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Down with the Working Classes!
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If the Left is ever going to come together to save the world from Donald Trump and his legions of fascistic Putin-Nazis, we’re going to need to confront our primary enemy … the international working classes. Yes, my comrades, I’m afraid it’s time to face the facts, depressing as they are. The working classes are not our friends. Just look at how they’ve been betraying us … and after all we’ve done for them all these years! This cannot be allowed to continue, not if we are going to rescue democracy from Trump, Putin, Assad, the Iranians, and Palestinian kids with terrorist kites, and eventually stem the blood-dimmed tide of neo-fascist anti-Globalism!

Now, OK, I know you’re probably asking, “how can the international working classes possibly be the enemy of the Left?” and “wouldn’t that render the whole concept of the Left completely absurd and essentially meaningless?” and other pertinent questions like that. And that’s totally fine, you’re allowed to ask that. Questioning aspects of the official narrative the ruling classes are forcing everyone to conform to like members of a worldwide cult doesn’t make you a Nazi or anything. It’s perfectly OK to ask such questions, as long as you don’t continue to ask them, over and over, and over again, after the facts have been explained to you. Here are those facts, one more time.

The international working classes are racists. They are misogynists. Xenophobic transphobes. They do not think the way we want them to. Some of them actually still believe in God. They are white supremacists. Anti-Semites. Gun-toting, Confederate-flag-flying rednecks. Most of them have never even heard of terms like “intersectionality,” “TERF,” and so on. They do not respect the corporate media. They think that news sources like the Washington Post, The New York Times, The Guardian, CNN, MSNBC, BBC, and so on, are basically propaganda outlets for the global corporations and oligarchs who own them, and thus are essentially no different from FOX, whose pundits they believe every word of. Their minds are so twisted by racism and xenophobia that they can’t understand how global capitalism, the graduated phase-out of national sovereignty, the privatization of virtually everything, the debt-enslavement of nearly everyone, and the replacement of their so-called “cultures” with an ubiquitous, smiley-faced, gender-neutral, non-oppressive, corporate-friendly, Disney simulation of culture are actually wonderfully progressive steps forward on the road to a more peaceful, less offensive world.

Now this has been proved in numerous studies with all kinds of charts and graphs and so on. And not only by the corporate statisticians, and the corporate media, and liberal think tanks. Why, just this week, Mehdi Hasan, in an exasperated jeremiad in the pages of The Intercept, that bastion of fearless, adversarial journalism owned by billionaire Pierre Omidyar, proved, once again, that Donald Trump was elected because PEOPLE ARE GODDAMN RACISTS!

Apparently, Hasan has just about had it with these Putin-loving Trump-apologists proposing that general dissatisfaction with global capitalism, neoliberalism, and identity politics could have had anything to do with Americans electing a bombastic ass clown with absolutely no political experience to the highest office in the land. Hasan cites a number of expert studies, among them one by the Democracy Fund, which just happens to be another Omidyar outfit. But let’s not get all paranoid or anything. There are literally hundreds of such studies at this point, each and every one of which has been cited by the mainstream media, the alternative media, the far-alternative media, and virtually every Trump-obsessed loon with a blog or a Facebook or Twitter account.

Look, I realize the truth is painful, but the science of statistics leaves no room for doubt. As much as some of us may want to deny it, the fact is, the country that elected Barack Obama (who is Black) president, twice, has been transformed by Putin’s brainwashing agents into a cesspool of xenophobia and racism, and it is up to us lefties to set things right!

Now, to do this, we need to unite the Left, and get everyone marching in lockstep, and so on. Which means that we need to identify and weed out all the fake leftists among us. Then, and only then (i.e., after we’ve tracked down, sanctimoniously denounced, and exiled any and all neo-Stasserist “alt-Right” infiltrators, Sputnik leftists, and Assad-apologists), can we turn our attention to meeting face-to-face with the international working classes and sanctimoniously denouncing them as a bunch of filthy racists.

OK, that sounds a little harsh, and possibly totally idiotic, but what other choice do we really have? If we’re going to defeat these Putin-Nazis, a few eggs are going to have to get broken. This is not the time to abandon our commitment to imposing our identity-based ideology on every last person on the planet Earth, or to indulge in that ugly kind of old-fashioned leftism that is based on what the working classes want. Who gives a damn what the working classes want? What’s important is what we want them to want. This isn’t the 1990s, after all. All that nonsense about globalization, and supranational entities like the WTO, and the World Bank, not to mention “American jobs” … only fascists talk like that these days!

But, seriously … if you’ve made it this far in my essay, and you consider yourself a leftist of some sort, you’re probably extremely frustrated with what passes for the Left these days, and with how the working classes are flocking to the Right, both in the United States and all over the world. If I’ve got that right, you might want to read this essay by Diana Johnstone (which we lefties are technically not allowed to read, because it’s posted in The Unz Review, where a lot of “alt-Right” pieces are also posted … and you don’t want to get any of that stuff on you!)

What she is writing about is the ongoing “populist” insurgency against globalized capitalism, which is what I’ve also been writing about for the better part of the last two years. This is the historical moment we are experiencing, a clumsy, sloppy, partly fascistic, partly non-fascistic democratic uprising against the continuing spread of global capitalism, the erosion of what is left of national sovereignty, and … yes, people’s cultures and values.

The international working classes understand this. The neo-nationalist Right understands this. The majority of the Left does not understand this, and is refusing to admit that it’s happening, and so is standing around on the sidelines calling everybody “racists” and “fascists” while the global capitalist ruling classes and the neo-nationalists sort things out.

Which is exactly what the ruling classes want, and what the official Putin-Nazi narrative was designed to achieve from the very beginning. The “Overton Window” (i.e., the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse) works best when divided into two clean halves. During the so-called “War on Terror,” it was Democracy versus the Islamic Terrorists. Now, it’s Democracy versus the Putin-Nazis. Both of which narratives are fairy tales, of course, the reality, as ever, being rather more messy.

If what is left of the Left expects to play any meaningful part in our historical moment (other than sanctimoniously cheerleading for the global capitalist ruling classes), it is going need to get its hand a littler dirtier, mingle a bit more with all those working class “populists,” talk to them, and, I don’t know, maybe even listen to them.

Or maybe I’m completely out of my mind … I mean, actually listening to the working classes? Some of them are sure to say racist things, and anti-Semitic and transphobic things, which we cannot ignore for even one second, or rationally discuss and disagree with, because that would mean giving their racism a platform. Yeah, screw it, I don’t know what I was thinking … forget all that stuff I just made you read. Down with the fascist working classes!

C. J. Hopkins is an award-winning American playwright, novelist and satirist based in Berlin. His plays are published by Bloomsbury Publishing (UK) and Broadway Play Publishing (USA). His debut novel, ZONE 23, is published by Snoggsworthy, Swaine & Cormorant. He can reached at or

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  1. I can’t say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes. Neolibreral policies turn over important decisions to the market.

    The US doesn’t need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need an energy policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn’t need to break up monopolies will take care of that.

    And so on.

    Markets über alles.

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    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Markets above all?

    Since 'the market' is a concept summarizing people's long-term free choices while respecting the property of others, and especially their taking personal action in ending far-left (and -right) totalitarian coercive regulations, especially when catalyzed by the modern libertarians, then--hell yeah.


    The US doesn’t need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has created a worldwide stock and invention boom.

    The US doesn’t need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.
    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.

    The US doesn’t need an energy policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has circumvented predicted energy shortages and is giving us cheaper eco-energy than ever.

    The US doesn’t need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought attention to governments as the main polluters, reduced socialist spoilage of the ecology, and raised Green awareness.

    The US doesn’t need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the major blocks to forming the key infrastructure changes of today: the internet and private space colonization.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    The US doesn’t need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has raised the Dow 26 times and brought freer market democracy to every country.

    The US doesn’t need to break up monopolies will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has removed the far-left monopolies on transport, mail, books, etc. and more reducing costs while improving choices by a factor of 9X or more.We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns ?

    Monopoly/oligopolies are the result of government regulations imposed generally by the 'socialist' far-left. Time to get rid of these strangleholds in academia, K-12 schooling, etc.--not give them more power.

    , @Realist

    I can’t say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes.
    Not all the working class problems stem from the upper class. The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.
    , @unpc downunder
    Yes. Trade, immigration, education, trades training, banking, transport infrastructure, and monopoly regulation are important areas where Anglo countries need more, not less government intervention.

    Giving every young person a student loan and letting chose whatever they want to do (without even providing informed, impartial advice) is a bad idea. Leaving trades training to the market results in a shortage of tradesmen. Allowing the banks total freedom to manage mortgage lending results in grossly inflated house prices. Extreme free trade results in more unemployed third worlders wanting to come to the West. Giving big business too much say over immigration policy results in mass unwanted immigration and an MSM shutdown on immigration debate. Economic neoliberalism leads to a society where the right is reduced to debating economic issues like tax rates and the left has total control over culture.

    For every action there's a reaction. Over the last 40 years the right has focuses on economic neoliberalism, and the left has responded by focusing on identity politics.

    , @Liljoe
    Way to completely miss the point of the essay
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  2. i enjoyed reading that.

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  3. Excellent! Indeed the Left should learn more from the Bolsheviks!

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    • Replies: @Jake
    The Bolsheviks were part, a particularly murderous part, of the same issue.
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  4. This is the historical moment we are experiencing, a clumsy, sloppy, partly fascistic, partly non-fascistic democratic uprising against the continuing spread of global capitalism, the erosion of what is left of national sovereignty, and … yes, people’s cultures and values.

    The left has experienced this “historical moment” before: around 1930, when global capitalism 1.0 collapsed. Now global capitalism 2.0 is collapsing, and the left is scared sh*tless. After all, last time around, in countries like Italy and Germany, the fascists and national socialists beat the communists handily, and then proceeded to quickly eliminate unemployment. The working classes loved Hitler and Mussolini–and the leftists never forgave them for that. Hatred of the working class from the left was a trademark of the so-called Frankfurt School Marxists; this has marked the left in the West ever since.

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    • Agree: Jus' Sayin'...
    • Replies: @Anon
    Don’t forget Spain that whipped an entire force of Russian and international communists invaders during the 30s. And tiny Finland as well.

    Unfortunately America has surrendered to the internationalists without a shot
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  5. The far left (not the Hillary “left”) isn’t entirely dead. Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have). Amazing that the left has allowed the right to plunder that issue from them. Now they just mouth Koch Brothers platitudes. If they get right with immigration the rest of their platform (antiwar, single payer, free state college) is quite palatable to most.

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    • Replies: @anonymous
    " Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have)"

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders' position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    The left is for immigration control, not a sensible libertarian open policy. They equate open borders with invasion-- and the right is stupid enough to fall for it, just taking the other side.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders' deodorant socialist fascism. Bernie wouldn't have one, and Johnson may have done even better than he did.
    , @Ploskina
    It's not so much that the left allowed the issue to be plundered, the Establishment right was pushing for more and more illegal immigration and amnesty as well. The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.

    On the right it was the big money donors pushing for cheap foreign labor. On the left they know that demographic transformation will make the federal government a single-party state. They don't know it will only last for a generation or two before the left fractures into the little balkanized grievance mongering cliques that make up its constituent parts.
    , @Arnieus
    Braga, didn't you read the leaked DNC emails. Bernie never had a chance. Hillary owned the DNC and super delegates and laundered plenty of cash into her campaign. It was all fixed. They wasted the time of millions who went out to vote for Bernie to look legit. It is why Wassermann-Schultz resigned and should have been prosecuted. The Clinton-Bush cartel took over. That is why the Bushes, Dick Cheney, and other war mongers endorsed Hillary. And it looks like they beat the hell out of Bernie so he would be quiet and endorse Hillary as well.
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  6. Biff says:

    Why, just this week, Mehdi Hasan, in an exasperated jeremiad in the pages of The Intercept, that bastion of fearless, adversarial journalism owned by billionaire Pierre Omidyar,

    The intercept is a strange place. There’s Greenwald, then there’s the rest of the intercept. Two completely different media outlets.

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    • Replies: @pB
    so how long will greenwald continue to sit on that giant pile of leaked documents?
    , @DjangoCat
    "The Intercept is a strange place.."

    I thought so too. There is rumbling that Snowden is not in Moscow, but stayed in Hong Kong to work with China. That he is a cabal plant working against the interests of the USA, with Greenwald and the Guardian complicit in his deceipt. Explains the Hollywood coverage.

    The Intercept is exactly what it seems, there is no dichotomy.

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  7. chris says:

    Fantastic article!

    This isn’t the [goddam] 1990s, after all. All that nonsense about globalization, and supranational entities like the WTO, and the World Bank, not to mention “American jobs” … only fascists talk like that these days!

    This excellent point is another reason the left ‘on the street’ is exploding their own heads at the mention of Trump; with his stance against globalism, he’s grossly defiled the internal purity test they used to have. He stole their own precious issue and ran with it to the cheers of the great deplorables.

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  8. ” This is the historical moment we are experiencing, a clumsy, sloppy, partly fascistic, partly non-fascistic democratic uprising against the continuing spread of global capitalism, the erosion of what is left of national sovereignty, and … yes, people’s cultures and values. ”


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  9. Anonymous[404] • Disclaimer says: • Website
    I can't say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes. Neolibreral policies turn over important decisions to the market.

    The US doesn't need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an energy policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an internet policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to break up monopolies will take care of that.

    And so on.

    Markets über alles.

    Markets above all?

    Since ‘the market’ is a concept summarizing people’s long-term free choices while respecting the property of others, and especially their taking personal action in ending far-left (and -right) totalitarian coercive regulations, especially when catalyzed by the modern libertarians, then–hell yeah.


    The US doesn’t need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has created a worldwide stock and invention boom.

    The US doesn’t need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.
    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.

    The US doesn’t need an energy policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has circumvented predicted energy shortages and is giving us cheaper eco-energy than ever.

    The US doesn’t need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought attention to governments as the main polluters, reduced socialist spoilage of the ecology, and raised Green awareness.

    The US doesn’t need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the major blocks to forming the key infrastructure changes of today: the internet and private space colonization.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    The US doesn’t need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has raised the Dow 26 times and brought freer market democracy to every country.

    The US doesn’t need to break up monopolies will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has removed the far-left monopolies on transport, mail, books, etc. and more reducing costs while improving choices by a factor of 9X or more.We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns ?

    Monopoly/oligopolies are the result of government regulations imposed generally by the ‘socialist’ far-left. Time to get rid of these strangleholds in academia, K-12 schooling, etc.–not give them more power.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Reactionary Utopian

    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.
    All those Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, etc. came across the Iron Curtain, did they? That’s why there are small towns in northern Indiana today where you need Spanish to talk to most anyone?

    LP-voting, chess-club chucklehead.
    , @Jim Bob Lassiter
    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    "We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?"

    Hard to return power that you don't have isn't it?

    Mark Zuckerberg et al in Palo Alto/Seattle are neither far left, monopolistic or clowns, are they?
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  10. anonymous[404] • Disclaimer says: • Website
    The far left (not the Hillary "left") isn't entirely dead. Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have). Amazing that the left has allowed the right to plunder that issue from them. Now they just mouth Koch Brothers platitudes. If they get right with immigration the rest of their platform (antiwar, single payer, free state college) is quite palatable to most.

    ” Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have)”

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders’ position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    The left is for immigration control, not a sensible libertarian open policy. They equate open borders with invasion– and the right is stupid enough to fall for it, just taking the other side.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders’ deodorant socialist fascism. Bernie wouldn’t have one, and Johnson may have done even better than he did.

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    • Replies: @WJ
    The left is for immigration control?? Do you have evidence of this? They talk amnesty incessantly but perhaps the fact they never get anything done is proof of your claim. They could have done it in BO's first two years but they were too busy crafting a horrible health care bill. But no, the left is not for immigration control.

    I don't see how the right is stupidly falling for anything. Parts of this statement are incoherent.
    , @Reactionary Utopian

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders’ deodorant socialist fascism.
    What the hell does that even mean? (If anything. )
    , @Bragadocious
    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders’ position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    You're talking about the 2006 Bernie Sanders. In the 2016 version, Bernie pathetically caved in to Jorge Ramos and Univision at the primary debate in Florida.
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  11. One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    We see some of this on the blog. The state college-educated white-collar small-time Bourgeois like myself who have traveled and lived overseas cannot help but hold the lumpen “son of the soil” personified these days by the out-of-his mind meth head Oxy-addict in the sticks who has a GED and three kids by the age of 25 and is a whigger in complete and total contempt.

    Whereas blacks will display solidarity and even Hispanics as disparate as Cuban whites and pure Aztec Mexicans will also show solidarity the white rural/urban, prole/Bourgeois, Southern/Northern ethnic divide is Grand Canyon-wide.

