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Anatoly Karlin Andrei Martyanov Andrew Joyce Andrew Napolitano Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins Chanda Chisala Egor Kholmogorov Eric Margolis Forum Fred Reed Agnostic P-ter Godfree Roberts Guillaume Durocher Gustavo Arellano Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Petras James Thompson JayMan John Derbyshire Jonathan Revusky Kevin Barrett Lance Welton Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Gottfried Paul Kersey Peter Frost Peter Lee Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Robert Weissberg Ron Paul Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tom Engelhardt A. Graham Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Ahmet Öncü Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alfred McCoy Alison Rose Levy Alison Weir Allegra Harpootlian Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Andre Damon Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew S. 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    Russia’s very able Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, said that the US presidential campaign is “simply some sort of a global shame” unworthy of the American people. She certainly hit the nail on the head. Hitlery’s criminal record had to be suppressed by the Obama regime in order to move the oligarchs’ candidate in...
  • There have been over 70 million background checks for firearm purchases since Obama was first elected. There were more firearms purchased in the first year of Obama’s presidency then in the previous 35 years combined. There are now many more guns then there are people in the US. Ammunition manufacturers have had to build more factories to keep up with demand…Billions upon Billions of rounds sold every month. One of the gun ranges that I frequent is on a 30min-1 hour wait on any given week night. What does all this mean?

    People are waking up.

    Donald Trump is waking up, too…he is fully aware that the MSM is not what it pretends to be. It’s controlled by the Jews, and now he knows that, too…I know he knows (at least I hope he knows) because I sent a letter to him at his Trump Organization offices in NY city, giving him a full breakdown of who’s who in each of the big media corporations, and the Associated Press. In fact, I unloaded all the information that I know about the Jews, and put it in that letter…with the admonition: Any time something goes wrong in America, or Europe, look for Jewish involvement!

    Win or lose, Trump is in an excellent position to take the lead in this American Awakening…I hope he seizes this great opportunity, he’s the only one who can.

  • Some background: Yale undergraduates live in glorified dormitories known as "colleges." The incredibly rich university is finally building two new colleges, the first since 1961, after keeping its class size the same for many decades. Yale announced in April that its two new dorms will be named after Pauli Murray and Benjamin Franklin. Who was...
  • One of the most important things that Benjamin Franklin tried to do for the young nation was to warn the other founders of the threat posed by the criminal Jews. Here’s what he had to say…

    “I fully agree with General Washington, that we must protect this young nation from an insidious influence and impenetration. The menace, gentlemen, is the Jews. In whatever country Jews have settled in any great numbers, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within a state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.

    “For over 1700 years the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, they call Palestine. But, Gentlemen, should the world today give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some cogent reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.

    “If you do not exclude them from these United States, in this Constitution in less than 200 years they will have swarmed in such great numbers that they will dominate and devour the land, and change our form of government, for which we Americans have shed our blood, given our lives, our substance and jeopardized our liberty.

    “If you do not exclude them, in less than 200 years our descendants will be working in the fields to furnish them sustenance, while they will be in the counting houses rubbing their hands. I warn you, Gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jews for all time, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, Gentlemen, are Asiatics; let them be born where they will, or how many generations they are away from Asia, they will never be otherwise. Their ideas do not conform to an American’s, and will not even though they live among us ten generations. A leopard cannot change its spots.”

    Every thing Benjamin Franklin said has come to pass…why didn’t they listen?

    • Replies: @syonredux
    Benjamin Franklin never said that:

    "The Franklin Prophecy", sometimes called "The Franklin Forgery", is an antisemitic speech falsely attributed to Benjamin Franklin, warning of the supposed dangers of admitting Jews to the nascent United States. The speech was purportedly transcribed by Charles Cotesworth Pinckney during the Constitutional Convention of 1787, but was unknown before its appearance in 1934 in the pages of William Dudley Pelley's Silver Legion pro-Nazi weekly magazine Liberation. No evidence exists for the document's authenticity, and some of the author's claims have actively been disproven.

  • I just returned from a trip to East Africa where I was involved in discussions with several government leaders regarding the refugee crisis, among other issues. The continued flow of immigrants across national borders seeking to reach Europe is declining as colder weather arrives but not as much as in previous years and the migration...
  • @KenH
    Yes, the wonderful Kalergi and his desire to subsume white Europeans into some Eurasian-Negroid monstrosity. Sarkozy was half Jewish which probably explains his disdain for white Frenchmen and desire to enact a forced racial interbreeding program while hypocritically lauding the racial identity of Arab Muslims.

    One could argue a variant of the Kalergi plan is at work in N. America with mass third world immigration. The primary goal of school desegregation was to encourage white women to date and mate with black males and it has had an effect based on the growing number of mulatto teenagers I see walking around. Muslim refugees are being dumped on mostly white communities with the same goal in mind.

    The Kalergi scheme is being implemented in the US, too…how many hundreds of thousands of Somali’s have been secretly (and illegally) flown into, and dispersed throughout the US? These are not the best and the brightest we’re talking about here. The average IQ for a Somali adult is 67…the official IQ cutoff for a retard in the US is 70! How many other African nations are secretly dumping the dregs of their societies into the US?

    Why are Christian NGOs working with the Obama administration to help resettle these people, knowing that this is being done secretly, behind the backs of the American people? I know why Jewish, and Muslim NGOs are doing it…but I never expected the Christians to backstab America like this!

  • From the pages of the central cog of the Machine Media, the New York Times: Criticism of the News Media Takes On a More Sinister Tone Mediator Jim Rutenberg MEDIATOR OCT. 16, 2016 ... In the case of The Times, Mr. Trump has made its largest individual shareholder, Carlos Slim, of Mexico, part of the...
  • @Anonymous
    Let's all remember to put our money where our mouth is, and remember to donate to Trump's election. Surely we all can give at least a little, given how important it is.

    I spent all my money on guns, bullets, and toilet paper! Dang it! I won’t be able to donate any money to a Billionaire!

    I’ve got my fingers crossed for you, though!

  • "Remember, it's a rigged system. It's a rigged election," said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday. The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, "Il n'y a que la verite qui blesse." It is only the truth that hurts. In what sense...
  • @Boris
    Pat Buchanan's crying is one of the best parts of this election season.

    Pat Buchanan doesn’t cry! Water appears on his face when he commands it to!!

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @FKA Max
    So, according to you, Professor MacDonald, the Alt Right (which he is a key member of) et al., have been highly ineffectual, because the Occidental Observer website published an article on the Jo Cox murder, which went viral, and significantly influenced the BREXIT referendum , Professor MacDonald was retweeted by Donald Trump Jr. , and he was mentioned on the official Hillary Clinton website as a major backer of Donald Trump ( I cannot find this page right now; maybe it was deleted because associating Donald Trump with the Alt Right and Professor MacDonald was deemed highly ineffectual by the Clinton camp, since the Alt Right have been so effectual in supplying the Trump camp with talking points, that resonate with the historic American people and electorate? Hillary Clinton's 'alt-Right' smear will backfire!?


    This was the most ridiculous passage of your reply:

    Now, before you work yourself into a tizzy, I can assure you that there are thousands of Negros on other sites talking about “killin’ whitey” in every imaginable way…no Feds are coming for them.

    I wonder why that is...

    I don’t have the time to look into what you’ve said about the Brexit vote…I’ll have to take your word for it. BTW, where are they on the Brexit…every thing moving along nicely? I don’t have a lot of free time so I’m never up on current events.

    The Alt-Right…that’s the organization that’s headed by that flamboyant homosexual, right? How’s that working out? I don’t have anything against homosexuals, mind you…I just can’t fathom how a man can take another man’s penis into his mouth, possibly after it’s been in his rectum. That’s a yuck-factor off the charts!

    So, ol’ MacDonald is an important part of the Alt-Right, eh? I can’t see how that matters since there are no political solutions to our problems. America can achieve freedom in one of two ways; First, the American people rise up in bloody Revolution, and take the government back that way, or; secondly, elements within the military/industrial complex stage a lightning-strike coup that decapitates the enemy (seizing control of the White House, Congress, the MSM, and the financial apparatus). Other than that, there is no hope for a free America…ever!

    Just out of curiosity, why would the massively powerful oligarchs of the NWO tolerate Donald Trump messing around with a plan that has been in the making for over 235 years? Given the fact that they have poured trillions of $$$ into this multigenerational effort, wouldn’t they just blast a chunk of his skull off and be done with it?

    How will your personal plans change if HRC is elected POTUS?

    • Replies: @FKA Max
    How will your personal plans change if HRC is elected POTUS?

    No change of plan or message either way. Arguably, the Alt Right will become more influential with a Clinton victory. Not holding my breath.

    The Trump candidacy is tapping into a change in consciousness that is being produced by white demographic displacement, and the Alt Right deserves a great deal of credit for making people aware of this fact and helping to articulate both the problems we are facing and a way forward. Whether Trump wins or loses, those forces will still be at work.
  • Small caveat first: I will be honest here, I am extremely uncomfortable with this topic and I greatly hesitated before addressing it here. As I have said it many many times before, there is a US-manipulated crowd of what I call “hurray patriots” which will use anything and everything to blame it all on Putin...
  • Thank you for bringing this extremely interesting information to our attention, Saker!

    I wish I had the time to keep up with current events. I do have a couple Russian news aggregation websites that I look at every few days:, and I’d like to replace with a better service; if anyone knows of a good one lemme know.

    This assassination sounds like an inside job…It is exceedingly difficult to penetrate a heavily guarded building. Alarm systems can be defeated, locks can be picked, but highly organized armed security…forget about it! I assume it’s SOP in the DNR to give all such security personnel polygraphs every few months, to keep it real. So, if it is an inside job, it’s got to be someone fairly high up doing it. It’s possible that the DARPA nerds have created some kind of ‘confusion ray’ that induces a temporary brain seizure in the target…anything short of that would be insufficient to facilitate penetration.

    I hope Putin sends his best guys over there to get to the bottom of this…the Russians can’t afford anymore slip-up’s in the Donbass; not with the US/NATO constantly testing the wire.

  • Okay, here’s your quiz of the day: What country, according to the Congressional Research Service, has been the “largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II,” to the tune of $124.3 billion, and most of it military in nature? Great Britain, Germany, Japan, the Philippines? The answer: none of the above. The...
  • The Death of the Two-State Solution

    Was it ever actually a thing?

  • Are American men getting wimpier? Everyone is entitled to an opinion and entitled to point to their own set of evidence. With the Chicago Cubs trying to win their first World Series since 1908, but needing to get past the Los Angeles Dodgers and their (regular season) ace of aces Clayton Kershaw, it's fun to...
  • I don’t give a flying flip about sports, so I’m gonna base my comment on the title of this piece.

    Are American men getting wimpier? Yes, they are! American Christian men being the wimpiest of them all!

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @FKA Max

    especially when there are so many things that can be done to fight back…they aren’t always legal, but hey, we’re in the fight of our lives here!

    I’m beginning to think MacDonald is a Shabbos Goy hang-around!
    Wow, Just Wow!

    Beck - Wow

    FED much, Agent Smith!?!?

    Agent Smith - Thank you

    You poor fellow…they’ve got you so mentally fucked up you can’t tell friend from foe! You see federal agents everywhere, in every comment that dares to speak about some action, or another. You’re suffering from the effects of their propaganda…unfortunately, once you let it into your mind, it’s there for the duration. I’ve seen this kind of paranoia on the interwebs a lot since I’ve been back online…it manifests as a pathological fear of breaking the rules. They (the actual Feds) plant these don’t-break-the-rules-or-you’ll-get-into-trouble memes to effectively shut down any discussion of any kind of action…these memes effectively neuter people like you, which renders you useless to yourselves, and those around you.

    Now, before you work yourself into a tizzy, I can assure you that there are thousands of Negros on other sites talking about “killin’ whitey” in every imaginable way…no Feds are coming for them.

    So, RELAX…take a deep breath and chill!

    ps…In your mind, how does the first highlighted statement tie in with the second?

    • Replies: @FKA Max
    So, according to you, Professor MacDonald, the Alt Right (which he is a key member of) et al., have been highly ineffectual, because the Occidental Observer website published an article on the Jo Cox murder, which went viral, and significantly influenced the BREXIT referendum , Professor MacDonald was retweeted by Donald Trump Jr. , and he was mentioned on the official Hillary Clinton website as a major backer of Donald Trump ( I cannot find this page right now; maybe it was deleted because associating Donald Trump with the Alt Right and Professor MacDonald was deemed highly ineffectual by the Clinton camp, since the Alt Right have been so effectual in supplying the Trump camp with talking points, that resonate with the historic American people and electorate? Hillary Clinton's 'alt-Right' smear will backfire!?


    This was the most ridiculous passage of your reply:

    Now, before you work yourself into a tizzy, I can assure you that there are thousands of Negros on other sites talking about “killin’ whitey” in every imaginable way…no Feds are coming for them.

    I wonder why that is...
  • I just returned from a trip to East Africa where I was involved in discussions with several government leaders regarding the refugee crisis, among other issues. The continued flow of immigrants across national borders seeking to reach Europe is declining as colder weather arrives but not as much as in previous years and the migration...
  • @AKAHorace
    This did seem to be bits of different speeches cut and pasted together. I don't know this guy Sarkozy who as a french politician probably lives on a diet of frog legs and red wine, between pleasuring his eleven mistresses, but it looks as if this video is distorting his words.

    What are you talking about…it’s obviously the same speech! lol

  • Germany is smaller than California. Within the last two years, it has allowed in roughly two million Muslim refugees and immigrants, all by fiat. Having no voice in this radical demographic change, many Germans are fuming. Last year, I wrote from Leipzig that Germany has lost its autonomy and sanity. Teaching at the university, I...
  • @Qoheleth
    Unfortunately, when Christianity goes out, something very ugly and primitive and even diabolical comes in. O Europe why did you kick God out?

    O Europe why did you kick God out…and let the Jews in?

  • I just returned from a trip to East Africa where I was involved in discussions with several government leaders regarding the refugee crisis, among other issues. The continued flow of immigrants across national borders seeking to reach Europe is declining as colder weather arrives but not as much as in previous years and the migration...
  • @KenH

    How does destroying Europe help Israel ?
    Logically it doesn't but Jews, I have concluded, are so blinded by their hatred of white, Western man (for real and imagined offenses against them) that they really haven't thought through the consequences of flooding Europe with Muslims (both Arab and Turkish) and Africans. But once the hated European curs are laid low Israel won't get annual welfare checks and free submarines from Germany. Africans and Muslims will have no interest in taking orders from Jews or atoning for an alleged holocaust as the current guilt ridden and suicidally liberal Germans are at present.

    And the same goes for America once the disparate third world groups become politically dominant in North America. These groups are tribalistic unlike the brainwashed and raceless whites and could care less about eretz Israel or claims that the USA has a duty to fight all of Israel's battles and send it billions of dollars in annual aid.

    Since Israel is a parasitic state it will not survive the loss of its European and American benefactors and vassals.

    Jews, I have concluded, are so blinded by their hatred of white, Western man (for real and imagined offenses against them) that they really haven’t thought through the consequences of flooding Europe with Muslims (both Arab and Turkish) and Africans.

    What we are now seeing Europe is the direct result of a plan that was initiated in 1922. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, as it’s called, was to be implemented in 3 phases…Phase 1. was the establishment of the European Union. Phase 2., which we’re witnessing now, calls for the mass immigration of people from Africa, and the ME…specifically for the purposes of interbreeding the Negro and Arab males with the white women of Europe. This will, according to the plan, eradicate the white European race, and create a new (low-IQ) Mulatto race which is to be ruled over by the Jews. The same thing is planed for the US as well. The traitorous governments of Germany, France, and Sweden are pushing hard for this wholesale interbreeding to begin. Germany has spent hundreds of millions of Marks to establish a network that will expedite the transfer of young Negro and Arab males to the country, and train them on how to pick-up white German women, and have sex with them. In a televised speech, French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, demanded that white French women begin breeding with Negro males voluntarily, or the French government would take strong measures to force them to! Here’s that portion of his speech…

    They seek the total annihilation of the white race…in light of that, do you feel that our “efforts” are commensurate with the very real threat that we face?

    • Replies: @AKAHorace
    This did seem to be bits of different speeches cut and pasted together. I don't know this guy Sarkozy who as a french politician probably lives on a diet of frog legs and red wine, between pleasuring his eleven mistresses, but it looks as if this video is distorting his words.
    , @Rurik

    that's a powerful video

    their id revealed
    , @KenH
    Yes, the wonderful Kalergi and his desire to subsume white Europeans into some Eurasian-Negroid monstrosity. Sarkozy was half Jewish which probably explains his disdain for white Frenchmen and desire to enact a forced racial interbreeding program while hypocritically lauding the racial identity of Arab Muslims.

    One could argue a variant of the Kalergi plan is at work in N. America with mass third world immigration. The primary goal of school desegregation was to encourage white women to date and mate with black males and it has had an effect based on the growing number of mulatto teenagers I see walking around. Muslim refugees are being dumped on mostly white communities with the same goal in mind.
  • @AKAHorace
    OK, Zionists not Jews.

    The large number of muslims in Europe and North American have made Anti Zionism popular. Compare attitudes now to how pro Israel the media used to be in the 60s and 70s. Read Exodus or many popular thrillers from that time to see how unthinkingly pro Israel the media used to be. You are saying that Zionists are getting anti Jewish muslims to destroy Europe.

    How does destroying Europe help Israel ? The weakened Europe that will be the result of mass immigration will be both anti Jewish and anti Semetic.

    How does destroying Europe help Israel?

    It doesn’t…that’s why I never use the word ‘Zionist’ when describing the criminal activities that Jews are involved in around the world. But, in this case it is the Zionists who are responsible for much of the destruction in the ME. Keep in mind that the “Big” Jews, the Banksters, have no qualms about throwing “Little” Jews to the wolves if it serves their plans for world domination. As is the case in Europe.

    • Replies: @Art
    Keep in mind that the “Big” Jews, the Banksters, have no qualms about throwing “Little” Jews to the wolves if it serves their plans for world domination. As is the case in Europe.

    Not my words.

    Do not envy this unity of Jewish hearts and minds; this unity’s obverse side is that No Jew Is Free. A man is forced to become a Jew by his parents; he has no freedom of mind on any stage; he has to follow the orders. My Jewish reader, if you’ll understand that you are a slave, not in vain you’ve read that far. Until you are able to answer the rhetoric question “Aren’t you a Jew?” with simple “No”, you’ll remain a prisoner on parole, a captive on the string.
  • "Remember, it's a rigged system. It's a rigged election," said Donald Trump in New Hampshire on Saturday. The stunned recoil in this city suggests this bunker buster went right down the chimney. As the French put it, "Il n'y a que la verite qui blesse." It is only the truth that hurts. In what sense...
  • I’ve always like Pat Buchanan…very smart man, tons of charisma, would have been a great president.

    Aside from the weakling Christians, I don’t understand why people, especially white people who are fighting for their very existence, are so averse to the idea of taking human life. I know Buchanan can’t openly call for violent action, but he could use his words to foster the right mindset…one of clean-cut patriotism, and a spiritual duty to perpetuate the white race, even if it means violent right action to protect our women and children from the savages of this world. When from the heart and mind of a wise man, assassination becomes the highest form of public service.

    The system is obviously rigged against our best interests…what do we have to lose?

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @Ace
    Now that's what I call a positive and uplifting comment.

    What has the winning Smith contributed by way of practical recommendations or is Smith the kind of man who waits passively for others to lead him to safety?

    What has the winning Smith contributed by way of practical recommendations or is Smith the kind of man who waits passively for others to lead him to safety?

    I’ve learned that you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. All the information that I’ve imparted to people on this site is definitely specialized knowledge, but it’s all freely available on the interwebs. However, it’s beyond my ability to get people interested in what I do…I’m not a people person, and not a very good writer, so it’s tough for me to motivate people.

    As far as waiting for some special person to become president, I lost hope in that long ago…I decided years ago to take action on my own. So, I do the Prepper/Survivalist thing, and do some other things to hurt the enemy.

    I’ve got a beef with ol’ MacDonald (a couple of them actually)…first, he needs to stop with the doom and gloom crap, especially when there are so many things that can be done to fight back…they aren’t always legal, but hey, we’re in the fight of our lives here! Second, this crap about the Ashkenazi Jews being a separate (thus special) race – God’s chosen people – is a bunch of BS! So why does he defend it…when any fool can see that it is enormously helpful to them? I’m beginning to think MacDonald is a Shabbos Goy hang-around!

    That’s all I have to say about that.

    • Replies: @FKA Max

    especially when there are so many things that can be done to fight back…they aren’t always legal, but hey, we’re in the fight of our lives here!

    I’m beginning to think MacDonald is a Shabbos Goy hang-around!
    Wow, Just Wow!

    Beck - Wow

    FED much, Agent Smith!?!?

    Agent Smith - Thank you
    , @Ace

    People make different contributions. Prof. MacDonald accurately describes a major problem for traditional white America and has taken a lot of heat for it. And, yes, it's depressing that people who were welcomed as immigrants turned out to be so ardent about poisonous progressive politics, aka subversion. And thwy had lots of company sad to say.

    However, people who point out the problem are just as valuable as people who like to solve problems. Shining a light was an enormous contribution by itself.
  • Germany is smaller than California. Within the last two years, it has allowed in roughly two million Muslim refugees and immigrants, all by fiat. Having no voice in this radical demographic change, many Germans are fuming. Last year, I wrote from Leipzig that Germany has lost its autonomy and sanity. Teaching at the university, I...
  • @Astuteobservor II
    parts of ME got destroyed, the wastes from the ME destruction are being use to destroy EU.

    who benefits? there is only one answer.

    I can't believe europeans are allowing this shit to happen.

    I can’t believe europeans are allowing this shit to happen

    I know what you mean, AO…seeing this happening fills me with rage, and deep sadness. I want to grab the men of Europe and shake them, slap them, knock some sense into them.

  • I just returned from a trip to East Africa where I was involved in discussions with several government leaders regarding the refugee crisis, among other issues. The continued flow of immigrants across national borders seeking to reach Europe is declining as colder weather arrives but not as much as in previous years and the migration...
  • @Wally
    A typical Zionist false / strawman argument.

