lookup for multi instance ecalgent
HPCC-11792 Add missing rtitle and rtype to PermissionAction
HPCC-11663 Store can get stuck "loading..."
HPCC-11813 Add tooltip to grid headings
HPCC-11836 RC6 Translations
HPCC-11824 Update Supported OSs in docs
HPCC-11728 Avoid pointless exception in getLogicalFileSuperSubList
HPCC-11438 DOCS: Update Data Tutorial for ECLWatch
HPCC-11825 Fix issues with some versions of ICU (post 5.0?)
HPCC-11756 Rebuild persist if input persist is newer
HPCC-11820 Add double click support to ECL Playground Graph
HPCC-11816 Fix regression introduced by HPCC-11571
HPCC-11817 Show list of selected items on Delete Dialogs
HPCC-11796 DOCS:Update ECL Playground images
HPCC-11747 InfoGrid stops monitoring WU after completion
HPCC-11802 DOCS: HPCC Monitoring and Reporting integration
HPCC-11790 Handle LDAP "Too Many" error
HPCC-11794 Avoid multiple control:queries calls for same queryset
HPCC-11801 ERROR: Query suspended: Different version of file already loaded
HPCC-11814 File writes failing in roxie
HPCC-11156 Allow run concurrently
HPCC-11604 Handle escaped capitalization in makeXPathLName
HPCC-11810 Landing Zone "add file" fails.
HPCC-11775 Revert unfiltered test
HPCC-11808 Missing alias information from control:queries
HPCC-11808 Missing alias information from control:queries
HPCC-11551 Update mySQL key file to match updated query
HPCC-11772 Add Transition Guide to Advanced Menu
HPCC-11805 Typos in Std.Str comments
HPCC-11438 DOCS:Data Tutorial update ECL Watch 5
HPCC-11803 Fix Typo in Sys Admin Guide
HPCC-11743 Docs R Support instructions
HPCC-11771 Allow downloading of ECL
HPCC-11786 Roxie cored when processing a file notification
HPCC-11484 Rename to ECL Watch
HPCC-11798 Allow MAXLENGTH on BUILD (forward compatibility)
HPCC-11789 DFU Workunits not showing owners
HPCC-11786 Roxie cored when processing a file notification
HPCC-11775 Improve efficiency of WUiterate in Sasha
HPCC-11795 Paging request was using wrong field for WUListQueries
HPCC-11778 EclWatch should use NodeGroup instead of ClusterName
HPCC-11782 Regression test engine ignores server address when publishing queries.
HPCC-11749 Always recheck persists to ensure locked and exist
HPCC-11773 Regression test engine crash when ECL throws connection failed exception
HPCC-11780 DOCS:Update ECL Playground for ECL Watch 5.0
HPCC-10332 Document ToHexPairs & FromHexPairs
HPCC-11108 DOCS:Nagios
HPCC-11777 Fix CLocalEnvironment cache thread safeness
HPCC-11549 Convert other OPT warning messages to information
HPCC-11770 Permissions CheckBoxes are not holding their values.
HPCC-11637 Add some tracing to the log when cache is rebuilt
HPCC-11768 Overnight build crashed with "AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'target' " error.
HPCC-11712 Avoid write lock on disconnect unless neeeded
HPCC-11637 Remove tabs and rename 'port'
HPCC-11767 Add owner/state to event scheduler
HPCC-11674 Return WU XML and ECL in WsWorkunits/WUFile
HPCC-11637 Avoid multiple concourrent ECLWatch onActivity queries
HPCC-11637 Change version 1.18 to 1.19
HPCC-11571 Added a couple more valid/invalid test
HPCC-11629 Regression suite should support --target all
HPCC-11549 Always report a missing OPT file as information
HPCC-11501 DFUPLus should support --version command
HPCC-11740 Queries page not loading
HPCC-11654 Regression Test Engine generates error message at exit in Overnight Build & Test system
HPCC-11761 Cleanup EclWatch build profile
HPCC-11760 Fix getTargetClusterInfo() in workunit.cpp
HPCC-11637 Avoid multiple concourrent ECLWatch onActivity queries
HPCC-11753 Backmerge of control:queries speedup broke formatting
HPCC-11703 Remove code which should not be used anymore
HPCC-11716 ECLWatch does not display published queries after partial suspended state check work.
HPCC-11424 Add Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian support.
HPCC-11751 Logical Files Tree View does not display icon.
HPCC-11752 Fix IMPORT example in docs
HPCC-11739 Roxie cluster priorities not set correctly
HPCC-11731 Changing banner style does not refresh local banner
HPCC-11698 WARNING: Remote file connect Too many open files
HPCC-11701 Add additional Query List Filters
HPCC-11570 Fix incorrect '@' display when WsDFU deleting superfile
HPCC-11656 Weird behaviour in search box
HPCC-11722 Configuration: Remove unused xsd files
HPCC-11721 Remove unnecessary code
HPCC-11721 Remove maxlength dependency in the field mapping code
HPCC-11718 MyAccount, passwordDaysRemaining can contain NULL
HPCC-11713 Increase timeout and remove need to clone tree
HPCC-11713 Remove unused timeout
HPCC-11713 Final set of environment changes
HPCC-11713 Convert some connects to children of environment
HPCC-11713 Convert most connections to /Environment
HPCC-11713 Remove file based environment code (unused since 2010-03-29)
HPCC-11643 Revert 8982 and 11084
HPCC-11720 Downgrade error to warning in layout translation code
HPCC-11719 Remove invalid code from regression setup
HPCC-10792 Document Relative Import syntax
HPCC-11690 Fix DEDUP,HASH crash if OOM freed empty bucket
HPCC-11622 Add QueryID/Name as WsWorkunits/WUListQueries filters
HPCC-11539 Add Owner/State into ESP WUShowScheduled Response
HPCC-11648 ecl-test.json server section being ignored
HPCC-11660 DOCS:Add System Admin guide
HPCC-11525 Document default quote character
HPCC-10422 DOCS:ECL Scheduler and Certify updates
HPCC-11648 ecl-test.json server section being ignored
HPCC-11155 Allow run concurrently
HPCC-11157 Allow install-cluster run concurrently
HPCC-11660 DOCS:Add System Admin guide to Doc. Set
HPCC-11573 Deleting LogicalFile/SuperFile Issues
HPCC-11657 Allow downloading of "File" as well as zip/gzip for WU helpers
HPCC-11647 Display password expired message when passwordDaysRemaining is "-1"
HPCC-11645 Change "Tree" tooltip to "Browse By Scope"
HPCC-10338 Document UPDATE option on BUILD and OUTPUT
HPCC-11303 Document missing SOAPCALL options
HPCC-11571 Always validate logical filenames
HPCC-10340 Document OPTIONS for Skew
HPCC-11692 Spurious "unregistered query" errors
HPCC-11496 2nd attempt at avoiding contention on ClusterLock
HPCC-11691 Roxie can core on control:unlockdali
HPCC-11688 unused-files shouldn't check packagemaps active on other roxies
HPCC-11687 Fire exception on connect if from stale client
