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    If you want to know American history, the main place you need to avoid is the college campus. As Heather Mac Donald recently declared on FoxNews, colleges are now “hatred machines” that systematically teach tomorrow’s elite to despise this country and the people who created it [Heather Mac Donald: American Colleges Today Are “Hatred Machines”...
  • @RadicalCenter
    "Y'all", short for "you all."

    Of course. Y’all’re correct. Where were you when I needed a proof reader? Next time tell me before I goof, OK? ;)

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  • @Jeff Stryker
    It is hard for me to get worked up over some Bedouin tribes which Jews and Palestinians both essentially are killing one another over a corner of Northeast Africa in a region that has been a basket case off and on since Jericho.

    Saudis don't really care either..

    Hell, I bet MOST JEWS IN NYC don't care as much as you folks do.

    That settles it then, eh?

    PS: Let me tell you about this article I just read…

    Michael Hart’s the RISE and FALL of the UNITED STATES

    Here’s the link; read the article and tell me what you think about why people get ‘worked up.

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  • @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan
    The Jews used the Irish Catholic politicians (who consistently voted to allow for more immigration in the late 1800s) to get more of their tribe into this country, then they worked to destroy their Catholic faith. I'm not necessarily saying this was an intentional, consistent conspiracy, but more of a chain of Jewish decisions (a kind of collective cultural subconscious at work?) to benefit them.

    Our Slavic cousins are right about the evils of the "Eternal Anglo."

    And, by the way, Hart probably doesn't share my belief that religious freedom is the key original sin of America.

    The Jews used the Irish Catholic politicians (who consistently voted to allow for more immigration in the late 1800s) to get more of their tribe into this country, then they worked to destroy..


    Nearly everything worthwhile, leaving us with the yoooge political, financial, economic, foreign policy and other messes we have today. Also, how many understand that the Tammany Hall scandal involved Eastern European thugs along with the Irish, for instance? I bet most ‘Merkins think it was an Irish operation form top to bottom.

    The immigration issues of today are nothing compared to what you’re describing, as you, but too few others, realize.

    Your point is crucial, but rarely made. Thank you.

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    • Replies: @Abon
    Umm Tammany Hall was founded in 1786 by the English Protestant founding fathers
  • @War for Blair Mountain
    I don’t care about the American Injun....I care about the survival of the racial group I belong to......What the hell does your statement even mean?...The Asian “Americans” will run the show and the resources of the living and breeding space they control within the borders of the US will be used for the Asian “American” GENELINE......

    There is 0nly one relevant question and no other:Asian LEGAL IMMIGRANTS....WHATS IN IT FOR THE HISTORIC NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS MAJORITY?.....Here is the answer:0.....The policy consequences of this obvious fact are quite significant:BRING BACK THE 1888 CHINESE LEGAL IMMIGRANT EXCLUSION ACT!!!!.....for starters....

    I don’t care about the American Injun….I care about the survival of the racial group I belong to…

    Well, if you care about the survival of the racial group you belong to, then you may want to care enough to understand what happened to the Indians even if you don’t care about them. The reason is that the group you belong to is being parasitized much like the Indians were. They seemed to be aware of what was happening to them but could do little about it, just like you. And me. Unlike them, we may have some small chance of not meeting a similar fate, and it doesn’t consist of comments full of capitals.

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    • LOL: Allan
  • @Mick Jagger gathers no Mosque
    Who supports Hollywood and long ago adopted their morals?

    The founders of America, Judaised protestants who used the Old Testament to try and recreate Eden in America - an Eden in which it was ok for Puritans to engage in usury and derive moral prestige from wealth as they considered wealth a sign of divine election.

    It took a Catholic to confront the Jewish power in Hollywood when a Catholic Banker, A.H. Giannini, President of bank of America, teamed up with Joe Breen to rain hell upon the immoral bastids running Hollywood and threatened to starve them of loans if they kept on producing porn.

    (Go on, try and identify a christian now in charge of an American Bank)

    Joe Breen, Catholic, ran the production code and he spoke honestly of the power in Hollywood (this was the 1930s) as a "rotten bunch of immoral people with no respect for anything....Ninety-five percent of these folks (Hollywood) are Jews of an Eastern European lineage., They are, probably, the scum of the earth"

    The protestants, which dominated state and federal govt could have passed laws outlawing the Hollywood perversion - but they didn't

    All of this can be read in E. Michael Jones "The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit..."

    All of this can be read in E. Michael Jones “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit…”

    Similar concepts are well described in Guy Russo’s, Supermob.

    BTW, yours is an excellent comment. Glad you brought up BoA.

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    • Replies: @Abon
    I have Supermob . Excellent about the way the Jewish mafia took over the Democrats of California starting with 195os San Francisco district attorney, later Governor, Pat Brown, father of governor Jerry Brown.

    Supermob is great about the long control of Chicago by the Jewish political criminal mob too
  • @Jeff Stryker
    I'm neither Palestinian nor Jewish but I observed in Dubai that the Gulf Arabs did not care. And truthfully, neither do I.

    It is a backward corner of the Levant bordering on North Africa that I am not intending to visit or live.

    So I'm not about to spend my time concerned with the crimes that Levant people commit against one another, though I think it is tragic to some degree.

    Since I do not live in the United States none of my tax money is going to the subsidization of the country.

    And neither Israel or Palestine are going to be the Superpowers will send the US into the second world or launch nukes at us.

    That would be East Asia.

    Since Jews don't give a solitary rat's ass about Europe or what Muslims do to Germans there why would I care about their dusty corner of the Levant?

    I’m neither Palestinian nor Jewish but I observed in Dubai that the Gulf Arabs did not care. And truthfully, neither do I.

    Then why do you see fit to promote their hackneyed propaganda, like most of the other dumb goyim?

    PS: Maybe you and the Gulf Arabs should consider giving a rat’s tusch because at the very least, chances are, Zio-Commie mafia policies and actions affect ya’ll in many ways whether you realize it or not

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    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    It is hard for me to get worked up over some Bedouin tribes which Jews and Palestinians both essentially are killing one another over a corner of Northeast Africa in a region that has been a basket case off and on since Jericho.

    Saudis don't really care either..

    Hell, I bet MOST JEWS IN NYC don't care as much as you folks do.

    , @RadicalCenter
    "Y'all", short for "you all."
  • The week leading up to the funeral of Senator John McCain produced some of the most bizarre media effusions seen in this country since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. McCain, who never saw a war or regime change that he didn’t like, was apparently in reality a friend of democracy and freedom...
  • The Anne Frank Test
    More power to the wicked

    CO’s link addresses how it’s done. And it’s done just as PG sez.

    At the heart of the conflict between Old and New Christians was the familiar tendency of the non-Jewish ruling elite to utilize Jews to further their interests at the expense of the non-elite members of society, that is, of the great mass of the Spanish people. Beginning in the Greco-Roman and Persian world of antiquity…

    It appears that ‘Ol Johnny Boy McStain perpetuated the long standing “tradition,” and that the old Spanish peasantry were smarter for understanding the problem than the bulk of today’s ‘Merkins.

    Now what?

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    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Jacques Sheete wisely wrote:
    "It appears that ‘Ol Johnny Boy McStain perpetuated the long standing “tradition,” and that the old Spanish peasantry were smarter for understanding the problem than the bulk of today’s ‘Merkins.
    Now what?"
    Good morning, Jacques!
    ... Am very pleased to learn a U.R. commenter has read Chalmer's excellent review of Papa Netanyahu's book on the Inquisition. Thanks.
    ... A terrible price shall be exacted for 'Merkins' insouciance and aversion to knowledge beyond things materially desired and self-pleasurably advantageous.
    ... As to your intelligent question, Jacques, "Now what?"
    ... The American-Israeli Empire's covetousness, which sanctions & abuses the Insecure Homeland "peasantry," is unsustainable!!!
    ... Elite international Jewry, including Russia, likely plan on the nuke-warless Superpower establishment of Greater Israel and afterward, proceed with extremely profitable Far East "pivot."
    ... In the religion-juiced campaign language of Reverend Jesse Jackson, who once described NYC as 'Hymietown," I intuit 'Merkins' will simply "reap what they sow."
    ... Thanks so much, Jacques!
    , @Jeffery Cohen

    It appears that ‘Ol Johnny Boy McStain perpetuated the long standing “tradition,” and that the old Spanish peasantry were smarter for understanding the problem than the bulk of today’s ‘Merkins.

    Now what?
    Christianity sowed the destruction of the world, by accepting the complete Old Testament as True Word of God, thus empowering the Talmudist.

    The rest of the world is still paying the price!

    Can one separate the religion from Talmudist?
  • @ChuckOrloski
    Jeffery Cohen thoughtfully pondered, wrote: 'It boggles the mind that how can Muslims have all those wars with sword against Christians. I guess the love of Mammon can make people blind, deaf and dumb."
    Evening Mr. Cohen!
    ... "Mammon," the (credible) usual suspect, but it's good to somewhat un-boggle one's "Demon Haunted"* mind by, for an example, reading Brian Chalmers critical IHR-published review of Benzion Netanyahu's acclaimed book, "The Inquisition, 15th Century Spain." Linked below!
    Thank you!
    * Taken from the-late Carl Sagan's great book, "The Demon Haunted World."

    Great article CO! Thanks for the link.

    It appears that Ecclesiastes (Kohelet) was correct, again. Damn, dem guys is smart! ;)

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  • If you want to know American history, the main place you need to avoid is the college campus. As Heather Mac Donald recently declared on FoxNews, colleges are now “hatred machines” that systematically teach tomorrow’s elite to despise this country and the people who created it [Heather Mac Donald: American Colleges Today Are “Hatred Machines”...
  • @Jeff Stryker
    The anti-Semitic response would be that "Jews don't think" and the Zio-conspiracy freaks would suggest that Israel wants Paris or Germany overrun by Muslims in order to attract Jewish settlers with their money.

    The anti-Semitic response would be that “Jews don’t think” and the Zio-conspiracy freaks would suggest that Israel wants Paris or Germany overrun by Muslims in order to attract Jewish settlers with their money.


    That’d be the anti-goy response.

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  • @jilles dykstra
    Melting pot nonsense, the USA is stew, all the ingredients still are there.

    Melting pot nonsense, the USA is stew, all the ingredients still are there.

    That’s what one gets when the ingredients are goyim (cattle and other sub human beasts of burden) and the cook is kosher, I’d guess.

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  • @Macon Richardson
    "American leaders of both political parties so frequently take the country to war; and sometimes they do so without even having a valid reason."

    Can you think of any valid reasons or just wars since 1941?

    Can you think of any valid reasons or just wars since 1941?

    None. In fact, the Indian wars and War Against Southern Secession were largely immoral and invalid as was the Spanish-American war, the war against the Philippine freedom fighters and all wars subsequent. So, we can go a bit further back than 1941.

    In fact, if you wanted a valid reason to go to war in 1941 it would have been against the bloody Bolshies rather than to support them. The “reason” for war in 1941 was not only invalid, but perverted.

    For the enlightenment of the rest of us, I’d like to know what would make anyone think that FDR’s war in support of the Reds was valid.

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  • @Jeff Stryker
    Einstein and Freud were Jews and so were most of the scientists who invented the H bomb.

    But the Dutch who came to the United States did invent Kellogg's cereal.

    That is about it.

    Einstein and Freud were Jews and so were most of the scientists who invented the H bomb.

    Freud was a fraud and I suspect Einstein was to a great degree as well. But I’ll give him credit for realizing that the Zionist movement was another fraud and he was smart enough to recognize a bunch of terrorists when he saw them.

    In this letter, Einstein and about 30 other prominent New York Jewish people describe Zionism as both Fascist and terrorist.

    “Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the “Freedom Party” (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

    And speaking of Einstein and Freud, avoiding yooniversiteez, and challenging Zio-Commie Mafia firsters…

    Einstein on Intellectuals in an exchange with Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein once made the following remark on the treason of some intellectuals: Is it possible to control man’s evolution so as to make him proof against the psychoses of hate and destructiveness ? Here I am thinking by no means of the so-called uncultured masses. Experience shows that it is rather the so-called “intelligentsia” that is most apt to yield to these disastrous collective suggestions, since the intellectual has no contact with life in the raw, but encounters it in its easiest, synthetic form—upon the printed page.

    The New Masses, January 30, 1940, p17

    Jeffie, me boy, now tell us all about Max Planck…

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    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    I'm neither Palestinian nor Jewish but I observed in Dubai that the Gulf Arabs did not care. And truthfully, neither do I.

    It is a backward corner of the Levant bordering on North Africa that I am not intending to visit or live.

    So I'm not about to spend my time concerned with the crimes that Levant people commit against one another, though I think it is tragic to some degree.

    Since I do not live in the United States none of my tax money is going to the subsidization of the country.

    And neither Israel or Palestine are going to be the Superpowers will send the US into the second world or launch nukes at us.

    That would be East Asia.

    Since Jews don't give a solitary rat's ass about Europe or what Muslims do to Germans there why would I care about their dusty corner of the Levant?
  • @Patricus
    If Jews are mass murdering whites I can't recall any examples of that. If they intend to destroy the white race then where will they live? Non-whites consider Jews to be white. Surrounded by howling Africans, Latinos and Asians the Jews would have to huddle in caves.

    Some Jews, and other people, seem to believe in a raceless society united by democracy, etc. I don't agree with that but I believe time will change these naive notions.

    If Jews intend to conquer the World they have not had success so far. They are a dwindling minority who generally intermarry with gentiles. Most have little to do with Judaism or Zionism. They don't control the world, never did and probably never will.

    Norwegians own 2% of all the world's stocks and bonds in their sovereign wealth fund. They are far richer than Jews with a population smaller than Israel. They have an appalling history of Viking depredations. They have imposed upon us blond/blue-eyed standards of physical beauty. That is a minority to fear and dread and raiding long boats could be just off our shores. If they take over Hollywood movies could be kind of boring. Another insidious threat is the Irish. Rich, prosperous and they have long filled the ranks of armies. Singapore is another looming threat to the peace. They will jail and cane a person for throwing chewing gum on the sidewalk. Jews are relatively inoffensive.

    If Jews are mass murdering whites I can’t recall any examples of that.

    Just recall the wars fought on behalf of the Bolshies and Zionists.

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  • If you want to know American history, the main place you need to avoid is the college campus.

    Excellent start.

    As for the melting pot concept, the immigration issue that almost nobody deals with is the influx of Eastern Europeans and their criminal ways which have led directly to the super criminal state we suffer under today.

    Despite the iron clad verity stated in opening sentence, I probably won’t read the book since the review reveals it to be more of the standard whinging claptrap. I wrote the above before reading comment #1 but it looks as if KenH and I are on the same page of the same book. Bravo, Sir!

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    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    Melting pot nonsense, the USA is stew, all the ingredients still are there.
    , @Respect
    As for the melting pot concept, the immigration issue that almost nobody deals with is the influx of Eastern Europeans and their criminal ways which have led directly to the super criminal state we suffer under today.

    Excellent observation Jacques , excellent .

    I thought eastern europeans were normal people till they joined the EU , till the ucranians did the Maidan . Ucranians , polacks , baltics , checoslovakians , hungarians , albanese , rumanians etc... are proving to be quite stupid people . They are tall , blond , they look well in the photos , but they are morons , violent , selfdestructive , corrupt , greedy , querulants .

    Now I realize that many of those tall blond morons so common in the USA come from ...... oh my God , from eastern Europe , many changed names or modified names , they may have a very " american " look , but they are dumb eastern europeans .
    , @Square Wheeled Hot Rod
    Judging from the quotes from and description of Hart's book, it's another in a long line of works that offer the standard analysis of Where We Went Wrong. I detect absolutely nothing new. "Woe, woe."

    Who needs yet another extended trip through the decline and fall, while averting our eyes from the role of the (((Tribe)))? Michael, tell us what you would have us do to recover from the graveyard spiral. Without any plan, all we seem to have here is a scholarly bit of disaster porn. "Woe, woe."
  • Oh, yes he does. It's a not very well known true fact that little Paulie Krugman, from the wrong side of the tracks in Long Island, had to work his way through Yale by caddying for the rich kids twosome of Brett Kavanaugh and Haven Monahan. Monsters in their personal lives, they forced little Paulie...
  • It seems that Paulie the Jughead is somewhat unpopular to the commenters here. Just so you know, we here at UR have been informed by another great maven that the guy is a genius who should be studied for his economic wisdom and because he’s an “authority” on David Hume.

    He even wrote an article titled, “Debt is Good,” which is certain proof that he’s high IQ and therefore should be fawned over.

    Maybe we should all re-evaluate our views on the great Krugman… ;)

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  • Upon the memory and truthfulness of Christine Blasey Ford hangs the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, his reputation, and possibly his career on the nation's second highest court. And much more. If Kavanaugh is voted down or forced to withdraw, the Republican Party and conservative movement could lose their last best hope for...
  • @Anonymous
    Given the seriousness of the charges? Why so serious? Women love fantasies of rape, that's why they concoct stories of it, read their bodice-ripper novels, and consume vast amounts of brutal rape and BDSM porn online, way more than men.

    Recently, researchers have discovered what yer ‘umble proprietor of this scandalous Chateau was telling you long long time: chicks dig violent, rape-y, dominating sex because it is in the nature of women to feel incredibly aroused submitting to a powerful, even sadistic, man, and this feeling is universal among women....

    Chicks Dig Violent Porn
    July 7, 2017 by CH
    She isn't making a serious charge, she's fantisizing that she was desired by a powerful man. There is nothing serious about women, they're like simple-minded children. Taking them serious and letting them into politics was very much a part of America's fall. Women ruin everything they enter, from politics to poker.