    But it's at least good to see that you accept Cole's demolition of the impossible & laughable 'Nazi gas chambers'. Oops!
    'Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers'
    By David Cole
    'David Cole Interviews Auschwitz curator Dr. Franciszek Piper'

    David Cole was threatened by the JDL:

    "Never-before-seen footage of Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel of the Jewish Defense League talking about beating up Jewish revisionist David Cole."
    'David Cole: Monstrous Traitor'
    'History through Intimidation'
    'The David Cole / JDL Affair

    And what Cole now claims he believes in has been utterly debunked here, but I see you're afraid of debate. We know why.
    'Eric Hunt's response to David Cole / Treblinka'

    The '6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers' are scientifically impossible frauds.
    see the 'holocaust' scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

    See you at the Forum, IF you have the nerve.

    Hey, Wally…are you Bradley Smith?

    I tried some weeks ago to join up with you guys, but didn’t get approved…what’s up with that?

    • Replies: @L.K
    He is not.
    Bradley Smith has passed away.
  • @Randal
    All good stuff.

    Whatever credibility BLM has is wasted when they embrace the cause of thugs like Michael Brown, a six-foot-four 265-pound monster who robbed a convenience store and beat up a clerk before trying to wrestle a gun away from a cop. If the loudmouths really cared about black lives they would work to convince their buddies to stop shooting each other, since that is overwhelmingly where most blacks are killed and they might also think a bit about reducing the horrific levels of violent crime that seems to be part and parcel of their manhood ritual, which is why cops target them in the first place.

    BLM is, of course, in part a creation of a heavily Jewish national media which rushes to promote causes that are acceptably progressive.
    These points clearly are racist and anti-Semitic, though the terms operate in slightly different ways. The point is, though, that they are also perfectly reasonably points reflecting reasonable judgements about the world that are evidence based (and open to rebuttal, if you could find people willing to bother to try to do so rather than just shout them down as "hate speech", try to censor them, and if possible get you rendered unemployable or even imprisoned merely for writing them).

    The first part is racist in the sense that it implicitly recognises racial differences, and not in a way that favours non-white identity lobby interests. Just as with the feminists trying to extend the crime of rape to cover everything even theoretically possible to describe as such, so the antiracists have long since passed the point at which the inevitable response is: well in that case it (racism/rape) is not necessarily all that bad, then.

    The second is anti-Semitic in the real sense of the term as it is used in practice in political discussion - that it expresses an opinion that jewish people and related powerful groups see as being against their interests to be allowed to be expressed. Again, as with the racist opinion that preceded it, while it is antisemitic it is not unreasonable or obnoxious in itself. There's no reason why non-jews or non-Israelis should take the concerns of those groups particularly seriously. And again, it's open to rebuttal, but most people who disapprove of such ideas being expressed prefer to take the easier and more effective route of taboo-ising, censorship and if they can manage it imprisonment.

    This is one of the core problematic aspects of the societies of the late C20th/early C21st US sphere.

    BLM is, of course, in part a creation of a heavily Jewish national media which rushes to promote causes that are acceptably progressive.

    These points clearly are racist and anti-Semitic…

    The MSM in the US is 100% controlled by the Jews…

    Viacom: Chairman and CEO, Sumner Redstone. Sumner is Jewish.
    Comcast: Chairman and CEO, Brian L. Roberts. Brian is Jewish.
    The Walt Disney Company: Chairman and CEO, Robert A. Iger. Robert is Jewish.
    Time Warner: Chairman and CEO, Jeff Bewkes. Jeffrey is Jewish.
    News Corp: Chairman and CEO, Rupert Murdoch. Rupert is a Jew, by Jewish law.
    CBS: President and CEO, Leslie Moonves. Les is Jewish.

    These six corporations control more than 90% of the media in the US. The other 10% of the US media is also effectively controlled by the Jews through strategic infiltration into high level executive positions, and into all other levels (writers, producers, directors, editors, columnists, etc., etc.) of corporate operations.

    Hey, everyone…the Truth is anti-Semitic!

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    What point of any substance or relevance are you making when you say that "Rupert is a Jew by Jewish law"?

    I presume you are referring to the fact that his mother's mother's mother may have been Jewish [let's say she was for the present purposes].

    What is the Jewish law that you rely on and what are your sources for it? Why is it relevant in secular America? It hardly seems relevant that his ancestry might give him a headstart if seeking to settle in Israel.

    Once you remove Murdoch what happens to your 90 per cent?

    How many of the others you cite identify as Jews in religion or cultural identity? How many can be personally associated with Zionism on the evidence?

  • The following in an edited version of a paper I presented two weeks ago in a debate on the topic “When should the US use force abroad and what lessons should we learn from America’s use of force in Iraq and how should those lessons inform decisions on future military missions abroad?” There are really...
  • @L.K
    We must try to understand Shama, what motivates this creature...

    You see, the guy is a degenerate, shameless(!) serial LIAR & propagandist for Israel and Zionism.
    He lies/distorts/obfuscates as effortlessly as most people breathe or walk.
    Shama would make Pinocchio blush.
    So sad...

    He lies/distorts/obfuscates as effortlessly as most people breathe or walk.

    The philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, called the Jews the “great masters of the lie.”

  • I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man.Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the...
  • @John Jeremiah Smith

    lol…what Revolutions are you referring to?
    Colombia (early FARC) and Brazil in '64.

    Yeah, I know, you never heard of them. Go look it up. Use Wikipedia for "FARC", and "Joao Goulart".

    Colombia (early FARC) and Brazil in ’64.

    HAHAHA! You Third World monkey…you tricked me! I thought I was talking to an actual human being! Goddammit! I gotta admit, you had me going.

    I’ll be careful not to respond to you again, you hairy little rascal! 😀

    • Replies: @John Jeremiah Smith

    I’ll be careful not to respond to you again, you hairy little rascal!
    Suit yourself. I will occasionally remark on what a dumbass you are, but you won't be around for long, so it makes little difference.
  • It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over thesexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating of these is what reads like a US State Department memo, dated 17 August 2014, on the appropriate...
  • @E. A. Costa
    China is already involved in Syria and supporting Russia and Syria both, so far in a non-combatant role. It almost goes without saying that they have long memories, in this case reaching back to the US bombing of the Chinese embassy, which was quite clearly deliberate, during NATO's criminal attack on Yugoslavia. It is no surprise that Putin pointed to the US and NATO treatment of Serbia as the ultimate origin of the present conflicts. The long run is also simple--both Russia and China, as well as the Syrians, will be quite pleased with Chinese investment and involvement in rebuilding Syria.

    I wish I could share your vision of a rebuilt Syria…Unfortunately, I don’t think this thing is going to go well, at all. I think we’re going to be moving into the shooting phase of WW3 in the very near future.

  • I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man.Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the...
  • @Mr. Anon
    "Your mind is totally dominated by the meme of the “All-powerful PTB”."

    The same PTB that can track you down from your internet posts about revolution?

    The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club.

    The second rule of Fight Club is that don't talk about Fight Club.


    You sound like an FBI informant fishing for a lead.

    The same PTB that can track you down from your internet posts about revolution?

    I’m perfectly safe from detection…The IP address that I’m using doesn’t belong to my computer. It won’t be my door they come knocking on.

    If I were trying to get a lead about some Revolutionary group, I wouldn’t come to a website full of useless talkers.

    I’m here just to see if I can get some people involved in prepping…that way, when the SHTF my conscience will be clear.

    Fight Club…great movie!

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    "I’m perfectly safe from detection…"

    Yeah, right.

    "If I were trying to get a lead about some Revolutionary group, I wouldn’t come to a website full of useless talkers."

    Sounds like you to a tee.

    "I’m here just to see if I can get some people involved in prepping…"

    Who says people here aren't? Maybe they just aren't posturing gas-bags about it.
  • @John Jeremiah Smith

    Call me a blowhard on the internet, there’s really nothing I can do about it…
    Okay. You're a blowhard on the Internet.

    I have no problem with revolution, and I am old enough to have seen two. It's great to have a man-cave with weapons and camo outfits -- lotsa fun. But, I get the feeling that you just don't know how this sort of thing works in real life.

    I have no problem with revolution, and I am old enough to have seen two.

    lol…what Revolutions are you referring to?

    • Replies: @John Jeremiah Smith

    lol…what Revolutions are you referring to?
    Colombia (early FARC) and Brazil in '64.

    Yeah, I know, you never heard of them. Go look it up. Use Wikipedia for "FARC", and "Joao Goulart".
  • Germany is smaller than California. Within the last two years, it has allowed in roughly two million Muslim refugees and immigrants, all by fiat. Having no voice in this radical demographic change, many Germans are fuming. Last year, I wrote from Leipzig that Germany has lost its autonomy and sanity. Teaching at the university, I...
  • @Kat Grey
    Funny the migrant crisis only happened when Obama was securely on his tbrone in the White House. Africa has always been a chaotic Bedlam sourh of the Mediterranean but the last couple of years have Africans started to invade en masse. Ditto for the Middle East. So why now? Was Obama unhappy at seeing Europe, a.continent with millions of people with white faces? So much so that he helped devise a massive social engineering programme to eliminate Europe's white majority by dint of demographic change brought about by this deliberate migrant invasion, unparalleled in European history?

    Think about it. Silvio Berlusconi.paid Ghadafi to keep Africans from.embarking from Libya; yet Ghadafi is no more thanks in part to Obama...

    So much so that he [Obama] helped devise a massive social engineering programme to eliminate Europe’s white majority by dint of demographic change brought about by this deliberate migrant invasion, unparalleled in European history?

    This planned extermination of the white race has been underway for decades…search for the “Coudenhove-Kalergi plan.” Obama, and most of the politicians in Europe, are simply going along with the long-established plan. They [NWO] are accelerating the plan now because we-the-people are waking up to their wicked machinations…it’s only a matter of time before we rise up and overthrow them, and they know that. Thus, they’re fomenting WW3 in an effort to cast us into chaos, which will make it very difficult for us to effectively fight them. Take a look at this story that someone posted a couple days ago…

    They already know what they’re going to do…all we can do is make our best-guess about their plans, and conduct ourselves accordingly. Get yourself prepared as best you can.

  • I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man.Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the...
  • @John Jeremiah Smith

    Oh really? And where is your secret mountain redoubt? Blowhard Pass?
    LOL. Damn! That was the word I just couldn't remember -- blowhard! Oh, well, there's always a next time.

    I think the preppers don't quite understand that they present no threat to a totalitarian regime that must remain focused on controlling the population and production centers.

    When the preppers run off and camp out in, er, principled defiance, out thar in the pine forests of the frozen north, or the stone canyons of the southwest, The Powers That Be are mostly amused, not threatened.

    Your mind is totally dominated by the meme of the “All-powerful PTB”.

    As long as we have guns, especially long rifles, they are totally vulnerable, and they know it. That’s why they have been working mightily to take away our gun rights…if we are fully armed it’s not possible for them to have an actual totalitarian control system. But, they are working on that problem now…they are actively attempting to foment a race war in the US. If they are successful, they will then have the perfect excuse to confiscate our guns; if we let them, we will be defeated…game over. But, if we successfully resist (civil war) and slap them down (this may cost millions of lives, but it will be a necessary sacrifice), they will all be dead, or in prison, and we will have our country back. Be advised that up to 50% of the military will be on our side of things.

    There are many potential scenarios that negate your ‘All-powerful PTB’ argument. For example, what if China, in response to an escalation in US aggression in Syria, dumps all of it’s dollar holdings (over $1 Trillion) on the market (which would, in turn, trigger an unstoppable cascade of dollar-selling)? The US economy would collapse within a few days with no means to recover…societal collapse would quickly ensue. Without a commercial grocery store system, how would your totalitarian government feed hundreds of millions of starving people? Even if they could pull off such a massive undertaking (which has never been done in the history of the world), how long could they sustain the effort? Under martial law, they would be able to keep things running for a time, but the people who man the infrastructure would eventually rebel against the forced-labor-without-pay. Then what?

    One of the first things they [NWO] will do will be to shut down the internet…without the internet you’ll have no way of getting accurate information; they could very easily undertake a program of mass extermination, and you would be completely unaware of it…until they come for you! I have a some excellent communications equipment: HAM HF radio, walky-talkies, surveillance cameras, etc., to keep myself informed of the situation…all you will have the is the TV, which they control.

    Even a totalitarian government can’t be everywhere to maintain order…lawlessness WILL manifest everywhere outside of the larger cities. How will you defend yourself after a societal collapse? Kitchen knife? Baseball bat? How? There will be roving bands of starving people who will be intent on getting into your house and eating your food (or you!)…how will you resist them? I won’t have to worry about that because I’ll be safe underground (and well fed)…and when I do pop my head out a year down the road, I’ll be heavily armed; and since I’m already well trained, I’ll have no worries there, either.

    If society collapses, for whatever reason, I will live, and you will die. It’s as simple as that.

    ps…something that you should know about Preppers/Survivalists is that we have resigned ourselves to the fact that we will most likely have to take human life. I, personally, have no qualms about that whatsoever…indeed, I plan on taking many lives as I exact my revenge on you lazy assholes! In my view, it is people like you, useless internet talkers, who have failed to take any action whatsoever (aside from voting, which is futile) to protect this country from the enemy. Like it or not, I blame you for what’s coming. Call me a blowhard on the internet, there’s really nothing I can do about it…do it in the real world and my options are wide open!

    • Replies: @John Jeremiah Smith

    Call me a blowhard on the internet, there’s really nothing I can do about it…
    Okay. You're a blowhard on the Internet.

    I have no problem with revolution, and I am old enough to have seen two. It's great to have a man-cave with weapons and camo outfits -- lotsa fun. But, I get the feeling that you just don't know how this sort of thing works in real life.
    , @Mr. Anon
    "Your mind is totally dominated by the meme of the “All-powerful PTB”."

    The same PTB that can track you down from your internet posts about revolution?

    The first rule of Fight Club is that you don't talk about Fight Club.

    The second rule of Fight Club is that don't talk about Fight Club.


    You sound like an FBI informant fishing for a lead.

  • @Mr. Anon
    "I have the wherewithal to take the fight to the enemy as I see fit…whenever I choose to do it."

    Oh really? And where is your secret mountain redoubt? Blowhard Pass?

    Blah…that wasn’t very creative, or entertaining at all! 🙁

  • It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over thesexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating of these is what reads like a US State Department memo, dated 17 August 2014, on the appropriate...
  • @E. A. Costa
    Look, all of this is really simple and Pepe Escobar unlocked the doors of understanding long ago:

    (1) the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and so forth, want to attack Iran; (2) No war with Iran is strategically and tactically possible without a Syria in shambles or under control by the same US. Israel, Saudi Arabia, etc.

    Got it?

    Anyone who has seriously studied the history of the Middle East since World War II will tell you that during most, if not all of that time, Israel and Saudi Arabia have been working hand-in-hand under the table, though neither would like it well known. They still are. At times the United States is the middle man (as in the war against the Afghans and their Soviet allies), at times not.

    Israel, particularly, would be threatened by a Syria unsubdued or undestroyed before any attack on Iran.

    All the parties mentioned know all this as do the Russians and the Iranians.

    None of these anti-Assad factions have any qualms about creating and supplying ISIS to do the dirty work in Syria, and there is much public comment on that subject from the parties themselves if one looks closely.

    All the rest is shadow play.

    I agree.

    That’s why Iran is going to keep pumping troops into Syria. Russia will also match the US tit-for-tat. It’ll be interesting to see what China does in the coming weeks.

    • Replies: @E. A. Costa
    China is already involved in Syria and supporting Russia and Syria both, so far in a non-combatant role. It almost goes without saying that they have long memories, in this case reaching back to the US bombing of the Chinese embassy, which was quite clearly deliberate, during NATO's criminal attack on Yugoslavia. It is no surprise that Putin pointed to the US and NATO treatment of Serbia as the ultimate origin of the present conflicts. The long run is also simple--both Russia and China, as well as the Syrians, will be quite pleased with Chinese investment and involvement in rebuilding Syria.
  • I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man.Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the...
  • @Mr. Anon
    "Voting is for chumps…"

    Then you should definitely vote.

    Right now voting is all we've got. Right now.

    Right now voting is all we’ve got. Right now.

    No…voting is all you’ve got right now. I don’t have to wait around for some special person to come to rescue me; I have the wherewithal to take the fight to the enemy as I see fit…whenever I choose to do it.

    Good luck to ya on election day, Mr. Anon…I’ll keep my fingers crossed for ya!

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    "I have the wherewithal to take the fight to the enemy as I see fit…whenever I choose to do it."

    Oh really? And where is your secret mountain redoubt? Blowhard Pass?
  • @Vendetta
    Hmph voting

    Voting is for chumps

    The real politically enlightened sit on our asses and signal on social media

    I’m not sitting on my ass…as a Prepper/Survivalist I’m constantly on the move; mostly practicing my various skills so that I’m razor-sharp when society breaks down. Plus, I’ve got the ability to take the fight right to the enemies doorstep…which I frequently do.

    If the US Gov keeps screwing around in Syria, you may not get the chance to vote this time ’round. But, hey, more power to ya…get out there and vote! I hope all your dreams come true.

  • It is fortunate for Saudi Arabia and Qatar that the furore over thesexual antics of Donald Trump is preventing much attention being given to the latest batch of leaked emails to and from Hillary Clinton. Most fascinating of these is what reads like a US State Department memo, dated 17 August 2014, on the appropriate...
  • The US isn’t just funding ISIS, they created ISIS! Do you remember how ISIS just suddenly appeared out of thin air? Same with Al-Qaeda…and Boko Haram, and Al-Nusra Front, etc..

    • Replies: @Vendetta
    Didn't though. I watched Syria news closely due to making friends with some pro-Assad Syrians in Damascus.

    ISIS was around and referred to now and then before it captured Mosul, but before it did it was indeed treated as the "JV" team. Jabhat al-Nusra was the one that drew the most fear and attention prior to Mosul.
  • I guess The Donald should be glad at least that his enemies can’t play the Hitler card. Hitler seems to have been well-nigh sexless—definitely not a ladies’ man.Eva Braun once grumbled that he had never treated her like a woman. Nobody’s quite sure what she meant, and whatever it was died with her in the...
  • Voting is for chumps…no matter who gets elected the two most meaningful things remain the same: the Deep State, and the Over State, and that’s where all the power is.

    “Let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who writes the laws.” – Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

    • Replies: @Vendetta
    Hmph voting

    Voting is for chumps

    The real politically enlightened sit on our asses and signal on social media
    , @Mr. Anon
    "Voting is for chumps…"

    Then you should definitely vote.

    Right now voting is all we've got. Right now.

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @Miro23

    There is no question that Jews are a prominent component of our new elite and played a determinative role in passing the watershed 1965 immigration law. I have written five articles on Jewish opposition to Trump, often expressed in terms of Jewish identity, interests in multiculturalism, immigration and refugee policy, and fear of a fascist America.
    It's amazing to watch US Jewry. After their expulsion from Central and Eastern Europe they were given shelter, a home and opportunity in the West, particularly in the United States, which at that time was more than 90% white, from a mostly Anglo-European background.

    They could have integrated and become Americans from a Jewish background living a good and successful life in their new country, but instead, used across the board racial patronage to promote their own race at the expense of others, and dominate industries and institutions like the FED and the Treasury (exploiting them for their own benefit rather than the other 97% of the US population).

    Also they launched a series of False Flag attacks against Britain and the US (King David Hotel bombing, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty and WTC Pentagon 9/11 aimed at tricking the US into attacking Arab states surrounding Israel + Iran. So far they have involved the US in attacks on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria at a cost of $ 5 trillion, and civilian deaths reaching into the millions, and seriously tried to get the US to destroy Egypt (USS Liberty) and Iran (9/11).

    And now, almost unbelievably, all their academic, media and political resources are directed at attacking and demeaning US Anglo culture on all fronts (Constitution, religion, sexuality, morality, immigration, race and every kind of white-guilt they can invent).

    Can anyone explain the psychology of these Ashkenazi nut cases?

    After their expulsion from Central and Eastern Europe they were given shelter [by Christians], a home and opportunity in the West, particularly in the United States, which at that time was more than 90% white, from a mostly Anglo-European background.

    This is why Christians must be made to suffer…and suffer they will!

  • @anonymous

    I’ll give you a do-over.
    Yes, you are giving us a do-over of your antics, Priss Factor.

    As soon as you said ‘antics’ the first thing that came to my mind was the time when I was chasing your mother through your house with her underwear on my head! HAHAHA! Fun times!

  • Germany is smaller than California. Within the last two years, it has allowed in roughly two million Muslim refugees and immigrants, all by fiat. Having no voice in this radical demographic change, many Germans are fuming. Last year, I wrote from Leipzig that Germany has lost its autonomy and sanity. Teaching at the university, I...

    A long read which explains everything.

    Thanks for mentioning that article, ARFERMO.

    I just read it from a mirror site…horrifying stuff! My decision to be a Prepper is once again validated! 

  • The German people use to be strong, proud, and healthy…not so much these days.

    Let’s take a look at who’s behind this terrible project…

    Job Cohen [Jewish] in Holland.
    Barbara Spectre [Jewish] in Sweden.
    Ervin Kohn [Jewish] in Norway.
    Anetta Kahane [Jewish], Angela Merkel [communist], and Gregor Gysi [Jewish] in Germany.
    Gerald Kaufman [Jewish] in England
    Ronit Lentin [Jewish] and Alan Shatter [Jewish] in Ireland.
    George Soros [Jewish] and Larry Summers [Jewish] in the USA. George Soros just pledged $500 million to facilitate and accelerate immagration into Europe; he gave $33 million to BLM to advance their subversive activities.

    Here’s a few videos of Jews talking about their plan…

    Do a search for the ‘Kalergi plan’ for extermination of the white race.

    Germany has spent millions to develop a program that teaches Muslim male “Refugees” how to pick up, and have sex with, white European women. Check it out…

    German men have been chemically, and psychologically neutered…Ive seen hermaphrodites who are more virile than most German men are today! It’s a fuckin’ outrage!


    • Replies: @Doug Colwell
    Now that is a damn entertaining video.
    , @Common Sense
    One can forget any and all so - called proud to be `German`- born person ... they don`t exist.

    What has become the norm in tthis `pathetic moronic idiotic self - hating ` country is sickening.

    Any ` blue eyed ` German has been reduced to sheer ridicule by those bastard - Backstabbers.


    A long read which explains everything.

    My Bitdefender blocked this page.

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @Art

    If Dr. MacDonald’s strategy is to wait for white people to get fed up with Jewish criminality
    Does Mr. Smith know it all - does he know history - is he trying to kill off Mr. MacDonald?

    In the year 33 the Pharisees knew it all - they were so right, that they had someone killed – in the year 100 they were no longer existent – hmm.

