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American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion
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About a decade ago, I happened to be talking with an eminent academic scholar who had become known for his sharp criticism of Israeli policies in the Middle East and America’s strong support for them. I mentioned that I myself had come to very similar conclusions some time before, and he asked when that had happened. I told him it had been in 1982, and I think he found my answer quite surprising. I got the sense that date was decades earlier than would have been given by almost anyone else he knew.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to pinpoint when one’s world view on a contentious topic undergoes sharp transformation, but at other times it is quite easy. My own perceptions of the Middle East conflict drastically shifted during Fall 1982, and they have subsequently changed only to a far smaller extent. As some might remember, that period marked the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, and culminated in the notorious Sabra-Shatila Massacre during which hundreds or even thousands of Palestinians were slaughtered in their refugee camps. But although those events were certainly major factors in my ideological realignment, the crucial trigger was actually a certain letter to the editor published around that same time.

A few years earlier, I had discovered The London Economist, as it was then called, and it had quickly become my favorite publication, which I religiously devoured cover-to-cover every week. And as I read the various articles about the Middle East conflict in that publication, or others such as the New York Times, the journalists occasionally included quotes from some particularly fanatic and irrational Israeli Communist named Israel Shahak, whose views seemed totally at odds with those of everyone else, and who was consequently treated as a fringe figure. Opinions that seem totally divorced from reality tend to stick in one’s mind, and it took only one or two appearances from that apparently die-hard and delusional Stalinist for me to guess that he would always take an entirely contrary position on every given issue.

In 1982 Israel Defense Minister Ariel Sharon launched his massive invasion of Lebanon using the pretext of the wounding of an Israeli diplomat in Europe at the hands of a Palestinian attacker, and the extreme nature of his action was widely condemned in the media outlets I read at the time. His motive was obviously to root out the PLO’s political and military infrastructure, which had taken hold in many of Lebanon’s large Palestinian refugee camps. But back in those days invasions of Middle Eastern countries on dubious prospects were much less common than they have subsequently become, after our recent American wars killed or displaced so many millions, and most observers were horrified by the utterly disproportionate nature of his attack and the severe destruction he was inflicted upon Israel’s neighbor, which he seemed eager to reduce to puppet status. From what I recall from that time, he made several entirely false assurances to top Reagan officials about his invasion plans, such that they afterward called him the worst sort of liar, and he ended up besieging the Lebanese capital of Beirut even though he had originally promised to limit his assault to a mere border incursion.

The Israeli siege of the PLO-controlled areas of Beirut lasted some time, and negotiations eventually resulted in the departure of the Palestinian fighters to some other Arab country. Shortly afterward, the Israelis declared that they were moving into West Beirut in order to better assure the safety of the Palestinian women and children left behind and protect them from any retribution at the hands of their Christian Falangist enemies. And around that same time, I noticed a long letter in The Economist by Shahak which seemed to me the final proof of his insanity. He claimed that it was obvious that Sharon had marched to Beirut with the intent of organizing a massacre of the Palestinians, and that this would shortly take place. When the slaughter indeed occurred not long afterward, apparently with heavy Israeli involvement and complicity, I concluded that if a crazy Communist fanatic like Shahak had been right, while apparently every mainstream journalist had been so completely wrong, my understanding of the world and the Middle East required total recalibration. Or at least that’s how I’ve always remembered those events from a distance of over thirty-five years.

During the years that followed, I still periodically saw Shahak’s statements quoted in my mainstream publications, which sometimes suggested that he was a Communist and sometimes not. Naturally enough, his ideological extremism made him a prominent opponent of the 1991 Oslo Peace Agreement between Israel and the occupied Palestinians, which was supported by every sensible person, though since Oslo ended up being entirely a failure, I couldn’t hold it too strongly against him. I stopped paying much attention to foreign policy issues during the 1990s, but I still read my New York Times every morning and would occasionally see his quotes, inevitably contrarian and irredentist.

Then the 9/11 attacks returned foreign policy and the Middle East to the absolute center of our national agenda, and I eventually read somewhere or other that Shahak had died at age 68 only a few months earlier, though I hadn’t noticed any obituary. Over the years, I’d seen some vague mention that during the previous decade he’d published a couple of stridently anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist books, just as might be expected from a hard-line Communist fanatic, and during the early 2000s I started seeing more and more references to these works, ironically coming from fringe sources of the anti-Semitic Far Right, thereby once again proving that extremists flock together. Finally, about a decade ago, my curiosity got the better of me and clicking a few buttons on, I ordered copies of his books, all of which were quite short.


My first surprise was that Shahak’s writings included introductions or glowing blurbs by some of America’s most prominent public intellectuals, including Christopher Hitchens, Gore Vidal, Noam Chomsky, and Edward Said. Praise also came from quite respectable publications such as The London Review of Books, Middle East International, and Catholic New Times while Allan Brownfeld of The American Council for Judaism had published a very long and laudatory obituary. And I discovered that Shahak’s background was very different than I had always imagined. He had spent many years as an award-winning Chemistry professor at Hebrew University, and was actually anything but a Communist. Whereas for decades, Israel’s ruling political parties had been Socialist or Marxist, his personal doubts about Socialism had left him politically in the wilderness, while his relationship with Israel’s tiny Communist Party was solely because they were the only group willing to stand up for the basic human rights issues that were his own central focus. My casual assumptions about his views and background had been entirely in error.

Once I actually began reading his books, and considering his claims, my shock increased fifty-fold. Throughout my entire life, there have been very, very few times I have ever been so totally astonished as I was after I digested Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, whose text runs barely a hundred pages. In fact, despite his solid background in the academic sciences and the glowing testaments provided by prominent figures, I found it quite difficult to accept the reality of what I was reading. As a consequence, I paid a considerable sum to a young graduate student I knew, tasking him to verify the claims in Shahak’s books, and as far as he could tell, all of the hundreds of references he checked seemed to be accurate or at least found in other sources.

Even with all of that due diligence, I must emphasize that I cannot directly vouch for Shahak’s claims about Judaism. My own knowledge of that religion is absolutely negligible, mostly being limited to my childhood, when my grandmother occasionally managed to drag me down to services at the local synagogue, where I was seated among a mass of elderly men praying and chanting in some strange language while wearing various ritualistic cloths and religious talismans, an experience that I always found much less enjoyable than my usual Saturday morning cartoons.


Although Shahak’s books are quite short, they contain such a density of astonishing material, it would take many, many thousands of words to begin to summarize them. Essentially almost everything I had known—or thought I had known—about the religion of Judaism, at least in its zealously Orthodox traditional form, was utterly wrong.

For example, traditionally religious Jews pay little attention to most of the Old Testament, and even very learned rabbis or students who have devoted many years to intensive study may remain largely ignorant of its contents. Instead, the center of their religious world view is the Talmud, an enormously large, complex, and somewhat contradictory mass of secondary writings and commentary built up over many centuries, which is why their religious doctrine is sometimes called “Talmudic Judaism.” Among large portions of the faithful, the Talmud is supplemented by the Kabala, another large collection of accumulated writings, mostly focused on mysticism and all sorts of magic. Since these commentaries and interpretations represent the core of the religion, much of what everyone takes for granted in the Bible is considered in a very different manner.

Given the nature of the Talmudic basis of traditional Judaism and my total previous ignorance of the subject, any attempt on my part of summarize some of the more surprising aspects of Shahak’s description may be partially garbled, and is certainly worthy of correction by someone better versed in that dogma. And given that so many parts of the Talmud are highly contradictory and infused with complex mysticism, it would be impossible for someone like me to attempt to disentangle the seeming inconsistencies that I am merely repeating. I should note that although Shahak’s description of the beliefs and practices of Talmudic Judaism evoked a fire-storm of denunciations, few of those harsh critics seem to have denied his very specific claims, including the most astonishing ones, which would seem to strengthen his credibility.


On the most basic level, the religion of most traditional Jews is actually not at all monotheistic, but instead contains a wide variety of different male and female gods, having quite complex relations to each other, with these entities and their properties varying enormously among the numerous different Jewish sub-sects, depending upon which portions of the Talmud and the Kabala they place uppermost. For example, the traditional Jewish religious cry “The Lord Is One” has always been interpreted by most people to be an monotheistic affirmation, and indeed, many Jews take exactly this same view. But large numbers of other Jews believe this declaration instead refers to achievement of sexual union between the primary male and female divine entities. And most bizarrely, Jews having such radically different views see absolutely no difficulty in praying side by side, and merely interpreting their identical chants in very different fashion.

Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would be hardly be a matter of much consequence.

Strangely enough, many of the traditional rituals are explicitly intended to fool or trick God or His angels or sometimes Satan, much like the mortal heroes of some Greek legend might seek to trick Zeus or Aphrodite. For example, certain prayers must be uttered in Aramaic rather than Hebrew on the grounds that holy angels apparently don’t understand the former language, and their confusion allows those verses to slip by unimpeded and take effect without divine interference.


Furthermore, since the Talmud represents a massive accretion of published commentary built up over more than a millennium, even the most explicit mandates have sometimes been transformed into their opposites. As an example, Maimonides, one of the highest rabbinical authorities, absolutely prohibited rabbis from being paid for their religious teaching, declaring that any rabbi who received a salary was an evil robber condemned to everlasting torment; yet later rabbis eventually “reinterpreted” this statement to mean something entirely different, and today almost all rabbis collect salaries.

Another fascinating aspect is that up until very recent times, the lives of religious Jews were often dominated by all sorts of highly superstitious practices, including magical charms, potions, spells, incantations, hexes, curses, and sacred talismans, with rabbis often having an important secondary role as sorcerers, and this even remains entirely true today among the enormously influential rabbis of Israel and the New York City area. Shahak’s writings had not endeared him to many of these individuals, and for years they constantly attacked him with all sorts of spells and fearful curses aimed at achieving his death or illness. Many of these traditional Jewish practices seem not entirely dissimilar to those we typically associate with African witch-doctors or Voodoo priests, and indeed, the famous legend of the Golem of Prague described the successful use of rabbinical magic to animate a giant creature built of clay.


If these ritualistic issues constituted the central features of traditional religious Judaism, we might regard it as a rather colorful and eccentric survival of ancient times. But unfortunately, there is also a far darker side, primarily involving the relationship between Jews and non-Jews, with the highly derogatory term goyim frequently used to describe the latter. To put it bluntly, Jews have divine souls and goyim do not, being merely beasts in the shape of men. Indeed, the primary reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve as the slaves of Jews, with some very high-ranking rabbis occasionally stating this well-known fact. In 2010, Israel’s top Sephardic rabbi used his weekly sermon to declare that the only reason for the existence of non-Jews is to serve Jews and do work for them. The enslavement or extermination of all non-Jews seems an ultimate implied goal of the religion.

Jewish lives have infinite value, and non-Jewish ones none at all, which has obvious policy implications. For example, in a published article a prominent Israeli rabbi explained that if a Jew needed a liver, it would be perfectly fine, and indeed obligatory, to kill an innocent Gentile and take his. Perhaps we should not be too surprised that today Israel is widely regarded as one of the world centers of organ-trafficking.

As a further illustration of the seething hatred traditional Judaism radiates towards all those of a different background, saving the life of a non-Jew is generally considered improper or even prohibited, and taking any such action on the Sabbath would be an absolute violation of religious edict. Such dogmas are certainly ironic given the widespread presence of Jews in the medical profession during recent centuries, but they came to the fore in Israel when a religiously-minded military doctor took them to heart and his position was supported by the country’s highest religious authorities.

And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus as the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.

Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethleham, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.


For the last two thousand years, Jews have almost invariably existed as small, relatively weak minorities living in the lands of others, whether Christian or Muslim, so a religious doctrine so unswervingly hostile to outsiders has naturally presented considerable obstacles for peaceful co-existence. The solution to this dilemma has been based on the divine mandate to preserve Jewish life and well-being above all else, superseding almost all other religious considerations. Thus, if any of the behaviors discussed above are considered likely to stir up resentment from powerful Gentile groups and put Jews at risk, they must be avoided.

For example, the prohibition against Jewish physicians treating the illnesses of non-Jews is waived in the case of powerful non-Jews, especially national leaders, whose favor might provide benefits to the Jewish community. And even ordinary non-Jews may be aided unless some persuasive excuse can be found to explain such lack of assistance since otherwise the vengeful hostility of their friends and relatives might cause difficulties for other Jews. Similarly, it is permissible to exchange gifts with non-Jews but only if such behavior can be justified in strictly utilitarian terms, with any simple expression of friendship towards a non-Jew being a violation of holy principles.

If the Gentile population became aware of these Jewish religious beliefs and the behaviors they promote, major problems for Jews might develop, so an elaborate methodology of subterfuge, concealment, and dissimulation has come into being over the many centuries to minimize this possibility, especially including the mistranslation of sacred texts or the complete exclusion of crucial sections. Meanwhile, the traditional penalty for any Jew who “informs” to the authorities on any matter regarding the Jewish community has always been death, often preceded by hideous torture.

Much of this dishonesty obviously continues down to recent times since it seems very unlikely that Jewish rabbis, except perhaps for those of the most avant garde disposition, would remain totally unaware of the fundamental tenets of the religion that they claim to lead, and Shahak is scathing toward their apparent self-serving hypocrisy, especially those who publicly express strongly liberal views. For example, according to mainstream Talmudic doctrine, black Africans are traditionally placed somewhere between people and monkeys in their intrinsic nature, and surely all rabbis, even liberal ones, would be aware of this religious doctrine. But Shahak notes that the numerous American rabbis who so eagerly worked with Martin Luther King, Jr. and other black Civil Rights leaders during the 1950s and 1960s strictly concealed their religious beliefs while denouncing American society for its cruel racism, presumably seeking to achieve a political quid pro quo beneficial to Jewish interests from America’s substantial black population.

Shahak also emphasizes the utterly totalitarian nature of traditional Jewish society, in which rabbis held the power of life and death over their congregants, and often sought to punish ideological deviation or heresy using those means. They were often outraged that this became difficult as states grew stronger and increasingly prohibited such private executions. Liberalizing rabbis were sometimes murdered and Baruch Spinoza, the famous Jewish philosopher of the Age of Reason, only survived because the Dutch authorities refused to allow his fellow Jews to kill him.


Given the complexity and exceptionally controversial nature of this subject matter, I would urge readers who find this topic of interest to spend three or four hours reading Shahak’s very short book, and then decide for themselves whether his claims seem plausible and whether I may have inadvertently misunderstood them. Aside from the copies on Amazon, the work may also be found at and also a very convenient HTML copy is freely available on the Internet.

My encounter a decade ago with Shahak’s candid description of the true doctrines of traditional Judaism was certainly one of the most world-altering revelations of my entire life. But as I gradually digested the full implications, all sorts of puzzles and disconnected facts suddenly became much more clear. There were also some remarkable ironies, and not long afterward I joked to a (Jewish) friend of mine that I’d suddenly discovered that Naziism could best be described as “Judaism for Wimps” or perhaps Judaism as practiced by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

There may actually be a deeper historical truth behind that irony. I think I’ve read here and there that some scholars believe that Hitler may have modeled certain aspects of his racially-focused National Socialist doctrine upon the Jewish example, which really makes perfect sense. After all, he saw that despite their small numbers Jews had gained enormous power in the Soviet Union, Weimar Germany, and numerous other countries throughout Europe, partly due to their extremely strong ethnic cohesion, and he probably reasoned that his own Germanic people, being far greater in numbers and historical achievements could do even better if they adopted similar practices.

It’s also interesting to note that quite a number of the leading racialist pioneers of 19th century Europe came from a particular ethnic background. For example, my history books had always disapprovingly mentioned Germany’s Max Nordau and Italy’s Cesare Lombroso as two of the founding figures of European racism and eugenics theories, but it was only very recently that I also discovered that Nordau had also been the joint founder with Theodor Herzl of the world Zionist movement, while his major racialist treatise Degeneration, was dedicated to Lombroso, his Jewish mentor.


Even as late as the 1930s and afterward, international Zionist groups closely cooperated with the Third Reich on international economic projects, and during the world war itself one of the smaller rightwing factions, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yizhak Shamir, actually offered a military alliance to the Axis Powers, denouncing the decadent Western democracies and hoping to cooperate against their mutual British enemies. The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, 51 Documents by Lenni Brenner, and other writings have documented all these facts in detail, though for obvious reasons they have generally been ignored or mischaracterized by most of our media outlets.


Obviously the Talmud is hardly regular reading among ordinary Jews these days, and I would suspect that except for the strongly Orthodox and perhaps most rabbis, barely a sliver are aware of its highly controversial teachings. But it is important to keep in mind that until just a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox, and even today I would guess that the overwhelming majority of Jewish adults had Orthodox grand-parents. Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments, a condition enhancing their unrecognized influence. A religion based upon the principal of “Love Thy Neighbor” may or may not be workable in practice, but a religion based upon “Hate Thy Neighbor” may be expected to have long-term cultural ripple effects that extend far beyond the direct community of the deeply pious. If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past.

Furthermore, Jewish hostility toward non-Jews may have often served the interests of others, and helped determine the economic role they played, especially in European countries, with this factor having been obscured by widespread ignorance of the underlying religious tenets. As most of us know from our history books, political rulers with little sympathy for their subjects sometimes restrict military power to a relatively small group of well-rewarded mercenaries, often of foreign origins so that they will have little sympathy for the population they harshly repress. I strongly suspect that some of the most common traditional economic niches of European Jews, such as tax-farming and the arrenda estate-management system of Eastern Europe, should be best understood in a similar light, with Jews being more likely to extract every last penny of value from the peasants they controlled for the benefit of their local king or lords, and their notorious antipathy for all non-Jews ensuring that such behavior was minimally tempered by any human sympathy. Thus, we should not be surprised that Jews first entered England in the train of William the Conqueror, in order to help him and his victorious Norman lords effectively exploit the subjugated Anglo-Saxon population they now ruled.

But states in which the vast majority of the population is oppressed and dominated by a thin slice of rulers and their mercenary enforcers tend to be much weaker and more brittle than those in which rulers and ruled share common interests, and I believe this is just as true for economic enforcers as for military ones. In many cases, lands reliant upon Jewish economic intermediaries, notably Poland, never successfully developed a native middle class, and often later fared quite poorly against their nationally-unified competitors. Spain was actually one of the last countries in Europe to expel its Jews, and over the next century or two reached the peak of its military and political glory. Prof. Kevin MacDonald’s controversial books on Judaism have also extensively argued that rulers who seem to have been more concerned for the well-being of their subjects also tend to be the ones more likely to be labeled “anti-Semitic” in modern history books, and his volumes are now easily available in my selection of HTML Books:

In 2009, Gene Expression blogger Razib Khan interviewed eminent evolutionary theorist David Sloan Wilson on the group selection ideas that have been his major focus. During this hour-long discussion, the theories of MacDonald became a major topic, with Wilson seeming to take them quite seriously, and pointing out that within the scientific framework “parasitism” has a simple technical definition, namely the exploitation of the large by the small. Unsurprisingly, the video record of such extremely touchy subject matter was quickly truncated to just the first 11 minutes, and eventually completely removed from both YouTube and BloggingHeadsTV. But it still at least partially survives in archived form:


In recent years, the history of Jewish expulsions from various European societies over the last thousand years has received considerable attention. The total number is somewhat disputed but almost certainly in excess of 100, with the 1930s policies of Hitler’s Germany being merely the most recent example, and Wired Magazine provided an interesting graphical presentation of this large dataset in 2013. Given these unfortunate facts, it may be difficult to point to any other group so consistently at bitter odds with its local neighbors, and the religious details provided by Shahak certainly make this remarkable historical pattern far less inexplicable.

A very even-handed but candid description of the behavior pattern of Jewish newcomers to America was provided in a chapter of a 1914 book on immigration groups by E.A. Ross, one of America’s greatest early sociologists. Ross had been one of the towering Progressive intellectuals of his era, widely quoted by Lothrop Stoddard on the Right while still so highly regarded by the Left that he was named to the Dewey Commission to adjudicate the conflicting accusations of Trotsky and Stalin and also received glowing praise in the pages of the Communist New Masses. His dismissal on political grounds from Stanford University led to the formation of the American Association of University Professors. Yet his name had so totally vanished from our history books I had never even encountered it until beginning work on my content-archiving project, and I would not be surprised if that single chapter from one of his many books played a major role in his disappearance.


Jews spent two thousand years living as a diaspora people, and their tightly-bound trans-national colonies provided them with a uniquely effective international trading network. Since their religious traditions regarded slavery as the natural and appropriate lot of all non-Jews, both ideological and practical factors combined to apparently make them some of the leading slave-traders of Medieval Europe, though this is hardly emphasized in our histories. Closer to home, in 1991 the Black Nationalists of The Nation of Islam published The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, which seemed to persuasively document the enormous role Jews had played in the American slave-trade. In 1994, Harold Brackman published a short attempted rebuttal entitled Ministry of Lies under the auspices of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, but I found his denials much less compelling. I very much doubt that most Americans are aware of these historical facts.


Throughout most of my life, Nobel Laureate Alexander Solzhenitsyn was generally regarded as the greatest Russian literary figure of our modern era, and after reading all of his works, including The First Circle, Cancer Ward, and The Gulag Archipelago, I certainly concurred with this assertion, and eagerly absorbed Michael Scammel’s brilliant thousand page biography. Although Russian himself, many of his closest friends were Jewish, but during the 1980s and 1990s, whispers of his supposed anti-Semitism began floating around, probably because he had sometimes hinted at the very prominent role of Jews in both financing and leading the Bolshevik Revolution, and afterward staffing the NKVD and administering the Gulag labor camps. Late in his life, he wrote a massive two-volume history of the tangled relationship between Jews and Russians under the title Two Hundred Years Together, and although that work soon appeared in Russian, French, and German, nearly two decades later, no English translation has ever been authorized. His literary star seems also to greatly waned in America since that time, and I only very rarely see his name mentioned these days in any of my regular newspapers.

Samizdat versions of major sections of his final work may easily be located on the Internet, and a few years ago Amazon temporarily sold a 750 page hard copy edition, which I ordered and lightly skimmed. Everything seemed quite innocuous and factual, and nothing new jumped out at me, but perhaps the documentation of very heavy Jewish role in Communism was considered inappropriate for American audiences, as was the discussion of the extremely exploitative relationship between Jews and Slavic peasants in pre-revolutionary times, based on liquor-dealing and money-lending, which the Czars had often sought to mitigate.

When a ruling elite has limited connection to the population it controls, benevolent behavior is far less likely to occur, and those problems are magnified when that elite has a long tradition of ruthlessly extractive behavior. Enormous numbers of Russians suffered and died in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, and given the overwhelmingly Jewish composition of the top leadership during much of that period, it is hardly surprising that “anti-Semitism” was deemed a capital offense. Kevin MacDonald may have been the one who coined the term “hostile elite,” and discussed the unfortunate consequences when a country comes under such control.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, reborn Russia soon fell under the overwhelming domination of a small group of Oligarchs, almost entirely of Jewish background, and a decade of total misery and impoverishment for the general Russian population soon followed. But once an actual Russian named Vladimir Putin regained control, these trends reversed and the lives of Russians have enormously improved since that time. America’s media organs were overwhelmingly friendly toward Russia when it was under Jewish Oligarchic rule, while Putin has been demonized in the press more ferociously than any world leader since Hitler. Indeed, our media pundits regularly identify Putin as “the new Hitler” and I actually think the analogy might be a reasonable one, but just not in the way they intend.


Sometimes it is much easier to notice obvious patterns in a foreign country than in one’s own. In the early 2000s I read The Master Switch, a widely-praised history of modern communications technology by Columbia University professor Tim Wu, who has subsequently become a leading Internet-rights activist. I found the account fascinating, with so many stories never before known to me. However, I couldn’t help but notice that all the powerful mass-media technologies of our modern world–film, radio, and television–had been invented and pioneered by Gentiles, mostly of Anglo-Saxon origin, but in each case control was seized by ruthless Jewish businessmen, who sometimes destroyed the lives and careers of those creators. By the 1950s, nearly all of America’s leading concentrations of electronic media power—with the sole major exception of Disney Studios—were solidly in Jewish hands. In an open society such as ours, these are the central levers of political influence, and over the next generation or so, America’s long-dominant and heavily Anglo-Saxon ruling elite was replaced by a mostly Jewish one, a development I alluded to in my long Meritocracy article of a few years ago.

Critics today of all backgrounds bemoan the total impoverishment of so much of America’s once comfortably affluent middle class, noting that some sixty percent of the American population today possesses less than $500 in readily available savings. A younger generation has been reduced to permanent debt-servitude by ruinous student loans, while the the newspapers report that the opioid drug epidemic has claimed a dreadful toll in lives and family-breakdown even while Wall Street and other elite sectors of the financialized economy are richer than they have ever been before. There are certainly many different explanations for this sad economic trajectory, including technological change, growing international competition, and shifts of political power in the American system of government. But it does sometimes seem like a substantial fraction of our population has been reduced to a 21st century version of the drunken, ignorant, exploited, indebted, impoverished, and immiserated Slavic peasantry of the Jewish-dominated Pale of Settlement, and a striking graph produced by the Economic Policy Institute demonstrates that a very sharp economic inflection point occurred in the early 1970s, right around the time that the aforementioned ethnic transformation of our ruling elites was fully under way.

Contrary to widespread popular belief, it is not actually illegal to be a “Nazi” in America, nor are Nazis prohibited from owning property, even including media outlets. But suppose that the overwhelming majority of America’s major media concentrations were owned and controlled by Nazis of a particularly fanatical type. Surely that might have serious consequences for the course of our society, and especially that fraction of the population viewed with considerable disfavor under Nazi doctrine.

One important point to consider in the abbreviated history of Hitler’s Third Reich was that although the ruling Nazi elite was often quite harsh and extreme in its behavior, well over 98% of the population it ruled prior to the outbreak of war consisted of Germans, the particular group which that ruling elite most sought to benefit and uplift in all possible ways, and despite the obscuring cloud of retrospective propaganda, this goal seems to have largely been achieved. In 2004, Counterpunch published a column by the late Alexander Cockburn, its redoubtable editor, noting the tremendous success of Hitler’s peacetime economic policies, and in 2013 that same webzine carried a much longer column focused entirely on this same subject, citing the analysis of Henry C.K. Liu, whose Chinese background provided him greater critical distance. Indeed, during most of the 1930s Hitler received widespread international praise for the great success of his domestic economic and social achievements, making the cover of Time Magazine on numerous occasions and even being named its Man of the Year for 1938. By contrast, I suspect that a population that was some 98% non-German but ruled by those same fanatically pro-German leaders might have fared far worse.

Most of these disheartening facts that have so completely upended my understanding of reality over the last decade could not possibly have come to my attention until the rise of the Internet, which partially broke centralized control over the distribution of information. But many other people surely must have known large portions of this important story long before that, and recognized the very serious consequences these matters might have for the future of our society. Why has there been so little public discussion?

I believe one factor is that over the years and the decades, our dominant media organs of news and entertainment have successfully conditioned most Americans to suffer a sort of mental allergic reaction to topics sensitive to Jews, which leads to all sorts of issues being considered absolutely out of bounds. And with America’s very powerful Jewish elites thereby insulated from almost all public scrutiny, Jewish arrogance and misbehavior remain largely unchecked and can increase completely without limit.

I’ve also sometimes suggested to people that one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests. Every now and then, a particularly brave or foolhardy public figure challenges some off-limits topic and is almost always overwhelmed and destroyed by a veritable swarm of these fanatical Jewish attackers. Just as the painful stings of the self-sacrificing warrior caste of an ant colony can quickly teach large predators to go elsewhere, fears of provoking these “Jewish berserkers” can often severely intimidate writers or politicians, causing them to choose their words very carefully or even completely avoid discussing certain controversial subjects, thereby greatly benefiting Jewish interests as a whole. And the more such influential people are thus intimidated into avoiding a particular topic, the more that topic is perceived as strictly taboo, and avoided by everyone else as well.

For example, about a dozen years ago I was having lunch with an especially eminent Neoconservative scholar with whom I’d become a little friendly. We were bemoaning the overwhelmingly leftward skew among America’s intellectual elites, and I suggested it largely seemed a function of our most elite universities. Many of our brightest students from across the nation entered Harvard and the other Ivies holding a variety of different ideological perspectives, but after four years departed those halls of learning overwhelmingly in left-liberal lock-step. Although he agreed with my assessment, he felt I was missing something important. He nervously glanced to both sides, shifted his head downward, and lowered his voice. “It’s the Jews,” he said.


I do not doubt that much of the candid analysis provided above will be quite distressing to many individuals. Indeed, some may believe that such material far exceeds the boundaries of mere “anti-Semitism” and easily crosses the threshold into constituting an actual “blood libel” against the Jewish people. That extremely harsh accusation, widely used by stalwart defenders of Israeli behavior, refers to the notorious Christian superstition, prevalent throughout most of the Middle Ages and even into more modern times, that Jews sometimes kidnapped small Christian children in order to drain their blood for use in various magic rituals, especially in connection with the Purim religious holiday. One of my more shocking discoveries of the last dozen years is that there is a fairly strong likelihood that these seemingly impossible beliefs were actually true.

I personally have no professional expertise whatsoever in Jewish ritual traditions, nor the practices of Medieval Jewry. But one of the world’s foremost scholars in that field is Ariel Toaff, professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval Studies at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, and himself the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome.

In 2007, he published the Italian edition of his academic study Blood Passovers, based on many years of diligent research, assisted by his graduate students and guided by the suggestions of his various academic colleagues, with the initial print run of 1,000 copies selling out on the first day. Given Toaff’s international eminence and such enormous interest, further international distribution, including an English edition by a prestigious American academic press would normally have followed. But the ADL and various other Jewish-activist groups regarded such a possibility with extreme disfavor, and although these activists lacked any scholarly credentials, they apparently applied sufficient pressure to cancel all additional publication. Although Prof. Toaff initially attempted to stand his ground in stubborn fashion, he soon took the same course as Galileo, and his apologies naturally became the basis of the always-unreliable Wikipedia entry on the topic.


Eventually, an English translation of his text turned up on the Internet in a PDF format and was also placed for sale on, where I purchased a copy and eventually read it. Given those difficult circumstances, this work of 500 pages is hardly in ideal form, with most of the hundreds of footnotes disconnected from the text, but it still provides a reasonable means of evaluating Toaff’s controversial thesis, at least from a layman’s perspective. He certainly seems an extremely erudite scholar, drawing heavily upon the secondary literature in English, French, German, and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Latin, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Indeed, despite the shocking nature of the subject matter, this scholarly work is actually rather dry and somewhat dull, with very long digressions regarding the particular intrigues of various obscure Medieval Jews. My own total lack of expertise in these areas must be emphasized, but overall I thought Toaff made a quite persuasive case.

It appears that a considerable number of Ashkenazi Jews traditionally regarded Christian blood as having powerful magical properties and considered it a very valuable component of certain important ritual observances at particular religious holidays. Obviously, obtaining such blood in large amounts was fraught with considerable risk, which greatly enhanced its monetary value, and the trade in the vials of this commodity seems to have been widely practiced. Toaff notes that since the detailed descriptions of the Jewish ritualistic murder practices are very similarly described in locations widely separated by geography, language, culture, and time period, they are almost certainly independent observations of the same rite. Furthermore, he notes that when accused Jews were caught and questioned, they often correctly described obscure religious rituals which could not possibly have been known to their Gentile interrogators, who often garbled minor details. Thus, these confessions were very unlikely to have been concocted by the authorities.

Furthermore, as extensively discussed by Shahak, the world-view of traditional Judaism did involve a very widespread emphasis on magical rituals, spells, charms, and similar things, providing a context in which ritualistic murder and human sacrifice would hardly be totally unexpected.

Obviously, the ritual murder of Christian children for their blood was viewed with enormous disfavor by the local Gentile population, and the widespread belief in its existence remained a source of bitter tension between the two communities, flaring up occasionally when a Christian child mysteriously disappeared at a particular time of year, or when a body was found that exhibited suspicious types of wounds or showed a strange loss of blood. Every now and then, a particular case would reach public prominence, often leading to a political test of strength between Jewish and anti-Jewish groups. During the mid-19th century, there was one such famous case in French-dominated Syria, and just before the outbreak of the First World War, Russia was wracked by a similar political conflict in the 1913 Beilis Affair in the Ukraine.

I first encountered these very surprising ideas almost a dozen years ago in a long article by Israel Shamir that was referenced in Counterpunch, and this would definitely be worth reading as an overall summary, together with a couple of his follow-up columns, while writer Andrew Hamilton offers the most recent 2012 overview of the controversy. Shamir also helpfully provides a free copy of the book in PDF form, an updated version with the footnotes properly noted in the text. Anyway, I lack the expertise to effectively judge the likelihood of the Toaff Hypothesis, so I would invite those interested to read Toaff’s book or better yet the related articles and decide for themselves.


The notion that the world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine has often been misattributed to the British astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington, and over the last fifteen-odd years I’ve sometimes begun to believe that the historical events of our own era could be considered in a similar light. I’ve also sometimes joked with my friends that when the true history of our last one hundred years is finally written and told—probably by a Chinese professor at a Chinese university—none of the students in his lecture hall will ever believe a word of it.

Related Readings:

The American Pravda Series
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  1. Wally says:

    A search of CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust), the world’s leading ‘holocaust’ Revisionist publisher, website, and source of information concerning scholarly research proving the fraudulence of the ‘holocaust’ narrative yields forty-one results when searching Israel Shahak.


    The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
    See the ‘holocaust’ debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

  2. Dan Hayes says:

    Mr. Unz:

    All I can say is WOW! With this essay you’ve really let it all hang out and thrown down the gauntlet.

    I would ordinarily give zero or less as the political survival chances for anyone else writing anything like this. But somehow or other through earned wealth, political brazenness, or just plain unmitigated good fortune I feel/hope that you and the UR will both continue and prosper.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Wally
    , @Svigor
  3. Polymath says:

    Not having time at the moment, I make no judgment on the validity of Unz’s findings, but I predict that a very strong reaction will arrive soon, and I trust Ron has made adequate technical preparations.

    • Replies: @Wally
  4. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    There is one authenticated child sacrificed by Jews. It’s the child Saint Hugo of Lincoln disappeared and found dead and drained of blood near Lincoln England in the 1200.

    There was also a N. Italian boy in the 1500s

    The mid 19th century Syrian was an adult, a Christian monk.

    Affirmative action is a Jewish war against the White goyim. The majority of attorneys on the anti White side of the affirmative action law suits have Jewish names. Same with the civil rights criminal attorneys that have made the once great cities crime ridden ghettoes.

    Re: employment, Whites are untouchables. It’s amazing the number of government agencies at all levels whose only function is to ensure that Whites aren’t hired for any job.

    It’s ny opinion that we goyim should be grateful American Jews haven’t yet done to us what they did to Russians 1918 to 1950? And what they’re doing to Palestinians now.

    Having personally known some Jewish weather underground and other radicals I know how much they hate us.

    I found Dr Macdonald’s trilogy in the university library where I worked. Having spent a lifetime around the Jewish old left and new left, nothing in those books was new to me.

    It was because of the Jewish tax collectors that Poland was partitioned between Russia Austria and Prussia. They kept so much of the tax money for themselves there was no money for either an army or any kind of diplomatic service.

  5. My. Well, offhand, I imagine my reaction will lie somewhere midway between the uncritical applause of the anti-semite brigade and the shocked denunciations of the guardians of political orthodxy.

    The comments I’m about to post are more or less haphazard. I merely wish to emphasize that I actually agree with most of what I read; I’m listing my points of dissent, not my points of agreement.

    First off, it’s an exaggeration — and a self-defeating one — to say that the Russian Communists were ‘overwhelmingly’ Jewish. Disproportionately, certainly, and indeed, heavily, but not ‘overwhelmingly.’ Perhaps a third of the prominent figures were Jewish. Have half. The point is that Communism, while heavily Jewish, was also gentile.

    Second, the article gives the impression that there is some some kind of monolithic Judaism. That’s obviously untrue: Jews are some of the most quarrelsome, dissent-prone folks around. The author is actually more representative of the average Jewish intellectual than he may think. Indeed, this compulsion to dissent — rather than some sinister urge to reduce the goyim to misery — may do much to explain the attraction revolutionary creeds hold for Jews.

    I’ll also note that the monolithic Judaism paradigm fails in the face of the enormous intermarriage rate among Jewish men. If there is a Jewish plot, a good half of Jewish men are completely failing to do their duty.

    So that’s about it. Revisionism — of all kinds — is good and useful. However, it usually goes too far. If the Jew as immaculately innocent and eternal victim paradigm is obviously inaccurate, it doesn’t follow that the exact opposite must be the case.

    If it wasn’t for Israel, I’d actually have no problem with Jews. I found myself confronting this when I decided to buy a camera from B&H Camera. I realized the firm is owned by Satmar Jews, who think that when the Messiah comes, all the bad gentiles will go to hell while all the good gentiles will be the slaves of Jews for all eternity.

    I thought about that for a bit, and eventually came to the conclusion that while their sentiment is hardly friendly, when the Messiah comes, we’ll find out if they’re right. In the meantime, they offer some excellent prices on cameras.

  6. DB Cooper says:

    I heard years ago that Christianity is so despise in Israel that in school the students are taught to write the arithmetic plus sign as the letter “t” rather than “+” because the “+” sign resembles the Christianity cross.

  7. As a separate note, I’d add the works of a professor Klier to the reading list. He’s a Cambridge academic who’s produced some careful research on Jews in nineteenth century Russia and the actual nature and course of the various pogroms on which so much Jewish victimology rests. Certainly the evil anti-semitic Tsars and their officials emerge as much more ambiguous figures than the usual narrative would have us believe.

    • Replies: @Hans
  8. Rational says:


    Sir, you have written one of the best articles I have read in years! Great work! It takes a great man to speak with such honesty like you have, in this day and age.

    Israel Shahak was truly a great man. His excellent book “Jewish History, Jewish Religion” belongs in every intellectual’s book shelf. I recommend your article and his book to everybody.

    I thank you again.

  9. It is worth noting in the Bible how prevalent the mention of both animal and human sacrifice is. It is also noteworthy how many ancient Jewish customs and rituals, starting with male circumcision mentioned in Genesis, are still adhered to today with pride by modern-day Jews. To dismiss any mention of the possibility of human blood ritual sacrifice without even entertaining the relevant facts bespeaks a conditioning by both Jews and non-Jews that simply will not entertain the possibility of it being true.

    The term thug is derived from the Hindi word thugee, a member of a religious sect that existed for centuries in India strangling travellers in their sleep after gaining their confidence. When the Thugs were finally broken up by the British authorities in the 19th century, they protested that they were merely serving the great goddess Kali and her need for sacrifcial victims. Who were they, mere mortals, to deny her her sacred rite right? They were merely being good devout Thugs.

    You’ve got to give Jews credit for one thing. They think BIG. Wheras the Thugs merely killed small bands of pilgrims, Jews do the same thing on a national scale.

  10. Reading this I’m reminded of the Far Side cartoon that shows a psychiatrist writing on his note pad his assessment of a patient who is blabbering on and on about his life. The notes read: “Just plain nuts.”

  11. utu says:

    On Saturday I tried to tell a friend about who was Ron Unz and about his Weltanschauung evolution. Then on Sunday for reason now I do not remember I began to think of Bobby Fischer and his evolution that eventually lead to the asylum he got in Iceland. And I began to fear for Ron Unz’s future and safety. Was he on a similar path?

    Several hours later this article was posted.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @iffen
    , @annamaria
  12. anon[149] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve just been called a Nazi and kicked out of the Atheist Conservative facebook group for posting this, calling it fascinating and asking what the administrator thinks.

    • Replies: @Wally
  13. Well that was as fascinating as it was morbid. As usual, thank you for sharing. You’re doing (Christian) God’s work!

    religious Jews apparently pray to Satan

    Synagogue of Satan confirmed!

    Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.

    Adding further credibility to the notion that Christianity was created as an anti-Jewish weapon. I watched a vid on YouTube some time ago between Kevin McDonald and… I want to say David Duke? But they were getting in to that theory quite a bit.

    Though, all things considered, the modern day implications of this article only make me wish I really could rely on a holy savior descending from the sky to rescue us from such an incomprehensible evil.

    when the true history of our last one hundred years is finally written and told—probably by a Chinese professor at a Chinese university—none of the students in his lecture hall will ever believe a word of it.

    Reminds me of the spirit cooking thing with Podesta from the 2016 election cycle. And the #PizzaGate thing. That video of the after hours event they were holding in that pizza shop still gives me the creeps.

    I often refer to people these days as cattle, for obvious reasons. But thinking about what I read here in the context of modern times…. how soul crushing it is even just to consider that we may..probably are.. quite literally be cattle for these people.

    I think I see the farm. But how do I leave it?

    Ehh… I really shoulda saved this read for the morning…

  14. Thanks to Ron for summarizing this obscure material, and his bravery and honesty in writing about it.

    What have we learned here? That European Jews, in the Christian period between antiquity and modernity, often dwelled in superstitious and tightly controlled communities, hostile to outsiders. That on several occasions, perhaps even repeatedly, they became exploitative agents of a local ruling class, alienated from the common people. That despite the secularism and reformism that dominates the modern Jewish community, the superstitious tribalism survives as an element in the political life of the nation-state of Israel, and the rapacious economic practices as an element in the business life of modern America. That’s my instant synopsis.

  15. A few typos I picked up:

    “One or the one” should probably be “one or the other.”

    “Discontented facts” should probably be “disconnected facts.”

    “Lenni Brunner” should be Lenni Brenner.


    All in all, I found this a solid summary of some interesting but obscure factual claims. I think it was somewhat irresponsible not include a discussion of just how widespread such beliefs, attitudes and practices are among Jews today. Without such a discussion, I fear too much of the commentary will be about how ‘anti-semitic’ the essay is, rather than how accurate it is.

    • Replies: @rjl
    , @Anon
  16. Blood Passover is made more believable generally by consideration of the entirely authority plus faith based persecution of non existent witches. Great Britain had become quite moderate until James 1′s experience in Denmark when he was James VI of Scotland picking up his bride turned him into a scholar of Demonologie and, despite his son Charles 1 putting a damper on witchhunting it took off during the civil war about 1645 and led to the killing of hundreds of witches over the next hundred years. Local villagers were often the accusers for pecuniary or other malign motives and de facto circumvention of legal restrictions on torture were common. Not the same obviously but it makes belief in almost any primitive practices quite credible.

    • Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  17. Ron, as a Jew raised in the Reform tradition, I can’t speak to the claims about Talmudic Judaism. But your claims that “our media pundits regularly identify Putin as ‘the new Hitler’” seems largely untrue. A quick Google search on “the new Hitler” turns up only 70,000 results, links that refer mostly to Saddam Hussain, various Iranian leaders, and Trump. A search for “the new Hitler” and “Putin” turns up only 17,000 results and from what I can tell many of the linked stories criticize the formulation. Can you point to even two or three significant pundits who have called Putin “the new Hitler”?

    I’m also no expert on the subject of Hitler’s economic policies, but I recall from an undergraduate history course that Hitler revived the German economy through massive deficit spending, budgets predicated on the coming wartime plunder. Citing “the tremendous success of Hitler’s peacetime economic policies” is like citing the tremendous success of the US occupation of Iraq in 2003. It’s true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go very far.

    As to all the claims about pre-modern Judaism, I can’t say, but many of the practices and superstitions you cite don’t seem very different from contemporaneous Christianity. And your dark musings on the lasting impact of the alleged centuries of inculcated “seething hatred” for Christians doesn’t jibe particularly well with the Jewish intermarriage rate, an actual verifiable statistic that’s conspicuous in its absence.

  18. You are a good, brave and rare man, Ron Unz.

    • Agree: Pat Kittle
    • Replies: @densa
    , @Moi
    , @anonymous
  19. Biff says:

    rulers who seem to have been more concerned for the well-being of their subjects also tend to be the ones more likely to be labeled “anti-Semitic” in modern history books,

  20. bossel says:

    completely removed from both YouTube and BloggingHeadsTV

    Not really. Watching it there right now. Length 65:49.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  21. Sloopyjoe says:

    Thank you Mr. Unz for your hard work in putting this article together. I’m glad you had mentioned the Organ Harvesting Disease that infects Jewish Voodoo Practices, The Jewish role in the Black Slave Trade, and the physical spitting upon Christians by Jews. These topics are rarely mentioned today due to the suppressive nature of Jewish Media control and the bought off USSA/Western Politicos. Another Oddity of the Jewish Religion (only naughty and consistently problematic creatures need to have 613 Commandments):


    I would like to take the readers on a little journey a bit further back in time in regards to the origination of the Jewish Religion, as well as, Christianity and Islam. First a short video:

    Here is the article and Author from which this originates ( I would encourage the readers to read the other well researched and very enlightening articles by scholar, Ashraf Ezzat):

    And another by John Kaminski:

    The understanding of the above information has PROFOUND implications on the above three religions. Most will deny and scurry off into their “Safe Spaces” while continuing to live in the “Blue Pill” world and deserve to be scolded by The Wise Prophet, Mr. T: The few that have retained a spine and a desire for accurate historical truths will be on their way to the “Red Pill” world and out of the Matrix Mind Control Mechanisms. Similar to 9-11. If one major part of the story stinks, then the rest stinks. Simple.

    Some sagely wisdom from Comedian George Carlin RIP (I would rename the video Organized Religions are Bullsh*t):

    The revisionist history practices and manipulative nature of the Jews (real and fake) are easily verified by any who have eyes to see and minds to think.

    Free your mind and your arse will follow.

    • Replies: @Wally
    , @Jared Eliot
  22. This was an extraordinary article. Thank you, Ron Unz. Warning: you are being monitored, Ron, around the clock (of course you already know this).

    This just in:

    The International Coalition Against Anti-Semitsm and White Supremacy (ICAAWS) wants shut down and Ron Unz held responsible for the ‘disturbing’ rise in anti-Semitic hate crimes and unprovoked attacks upon innocent Jews around the world. It’s reaching epidemic proportions!

    Actually, this hysterical malarkey is not exactly true. Ron’s not facing any lawsuits or indictments (yet) and the organization above does not exist (at least as far as I know). But there are dozens of similar-sounding organizations which do. And they’re deadly serious about “stopping the hate”–even in online discussions where Jewish conduct is criticized and where remarkable disclosures concerning Jewish history and ‘beliefs’ are revealed.

    Ron: You are trafficking in blood libels!

    This part is true: at this moment, scores of Jewish scholars, attorneys, lobbyists, activists, intellectuals, ‘philanthropists’, political experts and media operatives are working feverishly and cooperatively to impose limits on political speech and even draft legislation that will criminalize and eventually eradicate the global ‘scourge’ of anti-Semitism. This includes you, dear reader. You’ve got the disease!

    That’s how the official story might read, anyway.

    But let’s not kid ourselves. Jews do have a problem.

    No matter how collectively powerful, accomplished, secure, connected and wealthy they become, the chosen people are constantly aspiring for more. More!

    As the Torah instructs, they must ‘rule the nations’ (all of them).

    More land, more prestige, more wealth, more glory. Even more shiksas! (As Harvey W. knows).

    This unquenchable appetite of theirs invariably spills over and into neighboring cultures, populations and states. Jews may be small in number but their footprint is large. Very large. Thus ‘anti-Semitism’. And to make matters worse, their ‘religion’ is a hodge-podge of macabre superstitions, outright satanism, and supreme self-worship. This makes them less-than-ideal neighbors.

    I can only imagine the intense interest and ‘outrage’ (one of their favorite words) felt by world’s foremost deceivers, hypocrites, self-deceivers when they read an article like this, Mr. Unz. Like Shahak, you are telling the truth as you find it. And that makes them mad. Very mad.

    Don’t you dare say that!

    Unvarnished disclosures can nourish ‘anti-Semitism’! And mere truth is no defense.

    Jewish safety (and Jewish souls) are just too damn important. Kosher taboos must therefore be observed. And obeyed.

    This is why the chosen people have become the world’s foremost censors. Unfettered discourse and unobstructed scholarship jeopardizes their precious Narrative (just as it threatens the official Holocaust yarn). So shut up. Free Speech has its limits.

    (((They))) will tell you just what those limits are once you’ve violated them. Be careful. Tread lightly.

    Indeed, I do recall seeing as small article about Toaff’s provocative book (this was well over 20 years ago) in a local SF newspaper that indicated that “political pressures” forced its ‘cancellation’.

    Decades earlier, a Japanese writer (whose name I do not recall) attempted to publish a book in Japan that posited the view that Jews controlled the Western world. This book too never saw the light of day. Even Japan (way over yonder) was brought to heel by the (((guardians of discourse))).

    And I also distinctly remember the article (and photo) that also appeared decades ago in the SF Chronicle which described the incident where revisionist historian, David Irving, was physically attacked in an auditorium at Cal Berkeley (home of America’s ‘legendary’ Free Speech movement) for being a ‘Nazi apologist’. Yet there was no public ‘outrage’ over the politically-driven, physical attack upon a scholar speaking in Berkeley. None.

    Irving ‘deserved’ it.

    The always-protesting Left had nothing to say (or if they did, it went unrecorded) about this frontal assault on intellectual freedom at Berkeley. Gee. Odd.

    The ACLU was AWOL. No professors came to Irving’s defense. To quote a cliche adored by the vociferous Left: ‘the silence was deafening’.

    And throughout the mainstream press at that time, there was no defense of Mr. Irving’s right to discuss his book (‘Hitler’s War’) at Berkeley; nor was there any kind of counter-protest at Berkeley to defend Irving’s clear, constitutionally-guaranteed right to address an audience in an academic setting. None.

    What’s wrong with this picture?

    And it happened at Berkeley.

    The totalitarian (((Left))) rules the academy as well as our news institutions. And that’s not all.

    Thankfully, we now have a free and gloriously open internet. The marketplace of ideas has arrived.
    But I lived through an era when all we had was (((mainstream))) news and prime time entertainment. America was even more zombified then than now.

    Nevertheless, Americans still live under a soft occupation. We are allowed (encouraged) to get obnoxiously and deliriously excited over a football game. One may also champion this Democrat candidate over that Republican one (or visa-versa)– but Americans are not really allowed to stray too far from the contrived ‘center’ of our culture’s political ‘center’. This violation of standards is what the ‘far right’ does. And it makes them ‘extreme’.

    So America’s political center has been given a loose definition. It includes the global security state, Zio-Washington’s global military empire, our two-Party duopoly, Russia-phobia, Iran-phobia, Hamas-phobia, political protocols which undermine white cohesion, as well the ‘unshakable’ commitment to virtually all political objectives sought by the Zionist state.

    Sometimes reality is indeed stranger than fiction.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @36 ulster
    , @Svigor
  23. Wow explosive stuff Ron, the tribe will come for you.

    In keeping with the spirit of the essay, new Jim Crow legislation’s being proposed in Israel. Imagine the outrage if it were done in the US.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  24. Ron,

    above you link to your Meritocracy article on Asian vs Jewish vs white (Gentile) admission at Harvard.

    Did you ever answer Nurit Baytch’s analysis that appeared to refute your article’s claims of absurd Jewish overrepresentation at Harvard?

    In addition, are you aware that later, after Baytch’s did her calculations, some of the annual Harvard Crimson surveys of incoming freshmen and graduating seniors give the number of self-reported Jewish whites at Harvard, and the number is much lower than what you stated in your Meritocracy article?

    As far as I can tell you were completely wrong about the level of Jewish representation at Harvard. Your accusations of Jewish admissions favoritism (the Protocols of the Elders of Harvard Square) are astonishing, very damning if true, and got very wide circulation on the internet. Yet there is no record (that I could find) of any substantive response from you to Baytch or any indication that you are even aware of the Jewish data in the Crimson surveys.

    So: did you (or anyone else) answer Baytch or address the data from the Harvard Crimson?

    • Replies: @mcohen
    , @Anon
    , @D. K.
    , @Ron Unz
    , @FKA Max
    , @bj
  25. mcohen says:

    At first I was outraged by this article then I had to unbuckle a chuckle.I am disappointed that you never brought up the love amongst certain Jewish sects of chopped liver.

    “And with America’s very powerful Jewish elites thereby insulated from almost all public scrutiny, Jewish arrogance and misbehavior remain largely unchecked and can increase completely without limit.”

    a sliver of liver,a crown for the clown,in the kings court,all will turn to nought.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @druid
  26. llloyd says: • Website

    Jesus. You went the whole hog. The last sentence is a master stroke. Chinese culture has no developed sense of good and therefore no developed sense of evil. It’s all about harmony. The rulers of heaven above bringing down tranquillity below.

    • Replies: @Ace
  27. utu says:

    There were also some remarkable ironies, and not long afterward I joked to a (Jewish) friend of mine that I’d suddenly discovered that Naziism could best be described as “Judaism for Wimps” or perhaps Judaism as practiced by Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

    The first time I have encountered the idea that Nazism emulated Judaism was in Umberto Eco’s essay in a niche art journal. Recently I tried to locate it bu I failed. That I do not reminder the name of the journal does not help.

    It is interesting that a Polish historian wrote about Nazism as an emulation of Judaism already before the WWII and then in underground publications during the WWII in Poland. He worked on his Jewish Civilization before the WWII which finished right after the war. It has been published since in Polish but for obvious reasons not widely know. Supposedly an English translation from a small publishing house in Poland is available:,the-jewish-civilization,6451.html

    Koneczny is more known for his 1935 “On the Plurality of Civilsations.” Here reviewed by Carroll Quigley

    and here the whole book in English with a preface by Arnold Toynbee

    An this is from fairly recent critical article about Koneczny’s Jewish CIvilazation and his raising popularity among nationalists in Poland:

    Koneczny was quite explicit in his judgment of ―Jewish civilization. In his learned opinion, since its origins it had been an incomplete civilization, defective, not possessing all the categories of being, without Truth and Beauty. Indeed, he detected only the tiniest provision of the intellectual categories of being. As an example of these shortcomings, Koneczny noted that for Jews historical thought itself is very, very difficult. From my own experience, I know that for Jewish students it is difficult to acquire this sense, difficult to understand the historical nature of people and things…He consistently maintained in his works that the civilizational question is more a matter of mentality than one of race. Thus, the key concern with Jewish civilization was the threat that the Jewish way of thinking posed to Latin civilization.

    For Koneczny, Jewish civilization was frozen in time. Already in his Plurality of Civilisations (1935), Koneczny was maintaining that the whole of community life the whole structure of Jewish civilization with a mass of detail is contained in the rules of the Old Testament. It is a sacral civilization. Jewish civilization added in time a second source-book of Jewish religion and civilisation—the Talmud… It may safely be said that there is nothing in heaven or earth which is not debated there, but always exclusively from the sacral angle… Not a corner of life escapes the restraint of rules allegedly coming from Jehovah. Jewish civilisation would become even more strongly sacral.

    The fundamental flaw in Jewish civilization is that it is sacral, which leads Jews to embrace a priori thinking and a suspiciousness towards secular learning. As early as 1926, Koneczny was writing in Ateneum Kapłańskie (the most important organ for the Polish clergy during the interwar period) that ―of all religions the Jewish one is most identical with a civilization. The Talmud is this civilization, because it contains the method of collective life in all its details, not neglecting a single category, but with several huge defects (such as the lack of scholarship)… In Jewry religion and civilization are the same. He added that while religion ―is the most important part of a civilization…only religions of a lower order create civilizations and these are also of a lower type. Koneczny later concluded that in ―sacral civilisations religion acts as a brake on progress. A religion which defines everything in categories of being must at the same time petrify everything, and in consequence its adherents are often helpless in face of new currents emerging in the process of time. Where everything is established a priori, where there is no doubt and no inquiry, progress is excluded and instead there is danger of stagnation. For Jewish civiliza- tion, this meant that there was no ―creative originality.

    Koneczny placed special emphases on Jewish legalism, which is evident in Mosaic law. He believed that the contractual agreement between them and their god meant that Jews placed law before ethics. Koneczny found that over the course of centuries there emerged here and there apriori law. It imparted sanction not to existing circumstances and was not created in a natural manner, but it was imagined, invented…Mosaic law was a prototype of apriori law. Koneczny believed that this focus on apriori law is a fundamental feature of Judaism, and consequently Jewish civilization. He stressed that ―[a]mong Jews…law is not based on ethics, but precisely the opposite: ethics are based on law. He theorized that this sacralized law became the regulator for all aspects of Jewish life, leaving no room for the development of ethics. An elephantiasis of law thus emerged: the more law the better!

    Another important factor for Koneczny was the notion of Jewish chosenness. He concluded that this special relationship with God and the faith that all must end with the Jews ruling the world was the most immutable, distinguishing characteristic of Jewish civilization. Koneczny thus identified an ethic of exclusivity that generated contempt, then hatred, for foreigners. In all of universal history, Jews have developed hatred to the highest degree… This all highlights the defective nature of Jewish civilization. This collective predestination reflects Jewish emphasis on the collective, rather than the individual, and precludes a personal relationship with God that is found in Catholicism.

    Koneczny posited that even while Jewish civilization embraced the ethic of exclusivity Jews have been forced to live among other peoples, to live within other civilizations. According to Koneczny, Jewish civilization experienced significant changes among other nations,‘ but what is most interesting is that the changes occurred for the better: the supplement of a defective civilization in many directions and lifting it to a higher level in each case. For example, Jews embraced other languages in order to express a higher order of abstract thought, since Hebrew was itself a language able to facilitate civilizational development only to a certain level, beyond which it becomes a brake on higher development.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @Mr. Anon
  28. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

    Amazing article. Bravo.

  29. Ron seems to be perilously hovering on the edge of a social abyss – i.e. Holocaust revisionism. Join us Ron it’s the logical endpoint of this particular journey.

    • Agree: International Jew
    • Replies: @Wally
  30. utu says:

    Feliks Koneczny (1940s during the WWII): Judaized Hitlerism (excerpts)
    Polis version:

    In Germany, Jews are being attacked, but their ideology is being adopted. The foundations of Nazism are drawn from Jewish civilization. The first (as far as I know) realized in this K.L. Koniński, writing in 1933 about the chosen nation and the chosen race: “How similar to the Jews who are hated are these anti-Semites!.” The civilization activity of both Russian and German societies combines in the fight against Christianity. From the sickle and the hammer, the more obvious sign of anti-Christian tendencies is the broken cross (this is the hackenkreuz). In Russia,all religion are fundamentally destroyed, they do not want any and none, while the Germans decided to create their own religion. Hitler did not think of this at first; it is Josephism mutatis mutandis. Joseph II bred his Catholicism in his own way, because he believed that religion could be very useful to the state; he wanted to make the Church a first-class politician for his use. Also Hitler. The dreams of your own religion have been dating back to Germany since the days of Fichte, and for a hundred years they have been thinking about creating their entire civilization. Attempts to date have been miscarried, because civilization can not be “done”; by no means it will be created artificially, a priori.

    Jews brought monolatry to Europe and we know it from them, and in general we consider it something specifically Jewish. It is not so; monolatry is a phenomenon repeated in universal history here and there in various parts of the world, it can therefore be diverse and Germany could (in principle) think of a new, specifically German monolatry. They did not make this so. The Hitlerian monolatry is a faithful copy of the Jewish one, for it accepts the Jewish concept of the relation of its god to people without reservation. Just like Jehovah, the deutsche Gott is the enemy of all mankind, with the exception of Jews or Germans, Jews are the chosen people, and the German word Herrenvolk means the same; For Jewish choice has the message to rule over the whole world, and Germany strives to the same, under the authority of the deutschen Gottes and under his protection. The goal will undoubtedly be achieved, because the German God is invincible. When the incomparable (for Germans) coincident failed the first universal war, the second one provoked; if it should fail, it will evoke the third, etc. Until the effect. Similarly, Jews believe that world domination can not pass them.

    Their contempt of strangers they had learned from the Jews, as if they were reciting a lesson from the Talmud; they also equated themselves with Jews in maximum hatred. Jews are similar in that pride without measure is the most striking feature of both. In truth, a Jew is a complete man, only a Jew for a Jew, only a German for a German. A simple consequence of being chosen!

    The Germans completed the biblical verse as fully as possible with the promise of Jehovah, who will give Israel “a great and good city that you have not built; at the same time, the houses full of the good of all you did not clean up and the wells dug that you did not dig; vineyards and olive trees that you did not plant – and you will eat and eat “. The situation is exactly the same with the Germans. To desire of someone else’s property has become an essential feature of their character and the axis of their history. They work to have what they want to lead a war of invaders and a robbery invasion, then to live at the expense of others, fruges consumere nati.

    The civilization that is currently being carried by the Germans is to be based on slavery. Jews also dream about it, that when the Messiah comes, he will turn the “nations” into the slaves of Israel. The Germans made this dream a reality, they turned it into reality. They are more radical than Jews. It is hard to think that this system of the “new Europe” is progress.

    Having written down the manifestations of the latest German culture, we see that it is to be strictly utilitarian. Generally, this trait is also characteristic of Jews, but for Germans to a higher degree. Jews cease to be utilitarians when it comes to the worship of Jehovah and the study of the holy books. The Jew is now ready to make great sacrifices. There is nothing sacred in Nazism. They went through Jewish and Chinese in utilitarianism.

    In matters of property of the “nations”, the German position is quite compatible with the Talmud. Quite Jewishly, Germans also consider all property conquered as a “desert”, or a “free lake”, on which the Germans are allowed to do what he likes. Whether for a Jew or for a German, the property of “strangers” is nevertheless res nullius and primi occupantis of a Jew or a German.

    They strictly and thoroughly took over from the Jews the command of a double ethic, different for their fellow believers, and for different gentiles, which consisted of exemption from all ethics. This comes from the explicit command of Jehovah and the German god. The whole Europe knows from experience, not only is German allowed to commit all this evil, so that German has no conscience only but also no honor in relation to strangers, but unfriendly and dishonorable conduct is directly recommended to them. If German does not commit wickedness towards a stranger, apparently he is not a Nazi in spirit; like a Jew, without thinking of anything bad for a goy, he becomes a Jew who has been de-Judaized.

    • Replies: @Wally
  31. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Ron, I don’t know if you’ve drunk your own koolaid or if this is some sort of bizarre grand experiment in creating a deranged and lunatic cult.

    There’s a certain paint by numbers feel to the article that is plainly contrived. The oscillating hot/cold and reasonable/unreasonable tone is the type of manipulation that I am sensitive to seeing, and reacting against.

    Regardless, from the point at which you say that the Talmud takes precendence to the written Torah (Old Testament), you’ve already jumped into fantasy land.

    For example, the entire Torah is read out in services every year. The Talmud is not. It is instead a millenia old vast Jewish Wikipedia in which the most controversial stuff would be found in the commentson edits, the comments on comments on edits and so on and so on and so on.

    Were an alien to browse the internet message boards as you may have browsed the Talmud, they would make all sorts of unreal conclusions.

    I suspect that indeed the huge swelling in third world anti-Western resentment pre-9/11 may actually have been a result of middle class people in the third world getting connected and assuming Western peoples were entirely depraved and without any moral value. As time has passed, they have gained a context for this and their anti-Western feelings are incomparably lower, despite all of the wars.

  32. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:

    It kind of explains the current unhinged Russophobia and the promotion of everything destructive to Western Christian civilization.

    A couple of other sources related to this subject.
    Yale-educated historian William Walsh:
    Characters of the Inquisition
    Isabella of Spain

    And the works of Fr. Denis Fahey:

  33. What a fantastic post by Ron Unz. But with all due respect,much of what he has discovered would have been easily learned by following David Duke.
    To some of us this is old news.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  34. This is a truly remarkable article. Hopefully this leads to some much needed introspection, which would be in the interest of both Jews and Gentiles.

    Critics today of all backgrounds bemoan the total impoverishment of so much of America’s once comfortably affluent middle class, noting that some sixty percent of the American population today possesses less than $500 in readily available savings.

    This 2018 FED survey found that 41% of American adults can’t cover a $400 emergency expense.

    That number is actually a decrease from 50% in 2013.

    But it does sometimes seem like a substantial fraction of our population has been reduced to a 21st century version of the drunken, ignorant, exploited, indebted, impoverished, and immiserated Slavic peasantry of the Jewish-dominated Pale of Settlement

    Yes, it does. I definitely think the misrule of our elites, both Jewish and Gentile, is certainly a factor. However, it seems like the quality of the citizenry has declined significantly (even after adjusting for demographic change). Modern-day Americans seem to have little desire to acquire knowledge, read, discuss issues, or study history. They’re frivolous people whose lives revolve around sports, celebrity gossip, tv, wild pleasure-seeking, and other forms of entertainment. They talk and think like children, which has all sorts of unfortunate consequences for them and their country. They are poor quality citizens.

    This isn’t anything new. Prosperous civilizations tend to decline with time, as comfortable living weakens their fortitude, debauches their mores, and undermines their once strong social bonds. The end result is a citizenry that’s physically&mentally fragile, ruinously hedonistic, and highly socially atomized.

    In its late stage, the citizenry of the Roman Empire had become totally distracted by chariot races and gladiator fights. Meanwhile, irresponsible leaders, some of whom were literally insane, misruled and looted the empire. Eventually, the hollowed out empire was destroyed by the Germanic barbarian hordes. This pattern has been repeated numerous times by many different civilizations.

    See the video below.

    Our elites can get away with so much because they rule over a population of gluttons, clowns, fools, and hedonists. Such a population can be easily distracted and, when needed, intimidated. Elites tend to behave much better when they have a sober-minded, responsible citizenry to keep them in line. Elites run wild when the population is too distracted, enfeebled, atomized, debauched, and ignorant to do anything.

    If Colonial-era America had been populated by the inhabitants of “Sodom and Gomorrah,” the British would’ve never left.

    “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

    “The first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, the third generation drinks it.”

    Today’s Anglo-Saxons are nothing like their ancestors.

    a striking graph produced by the Economic Policy Institute demonstrates that a very sharp economic inflection point occurred in the early 1970s, right around the time that the aforementioned ethnic transformation of our ruling elites was fully under way.

    Around the late 70s and early 80s (when wages and productivity truly diverge), “Reagnomics” (tax cuts, deregulation, financialization, union breaking, offshoring, commoditization of labor) was implemented in the U.S. It was so successful for our oligarchs that other Anglo&Euro nations followed our example. Decades of these policies have enriched bankers and executives, while impoverishing workers.

    • Replies: @Ace
  35. “When a ruling elite has limited connection to the population it controls, benevolent behavior is far less likely to occur”

    I have no opinion on the thesis itself (although the way it’s phrased, it doesn’t sound convincing), but are you implying that Leon Trotsky (for example), coming form an assimilated novorussian peasant family, had more ‘limited connection’ to the population than Nicholas II, or, say, Pyotr Stolypin?

    And if you do believe that this ‘connection’ is a function of religion of one’s ancestors rather than one’s real life experiences, then perhaps you’d care to explain why?

    • Replies: @ploni almoni
  36. geokat62 says:

    Wow, Ron Unz really busts it wide open with his latest American Pravda installment.

    While he shines a spotlight on many new revelations, I wanted to draw attention to the following two which relate to most of the exchanges I have with my interlocutors on this site.

    The first is directed at the PEAbrain and his peeps:

    Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell…

    Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethleham, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

    Ignorance, indeed!

    The second is directed at The Maven. While he constantly stresses the importance of the threat of antisemitism, I normally respond that the opposite is the real threat. And this quote by Israel Shahak backs that up:

    When racism, discrimination and xenophobia is prevalent among Jews, and directed against non-Jews, being fueled by religious motivations, it is like its opposite case, that of antisemitism and its religious motivations. Today, however, while the second is being discussed, the very existence of the first is generally ignored, more outside Israel than within it. – IS

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @iffen
  37. JessicaR says:

    What an interesting article! As a non-Jew, who did not have an education in Judaism, I have a slightly different take on Judaism than on Israel Shahak.

    1. In my judgment, Shahak failed to distinguish between rabbinical rulings and local folk traditions. In his book, he includes a reference to Jews spitting in front of Christian churches and cemeteries. While this did sometimes happen, Baruch Kimmerling claimed–in correspondence with me–that this practice was a folk tradition and not an official religious practice. In any community with millions of members, some people will do disgusting things. However, that does not mean that most of its members approve of–or even know about–these practices.

    On a human level, I can’t imagine too many mothers in any culture encouraging their children to spit. A big part of motherhood is discouraging children from doing disgusting things with their bodies. Why undermine all that hard work with church spitting?

    2. A useful perspective on the book is provided by a review by Baruch Kimmerling: This link provides a preview but gives enough to give the flavor of the review. Kimmerling’s basic claim is that Shahak exaggerates the degree of anti-Gentile animus in Judaism and that the dominant reaction is one of anxiety and fear, rather than hatred.

    3. Furthermore, according to Kimmerling, various “loopholes” existed within Judaism that allowed kind treatment of Gentiles. Usually, these loopholes were framed in terms of avoiding hurt feelings and endangering Jews, but in fact, these provisions gave Jews a wider leeway in befriending and helping Gentiles.

    4. Most Jewish doctors, even the Orthodox, would not adhere to provisions about discriminatory treatment of non-Jewish patients.

    5. I do not deny that the fanaticism Shahak describes does in fact exist. However, Judaism embraces many different interpretations, many of which are quite different than the ones he discusses in his book. Consider, for example, the Israeli group “Rabbis for Human Rights,” which adamantly opposes the views Shahak objects to. Many of these rabbis are Orthodox.

    6. I once worked as a long-term substitute at two schools run by Chabad Lubavitch. Everyone knew I wasn’t Jewish and I was well and fairly treated.

    7. One should always distinguish between a religious system and the people in it. While I do think ultraorthodoxy–but not modern orthodoxy–is a flawed religious system, many of the people in that system are quite decent individuals.

    8. I despise the way ultra-Orthodox Jewish females are treated.

    9. In spite of my disagreements with Shahak’s views on Judaism, I believe he was a great man who did heroic work to protect the human rights of Palestinians.

  38. If Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, then it appears the Jew Testament has influenced Christians to imitate them, since Jesus is identified as Lucifer, if the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible from which the word Lucifer originates, is correct.

    • Isaiah 14:12: “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star/Lucifer, son of the dawn!”
    • Revelation 22:16: “I Jesus….Root and the Offspring of David…the bright and morning star/Lucifer.”

    That gives new meaning to the term “Star of David” and its hexagram symbol ✡.

    To be sure, Lucifer is Latin meaning “bearer of light,” to which Jesus identifies himself: “I am the light/Lucifer/Illuminati of the world.” (John 8:12)

    Open my eyes, illumine[ati] me,
    Spirit Divine!

  39. Jake says:

    Mother of God pray ofr Ron Unz. May all the Jews over the ages who converted to Christ, starting with St. Andrew, pray for Ron Unz.

    Jews who wish him dead by now surely are legion, and no morality stands in their way, nor does fear of any governmental authority.

    • Agree: utu
  40. Sean says:

    Israelis would seem to be very unJewish Jews. I am not sure how much their methods can be related to their religion or a small grouping with integral-nationalistic views like the Stern gang. The incipient military Zionism of Israel was fostered by Orde Wingate

    Wingate, who apparently set the tone on his first night operation with the SNS by murdering an Arab, was a cousin of T.E Lawrence, so his antipathy to Palestinians may have had a rather curious basis.

  41. ” For the last two thousand years, Jews have almost invariably existed as small, relatively weak minorities living in the lands of others, ”

    The last two thousand years began in CE 18.
    Twice thereafter Rome sent powerful armies to Palestine to fight the jews.
    After beating jews militarily the ideological destruction began: christianity.
    If Jezus ever existed or not, Roman citizen Paul created christianity, aimed at jews.
    How Paul became a Roman citizen I do not (yet) know, on the total population of the Roman empire of more than four million there were no more than a few hundred thousand Roman citizens.
    They had special rights, to be fed in Rome for free, and direct appeal to the emperor in case they were persecuted.
    Palestine was a Roman province, but Pontius Pilatus could not sentence Paul, on the contrary, he got an escort of 1300 soldiers on his way from Jerusalem to the coast where he took a ship that would bring him to Rome.
    If Paul was a secret agent of the emperor, w’ll never know, after going aboard the old sources do not mention Paul again.

    Then about judaism, when some correspondent told he about his book The Weight, I would not believe it.
    How many jews still think that only jews are humans, and that non jews are just animals disguised as humans, bcause it would not be proper for jews to be served by animals, I do not know.
    But when one googles ‘gentiles in halacha’ one finds an article by three rabbis confirming that judaic theology indeed only sees jews as humans.

    Then there is the rule and conscience question.
    Jew live good when they follow the Talmudic rules, there are two Talmuds, they’re not identical, one has, from memory 20.000 rules, the other 22.000, something like that.
    Rabbi Graetz, in his nine volume or so history of the jews of 1880 or so, states that conscience has no role in judaism.
    What he does not write is how dodging rules seems to be THE jewish sport.

    Houston Stewart Chamberlain, ‘Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts’, 1898- 1907, München; many quotes from Graetz
    Lewis Mumford, ‘The city in history, Its origins, its transformations and its prospects’, London, 1991, 1961;the author is of the opinion that the jewish rules had two objects: separation from other peoples, and maximum population growth.
    Michael Grant, ‘The Jews in the Roman World’, 1973, New York; how jews were a considerable power in the Roman world
    Yigael Yadin, ‘Massada, Hero’s fortress and the zealots’ last stand’, London 1996; the enormous Roman effort to destroy the last jewish resistance
    Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, ‘Verschlusssache Jesus, Die Wahrheit über das frühe Christentum’, (The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, 1991), 2005, Bergisch Gladbach; the theory about Paul being a secret agent of the emperor, but also a description of the scrolls. One of them of copper sheeting, describing all the places where the temple treasures had been hidden; Grant explains how the temple got rich, so I’m inclined to believe that the descriptions were real.
    Flavius Josephus, ‘Geschichte des Jüdischen Krieges’, Wiesbaden, 1978; descriptions of the Roman jewish wars, and the oldest suicide resistance.
    Since a long time try to remember what book mentions that jews were implicated in the murder of Ceasar, he was taking away their prerogatives.
    Michel Rostovtzeff, ‘Geschichte der Alten Welt, zweiter Band, Rom’, Bremen 1961 (The History of the Ancient World) explains what Ceasar did, tried to do, was to unify the Roman empire, anyone the same rights. It fits into this theory that Ceasar also wanted to abolish special rights for jews.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @ploni almoni
  42. Jake says:
    @Mitchell Porter

    And here are the indispensable truths to carry forward:

    Jews as a group will remain the same until such time as converted completely, truly, to Christ.

    Because being anti-Christ is central to Jewish identity, and because only European peoples built a Christian civilization, Jewish culture will always be viciously anti-white Gentile, because Christ-hating Jews feel they are justified in Christ-hating if they can defeat, subdue, ruin the peoples of historic Christendom.

    Protestantism even under the ‘anti-Semite Luther’ is a series of heresies that requires Judaizing.

    Anglo-Saxon Puritanism was a thoroughly Judaizing heresy that formed the final, and most important (because theological and therefore both spiritual and moral) basis of WASP culture.

    The British Empire spread the fruits of WASP Judaizing across the globe. The Yank Empire has continued the spread, and entrenchment, of stridently pro-Jewish culture across the globe.

  43. Hans says:
    @Colin Wright

    Andrew Joyce has written a fine essay on the facts and fiction of the “pogroms” in Russia with the relevant citations from Klier. Highly recommended –

    • Replies: @Hans
  44. @Andrew Gilbert

    ” I recall from an undergraduate history course that Hitler revived the German economy through massive deficit spending, budgets predicated on the coming wartime plunder ”

    Mainly nonsense.
    Schacht primed indeed the German economy using Keynesian economics, but by creating special money just to be used by enterprises among themelves.
    Hjalmar Schacht, ´76 Jahre meines Lebens’, Bad Wörishofen, 1953
    Hitler never wanted war:
    A J P Taylor, ‘The Origins of the Second World War’, 1961, 1967, Londen
    Massive deficit spending: FDR.

    • Replies: @Anon
  45. @Mitchell Porter

    André Schwartz-Bart, ‘Le Dernier des Justes’, 1959, 1980 Paris
    Francine Kaufmann, ‘Pour Relire “Le Dernier des Justes”‘, 1987 Paris

    Francine Kaufmann is a very intelligent woman, so when I ordered her book I expected criticism on the mentioned novel.
    But is was the opposite, she defends the writer.
    Novels often better than any scientific book describe a historical situation, I think Le dernier des justes does.

  46. Excellent, informative article, this should be required reading for everyone on planet earth.

    I have delved into the Talmud and found it to be–without exception–the most racist, hate-filled and obscene document ever compiled. Based on those writings alone Jews should be classified as the most extremist hate group this world has ever seen.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  47. @JessicaR

    Ralph Giordano, ‘Israel um Himmels willen Israel’, 1993 Köln
    A book written by a German jew about his long visit to Israel.

  48. utu says:

    I can’t imagine too many mothers in any culture encouraging their children to spit. A big part of motherhood is discouraging children from doing disgusting things with their bodies. Why undermine all that hard work with church spitting?

    Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them

    8 Popular Jewish Superstitions
    1. Spitting Three Times

  49. @Tyrion 2

    ” For example, the entire Torah is read out in services every year. ”

    The Torah cannot be read out, what is read out is one of many interpretations.
    Christine Kauffmann, and an atheistic colleage rabbi explain in lectures why, alas in French.
    The lectures are on internet.
    Very interesting

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  50. @JohnRedburn

    Jewry did anything possible to prevent the translation around 1870

  51. JackOH says:

    Ron, thanks for this very lively and provocative piece.

    I have pretty close to zero expertise in Judaism, but it’s pretty common Western knowledge that Christianity has been a turbulent religion, sometimes violent, sometimes passive, sometimes corrupt, and that history has been written about and opinions drawn from it. Seems to me no reason why Judaism ought to be exempt from reasonable public examination. (I’m a cradle Lutheran, lapsed for decades, and sort of describe myself as a “reviving Christian” these days. Non-dogmatic, non-observant type.)

    • Replies: @Svigor
  52. Hi Ron,

    What courage it took to be true to your principles. Thanks for the article. Just wanted to point out a possible typo, where you wrote Israeli Defense Minister, “Israel Sharon.” I believe it should be “Ariel Sharon.”


  53. @utu

    Hitler just wanted to recreate the Germany that existed before 1914
    S.Fischer-Fabian, ´Herrliche Zeiten, Die Deutschen und ihr Kaiserreich’, Wien 2006
    Herrliche Zeiten, a marvelous time, what it was in my opinion; Kaiserreich, empire,.
    Socially, democratically, scientific, technical, etc

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jake
  54. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:

    Then on Sunday for reason now I do not remember I began to think of Bobby Fischer and his evolution that eventually lead to the asylum he got in Iceland.

    Fischer is another hyper-IQed guy who devoted decades of his life to reading and researching. He too came to the same conclusion as Unz regarding the evil of A.D. Judaism. Fischer near the end of his life became philosophical and then theological. He read Chesterton’s Outline of Sanity and books by Catholic theologians (not easy to come by in almost exclusively Lutheran Iceland).

    From a recent biography of Fischer:

    “Bobby [Fischer] talked with him about the transformation of society by creating harmony with one another, and then professed that he thought “the only hope for the world is through Catholicism.” (Endgame by Frank Brady, 2011)

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Jake
  55. Superb piece of work!

    No further comments necessary.

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  56. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:

    Reminds me of the spirit cooking thing with Podesta from the 2016 election cycle. And the #PizzaGate thing. That video of the after hours event they were holding in that pizza shop still gives me the creeps.

    And Rod (((Rosenstein))) comes out with a federal indictment of some Russians for hacking a private e-mail account and spilling the beans on this spirit cooking.

  57. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Colin Wright

    If it wasn’t for Israel, I’d actually have no problem with Jews. I found myself confronting this when I decided to buy a camera from B&H Camera. I realized the firm is owned by Satmar Jews, who think that when the Messiah comes, all the bad gentiles will go to hell while all the good gentiles will be the slaves of Jews for all eternity.

    I thought about that for a bit, and eventually came to the conclusion that while their sentiment is hardly friendly, when the Messiah comes, we’ll find out if they’re right. In the meantime, they offer some excellent prices on cameras

    It isn’t friendly. I don’t believe in it. But don’t Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven? While everyone else burns for eternity?

    I don’t get offended by such a belief because a) they’ve not made that decision b) it seems like a fairly logical corollary to their religious doctrine c) there’s a practical and historical context.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @vinteuil
    , @Anon
    , @Svigor
  58. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:

    Jews as a group will remain the same until such time as converted completely, truly, to Christ.

    Yeah, but strangely this pushes people in the opposite direction. You’d think after reading this you’d come away feeling that this stuff is demonic and has been shown to be so destructive and thus that which they despise most and work so strenuously against, namely Christianity, would be good. But most of the people detailing this stuff (e.g., Kevin MacDonald) are atheist.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  59. vinteuil says:

    If this article doesn’t kill, once and for all, and, along with it, ISteve, than nothing will.

    • Replies: @Hairway To Steven
  60. Ron is a gutsy guy. That said, there is a quite a bit of horseshit in all religion. An old Navy CPO told me that once and I have never forgotten it.

  61. Frankie P says:
    @Colin Wright


    Please watch the following documentary on the role of Jews in the Bolshevik Revolution and the Communists of Russia. I recommend it because the man who made it relies almost totally on the writings of Jewish historians and Jews involved in the Revolution.

  62. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    It isn’t friendly. I don’t believe in it. But don’t Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven? While everyone else burns for eternity?

    I don’t get offended by such a belief because a) they’ve not made that decision b) it seems like a fairly logical corollary to their religious doctrine c) there’s a practical and historical context.

    Come on. You haven’t read Dante’s Inferno or works by Doctors of the Church (esp., St. Teresa of Avila) regarding Christians in hell. But apart from that, hell is merely eternal privation or eternal separation from God or eternal solitary confinement. While Christians in theory have an easier means to be united with God they also have a higher bar because of that means. And Church leaders have an even higher bar given their status— special grace or extra grace (St. John Chrysostom, Doctor of the Church, wrote that “the road to hell is paved with the skulls of bishops”).

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  63. Being raised a Southern Baptist(Christian Zionist)it took the roll out of the internet and a desire to learn the REAL facts, along with a few years research to learn of the truths of which you speak. One web site which was instrumental in my awakening to the dangers of Talmudic Judaism was “Come and Hear”. It is a great source of information on this subject.

    Ron, your article was very enlightening and very in depth. If America does not expel the cancer of radical Zionism which has infected her, she will surly be finished.

  64. vinteuil says:
    @Tyrion 2

    don’t Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven? While everyone else burns for eternity?

    Yeah, pretty much, but most Christian believers these days try to soften it a bit, insisting that “burning in hell” is just a metaphor for separation from God.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  65. utu says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You are a fool and Hitler was a fool. You are excused because no deeper understanding of reality (Liever Turks dan Paaps) is expected from a Dutch but Hitler being an Austrian Catholic is not excused.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  66. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    But don’t Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven? While everyone else burns for eternity?

    Not exactly, though in some cases depending on the sect.

    As far as traditional Catholic and general standardish Protestant teaching is concerned:

    Relevant section (I apologize for length):

    The doctrine is summed up in the phrase, Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus. This saying has been the occasion of so many objections that some consideration of its meaning seems desirable. It certainly does not mean that none can be saved except those who are in visible communion with the Church. The Catholic Church has ever taught that nothing else is needed to obtain justification than an act of perfect charity and of contrition. Whoever, under the impulse of actual grace, elicits these acts receives immediately the gift of sanctifying grace, and is numbered among the children of God. Should he die in these dispositions, he will assuredly attain heaven. It is true such acts could not possibly be elicited by one who was aware that God has commanded all to join the Church, and who nevertheless should willfully remain outside her fold. For love of God carries with it the practical desire to fulfill His commandments. But of those who die without visible communion with the Church, not all are guilty of willful disobedience to God’s commands. Many are kept from the Church by ignorance.

    • Replies: @ploni almoni
  67. Old fogey says:

    You are a brave and courageous man, Mr. Unz. Bravo.

  68. Jake says:

    “Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethleham, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.”

    Yes, but the fact remains that Judaizing heresy always produces pro-Jewish culture and politics, including culture and politics that intentionally promote Jews and Jewish notions as part of the culture war to destroy ‘other’ Christians.

    WASP culture is Exhibit A. And true-believing, including old time Puritan Judaizing theology believing, WASPs will back Israel even if Israel starts overrunning churches, turning them into synagogues or museums. The most obvious such people in America are the Pentecostal and, increasingly, Southern Baptist and other ‘fundamentalist’ Evangelicals, but all Mainline Protestant churches have their more country club version of the problem. George Will is an atheist version of the upper middle class Mainline Protestant form of WASP Judaizing.

    I have zero doubt that 100% Gentile blood devout Evangelicals I know very well and know like me would play Oliver Cromwell and murder me, if their Judaizing religious leaders were to be convinced by Rabbis that doing so would spread ‘Bible truth’. Their religion is the direct fruit of Anglo-Saxon Puritanism, and until they are fully converted from it, they will follow its directives.

    You cannot change that by changing church. It is religion that bubbles up from the cultural core. That’s the reason that English-speaking Catholicism is now as much a Judaizing mess in upper middle class form as is the Episcopal church.

    You assimilate to WASP culture: you assimilate to Judaizing.

    In a nutshell, that the reason that English replaced Yiddish as the international Jewish language. That is the reason that Jews from all the globe, speaking all languages, encourage the peoples of the world to become more Anglicized.

  69. Blood passover is a beautifully written work on Medieval Venetian history it’s densely footnoted and and should be considered a work of Scholarship. But the most ‘democratic’ state in the middle east broke the man and stopped the work’s publication. Dr. Toaff deserved an award for his meticulous work.

    The book gives a vivid potrait of jewish financial swindlers doing back then what they do now, control the banks and indulge in high level fraud.

  70. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    I have read Dante’s Inferno and Limbo seems pretty decent. Nonetheless, that was merely Dante’s way of allowing the greats from classical times not to burn. Limbo was of course still in hell too.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  71. Hans says:

    I should have mentioned Goldwin Smith’s excellent essay, The Vexing Jewish Question –

    and Churchill’s Zionism vs. Bolshevism –

    and E. Michael Jones’ outstanding The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit –

  72. Jake says:
    @jilles dykstra

    No. Hitler’s vision was of Germans making serfs of Slavs. Hitler’s great hero was the queer Frederick the Great, who alternated between Enlightenment ideas that sound gooey and tender, on the one hand, and desire, on the other, to revive the most amorally brutal forms of pagan German warring as life itself.

    The Hitler problem is the Germanic problem, Continental form. WASP is the other form of the Germanic problem, each wing of which sees almost all other Europeans as inferior and fit to be ground into dust.

    Hitler and Judaizing archetypal WASP Oliver Cromwell are not opposites. They are the two sides of the one coin.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    , @jilles dykstra
  73. Jake says:

    Not Vatican II Catholicism, which is at least half-Protestant: the most stupidly liberal Mainline type of Protestantism.

  74. mcohen says:
    @academic gossip

    Of course he did not.the truth does not matter on the edge of uranus,just the lube.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Art
  75. anon[622] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Rome sent powerful armies.” Yeah, self-important since 66 AD. The six legions sent by Nero against Jews are precisely equal to the six legions he sent against Parthians – this was all Rome could muster in Middle East. The difference is that, of course, Parthians defeated Rome.

  76. Anonymous[184] • Disclaimer says:

    But one of the world’s foremost scholars in that field is Ariel Toaff, professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval Studies at Bar-Ilan University near Tel Aviv, and himself the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome.

    That Chief of Rome would be Elio Toaff (1951–2002), and not Israel Zolli (1940–1943), who converted to Catholicism.

  77. Unz’s chain of masterpieces remains unbroken!

    These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

    I strongly suspect that all of it is based upon ignorance.

    If the Gentile population became aware of these Jewish religious beliefs and the behaviors they promote, major problems for Jews might develop, so an elaborate methodology of subterfuge, concealment, and dissimulation has come into being over the many centuries to minimize this possibility, especially including the mistranslation of sacred texts or the complete exclusion of crucial sections. Meanwhile, the traditional penalty for any Jew who “informs” to the authorities on any matter regarding the Jewish community has always been death, often preceded by hideous torture.

    So basically what we’re dealing with here is a kind of 3000 year-old Scientology.

    I’ve also sometimes joked with my friends that when the true history of our last one hundred years is finally written and told—probably by a Chinese professor at a Chinese university—none of the students in his lecture hall will ever believe a word of it.

    They’ll probably believe it; they’ll just scratch their heads wondering how we were too stupid to see it going on all around us.

  78. Seraphim says:

    Before Hugh of Lincoln (1255) was William of Norwich (1144).
    The Italian boy was Simone of Trento (known as Simonino di Trento), whose case was addressed by Ron commenting the ‘scandal’ provoked by the book of Prof. Ariel Toaff “Pasque di sangue” (Blood Passover). Simonino was beatified and his cult was extremely popular in Trento until 1965 when the Catholic hierarchy ‘desanctified’ him and forbade the public cult.
    The ‘Syrian’ was Father Thomas, a French citizen originally from Sardinia, and the superior of a Franciscan convent at Damascus who disappeared along with his servant in 1840. The “Damascus Affair” brought the massive intervention of European, British and American Jews in defense of the culprits. “For the first time in American Jewish life, Jews… organized themselves politically to help Diaspora Jewry in distress.”
    “For the Jews, the Damascus affair launched modern Jewish politics on an international scale, and for American Jews it represented their first effort at creating a distinctive political agenda. Just as the United States had used this affair to proclaim its presence on the global scale, so too did American Jews, in their newspapers and at mass meetings, announce to their coreligionists in France and England that they too ought to be thought of players in global Jewish diplomacy.”
    In the same year (1840) we have also the “Rhodes blood libel” resulting in the same intervention from Europe. Salomon Mayer von Rothschild from Austria, Sir Moses Montefiore from England and Adolphe Cremieux from France (the founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle) took the lead in fighting the ‘blood libel’

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @ivan
  79. Rich says:

    Well, the great Mr Unz, champion of free speech, has taken a giant step here. We’ll begin to hear stories about him now, he’ll be attacked personally in the mainstream media and attempts will be made to destroy this site, and to remove his presence in the public arena, or to defame him. None of his opponents will argue against him on facts, they will attack him personally, calling him names. which I guess is a kind of holdout from the days when people thought cursing someone actually worked. Let’s all hope Mr Unz survives these coming attacks, and the cause of free speech grows strong again.

    • Agree: Seamus Padraig
  80. iffen says:

    While he shines a spotlight

    My eyes! My eyes!

  81. iffen says:

    quote by Israel Shahak backs that up:

    OMG, You found a Jew who said, “Blah, Blah, Blah.”

    • Replies: @Anon
  82. Mr. Anon says:
    @Colin Wright

    I thought about that for a bit, and eventually came to the conclusion that while their sentiment is hardly friendly, when the Messiah comes, we’ll find out if they’re right. In the meantime, they offer some excellent prices on cameras.

    I think it was David Horowitz (the ex-communist turned Republican, not the consumer advocate) who said about Christians (I paraphrase): I don’t care if they think I’m going to Hell, as long as they don’t try to send me there. A very reasonable point of view, I think.

  83. Mr. Anon says:
    @Mitchell Porter

    What have we learned here? That European Jews, in the Christian period between antiquity and modernity, often dwelled in superstitious and tightly controlled communities, hostile to outsiders.

    Of course, the same could be said of the Christians of that era too.

  84. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

    Here’s one of the Jewish “protesters” at the 2018 Academics’ Ball in Vienna:

    The organisation “Jetzt Zeichen Setzen!” (Take a Stand Now), which campaigns for remembrance of victims of Nazism, published an open letter this month against the ball signed by six Holocaust survivors.

    “As survivors of the Nazi era, we are stunned that the Hofburg, which belongs to the republic, is still opening its doors to representatives of extreme-right organisations from Austria and Europe,” it said.

  85. Mr. Anon says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    And your dark musings on the lasting impact of the alleged centuries of inculcated “seething hatred” for Christians doesn’t jibe particularly well with the Jewish intermarriage rate, an actual verifiable statistic that’s conspicuous in its absence.

    And it is afterall well-known that conquerors routinely show their disdain for those whom they conquer by avoiding any relations with their women.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  86. Mr. Anon says:

    The first time I have encountered the idea that Nazism emulated Judaism was in Umberto Eco’s essay in a niche art journal. Recently I tried to locate it bu I failed. That I do not reminder the name of the journal does not help.

    Perhaps pre-dating that was this:

    The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.

    which caused a minor stir when it was published and adapted for the stage. I remember reading a review of the play in Newsweek, in which some of the dialogue was quoted and it expressed a similar idea. It was however, just a work of fiction.

  87. Mr. Anon says:

    DDOS attack in 3…..2…..1…..

  88. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:
    @academic gossip

    A cursory search reveals this: ; I don’t know if that’s the article of Ms.(?) Baytch’s to which you refer.

    So: did you (or anyone else) answer Baytch or address the data from the Harvard Crimson?

    Could you link to the study you’re talking about, or some discussion or summary of it? What with you not being familiar with Mr. Unz’s articles and his possibly not being familiar with yours it seems there is a good deal of talking-past going on here. Here are some search results: ; here are some more ; ; and finally here are some more:

    I haven’t gone through them all but these seem like relevant search terms.
    By the way, Mr. Unz or anyone else, what’s the mysterious “postid” in the search url? The searches seem to work fine without it.

  89. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:

    To be exactly precise, he found an iffen who said, “Blah, Blah, Blah.”

    (He who lives by the quip…)

  90. Mr. Anon says:

    No. Hitler’s vision was of Germans making serfs of Slavs. Hitler’s great hero was the queer Frederick the Great, who alternated between Enlightenment ideas that sound gooey and tender, on the one hand, and desire, on the other, to revive the most amorally brutal forms of pagan German warring as life itself.

    The Hitler problem is the Germanic problem, Continental form. WASP is the other form of the Germanic problem, each wing of which sees almost all other Europeans as inferior and fit to be ground into dust.

    I think you’re on to something there.

    I’ve often thought that there is a fatal flaw in the anglo-saxon race: the conceit of extreme individualism – I’ll look out for me and mine, and y’all can go to Hell. It explains a lot about America.

    • Replies: @chris
  91. macilrae says:

    Sir Richard Burton, the famed explorer and great ethnologist of the nineteenth century, reached many similar conclusions during his inquiries into Judaism. While he was British consul in Damascus he attempted to curtail the activities of the Jewish merchants – who had committed abuses against the local population. Appealing to their coreligionists in powerful positions in England, they succeeded in helping to get Burton removed from his post.

    After his death a jumble of Burton’s writings on the subject was published under the title “The Jew, the Gypsy and El Islam” ( Originally, the manuscript had included an appendix headed “Human Sacrifice Among the Sephardine [sic] or Eastern Jews” on documented cases of ritual murder but this was suppressed and has remained inaccessible. In recent years, however, the forbidden manuscript has briefly surfaced; being offered for sale at Christies but seemingly not reaching the reserve price of 210,000 pounds. There was huge controversy over the appropriateness of this offering so the actual fate of the work is unknown.

    • Replies: @Rob McX
  92. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Mr. Anon

    You think you have been conquered by Jews?

    • Replies: @Wally
    , @Mr. Anon
  93. Fascinating article. Bravo, Mr. Unz! I’m as goyisch as they come, and I’ve always had a grudging respect for the Jews as survivors and capitalists while realizing that much of what Organized Jewry does is completely unethical. Seems they’re much more of a warrior people than we’ve suspected — like the Vikings or the Lakota or the Japanese, only secretly so. Indeed, seeing how the previous three groups are now emasculated shadows of their former selves, the Jewish approach has been the most successful. I must read Shahak’s book!

    • Replies: @Wally
  94. @Seamus Padraig

    3000-year old Scientology! Love the metaphor!

  95. If reincarnation exists, our Ron Unz has been in former life James Joyce or Dorothy Richardson. Karmic tendencies of stream-of-consciousness style of writing are so strong that he begins with Talmud & Kabbalah, then goes on to expulsions of Jews, usury, medical profession among Jews, Rabbinical nutjobs ..and then to Communists, Nazis, US Jewish ethno-nationalists, Kevin MacDonald, Solzhenitsyn & the rest. It is simply impossible to comment on all, or most of these topics.

    Generally, the author has correctly described, in Jungian terms, Jewish “shadow” or inner devil, i.e. sum of destructive & negative tendencies of this entity (we can perceive any collective as an entity, a sort of super-personality as depicted, with different aims, in Hobbes’ “Leviathan”).

    Where Unz is not fair, it is his reductionist view. He equates Jews with their (stereo)typical vices, which is the same mistake we make when we reduce a whole person to his loathsome traits, while ignoring laudable ones.

    I’ll mostly c/p something I wrote before, with just a few extra points:

    1. except (perhaps ?) some fringe sects, Talmudic Judaism does not worship Satan. The claim is simply a monumental nonsense. It is a misunderstanding that is frequently attached to another Middle Eastern sect, Yazidis, and in their case it is also a sort of spiritual calumny & gross disinformation (in our Western world, Cathars had been accused of the same perversion). Esoteric meaning of the role of Satan is just disfigured by orthodox religious literalists.

    2. blood libel? Not convincing. As I’ve said before, it is true that human sacrifice had existed in virtually all archaic societies; it is also true that occult traditions frequently consider human blood as the most potent intensifier in acquisition of occult powers. Just, Judaism has gotten rid of human sacrifice long ago & there is no evidence that Jews (or Jewish occultists) had been practicing blood “potentiation” either in the first Christian millennium, or in Zoroastrian, Greek-Roman, Mesopotamian polytheistic & Islamic societies. Significantly enough, accusations of “blood libel” chronologically coincided with the rise of anti-Judaism in Western Europe & intensity of religious fervor we associate with Crusades. More, the claim that these rituals were, supposedly, uniform has not been corroborated. Even perfectly quotidian & normal Jewish religious practices significantly vary across time & place (Sephardim, Mizrahim, Ashkenazim,..).

