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American Pravda: Our Deadly World of Post-War Politics
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Although my main academic focus was theoretical physics, I always had a very strong interest in history as well, especially that of the Classical Era. Trying to extract the true pattern of events from a collection of source material that was often fragmentary, unreliable, and contradictory was a challenging intellectual exercise, testing my analytical ability. I believe I even contributed meaningfully to the field, including a short 1985 article in The Journal of Hellenic Studies that sifted the ancient sources to conclude that Alexander the Great had younger brothers whom he murdered when he came to the throne.

However, I never had any interest in 20th century American history. For one thing, it seemed so apparent to me that all the basic political facts were already well known and conveniently provided in the pages of my introductory history textbooks, thereby leaving little room for any original research, except in the most obscure corners of the field.

Also, the politics of ancient times was often colorful and exciting, with Hellenistic and Roman rulers so frequently deposed by palace coups, or falling victim to assassinations, poisonings, or other untimely deaths of a highly suspicious nature. By contrast, American political history was remarkably bland and boring, lacking any such extra constitutional events to give it spice. The most dramatic political upheaval of my own lifetime had been the forced resignation of President Richard Nixon under threat of impeachment, and the causes of his departure from office—some petty abuses of power and a subsequent cover-up—were so clearly inconsequential that they fully affirmed the strength of our American democracy and the scrupulous care with which our watchdog media policed the misdeeds of even the most powerful.

In hindsight I should have asked myself whether the coups and poisonings of Roman Imperial times were accurately reported in their own day, or if most of the toga-wearing citizens of that era might have remained blissfully unaware of the nefarious events secretly determining the governance of their own society.


Since my knowledge of American history ran no deeper than my basic textbooks and mainstream newspapers and magazines, the last decade or so has been a journey of discovery for me, and often a shocking one. I came of age many years after the Communist spy scares of the 1950s had faded into dim memory, and based on what I read, I always thought the whole matter more amusing than anything else. It seemed that about the only significant “Red” ever caught, who may or may not have been innocent, was some obscure individual bearing the unlikely name of “Alger Hiss,” and as late as the 1980s, his children still fiercely proclaimed his complete innocence in the pages of the New York Times. Although I thought he was probably guilty, it also seemed clear that the methods adopted by his persecutors such as Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon had actually done far more damage to our country during the unfortunate era named for the former figure.

During the 1990s, I occasionally read reviews of new books based on the Venona Papers—decrypted Soviet cables finally declassified—and they seemed to suggest that the Communist spy ring had both been real and far more extensive than I had imagined. But those events of a half-century earlier were hardly uppermost in my mind, and anyway other historians still fought a rear-guard battle in the newspapers, arguing that many of the Venona texts were fraudulent. So I gave the matter little thought.


Only in the last dozen years, as my content-archiving project made me aware of the 1940s purge of some of America’s most prominent public intellectuals, and I began considering their books and articles, did I begin to realize the massive import of the Soviet cables. I soon read three or four of the Venona books and was very impressed by their objective and meticulous scholarly analysis, which convinced me of their conclusions. And the implications were quite remarkable, actually far understated in most of the articles that I had read.

Consider, for example, the name Harry Dexter White, surely unknown to all but the thinnest sliver of present-day Americans, and proven by the Venona Papers to have been a Soviet agent. During the 1940s, his official position was merely one of several assistant secretaries of the Treasury, serving under Henry Morgenthau, Jr., an influential member of Franklin Roosevelt’s cabinet. But Morgenthau was actually a gentleman-farmer, almost entirely ignorant of finance, who had gotten his position partly by being FDR’s neighbor, and according to numerous sources, White actually ran the Treasury Department under his titular authority. Thus, in 1944 it was White who negotiated with John Maynard Keynes—Britain’s most towering economist—to lay the basis for the the Bretton Woods Agreement, the IMF, and the rest of the West’s post-war economic institutions.


Moreover, by the end of the war, White had managed to extend the power of the Treasury—and therefore his own area of control—deep into what would normally be handled by the Department of State, especially regarding policies pertaining to the defeated German foe. His handiwork notably included the infamous “Morgenthau Plan,” proposing the complete dismantling of the huge industrial base at the heart of Europe, and its conversion into an agricultural region, automatically implying the elimination of most of Germany’s population, whether by starvation or exodus. And although that proposal was officially abandoned under massive protest by the allied leadership, books by many post-war observers such as Freda Utley have argued that it was partially implemented in actuality, with millions of German civilians perishing from hunger, sickness, and other consequences of extreme deprivation.

At the time, some observers believed that White’s attempt to eradicate much of prostrate Germany’s surviving population was vindictively motivated by his own Jewish background. But William Henry Chamberlin, long one of America’s most highly-regarded foreign policy journalists, strongly suspected that the plan was a deeply cynical one, intended to inflict such enormous misery upon those Germans living under Western occupation that popular sentiment would automatically shift in a strongly pro-Soviet direction, allowing Stalin to gain the upper hand in Central Europe, and many subsequent historians have come to similar conclusions.

Even more remarkably, White managed to have a full set of the plates used to print Allied occupation currency shipped to the Soviets, allowing them to produce an unlimited quantity of paper marks recognized as valid by Western governments, thus allowing the USSR to finance its post-war occupation of half of Europe on the backs of the American taxpayer.

Eventually suspicion of White’s true loyalties led to his abrupt resignation as the first U.S. Director of the IMF in 1947, and in 1948 he was called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Although he denied all accusations, he was scheduled for additional testimony, with the intent of eventually prosecuting him for perjury and then using the threat of a long prison sentence to force him to reveal the other members of his espionage network. However, almost immediately after his initial meeting with the Committee, he supposedly suffered a couple of sudden heart attacks and died at age 55, though apparently no direct autopsy was performed on his corpse.

Soon afterward other Soviet spies also began departing this world at unripe ages within a short period of time. Two months after White’s demise, accused Soviet spy W. Marvin Smith was found dead at age 53 in the stairwell of the Justice building, having fallen five stories, and sixty days after that, Laurence Duggan, another agent of very considerable importance, lost his life at age 43 following a fall from the 16th floor of an office building in New York City. So many other untimely deaths of individuals of a similar background occurred during this general period that in 1951 the staunchly right-wing Chicago Tribune ran an entire article noting this rather suspicious pattern. But while I don’t doubt that the plentiful anti-Communist activists of that period exchanged dark interpretations of so many coincidental fatalities, I am not aware that such “conspiracy theories” were ever taken seriously by the more respectable mainstream media, and certainly no hint of this reached any of the standard history textbooks that constituted my primary knowledge of that period.


Sometimes rank newcomers to a given field will notice patterns less apparent to those long familiar with the topic, more easily discerning the forest amid the trees. My own very superficial knowledge of 20th century American history burdened me with fewer preconceived notions of the pattern of those times, and the substantial body-count of accused Soviet spies during the late 1940s gradually made me wonder about other sudden fatalities during that same era.


As an example, I came across Target Patton by Robert K. Wilcox, providing some very strong evidence that the 1948 fatal car crash that claimed the life of Gen. George S. Patton was not accidental, but was instead an assassination by America’s own OSS, fore-runner of the CIA, which was then also heavily infiltrated by Soviet agents. Unlike the above deaths, which were merely highly suspicious in their timing and concentrated sequence, in the case of Patton the evidence was considerably stronger, even including the eventual public confession decades later of the OSS assassin responsible, with his claims supported by the contents of his personal diary.

At the time of his death, Patton was America’s highest-ranking military officer stationed on the European continent and certainly one of our most famous war-heroes. But he had bitterly clashed with his civilian and military superiors over American policy towards the Soviets, whom he viewed with intense hostility. He died the day before he was scheduled to return home to America, there planning to resign his commission and begin a major national speaking-tour denouncing our political leadership and demanding a military confrontation with the USSR. Prior to stumbling across the book in question, which had been totally ignored by the entire American media, I had never encountered a hint of anything untoward regarding Patton’s death, nor had I been aware of the political plans he had formulated prior to his sudden fatal accident.

DesperateDeception Once a possible pattern has been observed, accumulating additional pieces becomes a much more natural process. A year or so after encountering the strongly substantiated claims of Patton’s assassination, I happened to read Desperate Deception by Thomas E. Mahl, a mainstream historian, whose book was released by a specialized military affairs publishing house. This fascinating account documented the long-hidden early 1940s campaign by British intelligence agents to remove all domestic political obstacles to America’s entry into World War II. A crucial aspect of that project involved the successful attempt to manipulate the Republican Convention of 1940 into selecting as its presidential standard-bearer an obscure individual named Wendell Wilkie, who had never previously held political office and moreover had been a committed lifelong Democrat. Wilkie’s great value was that he shared Roosevelt’s support for military intervention in the ongoing European conflict, though this was contrary to virtually the entire base of his own newly-joined party. Ensuring that both presidential candidates shared those similar positions prevented the race from becoming an referendum on that issue, in which up to 80% of the American public seems to have been on the other side.

Wilkie’s nomination was surely one of the strangest occurrences in American political history, and the path to his improbable nomination was paved by quite a number of odd and suspicious events, most notably the extremely fortuitous sudden collapse and death of the Republican convention manager, a key Wilkie opponent, which Mahl regards as highly suspicious.

Wilkie went on to suffer a landslide defeat at Roosevelt’s hands in November, but quickly reconciled with his erstwhile opponent, and was sent abroad on a number of important political missions. Future historians would surely have been fascinated to learn some of the internal details of how British intelligence operatives had managed to “parachute” an obscure lifelong Democrat into leading the top of the Republican ticket in 1940, thereby fatefully ensuring American entry into World War II. But unfortunately all of Wilkie’s personal knowledge of such momentous events was forever lost to posterity when he suddenly took ill and died of a heart attack—or according to Wikipedia 15 consecutive heart attacks—on October 8, 1944 at the age of 52.

One of the most powerful political figures of Roosevelt’s dozen years in office was his close aide Harry Hopkins, who actually moved into the White House in 1940 and remained a permanent resident for nearly the next four years. Although Hopkins hardly bore an exalted title, being an administrator of various New Deal programs and later serving as Commerce Secretary, he was frequently referred to as “the Deputy President” and certainly carried more weight than any of FDR’s vice presidents or Cabinet members, generally being regarded as the second most powerful political figure in the country.

Hopkins, a former social worker and political activist, was decidedly on the left, having his roots in a New York City progressive tradition that shaded into socialism, while being very strongly pro-Soviet in his foreign policy views. There are some indications in the Venona Papers that he may even have actually been a Soviet agent, and Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel took that position in their book The Venona Secrets, but John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, the leading Venona scholars, doubted this likelihood based on technical arguments.

In the last year or so of Roosevelt’s life, his relations with Hopkins had frayed, and when FDR died in April 1945, thereby elevating Harry S. Truman to the presidency, Hopkins’ remaining influence disappeared. Having spent so many years at the absolute center of American power, Hopkins planned to publish his personal memoirs of the momentous events he had witnessed during the years of the Great Depression and the Second World War, but he suddenly took ill and died in early 1946, age 55, surviving his longtime political partner FDR by only eight months. According to the authoritative references provided in his Wikipedia entry, the cause of death was stomach cancer. Or malnutrition related to digestive problems. Or liver failure due to hepatitis or cirrhosis. Or perhaps hemochromatosis. Although Hopkins had been in poor health for many years, questions do arise when the death of America’s second most powerful political figure is ascribed to a wide variety of somewhat different causes.


The particular timing of events may sometimes exert a outsize influence on historical trajectories. Consider the figure of Henry Wallace, probably still dimly remembered as a leading leftwing Democrat of the 1930s and 1940s. Wallace had been something of a Midwestern wonder-boy in farming innovation and was brought into FDR’s first Cabinet in 1933 as Secretary of Agriculture. By all accounts, Wallace was an absolutely 100% true-blue American patriot, with no hint of any nefarious activity appearing in the Venona Papers. But as is sometimes the case with technical experts, he seems to have been remarkably naive outside his main field of knowledge, notably in his extreme religious mysticism and more importantly in his politics, with many of those closest to him being proven Soviet agents, who presumably regarded him as the ideal front-man for their own political intrigues.

From George Washington onward, no American president had ever run for a third consecutive term, and when FDR suddenly decided to take this step during 1940, partly using the ongoing war in Europe as an excuse, many prominent figures in the Democratic Party launched a political rebellion, including his own two-time Vice President John Nance Garner, who had been a former Democratic Speaker of the House, and James Farley, the powerful party leader who had originally helped elevate Roosevelt to the presidency. FDR selected Wallace as his third-term Vice President, perhaps as a means of gaining support from the powerful pro-Soviet faction among the Democrats. But as a consequence, even as FDR’s health steadily deteriorated during the four years that followed, an individual whose most trusted advisors were agents of Stalin remained just a heartbeat away from the American presidency.

Under the strong pressure of Democratic Party leaders, Wallace was replaced on the ticket at the July 1944 Democratic Convention, and Harry S. Truman succeeded to the presidency when FDR died in April of the following year. But if Wallace had not been replaced or if Roosevelt had died a year earlier, the consequences for the country would surely have been enormous. According to later statements, a Wallace Administration would have included Laurence Duggan as Secretary of State, Harry Dexter White at the helm of the Treasury, and presumably various other outright Soviet agents occupying all the key nodes at the top of the American federal government. One might jokingly speculate whether the Rosenbergs—later executed for treason—would have been placed in charge of our nuclear weapons development program.

As it happens, Roosevelt lived until 1945, and instead of running the American government, Dugan and White both died quite suddenly within a few months of each other after they came under suspicion in 1948. But the tendrils of Soviet control during the early 1940s ran remarkably deep.

As a striking example, Soviet agents became aware of the Venona decryption project in 1944, and soon afterward a directive came down from the White House ordering the project abandoned and the records of Soviet espionage destroyed. The only reason that Venona survived, allowing us to later reconstruct the fateful politics of that era, was that the military officer in charge risked a court-martial by simply ignoring that explicit Presidential order.

In the wake of the Venona Papers, publicly released a quarter century ago and today accepted by almost everyone, it seems undeniable that during the early 1940s America’s national government came within a hairsbreadth—or rather a heartbeat—of falling under the control of a tight network of Soviet agents. Yet I have only very rarely seen this simple fact emphasized in any book or article, even though this surely helps explain the ideological roots of the “anti-Communist paranoia” that became such a powerful political force by the early 1950s.

Obviously, Communism had very shallow roots in American society, and any Soviet-dominated Wallace Administration established in 1943 or 1944 probably would sooner or later have been swept from power, perhaps by America’s first military coup. But given FDR’s fragile health, this momentous possibility should certainly be regularly mentioned in discussions of that era.

If important historical matters are excluded from the media, a younger generation of scholars may never encounter them, and even with the best of intentions the historiography they eventually produce may contain enormous lacunae. Consider, for example, the prize-winning volumes of political history that Rick Perlstein has produced since 2001, tracing the rise of American conservatism from prior to Goldwater down to the rise of Reagan in the 1970s. The series has justly earned widespread acclaim for its enormous attention to detail, but according to the indexes, the combined total of nearly 2,400 pages contains merely two glancing and totally dismissive mentions of Harry Dexter White at the very beginning of the first volume, and no entry whatsoever for Laurence Duggan, or even more shockingly, “Venona.” I’ve sometimes joked that writing a history of post-war American conservatism without focusing on such crucial factors is like writing a history of America’s involvement in World War II without mentioning Pearl Harbor.


Sometimes our standard history textbooks provide two seemingly unrelated stories, which become far more important only once we discover that they are actually parts of a single connected whole. The strange death of James Forrestal certainly falls into this category.

During the 1930s Forrestal had reached the pinacle of Wall Street, serving as CEO of Dillon, Read, one of the most prestigious investment banks. With World War II looming, Roosevelt drew him into government service in 1940, partly because his strong Republican credentials helped emphasize the bipartisan nature of the war effort, and he soon became Undersecretary of the Navy. Upon the death of his elderly superior in 1944, Forrestal was elevated to the Cabinet as Navy Secretary, and after the contentious battle over the reorganization of our military departments, he became America’s first Secretary of Defense in 1947, holding authority over the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. Along with Secretary of State Gen. George Marshall, Forrestal probably ranked as the most influential member of Truman’s Cabinet. However, just a few months after Truman’s 1948 reelection, we are told that Forrestal became paranoid and depressed, resigned his powerful position, and weeks later committed suicide by jumping from an 18th story window at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Knowing almost nothing about Forrestal or his background, I always nodded my head over this odd historical event.

Meanwhile, an entirely different page or chapter of my history textbooks usually carried the dramatic story of the bitter political conflict that wracked the Truman Administration over the recognition of the State of Israel, which had taken place the previous year. I read that George Marshall argued such a step would be totally disastrous for American interests by potentially alienating many hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims, who held the enormous oil wealth of the Middle East, and felt so strongly about the matter that he threatened to resign. However, Truman, heavily influenced by the personal lobbying of his old Jewish haberdashery business partner Eddie Jacobson, ultimately decided upon recognition, and Marshall stayed in the government.


However, almost a decade ago, I somehow stumbled across an interesting book by Alan Hart, a journalist and author who had served as a longtime BBC Middle East Correspondent, in which I discovered that these two different stories were part of a seamless whole. By his account, although Marshall had indeed strongly opposed recognition of Israel, it had actually been Forrestal who spearheaded that effort in Truman’s Cabinet and was most identified with that position, resulting in numerous harsh attacks in the media and his later departure from the Truman Cabinet. Hart also raised very considerable doubts about whether Forrestal’s subsequent death had actually been suicide, citing an obscure website for a detailed analysis of that last issue.

It is a commonplace that the Internet has democratized the distribution of information, allowing those who create knowledge to connect with those who consume it without the need for a gate-keeping intermediary. I have encountered few better examples of the unleashed potential of this new system than “Who Killed Forrestal?”, an exhaustive analysis by a certain David Martin, who describes himself as an economist and political blogger. Running many tens of thousands of words, his series of articles on the fate of America’s first Secretary of Defense provides an exhaustive discussion of all the source materials, including the small handful of published books describing Forrestal’s life and strange death, supplemented by contemporaneous newspaper articles and numerous relevant government documents obtained by personal FOIA requests. The verdict of murder followed by a massive governmental cover-up seems solidly established.

As mentioned, Forrestal’s role as the Truman Administration’s principal opponent of Israel’s creation had made him the subject of an almost unprecedented campaign of personal media vilification in both print and radio, spearheaded by the country’s two most powerful columnists of the right and the left, Walter Winchell and Drew Pearson, only the former being Jewish, but both heavily connected with the ADL and extremely pro-Zionist, with their attacks and accusations even continuing after his resignation and death.

Once we move past the wild exaggerations of Forrestal’s alleged psychological problems promoted by these very hostile media pundits and their many allies, much of Forrestal’s supposed paranoia apparently consisted of his belief that he was being followed around Washington, D.C., his phones may have been tapped, and his life might be in danger at the hands of Zionist agents. And perhaps such concerns were not so entirely unreasonable given certain contemporaneous events.

Lord Moyne, the British Secretary for the Middle East, had been assassinated in 1944 and UN Middle East Peace Negotiator Count Folke Bernadotte had suffered the same fate in 1948. Declassified British documents eventually revealed an assassination plot against Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin that same year, and Margaret Truman’s memoirs mention a failed assassination attempt against her own father in 1947. Zionist factions were responsible for all of these incidents. Indeed, State Department official Robert Lovett, a relatively minor and low-profile opponent of Zionist interests, reported receiving numerous threatening phone calls late at night around the same time, which greatly concerned him. Martin also cites subsequent books by Zionist partisans who boasted of the effective use their side had made of blackmail, apparently obtained by wire-tapping, to ensure sufficient political support for Israel’s creation.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, powerful financial forces may have been gathering to ensure that President Truman ignored the unified recommendations of all his diplomatic and national security advisors. Years later, both Gore Vidal and Alexander Cockburn would separately report that it eventually became common knowledge in DC political circles that during the desperate days of Truman’s underdog 1948 reelection campaign, he had secretly accepted a cash payment of $2 million from wealthy Zionists in exchange for recognizing Israel, a sum perhaps comparable to $20 million or more in present-day dollars.

Republican Thomas Dewey had been heavily favored to win the 1948 presidential election, and after Truman’s surprising upset, Forrestal’s political position was certainly not helped when Pearson claimed in a newspaper column that Forrestal had secretly met with Dewey during the campaign, making arrangements to be kept on in a Dewey Administration.

Suffering political defeat regarding Middle East policy and facing ceaseless media attacks, Forrestal resigned his Cabinet post under pressure. Almost immediately afterwards, he was checked into the Bethesda Naval Hospital for observation, supposedly suffering from severe fatigue and exhaustion, and he remained there for seven weeks, with his access to visitors sharply restricted. He was finally scheduled to be released on May 22, 1949, but just hours before his brother Henry came to pick him up, his body was found below the window of his 18th floor room, with a knotted cord wound tightly around his neck. Based upon an official press release, the newspapers all reported his unfortunate suicide, suggesting that he had first tried to hang himself, but failing that approach, had leapt out his window instead. A half page of copied Greek verse was found in his room, and in the heydey of Freudian psychoanalyical thinking, this was regarded as the subconscious trigger for his sudden death impulse, being treated as almost the equivalent of an actual suicide note. My own history textbooks simplified this complex story to merely say “suicide,” which is what I read and never questioned.

Martin raises numerous very serious doubts with this official verdict. Among other things, published interviews with Forrestal’s surviving brother and friends reveal that none of them believed Forrestal had taken his own life, and that they had all been prevented from seeing him until near the very end of his entire period of confinement. Indeed, the brother recounted that just the day before, Forrestal had been in fine spirits, saying that upon his release, he planned to use some of his very considerable personal wealth to buy a newspaper and begin revealing to the American people many of the suppressed facts concerning America’s entry into World War II, of which he had direct knowledge, supplemented by the extremely extensive personal diary that he had kept for many years. Upon Forrestal’s confinement, that diary, running thousands of pages, had been seized by the government, and after his death was apparently published only in heavily edited and expurgated form, though it nonetheless still became a historical sensation.

The government documents unearthed by Martin raise additional doubts about the story presented in all the standard history books. Forrestal’s medical files seem to lack any official autopsy report, there is visible evidence of broken glass in his room, suggesting a violent struggle, and most remarkably, the page of copied Greek verse—always cited as the main indication of Forrestal’s final suicidal intent—was actually not written in Forrestal’s own hand.

Aside from newspaper accounts and government documents, much of Martin’s analysis, including the extensive personal interviews of Forrestal’s friends and relatives, is based upon a short book entitled The Death of James Forrestal, published in 1966 by one Cornell Simpson, almost certainly a pseudonym. Simpson states that his investigative research had been conducted just a few years after Forrestal’s death and although his book was originally scheduled for release his publisher grew concerned over the extremely controversial nature of the material included and cancelled the project. According to Simpson, years later he decided to take his unchanged manuscript off the shelf and have it published by Western Islands press, which turns out to have been an imprint of the John Birch Society, the notoriously conspiratorial rightwing organization then near the height of its national influence. For these reasons, certain aspects of the book are of considerable interest even beyond the contents directly relating to Forrestal.

The first part of the book consists of a detailed presentation of the actual evidence regarding Forrestal’s highly suspicious death, including the numerous interviews with his friends and relatives, while the second portion focuses on the nefarious plots of the world-wide Communist movement, a Birch Society staple. Allegedly, Forrestal’s staunch anti-Communism had been what targeted him for destruction by Communist agents, and there is virtually no reference to any controversy regarding his enormous public battle over Israel’s establishment, although that was certainly the primary factor behind his political downfall. Martin notes these strange inconsistencies, and even wonders whether certain aspects of the book and its release may have been intended to deflect attention from this Zionist dimension towards some nefarious Communist plot.

Consider, for example, David Niles, whose name has lapsed into total obscurity, but who had been one of the very few senior FDR aides retained by his successor, and according to observers, Niles eventually became one of the most powerful figures behind the scenes of the Truman Administration. Various accounts suggest he played a leading role in Forrestal’s removal, and Simpson’s book supports this, suggesting that he was Communist agent of some sort. However, although the Venona Papers reveal that Niles had sometimes cooperated with Soviet agents in their espionage activities, he apparently did so either for money or for some other considerations, and was certainly not part of their own intelligence network. Instead, both Martin and Hart provide an enormous amount of evidence that Niles’s loyalty was overwhelmingly to Zionism, and indeed by 1950 his espionage activities on behalf of Israel became so extremely blatant that Gen. Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, threatened to immediately resign unless Niles was fired, forcing Truman’s hand.

Classics Professor Revilo Oliver, for decades a very influential figure in far right circles, had been a founding member of the John Birth Society and editor of its magazine, but angrily resigned in 1966, claiming that its leader Robert Welch, Jr. had accepted an offer of heavy financial support in return for focusing solely upon Communist misdeeds and scrupulously avoiding any discussion of Jewish or Zionist activities. Based on the evidence, that accusation appears to have considerable merit, with the JBS leadership soon treating indications of “anti-Semitism” as grounds for immediate expulsion. Major Communist political influence had largely disappeared in America by the late 1940s, while Jewish and pro-Israel influence grew enormously from the early 1960s onward, and by focusing almost exclusively upon the former and totally avoiding the latter, the JBS organization increasingly presented a totally delusional view of American politics, which surely contributed to its eventual decline into complete irrelevance.