    This is a crazy post, Art! lol…you want a do-over? I’ll give you a do-over. 🙂

    • Replies: @anonymous

    I’ll give you a do-over.
    Yes, you are giving us a do-over of your antics, Priss Factor.
  • The following in an edited version of a paper I presented two weeks ago in a debate on the topic “When should the US use force abroad and what lessons should we learn from America’s use of force in Iraq and how should those lessons inform decisions on future military missions abroad?” There are really...
  • @Keith
    I totally agree with Chuck Orloshi 's strong belief that America desperately needs to
    de-Zionization. America will never be able to establish a new normal without perpetual war unless we purge the Jewish NeoCon warparty from influential positions in our government and force the Jewish lobby (AIPAC) to register as a foreign agent of Israel. In addition, and as important, we need to wrestle the Zio main stream media from their control. Our media is basically the Propaganda

    Ministry for the NeoCons and other pro Zionist organizations in America and Israel. Recently the noted journalist, Car Bernstein, told Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe, that the Jewish Neo Cons, who wanted to remake the world, pushed for the illegal criminal Iraq war. Maybe Carl Berstein can get away with saying this because of his Jewish heritage. However, he just might be under attack by Zionist organizations and be called a self hating Jew. Certainly I would be labeled a anti Semite for my patriotism and loyalty to America and only to America. Unlike the Neocons, who's loyalty is to Israel.

    Unfortunately Philip Giraldi, in his The Legacy of United States Intervention, does not name names of who have been pushing for the wars in the Middle East for Israel. Why? Is he self censoring because he is afraid to touch the third rail and rightly point his finger at the 800 pound Gorilla in the room, Israel and the Jewish Zionist neoconservative? Just like the Republican party's mantra, " if you can't name your enemy " Radical Islamist Terrorists" you will never be able to defeat the terrorists. If we want to stop perpetual wars we need to name the names of the NeoCon warmongers.

    The only name Philip Giraldi mentions by name is Colin Powell, who was the US Secretary of State under the war criminal George W. Bush. The Secretary of State who was duped by bad intellengence. If you believe this story, I have a Brooklyn Bridge to sell you. The intelligence on Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction wasn't bad, it was perfect for a pretex for a war planted in the Zio media by the NeoCons. See the movie "The GreenZone" It is hard for me to believe Colin Powell didn't have knowledge of Israel's military strategy "Protecting the Realm" and the Zionist NeoCons's "Plan for American Centry". A plan for American military interventions round the world. Knowledge of these plans should have tipped off Colin Powell of the deception. "Israel will wage war by deception" .

    To facilitate the De-Zionization of America, we need the famed Charles Mason's proceutor, Vincent Bugliosi, to open a Nuremberg like trial to prosecute George Bush, members of his administration and the Neocons for mass murder. They would be convicted and all of them would be hang from the gallows for mass murder and war crimes that were committed in our name. See Vincent Bugliosi plan to try George Bush for mass murder on You Tube. So who are the Zionist interventionists? Go to The American Enterprise Instiute "War Party" on You Tube". The majority of the members o AEI are Jewish dual loyalists. In reality, the organization is not American and the enterprise is establishing Israel's hedgmony over the Middle East.

    Talking about Non Intervention endlessly is fruitless. Unless we hold the Neocons accountable for their crimes and start the process of naming names and implement De-Zionization of America, the Jewish NeoCons will continue to use America's military to remake the world, a world unsafe for all of us.

    The key to deZionisation is NOT to attack the Jews directly (they’ll scream “Anti-Semitism!” and that’ll be the end of it)…but, rather, destroy their Shabbos Goyim connections first. That will severely cripple them; THEN move in for the kill.

  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @everyone…

    Thanks, guy’s, for all your responses.

    I’m guessing no one could find a positive article written by ol’ MacDonald…I’m not surprised; like I said, he’s been too close to it for too long. His judgement has suffered as a result.

    If Dr. MacDonald’s strategy is to wait for white people to get fed up with Jewish criminality, and then suddenly rise up to overthrow them, he’s in for a rude awakening! It’s not going to be that way, Kevin MacDonald should know that…’cause he’s a Ph.D psychologist! People have to be motivated, both negatively and positively; he is completely focused on the negative motivation angle…and that would be Ok, if some other writer were around to counterbalance his negative approach with a positive approach to this material. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of any white nationalist motivational speakers! They’re all Negative Nellies, as far as I’ve been able to tell.

    That’s why I like the Prepper Movement…the community is very positive, and highly motivated. Politically minded people are – God bless’em – 98% talk, and 2% action. Preppers are the exact opposite…we’re all about taking preemptive action to survive, come what may. If Kevin MacDonald were a Prepper he’d be my Hero! If any of you want to get into prepping let me know, I’d be happy to help you.

    Another person I really like is Lasha Darkmoon…I like her writings, and I’ve learned quite a lot from her. She’s not as negative as MacDonald, and she’s easy to read. Do you guys have a favorite white author/blogger?

    So, what could Dr. Kevin MacDonald do to turn things around? For starters, I think he needs to take a vacation, get away from researching the mean, nasty Jews for a while. Then, I think he needs to have a pow wow with his inner circle, the topic being: How to attract more women into the movement! This is crucial, in my opinion…not nearly enough young white women in the movement. At some point Dr. MacDonald should take a serious look at self-improvement techniques (Self-Hypnosis/Autogenic Training, development of the Will, Witness Meditation, etc.) and incorporate his findings into his work…he would be far more useful if he were to do that. He could start by looking at all the available R.E.S.T. research on sensory deprivation and behavior modification. He should use his Ph.D to work out a program of self-development for the white nationalist community…and himself.

    Sensory depravation + Self-Hypnosis + Lysergic acid diethylamide = Super White Nationalists!

    If something doesn’t change pretty darn soon we may be facing our forced extinction…in light of that, is Dr. MacDonald really doing all he can to help the white nationalist movement? In my opinion, the answer is no, he’s not.

    • Troll: landlubber
    • Replies: @Art

    If Dr. MacDonald’s strategy is to wait for white people to get fed up with Jewish criminality
    Does Mr. Smith know it all - does he know history - is he trying to kill off Mr. MacDonald?

    In the year 33 the Pharisees knew it all - they were so right, that they had someone killed – in the year 100 they were no longer existent – hmm.
  • I am in hiding. Write me care of general delivery, Tierra del Fuego. Recently I wrote a column about the variegated conspiracy theories that surround accounts of Nine-Eleven. Friends warned me against it. They said that the resulting attack on me would make the Normandy Landing look like a church picnic. It did. I believe...
  • For example, one version of the attack on the Pentagon holds that a missile (type unspecified) was fired by a Navy ship (ship unspecified). This means that the entire crew, several hundred ordinary sailors–not CIA operatives or Thirty-Third Degree Masons–as well as higher-ups would quickly know that they had just blown up the Pentagon. Yet it never leaked out.

    you’re forgetting a few Fred

    there are some nutjobs out there that actually believe out own fecal government lied about! the justification for going to war with Vietnam!

    I know, can you imagine? These tiresome shitballs then try to go on with how the generals all lied about the conduct of the war and didn’t want a decisive victory but wanted to just keep the money slop flowing in the trough to all the little war piggies. Can you imagine? I know, what ingrates! Talking about how some POW were left behind. I want to push their wheelchair down a steep road when ever I hear them say such things about our own government and military. When I hear these whinny vets blubbering about these so called lies that our own government supposedly told, they don’t deserve the bennies they’re lining up for. Huh Fred? Slam that veterans hospital door in their faces! Conspiracy whackos.

    Then there are those crazies that say that when the USS Vincennes shot flight 655 out of the sky over Iran, that it could not have mistook an Iranian Airbus A300 jumbo jet for a comparatively tiny F-14 Tomcat fighter jet. Lunatics! Traitors! That would mean that our Navy deliberately targeted and shot out of the sky a commercial passenger jet and murdered all 290 people on board. That’s an act of war Fred, and it would require all sailors and commanders all the way up the chain of command to lie about it. Makes you want to slap every one of those crybaby Iranians with a some of those chemical weapons we gave to Saddam to use on Iran, huh? ‘Oh, Oh, you killed my wife and daughter!’. STFU crybaby. If the US government did it, then they had it coming, and they know it and you know it! Tell em Fred!


    ‘Israel attacked the USS Liberty!’ Some of these sleestacks shout. Our best ally in the world that we send billions and billions of dollars of lucre to each year, who America has treated with so much kindness and generosity as to be unprecedented, and these imbeciles sit there and try to say that Israel (who we all love and who loves us!) would attack our navy vessel and then, these boneheads pretend that our very own president!! ordered jets that were scrambled to assist the Liberty… to return, and offer no assistance. Twice!

    no one on this earth cares more about the American people than the American president Fred. No one is more trusted and given more power in order to protect the lives of Americans, and especially the ones he personally sends into harms way. Now what are the chances that such a man would use the authority trusted to him, to order our Navy to abandon our sailors to the murderous and cowardly treachery of an ally turned enemy? It borders on criminally insane!

    what are you to do with people like this Fred?! I mean come on! Right?

    sometimes I think I’ve heard it all. ‘Osama wasn’t killed by SEAL team six, and his body secretly buried at sea’. Don’t these lizard people know that the whole crew would have to be in on it?!

    next we’ll hear about building seven was an alien illusion too. 3000 Americans died on that day, and there are people so deluded and worried about their bodily fluids that they’re saying it was all part of a scheme to get the US to fight endless wars in the middle east. Do you see us fighting these endless wars Fred? Exactly! What are you to do with these people?

    Golf on Tonkin, Sinking of the Maine, Belgian babies on bayonets, Kuwaiti incubators, and now these basement dweller want us to believe that 911 was a false flag too! What next, Syrian chemical weapon attacks? Machine gun bullet holes in MH17?

    when I hear people say that our own government, the men and women who are extremely well paid, but more to the point, trusted to keep us all safe, would be the same people who would cynically plot to harm us for sinister reasons of their own, I wish there were FEMA camps Fred. What else are you to do with such people?

    The other day some whack job was telling me that there was no human soap at Auschwitz, and that the “human” skin lampshade was actually a goat skin, and that the Nazis didn’t shrink people’s heads. I punched him in the face. What else was I to do? I saw the shrunken head Fred. It’s right there on the newsreel, so I didn’t need that Nazi apologist (who clearly wants a Holocaust to happen) telling me there were no shrunken heads. I saw the dammed thing!

    If someone says ‘building seven’, just tell him that sleestacks did it. Mock him and all those people who act like there are aliens going to the moon. Ask him if he’s been abducted lately. Ridicule is what these people deserve. I wish I was as good as you are at it, I’d really have some fun.

    • LOL: Anonymous Smith
  • I’m mostly a conspiracy factualist…although, I do engage in conspiracy theory when I’m trying to understand what the whole story behind the ‘event’ is. Normal people, and especially men, do this all the time…investigative reporters, police detectives, insurance investigators, etc., all engage in conspiracy theory, from time to time, as a necessary part of their jobs.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that some people are incapable of “connecting the dots”, they have no ability to see the bigger picture. You can show them the factual evidence for this or that, and explain the connection between this person and the other, but they just can’t put 2 and 2 together. So, aside from the fact that your counterargument might be presuasive to curious onlookers, what’s the point of arguing with them?

    Fredric Reed is just another blogger seeking attention…he’s a good writer, and he tries to entertain the reader, but ultimately his writing has little, or no value at all. My time is too valuable to be squandered on this frivolous crap. I will ignore Fred’s articles from here on out.

    • Replies: @Junior

    I will ignore Fred’s articles from here on out.
    Amen to that!
  • Fred’s on cactus buttons.

    • LOL: Anonymous Smith
  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • @U. Ranus
    Nice try. Hey, what's your "workable strategy for white folks to effectively fight back against the Hostile Jewish Elites?"

    My strategy is to attack the enemy.

  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    No problem. About the ratio, I'm not sure but that seems too high. I will readily admit there are more violent Muslims in the world than Buddhists - hands down. It is an unfortunate side-effect of any community that still takes religion quite seriously while much of the world has come to the conclusion "religion doesn't matter."

    By foolishly encouraging any idiot...poor wretches who need handouts to survive.
    Free will is a package deal. You have the right to make choices and so do the ugly or unintelligent. I'm fine with handouts as long as they are voluntarily given - my teachers have taught me that the folly and mistakes of others are opportunities God creates for us to avail of giving in charity to help them:
    "Those who spend their wealth in the cause of God and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury - for them, their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 2:262

    I will give them the tools they will need to find their own path to salvation. And after I teach them all that stuff, I will teach them to kill every Jew, Christian, and Muslim they come across.
    I see, salvation and good works lie in the killing of others who don't believe as you do - weren't you just mentioning how horribly violent the Abrahamic faiths are? No problem. Good luck with your endeavor. You're setting a very high bar for yourself, I can count on my hands the number of men that successfully got a religion off the ground - very, very hard work.

    Have I warned you about the upcoming badness?
    We were warned about it from the Prophets (pbut) of God already - it seems to have a different ending; the Son of Mary (pbuh) will have his Madina phase and finish what he started.

    Thanks for the warning though - I will make sure not to piss off people meditating in flotation tanks surrounded by guns and ammo.


    I will make sure not to piss off people meditating in flotation tanks surrounded by guns and ammo.

    Surrounded by guns and ammo…and lots and lots of food! I don’t have that many guns, really…I chose quality over quantity. Most of my survival bunker is filled with food…and toilet paper! Both will be more valuable than gold.

  • @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    OK - that number makes more sense now it is the total cost per actual execution - meaning bang for the buck versus the number of people actually on death row.

    When was their heyday?
    Probably starting under the Caliph Harun Rashid (ra) to the sack of Baghdad (1258) - though recent research has shown it continued well into the 15th century in certain areas.

    How about today…can you give me an example of a polymath Imam scientist alive today?
    No. Two reasons:
    1) The earlier Muslim generations were better than we are and God graced them to accomplished more than we ever could as individuals.
    2) The amount of knowledge has quantitatively expanded at such a rate that it is impossible for human beings to have such comprehensive knowledge any more. There will be no more Galens or al-Khwarezmis - most human beings can only master a niche of a niche of the current sciences. Newton was a genius, but most people can be taught all of his discoveries by high school or shortly after.

    they should always focus on God in heaven, not the material world? All religions do that, don’t they?
    Correct - keep your eyes on the prize. This world is the realm of trial and tribulation - this is not paradise. Paradise comes later if you've dealt with life in the right way.
    "And in the Hereafter there is terrible punishment, or forgiveness from God and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion." (57:20)

    60, 70, 80 years, then poof - you're gone and will be forgotten like millions before you. Then what? Nothing? Or do you move forward? It's all Pascal's wager - is one confident with the hand he has or is it time to turn in some cards? Stake's are very high.

    Why are converts always more pious than the people who are raised up in the religion?
    I'm not a convert, but my wife is and I know plenty. And it's for the same reason that a billionaire values the wealth that he struggled to make himself far more than his offspring who simply inherited it. The initial generation of Muslims (upon whom our religion is built) were the best from us and were all converts.

    The doctrines of the Terrible Trio do not always produce peaceful, happy people
    No not always...

    they very often produce murderous fiends that blindly, and violently lash out at a world that refuses to conform to their beliefs.
    Depends on your definition of 'very often'. Sure there are horrible Jews, Christians and Muslims around. And there are also horrible Buddhists:
    "The Rohingya Muslim community of the military-dominated Southeast Asian nation, which is now officially known as Myanmar, has been systematically persecuted and expunged from the national narrative — often at the behest of powerful extremist groups from the country’s majority Buddhist population and even government authorities — to the point where complete extermination is a possibility, according to a damning new study by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at the Queen Mary University of London."

    And horrible Hindus - perhaps you haven't heard of Hindutva extremists.

    If you are going to advocate 'no religion' as a solution, then you are going to have to convince people why they should simply ignore the mass killings and violence under anti-religion banners such as those of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

    And you are completely ignoring all the good work that religious people do; donate their time, energy and money to help those in need and advocate for peace - have you never heard of the late Father Berrigan?

    Otherwise if you have a better religious paradigm ('peoples of the world deserve better'), advocate it and see how many respond. If you are the oracle of this new path, well, you have already advocated killing people who 'look at you funny' in case of a societal collapse - why should one take your claims of a peaceful new order seriously? Most people simply won't be satisfied with a nihilist approach to destroy the 'old order' - what do you propose to replace it with? I suggest reading into Nietzsche first before you assume a better order will arise from the ashes.

    I will tell you though, transcendent monotheism is a very, very tough idea to challenge - and it has proven itself historically quite resilient and very fit (in evolutionary selective terms). Wherever there is lack of religion, there seem to be a lack of will to form stable families and have the necessary children to perpetuate the human species. Do you know anti-religious couples that have 3 kids? What about 2? I'm sure they are out there, but are they in any significant numbers that will keep themselves going? How about yourself, are you a father? In general terms, anti-religion seems to be the worst thing one can advocate if they want to keep their society going past a few generations.


    Hello, Talha. Wow! You spent a lot of time on your post, thank you for your concern! 😉

    Now, what would you say the ratio of bad Muslims to bad Buddhists is? 150,000:1? 200,000:1?That looks about right to me, what do you think?

    And you are completely ignoring all the good work that religious people do; donate their time, energy and money to help those in need and advocate for peace

    With a state-of-the-art competent-parent training program in place, their donations would be completely unnecessary. By foolishly encouraging any idiot with reproductive organs to have as many children as possible, you’re going to end up with a barrel full of bad apples…i.e. poor wretches who need handouts to survive.

    As far as promoting a better religious paradigm…well, here’s my plan: Some years after the Jew/Christian/Muslim instigated Apocalypse, after most of you are skeletonized, I will gather the ragged remains of the white race unto me and I will teach them about the Flotation Tank, Self-Hypnosis/Autogenic Training, and all that I know about Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, and Qabalah…I will give them the tools they will need to find their own path to salvation. And after I teach them all that stuff, I will teach them to kill every Jew, Christian, and Muslim they come across.

    ps…Have I warned you about the upcoming badness? You know, the Big Event? If not, consider this a friendly warning. Now, you can’t say you weren’t warned. I like to do this so that my conscience is crystal clear…every thing that happens to you is on you.

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    No problem. About the ratio, I'm not sure but that seems too high. I will readily admit there are more violent Muslims in the world than Buddhists - hands down. It is an unfortunate side-effect of any community that still takes religion quite seriously while much of the world has come to the conclusion "religion doesn't matter."

    By foolishly encouraging any idiot...poor wretches who need handouts to survive.
    Free will is a package deal. You have the right to make choices and so do the ugly or unintelligent. I'm fine with handouts as long as they are voluntarily given - my teachers have taught me that the folly and mistakes of others are opportunities God creates for us to avail of giving in charity to help them:
    "Those who spend their wealth in the cause of God and follow not up their gifts with reminders of their generosity or with injury - for them, their reward is with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve." 2:262

    I will give them the tools they will need to find their own path to salvation. And after I teach them all that stuff, I will teach them to kill every Jew, Christian, and Muslim they come across.
    I see, salvation and good works lie in the killing of others who don't believe as you do - weren't you just mentioning how horribly violent the Abrahamic faiths are? No problem. Good luck with your endeavor. You're setting a very high bar for yourself, I can count on my hands the number of men that successfully got a religion off the ground - very, very hard work.

    Have I warned you about the upcoming badness?
    We were warned about it from the Prophets (pbut) of God already - it seems to have a different ending; the Son of Mary (pbuh) will have his Madina phase and finish what he started.

    Thanks for the warning though - I will make sure not to piss off people meditating in flotation tanks surrounded by guns and ammo.


  • @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    $315 Million
    You've got to be pulling my leg - are you sure? Can you cite a source? That is the cost of like 15-20 F-16s!!!

    I didn't say we need to keep them in jail after the trial - execute justice shortly after (my preference is let the family of the victim decide the fate).

    I agree with you on the issue of parenting. Not sure why you think the Abrahamic faiths have nothing to say on raising children well though. I am constantly gaining insight on child-rearing from my tradition and the advice of my teachers. I'm sure others are also - though the prerequisite for this is a stable family unit in the first place.

    In the religions of the Terrible Trio, competence in worldly affairs is frowned upon
    Not sure about this either - in their heyday the Persian and Arab polymaths of the Muslim world were not only scientists (of various fields; medicine, botany, physics, mathematics, demographics, etc.) but also accredited and recognized theologians; Imams Biruni (ra), Razi (ra), Ibn Rushd (ra), Ibn an-Nafis (ra), Ibn Khaldun (ra) - just to name a few.

    That's not even taking into account the numerous Christian monks that were often at work in scientific endeavors in their monasteries. Not to mention Sir Isaac Newton, though not your normal Nicene-Creed Christian, took the Bible seriously enough to write exegesis on portions of it.

    And the Jews, well...their biggest name is Maimonides who was both a Rabbi of the highest rank and a scientist and physician. His skill was such in both spheres that Jews of today consider his rulings as the final verdict on many issues and he was the chief physician of the Ayyubid Dynasty of Egypt.

    Suggested reading:


    Hello, Talha

    I couldn’t find the original article that I drew my info from, but I found this one…

    “…in their heyday the Persian and Arab polymaths of the Muslim world were not only scientists…”

    When was their heyday? How about today…can you give me an example of a polymath Imam scientist alive today? Aren’t Jews, Christians, and Muslims always complaining about how wicked the world is and how they should always focus on God in heaven, not the material world? All religions do that, don’t they? Every time I tell a Christian about some heinous thing that has taken place I almost always get the same response, they say “Well, this is Satan’s world.”

    You’re a convert to Islam, right? Why are converts always more pious than the people who are raised up in the religion? lol

    The Jews are parasites suffering from delusions of grandeur; the Christians are craven do-nothings, and dutiful servants to the Jews; and the Muslims are fanatical tyrant’s looking to destroy the infidels! These are my opinions, and they will most likely never change. All three of these religions are responsible for untold suffering in this world…this widespread suffering will continue until we destroy the Terrible Trio. It is the Jews who cause the most harm to the peoples of the world; secretly manipulating Christians and Muslims, pitting them against each other for their own profit. But, the Muslims do their fair share…how many suicide bombers have we seen in the last 20 years? 5,000? 10,000? How many of their fellow Muslims have they killed? 250,000? 500,000? More? Christians destroy in a couple of ways…first, they passively/actively support the murderous campaigns of the US/NATO; second, they passively allow every type of evil to manifest in the countries where they dominate…this is a passive-aggressive attack on the non-believers in their midst. This second example is why the Jews are able to so easily establish their criminal networks in Christian nations and profit from the evils they create.