    Posters can sense that when they read my responses to the townies, rubes, hicks etc. on this blog commentary.

    There is even a sub-ethnic bigotry at work because Sanders is a Jew and most of the Bourgeois are Northern ethnic whites while the real lumpen are derived from Old Colonial rural Southern or Podunk interior Anglo-Celtic stock.

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    • Replies: @iffen
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    Correct, and they don't have the "right stuff" to advance themselves on their own. They are dependent upon people such as yourself. So when you absent yourself, they just keep on lumpening.
    , @Anon
    Stryker, German name I assume? What did the southerners ever do to you? And living overseas for 25-30 years how do you know so much about the south and it’s people?

    Detroit isn’t in the south you know. It’s pretty far north on the Canadian border. The White degenerate depraved debauched druggies you grew up with in either Detroit or Ann Arbor (50 miles apart) were northerners, not southerners

    I doubt you’ve never been south of the southern border of Michigan if that.

    , @MBlanc46
    So stop hating us for cripes sake!
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  12. Franz says:

    In actual fact, we’re less than four months to the real founding of the current regime. As is some twisted genius had a game plan that only took a few centuries to kick in.

    The deplorables never had a chance.

    In 1619 a brilliant strategy was implemented by what was then sparsely-populated shoreline colonies in both parts of North America and (most massively) in South America. African slaves would, in due course, flummox any chance of the sort of worker’s movements that dominated the early and mid Industrial Age elsewhere, as in parts of Europe and Britain.

    Bisecting the working classes by slave/free (each category subject to wild misinterpretation) guarenteed the American working class would be more likely to antagonize each other than get together and compare notes as to what the Bosses were up to.

    And when slavery ended chaos began. American unions, totally mocked by homogenous Europeans who had blood ties behind their union cards, were boycotted by blacks who knew Northern Unions were totally segregated and skewed to favor family members of European stock. Never mentioned in the histories of the 60s riots, it was the main driver of the conflicts.

    But it’s the 21st Century and that’s just old news. Disagree, anyone? Consider:

    Five to seven percent of Americans owned slaves back when it was legal. Right now, five to seven percent of Americans live on the portfolios of outsourced-to-third-world labor.

    Same game different name.

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    • Replies: @Jake
    You almost have it nailed. But what you have wrong is the heart of the matter. Slave owning meant nothing. Most slave owners had 3 or 4 up to 7 or 8 slaves, perhaps half of them at any given time children. The slave owner often lived a life that was, in our terms, far closer to poor farmer working 12 or more hours per day, 7 days per week, than to upper middle class comfort.

    In any economic endeavor, it is the shippers who get the richest. In the food world world, it is not the farmers and not the grocery store employees to who get filthy rich. It is the shippers who get filthy rich and become millionaires and then even richer. The shippers come to own almost the entire process.

    The people who got rich from slavery in the US were the slave shippers, who moved cheap labor around the globe to make themselves the richest of the rich for the time.

    Take that obvious thought to today: Globalists today move entire populations around the world not for the good of the peoples moved, an not for the good of the working classes of the lands where the other peoples are moved, but to add to their already perverse wealth and power.

    Today's globalists are not equivalent to some Virginia slave owning farmer in 1800 or 1860 but to the filthy rich, and genocidally self-righteous, Yankee Wall Street banker/investor whose family wealth was built at least significantly upon cross-Atlantic slave shipping. And in 1860 and after, he claimed to love the poor innocent Negro, which love required him to despoil 'bad whites' to help the beloved Negro.

    , @Wizard of Oz
    Sounds logical enough but it's mostly spun out of the imagination. You should concentrate on the demographics. Not even the Protestant upper middle classes started restricting fertilility till about 1875. Unions in the UK and even Australia, for example, didn't really achieve clout till well after the US Civil War. Of course it was the South that created po' white trash out of the landless whites who were often descended from indentured servants and earned low wages to help with a harvestvwhen there weren't enough slaves. Etc. I commend Nancy Isenberg's "White Trash: the 400-year untold story of class in America".
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  13. iffen says:

    Don’t give the working class what they want. Give them what they need.

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    • Replies: @anon
    I don't think anyone will need to give the working class anything, it looks to me like they are about to take it.
    Around the globe the have not class movement is growing, people have realized nothing about their world is about them, and they are very upset over being made victims of wars and having their behaviors manipulated by feedback controlled 24/7 spying machines which eat and digest facts and produce propaganda.

    The popular insurgency of the international working classes, representative of racism, xenophobia, nationalist, anti-Zionist, anti-privatised shared public domain insisting, debt free, culture indentured respondents who, just as Hitler did, have discovered capitalism to be a Jewish plot out to imprison everyone to the pleasures of the Jewish Oligarchs who seem to own everything and who start wars when they don’t get their way.

    Its clumsy, its sloppy, its partly fascistic, its bottom-up powered, its culture based, because it is forming as a moral valued national sovereign seeking Tsunami globally threatening the Oligarch capitalist.

    Hopkins again with another great on target article
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  14. This isn’t the 1990s, after all. All that nonsense about globalization, and supranational entities like the WTO, and the World Bank, not to mention “American jobs” … only fascists talk like that these days!

    That’s another thing that’s so weird about antifa: twenty years ago, when they still called themselves the ‘Black Bloc’, they were the ones out protesting globalization. Does anybody else remember the ‘Battle of Seattle’ in 1999, when they were protesting the WTO? I do. Back then, they were actually fighting the system; now they just fight there fellow citizens for the system. Don’t they realize what tools they are? Have they forgotten their own damn history?

    It’s no surprise to me that the system can make us all forget what happened, say, a hundred years ago. After all, very few of us were even alive back then. But the fact that they seem able to make so many forget what happened just ten or twenty years ago–in our own lifetimes!–is truly astounding. It’s just like Orwell’s ‘memory-holing’. Amazing …

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    • Agree: densa
    • Replies: @Abdul Alhazred
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  15. Realist says:
    I can't say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes. Neolibreral policies turn over important decisions to the market.

    The US doesn't need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an energy policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an internet policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to break up monopolies will take care of that.

    And so on.

    Markets über alles.

    I can’t say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes.

    Not all the working class problems stem from the upper class. The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.

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    • Agree: RadicalCenter
    • Replies: @peterAUS

    The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.

    The thing is, they won't. They can't, really. IQ and such.

    What they can is to wait for and, hopefully for them, get a Savior.
    Doesn't look likely I am afraid.
    , @Anon
    How do you know who watches Dancing With The Stars? Do you work for one of the companies that tracks TV watchers, exactly what SES they are where they live and what they watch?

    And do all you petit bourgeois snobs have any idea about the drug and alcohol use in the legal and financial worlds? Most profitable bars in the country are near buildings full of attorneys and within walking distance of stock & commodity exchanges.
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  16. Ploskina says: • Website
    The far left (not the Hillary "left") isn't entirely dead. Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have). Amazing that the left has allowed the right to plunder that issue from them. Now they just mouth Koch Brothers platitudes. If they get right with immigration the rest of their platform (antiwar, single payer, free state college) is quite palatable to most.

    It’s not so much that the left allowed the issue to be plundered, the Establishment right was pushing for more and more illegal immigration and amnesty as well. The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.

    On the right it was the big money donors pushing for cheap foreign labor. On the left they know that demographic transformation will make the federal government a single-party state. They don’t know it will only last for a generation or two before the left fractures into the little balkanized grievance mongering cliques that make up its constituent parts.

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    • Replies: @Malla

    The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.
    THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES. The so called "Right", the capitalist right and the left are all arms of the same beast. Choice here is an illusion, has been for a long time.
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  17. iffen says:
    @Jeff Stryker
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    We see some of this on the blog. The state college-educated white-collar small-time Bourgeois like myself who have traveled and lived overseas cannot help but hold the lumpen "son of the soil" personified these days by the out-of-his mind meth head Oxy-addict in the sticks who has a GED and three kids by the age of 25 and is a whigger in complete and total contempt.

    Whereas blacks will display solidarity and even Hispanics as disparate as Cuban whites and pure Aztec Mexicans will also show solidarity the white rural/urban, prole/Bourgeois, Southern/Northern ethnic divide is Grand Canyon-wide.

    Posters can sense that when they read my responses to the townies, rubes, hicks etc. on this blog commentary.

    There is even a sub-ethnic bigotry at work because Sanders is a Jew and most of the Bourgeois are Northern ethnic whites while the real lumpen are derived from Old Colonial rural Southern or Podunk interior Anglo-Celtic stock.

    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    Correct, and they don’t have the “right stuff” to advance themselves on their own. They are dependent upon people such as yourself. So when you absent yourself, they just keep on lumpening.

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    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker

    The bourgeois leaves a bad environment. He is the kid who is gone after graduation. He vanishes, if the immediate environment is not productive for him.

    The Lumpen is a son of the soil. He is trapped or chooses to remain in an unproductive environment. He is the one who hangs after the bourgeois leave for college.

    The bourgeois has less ties to his birthplace. If it goes bad, he can clear off.

    The Lumpen lacks initiative. When the Lumpen complains that blacks or Mestizos have more or less turned him into the equivalent of the Transylvania peasant, the average person wonders why the hell the Lumpen does not simply leave.

    But fundamentally, the Lumpen cannot adapt. He is effectively a townie.

    This is the fundamental split with globalists. The bourgeois can adapt; the lumpen is a son of a soil who cannot adapt outside his environment.

    The Bourgeois does not have a family young. He might be promiscuous, but marries later.

    The Lumpen has children young and marries young-these days the child is often out-of-wedlock.

    The Bourgeois does not get addicted to debilitating drugs. The lumpen does. He starts smoking pot young and gets into hard drugs as early as high school. His mind is too adrift as a young man to attend college because he is on drugs.

    The Lumpen is uneducated. Eventually, through self-education, he realizes what a raw deal he as gotten. But by then it is too late. He is 30 and has two kids and no money and no earning power and an arrest record.

    The Bourgeois can simply flit around the world. He travels frequently. The Lumpen has not interacted outside his birthplace so he has no comprehension of the rest of the world and no ability to hold his own in a global world.

    Thus, the lumpen ends up screwed.

    There is nothing a Bourgeois can do about it. When the Lumpen is 18 he believes he is invincible and only time and misfortune can chasten him. Over time he accrues wisdom but this wisdom cannot benefit him.

    The Lumpen female is attracted by physical attributes and not qualifications or prospects. This is why so often she is a single mother and less likely to meet a man who provides for her as successfully as the bourgeois.

    The Lumpen raises their children in an environment that hypersexualizes them which leads to early promiscuity and early pregnancy. The Bourgeois is not sexually active as early.

    The Lumpen tends to mature earlier. The film CLOCKWORK ORANGE or LOLITA demonstrate this tendency among the Lumpen. The Bourgeois matures older and is able to make more mature decision.

    The Lumpen is uneducated and entertained by more lowbrow stimuli. The Bourgeois is less influenced by dint of education.

    The Lumpen cannot understand money.

    I could go one and on but these are the reasons white proles are screwed and why the Bourgeois just get sick of them. Poor and working poor whites have discovered a new destructive drug? Why do they continue to be so stupid? Poor whites act out in sexually inappropriate fashions? Typical of the unstable home life and slutty mothers and absentee fathers? Lumpens are victimized by blacks? Why didn't they sell their house 20 years earlier like the white middle-class who long fled to the suburbs?

    So you see the Bourgeois and especially in a raw capitalist system like the United States holds the Lumpen in contempt.

    See what I mean.

    The Bourgeois just want to get away form the Lumpen. He disdains the poverty, the bad decisions, the drug addiction...

    The Lumpen is also unappealing. They are often violent or settle arguments with violence. They are oversexed much of the time. They are often drunk or drugged. If female they are often promiscuous.

    So it is really hard for middle-class Bourgeois to really identify with them. They just want to get away from them.

    The Bourgeois sees the 19 year old girl with the 6 month old baby abandoned by the feckless young man who impregnated them they feel contempt for the Lumpen. The Bourgeois read that Oxy has ravaged poor Lumpen they wonder why they try every new drug. The Bourgeois hears the lumpen complain about globalism when the Bourgeois travels frequently and often does business abroad.

    So you see how it is. Middle-class whites are contemptuous.
    , @Jeff Stryker
    "Absent yourself"

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate "fair weather friend". They leave their neighborhood for college and are willing to move anywhere to obtain work.

    They travel frequently and enjoy living in different countries.

    They have little interest in remaining in their childhood or youthful environment beginning with college-more than happy to leave the region or state.

    They often enjoy living overseas and have no longing for their birthplace.

    Globalization is a logical extension of this. Those that are educated and able to live anywhere take their business wherever profits are biggest.

    They can do that because they have the money and the mobility.

    So essentially they abandon the Lumpen.
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  18. WJ says:
    " Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have)"

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders' position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    The left is for immigration control, not a sensible libertarian open policy. They equate open borders with invasion-- and the right is stupid enough to fall for it, just taking the other side.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders' deodorant socialist fascism. Bernie wouldn't have one, and Johnson may have done even better than he did.

    The left is for immigration control?? Do you have evidence of this? They talk amnesty incessantly but perhaps the fact they never get anything done is proof of your claim. They could have done it in BO’s first two years but they were too busy crafting a horrible health care bill. But no, the left is not for immigration control.

    I don’t see how the right is stupidly falling for anything. Parts of this statement are incoherent.

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  19. Jake says:

    Again, I shout to the highest heavens: Nobel Prize for CJ Hopkins.

    Of course, none of this is new. We are in one of the peak eras, one of the more absurdist eras of the pattern, but the nature of Leftism is to wage culture war because of abiding hatred – defining hatred – for peoples the Left sees as backward because they remain conservative in Christian and/or moral and/or cultural terms. The True Believing Leftist knows with every fiber of his/her/its/their/zes being that if not for the uneducated white working class racist, sexist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic trash, the world would flower into paradise. And it is the height of GOOD to destroy everything that allows the retrograde white trash working class to oppose Leftism, which selflessly is working to give us egalitarian paradise in which all cultures are tolerated, respected, and people do not bow to Mammon

    So what if to reach the Leftist egalitarian paradise you have to make deals with countless multi-billionaires that seem to keep making them richer every quarter of every year? You are acting to exterminate the pure evil of the memories of Robert E. Lee and medieval Catholic knights and the hate-filled, low IQ, racist, poor white trash that worships them and in their names would enslave the entire world.

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  20. Jake says:
    In actual fact, we're less than four months to the real founding of the current regime. As is some twisted genius had a game plan that only took a few centuries to kick in.

    The deplorables never had a chance.

    In 1619 a brilliant strategy was implemented by what was then sparsely-populated shoreline colonies in both parts of North America and (most massively) in South America. African slaves would, in due course, flummox any chance of the sort of worker's movements that dominated the early and mid Industrial Age elsewhere, as in parts of Europe and Britain.

    Bisecting the working classes by slave/free (each category subject to wild misinterpretation) guarenteed the American working class would be more likely to antagonize each other than get together and compare notes as to what the Bosses were up to.

    And when slavery ended chaos began. American unions, totally mocked by homogenous Europeans who had blood ties behind their union cards, were boycotted by blacks who knew Northern Unions were totally segregated and skewed to favor family members of European stock. Never mentioned in the histories of the 60s riots, it was the main driver of the conflicts.

    But it's the 21st Century and that's just old news. Disagree, anyone? Consider:

    Five to seven percent of Americans owned slaves back when it was legal. Right now, five to seven percent of Americans live on the portfolios of outsourced-to-third-world labor.

    Same game different name.

    You almost have it nailed. But what you have wrong is the heart of the matter. Slave owning meant nothing. Most slave owners had 3 or 4 up to 7 or 8 slaves, perhaps half of them at any given time children. The slave owner often lived a life that was, in our terms, far closer to poor farmer working 12 or more hours per day, 7 days per week, than to upper middle class comfort.

    In any economic endeavor, it is the shippers who get the richest. In the food world world, it is not the farmers and not the grocery store employees to who get filthy rich. It is the shippers who get filthy rich and become millionaires and then even richer. The shippers come to own almost the entire process.

    The people who got rich from slavery in the US were the slave shippers, who moved cheap labor around the globe to make themselves the richest of the rich for the time.

    Take that obvious thought to today: Globalists today move entire populations around the world not for the good of the peoples moved, an not for the good of the working classes of the lands where the other peoples are moved, but to add to their already perverse wealth and power.

    Today’s globalists are not equivalent to some Virginia slave owning farmer in 1800 or 1860 but to the filthy rich, and genocidally self-righteous, Yankee Wall Street banker/investor whose family wealth was built at least significantly upon cross-Atlantic slave shipping. And in 1860 and after, he claimed to love the poor innocent Negro, which love required him to despoil ‘bad whites’ to help the beloved Negro.