    The lesson here, as always: Women ruin everything.

    Bill Simmons Page 2 : How to spot Casino Trash

    Women ruin everything they enter, from politics to poker.

    To paradise.

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    • Replies: @anonymous
    Indeed, Paradise Lost, because greedily she engorged without restraint.

    To the woman also he said: I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under thy husband's power, and he shall have dominion over thee.
    Corvinus considers Genesis 3:16 to be "manosphere drivel."

    Rosamond Vincy is sure Genesis 3:16 was written because "men were doing such a p1$$-poor job."

    Colin Wright chides the author of Genesis 3:16 by whining the "implied bitterness is depressing."
  • The most important element in the triumph of the American colonies in their attempt to break free from Britain was their alliance with France. Britain’s historic enemy, France provided men, matériel and a distraction far more immediate and important than the annoying, insolent colonists across the Atlantic Ocean. This indispensable alliance with France can be...
  • I found this article informative and for those who criticize Arnold as a traitor, remember that George Washington and the rest of the anti-Brits were traitors as well, and that’s not to say that I have any affection for the Brit empire or think that traitors are necessarily evil.

    Besides being a traitor himself, Washington certainly was no saint and his actions against troops who wanted to leave the army after their terms expired as well as to his fellow Americans (e.g.,Whiskey rebellion) prove it. Additionally he advocated and ordered terrorism against Indians, and was known to the Iroquois as Conotocarious or Village Destroyer.

    Orders of George Washington to General John Sullivan, at Head-Quarters May 31, 1779,

    But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected. Our future security will be in their inability to injure us and in the terror with which the severity of the chastisement they receive will inspire them.

    Also, Arnold’s treatment at the hands of leading political busybodies reminds me of Thomas Paine’s abandonment while he was locked up in Paris. The “republic” has a less than pristine history than most people know or want to believe, and it’s no wonder that Patrick Henry quipped, when refusing to attend the convention in Philly, that he smelled a rat. The odor must’ve been overpowering since there were many. No wonder we’re what we are today. ( A stinking, perfidious, over taxed, Commie and Zionist supporting gulag of wage, tax and debt slaves where treachery was baked into the cake from the start.)

    Note to those who can’t stand the truth.: Don’t come whining to me!

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    • Replies: @Sowhat
    , @Sarah Toga
    Major historical figures are almost always complex and contradictory. Hagiography has its place but serious history writing shows people with warts and all.

    The cable series Turn did a surprisingly good job showing complexities of Americans and Brits in the War for Independence. Including a thorough treatment of Gen. Arnold, the various factors that set him on his course and his wife Peggy. With British spymaster John Andre for the love triangle. People were earthy back then.

  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @densa
    Impressive. Chertoff, amazing how the money to fight the GWOT (blessed be its name) was also immediately appropriated. And that's just some of the 9-11 stuff. There was the investigation of the 'Russian' mob and Wall St. that was never heard from again. There was Enron, anyone remember that? The Wall St. casino was saved with the measure taken to prop up the market.

    Before that there was John (?) Lehman who piratized defense when Reagan gave away that store and the creation of endless government-private siphons, the cycling of dollars through charities out through New York and back in fraudulent loans in L.A. to double dip tax evasion... on and on they go without a peep out of 'our' government, defense, intelligence and media. How bout that.

    Not to compete with but a supplement to annamaria’s consistently informative comments, here’s a brief exposition of Zio-mafia crimes and what we’re up against.

    Israel’s Worldwide Role in Repression

    It’s pretty apparent that goons have completely co-opted any truly benevolent plans many of the originators of the Zionist project may have ever entertained.

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  • @annamaria
    On a topic of chemical/biological warfare: "Human blood and pathogens as diplomatic cargo to the US Embassy in Georgia"

    "The US-funded Lugar Center in Tbilisi may have been involved in illegal experiments on Georgian citizens, the country’s former security minister Igor Giorgadze has claimed, citing leaked documents he obtained. He said he managed to acquire over 100,000 pages of documents about the research done at the Richard Lugar Center. ...

    The Pentagon scientists have also performed experiments involving tropical mosquitos and ticks in Georgia. In 2016, 21 590 ticks were collected for a DNA database for future studies at The Lugar Center under the Pentagon project “Assessing the Seroprevalence and Genetic Diversity of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus (CCHFV) and Hantaviruses in Georgia”. The Pentagon projects involving ticks coincided with an inexplicable outbreak of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) which is caused by infection through a tick-borne virus. In 2014 34 people became infected (amongst which a 4-year old child). A total of 60 cases with 9 fatalities have been registered in Georgia since 2009. ...

    The Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which runs the US military program at the Lugar Center in Georgia, is alleged to have already performed field tests with an unknown substance in Chechnya, Russia. In June 2017 local citizens reported on a drone disseminating white powder close to the Russian border with Georgia.... The activities, related to this project have been outsourced to a private American company – Parsons Government Services International. Parsons has been awarded a $17.7 million contract under the Pentagon border security project in Georgia. DTRA has previously contracted Parsons for similar border security projects in Lebanon, Jordan, Libya and Syria...

    The inventor of the drone for the releasing of toxic mosquitoes S. Mill Calvert has patented 42 similar military inventions for the US Army and Special forces, including stroke-inducing bullets ,in a span of just two years from 2013 to 2015. A person with such a name however does not exist in the US citizens registry. The US patent Lawyer, Louis Ventre, who filed the application, declined to comment if this name was a pseudonym and who his client actually was."

    --- This is not some hysterical squealing by the presstituting MSM about the amusing Skripals' case. This is a well-documented case of mass poisonings, which lists dead people and a lot of sick people that have a misfortune of living next to the US "humanitarian" outpost the Lugar Center. This "humanitarian" outpost in Georgia has the same status as Porton Down in Salisbury, UK.

    Dilyana Gaytandzhieva [author of a report on the illegal and harmful activities of the US personnel in Georgia]
    "How I was locked up in the bedroom of my rented flat in Tbilisi while investigating a US military program including a pilot study with 100 death cases reports.
    Firefighters came down from the roof and saved me. Thank you to the Georgian Emergency service for the quick reaction.
    The police have no answer as to who had broken into the flat, locked me up and why, given that nothing had been stolen. Probably someone does not want journalists to investigate what chemicals are secretly burnt at night in the Pentagon-funded laboratory..."

    I said you were good. That was an understatement.

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  • @annamaria
    The Jewish State attacked Damascus International Airport:
    "During the moments the [Israei] air strikes took place, a major event called the International Fair of Damascus was being held in the vicinity of the airport."
    -- The supremacist warriors cannot help themselves but kill other human beings.

    Here is an influential Jewish Bolshevik guilty of hundreds of thousands of deaths due to his inventive policies in GULAG (a network of Soviet death camps): "Of all those who helped devise and perfect the slave labor system of the Gulag, special mention must be made of Naftaly Frenkel:"

    And here is an intellectually challenged yet murderous progeny of the Frenkel family (now living in Israel): "Bloody Monday: Grandnephew of GULAG organizer stabbed the Echo of Moscow editor"
    The tragicomical story has inadvertently flashed out the main activists of Fifth Column in Russia. None of the noisy activists (mostly of Jewish kind) exhibited any signs of intellectual brilliance.

    Damn, yer good!

    No wonder few trolls venture to counter your comments and the fools who do, prove how unwise they

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  • The week leading up to the funeral of Senator John McCain produced some of the most bizarre media effusions seen in this country since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. McCain, who never saw a war or regime change that he didn’t like, was apparently in reality a friend of democracy and freedom...
  • @L.K
    jacques sheete to Stalinist shill Andrei Martyanov:

    You’re parroting nearly century old Bolshie propaganda.

    Start here if you care about the truth
    He does not.

    Amazing, isn’t it?

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  • It is pretty clear what took place yesterday night. Even if you don’t read Russian, the following chart released by the Russian Ministry of Defense says it all: Basically, 4 Israeli aircraft were sent on a bombing mission against targets near the Russian facilities in Khmeimim and Tartus (which, by itself, is both stupid and...
  • @Harold Smith
    "Basically, 4 Israeli aircraft were sent on a bombing mission against targets near the Russian facilities in Khmeimim and Tartus (which, by itself, is both stupid and irresponsible). "

    I see it differently:

    Basically, 4 Israeli aircraft were sent on a mission to (indirectly) bring down a Russian plane, under the pretense of bombing Syrian targets. The object being to exploit Putin's apparent weakness and use it to trash his political popularity (and perhaps damage the morale of the Russian military).

    And I think Putin calling this calculated act of mass murder an "accident" was a serious blunder which made the mission a smashing success.

    And I think Putin calling this calculated act of mass murder an “accident” was a serious blunder which made the mission a smashing success.

    I just watched a vid of that and must say that I’m disappointed in him; he sounded exactly like some ‘Merkin president making weak excuses for the Zio-One World Mafia, not that he should have chimped out either. Pretty sickening stuff.

    I guess it’s up to Arabs to hand the Izzie goons a little “comeuppance” now and then.

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    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    Sickening is right. It reminds me of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, and now Putin seems to be channeling LBJ (making excuses for the aggressors who just murdered his own people in cold blood).
  • Today’s financial malaise for pension funds, state and local budgets and underemployment is largely a result of the 2008 bailout, not the crash. What was saved was not only the banks – or more to the point, as Sheila Bair pointed out, their bondholders – but the financial overhead that continues to burden today’s economy....
  • @jacques sheete
    Yes, but I wanted to emphasize that the so called "Republicans" are essentially the same goons as the so called Democrats and that goes for the false capitalist-commie dichotomy and several other institutional frauds as well.

    The fraud lies in the mythology of the two separate party propaganda Edward Bernays created. They are all on the same ‘BIG’ government Banksters team!

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • @Anon
    You might be wronging Sam [assuming you mean Sam Shama] on this matter. He had written about this a while ago. I remembered that discussion and searched and found it in the archives:

    Well, I approach the subject of political organisation as arising from a corollary of economic contracts between various groups. It is possible to be more leisurely and philosophical, but I subscribe to the belief, lest we otherwise make a frightful muddle of things, that at the core of most human struggles there is an essential economic contract. All else follows. So it is between any “nobility” or “elite” and “commoners”; call it noblesse oblige, fair progressive taxation, periodic debt jubilees, whatever; it is in the interest of the upper echelons of society to care for the welfare of the rest. All of us have a part to play, and serious deviations from the script tend to cause operatic chaos. This contractual obligation is far more vulnerable to manipulation in a liberal democracy, where responsibility is far more dispersed.

    It is important to be consistent and to that end a body of laws, written and enforced by a supra-national entity at the international level, a sovereign at the nation-state level and local administrations at local levels etc. ought be the model via which expanding polities are established. The mutual obligations between the elite and commoners whether explicitly encoded or ineluctably observed as tradition are but a special case of the general proposition.
    [btw a slight digression on this theme, I daresay judaism is quite legalistic and prescriptive at the level at which is impacts most adherents; the philosophical stuff comes much, much later; so I suppose this need for an organising body of laws was evident to the old rebbes]

    lest we otherwise make a frightful muddle of things

    Oh, my, St Sam apparently fails to recognize that “we’ve always made a “frightful muddle of things.”

    Oh! How frightful!

    PS: He’s also the one that also claims to want to work for the benefit of humanity but probably half his comments give lie to the idea. He can take his Zionist go-gooderism and take a long walk off a short dock.

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  • @EliteCommInc.
    Like the savings and loan mess, the consequences of the relaxing the rules demonstrated that the system must be regulated. The financial and banking services have repeatedly demonstrated that fear of going out of business is not a deterrent for misbehavior in the economy. That if we continue to redirect the consequences for financial misbehavior or carelessness, then capitalism is no longer capitalism - but shameless mercantilism. The president's comments about the rich understanding and the economy were disappointing. One because I simply don't believe that is the case - at all. And history is replete with the wealthy engaging in practices as the the economy was their own personal playground as opposed to an economic system societies sustain public access and use of money. Two, repeatedly members of congress and the executive have violated the self disciplining parameters of capitalism's maxim of bad behavior reaps negative consequences and therefore serves as a deterrent to the same. That fundamental aspect of capitalism's tenet has been exacerbated because while congress and the executive have interfered to save business,m they have done little to nothing to ameliorate or protect the consumers who are at the brunt end of the consequences.

    In fact, millions of home owners should not have been forced to sell. They should have been permitted as should have required or left to choose -- the financial institutions involved in the processes that caused the problem -- should have been forced to do -- restructure their loans via the various programs designed to do just that including the bankruptcy programs.

    Note: I think Lehman Brother's was scapegoated for the dealings of the group as a whole. And that situation was used to remove a competitor in a rather seedy bid for consolidating wealth and control. It is an error to assume that what business dealings happen in boardrooms and among corporate entities is about the economy in their view. Said relations are ab out their businesses, the economy is the result. So I have to reject anyone's view that being rich is by definition a vote for the economy. What the rich do have is an inside track in how to manipulate economic entities and forces to their advantage. That is not the same thing as understanding the economy -- and no self respecting capitalist makes that claim. In fact, a capitalist would not engage in dealings that take advantage of another - soley to power. The beauty and responsibility of capitalism demands a high degree of personal responsibility and integrity not disadvantage another, while still making a profit.

    The scandal of the MBS system was not merely the manipulation to advantage at its collapse by those responsible, but the MBS system itself, that was in fact a skimming operation as well as a false profit generating schema that deliberate over and undervalues properties at the same time it speculation using astro-physic speculative formulas to an economy nationally and globally that was utterly unpredictable under the numbers -- save but to fail. In fact, it is unknown based on those formulas just how much negative subtractions could be accounted to the economy, based on formulas that did not reflect tangibles. In an economy in which a near infinite of interrelated variables may be in the equation, but unaccounted to the same -- we simply have no real understanding of the losses.

    What we do know is that the fear tactics were used to bail out not the economy, but individuals and financial entities. Well, all accept, home owners, pensions, and small entities dependent on larger forces. And that members of congress and the executive so engaged to benefit themselves and their relations with corporate world -- a tragic turn of events. No less culpable, the ratings and regulatory agencies, the financial press and regular press corps that touted the same tune minus doing their homework or having done their homework, hadn't the integrity to lay the issues out cold, as opposed to the blame game of that firm or this firm or worse p- home owners - who had absolutely nothing to do with packaging stock packages of MBS's.

    Telling that two government agencies Freddie and Mac were knee deep in the mess -- and now revealed their deep pocket political gifts to members of congress. Are we still in the wake of those events -- absolutely and i think this article among the following:

    Bailout -- Neil Barofsky

    All the Devils Are Here -- Bethany McLean, Joe Nocera

    Bull by the Horns -- Sheila Bair --

    For all of the twenty four news cycles, especially the financial networks, we now know that their reporting of the finances regarding the economy are but the foam of waves depth. And as Mrs Bair relates -- Basel I and now Basel II with another round of of Basel like proposals coming --- unless we place a halt and reassessment -- things are bound to get cloudier for an unsuspecting public. And as with Mrs. Bair, insiders enlightening the rest of us -- are hardly greeted with the respect they are due.

    Like the savings and loan mess, the consequences of the relaxing the rules demonstrated that the system must be regulated.

    Most would agree with you, but I ask, who regulates the regulators in the world you’re describing ?

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    • Replies: @EliteCommInc.
    That is of course the question:

    World Bank, IMF, G-7 (G-8), Basel and similarly structured proposals implemented by various national and international monetary organizations . . . in reality, no one organization controls the economy. I tend to agree that it is too large and too complex for any organization to control.

    Now that lends itself to arguments that such an agency should be created or that such organizations already exist in clandestine form, i.e. Bilderberg, Rothchild's and related such entities all battling for supremacy and we are in its wake.

    Here I tread carefully, because there are global organizations tasked with similar said purposes -- how effective in controlling the planet remains in question.

    And the dilemma is agreed as my observation concerning the complicity of supposed regulating agencies. The cornerstone of all financial dealings as with most everything else -- integrity -- would that I could guarantee it amongst everyone -

    i cannot.

    , @Da Wei
    jacques sheete, help me understand this mess.

    You ask, "who regulates the regulators in the world?" and it causes me to think of Ezra Pound's redundant question to the American public: "Who rules your rulers?"

    Who's behind the whole scam? Ezra Pound asked and was tried for treason and imprisoned in a mental asylum. (Ironic that he was brilliant beyond his captors.) The right questions can land you in jail, as we well know. I digress. How can we shut down these bastards and take our lives back? We are serfs serving computer synapses posing as real money, orchestrated by sociopaths. Nothing in it is real in it, but our sweat. And our elected leaders are bought and paid for whores of the money system. To quote Chester A. Riley: "What a revoltin' development this is."

    We need to get our brains together and kick this system over.

  • @Agent76
    As you can read and view you should realise I am accutely aware of the fraud and lie. Thanks for your time and comment.

    Yes, but I wanted to emphasize that the so called “Republicans” are essentially the same goons as the so called Democrats and that goes for the false capitalist-commie dichotomy and several other institutional frauds as well.

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    • Replies: @Agent76
    The fraud lies in the mythology of the two separate party propaganda Edward Bernays created. They are all on the same 'BIG' government Banksters team!
  • I am about to coin a new economic law based on Hudson’s fine insights.

    Whereas the Krugmanites, including Sammy “the Divine” Maven, and other simple minded shylock sympathizers hold that debt is good, Jacques’ Law states that debt cancellation on a periodic basis can be better and that lender bailouts are typically rotten to the core especially if the lenders are loaning money created out of a vacuum and it gets spent on terrorizing the world in hopes of controlling nearly everything.