    So, you may present me with great Muslim’s of the distant past as examples of the divine nature of Islam…but, all I have to do is point to the latest car-bombing in Iraq, or the maniacal ravings of a sociopathic cleric, and your argument crumbles to dust. The doctrines of the Terrible Trio do not always produce peaceful, happy people…they very often produce murderous fiends that blindly, and violently lash out at a world that refuses to conform to their beliefs.

    Death to Judaism!

    Death to Islam!

    Death to Christianity!

    Destroy the Terrible Trio!

    The peoples of the world deserve better! 🙂

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    OK - that number makes more sense now it is the total cost per actual execution - meaning bang for the buck versus the number of people actually on death row.

    When was their heyday?
    Probably starting under the Caliph Harun Rashid (ra) to the sack of Baghdad (1258) - though recent research has shown it continued well into the 15th century in certain areas.

    How about today…can you give me an example of a polymath Imam scientist alive today?
    No. Two reasons:
    1) The earlier Muslim generations were better than we are and God graced them to accomplished more than we ever could as individuals.
    2) The amount of knowledge has quantitatively expanded at such a rate that it is impossible for human beings to have such comprehensive knowledge any more. There will be no more Galens or al-Khwarezmis - most human beings can only master a niche of a niche of the current sciences. Newton was a genius, but most people can be taught all of his discoveries by high school or shortly after.

    they should always focus on God in heaven, not the material world? All religions do that, don’t they?
    Correct - keep your eyes on the prize. This world is the realm of trial and tribulation - this is not paradise. Paradise comes later if you've dealt with life in the right way.
    "And in the Hereafter there is terrible punishment, or forgiveness from God and His good pleasure, whereas the life of the world is but matter of illusion." (57:20)

    60, 70, 80 years, then poof - you're gone and will be forgotten like millions before you. Then what? Nothing? Or do you move forward? It's all Pascal's wager - is one confident with the hand he has or is it time to turn in some cards? Stake's are very high.

    Why are converts always more pious than the people who are raised up in the religion?
    I'm not a convert, but my wife is and I know plenty. And it's for the same reason that a billionaire values the wealth that he struggled to make himself far more than his offspring who simply inherited it. The initial generation of Muslims (upon whom our religion is built) were the best from us and were all converts.

    The doctrines of the Terrible Trio do not always produce peaceful, happy people
    No not always...

    they very often produce murderous fiends that blindly, and violently lash out at a world that refuses to conform to their beliefs.
    Depends on your definition of 'very often'. Sure there are horrible Jews, Christians and Muslims around. And there are also horrible Buddhists:
    "The Rohingya Muslim community of the military-dominated Southeast Asian nation, which is now officially known as Myanmar, has been systematically persecuted and expunged from the national narrative — often at the behest of powerful extremist groups from the country’s majority Buddhist population and even government authorities — to the point where complete extermination is a possibility, according to a damning new study by the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) at the Queen Mary University of London."

    And horrible Hindus - perhaps you haven't heard of Hindutva extremists.

    If you are going to advocate 'no religion' as a solution, then you are going to have to convince people why they should simply ignore the mass killings and violence under anti-religion banners such as those of Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc.

    And you are completely ignoring all the good work that religious people do; donate their time, energy and money to help those in need and advocate for peace - have you never heard of the late Father Berrigan?

    Otherwise if you have a better religious paradigm ('peoples of the world deserve better'), advocate it and see how many respond. If you are the oracle of this new path, well, you have already advocated killing people who 'look at you funny' in case of a societal collapse - why should one take your claims of a peaceful new order seriously? Most people simply won't be satisfied with a nihilist approach to destroy the 'old order' - what do you propose to replace it with? I suggest reading into Nietzsche first before you assume a better order will arise from the ashes.

    I will tell you though, transcendent monotheism is a very, very tough idea to challenge - and it has proven itself historically quite resilient and very fit (in evolutionary selective terms). Wherever there is lack of religion, there seem to be a lack of will to form stable families and have the necessary children to perpetuate the human species. Do you know anti-religious couples that have 3 kids? What about 2? I'm sure they are out there, but are they in any significant numbers that will keep themselves going? How about yourself, are you a father? In general terms, anti-religion seems to be the worst thing one can advocate if they want to keep their society going past a few generations.


  • We are nearing the climax of a watershed election. The Ruling Class understands that Donald Trump represents a counter-revolution to all they have built up over the last 50 years. That emphatically includes GOP leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan, who hastened not merely to step on Trump’s bounce back in the second debate by announcing...
  • Kevin MacDonald brings me down, big time. A leader he ain’t! It’s almost like he’s trying to be as negative as possible…Well, if that’s his goal, all I can say is that he has been hugely successful!

    You would think a guy like that – smart as a whip with a Ph.D in Evolutionary Psychology – would be able to figure out a workable strategy for white folks to effectively fight back against the Hostile Jewish Elites. But, nope, not one suggestion from him…not even a hint! Now, I’ll admit that I haven’t read most of Dr. MacDonald’s work (’cause it’s so damned dismal), so I might be wrong about him. But I don’t think so. I think he’s been submerged in this highly negative field of study for so long that it’s destroyed his will to fight…they call that occupational burnout. If that’s the case, he’s useless…and why in THE hell should I listen to anymore of his negative defeatist crap?

    I’m all about doing every thing I can to win…’cause I’m a fuckin’ winner! I like to excel and win, it makes me feel good. I hate being around negative people…they’re like psychic vampires; if you let them, they’ll suck the positive energy right out of you!

    Can anyone show me a literary work from Dr. Kevin MacDonald that is positive and uplifting? If not, he is nothing but poison…I’ve got no room for his defeatist garbage in my life.

    • Replies: @U. Ranus
    Nice try. Hey, what's your "workable strategy for white folks to effectively fight back against the Hostile Jewish Elites?"
    , @Seamus Padraig
    If it's uplifting you're after, I'm sure your local bookstore has a 'new age' section.
    , @Bardon Kaldian
    MacDonald is a historical determinist of sorts. From what I've read in his CoftC series, he thinks that when Jewish subversion reaches its peak, "natives" will explode with anger & somehow overthrow it. I have two objections to this theory:

    1) I don't believe that Jewish subversion is crucial re matters he's discussing (immigration inundation, denigration of Euro-American civilization, dumbing down through media, support of Israel, ..). Influential yes, but dominant- no.

    2) his is, in my opinion, magical thinking. The two revolutions he has described had been brewing, ideologically & structurally, for years, even decades. No overthrow of power elites had ever come "just like that", without long and arduous theoretical, ideological, economic, ethical,... ferment & planning.
    , @Tim Howells
    The two essential men of this movement are Kevin MacDonald and Donald Trump: The great scholar and thinker, and the man of action. I was delighted to see recently that Donald Trump Jr. has retweeted Prof MacDonald:

    I would not be at all surprised to find out that Trump Sr. is very conversant with MacDonald's work.
    , @Art
    Can anyone show me a literary work from Dr. Kevin MacDonald that is positive and uplifting?

    In the face of truth - when the truth is undeniable, the messenger is always always attacked.

    p.s. Hmm – a ZZ (Zionist Zombie) maybe? By deceit and deception they make war - it is what they were taught as children by their culture. (Poor things - abused and traumatized, made to fear and hate at five.)
    , @Tommy Hobbes
    What would Prof MacDonald do without DaJooz! DaJooz! He'd have nothing without them, eh?
    , @in the middle

    Jews are whites. Most Jews I had met were whites, except some in the media, that look Arabs. Whites cannot fight them because its like a virus, you cannot fight a virus, because a cell, part of the body. Besides, whites do have better things to do, like work, take care of their families. Talmudists do not; they enjoy life in litigations, as lawyers, bankers, and united by the hate for others not like them. Not all Talmudists obviously are alike. But they all have the same deep inward feeling for the synagogue. Talmudists in the MSM only serve to maintain the public ignorant and feed it with lots of perversion and lies. To a minority say, Hispanic/Asian, a Talmudist is simple a 'white' person talking head. They have not been attuned to the fact that Talmudism is a group/tribe itself dedicated to the destitution of everyone else who is not part of the tribe.
    So, whites, its up to the whites to fight the good fight, and stop been scared with the name calling of 'racist, bigot, etc. Let the mud slide down, and press on.
    , @Ace
    Now that's what I call a positive and uplifting comment.

    What has the winning Smith contributed by way of practical recommendations or is Smith the kind of man who waits passively for others to lead him to safety?
  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @Latvian woman
    Not all Salafis are murderers (if the peaceful part of them lived isolated like the Amish, for instance, there would be no problem with them), but you have to understand that some people probably become Salafists out of desperation - for instance, after their families have been killed or maimed by foreign bombing campaigns.

    “…some people probably become Salafists out of desperation – for instance, after their families have been killed or maimed by foreign bombing campaigns.”

    I know that would drive me over the edge.

  • @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    Everyone that can be redeemed should be redeemed. Everyone has a right to a fair trial - justice demands this. Being a Muslim, I have zero problems with capital punishment. In traditional rulings, people that committed this kind of banditry/highway robbery, etc. were killed and had their bodies displayed publicly as a deterrent - usually the body was displayed on a cross. Also traditionally, the government simply determined the guilt of the party in these kinds of cases - it was in the hands of the families if they wanted to; forgive, ask for blood money compensation or have the culprit executed - thus they are the ones making decisions (as the family of the victim) on whether they feel the culprit is redeemable or not.

    However, this all comes down to the initial question of whether or not drugs should be illegal in the first place and if so, the proper methods of interdiction.

    what is the nexus of their problem?
    To me it's a spiritual problem at the core - all the rest are details:
    "Love of this world is the root of all evil." - hadith reported in Bayhaqi

    “If the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would want to have two valleys. Nothing fills his mouth except dust*, and God will forgive whoever repents to Him.” - reported in Muslim


    *This has been explained as an expression by the scholars that the avarice of man's greed will only be satiated when his belly is filled with the dust of his grave. Then he will realize finally exactly just how much of this earth he is truly fated to 'own'.

    Hey, Talha!

    Everyone has a right to a fair trial – justice demands this.

    My sense of fairness may be a bit different than yours. In my opinion, the financial costs of administering justice should always be a consideration. Did you know that in California it costs approximately $315 Million per inmate to carryout an execution? That’s from the start of the trial through to the transfer of the body after the execution. Where, I ask you, is the justice in that?! The Chinese do it right…they take the convict into a soundproof chamber and pump a .30 cent slug into the back of his head.

    As for my second question, ‘what is the nexus of their problems’, I ask that of all the intelligent people I bump into on the interwebs, and in real life. In my opinion, the thread that runs through all instances of criminality is incompetent/inept parenting. I watched a video of an FBI psychologist giving a really good analogy of what it takes to make a sadistic psychopath…it goes something like this: Genetics loads the gun; the environment (parenting) aims the gun; and the individual circumstance pulls the trigger.

    So, I’m a big believer in training for competent parenting. Unfortunately, no such training exists anywhere in the world. Talk about the greatest oversight in the Galaxy! How we have not been able to figure this out by now is quite beyond me. I blame religions for this tangled up mess. It would have been so easy to leave out a one of the stupider commandments, like ‘Remember the Sabbath day, and keep it holy’, and put a suggestion for competent parenting in its place. In the religions of the Terrible Trio, competence in worldly affairs is frowned upon…so, we end up with the horrible mess we find ourselves in today.

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    $315 Million
    You've got to be pulling my leg - are you sure? Can you cite a source? That is the cost of like 15-20 F-16s!!!

    I didn't say we need to keep them in jail after the trial - execute justice shortly after (my preference is let the family of the victim decide the fate).

    I agree with you on the issue of parenting. Not sure why you think the Abrahamic faiths have nothing to say on raising children well though. I am constantly gaining insight on child-rearing from my tradition and the advice of my teachers. I'm sure others are also - though the prerequisite for this is a stable family unit in the first place.

    In the religions of the Terrible Trio, competence in worldly affairs is frowned upon
    Not sure about this either - in their heyday the Persian and Arab polymaths of the Muslim world were not only scientists (of various fields; medicine, botany, physics, mathematics, demographics, etc.) but also accredited and recognized theologians; Imams Biruni (ra), Razi (ra), Ibn Rushd (ra), Ibn an-Nafis (ra), Ibn Khaldun (ra) - just to name a few.

    That's not even taking into account the numerous Christian monks that were often at work in scientific endeavors in their monasteries. Not to mention Sir Isaac Newton, though not your normal Nicene-Creed Christian, took the Bible seriously enough to write exegesis on portions of it.

    And the Jews, well...their biggest name is Maimonides who was both a Rabbi of the highest rank and a scientist and physician. His skill was such in both spheres that Jews of today consider his rulings as the final verdict on many issues and he was the chief physician of the Ayyubid Dynasty of Egypt.

    Suggested reading:


  • @Rurik

    where does your conscience come from?
    not from a book

    Christ is in charge of Reconciliation, He is the Way out of this bloody labyrinth.
    how well has He been working out for ya?

    look around, it's the Christians who're the biggest cowards and Zio-grovelers out there.

    do you see even one Christian leader who's willing to take on the fiend by the horns of its head?

    the man with the most nads today in all of America: (Trump) Does not seem to me like your typical Christian; all blubbery-eyed like Gary Bauer licking Zionist feet or charlatans like the TV preachers demanding money and promising Rapture if only we can slaughter enough of Jesus's living relatives in Palestine.

    where are the Christians who show some fortitude in plotting a course out of the "bloody Labyrinth" Stonehands?

    or is the solution just to get on your knees and offer your cheeks to your enemies to do with as they please?

    Hey, Rurik!

    Just a quick notice: When the SHTF, I will be offering a FREE Rapturing service to any and all Christians who come into my field of view. This FREE Rapturing service will be made available to all Christians regardless of their sect or denomination…however, I will pay close, special attention to the dispensationalists! Rapturing’s can be instantaneous (on sight), or they can administered more gradually, taking hours, or even days, to complete…no matter how long it takes, though, the Rapturing will be FREE!

    God willing, I will be able to Rapture 100 Christian souls per week (a good week indeed!). This FREE service will be available as long as I’m alive. In addition, I will be offering specials throughout the Apocalypse…Pretty Christian ladies (married or not, makes no difference to me) will periodically be selected for special ‘Adam and Eve’ sessions to be administered in the Inner Sanctum of my lair; to be followed by a FREE Rapturing! These extra services are also FREE of charge!

    But, wait! This FREE Rapturing service will also be available to Jews and Muslims, as well as Cultural Marxists, anyone who looks at me funny, and all peoples of color!

    Praise be, the Lord’s generosity is boundless!!

    • Replies: @Stonehands
    "God willing, I will be able to Rapture 100 Christian souls per week (a good week indeed!). This FREE service will be available as long as I’m alive. In addition, I will be offering specials throughout the Apocalypse…Pretty Christian ladies (married or not, makes no difference to me) will periodically be selected for ......blah..blah..blah"

    But you are a self -proclaimed junky...

    ... and I am a life long hunter and tea- totaler.

    Who do you think has the steadier hands, punk?
  • @Stonehands
    You ought to know better...where does your conscience come from?

    Satan is in charge of Retribution. Where does it end, Where does it end?

    Christ is in charge of Reconciliation, He is the Way out of this bloody labyrinth.

    where does your conscience come from?

    not from a book

    Christ is in charge of Reconciliation, He is the Way out of this bloody labyrinth.

    how well has He been working out for ya?

    look around, it’s the Christians who’re the biggest cowards and Zio-grovelers out there.

    do you see even one Christian leader who’s willing to take on the fiend by the horns of its head?

    the man with the most nads today in all of America: (Trump) Does not seem to me like your typical Christian; all blubbery-eyed like Gary Bauer licking Zionist feet or charlatans like the TV preachers demanding money and promising Rapture if only we can slaughter enough of Jesus’s living relatives in Palestine.

    where are the Christians who show some fortitude in plotting a course out of the “bloody Labyrinth” Stonehands?

    or is the solution just to get on your knees and offer your cheeks to your enemies to do with as they please?

    • Agree: Anonymous Smith
    • Replies: @Stonehands
    "how well has He been working out for ya?

    look around, it’s the Christians who’re the biggest cowards and Zio-grovelers out there.

    do you see even one Christian leader who’s willing to take on the fiend by the horns of its head?"

    See- the thing is Rurik- Christ's church consists of a local called out assembly. We tend to be masons, plumbers, carpenters, electricians,bakers and laborers. Some of us "own" our own small businesses. Some are civil servants. Some are teachers. We have a flat heirarchy There are no "leaders". Only Christ is our leader and is present in the Holy Spirit
    But, in the meantime- until He returns -we all get up in the morning and put in a full, healthy, hard days work, and pray thanksgiving for each meal and the rains that sustain us with fresh water.
    THESE people are the heroes.

    Not George Washington, or Adolph Hitler, or Gary Bauer..or some pope..

    Madison Ave, and Hollyweird,through the TV and sports, inculcates children with a hall of fame type mentality. They inculcate them with the notion that in America-Money- is a sure sign of virtue.

    We,OTH, work hard, are sober, school our own children through college- and refuse gov handouts.
    We evangelize sinners.
    This is how we fight back.

    God is not concerned with your pecuniary interests, nor your material comfort..
    Godliness with contentment is great gain.

    A wise man once said "He that wont be governed by God, will be ruled by tyrants"

    ....and that my friend is where you find yourself ...among degenerate Americans.
    , @Anonymous Smith
    Hey, Rurik!

    Just a quick notice: When the SHTF, I will be offering a FREE Rapturing service to any and all Christians who come into my field of view. This FREE Rapturing service will be made available to all Christians regardless of their sect or denomination...however, I will pay close, special attention to the dispensationalists! Rapturing's can be instantaneous (on sight), or they can administered more gradually, taking hours, or even days, to matter how long it takes, though, the Rapturing will be FREE!

    God willing, I will be able to Rapture 100 Christian souls per week (a good week indeed!). This FREE service will be available as long as I'm alive. In addition, I will be offering specials throughout the Apocalypse...Pretty Christian ladies (married or not, makes no difference to me) will periodically be selected for special 'Adam and Eve' sessions to be administered in the Inner Sanctum of my lair; to be followed by a FREE Rapturing! These extra services are also FREE of charge!

    But, wait! This FREE Rapturing service will also be available to Jews and Muslims, as well as Cultural Marxists, anyone who looks at me funny, and all peoples of color!

    Praise be, the Lord's generosity is boundless!!
  • During the sexual scandals of Bill Clinton—the “bimbo eruptions” as Hillary called them—the Democrats and progressive opinion ruled out a person’s sex life as a political factor. Now suddenly nothing more than juvenile locker room banter without the actual sex has become the determinant of political unfitness. Where did the 11-year old recording of locker...
  • From the article…

    The US media, 90% owned by the One Percent, have teamed up with their owners against the American people — the 99 Percent.

    Again, PCR dodges the truth. Yes, 90% of the MSM in the US is owned by the “One Percent”…but, it’s a very special subset of the 1%, and deserves to be highlighted. I not afraid, I’ll post the truth (again)…

    Viacom: Chairman and CEO, Sumner Redstone. Sumner is Jewish.
    Comcast: Chairman and CEO, Brian L. Roberts. Brian is Jewish.
    The Walt Disney Company: Chairman and CEO, Robert A. Iger. Robert is Jewish.
    Time Warner: Chairman and CEO, Jeff Bewkes. Jeffrey is Jewish.
    News Corp: Chairman and CEO, Rupert Murdoch. Rupert is a Jew, by Jewish law.
    CBS: President and CEO, Leslie Moonves. Les is Jewish.

    These six corporations control more than 90% of the media in the US. The other 10% of the US media is also effectively controlled by the Jews through strategic infiltration into high level executive positions, and into all other levels (writers, producers, directors, editors, columnists, etc., etc.) of corporate operations.

    There. Wasn’t that easy? The Jews control the MSM that is ganging up on Donald Trump…and supporting Hillary. The NeoCons are also mostly Jewish…they hate Trump and love Hillary, too.

    Why are the Jews ganging up against Trump? There several reasons, but the two that stand out are: war in the ME, and mass-immagration. The Jews want the ME to be consumed by war…they get all kinds of benefits from it, including: a significantly weakened Muslim military presence in their neighborhood; free land in Syria; and the mass displacement of young Muslim males. In the case of the latter, Muslim males in the ME, and Africa, are being told by Christian, Jewish, and Muslim NGO’s that paradice awaits them in Europe. Their message being “Why stay here in this hell-hole, when you can live a life of leisure in Germany or Sweden…and (winky winky) you can have all the blue-eyed blonde virgins you could ever want!”

    That’s why 90% of the “Refugees” that we see flooding into Europe are young, healthy males. Now, on the European end, the emigrants are greeted by Christian, Jewish, and Muslim NGO’s and given tips on where to go, and how to behave. In Germany and Sweden, these young Muslim men are being instructed on how to get, and have sex with, European women. Check it out…

    This is phase 2 of the Jewish ‘Kalergi’ plan in action…the decimation of the white race. Interracial breeding is strongly encouraged in many European countries now. When WW3 escalates, it will be the young white males of Europe who will be sent off to fight and die, whilst the Negro’s of Africa will be left in place to freely breed with the white European women, as they will. Here’s a short list of Jews who are responsible for the implementation of the Kalergi plan…Job Cohen in Holland, Barbara Spectre in Sweden, Ervin Kohn in Norway, Anetta Kahane, Angela Merkel and Gregor Gysi in Germany, Gerald Kaufman and Theresa May in England, Ronit Lentin and Alan Shatter in Ireland, and George Soros and Larry Summers in the USA. George Soros recently pledged to spend $500 million to facilitate and accelerate the European immigration process.

    The young Muslim men from Africa and the ME hear ya, PCR…they’re choosing to have sex, not war.

  • @Pat Hannagan
    Excellent analysis. I don't know that Americans can be helped or changed at this point. It's a spiritually sick country.

    …It’s a spiritually sick country.

    All Western nations have this in common…they have something else in common, too: they’re all predominately Christian nations, or, at least, profess to be.

  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @Talha
    Hey LW,

    I know what you mean - there is a hadith that states; "Youth is a type of madness."

    People like Hemingway felt the pull to either report on or join the resistance in the Spanish Civil War as volunteers. Obviously, Daesh is not like that on a moral level, but I think it is much like the pull for young men toward gangs or drug cartels* (just with a 'religious' ideology on top).

    And though it's great for breaking stuff down, one does not build a society on 'kicking ass' our young Marines found out after routing Saddam's army in Iraq.


    *If you look at some of the pictures of the Zetas or MS13 - they will often execute people in a very gruesome way to send a message and you will often see them stand around with masks taking pictures of themselves with the people they are about to execute - in fact it's often impossible to tell the difference in the scene if not for the flag or symbolism in the background.