    As far as Jewish ethnocentrism goes- it’s the cornerstone of their religion & identity (which has been formed from, roughly, 700 BC to 100 AD). It is not a reaction, but the very essence of self- definition of that ethno-religious group & culture. Judaism is an imaginative refurbishing of other Near Eastern religions; it does not possess its own mythology. Normative Judaism- unlike Kabbalah- is a Platonized religion in many respects similar to early Confucianism: life’s fulfillment is achieved through learning, study & mostly mental work- and not piety, nor supernatural yearnings. Early Judaism, as recorded in the Pentateuch, had not possessed that idea. Somewhere around 100-300 A.D. Jews adopted Plato’s ethic of self-cultivation through intellectual work & produced a vast literature- from contemporary perspective- of, generally, dated & sterile Behemoth nitpicking trivialities (Talmud, Responsa, ..). There are some problematic passages in the Talmud with regard to Gentiles & Christians. Babylonian Talmud was composed from ca. 200-600 AD; it has 6,500 big folio pages & its English translation runs over 15,000 pages. So- why not openly say there are a few insulting passages that reflect early medieval spirit of times? Talmud is a mixture of wisdom literature (similar to Confucian “Analects”), various superstitions on magic & astrology, exegeses on murky passages of Hebrew Bible (frequently fantastic & hilarious), and mostly a codification of Jewish law, similar to Islamic shariah (agriculture, marriage, various taboos & ceremonies, crimes & misdemeanors, food etc.)

    Christianity was mentioned only a few times in this library of books, almost always in negative light. Why not publicly say it’s obsolete in some areas? And that such fellows are, basically, freaks:

    With regard to Judaism’s “ideological” spiritual arrogance, Shahak (and others) are right: their religious culture is essentially supremacist & there is no other spiritual tradition I know of that denies other people basically the same anthropological status in religious sense. In Kabbalah, which is esoteric extension of normative Judaism, only Jews possess divine portion of “soul”. Others do not.

    We know from different Gnostic religious traditions that they all aver there is split between empirical human psyche & essential, divine Self (Buddhata/Buddha Nature in Mahayana Buddhism, Atman in Vedanta Hinduism, Daimon or Nous in Greek religion, Inner Man and Christ Logos in (Neoplatonic) Christianity, Angel Christ in Christian Gnosticism, ruh/spirit and Perfect Nature in Hermetic variants of Islamic Sufism etc.). Only in Kabbalah & other variants of Judaism they deny that other humans are, basically, the same as they are. According to them, only Jews possess Neshamah (which is divine), or “upper layers” of Neshamah, like Chaya and Yechidah. Such religious arrogance & spiritual autism do not exist, as far as I know, anywhere else.

    For those interested in Jewish controversial topics, I would recommend Shahak’s books (as a beginning), then Lindemann & Walter Laqueur:

    For a brief history & practice, Raynor & Goldberg (although they treat Pentateuch & Moses story as a proto-historical narrative):

    Much more comprehensive history is classic Simon Dubnov’s monumental masterpiece.

    If you are interested in Kabbalah, then crucial works by Gerschom Scholem & Moshe Idel, for instance:

    For comparativist history of ideas, no one is better than Mircea Eliade:

    Other topics (Nazism, Solzhenitsyn, Jewish role in Bolshevism & Hollywood,..) had been addressed elsewhere, and this post is already way too long ….

  96. @vinteuil

    My thoughts exactly. This article may end up finally killing — it will now be (properly) understood to be a hate site by the vast majority of people made aware of it. Ron Unz must have, at some level, understood this when he was preparing the piece for publication. Which means that his article is an act of self-destruction.

    If goes, so will iSteve. That’s the real tragedy.

    • Replies: @Wally
  97. @Tyrion 2

    There’s a certain paint by numbers feel to the article that is plainly contrived.

    That seems yet another good example of projection. Your plainly canned commentary is clearly contrived, but you do get high points for consistency.

    Your comments rarely fail to amuse, but do you really think you’re accomplishing anything of value by making them? In case you’re wondering, they substantiate much of the author’s case against the arrogant fanatics.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  98. Pat Casey says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Regardless, from the point at which you say that the Talmud takes precendence to the written Torah (Old Testament), you’ve already jumped into fantasy land.

    The Torah is only the first five books of the Old Testament. Ron said:

    For example, traditionally religious Jews pay little attention to most of the Old Testament, and even very learned rabbis or students who have devoted many years to intensive study may remain largely ignorant of its contents.

    Emphasis added.

    You are wrong.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  99. @Seamus Padraig

    Unz’s chain of masterpieces remains unbroken!

    True and they keep getting better.

    These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

    I strongly suspect that all of it is based upon ignorance.

    I strongly suspect the same.

    I’ve also sometimes joked with my friends that when the true history of our last one hundred years is finally written and told—probably by a Chinese professor at a Chinese university—none of the students in his lecture hall will ever believe a word of it.

    They’ll probably believe it; they’ll just scratch their heads wondering how we were too stupid to see it going on all around us.

    True without a shred of doubt.

  100. rjl says:

    Also, maybe “…charms, portions, spells, incantations…” should read “…charms, potions, spells, incantations…” :-)

    Excellent article.

  101. ANDYHANDY says:


    • Replies: @anon
  102. AaronB says:

    Lol, a short while ago I would have agreed with this article.

    But the truth is simply that the whole world is always at war, all groups constantly war against each other.

    The fact that Jews were kicked out of every country is trotted out as some highly significant fact pointing to the uniquely anti social character of Jewish culture, and I myself viewed it this way not too long ago – but every European country has been at constant and unceasing war for all of its history, and Asian victims of European aggression have found something uniquely anti social in European culture.

    England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany – constant war. This is no different than Jews being constantly at war with every society among which they settle.

    It seems to be the law of this world that every group with a distinct identity wages war against every other group to the extent of its power and ability.

    Jews use cunning and deceit and money to wage war – Europeans tend to find this uniquely abhorrent, much preferring their own method of war which is physical strength and brutality, but I can find no reason why a physically stronger person has more of a “right” to impose his will on others than the cunning person.

    Jews are remarkably clear headed about this – I have had Jews tell me that Jews cheat, but gentiles murder, and this is what one should watch out for in dealing with the two groups. History bears this out – but in truth, the roles could beeasily reversed under the right circumstances, as a weapon is dictated by the situation.

    Each group uses its own distinct weapons, and views the weapons of other groups as uniquely “dishonorable”. But this is a part of the human comedy.

    Jewish contempt and animosity for non Jews is very real and one can find any number of quotes in Jewish sacred scriptures which bear this out – but Jewish universalism and even respect and appreciation for goyim (!) is equally real and an important strain in Jewish culture, eschatology, and theory of this world and the end of days.

    Like any pre modern culture, Jewish culture is complex, multi-faceted, and contradictory – a rigid, simplistic mentality of the kind produced by the excessive study of mathematics, science, or computer science is ill equipped to make heads or tails of a way of thought that is fundamentally richer and more complex and equivocal than the rigid simplicities of modernity, with its anxiety-based yearning for simple facts to anchor itself onto in a shifting quicksand world.

    It would be interesting to contrast the anti social passages of Judaism with those of Christianity or other groups – for Christians, all others suffer eternal torments for not believing what they believe. Even Jews agree that righteous gentiles go to heaven.

    It is all part of the human comedy – minds that are able to gain the larger perspective and soar high above the petty entanglements of group identity and self interest can look down on these skirmishes, engagements, and battles with each group vying for position, trying to paint its rival as uniquely capable of acts it itself commits daily, can look down on these things from the perspective of eternity and smile a bit.

    But there are few such minds – and nothing is more exciting to most people than to do spend their lives in jockeying for some minor advantage over some rival group.

    The one good point about this article is that Jews are indeed the enemy of every group they settle among, at least potentially, just as the English nation spent its history as a nation (now ending) in endless warfare against enemies near and far, against close neighbors and distant Asiatic kingdoms, according to the ancient law of group against group, individual against individual.

    The correct way to view the attempt to find Jewish culture uniquely anti social by Europeans is as merely another skirmish in the war of groups, and as an attempt by Europeans to gain advantage over their rivals.

    Of course, there is a way to escape this war of all against all, but in each generation only few succeed in doing so – ultimately, I hope, everyone will, as the cycle of reincarnation continues, and each individual advances up the rungs.

  103. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Don’t be silly. The Talmud is a vast collection of purposefully contradictory attempts to explain the written Torah. This makes the Torah, and the rest of the Old Testament, far more central to Judaism than the Talmud. Your weaselly attempt to avoid admitting this by focussing on his use of the word “most” is utterly irrelevant, especially given the relative inportant of the five books if the Torah versus the rest of the Old Testament.

    Not that the Talmud can be described as one work anymore than Wikipedia, including its endless edits pages, could.

  104. TheOldOne says:

    Ok, here goes:

    I believe that Judaism controls the US, the EU, etc. The thing I just CANNOT understand is WHY!

    Yes, Jews are intelligent, but they aren’t THAT intelligent; Jews are VERY ethnocentric, but that doesn’t explain it either.

    The fact is that they make up only 1% or so of the worlds population; I’ve always thought that the bottom line is that force rules, but that doesn’t seem to apply in this case.

    Why don’t gentiles and Asians simply take back what the Jews have stolen FROM THEM; how could they stop us? We outnumber them several times over, and have far more military power. I just don’t get it!

  105. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @jacques sheete

    What do you think I am fanatical about?

  106. Wally says:

    Ask them what a ‘Nazi’ is.
    Of course their answer will be ‘holocaust’ something,
    Then ask them for actual proof.

    Game, set, match.

  107. Linh Dinh says: • Website

    Joe Sobran’s 1995 article “The Jewish Establishment” begins:

    In the early 1930s, Walter Duranty of the New York Times was in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians were being starved into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism.

    To this day, the Times remains the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers.

    Now imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied that Jews were being mistreated — thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the regime’s persecution. Would that paper’s respectability have been unimpaired several decades later?

    There you have an epitome of what is lamely called “media bias.” The Western supporters of Stalin haven’t just been excused; they have received the halo of victimhood for the campaign, in what liberals call the “McCarthy era,” to get them out of the government, the education system, and respectable society itself.

    Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly condemned as “anti-Semitism.” But there isn’t even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don’t censure the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason — liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from America.

    It’s permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish Establishment is off-limits. That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others — you might almost say its prerogative of offending. You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but don’t look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately.

    Power openly acquired, openly exercised, and openly discussed is one thing. You may think organized labor or the Social Security lobby abuses its power, but you don’t jeopardize your career by saying so. But a kind of power that forbids its own public mention, like the Holy Name in the Old Testament, is another matter entirely.

    But then Sobran says (bold is mine):

    There is an important anomaly here. The word “Jewish,” in this context, doesn’t include Orthodox or otherwise religious Jews. The Jews who still maintain the Hebraic tradition of millennia are marginal, if they are included at all, in the Jewish establishment that wields journalistic, political, and cultural power. Morally and culturally, the Orthodox might be classed as virtual Christians, much like the descendants of Christians who still uphold the basic morality, if not the faith, of their ancestors. Many of these Jews are friendly to Christians and eager to make common cause against the moral decadence they see promoted by their apostate cousins. Above all, the Orthodox understand, better than almost anyone else in America today, the virtues — the necessity — of tribalism, patriarchal authority, the moral bonds of kinship.

    The Jewish establishment, it hardly needs saying, is predominantly secularist and systematically anti-Christian. In fact, it is unified far more by its hostility to Christianity than by its support of Israel, on which it is somewhat divided. The more left-wing Jews are faintly critical of Israel, though never questioning its “right to exist” — that is, its right to exist on terms forbidden to any Christian country; that is, its right to deny rights to non-Jews.

    A state that treated Jews as Israel treats gentiles would be condemned outright as Nazi-like. But Israel is called “democratic,” even “pluralistic.”

    Bravo to Ron Unz, then, for pointing out that the anti-Christian and anti-goy strains in Jewish thinking are foundational:

    Obviously the Talmud is hardly regular reading among ordinary Jews these days, and I would suspect that except for the strongly Orthodox and perhaps most rabbis, barely a sliver are aware of its highly controversial teachings. But it is important to keep in mind that until just a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox, and even today I would guess that the overwhelming majority of Jewish adults had Orthodox grand-parents. Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments, a condition enhancing their unrecognized influence. A religion based upon the principal of “Love Thy Neighbor” may or may not be workable in practice, but a religion based upon “Hate Thy Neighbor” may be expected to have long-term cultural ripple effects that extend far beyond the direct community of the deeply pious. If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past.

    • Replies: @Heros
  108. Anon[378] • Disclaimer says:
    @DB Cooper

    That sounds pretty silly. There are a number of different crosses but overwhelmingly the Christian cross is depicted as having a shaft under the horizontal cross piece a good deal longer than the part above. The Red Cross is about the only reminder I can think of what is sometimes depicted on the shield or armour of a Medieval knight. Can anyone substantiate this tale?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @anon
  109. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Where Unz is not fair, it is his reductionist view. He equates Jews with their (stereo)typical vices, which is the same mistake we make when we reduce a whole person to his loathsome traits, while ignoring laudable ones.

    If someone’s “loathsome traits” are leading him to try to kill me and my family I’ll end him on the spot. All the (fake) stories about his beautiful singing voice and his shiny jew-fro won’t matter, believe it or not.

    Not to mention that this particular “person” tried it over and over again for two millennia and only grew more insidious after every non-lethal slap-down.

    N e v e r a g a i n.

  110. ” … Two Hundred Years Together, and although that work soon appeared in Russian, French, and German, nearly two decades later, no English translation has ever been authorized.”

    There are a number of volunteers that have translated “Two Hundred Years.” This does not negate the statement regarding, “authorized.” Further research may help verify following translation sources:

    A web search will yield partial and occasionally complete translation in numerous PDFs.

    Interesting interview with Solzhenitsyn regarding this last of his works:

  111. Anonymous[680] • Disclaimer says:
    @Dan Hayes

    Ron Unz’s balls are so big they have their own gravitational field.

    But he is technically Jewish, so he can only be labeled as a ‘self hating Jew’ and pitied accordingly, which is many times less trouble than being labeled an anti semite. For my money, I don’t think we’re going to see a particularly strong reaction. It’ll be easier for them to ignore it.

  112. Wally says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    ““seething hatred” for Christians doesn’t jibe particularly well with the Jewish intermarriage rate, an actual verifiable statistic that’s conspicuous in its absence.”

    That’s actually a survival strategy in an attempt to cleanup the diseased Jew gene pool.

    The wife usually ‘converts’, and the children are usually raised as ‘Jews’.

    And of course, very few Jew women look like ‘Wonderwoman’s’, Gal Godot.

    There you go.

  113. Anon[378] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You really are getting sillier every day. Hitler didn’t want war indeed. He wanted what he wanted without having to fight. Gee whiz!

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  114. Wally says:

    Black researcher, Dr. Tony Martin, let’s us know who the prime sellers & owners of slaves really were, Jews.
    Dr. Tony Martin – The Jewish Role in the African Slave Trade

    Jew slave ship owners

    JEWS AND THE SLAVE TRADE–the-slave-trade.html

    • Replies: @Anon
  115. The more I learn, the more I am saddened by how little I know. This is a veritable magnum opus by Ron Unz. It is such a tragedy that this masterpiece of journalism will never catch the eyes of the majority of Americans while it still remains possible to save our souls. I am amazed by how many disparate and yet interconnected facts Ron has been able to weave into this short article. It is a testimony to the man’s brilliance and genius.

    May angels protect him from the barrage of attacks that will haunt the remainder of his life.

  116. @bossel

    Link please. I went for BloggingHeads and it wasn’t there.

    • Replies: @res
  117. iffen says:

    who was Ron Unz and about his Weltanschauung evolution.

    Why the fifty cent motivation when a nickel will do the job?

    He’s just as likely to be doing this out of spite towards the Jews that drove him from and denied him any success in the MSM business. What’s the analogy for a Jew with money that loves to fondle and count words rejected by the media business. A 7 foot tall black American that can’t dribble?

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @AaronB
  118. 36 ulster says:
    @mark green

    Chicago’s legendary journalist Mike Royko had it right when he dubbed Mario Savio’s antics at Berkeley as the Foul Speech Movement. It continues long after his passing. I have to admit that I’m still digesting this rather long article, but I’m impressed at the dispassionate tone of it. And at the similar tone of the link to Kevin MacDonald’s essay. Usually, such articles are so phlegm-flecked that I have to look askance at them. MacDonald’s essay seems to provide a rationale for the seemingly irrational fear of Christian America–a very tolerant bunch–by most of the Jewish commentariat. To the point that they eagerly endorse mass immigration by overtly anti-Semitic Middle Ostogoths and probably anti-Semitic peasants from Los Culitos del Sur.

  119. Ragno says:

    Besides reiterating that we are all, gratefully, in Ron Unz’s debt, I’d just like to add – perhaps cynically – that I sure am glad I finished downloading Ron’s priceless collection of science-fiction and adventure pulps from the Internet Archive well before this essay’s appearance!

    I’d also made copies of many, though certainly not all, of the samizdat texts storehoused there. (And you had best believe I will be downloading whichever titles I’d missed the first time just as soon as I finish typing this comment.)

    Ron, a lot of people are going to tell you this took balls to write and post. And indisputably this is true. But what it really exhibits for all the world to see is intellectual integrity to match that courage. Unfortunately we live in an age when the highest order of both courage and integrity are found in the little boy who, seeing a naked emperor, describes reality as it is – not what an august company of VIPs would like it to be, let alone loudly insist that you’re actually seeing, except that you’re lying or crazy.

    So, while you’re still here, and the angry/shrill/bloodthirsty tweets of the Good and Great have yet to fill the air like virtual confetti….thank you for this. You won’t be the first honest man they Bataan-march into the hinterlands of UnPersonhood – like poor Prof. Ross! – but, by God, maybe you can be the last.

  120. J says:

    Ron Unz was born a Jew and brought up as a Jew, so he must have had personal experience with the Judaism and with real living Jews. Apparently he had never heard or witnessed any of the fantastic rituals he describes and apparently believes to be true, and no one told ever him that he must hate Christians. To whom should he believe, to his own eyes and ears, or the bobbe-maises (crazy stories) of self-hating Jew Shahak? Unz seems to have lost touch with his own self and with palpable reality.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @mcohen
    , @bjondo
  121. ” … religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God …”

    A text within the Kabbalah known as Zohar instructs Jews to make sacrifices to Satan so that he’ll focus on the goyim and leave Israel alone, or something like that. The Gnostics believe that the Old Testament Yahweh is the demiurge, a satanic god (not the transcendent God) that traps and tortures human souls on Earth.

    “Even as late as the 1930s and afterward, international Zionist groups closely cooperated with the Third Reich on international economic projects … actually offered a military alliance to the Axis Powers …”

    There exists a conspiracy theory that the theosophy-inspired occult groups active in Austria and Germany in the 1910s and 1920s which gave rise to the Nazi cult and its Hitler-god were infiltrated by Zionist Kabbalists for the purpose of creating something like Nazism, a religious-political system that would be turned on European Jewry, thus creating a burnt offering to Yahweh; a sacrifice to enable the creation of Israel.

    ” … the detailed descriptions of the Jewish ritualistic murder practices are very similarly described in locations widely separated by geography, language, culture, and time period … ”

    And it is possible that these rituals share a common root: a supremacist death cult originating in ancient Babylon among the exile Jewish population from Judah.

    ” … the world is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine … ”

    Indeed it is. Reality as presented by materialists negates the soul, and diminishes both beauty and darkness. Imagination is the divine spark given to us by the transcendent God. The above article is a high point in the American Pravda series.

  122. @Grahamsno(G64)

    In fairness …. that link shows what liberalism in the classic sense flourishes in Israel even if it is nowhere near a majority emotion.

  123. Heros says:

    First of all, I tip my hat to Ron Unz. He is looking satan straight in the eye and may god protect him.

    However, once again I find reading this article to be frustrating because of all the milquetoast language used to try to keep an article that must be offensive to lying Jews from being offensive to lying Jews. Example:

    “That extremely harsh accusation, widely used by stalwart defenders of Israeli behavior, refers to the notorious Christian superstition, prevalent throughout most of the Middle Ages and even into more modern times, that Jews sometimes kidnapped small Christian children in order to drain their blood for use in various magic rituals, especially in connection with the Purim religious holiday. One of my more shocking discoveries of the last dozen years is that there is a fairly strong likelihood that these seemingly impossible beliefs were actually true.”

    So after centuries of lies about their murder of Christian children when finally the proof hits Ron right between the eyes, he squirms around and wiggles out of clearly stating the depth of the depravity and damage that Jews have done to Christians for centuries. But even worse, Christians have been persecuted, ruined, tortured, and murdered for even implying that these massive jewish crimes are true. Jew crimes were simply projected back on the goyim, the goyim were punished and the jews got away. When has that ever happened before?

    ADL, SPLC, and all the other jewish hate organizations are nothing more that murderous cover up fronts for these crimes against humans with souls by jews, who clearly show by this practice that they are not of the same species as their victims. These goyim gaslighting organizations have been around for centuries twisting justice the same way jews twisted the dagger for years after stabbing Germany in the back in 1917.

    It is important to note, that just as jews call goyim anti-semite and ruin their lives or murder them for mentioning this jewish genetic lust for the ritual extraction of the blood of goyim infants, so exactly do they call goyim anti-semitic and ruin their lives or murder them for asking jews to provide evidence for 6 million dead Christian haters in the holohoax.

    Questions about the depth, depravity and history of jewish hate for goyim are one of the things that gods chosen people simply will not allow stupid goyim humans to ask. Its part of the Noahide laws that goyim across the west are forced to live under.

    • Troll: utu
  124. anon[298] • Disclaimer says:

    I very seldom call other posters trolls, but this, sir, is a troll post.

    • Replies: @ANDYHANDY
  125. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Thanks very much for the information. I did spend a few minutes on the internet looking for dates and names.

    All I found of course was the evil blood libel and endless persecution of Jews by Christians and Popes. So I just posted what I remembered.

  126. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

    Jews are remarkably clear headed about this – I have had Jews tell me that Jews cheat, but gentiles murder, and this is what one should watch out for in dealing with the two groups.

    That’s hardly clear headed. It basically means that the Gentiles should be fought only when then start a war against you while the Tribe is “cheating” and scheming goyim demise 24/7/365.

    How’s that Jewish IQ number progressing anyway? 95 sound wildly optimistic at this point.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  127. With all due respect, I can but disagree on several points.

    First, the author may be right about Jewish religion (I know next to nothing about it), but many secular Jews who break religious rules daily, support Israel and do their best to make its crimes look innocent. Many Jews and Gentiles, both religious and secular, present these crimes as non-crimes, simply because they are perpetrated against Palestinians.

    Second, Russia in the 1990s. Yes, it was a catastrophe, wholesale looting of the country by the few who had no ethical scruples. Most oligarchs were not just thieves, but murderers as well, although, just like mafia bosses, they did not do murders personally, always delegating dirty work to henchmen. A typical example is Khodorkovsky, promoted by the Western media: it is almost certain that he ordered his head of security, Alexei Pichugin, to arrange the 1998 murder of Vladimir Petukhov, mayor of Nefteyugansk, which was done on Khodorkovsky’s birthday. Pichugin was sentenced in Russia to life in prison for ordering three murders, including Petukhov’s. While Khodorkovsky is Jewish (secular, as far as we can tell), Pichugin is not. What’s more, Gorbachev and Yeltsin, who brought Russia almost to ruin, aren’t Jewish, either. Both of them are rightly perceived by the majority of Russian population as traitors, which they are.

    Third, Solzhenitsyn. In the context of Russian literature, he is third-rate at best. His literary talent is nowhere near that of the towering figures like Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, or Pushkin. If we stick solely to the twentieth century and even exclude Tolstoy, Solzhenitsyn is nowhere near Bulgakov, Blok, and many others. The most adequate prescient description of him one can find in Dostoevsky’s Demons: it is hard to be a middling talent in Russian literature. Politically, he is also a very shady character. He claimed to have wanted to go to the front, which was the easiest thing to achieve in the USSR between 1941 and 1945, yet he always moved farther and farther away from the places where bullets and shells actually flied. He was imprisoned, but spent his time in VIP camps, not where rank-and-file GULAG prisoners were. If one wants to read a true account of GULAG, I can recommend Shalamov (who, BTW, always despised Solzhenitsyn as a liar and a fraud).

    Finally, the crazy world we know today was shaped by a lot of scoundrels, some Jewish, some not. Just recent examples: Clintons (both of them) and Bushes (all of them) weren’t Jewish, but they have a lot of innocent blood on their hands. Same goes for Blair, Cheney, and many others. I believe that the criminals should be identified and ultimately punished, or at least condemned. I also believe pointing the finger at particular groups, religious or national, is no more than a red herring. Frankly, I am surprised and disappointed that Ron Unz, who runs a remarkably truthful site with real freedom of speech and true difference of opinion, is contributing to that deception.

    • Replies: @Wally
    , @utu
    , @ploni almoni
    , @bjondo
  128. D. K. says:
    @academic gossip

    Ms. Baytch took it upon herself to correct me, inter alia, at the very beginning of the comment thread to one of Mr. Unz’ many other postings here having to do with his meritocracy research:

    As pointed out by me to Ms. Baytch, in our extensive replies to one another in that particular comment thread, the “Harvard Crimson” survey findings that she cites are (along with their being social-scientifically dubious per se) about incoming freshmen’s religious affiliations, not their ethnic descent or identity. My Jewish brother-in-law, who was an Harvard undergraduate at the same time as Mr. Unz, is deeply into his Jewish identity; but, he also is an avowed atheist, despite his being formally bar mitzvahed as an adolescent, and he never would have claimed to be “Jewish” in the actual sense that that survey was asking of its respondents. I strongly suspect that a majority of the freshman at Harvard who identify as being Jewish, ethnically and socioculturally, would not claim that Judaism was their personal religious faith, whether they were being asked the question by their student newspaper or by the United States Bureau of the Census.

    • Replies: @mark green
  129. @Bardon Kaldian

    Where Unz is not fair, it is his reductionist view. He equates Jews with their (stereo)typical vices, which is the same mistake we make when we reduce a whole person to his loathsome traits, while ignoring laudable ones.

    In the 21st century world of internet discourse one thing I’ve internalized is the “crazy bomb”. There are some subjects, so fraught, that everyone is “triggered”.

    I think that’s a big problem. To be triggered should be: to be disqualified from discourse of any consequence. I sincerely believe that. If I could put one limit on democracy, that would be my limit: does anything trigger you? … ok, then kindly go outside while the adults discuss serious matters, matters of consequence.

    So what do we do when there are subjects that trigger: everyone? 90%, suffices, for “everyone”.

    I’ve spent much of the last 18 hours wondering if I can ever post a comment on Unz again – not because of the substance of what Mr. Unz wrote – though there’s much to doubt and disagree with and I think that a charitable interpretation is that, that’s his point: to un-trigger us by forcing the triggering discussion.

    But the reason I’ve wondered is: crazy bomb. Mr. Unz just dropped the most high-power crazy bomb I’ve seen maybe in my lifetime’s memory. Everyone will be triggered. Anti-Semites, “allergic” gentiles, and certainly Jews. Everyone.

    Is discussion possible?

    There is the story of the boy and the dinosaur – who found a dinosaur in his bedroom and his parents refused to discuss it because: dinosaurs don’t exist – and they remained steadfast in their refusal until the dinosaur’s limbs grew out the windows and legs through the floors and he walked off with the house.
    Charitable interpretation: Unz is trying to get us to discuss the dinosaur

    There is Howard W. Campbell Jr. A possibility that should terrify the bonafide anti-Semites who find a commenting home here. Another charitable interpretation.

    And after we clear the crazy bomb and charitable interpretations, there’s finally your point. I’d like a word about that, and I worry it’s a word spoken in the dust cloud on the bottom floor of a building a quarter second after a bomb detonated in the basement and the upper floors are about to collapse on us.

    But here’s the word.

    It is said that the first crime is that one must not “name the Jew”. You are supposed to figure this out. Everyone is supposed to figure this out. It is a symptom of autism that one does not figure this out.

    Because we will not discuss this many who do figure it out derive different conclusions about why this is a rule.

    I would like to suggest to your point, and to Mr. Unz, that the most charitable reason for this rule is the true reason, and more importantly : it is a universal reason.

    One must not “name the Jew” for the same reason one must not name : anyone – collectively.

    That reason is: we are human, or cartoons. All acts of collective naming – reduce us from humans, to cartoons.

    This is why I have argued consistently , on these comments, that people must stop adopting the term “white”. To adopt and accept this term, is to agree to be named, and to be named by people who know exactly what they are doing when they name you. They dehumanize you. They make it possible to collectively judge you and condemn you. By accepting the name, you hasten the advance of their heinous agenda.

    And “they”, don’t need to be anybody at all. No Protocols are required, just Hobbes and Game Theory. It’s a war of man against man.

    Unz is unfair here – dangerously so – but if this was intended as a light to lead us out of the darkness then it starts with this rule: let us stop naming … anyone. Collective judgment will be all of our collective doom.

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
    , @utu
  130. @Hairway To Steven

    What a well reasoned and well sourced response.

  131. @Anon

    Nevertheless, the cardinal Lorenzo Ganganelli, later Pope Clement XIV, in his famous report of 19 January 1760, presented to the Congregation of the Holy Office, with which he intended in general to absolve the Jews from the accusation of ritual infanticide, made an exception in the case of Andreas of Rinn, as well as in the case of the martyrdom of Simon of Trent. The two cases were to be considered exceptional events, not to be generalized, but were nevertheless concrete and real:29
    “I therefore admit as true the fact of the sainted Simon, the boy of three years of age killed by Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ in Trent in the year 1475 [...] I accept as true another crime, committed in the village of Rinn, diocese of Bressanone, in 1462, against the sainted Andrea, a boy barbarously killed by the Jews in hatred of the faith of Jesus Christ [...] I do not, however, believe, even admitting as true the true facts of Bressanone and Trent, that one can justifiably deduce that this is a maxim, either theoretical or practical, of the Hebrew nation,
    since two events alone are insufficient to establish a certain and common axiom”.30


    In those days, Rabbi Jossel di Kelheim had taken advantage of an opportunity and had purchased a Christian child from a beggar for the price of ten ducats. He took the child to his house, in the Jewish quarter, where he concealed him for two days, in anticipation of the solemn event of the Pesach, the feast of the unleavened bread, when the annual celebrations begin in remembrance of the miraculous escape of the people of Israel from captivity in Egypt would begin. In the early morning of the first day of the holiday period, Rabbi Jossel very carefully transferred the boy into the narrow confines of the “stiebel” [parlor] of Sayer Straubinger, the small and rustic synagogue located a short distance from his house, where he was accustomed to preside over the collective rites of the community and its daily and festive liturgical meetings. Awaiting him were at least twenty five Jews, previously informed of the extraordinary event. Israel Wolfgang was one of them, and he remembered the exact names of all the participants in the rite, both those from Regensburg and those from other regions. The transfer of the child from Rabbi Jossel’s house to the synagogue, although performed at night, involved some danger, since it might have been noticed by prying eyes. But in view of the fact that the district was inhabited by Jews who locked their doors every night, with the keys entrusted to them by the city authorities, the margin of safety was considered sufficiently broad.19
    The boy was undressed in the stiebel and placed on a chest containing the sacred parchments of the synagogue, and was then crucified, circumcised and finally suffocated over the course of a horrifying collective ritual, following a script accurately planned and perfectly well known by all the participants, by Jessel, the rabbi; by
    Mayr Baumann, the mohel; by Sayer Straubinger, the owner of the chapel; by Samuel Flieshaker, one of Wolfgang’s friends; by Mayr Heller; by the above mentioned Jew referred to as “bonus puer” (Tov ’Elem); by Johoshua, the cantor; and by Isacco, the water-bearer. Wolfgang himself had taken an active part in the crucifixion of the child, while the blood was collected in a bowl, to be distributed among the Jews participating in the rite or sent to the rich of the community.20 The day after, rumor of the ritual infanticide spread in the district and many people rushed to Sayer’s stiebel to see the body of the sacrificed boy, which was placed quite visibly inside the chest. The evening after, at the beginning of the ceremonies of the second day of Pesach, in the central room of the small synagogue, in the confined space of which about thirty of the faithful now crammed themselves, excited and curious, while the little victim was publicly exhibited, and the grisly ritual, which had now become merely commemorative, began afresh.21 Finally, the child’s body was buried in the courtyard of the chapel, in a remote corner, surrounded by a wall, accessed through a small door which was usually kept locked.22
    Israel Wolfgang’s report was too precise in its particulars and accurate in its descriptions to avoid awakening the interest of inquisitors in places other than Trent. His report contained exact names, dates, places, and facts requiring cogent verification. Perhaps the closest and most significant precedent to Simonino’s martyrdom at Trent was to be sought at Regensburg: in the spectacular story of an unknown synagogue ceremony according to ritual standards following a pre-established order with a mysterious symbolism. The first night of Pesach at Regensburg in 1467, in Sayer’s stiebel, from which the noisy flow of the waters of the Danube was quite audible, might provide a clue to the mystery of what really happened eight years later, during the Pesach period of 1475, at Samuele da Nuremberg’s house, in the small synagogue of the Jews of Trent, located along a small murky canal used by tanners in the German-speaking district. Perhaps they were only fantasies, fearful fables, nourished by ancestral suspicions, settled stereotypes crystallized from years back; but the authorities had to be certain that the tale had no basis in truth.
    In early 1476, Heinrich, the bishop of Regensburg was passing through Trent on his way back from Rome, when, suddenly, someone handed him a copy of Wolfgang’s deposition before the Trent judges. Notwithstanding circumstances of this kind, it would hardly have been unprecedented, in the 15th century panorama of this city on the Danube, for the Jews of Regensburg to be accused of a good four cases of desecration of the Host and ritual murder in barely six years, from
    1470 to 1476;23 the good prelate was forcefully impressed and justifiably scandalized when he read the document. Returning to Germany, Heinrich hastened to advise the authorities of Regensburg to open an immediate inquiry intended to determine whether or not a ritual murder had really occurred in the Jewish quarter during the Passover feast of 1467.2

    The use of the blood of Christian children in the celebration of the Jewish Passover was apparently the object of minute regulation, at least according to the depositions of all the defendants in the Trent trials. These depositions describe exactly what was prohibited, what was permitted, and what was tolerated, all in meticulous detail. Every eventuality was foreseen and dealt with; the use of blood was governed by broad and exhaustive case law, almost as if it formed an integral part of the most firmly established regulations relating to the ritual. The blood, powdered or dessicated, was mixed into the dough of the unleavened or “solemn” bread, the shimmurim – not ordinary bread. The shimmurim – in fact, three loaves for each of the two evenings during which the ritual dinner of the Seder was served – were considered one of the principal symbolic foods of the feast, and their accurate preparation and baking took place during the days preceding the advent of Pesach.
    During the Seder, the blood had to be dissolved into the wine immediately prior to recitation of the ten curses against the land of Egypt. The wine was later poured into a basin or a cracked earthenware pot and thrown away. The performance of the ritual required only a minimum quantity of blood in powdered form, equal in quantity to a lentil.
    The obligation to procure blood and to use it during the Passover ritual was the exclusive responsibility of the head of the family, i.e., a responsible male with a dependent wife and children. Bachelors, widowers, guests and employees, all those without dependent family, were exempt. In view of the difficulty of procuring such a rare and costly ingredient, it was anticipated that the wealthiest Jews would provide blood for the poorest Jews, an eccentric form of charity benefiting heads of families disinherited by fate.
    Samuele da Nuremberg reported that:
    “The evening before Pesach, when they stir the dough with which the unleavened bread (the shimmurim) is later prepared, the head of the family takes the blood of a Christian child and mixes it into the dough while it is being kneaded, using the entire quantity available, keeping in
    mind that the measure of a lentil is sufficient. The head of the family sometimes performs this operation in the presence of those kneading the unleavened bread, and sometimes without their knowledge, based on whether or not they can be trusted”.1
    Maestro Tobias restricted himself to recalling that “every year, the blood, in powdered form, is kneaded into the dough of the unleavened bread prepared the evening before the feast, and is then eaten on the solemn day, i.e., the day of Passover”.2 This testimony was confirmed by Mohar (Meir), the son of Mosè “the old Man” of Würzburg,3 as well as by the convert Giovanni da Feltre, who had seen his father Schochat (Sacheto) perform the ritual while still living at Landshut in Bavaria.4
    Isacco da Gridel, Angelo da Verona’s cook, admitted to kneading the shimmurim containing blood for eight years, preparing it for the celebration of the Seder. Joav of Franconia, Tobias’ domestic servant, recalled the custom from as much as seventeen years back, when she was in service with a rich Jew from Würzburg. Mosè da Bamburg, the traveler staying with Angelo of Verona, in his long deposition, stated that he had personally performed this operation when he was head of the family in Germany. Later, when he moved to Italy, he had seen it performed at Borgo San Giovanni, in the Piacenza region, in the home of money lender Sacle or Sacla (Izchak), who inserted the blood into the unleavened bread while his wife Potina kneaded the dough. Vitale, Samuele da Nuremberg’s agent, attested to the custom as a result of having seen it performed for three consecutive years by his uncle, Salomone, at Monza.
    The subject matter of these depositions was also confirmed by the women involved. Bella, the wife of Mayer da Würzburg, reported that she had seen her father preparing the shimmurim from the time she was a child at Nuremberg, in preparation for the first two evenings during which the Seder used grains of dried blood in the dough. Sara, Tobias’s wife, recalled that her first husband, Elia, whom she married at Marburg, had used blood for this purpose, and that she had also seen the practice in many Jewish homes in Mestre.5 Bona, Angelo da Verona’s sister, stated that she had seen the brother placing the [dried] blood, [dissolved and] diluted in water, into the dough of the unleavened and so-called solemn bread, the shimmurim, which was kept under surveillance, and had to be eaten during the first two evenings of the festival, during the Seder. “Angelo himself, took a bit of the Christian child’s [dried] blood and dissolved it in water, then poured the water containing the blood into the dough with which they then made the unleavened loaves, three of which Angelo and the other members of his family and Bona herself ate during the Passover
    evening feast, while the other three members ate it the evening of the next day”.6
    Angelo da Verona’s report was rather more detailed. After briefly recalling that the Ashkenazi Jews “take a small quantity of the blood and they put it in the dough with which they later make the unleavened bread which they eat during the solemn days of the Passover”.
    He went on to provide a detailed description of the rite of preparing the shimmurim “with blood”.7 First of all, he explained to the judges, the ritual action was carried out “as a sign of outrage against Jesus Christ, whom the Christians claim is their God”. He then continued, supplying whatever clarification he considered dutiful and necessary: “Eating unleavened bread with Christian blood in it means that, just as the body and powers of Jesus Christ, the God of the Christians, went down to perdition with His death, thus, the Christian blood contained in the unleavened bread shall be ingested and completely consumed”.
    How much truth there was to this key anti-Christian interpretation of the presumed Jewish haematophagia [blood-eating] through the medium of unleavened bread, and just how much was invented to please the inquisitors concerned, is unknown. It is however a fact that Angelo supplied a very colorful and credible representation of the ritual, utilizing the correct formulae from the classical Jewish liturgy.
    “They place the blood in their unleavened loaves in this manner: after placing the blood in the dough, they knead it and stir it around to prepare the unleavened bread (the shimmurim). Then they poke holes in it, pronouncing these words: Chen icheressù chol hoyveha, which, translated, means ‘Thus may our enemies be consumed’. At this point, the unleavened loaves are ready to be eaten”.8
    This Hebrew invective is not an invention. It may in fact be found among the blessings and curses pronounced during the so-called “Haggadah of the Jewish New Year” (Rosh Ha-Shanah) just before the feast dinner. On this occasion, the reading of the various formulae was accompanied by the consumption of vegetables and fruit, in addition to fish and a lamb’s head, recalling, by means of a pun on their Hebrew names, the type of blessing or curse which the reader intended to pronounce. Leeks are called cartì, and the invective associated with its name was known as she-iccaretu (iccaresu in the Ashkenazi pronunciation) col hoyevenu, that is, “may all our enemies be exterminated (“consumed” according to Angelo)”.9 The original inspiration was, as usual, Biblical and prophetical (Mich. 5:9) “And all thine enemies shall be cut off” (we-chos hoyevecha iccaretu). At this point, it becomes much more difficult to dismiss the insertion of these
    Hebrew-language execrations into the ritual of the Christian blood added to the solemn unleavened bread as merely the extemporaneous and extravagant invention of Angelo da Verona, “softened up” with torture.

    • Replies: @Anon
  132. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Casey

    Don’t be silly. The Talmud is a vast collection of purposefully contradictory attempts to explain the written Torah. This makes the Torah, and the rest of the Old Testament, far more central to Judaism than the Talmud. Your weaselly attempt to avoid admitting this by focussing on his use of the word “most” is utterly irrelevant, especially given the relative importance of the five books of the Torah versus the rest of the Old Testament.

    Not that the Talmud can be described as one work anymore than Wikipedia, including its endless edits pages, could.

    • Replies: @Pat Casey
  133. Sir Q says:

    Many thanks for this great summation. Those of us who’ve researched the subject for years find most of it quite familiar — it’s breathtaking to see it spelled out clearly for all to see here.

    Here’s hoping and praying that your life doesn’t become palpably more difficult as a result of publishing this!

  134. Ron Unz says:
    @academic gossip

    above you link to your Meritocracy article on Asian vs Jewish vs white (Gentile) admission at Harvard.

    Did you ever answer Nurit Baytch’s analysis that appeared to refute your article’s claims of absurd Jewish overrepresentation at Harvard?

    In addition, are you aware that later, after Baytch’s did her calculations, some of the annual Harvard Crimson surveys of incoming freshmen and graduating seniors give the number of self-reported Jewish whites at Harvard, and the number is much lower than what you stated in your Meritocracy article?

    As far as I can tell you were completely wrong about the level of Jewish representation at Harvard. Your accusations of Jewish admissions favoritism (the Protocols of the Elders of Harvard Square) are astonishing, very damning if true, and got very wide circulation on the internet. Yet there is no record (that I could find) of any substantive response from you to Baytch or any indication that you are even aware of the Jewish data in the Crimson surveys.

    So: did you (or anyone else) answer Baytch or address the data from the Harvard Crimson?

    Actually, I’ve responded to her total nonsense over and over again. But I suppose I might as well do so one more time, merely by republishing a previous lengthy comment of mine from a couple of months ago:

    However, according to The Harvard Crimson’s Class of 2017 Freshman Survey, only 9.5% of Harvard freshmen identify their religious affiliation as Jewish.

    Ha, ha, ha. It’s nice to see that our good friend “Tyrion 2″ is doing his best to confirm my finding that Jews these days are not particularly bright, and perhaps providing some additional evidence that dim-wittedness is particularly strong among the fanatic ethnic-activist segment of Jewry, including himself.

    Okay, so he located an extremely helpful datapoint that 9.5% of the Harvard Class of 2017 are *religiously* Jewish. However, it only took me a few seconds to locate this Haaretz article:

    It notes that Jews are among the world’s *least* religious groups, and that worldwide only 38% of (ethnic) Jews follow the Jewish *religion*. Assuming that The Crimson survey is correct and Harvard Jews are typical of those worldwide, this would imply that 9.5% / 0.38 = 25%(!!!) of Harvard freshmen are *ethnically* Jewish, which by an astonishing coincidence is *exactly* the Hillel figure I was using. I think I’d call that a game-ending own-goal…

    Indeed, since religiosity is especially strong among ultra-Orthodox Jews who are very mediocre in their academic achievement, while America’s most academically elite groups—Jew or Gentile—tend to be among the least religious, this figure might even be an underestimate. Certainly back during my own Harvard days, I’d have been astonished if even 1/3 of the Jews I knew practiced “the Jewish religion.”

    Jewish-activists are notorious for playing these sorts of very slippery definitional games. For example, I wouldn’t be surprised if “Tyrion 2″ were to claim that there had never been a single “Jewish Communist.” How could there be, since Communists by definition practice no religion.

    Incidentally, having personally met that “Nurit Baytch” woman when I was giving a talk on my Meritocracy article at the University of Chicago Law School, she seemed an absolutely perfect example of the fanatic “Jewish berserker” type I was discussing in my article. And my Yale Law School lecture had quite a number of them in the audience.

    Otherwise, I’d like to thank many of the other commenters for their very kind words, and also catching a number of my careless typos, which I’ve now corrected.

  135. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    Its guys like Unz that makes the JQ a question. A lot of this if not known, its at least sensed and enough is actually known that if not for guys like Unz we would know exactly what to do.The terrible thing is the time we can put off a decision is almost up, ironically accelerated by the people in question, who it seems feel rather confident of late, even eschatonic. Well I’m prepared for whatever form the reaction/restoration takes and if need be and if Unz can make it to North Idaho or I can get a chopper or plane to him Ill see hes protected.

  136. @utu

    You are a fool and Hitler was a fool.

    To a certain extant we’re all fools, so what’s the point?

    Hitler was that rare leader who, it’s obvious, cared about what was happening to his people, and thought he could do something for their benefit so he probably was a fool in that regard.

    Perhaps, though, you could enlighten us to some other ways he was a fool and name a few others who were not.

  137. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Ron Unz

    You never replied to her substantive points. You merely took the opening superficial rhetoric in her work and made a strawman out of it.

    As I pointed out previously (to no reply):

    Whomever that lady is (it doesn’t matter) applied the same technique that you used to estimate the percentage of Jewish National Merit Semifinalists to the percentage of Jewish Harvard students and found that Hillel was wrong.

    Ergo, you are wrong. Your entire argument is based off the unjustified stats collected by a silly Jewish student organisation to engage in a little ethnic boosterism.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2

    Razib Khan’s conversation with David Sloan Wilson hints at why Ron Unz’s cool, calm collection of information on “Oddities of the Jewish Religion” is necessary, welcome, long overdue, and one more effort at, not so much breaking the Jew taboo but rather, normalizing facts-and-logic based discussion of how one particular group that holds enormous influence over world events, functions.

    Khan remains in the camp of the pusillanimous, desperately eager to “move on:”

    5: 08 Khan: “MacDonald is going in a dark direction . . .”

    Wilson failed to affirm Khan’s “dark direction. ” “What Kevin said has stood the test of time . . .”
    and expanded:

    Wilson: “When does what Kevin says become problematic? There’s gotta be a way that we can study culture as corporate units.”

    Khan: “Sure, sure.
    Wilson: “Including acknowledging the mean things they do to each other.

    Khan: “. . . as a description it is what it is; I don’t have any, you know — People cite him occasionally on my weblog . . . about the strategies Jews are using to suborn uh western civilization, just all sorts of strange things. Derbyshire wrote kind of a negative review . . . and Kevin responded, ‘Look at what happens to gentile intellectuals who are defending Jewish interests.’

    “So Kevin . . . has basically come out as a white nationalist, but gentile . . . He’s taken his ideas and become maybe more of an applied scientist? I don’t know . . .

    “Obviously it’s outside of the norms of people I would interact with and so . . . I encounter him now and then . . . he definitely seems to have gone in a more obviously white nationalist direction. . . .

    “He seems a fine enough fellow in exchanges but he obviously has a strong perspective on the role of Jewish power. I think he would say it’s distorted western culture, allowed mass immigration, all sorts of issues . . . But like I said, that’s kind of a dark prescription from the perspective of the main stream, so why don’t we just move on to the Evolution Institute which is going to try to be more in the main stream . . .”

    Wilson refuses to let go, to the point of introducing the concept, parasitism:

    Wilson: “What’s parasitism but the exploitation by something small of something big? ”
    Khan: “He says Jews are parasites.”
    Wilson: “That’s been a mainstay of antisemitism, right?
    Khan: “Yeah.”
    Wilson: “Okay, but let me talk as an ecologist, ok? Parasitism is something small exploiting something big. Predation is something big exploiting something small, right?”
    Khan: “Ha ha yeah. ”
    Wilson: “. . . and of course there’s competition which can be engaged by both large and small, right? . . . Now if we expect these along with other interactions among human groups, can we expect Jewish people to be parasitic? Yes. Can we expect bigger groups to be predatory? Yes. So what makes this as benign as it can be is we gotta show the ____ here, the blame; nobody — it’s not as if everybody is behaving honorably except those Jews, right?”
    Khan: “Yeah . . .”
    Wilson: “Everybody’s behaving dishonorably, right? ”
    Khan: “Well, um, I mean, like I said I want to move to something a little more constructive. Kevin’s perspective, he’s a white gentile, he has his own ethnic and genetic viewpoint, that’s how he views it.”
    Wilson: “I don’t know. . . .”
    Khan: “He is cited. I don’t really let those comments through, to be honest . . .

    Wilson seems to endorse the notion of normalizing the frank assessment of various group’s survival strategies; Ron Unz contributes to that project; Razib Khan resists.

  139. @RealAmericanValuesCirca1776Not1965

    “Adding further credibility to the notion that Christianity was created as an anti-Jewish weapon. “

    This reminds me of one of John Carpenter’s lesser known horror movies, a 1987 gem called “Prince of Darkness”. In it, one of the characters makes a discovery that Jesus was a spirit (or possibly an alien!) sent to earth to warn it about and protect it from a very real and literal demon. The Church made the decision to keep this information under wraps, and convince its followers that things such as the Devil, Hell, and evil were abstract concepts rather than a very real manifestation.

    • Replies: @MikeatMikedotMike
  140. Anon[161] • Disclaimer says:

    Any Jewish communities that practice such things today must keep it extremely secret.

    The internal security agencies of Israel might know if these practices go on in Israel but they will cover it up.

  141. @Tyrion 2

    Regardless, from the point at which you say that the Talmud takes precendence to the written Torah (Old Testament), you’ve already jumped into fantasy land.

    You can read the basis for that claim in The online Jewish Encyclopedia

  142. @Hairway To Steven

    Reading this I can’t help but be reminded of a passage written by Adolf Hitler, about the frustration of arguing truthfully with dishonest and purposefully obtuse Jews.

  143. @Anon

    Hitler knew that in order to get what he wanted he had to make his opponents believe that if necessary he would wage war.
    The Polish provocations made it necessary for him to really wage war.
    Poland wanted war, GB not, is my idea, FDR wanted war.

  144. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

    I believe that Judaism controls the US, the EU, etc. The thing I just CANNOT understand is WHY!

    An individual sociopath in a trust-based society will virtually always “win” his parasitic, extractive and sometimes lethal game because he’s the only one playing it. His targets just want to establish normal, trusting relationships. It has nothing to do with intelligence.

    Interestingly enough, the alleged percentage of sociopaths in Western societies is 2%. That’s what shields them. For every sociopath, there are 49 non-sociopaths who will mostly operate, and experience, relatively normal interpersonal relationships which makes them susceptible.

    Fortunately/unfortunately for the Tribe, their sociopathy is organised and multi-generational. It leads to great material successes in the short-medium term but that inevitably leads to massive blowbacks when their greed and hubris outstrips their stealth capabilities.

    Why don’t gentiles and Asians simply take back what the Jews have stolen FROM THEM

    We will. The parasite’s hold on the brain and the endocrine system (authority and messaging) is falling apart.

    • Agree: Svigor
    • Replies: @Wade
  145. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Tyrion 2

    Also, were 10 separate Englishmen to, without contact, write 10 separate independent books picking up parts of English History that might be construed, via the worst possible yet still just about reasonable light, as damning of English behaviour in particular times and particular places. That would be just 10 separate out there books.

    Were someone else to collect all 10 books and summarise them adjacently in order to insinuate some sort of grand narrative which implied essential evil, then that person would be gravely mistaken. Surely they must realise how dishonest their argument would be?

    Why on earth would anyone do such a thing?

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Anon
    , @Anon
  146. AaronB says:

    No, it means the gentiles are always starting a war against someone (historically indisputable). And that Jews are always at war with someone. (Historically indisputable). But that both deploy different weapons, according to his capacity and circumstances.

    The clear headed and honest person – .0001 of mankind – recognizes these facts objectively without getting hysterical about them.

    Europeans fight each other incessantly, conquer most of the world – then complain that Jews used cunning, deceit, and the power of money to gain the upper hand over Europeans.

    It’s really quite childish.

    So cheating and scheming are uniquely bad while “honest” physical aggression that kills millions and lays waste to half the earth is “honorable” – its childish.

    The clear headed philosopher understands that the biological world is a war of all against wall, and that cheating is quite as legitimate as physical violence in this war.

    Of course, being a clear headed philosopher means seeing at least one level up from the biological realm – and those stuck in the biological conflict can only see “their side” and cannot attain to objectivity.

    So I hardly expect you to see things from a larger perspective beyond “your side” – nor would it be healthy for you, so long as you are stuck in the biological combat of all against all.

    But there are a tiny few who are poised to tip over into the blissful “extra biological” perspective – I write for this happy few, and do not expect people like you to understand me.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Svigor
  147. anon[393] • Disclaimer says:

    I know Unz is kinda lefty but in this sense hes far rightish, there really many more jews like him than the lads at stormfront will credit.I have thought as this is all bound to come to a head soon because internet/immigration, a way to avoid another holycause would be to begin now offering jews a way to opt in to whiteness on the record before the shtf, as part of this another option ought to be offered to go on the record as a pledged non combatant in return to safe passage to israel in the event, you cant fault a jew or anyone for group loyalty.But some jews I think really are able to choose loyalty to their white genes over their jew genes and there’s not enough of them and they are 60% euro for us to worry about the hybridization. Thus force the hostile jews declare themselves as such and avoid the nuremberg situation. This registry so to speak would have to be done by jews and would cause quite a stir if it took off, but it might actually end up defusing the coming civil war which is very likely to become a race war if isnt forestalled. Jews coming out in significant enough numbers as white nationalist before hostilities is the only way I see as avoiding war, its in their interest as they will certainly be held accountable for a lot of the wars causes. Wars to not allow for nuance and good people are going to be forced to choose the lesser evil or the greater truth. whites are also going to have to be pragmatic and wont be able to execute half their own for war crimes so a scapegoat will be required. Lets get the actual goats on the record ahead of time and let jews who identify as whites do so and jews who simply loyal but not hostile jews opt out of hostilities.

  148. @Jake

    If you say that only European peoples built a Christian civilization, then is the Jew Testament wrong? Was the Apostle Philip mistaken to recruit Africans into the church? Was the Holy Spirit in error for providing teleporting services afterward? (Acts 8:26-40) Did the first Christians at Antioch commit an error including Simeon the Nigger (Black man) in the church and elevating him to a position of leadership of “prophets and teachers?”

    If, as you say, Jewish culture will always be viciously anti-white Gentile, then why do you worship a viciously anti-white Gentile who railed against Gentile White Patriarchy (Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25) and demanded one “hate” and “forsake” their own blood and soil?(Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:27-30)

    Is not the Jew Testament itself thoroughly Judaizing?

    WE WORSHIP what we do know, for salvation is from THE JEWS.” John 4:22
    Acts 3:25 “He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’”
    Romans 1:16 “The Jew first.”
    Romans 9:4 “The people of Israel, chosen.”
    Romans 15:27 “For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews’ spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.”

  149. FKA Max says: • Website
    @academic gossip

    As far as I can tell you were completely wrong about the level of Jewish representation at Harvard.

    Comments by Mr. Unz on the matter and some of my own as well. Follow the links provided underneath the quoted passages for more in-depth analysis, commentary, etc.:


    It notes that Jews are among the world’s *least* religious groups, and that worldwide only 38% of (ethnic) Jews follow the Jewish *religion*. Assuming that The Crimson survey is correct and Harvard Jews are typical of those worldwide, this would imply that 9.5% / 0.38 = 25%(!!!) of Harvard freshmen are *ethnically* Jewish, which by an astonishing coincidence is *exactly* the Hillel figure I was using.

    As for Nurit Baytch [...]
    She reminded me a bit of those “Weather Underground” girls I’ve sometimes seen in photos of the 1960s. I tend to distrust detailed statistical analyses allegedly performed on private datasets by mentally ill individuals.

    Her senior partner in all of her supposed statistical “debunkings” was Prof. Janet Mertz, who herself seems to have somewhat odd views on all sorts of things. I discuss some of her work here

    I don’t know which edition you are referring to, but I found this 2015 edition—blog/news-and-views/2015/06/24/2015-top-60-schools-by-jewish-student-population , which, indeed, lists the percentage of Jewish undergraduates for Harvard at 12%, but did you also check the Jewish share of the graduate population, a whooping 67%(!!!) according to Hillel. These numbers combined make Harvard’s Jewish student population ~33% of the student body.:

    6712 Undergrads
    4326 Graduates
    803* (12%)Jewish Undergrads(Percent of Population)
    2892* (67%)Jewish Graduates(Percent of Population) Archived link:

    I offered a counter-argument to this point, which Andrew Gelman and Nathan Cofnas had made as well
    Since Haredi Jews mostly don’t attend regular universities and pursue religious rather than intellectual/scientific studies, even though they are mostly based in “major urban centers”, at least 10% of the Jewish community, in the northeastern United States and in the United Kingdom likely closer to 20%, would not apply to elite universities, which makes the Jewish overrepresentation at the Ivy League, etc. even starker than Mr. Unz documented

    • Replies: @ANDYHANDY
  150. Gordo says:

    Thank you Mister Unz.

  151. Pat Casey says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You don’t know what you are talking about and furthermore do not make sense. If the Talmud is about explaining the Torah, why does that make the rest of the Old Testament far more central to Judaism than the Talmud? The only weaselly attempt going on around here is you failing to acknowledge that you didn’t know the Torah is not the Old Testament.

    Jewish tradition says that God dictated the Torah to Moses atop Mt. Sinai. Not so the rest of the Old Testament. So it makes sense that Jews would regard it less.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  152. @TheOldOne

    Why do jews want to control the world ?
    I do not know.
    Why did Baruch bring FDR into politics to start a world war ?
    Why does Soros want to control and change Hungary ?
    Both men were seen as second rate citizens when they were young, Baruch in the USA.
    Soros as a child experienced anti semitism in WWII in Hungary.
    Baruch’s father fled anti semitic Germany around 1870, from memory.
    Their motives, fear, revenge, lust for power, some mixture, I do not know.
    If you read Stephen Steinlight fear does exist.
    And indeed, it cannot be denied that christianity persecuted jews, Islam far less.
    When christian persecution began, suppose no later than when the Roman empire became christian.
    The reformation of Luther was no improvement, Luther seems to have hated jews.
    Just in the 19th century jews became equal civil rights in most countries.
    But, writes Katz, these equal rights were given in the expectation that jews would disappear through assimilation.
    The opposite happened, jews continued to intermarry, had close economic cooperation.
    ‘From prejudice to destruction’, Jacob Katz, 1980, Cambridge MA
    Some jews developed loyalty problems:
    Jakob Wassermann, ‘MEIN WEG ALS DEUTSCHER UND ALS JUDE’, Berlin 1921
    His novel to me seems a great description of how jews felt
    Jakob Wassermann, ‘Die Juden von Zirndorf’, 1897 1999 München
    Of course there were assimilated jews galore, in western countries, most of them sephardic, and anti zionism, what they saw as an insult to them.
    Gilad Atzmon, who describes himself as ‘Palestinian jew’, he was born in Israel, wants collective psychotherapy for all jews.
    As to ritual murder, I nowhere ever saw convincing proof, just accusations.

  153. Art says:
    @Colin Wright

    Second, the article gives the impression that there is some some kind of monolithic Judaism. That’s obviously untrue: Jews are some of the most quarrelsome, dissent-prone folks around.

    That is nonsense – 85% of all Jews of all stripes, 100% of the time, support Zionist Israel and its mendacious occupation of Palestine. The vast majority of US Jews work to use the US government and taxpayer for Israel.

    It is an outrageous lie to say that Jews do not collude politically.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  154. “Jews spent two thousand years living as a diaspora people, and their tightly-bound trans-national colonies provided them with a uniquely effective international trading network.”


    The most dangerous word for Arabs and Muslims is the word “diaspora” when it refers to Jewish dispersion out of Palestine. Its meaning is not in dispute – that a people known as “Israelite” were dispersed two thousand years ago and their descendants have a “right of turn” to that specific location from which they were dispersed. Therefore, the Arabs have enemies scattered around the world, specially in the Western world, who demand to exercise that “right of return” by force and with the help of the powerful Western nations where these “diaspora people” live. The idea that the white Jews who originated in Europe and the black Jews of Africa and the brown Jews of the Middle East originated in Palestine is totally a childish notion. 95% of world Jewry is Ashkenazi at confirmed DNA of 99% European and 0% Middle Eastern. The sooner we dismiss this fraud called “diaspora”, the more peaceful our world will be.


    ” their tightly-bound trans-national colonies”

    Does anybody know what “colonies” it is referring to?

    • Replies: @Anon
  155. @Anon

    There is an oblique reference to a possible modern-times “blood libel” incident in the BBC series, “The World at War”, one of the best documentaries of WW II I have seen. ( The penultimate episode of that series, “Reckoning (April 1945)”, deals with the aftermath of the war, particularly the continuing mass carnage, involving tens of millions of further deaths, which are ignored in most narratives.

    One incident, described in that episode, involved the return of two young Jewish men from a German concentration camp to their native village in Poland. Shortly after their return, these young men kidnapped and killed a Christian child. The Christian villagers responded with a pogrom in which some seventy odd Jews were killed. There was no further discussion of this incident in this episode of “The World at War”.

    Most of my close friends are Jews. I’d always thought the “blood libel” was superstitious nonsense. But the bare outlines of this post-WW II incident made me re-evaluate that particular personal opinion. This well-documented incident closely paralleled, in its general course, the many stories of “blood libel” incidents from European history and folk lore. A little research confirmed that, although widely separated in time and place, these incidents and even details of these incidents resembled one another markedly. Even a far lesser extent of similar confirmatory evidence for other rumored medieval activities would result in a widespread professional agreement that such activities did occur.

    Another interesting aspect of these stories is that they often hint at pederasty and other sexual perversions. The revelations of perverse sexuality among our “elites”, and particularly Jewish elites, e.g., Harvey Weinstein, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, to name but a few, suggest that that such perversity may be more common among Ashkenazim than non-Jewish Europeans. Credence is lent this hypothesis by the fact that surveys of sexual behavior in Israel find reported rates of homosexual behavior that are several times higher than in any other country.

    High intelligence does seem to be related to various mental health issues, e.g., depression. I wonder if inbreeding and the cultural selection for high IQ in Ashkenazim, might have had additional negative consequences besides such autosomal recessive disorders as Tay-Sachs disease, Niemann-Pick disease, and Canavan disease. These are all diseases that primarily affect the nervous system. It seems probable to me that less conspicuous malfunctions of the brain, e.g., conditions encouraging abnormal sexual behaviors, might also be more common among Ashkenaz Jews.

    • Replies: @llloyd
  156. ANDYHANDY says:

    Is it??? That is what “they” want us to believe, I did not state it, old newspapers from the 1840′s and 50′s did. The Press was a bit more free then, and truth could actually be spoken then???

  157. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Casey

    The Torah is the most important part of the Old Testament. According to Judaism it was handed down by God. I said that the Talmud, an endless Jewish squabble on the meaning of the Torah, was less important. You disagreed. You’re wrong.

    • Replies: @Pat Casey
    , @Jared Eliot
  158. ANDYHANDY says:

    Fake quote or not, somebody knew something then???


    • Replies: @Matthew Kelly
  159. Anonymous[281] • Disclaimer says:

    check out Mike King and his books on history. I read 2 of them and they definitely changed my view. At the very least it became clear that the victors write the official history but it is not necessarily the truth.

    Note: Many of his works have been removed from Amazon in a culling that took place a few years ago because they were deemed anti-semitic.

  160. @Andrew Gilbert

    Germany and Italy were the only two developed countries that extricated themselves from the Great Depression without resorting to war. They did this primarily through massive, publicly-funded development of infrastructure, e.g., Hitler’s Autobahn and the related mass production of Volkswagens and Mussolini’s getting the railroads to run on time. Orwell, no fan of the Nazis, admitted that German youths were much healthier than British youths; the former had thrived under the economic and social policies of the Third Reich. Eisenhower, actually emulated Hitler when he became President. It’s rather obvious that the USA’s interstate highway system, which Eisenhower used as a tool to boost the postwar US economy, was modeled on the Autobahn system Eisenhower observed in occupied Germany.

  161. ANDYHANDY says:

    Do jews have to take more heed of their rabbis, than the actual written words of their God??


  162. Heros says:
    @Linh Dinh

    In this article we finally have the substantiation the jewish blood sacrifice is and was necessary for magik and religious ceremonies, and then Lihn comes along with a link to an article with a lying jew statement like:

    “Now imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied that Jews were being mistreated — thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the regime’s persecution. Would that paper’s respectability have been unimpaired several decades later?”

    Sorry, if jewish neighbors had been murdering your children for thousands of years, then lying about it and then persecuting anyone who found out and wanted to put a stop to it, then those jews DESERVED EVERYTHING that those vile jewish talmudic rabbi’s managed to spit and project at Hitler.

    Child murdering jews, and all those jews who protect them, and all those jews who don’t go to the law to expose these child torturers and murderers, are culpable. In short, all jews have a width and breadth of guilt and shame that makes their beloved “Nazi’s” look like kindergarten teachers.

  163. nickels says:

    I have been in the market for a corroboration of Michael Hoffman’s viewpoint on the religion, and this certainly seems to go as far, even further.

  164. Pat Casey says:
    @Tyrion 2

    O boy this is pointless.

    You mischaracterized what Ron Unz said about the Old Testament by identifying the Torah as the Old Testament. I merely pointed that out, which you thought was “weaselly.”

    I never said the Torah was less important than the Talmud. Many authorities say that it is; I really don’t know if it is or not. But it stands to reason that the rest of the Old Testament is less important than the Talmud. Nor is that a controversial opinion, even if you personally don’t enjoy the Talmud.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  165. “For the last two thousand years, Jews have almost invariably existed as small, relatively weak minorities living in the lands of others, whether Christian or Muslim, so a religious doctrine so unswervingly hostile to outsiders has naturally presented considerable obstacles for peaceful co-existence.”

    a) 95% of world Jewry are Khazar converts who did not convert till the 9th century and therefore they are not those whose ancestors were the ancient Hebrews. They are as European as the rest of the Europeans only whose religion is Judaism.

    b) I think the Jews of Muslims did not face hardly the hatred and animosity the Jews of the Christian West did. The white Jews of the West set themselves apart from the rest of society in the way they dressed, the language they spoke whereas the Jews of the Arab countries were indistinguishable from the rest of the Arabs, they looked like them, spoke the same language, sang the same music, danced Arabic dances and cooked Arabic foods. There was in fact peaceful coexistence among the Jews, Muslims and Christians of the Arab countries.

    c) I am wondering how Jews living in Canada or America or Australia can be considered to live in the countries of others? The Ashkenazi Jews have no other origin except for Europe and if they were dispersed, it was out of Khazaria and not out of Palestine. That has to be made crystal clear.

    • Replies: @Anon
  166. utu says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Tyron 2, perhaps you are confused about being a Jew. You sound more like a Karaite. This is what you get in Rabbinical Judaism concerning Talmud:
    It is always assumed that the most important text of Judaism is the Torah. But while it is true that the Torah is uniquely revered as the essence of our faith identity — and elevated above all other texts as the unadulterated word of God — the primary text of Judaism is undoubtedly the Talmud.

    The Talmud is a remarkable compilation of ancient traditions that accompanied the Sinaitic Torah, collectively known as Torah-she’baal-peh, or the “Oral Torah.”

    Raba made the following exposition: What is the purport of the Scriptural text: And, furthermore my son, be admonished: Of making many books etc.? My son, be more careful in [the observance of] the words of the Scribes than in the words of the Torah, for in the laws of the Torah there are positive and negative precepts; but, as to the laws of the Scribes, whoever transgresses any of the enactments of the Scribes incurs the penalty of death. In case you should object: If they are of real value why were they not recorded [in the Torah]? Scripture stated: ‘Of making many books there is no end’

    So what is the Oral Torah? Its name derives from the fact that it was not allowed to be formally written down but had to be taught orally. It contains the explanations of the Written Torah. One cannot be understood without the other.

    his is one of the reasons that Talmud study for many people in the modern world is not a practical activity at all, but rather an important religious experience. Even in the past, for that matter, the main reason for the Talmud’s preeminence, the chief cause of its central role in Jewish history, was not practical at all. The Talmud was Torah . In a paradox that determined the history of Judaism, the Talmud was Oral Torah in written form, and as such it became the clearest statement the Jew could hear of God’s very word.

    Is Judaism possible w/o Talmud? Karaites did not accept Midrash or Talmud.

    Karaite Judaism holds every interpretation of the Tanakh to the same scrutiny regardless of its source, and teaches that it is the personal responsibility of every individual Jew to study the Torah, and ultimately decide personally its correct meaning. Karaites may consider arguments made in the Talmud and other works without exalting them above other viewpoints.

    Karaites believe they observe the original religion of Ancient Israel, as prescribed by God in the Tanakh and understood by the Israelites before the Pharisaic period. They do not accept later additions, such as the Talmud of Rabbinic Judaism, as divinely inspired. They place the ultimate responsibility of interpreting the Tanakh on each individual. Karaism holds every interpretation up to the same objective scrutiny regardless of its source.

    Karaites believe in one, eternal, omnipresent, incorporeal, and almighty God, Creator of the Universe, who gave the Tanakh to the Israelites through Moses and the Prophets. Karaites trust in Divine providence, and the majority hope for the coming of the Messiah.

    Karaites seem to be strict and do not circumvent rules by using Shabbos goys, so no light on Shabbat means no light.

    Nazis exempted Karaites form their anti-Jewish laws. Some Karaites were accused of collaboration with Nazis but at the same time some were helping to hide Jews from Nazis.

    • Replies: @Grahamsno(G64)
  167. “If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews.”

    Again, you need to say “Ashkenazi Jews” since the Arab Jews did not have “a seething hatred toward all non-Jews”. Arab Jewish children played together, Arab Jews attended Muslim wedding, funerals and other events – and vice versa. Mahmoud Abbas challenged anyone to show him incidents where Arab Jews were discriminated against for just being Jews and he said there were no such incidents. The fact that the more than 100 expulsions of Jews were out of European countries and not Arab countries is the best evidence there is that the European Jews were not hated for being Jews but for their conspiracy to undermine the nations using financial systems.

  168. Anonymous[266] • Disclaimer says:

    What’s truly astounding to me is the large number of stepin fetchit shabbiest goyim in politics, media, universities, et al., who are almost as fanatical as the Jewish berserker types (to borrow Ron Unz’s description) in promoting everything which will destroy their own civilization. How, in God’s name, could they be oblivious to the kind of society they are promoting and the kind of society which their children will inherit?

  169. This is all very interesting, and I would hope that just observing the obvious would be enough for lights to go off in most people. All one has to do is listen to the Jewish media, comics, writers, activists, politicians, etc., to understand the obvious loathing that they have for others, mostly white Christians in the U.S. and Europe. I wouldn’t doubt that there is something sinister and dualistic in the Jewish religion, but it is extremely sad if finding that out is what it would take for non-Jews to understand that they are the declared enemies of Jews just for being alive. At this point, I’m not even sure that most American Christians would act if it were true that many Jews are Satanists.

    Non-religious Jews are often just as toxic as religious Jews, so the whole group and culture seems to be shot through with hostility. Since that’s the case, only an idiot would not oppose organized Jewry, Judaism, Jewish power, the Jewish culture and collective, and a large number of individual Jews. Being anti-Semitic is rational, whereas being anti-Christian, anti-White, anti-other, anti-European, on the part of Jews is, largely just an act of fanatical aggression, especially in America.

  170. @Tyrion 2

    I knew two students of Jacob Neussner ( who planned on being Conservative Jewish rabbis. Over beers one night they told me a story – whether from Talmud, Midrash, Targum, or another source I cannot say. Several rabbis were arguing over a point of Torah. One finally said that if God himself came down and disputed his interpretation he would still hold by it. After a shocked silence, God spoke and commended the rabbi for his understanding of the law. My friends cited this as evidence that proper Jewish doctrine was that for Jews Talmudic interpretation was the final arbiter of correct behavior.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  171. @Mao Cheng Ji

    Trotsky’s family had thirty house servants. He was a millionaire. His father was not a farmer of the land, he was a farmer of peasants, owning villages. As head of the party Lenin’s personal income was yearly in the millions also, in today’s dollars. Many people are out of touch with reality because they want to be.

  172. res says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Direct link to the Kevin MacDonald discussion:

  173. @Hapalong Cassidy

    Although I have not seen Prince of Darkness since the early 90′s, I remember it being one of the top 3 scariest movies I had ever seen, up there with The Omen and The Shining. (The Exorcist being a slightly distant 4th.)

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker

    Ostensibly fake. E.g., from the infallible Wikipedia:

    However, this does not rule it out as being described like that old Rathergate memo: fake, but accurate.

  175. phil says:

    Great article, Ron, but I must insert a complaint about the much ballyhooed chart that you included about labor compensation vs. labor productivity (since 1973). It suggests that worker productivity has progressed steadily, but worked compensation has not. Kevin MacDonald also has fallen for this chart.
    It suggests a “bills on the sidewalk” scenario under which capitalists can hugely profit for decades on end by employing and underpaying productive workers.

    The chart has two grave defects:
    It compares the labor productivity of the ENTIRE LABOR FORCE to compensation for private sector production and nonsupervisory workers
    It uses two different price indexes, one to measure real productivity and another to measure real compensation.

    Overall productivity has continued to progress, but, measured separately, the productivity of production and nonsupervisory workers has not–because, influenced by Jews, the culture rotted. The stagnation in pay that these workers have experienced reflects their stagnant productivity. There is no automatic, easy profit to be had by employing them.

  176. Heros says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    “I recall from an undergraduate history course that Hitler revived the German economy through massive deficit spending, budgets predicated on the coming wartime plunder. Citing “the tremendous success of Hitler’s peacetime economic policies” is like citing the tremendous success of the US occupation of Iraq in 2003. It’s true as far as it goes, but it doesn’t go very far.”

    “Coming wartime plunder” is what the jews were counting on when they declared war on Germany in 1933. Wartime plunder is what germany was paying to jewish banks in the form of reparations, when Hitler came to power and said Nein. So the jews started WWII in order to plunder Germany, France, Poland, and all of central Europe.

    I have been contending for weeks here at that jews, who like to consider themselves “smart”, are really as dumb as jackasses wearing blinders. A glaring example of their willful ignorance would be blood sacrifice, which the majority of jews think is, and Unz still hints at just to feed their willful denial, is a “Christian Superstition”.

    Even though their tribe has clearly regularly been murdering and torturing infants over the centuries and then trading their blood and organs for profit, Jews simply don’t want goyim to know that they know. Clearly, neither does Andrew Gilbert, a “Jew raised in the Reform tradition”, who is, typically for a heeb, afraid to even mention the jews greatest achievement: rituals and sacrifices with goyim infants. Hundreds of different types.

    If he really believed Blood Sacrifice is false, and an extreme slander, then Gilbert should have been indignant. Or, he knows but he lies. Like Eli Weasel’s “It happened in my mind”, or in Gilberts case “There was never blood sacrifice in my mind”.

    • Troll: utu
  177. @Colin Wright

    Colin Wright—Appendix D to Robert Wilton’s The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920) lists the members of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, the Extraordinary Commission and the Council of Commissars, along with their ethnicities. Wilton writes, ‘According to the data furnished by the Soviet Press, out of 566 important functionaries of the Bolshevik State, there were…457 Jews.’ The appendix begins on page 184, HERE.

  178. The Germans never referred to themselves as ‘Nazis.’

    It’s a certain group who keeps that word alive and front and center.

    Now, who could that be?

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Olorin
  179. annamaria says:

    Don’t’ project your dissatisfaction with your insignificance on the highly accomplished Unz. If you believe in your knowledge and intelligence, try to refute the article point by point. Otherwise, you look small.

    • Agree: Ace
  180. @Ron Unz

    that “Nurit Baytch” woman

    LOL, “That Woman”, cute, cute …..

  181. annamaria says:

    Please, present your own Weltanschauung, in the context of this article, so that we could assess and compare your intellectual honesty and courage with Unz’ intellectual honesty and courage.

    • Replies: @utu
  182. annamaria says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    “But your claims that “our media pundits regularly identify Putin as ‘the new Hitler’” seems largely untrue.”
    – How “largely?” The MSM has been on Clinton’s site and it broadcasted on many occasions Mrs. Clinton’ casual definition of Putin as “the new Hitler.” This is despite Clinton’s “leadership position” during the 2014 putsch in Kiev. The putsch has led to the revival of neo-Nazism in Ukraine. Add to that the Israeli government’s arming of the neo-Nazis (hey, Bibi Mielkovsky!)
    All this squealing from the nazi-hunters of Wiesenthal center and the ADL-affiliated thugs is just a noise to cover the stupendous immorality of zionists. The documented collaboration between zionists and neo-nazis is just another confirming evidence of the evil nature of Zionism. Had not Zionism preceded Nazism and served as a blueprint for the brownshirts?

  183. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Casey

    Unz’s point was to insinuate into the reader’s mind that Judaism, contra popular perceptions, is actually alien to Christianity and that some weird canon called the Talmud is far more inportant than the Old Testament.

    This is a disingenuous sleight of hand which you have abetted. Even if unknowingly.

    The five most important books of the Old Testament are read through every year on a cycle. They are absolutely the most important literature.

    Recognising this fact disables Unz’s insinuation. It renders his statement a pointless half-fact.

    At best, everything else you have brought up is my fault for being unclear and a bit fuzzy in my expression. At worst, you have been arguing in bad faith in order to further irrational hatred of Jews.

    I am happy to accept either and, if the first, I am sorry. I am not so bright, as Ron likes telling me.

  184. annamaria says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    Sorry for the incorrect “Agree”

  185. AaronB says:

    He’s just as likely to be doing this out of spite towards the Jews that drove him from and denied him any success in the MSM business

    I have zero doubt this is his motivation. But that is not necessarily a bad motivation, and one cannot remain stuck in resentment and spite forever. Most anti semitism has personal causes. I too soured on Jews as a result of bad personal experiences. But then I dealt extensively with ambitious whites, and regained perspective lol.

    As one of the only groups in the West that are still highly ambitious and motivated, one is bound to encounter much bad behavior among Jews. Ambition breeds bad behavior – this was as true among renaissance Italians and 18th empire building Britons as it is among Jews today. I forget which British lord declared that one cannot be great without being bad. That man understood life.

    But as personal feelings fade and intelligent perspective is restored, as wider experience and reading acquaints one with the horrors of European history, the Jewish situation loses its uniqueness as it gets situated in the wider human context, and is seen as nothing special.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Felix-Culpa
  186. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    The only thing which that story means is that we should always try to actively understand things rather than glibly taking whatever we instinctively land on as the first meaning as fact.

    This is the foundation of civilisation.

    It is good advice but it doesn’t imply what you think it implies. It also implies that critically engaging as an individual with all religious texts is crucial. Indeed, the results of your critical engagement would actually be the most important.

  187. @Sloopyjoe

    “I would like to take the readers on a little journey a bit further back in time in regards to the origination of the Jewish Religion, as well as, Christianity and Islam. First a short video:”

    “Here is the article and Author from which this originates ( I would encourage the readers to read the other well researched and very enlightening articles by scholar, Ashraf Ezzat):”

    Usually it is said that Mohammad copied all the stories from Bible but got them wrong. So, everyone dismisses Mohammad stories.

    For example, Kabbah in Mecca, Saudi Arabia was build by Abraham and his son Ismael. Where is Egypt and where is Saudi Arabia. How did Abraham wound up in Saudi Arabia?

    In “Misquoting Jesus” the author claims that he has taken the effect of Greek Language on the New Testament. Why is New Testament not in Hebrew or Aramaic?

    It is claimed that Torah, the first five books in TaNaKh (Old Testament) were given to Moses in written form. The Semitic language including Hebrew were not evolved enough to be put anything in written form.

    In fact, when the Quran was revealed, no Semitic Language were evolved enough including Arabic, to put the Quran in written form. The first Quran which was put in written form by the Third Caliph Usman was in Old (Modern) Arabic without vowels and lacked dots for the letters. For example, letter “B” has a dot below the moon, and letter “N” has a dot over the moon, so how can one distinguish between letters. No dots in the first written Quran.

    Seventy five years after Mohammad demise the Quran was put in proper Arabic called, Quranic Arabic or Classical Arabic. TaNaKh until 12th centuries only had constant words without vowels, just like the first written Quran. The vowels added to TaNaKh through 12th to 15th century from Quranic Arabic.

    Jesus spoke Aramaic to his disciples not Hebrew. Hebrew was revived in early 20th century from Arabic.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  188. rotekz says: • Website

    A PDF full English translation including all 27 chapters of Solzenitsyn’s ‘ Two hundred Years together’ can be downloaded here:!iK4XBKbA!tzVBkH71Xg0l4R4WaqbvFnsMw7-Cs9JiWWPe4I0DUnQ

  189. El Dato says:

    Ron meets Rabbi Cohen:

    (Sadly the part where the Rabbi gets told that he just isn’t pure enough to get the Name of God isn’t in that clip)

    As for the economic prowess of the Hitler Regime, that’s kinda over the top.

    The von Mises Institute (actually Rothbard Institute amirite) has a nice PDF of a book from said epoch. No, I wouldn’t want to have done business there. Actually it’s all one wants to fight in today’s “free-market” economy, multiplied. But at this point in time, multiplied only by a small factor, alas.

    The Vampire Economy: Doing Business Under Fascism

    The economy was a Potemkin Village maintained by the State, not producing goods that the people want but goods that the State wants. German Juché allied to War Economy.

  190. annamaria says:

    What are your credentials of a researcher and statistician to contest the Unz article on the meritocracy? All you are showing, for now, is an irritation of a displeased “eternal victim.”
    Show us numbers and arguments to support your “the truth does not matter.” Otherwise, you are just a petty slanderer.

  191. @SimplePseudonymicHandle

    Not being an American & not having a stake in the game, I agree & disagree with some points.

    First, I agree with Spinoza that in a free society a man speaks what he thinks, and thinks whatever he wants. Some will be offended, but it is the price of liberty. No “hate speech”, no muzzle… I’m allergic to it.

    Then, it is true that all stereotypes tend to become cartoons. As Orwell observed, the fact that Chinese are gamblers & English- hypocrites, tells us something about these collectives. Social & humanist “sciences” like sociology, cultural anthropology, historiography, social psychology, ethnopsychology, cultural history….try to analyze & describe group stereotypes rationally & empirically.

    Ron Unz, on the other hand, as far as his pubic persona is concerned, is a journalist & socio-political commentator with ambition to make it in a wider society & media. He’s, like most Americans, a doer, not a thinker & he doesn’t care about historical or philosophical abstractions. He wants to provoke, but also to see what the world is really like.

    In other words- ruin the sacred truths. I may agree or disagree with some of his contentions, but I’m all for freedom & open discourse. Staleness & orthodoxies are signs of decrepitude & weakness.

  192. JessicaR says:
    @DB Cooper

    Not only is this true about the upside down t instead of a plus sign, some of the ultra-Orthodox do this in America as well. However, the modern Orthodox tend to think this is nuts.

  193. @D. K.

    Government agencies (including the US Census Bureau) are prohibited from asking questions about Jewishness and/or Jewish ancestry. Jews are not allowed to be counted or monitored in the US. They are a special if not protected class in this regard. (Surprised?)

    Only Jewish groups seem to know exactly who is Jewish and what the numbers of Jews (or ‘part Jews’) exist in America.

    Since Jews are not like other ethnic or racial groups in the way that they are counted and/or identified, there may be millions of quasi-Jewish gentiles (individuals with some Jewish heritage) as well as others who possess a strong religious identification with Israel and/or Jewish teachings.

    Their precise numbers are unknown and will probably remain so.

    I suspect however that there are far more crypto-Jews out there than is commonly acknowledged by many ‘experts’.

    Deception is a big part of their modus operandi. The nebulous but tightly-organized ‘Jewish community’ in America shares hard data about itself only when it suits them.

    • Replies: @Heros
    , @Wally
  194. Mr. Unz,

    Brilliant piece! I greatly admire your courage , intellect and work ethic. Rabbinical Talmudic Judaic philosophy is a menace and demonic evil that needs to be exposed and defeated. Let Truth, wisdom, peace, love and honesty prevail and shed light on the darkness.

    • Agree: annamaria
  195. annamaria says:

    “… I have had Jews tell me that Jews cheat, but gentiles murder…”
    – The Wars for Israel have produced, so far, some four million dead, including thousands and thousands of children of all ages. Iraq is in ruin. Libya is in ruin. Syria is in ruin. The fish-tank of the Gaza Ghetto is another story. More:

    • Replies: @AaronB
  196. Art says:

    More mendacious Jew troublemaking – sorry gentiles – “forget peace.”

    It is interesting to watch the Jew dominated America Deep State attacking Trump today for attempting to make peace with Putin.

    Fox, CNN, MSNBC, Republicans and Democrats are all attacking him. It is total condemnation – dare he make peace and upset the Jew endless conflict agenda of ceaseless division.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Hope, Life, Love, Truth, & Idealism — Art

    • Replies: @RobinG
  197. AaronB says:
    @Tyrion 2

    There is some truth to the claim that the Talmud is more important than the Torah in Jewish religion – but the Torah remains hugely significant and is read and reread and studied every day and weekend, and it is in some sense primary. It is certainly interwoven with Jewish practice, high holidays, and life in general in a very integral way.

    There may be some extreme Hasidic sects which neglect the Torah completely, I wouldn’t know. But that’s certainly not typical.

    I don’t think Unz is lying – he just isn’t intellectually equipped to handle complex pre – modern material. He’s a computer scientist by trade if I understand correctly – this will create certain mental limitations, just as the study of mathematics will.

    Such people tend to produce simplified linear narratives without much shade or nuance or intellectual complexity. Science, math, etc – these are more like practical trades than intellectual disciplines.

    But Unz’s heart is surely in the right place.

    Back to the Talmud, all religions have extensive commentary without which they cannot be properly understood – again this is hardly unique to Jews! Muslims with their Hadiths, Christians with their vast theological corpus, and even Buddhist Sutras traditionally are not meant to be read without clarifying commentaries, which can be quite extensive.

    Primary sacred texts tend to be terse, aphoristic, poetic, contradictory, and highly ambiguous, often employing sacred language that is not immediately clear.

    A certain amount of mysticism is integral to a sacred texts – they are not computer manuals :)

    Trying to make sense of a pre modern culture using the categories of modern thought is bound to produce a caricature, or break down in incomprehension, or lead to charges of bad faith or ludicrous attempts to understand them in Darwinian terms as elaborate strategies of deception for materialistic gain.

  198. Two short sentences explain nearly everything about current events: “Nothing has been forgotten” and “It’s payback time.”

  199. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:

    No, it means the gentiles are always starting a war against someone (historically indisputable). And that Jews are always at war with someone. (Historically indisputable). But that both deploy different weapons, according to his capacity and circumstances.

    No. By your (“jewish friends”) own logic Gentiles are only dangerous when at war while the Tribe should be exterminated once for all because they never stop. I’d rather die in a battle – protecting my progeny – than succumb to slow, parasitic poison.

    The white race doesn’t want to fight your ME, African and WW3 wars for you anymore. And we certainly don’t want to be replaced by the “refugees” from those areas. We can clearly see that the same (((people))) are behind both dynamics and your time is running out… again.

    Fasten your seatbelt, Aaron.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  200. @jacques sheete

    Superb piece of work!

    It is not really “Calf Worshiper”. It is “Cow Worshiper”.

    The gold was being saved to buy a particular “Cow” for worship, however in the absence of Moses a “Golden Calf” was built and worshiped until such time the “Cow” is purchased with the gold.

    For this reason, chapter 2 of the Quran is called, “Cow”.

    Quran also tells us that Jews used to worship “Aziz” as Son of God, before “Jesus” being worshiped as Son of God as Ron mentions other gods being worshiped….

  201. Art says:

    Of course he did not.the truth does not matter on the edge of uranus,just the lube.

    Oh my’ – mcohen discloses another repetitive deep subject of the Talmud – scatology.

  202. annamaria says:

    Do you reject all and any research on the touchy matters of Talmudism?
    Ron Unz has shown a tremendous intellectual integrity and courage. But since this integrity and courage do not agree with certain politically correct dogmas, you found it convenient to overlook the exceptional personal qualia of Ron Unz.
    What about Hannah Arendt? Was she also too much on a side of western civilization instead of following blindly the Talmudic dictums?
    Have you heard about Baruch Spinoza? His remains are still outside of a Jewish cemetery. But your war criminals Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin, and Ariel Sharon were buried, as the pious zionists, on a Jewish cemetery. Remember Shatila Massacre:

  203. Pat Casey says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I think it’s very obvious that you are minimizing the Talmud more than Ron is minimizing the Old Testament.

    Go back to my first comment, which Ron highlighted. MOST of the Old Testament comes after the Torah. That’s what Ron was referring to when he said “most of the Old Testament.”

    You have not given a straight answer on that point: is the Old Testament minus the Torah more important to traditional Jews than the Talmud?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  204. iffen says:

    Most anti semitism has personal causes.

    If you are saying that most anti-Semitism springs from interpersonal interactions between the anti-Semite and a Jew, then I think that is manifestly incorrect. If you are saying that the anti-Semite views the behavior (real and imagined) of Jews as a personal threat, then I can agree.

    I am little confused by your first sentence. Do you mean that it could play absolutely no part in his motivation.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @Wally
  205. Wally says:

    “… not only is German(y) allowed to commit all this evil …”

    Except Germany did not “commit all” that alleged “evil”, as has been demonstrated repeatedly by Revisionists at this site

    But hey, consider the source.

    • Replies: @utu
  206. AaronB says:

    Agreed. That’s why I say the choice of weapon is dictated by circumstance and need, and can easily change.

  207. utu says:

    Would you object to being called Homo Sapiens too? Because of the homo part or because of the sapiens part?

  208. AaronB says:


    Biological life just is a war of all against all. If your group can exterminate Jews, go for it. My money is on Jewish survival.

    Oh, I’m sure Jewish fortunes will suffer setbacks “again” – just like every group does, just like any European or Asian country has. There is nothing unique with Jews.

    But the war goes on, and Jews will rise again.

    From my perspective and that of many Jews I know, Jews now are a greatly sinning people, and are due for a drastic correction. It will happen, and Jews will be chastened – for a time.

    But I think the Jewish formula has vindicated itself – and there is something good there beneath the dirt. Not for nothing did Jesus emerge from the Jews.

    • Replies: @Hamlet's Ghost
    , @Dumbo
  209. Interesting bit in the article about blood libel. I used to take it for granted that those were all made up. But many years ago I read the excellent biography of Queen Isabella by William Thomas Walsh. There was a whole chapter dedicated to the matter of the Holy Child of La Guardia (the blood libel incident which more than anything else led to the Jews’ expulsion from Spain). I remember Walsh laying out a convincing case that the ritual murder did in fact occur. It’s been awhile though and I don’t remember the details.

  210. Wally says:

    “Frankly, I am surprised and disappointed that Ron Unz, who runs a remarkably truthful site with real freedom of speech and true difference of opinion, is contributing to that deception.”

    You mean the “deception” you have failed to substantiate?

    As if pointing out a few shabbas goys and not their handlers is somehow credible.

    Who cares if Solzhenitsyn was a great literary master. It’s what he said that matters, not how he said it.

    I sense you may be one of the little helpers:

    How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  211. Heros says:
    @mark green

    “I suspect however that there are far more crypto-Jews out there than is commonly acknowledged by many ‘experts’.”

    Throughout history the influence of cryptos has been substantial and uniformly negative. This recent Kelly/Atwell podcast about SA and the Boer War reveals that Cecil Rhodes was crypto and gave all his fortune to Rothschild family and a secret society scholarship. More proof of winston being crypto is revealed, about how Churchill’s father had been deeply involved in South Africa on behalf of the Rothschilds in the late 1800′s, and that Winston had been in SA surveying his fathers co-investments with the Rothschild in SA during the Boer War. Crypto Churchill was manufactured into a war hero in circumstances that plainly mirror John Kerry, the Crypto, Skull and Bones, who very weirdly was made into a Swift boat hero JFK cutout. As usual, Tim and Joe tie it all back to the craft and even discuss communications between freemasons in London and Amsterdam at the height of the boer conflict.

  212. AaronB says:

    No, I mean I agree with your explanation of Ron’s motivation. Sorry for the confusion.

    There are probably different kinds of anti-semites, and different causes for it. But a substantial portion of anti-semites I believe are normal people who have had consistently negative interactions with Jews, perhaps not realizing they are a distinct identity group and not merely “whites” , and not understanding they were in a battle that by historical norms is quite normal and ordinary, and that their own group engages in as well.

    This kind of anti-Semitism lacks historical, human, and personal perspective and is very emotion driven – but it is quite understandable. I myself succumbed to it. It does not necessarily last. People grow up.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Anon
  213. bj says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    “but many of the practices and superstitions you cite don’t seem very different from contemporaneous Christianity.”

    Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

    The Jew said, “Your neighbor is your slave.”

    You sir, are a liar!

  214. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Casey

    Is what I have written below incorrect? (I have little interest in pedantic obfuscations behind the word “most” – again – if I led you to that particular point, I am sorry)


    Unz’s point was to insinuate into the reader’s mind that Judaism, contra popular perceptions, is actually alien to Christianity and that some weird canon called the Talmud is far more important than the Old Testament.

    This is disingenuous sleight of hand which you have abetted. Even if unknowingly.

    The five most important books of the Old Testament are read through every year on a cycle. They are absolutely the most important literature.

    Recognising this fact disables Unz’s insinuation. It renders his statement a pointless half-fact.

    Cliff notes versus actual text. Talmud versus Torah. Ultimately, what matters is your understanding of the Torah, which the Talmud may aid you with.

    I don’t do Theology personally. Mine may be partially summarised below:

    God gave us reason so that we may work to understand creation. Torah is an important part of creation. The Talmud is a collective attempt to understand it. As are all great works of literature and science.

  215. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s very true. It’s mentioned in a lot of sources and a Mizrahi mafia Jew I know now living in America confirmed it when I asked him.

    So did another Israeli immigrant I know confirm it when I asked her.

    It’s also why the Israeli early zionists refused to wear ties back in the early + mid 20 th century when most men wore suits and ties except when doing manual work.

    The long part of a tie resembles the Christian cross too much. Muslims do the same, no ties especially in Muslim countries.

    Different cultures, different customs.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  216. anon[107] • Disclaimer says:

    Not hard to believe.

    In a lecture on New Testament, Amy Jill Levine recounted a cockamamie tale she told her child to explain away the Christian significance of the Cross atop a building on the campus where she taught, Emory University. Emory was founded by Methodist Episcopal Church. It’s since become, um, less Christianish.

    Emory is also home to Deborah Lipstadt, Reality Denialist. ™

  217. bj says:
    @academic gossip

    Hillel says Jews are 11% undergraduate and 67% graduate students at Harvard University.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  218. utu says:

    Sorry, Koneczny had no access to CODOH. He wrote it during the war before all the Codohites were born.

  219. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Karaites are a tiny sect of fundamentalists who believe in taking everything in the Torah absolutely literally and in the most simplistic way possible.

    This is a pretty difficult way to follow a religious source text and leads to some strange things. It is also the abandonment of reason.

    Imagine I said to you to get up from your bed and go downstairs to eat breakfast every morning as it will keep you healthy. Say everyone lives in a two floor house with the kitchen below the bedroom.

    Then you moved to a single floor flat. Now, were you a Karaite, you might need to make your breakfast, pack it up and go find some steps to walk down before you can eat. The Talmud is a collection of other people’s thoughts on what is actually important about the original instruction and is supposed to help you to avoid silly situations like that.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jared Eliot
    , @Karl
  220. @Wally

    You are in the habit of asking everyone to prove things. How about you heeding your own advice and presenting some proof that those “shabbas goys” I named have Jewish handlers, rather just than being scum independently? I am all ears.

    FYI, I have no dog in this fight, but, being a scientist, I prefer proof to hot air any day of the week, and twice on Sundays.

  221. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Are you talking to yourself, Tyrion 2?
    You have been corrected on Torah, and you were told in plain English that Nurit Baytch is a zionist fanatic that produces nonsensical “research.” For instance, Ms. Baytch fervently believes (as the “most victimized” and “the most suffering” one) that “Jews are the most underrepresented group at Harvard.”
    She has an agenda, and she goes berserk as soon as she registers any kind of critique of ziocons and Israel. She also believes that Zionism and Judaism are the same. Perhaps, you should send her these links:

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  222. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Mick Jagger gathers no Mosque

    So the blood was dried to a powder for long term storage. I wonder how much of it was really human blood and how much was animal blood collected at the local butcher shop.

  223. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    It’s also why the Israeli early zionists refused to wear ties back in the early + mid 20 th century when most men wore suits and ties except when doing manual work.

    It seems unlikely to be for religious reasons since they were mostly secular socialist utopians, as were the government of Sweden.

    • Replies: @Anon
  224. @utu

    Nice to meet you! I am AnonFromTN. How is the weather in Kryzhopol?

    (For those who don’t know Ukrainian geography and Russian, Kryzhopol is a city in Ukraine, whereas “zhopa” in Russian means ass in the US, or arse in the UK).

  225. Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    If slavery hundreds of years ago involving all religions was bad , imagine modern slavery is far worse. Modern slavery is an Islamist practice . Top slavery states 2018:

    Islamic republic of Mauritania -20% of the population are slaves
    Islamist regions of Nigeria- Kidnapping and slaving of Christian girls commonplace
    Islamic republic of Sudan – rampant slavery and rape – janjaweed
    Slave markets in Libya, Somalia, Iraq,Syria.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Them Guys
  226. iffen says:

    I believe are normal people who have had consistently negative interactions with Jews

    Some people are like the cat that sat down on the hot stove.

  227. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Bob who is of bad white stock

    Klaus Friedrich is not a typical Jewish name. Who is he? Other than the supposed puppet-master of Hillary Clinton? Don’t strings tend to be controlled by the person with a few orders of magnitutde more power? Or, is it always the Jew in your worldview? Or in this case, probably not even a Jew but just the one with a name that confused you…

  228. utu says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Perhaps you should rather concentrate on positives in Karaites like for example that they do not hate gentiles. I do not care how you or they eat breakfast but I do mind the hate thing. Your hate and your dishonesty come from Talmud.

    “The Kaffirs, the Hottentots, and the Negroes of Guinea are much more reasonable and more honest people than your ancestors, the Jews. You have surpassed all nations in impertinent fables, in bad conduct, and in barbarism. You deserve to be punished, for this is your destiny.”

