Mike MGarcia's Games Development Blog

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Originally posted: 29 Sep 2014


Urho3D C++ basics

Here are my notes about learn Urho3D engine.
The C++ is complex even for a non C++ programmer, ie Template functions.

I will trace the 01_HelloWorld sample which simply prints hello world to the screen while the helper class ‘Sample’ does a lot more.
You can view the code of this sample online here.

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Originally posted: 29 Sep 2014


Urho3D Install tricks and tips

This guide is based on my install of Urho3D 1.3.1 on a 32bit Mint Linux.
It should be understandable for other linux distros and windows, ie just use the .bat file instead of the .sh files.

These are my quick notes while testing Urho3D, the details are in the links.
I don’t do any of this for a living ie gamedev, linux, cmake, nor C++, so if you find mistakes, please let me know.

I believe in having (all!) the source code, but you can install Urho3D as a prebuilt library.

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Gameplay3D vs Urho3D

12 Sep 2015 In: GameDev, PC

Originally posted: 29 Sep 2014


Choose your game engine wisely Part2!

Firstly, both are great, open source, multi-platform game engines!
Each having their dedicated and inspiring leaders and respective communities.
But after some thought and a year with GP3D, I’m considering moving on to the Urho3D engine.

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