    Hi, Talha!

    If you look at some of the pictures of the Zetas or MS13 – they will often execute people in a very gruesome way to send a message and you will often see them stand around with masks taking pictures of themselves with the people they are about to execute

    Do you think that these animals can/should be redeemed, no matter what the cost to the society that they infect? Or, would you agree with me that these violent animals are basically irredeemable and should be exterminated on the spot…or, very shortly after a quick but fair trail, like the Chinese do?

    in fact it’s often impossible to tell the difference in the scene if not for the flag or symbolism in the background.

    Just one more question, Talha: What’s the one thing that all of these kinds of people, and criminals in general, have in common…what is the nexus of their problem?

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    Everyone that can be redeemed should be redeemed. Everyone has a right to a fair trial - justice demands this. Being a Muslim, I have zero problems with capital punishment. In traditional rulings, people that committed this kind of banditry/highway robbery, etc. were killed and had their bodies displayed publicly as a deterrent - usually the body was displayed on a cross. Also traditionally, the government simply determined the guilt of the party in these kinds of cases - it was in the hands of the families if they wanted to; forgive, ask for blood money compensation or have the culprit executed - thus they are the ones making decisions (as the family of the victim) on whether they feel the culprit is redeemable or not.

    However, this all comes down to the initial question of whether or not drugs should be illegal in the first place and if so, the proper methods of interdiction.

    what is the nexus of their problem?
    To me it's a spiritual problem at the core - all the rest are details:
    "Love of this world is the root of all evil." - hadith reported in Bayhaqi

    “If the son of Adam had a valley full of gold, he would want to have two valleys. Nothing fills his mouth except dust*, and God will forgive whoever repents to Him.” - reported in Muslim


    *This has been explained as an expression by the scholars that the avarice of man's greed will only be satiated when his belly is filled with the dust of his grave. Then he will realize finally exactly just how much of this earth he is truly fated to 'own'.

  • We’re all crazy. This explains everything. I will elaborate in hopes of joining Plato, Burke, and Hunter Thompson as a lighthouses of the intellects The human mind cannot think of more than a very few things at once. We cannot for example think of a billion citizens of China as individuals, so we say “China,“...
  • @Talha
    Hey Bro,

    At least you recognize your short comings - that is good, that means the animal/lower self (aka ego) is not at the helm - though it always vies to steer the ship.

    By doing these techniques in the float tank
    Ah - the short cut. I've heard of some of the Sufis of India that used to do silent muraqaba and they used to be completely covered by flies due to their utter control and determination (sit unmoving in Delhi - you'll know what I mean). It does require patience - warding off distractions is part of the endeavor:
    "Remember God so much that you are forgotten. Let the caller and the called disappear; be lost in the Call." - Maulana Rumi (ra)

    Good moral; it is always helpful to have a teacher, who had a teacher, who had...else the student has difficulty in determining whether he has indeed arrived at his destination.



    Have you ever seen the Hindu Yogi’s who sacrafice their dominant arm to God by holding it aloft ’til it withers away? Talk about devotion! The spiritual practice (if it can be called that) of the common man is pathetic in comparison.

    There’s a book you might be interested in, titled “The Future of The Body” by Michael Murphy. It’s old, but highly relevant…it’s a study of the effects of spiritual practice on the mind/body complex.

    • Replies: @joe webb
    Murphy was around for awhile...just another child yearning for paradise. The goo and gunk of the New can see it in the practitioners today, not aging well, and looking foolish.

    I live near Esalen in Big Sur and get down there now and then for its beauty, but certainly not for the tubby wymym and girlie boys.... disgusting.

    , @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    No, but I have read an abridged version of the travel logs of Ibn Battuta (ra) who found himself in Southern India (I believe Malabar Coast). He was absolutely astounded by what the Hindu yogis were able to do - I remember reading he almost fainted. Quite impressive indeed and takes years of serious dedication and struggle. My teachers have taught me that God is most interested in your heart far more than any other organ.

    Thanks for the reference on the book - checked out the table of contents on Amazon, looks very nice.

  • Heya

    I’m not a Buddhist, but I use some of their meditative, and breathing techniques. My spiritual practice is eclectic…little bit of Tibetan Buddhism, a healthy chunk of Taoism, and a little bit of Hinduism. Mostly I just used the techniques I found useful…tossed the rest to the side. This was a mistake! I should have done some work to develop compassion…but I didn’t recognize the importance of it ’til it was too late. Commenting on the importance of compassion, the Buddha said…

    “Wisdom without compassion leads to cruelty.”

    This is the truth…I have read many books, and have engaged in thousands of hours of profound meditation in the float tank; I have mastered Lucid Dreaming; and I have raised the Kundalini. These efforts have made me a very wise man, but, because I failed to develop compassion, I am given to cruelty. To make matters even worse, I robbed myself of patience, too. A Buddhist monk must spend a great deal of time and effort to master the various meditation techniques, which requires patience. By doing these techniques in the float tank the mastery of them is highly accelerated…thus, there is no intrinsic need for patience.

    The moral of this story? Spend the time and develop compassion, lest you turn into a mean ol’ snake like me!

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey Bro,

    At least you recognize your short comings - that is good, that means the animal/lower self (aka ego) is not at the helm - though it always vies to steer the ship.

    By doing these techniques in the float tank
    Ah - the short cut. I've heard of some of the Sufis of India that used to do silent muraqaba and they used to be completely covered by flies due to their utter control and determination (sit unmoving in Delhi - you'll know what I mean). It does require patience - warding off distractions is part of the endeavor:
    "Remember God so much that you are forgotten. Let the caller and the called disappear; be lost in the Call." - Maulana Rumi (ra)

    Good moral; it is always helpful to have a teacher, who had a teacher, who had...else the student has difficulty in determining whether he has indeed arrived at his destination.


  • @Talha
    Yes - because materialist philosophies have such a great track record in preventing bloodshed...LOL!


    Who said anything about materialist philosophies? I haven’t seen the Buddhists trying to conquer the world by twisting the words of their spiritual leaders in order to incite violent actions toward the “Infidels”.

    Death to Judaism!

    Death to Islam!

    Death to Christianity!

    Destroy the Terrible Trio and save the world! I can’t do it all on my own, Talha…I can take out several hundred, if I’m lucky! Maybe I’ll be able to burn down a few dozens of their buildings…but, I can’t do it all. Some of these idiots are going have to do the right thing and take themselves out (preferably not at the local market!). We’ve got to cleanse the world of these psychological poisons. The sooner the better!

    Do the right thing, Talha.

    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey A. Smith,

    I actually have respect for Buddhists (are you one?). Their spiritual practices (and fruits) of denying the ego and lower animal self are phenomenal:

    I knew a White guy who converted to Buddhism in So Cal - he was very committed, wouldn't kill a bug - no joke! We had great a conversation about similarities between Buddhist spiritual practices and the spiritual rigors in Islamic mysticism (aka Sufism). But I'm one of those guys that wants a personal relationship with God - you know, like a Romeo/Juliet or Layla/Majnun thing - that's just my preference.

    Trying to do the right thing A. S., but something in my gut says chanting death to other religions just ain't it.

  • @Talha
    Hey JW,

    Not an Arab here, but hey, what are facts except inconveniences - I'm still untermensch.

    Islam is a good fit for stupid and violent people, of all races.
    Not a stunning endorsement for Islam, but coming from our delightful JW - I'll take it!!! Hear that all darkies? Islam is your cup of tea. Of course, white Berkeley girls like my wife and her sisters seem to like it just fine too - but, again, facts -pppfffssshhh!:
    "Record numbers of young, white British women are converting to Islam, yet many are reporting a lack of help as they get used to their new religion, according to several surveys...
    In the past 10 years some 100,000 British people have converted to Islam, of whom some three-quarters are women, according to the latest statistics."

    Make America White and Humane again. No other race has any idea of humanity

    The guns will come out and liberals will get it more or less after blacks,and it will include liberals of any age , still children in paradise, and insane as only an adolescent can be…with Hatreds in full blood flow like slaughtered animals.
    LOL!!! "We are so uniquely humane - we will kill all race traitors and their children!"

    That is so good!!! The perpetuation of the humane White race depends largely on the 'elimination' of the genetic disruptors and their offspring!

    That's why we love you, JW - where would we be without our cup o' Joe Webb in the morning?

    Hey, by the way, being - as you are - a committed racialist materialist, I assume you have done your part and fathered a great many children of the master race with plenty of willing, intelligent and nubile white women, right? At least 5 or 6. Of course you must have, you know the show must go on after you, Joe - and an intelligent and committed person as yourself knows that talk is cheap in the selection of the fittest.


    Death to Judaism!

    Death to Islam!

    Death to Christianity!

    Destroy the Terrible Trio and save the world!

    • Replies: @Talha
    Yes - because materialist philosophies have such a great track record in preventing bloodshed...LOL!


  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @neutral
    If there is a thermo nuclear war would only America and Russia be hit ? Or would Europe and East Asia also be targets, are there any other areas as well ?

    I don’t like to think about this…I’m a prepper. What good would it be to prep for life in an extremely hostile, radioactive environment? There would be no point to it.

    If there were to be a nuclear exchange: Russia, the US, Europe, and Israel would all be destroyed within a couple hours. I don’t know about Asia…probably them too.

    I doubt it’ll come to that (fingers crossed).

  • @pogohere
    The notion that the Ukraine was subjected to a deliberate genocide in the 1930s has been subjected to considerable study that puts in doubt that notion.

    See: Fraud, Famine and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard.

    Take particular note of the pictures that were faked and misrepresented.

    Hello, Pogohere!

    I just finished reading a book on the Holodomor…”Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust” by Miron Dolot. Great book.

    I’ve heard about people trying to debunk the Holodomor, but I haven’t seen any scholarly work on the matter. Basically, there are three groups who would have a very keen interest in covering up the Holodomor…the Jews, the Russians, and the Socialists/Communists. The PDF you link to is a book written by Douglass Tottle…who is a Socialist. I can dismiss this out of hand.

  • Although the population of much of the world is starting to stabilize, the U.N. predicts that sub-Saharan Africa will add three billion people over the next 84 years. What pieces of land can support so many additional people? A new study highlighted in Nature suggests that one underpopulated place that could support lots more Africans...
  • After WW3, I don’t think we’re going to have any problems with overpopulation…not for a few thousand years, at least.

  • What must the world think watching the US presidential campaign? Over time US political campaigns have become more unreal and less related to voters’ concerns, but the current one is so unreal as to be absurd. The offshoring of American jobs by global corporations and the deregulation of the US financial system have resulted in...
  • @Rurik

    Clearly, Hillary is the candidate of the One Percent, and Trump is the candidate for the rest of us.

    Unfortunately, about half of the 99 percent is too dumb to know this.
    I wouldn't simply put it down to dumb, although you can never go wrong betting on their collective stupidity

    but I think even more than stupidity there is the motivation of identity politics that bolsters the war sow's prospects. Blacks and Hispanics and a few women will be voting for her to get a bigger share of the entitlement pie. Not to mention knowing how much that shrill, cackling gorgon's voice is for the rest of us worse than ten thousand babies screaming with fingernails on black boards combined. They aren't voting for Hitlery as much as they're voting against the deplorables- the 'patriarchy' and all those 'white, male construction workers' that Robert Reich was shitting on. They don't like us very much, and these select specimens are certainly not stupid per se

    so if you ask the typical BLM or La Raza voter if he'd prefer Hillary and more wars and corruption and more of these castrating hounds on the court, vs. a Donald Trump appointee, then they're likely to prefer the ones pictured. Even knowing that they're screwing their prospects for any hope of an honest country and prosperous future. The EBT card holders and race pimps would side with the one percent in a calculated and cynical preference for even more wars and cronyism because they really do hate the deplorables that much.

    Politics makes strange bedfellows indeed

    Hey, Rurik!

    Now, when you say “They don’t like us very much…” are you referring to liberals in general, er what? Or are you referring to women who look like men?

    Speaking of ‘them’…I’m not sure if you’ve ever heard of a guy by the name of Noel Ignatiev; he was/is a Jewish professor at Harvard University. Although a white man himself (Ashkenazi Jews are not a different race), Ignatiev absolutely despises white people! Check out some of these quotes from Dr. Ignatiev…

    “The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists…Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females, too, until the social construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not deconstructed, but destroyed.”

    “The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.”

    Here’s a good one…

    “If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!”

    How is this POS still breathing?! This shows us that groups like the Klu Klux Klan, the Aryan Brotherhood, the Neo-Nazi’s, et. al., are nothing but a scam, a false front to serve the Jews in their plans to destroy America. David Duke, too…he’s been so discredited, shamed, and slandered in the MSM, that he’s now nothing but toxic waste! Every time the Jew’s want to smear something they roll out David Duke to promote it…which automatically taints that thing!

    • Replies: @Rurik

    “They don’t like us very much…” are you referring to liberals in general, er what?
    Hey Anon Smith,

    I'm referring to all those people who consider us deplorable because we don't want Hillary Clinton as pres. If you want to talk about pure, raw hatred so perfect that it could split diamonds, that would probably come from John McCain. And he'd be the first person I'd like to see behind bars.

    And then you go down the rows and rows of others that hate the deplorables. Blacks, Zionists Jews, liberals and assorted butt-hurt minorities.

    Every time the Jew’s want to smear something they roll out David Duke to promote it…which automatically taints that thing!
    yes, I know

    Dr. Duke's persona is more of a cartoon caricature of the real man. A media construct, just like Vlad Putin or even Donald Trump. But they own the media, don't they? It was Woodrow Wilson who handed our destiny over to those people. And no one put a bullet in his head, so we live with the consequences and move on. Doing what we can. But the script was written long before any of us came on the scene.
  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @Avery
    I have no idea WhoTF 'David “I-am-Jesus-H-Christ” Icke' is.

    I use the term 'reptile' to denote a non-human: a cold-blooded creature.
    There was a TV series called 'V' a while back.
    The aliens appeared as humans, but were some kind of reptiles/lizards in reality.

    They came to Earth to enslave humans, but had to assume human form so humans would let their guard down. (Even before 'V', there was the classic "Body Snatchers" (the original B&W). )

    The 'V' were shape-shifters: every so often they'd shed the human form and you could see the scales of the lizards/reptiles that they were.

    I use the term 'reptiles' in reference to these cold-blooded things (aka Neocons), because they cannot possibly be human. They enjoy bloodbath of humans: it is not normal; it is sick. But if one is a reptile, then it is not abnormal to kill humans: it is in their nature.

    Of course I don't really mean they are aliens from space, but can't think of any other way to describe them: one can't be a normal human being who loves murdering people who have done them no wrong. One can't be a normal human being who enjoys death and destruction just for the sake of it.

    'one of those .... followers are you?'

    Nope: I follow no one, but my own mind.

    There are people, followers of David Icke, and others, who actually believe that many of our leaders are shapeshifting reptiles…I kid you not.

    Given this new information, you might want to rethink your use of the term, lest someone label you a crackpot.

    • Replies: @Avery
    Thanks for the info.
    If I think of a better word to describes these things, I will switch.
    But reptile will do for now, regardless of what someone thinks of me.
    I have to admit though, that these things are far worse than reptiles.
    Reptiles kill only to defend themselves or for food.
    These things murder simply for the pleasure of murdering.
  • Call it stealth warfare, call it poking the bear, call it whatever you’d like. The fact is, the Syrian war has entered a new and more dangerous phase increasing the chances of a catastrophic confrontation between the US and Russia. This new chapter of the conflict is the brainchild of Pentagon warlord, Ash Carter, whose...
  • @frankie p
    Your comment cannot be taken seriously because of the fact that you have left China off the list of countries without Rothschild controlled central banks. All the efforts of China to create failsafe firewalls in order to keep their currency and economy in the hands of the Communist Party and free from manipulation from the global financial vampires are testamony to that. I invite you to provide evidence to the contrary.

    Frankie P

    You’re right…China has been trying to get out from under the thumb of the Rothschild’s. Now, the last time I checked, China owed the Bank of International Settlements (owned by Rothschild) quite a large sum of money. In addition to that, the Rothschild’s have significant holdings in the Chinese financial services industry, through The People’s Bank of China…and visa versa, The People’s Bank of China has invested in Rothschild businesses. Those are some of the direct, visible connections…behind the scenes is where the Rothschild’s exercise their influence: Through bribery, blackmail, infiltration of their agents into key positions in the financial sector, etc.. The countries on my list won’t even let the Rothschild agents set foot in their countries.

    Now, the Chinese system of government isn’t purely communist…it’s a hybrid system that includes communism and elements of capitalism under the same roof. As you well know, China has many Billionaires, a huge, thriving middle-class, and welcomes all forms of foreign investment. This type of hybrid communist/capitalist system was described by Congressman Larry P. McDonald in the following quote, from 1976…

    “The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining supercapitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control…Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent.”

    China is the prototype government for the New World Order…a Technocracy.

    So, that’s why China isn’t on my list…once they’ve kicked the Rothschild’s, and all the Jewish NGOs, completely out of their country, I will then put them on my list.

  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @Avery
    Sure is.
    Evil genius.
    The Reptiles are are vile, but you have to give it to them: clever MOFERS.

    Hmm…maybe I’m getting you mixed up wit someone else. I read another of your posts in another thread…you keep using the term “the Reptiles”, what are you talking about? You’re not one of those David “I-am-Jesus-H-Christ” Icke followers are you?

    • Replies: @Avery
    I have no idea WhoTF 'David “I-am-Jesus-H-Christ” Icke' is.

    I use the term 'reptile' to denote a non-human: a cold-blooded creature.
    There was a TV series called 'V' a while back.
    The aliens appeared as humans, but were some kind of reptiles/lizards in reality.

    They came to Earth to enslave humans, but had to assume human form so humans would let their guard down. (Even before 'V', there was the classic "Body Snatchers" (the original B&W). )

    The 'V' were shape-shifters: every so often they'd shed the human form and you could see the scales of the lizards/reptiles that they were.

    I use the term 'reptiles' in reference to these cold-blooded things (aka Neocons), because they cannot possibly be human. They enjoy bloodbath of humans: it is not normal; it is sick. But if one is a reptile, then it is not abnormal to kill humans: it is in their nature.

    Of course I don't really mean they are aliens from space, but can't think of any other way to describe them: one can't be a normal human being who loves murdering people who have done them no wrong. One can't be a normal human being who enjoys death and destruction just for the sake of it.

    'one of those .... followers are you?'

    Nope: I follow no one, but my own mind.
  • @reiner Tor
    You're doing the good work here, this is a fantastic site (even if I don't agree on important issues with probably a majority of columnists/commentators here - well, they don't agree with each other, but that's nothing to worry about), and I think it has had a huge effect already.

    I'd really be happy if members of the American Regime came to their senses (I mean the oligarchs, not the spineless politicians), as I really don't wish for a violent revolution. But they might be stupid enough to provoke their own most violent demise...

    You wrote: “…As I really don’t wish for a violent revolution.”

    OMG, I dream sweet dreams about bloody Revolution! It’s our only way out of this mess…there is no other way.

  • Call it stealth warfare, call it poking the bear, call it whatever you’d like. The fact is, the Syrian war has entered a new and more dangerous phase increasing the chances of a catastrophic confrontation between the US and Russia. This new chapter of the conflict is the brainchild of Pentagon warlord, Ash Carter, whose...
  • @Greg Bacon
    The Iraq War was for Israel, as retired Marine General Zinni pointed out, and then got savaged in the Zionist MSM for speaking the truth.

    Gadaffi was NO threat to the USA, but was hated by Israel, so he had to go.

    Following that line of reasoning, is the Syrian War being waged to placate Israel, so the Zionists can continue with their theft of Syria land on the way to their fantasy of 'Eretz Israel?'

    And for asking that obvious question, I'll be slammed as anti-Semitic.

    Gadaffi was NO threat to the USA, but was hated by Israel, so he had to go.

    I’m not niggling here, Greg, but, the real reason Muammar Gaddafi was assassinated was because Libya didn’t have a central banking system controlled by the Rothschild banking clan.

    In the year of 2000 there were seven countries that didn’t have a Rothschild controlled central bank:

    North Korea

    We all know what happend with Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2003 there were five countries that didn’t have Rothschild controlled central bank:

    North Korea

    Sudan has been ripped in half, and it’s unclear who actually controls the banking system in either country. When Libya was attacked from within, and Gaddafi was assassinated, the very first thing the “Rebel” leadership did was to sign a 200+ page contract with “international banking interests” to establish a new central bank in that country. These kinds of international contracts are long and very complicated…yet the “Rebels” produced it within hours of Colonel Gaddafi’s death.

    As of 2011, the only countries without a Rothschild controlled central bank are:

    North Korea

    If you will recall, the Cuban’s caught US NGO’s redhanded in the act of trying to foment civil unrest (Arab-spring style) in Cuba. The Cuban government began shouting to the world what the US was up to, and how it was being done. The US government moved in swiftly to calm the Cuban’s down…by “normalizing” relations with the small communist country, they [US] essentially bribed them [Cuba] with the promise of billions of dollars of trade, annually. The Cuban government quietly dropped their protest.

    It’ll be interesting to see what happens with Iran, and, especially, North Korea…time will tell.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    I suspect everything you say about central banks and Rothschild control is total rubbish because you are spouting BS on what I happen to know about. For example do you know who was appointed in mid 2003 to set up Iraq's new currency (and who recommended him for appointment). I do because he is a friend of mine. Do you know his ethnicity or his attitude to Israel? I do and it makes your claims evident hogwash.
    , @frankie p
    Your comment cannot be taken seriously because of the fact that you have left China off the list of countries without Rothschild controlled central banks. All the efforts of China to create failsafe firewalls in order to keep their currency and economy in the hands of the Communist Party and free from manipulation from the global financial vampires are testamony to that. I invite you to provide evidence to the contrary.

    Frankie P
  • I have held the main idea of this article for almost a year now, and I recently noticed that some of the concepts that form the building blocks of my hypothesis are being slowly blogged about, which should hopefully make it easier for many people to understand the thrust of my argument. Before I heard...
  • Next time please state your thesis up front.

    I resent an article that tries to bog me down in senseless narrative and then sneak a thesis up on me. That is a Kant and Marx type of dishonesty.

    I made it about 1/4 way through and then got sick of being assaulting by a thesis-less anarchy of disjointed thoughts.

    Environmental IQ theories are absurd.

