A Note about Foot Fetish

Posted on Posted in Montreal Domination, Montreal Dominatrix Blog

Hello, footslaves!

February is upon us, and Ill bet you have a hankering to be dominated by a towering woman with beautifully pedicured feet.

Call Ms. Eden to experience the foot-worship session you crave. My size 10 feet are just what you need to chase away those winter longings. Imagine them clad in beautiful leather stiletto sandals, my toes peeping out and teasing you. I have lovely leather boots and a variety of styles of high heel shoes. I like to massage my feet deeply with coconut oil to make them oh-so-soft and inviting. My high arches are sensitive, and my toes are pretty and suckable. Best of all, my feet are attached to my shapely calves and thighs. Clean feet, dirty feet, bare feet or stocking-feet: I love it all.

My tribute for foot fetish is more affordable than for regular domination, as I do not require a dungeon facility to host. This also means I do not require 24 hours notice for foot fetish. So inquire today and get under my soles!