
The videos are divided in three categories:

  • Short video: Videos of length 2-10 minutes, meant for quick viewing, with one primary speaker.
  • Long individual video: Videos of length more than 10 minutes, with the majority of the video devoted to presentation by a single individual. Most of the videos range between 20 and 90 minutes. Meant for getting deep into a topic.
  • Debate video: Videos of debates and discussions between people with different points of view.
  • Panel, discussion video: Long videos in a panel/discussion/conference format.
  • Talking heads video: Videos discussing open borders in a talking heads setting (typically, with a moderator asking questions, 30-60 second answers, and 2-5 participants in addition to the moderator).
Creative Commons License Video is licensed by Open Borders Admin under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.