    No more welfare for the TBTF classes!

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    • Replies: @Anon
    You might be wronging Sam [assuming you mean Sam Shama] on this matter. He had written about this a while ago. I remembered that discussion and searched and found it in the archives:

    Well, I approach the subject of political organisation as arising from a corollary of economic contracts between various groups. It is possible to be more leisurely and philosophical, but I subscribe to the belief, lest we otherwise make a frightful muddle of things, that at the core of most human struggles there is an essential economic contract. All else follows. So it is between any “nobility” or “elite” and “commoners”; call it noblesse oblige, fair progressive taxation, periodic debt jubilees, whatever; it is in the interest of the upper echelons of society to care for the welfare of the rest. All of us have a part to play, and serious deviations from the script tend to cause operatic chaos. This contractual obligation is far more vulnerable to manipulation in a liberal democracy, where responsibility is far more dispersed.

    It is important to be consistent and to that end a body of laws, written and enforced by a supra-national entity at the international level, a sovereign at the nation-state level and local administrations at local levels etc. ought be the model via which expanding polities are established. The mutual obligations between the elite and commoners whether explicitly encoded or ineluctably observed as tradition are but a special case of the general proposition.
    [btw a slight digression on this theme, I daresay judaism is quite legalistic and prescriptive at the level at which is impacts most adherents; the philosophical stuff comes much, much later; so I suppose this need for an organising body of laws was evident to the old rebbes]

    , @james charles
    Some debt is 'good'?

    “Importantly for our disaggregated quantity equation, credit creation can be disaggregated, as we can obtain and analyse information about who obtains loans and what use they are put to. Sectoral loan data provide us with information about the direction of purchasing power - something deposit aggregates cannot tell us. By institutional analysis and the use of such disaggregated credit data it can be determined, at least approximately, what share of purchasing power is primarily spent on ‘real’ transactions that are part of GDP and which part is primarily used for financial transactions. Further, transactions contributing to GDP can be divided into ‘productive’ ones that have a lower risk, as they generate income streams to service them (they can thus be referred to as sustainable or productive), and those that do not increase productivity or the stock of goods and services. Data availability is dependant on central bank publication of such data. The identification of transactions that are part of GDP and those that are not is more straight-forward, simply following the NIA rules.”
  • @Agent76
    The Fed Audit GAO (Government Accountability Office) report Of the Federal Reserve.

    How The Democrats Caused The Financial Crisis Starring HUD Sec Andrew Cuomo Barack Obama

    Although He Created it 2005

    Barney Frank Does Not Believe a Housing Bubble Exists

    How The Democrats Caused The Financial Crisis Starring HUD Sec Andrew Cuomo Barack Obama

    Give it up. The whole system of governent is a bipartisan rip off and always will be.

    I said, “No, there is a great difference. Taft is amiable imbecility. Wilson is willful and malicious imbecility and I prefer Taft.”

    “[Teddy]Roosevelt then said : “Pettigrew, you know the two old parties are just alike. They are both controlled by the same influences…”

    - R. F. Pettigrew, “Imperial Washington,” The story of American Public life from 1870 to 1920 (1922), p 234;id=yale.39002002948025;view=1up;seq=7;start=1;sz=10;page=search;orient=0

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    • Replies: @Agent76
    As you can read and view you should realise I am accutely aware of the fraud and lie. Thanks for your time and comment.
    , @A misanthropic imbecility
    Might well have said
    “No, there is a great difference. Trump is amiable imbecility. Clinton is willful and malicious imbecility and I prefer Trump.” You don't even have to change all the letters.
  • @Anonymous
    It's a wonder that Athens could even function 400 BCE without worshiping a Kike on a stick. The Jew-worshipers posit that it's impossible. European history shows otherwise.

    It’s a wonder that Athens could even function 400 BCE without worshiping a Kike on a stick. The Jew-worshipers posit that it’s impossible. European history shows otherwise.

    So does Egyptian and more than a few other histories and Hudson points them out in other articles.

    Here’s another good one by him, and the concept applies to a lot of our so called understanding of “history.”

    We decided we have to re-write the history to free it from the modern ideological preconceptions that have distorted much popular understanding.

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  • The week leading up to the funeral of Senator John McCain produced some of the most bizarre media effusions seen in this country since the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963. McCain, who never saw a war or regime change that he didn’t like, was apparently in reality a friend of democracy and freedom...
  • @Rurik

    I don’t know if you understand that but just FYI–Holodomor is a Ukrainian propaganda meme which is in the foundation, BTW, of modern Ukrainian state, which you yourself admit as a neo-Nazi one. This is not to mention that there were no millions “slaughtered” in GULAG.
    Very troubling quote by Martyanov, if he actually said that.

    It seems to me that the ongoing strife between Russia and Ukraine (Poland, Estonia, etc..) all has to do with the 'Narrative'

    Who were/are the 'good guys' and who were/are the 'bad guys'.

    Russian vanity can't allow today's Russians to admit that under Stalin and the (((Soviets/Bolsheviks))), they did monstrous and unspeakable things.

    They want to pretend that the Red Army Rapists liberated Eastern Europe, even as they brutalized, raped and enslaved the ones they didn't out and out torture to death.

    It mollifies their tender egos to pretend that the Red Army was a liberating force. It allows them to puff up their chests, and perpetually malign their neighbors- who didn't want to be raped and 'gulaged' and enslaved by Soviet communism (slavery)- as "fascists" and "Nazis', for fighting against the demonic (((Soviet fiend))).

    If Martyanov actually said that, and would try to defend those indefensible sentiments, then I suppose he'd try to defend Operation Keelhaul as well, as if it wasn't yet another enormity and atrocity against reason and simple human decency. (two things absent from the Soviet fiend's methods and ideology)

    Russians need to put to rest the idea that Stalin was a liberator. He wasn't.

    Does Martyanov also claim the deaths at Katyn were the work of Nazis?

    What about the Romanovs.. Did the Nazis kill them too?

    The way I see it is the Jewish supremacists were over there. They were in Eastern Europe and Russia, and that's why Russia fell under their cruel and genocidal yoke.

    Today, a critical mass of the Jewish supremacists have migrated over here, into the West. That's why it's the (((west))) today that is mass-murdering and genociding and menacing the planet with terror and expansionist wars.

    But as an American, at least I have the sense to see that it isn't your typical Joe the Plumber who is foisting all this madness. No. It's the Zionists and their lickspittles and lackeys in government and elite institutions.

    So I don't blame Joe Six Pack, any more than I blame Ivan the blacksmith.

    But for some reason, today's Russians need to pretend that they were the 'good guys' during that horrific conflagration imposed on the world by evil forces. (((The Eternal Fiend)))

    my two cents

    my two cents

    Don’t sell yourself so short. That was one of the best comments on this thread. All well stated.

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  • @Andrei Martyanov

    Holocaustism and anti-Hitlerism dominate 20th century Europe historiography.
    Yeah, untermenschism also dominates this history and I am an untermensch in German national-socialism book. So, I probably am not capable to grasp such a profound historical theories which will make Annalles school of thought feel grossly inferior.

    but you might be more effective if you did so without rubbing American noses in their stupidity and instead said, Hey guys, try to think like a Russian for a change.
    So, pointing out an obvious falsity is called "rubbing noses" now? I do however state for years now--either America learns the real 20th century of Russia/USSR (or the world, for that matter) or it will continue on the path which leads it to where we all feel is not a good place. Learning ACTUAL history of WW II does not require one just "think as a Russian". All it takes is to be a person of integrity, both human and professional. The Jew Almighty, meanwhile, is primarily American phenomenon and all this (Jewish) Bolshevik "slaughter" of those fully virtuous Russkies (of course, who cares about Russian Civil War history) is self-medicating against overwhelming empirical evidence of not just Jewish but all those WASPy political American elites selling their own country for 30 Shekels with a vocal support of numbering in tens of millions pure-bred , 100% USDA approved, American Christian Zionists. It takes two to tango, you know.

    Yeah, untermenschism also dominates this history and I am an untermensch in German national-socialism book.

    Yeah, we’ve all heard about the supposed “untermenschen,” but why single that out when the concept of the “goyim” is much older? Why harp on that when probably the vast majority of human groups consider anyone outside the clique to be inferiors? What do you think is meant by the terms, “nigger,” “towel head,” and “gook,”for instance?

    FYI, the Bolshies specialized in smearing and name calling and to this day their descendents, the neocons sneer at the rest of us as “conspiracy theorists,” “low IQ bird brains” etc., etc, etc.

    Also, please provide some credible sources for your claim and as you yourself pointed out, Stalin was effectively a national socialist. What do you think his “socialism in one country” was all about?

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  • @Andrei Martyanov

    Holocaustism and anti-Hitlerism dominate 20th century Europe historiography.
    Yeah, untermenschism also dominates this history and I am an untermensch in German national-socialism book. So, I probably am not capable to grasp such a profound historical theories which will make Annalles school of thought feel grossly inferior.

    but you might be more effective if you did so without rubbing American noses in their stupidity and instead said, Hey guys, try to think like a Russian for a change.
    So, pointing out an obvious falsity is called "rubbing noses" now? I do however state for years now--either America learns the real 20th century of Russia/USSR (or the world, for that matter) or it will continue on the path which leads it to where we all feel is not a good place. Learning ACTUAL history of WW II does not require one just "think as a Russian". All it takes is to be a person of integrity, both human and professional. The Jew Almighty, meanwhile, is primarily American phenomenon and all this (Jewish) Bolshevik "slaughter" of those fully virtuous Russkies (of course, who cares about Russian Civil War history) is self-medicating against overwhelming empirical evidence of not just Jewish but all those WASPy political American elites selling their own country for 30 Shekels with a vocal support of numbering in tens of millions pure-bred , 100% USDA approved, American Christian Zionists. It takes two to tango, you know.

    Not the entire Jewish people, but the Jews within Nazi Germany’s reach and Hitler and his gang’s minds. Outside of that sphere, Jews remained an unthreatened and potent force before, during, and after WW II.

    Wrong and wrong.

    You’re parroting nearly century old Bolshie propaganda.

    Start here if you care about the truth:

    “… this entire myth, so prevalent then and even now about Hitler, and about the Japanese, is a tissue of fallacies from beginning to end. Every plank in this nightmare evidence is either completely untrue or not entirely the truth.
    If people should learn this intellectual fraud about Hitler’s Germany, then they will begin to ask questions, and searching questions…”

    Murray Rothbard, Revisionism for Our Time
    Mr. Rothbard was an American Jew and an historian of the very highest caliber.

    Then move on to Reed’s excellent views.:

    The plan [Bolshevism] that gestated in Russian cellars, though its seeds went back to 1790 and 1848, first broke into open and obvious blossom at the end of the second war, which was mysterious during its course. Now that a few more years have rolled, its place in the great design is clear.

    -Douglas Reed, Somewhere South of Suez, (1951) p149

    It should be obvious by now what’s been going on, and it wasn’t and ain’t the Nazi movement. Any Nazis currently extant are no doubt as threatened by the mostly Zionist neocons as the rest of us should be.

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    • Replies: @L.K
    jacques sheete to Stalinist shill Andrei Martyanov:

    You’re parroting nearly century old Bolshie propaganda.

    Start here if you care about the truth
    He does not.
  • @Agent76
    Aug 4, 2016 John McCain North Vietnam Broadcast (excerpted)

    During the Vietnam War, John McCain was shot down and captured. While imprisoned, he broadcast propaganda for the North Vietnamese.

    This is an excerpt of the recovered recordings.

    Thanks for that. What an all around putrid punk.

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  • Over 60 comments on yet another of PG’s excellent reports and there’s a notable paucity of quasi-pithy observations from the usual Hasbara Central crowd. You’d think they’d be piling on with fawning for one of their degenerate toadies, but no.

    Note to Zio-dupes.: You, too, will be flushed like a wad of used tissue once yer usefulness is expired, just like ‘Ol Johnny Boy has been by you. You won’t even get the stupid and short-lived “atta boys” that he’s been treated to.

    Tsk, tsk, flunkies!

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  • Thanks to courageous investigators, many anomalies in the official explanation of the events of 9/11 were posted on the Internet in the following months, providing evidence that this was a false flag operation, and that Osama bin Laden was innocent, as he repeatedly declared in the Afghan and Pakistani press and on Al Jazeera.[1] The...
  • @Franz

    Rubbish... Israelis played an important role, not as instigators, but as agents of the US (deep state) Government.
    You'd be right if any deep state stopped at its own borders.

    They do not. You're using a "horizontal" (nationalistic) definition on a "vertical" (internationalist) situation.

    The US deep state covers the UK, most of Europe, and apparently most of the world. Because an ad hoc alliance of even a few of the US's enemies (old and new) would have no trouble blowing the cover off this thing in a big and public way. Ain't happening.

    Call it the "rootless cosmopolitan state" and we might agree. Even more so if it were more widely known that because of this same secret state, tons of "new Americans" are no such thing and have no intention of becoming any such thing. Great protection: A large number of aliens with a special interest in keeping actual citizens too busy to actually be citizens.

    The same operation is in effect in Europe, where mini-9-11s happened all over for a bit. England, Spain -- the list gets unwieldy by the time you get to the Bali bomb.

    That the US government is subverted is granted. But why aren't the NON-subverted ones calling foul?

    That the US government is subverted is granted. But why aren’t the NON-subverted ones calling foul?

    Philip Giraldi
    Cynthia McKinney
    Ron Paul
    etc., etc…

    US history of the 20th century also provides a very extensive list of those who cried foul and got nowhere. Ron Unz has provided links to some good books by them and is full of great articles by them.

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  • @jilles dykstra
    It is hard to imagine that Mossad was capable of placing Cheyney at NORAD on Sept 11, and starting the planes in the USA that were used on Sept 11.
    The first plane that flew into a tower had a bulge under the rump, the second had no windows, how Mossad could fly an unmanned jet with a missile underneath into the Pentagon, and fire an air to ground missile in Pennsylvania, difficult to imagine.
    The placing of the explosives, yes.
    But also hijacking the four missing planes electronically from outside, difficult to see how an Israeli secret service did it, though not completely impossible, in my opinion.

    The first plane that flew into a tower had a bulge under the rump, the second had no windows, how Mossad could fly an unmanned jet with a missile underneath into the Pentagon, and fire an air to ground missile in Pennsylvania, difficult to imagine.

    Actually, not so difficult at all. From the main article:

    In 2001, the man who was tasked to help track down the missing trillions was Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) Dov Zakheim, a member of PNAC and an ordained rabbi.

    Before this, Dov Zakheim had also been CEO of a shadowy DARPA contractor, Systems Planning Corporation. Wikipedia lists its functions as
    Radar cross section analysis
    Arms control
    Ballistic missile defense
    Homeland Security
    Continuity of government
    Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Warfare
    In other words, whatever.
    According to, SPC also works on “Flight Termination System has the capability to take over control of up to 10 flights and terminate their mission. FTS can obtain control and navigate aircraft hundreds of miles apart from a central location. On their website they describe their Flight Termination System”. (Link missing).
    Zakheim is mentioned often in connection with 911. A typical rundown is at: Unfortunately, many corroborating links are now broken.

    The possibility of remote hacking into the flight control system is open knowledge:, although hacking as described in this article doesn’t necessarily include full control.

    Any info on where the missing links might be archived would be appreciated.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete, Miro23
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    I had never heard of Zakheim so was interested to know more. As you have cited Wikipedia I will perhaps escape the usual scornful execration by UR commenters for any reliance on it at all. I find there no reference to his being a rabbi though I have found reference to his rabbinical studies in Wikispooks. That is what might expect as an avocation for a highly educated nerdy businessman or public servant who may, for all we can tell, be an atheist. As to the $2.3 trillion that the DoD hadn't properly accounted for it was Rumsfeld - characteristically if one recalls his insistence on doing more for less in Iraq (unfortunately) - who appointed Zakheim to look into it. Wikipedia records his having reduced the amount to $700 billion because it was a matter of accounting records rather than substance.
    , @anon
    Thanks for posting this excellent information
  • @NoseytheDuke
    “The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.”
    Leo Tolstoy

    Excellent quote.

    May I offer this?

    … but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most “intelligent”man if he is a hasbara troll.

    -Jacques Tolstoy

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  • @Anonymous
    Even if 9/11 was an Israeli Inside Job then we would still have to explain why the US went to war afterwards.
    One thing does not explain the other.
    This focussing on the Jews is not productive.
    I it unlikely that the whole Western power elite acts according to Jewish interests.
    The rulers of the British Empire that merged with the American Empire have been in control for hundreds of years.
    Even 1000 years, if you count the highly influential House of Welf.
    It's rather likely that these rulers have some Jewish front men who divert attention.
    Also we know that it was the royal families who published the classical books about Jewish world conspiracy.
    Please stop this nonsense.

    Moronic comment
    Hasbara alert

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • @anonymous

    "9/11 Was an Israeli Job"
    No it wasn't, and this website's credibility just fell another notch. It's no stretch to believe that the Israelis (and their partisans) had foreknowledge, but to pretend that they executed it is ridiculous. That being said, it is also true that there's no proof OBL was responsible. The worst we have is that he said it wasn't an entirely bad thing that for once the guns were turned the other way.

    Question, though: How much damage did 9/11 actually do to the USA, compared with 1) how much damage we inflicted as a result, including and especially the damage we inflicted upon ourselves? And 2) Did it destroy our country to anything like the degree Hart-Cellar did? How much media attention has that gotten?