    “They are, all of them, born with raging fanaticism in their hearts, just as the Bretons and the Germans are born with blond hair. I would not be in the least bit surprised if these people would not some day become deadly to the human race.” – Voltaire

    • Troll: Tyrion 2
  229. @Bardon Kaldian

    I’m all for freedom & open discourse. Staleness & orthodoxies are signs of decrepitude & weakness

    I agree. I happen to believe that the only way that all the worst speculations and conspiracy theories stand to stand, in the presence of bright sunlight, cleansing agents and open discourse – is if there were any truth to them. That won’t stop the “trigger effect”, one outcome of which is a thousand points of blowback – from all directions, to shut the thing down. That’s too bad because they wouldn’t stand.

    Otherwise I think we probably do not need to have this painful discussion if we did some very simple reforms – here in the US where we do have the stakes – namely: ban collection of racial or gender identification information for employment or educational admissions purposes, except for African Americans who self-identify as such.

    Do that – and all of this goes away like a first degree burn under cold water. Standing between here and there though is a long minefield and a giant political army.

    • Replies: @utu
  230. @utu

    See my response to Bardon’s reply. Thanks.

  231. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Unz used one way of working out the number of Jews who were suitable to attend Harvard and a different way to estimate the percentage of Jews at Harvard.

    Baytch made the methods consistent and the results invalidated Unz’s conclusions.

    It was all quite simple and Unz has ignored this very substantive counter-argument and preferred to create strawmen or just insult Baytch instead.

    As you have here too.

    My last post was an analysis of how Unz built up his argument for this article. It is not relevant to the above but I do believe that it captures what Unz has done and that it shows why the article is pernicious. You may disagree but please do try harder to stay on point than your last post.

    • Replies: @D. K.
    , @annamaria
  232. Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    Most recent studies found Ashkenaz to be 47% levant 53% Europe.

    Ashkenazi Jews are not 95% but 45%.

    Seems Muslims are incapable of peace regardless of Israel.

    Please explain how Israel caused Indonesian to invade Papua in 1963 , collonize , occupy to this day and genocide 500,000 + Papuans.

    How did Israel cause Indonesia to invade and genocide East Timor ?

    Why are muslims killing Hindus in India, Christians in Philippine, Nigeria, Egypt, Libya , France , Germany , UK, USA , Canada , Australia ,Russia , Indonesia ,Bhuddists in China , Myanmar , Thailand , And other muslims in every territory they occupy ?

  233. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Hillel says Jews are 11% undergraduate and 67% graduate students at Harvard University.

    Hillel have been smoking crack .

    • Replies: @utu
    , @annamaria
  234. @Tyrion 2

    “Karaites are a tiny sect of fundamentalists who believe in taking everything in the Torah absolutely literally and in the most simplistic way possible.”

    Why you keep insisting calling the TaNaKh (Old Testament) as Torah. Why are you trying to confuse everyone?

    You very well know that Torah is the first five chapters of TaNaKh (Old Testament)?

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  235. LSJohn says:
    @Seamus Padraig

    regarding comment #77

    I like the way you think.

    There are things in this piece I couldn’t believe from anyone but Ron. I’ve come to trust his research and analysis as much or more than my own.

    Wait. Is he a Jewish publisher?

    Crap. What do I do now? ;>)

  236. Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    Poor takkiyah ,so many errors . Khazar was debunk so many times . Jews have zero khazar relation. Ashkenazi are not 95% of Jews but 45% .

    Muslims cannot get along with anyone , even themselves. 130 killed in Paki suicude bombings just this week. Ishmael , a wild donkey , his hand against everyone(including himself). A fulfilled prophesy from genesis.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  237. It was well worth reading the comments and another recent article. Just to see deeply into human nature…

    Lots of people here try to put an academic veneer on their antisemitism. Comparatively small details are exploded into things like claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen. The genocidal work of the Einsatzgruppen, the endless lists, the dates marked, the deportation of the Hungarian Jews… the National Socialist state must have gone to a really great length to write things down that didn’t happen, to run trains to nowhere, and to relocate people… for what? Did they just vanish?

    Some people here brainwashed themselves into believing pretty much anything. I readily agree that official history is censored and not accurate. But the weak arguments brought forward here are often so self-serving and circular. For example: Did Hitler order the genocidal murder of the Jews? We find no written order, and Irving is glorified for relying only what is written. Even Raul Hilberg is quoted that one could not mount a case against Hitler… through writing alone. Even if you believe that Hitler never gave that order – and that’s like saying a dictator would make sure to leave a paper trial of his more risky decions – the Holocaust happened. There’s too much evidence, too many witnesses, there’s too big a trail of paper and accounts of all kinds… but there will be people here who only will spot one or two inconsistencies in the narrative and jump up and say “It didn’t happen.” Which would be intellectually dishonest if those people were actually capable of reviewing the evidence in an unbiased manner.

    No, there must be a bogeyman to history, and here in this comment section it is unsurprisingly the same as always: the Jew. This is nothing new, the same antisemitism is at work as ever. There is a conspiracy, and it must be uber-evil. And anything a sectarian person is expanded on every other person of that religion and heritage by projection. And all evidence to the contrary is ignored. Obsessive dissection of historical research leads to producing a case or two where apparently Jews had committed the crimes they had been accused of, and this is taken as if everything else uttered by antisemites must be true as well. Because the uber-evil must be exposed and be shown to be behind everything, this convenient explanation for everything in the world absolving others of their responsibility and rendering whites and “gentiles” into the role of victims.

    Ron Unz, the people that congratulate you here on your honesty are the people that have lured you by selective omission down into an antisemitic trap. Even if you were absolutely correct about the existence of a sect of Judaic belief that would believe essentially worship evil you would not prove that this is prevalent as you think. It’s as if taking the excess and worst of any culture in history and simply saying “That’s what you really are.” and pinning it on all member of it. And that’s intellectually dishonest.

    I don’t buy the whole “I’m no expert on it” shtick simply because it always comes conveniently next to something incendiary. I think it’s mostly rhetoric to avert criticism.

    I read a fair deal on this website but it has become a home base for some deeply intellectually dishonest racists who jump on any opportunity to malign blacks, Jews, and whoever else seems convenient. There’s a sick underbelly to this and several columnists here get to wear contributions like Tom Engelhardt’s as a figleaf for their own discredited ideas. They just can keep selectively quoting and misrepresenting research and then conclude they were right all along, and in many cases you have to sift through dozens of comments until somebody takes the ill-conceived omissions apart and actually adds the information that was omitted – like with Fred Reed repeating that he does not understand how something as complex as the eye could evolve by itself and then congratulating himself on his wildly oversimplified “understanding” of the matter.

    Take for example your misrepresentation of Hitler’s economic “peace time” policies. If you had read the book “Hitler’s Soldiers” that I started reading because of a mention on your own website you would find a well-documented account of how these policies were really just meant to gear up for a war to be started in the 1940s. One person here claimed this was all not detrimental due to an internal barter system but the reality is this is not true. Germany had to import to sustain this rearmament and imports cannot be paid by internal fantasy money, at least not in the 1930s. The Germans had to start their expansion into Austria and Czechoslovakia and elsewhere because they would have been broke else. The German war machine would have broken down without further countries to plunder, without taking the money of the Jews, without incorporating the stockpiles of other nations, and so on. It was a sort of pyramid scheme that kept going by escalating the war further. Germany was burning through its own and the continent’s substance to keep this pyramid scheme going. The logical conclusion was the utilization of widespread slave labor during the war.

    This is just one example of how it’s not hard to find out more about this topic. There’s a strong internal logic, there’s a lot of well-researched evidence, based on the accounts of various part of the state itself. This reminds me of another article here on the site which claimed it was German ingeniousness that allowed German production to peak in 1944. But this was basically the height of German slave labor where whole factories were moved underground by exploiting human beings until they died. This is what I mean by intellectual dishonesty – by omission. By not looking for the real causes of things.

    The people that congratulate you are not looking for intellectual honesty. They want their biases confirmed. They applaud anyone with any reach coming out and speaking as they do. They gladly overlook any inconsistencies in your narrative because they like the company. Whereas they gladly point out the smallest inconsistency in anybody else’s that does not fit their picture.

    There has been a lot of deliberate lies and propaganda in the 20th and 21st century. But to go down the rabbit hole of looking for world-endangering evil by postulating it stems from some fringe beliefs in the Jewish religion is equivalent to believing in magical explanations. Some elites and the government of Israel may have disproportionate influence – and they abuse it, like so many people of power and influence do. But to go the simple route and just postulate an evil religion breeding evil behaviors is magical thought in a complex world with many different factions vying for power.

    I, for example, am German. I do neither believe Putin is the new Hitler, nor do I hold illusions about his fundamental goodness. I think he might be the politician that Russia needs to survive. And maybe the planet also needs him as a counter-balance. I see the official narrative is contrived but that doesn’t mean the opposite is true either. The truth is nuanced and deep and we might never fully get to know it. But simple narratives are almost inevitably wrong.

    If you look for the root of evil in the world by looking at some version of the Talmud or by looking at Qabbalists, you look for magical explanations. The reality has probably a lot more to do with plain old human nature, greed, and also tribal rivalities. The main failure of antisemitism is to project simple explanations on a complex world. The fact that there are influential, powerful Jews doesn’t prove their views right. It just means that is part of an even greater picture – and that picture is not one simply solved by following one line of thought like a monomaniac. It’s not solved by learning more details about a Jewish sect, or by proving there were some odd cases of religiously motivated murder. These are distractions from the truth and not the truth. This falling into the deepest bias possible: a closed worldview that just keeps reasserting itself.

    I enjoy the ability to read diverse views on this site. But its increasing antisemitic and racist tendencies will undo it. Hate speech is often masquerading as free speech. If it hides behind bad science and omission it just becomes a more insidious poison.

  238. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    It did happen. It probably was rare, mostly because of fear of the local governments prosecuting the murderers for murder with enhancements of child abuse and witch craft.

    Many religions practiced human and animal sacrifice. Right into the 1800s European and even some American construction workers sacrificed a small animal like a squirrel or rabbit and buried it in the foundations of the building.

    Even 2 + 3 rd generation Chinese scientists believe trees in streets and front yards are bad luck and either cut them down or if there is some city or HOA restriction on cutting down trees dump gallons of pesticide on the roots.

    There’s no difference between a mezzuah in the door jamb and a corn dolly in the window.

    Jews have kidnapped, tortured and murdered Christians and used their blood in religious rituals.

    School desegregation, school busing affirmative action and the enabling of rampant black crime and the destruction of our great cities were funded by Jewish organizations and effected by mostly Jewish attorneys.

    • Troll: Tyrion 2
    • Replies: @Mulegino1
    , @attilathehen
  239. mcohen says:


    This article is click bait.some people like pretty women others like stories about hollywood and some like “the jews”.

    Ron unz based defence of his stats in some of his meritocracy studies of harvard students on a haaretz article.

    Chopped liver and christian blood mixed in with meritocracy studies.

    Shake and bake and out popped a ronnie brownie


    • Replies: @annamaria
  240. Peasant says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    ‘I can’t say, but many of the practices and superstitions you cite don’t seem very different from contemporaneous Christianity’

    So you are not an expert on ‘Talmudical Judaism’ (reform jews also follow the Talmud btw) but you can clearly say that generations ago it would have been similar to Christianity? Curious. By the way reform Judaism does not exist in israel as there is no need to pretend that a Jewish version of lighweight Protestantism exists.

  241. @Tyrion 2

    Unz had an obligation to spend no less than a year attending a synagogue, as an adult in a state of study and learning, before writing this article. I would love to hear that he did, but the first statements suggest that he didn’t. I have not said he shouldn’t have written something like this article – only that given his standing and presuming charity upon his best intentions, that is a reasonable expectation.

    Incidentally – this is an option available to everyone who comments here. Take the class, attend the synagogue. Observe and ask questions. Be a good guest.

    • Replies: @Anon
  242. Pat Casey says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Unz’s point was to insinuate into the reader’s mind that Judaism, contra popular perceptions, is actually alien to Christianity and that some weird canon called the Talmud is far more important than the Old Testament.

    This is disingenuous sleight of hand which you have abetted. Even if unknowingly.

    The five most important books of the Old Testament are read through every year on a cycle. They are absolutely the most important literature.

    Recognising this fact disables Unz’s insinuation. It renders his statement a pointless half-fact.

    So you’re not going to answer the question about the rest of the Old Testament. I take that to mean you’re not honest enough to admit that you mischaracterized what Ron wrote and why he did. I mean come on, this business about INSINUATION … Did you read the entire article? Does Ron Unz seem to be in an insinuating mode when he mentions the strong likelihood that Jews ritually sacrificed Christian children for their blood? That is pretty damn “alien” to Christianity, wouldn’t you say? Does it strike you as an insinuation when he says Rabbis preach about enslaving Gentiles?

    “… and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.”

    –Jesus Christ

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  243. @Tyrion 2

    The Torah is the most important part of the Old Testament. According to Judaism it was handed down by God.

    Tell me what language the written Tablet was handed down?

    Was Torah handed down in written form or oral form?

    If written form, then in what language?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  244. Excellent and brave essay; we’ve been on the same path, in my case roughly since the turn of the century.
    This is so fascinating and multi-faceted that there does exist a risk that we become one-trick JQ ponies.

    I do hope Mr. Unz has the fortitude to endure backlash of Finkelsteinian proportions…..

  245. utu says:

    Why not make it the lowest common denominator playing field so African Americans are not disadvantaged and have Jews wearing Star of David or non Jews wearing some other sign? You can’t leave Blacks behind.

  246. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    In America anti Semitism isn’t caused by individual interactions with individual Jews

    It’s caused by the extremely successful collective Jewish war on Whites. School desegregation, school bussing affirmative action, mass immigration, enabling black crime that destroyed our cities all were funded by AJC ADL and other Jewish non profits and effected by Jewish attorneys.
    The volcano of hatred and bigotry spewed at the White goyim by the MSM academia from kindergarten to university and entertainment industry is a Jewish volcano of hate directed at us.
    That’s why the goyim should be anti Semitic

    • Replies: @AaronB
  247. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Yes they were atheist anti religion socialists who rejected even Judaism as a religion.

    And yes they hated Christianity so much they refused to wear ties because the vertical part looked too much like a Christian cross.

  248. utu says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Yale University’s undergrad student body is 27 percent Jewish (1,500 Jewish undergrads out of 5,477 total). Percentage-wise, it narrowly beats out its Ivy League rival Harvard University, which is 25 percent Jewish (1,675 out of 6,694 undergrads). But Cornell University and Columbia University both have more Jews in total — 3,000 and 1,800, respectively.

  249. iffen says:

    I don’t buy the whole “I’m no expert on it” shtick simply because it always comes conveniently next to something incendiary. I think it’s mostly rhetoric to avert criticism.

    And accountability.

  250. @Anon

    “How did Israel cause Indonesia to invade and genocide East Timor ?”

    Diversion, diversion, diversion! Off topic!

    1) Why Levant? I would think it would be Ur in Southern Iraq.

    2) The Ashkenazi are almost identical to one another at 96% “Ashkenazi” (code for Khazar) and 99% European.

    Here are a couple of samples of DNA results:

    David Pakman
    96.9% Ashkenazi
    99% European

    Bernie Sanders
    97.7% Ashkenazi
    99% European

    • Replies: @Anon
  251. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I have no interest in what was or was not done in Europe 1939 to 1945. That’s why I usually skip Wally and didn’t comment on the articles about the way Germans were treated by the occupation forces after the war.

    My interests are very parochial and self centered. All I care about is what organized Jewry has done to White Americans since 1956 Brown vs Topeka.

    I’m tired of typing. If you want to know what organized Jewry has done to White Americans in the last 62 years read my other posts in this article.

    And get off your knees.

  252. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    One can’t just “attend” a synagogue. One has to apply, be accepted, and at least in the heavily Jewish city where I live, pay from $10,000 for a single to $30,000 for a family membership.

    They have ushers at the door and anyone who is not a member is turned away. Guest passes are available if one knows a paid up member. The members are limited as to guest passes.

    The board members and Rabbis don’t want Jews sneaking in to worship without paying

    Shuls are much much cheaper. But they’re just short morning prayer services, no lessons.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  253. A very interesting article. Not many people have the courage and honesty to question beliefs which are in a certain way important to their identity. Most people who would have good reasons to question their beliefs and identiy are not willing to do that.

    I have read Shahak’s book years ago and had my doubts that what he said in his book was right. I’m not an expert in religion or history and I never cared to investigate the matter more systematically (according to my limited capacities). So it took years until I read or saw more or less by chance other things (for instance a documentary on tv about the history of Judaism) which confirmed what Shahak said about the historical explanation of antisemitism and about the Talmud.

    I think that Jews today are also exposed to some of the same ideas that prevail in our societies. This means that nowadays it’s more difficult to keep the same ideological or practical rigidity that may have existed in other times, but this means that some may answer to that influences creating new forms of hostility (I know different people who chose opposed ways and either became almost ferociously attached to the group and others who decided simply to leave the group behind them). There may be more diversity and dissent, but also new forms of community integration based on hostility. (I continued my original comment at this point speaking more concretely about this theme but decided not to post this as it might make the comment too long). One very interesting book in this respect is the book by Stephen Bloom, Postville. It tells the experience that Bloom made meeting a community of Jews in Postville which isolated themselves and showed how they despised the main society which received them well.

  254. annamaria says:

    “Slave markets in Libya, Somalia, Iraq, Syria.”
    – Thanks to the Christian warriors Cheney, Bush, Blair, Rice, Clinton and the zionist warriors of the Lobby.

    • Replies: @Anon
  255. D. K. says:
    @Tyrion 2

    For those who are unwilling to peruse— or, for other denizens, to revisit— my weeks-long exchange with Ms. Baytch, in the comment thread to the Ron Unz posting that I already have linked to, above, here is just one passage from one of my many replies to Ms. Baytch, back then:


    Although I did not read your exegesis on Mr. Unz’ hypothesis, I did read Dr. Gelman’s update (cited in your original comment, above), at his own Web site, and then perused the comments. The prolific Steve Sailer said it best, I think: There are plenty of people at Harvard University who are quite capable of doing a simple survey to find out just how Jewish Harvard’s student body actually is– by, for instance, asking a random sample of sufficient size how many of their respective four grandparents were ethnically Jewish, irrespective of their religious beliefs (if any). Apparently, no one at Harvard University, nor in the organized Jewish community, finds that question quite as interesting as Steve Sailer and some others of us would.


    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  256. AaronB says:

    That’s a fair point – and yes, you have a right to be aware of who your enemies are, and I for one would support efforts to create a rapprochement between whites and Jews, if possible.

    My point is merely that group warfare is normal and natural – there is nothing unique about Jewish culture or the Talmud that makes it especially anti social. You whites have “extremely successfully” waged war against countless groups for millennia as well as among yourselves.

    So let’s stop the stupidity and accept that group war seems endemic to the human condition and take that as our starting point, agreed? Then we can talk like adults.

    Jewish culture has a strong universalistic streak as well as a streak of animosity to gentiles, and believe it or not contains pro-gentile messages and ultimately believes in the redemption and elevation of all human beings and the reign of peace and bliss. Of course, Jews play a special role on bringing about this scheme – but the simplistic narrative in this article is a caricature, created by selective quotations. But it is more than just a caricature – it also really does reflect the attitudes of some Jews some of the time. Human nature falls frequently.

    Things are far more complex than you would like – I genuinely appreciate Christianity, but the Christian belief that everyone who doesn’t believe in Jesus will suffer eternal torment, no matter how benelovent, kind, and gentle, and Thomas Aquinas’s statement that one of the pleasures of heaven will be to watch those in hell writhe in agony (presumably, many being there simply for not asserting to certain propositions Aquinas believed in), strikes me as utterly horrific.

    But I do not automatically condemn Christianity on this account – but see it as a complex multi-faceted phenomena that cannot be reduced to any one of its statements but must be evaluated as a whole.

    I understand the modern mind likes simple narratives a child could understand – but if one wanted to, one could create a quite bad picture of Christianity based on selective quotes.

    So lets bring the conversation up a level and stop with the childish simplicities, without denying the facts that Jews do see themselves as at war with gentiles all too often, and that gentiles gave practiced group warfare far too often as well – and if we are so minded, after facing reality, try and figure out what to do. If anything.

    Or you can just fight for “your side”, which is really what nearly everyone chooses in the end.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @iffen
    , @Crates
  257. @AaronB

    Not so fast. Judaism has been around for over 3000 years, which sounds like such a long time that one might assume Jews will always be with us. But there have been others.

    Smallpox has been around even longer, at least 10,000 years according to archaeologists, with a death toll of many millions. So long had smallpox been around that doubtless many people assumed it to be a scourge of God, and nothing could ever be done about it. Then, with remarkably little fanfare, it was announced some 20 years ago that smallpox has been eradicated, with only two samples surviving in Russia and the USA.

    From ineradicable scourge to test tube sample depending on the holder for its survival. All done in under a century. Pretty cool.

    The world is waking up to the Jewish peril, and has ignored it as much as possible due to the consequences. But the Jews never settle for good enough. They keep pushing their advantage until they get a furious reaction. All signs point to that reaction coming up which will determine who will be left standing on this rock, and who will be buried under it.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  258. anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    “How did Israel cause Indonesia to invade and genocide East Timor ?”

    Same way Germans holocausted 6 million Jews:

    “Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus – mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.” – Raul Hilberg

  259. Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    Triggered !!!!

    You said israel is the obstacle to world peace . Explain the Indonesian occupation and genocide of both Timor and Papua.

    Ashkenazi Jews 45% of world Jewry not 95%.
    Khazar dont exist .

    I wont expect much from you . Yemeni IQ is 83. That is close to mental retardation. Multi generation cousin marriage and lack of vitamin D will so that to ya. Yemen is 100% Muslim, yet embroiled in civil war. Is that not a contradiction of Mohamads writings re. Dar al islam ?

    • Replies: @anonymous
  260. Anon[694] • Disclaimer says:

    Slave markets in Mauritania, Sudan , Nigeria as well . Christian and Zionist warriors dont seem to be the cause of Islamic slaving after all .
    Seems Muslims enjoy buying and selling abds( slave in arabic , also colloquial name for blacks) in any situation, wars with the west or not.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  261. utu says:

    Hate speech is often masquerading as free speech.

    You are mixing categories. W/o free speech there would be no hate speech and w/o hate speech you would not know you have a free speech.

    If you look for the root of evil in the world by looking at some version of the Talmud or by looking at Qabbalists, you look for magical explanations.

    Think about the ethical system that does not contain even implicitly the 1st or the 2nd Kan’t categorical imperatives. W/o them evil is bound to be created.

  262. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “…it shows why the article is pernicious…”
    — What you don’t understand in this quote from Baytch “research?”- “Jews are the most underrepresented group at Harvard.” She peddles the “most victimized” and the “most suffering” trite. Enough already.
    By the way, try to make sense of her methodologies for science competitions and for college admission.
    Judging from Baytch forays on the web, this woman is a fanatical zionist, that is, a biased, dishonest person.
    In comparison, Unz’ papers show integrity, intellectual vigor, and tremendous courage.
    You need to re-read

  263. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Please, send your complaints and grievances to Ms. Baytch who writes in her “research” that she uses Hillel’s numbers.

  264. Excellent article (as usual). Watching you tread down this path is quite interesting.

    In the early 2000s I read The Master Switch, a widely-praised history of modern communications technology by Columbia University professor Tim Wu, who has subsequently become a leading Internet-rights activist. I found the account fascinating, with so many stories never before known to me. However, I couldn’t help but notice that all the powerful mass-media technologies of our modern world–film, radio, and television–had been invented and pioneered by Gentiles, mostly of Anglo-Saxon origin, but in each case control was seized by ruthless Jewish businessmen, who sometimes destroyed the lives and careers of those creators. By the 1950s, nearly all of America’s leading concentrations of electronic media power—with the sole major exception of Disney Studios—were solidly in Jewish hands.

    This pattern extends beyond America.

    Even in Sweden, which only has a few thousand Jews (and had none whatsoever prior to the reign of Karl XII), the Danish-Jewish Bonnier family is the largest owner of mass media in the country.

    By contrast, I suspect that a population that was some 98% non-German but ruled by those same fanatically pro-German leaders might have fared far worse.

    This isn’t hypothetical. What are now known as the Baltic States were conquered by German crusaders in the Middle Ages. The German conquerors quickly took control of all the cities, estates, churches, and government in the country.

    The Baltic German nobility went on to govern the Baltics for seven centuries, later under Swedish and then Russian overlordship. Baltic Germans furnished many important government officials, businessmen, military leaders, diplomats, and scientists in both the Swedish and Russian Empires.

    The Baltic Germans never exceeded more than a tenth of the total population of the area.

    The Balts had fewer rights than peasants in Western Europe did, but did not seem to suffer ill treatment (at least not after the conquest and forcible Christianization). Several of Reunified Germany’s ambassadors to the newly independent Baltic states were Baltic Germans, suggesting no lasting ill will on the part of Balts for their former German overlords.

    Protestanism result in the spread of literacy among the indigenous Balts, which in turn led to national awakenings.

    One of the results of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the repatriation of all remaining Baltic Germans to Germany. The few who refused to leave were expelled (or fled in terror) by Soviet authorities in 1944-45.

    • Replies: @Heros
  265. annamaria says:

    Muslims are your cousins; learn how to live in peace with them as you used to live among them for centuries. Leave western civilization alone.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Helen4Yemen
  266. Perseus has gone into the cave and cut off the head of the medusa.

  267. @Unz -

    Brenner’s 51 Documents is actually an appendix to his major work, Zionism in the Age of the Dictatorships….which is, I think, the best study to date on this particular subject.

  268. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    The difference is that Englishmen can and do write really or seemingly anti-English books and … nothing happens to them. Nobody tries to curse them or force them to recant. People agree or disagree. The British even publish propaganda books with titles like The Crimes of England. And nobody cares. That’s what it’s like being a normal nationality.

    • Agree: silviosilver
    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  269. Mulegino1 says:

    There’s too much evidence, too many witnesses, there’s too big a trail of paper and accounts of all kinds… but there will be people here who only will spot one or two inconsistencies in the narrative and jump up and say “It didn’t happen.” Which would be intellectually dishonest if those people were actually capable of reviewing the evidence in an unbiased manner.

    Evidence, witnesses and paper trails for what, precisely? Nobody disputes that many Jews were interned by the Germans in concentration camps, work camps and ghettos- especially once the war against the Soviet Union was begun. The internment of those who were perceived to be enemy aliens was a common practice among all the major belligerents.

    The issue at hand is rather a simple one- is there any physical or authentic documentary evidence that National Socialist Germany planned and carried out an industrial scale mass murder aimed at wiping out the Jews of Europe, mostly by poison gas in mass gassing chambers using either commercially available pesticide or non-lethal diesel exhaust? Are there mass graves or traces of human remains at any of the specific sites claimed by the official version of the Shoah Business to have been the site of extermination activities namely Auschwitz-Birkenau, Majdanek/Lublin, Treblinka II, Chelmno, Belzec and Sobibor? Is there any authentic document or order clearly corroborating the existence of an extermination program? The answer to all three questions is a resounding, “No!”

    The official and consistent policy of the Reich was that the Jews ought to leave the German sphere of influence- either by orderly and peaceful emigration or resettlement. All of the authentic documents point to this, including the Transfer Agreement, the Schlegelberger Document, and the Luther Memorandum.

    • Agree: Beefcake the Mighty
  270. annamaria says:

    “The genocidal work of the Einsatzgruppen, the endless lists, the dates marked, the deportation of the Hungarian Jews…”
    – If you care for the historical record and memory than why do you think the 52 (fifty-two) main American Jewish organizations are silent about the revival of neo-nazism in Ukraine? The revival has been promoted and supported by American ziocons.
    How come that the “righteous” Jewish community of the US has not excommunicated Nuland-Kagan, the open collaborator with the neo-Nazi? Where are The Simon Wiesenthal Center and its nazi-hunters?
    Why Carl Gershman, a president of NED, has not been excommunicated by the Jewish community for his policy of supporting the banderites? The NED’s policies in Ukraine are the gravest insult to the memory of the WWII victims (see the Einsatzgruppen).
    Similarly, the main financier of the neo-Nazi battalion Azov, a wealthy Israeli citizen Kolomojsky, has not been stripped of the citizenship and has not been deported from Israel for his immoral activities.
    If you are looking for the “increasing antisemitic and racist tendencies,” look no farther than the policies of the Jewish State: “Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine”
    “The rifles are produced under licence from Israel Weapon Industries, and as such would have been authorized by the Israeli government.
    IWI markets the Tavor as the “primary weapon” of the Israeli special forces. It has been used in recent massacres of unarmed Palestinians taking part in Great March of Return protests in Gaza.
    Fort, the Ukranian state-owned arms company that produces the rifles under license, has a page about the Tavoron its website. The Israel Weapon Industries logo also appears on its website, including on the “Our Partners” page.”

  271. DB Cooper says:

    Here is a quiz for everybody.

    This is a country created after WWII, is a democracy, has invaded and grabbed land from every single of its neighbors. Is occupying United Nation recognized disputed territories. Has annexed a small neighboring country by the end of the last century. Despite all the gross human rights violation is pretty much a Teflon country. The name of the country starts with the letter ‘I’.

    Which country is it?

    • Replies: @Anon
  272. Moi says:

    and one of rare intellectual honesty. Be safe, Mr. Unz.

  273. Anon[130] • Disclaimer says:

    Muslims are my cousins ? Hmmmm I did not know I had relatives in Aceh or Burkina Faso . Thanks for the info Annie !!!!

    Btw , Muslims cannot get along with anyone , even themselves. A fulfilled prophesy from genesis :

    “a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell over against all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12).

  274. Anyway, the world could be a much better place with less prejudice, more tolerance and less violence. It just happened in Germany: an Israeli professor was attacked by a Palestinian young man or boy (as far as I understood only lightly). The professor run after the Palestinian and the police was called because of an “act of antisemitism” (as it has been called). The police came and thought that the Israeli professor was the Palestinian agressor and beat him much more strongly than the Palestinian had hit him. Now the policeman is in big trouble, the Palestinian boy is in even bigger trouble and the Israeli professor was beaten twice, first by a Palestinian and after that by the German police. A few weeks ago a German cartoonist published in one of the most important newspaper a cartoon of Netanyahu. After that he was hardly criticised because he had drawn Netanyahu with too big ears. Then he was fired and lost his job in the newspaper because of his drawing of Netanyahu. Days later I saw Netanyahu in television (possibly calling to bomb Iran, I don’t really remember anymore) and was surprised to see that he really has bigger ears than in the caricature.

  275. @Anon

    You accept black/Asian priests-popes. You’re the problem.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
    , @Anon
  276. geokat62 says:

    Sam Shama, is that you?

    • LOL: iffen
  277. annamaria says:

    Was there slavery in the prosperous and civilized Libya before the neo- and ziocons joined their efforts at “humanitarian” intervention that fitted so well the famous Oded Yinon plan?
    How about Syria that continues to suffer the assault from the “only [theocratic] democracy” in the Middle East? This theocratic democracy has been also on the best terms with fanatical Islamists of ISIS and A Qaeda. Guess, this is a realpolitik… So “superiorly moral”

    • Replies: @Anon
  278. @Ron Unz

    What is the meaning of “Ethnically Jewish”?

    Can one be “ethnically Muslim”or “Ethnically Christian”?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  279. Interesting article. However, Mr. Unz is writing from a Jewish perspective and thus is limited in his world outlook. I can tell you about the last one hundred years. It boiled down to the most evil ideas in human history of the past 2000 years – universal brotherhood and universal church.

    We have to look at the world from the present and that almost everything we’ve been taught for the past 2000 years is wrong. At this point in time, now that the entire world has been mapped and settled, there is one objective truth that stands out and sums up world history – IQ. IQ is tied to race. IQ and race determine a civilization. While Mr. Unz provides many interesting insights and facts, these things don’t matter any more. Right now, it is the RCC and the Zioevangizers who are the “Jews” busy destroying the Western world. Jews are not Western and cannot be in the West. Also, today’s Jews are not related to the Jews of Old Testament or even when Jesus lived. They are a mixed, mostly Afro-Asiatic people who have adopted some Western ways. Until we get RCCers and Zioevangizers to see this, we will continue to have problems. Of course, placing IQ and race at the fore is a threat to the RCC (universal church) and the Zioevangizers (they want the temple rebuilt because this cause Jesus to come back). So, as the many insane anti-Semitic commentators here babble on about the Jews, many of them refuse to deal with the IQ/race issues. We need to first repatriate/separate blacks/Asians/Jews/Muslims from the West. They have their own countries. Then we can focus on rebuilding the West. This will require moving the papacy to the Congo or the Philippines. This will require that Western schools teach the West is best because of the Western people. The Talmud, the rabbis are distractions. Focus on the cowardly Caucasian RCC/Zioevangizer male who is standing in the way of saving the West.

    Brother Nathanael recently aired a youtube criticizing Jews for calling themselves the “master race.” They are not. Israeli Jewish IQ is 93. Western Jews were small in number so the little IQ gains they made over 2000 years in the West amount to nothing. However if Jews in Israel want to worship their “Joooooiness,” I don’t care as long as they are not in the West. I worship my Westerness.

  280. Tyrion2, you’d best be arguing with other religious Jews and not with Ron as they all disagaree with you.

    In fact, just google the topic yourself and do your own research instead of cluttering up the comments section with your objections to fact.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @RobinG
    , @Tyrion 2
  281. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I don’t believe in God, but Christian Western European is my civilization and is like to preserve it and its people which includes me and my family.

    In America, affirmative action school desegregation school bussing affirmative action for FOB immigrants unlimited immigration and the official state school curriculum of hate Whites hate Whites hate Whites are all Jewish causes that became the ferociously enforced laws of the land

    I know who my enemies are.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  282. RobinG says:

    The only thing, Art, there are plenty of non-Jew war profiteers joining in the Trump-bashing. The Deep State has no religion but power and profit.

    And no question the press is Jew dominated, but they’re already in full blown TDS. No need for any directive. They’ve got to keep their fake narratives going.

    But Trump was great. He hit them with the DNC servers, HRC emails, Awan scandal, and liar/traitor Bill Browder. What am I forgetting? He was terrific.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Art
  283. @utu

    Are we really having a discussion?

    People only care about what it means to be “white” because for 50+ years we have been forced to self-identify as such, for the purpose of picking and choosing favors on the basis of demography. The cumulative effect of that is a world of mutual resentment and a cottage-industry turned mass-industry for the sustainment and manufacture of grievance to simultaneously force a triple-down on the affiliation with “white” while justifying the immiseration of the most vulnerable of the same kind. It works so well that there’s an article up above using sweeping generality to smear millions of people with Satan worship.

    People care about their ethnic affiliations. It might not be a bad thing to promote that, extra-legally, while at the same time pulling the rug out from underneath the arbitrary legal decision to force “white” on everyone.

    Want to see intersectionalism, postmodernism and the “Frankfurt School” all disappear? Disappear the demand for them. Know how? Ban collection of racial and gender designations for employment or academic purposes. The only reason to make an exception for African Americans is that in sufficient numbers so many would request or demand it, that it’s a necessary concession to take the heat off the problem.

    I kind of think you know all that.

  284. iffen says:

    – there is nothing unique about Jewish culture

    Disagree. Existing after two thousand years in a diaspora. What other group has done this?

    As Judaism comes to be defined by Israel, then it will be nothing unique, just one among many.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @bjondo
    , @renfro
  285. Seraphim says:

    Hens are not reputed for their IQ. There are doubts that they have brains at all.

  286. Anonym says:

    Congratulations Mr Unz. Reading your previous articles I think I mentioned that your testicles were of an immense and metallic nature. This articles demonstrates that they are of planetary scale.

    I pray you have the IQ to match the scale of your gonads. It certainly seems that way. Occasionally in life you get to meet such a searing intellect, to know you are in the presence of an intellectual superior. It’s frankly awe inspiring. So… it seems that way. I pray that Jewry, and also the Jewish berserkers as you term them, enjoy your writings so much that they are more interested in what you next have to say than in preventing you from saying it. (I am not religious btw.) The nature of Jewish IQ, the bell curve and the like implies that there are Jewish activists of at least your intelligence and resources. I hope they stay their hand.

    As an example, Maimonides, one of the highest rabbinical authorities, absolutely prohibited rabbis from being paid for their religious teaching, declaring that any rabbi who received a salary was an evil robber condemned to everlasting torment; yet later rabbis eventually “reinterpreted” this statement to mean something entirely different, and today almost all rabbis collect salaries.

    The above was indeed hilarious.

    There are very few non-fictional things in life that I have read with such interest. It is like reading a real-life Emmanuel Goldstein serializing his book “The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”. Watching the Man X scene in JFK. Seeing the Loose Change 2E documentary. Reading Steve Sailer’s early work on the reality of race, IQ and the like. Reading Yggdrasil’s work.

    I love the way you introduce the forbidden knowledge, an author that you really would like to read if only I could get my hands… and then BAM! There it is in html. If I had the time to read those I would and I bet it would blow my socks off to a similar extent.

    It’s interesting that Shahak died a few months before 9/11, like Col Fletcher Prouty.

    You know, I love truth, I love learning how things work. And I must say the info on a few of the things were not new to me, e.g. JRM, the Talmud being a driving force, what it is basically about, the practices of hiding the truth. A few things were new, for example the emphasis on magic in Judaism. And possibly new, the authoritarian control held by Rabbis. Certainly others.

    One thing I am curious… what was the purpose for the massacre of the Palestinians? What caused it to happen at that particular time?

    And also, I would love to know where you are going with all this… what is your aim? What do you hope to achieve? You do not have to disclose it, but it does make me curious. I intuit you are building to something magnificent and it makes me curious.

    • Replies: @NYCTexan
  287. bj says:

    William Browder is a jew who hates Russia and has done more than any man alive to attempt to use the USA to destroy Vladimir Putin and Russia. He appears enraged that a goyim dares to protect Russia from the predatory jew.

    Vladimir Putin said he has evidence William Browder gave 400 million dollars to Hillary Clinton from money’s taken from Russia in the looting of the 1990′s. The transaction was facilitated by USA intelligence agencies. The information is from the Helsinki Summit news conference with Vladimir Putin and Donald J. Trump.

    William Browder uses his stolen billions to threaten humanity with thermonuclear war to satisfy his blood lust and vengeance. I wonder what 400 million would buy, if Hillary Clinton were president?

    The Killing of William Browder…Alex Krainer

    “To the people of Russia
    and the United States who
    hold the keys to the
    future of humanity”…..Alex Krainer

  288. AaronB says:

    A perfectly healthy instinct. I don’t object. You should fight to preserve your civilization. And you will succeed. And then you will go on trying to expand, overcome, and conquer others, as your people once did with so much gusto and energy, and as every healthy biological organism tries to do.

    And exactly as Jews are doing – whites once happily conquered Asians, and Germans once happily conquered French, and English conquered Indians, and so on endlessly.

    There is nothing unique about Jewish culture in any of this. Every people secretly thinks the rest of the world should be their slaves.

    I am glad we can be adults about this and discuss it in a calm, objective manner.

    Of course, should one wish a way out of this endless biological struggle – there is the spiritual struggle.

    But it is for the few.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  289. Dumbo says:

    “Biological life just is a war of all against all.”

    No it isn’t, or at least, doesn’t need to be. Maybe that is the Jewish paranoid mentality, and maybe if they didn’t think in this way other peoples would have less trouble with them and they would not be expelled from a different country every 200 years.

    I don’t think anyone would hate the Jews at all if they were not so anti-social (in the sense of being always trying to undermine society) and were not involved in things such as usury, pushing mass migration, pornography, etc etc. Yes, not all Jews, but you know what I mean. There may be many good or even admirable individual Jews, but as a group, they tend to generate hostility. I don’t believe in Kevin’s “evolutionary strategy” theory, so it must be related to their religion and in that case Unz is right. In fact Jews who (sincerely) convert to Christianity tend to be less hostile. And the Orthodox (Haredim) seem to be the ones who most hates Christians.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  290. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:
    @DB Cooper

    Pakistan – Bangladesh 1971 -3 million + killed
    Cambodian genocide -2 million killed
    Nigerian occupation and genocide of Biafra -2 million+ killed
    India Pakistan partition -1.2 million killed
    Sudanese occupation and genocide of South Sudan 1.5 millon plus killed
    Sudanese occupation and genocide Darfur-800,000 killed
    Alawite occupation of Syria -500,000+ killed
    Indonesian occupation and genocide Papua -500,000+ killed
    Indonesian occupation and genocide Timor-500,000+ killed
    Somali civil war -500,000+ killed
    Russian occupation of Chechnya-150,000+ killed
    Islamic insurgency Philippines-120,000 killed
    Turkish occupation of Kurdistan and Cyprus-70,000 killed
    Kashmir conflict-70,000 killed
    Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara-50,000 killed
    Boko Haram insurgency-50,000 killed
    Israel PaLie$tinian conflict-24,000 killed

    Mr Cooper you are correct , Israel is clearly the worlds big problem post Ww2. Islam is the religion of peace.

  291. utu says:

    Move to France. They have already implemented your plan.

  292. AaronB says:

    It is unusual, but it is hardly unique.

    Jews today have a thin genetic connection to the ancient Hebrews – what has survived is the cultural forms, the thought patterns, the metaphysics – survived and evolved.

    The ancient Egyptians had a 5,000 year span, the Roman idea a 2,000 year span, and of course the Chinese a 3,000 or so year span.

    It is unusual only measured against the northern Europeans, who seem to be a young and rootless people without a firm identity – certainly Europeans don’t have deep enough toots to survive a diaspora.

    Europeans really are a series of experiments – they don’t have a core civilization, like other peoples.


    Europeans needed the intellectual and spiritual guidance of a more settled and rooted people to give them some measure of stability – when Europe began casting off the yoke of the South, the Greek, Roman, and Hebrew intellectual and spiritual discipline, she reverted into mere materialism – the creed of the unintellectual barbarian, who values only coarse physical things, what he can see.

    Which is where we are today.

    Some southern or eastern people with deeper roots will have to once again elevate Europe – and I think Europeans
    sense this on some level.

    And then who knows how high Europe can once again rise.

    • Replies: @iffen
  293. Anonymous[953] • Disclaimer says:

    Your friend Mr Derbyshire is one of those who most write about race and IQ.

    IQ is not the most important thing. Race as in ethnicity (our continuity with our ancestors) is more important, and doesn’t require discussions about IQ. We should prefer those similar to us because they are our family, that is all, not because they are smarter or prettier or whatever. Religion is also important. RCC and Zioevangelicals where infiltrated long ago by globalists and masons. Moving the Papacy to the Philipines, and then what? Give the Vatican to the Muslims to become a mosque? No, retake whats yours. Make the Catholic Church great again.

  294. You da man Unz. Keep it up, great reading. Expose them, folks are waking up, even it rural Ga. They can’t hide the truth forever.

  295. @Anon

    Islam is a Christian heresy and a religion of low IQers, i.e., blacks/Asians.

    Islam is the flip side of Judaism.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
    , @Anon
  296. Wally says:
    @Dan Hayes

    Indeed, Dan.

    Ron has really stepped up and the beauty of it is that he can back it up.

    Others have written some comparable, well researched work, but Ron, being a Jew, a righteous Jew, has surely got The Usual Enemies of Free Speech in a tizzy. They certainly deserve it.


    • Agree: Dan Hayes
  297. @SimplePseudonymicHandle

    Want to see intersectionalism, postmodernism and the “Frankfurt School” all disappear? Disappear the demand for them. Know how? Ban collection of racial and gender designations for employment or academic purposes. The only reason to make an exception for African Americans is that in sufficient numbers so many would request or demand it, that it’s a necessary concession to take the heat off the problem.

    France does this.

    Doesn’t work.

  298. Wally says:
    @Hairway To Steven

    “it will now be (properly) understood to be a hate site by the vast majority of people made aware of it.”

    “Properly”? What’s ‘proper’ about censorship?

    Who is this “vast majority”?

    “Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.”

  299. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:

    Every people secretly thinks the rest of the world should be their slaves.

    Can you please try to be less retarded. It’s embarrassing.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @AaronB
  300. AaronB says:

    I agree that it need not be – I am merely observing that this is how life seems to operate.

    I agree Jews would not be hated if they merely laid down their arms and did not participate in the general war of group against group – I am merely pointing out that Jewish participation in this general human war is no different than German or French or English participation. It seems rather strange to ask only Jews to lay down their arms. I am quite sure if the Jew was rendered innocent and harmless – and did not stand in the way of European supremacy – he would not be hated. He would merely be despised.

    Read Mauppassant – he writes very vividly of the sheer hatred of the French peasant to the occupying German army. This is the hatred you are now feeling for the Jew. It is the same hatred the Chinese felt when European armies sacked and looted Beijing.

    This need not be – but so far this has characterized human life.

    Please understand – I am not defending these facts. I am merely stating them.

    I myself favor the practice of spirituality and the underlying unity of all mankind.

    I merely pointing out this ludicrous idea that Jews are uniquely anti social is merely ignorant – or, a mete tactic in group war, conscious or unconscious.

    As for the anti social nature of Jewish culture, it is no worse than other cultures, and is balanced by a Universalist message – which, again, seems to be the norm – self interest balanced by universalism.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @renfro
    , @Dumbo
  301. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    America has gone to war with many countries, only Islamic States have resorted to their base desires and engaged in slavery.

    The Islamic republic of Mauritania is the slave capital of the world , surpassing Syria or Libya, yet America never went to war there. By the same token America has gone to war with Serbia and the Serbs haven’t engaed in slavery .

    America did not go to war in the Islamic Republic of Sudan yet this is another Islamic state that engages in slavery .

    Saudi Arabia is fabulously wealthy and was also fabulously wealthy prior to 1980 when they claimed to abolish slavery. De facto slavery still exists in fabulously wealthy and militarily unmolested Saudi Arabia in the form of Pakistan and Indian construction slaves,Bangladeshi camel jockey boy slaves and Indonesian slave maids, all of whom must surrender their passports to their employers and submit to all forms of abuse including rape and forced sodomy.

  302. bjondo says:

    Existing after two thousand years in a diaspora. What other group has done this?

    Christians and close behind Muslims. Probably Hindus and Buddhists.

    Nothing unique about Yids except the hate inspired in all others.

  303. @Icallbullonit

    As far as I can tell, Ron Unz’s new schtick is:

    1. Despite my claims of erudition, I never knew anything before about any subject connected to my native country, the century in which I was born, or my own ethnic heritage.

    2. I picked up a fringe book on a subject and was immediately convinced by it, so much so that I never bother to read any attempt to refute it, or if I do, I go in with my mind made up that the refutation is wrong.

    3. I cloak my conclusions in scholarly terms but allow all manner of evil filth in the comments.

    4. I also published a guy who thinks Mao is the greatest man who ever lived, so at least I am an equal opportunity creep.

    P.S. “And most falsely do these Christians claim that the Jews have secretly and furtively carried away these children and killed them, and that the Jews offer sacrifice from the heart and blood of these children, since their law in this matter precisely and expressly forbids Jews to sacrifice, eat, or drink the blood, or to eat the flesh of animals having claws. This has been demonstrated many times at our court by Jews converted to the Christian faith: nevertheless very many Jews are often seized and detained unjustly because of this. We decree, therefore, that Christians need not be obeyed against Jews in a case or situation of this type, and we order that Jews seized under such a silly pretext be freed from imprisonment, and that they shall not be arrested henceforth on such a miserable pretext, unless—which we do not believe—they be caught in the commission of the crime.” – Pope Gregory X, 1272. But I guess for the true believers here even thirteenth-century popes are cucks.

  304. Wally says:

    “Ron seems to be perilously hovering on the edge of a social abyss – i.e. Holocaust revisionism. Join us Ron it’s the logical endpoint of this particular journey.”

    Why is it a “social abyss”?
    Who decides it is?

    I see it as a beginning point.

    Science, rational thought, & logic simply demolish the ‘holocaust’ storyline.
    And that’s why there are Thought Crime Laws that imprison those who engage in free speech about it.

    Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the ‘Nazi Gas Chambers’
    by Jew, David Cole

  305. Bliss says:

    Mind blowing stuff. Especially since it’s coming from ethnic Jews: Unz, Shahak, Shamir…

  306. @attilathehen

    A religion of low IQers, i.e., blacks/Asians? That’s an accurate description of Christianity from the start, if the Jew Testament is to be believed.

    (1) Ignoble low IQers: The Jewish proselytizer Paul said so himself, “Not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were noble.” (1 Corinthians 1:26)

    (2) Blacks: Africans were recruited early by the Apostle Philip (Acts 8:26-40), and Blacks were very quickly placed in roles of leadership (Acts 13:1).

    (3) Asians. “The churches of Asia send you greetings.” (1 Corinthians 16:19) “Firstfruit of Asia for Christ.” (Romans 16:5)

    • Replies: @General Koofta
  307. @attilathehen

    The Apostle Philip recruited Africans into the Church. Was he mistaken?

    The Apostle Paul’s Asian converts and churches are mentioned several times throughout the Jew Testament. Was he mistaken?

    • Replies: @Anon
  308. Discovering all this has been my own course since 2001. It is a blast to see it so well articulated and on such an excellent medium. Anyone who wants to challenge any of the very judiciously worded assertions it contains would do well to check the sources.

  309. Herb says:

    Israel Shahak was known for creating things out of thin air. He falsified a story about a a rabbi telling someone that they couldnt save a non-Jew on Sabbath, it was later proven to have never happened. He created a lot more stuff about Jewish religion that is fake news.

  310. @RobinG

    The American reporters were an embarrassment.

    How in the world does 70 yr old Trump handle all that travel, enormous pressure, and stay on top of his game.
    Must be the Burger King diet.

    and Putin — the Browder piece was delicious.

  311. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:
    @Echoes of History

    When Paul mentioned Asia , what specific territories was he referencing ? I doubt the modern boundries of Asia , from Turki/Armenia to Korea/Indonesia.

    When Atilla mentioned Asia , what territories is he referring to ? He is probably excluding Armenia/Georgia/Syria etc.

    • Replies: @Anon
  312. ohmy says:

    Unz, this is a great article and, your 100% correct, no one will believe it. Even though everything you have mentioned is backed up by Jewish scholars it still won’t be believed. As I read I continually thought; How can I get my brother to read this article.
    Recently the Jews are revealing, by their killing and maiming of unarmed Palestinians, how very evil they can be. You touched on the influence Zionist’s had with the Third Reich. It can’t be underestimated. The barbaric atrocious bloodletting of ethnic Russian Christians from 1917 – 1950 was orchestrated by Jews.
    Most people have heard that in America alone thousands of children vanish every year. Could it be them? are they be the culprits we’re looking for? The age old story of Dracula is based on Jews , and for a reason.
    Christians, agnostics and, even atheists are at a disadvantage when dealing with them, as we were brought with basic rules and morals. Not them. All one has need do to realize how vile and evil than can be is to verify the Talmud’s claim that Jesus Christ is boiling for eternity in a vat of excrement. Think about what they claim and, then ask yourself if you know anyone who is capable of dreaming up such a scene. So, we’re dealing with a people who are collectively dangerous.
    On don’t know when it will happen, hopefully sooner than later, but one day enough of us will stand up and say, enough is enough.

  313. Zeidner says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Learn what a Parshah is.

    Ron is somewhat correct that Orthodox Judaism is detached from the Torah.

    Some of his paths of thought may lead to something intetesting, others are dead ends designed to funnel through typical discontents and the like.

    I think someone else mentioned, there is no monolithic Judaism and this means virtually any kook psychopath can claim jewishness. This poses two problems, accusing “Jews” categorically and likewise poses a similar onus on anyone claiming yo act in the name of Jews or Judaism. This of course suggests an issue with the modern nation of Israel. In fact the centralized Rabbinate is easily one of the primary political issues among citizens, second only to the issues surrounding terror and Palestinians.

    Other features to the article such as Nazi Zionist collaborations are well documented.

    What I think Ron lacks here is… how do you explain ethics? Rational Utilitarianism? Christian? Of course he lives this blank and allows those differences to work out in the comments section.

    These problems are age old and the solution lies in understanding how these social features work and to dismantle them.

  314. utu says:
    @James Kabala

    expressly forbids Jews to [...] drink the blood

    It does not say anything about human blood or baby blood.
    Though to a small number of observant communities, the practice is routine and normal, to cosmopolitan sophisticates it may seem pretty gruesome. After the mohel cuts off the foreskin, he uses his mouth – oral suction, rather than say a sponge – to effectively clear the wound on the baby’s penis of blood, lest it clot and decay.

    As for where it arose, metzitzah b’peh is a time-honored tradition codified in the most important Jewish scripts, much like circumcision itself.

    Blood is essential.
    A brit milah is more than circumcision, it is a sacred ritual in Judaism, as distinguished from its non-ritual requirement in Islam. One ramification is that the brit is not considered complete unless a drop of blood is actually drawn. The standard medical methods of circumcision through constriction do not meet the requirements of the halakhah for brit milah, because they cause hemostasis, i.e., they stop the flow of blood. Moreover, circumcision alone, in the absence of the brit milah ceremony, does not fulfill the requirements of the mitzvah. Therefore, in cases where a Jew who was circumcised outside of a brit milah, an already-circumcised convert, or an aposthetic (born without a foreskin) individual, the mohel draws a symbolic drop of blood (Hebrew: הטפת דם‎, hatafat-dam) from the penis at the point where the foreskin would have been or was attached.

  315. ohmy says:

    Anon {257} says: “It’s ny opinion that we goyim should be grateful American Jews haven’t yet done to us what they did to Russians 1918 to 1950? And what they’re doing to Palestinians now.
    Be grateful for the 2nd amendment. Our privately held guns are the only thing between you and the Siberian Gulag is my AR.

  316. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Crazy crazier and craziest.

  317. utu says:

    Every people secretly thinks the rest of the world should be their slaves.

    This is his Jewish projection. Just blurted out.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @AaronB
  318. Zeidner says:
    @James Kabala

    3. I cloak my conclusions in scholarly terms but allow all manner of evil filth in the comments..

    A favorite Spencer trick on his blog

    He was paying low end spam artists to post on there at one point. I suspect he even wrote many of the anonymous comments himself.

    Ron is really just stirring the pot. It’s easy tp say ITS JOOS. when really virtually every other religion has these same problems, accusations, contradictions. Did Judaism evolve from talismans, sacrifices, fascist rabbis, etc yes. Now go and reread the history of the church. Had Ron mentioned the same exact issues present in Christianity, Islam and yes Hinduism and Buddhism he wouldn’t get any social media traction.

    Fischer hated his father, who was Jewish. Pretty simple explanation.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @D. K.
    , @Sean
  319. utu says:

    You can read with understanding so try again.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  320. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @James Kabala

    That statement by Gregory meant that Jews couldn’t be convicted of murdering Christians for their blood unless there was conclusive evidence.
    I actually read about it both in college years ago and later when I worked at a university

    I concluded that it did happen but it was rare. But it did happen.

    It certainly is totally opposite the Jewish unusually stringent taboos against the contamination of contact with blood. It’s a religion that forbids tattoos because of the blood pricks along with really weird stuff about women and menstruation.

    So that they would preserve blood and eat and drink it is strange. On the other hand Jesus and the apostles were Jews and the apostles accepted his “ eat of my body and drink of my blood” at Passover dinner without any fuss if the gospels are true.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  321. Zeidner says:

    Grow up.

    I was raised conservative Jewish and I have never net a Jew who thinks consuming human blood is acceptable.

    Normally people like you should be ignored but ill use your point to prove mine. You cant safely say that Jews do anything really. Some keep the Sabbath, others dont. Some eat pigs, others dont. Nobody owns the “jew” term, which btw is distinct from Catholicism, which ironically is wrought with provable pedophilia scandals.

    Unfortunately for you, Jews can’t be put into a simple category you can blame. You need to examine specific practices or ideas and focus on those and yes Jews, or anyone using that term have a responsibility to keep their house clean.

    Cannibalism and consumption of blood is strictly forbidden in the torah.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Thomm
    , @Heros
    , @Ishmael
  322. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    The slavery meccas of the world are all Islamic States .

    Islamic republic of Mauritania

    Islamic republic of Sudan

    Saudi Arabia

    • Troll: utu
  323. as an Armenian American I periodically read about incidents where Israelis spit on the Armenian priests as they participate in religious processions carrying the Christian cross…. this article clarifies the rationale behind these disrespectful actions.
    Also, the only way to deleverage the power of the Zionist over the prize of the militaristic USA and it’s domination of NATO is to remove the money factor from elections (publically funded) and somehow raise up candidates that are not subject to blackmail over personal indescretions and behaviours. Finally, I am a born again Christian and I repudiate these ignoramus American christian zionists, who misquote (mistranslated aka Scofield) scripture and believe that God will only bless the USA if the USA blesses Israel. A copy of this article should be sent to their think tanks (if they can be called that… I suspect it is case of jewish filthy lucre penetrating their so-called centers of learning and doctrine)

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Zeidner
    , @RobinG
  324. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Turkey, Persia Armenia etc were known as Asia Minor in those days. So Anatolians Armenians Persians were Asians technically. Armenia located in western Asia was the very first officially Christian country.

    Syrian monks went as missionaries to and from China as early as the late 200ADs

  325. @Anon

    It’s amazing the number of government agencies at all levels whose only function is to ensure that Whites aren’t hired for any job.

    Federal Government jobs are earmarked for veterans first, a rather recent development. There are plenty of gentile veterans and vanishingly few Jewish veterans of working age.

    A gentile veteran with an online law degree will be hired over a Yale Law-educated Jewish civilian, if that makes you happy.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Wally
    , @Anon
  326. @Herb

    anyone who has a PhD in Chemistry is smarter than the average bear, Booboo. I believe him and his research findings way before the trickyu spin doctors Foxman and Dershowitcz and Weisel.

  327. RobinG says:
    @Pat Hannagan

    Well said and referenced, thank you!

    However, Tyrion is a trolling hasbaRat. “Cluttering up the comments section” is his raison d’être.

  328. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    No Christian church ever kidnapped non Christians murdered them and kept their blood and sold it for religious ceremonies.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  329. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    Keep in mind , Ron is very very very wealthy and this is how he chooses to spend his time . Promoting holocaust denial and reveling in accolades from hate filled commenters . Strange behavior for a happy person enjoying a fortune .

    How about these explanations:
    Ron has a lot of money but he never got a call up to the big leagues like Bezos did . Bezos can take a dump and wipe his ass with a 10 million dollar bill every day for a month and he wouldn’t even have come close to wasteing 1% of his net worth. And Bezos is a goy and Unz is a jew . Sting.

    At some point watching Zuck , Musk , Brin and others much younger than him taking the next step he realized he wasn’t getting a call up to the majors . He plateaued and his wealth and etc wasn’t moving up to the next level so he went in the direction we see here .

    Alternately he may be up in the big leagues and his role is playing the flip side of the George Soros coin. The Dr. Evil of the right.

  330. Biff says:

    Of you want to know who rules over you, find out who you can’t criticize.


  331. @Peripatetic commenter

    P.C.: There was no Judeo-Christ!

    Jew Testament: “We worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)

  332. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Whether your statement is true or not, who’d believe anything you say?

    By the way, what’s your religion?

  333. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:
    @General Koofta

    Armenian huh ?

    A Jew once spit on an Armenian from second hand anecdotes.

    Muslims killed 2 million Armenians.

    I like where your head is at , Mr. Armenian.

    Talk about a cuck !!!

    • Replies: @Anon
  334. @Echoes of History

    your comment is way off

    The Bible states in Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the LORD [is] the beginning of knowledge: [but] fools despise wisdom and instruction. and then in I Corinthians 1:25 “Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”

    Further Paul, who certainly was amongst the most learned men of that epoch states in Phillipians

    3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

    what were his learned accomplishments… they are delinated in the earlier verses

    4Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more:

    5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;

    6 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.

    7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

    So he lost all of his earthly priveleged stature, but counted the loss as dung.

    Nothing in there about IQ…… friend.

  335. AaronB says:

    So what exactly did Europeans do with all that technology the moment they gained a lead over the rest of the world?

    That’s right.

    Not defending this. Let’s just stop being childish.

    In Judaism, the goyim are not meant to be slaves. All humans are meant to be elevated and spiritualised through the example of the Jews – a light into the nations – and live in harmony and peace. It is a beautiful – if narcissistic – vision, not very different from how Christians saw their role in the world, or Buddhists.

    Of course, just as Christianity got twisted into crusades, religious wars, the destruction and enslavement of the South Americans, and the colonization of the world for the purpose of its elevation, so did many Jews become perverse.

    Judaism is not mere oppression of goyim – despite the Darwinian fantasies of many, no such grim and harsh and loveless vision can sustain a people through exile, and create such high levels of motivation.

    A Jewish friend was telling me yesterday how Gods plan is to elevate all mankind in stages – and when Jews advance to a higher spiritual plane, the goyim will advance to the level of Jews and have to fulfill the Mosaic commandant and have the exact same covenant with God – until, having undergone the same spiritual refinement Jews have, they too will advance to the ultimate level.

    This is a narcissistic vision – but hardly a hateful one. Rather, a very humane one.

    Of course, being a complex phenomenon, Judaism contains less savory statements about goyim as well.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Them Guys
  336. AaronB says:

    Utu, didn’t you say you’d like to slap me across the face and whip me…. :)

    Like I said, Jews can be very clear headed about what to expect from different human groups.

    • Replies: @utu
  337. Anonym says:

    I have thought about this some more. In creating this site and these masterpieces of articles, it’s a bit like a “It takes Nixon to go to China”. I wish you well Ron, and good health too.

    Another thought: If Hitler was aping the Jews, he was aping the pre-diaspora Jews of the Temple back in Roman times. Contained within that strategy was the vulnerability of blood and soil ethnic solidarity/strategy. And realistically, the German speaking people were (and still to a large extent are) a relatively contiguous nation. You work with what you have, and try to shore up the weaknesses. (It’s like China – the Chinese can have a diaspora element but when they have China, nukes, a fairly impenetrable language and other advantages, why fix what’s not broken?)

    The Romans were in fact a lot more ruthless than the Zombie ZOG Army. After they were done, the Jews were a diaspora people (though it is true that they had done the diaspora thing somewhat before then, I think it was more as a roving tribe). Although the ZZA killed plenty of Germans, as a people it mainly just shaved their beard, so to speak. However, they were indeed subjugated and have yet to awake as a people to find their destiny proper.

    The advantage of diaspora Judaism is that while one Jew lives, you can never extinguish Judaism. There are some disadvantages too (e.g. piss of the host and they throw you out or worse) but the persistence thing is definitely an advantage. One of the books on Jewamongyou’s site, The Ashkenazi Revolution, makes that point. I highly recommend it. The Jewish empire is temporal (at the expense of space), the Roman empire was spatial (at the expense of time).

    One advantage that goy whites have is that they (we) are not burdened by having to memorize an ancient wikipedia with a lot of cruft. (If religions are computer languages, think COBOL.) We are practical, we do what works now. We invent stuff. We are streamlined, fast, pared down. Complexity built suits the task.

    We are being pushed into diaspora, and Christianity has been gelded and abandoned. I think we are ripe for a new operating system, an OS. A religion like Judaism is basically an OS for a people. A godless, pared down religion-like operating system would benefit the white goy. An ideology, a religion, something that at root, gets us to constantly ask “Is it good for the whites, long term?”. In practice, the Jews should be appending “long term” on to their question, but they don’t and it shows.

    A small book distilling that philosophy would be useful. If Judaism is COBOL, then this should be like Python I suppose. Or if we use the OS idea, then if Judaism is OS/360, then this proto philosophy/ideology/religion/OS would be something like Linux or FreeBSD.

    More thought needs to be expended here though. One of the advantages of having to be able to understand and improve the cruft of Judaism is that it bled off all those people who were mentally incapable of doing that. There should be a eugenic component. It could be as simple as the encouragement and idea that it is the duty of highly capable and intelligent people to procreate to a larger extent.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  338. Thomm says:

    For example, according to mainstream Talmudic doctrine, black Africans are traditionally placed somewhere between people and monkeys in their intrinsic nature,

    Hey, there is complete agreement between Talmidic Jews and White Trashionalists after all! They can now join up as brothers in arms!

  339. Anonym says:

    By the way, I once had occasion to be the friend or at least, associate of a Jew. He was a red-haired Jew, and I used to tell him that he was really Scottish or Irish pretending to be Jewish. This used to incense him to no end, and I daresay that I had touched a nerve and probably he copped it from the MOT. He did things like visit Israel, but other than that he was pretty laid back to be honest. I think he liked me even though maybe his religion told him not to.

    He did spit whenever we went by a church. That is definitely true, and so affirms that part of what Ron says.

    The other thing he said was that Goyim smell, and that Palestinians were goyim. I didn’t know what a goyim was at the time, and I asked him if I was a goyim. He smiled.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  340. @attilathehen

    If the most evil ideas in human history of the past 2000 years is universal brotherhood and universal church, then what think ye of what comes out the Apostle Peter’s pie hole?

    Acts 10:34-35 “So Peter opened his mouth and said: “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but IN EVERY NATION ANYONE who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”

    I’m just scratching the surface of the globalist/internationalist/equalist passages in the Jew Testament, including globalist/internationalist passages from the International Jew Jesus himself.

  341. Congratulations Ron. Another home run.

    Thank you, both for the article and the source material you provided.

    Trillions of $, and loss of rights domestically over Wars for Israel. It has always baffled me why Christians seem so eager to subjugate themselves to Jews.

    It is peurile, but they believe wars for Israel will hasten the return of Jesus. The more damage we can do, the more likely his return. Armageddon, technically, is what Revelations calls for.

    So we have these big time fundy Christian leaders and their flocks backing wars in the Middle East based on their own decisive stupidity without any help from the Jews. Useful idiots.

  342. “For example, traditionally religious Jews pay little attention to most of the Old Testament, and even very learned rabbis or students who have devoted many years to intensive study may remain largely ignorant of its contents”

    When your very first example is verifiably false it doesn’t bode well for what follows. Orthodox Jews begin learning the old testment (OT) as early as 3 and focus a significant portion of daily learning to OT through high school. Additionally, every shabbos in synagogue an entire OT parsha is read. And portion of the parsha is read twice during weekdays.

    So not only is your assertion wrong, but Orthodox Jews are so immersed in OT that by the time they finish high school the average orthodox Jewish teen is more knowledgeable of the OT than 95% of the population

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  343. Zeidner says:
    @General Koofta

    This is basically what I’m referring to above.

    The article is about jews and the comments are unordered rif raff attempting to promote their religious idiocy. This includes Catholicism, the various legacy forms of Protestanism and the extremely niave forms of “born again” Christianity that really are nothing more than sactimonious singles clubs. There’s not much to criticize about these newer sects but there isnt anything to admire either.

    Of course if we step into rationalism, and denounce religion as an mass hysteria narcotic, we arrive at communism and of course there isnt a single religious nitwit on this thread who doesnt enjoy an economic privilege.

    Shall we overlook the middle ages, the pope approving slave trade, murder of geretics and even Giordano Bruno and countless others? No lets shoot it out in the “balkan” thread for days months years so long as there is someone to blame. The balkan wars might be thought of as a fight over religious difference, but also a breakdown of reason and economic order.

    Social Media is the cause. Its a giant propaganda machine which is fueling these medival mindsets. We have become MORE religious not less since its invention.

    As for Unz it seems like opportinism similar to David Cole. They may applaud you now, but you fail to weed out the extremists in your audience. Youre not discussing the whole picture.

    • Replies: @Anon
  344. Zeidner says:

    I concluded that it did happen but it was rare. But it did happen.

    And the scandals in the RCC?

    They are proven. What if those?

    Hate to ruin the party here.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
  345. D. K. says:

    Which reputed father did Bobby hate, and why? His legal father was German, not Jewish. The Jewish man now reputed to have been his biological father died when Bobby was about nine years old. Until his death, that Jewish man had helped to support Bobby’s mother. Why exactly would Bobby have held a lifelong hatred of an apparent benefactor who had died when Bobby still was a pre-adolescent, let alone project that supposed hatred onto the Jewish people at large? Did Bobby hate his Jewish mother, too?

  346. Thomm says:
    @Ron Unz

    Incidentally, having personally met that “Nurit Baytch” woman ……, she seemed an absolutely perfect example of the fanatic “Jewish berserker” type

    Well, when someone’s last name is effectively ‘Beeyotch’….

  347. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I gather you’re a Jew, but you don’t know much about Judiasm. Torah is just historical bible stories as in Christianity. Torah is for everyone including women and children and the secular.

    The Talmud is for real Jews, religious conservative to ultra men. It’s the most important thing. Religious men are supposed to read a little Talmud every day preferably with others so they can discuss it and argue about every word.

    It’s the essence of religious Judaism. And they really do it and get together on Saturday afternoons for the big discussion. Like some Protestants carry a bible around and read it at lunch some men carry Talmud around and read it every day and take it very seriously.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  348. Zeidner says:

    also I highly recommend Sand’s Invention of the Jewish People.

    Sands credentials are excellent unlike other similar pundits like Atzmon, who I am far less appreciative of.

    We have more information today, the field has progressed. Esp. Genetics and Archeology.

    As far as the xians in this thread, your religion was invented by Rome to replace Judaism. I often find this gang progressing the idea that Judaism was somehow virtuous prior to the Talmud. Gave you read Leviticus? Read Josephus account of temple sacrifices. Jesus was a character they remodeled from superficial jewish themes. It was based on earlier roman and babylonian religions. Destroying judaism is not going to win you pints with a divine being.

    Dont forget secular jews were instrumental in some great movements in the us and europe. Spinoza was already named. They didn’t achieve because of their Jewishness, but despite it.

    • Replies: @Anon
  349. @utu

    “For it is we [Christians] who are the circumcision [Baby Cocksuckers].” Phillipians 3:3

    Although the Jew Paul liked cocksucking on adult traveling companions too, as stated in Acts 16:3

    Paul needed thrown into the bog.

    And not just for cocksucking, but for fleeing marriage, saying ““It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” (1 Corinthians 7:1) Pre-Kikeian Europeans would have considered the Jewish huckster a Fuðflogi, a goddam pussy dodger.

  350. Them Guys says:

    Anon-694, you do apples vs. oranges analogy. Islamic slaves today has zero to do with the fact that daily 24/7 in America the jew owned and run MSMs, jewspapers and TV shows, constantly lay sole blame of usa slavery upon whites. Jews Project their own slavery guilt onto European whites of america, and keep hammering african blacks in usa to use this as a method and a total Okay to hate whiteys, rape and kill white women, and blame whites for most every major and minor failure of blacks. Meanwhile at same time, same msm jews and 300+ jew orgs and jew non profits keep spewing a constant theme of how jews are worlds most and biggest totally innocent victims to ever exist. Kinda like this:…”See, We jews is a lot like you blacks, we are Both main victims of European White folks, we both are a small minority in usa, and this is why us jews so love to help downtrodden black victims of whitey rise up by their nike tennis shoes boot straps.”

    Stub yer fat black toe on bed post this morn.? NO problem Blame Whiteys.

    Got week old food crumbs in yer jewish orthodox long beards? Blame whiteys.

    See how it works? Or…What do You still not yet get eh?

    • Replies: @Frankie P
  351. utu says:

    I was responding to this:

    James Kabala: “expressly forbids Jews to [...] drink the blood”

    but since you assured me that:

    Zeidner: “You cant safely say that Jews do anything really”

    I do not have to argue with James Kabala. Consumption of blood is/was possible by Jews, says Zeidner. Tell James Kabala to stop waisting our time.

  352. IBC says:
    @Colin Wright

    Yes, that’s more or less what I think. The eternal victims/right side of history people should give it a rest. But that doesn’t mean that the opposite is automatically true. There are some really unflattering elements to Jewish history and culture and some recurring themes that have obviously lead to conflict with other groups over the years. But that doesn’t mean that things have been all their fault or that Jewish people have never suffered.

    Overall, I appreciate what Ron Unz has done with The Unz Review . He’s an intellectual and has interesting ideas and a sense of justice, but he’s also a contrarian. But while that can be useful and justified; with this piece I think he goes much too far, and some of his assertions are clearly out of context or heavily overemphasized.

    • Replies: @Wally
  353. @annamaria

    Actually, the Ashkenazi Jews never touched the soil of Palestine until they came
    as colonial invaders. They are in fact of European ancestry and your cousins.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
  354. Zeidner says:

    Jesus is a joke. A cartoon character.

    We should require ppl to register their religious belief so we can filter out these losers.

    The jews didnt kill /yourguy/. He never even lived.

    You are as toxic if not more than orthodox jews.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Seraphim
  355. Them Guys says:
    @Jared Eliot

    They also call Talmud their Torah, since they say that word torah means Law. It is done to keep goyim gentiles, especially jewdeo christian apostates, in a state of confusion and arguing so they do not focus on real actual jew run problems and jew swindle scams upon the goys.

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  356. Anon[298] • Disclaimer says:

    Hate to ruin the party here.

    What party? When you go and complain about scandals in the Church, who tries to stop you? Nobody, that’s who. But when you try to complain about Jewish behavior it’s the end of the world? Jews can do no wrong? Give us a break.

    Oh, and have fun:

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Zeidner
  357. RobinG says:
    @General Koofta

    “…..the only way … is to remove the money factor from elections …”

    That is important, but too many people believe it would fix the problem. Take the “money out of politics” and campaigns [i.e. like AIPAC's campaign to keep US the enforcer of Israeli policy], will just find other ways to buy influence (and buy candidates).

    Plus, the media will continue to act with extreme bias. R.I.P. Ed Schultz, and thank you for leaving a record of how MSNBC prevented you from covering the Bernie Sanders campaign…

    Ex-Host Exposes MSNBC: ‘I Was Told Not To Cover Bernie’

  358. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    Here is a piece from this site showing Ashkenazi Jews to be 47% middle eastern and 53% southern European. In fact Ashkenazi Jews are a minority in Israel representing around 40% of the population.

    A Jew from Yemen is 1300 miles from Israel , a Jew from Ukraine is also 1300 miles from Israel . LoL.

  359. Zeidner says:

    Thanks that was informative.

    I dont disagree with his points completely, but his intentions seem questionable. Judaism is filled with graft, crimes against humanity, contradictions, etc. So is every other religion?

    He seems to be driven by spite because this piece doesnt do anything but distort things further.

    Israel Is having a major crisis. If America pulls the plug and we probably should no telling what could happen.

    I dont know Rons story but sounds like youre on it. If that is his situation theres a lot more he could be doing. Of course could be worse, he could be John McCafee who is definitely going to hell.

    Generally i think American Jews need to look a lot more carefully at what Israel is doing. Just because they say they are “jewish” doesnt mean they are looking out for you. In fact the truth seems the opposite. They are USING us, not protecting us.

    Highly recommend this

  360. @AaronB

    The joke’s on you. Read the article and not just the misleading title.

    • Replies: @Wade
  361. chris says:
    @Mr. Anon

    half the US population getting some form of .gov assistance ain’t noth’n like “extreme individualism!” We should be so lucky.

    The greatest crimes of history came out of the exact opposite of individualism, namely collectivism; I suggest you set your aim against this plague if you’re really concerned about humanity.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  362. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Here are the movements American Jews were responsible for in the 20th and 21st century.

    1918 establishment of the communist party of the USA.

    1933 to 1945 infiltration of FDRs New Deal so as to send top secret information, technology vast numbers of vehicles machinery and even original US mint currency plates to Russia.

    1956 Brown vs Topeka wealthy Jewish non profits like ADL AJC and Jewish attorneys succeeded in desegregating the schools and unleashing decades of horror on White children abused by blacks. Even the plaintiff, Brown, was not a black child or parent who wanted to attend a White school, but a Jew, Esther Brown an attorney.

    How she had standing to sue a school district in which she was neither a student nor parent of a student is something I’ve never understood

    Jewish money and Jewish attorneys then proceeded to sent children on 100 mile round trips to school where White children were beaten bullied robbed sexually assaulted and abused by vicious black ferals

    Jewish money and Jewish attorneys then proceeded to obtain court orders forbidding schools from controlling the ferals in any way.

    Jews Celler and Javits and their stooges Humphrey and Johnson then proceeded to push the 1965 mass invasion immigration act and the 1968 affirmative action act through Congress.

    There have been some lawsuits re enforcing the 1968 no Whites need apply act. In all cases it’s Jewish attorneys on the pro affirmative action anti White side of the lawsuits.

    Every time the people of a state have voted a referendum abolishing affirmative action, Jewish attorneys are waiting in line the day after it passed to file injunctions to overthrow the referendum. And they always succeeded.

    By 1970 Jews looked around for new ways to abuse the White goyim. Jewish attorneys like Kunstler went after the criminal justice system and in doing so turned out great cities into dangerous high crime hells.

    Having achieved that goal the White goyim are the cancer on the face of the earth White goyim must be destroyed all these goyim genocide ideas taught at our universities by well paid professors such as Jew Noel Ignatiev at formerly WASP Harvard.

    The preaching that Whites cause every problem in earth and the only solution is to exterminate them is no different from Hitler’s blaming all the problems on earth in Jews or the soviet Jew communists blaming the kulaks and bourgeois remnant sabatoge for the failures of their system.

    By school bussing and criminal advocacy Jewish attorneys and organizations like ADL AJC succeeded in destroying the great cities where most American Jews lived.

    They didn’t care, destruction of the cities built by the goyim was the priority.

    The only worthwhile Jewish contribution of the 20 th century was done by the Jew, Dr Salk with the polio vaccine.

    Every other Jewish movement in America since 1880 has been detrimental and destructive.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Them Guys
    , @Heros
  363. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Whether Jesus did or did not exist is irrelevant.

    Christians never kidnapped non Christians murdered them and preserved and sold their blood for their religious ceremonies.

    Some medieval European Jews did. I know, I know, no Jew ever in the last 4,000 years has ever ever done anything morally or legally wrong.

    That, more than the 10 commmandments or circumcision the Torah or Talmud is the basis of Judaism.

    We have never, collectively or individually done anything wrong in the last 4,000 years.

  364. Thomm says:
    @James Kabala

    As far as I can tell, Ron Unz’s new schtick is:

    New? He has been positioning the chess pieces from the very beginning.

    It is a privilege to see a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew like Ron Unz singlehandedly tie up hundreds if not thousands of White Trashionalists at once.

    Step 1 : Make a website that WNs use (since they can never build anything on their own). Let any and all anti-Semitic slurs stand on the website to make WNs complacent and even keyboard-courageous.
    Step 2 : Recruit the 2-3 intelligent authors that WNs read (Sailer, Derbyshire, etc.) who happen to bad at making money, so that they write for very little renumeration.
    Step 3 : After a few years, start pushing for normalization of Hispanics (even if illegal; especially if illegal).
    Step 4 : Deploy someone like Fred Reed to generate even more confusion.

    It works…and it is a lesson in asymmetrical attrition warfare by a sophisticated Confuse and Conquer Jew.

    Ron Unz has said about 95% of this site disputes the fact that the real division is black vs non-black. I am among the 5% that agree with him (although I am more conservative than him, since I think there should be only skilled, legal immigration, not unskilled and certainly never illegal).

    Now, here is the thing. Those who talk about Auschwitz, lampshades, and soap never get moderated here, but those who agree with Ron Unz do. He will even get angry with those who agree with him too vocally, even as any and all anti-Israel content is fully welcome.


    It is because he thinks it will expose his game of 4D chess from the perception of a 70-IQ WN. But I guarantee that it cannot, since the typical White Trashionalist is far below the IQ threshold where they can observe the many pieces in motion. I can describe Ron’s plan in full detail (and I fully support it), without any risk of the WNs figuring anything out (much less leaving this site).

    I am strongly in favor of what Ron Unz is doing.

    • Replies: @Heros
  365. llloyd says: • Website
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    Without passing judgment on these child sacrifice allegations, I took the trouble to read the Medieval Court proceedings. I was surprised at the professionalism and objectivity of these Court cases. Nothing like the common perception of the Courts of the “Dark Ages”. Is the common perception of the Middle Ages itself a Jewish perception?

    • Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...
  366. Zeidner says:

    And another point, notice that this mindset we see today

    Religion isn’t necessarily true, but the IDEA of religion is either necessary or inevitable.

    This is what is fueling the economic disparity. Any accident that ultra rich Ron prefers ro discuss the idiocy and cruelty of various religious sects than the real problem, extreme economic inequality?

    Do you want to see extreme inequality? Go to israel. Some jews are actually incapable of recognizing their poverty. As long as you’re observing the commandments, all is well. Your kids dont need clothes, your wife doesn’t need a break, etc.


    I thought we knew that?

    Israeli living standards could improve dramatically, but not until they create civil rights. Its the same in America, our civil rights have eroded.

    So the discussion goes on like this forever, and never arrives at the answer, TAX THE RICH.

  367. Thomm says:

    Cannibalism and consumption of blood is strictly forbidden in the torah.

    You may not be aware that utu is a black African. His handle is an abbreviation of ‘Mobutu’ and ‘Hutu’.

    Hence, he can scarcely contain his cannibalistic urges. His hero is General Butt Naked of Liberia.

    This is why he is desperate to find a more advanced culture that also has some fringe cannibalistic elements. He needs to belong.

  368. Zeidner says:

    Your image of “crimes” commited against former slave owners or establishing rights for workers is hilariously lame.

    • Replies: @Anon
  369. Crimson2 says:

    I see Unz and the Klan members he pays to moderate this site delete anything pointing out his white nationalist leanings. Your cowardice is revealing, Ron.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Wally
  370. Zeidner says:

    Pope apologizes for pedophile priests

    If youre coming at Judaism and youre a confessed catholic, you have no ground to stand on. The RCC is worse than Judaism, much worse.

    • Replies: @Mulegino1
  371. Anon[322] • Disclaimer says:

    If you are speaking of colonial Invaders we should mention that Arabs are from Arabia and Arab Muslims have colonised many Christian lands.

    Are you in support of returning Egypt to the original inhabitants,the Christian Copts ? And what of the rest of the colonised north African states?. Arab Morocco 3000 plus miles from Arabia ?. Surely occupied north Cyprus and any other colonised Christian lands in modern day Turkey?

    • Replies: @Miggle
  372. tac says:

    Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together English audiobook (Pt 1):

    Alexandr Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together English audiobook (Pt 2):

  373. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Some Catholic pedophiles sexually abused boys. Bishops covered it up.

    Some Jews murdered Christians and used their blood in religious ceremonies.

    It happened. Children disappeared days later bodies were found with numerous stab wounds and blood drained.

    It happened.

  374. @utu

    Thanks for the fascinating post a google search tells me that the Nazi toleration policy had more to do with the larger Nazi policy towards the Arab world i.e. the Karaites were the favourite Jews of the Muslims and mostly the only Jews allowed into the top professions.

    • Replies: @utu
  375. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re the only one writing about Christianity.

  376. ” one under-emphasized aspect of a Jewish population, greatly magnifying its problematical character, is the existence of what might be considered a biological sub-morph of exceptionally fanatical individuals, always on hair-trigger alert to launch verbal and sometimes physical attacks of unprecedented fury against anyone they regard as insufficiently friendly towards Jewish interests”

    Jeremy Corbyn, UK Labour Party leader. He doesn’t hate Jews, but he thinks the Palestinians have had a rough deal over the past 60 years or so. He’s a classic 70s leftie. As a result, while popular with the rank and file, he’s been under constant attack (which may well have lost him the 2016 election) since the day he took up his post. Here’s yesterday’s instalment.

  377. NYCTexan says:
    @Colin Wright

    Regarding the enormous intermarriage rate among Jewish men: this is true. But it is indicative of something else that Ron Unz does not touch upon in this article but is a crucial point. Judaism is often thought of as a closed hereditary religion. But this is not really true at all. It is better to think of Judaism as a club or exclusive society that takes initiates. Successful Jewish men often replenish and improve the stock with beautiful goyim women. This is perfectly legitimate as long as they convert, and the children are therefore considered fully Jewish. These marriages often do not last and most of the divorced women revert or de-convert, but the children almost always remain Jewish, or all live as Crypto-Jews who join and even lead Christian -mostly dual covenant espousing- churches.

    And this is how well meaning Jews are able to reconcile the …unsavory part of their religion with their desire to be good to their fellow man: at least those deserving have a way to join the club. Another implication is there are a LOT more Jews globally than 15 million.

  378. Sam J. says:

    “…every European country has been at constant and unceasing war for all of its history, and Asian victims of European aggression have found something uniquely anti social in European culture…”

    Oh Asians never go to war????? Asians are never aggressive???

    • Replies: @AaronB
  379. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Check out the definition of goy shicksa goyim. Unclean contaminated sub human 2 legged animals.

  380. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s not an anecdote. There’s been an ancient Armenian colony in Jerusalem from the 400s AD. Some Jerusalem Jews are determined to drive them out. They don’t just spit on the Armenian clergy. They throw things and rant and rave.

    The Armenians aren’t allowed to renew business permits, get licenses. Start new businesses or buy property.

  381. Wally says:

    You must be hasbarist no. 200 that has commented on this article.

    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

  382. @James Kabala

    But I guess for the true believers here even thirteenth-century popes are cucks

    Well, here, yeah, I do.

    “Blood isn’t kosher, therefore blood libel is impossible.” Isn’t very convincing.

    Jews had a lot of money and influence back then, and the pope specifically forbidding investigations of blood libel is suspicious.

    Pope says welcoming refugees is ‘according to God’s will’

  383. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Black female with a felony record who can’t read beats White man with a law degree and veteran points

    Veterans have always had preference points in government jobs at all levels. Is there a city county state or federal office building in your town? Take a walk through it or just take a look at the parking lot at quitting time.

    It’s no Whites need apply all the way.

    There are plenty of black and Hispanic veterans, men and women who have preference over White veterans in hiring.

  384. Wally says:

    “Keep in mind , Ron is very very very wealthy and this is how he chooses to spend his time . Promoting holocaust denial and reveling in accolades from hate filled commenters . Strange behavior for a happy person enjoying a fortune .”

    A Jew like you should be thrilled to know that ’6M’ Jews were not murdered.

    Do you always think about money so much?

    “Some stories are true that never happened.”
    - Elie Wiesel

    The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
    See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

  385. Wally says:

    So why don’t US Jews join the US military more frequently?

    After all, they have no problem serving in “that shitty little country’s” incompetent IDF, murderers of Palestinian civilians.

    Israeli racist, pregnant arab T shirts, 1 shot, 2 kills
    Two teenage Israeli girls carrying a placard in Hebrew reading:
    “Hating Arabs is not racism, it’s values.”

  386. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Unlike your insanely grandiose self, I realize that I have no influence on the Pope and the Catholic Church and that my opinion on Black & Asian priests means nothing.

    You seem to believe the pope should pay attention to your opinions. He’s the boss of the Catholic Church, not you.

    Start your own church. It’s easy, you can appoint yourself Pope.

  387. I have no doubt that historically motivated Jewish antipathy to ethnic Russia and the church is driving the demand for confrontation rather than detente with Putin. But it’s important not to confuse skittishness about anti-Semitism with full-blown chauvinism or confuse the attitudes of old school orthodox Jews with the attitudes of typical western Jews, who are quite secular and happy to marry outside the fold. I doubt that my Jewish friends consider my life worthless or my liver theirs for the taking. Jews, like members of other faiths, vary widely in their attitudes to the tradition they were nominally born into.

  388. Seraphim says:

    The difference is that Ron puts his money to a better use than Bezos and his ass-wiping WP bought with his ass wiping dollars (after use). No wonder that people feel disgust for these ultra-billionaires.

  389. Wally says:
    @mark green

    The alleged number of Jews is complete nonsense. There are many, many more then they let on.
    Most Jews are not ‘religious’ so they do not say they are Jews in census questions about religion. They consider themselves Jews nonetheless. They want you to think they are so few & helpless victims when in fact they create massive resentment towards themselves by their owns actions.

    According to Jewish law Jews are to avoid being counted.
    “To actually count Jews directly is forbidden (Talmud, Yoma 22b), as the prophet says: “And the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which shall neither be measured nor counted.”

    - “This prohibition is reinforced by the prophet Hosea (chapter 2), when he declares: “The number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which cannot be numbered and cannot be counted…”

    - “I have seen all the (Jewish?) works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and a striving after wind. That which is crooked cannot be made straight, and that which is wanting cannot be numbered….” Book of Ecclesiaste

    ‘Why is it forbidden to count Jews?’

    “This opening verse of our Biblical portion teaches that it is forbidden to take a number count of the Israelites, a census activity which Jewish organizations are constantly involved in doing. This prohibition is reinforced by the prophet Hosea (chapter 2), when he declares: “The number of the children of Israel shall be as the sands of the sea, which cannot be numbered and cannot be counted…” And historically even King David learned the bitter lesson of the power of this command, when- against the will of his Chief Commander Joab – he ordered a census, and the Israelites suffered a plague (II Samuel, 24).”

  390. Wally says:

    Please tell us what “anti-semitism” is.

    • Replies: @iffen
  391. Seraphim says:

    If Jesus never existed why the Talmud condemn him to boil in excrement?

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  392. Wally says:
    @Fidelios Automata

    ” I’ve always had a grudging respect for the Jews as survivors …”

    “Survivors” of what?

    Their fake ’6,000,000′?

    Jews have been pushing their ’6,000,000′ lie since at least 1823:


  393. Anonymous[276] • Disclaimer says:

    Note that mysticism and magic were also features of gentile European society. Folk magic beliefs and practice were fairly common and widespread among the European peasantry:

    Western esotericism aka Hermeticism or the Western mystery tradition was a body of Western magical traditions and beliefs that was followed by many literate and scholarly Europeans:

    This makes Jewish ritual magic of the sort described by Toaff more plausible and actually less remarkable. Magic was not unique to Jews. Black magic rituals involving ritual murder and the use of blood were also practiced by gentile Europeans. The majority of magic practiced by both Jews and gentiles would have been white magic and relatively benign and innocuous spells and incantations and the like.

  394. @Herb

    He falsified a story about a a rabbi telling someone that they couldnt save a non-Jew on Sabbath

    More on that:

    Israel Shahak: a voice of controversy []

    The alleged incident gave rise to a legal ruling by the then Chief Rabbi Unterman who clarified that the Sabbath can and must be broken to save anyone’s life, applying the principle that this avoids “generating hatred”.

    There. The rabbi just gave dispensation to save a gentile’s life on the sabbath so anti-semites won’t use the event as an excuse to hate Jews.

    Orthodox Paradox []


    Orthodox Paradox []

    The doctor addressed the Talmudic dictum that the saving of a life trumps the Sabbath. He explained that in its purest form, this principle applies only to the life of a Jew. The rabbis of the Talmud, however, were unprepared to allow the life of a non-Jew to be extinguished because of the no-work commandment, and so they ruled that the Sabbath could be violated to save the life of a non-Jew out of concern for maintaining peaceful relations between the Jewish and non-Jewish communities.

    The teacher reported that he had himself heard from his own rabbi, a leading modern-Orthodox Talmudist associated with Yeshiva University, that in violating the Sabbath to treat a non-Jew, intention was absolutely crucial. If you intended to save the patient’s life so as to facilitate good relations between Jews and non-Jews, your actions were permissible. But if, to the contrary, you intended to save the patient out of universal morality, then you were in fact guilty of violating the Sabbath, because the motive for acting was not the motive on the basis of which the rabbis allowed the Sabbath violation to occur.

    Later, in class, the teacher apologized to us students for what he said to the doctor. His comments, he said, were inappropriate — not because they were wrongheaded, but because non-Jews were present in the audience when he made them.

    • Replies: @bjondo
  395. @Zeidner

    ” there is no monolithic Judaism ”
    After Israel was established all jewish anti zionist organisations dissolved themselves

  396. Wally says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “Conquered” like this?

    “We reached the [Balfour] Declaration not by miracles, but through persistent propaganda, through unceasing demonstration of the life force of our people. We told the responsible authorities: We will establish ourselves in Palestine whether you like it or not. You can hasten our arrival or you can equally retard it. It is however better for you to help us so as to avoid our constructive powers being turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.”
    - World Zionist leader [1st President of Israël] Chaim Weizmann, speech in Jerusalem, December 1919.

  397. @Jake

    Found no such views anywhere in any book written by someone who knew Hitler well, such as
    Otto Wagener, ‘Hitler aus nächster Nähe, Aufzeichnungen eines Vertrauten 1929-1932, Hrsg. Henry A. Turner’, 1987, Kiel, ISBN 3-88741-129-3

    • Replies: @Jake
  398. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I like liver including chopped liver. I commit the sin of cooking the liver and onions in butter though.

    I usually mash it throughly and call it pate. Coarsly chopped liver is pate de campagne.

  399. Them Guys says:

    You jews are the fraud fakes eh..

    Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following: “Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
    — 1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3 (the writer is obliquely referring to the true history of the Eastern European Ashkenazim, or Khazars).

    • Replies: @James Kabala
  400. Them Guys says:

    “I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.”
    — Nahum Goldmann “The Jewish Paradox” 1978

    “Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.”
    — Samuel Roth, “Jews Must Live,” page 18.

    “The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.”
    — Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919.

    “There is much in the fact of Bolshevism (Communism) itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.”
    — The Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919.

  401. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @D. K.

    There are a billion possible explanations for that. Many are more parsimonious than what you are implying.

    • Replies: @D. K.
  402. Them Guys says:

    “Chosen People” started World War ONE (Gavrilo Princep, a crypto-Jew, and his mostly Jewish co-assassins of the Judeo-Masonic “Black Hand Lodge.” 25 million died.

    “Chosen People” started World War TWO (the 1933 Declaration of War of World Jewry against Germany)—60 to 80 million died.

    “Chosen People” created (Rabbi Moses Hess and his disciple Marx), financed (Rosenwald, Kuhn, Loeb, Schiff, et al.), propagandized (Ehrenburg, Mikhoels, Khaldei, et al.), exported (Kun, Eisner, Zimanas, Rozanski, Pijade, Rakosi, Olszewsi, et al.), and mostly ran Communism (Lenin, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Sverdlov, Litvinov, Andropov, et al.), their secret police (Beria, Yagoda, Bronstein, Yurovsky, Pauker, Slutsky, Gay, Speigelglas, Babel, Zederbaum, et al.), and gulags (the Kaganovich family, Berman, Frenkel, Firin, Rappoport, Kogan, Zhuk, et al.). Though “Jews” were only 1 or 2% of the Russian population, over 30% of the general party membership and over 90% of Communist command and control were Jewish—60 million died in the USSR; if you blame Hess and Marx for Mao, add another 75 million dead.

    The synagogue of Satan is responsible, directly and indirectly, for the murder of nearly a 1/3 BILLION gentiles in the 20th century. How many will you let them kill in the 21st century?

    the Jewish roots of genocide, war, and revolutions

    “Kill even the best of the Gentiles.”

    “…although our Sages declared, “Kill even the best of the gentiles,” and that, as mentioned above, the Rambam [Maimonides] states in Hilchot Melachim 8:10 that any gentile who does not accept the seven universal laws commanded to Noah and his descendants should be slain. These directives, however. can be interpreted to apply only in a time of war or in a time when the Jews have control over the gentiles.”

  403. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    The difference is that Englishmen can and do write really or seemingly anti-English books and … nothing happens to them. Nobody tries to curse them or force them to recant. People agree or disagree. The British even publish propaganda books with titles like The Crimes of England. And nobody cares. That’s what it’s like being a normal nationality.

    It isn’t normal. It’s weird. Your Eurocentric view is leading you to make all sorts of wrong observations.

    The vast majority of world nationalities are more protected by political correctness than Israel is. It is just that countries like England are even less protected.

    • Replies: @Anon
  404. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    You can in the Middle East. People talk like that all of the time in Lebanon.

  405. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Hannagan

    You’re purposefully confusing Ron’s point. You’re also confusing two meanings of “important.” I’ve explained it already.

    Judaism is studying the Torah. The Talmud is the collection of Cliff Note type comments. One may say that the Cliff Notes are more important to understanding the source text than the source text itself but that isn’t the limited point which you or Ron were trying to make.

  406. Heros says:

    “One of the results of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the repatriation of all remaining Baltic Germans to Germany. The few who refused to leave were expelled (or fled in terror) by Soviet authorities in 1944-45.”

    Once again, no evidence of Hitler wanting to conquer the world here. Instead, he was trying to get all Germans together into a third reich that would have made Germany not only the workshop of the world, but the center of world leading art and culture. Germany would have been the “Meisters” of the world. Not Master as in slave owner, but master as in apprenticeship master, leading through trust, respect, admiration and pride.

    Instead we have Israel and the Noahide laws, thanks to stupid Russians who sold out the entire planet for some Bronfam vodka delivered by Lend Lease.

    So while many Jews of eastern Poland fled to Lithuania when the USSR marched into Poland in 1939, the Germans of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were fleeing west through Lithuania too.

    Once again, we have jews kvetching and blaming goyim for events they themselves created.

  407. Them Guys says:

    Indeed and check these “Lights Unto the Nation’s” for example eh….