HPCC-11640 Use new --exception-level=warning option to ignore extra logging
HPCC-11679 Catch exception in connection destructors
HPCC-10684 Ensure old tracked session is removed from new
HPCC-11640 Use new --exception-level=warning option to ignore extra logging
HPCC-11663 Cannot upload a file if landing zone is empty
HPCC-11650 Fix issues with conditional varying exections paths
HPCC-9450  ECL Watch should warn about files sizes being larger than 4GB
HPCC-11653 Merge roxie endpoint results for control:queries
HPCC-11394 Support latest version of Rcpp
HPCC-11659 Fix duplicate ID tag in ecl queries copy-set docs
HPCC-11628 Roxie copied some files to wrong places
HPCC-11515 Under-caching of dynamic filename resolution
HPCC-11575 Format RoxieTopology.xml consistently
HPCC-11309 Ensure IDFUHelper cooperate with transactions
HPCC-11583 Allow user to change own password
HPCC-11441 Fold IF() at parse time to avoid binding issues later
HPCC-11464 Default string stored definitions to variable length
HPCC-11288 regression if inside transaction
HPCC-11261 fileservice superfile actions can lockup on retry
HPCC-11623 Query details should report files used in alphabetical order
HPCC-11561 Allow DEDUP and ROLLUP to include (child) rows as expressions
HPCC-11624 Document ecl run exceptionLevel option
HPCC-11602 Fix issues with csv test and csv reading of newlines
HPCC-11572 Use new child node subscription mechanism in Roxie
HPCC-11627 Requesting per-query logging can cause roxie cores
HPCC-11615 Add some timing info to file copy tracing
HPCC-10312 Disable Security Tab if user is not Admin
HPCC-11625 Submitting Roxie Query in ECL Playground fails
HPCC-11435 ecl-queries "file" command to list files used by query
HPCC-11593 Document ecl queries copy-set
HPCC-11618 Roxie core when detaching from dali
HPCC-11615 Add some timing info to file copy tracing
HPCC-11475 Improve error message deploying large archives to old ESP
HPCC-11601 Add --exception-level option to ecl-run
HPCC-10823 Published Queries need to support "mixed" suspended states
HPCC-8568  Fix Docs for HAVING
HPCC-11598 Autogenerate 'OriginalTextFilesPath' stored variable for setup & some log generation fixup
HPCC-11585 Support various banner styles in ECLWatch
HPCC-11611 Fix typos in ecl CLI docs
HPCC-11598 Autogenerate 'OriginalTextFilesPath' stored variable for setup & some log generation fixup
HPCC-9896  Deploy jar files to HPCC cluster and update classpath
HPCC-11497 Fix spurious notify on parent changes
HPCC-11610 Control:reload may leave state hash incorrect
HPCC-11595 Allow Result Grid to be initialised with Result Name
HPCC-11607 Core processing control:reload
HPCC-11577 Export Users option missing from Permissions
HPCC-11606 ecl-test no longer starting
HPCC-11607 Core processing control:reload
HPCC-11609 Move some constants for minimum versions to header
HPCC-11597 Use 'thorlcr' instead of 'thor' to match thor platform name
HPCC-11507 Add packagemap and bundle to ecl usage command list
HPCC-11333 Update error message following review
HPCC-11531 Rename "Edit" to "Open" and change button order
HPCC-11584 Add tooltip to disabled Download button on Error/Warning Page
HPCC-10294 Add comments to records and some functions in Std.File
HPCC-11592 ecl-queries-copy should copy the snapshot attribute
HPCC-11538 Pull more data from hpcc-data2 location
HPCC-11590 Add configurable timeouts to WsEcl
HPCC-11339 WsWorkunits should respect compulsory flag
HPCC-11588 Better timeout for Roxie's initial dali connect
HPCC-11586 Add prerequisite packages apache portable runtime apr and apr-util
HPCC-11405 Allow HPCC Platform Update
HPCC-10692 Allow options to be specified when running the regression suite
HPCC-11333 Add platform support for BUILD(MAXLENGTH)
HPCC-11542 Ensure expressions in action lists are actions.
HPCC-11537 Remove unhelpful warning
HPCC-11567 Fix a few warnings picked up by windows build
HPCC-11565 Avoid calls to SDS manager for dangling connections
           Use MakeStringExceptionDirect
           Remove spurious use of simpleNotifyData
HPCC-11564 Add method to clone entire queryset from one target to another
HPCC-11563 Don't set RefFileNotFound for ReferencedFiles in packagemap
HPCC-11562 queries-copy from local dali fails when authentication enabled
HPCC-11560 Add ulimit -c unlimited for Dali and dafilesrv
HPCC-11553 Fix deadlock if funnel innput hits exception in start
HPCC-11486 Restrict which Cluster Types can be opened on Activity Page
HPCC-11487 Search Results defaults to "loading..." message
HPCC-11479 Renamed Restart to Recover
HPCC-11529 Add column sort by Cluster
HPCC-11555 Mangled GeneratedDll name doesn't need RTM_CREATE_ADD
HPCC-11555 Remove contention on GeneratedDlls
HPCC-11532 Renamed "ops/permissions" to "ops/security"
HPCC-11545 Use dirty flag for QueryFilesInUse cache
HPCC-11075 Start moving other regression tests over to the new suite
HPCC-11484 HPCC Systems link needs an icon
HPCC-11530 Disable sorting in permission pages
HPCC-11548 Activity Graph Column Displays null-null
HPCC-10569 Exclude results that have not been evaluated
HPCC-11443 Allow Roxie to specify remote cluster priorities
HPCC-11544 Roxie restarted after dali disconnected
HPCC-11541 Various IPT leaks, that also cause leaked locks
HPCC-11474 Support publishing larger ECL archives
HPCC-9777  Document Proxy mode in WsECL
HPCC-11502 Add service dafilesrv stop to
HPCC-11473 Add info to exception
HPCC-11459 Use new toXML formatting flags in getQueryInfo
HPCC-11459 Flags to toXML to allow more control over formatting
HPCC-10100 Change the default quote character for csv files
HPCC-11472 Choropleth does not display in ECL Playground
HPCC-11378 Added "Replicate" and "No Split" to spray options
HPCC-11489 Add simple crosssite Roxie call
HPCC-11474 Support publishing larger ECL archives
HPCC-11523 Fix roxie core on unloadable workunits
HPCC-11495 New Spray Option
HPCC-10541 Add a COUNTER to JOIN
HPCC-11366 Add queries tab to logical file details page
HPCC-11375 Query Test Page is initially blank
HPCC-11399 Fix request with JSON nulls being treated as empty not null
HPCC-11204 Docs:Add getwuid,getname,status,abort to ecl CLI
HPCC-11500 Control:queries should only return info for active package
HPCC-11422 changes from Code review.