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  21. Jake says:
    @Israel Shamir
    Excellent! Indeed the Left should learn more from the Bolsheviks!

    The Bolsheviks were part, a particularly murderous part, of the same issue.

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  22. Malla says:

    By WW2, the leftards decided that the White Working classes of the West will not be giving them their desired Western Bolshevik revolution. That is when the darkies, femenazi women and homos became their pets. Thus more darkie immigration to make the storm troops to bring about the future Communist slave state in the West. The commies and elites are very disspointed with the White Working Classes.

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    • Replies: @Malla
    So in the West they use bioleninism instead of bolshevik leninism.


    "The point about Leninism is that after absolute power is achieved, the leftist ratchet stops. The country stops moving left. No new ideas. No new catering to low-status people and using them to topple the government. No, none of that. The ever advancing leftist movement was just a means to an end. The end was power. Once power is achieved, leftism dissolves. It doesn’t disappear; it leaves some residue, in that states always try to have ideological consistency with what they said during their founding. Chinese dynasties framed that as filial piety of emperors following the ideas of grandpa the founder; but it’s mostly just inertia.

    This is not how things turned out in Western Europe and North America. No leftist party as such ever achieved absolute power in the West. It just didn’t happen. And not for lack of trying. But it didn’t pan out. As for why, well there’s my theory back then. Countries which developed capitalism slowly tended to produce less resentful losers than agrarian empires who were thrown suddenly into modernity. That’s not quite my original theory, I’ve read it somewhere else, maybe someone can remind me who first said it. At any rate the success of Leninism in Russia and China has plenty of chance in it. Lenin could very easily not have taken power, he could have lost the civil war, he could have not had that precious Wall Street Jewish money to keep him afloat. No Soviet Russia, no Communist China either. But anyway, it did happen, and socialism was very strong in those places with or without actual takeover.

    So what happened in the West, anyway? There’s one guy who thought about it very deeply. For a long, long time. Mostly because he was in jail so he had plenty of time to study the problem. I’m talking about Antonio Gramsci. He was a communist agitator in Italy who got caught by Mussolini, and was sentenced to rot in prison. "


    "His idea, which was hugely influential, and for good reason, was that the power structure wanted to keep being the power structure and you couldn’t just throw it away and replace it with your boys. You can try your chance in electoral politics, but there’s only so many resentful fucks who are willing to vote for the abolition of the very foundation of social life (property), at least in moderately prosperous Western countries. In these kind of places, if you want to take absolute power, you have to colonize the power structure very slowly. You have to influence their minds. You have to change the culture. This sounds very esoteric and spiritual but it’s not. Basically Gramsci argues that you gotta grab the press and the education system, and slowly but steadily do in every institution with some power what you do in a political party. Political parties work by hiring loyal people by preying on their low-status. Well, find a way into HR of every school, every newspaper, every government department, every judicial board. And to the very same thing. Run a distributed covert Leninist party. Until you run everything."


    "Because there’s always biology. Some people are tall, some people are short. Some look good, some are pretty ugly. Some are thin and some are fat. Some are pleasant some are annoying. Some are cool and some are awkward. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some make good choices some make bad choices. Some are law-abiding and some are criminally inclined. The latter of each pair is going to be low status anywhere on earth. Even in Soviet Communism under commander Trotsky. Some people just suck. That’s the way genes work.

    And so thankfully for Leftism, even after achieving affluence, even after the working class disappeared as a thing, there was still plenty of material to work with to advance the cause of complete control. And so Leftist groups started agitating status for people of African descent. For Jews. For single women. For drug junkies. For sluts. For fat people. For homos. For lesbians. For aggressive Muslims. For the disabled. For the retarded. For the mentally insane. For the trannies. All people who are were low status in Western society. And who would be low status in any society. Because they suck. They just aren’t very productive. For no fault of their own. Some people are born tall, some short. Some smart, some dumb. Some empathic, some psychopathic. Some content with their lot, some greedy with powerlust. That’s how it is.

    And so the Long March through the Institutions that Gramsci first envisioned as a way of having the Italian Communist Party do what Lenin had done, ended up producing a different kind of Leninist system, one distributed and informal, instead of Lenin’s unified and formal, and one which morphed into promotion of the dregs of society qua dregs of society, instead of promotion of Marx’s idea of the wrongly oppressed proletariat. Marx was not a good man, but at least he tried to dress his ideas in a way that made sense. Das Kapital took some real work to write. But that was just some contingent accident of his time. Leftism doesn’t need to make sense. It just needs to get the job done."
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  23. Malla says:
    By WW2, the leftards decided that the White Working classes of the West will not be giving them their desired Western Bolshevik revolution. That is when the darkies, femenazi women and homos became their pets. Thus more darkie immigration to make the storm troops to bring about the future Communist slave state in the West. The commies and elites are very disspointed with the White Working Classes.

    So in the West they use bioleninism instead of bolshevik leninism.


    “The point about Leninism is that after absolute power is achieved, the leftist ratchet stops. The country stops moving left. No new ideas. No new catering to low-status people and using them to topple the government. No, none of that. The ever advancing leftist movement was just a means to an end. The end was power. Once power is achieved, leftism dissolves. It doesn’t disappear; it leaves some residue, in that states always try to have ideological consistency with what they said during their founding. Chinese dynasties framed that as filial piety of emperors following the ideas of grandpa the founder; but it’s mostly just inertia.

    This is not how things turned out in Western Europe and North America. No leftist party as such ever achieved absolute power in the West. It just didn’t happen. And not for lack of trying. But it didn’t pan out. As for why, well there’s my theory back then. Countries which developed capitalism slowly tended to produce less resentful losers than agrarian empires who were thrown suddenly into modernity. That’s not quite my original theory, I’ve read it somewhere else, maybe someone can remind me who first said it. At any rate the success of Leninism in Russia and China has plenty of chance in it. Lenin could very easily not have taken power, he could have lost the civil war, he could have not had that precious Wall Street Jewish money to keep him afloat. No Soviet Russia, no Communist China either. But anyway, it did happen, and socialism was very strong in those places with or without actual takeover.

    So what happened in the West, anyway? There’s one guy who thought about it very deeply. For a long, long time. Mostly because he was in jail so he had plenty of time to study the problem. I’m talking about Antonio Gramsci. He was a communist agitator in Italy who got caught by Mussolini, and was sentenced to rot in prison. ”


    “His idea, which was hugely influential, and for good reason, was that the power structure wanted to keep being the power structure and you couldn’t just throw it away and replace it with your boys. You can try your chance in electoral politics, but there’s only so many resentful fucks who are willing to vote for the abolition of the very foundation of social life (property), at least in moderately prosperous Western countries. In these kind of places, if you want to take absolute power, you have to colonize the power structure very slowly. You have to influence their minds. You have to change the culture. This sounds very esoteric and spiritual but it’s not. Basically Gramsci argues that you gotta grab the press and the education system, and slowly but steadily do in every institution with some power what you do in a political party. Political parties work by hiring loyal people by preying on their low-status. Well, find a way into HR of every school, every newspaper, every government department, every judicial board. And to the very same thing. Run a distributed covert Leninist party. Until you run everything.”


    “Because there’s always biology. Some people are tall, some people are short. Some look good, some are pretty ugly. Some are thin and some are fat. Some are pleasant some are annoying. Some are cool and some are awkward. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some make good choices some make bad choices. Some are law-abiding and some are criminally inclined. The latter of each pair is going to be low status anywhere on earth. Even in Soviet Communism under commander Trotsky. Some people just suck. That’s the way genes work.

    And so thankfully for Leftism, even after achieving affluence, even after the working class disappeared as a thing, there was still plenty of material to work with to advance the cause of complete control. And so Leftist groups started agitating status for people of African descent. For Jews. For single women. For drug junkies. For sluts. For fat people. For homos. For lesbians. For aggressive Muslims. For the disabled. For the retarded. For the mentally insane. For the trannies. All people who are were low status in Western society. And who would be low status in any society. Because they suck. They just aren’t very productive. For no fault of their own. Some people are born tall, some short. Some smart, some dumb. Some empathic, some psychopathic. Some content with their lot, some greedy with powerlust. That’s how it is.

    And so the Long March through the Institutions that Gramsci first envisioned as a way of having the Italian Communist Party do what Lenin had done, ended up producing a different kind of Leninist system, one distributed and informal, instead of Lenin’s unified and formal, and one which morphed into promotion of the dregs of society qua dregs of society, instead of promotion of Marx’s idea of the wrongly oppressed proletariat. Marx was not a good man, but at least he tried to dress his ideas in a way that made sense. Das Kapital took some real work to write. But that was just some contingent accident of his time. Leftism doesn’t need to make sense. It just needs to get the job done.”

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    • Replies: @Malla
    "What did Lenin do? Exterminate the natural aristocracy of Russia, and build a ruling class with a bunch of low-status people. Workers, peasants, Jews, Latvians, Ukrainians. Lenin went out of his way to recruit everyone who had a grudge against Imperial Russian society. And it worked, brilliantly. The Bolsheviks, a small party with little popular support, won the civil war, and became the awesome Soviet Union. The early Soviet Union promoted minorities, women, sexual deviants, atheists, cultists and every kind of weirdo. Everybody but intelligent, conservative Russians of good families. The same happened in China, where e.g. the 5 provinces which formed the southern Mongolian steppe were joined up into “Inner Mongolia autonomous region”, what Sailer calls “consolidate and surrender”.

    In Communist countries pedigree was very important. You couldn’t get far in the party if you had any little kulak, noble or landowner ancestry. Only peasants and workers were trusted. Why? Because only peasants and workers could be trusted to be loyal. Rich people, or people with the inborn traits which lead to being rich, will always have status in any natural society. They will always do alright. That’s why they can’t be trusted; the stakes are never high for them. If anything they’d rather have more freedom to realize their talents. People of peasant stock though, they came from the dregs of society. They know very well that all they have was given to them by the party. And so they will be loyal to the death, because they know it, if the Communist regime falls, their status will fall as fast as a hammer in a well. And the same goes for everyone else, especially those ethnic minorities."


    "So you could run a Leninist party just on class resentments. “Never forget class-struggle”, Mao liked to say. “Never forget you used to be a serf and you’re not one now thanks to me”, he meant."


    "To get to the point: in 1960 we had a white men patriarchy. That was perfectly natural. Every society with a substantial proportion of white men will end up being ruled by a cabal of white men. Much of its biology; part of it is also social capital, good cultural practices accumulated since the 15th century. White men just run stuff better. They are natural high-status. But again, nature makes for messy politics. There is no social value on acknowledging truth: everybody can see that. The signaling value is in lies. In the unnatural. As Moldbug put it:

    in many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.

    Or as the Chinese put it, point deer, make horse.

    The point again is, that you can’t run a tight, cohesive ruling class with white men. They don’t need to be loyal. They’ll do ok anyway. A much easier way to run an obedient, loyal party is to recruit everyone else. Women. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. Those people may be very high performers individually, but in a natural society ruled by its core of high performers, i.e. a white patriarchy, they wouldn’t have very high status. So if you promise them high status for being loyal to you; you bet they’re gonna join your team. They have much to gain, little to lose. The Coalition of the Fringes, Sailer calls it. It’s worse than that really. It’s the coalition of everyone who would lose status the better society were run. It’s the coalition of the bad. Literal Kakistocracy."
    , @Anon
    Excellent excellent post. Unlike some commenters I could name, you know what you’re talking about.
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  24. anon[396] • Disclaimer says:

    What a load of mindlessness you wrote.

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  25. @anonymous
    " Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have)"

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders' position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    The left is for immigration control, not a sensible libertarian open policy. They equate open borders with invasion-- and the right is stupid enough to fall for it, just taking the other side.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders' deodorant socialist fascism. Bernie wouldn't have one, and Johnson may have done even better than he did.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders’ deodorant socialist fascism.

    What the hell does that even mean? (If anything. )

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  26. Malla says:
    So in the West they use bioleninism instead of bolshevik leninism.


    "The point about Leninism is that after absolute power is achieved, the leftist ratchet stops. The country stops moving left. No new ideas. No new catering to low-status people and using them to topple the government. No, none of that. The ever advancing leftist movement was just a means to an end. The end was power. Once power is achieved, leftism dissolves. It doesn’t disappear; it leaves some residue, in that states always try to have ideological consistency with what they said during their founding. Chinese dynasties framed that as filial piety of emperors following the ideas of grandpa the founder; but it’s mostly just inertia.

    This is not how things turned out in Western Europe and North America. No leftist party as such ever achieved absolute power in the West. It just didn’t happen. And not for lack of trying. But it didn’t pan out. As for why, well there’s my theory back then. Countries which developed capitalism slowly tended to produce less resentful losers than agrarian empires who were thrown suddenly into modernity. That’s not quite my original theory, I’ve read it somewhere else, maybe someone can remind me who first said it. At any rate the success of Leninism in Russia and China has plenty of chance in it. Lenin could very easily not have taken power, he could have lost the civil war, he could have not had that precious Wall Street Jewish money to keep him afloat. No Soviet Russia, no Communist China either. But anyway, it did happen, and socialism was very strong in those places with or without actual takeover.

    So what happened in the West, anyway? There’s one guy who thought about it very deeply. For a long, long time. Mostly because he was in jail so he had plenty of time to study the problem. I’m talking about Antonio Gramsci. He was a communist agitator in Italy who got caught by Mussolini, and was sentenced to rot in prison. "


    "His idea, which was hugely influential, and for good reason, was that the power structure wanted to keep being the power structure and you couldn’t just throw it away and replace it with your boys. You can try your chance in electoral politics, but there’s only so many resentful fucks who are willing to vote for the abolition of the very foundation of social life (property), at least in moderately prosperous Western countries. In these kind of places, if you want to take absolute power, you have to colonize the power structure very slowly. You have to influence their minds. You have to change the culture. This sounds very esoteric and spiritual but it’s not. Basically Gramsci argues that you gotta grab the press and the education system, and slowly but steadily do in every institution with some power what you do in a political party. Political parties work by hiring loyal people by preying on their low-status. Well, find a way into HR of every school, every newspaper, every government department, every judicial board. And to the very same thing. Run a distributed covert Leninist party. Until you run everything."


    "Because there’s always biology. Some people are tall, some people are short. Some look good, some are pretty ugly. Some are thin and some are fat. Some are pleasant some are annoying. Some are cool and some are awkward. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some make good choices some make bad choices. Some are law-abiding and some are criminally inclined. The latter of each pair is going to be low status anywhere on earth. Even in Soviet Communism under commander Trotsky. Some people just suck. That’s the way genes work.

    And so thankfully for Leftism, even after achieving affluence, even after the working class disappeared as a thing, there was still plenty of material to work with to advance the cause of complete control. And so Leftist groups started agitating status for people of African descent. For Jews. For single women. For drug junkies. For sluts. For fat people. For homos. For lesbians. For aggressive Muslims. For the disabled. For the retarded. For the mentally insane. For the trannies. All people who are were low status in Western society. And who would be low status in any society. Because they suck. They just aren’t very productive. For no fault of their own. Some people are born tall, some short. Some smart, some dumb. Some empathic, some psychopathic. Some content with their lot, some greedy with powerlust. That’s how it is.

    And so the Long March through the Institutions that Gramsci first envisioned as a way of having the Italian Communist Party do what Lenin had done, ended up producing a different kind of Leninist system, one distributed and informal, instead of Lenin’s unified and formal, and one which morphed into promotion of the dregs of society qua dregs of society, instead of promotion of Marx’s idea of the wrongly oppressed proletariat. Marx was not a good man, but at least he tried to dress his ideas in a way that made sense. Das Kapital took some real work to write. But that was just some contingent accident of his time. Leftism doesn’t need to make sense. It just needs to get the job done."

    “What did Lenin do? Exterminate the natural aristocracy of Russia, and build a ruling class with a bunch of low-status people. Workers, peasants, Jews, Latvians, Ukrainians. Lenin went out of his way to recruit everyone who had a grudge against Imperial Russian society. And it worked, brilliantly. The Bolsheviks, a small party with little popular support, won the civil war, and became the awesome Soviet Union. The early Soviet Union promoted minorities, women, sexual deviants, atheists, cultists and every kind of weirdo. Everybody but intelligent, conservative Russians of good families. The same happened in China, where e.g. the 5 provinces which formed the southern Mongolian steppe were joined up into “Inner Mongolia autonomous region”, what Sailer calls “consolidate and surrender”.