    Notice that when their genocide of over 60 million Christians was under way, the tribe boasted that Communism was theirs. Now that the death toll of Judeo-Communism is well-known, the tribe pretends they had nothing to do with it:

    “Some call it Marxism – I call it Judaism.”
    Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935

    “The revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution”
    The Maccabean (New York), Nov. 1905, p, 250

    “Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
    Le Droit de Vivre, May 12, 1936

    “Judaism is Marxism, communism”
    Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 64

    “The communist soul is the soul of Judaism.”
    Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 143

    “We Jews cannot be called upon to denounce Communism.”
    The American Hebrew (New York), February 3, 1939, p. 11

    “The picture which the Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to world Jewry.”
    The Youngstown Jewish Times, Sept. 18, 1936, page 51

    “It would be absurd to deny the intensity of the Jewish participation in the Russian revolutionary movement.”
    Leon Dennen, in The Menorah Journal (New York) July-September 1932, p. 106

    “That achievement – the Russian-Jewish revolution – destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result of World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking, of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
    The American Hebrew, September 10, 1920

    “The Bolshevik Government of Russia is the key-stone of the arch of the proof of the Jewish conspiracy for radicalism and world-domination.”
    William Hard, The Great Jewish Conspiracy (New York: American Jewish Book Company, 1920), p. 31

    “The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
    Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers, The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix

    “The Jews [have been] furnishing for the Bolsheviks the majority of their leaders”
    The Jewish World (London), April 16, 1919, p. 11

    “Russian Jews have taken a prominent part in the Bolshevist movement”
    The American Hebrew (New York), November 18, 1927, p. 20

    “Jewry has come to wield a considerable power in the Communist Party.”
    Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 37

    “The East-Side Jew [Trotsky] that Conquered Europe”
    The liberator (New York), March 1920, pp. 26-27

    “The real East Sider [New York Jew Trotsky] is at the head of things in Russia.”
    M. L. Larkin, in The Public (New York), November 23, 1918, p. 1433

    “It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this is in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews.”
    Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites
    (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 148

    “Karl Marx, who came from an old family of rabbis and brilliant Talmudic scholars, was to point the path of victory for the proletariat.”
    L. Rennap, Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Question (London, 1942), p. 31

    “Among his [Karl Marx’s] ancestors were Rabbis and Talmudists, men of learning and keen intellect.”
    Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206

    “The peculiarly Jewish logic of his [Karl Marx’s] mind”
    Henry Wickham Steed, in The American Hebrew (New York), December 9, 1927, p. 206

    “Mr. Wickham Steed lays the rise of Bolshevism at the doors of Jewry.”
    The Jewish Guardian (London), November 28, 1924, p. 4

    “The Bolshevik Revolution has emancipated the Jews as individuals”
    Dr. Avrahm Yarmolinsky, in The Menorah Journal (New York), July 1928, p. 33

    “There are many Bolshevik leaders of Jewish extraction”
    D. L. Sandelsan, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), February 20, 1920, p. 22

    “There is no Jew who does not hope with all his heart that the Soviet Union will survive and be victorious”
    Zionist Review (London: Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland), September 26, 1941, p. 7

    “Communism and internationalism are in truth and in fact great virtues. Judaism may be justly proud of these virtues”
    Harry Watan, A Program for the Jews and an Answer to All Anti-Semites
    (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939), p. 80

    “If the tide of history does not turn toward Communist internationalism … then the Jewish race is doomed.”
    George Marlen, Stalin, Trotsky, or Lenin (New York, 1937), p. 414

    “The [Jewish] Commissars were formerly political exiles. They had been dreaming of revolution for years in their exile in Paris, in London, in New York, in Berlin, everywhere and anywhere. They saw in the Bolshevist Movement an opportunity of realizing the extreme ideas of Communism and internationalism to which their fate had compelled them.”
    Dr. D. S. Pazmanik, in The Jewish Chronicle (London), September 5, 1919, p. 14

  408. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    His performance at the Intelligence Squared debate suggests someone very earnest but also a bit atypical. People who combine high intelligence with being both finely-tuned and emotionally repressed should take care to hold on to the guardrails of sanity. They have a high tolerance for crazy thoughts even while they have a high sensitivity to finding them interesting and being able to rationalise them.

    I also notice that a lot of the really crazy stuff has happened after the success of Donald Trump. I wonder whether Unz feels that Trump has eaten Unz’s lunch and whether the narcissism of small differences is now eating up Unz.

  409. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Your friend sounds like a psychopath. I would not be friends with someone like that.

    Of course, he also sounds imaginary, so you may not have had a choice.

    Was his name Fred? As in Drop Dead Fred?

    • Replies: @Anonym
  410. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Orthodox Jew

    And if they were like me and had a lesbian disabled half-Chinese half-Eskimo (sorry, “Inuit”) convert-to-Judiasm formerly Taoist post-gender Rabbi then they would have grown up with a copy of the Old Testament on the book shelf, have heard it every Sabbath in Synagogue and have never heard of the Talmud.

  411. @Andrew Gilbert

    Adolf Hitlers Germany was destroyed because it broke free of the international hyenas of world fiance by abolishing interest altogether on private home loans, stopping all commercial and industrial interest payments from going to international corporations and having that money go back into the National economy, a complete abolishment of interest servitude of the Nation to International Finance Capital. I would suggest you read up on Gottfried Feder and how he devised Germany’s debt-free monetary and banking system.
    Born in Würzburg in 1883 Gottfried Feder was a leading German provider of ideas, “the refractive Interest Enslavement” by the world finance capital. Feder was known far beyond the borders of Germany and his ideas and work continues today. As an engineer and economist Feder was first among economic policymakers in the DAP (precursor of the nsDAP) and was a short time later commissioned by Adolf Hitler to design the nsDAP party program (the 25 points of National Socialism)

    In the nsDAP party program, Feder’s ideas from his “manifest refraction of interest servitude of money,” were reflected. This “program” is from 1919 (the year of the Versailles diktat and the adoption of the Weimar Constitution) at the focal point of contemporary history. Feder’s approach against the existing financial system and interest arose in its first edition in response to the runaway national debt and the resulting inflation in defeated Germany after the First World War.


    With the end of the war in 1918, the Reichsmark had already officially lost more than half of its purchasing power in internal and external relations, which was much higher on the black market inflation index. The end of 1923 then broke the entire German economy and combined with the Weimar Hyperinflation produced by the victors and henchman: Hunger, poverty and a crying misery were the consequences. The Germans were akin to a “dying” people.

    To enforce its policy objectives Feder founded in 1919 one of the many battle confederations, this time the (German League of Struggle for the breaking of interest servitude). However contents of his claims were not, as is often assumed, a complete ban on interest, but numerous changes in government economic and financial policy. A major criticism of Feder was the inclusion of high-yield loans by the state while simultaneously dispensing with the state sovereignty of the money making and money distribution.

    In another pamphlet Feder in 1919 saw the way the bankruptcy was almost upon Germany. Only ten years after Feder’s first publication of his manifest refraction ideology, in 1929, it came to the complete breakdown of international exchanges. Suddenly the collapse of all currencies of stability and value worldwide occurred. In Germany they gave out in the early 1920s, emergency money. In wake of the global economic crisis, entire industries were transferred into foreign hands. So, for example, the German Opel plants fell to American hands, to name just one example.

    In 1923 Feder took part in the Hitler Putsch (March on the Feldherrenhalle in Munich). Nevertheless, he remained a leading figure not only in the nsDAP, but also in the thinking financial circles in Germany. In 1924 he was elected to the National Socialist Freedom Party in the Reichstag; he remained a member until 1936. From 1933 Feder is engaged in freezing the interest rates (in fact it was the abolition of the compounding system). His concept of “the breaking of interest servitude” came under Adolf Hitler as Chancellor to develop, Germany awoke to new life and flourished again.

    When Adolf Hitler was appointed on 30 January 1933 by President Paul von Hindenburg with the task of leading the nsDAP government and sworn in as Chancellor, the new Chancellor was clear that the powerful militarily enemies waiting around an encircled Germany for an opportunity with a new war to crush any attempt at liberation of the German people. This has been reflected by the fact that just a day after the Democratic confirmation of Adolf Hitler in the Reichstag, world jewry on March 24, 1933 declared war on Germany. [1]

    The winner required by the tribute of Versailles and the privatization of the Reichsbank (paraphrased “independent”) with your(world jews yes you) man in Germany for this project was the Masonic Hjalmar Schacht, the remaining gold reserves of the Reichsbank, were removed “to be stored” by the private jewish Federal Reserve of the USA (FED).

    In 1953 Hjalmar Schacht admitted in his autobiography, that he visited the FED in 1927 to inspect the German gold, he casually describes as follows: “A different experience resulted from the fact that the Reichsbank maintained a not inconsiderable gold deposit at the Federal Reserve Bank in New York. Strong was very proud to show us the safes in the deep basement of the building, and mentioned here: ‘Dr. Schacht, now you will also see where the gold of the Reichsbank is preserved ‘. We walked through the vaults, while the officers searched the storage space of the Reichsbank gold. We waited many minutes until finally came the information: ‘Mr. Strong, we can not find the gold from the Reichsbank ‘. Strong was very upset, but I comforted him: ‘Let’s be good, I believe you, that the gold is there. Even if it should not be there, you are good to me for the replacement. ‘”[2]

    It is hardly surprising that it was completely indifferent to Schacht, whether the German gold was gone, as Benjamin Strong, former president of the Private jewish Federal Reserve, was his personal friend and lodge brother. And the gold, of course never, appeared. Just as today, when the FRG-Gold has also disappeared at the Fed in New York.

    It was the same Horace Greeley Hjalmar Schacht, who, in 1914 in the Journal of the lodge “To friendship of the Grand Lodge of Prussia” in the first week of the war published an essay in which he emphasized that “the German Freemasonry have never given room to exaggerated nationalist sentiments”.

    Schacht, who contributed significantly to the Reichsbank Act (RBG) in 1924, making sure the so-called Reichsbank Autonomy Law was further replaced on 26 May 1922 in the direction of Rothschild control. The creation of a “by the imperial government independent Reichsbank” was guaranteed by Paragraph 1 of the new RBG. Under the Reichsbank Law Germany had already dictated the Dawes Plan as a contract item. The Reparations Commission decided on 30 November 1923 namely the convening of an expert committee under the chairmanship of financial experts appointed by the FED Charles Gates Dawes, who should decide how one could demand from Germany reparations forever. The Reichsbank was now driven by a 14-member General Council (seven of them foreigners) under the leadership of the United States. The gold standard was monitored by a foreign Commissioner and was in accordance with paragraph 28 of the RBG 40 percent, which is why the German gold had to be deposited “as security” at the FED.

    The German henchmen for the financial world, who had to lead the privatization of the German Reichsbank, was, as already mentioned, Hjalmar Schacht, the personal friend of Lord Montague Norman. Lord Norman was the governor of the then Bank of England, who received his instructions directly from the House of Rothschild. “The activities of the British oligarchy were whipped by a cabal of central bankers, led by Lord Montague Norman together with Benjamin Strong [3] of the New York Fed and Hjalmar Schacht of the German Reichsbank.” [4]

    Schacht belonged to the then world-elite of the global financial crime. “Benjamin Strong, the first president of the FED, Hjalmar Schacht, President of the Reichsbank, Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England and Émile Moreau, governor of the Bank of France, were the most powerful and influential bankers of their time.” [5]

    When Hjalmar Schacht was officially designated as one of the four most powerful central bankers of the world, although he represented the “national” bank of a totally robbed, bankrupt, occupied and completely defenseless state, then one can conclude only that the ascribed power within the jewish lodges was exercised against Germany.

    The defeated Germany was bled by the Rothschilds winner policy after 1918, in the truest sense of the word. 45 percent of the reparations had in kind (industrial goods, goods, etc.) are provided, 55 percent in foreign currencies, including also – had to be exchanged property. The German people had thus no productive support for an acceptable livelihood anymore. Just for interest and principal, the German Reich had to raise 16 billion gold marks, with which the industry was burdened and overwhelmed. To secure these tribute payments, Reichsbank and German Reichsbahn were transformed into joint stock companies (privatization), and were under the control of FED and City… New York

    As at the end of the 1920s, the National Socialist Freedom Movement becoming stronger and a shift of power towards Adolf Hitler was likely to occur, suddenly Free Mason and friend of the exploiters, Hjalmar Schacht, begins to flirt with the Nationalists. “When he shows up with his wife Louise at a dinner party in 1930, she is wearing, studded with rubies and diamonds, on a chain, a Hakenkreuz. ‘Why not give the Nationalists a chance? You seem pretty sharp to me, ‘ said Schacht to a stunned reporter “. [6] In October 1931 Schacht was making a sensational speech at the meeting of the nsDAP, The DNVP and the Stahlhelm in Bad Harzburg before the “Harzburg Front” In which he launched a polemical attack of his own, and enforced on behalf of Benjamin Strong and Sir Montague Norman privatization of the Reichsbank. In 1932 Schacht began to support the nsDAP openly.

    It is not as though Adolf Hitler would not have seen through the game. He knew that Schacht on behalf of the jewish world finance would seek to ensure in a new Germany the continuation of politics by private banks. Hitler knew also that he in a state of total helplessness, should he become Chancellor (Germany had as it were no more armed forces, only a barely armed 100-thousand-man army) he would have to hold out against the Reich’s enemies. So Hitler played the game and made Schacht on March 17, 1933 re-elected president of the Reichsbank.

    Of course, the House of Rothschild members appointed by the General Council of the Reichsbank were ousted immediately. The Reichsbank had to realize that “the breaking of interest servitude of money” would commence immediately after Hitler’s appointment as chancellor. Schacht remained nothing more than watching idly the liberation of Germany. Germany’s enemies, however, believed to be able to compel Hitler with sanctions to restore the old Monetary Exploitation order again. Schacht should then be active again as before.

    But Adolf Hitler ended the destructive influence of the monetary system of the FED and City of New York to Germany by a new barter agreement. The raw material imports in exchange trading increased between 1933 and 1937 of 1.4 billion marks to two billion Reichsmarks, while the finished goods imports by 500 million Reichsmark fell to just under 400 million marks. Trade in Scandinavia, South East Europe and Latin America had intensified and cash settled through clearing and exchange of commodities, which threatened the financial existence of the international power of the New York and London money-lenders.

    In this time of military reluctance of the West, who still sat on the return of Hjalmar Schacht to the levers of financial power in the new Germany, Germany was at least as far as upgrading, that would have been a war against Germany involves risks. Under this shield of brilliant foreign policy of Adolf Hitler still in 1933 the dying German people flourished to life. The words of former British Prime Minister Lloyd George on his return from a trip to Germany before the waiting journalists in London in September 1936 will remain forever in your memory. After his daughter exclaimed in the mics, “Heil Hitler”, Lloyd George added as confident: “Yes, certainly, Heil Hitler I say this because he is truly a great man..” [7]

    Hitler humbled the hate of the world finance by having her own husband, Hjalmar Schacht, lead the negotiations for the emigration of the jews in London in December 1938 in said “inter alia” what became known as the pit-Rublee plan, a contract resulted.

    On January 19, 1939, Schacht was officially stripped of his mission that he should exercise for FED and City of New York in secret. He was dismissed as Reichsbank president. Six months later, on June 15, 1939, the Reichstag voted on the new Reichsbank law. In Reich Law Gazette 1939 I, p 1015, 1030 was now stipulated that the Reichsbank was to “ensure the utilization of the available funds of the German economy in nonprofit and economically expedient manner.” “In the form of profitless”, ie without interest.

    This policy began in 1933 for the benefit of the German people, now enshrined in law, the final decision of the jewish world finance had fallen in London and New York, to launch a new world war for the destruction of Germany. The rest was from then on only provocation, encirclement, lies and violence, until the official British and French declaration of war on 3 September 1939 against Germany.

    End of 1932 saw the German price-adjusted gross domestic product a negative growth of 7.5 percent. Adolf Hitler was born on 30 January 1933 to power and in February 1933 he designed the monetary policy of the Reichsbank, ousted the foreign members of the General Council. This meant that before the end of 1933 the real gross national product (GNP) grew by 6 percent increase.

    As early as 1937 Hitler had economic and monetary policy ensure that, despite the imposed sanctions against the Reich, a growth of over 10 percent was achieved. But more importantly, at a 10 percent economic growth rate increase under Hitler’s monetary policy, inflation was at zero percent, and there were no unemployed. Even in wartime, there were no price increases, no budget deficit, but there was growth. [8] Adolf Hitler had therefore left his destroyed people with no debt after the end of the “World War staged by the Democrats”, which was even admitted by BRD Finance Minister Schäuble. Wolfgang Schäuble literally: “For the last time the country was debt free in 1948, after war and dictatorship.” [9] And he is not even ashamed at these words.

    Thus could the German people only afford Adolf Hitler, because he made Germany sovereign, because the sovereignty over the labor power and the money was in the hands of the working people and was not subjected to the dictatorship of Wall Street Speculators.

    And now we have even worse conditions than in the dark period of the Weimar Republic under the Murder of Versailles. The pain we will feel soon. The chief editor of the Economic week, Stefan Baron, already warned 22 years ago prior to this case: “The Treaty of Maastricht threatened that Germany impose heavier loads than those in the Treaty of Versailles prescribed after the First World War reparations Only. Versailles was a dictation, Maastricht, the government [Kohl] concluded voluntarily. “[10]

    Today, when the ECB is run by former Goldman Sachs director Mario Draghi, who provides for the production and use of the Euro-currency, all the conditions are created for the Germans, having to suffer a collapse like 1923 and 1929 again.

    The FRG does not have to determine their own destiny, has no say in monetary policy. And that is also celebrated enthusiastically by the henchmen of the international monetary system, forward Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU Minister of Finance).

    Today, ECB chief Draghi calls on behalf of Goldman Sachs high inflation in Germany to lift the zero-growth in the euro zone to 1 percent growth. Draghi’s slogan: “Inflation must be found – at any cost only inflation means growth.”. [11] Under Hitler it was 10 per cent growth at 0 percent inflation. Does it not sound like newly launched Versailles-mockery, as the FRG Minister of Finance on 5 September 2012 at the ZDF Heute-Journal said unabashedly: “But I’m quite sure, the Governing Council is aware, the ECB’s mandate is focused on the priority of price stability”.

    We know that the world finance has always pocketed most of the money for wars and inflation, so this extermination of monetary policy of the lobby with its instrument ECB is only logical. In this sense, promised BRD Finance, Rothschild’s rolling debt generator, on the edge of monetary conference in 2013 in Washington, wanting to run the command for permanent debt increase without objection in the future. Schäuble was asked the question, when then will Germany have repaid this debt. Subsequently Schäuble: “Hopefully never!” [12]

    The formula for prosperity would be so easy for politicians and statesmen, if you only served the people and not the international bankers. The robbery of the people by the world finance using their deadly monetary and financial system must be stopped. The States must be sovereign over the production of their own money. Gottfried Feder explained this published in his “manifest refraction of interest servitude” so wonderful. “Every capital is accumulated labor, Big capital is unproductive in itself, precisely because money itself is a quite barren matter. Of spirit, work and existing or already developed raw materials or natural resources are created values, goods produced by labor and only by labor. ”

    This principle for the flourishing of human existence was followed under Adolf Hitler, and so he could make from a wreck of world finance a people who again could be “a happy nation.”

    Take the example of the House of Rothschild, which still had no money in 1800, but exceeded in the shortest possible time without productive, value-generating activities that a minimum living industry capital several times. These again Gottfried Feder declared to us in his book: “The fortune of the house of Rothschild, the oldest international plutocracy, is now [1919] estimated at about 40 billion. It is known that the old Amschel Mayer Rothschild in Frankfurt layed the basis for the tremendous wealth of his house around the year 1800 by re-awarding the millions which had been transferred to him from Landgrave William of Hesse for storage, without any of his own appreciable fortune.”

    What we are witnessing today, the plundering of the people by the ECB, is just the continuation of what had begun more than 300 years ago in England. After Cromwell had again brought the jews, 400 years after their expulsion back to England, a new era of the monetary system began to be laid. ”

    In the chapter on the owner of the shares of the Bank of England (1694-1797) in his book on the history of the Bank, Sir John Clapham, noted the high proportion of Spanish and Portuguese names of sephardic jews which appeared on the list of shareholders in the early years of the English central bank. He noted that these names from 1701 actually constituted 90 percent of the 107 founding members of the Bank of England. Among them were two da Costa, a Fonseca, a Henriquez, a Mendes, a Nuñes, one Rodrigues, a Salvador, a Teixeira de Mattos, a Solomon de Medina. Clapham pointed to a parallel with the Bank of Amsterdam, on incorporation were 25 jews among the owners. M. Hyamson writes in his book, The Sephardim of England, that a certain Jacob Henriquez immediately after the coronation of King George III, in the context of a petition referred to the merits of his father in founding the Bank of England.

    With the creation of a private institution as a central bank of the British Empire the money conspirators stood in the truest sense of the word, open to all possibilities. All they had to do in order to deliver half of the globe as tribute was to provide a ridiculous sum to deposit as initial capital of the Bank of England. Only a few years after the founding of the private British central bank, paper money was introduced. The owners of the Federal Reserve could print on paper and lend it to the government, the institutions and the private sector at interest (tribute). Therefore, the taxes increased dramatically in all areas, for from henceforth all had indeed been delivered to any amount of printed paper rate tribute/debt. No one questioned why the state does not even print the paper and therefore spare the people the monstrous tribute load.

    To summarize: With the sovereignty over their own money producing Hitler created prosperity and growth, without price increase and without inflation. Today, the world finance manages, with the sovereignty over our money, poverty and inflation but does not want us to see that we must unfortunately soon feel it.

    And so the terrible world finance system, the Fed remains intact, we are held,with the help of the biggest lies in human history preventing us from studying Adolf Hitler’s economic policies. Professor Michael Hudson, who teaches at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Missouri-Kansas City, explained in no uncertain terms that Wall Street was responsible for the imposition of German historical lies. Hudson: “You can not in Germany teach history as it was, without being fired. … The whole theory of debt policy was then developed by Wall Street. Suddenly you gave the Germans a false story. Consider the German school books, and the propaganda of the banks, month after month, year after year. “[13]

    And the highly respected Russian historian and former Soviet Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, Valentin Falin, replied on 16 September 2014 in a panel discussion on Russian state television, on the question of whether he with the official history that is taught in schools and universities in Russia was dissatisfied, he replied as follows: “I am not satisfied in principal with the official version of history, both the 20th and 19th century. … The historian can only successfully tackle their task when they are concentrating on facts, only facts and all of the facts. So we must consider events as a whole, we must look closely when the second world war really began and weather it was a continuation of the first world war in reality.”

    On top of freeing Germany from all Jewish influence, Hitler nearly eradicated unemployment in the country. Under National Socialist economic policies, unemployment went from 30.1% in 1932 to 2.1% in 1938.

    that 0% interest loans were given for residential housing, Not only that, the principal debt was forgiven 25% per child born, so after 4 children born the entire loan was cancelled and no more payments were made. Can you imagine this? There was never a financial crisis in Hitler’s Germany. In order to stimulate the economy, it was necessary to have the nerve, as Hitler had, to invest money that the government did not really have, rather than wait with folded arms and an empty head for the economy to revive by itself.

    Before the end of 1933 even, Hitler had succeeded in building 202,119 housing units, In 4 years he would provide the German people with 1,458,128 new dwellings. All of this was made available by issuing loans to private sector housing at 0% interest. In 1933 alone 17,611 new farm houses were constructed each surrounded by a parcel of land 1,000 meters square. In 3 years Hitler would build 91,000 such farm house as part of elevating and reinvigorating the working farming class. Again, all of this would be provided as part of 0% interest loans as an effective means of rebuilding the economy and providing jobs at the same time.

    How Hitler launched a social revolution – Leon Degrelle

    Hitler Democrat – Leon Degrelle

    • Replies: @annamaria
  412. anonymous[405] • Disclaimer says:

    You are a good, brave and rare man, Ron Unz.

    LOL! You understand that when you find someone confirming your inner thoughts and prejudices, you immediately tend to have this glowing feeling about said person.

    Since I too loathe the Jews, especially because of their mischief in Palestine, the Middle East and generally everywhere else, I too have this glowing feeling about Ron Unz and his site here. This page has been bookmarked for sharing wherever I can.

    But, before you guys gloat too much, consider that the faith of the western civilisation is itself built on copious quantities of deceit.

    This too is an irrefutable fact of your pagan civilisation.

    So, anybody who brings forth this uncomfortable truth would then be plain evil, and a coward?

  413. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Yes, Jews like to engage in intellectual discussion and the Talmud provides plenty of opportunity of that for the ultra-Orthodox. Indeed, it is doubly useful for them in that not only is it endlessly debatable and vast but also it is “unpozzed.”

    They seem to find a lot of purpose and meaning in it. Good for them.

  414. anonymous[405] • Disclaimer says:
    @Father O'Hara

    easily learned by following David Duke

    The problem with that is only loonies follow loonies.

    • Replies: @bj
  415. Heros says:

    This is what I find irritating about these Unz American Pravda series in general, and about the heeb commentors specifically.

    As you lay out in your comment, the Jew assault on Christian culture and goyim is full spectrum. Patterns repeat across various battlespaces. Media, Banking, Education, Law, Government, warfare, technology, energy, resources, immigration, pornography, holocaust fraud, and on and on. Yet Jews not only lie and deny any patterns of Jewish deception and malice in any single battlespace, they ignore correlation across battlespaces.

    Unz says that there is “strong likelyhood” that jews have been lying about their goyim infant sacrifice rituals for centuries.

    My verbal interpretation of “strong likelyhood” would be 85% likelyhood.

    So a statistically simple formula for the likelyhood that jews are blood sucking goyim haters would be:

    1 – product of the probabilities of each correlated event (Media, Banking, Education, Law, Government, warfare, technology, energy, resources, immigration, pornography, holocaust fraud)

    For simplicity, I will assume that each jewish crime against “non-human” goyim happened with only 85% certainty, which is a very low estimate for most jewish goyim hating pathologies.

    (1-.85)^12=.000000000.13% chance that jews don’t relish murdering and enslaving goyim and haven’t done so throughout history.

  416. Heros says:

    Ahh, once again the standard jewish reaction when caught in their lies:

    “Jesus is boiling in human excrement in hell”.

    The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

  417. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Your local synagogue sounds weird. Mine would give you a year’s worth of weekly lessons, plus every service plus occasional food, wine, parties and even a burial space for about $1500.

    Also, a huge range of intellectual talks and interesting guest speakers.

    If you genuinely don’t have the ability to pay, I am sure they would work something out.

    This costs about the same as my admittedly over-priced gym, for which I get extremely crowded treadmills and having to weight for the bench press for 10 minutes.

  418. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Pat Casey

    Yes. His entire article is about insinuating. As is your comment. His method is to find a half plausible incident and use that to insinuate something essential about Jews.

    I first learned to recognise this style of argument when the probably racist murder of the black teenager Stephen Lawrence was used to damn the British police and British society as “institutionally racist” – a synonym for “collectively evil.”

    It is the technique of the charlatan.

  419. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Jared Eliot

    You’re asking those questions of the wrong Jew. I have literally no idea what really happened. Like Camille Paglia, I find value in long-passed down literature and like Cynthia Ozick, I am a normative kind of person. These combined gird my belief not anything particularly convinced or literal.

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  420. anonymous[405] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Dante’s way of allowing the greats from classical times not to burn

    In other words pull out some pagan nonsense from his nether hole to cover up the spiritual holes dug up earlier. LOL!

    So, who the phuck was this Dante to allow anything? And, people actually believe in this shit? Pathetic.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @SolontoCroesus
  421. ivan says:

    My view after reading about ‘blood sacrifices’, is that it is a means that a very tiny minority, perhaps just a half-dozen or so in number at any time, use to gain magical powers. For a long time I thought that such a thing is not possible for a religious Jew and I still feel that way, since there is an absolute prohibition on ingesting blood in the Old Testament. Clearly those violating the injunctions against blood cannot call themselves Jews. But unfortunately because of the incendiary nature of the crime – with the very real possibility that the surrounding Gentiles, would wipe out the entire Jewish cohort they can get their hands on – the other Jews, the majority have to willy-nilly stand by the criminals and defend them. The book by Ariel Toaff, while interesting describes no more than (IIRC) three or four cases.

    I have every sympathy for the Jews caught in this situation. When I was a young boy, I had a fear of Sikhs, since I heard a story from my Malay teacher, that railway builders would sacrifice a young boy at a railway junction, so as to propitiate the evil spirits and thus avoid accidents. Said Sikhs were supposedly on the prowl. The fact of the matter is blood is considered efficacious in Satanic rituals and human blood would then be undoubtedly the most efficacious of all.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Heros
    , @j2
  422. ivan says:

    The Victorian adventurer Richard Burton who was British Consul in Damascus at that time, had also concluded there was a ritualistic aspect to Father Thomas’s killing.

  423. Your general ignorance and belief in straight up lies are astounding.

  424. No Jews pray to “Satan”. Period.

    We pray only to God.

    Your ignorance is embarrassing.

    And shameful.

    • Replies: @Heros
    , @Jake
  425. Heros says:

    “Grow up.

    I was raised conservative Jewish and I have never net a Jew who thinks consuming human blood is acceptable.”

    Jews are so arrogant that can’t see their own stupidity. What do you take us for, after Ron Unz publishes book after book exposing your lies? We know about the talmud, we know about Kol Nidre, we know about Purim, we know about Amaleks, We know about circumcision by Rabbi, we now have confirmation about blood sacrifice and we know about goyim non-humans. Yet you think you can come here and spew lies like this? Jews are genetic liars, they so easily slip in and out of lie-to-goyim mode that when the environment changes, they easily lose their sense of what lies-for-goyim are appropriate.

  426. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:

    The image below completely obliterates any notion that we’re talking about just a few bad apples. The US Jews – who are the richest and most privileged group in the country by several orders of magnitude – are less likely to accept their white hosts’ heritage than anyone else.

    Let that sink in.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @Anonymous
  427. Heros says:
    @Jimi Shmendrix

    Since we know jews lie to goyim habitually, and since we know that many jews pray to satan, when you claim jews pray only to god, then the only conclusion is that you are deliberately lying like a jew, or all jews who think they are praying to god are in actuality praying to satan. Jews are so fucking stupid, its no wonder their elites despise them so.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  428. iffen says:

    It is unusual, but it is hardly unique.

    Then you don’t list any other examples in diaspora, but rather civilizations identified with a territory. Give the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Maronite Christians, Armenians, Indians, etc. diasporas a couple thousand years and then we can compare.

    Jews today have a thin genetic connection to the ancient Hebrews – what has survived is the cultural forms, the thought patterns, the metaphysics – survived and evolved.

    Yes; and a part of the JQ is whether these patterns (real or imagined) are a good thing for non-Jews.

    – certainly Europeans don’t have deep enough roots to survive a diaspora.

    Maybe if they weren’t under attack by dem Jews, they might have a better chance.
    when Europe began casting off the yoke of the South, the Greek, Roman, and Hebrew intellectual and spiritual discipline, she reverted into mere materialism – the creed of the unintellectual barbarian, who values only coarse physical things, what he can see.

    I would say that we have actually made and are making attempts to put universalism and individualism into practice rather than just giving it lip service. If we survive as a group with the foundation being that there should be no groups, I would count that as more than a mediocre accomplishment.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  429. Zeidner says:

    Im not going to address any more of these anonymous comments. The thread is ridiculous.

    Re. Jesus and the Talmud he is not referenced directly, and if he was? Two rival bs cults attacking each other comes as a surprise?

    How can someone take a Catholic seriously in a discussion like this? They are typically mentally unsound lunatics spreading their disease on the internet. Join the modern world. There is not a Catholic official on earth that would even so much glance in these peoples direction.

    Does Unz know that these people’s definition of Jew includes him?

  430. Zeidner says:

    Does Ron Unz believe that Jews consume blood?

    • LOL: iffen
    • Replies: @iffen
  431. Heros says:

    Once again, I will point out how stupid these jews are. The only ones who are going to listen to their “Nazi” and “Racist” dog whistles about “white nationalists” are jews and their stooges.

    The rest of us couldn’t care less about their never ending kvetch.

  432. Ishmael says:

    If I’m not mistaken the Talmud specifically condones raping children starting from the age of three upwards. However it notes that it must be anal penetration only, not vaginal, and as such is not to be considered rape.

    Perhaps this is why it’s been 41 years now and in all that time there hasn’t been a single Jew on public record denouncing Roman Polanski for drugging, raping and sodomizing a child.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Anon
  433. Zeidner says:

    For a long time I thought that such a thing is not possible for a religious Jew and I still feel that way, since there is an absolute prohibition on ingesting blood in the Old Testament.


    So if this did occur, does it incriminate every jew? To suggest so is idiotic in the extreme. It is clearly contradicting the torah so if someone is doing it, they arent really jewish. But the fact remains belonging to the same religion as a criminal does not make you a criminal.

    The RCC actively assists illegal aliens in breaking the law. They have been caight not only in the act of pedophilia but also institutionally covering for the pedophiles. Does this make Catholics guilty? No it doesn’t.

    Also I suspect the author of this paper may have a ulterior agenda. His name seems a bit off to me, just a hunch. There have been instances of Zionists provoking anti semitism to get Jews to move.

    • Replies: @ivan
  434. Zeidner says:

    Since we know jews lie to goyim habitually, and since we know that many jews pray to satan

    There is no such thing as satan you ignorant simpleton. Why are you talking to the adults?

    • Replies: @Heros
  435. iffen says:

    The question is not whether R. Unz believes it. The question is whether he believes that the views of people who do believe it should be promoted, and we know the answer to that question.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  436. @annamaria


    The Wisliceny statement deals at some length with the activities of the Einsatzgruppen or Action Groups used in the Russian campaign. These must merit a detailed consideration in a survey of Nuremberg because the picture presented of them at the Trials represents a kind of “Six Million” in miniature, i.e. has been proved since to be the most enormous exaggeration and falsification. The Einsatzgruppen were four special units drawn from the Gestapo and the S.D. (S.S. Security Service) whose task was to wipe out partisans and Communist commissars in the wake of the advancing German armies in Russia.

    As early as 1939, there had been 34,000 of these political commissars attached to the Red Army. The activities of the Einsatzgruppen were the particular concern of the Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko at the Nuremberg Trials. The 1947 indictment of the four groups alleged that in the course of their operations they had killed not less than one million Jews in Russia merely because they were Jews. These allegations have since been elaborated; it is now claimed that the murder of Soviet Jews by the Einsatzgruppen constituted Phase One in the plan to exterminate the Jews, Phase Two being the transportation of European Jews to Poland. Reitlinger admits that the original term “final solution” referred to emigration and had nothing to do with the liquidation of Jews, but he then claims that an extermination policy began at the time of the invasion of Russia in 1941. He considers Hitler’s order of July 1941 for the liquidation of the Communist commissars, and he concludes that this was accompanied by a verbal order from Hitler for the Einsatzgruppen to liquidate all Soviet Jews (Die Endlösung, p. 91). If this assumption is based on anything at all, it is probably the worthless Wisliceny statement, which alleges that the Einsatzgruppen were soon receiving orders to extend their task of crushing Communists and partisans to a “general massacre” of Russian Jews. It is very significant that, once again, it is a “verbal order” for exterminating Jews that is supposed to have accompanied Hitler’s genuine, written order — yet another nebulous and unprovable assumption on the part of Reitlinger. An earlier order from Hitler, dated March 1941 and signed by Field Marshal Keitel, makes it quite clear what the real tasks of the future Einsatzgruppen would be. It states that in the Russian campaign, the Reichsfüher S.S. (Himmler) is to be entrusted with “tasks for the political administration, tasks which result from the struggle which has to be carried out between two opposing political systems” (Manvell and Frankl, ibid., p. 115). This plainly refers to eliminating Communism, especially the political commissars whose specific task was Communist indoctrination.



    The most revealing trial in the “Einsatzgruppen Case” at Nuremberg was that of S.S. General Otto Ohlendorf, the chief of the S.D. who commanded Einsatzgruppe D in the Ukraine, attached to Field Marshal von Manstein’s Eleventh Army. During the last phase of the war he was employed as a foreign trade expert in the Ministry of Economics. Ohlendorf was one of those subjected to the torture described earlier, and in his affidavit of November 5th, 1945 he was “persuaded” to confess that 90,000 Jews had been killed under his command alone. Ohlendorf did not come to trial until 1948, long after the main Nuremberg Trial, and by that time he was insisting that his earlier statement had been extracted from him under torture.

    In his main speech before the Tribunal, Ohlendorf took the opportunity to denounce Philip Auerbach, the Jewish attorney-general of the Bavarian State Office for Restitution, who at that time was claiming compensation for “eleven million Jews” who had suffered in German concentration camps. Ohlendorf dismissed this ridiculous claim, stating that “not the minutest part” of the people for whom Auerbach was demanding compensation had even seen a concentration camp. Ohlendorf lived long enough to see Auerbach convicted for embezzlement and fraud (forging documents purporting to show huge payments of compensation to non-existent people) before his own execution finally took place in 1951. Ohlendorf explained to the Tribunal that his units often had to prevent massacres of Jews organised by anti-Semitic Ukrainians behind the German front, and he denied that the Einsatzgruppen as a whole had inflicted even one quarter of the casualties claimed by the prosecution. He insisted that the illegal partisan warfare in Russia, which he had to combat, had taken a far higher toll of lives from the regular German army – an assertion confirmed by the Soviet Government, which boasted of 500,000 German troops killed by partisans. In fact, Franz Stahlecker, commander of Einsatzgruppe A in the Baltic region and White Russia, was himself killed by partisans in 1942. The English jurist F. J. P. Veale, in dealing with the Action Groups, explains that in the fighting on the Russian front no distinction could be properly drawn between partisans and the civilian population, because any Russian civilian who maintained his civilian status instead of acting as a terrorist was liable to be executed by his countrymen as a traitor.

    Veale says of the Action Groups: “There is no question that their orders were to combat terror by terror”, and he finds it strange that atrocities committed by the partisans in the struggle were regarded as blameless simply because they turned out to be on the winning side (ibid. p. 223). Ohlendorf took the same view, and in a bitter appeal written before his execution, he accused the Allies of hypocrisy in holding the Germans to account by conventional laws of warfare while fighting a savage Soviet enemy who did not respect those laws.


    The Soviet charge that the Action Groups had wantonly exterminated a million Jews during their operations has been shown subsequently to be a massive falsification. In fact, there had never been the slightest statistical basis for the figure. In this connection, Poliakov and Wulf cite the statement of Wilhelm Hoettl, the dubious American spy, double agent and former assistant of Eichmann. Hoettl, it will be remembered, claimed that Eichmann had “told him ” that six million Jews had been exterminated — and he added that two million of these had been killed by the Einsatzgruppen. This absurd figure went beyond even the wildest estimates of Soviet Prosecutor Rudenko, and it was not.given any credence by the American Tribunal which tried and condemned Ohlendorf. The real number of casualties for which the Action Groups were responsible has since been revealed in the scholarly work Manstein, his Campaigns and his Trial (London, 1951), by the able English lawyer R. T. Paget. Ohlendorf had been under Manstein’s nominal command. Paget’s conclusion is that the Nuremberg Court, in accepting the figures of the Soviet prosecution, exaggerated the number of casualties by more than 1000 per cent and that they distorted even more the situations in which these casualties were inflicted. (These horrific distortions are the subject of six pages of William Shirer’s The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, pp. 1140-46). Here, then, is the legendary 6 million in miniature; not one million deaths, but one hundred thousand. Of course, only a small proportion of these could have been Jewish partisans and Communist functionaries. It is worth repeating that these casualties were inflicted during savage partisan warfare on the Eastern front, and that Soviet terrorists claim to have killed five times that number of German troops.

    It has nevertheless remained a popular myth that the extermination of the Jews began with the actions of the Einsatzgruppen in Russia. In conclusion, we may briefly survey the Manstein trial itself, typical in so many ways of Nuremberg proceedings. Principally because Action Group D was attached to Manstein’s command (though it was responsible solely to Himmler), the sixty-two year old, invalid Field Marshal, considered by most authorities to be the most brilliant German general of the war, was subjected to the shameful indignity of a “war-crimes” trial. Of the 17 charges, 15 were brought by the Communist Russian Government and two by the Communist Polish Government. Only one witness was called to give evidence at this trial, and he proved so unsatisfactory that the prosecution withdrew his evidence.

    Reliance was placed instead on 800 hearsay documents which were accepted by the court without any proof of their authenticity or authorship. The prosecution introduced written affidavits by Ohlendorf and other S.S. Leaders, but since these men were still alive, Manstein’s Reginald Paget K.C. demanded their appearance in the witness-box. This was refused by the American authorities, and Paget declared that this refusal was due to fear lest the condemned men revealed what methods had been used to induce them to sign their affidavits. Manstein was eventually acquitted on eight of the charges, including the two Polish ones which, as Paget said, “were so flagrantly bogus that one was left wondering why they had been presented at all.”

    Babi Yar ‘massacre’ debunked

  437. @utu

    Helmut Walser Smith, ‘The butcher’s tale, Murder and anti Semitism in a German town’, New York, 2002
    It is a long time since I read the book, but what I remember is that a jewish butcher was accused of having killed a christian child for the blood of the child.
    As far as I remember no proof was ever found, of who killed the child, yet the accusation existed.
    I remember vaguely that the whole blood libel story originates in jews killing their own children ritually when forced to convert to christianity.
    If this ever really happened, as far as I know also no proof.
    And even if jews did kill christian children for their blood, satanic practices are not exclusively jewish.
    So, as far as I know, there exists no evidence whatsoever for this eating blood custom.

  438. @Them Guys

    Not a single Orthodox Jewish publication cited – all are so-called “Reform”. No Judaism there.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  439. annamaria says:

    You are a top-notch intellectual. If something upset you so much, why don’t you refute it instead of posting a pedestrian insinuation?

  440. @Heros

    he was trying to get all Germans together into a third reich

    Or evacuate German minorities out of their host nations so they didn’t get massacred.

  441. Heros says:

    “it is a means that a very tiny minority, perhaps just a half-dozen or so in number at any time, use to gain magical powers.”

    Nope. Matza bread is supposed to be baked with the blood of tortured christian infants and served over Purim.

    But it does give me a chance to bring a comment from a previous thread to this one, which is more appropriate:

    “An Aussie (native Polish) friend told once about her childhood. She was eight years old, when her Aunt and Uncle, who were guards at a death camp, fled with them and her Grandfather to Australia. They were all Polish.

    In Australia they connected with other Poles and their secret societies. Her Grandfather was an ‘important’ person, since he became immediately the leader. They held satanic rituals and what she told about those weekly rituals was absolutely horrific. At first I didn’t believe her, the horror stories were too incomprehensible. But when others told the same stories I had to believe her.

    My rational and indoctrinated mind connected the death camps to Germans, so I never understood why she told all guards were Polish?! She never mentioned Germans.

    Since her Granfather was the grand master, she was not sacrificed on an altar, but she had to witness human sacrifices and take part in the ‘hunting’. She managed to walk away in the end, but her memories tormented her 24/7.

    She was in so great pain, that I never dared to ask her why they were all Polish. Her surname was ‘Jewish’, which I also wondered about…. Jews were the victims, not the perpetrators, so it didn’t make any sense.

    Heros, do you know if Aushwitz had Jewish Poles as guards? Was it their death camps, that they pinned on the German Nazis?

    They fled in droves to Australia, the Poles, guards of death camps, so I’m asking you if this makes any sense to you?

    And the cruelty and satanism they practiced, which they ‘continued’ in Australia…. although they were supposed to be the ‘victims’…. has troubled me to this day.

    Can you tell me if she told me BS or if it is possible, that she told the truth?”

    “her Aunt and Uncle, who were guards at a death camp…Her surname was ‘Jewish’… do you know if Aushwitz had Jewish Poles as guards?”

    So here we have second hand evidence of some strange form of Jewish sacrificial rituals being performed by Jew Kapo’s on other jew prisoners in Auschwitz.

    Knowing the plethora of events of jew depravity projected onto Germany by jews and the USSR red army they owned after the war (Katyn), it becomes very important to recognize patterns between the jews own revealed behaviour and the crimes that jews continually projected onto Germany. We can be 100% certain that these jewish satanist Kapo at Auschwitz blamed their own abhorrent crimes on the SS.

    In this case, aside from obvious murder and abuse projected onto Germany, we see that “she had to witness human sacrifices and take part in the ‘hunting’.” Her story sounds strangely reminiscent of what Jews accuse Joseph Mengele of, so likely Mengele was just another case of jewish projection of their own depravity and hate for the real humans they jealously call goyim.

    It also illustrates that there are many different spells that Kabbalists and Frankists that require many different types of child sacrifice. Jews will with certainty be arguing that even if there was blood sacrifice, it happened hundreds of years ago and that, to quote ivan,“a very tiny minority, perhaps just a half-dozen or so in number at any time”.

    This is a typical jew deception, called a limited hangout. Any one of the less well known or not widely spread rituals would only a have “half-dozen” satanists torturing and murdering children at any given ritual. But child sacrifice rituals are like cockroaches. Where there is one….

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @ivan
  442. Zeidner says:

    You believe that Roman Polanski raped a child in the name of Judaism?

    Catholics, pls go. Jesus is a badly drawn cartoon character. Get a life.

  443. Jake says:
    @Jimi Shmendrix

    A friend from grad school swore that No Jews ever have been serial killers. When an acquaintance asked him about Son of Sam, Harvey Glatman, Joel Rifkin, he said, without missing a beat, that because no Jew would ever be a serial killer, they could not be Jews, and only the anti-Semitic media would suggest they were.

    Talmudism is most useful to not merely the con artists and criminals, to the amoral based on faith in being racially Beyond Good and Evil, but to the ultra naive among the Chosen Race as well.

  444. annamaria says:

    “…Promoting holocaust denial..”
    Write to Kagans and Bibi instead of posting your sanctimonious observations on this forum.
    The revival of neo-Nazism in Ukraine is the US zionists’ deed:
    Whereas Israel is happy to support the neo-Nazi (banderites) with weaponry:

    Birds of the feather flock together.

  445. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    On one hand, Dante was a great writer.

    On the other, his fictional hell is full of people who had aggrieved him personally in some way.

    Also, Inferno is much more entertaining than Purgatorio and Paradiso. Then again, my perception may be skewed by being too young when I read them all.

    The young seem to revel in descriptions of hell. The old don’t. It might be a function of the old believing they’ll be finding out that much sooner.

    I understand the social utility of establishing an afterlife. I also get how it can be a personal psychological crutch. I can’t think of anything more pointless than intellectually pontificating on it though. Supposedly some people believe they have experienced it when they sort of die. It must be quite affecting to wake up and truly believe that is what you experienced.

    • Replies: @Gross Terry
    , @Wizard of Oz
  446. Zeidner says:

    The question is not whether R. Unz believes it.

    Do you think anyone is here to read the slander and libel from anonymous nutbag catholics attempting to appeal to reason?

    You are emotionally deranged. Banging out comments like this gives you some kind of twisted emotional satisfaction. No body cares.

    I am interested in what Unz believes however. At least he’s accomplished something, youre a guy in a trailer on psych meds.

    • Replies: @iffen
  447. annamaria says:

    Thank you for the great historical essay

  448. annamaria says:

    Ron Unz has the name and, all things considered, he is a courageous person.
    Crimson2 is an anonymous coward unable to defend his beliefs — because some of them are indefensible.

    • Replies: @Crimson2
  449. Jake says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Your next sentence should be: And there is no history whatsoever of Germans, not just Nazis but all Germanic peoples, feeling themselves racially superior to non-Germanic whites, which justified Germans conquering them. When Germans are forced to wage war and end up conquering people, it is for the good of the world and not because Germans wish to gain from it.

  450. Zeidner says:

    Once again, no evidence of Hitler wanting to conquer the world here. Instead, he was trying to get all Germans together into a third reich that would have made Germany not only the workshop of the world, but the center of world leading art and culture. Germany would have been the “Meisters” of the world. Not Master as in slave owner, but master as in apprenticeship master, leading through trust, respect, admiration and pride.

    Tfw u realize your chatting to inmates during Internet Hour.

    This thread is an idiot convention.

    • Replies: @Heros
  451. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    I’m not sure I’d have agreed with that statement. I’d re-run it and suggest that “Americans should preserve America’s white European heritage.”

    Perhaps I’m being needlessly pedantic. There’s no doubt that wealthy, highly-educated coastal white Americans are especially prone to self-negating statements of PC dogma and that Jews disproportionately fit into and self-describe as part of said group.

    Most non-Jewish whites I know would be extremely awkward if asked that question. They would likely answer “no” in order to escape association with the type of people they think would answer “yes”.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  452. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “His method is to find a half-plausible incident”
    – Is this a half-plausible incident?
    “Haaretz lists high level meetings between Ukrainian military officials and Israeli defense companies, especially involving contracts related to communications systems, warplanes, and helicopters; as well as Tel Aviv’s approval for the Ukrainian company Fort to produce Tavor, Negev, and Galil rifles under Israeli contract; and further IDF officers and instructors overseeing military training schools that include Azov militiamen; and perhaps most shocking a Ukrainian media interview which featured a former Israeli army officer who admitted to participating in battles in eastern Ukraine while also training militiamen.”
    Has your synagogue discussed the revival of neo-nazism in Ukraine?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  453. Zeidner says:

    You are mentally ill.

    • Replies: @Heros
  454. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Tyrion 2, is this a “half-plausible incident” that must be hushed and never discussed at your synagogue?

  455. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    What about the history of Ukraine, Tyrion 2? Was this also a “half-plausible incident?”
    “Kaganovich was one of a small group of Stalin’s top sadists pushing for very high rates of collectivization after 1929. He became Stalin’s butcher of Christian Russians during the late 1920s and early 1930s when the Kremlin launched its war against the kulaks (small landowners who were Christians) and implemented a ruthless policy of land collectivization. The resulting state-organized forced famine, was a planned genocide and killed 7,000,000 Ukrainians between 1932 and 1933, and inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan. ..
    … Kaganovich, was one of the worst mass murderers in history, and little wonder that during World War II large numbers of Ukrainians greeted the Germans as liberators, with many joining the Waffen-SS to keep Communism from enslaving all of Europe.”
    – Do you recognize the roots of all evils in the ongoing civil war in Ukraine? Here she is, Nuland-Kagan (from the Kagans clan of American zionists) in a company of her closest collaborators during Kievan putsch of 2014:

  456. @General Koofta

    Your inane blabbering aptly illustrates Mark Noll’s observation about the scandalously low intellect of Christians.

    “The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind … American evangelicals are not exemplary for their thinking, and they have not been so for several generations.” -Mark Noll

    The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind, p.3 (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1994)

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Anon
  457. @Jake

    Germans never “conquered” another country. They had one or two colonies in Africa that were short-lived. That is about it.

    Nazi Germany and World War II only lasted 6 years. Less than a decade. A third of the time the US has been in Afghanistan.

    • Replies: @ivan
    , @OilcanFloyd
  458. @Jake

    Was the Jewish huckster Paul one of, as you say it, the ultra naive among the Chosen Race?

    Romans 9:4 “The people of Israel, chosen.”

    And the Jew Testament was written by a bunch of Jewish con artists posing as other writers, as Forged: Writing in the Name of God, Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are (HarperCollins, 2011) well shows.

    With Jews, you lose.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  459. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “His entire article is about insinuating.”
    – Then refute the insinuations instead of slandering the lonely voice of truth in a sea of ziocons’ lies.
    The Israel-firsters of today have been the promoters of the greatest lies and insinuations:
    In the US, the zionists warmongers have been cheerleading and pushing for the Wars for Israel in the Middle East. These wars have brought the mass slaughter of the innocent and the horrific destruction of several previously functioning states.
    Any thoughts about Ledeen, Wolfowitz, and Kristol, Tyrion 2? Four million dead and counting. But Tyrion 2 takes a pose of the righteous and most moral one. Does not work anymore. See Israel/US ziocons’ cooperation with the neo-Nazis in Kiev:

  460. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    I find nothing extraordinary in Israel selling arms to a sovereign European state, even one in which minor elements of the very wide governing coalition have been larping about as Nazis.

    I am happy that Assad may soon unite Syria and end the horrible Syrian civil war even though he has had Nazis fighting in his coalition.

    I was also content to campaign alongside the occasional confused self-professed Nazi for Britain to leave the post-national EU. The EU’s demise will do immeasurable good for the European people. Who cares if a Nazi also recognises it? Nazis drink water to satiate their thirst, must I die of dehydration?

    Furthermore, I was pleased to visit Mao worshiping China and would very much like to visit totally bonkers North Korea. That Trump sat down with Kim Jong Un was an act of statesmanship.

    Life is complicated, so I reserve my moral outrage for explicit determined elimationism, bad faith and abject stupidity.

  461. Zeidner says:
    @Echoes of History

    Your inane blabbering aptly illustrates Mark Noll’s observation about the scandalously low intellect of Christians.

    I have followed thousands of these kind of treads. The participants are commonly mentally unsound religious types who concluded, typically based off of Christian or islamic propaganda, that jews are the reason for all problems in the world. You’ll find that their definition of jew, their treatment of history, method of analysis are all broken failures. You will also find that they are all personally broken failures.

    They find a sort of comraderie in these ideas, as they have currency across religions, offer a common enemy and a way to explain why the world is a crappy place.

    They have little to no presence outside the internet but i will say this. Occasionally a clueless person picks up on this stuff and then brings it into real life. There was the case of Andrew Dodson whose life was so negatively effected by these beliefs he killed himself, this was after he admitted it was false.

    The closest these ppl get to academic resesrch quality is McDonald and even he wouldn’t touch this crowd with a 10 ft pole. Conclusion: they are toxic lunatics. Stay away.

  462. iffen says:

    At least he’s accomplished something, youre a guy in a trailer on psych meds.

    Is this you, R. Unz?

  463. @annamaria

    Thank you, but not my work my friend, just passing so historical truth on the holo- ((( BS ))) we get bombarded with daily from our Jewish overlords. Keep Troth.
    What Happened at Babi Yar?
    Fact vs. Myth

    BY Michael Nikiforuk

    Real History and Babi Yar


    THE MEMORY of the “massacre” of Jews at Babi Yar is painful to all politicians. But evidence shows it never happened. Aerial reconnaissance photos taken before and during World War II show mass graves of victims of the Soviet Cheka/NKVD, but an absence of Jewish mass burials.What if anything, happened at a place called Babi Yar (Old Woman’s Ravine) near Kiev, Ukraine – September 29, 1941? According to official histories and inscriptions on monuments, 250,000 people, mostly Jews, were killed by the Nazis there. But if thousands of Kievan Jews (those not evacuated by the Soviets) were killed in September of 1941 by the Germans, they were not murdered or buried at Babi Yar. This fact was revealed in aerial reconnaissance photos discovered in the U.S. National Archives in Washington, DC.

    In February 1997 a Ukrainian court threw out a case brought by Ukrainian Jews against V. Kretytnychy of the St. Andrew Society and E. Musiyenko, editor of the Kiev Evening News (Vechirnyi Kyiv), who challenged the official Babi Yar story. Encouraged by the court decision, on March 19, 1997 the Kiev Evening News published a four-page story setting the record straight for the first time since the Allies condemned the phony “atrocity” during World War II.
    What is now coming to the fore is incontrovertible proof that no massacre took place at Babi Yar during the German occupation of Kiev; that the ravine was not used as a mass grave for Jews killed by the Germans. But it was a burial field between 1922-1935 for the victims of the Cheka/NKVD.

    For decades, aerial photography has been recognized as an indispensable archaeological tool. With sophisticated equipment, ruins of ancient cities and cemeteries that lie under cultivated fields, forgotten for decades or centuries, have been discovered. Even submerged Hellenic ports have been discovered by aerial photography.

    In 1991, wartime aerial photographs from the National Archives in Washington, DC were used as the ultimate guidance in exhumations of hundreds of Polish officers and intellectuals massacred in 1939-40 by the Soviet NKVD in the vicinity of Kharkiv. Aerial photos of Kiev’s distant suburbs, including Bykivnia, Bilhorodka and Darnista, revealed mass graves of victims of the 1930′s Stalinist terror-famine. It is therefore logical to assume that aerial photos of a ravine would reveal evidence of recent mass graves or of a major topographic disturbance.

    The US National Archives in Washington contain about 1,100,000 wartime aerial photos, among them some 600 of Kiev, including Babi Yar. They were taken during 20 or more flights over the area. The first photos, taken at 12:23 pm on May 17, 1939, reveal such details as cars and even the shadows of the lamp posts on the streets of Kiev. Every large bush and small tree is visible on the slopes and at the bottom of the Babi Yar ravine. The last aerial photo coverage of Kiev (and Babi Yar) took place on June 18, 1944, about nine months after the city’s “liberation” by the Red Army.

    This series of reconnaissance photos demonstrates that the flora and the ground cover of the ravine remained undisturbed throughout the two years of German occupation. When the early and late photos are compared, it is obvious that the scattered trees grew and became slightly larger. No evidence of human or large animal activity in the ravine can be discerned on the many aerial photos of Babi Yar taken repeatedly in different seasons of the years 1939-1944.

    In November of 1943, a group of Western journalists, including New York Times correspondent William “Bill” Lawrence, himself Jewish, were invited to Kiev by the Soviets. This occurred two weeks after the city’s fall to the Red Army. The reporters were told that this was only six weeks after the Germans had completed the dynamiting, disinterment and open-air cremation of 70,000 corpses, followed by the crushing and bulldozing of the unburned bones into the soil of the ravine

    .But the Western journalists were hard pressed to find any convincing physical evidence at the site of the alleged massacre.

    The lack of reliable physical evidence of this “greatest massacre of World War II” – and the inability to find a single inhabitant of Kiev willing to corroborate the story – impelled the NKVD to provide the Westerners with three “eyewitnesses.” Even though a Times editor censored out the most egregious exaggerations (about Soviet partisans and German “gassing vans”), the disjointed story by these three liberated Soviet POW’s became the template for imitation for all subsequent Babi Yar testimonies.

    When one realizes that all liberated Soviet POW’s were facing either a firing squad or a short-lived future in the Gulags (it was a capital crime in the USSR for a soldier to be captured alive by the enemy), one realizes why it was easy for the NKVD to coerce any expedient statement from them.

    Two weeks later, Soviet authorities were able to orchestrate massive “grass roots” support for their three Babi Yar witnesses. According to the “front pages of Moscow newspapers,” (as reported in the United States), “40,000 Kiev residents [sent a letter] to Premier Josef Stalin, raising the estimate of the number killed and burned in the [Babi Yar] ravine to more than 10,000 (New York Times, Dec. 4, 1943).

    Since – in later years – only 11 of these supposedly well-informed citizens offered any testimony, the wartime statistical reports in the NYT regarding Babi Yar (as well as the subsequent testimonies of belated witnesses) may be considered baseless. By 1943, the NKVD had a well-earned reputation for its ability to obtain any testimony from almost any witness.

    For instance, in August of 1941, the Soviet press agency TASS and the Associated Press reported as fact the testimonies of NKVD-provided witnesses to the effect that the massacre of about 4,000 Ukrainians in NKVD prisons in the city of Lviv in late June of that year “was committed by the Nazi Storm troopers.” This in spite of the fact that Lviv had not been taken by the Germans until July 1, 1941. Long famous testimony extorted by the NKVD from a large number of witnesses told of the mass murder of 4,500 Polish military officers and intellectuals by the Nazis in the Katyn Forest. These fraudulent testimonies, taken under oath in the fall of 1943, were finally refuted by the Russians in the spring of 1990.

    However, this admission was not forthcoming until the German pre-invasion aerial reconnaissance photo of Katyn (showing the mass graves of the Polish officers, teachers, etc.) had been transmitted in the fall of 1989 to the Soviet authorities.

    Chronology suggests that the NKVD provided Western correspondents with three Soviet ex-POW, as witnesses of the Babi Yar massacre to test their credibility under scrutiny of non-Soviets. In 1943, the Babi Yar massacre, being almost unknown in the West and thus unimportant, was apparently selected by the NKVD for such a “dress rehearsal” prior to the contemplated exposure to Western journalists of fraudulent Katyn massacre witnesses in this far more publicized and more politically important affair.

    As a result of the failed Babi Yar credibility test for their ex-POWs, the Soviets for 25 years did not provide access to live “eyewitnesses” of massacres to Western correspondents in Katyn or elsewhere.

    Furthermore, the Soviets postponed the inspection of Katyn by Westerners for four months, from Sept. 29, 1943 to January 24, 1944, until the site and the physical evidence were covered by snow and literally frozen, as was the reporters’ investigative zeal in the unheated tents provided them.Among the observers of the work of the Soviet investigative commission was 25-year-old Kathleen Harriman (daughter of then-US Ambassador to Moscow W. Averell Harriman) who, in her naivete’, later became (along with her father) a champion of Soviet credibility. On the other hand, the more experienced Lawrence from the NYT, who was also present, was even more skeptical in his Katyn report about presented evidence than in his earlier Babi Yar story. As a result, his Katyn report was spiked and never published.

    Thus, the false testimony of the NKVD-provided eyewitnesses of the alleged Babi Yar massacre became the cornerstone of a decades-long Soviet judicial policy of not allowing their fraudulent atrocity witnesses to testify independently; that is, beyond the reach of the supervising Soviet prosecutor, or outside the borders of the USSR.

    Soviet archival records reveal that the atrocity propaganda about Katyn and Babi Yar was fabricated by Ilya Ehrenburg and Vasily Grossman, who also invented and reported the now discredited victim counts of Nazi concentration camps: 4 million at Auschwitz; 1.5 million at Majdanek and 3.5 million at Treblinka.

    Even at the Nuremberg Trials, the Soviets did not provide to Western authorities or correspondents live eyewitnesses to any German massacres, including Babi Yar and Katyn. Instead, Soviet Prosecutor Col. Smirnoff peddled–but without much success–fabrications in the form of affidavits about the two alleged German massacres. Also Ilya Ehrenburg, in his 1947 novel, The Storm, tried unsuccessfully to revitalize the Babi Yar story.

    The Old Woman’s Ravine story did not gain “credibility” until 12 years later. Then, a visiting Jewish-Ukrainian-American journalist, Joseph Schechtman, persuaded young Soviet dissident Evgeny Yevtushenko to write an emotional and widely read poem “Babi Yar”.

    But poetic fancy cannot stand against physical evidence. Indeed, the aerial photos of the Ahovtnevyi borough of Kiev and the general area of Babi Yar reveal the presence of a row of about 10 mass graves, some 165 yards behind the western fence of Kiev’s labor camp, Syretz.

    These could contain up to 1,000 victims of the camp buried over the two years of the German occupation of Kiev. Furthermore, at the nearby small Orthodox Lukianivsky cemetery, another, larger mass grave can be seen. This could contain up to 2,000 bodies of the frequent public or surreptitious German executions of resistance fighters of Kiev.

    On this subject, according to the Hague Convention (1905) and the Geneva Convention (1920) on the conduct of civilians during wartime, taking part in hostilities without easily visible, external symbols of belonging to the military units is subject to immediate execution.A number of additional, overlooked historical facts undermine the credibility of the standard tale propagated about Babi Yar today.
    For one thing, the Babi Yar massacre was not mentioned in the Ukrainian Resistance press, although the killing of its members by the Germans in Kiev is described.
    Secondly, the occurrence of the Babi Yar massacre is excluded, until the late 1970s, from the writings of Ukrainian emigres (former wartime inhabitants of Kiev) as well as from Ukrainian encyclopedias; some published by Western universities.
    Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, for decades the Babi Yar massacre did not catch the literary attention of Kiev’s Jewish population.

    The expatriates of about 440 Jewish communities of the USSR were able to produce commemorative books (Yizkerbikhers) about their districts, cities, towns and even villages. But not until 1981 was the first scarce, commemorative book published in a small edition about the Ukrainian capital, Kiev; in Israel in Hebrew. An expanded Yiddish version came out again in a limited edition in the US in 1983. If the massacre at Babyn Yar were true, how could 150,000 surviving, educated Kievan Jews have been so tardy in recording the destruction of their kinsmen?On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the alleged “Babi Yar massacre,” the world’s media were replete with reports of the exact number (33,771) of Jews machine-gunned there. They variously reported its timing as taking 48, 36 or 24 hours. However, they rarely mentioned that the suspiciously exact number of victims were derived from captured German documents (so-called “Einsatzgruppen Reports”) and were completely silent about the fact that these purported “exact” reports failed to indicate Babi Yar as the site of the massacre.

    The media also failed to mention that almost every major historian, including “Holocaust expert” Prof. Raul Hilberg, considers the atrocities mentioned in these reports as exaggerated.
    The wartime aerial photos of Kiev provide incontrovertible proof that the so-called historic documentation of the Babi Yar massacre represents fabricated wartime propaganda and post-war martyr mythology. Perhaps the Nazis had, as promised, deported the missing Kievans away from Kiev. If so, their remains and burial sites should be sought elsewhere.

    On the other hand, what may have happened in Kiev can be glimpsed from the dispatch of the United States 12th Army Headquarters in Europe, published in (among others) the May 1, 1945 issue of the New York Herald Tribune. It mentions that a captured German doctor, Gustav Schuebbe, who “confessed” to directing an annihilation institute, where “110,000 Were Murdered by Nazi Physicians in Kiev.” In addition, Schuebbe “admitted he had [himself] murdered about 21,000 persons” with injections, thus apparently outdoing Dr. Mengele, the infamous Auschwitz physician.

    So, far, no one in the former USSR, or from Jewish organizations, has attempted to pinpoint the location of the “German Annihilation Institute” (where the remaining “Jews and Gypsies” of Kiev were killed, according to the May 1, 1945 issue of the NYHT). Had such a place existed, it would seem that the site of the “Annihilation Institute” would be the proper Kiev location for the commemorative menorah, erected in 1991 following a visit by then-US President George Bush.

    Not until 1966 were Ukrainians implicated in the alleged Babi Yar massacre of Jews. The only witness was an alleged Babi Yar survivor, a Kiev Puppet Theater actress named Dina Pronicheva. The testimony of this Jewish witness is nullified by the absence of any photographic trace of massacre or mass burial. Furthermore, no witness has ever implied the complicity of Ukrainians in acts perpetrated at the never-located German Annihilation Institute of Kiev.

    Following the Soviet Union’s demise, the leaders of the then-newly-proclaimed independent Ukraine – instant converts from communism – were fast to jump on the Babi Yar bandwagon.

    One of them, Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Genadi Udovenko, went so far as to state (Washington Times, Sept. 5, 1991) that “in the first week of the horrible Babi Yar massacre, 50,000 Jews, mostly children, had been slaughtered.”

    During the summer of 1941, the Soviets had been able to evacuate about 150,000 Jews from Kiev, while the Germans were advancing through Western Ukraine. Therefore, the Ukrainian Ambassador’s statement was preposterous and inadvertently defamatory.It suggested that Jewish parents, who had been safely evacuated from Kiev, had abandoned their children.

    Perhaps Ukraine’s current leaders might better serve their people, as well as their post-Communist consciences, by exhibiting tangible contrition relative to Communism’s early 1930′s famine-slaughter of unquestionably immense proportions.

    • Replies: @Wally
  464. @Them Guys

    “Jewry is the mother of Marxism.” True, true.

    • “…each according to his ability.” Matthew 25:15
    • “…not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them…and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need.” Acts 4:32-35

    Where do you think Karl Marx got his famous maxim? Lifted nearly word for word straight from thos two passages in the Jew Testament.

  465. @Them Guys

    No, he is referring to the fact the word Jew originally meant only a member of the tribe of Judah. Moses, Joshua, Elijah, and several other prominent Old Testament figures were technically not Jews because they belonged to other tribes.

    I wonder if all these people who claim to be experts about the Khazars know anything about actual Biblical history – the divided Kingdom, the lost tribes, etc. (Even if you believe that that distant history is all made-up legends, it obviously plays a key part in how Jewish people understand themselves and their history.)

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  466. Jewish Ritual Murder in England Before 1290

    Arnold S. Leese

    The first known case occurred in 1144; after that, cases cropped up from time to time until the Jews were expelled from the realm by Edward I. The most famous of these incidents was that of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. I record these cases in chronological order; and I do not deny the possibility that some of them, in which details are lacking, were “trumped up” ones, where death may have been due to causes other than ritual murder and the Jews blamed for it; but the case of St. Hugh, particularly, was juridically decided, and the Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm record definitely cases at London, Winchester and Oxford. There seems no reason to doubt that many cases of ritual murder have been unsuspected and even undiscovered.


    1144, Norwich. A twelve year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this year to Norwich. The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to trial.

    In J. C. Cox’s Norfolk Churches, vol. II, p. 47, as also in the Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, vol.. II, is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the ritual murder of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the power of Jewish money has had it removed. No-one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a ritual murder. The Jew, C. Roth, in his The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935) says: “Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives.” How these modern enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all these years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a compliment to the Church to suggest that its ministers would allow the boy’s death to be celebrated as the martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and piercing of the side. And why the relatives should bury the boy in a sack and then dig it up and hang it in a tree would puzzle even a Jew to explain.

    John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the Ballandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish ritual murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this ritual murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage.

    1160, Gloucester. The body of a child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. (Recorded in Monumenta Germania Historica, vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronicon, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46.)

    1181, Bury St. Edmunds. A child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause miracles. (Authority: Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury.)

    1192, Winchester. A boy crucified. Mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopaedia as being a false charge. Details lacking.

    1232, Winchester. Boy crucified. Details lacking. (Mentioned in Hyamson’s History of the Jews in England; also in Annals of Winchester; and conclusively in the Close Roll 16, Henry III, m.8, 26.6.1232.)

    1235, Norwich. In this case, Jews stole a child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates of date 1847, says of this case, “They [the Jews] circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks.” (Further authority Huillard Breolles, Grande Chronique, III, 86; also Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m.23.)

    1244, London. A child’s body found unburied in the cemetery of St. Benedict, with ritual cuts. Buried with great pomp in St. Paul’s. (Authority: Social England, vol. I, p. 407, edited by H. D. Traill.)

    1255, Lincoln. A boy called Hugh was kidnapped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy’s mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Jopin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his life if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed.

    Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930 a notice was fixed above the shrine as follows: “The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone. There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation.”

    At a visit to Lincoln of the Jewish Historical Society, in 1934, the Mayor, Mr. G. Deer, said to them: “That he [St. Hugh] was done to death by Jews for ritual purposes cannot be other than a libel based upon the prejudices and ignorance of an unenlightened age.” The Chancellor on the same occasion said: “It was quite obviously one of the very many cases of slander spread about the Jews from time to time. No doubt, the child died or fell down the well.”

    These people, Jews and Gentiles, bring no evidence whatever for their statement; it couldn’t have happened, they say. Why not?

    Was Henry III, weak in character as we know him to have been, ever charged with being an immoral man? Did the judges not examine the body, which was only four weeks dead? Is Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates (1847 edition) medieval and superstitious when it said of this case “They [the Jews] crucify a child at Lincoln, for which eighteen are hanged”? There are no ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ here! Or does Copinus’s confession not tally with that of Theobald, quoted above in the first Norwich case? Copinus said, “For the death of this child, nearly all the Jews in England had come together and every town had sent deputies to assist in the sacrifice.”

    No-one questions the historical facts in this case; but Jews and Judaized Gentiles alike unite in denying the fact of ritual murder.

    Strack, in his The Jew and Human Sacrifice, written in defence of the Jews against the Blood Accusation, omits all mention of this famous case, which is the subject of the Prioress’s Tale in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and is referred to in Marlowe’s Jew of Malta. Hyamson’s History of the Jews in England devotes the whole of Chapter IX to “Little St. Hugh of Lincoln,” showing the importance of the ritual murder issue in the Jewish mind today. (The following Close Rolls of the Realm refer to the case of St. Hugh: Henry III, 39, m.2, 7.10.1255; 39, m.2, 14.10.1255; 40, m.20, 24.11.1255; 40, m.13, 13.3.1256; 42, m.6, 19.6.1258. And the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40, m.20, 26.11.1255; 40, m.19, 9.12.1255; 40, 27.3.1256; and 40, m.5, 20.8.1256.)

    1257, London. A child sacrificed. (Authority: Cluverius, Epitome Historiae p. 541.) Details lacking.

    1276, London. Boy crucified. (Authority: The Close Roll of the Realm, 4, Edward I, m.14, 3.3.1276.)

    1279, Northampton. A child crucified. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, 1847, says of this case: “They [the Jews] crucify a child at Northampton for which fifty are drawn at horses’ tails and hanged.” (Further authorities: Reiley, Memorials of London, p. 15; H. Desportes, Le Mystére du Sang.)

    1290, Oxford. The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m.21, 21st June 1290, contains an order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford.

    Only one month after this, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the Kingdom. There is, then, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration.

    A similar ritual case was one of the main stimulants to the King and Queen of Spain to expel professing Jews from that country in 1492 (Leese: Jewish Ritual Murder, p. 20).

    The Jews, in attempting to escape responsibility for these deaths by ritual murder, do not hesitate to impugn the probity of two of the Kings of England, against whose moral character no-one else has dared to cast a slur. Here are some examples. Firstly the Jew Hyamson (in History of the Jews in England, 1928 edition, p. 21) wrote: “It has also been pointed out that the Blood Accusation was as a rule made at a time at which the Royal Treasury needed replenishing.” This foul accusation against men of upright character was repeated in the Jewish Chronicle Supplement, April 1936, p. 8 (speaking of the Lincoln case in the reign of Henry III): “Henceforth and especially under the zealously Christian Edward I, the Crown and its officers became almost a worse peril to the Jews than mobs intent on loot and led on by fanatic priests and knightly spendthrifts who had borrowed Jewish money. When 18th century writers of history began to examine the old records in a new sceptical temper some may be found venturing on such unkind surmises as that the alleged crucifixions of Christian children only seemed to happen when kings were short of money.”

    To deny that the cases of St. William of Norwich and St. Hugh of Lincoln were Jewish ritual murders is to accuse certain English Kings, certain English Clergy, and certain English administrators, known to be men of good morals, of murdering and torturing Jews to get their money, after accusing them of horrible crimes. In the case of St. Hugh, the sentence was juridical; in the case of St. William, the mob took the matter into their own hands because the Sheriff would take no action himself.

    Whom do you believe – the Jews or the English?

    “It is difficult to refuse all credit to stories so circumstantial and so frequent.” So says Social England concerning ritual murders in England (vol. I, p. 407, 1893, edited by H. D. Traill).

    A significant fact is that Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, at least up to 1847, quoted the ritual murders in Norman and Plantagenet England as undisputed facts. In later editions in the sixties, all mention of them is extirpated! We may take it that the Jewish Money Power began to dictate to the Press in England somewhere in the fifties of the last century.

  467. @Tyrion 2

    You’re asking those questions of the wrong Jew. I have literally no idea what really happened. Like Camille Paglia, I find value in long-passed down literature and like Cynthia Ozick, I am a normative kind of person. These combined gird my belief not anything particularly convinced or literal.

    I disagree as I am asking the right Jew and you are everywhere on this site. I don’t know what literal means, like Jacob wrestling elohim. This story of Jacob, has to do with yetzer hara and yetzer hatov and then God accept the repentance and names Jacob, as Israel which means “Ever Lasting God”.

    Now I am established my credentials, another thing I want to establish that I am a Shia Muslim, an Arab from GCC (Gulf Consultative Council).

    You are an intelligent being, with thinking process. What I talking about is that all the written Semite languages, including Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew were not evolved enough to put pen to paper. In the times of Jesus, Hebrew was a dead language and for this reason, Jesus spoke Aramaic to his disciples.

    Even in Jesus time, the written Semite languages were still not evolved yet and for this reason we have a Semite Rabbi, whose New Testament is in Koine Greek and not in with Hebrew or Aramaic.

    It is claimed that about 66 to 72 Rabbis sat down and translated the TaNaKh into Koine Greek from memory into Old Testament. This process took about 400 years and produced Septuagint Gospels which had 72 chapters and another Masoretic Gospels which had 66 chapters. These two translations don’t agree with each other. But still there was no written TaNaKh at that time.

    During the times of Prophet Mohammad all the written languages, including Arabic were still not evolved yet. The grammar was very weak, the language was written without vowels and the letters didn’t have any dots on the moon shaped letters or under them, thus one could not distinguish one letter from another. Today, the written Modern Arabic is still very weak in grammar and doesn’t have vowels, but it has dots for the moon shaped letters.

    Quran is consider a miracle, because a new written language was introduced, was very, very strong in grammar had dots over the moon shaped letters and contained vowels. This is called, Quranic or Classical Arabic and it is taught to all Arabic linguistic students, no matter what their religion. Most Arabs cannot write in Quranic (Classical) Arabic as it is not taught below the College level in schools. And, even in colleges and/or universities the Quranic Arabic is not taught, unless one is linguistic student of Arabic.

    After the demise of the Prophet, Muslims rejected Ali and this Quran. The third Caliph Usman compiled the written Quran in Old non-evolved Arabic, which is called, “Usman Codex”. When Ali become the forth Caliph, he took the Usman Codex and had a committee of young students to convert this Codex from Old written Arabic into Quranic (Classical) Arabic, this was completed 70 years after the demise of the Prophet and 40 years after the demise of Ali.

    From this Quranic Arabic vowels were introduced in TaNaKh from 12th to 15th centuries. Since Jews write God as G-d without vowel, therefore in the yhwh elohim, the vowels were left out in yhwh. If you put vowels in yhwh it becomes ya’huwah elohim, meaning O’ He Elohim.

    In early 20th century, the dead Hebrew was revived from Arabic.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @Jimi Shmendrix
  468. Rich says:

    Well, some Jews believe “righteous Gentiles” go to heaven, just as some Christian sects believe all good people go to heaven, too. Some Jews, which I think Mr Unz pointed out, believe that Gentiles have no souls, and so don’t enjoy an afterlife. Many Jews, even some of the religious ones, don’t believe in an afterlife at all. There’s no Pope of Judaism, issuing orders for what the different sects of Judaism believe. And of course, there are many, maybe even the majority of Jews, who reject all this supernatural claptrap.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  469. Frankie P says:
    @Them Guys

    It’s called “Accusatory Inversion”, and it’s a hallmark of Jewish behavior. The crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks were hidden by pouring them onto the German National Socialists. The constant spotlight shone on the evil Nazis prevented people from investigating the millions (30 million?) of deaths at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks. If you think about it clearly, the ultimate accusatory inversion is anti-semitism itself, and the eternal victimology that it implies. Of course a rational look at the situation brings the conclusion that anti-semitism is reactionary, actually a reasonable reaction to the anti-gentilism shown by Jews since time immemorial. Shahak: “When racism, discrimination and xenophobia is prevalent among Jews, and directed against non-Jews, being fueled by religious motivations, it is like its opposite case, that of antisemitism and its religious motivations. Today, however, while the second is being discussed, the very existence of the first is generally ignored, more outside Israel than within it.” This accusatory inversion has given birth to a mental illness among Jews, highlighted by a number of themes. “Innocence”: We are innocent. These goys in the nations have persecuted us for so many years. It must be a genetic mutation in all the goys, this Jew hatred.
    “Revenge”: We have to get revenge on the goys for all they’ve done to us. Weinstein: “You were born rich and privileged and you were handsome. I was born poor, ugly, Jewish and had to fight all my life to get somewhere. You got lotsa girls, no girl looked at me until I made it big in Hollywood.”
    Therefore, Weinstein decided to make the shiska pay, and pay, and dehumaitized them.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @Wally
  470. anonymous[303] • Disclaimer says:

    Why are muslims killing Hindus in India, … Bhuddists in … , Myanmar

    This is what is happening in Lynchistan (the hindoos are simply losing it);

    This is what is happening in a phucking shithole called Myanmar;

    You sound like a hysterical hindoo. Calm down.

  471. @Anonym

    You say: A godless, pared down religion-like operating system would benefit the white goy. Yes, Jewish-based Christianity is a failure, as you observe. Yet godless doesn’t work, as atheism is one of the most hated identities.

    Why not accept God as Nature, as is done in the American Declaration of Independence? “Nature’s God.” The Founders have already done all the heavy lifting, as they too had rejected many of the worst aspects of Christianity, and reconnected with Greek (white, European) thinkers. America was an embrace of the “Enlightenment,” the re-discovery of White thinking, which included atomic theory via Epicurus. Pop over to Amazon and get a hardcover of the following text for six buck used.

    Matthew Stewart (2014) Nature’s God: The Heretical Origins of the American Republic. W.W. Norton & Co.

    • Replies: @Anonym
    , @Seraphim
  472. utu says:

    had more to do with the larger Nazi policy towards the Arab world

    I doubt it. It can be a modern anti-Arab spin like the one by Netanyahu that Mufti was responsible for Holocaust.

    • Replies: @Wally
  473. bj says:

    Gaslighting doesn’t work when the one listens, watches, and makes objective observations of Dr. David Duke. The man has been demonized by disinformation and gaslighting, which is your schtick. Watch a three hour interview with Dr. David Duke and make your own judgement.

  474. @Anon

    Extra ecclesia non salus est is obviously true. It depends upon what ecclesia is, doesn’t it.

  475. iffen says:

    BTW, your contention that Jews are “just another group” does not pass the reality test.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @renfro
  476. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I’m not sure I’d have agreed with that statement.

    But of course you’re not sure, Moshe. I expected nothing less from you.

    The fact remains that the Jews are the single most anti-white tribe in the country while enjoying massive, unprecedented and, frankly, unfair privileges (as in: hostile, parasitic existence) in the house of their white hosts.

    There’s also no doubt in my mind that the graph’s percentages would have been twice as high across the board – if the US wasn’t hosting you tiny, cancerous tribe. As a matter of fact, no one would be asking such a stupid question.

    • Troll: Tyrion 2
  477. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Jared Eliot

    Now I am established my credentials, another thing I want to establish that I am a Shia Muslim, an Arab from GCC (Gulf Consultative Council

    Cool. I wish you good luck with trying to make your countries great.

    But as I implied, you should really direct your questions to a Rabbi.

    I don’t know very much about Semitic languages nor do I understand what you are trying to argue. I don’t find it particularly interesting and I strongly doubt that a definitive account is even possible, rendering it all a bit pointless.

    You certainly aren’t going to convince me of Shia Islam. That you are gamely trying means that you did not understand the references in my previous post. I don’t blame you, they are a bit obscure for a Middle Easterner. Nonetheless, I am quite complimented by you trying. If I thought I’d get eternal sexy time with 72 angelic virgins, I’d try to proselytize those I respected too.

    I meant what I said by “good luck” and I have taken your post as a good deed done to me. So thank you, but please do take it with the best of intentions when I say you are trying to talk to the wrong person. I don’t speak the conceptual language that you are trying to address me with. Perhaps that is bad of me, but it remains a fact.

  478. iffen says:

    Please tell us what “anti-semitism” is.

    To an extent it can be defined as your thinking with regard to the Jews.

    • Replies: @Wally
  479. @Anon

    What are your intentions? What are you?

  480. My initial reaction to this was ‘Jesus Christ’. I really don’t know what to say. I rather wish I hadn’t read this, I’ll never be able to un-read it.

  481. anonymous[110] • Disclaimer says:

    Yemen is 100% Muslim, yet embroiled in civil war.

    You think those Saudi pussies would have the balls to attack anybody, without the instigation of the Jewscum and the Imperialist?

    Yemeni IQ is 83. That is close to mental retardation.

    Whatever your kind is, where you are headed, your self-presumed “higher” IQ would be as valuable as dog shit.

    • Replies: @Anon
  482. @Seraphim

    “If Jesus never existed why the Talmud condemn him to boil in excrement?”

    LOL, do you really believe that you will get an answer for the above. If I were you, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

  483. Zeidner says:

    Do we need to cover the points about “jew” being loose term and Catholic being a well structured institution with defined leadership and membership?

    I have no idea who those ppl in that link are. I do not worship with them, i do not know what their beliefs are, nor do i have any relation whatsover.

    You suggest there is a relation, but there is none. Even many anti semites here admit jews are not a race.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  484. @Them Guys

    “They also call Talmud their Torah, since they say that word torah means Law. It is done to keep goyim gentiles, especially jewdeo christian apostates, in a state of confusion and arguing so they do not focus on real actual jew run problems and jew swindle scams upon the goys.”

    LOL, it is like Jew, what does it mean, more confusion. Or where are Israel’s border…..

    See my comment #481

  485. Heros says:

    “There is no such thing as satan you ignorant simpleton.”

    My beliefs here are not relevant.

    The important question here is “do Frankists, Sabbateans, Kabbalists and other jews who have made the blood sacrifice of children the focus their lives believe in satan, or someone of the same nature”? The answer is clearly yes.

    The next most important question is “do “good jews” cover up and even punish “bad goyim” for the “bad jews” worhipping satan”? The answer is clearly yes.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  486. Heros says:

    You are a racial supremacist from a tribe of psychopaths, and not only are you mentally ill, but highly inbred too.

    • Replies: @Kolo
  487. AaronB says:

    I meant with regard to their history of incessant conflict Jews aren’t different. Most groups spend their time in seemingly incessant conflict with others. This has been particularly true of Europe.

    It is rather absurd for an Englishman to point out that Jews came into conflict with every society in which they settled when the history of England is one of such incessant conflict that they had to scour the world for people to fight.

    The only unusual feature of Jews is that they are a state within a state – the mistake is to see Jews as part of the community in which they settle. To constantly be in conflict with your own community would indeed be a sign of an unusually anti social character.

    But Jews have always been crystal clear they are not part of the societies in which they settle and so has the host society – so the Jewish history of conflict can be viewed under the light of intra-group conflict, just like anywhere else.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @OilcanFloyd
    , @Art
  488. Heros says:

    “This thread is an idiot convention.”

    Nooooo. The goyim know, and jews don’t like it, so they play their superiority card. If they can’t ruin you or murder you, then they kvetch at you until they think that you will wish that you were dead. Quite often it works. I can imaging a filthy rabbi in the room with Bourdan kvetching about his tweets about Hillary until Bourdan finally supposedly killed himself with a bathrobe sash.

  489. AaronB says:

    Mainstream orthodox Jews – the kippa wearing Jews you see in nyc – and most Hasidic sects believe righteous gentiles go to heaven and believe that gentiles have souls and are full human beings.

    They do believe that the Jewish soul is of a special quality – but also that this isn’t always the case and isn’t final, as life is about advancing up the spiritual ladder.

    The Jewish sense of their superiority is complementary to their belief in the importance of the gentile – the Jew is special because he assists in the elevation of the gentile.

    It is undoubtedly narcissistic – but its hardly hateful.

    Of course, over the centuries, many secretions crept in that were purely negative about gentiles – the result is a complex multi layered phenomenon that does dies not yield to single quotes establishing the “one” truth about Judaism or simplistic caricatures.

  490. @utu

    Utu proves over and over again that chutzpah is no match for logos.

  491. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    You are thinking of the koran.
    Mohamad married a 6 year old girl.
    Mohamud is to be emulated according to the koran.

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  492. AaronB says:
    @Sam J.

    Of course they did. All groups participate in the biological war of all against all, without exception.

    China is often seen as more peaceful than others, but that is because after a particularly bloody early history China learned to divert its aggressive energies into economic and social competition – and economic competition can be quite as devastating as warfare.

  493. Mulegino1 says:

    Germany had to import to sustain this rearmament and imports cannot be paid by internal fantasy money, at least not in the 1930s. The Germans had to start their expansion into Austria and Czechoslovakia and elsewhere because they would have been broke else. The German war machine would have broken down without further countries to plunder, without taking the money of the Jews, without incorporating the stockpiles of other nations, and so on. It was a sort of pyramid scheme that kept going by escalating the war further. Germany was burning through its own and the continent’s substance to keep this pyramid scheme going. The logical conclusion was the utilization of widespread slave labor during the war.

    Nonsense. Germany was the last of all of the major belligerents to put its economy on “total war footing”- in 1942!

    Anyone who looks objectively at the matter of German rearmament during the 1930′s will note that there it was not a matter of achieving superiority or military dominance, but a rough parity with nations like France, Britain, and Czechoslovakia. The Treaty of Versailles had limited Germany to a 100,000 man army which in reality was nothing more than a military constabulary- no heavy weaponry, artillery , armor, etc. Germany was not allowed an air force and permitted only a small coastal navy.

    With the exception of the Anglo-German Naval agreement (which gave Great Britain a 3/1 advantage in warship tonnage) all of Hitler’s other numerous offers of disarmament were rebuffed.

    Hitler did not rebuild the German economy with rearmament projects but by the creation of public infrastructure- including the first state of the art highway system- financed by a new monetary unit backed by nothing more than the value of physical production or work. Germany had no abundant natural resources except for coal and water. By 1936, the National Socialist program had effectively eliminated unemployment and raised the standard of living of Germans to one of the highest in the world.

    Among Hitler’s many “crimes”, one that particularly stands out is his implementation of the barter trade. One can only imagine the panic on Wall St. and the City of London at the thought of a block of barter trading nations spreading from the USSR, northern and southern Europe and South America. The usurious parasites were not going to allow that to happen, and gladly committed the blood of their host societies’ youth to prevent it.

    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  494. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    You didn’t even read my post. By 1956 there were no former slave owners left alive. The descendants of the union soldiers who fought to free the slaves suffered the same abuse from the feral blacks as the southerners did. So did the descendants of Europeans who arrived long after the civil war.

    Affirmative action laws have nothing to do with the rights of workers it just established an aristocracy based on race

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  495. Zeidner says:

    Im assuming your jewish

    Its something Jews overlook and they really shoot themselves in the foot. There’s no definition of jew. Its a fact.

    There are jewish orgs such as lubavitch aka Chabad. There is leadership, members etc. Its perfectly fine to criticize this group. They aren’t perfect but acceptable as far as religions go.

    Anyone can grow a beard, get a fedora and chant in hebrew. In fact I suspect there was far more fakery going on than most jews believe.

    But if someone calls themselves jewish, commits a crime, that doesnt incriminate all jews.

    If a cardinal diddles a little boy. That DOES incriminate the RCC, because the cardinal is a staff member of the RCC. Some greasy guy in williamsberg is not a staff member of an org I participate in. Catholics seem to be either lost on these facts or in denial.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  496. @Jake

    No idea what you’re talking about.
    The Germans, in my opinion, are the cleverest in the world.
    The Otto engine, the Diesel engine, synthetic fertiliser, synthetic anilin, aircraft pioneer Lilienthal, the Zeppelin, atomic fission, the rocket engine, the V2 with already an inertia steering mechanism, synthetic rubber, and so on and so forth.
    Airbus, in my opinion a German enterprise.
    GB before WWI made Made in Germany compulsive in order to stop the British from buying German products, it had the opposite effect, German products were simply better.
    Balfour already in 1907 said to the USA ambassador ‘that war was perhaps the cheapest way to keep the British living standard’.
    And so GB engineered war, that it lost, without USA military help it would have had to capitulate in November 1917.
    Versailles was meant to keep Germany on its knees forever.
    However, someone called Hitler resurrected Germany, a second war was necessary.
    This time GB destroyed itself.
    Germany again resurrected, the Wirtschaftswunder.
    Berlin now is the capital of continental Europe, with empress Merkel.
    THE present overwhelming problem is that Merkel believes the truth of the victors, Germans are evil.
    Therefore she wants huge immigration, to create a better human.

  497. AaronB says:

    I’d agree with that, Jews are unusual in surviving intact as a diaspora – but I think the Chinese did reasonably well at this too, and I suspect several groups would match the Jews in this.

    But my point is not that Jews are exactly the same as other group – every group presents unique features – but simply that there is no vast and fundamental cleavage between Jewish history and that of the world. There are unique and unusual features, but nothing fundamentally different.

    Once you situate Jewish history in the context of intra-group conflict, and understand it as an ancient civilization, the patterns it presents, while presenting some unique features, are quite comprehensible in terms of world history and can be seen as just unusual examples of age-old patterns that characterize all mankind.

    From the perspective of northern Europe with its own distinct sub patterns this is not readily apparent, but if you zoom out and see world history as a whole, it becomes quite clear.

    As for whether Jewish cultural patterns are good for gentiles, again no simple answer presents itself. In the short
    ecobomic term, assuredly the impact is negative. However in the long term, to the extent that Europeans can assimilate and adapt the good things about the Jewish spiritual tradition, it may be a good thing.

    To be perfectly frank, and as a lover of high European culture, while having many exemplary qualities Europeans seem to flourish best under the guidance of the spiritual and intellectual traditions of older civilizations. When they go it alone, they seem to sink into materialism in the spiritual realm and a childish simplicity in the intellectual realm.

    This may seem offensive, but in reality all great culture is highly syncretistic – Judaism itself assimilated countless Egyptian, Babylonian, and Persian influences, and Greek and Roman culture was a synthesis of Oriental influences.

    The modern European world – the Enlightenment, science, materialism etc – seems to me an attempt to create an indigenous European culture. It has been a disaster.

    I would say that we have actually made and are making attempts to put universalism and individualism into practice rather than just giving it lip service. If we survive as a group with the foundation being that there should be no groups, I would count that as more than a mediocre accomplishment.

    Well, there is one sense in which the absence of “groups” is good and one sense bad. If there are only individuals but each individual sees himself as st war with every other, then in a sense we have only multiplied group warfare by infinity!

    Unfortunately, this seems to be the indigenous European view of life – instead of a few large groups at constant war but cooperation and amity at least somewhat within groups, there is incessant warfare between individuals with amity non-existent. This is capitalism, etc.

    Rather than no groups because everyone is an individual – which merely intensifies the biological war of all against all that us our inherited condition – I favor no more groups because everyone belongs to one single giant group.

  498. @Zeidner

    I met a Man upon a stair
    I looked again; He wasn’t there
    He wasn’t there again today
    Oh how I wish He’d go away!

  499. @Mulegino1

    The economic rebuilding was by Schacht, who could to anything he wanted because Hitler gave him full powers

    • Replies: @Mulegino1
  500. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:

    the Jew is special because he assists in the elevation of the gentile.

  501. Rich says:

    No one has any idea what any “afterlife” might be. Even the definition of “righteous Gentile” means different things to different groups. After looking up what you wrote, I read that one Hasidic scholar wrote that there were no righteous Gentiles. But come on, it’s all a fantasy. No one, absolutely no one on Earth can prove, or disprove, an afterlife. I don’t care what you believe about me, as long as you are a law abiding person. And whatever religion you or your grandparents believed in, or didn’t believe in, is meaningless, as long as you’re decent person. If your religion calls for my death, like a few sects in the Islamic world do, then we have a problem.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  502. Them Guys says:
    @Jimi Shmendrix

    So you sound like: When homeowner asked the Orkin Man Bug exterminator expert: “So How many Millions of Cockroaches are hidden in my homes wall’s and sinks, how many did you kill?”

    Orkin Man bug expert, Jim Shmendrix, answers the homeowner thusly: Well yes many Millions of cockroaches have infested your entire home…However so far I have not yet located or seen even one single BLUE color cockroach!……So of course that changes everything we know about cockroaches.

    Indeed:…Too many jews to count are members of what they call “Reform Judaism” as their jewdeo Religion…Therefore this means there is NO, Nada, Zero “Judaism” in “Reform Judaism” get it?

    And we also know that Gravity always causes things/people/objects to Fall Down. For this is a well proven Law of the Universe…..Unless of course some lib lefty clowns get a wild idea in their goofy minds, that…While Yes Gravity pulls everything downwards, it also can mean the direct opposite, if lefty libs either get some goofy idea in their minds that dictates such, or the lefty lib fools decide it best to reject all such proven facts in order to advance their lefty goofy ideals…Then they believe Gravity always is a downward force on all objects….However gravity also can pull an object Upwards or Sideways….and all who disagree, it is proof they are a evil Nazi anti-Semite, see?

    How do jews define, what’s a jew? Easy…jew can be a Race–or a Religion-Or several different religions-or an Ethnic Group-Or!….Two or More in a jewdeo-combo….What is a Jew? Is actually based on…”Is it Good for Jews? Good for Israel?”….So which ever definition or Combo of two or more definitions is always a jews best option, and it can vary from day to day. As long as the choice made is always Good for jews or good for Israel,,Or! good for Both!

    I wonder if it was definition changer jews who convinced American African negroes to keep changing what everyone must call a negro as, every decade or so eh?..From African, to, Negro, to Nigger, to, Coloreds, to, Brown folk, to African browns, to Blacks, to African blacks, to African American……Whats next? Maybe, perhaps, African negro jewish jews? Much is similar between the two groups eh?…Colored negroes, and the orig whigger, jews aka white niggers. Much in common with both it seems.

  503. Anon[184] • Disclaimer says:

    You think those Saudi pussies would have the balls to attack anybody

    Saudi , another 100% Muz country. Thanks for proving my point !!!!

  504. iffen says:

    The only unusual feature of Jews is that they are a state within a state – the mistake is to see Jews as part of the community in which they settle.

    Well, this is foundational to anti-Semitic thought.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  505. @anonymous

    Dante did not write religion, he wrote poetry.

    The Greeks, and Romans whose mythology was largely borrowed from the Greeks, passed down, then recorded myths of gods, etc., as prods to thinking, not as dogmas to which assent was demanded.

    The Abrahamic religions demand belief and punish rejection of belief in the dogma set down by its high priests, rabbis, priests, bishops, popes, etc.

    Poetry, and other forms of aesthetic expression, do not demand belief or assent; their purpose is to inspire, provoke, motivate, comfort, inform. No one is forced to ‘believe’ in The Pilgrim’s Chorus

    nor imprisoned for denying Verdi

    but their spiritual message, and their power to elevate and unite — the purpose of re-ligio — far surpasses anything written in Torah, Talmud, Paul, Gospels, or Scofield.

    • Replies: @Felix-Culpa
    , @RobinG
    , @tac
  506. Like Ron Unz, I grew up in a Jewish household in the 1960s and was highly indoctrinated into the Judaic belief system. Or at least my family tried but rather unsuccessfully.

    I attended Hebrew School from the 5th to 9th grades. I entered such studies as a result of my own curiosity. Most of the teaching and books were atrocious to listen to and read. In the 9th grade after reviving my grades to an overall B+ – A average after my lack of interest had caused them to plummet surreptitiously, I told my parents as I was not returning no matter what they did to me. I had had it…

    I never completely understood why but even back then I sensed that something was not completely right with this Judaic world. Eventually, as a young adult, I walked away from the entire thing always feeling more comfortable in Christian services than in Jewish ones. Maybe it was because my real father was Russian-Orthodox, a man I never met.

    Maybe it was because in many of these Christian services the tone was more oriented to what was going on in our daily lives instead of what happened 2000 years ago.

    I have been studying the issues with Israel and the Palestinians for many years as a consequence of my deep interest in military history. I have come across a lot of documentation that indicted support for this very well written article. And have read widely documents that show similar information for what Ron has described here. But nowhere in my readings to date, has it been done as eloquently.

    I have also read Shahak as well as Kimmerling and a host of others who describe similar backgrounds to Talmudic Judaism.

    As a result, I have several of the books in my library that Ron details in his article, including the complete set of Professor McDonald’s works.

    Interestingly enough, I recently came across a document that described that Adolph Hitler did not want the Karaite Jews swept up with the Nuremberg edicts. I imagine this was because he saw these Jews as followers of the Old Testament who had little to do with Talmudic studies. Unfortunately, I have yet to corroborate what this information provided.

    I recently complete Professor Shlomo Sand’s, “The Invention of the Jewish People”. A well written history of the Jews as a religious culture and nothing more. They are not a race and not even a people as a people would have shared cultural indicators no matter where they resided, which was not a trait of the Jewish Communities around the world. The only thing they did share was their belief system. And even here, like any other religious group communities maintained different aspects of it.

    As what Ron Unz has demonstrated about Talmudic Judaism, Sand demonstrates in the same light; that what we have been taught about the history of modern Israel has little to nothing to do with reality. It has all been fabricated to satisfy a lust for Jewish power that began as early as 1820.

