Syrian government forces are to take over several villages located to the west of the SDF-held Manbij in the northeast countryside of Aleppo.

“In accordance with the agreements reached with the participation of the Russian air group command in Syria, Syrian armed forces units have been deployed to the territory held by the Kurdish self-defense forces on March 3,” Head of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department, said on Friday.

The handover was also confirmed by a statement issued by the Manbij Military Council.

The villages are located along the line of contact with the Turkish-backed Euphrates Shield militants, embedded with the Turkish Forces.

The Military situation in northern Syria has further exacerbated with the Syrian troops seizing more territories from ISIS to the south and east of Al Bab; a former ISIS stronghold now under the control of the Turkish-backed rebels.

Meanwhile, local activists reported artillery shelling by the Turkish Army on Qur Huyuk village in the west of Bambij. Two civilians were killed.

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