    No it wasn’t, and this website’s credibility just fell another notch.

    Yes it was, your credibility is non-existent here, and among people with a brain, this website represents credibility on steroids. If you don’t like it, take a hike, troll.

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  • Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.) One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion...
  • @Wally
    If Jews were really so smart they would have conjured up a better, more believable story than their impossibly fake & stupid '6,000,000 & gas chambers'.

    If Jews were really so smart they would have conjured up a better, more believable story than their impossibly fake & stupid ’6,000,000 & gas chambers’.

    Well that’s true, but on the other hand, it’s worked well for many decades and probably will for many more, though it’s likely due to goy stupidity and gullibility than any special brilliance on the part of the Satan worshippers and golden calf cultists.

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    • Replies: @Wally
    Also remember that the Jew masses bought it / buy it too.

    Making laws, buying politicians, and controlling the microphone can do wonders.
  • Is President Donald Trump about to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war? For that is what he and his advisers seem to be signaling. Last week, Trump said of Syrian President Bashar Assad's campaign to recapture the last stronghold of the rebellion, Idlib province: "If it's a slaughter, the world is going to get...
  • @El Dato

    If so, there are zero reasons for the msm to have against him possibly the largest campaign against a single man in history – unless they do out of an instinct for a TV show, which you deny it is:
    There zero reasons why the world should make sense to you or anyone. The MSM does its thing, Trumpy does his. Now that Orwellian mental states are fashionable, consistency is hard to come by. And apart from that, you don't get to see the crazy cabling of interests that's lying behind the scenes. Plus there's just too much going on.

    And this Idlib show is the top of the tops: When you can engineer a lousy casus belli in clear sight and no-one cares. Next step, let's be completely lazy and just start a war without any justification whatsoever.

    Wilhelmine Germany was under stronger parliamentarian control than the US is now.

    There zero reasons why the world should make sense to you or anyone.

    I like that. And it’s true, too.

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  • @anonymous
    I doubt you'll receive a substantial response on this thread, either.

    “In 2008, Obama was touted as a political outsider who will hose away all of the rot and bloody criminality of the Bush years. He turned out to be a deft move by our ruling class. Though fools still refuse to see it, Obama is a perfect servant of our military banking complex. Now, Trump is being trumpeted as another political outsider.

    A Trump presidency will temporarily appease restless, lower class whites, while serving as a magnet for liberal anger. This will buy our ruling class time as they continue to wage war abroad while impoverishing Americans back home. Like Obama, Trump won’t fulfill any of his election promises, and this, too, will be blamed on bipartisan politics.”

    Linh Dinh, as published at The Unz Reviw, June 12, 2016

    Brilliant. Of both LD for saying it, and you for reminding us.

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  • @Harold Smith
    "Trump has struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas, and U.S. officials told the Journal that Assad has now approved the use of chlorine on the rebels in Idlib. "

    No, Trump hasn't struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas; rather, Trump struck Syria twice for its ALLEGED use of poison gas.

    No, Trump hasn’t struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas; rather, Trump struck Syria twice for its ALLEGED use of poison gas.

    Ya beat me to it.

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  • “Trump has struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas, and U.S. officials told the Journal that Assad has now approved the use of chlorine on the rebels in Idlib. ”

    No, Trump hasn’t struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas; rather, Trump struck Syria twice for its ALLEGED use of poison gas.

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    • Replies: @jacques sheete

    No, Trump hasn’t struck Syria twice for its use of poison gas; rather, Trump struck Syria twice for its ALLEGED use of poison gas.
    Ya beat me to it.
  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @annamaria
    Happy 9/11 from Israel-firsters:

    1. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) – 24 hours after the 9/11 attacks, he said that they were “very good” then said later that, “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” Godfather of GWOT with his think tank, the Jonathan Institute, and his book, “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”. Inaugurated the 100-year war against what he called “militant Islam” and revealed as much in June 2012. Previously worked in a nuclear smuggling ring called Project Pinto. War criminal.

    2. Ehud Barak (real name: Brog) – Traveled to the United States and spent about 6 months preceding 9/11 as a chief consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, a shadowy Mossad-run company that does big business with firms that created advanced niche specialty metals and complex metal products for defense industries in the fields of energy, aerospace, infrastructure and chemicals. Among these products are nano-composite explosives laced with thermite, used to blow up the Twin Towers. Barak was on the BBC minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 hit the WTC to literally announce the “clash of civilizations” and call for attacks on Iraq, Iran, Libya and Afghanistan. War criminal.

    3. Ehud Olmert – Was in New York the very night before the attacks to make the final preparations. Connected to Menachem Atzmon of ICTS. War criminal.

    4. & 5. Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel – Owners of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), which ran the security at the Boston and Newark airports as well as “all the international aviation gateways in the USA” according to its own website. Affiliated with Shin Bet, Mossad and Aman.

    6. Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski) – Godfather of the usurping Zionist entity’s illegal nuclear program, arms industry, spy services and false flag operations (he was numero uno in the Lavon Affair aka Operation Susannah). Pioneered the facility at the illegitimate ‘Israeli’ regime’s WMD base at Dimona on occupied Palestinian land in Al-Naqab that produces the thermite used in the 9/11 horror. SPC Partners is the distributor, and it was Peres who brought the transaction to Barak. War criminal.

    7. Isser Harel (real name: Halperin) – Founder of the Mossad. Masterminded the operation with his old students Avraham Bendor and Peter Zvi Malkin, as well as ‘Israeli’ tycoon and Mossad-connected arms peddler Shaul Eisenberg, to obtain the blueprints for the WTC in an exchange facilitated by Port Authority Executive Director Stephen Berger.

    8. Mordechai “Motti” Hod (real name: Fein) – ‘Israeli’ occupation Air Force Major General and architect of the USS Liberty Massacre. From “Kibbutz Degania”, built on ethnically cleansed Palestinian village Umm Jouniyeh, where his friend Moshe Dayan, the notorious one-eyed genocidal maniac, also called “home”. Using his connections at ‘Israeli’ airline El Al (a known front for Zionist intelligence operatives) and ‘Israel’ Aerospace Industries (IAI)–where he was chief for years–as well as his experience in executing false flags and attacking aircraft filled with innocent people (Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114), he was the military point man for Peres as well as Mossad and Shin Bet on 9/11. War criminal.

    9. Michael Chertoff – Second Secretary of Homeland Security and prior to that, chief of the criminal division of the Justice Department from 2001-2003. Patriot Act author. Son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, the final rabbinical scholar in a long line from Russia, and Livia Eisen, protege of Isser Harel, first hostess of El Al and founding female operative of Mossad. Orchestrated the capture of more than 1,100 Muslim citizens, tourists and immigrants, falsely labeling them as suspects connected to the September 11th attacks, while blocking the efforts of the FBI to investigate the hundreds of Mossad spies detained in relation to the event, specifically one Special Agent Michael Dick who was digging into ‘Israeli’-owned ZIM; supervising the destruction and confiscation of evidence that would have linked ‘Israel’ and the US to the attacks like videotapes, eyewitness accounts, written testimonies and debris from Ground Zero; and quietly killing every last charge against all of the ‘Israelis’ in custody before sending them back to the Zio-Tumor. Would later found the Chertoff Group and lead consulting efforts for a company called Rapiscan and make hundreds of millions of dollars from ‘Israeli’-occupation-style, unhealthy, irradiating body scanning at US airports.

    10-14. Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, and Oded Ellner – Mossad spies who have come to be known as “the five dancing ‘Israelis’”. After being detained on the fateful September day and having their bodies as well as their van testing positive for explosives, they shockingly proclaimed that “We’re here to document the event.”

    15. Dominick Otto Suter – Mossadnik owner of ‘Israeli’ intelligence front Urban Moving Systems where the five dancing ‘Israelis’ worked. He was their overseer and the chief of a Mossad operation to gather intelligence on various Arab organizations in the Tri-State Area.

    16. Morris Kahn – ‘Israeli’ owner and founder of Amdocs, which collects processing data for 90% of the phone calls, emails and text messages in America, including several agencies of the US ZOG. A close confidant of Isser Harel. At least 60 Israeli spies, all of whom were operatives in the fields of military intelligence and explosive ordinance were detained on 9/11, and more than 140 Israeli spies were detained shortly before the events. A large swathe of them worked at Amdocs.

    17. Kenneth Bialkin – Head of the America-‘Israel’ Friendship League (tied to Aman) and well-known member of the ADL and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Senior partner of devilish, mega-influential law firm Skadden Arps that controlled all 9/11-related litigation.

    18. Sheila Birnbaum – The special mediator for the aforementioned litigation and old-time partner in Skadden Arps who reports to none other than Bialkin.

    19. Alvin Hellerstein – The judge on all of the cases run by Skadden Arps and a fanatical Zionist who attends the same temple as Birnbaum and Bialkin.

    20. Amnon Shoham – Co-founder of Cedar Fund, which poured tons of cash into Guardium, a “data security” company that worked closely with B’nai B’rith operative Michael Goff at P-Tech and “chosenite” CIA stalwart James Schlesinger’s MITRE to subvert various American security apparatuses on 9/11. A Talipon of substantial influence with his hands in at least a dozen different start-ups having a global impact, Shoham worked at–WHERE ELSE BUT–Skadden Arps on public offerings, mergers and acquisitions involving high technology companies prior to his venture capitalist endeavors.

    21. Gal Israely – Cedar Fund’s other co-founder. Also a Talpion connected to a plethora of high-tech start-ups. Prior to partnering up with Amnon Shoham and pouring cash into ‘Israeli’ intelligence assets like Guardium, he was Managing Director in the High Tech Investment Banking group of Bear Stearns–which was involved in a gigantic put options scam with AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg, Swiss Re Insurance and Michael Bloomberg (who became mayor of NY following the 9/11 attacks). Cozy, ain’t it?

    22. Yuval Cohen – Founder and senior partner of Stage One Ventures, the second funder of Guardium. Was recruited into the Tapliot program at the usurping Zionist entity’s Hebrew University.

    23. Yadin Kaufman – Founding partner of Veritas Ventures Partners, the third and final funder of Guardium. Not only a Talpion but a Mossadnik with deep ties to the Interdisciplinary Center of Mossad in “Herzliya” and well-connected in New York City where he is a member of the bar and a frequenter of events held by Skadden Arps and the other high-powered 9/11 (il)legal player, Stroock Stroock Lavan.

    24. Kenneth Feinberg – Set up the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund and forced the 9/11 victims’ families to wave their right to sue the government for criminal negligence in exchange for a little over a million shekels–I mean dollars– apiece. Holofraud swindler. Kennedy assassination profiteer. His wife, Dede, is the former president of the Jewish Federation in DC and a major bankroller of Jewish causes through Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County in Bethesda, Maryland, dropping monies on everything from ‘Israeli’ bonds to ‘Israeli’ charities (ethnic cleansing fronts) to ‘Israeli’ start-ups (Talpiot). Worked hand-in-glove with Birnbaum, Bialkin and Hellerstein to put the litigation to bed.

    25. “Lucky” Larry Silverstein – Mr. Pull It. Friend of every last ‘Israeli’ premier of the last three decades who has phone conversations with Netanyahu every Sunday. United Jewish Appeal bigwig. Co-owned the Twin Towers with Haganah terrorist and IOF Golani Brigades commando Frank Lowy. His buddies Lewis Eisenberg and Ronald Lauder, prominent Jewish Lobby chieftains themselves, privatized the WTC for the first time in history and helped him get the lease. Collected 7 billion dollars from the insurance settlement thanks to his other tribalist pal Michael Mukasey, who would help Chertoff save the ‘Israeli’ spies and later become the Bush regime’s Attorney General, solidifying in court that everything was “kosher”.

    26. Rabbi Dov Zakheim – Pentagon Comptroller who disappeared $3.3 trillion and sent it to the usurping Zionist entity to pay for new warplanes that would be used in the slaughter of Palestinian and Lebanese innocents. Head honcho of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) that manufactured the FTS (flight termination system) equipped under the fuselages of the planes that hit the WTC. Co-author of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, the mission statement of the neocon cabal that wanted a “New Pearl Harbor”, ran the Bush White House and called itself PNAC–where, for the record, every policy wonk involved in the barbaric wars launched in the name of 9/11 gathered and became signatories to Zakheim’s ravings. His Tridata Corporation covered up the domineering ‘Israeli’ role in the WTC false flag of ’93, which was considered to be a test run for the “real thing” 8 years alter. War criminal and arguably the architect of the whole September 11th shebang.

    Know what all these people have in common? And I do mean ALL of them. Figure it out yet? Yeah. They ain’t Muslims."

    Thank you for your much valuable comments; each is worth an article.

    Read More
    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @RobinG
    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Condemns Trump Administration's Protection of Al-Qaeda in Syria
  • @Harold Smith
    "That is not proof of a lie or even multiple lies."

    Let's start with the meaning of the word "proof." I have clearly shown by at least a "preponderance of the evidence" that the Trump presidency is a scam; i.e., that Trump's campaign was a calculated bait and switch fraud from the beginning. IOW I have presented an argument which is more credible and convincing than your "argument" (to the extent your hand-waving and dismissive rhetoric rise to the level of an "argument").

    "It may be proof of needing an ironing service from having multiple creases in one’s suit from repeatedly bowing to the pressures of others or even changing one’s mind"

    Nonsense. He reversed himself on the critically important foreign policy issues that got him elected; he betrayed his election mandate - and he did so almost immediately upon being inaugurated. That's pure bad faith on display there, and no amount of your hand-waving and dismissive rhetoric can change that.

    Moreover, he went out of his way to make sure the world and especially Russia knew that he was a lying, no good bastard; e.g., he added his own personal insult to the diplomatic war against Russia by giving the Russian diplomatic staff only 48 hours to vacate their property in San Francisco. Sorry but this was obviously a calculated maleficent act, which was intended to send a message, not the act of someone "bowing to the pressure of others" or merely "changing one's mind."

    "But that is not poof of a lie. It might be proof of compromise to attain other goals or even compromise to salvage one’s career. But they don’t amount up to lies as understand the term lie."

    It is "proof" of a lie by at least the standard of "preponderance of the evidence." That is, I have shown that it is more probable than not (vis-a-vis your contrary bare assertions) that Trump is a fraudster.

    "a. brink of nuclear war — nonsense. We were in the Ukraine, Syria, Irag, Afghanistan, Libya, threatening Iran, North Korea before he came in office and the break points were far more pressured than they are today."

    First, I said: "[Trump] wasted no time in bringing America closer to nuclear war with Russia than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis." I was paraphrasing the opinion of the Stephen Cohen, the acclaimed professor emeritus of Russian studies at Princeton university and NYU.

    So in your opinion Cohen is full of it? Your opinion of the situation carries more weight than his?

    BTW contrary to your implication that because a shooting war with Russia hasn't happened *yet* it therefore can't happen, Prof. Cohen seems to think there may be a looming "first time." He seems to be laboring under the assumption that there may be some limit to Russian patience, and that we may be approaching it. But of course you know better than that, right?

    "b. once you get in office, the view gets cloudier, based on the information provided by one’s insiders. I may disagree with those insiders — but they have influence, and they have the leverage — once the president signed on to that intel report — he signed on a barrel full on agendas. "

    LOL! Of course you ignore the damning chronology of events. Trump started sabotaging his own stated agenda literally within days of being inaugurated. He immediately appoints a rabid Russophobe as UN ambassador and demands Russia give back Crimea, and you tell me it's because of the influence of "insiders"?

    I don't think I'm going to waste any more time arguing absurdities with you.

    I don’t think I’m going to waste any more time arguing absurdities with you.

    You, sir, appear to have made a very wise decision.

    In my view, you cannot reason with either a Zionist whether Jew, JINO, or “Christian”, a Commie, or a statist of any form. I think the most that can be done with them is to treat them to their own medicine and mock them.

    Read More
  • Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.) One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion...
  • We’ve all been reminded, ad nauseaum, that “Jews” are a high IQ population. If they’re so bright, then why don’t they figure it out already?

    there is evidence that the internationalists behind the British empire policy are willing to sacrifice the “little Jews” in order to protect their financial racket in other parts of the empire. The Sassoons’ control of India, the privately-owned Suez canal “racket” of the Rothschilds, the far-flung “empire” of the Monteflores in Australia, all are threatened. These powerful privateers will not hesitate to throw to the wolves a mere 400,000 Jews in Palestine if by a diplomatic double-cross they can court favor with the Mohammedans in Turkey and India…

    The Jews…—sold out once more, as they have been so often in the past, by the powerful privateers of their own race —

    Leader of Zionists Signs Young Jews to Fight in Palestine
    Social Justice, May 29, 1939, p. 8

    Or, if they’re so bright, and have figured it out, how “bright” izzat?

    Read More
    • Replies: @Wally
    If Jews were really so smart they would have conjured up a better, more believable story than their impossibly fake & stupid '6,000,000 & gas chambers'.
    , @Anon
    It does you no credit to quote the facing a of Father Coughlin's anti-Semitic rag. You surely recognise that it is full of blustering absurdities.
  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @annamaria
    Happy 9/11 from Israel-firsters:

    1. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) – 24 hours after the 9/11 attacks, he said that they were “very good” then said later that, “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq.” Godfather of GWOT with his think tank, the Jonathan Institute, and his book, “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”. Inaugurated the 100-year war against what he called “militant Islam” and revealed as much in June 2012. Previously worked in a nuclear smuggling ring called Project Pinto. War criminal.