Among those who grow skeptical of establishment media verdicts, there is a natural tendency to become overly suspicious, and see conspiracies and cover-ups where none exist. The sudden death of a prominent political figure may be blamed on foul-play even when the causes were entirely natural or accidental. “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.” But when a sufficient number of such persons die within a sufficiently short period of years, and overwhelming evidence suggests that at least some of those deaths were not for the reasons long believed, the burden of proof begins to shift.

Excluding the much larger number of less notable fatalities, here is a short list of six prominent Americans whose untimely passing during 1944-1949 surely evoked considerable relief within various organizations known for their ruthless tactics:

  • Wendell Wilkie, lifelong Democrat nominated for President by the Republicans in 1940, Died October 8, 1944, Age 52, Heart attack.
  • Gen. George Patton, highest-ranking American military officer in Europe, Died December 21, 1945, Age 60, Car accident.
  • Harry Hopkins, FDR’s “Deputy President,” Died January 29, 1946, Age 55, Various possible causes.
  • Harry Dexter White, Soviet agent who ran the Treasury under FDR, Died August 16, 1948, Age 55, Heart attack.
  • Laurence Duggan, Soviet agent, Prospective Secretary of State under Henry Wallace, Died December 20, 1948, Age 43, Fall from 16th story window.
  • James Forrestal, former Secretary of Defense, Died May 22, 1949, Age 57, Fall from 18th story window.

I do not think that any similar sort of list of comparable individuals during that same time period could be produced for Britain, France, the USSR, or China. In one of the James Bond films, Agent 007 states his opinion that “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.” And I think these six examples over just a few years should be enough to raise the eyebrows of even the most cautious and skeptical.

Foreign leaders outraged over America’s destructive international blundering have sometimes described our country as possessing physical might of enormous power, but having a ruling political elite so ignorant, gullible, and incompetent that it easily falls under the sway of unscrupulous foreign powers. We are a nation with the body of a dinosaur but controlled by the brain of a flea.

The post-war era of the 1940s surely marked an important peak of America’s military and economic power. Yet there seems considerable evidence that during those same years, a varied mix of Soviet, British, and Zionist assassins may have freely walked our soil, striking down those whom they regarded as obstacles to their national interests. Meanwhile, nearly all Americans remained blissfully unaware of these momentous developments, being lulled to sleep by “Our American Pravda.”

Related Reading:

The American Pravda Series
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  1. So he bad-mouths McCarthy and then writes a total McCarthyite article. Typical of the genius of the latter-day. Utter hypocrisy. Yeah, right. The commies are comin’ to get ya. Check.

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  2. I have always thought that George S. Patton wanted to mission-creep the war into a March on Moscow, “while the army is over here”, and that Eisenhower had him killed to settle the argument. Good old Ike.

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  3. Dan Hayes says:

    Mr Unz,

    Yes, President Truman was heavily and successfully lobbied for Israel recognition by Eddie Jacobson, his partner in a failed haberdashery venture.

    Of note is Jacobson’s statement that Truman was one of the world’s premier antisemites!

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  4. And it goes on today. Just over a year ago, Wikileaks source Seth Rich was assassinated. Fox News and lefty Jimmy Dore reported this, until the Deep State put the screws on and they both retracted with bogus stories to “correct” their errors. No one talks about this anymore.

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    • Replies: @redmudhooch
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  5. Sparkon says:

    Nice work Ron Unz.

    “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

    – Goldfinger

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    • Agree: Dan Hayes, Zumbuddi
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  6. It is certainly thought provoking. The developments over the last fifty years or so lend credence to these speculations.

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  7. utu says:

    Fascinating! Thanks.

    Just like Republican 1940 convention should be studies and analyzed also the 1944 Democratic convention should be studied to see how Henry A. Wallace was dumped. Who was behind it? Clearly there must have been some machers who knew that Wallace must be kept away from presidency. Were they American patriots? Counter intelligence? Then who was behind killings and premature deaths of compromised Soviet spies?

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    • Replies: @Anon
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  8. I can recommend
    Robert E. Sherwood, ‘Roosevelt und Hopkins’, 1950, Hamburg (Roosevelt and Hopkins, New York, 1948)
    Was FDR murdered ?
    Why did the USA public never know that the coffin that was transported from Warm Springs to Washington just contained an urn with ashes ?
    Stalin asked ‘why he did not lie in state ?’.

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    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
    , @David Martin
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  9. JackOH says:

    Untimely deaths, deaths from unusual causes, deaths that are coincidental with other apparently related events pique my interest.

    FWIW-After former Ohio Governor Jim Rhodes announced he’d be running yet again, at age 77, for the governorship in 1986, several prominent members of his former administration were reported by my local newspaper as dead by suicide.

    Our local newspaper ran a lengthy front page article on a thirty year old cold case rape and murder of a young boy, a piece that included a mention that an arrest was expected shortly. A few days later a senior law enforcement officer and longtime parachutist died on a jump when his parachute and reserve did not open. An arrest was never reported.

    One local politician, a very bright and very tough guy, said in a series of explicit interviews with our local newspaper that he installed a remote starter in his car after being elected mayor because he thought he might be targeted for assassination by the Mob.

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  10. gT says:

    “If You Want to Make an Omelet, You Must Be Willing to Break a Few Eggs.” — Lenin

    Just google Hillary Clinton deaths to find out how many she and Bill dearest bumped off and still she never got the presidency.

    “Those who do not do politics will be done in by politics.”, unfortunate but true.

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  11. Wally says:
    @Dan Hayes

    “Of note is Jacobson’s statement that Truman was one of the world’s premier antisemites!”

    So what would be wrong about that?

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  12. Another ringer from Mr. Unz! Just one very minor point:

    So many other untimely deaths of individuals of a similar background occurred during this general period that in 1951 the staunchly right-wing Chicago Tribute ran an entire article noting this rather suspicious pattern.

    I’m sure you mean the Chicago Tribune, right? I’ve never heard of a Chicago Tribute.

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  13. Greg Bacon says: • Website

    President Kennedy was on to this infiltration and subversion, and you see what happened to him. The new Commie shock troops are already rioting, under the banner of Antifa. When that didn’t appeal to Americans, they rebranded themselves as Democratic Socialists of America, but it’s the same rotten ideology. The same deadly threat.

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  14. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Last week, the bad forces needed an incredibly complex plot with hundreds of moving parts to kill Kennedy. This week, anyone can be given a heart attack and all suspicion moves on.

    The article itself merely makes me think that Ron Unz could look up at the sky and see a bunch of shapes in the clouds and take that as serious and meaningful.

    One of the useful things about going over long-past historical events that no one cares about is that you can circumstantially establish almost anything. At least, if you’re willing to have the characters in your drama possess a psychology well out of human norms. Hence, they’re all “fanatics”.

    I suppose the point is that people find self-styled “secret” knowledge fascinating. Ron Unz has been especially prone to it since his Uni days. Not many students spend vast hours researching and writing something entirely unrelated to their degree. It could not be anything less than a source of pride.

    Of course, thence comes the fall; and that the growing corpus of Unz’s revision of past events always ends up with Zionists behind everything makes its general weight of argument – that for 20th Century history only the tiny proportion of humanity that were Jews mattered – implausibly heavy. Indeed, almost an infinite downward force. I suppose it would be unsurprising for any Jew to gain a perverse pride by association by believing these facts. Enough, actually, for them to become rather dependent on it.

    Again, not that it can really be true. One need only picture the globe with lit arrow lines of determination going from Israel to everywhere else for you to realise how dark and passive this view leaves the rest of humanity. It is, therefore, clearly self-indulgent nonsense.

    Essentially, one or two insinuation based arguments are much more powerful than hundreds.

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  15. Russia was a friend of the fledgling United States since the founding and sent a small fleet to New York Harbor during our revolution. She assisted the Union during the Civil War by cruising our waters to deter other nations from assisting the South. Even as recently as early 20th century Russia and the US continued to support each other in pacts and treaties. 
    The split began when the US sent an invasion force into Russia at Archangel and supported the White faction in the war against the Bolshevik Red faction. We were great buddies until a possible threat to our money was raised. A hundred years later it is the same.

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  16. In the forrestal diaries he records a conversation between Neville Chamberlain and Joseph Kennedy recording that “the Jews and the Americans were pushing Britain into a war with Germany”. Oscar Piro, south africa’s minister of defence at the time, also heard the same thing from chamberlain with the added information that Chamberlainwas not interested in defending the eastern europe (an impossible task) but the jewish lobby was pushing him to do it.

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  17. Fascinating collection and comments on some little-known historical conspiracies!

    Some years after I had read Thomas Mahl’s Desperate Deception history that Ron refers us to, I came across a novel by a Scot, William Boyd, entitled “ Restless” that also deals with activities of British Security Cooperation (BSC) in WWII.

    In a 2006 Guardian article, Boyd wrote:
    “From a novelist’s point of view, to discover such a forgotten corner of 20th-century history is a wonderful and unique gift. I had long wanted to write a novel about a spy, a woman spy in fact, but to have her spying in America – rather than in Russia or Germany or Occupied France – seemed an irresistible bonus. The more I investigated BSC’s activities, the more intrigued I became. Some of BSC’s schemes verged on the absurd; some were highly sophisticated media manipulation”.

    Those activities, as Boyd noted at the start of his Guardian article, “represented one of the largest covert operations in British spying history; a covert operation, moreover, that was run …in the US, our putative ally, during 1940 and 1941, before Pearl Harbor and the US’s eventual participation in the war in Europe against Nazi Germany.”

    Both books are worthwhile reads!

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  18. @Dan Hayes

    Lobbied ?
    The story I know that he was paid $ one million for the recognition, in cash, a small suitcase handed over on a train trip.
    Whatever is true on this, in any case the State Department was against recognition.
    You find in Abba Eban’s memoirs that in 1953 or so a State Department official said ‘that Israel should behave as a small ME country, instead of the headquarters of an international group’.
    Abba Eban, ‘An Autobiography’, 1977, New York
    In my immodest opinion, having an own state was the most stupid thing jews ever did.
    If anything constantly advertises the bad side of judaism it is Israel.

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  19. Your earlier posts and articles made me wonder if FDR was a puppet of Stalin and the COMINTERN, but this pushes me firmly into the camp that FDR was a full-fledged conspirator. I also wondered if Truman, whose administration essentially created the modern national security state as we know it, was a plant by the non-communist elements of the Deep State in their quest to regain control from the FDR communists. I still wonder about that: It is certainly a theme worth exploring.

    It does raise the question of whether all these defenestrations and health failures were the work of one or more groups. In true spirit of palace intrigue, the six deaths are most likely the work of three groups, and in some respect they have continued having at it to this very day. I don’t share your belief that the communists are irrelevant; they’ve merely changed colours to Blue and are at present in the faces of pro-zionist pro-Trumpers and feckless Republics who have taken up the colour red as their standard, aiding and abetting the American communists in the whitewashing of their role in American history.

    BTW, there is no such thing as MSM historiographies of Dem leaders … they are all hagiographies.

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  20. Jake says:

    “Although my main academic focus was theoretical physics, I always had a very strong interest in history as well, especially that of the Classical Era.”

    Who would you trust more as a Classicist, Ron Unz or Mark Zuckerberg’s sister?

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  21. TheJester says:


    You appear to be suggesting that assassination on the domestic front is nothing new to American politics, especially since WWII. With Kennedy, the assassins finally reached the top of the American political pyramid instead of making do, as had previously been the case, with assassinating cabinet members or other prominent political or media personalities to make a point, change policy, or silence an opponent.

    As you describe, even in those days, the MSM were co-conspirators. The assassinations were never investigated, even when the President of the United States was struck down. Alleged heart attacks and suicides were taken at face value. Coverups were universal. As the saying goes, “Let sleeping dogs lie.” Better yet, “Let the dead bury the dead.” What earthquakes would have shaken the American political establishment if it had been proven, for example, that the CIA or Jews had had a role in the Kennedy assassination?

    Then, there were conspiracies on the part of domestic and foreign intelligence agencies. They manipulated public opinion to give power brokers a free hand at war and peace and the allocation of scarce resources on a global basis. At times, these agencies operated independently of governmental authority. They were international “good old boys” clubs often financed off the books or through a range of forthrightly illegal activities such as drugs or gun running. If domestic politicians or media personalities got in their way, they were cowed … and if that didn’t work, eliminated.

    There was a premium put on the appearance of domestic tranquility even as the bloody throes of empire building created Constitutional and economic crises that are with us to this day. Indeed, intellectual and political corruption is our current reality to the point that perhaps only historians of alternative history can visage how far America has drifted from its roots.

    We are the new Roman Empire. The Republic no longer exists except in meaningless encomiums to such things as the Pledge of Allegiance and the Fourth of July in the hope that few people will notice. If they do, as in Rome, the Deep State has ways of dealing with them.

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  22. Jake says:

    Harry Dexter White was of Lithuanian Jewish lineage through both parents. Have any of you ever spent a few moments here and there thinking about the rather large number of peoples with deep ties to Lithuania, especially Lithuanian Jews, who have played prominent roles in havoc-causing that costs huge loss of life and disruption of civilization?

    A good starting point would be the abuses heaped upon abuses the Orthodox living in the Ukraine ruled by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which led to the Cossack rebellion. Per capita, the most and the worst of those abuses of Cossacks and other Orthodox were managed by, originated from, most profitable to, Lithuanian Jews, with the Lithuanians far more guilty than the Poles.

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  23. Bob says:

    Ron – Please read this book: Mountebank’s Monster and His Mom: a peculiar resurrection ( It describes another level of unrecognized historical violence that when understood explains much of why America is the way it is today.

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  24. One way to deal with historical forces is to step back and look for large sweeps of history. WWI saw the demise of the Russian, Ottoman and Austrian empires. WWII saw the British and Japanese empires destroyed. Empires are political entities. They form and shift according to political changes. It is happening now as the world re-balances away from America’s uni-polar moment. Whether this process is being manipulated or accelerated in an effort to create a World Government is debatable.

    The Soviets thought they were riding the wave of history. They had a Marxist interpretation of historical forces which they thought would lead them to a better world.

    I’m not going to get too upset about the possible assassinations Ron goes over. In the RFK, assassination we have photos and video of CIA operatives in the Ambassador Hotel at the time RFK was assassinated. If that isn’t enough for a new investigation, why bother with things for which we have far less evidence?

    If Harry Dexter White met an untimely end, I would suspect the Brits first. They were being stripped of their empire and the Pound Sterling was dethroned as the world’s reserve currency. Mr. White played a key role in that.

    A hot topic these days is the Exchange Stabilization Fund (ESF). That seems to be where the Empire’s covert financial activities occur. Also, $21 trillion is allegedly missing from the Defense Department and HUD.

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  25. “…but was instead an assassination by America’s own OSS, fore-runner of the CIA, which was then also heavily infiltrated by Soviet agents”

    Lol. Even when it’s done by the OSS/CIA, it’s still done by the Soviets. Nice. You really go far and beyond the usual anti-communist drivel.

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  26. anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    OK, forget the past. Any thoughts on this website lately being the subject of DDoS attacks?

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  27. The key to the power of the shadow government ie the deep state etc., is the Zionists who have had control over the U.S. since 1913 when the Zionists got their privately owned FED and IRS passed by congress and since that time all assassinations and policy of the U.S. gov has been under Zionist control.

    For a look at the JFK assassination read Col. L. Fletcher Proutys book JFK the CIA and VIETNAM.

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  28. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    The barrier to entry for instigating a DDoS attack is so low that any individual idiot with a little time can do one.

    This renders said individual’s motivations unguessable without knowing who they are first.

    However, considering that the effect of such an attack is short-term, it is not an effective tool for censoring this type of information. That is, information which does not have a shelf life of 24 hours or so.

    This means that we can exclude from suspicion any substantial organisation or group with a modicum of power.

    My as good as anyone guess is that the attacker is a troll who is broadly sympathetic to the article above and wants to add an air of spookiness to it.

    Nowadays, even beginner hackers who can’t even code to save their life (called script kiddies) have access to big and powerful botnets-for-hire that can flood a target with 100 GB/s. This type threat isn’t going away, quite the contrary. Quite the contrary, it will only become powerful and widely accessible than before.

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  29. @Dan Hayes

    Don’t mislead, he’s talking about the zionists.

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  30. @obwandiyag

    Don’t mislead, he’s talking about the zionists.

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  31. “Yet there seems considerable evidence that during those same years, a varied mix of Soviet, British, and Zionist assassins may have freely walked our soil, striking down those whom they regarded as obstacles to their national interests.

    Bearing in mind that the “soviets” and the British were controlled (and still) by the Zionists, you could have just written “Zionist assassins”.

    “Meanwhile, nearly all Americans remained blissfully unaware of these momentous developments…”

    Most Americans remain “blissfully unaware ” of the crimes being committed, TODAY, in their name.

    It’s, at least, unrealistic, to hope that Americans would/should know about crimes committed 70 years ago.

    The writer would have more “success” were he to use his considerable talent to write about the crimes being committed today.

    An example: 1 Million killed in Iraq (a conservative estimate), using lies.

    The criminals are there, they are well known…Something can be done.
    About the past, nothing can be done.

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    , @hyperbola
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  32. nearly all Americans remained blissfully unaware of these momentous developments, being lulled to sleep by “Our American Pravda.”

    I feel like this is more a result of the lack of information, and access to those information. without the internet, I am 100% sure I would be as ignorant as the people who were and are blissfully unaware. without internet I would never have found this website and the information it contains.

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  33. Barnard says:

    Years later, both Gore Vidal and Alexander Cockburn would separately report that it eventually became common knowledge in DC political circles that during the desperate days of Truman’s underdog 1948 reelection campaign, he had secretly accepted a cash payment of $2 million from wealthy Zionists in exchange for recognizing Israel, a sum perhaps comparable to $20 million or more in present-day dollars.

    Although I wouldn’t consider Vidal a reputable source, this is interesting. The big question it raises is, what happened to the money? The accepted history on the 1948 election is that Truman was never in that much danger of getting badly beaten by Dewey, it was simply a case of bad polling that made people think he was going to lose big. What would a campaign do with all that cash? There would not have been any TV advertising and unlike today, these campaigns were not a year and half long. The cockroach consultant class probably existed, but in smaller numbers and I would assume much lower pay rates than they get today. Was graft in the Democratic Party that bad that they needed this much cash for bribes for get out the vote efforts?

    The accepted history on Truman would also give the impression he didn’t pocket most of it personally. The claim is he moved back to Independence and lived off his army pension after he left the White House. While this could very well be fictitious, he and Bess were at least living frugally enough that people accepted it. They only had one child who was successful and married well. It is possible it could have been put in a trust for her and her children without raising suspicion.

    David Susskind also claimed Truman wouldn’t invite him into his home while Susskind was interviewing him, because Bess would never allow a Jew in their home. I wonder what she would have thought of this bribe.

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  34. ” … there seems considerable evidence that during those same years, a varied mix of Soviet, British, and Zionist assassins may have freely walked our soil … ”

    The immediate postwar period was an incredibly dynamic time, with the above interests attempting to insure their influence within the newly established global power. But among them there was a shadow player, scrambling for its survival in this milieu.

    In the Ron Unz article there was mention of James Bond, the creation of Ian Fleming who was a Churchillian agent of influence in the U.S. in the period leading up to the war. Bond’s nemesis in the books and movies was Spectre, an international criminal organization that occupied the space between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. Spectre was Fleming’s stand-in for the so-called Fourth Reich.

    Nazism was more a religion than a political force. And after the war it folded into a dying-god cult filled with cynical operators like Otto Skorzeny, and fortified by the fortunes Martin Bormann transferred from the ashes of Europe to accounts, corporate fronts, and real estate holdings world-wide.

    The Spectre of present day calls itself Western centrism, and operates on behalf of Kabbalah Zionism.

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  35. @anonymous

    The site was acting weird this AM. Could not access after several tries. Then this article was missing: then returned; intact, who knows? Comment from Ron appreciated.

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  36. @Barnard

    Gore Vidal was a valuable source who is dearly missed in these days of chaos and almost total deception.

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  37. @James Brown

    “The writer would have more ‘success’ were he to use his considerable talent to write about the crimes being committed today.”

    Past is prologue. The “crimes being committed today” are the work of forces that have deep historical roots.

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  38. j2 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “Of course, thence comes the fall; and that the growing corpus of Unz’s revision of past events always ends up with Zionists behind everything makes its general weight of argument – that for 20th Century history only the tiny proportion of humanity that were Jews mattered – implausibly heavy.”

    Do not take it so hard. I’ve been just reading of crime, career criminals make quite a share of it. Read one paper entitled “The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions”, surely 2% could satisfy more than 100% of the need, enough even for export.

    Just trying to remember, was brother Eddie Jacobson asked by B’nai B’rith to influence Freemason Truman?

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  39. anonymous[340] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Now that you mention it, I’ve never seen Ron Unz and Tawana Brawley together..

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  40. Pyrrhus says:

    Gore Vidal also reported the shenanigans that went on at the Republican Convention in 1940 that were used to allow a non-candidate who was a Democrat, but favored by the bankers, to get the nomination…The media was almost as corrupt then as now, although much of the corruption was due to the swarms of British, Zionist, and Soviet agents in the Beltway….Vidal, who had relatives in the Roosevelt Administration, comments in one of his novels that every other person in DC seemed to be a British agent in the late 1930s…

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  41. Pyrrhus says:

    It has also been reported, and there are documents indicating, that Forrestal was the head of the secret “Majestic 12″ group, which allegedly dealt with captured alien technology…Germany and the Soviet Union were also active in this area.

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  42. @Tyrion 2

    I was about to make the much more limited remark to Ron that until recently people, especially men, at least until women took to smoking almost as much as men, dying of heart attacks in their 40s and 50s was common. People of the classes for whom the cost of medical care wasn’t a problem were also prescribed less effective drugs for depression and anxiety than they are today. I don’t suggest that explains all suicides but surely some.

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  43. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    But Moldberg told me it was the Calvinists, surely this isnt the Antiversity he had in mind.

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  44. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Do not take it so hard. I’ve been just reading of crime, career criminals make quite a share of it. Read one paper entitled “The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions”, surely 2% could satisfy more than 100% of the need, enough even for export

    Surely you already know why your argument is stupid?

    Your comparison is not like for like. Hey look, 2.5% of people identify as 100% of the homosexuals therefore it isn’t implausible that the 2.5% of people who have ginger hair are 50% of those who are transgender.

    What obvious nonsense.

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  45. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    I replied to you. My reply has ended up at 28 without the reply link.

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  46. denk says:

    Not OT,
    fukus are joint at the hip, partner in crime.

    Was Dr David Kelly suicided to prevent an expose’ on Ethno specific bio weapons ?


    Checking your browser

    Then hang.

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  47. denk says:
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  48. j2 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Inside the group you defend is a subgroup doing criminal deeds and even a small subgroup can perform very many deeds.

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  49. @jilles dykstra

    In my immodest opinion, having an own state was the most stupid thing jews ever did.
    If anything constantly advertises the bad side of judaism it is Israel.

    In one sense, yes. But, the “own state” establishes, however bogus, a platform for international political presence and soapbox, for projecting image and influence, for propaganda, false piety and ideology … etc. (the list is lengthy).

    Overall, advantage gained. And a very large advantage it is. Global recognition, global reach of power, untrammeled access to global communications, impunity by virtue of security provided by US military backing.

    You just can’t beat it. Good times. “Next year, in Jerusalem” and all that.

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  50. @SunBakedSuburb

    Agree. But you don’t need to know about “the work of forces that have deep historical roots” to know about the crimes they are committing today. Past can sometimes be a distraction.

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  51. @Wizard of Oz

    I was about to make the much more limited remark to Ron that until recently people, especially men, at least until women took to smoking almost as much as men, dying of heart attacks in their 40s and 50s was common.

    Yes. In the ’50s and 60′s, it was not uncommon for smokers in their 40s and 50s to kick the bucket with one heart attack. Plus, 50% of the adult population smoked. It was horrendous — people smoked in doctor’s waiting rooms and put the butts out on the floor.

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  52. hyperbola says:
    @James Brown

    “Yet there seems considerable evidence that during those same years, a varied mix of Soviet, British, and Zionist assassins may have freely walked our soil, striking down those whom they regarded as obstacles to their national interests.

    Bearing in mind that the “soviets” and the British were controlled (and still) by the Zionists, you could have just written “Zionist assassins”.

    Apart from those carrying out the assassinations, we also had the zionists inside the Roosevelt administration helping to arm zionists in Palestine.

    Ten Explosive U.S. Government Secrets about Israel

    …… 1. Henry Morgenthau Jr’s Israel policy is the stuff of legend in accounts about the birth of Israel. Some researchers claim that FDR’s former Treasury Secretary was present at the original 1945 meeting of American Zionists with Jewish Agency executive director David Ben-Gurion to set up the massive Haganah smuggling network to steal, illegally buy and smuggle surplus WWII arms from the U.S. to Jewish fighters in Palestine. (report PDF) This was the first major broadly organized Israel lobby challenge to U.S. sovereignty. It successfully overrode American policy enshrined in neutrality and arms export laws. Others claim Morgenthau was also instrumental in the illicit financing Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program in direct opposition to set by policy American presidents.