    Sand’s book falls short in my view as he fails to convey any information how successful and succeeding Jewish Communities fared among their host countries and the non-Jews they lived with. For example, in Eastern Europe, it was found quite by accident by an Israeli scholar several years ago that from the 16th through the 18th centuries all the major cities there were under the control of Jewish crime organizations. This scholar found among this treasure trove of primary source documents enough evidence of criminality that in his words would keep 100 scholars busy for 100 years of study. Amazing; and to this day I have berated myself for not keeping this document in my historical files.

    In any event, there is a small silver lining to much of this. The Judaic belief system, like Christianity in Europe, is beginning to go into a steep decline. Judaism is and was a belief system that had its time up through the 10th century AD when Christianity finally rose to complete dominance. As a result, it has been living on borrowed time only surviving by being able to live off of windows of opportunity that were provided by the leadership of the host countries that Jewish Communities resided in.

    Today, young generations of Jews, especially in the United States, are maturing with increasingly less interest in the state of Israel and question why its future should have anything to do with them. In the near future this will mean less and less moral and monetary support for this atrocious nation.

    Sociologically, Israel is beginning to implode and will most likely die of its own warped perceptions of itself while the world at large increasingly views it as a nation that has no right to exist, both legally and morally.

    As The Beatles once wrote, “All things must pass” and so too will Israel… And Judaism will eventually pass into the ether of history where it always belonged…

  507. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Jews are White and classified as such by the affirmative action laws. The veteran preference is not new. It’s been around since the end of the civil war.

    Affirmative action doesn’t just apply to federal employment. It applies to city county and state employment and private employment.

    Seems to me you never heard of affirmative action till you read my post about it.

  508. Wade says: • Website

    This is a very good answer.

  509. @General Koofta

    The most charitable explanation for Echoes of History’s posts is that the difference between a valid argument and his will in any given matter is lost on him.

  510. Zeidner says:

    Why did they give white trash southerners internet access?

    Look what ya done did cleetus!

    You all try to look sophisticated on here you sound like massive retards. Go date your cousin or attend a kkk rally.

    • Troll: renfro
    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  511. @Anon

    “Mohamad married a 6 year old girl.”

    Please provide proof that the Prophet married a 6 years old girl?

  512. Dear Ron Unz,

    Given your friendly and frank exchange with a prominent Neoconsercative, I am a small “potato” but privileged to share what I think about this article.

    It was the most intelligently forthright, logical, objective, and the bravest words I have ever read on the Jewish religion’s “oddities.”

    Fyi, after reading the article yesterday, I telephoned a very intelligent & spiritual (practicing) Catholic Melkite church priest & sought permission to text him your valuable, knowledge-packed article. Come what may, the “Father” has it.

    One matter: Time to time, I read Psalms. Number 56, the psalmist speaks & offers the folliwing heads-up to readers: “What time I am afraid, I trust in thee.”

    Understanding you are a secular “non-practicing” Jew, I suppose you take little comfort in even a possibility that Yahweh will protect you from what angry & evil “flesh & bone” can do to punish & shut you up.

    Assume you heard aplenty from me, a life-long member of the Eastern Catholic faith.
    Will stop now but to quote Psalm # 56, verse 11, “In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.”

    With perhaps less “trust” than that of the psalmist, frankly, I am presently afraid of what pissed-off “enemies” can do to you.

    Thank you very much, Ron, & may praise be “rendered unto thee.”

  513. Anon[413] • Disclaimer says:

    Yours is a philosophical — rather than political — angle on the issue.
    You may say: it’s merely the angle of how things visibly are.
    Yet it is the angle that decides the view, rather than the other way around.

    For truth to be wanted, nothing else has to be wanted concomitantly — truth, in its complete refractoriness to wants and will upsets every cart and spoils every business — to silence/repress/curtain off it is an universal human need (or it wouldn’t be done universally as it is).

    You are markedly veering into philosophy, I doubt politics can be aliment to you henceforth.

    The same goes for Unz’s appetite for truth; he might later find philosophy more hospitable to it than politics is.
    And he might find that “official history” is the most proper mirroring of its addrees, in that it is the demand that forms the offer.

    (Put your mind to the steep upward trend of deceptiveness in marketing: the more compliant companies are rewarded, those disrespectful of the consumers’ pining for deception are pushed out of the market.)

    • Replies: @AaronB
  514. Wally says:

    “I see Unz and the Klan members he pays to moderate this site delete anything pointing out his white nationalist leanings. Your cowardice is revealing, Ron.”


    So, what’s wrong with “white nationalism”?
    There are all manners of black, yellow, & brown nationalism.

    Which moderators are “Klan” members’, do tell.

    Your unhinged judaism is revealing.

    • Replies: @Crimson2
  515. AaronB says:

    That’s actually the point of the afterlife – its supposed to be a blissful state of being that is so much better than our ordinary unsatisfactory state of being that it’s beyond our normal concepts. We can intuit it at best.

    All attempts to put in words are insipid and fall flat – the Muslim 72 virgins, the Christian angels with harps on a white cloud, the Mormon eternal family ruling over another planet – they are all alike insipid.

    But that aside, sure, I don’t disagree with you – being a decent person is the most important thing and one should not take beliefs too seriously. People say the modern world suffers from disbelief – I say the modern world suffers from dogmatic uncritical belief in materialism, logic, the evidence of the senses, etc – none of which withstand close scrutiny.

    As for being law abiding, sure some sects can be problematic but most can fit within an ordered society – the real problem is not beliefs but that group conflict seems endemic, an as soon as a group sees itself as distinct it sees itself as in conflict with other groups.

    The solution isn’t modern individualism – which sees each individual as his own “group” in conflict with every other individual – but everyone seeing themselves as one large group.

    And that’s the ultimate tendency of all religion.

  516. utu says:

    I looked it up. The exact statement was: “A good slap in the face and some flogging would restore his faith in materialism right away.”

    I am happy to observe that this won’t be necessary. You are back to reality. You snapped out form the delusion of being a self proclaimed Mahayana Tzadik. Now you are back to being a regular Jew you always were responding to the “all hands on deck” call to defend the Jews and Judaism. No more pretense. The natural order was restored.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  517. AaronB says:

    No, I think an anti Semite is someone who sees Jews as uniquely anti social, incompatible with the rest of humanity, etc.

    The man who understands Jews as a group in normal conflict with other groups – just as his own group is – has humanized Jews and accepted them as just like himself, even if on the opposite side, and attained to a more objective vision.

    He may not want Jews in his country – quite understandably – but in my mind he is not an anti-Semite.

    To give you an example – utu strikes me as a pure, simple anti-Semite of the old school. A classic type. Guys like Thorfinsson and Anatoly Karlin don’t strikes as anti Semites, although I’m sure they’d want Jews either restricted in their own countries or removed.

    • Replies: @iffen
  518. @AaronB

    What can “the horrors of European history” mean to one who holds cynicism as the stuff of wisdom? Gothic cathedrals?
    With Jewish enemies like Aaron B to refute him, Ron Unz needs not friends.

  519. Mulegino1 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    True, Schacht was instrumental in jump starting the economy. Hitler was prescient enough to make use of a financial insider for the first phase of the gradual enactment of a truly National Socialist economic program.

    Hitler’s leadership was remarkable in the sense that, where the economy was concerned, he avoided the extremes of socialism and neoliberalism, and thus put Germany on a road to unprecedented economic well being- a road which the global financial hegemonic powers would assuredly obstruct to the point of Germany’s total destruction.

  520. @AaronB

    The only unusual feature of Jews is that they are a state within a state – the mistake is to see Jews as part of the community in which they settle. To constantly be in conflict with your own community would indeed be a sign of an unusually anti social character.

    But Jews have always been crystal clear they are not part of the societies in which they settle and so has the host society – so the Jewish history of conflict can be viewed under the light of intra-group conflict, just like anywhere else.

    The Jews who feel that way should be in Palestine, and should have no say in what happens in the U.S. People like you mention should never be given citizenship, the right to vote, or any position of decision or authority over the host, and if they have those rights or privileges, each should be stripped from them immediately. In a healthy society, there would be no question about what should be done.

    The world has bent over backwards to give Palestine to the Jews, so Jews should be in Palestine, since it’s so important to so many of them. They should also exist there on their own dime. Of course Jews would never go for that, since they could never make a go of it alone, and without a diaspora looting their hosts for the benefit of Israel or pulling strings to manipulate others to do Israel’s fighting, Israel would be an impoverished sitting duck. With all of the help, Israel is still in constant crisis.

    As for the Palsetinians/Muslims, they are the victims of the Jews, but they are still no friends of the American people. How many times have I seen Palestinian or other ME activists in the U.S. allied with Jews against the hosts? The two groups deserve each other. Bottle them up in the ME together and forget about them.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  521. Jews are not white, and in fact they tend to be anti-white politically speaking.

    Jewish DNA is middle eastern, cousins to the Palestinians.

    Ashkenazi have some European DNA, but they are still not white.

    Jews are “fellow whites” when they are spewing hatred toward whites, ex. Tim Wise.

    • Replies: @Wally
  522. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Who’s talking about PC? The Crimes of England was published in 1916.

    About half of medieval literature (okay, maybe that’s an overestimate) consists of making fun of priests. You can talk about the abuses of the caste system to your heart’s content in India, and, indeed, there are many activists who do just that. In China while you may have to be careful about criticizing the Communist Party you can take all the shots you want at the mandarins of the Qing dynasty. As a matter of fact at the period The Crimes of England was published the Jews, of England at least, were open to some extent to discussing the historical problems of their own communities– not to the same extent as the British, who (with to varying degrees the rest of Europe) really are outliers, but to a far greater extent than at present.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  523. Heros says:

    The threads leading jewish supremacist plays the old peasant superstition card. Well guess what, in this thread we have exposed jewish blood sacrifice, so not only were the peasants right, it is jews who turn out to be as superstitious as you can get.

    Once again, it looks like Jews projected their own penchant for superstitions onto the goyim that they so despise.

    I wonder if jews were lying about poisoning wells too. Yeah, no need to wonder….

  524. AaronB says:

    Somewhat true. Judaism is definitely more resistant to simple categorisation than is comfortable for a modern mind used to the shadeless caricatures of much science and math, but there are enduring themes and continuities.

    • Replies: @Talha
  525. Them Guys says:

    Jake: Also, lest they forget or, Ignore the fact that. In all of the, all of a sudden public school shootings during Bill Klinton prez admin. era…when Bubba K was eager to pass usa fed Bans on so called assault weapons, and finally after a new school shooting event every aprox 2+1/2 Months ever since first at Colombine school. Got ban passed for ten year period then ban expired.

    At Colombine at least One and perhaps both shooter perps were jews.

    And likewise, at all of the remaining school shooter events which totaled about 13-14 within 2+ 1/2 years time frame….I now forget actual percentages(?) but I do recall it as around 70% to 75% of school shooter perps were jewish perps. Maybe this is reason so many/most such shooter perps asked prior to shooting victims, “Are You Christian? Believe in Jesus?” and after victim answered “Yes” Blammo! 12 Ga buckshot round to face or head typically. More intense jewish hatred of Christians on prime time tv display perhaps?

    NOTE: That huge percentage of jewish perp shooters, may have also Included both school events And various other venue shooters shot unawares folk at….Like Batman Movie shooter he was a jew, US Rep Gabby Giffords(jew) shot at Arizona public electoral speech event, shooter was rabid insane jew guy perp….Plus after 24/7 on Every msm TV station news, saturation coverages of Giffords shooting episode, which lasted 5 days straight, as Soon as was revealed by Internet alternate sources that, in Fact giffords shooter perp was jewish guy and he spent summers as teacher aide at some AZ Yesheva summer day camp for jew youths…..EVERY TV MSM Stopped all reports on events…Only main thing further being reported was giffords recovery condition etc.

    And even where in her head she was shot Changed!….I myself saw on Live TV news an interview with a dozen top Dr’s and Neuro Surgeons trying to explain why and how it was first reported her head wound was at Rear of Head gunshot fired definitly from Behind her, and NOW story changes to shooter definitly stood a few feet in front of her and fired point blank at her front Forehead and bullet exited rear head!

    They had to cover up facts about top repub progun Fed Judge also was shot dead at same event, after his very recent fed court case pro gun decision, and much talk of him running for higher office next….It looks like a Pro-Hit aimed at the fed judge, and giffords was “in the way” or hit by error maybe?

    But bottom line is add up school shooter events and the several other high profile shooter events from Colombine up until, very latest school in Parkland Fla, shooter perp had a jewish mother, but adopted by others as a Teen, and his jew mom provided him with a mulato half black brother too.

    Technically parkland school Fla perp was a jew since his Birth Mother is jewish. Thats jew rules not mine. Ironicly at Parkland head honcho Sheriff who gave stand down do not enter to help wounded kids order, was himself also jewish. Much more irony involved in parkland events. But no doubt of jewish perps as mentioned prior.

    It Beg’s the question of: Why have we seen So Many jewish perps going off all crazed and insanely doing so many mass killing and shooter events? When most often we goyim are told to consider jews as worlds biggest victim group, and also as very pious, very holy, super religious folks that typically never do wrongs.

    Jewish mastered Deceptions as a Weapon to keep Goyim folk confused? Bingo!

  526. AaronB says:

    You do not understand the subtlety of my thought if you now think I have “joined the Jewish side” – as a mathematician, you are trained to think in simplistic binaries, and cannot understand someone who transcends binaries.

    It is not your fault.

    But if it makes you happy to see “the natural order restored”, then enjoy it while it lasts.

    • Replies: @Felix-Culpa
  527. AaronB says:

    I do like to reach the higher, wider, more philosophical view, which ultimately becomes religion if one goes deep enough, but as long as one remains a biological creature and one cannot entire abandon politics, as unintelligent as it may be.

  528. AaronB says:

    I agree with you – and many Jews I know do too.

    But as long as YOU make it possible for Jews to exploit you, they will – just as your group exploited its neighbors in turn.

    And ironically, one reason Jews can exploit you is because by becoming materialists, you have no recourse but to let Jews set the spiritual and intellectual agenda.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @OilcanFloyd
    , @Heros
  529. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Um…you have just reinforced my point. Try writing a book called the Crimes of Blacks and see how far you get.

    Goodness, South Asian Muslims in the UK could literally be raping and abusing tens of thousands of local girls and the police woukd not investigate for years, for fear of being called racist.

    • Replies: @Anon
  530. iffen says:

    someone who sees Jews as uniquely anti social, incompatible with the rest of humanity, etc.

    I think that they see Jews as working to alter traditional society in ways that benefit Jews and disadvantage non-Jews.

    Two more observations: you seem to view conflict as defining human nature, but cooperation is at least as important, and secondly, you seem to view spirituality solely in terms of being a captive of an organized religion.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  531. Taco says:

    “Can you point to even two or three significant pundits who have called Putin “the new Hitler”?”

    Boris Johnson (then the Foreign Secretary of Britain)

    Here’s one comparing the Helsinki Summit to the Munich Summit, with Trump playing the role of Neville Chamberlin and Putin playing the role of Hitler

    Prince Charles comparing Putin to Hitler

    Hillary Clinton comparing Putin to Hitler

    I spent 5 minutes on this errand, I’m sure I could go on and on.

    And actually, it is a widespread enough phenomenon that someone actually made a list of people who have compared Putin to Hitler

    I’m sure it isn’t exhaustive, and it is from 2014, but still, more than “two or three significant pundits” have compared Putin to Hitler.

  532. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Your “war of all against” was originally a Hobbesian formulation to describe all individuals against each other in the absence of government. It was hyperbolic reductionism.

    Nonetheless, it did hint at how a nation state with a common culture might reduce social conflict so much as to render it irrelevant. Of course, an utterly conformist culture is also suffocating so there needs to be a balance.

    I’d say England had that balance up until quite recently. This meant, that despite the tumultuous excesses of the rest of the world, England maintained both an extraordinarily innovative and peaceful society. It was not perfect, of course, but I cannot think of somewhere better.

    • Replies: @AaronB
  533. @Zeidner

    Is this irony, projection, or both? White Southerners likely have a higher average IQ than Israeli Jews, are probably no more likely to live in trailers than Israelis, and when they do, neither the trailer nor the land is stolen or subsidized by a foreign government or charity…and they are less likely to be shacked up in the trailer with a close relative than is a Jewish settler. Hollywood stereotypes aside, I would think that Jews are more closely related to one another than any group of white Americans. As for the KKK jab, Jews are far more tribal and apt to join groups that promote ethnic interests than are whites in any part of the U.S. Like the Skokie Nazis, I would bet that many so-called white supremacist hate groups are infiltrated by Jews. Either way, there is no group of organized whites in the South that is anywhere near as obnoxious or corrosive as the SPLC, AJC, JDL, ADL, or any of the to groups that organized Jewry founded or supports. Antifa, is far more active and violent than the KKK.

    • Replies: @Anon
  534. renfro says:

    Jewish culture, it is no worse than other cultures, and is balanced by a Universalist message

    And what exactly is the ‘universalist message’ of the Jews?

    • LOL: utu
    • Replies: @Felix-Culpa
    , @AaronB
    , @iffen
  535. annamaria says:

    Zeidner, and Catholics are a race?

  536. Wally says:
    @Bennis Mardens

    Jews are ‘White’ when they do something bad.

    They are Jews when they do something good.

    The worst thing a gentile can do to a Jew is notice he’s a Jew.

    The worst thing a Jew can do to another Jew in private is not notice he’s a Jew.

    The worst thing a Jew can to another Jew in public is let the goyim know he’s a a Jew.

    • Replies: @Mulegino1
  537. Wally says:

    IOW, telling the truth is “anti-semitism”.

    Perhaps better said:

    “anti-semitic”: any thought or person that a Jew doesn’t like

    We’ll stop telling the truth about you when you stop lying about us.

  538. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Um…you have just reinforced my point.

    Which is what exactly? I had thought you brought up PC in the (mistaken) belief that I was referring to it.

    Goodness, South Asian Muslims in the UK could literally be raping and abusing tens of thousands of local girls and the police woukd not investigate for years, for fear of being called racist.

    Yes. This is a bad thing, no? This is not really the company the Jews of America want to be associated with, surely?

    But, to reiterate, the above was not true in 1916, when books like The Crimes of England ( were published. It has nothing to do with PC.

  539. j2 says:

    “there is an absolute prohibition on ingesting blood in the Old Testament.”

    I though of not writing any more comments on Unz, as there are too many idiotic pro-Israel trolls, but this time I will comment your statement, as it seems you many not be so well informed on this issue and not a troll, and also to support Ron Unz in his efforts as he is correct in what he writes.

    Torah forbids eating blood in 8 places, but please, read those places and think what they say. In one place the reason is given: the redemption is in blood. In another place not only eating blood is forbidden, most aspects of practical Kabbalah are forbidden. Yet practical Kabbalah was performed by Ba’al Shems. (It was also forbidden to pronounce the name of God, but Ba’al Shems (=kabbalist master, who pronounced the forbidden name for magic purposes) did it. Pronouncing the name gave power, just like blood gave power. It was forbidden for ordinary Jews, but not for Ba’al Shems.)
    Thus, there were two reasons for the ritual sacrifice of Christian children: for the redemption of the people and for powerful magic requiring the assistance of God. Yes, though they themselves cheated, they did believe that in magic in the name of God would work.
    Thomas in his description of William of Norwich (the victim of one of the ritual murders) tells what a converted Jew Theobald of Cambridge explained to him: the Jews believed that they had to sacrifice a Christian boy every year because otherwise they could not return to their country. This is just saying that the Jews could not return to Israel before redemption and that the redemption is in blood.
    The corresponding place in the Babylonian Talmud is Sanhedrin 43a. In plain language it says that killing disciple of Jesus in a covert place is to honor God as by a sacrifice of the innocent firstborn. The body cannot be buried but must be thrown away, as was always done in suspected Jewish ritual murders.
    The text Sanhedrin 43a is as follows: “There is a tradition: Yeshu had five disciples —Mathai, Nakkai, Netzer, Bunni, Todah. Mathai was brought before the judgment seat. He said to the judges: Is Mathai to be put to death? Yet it is written: Mathai ( = when) shall I come and appear before God ?, They answered him: Nay, but Mathai is to be executed; for it is said: Mathai (when) shall (he) die and his name perish?. Nakkai was brought. He said to them: Is Nakkai to be put to death? Yet it is written: Naki (=the innocent) and righteous slay thou not. They replied to him: Nay, but Nakki is to be put to death; for it is written: In covert places doth he put to death the Naki. Netzer was brought. He said to them: Is Netzer to be put to death? Yet it is written: A Netzer (branch) shall spring up out of his roots. They answered him: Netzer is to be put to death; for it is said: Thou art east forth from thy sepulchre, like an abominable Netzer. Bunni was brought. He said: Is Bunni to be put to death? Yet it is written: Israel is Beni (my son), my first born. They answered him: Nay, but Bunni is to be put to death; for it is written: Behold, I will slay Binkha (thy son), thy first born. Todah was brought. He said to them: Is Todah to be put to death? Yet it is written: A psalm for Todah (thanksgiving). They answered him: Nay, but Todah is to be put to death; for it is written: Whoso offereth Todah honoureth me [Ps. i.23].” Read this as many times as you need to understand it.
    This place in Talmud does not demand drinking blood, but as Jesus told his disciples to drink his blood and eat his flesh for redemption, we can be sure that this was the correct tradition of Second temple Judaism and it lasted in Kabbalism.
    The magical usage of blood can be found from Jewish magical and kabbalistic books. A sacrifice is necessary for higher magic since it requires approaching God and Torah forbids approaching God empty-handed. Sefer HaRazim tells to make cakes from four and blood of a lion cub. These cakes are not eaten, they are used for magic, just like in the Hagganah ritual Toaff tells about wine with blood is not drunken, it is poured to the ground, as Torah tells to do. The blood is needed for casting spells.
    We find a command for drinking blood from the most holy book of Zohar: Idra Zuta in the end tells the whole companion to drink blood. Before that Idra Zuta tells twice that a sacrifice is necessary to calm the hatred of the lower God (microprosopus). What can the blood that the companion is commanded to drink be? If cannot be blood of the children of the Promised People, as that is forbidden, the children must be redeemed. It cannot be animal blood, as prophets say God does not want your animal sacrifices. The only blood that can be used is human but not from their people.

    I could explain this more, but better you study yourself.

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Anon
    , @ivan
    , @utu
  540. renfro says:

    Existing after two thousand years in a diaspora. What other group has done this?

    So ridiculous. And typical of Jewish narcissism.

    Christianity, Islam, Hindus, etc all originating in the ME and Asia now exist in diasporas thru out the world.

    Impossible to make Jews understand how self destructive their self worship is.

    So ride on to your next appointment in Samarra .

  541. Wally says:

    ” It can be a modern anti-Arab spin like the one by Netanyahu that Mufti was responsible for Holocaust.”

    You mean the scientifically impossible ’6,000,000 Jews & gas chambers’? LOL

    Here’s what a righteous Jew has to say about the scam:

    “Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish “holocaust” and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same averredly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur—gives the game away. It proves that it must be a lie. Why else would one not be allowed to question it? Because it might offend the “survivors”? Because it “dishonors the dead”? Hardly sufficient reason to outlaw discussion. No, because the exposure of this leading lie might precipitate questions about so many other lies and cause the whole ramshackle fabrication to crumble.”

    - Gerard Menuhin / righteous Revisionist Jew, son of famous violinist

  542. Talha says:

    Appreciate your input on the thread – which I’ve been watching from a distance. Way too messy for me to get involved in too deeply, especially since Judaism is not my area of expertise.

    Though having studied (studying) a religious tradition in depth, I can attest to this; if one focuses on just certain aspects or minority/extreme rulings or what Muslims have acted out (this includes recent incidents of Daesh chomping down on the flesh of their dead enemies) from the long history of Islam, I can make it out to be the most ridiculously vile thing ever under the sun without any peer. Likewise, I can selectively find stuff that will make it more hippy than many pozzed strains of Chrstianity.

    The trick is to find the normative voice (in any tradition) that tends to neither extreme. And this is something that takes serious dedication and effort to do.

    I do appreciate Mr. Unz’s article from a couple of perspectives:
    1) he kick started a conversation – it’s up to the rest of us to take it in a constructive direction or be foolish
    2) he admitted to a lack of knowledge about the subject matter
    3) he provided plenty of references for people to do their own research

    It seems to me, from what I have read here (and many thanks to others who aren’t just shouting, but providing serious – I’m not talking about Uncle So-and-So’s take on his blog-of-awesomeness – reading material) and other places, that some of the weird traditions seen in Judaism stems naturally from a religion tied strongly to a ethno-linguistic group. Which has resulted in a few very visible historic trends:
    1) it is extremely powerful in maintaining a group cohesion over a tremendous amount of time and geography
    2) it is a complete failure in convincing large numbers of others to join up – not that it cares to (see point #1)
    3) it will bring about suspicion regarding its adherents since they will always be seen as others – which may be intended (see point #1)
    4) it will continue to shed numbers to more universal religions, but replenish them within its own genetic ranks (reinforcing point #1)

    In my area of Chicago-land, we have a lot of religious Jewish people walking around. I use them as a teaching tool for my children; their commitment to things like not driving on Saturdays, wearing their distinct clothing, establishment of businesses catering to their community, etc. is an inspiration – if they can preserve their insular religious tradition, then we obviously have no excuse.


    Note: An aside…many people in my circles are in mourning today. God saw it meet to extinguish one of his breathing lamps of guidance. The soul of Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj (ra) – one of the most knowledgeable Maliki scholars, an ascetic with few peers and the teacher (or grand-teacher) of many of the scholars I often reference – passed from this world. Nobody knows how old he was (he outlived everyone of his generation in his tribe), it is enough to say he was at Hajj – having made it on foot from the Sahel Desert – when he heard the announcement that the Ottoman Caliphate had been officially disbanded.

    • Agree: Dan Hayes
    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @iffen
    , @hyperbola
  543. @llloyd

    Very much so. Take the standard narrative on the various Inquisition. These were actually fact finding bodies, not courts. While these Inquisitions existed various religious offenses – heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, adherence to a forbidden religion – were serious crimes with severe penalties. At the time almost all countries, as I’ll describe a few sentences down, had such religious laws. The problem for secular authorities was that determining whether these crimes had been committed required a technical knowledge, e.g., of intricate theological and credal issues, that far exceeded that of secular judges. The job of the Inquisitions was to determine whether a crime of heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, etc., had actually been committed, and refer these findings back to a secular court.

    The Inquisitions usually performed these duties conscientiously. Of the tens and probably hundreds of thousands of cases referred to them, only a few thousand were eventually tried in the secular courts and found guilty of religious crimes serious enough to merit execution. The Inquisitions did determine that tens of thousands had violated lesser laws regarding religion and the secular courts then tried and found many of these guilty and subjected them to lesser punishments. The Inquisitions and these secular courts maintained scrupulous records. The records demonstrate a careful regard for justice and the law. That we now disapprove of the religious laws should not mar our judgement of the Inquisitions and these courts.

    We actually have an experimental confirmation of the beneficial effects of the Inquisitions. In northern European countries, where no Inquisitions existed, most estimates suggest that at least fifty thousand, and probably a great number more, persons were tried in purely secular courts, and ultimately executed, often by burning at the stake, for witchcraft. In the absence of an informed Inquisition, most of these persons were convicted on the basis of superstitious, but easily learned rot, like that in the infamous, heretical text, the Malleus Maleficorum. A proper Inquisition would most likely have found they had committed either no religious crime or a relatively minor one.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  544. j2 says:

    cakes from four — cakes from flour, some typos always remain

  545. renfro says:

    BTW, your contention that Jews are “just another group” does not pass the reality test.

    Tell us why jews arent just another group.

    • Replies: @Heros
  546. D. K. says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Yet, your reply fails to explicate even a single one of those supposed billion alternative possibilities….

  547. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “Who cares? … Life is complicated.
    — According to Tyrion 2, any interest in historical events should be strictly on touristy terms. This is a remarkable rationale (with a personal touch) for dismantling the Holocaust museums and Wiesenthal center as the centers of hate.

  548. andkon says:

    Unsurprisingly, the video record of such extremely touchy subject matter was quickly truncated to just the first 11 minutes, and eventually completely removed from both YouTube and BloggingHeadsTV.

    1. In Chrome, I see a blank empty box and video does not play. In Firefox and Internet Explorer, the full video works though it is an old Flash video player:

    2. The full video is also available on YouTube:

  549. renfro says:

    The Jewish sense of their superiority is complementary to their belief in the importance of the gentile – the Jew is special because he assists in the elevation of the gentile.

    Explain with examples of how Jews elevate Gentiles.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @AaronB
  550. Wally says:
    @Frankie P

    “The constant spotlight shone on the evil Nazis prevented people from investigating the millions (30 million?) of deaths at the hands of the Jewish Bolsheviks. ”

    “Evil Nazis”, as in supposedly.

    Your point is understood, however.
    Jews manufacturing propaganda about the Germans and then having the media & ‘academia’ under their control allows them to generally get way with what you are referring to.

    I’ve seen it said:
    ‘Jews don’t always try to tell you what to think, but they always try to tell you what to think about’.

  551. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “I find nothing extraordinary in Israel selling arms…”
    — In contrast, I found it extraordinary that Tyrion 2 was totally oblivious to the sordid facts of life in Ukraine both under Lazar Kaganovich and Nuland-Kagan.
    In case you, Tyrion 2, overlooked the reference to a metaphorical meeting of Kagans clan of ziocons with the sadist and mass murderer Kaganovich in Ukraine, here is a repost:
    “Kaganovich was one of a small group of Stalin’s top sadists pushing for very high rates of collectivization after 1929. He became Stalin’s butcher of Christian Russians during the late 1920s and early 1930s when the Kremlin launched its war against the kulaks (small landowners who were Christians) and implemented a ruthless policy of land collectivization. The resulting state-organized forced famine, was a planned genocide and killed 7,000,000 Ukrainians between 1932 and 1933, and inflicted enormous suffering on the Soviet Central Asian republic of Kazakhstan. ..
    … Kaganovich, was one of the worst mass murderers in history, and little wonder that during World War II large numbers of Ukrainians greeted the Germans as liberators, with many joining the Waffen-SS to keep Communism from enslaving all of Europe.”
    – Do you recognize the root of banderism, Tyrion 2? Or this is too much against your touristy approach? Here is the Nuland-Kagan & Kaganovich legacy:,7340,L-5076191,00.html

  552. bjondo says:

    Israel Shahak didn’t hate self. Stupid idea. He told truth. Maybe truth is self hating? Or, maybe, truth is hated?

  553. Them Guys says:

    Never the Jews….Unless it Is the Jews eh?

    Israel was behind the 9 / 11 attacks.

    This is what Former Director of Studies at the U.S Army War college, Dr Alan Sabrosky says:
    (Dr Sabrosky (Ph.D., University of Michigan) is a writer and consultant specializing in national and international security affairs. In December 1988, he received the Superior Civilian Service Award after more than five years of service at the U.S. Army War College as Director of Studies, Strategic Studies Institute, and holder of the General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research.)

    “What we need to stand up and say is not only did they attack the USS Liberty, they did 9/11. They did it (Israel). I have had long conversations over the past two weeks with contacts at the Army War College, at its headquarters Marine Corps, and I have made it absolutely clear in both cases that it is One Hundred Percent certain that 9 / 11 was a Mossad (Israeli) operation, period.
    First the disbelief, and what I show them immediately afterwards is an interview with a demolitions expert named Danny Jowenko, and it shows the third building at the world trade center going down… And they look at that.. And I said, now you understand that if one of the buildings was wired for demolition all of them were wired for demolition… and that’s it, that’s the tipping point…

    Getting into arguments about who was flying what and where they were, whether there was nanothermites… most things are true, but they are incidental, the thing that is necessary is to tell people: 3 buildings went down – the third was not hit by a plane, it was wired for controlled demolition, therefore all of them were wired for controlled demolition… and at that point the reaction is rage… first disbelief and then rage. 9 / 11 has led directly to 60,000 American dead and wounded… God knows how many hundreds of thousands of people in other countries that we’ve killed or wounded or made homeless.. This is an open wound… And what Americans need to understand is, they did it, they did it…
    … The only real winner, from 9 / 11 and the wars that it spawned (Iraq, Afghanistan and Iraq, and of course Iran coming up to the front burner, and Syria still simmering on the back burner) – is Israel, no one else benefits, no other country benefits…” – Dr Alan Sabrosky

  554. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “Life is complicated, so I reserve my moral outrage…”
    – Are you sure you have the prerequisites for MORAL outrage? Here are some more names of the prominent Jewish Bolsheviks:
    Matvei Berman, the Boss of GULAG: “According to de-classified archive data released by the successor agency to the KGB after Perestroika, a total of 1,053,829 people died in the GULAG from 1934 to 1953, not counting those who died in labor colonies.

    And who was in charge of labor colonies? — Naftali Frenkel (born in Haifa):
    “One of Frenkel’s innovations in the labor camps is the “you-eat-as-you-work” system or the “nourishment scale”. This system resulted in a high death toll in the camps.”

    Here are the planners of the extermination of the most productive and educated segment of the peasantry in Russia: “Genrikh Yagoda, head of the OGPU secret police, and Matvei Berman, head of the GULAG labor camp system, proposed to resettle up to 2,000,000 people to Siberia and Kazakhstan in “special settlements.” A combination of dekulakization and collectivization [see Kaganovitch] led to mass starvation in many parts of the Soviet Union and the death of an estimated 11 million peasants…”
    — A progeny of the Bolsheviks has resettled in Israel and the US:

    • Replies: @Anon
  555. @AaronB

    But as long as YOU make it possible for Jews to exploit you, they will – just as your group exploited its neighbors in turn.

    And ironically, one reason Jews can exploit you is because by becoming materialists, you have no recourse but to let Jews set the spiritual and intellectual agenda.

    I haven’t allowed Jews to do a thing. The situation with Jews is far older than I am. I live a very modest life, and wouldn’t really want to deal with the headache of managing lots of money. I wouldn’t turn down a fortune, but I also wouldn’t spend my days counting and managing my wealth. I also don’t care to climb over people to grab a few shekels. I have no idea what God is, believes, or how he behaves, but I do believe there is more than meets the eye. That’s about as far as I can go spiritually without God talking to me, and I don’t trust any other human to take me further. I don’t see how any of this makes me deserving of being exploited or destroyed by organized Jewry, or any other person or group, and I wouldn’t call myself a materialist, either.

    I’ve met people who do awful things to others, and then turn around and tell the victims that they deserve what they got for being weak or mistaken about their pred’s intentions, who point to minor flaws in the victims to make the victims into monsters, or who turn the righteous anger of the victims into the catalyst for their own prior actions, all in order to escape responsibility for what they have done. As a group, Jews remind me very much of these human defects. My group has accepted guilt for many things, often when it wasn’t warranted, and has often paid through the nose to make things right. As a group, I’ve never seen Jews do anything but blame, take, and exploit, and they do so by any means necessary.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @AaronB
  556. bjondo says:

    Yes, to prevent truth of Yid being revealed.

    Also the reality of saving a gentile’s life means to save kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, hair, eyeballs, spleens, gold-in-teeth, for use by Yid.

    Yid so defective lots of repairs, replacing needed.

    Shahak was a great man. His greatness can be measured by the weasels who attack.

  557. NYCTexan says:

    What was the purpose for the massacre of the Palestinians?

    Allow me to take a shot. I believe very few wars -if any- are just. Men do horrible, evil things to each other and to women and children in war. They do so because it has proven effective strategy. When you destroy all that one has to live for you can destroy their will to resist… for a time.

    One of the great secrets of war that the western interventionists will never remotely acknowledge (#metoo) is that rape by conquering men of conquered women is an essential feature of occupation. Everyone I have ever met in the armed forces acknowledges this as obvious when I frame it strategically. I always stop short of asking if they’ve done it or witnessed it. What’s the point. In other words if you don’t do it you seriously hamper the likelihood of eventually winning the long battle.

    • Replies: @Anonym
  558. @renfro

    This should be fun. The explanation will probably boil down to something along the lines of “it’s very complicated,” or something similar. Maybe the answer will be the very Jewish “you’re too dumb to understand.” From my experience, those are typical responses from Israelis when the going gets tough. Maybe Aaron is different?

  559. Them Guys says:
    @James Kabala

    I have posted much at prior unz articles, about what you stated of 12 tribes split and biblical facts etc.

    But fact remains and was in Dec 2012 Published in Johns Hopkins Prestigious Med Journals, the DNA findings study which proved, and agreed with an earlier 2000 dna research published after vetting etc. That at Least 98.5% of worlds current alive jew population are or have mainly Khazar DNA.

    Including Sephardic jewry too, and litterally all of world jewry as mainly Khazar descended peoples.

    Khazar composed of Turk+ Hunn+Mongral+Caucasian dna’s.

    Which substantiates and proves Christ was correct in Rev.2:9 & 3:9 and several other biblical verse sections, when Christ was quoted as saying….”You have those among you that Call themselves jews, But they are Not, and Are imposters and Of the Synagouge of Satan. He also in John 8:44 calls out Pharisee rabbis and their Jew folowers as “Of their Father Satan, and like he, also are liars, thieves, and murderers.” Paraphrased but close enough untill you read actual statements.

    Pharisee Talmudic rabbis turn their jew followers into, Twice the children of Hell as those pharisee rabbis themselves already are. Christ stated that also, and again was/is correct.

    Jewry by time of Christ era, did so much Inbreeding, and so much Out breeding with so Many non jew or non israelite tribes and nations others, that they were closer to being a mainly Edomite peoples, except for the iraelites who maintained a totally intact israeliteish dna descent.

    Lost sheep of House of Israel who Christ said He was sent to, were of 10 northern tribed House of Israel. Jews of judah lost rights to name of israel long before christ era. And as prophesied by Jacob to his two grandsons of his son Joseph when first met them in egypt during great famines era.

    Today what Matters utmost is that entire world and especially America, are Royally screwed up and on verge of more major troubles than most folk can concieve of. And when all is said and done, all valid proof and research is done, names named, persons exposed via their own evils done, etc etc..Bottom line is that, there is No other ethnic group alive today, and descended from same types in past eras of such massive Woes and Evils, that have more actual guilt verdict of being Main Perps period….Than…jews……Research 1917 to 1990 Russia commie jews, and 1920s to 1930s Wiemere Germany run mostly be jewry, for a glimpse of americas future if they are not stopped and soon……If we had No 2nd amendt and so many guns in usa, we already be worse than those two examples of russia and germany under massive jewry controls.

  560. mcohen says:

    The bochim are coming…………ahhhhhh the bochim have come

    Whats not to like zeidner.good job my boy.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  561. Talha says:

    Deserve’s got nothing to do with it…

    There will be predatory actions taken by others; the numbers of those willing to act immorally will increase or decrease over time. Many people are very happy to obey the rules, but what does one do about those that do not?

    Yes, one call call them out (correctly) for being exploitative, but one will have been exploited. So one is left with a few choices:
    1) recognize points of weakness, learn from mistakes and remedy the situation – especially the systemic failures that others can exploit
    2) take your lumps now knowing that justice will be delivered eventually, but you will have to wait a bit – this requires a spiritual angle
    3) keep asking the exploiters to change themselves; which will work for some, but will simply be seen as a sign of weakness by those with an exploitative bent

    I cannot see a fourth option, though I’m open to it.

    Materialism frankly doesn’t care – the results speak for themselves; a group of boars that is eliminated because another group of boars drove them from a watering hole is simply replaced.


    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @Frankie P
  562. AaronB says:

    Well, of course they do that. It’s warfare by other means. The Spanish also “alter traditional society in ways that benefit the Spanish and disadvantage non-Spanish.” In South America. The English, etc. Need I go on?

    No, I agree cooperation also defines human nature – and we should nurture that. But conflict does seem endemic.

    I think organized religion can, if done right, he good training wheels. A Jewish friend of mine was telling me that eventually Jews will advance to a level where they will not have to follow the Law – so within Judaism is the notion that organized religion is not ultimate. Buddhism has the same concept. But rules are indispensable for some people at certain levels.

  563. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    I read Jewish publications all the time. They are all over my neighborhood, in front of every coffee shop and restaurant, public library swimming pool, in front of the post office and City Hall.

    Those publications proudly proclaim that Ashkenazi Jews are all 7th and closer cousins.

    I actually live in a small historically Jewish city completely surrounded by Los Angeles. The main reason the city is so Jewish is that we have our own school system completely separate from the black and brown disaster that is the Los Angeles public school system.

    As the Jews say, school integration and bussing for thee but not for me .

    I live east of the Jewish museum of hatred of the White Goyim aka Museum of Tolerance and west of one of the biggest Chabad Hasid Shetls in America

    A few blocks west of the Museum of Hatred of the White Goyim is the west coast headquarters of ADL. The logo is interesting. It’s a globe with a banner printed with ADL strangling it. Very appropriate don’t you think?

    I’m a White Goy Nationalist and proud of it. Zeidner is an anti White pro black criminal Jew.

    Jews and Whites are eternal enemies. And I’ve infiltrated the west coast headquarters of Judaism. .

  564. @renfro

    It is as Al Goldstein stated: “Christ sucks.”

  565. AaronB says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I hear, but Hobbes was talking more about how the state mitigates the war between individuals. However, the war then gets transferred to between groups. Still it is a step in the right direction.

    The English state created peace and prosperity for its members, but the English preyed upon the rest of the world. And with capitalism and Darwinisnm, the English began the reversion to the war of all against all.

    Still, for a while, the English state did support a flourishing population.

  566. AaronB says:

    It is, that through the agency of the Jews, God’s instrument merely, all human beings will be spiritually refined and uplifted, and dwell in peace and harmony, and eventually pass beyond this world entirely to a higher realm.

    That is the vision in its purity, at any rate.

  567. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:
    @Echoes of History

    I guess you don’t know the difference between Armenians and Americans

    Learn to read.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  568. @Talha

    Come on, Talha! Of course, you see the obvious options for both the people and the boars. I’m not an army of one, but history is full of predatory individuals and groups getting their just desserts. I’m not going to think twice if the people trying to harm or displace me are eventually slaughtered, and it matters not whether they are Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, Africans, or other Whites. All of these groups tell me that might equals right, and if they can displace me, I deserve it. I guess your twist is that it’s God’s will, but we aren’t of the same religion, and I don’t really trust any human to tell me God’s will, anyway. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens if these groups don’t back off, and I don’t expect them to. At least I have the moral high ground.

    • Replies: @Talha
  569. AaronB says:

    Well, we see that when the northern Europeans tried to craft an indigenous tradition, they reverted to individualism in the moral realm – back to the war of each individual against each individual, a regression, and materialism in the intellectual tradition – the barbarian notion that only what the physical senses can perceive has value, an idea that appeals to people of unrefined intellects and overpowering physical appetites.

    However, with proper guidance, no one soars higher than Europeans. And all people need external guidance, including Jews. The mistake is to cast off all yokes.

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @Anon
  570. @SolontoCroesus

    Verdi and Dante’s works are but effects of which you have written off the cause namely, Catholicism.

    A good tree doesn’t bear bad fruit.

  571. AaronB says:

    I appreciate your position – and I certainly believe don’t anyone “deserves” to be exploited by Jews, and the Jews who do this are wicked people. Great sinners.

    I am merely pointing to a fact in “natural history” – that biological life entails group warfare, and Jews participate in this as much as anyone, and there is nothing special about this. Your group exploited others in its turn. Did your group repent, or was it defeated? When the current Jewish ascendancy collapses, there will be much introspection likewise.

    Of course none of this is right – and religion is about going beyond this.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  572. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    Hasn’t some Israeli historian claimed that Moses never existed and that the entire Exidus myth is nothing but a myth.

    The article is about Jewish kidnapping and murder of Christians for religious human sacrifice .

    Because it’s true and proven in many sources, you can’t deny it. So you jump from Jesus never existed to someone you disagree with is an ignorant southern hillbilly instead of a landlord in the 9o212 zip code.

    You can’t refute fact A by bringing up totally off topic irrelevant fact B, especially when B is dead wrong

  573. AaronB says:

    Great comment – I agree with pretty much everything.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  574. iffen says:

    In my area of Chicago-land, we have a lot of religious Jewish people walking around.

    In my little corner of the world I just saw a pick-up truck with stenciled lettering on the back window that had a Star of David and it said, “Israel Will Prevail.” On the other side of the back window was an Easy Rider rifle rack with a couple of long guns.

    • Replies: @Talha
  575. @AaronB

    Someone who transcends binaries, as in true and false; good and bad, is someone who has forsaken understanding.

  576. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you Annamaria. Some Jews will acknowledge what their fellow tribes critters did in Russia but they justify it be the horrors and pogroms they endured.

  577. @Anon

    Religious Jews in recent times soaked meat bought from the butcher in salted water for some hours to drain any vestige of blood contamination. I remember my mother doing it in my earliest childhood. In later years she professed atheism. My father was a jewish merchant seaman. He adopted an easily remembered alias using his mother’s maiden name Bergen and changed his name to Robert in order to get hired initially when he was about 17. Memories yes but memories of real life. Odd to find myself reading or skimming through what some commenter here called a “crazy bomb.” Using Christian blood to make matzoh? I have in the cupboard a store of Strait brand whole wheat matzoh baked it says on the package under the supervision of a rabbi. In small Hebrew letters the consumer is advised that it is not kosher (i.e. not to be eaten) during the Passover holiday. And the same info is supplied in English for the observant Jew who doesnt know what לא כשר לפסח means. The Strait package also makes the claim that it is “The original cracker!”

    • Replies: @Anon
  578. renfro says:

    You get a F-…you didnt answer the questioned…you just babbled.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  579. Mulegino1 says:

    The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out!”

    Goebbels was right.

    A Jew can indeed assimilate to his host culture, but not while maintaining his Jewish affiliation with the tribal hive either overtly or covertly. To do so overtly excludes him as a member in good standing, for it implies the placing of the collective Jewish interests above those of the host culture and society, and this is unacceptable. To do so covertly is even more dangerous, because it brings out the chameleon like deception that is the ancestral trait, and enables him to circulate within and do more damage to his host society than the overt and loud identitarian Jew.

    The truly assimilated are just the opposite; they acknowledge their Jewish origins while openly repudiating the tribal hive and the toxic and anti-social aspects of organized Jewry.

  580. iffen says:

    And what exactly is the ‘universalist message’ of the Jews?

    And they seem to have had a nasty habit of crucifying early universalist Jews.

    • LOL: AaronB
    • Replies: @Anon
  581. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    Today is July 17, the 100 year anniversary of the slaughter of the Goyim Martyrs Nicholas Alexandra Olga Tatiana Marie Anastasia Alexie Eugene Anna Alexie and Ivan by Jews who then proceeded to slaughter another 100 million Christians and Muslims caught in the Russian empire.

    If you are a Christian, say a prayer for the Martyrs. If you’re not a Christian acknowledge the murders. If you are not a Jew, be prepared to save yourself and your family when it happens again.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Karl
  582. Talha says:

    but history is full of predatory individuals and groups getting their just desserts

    I agree – and it is full of people getting away with it like bandits.

    All of these groups tell me that might equals right

    That is not my position; that is the only position I can see coming from a materialist perspective. The winners are those left standing once the dust settles.

    Those people who desire to replace you, want to oppress you – and oppression is never morally justifiable.

    I guess your twist is that it’s God’s will

    Everything is God’s will – being exploited is God’s will being manifest, resisting being exploited is God’s will being manifest. Run from God’s will to God’s will.

    At least I have the moral high ground.

    And if one has the moral ground, one doesn’t have much to worry about (even in taking option #3) in the long run; at the very least, one will be compensated in the next life – justice will be done.


    • Replies: @Frankie P
  583. Talha says:

    Almost Heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River…

    “Israel Will Prevail”

    We’ll just have to wait this one out…though she might, but perhaps not in a way the driver intended; all depends on what one thinks winning means, eh?


    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  584. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    Thanks so much. I’ve always wondered why the bodies were found instead of buried very deep. So a dead Goy is just trash to be thrown about.

    I’ve always thought that Jesus telling his followers to eat his body and drink his blood at a major religious holiday dinner indicated the followers felt it was a normal Passover thing to do.

    The NT has a lot of conversations between Jesus and his followers in which the followers object to something Jesus says and he explains his ideas and they agree.

    But they don’t even question eat my body and drink my blood so it must have been normal in their sect.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @ivan
  585. annamaria says:

    try to make a connection between this, “wave of anti-Semitism has swept over Ukraine”
    and this, “Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine”

    • Replies: @Wally
  586. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    The Logo of ADL has a universalist message. It’s a globe with a banner strangling and encircling the earth with ADL printed on it.

    The message is not subtle.

  587. @AaronB

    Somehow, I’m not surprised, which is why I say that Jews and Muslims deserve each other, and should be bottled up in the ME together and forgotten. In case neither of you noticed, the vast majority of the people in the West are neither Jews, nor Muslims, and we don’t care about your religions, or your phony erudition, and we certainly have no desire to be coached up or converted by any of you. We’re better than fine without you. Hopefully, without out-group distractions, we can deal with out own Judaized/Zionized crooked elites, and your groups can fight it out in the ME in peace.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @AaronB
  588. Jewish Racism, supremacist, ethnocentrism, religious fundamentalists !!! As a “rationalist” catholic I often find myself at odds with Judaism…Jews claim that The Old/New Testament are all lies but that the Talmud, Kaballah, are not…Divine Inspiration, how do you prove that?God talked to Abraham its unproven and absurd.. All of the N.Testament (jesus) miracles are false, but the jewish Miracles in the Old Testamnet are not?? Just because religious books like the Talmud are old It doesn make them all true. All books written by men (humans) are bound to be fallible, verify by another Human still fallible…There are many religious texts that are much older than the Talmud, Kaballah…Popol Vuh, Summerian, Hopis, Egyptian Gnostics =source for Judaism??). The Palestinians (philistines) were in Canaan LONG before the jews (will of God), Jerusalem was founded under Muslim rule, There never was, never has been a country named Israel before 1948..never…there were jewish clans, tribes, kingdoms. How can jews be the chosen people of God and advocate the rape, murder, of other human beings (non jews), saying that stealing robbing, defrauding, burning them, use them for vile evil purposes its all ok in Harlem NYork blacks kids run away from Unmarked white Vans the rumor is that there is a pedo/Talmudic/mafia of rabbis that used young children for rites of passage for ordained rabbis to satisfy their most darkest degenerate instincs…isn’t that ultra murderous sociopathological psychotic sickness…? Jews are not the smartest people on earth MOST human development arts, sciences, industry, sports, commerce, travel, technology ACHIEVE by Gentiles NON jews…I heard that Jewish moguls control the billions rap music industry.(all music).how many rap songs did they write??? I used to believe the rags to riches Hollywood moguls stories, until one day I learnt that Jews compose exclusionary close ghetto subcultures societies that from birth formed a circle of nepotism,..attend same schools, synagogues, sports, clubs,etc. When a yound jew graduates from University, his DAD calls his friends and secures a well paying job for the young man in a powerful corporate structure (Movie Studio) the young jew joins the mail room earning much more tha the other employees, within 5yrs the young Hebrew learnt ALL aspects of studio business and waits patiently to be placed as a CEO…this will never happen to a smart, talented, hard working NON jew..never…

  589. @AaronB

    Did your group repent, or was it defeated? When the current Jewish ascendancy collapses, there will be much introspection likewise.

    My group pays through the nose and grovels for many things that it has and hasn’t done, to no avail.

    I’ll believe in Jewish introspection and contrition when I see it, as it’s not a Jewish strong point. There was none of either after the Bolshevik and post-Weimar tragedies, so I don’t think it’s in them. Either way, I’m not holding my breath, and don’t expect to see any tears shed for them if things go bad for them, since everything is too obvious this time around.

  590. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve lived in Jewish neighborhoods all my life. I know all about keeping a kosher kitchen and draining all the blood at the slaughter house and soaking meat in salt water aka brining and cooking it very well done so it isn’t pink and the rest of it.

    Your mothers cooking has nothing to do with the article by the way

  591. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    John 6

    [56] For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. [57] He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. [58] As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. [59] This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever. [60] These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.

    [61] Many therefore of his disciples, hearing it, said: This saying is hard, and who can hear it? [62] But Jesus, knowing in himself, that his disciples murmured at this, said to them: Doth this scandalize you?

    • Replies: @Anon
  592. Wally says:

    “Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine” ”

    This is a excellent refutation of the fake ‘Nazi’ narrative.

    If these guys who Israel is arming were Jew history ‘Nazis’, Israel certainly would not be giving them weapons. It’s an admission by Israel that the ’6M Jews’ is fake.

  593. Anon[310] • Disclaimer says:

    Can we keep on the topic?

  594. Dumbo says:

    I don’t hate Jews, I just wish they would leave us alone and stop trying to always interfere with other countries, now they have their own country and can concentrate on that. That should be easy for them to do if they have the 180-plus IQ that they claim, no need to piggyback on anyone.

    P.S. Yes, other nations and/or ethnicities also can be an occasional pain in the ass, but not with the same frequency apparently

  595. @renfro

    You get a F-…you didnt answer the questioned…you just babbled.

    Called it. Do I get a cupie doll?

  596. Wally says:

    If Jews were really so smart they would have conjured up a better, more believable story than their impossibly fake & stupid ’6,000,000 & gas chambers’.
    I mean, get serious.

    • Replies: @KSA
  597. Heros says:

    When a jew comes out and announces he is a jew I am instantly favorably inclined because I am an honest and good willed person. I want a jew to write something positive that can give me hope of some kind of salvation from this criminal gang of child sacrificers through jews dealing with their own filth.

    Unfortunately, Steve Naidamast merely confirms that jews have absolutely no clue what is going on. Take this:

    “Today, young generations of Jews, especially in the United States, are maturing with increasingly less interest in the state of Israel and question why its future should have anything to do with them. In the near future this will mean less and less moral and monetary support for this atrocious nation.

    Sociologically, Israel is beginning to implode and will most likely die of its own warped perceptions of itself while the world at large increasingly views it as a nation that has no right to exist, both legally and morally.

    As The Beatles once wrote, “All things must pass” and so too will Israel… And Judaism will eventually pass into the ether of history where it always belonged…”

    So Steve is telling us goyim not to worry because, after our homelands have been invaded and our people genocided, jews will no longer be so judaically mean spirited.

    But the real issue is their sinister plans that will come to fruition long before “all things have passed”.

    Cern is clearly a Rothschild globalist operation that keeps all their rituals and secret occultist gateways secret from stupid goyim. Eretz Israel nears completion as the middle east is completely fragmented and the ZOG puppets US and Nato prepare for war with Iran. The US embassy has moved to Jerusalem while Trump turns a blind eye to continuing jewish land thefts, and Bibi is getting ready to blow up the dome and start construction of the third temple. Through talpiot, Mossad has access to all our electronic information that has ever existed and soon will have genetic and biometric data on us all. The jew media/tech control grid marches forward in lock step with holocaust denial and hate legislation.

    That a jew would find none of this disturbing is precisely what we would expect from a racial supremacist.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  598. Talha says:

    we don’t care about your religions

    Totally fine; why should you?

    and we certainly have no desire to be coached up or converted by any of you

    Of course, this is your opinion – which is fine; I’ve met plenty of Westerners that disagree.

    We’re better than fine without you.

    This is also fine – I take no offense to this; as I’ve mentioned plenty of times before – if this reflects the position from a super-majority of Westerners, then it is perfunctory to get laws passed reflecting the the will of this super-majority to the intended effect; expulsion and/or criminalization of Muslims and Islam (and perhaps Jews/Judaism, but that’s going to be a tougher nut to crack).


    • Replies: @iffen
    , @AaronB
  599. iffen says:

    to the intended effect; expulsion and/or criminalization of Muslims and Islam

    You know that is not going to happen and it’s not because of anything that Muslims have contributed to our society.

    • Replies: @Talha
  600. AaronB says:

    Don’t object to any of this, and I’m not Jewish in the religious sense and only half Jewish ethnically. I don’t identify with any group.

    ) Just pointing out Jewish behavior is perfectly normal when seen as part of intra-group conflict. As adults we should recognize this.

    2) Pointing out that Jewish religion also has a Universalist streak and an appreciation for goyim as well – whether individual Jews always adhere to this is another story.

    3) Not really relevant to my main points, but as a tangent, Europeans seemed to regress and de-dvolve into individualism (primitive morality) and materialism (primitive intellectuality) when they cut themselves off from the main spiritual currents of the world and tried to go it alone, which may or may not be unique to Europeans but simply what happens to anyone who separated from the main spiritual traditions.

    As for all the other stuff, I agree with you and many but not all other commenters here in much of what you are saying.

    But I have had my say and don’t really have anything more to add, so good day to you all and I shall be bowing out.

    • Replies: @Art
  601. AaronB says:

    Talha – OT, and I hope Ron permits this brief excursion, what Dune books do you recommend I read?

    • Replies: @Talha
  602. My question for users of this site is where in the frackin hel is the so-called smart fraction of 160 IQ whites and how did they let these foreign fools take over their country? Are the Jews well and truly the master race, because they seem to have become so by default.

  603. Talha says:

    You know that is not going to happen

    I am an avid reader of history; I have zero delusions about what human beings are capable of given the mix of the necessary factors and environment. There are people selling people in Libya. Prof. Jonathan AC Brown once wrote about how he met a Bosnian man who mentioned that his uncle was shot by his best friend (a Serb or Croat, I forget) of many, many years during the civil war. I don’t know how many Jews are in Baghdad now, but they lived there before since time immemorial. And I can go on and on with plenty of examples…

    Will it happen? I have no clue – we live in an unprecedented age with an unprecedented mix of factors.

    In the case it does, I appeal to the culturally-inherited sense of rule-of-law and just ask people to keep it legal – it’s not much to ask honestly.


  604. Talha says:

    All of the first three:
    Dune, Dune Messiah and Children of Dune

    The rest are space-opera in my opinion (everyone is a critic), though God Emperor of Dune has some good points.


    • Replies: @AaronB
  605. @Talha

    Actual location of the rolling hills where the inspiration for that song took place is in suburban central Maryland, not far from DC, if you can believe DC can be so close to heaven.

    • LOL: Talha
  606. Anonymous[276] • Disclaimer says:

    In Catholicism, Holy Communion is a magical ritual in which the priest turns bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ through a magical incantation and ritual. Catholics believe that the bread and wine turn into the actual body and blood of Christ, and they consume the body and blood.

    The incorporation of human blood and flesh and their consumption is not unusual in religious magic. It’s a central part of Catholicism, one of the world’s largest religions.

  607. iffen says:
    @Quinton Bo-regard IV

    Are the Jews well and truly the master race,

    They are not the master race; they are the chosen race by God, and that is an uphill fight because God does not play fair.

  608. @Jared Eliot

    Learned-sounding theory but that’s about it.

    More of that Islamic revisionist history.

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  609. @Quinton Bo-regard IV

    The WASP elite dealt with the Jewish challenge just fine before WW2.

    William Dodd, FDR’s ambassador to the Third Reich, explained how:

    “The Jews had held a great many more of the key positions in Germany than their numbers or talents entitled them to.”[38] Based on this view of the proper role of Jews in society, he advised Hitler in March 1934 that Jewish influence should be restrained in Germany as it was in the United States. “I explained to him [Hitler]” wrote Dodd, “that where a question of over-activity of Jews in university or official life made trouble, we had managed to redistribute the offices in such a way as to not give great offense.” Hitler ignored Dodd’s advice and responded that “if they [the Jews] continue their activity we shall make a complete end of them in this country.”[39]

    Jewish numbers at Ivy League schools were strictly limited by quota.

    Elite business institutions like law firms and banks were segregated by religion. There were WASP, Catholic, and Jewish banks and law firms. The WASP banks and law firms were more important.

    Social institutions were similarly segregated, and restrictive real estate covenants prevented Jews from moving into places like Greenwich, Connecticut or Manhattan’s elite co-ops. The PGA nearly adopted a bylaw prohibiting Jewish golfers, but relented owing to Southern opposition (Jews have long been present in the South and were traditionally conservative unlike Northern Jews).

    While there were very rich Jewish businessmen (e.g. the Warburgs and Gerard Swope), the richest and most powerful were largely old stock Americans. Ford, Sloan, du Pont, Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Astor, Morgan, etc.

    There was a Jewish press, but the largest press barons in the country were Hearst, McCormick, and Graham. Radio was initially dominated by General Electric, Westinghouse, and AT&T. Even the Jewish-owned cinema business accepted censorship by America’s still powerful churches after films like Baby Face provoked widespread outrage.

    The New Deal and WW2 changed everything. FDR destroyed America.

    The New Deal destroyed the financial might of old money WASPs, and WW2 radically transformed social attitudes in the North. Anti-trust pressure led America’s great electronics corporations to exit the broadcasting business. The Vietnam War fatally discredited what was left of the WASP establishment.

    Incidentally while not a WASP myself, I grew up around old money WASPs. Moderate antisemitism is still very common among them, particularly once the gin and blow come out. They still see themselves as completely superior to the Jews, but have no idea that they have lost their country.

    They have some amusing stereotypes about the Jews which, upon investigation, turn out to be correct. One of them is that the Jews always draw their blinds/curtains. I drove through a Jewish suburb to investigate this, and sure enough they do.

    • Replies: @Bukephalos
  610. @Jared Eliot

    “The majority of traditional hadith sources state that Aisha was married to Muhammad at the age of six or seven, but she stayed in her parents’ home until the age of nine, or ten according to Ibn Hisham, when the marriage was consummated with Muhammad, then 53, in Medina.”

  611. Art says:

    It is rather absurd for an Englishman to point out that Jews came into conflict with every society in which they settled when the history of England is one of such incessant conflict that they had to scour the world for people to fight.

    For two thousand years the English have been conquered and settled by different groups. Many different identity groups make up England. In order to keep peace between them all, they developed English Common Law. This was a great boon to all of humanity.

    The Jews on the other hand, in the last two thousand years, developed the Talmud – a hate filled screed that has led to Israel and the killing of med girls and the shooting off of boy legs.

    In the last two thousand years, Christians did good – Jews evil.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm – Maintain Idealistic Christianity — Art

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @hyperbola
  612. annamaria says:
    @Quinton Bo-regard IV

    You forgot about the lack of scruples.
    Also: “The study of the psychopath reveals an individual who is incapable of feeling guilt, remorse, or empathy for their actions.”

    “Those who are born with psychopathy can be dangerous. They are also often very successful in ascending to positions of power.”

  613. Art says:

    Pointing out that Jewish religion also has a Universalist streak and an appreciation for goyim as well – whether individual Jews always adhere to this is another story.

    At least 85% of US Jews do not appreciate US Gentiles. By using false charges – they coerce Americans into supporting apartheid Israel.

    Your words are clearly disingenuous at best, mendacious in the least.

    You make comment after comment that says that Jews are both victims and no different than other groups. Both lies.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  614. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    It sure scandalizes me.

  615. Frankie P says:

    Oilcan: God talks to you. Listen to his subtleties with your heart, not your ears.


    Option 4: Join Nasrallah and the Resistance and do something about those who always break the rules

    Hasan Nasrallah: “We believe that God Almighty is the creator of this existence, and of human beings and of all creatures. When he created us, he gave us capabilities; he gave us these bodies, he gave us psychological and spiritual capabilities. We call it instinct. People in isolation from religious laws, they have an instinct. They have an instinct to tell the truth. Their instinct tells them that truth is good; that lying is bad; that justice is good; that injustice is bad; that helping poor people and unjustly treated people is a good thing. But attacking people and shedding their blood, this is horrible. The issue of resisting hegemony, or resisting occupation, or resisting any attack against our people, this is a moral issue, and an instinctive one, and a human one. Now God also wanted it like this, so in this sense, moral and human principles are consistent with the law of the heavens, because the Abrahamic religions didn’t come up with anything that contradicts the mind or contradicts the human instinct because the creator of the religion is the same as the creator of the humans, and the two things are totally consistent.”

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Jared Eliot
  616. Anonym says:

    One of the great secrets of war that the western interventionists will never remotely acknowledge (#metoo) is that rape by conquering men of conquered women is an essential feature of occupation. Everyone I have ever met in the armed forces acknowledges this as obvious when I frame it strategically. I always stop short of asking if they’ve done it or witnessed it. What’s the point. In other words if you don’t do it you seriously hamper the likelihood of eventually winning the long battle.

    Are you talking about reprisals or just raping because you can? If it is effective policy, then why were the American negroes doing 80% of the raping? It seems like the German occupation of France was relatively free of rape, no?

    If you never consider that the other side might have the upper hand, then I suppose a massacre of men, and taking the women as forced wives has a certain logic to it, as ISIS did. Or just plain ethnic cleansing like the British did, which has the advantage of not creating a halfway point race between conquering and conquered.

    None of this explains why those particular Palis were killed then in that area. Was it in response to something? Or just to cow them? Why? Shahak knew.

    • Replies: @NYCTexan
  617. Frankie P says:


    Have you been reading Rumi or his father, Bahauddin Walad recently? I ask this because of this line:
    “Run from God’s will to God’s will”. It is very much in the style of Rumi and Wahad’s thinking, and it sounds like something from those who wear the wooly habits.

    Frankie P

    • Replies: @Talha
  618. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jared Eliot

    Aisha dictated her memoirs. Read them. She said she was married at age 6. She should know

    They are interesting. Her father was the most important local sheik, Abu Bakr. From the day of the marriage, Ali, Mohammad’s nephew and adopted son, and Fatima his oldest daughter plotted against Aisha and her very important father who was Mohammad’s right hand man and controlled his own tribal army.

    It’s standard dynastic struggle.

  619. Douglas Murray said of Islam that there are three possible sources of bad behaviour – the Koran, Sharia Law, and Muslims themselves. The Koran and Sharia Law do not give much cause for hope; but Muslims themselves do. By this I think he meant that nearly all Muslims do not follow the murderous instructions in the Koran, or apply the extreme punishments sanctioned by Sharia.

    The same is true of Judaism. The Talmud might not give much cause for hope, but nearly all Jews, whatever their virtues or vices, do not pay much attention to it.

    Few people nowadays care in the slightest about the opinions of rabbis that were written down many centuries ago. Spare some pity for the trainee rabbi who finds that he must master many volumes of this turgid and boring material.

    Many Jews’ experience of religion will be similar to those of Mr Unz himself, dragged along to synagogue by his grandmother when he would rather be watching cartoons.

    Now, if a dissident rabbi were to tell us that witchcraft and demon-worship were being taught at yeshiva today, along with hostility to the goyim, then his story would deserve close attention. In the meantime I will file the unattractive parts of the Talmud and Jewish folk religion along with other absurd but widespread historical beliefs, such as witchcraft, medical treatment by trepanning, and augury by examination of the spilt guts of a sacrificial animal.

    • Replies: @ploni almoni
  620. @Thorfinnsson

    Reminds me how the blind/curtain thing was freaking me out in Germany. Each time I looked through the window I could see like 30 flats across the street with almost all the rooms, and often, their inhabitants visible to me. And this was commonplace almost everywhere. I was never used to this in France, and this is quite alien in mediterranean countries too afaik. I remembered having read long ago that this is a protestant thing and the Dutch were known for this, so perhaps this is a commin cultural trait all the way through northern Germany where I was staying?
    In any case it felt a bit like a panopticon

    • Replies: @Thorfinnsson
  621. Talha says:
    @Frankie P

    Hey FrankieP – option #4 that you present is subsumed by option #1 from my perspective.

    Excellent quote by Nasrallah.


  622. Anonym says:
    @Echoes of History

    The founders of the USA were Freemasons mostly. If you read up on Freemasonry, it is not godless nor is it pared down.

    I suppose godless may not be a requirement but, you want to keep your high IQ people and actually become higher IQ over time. I think one main reason that Christianity is abandoned these days is that it is very easy for someone of reasonable intelligence to understand scientific explanations for why things are, and that removes the god from the machine, as it were.

    My thoughts are that whatever axioms you build your group evolutionary strategy on top of, they don’t seem like hogwash.

  623. Reisen says:

    Although Russian himself, many of his closest friends were Jewish, but during the 1980s and 1990s, whispers of his supposed anti-Semitism began floating around, probably because he had sometimes hinted at the very prominent role of Jews in both financing and leading the Bolshevik Revolution, and afterward staffing the NKVD and administering the Gulag labor camps. Late in his life, he wrote a massive two-volume history of the tangled relationship between Jews and Russians under the title Two Hundred Years Together, and although that work soon appeared in Russian, French, and German, nearly two decades later, no English translation has ever been authorized. His literary star seems also to greatly waned in America since that time, and I only very rarely see his name mentioned these days in any of my regular newspapers.

    Solzhenitsyn is not well loved in Russia, for a multitude of reasons. One of them is that he is the Right’s Elie Wiesel, playing loose and fast with data and pulling emotional heartstrings when needed. Unlike Wiesel, no one on the Right bothers to see if the things he says are true.

    The accusation that the USSR was funded by and run by Jews is a hundred year old story. We have heard about Jacob Schiff (and his daughter’s marriage to Max Warburg, who helped with the Nazi banks) and the money he loaned to ‘Russian’ revolutionaries – but we never heard how much was offered and whether or not that money truly financed the whole of the movement.

    After all, he saw that despite their small numbers Jews had gained enormous power in the Soviet Union, Weimar Germany, and numerous other countries throughout Europe, partly due to their extremely strong ethnic cohesion, and he probably reasoned that his own Germanic people, being far greater in numbers and historical achievements could do even better if they adopted similar practices.

    According to Rudolf Germar of IHR, Jews only controlled around 30% or so of the entire USSR makeup. This is confirmed by the NKVD lists of all its members. It is not 80% or 70%. Later on, Unz makes a remark of the scores killed by the JewSSR, but does not give a tally. I suspect it is Solzhenitsyn’s 66 million, or perhaps 80 million, whatever strikes the highest. But we know from the declassified archival data that the Repressions did not kill nearly as much, and the gulag had as many prisoners as the US did in its prisons.

    I strongly suspect that some of the most common traditional economic niches of European Jews, such as tax-farming and the arrenda estate-management system of Eastern Europe, should be best understood in a similar light, with Jews being more likely to extract every last penny of value from the peasants they controlled for the benefit of their local king or lords, and their notorious antipathy for all non-Jews ensuring that such behavior was minimally tempered by any human sympathy. Thus, we should not be surprised that Jews first entered England in the train of William the Conqueror, in order to help him and his victorious Norman lords effectively exploit the subjugated Anglo-Saxon population they now ruled.

    Suspicions are just that – suspicions. Since you admit you do not know enough about Medieval history, it is fair to let this slide, but you cannot make bold statements without evidence to back it up.

    If we start with the assumption that Jewish tax farmers controlled the peasants, it then follows that the Gentile peasants were none the wiser to acknowledge their slave masters and were not intelligent enough to form their own economies.

    The statement that Jews helped William the Conqueror subjugate his Anglo-Saxon subjects is not backed up by any evidence; it would help Unz’s thesis if he did. By doing so, the Normans would have just been siccing the Jews on Anglo-Saxons, and again, the Anglo Saxons would have been none the wiser towards these pernicious Jews.

    Since their religious traditions regarded slavery as the natural and appropriate lot of all non-Jews, both ideological and practical factors combined to apparently make them some of the leading slave-traders of Medieval Europe, though this is hardly emphasized in our histories. Closer to home, in 1991 the Black Nationalists of The Nation of Islam published The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume One, which seemed to persuasively document the enormous role Jews had played in the American slave-trade.

    Again, we have more use of unsure words, as if Unz does not know if Jews controlled the slave trade in the Medieval Era or not. We are not offered data and statistics; it is merely taken as fact. The only source I can think of off the top of my head for this is the online Jewish Encyclopedia, and even that gives sporadic primary sources.

    We see the word ‘enormous’ again, as we did with the ‘enormous’ role of Jews in the USSR. There is a better book that refutes Farrakhan’s thesis with data: Eli Faber’s Jews, Slaves, and the Slave Trade. It is far more nuanced.

    I have heard about Jews spitting curses at Christian cemeteries and refusing to help Christians or non-Jews on holy days, but the responses have been very nuanced. I did see an Israeli secular pamphlet which discusses this, so there is that.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, reborn Russia soon fell under the overwhelming domination of a small group of Oligarchs, almost entirely of Jewish background, and a decade of total misery and impoverishment for the general Russian population soon followed.

    Let’s consider this argument in its entirety. Before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was almost entirely foreign owned. Its banks were foreign owned, and so were its industries. Nothing was ‘Russian’ about Russia. We can assume who ran things then. So, then comes the Jewish Bolsheviks, and after them, Jewish oligarchs. Putin is also considered to be a member of the Chabad mafia, or at least has Jewish blood himself. Russia hasn’t been Russian for centuries, and the Russians are too dumb to notice. That is, if that argument is taken to its conclusion.

    The USSR was also fervently anti Zionist. A mass emigration of Jews occurred in the 1970s, to which Russia was adamantly criticized for. Anti-Semitism, AFAIK, wasn’t outlawed. If you criticized Jews like Soros, you weren’t arrested.

    Hitler’s economic achievements are mentioned, as well as his socialist policies. We do not talk about the same growth experienced in the USSR under Stalin, mostly because that is too touchy or would undermine the central thesis of Jewish control. A full discussion of the USSR is in need, but the article unfortunately rehashes many of the same claims echoed by other scholars and commentators in this neck of the woods, often without primary sources or context.

    The article itself is jumbled, going from one subject to the next, without offering new content that can really change the course on this tenacious issue. Much has been said by Kevin MacDonald, more my E. Michael Jones, and of course there is no limit among places like Renegade Tribune. The issue of the Talmud is worthy of interest, mainly because there has been discussion from secular Israelis on its attitude towards women and non-Jews, but aside from a few vocal rabbis, there weren’t many examples offered. Ariel Sharon could have been a great example, but he was not used.

    The pieces on Medieval Jewry and the USSR scenario were very weak. You can write a series on Trotsky and how he was perceived by his fellow Bolsheviks, or even Lenin’s attitude to the murder of the Royal Family. It’s an intriguing bit of history, but wasn’t explored here. One thing I’ve come to expect is that people on this side are very keen on data of Jewish influence in media, economics and banking, but do not offer percentages. Those Who Can See offered one on the percentage of Jews in Ivy League schools, and they were around 30%. If we account for Jewish nepotism, then it can be deduced this percentage is not due to talent and intelligence alone. But I digress.

    I am reminded of that quote from Sanhedrin 59a. I’ll paraphrase it: “If the Gentile ever discovers what we Jews are up to, our world will end.” Of course, the actual quotation is much different. But the point remains. Jews are sneaky, we are stupid to believe their lies. We must uncover them at every turn.

    So why not start at the beginning? A true, honest assessment of the JQ. It can be done.

    • Replies: @KSA
  624. RobinG says:

    You didn’t mention that “Va, pensiero,” from the opera Nabucco, is known in English as the “Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves.” Rome is nice, but in the summer go to Verona.

  625. @Bukephalos

    Germanics are high-trust and egalitarian. This reaches its peak in North America where houses don’t even have fences (though backyards sometimes do), and traditional homes have front porches.

    Meds are conspiratorial and suspicious. I suspect this Jewish stereotype stems from the fact the fact that the Jews are in fact Meds.

    Traditional Med homes have enclosed courtyards.

  626. Anonym says:
    @Tyrion 2

    No, he was very much a real person. He was a funny, chill guy, very likeable in fact. He did not look like a stereotypical Jew though. Looking back on it, he was very verbally adept, very fast on his feet verbally, so I think that he most certainly had a good amount of authentic Jewish blood.

    And you do get ginger Jews. Zuck, Seth Rogen, Seth Green, all are pretty Jewy. But they are the exceptions that prove the rule.

    I won’t tell you how we came to be passing by churches, but I will say that when we passed by churches, he spat. I’m atheist, but with a relatively Christian upbringing so it stuck in my mind.

    I think many if not most Semitically-aware people have had experiences with Jews IRL. I had a Jewish girlfriend at one point too. If you are a high IQ goy you have a very good chance of interacting with Jews through the circles you travel.

  627. @Felix-Culpa

    1. Dante’s muse was Virgil, pre-Christian. Virgil’s Aeneid dominated the Mediterranean/Roman empire world for ~ 100 years while Christianity was taking root. Likewise, Cicero was broadly popular in the same era; similarly with Cicero’s De Officiis.

    Thus it can be said that Virgil and Cicero –> influenced the development of Catholicism–> influenced Dante and Verdi.

    2. Machiavelli abhorred the Roman Catholic papacy/institutional church of his era, but never left home without his Dante.

    3. Va, Pensiero conveys numerous insights: Whatever else can be surmised from Shahak’s writing on Judaism, we know that it was (and is) a political structure first and foremost: inherent in Judaism is a mechanism of control by authority, by coercive means, over the larger group. It’s focus was not the aesthetic; for Jews, Psalm 137, the basis of Va, Pensiero, is about territorial possession and control, and vengeance.
    Near its beginning, Ps. 137 says it will NOT sing songs, because Judah is captive:

    There on the poplars
    we hung our harps,
    for there our captors asked us for songs,
    our tormentors demanded songs of joy;
    they said, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”
    How can we sing the songs of the Lord
    while in a foreign land?

    But to Verdi, songmaking is salvific; that’s the message of Orpheus. So Verdi reframes Psalm 137:

    [the chorus explodes:]
    Arpa d’or dei fatidici vati, . Golden harp of our prophets,
    perché muta dal salice pendi? . why do you hang silently on the willow?
    Le memorie nel petto raccendi, . Rekindle the memories of our hearts,
    ci favella del tempo che fu! . and speak of the times gone by!

    The Hebrew Psalm 137 ends with a curse:

    Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction,
    happy is the one who repays you
    according to what you have done to us.
    Happy is the one who seizes your infants
    and dashes them against the rocks.

    Verdi’s Va, Pensiero ends with a prayer, sung in hushed tones, and repeated:

    o t’ispiri il Signore un concento or permit the Lord to inspire us
    che ne infonda al patire virtù! to endure our suffering!

    Verdi’s ‘reformation’ of the Hebrew psalm did not go unnoticed by today’s zionists.

    First, Va, Pensiero, the ‘national anthem of the Italian people’, has been bowdlerized and turned into a pop tune by a no-talent (but popular nevertheless) Italian Otis Redding wannabe. HIs lyrics turn Verdi’s song to a politically correct pablum of meaninglessness:

    Va pensiero . . .
    Cross the mountains and fly over the oceans
    Reach the land find the place where all children grow
    Every night after listening to this lullaby

    There you find the heroes alive protecting the innocents
    Bless them all ’cause their simple song is so pure and wonderful . . .

    Life’s beautiful dream carry on for all night long

    . . .
    Take them by the hand, help them find an easy way . . .
    Where they once used to belong . . .

    Imagine the closing of the Star Spangled Banner turned into:

    “O say does that rainbow banner still wave
    O’er all bathrooms in ‘merica
    and the Mex-i-can border . . .”

    The second assault on Va, Pensiero occurred in an Intelligence 2 debate: Wagner vs. Verdi.

    (Bear in mind: Va, Pensiero is the unofficial Italian national anthem: watch carefully in the video where Muti directs the chorus; at “O mia patria, si bella et perduta,” the audience flings programs in the air, the chorus rises to standing and raise their voices. It is an appeal to emotion and patriotism.)

    In the debate, Verdi’s champion is the Jewish pundit Norman Lebrecht; he says,

    “With Nabucco, Verdi defines the Italian aspiration of nationhood, but not in a nationalist sense: the key thing to remember about Verdi is he’s never a narrow nationalist. The proof of it is the story that he takes for Nabucco, which is the story of the Hebrew slaves of Babylon, they’ve been expelled from their land; they are scorned . . . despised and rejected . . . they are the downtrodden, equally, of Europe, they are constantly railed against in church pulpits: The Jews are our misfortune!

    Verdi is the first European composer to make an opera of the fate of the Jews and use that as a paradigm of the fate of all oppressed people in Europe and in the world. . . . Verdi says, The Jew is the oppressed in us all.

    What is he saying here?

    He’s saying, Italy and Italians have the right to self-determination . . . to stand up tall among the nations . . . to be like the English . . . the French . . . to be free people in their own land but not in any narrow sense: they need to respect other cultures, they need to recognize that the Hebrews, who are also scorned, also have a similar right, and that if Italy is ever to be a state that will earn world respect it will be a state of tolerance, it will be a state of multiculturalism.

    Ladies and gentlemen, how modern, how 21st century [how Barbara Lerner Spectre] is that? “

    Lebrecht: a Jew so infused with his own narcissism that he entirely misses the fact that Verdi reformed the iconic psalm of the Jewish people and of zionism; he turned Psalm 137 from a paean to the Yahwist god of sullenness and murderous vengeance to the Christian god of love for nature, and beauty, and one’s fellows; and a plea for divine aid to forebear.

    A history of the Italian people that I started reading recently opened with the statement, “Italians are a people who endure; over the many long years of Italian history, they have learned to suffer and persist.”

    But this is one Italian who is no longer willing to suffer fools the likes of Norman Lebrecht.

    Long live Verdi!

    Long live Ricardo Muti!

    Viva Italia, Mia patria, si bella et perduta!

    And as my Mother would have said, Va fa Napoli Lebrecht, Verdi and Va Pensiero belong to Italy.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  628. @Zeidner

    how do you explain ethics

    Game Theory gets you most of the way there – it’s an empirical regularity that “generous tit for tat” is the most profitable strategy in games where there is short-term profit from defection, and long-term profit from cooperation.

    Generous tit for tat has very simple strictures:
    ① cooperate first;
    ② defect iff your counterparty defects;
    ③ if caught in a “defect/defect” cycle, cooperate to break the cycle

    If there’s a known end-point, the game collapses to “defect” as the optimal first move, through an iterative process back from the dominant move at the last move being ‘defect’ (because the counterparty can’t retaliate since the game ends).

    This might seem unrelated to ethical questions, but the payoff structure for respecting vs non-respecting others’ rights (e.g., physical person and property) has exactly this structure.

    Add to this, the issue of ‘reputation’: if an individual or group is known to defect ‘at the last round’ in their dealings, they will find it difficult to find new trades.

    It sounds kind of abstract, but it simply formalises – using the minimum possible set of behavioural rules – a mechanism that yields the highest-payoff general equilibrium (and the only equilibrium that is also Pareto-optimal).

    (It is also the exact opposite of how politics works, which makes it axiomatic that politics is a disequilibrium and is welfare-reducing for anyone who’s not attached to the political class).

    So if you want an ethical world, get people to behave game-theoretically. People do kind-of try to anyhow – using heiristics, mostly (“Don’t deal with X – he’s not to be trusted”) – but it’s a mindset that should be taught formally to children from a young age.

    Anyhow… point is, in most situations the ethical outcome is obvious, and can be ascertained with reasonable precision without reference to a gallimaufry of psychotic nonsense from folks who believed in demonic possession, the Evil Eye, and whose foundational myth revels in blood sacrifice, genital mutilation, genocide, incest, and bad faith.

    It pays to be extremely wary of anyone who claims that religion is the basis for their ethical standards; it either means that they are ethical dilettantes who click ‘accept’ on the EULA of their religion-of-choice without reading it… or they have read the canonical literature of their religion-of-choice and liked what it said.

    In the latter case, those people are psychopaths – which makes it less surprising when they tie boxes to their heads and rock like mental patients, muttering nonsense in a dead language.

    • Agree: Kiza
    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @annamaria
  629. Talha says:
    @Frankie P

    While I love the poems of Mawlana Rumi (ra), that is not the source. That was actually based off an interaction the second caliph, Umar (ra), had with another Companion.

    He was traveling towards a certain region when he received word that his intended destination was beset by plague. He made a decision to turn back to Madinah. When the other Companion heard this he asked Umar (ra); “O Umar, are you running away from the decree of God?”

    And the caliph simply replied; “Yes, I am running from God’s decree to God’s decree.”

    The simple point being, one does not know what God’s decree is until it actually occurs – so the wise way to go about things is to make proper preparation and execute actions in hopes of the best outcome.


  630. @Quinton Bo-regard IV

    This has been handled before – the key thing is that high-IQ people tend to reject nationalist/trialist drivel because they can spot an attempt at indoctrination a mile off. That’s true for both Jews and Gentiles, but it’s more true for Gentiles – and it only has to be slightly less-true for Jews, to explain the observed facts (over-representation of smart Jews in bureaucracies, academia, and politics; under-representation of smart Jews in the military officer cadre, police forces, firefighters and paramedics).

    (Use ‘in general’ liberally throughout the paragraphs below).

    Firstly: an IQ of 160 is the top 0.0032% of the IQ distribution.

    That level of processing power is more curse than blessing: those folks’ introspection is off the charts, and they tend to be socially isolated – and to “underperform” economically, if “wealth” or “income” is considered the appropriate metric (which it isn’t: risk-adjusted return on effort is the right metric). Square pegs are not useful in any sort of society-wide group endeavour.

    But let’s say we back it back 1.5σ, and get oourselves some functional smart people with ‘normal’ objectives… then ask the same question about the top 1% of high-IQ Gentiles.

    Again, it’s kind of obvious.

    Smart Gentiles do not act qua Gentile; they act qua “smart person”.

    They are not prepared to sacrifice personal return in order to further the aims of ‘Gentiles’ as a whole: they are not part of some over-arching (if weak, for some high-IQ Jews) “shared vision” or “project”.

    For example, a 135-IQ Gentile will not become a State Department lawyer on $150k a year in order to further some agenda that’s “good for the Gentiles”, when they could become an Associate at a major firm and make a million bucks a year.

    A non-trivial proportion of high-IQ Jews will take the job at State (or elsewhere in the bureaucracy, academia etc): in that environment they are competing against Gentile also-rans, and so the bright folks wipe the floor with the competition and dominate the hierarchy.

    That doesn’t have to involve a conspiracy or any deviation from meritocracy: the person making the selection chooses the Jewish candidate because the Jewish candidate is objectively superior to other candidates.

    The end result though is that it functions as if it is a conspiracy – and once the hierarchy is dominated by Jewish individuals, second-rate Jewish aspirants can rely on simple in-group biases (plus the Peter Principle) to get further, faster, than they would otherwise.

    TL;DR: smart Gentiles aren’t interested in some silly Game of Thrones, where the “thrones” in question pay a fifth of what the smart Gentile can attract when he pursues his own objectives.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    , @iffen
  631. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jared Eliot

    Earlier you said that you are Shia on gulf conservative council or something similar. You have read the hadiths .

    The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)” (Bukhari 7.62.88).

    The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age. (Bukhari 5.58.234).

    Contemporary examples

    Turkey’s directorate of religious affairs (Diyanet) said in January 2018 that under Islamic law, girls as young as nine can marry.

    “Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this” — Ishaq Akintola, professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern, Nigeria

    “There is no minimum marriage age for either men or women in Islamic law. The law in many countries permits girls to marry only from the age of 18. This is arbitrary legislation, not Islamic law.” — Dr. Abd Al-Hamid Al-‘Ubeidi, Iraqi expert on Islamic law

    There is no minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.” — Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council

    “Islam does not forbid marriage of young children.” — Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology

    • Replies: @Jared Eliot
  632. It takes enormous courage and an almost superhuman dedication to truth to tackle a subject like this one, and reach the conclusions you did, knowing the calumny and ostracism that will ensue. That said, I need to read the works you cite, and others, before I am fully persuaded.

  633. AaronB says:

    TL:DR so you’re saying the problem is individualism and lack of a larger cause?

    • Replies: @Kratoklastes
  634. annamaria says:

    Thank you. Amazing analysis!

    • Agree: Rurik
    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  635. Zeidner says:

    This thread went from bad to worse

    • Replies: @Anon
  636. annamaria says:

    perhaps, some have been reconditioned to a degree of cognitive damage. We are born good.
    “The moral life of babies”:

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Kiza
  637. ivan says:

    The authour Mr Unz, is I fear in danger of going off on the deep end like the lamented Bobby Fischer (as noted by utu above). I understand the deep fear of Jews regarding the ‘blood libel’, since it taps very primitive instincts and can be seen as a warrant for genocide.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  638. ivan says:

    Jews among their other qualities, have a hyperactive imagination. These reports of Satanic rituals all smack of creative recall.

  639. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:

    You wanna see bad to worse , take a look at a photo of Ron Unz 10 years ago and then take a look at a recent one . He is 57 but looks 75 and deranged like a mad hatter. Its quite jarring really. May explain a lot .

    Also you gotta believe that when the Ayatollahs fall and audits and accounting take place , we are going to see exactly which westerners were on the payroll of that terror regime. Also the survivors are going to sing like canaries. Giraldi deleted my comment alluding to it but someone partially quoted it and they neglected to erase that.

    • Troll: renfro
    • Replies: @Zeidner
  640. ivan says:

    I respect your knowledge about these things, but without referring again to the Bible, I can recall that Yahweh, ordered that the blood of a slaughtered animal be poured on the ground, since ‘the blood is the life of the animal, and life belongs to Him alone.’ I don’t see how such an absolute prohibition can be circumvented except by a lot of hand-waving.

    • Replies: @j2
  641. @Anon

    Yeah. I got the memo. And I understand the policy. And the problem is just that I forgot the one time. And I’ve already taken care of it so it’s not even really a problem anymore.

  642. ivan says:

    Precisely because they cannot eat the material form of the Body and Blood of Christ, they eat it in the form of bread and wine. I do this every week (but unfortunately there is no wine served to parishioners at Catholic masses.)

    Who eats whom pretty much determines the power relationship in an ecosystem; marks out the apex predator. The killer whale in the seas, the lion in the savannah, the crocodile in the rivers, the boss in a chain gang, the exploitative capitalist in an economy. Primitive man understood this. He tried propitiating the gods with sacrifices, to weather gods, to tree gods, to gods of fortune and the like. What was the thinking behind this? Nothing but this: eat this lamb or dove or pig O god instead of me. Spare me, O apex predator.

    But Christ, whom Christians believe to be the Word of God Himself, reversed the accepted order of sacrifice, offered Himself in place of all, and thus redeemed the lowliest of mankind.

    • Replies: @Anon
  643. KSA says:

    The Jewish religion emerged as an inversion of Egyptian polytheism. Whatever the Egyptians worshiped, the Jews mocked, and whatever the Egyptians scorned, the Jews made holy.

    Judaism is parody religion like Satanism (founded by a Jew as well) and the Jews themselves are simply a race of wandering parasites who embed themselves in a host society and use the same tactic of normative inversion to upend society and bring it to ruin for their own benefit.

    What is particularly sinister about Jews is their sadistic nature. Jews on social media for the past few weeks have been openly celebrating their murder of the Russian Royal Family, a family which, by the way, actually protected and privileged Jews in Russia, contrary to what Jews claim.

    The problem with we Whites is that we’ve always been too nice to Jews. If we kick them out of our countries for the crimes they commit against us they scream persecution, then come back in and murder us. If we help them, they invent crimes we never committed against them (The Tsars and the “pogroms”) and murder us anyway.

    • Replies: @Anonym
    , @jilles dykstra
  644. KSA says:

    “The Jewish Century” by Jewish author Yuri Zleskine. It not only confirms Jewish control of the USSR but gloats about it. It’s pointless to deny that Bolshevism was a Jewish terrorist movement, and later, despotic government bent on the destruction of Europe.

  645. ivan says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    And botched up big time in that enterprise. Face it no German of that era knew how to rule foreign peoples, unlike the British and the French, for ‘they are either at your throat or at your feet.’

  646. Talha says:

    Cute!!! Thanks!


  647. @Jus' Sayin'...

    “The job of the Inquisitions was to determine whether a crime of heresy, blasphemy, witchcraft, etc., had actually been committed, and refer these findings back to a secular court.”

    Sounds like Mueller’s Witch Hunt.

    • Replies: @Jus' Sayin'...
  648. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:

    Judaism is parody religion like Satanism (founded by a Jew as well

    What does this make Islam and Christianity? Founded out of a parody religion and recycling the same parody themes and the same parody characters and parody prophets from Judaism ?

    • Replies: @ploni almoni
    , @Jared Eliot
  649. NYCTexan says:

    Well France had the Vichy regime. I’m far from an expert on Vichy France and how much raping went on there, but my sense is the set of circumstances surrounding that regime is strong indication that many more French sympathized with Germany than other cases. Perhaps this Vichyated the need for rape (see what I did there?)

    As to why the Palestinians were killed then in that area… honestly, I think it is simply that war brings out the worst in men. They do not consider consequences of their actions, and certainly not whether the other side might regain the upper hand some day.

  650. @Anon

    So you hate everybody? Including yourself?

    • Replies: @Anon
  651. My own perceptions of the Middle East conflict drastically shifted during Fall 1982

    Not only are you are traitor to both Jews and America, but your reason for betraying the Jews is the stupidest I’ve ever heard. The First Lebanon War? Really? Sheesh.

    Even with all of that due diligence, I must emphasize that I cannot directly vouch for Shahak’s claims about Judaism.

    Then don’t write an article endorsing them.

    He claimed that it was obvious that Sharon had marched to Beirut with the intent of organizing a massacre of the Palestinians, and that this would shortly take place. When the slaughter indeed occurred not long afterward, apparently with heavy Israeli involvement and complicity, I concluded that if a crazy Communist fanatic like Shahak had been right

    Every believing Jew is obligated to celebrate the glorious Sabra and Shatila massacre, but it is wrong for Jews to take credit. It was a colossal screw up by the IDF and anybody who says otherwise is in “moon landing was faked” territory.

    For example, traditionally religious Jews pay little attention to most of the Old Testament, and even very learned rabbis or students who have devoted many years to intensive study may remain largely ignorant of its contents.

    Possibly the falsest statement ever written on, which is saying a lot.

    And given that so many parts of the Talmud are highly contradictory and infused with complex mysticism

    There is very little mysticism in the Talmud.

    On the most basic level, the religion of most traditional Jews is actually not at all monotheistic, but instead contains a wide variety of different male and female gods


    Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God


    Many of these traditional Jewish practices seem not entirely dissimilar to those we typically associate with African witch-doctors or Voodoo priests

    Except our curses work. We got both Rabin and Sharon with the Pulsa Denura.

    But unfortunately, there is also a far darker side, primarily involving the relationship between Jews and non-Jews, with the highly derogatory term goyim frequently used to describe the latter.

    Goyim is a totally neutral term, it is not derogatory.

    • LOL: Them Guys
  652. @James N. Kennett

    So you wouldn’t mind in the least if Israel were completely liquidated, would you?

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @James N. Kennett
  653. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:
    @ploni almoni

    No , I said nothing of the sort. Perhaps you mistake me for the descendants of Ishamael. Here is a prophesy from the old testament that has been thoroughly fullfilled :

    Genesis 16 : 12
    He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone (including himself)and everyone’s hand(including his own hand) against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.”

  654. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You think you have been conquered by Jews?

    No. My point was that “seething hatred” is not incompatible with sleeping with the enemy.

    You really aren’t bright enough to pick up on anything at all subtle, are you.

  655. Mr. Anon says:

    half the US population getting some form of .gov assistance ain’t noth’n like “extreme individualism!” We should be so lucky.

    It can be exactly like that – I got mine and y’all can go to hell – as I said. Anyway, how do you think slavery ended up being the south’s peculiar institution? It wasn’t poles or swedes who decided they’d have black slaves do their work for them.

    The greatest crimes of history came out of the exact opposite of individualism, namely collectivism; I suggest you set your aim against this plague if you’re really concerned about humanity.

    I’m not talking about the greatest crimes in history. I’m talking about structural problems in an anglo-saxon country that lie in the anglo-saxon character. Not everything is about whatever your bete noire happens to be.

  656. Anonym says:

    The problem with we Whites is that we’ve always been too nice to Jews. If we kick them out of our countries for the crimes they commit against us they scream persecution, then come back in and murder us. If we help them, they invent crimes we never committed against them (The Tsars and the “pogroms”) and murder us anyway.

    This seems a strategic error. But yes, look at WW2 and the lack of gratitude shown. The Great Seal of the USA has the bald eagle with arrows in one set of claws and the olive branch in the other. What would the equivalent concept be for elite Jewry (our host excepted)? I’m thinking a vulture, with arrows in both sets of claws. Maybe one set is marginally bigger. Or maybe arrows and a slaver’s noose. Or maybe a bag of shekels.

  657. Them Guys says:

    Another Grand Slam Homer by Heros.

  658. Kiza says:

    Yes, your point supports Kratoklastes. It is the evolution which could have built in cooperation as the positive strategy into babies. But I must say that even in the video the experiment looks a little biased – when the facilitator offers puppets for selection to babies there is a slight emphasis and an increased proximity of the “right choice”. The study design has accounted for the color bias (the attractive bright orange color is the bad puppet), but not for the human factor. But it could also be the angle of viewing. I would love to believe in 80% baby goodness, but I remain sceptical.

  659. Zeidner says: • Website

    I often suspect that these blood libels are created by Jews in order to remove undesireable elements in the Jewish community. They may in fact commit these crimes.

    See my point above about why blaming jews makes no logical sense.

    I don’t really know much about Ron.

  660. Zeidner says: • Website


    Seems were on the cusp of something breaking through. There is massive corruption right now. Its like a giant abscess threatening our life.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  661. Zeidner says: • Website
    @ploni almoni

    Why should anyone support israel?

    1. Because it’s jewish

    It was really anti jew when it began, and it collaborated with hitler. It is arguably jewish in principle. Is it a safety zone for jews or is it causing all the problems for jews? Anyone who lives there complains non stop about corruption.

    2. Its democratic


    3. Its americas friend

    Seemingly the place is more about the interests of American billionaires than anything else. Its not a nice place for 95% of israelies.

  662. @Anon

    “Earlier you said that you are Shia on gulf conservative council or something similar. You have read the hadiths .”

    Yes, I am a Shia and I am from the GCC (Gulf Consultative Council) which consists of Six Countries. Do a google.

    You have quoted hadiths from Bukhari. Who is al-Bukhari? He is a man from Bukhara, who was blind and not an Arab. He lived 200+ years after the demise of the Prophet. After the demise of the Prophet, the Prophet’s hadiths were burned, it is in the Book of Bukhari. Then these hadiths were cooked and cooked and then recooked. If a Caliph or few rich Muslims were pedophiles themselves, then cook hadiths that the Prophet married a 6 years old child. Emulate the Prophet as he is a walking, talking Quran. Catch my drift.