    Now. Watch this video and please quit lying to yourself about environment as opposed to genetics:

    • Agree: Anonymous Smith
  • Over the last decade, the Establishment has celebrated the Implicit Association Test as a way to scientifically uncover those who are hiding Implicit Bias so they can be put through the re-education process. But does it really work? From the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology: A closer look at the discrimination outcomes in the IAT literature...
  • This racism problem will never be solved until we do something concrete. These poor sensitive minorities need to be protected from White people and their hidden prejudices. We can solve this problem. Yes we can! We just need to send them all back to their countries of origin and seal off America and all other White Nations with giant huge walls to keep that inherent racism away from sensitive non-Whites held back by subconscious prejudices. Only by impenetrable and invulnerable and permanent gigantic huge walls and barriers can these sensitive peoples ever be safe from White prejudice. Never again shall they have to endure this hateful unconscious terror. Only through separation by impermeable barriers and no further contact in the future can we ever really solve this problem. Lets do it NOW. NOW. RIGHT NOW. YES WE CAN!

    • Replies: @Moses
    Sounds like sarcasm but I like it.

    I have long since concluded that the best way for races to get along is to keep them separate.

    White people bad. Non-white people good. Best to keep non-whites away from whites. Big walls.
  • A couple of weeks ago Elie Wiesel, Nobel laureate and self-appointed moral conscience for Holocaust survivors, praised the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes to make way for yet more illegal settlements in Jerusalem. His chilling statement ran in an ad placed inHa’aretz. Here are Wiesel’s appalling words: Though Wiesel offers himself as a paragon...
  • @Stan D Mute
    The HolocaustTM is like any other religion. If you ask too many questions the whole mythology begins to unravel. Why did the Germans, legendary for efficiency, leave so many SurvivorsTM from their Death CampsTM? How were they so staggeringly inefficient in rounding up the Jews that large numbers of Jews openly operated businesses in Germany throughout the war? How did so many SurvivorsTM manage to survive multiple Death CampsTM? Why are there so many news reports of 6MillionTM killed from even before WWI and continuing up to mid-WWII then quieting until around a decade after the end of WWII? Why did the legendarily efficient Germans compile no substantial documentation of their (startlingly incompetent) genocide? Etc...

    Ultimately, for me at least, the question is: Why the gross exaggerations? Wasn't the German behavior bad enough in rounding up so many Jews, Gypsies, mental defectives, and communists then forcing them into slave labor? What does the prevarication serve? Was the intent to distract attention from outrageous Allied war crimes? Firebombing civilians? Russian mass murders? Allowing the slave work camps to starve by cutting off supply lines? Distract attention from mind boggling scale of Communist population eradication efforts? Or was it simply fulfilling Jewish superstitious prophecy?

    Finally, as Propaganda, the HolocaustTM would succeed better if the puppetmasters didn't make just the questioning of it illegal. One doesn't outlaw the questioning of Truths. Making HolocaustTM skepticism illegal is akin to waving a giant red flag that says "Here is a massive and truly epic fantasy that will crumble under the mildest scrutiny!" Truths do not require Government protection.

    I tried to press the “Agree” button but it wouldn’t let me…can only do it once per hour. I wasted it on another, inferior comment.

    Thank you, Stan, for studying the truth; knowing it; and disseminating it.

    The holocaust mythology is collapsing. The lies of the supposed “survivors” have been exposed as the complete fabrications that they are…some of them are so over-the-top ridiculous that one can only laugh at their absurdity! I’ve seen many videos demonstrating the impossibility of the claims made by Jews, but I haven’t read any books yet…I have the following books as PDF files:

    Dissecting the Holocuast by Germar Rudolf
    The Leuchter Report: End of a Myth by Fred Leuchter
    The Hoax of The Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz

    I plan on buying a book entitled “Breaking the Spell: The Holocaust, Myth and Reality” by Nicholas Kollerstrom.

    Can you recommend any other titles? How about David Irving? I’ve seen some videos of his lectures but I’m unsure which of his works to focus on. My problem is time…I don’t have enough of it! So, I’d like to keep my studies on the holocaust mythology to include a maximum of 5 volumes. Any must have books in your mind?

    • Replies: @HdC
    Three books I read recently and think worthwhile:

    1) Churchill and Hitler, the Unnecessary War.
    2) The Myth of German Culpability.
    3) The Pity of War.

    The latter deals mostly with WWI and what might have been had Germany won. #1 and #2 are definitely required reading on WWII. HdC

    P.S.: Another book I have heard about but not yet read: Witness to History by Michael Walsh. This book is available on-line I believe.

    The entire Holocaust Handbooks Series (37 volumes) are available here.

    They are available for purchase singularly or the entire series can be purchased as a discount. The entire series is available at no cost d/l in PDF format with reduced resolution. It consists of 854 Mb
    In those volumes where you find the resolution unsatisfactory just purchase the book itself.
    All these books used to be available through Amazon. But no more! Whining and wailing by the selbst die Vorfahren des Gejammerens und Wehklagens, prevailed upon Jeff Bezos to no longer sell directly or indirectly these books along with a great many others by a great many authors of books that challenge the questionable historiography of the "Holocaust". What is most ironic is that Germar Rudolf's book on this subject entitled "The Day Amazon Murdered History: The Book to the Movie" is available at Amazon (at least as of this date 12/16/2018)
  • We’re all crazy. This explains everything. I will elaborate in hopes of joining Plato, Burke, and Hunter Thompson as a lighthouses of the intellects The human mind cannot think of more than a very few things at once. We cannot for example think of a billion citizens of China as individuals, so we say “China,“...
  • @Rehmat
    Why the White West refused to accept White settlers from Zimbabwe, and South Africa? Isn't that a 'White racism against White'?

    Albania never admitted Muslim immigrants. It were Turk Muslim who conquered and occupied Albania in 1385. Ottoman ruled the country till WWI, moron.

    BTW - it were the Ottoman Sultan who kicked Theodor Herzl's Zionist AZZ by refusing to allow European Jewish immigration to Ottoman-ruled Palestine in 1890s.

    In 2013, having failed to bring a pro-USrael regime change through ballot, the Zionist-controlled governments in Washington and London brought-in their favorite ‘Iranophobia’ card. British daily 'The Times of London', owned by Israel-Firster Rupert Murdoch, warned that "Zimbabwe was running a huge risk if it sends uranium to Iran".

    Why the White West refused to accept White settlers from Zimbabwe, and South Africa? Isn’t that a ‘White racism against White’?

    what do you think Affirmative Action is if not a codified form of racism against poor whites

    it permeates every iota of our society and our politics, and it’s imposed by liberal doggies and their Jewish masters. If every single white soul in S. Africa and Zimbabwe were slaughtered off tomorrow, the liberals and Jews who forced black rule on those formerly fine nations would be rapturous

    you of all people should know that, (and celebrate it) It’s just one more way your kind are in bed with the Jews. Cuddling and cooing each other.

    Albania never admitted Muslim immigrants. It were Turk Muslim who conquered and occupied Albania in 1385. Ottoman ruled the country till WWI, moron.

    “moron”? That’s a bit gratuitous isn’t it? I wasn’t even talking about Albania’s Muslim immigration problem. I was talking about Serbia’s Muslim immigration problem. Do please try to keep up

    • Agree: Anonymous Smith
    • Replies: @Rehmat
    POOR WHITE??? Where I heard that cry recently? YA - I remember in god-old Uncle Sam - which has 450 billionaires and 3,000,000 millionaires - mostly Whites Judeo-Christiansin Most of these billionaires and millionaires have accumulated their wealth by managing fellow Americans’ money or looting the resources of under-developed nations – mostly Muslims.

    OH - I shouldn't forget those miserable over one million White folks in the US and Canada - known as homeless, who prefer to live on charity than work on minimum wage.
  • Over the last few decades, I doubt that any American political organization has received greater negative attention in our national news and entertainment media than the Ku Klux Klan, or KKK. For example, although white activist David Duke left that group over 35 years ago, the media still often identifies him as one of its...
  • A piece I wrote regarding David Duke a while back:

    Why the Western Mass Media Loves David Duke

    Because he is a moron. That is why they always have him on. When he talks, it makes you get bored, disgusted with white people.

    Of course, Duke does have psychiatric problems – extreme narcissism for one; he just talks about himself, sees himself as a prophet.

    Duke consistently tries to reinforce with the public his (self-deluded?) belief of his high worth by constantly saying things like “I did this”, “Because of me”, “my [intellectually genius] analysis”, “Me, me, me!”, while in reality, an analysis of his behavior quickly shows that there is nothing cognitively unique about him. Indeed, he is well suited for a career as a religious preacher, but certainly not an intellectual.

    When Duke interviews others, or is being interviewed, he insists on being the only one allowed to talk, as if his publicly (but not personally) obvious intellectual mediocrity is of a status deserving to be displayed for the whole allotted time.

    And Duke constantly complains about the public not placing him on the same intellectual level as real thinkers such as Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, Richard Lynn, Francis Galton, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, J. Philippe Rushton, and so forth. He is like a child immaturely complaining to his parents about not getting undeserved respect from them. He has to impose himself on others to get recognition, such as when he recently put Kevin MacDonald on the spot by asking him on air to publish his article about Khazars in the Occidental Observer.

    One cannot help but notice Duke’s conspicuous attempts at masking some of his intellectual shortcomings by paying a linguistic coach to successfully help him get rid of his southern accent, as well as by choosing to grow a pretentious “intellectual” beard.

    In fact, due to Duke’s lack of abilities, he was forced to accept a fake college degree in Eastern Europe, an honorary degree that was not earned.

    Equally humorous are Duke’s “epiphanies”, moments during his sermons where he feels that he has just, in live real-time, made a breakthrough epiphany, when in reality, the “epiphanies” are already simple “common sense” truths anyone could easily deduce, or already know.

    Duke projects his intellectual mediocrity onto those he is trying to address: this is partly why his communication is very patronizing and simple-minded; he talks to the public as if they are children and he is a god-like father.

    Individuals are not helping their various causes by affiliating with David Duke, unless their causes are to make a mockery of a subject – the very reason the Western mass media uses David Duke as the representative of White Nationalism.

    • Agree: Anonymous Smith
  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • @in the middle
    Might as well leave the Chinese outside, since all they know is to copy western products, and make mythical kung fu movies. The last time they fought, they were beating badly by the Vietnamese! So, it is Russia, and Iran, both have not lost a war for generations, so they can hold it on their own, I think.

    For some bizarre reason you wrote…

    The last time they fought, they were beating badly by the Vietnamese!

    What are you referring to? As far as I know the Chinese have dominated the Vietnamese for more than a thousand years…every once in a while the Chinese will reach over and give Vietnam a titty twister, or a wedgie, or knock them down and take their lunch money.

    Not only will the highly capable Chinese military intervene to help their allies in Syria, they will also attack Taiwan…this will force the US to fight a three front war: In Syria; on the shore’s of Taiwan and China; and in the continental US, where there are 10’s of thousands of Chinese agent/saboteurs already deployed. At, or near, the beginning of the breakout of hostilities, the Chinese will almost certainly dump their massive dollar holdings which will trigger an unstoppable cascade of dollar-selling. The American economy will collapse within a few days. Within a month millions of Americans will begin the terrible process of starvation; food riots, break-in’s, and murder-for-food will ensue. Within 4-6 months all domestic pets will have been consumed. Within six months the first rumors of cannibalism will begin to emerge. Within a year 100 million Americans will be dead. I’ll let your imagination take it from there.

    There won’t be many US troops deployed on American soil, they’ll all be deployed overseas…the only troops you’ll see in America will be UN troops. In case you don’t know, there are already thousands of UN vehicles strategically positioned all across the US. How about the FEMA camps…ever hear of them? They’re real. I’ve seen some of them for myself. And what about all those plastic coffins…millions of them positioned all across the US, each one capable of holding five adult bodies. It’s these kinds of things that tell us that this whole thing is being orchestrated by international forces…forces that operate over and above the individual Western governments.

    If you’re not prepared for this upcoming terribleness you’re going to regret it. You will die an awful death. You have been warned.

    As for me, I’ll be as snug as a bug in a rug! I’ve got a list of all the pharmaceuticals I will likely need for my extended underground vacation; when the Chinese dump the dollar, that night, I’ll visit the three pharmacies nearest to me and clean them out. After a year or so, I’ll pop my head out and see what’s what…the stink of your rotting corpses’ should be gone by then. I’m not sure what my short-term plans will be…maybe kill a few blue-helmets, liberate a few detention camps, you know, the usual. My long range plan is to search for and locate a good looking young maiden, take her back to my lair, feed her an MRE, and then begin repopulating the earth!

  • We’re all crazy. This explains everything. I will elaborate in hopes of joining Plato, Burke, and Hunter Thompson as a lighthouses of the intellects The human mind cannot think of more than a very few things at once. We cannot for example think of a billion citizens of China as individuals, so we say “China,“...
  • @nsa
    Please take an online course in basic writing skills, grammar, and syntax. You have a remarkable knack for mutilating the English language.

    I have read things that are nothing more than putrid, psychological sewage, written by people with great literary skill. So, I’m having a hard time accepting the premise of your argument.

    I like the way Fred writes…I almost never agree with his positions, but I do like his prose.

  • The tensions between Russia and the USA have reached an unprecedented level. I fully agree with the participants of this CrossTalk show – the situation is even worse and more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Both sides are now going to the so-called “Plan B” which, simply put, stand for, at best, no...
  • When I visualize a combat scenario I have a tendency to leave out the inconvenient parts that mess up my ideal plans…if I’m not careful the planning exercise can quickly turn into a meaningless session of fantasy roleplaying. Unfortunately, I think that’s what the Saker has done here…a fantasy roleplaying session presented to us in the form of an incomplete article. He leaves out two hugely inconvenient pieces…China, and Iran. China could very easily have 300,000 troops on the ground in Syria in a matter of weeks, and not break a sweat. As for the Iranians…I read an article some years ago about the willingness of the Iranian people to go to war against the US. One of the Mullahs called for volunteers for an army of Holy Martyrs to attack the US…over 300,000 people volunteered. And, since the hatred for the US has only increased over these past years, I can easily believe those numbers will now be double the previous turnout.

    The Russians, and the Chinese, both know that the US is ruled by forces other than those presented to the American Sheople, on TV. They know that it is the Jews who operate the levers of power in Washington…and every thing that is now happening is per the Jewish plan for world domination. They (Russia/China) know that the Jews are frantically trying to keep the holocaust mythology from falling apart; millions of people are waking up to the fact that the “holocaust thing” ain’t adding up. Most of you don’t know this, but, the official numbers of holocaust victims has been gradually reduced, by the Jews themselves, from the original 6 million figure, down to approximately 3.7 million today. They still use the 6 million figure, though, because they know that people are too lazy, and too stupid, to look into it. All of the holocaust survivor stories have been thoroughly debunked…some of them are quite laughable indeed! One lady claimed that as a gassing was underway, a guard knock on the window (of the gas chamber!) and motioned for her to come to the door…the guard opened the door (of the gas chamber!!) and told her to report to Dr. Mengele for her daily medical torture session! HAHAHA! That’s why they call you people, sheople!

    The 9/11 cover-up is falling apart, too…with Jewish fingerprints all over everything. Their attempt to obfuscate their true level of involvement in the murderous communist machine has been thwarted…Vladimir Putin stated that the Jews occupied 80-85% of the positions in the 1st Soviet government; Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn puts the total number of dead at 66 million. The USS Liberty cover-up has been shredded. Jewish involvement in the mass-migrant crisis in Europe is also being exposed. The list, and it’s a really long one, goes on and on.

    The point is that the Jews are being exposed for what they really are…criminals! It’s not going to be too much longer that the people of the world are going to get sick and tired of the criminality of the Jews, and they’re going to rise up and throw the Jews out into the street! But, it’ll be much worse than that…Jews will be shot-up in their homes; dragged from their offices and hung from the nearest lamppost. The only safe place for them will be Israel…to there they will flee by the millions. As the sheople wake up they will overthrow their corrupt governments, and take control of their militaries…and turn them on Israel. The former state of Israel will set a new world record for being the largest gravel parking lot in the world!

    The New World Order is an all-or-nothing game for the Jews, and they’re losing ground fast. The only way they can get out in front of it is to foment WW3…which is exactly what they’re doing with their US/NATO puppets in Syria. They would rather slaughter 5 billion people than to get a single scratch on their hand!

    • Replies: @Penguinchip
    Apparently Mr. Unz hasn't yet implemented those newly heightened quality standards for comments on this site.
  • Another month, another race riot, another Black Lives Matter Narrative Collapse, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do BLM activists and their sugar daddiesnot know how this movie will end? Let me help them: AMERICANS WILL OPT FORLAW AND ORDER. Shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, September 20th, Officer Brentley Vinson of the Charlotte police force...
  • @Corvinus
    "The whole point of using a sniper IS discrimination…You stalk a target that has been carefully selected, then you kill that target."

    Except the snipers aren't going to discriminate among the enemy. The enemy is the Left--men, women, and their offspring. What, you think snipers have a moral conscience when they have a mission to accomplish?

    Some leader you are...

    Except the snipers aren’t going to discriminate among the enemy.

    Sniper do what they’re told to do. They go where they’re told to go. They crawl where they’re told to crawl. And they shoot who/what they’re told to shoot.

    The enemy is the Left–men, women, and their offspring.

    I know who the fuckin’ enemy is, I’m fighting them everyday! But, I can also think of at least 100 Christian leaders who are in desperate need of some killin’…I would start with that Evangelical filth! After I finish with them, I’d move on to that Catholic pedophile scum.

    What, you think snipers have a moral conscience when they have a mission to accomplish?

    They will have whatever kind of conscience I tell them to have…who said anything about morals?

  • By overwhelming margins the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives voted on September 28th to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). Obama had noted that the Act would have negative consequences for U.S. officials overseas as it establishes the principle that governments can be held accountable in...
  • @FLgeezer
    And recall that after Chertoff's stint as Director of Homeland Security, he managed to sell and install hundreds of defective body scanners in US airports. SUCH A DEAL and Our Tax Dollars At Work!

    I never really kept track of Skeletor once he left the gov.

    That info doesn’t surprise me, though…they are natural born crooks!

  • @FLgeezer
    >I am a rocket surgeon and I do know
    What does your malpractice insurance cost you Anonymous Smith?

    >I think he's a fake.
    It figures that you would:

    Why did you add that link?

  • Another month, another race riot, another Black Lives Matter Narrative Collapse, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do BLM activists and their sugar daddiesnot know how this movie will end? Let me help them: AMERICANS WILL OPT FORLAW AND ORDER. Shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, September 20th, Officer Brentley Vinson of the Charlotte police force...
  • @Corvinus
    Cool story, bro. Way too much time on your hands by the way.

    "There are many different ways to fight back…killing a bunch of school kids ain’t one of them!"

    Sure it is, you sicko. Do you even remember what you just said--"Give me a thousand well trained snipers, and the means to support them, and I will free this nation in less than six months. Crown me King and this I will deliver!"

    If you are going to lead a pack of snipers, you certainly aren't going to be discriminating in who you murder. Remember, those school kids have been indoctrinated by Cultural Marxism. They represent the next generation of liberal idiots. Your mission compels you to take out those school kids.

    If you are going to lead a pack of snipers, you certainly aren’t going to be discriminating in who you murder.

    The whole point of using a sniper IS discrimination…You stalk a target that has been carefully selected, then you kill that target. If you just want to spray bullets indiscriminately, killing anything that moves, you would send in a mentally ill Norwegian, not a sniper.

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    "The whole point of using a sniper IS discrimination…You stalk a target that has been carefully selected, then you kill that target."

    Except the snipers aren't going to discriminate among the enemy. The enemy is the Left--men, women, and their offspring. What, you think snipers have a moral conscience when they have a mission to accomplish?

    Some leader you are...
  • By overwhelming margins the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives voted on September 28th to override President Barack Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA). Obama had noted that the Act would have negative consequences for U.S. officials overseas as it establishes the principle that governments can be held accountable in...
  • @DaveE
    That's exactly what Mr. Giraldi said. Although, I agree with you that people should stop blaming "the Israelis" when rightfully it was a Jewish (not just Israeli) operation from start to finish.

    The Israelis couldn't even begin to pull off 9/11 without mega-help from their army of sayanim in the US.

    But if a truthful essay falls in the forest and no-one is allowed to read it, did it really fall? Mr. Giraldi just wants to be heard and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that, when he says "Israeli" he means "Jew."

    Mr. Giraldi just wants to be heard and it doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to know that, when he says “Israeli” he means “Jew.”

    I am a rocket surgeon and I do know…when Giraldi says “Israeli” what he really means is: “OMG! I’m so frightened of the joos! They could get me any time they want…what was that noise?!”

    I think he’s a fake.

    • Replies: @FLgeezer
    >I am a rocket surgeon and I do know
    What does your malpractice insurance cost you Anonymous Smith?

    >I think he's a fake.
    It figures that you would:
  • @Blake
    When dual citizen Chertoff put immunity in the Patriot Act for “anything israel may have done on 9-11″ that was the coup de grace for me.

    He was the key U.S. official behind the 9-11 cover-up, an Israeli citizen-son of a Mossad agent. Chertoff was the head of the criminal division of the Dept of Justice at the time & assistant AG+ top boss of the FBI. From this position Chertoff managed the FBI’s “non-investigation” of 9-11, & supervised the confiscation, destruction of the critical evidence - such as videotapes, aircraft debris, over 99 % of the steel from the WTC. Destruction of this crucial evidence is a crime in itself.

    He used federal legal power to secure release “five dancing Israelis.” Many believe these Israelis installed the thermate which provided the “bottom base” explosive destruction of the world trade center buildings!NY city police had arrested and detained these five murderous scum for continued questioning for 70 days, when this traitor to America appeared & secured the safe release of these monsters & shipped them safely to 'Israel'.

    Chertoff also means 'devil' in Russian I believe.

    Michael Chertoff’s cousin, Benjamin Chertoff, wrote the Popular Mechanics hit piece debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories.

    From this position Chertoff managed the FBI’s “non-investigation” of 9-11, & supervised the confiscation, destruction of the critical evidence…over 99 % of the steel from the WTC.

    That evidence was quickly handed over to Alan D. Ratner’s Metals Management and the SIMS group. Ratner is a Jew.

    • Replies: @FLgeezer
    And recall that after Chertoff's stint as Director of Homeland Security, he managed to sell and install hundreds of defective body scanners in US airports. SUCH A DEAL and Our Tax Dollars At Work!
  • Now I remember this jerk (Philip Giraldi)…he’s our friendly CIA buddy who would never lie to us! I thought his name sounded familiar…I just couldn’t place it.