    The FBI’s dusty 10,000 page file on Morgenthau, numbered 105-HQ-188123 (the 105 code signifies “foreign counterintelligence”) including intercepts to Morgenthau from Israel, could finally clear up many of these allegations, especially when compared to current research. Although the FBI—after a process that began in 2010—in September 2013 claims it has fully declassified the Morgenthau file, censors have blanked out nearly every page with a paint-roller of black ink (sample PDF). How do high officials with strong ties to Israel and its lobby who are politically appointed to the U.S. Treasury Department flout U.S. laws with their own foreign-coordinated foreign policy movements? The FBI and Justice Department do not believe Americans are quite yet ready to know…..

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  53. On a very happy note, the scurrilous futbol team of Mexico, supported by its howling mob of illegal mestizos and unaccompanied 4-year-old little girls, was sent to ignominious defeat by the noble lovers of freedom and democracy known as the Brazil FIFA team.

    Sound the trumpets!

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  54. hyperbola says:

    The “subgroup” is not small and has bucket loads of cash to carry out the crimes.

    How Many Politicians Can You Buy with $6.3 Billion Dollars?

    Big Israel: How Israel’s Lobby Moves America, reveals the revenue of the Israeli lobby’s will reach $6.3 billion in 2020, with 17,000 employees and 414,000 volunteers! (Please re-read that statement.) The purpose of the lobby is to influence the US government to serve its foreign-policy objectives and fund its military.

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  55. segundo says:

    My apologies if I missed it, but LBJ visited Forrestal shortly before Forrestal “committed suicide”. Just sayin’.

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  56. Rob McX says:

    A comment I came across in another thread on this site, that’s relevant to this:

    “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

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  57. i am not sure that it is a huge leap to conclude that spies from other states walk among us.

    few examples demonstrate the vulnerabilities of open countries as 9/11. And and many of them despite being known threats, attended college, danced, drank, and learned to fly albeit in Ca the instructors were apparently illegal resident mexicans.

    The soviets had the atomic secrets before hiroshima and nagasaki. And the treasury was so loaded with spies they bumped into each other. Spying on behalf of another country is a felony. And should be prosecuted — no doubt.

    However, being a communist or socialist is another matter. I don’t subscribe to their politics or social agendas and we certainly need to tighten our belts.

    But in my view the greatest threat tearing at the nation’s seams is unfettered immigration in which we don’t assimilate. And by assimilate, they leave whatever national ethos behind and embrace our lifestyle and history. No cinco de mayo or mexican independence celebrations — nor irish, israeli, botswana, of phillipino, etc.

    If one has direct evidence of jews or anyone else engaged in treason against the us be it assassination or subverting our laws — by all means make that case. But a case of loose nit coincidences and suspicious behavior is hardly productive. I would be interested in the endgame going that route.

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  58. Vasilios says:

    Ron, my sincere thanks for your incisive research. Masterfully written may I add; what a treasure your work on this website is.

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  59. Dan Hayes says:


    Bess Truman wore the pants in their marriage. It seems that she was the Belle of the Ball of Independence, Missouri. Harry was enthralled with her and never got over his perceived good fortune in marrying her.

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  60. Dan Hayes says:


    Actually MDs at that time were also heavy smokers. Witness the Lucky Strike campaign with the slogan “For a treat not a treatment” with a benign MD in the background puffing away.

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  61. Anon[863] • Disclaimer says:

    Hats off to Ron Unz, excellent article.

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  62. Lit Dog says:

    Nice entry in the series. Near the end, Ron reminds us of the John Birch Society’s rejection of anti-Semitism. If he’s got it right, it could be argued that Welch and his JBS were charter members of neo-conservatism.

    The second half of the 60s was when Daddies Kristol and Podhoretz were deciding they had done everything they could to destroy the American nation by calling themselves liberals, and they pivoted to finish the job by calling themselves conservatives. Their smokescreen played on society’s repulsion at the riots and ordinary street crime of Blacks — “A conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged by reality.”

    With the points made here about Robert Welch selling out to Jewish tribalists in 1966, maybe we could say, “A shabbos goy is a counter-semite who was fondled by Feldsteins.”

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  63. peterAUS says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Good post.

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  64. peterAUS says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Another good post.
    Especially this:

    Nowadays, even beginner hackers who can’t even code to save their life (called script kiddies) have access to big and powerful botnets-for-hire that can flood a target with 100 GB/s. This type threat isn’t going away, quite the contrary. Quite the contrary, it will only become powerful and widely accessible than before.

    Kali and such…..

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  65. Skeptikal says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Tyrion 2 sounds like a troll.

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  66. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Thus, in 1944 it was White who negotiated with John Maynard Keynes—Britain’s most towering economist—to lay the basis for the the Bretton Woods Agreement, the IMF, and the rest of the West’s post-war economic institutions.

    The mind-boggling evidence presented here indicates that Jewish espionage and subversion agenbts on and what might be characterized as a substantially Jewish political sympathy with the Soviet Union within the Democratic Party was a huge threat to American society and state after WW2. Something had to be done to the end the Jewish allegiance to America’s rival.

    Major Communist political influence had largely disappeared in America by the late 1940s, while Jewish and pro-Israel influence grew enormously from the early 1960s onward

    The latter was effect and former was cause.

    Political influence ceased and also recruitment of American Jews willing to spy for the Soviet Union was vastly most difficult, after Israel was created. The political sympathy for and willingness to be an implicit agent of influence, or outright spy, for a foreign power had been transferred to another infinitely less dangerous country. Although they did not know it the Soviet Union had lost the Cold War once Israel was created. Stalin seems to have realized quite quickly he had made a major mistake in believing its strongly socialist leadership would lead to Israel becoming a “quasi-satellite of the Soviet Union”. His support among American Jews evaporated overnight. By way of a detour into Trotskyism, Jewish intellectuals started moving to a basically pro Israel position after the creation of Israel. Following the Egyptian-Czechoslovak arms deal (in 1948 Stalin had saved Israel by supplying it with Skoda weapons), announced in September 1955, Jews took an anti Soviet position. Cause and effect. Worth it.

    Despite being head of counter-intelligence at the CIA, and nothing to do with the Middle East James Angleton was given responsibility for Israel. A rather clear indication that the vitally necessary work of counter-intelligence was best accomplished by giving American Jews a much more satisfying, repository of their ultimate loyalty than socialism. There are two monuments to Angleton in Israel, but his greatest memorial was his turning of Jews. It was not all his work, but CIA funding of the neocon nurseries such as Encounter magazine ( Cord Meyer, said to “make it possible for the American point of view to be represented”) must be assessed as the most successful Counter Intel operation in history.

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  67. Skeptikal says:
    @Robert Magill

    Yes, I just had the same experience when trying to access the site—also from within the site (trying to go from one article to another).

    Some “Cloud” thing on a white screen and a string of figures and letters with message on the screen that the site had to first be checked, then I could proceed to the site . . .

    Wish I had taken a screen shot.
    If I get it again, I’ll do so.

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    , @Wade
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  68. Tim says:
    @Dan Hayes

    $2000000 can change a mans mind

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  69. annamaria says:

    This is a tangential post on the trail scent of Skripal Affair:
    A story of the incompetence, impudence, opportunism, slavishness, and stupidity of the UK government and the badly degraded M16.
    Comment section: “Although mentioned in the print version of the Daily Telegraph a few days after the incident, I gather the link with the US Spygate investigation is not common knowledge because of the 2 D-notices that block the press even discussing the issue. The Steele dossier was produced by Orbis Business Intelligence, which employs Christopher Steele and Pablo Miller (who had been Skripal’s handler and lives surprise, surprise near Salisbury [the location of Skripals' "poisoning"]. Miller and Skripal are likely contributors to the Steele pile of steaming shxx.”

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  70. VENONA, CIA evidence, sure, they found it, yessir, saw it myself, there it was, shelved right between “Qaddafy Viagra Rape Squads” and “Yellowcake!”

    To my knowledge, the only VENONA evidence on Hiss is a transcript of him speaking, with an unsourced hand-written annotation suggesting that he is a particular code-named Soviet agent. Is there something else, something remotely probative? Meanwhile, a KGB record search undertaken in post-Soviet days found no records indicating Hiss was an agent.

    Hiss was certainly a intelligence target – not as a communist, but as an internationalist. The Russians, along with every UN member nation, respected Hiss as a pre-eminent international civil servant conforming to the letter and spirit of UN Charter Articles 100(2) and 101(3), supreme law of the land. But the US government was furiously purging, framing, and killing internationalists at home and abroad. A must-read book for your archives is Shirley Hazzard, Countenance of Truth: The United Nations and the Waldheim Case.

    Internationalists stuck in CIA’s craw because their support for rights and rule of law threatened the US state ideology of absolute sovereignty. Instead of coming out and saying so, they called them commies. The US didn’t think twice about killing internationalists – they shot Dag Hammarskjöld out of the sky over Congo.

    The article below takes a broader view than the VENONA buffs are wont to take.

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  71. If they are as powerful as you indirectly say they are, your website or life would be a fair game… watch your back, old boy!

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  72. @Robert Magill

    Not quite. The split began when Jews were allowed to enter America in large numbers.

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  73. Would anyone happen to know the name of the American military officer who risked court-martial to keep VENONA safe?

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  74. @Barnard

    It would have been cash for bribes and whatnot by local political organizations.

    I HIGHLY recommend the book ‘Just Good Politics: The Life of Raymond Chafin, Appalachian Boss.’ For one thing, it’s just a fun book. But the man Chafin, a Democrat party “boss” in the coal fields of West Virginia, reveals how votes were bought in the old days – including the 1960 Democrat primary – JFK vs. Humphrey – in West Virginia.

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  75. @Dan Hayes

    Actually MDs at that time were also heavy smokers. Witness the Lucky Strike campaign with the slogan “For a treat not a treatment” with a benign MD in the background puffing away.

    Great commercials, too.

    “21 great tobaccos make 20 wonderful smokes … Chesterfield! Chesterfield!”

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    • Agree: Dan Hayes
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  76. This is a mixed bag. Personally, I think that JFK was assassinated in a coup by “deep state”, while Israel did not have anything to do with that (I find the Dimona connection too weak; also, what we know of Israel’s politicians’ reactions & behavior does not corroborate that link).

    What seems to be beyond reasonable doubt is that US government was, during FRD’s era, shot through with Soviet spies, but it does not look they’d achieved much to harm the US. Some of them were Jews, more not, and be as it may, their chief loyalty was toward Stalin & USSR.

    Bretton Woods? How it ultimately “favored” USSR ? Or even Britain? Not convincing.

    Forrestal’s death? I’ve always been suspicious about his “suicide”, but, as in JFK’s case, there are too many candidates for the role of possible suspect. Forrestal as the chief Israel’s antagonist is not very persuasive.

    Morgenthau’s role as anti-German planner is downplayed; White just worked in concert with him. There was no grand pro-Soviet scheme in all this, only anti-German Jewish animus which short-sighted American establishment did not question for a while (which is a mark of their stupidity & mental laziness).

    Also, it is ludicrous to think that Patton could have, just like that, change US policy toward Soviet Union simply through his rhetoric. Wilkie- not convincing, men sometimes die in their 50s (also Hopkins).

    At the end, all these spies & plotters just- lost. Britain was Titanicized; Germany recovered through Wirtschaftswunder; USSR got China as an uneasy partner & was, even in 1950s, losing to the US in every single aspect of power; Israel was saved first by Czechoslovak, Soviet & up to late 1960s, mostly French arms.

    What then is the use of all these spooks?

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  77. Ron Unz says:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Would anyone happen to know the name of the American military officer who risked court-martial to keep VENONA safe?

    Sure, it was a certain Col. Carter Clarke, who was then chief of the U.S. Army’s Special Branch, part of the Military Intelligence Division. It’s discussed on pp. 8-9 and 48 of the Venona book I linked. Interestingly enough, the American OSS received a similar White House order around the same time, and fully complied, destroyed all records of Soviet espionage.

    I just noticed that Col. Clarke has a very abbreviated Wikipedia entry, though it strangely excludes all mention of Venona:

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  78. @Skeptikal

    Some “Cloud” thing on a white screen and a string of figures and letters with message on the screen that the site had to first be checked, then I could proceed to the site . . .

    Cloudflare. It’s a DDOS prevention device. It works, sort of. Unz gets a boatload of DDOS attacks on a regular basis. DDOS relies on the server to create a session, and, succeeding, creates thousands of bogus sessions, within seconds, to load the server to the point where no one else can log on. Cloudflare denies the session creation to bogus calls, which keeps the server functional. It’s still getting hammered, but can still carry some amount of valid calls.

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  79. skopros says:

    Almost nobody digs into the tangled past and elucidates it as gracefully and doggedly as Unz does, both the man and his site. Almost nobody attacks knotted subjects and ideological evasions as persistently as he does. Where he finds the time, the energy and breadth of scholarship astonishes me. It feels like the trolls sprout like mushrooms after rain if he assays a subject involving Israel/Zionism. I find his pedigree confirmed by the tone and approach of his detractors. Since we live now in a knee-jerk media world, ruled by rampant me-tooism, government/think tank bullhorns and confirmation bias, his questioning researches should be welcome to anyone looking for the deeper story…truth or not.

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    • Agree: renfro, Almost Missouri
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  80. @Ron Unz

    Thank you, sir!

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  81. @Pyrrhus

    That’s one version. Another is that he was upset about the Korean War, MK Ultra situation. He was reputedly dosed with LSD by Sidney Gottlieb.

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  82. Ron, I respect and admire your blog and essays. IMO, yours is the very best collection
    of important reporting.
    I’m expecting my 4 score & 10 birth anniversary soon and have lived through and followed all of which you now speak.
    In this extremely well developed essay, phenomenal in overall content, I might suggest
    you don’t offer Alan Hart enough credit. I have read his output for years and have communicated with him. I rate him as high as David Irving or better.
    I enjoyed your composition very much and thank you for all your research. EXCELLENT.

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  83. Barnard says:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Thanks for the book recommendation. I certainly believe (if the bribe from Jews to recognize Isreal was real) some money went to party machine members, but $2 million in 1948 still seems like a high number. Median income in 1948 was $3,100 a year. A primary is one thing, but how much would you have to pay Democrat hacks to get out the vote in the general election? Wouldn’t you run into diminishing returns rather quickly?

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  84. renfro says:

    The patterns of sudden deaths and charges of mental breakdowns arent coincidents …..there are more that have gone under the radar I am certain.

    John Guthner Dean US Ambassador to Lebanon

    In a forthcoming memoir, John Gunther Dean writes about not only pressure from pro-Israeli officials in Washington but attempts on his life for reaching out to the Palestinians.
    By Barbara Crossette
    March 31, 2009
    In the wake of the accusation by Chas Freeman that his nomination to lead the National Intelligence Council was derailed by an “Israeli lobby,” a forthcoming memoir by another distinguished ambassador adds stunning new charges to the debate. The ambassador, John Gunther Dean, writes that over the years he not only came under pressure from pro-Israeli groups and officials in Washington but also was the target of an Israeli-inspired assassination attempt in 1980 in Lebanon, where he had opened links to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

    Dean’s suspicions that Israeli agents may have also been involved in the mysterious plane crash in 1988 that killed Pakistan’s president, General Mohammed Zia ul Haq, led finally to a decision in Washington to declare him mentally unfit, which forced his resignation from the foreign service after a thirty-year career. After he left public service, he was rehabilitated by the State Department, given a distinguished service medal and eventually encouraged to write his memoirs. Now 82, Dean sees the subsequent positive attention he has received as proof that the insanity charge (he calls it Stalinist) was phony, a supposition later confirmed by a former head of the department’s medical service.
    Dean, whose memoir is titled Danger Zones: A Diplomat’s Fight for America’s Interests, was American ambassador in Lebanon in August 1980 when a three-car convoy carrying him and his family was attacked near Beirut.
    “I was the target of an assassination attempt by terrorists using automatic rifles and antitank weapons that had been made in the United States and shipped to Israel,” he wrote. “Weapons financed and given by the United States to Israel were used in an attempt to kill an American diplomat.” After the event, conspiracy theories abounded in the Middle East about who could have planned the attack, and why. Lebanon was a dangerously factionalized country.

    The State Department investigated, Dean said, but he was never told what the conclusion was. He wrote that he “worked the telephone for three weeks” and met only official silence in Washington. By then Dean had learned from weapons experts in the United States and Lebanon that the guns and ammunition used in the attack had been given by Israelis to a Christian militia allied with them.
    “I know as surely as I know anything that Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was somehow involved in the attack,” Dean wrote, describing how he had been under sharp criticism from Israeli politicians and media for his contacts with Palestinians. “Undoubtedly using a proxy, our ally Israel had tried to kill me.”

    Dean, a fluent French speaker who began his long diplomatic career opening American missions in newly independent West African nations in the early 1960s, served later in Vietnam (where he described himself as a “loyal dissenter”) and was ambassador in Cambodia (where he carried out the American flag as the Khmer Rouge advanced), Denmark, Lebanon, Thailand (where Chas Freeman was his deputy) and India. He takes credit for averting bloodshed in Laos in the 1970s by negotiating a coalition government shared by communist and noncommunist parties.
    He was sometimes a disputatious diplomat not afraid to contradict superiors, and he often took–and still holds–contrarian views. He always believed, for example, that the United States should have attempted to negotiate with the Khmer Rouge rather than let the country be overrun by their brutal horror.
    As ambassador in India in the 1980s he supported then-Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi’s policy of seeking some kind of neutral coalition in Afghanistan that would keep the American- and Pakistani-armed mujahedeen from establishing a fundamentalist Islamic state. For several years after the Soviet withdrawal, India continued to back Najibullah, a thuggish communist security chief whom the retreating Soviet troops left behind. After the mujahedeen moved toward Kabul, Najibullah refused a United Nations offer of safe passage to India. He was slaughtered and left hanging on a lamppost.

    It was in the midst of this Soviet endgame in Afghanistan that Dean fell afoul of the State Department for the last time. After the death of General Zia in August 1988, in a plane crash that also killed the American ambassador in Pakistan, Arnold Raphel, Dean was told in New Delhi by high-ranking officials that Mossad was a possible instigator of the accident, in which the plane’s pilot and co-pilot were apparently disabled or otherwise lost control. There was also some suspicion that elements of India’s Research and Analysis Wing, its equivalent of the CIA, may have played a part. India and Israel were alarmed by Pakistan’s work on a nuclear weapon–the “Islamic bomb.”
    Dean was so concerned about these reports, and the attempt by the State Department to block a full FBI investigation of the crash in Pakistan, that he decided to return to Washington for direct consultations. Instead of the meetings he was promised, he was told his service in India was over. He was sent into virtual house arrest in Switzerland at a home belonging to the family of his French wife, Martine Duphenieux. Six weeks later, he was allowed to return to New Delhi to pack his belongings and return to Washington, where he resigned.

    Suddenly his health record was cleared and his security clearance restored. He was presented with the Distinguished Service Award and received a warm letter of praise from Secretary of State George Shultz. “Years later,” he wrote in his memoir, “I learned who had ordered the bogus diagnosis of mental incapacity against me. It was the same man who had so effusively praised me once I was gone–George Shultz.”
    Asked in a telephone conversation last week from his home in Paris why Shultz had done this to him, Dean would say only, “He was forced to.”

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  85. Anon[438] • Disclaimer says:

    Life expectancy in 1945 for men was 63.

    Lots of heavy smokers and drinkers back then.

    If Patton was killed, that was wrong.
    But he was crazy.

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  86. Dan Hayes says:
    @Ron Unz

    Mr Unz:

    The actions of the OSS in destroying all records of Soviet espionage are entirely consistent with an organization riddled with leftists, fellow travelers and crypto-communists. These actions and many other examples of organizational malfeasance can be laid at the doorstep of Wild Bill Donovan.

    At one time America was protected by such servicemen as Col Clarke. Are we now bereft of such men and only left with time servers?

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  87. prusmc says: • Website

    More Doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette. Actually I think or was Old Gold that offers a treat not a treatment.

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  88. ivan says:

    Yes, and go around with a pucca sahib name, as though his parents were some old-money New England WASPS. That always bothered me about Mr White. Why go to all that trouble to hide one’s origins? The Jews from Middle and Eastern Europe were a varied lot, with the Hungarian and German Jews being among the best of humanity, while those from Poland, Lithuania and Russia were decidedly not of the same class.

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  89. @Bardon Kaldian

    Also, it is ludicrous to think that Patton could have, just like that, change US policy toward Soviet Union simply through his rhetoric.

    On the contrary, it is ludicrous to suggest he couldn’t!

    Well-timed and well-made rhetoric has frequently changed history. Our country may not have survived the end of the Revolution if General Washington had not broken up a potential insurrection among his underpaid officers with a very moving and famous address in Newburgh, New York*. And one could certainly make the argument that FDR’s rhetoric and use of communications was what made him so sadly successful.


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  90. @Barnard

    You’re quite welcome! I always enjoy talking about that book. It’s very colorful. Future Senator “Bobby” Byrd makes an appearance, campaigning with his fiddle.

    This is off the top of my head, so bear with me. You should definitely get the book. Things varied from one place to another, and West Virginia had its own special brand of corruption (into the 1970s, it was common for a special pint size bottle of whiskey to appear in West Virginia because it was considered a fair trade for a vote), but it will give you an idea.

    Chafin shares a wonderful anecdote of the 1960 campaign in West Virginia that I easily remember.

    He decided that his machine would support Kennedy. At that point, Kennedy’s “associates” met the boss at the Huntington, WV airport and queried how much money Chafin’s people would need to run the campaign in WV. Chafin thought it wasn’t really a big operation, so he modestly said, “About thirty-five.” Meaning $3500. The Kennedy’s ended up sending $35,000. The shocked mountaineers knew they were dealing with the big leagues now, and, IIRC, sent a lot of the money back.

    Now, let’s do some very, very rough math. Let’s assume Truman and the Dems would need $3,000 for each party machine in each of the 55 counties in West Virginia. That would amount to $165,000. Multiply that by 50 states and you get well over 8 million dollars. So 2 million sounds reasonable.

    With that said, even if the Zionists didn’t give Truman money, he still would have had motivation to support Israel because Jewish voters were heavily concentrated in what were then key swing states: Illinois, Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Mass.

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  91. @prusmc

    Parliament,’cause the filter’s recessed — it’s a quarter-inch away!

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  92. denk says:

    When talking about political assassination, it’d be amiss not to include the CIA’s foreign liquidations.

    A partial list from William Blum,

    Tip of an iceberg/…..

    There’s a glaring omission, prolly cuz not many people know about it.
    The CIA/RAW liquidation of Nepal’s king Birendra and his entire family in the 2001 royal palace bloodbath.
    His crime, a panda hugger.

    It’d be a gross injustice to the slain monarchy to let this heinous crime flushed down into history’s memory hole.

    Chaos in Kathmandu…
    A Raimondo classic,

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  93. @hyperbola


    “The FBI and Justice Department do not believe Americans are quite yet ready to know…..”

    I would rather say that The FBI and Justice Department do not want Americans to know…which is something very easy to achieve because Americans like to be ignorant. Give them bread and circuses and you can do with them what you want.

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  94. utu says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    This blog is not for you. Keep reading NYT and WaPo. You can share subscription with Art Deco.

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  95. @denk

    Just imagine if Clinton had co…nes. Then he could have said:

    “The U.S. bombing of Israel, in retaliation for an Israel plot to assassinate former president George Bush, “was essential,” “to send a message to those who engage in state-sponsored terrorism … and to affirm the expectation of civilized behavior among nations.”

    We now know, thanks to a former Mossad agent(Victor Ostrovsky) that Mossad planned to assassinate George Bush during an international conference in Madrid.

    A partial list indeed. William Blum should include Hugo Chavez.

    Thanks for “Chaos in Kathmandu”. Didn’t know.

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  96. ivan says:

    Pretty low even by your standards, denk. Why would India want to eliminate a friendly Hindu king in a kingdom with 90% Hindus? And who insinuates that it was India that arranged the hit? Why its the mild-mannered Maoists, who non-violently massacred 20,000 on their way to power.

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  97. @Pyrrhus

    The novelistic remark about every other person in DC seeming to be a British agent in DC in the late 1930s prompts scepticism because the Chamberlain government was obviously so incompetent as it bumbled its way to war. Has anyone read the history of MI6 which no doubt has opened all its archives from that period to a friendly historian? It would be interesting to know what is said on the British side.

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  98. j2 says:

    True, but 17,000+414,000 is still only 8% of 5.3 million and most of this 8% do not personally do criminal deeds. The remaining 92% ignore this subgroup and wonder why so many criminal deeds, like 911 and JFK, lead to the same group and think that people claiming so are haters and conspiracy theoreticians. It does not take a large group of people whose professional or hobbyist career is to protect vital interests of some entity to be mixed up in all kind of dirty business. A small subgroup of career criminals does a major share of some type of crime, always so.

