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Last Updated: Thursday, 28 July, 2005, 10:35 GMT 11:35 UK
Coogan's wife is granted divorce
Steve Coogan
Coogan is best known for his role as spoof DJ Alan Partridge
The wife of comic actor Steve Coogan has been granted a divorce by the High Court in London.

Caroline Hickman gained a 'decree nisi' from the creator of TV character Alan Partridge, on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour.

The 39-year-old star married Ms Hickman in December 2002. She was granted an undefended divorce after disclosing the marriage had irretrievably broken down.

Coogan is set to appear in a film remake of 1970s show The Persuaders.

The comedian is also planning to revive fictional Norfolk DJ Partridge in a one-off film.

The character was last seen in an appearance on Comic Relief earlier this year.

In 2003, Coogan was part of the launch of BBC Three in his guise as siblings Paul and Pauline Calf.

The digital station achieved a peak of 270,000 viewers on its opening evening with the Coogan comedy.

Coogan to star in new Persuaders
08 Jun 05 |  Entertainment
Coogan plans Alan Partridge movie
19 Apr 05 |  Entertainment



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