    2. Ehud Barak (real name: Brog) – Traveled to the United States and spent about 6 months preceding 9/11 as a chief consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, a shadowy Mossad-run company that does big business with firms that created advanced niche specialty metals and complex metal products for defense industries in the fields of energy, aerospace, infrastructure and chemicals. Among these products are nano-composite explosives laced with thermite, used to blow up the Twin Towers. Barak was on the BBC minutes after American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 hit the WTC to literally announce the “clash of civilizations” and call for attacks on Iraq, Iran, Libya and Afghanistan. War criminal.

    3. Ehud Olmert – Was in New York the very night before the attacks to make the final preparations. Connected to Menachem Atzmon of ICTS. War criminal.

    4. & 5. Menachem Atzmon and Ezra Harel – Owners of International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), which ran the security at the Boston and Newark airports as well as “all the international aviation gateways in the USA” according to its own website. Affiliated with Shin Bet, Mossad and Aman.

    6. Shimon Peres (real name: Szymon Perski) – Godfather of the usurping Zionist entity’s illegal nuclear program, arms industry, spy services and false flag operations (he was numero uno in the Lavon Affair aka Operation Susannah). Pioneered the facility at the illegitimate ‘Israeli’ regime’s WMD base at Dimona on occupied Palestinian land in Al-Naqab that produces the thermite used in the 9/11 horror. SPC Partners is the distributor, and it was Peres who brought the transaction to Barak. War criminal.

    7. Isser Harel (real name: Halperin) – Founder of the Mossad. Masterminded the operation with his old students Avraham Bendor and Peter Zvi Malkin, as well as ‘Israeli’ tycoon and Mossad-connected arms peddler Shaul Eisenberg, to obtain the blueprints for the WTC in an exchange facilitated by Port Authority Executive Director Stephen Berger.

    8. Mordechai “Motti” Hod (real name: Fein) – ‘Israeli’ occupation Air Force Major General and architect of the USS Liberty Massacre. From “Kibbutz Degania”, built on ethnically cleansed Palestinian village Umm Jouniyeh, where his friend Moshe Dayan, the notorious one-eyed genocidal maniac, also called “home”. Using his connections at ‘Israeli’ airline El Al (a known front for Zionist intelligence operatives) and ‘Israel’ Aerospace Industries (IAI)–where he was chief for years–as well as his experience in executing false flags and attacking aircraft filled with innocent people (Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114), he was the military point man for Peres as well as Mossad and Shin Bet on 9/11. War criminal.

    9. Michael Chertoff – Second Secretary of Homeland Security and prior to that, chief of the criminal division of the Justice Department from 2001-2003. Patriot Act author. Son of Rabbi Gershon Baruch Chertoff, the final rabbinical scholar in a long line from Russia, and Livia Eisen, protege of Isser Harel, first hostess of El Al and founding female operative of Mossad. Orchestrated the capture of more than 1,100 Muslim citizens, tourists and immigrants, falsely labeling them as suspects connected to the September 11th attacks, while blocking the efforts of the FBI to investigate the hundreds of Mossad spies detained in relation to the event, specifically one Special Agent Michael Dick who was digging into ‘Israeli’-owned ZIM; supervising the destruction and confiscation of evidence that would have linked ‘Israel’ and the US to the attacks like videotapes, eyewitness accounts, written testimonies and debris from Ground Zero; and quietly killing every last charge against all of the ‘Israelis’ in custody before sending them back to the Zio-Tumor. Would later found the Chertoff Group and lead consulting efforts for a company called Rapiscan and make hundreds of millions of dollars from ‘Israeli’-occupation-style, unhealthy, irradiating body scanning at US airports.

    10-14. Yaron Shmuel, Omer Marmari, Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, and Oded Ellner – Mossad spies who have come to be known as “the five dancing ‘Israelis’”. After being detained on the fateful September day and having their bodies as well as their van testing positive for explosives, they shockingly proclaimed that “We’re here to document the event.”

    15. Dominick Otto Suter – Mossadnik owner of ‘Israeli’ intelligence front Urban Moving Systems where the five dancing ‘Israelis’ worked. He was their overseer and the chief of a Mossad operation to gather intelligence on various Arab organizations in the Tri-State Area.

    16. Morris Kahn – ‘Israeli’ owner and founder of Amdocs, which collects processing data for 90% of the phone calls, emails and text messages in America, including several agencies of the US ZOG. A close confidant of Isser Harel. At least 60 Israeli spies, all of whom were operatives in the fields of military intelligence and explosive ordinance were detained on 9/11, and more than 140 Israeli spies were detained shortly before the events. A large swathe of them worked at Amdocs.

    17. Kenneth Bialkin – Head of the America-‘Israel’ Friendship League (tied to Aman) and well-known member of the ADL and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Senior partner of devilish, mega-influential law firm Skadden Arps that controlled all 9/11-related litigation.

    18. Sheila Birnbaum – The special mediator for the aforementioned litigation and old-time partner in Skadden Arps who reports to none other than Bialkin.

    19. Alvin Hellerstein – The judge on all of the cases run by Skadden Arps and a fanatical Zionist who attends the same temple as Birnbaum and Bialkin.

    20. Amnon Shoham – Co-founder of Cedar Fund, which poured tons of cash into Guardium, a “data security” company that worked closely with B’nai B’rith operative Michael Goff at P-Tech and “chosenite” CIA stalwart James Schlesinger’s MITRE to subvert various American security apparatuses on 9/11. A Talipon of substantial influence with his hands in at least a dozen different start-ups having a global impact, Shoham worked at–WHERE ELSE BUT–Skadden Arps on public offerings, mergers and acquisitions involving high technology companies prior to his venture capitalist endeavors.

    21. Gal Israely – Cedar Fund’s other co-founder. Also a Talpion connected to a plethora of high-tech start-ups. Prior to partnering up with Amnon Shoham and pouring cash into ‘Israeli’ intelligence assets like Guardium, he was Managing Director in the High Tech Investment Banking group of Bear Stearns–which was involved in a gigantic put options scam with AIG CEO Maurice Greenberg, Swiss Re Insurance and Michael Bloomberg (who became mayor of NY following the 9/11 attacks). Cozy, ain’t it?

    22. Yuval Cohen – Founder and senior partner of Stage One Ventures, the second funder of Guardium. Was recruited into the Tapliot program at the usurping Zionist entity’s Hebrew University.

    23. Yadin Kaufman – Founding partner of Veritas Ventures Partners, the third and final funder of Guardium. Not only a Talpion but a Mossadnik with deep ties to the Interdisciplinary Center of Mossad in “Herzliya” and well-connected in New York City where he is a member of the bar and a frequenter of events held by Skadden Arps and the other high-powered 9/11 (il)legal player, Stroock Stroock Lavan.

    24. Kenneth Feinberg – Set up the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund and forced the 9/11 victims’ families to wave their right to sue the government for criminal negligence in exchange for a little over a million shekels–I mean dollars– apiece. Holofraud swindler. Kennedy assassination profiteer. His wife, Dede, is the former president of the Jewish Federation in DC and a major bankroller of Jewish causes through Congregation Beth El of Montgomery County in Bethesda, Maryland, dropping monies on everything from ‘Israeli’ bonds to ‘Israeli’ charities (ethnic cleansing fronts) to ‘Israeli’ start-ups (Talpiot). Worked hand-in-glove with Birnbaum, Bialkin and Hellerstein to put the litigation to bed.

    25. “Lucky” Larry Silverstein – Mr. Pull It. Friend of every last ‘Israeli’ premier of the last three decades who has phone conversations with Netanyahu every Sunday. United Jewish Appeal bigwig. Co-owned the Twin Towers with Haganah terrorist and IOF Golani Brigades commando Frank Lowy. His buddies Lewis Eisenberg and Ronald Lauder, prominent Jewish Lobby chieftains themselves, privatized the WTC for the first time in history and helped him get the lease. Collected 7 billion dollars from the insurance settlement thanks to his other tribalist pal Michael Mukasey, who would help Chertoff save the ‘Israeli’ spies and later become the Bush regime’s Attorney General, solidifying in court that everything was “kosher”.

    26. Rabbi Dov Zakheim – Pentagon Comptroller who disappeared $3.3 trillion and sent it to the usurping Zionist entity to pay for new warplanes that would be used in the slaughter of Palestinian and Lebanese innocents. Head honcho of Systems Planning Corporation (SPC) that manufactured the FTS (flight termination system) equipped under the fuselages of the planes that hit the WTC. Co-author of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, the mission statement of the neocon cabal that wanted a “New Pearl Harbor”, ran the Bush White House and called itself PNAC–where, for the record, every policy wonk involved in the barbaric wars launched in the name of 9/11 gathered and became signatories to Zakheim’s ravings. His Tridata Corporation covered up the domineering ‘Israeli’ role in the WTC false flag of ’93, which was considered to be a test run for the “real thing” 8 years alter. War criminal and arguably the architect of the whole September 11th shebang.

    Know what all these people have in common? And I do mean ALL of them. Figure it out yet? Yeah. They ain’t Muslims."

    Nice work there. Very nice!

    Read More
    • Agree: geokat62, ChuckOrloski
  • @Jeff Stryker
    Its a volunteer army; they signed up for Iraq.

    The war was a crock of shit to begin with. It was going to end with a power vacuum and anarchy but morons believe that you can "air strike" other countries into some functional vassal state.

    Most of the Americans who supported the war had never been OUT OF THE US. Or for that matter out of Podunk towns in the US interior.

    Its all laid on Jews but in point of fact Jews voted for Al Gore, who would have had no interest in Iraq. That was a George Bush beef and it was not Jews but oil companies that stood to gain...which of course they didn't and by the time the war ended gasoline prices were up through the roof.

    You could not possibly instate a draft. College-bound kids bound for Ivy League institutions would erupt in protest. Nobody REALLY cares about Iran or Syria.

    Jews sort of ended the US draft because they organized protests in the Vietnam Era. I don't entirely buy that Kissinger wanted fellow Jews like Hoffman to organize draft-resistance.

    Its all laid on Jews but in point of fact Jews voted for Al Gore, who would have had no interest in Iraq. That was a George Bush beef and it was not Jews but oil companies that stood to gain…

    You’re kidding, right?
    Besides it’s not all laid on Jews, but lots of it is laid on Zionists.

    And of course we all know who owns and controls large swaths of the oil industry, don’t we? Don’t we?

    Read More
  • @Harold Smith
    "It could be as you say."

    Well let's think about this for a minute.

    The candidate who campaigned on a platform of fighting terrorists and cooperating with Russia, is now instead cooperating with terrorists and fighting Russia. The man who promised to "make America great again," the man who proclaimed to an attentive world "[o]ur goal is peace and prosperity, not war and destruction," has instead wasted no time in bringing America closer to nuclear war with Russia than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis (according to Prof. Stephen Cohen).

    And yet you claim, in essence, that these dramatic reversals - which now threaten all life on earth - happened merely because somebody whispered something in Trump's ear?

    Please explain, is Trump now fully on board with the concept of risking planetary extinction for the sake of removing Assad from power? Or does he sit in a corner and pout while his subordinates plan and carry out their potentially world-ending anti-American treachery?

    "[P]rove it."

    LOL! The "proof" is all around you; if it were water you'd be drowning in it. So why do I need to "prove" what is already painfully self-evident to any reasonable person paying attention?

    Being that you apparently don't believe the information that your own eyes and ears are providing to you, I don't think there's anything I can say or do to help you understand.

    What kind of proof would I need to provide? Can you give some specific examples, e.g., a public admission of guilt, signed confession, etc.?

    The “proof” is all around you


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  • A foreign country seeps into one’s consciousness via large events and personalities, mostly, as in war, earthquake, tsunami, coup d’état, unprovoked bombing, Gaddafi and Assad, etc., but it’s the lesser turbulences that will begin to yield more revealing clues about any society. My two years in Italy, I often combed through newspapers for crime stories,...
  • @Jeff Stryker
    Canada and Northern States never held blacks in slavery. New Hampshire and New Brunswick are not Mississippi.

    White Southerners with their constant riffs on belonging to the British Lower Classes of indentured servitude and their confederate flags do not speak for a German-American from the Upper Midwest.

    They certainly speak for and represent this Northerner more than people like you do. God bless the South.

    Also, Maryland had slavery, and there were a more limited number of slaves in Delaware and New Jersey at least as late as 1800.

    Moreover, wealthy northern WASPs and Jews profited greatly from the slave trade, while all we hear about is “evil southerners.”

    Read More
    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker

    There were never slaves in North Jersey....that's why it got so many Italians and Slavs.
    , @Jeff Stryker
    "Speak for you"

    How so?
  • Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.) One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion...
  • @Colin Wright
    'Hirsch was on a panel at the AIPAC conference espousing Zionism as a progressive cause. “Zionism is a liberal idea… It is a movement to liberate the Jewish people.”

    This is a great point. While extreme liberalism currently exists in tension with nationalism, it is crucial to remember that liberalism has never existed long term outside of a strong nation state. If Hirsch gets this, he gets the key American political challenge of our age.'

    It would be a great point -- except that Zionism is neither progressive nor liberal. That's absurd. It's at best a reversion to the worst forms of colonialism and at worst outright Nazism. What's 'liberal' or 'progressive' about that?

    Sir, you make some really excellent points, but your frequent negative references about Nazis reflects the undue influence of nearly century old Commie propaganda.

    Both Political Zionism and International Communism were and are much more hideous entities, and the Nazis made a valiant attempt to resist them. They should, in fact be praised for their efforts instead of smeared and mocked.

    If you are interested in some background info on the subject it would be well your time to read Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion,

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    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
  • @Colin Wright
    'Christianity is worship of the Jews. Jew Testament says so. And it ain’t free, goy.'

    Ask Martin Luther about that.

    To see Christianity as approving of Judaism depends on a very selective reading. See for example the parable of the wicked husbandmen. God gave the Jews their chance. They blew it.

    God gave the Jews their chance. They blew it.

    Their own G-d, in fact! The one they claim to believe in but make a mockery of. And they have blown it many times. But hey, they’re “smart and rich,” so who gives a flip for anything beyond that? ;)

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  • @anon
    You say "NAZI State" like its a bad thing. Im at this point a neo nazi anti semite and I dont think that i think most jews are not enlightenment capable are american traitors and probably have to go. But Israel is simply a people rightly understanding the nature of a nation. It matter little whether there were some other tribe of semites living in whats now israel the jews own it now and might is the only right, but for you enlightenment cucks need for some window dressing on the reality of might makes rights the fact is jews are the only people with written records of that area as their own and they belong there as much or more than anyone, and they have always been there to some extent, and they have to be somewhere unless youre cool with a final solution so theres no place on this planet more appropriate for them to have nation than where they have it. And frankly its a really good thing for the rest of the world that by establishing their own nation again they have at least nominally moved away from the parasitic strategy they have had for a couple thousand years and which has caused o much trouble. We just need to force them to actually do this nation thing on their own instead of parasitically making us the builders and protectors of their nation while they continue to loot ours.Fuck the arabs who gives a shit not our problem and besides the arabs are full of shit the mid est is huge israel tiny their is room for the palestinians if they were sincere it a family fight let them sort it out themselves.

    …but for you enlightenment cucks need for some window dressing on the reality of might makes rights the fact is jews are the only people with written records of that area as their own and they belong there as much or more than anyone, and they have always been there to some extent…

    First, what’s YOUR definition of a Jew?

    … the reality of might makes rights…

    While that seems no doubt true, isn’t it also true that self proclaimed “Jews” are among the first, loudest, and most persistent at whining about it?

    ..the fact is jews are the only people with written records of that area…

    You must be kidding. That’s totally false and ignorant. However, even if true, so what? People make up stuff, exaggerate and even forge documents more than rarely.

    I recommend some remedial troll training for you before you post again because you make yourself look like a fool. You may want to contact Sammy the Divine Maven (IQ166) about making yourself appear wise (which you don’t) by appearing foolish since he apparently has some deep insight into the matter.

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  • A foreign country seeps into one’s consciousness via large events and personalities, mostly, as in war, earthquake, tsunami, coup d’état, unprovoked bombing, Gaddafi and Assad, etc., but it’s the lesser turbulences that will begin to yield more revealing clues about any society. My two years in Italy, I often combed through newspapers for crime stories,...
  • An installment of this is being played out in South Africa.

    I highly doubt, good sir, that you are qualified to make that comment. To partially rectify that situation, may I suggest you read and study Douglas Reed’s excellent insights as presented in at least two of his books, Somewhere South of Suez and The Battle for Rhodesia? I’ll admit that he (strangely) was a Rhodes proponent, but nevertheless, there’s a ton of good info in what he writes and you’ll be educating yourself on the background of the current conflict in South Africa, and I bet it ain’t what you think.

    May I suggest, further, that until you read those, that you stick to what you know, such as the USA, Vietnam and Italy, and that you question everything the Ilana Mercers of the world spew?

    You may also be surprised to find that this quote, which I posted elsewhere today, offers some pretty good clues to the issues at hand, and I suspect is especially true regarding SA.:

    … Israel … runs one of the dirtiest- non -ethical economies in the world. In spite of the Zionists’ initial promise to bring about a civilised ethical Jew, Israel has, instead, managed to develop an outstanding level of institutional dismissal of international law and universal values. It operates as a safe haven for money made in some horrendous global criminal activities. And it employs one of the world’s strongest army to defend the wealth of just a few of the wealthiest Jews around.
    Increasingly, Israel seems to be nothing more than a humongous money laundering haven for Jewish oligarchs, swindlers, weapons dealers, organ traffickers, organised crime and blood diamond traders.

    Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners February 7, 2011

    Is Netanyahoo, a former NYC haberdasher and current puppet master of the USA, melanin-rich?

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  • Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.) One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion...
  • Palestine is not at the centre of our national aspirations because 2,000 years ago some people lived there from whom in some sense or other we are supposed to be descended, but because for 2,000 years the craziest of peoples took pleasure in preserving the past in the present…

    -Herder, Jewish Writings, p. xviii; Within Four Walls: The Correspondence between Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher, 1936–1968, pp. 16–17, 20–21.

    It’s shockingly clear that Zionism is a violent crackpot movement and its puppets and dupes represent shamefully backward, infantile, atavistic, narcissistic, sadistic and psychopathic degenerates and its a wonder such an entity can survive and thrive for so long. Additionally, Hannah Arendt and others were correct that Zionism promotes anti-Judaism which they misleadingly call anti-Semitism as if some fake Jews were the only Semites, or Semites at all!!!

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  • How it is possible that most jews do not understand how Israel created, and still creates, a negative image of jewry, beyond any comprehension

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
    'How it is possible that most jews do not understand how Israel created, and still creates, a negative image of jewry, beyond any comprehension'

    What I also find to be almost a non-sequitur is the notion that Israel is a sanctuary for Jews.

    Herding yourselves all into one small patch of semi-desert and then provoking all the neighbors is your survival plan?

    Absent Israel, the notion of another genocidal catastrophe befalling the Jewish people would be almost absurdly improbable. With it, it's a distinct possibility.
    , @annamaria
    The ethnic pride that beats both dignity and intelligence.
  • Good to see Weiss published here. Excellent article. I’ve been operating under the delusion that the vast majority of Jews were smart, moral people but now I know better.

    This is heartbreaking,

    But the promotion of AIPAC that I’ve documented here shows how monolithic the American Jewish community still is in support of Israel…Zionism really does define American Jewish identity, officially anyway.

    Hopefully this is true though,

    These attitudes are obviously changing among younger Jews. But these synagogues reflect the Jewish establishment…

    We humans are deeply flawed creatures, but it’s almost as if the tribe nurtures and celebrates perversity, and “tribe” describes the attitude, (reflected by Weiss), well. What makes people wallow, en masse, in such primitive mindsets as to overlook the damaging and criminal effects of the satanic state?

    How can things like this be a good thing for anyone?:

    … Israel … runs one of the dirtiest- non -ethical economies in the world. In spite of the Zionists’ initial promise to bring about a civilised ethical Jew, Israel has, instead, managed to develop an outstanding level of institutional dismissal of international law and universal values. It operates as a safe haven for money made in some horrendous global criminal activities. And it employs one of the world’s strongest army to defend the wealth of just a few of the wealthiest Jews around.

    Increasingly, Israel seems to be nothing more than a humongous money laundering haven for Jewish oligarchs, swindlers, weapons dealers, organ traffickers, organised crime and blood diamond traders.

    Gilad Atzmon: Israeli Economy For Beginners February 7, 2011

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    • Replies: @Them Guys
    Most everything quoted in this article, about AIPAC, and especially all the spew of how good this combo union and partnership between US & Israel is etc....Sounds a lot like most all every Jew ever says or said about the...WWII HolyHoax events....Ie: Both the massive AIPAC=Good, and Israel + USA is also a very good well as the HoloHoax events quoted statements all revolve around...….Wait for it!.....Revolve around..."But, Is It Good for Jews"?

    Most every abject Praise made in article by a huge number of Rabbis and other Jews about how great and swell aipac is, is nothing more than Jews praise of Jewry and Israel....Al the crapola nonsense stated about how good aipac is for both usa and Israel, has zero references or reasons one would expect to read of, "IF" it really was good or did any real good for America and American Goyim Non Jews, which by the way, We Gentiles in USA happen to make up the whopping 98% of overall population numbers, eh....Yet unless I missed it? I see zero info on how or what this huge great "Partnership" between USA & Israel, is or was, or will be for We the Non Jewish vast huge super majority.

    And also it was Our gentile ancestors who, discovered, founded, built America into the great nation is used to be, before so many Jews so radically fucked it all up.

    Just like that part on aipac or was it Israel/Jews? Who "Saved those 12 cave trapped kids" is made to imply and sound as if Israel/AIPAC/& Jews alone were the sole responsible actors in the rescue mission. What a farce. Same for Jews claims of how Jewry & Israel bring a huge great "Light" onto Other Nations....Well, yes if you consider how Bright it all looks after IDF Military Carpet Bomb Others with White Phosphorous And, Bunker-Buster Bombs, eh! Most don't count that as any form of good "Light" on their nation though.

    All their talk on how vastly important the union or partnership between usa & aipac is for...Israel and Jews safety, prosperity, well being, etc....Ok..So...How is that so good or swell for Me and You and America?

    It ain't. Never was, probably never will be good for anybody else But Jews. Prior to 1948, I do not recall America nor American's had ANY Mid East Enemy's! Not until After 1948 when international Zio Jews Hijacked Palestine lands did usa begin to have enemy's from that region.

    And when one peers very deeply and closely at most all Jews, with help from apostate so called "Christian", Shabbos Goys like John Hagee and most every usa pastor today, have done and plan to yet do. Almost all of it, right from beginning in 1948 with England's help, unto current help by said phony and self anointed pastors, plus crooked deranged public officials, elected and appointed, are doing it based on Old testament Prophesy, and a totally False, wrong, belief that Jews still have the same old testament, old covenant as if no New testament nor any new Covenant has replaced it.

    In other words if you have a basic knowledge about Biblical doctrines and writings etc....And compare most all you have seen or heard of so far, done and future planned by Jews and state of Israel.....It is obvious that they and their Shabbos apostate pastors have convinced a vast majority of foolish followers within America, that every time an incident, new war actions, "claimed" terroristic attacks against Israel or Jews, and an entire slew of other issues as they happen. Are always, all, due to Biblical Old Testament, and sometimes from new testament far less often, Predicted Prophesy written in some part of the bible books.

    Yet about the Only actual prophetic events that actually relate to todays Israel state and international Jewry/zios, is the biblical predictions of a, coming time of an Anti-Christ One World Govnt. and its head honcho dictator who will be, The Antchrist man. 99.99% Certain to also be a Jew.

    And some of those Pastors actualy Brag of how swell of a job they assist with in order to bring such antichrist events to reality in our time! As if somehow they discovered any NT bible verses that advise Christians to, Work for, work At, and devote their entire life and lifes savings $$ to cause that to happen...To Create and cause pure Evilness to happen and destroy the world and its many nations....Yet nowhere do such insane agendas or advise to, Do Evil so to, Speed up Jesus' return, exist in any new testament verses. Nor any former doctrines ever prior taught regarding true Christianity.

    You'd think by now at least these idiots and apostate self anointed clowns would realize that most all they do or achieve by helping aipac and Israel and jews in general, is more an evil nature and nothing you can call good or righteous.

    Go ahead, read every word of entire new testament and see if you can find any teachings or christian mandates for good christian peoples to do or assist with Any type Evil doings. It simply is not in there...Do Good is...Act righteous is, but Wars based upon Deceptions, and Lies is not. Funding the children of Satan sure is not in there. About the only thing you can find is the mandate for spreading Christs Gospels etc. in trying to convince others, Including Jews! To see the Light and Convert/become a christian. And do so Once, and disown and have zero to do with those who reject it. As for the children of Darkness and Satan, it states..."From such Turn Away from them!"

    Does that sound like Fund-Do Wars-Worship Israel and Jews like a Golden Calf object? No it sure don't.......Todays apostate Americans are deluded, and too stupid to see how this stuff originates with the Devil and is not from God and Christanity. Most folks see how those 7-Nations wars after, 9/11 events are definatly straight out of OT writtings....But peer closer and find almost all done since early 1900's era, Balfour doctrine etc...Lkewise has been done based upon false, wrong biblical interpretations. And them Jews wont ever stop, until they actually destroy the entire world and every nation and peoples. Inlcuding their own selves!...High IQ? Such smart folk Jews? Nonsense.
  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @Harold Smith
    Exactly. Jews are the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees, and from John 8:44 we know that spirit is Satanic.

    And when you consider that John of Patmos apparently wrote the Book of Revelation during the reign of Emperor Domitian (81 to 96 AD), by which time the Pharisees were defunct, this sheds some light on Rev 17:8:

    "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."

    Apparently the angel speaking to John is here referring to the continuity of the (Satanic) spirit of the Pharisees - which still exists (circa 95 AD), even though the Pharisees themselves were no more - which would re-emerge in the world in the end times beast from the sea of Rev 13.

    Yup. But don’t tell anyone; we goyim are not supposed to know.

    BTW, the Zion-trolls lack of presence here seems curious. Usually, they’re out in full force with their mindless drivel attacking PG’s superb works.

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  • @EliteCommInc.
    "You do not make a campaign promise to cooperate with Russia, and then hire all these people who want to go to war with Russia. It tells me that Trump was lying during his campaign."

    No. I don't think that is the case. I think the president was sincere. I think he thought once he won the election -- that was it. His staff would follow his lead.

    Despite being warned, he has misread how Washington feels about him. He misread how deeply he challenged the consensus and his staff choices were in fact dismaying based on their opposition to him.

    I think he failed to grasp the moment. His desire for strong leadership types over road his good sense in selecting readers with his point of view or were at least willing to give it a whirl.

    it takes some chutzpah to hire outside the washington bubble, and he wanted to engage in some appeasement -- it was in my view an error, as opposed to willful misleading.

    “No. I don’t think that is the case. I think the president was sincere. I think he thought once he won the election — that was it. His staff would follow his lead.”

    That’s laughably absurd nonsense.

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    • Replies: @EliteCommInc.
    It could be as you say.

    prove it.

  • @Anonymous
    As Ron Unz laid out in his piece on the oddities of the Jews, they literally prayer to Satan and are singularly motivated by hatred of Jesus Christ. What more needs to be said? And the Askenazim, who are the real problem, are genetically European. The only thing they have in common with the Jews of the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is the denial of Christ.

    Read E. Michael Jones book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

    The only thing they have in common with the Jews of the Bible, particularly the New Testament, is the denial of Christ.

    Actually, they have a lot in common. Try this, for one.:

    John 8:44

    “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

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    • Agree: ChuckOrloski
    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    Exactly. Jews are the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees, and from John 8:44 we know that spirit is Satanic.

    And when you consider that John of Patmos apparently wrote the Book of Revelation during the reign of Emperor Domitian (81 to 96 AD), by which time the Pharisees were defunct, this sheds some light on Rev 17:8:

    "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."

    Apparently the angel speaking to John is here referring to the continuity of the (Satanic) spirit of the Pharisees - which still exists (circa 95 AD), even though the Pharisees themselves were no more - which would re-emerge in the world in the end times beast from the sea of Rev 13.
  • @EliteCommInc.

    What I meant by call the bluff is that Pres. Trump asks for the case , upon examining what they present -- he rejects it in total. Says, we will either invade Syria in a total war scenario or stay out and negotiate a peaceful means on inclusion or escape for former rebels.

    But we are not going to be inciting regime change -- unless we do a full scale invasion and that he should reject out of hand as unwarranted.

    Calling the bluff would be alienating even those inside the WH who want war or a rebuff to Russia -- at the risk of all out war against him --

    That's the president I voted for and have not seen.

    That’s the president I voted for and have not seen.

    Trump voters seem like fine folk (in contrast to the Hillary freaks) but Trump never was the Messiah. Here’s why.:

    If any foreign minister begins to defend to the death a “peace conference,” you can be sure his government has already placed its orders for new battleships and aeroplanes.

    -იოსებ სტალინი, aka Josef Stalin, Speech “The Elections in St. Petersburg” (January 1913)

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  • @annamaria
    "The methods employed, are quite irrelevant."

    -- Only for some. For the decent Americans, Israeli financial and military support for the Al Qaeda (on a par with the Israeli support for neo-Nazi in Ukraine) is highly irritating. The US has spent (wasted?) $7 trillion on "fighting" the "perpetrators of the 9/11," aka Al Qaeda, while Israel has been cheerleading for more loss of American lives and resources.

    "Inside Israel’s Secret Program to Back Syrian Rebels:"

    The documented cooperation between the Mossad-controlled CIA, Knesset, and such a beacon of democracy as the Saudi despotic state (remember the 9/11 highjackers?) is more than irritating for many in the US.
    The greedy puppets Cheney & Bush made good money on the illegal wars of aggression in the Middle East. Cheney (Five-Deferments-Coward) was particularly well remunerated for his efforts at initiating the slaughter in the Middle East.
    As for the ziocon puppeteers, they have been exposing themselves non-stop, beginning with PNAC and Wolfowitz doctrine and up to the current waling "Assad must go."
    The ongoing slaughter in the Middle East fits the Oded Yinon plan too well to forget about the zionists' role in the massive war crimes.

    “The methods employed, are quite irrelevant.”

    – Only for some. For the decent Americans…

    You must provide a definition of the word, “decent.” Preferably you can also provide a simple explanation of the definition with “picchers” and examples because otherwise that troll won’t have a clue about what yer saying.

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  • @anon
    His family deeply cares about him He brings morsel of intelligence from different orifices of his body.

    His family deeply cares about him He brings morsel of intelligence from different orifices of his body.

    I doubt he has one but if he does, they’d surely disown him if they had a grain of sense.

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  • @jilles dykstra
    Who knows ?
    But here in the Netherlands the opposite, politicians, stupid or pretending to be stupid, now are indignant that the Netherlands gave for € 90 million vehicles etc. to Muslim rebels who fought, or still fight, against Assad.
    Stoltenberg warned Netanyahu that if he begins a war against Iran NATO will not support Israel.
    The EU does not support Trump canceling the nuclear deal with Iran.
    EU enterprises made huge investments in Iran.
    Then there is the growing Russian military presence in and around Iran.
    What Erdogan would do, completely unpredictable.
    So I wonder if Trump will open this Pandora's Box.
    On top of all this, the EU will surely disintegrate if there is a new mass wave of immigrants.
    See the Swedish election results

    EU enterprises made huge investments in Iran.

    Excellent point. It reminds me that Iran [Persia] **was attempting to modernize about a century ago and got tired of the Russians and Brits holding them back, so they called in an American financial team to help get things in order but the Americans were kicked out by the Russkies and Brits.

    Iran then turned to Germany for help and they were happy to oblige. Unfortunately some of the old crew were eager to “unoblige” them.

    In 1912, when Amerika was still somewhat respected, Shuster* said,

    “Persia has suffered in many ways from the foreigner during
    the past thirty years.”

    W. Morgan Shuster, The Strangling of Persia, 1912, pg 315 (print edition)

    Now we can add another century+ to that.

    *Shuster was the leader of a group of Americans who, at the request of the Persians (Iranians) went there to help modernize the country. After 8 months he and the rest were booted out of Persia by the Russians and Brits.

    ** For the Zio-dupes, and similar ignoramuses, Iran is a modern term for what was previously commonly referred to as Persia.

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  • Anonymous[299] • Disclaimer says:
    @reiner Tor
    The issue is that, while most likely there will be no ww3 after this newest crisis, just as there was no nuclear war after the April crisis, we never know exactly how close we are to a nuclear war, because previously both parties tried to stay clear of such situations. How many times can the US illegally strike at Syrian targets without it leading to some Russian response which would in turn lead to some US response and so on, until we'll face some kind of situation where the sweating, nervous and sleep-deprived leadership of one of these nuclear superpowers will in an underground bunker rightly or wrongly contemplate the possibility that if they don't use their nukes in 20 minutes, they'll lose most of them..? Since we've rarely been in such situations, we don't really know what the margin of error is, nor what could lead to the use of nuclear weapons. We have no idea.

    The biggest tragedy here is that the (((people))) in control of the US/UK/France want a war against Iran/Russia/China. Their speciality is goyim-on-goyim slaughter and the WW3 is actually necessary for their messianic ambitions. Their plan is to watch it from underground bunkers and rule over whatever is left afterwards.

    That’s why I said “it’s only a matter of time”. They will never stop on their own.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @Respect
    the FUKUS countries , France , UK , US .
  • @APilgrim
    The more dead Muhammadans, the better we like it.

    The methods employed, are quite irrelevant. The executioners are equally a matter of indifference. We don't need your O&G, & we certainly don't enjoy your company.

    Israel, Assad's-Secular-Baathists, Russians, NATO, Local-Christians, USA military, Drones, CIA ... don't care.

    The methods employed, are quite irrelevant. The executioners are equally a matter of indifference.

    They may be matters of indifference to you, but who are you? And who cares? And don’t think for a split second that you’ve convinced anyone with a brain of the validity of your opinion.

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    • Replies: @anon
    His family deeply cares about him He brings morsel of intelligence from different orifices of his body.
  • The current protests in Iraq are the most serious seen in the country for years, and are taking place at the heart of some of the world’s largest oilfields. The Iraqi government headquarters in Basra was set ablaze, as were the offices of those parties and militias blamed by local people for their wretched living...
  • @Yee
    "It is not only the elite who plug into the oil revenues. Some 4.5 million Iraqis get salaries from the state and they – and not just crooked billionaires – have an incentive in keeping things as they are, however toxic."

    Poor man version of the USA...

    All in all, the "Iraq mission" has been a success for Bush.

    Poor man version of the USA…

    You beat me to it.

    Iraq will most likely continue to be misruled by a weak dysfunctional government, thereby opening the door to various dangers.