    In Communist countries pedigree was very important. You couldn’t get far in the party if you had any little kulak, noble or landowner ancestry. Only peasants and workers were trusted. Why? Because only peasants and workers could be trusted to be loyal. Rich people, or people with the inborn traits which lead to being rich, will always have status in any natural society. They will always do alright. That’s why they can’t be trusted; the stakes are never high for them. If anything they’d rather have more freedom to realize their talents. People of peasant stock though, they came from the dregs of society. They know very well that all they have was given to them by the party. And so they will be loyal to the death, because they know it, if the Communist regime falls, their status will fall as fast as a hammer in a well. And the same goes for everyone else, especially those ethnic minorities.”


    “So you could run a Leninist party just on class resentments. “Never forget class-struggle”, Mao liked to say. “Never forget you used to be a serf and you’re not one now thanks to me”, he meant.”


    “To get to the point: in 1960 we had a white men patriarchy. That was perfectly natural. Every society with a substantial proportion of white men will end up being ruled by a cabal of white men. Much of its biology; part of it is also social capital, good cultural practices accumulated since the 15th century. White men just run stuff better. They are natural high-status. But again, nature makes for messy politics. There is no social value on acknowledging truth: everybody can see that. The signaling value is in lies. In the unnatural. As Moldbug put it:

    in many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.

    Or as the Chinese put it, point deer, make horse.

    The point again is, that you can’t run a tight, cohesive ruling class with white men. They don’t need to be loyal. They’ll do ok anyway. A much easier way to run an obedient, loyal party is to recruit everyone else. Women. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. Those people may be very high performers individually, but in a natural society ruled by its core of high performers, i.e. a white patriarchy, they wouldn’t have very high status. So if you promise them high status for being loyal to you; you bet they’re gonna join your team. They have much to gain, little to lose. The Coalition of the Fringes, Sailer calls it. It’s worse than that really. It’s the coalition of everyone who would lose status the better society were run. It’s the coalition of the bad. Literal Kakistocracy.”

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    • Replies: @Abdul Alhazred
    Thanks Malla some interesting quotes to consider....but what is the point but to point out
    that the class in itself (humanity) has been steered not to such an overcoming of a bestial manner, but a celebration of that within the confines of a zoo, where various subspecies are empowered in their little parochial cages....ultimately conceived of by suicidal white men.

    Oh but how the "Woman. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. " to quote your quote of Moldbug (what a name!) all are taught to purr for one another.....

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  27. pB says:

    the shift from satire in to seriousness about 2/3 in was quite jarring an i think article would have been more effective if it maintain the satire to the end.

    because the first part rang truer than the 2nd, the left is the enemy of the working class. the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

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    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.
    Da. Good to see a non-Stupid here. I would differ from "time running out", however. Those in power have all the time in the world, should they address each competing issue effectively.

    What are the working classes going to do ... rebel? Americans? Not a chance. Latins will soon be the majority of the true "working class" (vs. opiate-addled former working class whites). Rebel? How? It would require the remaining 47% "real" Americans, which include about 15% opiate-befuddled has-beens, to relocate geographically to some region where they could come together to sufficiently retain their culture and merely survive -- to contemplate rebellion in 30 years...maybe?

    Ain't no chance of that happening. After this coming election, Globalist Satan will be well on the way to presenting all aliens with citizenship, no borders, and the vote.
    , @peterAUS

    ...the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.
    Pretty much.
    I'd add increasing number of salaried employees to wage workers too. Rat race to the bottom, in short.
    , @Realist

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant,.....
    The electoral system is for the elites, it gives the peasants something to live for. Sadly the underclass will probably not rebel, thereby leaving them always subservient to the elites. Not a happy situation for the majority.
    , @Jus' Sayin'...
    Computerization and automation has assisted 'Tonio Gramsci's march through the institutions. These processes have ensured that more and more jobs resemble mid-level management positions in government, i.e. essentially unneeded or even counterproductive sinecures whose only real purpose is to reward the holders with money, status, and a simulacrum of modest power in return for the job holder's loyalty to the establishment. Real, constructive, and rewarding jobs are becoming fewer and fewer and are restricted to the most elite.

    Meanwhile, the establishment can, without any adverse consequences, restrict access to other, meaningless jobs. These are allotted to those who are willing to become effective slaves of the establishment, loyal eunuchs who will adopt to any nonsense that is required of them if they are to retain their ersatz status in society. One can see the process at work in so-called institutions of "higher education".

    Marx, the sociologist, may have been right about the ultimate consequence, even if he was wrong about the timing and the causal mechanism. Increasing concentration of real social resources in the hands of an ever smaller elite may lead to levels of misery that will ultimately destabilize and destroy the system which is concentrating the fruits of automation and computerization within an ever smaller ruling establishment.
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  28. @Anonymous
    Markets above all?

    Since 'the market' is a concept summarizing people's long-term free choices while respecting the property of others, and especially their taking personal action in ending far-left (and -right) totalitarian coercive regulations, especially when catalyzed by the modern libertarians, then--hell yeah.


    The US doesn’t need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has created a worldwide stock and invention boom.

    The US doesn’t need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.
    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.

    The US doesn’t need an energy policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has circumvented predicted energy shortages and is giving us cheaper eco-energy than ever.

    The US doesn’t need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought attention to governments as the main polluters, reduced socialist spoilage of the ecology, and raised Green awareness.

    The US doesn’t need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the major blocks to forming the key infrastructure changes of today: the internet and private space colonization.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    The US doesn’t need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has raised the Dow 26 times and brought freer market democracy to every country.

    The US doesn’t need to break up monopolies will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has removed the far-left monopolies on transport, mail, books, etc. and more reducing costs while improving choices by a factor of 9X or more.We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns ?

    Monopoly/oligopolies are the result of government regulations imposed generally by the 'socialist' far-left. Time to get rid of these strangleholds in academia, K-12 schooling, etc.--not give them more power.

    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.

    All those Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans, etc. came across the Iron Curtain, did they? That’s why there are small towns in northern Indiana today where you need Spanish to talk to most anyone?

    LP-voting, chess-club chucklehead.

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  29. “You should remember this,
    The kiss is still a kiss.
    You should also remember this:
    Right or left there are no good guys in politics.
    There are only bad and worse,

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    • Replies: @Realist

    Right or left there are no good guys in politics.
    Correct, there is not one politician who will choose to do the right thing if it might jeopardize his career. Their only goal is to get reelected.
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  30. pB says:

    Why, just this week, Mehdi Hasan, in an exasperated jeremiad in the pages of The Intercept, that bastion of fearless, adversarial journalism owned by billionaire Pierre Omidyar,
    The intercept is a strange place. There’s Greenwald, then there’s the rest of the intercept. Two completely different media outlets.

    so how long will greenwald continue to sit on that giant pile of leaked documents?

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  31. alexander says:

    Dear Mr. Hopkins,

    I think you and Mr. Hasan have both missed the mark by a country mile.

    I think Mr. Hasan’s article is pernicious deflection.

    Neither of these issues propelled that unlikely outsider “The Donald” into the White House.

    Not even close.

    This past election was a referendum on the vast majority of Americans “total disgust” with our “Establishment Elites”, how they lied us into never ending ,trillion dollar, “catastrophic” wars, shredded the primacy of our constitution, and bankrupted our nation.

    If you don’t think so, just take a poll….to find out.

    Ask 320 million Americans if they enjoy being LIED INTO WAR.

    Ask them.

    Ask 320 million Americans if they enjoy being on the hook for TWENTY TWO TRILLION DOLLARS of HEINOUS DEBT…. because they were deceived into perpetual war by our “crooked” establishment “elites” and their big “phony” media.

    Ask them.

    If anything, the vast majority of Americans, across the board, are outraged and disgusted by all the lies we were told, and the fake bill of goods we were sold.

    It was Donald Trump, more than any other candidate, including Bernie, who called them out. It was Donald Trump who pilloried the “lying media” and “Washington elites” for deceiving us out of tens of trillions of dollars to engage in these stupid, useless, endless wars .

    That’s what won him the Oval Office.

    Every other candidate , bar none,was a “pre-cooked”, sold out, puppet of their paymasters.

    And we all saw it.

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  32. Anonymous[245] • Disclaimer says:

    As much as I hate to use the expression “Oh, wow!” … Oh, wow!

    Scrolling through comments is the “learning experience” here. Hopkins’ article is descriptive of the actual political situation, mostly in the USA, but to some degree applicable to Europe. Reading comments, one can get a feel for what percentage of readers “don’t get it” at all. About half, I estimate. Maybe 25% misunderstand Hopkins’ message (a feature of Unz readers that continues to astound me, and not limited to articles by Hopkins), and the remaining 25% seem to get the idea, pretty much. Dykstra gets, Ploskina gets it, Realist furiously accepts it, Stryker maunders with his usual bullshit and does NOT get it. Iffen hates everyone, including Hopkins.

    One wonders what spiraling clouds of spindizzy nonsense will gout when (and if) the religious wackadoodles and conspiracy freaks arrive, wading about in a freshly-poured tub of confused delusion.

    I would like to thank Mr. Hopkins for his trenchant observation that “the country that elected Barack Obama (who is Black) president, twice, has been transformed by Putin’s brainwashing agents into a cesspool of xenophobia and racism”. LOL, my sentiments exactly. And for those of you who don’t “get” satire, I LOL loudly once more.

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  33. anarchyst says:

    “Those who beat their swords into plowshares will (be forced to) plow for those who do not”…

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    • Replies: @Realist
    Very good.
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  34. Arnieus says:
    The far left (not the Hillary "left") isn't entirely dead. Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have). Amazing that the left has allowed the right to plunder that issue from them. Now they just mouth Koch Brothers platitudes. If they get right with immigration the rest of their platform (antiwar, single payer, free state college) is quite palatable to most.

    Braga, didn’t you read the leaked DNC emails. Bernie never had a chance. Hillary owned the DNC and super delegates and laundered plenty of cash into her campaign. It was all fixed. They wasted the time of millions who went out to vote for Bernie to look legit. It is why Wassermann-Schultz resigned and should have been prosecuted. The Clinton-Bush cartel took over. That is why the Bushes, Dick Cheney, and other war mongers endorsed Hillary. And it looks like they beat the hell out of Bernie so he would be quiet and endorse Hillary as well.

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    • Replies: @Bragadocious
    I did read the e-mails. What you're saying is all true but the fact remains that on Super Tuesday Sanders failed miserably in the South. He didn't connect with blacks at all. His base was all Northern white college towns. That's what really sank his candidacy.
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  35. Malla says:
    It's not so much that the left allowed the issue to be plundered, the Establishment right was pushing for more and more illegal immigration and amnesty as well. The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.

    On the right it was the big money donors pushing for cheap foreign labor. On the left they know that demographic transformation will make the federal government a single-party state. They don't know it will only last for a generation or two before the left fractures into the little balkanized grievance mongering cliques that make up its constituent parts.

    The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.

    THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES. The so called “Right”, the capitalist right and the left are all arms of the same beast. Choice here is an illusion, has been for a long time.

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    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES. The so called “Right”, the capitalist right and the left are all arms of the same beast. Choice here is an illusion, has been for a long time.
    Not exactly. The choice is real, and made on a basis of claims and definitions by the party line selected. The politicos say things they do not believe, and promise changes they have absolutely no intention of making. The voter places a vote based on what is said, and what is promised. However, all political entities do the same thing, and pursue the same goals, which are, essentially, to acquire wealth and power for the political class, regardless of the label on the door.

    The only crumbs that fall through the grate into the mouths of the working classes are products of infighting in the political class -- fighting over who gets to extract the most wealth from the productive class.
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  36. @anonymous
    " Bernie could have won if he had a sensible America-first position on immigration (which he used to have)"

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders' position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    The left is for immigration control, not a sensible libertarian open policy. They equate open borders with invasion-- and the right is stupid enough to fall for it, just taking the other side.

    Had Bernie been nominated, Gary Johnson would have made his campaign about Sanders' deodorant socialist fascism. Bernie wouldn't have one, and Johnson may have done even better than he did.

    My understanding is immigration control was Sanders’ position throughout and still is. He specifically derides any attempt to loosen immigration as driven by Koch Brother insanity.

    You’re talking about the 2006 Bernie Sanders. In the 2016 version, Bernie pathetically caved in to Jorge Ramos and Univision at the primary debate in Florida.

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  37. @iffen
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    Correct, and they don't have the "right stuff" to advance themselves on their own. They are dependent upon people such as yourself. So when you absent yourself, they just keep on lumpening.


    The bourgeois leaves a bad environment. He is the kid who is gone after graduation. He vanishes, if the immediate environment is not productive for him.

    The Lumpen is a son of the soil. He is trapped or chooses to remain in an unproductive environment. He is the one who hangs after the bourgeois leave for college.

    The bourgeois has less ties to his birthplace. If it goes bad, he can clear off.

    The Lumpen lacks initiative. When the Lumpen complains that blacks or Mestizos have more or less turned him into the equivalent of the Transylvania peasant, the average person wonders why the hell the Lumpen does not simply leave.

    But fundamentally, the Lumpen cannot adapt. He is effectively a townie.

    This is the fundamental split with globalists. The bourgeois can adapt; the lumpen is a son of a soil who cannot adapt outside his environment.

    The Bourgeois does not have a family young. He might be promiscuous, but marries later.

    The Lumpen has children young and marries young-these days the child is often out-of-wedlock.

    The Bourgeois does not get addicted to debilitating drugs. The lumpen does. He starts smoking pot young and gets into hard drugs as early as high school. His mind is too adrift as a young man to attend college because he is on drugs.

    The Lumpen is uneducated. Eventually, through self-education, he realizes what a raw deal he as gotten. But by then it is too late. He is 30 and has two kids and no money and no earning power and an arrest record.

    The Bourgeois can simply flit around the world. He travels frequently. The Lumpen has not interacted outside his birthplace so he has no comprehension of the rest of the world and no ability to hold his own in a global world.

    Thus, the lumpen ends up screwed.

    There is nothing a Bourgeois can do about it. When the Lumpen is 18 he believes he is invincible and only time and misfortune can chasten him. Over time he accrues wisdom but this wisdom cannot benefit him.

    The Lumpen female is attracted by physical attributes and not qualifications or prospects. This is why so often she is a single mother and less likely to meet a man who provides for her as successfully as the bourgeois.

    The Lumpen raises their children in an environment that hypersexualizes them which leads to early promiscuity and early pregnancy. The Bourgeois is not sexually active as early.

    The Lumpen tends to mature earlier. The film CLOCKWORK ORANGE or LOLITA demonstrate this tendency among the Lumpen. The Bourgeois matures older and is able to make more mature decision.

    The Lumpen is uneducated and entertained by more lowbrow stimuli. The Bourgeois is less influenced by dint of education.

    The Lumpen cannot understand money.

    I could go one and on but these are the reasons white proles are screwed and why the Bourgeois just get sick of them. Poor and working poor whites have discovered a new destructive drug? Why do they continue to be so stupid? Poor whites act out in sexually inappropriate fashions? Typical of the unstable home life and slutty mothers and absentee fathers? Lumpens are victimized by blacks? Why didn’t they sell their house 20 years earlier like the white middle-class who long fled to the suburbs?

    So you see the Bourgeois and especially in a raw capitalist system like the United States holds the Lumpen in contempt.

    See what I mean.

    The Bourgeois just want to get away form the Lumpen. He disdains the poverty, the bad decisions, the drug addiction…

    The Lumpen is also unappealing. They are often violent or settle arguments with violence. They are oversexed much of the time. They are often drunk or drugged. If female they are often promiscuous.

    So it is really hard for middle-class Bourgeois to really identify with them. They just want to get away from them.

    The Bourgeois sees the 19 year old girl with the 6 month old baby abandoned by the feckless young man who impregnated them they feel contempt for the Lumpen. The Bourgeois read that Oxy has ravaged poor Lumpen they wonder why they try every new drug. The Bourgeois hears the lumpen complain about globalism when the Bourgeois travels frequently and often does business abroad.

    So you see how it is. Middle-class whites are contemptuous.

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    • Replies: @Patricus
    It is inaccurate to characterize everyone in the hinterland as "lumpen". When I visit these poorer communities I find a mixture. There are some rich, some educated, most in the middle and a population of low lifes. There are just as many lowlifes, by percentage, in coastal cities, probably a good deal more. Visit New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore if you want to gloat over social breakdown and drug use. The bourgeois live with bars on windows and guards.

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV. Believe it or not many people prefer a geographically isolated existence. In those communities one knows everyone. Traffic is nonexistent. In the cities one might never talk with residents in the next door apartment. Who are more provincial?

    There is a natural tendency to stay in your own community. Advantages include extended family members who might help with babysitting, introducing friends, recommending jobs. Uprooting may be necessary but it is a desperate act. People who move from one city to another, or one country to another, become rootless. If there is significant social unrest these well-travelled folks will be regarded as disposable. Consider the history of the Jews. The citizen of the world is a lost soul without a country and ultimately a shallow human being.
    , @Anon
    We get it Jeff, you left the slums of Ann
    Arbor* and by intelligence hard work and sheer will pulled your self out of your welfare slum by moving overseas.

    * Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country with a highly educated population, a midwestern Palo Alto.

    I wish you’d get it straight, Ann Arbor or the White slums of Detroit. Guess it depends what you’re snorting up your nose or drinking when you post.

    And you got married after age 25 and that makes you oh so superior to people who married under 25.

    Why not start your own blog, I Hate Degnerate Anglo Celts. Net ?
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  38. @Arnieus
    Braga, didn't you read the leaked DNC emails. Bernie never had a chance. Hillary owned the DNC and super delegates and laundered plenty of cash into her campaign. It was all fixed. They wasted the time of millions who went out to vote for Bernie to look legit. It is why Wassermann-Schultz resigned and should have been prosecuted. The Clinton-Bush cartel took over. That is why the Bushes, Dick Cheney, and other war mongers endorsed Hillary. And it looks like they beat the hell out of Bernie so he would be quiet and endorse Hillary as well.

    I did read the e-mails. What you’re saying is all true but the fact remains that on Super Tuesday Sanders failed miserably in the South. He didn’t connect with blacks at all. His base was all Northern white college towns. That’s what really sank his candidacy.

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  39. @iffen
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    Correct, and they don't have the "right stuff" to advance themselves on their own. They are dependent upon people such as yourself. So when you absent yourself, they just keep on lumpening.

    “Absent yourself”

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate “fair weather friend”. They leave their neighborhood for college and are willing to move anywhere to obtain work.

    They travel frequently and enjoy living in different countries.

    They have little interest in remaining in their childhood or youthful environment beginning with college-more than happy to leave the region or state.

    They often enjoy living overseas and have no longing for their birthplace.

    Globalization is a logical extension of this. Those that are educated and able to live anywhere take their business wherever profits are biggest.

    They can do that because they have the money and the mobility.

    So essentially they abandon the Lumpen.

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    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate “fair weather friend”.
    Do you mean "petit bourgeois"?
    , @Anon
    Ah yes, the lumpen proles of Ann Arbor MI who you abandoned to their poverty and degeneracy
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  40. @Anonymous
    Markets above all?

    Since 'the market' is a concept summarizing people's long-term free choices while respecting the property of others, and especially their taking personal action in ending far-left (and -right) totalitarian coercive regulations, especially when catalyzed by the modern libertarians, then--hell yeah.


    The US doesn’t need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has created a worldwide stock and invention boom.

    The US doesn’t need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.
    >>Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought down the great immigration barrier of the Iron Curtain and calls for spread of the US Bill of Rights to stabilize all nations.

    The US doesn’t need an energy policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has circumvented predicted energy shortages and is giving us cheaper eco-energy than ever.

    The US doesn’t need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 brought attention to governments as the main polluters, reduced socialist spoilage of the ecology, and raised Green awareness.

    The US doesn’t need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the major blocks to forming the key infrastructure changes of today: the internet and private space colonization.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    The US doesn’t need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has raised the Dow 26 times and brought freer market democracy to every country.

    The US doesn’t need to break up monopolies will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 has removed the far-left monopolies on transport, mail, books, etc. and more reducing costs while improving choices by a factor of 9X or more.We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns ?

    Monopoly/oligopolies are the result of government regulations imposed generally by the 'socialist' far-left. Time to get rid of these strangleholds in academia, K-12 schooling, etc.--not give them more power.

    The US doesn’t need an internet policy the market will take care of that.
    >Growing Libertarian deregulation since 1969 removed the legal blocks and made the internet possible. We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?

    “We should return power to the far-left monopolist clowns?”

    Hard to return power that you don’t have isn’t it?

    Mark Zuckerberg et al in Palo Alto/Seattle are neither far left, monopolistic or clowns, are they?

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  41. iffen says:

    So essentially they abandon the Lumpen.

    I’m not trying to guilt-trip you; you seem to be the poster child for today’s world, and are well within the norms.

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  42. Agent76 says:

    September 22, 2018 Detroiters Fear Losing Their Water May Mean Losing Their Kids

    Bankrupt, Detroit implemented the shut-off policy in 2014. Since then, according to the nonprofit We the People of Detroit Community Research Collective, more than 100,000 households have had their water turned off. The shutoffs can begin fast, when a bill of just $150 is 30 days past due.

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  43. @Malla

    The traditional American population was sold out by both sides.
    THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES. The so called "Right", the capitalist right and the left are all arms of the same beast. Choice here is an illusion, has been for a long time.

    THERE IS NO BOTH SIDES. The so called “Right”, the capitalist right and the left are all arms of the same beast. Choice here is an illusion, has been for a long time.

    Not exactly. The choice is real, and made on a basis of claims and definitions by the party line selected. The politicos say things they do not believe, and promise changes they have absolutely no intention of making. The voter places a vote based on what is said, and what is promised. However, all political entities do the same thing, and pursue the same goals, which are, essentially, to acquire wealth and power for the political class, regardless of the label on the door.

    The only crumbs that fall through the grate into the mouths of the working classes are products of infighting in the political class — fighting over who gets to extract the most wealth from the productive class.

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  44. @Jeff Stryker
    "Absent yourself"

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate "fair weather friend". They leave their neighborhood for college and are willing to move anywhere to obtain work.

    They travel frequently and enjoy living in different countries.

    They have little interest in remaining in their childhood or youthful environment beginning with college-more than happy to leave the region or state.

    They often enjoy living overseas and have no longing for their birthplace.

    Globalization is a logical extension of this. Those that are educated and able to live anywhere take their business wherever profits are biggest.

    They can do that because they have the money and the mobility.

    So essentially they abandon the Lumpen.

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate “fair weather friend”.

    Do you mean “petit bourgeois”?

    Read More
    • Replies: @iffen
    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.

    Use your time wisely.
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  45. @pB
    the shift from satire in to seriousness about 2/3 in was quite jarring an i think article would have been more effective if it maintain the satire to the end.

    because the first part rang truer than the 2nd, the left is the enemy of the working class. the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    Da. Good to see a non-Stupid here. I would differ from “time running out”, however. Those in power have all the time in the world, should they address each competing issue effectively.

    What are the working classes going to do … rebel? Americans? Not a chance. Latins will soon be the majority of the true “working class” (vs. opiate-addled former working class whites). Rebel? How? It would require the remaining 47% “real” Americans, which include about 15% opiate-befuddled has-beens, to relocate geographically to some region where they could come together to sufficiently retain their culture and merely survive — to contemplate rebellion in 30 years…maybe?

    Ain’t no chance of that happening. After this coming election, Globalist Satan will be well on the way to presenting all aliens with citizenship, no borders, and the vote.

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  46. Golden rule number one : All things evil, oppressive , destructive, inhumane, cruel etc, originate in Germany , the cosmic nuthouse where every town of size incorporates a “Karl Marx Strasse”.
    Now I have been trying to sort this out in my simple way of seeing things for nigh onto fifty years, and I am nowhere close to an answer, an answer to the seemingly naive question as to just what could move a city/town to name streets and erect monuments to a crazy asshole who’s “Teachings” resulted, through their implementation, in the murders a hundred million hapless human beings.
    Now of course if you care to engage in a crazy-making discussion with a typical know-it-all German, a “Deutscher Besserwisser” regarding this strange phenomena he/she will proceed to inform your that Marx was one of the world’s greatest “philosophers”, or that he was concerned with the welfare of an oppressed humankind, and he/she will employ any and every twisted logic so as to justify this disgusting abberation, and you will then come away scratching you head and pondering the question all over again the question of : Just why do the Germans feel compelled to name streets after a mad-man who’s concepts were the most bloody of all of history. I am guessing that the unobtainable answer lies within the same question applied to a gruesome “scientific” display of dissected human cadavers offered for public viewing to this day in prestigeous town of Heidelberg, the seat of the oldest university in Deutschland. Of course the question remains unanswered such as the question of did they, the Germans really make lampshades and sausage from human corpses.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.

    And last but not least : the German axiom that to be a “leftist” is to be an intellectual., and to be a “conservative” is to be a redneck clod.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    PS This comment is directly connected with the subject at hand, in spite of it’s non-sequitur appearance.

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    • Replies: @Reactionary Utopian

    ... to a crazy asshole who’s “Teachings” resulted ...

    ... after a mad-man who’s concepts ...

    ... in spite of it’s non-sequitur ...
    Its/ it’s. Whose /who’s.

    Boy, those Mensa standards fall a little farther every day, don’t they?
    , @Maus
    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is "nigh unto fifty years;" not "onto," which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.
    , @Malla

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.
    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

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  47. iffen says:
    @BamBam Rubble

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate “fair weather friend”.
    Do you mean "petit bourgeois"?

    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.

    Use your time wisely.

    Read More
    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.
    No, I thought he meant "petty" bourgeois. Context is everything.

    Use your time wisely.
    Okay. No more replies to you.
    , @Jim Bob Lassiter
    Good zinger of a response. Now I'll allow myself to piss away some of my time with y'all.

    An old Nicaraguan girlfriend from back in 1979 used to engage in a sort of homespun SNL type political humor with me. She used the term "La Pequeña Burguesía" with me and even I kinda half-ass understood it. (just enough to get back in the sack with her for another round)
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  48. peterAUS says:

    I can’t say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes.
    Not all the working class problems stem from the upper class. The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.

    The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.


    The thing is, they won’t. They can’t, really. IQ and such.

    What they can is to wait for and, hopefully for them, get a Savior.
    Doesn’t look likely I am afraid.

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    • Replies: @Realist

    What they can is to wait for and, hopefully for them, get a Savior.
    Nothing can help those that won't help themselves.
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  49. peterAUS says:
    the shift from satire in to seriousness about 2/3 in was quite jarring an i think article would have been more effective if it maintain the satire to the end.

    because the first part rang truer than the 2nd, the left is the enemy of the working class. the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    …the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    Pretty much.
    I’d add increasing number of salaried employees to wage workers too. Rat race to the bottom, in short.

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  50. @Authenticjazzman
    Golden rule number one : All things evil, oppressive , destructive, inhumane, cruel etc, originate in Germany , the cosmic nuthouse where every town of size incorporates a "Karl Marx Strasse".
    Now I have been trying to sort this out in my simple way of seeing things for nigh onto fifty years, and I am nowhere close to an answer, an answer to the seemingly naive question as to just what could move a city/town to name streets and erect monuments to a crazy asshole who's "Teachings" resulted, through their implementation, in the murders a hundred million hapless human beings.
    Now of course if you care to engage in a crazy-making discussion with a typical know-it-all German, a "Deutscher Besserwisser" regarding this strange phenomena he/she will proceed to inform your that Marx was one of the world's greatest "philosophers", or that he was concerned with the welfare of an oppressed humankind, and he/she will employ any and every twisted logic so as to justify this disgusting abberation, and you will then come away scratching you head and pondering the question all over again the question of : Just why do the Germans feel compelled to name streets after a mad-man who's concepts were the most bloody of all of history. I am guessing that the unobtainable answer lies within the same question applied to a gruesome "scientific" display of dissected human cadavers offered for public viewing to this day in prestigeous town of Heidelberg, the seat of the oldest university in Deutschland. Of course the question remains unanswered such as the question of did they, the Germans really make lampshades and sausage from human corpses.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, "green" madness, etc etc.

    And last but not least : the German axiom that to be a "leftist" is to be an intellectual., and to be a "conservative" is to be a redneck clod.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    PS This comment is directly connected with the subject at hand, in spite of it's non-sequitur appearance.

    … to a crazy asshole who’s “Teachings” resulted …

    … after a mad-man who’s concepts …

    … in spite of it’s non-sequitur …

    Its/ it’s. Whose /who’s.

    Boy, those Mensa standards fall a little farther every day, don’t they?

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    • Agree: Realist
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  51. @Malla
    "What did Lenin do? Exterminate the natural aristocracy of Russia, and build a ruling class with a bunch of low-status people. Workers, peasants, Jews, Latvians, Ukrainians. Lenin went out of his way to recruit everyone who had a grudge against Imperial Russian society. And it worked, brilliantly. The Bolsheviks, a small party with little popular support, won the civil war, and became the awesome Soviet Union. The early Soviet Union promoted minorities, women, sexual deviants, atheists, cultists and every kind of weirdo. Everybody but intelligent, conservative Russians of good families. The same happened in China, where e.g. the 5 provinces which formed the southern Mongolian steppe were joined up into “Inner Mongolia autonomous region”, what Sailer calls “consolidate and surrender”.

    In Communist countries pedigree was very important. You couldn’t get far in the party if you had any little kulak, noble or landowner ancestry. Only peasants and workers were trusted. Why? Because only peasants and workers could be trusted to be loyal. Rich people, or people with the inborn traits which lead to being rich, will always have status in any natural society. They will always do alright. That’s why they can’t be trusted; the stakes are never high for them. If anything they’d rather have more freedom to realize their talents. People of peasant stock though, they came from the dregs of society. They know very well that all they have was given to them by the party. And so they will be loyal to the death, because they know it, if the Communist regime falls, their status will fall as fast as a hammer in a well. And the same goes for everyone else, especially those ethnic minorities."


    "So you could run a Leninist party just on class resentments. “Never forget class-struggle”, Mao liked to say. “Never forget you used to be a serf and you’re not one now thanks to me”, he meant."


    "To get to the point: in 1960 we had a white men patriarchy. That was perfectly natural. Every society with a substantial proportion of white men will end up being ruled by a cabal of white men. Much of its biology; part of it is also social capital, good cultural practices accumulated since the 15th century. White men just run stuff better. They are natural high-status. But again, nature makes for messy politics. There is no social value on acknowledging truth: everybody can see that. The signaling value is in lies. In the unnatural. As Moldbug put it:

    in many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.

    Or as the Chinese put it, point deer, make horse.

    The point again is, that you can’t run a tight, cohesive ruling class with white men. They don’t need to be loyal. They’ll do ok anyway. A much easier way to run an obedient, loyal party is to recruit everyone else. Women. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. Those people may be very high performers individually, but in a natural society ruled by its core of high performers, i.e. a white patriarchy, they wouldn’t have very high status. So if you promise them high status for being loyal to you; you bet they’re gonna join your team. They have much to gain, little to lose. The Coalition of the Fringes, Sailer calls it. It’s worse than that really. It’s the coalition of everyone who would lose status the better society were run. It’s the coalition of the bad. Literal Kakistocracy."

    Thanks Malla some interesting quotes to consider….but what is the point but to point out
    that the class in itself (humanity) has been steered not to such an overcoming of a bestial manner, but a celebration of that within the confines of a zoo, where various subspecies are empowered in their little parochial cages….ultimately conceived of by suicidal white men.

    Oh but how the “Woman. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. “ to quote your quote of Moldbug (what a name!) all are taught to purr for one another…..


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    • Replies: @Malla

    .but what is the point but to point out
    that the class in itself (humanity) has been steered not to such an overcoming of a bestial manner,
    Yes, one of the first laws of this bioleninisn is that more barbaric your behaviour as a group, more you are respected and more status given to you.
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  52. anon[317] • Disclaimer says:
    Don't give the working class what they want. Give them what they need.

    I don’t think anyone will need to give the working class anything, it looks to me like they are about to take it.
    Around the globe the have not class movement is growing, people have realized nothing about their world is about them, and they are very upset over being made victims of wars and having their behaviors manipulated by feedback controlled 24/7 spying machines which eat and digest facts and produce propaganda.

    The popular insurgency of the international working classes, representative of racism, xenophobia, nationalist, anti-Zionist, anti-privatised shared public domain insisting, debt free, culture indentured respondents who, just as Hitler did, have discovered capitalism to be a Jewish plot out to imprison everyone to the pleasures of the Jewish Oligarchs who seem to own everything and who start wars when they don’t get their way.

    Its clumsy, its sloppy, its partly fascistic, its bottom-up powered, its culture based, because it is forming as a moral valued national sovereign seeking Tsunami globally threatening the Oligarch capitalist.

    Hopkins again with another great on target article

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  53. @iffen
    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.

    Use your time wisely.

    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.

    No, I thought he meant “petty” bourgeois. Context is everything.

    Use your time wisely.

    Okay. No more replies to you.

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  54. @iffen
    Everybody in the world knows that is what he meant.

    Use your time wisely.

    Good zinger of a response. Now I’ll allow myself to piss away some of my time with y’all.

    An old Nicaraguan girlfriend from back in 1979 used to engage in a sort of homespun SNL type political humor with me. She used the term “La Pequeña Burguesía” with me and even I kinda half-ass understood it. (just enough to get back in the sack with her for another round)

    Read More
    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    An old Nicaraguan girlfriend from back in 1979 used to engage in a sort of homespun SNL type political humor with me. She used the term “La Pequeña Burguesía” with me and even I kinda half-ass understood it. (just enough to get back in the sack with her for another round)
    Pequena burguesia means "petit bourgeois". "Petty bourgeois" means "bourgeois of no importance", and is an absolute misnomer.