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  99. @hyperbola

    What Morgenthau sr did can simply be read:
    Henry Morgenthau, ‘Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story’, New York, 1918
    Heath W. Lowry, ‘The story behind Ambassador Morgenthau’s Story’, Istanbul 1990
    Thomas Fleming, ‘The Illusion of Victory, America in WW I’, New York 2003

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  100. utu says:
    @James Brown

    Thanks for bringing up the conference in Madrid and the assassination attempt.

    Israeli messengers in all the communities across the United States immediately went into high gear, launching attacks against the president. They fed the media an endless stream of criticism, while trying at the same time to make it clear to Vice President Dan Quayle that … what the president was doing in no way affected their opinion of him.

    … [This last] had been almost standard procedure ever since the creation of the state of Israel. Any time a president was not on the best of terms with Israel, the Jewish organizations were instructed to cozy up to the vice president. …

    Several days before the event, it was leaked to the Spanish police that the three terrorists were on their way to Madrid and that they were probably planning some extravagant action. Since the Mossad had all the security arrangements in hand, it would not be a problem … to bring the “killers” as close as they might want to the president and then stage a killing [that is, kill the president themselves and blame it on the three Palestinians]. In the ensuing confusion, the Mossad people would kill the “perpetrators,” scoring yet another victory for the Mossad.

    This is an important piece in the puzzle showing that Israel issue was the main reason why George H.W. Bush did not get the 2nd term.

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  101. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Your argument seems designed solely to build up to the conclusion that whomever is good with the Jews wins, therefore best to stay good with the Jews.

    It is built on the same axiom of Jewish omnipotence as much of the anti-Semitism here. Although here, the commenters avoid running their arguments to their full conclusion by imagining some sort of karmic retribution whereby omnipotence is actually suicide.

    I strongly disagree that there is any substantial evidence in Unz’s argument. As with the collateralised debt which sparked the 2008 crisis, bundling a bunch of worthless speculation together still only results in a bundle of worthless speculation…and nothing more.

    Even if doing so has convinced plenty of people just as smart as Unz that they’re actually doing something interesting, original and valuable.

    In the end, we Jews are neither as interesting nor as intelligent as both we and the anti-Semites like to make out. That’s not to say that we’re a bunch of bozos,but there’s plenty of middle ground between fate of the world deciding and utter imbecile.

    Nevermind that Jews can hardly be said to be lacking in diverse opinions. At least, by anyone who knows any. We’re a pretty quarrelsome group, if you ask me.

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    , @utu
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  102. denk says:
    @James Brown

    Chavez wasnt in Blum’s list but he has repeatedly declared he believes its a CIA hit….

    Given murkka’s decades long interference in Venezuela and the circumstantial evidence, I thoroughly agree,

    Chavez had been a thorn in Washington’s side, I think the day he sniffed at Bush’s ”sulfuric odor’ in the UN podium was the last straw that sealed his fate .

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  103. denk says:

    Why would India want to eliminate a friendly Hindu king in a kingdom with 90% Hindus?

    You might want to ask the Nepalese on the street, who chanted ‘death to India‘ after the royal massacre.

    or this formal diplomat…

    seems that its the top down consensus in Nepal .

    Pretty low even by your standards, denk.

    And who insinuates that it was India that arranged the hit? Why its the mild-mannered Maoists, who non-violently massacred 20,000 on their way to power.


    who harbored and trained these ‘mass murderers’ ?
    [wiki your go to source eh ?]

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  104. ivan says:

    Chavez was a stupid, socialist nut who turned an oil-producing country into a basket case where people pick through rubbish to survive. But the mindless communists are ever ready with the “its all the gringos fault” excuse, at the drop of a hat.

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  105. @James Brown

    I hope Bernie Madoff didn’t invite you to invest with him. A Bernie Madoff of the airport thriller school of authors has really got you in. Surely any self-respecting anti-Semite can recognize that the Jews to beware aren’t all bankers, Bolsheviks or Mossad killers. You should recognize the genuine sharp con man and story teller. Ostrovsky spun a remarkable story for one whose lowly position in Mossad only continued for about two years according to the review in the Journal of Palestine Studies by Benny Morris.

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  106. @utu

    So George Bush Sr and his family and friends can be very happy that he lost that election because the “economy was weak”.

    Had he won and if he persisted with bringing peace to the ME, one can be sure that “Palestinians terrorists” would have killed him.

    Thanks for the link.

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  107. @denk

    Someone that maybe should be on that list is Olof Palme.

    Do you know if William Blum believes that is the case or the official version makes sense ?

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  108. @Tyrion 2

    ” We’re a pretty quarrelsome group, if you ask me. ”
    But with a common identity, eternal innocent victims, if you ask me.
    And a group capable of remaining autonomous, through some 2000 years.
    One Rothschildt wrote to another around 1890 ‘the only enemy of jews is jews’.
    At the time, when practically everywhere jews had got equal rights, quite right, again, if you ask me.
    What it is that jews want to interfere with world politics, men like Baruch, Frankfurter, Brandeis, nowadays Soros, I still do not comprehend well.
    Or a Netanyahu, who can, now maybe could, have peace any minute he accepted the peace proposal of the Arabic League, but in stead tries to provoke another war.

    ‘Jews. The essence and character of a people’, Arthur Herzberg and Aron Hirt-Manheimer, HarperSanFrancisco, 1998 states, alas without a source, that just thirteen % of those who could have remained jew chose to do so.
    The parents of the great scientist Richard Feynman are an example.

    Klaus Hödl, ‘Als Bettler in die Leopoldstadt, Galizische Juden auf dem Weg nach Wien’, Wien, 1994 writes that rabbi’s tried to prevent emigration, ‘many jews wanted to escape the oppressive jewish society through emigration’.
    A friend of mine, not a jew, worked as a doctor in a Dutch medical institute for jews, he was amazed that for any decision the rabbi had to be consulted.

    Indeed, jews, a quarrelsome group, but with an extraordinary power in the world, a power defended all the time.
    But why ?
    I still am wondering, why do they not play golf, go fishing, climb mountains, or, in the Soros case, play with the grandchildren ?; in stead of trying to change Hungary the way he wants.
    And why does not Soros understand that it is behaviour like his that causes antisemitism ?
    Why does not Netanyahu understand that Israel is an increasingly more negative advertisement for judaism ?

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  109. Anonymous[249] • Disclaimer says:

    Who would you trust more as a Classicist, Ron Unz or Mark Zuckerberg’s sister?

    Obviously, I would trust Ron Unz.

    Unlike the Zuck-sis, Ron is not bound to a totalitarian ideology that seeks the physical annihilation of whole classes of men and women in a manner similar to the Communists’ annihilation of the kulaks.

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  110. @gT

    “On ne fait pas d’omelette sans casser d’oeufs.” — Robespierre

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  111. Alan says:

    Ahhh, Ron. You teaser, you. For a few moments there you had me on seats edge, expecting any minute that you were gonna finally blurt out, in an ashamed confession, “The jews did it”! Alas, I will have to wait until you read a few more ‘obscure’ articles, or hidden facts, to finally come to the realization that ‘zionist jew’ is synonymous with Soviet Socialist. Vladimir Putin has admitted that over 85% of the Soviet hierarchy was ‘jew’. The rapacious hegemonic appetite of the global jew is no secret to those of us who are no longer afraid of being labeled ‘anti-semite’. I now know what the word means, and it doesn’t mean a phobia against a people that call themselves ‘jew’. ‘jew’ is not a race, nor a blood line, nor a genetic genealogy, but is simply a perverted heart condition of a group of people that have an elitist superiority complex, and continually tell themselves that they are superior to all other life forms, and all other life forms only exist to serve the perverted whims of the ‘jew’. In that context, Harry Truman proved that the jew was right. And so did Woodrow Wilson, and all of the ‘goy’ that will bow down to the jew for enough shekels. Yeah, the ‘jews’ did it. For there is no difference between ‘jew’ and ‘communist’. They are one and the same. The cat is out of the bag. It’s ok. You can admit it, too.
    ps: until we have the courage to remove the privately owned Fed from the hands of international jews, nothing will change. A privately owned central banking cabal is the ultimate manifestation of ‘satan’, and ‘anti-Christ’. And no amount of ‘social behavioral change’ will remedy that disease.

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  112. @TheJester

    Nixon takes the US out of Vietnam, opens up to China, and de-escalates with the Soviets, all of which takes some money away from the National Security State. Bungling former CIA operatives implicate him in the DNC break-in. He puts up token resistance by firing Cox, but never spills the beans on what he truly knows about the Deep State. More importantly, knowing the outcome of JFK, he walks away and never says anything of substance about those who took him down. Code of Omerta.

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  113. Tyrion 2 says:

    Do you think your arguments, whereby you forgo all logic, are convincing? I cannot pick out a single properly articulated point in your post.

    Perhaps it is my fault and I am too stupid to understand? Would you kindly pick just one out and explain it in simple terms?

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  114. @Bardon Kaldian

    “Personally, I think that JFK was assassinated in a coup by “deep state”, while Israel did not have anything to do with that (I find the Dimona connection too weak; also, what we know of Israel’s politicians’ reactions & behavior does not corroborate that link).”

    You’ve seen those murder movies where the psycho girlfriend or wife standing behind the guy with a gun and screaming at them, “Do it! Do it! You pathetic little man! Do it!” Without out that push, our own guys and the mob might not have pulled the trigger.

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  115. OK, let’s all take a deep, cleansing breath. In…

    Whoooosh. There now. What exactly is the VENONA evidence against White?

    The VENONA story is, White is RICHARD, JURIST and LAWYER. Let’s assume for a moment that the transcripts are not fabricated evidence like that doo-dad in the Lockerbie wreckage, or like 60 million other factoids in CIA’s national crock of shit. The dastardly Soviet spy, whoever he was, was expected to be appointed assistant secretary of something. Also he had a car, a house, a wife, and a daughter. J’accuse!

    The charges are actually based on Chamber’s and Bentley’s testimony of the vanished rug. The VENONA documents would never have held up in court but they corroborated… Chambers & Bentley. Chambers really, really needed corroboration and Bentley was all hearsay.

    So why do we have to conclude that Soviet liquidation was more likely than suicide, or CIA assassination of a political enemy who was hard to ruin?

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  116. Ron’s recent series of articles are interesting in that we are now into revisionist histories. One of my first encounters with alternate histories involved Christopher Columbus.

    As a US citizen, I grew up with one version of the story. I honestly didn’t know there were any other versions. It was all very obvious, written in black and white and straight out of the history book.

    The alternative versions, which you can find in Latin cultures, usually involve foreknowledge of the New World. In other words, Columbus wasn’t sailing blind. Which one is correct?

    How do we know that anything in history is real?

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  117. Che Guava says:

    Hey, Mr. Unz,

    Very good article.

    Reading the earlier part I was thinking ‘Maybe he will miss Forrestal’ so I can make a great comment, but you got to it.

    Excuse one of my pop cultural references, but ever since reading about Forrestal, I have thought that the defenestration of the character played by Rip Torn in Nicholas Roeg’s The Man Who Fell to Earth was likely inspired by it.

    Would-be pres. for life Roosevelt’s three VPs are a great study in contrasts. Garner has many good quotes, worth looking if you have not.

    Sometimes I think Japan has a high rate of political assassinations and attempts, but the U.S.A., in that period and the 1960s, has to be the world leader outside places that are pure barbaric despotisms

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  118. @Si1ver1ock

    How do we know that anything in history is real?

    Real??? Hell, Sliver, I’m waiting for the day the cognoscenti finally admit that history is bunk.

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  119. @Che Guava

    Would-be pres. for life Roosevelt’s three VPs are a great study in contrasts.

    LOL. You do realize he WAS President for life?

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  120. @Tyrion 2

    Do you think your arguments, whereby you forgo all logic, are convincing? I cannot pick out a single properly articulated point in your post.

    [Chuckle] Jilles Dykstra cracks me up. May I help? Dykstra is irrational. He irrationally hates Jews. (Which does imply that one may rationally hate Jews, but that would be another discussion.) To accomplish that position, he dehumanizes Jews in every context in which he refers to Jews.

    Key to recognizing this are phrases like “I still am wondering, why do they not play golf, go fishing, climb mountains, or, in the Soros case, play with the grandchildren ?”

    You and I both know that Jews do those things more than most people do. So, we can conclude there is a cognitive rigidity in Dykstra from which springs irrational analyses.


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  121. JackOH says:

    We’ve had in the States maybe a half-million or so murders and suicides the past 100 years. How many of those murders and suicides have a political context, or even a directly provable political motivation, i. e., an assassination? I haven’t a clue. There’s the murder of Seth Rich, the young Democratic National Committee staffer. The Pennsylvania official Budd Dwyer committed suicide on television. Vince Foster, who’d worked with the Clintons?

    Maybe something for an amateur journalist to explore to see what America’s “banana-republicanization index” is?

    I think Steve Sailer casually asked a few years ago rhetorically how many political decisions are made by blackmail. I’ll guess the probabilities of blackmail and bribery swaying political decisions run from “rare” to “common”, and by “common” I’m thinking particularly of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert and perhaps Kurt Waldheim, who wasn’t American, of course.

    Political murders and suicides in the States? I don’t know.

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  122. I’m always skeptical when I see death by defenestration. Have you watched the Wormwood series on Netflix?

    OT, but what do you make of this effort to divide CA into three states? I’d almost be willing to see 6 senators from CA if it means you can finally win an election.

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  123. For me, the very best part of this piece was:

    In hindsight I should have asked myself whether the coups and poisonings of Roman Imperial times were accurately reported in their own day, or if most of the toga-wearing citizens of that era might have remained blissfully unaware of the nefarious events secretly determining the governance of their own society.


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  124. utu says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I hope Bernie Madoff didn’t invite you to invest with him.

    The early investors made good money in Madoff’s scheme. And I think it was decided that they did not have to return because they were very respectable people and institutions. Furthermore Madoff by pleading guilty to all charges w/o plea bargain took everything on himself and decided to shield those who got the biggest chunk of $50 billions. Where did the money go? Israel? Madoff himself took a very small fraction. He lost everything including his two sons. Probably he does not miss his silly wife who in the middle of the affair was blaming the anti-Semites for their downfall. FBI got it on tape.

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  125. utu says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Your argument seems designed solely to build up to the conclusion that whomever is good with the Jews wins, therefore best to stay good with the Jews.

    I prefer the boasting Jews like Sean over Jews like you who outwardly pretend to be in denial.

    Don’t you believe that Spanish Empire downfall occurred because they got rid of their Jews and the growth of Protestant powers of Holland and England occurred also because they accepted those expelled Spanish Jews? I heard it 1000′s times.

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  126. utu says:
    @Stan d Mute

    I’m always skeptical when I see death by defenestration.

    In Czechia where defenestrations are quite frequent they are also very skeptical. They even question the death of Bohumil Hrabal.

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  127. Che Guava says:

    By the way, the move to Cloudflare hosting is not convenient. I have a relatively good job, but a ‘phone contract with low data limit. … and never using a fuller browser except on times I am thinking I have anything to say.

    Cloudflare by default treats anybody using Opera Mini as potential DDoSer. I was using it to read this site when not inclined to post. Never making posts anywhere from work.

    Work is work.checking the weather forecasts or forthcoming events once a month is IMHO, fair, but spending long times on e-mail or posts is not.

    I am aware that many see it as a basic right, partiiclarly govt. employees of now.

    Even here, there was a scandal over ten years ago, there was a huge wave of ediiting Gundam (one type of giant robot tale, for those not to know) articles on Japanese Wikipedia from the Finance Ministry. Some had clearly been spending every working hour on it (all as anon, meaning IP address recorded). So from the IP addresses, it was easy to see that the group was all Finance Ministry.

    Another pop-culture ref., much like the scene in Gilliam’s Brazil where the staff turn the tele-screen off the old western whenever the boss appears, then back on whenever he disappears.

    Excuse my irrelevant (but interesting) meandering, but it seems to be possible to make Cloudflare settings that allow reading access by Opera Mini, a couple of other sites that have gone there for hosting seemed to do it.

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  128. utu says:
    @James Brown

    In 1992 Paul Findley wrote article about Madrid assassination plan in which he named Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey as the one who debriefed Ostrovsky in Ottawa and who warned the Secret Service about it.

    However I can’t find anything from McCloskey himself. So basically we have words of Ostrovsky and Findley only. Ostrovsky claims he is a former Mossad and Findley, we know, is a victim of AIPAC. While Findley states that McCloskey is his ‘former colleague’ and ‘associate’:

    This astounding information was relayed by one of those attending the Canadian meeting to Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey, my former colleague in Congress. McCloskey, an attorney, is my associate on the board of the Council for the National Interest, a Washington-based organization that focuses on Middle East policy. He was recently named by Bush to the National and Community Service Commission.

    he does not say that the information he got was from McCloskey. Which leaves us with Ostrovsky who might be a pathological liar and/or disnfo agent.

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  129. @utu

    I hope Ron read that. Where the Madoff loot went could be another big UR story. Has it already been explored elsewhere? I have just Googled for “where did Madoff’s $50 billion go” and a sampling of the results found that here

    it says about $10.5 billion had been recovered by February 2015.

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  130. denk says:
    @James Brown

    Yes there’s Olof Palme.

    Blum doesnt seem to be one who’d swallow the official story, may be one day he’ll get down to updating that partial list.

    meanwhile, here’s another hit at a high value target, the top Chinese scientist Xiao Xiang, who oversaw the nuclear sub/carrier prg.
    His demise was a huge blow to China’s sub./carrier development, not to mention the hundreds of collateral damages.

    ‘I am so saddened to see this happen. I am praying for all the people and families involved. I hope that all countries involved or at least several countries will do their own investigations into what caused this to happen. Everyone knows the country I live in can’t be trusted for any reason whatsoever. I hope that all involved will find peace and comfort someday, as only time will allow. If anyone would like to read the truth about world events please visit: rense dot com, globalresearch dot ca, infowars dot com. [beware] Please watch internet movies: Zeitgeist the movie, Wake up call, and ENDGAME:Blueprint for global enslavement. There is no church or religion above the TRUTH. Always search for the TRUTH, wherever it may go, whoever it may lead to.’

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  131. denk says:

    Ivan claims...

    Chavez was a stupid, socialist nut who turned an oil-producing country into a basket case where people pick through rubbish to survive


    and that gives Washington the right to take out a duly elected leader ?

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  132. The reaction is classic.
    Any criticism of jews must come from irrational hatred, so these criticisms need not be answered.
    My bottom question is not understood, possibly cannot be understood, the eternal victim identity, “Why do jews continue to throw in their own windows, causing mischief for others as collateral damage ?’.
    Jewry has, as the creationists for evolution, even an escape for criticism from jews ‘self hating jew’.
    Funny people, in fact, if it were not that they’re moving from one catastrophe to another.

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  133. gT says:
    @The Alarmist

    Ok, a frog said that first, but since food is so close to my heart, here is a how-to guide on how to make an omelette, in understandable English, can’t say I could eat this omelette though

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  134. Wade says:

    The first part of the book consists of a detailed presentation of the actual evidence regarding Forrestal’s highly suspicious death, including the numerous interviews with his friends and relatives, while the second portion focuses on the nefarious plots of the world-wide Communist movement, a Birch Society staple. Allegedly, Forrestal’s staunch anti-Communism had been what targeted him for destruction by Communist agents, and there is virtually no reference to any controversy regarding his enormous public battle over Israel’s establishment, although that was certainly the primary factor behind his political downfall.

    This passage sure caught my eye. I had come across one of Michael Collins Piper’s radio interviews on YouTube “My ‘One-Minute’ Membership In the John Birch Society” a few months ago in which he explains the likelihood of early Zionist infiltration of that organization which would have derailed any potential the organization had to expose Zionist conspiracies to their patrons:

    And here is a discussion on Piper’s own radio program of the John Birch Society.

    I also connected this with the recent revelation (to me) by Brother Nathanael Kapner that was an Israeli/Zionist backed operation from its inception. And now the book The Death of James Forrestal, under the auspices of the John Birch Society, apparently follows the same familiar pattern: facilitate readers in their efforts to explore a conspiracy, in this case Forrestal’s death. Even encourage them to conclude that it was a murder. After all, someone sooner or later will realize the official narrative is a lie. Might as well get the jump on it and corral everyone to a specific conspiracy theory pre-fabricated to exclude Zionism from the story. Indeed that seems to be The John Birch Society’s main function.

    It’s alarming that Israel and Zionism are so deeply embedded in all of our media organizations. Their reach extends far from MSM organizations like NYT, Fox News, CNN, ABC, etc. to far right/ marginalized organizations like the John Birch Society. This enables all our most important political conflicts to play themselves out without a single word being mentioned about Israel or Zionism’s role in anything. Almost everyone in the US is now “cucked.”

    As an aside I can’t tell you how thrilled that is bringing attention to Piper. It is rightly deserved. I highly recommend Michael Collins Piper’s radio shows on YouTube to other readers.

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  135. Anon[592] • Disclaimer says:

    Here’s how FDRs 3rd term VP the useful idiot Wallace was dumped at the 44 convention.

    It was the then mighty Democrat coalition of the southern White KKK and the northern labor unions led by Reuther of the auto workers union.

    The southerners hated commies and liberals. Reuther of the mighty auto workers had fought for years to keep the communists from taking over the unions.

    So the mighty coalition of proles & peasants wiped out the intellectual useful idiot wing of the Democrat party.

    Grand Kleagle, later senator Byrd led the southerners. Reuther led the unions.

    Insiders knew FDR was dying of heart disease. So did every DR and nurse who went to a movie and saw the newsreels that always featured a speech by FDR. His scrawny, sickly appearance made the heart disease obvious to medical people. So knowledge of FDRs condition was fairly well known the the public.

    It’s silly to speculate what would have happened if Wallace had been VP when FDR died.

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  136. In any case one may say that getting into trouble with jews not always ends well, from the non jewish point of view.
    Tsarist Russia and Hitler Germany are examples.
    On the other hand, the Roman empire succeeded in eradicating jewish power.
    The remedy, however, christianity to undermine judaism, contributed to the disintegration of the Roman empire.
    But, in the mentioned cases the jewish victories were Phyrric.
    Hardly any jews live in Russia, very few jews live in Germany, Poland, White Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, etc.
    I asked the question why Soros does not see he causes antisemitism, and why Netanyahu does not see he causes great harm to jews and judaism.
    I can read in four languages, it may escape USA jewry the difficulties Germans have with Israel.
    On the one hand their guilt feeling for the holocaust makes it impossible to criticise jews, on the other hand they see quite well how Israel behaves.
    Israel just exists because of jewish power in the USA, how long it will continue, anybody’s guess.

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  137. Anon[592] • Disclaimer says:
    @Seamus Padraig

    Did you block your spellcheck? It’s unbelievable what spell check does to change words. Women changed to womenswear reckless changes to recklessness.

    Often after you’ve typed the first 2 letters spell check just types in another word, it’s obvious what happened. Spell check will finish a word beginning with mis as misty before you can finish the word as misery. I just typed be intending the word to be before. It came out as befit so I had to change it

    Spell check noted Trib and completed the word as Tribute instead of Tribune.

    It’s gotten to the point that I keep an eye on what spell check types in the little box so I can correct as I go along.

    Computers have many features. Not all are useful.

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  138. Anon[592] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Every thing Ron wrote is absolutely true. But he only covered about 5 percent if it.

    McCarthy and the anti communists were absolutely right. The FDR administration was full of communists at all levels. After the Truman purge of a few of them they laid low and raised their children to be the red diaper babies who now run the countries.

    Since you’re a very, very very intelligent Jew, you should expand your reading to something more than your local Jewish community newspaper.

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  139. Wade says:

    I’ve been getting this same thing too today. The message says my browser needs to be checked first before proceeding to the site. The message makes no sense to me. Normally browsers are checked behind the scenes in javascript if and when little programming hacks are necessary to fix cross-browser issues — like when one browser handles html/CSS/javascript differently from the others, enabling the web page to adapt to the current browser. You normally don’t see a weird message “checking” your browser though. It’s very odd. I don’t know what it means.

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  140. Wade says:

    Thanks for explaining. I had been getting this message too.

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  141. @utu

    “Which leaves us with Ostrovsky who might be a pathological liar and/or disnfo agent.”

    “disnfo agent” doesn’t make sense here. Even a pathological liar can sometimes tell the truth.

    I believe that the decision to have “Palestinians terrorists “kill George Bush in Madrid was taken at the highest level and of course that includes the political establishment and Mossad.

    What Ostrovsky says in the article “Mossad, not the elected political establishment, is the real engine of policy in Israel.” is simply false.

    In fact Mossad is the elected political establishment and vice versa, which is not surprising because as everyone knows, Israel is “an Army with a state.” An army needs intelligence (Mossad).

    A civilized state has an army. A Mafia-state is an army which uses the apparatus of the state to legitimize its crimes.

    Assassination -for political and several other reasons – is just part of Israel’s DNA. It was always there, even before 48.

    True, all states use assassination as a mean to eliminate people they can’t use more softer methods.

    Why does Israel use assassination more than any other state ?

    Believing in being the chosen people has something to do with it; playing God, impunity and of course it’s very efficient.