    In some ways they have at least the advantage that the government is “weak.” It’s probably highly preferable, overall, to the Zio-mob, Commie-Fascist monstrosity we in the US live under.

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  • @Saxon
    There's no realistic way to fix this. The average IQ in that country is in the low 80s. They're not fit for anything but a more primitive type of society which they have already bypassed the carry capacity for. When they gained a lot of wealth previously from natural resources like oil, they had to have western engineers and other types come in and actually set things up for them i.e. build them functioning infrastructure. This wealth has also been used to feed unsustainable population growth in their countries far beyond what they could possibly sustain on their own.

    The oil wealth in a lot of these Arab countries has just been a gigantic Malthusian wealth transfer from the populations that created the technology to get the oil out and use the oil to those who simply sit on the land the oil is being extracted from.

    The average IQ in that country is in the low 80s.

    Just WTF do you know about it? And so what? In any case, you IQ cultists should have brains enough to know when to just STFU.

    PS: I think anon’s assessment of your IQ was more than a bit generous.

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    • Agree: Herald
    • Replies: @Johann Ricke

    Just WTF do you know about it? And so what? In any case, you IQ cultists should have brains enough to know when to just STFU.

    PS: I think anon’s assessment of your IQ was more than a bit generous.
    Don't feel too bad. 80 IQ or not, your Arab ancestors rose out of the Hejaz to spread a new faith by the sword across a good chunk of the world, such that almost 1/4 of the world's population adheres to that faith. From a Darwinian standpoint, your people are the some of the fittest on the planet.
  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @Ilyana_Rozumova
    There must be something to help you with your stigmata.

    There must be something to help you with your stigmata.

    Probably not; the scars left by neurosyphilis are probably permanent even if not progressive.

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    • LOL: Mike P
  • @Admiral Assbar
    The biggest mystery of this whole presidency is why the guy who went to battle against the GOP foreign policy establishment turned over those policy positions to them, instead of putting people into office who actually looked favorably on him and shared areas of agreement with him (paleocons, realists, non-interventionists, etc.). The only foreign policy promise he's kept is the one that happened to align with the neocon preferences: backing out of the Iran deal.

    I guess it must come down to Jared Kushner and his close ties with Israel and the Gulf Arabs, but still find it bizarre that Trump never reached out to Pat Buchanan, Rand Paul, Steve Bannon, etc., in selecting foreign policy officials.

    The biggest mystery of this whole presidency is why the guy who went to battle against the GOP foreign policy establishment turned over those policy positions to them…

    No mystery at all. It was all campaign rhetoric like the Shrub’s promises of “a humble foreign policy” and “compassionate conservatism,” O-bomba-’s “hope and change”and Woody ‘n Frankies promises to keep the US out of war.

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    • Agree: RVBlake
  • @Tom Welsh
    Hardly surprising to any student of history. After all, virtually every aspect of Nazi strategy and tactics was directly copied from Jewish examples - usually as documented in the Old Testament. Master race - blitzkrieg - extermination of people whose land one wants to take - pride in "pure blood" - prohibition against fraternisation and miscegenation - permissibility (and even approval) of all forms of deceit and trickery when practiced against "subhumans"...

    After all, virtually every aspect of Nazi strategy and tactics was directly copied from Jewish examples

    At least that’s what we’re told was Nazi “strategy.” Zio-Commies typically blame others for what they themselves are planning and doing and what their forebears had been doing for millennia.

    It’s clear to me that the Nazis, Japanese and others were impressed by what happened, for example, to the American Indians, the South, and Mother Russia and were desperately trying to avoid a similar fate.

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  • @Lot
    And Cotton and Pompeo and many others served the USA with valor.

    And Cotton and Pompeo and many others served the USA with valor.


    Another Zio-dupe useful idiot troll sputters again. You, girl, have a Lot to learn.

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  • There are worse, more dangerous endeavours. Ride a tiger, steal cubs from she-bear, walk a high voltage wire. Doubting the Holocaust is slightly less perilous. The doubters found themselves invariably out of job, oftentimes in jail, rarely killed. This is the dogma-Mother-of-all-dogmas, and Jews, the priesthood of New World, are attending to its pristine inviolability....
  • “H”olocaust denial is one thing; debunking it’s another.

    We need both.

    Good article, (with the exception noted by JR in comment #9), and kudos to RU in particular.

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  • It’s official. The Syrian Army assisted by Russian air support is closing in on the last major pocket of terrorists remaining in the country in the province of Idlib near Aleppo. The United States, which has trained and armed some of the trapped gunmen and even as recently as a year ago described the province...
  • @Tom Welsh
    "I get it. You’re Palestinian. You’re aggrieved. Every single year for 70 years your guys have refused to come to a deal and every single year your hand has gotten weaker. That must be hugely frustrating".

    In other words, as the Athenian spokesman told the Melians 2434 years ago,

    “For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences – either of how we have a right to our empire... or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us – and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that... that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must..."

    The founders of the state of Israel took the land which it now claims from its real owners by unlimited violence, simply killing everyone who resisted. If, for 70 years, the Palestinians have "refused to come to a deal", it is for the same reasons that the victims of murder and robbery do not agree to "a deal" with the criminals who murdered their families and robbed them of their ancestral possessions.

    Remind me, what is the statute of limitations on murder, robbery and genocide? Are Israelis to be forgiven sooner than Nazis who committed identical crimes?

    Are Israelis to be forgiven sooner than Nazis who committed identical crimes?

    Apparently they are. Just like the crimes of the Commies have long ago gone down the memory sewer.

    PS: Any crimes of the Nazis likely paled in comparison to what the Reds had been up to for decades prior. And compared to what Churchill and FDR did. Maybe it’s time to ditch corny, goofy old war propaganda; huh?

    You protest, and with justice, every time Hitler jails an opponent; but you forget that Stalin and company have jailed and murdered a thousand times as many. It seems to me, and indeed the evidence is plain, that compared to the Moscow brigands and assassins, Hitler is hardly more than a common Ku Kluxer and Mussolini almost a philanthropist. If you will denounce the orgy of sadistic fury that has gone on in Russia in terms at least as violent as those you have applied to your political opponents for years past, then I’ll be glad to print your denunciation, and to hail you with joy as a convert to fair play.
    - H. L. MENCKEN Baltimore, letter to Sinclair Lewis, 1936

    The American Mercury, Vol 38, No. 150, June 1936, THE OPEN FORUM, pp vi- vii.

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  • @Tyrion 2
    I get it. You're Palestinian. You're aggrieved. Every single year for 70 years your guys have refused to come to a deal and every single year your hand has gotten weaker. That must be hugely frustrating.

    But best for you that you live in the real world. 3 random comments from you on an interesting but minor and consistently prognosticatarily incorrect site is not the real world.

    Israel doesn't want Iran in Syria long-term. Everyone else but hardline elements of the Iranian state agree, so they have now been pushed.

    That is the end of the matter, along with some reasonable autonomy for the Kurds. It'd be lovely for them to have a proper sovereign country over all of the areas they'd like to lay claim to, but the Kurds appreciate their position and play with the hand they are dealt.

    Also, making up phrases and putting them in quotes as if I have ever said them is strikingly dishonest.

    That is the end of the matter…

    Yeah, if you say so. Dream on, dupe.

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    • Agree: Beefcake the Mighty
  • @Greg Bacon

    If you believe Trump is trying to remove neocons(Deep State) from the government, explain Bolton and many other Deep State denizens Trump has appointed.

    Drain the Swamp? Trump and his sidekick Jared K inhabit the murkiest depths of that Swamp. But people will say Tubby's being forced into a corner and just has to appoint neoCON psychopaths like Bolton. Then explain Trump appointing Nutty Nikki to the UN, at the start of his presidency? Israeli PM wanted Nutty in that job and after watching her unhinged performances in the UNGA, I see why; she's a Shabbos Goy, more than willing to do anything Israel asks, and BTW, keep me in mind for that POTUS opening, OK guys?

    MAGA was Trump's 'Hope and Change' mantra that many bought.

    Trump made and lost four multi-billion dollar fortunes while using NYC as his home base. Then made another multi-billion dollar fortune. One doesn't do that in NYC unless you're in bed with the same gangsters that have been looting this nation for decades, those TBTF Wall Street banks that us peasants are forced to bail-out every 10 or so years.

    Trump was bought and paid for a long time ago, now he's paying off his helpers by doing their dirty work around the word while the 'marks,' us Americans, get our pockets picked.

    Trump is vulnerable in the extreme.

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  • @Realist

    Another great article by Mr. Giraldi. If Trump can’t get the neocons out of the government, who possibly can?
    If you believe Trump is trying to remove neocons(Deep State) from the government, explain Bolton and many other Deep State denizens Trump has appointed.

    If you believe Trump is trying to remove neocons(Deep State) from the government, explain Bolton and many other Deep State denizens Trump has appointed.


    Drain the Swamp? Trump and his sidekick Jared K inhabit the murkiest depths of that Swamp. But people will say Tubby’s being forced into a corner and just has to appoint neoCON psychopaths like Bolton. Then explain Trump appointing Nutty Nikki to the UN, at the start of his presidency? Israeli PM wanted Nutty in that job and after watching her unhinged performances in the UNGA, I see why; she’s a Shabbos Goy, more than willing to do anything Israel asks, and BTW, keep me in mind for that POTUS opening, OK guys?

    MAGA was Trump’s ‘Hope and Change’ mantra that many bought.

    Trump made and lost four multi-billion dollar fortunes while using NYC as his home base. Then made another multi-billion dollar fortune. One doesn’t do that in NYC unless you’re in bed with the same gangsters that have been looting this nation for decades, those TBTF Wall Street banks that us peasants are forced to bail-out every 10 or so years.

    Trump was bought and paid for a long time ago, now he’s paying off his helpers by doing their dirty work around the word while the ‘marks,’ us Americans, get our pockets picked.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete, CalDre
    • Replies: @Realist
    , @jacques sheete
    Trump is vulnerable in the extreme.
  • @Johnny Rottenborough
    From a 2015 interview with the head of the Syrian Catholic Church:

    ‘The patriarch accused Western governments of wanting to “perpetuate the endless conflict in Syria” and of having “betrayed the Christians of the East. We explained from the beginning that our situation was different from that of other nations in the region, they were not listened to. And now we mourn deaths over the past five years.”’

    There was a time when the West went to war in the Levant to defend Christianity. Nowadays, the leaders of the Judaized West dutifully betray Christians.

    Nowadays, the leaders of the Judaized West dutifully betray Christians.

    Betrayal is routine; they even betray their own useful idiots, and I cannot wait for the day that the Zio-trolls get that through their thick (though supposedly “high” IQ skulls.

    Here’s on of my favorite betrayal quotes related to the crackpot actions of the goons who control us.:

    CAIRO, Egypt, May 27,—The last hope of 30,000,000 Arabs to win freedom for their race without further bloodshed vanished when cables from Washington announced that the United States had concluded an agreement with Great Britain… The Arabs came into the war on the side of the allies against their Turkish co-religionists in- response to the allies’ promise of freedom…The Arab support” was determined and effective.”

    Newspaper article by Junius B. Wood on the American recognition of Britain’s mandate in Palestine, Chicago Daily News,27 May 1922 (also The Sunday Star, Washington)

    And another.

    Certain big money thugs do not give a hoot for “their own,” even…

    On the contrary, there is evidence that the internationalists behind the British empire policy are willing to sacrifice the “little Jews” in order to protect their financial racket in other parts of the empire. The Sassoons’ control of India, the privately-owned Suez canal “racket” of the Rothschilds, the far-flung “empire” of the Monteflores in Australia, all are threatened. These powerful privateers will not hesitate to throw to the wolves a mere 400,000 Jews in Palestine if by a diplomatic double-cross they can court favor with the Mohammedans in Turkey and India…

    The Jews, smarting under the injustice of Great Britain’s doublecross—sold out once more, as they have been so often in the past, by the powerful privateers of their own race —may now be counted upon to blame Prime Minister Chamberlain for the. mistakes of Balfour. Led by Winston Churchill, and other fronts of the “Tony” Eden faction, these spokesmen will attack the government’s Palestine policy in an effort to oust Chamberlain and so make way for War Secretary HoreBelisha to become the next Disraeli of England.

    Leader of Zionists Signs Young Jews to Fight in Palestine
    Social Justice, May 29, 1939, p. 8

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  • Referring to Israel during an interview in August 1983, U.S. Navy Admiral and former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer said "I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know...
  • @annamaria
    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    An honest and courageous person in the US Congress. Amazing!

    It sure appears so, and I hope so, but I’m pretty sure I smell something awful. Time will tell.

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  • @geokat62

    Does that sound like a monochromatic, single-minded group?
    It appears Philip Weiss has some keen insights to share into this question:

    Excerpts from, Synagogues celebrate Jewish festival of… AIPAC!

    Next week the Jewish high holidays begin. And countless synagogues will have Zionist statements in their services, even if it’s just the Israeli flag on the altar. (While a very conscious minority of synagogues will offer open services that do not include paeans to Israel.)

    One stark measure of devotion to Israel is the promotion of AIPAC, the Israel lobbying group, from the bimah. I’ve seen AIPAC’s logo in synagogue sanctuaries on a number of occasions, so I began to collect AIPAC info a few months ago with the headline above in mind.

    Here are a dozen and more instances of rabbis celebrating the American Israel Political Affairs Committee– AIPAC– as a good neutral cause. You’d think AIPAC was another Jewish holiday!

    As you read through this (too long) list, reflect that AIPAC is not even liberal Zionist. It devoted tens of millions of dollars to trying to defeat the Iran deal, it pushed the Iraq war, and it backs the Netanyahu government come hell or high water, because its raison-d’etre is that there must never be daylight between the Israeli government and the American government. So it has also kissed up to Trump...

    Well I could go on and on. I apologize if I did!

    But the promotion of AIPAC that I’ve documented here shows how monolithic the American Jewish community still is in support of Israel. All other political differences vanish when it comes to folks backing the Jewish state. It’s all one big happy family, and the Trump administration and Sheldon Adelson are welcome to join in, no matter how you feel about Trump’s policies on refugees or global warming. Zionism really does define American Jewish identity, officially anyway.

    Fine comment there. It looks as if he’s not as smart as he thinks he is.

    If Sammy’s so smart, then what makes him think that the big Zio-Commies give a crap about him and his kind? And if he’s one of the big shots, then he’s dumber than a dumb goy.

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  • @Anon
    Yes I suppose you can talk about proto global banks without immediately exposing yourself as a posturing phony. But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.

    “But using the simple minded clichés of the ignorant does tend to mean your host will be asked not to invite you to high table again.”

    The issue of the power of global banking over that of sovereign states is not a”cliché”: it is definitely a key issue.
    It possibly explains why the entire world political order changed when globalisation came to be: that was the time when, thanks to free capital flow, global banks became more powerful than sovereign states, de-facto concentrating the political decision-making process into the hands of an unidentified minority.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • @Anon
    I don't know who that was intended for or why but maybe it shows you have a macabre sense of humour. Personally I blame God [for almost everything]. First he showed poor taste and judgment and then descended into a nasty habit of mischievous cruelty.


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  • @annamaria
    Anon[287], are you a progeny of the Jewish Bolsheviks? Not just poor manners, but the silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.

    …silly display of obnoxiousness and a pretense on a refined vocabulary make you sound funny.

    Makes it sound simple minded too; not that we needed such confirmation.

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  • My investigations of the Jewish “Holocaust” commenced in 1972, and thirty nine years have passed since the first publication of this book in 1976 in England as The Hoax of the Twentieth Century. Thirty eight years have passed since the release of the slightly revised second British and first American edition of 1977. This text...
  • …but why would people make up the excessive number?

    I think it’s important to note that narcissistic hysterics consistently and persistently tend to exaggerate whatever they think will bolster their case while denying or downplaying anything that doesn’t.

    It’s just how they roll and it doesn’t have to make sense to the rest of us.

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  • Referring to Israel during an interview in August 1983, U.S. Navy Admiral and former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer said "I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know...
  • @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    Just for you;

    PS: Don’t tell Sammy the Divine I’ve responded to your comment twice! That sort of thing tends to distress the poor wittle thang, a Yahweh knows that he’s been viktum enough already.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    I don't know who that was intended for or why but maybe it shows you have a macabre sense of humour. Personally I blame God [for almost everything]. First he showed poor taste and judgment and then descended into a nasty habit of mischievous cruelty.
  • @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.

    If your BS detector didn’t go off …

    Trolls such as yourself are constantly setting it off. But hey, keep trying because at least it keeps you off the streets until your handlers get tired of you and toss you back into the dumpster. That typically happens when you progress out of your heroic adolescent period and find out how badly you’ve been suckered by the cultists who control your (very poorly developed) mind.

    Troll. Dupe. Sucker.Cultist. Girl, are you gonna be pissed!

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  • @Iris
    Your refutation based on the “medieval Rothschild banks” phrase is simply disingenuous.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that banking started long before the Middle-Ages, and that Jewish banking family were involved in that trade. In the Middle-Ages, European Jewry was actually restricted by law to trade only in banking and tax collecting, as a means to stop it from possessing land.

    The largest banks of the Middle-Ages were that of the Medicii (1390), and Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1490) which exists to the day. Rothschild took off only later in the 1760, but had been in banking long before that under the name Mayer.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about "proto global banks": it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    So, it is perfectly sensible to talk about “proto global banks”: it is actually very enlightening, because it shows that the power of banking came from far in time.

    Of course it is. “Anon” probably fancies itself as some sort of deep thinking intellectual skeptic “cleverly” sowing seeds of doubt among the goofy goyim.