    Now look at the narrator of the hadiths, and you will find it is the same 6 years old girl Aisha. She is singing her own songs. Now, look at the complete Chapter 66 of the Quran, which has 12 verses, which are all about Aisha and Hafsa, the two wives of the Prophet. It mentions in these verses, that these two are liars and destined for hell. Now, who do you want me to believe? Quran or Aisha with blind Bukhari?

    And, there is other evidence that when Prophet married her, she was 34 years old and divorcee.

    The Quran tells us that the Prophet was created a “mercy to mankind”. If a Caliph wanted to torture prisoners, then cook a hadith that the Prophet used to torture prisoners by putting hot irons in their eyes. Who should I believe? Quran or Bukhari?

    I hope you catch my drift.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  663. SAM J etc.

    You guys are not “German-Americans”. You’re Anglo-Celtic hicks from the sticks. Say what you want about Jews but please don’t tell a German Yankee that Jews were pulling little girls off the streets in Weimar Germany and raping them in front of German men.

    I don’t know why you whites from the sticks purport to have insights to Jewish crimes when the only Jew in your Podunk city is the public defender or the dentist.

    None of you are Irish-Catholics or Italians from New York who live among Jews. Irish-Catholic women in NYC are not reporting being raped by Jews in their workplaces.

    And even if they were, you’d have no knowledge of it because you are either from the South or the interior of the US.

    Do white girls like Stormy Daniels get exploited by Jews in the porn industry or sex industry when they run away to LA or NYC.

    Sure. But the Jews are not kidnapping them and they are over 21.

    The reason so many white girls from the Flyover or the South get into porn is a) the lousy economies b) the shit wages of a truck stop waitress or retail salesgirl and c) the broken homes like that of Stormy Daniels where both parents were 21 when she was born and Dad took off.

    In that way-the broken home, the poor parents, the single mother-poor white hicks are like Negros.

  664. @Anon

    “What does this make Islam and Christianity? Founded out of a parody religion and recycling the same parody themes and the same parody characters and parody prophets from Judaism ?”

    As a Muslim, I used to take it as an insult, that the Prophet Mohammad copied the stories from the Bible and he got these stories all wrong. Now, I take it as a compliment, if you catch my drift.

    So yes, the stories are not the same!

    • Replies: @Anon
  665. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God”.

    The transcription of the Declaration is defective. The original, in handwriting, has ‘Natures’ God’, with the apostrophe correctly placed to indicate a genitive. It means grammatically, the God OF the Nature. All printed texts introduced the incorrect spelling (which was in the sloppy draft of Jefferson) ‘Nature’s’ God. The apostrophe between the word and s stands for ‘such and such IS whatever’. So in the semi-litterate peoples’ minds it became ‘God IS Nature’. The lecture becomes nonsensical: “The Laws of Nature and of God IS Nature”.
    The Founding Fathers were intent to speak about the ‘traditional’ God, well, the ‘God’ of the Jews, of Newton, of the Deists. Not the Christian one, here Matthew Stewart is right. America is NOT a Christian nation and that “freedom FROM religion (Christian) is precisely what America’s founders had in mind”. It explains why the Christmas tree has been practically banned and replaced with the Hanukkah Menorah.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  666. @Jimi Shmendrix

    “Learned-sounding theory but that’s about it.”

    “More of that Islamic revisionist history.”

    One cannot deny the evolution of the languages, whether oral evolution of the languages, or written evolution of the language.

    Till today, the Modern Arabic is written without vowel, and so does it offshoot Hebrew. In Modern Arabic, there are just “nouns”. And, there are no such thing as “nouns, pronouns, and proper nouns”

    Here are two statements from New Testaments in Aramaic:

    “eli eli lama sabachthani”

    “eloi eloi lama sabachthani”

    Now show me the nouns, pronouns and proper nouns in the above two statements. Also, show me the vowels in the above two statements. BTW, the whole two sentences are written without “Capital Letters” as there are no capital letters in Semitic languages.

    • Replies: @Jimi Shmendrix
  667. Seraphim says:
    @Jared Eliot

    He married her when she was nine. But never say that M. was a pedophile if you value your head. It’s OK to say that the Catholic priests are.

  668. @Frankie P

    “Now God also wanted it like this, so in this sense, moral and human principles are consistent with the law of the heavens, because the Abrahamic religions didn’t come up with anything that contradicts the mind or contradicts the human instinct because the creator of the religion is the same as the creator of the humans, and the two things are totally consistent.”

    I don’t think that you will have many Sunnis who will agree to the above statement of Sayyed NasrAllah. It is the main theological different between Shia and Sunni (a offshoot of Judaism from hadiths).

    According to Shia it is our minds or more likely our instincts which guides us to “right and wrong”. Thus, you will find that most of the people and most of the atheists are good people doing right and shying away from evil.

    To Sunni like Judaism, it the Laws of God. God told us what is “right or wrong”. So, if tomorrow God or His Mullahs tell us that killing is permitted, then go ahead and kill people for 72 virgins. The theology of the “liver eaters” comes from this principle, if you catch my drift.

  669. @KSA

    Mozes, if he existed, is supposed to have been a priest at Heliopolis, the city built by a pharao who tried to introduce monotheism.
    Historians see monotheism as the effort by those in power te legitimise themselves through one god.
    If the theory is correct, then Mozes succeeded where the pharao failed
    Jobs and sacrifices are less with one god than by many

  670. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    An Echochamber of Jewish propaganda masquerading as anti-Jew.

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  671. @Art

    GB had a jewish prime minister
    E. T. Raymond (Edward Raymond Thompson), ‘Disraeli: The Alien Patriot’, 1925, London

  672. @Jared Eliot

    Marriages like this also took place in Europe, maybe even a few hundred years ago.
    No sex until the girl was at age, fifteen or so.

  673. KSA says:

    muh 6 million works because it’s so absurd. Nobody questions big lies, just as Hitler said.

  674. @Greasy William

    Goyim is a totally neutral term, it is not derogatory.

    I keep reading in HBD circles and elsewhere how awesomely superior the Jewish IQ is yet you blokes keep throwing up these easily refuted statements.

    Don’t you realise that if a simple google search can contradict something you’ve said in your argument then the rest automatically becomes suspect?

    derogatory, informal
    A Jewish name for a non-Jew.

    My bolding.

    Please do not now tell us the Oxford English dictionary is not definitive.

  675. Seraphim says:
    @Jared Eliot

    Jesus spoke in Greek too. Some Apostles had Greek names (Andrew, Philip). Jesus gave Simon a Greek name: Petros!

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  676. @Pat Hannagan

    Just for good measure:

    Usage note
    Use of this term usually implies a contempt for non-Jews as being different from or even inferior to Jews: Only a goy would use such faulty logic. goy is rarely used in a neutral, descriptive way as a synonym for gentile , though that is its meaning in Yiddish and Hebrew. In another usually disparaging usage, goy is applied to a Jew who is not observant. Unabridged
    Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2018
    Examples from the Web for goyim
    Contemporary Examples
    His approval rating among Jews, steady in the low 60s, is about 15 percent higher than it is with the goyim.

    Obama’s Silent Jewish Majority
    Eric Alterman

    August 22, 2010

    Historical Examples
    “It would make us undistinguishable from the goyim,” answered Bensef.
    Rabbi and Priest
    Milton Goldsmith

    Besides, these Goyim were trying to undermine the True Religion.
    Comrade Yetta
    Albert Edwards

    The Goyim refuse us equal rights because they know we’re their superiors.
    Ghetto Tragedies
    Israel Zangwill

    etc etc

  677. Heros says:

    Because jews have been ritually torturing and murdering Christian children for centuries, lying about it, projecting their own crimes back on the Christians, then persecuting the Christians for daring to mention it.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  678. Heros says:

    “But as long as YOU make it possible for Jews to exploit you, they will”

    Yet another jew psychopath bragging about his psychopathic jewish buddies. Why don’t you just go full jew and quote crowley:

    “Do what thou wilt”.

    Jews like to think how civilized they are, but in reality all they have ever done is prey off of other races.

  679. @Jared Eliot

    Your incorrect assertion that Arabic somehow predates Hebrew is preposterous. Again, you “sound” as if you know what you’re talking about, but it’s just a big load of made-up nonsense.

  680. Oh boy, if ever a thread on this site demanded tighter moderation standards, it was this one. Alas! Really dropped the ball, Ron.

    • Replies: @Pat Hannagan
  681. Anonymous[406] • Disclaimer says:

    Can someone explain here how Ron’s approach to understanding Judaism and the Jewish people could be considered commonsensical, practical or methodological? He read a highly obscure book full of conspiracy theories by Israel Shahak and then “paid a considerable sum to a young graduate student I knew, tasking him to verify the claims in Shahak’s books.”

    Let’s say you were Chinese and wanted to learn from scratch about American history and culture. You find an obscure 100 page book on the subject — which you know has an ax to grind and is way outside the mainstream — and then ask a third party to look up its footnotes for you. This obscure work and the third party’s review of it then become the basis for how you decide to orient your entire assessment of American history and culture.

    It is hard to think of how Ron could have been more unempirical in his approach to understanding a history, religion, people and way of life. Here is what he could have done:

    1) Read books written by and for Jews about Judaism, which are acknowledged to be mainstream works within a major Jewish religious stream, e.g. Orthodox, Conservative, etc. (i.e. books with which they identify and are thus representative).
    2) Speak directly with a sample of rabbis and/or practicing Jews.
    3) Spend time with Orthodox Jews and/or observe how they live (i.e. Jews who self-identify with mainstream Orthodoxy and not with some small, rare or marginal sect).
    4) Speak with academic scholars of Jewish history, religion and culture of a wide variety of viewpoints in the field.
    5) Speak with highly self-critical intellectual Jews (e.g. Noam Chomsky, Michael Chabon), who certainly do not hesitate to pursue the negative, if they can find (or imagine) it.

    If the above resources do not corroborate the conspiracy theories contained in Shahak’s writings, in what sense can the claims in his book be considered to be representative of the mainstream (i.e. the majority) or reliable in any way on the subject at hand?

    (Ron – Do you feel confident that you took a wise approach to forming your views and feelings on Jews and Judaism, based on which you would then devote such a considerable amount of your time and mental energy?)

    One of many bizarre claims attributed by Ron to Shahak is that Jews pray to Satan. (Has even the majority of avowed Jew haters made such a claim about Jews?!) To investigate this absolutely ridiculous claim, Ron could have simply purchased a Jewish prayer book (or an array of them, if he wanted to be very thorough), of which there are many with English translations.

    Ron – You owe it to yourself and to your own happiness to take a much more commonsense oriented, open minded and practical approach to educating yourself on this topic. (For example, you could read “Understanding Judaism: The Basics of Deed and Creed” by Benjamin Blech.)

    Wishing you a broader perspective, and the edification that comes from seeing the beauty and ennobling sides of humanity, including the Jewish people, their values and their culture.

    • Replies: @UncommonGround
  682. j2 says:

    The prohibition is not circumvented by any hand-waving. It stays. Read the Hagganah ritual from Ariel Toaff and see that in the rite of 10 curses (the curses of Moses, which are reflected also in the European partially Jewish grimoires 6th and 7th books of Moses, calling frogs and so on) dried blood was added to wine of the head of the household, who poured some wine to the ground for each curse, just to follow this rule: the blood is to be poured to the ground.

    But there is another rune for the high priest. Read the Epistle of Barnabas. This Barnabas (whoever he was, was a Jewish Christian and knew the temple practices apparently better than most. He tells that in the redemption day, Jom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the priests ate in the holiest of holy flesh that was not washed, therefore it had some blood. Why is this? Because this rite is for redemption of the sins and redemption is in blood. There is a difference it the deed is done by the high priest or by somebody else.

    Notice the two goats of the Day of Atonement and their connection to Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth and Jesus Barnabas were judged. One was tortured and killed, the other one was driven away. The Epistle of Barnabas tells a very interesting version: One of them returned and the people said, is this not the one we already crucified, as so alike were the two.

    The original ritual of redemption in the Second temple Judaism did include eating blood, it was necessary for redemption and not in contradiction with the rule of not eating blood. The other rule applied to all other cases of eating blood. Remember also Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas tells a story where a man carries a sheep and asks what he is going to do with the sheep. The disciples answer, he will eat it, to which Jesus answers, the man is not going to eat the sheep, he kills it and eats the corpse, but what do you do if you eat alive. That is, blood is alive. Jesus asks them to eat alive to get life, since by eating dead they get death.

    This was about redemption, but there is also the magic usage. The magic usage is to repeat the curses of Moses and before the new Exodus these curses are cast. Thus, it is necessary to do the black magic in this case and it requires a sacrifice to God. Again this is sacred usage of blood and it does not conflict with the prohibition to drink blood. Thus Idra Zuta is not in contradiction with Torah, how could it possibly be? Are you seriously claiming that the holiest book of Zohar is in contradiction with the true interpretation of Torah just because you think you read the prohibition in Torah like you read it. Obviously, you read it incorrectly. Idra Zuta does tell to drink bl0od.

    The kings of Edom must be destroyed before Tikkun. The spells must be cast and this requires a sacrifice since otherwise the wrath of God is directed also to the Jews. This is why in the Exodus, doorways were painted with blood and why Jesus was the Passover lamb. This is not a different usage of blood. It is fundamentally the same. There is a usage of blood and eating blood in Second temple Judaism, which continued in Kabbalism. It was suppressed in normal Judaism and most Jews do not know it, but it was and is there.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @ivan
    , @Zumbuddi
  683. @Seraphim

    You must be reading your Nietzsche like a good boy! Great job, Seraphim!

    The Jew Testament is just what you say, anti-White Jewish propaganda.

    “Christianity, sprung from Jewish roots and comprehensible only as a growth on this soil, represents the counter-movement to any morality of breeding, of race, privilege: it is the anti-Aryan religion par excellence. Christianity—the revaluation of all Aryan values, the victory of chandala values, the gospel preached to the poor and base, the general revolt of all the downtrodden, the wretched, the failures, the less favored, against ‘race:’ the undying chandala hatred is disguised as a religion of love.” -

    Friedrich Nietzsche
    Twilight of the Idols, Or, How to Philosophise with the Hammer (1888)

    And with the Jewish infighting on display, it can, as you say, masquerade as anti-Jew in places, which suckers Whites into taking sides in a Jewish imbroglio.

    Must I add that, in the whole New Testament, there appears but a solitary figure worthy of honour? Pilate, the Roman viceroy. To regard a Jewish imbroglio seriously — that was quite beyond him. One Jew more or less — what did it matter?

    Friedrich Nietzsche
    The Antichrist (1895)

    It’s great that you understand a White man not abasing himself by taking sides in a Jewish quarrel among Jewish Rabbis.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @Anon
  684. @Heros

    The evidence for this is competely lacking, in my opinion.

    • Replies: @Heros
  685. Seraphim says:
    @Jared Eliot

    You are drifting too much. Sura 66 doesn’t say anything about the age of Aisha, actually it doesn’t mention her name at all. And why don’t you show us the ‘other evidence’ that Aisha was 34 years old?

  686. @Seraphim

    The Jewess Barbara Lerner Spectre took the Greek name Barbara (βάρβαρος) and even speaks good English! She must truly love us!

    Hmm, I looked up “gullible goy” in the dictionary, and Seraphim’s picture illustrated it. What’s that pointy hat on his head, and why is he sitting with his nose in the corner?

  687. @Seraphim

    Seraphim, like the little Jewish angel you are, you’re making a mountain out of a molehill. Matthew Stewart well covers the origins of the DoI term “Nature’s God” in his text. In short, it stems from Spinoza, with likely influence by John Locke. Both Jefferson and Locke had Spinoza’s collected works in their libraries.

    • “Deus, sive Natura” (God, or Nature) -Spinoza
    • “Nature’s God” -Declaration of Independence

    Another source who says the same thing about the source of “Nature’s God” as in Stewart’s text:

    “The Declaration of Independence, that extraordinary document first drafted by Thomas Jefferson, softly echoes Spinoza. John Locke, Spinoza’s contemporary — both were born in 1632 — is a more obvious influence on Jefferson than Spinoza was. But Locke had himself been influenced by Spinoza’s ideas…Locke’s library not only included all of Spinoza’s important works…Spinoza’s collected works were also in Jefferson’s library, so Spinoza’s impact may not just have been by way of Locke.”

    Reasonable Doubt

    I know it’s fun for you to go Full Spergmeister about punctuation and cast aspersions about everybody else being “semi-litterate” (LOL!), but this time you really made a fool of yourself.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  688. iffen says:
    @Greasy William

    anybody who says otherwise is in “moon landing was faked” territory.

    We traversed that territory many months (moons) ago.

  689. @ploni almoni

    So you wouldn’t mind in the least if Israel were completely liquidated, would you?

    What a bizarre non-sequitur.

  690. Struck me as a brilliantly simple expression of intellectual honesty about all the things he’s read.

    I wanted to ask Ron something about what he mentioned about non-religious Jews.

    A lot of WNs I admire often, in my opinion, conflate genetics with environmental factors.

    For instance: without the Talmud driving into this inbred group how much better, superior and worthy their type is your typical ashkenazi would slip into the general population of Whites.

    Ron opened this subject up in one of the paragraphs above which I can’t find now.

    Ashkenazi is a racial definition not a worldview.

  691. iffen says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    In that way-the broken home, the poor parents, the single mother-poor white hicks are like Negros.

    This may be true, but we still have our white privilege and that is priceless.

  692. Giuseppe says:

    Ron Unz has peeled back the wallpaper yet again. This is worse than Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination. The possibility that the blood libel could be true changes what I ever thought I knew about reality.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @ChuckOrloski
  693. Why do you demand Unz owe you an answer as to why he isn’t as demented about your religion as you are?

    Probably greater than 80% of jews wish they weren’t associated with the rest of the inbred psychopathic rabbis.

    He stated he wasn’t brought up in your demented religion.

    Btw, matriarchal lineage is a talmud thing. Torah takes its lineage patriarchally.

  694. utu says:

    These cakes are not eaten, they are used for magic, just like in the Hagganah ritual Toaff tells about wine with blood is not drunken, it is poured to the ground, as Torah tells to do. The blood is needed for casting spells.

    This is important. Renders the argument based on the prohibition of blood consumption in Judaism moot.

    • Replies: @j2
  695. iffen says:

    – the key thing is that high-IQ people tend to reject nationalist/trialist drivel

    They are also smart enough to choose survival over the guillotine, but, alas.

  696. utu says:
    @Greasy William

    Every believing Jew is obligated to celebrate the glorious Sabra and Shatila massacre

    No comment.

  697. Them Guys says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Says unz’s foremost expert who left usa 20-25 years ago. Yet he still has better inside inner American issues info or knowledge of day to day events within America, and this is the reason all you others here need to listen to him on these issues.

    Or….His almost every reply in some form or other is always a defense of all issues jewish.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jeff Stryker
  698. This post is epic:

    Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments, a condition enhancing their unrecognized influence. A religion based upon the principal of “Love Thy Neighbor” may or may not be workable in practice, but a religion based upon “Hate Thy Neighbor” may be expected to have long-term cultural ripple effects that extend far beyond the direct community of the deeply pious. If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past.

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  699. @silviosilver

    Why does it require moderation?

  700. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:
    @Pat Hannagan

    Transparent, bold-faced lying is something that Jews do all the time.

    The mechanism behind it is quite simple. You get a 90 IQ Jew – who’s, like, totally 20 IQ points smarter than the dumb goyim – trying to trick the un-chosen and the un-washed. So we end up with a lie that can only pass mustard in a 70 IQ crowd.

    Stupidity and confidence (or mediocrity and pride) really mix badly.

    • Replies: @Joe862
  701. Heros says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Ron Unz in this very Pravda article has come out fudging by saying that there is a “strong likelyhood” that it happened. There are dozens of sainted martyred boys who were tortured and murdered by jews and rabbis, and the jews confessed and were convicted in court.

    We know that jews will never accept a court decision that they didn’t write, or a historical document that they didn’t forge, but then again, satans spawn have made lying to goyim their most redeeming feature for centuries.

    Obviously, jews will never accept their Christian kindercaust, just like they will never accept their own lies about 6m. This is why any self respecting Christian will have nothing to do with this swine of a race.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  702. Raul Hilberg, who has spent 36 years studying the Holocaust and the subsequent Nuremberg trials of war criminals, testified earlier for the Crown that five million Jews were killed during the war.

    Zundel, 46, a West German citizen living in Toronto, is charged with two counts of publishing statements that are known to be false and likely to cause injury or mischief to the public interest of maintaining social and religious tolerance.

    Two of his publications–one called Did Six Million Really Die?–postulate that the Holocaust was a hoax to vilify Germans and exact compensation payments from them.

    “Can you give me one scientific report that shows the existence of gas chambers anywhere in Nazi-occupied territory?” defence counsel Doug Christie asked Hilberg in a day-long rapid fire of cross-examination.

    “I am at a loss,” Hilberg replied.

    “You are (at a loss) because you can’t,” Christie said.

    The witness countered that there are aerial photographs of concentration camps, examples of ruined or reconstructed gas chambers, German industrial documents describing the lethal nature of various gases and filters for gas masks were found at the camps.

    Hilberg agreed with Christie there are no autopsy reports indicating even a single person died from exposure to poisonous gas in chambers.

    • Replies: @Wally
  703. Ron, I salute your testament:

    Obviously the Talmud is hardly regular reading among ordinary Jews these days, and I would suspect that except for the strongly Orthodox and perhaps most rabbis, barely a sliver are aware of its highly controversial teachings. But it is important to keep in mind that until just a few generations ago, almost all European Jews were deeply Orthodox, and even today I would guess that the overwhelming majority of Jewish adults had Orthodox grand-parents. Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population, especially one that remains ignorant of the origin of those sentiments, a condition enhancing their unrecognized influence.

    This post is most underrated most taking at surface some base fag objection to base fag religion.

    • Replies: @Anonymous445
  704. utu says:
    @Them Guys

    Jeff Stryker is a troll. Has similar anti white sentiments as another troll Thomm who most likely is Indian. Both of theme are playing divide and rule tactics. Jeff Stryker and and Thomm both rant against the “white trash” though Jeff Stryker tries too split it along Protestant/Catholic line. They might be coming from the same troll factory or even be one person.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Disagree: iffen
  705. If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past.

    • Agree: renfro
  706. @Jeff Stryker

    You guys are not “German-Americans”. You’re Anglo-Celtic hicks from the sticks. Say what you want about Jews but please don’t tell a German Yankee that Jews were pulling little girls off the streets in Weimar Germany and raping them in front of German men.

    I’m not exactly sure who you are mentioning, but there is a significant German component to the South, though it was long ago assimilated. Some of the earliest settlers of Georgia were Salzburgers, and North Carolina and Virginia had Moravians, Swiss dissenters and others. I don’t know as much about South Carolina, but I assume the same is true there. By the time that the interior of the South was settled, the Germans were assimilated, as were the English, Scots, Scots-Irish, French Huguenots and others. All of this happened before there was a city called Chicago.

    I don’t know why you whites from the sticks purport to have insights to Jewish crimes when the only Jew in your Podunk city is the public defender or the dentist.

    Jews have been in the South since colonial times. Charleston and Savannah have some of the oldest synagogues in the nation. We have experienced Jews. They were involved in the slave trade and owned plantations, unlike most whites. (Jews even owned slaves at a higher percentage than whites.) Many carpetbaggers were also Jews. If you are interested go look up Sherman’s General order 11 concerning Jews entering the South as profiteers during the Civil War. And who do you think owned all of those department stores/lunch counters that refused to sell to blacks? It wasn’t the podunks. The South has had plenty of experience with Jews, just not the SJW Ashkenazi types that came in the late 19th and early 20th century to the North.

    None of you are Irish-Catholics or Italians from New York who live among Jews. Irish-Catholic women in NYC are not reporting being raped by Jews in their workplaces.

    And even if they were, you’d have no knowledge of it because you are either from the South or the interior of the US.

    Do white girls like Stormy Daniels get exploited by Jews in the porn industry or sex industry when they run away to LA or NYC.

    Look a bit deeper into the Leo Frank case. IF Frank were framed, and that is highly unlikely, it is because whites of that era were familiar enough with Jewish saloon and brothel owners to have the stereotype of the defiling Jew taking advantage of young women in the cities. With Frank the issue was using low-wage child labor and frequenting prostitutes himself, as well as the likely murder and rape of a child.

    The reason so many white girls from the Flyover or the South get into porn is a) the lousy economies b) the shit wages of a truck stop waitress or retail salesgirl and c) the broken homes like that of Stormy Daniels where both parents were 21 when she was born and Dad took off.

    Do you know for sure that the bulk of porn actresses are from flyover country or the South? I tend to doubt that. I’m also not sure that there is a higher rate of divorce/broken homes among whites in the South. As for the economy, half of rust belt and the outlying areas of every major city of the North has come South. I’d gladly send them home, but they refuse to leave.

  707. @Heros

    If, as you say, “any self respecting Christian will have nothing to do with this swine of a race,” then why worship them?

    WE WORSHIP what we do know, for salvation is from THE JEWS.” (((John 4:22)))

    You have a contradiction to resolve.

  708. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    The idiotical admiration of your White would be Übermensch for Nietzsche is beyond comprehension. Nietzsche was one of the most pro-Jewish German writers of his time for whom the Jews were“the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe,” and that Jews’ wish “to be absorbed and assimilated by Europe … should be noted well and accommodated”, but was never “tempted to participate in the mendacious racial self-admiration (of the Germans) and racial indecency that parades in Germany today”, a notorious ‘anti-antisemite’ (he wanted to kill all the anti-semites!), a real echo chamber of Talmudic lore about Christ. They never read what Nietzsche really wrote. Neither did you, of course although you make yourself his echochamber. Pathetic.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  709. I strongly suspect that some of the most common traditional economic niches of European Jews, such as tax-farming and the arrenda estate-management system of Eastern Europe, should be best understood in a similar light, with Jews being more likely to extract every last penny of value from the peasants they controlled for the benefit of their local king or lords, and their notorious antipathy for all non-Jews ensuring that such behavior was minimally tempered by any human sympathy. Thus, we should not be surprised that Jews first entered England in the train of William the Conqueror, in order to help him and his victorious Norman lords effectively exploit the subjugated Anglo-Saxon population they now ruled.

    Waiting for Steve Sailer or Derbyshire to interject…

  710. @Pat Hannagan

    Your observation of a seething hatred toward all non-Jews must include Rabbi Jesus, who ranted against Gentile White Patriarchal society, specifically European fascist Romans.

    “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you!” (Matthew 20:25, 23:9 Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25)

    Perhaps his anti-authoritarian ANTIFA rants against White Patriarchal society is what made Rabbi Jesus so very popular with the Synagogue of Satan.

    He taught regularly in their synagogues and was praised by everyone. (Luke 4:15)

    Jews gonna Jew.

  711. One for all fans of Big Jew:

  712. Anonymous[953] • Disclaimer says:

    I don’t know about the ritual deaths in the Middle Ages, as the details are sketchy, but regarding the death of Father Tommaso in Syria (Damascus affair), I’ve read the process with the confessions of the prisoners (I think it’s available online somewhere), and it is seems mostly true. Yes, maybe “the confessions were obtained under torture”, still, there is no way that someone could invent all the details, nor the references to Jewish religion and rituals. Still, it is not indicative of a general practice, and not 100% evidence. Ariel Toaff’s Pasque di Sangue is also available online in Italian. Or used to be.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  713. Yep, it’s true.

    One thing that unites all Churchillian promoters is how much they are prepared to sell out their kin and close family:

    Never doubt their lies.

  714. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    Why? We know, for instance, that there were sometimes Black Masses among Catholics, and that in at least one occasion these were mixed up in a poisoning plot. The only real difference is that Jews or at least their public mouthpieces say “Nope, never happened. What, you think there might have been an instance of ritual murder by Jews 600 years ago? You filthy hater! Recant, I demand of you!”

  715. Joe862 says:

    This is what I’ve found. While they may be a bit smarter on average it’s not some huge gap and there are plenty of dumb jews out there. As far as I can tell they essentially just don’t have a working class. If you went to college and work someplace where most people went to college there’s no reason to think the jews you interact with are any smarter than anyone else. If you’re a bit smarter than the average college grad you’re probably also a bit smarter than most of the jews you come in contact with. Almost all of them will assume they’re smarter than you, though.

    In general I’ve found that you learn the most about a group from their least sophisticated members and jews are no exception. There’s another forum I hang around on sometimes and an old jewish guy is getting really senile and his true feelings are coming out more and more. He’s drowning in hatred of white guys. It’s pretty funny.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  716. annamaria says:

    There is indeed a life-threatening abscess and it is becoming only worse every day. One of the causes of the abscess is the presstituting media that has been in the WMD-mode for almost two decades. The MSM is tightly controlled by Israel-firsters who cannot help themselves but bring the country to a catastrophe.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  717. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    Well, that only demonstrates the Jewish influence upon the Founding Fathers. Spinoza was not a ‘White Aryan’. His philosophy was ‘meant to preclude any anthropomorphizing of the divine being’ which was what Jews reproached to Christianity. His philosophy was in fact an attack on Christianity.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  718. Seraphim says:

    It is available in English @

  719. @Giuseppe

    Giuseppe wisely wrote:
    “Ron Unz has peeled back the wallpaper yet again. This is worse than Mossad involvement in the JFK assassination. The possibility that the blood libel could be true changes what I ever thought I knew about reality.”

    Hi Giuseppe,

    I admire how you (uniquely) paid homage to Mr. Unz’s frequent forensic acts of “peeling back the wallpaper.”

    Like you, regarding this article, the content of Ron’s having established the “blood libel” as possibly TRUE startled me beyond measure. And he has educated background-authority for what he wrote.

    Exposure of a satanic blood libel “oddity” of the Jewish religion indeed surpasses that of the “JFK assassination & Mossad’s involvement.”

    Naturally, I fear for Ron’s well being (safety-security) because I don’t believe Jews who have knowledge & culpability for “blood libel” actions will make an allowance for what a secular Jew, Ron Unz, has exposed here.

    Thanks so much, Giuseppe!

    Selah, we have met Giuseppe’s Pinocchio and he is nearby the wall-papered altar, inside the confession booth.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  720. @annamaria

    “There is one force in the world that really matters,” he [Vladimir Jabotinsky] said, “and that is the force of moral pressure. We Jews are the most powerful nation in the world because we have that force and know how to use it.”

    Revisionism is Inevitable, Says Jabotinsky, Here for Wide Tour

    Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA)
    January 27, 1935 [upon arrival at port in New York City]

    Jabotinsky was leader of “Revisionist” Zionism, which endorsed militarism and the use of violence to achieve the zionist vision — the complete takeover of Palestine and an “iron wall” doctrine toward the indigenous Palestinians. Benzion Netanyahu, Bibi’s father, was Jabotinsky’s aide in USA until Jabotinsky died in 1940. At that point, Benzion’s status in the American zionism increased.

    Benjamin Netanyahu and Likud in Israel hew closely to Revisionist zionist ideology.

    PLEASE note that Nazzees did not start pitch-forking Joos into ovens, or was it gas-fueled barbecue grills, until more than five years after Jabotinsky’s tours of USA and declaration of the militant ideology of Jewish occupiers of Palestine.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  721. OIL

    So what is the reason for the fixation with Jews in the South, where there are few, while non-Jews in the Northeast (The Irish-Catholics, Italians etc) don’t seem to be affected by them? You’d think that Irish-Catholics, who’ve always lived neck-in-neck with Jews in NYC or Boston or Chicago, would be the ones with the grievance.

    But no, it is people in the South far from the Beltway or NYC.

    “Germans in the South”

    Yes and many in Texas but please don’t tell me that Jews were pulling German kids and women off the street in Germany and raping them with German men doing nothing about it. Jewish economic and cultural influences in Europe were always despised, but they did not commit rape in front German men.

    “Brothels and saloon keepers”

    The girls that worked there would (And did) have peddled ass for whoever owned the establishment. Italians, Irish, blacks, Cajuns, whoever.


    It is far more common for a black to rape a white woman or female child than a Jew, statistically. I don’t deny that Leo may have been guilty (He probably was and was probably goaded by his black janitor accomplice) but this is a rare case.

    “Jews owned slaves at a higher percentage”

    Jews were always merchants, the English planters needed the vast labor. How many slaves would a Jewish money-lender or horse trader really need?

    As for Rust Belt migrants to the South, this must have been after my time. When I was a lad in Detroit it was the Southerner migrating North. I cannot conceive of what Rust Belt people would do in the South, besides Miami.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @OilcanFloyd
  722. Wally says:

    And Hilberg is their best shot. LOL

    Hilberg’s claimed aerial photos of impossible ‘gas chambers’ debunked here:

    VIDEO classic: Auschwitz Aerial photos, tampered with to fit the fake story / by John Ball

    The Giant with Feet of Clay, Raul Hilberg and His Standard Work on the ‘Holocaust’

    Raul Hilberg Now Explains that the Genocide of the Jews Was Carried Out by Telepathy
    By Robert Faurisson

    Her Majesty the Queen – versus – Ernst Zündel, Transcript of the First Zündel Trial, 1985

    “we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.”

    - so called “holocaust historian” Raul Hilberg

  723. Anon[360] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jared Eliot

    Takes a heavy amount of larping and self delusion to say that The Old Testament is false but somehow got all the prophets and angels names totally correct , and somehow the koran is real when mohamad recycles the exact same prophets and angels using the exact same names as are used in the old testament.

  724. @Seraphim

    You only demonstrate your ignorance of history. The Jews tried to kill him.

    Baruch Spinoza’s rejection of a God of History is an abrupt break with most of the history of Jewish philosophy.

    Keep digging your hole deeper, Jewangel.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  725. @ChuckOrloski

    Agree that Unz’s courage in many areas including this extraordinary essay and catalog of ‘forbidden knowledge’ about Jewry is praiseworthy.

    But in my opinion, the discussion of blood libel is the least compelling and least useful toward resolving the very real problem of a particular subset of all Jews exercising domination over US — and, indeed, global culture, communications, finance, education and international relations.

    Must admit, tho, that I did not read very carefully the section about blood libel. In my view, it’s inflammatory and provocative, but not that useful in assessing patterns of Jewish predatory and dominance behavior.

    Stefan Molyneux posted a (too) lengthy analysis on Why People Hate Trump

    The system of in-group out-group interactions that Molyneux describes applies to Jews in spades

    (although in earlier talks, Molyneux maintains doggedly that “Jews are super-smart”. Shahak’s writing tackles that proposition and offers an enticing path for further study: How did Jews go from being a large, systemically under-educated and compliant group firmly under the life-and-death constraints of a small group of total-control leaders, a characterization that Nordau’s Degeneration supports, to a small but restive — even revolutionary– group with “high IQ,” the “human material” that eugenicist Arthur Ruppin fashioned into the “new Jew” ?

    What happened to all the dumb, degenerate Jews that Shahak and Nordau and Jabotinsky himself, observed with disgust and dismay?

    Note to Wally: Next time you hear of a project to unearth Jewish corpses, suggest the dig start at the foot of Mt. Sinai.)

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  726. @Seraphim

    Ah, the Jewangel says admiring Whites is idiotic. You give away your anti-White agenda so early! And you might want to correct your misrepresentation of Nietzsche as a promoter of the Talmud by either reading him yourself or perusing this “The Rise and Fall of Nietzschean Anti-Semitism”

    But you’re still worshiping Jews, aren’t you? “We worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22)

    Must be your life verse. No wonder you’ve taken a Jewish angel name שְׂרָפִים (serafim.)

    The word saraph/seraphim appears three times in the Torah (Numbers 21:6–8, Deuteronomy 8:15) and four times in the Book of Isaiah (6:2–6, 14:29, 30:6).

    And what does seraph mean? That you’re a flamer? Why would you want to be that?

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  727. @Pat Hannagan

    Goyim literally translates as “nations”. It isn’t derogatory.

    “Goy” can be, and often is, used pejoratively, but the term isn’t inherently pejorative. It’s like how you can call somebody a Jew and it can be either a pejorative or a neutral descriptor, depending on the tone and context.

    • Replies: @KSA
    , @Echoes of History
  728. Veritatis says:

    Bravo! Let’s not forget the prayer. You know I’m sure Augustine’s quote about history being the development of two types of love.

  729. j2 says:

    More about the oddities in this particular religion.

    Blood would not be consumed in magical usage of blood. It would be far too dangerous, as the soul was believed to be in blood and the punishment of eating blood was death. I try to explain the concept of eating blood in Second temple Judaism.
    A good starting point is the saying of Jesus in logion 7 in the Gospel of Thomas. ‘Jesus said, “Blessed is the lion that the human being will devour so that the lion becomes human. And cursed is the human being that the lion devours; and the lion will become human.’
    There are many strange misunderstandings of these words: Gnostics thought that the lion means something evil, while Didymos the Blind thought that eating means accepting somebody’s teaching and that the ending should be that the human will become lion, but it is not so. The logion is meant just as it is above in the context of 1st century Judaism.
    The most logical explanation for this logion is that it talks about eating blood. Corpses can be eaten and they are destroyed when eaten, but blood is alive and has the soul. Thus, by eating blood you take the soul in the blood to your soul. If a lion devours a human, the lion gets the soul of the human, and according to Jesus this is bad: the human is cursed. While if a human devours a lion, the human stays as a human. Why so? It is because lion means here a human, not the animal. The lion is the king of Israel, the Messiah, a human with a pure soul. If a human eats blood containing the pure soul, he will become a human with a pure soul. The source of the pure soul, the lion, is blessed. While if the lion, the Messiah, eats blood that contains a human, impure, soul, he will become human with an impure soul. The source of the blood is cursed, as he destroyed the pure soul, not because he would be cursed by getting to the body of the Messiah.
    The message of this logion is that only blood with a pure soul can be eaten. Redemption is in blood, but only in the blood of the Messiah.
    Let us return to the cakes of Sefer HaRazim, the blood there must be from a cub of a lion. Jews of the 3rd century were not known to be hunting lions. This blood is not from a real lion: again the lion means the Messiah. The cub of a lion is a disciple of the Messiah, but it is very risky to drink blood from a disciple. He most probably does not have a pure soul. For magic such blood can be used, it may still work if the soul was pure, but drinking it is at a too great risk. It is better to break the cakes for predicting the future.
    Whoever ate blood had to die, but if he ate the pure soul, he would live as he ate life. He would be resurrected. Christians solved this problem by drinking blood in a symbolic way as wine, while high priests in the Day of Atonment took made two very dangerous things: they pronounced the forbidden name and ate drops of blood for redemption of the people’s sins. Jesus of course made miracles with God’s power and had to use the forbidden name.
    Each Kabbalistic Ba’al Shem could have been the promised Messiah (they had a secret society called Nistarim), and therefore there is the command for the whole companion to drink blood, but the Rabbi who so recommends was raised to the Heaven, had died as the punishment is death. This is in Idra Zuta, which is not in Zohar proper but in the extended Zohar. I would imagine that the whole companion drank blood, died and were raised to Heaven. There is also the Kabbalistic Tipheret rite, which may be related. It seems to have had a ritual murder as the main component, but the information is meager.
    For those of us, like me, who like their beef steaks bloody, this Jewish concept of blood may be somewhat strange. It is a very complicated issue, but it is something like this. For students of the true meaning of the words of Jesus this issue is important. I strongly suspect that what Jesus meant was not how it is now understood in Christianity. Just read the ending of the book of Zechariah, which has in the Deutero-Zechariah so many places reminding of Jesus and the ending is just the same Jewish supremacy idea.

  730. Crimson2 says:

    Go back to sewing Klan robes or making flavorless mush for your trailer park brood.

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @annamaria
  731. @SolontoCroesus

    SolontoCroesus helpfully informed commenters, & conveyed: “Revisionism is Inevitable, Says Jabotinsky, Here for Wide Tour.”

    Hi S2C,

    Fyi, after Putin came to power in Boris Yeltsin’s Russia, ravaged by Jewish oligarch greed, anti-Western sentiment grew and the Russian Orthodox Church began to regain political & spiritual influence.

    Attention began to focus upon the ritualistic true story of the Romanov family’s barbaric execution…, including that of course ZUS’s usual tear-drop prompt, children.

    The Putin government, unreliant upon compromised “international scientist” mass murder theory-findings,” became open to information about Vladimir Lenin’s henchmen — including surplus of Jews –who demanded the heads of the Romanovs be returned to Moscow as a “diabolical Hebraic-Bolshevik tribute.”

    Knowledgeable of your near saintly-predilection for logic and objectivity, S2C, I post an article (below) about the Romanov serial murders that is from the benign & rather informative “Town and Country Magazine.”

    Thank you very much!

    Selah, Jabotinsky, & despite opposite-pole attraction, truth prevails, and “Revisionism is Inevitable.”

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  732. Crimson2 says:

    White nationalists are idiots. We tried it your way and it sucked. Time to move on.

    • Replies: @Rich
  733. Anonymous[159] • Disclaimer says:

    they may be a bit smarter on average

    They’re actually less smart than white gentiles. Even the “official” average IQ nuber in Israel is only 95.

    The much-propagandised 110 IQ number was fabricated:

    - By the Jews over a long period of time (almost a century).
    - Only in the US (as their hold on the country increased).
    - Only for a Jewish sub-tribe (Ashkenazi).

    You decide if the Western MSM, Banking, Foreign Policy and Hollywood are in the hands of the bright bulbs.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  734. @Pat Hannagan

    I would disagree that the Talmud “is hardly regular reading among Jews these days”.

    In fact, it seems to be quite popular:

  735. KSA says:
    @Greasy William

    Can I call you an untermensch? It’s only really negative if you see it like that.

  736. @Greasy William

    Just like “Kike” is the Yiddish word for circle. Very etymology. Much neutral.

    The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary “X”, the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for “circle” is kikel (/ˈkaɪkəl/ KY-kəl), and for “little circle”, kikeleh (/ˈkaɪkələ/ KY-kə-lə). Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an “O” in place of an “X” a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike.

  737. @annamaria

    Thank you.

    The music is extraordinary; my form of worship.

  738. @Ron Unz

    Incidentally, having personally met that “Nurit Baytch” woman when I was giving a talk on my Meritocracy article at the University of Chicago Law School, she seemed an absolutely perfect example of the fanatic “Jewish berserker” type I was discussing in my article.

    Funny, I thought of this looney bird when you used the phrase. There was some other lunatic I encountered like this some years earlier; ran a Holocaust Museum, and accused me of antisemitism for posting a Laibach video on my own personal FB feed. That’s kind of like being accused of antisemitism for posting a … Star Trek video or something equally irrelevant. I don’t think I had ever had an antisemitic thought before encountering this person.

  739. @ChuckOrloski

    Thank you ChuckOrloski.

    Years ago I read Robert K Massie’s Nicholas and Alexandra, in part because my Father was a blood donor for a boy in the neighborhood who had hemophilia, like young Alexei. As Massie told the story, Rasputin gained such influence over the Czarina, and thereby the Czar, because he could sooth Alexei and comfort Alexandra. So I guess my Dad was involved in childhood blood rituals.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  740. @SolontoCroesus

    With practical reason, S2C wrote: “But in my opinion, the discussion of blood libel is the least compelling and least useful toward resolving the very real problem of a particular subset of all Jews exercising domination over US — ”

    Hi S2C,

    Above, I am absolutely incapable of working out (recommending) a solution for Jewish “exercise of power over US.”

    Nonetheless, I am certain you’re aware of the proliferating rate of missing children in ZUS. Some of course are runaways and a percentage are possibly abducted / enlisted (?) into profitable pedophile internet-film organizations.

    Fyi, months ago here at U.R., the Saker complained about the incarceration of individual ZUS pedophiles and contradictory refusal to shut down “kiddie porn” web sites, as was the hated (often deservedly) Daily Stormer.

    At any rate, upon entry into the West Scranton Post Office and elsewhere, I cringe when seeing a missing children poster. I cringe while recalling the heinous murder of Leo and Lucia Krimm.

    Below is a web site which perhaps expands awareness on the matter of GLOBAL missing children. The statistical validity is uncertain to me, but nonetheless troubling.

    Thanks, S2C!

    • Replies: @Anon
  741. Art says:

    The only thing, Art, there are plenty of non-Jew war profiteers joining in the Trump-bashing. The Deep State has no religion but power and profit.

    Hi RobinG,

    Trump has done the unpardonable – he has attacked the US Security Apparatus.

    Clearly the Deep State Security Apparatus (Republican, Democrat, CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOD, et all) are incensed and invigorated. They and the media smell blood.

    I think the Democrats are going to do something, like shut the government down in hopes of effecting the Nov election. They are going to make the case to put the government on hold till the election.

    Even with all he has done for them – the Jews are going to do Trump in. (I don’t think he gets it.)

    (Netanyahu can play kissy face with Putin – but no American.)

    Think Peace — Art

  742. Definer says:

    The article raises important themes but will be undoubtedly found anti-Semitic, if not outright racist.

    Citations from Talmud and other primary sources would help. There is no question that Judaism as an old religion carries within it lots of traces of polytheism, and the mystical versions of it, per Kabbalah, indeed refer to both male and female deities, or rather male and female incarnations of the same God. Praying to Satan is a more controversial claim that must be substantiated with sources. However, in any monotheistic religion a person that addresses a higher being with a prayer full of hatred and evil wishes toward another human being is at risk of de-facto redirecting his request to a supreme being quite opposite from the one benevolent God. The dilemma is only partially addressed by a division of all humanity into the “true,” “faithful” or “chosen” part of this God’s favorites — and the rest of the species into the goyim, infidels, barbarians and the like. Again, Jews are not unique in fancying themselves as a “chosen” nation. Just think Muslims, or, in a somewhat different yet comparable fashion, the Chinese.

    What is unique about Jews as an old monotheistic nation isth dispersal and a diaspora existence for two millennia, which, of course, both traumatized them and made survival *by all means* the sine-qua-non of the whole national existence. Whether the hatred of all outsiders helped or impeded the overarching goal of the national survival is a question for both historic sociology and social psychology. I personally remain skeptical as to the value of actively fomenting hate as an effective adaptation strategy. Lies, cunning, unscrupulousness, the lack of principles and readiness for a quick betrayal – yes, but significant investments into the intergenerational transfer of ethnic hate would be counterproductive. Well known facts of Jews intermarrying with Gentiles, especially well placed and powerful Gentiles, confirm the cunning, rather than the hatred, aspect of adaptation.

    Same about blood sacrifices. There is no point of disputing that the tradition of blood sacrifices is alive and well among modern Jewry. See on current practice of sheep sacrifice in Israel or on the search for a perfect red heifer for the ritual slaughter and purification. Both European and American Jews are at odds with animal rights activists and, occasionally, governments over their repeated insistence on chicken sacrifices.

    These practices are as obviously important for the religion as they are recognizably shamanistic, harking back to dark magic of the dark ages. Does this mean that Christian babies were ritualistically sacrificed — at the risk of complete destruction of a diaspora community — as a matter of tradition across Europe? I strongly doubt that. No judgment on the merits of the Dr. Toaff book, as I haven’t read it.

    As for a Jewish conspiracy theory on the origins of Bolshevism, it is, of course, a complete hoax, and I’m glad the article does not elaborate on it. Russian revolutionary tradition was not started by the Jews. The first attempt to overthrow the tsar to benefit the oppressed masses was undertaken by the Decembrists, the Russian nobles. The first Soviet Politburo, which was predominantly Jewish, was purged by Stalin. Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and a bunch of others killed. The repressions, more in the vicinity of 1-2 million (rather than 60 or 80) shot over the whole 1935-53 time period targeted both Jewish and Russian members of the old party core and the first OGPU/NKVD command that Stalin prudently dispatched of.

    The Soviet Union was not run by Jews. It was not run by Russians either. Theodore Friedgut and others studied the relative proportion of Jews in the Soviet elite and confirmed they were overrepresented in the party and academia, while the Russians were underrepresented. At the same time, the party attacked both Zionism and what Lenin called “Great Russian chauvinism.” All anti-Zionist campaigns (for example, the 1950s fight with “no-homeland cosmopolitanism”) were balanced, right on their heels, with campaigns prosecuting alleged anti-Semites. It was only after the end of the Soviet Union when Jewish capitalists had openly and brazenly came to power and ran the country, bragging about their control of the nation’s economy (see Semibankirschina at Wikipedia). It is true, however, that, once the power of these Jewish oligarchs was somewhat limited by Putin (himself, apparently, a half-Jew), the ordinary Russians felt tremendous difference in their living standards. Which explains Putin’s lingering popularity today.

  743. @Anonymous


    Why then, do other countries complain of US cultural colonization and why the is US regarded (By you, for example) as controlling the world.

    To have such purported global influence they cannot be THAT dim.

    Malaysian cinema is not forming the opinions of the US, for example. And nobody cares what the foreign policy of India or Africa is.

    What makes the Hollywood films in more demand than those of Chile?

    Why the US global influence? Its not the US military intimidating other countries into purchasing US basketball shoes.

  744. hyperbola says:
    @Jared Eliot

    Jacob and other jews were not much different.

    Maidens and Warriors

    The Prophet’s love of his youngest wife, Aisha, causes much consternation in America; …. A modest Talmudic scholar from Jaffa, I would rise to his defence in the name of our Jewish tradition. Far from being a sinner, Muhammad (peace be upon him) acted according to the letter and the spirit of our holy faith. Biblical Jacob fell in love with Rachel when she was only seven, and brought forth from her a line of saints including Mary, mother of Christ.

    The Talmud stipulates the permitted age of marriage for girls at three years and one day. It brings us a dialogue worthy of Boccaccio that took place in Sepphoris of Galilee. A Roman princess Justine, daughter of Emperor Septimius Severus son of Anthony asked Rabbi Judah the Prince, the greatest spiritual and legal authority of Jews in the post-Biblical period, what is the permitted age of marriage and cohabitation.

    - Three years and one day, – replied the Rabbi.

    - What is the age for childbearing, – persisted the Princess.

    - Nine years [i], – he replied.

    - I was married at six, and gave birth at seven, – she reflected with great regret, – so I wasted in vain three excellent years of my young life.

    Muhammad’s wife, Aisha, wasted six years of her young life, as she was wed at nine. Thus, the Prophet demonstrated great prudence, also in full accordance with our Jewish teachings. Our holy Rabbis permitted very early marriage, but they were not absolutely sure that three-year old girls are sufficiently ripe. They taught: proselytes and paedophiles delay the Coming of the Messiah and of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    Who are the paedophiles in this context, asked the Talmud. They have to be persons of legitimate but objectionable behaviour, and therefore, not the sodomites (as they deserve death by stoning) nor masturbators (they merit watery grave). It is those who marry girls before the nubile age of nine. Thus, the Prophet is above suspicion according to our Jewish law.

    He had a few wives, continue the accusers. Well, the Jewish law permits us to have as many wives as we can get. Nowadays, a Muslim has to limit himself to four wives in this world, but we Jews have no such constrictions……

    • Replies: @bjondo
  745. Bukowski says:

    Yehudi Menuhin was a world famous violinist. His son Gerard Menuhin has now come out in support of holocaust revisionism.

    He joins the growing number of Jews who are holocaust revisionists.

  746. Crates says:

    “A rapprochement between whites and Jews” might have happened if Jews agreed, voluntarily, to return a not negligible part of the wealth they accumulated at the expense of the host population in order to promote that population’s advancement to the same extent they promote the advancement of the Jewry. Since this is not a childish talk, we all know this is not going to happen. Stop manipulation of the nation’s politics and exploitation of its economy for group benefits. Again, not going to happen.
    As for the group warfare thing as “normal and natural”, first, it is a very Jewish argument to deflect and spread the blame and second, we are supposedly living in a society of equal opportunities with legal defense of basic human rights, no? Or is it also a “childish talk” to be ignored? Legitimation of “group warfare” as something normal leads to genocides – the practice that we all supposedly disapprove. Not to mention the whole principle runs against the spirit of the modern age. Living by the principles of group warfare in a society destroys the society in the final end, hence no group wins. It is collaboration that we should talk about, not group warfare. The problem is, all Jewish leaders prefer exploitation whenever possible, collaboration as a temporary measure and out of necessity.

  747. @Jeff Stryker

    The USA controlling a large part of the world is simple fact.
    The USA has over 800 military bases outside the USA.
    Then there is, or was, the Atlantic alliance, for example Dutch representatives complaining about intimidation by the USA ambassador.
    The why of USA world power, it began with the Monroe Declaration, then Manifest Destiny, then ‘leader of the free world’, bringing human rights and democracy, through death and destruction.
    From 1919, non ratification of Versailles, until 1932, FDR in politics, the USA was a peaceful country.
    Hope that with Trump a new peaceful era begins.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  748. I’m under the impression that nearly all jews were literate in hebrew.
    This is the reason communism could spread in Russia and Poland among jews.

    • Replies: @Anon
  749. Rich says:

    How do you figure? Lower crime rates, higher educational standards, strong families, secure borders, putting a man on the moon, etc., looks like things were a lot better back when we had segregation.

  750. hyperbola says:

    a few very visible historic trends:
    1) it is extremely powerful in maintaining a group cohesion over a tremendous amount of time and geography

    Actually it seems to have been extremely weak in maintaining “group cohesion”. If the religion has been around for 4000 years, how come there are so few jews in the world? Simple – a major portion of each generation abandons the religion. One can even see this in the number of “jewish” Nobel prize winners that have abandoned the religion.

    This abandonment is exactly what one should expect for a minority mafia sect. First, most of the children tire of the brainwashing and do not wish to continue with the crimes of their elders. Second, a predatory sect has necessarily to be kept small in number compared to the general population.

    • Replies: @Talha
  751. bjondo says:

    thanks for the link. Shamir brilliant.

  752. @Echoes of History

    Sounds like Mueller’s Witch Hunt.

    Except the Inquisitions did not start with the presumption a crime had been committed and did not twist and ignore the law and evidence to reach that conclusion.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  753. bjondo says:

    I handle Klan robes. My best customers are SPLC and ADL members followed by FBI.

    I don’t need competition.

  754. hyperbola says:

    Many of the most egregious “crimes” of the Englishmen were in fact carried out by the jews of the City of London.

    Jewish banishment and the City of London

    ….. A PRIVATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION exists today in England known as “The City.” It is also known as The Jewish Vatican located in the heart of Greater London:

    A Committee of 12 men rule The Jewish Vatican. They are known as “The Crown.” The City and its rulers, The Crown, are not subject to the Parliament. They are a Sovereign State within a State.

    The City is the financial hub of the world. It is here that the Rothschilds have their base of operations and their centrality of control:

    The Central Bank of England (controlled by the Rothschilds) is located in The City.
    * All major British banks have their main offices in The City.
    * 385 foreign banks are located in The City.
    * 70 banks from the United States are located in The City.
    London Stock Exchange is located in The City.
    * Lloyd’s of London is located in The City.
    * The Baltic Exchange (shipping contracts) is located in The City.
    * Fleet Street (newspapers & publishing) is located in The City.
    * The London Metal Exchange is located in The City.
    * The London Commodity Exchange (trading rubber, wool, sugar, coffee) is located in The City.

    Every year a Lord Mayor is elected as monarch of The City. The British Parliament does not make a move without consulting the Lord Mayor of The City. For here in the heart of London are grouped together Britain’s financial institutions dominated by the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of England.

    The Rothschilds have traditionally chosen the Lord Mayor since 1820. Who is the present day Lord Mayor of The City? Only the Rothschilds’ know for sure…

    The Jewish Opium Trade and Britain

    • Replies: @Art
    , @Thorfinnsson
  755. druid says:

    hardihar har har! You idiot!

  756. People give the Jews too much credit. Assuming the worst to be true (including blood libel), and leaving Israel aside (if that’s possible), the problem with American Jews is not their descent. It’s the unique circumstances, both cultural and genetic, that placed them at the forefront of the ideology destroying the West.

    As an analogy, Blacks’ failure to integrate into modern societies has nothing to do with the fact that their great-great-grandparents practiced voodoo, ate monkey brains or whatever. Likewise, there exists no large-scale conspiracy (excluding social-media organized flash mobs) behind Black crime.

    In the case of the Jews, you have a successful out-group with a strong identity. Like other successful, urban Whites they are – to use Haidt’s classification – very WEIRD (Western Educated Industrial Rich and Democratic). On top of the standard ‘WEIRDness’ you have the cult of the Holocaust, a quasi-minority identity and an extra level of antagonism to Christianity. How much is cultural and how much is genetic? Are Italians vivacious and Finns introverted because of culture or genetics or some sort of cultural-genetic feedback loop? My Jewish grandparents were just as racist as their Italian neighbors, and the Jews’ fellow White SJW are no less crazy, so there’s a strong case for culture.

    I’ve known a lot of Jews, but very few were at all religious. They’re just White people (or Levantine-Italian mutts, or Khazars or whatever – it’s irrelevant) that happen to be far more likely to fall into the category of urban-SJW-crazy. Conservatively maybe 80% compared to 30% for Whites. If, hundreds of years ago, the Jewish religion had not been so backward, exclusive, and antagonistic maybe they would have assimilated themselves out of existence. But if they had somehow survived without the worst of the Talmud I don’t see them being any different from what they are today.

    The Jews weren’t solely responsible for creating this mess (see the origins of Postmodernism), and American Jews will suffer from the policies they create no different from other Whites (correcting for SES). An urban Jewish family with a $120k income will be no better off in 2050 Brazilica than their White neighbors. In Western countries with large Muslim populations they will likely be worse off.

    The human world is much more disorganized than we’d like to believe. George Soros doesn’t have secret meetings with Mark Zuckerberg on how to destroy the West. Like Blacks and like-minded Whites, they’re just doing what they’re doing. They actually believe their own propaganda. That’s why so many marry Blacks FFS. (My 100% Ashkenazi brother-in-law just married a Black woman). Again, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    I’m not saying I’m happy with the Jews (I’d emigrate to Israel if I could take the rest of them with me). I’m just saying they’re not a Satanic cult. The majority is indeed working to destroy the West, but it’s not because their great-great grandparent ritualistically killed Christian children to drain their blood. It’s much more complicated and much more disorganized than that.

  757. Talha says:

    Simple – a major portion of each generation abandons the religion.

    Which is what I stated in one of my points. This is one of the reasons it is so difficult to pin down, versus other religions, whether it is primarily a religious or ethno-linguistic identity. A person can claim to be an atheist Jew – as many do – but you can’t be an atheist Muslim or Christian.

    I spoke to a rabbi once about this; he made it clear they weren’t really in the market to try to convert others. The religion applies to them as a specific covenant between them and God to the exclusion of others. According to him; God has different expectations from them versus others.

    Trying to evaluate Judaism through the lens of a universal religious perspective doesn’t make sense – it falls far, far short. But then, it doesn’t claim to be a universal religion either, thus resulting in the small numbers. What you see is what you get.

    It’s like walking into a film about a courtroom drama and saying it sucks because it didn’t provide any jump scares.


    • Replies: @Art
  758. @SolontoCroesus

    Hi SolontoCroesus,

    Since you have a taste for Massie’s literature, “Nicholas and Alexandria,” I will post my poem below which some here would reject being called literature.

    Fyi, I sense that Grigory Rasputin’s influence upon Tsar Nicholas is over-dramatized and I Intuit that there is much less-discussed scary Zionist Jew influence upon Presidents Trump and Putin’s oncoming (global) political decision making.

    Thanks, S2C.

    The editor’s meaningful note to my poem is much more accessible.

  759. @Jus' Sayin'...

    Inquisition apologists sound like Nancy Pelosi defending Mueller.

    On February 19, 1616, the Inquisition asked a commission of theologians, known as qualifiers, about the propositions of the heliocentric view of the universe…On February 24 the Qualifiers delivered their unanimous report: the proposition that the Sun is stationary at the centre of the universe is “foolish and absurd in philosophy, and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture”; the proposition that the Earth’s moves and is not at the centre of the universe “receives the same judgement in philosophy; and … in regard to theological truth it is at least erroneous in faith.”,_1616

    And yet it moves.

  760. Mulegino1 says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Malaysian cinema is not forming the opinions of the US, for example. And nobody cares what the foreign policy of India or Africa is.

    What makes the Hollywood films in more demand than those of Chile?

    Why the US global influence? Its not the US military intimidating other countries into purchasing US basketball shoes.

    The US pop counter-culture is run by the Jews who excel at marketing and- given their complete lack of aesthetics and true creativity- appealing to the lowest common denominators of taste and lumpen culture. So naturally, the cheap, heavily marketed crap that they produce in Hollywood and in the “pop music” business is going to appeal to the very lowest tastes of the masses, who have been bitten by the kosher consumer bug, and are as susceptible to the addiction to this saccharine garbage as were the Chinese masses who succumbed to the Jewish opium traders and their wares.

  761. anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    @Anonymous Jew

    Calve’s brains used to be a culinary delicacy.

  762. annamaria says:

    You are wrong about me on all accounts.
    Ron Untz is an outstanding individual endowed with courage and formidable intellect. He is a gift to humanity. Whereas you, anonymous Crimson2, most likely are not a particularly courageous person. Perhaps, you could try to contribute something deeply meaningful to this forum?

  763. tac says:

    I began my tenure here at UR with an excerpt of Mozart’s Requiem, and having yet to work my way through all the comments (cause of my limited free time) I would only supplement S2C’s presentation.

    The sheer human experience and a varying kaleidoscope of emotion as depicted on canvas, in theaters, in form (mainly by European whites) is a testament to its short-lived yet transcendental nature in its ability to influenc the arts and especially in music!

    (a short list follows):

    Wagner (Tristan und Isolde) – Liebestod:

    Puccini (Turandot) – Nessun dorma:

    Verdi (La Traviata) – Brindisi; Libiamo ne’ lieti calici:

    Mozart (Die Zauberflote, K620) – Der Holle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen

    Strauss II (Die Fledermaus) – Mein herr marquis:

    Puccini (La Boheme; Mesetta’s Waltz) – Qando m’en vo’ soletta

    Mozart (Le Nozze Di Figaro, K 492) – Voi che sapete:

    Verdi (Riggoletto) – La Donna E’ Mobile:

    Verdi (Rigoletto Act 1) – Caro Nome:

    Gorecki (Symphony 3 2nd movement) – Symphony of Sorrowful Songs:

    Puccini (Tosca) – E Lucenvan Le Stelle:

    Mozart (Don Giovanni, K 527) – Fin ch’chan dal vino:

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
    , @RobinG
  764. I’m surprised the topic of circumcision wasn’t touched upon. Other comments mention it, but only with regards to Metzitzah B’peh. Which used to be how circumcision was performed until the 19th century:

    And is still pretty common among the Ultra-Orthodox:

    “The mohel, A. Romi Cohn, said he had performed more than 25,000 circumcisions, on babies and adults, in New York City and elsewhere over the last 40 years. When he circumcises an infant, he said, he almost always put his mouth on the baby’s penis to pull blood away from the wound in an ancient part of the circumcision ritual, known in Hebrew as metzitzah b’peh, that is still commonplace in parts of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish community but is rare in other branches of Judaism.”

    “The city estimates that metzitzah b’peh is used in some 3,600 local circumcisions each year. The city’s health department says that, between 2000 and 2011, 11 babies contracted herpes as a result, and 2 of them died. This spring, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared that the procedure created a risk for transmission of herpes and other pathogens and was “not safe.””

    What’s just as (if not more) unnerving about the practice of Metzitzah B’peh are some of the primary historic reasons behind Jewish circumcision- to control sexuality:

    “Similarly with regard to circumcision, one of the reasons for it is, in my opinion, the wish to bring about a decrease in sexual intercourse and a weakening of the organ in question, so that this activity be diminished and the organ be in as quiet a state as possible. It has been thought that circumcision perfects what is defective congenitally. This gave the possibility to everyone to raise an objection and to say: How can natural things be defective so that they need to be perfected from outside, all the more because we know how useful the foreskin is for that member? In fact this commandment has not been prescribed with a view to perfecting what is defective congenitally, but to perfecting what is defective morally. The bodily pain caused to that member is the real purpose of circumcision. None of the activities necessary for the preservation of the individual is harmed thereby, nor is procreation rendered impossible, but violent concupiscence and lust that goes beyond what is needed are diminished. The fact that circumcision weakens the faculty of sexual excitement and sometimes perhaps diminishes the pleasure is indubitable. For if at birth this member has been made to bleed and has had its covering taken away from it, it must indubitably be weakened. The Sages, may their memory be blessed, have explicitly stated: It is hard for a woman with whom an uncircumcised man has had sexual intercourse to separate from him. In my opinion this is the strongest of the reasons for circumcision.”

    “To these [reasons for circumcision] I would add that I consider circumcision to be a symbol of two things necessary to our well being. One is the excision of pleasures which bewitch the mind. For since among the love-lures of pleasure the palm is held by the mating of man and woman, the legislators thought good to dock the organ which ministers to such intercourse, thus making circumcision the figure of the excision of excessive and superfluous pleasure, not only of one pleasure, but of all the other pleasures signified by one, and that the most imperious.

    The other reason is that a man should know himself and banish from the soul the grievous malady of conceit.”

    Circumcision being performed with the intent of damaging pleasure and lust is still maintained among Ultra-Orthodox Jews to this day:

    “Circumcision purifies and refines. It forces us to make a sacrifice. Removing the foreskin diminishes the pleasure and enjoyment of intercourse. We sacrifice such pleasure and proclaim that, on our scale, Divine instruction is a greater priority than self-gratification.”

    This group, Chabad, is also the same group who sent Iceland their first rabbi to help fight their attempted circumcision ban:

    It also goes without saying this was the original purpose of medical circumcision in the Victorian Era. Jewish doctors were influential the spread of this, and of the countries that adopted circumcision as a “medical” practice during this period, America remains the only one where it is still the norm, and the only country on Earth where infants are routinely circumcised for mostly “medical” reasons.

    I wonder if this has to do with the large number of Jews in the American medical system? After all, the two most widely used circumcision devices in American history, the Gomco and Mogen clamps, were both invented by Jewish doctors, and their names- Gomco being named for the “Goldstein Medical Company”, and “Mogen” being Hebrew for “Shield.”

    The idea circumcision prevents AIDS was also popularized by Jewish doctors, and among the most prominent AIDS researchers are Jewish. And consider this, from a Jewish AIDS researcher:

    “Yes, that is right. I am biased in my interpretation of 20 years of epidemiological research and three randomized controlled trials because I am Jewish. It is the medical establishment, run by Jews, that is conspiring to promote male circumcision for HIV prevention. It is no coincidence that the leading circumcision researcher is named Moses. Yes, I want every male child circumcised because that will make them Jews and we can take over the world, not just the Liberal Media and banks. Now that I am talking Crazy, do you understand me better?”

    Taking into consideration many of the things in this article, circumcision and the centrality of it in Judaism, and Judaism to upholding it in America and promoting it elsewhere is worth looking into- and if there’s more to it than it just being a “medical procedure” that helps prevent AIDS, penile cancer, UTI’s etc. (there is.)

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  765. Art says:

    Every year a Lord Mayor is elected as monarch of The City. The British Parliament does not make a move without consulting the Lord Mayor of The City. For here in the heart of London are grouped together Britain’s financial institutions dominated by the Rothschild-controlled Central Bank of England.

    The Rothschilds have traditionally chosen the Lord Mayor since 1820. Who is the present day Lord Mayor of The City? Only the Rothschilds’ know for sure…

    Because of all the wars that the Jew Rothschilds have financed – they are the bloodiest people on the planet.

    Think Peace – Do No Harm — Art

    p.s. The English are a fraud – clearly they serve Jews.

  766. Sean says:

    The dirty lyrics to Mozart’s opera were written by a Jew though.

    • Replies: @iffen
  767. Art says:

    Which is what I stated in one of my points. This is one of the reasons it is so difficult to pin down, versus other religions, whether it is primarily a religious or ethno-linguistic identity. A person can claim to be an atheist Jew – as many do – but you can’t be an atheist Muslim or Christian.

    Hi Talha,

    Why is this so hard – the Jews are a genetic tribe – some of the tribe are religious. Some profess to a god – some do not – some pray to the devil.

    Despite their differences, they all protect each other – most all politically scheme against all the other tribes.

    What is not true about the above?

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

    • Replies: @Talha
  768. @tac

    Thank you tac.

    Verdi, La traviata – ‘Parigi, o cara’
    Renée Fleming and Joseph Calleja

    and Ricardo Muti: the task of the conductor is to touch the divine

    • Replies: @tac
    , @annamaria
  769. Actually, blood libel was originally directed against early Christians by people who misunderstood transubstantiation.

    I had friends who were kicked out Hebrew School as well as friends who were kicked out of Parochial School. From what I can see, they both run on guilt: guilt that you didn’t die in a nasty way in the Holocaust, guilt that your sins killed Jesus and you wouldn’t be willing to die for Him in the nasty ways that Saints Barbara and Lawrence, etc., had. They collected for trees in Israel, we collected for Pagan Babies. Nobody I knew was taught to steal kidneys any more than we rampaged through Jewish households making people eat pork or reproached Protestants about Luther and Henry VIII. Nor did they learn to spit at the name of Jesus or think He was in hell; apparently, He was never mentioned at all. History jumped from the Old Testament to the Diaspora and got stuck in WWII where it has stayed, occasionally popping up its head to remind everybody “this is why there has to be an Israel because Never Again.” Some of them had been astonished to learn Jesus was Jewish, as we complained about our respective indoctrinations over the ubiquitous bong. Far from considering the Koran just another book, they detested Arabs in a totally un-PC way.

    I have no idea if the Talmud is any more gruesome than the Lives of the Saints, and I’ll probably never know because I haven’t the slightest intention of reading it. But if Unz hasn’t read it either (and apparently, there’s a lot of it), he’s being remarkably eager to discuss what’s supposedly in it.

    • Replies: @Anon
  770. @hyperbola

    The City of London is a municipal corporation. It’s a vestige of feudalism, not a nefarious Rothschild plot. The current Lord Mayor is Charles Bowman, and the Lord Mayor is elected by the livery companies (of which there are 110).

    The Rothschilds are not particularly important anymore (the fourth generation began consuming their principle), and Evelyn de Rothschild is an anomaly who owes much of his eminence to befriending the late Gianni Agnelli. Rothschild & Co is today only as large as an American regional bank like Associated or Wintrust.

    While a pedantic point, not all major banks have their headquarters in the City either. HSBC is headquartered in Canary Wharf, and Barclay’s is based in the Docklands.

    The Bank of England was nationalized in 1946, though the Blairites gave the Bank of England “independence” which in practice means its operations are heavily influenced by the financial sector.

    That one of the world’s main financial centers is powerful and influential is not exactly surprising and doesn’t require misrepresentation to explain.

    • Replies: @Rosamond Vincy
    , @Anon
  771. @Qarpathic Tone

    Even the Jew Testament, not surprisingly, fawns over genital mutilation.

    “For it is we [Christians] who are the circumcision [Jewish Cocksuckers].” Phillipians 3:3

    I doubt it was Jews only who threatened this doctor who did a scientific study of circumcision that concluded circumcision causes permanent brain damage. He was forced to destroy the MRI data.

    A neurologist who saw the results postulated that the data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim’s brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions. Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child’s brain never returned to its baseline configuration. In other words, the evidence generated by this research indicated that the brain of the circumcised infant was permanently changed by the surgery.

    Our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings in the open medical literature. All of the participants in the research including myself were called before the hospital discipline committee and were severely reprimanded. We were told that while male circumcision was legal under all circumstances in Canada, any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited by the ethical regulations. Not only could we not publish the results of our research, but we also had to destroy all of our results.

  772. @Zeidner

    They’re all mentally ill. Obsession with Jews (anti or philo) is prima facie evidence. They know it and they cherish their condition. “I don’t care!” they say. “Hitler was mentally ill, too … and look what he accomplished!”

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  773. Rurik says:
    @Anonymous Jew

    Again, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    There have been several moments along my long slog to understanding the Fiend that foments so much hatred, misery and death in the world.

    What happened to Germany after the Armistice, and especially during the cruel and depraved ((Weimar)) regime.

    What happened to the Kukaks, and how they were tortured with being forced to watch their children waste away in front of their eyes, month after excruciating month, week after week, day after day.. until they finally succumbed. The regions most successful farmers, starved to death, because they were successful, and those who starved them were driven by that most motivating principle of the Fiend; envy.

    Then I learned of Dresden, (arguably the most sublime city in Europe), it’s true that the Fiend has lurked in London, England for centuries. Pedophiles and Jewish supremacists. They are our misfortune.

    So I became aware of a force in human affairs that is motivated by a netherworld hatred that I’ll (thankfully) never really be able to comprehend.

    It manifests at places like Waco, where the victims of the Fiend were burned alive to sate, if only for a moment, the infinite hatred and cruelty that really comes to bear when you do the worst thing you can, and defy its Satanic power.

    That is what it loves above all else. Power. Power over others. The power to humiliate and scourge other people, and most of all, make them suffer.

    That’s what we see going on in Palestine all these generations. A deliberate and calculated agenda of using raw power to crush a beaten people’s last shreds of dignity under a racial truncheon.

    What kind of people do such things?

    It isn’t “stupidity”, no. Rather it’s malice- run amok. Hatred for hatred’s sake. Cruelty for cruelty’s sake.

    It’s beyond my comprehension.

    Another way to glimmer their id, is to see how they use their media.

    If a Black thug gets some of his own karma returned to him in spades, like Michael Brown or Travon, it’s the most egregious hate crime imaginable!!!, and it’s bull-horned all over the glob.

    But if a White (Channon) Christian is savaged in the most unspeakable ways, then it is nothing. Less than nothing. Indeed, by their respective silence vs hysteria on racial crimes, we see that depending on the races of the victims vs. the perps, that (((they))) even seem to celebrate crimes like the Wichita massacre, by their thunderous silence in (not) reporting it.

    This is another way I’ve sort of glimmered the depths of their profound and all-encompassing hatred of White folks.

    Obviously it isn’t only Jews. And Obviously not all Jews are like that. But when it comes to these events, and how they’re handled in the Jewish media, then there’s no mistaking who is behind it all.

    The Jewish supremacists want Muslims in Europe because they want them to rape and savage the European girls. Rotherham is only possible in an European nation that has been thoroughly ‘Jewed’.

    They want the strife and misery and suffering and despair- that is a direct in inevitable consequence of forcing radically different people to occupy the same space.

    Jewish supremacists don’t love the Muslims and Africans that are descending on Europe and destroying it for all time. Of course not! It has nothing whatsoever to do with love or compassion or fair play. Hardly. What is the motivating principle is hate. Pure, raw, unadulterated, murderous, genocidal hatred. Seething from a narrative that has them believing that they have been put upon, historically and contemporarily. They believe themselves to be superior, and all the ‘persecutions’ that they’ve suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of (especially white, male) Gentiles, tweaks their sense of grievance and militarizes their burning and unendurable envy.

    Whether it’s written in the Old Testament, or the Talmud, or just something they pick up, they’re full to the brim with a malignant bile that seems will never be sated except by making the object of their torment, and suffering… in a word; envy – suffer a thousand humiliations until they die screaming.

    I don’t put any of that down to stupidity. I put it down to a pathological and endemic kind of uber-racial supremacist, psychopathic hatred.

    What am I missing?

  774. Sean says:

    Ron is really just stirring the pot. It’s easy to say ITS JOOS. when really virtually every other religion has these same problems, accusations, contradictions.

    I would point out that no gentile figure equivalent to Ron in what he could lose, dares say such things as Ron does in this post.

    All other religions of nationalities have been guilty of acting just as badly as Jews on occasion. But no other religious/ ancestral affiliation in the West has an influence out of all proportion to its numbers such as Judaism possesses.

    As a result of Jewish influence gaining ever more momentum, Western politics is fundamentally unstable in its lack of variability. In relation to the Jews there is no back or forth, their influence simply increases over time, even since the first Gulf War–the second Gulf War was primarily fought under the influence of Jewish neocons. The ‘metastable’ nature of the West under Jewish ascendance heralds the disintegration, or some reaction. Trump’s success shows the potential for something much much worse from the Jewish perspective

    From the people who matter, Ron will be getting flak rather than traction from this post. I suppose he thinks it was worth saying no to prevent future troubles for everyone. On the other hand it is quite possible, probable even, that Jews have a grip on Western society and culture that no gentile reaction could shift, and Ron is stirring up trouble for himself in pursuit of futile dreams.

    One thing I am sure of, and that is the West can continue to thwart the extremists who secretly long for transfers to make Greater Israel a Jewish state, or the West can halt immigration into the West–not both. Trump recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel perhaps indicates he intuitively understands what must be done to save the West.

    • Replies: @utu
  775. tac says:

    More of the European contribution to the betterment of mankind:

    Bellini (Norma) – Casta Diva:

    Leoncavallo (Pagliacci):

    Bizet (Habanera):

    Offenbach (Barcarolle):

    Mascagni (Cavalleria rusticana) – Intermezzo:

    Schubert (Ave Maria):

    Bellini (Vaga luna):

  776. gdpbull says:

    The break in the graph of correlation of wages with productivity also correspond exactly with when the dollar was taken off the gold standard and the bretton woods agreement

  777. @utu

    Yes. His comments are very contradictory. Echoes of History is another one who is just causing problems. His bizarre Jesus/Christianity obsession is weird.

  778. Zeidner says: • Website
    @Shaking My Dumb Head

    I believe it may actually be funded by religious interests.

    Anti semitism strengthens Jewish community. We all know that without the holocaust Israel couldn’t exist. I notice sonething about this brand of online anti semitism, its not altogether brainless, its relentless, its structured. Hardly unorganized.

    The thing rabbis hate the most is assimilation and secularization.

  779. Talha says:

    Why is this so hard – the Jews are a genetic tribe – some of the tribe are religious.

    This is certainly one way to look at this.

    However they consider converts to Christianity and Islam (for instance) lost to them – apostates:

    So, let’s take an organization like Jews for Jesus (they have a few offices around my locale). Are they Jews? Are they Christians? Do you still think of them as part of the tribe?

    One of the medieval Jewish converts to Islam wrote one of the most scathing tracts of criticism against Jewish practice. He was obviously not part of the tribe anymore though he was a Jew.

    I think there is an ethno-linguistic aspect and a religious aspect; sometimes they seem to overlap and sometimes they are completely divergent.


    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Art
  780. @Mulegino1

    Not to mention, through their political influence, Organized Jewry has been able to stamp out much regional difference in culture, tastes, etc. It’s pretty easy to service a mass market when you have a mass society.

    • Replies: @Mulegino1
  781. @attilathehen

    Atilla the “dirty, rude, and dumb” Asian-worshiper is still apoplectic from the spanking I gave her. She won’t soon forget that. :)

  782. Zeidner says: • Website

    I dont understand why people spend much time on these anonymous forms. You have no idea who you’re talking to(look up Ethos under Aristotle), you may be arguing with the same person appearing as many, etc.

    The early days of internet and bbs were much different. You needed to be educated, some access to money, and fairly intelligent to even get on the net. Most of the people here are white trash with a cell phone. It unreadable vomit.


    I would point out that no gentile figure equivalent to Ron in what he could lose, dares say such things as Ron does in this post.

    Lots of Jews have relayed anti semitic ideas including the author Toaff that Ron cited.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Anon
  783. Zeidner says: • Website

    Jews are NOT a genetic tribe. Its been proven so stop repeating it.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Talha
    , @Art
  784. iffen says:

    Hardly unorganized.

    Dem Jews.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  785. So you read a bunch of books and were shocked to learn of their ideas, but you tell us repeatedly you cannot comment on the trustworthiness of these ideas. And you use 7800 words to tell us so. Maybe you could get back to us when you can comment on them with some authority. Otherwise, very interesting, but little I haven’t known since the 1980s.

    • Troll: L.K
  786. renfro says:

    That’s what we see going on in Palestine all these generations. A deliberate and calculated agenda of using raw power to crush a beaten people’s last shreds of dignity under a racial truncheon.

    Yep. The Jewish tribe is a very mentally and morally sick cult

    And Israel is the only and ultimate proof of that one needs.
    People are always sickened when they read in the news of some woman or child abducted by a psychopath and kept locked in a box or basement so the psycho can beat and abused them at his leisure for years and years.
    That is what Israeli Jews have done to Palestines for 70 years….how sick and hideous and filthy do you have to be to do that for 70 years and enjoy it?…think about it..70 years!.

    Easy to understand why decent people hate Jewish Israel.

    Collective punishment’: Israel blocks fuel shipment to Gaza
    Israel further tightens its blockade on the strip while rights group denounces measure as ‘morally depraved’.
    17 Jul 2018

    Israel has further tightened its blockade on the Gaza Strip, preventing gas and fuel deliveries through its only commercial crossing with the Palestinian besieged enclave a week after Israeli authorities announced the closure of the crossing.
    The Kerem Shalom crossing, known to Palestinians as Karem Abu Salem, was shut down on July 9 and initially, only items deemed as “humanitarian” would be allowed to enter Gaza, such as food, hygiene and medical supplies, fuel, animal feed and livestock.
    However, the defence ministry announced late on Monday that fuel and gas deliveries will also be suspended, and that the crossing will remain open only for food and medicine on a case-by-case basis.”

    Israel collected $100m from Palestinians. Now it wants to use the money to upgrade roadblocks
    The Finance Ministry and the Population and Immigration Authority have accumulated millions of shekels in sick leave compensations belonging to Palestinian workers

    Or Kashti | Jul. 17, 2018 | 7:39 PM | 5
    The Finance Ministry and the Population and Immigration Authority are exploring a variety of ways to use an accumulated 380 million shekels ($105 million) in sick leave compensation sitting in accounts of Palestinian laborers with Israeli work permits. An option being considered is to put the money toward upgrading border crossings between the West Bank and Israel.
    The funds were paid by the Palestinians’ Israeli employers after deducting the sums from the workers’ wages. Little of the money has reached the workers themselves and the High Court of Justice will hold an initial hearing next week on a petition filed about two years ago about the disposition of the funds.
    The issues is over the fact that Israeli employers have automatically deducted 2.5% Palestinian laborers’ salaries for a sick leave fund managed by the Population Authority. Any unused funds are transferred to the Finance Ministry.
    The procedure that Palestinians must follow to obtain any of their money is much more complicated than what is required of Israelis. They may withdraw funds only in the event of illness or debilitating injury that prevents them from working, and the application process requires a number of administrative and medical approvals.
    The state said two weeks ago that not a single worker had received any compensation, citing “difficulties” in processing medical documents.
    At the end of 2016, the Finance Ministry told Haaretz that the funds have been deposited at the Bank of Israel.

    Bulldozing Palestine, one village at a time

    Israel wants the village of Khan al-Ahmar razed to the ground to cut off Jerusalem from the West Bank.

    • Agree: Rurik, jacques sheete
  787. Mulegino1 says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Correct- the collective burrows its way from cheap “entertainment”, low criminality and the rackets into academia, jurisprudence, and the councils of government within a generation or two, leaving nothing but wreckage and ruin in its path. The collective mind of the host society becomes kosher, as is evinced by our own American addiction to the cheapest and most tawdry of Jewish spectacles. Our so called “patriotism” has largely become nothing more than cheerleading spilling the blood of their enemies by shedding the blood of our own compatriots. It is no wonder that Israel’s unofficial national hymn is “Onward Christian Soldiers.”

  788. Yevardian says:
    @Greasy William

    Stick with pronouncements on who you would\would not bang, kid.
    Second Lebanon War was a watershed moment for figures as diverse from Benny Morris to Gilad Atzmon to Jimmy Carter.

  789. Rurik says:

    Jews are NOT a genetic tribe. Its been proven so stop repeating it.

    pray tell..

    what’s the criteria for immigrating into the explicitly “Jewish” state of Israel as a new citizen?

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  790. Art says:


    What is the best description when it comes to Jews?

    My I call on Occom’s Razor. It says that the shortest answer that fulfills is the right answer.

    I think “tribe” fulfills the most? With that and $5.00 you can get a cup of coffee these days.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Talha
  791. @Echoes of History

    Here’s more:

    “Now we understand why the sign of the covenant is circumcision, a commandment given in Tazria. For faith to be more than the worship of power, it must affect the most intimate relationship between men and women. In a society founded on covenant, male-female relationships are built on something other and gentler than male dominance, masculine power, sexual desire and the drive to own, control and possess. Baal must become ish. The alpha male must become the caring husband. Sex must be sanctified and tempered by mutual respect. The sexual drive must be circumcised and circumscribed so that it no longer seeks to possess and is instead content to love. ”


    “The foreskin of the male reproductive organ effects his experience of marital relations in two ways: it increases his gross sensual pleasure and decreases his sensitivity to his wife by insulating him from her to a certain extent. By removing the foreskin, the experience of marital relations becomes for the man less of a narcissistic indulgence and more of a true spiritual coupling between him and his wife. Once the spiritual dimension of marital relations is allowed into the picture, it enhances the physical dimension as well. The sages of the Talmud therefore state that ideally, at least, it is the Jewish couple that experiences the truest enjoyment in marital relations.”

    “Sefer HaChinuch explains that just as Jewish souls are different than Gentiles’ souls, G‑d wanted there to be a difference in our physical bodies as well. He explains further that G‑d left this sign for us to make rather than creating us with it, in order to symbolize that just as we can and must perfect our bodies, so too we can and must perfect our souls.

    Why was the reproductive organ chosen for this imprint?

    1. To symbolize that the covenant with G‑d is eternal and must be passed on to the next generations.
    2. It weakens sexual desire and pleasure, hopefully giving a person more strength to restrain himself from engaging in forbidden sexual encounters. In a similar vein, Nachmanides writes that the brit reminds us to only use the male organ in a permissible and positive way.
    3. The reproductive organ was chosen, since it is in the merit of our uniqueness and devotion to G‑d that we continue our existence as a race.”

    “Circumcision is a tangible reminder to all men that they are the masters of their bodies, that they are in control of their sexual urges. Cutting back the foreskin represents tapering the self-centered nature of lust. It’s not only about me, but about another person’s dignity and desires. It’s not all about the pleasure that I want, but about the pleasure that G‑d wants me to have.

    Perhaps this reasoning behind circumcision can account for the Talmud’s statement that women are born naturally circumcised. Generally speaking, a woman’s nature is not to dominate someone whom she desires. Studies show that female sexual predators make up such a small percentage that there is little known about them as a group. Although women may have many imperfections, it seems that they are naturally less in danger of violating the dignity of others through their lustful impulses.”

    “The Hebrew word for “donkey”, “chamor”, is related to the word for “material” (“chomer”) and “materialism” (“chumriut”). Sichon is thus the personification of gross materialism, or the desire for sensual gratification.

    The mitzva of circumcision is intended to sever the Jew from his egocentric, material orientation and thereby prepare him and make his suitable for the pursuit of spirituality and holiness. As is explained in Chasidut, the presence of the foreskin renders sexual relations more immediately personally gratifying, but desensitizes the individual to the experience of his wife. Sexual relations thus remain an essentially narcissistic experience. The removal of the foreskin puts the individual more directly in contact with his wife, and thus he shares her experience as well. This, of course, serves to spiritualize and therefore augment the sensual experience in ways not possible in the narrow, egocentric context.

    The removal of the foreskin, i.e. the propensity toward gross, self-oriented materialism, thus sensitizes the individual to the presence of an other person, and ultimately, readies him for encounter with the ultimate Other, G‑d.”

    “The name “Og” (spelled ayin-gimel) is etymologically related to the root ayin-vav-gimel or ayin-gimel-gimel, which means, “to form a circle”. Thus, it refers to the mucous membrane which encircles the glans of the penis underneath the foreskin, and which must also be peeled back as part of the rite of circumcision. The removal of the foreskin is called “mila” (meaning “cutting”) and the removal of the mucous membrane is called “pria”(meaning “peeling” back).

    This membrane is obviously much more subtle and delicate than the coarse foreskin. It therefore embodies a much more abstract, delicate form of evil that is therefore much more difficult to root out than the usual, coarse evil. In Chasidut it is explained that the foreskin signifies the evil that exists in the outer dimension of the heart, while the mucous membrane signifies the evil that exists in the inner dimension of the heart. The evil of the outer dimension of the heart is the individual’s gross lust for material and sensual forms of pleasure and gratification.”

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Zeidner
  792. Zeidner says: • Website

    Yes, it might be “jews” as in people invested in the religious structure of Judaism. It is a business just like Christianity and islam. Notice the anti semitism NEVER criticizes the major religions for what they are, a massive FRAUD. They dont want their flock mixing with another flock.

    Is there an inner circle to Judaism? Not far fetched really, in the early days it was the priesthood and the nobility. Most “jews” were clueless peasants who brought the rabbis fresh steaks at least once a year.

  793. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker


    Haha, get a grip.

    To have such purported global influence they cannot be THAT dim.

    Typical Jewish reply. All of those areas are trash factories in decline and your Tribe is running out of time…

    … and you don’t even know why. Hilarious.

  794. Rob McX says:

    The manuscript of “Human Sacrifice Among the Sephardine” was bought by the Board of Deputies of British Jews in the early 20th century in order to conceal its contents. It was they who announced they were offering it for sale in 2001. They claimed they were so short of money that they had no choice but to do so. It wasn’t sold, and I suspect the whole thing was a ruse to draw more donations.

    • Replies: @macilrae
  795. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    I am amused that my username still provokes commotions. It is not the first time that people found some hidden agenda in my use of it. I explained once that Seraphim is a very common name (both family and personal) in many countries (Greece, Russia, Italy, France, Germany) but not among Jews.

    You can’t understand what you read or you twist my words. I did not say that ‘admiring Whites is idiotic’ but “White would be Ubermensch” (i.e. the ‘White nationalists’, ‘White supremacists’, ‘Aryan Nations’ , ‘males’ clowns) admire N. Their admiration for N is idiotical.
    Of course you do not understand anything of Christianity from the truncated quotations of the Gospels. But that is how Jefferson read the Gospels, with the scissors in his hand, pasting his cuts on his own fantasy account of Christ ‘philosophy’. Jefferson, like all his Jewish inspirers, reserved his harshest literary venom for Saint Paul.

  796. Zeidner says: • Website

    Not sure why im educating an anonymous internet account but …

    Right of return is extended to anyone who can prove a jewish grandparent or parent or has gone through an orthodox conversion. That may change in future. That (grand)parent may have converted.

    Genetic studies have proven that jews are not a race. There are subgroups within Judaism, notably Ashkenazis who have Endogamy and have the characteristics of a race like British or Indian. Ashknzi != Jewish. You can be Ashkenazi, partly or completely and not be Jewish. Judaism is a religion.

    Ashkenazi came from an ancient kingdom in east Europe, maintained Endogamy through religion, thus they are a race.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  797. @Echoes of History

    Oh and this article- this really seems to exemplify a lot of Jewish thought (“embracing the irrationality”), even beyond circumcision:

    “Like many embattled religionists, some Jews have responded by denying that there’s any problem in the first place. But this is a bad idea. It’s manifestly true that circumcision is nonconsensual and that it does reduce sexual pleasure. Indeed, Jewish sages like Maimonides knew this and praised the rite for doing so. Let’s not pretend that circumcision is just “a little off the top” or somehow not a big deal.

    Let’s also not pretend — a la John Kellogg, who popularized circumcision in America — that this is some kind of hygienic practice. Yes, the current data is that circumcision does reduce the risk of transmitting HIV, HPV and other STD-causing agents. But so do proper hygiene and safer-sex practices. At the very least, if all we’re talking about is health, people should decide the matter for themselves. But we’re not talking about health, really, and to pretend otherwise is just false consciousness.”

    “Rather than contest the facts, liberal Jews seeking to defend irrational Jewish practices must confront the difficult facts head-on, and then inquire into and communicate the underlying values in play. Circumcision is barbaric, primitive, irrational, bizarre, pleasure-reducing, possibly painful, strange, nonconsensual, patriarchal and essentially permanent. And it is ancient, sacred, profound, familial and foundational to Jewish maleness, Jewish identity and Jewish religious practice. Both-and, not either-or.”

    “Secularly, our society allows parents wide latitude in raising their children. They can brainwash them, lie to them, restrict their movements, make health care decisions for them. No, they cannot nonconsensually cut them at will. But if our society allows parents to authorize surgery, medication and bodily alteration of their children for medical reasons — made according to the parents’ judgment — surely it can do the same when that judgment is based on religious, albeit nonrational, reasons.”

    “Jewishly, the rational critiques are valid and the nonrational factors are important as well: Jewish belonging, Jewish tradition, obedience to God, obedience to authority, a spiritual connection with food, creating discipline around food, respect for animal life (and eating fewer animals as a result), a gestural nod to the dignity of the animal…. The list goes on, and these factors are important and non-rational and they may even be good.

    Secularly, whatever rights animals do or should have, our society currently allows far more violations of them than kashrut entails. We allow hunting for sport. We kill animals for pleasure. We raise them and slaughter them for ornamentation. None of these motivations is as noble or as constitutionally protected as religious values, and all hurt far more animals.

    Let’s be truthful about our religious observances: Kashrut and circumcision aren’t harmless, nor are they entirely rational. But neither, at the end of the day, are we.”

    • Replies: @Anon
  798. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Thanks for the explanation

    • Replies: @ivan
  799. Talha says:

    I know they are not an exact ‘tribe’ – they are actually like a small Ummah. They definitely do have genetic diversity as anyone can see by looking at Polish vs Ethiopian Jews. However, my understanding is that they still trace their lineage back through ancestry to the 12 tribes.


    • Replies: @Zeidner
  800. bj says:

    Excellent post which leads one to search for the origin and method of organizing hatred on a vast scale. Jewish male genital mutilation is a cruel torture of innocents used to create psychopaths capable of murdering and torturing children by shooting their legs off in Gaza without a trace of remorse. The evil begins with the torture of Jewish male children. After the rabbis violent circumcision of tribal infants, murdering and torturing the goyim seems natural to the tribe of psychopaths.

    Up thread is a link on male genital mutilation forced upon Jewish male children by the talmudic rabbis. On the eighth day of life, the child is restrained and the foreskin is removed, causing intense pain, which permanently alters brain connections related to empathy, fear, and reasoning. The barbaric savagery creates psychopaths of Jewish male children.

    Perhaps, the Jewish Question can be resolved by a world wide BAN on male genital mutilation. The practice is a heinous crime against humanity, masquerading as religious practice, when in fact it is torture used to create anti-human psychopaths. The Jews are to be pitied, as they are in the grip of an ancient priesthood worshiping power over others as an end in itself. Jews are the first victims who become the murderers and torturers on behalf of the satanic priesthood’s mad delusion of world control. BAN CIRCUMCISION!

  801. Zeidner says: • Website
    @Qarpathic Tone

    I agree with that view. Circumcision is the Sine qua non of Judaism. I agree it was innovated in order to lessen the pleasure of sex, regulate it, and to channel the energy into family life(the Egyptians also practiced it).

    Perhaps this explains why jews are wealthier and their children are better cared for. A lot of the anti semites i notice come from screwed up broken families. They feel indignation, why are the Jewish kids doing well and im posting to internet forums from my trailer? Mix this indignation with anger, religious doctrine, and the environmemt of internet blogs and you get these kind of ideas.

    • Replies: @Rich
  802. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

    The early days of internet and bbs were much different. You needed to be educated, some access to money, and fairly intelligent to even get on the net.

    Bwahahahahahaha. Getting on a motorcycle was always much more demanding in all three categories.

    No wonder you’re acting like a deer in the headlights in this thread.

    • Replies: @Anon
  803. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re sure spending a lot of time in this thread making the same stupid comments.

    You’d be amazed how elegant the trailers and cabins are down in the 90212 holler

    Got me a copper kettle.
    Got me a copper coil.
    Got me some new made corn mash
    And never again will I toil

    My Pappy made whiskey
    Granpappy did too
    We ain’t paid no whiskey tax
    Since 1792

  804. Talha says:

    I don’t think we can apply Occam’s Razor to something as complex as a thousands years old religious tradition for the reasons I outlined.

    I recently came across a sister who converted from a Jewish background; she served in the military and studied religion at university. She is quite open about her Jewish background, but she is a Muslim. She even wears niqab now, quite traditional. She will never marry a Jewish man (unless he also converts) and is on the Palestinian side of the issue. She is not ashamed of her ethnic Jewish background (nor should she be).

    So what is she? In which box does she fix?


    • Replies: @Art
    , @Caruthers
  805. Zeidner says: • Website
    @Qarpathic Tone

    Notice that Abraham had several wives and concubines, where his son Isaac, the first Jew to be circumcised at birth had only one wife to whom he remained completely faithful.

    • Replies: @Anon
  806. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    This Anglo Celtic hick has lived her entire life among Jews.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  807. The Jew Testament is one of those cheapest and most tawdry of Jewish spectacles, with the “Cross of Jesus” parodying Julius Caesar’s cruxiform tropaeum.

    On the reverse there is an image which makes one think of a crucifixion with Mary and John beneath the cross. It is the defeated Vercingetorix and the mourning Gallia. On the cruxiform tropaeum hang the weapons of Vercingetorix. Both sides of these coins are still found unchanged on medaillons which the Christians sill carry around the neck with the Madonna on the one side and the cross on the other – 48 years before Christ’s birth!

    Jesus Christ = Julius Caesar
    Lecture by Francesco Carotta, 28 November 2002

    The Jewish story-writers who created the Jesus character even give away their shtick in Matthew 22:22, Mark 12:16, and Luke 20:24, but most Europeans know so little of their pre-Kikeianity history that they don’t catch it.

    • Replies: @Anon
  808. Art says:

    Jews are NOT a genetic tribe. Its been proven so stop repeating it.

    Say Zeidner,

    You are contemptuous of everything – you probably hate Jesus!

    Think Peace — Art

  809. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Not Hebrew, Yiddish German. Yiddish was the official language of the American Communist Party from its founding until 1930.

    Stalin finally realized that English speaking Americans were not likely to join a party run by foreigners speaking a foreign language.

    So Stalin issued 4 orders

    1. English would be the official language of CPUSA

    2. Jews had to restrain themselves to 40 percent of party membership.

    3. The chairman of CPUSA could not be a Jew. Hence Gus Hall

    4 Because New York City was about 25 percent Jewish at the time and the CPUSA was known to be a Jewish organization party headquarters had to be else where than Jewish NYC.

    So headquarters moved to Chicago.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  810. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Echoes of History

    So why do you keep clipping and pasting from that bible site? I thought you were some kind of hyper Christian bible teacher.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  811. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    By 1995 or so every public library in Los Angeles was full of homeless cruising the internet.

  812. Seraphim says:
    @Echoes of History

    You again read selectively.

