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The British mainland was formed from the collision of not two, but three ancient continental land masses, according to new research.
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A new twist has been given to the 'Gaia' theory that aims to explain why conditions on Earth have remained stable enough for life to evolve over billions of years.
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Botoniest reveal reveal how glutamate, an abundant neurotransmitter in animals, activates a wave of calcium when a plant is wounded -- the best look yet at the communication systems within plants that are normally hidden from view.
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A novel insect-inspired flying robot, developed by TU Delft researchers from the Micro Air Vehicle Laboratory (MAVLab), is presented in Science. Experiments with this first autonomous, free-flying and agile flapping-wing robot -- carried out in collaboration with Wageningen University & Research...
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A scientific analysis of nearly 4,000 mutations deliberately engineered into the BRCA1 gene will immediately benefit people undergoing genetic testing for breast or ovarian cancer risk. Many people obtaining genetic screenings previoulsy have learned that their BRCA1 gene contains a variant of uncer...
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Astronomers have observed a new phenomena in the aftermath of a stellar explosion.
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New research suggests that probiotics might not be as effective as we think. Through a series of experiments looking inside the human gut, researchers show that many people's digestive tracts prevent standard probiotics from successfully colonizing them.
Analysis of bones, from what was once the world's largest bird, has revealed that humans arrived on the tropical island of Madagascar more than 6,000 years earlier than previously thought.
New evidence from the Maya city of Copan, in Honduras, reveals that ancient Mesoamericans routinely captured and traded wild animals for symbolic and ritual purposes, according to a new study.
Someday doctors may prescribe sugar pills for certain chronic pain patients based on their brain anatomy and psychology. And the pills will reduce their pain as effectively as any powerful drug on the market, according to new research. Scientists have shown they can reliably predict which chronic pa...
Physicists have discovered a novel quantum state of matter whose symmetry can be manipulated at will by an external magnetic field. The methods demonstrated in a series of experiments could be useful for exploring materials for next-generation nano- or quantum technologies.
The oldest known abstract drawing has been found in South Africa's Blombos Cave -- on the face of a flake of siliceous rock retrieved from archaeological strata dated to 73,000 years before the present. The work is at least 30,000 years older than the earliest previously known abstract and figurativ...
A team of scientists has uncovered the neural processes mice use to ignore their own footsteps, a discovery that offers new insights into how we learn to speak and play music.
About 61 percent of the world's 356 turtle species are threatened or already extinct, and the decline could have ecological consequences, according to a new study.
Researchers have identified four types of neurons in the peripheral auditory system, three of which are new to science. The analysis of these cells can lead to new therapies for various kinds of hearing disorders, such as tinnitus and age-related hearing loss.
A research team has revealed how cells in different parts of the human airway vary in their response to the common cold virus. Their finding could help solve the mystery of why some people exposed to the cold virus get ill while others don't, said the researchers.
Researchers have identified the neural network that helps control babies' brain activity in response to pain in a similar way to adults. Their findings build on their previous study from 2015, which revealed that newborns experience pain like adults.