    I don’t follow most of these idiot bloggers, ’cause they’re not worth following, but this guy here is definitely controlled-op. There are mountains of evidence pointing straight at Israel, and to the Zionist elements within the US gov, and the MSM, which is completely controlled by Jews.

    • Replies: @DaveE
    That's exactly what Mr. Giraldi said. Although, I agree with you that people should stop blaming "the Israelis" when rightfully it was a Jewish (not just Israeli) operation from start to finish.

    The Israelis couldn't even begin to pull off 9/11 without mega-help from their army of sayanim in the US.

    But if a truthful essay falls in the forest and no-one is allowed to read it, did it really fall? Mr. Giraldi just wants to be heard and it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to know that, when he says "Israeli" he means "Jew."

    , @Anonymous
    "Jerk" and "idiot"?

    Unz, don't tell me my hope we were finished with the likes of this in comments here were misplaced.

    What does it take? As soon as you see one "jerk" or "idiot", the comment gets scrapped.
  • Another month, another race riot, another Black Lives Matter Narrative Collapse, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do BLM activists and their sugar daddiesnot know how this movie will end? Let me help them: AMERICANS WILL OPT FORLAW AND ORDER. Shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, September 20th, Officer Brentley Vinson of the Charlotte police force...
  • @Corvinus
    "Give me a thousand well trained snipers, and the means to support them, and I will free this nation in less than six months. Crown me King and this I will deliver!"

    In other words, you are part of the 3% in the American Revolution. Anders Breveik wasn't given anything. He just took. Are you game?

    Anders Breveik…I had to look him up.

    He was the guy who killed all those white kids. This is what happens when retards are exposed to things they can’t understand…in their frustration they lash out and try to destroy the source (and anything else nearby) of their mental anguish. Like most deranged terrorists, Breveik chose the softest, most convenient, target he could think of: school children.

    All he accomplished was to bring an enormous amount of shame onto the white race. What a stroke of genius that was!

    My methods are far more sophisticated…more surgically precise, and more elegant. For example, one of the enemies of America was bragging in a magazine article about how s/he was doing all this research (spreading mental poisons to our college kids), organizing this group and that, and writing a new book, etc.. After reading the article, I checked online, and realized that this individual would be a very excellent and important target. I immediately set myself to the task of finding out where this individual lived, and worked. With that info in hand, I packed up my gear, and hit the road. My first stop is the target’s domicile…well, nearby to it. I get there early so I can visually inspect the target as they leave for work. I don’t really care too much about the target him/herself, I’m more interested in what they’re carrying…specifically, I’m looking for a laptop. Whether or not the target has a laptop will set the tone for the entire mission. S/he didn’t have one…that means s/he most likely has one in the house, and one at the office. Next stop, the campus. I case the place as I’m locating the target’s office. I look for electrical closets, security stations/rooms, cameras, all the exits, etc.. Once I’ve got a good feel for the local environments, I head to the target’s office.


    Arriving at the office I simply walk right on in…hehe, they always ask the same thing: “Can I help you?”, I say “Yeah, I think I’m lost!” I ask the target where the maintenance office is. While s/he’s giving me directions, I’m scoping everything out…looking for thumb drives, empty dvd cases, checking the computer out, looking for an alarm system control box, an so on. By the time the target has given me the directions I have finished my inspection. Next stop, the maintenance office. There, I talk to whoever happens to be there, and ask for an application. As I’m filling out the app, I’m checking out their uniforms, what kinda vehicles do they drive, and I begin interrogating them with probing questions; I ask about the night shift, who the supervisors are, etc.; I tell them that I have experience with security systems, and before they can say anything, I quickly ask them a probing question: “Do you have a security contract, or does your electrician handle that?” The answer to that question will give me a good idea of the level of security I’m actually dealing with.

    Once I’ve finished up on campus, I grab something to eat, take a nap, and goof-off until later on that night. About a 1/2 hour before the security shift change happens, I select a work uniform that closely resembles the uniforms worn by the maintenance crew. I always pack 3 in my kit…one blue, one olive/green, and one brown. Matching the maintenance crew uniforms will give a good measure of mental subterfuge in case I get caught. I place advertising magnets on my vehicle, grab my work-bucket, and head for my point of ingress. If the door is locked, I use my bump key to quickly defeat the lock (bumping is noisier than picking, but it’s much faster). Having made entry, I immediately head for the targets office. Once there I pick the lock…gaining entry, I immediately unpack my tools, and remove the side panel of the computer. I then place my degausser rig (I fabricated an aluminum frame that houses a powerful low-profile electromagnet) on the hard drive and turn it on…while that’s going on I check the desk drawers, and any cabinets. I’m looking for thumb drives (I squirt superglue into them), dvd’s (I spray a chemical on them which destroys them), and any paper files I can find. With paper files I quickly assess them, if they’re important I spread them out to be photographed. That done, I break down my equipment and pack it up.

    Next stop: The targets house. I change into my ninja outfit, don my night vision goggles and wait til around 3:30 am. I jam the alarm, defeat the lock, and make entry…once inside I immediately head for the front door and unlock it. I silently make my way around the house…looking for cell phones. If I find one that looks like it might belong to my target, I take it away to a closet toward the other end of the house. I pop the back off, remove the battery, then I take my Taser and taze it near to the CPU. I replace the battery, and put it back where I found it.

    I leave the premises, find a good parking spot, and get some sleep.

    Later that morning, dressed in my uniform, I returned to the targets domicile. I parked in the drive, grab my work bucket, and knocked on the front door (this is for subterfuge). With my jammer on, I quickly open the door and “greet” the invisible man who’s letting me in. I make entry, go to the computer and set up my degausser. I check around for the aforementioned item types, and do what I gotta do. Once I’m finished, I pack up and head for home. Mission accomplished. If it’s a long journey, I use rest areas, never motels…no paper trail.

    I obliterated that persons digital life…and possibly years worth of work. Bye-bye book! Bye-bye everything!

    I’ve done these kinds of missions many times, and have destroyed thousands of Terabytes of valuable information. There are other mission types, to be sure, but I’m not going to discuss them here (even though my ip address can’t be traced to my actual computer…only to my zombie box, which is far away from my house).

    There are many different ways to fight back…killing a bunch of school kids ain’t one of them!

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    Cool story, bro. Way too much time on your hands by the way.

    "There are many different ways to fight back…killing a bunch of school kids ain’t one of them!"

    Sure it is, you sicko. Do you even remember what you just said--"Give me a thousand well trained snipers, and the means to support them, and I will free this nation in less than six months. Crown me King and this I will deliver!"

    If you are going to lead a pack of snipers, you certainly aren't going to be discriminating in who you murder. Remember, those school kids have been indoctrinated by Cultural Marxism. They represent the next generation of liberal idiots. Your mission compels you to take out those school kids.
  • Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher Steve Clevenger for speaking out againstviolent black riots. What, you thought the U.S. was a free country? The...
  • @Stonehands
    Smith, its kinda my mission to edify people like yourself who ought to know better.

    The church you are referring to- the Roman catholic church- is a political construct.
    It is the highlight of the last book in the Bible, Revelation, written by the apostle John.

    Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots.

    This is the church led by their false christ, the pope- who through their ecumenism- will lead all of the religions of the world into 1 single, apostate, end- time church.

    Don't forget, this has all happened previously at the Tower of Babel, when men were dispersed into separate nations and languages by God. The God of the Bible is certainly opposed to the NWO- He has given us prophetic warning throughout the Old and New Testament, how can anyone deny we are living in the end times?

    People are prepared/groomed to receive the mark of the beast, through a ubiquitous world- wide numbering system [ SS #], credit cards/debit, cell phones,

    That tiny piece of land that God claims as His own, Israel, is at center stage just as prophesied thousands of years ago. Whether by the Balfour Agreement, or by" theft"- doesn't matter- scripture is being fulfilled.

    Smith, this is merely the cliff note version.

    I know you are a busy man.

    My advice to you is to lay off the ketamine and LSD.

    Jesus saved me, and He can save you, too.
    You may not love me, but I love you enough to waste my time with the foolishness of preaching, lest a good man perish without warning.

    I dispute your notions regarding space. We will have to wait for a physics -type thread.

    Well, well, well…where do I begin? First of all, let me explain my use of LSD and Ketamine. I used those particular compounds to induce a quality of consciousness necessary to facilitate the removal of complex behaviors, like the ‘fight or flight’ response, and to install and integrate new complex behaviors, like remaining perfectly calm under high-stress situations, e.g. fist-fighting, being shot at, passing polygraph tests, sneaking into places I shouldn’t be in, etc. I only used them maybe 15-18 times, over a 3 year period, in the early 90’s. Once I completed my experiments I discontinued their use.

    Now, on to more important issues…

    OMFG! You’re an Evangelical? You are, aren’t you? A fuckin’ Christian Zionist! HAHAHA! You just went from the frying-pan and did a high-arching swan dive straight into a blast furnace! You have sold your soul to the Devil, my friend! You will deny this, of course, but it was the Israeli’s who did 9/11…specifically, the Mossad, with help from the CIA, and Zionist/Sayanim elements within the US gov. The FBI, and the MSM (completely controlled by Jews) were used to cover it up. The Jews are responsible for a myriad of high crimes and treasonous activities in the US, and Europe…but I’m not going to get into that here.

    Evangelicals have boldly allied themselves with the greatest threat to the world today…the Jews! Indeed, the Hostile Jewish Elite poses an existential threat to the world, through their campaign for total world domination, otherwise know as the New World Order. The Evangelicals are the willing dupes, the toady henchmen, of the criminal Jews…and the Jews despise you for it! When asked about his opinion of Evangelicals, Binyamin Netanyahu said, “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”

    While most other Christian sects are denouncing and boycotting Israel, the Evangelicals grovel before their Jewish masters, eagerly lapping at their bottoms! The Evangelicals are traitorous scum who will pay for their treacheries with their lives! You people have made THE worst mistake of your lives, and the day of reckoning is near…once the SHTF we will have no constraints; Christian Zionists will be stalked and hunted, and liquidated to the very last one.

    You’re half right when you say that these are the end times…these are the end times, for you and yours! Having obliterated your obscene wickedness, the rest of the world will go on and continue to evolve to greater and greater heights of human achievement.

    Don’t bother to respond as I won’t be reading any more of your posts.

  • Another month, another race riot, another Black Lives Matter Narrative Collapse, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do BLM activists and their sugar daddiesnot know how this movie will end? Let me help them: AMERICANS WILL OPT FORLAW AND ORDER. Shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, September 20th, Officer Brentley Vinson of the Charlotte police force...
  • @Benjamin Franklin
    White lives matter!!!!!

    Shame all race traitors and race mixers. We don't want or need them. "Once you go black, we don't want you back!"

    Teach the 14 WORDS: " We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children "

    Google: "The 14 WORDS "

    Whites need to ban together and demand and end to the false race-mixing imagery promoted everywhere on TV and in movies and in advertising.

    The reality of blacks in society is a far cry from the perfect idealized image portrayed in the mass media where blacks are always good and innocent.

    In the mass media, "people of color " are NEVER portrayed as: VIOLENT, AGGRESSIVE, DISHONEST, ANGRY, RACIST, VICIOUS, COWARDLY, IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED, LAZY, AND GHETTO, OR AS THIEVES, RIOTERS, COP KILLERS, PIMPS, DRUG DEALERS, CAR JACKETS, RAPISTS, MURDERERS, TERRORISTS, GANGSTERS, WELFARE CHEATS, OR anything negative in any way. In the fantasy land of the liberal social engineering mass media, the perfect, compassionate black people patiently keep the horrible white men in check.

    But what is the reality?
    White people built and paid for and fought for everything that makes this country the wonderful place that it is. It belongs to us and our children. We will fight to keep it.

    Who stole your bike? Robbed your home? Raped your sister? Burned down the store? Robbed the bank? Sells Crack to school kids? Carjacked your mom? Is hunting down and killing white people? Threatens and insults our race everyday?

    Turn off your TV! Let's tell the truth here.


    Hey, Ben!

    You chose the name of one of my personal Heroes! He was one of THE greatest Americans to ever live…far greater than any of scumbag politicians we are cursed with today!

    You wrote: “Turn off your TV! Let’s tell the truth here.”

    Believe it or not, Ben, I’ve never owned a TV in my life (I’m 53 yo)…stopped watching TV when I was in my teens. I was lucky in that I recognized TV programming for what it was: time wasting poison! I think that’s why I’m able to see the truth so clearly, while most people can only see the massive lies they’ve been fed through their TV sets as the “truth”.

    There’s an old Turkish saying that goes, “If you’re going to tell the truth, have a foot in the stirrup!” Which means that if you’re about to tell someone a truth you had better be ready to get the hell outta dodge! Most people, common people, don’t care too much for actual truths…they like the ones that are spoon-fed to them through the mass-media. If you interrupt their fantasies about the way life works, they’ll turn on you…maybe even try to hurt you. Most common folk are immune to the truth of things…you can beat them over the head with the facts all day long, and they will only hate you for it! When common folk get on the interweb, they’re not looking for truths, they’re looking for ‘Kitty-cat fail’ videos, or to watch the antics of that flamboyant transvestite their friends told them about.

    There are some Truth-tellers here…but talking to them is really just ‘preaching to the choir’. Kinda pointless. As for the others, the ones who spout the lies of the MSM as if they were the truth, why bother with them? The bloggers? Heh…don’t get me started on them.

    Good luck to ya in your quest to disseminate the truth, Ben!

  • Some years ago as I became increasingly aware of the severe dishonesty of our mainstream media on all sorts of controversial topics, I began telling a joke to a few of my friends. Suppose, I would say, that I happened to be out walking one pleasant afternoon in Palo Alto, and suddenly heard a gigantic...
  • @Darin
    It seems that the debate is over and every one is waiting for the next installment of American Pravda. Thanks once again to Ron Unz for his work!

    BTW, do you have any ideas what shall our esteemed host concentrate in the next installments? What neglected conspiracies deserve attention?

    Bin Laden killing? CIA drug trade? CIA creation of modern art? Gulf of Tonkin and start of Vietnam war? Any of numerous Vatican conspiracy theories ( Vatican 2 council, Vatican bank, death of pope John Paul I., resignation of pope Benedict etc...) Any other ideas?

    No one on this site has ever written about UN Agenda 21…I searched and only found a little blurb on the issue. Very important subject, as it concerns the widespread implementation of Communist/collectivist principles in America. Nearly 600 American towns and cities are participating in Agenda 21 through ICLEI (International Council on Local Environmental Initiatives). Still, the vast majority of Americans have no idea what Agenda 21 is, or what it’s intended to accomplish. Americans are dangerously ignorant!

    Niether the Franklin scandal, nor the Dutroux Affair, have ever been covered here, either. Both of those subjects are damn interesting, and deserve much more attention than they’ve received.

    I already know all there is to know about these things, but a lot of people don’t. And since I’m not a good writter, it would be far better for Mr. Unz to cover them than me. 🙂

  • Another month, another race riot, another Black Lives Matter Narrative Collapse, this time in Charlotte, North Carolina. Do BLM activists and their sugar daddiesnot know how this movie will end? Let me help them: AMERICANS WILL OPT FORLAW AND ORDER. Shortly before 4pm on Tuesday, September 20th, Officer Brentley Vinson of the Charlotte police force...
  • Blacks are genetically predisposed to violence. That, in combination with inept parenting, and you’ve got a violent criminal on your hands. Take a look at this (clip starts at 4:39)…

    Now, that’s how you create a violent sociopath!

    Why do white people put up with this? White people can’t seem to be able to lift a finger to protect their own self-interests (Brainwashing, for sure! Fluoride poisoning, too, maybe?)…Plus, they’re law-abiding to a fault! This is a very bad combination…this ensures that the badguy’s will be victorious. The badguys use their political power to hamstring us and make patriotic acts illegal. So, in reality, being a law abiding citizen is just about as unpatriotic as you can get! The vast majority of white people have been FUBARed through a combination of public school “education”, chemical poisons in their food and water, and frequent, prolonged exposure to TV brainwashing. As a result, most white people are as useless as tits on a goldfish!

    During the American Revolution, only about 3% of the male population ever took up arms in the struggle for independence. How pathetic is that?! It’s even worse today, though…only about .000001% of the population is willing to take right-action to free this country from it’s domestic enemies. NO, blogging isn’t right-action…it’s just more useless talk! Give me a thousand well trained snipers, and the means to support them, and I will free this nation in less than six months. Crown me King and this I will deliver!

    • Replies: @Corvinus
    "Give me a thousand well trained snipers, and the means to support them, and I will free this nation in less than six months. Crown me King and this I will deliver!"

    In other words, you are part of the 3% in the American Revolution. Anders Breveik wasn't given anything. He just took. Are you game?
  • Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher Steve Clevenger for speaking out againstviolent black riots. What, you thought the U.S. was a free country? The...
  • @Che Guava

    I am truly cowed and frightened.

    You are a very strange combo of New Age cult religion and gun threats. I know how to meditate, go blank, still pray, too.

    Newsflash: I am not even in the same continent as you, and I doubt that most of the other more sane Unz commentors would have any interest in invading your property.

    Your deeper than derp medidation experience is from which cult?

    I am inclined to think the Japanese-based Pure Light, or you really are a relic, moving from sensory depri. tanks to some brainwashing cult based on Scientology techniques, or you are a moderately clever troll and just full of shit.


    I am truly cowed and frightened.

    You are a very strange combo of New Age cult religion and gun threats. I know how to meditate, go blank, still pray, too.

    Newsflash: I am not even in the same continent as you, and I doubt that most of the other more sane Unz commentors would have any interest in invading your property.

    Your deeper than derp medidation experience is from which cult?

    I am inclined to think the Japanese-based Pure Light, or you really are a relic, moving from sensory depri. tanks to some brainwashing cult based on Scientology techniques, or you are a moderately clever troll and just full of shit.

    You call that an apology? LOL, that’s not an apology. This is an apology…

    “Sir, please…hear my humble words and know that I speak them from the bottom of my heart! I AM TRULY SORRY, I had no idea who I was insulting with my careless sputtering’s! Please, Sir, if you would deign to hear me through your righteous anger, know that I AM A FOOL, I speak as a fool, I type as a fool types! Wait! I know what! To show you my sincerity, my Lord…Please, let me smite my foolish fingers!”

    * smacks fingers with a hammer *

    * Holds up bloodied fingers *

    “There! See?! I have smashed those wretched things! They won’t bother you again, my Lord! Please, hear my supplication. I lay vanquished at your feet…!”

    There…now that is an apology!

    • Replies: @Che Guava
    That is pathethic, constructing an apology from moi to vous. I could go into vile insult mode, but you are not worth the time.

    It does have a slight value as humour.
  • @Stonehands
    "When I was a small boy of 6 or 7, I watched a nature documentary, on one of the three channels we could receive on our black & white TV. At one point in the documentary, a baby wildebeest had gotten stuck in a mud bog and couldn’t get free. The more he struggled the deeper he sank. The baby’s mother – now alone and long separated from the heard – could do nothing but circle the mud bog and watch her calf fight for his life. Feeling the frantic helplessness of the wildebeest cow, I myself was getting frantic; my heart was racing as I paced back and forth, ............With tears streaming down my little face, I replied “Yes he can! God can do anything!”…”But he won’t help the baby animal, mom, he won’t help him"

    By the age of 6 or 7 you are aware of how meat arrives on your dinner plate.

    Did you ball up your little fists and curse God after enjoying hamburgers and hotdogs at your first Phillies game? After- all the animals and their parents suffered the same fate as the one in your childhood recollection.


    "...Now, let’s talk a little bit about spirituality. Although I’m not a Christian, I have a very deep and productive spiritual life..."


    Most Americans say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

    As the "great prophet John Lennon" said in Imagine....
    "...We would all be together living in perfect harmony"- because at the heart of every religion- or even no religion- is a commitment to spiritual and universal morality.

    That's true. Actually.

    The Bible says that every person has a sense of Gods existence and an awareness of His invisible
    attributes.Everyone has a sense of His justice- and every one knows in his conscience- His law.

    World religions devise methods of appeasing god, or, the gods -because they know that they are
    condemned.What none of the worldly religions can accomplish, or provide,is an answer to the question: How can I, a sinner, be accepted before a Holy God?

    The message of Christ is that we are far worse off than we ever imagined.
    We cannot appease God, we cannot fulfill His law, or, satisfy His justice...

    We are condemned.

    The Good News is better than we can imagine...
    God has actually "clothed" us in Christs righteousness- He has imputed or credited Christs righteousness to us- and our sin to Christ- the great exchange.

    As Christians we are not looking for spirituality- there is a problem with being too spiritual, or too religious- you become an idolator.

    This particular person Jesus of Nazareth is God in the flesh.

    Not all this "spiritual" stuff, not a sacred cosmos-

    Jesus- God in the flesh- who has come to save us.

    Not about spirituality.Not about morality Not about universal, eternal, "timeless" truths...
    It's about that particular Historical truth...
    That in the fullness of time, the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.
    Had empathy for us.
    Suffered and died for/like us.

    Crucified for our sins...and raised for our justification.
    That's not spirituality or religion.
    That's the Gospel.

    I was not a life- long Christian. I had to experience the corruption, sadism, and thuggery of the modern man- made mechanical utopia.
    I had to stick my hands in the holes in God's flesh, so to speak...

    But I have had a sea- change.
    A change of mind.

    That is all that is required.

    Sorry, bro…I don’t have time for religious debates.

    Lemme ask you a question: what do you, as an individual Christian, think about the Churches strong, supportive role in the establishment of a One World Government…a New World Order?

    • Replies: @Stonehands
    Smith, its kinda my mission to edify people like yourself who ought to know better.

    The church you are referring to- the Roman catholic church- is a political construct.
    It is the highlight of the last book in the Bible, Revelation, written by the apostle John.

    Mystery Babylon, the Mother of Harlots.

    This is the church led by their false christ, the pope- who through their ecumenism- will lead all of the religions of the world into 1 single, apostate, end- time church.

    Don't forget, this has all happened previously at the Tower of Babel, when men were dispersed into separate nations and languages by God. The God of the Bible is certainly opposed to the NWO- He has given us prophetic warning throughout the Old and New Testament, how can anyone deny we are living in the end times?

    People are prepared/groomed to receive the mark of the beast, through a ubiquitous world- wide numbering system [ SS #], credit cards/debit, cell phones,

    That tiny piece of land that God claims as His own, Israel, is at center stage just as prophesied thousands of years ago. Whether by the Balfour Agreement, or by" theft"- doesn't matter- scripture is being fulfilled.

    Smith, this is merely the cliff note version.

    I know you are a busy man.