    What words mean makes a difference. You don't understand that.
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  55. Realist says:
    the shift from satire in to seriousness about 2/3 in was quite jarring an i think article would have been more effective if it maintain the satire to the end.

    because the first part rang truer than the 2nd, the left is the enemy of the working class. the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant,…..

    The electoral system is for the elites, it gives the peasants something to live for. Sadly the underclass will probably not rebel, thereby leaving them always subservient to the elites. Not a happy situation for the majority.

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  56. Realist says:

    The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.

    The thing is, they won't. They can't, really. IQ and such.

    What they can is to wait for and, hopefully for them, get a Savior.
    Doesn't look likely I am afraid.

    What they can is to wait for and, hopefully for them, get a Savior.

    Nothing can help those that won’t help themselves.

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  57. @pB
    the shift from satire in to seriousness about 2/3 in was quite jarring an i think article would have been more effective if it maintain the satire to the end.

    because the first part rang truer than the 2nd, the left is the enemy of the working class. the left has become the ideology of the managerial class, and in America specifically the left is lost. the right is impotent.

    anyone who believe the salvation will come from the electoral system or either of the parties is dangerously ignorant, time is running out and there are no viable solutions. accelerationism is the only hope at this point and decline misery the only future for wage worker.

    Computerization and automation has assisted ‘Tonio Gramsci’s march through the institutions. These processes have ensured that more and more jobs resemble mid-level management positions in government, i.e. essentially unneeded or even counterproductive sinecures whose only real purpose is to reward the holders with money, status, and a simulacrum of modest power in return for the job holder’s loyalty to the establishment. Real, constructive, and rewarding jobs are becoming fewer and fewer and are restricted to the most elite.

    Meanwhile, the establishment can, without any adverse consequences, restrict access to other, meaningless jobs. These are allotted to those who are willing to become effective slaves of the establishment, loyal eunuchs who will adopt to any nonsense that is required of them if they are to retain their ersatz status in society. One can see the process at work in so-called institutions of “higher education”.

    Marx, the sociologist, may have been right about the ultimate consequence, even if he was wrong about the timing and the causal mechanism. Increasing concentration of real social resources in the hands of an ever smaller elite may lead to levels of misery that will ultimately destabilize and destroy the system which is concentrating the fruits of automation and computerization within an ever smaller ruling establishment.

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    • Replies: @peterAUS
    Good post.
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  58. @Franz
    In actual fact, we're less than four months to the real founding of the current regime. As is some twisted genius had a game plan that only took a few centuries to kick in.

    The deplorables never had a chance.

    In 1619 a brilliant strategy was implemented by what was then sparsely-populated shoreline colonies in both parts of North America and (most massively) in South America. African slaves would, in due course, flummox any chance of the sort of worker's movements that dominated the early and mid Industrial Age elsewhere, as in parts of Europe and Britain.

    Bisecting the working classes by slave/free (each category subject to wild misinterpretation) guarenteed the American working class would be more likely to antagonize each other than get together and compare notes as to what the Bosses were up to.

    And when slavery ended chaos began. American unions, totally mocked by homogenous Europeans who had blood ties behind their union cards, were boycotted by blacks who knew Northern Unions were totally segregated and skewed to favor family members of European stock. Never mentioned in the histories of the 60s riots, it was the main driver of the conflicts.

    But it's the 21st Century and that's just old news. Disagree, anyone? Consider:

    Five to seven percent of Americans owned slaves back when it was legal. Right now, five to seven percent of Americans live on the portfolios of outsourced-to-third-world labor.

    Same game different name.

    Sounds logical enough but it’s mostly spun out of the imagination. You should concentrate on the demographics. Not even the Protestant upper middle classes started restricting fertilility till about 1875. Unions in the UK and even Australia, for example, didn’t really achieve clout till well after the US Civil War. Of course it was the South that created po’ white trash out of the landless whites who were often descended from indentured servants and earned low wages to help with a harvestvwhen there weren’t enough slaves. Etc. I commend Nancy Isenberg’s “White Trash: the 400-year untold story of class in America”.

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  59. Patricus says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The bourgeois leaves a bad environment. He is the kid who is gone after graduation. He vanishes, if the immediate environment is not productive for him.

    The Lumpen is a son of the soil. He is trapped or chooses to remain in an unproductive environment. He is the one who hangs after the bourgeois leave for college.

    The bourgeois has less ties to his birthplace. If it goes bad, he can clear off.

    The Lumpen lacks initiative. When the Lumpen complains that blacks or Mestizos have more or less turned him into the equivalent of the Transylvania peasant, the average person wonders why the hell the Lumpen does not simply leave.

    But fundamentally, the Lumpen cannot adapt. He is effectively a townie.

    This is the fundamental split with globalists. The bourgeois can adapt; the lumpen is a son of a soil who cannot adapt outside his environment.

    The Bourgeois does not have a family young. He might be promiscuous, but marries later.

    The Lumpen has children young and marries young-these days the child is often out-of-wedlock.

    The Bourgeois does not get addicted to debilitating drugs. The lumpen does. He starts smoking pot young and gets into hard drugs as early as high school. His mind is too adrift as a young man to attend college because he is on drugs.

    The Lumpen is uneducated. Eventually, through self-education, he realizes what a raw deal he as gotten. But by then it is too late. He is 30 and has two kids and no money and no earning power and an arrest record.

    The Bourgeois can simply flit around the world. He travels frequently. The Lumpen has not interacted outside his birthplace so he has no comprehension of the rest of the world and no ability to hold his own in a global world.

    Thus, the lumpen ends up screwed.

    There is nothing a Bourgeois can do about it. When the Lumpen is 18 he believes he is invincible and only time and misfortune can chasten him. Over time he accrues wisdom but this wisdom cannot benefit him.

    The Lumpen female is attracted by physical attributes and not qualifications or prospects. This is why so often she is a single mother and less likely to meet a man who provides for her as successfully as the bourgeois.

    The Lumpen raises their children in an environment that hypersexualizes them which leads to early promiscuity and early pregnancy. The Bourgeois is not sexually active as early.

    The Lumpen tends to mature earlier. The film CLOCKWORK ORANGE or LOLITA demonstrate this tendency among the Lumpen. The Bourgeois matures older and is able to make more mature decision.

    The Lumpen is uneducated and entertained by more lowbrow stimuli. The Bourgeois is less influenced by dint of education.

    The Lumpen cannot understand money.

    I could go one and on but these are the reasons white proles are screwed and why the Bourgeois just get sick of them. Poor and working poor whites have discovered a new destructive drug? Why do they continue to be so stupid? Poor whites act out in sexually inappropriate fashions? Typical of the unstable home life and slutty mothers and absentee fathers? Lumpens are victimized by blacks? Why didn't they sell their house 20 years earlier like the white middle-class who long fled to the suburbs?

    So you see the Bourgeois and especially in a raw capitalist system like the United States holds the Lumpen in contempt.

    See what I mean.

    The Bourgeois just want to get away form the Lumpen. He disdains the poverty, the bad decisions, the drug addiction...

    The Lumpen is also unappealing. They are often violent or settle arguments with violence. They are oversexed much of the time. They are often drunk or drugged. If female they are often promiscuous.

    So it is really hard for middle-class Bourgeois to really identify with them. They just want to get away from them.

    The Bourgeois sees the 19 year old girl with the 6 month old baby abandoned by the feckless young man who impregnated them they feel contempt for the Lumpen. The Bourgeois read that Oxy has ravaged poor Lumpen they wonder why they try every new drug. The Bourgeois hears the lumpen complain about globalism when the Bourgeois travels frequently and often does business abroad.

    So you see how it is. Middle-class whites are contemptuous.

    It is inaccurate to characterize everyone in the hinterland as “lumpen”. When I visit these poorer communities I find a mixture. There are some rich, some educated, most in the middle and a population of low lifes. There are just as many lowlifes, by percentage, in coastal cities, probably a good deal more. Visit New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore if you want to gloat over social breakdown and drug use. The bourgeois live with bars on windows and guards.

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV. Believe it or not many people prefer a geographically isolated existence. In those communities one knows everyone. Traffic is nonexistent. In the cities one might never talk with residents in the next door apartment. Who are more provincial?

    There is a natural tendency to stay in your own community. Advantages include extended family members who might help with babysitting, introducing friends, recommending jobs. Uprooting may be necessary but it is a desperate act. People who move from one city to another, or one country to another, become rootless. If there is significant social unrest these well-travelled folks will be regarded as disposable. Consider the history of the Jews. The citizen of the world is a lost soul without a country and ultimately a shallow human being.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    It is not so much a matter of where they live but essentially that the poorer whites are trapped and defined by the conditions of their environment. The middle-class isn't.

    "Shallow" is the word I would apply to the Lumpen townie-he is like a comic book character missing a third dimension-for he has no perspective.

    It has nothing to do with rural or urban-the white proles who were worst-off that I have known were the Polish-Americans of Flint and Detroit who lacked the money or resources to move.

    We see this distinction between the races-whites move from a city and blacks remain. The tax base shrinks and eventually it becomes Detroit.
    , @BamBam Rubble

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV.
    100 years ago is 1918, and is near the end of the era of geographic isolation within the USA. NBC began broadcasting radio in 1926. Most of rural America had radios by the 1930s.

    Most states had statewide lending libraries before broadcast radio was established. People were informed -- at least, the capability was there. Being truly informed is something of a personal choice, as witness the local Unz clientele.
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  60. BilDak says:

    Zone 23 is a great novel. Your essays are also interesting.

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  61. Realist says:
    "Those who beat their swords into plowshares will (be forced to) plow for those who do not"...

    Very good.

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  62. Agent76 says:

    If anyone really wants to be in the know this link is for you, and it is not a D or R!

    “Who controls the issuance of money controls the government!” Nathan Meyer Rothschild

    Which Corporations Control the World?

    A surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. How many of the brands below do you use? It’s a Small World at the Top.

    “Control the oil, and you control nations. Control the food, and you control the people.” Henry Kissenger

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  63. Agent76 says:

    This clip says all that needs to be said on this topic.

    September 18, 2018 Deep State Unmasked: State Depot on Hidden Cam “Resist Everything” “I Have Nothing to Lose”

    The video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for government resistance. Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC).

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  64. Maus says:
    Golden rule number one : All things evil, oppressive , destructive, inhumane, cruel etc, originate in Germany , the cosmic nuthouse where every town of size incorporates a "Karl Marx Strasse".
    Now I have been trying to sort this out in my simple way of seeing things for nigh onto fifty years, and I am nowhere close to an answer, an answer to the seemingly naive question as to just what could move a city/town to name streets and erect monuments to a crazy asshole who's "Teachings" resulted, through their implementation, in the murders a hundred million hapless human beings.
    Now of course if you care to engage in a crazy-making discussion with a typical know-it-all German, a "Deutscher Besserwisser" regarding this strange phenomena he/she will proceed to inform your that Marx was one of the world's greatest "philosophers", or that he was concerned with the welfare of an oppressed humankind, and he/she will employ any and every twisted logic so as to justify this disgusting abberation, and you will then come away scratching you head and pondering the question all over again the question of : Just why do the Germans feel compelled to name streets after a mad-man who's concepts were the most bloody of all of history. I am guessing that the unobtainable answer lies within the same question applied to a gruesome "scientific" display of dissected human cadavers offered for public viewing to this day in prestigeous town of Heidelberg, the seat of the oldest university in Deutschland. Of course the question remains unanswered such as the question of did they, the Germans really make lampshades and sausage from human corpses.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, "green" madness, etc etc.

    And last but not least : the German axiom that to be a "leftist" is to be an intellectual., and to be a "conservative" is to be a redneck clod.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    PS This comment is directly connected with the subject at hand, in spite of it's non-sequitur appearance.

    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is “nigh unto fifty years;” not “onto,” which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.

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    • Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter
    , @Authenticjazzman
    " To think you made a profession of playing the sounds of negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, wagner"

    For your information, myself I studied classical flute performance, and the glories of Bach, Mozart, Teleman, in conservatory for four years with a top "Abschluss"

    Secondly your racist ignorance as to the qualities of Jazz music only disqualifies your pseudo-knowledge of classical music.

    Today is the birthday of John Coltrane, black musical genius, and on the level of Bach and Mozart, along with Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and a plethora of other unsurpassed brilliant black musical artists.

    Regarding my employment of the " apostrophe" : You apparently do not know that all grammar "rules" are nothing but arbitrary opinions of so-called "experts" : there are no natural laws governing the rules of language, as there are no natural laws governing the rules of musical creation.

    Over the last hundred years mankind has had more than enough of : "Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen"

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  65. Realist says:
    "You should remember this,
    The kiss is still a kiss.
    You should also remember this:
    Right or left there are no good guys in politics.
    There are only bad and worse,

    Right or left there are no good guys in politics.

    Correct, there is not one politician who will choose to do the right thing if it might jeopardize his career. Their only goal is to get reelected.

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  66. @Si1ver1ock
    I can't say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes. Neolibreral policies turn over important decisions to the market.

    The US doesn't need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an energy policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an internet policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to break up monopolies will take care of that.

    And so on.

    Markets über alles.

    Yes. Trade, immigration, education, trades training, banking, transport infrastructure, and monopoly regulation are important areas where Anglo countries need more, not less government intervention.

    Giving every young person a student loan and letting chose whatever they want to do (without even providing informed, impartial advice) is a bad idea. Leaving trades training to the market results in a shortage of tradesmen. Allowing the banks total freedom to manage mortgage lending results in grossly inflated house prices. Extreme free trade results in more unemployed third worlders wanting to come to the West. Giving big business too much say over immigration policy results in mass unwanted immigration and an MSM shutdown on immigration debate. Economic neoliberalism leads to a society where the right is reduced to debating economic issues like tax rates and the left has total control over culture.

    For every action there’s a reaction. Over the last 40 years the right has focuses on economic neoliberalism, and the left has responded by focusing on identity politics.

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  67. @Digital Samizdat

    This isn’t the 1990s, after all. All that nonsense about globalization, and supranational entities like the WTO, and the World Bank, not to mention “American jobs” … only fascists talk like that these days!
    That's another thing that's so weird about antifa: twenty years ago, when they still called themselves the 'Black Bloc', they were the ones out protesting globalization. Does anybody else remember the 'Battle of Seattle' in 1999, when they were protesting the WTO? I do. Back then, they were actually fighting the system; now they just fight there fellow citizens for the system. Don't they realize what tools they are? Have they forgotten their own damn history?

    It's no surprise to me that the system can make us all forget what happened, say, a hundred years ago. After all, very few of us were even alive back then. But the fact that they seem able to make so many forget what happened just ten or twenty years ago--in our own lifetimes!--is truly astounding. It's just like Orwell's 'memory-holing'. Amazing ...


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  68. @Maus
    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is "nigh unto fifty years;" not "onto," which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.


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  69. Agent76 says:

    ”The Fascist State organizes the nation, but it leaves the individual adequate elbow room. It has curtailed useless or harmful liberties while preserving those which are essential. In such matters the individual cannot be the judge, but the State only. The Fascist” – Benito Mussolini

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  70. @Jim Bob Lassiter
    Good zinger of a response. Now I'll allow myself to piss away some of my time with y'all.

    An old Nicaraguan girlfriend from back in 1979 used to engage in a sort of homespun SNL type political humor with me. She used the term "La Pequeña Burguesía" with me and even I kinda half-ass understood it. (just enough to get back in the sack with her for another round)

    An old Nicaraguan girlfriend from back in 1979 used to engage in a sort of homespun SNL type political humor with me. She used the term “La Pequeña Burguesía” with me and even I kinda half-ass understood it. (just enough to get back in the sack with her for another round)

    Pequena burguesia means “petit bourgeois”. “Petty bourgeois” means “bourgeois of no importance”, and is an absolute misnomer.

    What words mean makes a difference. You don’t understand that.

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  71. @Patricus
    It is inaccurate to characterize everyone in the hinterland as "lumpen". When I visit these poorer communities I find a mixture. There are some rich, some educated, most in the middle and a population of low lifes. There are just as many lowlifes, by percentage, in coastal cities, probably a good deal more. Visit New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore if you want to gloat over social breakdown and drug use. The bourgeois live with bars on windows and guards.

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV. Believe it or not many people prefer a geographically isolated existence. In those communities one knows everyone. Traffic is nonexistent. In the cities one might never talk with residents in the next door apartment. Who are more provincial?