HPCC-11494 Roxie dali notification issues
HPCC-11509 ESP cache of packagemap info leaking connections
HPCC-11173 Fix roxie JSON Exception formatting
HPCC-11504 Referencing memory after freed in ccdqueue.cpp
HPCC-11458 Fix clashing id
HPCC-11458 Uses a new control ID for WHEN,BEFORE (fix stopSink error)
HPCC-11477 Activities are being reset excessively
HPCC-11445 Roxie not stopping unused sink activities
HPCC-11496 Avoid create/delete ClusterLock to reduce contention
HPCC-11467 Regression suite uses different options for ecl query and ecl run
HPCC-11491 Deletes causing subscription notifications to siblings
HPCC-11339 Remove unnecessary scoping on call to isCompulsory
HPCC-11468 Argparse Python library throws exception in overnight test based on dependency.
HPCC-11478 IgnoreMissingFiles option not working in Roxie
HPCC-11376 Fix URL used by Query Test Pages to access result schema
HPCC-11477 Activities are being reset excessively
HPCC-11480 Make spilling streams, free pointer arrays asap
HPCC-11473 Improved exhausted memory exception
HPCC-11459 Fix OSX build break
HPCC-11074 Extend the tests to read thor and hthor generated files
HPCC-11074 Move text search queries over to new regression suite
HPCC-11339 WsWorkunits should respect compulsory flag
HPCC-11150 File upload should give a warning if file exists.
HPCC-11441 Fold IF() at parse time to avoid binding issues later
HPCC-11457 Regression Suite generates wrong name for the published query
HPCC-11464 Default string stored definitions to variable length
HPCC-11463 Reintroduce usetmp parameter (which defaulted to false)
HPCC-11362 RC2 New ECL Watch Translations
HPCC-11397 Add message for stopping dafilesrv
HPCC-11452 Ensure control:queries does not split lines
HPCC-11256 Introduce new SDS node subscription mechanism
HPCC-11459 Add flag to toXML to allow newlines only formatting
HPCC-11460 Fix regressions in windows build
HPCC-11259 Fix toJSON output for empty property tree
HPCC-11456 Word Cloud Build Error
HPCC-11453 WsEcl shouldn't use ptr_noroot
HPCC-11454 Tristate button shouldn't submit a value for default mode
HPCC-11444 Fix signature of FlushingJsonBuffer::startDataset
HPCC-11317 Move list queries using file checking into CWorkUnitFactory
HPCC-11403 DOCS:Footer in Installing and Running
HPCC-11325 Include in regression suite
HPCC-11408 ecl-test run --target=roxie doesn't use the archive
HPCC-11423 Hungarian (hu) translation for old ECLWatch pages
HPCC-11432 Eclwatch shows Import instead of Remote Copy
HPCC-11370 Include severity information warnings in the eclcc output
HPCC-11440 State hash should be comparable across clusters
HPCC-11446 ECL Watch build issues prevent site creation
HPCC-11445 Roxie not stopping unused sink activities
HPCC-11422 Spanish translations (done without context)
HPCC-11398 Change getNodeGroupFromLFN() to match code convention
HPCC-11430 Prevent stack fault when parameter not substituted
HPCC-11398 Spray file using NodeGroup and change related display
HPCC-11231 Add FileScopeAccess control to access file scope permissions
HPCC-11166 Separate Validate Package page to two, etc
HPCC-11401 Ensure strings are correctly converted to utf8 text
HPCC-11307 Add Chinese translation for multiple legacy ECLWatch pages
HPCC-11412 Excessive log file size in Roxie
HPCC-9812  Let the user add "remote" files for spraying
HPCC-11317 add support for filtering WUListQueries by file used
HPCC-11246 Fix JSON encoding of invalid chars
HPCC-11402 Extracting a unicode string from a varunicode could truncate it
HPCC-11393 Support NOROOT on createPtree string create
HPCC-11418 Roxie may stall for long periods under load
HPCC-11384 Fix Activity Structure issues for WsSMC
HPCC-11358 Sort WUs by Total Thor Time for both 5.0 WUs and 4.x WUs
HPCC-11331 Show Enable Scope Scan ONLY on FileScope permission page
HPCC-11269 Add Word Cloud Visualisation
HPCC-10977 Minor changes following code review
HPCC-10014 Common up all grid definitions
HPCC-11327 Fix LOOP Examples
HPCC-11063 Refactor doWUQueryFromArchive() of WsWorkunits
HPCC-11410 DOCS:Clarify User Security module
HPCC-11296 remove executable permission from the files which have no extension sh,php and cgi
HPCC-11359 Add confirmation message for WU Clone, Restart, Resubmit and Publish
HPCC-11404 Fix regression in Utf8 output
HPCC-11111 Make use of isXAlreadyLocallySorted()
HPCC-11178 Pausing/Resuming Targets Clears Their "State"
HPCC-11127 Fix getXmlResult handling of supplied values
HPCC-11391 Queries that are suspended only on slaves are not reported
HPCC-11389 Ignore loopback interfaces when selecting the interface to use
HPCC-11324 Fix regression deleting logical file
HPCC-11222 Use DelayLoadedWidget where possible
HPCC-11383 Search does not auto-display results page
HPCC-10717 Allow user to disable the auto refreshing of WUs
HPCC-11381 add a sort/sortReverse methods to StringArray
HPCC-11377 Reserve default ports for WsSQL
HPCC-11336 Support Rcpp 0.11.0 on Ubuntu 14.04
HPCC-10945 Eclccserver doesn't support aborting query compilation
HPCC-10977 Add warning categories to the parser
HPCC-11354 WU Helpers page should selectively allow download/showContent
HPCC-10623 Enable sort by "Activated" in Published Queries Page
HPCC-10723 Enable filtering and column hiding on the result page
HPCC-11218 DOCS:Install and Run User Security
HPCC-11116 add keyed field indicator to fvresult xml schema
HPCC-11348 ecltest setup missing some options
HPCC-8845  Update based on review, and add unicode test case
HPCC-11355 Add pt-br translations
HPCC-10977 Fix warnings in the code generator
HPCC-10977 Categorise the code generator warnings
HPCC-11349 DOCS:DTD Errors
HPCC-11287 Avoid including files in query hash if package resolves everything
HPCC-11206 Add graph link to activities page
HPCC-11300 Fix items highlighted in code review
HPCC-11341 Add tracing for block splitters
HPCC-11340 OSX build error
HPCC-11250 Add --update-dfs option to ecl-publish
HPCC-11305 Add support for the compulsory attribute in packagemaps
HPCC-11177 Return TargetCluster info after WsSMC.PauseQueue
HPCC-11319 System won't build without MySQL
HPCC-8845  Support XMLNS for workunit and roxie xml outputs
HPCC-11332 Recategorize joinmulti test as a stress test
HPCC-11328 Add SortBy Activated to WsWorkunits.WUListQueries
HPCC-10276 Fix regression in 5.0 WsEcl jsonp support
HPCC-11335 Allow cross-site WsEcl calls
HPCC-11283 Use cluster ldap user when building queries using file cache
HPCC-11275 Protect against rogue options
HPCC-11320 Only display user added resources
HPCC-11253 Do not lock superfiles in roxie
HPCC-11300 Add -wall and #option ('all', ...)
