MD-PhD Dual Degree Training

MD-PhD programs provide training in both medicine and research. They are specifically designed for those who want to become research physicians.

Graduates of MD-PhD programs often go on to become faculty members at medical schools, universities and research institutes. Regardless of where they eventually work, MD-PhD candidates are being prepared for careers in which they will spend most of their time doing research, in addition to caring for patients. The MD-PhD dual career is busy, challenging, rewarding, and offers opportunities to do good for many people by advancing knowledge, developing new treatments for diseases, and pushing back the boundaries of the unknown.

As you explore the MD-PhD career option, this site enables you to ask good questions and to make informed decisions. You should also contact individual MD-PhD programs for answers to specific questions.

Why Pursue an MD-PhD?

Just some of the reasons why people choose a career as a physician-scientist.

Career Paths for MD-PhD Graduates

Information about the career path of a physician-scientist, including training, residency or fellowship, research residency programs, and time commitment.
medical student working with microscope with colleagues in the background

Education and Training in MD-PhD Programs

Information about training for physician-scientists.

Financial Support for MD-PhD Trainees

Most MD-PhD programs support trainees with a stipend and tuition scholarship during medical school and graduate school training.

FAQ About MD-PhD Programs and Careers

Frequently asked questions about MD-PhD Programs and Careers
Engage with Your Peers

Workshops for Prospective PhD and MD-PhD Applicants

Upcoming short presentations will describe features of MD-PhD training, alumni careers, and detailed logistics of the application process.

Tools for MD-PhD Applicants

Helpful tools and information regarding medical MD-PhD programs.

Engage with Your Peers