    There is a natural tendency to stay in your own community. Advantages include extended family members who might help with babysitting, introducing friends, recommending jobs. Uprooting may be necessary but it is a desperate act. People who move from one city to another, or one country to another, become rootless. If there is significant social unrest these well-travelled folks will be regarded as disposable. Consider the history of the Jews. The citizen of the world is a lost soul without a country and ultimately a shallow human being.

    It is not so much a matter of where they live but essentially that the poorer whites are trapped and defined by the conditions of their environment. The middle-class isn’t.

    “Shallow” is the word I would apply to the Lumpen townie-he is like a comic book character missing a third dimension-for he has no perspective.

    It has nothing to do with rural or urban-the white proles who were worst-off that I have known were the Polish-Americans of Flint and Detroit who lacked the money or resources to move.

    We see this distinction between the races-whites move from a city and blacks remain. The tax base shrinks and eventually it becomes Detroit.

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  72. @Patricus
    It is inaccurate to characterize everyone in the hinterland as "lumpen". When I visit these poorer communities I find a mixture. There are some rich, some educated, most in the middle and a population of low lifes. There are just as many lowlifes, by percentage, in coastal cities, probably a good deal more. Visit New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore if you want to gloat over social breakdown and drug use. The bourgeois live with bars on windows and guards.

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV. Believe it or not many people prefer a geographically isolated existence. In those communities one knows everyone. Traffic is nonexistent. In the cities one might never talk with residents in the next door apartment. Who are more provincial?

    There is a natural tendency to stay in your own community. Advantages include extended family members who might help with babysitting, introducing friends, recommending jobs. Uprooting may be necessary but it is a desperate act. People who move from one city to another, or one country to another, become rootless. If there is significant social unrest these well-travelled folks will be regarded as disposable. Consider the history of the Jews. The citizen of the world is a lost soul without a country and ultimately a shallow human being.

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV.

    100 years ago is 1918, and is near the end of the era of geographic isolation within the USA. NBC began broadcasting radio in 1926. Most of rural America had radios by the 1930s.

    Most states had statewide lending libraries before broadcast radio was established. People were informed — at least, the capability was there. Being truly informed is something of a personal choice, as witness the local Unz clientele.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    Farnsworth the man who invented television and other things included a precursor to nuclear power lived on isolated farms in Idaho and Utah.

    But he had the local high school with a physics class a public library a subscription to Scientific American popular mechanics and book of the month club. His inspiration for TV came from looking at lines of crops

    Farnsworth is an Anglo English name. Every single president has been of Anglo or Celtic stock except for Van Buren half Dutch half Anglo Obama bald black half Anglo and Roosevelt part Dutch part Anglo

    The astronauts and men who got us into space were Anglo celts mostly from the small towns Jeff so despises

    I don’t believe anything in the MSN, including it’s sudden discovery of White drug addicts. When the MSM wrote about black drug addicts it was all poor pitiful blacks forced into addiction by evil Whites

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.
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  73. peterAUS says:
    @Jus' Sayin'...
    Computerization and automation has assisted 'Tonio Gramsci's march through the institutions. These processes have ensured that more and more jobs resemble mid-level management positions in government, i.e. essentially unneeded or even counterproductive sinecures whose only real purpose is to reward the holders with money, status, and a simulacrum of modest power in return for the job holder's loyalty to the establishment. Real, constructive, and rewarding jobs are becoming fewer and fewer and are restricted to the most elite.

    Meanwhile, the establishment can, without any adverse consequences, restrict access to other, meaningless jobs. These are allotted to those who are willing to become effective slaves of the establishment, loyal eunuchs who will adopt to any nonsense that is required of them if they are to retain their ersatz status in society. One can see the process at work in so-called institutions of "higher education".

    Marx, the sociologist, may have been right about the ultimate consequence, even if he was wrong about the timing and the causal mechanism. Increasing concentration of real social resources in the hands of an ever smaller elite may lead to levels of misery that will ultimately destabilize and destroy the system which is concentrating the fruits of automation and computerization within an ever smaller ruling establishment.

    Good post.

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  74. DjangoCat says:

    Why, just this week, Mehdi Hasan, in an exasperated jeremiad in the pages of The Intercept, that bastion of fearless, adversarial journalism owned by billionaire Pierre Omidyar,
    The intercept is a strange place. There’s Greenwald, then there’s the rest of the intercept. Two completely different media outlets.

    “The Intercept is a strange place..”

    I thought so too. There is rumbling that Snowden is not in Moscow, but stayed in Hong Kong to work with China. That he is a cabal plant working against the interests of the USA, with Greenwald and the Guardian complicit in his deceipt. Explains the Hollywood coverage.

    The Intercept is exactly what it seems, there is no dichotomy.

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  75. Malla says:
    @Abdul Alhazred
    Thanks Malla some interesting quotes to consider....but what is the point but to point out
    that the class in itself (humanity) has been steered not to such an overcoming of a bestial manner, but a celebration of that within the confines of a zoo, where various subspecies are empowered in their little parochial cages....ultimately conceived of by suicidal white men.

    Oh but how the "Woman. Blacks. Gays. Muslims. Transexuals. Pedophiles. " to quote your quote of Moldbug (what a name!) all are taught to purr for one another.....


    .but what is the point but to point out
    that the class in itself (humanity) has been steered not to such an overcoming of a bestial manner,

    Yes, one of the first laws of this bioleninisn is that more barbaric your behaviour as a group, more you are respected and more status given to you.

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  76. Malla says:
    Golden rule number one : All things evil, oppressive , destructive, inhumane, cruel etc, originate in Germany , the cosmic nuthouse where every town of size incorporates a "Karl Marx Strasse".
    Now I have been trying to sort this out in my simple way of seeing things for nigh onto fifty years, and I am nowhere close to an answer, an answer to the seemingly naive question as to just what could move a city/town to name streets and erect monuments to a crazy asshole who's "Teachings" resulted, through their implementation, in the murders a hundred million hapless human beings.
    Now of course if you care to engage in a crazy-making discussion with a typical know-it-all German, a "Deutscher Besserwisser" regarding this strange phenomena he/she will proceed to inform your that Marx was one of the world's greatest "philosophers", or that he was concerned with the welfare of an oppressed humankind, and he/she will employ any and every twisted logic so as to justify this disgusting abberation, and you will then come away scratching you head and pondering the question all over again the question of : Just why do the Germans feel compelled to name streets after a mad-man who's concepts were the most bloody of all of history. I am guessing that the unobtainable answer lies within the same question applied to a gruesome "scientific" display of dissected human cadavers offered for public viewing to this day in prestigeous town of Heidelberg, the seat of the oldest university in Deutschland. Of course the question remains unanswered such as the question of did they, the Germans really make lampshades and sausage from human corpses.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, "green" madness, etc etc.

    And last but not least : the German axiom that to be a "leftist" is to be an intellectual., and to be a "conservative" is to be a redneck clod.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    PS This comment is directly connected with the subject at hand, in spite of it's non-sequitur appearance.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.

    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    I don't know why Indians would have such focus on Jews-only the sorta Jewish St. Thomas Christians of Kerala have any sort of influence and it is restricted to Kochi.
    , @Authenticjazzman
    "Positive German achievements"

    Look friend I lived in Germany for forty-plus years, and I am fully aware of the manifold positive achievements of the the creative German peoples. The problem with these neurotic, tormented folks being their unsurpassed know-it-all attitude : the infamous " deutsche Besserwisserei"

    "German Jewish achievements mostly", Agreed, however this does not justify the glorification and revererance afforded by the Germans themselves of such destructive , oppressive, german-jewish accomplishments as : communism, and psychology, and the naming of streets all over Germany after Karl Marx.

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  77. @Malla

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.
    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

    I don’t know why Indians would have such focus on Jews-only the sorta Jewish St. Thomas Christians of Kerala have any sort of influence and it is restricted to Kochi.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    Israel has been cultivating India for the last 60 years. It’s a popular vacation spot for Israelis and there are all sorts of military and trade agreements.
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  78. Steve Hayes says: • Website

    You should have stuck to the satirical tone. It worked much better than seriousness.

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  79. @Maus
    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is "nigh unto fifty years;" not "onto," which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.

    ” To think you made a profession of playing the sounds of negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, wagner”

    For your information, myself I studied classical flute performance, and the glories of Bach, Mozart, Teleman, in conservatory for four years with a top “Abschluss”

    Secondly your racist ignorance as to the qualities of Jazz music only disqualifies your pseudo-knowledge of classical music.

    Today is the birthday of John Coltrane, black musical genius, and on the level of Bach and Mozart, along with Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and a plethora of other unsurpassed brilliant black musical artists.

    Regarding my employment of the ” apostrophe” : You apparently do not know that all grammar “rules” are nothing but arbitrary opinions of so-called “experts” : there are no natural laws governing the rules of language, as there are no natural laws governing the rules of musical creation.

    Over the last hundred years mankind has had more than enough of : “Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”


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  80. @Malla

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.
    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

    “Positive German achievements”

    Look friend I lived in Germany for forty-plus years, and I am fully aware of the manifold positive achievements of the the creative German peoples. The problem with these neurotic, tormented folks being their unsurpassed know-it-all attitude : the infamous ” deutsche Besserwisserei”

    “German Jewish achievements mostly”, Agreed, however this does not justify the glorification and revererance afforded by the Germans themselves of such destructive , oppressive, german-jewish accomplishments as : communism, and psychology, and the naming of streets all over Germany after Karl Marx.


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  81. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Digital Samizdat

    This is the historical moment we are experiencing, a clumsy, sloppy, partly fascistic, partly non-fascistic democratic uprising against the continuing spread of global capitalism, the erosion of what is left of national sovereignty, and … yes, people’s cultures and values.
    The left has experienced this "historical moment" before: around 1930, when global capitalism 1.0 collapsed. Now global capitalism 2.0 is collapsing, and the left is scared sh*tless. After all, last time around, in countries like Italy and Germany, the fascists and national socialists beat the communists handily, and then proceeded to quickly eliminate unemployment. The working classes loved Hitler and Mussolini--and the leftists never forgave them for that. Hatred of the working class from the left was a trademark of the so-called Frankfurt School Marxists; this has marked the left in the West ever since.

    Don’t forget Spain that whipped an entire force of Russian and international communists invaders during the 30s. And tiny Finland as well.

    Unfortunately America has surrendered to the internationalists without a shot

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  82. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    We see some of this on the blog. The state college-educated white-collar small-time Bourgeois like myself who have traveled and lived overseas cannot help but hold the lumpen "son of the soil" personified these days by the out-of-his mind meth head Oxy-addict in the sticks who has a GED and three kids by the age of 25 and is a whigger in complete and total contempt.

    Whereas blacks will display solidarity and even Hispanics as disparate as Cuban whites and pure Aztec Mexicans will also show solidarity the white rural/urban, prole/Bourgeois, Southern/Northern ethnic divide is Grand Canyon-wide.

    Posters can sense that when they read my responses to the townies, rubes, hicks etc. on this blog commentary.

    There is even a sub-ethnic bigotry at work because Sanders is a Jew and most of the Bourgeois are Northern ethnic whites while the real lumpen are derived from Old Colonial rural Southern or Podunk interior Anglo-Celtic stock.

    Stryker, German name I assume? What did the southerners ever do to you? And living overseas for 25-30 years how do you know so much about the south and it’s people?

    Detroit isn’t in the south you know. It’s pretty far north on the Canadian border. The White degenerate depraved debauched druggies you grew up with in either Detroit or Ann Arbor (50 miles apart) were northerners, not southerners

    I doubt you’ve never been south of the southern border of Michigan if that.

    Read More
    • Replies: @MBlanc46
    In fact, Detroit is north of Canada.
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  83. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I can’t say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes.
    Not all the working class problems stem from the upper class. The working class needs to spend a lot less time watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports on television. And spend a lot more time getting educated on what is happening to them. Situational awareness.
    The working class is in a self imposed stupor.

    How do you know who watches Dancing With The Stars? Do you work for one of the companies that tracks TV watchers, exactly what SES they are where they live and what they watch?

    And do all you petit bourgeois snobs have any idea about the drug and alcohol use in the legal and financial worlds? Most profitable bars in the country are near buildings full of attorneys and within walking distance of stock & commodity exchanges.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Realist

    How do you know who watches Dancing With The Stars?
    My comment was '..watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports.'

    Somebody sure as hell is watching that crap, it sure isn't people with situational awareness.
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  84. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    So in the West they use bioleninism instead of bolshevik leninism.


    "The point about Leninism is that after absolute power is achieved, the leftist ratchet stops. The country stops moving left. No new ideas. No new catering to low-status people and using them to topple the government. No, none of that. The ever advancing leftist movement was just a means to an end. The end was power. Once power is achieved, leftism dissolves. It doesn’t disappear; it leaves some residue, in that states always try to have ideological consistency with what they said during their founding. Chinese dynasties framed that as filial piety of emperors following the ideas of grandpa the founder; but it’s mostly just inertia.

    This is not how things turned out in Western Europe and North America. No leftist party as such ever achieved absolute power in the West. It just didn’t happen. And not for lack of trying. But it didn’t pan out. As for why, well there’s my theory back then. Countries which developed capitalism slowly tended to produce less resentful losers than agrarian empires who were thrown suddenly into modernity. That’s not quite my original theory, I’ve read it somewhere else, maybe someone can remind me who first said it. At any rate the success of Leninism in Russia and China has plenty of chance in it. Lenin could very easily not have taken power, he could have lost the civil war, he could have not had that precious Wall Street Jewish money to keep him afloat. No Soviet Russia, no Communist China either. But anyway, it did happen, and socialism was very strong in those places with or without actual takeover.

    So what happened in the West, anyway? There’s one guy who thought about it very deeply. For a long, long time. Mostly because he was in jail so he had plenty of time to study the problem. I’m talking about Antonio Gramsci. He was a communist agitator in Italy who got caught by Mussolini, and was sentenced to rot in prison. "


    "His idea, which was hugely influential, and for good reason, was that the power structure wanted to keep being the power structure and you couldn’t just throw it away and replace it with your boys. You can try your chance in electoral politics, but there’s only so many resentful fucks who are willing to vote for the abolition of the very foundation of social life (property), at least in moderately prosperous Western countries. In these kind of places, if you want to take absolute power, you have to colonize the power structure very slowly. You have to influence their minds. You have to change the culture. This sounds very esoteric and spiritual but it’s not. Basically Gramsci argues that you gotta grab the press and the education system, and slowly but steadily do in every institution with some power what you do in a political party. Political parties work by hiring loyal people by preying on their low-status. Well, find a way into HR of every school, every newspaper, every government department, every judicial board. And to the very same thing. Run a distributed covert Leninist party. Until you run everything."


    "Because there’s always biology. Some people are tall, some people are short. Some look good, some are pretty ugly. Some are thin and some are fat. Some are pleasant some are annoying. Some are cool and some are awkward. Some are smart and some are dumb. Some make good choices some make bad choices. Some are law-abiding and some are criminally inclined. The latter of each pair is going to be low status anywhere on earth. Even in Soviet Communism under commander Trotsky. Some people just suck. That’s the way genes work.

    And so thankfully for Leftism, even after achieving affluence, even after the working class disappeared as a thing, there was still plenty of material to work with to advance the cause of complete control. And so Leftist groups started agitating status for people of African descent. For Jews. For single women. For drug junkies. For sluts. For fat people. For homos. For lesbians. For aggressive Muslims. For the disabled. For the retarded. For the mentally insane. For the trannies. All people who are were low status in Western society. And who would be low status in any society. Because they suck. They just aren’t very productive. For no fault of their own. Some people are born tall, some short. Some smart, some dumb. Some empathic, some psychopathic. Some content with their lot, some greedy with powerlust. That’s how it is.

    And so the Long March through the Institutions that Gramsci first envisioned as a way of having the Italian Communist Party do what Lenin had done, ended up producing a different kind of Leninist system, one distributed and informal, instead of Lenin’s unified and formal, and one which morphed into promotion of the dregs of society qua dregs of society, instead of promotion of Marx’s idea of the wrongly oppressed proletariat. Marx was not a good man, but at least he tried to dress his ideas in a way that made sense. Das Kapital took some real work to write. But that was just some contingent accident of his time. Leftism doesn’t need to make sense. It just needs to get the job done."

    Excellent excellent post. Unlike some commenters I could name, you know what you’re talking about.

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  85. Liljoe says:
    I can't say that the working classes are without fault, but our problems stem from the upper classes. Neolibreral policies turn over important decisions to the market.

    The US doesn't need an industrial policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an immigration policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an energy policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an ecological policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an infrastructure policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need an internet policy the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to regulate Wall Street the market will take care of that.

    The US doesn't need to break up monopolies will take care of that.

    And so on.

    Markets über alles.