HPCC-11309 Ensure IDFUHelper cooperate with transactions
HPCC-11143 List Queries associated with a WU
HPCC-11321 external file write/read test to regression suite
HPCC-11324 Allow DFS to delete external file via logical ref.
HPCC-10957 Update test to reflect soft-hyphen issues between ICU versions
HPCC-11136 fix regression in hthor publishing files
HPCC-10454 Fix build break in windows - missing _API specifier
HPCC-11318 Added missing  tag
           Updated ZH Translations
HPCC-11316 Updated ES Translation
HPCC-11315 Updated HU Translation
HPCC-11314 Updated BS, HR, SR Translations
HPCC-11304 Field translation options not working correctly
HPCC-11112 Add FilterBy to WsWorkunits.WUResult
HPCC-11310 Fix signature of addNamedQuery() in workunit.hpp
HPCC-11306 Localise legacy ECLWatch pages embeded in new ECLWatch
HPCC-11308 ensure transaction object files are released on retry
HPCC-11281 Fix OSX compile issues with file caching
HPCC-11302 Fix implicit super file creation transaction retry
HPCC-11207 Add Graph Tree View
HPCC-11284 Assert failure on certain (unusual) file names in Roxie queries
HPCC-10454 Extend ECL tool with query, status and abort commands.
HPCC-11136 Fix problems writing to external files
HPCC-10507 Add new MAXLENGTH option onto INDEX and BUILD
HPCC-10454 Extend ECL tool with query, status and abort commands.
HPCC-10961 Add new parameter to DFU server called "quotedTerminator" to improve speed of CSV files spray.
HPCC-11298 Release various compiler regression tests
HPCC-10957 Don't include unicode ignore codepoints in hash32 etc
HPCC-11297 Improved "bulls-eye" icon
HPCC-10961 Add new parameter to DFU server called "quotedTerminator" to improve speed of CSV files spray.
HPCC-11284 Assert failure on certain (unusual) file names in Roxie queries
HPCC-11187 ecl-queries-list should show wuid and snapshot info
HPCC-11197 QueryDetails Open In New Window fails to load details
HPCC-11188 Copy query attributes when copying queries
HPCC-11278 Fix core when calling WUListQueriesUsingFile with LDAP
HPCC-11135 Added missing "Permissions" page
HPCC-11288 regression if inside transaction
HPCC-10770 Allow SuperOwner to be changed  wilst file read
HPCC-11280 Fix trivial clang warning about nested comments
HPCC-10755 Implement querySuperFileTransaction() in roxie
HPCC-11280 Fix other clang warnings
HPCC-11280 Fix clang compile error (and invalid code)
HPCC-11253 Do not lock superfiles in roxie
HPCC-11114 remove unhelpful utility ver. of createNew
HPCC-9792  Improve the error message on invalid use of STEPPED
HPCC-11282 OSX build error - sem_timedwait not defined
HPCC-11253 Do not lock superfiles in roxie
HPCC-11276 Search queries by WUID in WsWorkunits.WUListQueries
HPCC-10289 Document JSONP support
HPCC-10637 Add Charm support Initial check-in
HPCC-11106 Add support for nagios
HPCC-10982 Add daliIP and sourcecluster to packagemap docs
HPCC-11272 Allow open WU direct from queries list
HPCC-11113 Set public key permission to 600
HPCC-10759 Warn user of imminent password expiration
HPCC-11233 Remove sortableTable.js and related code in xslt files
HPCC-11267 Add trusty.cmake for Ubuntu 14.04 support
HPCC-10311 Update example to match new field name semantics
HPCC-11253 Do not lock superfiles in roxie
HPCC-8883  Allow file uploads to happen in the background
HPCC-11261 fileservice superfile actions can lockup on retry
HPCC-11129 Added Thor Status Details
HPCC-10831 Activity Page Refresh Issues
HPCC-11243 Correctly catch invalid (blank) module names
HPCC-11098 Allow COMBINE in a thor child query
HPCC-11263 Pack the HqlStmt class, and avoid cloning literals.
HPCC-11257 update hpcc-init stop return 0 instead 3
HPCC-11258 Improve grep pattern to get user home directory
HPCC-11254 ConfigMgr - Remove references to sortabletable.js
HPCC-10803 Support logical files present on more than one cluster
HPCC-11219 Bulk workunit delete leaves checkbox checked
HPCC-11251 indentation
HPCC-11169 Remove an extra line of code
HPCC-11180 Show confirmation when updating users password
HPCC-11251 daliadmin holdlock
HPCC-11252 Option on complete-uninstall to leave environment
HPCC-11191 Restoring archived workunits GeneratedDlls incorrect
HPCC-11169 Add a missing flag: WUINFO_IncludeResultsViewNames
HPCC-11232 Default spotCseInIfDatasetConditions to on
HPCC-10807 Add event push to event scheduler
HPCC-10348 Ensure DISTRIBUTED removes grouping from the dataset
HPCC-11244 Fix problem folding distribute on grouped null
HPCC-10985 Add support for WU resources
HPCC-10451 UnicodeWithinEditN and UnicodeGetRangeOfWords
HPCC-11237 Return correct GraphNum in WsWorkunits/WUGraphTiming
HPCC-10909 Get dependency erros; continue to remove directories
HPCC-10311 Skip casts when deducing the names of implicit fields in records
HPCC-10391 Set default XREF period to 28 days
HPCC-10953 FileSpray.UploadFile exceptions are not being displayed
HPCC-11234 Roxie gives UNIMPLEMENTED if try to read result from workunit
HPCC-10716 Added Workflows to WU Details Page
HPCC-11189 onContentChanged is no longer needed
HPCC-11131 Refresh toolbar State if row is updated
HPCC-11133 Fix missing tooltips from main icons
HPCC-11154 Missing entries in default environment
HPCC-11229 Fix testLocalCluster dfu check
HPCC-11221 Tool tips not displaying on landing page
HPCC-11203 Supply default cluster process on WsWorkunits.WUJobList
HPCC-11215 Add DebugValueCount and WorkflowCount in WUInfo response
HPCC-10213 Document PERSIST options
HPCC-11214 Improved Page Refresh, Back and Next
HPCC-11169 Get WU ResourceURL count using a new method
HPCC-11035 Add new fields to SprayFixed and SprayVariable
HPCC-11071 Regression setup needs to run on multiple clusters
HPCC-11202 Added additional tracing and removed redundant code
HPCC-10734 Disable tabs with no data
HPCC-10946 ResultWidget Downloads Broken
HPCC-11190 Prevent grid cell text from wrapping
HPCC-11202 tracing to help debug issue
HPCC-9501  Allow ECLIDE to indicate a query is not assocated with a file