    My advice to you is to lay off the ketamine and LSD.

    Jesus saved me, and He can save you, too.
    You may not love me, but I love you enough to waste my time with the foolishness of preaching, lest a good man perish without warning.

    I dispute your notions regarding space. We will have to wait for a physics -type thread.
  • @Truth
    OK guys I know when I'm licked. I change my opinion, I agree with you. The invention of the gun was useless, and soldiers should be armed with tire irons for maximum killing effect.

    HAHAHA! Naw, guns good…not having gun, bad.

    But, if you do find yourself in a position where you don’t have a firearm, what will you do then? Better to be prepared, that’s my motto. I have a few Wrist Rocket slingshots for when my ammo supply has been exhausted. Like with everything else in life, if you want to be good at it, you have to practice, practice, practice!

  • @Che Guava
    Technical means can help in relieving stress, and placing one in a near-meditative state, but the below is a lie.

    No Buddhist monk [...] has ever been that deep in meditation!
    I don't even believe your tales of sensory deprivation tanks and so, but amusing fiction.

    I’m not interested in your beliefs. People like you – useless do-nothings – are always jealous of people like me. You can’t accomplish the things that I have, not because they’re not doable, because they are completely doable, but because you’re a fuckin’ lazy, TV watchin, video game playen, time wasting goof!

    You can buy a set of plans to build a flotation tank for about $50. You’ll have to spend another $1,000-1,500 to buy the materials. Of course, you have to be good with tools, which people like you seldom are, but it’s totally doable…even if you’re not tool savvy it can still be done, it’ll just require more time, money (to un-do your fuck up’s), and more effort. Totally doable, though, for the average person who has some measure of self-discipline.

    Next…learning Self-Hypnosis/Autogenic Training. Books on these subjects are readily available. All you have to do is put forth the effort…it only takes about 2-3 hours a day for study and practice to achieve moderate level of proficiency within a year. Once you’ve got this important tool all avenues are wide open. This is, of course, beyond the capacity of people like you.

    By applying the techniques of Self-Hypnosis/Autogenic Training, you can acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities at a rate not possible for the average person to achieve. This is the primary reason why my skills, talents, and abilities far outstrip those of the Useless Eater class.

    Training the Will (Will Power). The book, entitled “The Act of Will” by Roberto Assagioli, MD, will provide the reader with all the technical know-how to develop the human will. All anyone need do to develop their Will Power is simply read the book and apply the techniques therein. The human will can be strengthened to superhuman levels by the industrious student. The only problem here is that if you don’t have a modicum of personal motivation and self-discipline to begin with, you simply won’t be able to get very far with the required training…Developing the Will is almost always beyond the reach of the Useless Eater class; they’re useless eaters because their wills are crippled by incompetent parenting, massive amounts of time spent in front of the “Boob Tube”, and systematic debilitation in the public school system.

    Now, how about the Binaural-Beat Frequency Generator? These are available online, sometimes for free, in the form of easy-to-use software applications. All you have to do is to introduce the BBF that you want into your audio file and then burn your DVD.

    That just about covers it.

    There is one other thing…I would like to warn you, and everybody like you, not to approach me, or my property, once the shit hits the fan. I know that you’ve not prepared yourself for what’s coming, and, as a result of your incompetent laziness, you will quickly find yourself in dire straights, unable to meet your basic needs. To get a glimpse of your almost certain fate, read the book “Execution by Hunger: The Hidden Holocaust” by Miron Dolot. This horrifying reality will play out for you if you don’t get your shit together beginning immediately! Now, if one of you hapless zombies happen to shamble onto my property…the very moment you tap just one of your little tippy-toes on my ground, I will instantly shoulder my 7.62mm automatic rifle and pop off a 3-round burst; your headless corpse will immediately drop straight down into it’s own footprint…just like building 7.

    • Replies: @Che Guava

    I am truly cowed and frightened.

    You are a very strange combo of New Age cult religion and gun threats. I know how to meditate, go blank, still pray, too.

    Newsflash: I am not even in the same continent as you, and I doubt that most of the other more sane Unz commentors would have any interest in invading your property.

    Your deeper than derp medidation experience is from which cult?

    I am inclined to think the Japanese-based Pure Light, or you really are a relic, moving from sensory depri. tanks to some brainwashing cult based on Scientology techniques, or you are a moderately clever troll and just full of shit.
  • @joef
    A gun can deliver it lethal output from greater distance. A knife can deliver its lethal output from within arms reach, or a person with a knife can sprint towards you from 10 yards away and cover that distance in approx one second and deliver a lethal stab. But if you are killed by a knife or you are killed by a gun, you are equally dead. Lethal defined as what is able to cause death, they both can. A firearm as a greater delivery system for longer distances to cause death than a knife (if you are a good enough shot). But if person x stabs you up close, or shoots you from a hundred yards, either delivered with a center mass lethal wound, you will be killed regardless. Dead is dead.

    Not to niggle, joef, but knives can be thrown medium distances to lethal effect. In fact, a person with enough training can throw just about any hard object with enough force to inflict damage to the recipient. For example, an automobile tire-iron can be hurled with great velocity to impale the target…if you’ve trained yourself to do so. Circular saw blades, when thrown with great force, can also inflict a huge amount of damage. But, obviously, it’s all about the training.

    • Replies: @Truth
    OK guys I know when I'm licked. I change my opinion, I agree with you. The invention of the gun was useless, and soldiers should be armed with tire irons for maximum killing effect.
  • I'd not an anti-Semite; I never have been; and I don’t have much time for anti-Semites. I’ve written a couple of million words of opinion commentary this past thirty years, all of it archived on my website, and I defy you to find any evidence of anti-Semitism in it anywhere. However, I’ve turned against the...
  • Hehe…WTF is an 88? WTF does that mean?

  • Some years ago as I became increasingly aware of the severe dishonesty of our mainstream media on all sorts of controversial topics, I began telling a joke to a few of my friends. Suppose, I would say, that I happened to be out walking one pleasant afternoon in Palo Alto, and suddenly heard a gigantic...
  • @Man who cuts things
    You're probably referring to plasma arc cutting on a water table with the bar submerged. There are many reasons to use this with a plasma arc, particularly safety, but it also helps keep the bar cool since while you want to cut you want to minimize heating the rest of the metal.

    Surrounding the cut is a zone that will have been heated which you do not want to get too hot as it can alter the properties of the metal. The importance of this helps you determine the method of cut -- with no tolerance you'd use an abrasive method such as a water jet. The water is doped with garnet usually, but ruby, sapphire and yes, even diamonds are also used. It all depends on what you're cutting, how thick it is, how you good a finish you want (e.g. quick and dirty separation or fine as possible) and the pressure of the jet.

    Wow…sounds like you’ve done this before! I stand corrected, and more informed. Thank you, Man!

  • Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher Steve Clevenger for speaking out againstviolent black riots. What, you thought the U.S. was a free country? The...
  • @Stonehands
    'The Jews of the Frankfurt School had one mission: to destroy Western (Christian) culture... "

    Are you suggesting that the white predicament is due to a lack of mental agility?

    Perhaps whites are in need of intellectual affirmative action?

    How is it that Jews are able to infiltrate these pillars of society, and exact control over a wide swath
    of communications and commerce?

    White people are complicit in their own destruction.The rejection of Christianity comes from a lack of faith. It is not something that can be undermined by materialism. Christianity is rock- solid belief in spiritual warfare between the Messiah and Satan.It is not some mamby-pamby "culture" that has evolved...
    The effects of the rejection of Jesus' conquering of death and sin, is the cause of the dissipation and depravity across a wide swath of American society.

    The Bible is a recipe book for success.
    What this country needs is Revival.

    When I was a small boy of 6 or 7, I watched a nature documentary, on one of the three channels we could receive on our black & white TV. At one point in the documentary, a baby wildebeest had gotten stuck in a mud bog and couldn’t get free. The more he struggled the deeper he sank. The baby’s mother – now alone and long separated from the heard – could do nothing but circle the mud bog and watch her calf fight for his life. Feeling the frantic helplessness of the wildebeest cow, I myself was getting frantic; my heart was racing as I paced back and forth, eyes glued to the life-and-death drama unfolding on the TV screen. The baby struggled mightily and finally got himself back, near to the edge of the bog. But, after some time the baby wildebeest stopped moving. More than that, there was a strange silence that came with the physical stillness…I panicked! I ran to get my mother to show her what was happening. When we returned to the TV set, the wildebeest cow was nudging her calf’s head, but it did nothing but flop around. I hugged my mothers leg, frozen with fear, and cried out to her “Why doesn’t God do something to help the baby, mom?!” She hesitated, struggling with her words…Finally she said “Honey, sometimes God can’t help the things that happen.” With tears streaming down my little face, I replied “Yes he can! God can do anything!”…”But he won’t help the baby animal, mom, he won’t help him!” I ran to my room and slammed the door.

    Thus began my long journey away from the Christian god. Over the years I often thought about the poor little calf that god refused to help. And, over time, a couple of things dawned on me; first, I realized that there were people who were there operating the camera…they didn’t help the calf either! Second…not only did the camera people not help the baby calf, they might actually have wanted him to die so that they could capture it on film! They filmed it to make money off of that terrible life-and-death struggle! Pretty harsh stuff for a kid to have to think about.

    Now, let’s talk a little bit about spirituality. Although I’m not a Christian, I have a very deep and productive spiritual life.

    I built my first isolation tank in the spring of 1990; It was crude, but it worked. The flotation tank, as it’s called, offers the perfect environment for meditation and hypnosis…in the float tank you can learn to dive down into, and explore, the deepest levels of human consciousness; this is a feat that can only be achieved in the sensory depravation environment of the flotation tank, and nowhere else. I installed a couple of transducers, and jerry-rigged a cassette tape player so that it could be actuated, via an air-button, from inside the tank. This allowed me to record hypnotic scripts and play them back to myself after I reach a profound level of self-induced hypnosis. I used LSD, and sometimes, injectable ketamine, in the tank to produce a depth and quality of consciousness that few people have ever experienced. While in those altered states of consciousness, I would then use deep self-hypnosis to change my behaviors…to disrupt and remove old, unhelpful behaviors, and install brand new, state-of-the-art behaviors in their place. After installing all new behaviors, I decided terminate those experiments, and try something new. In 1992 I built a Binaural-beat frequency generator from some plans I found in a magazine, and added it to my tank. The BBFG enabled me to entrain my brainwaves to a frequency in parity with the deepest level of Delta waves, about .5 hertz, and remain fully conscious throughout the entire experience.

    No Buddhist monk, no, not even the Dali lama, has ever been that deep in meditation! It’s only possible with the equipment and methods that I’ve described. I have been in that profound state(the Hindu’s call it Samadhi) of consciousness thousands of times. Here’s what I found out…

    The universe is a mental construct that springs from what has been called the Cosmic-Consciousness. This Universal Consciousness is present in all things, yet it is not a thing. It is the life-blood of all things but it is no-thing. Truly, we are living in a mental matrix…just like a computer simulation. Did you know that your body is made up of mostly empty space? It is 99.9999999 % empty space, or thereabouts. It’s true…if the nucleus of an atom where the size of a marble, the atom would be the size of a football stadium. Outside of the nuclei, atoms are virtually devoid of matter.

    So, the Cosmic Consciousness is that which allows the ideation of gods. If I were to worship the Cosmic Consciousness, which would be a silly thing to do, since it is the thing staring out from behind my eyes, I would be able to say, with perfect accuracy, and total righteousness, the following…

    My God is the God of your god.

    Gods are man-made creations. Men create an idea of god, giving it this and that attribute, and when they’re finished they say “OK, God, creator of all things, you’re in charge!” Then they walk around thinking that their fantasy will protect and provide for them. Crafty men create gods in order to exploit primitive fears, and control the minds and emotions of lesser men. It’s really quite shameful.

    I gotta get going…I hope this was helpful to you.

    • Replies: @Che Guava
    Technical means can help in relieving stress, and placing one in a near-meditative state, but the below is a lie.

    No Buddhist monk [...] has ever been that deep in meditation!
    I don't even believe your tales of sensory deprivation tanks and so, but amusing fiction.
    , @Stonehands
    "When I was a small boy of 6 or 7, I watched a nature documentary, on one of the three channels we could receive on our black & white TV. At one point in the documentary, a baby wildebeest had gotten stuck in a mud bog and couldn’t get free. The more he struggled the deeper he sank. The baby’s mother – now alone and long separated from the heard – could do nothing but circle the mud bog and watch her calf fight for his life. Feeling the frantic helplessness of the wildebeest cow, I myself was getting frantic; my heart was racing as I paced back and forth, ............With tears streaming down my little face, I replied “Yes he can! God can do anything!”…”But he won’t help the baby animal, mom, he won’t help him"

    By the age of 6 or 7 you are aware of how meat arrives on your dinner plate.

    Did you ball up your little fists and curse God after enjoying hamburgers and hotdogs at your first Phillies game? After- all the animals and their parents suffered the same fate as the one in your childhood recollection.


    "...Now, let’s talk a little bit about spirituality. Although I’m not a Christian, I have a very deep and productive spiritual life..."


    Most Americans say that they are spiritual, but not religious.

    As the "great prophet John Lennon" said in Imagine....
    "...We would all be together living in perfect harmony"- because at the heart of every religion- or even no religion- is a commitment to spiritual and universal morality.

    That's true. Actually.

    The Bible says that every person has a sense of Gods existence and an awareness of His invisible
    attributes.Everyone has a sense of His justice- and every one knows in his conscience- His law.

    World religions devise methods of appeasing god, or, the gods -because they know that they are
    condemned.What none of the worldly religions can accomplish, or provide,is an answer to the question: How can I, a sinner, be accepted before a Holy God?

    The message of Christ is that we are far worse off than we ever imagined.
    We cannot appease God, we cannot fulfill His law, or, satisfy His justice...

    We are condemned.

    The Good News is better than we can imagine...
    God has actually "clothed" us in Christs righteousness- He has imputed or credited Christs righteousness to us- and our sin to Christ- the great exchange.

    As Christians we are not looking for spirituality- there is a problem with being too spiritual, or too religious- you become an idolator.

    This particular person Jesus of Nazareth is God in the flesh.

    Not all this "spiritual" stuff, not a sacred cosmos-

    Jesus- God in the flesh- who has come to save us.

    Not about spirituality.Not about morality Not about universal, eternal, "timeless" truths...
    It's about that particular Historical truth...
    That in the fullness of time, the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.
    Had empathy for us.
    Suffered and died for/like us.

    Crucified for our sins...and raised for our justification.
    That's not spirituality or religion.
    That's the Gospel.

    I was not a life- long Christian. I had to experience the corruption, sadism, and thuggery of the modern man- made mechanical utopia.
    I had to stick my hands in the holes in God's flesh, so to speak...

    But I have had a sea- change.
    A change of mind.

    That is all that is required.

  • In view of the total failure of the US policy to regime-change Syria and overthrow Assad, the time has now come for the United States to make a fundamental choice: to negotiate or double down. Apparently, Kerry and others initially tried to negotiate, but the Pentagon decided otherwise, treacherously broke the terms of the agreement...
  • @The Saker

    You forgot to mention China…the Chinese are fully supporting Assad, and the Russian mission in Syria, in every way they can. They are arming, supplying, and training the SAA in Syria…that is to say that they have a significant interest in not letting Syria fall into the bloody hands of the “terrorists” (a.k.a.Western powers, a.k.a. NWO). And the Chinese are currently in the process of increasing their presence in Syria. So, you need to recalculate, and expand your scenarios accordingly.

    ps…the Chinese aren’t going to leave Russia to face the massive US/NATO (NWO) military machine on it’s own…to do so would be reckless and self-destructive. Obviously, the US wants to escalate the conflict. Why? They risk setting the world on fire, over what? A fuckin’ pipeline?! No. I don’t think so. There is obviously something much larger going on here…a greater plan is being implemented.

  • Some years ago as I became increasingly aware of the severe dishonesty of our mainstream media on all sorts of controversial topics, I began telling a joke to a few of my friends. Suppose, I would say, that I happened to be out walking one pleasant afternoon in Palo Alto, and suddenly heard a gigantic...
  • @Rurik

    water cooled laser cutter

    hehe…the whole point of using a laser, or plasma, is that they are HOT, that’s how they cut…why would you want to cool them down with water? 🙂

    • Replies: @Man who cuts things
    You're probably referring to plasma arc cutting on a water table with the bar submerged. There are many reasons to use this with a plasma arc, particularly safety, but it also helps keep the bar cool since while you want to cut you want to minimize heating the rest of the metal.

    Surrounding the cut is a zone that will have been heated which you do not want to get too hot as it can alter the properties of the metal. The importance of this helps you determine the method of cut -- with no tolerance you'd use an abrasive method such as a water jet. The water is doped with garnet usually, but ruby, sapphire and yes, even diamonds are also used. It all depends on what you're cutting, how thick it is, how you good a finish you want (e.g. quick and dirty separation or fine as possible) and the pressure of the jet.
  • Mulatto Colin Kaepernick is lionized by the Main Stream Media for disrespecting the American flag, but the MSM, the plutocratic owners of professional sports teams and the parasitical multicultural grievance industry have combined to destroy white catcher Steve Clevenger for speaking out againstviolent black riots. What, you thought the U.S. was a free country? The...
  • Observation: Roger Goodell is the only non-Jewish commissioner of the major league sports.

    Ok, on to the article. It was OK, I guess…well written, but rather skimpy on truth. These blogger-types only ever comment on that which is readily observable, as it is presented to them through the MSM, and they never dig any deeper. I consider their works to be little more than a waste of my time…but they can spark a dialog, and that’s the important thing.

    Well, we’ve some pretty horrendous shit from the Negros in recent years, and the MSM, for the most part, has been totally silent on the matter. I don’t monitor the MSM, I don’t own a TV, and never have, so I’m relying on the reports of people who do. It is my understanding that the MSM doesn’t report on black-on-white crime…even (especially) the most outrageous examples are largely kept out of the public consciousness. One of the more recent examples was the case of 19 year old Jessica Chambers, who was kidnaped, brutally gang-raped, and burned alive by 17 (SEVENTEEN!) Negros, in Mississippi. Not a peep from the MSM…white lives don’t matter to them, apparently. But let a white cop shoot a Negro – who’s pointing a gun at them – and it’s “HOLD THE PRESSES!”, regurgitated over and over and over again, for days and weeks on end.

    But for most of you, this is where it stops…the MSM sucks and that’s the end of it. None of you, that I’ve ever seen, have ever looked into who, exactly, is it that calls the shots in the MSM. So, let’s do that now, shall we?

    Viacom: Chairman and CEO, Sumner Redstone. Sumner is Jewish.
    Comcast: Chairman and CEO, Brian L. Roberts. Brian is Jewish.
    The Walt Disney Company: Chairman and CEO, Robert A. Iger. Robert is Jewish.
    Time Warner: Chairman and CEO, Jeff Bewkes. Jeffrey is Jewish.
    News Corp: Chairman and CEO, Rupert Murdoch. Rupert is a Jew, by Jewish law.
    CBS: President and CEO, Leslie Moonves. Les is Jewish.

    These six corporations control more than 90% of the media in the US. The other 10% of the US media is also effectively controlled by the Jews through strategic infiltration into high level executive positions, and into all other levels (writers, producers, directors, editors, columnists, etc., etc.) of corporate operations.

    There. Wasn’t that easy? The Jews control the MSM…therefore it must be the Jews who seek to keep us in the dark about black-on-white crime (and many other important issues). What about some of the “alternative” forms of media? Let’s look at some of the biggies…Who controls YouTube? Google owns YT…Google is owned by Alphabet Inc., both were founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin (both of whom are Jewish). Eric Schmidt was the CEO of Google, but is now the Executive Chairman of Alphabet…Eric is Jewish. The CEO of YouTube is Susan Wojcicki…Susan is also Jewish. An quick tidbit on Google: a fellow computer scientist asked Sergey Brin why they created another search engine when there were so many already available. Seygey responded, “We didn’t create a search engine…we created an AI.” Scary stuff!

    OK…so, the Jews control all of the MSM, and most of the “alternative” media, which gives them a powerful influence over the minds, and the culture, of the American people (and the Canadians, and the Europeans, too).

    Another question that many of you might be asking yourselves these days is: WTF is up with these Social Justice Warrior weirdos I see on the TV and the interwebs?! Where is this crap coming from?! Let’s take quick look at that, now…

    The Frankfurt School was established as a school of social theory at the Institute for Social Research, which was founded by a Jewish fellow by the name of Felix Weil, in Frankfurt, Germany. The nine founding members of the Frankfurt School were all Jewish. They took Marxist analysis (Marx was a Jew) and combined it with Freudian psychoanalysis (Freud was Jewish) to produce ‘Critical Theory’. Out of Critical Theory came Political Correctness and Cultural Marxism…and then the Social Justice movement. The Jews of the Frankfurt School had one mission: to destroy Western (Christian) culture through relentless Psychological/Political Warfare. George Soros (Hungarian Jew) is the prime mover behind the Social Justice movement, and was the main instigator in the 2014 Ukrainian coup that saw the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. Soros was also heavily involved in the so-called “Arab Spring” movement…we all know what’s happening there.

    I could go on, but I’ve got to get going…I urge you all to look into the things I’ve written about here, and see for yourselves. It’s not wise to take somebody else’s word for it…you have to do the research on your own, and see it for yourselves.

    • Replies: @Stonehands
    'The Jews of the Frankfurt School had one mission: to destroy Western (Christian) culture... "

    Are you suggesting that the white predicament is due to a lack of mental agility?

    Perhaps whites are in need of intellectual affirmative action?

    How is it that Jews are able to infiltrate these pillars of society, and exact control over a wide swath
    of communications and commerce?

    White people are complicit in their own destruction.The rejection of Christianity comes from a lack of faith. It is not something that can be undermined by materialism. Christianity is rock- solid belief in spiritual warfare between the Messiah and Satan.It is not some mamby-pamby "culture" that has evolved...
    The effects of the rejection of Jesus' conquering of death and sin, is the cause of the dissipation and depravity across a wide swath of American society.

    The Bible is a recipe book for success.
    What this country needs is Revival.
  • Some years ago as I became increasingly aware of the severe dishonesty of our mainstream media on all sorts of controversial topics, I began telling a joke to a few of my friends. Suppose, I would say, that I happened to be out walking one pleasant afternoon in Palo Alto, and suddenly heard a gigantic...
  • @Mr. Anon
    They use garnet.

    Thanks, Mr. Anon!

    I usually don’t comment on frivolous stuff like this, so I didn’t do much checking.