    Way to completely miss the point of the essay

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  86. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The bourgeois leaves a bad environment. He is the kid who is gone after graduation. He vanishes, if the immediate environment is not productive for him.

    The Lumpen is a son of the soil. He is trapped or chooses to remain in an unproductive environment. He is the one who hangs after the bourgeois leave for college.

    The bourgeois has less ties to his birthplace. If it goes bad, he can clear off.

    The Lumpen lacks initiative. When the Lumpen complains that blacks or Mestizos have more or less turned him into the equivalent of the Transylvania peasant, the average person wonders why the hell the Lumpen does not simply leave.

    But fundamentally, the Lumpen cannot adapt. He is effectively a townie.

    This is the fundamental split with globalists. The bourgeois can adapt; the lumpen is a son of a soil who cannot adapt outside his environment.

    The Bourgeois does not have a family young. He might be promiscuous, but marries later.

    The Lumpen has children young and marries young-these days the child is often out-of-wedlock.

    The Bourgeois does not get addicted to debilitating drugs. The lumpen does. He starts smoking pot young and gets into hard drugs as early as high school. His mind is too adrift as a young man to attend college because he is on drugs.

    The Lumpen is uneducated. Eventually, through self-education, he realizes what a raw deal he as gotten. But by then it is too late. He is 30 and has two kids and no money and no earning power and an arrest record.

    The Bourgeois can simply flit around the world. He travels frequently. The Lumpen has not interacted outside his birthplace so he has no comprehension of the rest of the world and no ability to hold his own in a global world.

    Thus, the lumpen ends up screwed.

    There is nothing a Bourgeois can do about it. When the Lumpen is 18 he believes he is invincible and only time and misfortune can chasten him. Over time he accrues wisdom but this wisdom cannot benefit him.

    The Lumpen female is attracted by physical attributes and not qualifications or prospects. This is why so often she is a single mother and less likely to meet a man who provides for her as successfully as the bourgeois.

    The Lumpen raises their children in an environment that hypersexualizes them which leads to early promiscuity and early pregnancy. The Bourgeois is not sexually active as early.

    The Lumpen tends to mature earlier. The film CLOCKWORK ORANGE or LOLITA demonstrate this tendency among the Lumpen. The Bourgeois matures older and is able to make more mature decision.

    The Lumpen is uneducated and entertained by more lowbrow stimuli. The Bourgeois is less influenced by dint of education.

    The Lumpen cannot understand money.

    I could go one and on but these are the reasons white proles are screwed and why the Bourgeois just get sick of them. Poor and working poor whites have discovered a new destructive drug? Why do they continue to be so stupid? Poor whites act out in sexually inappropriate fashions? Typical of the unstable home life and slutty mothers and absentee fathers? Lumpens are victimized by blacks? Why didn't they sell their house 20 years earlier like the white middle-class who long fled to the suburbs?

    So you see the Bourgeois and especially in a raw capitalist system like the United States holds the Lumpen in contempt.

    See what I mean.

    The Bourgeois just want to get away form the Lumpen. He disdains the poverty, the bad decisions, the drug addiction...

    The Lumpen is also unappealing. They are often violent or settle arguments with violence. They are oversexed much of the time. They are often drunk or drugged. If female they are often promiscuous.

    So it is really hard for middle-class Bourgeois to really identify with them. They just want to get away from them.

    The Bourgeois sees the 19 year old girl with the 6 month old baby abandoned by the feckless young man who impregnated them they feel contempt for the Lumpen. The Bourgeois read that Oxy has ravaged poor Lumpen they wonder why they try every new drug. The Bourgeois hears the lumpen complain about globalism when the Bourgeois travels frequently and often does business abroad.

    So you see how it is. Middle-class whites are contemptuous.

    We get it Jeff, you left the slums of Ann
    Arbor* and by intelligence hard work and sheer will pulled your self out of your welfare slum by moving overseas.

    * Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country with a highly educated population, a midwestern Palo Alto.

    I wish you’d get it straight, Ann Arbor or the White slums of Detroit. Guess it depends what you’re snorting up your nose or drinking when you post.

    And you got married after age 25 and that makes you oh so superior to people who married under 25.

    Why not start your own blog, I Hate Degnerate Anglo Celts. Net ?

    Read More
    • Replies: @Authenticjazzman
    " Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country, with a highly educated population"

    With a highly educated population: edumacated in the benefits of introducing marxism, "and green" madness to the hapless US tax-slaves.

    Ann Arbor is a hotbed of purple-haired crazies, and over-paid marxist perfessers knocking down six figure tax-slave dollars for their effort in the transformation of the US into a northern version of Venezuela.: "Wealthiest towns in the US".

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  87. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker
    "Absent yourself"

    The petty bourgeois is the penultimate "fair weather friend". They leave their neighborhood for college and are willing to move anywhere to obtain work.

    They travel frequently and enjoy living in different countries.

    They have little interest in remaining in their childhood or youthful environment beginning with college-more than happy to leave the region or state.

    They often enjoy living overseas and have no longing for their birthplace.

    Globalization is a logical extension of this. Those that are educated and able to live anywhere take their business wherever profits are biggest.

    They can do that because they have the money and the mobility.

    So essentially they abandon the Lumpen.

    Ah yes, the lumpen proles of Ann Arbor MI who you abandoned to their poverty and degeneracy

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  88. There are at least two definitions of “petty” and the second one is arguably equivalent to petit or pequeño.…0.0..0.77.481.7….3..0….1..gws-wiz…….0i131.6QfRhMoJVuA

    But I will take your long-nosed admonishment under advisement just in case I run into a member of the bourgeois who tries to gyp me out of a nickel on a thousand dollar contract.

    Read More
    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    There are at least two definitions of “petty” and the second one is arguably equivalent to petit or pequeño.
    No, it is not. Context, Johnny, context. Does your wife like petty jewelry? Does she engage you in petty arguments? Were you a petty officer in the Navy?

    The term was, is, and always will be "petit bourgeois", from the French. The English word "petty" contains too many connotations.
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  89. @Anon
    We get it Jeff, you left the slums of Ann
    Arbor* and by intelligence hard work and sheer will pulled your self out of your welfare slum by moving overseas.

    * Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country with a highly educated population, a midwestern Palo Alto.

    I wish you’d get it straight, Ann Arbor or the White slums of Detroit. Guess it depends what you’re snorting up your nose or drinking when you post.

    And you got married after age 25 and that makes you oh so superior to people who married under 25.

    Why not start your own blog, I Hate Degnerate Anglo Celts. Net ?

    ” Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country, with a highly educated population”

    With a highly educated population: edumacated in the benefits of introducing marxism, “and green” madness to the hapless US tax-slaves.

    Ann Arbor is a hotbed of purple-haired crazies, and over-paid marxist perfessers knocking down six figure tax-slave dollars for their effort in the transformation of the US into a northern version of Venezuela.: “Wealthiest towns in the US”.


    Read More
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    I honestly wouldn't know, personally.

    My parents lost the house in Ann Arbor when I was in my teens and I spent my last year of high school living with my grandmother in what was then a nicer part of Detroit.

    After graduating from high school I spent four years at Central Michigan University in the dormitories.

    Finally, I spent a single year in Phoenix. A place I detested.

    It was only a chance offer that led to me to Dubai but I found that I liked being overseas better.

    So I have no lived in Ann Arbor since I graduated from high school in 1992.

    I've not even set foot in the United States since the fall of 2007.
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  90. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @BamBam Rubble

    The world has changed. 100 years ago the rural or remote citizen had limited horizons out on the steppes or in the back woods. Today they all have internet connections and cable or satellite TV.
    100 years ago is 1918, and is near the end of the era of geographic isolation within the USA. NBC began broadcasting radio in 1926. Most of rural America had radios by the 1930s.

    Most states had statewide lending libraries before broadcast radio was established. People were informed -- at least, the capability was there. Being truly informed is something of a personal choice, as witness the local Unz clientele.

    Farnsworth the man who invented television and other things included a precursor to nuclear power lived on isolated farms in Idaho and Utah.

    But he had the local high school with a physics class a public library a subscription to Scientific American popular mechanics and book of the month club. His inspiration for TV came from looking at lines of crops

    Farnsworth is an Anglo English name. Every single president has been of Anglo or Celtic stock except for Van Buren half Dutch half Anglo Obama bald black half Anglo and Roosevelt part Dutch part Anglo

    The astronauts and men who got us into space were Anglo celts mostly from the small towns Jeff so despises

    I don’t believe anything in the MSN, including it’s sudden discovery of White drug addicts. When the MSM wrote about black drug addicts it was all poor pitiful blacks forced into addiction by evil Whites

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.

    Read More
    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.
    Interesting citation ref Farnsworth and the lines of planted crops. At the time, there were CRT scopes that tracked voltage changes over time, producing a trace-line. To integrate vertical and horizontal inputs to produce scan-lines (and frames) to build an image was a significant intuitive leap.

    The MSM is a tool of the rich, and nothing else but. Sometimes, confirmed and verifiable data may be delivered without bias, but for the most part, the MSM says what the rich want them to say.
    , @Jeff Stryker
    Evil whites could not give crystal meth away in the ghetto.

    The cocaine supply chains into the black ghettos are Hispanic.

    Like craft beer or water-skiing, blacks never really cared for crystal meth or MDMA.
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  91. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker
    I don't know why Indians would have such focus on Jews-only the sorta Jewish St. Thomas Christians of Kerala have any sort of influence and it is restricted to Kochi.

    Israel has been cultivating India for the last 60 years. It’s a popular vacation spot for Israelis and there are all sorts of military and trade agreements.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    I think India will continue to be run by high-caste Indians, not Israelis.
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  92. @Jim Bob Lassiter
    There are at least two definitions of "petty" and the second one is arguably equivalent to petit or pequeño.

    But I will take your long-nosed admonishment under advisement just in case I run into a member of the bourgeois who tries to gyp me out of a nickel on a thousand dollar contract.

    There are at least two definitions of “petty” and the second one is arguably equivalent to petit or pequeño.

    No, it is not. Context, Johnny, context. Does your wife like petty jewelry? Does she engage you in petty arguments? Were you a petty officer in the Navy?

    The term was, is, and always will be “petit bourgeois”, from the French. The English word “petty” contains too many connotations.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Jim Bob Lassiter
    Today is Sunday and I'm just not up for a tri-lingual etymological circle jerk.

    Know what I mean, butter bean?
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  93. MBlanc46 says:
    @Jeff Stryker
    One of the problems is the divide between the bourgeois middle-class (like myself, middle-class and suburban) and the white working class lumpenprole.

    We see some of this on the blog. The state college-educated white-collar small-time Bourgeois like myself who have traveled and lived overseas cannot help but hold the lumpen "son of the soil" personified these days by the out-of-his mind meth head Oxy-addict in the sticks who has a GED and three kids by the age of 25 and is a whigger in complete and total contempt.

    Whereas blacks will display solidarity and even Hispanics as disparate as Cuban whites and pure Aztec Mexicans will also show solidarity the white rural/urban, prole/Bourgeois, Southern/Northern ethnic divide is Grand Canyon-wide.

    Posters can sense that when they read my responses to the townies, rubes, hicks etc. on this blog commentary.

    There is even a sub-ethnic bigotry at work because Sanders is a Jew and most of the Bourgeois are Northern ethnic whites while the real lumpen are derived from Old Colonial rural Southern or Podunk interior Anglo-Celtic stock.

    So stop hating us for cripes sake!

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  94. @Anon
    Farnsworth the man who invented television and other things included a precursor to nuclear power lived on isolated farms in Idaho and Utah.

    But he had the local high school with a physics class a public library a subscription to Scientific American popular mechanics and book of the month club. His inspiration for TV came from looking at lines of crops

    Farnsworth is an Anglo English name. Every single president has been of Anglo or Celtic stock except for Van Buren half Dutch half Anglo Obama bald black half Anglo and Roosevelt part Dutch part Anglo

    The astronauts and men who got us into space were Anglo celts mostly from the small towns Jeff so despises

    I don’t believe anything in the MSN, including it’s sudden discovery of White drug addicts. When the MSM wrote about black drug addicts it was all poor pitiful blacks forced into addiction by evil Whites

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.

    Interesting citation ref Farnsworth and the lines of planted crops. At the time, there were CRT scopes that tracked voltage changes over time, producing a trace-line. To integrate vertical and horizontal inputs to produce scan-lines (and frames) to build an image was a significant intuitive leap.

    The MSM is a tool of the rich, and nothing else but. Sometimes, confirmed and verifiable data may be delivered without bias, but for the most part, the MSM says what the rich want them to say.

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  95. MBlanc46 says:
    Stryker, German name I assume? What did the southerners ever do to you? And living overseas for 25-30 years how do you know so much about the south and it’s people?

    Detroit isn’t in the south you know. It’s pretty far north on the Canadian border. The White degenerate depraved debauched druggies you grew up with in either Detroit or Ann Arbor (50 miles apart) were northerners, not southerners

    I doubt you’ve never been south of the southern border of Michigan if that.

    In fact, Detroit is north of Canada.

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  96. @BamBam Rubble

    There are at least two definitions of “petty” and the second one is arguably equivalent to petit or pequeño.
    No, it is not. Context, Johnny, context. Does your wife like petty jewelry? Does she engage you in petty arguments? Were you a petty officer in the Navy?

    The term was, is, and always will be "petit bourgeois", from the French. The English word "petty" contains too many connotations.

    Today is Sunday and I’m just not up for a tri-lingual etymological circle jerk.

    Know what I mean, butter bean?

    Read More
    • Replies: @BamBam Rubble

    Today is Sunday and I’m just not up for a tri-lingual etymological circle jerk.

    Know what I mean, butter bean?
    I sure do, kickapoo. It means you got nothing.
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  97. Realist says:
    How do you know who watches Dancing With The Stars? Do you work for one of the companies that tracks TV watchers, exactly what SES they are where they live and what they watch?

    And do all you petit bourgeois snobs have any idea about the drug and alcohol use in the legal and financial worlds? Most profitable bars in the country are near buildings full of attorneys and within walking distance of stock & commodity exchanges.

    How do you know who watches Dancing With The Stars?

    My comment was ‘..watching stupid shit like Dancing with The Stars and sports.’

    Somebody sure as hell is watching that crap, it sure isn’t people with situational awareness.

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  98. @Jim Bob Lassiter
    Today is Sunday and I'm just not up for a tri-lingual etymological circle jerk.

    Know what I mean, butter bean?

    Today is Sunday and I’m just not up for a tri-lingual etymological circle jerk.

    Know what I mean, butter bean?

    I sure do, kickapoo. It means you got nothing.

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  99. @Authenticjazzman
    " Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country, with a highly educated population"

    With a highly educated population: edumacated in the benefits of introducing marxism, "and green" madness to the hapless US tax-slaves.

    Ann Arbor is a hotbed of purple-haired crazies, and over-paid marxist perfessers knocking down six figure tax-slave dollars for their effort in the transformation of the US into a northern version of Venezuela.: "Wealthiest towns in the US".


    I honestly wouldn’t know, personally.

    My parents lost the house in Ann Arbor when I was in my teens and I spent my last year of high school living with my grandmother in what was then a nicer part of Detroit.

    After graduating from high school I spent four years at Central Michigan University in the dormitories.

    Finally, I spent a single year in Phoenix. A place I detested.

    It was only a chance offer that led to me to Dubai but I found that I liked being overseas better.

    So I have no lived in Ann Arbor since I graduated from high school in 1992.

    I’ve not even set foot in the United States since the fall of 2007.

    Read More
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  100. @Anon
    Israel has been cultivating India for the last 60 years. It’s a popular vacation spot for Israelis and there are all sorts of military and trade agreements.

    I think India will continue to be run by high-caste Indians, not Israelis.

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  101. @Anon
    Farnsworth the man who invented television and other things included a precursor to nuclear power lived on isolated farms in Idaho and Utah.

    But he had the local high school with a physics class a public library a subscription to Scientific American popular mechanics and book of the month club. His inspiration for TV came from looking at lines of crops

    Farnsworth is an Anglo English name. Every single president has been of Anglo or Celtic stock except for Van Buren half Dutch half Anglo Obama bald black half Anglo and Roosevelt part Dutch part Anglo

    The astronauts and men who got us into space were Anglo celts mostly from the small towns Jeff so despises

    I don’t believe anything in the MSN, including it’s sudden discovery of White drug addicts. When the MSM wrote about black drug addicts it was all poor pitiful blacks forced into addiction by evil Whites

    Now the alleged White druggies are just degenerates who should be genocided like the Kulaks.

    Evil whites could not give crystal meth away in the ghetto.

    The cocaine supply chains into the black ghettos are Hispanic.

    Like craft beer or water-skiing, blacks never really cared for crystal meth or MDMA.

    Read More
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