HPCC-11060 Minor changes following review
HPCC-10964 List Selections via Keyboard Ignored
HPCC-11148 Fix WsEcl JSONTest formatting of int64 values
HPCC-10900 Provide a list of all superkeys associated with a query
HPCC-11110 Some Lists show "Zero Rows" while loading
HPCC-11144 Add "resources" to advanced menu
HPCC-11160 Fix broken function of Copy Link in legacy ECLWatch
HPCC-10990 SprayFixed record should default to ""
HPCC-11132 Add tooltips for logs icons and config files icon
HPCC-10689 Allow "advanced" searches
HPCC-11169 Add ResourceURLCount to WUQueryDetails response
HPCC-10757 Activity Target "State" not displayed correctly
HPCC-11176 HexView Blanks Display After Temp WU is Deleted
HPCC-11134 Add tooltips to columns with icons
HPCC-10924 Merge roxie endpoint results for control:queries
HPCC-11159 Add "Copy Shortcut" to Open in New Window
HPCC-11165 Default to roxie on Package Map pages
HPCC-11130 Filter clear button usage is non intuitive
HPCC-11145 FireFox is unable to do "inline" downloads
HPCC-11146 Clearing Error Log did not clear Error Count
HPCC-11167 Add Choropleth example to ECL Playground
HPCC-7863  Can't read local files with special chars in filename
HPCC-11168 Add option to include uncompressed/map files in package
HPCC-11154 Missing entries in default environment
HPCC-11140 Memory corruption if keyindex returns zero
HPCC-11141 Revision after comments
HPCC-3022  REVERT Allow buildindex not to require maxlength if >4k"
HPCC-11147 Call logSOAPMessage() to log SOAP request (hide password)
HPCC-11139 Unitialised-Warning of pszPrivFile
HPCC-11138 Fix TopN binaryInsert regression
HPCC-11126 Uninitialized warning in java embed plugin
HPCC-11068 Test javaimport.ecl failing in the regression suite
HPCC-10219 Share common base with all join and other join helpers
HPCC-11033 Load WU timer info in one call for WU Details
HPCC-11102 Allow Foreign and Source cluster in ECL Watch
HPCC-8961  Add ulimits for enabling huge page support
HPCC-10604 More Edits from feedback
HPCC-11124 Unable to reopen closed WU Tab
HPCC-11122 Alt tag causes missing image to display "Active"
HPCC-10494 Make WsEcl REST query responses use specified format
HPCC-9254  Dynamic timeActivities for Roxie - to reduce get_cycles_now() overhead
HPCC-11117 Return ResourceURLCount/ResultViewCount in WUInfo
HPCC-11092 TOPN in child query not renewing limit per iteration
HPCC-10975 Ensure EMBED dataset parameters are passed as link counted
HPCC-10971 Modify serialization interfaces to allow more efficient spill
HPCC-11119 Fix some warnings in the generated code
HPCC-10604 Document STD.str.Translate
HPCC-10711 Add "thor usage" to new ECL Watch
HPCC-11030 Auto refresh Query List on Publish
HPCC-10148 Clarify Node memory requirement in Installing and Running doc
HPCC-10793 Edit colspec so word fits in table
HPCC-11114 Missing user credentials from foreign sub files
HPCC-10643 Don't generate HASH and SMART joins inside child queries
HPCC-10793 Document FILEPOSITION(false)
HPCC-10836 UpdateTutorial-examples folder image
HPCC-10836 Update IMDB Tutorial-examples folder rename
HPCC-11078 Generate isRightAlreadySorted for global joins
HPCC-11089 Add inline functions to expose the alreadySortedLocally flags
HPCC-10135 Add missing entries for unimplemented self denormalize
HPCC-11051 Sporadic empty lists
HPCC-10135 Remove unused activity kind and associated code
HPCC-10135 Restructure TAKjoin enum to make range compares possible
HPCC-11097 Turn off default debug row crc checking
HPCC-11010 Large text can not be displayed
HPCC-11073 Fix example moved over from old regression suite
HPCC-11093 Visualisation references lost during build
HPCC-11016 Fix fileview output of EBCIDIC strings
HPCC-11068 Test javaimport.ecl failing in the regression suite
HPCC-11069 On some systems, eclcc gives SIGPIPE error in libjvm in debug builds
HPCC-11100 Fix typo in example for STD.System.Thorlib.Daliserver
HPCC-11058 LandingZone Deselection Fails
HPCC-11090 Fix build break when unit testing enabled
HPCC-10992 Move getHomeDir to jmisc and update eclcc.cpp to use it
HPCC-10579 Improve many lookup join implementation in roxie
HPCC-11050 Download c++ file option doesn't work in new eclwatch
HPCC-11085 Fix invalid licenses
HPCC-10880 Open graph from timing page
HPCC-10475 Avoid u8'string' going via a unicode type
HPCC-10881 Allow WU helpers to be viewed inline
HPCC-10579 Improve many lookup join implementation in roxie
HPCC-11073 Move the sq regression tests to the new regression suite
HPCC-10992 Improve cli password and INI file support
HPCC-11077 Avoid RHS sort if isRightAlreadySorted
HPCC-10579 Improve many lookup join implementation in roxie
HPCC-11066 Ensure graph overview is not blank
HPCC-11065 Graph Depth/Distance unresponsive
HPCC-10609 Support archived workunits
HPCC-11070 Roxie returning incorrect value for thorlib.node()
HPCC-10438 WU Details Duration is Blank
HPCC-11053 Fix regression if keyedjoin fetch file is missing
HPCC-10979 Fix custom tributton control handling of tab and spacebar
HPCC-11062 Set Archived to true in the response of searching archived WU
HPCC-10418 Remove extra characters from WsEcl JSONTest page
HPCC-11060 Support multi-qualifiers on sds subscription nodes
HPCC-11059 Pass subscription exception back to client
HPCC-9065  Restructure code while investigating optimization
HPCC-11045 Add options for ECL Watch Build
HPCC-10930 Better support in regression suite for targeting specific queries
HPCC-8686  Add left/right partition test
HPCC-11054 Switch submodule references to HTTPS (from SSH)
HPCC-11046 Include IFF in contents of ECLLanguageReference
HPCC-11044 Call a library function to copy link counted rows
HPCC-11043 Add newlines to prevent gigantic lines in logging
HPCC-9892  Remove need for LOADXML for template language
HPCC-10952 Add AuthenticateFeature 'FileUploadAccess' to env setting
HPCC-10854 Roxie does not retry file resolution once query fails to load
           Fix Build Errors
     Add Build Files
     Move Scripts.
