Trademark Law

Nur ein Anwalt für Markenrecht kann Ihre Interessen durchsetzen.Trademarks are product symbols which set one product apart from another. The symbol guarantees the unmistakable recognition of a product or manufacturer and therefore underlies expectations as to quality.

A trademark also has advertising benefits which result in a business being able to secure sales and help customers to identify with a business. These positive attributes mean that a trademark can be a highly valued asset to a business.

We can help your business to develop, maximise and protect the value of its trademark.

Our services in the area of trademark law:

Our German lawyers would be happy to advise you on all aspects of trademark law including:

We will also support your business trademark disputes:

We also provide legal advice on domains and internet law.
Would you like to register a trademark? Do you have general questions about trademark law? We are here to help.

German lawyer Kilian Kost and the expert team at WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE are available to answer your questions. Call us on +49 (0) 221 / 951 563 0.

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Christian Solmecke is a partner at the law firm WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE. He is the author of numerous legal publications in the area of internet and IT law. He is also an associate lecturer for social media law at the Cologne University of Applied Sciences.

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