    “While Spinoza lived long before the emergence of modern political Zionism, he could be seen as prefiguring later currents in Jewish modernity.
    Baruch Spinoza’s rejection of a God of History is an abrupt break with most of the history of Jewish philosophy and is a strong argument that, despite being born a Jew, his thought was not intrinsically Jewish. He was a heretic. But it could be argued that he deserves a place in the pantheon of great Jewish thinkers in that he was a visionary in terms of how the Jewish people would make the transformation from the medieval world into modernity”.

    His condemnation had more to do with the alarm that his acquaintance with dissident anti-clerical groups (Arminians and Mennonites) which attracted the frowning attention of the Dutch authorities (who would later ban his writings and set heavy punishments against anyone selling his books) could damage the fragile status of the Sephardi community. Disavowing Spinoza was a necessary public act for a community eager to avoid angering its generally tolerant hosts. Jews in Amsterdam were ordered to refrain from all public attacks against the Christian religion, from attempting to convert Christians to Judaism, and from having sexual relations with Christian women.

    You have to learn history more seriously, not to be just an echo. You don’t realize how laughable your sophomoric knowledge is.

  813. Surprise surprise, NOT Russian meddling, Israeli meddling, and calling the shots, Trump isn’t Putins puppet, along with congress, and our entire government he is Netanyahus puppet. It wans’t Russia that got “hacked” Hillary it was Israel, because of the Iran deal, if Seth Rich indeed exists and he leaked them, then he is Mossad or works for Israel.

    In recording, Netanyahu boasts Israel convinced Trump to quit Iran nuclear deal
    Public broadcaster airs clip of PM telling Likud activists US exit came after he stood up ‘against the whole world’ by opposing accord

    In a video clip aired Tuesday by Israeli television, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted that Israel was responsible for US President Donald Trump’s decision to quit the Iran nuclear deal.

    In the video, which the Kan public broadcaster said was filmed two weeks ago, Netanyahu can be seen speaking to activists and senior members from his Likud party.

    “We convinced the US president [to exit the deal] and I had to stand up against the whole world and come out against this agreement,” Netanyahu says in the video. “And we didn’t give up.”

  814. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Qarpathic Tone

    What do you think of the latest and very expensive kashrut rules that only fruits and vegetables grown in kosher green houses* can be eaten and field grown produce can’t be eaten anymore?

    Rational is that bugs crawl on field crops but don’t get into greenhouses. Actually, bugs do get into greenhouses but the rabbis either don’t know that but ignore it.

    * the greenhouse farms are owned by the rabbis quelle surprise.

  815. Zeidner says: • Website

    12 tribes lineage is a religious idea not a scientific one.

    Given Y Dna evidence it has been mostly ruled out.

    • Replies: @Talha
  816. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:


  817. @Seraphim

    What you quoted proves my point – the Jews regarded him as a heretic and disavowed him for such heresy. Thanks for the assist.

  818. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    But Isaac forced Jacob to marry both of Isaac’s daughters by trickery and cheating.

    I’m a cynic. I probably started in Sunday school. Abraham willing to kill Isaac, Jacob Rachel and Leah. What an evil old cheat Isaac was. Joseph’s brothers were monsters.

    Then on to the NT. I didn’t know much about sex but I assumed the angel seduced Mary and made the baby. A Jewish angel killed all the Jewish baby boys and Herod killed all the Jewish baby boys.

    I love the art though

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Rosamond Vincy
  819. “In recent years, the history of Jewish expulsions from various European societies over the last thousand years has received considerable attention.”

    Well, that means since the Khazars converted to Judaism.

    The question that must be asked is why were no expulsions from Arab counties?

    What is it about the former Khazars now known as the Ashkenazi that incited so much resentment and anger and hatred?

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  820. Zeidner says: • Website

    And anti semitism, supported by lame half assed arguments is a favorite pastime of these types. What better way to alleve the anger ad frustration at your poverty and drug addiction than jews.

    The state of these online threads has degraded significantly. It was also due in part to the DMCA law which made it legal for eg. Ron to host libelous comments he(presumably) didnt write. A clause worked in there by the soon to emerge Social Media industry.

    There’s no point in even arguing with them. If you disprove them, theyll just make a new login or move to the next blog and continually spread their lies.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Joe862
    , @Lurker
  821. The comments on this article look to go way above 1,000!

  822. Art says:

    She is not ashamed of her ethnic Jewish background


    Reading that statement, I would say she is both – a ethnic tribal Jew and a religious Muslim. Is that not impossible?

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Seraphim
  823. Talha says:

    I’m fine with this if that’s where the evidence conclusively takes us. Is this the case for only Ashkenazi or even Yemeni, Iraqi, Bukharan, etc Jews as well? They’ve discovered pockets of Jews very disconnected from their religion out in places like Indonesia.


    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Zeidner
  824. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Echoes of History

    If Pilate had really been a mensch he’d have told the Rabbis to F off and never sent the soldiers to arrest Jesus

    Instead he allowed the rabbis to convict and sentence the heretic to death. And sent his soldiers to actually do the execution so the rabbis wouldn’t have to break taboo and pick up a hammer and nails

    Pilate did exactly what the Rabbis wanted.

    • Replies: @Echoes of History
  825. Zeidner says: • Website

    Reread the story you god damn idiot.

  826. @jilles dykstra

    Foreigners do not choose to buy US products because of the military any more than Americans are intimidated into buying pizza because of the Italian mafia.

  827. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s interesting that Jeff suddenly appeared and posted the same comments about affirmative action discrimination against White men and that the White trash deserve discrimination because they are useless.

    He says he was born and raised in Detroit and left the USA at age 25. So how does he know so much about poor drug addicted Whites?

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  828. Zeidner says: • Website

    More brilliance from anon who has likely never read a credible work on this subject in their life.

    If jews were widely hated, how did they get into those countries?
    They werent hated, they were useful. People loved their food, their music etc

    When things broke down, they were scapegoated.

    Why did they not have issues in “arab countries” (i think the moron means muslim countries) because there were rules in those places about how minorities could be treated. See Dhimmi

    A lot of people here are mixing religious and scientific ideas.

    • Replies: @Joe862
    , @Helen4Yemen
  829. @Mulegino1

    “Excel at marketing”

    Thank you, we’re getting into the issue of choice here. Blacks in the US CHOOSE to smoke crack cocaine and this choice then creates a Pablo Escabar.

    “Lowest common denominator”

    Again, thank you. British comediennes always appealed to the lowest common denominator. Italian horror filmmakers always appealed to the lowest common denominator. Chinese heroin czars always appealed to the dregs of the whites.

    • Replies: @Mulegino1
  830. @Anon

    I am a bible teacher. I’m showing the pro-Gentile and/or anti-Jewish commenters here at Unz who hold the Jew Testament dear that the Jew Testament is actually an anti-Gentile, pro-Jew swindle. Notice how they have zero argument against this, as they’d be arguing against the Jew Testament they claim as authoritative. I figure one or two of the smarter ones have a serious case of cognitive dissonance right now. The dumber ones don’t. The Jewish Rabbi Jesus could shit on them and they’d tell you it was manna from heaven with a straight face.

    Which he did.

    For example, Jesus specifically denounces “Gentile” (White) Patriarchal society in all three Synoptic Gospels. (Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25) The True Believing Gentiles just go on believing that Jewshit is manna. They’ll often invoke “context,” which to them is equivalent to hermeneutics they’ve listened to in the pew, i.e., the skill named after Hermes, the God of Smooth Talking—”the divine trickster”—that priests/preachers learn in semenary, that helps sugar coat the Jew Testament.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
    , @Anon
  831. @Anonymous

    Now it is my turn to tell you that you are wrong about my nationality.

  832. @Anon

    Blame Whitey for what wrong the Jew does! How’s the weather there in Tel Aviv, anon?

  833. Talha says:

    She’s certainly an ethnic Jew though I don’t know if simply not being ashamed of one’s background makes one tribal – for instance if a man is not ashamed to be Irish.

    But yes, that’s how she sees herself (as I learned through the conversation); as a practicing Muslim of Jewish background, unapologetic about either aspect of her identity.


  834. @Anon

    Maybe out West but in 1995 nobody in Detroit had heard of the World Wide Web except for IT students.

    The reason the internet became popular was because people no longer had to go into a sleazy adult bookstore or do the walk of shame at their video store to watch pornography.

    Somebody on this blog mentioned the lumpen prole and the mass. This is quite true.

    • Replies: @Anon
  835. Zeidner says: • Website

    Its hard to even say whether or not ancient Israel existed.

    This was religious belief for over 2000 years. Any contradictory evidence would have been hidden or destroyed(by the RCC most likely). There is in fact very little archeological evidence that such a place even existed.

    Read Schlomo Sand. He discusses all these things. It was mostly a fabrication, far more acceptable and believeable 2000 years ago. Christianity “forked” the lie and then Islam. And it want even perfect they canonized contradictory texts.

    So the idea of “real jews” is itself a figment.

    One thing i find hilarious is when people cite Jewish genetics studies and claim Jews arentb”semitic”. Genetics in no way supports the category of Semitic. It does not exist. There are some genetic markers we might say are native to the levant but they are not Semitic.

    Medinat Yisrael isnt helping either, although there is some support for Sands work the current mode of Zionism is built on the Jewish racial assumption andvthe right of “return”. Its dangerous to build political and military programs on these ideas.

    Im surprised Ron hasnt covered Schlomo Sand.

    • Replies: @Talha
  836. Zeidner says: • Website

    See my other point about ancient israel.

  837. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Charleston SC was a major Jewish settlement in the 1600s. Lehman bros arrived New Orleans from Germanyaround 1800 and soon became the 2nd largest slave brokers in the country.

    There were many Jews in the south from early times, mid 1600s. They were very very different from the Polish Russian shetl types who arrived in the big northern cities starting 1880.

    The southerners came with plenty of money and bought plantations because that was where the money was made in those days. There were also many in the Caribbean and had advantageous business links with the Jews on the mainland.

    There are many sources about this on the internet and university libraries.

    The southern Jews, like the blacks and other Whites were in the south from the beginning.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  838. @Them Guys


    You’d have to be outside of a country to notice how it goes downhill over time. I left in the Clinton era. Had you been somewhere else, you would really have noticed that the US slid downward when Bush was elected.

  839. Zeidner says: • Website
    @Echoes of History

    So youre a messianic jew or a noahide?

    I mentioned earlier that Medinat Yisrael is invested in new forms of Judaism that have wider appeal and metriculation. I suspect they may eventually extend some form of citizenship to them.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  840. @Zeidner

    Zeidner asked: “What better way to alleve the anger ad frustration at your poverty and drug addiction than jews?”

    (Above) Uh… Zeidner. Hm, a good question! How to alleve dumb goyim “frustration?”
    Let’s see?

    Duh…, write one’s Jewish Lobby-addicted Congressman, and under “Right to Know” law, demand to see certification that proves Brother Nathanael Kapner is circunsized?

    • LOL: SolontoCroesus
  841. Zeidner says: • Website

    Alexander Hamilton was born on Nevis, spoke Hebrew and his mother’s name was Levine.

    • Replies: @renfro
  842. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You’ve heard of the Bronfman family big Canadian liquor manufacturers? Schenley and many other brands?

    They started out in Canada as prostitutes and pimps and soon had the money to open brothels. Brothels served liquor in those days. They bought liquor to serve and enough extra to sell retail and got out of the brothel business and into the liquor manufacturing business.

    Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan. He was a Jew, but no one cared or even noticed until his New York relatives decided to scream discrimination.

    You’re Jewish aren’t you? The extreme defensive ness what Ron calls berserker is very Jewish. Any mention of any Jew who committed a crime invokes hysterical deniunciations.

    I admire the Bronfmans. They got out of the brothel business and into legal liquor manufacturing.

  843. ivan says:

    That’s weird stuff.

  844. Wally says:

    Excellent post, kingedward1wasright1290

    Everyone, here’s an excellent example of the complete fraudulence of the ‘holocaust’ in a nutshell.
    Note that the laughably fake photos (one shown below) are taken from a Times of Israel article discussed in the link.

    story: Babi Yar / Trial for 3 Alleged members of Firing Squads? / Fake Pictures & more:

    Notice in the link the Potemkin Village ‘memorials’ for the utterly fake 34,000 Jews after a search for the alleged human remains came up completely empty. Talk about chutzpah.

    And you’ll love this cheesy faked ‘photo’ that Jews say is proof.

    Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility & stupidity of the laughable ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.

  845. @Anon


    Left at age 25 and was from Detroit. How does he know so much about poor white drug addicts?

    That’s exactly the question some Gen Y helicopter child of the 90′s would ask.

    Yes kids, once upon a time Gen X left home at 19. In Detroit, you saw some crazy things in the black crack head/white tweaker era.

  846. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Thousands of Michigan Pennsylvania Illinois Indiana people moved to Texas and Louisiana in the 1980s because the factories and mills closed and oil business was booming and there were jobs.

    Moravians Germans and Austrians moved to the south in the 1700s. Southern fried chicken came from Austria so did chicken fried steak which was breaded and fried veal in Austria.

    The USA is a big country and it didn’t begin in 1880 in northern cities.

  847. @utu

    I don’t see how stating that being a white in the United States with no money puts you in the harm’s way of blacks and Cholos makes me a troll.

    Or an Indian.

    • Replies: @iffen
  848. Joe862 says:

    It’s tough not being able to silence people. Who could’ve seen this coming?

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  849. @Anonymous

    “Typical Jewish Reply”

    I don’t know whether you are a Malay or a Russian but you’ve never actually been around Jews in your life, much less in NYC or Los Angeles where they congregate. You would not know a Jewish-American from a Southern white cracker if they sat on your face with their pants down.

    You’ve never been to the United States, though I am not going to play a guessing game with your nationality.

    Personally I make you for a slimy Indian no matter what you purport to be. But hey, you could be a Russian or something else.

    Regardless, you’ve never been to the United States. You don’t have the earning power for a vacation to Disney World or wherever foreigners go on US soil like Planet Hollywood. So you’ve never met any Jews, barring some Israeli tourist in Goa that you sold hashish too.

  850. Joe862 says:

    You’ve nailed it. Jews aren’t widely hated until people have some experience with them. Nobody has figured out how to prevent people from learning from their experiences. Is there jewish food or music anybody really cares about? People pretend to like Mahler sometimes but what beyond that?

  851. Zeidner says: • Website

    And pointing out that a jew committed a crime is a case agaivst all Jews?

    That’s why your entire case is nonsense. What some jew does does not bear guilt on another jew unless collaboration is established. Csn we prosecute Catholics for pedophilia? Protestants for slavery? Muslims for terrorism?

    Getting membership to this club “jew” is not difficult, and could easily be faked years ago.

    This is why im suspicious of Toaff. Why raise this as a jewish thing?

    I do believe in such ritual murder, child abuse and sex cults. See Ted Gunderson or Conspiracy of Silence. A common trick these people do is offload the blame and anger they cause onto jews at large. Gunderson found some of these operating in churches, primary schools etc.

    Trump is weeding these people out. They are in panic mode. They are desperate to deflect blame onto anyone they can.

  852. Rich says:

    I’m surprised to see you write that. When I was a kid, I started out in what would be called a “working class” neighborhood in Queens, NY, and there was no Antisemitism, Jews were treated like every other White ethnic group, although their parents were definitely more concerned with education than many of the other parents. The anti-Semites I’ve encountered, and there aren’t many, are usually from more upper middle class communities who had more contact with wealthier Jews. The most virulent anti-Semites I’ve known have actually been ethnic Jews who would constantly berate their own people to me, pointing out the flaws of their ethnicity.

    • Replies: @Zeidner
  853. Seraphim says:

    He is a babble teacher! The typical school dropout nincompoop who babbles with confidence about things he has no idea about. The comments section of many sites are full of the type (a troll actually).

  854. Zumbuddi says:

    What do you mean by Redemption?

    • Replies: @j2
  855. @Thorfinnsson

    “The current Lord Mayor is Charles Bowman”– is this a purely ceremonial position? Does he have any actual power, compared to Sadiq Khan (who’s complained about in every issue of the Daily Mail)?

  856. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:
    @Rosamond Vincy

    Unz and Shahak are from the Enlightenment wing of Jewry and are still waging a philosophical war against the obscurantist rabbis of the 17th and 18th centuries. This is not to say you can’t find equally obscurantist rabbis today in some corners of Brooklyn or Jerusalem, but you have to look.

    As far as the blood libel is concerned, it only makes sense as a perversion of the Catholic Mass. But the thing is that in spiritualist circles to this day the traditional Catholic Mass has an enormous cachet. Since we know some Catholics perverted it into a Black Mass it’s not unreasonable to suppose that some groups of Jews did something similar occasionally.

    • Replies: @Rosamond Vincy
  857. @Zeidner

    Music? I never knew the Ashkenazi Jews of Europe had their own music, did they?

    These are their foods and not sure if they were popular, were they?

    Chicken matzo ball soup
    gefiltah fish
    Kasha Varnishkis
    matzoh balls.
    Potatoe kasha Knishes
    Potatoe Latkas
    Stuffed cabbage

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Seraphim
    , @Anon
  858. Zeidner says: • Website

    No idea what youre taking about.

    The antisemites on this thread lack basic facts and barely can string together a sentence.

    • Replies: @Rich
  859. @Anon

    That was Laban, Leah and Rachel’s father. He was such a sociopath that Leah and Rachel put aside whatever sibling or marital rivalry they had and plotted with Jacob (out of earshot of Laban) how the whole family could get out of Dodge before Laban pulled another fast one.

    Those OT chicks were tough. And so were the NT ones: Mary put the angel through a whole questionnaire before she agreed to the Incarnation, but once she gave her “Fiat,” she coped with circumstances that were at very least stressful. She had more guts than Moses, Jonah, or Gideon, all of whom tried to weasel out of their divine missions.

  860. Zeidner says: • Website

    The only thing people want to silence is your LIBEL. Libel that is intentionally damaging. Why would you all convene anonymously to exchange believable lies?

    Show me a single scholar who backs up your views. None exist. You are a Crank and a peddler of lies.

    This stuff is very dangerous. I mentioned earlier Andrew Dodson who spent a lot of time absorbing these ideas on the net. He eventually killed himself. after recanting them.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
  861. @Joe862

    Bagels and lox, Joey Ramone, and the Beastie Boys.

    • Replies: @Anon
  862. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    The Ostjuden had great music. It’s very danceable and cheerful , very peasant.

  863. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:
    @Rosamond Vincy

    Jewish food is pretty good and Jews are usually good connoisseurs of food in general. Music not so much; get an Italian.

  864. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Historical facts about people dead hundreds of years isn’t libel.


    Truth is the best defense for a libel.

    Remember Oscar Wilde. Queens berry wrote that he was a sodomist. Oscar sued Queensberry for libel.

    Queens berry proved in court Wilde was a sodomist of boys as young as 12. Sodomising underage boys was a serious offense so Wilde was charged convicted and served prison time.

    It happened. Your Jews never committed a crime or did anything wrong is a symptom of a serious mental disorder.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  865. Seraphim says:

    Actually, they did have:

    “Klezmer (Yiddish: כליזמר or קלעזמער (klezmer), pl.: כליזמרים (klezmorim) – instruments of music) is a musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe. Played by professional musicians called klezmorim in ensembles known as kapelye, the genre originally consisted largely of dance tunes and instrumental display pieces for weddings and other celebrations. In the United States the genre evolved considerably as Yiddish-speaking Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe, who arrived between 1880 and 1924, came into contact with American jazz…”

  866. Art says:

    And you’ll love this cheesy faked ‘photo’ that Jews say is proof.

    So many of the WII photos evolving Jew are of very poor quality – its as if the Germans could not make a decent camera lens.

    Hmm? Maybe there is another reason?

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Wally
  867. @Anon

    I’m not Jewish at all, it is just that Yankees from the Northeast live among Jews and seemingly they do not affect us to the same degree as whites from places in the US far removed from dense concentrations of Jews.

    My guess is the vast majority of today’s strip joints and brothels in New Orleans are owned by Italian mob guys and Cajuns, not Jews. But you don’t seem to have a hard-on towards Guidos or French-Canadians. I don’t doubt that many of the gangsters and racketeers of the Prohibition-era were Jews. Hispanics and blacks have long replaced them just as cocaine has replaced booze.

    “Any Jew who commits a crime”

    I don’t deny that Frank was a sex maniac who deserved to be executed and I suspect the black janitor was equally guilty.

    Most Jewish crime-Berkowitz, Rifkin, common thuggery-is really in the Bronx or Brooklyn where there are dense concentrations of Jews.

    • Replies: @Joe862
    , @KSA
    , @Them Guys
    , @Anon
  868. Anon[356] • Disclaimer says:
    @Echoes of History

    So by Jew Testament you mean the Christian part known as the New Testament?

    This isn’t a site for bible thumping evangelicals. I don’t think there are too many unz commenters interested in the Bible or decide not to bury parents get married or have children because of the Bible

  869. @AaronB

    you’re saying the problem is individualism and lack of a larger cause

    No, because I don’t think that the ‘larger cause’ approach is sensible: smart Jews[1] that commit to the ‘larger cause’ are permitting their ethnocultural biases to truncate their horizons. Their ‘larger cause’ is doomed.

    Being part of a doomed collective enterprise doesn’t make a person dumb: it just means that they were operating outside of their domain of expertise. It’s possible to be smart – even very smart – and still make systematic errors outside of your sphere of direct expertise. A super-smart engineer or mathematician will have better intuitions about economics or politics than a schlub, but they won’t necessarily have good intuitions: one of the key things about being smart is knowing where your domain of expertise ends.

    Anyhow… all ‘larger causes’ that are not co-terminous with increased individual liberty, are doomed; that means nationalism, racism, sexism, and so forth.

    It often seems as if that’s moronically idealistic, but if you examine the broad sweep of history, the deviations from that process tend to be temporary, transient interruptions to the overall arc of progress. Pinker is right about some things (for the wrong reasons, at times).

    Obviously if you were a non-Karaite Jew in Munich in the early 1940s, it’s cold comfort to know that “this too shall pass“… because “this too” is happening to you right now, and there’s a good chance you might not live to see it pass.

    Ditto for Palestinians today; for victims of slavery and Jim Crow; for homosexuals before the repeal of laws that violated their liberty; for the suffragettes; for the Abolitionists; for the heliocentrists; for the Freethinkers… and so forth.

    They knew they were right; they knew their side would win; they knew it was only a matter of time. Some of them (e.g., Semmelweiss) died just before someone else got credit for their insight. That doesn’t upend the trend.

    [1] “Smart Jew” is an oxymoron if “Jew” means “genuine, full-throated adherent to the religion – i.e., Talmudic Judaism“.

    It makes a small amount of sense if defined as “smart person whose forebears believed that drivel and who carries some ethnocultural baggage as a result”.

  870. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Those “Jewish “ foods are are standard German Russian Polish European food prepared kosher. Challah is brioche baked as a braided loaf instead of muffin cups.the braiding is universal.

    You missed some delicacies. French fried chicken feet. Gribees? is chicken skin and onions fried together. At least Jews avoided blood sausage and hearts stuffed with bread crumbs and herbs and boiled pig feet with the little hooves.

  871. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Didn’t the Jews want to execute Spinoza for heresy?

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  872. j2 says:

    The concept that redemption is in blood is Exodus 12-13. Redemption is forgiving the sins of the people so that they can again return to the land. See also Zachariah 9:11, the blood of your covenant sets the prisoners free. I have no time now to write a better answer.

  873. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    There was a short public memorial service for Channon and her friend who was tortured to death. The Jew York Times Salon & Huffington screamed racism.

    It backfired as some readers checked the horror out, learned what happened and their enlightenment began.

  874. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    The Brazilian police just arrested a man who arranged for 30 minors to be smuggled into the USA.

    The article didn’t say who the kids were or why they were smuggled. Maybe they were going to join parents already living illegally in the US. Maybe to work in a Tyson slaughterhouse or sweat shop

  875. @Anon

    How many jews believe these things I do not know, but according to the Talmud a jew killing a non jew is only to be punished if he brought the jewish community in danger.
    Rabbi Graetz, in his nine volume or so history of the jews, published around 1890 in Krakow, writes that conscience has no role in judaism.
    Houston Stewart Chamberlain, ‘Die Grundlagen des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts’, 1898- 1907, München often quotes Graetz.
    So, so far as these Talmudic rules still are believed, in the jewish ideology jews indeed do not commit crimes.

  876. @Seraphim

    Know nothing about Holland banning Spinoza’s writings.
    He was just forbidden to publish some works in Dutch, publication in latin was allowed

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  877. Wally says:

    Jew racism on display:

    Israel passes law that only Jews have the right of self-determination in Israel

    • Replies: @Anon
  878. Heros says:
    @Anonymous Jew

    I have been following this thread looking for replies from jews willing to acknowledge their true affiliation. There are loads of cryto’s trolling and flaming on this thread, you can tell their posts by the obfuscation and their air of superiority.

    This jew, using this same droll air of superiority, starts with:

    “Assuming the worst to be true (including blood libel), and leaving Israel aside (if that’s possible), the problem with American Jews is not their descent

    To jews, centuries of torturing and murdering the children of Christians, then covering it up by throwing the body into well so the parents would not find it and so the town’s water supply would be poisoned, projecting their guilt onto the goyim by murderous judaic organizations like Bnai Brith, ADL or SPLC, and then murdering or ruining the lives of Christians who demand justice, is merely an minor inconvenience. That is the jewish way for centuries, and now that they are on top of the entire planet, now that like cuckoo’s they have replaced the Christian aristocracy that cared about Christians with themselves, they think they can wave this all away with a typical lie: “the problem isn’t our descent”.

    “In the case of the Jews, you have a successful out-group with a strong identity.”

    Once again the racial supremacist downplays how thier “out-group” racially excludes non-jews and only allows jews, crytos, or slaves to be promoted to higher positions.

    “My Jewish grandparents were just as racist as their Italian neighbors, and the Jews’ fellow White SJW are no less crazy, so there’s a strong case for culture.”

    So in this jews eyes, jewish racism and supremacist ideology merely rises to the level of Italians, but clearly it cannot exceed it. This is an absurd statement coming on a thread like this.

    “George Soros doesn’t have secret meetings with Mark Zuckerberg on how to destroy the West. Like Blacks and like-minded Whites, they’re just doing what they’re doing.

    Thats right stupid goyim, there is no conspiracy as documented in the Protocols or the Talmud. Jews didn’t systematically genocide Christians by provoking both sides to make war for their profit throughout the last 150 years. No jews worked together then to harm you, no jews are working now. 9/11 was merely 19 arabs with box cutters, there was no international jew conspiracy. Move along, stupid goyim.

    • Agree: Them Guys
  879. Joe862 says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    If I win the lottery I think I’ll travel around the south taking pictures of billboards so I can make a coffee table book titled “Jewish Ambulance Chasers of the South.” I drove around down there once and I was surprised at the number of jewish ambulance chaser billboards I saw. What a charming people.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  880. Anon[123] • Disclaimer says:

    This stuff is very dangerous.

    What are you referring to? What is dangerous?

  881. @Joe862

    Because some small-time Jewish lawyer suing a used car dealer or whatever holds a candle to blacks in the South feeding white girls to alligators after they rape them or Cocaine Cowboys.

    Hymie will keep you from getting divorce-raped in a no-contest…what a menace to society.

    Even Italians were never that much of a problem in the South. You had a few mob bosses in Louisiana but they were kinda mellow and laid-back compared to the madmen of North Jersey or Philly with their car bombs and assassinations of police officers and so on.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  882. Seraphim says:

    In secret maybe. But officially, he was excommunicated (banned from the community and the community members were forbidden to speak to or have any dealings with him) and cursed by the united congregation of the Portuguese Jews in Amsterdam. According to an unverified tradition, one fanatic tried to kill him. After the excommunication, the Amsterdam municipal authorities expelled Spinoza from Amsterdam, “responding to the appeals of the rabbis, and also of the Calvinist clergy. He spent the rest of his life in different cities (including Amsterdam).

  883. Rich says:

    You see, there you go. Instead of arguing facts, giving your side in a reasonable way, you make an attack that anyone who has read the thread can see isn’t true. Most of the commenters on this thread, and the column itself, make reasonable arguments that should be openly discussed and shown to be true or untrue. Anyone can read the comments and see that most of the writers appear to have at least the basic facts, and their sentences are strung together well. You lose when you write an obvious falsehood like that.

  884. @Anon

    They’d have to know about it, to do that. That would make sense in ancient Judea, in a modern Comparative Religion class, or in my old neighborhood, where kids went to each other’s Confirmations and Bar Mitzvahs, but there must have been a long period in the middle ages well into the Victorian age when most ordinary people didn’t socialize outside their own enclaves, and wouldn’t have asked, “Hey, Piers/Abraham, what do your folk do in their Church/synagogue?” You might do business with each other, but unless you were a Scholastic or Rabbinic scholar who wrote dialogues about it, you would probably think of them as “those weird folks who won’t eat a) meat for a month in Spring; b) pork, ever.”

    OTOH, Boccaccio wrote a story about a Christian trying to convert his Jewish friend. The friend finally says he’ll look into it when he has to do a business trip to Rome, and the Christian thinks it’s hopeless now, because when the Jew sees all the corruption in Rome he will never want to convert. When the Jew returns, he asks to be instructed and baptized. The Christian is happy but surprised: what made him change his mind? The Jew says he saw so much corruption in Rome, it looked like the Clergy were working to destroy the Church instead of serve it; rather than being destroyed, it has flourished for over a thousand years and is stronger than ever. Clearly, an institution so badly managed could not survive if it were not under the protection of Almighty God himself.

  885. Seraphim says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You may consult:

    “THE BANNING OF SPINOZA’S WORKS IN THE DUTCH REPUBLIC (1670-1678), by Jonathan Israel. Paper presented at the International Colloquium held at Rotterdam, 5-8 October 1994 ‘Disguised and Overt Spinozism Around 1700′ (

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  886. Seraphim says:

    She most likely is neither!

    • Replies: @anon
  887. iffen says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    For most of the WNs here in this comment section, disagreement with the script is enough to get one labeled as a troll. In your particular case, the nexus between Thomm and you is disparaging comments about white proles. Thomm only shows up to call the WNs wiggers. He shows no indication of any personal knowledge about white proles; only his anxiety that they might somehow magically combine with white elites in a coalition against him. You display anecdotal knowledge of close contact with white proles and obviously know that there is no chance in hell that white elites will coalesce with them in some sort of whitetopia.

    We have a new Jew (supposedly) commenter prominent in this comment thread that seems to take every chance to denigrate white proles. If I was an outsider, and I worried about whites coalescing I would consider doing the same. But since we are anonymous, we don’t really know anyone’s motivation for dumping on white proles.

    • Replies: @Thomm
  888. @Anonymous

    Very nice your conspiracy theory about Israel Shahak. His book is not an “obscure” book. It’s a classic book about the religion. The German translation was published by a Jewish publisher, Abraham Melzer. It has 3 prefaces by Ilan Pappe, Edward Said and Gore Vidal. What he says about the Talmud can be verified. One German author got quite up set with the book and decided to see if the quotes are right. He read some rabbis laughing about the book and saying that Shahak’s quotes didn’t exist. What did this author discover? He saw that in fact there were some indications of the places where the quotes are which were not accurate and because of that it wasn’t always possible to find the quotes. It happened that where there was a “b” it should be a “d” and things like that. But otherwise the quotes were right and the rabbis were lying about the book. What Shahak tells about historical matters seems also to be standard history meanwhile. At least I saw a documentary about the history or the Jewish religion and they said some similar things. Other things are well known. So, there is little doubt about what the book says, even if like in the case of any book, you can discuss details. (I’ll see if I can write a longer and more general comment about the theme later or tomorrow).

  889. @Joe862

    There’s some decent Jewish food, although most decent Jewish food is not particularly different from what else is available in Central Europe and the areas surrounding the Baltic Sea.

    Bagels (not a fan but many people go ga-ga over it), lox, and brisket come to mind.

    There are also Jewish restaurateurs of some merit. Shake Shack is a recent success story. One of the more popular Mexican TV chefs in America is in fact a Jewess (Pati Jinich).

    I can’t think of any traditional Jewish music worth listening to, but certainly there have been a number of decent Jewish pop & rock stars as well as songwriters. Bob Dylan and Gene Simmons aren’t my bag, but they’re beloved by tens of millions.

    It’s perfectly possible to oppose the nefarious, malicious nature of the Jews without hyperbole or strawmen. I usually come in for a lot of heat from the usual suspects simply because I understand how money and banking work (read: not actually Jewish conspiracies).

    Though I notice that Jewish berserkers prefer to avoid engaging with compent people who can actually contend with them, focusing instead on “white trash” (e.g. see the semi-literate attacks of the double-digit IQ Zeidner).

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Rurik
  890. Rurik says:

    Right of return is extended to anyone who can prove a jewish grandparent or parent or has gone through an orthodox conversion.

    Right of return” eh?

    I guess you’re trying to be funny, huh?

    the ONLY people with any right to return to their property are the Palestinians who were driven from their property by Jewish terrorists and murderers.

    The Ashkenazis you’re referring to have zero historic ties to the land of Palestine. They’re white skinned, Turkish, Eastern European blended Asiatics who have as much historic claim to the land of Palestine as I do to the moon.

    this just in..

    Israel passed a “nation-state” law on Thursday declaring that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country

    the world’s Jews declared war on Germany because Germany made laws excluding Jews from some professions.

    Now we see what Jewish supremacists are willing to do, and declare the rightful indigenous citizens, whose land was stolen and their relatives murdered, as personas non gratis in their own ancient lands!

    And all of this while tracking down 90 year old Germans because they were forced to work as a guard in some concentration work camp.

    The megalomaniacal insanity of this lot is literally beyond belief.

    You can be Ashkenazi, partly or completely and not be Jewish. Judaism is a religion.

    Well then let’s see..

    if she claims to be an atheist, that means she’s no longer (an Ashkenazi) Jew?

    from what you’re telling us, all a man in the Congo has to do to emigrate to Israel and gain citizenship is to convert to Judaism, and bingo, he gets to live off the billion$ the American tax slave is forced to hand over to Israel every year.

    But if Elena Kagan (or Bernie or any of the millions of obvious ethnic Jews) reports that she’s not a practicing religious Jew, then she’s out in the cold?

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  891. iffen says:

    (e.g. see the semi-literate attacks of the double-digit IQ Zeidner).

    Well, he pointed out that some online anti-Semitism might be the work of Jews drumming up support for the home team. We never thought of that!

    It’s kind of funny if it is thought that anti-Semites need help tarnishing their image.

  892. @Anon

    …And you would mean to tell me that Jewish men attack and rape Christian women? That you feel unsafe in an elevator with some Jewish man? That Jewish men have chimpouts in the local Deli.

    I’m not saying that the Jewish Ponzi schemes and Medicaid Fraud and all the rest of the white-collar crime they do is not a bad thing.

    But would you feel more comfortable walking past Jewish youth in a park or Hispanics or black ones?

  893. Rurik says:

    I understand how money and banking work (read: not actually Jewish conspiracies).


    it’s the Irish, and always has been!

    The FED and Goldman Sachs and Wall Street are controlled by the Irish, yet those sneaky micks have hidden that fact and used their blarney to trick people into thinking it’s ‘the Jews’, who’re running the FED and are behind all the major wars like WWI and WWII and all the wars since 9/11, which was another event with the fingerprints of the Irish all over it!

    Just ask yourself how many of those first responders were Irish firemen and policemen?


    The ‘Jews’ are just one more patsy that the Irish have been using as a scape goat to blame all of societies woes on. While they perpetrate false flags, and loot the treasury, and foment endless wars for Israel.

    You see their treachery?!?!

    All the wars since 9/11 have been for Israel, and none for Ireland!

    that’s how sneaky those damn Paddy’s are!

    • Replies: @Thorfinnsson
  894. @Rurik

    You have to be a quarter Jewish to immigrate to Israel. In case you did not read about the black Jews descended from Solomon’s men who moved to Ethiopia in biblical times whom Israel has tried to get rid of.

  895. Z-man says:

    Right of return is extended to anyone who can prove a jewish grandparent or parent or has gone through an orthodox conversion.

    “Right of return” eh?
    I guess you’re trying to be funny, huh?
    the ONLY people with any right to return to their property are the Palestinians who were driven from their property by Jewish terrorists and murderers.
    The Ashkenazis you’re referring to have zero historic ties to the land of Palestine. They’re white skinned, Turkish, Eastern European blended Asiatics who have as much historic claim to the land of Palestine as I do to the moon.

    Bears repeating.

    Rurik, that photo of Kagan was hard to take. (Grin)

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  896. Mulegino1 says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I am gratified that you agree with me. In a healthy and vigorous culture, the best , or creme de la creme, usually rises to the top. In a Jew dominated one, what rises to the top is definitely not the creme de la creme, but untreated sewage- as is evinced by contemporary Hollywood and what purports to be the entertainment industry.

    • Replies: @Anon
  897. @iffen

    We did have the case of the Israeli bomb hoaxer in 2016. Israel also engaged in false-flag terrorist attacks against diaspora Jews early in its history.

    Provocations are a standard technique of counterintelligence, so continued involvement of Mossad and Jewish berserker NGOs in provocations would hardly be surprising.

    Claiming antisemitism where none exists, staple techniques of the ADL and SPLC, are lower level expressions of this strategy.

  898. @Rurik

    The FED is controlled by Congress and the regional Federal Reserve Banks.

    Goldman Sachs is traditionally pretty Jewish, but that’s not true of other leading banks. Bank of America was traditionally Italian (and then Californian), Wells Fargo traditionally Western, and JP Morgan Chase respectively of the Rockefellers and Morgans.

    Jewish predominance is much less pronounced in the financial sector than in the press, political advocacy, and academia.

    Probably because lots of other ethnic groups are pretty damn good at banking, and as a doer’s discipline it’s not something that’s vulnerable to endless tawking.

    Lindbergh did single out the Jews for dragging America into the war, but he also fingered the British (see Ron Unz’s excellent article on this) and FDR (who had some bizarre grudge against Germany because he was arrested by German police for stealing a bicycle for a joy ride as a teenager).

    The big problem with a lot of antisemites is the tendency to blame everything on the Jews instead of taking a holistic view.

  899. Mr. Anon says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Even Italians were never that much of a problem in the South. You had a few mob bosses in Louisiana but they were kinda mellow and laid-back compared to the madmen of North Jersey or Philly with their car bombs and assassinations of police officers and so on.

    You are wrong. The first policeman (or at least one of the first) killed in the U.S. by a member of the Mafia was in New Orleans:

  900. iffen says:

    The big problem with a lot of antisemites is the tendency to blame everything on the Jews instead of taking a holistic view.

    IMO, if you only blame them when they are, in fact, blameworthy, that doesn’t really qualify as anti-Semitism.

    • Replies: @Shaking My Dumb Head
  901. KSA says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    “I’m not Jewish at all, it is just that Yankees from the Northeast live among Jews and seemingly they do not affect us to the same degree as whites from places in the US far removed from dense concentrations of Jews.”

    Northeastern Yankee here. Jews are the most consistently sh*ttiest people I’ve ever met.

  902. Mulegino1 says:

    And anti semitism, supported by lame half assed arguments is a favorite pastime of these types. What better way to alleve the anger ad frustration at your poverty and drug addiction than jews.

    For many of us, awakening on the Jewish question has nothing to do with addiction, shiftlessness or poverty, but is largely due to an increasing familiarity with high culture, true spirituality and real history. A tweaker, a crackhead or a heroin addict is hardly liable to much intellectual or cultural enlightenment, seeing as his or her daily life revolves almost entirely around obtaining the next fix.

    With respect to the general antipathy towards the Jews observed all throughout Christendom and even earlier in history of the west, Bernard Lazare, the Jewish pioneer Zionist and author of the seminal work, “Antisemitism: Its History and Causes” was candid enough to write the following passage on the aforementioned book’s first page:

    It must be therefore, since the enemies of the Jews belonged to the most diverse races, since they lived in countries very distant from each other, since they were ruled by very different laws, governed by opposite principles, since they had neither the same morals, nor the same customs, since they were animated by unlike dispositions which did not permit them to judge of anything in the same way, it must be therefore that the general cause of anti-Semitism has always resided in Israel itself and not in those who have fought against Israel.

    • Replies: @tac
  903. Wally says:

    Exactly, Art. There are countless numbers of these fakes. Only liars create fake photos.

    another classic fake:

    Among other dead giveaways, some of the cut & paste guys in the background have no legs. LOL

    more on that & much more here:
    Laughable ‘Last Jew in Vinnitsa photo’:
    Fake Photograph of the Einsatzgruppen ‘murdering Kiev Jews’ discovered and many more :

    The ‘holocau$t’ narrative doesn’t hold up to scrutiny so The Usual Enemies of Free Speech call for more censorship.
    discussion here:

  904. @Rurik

    I put it down to a pathological and endemic kind of uber-racial supremacist, psychopathic hatred.

    Well said. That’s all we dumb goyim need to know.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  905. Mulegino1 says:

    At the very least, the RCC ritual does not- as in the Orthodox Jewish bris- mandate what in any other case would constitute child sexual molestation. And it does not engage in widespread genital mutilation of boys.

  906. @Mr. Anon

    This behavior faded away once the Mustache Petes were replaced by the Young Turks. The mafia got the message fairly quickly that killing police officers and public servants is a very bad idea in America (something the “Russian” mafiya had to later learn the hard way as well).

    When Dutch Schultz tried to kill Thomas Dewey, the Commission had him brutally murdered.

    They were also able to use Irish Democratic political machines to serious corrupt municipal police forces, which reduced the danger from law enforcement until Estes Kefauver and Bobby Kennedy decided enough was enough.

  907. Wally says:

    “It’s kind of funny if it is thought that anti-Semites need help tarnishing their image.”

    And that “image” is the one created by the Jew dominated media.

    So then, what’s wrong with ‘anti-semitism’?

    Jewish suspects arrested over swastika graffiti on synagogues:

    Bomb threats to Jewish centers & schools were really a dark web moneymaking scheme by Jews:

    Jew arrested for dozens of fake ‘hate crimes’:

    Man Caught Spray Painting Swastika On College Campus Is Black:

    Staged ‘antisemitic’ crimes are the rule, not the exception. These are never ‘crimes’ where someone is charged and tried in courts of law. These are only what some people ‘report’ as ‘hate crimes’. IOW, if someone is looking to gain political advantage or is pissed off at what someone said or thinks, they then manufacture & report a ‘hate crime’. Fake SPLC style numbers are then used as if they were real crime stats.
    The question to always ask is: ‘Who Benefits?’

    “Truth is hate to those who hate the truth.”

  908. @Mr. Anon

    That case has been debated and possibly that lynching was of an innocent man.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Mr. Anon
  909. @Z-man

    so you guys agree that Sephardim and Mizrahim do have the right to displace the Palestinians? The ancient Israelites had the right to displace the Canaanites?

    • Replies: @Shaking My Dumb Head
  910. @Thorfinnsson

    Lindbergh did single out the Jews for dragging America into the war

    He did not single them out, as you subsequently verified ( thank you) and he did not blame all Jews but concentrated his criticism on Jewish pro-war groups and some Jewish leaders or rather opinion makers.

    This summarizes his opinion well.:

    Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastations. A few far-sighted Jewish people realize this and stand opposed to intervention. But the majority still do not.

    Their greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government.

    I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders of both the British and the Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.

    -Charles Linbergh, Des Moines Speech: Delivered in Des Moines, Iowa, on September 11, 1941

    The US is probably the most thoroughly brainwashed country in the world as partly evinced by the fact that people still parrot old war propaganda to this day as if it were gospel.

    • Agree: renfro
  911. Rurik says:

    The FED is controlled by Congress and the regional Federal Reserve Banks.

    who is Stanley Fischer?

    Jewish predominance is much less pronounced in the financial sector than in the press, political advocacy, and academia.

    it was ((Robert Rubin)) who masterminded the death of Glass–Steagall, which delineated commercial banking from investment banking, and kept the kleptomaniacs away from the US Treasury.

    Bernanke even admitted that the Great Depression was caused by the Fed. Just as was the great mass-looting of 2008.

    It was the job of the Fed to demand that the banks getting its loans (free of interest) and loaning the mullah out at massive margins, where solvent. But they specifically didn’t do their job because they knew the tax slave was on the hook. Just like with the S&L mass looting.

    Once Glass was dead, the looting orgies began.

    Lindbergh did single out the Jews for dragging America into the war, but he also fingered the British

    yes, just like with the Balfour Declaration, Perfidious Albion has always been as treacherous as its master, Lord Rothschild. That goes all the way back to the Boer war, where the sinister and treacherous Brits invented concentration death camps for the families of the Dutch farmers who had carved that nation out of the jungle, only to lose it once Rothschild’s agents ((De Beers and Oppenheimer)) discovered gold and diamonds there.

    So yes, the Jews are not blame for everything. Hardly. Indeed, they’d get nowhere were it not for the eager complicity of their legions of traitors among the Gentiles like John McCain, for instance.

    It is and continues to be one of the most difficult realties about discussing these issues, when people do their Pavlovian, knee-jerk, pre-programmed response to the JQ, by automatically assuming that any criticism of what SOME Jews do, = into a cartoon-like assumption that it means you’re condemning ALL Jews.

    This has been programmed in after generations of Jewish domination of the entertainment industry and academia. They know what they’re doing.

    They’ve created a paradigm in their charges whereby any criticism of a Jew, as a Jew = automatically means that the person criticizing hates (and ultimately wants to gas) all the Jews.

    It’s beyond preposterous, but there it is.

    Say ‘perhaps there’s too many Jews on the Supreme Court’, (or in Hollywood or Wall Street or whatever), and it automatically means = you’re a neo-Nazi, KKK, David Duke/Adolf Hitler!!

    The truth is far, far more nuanced than that, but most people’s brains don’t do nuance.

    I know and love many very excellent Jews. Work with them, and there are Jews in my extended family. All of them exemplary people.

    But if I criticize the Jewish supremacists that perpetrated 9/11, or the cowards who attacked the USS Liberty, WELL THEN! = it automatically means I hate them all and blame them all for EVERYTHING!!!!

    not one in a thousand human brains can process nuance, and that fact is very much taken advantage of by the cynical elites that are fast destroying this planet.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @Heros
  912. Miggle says:

    Your insinuation that Arabians from the Hejaz replaced the Hebrews of Judea is total hogwash, Anon-322. Many historians have written on this subject. The real history. Arab does not mean Arabian. Following the Muslim conquests of Christian Syria and Christian Palestine the conquerors, particularly Caliph Omar, (1) did not want converts, because that would reduce tax revenue, (2) did not want Hejaz Arabs pouring in. The few who did, moreover, headed for Damascus, attracted there because it was the new capital of the Caliphate, i.e. of Islam. However, the locals, the ambitious of each new generation converted, to join the ruling class. And then they chose, Arameans and Hebrews, to identify themselves as Arab. After all, the Arabians of the peninsula, the Hebrews, the Arameans, others indigenous to that region, were all Semites, all the same race. A famous tenth-century rabbi (I don’t have the details at my fingertips but he was really at the top of the heap) left Palestine in disgust because of the high rate at which Judeans, Hebrews with original links to the Mosaic faith, were converting to Islam.

    The point here is that the original Hebrews of Judea, the original Jews, those that the Christian Zionists say will bring on the Last Day, are today called Palestinian Arabs and the Christian Zionists, far from pushing for the “return” of a people who never left, are implicated in the ongoing genocide of that people.

    If you are speaking of colonial invaders, read, for example, “For Esther” by Alex Sage, or better, “In Hitler’s Germany” by Bernt Engelmann. Both still in print, I think, where numerous examples arise like this: Engelmann names his special group of school friends, one of whom is Susanne (p. 22). Then the Nazis took over. Then, post-war, he runs into another of them, Marga, and they reminisce, pp. 29-30:

    “Several times she [Marga] mentioned our mutual friend Susanne, who had a crush our tall, blond biology teacher and who one early summer evening had saved Kulle from drowning … Marga recalled that one day in 1935 Susanne had suddenly left school …

    “The fact was that blue-eyed Susanne with the blond braids, who had recently been praised in our `Racial Theory’ class as a perfect example of the build and skull formation of the Nordic type, was abruptly expelled from school after being classified as one-hundred-percent Jewish, in accordance with [Nazi law that identified Jews by their near ancestry].”

    Try to grasp that despite Hitler’s racism which classified non-Jewish Germans and others as Aryans and Jewish Germans as non-Aryan, that was just his racist insanity. ALL Germans, Jews and non-Jews, were Aryans in the language of the time. Aryan means Indo-European. The Iranians call themselves Aryans. But genealogy reaching into Asia further north than India would better meet Hitler’s definition, Khazaro-European for example, might be whiter than Indo-European.

    If you are speaking of colonial invaders of Palestine, try to grasp that those invaders are Aryans, even though they adhere to Talmudic ritual. So, it is the powerful, heavily armed Aryans who are presently engaged in genocide of the Semites, the indigenous people of that land. Everyone by now must have seen the Aryan snipers, resting safely behind the crest of a hill, aiming their rifles at the peaceful, unarmed Semites on the plain below, firing hollow-point bullets at then, attempting to murder or permanently maim as many as possible, on the outrageous technicality that they have come “too close” to the fence.

    As for the Copts etc., read “The First Crusade” by Runciman and try to grasp that we would never have heard of Muslims, they wouldn’t exist, had it not been for the Byzantine Orthodox emperor’s persecution of the non-Orthodox, the Monophysite Church.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  913. Rurik says:
    @jacques sheete

    thanks Jacques,

    Always glad to see your thoughtful comments.

  914. Anon[332] • Disclaimer says:

    13 Islamic states proscribe the death penalty for converting from Islam to Christianity. The Israeli law is extremely mild , to say the least.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  915. Talha says:

    Thanks for the reference – I’ll check him out.

    Its hard to even say whether or not ancient Israel existed…There is in fact very little archeological evidence that such a place even existed.

    I tend to agree here. There is quite a lack of evidence, which isn’t necessarily conclusive to say it didn’t exist, but I can certainly see that our current archaeological evidence doesn’t point to conviction in it having existed.

    Archaeology is an interesting thing. There are new discoveries being made all the time:

    Along with that, earlier generations of human beings were quite deliberately destructive in their conquests – this was meant to drive home a point – see for instance what is left of Persepolis after Alexander’s conquest. And that particular region was the site of many conquering armies. So all we have to work with is what is left to us.

    Furthermore, as this article points out, people have potentially built massive cities over the ruins of ancient civilizations:

    I’m fairly certain that there is tons of very valuable stuff buried deep under current-day Damascus, Alexandria, etc. that can shed more light on human history or that has potential to overturn current deep-seated assumptions and theories. I’m also certain no one is going to just let historians go hog wild and dig up their city.


  916. Stan Fischer is a dual citizen and of course should be fired immediately for that reason.

    But I note with some pleasure that it now appears a WASP is FED President (though maybe he’s Catholic–Powell apparently attended a Jesuit prep school). He’s also a non-economist which is nice.

    Your “Real Jew News” falsely identifies Jamie Dimon as Jewish. He is Greek. Also absent are a lot of gentile names very important to the financial crisis. Angelo Mozilo, Kerry Killinger, Chuck Prince, Hank Paulsen, and of course George W. Bush.

    I’m pro-repeal of Glass-Steagall so we’ll just agree to disagree on that one.

    Read Bernanke’s scholarship on the Great Depression. He believes the FED caused the Depression because they failed to aggressively expand the money supply after the crash. Right lesson for that time, wrong for 07-08 which is why QE didn’t do much.

    FED at that time was also effectively controlled by the NY FED Governor Benjamin Strong. An old stock Yankee.

    Margins in banking are not massive at all. Interest rate spreads are only high for poor-quality borrowers, who default more. Are you thinking of Apple perhaps?

    S&L took place under the Glass-Steagall regime, and seven years before that the Continental Illinois bank also collapsed.

    The only Jewish special interest I see in banking, as opposed to financiers ruthlessly acting in pursuit of profits, is when Jewish activists close ranks to protect Jewish financial criminals. Jewish financial predation is a much more serious issue in countries without indigenous commercial classes, such as Poland-Lithuania and the Russian Empire.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  917. @Miggle

    Arabs originated in Yemen.

    • Replies: @Miggle
  918. Most posts are simply lunatic. OK, many people, it seems, believe in Jews sacrificing Christian children. They think there is enough evidence for that.

    Do they think that Jews had caused the plague by well poisoning? If not-why not? If yes, how?

    • Replies: @utu
    , @utu
    , @Hippopotamusdrome
    , @Anon
  919. Art says:

    The big problem with a lot of antisemites is the tendency to blame everything on the Jews instead of taking a holistic view.

    Really — doesn’t the Jew media distort everything in America. What political subject in America is not effected by Jew bias?

    Jews are the gatekeepers of American discourse – PERIOD.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  920. Anon[332] • Disclaimer says:

    Serious question for guys like Zman,Rurik,Wally,Helen4yemen &c.

    Do you consider yourselves to be happy people?

    How many hourse per day do stay online completely and totally consumed by hatred ?

    Can it possibly be healthy to dedicate most of your time and all of your thoughts to something (Jews) that you have such an absolute visceral hatred for . Jews , the object of your penultimate hatred constantly and fully occupying your mind. Can it possibly be healthy for you ?

    This can take an immense physical toll on you. Look at a recent photo of Ron Unz , Linh Dinh or Bobby Fischer in his later years.

  921. renfro says:

    Alexander Hamilton was born on Nevis, spoke Hebrew and his mother’s name was Levine

    gawd….you people are stupid.

    Hamilton’s mothers maiden name was Fawcett,(French Protestant. Her first husband’s name was Lavien, not Levine.

    Rachel Fawcett Lavien was still married to John Lavien when she took up with James Hamilton ,the father of Alexander.
    Neither Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Fawcett Lavien (Hamilton), nor his father, James Hamilton, were Jewish. James Hamilton was a Presbyterian from Scotland. Rachel Fawcett Lavien was a first-generation Nevisian of French Hugenot (Protestant) descent.¹
    The misunderstanding that Alexander Hamilton was Jewish sometimes arises from a 20th century claim that Rachel’s first husband, John Lavien, was possibly Jewish. However, there is no indication that John Lavien was Jewish. Either way, John Lavien is not a relative of Alexander Hamilton.
    Alexander learned Hebrew at a Jewish school as a child because as a illegitimate child he was not accepted at the Christian school.

  922. @jacques sheete

    I love that snippet from Lindbergh! So prescient!

  923. @jacques sheete

    Yet, on Pearl Harbour day: ‘he (FDR) got us in (the war) through the back door’.
    Charles A. Lindbergh, ´The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh’, New York, 1970
    What Lindbergh at the time knew about the FDR Baruch, Frankfurter, and Brandeis connections, his diary does not say.
    He of course also did not know the Ironside diaries, a Chamberlain who did not want war.
    Yet Chamberlain manouvred GB into war, panick.
    Colonel Roderick Macleod, D.S.O., M.C., and Dennis Kelly, ‘TIME UNGUARDED The Ironside Diaries 1937- 1940′, New York, 1963
    Simon Newman, ´March 1939, The British guarantee to Poland, A study in the continuity of British Foreign Policy’, 1976, Oxford
    Lawrence R. Pratt, ‘East of Malta, West of Suez’, London, 1975
    Already before 1914 GB could no longer maintain the two fleet standard, that meant that GB could no longer defend the empire.
    But GB did not draw the inevitable conclusion.
    Obama lowered the two war standard to one and a half, he also did not draw the inevitable conclusion.
    Trump is unique in world history in ending an empire in a controlled way before it is destroyed.

  924. Them Guys says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You are Very Wrong about Prohibition era jew gangsters not existing today. In Todays usa, there are over as many as 450,000 russian jews that feds have ID’d as verified members of the Russian Mob aka Mafia. Most are HQ’d in or near NY area. Plus just as it was in 1920 pro gangster era, so to is it todays era that of all forms pro gangsters and mafia or mafioso’s known to exit. None compare nor are worse than the Russian Mob members are.

    Jewish gangsters/mafia of 1920 era has also been almost totally hidden in most every of the thousand or so hollywood movies about prohibition era gangster activities. Hollywood movies on this issue have always portrayed mafias and gangster mobs as Italians and Sicilians.

    Very rarely does one hear in those old movies or new movies too, that so and so gangster or mob leader was or is jewish. Mainly only of recent times have msm sources admitted that Las Vegas casinos were a creation primarily done by jewish gangsters like Buggsy Segal and a few others. But this has been done mainly as a form of jewish hubris and chutzpah bragging by jews in msm.

    One never hears of guys like Adelson spoken of in a bad way. G. Soros also gets nothing but High Praise from all msm except for fox news shows which cater to shabboz goy neocons and idiot tea party pro israel pro jewry evangelicals who view fox like a religous act.

    Check out Dr. David Duke’s several very well done videos about various jewish mobs and those vids likley cover topic of current or near current eras of such gangsters.

    Bottom line is…Still today, same as 1920 era, biggest and worst mafioso mob stuff is headed by jewry. Russian imported within past 20-25 yrs probably, but still jewish and within america.

    ps: IIRC aprox 6+ months ago many huge articles were online about massive fbi raids and arrests of many such russian jewish mobsters for all sorts illegal activities. There were also many articles online about 2-3 yrs ago of a huge several state wide FBI Raids & Mass arrests of Illegal Human Organ sellers in NY and New Jersey mainly, in which everyone arrested and charged, but one, out of close to thirty perps were all jewish, a half dozen being jew Rabbis, and rest were all current or former elected officials…One even was a former Governer of NJ state.

    Rest were state reps/senators and maybe a couple former us fed reps or senators….Jewish All, but for one. (that one was probably their driver guy eh).

  925. Rurik says:

    Stan Fischer is a dual citizen and of course should be fired immediately for that reason.

    he’s gone, but the salient point is how did such a man ever get appointed to “our” FED in the first place !

    Your “Real Jew News” falsely identifies Jamie Dimon as Jewish.

    Yea, I did notice that. I didn’t really read the whole thing, but I posted it because the guy whose site that is- occasionally posts here at the UR, and his comments are biting and entertaining, so I was kind of hoping we’d hear from him, especially on a topic like this one.

    I’m pro-repeal of Glass-Steagall so we’ll just agree to disagree on that one.

    I know a guy on Wall Street. Very smart. He says ‘what the hell, it was the government GSEs and mandates to make loans to minority communities that foisted the sub-prime loans on us. It isn’t our fault they told us to make those loans, and why not?! When Freddie and Fannie were buying them all up as soon as we packaged them. All those CDSs and derivatives and synthetic CDOs were all legal, and accepted by the SEC and FED. So how can you blame us banksters for our astronomical profits, when everyone knows that’s what we’re all about!’ Greed!’

    He points out that it was the fecal government that killed Glass, and the fecal government that demanded the Community Reinvestment Act- so that people (minorities) with no credit were given loans they couldn’t or wouldn’t pay back.

    ‘Why shouldn’t we make a profit on all this politically motivated banking regulations?’

    And I have no good answer to that, except to point out that the incestuous relationship between Goldman Sachs, the FED, and the US Treasury has been a catastrophe for the American middle and working class.

    He believes the FED caused the Depression because they failed to aggressively expand the money supply after the crash.

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered”

    FED at that time was also effectively controlled by the NY FED Governor Benjamin Strong. An old stock Yankee.

    the FED has been controlled from its outset by the ((creatures)) from Jekyll Island. Rothschild cronies, IOW. Regardless of who happened to be the public figure head.

    I’ve even read convincing material that Morgan and some of the others were nothing more than Rothschild agents. Just like the “Russian” ((oligarchs)) that looted Russia during its transformation from Jewish/Bolshevik commie slavery and genocide / into Jewish capitalist impoverished destitution, were all agents of Rothschild. I believe there was even a court case where this was all exposed.

    Margins in banking are not massive at all.

    I’m talking about investment banking. Like ((Corzine’s)) MF Global, for instance.

    S&L took place under the Glass-Steagall regime,

    yes, I know. But that scheme to loot the tax slave by having them backstop the FDIC insured banks, had already been done. They needed a new scheme to loot the Treasury, and that required that the tax slave insure investment banks, as well as commercial banks. For that they had to kill Glass.

    The only Jewish special interest I see in banking, as opposed to financiers ruthlessly acting in pursuit of profits, is when Jewish activists close ranks to protect Jewish financial criminals.

    the dilemma that we all face, is that all too often Jewish supremacist special interests are so intertwined between the media, academia, banking, Wall Street, Hollywood, K Street, J Street, CFR, AIPAC, PNAC, the occupied Senate, the (somewhat less so) occupied House, the scotus, organized crime, the tech industries like ((Google and Facebook, et al)), and so on…

    that it is causing a problems for the rest of us. (including everyday decent Jews who’re increasingly jaded by the wealthy and powerful Jews like Soros who’ll gladly toss the ‘little Jews’ under the bus if it ever came to that.

    You know a lot about banking and the financial industries. What would happen if they ended QE tomorrow and cut off the flow to the $lop trough? The squealing would be deafening.

    I, on the other hand, don’t know all that much about the minutia of the financial world. Just what I’ve glimmered watching with amazement at the levels of greed and corruption that have eviscerated any shred of legitimacy for the fecal government- who’s charged with regulating our finances, but then has outsourced that to Goldman Sachs/the Fed/and the Jewish supremacists like Stanley Fisher who’re looting the Treasury like it was their own piggy bank.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  926. utu says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    well poisoning

    Poisoning the Village Wells

    An inspection of the pipes found someone had sabotaged them, stuffing dirty diapers and dead chickens into the main wells. Oxfam financed the repairs but the pipes were repeatedly sabotaged.

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  927. annamaria says:

    Albert Schweizer about J. S. Bach:
    “This genius was not an individual, but a collective soul. Centuries and generations have labored at this work, before the grandeur of which we halt in veneration. … it was the history of that culminating spirit, reaching its apex in a single personality.”

  928. Anon[332] • Disclaimer says:
    @Them Guys

    there are over as many as 450,000 russian jews that feds have ID’d as verified members of the Russian Mob aka Mafia. Most are HQ’d in or near NY area.

    The Russian Jewish population of New York state is 220,000. Try again Dr. Retardo.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Anon
    , @Them Guys
  929. utu says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Did Black Death boost HIV immunity in Europe?

    Around 10% of today’s Europeans carry the mutation, a significantly higher proportion than in other populations.

    CCR5-Δ32 allele frequencies in Ashkenazi Jews

    The overall frequency of the CCR5-Delta32 allele was elevated (13.7%), although some important differences in frequencies occurred among the seven countries included in the survey; the frequency was highest (25.9%) in those of Lithuanian origin.

  930. anon[107] • Disclaimer says:

    I went to a kind of Islamic open house, and outreach to Christians to “come and get to know us.” I was looking forward to the informal, small-group gatherings, which I expected to be an “ask the Muslim/compare how non-Muslim practice is similar or different.”

    The group I ended up in was led by a woman clothed in elegant Islamic dress — long robe of highest quality fabric, stylish hijab, etc. She seemed to be in the upper echelon of the Muslims hosting the event — she entered the private sections of the Islamic leadership casually and comfortably, as if she belonged there, was among the ‘intimates.’

    Turns out she had converted from Judaism to Islam, and that only after having converted from Judaism to Christianity for a time. She said she taught ESOL at a local Roman Catholic college.

    I think she was spy or a subversive who never converted to anything other than what could get her into someone else’s inner sanctum.

  931. Rurik says:

    Do you consider yourselves to be happy people?

    as only an honest man whose integrity in very much intact, can be.

    I’m here, because I consider it fun. I like to eviscerate lies and liars. I get a kick out of it!

    I also like to publish into the blogosphere some important truths, as I see them.

    The wars the ZUS has been engaged in since the false flag of 9/11 are evil and wrong and murderous and illegal and a moral abomination.

    What kind of a person would I be if I were silent about such enormities? My fellow citizens are ground up in contrived wars, slaughtering and displacing millions of innocents, all to benefit our most intractable enemy state; Israel.

    It was Israel that committed the cowardly and treacherous act of war against my countrymen and my nation with their sickening attack on the USS Liberty.

    It was Israel that knew 9/11 was going to happen, and had their agents there filming the attack to “document the event”, at least when they weren’t dancing around and celebrating the horrific slaughter of my fellow citizens. Fellow citizens, that I may also add, are extorted of billions of dollars of lucre to lavish on that “grateful’ nation (of cowards, murderers, and genocidal racial supremacist ; ) every year.

    So yea, I get a big kick out of telling the truth about these things, and watching with amusement as the sniveling liars and murderous criminals pull their hair out when we tell the truth.

    Happy? I’m ecstatic, man! Nothing makes my happier than watching Max Boot stew in his bile.

    Or the treasonous, feckless Democrats howling that we need war with Russia now, more than ever!

    I’m laughing right now, believe me. ;)

    imagining the look on your face as the curtain is pulled back on unprecedented crimes like 9/11, and what those truths ultimately bode for the “shitty little state”, yes, give me chills down my leg.

    Few things make me more happy than understanding, and then repeating the truth, insofar as it repudiates devil’s lies.

    So strap in Anon, and learn to enjoy the ride. :)

    • LOL: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anonymous
    , @geokat62
  932. Sean says:
    The Palestinian Authority’s Information Ministry in Ramallah said that the nation-state law is a declaration of war on the Palestinians’ land, rights, identity, and language.
    Though the earlier language explicitly endorsing separate residential communities based on religion or ethnic background has been deleted, the current language could still be used for that purpose. That is especially true because a 2014 razor-thin 5-4 Supreme Court decision kept a law in place that allowed “Acceptance Committees” to vet and reject candidates using vague criteria for around 434 yishuvim (villages) in the Negev and the Galilee.
    That law replaced an earlier law struck down by the Supreme Court which explicitly permitted discrimination in those villages. At the time, the majority of the Supreme Court did not commit to keeping the Acceptance Committee Law alive forever. They merely said it was too early to strike it down when it had not functioned long enough to even raise new discrimination cases. While the new bill does not give any explicit encouragement to discrimination, the implication of encouraging and implementing Jewish settlement as a national value could very well support instances in which the result is discrimination, as long as there is no explicit rule calling for discrimination on its face.

    Excellent. The Israeli Lobby can hardly complain about the West putting up barriers to immigration once Israel transfers the bulk of its West Bank Arabs to the already existing Palestinian state of Jordan. The nation state law shows that Israel has explicitly adopter the necessary ethos for transfers. They are going to need a lot of encouragement and reassurance before doing it though. Fortunately, the Saudis just want Iran taken out so they will not complain too much about expulsions.

  933. annamaria says:

    At least you acknowledge that the Jewish State does not belong to western civilization.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  934. @utu

    What this has got to do with plague?

  935. @Them Guys

    I doubt you live on the East Coast.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  936. annamaria says:

    One of the well-profiled cases:
    “Michael Ron David Kadar, 19, was indicted in federal courts in Georgia, Florida and Washington, D.C. after an investigation into numerous threats against the community centers and high-profile Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and Israeli embassy in Washington. … Kadar, who is Jewish, made multiple calls involving bomb threats and active shooter threats to Jewish Community Centers throughout the state.”
    – But this is, of course, nothing next to the Jewish State tight collaboration with Ukrainian neo-nazis:

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  937. @annamaria

    Ukrainian neo-nazis

    When I see this absurd phrase, I know it’s time to yawn & get back to real life….

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Art
  938. annamaria says:

    What’s wrong with applying a disinfectant to a festering boil?
    Try to ponder this: Jewish State sends arms to neo-Nazis: — in the context of that: “Don’t settle for less!” Holocaust reparations:
    Moreover, the Israel-firsters attack the First Amendment of the US Constitution:
    “The First Amendment protects Americans’ right to boycott, and the government cannot condition hurricane relief or any other public benefit on a commitment to refrain from protected political expression.”

  939. annamaria says:

    Let’s address the main point:
    “Israeli organ traffickers, “had and still have a pyramid system … they have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.” … two motivations of Israeli traffickers. One is greed, the other is “Revenge, restitution – reparation for the Holocaust.”

    “The New York Times learned during an investigation of the global organ trade, among the central operators in Israel’s irrepressible underground kidney market. For years, they have pocketed enormous sums for arranging overseas transplants for patients who are paired with foreign donors, court filings and government documents show.”

    An Israeli accused of involvement in a human organ trafficking scandal in Kosovo:
    Israeli mafia trafficking Syrian children’s body organs:….

    • Replies: @Art
    , @anon
    , @Them Guys
  940. annamaria says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Send your complaints, grievances et cet to Haaretz:
    “Human rights activists petition the court to cease Israeli arms exports to Ukraine since some of these weapons reach neo-Nazi elements in Ukraine’s security forces.”
    So much for holocaust biz and reparations:

  941. Anon[332] • Disclaimer says:

    What kind of a person would I be if I were silent about such enormities

    Nigerian occupation of Biafra-2 million killed
    Sudanese occupation of Darfur-700,000 killed
    Indonesian occupation of Papua-500,000 killed
    Russia occupation of Chechnya-150,000 killed
    Israel PaLie$tinian conflict 24,000 killed

    Seems you are silent

    It was Israel that committed the cowardly and treacherous act of war against my countrymen and my nation with their sickening attack on the USS Libererty

    US killed by Lebanese/Iran bombing-285
    US liberty killed -33

    Happy , Im extatic

    Haha you are only fooling yourself,maybe.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @ivan
  942. Art says:

    Can it possibly be healthy to dedicate most of your time and all of your thoughts to something (Jews) that you have such an absolute visceral hatred for

    Oh my’ – your “genuine” mindful concern for our health is touching.

    We see things a little differently. This Unz article does a magnificent job of chronicling Jew hate for us. Clearly hate undermines your mentality. Torah or Talmud – hate for your fellow humans dominates your culture.

    You Jews project your hate for us – into we hating you.

    What we want is our country back – we want to get back to our superior Wester ways.

    The only non-violent way to accomplish that is through truth telling.

    As more and more become aware of your hate for us – things will right themselves. Jesus said “the truth will set you free.” Here is to your freedom from hate.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Hope, Life, Love, Truth, & Idealism — Art

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @jilles dykstra
  943. Art says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Ukrainian neo-nazis

    When I see this absurd phrase, I know it’s time to yawn & get back to real life….

    Sorry but you are turning out the light on reality —- you need to update yourself on Jew interference in Ukrainian affairs.

    (Obama’s DOS had a hand in the trouble making.)

    Think Peace — Do No harm — Art

  944. tac says:

    OK. Let’s take a holistic view on Bill Browder:

    EXCLUSIVE: Advance Review of Devastating Film About Bill Browder Which He Tried to Suppress”

    Controversial film on Sergei Magnitsky’s death set for US screening

    А film about Sergei Magnitsky, the Russian lawyer who died in prison after allegedly being tortured, is set to be shown in Washington after criticism and legal threats forced European TV channels to pull their broadcasts.

    Bill Browder: why I fear for my life
    “Greatest capitalist in the world” turned human rights campaigner, Bill Browder is fighting for justice for a Russian friend whose murder he blames on the Kremlin

    It has also been deleted from YouTube as evidenced here:

    However, this bombshell documentary movie by Russian director: (Andrei Nekrasov) shines the light on Bill Browder, the central figure in the infamous Magnitsky Act, (that has been banned in many countries in Europe and deleted from YouTube as soon as it is published)
    is now available on bitchute here:

    (about 2 hours long)

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  945. Art says:

    Hi annamaria,

    I wonder how many of the ISIS fighters that Israel has been medically fixing up – go back missing a kidney? Hmm?

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Anon
  946. @Icallbullonit

    Comparatively small details are exploded into things like claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen.

    What are you talking about? “The” holocaust? A bit presumptuous, it appears.

    Anyway, “the” holocaust was not only one of many, but it never happened the way we dumb goyim are supposed to believe it did, and it’s time to get over it already especially given the facts of the sadistic ways the Zio-nuts have been treating the Palestinians.

    Go reread the article if it still escapes you that certain folks have a well known history of spewing BS far, wide, and continuously.

  947. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

    consumed by hatred

    A) You’re projecting. We weren’t indoctrinated from an early age to see others as dangerous animals who must be weakened, culled and enslaved.

    B) We didn’t start this (again) but we’ll end it (probably for the last time). It happened before on a smaller scale but this time your tribe is going all-in and the blowback will be biblical.

    C) I don’t hate you. It’s the sense of justice that drives me.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  948. Rurik says:

    Nigerian occupation of Biafra-2 million killed
    Sudanese occupation of Darfur-700,000 killed
    Indonesian occupation of Papua-500,000 killed
    Russia occupation of Chechnya-150,000 killed

    how many of those killed were killed with bullets paid for with my tax dollars?

    how many Nigerians or Chechnyans are on the cable television and NPR hectoring me about my racism?

    How many are of those nations are demanding billions upon billions of dollars in tribute each year, to a nation that has attacked and murdered my countrymen, eh?

    All my life I’ve been barraged with hysterical claims about what was done to the Jews by evil white Gentiles. Only to watch with disgust as those same Jewish supremacists commit even worse atrocities against their myriad victims. At least the Germans were trying to get the Jewish communists out of their own country. What the Jewish supremacist Zionists are doing today is a thousand times worse, because they’re genociding a people out of their own ancient lands, and all based on fanatical religious bullshit that doesn’t pass the straight face test.

    What would any sane person do if I walked up to their home, and said ‘God gave me your lands and house and business two thousand years ago, so get out’.


    So what’s been happening in Palestine is an iniquity of Biblical proportions, because it paints the entire New Testament, and all the fake Christians who call themselves Zionists, as a gigantic fraud and betrayal of Christ and everything He stood for.

    Christ stood for justice and compassion for the down trodden, whereas the so-called Christian Zionists demand they be brutalized and murdered until they hand over their ancient lands and houses and homes to some hatred-consumed racial supremacists, and all of it on my dime, and with the vouchsafing of my government.

    I don’t see Uncle Sam arming the Rwandans with machetes, and if they did, I’d condemn such an act with all my breath. Just as I condemn in the strongest terms what’s happening in Yemen right now, and no, that atrocity is not being done by Jewish supremacists, but rather by stone age Muslim shitballs in Saudi Arabia, and with the complicity of my (treasonous) government.

    It’s beyond wrong, it’s horrific and a moral enormity. But the Zionist media seems to feel it’s completely kosher, or they’d report on it.

    US killed by Lebanese/Iran bombing-285
    US liberty killed -33

    how many billions of dollars did we give to Lebanon?

    how many Lebanese have been on the television over the decades demanding that the people of the US fund Holocaust museums, because killing and murder are wrong?

    Only to watch as those same moralizing Jewish supremacists murder our citizens with contemptuous distain and then lie about it.

    So don’t try to act like there’s any moral equivalency between Rwandans killing Rwandans, vs. the innocent Palestinians being tormented so cruelty by hate-crazed, psychopathic white supremacists and all of it on my dime.

    Fuck that shit!

    Haha you are only fooling yourself,maybe.

    Well, I’ll give you this. If it weren’t for you Jewish supremacist liars and thieves and genocidal fiends, I think we’d all be a heap more happy, don’t ya reckon?

    here’s some even more reasons to be ecstatic, headlines from Drudge:


    • Replies: @anon
  949. Anon[332] • Disclaimer says:

    Many ISIS fighters partnered with Turks and Iraqis to buy and sell organs . Russia and Kyrgyzstan as well .

  950. tac says:

    Yes, I recall reading that. Here is the link for users who are interested:


    Bernard Lazare:
    Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, 1894

    “Considering the unanimity of antisemitic manifestations, it can hardly be admitted, as had too willingly been done, that they were merely due to a religious war, and one must not view the strife against the Jews as a struggle of polytheism against monotheism, or that of the Trinity against Jehovah. The polytheistic, as well as[9] the Christian nations combated not the doctrine of one sole God, but the Jew.

    Which virtues or which vices have earned for the Jew this universal enmity? Why was he ill-treated and hated alike and in turn by the Alexandrians and the Romans, by the Persians and the Arabs, by the Turks and the Christian nations ? Because, everywhere up to our own days the Jew was an unsociable being.

    Why was he unsociable ? Because he was exclusive, and his exclusiveness was both political and religious, or rather he held fast to his political and religious cult, to his law.

    One thing prevented that fusion and upheld the existence of the Hebrews among the nations; it was the growth of the Talmud, the authority and rule of the doctors who taught a pretended tradition. The policy of the doctors to which we shall return further made of the Jews sullen beings, unsociable and haughty, of whom Spinoza, who knew them well, could say: “It is not at all surprising that after being scattered for so many years they have preserved their identity without a government of their own, for, by their external rites, contrary to those of other nations, as well as by the sign of circumcision, they have isolated themselves from all other nations, even to the extent of drawing upon themselves the hate of all mankind.”6

    After the controversy between the Sadducees and the Pharisees had terminated in the victory of the latter, these injunctions became part of the law, they were taught with the law and helped to develop and exaggerate the exclusiveness of the Jews.

    And it may be said that true Mosaism, purified and enlarged by Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, broadened and generalized by the Judaeo-Hellenists, would have brought Israel to Christianity, but for Ezraism,Pharisaism and Talmudism, which held the mass of the Jews bound to strict observances and narrow ritual practices.

    To guard God’s people, to keep it safe from evil influences, the doctors exalted their law above all things. They declared that no study but that of the law alone became an Israelite, and as a whole life-time was hardly sufficient to learn and penetrate all the subtleties and all the casuistry of that law, they prohibited the study of profane sciences and foreign languages.

    However, the Rabbinites could not kill Jewish curiosity with one blow; it required centuries. It was as late as the fourteenth century, after Ibn Ezra, Rabbi Bechai, Maimonides, Bedares, Joseph Caspi, Levi Ben Gerson, Moses of Narbonne, and many others, were gone, all true sons of Philo and the Alexandrians, who strove to verify Judaism by foreign philosophy; after Asher Ben Yechiel had induced the assembly of the rabbis at Barcelona to excommunicate those who would study profane sciences; after Rabbi Shalem, of Montpellier had complained to the Dominicans of the Moreh Nebukhim, and this book, the highest expression of the ideas of Maimonides, had been burnedit was only after all this that the rabbis ultimately triumphed.12

    Their end was attained. They had cut off Israel from the community of nations; they had made of it a sullen recluse, a rebel against all laws, foreign to all feeling fraternity, closed to all beautiful, noble and generous ideas; they had made of it a small and miserable nation, soured by isolation, brutalized by a narrow education, demoralized and corrupted by an unjustifiable pride.13

    With this transformation of the Jewish spirit and the victory of sectarian doctors, coincides the beginning of official persecution. Until that epoch there had only been outbursts of local hatred, but no systematic vexations. With the triumph of the Rabbinites, the ghettos come into being. The expulsions and massacres commence. The Jews want to live aparta line is drawn against them. They detest the spirit of the nations amidst whom they live the nations chase them. They burn the More than their Talmud is burned and they themselves are burned with it.14

    It would seem that no further agency was needed to render the separation of the Jews from the rest of mankind complete and to make them an object of horror and reprobation. Still another cause must be added to those just mentioned: the indomitable and tenacious patriotism of Israel.

    Jerusalem was the guardian of the Tabernacle which received the divine word; it was the city of the only Temple, the only place in the world where God could efficiently be worshipped and sacrifices offered to Him.
    It was because in Jerusalem only, in the land given by God to their ancestors, their bodies would be resurrected. There those who had believed in Yahweh, who had observed his law and obeyed his word, would awake at the sound of the last trumpet and appear before their Lord. Nowhere but there could they rise at the appointed hour; every other land but that washed by the yellow Jordan was a vile land, fouled by idolatry, deprived of God.

    When the fatherland was dead, when adversity was sweeping Israel all over the world, after the Temple had perished in flames, and when the heathens occupied the holiest ground, mourning over bygone days became everlasting in the soul of the Jew. It was over; they could no longer hope to see on the day of mercy the black buck carry away their sins into the desert, neither could they see the lamb killed for the passover night, or bring their offerings to[16] the altar; and, deprived of Jerusalem during life, they would not be brought there after death.

    With the Talmudists these sentiments of popular enthusiasm, this mystic heroism underwent a transformation. The doctors taught the restoration of the Jewish empire; in order that Jerusalem might be born anew from its ruins, they wanted to preserve the people of Israel pure, to prevent them from mixing with other people, to inculcate on them the idea that they were everywhere in exile, amidst enemies that held them captive. They said to their disciples: “Do not cultivate strange lands, soon you will cultivate your own; do not attach yourself to any land, for thus will you be unfaithful to the memory of your native land; do not submit to any king, for you have no master but the Lord of the Holy Land, Jehovah; do not scatter amongst the nations, you will forfeit your salvation and you will not see the light of the day of resurrection; remain such as you left your house; the hour will come and you will see again[17] the hills of your ancestors, and those hills will then be the centre of the world, which will be subject to your power.”

    Thus all those complex sentiments which had in olden days served to build up the hegemony of Israel, to maintain its character as a nation, to develop a high and powerful originality, all those virtues and vices which gave it the spirit and countenance necessary to preserve a nation; which enabled it to attain greatness and later to defend its independence with desperate valour worthy of admiration; all that, after the Jews had ceased to be a State, combined to shut them up in the most complete, the most absolute isolation.

    This solicitude for worldly goods, which is a marked feature of the Hebrew character, has not been without effect upon the conduct of the Jews, especially since they left Palestine; by directing them along certain avenues, to the exclusion of all others, this feature of their character has drawn upon them the most violent animosities.”

  951. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

    Great post.

    “Blessed are those who uphold justice, who practice righteousness at all times.”

  952. Rurik says:

    You Jews project your hate for us – into we hating you.

    that’s it Art!

    everything they say is done to them, is actually what they’ve done to their victims

    What, if not a Holocaust, was done to Dresden?

    What, if not genocide, was the goal of the Morgenthau Plan?

    What, if not racial supremacism and genocidal racial hatred, is the founding principle of Judaism?

    And yet all of those things are precisely what they’ve accused Germany of all these years.

    If the Nazis were racial supremacists, well then the Zionists are racial supremacists to the n’th degree, even demanding that non-Jewish races have no souls, and were put here by god to serve the Jews as their slaves.

    Has anyone ever seen anything in the Nazi literature that harkens to a world view so grotesquely contorted by megalomaniacal tribal conceits and over-the-top murderous, racial arrogance?


    Just asking… ?

  953. Anonymous[350] • Disclaimer says:

    The gulf between Israel and the civilized world is detailed in reviews by treaty and charter bodies.

    Review by the Human Rights Committee shows that compliance with the ICCPR would end the Jewish State as we know it. It also proves that US foreign aid to Israel is illegal under the Leahy Law.

    US foreign aid is also illegal under Symington-Glenn and an IRMEP lawsuit is rubbing the US government’s nose in that.

    BDS is nerf protest. The real pressure point is and always has been US foreign aid to Israel, recycled in foreign corrupt practices to interfere with US law and policy.

  954. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Most in NYC, many in California and Florida They moved to cities with a lot of Jews and Jewish charities so they could rip American Jews off.

    All the White immigrants are like that. Armenians Arabs Poles Israelis Indians Persians non Jewish Russians, Hindus all the Christian varieties, all the Muslim varieties, Zoroasterians, they are all crooks and have turned S California into the White collar crime headquarters of the nation.

    A Russian Dr in Orange County ca stole one billion dollars from medi caid and Medicare in just one year. He paid all the Russian refugees a small sum for the medi numbers and just billed for non existent appointments.

    He had only been in the country and licensed for a few months before he set up his operation. He came to this country intending to commit the fraud. Don’t know what religion he claimed.

    There was the Armenian Dr who ran an AIDS clinic. He gave them injections twice a week and sold them the other medication. He mixed the liquid meds with normal saline. He had a pill machine. He smashed up the meds with lactose and cornstarch and made new pills.

    He was caught by the county health department because there was a rise in AIDS deaths. They were all traced back to his clinic.

  955. Art says:


    Israeli body-part trafficking — there are Jews in Russia, Iran, and Turkey —- Hmm?

    I wonder how many US Jews are walking around with purchased organs?

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Anon
  956. Anon[150] • Disclaimer says:

    The human traffickers in the article were ethnic Russian Christians , ethnic Turk,Kyrgyz and Iranian muslims. Iran has the most purchased organs per capita than any country in the world.

    White Christian organ trafficer. Looks very aryan

    Jeffery Dahmer was another white Christian who enjoyed organs,ifyou will

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Jeff Stryker
  957. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    It was the chief of police Hennessy who was killed. He lived for a few days and named his killers.

    They were arrested and tried . The mafia has the Italian community totally under control.
    The mafia began threatening and offering to bribe judge police and district attorneys. As soon as the jury was picked the threats against the jurors and their families began.

    Because of the threats to kill jurors family members and burn down homes and businesses the jurors acquitted.

    During the trial the jurors made their plans. Under threat of death they acquitted

    And then the jurors organized and led the lynch mob. The Jurors judged the killers guilty and carried out the death sentence.

    It was wonderful what the jury did. It taught the mafia ordinary people could fight back

    Sicilians began arriving in New Orleans around 1840. They rented farms near the city and became market farmers raising produce eggs poultry and diary for the city. The mafia quickly set up a toll system on the roads
    Pay us or we’ll steal your load your mule and wagon. Being Sicilians the farmers paid the extortion.

    Soon the mafia controlled much of the food industry in and around the city. Then the mafia went after other businesses

    The police cracked down in the mafia. The mafia killed the chief of police. The jury acquitted the killers under threat of death.

    Resenting the threats and believing the mafia guilty, the jury led the mob that lunched the murders.

    Justice was done. When one system fails, another rises to take its place.

    • Agree: Dan Hayes
    • Replies: @Dan Hayes
  958. @Bardon Kaldian

    Do they think that Jews had caused the plague by well poisoning? If not-why not? If yes, how?

    Here’s how:

    Abba Kovner

    Kovner was one of the founders of a secret organization Nakam (revenge), also known as Dam Yisrael Noter (“the blood of Israel avenges”, with the acronym DIN meaning “judgement”)

    Two plans were formulated. Plan A was to kill a large number of German citizens by poisoning the water supplies of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Nuremberg, Nakam intended to kill 6 million Germans. Plan B was to kill SS prisoners held in Allied POW camps. In pursuit of Plan A, members of the group were infiltrated into water and sewage plants in several cities, while Kovner went to Palestine in search of a suitable poison. Kovner discussed Nakam with Yishuv leaders, though it is not clear how much he told them and he doesn’t seem to have received much support. According to Kovner’s own account, Chaim Weizmann approved the idea and put him in touch with the scientist Ernst Bergmann, who gave the job of preparing poison to Ephraim Katzir (later president of Israel) and his brother Aharon. … The Katzir brothers confirmed that they gave poison to Kovner, but said that he only mentioned Plan B and they denied that Weizmann could be involved. As Kovner and an accomplice were returning to Europe on a British ship, they threw the poison overboard when Kovner was arrested. He was imprisoned for a few months in Cairo and Plan A was abandoned.

    In April 1946, members of Nakam broke into a bakery used to supply bread for the Langwasser internment camp near Nuremberg, where many German POWs were being held. They coated many of the loaves with arsenic but were disturbed and fled before finishing their work. More than 2,200 of the German prisoners fell ill and 207 were hospitalized, but no deaths were reported.

    Kovner’s story is the basis for the song “Six Million Germans / Nakam”, by Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird.

    Awards and honors

    In 1968, Kovner was awarded the Brenner Prize for literature.
    In 1970, Kovner was awarded the Israel Prize for literature.

    Six Million Germans / Nakam []

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  959. @Zeidner

    You’re a bit of a nutcase yourself, aren’t you? So you think there could be a department at Jew Central, Inc., that sends out keyboard commandos masquerading as antisemites whenever antisemitism is on the wane, in order to shore up togetherness among the Jews. Oookay… but I don’t think so.

    You see, the lure of antisemitism is the promise of power to murder and destroy. A homeless derelict, rejected by the Academy, pulled himself up by his bootstraps and oversaw the murder of two-thirds of Europe’s Jews while cutting bloody swathes all over the continent. Yes he failed in the end: but what an inspiration to toxic haters everywhere. “You, too, could make your mark on history,” the ghost of Adolf whispers to them. And they respond, enthusiastically and eagerly. “I’ll teach them to laugh at me!”

    Unfortunately there aren’t any pitchfork-wielding lynch mobs for them to join, at least not yet. Need to lay the groundwork first, change public sentiment. Most of this website, this particular article and the gushing praise for it in the comments are pathetic attempts to do so. Deny the holocaust ever happened. Then list a long litany of Jewish sins, the more outrageously concocted the better, to paint them as Satan’s brood on earth, so inveterately evil that even death is too good for them. Rinse and repeat. Look! Support for us on is overwhelming, we are winning.

    Sorry guys, you are not winning. In the marketplace of ideas, you are the bag lady pushing a shopping cart with her belongings as she mutters dark imprecations. Healthy people give you a wide berth and move on. The more cowardly among you hide behind pseudonyms, a wise move actually, for once you’ve jumped down the rabbit hole of holocaust denial and genocidal hatred, there ain’t no coming back. If you’re demented enough to do this using your real names, know that your names are mud. You are unelectable to public office. No self-respecting company will hire you for any job above janitor. And your dreams of following in Hitler’s footsteps? Curse that man, you think. A bit late for repentance, however.

  960. annamaria says:

    The documented use of poison by the “most moral” Jewish State:
    “Israel had dispatched assassins to his capital for a killing in broad daylight with a mysterious chemical …
    Mr. Netanyahu was obliged to fly here in the middle of the night four days after the attack to assume blame and apologize to the King’s brother, Crown Prince Hassan. King Hussein refused to meet him.
    Only when Israel provided a full accounting of how the attack had been carried out did the King agree to discuss the release of a reported eight Mossad agents who came from Israel to carry out the attack…
    The exact nature of the toxin used to attack Mr. Meshal, who now appears fully recovered, is a closely-guarded secret here and in Israel. But according to accounts by people closely involved in the subsequent arm-twisting, who insisted on anonymity, Israel eventually told Jordan that the assailants had used a high-tech and previously unknown delivery system to blast a fatal overdose of a synthetic opiate called Fentanyl through his skin.
    The delivery system remains a mystery…”
    – And where have we heard about the synthetic opiate called Fentanyl recently? — Skripal Affair.

  961. annamaria says:

    Israel is called the “organ harvesting and human trafficking capital of the world:”
    Considering the dangers of criticising Israelis (anti-semitism!), the published reports should have been well-sourced:
    “A pro-Israeli magazine the Forward confirmed that Israel had been routinely stealing Palestinians’ organs for Israeli citizens’ spare parts. Even the pro-Israeli New York Times has called out the Tel Aviv regime for its “disproportionate role” in organ trafficking since 2000.”

    “Israeli organ traffickers “have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.”

    “For years, they [Israelis] have pocketed enormous sums for arranging overseas transplants for patients who are paired with foreign donors, court filings and government documents show.”
    “An Israeli accused of involvement in a human organ trafficking scandal in Kosovo:”
    “Israeli mafia trafficking Syrian children’s body organs”:

  962. @Wally

    Thank you my friend, you don’t do to bad yourself with so great information on the holohoax.
    Some great information and photos of German internment camps during WWII from the site below, the crooks and swindlers received far better treatment than German POW’s got in the gulags and allied prisoner of war camps, left to rot and die behind barbed wire fences and freeze to death from exposure.

    Keep Troth.

  963. Here are some of the Jews responsible for murdering Spanish Christians:

    1. Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov): Chief of Soviet Security in the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacres of Catholic priests and nuns.
    2. Rabbi Hyman Katz: American rabbi. He said he joined Stalin’s International Brigade “to fight Spanish-Christian fascists.”
    3. Milton Wolff: Last Commander of the American contingent of Stalin’s International Brigade.
    4. Abraham Osheroff: American Jewish Communist. Born in Brooklyn NY.
    5. Olek Nuss: Yiddish poet. He served with the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.
    6. Janek Barvinski: Commander of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.
    7. Stach Matuszczak: Political Commissar of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.
    8. George Nathan: Jewish homosexual and Communist from Great Britain. Chief of Staff of Stalin’s International Brigade.
    9. Henryk Torunczyk: Polish Jew. Commander of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.
    Wellman was made an honorary citizen by the Spanish government in a stirring ceremony in Madrid in 1996.A documentary Professional Revolutionary: The Life of Saul Wellman was made about his life. He passed away honoured, in 2003.
    10. Saul Wellman: Commissar of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Communist activist from Detroit. Organized Communist party meetings amongst Detroit auto workers.

    International Auschwitz Committee’s honorary president German Kurt Julius Goldstein listens during an homage to the International Brigades on the occasion of their 70 anniversary in Madrid, 09 October 2006. Don’t they make this criminal period sound so very grand? Mr. Goldstein also devoted his life to exposing the horrors of the Nazi camps to the world and was very skilled at producing tears at the appropriate moments.

    11. Kurt Julius Goldstein: German Jewish Communist.
    12. Leon Rosenthal: A New York Jew. He was Stalin’s propaganda agent in Spain.
    13. Moses Rosenberg: The Russian Ambassador to Madrid. He rigged the elections of the Spanish Parliament in 1936 installing puppets of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

    Arthur Bryant, in his well-documented “Communist Atrocities in Spain”, tells of one murder squad which went to the Dominican Convent in Barcelona and informed the Mother Superior that “because of possible mob violence” the nuns should accompany the squad to a place of safety. They were then taken to the suburbs and murdered.

    Their Jewish leader commented, “We needed the building. We didn’t want to muss it up before we occupied it.”

    TheE.M. Godden, in “Conflict in Spain,” says on p. 72, “During the last week of July, 1936, the bodies of nuns were exhumed from their graves and propped up outside the walls of their convents. Obscene and offensive placards were attached to their bodies.”

    In Madrid, it was estimated that one tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist Jews by 1939. De Fonteriz in “Red Terror in Madrid” tells how Cheka crews organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and murder so obscene that it cannot be repeated or described.

    To further their World Murder Plan, the Jews have occasionally allowed a few of their numbers to be sacrificed. This was brought out at the meeting in Rothschild’s home in 1773, when it was stated, “But it has paid us even though we have sacrificed many of our own people. Each victim on our side is worth a thousand Goyim.”

    What the speaker meant was that if one Jew happens to be killed, he will be avenged by the death of one thousand Christians, or “cattle” as the Christians are derisively referred to by the Jewish cult.

    The speaker went on to point out to his rapt listeners that “We are interested in just the opposite … in the diminution, the killing out of the Goyim.”

    • Replies: @ivan
    , @Anon
  964. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:
    @Shaking My Dumb Head

    once you’ve jumped down the rabbit hole of pro-holohoax propagandising and genocidal hatred, there ain’t no coming back

    True. This will end badly… for you.

  965. Rurik says:
    @Shaking My Dumb Head

    The more cowardly among you hide behind pseudonyms

    - Shaking My Dumb Head

    you must be Amerindian, and that’s the what your parents were doing when they took their first (rather alarmed) look at you.

    genocidal hatred, there ain’t no coming back.

    did you notice this little gem today?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @SolontoCroesus
  966. Seraphim says:

    The point about Browder which explains the hysterical Russophobia and the Putin Derangment Syndrone, is that he is just an arm of the octopus. He did not act alone. The repercussions of his exposure would shatter all the Kosher Nostra.

    • Replies: @tac
    , @ivan
  967. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you, Rurik.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  968. @iffen

    IMO, if you only blame them when they are, in fact, blameworthy, that doesn’t really qualify as anti-Semitism.

    Now that’s an interesting question! Would someone who went out of his way to collect only verifiably true info on Jewish evildoers (Son of Sam, Trotskiy, Madoff, and so on and so forth) but not retail insane gibberish like the cannibalism/well-poisoning stories qualify as an antisemite or not?

    On the one hand, it would show clear bias. Focusing on evildoers while neglecting to appreciate philanthropists, scientists, doctors, musicians is evidence of one-sidedness. But there is no law that says we have to be evenhanded and fair. Nor, I would argue, is it an ethical prescription.

    So on reflection, I come down firmly on the side of those who say, no, listing facts about bad things that Jews have done or are doing — not only Jewish criminals or ideologues, but also general tendencies like that annoying drive to always get the last word in — is not justification to call someone an antisemite.

    • Replies: @iffen
  969. @Greasy William

    I think the Exodus never happened, Moses never lived, and the Israelites never displaced the Canaanites.

    Rather, they were never in Egypt, but they themselves were the Canaanites and they never moved. Looking back on their own history of child sacrifice, however, they wanted to distance themselves from the ugly deeds of their ancestors and made up stories about them being a different people.

    Just my personal opinion, no scholarly sources to back me up.

    • Replies: @Greasy William
  970. anon[128] • Disclaimer says:

    Its easy to tell a bot. No paragraph structure and responses that do not correspond to the original post.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  971. anon[128] • Disclaimer says:

    how many of those killed were killed with bullets paid for with my tax dollars?

    “””””””””””””and if they did, I’d condemn such an act with all my breath””””””””””

    Nigerian occupation of Biafra -2 million biafrans killed
    US aid to Nigeria – $700 million per year

    Indonesian occupation of Papua-500,000 Papuans killed
    US aid to Indonesia –$220 million per year

    Turkish occupation of Cyprus and Kuristan- 70,000 Cypriots and Kurds killed
    US aid to Turkey –$150 million per year

    Ok Mr. Happy man . Time for your condemnations , and don’t forget to use all your breath as promised . Just a few examples of regimes that receive much financial aid from your country and kill millions of Christians in brutal occupations . Lets see hmmmmmmm nigeria has killed about 100 times as man as Israel has and Indonesia has killed 20 times as much . You are gonna be really busy !!!!!!!

  972. anon[128] • Disclaimer says:

    From a Catholic source :

    Vatican also invited representatives from more than 50 nations, especially those plagued by organ trafficking, including Mexico, India, Pakistan and Iran — where the sale of human organs is legal.

    Naziha Syed Ali, a writer for Dawn, an English-language news outlet in Pakistan, said, “media are useful in holding government accountable” and “shining the light in dark corners.” She said they are also a safe conduit for doctors who want to expose wrongdoing they are aware of, but hesitate to report because they are afraid of repercussions by the criminal networks that trade in organs.

    When investigating organ trafficking in Bangladesh, Hedayat was told by a surgeon that he saw nothing wrong with what he was doing because “no one is dying. We’re saving someone’s life. How can we be wrong?”