    No one can prove that Ostrovsky is telling the truth. But no one can deny that what he’s saying is part of a long tradition.

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    • Replies: @utu
    , @Sean
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  142. Zumbuddi says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Didn’t know that, about the urn.

    Did notice that a lot of people who were friends of Bernard Baruch, as was Forrestal, ended up among the “unripe” dead.

    FDR frequently visisited Baruch while both were in the South.

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  143. Rob McX says:

    Revilo Oliver and General MacArthur claimed Truman was Jewish, but this seems unlikely.

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  144. @denk

    That one doesn’t seem very convincing to me.

    “Xiao was a native of China’s Jiangzi Province and was a graduate of Tsinghua University. He was in Brazil working on a research project with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was returning to Beijing via the flight to Paris.”

    Doesn’t seem that He was involved in anything important/secret in China.

    Sometimes accidents do happen.

    Another candidate for the list is Archbishop of San Salvador Oscar Romero. In 1980 He was gunned down inside his own church.

    I don’t understand how Blum forgot him. There is no doubt whatsoever who was behind his assassination.

    You should write to William Blum. Tell him we need another list.

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  145. renfro says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    it says about $10.5 billion had been recovered by February 2015.

    Where is the remaining 40 billion?

    Funny how money disappears.

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  146. Skeptikal says:

    Is it possible to turn off Spellcheck?

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  147. renfro says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Israel just exists because of jewish power in the USA, how long it will continue, anybody’s guess

    That is the most important truth about Israel.
    If Jewish power ends in the US then it is all over for Israel.

    The Jews for Israel and their attempts to control populations anti Israel sentiments and actions thru their bought politicians and government power is getting more and more push back from citizens in all countries. History show us that governments that keep going against their own citizens beliefs eventually fall.
    That push back is a rising tide….it is more slowly rising in the US but when it comes it will erode Jewish power and Israel in the end.

    Spanish City Votes To Boycott Israel In Defiance Of Court
    June 29, 2018 By JTA
    (JTA) — Defying multiple rulings in Spain that declared boycotting Israel illegal, the municipality of a city near Valencia declared itself an “Israeli apartheid-free space.”
    The City Council of Sagunto, a city of 64,000 inhabitants, passed a motion Tuesday declaring itself part of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel, the ACOM pro-Israel group in Madrid said in a statement Thursday. ACOM said it was preparing legal action.

    Separately, the High Court of Justice in Asturias, in Spain’s north, ruled last week that another city council’s policy of boycotting Israel was unconstitutional. The City Council of Castrillon passed a motion in August effectively boycotting Israel, Israeli businesses and companies doing business with Israel. A regional court suspended the motion and the High Court scrapped it, declaring it discriminatory, the Lawfare Project organization said.
    The Lawfare Project and ACOM have fought dozens of boycott votes against Israel in court and in talks with relevant institutions.
    Last week, a motion promoted by members of the far-left Podemos party on the City Council of Valencia, Spain’s third-largest city and a major eastern port city, was passed declaring a boycott of Israel and Valencia an “Israeli apartheid-free zone.”
    Tribunals in Spain, including the nation’s Supreme Court in three of its rulings, have voided a total of 17 boycott motions passed by municipalities. Another seven municipalities voluntarily scrapped their boycott motions under threat of legal action by ACOM

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  148. utu says:
    @James Brown

    I am in agreement with you but still I would like to hear from Paul N. “Pete” McCloskey. As far as I know he did not deny it, he did not acknowledge anything that he even knows who Ostrovsky is.
    Did he fly to Ottawa from California in late October 1991?

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  149. tyrone says:
    @Stan d Mute

    They should become a territory ,with a Trump appointed governor …….a thick, mean , marine colonel , sorry I have a vivid fantasy life.

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  150. @obwandiyag

    This poster bears watching. Here, first in the thread with some bullshit or another to try to throw things off. The hallmarks of a Zionist troll? You decide.

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  151. Wade says:

    Coytenly! I know this Curly Howard chap was a menace to society if ever there was one!

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  152. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Check out the times lines of the Spanish, English and Dutch Empires.


    Spain expelled the Jews and sponsored Columbus voyages to the Amercas. At that time. Spain had some sort of overlordship of Portugal. By 152o Spain conquered the much of the Carribbean and America. Vast supplies of Mexican gold and silver was coming to Spain

    Through Portugal it had access to Portuguese ports in Africa India China and Japan

    Around that time Ferdinand and Isabella’s daughter died. So did the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian. The only grand child of Ferdinand Isabella and Emperor Maximilian was Charles

    He became Charles V of The Holy Roman Empire and Charles 1 of Spain. Combining The Holy Roman Hapsburg and existing Spainish territories in Europe meant Spain ruled all but Poland, France Denmark parts of Germany and the few hundred miles of the Popes territory in Italy in Europe.

    That happened in 1519, just 27 years after the Jews were expelled from Spain. Then Cortez conquered Mexico and the gold and silver poured in. Then the rest of S American treasure.
    The combined Spanish Hapsburg Empire in lasted only in Charles life time. He split it between his 2 sons on his death.

    The Spanish Empre lasted until the 1820s when South America rebelled.
    Spain rose to a great European and world power as soon as the Jews were expelled. Spain remained a world power for another 330 years.

    I doubt the expulsion of the Jews helped the growth of the Spanish Empire. The 2 things just happened at the same time. But even the most brainwashed Jewish chauvinist can’t deny that the era of the Spanish Emire began when the Jews were expelled.

    But look at the facts, not Jewish propaganda.
    The Spanish Empire began the year the Jews were expelled. It stayed in power for another 330 years.


    Amsterdam was an important city but the Netherlands didn’t really exist. Part belonged to the Hapsburg Empire Duchy of Burgundy. Part belonged to tiny German Duchies Other parts were independent.

    The Dutch Empire got going more than 100 years after some Spanish Jews arrived in Amsterdam. It was colonization of Indonesia that created the Dutch Empire, not the arrival of Spanish Jews in Amsterdam 100 years before.


    England had no Empire. Scotland was independent England could barely control Ireland and Pas de Calais.

    Jews were forbidden to live in England. The English Empire began more than 100 years after 1492 with the conquest of some Caribbean Islands and the beginnings of English settlements in America

    Jews were permitted in England in the 165os, 50 years after the British began building its colonial Empire. A Jewish chauvinist would say the Jewish arrival created the British Empire.

    A historian would say the Jews were following their ancient pattern of following trade. By 1650 it was obvious that European trade was leaving the Mediterranean and moving to the Atlantic

    A big reason the Dutch Jews moved to England was to spy for the Dutch. England and the Netherlands spent the 1600s in continual naval warfare for colonies. The Dutch stated in control of Indonesia while the English conquered New Amsterdam.

    Jews spied for both the English and the Dutch. The English Jews spied for the Dutch and the Dutch Jews spied for the English.

    Only a Jewish chauvinist totally ignorant if the history of Spain, Europe and the Americas 1492 to 1830 would say that Spain declined after the Jews were expelled. Spain became one of the biggest Empires in the world after the Jews were expelled.

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  153. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Same thing happened with dozens of British newspaper and magazine pension funds. He bought the publications with the time honored method of 2 percent down and raided the pension funds which completely disappeared.

    Only an anti semite would think the money disappeared into Israel.

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  154. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    There’s a theory that the Portuguese discovered Brazil before they officially discovered it. It makes sense because Africa and Brazil are close and the Portuguese exploring the African coast may have found Brazil.

    Then there’s a legend that the Templars regularly sailed to Mexico to bring silver to Europe for centuries.

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  155. I still haven’t got around to reading her book ‘American Betrayal’, but this article reminds me of the articles I’ve read about Diana West’s work and that of her late mentor, the historian M. Stanton Evans. Evans’ book about Joe McCarthy, ‘Blacklisted by History’, is very good, I hear.

    I recall that when West’s book was first published about five years ago, the loudest criticism came from the right, particularly the Breitbart set. David Horowitz in particular seemed quite upset about West’s claim that there were hundreds of Communist or Soviet moles who held various posts in the bureaucracy of FDR’s administration. Now I’m finally more motivated than ever to get my hands on West’s and Evans’ work after reading this article, in addition to the books cited here.

    I’ve just started reading David Talbots’s book ‘The Devil’s Chessboard,’ which so far seems to strongly insinuate that Allen Dulles had a hand in JFK’s assassination. Talbot mentions in passing a Canadian spy for the British named William Stephenson, who operated in the U.S. during WW II. Stephenson was good friends with another English intelligence officer, Ian Fleming, who supposedly based his James Bond character on Stephenson. Stephenson, you see, was permitted to kill–he had a “license to kill.” And he was permitted to kill Americans that the Brits believed to be collaborating with the Nazis. Talbot, being the good FDR-worshipping liberal that he is, seems to implicitly approve.

    Now, imagine what kind of a reaction there would be if it was revealed that, say, an intelligence officer of a foreign country operated in the U.S. with impunity, with the full knowledge and approval of the U.S. government, and he roamed about killing Americans that he believed to be Communist or Soviet collaborators. (Apparently he would’ve been quite busy.) I’m pretty sure that a lot of people would suddenly raise questions about the rights of the accused, due process, etc. But if it’s the Brits killing Americans because they say they’re working for the Nazis, we’re all expected to just nod and applaude.

    And it’s fascinating, to say the least, how many very high ranking British intelligence officers in the Cold War turned out to be KGB moles. Wikipedia counts at least 25, such as Kim Philby and George Blake and a slew of others. I know there were Soviet moles in the OSS and CIA, but for the Brits spying for the KGB damn near seemed to be a rite of passage.

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  156. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    It was 3 million which was used to aid Truman’s 1948 re election and help other Democrat candidates.

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  157. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Probably not Zionist just another liberal idiot. He could be a red diaper grand baby.

    Maybe he’s a film student brainwashed about the Hollywood Ten. Even the 5th grade history books have a chapter about the evil HUAC and McCarthy.

    Every once in a while there is an obituary when some old communist dies. They are always civil rights activists and pacifists. No mention of their party membership.

    They should all be dead soon.

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  158. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    This is a wonderful article Ron. Thanks so much.

    My enlightenment came when I bought the Eugene Lyons book, Assignment in Utopia. He was the standard Russian immigrant communist radical revolutionary. When the Russian revolution happened he went to Russsia with his wife and child planning to spread the word about the Proletarian Paradise.

    He quickly turned against the Russian Revolution and Walter Duranty and the other journalists who covered up the famines, massacres and executions.

    Lyons found the Russians and life in Moscow horrible.

    He spent a lot of time at the Lux hotel in Moscow where foreign communists lived for a year or two while learning how to effect revolutions when they went home.

    He was good friends with Big Bill Haydon of the Wobblies and other American communists. Then he noticed that a lot of the Lux Hotel people suddenly disappeared, presumably executed for heresy.

    Lyons was very bourgeois. A lot of his turning against the revolution was the move from comfortable New York to the mess that was 1920s Moscow and the rude nasty Russians who dumped garbage in the street and smelled because of the lack of hot water for bathing and laundry.

    His Lux Hotel observations and his disdain for the unwashed shabby weirdo communists training for world revolution are fun to read . The happily married Lyons was schocked at the sex life in the Lux Hotel.

    It’s a good read about Russia in the 1920s and 30s. It’s a nice change from the useful idiots who went on a 3 week Protemkin Village tour and came back praising Russia and. claiming the evil “ capitalist “ Kulaks deserved to die because they obstructed the establishment of the Proletarian Paradise.

    Lyons believed Sacco and Vanzetti were innocent. They were guilty as charged.

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  159. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Venona revealed the terrifying evidence of Soviet espionage in the US by ideologically motivated Jews. Jews like White designed the economic system while other Jews employed at America’s all out effort at Los Alamos designed Atomic bombs and handed the plans over to Jewish couriers like the Cohens who took the secrets to the USSR. These people were not office cleaners who got secrets out of wastepaper baskets; county’s intellectual elite hated it, Fuch’s idea was the basis of the H bomb for goodness sake. The failure of the FBI to make a cast iron case stick against Judith Coplon shows just how they could push back. A hostile Jewish elite was a sea that Soviet agents could swim through.

    When he joined the Manhattan Project in 1942, Oppenheimer wrote on his personal security questionnaire that he [Oppenheimer] had been “a member of just about every Communist Front organization on the West Coast”.[77]

    The Jews who were not communists thought it was OK to be one.
    The creation of Israel took the stream out of socialist internationalism. The Six Day war took the steam out of the counter culture, by strengthening Zionist sympathies among the US Jewish community.

    It’s again time for nudging Israel into military Zionism. When Diaspora Jews disagree, those defending Israel always have the advantage. There is now an opportunity to tacitly encourage and support Israel into doing what even the Israel lobby dares not advocate, which is something most Jews would oppose. The last deterrent to transfers from the occupied territories (Iran) has to be destroyed (by the US) first, then expulsion of the West Bank Arabs can proceed. Jews in the West can hardly continue to argue for immigration after Israel sends its Arab problem across the river, and so the West will be saved from the Jewish critique of secure borders.

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  160. @Jake

    Lithuania was the seat of the Khazar High Command. The Whites and the Blacks were the two ruling castes, the spiritual and the military and when they came to Lithuania from Crimea in 1392 they had agreements with Vytautus that they had sovereignty, their own government, their own law, in their shtetls. They had their own parliament, the Council of the Four Lands. And the Kahals. The council and the agreements of sovereignty were lost when Poland was partitioned in 1772 between Austria, Prussia, and Russia. And we had to come up with PLAN Beth. And then Gimmel.

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  161. @manorchurch

    “Crazy Eddie” needed some place he could go to get away from the cops.

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  162. @Anon

    90% of the public did not know that FDR was paralyzed and in a wheelchair. And you say they knew he had a heart condition? How many knew that Bush is a moron? (The MSM did not tell them.)

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  163. Sean says:
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  164. Anon[598] • Disclaimer says:

    Maybe there is something to this.

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  165. @Carlton Meyer

    Wikileaks source Seth Rich was assassinated. Fox News and lefty Jimmy Dore reported this, until the Deep State put the screws on and they both retracted with bogus stories to “correct” their errors. No one talks about this anymore.

    Seth Rich = Mossad, and probably still alive. Its obvious Israel/Mossad hacked the DNC server to help Trump, not the Russians. Who is benefiting the most from Trumps win? Russia or Israel?

    Thats why theres been no real investigation into the server.

    Why? I don’t know, maybe they weren’t comfortable with Clinton after Iran nuke deal.

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  166. Patton assassination has a lot of similarities to Pat Tillman murder. He planned to to return home and become an anti-war icon, Tillman became deeply opposed to the Iraq War, confessing to his brother that he thought the war was “fucking illegal.”


    After the shooting, the Rangers destroyed evidence that would be considered critical in any criminal case, the records show. They burned Corporal Tillman’s uniform and his body armor. Months later, the Rangers involved said they did not intend to destroy evidence. “It was a hygiene issue,”

    He was shot in the forehead, THREE TIMES, and the “official” story, which changes faster than the wind, is that he was shot with an M-16.

    On fully automatic, from just about any distance, almost anyone with an M-16 can hit a solid target three times in a close proximity. But the FIRST bullet out of an M-16 into Tillman’s head wouldn’t have left anything else for the other two bullets to hit.

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  167. Wow, a 1940′s version of the Clinton Body Count.

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  168. @Anon

    Then there’s a legend that the Templars regularly sailed to Mexico to bring silver to Europe for centuries.

    Gee whillikers, Unca Anon! Tell us about Atlantis!

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  169. @redmudhooch

    But the FIRST bullet out of an M-16 into Tillman’s head wouldn’t have left anything else for the other two bullets to hit.

    Tell me … how many rounds have you fired from an M16? What is the caliber of the M16? Do you know what “FMJ” ammo is, and how it’s different from other ammo? What is the bullet weight, in grains, of an Army-issue .223 cartridge?

    You’re talking out your ass.

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  170. @Anon

    Every once in a while there is an obituary when some old communist dies. They are always civil rights activists and pacifists. No mention of their party membership.

    They should all be dead soon.

    So what? Millennials will inherit it all. It’ll be like watching a poodle try to open a dogfood can.

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  171. Two of the six important figures listed at the end of the article died from defenestration.

    Another who suffered this fate was the American scientist Frank Olson, who fell from a hotel window in 1953 –

    I wonder whether defenestration was a popular assassination technique in the mid-20th-Century and earlier, because the injuries sustained in the fall would tend to cover up any signs of an earlier struggle.

    Modern forensic techniques are much better, and can pick up tiny amounts of foreign DNA from a victim. Has there been a shift away from defenestration in favor of other assassination techniques?

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  172. ivan says:

    Nepalis can make many claims, but they have to tell a consistent story. In the period when the royal family was massacred the ruling dispensation in India was headed by the BJP, known as a supporter of Hindu causes, there is no reason for them, in particular, to take out a devout Hindu king. Maoists got their start from Indian interference? Mao was an Indian? They were insurgents who made their name by targeting Indian migrants from across the border.

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  173. denk says:
    @James Brown

    My interest was piqued by some Chinese sites which claimed Xiao Xiang was a top defence scientist , a pivotal figure in the nuclear sub/carrier program. His trip to Brazil was related to the two countries collaboration in carrier development, initiated by prez Lula [we know what happened to him !]

    In addition,

    China’s top brains in AWAC were wiped out in a plane clash.

    and, they mentioned,
    The mysterious death of over 30 top Russian scientists in recent years.

    Then there were spades of Iranian nuclear scientists murdered .

    Ian Flaming’s fundamental law of propabilities says…
    ‘Once is accident, twice a coincidence.,…….’

    Seems the plane’s debris were spread over a very wide area, indicating an disintegration in mid air, but……….
    the official report says some debris werent from AF447 !

    bUT there were eyewitness report of apparent mid air explosion,

    “Two pilots of an Air Comet flight from Lima to Lisbon saw a bright flash of light in the area where Flight 447 went down, the Madrid-based airline told CNN. The pilots have turned in their report to authorities.

    “Suddenly, we saw in the distance a strong and intense flash of white light, which followed a descending and vertical trajectory and which broke up in six seconds,” the captain wrote in the report.


    How, in the age of satellite navigation and instantaneous global communication, could a state-of-the art airliner simply vanish? It was a mystery that lasted for two years.”

    shades of Mh370 ?

    For me, the clincher is the claim that Xiao was the top man in the nuclear sub/carrier program, if thats true then Im 99% sure it’s a CIA hit.

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  174. ivan says:

    Ever since the Church Commission in the 1970s, it is US law that government agencies should not involve themselves in removing foreign heads of state with extreme prejudice. They can bomb them out of their palaces as they tried with Saddam and Gadaffi, but assassinations are against the law. The expert in constitutional law, Obama was not going to go off on a limb and face possible jail, to get rid of a small-timer like Chavez.

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  175. L.K says:

    This one and the 2 pieces on the JFK assassination were pretty good articles, Mr. Unz.

    Thanks for the great sources/references btw!

    Keep up the good work.

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  176. ivan says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The 10.5 billions, were likely from the first movers in the Ponzi scheme. Usually they would have made their money a few times over by the end of it. But for the rest, its hasta la vista baby. Mark Markopoulos had documented the fraud in excruciating detail but of course no one would listen. They don’t call it Jew York for nothing.

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    , @JackOH
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  177. ivan says:

    Top nuclear and rocket scientists are more numerous than you think, denk. The technologies are more that fifty years old. Maybe something like this would be plausible in Goldfinger’s time. Move on to the 21st century, boss.

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  178. @utu

    “Did he fly to Ottawa from California in late October 1991?” – Don’t know.

    But I know that it’s impossible to prove that Mossad killed or had a plan to kill someone.
    Reasonable people just know that one of the main missions of Mossad is to kill the “enemies” of the Jewish state.

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  179. Sean says:
    @James Brown

    But John Connally (though a Dem) was responsible for saving Bush’s political career by insisting that he be given a job by Nixon. Yet Connally is tied into the big job in Dallas by being there and being a close associate of LBJ. Bush conceivably got a free pass just because he is a sort of Texan, but he is in the oil business –hardly someone the Israelis would be happy with in principle. If LBJ did it, it seems very strange his conspiracy was so free with its favours.

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  180. @Anon

    “they laid low and raised their children to be the red diaper babies that etc.” If true many a parent would like to know how they did it. If that sounds sceptical, even cynical, still it is a genuine expression of interest in any facts or theory you can enlarge on it with.

    The ex Trotskyite Neo cons have to be regarded as one negative set. And look at the extraordinary rise in the number of Americans not professing any religion….. Back to you.

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    , @Anon
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  181. geokat62 says:

    Mark Markopoulos

    It was Harry Markopoulos.

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  182. “But if Wallace had not been replaced or if Roosevelt had died a year earlier, the consequences for the country would surely have been enormous.”

    Yeah, no shit. Here’s what Wallace said.

    “President Truman… proposed, in effect, that America police Russia’s every border. There is no regime too reactionary for us provided it stands in Russia’s expansionist path. There is no country too remote to serve as the scene of a contest which may widen until it becomes a world war.”


    “The President’s [loyalty oath] Executive Order creates a master index of public servants. From the janitor in the village post office to the Cabinet members, they are to be sifted, and tested and watched and appraised.”

    OMFG, he’s questioning war propaganda and the red-scare mass hysteria. He’s asserting rights and rule of law. He’s showing a grain of common sense.

    Unz’s ‘revisionist’ history is actually a return to boilerplate Democrat party campaign rhetoric. Here it is, from Truman’s yap:

    “The attempt of Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, et al. to fool the world and the American Crackpots Association, represented by Jos. Davies, Henry Wallace, Claude Pepper, and the actors and artists in immoral Greenwich Village, is just like Hitler’s and Mussolini’s so-called socialist states.”

    Even back then, this was never going to fool anyone but Birchers. But Unz seems to fall for it all over again because of the cloak-and-dagger VENONA mystique. How come you can be objective about TrumpPutinStalinHitler but you fall for WallaceStalinTrotskyLeninHitler?

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  183. JackOH says:

    Ivan, Harry Markopolos’s No One Would Listen is worth a read by anyone concerned about the quality of people who govern the United States.

    I can’t find my lengthy online review from a few years back, but a few points I recall from memory.

    (1) Markopolos, a mathematically trained finance guy, says he knew within five minutes that something was amiss with Madoff’s trading,

    (2) Markopolos began his investigation into Madoff because Markopolos’s employers wanted him to duplicate Madoff’s results, which he didn’t believe could be legally done. He was trying to save his job, his career, and his reputation,

    (3) If my memory’s okay, there’s a foreword to the book that notes explicitly that it’s common to punish the misconduct of smaller traders and brokerage houses, while leaving the misconduct of major players untouched.

    For me, Markopolos’s book was an outstanding example of how a little guy, Markopolos, is forced into a hellish fight-flee-collaborate-surrender decision by corrupt and lazy big boys.

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  184. @ploni almoni

    That jarred some memories loose!

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  185. @redmudhooch

    Hellary was opposed to the Iran nuke deal. That’s why Obama waited until she was gone from State to begin negotiating it. He had to get John Kerry in there first.

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  186. imbroglio says:

    Ron doesn’t seem very grateful for his existence being that he wouldn’t be here but for America’s entry into World War II. And here’s a Jew telling us that ZOG is real. Maybe Ron, too, has fallen under the ax to be replaced by a counterfeit.

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  187. Rich says:
    @Lit Dog

    I’ve got to disagree with you. Being against “anti-Semitism” doesn’t make the Birchers neo-conservatives. There may actually be a group of Jews doing nefarious things, but that doesn’t mean that the whole ethnic group needs to be blamed. I don’t blame every German for what Hitler did, or every Russian for Stalin’s deeds, or every American for the criminal acts of W Bush and Obama. The Birchers deciding to blame the leftists, the communists, of which there were people of many ethnic groups including Jewish, was actually a wise thing to do. Buckley’s managing to convince mainstream conservatives that the Birchers were fanatics is evidence that he was up to something nefarious.

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  188. @Sean

    “If LBJ did it, it seems very strange his conspiracy was so free with its favours.”

    LBJ did what ? I was trying to tell “utu” that I believe Mossad/Israel Establishment had a plan to kill George Bush Sr in Madrid in 1991. LBJ of course couldn’t have done nothing. He was more than dead in 1991.

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  189. @Wizard of Oz

    The ex Trotskyite Neo cons have to be regarded as one negative set. And look at the extraordinary rise in the number of Americans not professing any religion….. Back to you.

    That’s a new one — Trotsky as the perpetrator/instigator of rising American lack of religiosity.

    Those goddamn old commies never stop.

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  190. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    FDRs heart condition was well known to insiders. In the last two years of his life his condition deteriorated. DRs and nurses who saw him in the weekly newsreels noticed his condition

    The general public didn’t know but insiders did know about his heard condition.

    Wallace was the third term VP The third term was 41 to 45. FDR died in April 1945. Had Wallace been VP he would have served the full term.

    There were 3 factions in the Democrat party at the time, the intellectuals, the northern union led working class and the southern segregationists

    Today the candidates are decided by the primaries. In 1944 the candidates were decided at the party conventions. The southern segregationists and the northern working class prevailed. Truman became VP instead of Wallace. VP Truman became president when FDR died of his heart problems.

