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France freezes Iranian assets after rally bomb plot

Rudolph Giuliani spoke at the event at Villepinte
Rudolph Giuliani spoke at the event at VillepinteREGIS DUVIGNAU/REUTERS

France has blamed Tehran for plotting to bomb a large rally by an opposition group near Paris and said it was freezing some Iranian assets in retaliation for the foiled attack.

Paris said it was responding to an attempt on June 30 to strike a conference of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, which is based in the city and styles itself as Iran’s government-in-exile. Rudolph Giuliani, President Trump’s lawyer, was a keynote speaker at the event at Villepinte, near Charles de Gaulle airport. About 25,000 people attended.

“This extremely serious act envisaged on our territory could not go without a response,” France’s interior, foreign and economy ministers said in a joint statement. “In taking this decision, France underlines its determination to fight against…

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