     Move Resources
     Convert Third Party Sources to GIT Submodules
           Move CodeMirror2
HPCC-11028 Lang File Errors
HPCC-10459 Streamed dataset support for R
HPCC-11029 IE8 Issues
HPCC-10821 minor changes
HPCC-10995 Add Serbian Cyrillic (SR)
HPCC-10726 Add "Browse By Scope" for Logical Files
HPCC-11027 Increase dali version to 3.11 and check it in WsDFU
HPCC-11013 Delay Loaded Widgets
HPCC-10449 Unicode literals in embedded Python using wrong codepage
HPCC-10520 Cannot install a bundle without specifiying a directory
HPCC-10497 Invalid installed bundle can canse ecl-bundle to core
HPCC-10928 Fix URL Prefix issues
HPCC-10927 Refactor "EnsurePane" to always use a safe ID
HPCC-10786 Published queries page does not work correctly
HPCC-11024 Reorder class to improve 64bit packing
HPCC-10908 Add self test for language files
HPCC-10460 Streamed dataset support for Java
HPCC-11006 Download zipped WU XML if it is big
HPCC-10469 Refresh lists when new entities are created
HPCC-11020 Leaking rows in the streamed embed plugins
HPCC-11021 Check if parsing is being aborted before looping again.
HPCC-10459 Streamed dataset support for R
HPCC-11019 Allow complaint about legacy COUNT to be ignored
HPCC-11001 Expand no_select(no_createrow) in more situations
HPCC-9401  Update based on review and missing changes
HPCC-10940 Update daliservix binary for Solaris
HPCC-11002 Fix Regression in 5.0 dataset with xpath('Name')
HPCC-10936 Include support for priority & comment
HPCC-10715 Show Full ESP Configuration in new ECL Watch
HPCC-11002 Add FROMXML examples to the regression suite
HPCC-10983 Simplify code following review
HPCC-10821 Revise based on review comments
HPCC-10460 Streamed dataset support for Java
HPCC-10299 Revise based on review
HPCC-10920 Revise a comment to avoid confusing
HPCC-10821 Simplify readRunningWUsOnStatusServer()
HPCC-10821 Fix roxie job not shown on Activity page
HPCC-10920 Return ClusterName in WsDFU.DFUInfo response
HPCC-10911 DOCS:start up logging
HPCC-10697 Reword max result size exception
HPCC-10914 Add Bosnian and Croatian Translation
HPCC-10983 Use a simpler method of preventing recursive hoisting
HPCC-10983 Don't constant fold to avoid expression duplication in optimizer
HPCC-3022  Allow buildindex not to require maxlength if >4k
HPCC-8686  Allow global join merge stream to spill
HPCC-10697 Add support for OUTPUT,MAXSIZE
HPCC-9401  Optimize query time WsEcl
HPCC-10930 Better support in regression suite for targeting specific queries
HPCC-10596 Mark modules as not suitable for associated side-effects
HPCC-10974 Visualisation CSS Injection was failing
HPCC-10326 Allow highlight and copy from all grids
HPCC-10878 Remove ECL tab from WUDetailsWidget
HPCC-10434 Missing translation strings
HPCC-10299 Support AppKey and ECL filters in WsWorkunits/WUQuery
HPCC-10724 Implement disk space usage for a scope/owner
HPCC-10968 configutils build break
HPCC-10942 Fix some minor bugs found while trying to simplify processing
HPCC-10966 About window does not update the Graph Viewer version after install
HPCC-10722 LogicalFile Details Missing Information
HPCC-9556  Refactor warning handling and implement #ONWARNING
HPCC-10919 Restructure configuration tool projects
HPCC-10496 Document STD.Str.Repeat
HPCC-10431 Deleting WU does not refresh state
HPCC-10942 Refactor some of the graph transformations
HPCC-10929 Set file's ContentType in WsDFU/DFUQuery response
HPCC-10934 Allow download of error/warnings
HPCC-10860 IsKeyFile is no longer valid
HPCC-10893 Unable to sort Logical Files for a published Query
HPCC-10915 Results Broken
HPCC-10678 Include Package Map in new ECLWatch
HPCC-10526 add testing/regress to platform and clienttools install 
           Add /testing/regress, exclude ecl directory which has internal testcases 
           ADD /testing/regress to PATH environment variable for platform 
           Create symbolic link for ecl-test in clienttools install and remove it when uninstalling.
HPCC-10611 DOCS:Mark RFS functions in Std library as deprecated
HPCC-10186 Better Java Support for JAR Files and the ClassPath
HPCC-10918 Fix build break on windows system
HPCC-9595  build fix (for USE_CPPUNIT)
HPCC-10883 Show which logical file causes exception in WsDfu/DFUQuery
HPCC-10885 Add two missed entries
HPCC-10826 Make WSWU logic accessible to other projects 
           -class NewWsWorkunit moved to workunitshelpers.hpp 
           -static (in nature) methods grouped and organized in WsWuProcess
HPCC-10313 Stop Ws_fs/WsWorkunits Schedule thread correctly
HPCC-10859 Change regress script and update README
HPCC-9595  Implement generalized paging/cache for DFU files
HPCC-10186 Better Java Support for JAR Files and the ClassPath
HPCC-10885 Update Chinese translation for new file structure
HPCC-10905 addScope tool cleanup
HPCC-10137 Remove obsolete persist-handling methods from IGlobalCodeContext
HPCC-10754 Regression suite should have option to have per-target key files
HPCC-10298 CSV auto discovery should check the validity and uniqueness of the discovered field name.
HPCC-10876 Modifications following code review.
HPCC-10863 Simplify Language Maintenance
HPCC-10888 Fix Potential buffer overruns
HPCC-10298 CSV auto discovery should check the validity and uniqueness of the discovered field name.
HPCC-10846 Allow #option ('saveCppTempFiles') to preserve C++ files.
HPCC-10891 Create /var/log/HPCCSystems if it doesnot exist
HPCC-10298 CSV auto discovery should check the validity and uniqueness of the discovered field name.
HPCC-10861 Include XmlSchema in JSON formatted WsWorkunits::WUResult
HPCC-10747 Add Spanish Internationalization (Event Scheduler)
HPCC-10876 Fix various issues highlighted by coverity scan
HPCC-10696 Roxie should limit size of workunit outputs
HPCC-10875 Uninitialized member variables in ccdserver.cpp
HPCC-10874 Incorrect logic in deleteLRUPersists
HPCC-10873 Remove some unused variables
HPCC-10838 Remove uneeded attrOnly flag in writeXmlText
HPCC-10871 ECL helper version incompatible
HPCC-10699 Configuration: Add support for esp service plugins
HPCC-10749 Search WU/Query with non-existence of property/attr
HPCC-10696 Roxie should limit size of workunit outputs
HPCC-10865 Activity Page Throws an Exception
HPCC-10844 Fix minor leak in type processing
HPCC-8191: Update based on code review
HPCC-9017  Use less kernel page cache for roxie copies, update8
HPCC-9017  Try not to use kernel page cache for roxie copies, update3
HPCC-10664 Hold locks to subfiles, release super
HPCC-2064  Add Permissions to new ECL Watch
HPCC-10186 Better Java Support for JAR Files and the ClassPath
HPCC-10855 In standalone mode, Roxie should default to allFilesDynamic
HPCC-8191: Use jlib rather than stl for consistency in WsECL
HPCC-10725 Logical Files Filter Missing Fields
HPCC-10268 Turn on line execution trace with 'set -x' and redirect to log file
           Add 'sleep 1' in stop process loop            
           which reduces unnecessary iterations.