    In fact, the debt scam was identified a long while ago. Hudson has written some informative things (here on UR) about the “Jubilee” year where private debt was forgiven in order to stabilize society, JC drove the money changers from the temple, then we have this amusing classic.:

    STREPSIADES sitting up
    ….oh! misery, it’s vain to think of sleep with all these expenses, this stable, these debts, which are devouring me,

    - Aristophanes, The Clouds, Written 419 B.C.E

    And this,

    “Care not for fine horses or chariots with handsome harness, adorned with gold886 and silver, which swift interest will catch up with and outrun, but mounted on any chance donkey or nag flee from the hostile and tyrannical money-lender, who does not demand land and water like the Mede,887 but interferes with your liberty, and lowers your status.

    If you pay him not, he duns you; if you offer the money, he won’t have it; if you are selling anything, he cheapens the price; if you don’t want to sell, he forces you; if you sue him, he comes to terms with you; if you swear, he hectors; if you go to his house, he shuts the door in your face; whereas if you stay at home, he billets himself on you, and is ever rapping at your door.”

    Plutarch, Morals, Chapter 23, “Against Running in Debt” c. 100 AD…

    I certainly hope our our very own favorite horse’s tuschie hasn’t gone into debt over fine ponies that he can mount at will! :)

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  • In a recent article, Paul Craig Roberts directly asked me a very important question. Here is the relevant part of this article (but please make sure to read the full article to understand where Paul Craig Roberts is coming from and why he is raising this absolutely crucial issue): Andrei Martyanov, whose book I recently...
  • @Abbybwood
    I know....but....

    The first Red Heifer in 2,000 YEARS!! has been born!

    And according to PROPHECY that poor little calf MUST be brought to “The Temple Mount” (huh?!) and be SACRIFICED for the JEWS!

    The first Red Heifer in 2,000 YEARS!! has been born!

    What is it with primitive tribes and their colored calves? For instance, I believe the Sioux, Cheyenne and others think there’s something magical about white bison ones.

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  • @Boris M Garsky
    The greatest virtue of any warrior is patience. A great warrior chooses his moment and his terrain and his time. Time is clearly on the side of the east. The two biggest threats to world stability and peace are being waged at this moment and these are where the east is focused, not on the numerous brush fires that will extinguish themselves. Americas nuclear arsenal is under siege by the neocon military industrial complex. There have already been several attempts at commandeering nuclear weapons and facilities. If this should ever happen- nuclear war will be a reality. Iblid(?), if it becomes a vassal state for the neocons, will be turned into a launching base for terrorists into Iran and the Caucasus, and a full scale attack on Iran. This is why Iblid is vitally important to Russia and Iran. Make no mistake about it, one way or another, the terrorists will be destroyed. Russia is not turning its'cheek, it is remaining focused to point. Russia has not thrown Donbass under the bus, that is ridiculous twaddle. Ukraine is imploding- it desperately needs a war started by Russia to rally its' demoralized population- ain't goin' to happen. A large offensive against the east would probably lead to another revolution or civil war and an overthrow of the current government. .. The next great war will not be fought on the ground, but in the air. Positioning troops on the Russian border makes them easy and convenient targets. Russia has a large and lethal Tank force for that moment. Patience is on Russia, Iran, and Turkeys' side. Posturing is the strategy of the weak.

    Patience is on Russia, Iran, and Turkeys’ side. Posturing is the strategy of the weak.

    Agree. Only hysterical drama queens who watch too much tee vee would urge him to act for the sake of doin’ sumpin.

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  • @Quartermaster
    There is so much wrong here it is difficult to know where to start. Combine Saker's normal idiocy about "UkroNazis," Putin's wisdom (he is anything but wise) and the lies about the Maidan and Donbas, with Robert's idiocy and naivete about Putin and Russia, and you get a perfect storm of stupidity.

    There is a very good reason why Roberts is no longer well regarded in the US. It's also why there is normally no comment area on his articles. He simply doesn't want his stupidity paraded before the world, or have it rubbed in his face.

    Putin is running Russia into the ground. The country is mafia ruled plutocracy and Putin is simply allowed to be the face of the country. as long as he goes along with the rest of the Plutocrats. They've made him a very rich man, so Putin has a lot of incentive to go along and get along.

    The Nazi regime is in Moscow, not Kiev. Saker and Roberts are simply too stupid and historically ignorant to be able to recognize it. There was no coup in 2014, and Putin is an aggressor in Crimea and the Donbas. he's headed that way in Belarus, and even Putin's buddy Lukashenko is getting nervous. Putin has nothing more in Ukraine because of what the rest of the world would have to do if jumped again. As it is, the situation in Ukraine that Russia has fomented can't be allowed to continue, and Putin is going to be forced to do something - either go all in, or leave, because he can't afford to putz around much longer as he is bankrupting his country.

    There is so much wrong here it is difficult to know where to start.

    You can start by removing yourself. You and your ilk are the major wrong here, and if you haven’t noticed, it’s likely that no one here is ever convinced by your drivel.

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  • @Rational

    I know you people are having an interesting discussion, but the Judaists and the Zionists who are too busy inciting the war between Russia and US in their goal for world domination do not realize that Israel is finished, and the end is near, and no amount of military intervention will save it.

    The reason is simple. It is called Higher Criticism.

    Moses is gone. Or, rather, he never was. The Rabbis have been outed as just scammers.


    “Why 71% of Jews believe that leaving Judaism is not a tragedy but simply a natural progression”

    “Why 71% of Jews believe that leaving Judaism is not a tragedy but simply a natural progression”

    I recently “discovered” one probably genuine Rich Siegel who writes,

    “It is so terribly and dramatically disturbing to have been raised Jewish and Zionist, and to see the death and destruction that my people are bringing to the world. It is so frustrating … to only hear the same broken record of Jewish victimization and accusations of “self-hating Jew” in response. If I, as one born and raised in this death-crazed narcissistic cult, don’t know how to resolve this desperate situation, how will anyone else figure it out? Please- Jews- my people- you are desperately sick. The whole world sees this and knows it, and yet so many are afraid to say so for fear of being called “Anti-Semite”, while you kill children and refuse to be embarrassed by your blatantly evident tribal mental illness. But the world will stop being afraid of you, and cease to tolerate your murderous narcissism, and the result will be terrible for you. Please, please stop before this happens. Stop before you kill another child in Palestine! STOP THE KILLING IN GAZA!”

    Rich Siegel
    Saturday, September 8, 2018

    The Zio-Whiners, besides being sick in the head and soul, also would do well to just grow up and get on with the rest of the world.

    As for PCR, he is no doubt a great guy with some great insights, but his refusal to allow comments (where he could also learn something) causes me to ignore his articles. I’ll begin reading when he allows them again.

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    • Replies: @Jesse James
    If you are so smart, why don't you have your own website where we may be so privileged as to learn from your comments about the world as you know it exists?
  • Referring to Israel during an interview in August 1983, U.S. Navy Admiral and former head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Thomas Moorer said "I've never seen a President — I don't care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know...
  • @olde reb
    Dear friend,
    The pasted writing is a tribute to my professor who taught a graduate course of Money and Banking.  His revelation has been confirmed with TreasuryDirect documentation, GAO reports, and other sources.  Perhaps the research may be of interest.
    Are the real beneficiaries of Stephen Mnuchin’s, whoops, Trump’s Budget with the humongous increases in National Debt, similar to programs that Stephen’s cronies at Goldman Sachs have used for decades to impoverish nations (including Greece), clearly visible to you? They are identified below.
    Have you ever wondered how the New York banks have been so successful that they can give million dollar bonuses and buy interlocking director control of Fortune 500 companies –especially military suppliers ? The source of the purloined funding is detailed below.
    Or how the Federal Reserve system conceals billions of dollars of profit in accounts that are not audited ? The specific accounts and methods used are identified.
    How these funds have been used for decades to the detriment of society, and the documented plan to collect on the $21 trillion U.S. national debt (as in Greece), is identified in footnotes 17 and 18.
    The future of the United States may be in your hands.
    Olde Reb


    “What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” virtually every congress-critter has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1

    The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king and the credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed by the king on its maturing date and was perpetually rolled-over. 2

    VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold from investors; the investors had a promise the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bankers could sell the promise and the investors did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people with book-entry fiat money, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6

    The Federal Reserve 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8

    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. [It is touted to the public as a loan.] The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve also identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 10

    To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government.11 Acceptance of bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.12 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY; i.e., a franchisee of the BOG. 13

    In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY. 14

    The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary resultant from these transactions.

    If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.


    The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records.15 The profit could be completely hidden from view. 16 The deficit spending amount 17 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG.

    The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes.

    Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 18

    If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 19 Wall Street’s objective in Greece 20 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 21 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt. 22

    The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.23 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 24 The psychopathic Wall Street warmongers demand a humongous deficit busting military expenditure, but this statement may reverse cause and effect. 25 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat.

    Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos---among other dire occurrences. 26 This is the utopian government controlled by bankers that David Rockefeller 27 so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS and Carroll Quigley touted in TRAGEDY AND HOPE.

    We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.

    The U.S. has two options:
    The entire situation can be ignored with the public meekly submitting to Wall Street’s collection of the fraudulent $20 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika. Approval by Troika is required for all government actions.];
    They can assert public pressure on congress-critters to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street. The GAO has authority to review the handling of government funds by any entity. It has made at least two reviews of the FRBNY’s handling of funds [but not audits] from auctions of Treasury securities. The FRBNY has exclusive handing of such funds.... Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.... All that is required for the GAO to review the handling of government funds is a request by a Congressional committee chair.

    PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you seen any evidence of this happening ?

    Footnotes are available at
    if they are deleted by software or they can be emailed to an address.

    Don’t let Sammy (Divine) Shama read your comment. He ain’t gonna like it and his pal, Krugman (whom we’re told , we should”study”), is gonna have a fit, cuz “debt is good. and we DO owe it to ourselves! Hehehehehe!

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    • Replies: @Anon
    Well my eye stopped at "medieval Rothschild banks" and I thought I had better wait on a respectable peer review to get over that not so little little hiccup. If your BS detector didn't go off I suppose that you can only be counted as the wrong kind of peer to older reb.
  • @Cloak And Dagger

    And also stop supporting it as well. It’s pretty obvious that renfro’s comment, “Israel even has special hasbara team assigned to Wikipedia” is accurate as well.
    Indeed - and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR as well.

    Indeed – and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR as well.

    I wouldn’t be surprised. What is surprising is how incompetent, uninformed and unconvincing they are. I bet most of ‘em take the job or else they’d be sleeping in a cardboard box under some freeway overpass and subjects fit for one of Linh Dinh’s articles. The rest are likely still sponging off mommy and daddy.

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    • LOL: Cloak And Dagger
  • @geokat62

    Indeed – and they have special hasbara teams assigned to UR as well.
    If this is their “A” Team, I’d recommend they bring Nurit Baytch back.

    If this is their “A” Team…

    It no doubt is, but the “A” doesn’t refer to rank in their cases. ;)

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  • @renfro
    Your word don't mean much , you have no gravitas among those of who do have knowledge of our subjects.
    Basically you are hasbara 'lite' .

    Basically you are hasbara ‘lite’ .

    More like “hasbara incompetent” spending his days here to spew out garbage in service to his paymasters. Completely unimpressed by it.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • @ChuckOrloski
    Practicing the opposite of "hate speech," Jacques Sheete asked me: "Speaking of needing a Rosetta Stone, how’d you like Sammy (the Divine) Shama’s claim to be working for only doing my bit for the advancement of the various causes of humanity? Was that funny or what."
    Hey Jacques!
    ... Sam The (articulate) Sham's comments are always a lesson in "Know the Enemy," and taken in the proper perspective, he is. "funny."
    ... Remember when he returned to U.R. comment section from a business junket to Asian cities? Hee-hee.
    ... After sales presentations to prospective oriental customers, & instead of offering them a cool Star of David-Maven Inc. keychain or something, Sam The (Advanced "Divine" Humanitarian) Sham handed out Talmuds. (zzZigh)
    ... Uh, lonely "iffen" saw stars and bought into Sam as being the Jewish N.W.O.'s Marco Polo!
    Thanks for linking Captain Jonathan Cook's CP work, Jacques!
    ... Selah, "hate the gentile," but be sure to invoice them, C.O.D.!

    Thank you CO! I always enjoy your wit and always excellent points.

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    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Hi Jacques,
    ... For two years or so, am particularly concerned about one (1) of my country's greatest engineered maladies: Insecure Homeland-Cognitive Dissonance.
    ... Am not pretending to be a pioneer in this sinister psychological endeavor, Jacques, but (below) I provide a video of unorthodox "shrinks" who don't want to just play with my head, prescribe meds, and bill me.
    ... Thanks, my Brothers and Sisters!
  • @Anon
    A quote like that of Max Nordau via Douglas Reed always makes me suspicious. Is it one of those made and/or opportunistically attributed quotes like those often attributed to Churchill, or Lincoln?

    Not knowing anything about a Max Nordau I was interested to read a bit about him though I didn't find the quote. Still it doesn't sound unlikely from a highly opinionated German bourgeois professional of his time who had developed, for example, quite a talent for selling his flamboyantly reactionary books like his 1995 attack on degenerate modern art. Portentously talking about a world war fits.

    His reference to the Brits reflects a view he expressed that Enlightenment ideas had to have already taken, as in England, if Emancipation was to work which he, an assimilated agnostic, didn't think had occurred in Germany or, as evidenced by the Dreyfus case , in France.

    And one other thing is clear. He was just a member of the chattering classes with no particular connections or influence so one can draw absolutely no inferences about Jewish power or influence from that alleged speech.

    A quote like that of Max Nordau via Douglas Reed always makes me suspicious.


    And one other thing is clear. He was just a member of the chattering classes with no particular connections or influence

    Are you talking about Nordau here? I was under the impression that he was a Zionist bigshot, so I double checked…

    Max Nordau was a Hungarian Zionist leader who co-founded the World Zionist Congress and was instrumental in raising the “Uganda Plan” for a Jewish national home.

    While I realize that it’s always a wise move to question the usual tendency to overrate res Judaicorum I think your claim could use a bit of refinement…

    PS: He was spot on regarding degeneration as well.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    Why? Because experience shows that a significant proportion of apparently convenient quotes like that on blog sites are made up (or misattributed to the very famous).

    And yes he was important to the early Zionist movement but that draws attention to his role, and that was publicist and rhetorician rather than rich powerful well connected banker or politician.
  • 4,000,000,029,057. Remember that number. It’s going to come up again later. But let’s begin with another number entirely: 145,000 -- as in, 145,000 uniformed soldiers striding down Washington’s Pennsylvania Avenue. That’s the number of troops who marched down that very street in May 1865 after the United States defeated the Confederate States of America. Similar...
  • @Anonymous
    Mr. Turse is a comic. What a beautiful summary of the situation.
    See a group, Imagine a possible threat, if both occur, bingo group =converts to =>terrorist
    and each member converts to a subliminal threat. Imagine the psychology that can be applied to that bit of information to produce next day propaganda. Let us not forget the real media that displays the propaganda is owned by just 6 entities; global access to knowledge and real truth is gated and directed by search engine magic these two facts are IMO a real global threat to humanity.

    Win by not losing/ In such a scenario increasing numbers in a terror group or increasing numbers of, or broadening the global distribution of terror groups produces more terror fodder. The competent imagination derives its threats from terror fodder ( fodder fits any size imagination).

    When ever it is needed, proof of any non self-inflicted terrorism can be conjured from the imagination. As Mr Turse says proof of terrorism can be found in the definition, proof of victory can be found in the attack (as Mr. Turse so adequately expressed), and both are recorded in the history of terrorism, which can be found in the daily media presentations and the MSM annual report "Dollars Spent Chasing Terrorist from the Imagination". a joint publication of the Internationally linked intelligence services and the global college of paranoia producing propaganda.

    victory is found in the attack because dollars start to flow; the more dollars the greater the victory.

    But how much of this would be possible if the reserve currency were no longer the dollar? What will happen when Russia, China, Iran and others produce a new reserve currency or displace existing reserve currencies by assigning exchange value to the currency of each nation? The issuer of reserve currency measures its money supply by the checks he writes [their checks never bounce], everyone else measures their currency by the amount of the reserve currency they are able to keep in the bank ( to prevent their checks from bouncing].

    “produce a new reserve currency by assigning exchange value…”

    that’s not how it works. Violence rules:

    America holds most of the world on the dollar by forcing (at gunpoint: cf. Iraq, Libya…and soon Iran) major oil producers to sell their oil for dollars AND ONLY dollars. That forces non-producers to buy dollars before they can buy oil, which remains the principal commodity in international trade. Without which, ‘Murka’s debt-drowned, dollar-monetized ponzi’conomy would long ago have gone to hyperinflation and collapse.

    Russia is the world’s largest oil-producer and, remarkably, given ZOG’s lethal hostility to Russia, still takes dollars for oil. If Putin wants to hammer the (((Empire))) all he’s got to do is say “no more dollars”…but still has not done so. Maybe you can figure out why.

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    • Agree: jacques sheete
  • What would “victory” in the war on terror even look like?

    It would look like an absence of Zio-Commies and their puppets (Hillary and Trump included) running the show. That pack of terrorists were the real “winners” of the world wars in their march toward world domination with the capitol in Jerusalem.Also, can you imagine never having to be subjected to a Netanyahu-skunk-eating smirk, ever again?

    That would certainly look good, and would no doubt smell good too.

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