    Someone asked what happened at the Democrat nominating convention that replaced VP Wallace with VP Truman. I answered

    That’s what happened. What’s to argue about?

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  191. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I read Markopolus’ book.

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  192. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Wonderful article. George Kennan was a diplomat during the era. One of his books relates how the state department Soviet archives were destroyed in the 30s on orders of the FDR administration.

    Since 1917 the state department kept intensive records on Russia and its Comintern. Comintern was its world wide revolutionary movement.

    The FDR administration ordered those archives destroyed. So the useful information disappeared. Kennan was stationed in Russia when FDRs pro Soviet ambassador Bullit was there covering up the famines and purges.

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  193. @Anon

    FDRs heart condition was well known to insiders. In the last two years of his life his condition deteriorated. DRs and nurses who saw him in the weekly newsreels noticed his condition

    Not “heart condition”. He died of cerebral hemorrhage likely precipitated by atherosclerosis.

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    , @Wizard of Oz
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  194. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The weather underground, SDS and the rest of the White radical groups in the 1960s and 70s were the children of 1930s radicals who were forced to lay low after HUAC and Truman exposed them.

    For instance Kathy Boudin. She was one of the weather underground who robbed a bank and nurdered a police officer. She was convicted of murder and served a long term. Her son with a black panther was adopted and raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadette Dorhn bat friends of Barack Obama’s.

    Kathy Boudin is the daughter of Leonard Boudin member of the CPUSA and attorney for the party.

    After release from prison for murder and bank robbery Boudin immediately was hired by Columbia university as director of some radical Center for Justice.

    She even attended the CPUSA radicalnpricste school in NYC, The Little Red School House. The communists and radicals had a whole network of radical summer camps and private schools for their kids. And of course the children and teens were throughly indoctrinated at home.

    Obama’s Mother Anne Dunham was a red diaper baby, raised by her leftist parents to be a radical. Grandpa Stanley Dunham’s best friend the entire time they lived in Hawaii was Frank Marshal David’s head of the Hawaii CPUSA.

    I don’t believe you had the same generation to generation radical revolutionaries in Australia. Nor did you have the immigrant group that comprised the majority of the radicaks

    Mormons raise their kids Mormon. Radicals raise their kids radicals.

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  195. Giuseppe says:

    We are a nation with the body of a dinosaur but controlled by the brain of a flea.

    For some time the flea brain has been directing the dinosaur body down the path to catastrophe and extinction.

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  196. denk says:

    Mao was an Indian?

    How did you figure that one out, genius ?

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  197. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Birchers Unzipped

    The Soviets regarded their acquisition of 11 Central European countries aftervWW2 and the communist take over of China as just the beginning.

    The Soviets planned to acquire Western Europe as well. That’s why even England suddenly turned socialist after WW2. The capitalists figured they would have to give the working class a better life to avoid communist revolution in Western Europe.

    Between 1945 and 1948 the Russian occupation forces and native communists installed communist governments in 11 nations in Eastern Europe. The native communists had spent the war in Russia training to take over when the war ended

    When the Russians arrived and the Germans retreated in 1945, the Russians had extensive lists of people who could be leaders of post war non communist governments

    Those men were killed. The communists took over and 50 years of hell ensued.

    The communists were defeated in France. During the summer and fall of 1944 there was a mini civil war in southern France between the communists and deGualle’s anti communists. 10,000 were killed. The anti communists won in France.

    Because they were backed by the Russian occupation troops the communists won those mini civil wars in Central Europe.

    Greece could have been taken over by communists after the WW2. But the anti communists fought and killed and established a non communist government.

    It can’t be determined what Wallace and his communist backers could have done had he become president when FDR died.

    It really doesn’t matter now. The major difference is that the 1960s radicals changed from class warfare to race warfare. So now all Whites are Kulaks and enemies to be exterminated.

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  198. denk says:

    Ever since the Church Commission in the 1970s, it is US law that government agencies should not involve themselves in removing foreign heads of state with extreme prejudice.

    in the 70′s
    uncle sham officially stopped bumping off foreign leaders , supporting HMDL, producing bio weapons…
    and started from a clean slate you mean ?

    Read the fine print, uncle sham , officially stopped…

    They can bomb them out of their palaces as they tried with Saddam and Gadaffi, but assassinations are against the law. The expert in constitutional law, Obama was not going to go off on a limb and face possible jail,

    While Obama the law expert went on to bomb more countries than certified war criminal Bush !


    Dont be daft,

    This is the USA……Murder Inc,
    licensed to kill, since 1785

    to get rid of a small-timer like Chavez.

    They almost succeeded in 2011 coup, but the people on the streets demanded and got their prez back.
    They finally got him with extreme prejudice/

    a murder is a murder by any other name.

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  199. TheJester says:
    @The Alarmist

    [Nixon] puts up token resistance by firing Cox, but never spills the beans on what he truly knows about the Deep State. More importantly, knowing the outcome of JFK, he walks away and never says anything of substance about those who took him down. Code of Omerta.

    You’ve covered the ground. Nixon evidently reached the reasonable conclusion that a quiet retirement, even in the face of the humiliation as the first president to resign, was preferable to the mock encomiums that would come from the MSM at his funeral.

    Roger Stone has some interesting insights on Nixon’s plight and the Deep State from the candid Saturday mornings he spent with Nixon after Nixon’s resignation.

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  200. denk says:

    There’r only five countries capable of producing nuke sub/carrier.


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  201. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s a legend. I posted the legend that the Templars sent ships west and they returned loaded with silver.

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  202. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Artheroscolerosis IS a heart disease. Plaque builds up in the arteries to the point the heart can’t pump blood thru the clogged arteries.

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  203. denk says:
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  204. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @James N. Kennett

    If a defenestration or in the case of Patton a car crash victim survives he can always be killed in the hospital.

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  205. @Anon

    Thanks. I have to concede that members of my extended family who were Communists in the 30s produced children who all voted left.

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  206. @Anon

    It’s a legend. I posted the legend that the Templars sent ships west and they returned loaded with silver.

    I think you can take a little ribbing?

    Ref. the lure of silver, which, in the New World is going to be a Central American product, I wonder a bit about the rumors of America that would have resulted from the brief Viking colonization effort? No gold, no silver, serious hardship … and the Vikings definitely “got around” quite a bit in Europe, even North Africa. Any rumors of the Viking colony in the New World would have suppressed European adventurism for years, even centuries, as far as westward conquest was concerned.

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  207. @denk

    There’r only five countries capable of producing nuke sub/carrier.

    Russia, USA, England, France, Pakistan, India, China, Israel, North Korea.


    Many more are capable of bringing weapons on-line, if so motivated.

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  208. prusmc says: • Website
    @Deus X. Nihilo

    Please name some of the Axis sympathizers killed by Stephenson.

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  209. @Anon

    Thank you for your eschatological phantasmagoria of delusional ideations. All are charming and droll. Some are quite thought-provoking!

    So if England turned socialist and natives in 11 nations wanted communism, then why didn’t you let them have what they want? Just cause you’re content with shit US medical care, education, labor rights, and old-age pensions, why do they have to put up with it too? Just cause you’re content with your worthless shit bill of rights, why do they have to settle for the equally shitty ECHR instead of real rights like grownup countries get?

    During the summer and fall of 1944 there was a mini civil war in southern France between the communists and deGaulle’s anti communists… Mhm-hm. Then CIA tried, and failed, to kill De Gaulle.

    Why? Because nobody in your government gives a rat’s ass about communists. Nobody in America does, except you old brainwashed VFW types.

    Look, you never went to Harvard like Huntington. And they would not let you on the CFR or the Trilateral Commission, so maybe you don’t know this, but Huntington (and all those guys) talk about you like this: “you may have to sell [shipping Anon away to get his nuts blown off with an IED] in such a way as to create the misimpression that it is the Soviet Union that you are fighting. That is what the United States has done ever since the Truman Doctrine.”

    Anon, you never fought a communist. It was somebody else who kicked your ass over there. So relax on your favorite patriotic day of glory. Kick back, pound another beer, blow up a beaver dam with a bunch of dynamite.

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  210. @Anon

    Athero, not arthero.

    No, it is not heart disease; plaque is an arterial condition associated with circulatory failure, clots, thromboses, etc. In 1944, FDR was being treated by a cardiologist, but FDR died from brain hemorrhage, not heart disease.

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  211. Hu Mi Yu says:

    This fascinating account documented the long-hidden early 1940s campaign by British intelligence agents to remove all domestic political obstacles to America’s entry into World War II. A crucial aspect of that project involved the successful attempt to manipulate the Republican Convention of 1940

    Another well-known anti-war patriot who died suddenly at that time was Marine Corps General Smedley Butler. While wikipedia does not indicate anything suspicious, it is noteworthy that he suddenly came down with a suspected cancer in June of 1940. He died on June 21 in the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia. I have met many people who thought his death was suspicious. His 1935 book War is a Racket leaves no doubt which side he was on.

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  212. Lugh says:

    When a Chess Master makes a move, does he necessarily have only one intention in mind? There is simply no conflict between Morgenthau or White punishing the Germans out of ethnic hatred and simultaneously wanting them to turn towards the Soviets. If you think there is, the limitation is all yours. As the old saying goes, Two birds with one stone.

    I would of course say the previous intention is deeper. Stalin come to the same conclusion: for many Jews, Communism was just a vehicle for ethnic advancement. When Western Capitalism began to seem more promising, they were entirely willing to jump ship. They simply don’t “believe” in things the way we do. They believe in Themselves. We could learn from them in this.

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  213. Sean says:
    @James Brown

    Bush almost certainly would not have been president if Connally had not saved him. Why, if Connolly was part of LBJ’s ruthless and corrupt machine, would that machine have resurrected Bush.? Connally could easily have become president himself, there was a move to give him the nomination instead of Reagan . i think the putative conspiracy LBJ founded would not have wanted the outsider Bush around to compete in Texas with Connally.

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  214. Sean says:
    @Hu Mi Yu

    Writing books proves nothing. If you want to know where Butler stood, look at what he did when he had some power. What people, like Trotsky for instance, did is the thing, not their theories. It has been noted that Mark Lane played a part in the Jonestown tragedy.

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  215. Sean says:

    Stevenson was a notorious liar and Munchhausen . He claimed to have invented television and jet engines.

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  216. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Laymen such as myself call it heart disease. The medical profession calls it cardio vascular disease. The heart, arteries and veins are all the same system.

    The medical profession terms it the cardio vascular system because the 3 components can’t can’t be separated.

    My point was not exactly how FDR died. My point was that insiders knew he hadn’t long to live and that if he died Wallace would become president.

    From 1943 on he looked so sickly that Drs and nurses who saw him in the weekly newsreels noticed.

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  217. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Mark Lane was part of a whole network of nationwide radical attorneys and activists. Jim Jones Peoples Temple had plenty of radical and liberal attorneys and supporters.

    When People’s Temple became known Mark Lane inserted himself into it.

    It’s interesting that no San Francisco black politicians like Willie Brown, Percy Pinckney, Betty Simon Cecil Williams John Dearman all stayed well away from Jim Jones and his Temple.

    When he was in San Francisco Jones had thug bodyguards. When anyone asked why this Protestant minister do gooder who ran foster homes and old folks homes and preached peace love racial harmony and peace on earth need those thug bodyguards the answer was always that the omnipresent all powerful CIA was out to get Jones.

    Why would the CIA want to kill Jones? The explanations were incoherent but basically Jones wanted Peace on Earth and the CIA didn’t. Some say CIA killed Bob Marley because he was a pacifist.

    Not all the Peoples Temple members drank poison kool aid. Many of them, especially the men were shot by the thug bodyguards.

    After the massacre every White liberal in San Franciso was screaming the CIA did it.

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  218. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I am probably more aware of 20th century american history than most americans of my generation. There are certainly plenty of people who know more than I do, but I am far from ignorant on the subject.

    I was not aware that Wendell Wilkie was a life-long Democrat. I don’t recall anyone drawing attention to this fact in any of the magazine articles, popular histories, documentaries, or pundit shows I have seen. Most people are probably unaware of it. It is highly strange that a relatively obscure life-long Democrat, who was never elected to public office, became the Republican nominee for President, over and above party luminaries like Robert Taft and Thomas Dewey. Mr. Unz is quite right that this is a rather singular and highly suspicious historical oddity.

    How would you explain it?

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  219. Hu Mi Yu says:

    Writing books proves nothing. If you want to know where Butler stood, look at what he did when he had some power. What people, like Trotsky for instance, did is the thing, not their theories.

    It doesn’t seem as if you know anything about Gen. Butler. He never had power. An older person I knew who was politically active in the 1930s and 40s once told me about a conspiracy to overthrow the US government run by a group called the Liberty Lobby (not to be confused with the postwar organization of the same name). I was never fond of conspiracy theories, but years later I checked this one out.

    Butler became widely known and popular for his public support for the veterans bonus marchers in 1932. He was present when Gen. MacArthur ordered the cavalry to attack the assembled demonstrators, and he declared himself a “Hoover-for-Ex-President-Republican“. Apparently the Liberty Lobby foolishly attempted to recruit Butler as a front man and dictator.

    He became widely known for his outspoken lectures against war profiteering, U.S. military adventurism, and what he viewed as nascent fascism in the United States.

    He died suddenly during the 1940 Republican convention.

    His book can be read online:

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  220. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    If White wasn’t pro Soviet then why did he send the authentic plates for US currency to Russia?

    You might be right that Jews just used communism for Jewish advancement.
    In America they used the blacks and did their best to take over the labor movement. The gay movement was Jewish led. At one time 100 the 125 largest gay organizations were staffed and led by Jews. The first feminists were all Jews.

    Both my city councilman and county board of supervisor representive are gay jews, a man and a woman
    They’ve been spending their days down at the federal building protesting ICE detaining illegals.

    Back when NAACP was a Jewish majority and led organization it was against illegal immigrants because illegals took jobs from blacks. Now the Jewish leadership is all for illegal Hispanics
    Trans genderism is the latest cause.
    Who knows what their next cause will be.

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  221. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I see you can google death of FDR and arteriosclerosis. You must be very intelligent.

    Google some medical sites and you’ll see it’s all cardio vascular disease.

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  222. denk says:

    Im talking about nuclear powered subs./aircraft carriers.

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  223. @Anon

    From 1943 on he looked so sickly that Drs and nurses who saw him in the weekly newsreels noticed.

    IIRC, he was only 62. A smoker, however. Still knocking the bottom out of Lucy Mercer et al.

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  224. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    The book A Man Called Intrepid relates how Stevenson established a British spy & propaganda service based in Rockefeller Center.

    The whole purpose was to drag America into the war. The book presents the operation as praise worthy. One of the villains in the book was FBI head Hoover who objected to the presence of a foreign secret service operating so openly in America. The rent utilities office machines were all free thanks to the Rockefellers.

    The theme of the book is that in 1939 America was a country of evil hillbilly ignorant KKK Nazi sympathizers who refused to acknowledge its responsibility to once again save Britain from another war with Germany w

    The Holy Saint Franklin the Roosevelt and the Jews in his administration could not drag America into the war alone. So the wise Mother Country Britain wisely sent its secret service to enlighten the yokels.

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  225. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Birchers Unzipped

    Your ignorant assumptions about my politics age and veteran status are totally absolutely wrong. How dare you call me an American patriot. I’m the exact opposite.

    “I hates this yankee nation and everything they do. I’m glad I fought it all I could. And I hates the striped banner too”

    The facts are; the Roosevelt administration was full of communists sympathizers and some were soviet spies. The Los Alamos nuclear facility was full of them. A regular courier service went from New York to Alberquerque where the couriers gave the information. to the couriers then to New York and Russia.

    Deny it as much as you like, the FDR administration was full of communists and they raised children to be 1960s revolutionaries.

    I didn’t need the Venona records to know about FDR’s communists. I knew all about them decades before the Venona records were revealed.

    All it takes is the ability to read and an open mind not closed by the New York Times New Republic The Nation and the rest of the liberal media.

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  226. Sean says:

    Lane also represented James Earl Ray, and used a press conference about Jonestown to talk about the alleged conspiracy that proved his client was innocent. Lane was also the lawyer for Oswald’s mother, who saw through the conspiracy to frame Oswald. She had less of an axe to grind too.

    On September 27, 1978, newly-hired Peoples Temple attorney Mark Lane presented the Jonestown leadership with a 10-page plan to counter the forces of “conspiracy” aligned against it. The plan was an ambitious one: it anticipated a “full-scale investigation” into the Temple’s critics, U.S. government agencies, and the press, as well as proactive legal, public relations and fundraising campaigns. The result of the activities would be “the filing of a multi-million dollar action” against everyone who “participated in the campaign against the People’s Temple.”On November 1 – about two months after Mark Lane’s first contact with Jonestown, and slightly more than a month after annou ncement of the Counter Offensive – Richard Tropp wrote to the San Francisco Chronicle to complain about the lack of coverage of Mark Lane’s efforts to uncover the conspiracy, and charged that the newspaper’s silence was part of the problem that the Temple had in getting a fair hearing. Within two weeks, the Chronicle would have one of its reporters accompanying Leo Ryan to Jonestown.

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  227. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Hu Mi Yu

    Excellent point. Smedley spent his life in the military and rose to be General. When comfortably retired on his military pension he wrote a book denouncing the military as a tool of bankers and imperialists.

    There’s an old French saying Don’t listen to what he says. Look at what he does.

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  228. @manorchurch

    Your connection, not mine.

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  229. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    He moved 3,000 miles to insert himself into the People’s Temple.

    Jones was just another grant hustling poverty pimp NGO hustler. When he was in Ukiah they set up group homes for kids and made a lot of money.

    Their big financial base was elderly blacks, mostly widows. He conned them into selling their paid for homes, moving giving him the proceeds move into his group homes for the elderly and turn over their social security and pensions to the Temple.

    He claimed the old ladies were poverty stricken and he was caring for them. But they weren’t poor at all.

    Their homes cost maybe three four thousand in 1945. They were sold for
    50 60 thousand in the 1970s. Married Black women of that generation usually worked. Those were the great days of working class prosperity Most jobs had pensions. So these women had pensions and social security as well as the husbands pension.

    So they had maybe $1,200 income a month which was good in the mid 70’s
    They gave the proceeds of the house sale and their income to Jones when they moved into his group homes.

    He had 4 people in each bedroom on 2 sets of bunks. He fed them on potatoes rice and oatmeal. San Francisco homes are small. The bedrooms and other rooms are small.

    That’s where much of his money came from, cheating old ladies out of their homes and pensions.

    I wasn’t really aware of the Temple until the massacre in Guyana.

    I heard a few things about someone cheating old black ladies. His thug bodyguards got in trouble with the police and the liberals claimed he needs the body guards because the omnipotent and all powerful CIA was out to get him because he was a fighter for civil rights and peace.

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  230. @manorchurch

    When someone’s cardiovascular condition was as bad as FDR’s it would increase the chances of early death by stroke as well as heart attack.

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  231. @prusmc

    Talbot doesn’t name any in his book. He simply reports that that was what Stephenson did.

    From the book, p. 22:

    “Stephenson was even authorized to kill members of the Nazi network in the United States–including German agents and pro-Hitler American businessmen–using British assassination teams. One of the men considered for elimination was none other than Dulles business partner Gerhard Westrick. (The big-spending Hitler lobbyist was eventually simply deported.) It was this decidedly ungentlemanly Stephenson tactic that inspired Fleming to grant his hero ‘the license to kill.’”

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  232. FB says:
    @Mao Cheng Ji

    …Lol. Even when it’s done by the OSS/CIA, it’s still done by the Soviets. Nice. You really go far and beyond the usual anti-communist drivel…’

    Yup…I was impressed with the author’s JFK series, but this piece is so ideologically laden that it cannot possibly move under its own power…

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  233. @Hu Mi Yu

    “He never had power.”

    You mean he never had political power. You can’t say a “Brigadier General – America’s most decorated soldier” never had power.

    In fact, it’s because he had power, prestige, credibility that he was invited to lead a “fascist corporate plot to seize the white house”, according to the mainstream historians, which means, it’s a probably a lie. Not the plot, but what one reads about the conspirators and their motives.

    Knowing that the “fascists” were already in the white house, maybe those “fascists” preparing the coup weren’t so bad.

    With benefit of hindsight one can say it was probably the last opportunity to destroy the “corrupt military industrial complex” that Smedley D. Bustler served for many years.

    MIC that he realized later was the main problem and that it must be destroyed.

    Unfortunately for America and the world, the man was naîve. He didn’t know that those dark forces that control America didn’t believe in Democracy and can’t be destroyed through the ballot box.

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  234. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    How would I explain a lifelong non-Republican with no political experience becoming the Republican nominee for President over and above 16 party luminaries?

    Well, the answer wouldn’t be simple. I couldn’t just say some sort of Macguffin did it. Like ‘foreign espionage’. That’d be deranged, given the complexity of the question.

    Am I being too subtle?

    The Russians did it! They hacked the election. Trump colluded. The voters were brainfucked by the Brits at Cambridge Analytica. How else would you explain Trump being elected actual President? All of the experts said it could never happen. Oh, how they laughed…

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  235. Sean says:

    Butler subscribed to the left wing analysis in which Fascism was a tool of the business class. It could not be the workers who were behind it because they were unwilling to take the pain necessary to restore economic stability, could it? Economically, the New Deal was a program of forced cartelisation and not too different to the solution used in Germany.

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  236. Sean says:
    @Mr. Anon
    Roosevelt, Churchill, and…Willkie?
    Charles Peters on how a little-known utilities executive saved civilization. [...] The candidate who most closely resembled Willkie was probably Wesley Clark. Had the former general and onetime Republican voter decided to jump into the presidential race a year earlier, chosen cleverer advisors, and not conceded Iowa, I think the probability is high that he would have won the nomination, and maybe the presidency.

    Well he was quite similar to Connally, who there was a move to give the nomination to Connally the corperate fixer instead of Reagan. Connaly only lacked the common touch.I would say Wilkie being nominated was explicable as big business wanting an anti-regulation candidate who was non isolationist. Staying out the war would continue to fllatline l the economy, so Dewey could not be allowed to to present a true isolationist choice to the voters as far as business and those who did not want to be facing a superpower Nazi Germany in a few decades were concerned. In the event Wilkie did so badly that he had to start espousing isolationism to get a reasonable number of votes.
    However, Roosevelt was always on excellent terms with Wilkie, who was his Mini-me in forign policy at least. If Wilkie had won and become president history would not have been very different.You cannot say that about Dewey Taft or Vandenberg.. The US wanted to remain the world’s most powerful country, under Dewey that would have been in serious doubt. Wilkie was an overweight chain smoker.

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  237. @TheJester

    Thanks for the reference.

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  238. @Anon

    I’ll do you one better: FDR was a closet commie and a willing accomplice of the COMINTERN. He knew he couldn’t sell it directly without the situation in the US being truly desperate, and even then he had to stay closeted and simply hold onto power as long as possible to get commie players into all the key posts.

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  239. @Anon

    How gratifying to encounter an individual who is insulted to be taken for a patriot. You’re all right.

    So we agree. Nobody in the government minded communism during the Roosevelt administration. Nobody minded communism afterwards, either. What changed is that CIA demonized communism so they could pin the label on domestic political enemies to destroy them.

    As a proud unamerican, you’re probably aware that the most effective way to dismantle the criminal regime you’re stuck in is to sign up with the most radical black groups. You can, you know. They have nothing against whites, they only fight white-supremacist states.

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  240. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    How would I explain a lifelong non-Republican with no political experience becoming the Republican nominee for President over and above 16 party luminaries?

    Well, the answer wouldn’t be simple. I couldn’t just say some sort of Macguffin did it. Like ‘foreign espionage’. That’d be deranged, given the complexity of the question.

    Am I being too subtle?

    Subtle? No, you are clearly talking about Donald Trump. Subtle? No. Disingenuous and/or ignorant, Yes.

    Presidents are elected very differently now than they were in 1940. Primaries then, if they existed at all, were mostly for show. And, in any event, Wilkie never even ran in them. Now, the results of primaries actually do select the Presidential candidates of the two parties. Perhaps you are unaware of this given that you are not an American, but rather are a british subject, or at least pretend to be.

    Donald Trump’s election was singular. He was the first President ever elected, perhaps the first major party nominee who had never either 1.) held high elective office, or 2.) been a famous wartime general. Trump won because: 1.) he was a famous, nationally known personage and had been for nearly 30 years, 2.) was rich enough to finance his own campaign in its early stages, and 3.) actually advocated things that a large disaffected fraction of Republican voters supported.

    In contrast, Wilkie had never held elective office, was never a general (nor had distinguished wartime service, nor even saw combat). He was a corporate lawyer who advocated a position largely at variance with the rank-and-file of a party he joined less than a year before securing its nomination on the sixth ballot at a brokered convention.

    So again, I ask you – knower of all things – how do you explain Wilkie’s meteoric rise from obscurity to being the GOP’s nominee in 1940? Don’t evade the question, as you’re previous reply did, just tell us how you think he did it.

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  241. Mr. Anon says:

    Well, that’s one magazine article that mentioned Wilkie’s background.