HPCC-10835 Add suspended/activated as filters for WUListQueries
HPCC-10775 Set job priority for multiple jobs in one ESP call
HPCC-10662 Return 0 after process stopped and clean-up finish
HPCC-10574 Support persists in roxie
HPCC-10629 NOTIFY not supported in Roxie
HPCC-10667 New ECL Watch Deselection broken
HPCC-10827 Add default sign directory
HPCC-10838 Common up fileview2 code for writing xml
HPCC-10699 Configuration: Add support for esp service plugins
HPCC-10837 ws_workunits build break if USE_ZLIB=false
HPCC-10833 Errors adding ESP user not being handled consistently
HPCC-8191: WsEcl support for building REST URLs (HTTP-GET)
HPCC-9595  Implement generalized paging/cache for DFU files
HPCC-10639 Implement stack/heap/EH dump in jexcept for ARM
HPCC-10820 Roxiemem calls checkabort too often
HPCC-10639 Implement stack/heap/EH dump in jexcept for ARM
HPCC-10186 Better Java Support for JAR Files and the ClassPath
HPCC-10822 Excessive tracing from epoll code
HPCC-10816 Add back/forward support to GraphWidget
HPCC-10351 Cannot abort roxie job
HPCC-10713 Add "sort by" to New ECL Watch Activity page
HPCC-10561 Fix issues highlighted by coverity scan
HPCC-10710 Implement getClusterName() in Roxie
HPCC-10200 Decompress graphs in wuget output
HPCC-10733 Depreciate WsDfu/DFUInfo attribute ActualSize
HPCC-8624  Roll back forward, for master
HPCC-10802 Remove check for NULL user
HPCC-10801 Don't generate through spills for roxie or thor
HPCC-10230 Fix issues highlighted in code review
HPCC-10796 Add option to dump workunit with/without progress
HPCC-10583 Custom root page should use httpContentFromFile
HPCC-10583 Make new ECL Watch the default
HPCC-10791 The default system will not start on a ChromeBook
HPCC-10150 Add support for relative imports using $.^.^.X
HPCC-10230 FILEPOSITION(FALSE) on index removes implicit payload field.
HPCC-10595 Don't display ecl-packagemap-validate success on warnings
HPCC-10776 Spurious "Cannot write file" errors from Roxie
HPCC-3060  Make check of output record name consistent
HPCC-10712 Add "active" manipulation
HPCC-10753 Regression suite should default pickBestEngine=false for all queries
HPCC-10776 Spurious "Cannot write file" errors from Roxie
HPCC-10646 Warning: case label value is less than minimum value for type
HPCC-10774 In Roxie "workunit" mode, all files should be resolved dynamically
HPCC-10741 Regression suite is dependent on minimum python version, it should check at start up.
HPCC-3060  Fix formatting and other minor issues
HPCC-3060  Add fileview2 support for JSON format workunit results
HPCC-10771 Add USE_SIGNED_CHAR and USE_UNSIGNED_CHAR parameters to build process
HPCC-10614 Translate new ECLWatch display strings to Chinese
HPCC-10657 Fix WsSMC crash when failed in setting WU priority
HPCC-10649 Update help text to cover new options
HPCC-10764 Regression suite run stalls on some query failues, e.g. code gen issues
HPCC-10615 Add Spanish Translation
HPCC-10649 Allow legacy import and when to be configured separately
HPCC-10549 Fix regression in roxie
HPCC-10763 "SupportsSVG" does not work and should be removed
HPCC-10549 Allow hthor to access results from parent subgraph
HPCC-10549 Use graph results for spilled wu results
HPCC-10758 Display all clusters on activity page
HPCC-10743 Fix overload mode where channelsPerNode > 2
HPCC-9868  Create Event Scheduler Workunits Widget
HPCC-10736 Regression suite should allow wildcards
HPCC-10720 Find by DFU WU Broken
HPCC-10727 Implement Remote Copy
HPCC-10588 Improve File Spray Multi Selection
HPCC-10744 Treat debug option values as compile time constants
HPCC-10659 Not translate : and fix two mistakes
HPCC-10704 Enhance Enable/Disable scope scan confirm dialog
HPCC-10659 Add internationalisation to PackageMap
HPCC-10616 Add Hungarian Translation
HPCC-9742  Allow maxlength to be specified on workunit output
HPCC-10677 Remove extra linefeed from DISTRIBUTION result
HPCC-10624 Fix incorrect warning when SKIP used in a ROLLUP
HPCC-9621  Fix IE8/XP Issues
HPCC-10552 Fix regression calling close(-1) (caught in windows debug)
HPCC-10654 WUInfo + GetResources Should be defaulted off
HPCC-10638 WsWorkunits::WUInfo cores for workunits with no query
HPCC-10580 Implement DISTRIBUTION in roxie
HPCC-10655 DISTRIBUTION may core on eclagent if input record is small
HPCC-10625 Regression suite causes ESP warnings
HPCC-10640 Testsocket segfault on startup on ARM
HPCC-10573 Extract Strings for Internationalization
HPCC-10461 Add additional plugins for external databases
HPCC-10512 Allow regression suite to contain summary queries
HPCC-10630 Upgrade to dgrid 0.3.12
           Checking _64BIT_ flags, adding ARMFIX
           First round of changes to compile on ARM
           Add architecture macros
HPCC-10613 ConfigMgr - Thor topology should allow roxie to be added
HPCC-10572 Upgrade to Dojo 1.9.2
HPCC-10576 Add code to roxie to call Thor graphs
HPCC-10412 Add test cases for the #elseif fixes
HPCC-10412 Fix problems with #elseif and catch multiple #else
HPCC-10601 Regression Suite test cases tags handling should be case-insensitive
HPCC-10555 Fix Out of Bounds array access
HPCC-10206 More changes following review.
HPCC-10531 Regression suite fails when authentication enabled
HPCC-10522 Regression Suite --timeout and --pq (parallel query) parameters don't documented well
HPCC-10206 Use a unique tag name for the generated dll list
HPCC-10591 Free library graphs before killing memory manager
HPCC-10417 Update workunit state on failure to load dll
HPCC-10461 Add additional plugins for external databases
HPCC-10555 Fix Out of Bounds array access
HPCC-10456 Regress previous change since unnecessary
HPCC-10557 Fix potential buffer overrun
HPCC-10585 Incorrect log message in CDistributedFile
HPCC-10534 Add a debug option 'optimizeMax'
HPCC-10518 Add Roxie support to ECL Playground
HPCC-10552 A few more one-off errors 
HPCC-10563 Ignore blank plugin versions (generated from stubs)
HPCC-10552 More cleaning up and removing dead code
HPCC-10552 Missing va_end() calls and other minor issues
HPCC-10552 Break instead of return to ensure replytags,intertags deleted
HPCC-10552 Uninitialised variable and leak
HPCC-10552 Need to call malloc (to match called by setBuffer)
HPCC-10554 Fix missing initialisers
HPCC-10552 Close a couple of sockets in error situations
HPCC-10552 Fix various leaks and out of bound accesses
HPCC-10560 Fix incorrect use of utf8CharLen
           Easier apt-get line
HPCC-10546 Avoid hoisting NOT  as a global expression
HPCC-10544 Add debug code for tracking unique expression instances
HPCC-10545 Fix obscure problem causing dataset not active error
HPCC-10542 Support dependent actions in the same graph
HPCC-10543 Fix problem generating IR for libraryscopeinstance
HPCC-10527 Can't run the regression suite from another directory
HPCC-10536 Remove hardcoded references to c:\ and /c$
HPCC-10535 publish esdl remove un-needed DynamicESDL logic from platform
HPCC-9848  Optimize fields after resourcing child graphs
HPCC-10380 Refactor Matchbagofwords
HPCC-10529 Wrong formatted debug log cause exception in logging.
HPCC-10528 New threaded concat code can lock up
HPCC-10500 Regression suite requires a setup directory
HPCC-10458 Streamed dataset support for Javascript
HPCC-10456 Fix a couple of issues from code review
HPCC-10457 Streamed dataset support for Python
HPCC-10419 Add Query Test Pages to new ECL Watch
HPCC-10521 Fix incorrect prototype for the workunit stats plugin
HPCC-10503 Compile errors not caught cleanly
HPCC-10457 Streamed dataset support for Python
HPCC-10452 Add timeout handling to Regression Suite.
HPCC-10456 Codegen support for streamed datasets from embedded languages
HPCC-10458 Streamed dataset support for Javascript
HPCC-10457 Streamed dataset support for Python
HPCC-9507  Add STD.STR.REPEAT(text, n)
HPCC-10259 Add ability to browse Workunit resources
HPCC-9138  ecl-queries-copy should allow renaming of the query
HPCC-9749  Support workunit resource access URLs in WsECL
HPCC-10486 Add daliadmin option to set file redundancy
HPCC-10192 Add test case (could not reproduce issue)
HPCC-10189 Add a flag to indicate a row in a self-join never matches itself
HPCC-10367 Rename priority to cost - to clarify higher costs done later
HPCC-10485 Remove legacy /c$ pathing
HPCC-10408 DFS supers were always assuming mixed width
HPCC-10414 Clean up various issues with new stats code
HPCC-10419 Add Query Test Pages to new ECL Watch
HPCC-10473 Add Refresh and Open in New Window to "Helpers Tab"
HPCC-10447 Add Visualise Tab to ECL Playground
HPCC-10414 Add general statistics to the workunit
HPCC-10445 Python crashed at exit of Regression Suite in overnight build and test
HPCC-10444 Regression Suite failed in overnight build and test
HPCC-10443 Regression introduced by hpcc-9577, possible crash
HPCC-10442 Fix redering of embeded view resources when using libxslt
HPCC-10436 Timings missing from roxie queries
HPCC-9990  Add an option to convert SORTED/DISTRIBUTED to ASSERT forms
HPCC-10366 Add parallel query support to regression suite
HPCC-10370 Resubmit workunit uses the original user's id
HPCC-9253  Significant semaphore overhead in the unordered concat
HPCC-9577  Handle sequential/parallel and refactor ifaction
HPCC-10425 New regression suite diff report is backwards
HPCC-10420 Ensure contents of expr attributes are hoisted when required
HPCC-10424 Make codegen use of IXmlWriter JSON compatible
HPCC-10409 Fix issues picked up in code review
HPCC-9253  Significant semaphore overhead in the unordered concat
HPCC-10409 Provide functions to access user/system time
HPCC-7985  Add generic visualisations to ECL Watch
HPCC-9018  Remove unused define ECLOPT_QUERYIDS
HPCC-10379 Add some very simple unit tests for the semaphores
HPCC-9018  Update based on review and add reporting of invalid queryid
HPCC-10392 Add documentation for VBox fix
HPCC-10390 Fix internal error generated by  : WHEN
HPCC-9018  Packagemap-validate support for checking multiple queries
HPCC-10381 Add a targetIndex to the edges for action "inputs"
HPCC-10379 New semaphore implementation based on sem_xxx
HPCC-10365 Regression suite requires non-existent directory
HPCC-10368 regress should give more information on syntax
HPCC-10365 Regression suite requires non-existent directory
HPCC-10363 Don't convert non-many LOOKUP joins to ALL joins
HPCC-7902  Output row that was not distributed in error
HPCC-10350 Allow daliadmin to accept parameters beginning with "time"
HPCC-10255 Sasha not archiving/restoring associated files
HPCC-10245 Add current tests which pass
HPCC-7902  Add DISTRIBUTED,ASSERT implementation
HPCC-10328 Sasha CLI archive vs backup back to front
HPCC-10310 ESP cores and restarts when invalid credentials are presented
HPCC-10303 Change the maturity and sequence number for Doc files
HPCC-10318 ConfigMgr - default environment.xml fails validation
HPCC-10073 Allow a spill priority to be specified on an allocation
HPCC-10020 Optimize IF(EXISTS(x), x) to x
           Update BUNDLES.rst
HPCC-9272  Add implicit CHOOSEN to filtered-index-read[n]
HPCC-10296 Optimize the nextRow() calls in thor
HPCC-10269 Always CUtfQuickPartitioner() created for UTF8 encoded CSV files.
HPCC-10271 Simplify selection between CCsvPartitoner and CCsvQuickPartioner.
HPCC-10155 Prevent DFU Spray to output 100,000's of "CSV splitRecordSize(65536)  at end of file" for hours.
HPCC-10247 This should convert field names from the source unicode encoding (e.g., could be utf16)
HPCC-10271 Simplify selection between CCsvPartitoner and CCsvQuickPartioner.
HPCC-10247 This should convert field names from the source unicode encoding (e.g., could be utf16)
HPCC-9684  Issue better error message when writing to foreign
HPCC-2205  RoxiePipe logging to /c$/roxiepipe
HPCC-10026 Support SIZEOF(ENUM)
HPCC-9776  Default dali keepStores setting to 10

Older Release Notes