    Connally had held elective office – he had been governor of Texas. Again, it should be emphasized: prior to Donald Trump’s election, every President had either 1.) held high elective office, or 2.) been a famous wartime general, or 3.) helped create the country in the first place (Adams, Jefferson, Madison). I believe it is the case that, prior to Donald Trump, every nominee of both major parties had met those same three criteria. The two outliers are Donald Trump, and………….Wendell Wilkie.

    In the event Wilkie did so badly that he had to start espousing isolationism to get a reasonable number of votes. However, Roosevelt was always on excellent terms with Wilkie, who was his Mini-me in forign policy at least.

    One might conclude from that, that Wilkie had no intention of winning, and that winning was not the real intent of his campaign.

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  242. @Wizard of Oz

    When someone’s cardiovascular condition was as bad as FDR’s it would increase the chances of early death by stroke as well as heart attack.

    Jeepers, Wiz, calm the hell down! All I did was point out that FDR died from cerebral hemorrhage, not heart attack.

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  243. Alden [AKA "Vera Figner"] says:

    The article is not ideologically driven. It’s the truth.

    FDR’s administration was packed full of communists. Among other things they stole information from our atom bomb facility and sent it to Russia.

    When he died Truman got rid of some of them.

    When a known communist treasury secretary sends authentic currency plates to Russia so the could print millions of dollars of counterfeit US money, that’s spying for the enemy.

    I thought all the old communists and defenders of the Russian gulags were dead.

    I guess not.

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  244. Alden [AKA "Vera Figner"] says:
    @Birchers unzipped

    The CIA didn’t demonize communism after ww2. They demonized themselves 1917 to 1960 by what they did in Russia and what they did 1944 to 1990 in Eastern Europe and by their attempt to take over Greece and Iran by violence and nursery.

    The millions of Russians who fled west to Europe, east to China and thence to America and south to Turkey reported about the massacres and murder squads and confiscation of property.

    Some of the Chinese Russians had to flee communism twice, first to China in 1918 and then to the west coast of America in 1948.

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  245. Sean says:

    Last September, Mark Lane was proclaiming Jonestown a socialist paradise and professing that he had found a conspiracy within the United States Government to destroy the Peopie’s Temple and Its founder, the Rev. Jim Jones. [...]

    Mr. Lane had been quoted as saying he had kept to himself a warning from someone in the Temple that sandwiches to be served to the Ryan party were poisoned or treated with drugs, and had avoided eating any of them himself. Mr. Lane has denied making such a comment, but last week the Guyana Broadcasting Service reported that Mr. Lane had made essentially the same remarks in a tape‐recorded interview a few days after the Jonestown deaths. And the chief counsel for the People’s Temple, Charles Garry, who left Jonestown with Mr. Lane shortly before the mass deaths, says Mr. Lane made a similar statement to him that night in the Guyana jungle.

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  246. FB says:

    So says this article…

    But those assertions have not been treated with the due diligence and healthy skepticism that we saw in the JFK essay…in fact there is nothing at all to back up those assertions…

    What is described here as ‘communists’ in FDR’s inner circle is not actually clearly defined or supported with anything…were these personalities left-leaning…probably…but so was a large part of the population who had been dispossessed and kicked to the curb in the depression and dust bowl years…the only decade where the US saw a sharp decline in population growth…see Grapes of Wrath and the final scene especially…

    This kind of context is entirely missing from the treatment here which is very breezy and in fact fatally so…

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  247. Sean says:
    @Mr. Anon

    The Myth of American Isolationism [...]
    There is a subtle difference in what these literatures mean by isolationism. Research on public opinion and American foreign policy and on cyclical trends in foreign policy portray isolationism as a belief system or “mood” characterized by a desire for unconditional noninvolvement in world affairs.10 Discussions of American grand strategy, by contrast, focus on the extent to which the United States actually does involve itself in foreign affairs in general: isolationist states are those that choose not to do so.11 The first is a question of preference, the second a question of action.

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  248. Alden [AKA "Vera Figner"] says:

    It’s well known that FDR, Hitler and most W. European countries after WW2 modeled their economies after Mussolini’s 1920 fascist reforms.

    Fascism, capitalism socialism they all seem to work pretty well. Communism never works despite all the theories and excuses and the fact that every idiot intellectual useful idiot for the last 140 years has favored it.

    China dumped communism for fascism. Now it’s thriving and the workers are treated and paid pretty well according to all the business publications.

    The best most wonderful thing about fascism is that’s it’s nationalistic. A fascist government admits it can’t employ and care for the entire population of the earth. A fascist economy doesn’t allow the capitalists to split the country into warring ethnic religious regional or other factions as the American government has, even giving billions of dollars s year to the warring factions

    So facist governments prevent employers from scouring the earth to bring in deprived desperate workers grateful for a sleeping bag and a bowl of rice and beans on the the floor of the cannery.

    The Germans called it national socialism. Nationalism good hiring foreign cheapest labor bad.

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  249. annamaria says:

    Are you aware of the rules in the military?
    What are your regalia and how they are comparable to Smedley Butler’s?
    He was most decorated US military person who had the courage to name the names and to explained the citizenry the role of the US military from a reliable perspective of a highly decorated veteran.
    It never amazes how people with unknown achievements demand from others to be saints.
    “War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book, by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Based on his career military experience, Butler frankly discusses how business interests commercially benefit, such as war profiteering from warfare.”
    The work is divided into five chapters:
    War is a racket
    Who makes the profits?
    Who pays the bills?
    How to smash this racket!
    To hell with war!
    It contains this summary:
    “War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’ group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”

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  250. annamaria says:
    @James Brown

    The powerful Scoundrel-for-Sale and a drive for MIC’s and IIC’ [Intelligence Industrial Complex] mega profits:
    “… The heads of both the CIA and FBI are political appointments, while the NSA chief is a military officer; his agency is a collector of intelligence rather than an analyst of its import, except in the fields of cryptography and communications security.
    One striking thing about the press coverage and Congressional discussion of the January report [on alleged "Russain interference"], and of subsequent statements by CIA, FBI, and NSA heads is that questions were never posed regarding the position of the State Department’s INR [Bureau of Intelligence and Research], or whether the analysts in the agencies cited were in total agreement with the conclusions.”
    — Add to that the open profiteering among the brass (Mike Hayden is the exhibit One) and the involvement of such dirty figures as Chertoff: “No NSA director did as much damage to the agency as Gen. Michael V. Hayden…. the tsunami of taxpayer largesse reached into every nook and cranny of the intelligence-industrial complex that had slowly been built over the 1980s and ’90s to service the vast CIA and Pentagon needs for surveillance, reconnaissance and advanced IT. …
    Hayden is now a principal with the Chertoff Group, the intelligence advisory company led by former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff.”

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  251. Alden [AKA "Vera Figner"] says:

    The FDR reforms were fascism/ socialism

    1 enforce the existing 1924 immigration law to avoid the capitalists bringing in more desperate foreign workers.

    2 strict government control of business. I’ve no opinion if that worked or not

    3 immediate relief in the form of food packages and even clothing. A couple hundred thousand children were issued winter coats boots shoes and other clothing.

    4 government subsidies for college students This educated them and more important kept young people out of the awful overcrowded labor market

    5 endless make work programs The workers were paid a dollar a day and lived in barracks. If they were recruited and refused they were threatened their families would be cut off welfare

    Those programs paved millions of miles of roads in the west and south and built all sorts of beautiful public buildings

    6 social security government pensions secure from the greedy grasp of the wolves of Wall Street

    The FDR administration did all those things. The majority of Americans approved and elected FDR 4 times

    BUT and this is a big BUT

    Mrs Roosevelt was not the first activist First Lady but she was the most activist First Lady. Mms. Regean and Clinton were shrinking violets compared to Mrs Roosevelt. No communist she, she earned hundreds of thousands of dollars in speaking fees and advertising

    She was a dedicated socialist for the proles&peasants and functioned as a Secretary of Welfare.

    The FDR administration had thousands of sincere social welfare people. Only the war got the economy going again but one hundred million approved.

    But in every do gooder organization has two or three layers. And one of those layers in the FDR administration were hard core communists who planned to establish a communist government when they had enough power.

    If you are an American you must know about the thousands of government funded do gooder organizations? For a long time from 1970 to 2000 those organizations employed revolutionaries who tried to organize the blacks Hispanics gays into some kind of revolutionary force.

    These organizations just replicate the work done by government agencies.

    If you are an American you know about food stamps for poor people. They can only be obtained at government welfare offices.
    But there are thousands of government funded do gooder organizations that
    “counsel” people on how to apply for food stamps. Theirs organization get hundreds of millions of dollars a year to tell people to go to the only place they can get food stamps, the local welfare office.

    The FDR administration was full of hard core, mostly Jewish immigrant communists who wanted to do to what they did to Russia.

    You are wrong. I’m right I’m not going to get into a discussion with an ignorant brainwashed ideologue.

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  252. Anon[788] • Disclaimer says:

    I didn’t write heart attack did I?

    I wrote heart condition. And aero the scoliosis is one of many heart cardio vascular conditions.

    You just had to google death of FDR so you could start a fight. Probably the first time in your life you learned why he died.

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  253. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Repeat repeat repeat.

    Butler spent his life in the army, was promoted to general spent his career in wars for capitalists

    And then when he retired on a generous pension he repents. If the wars he led were so bad, why didn’t he resign at the beginning of his career? You seem to be very anti war. Why all this praise for a general?

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  254. FB says:

    Well…the first part of your comment is reasonable and realistic, particularly your numbered points…

    But from there you seem to jump the shark…

    ‘…one of those layers in the FDR administration were hard core communists who planned to establish a communist government when they had enough power…’

    And what actual evidence to you marshal to support that wild thesis…?

    ‘…The FDR administration was full of hard core, mostly Jewish immigrant communists who wanted to do to what they did to Russia…’

    It may be provable that there were Jewish ‘communists’ in the FDR administration…but it is by the rules of logic not provable what their intentions actually were…no one can read minds, except perhaps the Amazing Kreskin…

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  255. annamaria says:

    Are you a saint, Anon[257]?

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  256. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Charles Garry the scumbag anti White radical of the Prison Law Project. People’s Temple was the least of the damage he did.

    His prison law project concentrated on San Quentin Prison where the worst of the worst of the California criminals were incarcerated. He started it without government funding in the 1950s with another communist scum bag Faye Stender.

    Later Nixon administration gave them millions . Garry & Faye Stender recruited lots of radical Jewish New York girls. The girls were supposed to be specialists but they went to the Prison meetings and had sex with the black murderers while Garry& Stender organized Black panther Black Muslim black guerilla family cells in San Quentin.

    Along with do gooder Quaker Angela Davis Garry & Stender organized the Marin County Shoot in which black San Quentin inmates on trial in the Marin county courthouse for murdering other inmates slaughtered 11 people.

    Being attorneys, Garry& Stender were too smart to but the guns used themselves. So they conned Angela Davis into buying the guns used.

    Just ask Mr Google about the Marin County Shootout.

    Why do you think comnunist scumbags like Lane and Garry gloomed on to Jim Jones and his People’s Temple? Liberals& communists still hoped to effect a revolution in America and they used blacks and idiot Whites like the Jewish girls who snuck off and had sex with the worst criminals in the prison system.

    Something wonderful happened to communist scumbag Fate Stender though. She was the organizer and attorney for the prison gang Black Guerilla Family. She had a very nice very handsome good provider husband Marvin.
    But when Huey Newton was in the San Luis Osbispo prison she used to go down there every weekend and f**k Huey in the private attorney visiting room when she had Marvin at home.

    Well, they were both good looking. Ever avant garde with what was fashionable in left wing circles Faye then decided to become a lesbian, divorced good husband Marvin and moved into beserk Berkeley with her woman lover.
    Then one night, one of her beloved Black Guerrilla Family clients knocked in the door and shot her.

    She was severely mentally and physically handicappedShe spent the rest of her short life in a wheel chair incontinent and unable to read.

    And then, best of all, she killed her self because she couldn’t face being like that for the rest of her life.

    There was rejoicing all over the Bay Area among the non communist non black worshipping White remnant.

    Shoulda stayed with wonderful husband Marvin.

    Any way, she got what she deserved. Too bad Garry, Lane and the rest of The Prison Law Project didn’t get what they deserved.

    First I ever heard of Mark Lane was his book Rush to Judgement which he blamed the entire US government the government of Dallas and the population of Texas for killing Kennedy.

    Having been raised to be a Red Diaper Baby I knew exactly what Lane was; just another commie liberal scumbag revolutionary.

    Why else would he move 3,000 miles east coast to San Francisco to insert himself into Peoples Temple shortly before the massacre?

    Or maybe the massacre was fomented by CIA agents and Lane was a CIA agent all along.

    This bring backs so many bad memories about how the wonderful city my ancestors built was ruined by the Johnson Nixon billions poured into thousands of revolutionary organizations that targeted San Francisco for the beginning of the revolution

    San Francisco in the 1970s was supposed to be the Munich Germany of 1919. Our revolution went off in another direction as the gays created AIDS in the bathhouses and the Chinese began buying up real estate.

    This thread brings up so many bad memories

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  257. Alden [AKA "Vera Figner"] says:

    Google me and you’ll see I know what I’m writing about. If you don’t know who I am, you’re not a real leftist.

    Anyway, I’m right and you’re dead wrong, ignorant and naive. Why keep posting your ignorance.

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  258. FB says:

    Ok…I’m sorry Vera Figner…

    I should have been more respectful to a ‘senior’…btw…I see you have a birthday coming up day after tomorrow…Happy 166′th…[and many more to come]

    PS…if they ask, just tell them you are 16 [with 150 years 'experience']

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  259. Hu Mi Yu says:

    And then when he retired on a generous pension he repents. If the wars he led were so bad, why didn’t he resign at the beginning of his career? You seem to be very anti war. Why all this praise for a general?

    We are all naive when we are young. We learn from experience. Butler tried to tell people what it was like, and they didn’t listen.

    But the point here is not whether Butler was good or bad. He was a prominent anti-war Republican who died suddenly three days before the Republican Convention of 1940. His voice was silent when Democrat interventionist Wilkie parachuted into the Republican nomination. His should be added to the list of suspicious deaths.

    Eisenhower was another parachuted interventionist Democrat. James Roosevelt (FDR’s son: later a congressman) organized a draft Eisenhower movement for the 1948 Democratic nomination. According to insiders Eisenhower wanted to run as a Democrat again in 1952. However Adelai Stevenson had strong support within the party, and a fight over the nomination would split the party and lose the election. Instead Eisenhower joined the Republican Party, and some Democratic party workers gave voters instructions on how to split their tickets.

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  260. @Alden

    First, Mme Finger, let’s wave away those brain farts of yours. Commies tried to take over Iran, and what, accidentally installed Mosaddegh, who wasn’t a commie at all? That’s ridiculous. By the way, what the hell is nursery? Did they try to take over by putting baby bonnets on them?

    Anyway, why are you trying to prove that communism was bad almost three decades after the Warsaw Pact and COMECON collapsed? What next, are you going to harangue me about the cruelty of the Hittites? Nobody gives a shit.

    …Except… Are you a Ukie? They’re the only people who still get a hard-on over commies.

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  261. Sean says:

    I think you are a little hard on Stender a very good hardworking laywer, considering the terrible price she paid for the massive amount of time she spent working for prisoners without pay. Yes she used her considerable gifts to get Newton (a supporter of Jones) acquited of killing a cop (he then ignored her) and she had certainly had sex with George Jackson while in prison meeting him as a client. But she never organised the Panthers or the Family who killed her much later after, according to Horowitz, she was set up by a Hispanic woman paralegal and the imprisoned Hispanic Family head Yogi ordered a minion to commit the murder . Her affair with Jackson ended in a screaming match and guards separating them and as it is pretty much established that the lawyer who replaced Stender, Steven Bingham, brought the guns in for Jackson, it is clear that Stender had refused to. She also ceased working for prisoners.

    Angela Davis bought the guns for Jackson’s brother simply because she had the hots for George. Edward Bunker who was in San Quentin said that Jackson was the one who went beyond gang violence to kill prisoners simply because they were white.

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  262. donut says:

    Yes , I Too am fascinated by the Classical world , the Greco=P

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  263. Sean says:

    Nothing that a single crackpot may, or may not, have said to Butler justified his claim that Roosevelt was going to be overthrown by the major industrialists and bankers who were in a plot to stage a coup. The New Deal was a solution for business and supported by people like Averell Harriman to keep the country under control. Big business had no need for coups, they were already in control, and cartelising the economy (some say that business dislikes competition and prefers cartels). Business supports someone who can articulate an overarching business viewpoint, not a parochial one that is only beneficial to certain industries. Still less does big business tolerate any clique short circuiting the political system and hijacking the entire economy for their own aggrandizement.

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  264. CIA is modeled on the NKVD. Its founders told us so. Their crimes and M.O. will fit the Soviet template. If CIA assassins kill reformers, it will look just like Soviet assassins killing burned spies. CIA knows this, and they use it to impede attribution of their wrongful acts.

    The converse is also true. Why don’t you think it was Russia that killed these sinister nash spies as CIA was closing in on them: Rafael Trujillo, Patrice Lumumba, Dag Hammarskjold, Ngo Dinh Diem, and Salvador Allende? Only because it so happens that these CIA assassinations are proven, albeit unpunished.

    So with negligible evidence of Soviet assassinations in the US, and a long list of CIA assassinations worldwide, Unz manages to conclude that foreign devils did it – solely on the basis of evidence cherry-picked by CIA from their secret stash – when he can’t trace their sources or methods by law! This degree of blind trust in authority would be astonishing in anyone above the age of eight.

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  265. Milton says:

    The Freemason-run, Zionist-led West’s days are numbered. All four sins that cry to Heaven for Vengeance are now fully enshrined and codified in Western Law. God will not be mocked forever.

    “Seek good and not evil, that you may live; Then truly will the Lord, the God of hosts, be with you as you claim! Hate evil and love good, and let justice prevail at the gate; Then it may be that the Lord, the God of hosts, will have pity on the remnant of Joseph.


    I hate, I spurn your feasts, says the Lord, I take no pleasure in your solemnities; Your cereal offerings I will not accept, nor consider your stall-fed peace offerings. Away with your noisy songs! I will not listen to the melodies of your harps. But if you would offer me burnt offerings, then let justice surge like water, and goodness like an unfailing stream…” – Amos 5: 14-15, 21-24

    “Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, sent word to Jeroboam, king of Israel: ‘Amos has conspired against you here within Israel; the country cannot endure all his words. For this is what Amos says: Jeroboam shall die by the sword, and Israel shall surely be exiled from its land.”

    To Amos, Amaziah said:

    ‘Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah! There earn your bread by prophesying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal temple.’ Amos answered Amaziah, ‘I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The Lord took me from following the flock, and said to me, “Go, prophesy to my people Israel.” Now hear the word of the Lord:

    “You say: prophesy not against Israel, preach not against the house of Isaac. Now thus says the Lord: Your wife shall be made a harlot in the city, and your sons and daughters shall fall by the sword; Your land shall be divided by measuring line, and you yourself shall die in an unclean land; Israel shall be exiled far from its land.”’” – Amos 7:10-17

    Hear this, you who trample upon the needy and destroy the poor of the land! “When will the new moon be over,” you ask, “that we may sell our grain, and the sabbath, that we may display the wheat?” We will diminish the containers for measuring, add to the weights, and fix our scales for cheating! We will buy the lowly man for silver, and the poor man for a pair of sandals; even the refuse of the wheat we will sell!”

    On that day, says the Lord God, I will make the sun set at midday and cover the earth with darkness in broad daylight. I will turn your feasts into mourning and all your songs into lamentations. I will cover the loins of all with sackcloth and make every head bald. I will make them mourn as for an only son, and bring their day to a bitter end.

    Yes, days are coming, says the Lord God, when I will send famine upon the land: Not a famine of bread, or thirst for water, but for hearing the word of the Lord. Then shall they wander from sea to sea and rove from the north to the east In search of the word of the Lord, but they shall not find it. – Amos 8: 4-6, 9-12

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  266. donut says:

    ersian wars , the Athenian Empire and Magna Grecia . For 19th cent. America 1857 by Kenneth Stamp is good . Then as now a lot of the countries problems were caused by do gooder radicals in Brooklyn and Boston . No Jews BTW . Also Mr. Speaker , I forget the author a biography of “Czar” Reed .

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  267. Art says:

    Stalin come to the same conclusion: for many Jews, Communism was just a vehicle for ethnic advancement. When Western Capitalism began to seem more promising, they were entirely willing to jump ship. They simply don’t “believe” in things the way we do. They believe in Themselves.

    That is a great truthful statement. Kudos!

    That explains the lefty Jew neocons to a tee.

    See the Project for New American Century.

    The document that killed America.

    The false face lefty Jews made it happen.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

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  268. donut says:

    But hey , we’re all citizens of buttf**k nation now.

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  269. FB says:
    @Birchers unzipped

    ‘…First, Mme Finger…’

    LOL…I think it’s Mme Figner…probably honest typo, but funny nonetheless…

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  270. Mr. Anon says:

    Am I supposed to care about this paper, or deem it to be anything other than political propaganda? Surely, a political-science professor specializing in international relations would never write a paper to advance a globalist, anti-isolationist agenda, would he? The article you cite claims to prove that interwar America was not isolationist, and yet cites only one opinion poll on a narrow matter concerning military rules of engagement. In short, I think it’s tendentious crap.

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  271. utu says:
    @Mr. Anon

    Even communists were isolationist after the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact and were supporting the America First Committee which created a serious cognitive dissonance for many Jews. Then a day after June 22, 1941 orders came from Moscow to be for the war against Germany.
    Seeger and rest of the Almanac Singers turned pro-interventionist the moment the Hitler-Stalin pact fell apart. At that point they pulled back all the copies of an antiwar album they’d just released and substituted a pro-war album. This sort of whitewashing of history later came to be known as “Orwellian,” but Orwell didn’t write “1984″ until 1948.
    Like good lefties, the Almanac Singers were trying to further the interests of Joe Stalin. And Stalin was at that moment in a nonaggression pact with Adolf Hitler. Any friend of Joe’s was a friend of Pete’s, so Pete threw himself into the effort to keep the United States from going to the aid of the English, who were then engaged in a lonely and heroic fight against Hitler. The album was full of songs that lampooned Franklin D. Roosevelt as a warmonger for wanting to help England. “Franklin D., Franklin D., you ain’t gonna send us across the sea,” went one lyric. A cynic might observe that the Almanac Singers had quite literally released an album in springtime, for Hitler.

    Oops. A few days after the album came out, Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. The album was quickly recalled and all but a few copies were destroyed. Pete and the group, which also included Woody Guthrie, immediately cut another album, this time calling on the United States to jump into the war alongside Uncle Joe.

    The switcheroo worked. The incident was largely lost to history, and I have seen little note of it anywhere outside the writings of Radosh. Compare this to the case of Charles Lindbergh. He was forever tarred by his isolationism in those crucial days before World War II. But Seeger’s dalliance with Dolf was immediately forgotten.

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  272. FB says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You offer an interesting critique here, and I agree that this piece is quite weak in some very obvious aspects…as opposed to the author’s much more fully formed JFK essay…

    I too have wondered about this author’s [and others on this site] seeming fixation on ‘the Jews’ seemingly central role in just about everything…your allusion to a ‘perverse pride’ is particularly interesting…

    I thought to myself…’well here is a smart young fellow’…so I went to your blog and read your ‘Birthright’ travelogue…and was quite disappointed…especially in your cheeky treatment of the Polish Holocaust survivor who guided your group at the memorial…

    Not cool…to use the greenbeak terminology in vogue among your set…what exactly do you know of life in prewar Poland…?…nothing firsthand obviously…and probably very little even second or third-hand…yet you heap scorn on this woman for telling you saplings about the strong currents that communism and Zionism played in her life, and that of many in her circle…

    If you at least had some contextual framework to place this into, such a discussion might even be excusable…otherwise it just comes off as smart-mouthing…which is an unfortunate impression to leave for someone who clearly has more to offer…

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  273. Bukowski says:

    Ron Unz – I would also recommend you look at Major Jordan’s diaries which reveal the extent of high treason from the Roosevelt administration during WW2. FDR gave Stalin everything he wanted including nuclear secrets.

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  274. Mr. Anon says:

    Yes, the hypocrisy of the commies on this particular topic is pretty brazen. People like Seeger and Dalton Trumbo and their ilk were dishonest, craven tools of the Soviet Union.

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  275. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Not cool…to use the greenbeak terminology in vogue among your set…what exactly do you know of life in prewar Poland…?…nothing firsthand obviously…and probably very little even second or third-hand…yet you heap scorn on this woman for telling you saplings about the strong currents that communism and Zionism played in her life, and that of many in her circle…

    *eye roll

    I know plenty of her life in prewar Poland…because she told me.

    (Also, thanks for reminding me to take it down! Writing on the internet is unrewarding. Maybe, if I have time, I’ll replace it with a podcast.)

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  276. Mr. Anon says:

    Writing on the internet is unrewarding.

    If it’s any consolation, reading what you write is also unrewarding.

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  277. Anon[394] • Disclaimer says:

    Moderator,I changed my name to Vera Figner specifically for this thread. I noted some pro communist comments and wanted to see if they recognized one of the great communist revolutionaries in Russia.

    She was an aristocrat who like most were converted at one of the universities the Russian government foolishly set up. She threw the bomb that killed Czar Alexander. After she got out of prison she was a foremost organizer of both the revolution and reorganization of Russia after 1918. I don’t think she personally machine gunned any dissidents. She survived the purges and died during WW2.

    Non of the procommunist commenters recognized her name.

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  278. Anon[394] • Disclaimer says:

    Slight correction. Both Stender and Angela Davis(raised quaker)had affairs with George Jackson.

    Stender wrote Jackson’s “Letters from Prison” This was a tried and true tactic since the communists were sent to Siberia. Later Stender had a long sexual affair with Huey Newton when he was in San Luis Osbipso Prison. You didn’t know her or her handsome nice husband Marvin did you you????? Anyone who could leave Marvin to have sex with Jackson and Newton in an attorney visiting room; well.

    Stender did not work as a Prison Law Project attorney for no or low pay. She and fellow grant hustler Charles Garry were well paid. And Stender had Marvin to support her as she worked for the revolution that had it succeeded would have executed marvin and his entire firm.

    The Prison Law Project was designed to foment a revolution by blacks converted in the worst prisons in the country. BTW, George Jackson murdered 17 fellow inmates in prison. He wasn’t poor. His father was a postal worker. His Father rose to manage a neighborhood Post office and raised the family in nice neighborhoods. When they lived in Illinois Jackson even went to Catholic School.

    Jackson was just an ordinary thug in San Quentin for robbery and murder until the Prison Lawn Project selected him as the hero of their black criminal led communist revolution.

    Stender was the Attorney for the Black Guerilla Family. She founded it after Jackson was shot by a baliff as Jackson was gunning down a Judge while on trial.

    Then this heterosexual woman who slept with many black criminals turned lesbian because the gays were the next group picked to be the avant garde of the revolution. She killed herself after one of her clients shot and injured her to the point she was so mentally and physically disabled she couldn’t face a lifetime of the disability and killed herself.

    Justice at last although it have been better if she hadn’t killed herself and continued to suffer because one of her beloved black criminals tried to kill her.

    You and many other commenters who constantly bewail what’s happened to America since the 1960′s only know the effects of the Stenders and Garrys. I was there and I knew them and what they were doing and how much hatred they had for all Whites but their fellow radicals.

    A lot of the money for Angela Davis defense came from the respectable black community’s fundraisers. She soon became Vice President of University Of California at Santa Cruz where Huey Newton received a PHD in History as soon as he was released from prison. UC Santa Cruz was specifically set up as a place for the radicals to get a salary and a forum to spread their radicalism.

    They weren’t trying to help those prisoners. Their only intention was to use the black criminals as their forward troops in their hoped for Marxist revolution. They had to create the Prison Law Project and similar rich jew funded groups because that was where they had the most access to black criminals.

    It was a great day when at least one of the enemy, Stender was shot. It was even greater when the extend of her in curable mental and physical disabilities became known.

    I suppose you read some liberal propaganda book whitewashing Garry and Stender as crusaders criminal justice reform and social justice.

    You weren’t there and you didn’t know those people. I was there and I couldn’t avoid those people.

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  279. Babe says:

    Hey, you know what you should try, Anon? Next call yourself Robert Roche, the scumbag coward who tried to kill Scott Olsen, a real soldier with more balls than the whole Oakland and SF PDs. Everybody knows famous chickenshit coward Roche with his symbolic vermin name, especially crooked Oakland pedo pigs! You know him too, right? You know so much about the area, you must. Or even you are really him, maybe?

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  280. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Truth about liberal social justice commie attorneys hurts doesn’t it?

    I never heard of Roche or Olsen. Like many American cities, Oakland was destroyed by the blacks brought to work in the shipyards and harbor during WW2

    For America, the destruction of so many of our great cities by blacks is the worst of the bad results of WW2

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  281. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Birchers unzipped

    For such a stalwart commie anti White leftist you’ve never heard of Vera Figner have you?

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  282. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Davis bought the guns because the White attorneys knew they would be liable for the murders. The blacks not in prison couldn’t couldn’t buy because they had felony records or in the case of the brother wa a minor

    So the White attorneys told her to buy the guns. She didn’t suffer. The radical left arranged a professorship and then UC Santa Cruz vice presidency for her

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  283. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I gather the conservatism on this site only extends to denunciations of tattoos and abortions.

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  284. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    You must be the beaten and abused child of a San Pablo av Oakland skank street walker and her abusive pimp.

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  285. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Hu Mi Yu

    I’m sure he didn’t know what he was getting into when he joined the military. But surely when he realized he was nothing but a bill collector for the banks he could have quit as a major or colonel

    Those loans he was collecting in Nicaragua Haiti and the rest were stolen by the Nicaraguan Haitian elite and not used for infrastructure anyway.

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  286. Mr. Anon says:
    @Mr. Anon

    • Troll: Tyrion 2

    Says the man who showed up here recently and started labeling anyone he disagrees with as a “troll”.

    I noticed you didn’t address the question I asked you upthread. I can only assume that you can’t answer it.

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  287. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Your question of how could Wilkie have won the nomination without a global Zionist conspiracy is stupid, and prompted by nothing more than your monomania.

    My comparison with Trump’s success and the idiotic Russian conspiracy theories was apt. Your counter that Trump’s success was even more extraordinary only undermined your own argument further.

    That led me to remember my previous conclusion that you are too dim to discuss this stuff with. It is a waste of time. Like teaching algebra to a monkey.

    If you want an account of how Wilkie could win the nomination, the wikipedia page is more than adequate and the language is clear and appropriately simple.

    Essentially, Wilkie was a pro-business Democrat left behind by his party. The Republicans were bored of losing. During a fractious and complicated nomination process they turned to someone a bit different. They made a push for the centre ground. Wilkie also benefited from his internationalist stance endearing him to elements in the media. There was no one discrete event that favoured him. Like Trump’s rise, there were a huge number of factors.

    Muh Russia collusion. Muh Zionist conspiracy. It seems that dumb people latch onto dumb answers and in the process lose their humanity. For dumb answers always lead them to dehumanise others. It is as it has ever been, I suppose.

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  288. Sean says:

    Ashkennazic Jews are objectively far more intelligent that other human beings. I am not saying that these assassinations of Parallax View efficacy (including faking heart attacks) could be done, but if any people could do them, the Jews could. Coming to the conclusion that they have been done means you have bought a one way ticket.

    Another perspective on high level assassination with international involvement is to look at an undisputed one. Rasputin was murdered by highly placed Russians (a far right politician and rather unstable Prince), and they invited along an English friend who just happened to be an MI6 agent.

    The Russians supposedly tried to poison him, although that was maybe just the Prince’s story, then shot him in the chest. However, there was also a subsequent bullet in the head that finished Rasputin off which none of the Russians mentioned in their accounts.

    Going by how Rasputin was put an end to, there are indeed circumstances in which elements of the establishment and political extremists with converging agenda to foreign intelligence services will cooperate with them to assassinate influential people whose demise is considered expedient. Given Rasputin’s drinking his sudden death by poison might easily have been put down to natural causes.

    However, it seems to me that the participants must be at their wits end before resorting to such a risky tactic. The Tzarina was German, and had been left in charge while the Tsar was off at the front losing to Germany. Rasputin exerted untoward influence on her, thereby bringing the Royal family into dispute. Killing Rasputin was an act of desperation by men not really in high places in Russia.

    The personnel manning the establishment play safe because they know the tectonic dictates of realpolitik will force the country to do what is necessary. Stalin went from communist to a friendly Uncle. Wilson got elected saying he would stay out of the war and then got into it. So did Roosevelt. Wilkie did not run in the primaries, the Dewey and the other non interventionists did and it seems likely that there was a perception that noninterventionism could win the electorate.Once nominee Wilkie was forced to espouse it because he was doing so badly,but after losing he was given jobs by Roosevelt . There was opposition to war among the people but the political and business class knew war was necessary. Wilkie was a shill, but the Republican establishment knew that. Against Wilkie, Roosevelt only got 55% of the vote, and a determined anti interventionist could have won .

    Would Dewey have been assassinated if he got the nomination, presented as Murder Incorporated vengeance (it is worth noting that those actual Jewish assassins were helpless against him)? Trump has abandoned quite a lot of the policies he originally advocated. I think the establishment would have thought Dewey could been educated up to the need to maintain America’s international ascendancy. If President Dewey had proven to be a granite man of principle who would act in accordance with his campaign commitment and keep America out of any and all wars even if it led to Japan and Germany winning their wars, I suppose someone like Averell Harriman might have played the role of the Prince and co-operated with MI6 and Bernard Baruch, but I don’t think they would have it as plan A.There is more than one way to skin a cat.

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  289. Hans says:

    Vidal at least had the integrity to call b.s. on the official 9/11 fairy tale. Cockburn was an ardent proponent of that transparent lie and the Oswald-killed-JFK fiction. A real commie gatekeeper in sheep’s clothing.

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  290. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Your question of how could Wilkie have won the nomination without a global Zionist conspiracy is stupid, and prompted by nothing more than your monomania.

    Who said anything about a zionist conspiracy? Ron Unz never mentioned that. Neither did I.

    But that is the first thing you leap to. Why is that?

    Your counter that Trump’s success was even more extraordinary only undermined your own argument further.

    No, you misread me. Or you are just being disingenuous or willfully stupid. I didn’t say that Trump’s success was more extraordinary than Wilkie’s. I said it was less so.

    That led me to remember my previous conclusion that you are too dim to discuss this stuff with. It is a waste of time. Like teaching algebra to a monkey.

    How much math have you had, then? I’ll wager it is a lot less than I’ve had. However, I don’t think that you are stupid. I think you are a liar with an agenda.

    If you want an account of how Wilkie could win the nomination, the wikipedia page is more than adequate and the language is clear and appropriately simple.

    Right, Wikipedia is infallible. There is no reason why the Worlds’ online, open-source encyclopedia would ever be the subject of tendentious agenda-mongering.

    Essentially, Wilkie was a pro-business Democrat left behind by his party. The Republicans were bored of losing. During a fractious and complicated nomination process they turned to someone a bit different.

    A bit different in that he had never held electoral office or been a famous general – unlike every single other party nominee in the history of the Republic. And – afterall – a corporate lawyer is just the kind of man who would appeal to the American people during the nations longest depression.

    Assuming you are a british subject, as you purport to be, had you ever even heard of Wendell Wilkie prior to this thread? And yet, now – somehow – you claim to be some kind of expert on him.

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  291. Mr. Anon says:

    What is the bullet weight, in grains, of an Army-issue .223 cartridge?

    You’re talking out your ass.

    I thought that the army used the NATO 5.56 round.

    Whose ass are you talking out of?

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  292. Mr. Anon says:
    @Mr. Anon

    I noticed you didn’t address the question I asked you upthread. I can only assume that you can’t answer it.

    So your answer amounts to “what Wikipedia said”. Yeah, you are some kind of smart, all right.

    • Troll: Tyrion 2

    You seem to be one of these people who thinks that “troll” = “anyone whom I disagree with”.

    How long have you been lurking around here? Two months?

    If anyone is, you’re the troll here.

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  293. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    Who said anything about a zionist conspiracy? Ron Unz never mentioned that. Neither did I.

    Hold “Ctrl”, press “f”, type in “Zionist” and stop being such a moron.

    No, you misread me. Or you are just being disingenuous or willfully stupid. I didn’t say that Trump’s success was more extraordinary than Wilkie’s. I said it was less so

    Oh, my mistake. I was too sympathetic to you. Trump’s success was obviously much more extraordinary. I keep overestimating you, lowering my expectations amd then finding out that I am still overestimating you. Sad.

    You realise that Trump became actual President don’t you and that Wilkie didn’t?

    Or that the forces, on the face of it, arrayed against Trump were far, far more impressive.

    Right, Wikipedia is infallible.

    No, but the plausible account presented makes sense in and of itself. You’re obsessed with the identity of who is speaking and not with what they are saying. Why don’t you start campaigning over why there aren’t transgenders playing transgenders in movies? It’s the same principle, so you’d be no more wrong and a lot more popular (sadly).

    N.B this is possibly the 10th time you’ve questioned whether I am British. Let’s explore your claim. What do you mean by it and why?

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  294. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    .223 and 5.56 are normally interchangeable, nitwit. Can you get anything right?

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  295. @Tyrion 2

    N.B this is possibly the 10th time you’ve questioned whether I am British. Let’s explore your claim. What do you mean by it and why?

    .223 and 5.56 are normally interchangeable, nitwit. Can you get anything right?

    Because what would a Cuck Islander know about guns? Crap food, crap weather, warm beer, Paki rape gangs, Jihadi Mayors, sure – but guns? Some say you shouldn’t even be allowed pointy things or mopeds there on Cuck Fantasy Island..

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  296. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    .223 and 5.56 are normally interchangeable, nitwit. Can you get anything right?

    No, they are not, dips**t. 5.56 is a hotter round. .223 can be used in a rifle designed for 5.56, but manufacturers recommend that 5.56 not be used in a rifle explicitly chambered in .223 as the higher pressure round can damage the recoil mechanism and wear out the barrel.

    Your british, so what would you know anyway? You’re disarmed.

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  297. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Hold “Ctrl”, press “f”, type in “Zionist” and stop being such a moron.

    Mr. Unz didn’t say, or imply, that Wilkie’s nomination was the result of zionist agents, but rather of british agents. You’re lying.

    Oh, my mistake. I was too sympathetic to you. Trump’s success was obviously much more extraordinary. You realise that Trump became actual President don’t you and that Wilkie didn’t?

    You know nothing about american politics, evidently, and you are apparently incapable of following a simple argument. Trump broke the mold because he was extraordinary, in some sense. Wilkie was essentially a non-entity, and yet we are to believe that he induced the GOP to break with 150 years of precedent and nominate him? Again – I ask you – had you even ever heard of Wendell Wilkie before this thread? I don’t believe that you had.

    You’re obsessed with the identity of who is speaking and not with what they are saying.

    Obsessed? That’s a loaded term. You seem to be the one obsessed here. I believe it is worth paying attention to who is saying what in additional to what they are saying. Don’t you? If not, they you are exceedingly stupid and probably believe the claims of every used-car salesman.

    N.B this is possibly the 10th time you’ve questioned whether I am British. Let’s explore your claim. What do you mean by it and why?

    I believe you live in Britain. Whether you are truly “british” in any real sense, I would leave to the judgement of actual Britons. You seem more concerned with issues touching on another people and nation.

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  298. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    I have a license. They’re not hard to get. I’m also a great shot and coach, but that is for other reasons.

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  299. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    .223 and 5.56 are normally interchangeable, nitwit. Can you get anything right?

    Did you learn that from Wikipedia too?

    As I pointed out, above, you are wrong.

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    • Disagree: Tyrion 2
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  300. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Stan d Mute

    For the record, a license is not that hard to get.

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  301. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I have a license. They’re not hard to get.

    And yet you don’t know the difference between the .223 and 5.56 round.

    I’m also a great shot and coach, but that is for other reasons.


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  302. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon


    No, I’m British. Why would you say that?

    And yet you don’t know the difference between the .223 and 5.56 round

    It must have been embarrassing when you realised that those two rounds are basically the same and named differently because they use different units of measurement…

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  303. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    I believe you live in Britain. Whether you are truly “british” in any real sense, I would leave to the judgement of actual Britons.

    Why are you implying that I am not an “actual Briton”?

    Mr. Unz didn’t say, or imply, that Wilkie’s nomination was the result of zionist agents, but rather of british agents. You’re lying.

    Oh come on, who do you think you are kidding?

    He obviously used the Wilkie example as part of his attempt to build a case via insinuation without evidence.

    You know nothing about american politics, evidently, and you are apparently incapable of following a simple argument. Trump broke the mold because he was extraordinary, in some sense. Wilkie was essentially a non-entity, and yet we are to believe that he induced the GOP to break with 150 years of precedent and nominate him? Again – I ask you – had you even ever heard of Wendell Wilkie before this thread? I don’t believe that you had.

    Stop projecting. Just because you aren’t well read, it doesn’t mean others aren’t.

    Obsessed? That’s a loaded term.

    It is a descriptive term which I used because the shoe obviously fits.

    . I believe it is worth paying attention to who is saying what in additional to what they are saying. Don’t you? If not, they you are exceedingly stupid and probably believe the claims of every used-car salesman.

    You don’t realise that there’s a difference between a reasoned argument and a sales pitch. You’re even less bright than my already lowered expectations imagined.

    Anyway, let me leave you with a question. Please answer it simply. It is asked honestly.

    Do you (yes or no) honestly try to find some sort of actual truth in conversation, even if it would hurt your ego?

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  304. @Tyrion 2

    Why are you implying that I am not an “actual Briton”?

    For the record, a license is not that hard to get.

    For a Cuck Islander you are seriously humor impaired aren’t you? Maybe you’re really French. Parley voo frog-ese?

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  305. @jilles dykstra

    No one has ever offered an adequate explanation for the deterioration in FDR’s health in the last couple of year’s of his life. His immediate cause of death was said to have been a cerebral hemorrhage, but he looked like a person dying of cancer, but that was never diagnosed. Long-term, low-level arsenic poisoning produces similar symptoms to one suffering from cancer, I understand. FDR, for what it is worth, was a rather rigid anti-Zionist.

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  306. @Bukowski

    See my review of Major Jordan’s Diaries The book, indeed, should be read by everyone.

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  307. @Wade

    This take on the John Birch Society and the book that it published on Forrestal’s death is exactly right. See my description of the book in part 1 of “Who Killed James Forrestal.” I didn’t even know that the publisher was a Birch Society outfit when I wrote that. Use the Find box on to see what else I learned about the Birch Society and the cover-up of Forrestal’s obvious assassination.

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  308. @JackOH

    See my article, “Seth Rich Equals Vince Foster.”

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  309. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    It must have been embarrassing when you realised that those two rounds are basically the same and named differently because they use different units of measurement…

    They aren’t the same, nitwit. Read this, and shut up:

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  310. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Oh come on, who do you think you are kidding?

    I’m not kidding anyone. I’m talking about what Mr. Unz actually wrote. You are projecting your own preoccupations into the discussion.

    He obviously used the Wilkie example as part of his attempt to build a case via insinuation without evidence.

    He talked about Wilkie’s nomination because it is strange. Not being an American, and evidently being ignorant of american history, you don’t know what you are talking about.

    Stop projecting. Just because you aren’t well read, it doesn’t mean others aren’t.

    I’m quite well read. You didn’t answer the question. Had you heard of Wilkie. Or not?

    Anyway, let me leave you with a question. Please answer it simply. It is asked honestly.

    I really don’t believe that anything you ask is asked “honestly”.

    Do you (yes or no) honestly try to find some sort of actual truth in conversation, even if it would hurt your ego?

    Yes. But I don’t roll over for blowhards like you who are full of s**t. Are you always a dissembling liar?

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    , @Tyrion 2
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  311. Mr. Anon says:
    @Mr. Anon

    • Disagree: Tyrion 2

    You can disagree all you like, idiot. You are wrong.

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  312. Sean says:
    @Mr. Anon

    I think on careful reading Ron Unz implies here and in the linked article that not only was the convention organiser replaced, by a sophisticated assassination, which one can see might be expedient if there was enough at stake, but Wilkie himself was killed by MI6, and East coast WASPs not Jews. It’s not implausible that during a war MI6 would do something like that. it did have a hand in the killing of Rasputin in collaboration with aristocratic Russians.

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  313. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    Did I write that they were “the same”?

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  314. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    This is painfully disingenuous. Unz constructed an argument based on a faux disinterested pose and an artificially grouped bunch of insinuations.

    Were I to write an article about 10 seperate times when black actors were overlooked for a role and mention Republicans consistently throughout the article, I would be following the same method.

    Sure, I never said Republicans were behind it, I just endlessly mentioned them, their motives and so on and so on.

    Of course, I’d heard of Wilkie. I knew him as a pro-business candidate who was defeated by the social saftey net favouring FDR. That net was taught to us as a good thing. It was also taught to us that prior to FDR the capitalist system in America was too extreme and it led to such a huge divide between rich and poor that it unbalanced the economy and led to the great depression.

    I’m not particularly interested in those types of economic arguments anymore. It seems to me that the economy is as much a product of the people as it is the system, as long as idiot extremes like Juche are ignored. And even then, a more capitalist inclined people will likely both support freer markets and be more entrepreneurial, so there’s a fuzziness in the direction of causation.

    Indeed, without a sense of common ownership in the country – the nation itself, no economic system will be particularly effective nor satisfactory to the population. The rich won’t want to pay in and the poor won’t want to let the rich not pay in! Corruption will bloom and no-one will consider anything further than the next election away.

    Sound familiar?

    Nonetheless, FDR has been most famous as an economic innovator for decades and Wilkie was taught as a defeated opponent to that, a man on the wrong side of history.

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    , @Sean
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  315. Jett Rucker says: • Website

    Page 15 of Thomas Mahl’s Desperate Deception (mentioned in the article) contains a nugget that reveals that many, if not most, of the atrocity photos of Germans during World War II (particularly the Holocaust) were staged by actors in Canada wearing captured German uniforms.

    I corresponded with Mahl about this, and he pooh-poohed the idea. Obviously, he’s long since been gotten to. He doesn’t want to end up murdered like all the others.

    Public Records Office (PRO) HS 1/222.

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  316. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:
    @Stan d Mute

    And you think you are sime judge of humour!?

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  317. @Anon

    And you think you are sime judge of humour!?

    Well I do judge your spelling to be hilarious.

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  318. Hibernian says:

    Irish wardheelers in places like New York, Chicago, St. Louis, etc.

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  319. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Did I write that they were “the same”?

    You said “basically the same”. They aren’t. 5.56 has about 13% more propellant than the .223. It’s a hotter round, and the two aren’t interchangeable, you stupid asshat.

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  320. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I suspect you just read all that on Wikipedia, and that you are just lying. You’ve been dishonest enough, that nobody should really take your word for anything.

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  321. @Stan d Mute

    I thought at first you might have been expressing American isolationist mirth at those of us in the Anglosphere whose spelling wasn’t Webstered. But then I see what a modern child you are. What a good giggle one can get with nothing to feed on but a typo.

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  322. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Birchers unzipped

    The Soviet’s invaded and occupied about 1/4 of Iran in 1941 a good 12 years before the Mossadegh vs Shah conflict.

    Very early on, Stalin and Churchill agreed to divide Iran between Britain and Russia after the war. That’s why they got rid of Shah Pahlavi 1 and installed his son, Pahlavi 2. in 1941 when Russia and Britain jointly invaded Iran

    Pahlavi 1 objected to turning his country over to Russia and Britain. How dare he!!!!

    So Stalin and Churchill installed his son and vilified Pahlavi 1 as a fascist pro German Nazi.

    The Russian occupation of 1/4 of Iran from 1941 to 1955 had nothing to do with the Mossadegh vs Shah fuss in 1953.
    In 1955 Russia withdrew from Its occupation of Austria and Iran under severe pressure from USA and NATO.

    But you didn’t know that did you?

    Your brain is just another empty liberal container filled with liberal commie propaganda.

    The brain of a liberal is an empty sink. Every once in a while liberal propaganda central opens the drain and the current propaganda drains out.
    Then liberal propaganda central puts back the plug, turns on the faucet and fills the empty sink with the current propaganda.

    Fate Stender’s sex life was a good example. When liberal propaganda central told get to sleep with black criminals she did. When liberal propaganda central told her to become a lesbian she did.

    Now you know a bit more about Iran 194o to 1955 than you did when you started posting your ignorance.

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  323. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Wikepedia????? wikepedia????

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  324. General Quarters, Ah-OO-gah, Ah-OO-gah! Wallace’s grandson is running for congress. If he turns out to be an enormous class traitor, we might have to deal again with the specter of Roosevelt’s quasi-crypto-pseudocommie economic rights. Red-blooded American Kleptocracy is in peril.

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  325. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    How Willkie got to be the nominee is the thing, because considering his lack of a public profile it was a remarkable achievement, and his half hearted and quickly disavowed anti war (though not anti intervention) rhetoric bought him close enough to winning that it is clear that genuine anti- interventionist Thomas Dewey would have won if he had been nominee instead of Willkie. So how did the British manage it. Well, it was easy

    Dewey’s non-interventionist stance became problematic when Germany quickly conquered France, and seemed poised to invade Britain. As a result, many Republicans switched to Wendell Willkie, … who supported aid to the Allies fighting Germany. Willkie lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt in the general election.[52]

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  326. Sean says:

    Stender was not Newton’s lawyer she assisted, she was attracted to but did not have sex with Newton in prison and he ignored her once she got him out with a vast expenditure of her unpaid time. I still think you are being too hard on Stender. A man having an affair with his hot young secretary while keeping up appearances at home with wifey is accepted by society, but its not that different to what Stender did with Jackson. Stender was rather butch looking and so aggressive in manner that she was kept out of the courtroom for Newton’s case, her having lesbian tendencies is probably something decided in the womb.

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