  973. anon[128] • Disclaimer says:

    Critics, including some in the Vatican, wanted at the summit no representatives of China, which for years sold and transplanted organs from executed prisoners.

    organ trafficking is spiking in countries like Egypt and Pakistan,


    surgery took place at the Government-run Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital in central Jakarta.

    It is here, about 200 kilometres south-east of Jakarta, the ABC found evidence of an organ trafficking trade where residents have sold their kidneys.

    Dasep, 24, is also from Majalaya and also sold a kidney for $7,500.

    In a 2012 interview with Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic, one KLA witness described in horrifying detail a medical procedure he was forced to perform on a kidnapped Serb in northern Albania:
    “They gave me a scalpel. I put my left hand on his chest and began cutting. When I got near the bottom (of the ribs), the blood started pouring. As soon as I started cutting, he began screaming not to kill him and then he lost consciousness. I don’t know if he fainted or died.”
    The witness described the victim as being in his mid 20s and claimed that he was accompanied by two doctors as he performed the surgery.
    “We cut veins and when I took the heart, it was still beating, ” the witness said. The organ was then placed in a cooler for transport

    The slave-like treatment of migrant workers in the oil-rich nation of Qatar has been well-documented. As the grueling hours and grim living conditions have claimed over 1,000 lives by some estimates, the promise of work – much of which is due to a controversial 2022 World Cup bid – still attracts desperate laborers from India, Nepal, Indonesia, and elsewhere. And while the prospect of working one’s self to death is horrifying enough, some workers who don’t perish on the job are finding themselves unwittingly surrendering their organs.
    Sri Rabitah, a 25-year-old migrant worker from North Lombok, Indonesia, began to have suspicions that something in her body was not right when she left Doha, Qatar, in 2014. Besieged by pain on the right side of her waist, Rabitah had an X-ray taken that revealed a stunning reality – she was missing a kidney.
    Working in Qatar as a personal assistant for a Palestinian woman named “Madam Gada,” Rabitah recalled that, in July of 2014, she was suddenly rushed to a hospital – though she was suffering no ailment – and forced into sedation. When she awoke, she was full of tubes and urinating blood. Shortly thereafter, Gada deemed the woman unfit for work, and she returned to Indonesia.

  974. annamaria says:

    So it is the “paragraph structure” that is the problem… Here is a response to your post:

    Israel is called the “organ harvesting and human trafficking capital of the world:”
    “A pro-Israeli magazine the Forward confirmed that Israel had been routinely stealing Palestinians’ organs for Israeli citizens’ spare parts. … the pro-Israeli New York Times has called out the Tel Aviv regime for its “disproportionate role” in organ trafficking since 2000.”
    “Israeli organ traffickers “have brokers everywhere, bank accounts everywhere; they’ve got recruiters, they’ve got translators, they’ve got travel agents who set up the visas.”
    “For years, they [Israelis] have pocketed enormous sums for arranging overseas transplants for patients who are paired with foreign donors, court filings and government documents show.”
    “An Israeli accused of involvement in a human organ trafficking scandal in Kosovo:”
    “Israeli mafia trafficking Syrian children’s body organs”:

  975. anon[128] • Disclaimer says:

    5 worst countries for human trafficking :
    Russia–A white Christian country recently completed bilateral agreements with North Korea that allow for labor camps with slave like conditions for workers within Russian borders


    Iran’s government continued to punish victims of trafficking for unlawful acts comitted as a direct result of being subjected to human trafficking , such as adultary and prostitution , some of which are punishable by death in Iran ( homosexuality and converting to Christianity are also punishable be death in Iran ) . Migrants , particularly those from Afghanistan are coerced into combat roles in Syria , 3 year old children are forced to work as street beggars under threat of physical and sexual abuse.

    Belarus — A white Christian country uses forced compulsory labor for various punishments including government criticism and failure of unemployed people to pay a fine . 7,000 people with alcohol dependency are held in medical labor centers with an obligation to work .

  976. Seraphim says:

    @What am I missing?

    What they tell you in unambiguous terms. From the horses’ mouth:

    @,7340,L-4299673,00.html – 11.11.2012
    “Islamization of Europe a good thing”
    Rabbi Baruch Efrati believes Jews should ‘rejoice at the fact that Europe is paying for what it did to us for hundreds of years by losing its identity.’ He praises Islam for promoting modesty, respect for God.

    “As concerns grow over the increasing number of Muslims in Europe, it appears not everyone is bothered by the issue, including an Israeli rabbi who even welcomes the phenomenon.
    Rabbi Baruch Efrati, a yeshiva head and community rabbi in the West Bank settlement of Efrat, believes that the Islamization of Europe is actually a good thing.
    “With the help of God, the gentiles there will adopt a healthier life with a lot of modesty and integrity, and not like the hypocritical Christianity which appears pure but is fundamentally corrupt,” he explained.


    Rabbi Efrati was asked to discuss the issue by an oriental studies student, who inquired on Judaism’s stand toward the process Europe has been going through in recent years.
    Following the election of a hijab-wearing Muslim woman as the mayor of the Bosnian city of Visoko for the first time in continent’s history, the student asked the rabbi on the Kipa website: “How do we fight the Islamization of Europe and return it to the hands of Christians and moderates?”
    Efrati wrote in response that the Islamization of Europe was better than a Christian Europe for ethical and theological reasons – as a punishment against Christians for persecuting the Jews and the fact that Christianity, as opposed to Islam, is considered “idolatry” from a halachic point of view.
    “Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years were in exile there,” the rabbi explained as the ethical reason for favoring Muslims, quoting shocking descriptions from the Rishonim literature (written by leading rabbis who lived during the 11th to 15th centuries) about pogroms and mass murders committed by Christians against Jews.
    “We will never forgive Europe’s Christians for slaughtering millions of our children, women and elderly… Not just in the recent Holocaust, but throughout the generations, in a consistent manner which characterizes all factions of hypocritical Christianity…
    “And now, Europe is losing its identity in favor of another people and another religion, and there will be no remnants and survivors from the impurity of Christianity, which shed a lot of blood it won’t be able to atone for.”
    ‘Islam a relatively honest religion’
    The theological reason, according to Rabbi Efrati, is that Christianity – which he sees as idolatry – has a tendency to “destroy normal life and abstain from it on the one hand, while losing modesty on the other hand,” as it “ranges between radical monasticism to radical Western licentiousness.”
    Islam, the rabbi added, is “a religion which misjudges its prophets but is relatively honest. It educates a bit more for a stable life of marriage and creation, where there is certain modesty and respect for God.”
    Efrati ruled, therefore, that “even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a gentile culture than Christianity.”
    He added, however, that Jews must pray that the Islamization of most of Europe will not harm the people of Israel”.

    “Islamization of Europe Good for Jews Says Rabbi”


    “Europe’s top rabbi calls for solidarity with Muslims ”
    Passover message says extremism gives religions ‘common cause’

    “Jews and Muslims in Europe have a common cause in resisting attacks on minority religions and defending religious freedom, Europe’s top rabbi has said. Speaking on the eve of Passover, which begins on Monday, chief rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt warned that the rise of ultra-nationalist parties and damage to the European Union caused by Brexit threatened the security of Jewish and Muslim minorities.
    “When there is tolerance for other languages, other cultures, religions, traditions, we Jews feel more accepted,” Goldschmidt, president of the Conference of European Rabbis and chief rabbi of Moscow, told the Observer.
    “Jews always felt more comfortable in places where other cultures and religions were respected. At the moment when an ultra-nationalist wind begins to blow, it makes Jews, as a minority, uncomfortable”…
    “In general what we see is a reaction to immigration from the Middle East which has brought millions of Muslims to Europe. Europe is now engaging in anti-immigration measures and [dealing with] the fear of Islamic terrorism. But instead of engaging with the problems, there is a strong attack against minority religions in general. “We [Jews and Muslims] definitely have a common cause in fighting for religious freedoms”…
    Concerns over religious freedom in Europe led to the formation of the Muslim-Jewish Leadership Council in September 2015. Its leaders said it was the “first common platform for European Muslims and Jews”…
    Jews had been victims of Islamist terrorism in Europe, Goldschmidt pointed out. “We are the last ones to say it is not a problem. But what we are saying is that you don’t counter and fight Islamic terrorism by fighting Islam. It’s extremely important to mark a red line between normative Islam and radicalism and terrorism using the name of Islam. That red line must be seen and recognised by everyone. But populist parties in France, Holland, Austria and Germany are trying not to see this red line. It’s imperative for us and millions of Muslims living in Europe to show everyone this red line exists.”

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  977. tac says:

    All the while Russiaphobia is plastered on every TV screen and repeated ad nauseum, Bibi brags how he controls trump, yet all there is is crickets….hmm…..

    Bibi brags how he controls Trump:

  978. tac says:

    The panic in the atmosphere is palpable. No one will save the people from this tyrannical lawlessness but the people themselves. Hence, pedal-to-the-metal approach in exposing this endemic corruption. We must work together in order to save ourselves….

  979. ivan says:

    Jews when they are up to no good use goyim names. Alexandr Orlov, Harry Dexter White, Borodin etc, etc. That in itself is a hallmark of the criminal mind.

  980. ivan says:

    How about the Lebanese killed by the US when they bombarded Lebanon with the New Jersey guns? Any idea what happens when one of the shells lands on your house? The bloody Israelis sucked the US into Lebanon. The war was settling down to a stalemate, a door-to-door fight in Beirut will see many more thousands including of course your precious Israelis, killed. If the war had continued much longer, the other Arabs, the Egyptians, the Saudis and Jordanians would have broken ranks with St Reagan. Reagan, put the US Marines in harm’s way, to extricate both the PLO and the Israelis from a quagmire. A quagmire brought about by none other than the Israelis themselves.

  981. Them Guys says:

    Don’t forget that, “government that demanded the Community Reinvestment Act- so that people (minorities) with no credit were given loans they couldn’t or wouldn’t pay back.” part.

    Is funded by Every person who gets a normal regular home mortgage loan, to the tune of around 1% of total loan principal amount, added into closing cost fee’s. That added fee is what’s used to then Pay all or close to all of those minority’s loans down payments and their closing cost fees. Banks get paid in full on all loan fees for normal folk and minority loans…WE normal folks Pays for Both loans fees by this sneaky swindle scam that Hides the CRA Fee You/We get added onto Our loans, and unless one asks lender what is that fee for, you just assume its a reg normal part of closing cost fee’s.

    Once We pay minorities Down Payment’s…Then Our Taxes continue to pay minorities monthly house paymt and monthly Elec-Water-Gas-Heat-Food-Medicals-and a little Extra free spending cash, also all looted from mostly Whitey Middle Class taxpayers….While wall street banksters must suffer and endure lousy massive yearly bonus’s that rival or exceed their already enormous salary’s per year.

    And Anyone who believes this all would remain as such even if zero jews were deeply involved. Especially ever since 1913 Fed Res era began….Is a total fool or ignorant buffoon at best.

    • Agree: Rurik
  982. ivan says:

    Hasn’t it always been the hallmark of Jewish political excess? Those who have no concern whatsoever for morals, for fair play, for basic decency; exploiting others to the last drachma, suddenly have nowhere to run when a Hitler, a Stalin or even a Putin shows up. Then they will say: ‘There came a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph…’

  983. Z-man says:
    @jacques sheete

    Even back then Charles knew to beware the power of the Cabal just by the way he qualified his statements to make sure to say that he admired the Jew-ish race. And he was still attacked by them.

  984. Wally says:
    @Shaking My Dumb Head

    ” The more cowardly among you hide behind pseudonyms, a wise move actually, for once you’ve jumped down the rabbit hole of holocaust denial and genocidal hatred, there ain’t no coming back.
    And your dreams of following in Hitler’s footsteps?”

    Do you work for low IQ & mentally ill Rabbi Cooper of the Wiesenthal Indoctrination Center or something?
    Anyway, big guy, show us your proof for the alleged & absurd ’6,000,000 Jews & gas chambers’. Simple questions really.

    It is you and those like you who are the cowards.
    Only liars demand censorship on free speech concerning the scientifically impossible ‘holocaus$t’.

    Come on, Zionist coward, debate us.

    The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
    See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

  985. Them Guys says:

    What do You not Get about the word “MOST”? Not All but Most. I cannot recall every word I read of every article. It may have included jew mobs family members too? Point is YES Jews have a Russian jew mob, and Yes it is the most Feared due to being the absolute worst on issues of rabid evil tortures and killings etc. European Whites, including Italian mobs typically when someone needs killing they kill that person and its ended. Others…Jews–African negro Savages regardless where they live-Mexican savage half-negroes likewise no matter where housed and various groups of negro Haitians etc etc….Most always get huge thrills by performing voodoo type ritualistic evil torture murders.

    Same as in “Just War Policy” is much different from Unjust wars, so to is there a huge difference between killing a person, compared to sadistic evil torturous methods applied to murder.

    I doubt you shall see any Whites after doing a Righteous Justified kill, remove various spinal and neck bones or arm/leg bones so to later fashion a dead mans bones necklass they can wear proudly, or a more simplified arm or smal leg bone to wear in their spoolie head hair doo’s and smaller bones in their wide nostrile noses eh….Like savage africans and mexicans do often. Jews don’t usually wear their dead victims bones as such, jews just Save various body-parts & Blood, for later done Kabala black satanic majick religious rituals eh, Both equally disgusting evil bad.

    PS: Your goofy NY jew POP numbers need to include that ever since 1880 when russian and polish jews filled transport to america ships to overflow capacity, and were usually stacked in long lines awaiting deportation into New York Harbor so jews could begin their nation wrecking agendas via infiltrating america, it took only until about 1900 or 20 yrs time for jews to be aprox one half total NY population. This matters Big time too, for anyone jewized up knows how most jews always defend and support fellow jews,,,,No…Matter…What any other jew did or does or is most certain to do in future…So regardles of whatever the exact precise actul number of NY jews are also a “Made Member” in their jewish mob?…So What…That to matters not. That they are within america is what matters most.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  986. Them Guys says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    East Coast? No…However I Did sleep at a Holiday Inn last nite.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  987. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you for the information. General Franco has always been one of my heroes.

    Every idiot intellectual in the world follows the communist Jewish version of history that the Russian communist advisors were brave Spanish liberty loving Republicans.

  988. @Anon

    Jeffrey Dahmer was a German-American sex maniac-his father’s parents were from Germany-who might have had brain abnormalities to begin with from his mother’s use of morphine during a difficult pregnancy.

    He had nothing to do with organized organ trafficking.

    As for the crimes of Jews, they tend to be cerebral or the usual mob stuff involving beating up degenerate gamblers who owe them money or extorting from sex workers.

    As a general rule on this site, the more warped the accusation of Jewish crimes involving poisoning babies or the like, the more likely the poster is an abject white prole whose never met 5 Jews in his Podunk city or region in his entire life and simply resents them as being the over-class in a society that has marginalized the white prole. On the macro level, Southerners feel this way about the East Coast because the US South has really always been a different country and the Northern States have more in common with Canada then they do with Mississippi or somewhere.

    The middle-class East Coast posters who dislike Jews on this site will simply have had bad interpersonal interactions with them or feel that Jewish nepotism has suppressed their earning power or overall productivity.

    • Replies: @JSM
  989. Mr. Anon says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    That case has been debated and possibly that lynching was of an innocent man.

    So perhaps the killer was some other mafiosi.

    In any event, you were wrong.

  990. Them Guys says:

    Annamaria: This is probably one of the two main reasons so many of the same antigun dem lib elected officials and their cohort private non profit Orgs. constantly trying to ban 2nd amndt and firearms in usa. Are typically the same ones crying for fed law mandates on requiring every usa citizen to submit a DNA sample per each person to get stored in some new fed agency. The storage reason being for when ever a good kidney or lung/heart/any/all other body parts needed can be retrieved as easy and fast as…Drive up to target dna Match person, jump out of van, put bag or cloth sac over dna match victims head and face, throw dna match person into Van, drive away to secret clandestine “hospital” facility and do a kidney or lung theft for some wealthy jew or shabboz goy jew puppet. Of course their “official” reason for mandated dna sample is to, cut crime! Indeed wont you bleeder hearts do it, for them… children’s!

    The Other Main reason for their desire to force by fed law mandate DNA sample from every usa and also from entire worlds population citizen, is very likely due to jewish Talmudic Judaic laws that forbid any such crimes when done to a fellow jew. Yet when only done to non jew goys, then as Per Talmudic law, which is also what much or most state of Israel laws confirm to, then whatever jews do to non jew goyim, is never considered any crime nor sin. That included murders of goys too.

    The best method for them to first check whos a jew and who aint a jew is a global wide DNA Data bank eh. New body parts found at computer speed and only from non jew body supply.

    Heres Proof for Naysayers and Sniveling jew defenders….

    “As for the Goyim… Zalman’s attitude (was): “Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.”…If every simple cell in a Jewish body entails divinity, is a part of God, then every strand of DNA is a part of God. Therefore, something is special about Jewish DNA…” “…If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that. Jewish life has an infinite value,” he explained. “There is something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.”
    — Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburgh in “Jewish Week,” the largest Jewish publication in the United States, April 26, 1996.

  991. geokat62 says:

    Happy? I’m ecstatic, man! Nothing makes my happier than watching Max Boot stew in his bile.

    Speaking of Max Boot, have you read his latest rant, published in the WaPo, Trump is on the wrong side of the most important struggle of our time?

    As per usual, Max has completely inverted reality in his latest piece. My comments highlighting these examples are bolded within the square brackets. (NB: For the sake of brevity, I’ve omitted a few paragraphs that were less offensive in nature).


    In short, across the West, politics is once again being reduced to an atavistic struggle between the radical right and the loony left. We have avoided disaster only because there are still a few sensible leaders left such as Britain’s Theresa May, France’s Emmanuel Macron, Canada’s Justin Trudeau and Germany’s Angela Merkel [notice how all those who buy into the ADL’s tagline Diversity Is Our Strength are deemed “sensible”] who are trying to hew to the rapidly vanishing center. But they are facing virulent [if I had a nickel for every time this word was used, I’d be...] assault from both left-wing and right-wing extremists often supported, one way or another, by the Kremlin [what a surprise? when in doubt, blame it on Vlad].

    Merkel allowed more than 1 million refugees to enter Germany in 2015. Although crime rates are at the lowest level in a quarter-century [notice how he juxtaposed low crime rates with migrants?], she nevertheless paid at the polls for her humanity [ah, yes her humanity. No mention of the humanity of Bibi’s sharpshooters who’ve killed over 100 unarmed Pals], with her ruling Christian Democratic Union party seeing its worst election results in almost 70 years. Recently the Christian Social Union, the Christian Democratic Union’s more conservative sister party in Bavaria, has been threatening to topple her for not being tough enough on immigration.

    May, for her part, has the thankless task of negotiating Britain’s exit from the European Union without crippling the British economy by cutting off its major trade partners on the continent. The irresponsible Brexit campaigners [yes of course, those in favour of retaining their cultural identity are characterized as being “irresponsible”], led by the likes of Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, promised the British people that they could assert their sovereignty without paying any price in lost trade [no migrants crossing the border is equated with no goods crossing the border, how clever]. That’s about as realistic as Trump’s promise to build a border wall and make Mexico pay for it.

    Now, rather than come up with a workable Brexit plan, Johnson and his fellow right-wing cabinet minister David Davis have resigned their positions. This raises the risk that May’s Tory government, which lost a parliamentary majority in 2017, will collapse. Waiting in the wings is the Labour Party, having long shed its “third way” identity under Tony Blair [you could tell the neocons are pining to have good ol’ Tony back at the helm] to accept the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, who is anti-capitalist, anti-American and anti-Israel [they always save the best to last]. He is as hostile to Europe and as sympathetic to Russia [Putin’s stooge, no less] as many of the Brexiteers [wow, he just accused “many” of the British population of being Putin’s puppets].

    The president of the United States normally would be a defender of centrism and liberalism [i.e., political correctness] against the forces of immoderation and authoritarianism [i.e., those leaders who put their country’s interests first]. Not Trump…

    Trump’s insincere praise for Merkel and May cannot disguise the disturbing reality that, in the existential struggle of our time — the battle between moderation and extremism, democracy and authoritarianism [could not bring himself to admit that the real struggle is between globalism and nationalism] — the U.S. government is on the wrong side. Long the champion of Western freedom and unity [does he really believe the things he writes?], the United States under Trump has become a dark, destabilizing force that threatens to destroy the unprecedented post-1945 period of peace and prosperity [peace and prosperity? He must be referring to all the non-Arabs/non-Muslims who reside outside of MENA].

    • Replies: @Rurik
  992. Them Guys says:

    Not hatred…Rather it is a Righteous Indignation of many evil nefarious jews and the evil deeds they are guilty of perpetrating…aka the jewish Perps. Which indeed makes it A-OK and very Proper to totally Despise such jewish perps and their deeds. And await the day of the Uprooting of the Tares.

    See Christ’s Parable of the Wheat Vs Tares. Clue#1..Role of Tares is played by Jews.

  993. Seraphim says:
    @Them Guys

    @ Jews have a Russian jew mob

    It is a section of the ‘Jewish Mob, Jewish Mafia, Kosher Mafia, Kosher Nostra, or Undzer Shtik (Yiddish: אונדזער שטיק‎)’, the larger American crime syndicate. No doubt it was in close relations with the ‘oligarchs’ who plundered Russia and transferred the money to America.

  994. @Them Guys

    I must be too stupid to get the joke.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  995. Miggle says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The Semites (the earliest known being the Accadians going right back to the beginnings of civilization before 3,000 BC) lived throughout the region between the upper Tigris and Yemen and perhaps beyond. If you want to say they originated in Yemen centuries earlier still and spread from there across the region so the Accadians and the Babylonians and Chaldeans were descendants of Yemenis, well, you’ve wandered off the subject. And trying to distinguish the Arabians or the Yemenis from the rest when they were all Semites, all the same race speaking closely related languages… well, what is your point?

  996. RobinG says:

    Nothing against Puccini, but having had the misfortune of seeing the libretto of La Boheme in English, I’m now thoroughly repulsed by that opera, and always boycott, even on the radio. It’s the creeps who joke about killing an old lady’s little dog by negligence (like the Brits killed the Skripals’ cat). Failed pet-sitters, for sure.

    And why was Mimi wasting away in a garret anyway? Reminds me of the real life story of Diego Rivera’s infant son, whose death is attributed to malnutrition while living a destitute life in Paris, even though Rivera had wealthy family in Mexico. Art before responsibility! BTW, Wikipedia says this: “Rivera was said to have Converso ancestry (having ancestors who were forced to convert from Judaism to Catholicism). Rivera wrote in 1935: “My Jewishness is the dominant element in my life.””

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  997. Anon[452] • Disclaimer says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    Most posts are simply lunatic. OK, many people, it seems, believe in Jews sacrificing Christian children. They think there is enough evidence for that. Do they think that Jews had caused the plague by well poisoning? If not-why not? If yes, how?

    Perhaps people believe these things are true metaphorically, and, therefore, their approach to the literal truth of them tends to be ambivalent.

  998. Ace says:

    Confucius stressed that correct relationships between children and parents, subject and ruler, etc. lead to harmony. Heaven supported rulers who rule well but did not act to affect human affairs SFAIK. He thought all should strive to acquire “human heartedness.” I surmise it means some combination at least of compassion and understanding. We may have this developed sense of good of which you speak but right now it’s seeming a bit diaphanous and flimsy with our hyper-individualism and upside down manners and out-of-control kiddies. Think Trigglypuff.

  999. Them Guys says:

    There you have it. Proof that vindicates we who have stated again and again that BOTH Talmudic jewry And Islamic muslims are both total enemys of whites and Christians period. Down thru past history this has been repeated, with jews and muslims joined as one to invade and destroy white Europeans and Christian nations. Spain a great example when jews assisted muslims to take over spain for aprox 600 yrs before spain again became a white European Christian nation.

    That was main reason for inquisitions era of spain, to weed out Crypto jews that pretended to convert to be catholic yet secretly remained a jew and assisted muslims.

    Now again across entire eu states we see jews join with muslims to destroy christianity and white folk.

    Also same for usa is happening with muslims and mexicans and african savages by the boatloads.

    See how even after we whitey americans and christians have provided The Best Ever nation for both jews and negroes to live in, be a citizen, enjoy equal rights, attain much prosperity, many free bees like welfares etc……Jews and Negroes NEVER had it so damn swell and good as in White America…Never and Nowhere else EVER!

    And just Look at how jews and negroes Thank us whites in america eh!

    Just reading that last posting about what the eu rabbi and the other israel rabbi said of all this mass immigrations into usa and eu states….If that don’t totally burn your ass up with massive desires to make america nation number 110 to have booted jews out I do not know what would.

    And remember when push comes to shove, no matter what any jews or groups or orgs of jewry says or does…At days end, in america current main host nation of over half worlds jews, at least 99% of usa jews are going to always take sides with other jews like them rabbis period.

    You can be in deep denials, wish it was not so, hate the fact of it, ignore it all….But at days end…If you do ignore and deny it, it sooner than later shall be You and Yours End event scenario.

    Got kids? Got Grand kiddies?…..Then..THINK! and prepare self to Act or lose america for them kiddies eh. What will You answer kids and grand kids when they ask “Why didn’t You do something Grandpa and Grandma?”…..what does everybody think is main reasons for usa const 2nd amendt and us const mlitia clauses eh?

    Them evil Bastards aint going to ever quit these agendas….Untill Forced to do so period.

    One things certain and plain facts…You cannot fear being called vile names like a nazi antisemite and a racist hate monger whitey, and at same time actually fight this agenda. Time for choices will soon be upon us/you folks. Choose Wizely Whiteys.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Heros
    , @Seraphim
  1000. @Hippopotamusdrome

    We are talking about 14th C, with all their current knowledge of bacteriology & infectology. So- how?

    • Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  1001. Ace says:

    You say tax cuts, deregulation, and union breaking like that’s a bad thing.

    Off-shoring is one of the mysterious catastrophes of our nation. Nothing was done to keep industry at home and instead of choosing democratic, English-speaking India as the country to benefit, “we” chose a communist dictatorship with a language that will break your back. Only conscious malevolence could have chosen China. Malevolence? Pro-communism? Makes you think.

    • Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
  1002. @Jeff Stryker

    Nazi Germany and World War II only lasted 6 years. Less than a decade. A third of the time the US has been in Afghanistan.

    FWIW, the Nazi era lasted 12 years.

  1003. @Art

    Any criticism of jews is translated by jews into irrational hate, therefore no answer or refuting is needed.

  1004. @Jeff Stryker

    Why restate what I have already posted? Anon pretty much did the same, anyway. My assumption is that you aren’t an American.

    I responded to you. You brought up the topic.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1005. @Anon

    My literature tells me that in jewish Kindergarten hebrew was taught
    Yiddisch indeed was the everyday language.

  1006. @Seraphim

    You may consult
    Margaret Gullan-Whur, ‘Within Reason, A Life of Spinoza’, London 1998

  1007. Thomm says:

    You are forgetting that White Trashionalists have sub-Negro IQs.

    I never said anything against poor white people. I just disapprove of defective white people (like you), who sometimes even come from rich parents. Remember that you are where the waste matter of the rest of the white race (like me) accumulates for efficient removal from the gene pool. The female members of your defective subrace become the fat bluehaired feminists.

    You have nothing in common with successful whites like me. Stop trying to mooch off of us.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Mr. Anon
    , @anonYmous
  1008. Dan Hayes says:


    An Italian-American colleague first mentioned this event to me. Until your report I was unaware of the facts underlying the event. Thank you.

    My previous research had uncovered that this event was the largest pogrom in American history. Also that a black man led the jail charge on the interned prisoners.

  1009. @ivan

    “For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn’t even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks.” ~ Adolf Hitler

  1010. This is how the Jew will treat you when they get the upper hand in your country goyim.

    .. The Poles watched the Soviet invaders with a mixture of revulsion and fear. Not a few of us cried. But as disconcerting was the emergence of a local Jewish militia which was friendly to the Red Army and had made its appearance even before the enemy had marched in. Armed and organized its first task was to arrest the students and Boy Scouts who had been posted as guards and who carried old carbines in some cases taller than them. The Jews roughed up the shocked youngsters who had considered their captors as friends and classmates, before turning them over to the Soviets from whom they had prior directions. What was the fate of those young Poles? In many cases torture and death. This Jewish militia would help carry out the Soviet’s dirty work during their occupation. My family would fall victim to them.

  1011. @Anon

    Thank you my friend, some more information on the ((( The Jesuit Order )))

    The Jesuit Order in its founding was very much Jewish; all five of the founding members of the Jesuit order were Marrano Jews from Spain.

    One of the most devastating things to the notion that the Jesuits are at the top of this thing is the fact that more than a lot of the Jesuits are in fact Jewish. The Jesuit Order is in reality a Jewish Order masquerading as a Catholic one as a cover, so even if they were at the top it’s still a Jewish conspiracy.

    “We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry.” J. Nadal Morey
    “We Jesuits take pleasure in admitting those of Jewish ancestry.” – J. Nadal Morey
    An excellent resource documenting all the so called Jesuits who are really Jews turned Catholic, hence “crypto-Jews”, can be found at The Jesuit Order in its founding was very much Jewish. All five of its founding members were Marrano Jews (i.e. Jews masquerading as Christians).
    Ignatius Loyola – Founder of the Jesuit Order (JEW)
    Ignatius Loyola – Founder of the Jesuit Order (Jewish)
    Alfonso Salmeron – Jewish
    Alfonso Salmeron – Jewish
    Diego Lainez – Jewish
    Diego Lainez – Jewish
    Nicolas Bodadilla – Jewish
    Nicolas Bodadilla – Jewish
    Simao Rodriguez
    Simao Rodriguez – Jewish

    In his article Synagogue of Satan, John S. Torell states:

    “In 1491 San Ignacio De Loyola was born in the Basque province of Guipuzcoa, Spain. His parents were Marranos and at the time of his birth the family was very wealthy. As a young man he became a member of the Jewish Illuminati Order in Spain. As a cover for his crypto Jewish activities, he became very active as a Roman Catholic.”
    Marranos are Spanish Jews who outwardly converted to a different religion, often times Roman Catholic, in order to evade persecution and expulsion for their treacherous actions, while secretly maintaining the religion of Judaism as well as practicing the Cabbala (Jewish Mystisism).

    Furthermore, Loyola’s secretary, Polanco, was also of Jewish descent and was the only person present at Loyola’s deathbed. James Lainez who succeeded Loyola as the second Jesuit General was also of Jewish descent.(#) Add a after the (E) in Jesuits and what do you get? Jewsuits. A more fitting name.

    It’s quite funny how the promoters in the “Jesuits run it all” theories conveniently fail to mention these important facts and attempt to project the Jesuits as purely Roman Catholic. And these skumbags also have the audacity to call us “anti-Semites” while promoting blatantly anti-Catholic conspiracy theories with no facts in hand at all. The Jesuits themselves are crypto-Jews and so are the promoters in the Black Pope theories. The Jews disguise themselves as the religion of their enemies, continue with their treachery under this false guise, and then get everybody to blame their disguise for the world’s problems. Ingenious;jsessionid=dw7KAHiIEskTeL5P8r8Wfwpn.x-brill-live-02

  1012. Heros says:

    I usually like and agree with your comments, but I have a different opinion that this:

    “people do their Pavlovian, knee-jerk, pre-programmed response to the JQ, by automatically assuming that any criticism of what SOME Jews do, = into a cartoon-like assumption that it means you’re condemning ALL Jews.”

    Aside from the fact that we can merely glance at Palestine to confirm that jews don’t certainly follow these ideals. Instead they load Christians with guilt for “anti-semitism” and try to get them quibbling among themselves between “good jews” and “bad jews”.

    Sorry, I am not going to play along with their game. They have been torturing and sacrificing children for centuries, covering it up, and projecting their own perversity and guilt onto goys while programming them to blame themselves for “anti-semitism”.

    IMO, the only good jew is one who will fight for free speech for goyim, and that includes allowing active discussion of jew taboos in the Protocols, Talmud, Holohoax, Child Sacrifice, Satanism, 9/11, Media, Banking, Education, Medicine, Government, Jewish supremacism, and jewish racism.

    The number of jews alive today who are pushing for whites to have the right to discuss these matters would probably fit on one hand, and these ones likely would not care if we spoke of jews generically in these terms.

    Jews want to pretend that ZOG doesn’t exist. If jews refuse to wake up then I could care less if they are offended by being a jew while being called one.

    • Agree: Kolo
    • Replies: @Rurik
  1013. Talha says:
    @Them Guys

    Islamic muslims are both total enemys of whites and Christians period

    This doesn’t hold water. One can try to make a case about the Christian aspect (since the two religions are obvious competitors), but Islam is a universal religion, not an ethnicity – it doesn’t care about your race. Never has, never will. There are plenty of White Muslim people in Europe and converts trickling in everyday.


    • Replies: @Them Guys
    , @Them Guys
  1014. iffen says:

    White Privilege. Don’t leave your home country without it.

    • Replies: @Thomm
  1015. @OilcanFloyd

    I’m from Detroit, belly of the rust-belt. My ancestry is German Lutheran, through and through.

    When you come from the rust belt like me, there is not a great deal of patriotism. Nor does a Northerner like me sit around and complain about being subjected to Talmud Vision and how our city is turning into a Caribbean cesspool like Miami. We have the initiative to leave and usually possess the skill-set to get by abroad. Also, we are not from small towns like people in the South or the US interior so the adjustment to the cities of other countries is not a huge leap.

    You don’t get homesick for much when you are from Detroit. You’re glad to be out of an internal third world country and when you are a white prole like me.

    I tried to immigrate to Australia and New Zealand and even spent a few years in Canada, but moving to another English-speaking First World country is difficult. I settled for Asia.

    America offers nothing to a white prole like me.

    By the way, things got much worse after Bush was elected. I returned on business to Los Angeles for a single week in 2007 and thought it was so awful I hauled ass back overseas as soon as possible.

    Due to the fact that I would cross the street to avoid most posters on this site, that is as specific as I’ll get about where I live now.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @iffen
    , @jsm
    , @Anon
  1016. @Zeidner

    Jesus is a badly drawn cartoon character.

    So why do the Talmudists gets their shorts in a twist about him and claim that he’s boiling in a pot of hot excrement in the depths of Hell or something?

    Whether he existed or not, plenty of nutcases sure do a lot of crazy things to those who call themselves his followers, so your point is???

    BTW, did the G-d of Abraham ever exist except in the minds of psychopaths?

    • Replies: @L.K
  1017. Seraphim says:

    Frida Kahlo maintained that her father was of Hungarian Jewish descent. What a coincidence!

  1018. Heros says:

    For jews, happiness is genocide and enslavement of all Christians. The closer that whites and Christianity are to total genocide, the happier the jews are. Has anyone ever seen the dancing Israeli’s?

    But in typical jew fashion, they aren’t content with merely genociding all whites and christians, they get orgasmic pleasure in getting these goyim to unknowingly or “through persuaded” participate and enjoy their own genocide. Think of all these LGBT/Tranny/Feminist parades the jew media loves to wave under our noses. Laugh goyim, laugh, as we murder you and all your kind.

    What, you miserable goyim, your not dancing to your own funeral? Someone call the SPLC!

  1019. Heros says:
    @Them Guys

    “What will You answer kids and grand kids when they ask “Why didn’t You do something Grandpa and Grandma?”

    You’re way too late. Those generations are already mind controlled zombies covered in tattoos. My 8 year old Grand step son spent the week at an electronic music festival. His step mom and father have gotten into hand tattooing, and have a booth. He is there with two step sisters ages 10 and 12, running around a festival with sex, drugs and electronic mind control music taking place all around. What could go wrong.

    I told my son: “If he ever comes home with some kind of satanic tattoo I am disowning him”

    Here is a great blog about mkultra and its control of pop culture:

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1020. utu says:

    One thing I am sure of, and that is the West can continue to thwart the extremists who secretly long for transfers to make Greater Israel a Jewish state, or the West can halt immigration into the West–not both. Trump recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel perhaps indicates he intuitively understands what must be done to save the West.

    This is a very interesting comment. Why the alternative is exclusive? Can’t we both stop Israel expansion and immigration? What assurance do we have that if we let Israel expand the pro immigration dogs will be called off?

    • Replies: @Sean
  1021. Them Guys says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    It Was a tv commercial ad for holiday inn motels, I guess you need see one of the tv ads to see why I wrote it. Actually as I prior stated I was born and raised/lived in Detroit and surrounding areas like Dearborn, but mostly in detroit, until 43 yrs old….Then moved 200 miles north of Detroit and still in mich.

    I now live in small rural township with less than 2,000 residents in summer, less even in winter.

    On my own 10 acres with 99+% white folks here…and close to Zero crimes and NO serious rape or murders etc….Been up north since 1995, and I am 65 yrs old….So yes I do know a bit of info on Detroit and negro and jewry issues.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1022. @Echoes of History

    Notice that it was not the Inquisition which denied the heliocentric theory. The inquisitors realized that they lacked the knowledge to make this determination and went to what, at the time, were regarded as knowledgeable sources to obtain expert opinion. The USA’s current, lawless, arrogant, and clueless “judges” don’t do as well, see, e.g., Griggs v Duke Power. In that case a judge with no knowledge of psychometrics, a highly technical and well-developed field, nor the employment requirements of the electric power generating industry, decided to ignore expert testimony from professionals in both areas because he, in his ignorance, did not understand the outcomes produced by use of a valid and useful evaluation instrument.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1023. Rurik says:

    Thanks Geo

    You’re able to read between his Barbara Spectre lines very nicely!

    He is a perfect metaphor for all the duplicitous evil that he and his tribe desire to inflict on the world, and a good example to bring up on such a thread.

    ‘Endless wars fought for Israel by stupid goyim are great!

    ‘Even greater when millions of refugees from those zio-wars descend upon the West to destroy it too!’


    Judaic hatred on acid

  1024. iffen says:
    @Shaking My Dumb Head

    Would someone who went out of his way

    Good point.

    I would say yes, it is anti-Semitic. If you only listed the Jews, it would not be because they were blameworthy in the same sense as other groups would be blameworthy; the criterion is not blameworthiness.

    Analogous in the JQ sphere is singling Israel out by characteristics that it shares with many other nation states.

    Is compiling a list of prominent Jews anti-Semitic? Depends upon intended use of the list, right?

    • Replies: @annamaria
  1025. @Jeff Stryker

    When you come from the rust belt like me, there is not a great deal of patriotism. Nor does a Northerner like me sit around and complain about being subjected to Talmud Vision and how our city is turning into a Caribbean cesspool like Miami. We have the initiative to leave and usually possess the skill-set to get by abroad. Also, we are not from small towns like people in the South or the US interior so the adjustment to the cities of other countries is not a huge leap.

    I’m hardly waving the flag myself, so I don’t know what patriotism you speak of. I’m from a large city in the South that is overrun by transplants from places like Detroit, and I’d love to send them back home before their numbers turn my state into versions of what they fled. Otherwise, I never mentioned the Talmud. I don’t know what supposed skills you have that would make you valuable in another country, but, based on your posts in recent threads, your expertise isn’t in U.S. history, demographic trends or statistics.

    FWIW, Detroit is in the upper Midwest, and you don’t have to go that far outside of Detroit to be in small towns. Some areas of Michigan are pretty remote. It doesn’t seem like you know Michigan that well, either.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Anon
  1026. Rurik says:

    Thanks Heros,

    I also very much enjoy your profoundly insightful comments.

    The number of jews alive today who are pushing for whites to have the right to discuss these matters would probably fit on one hand,

    This too is correct, insofar as too few Jews seem to be willing to go against their tribe’s psychotic imperative that we targeted Gentiles must be blended out of existence and destroyed.

    But I still caution against any kind of blanket condemnation of ‘the Jews’.

    Please consider, the man who introduced me to the truth, with a kind of Red Pill, was none other than Benjamin Freedman. That speech, and my consequent journey to discover that what he said was all true, led me down the path to understanding the threat that some, (perhaps most) of these people are to the rest of us.

    Perhaps the best speech writer in modern times is Stephan Miller, who seems not only to want to save America from ((what)) threatens it, but also seems to have a genuine affection for what might be described as ‘Heritage America’. I suspect that he sees what his tribe (and the legions of virtue-signaling white shitlibs) is doing to places like San Francisco or Baltimore, and wonders at the wisdom of all of that.

    I just read a comment about the Jewish/Muslim occupation of Andalusia for so many cruel centuries, and am reminded that it was Torquemada (a Jew) who was the most determined to rout out disloyal Jews to Saint Isabella’s reign.

    Scores of thousands of loyal Jews fought for Hitler’s Germany during WWII. Would we condemn each and every one of them as disloyal? They walked the walk.

    I know quite a few Jews. Most of them prefer Obama to Trump, but then I also believe that most of them would come to my aid if I were being threated or harmed. All proscriptions against helping a Gentile (especially on the Sabbath) to the contrary.

    I don’t believe that there is anything intrinsically evil about being a member of the Jewish tribe.

    I put it down to their demonic narrative, that tells them they’re the only ones with souls, and that God put Gentiles here to serve them. This lunacy is hard to fathom, but indeed, these twisted shitheads believe it!

    So I suspect that is the fount of our misfortune, that all these privileged rabbis or Jewish supremacists at organizations like the ADL or SPLC simply get fantastically wealthy and powerful by maintaining this repulsive supremacist narrative. Also there seems to be no depraved depth of betrayal that Gentiles wont plumb to garner personal gain themselves.

    Think Woodrow Wilson or John McCain…

    would like to flesh this out further but gotta go..

    • Replies: @Heros
  1027. Them Guys says:

    Talha: I lived in Detroit and Dearborn Michigan, from birth until age of 43 yrs old. I knew many, many arabs and muslims while there. Yes there are always exceptions to the rule. However when folks claim where ever islam goes, sooner or later there goes the neighborhood, it has a validity to it. I remember when first few muslims moved into Dearborn mich. It was 100% white smaller sized city next to Detroit. For many years, 30+ yrs most every dearborn white person bragged of how swell a job their mayor who remained Mayor, Mayor Hubbard, was so good at keeping negroes out totally. And how arabs and muslims did such a better job at keeping neighborhood clean and mowed lawns etc same as whites do. Said by them once a few more arabs/muslims moved in.

    All seemed swell and good for a while too….Then before they knew it, Dearborn was overwhelmed and over taken by arab muslims. Now its a total arab muslim city and they have spread out Far beyond dearborn into most areas near and far. As Far out and away from dearborn as 30+ miles into Plymouth Mich and farther yet by now probably. I’m not sure now for it has been about 20 yrs since I visited those areas, and 15 yrs since I visited Detroit areas, and basically now my mom and dad are dead, you cannot Pay me to visit or drive thru detroit or surrounding areas period.


    1/2 my reasons to move 200 miles north of home in detroit region, was due to massive 24/7 rush hr traffic, far too many crimes etc etc. The Other 1/2 reason was I got to point I could Not even sit on my own Poarch without a .45 Cal weapon or at times a .357 revolver in my side holster or on a table next to my Right Hand incase I needed fast access to a gun for self defense. It got to where every time I seen another group of negro or arab “Yooots” (youths aka teens and early adults as said by tv news to hide fact its blacks). It got to where I began to consider to maybe, perhaps, get ball rolling and just Pop a few of them Kootchies! as in just whack a few next time they look sideways at me or spew their ebonic speak hatred at me for being white….So instead of ruin my life by wrong actions, I simply packed up and moved 200 miles away north…Now its back to 99+% whitey and zero or almost zero crimes, mainly teens up here break into hunters cabin and steal box cereal or old shotgun etc and make a mess then exit dwelling..Zero serious crimes here though. And total Peace of Mind too.

    No offence but most every place arabs and muslims have gone in these areas, has turned into a close resemblance to Negro infested Detroit has. Plus many maybe most arabs refuse to speak english, most every arab store or gas station has more arab language signs etc than even an arab could read in two lifetimes.

    And face facts. Americans never before and never would be very likely to adopt for their women to wear what looks like a black Tent down to ground with a tiny slit for eyes to peer out from.

    Maybe its a good arab or muslim custom and religious practice. But it sure aint american nor whitey type lifestyles. And Yes we whites are who founded and created and paid for this country, which basically was best nation in world when as a small kid untill early teen yrs I recall america being aprox 90% white….it Rocked back then. Now so many multicult races infiltrated usa its toast.

    And once this huge combo of negroes-arabs-mexicans-jews-and whatever else we now have here gets finished wrecking and ruining america soon….There wont be Any New whitey nation similar to prior usa was, for these type folks to invade next….Then what they going to do next eh?

    I will tell you what they will do….They will remain here in usa since no other nations left to wreck, and keep wrecking it worse untill america is akin to worst mid east yemin regions possible.

    Unless of course enough fed up whiteys act on it and change things a bit…I do not know what future holds?…But its still possible that whiteys aint going to keep putting up with it too much longer. At my age of 65 yrs old now, I just Hope the center holds and things if cannot get better at least remain no worse until I check out of life and am dead. I got zero kids or grandkids. So once gone…Oh well is all I can say.

    But if You Talha are honest as I do believe you to be on your replies etc, then you must admit that maybe a few muslims are whites and act more like other non muslim whiteys still…but Most are arabs/blacks and so unlike whites they may as well be an african negro detroit ghetto nation wrecker, because arabs have a long track record of causing problems every place large numbers go to live at.

    I personally never had any troubles with them when back in detroit and dearborn, but yes they sure did change the city and not for the better. And same as negroes, do not turn your back on black fits most arabs to a T also. They play same head games and lie like most negroes do.

    And I agree with the many scholors and Popes and various historians that over time have stated how in its 1,500 or so yrs since invented as a religion, wherever arabs and Islam goes, they most always end up doing huge violence and attempted take overs of nations and convert folks By Force, force tax paid to reject conversions etc etc…

    Maybe islam works swell for You, seems so based on your replies here. But If I was usa Boss man, no such islam muslim arab agendas would exist within america period. No negroes either If I were boss man of usa…and I care Not who agrees nor who likes that or is offended by it. Too bad and I rather have a return to 90% white usa and all what worked so good back then compared to now.

    I cannot ever trust any arab females when they walk around wearing a black Tent like outfit with only a slit for eyes to peer out from….Far as anybody can know, it may be a arab Male strapped with explosives making his grand exit to 72 sky virgins after hes done blowing up a hundred white folks…Nobody can blame me/us for thinking this way either after we seen it happen so often in other nations so far….and while yes always are exceptions, most whites, me too, do not desire any oportunities to have to determine which are them exceptions and which aint.

    Like many jews, arabs and muslims are a blood thirsty cult of Death and death follows both groups, jews+arabs/muslims every place they end up at. And no sense trying to convince or convert me since I seen enough of arabs in detroit and dearborn to last me ten lifetimes.

    Like I stated Talha, No offence to You intended by me, and also No thanks to Islam/Muslim/arabs, for my tastes or likes etc.

  1028. JSM says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    poster is an abject white prole whose never met 5 Jews in his Podunk city or region in his entire life and simply resents them as being the over-class in a society that has marginalized the white prole.

    Well, YOU are certainly doing your part to reassure us White Proles from Podunk that jews are good guys with our best interests at heart, ain’cha?

    (By the way, it’s my opinion that proper grammar includes capitalizing “White” and not “jews,” the exact opposite of how YOU do it. Since my bias is exactly opposite of YOURS.)

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @OilcanFloyd
  1029. @OilcanFloyd

    “Some areas are remote”

    Remote is the core word. It is difficult to simply move into remote areas because, depending upon your skill-set, you’re going to find no employment. Fine if you’re retired.

    “US history”

    You probably know nothing about the history of the Northern US either. Southerners like you all think of Britain as the mother country, to begin with. England is not the mother country of Italians, Polish, Germans and Irish-Catholics in the Northern United States. We don’t even share your ethnicity as fellow whites. Colonial era means nothing to us. We are not from England and we do not care about the UK like you Southerners who go on about the colonial era.

    Blacks became our problem in the 1930′s or so during the migrations Northwards. Recently the Latins have been flooding over your border. Our border is with Canada.


    Enough to get by.


    What are these. And if they are on the internet, I am dubious. If is vetted and in print, its a fact.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @jsm
    , @Svigor
  1030. Them Guys says:

    PS Talha: I forgot to mention that while you say Islam is a religion, well of course its true. However Islam, same as Talmudic jewry is, are Both a combo of religion AND Govnt.

    Islam when is achieves a large enough group size in a nation trys to use any and all methods to create the same type Combo Religious/Govenrment country ruled by the Koran book laws. Same as Talmudic jews do only jews prefer Talmudic Pharisee Judaism instead….BOTH desire and attempt to change nations into such a combo rulership govnt. And sorry to both jewry and islam muslims that just wont fly in America period. But it wont stop either from trying it here in usa. Which will create massive hostile troubles and with over half of America well armed to proverbial teeth, we better not ever go there eh…..However neither jews nor muslims should think most white americans aint going to fight against any form Talmudic or Islamic run govnt and Koran or Talmud rule laws.

    Please do not deny this is fact and true because we see it happening weekly when CAIR Arab muslims Org in usa goes on tv news shows and whines and crys of unfairness etc same as whiney jews always do. Who ever don’t like us whiteys or our basic American ways?…Leave and take them others with you if can. They aint going to turn usa into another France with 500 No Go cities and a million muslims screeching call to prayers a half dozen times per day beginning at 5-6 AM!

    It just wont fly here. Come to usa to change it to their version of what’s a good country?…No, aint gonna fly and that dog don’t bark neither.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1031. jsm says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I tried to immigrate to Australia and New Zealand and even spent a few years in Canada, but moving to another English-speaking First World country is difficult. I settled for Asia


    I returned on business to Los Angeles for a single week in 2007 and thought it was so awful I hauled ass back overseas as soon as possible.


    white prole like me

    Well, aren’t you just the cutest little Rootless Cosmopolitan (((white prole like me))).

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1032. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve noticed a lot of his references are way out of date. He claims he left the USA in his mid twenties in the mid 1990s. That means he was born around 1970.

    But so many of his references are older references, typical of people born in the 1940s and grew up when NYC still had substantial numbers of Irish & Italians. He keeps mentioning Jewish small business people and homeowners who were driven out by riots. But the Detroit riots occurred in the 196os.

    His references about worthless White southerners are from the 1950s 60s civil rights era.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1033. Them Guys says:

    Heros: Yes I am well aware of MKUltra cia programs. I have been online doing research on all these major issues for over 20 years now, 21 yrs IIRC. Sad story you related of grandkid eh. I have no kids and am glad at this point to have none. If we ever have to hit the streets running and gunning? I thank God I only will have myself to worry about then. Just remember as far as jews or negroes or mexicans (so far) we whiteys highly out number all of them other groups.

    So if a real nationwide SHTF events ever happens, we only need get a lucky shot once per every several Hundred lucky shots them others Must get. If we have 500 Bad Aim warriors, it still is okay since they must hit each of 500, we just need make one good solid hit and we win. Don’t desire to be in their shoes on that day if it arrives.

  1034. @JSM

    Answer me this.

    If Jews are so determined to destroy non-jews, why don’t they go after the German-Americans surrounding them in Queens, New York (Like Trump) or Palestinian-Americans who are also a sizable urban group in New York and Detroit? Both their historical enemies.

    What exactly are Jews doing that is so detrimental to rural or exurban whites but does not affect the Irish or Italians within proximity of the jews?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
  1035. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    The issue was Duke’s power requirement for a basic trainee job that applicants graduated from 6 th grade. Not high school, but 6 th grade.

  1036. @jsm

    “Rootless cosmopolitan”

    Where I was born was not worth a rat’s turd.

  1037. Anonymous[249] • Disclaimer says:

  1038. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    If you came to Los Angeles on business in Los Angeles you must have stayed in a hotel. So where was it? Usually companies book hotels near where employees will be working.

    Were you downtown? West Los Angeles? Woodland Hills? Van Nuys or elsewhere in the SF Valley? Century City? If you worked for an Asian company company you might have been in San Gabriel Valley towns miles from the city of Los Angeles. Mid Wilshire/ Korea Town is small retail businesses hospitals and medical clinics. Maybe you sold medical equipment?

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1039. @JSM

    Well, YOU are certainly doing your part to reassure us White Proles from Podunk that jews are good guys with our best interests at heart, ain’cha?

    “Stryker” is being deliberately provocative with his name calling, but his basic facts on just about everything are wrong. If he ever did live in the U.S., he doesn’t know much about life here, present or past.

    Of course, any Southerner knows that Jews have a long history in the South as more than just coastal merchants.

  1040. Weaver1 says:

    Mr. Unz,

    I respect how you seem to pursue truth, but I fear publishing this article breaks a societal taboo.

    • Replies: @L.K
    , @Heros
    , @bj
  1041. utu says:

    He is a troll just like Thomm. Anybody who tries to beef up his argument with his unverifiable biographical details while being anonymously on internet is an idiot and/or troll. Both him and Thomm have this negative “white trash” fetish/resentment which is highly unlikely among whites belonging to any stratum. This “white trash” trash talk by him and Thomm is deployed to offend.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1042. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Maybe your friends only used the internet for porn.

  1043. @Anon

    I stayed in a Motel 6 in the San Fernando Valley and I don’t sell medical supplies. At the time, I worked with a Dubai company that was doing business with an American guy.

    I was there for a week-

    The first day I went into a supermarket and it was entirely Hispanic. I got some genuine dirty looks in this supermarket, as if I was the foreigner.

    When I walked down the street, a black girl perhaps 16 was peddling ass on a curb (Sepulveda or near) and as I walked past she said “Motherf***er man”. I did not respond, kept moving. This I learned in Detroit.

    Later, I rode the bus and a black woman asked me to give her my seat. She was fat. I complied.

    My first observation was that the whites were all poor and homeless.


    When I woke up in the morning, a bunch of white tweakers including one woman, were tearing through the huge dumpster outside the hotel. Rooting for bottles, anything. They reminded me of the scavengers you see in those Sci-Fi films like Mad Max.

    A few other homeless whites on the bus bummed quarters off me. A white woman was on the street that night, a prostitute.

    One Mexican, a gay, approached me at the bus stop. He was not Indian. Probably a Castizo or white. He was an illegal immigrant who managed a restaurant. I was in my early 30′s then and reasonably attractive-a stocky Mark Wahlberg-type. He hit on me so badly I got off the bus.

    After I had done my business the last day, I was walking to the bus stop a final time and a large black young man-probably 6’3, 210-burst out of a store behind me and began screaming “you’re nothing but a bitch, I’m sick of your shit!” at me from behind. He would probably have attacked me, but I was able to mingle with the crowds boarding the bus. Still, he followed me right up to the point that I boarded the bus shouting “coward, come fight!”. The strange thing was, the guy acted like he knew me.

    That night, at a Mexican restaurant which admittedly served cheap huge portions, a young Mexican woman tried to pick me up. She was plain-looking, not ugly. She just started hitting on me. She told me she wasn’t a hooker and asked where I was staying.

    “I just want to have a baby,” she told me after a few minutes. She told me she was 19. I managed to disengage.

    FFS! Was this what America had come to? The strange thing was about the place is that the Asians, Hispanics were employed and the whites were derelict. But they were not the winos or crackheads you’d see in Detroit. The scary thing is that these whites were lucid and not drunk or stoned.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Anon
  1044. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Oh, please Queens is Asian now. The Germans and Jews moved out 60 70 years ago.

    You really don’t know anything about the US since about 1960 do you?

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1045. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Jewish attorney Esther Brown, plaintiff in Brown vs Topeka 1956 ( school integration ) and the other Jewish plaintiff’s counsel destroyed the entire public school system of Queens and the rest of NYC with school integration.

    Everybody of all ethnic groups and religions suffered when Jews integrated the public schools of NYC.

    Ask Mr.Google about Brownsville NYC schools 1968. That was when liberal Jewish attorneys used one of their numerous black power front groups to force Jewish school teachers and and administrators out of their jobs.

  1046. Talha says:
    @Them Guys

    No offence but most every place arabs and muslims have gone in these areas

    None taken. I don’t like Muslim youth acting like idiots any more than you do. The solution there is simple; 1) do not import them in and/or 2) do not put up with stupid, criminal behavior – punish harshly, rinse, repeat. If they are coming into the US and causing all sorts of crime and stupidity, ship them back. Maybe they need to stay in societies that have harsh rules if they can’t keep their act in gear.

    And face facts. Americans never before and never would be very likely to adopt for their women to wear what looks like a black Tent down to ground with a tiny slit for eyes to peer out from.

    Sure, no one is asking them to – that is a dress common to places like Yemen and Arabia. Westerners used to dress very modestly in the past, more modestly than many Muslims today:

    Both a combo of religion AND Govnt.

    Every religion did this until relatively recently – that was the norm. Christianity had zero problems being the state religion of multiple massive empires and kingdoms for the lion’s share of its history – religion only started taking a back seat for the last 300 years or so. Thus your argument singling out Islam doesn’t fly. Now, you might say that Islam still upholds that tradition while Christianity no longer does, which is fine.

    Islam when is achieves a large enough group size in a nation trys to use any and all methods

    It is not utilitarian – there are rules to how sovereignty is to be achieved if that is the desired goal.

    most white americans aint going to fight against any form Talmudic or Islamic run govnt and Koran

    Bro, if there is going to be a Shariah-run government in place in the US – you better believe; 1) that means a majority of Whites have already converted to Islam and 2) a bunch of White Muslims will be running the show. White people are the Quraysh of the West.

    Hell, I certainly don’t want a bunch of Pakistanis running it – why do you think my father brought us here?

    Who ever don’t like us whiteys or our basic American ways?

    You don’t. I hear White people complaining about how their society is going to crap all the time.

    But I agree, if people don’t like White people and think they are evil or need to be replaced, then they should simply leave Western countries.

    It just wont fly here.

    Look, that’s all good. I’m not a proponent of mass immigration. If you don’t want Muslims here or Muslims to possibly eventually take over the country (like Islam seems to wherever it goes), there are a few straight-forward solutions – all of them totally legal and require no violence:
    1) work to politically enact the same kinds of restrictions that non-Muslims have in Muslim lands (they can’t become president or serve certain high offices [like military], etc. – basically legally make us dhimmis)
    2) have any notions of our citizenship stripped and (possibly) removed from the country
    3) work to make us apostate or at least secular-minded (in which case these Muslim don’t breed much, if at all)
    4) out-breed us

    Come to usa to change it to their version of what’s a good country?

    I’m not here to change the USA into Pakistan or Morocco – that would be silly, frankly. I’m here to help it become a better version of itself. Now if you don’t like that, it’s fine, I’m certainly not offended – again four options above.


  1047. @utu

    The strange thing about that trip to San Fernando Valley was that it was not only Hispanic, which I would have expected, but also there were many Filipino stores.

    One funny aside-I walked past an office next to the American partner, same building. A girl was waiting outside and asked me if I was “coming on the shoot in Brazil?”. I said no, I was doing business down the hall.

    Only later did I realize the other office was a porn shoot. I was startled how upfront the porn industry was there. Everywhere there advertisements for “Bachelors needed as male talent”. The motel had a couple of girls with fake tit jobs that had no doubt come out to LA to do pornography. Sure, LA is the porn capitol of the world but I was amazed how open it was.

    As for the rest of the trip, it was horror story. A Mexican gay restaurant owner hit on me so badly I got off the bus.

    There was one older Jewish guy from back East who was spitting mad at Iranians, for some reason. He’d run a shoe repair shop and was retired.

    The girls hooking on the streets were all black and underage.

    And the homeless were all white. The Asians and Hispanics were, at least, employed.

    I’m not a troll and not an Indian. I’m what I say I am. An American of German Lutheran descent from a Detroit suburb.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1048. @Anon

    I’m not from NYC and was unaware of that.

    But Jews are not exactly out to destroy German-Americans or Palestinian immigrants. So why are they purportedly fixated on white rual and exurban Anglos?

    I was born in 1974 so I do not know much about America in 1960.

  1049. Talha says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    You need to get with Linh Dinh for a guest blog-post…


  1050. annamaria says:

    “Analogous in the JQ sphere is singling Israel out by characteristics that it shares with many other nation states.”
    — Was not it the Jewish States that has been declaring its very special – unique – characteristics such as “the most moral” and the “most victimized” and the “most persecuted” as well as the most righteous with respect to demanding the reparations from the genocided Germany and, currently, from the recovering Poland… The continuing demand for reparations happens in the context of supplying Ukranian neo-Nazi with arms by Israel.
    Should not Russia and Ukraine demand reparations from the homeland of Jewish Bolsheviks? The horrific GULAG had been created and run by the leading Jewish Bolsheviks. The Holodomor was organized and supervised by the leading Jewish Bolshevics.
    Also, there is no other nation-state that has been extracting from the US Treasury on a scale that is comparable to the extractions by the Jewish State.
    Another nasty fact is the assault on the First Amendment to protect Israel from any kind of criticism.
    The ziocons are foaming at their mouths when they hear the name Crimea. How about a referendum for Palestinians, the real Semitic people displaced by the motley crowds of quarreling religious fanatics and the economic migrants from the former USSR? (When having a choice, the migrants prefer Germany and the US — not the “promised land”). There is nothing decent about Moldovan thug (actually, a felon) Avi Lieberman and the progeny of Polish Mielkovsky (Bibi and his family). They — and thousands of others – are intruders and colonialists; some of them are of a terrorist kind.

  1051. Heros says:

    “Scores of thousands of loyal Jews fought for Hitler’s Germany during WWII. Would we condemn each and every one of them as disloyal? They walked the walk.

    I know quite a few Jews. Most of them prefer Obama to Trump, but then I also believe that most of them would come to my aid if I were being threated or harmed. All proscriptions against helping a Gentile (especially on the Sabbath) to the contrary.

    I don’t believe that there is anything intrinsically evil about being a member of the Jewish tribe.”

    For every jew that fought for Hitler, how many lied about the holohoax, how many are still profiting today, and how many participated the terrorizati0n and destruction of Palestine? The jews fighting for Germany knew pretty well what they were fighting for, and that was to protect Germany from ZOG, and I doubt they would have objected to the usage of jew as a moniker for that group of people terrorizing Christians and other goyim. But that isn’t the point.

    The problem is that jews got control of education systems, media, printing and now social media across the west, and now they control our language. “Anti-semite”, “racist”, “white nationalist”, “white supremacist” are just a few examples of weaponized vocabulary. Language and vocabulary are another battlespace where jews are waging secret war against Christians.

    While they have they weaponized their vocabulary, they have stripped us of our defensive language weapons and chased us from the entire language battlespace. If we cannot call them jews, zionists, cabalists, talmudists, communists or even kikes, heebs or yids, what can we call them? Only by their assumed fake Christian identity? We have lost the entire battle before it even started. The goyim have become shell shocked by centuries of “anti-semite” artillery barrages.

    I kind of see judaism as a satanic trilogy of communism, capitalism and zionism, tied together by a sect of child murdering psychopaths. At times they work against each other, but in a pinch its all hands on deck against the goyim because Christian holocausts can be so much fun, especially if you worship at the synogogue of satan. Even though Stalin had started purging some jews, when push came to shove it was all heebs in the world pulling against Germany and her Christian allies. Lenin had the support of communists, capitalists and zionists, but the easiest and most precise way to put it is “Lenin had the full support of “The Jews”“.

    For several years now I have become too fringe for most of my extended family and my old work colleagues. They don’t want to hear about the death of our people and our culture, and I don’t care about bread and circuses. Every once in a while I’ll send a ping in the form of some url, hoping for some signs of intelligence, but if I get a reply its only worth throwing in the trash. In short, there is no one my in life who would be offended by my use of “jew” whose opinion on this matter I think worthy of consideration.

    I understand that some good honest people have jewish friends who they respect. I cannot speak for this. Just like Hitler, I don’t want jews to be “eliminated”. I want them to fix this themselves very, very soon. Goyim cannot wait much longer. And guess what jews? the goyim now know.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Kolo
  1052. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    So you were way up north in the SF Valley. I have an idea of where you were. It’s fairly nasty compared to where I live.. but I live in a plus plus ultra area.

    Why did you have to take the bus????? Didn’t your Dubai company book a cheap rent a car??? Budget was doing $150. week plus refill gas & insurance then.

    What exactly were you selling installing or repairing in that neighborhood?

    And why did your Dubai employers book you into a motel 6????

    I’ve actually taken north south buses on Sepulveda and other streets that parallel the 405 freeway. I do it to avoid sitting in gridlock for 40 minutes waiting to get off at Sunset. Express buses really do save time.

    All I’ve ever seen in those busss were quiet sleepy hispanics on their way to work. Plus a few noisy blacks. Usually, I’m the only White.

    The White drug scene in Los Angeles is centered around Encino Malibu. Hollywood Hills Calabasas and other places where the wealthy entertainment biz people live.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1053. @Anon


    New York state still has the same number of whites of Italian and Irish origin. Where would they have gone?

    • Replies: @Anon
  1054. @Talha

    Shukiran (Thank you).

    Dubai was an exciting place for a young white guy in the 90′s and 2000′s.

    So I was in no huge hurry to leave.

  1055. hyperbola says:

    The Bronfmans got into the racist-supremacist business and bought American politicians to further their corruption.

    John McCain: A Closer Look at Evil (Part 2)

    The political genealogy of Arizona Senator John McCain is firmly rooted in jewish organized crime. Gus Greenbaum, an influential mobster, was close to Meyer Lansky in New York before going to work for the Chicago Outfit. In 1928, Greenbaum moved to Phoenix…..

    …. Marley prospered in the post-Prohibition era as a statewide distributor of liquor distilled by Canada’s fabled Bronfman bootlegging clan. According to Rumrunners and Prohibition, a popular History Channel account of the era: “During the 1920s, the Bronfmans made a bonanza in bootlegging. The company may have accounted for half of the illegal liquor crossing the border. Some claimed that Bronfman had a distribution deal for his booze with the infamous Jewish mobster Meyer Lansky….When Prohibition ended in 1933, it left a legacy of bloodshed, racketeering, and one of the wealthiest family dynasties in the world, the Bronfmans.” The Bronfmans used that fortune to found and fund the Zionist World Jewish Congress.

    In 1953, Jim Hensley was acquitted when prosecuted for falsifying tax records for Marley’s firm. William Rehnquist, his defense counsel, was appointed by Ronald Reagan as Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1986.

    By the mid-1950s, Jim Hensley controlled one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributorships, a franchise reportedly guided to him by a grateful Marley. By Hensley’s death in April 2000, Hensley & Co. was the nation’s fifth-largest wholesaler of beer with annual sales exceeding $200 million. His daughter Cindy remains the largest shareholder and chairman of the board.

    Two decades earlier Jim Hensley hired his son-in-law, John McCain, to manage public relations, a post he quickly vacated to run for Congress. A 1982 gift of $689,000 from a Hensley & Co. affiliate to Cindy McCain enabled the son-in-law to lend his campaign $167,000.

    A pre-nuptial agreement ensured that John McCain’s financial records would omit his wife’s fortune. By 2007, her annual income topped $6 million ($16,438 per day). By 2010, her stake in Hensley & Co. was valued at an estimated $200 million.

    Producing an Evil Doer

    McCain’s mob-saturated political pedigree ensured his assistance with the Savings and Loan fraud of the 1980s. That massive skimming operation was a warm-up for the far larger subprime mortgage fraud—in which McCain acquiesced…….

    • Replies: @Anon
  1056. @Anon

    I booked myself into the Motel and the American was an investor in a company I was working for/share partner of in Dubai.

    The following struck me about San Fernando-

    A) Porn production is totally out in the open. I thought it was something shot secretly and mob-controlled. But in the San Fernando Valley it was open as pizza joints in New Jersey. There were advertisements everywhere seeking “male talent”.

    B) The area was more Filipino and Asian than I would have thought. I assumed it was simply Hispanic.

    C) The whites I saw were mostly homeless and the meth addicts reminded me of the nomads in Mad Max, scavenging through dumpsters. I’d seen meth addicts in Phoenix of course. But the ones in San Fernando Valley were as far-gone as could be.

    D) Blacks were around and some were underage hookers. Way, way underage. Maybe 16 years old. They were so ugly it would have been like paying to screw a primate.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1057. @Talha


    Detroit Arabs are mostly Yemeni and Jordanians.

    Also, they are growing up in Detroit/Dears.

    This is not like growing up in Bahrain suburbs. They see things. Bad things.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1058. @Tyrion 2

    dante’s hell is also full of his old teachers, friends, and even some of his enemies are show with nobility, but a haughtiness that forbade them to repent. Consider the figure of Farinata, and his contempt for his tomb.

  1059. L.K says:

    Mr. Unz,

    I respect how you seem to pursue truth, but I fear publishing this article breaks a societal taboo.

    They should be broken.

  1060. Heros says:

    “breaks a jew taboo.”

    FIFY. Of course Weaver is talking about jewish ritual torture and murder of Christian children. My guess is that the SPLC and ADL KAPO have murdered many times more goyim for mentioning the jewish penchant for the blood of Christian infants, than they have Christian infants.

    One thing is certain, no matter how many thousands or millions of victims of jewish child sacrifice cover-ups that goyim may find, it will never, ever, ever be allowed to exceed the 6 million fake jewish victims of the holohoax.

  1061. L.K says:
    @jacques sheete

    One thing is for sure, Jacques, Ron Unz has really shaken the cage of this Zeidner and a bunch of other shills with his article…

    Good, I like that! :-)

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1062. L.K says:

    Mr. Unz, thank you for yet another great article.

  1063. Thomm says:

    But you are a defective subrace within whites. The genetic wastematter collects in this subrace in order to facilitate rapid removal. You are effectively the wastebasket, and thus have no business taking credit for what the rest of us do. The females of your subrace are the fat bluehaired feminists.

    Heh heh heh heh

    • Replies: @iffen
  1064. Anon[127] • Disclaimer says:
    @Them Guys

    That sounds almost Franciscan, even penitential… but you’re not giving up the unserious rapes and murders are you?

  1065. @Ron Unz

    Trying again to post the comment below…. please read beyond my initial gripe


    Ron, allow me please to take advantage of this latest of your fascinating American Pravda series to raise miscellaneous matters.

    1. I have always used smartphones much more than computers for commenting and have had no reason (apart from some typographical limitations) to do otherwise – until recently. I have lost quite a number of lengthy comments which simply wouldn’t allow publishing and, despite some of them remaining as draft replies – if not always to the right original comment – eventually several disappeared irrecoverably.  I wonder if this is associated with the frequent irritating immediate response to my seeking to open or a comment that has turned up in my Inbox.  This, apart from a long series of digits and letters as a last line after the word or code “RAY”, is what appears

    Checking your browser before accessing
    This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.

    Please allow up to 5 seconds…

    DDoS protection by Cloudflare

    **** *****
    “5 seconds” – I wish! If it actually doesn’t time out it is a lot longer than 5 seconds. (Admittedly it may be speed at my end that is the problem)

    **** *****

    2. Completely different and much more interesting…..

    I wonder if your sampling of the MSM or your conception of it is too narrow.  Having found that I can watch TV while spending 35 minutes on my exercise bike I can admit to indulging myself with some well made programs – usually on the History or National Geographic channels. 

    Just now I have finished watching “The American War on Drugs” which is the first, I think in a series which will get to Escobar, Medellin and cocaine later. This one started in Cuba in the late 50s and went little beyond Nixon’s announcement of the “war on drugs” a year before he was finished.  There are no holds barred in blaming the CIA for the huge rise in heroin smuggling and use from 1960 to 1970 approx.  and also for the Timothy Leary led madness with LSD, the CIA being shown to have got volunteers in Vietnam to test it in return for time out of action.  And just in case Nixon and his crew should get any credit the crackdown on drug trafficking and more possession was attributed to a real intention to hammer the politically left young, and blacks.

    Another example would be the programs I have seen on the Vietnam war (Ken Burns)  and on the Clinton presidency.  No doubt some of those who can’t live without the belief that only they can see the cover up would point to something missing but the disastrous mistakes over Vietnam in the 60s, including the deceptions (though Tonkin Gulf wasn’t quite as blatant a deception as commonly assumed: the word “unprovoked” is key) and the politics are not glossed over. My memory of the Clinton film focuses on how like Trump’s first year Clinton’s was as he showed how little the boy who knew how everything worked in Arkansas knew about DC.  It also pulls no punches when it speculates that Bill’s handing over the Healthcare reforms to be made such a mess of by Hillary was partly because he loved her mind but also probably because he owed her for putting up with Gennifer Flowers and the others.

    3. and BTW one failed post took up the question of what causes some traditions to persist and whether diagnosing the social, environmental and psychological causes of some decidedly non assimilationist views of Jews in various countries over the last 350 years might give useful clues as to how long Muslims are going to be a problem, which Muslims in which countries – and what can be done about it.

    Maybe useful for some. It may be that this wasn’t published because my wifi was slow but that switching to mobile data fixed it…..

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1066. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I was going to write that the North SF Valley was headquarters of the porn industry but I’m not really au courant.

    There are lots of Filipinos around good people. But I still wonder why your presumably wealthy Dubai employers booked you into a Motel 6 with no car rental in the middle of the porn industry????? I’m under the impression that the porn industry is located in the SF valley but not in the slums filled with homeless you described.

    How’d you get to that sleazy motel 25 miles north of LAX airport? Public bus? Airport shuttle? Did you arrive at nearby Burbank airport?
    Does Dubai manufacture restaurant dry cleaning cash registers and other equipment for small businesses?? Cheap watches toys dishes and jewelry for sale in cheap dollar stores in poor neighborhoods? I don’t think so.

    Using my deductive and investigation skills I wonder if you were in that neighborhood to buy porn DVD’s for resale in Dubai.

    A White man who left the US because of affirmative action discrimination against White men shouldn’t be sneering at other White men who are homeless because of affirmative action discrimination.

    Being a drunk and drug addict doesn’t cause homelessness. I’ve been in courtrooms after lunch where the judge can hardly sit upright because he got drunk at lunch. And the court reporter’s eyes are red because of the weed he smoked at lunch.

    And the prosecutor and defense attorney have snot dribbling because they used cocaine at lunch while they worked out the deal.

    Of course that’s in the out door lunatic asylum, Sodom on the Bay.

    Here in Los Angeles area the big drug use among Whites is entertainment biz people who are not homeless.

  1067. @Tyrion 2

    A nice summary last paragraph. By a couple of sideways leaps I get to recommending a marvellous read: (Prof) Stephen Greenblatt’s “The Swerve: How the World Became Modern”. The connecting memory was his noting that Thomas More in Utopia made it a capital offence to deny the existence of an afterlife. The reasoning was that the powerful could (?would) behave abominably if not threatened by judgment in the afterlife. (Of course even More may have been question begging. The kind of God invented or adapted by the ancient Hebrews doesn’t seem to have been a Moreish Christian magistrate).

    I wonder if Sheldon Adelson believes in an afterlife…

  1068. @Shaking My Dumb Head

    Actually there are scholarly sources to back that up. Your position is the same as most archaeologists. I personally disagree with it but you are in the majority on this one.

  1069. RW says:

    What you are suggesting may not be possible. To be human is to pick a side. And there will always be sides because there will always be contrasting opinions. Only people whose tempermant and functions in society set them apart are able to achieve this. Kindly doctors?

    • Replies: @AaronB
  1070. Kolo says:

    Couldn’t have said it better

  1071. Anon[417] • Disclaimer says:

    Didn’t the Bronfman and other Canadien distelleries just manufacture it and Americans pick it up and take it to America?

    What a bonanza, millions of people just across the border deprived of legal alcohol because of a Puritan revival.

    I’ve read the Prohibition enforcers were always harassing the Canadien government about the humongous amount of alcohol made in Canada during prohibition.

    The grape growers in California weren’t hurt much by prohibition. They just made a partially dehydrated thickened grape juice essence and sold it to the millions who made wine at home.

    The Hammer family who produced the infamous Armand were bootleggers. Drs and pharmacists. They produced some kind of ginger health tonic, grain alcohol infused with ginger sold only in pharmacies by prescription. They made millions in just a few years with their ginger tonic.

    Julius was one of the founders of the American Communist party and used his money for funding it. Son Armand helped his fellow tribesmen loot Russia for 20 years.
    Then he came home and looted American banks, committed massive financial fraud and became a great hero of the Beverly Hills West Los Angeles Jewish chauvinist community when he converted from athiest to Jew and even had a Bar Mitzvah in his 90s.

    Jews should be more careful about what they publish for all the world to see.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1072. Talha says:
    @Jeff Stryker



    Detroit Arabs are mostly Yemeni and Jordanians.

    I thought they were mostly Syrian/Lebanese (maybe that was just the part of Detroit I visited).

    They see things. Bad things.

    This is one thing that I wish did not happen; Muslim immigrant youth taking on the pathologies in ghetto culture. This is a very bad mix.

    The irony is that I have met plenty of African American converts that have expended a lot of effort to get out of that culture. Often having done many years in prison due to its influence.


    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1073. Thomm says:

    Heartiste confirms that Jews are 53% white and 100% Caucasian.

    He also confirms that Egyptians, Pakistanis, etc. are Caucasians.

    In the past, he confirmed that Roosh is white.

  1074. iffen says:

    and thus have no business taking credit for what the rest of us do

    It’s called free-riding, Thomm. We are just fulfilling our biological destiny by basking in the glory of your accomplishments.

    • LOL: Talha
  1075. Anonymous[379] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Ron, allow me please to take advantage of this latest of your fascinating American Pravda series to raise miscellaneous matters.

    Translation: fuck this important article and its comment thread. I want to use it for my geriatric, beyond-boring diary entry – July 20-th, 2018.

    Tits or GTFO.

  1076. iffen says:

    The irony is that I have met plenty of African American converts that have expended a lot of effort to get out of that culture.

    Any life-line in a storm, no?

    Psalm 57

    Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1077. Talha says:

    Any life-line in a storm, no?

    Well, there are two things; 1) they come from a Christian background which they feel failed to give them discipline to keep out of jail in the first place and 2) Islam is simply not seen as foreign in the African American community – it is simply an option. When I lived in Inglewood for a spell, I would get ‘salaam-salaykum’ed from random Black guys (which I know 100% were not Muslim) just walking down the street.

    Great quote!


    • Replies: @Talha
    , @iffen
    , @Anon
  1078. Talha says:

    Also, sorry for taking this thread off track – I had wanted to avoid doing that. I’ll try harder not to.





    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1079. iffen says:

    Islam is simply not seen as foreign in the African American community

    Maybe you can thank Wallace D. for this.

    they come from a Christian background which they feel failed

    There seems to be a lot of this about these days.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1080. Talha says:

    Wallace D.

    Big time – the man had a huge impact on Islam in America – possibly more than any other single person except Malcolm X (who Imam Warith Deen [ra] took inspiration from).


  1081. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The Whites moved to the suburbs except for the very rich and young unmarried hipster new comers.

  1082. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    The black Muslims are a total failure except in the state prison system. The Muslims control the black prison population.

    Most American black Muslims were converted in prison. It isn’t benign conversions or even the historic conversions to avoid taxes.

    It’s more like ; if you are black and want to survive prison better become a Muslim.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1083. Talha says:

    I don’t know why we should take your opinion as fact. The Black Muslims I knew seemed to be doing better than the general Black population in their area; they had stable families, less worries with drugs, etc.

    They convert in prison because they are cut off from the world and their negative environment and have time to reflect on their lives.

    And yes, Islam provides a brotherhood to help you survive prison – why should conversion put you at a disadvantage?

    I don’t want to further take the thread off track so people can just listen to the reasons themselves:


  1084. @Them Guys

    A few years ago the UN had designated Israel as number one in the world for human slavery and sex trafficking.

    Ironic when you see Hollywood’s Jewish celebrities jumping on the ‘let’s do something about sex trafficking’ bandwagon and the first thing they do is fly off to southeast Asia or eastern Europe with a camera crew in tow.

    None of them, of course, ever point to Israel.

    • Agree: Them Guys
  1085. Seraphim says:
    @Them Guys

    Jews allied themselves with the Mahomedan heresy against Christians from the very beginning of that heresy, largely inspired by them. Two accounts of contemporaries, the Armenians Ghewond and Sebeos, described their collusion.

    Ghewond Armenian History:


    “As long as the God-crowned Heraclius was living, [the Arabs] did not dare to conduct raids against Judaea, because [Heraclius'] reputation for bravery was widespread, and he terrified them. Thus [Heraclius] held the rule of Judaea and Asorestan[Syria] until the end of his life.
    Once Heraclius’ son [Constantine III, 613-641] had come to rule in his father’s stead, the Lord awakened the spirits of malevolent men so that through them the blood of Christians would be shed in vengeance, because we had sinned before the Lord God. [The Arabs] began to form brigades and mass troops against Constantine’s realm, against Judaea and Asorestan, having for support the command of their law-giver, that sower of darnel, to “Go against the countries and put them under your rule, for the plenty of the world has been given to us for our enjoyment. Eat the meat of the select ones of the countries, and drink the blood of the mighty.” The Jews were their supporters and leaders, having gone to the camp at Madiam and told them: “God promised Abraham that He would deliver up the inhabitants of the world in service [to him]; and we are his heirs and sons of the patriarch. Because of our wickedness, God became disgusted with us and lifted the scepter of kingship from us, subjecting us to the servitude of slavery. But you, too, are children of Abraham and sons of the patriarch. Arise with us and save us from service to the emperor of the Byzantines, and together we shall hold our realm.” [The Arabs] were encouraged further hearing this, and went against Judaea.”

    Sebeos, Bishop of the Bagratunis (written in the 660s, i.e. within a single generation of Muhammad himself, and, according to the author, based on eye-witness accounts.)

    “I shall discuss the [line of the] son of Abraham: not the one [born] of a free [woman], but the one born of a serving maid, about whom the quotation from Scripture was fully and truthfully fulfilled, “His hands will be at everyone, and everyone will have their hands at him” [Genesis 16. 11,12].Twelve peoples representing all the tribes of the Jews assembled at the city of Edessa. When they saw that the Persian troops had departed leaving the city in peace, they closed the gates and fortified themselves. They refused entry to troops of the Roman lordship. Thus Heraclius, emperor of the Byzantines, gave the order to besiege it. When the Jews realized that they could not militarily resist him, they promised to make peace. Opening the city gates, they went before him, and Heraclius ordered that they should go and stay in their own place. So they departed, taking the road through the desert to Tachkastan Arabia to the sons of Ishmael. The Jews called the Arabs to their aid and familiarized them with the relationship they had through the books of the Old Testament. Although the Arabs were convinced of their close relationship, they were unable to get a consensus from their multitude, for they were divided from each other by religion. In that period a certain one of them, a man of the sons of Ishmael named Mahmed, became prominent. A sermon about the Way of Truth, supposedly at God’s command, was revealed to them, and Mahmed taught them to recognize the God of Abraham, especially since he was informed and knowledgeable about Mosaic history. Because the command had come from on High, he ordered them all to assemble together and to unite in faith. Abandoning the reverence of vain things, they turned toward the living God, who had appeared to their father–Abraham. Mahmed legislated that they were not to eat carrion, not to drink wine, not to speak falsehoods, and not to commit adultery. He said: “God promised that country to Abraham and to his son after him, for eternity. And what had been promised was fulfilled during that time when God loved Israel. Now, however, you are the sons of Abraham, and God shall fulfill the promise made to Abraham and his son on you. Only love the God of Abraham, and go and take the country which God gave to your father Abraham. No one can successfully resist you in war, since God is with you.”

    Jewish historians described with relish the “Golden Age for the Jews, as more opportunities became available to them”, “due to the attitude of tolerance of their Abrahamic brothers which led to Jewish integration into Arab-Islamic society”. (“For example, the vizier of Baghdad entrusted his capital to Jewish bankers, Jews were put in charge of certain parts of maritime and slave trade, and Siraf, the principal port of the caliphate in the 10th century, had a Jewish governor”). As well as peddling the myth of the ‘Golden Age’ of Al-Andalus. As well as the hyperinflation of the ‘Muslim-Jewish’ intellectual contribution to the Renaissance.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1086. @Echoes of History

    formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture

    I wasn’t expecting a post about the Inquisition on a thread about Judaism.

    Would that Holy Scripture be the Old Testament? Ironic on a thread titled “Oddities of the Jewish Religion”.

    SAT analogy question:

    Old Testament and Talmud = Holy Scripture
    Rabbinical Court = Inquisition
    Rabbis in black garments = Priests in black garments
    Acts of Jews in the name of religion = Acts of Catholics in the name of religion
    Thread titled: “Oddities of the Jewish Religion” = “Oddities of the Catholic Religion”
    Ron Unz = you
    Anti Semite and literally Hitler = _____________________

  1087. @Shaking My Dumb Head

    The more cowardly among you hide behind pseudonyms

    Touché, Mr. Dumb Head.

    Speaking of people changing their names because people wouldn’t hire them if they used their real ones…

  1088. @Talha


    “Wish that did not happen”

    Be realistic about the child of immigrants who run a gas station in downtown Detroit.

    Its the same with Gujarati young women who turn to prostitution because they’ve grown up in their family hotel which essentially caters to local prostitutes and their sleazy clients. By age 20, their moral boundaries are blurred; the American prostitutes are the only companionship cleaning rooms and changing sheets and they learn about quick cash. A few grow up to be call girls.

    These are victims of geography.

    I would not say that the Arab-Americans living in Detroit are the wealthiest or most educated people of the Arab world, either. They are not Saudi venture capitalists or Egyptian doctors of the Detroit suburbs.

    “Syrian and Lebanese”

    To me Syrians and Lebanese are Mediterraneans, like Greeks or Sicilians. Not Arabic. Nor does an Arab have anything to do with a Farsi.

    At any rate, they are becoming multi-ethnic like White Americans are part-Irish, part-German, part Czech-Mom is Palestinian and Dad is half-Iraqi and half-Yemeni.

    Remember that Arab-Americans have been IN Michigan since the late 1900′s and early 20th century-they were there when the big wave of Polish and Germans arrived in 1910-1920.

  1089. @Talha


    Let me be clear. Arab-American youth in Detroit are NOT petty thugs who commit random vicious crime. They are just real tough, because being a shopkeeper in the ghetto hardens a person.

    Arab men do possess a degree of machismo-they are not going to let blacks push them around for no reason or insult them unprovoked and are unafraid to stand their ground.

    That is different from stealing cars or sell crack cocaine.

    The criminal Muslim element in Detroit would be the Albanian kids, the “white” Muslims.

  1090. @Talha


    Jews have not stood in the way of Arab success in the United States.

    A few very radical Jewish thugs have planted bombs in mosques (And been sentenced to prison for it like members of the Jewish Defense League, by Jewish judges and prosecutors themselves).

    But by and large, Jews in New York have not tried to sabotage Palestinian emigres.

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Art
  1091. @Bardon Kaldian

    The point is, its all a bunch of stories made up by the antisemitic peasants of the middle ages, until they get their own country and then it’s “yeah, a Jewish patriot tried to poison the water supply to kill Germans, the blood of Israel will be avenged!” And then award him the Israel Prize for literature.

    And to top it off they made a polka song about it:
    Six Million Germans / Nakam []

    Daniel Kahn & The Painted Bird Nakam (6,000,000 Germans) Lyrics

    They formed a band of forty strong
    To straighten out what had been wrong
    They chose to poison water mains
    Just as the Jews of old were blamed

    In Nuremberg and Hamburg town
    Their agents worked the underground
    They took up jobs by the riverside
    And waited for the poison to arrive

    And Kovner went to Tel Aviv
    To see what help he could receive
    But the Haganah did not agree
    To join in his conspiracy

    So Abba Kovner headed back
    With viles of poison in his sack
    Upon an English navy ship

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  1092. @Talha

    [It's not good practice to post such a huge number of totally off-topic comments. If you just want to endlessly ramble about your personal background, maybe you would be happier at a different website.]

    When I moved to Dubai, I was invited to one party and my friend told me that the Turkish guy living there was a huge cocaine user and some Qatari stewardesses also going to be doing drugs. So I declined to go there. End of story.

    There are addicts everywhere and that is a grown person’s choice, but Qatar coke addicts or Turkish hashish lovers in Dubai won’t pick up a gun and go kill someone to get more drugs.

    Nor are Dubai drug users pushing drugs in the street aggressively, like blacks or Mexicans in the United States do. I don’t care what they do.

    In Dubai the same is true of prostitution. There thousands of men and women of every nationality who prostitute themselves in Dubai-some are Filipino male busboys and some are Russian female doctors; nobody is immune to the almighty Rial.

    But…IT IS NOT IN YOUR FACE like it is in parts of Detroit or Phoenix where the gays and women doing it are so aggressive on the street about it that businesses lose money.

    Do you see what I mean?

    A US black who converted to Islam and learned Arabic and moved to Dubai-is better off. His kids will go to some clean and decent International school. There won’t be gangs, drugs etc.

    In the US cities, it is hard for lower-income people (And I was one of them, to get away from these things).

    Better-off whites in the suburbs or will scoff at this and say people like me deserve to be lower income for not “working hard enough”. And if we are robbed at a bus station or the black crackhead next door shoots us, it is because we were “losers” who could did not earn a salary sufficient for a nice neighborhood.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Talha
  1093. Talha says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I know – I was just joking around with that post since this thread is really about Jews and their doctrines.


    • Replies: @RobinG
  1094. Mr. Anon says:

    You have nothing in common with successful whites like me. Stop trying to mooch off of us.

    I didn’t know that the term “successful” was synonymous with “stupid a**hole”.

  1095. @Jeff Stryker


    Thank you for the warning and I will keep my posts relevant and on-topic in the future. My apologies for wasting the time of my fellow posters.

  1096. Art says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    But by and large, Jews in New York have not tried to sabotage Palestinian emigres.

    By and large those NY Jews on this very day, are politically foursquare behind Netanyahu killing Gaza Palestinians with US planes and US bombs. (They gave the fascist Netanyahu those planes and bombs.)

    Think peace — Do No Harm — Art

  1097. Them Guys says:

    Seraphim: Thank you for the great info reply! I never before read that stuff. It’s just too bad most of todays usa christians are so apostate brainwashed with and by jewish additives. They simply refuse all types of knowledge such as what you provided here. Try to tell them fools of the ongoing since day one collusions between jews and muslims against Christians, and the main response you get back is to get called vile Nazi or jew hater anti-Semite. I printed a bunch of one page flyers with tons of bullet-points of info about Talmudic Judaism etc. And how soviet Bolsheviks were run mainly by jews at top segments and offices. Plus more solid proof infos as to why jewdeo Christians are an huge oxymoronic agenda or belief, and also many reasons they need to drop the jew part and be a real Christian only.

    I took those flyers when I went to many various Michigan based pro gun orgs and shooting range clubs, back in 1998-99 when we in mich were trying to finally get enough state reps and senators on board to pass a CCW Lic to carry concealed handgun bill, after fighting for it and being promised it for over a dozen yrs!…We did get it finally passed in 2000, yet, as far as the flyers infos and me trying to get more of them folks jewized up….Forget that!…Every place I handed out flyers, I got called a evil Nazi jew hater, a racist, and basically at times phys threatened if I do not leave fast.

    Many were also libertarians and its when I really learned from them how goofy some of their ideas are. Like open borders for all to enter usa at will, a total lack of compassion for others with less funds etc even if due to issues not of own making. Just a bunch of ideas that sound okay at first, until you ponder it deeper and realize how goofy their plans are for policies and politics. Some was good. Alot was not so good. No wonder after 40 yrs libertarians aint got hardly anybody ever elected but for a few political seats here or there.

    And as I stated as far as get them jewized up goes?…Waste of my time. Thats last I had to do with that crowd. Glad we worked to get ccw’s or as some calls it cpl’s, passed since I been packing concealed since I was age 15 yrs old in detroit. Better to be 100% legal with state issued ccw lic eh. 5 year mich felony if caught without ccw lic…Yes I fully agree the 2nd amendt should be the Only “lic” we need for carrying guns concealed or openly, which open carry has always been legal in mich but for a small few places….However in todays america it matters not what should be but how its being enforced, and I know several guys ended up in Jackson State Pen prison for 2.5 to 5 yrs felony carry a gun without ccw lic…

    Anyways thanks again for the great informative info. Them Guys

  1098. RobinG says:


    Has it occurred to you that Stryker may be making up most of his anecdotes? Maybe there’s a thin thread of truth, but there’s a heap of inconsistencies, and then stupid suggestions. [Like, how many Black guys from Detroit can afford to move to Dubai?]

    I know you’re always trying to be conciliatory, but you gotta develop a nose for a con.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Talha
  1099. @Hippopotamusdrome

    I know of this disgusting episode. But, it happened after WW2, when knowledge of microbiology & possibility of mass poisoning was advanced & possible.

    During medieval times, there was absolutely impossible to cause plague by “poisoning the well”. This is a myth. This is bullshit. It never happened.

    Biological warfare, especially plague, was in these times limited to various armies, especially Mongols who had been known to catapult corpses of those who had died from the plague, into besieged cities. Otherwise, there was no knowledge & possibility to induce an epidemics.

  1100. Anon[127] • Disclaimer says:

    Thank you for making sure the delusions of the hyperbolas and Arts don’t stand totally uncorrected in case some young newcomer to UR should actually believe stuff that he would have to unlearn to become fit for civilised educated company. The nonsense about Rothschild influence is pretty standard fare but the idea that the Lord Mayor of London is a Rothschild nominee and, equally, that his opinion matters to the UK government is so totally barmy that one would be interested in some consultant psychologist or psychiatrist to UR explaining how the perpetrators’ brains work.

    • Replies: @Art
  1101. utu says:

    Talha does not care. Any opportunity to proselytize the religion of peace is good. Even via compulsive liar like the Stryker troll.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  1102. MQ says:

    wow, Ron, you have seriously gone off the anti-semitic deep end in this column. It touches all the bases, Hitler was a nice guy, the blood libel, etc. It’s sad to see honestly.

    This almost feels like it could be a psy-op of some kind — first republish all kinds of dissenting voices on this site, then put up something like this from the site’s founder and owner, then ever after this will be linked/quoted to discredit anyone who has published anything on this site. And it will be used that way, just watch. You can’t get much better than “published on a site whose owner has stated that he believes Jews drink the blood of Christian babies…”

    • Replies: @Heros
    , @Art
    , @Anonymous
  1103. @Rurik

    I’ve sworn off popcorn but may make an exception for this drama:

    Zuckerberg’s Holocaust faux pas reveals a bigger problem
    The Washington Post

    “Zuckerberg is under criticism for saying though he finds Holocaust denial “deeply offensive,” such content should not be banned from Facebook. . . . “I’m Jewish,” the Facebook chief executive said to Recode’s Kara Swisher. . . “and there’s a set of people who deny the Holocaust happened. I find that deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong, but…it’s hard to impugn intent and to understand the intent.” “

    ["I'm Jewish." Is reality, facts, evidence, logic different if one is Jewish?]

    2. in response to which:
    Here’s what Facebook employees were saying about Holocaust denial … in 2009

    ” . . .And here’s Ezra Callahan, who was then on the PR team:
    You do not combat ignorance by trying to cover up that ignorance exists. You confront it head on.”

    [Is Callahan saying 'holocaust denial' is ignorance or not to 'deny' the holocaust is ignorant?]

    3. whereupon Zuck’s sister felt compelled to opine:
    Zuckerberg’s sister: Banning Holocaust deniers won’t ‘make them go away’

    ““I don’t want to live in a world where Holocaust deniers are given a voice and I think we absolutely need to be having a debate at a national level on whether they deserve a place on any platform at all,” Randi Zuckerberg said.”

    ["I think we absolutely need to be having a debate at a national level on whether they deserve a place on any platform at all.”
    BRING IT ON! Sign into, Randi sweetie.]

  1104. @L.K

    I like it too, especially since they often express glee at “hitting our nerves.”

    I posted the comment you responded to several hours ago and have not received a reply to my question, nor do I expect one, especially one that has a shred of rationality to it.

    We are in thrall to several sects of crackpots and I wish I had the answer if there is one.

  1105. anonYmous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    Having hair dyed blue is expensive.

    Fat old feminists, especially if poor, do diy dye jobs which usually end up some version of orange.

  1106. Seraphim says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    You try to drown the specific occurrences of the ‘Black Death’, the plague which plagued Europe between 1348-49, into the generalizing blabber that ‘it was impossible during the medieval times’ to do such and such. The usual tactic of denying that a specific crime committed by a Jew couldn’t have been committed because the Jewish Law forbids it! It is a tactic used be defense lawyers to discredit the witnesses and turning the tables against the prosecution accusing it of bias, hatred, prejudice, you name it.
    The accusations of poisoning wells have been documented. The first accusations against Jews poisoning wells appeared in Spain by the end of 1348 and were related specifically to Jewish conspiring with the Muslims to overthrow Christianity and to the undying hatred of Jews against Christians and they spread rapidly to the rest of Europe. The accusation was specific, the poison was provided by the Rabbi Pyret from Toledo and it was received from outside Christendom and it was specifically described as derived from basilisk (poison obtained from serpent venom).
    Interestingly, documents of trials in Savoy reveled that many of the accused of poisoning wells acted because they have been paid. In the time of the so-called Shepherds’ Crusade of 1320 [a popular crusading movement in northern France aimed to help the Reconquista of Iberia] Jews were specifically accused that they motivated Lepers to poison wells in Spain and France ‘at the orders of the Sultan of Granada… and the Sultan of Babylon’ in order to have the ‘city of Jerusalem returned to them’! One should notice that Christians have been accused as well in Savoy, a hotbed of the Judaizing sect of the Waldensians (Vaudois) as well as home of a large number of Jews expelled from France in 1322-23.

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  1107. Talha says:

    I’m a lost cause, save yourselves! ;)


  1108. @Talha

    You need to get with Linh Dinh for a guest blog-post…

    The same thought occurred to me.

  1109. Talha says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Thanks for the details on Detroit and Dubai. I tend to agree with some of your statements and not so much with some. But again, this is thread for a specific topic so maybe we can discuss on another open thread in the future.


  1110. @Anon

    Thanks for that info. I know none of the specifics, except that “Armand” traded with the “enemy” (supposedly pencils or the like) and your claims do fit a common pattern.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  1111. Anon[161] • Disclaimer says:

    Comments from #1001 up display as #(N – 1000) where N is the correct figure.

  1112. Heros says:

    “You can’t get much better than “published on a site whose owner has stated that he believes Jews drink the blood of Christian babies…”

    The yids are kvetching themselves into a frenzy of Unz Derangement Syndrome, as clearly this statement is completely stuffed with jewish straw gollum. Unz said “High Likelyhood” IIRC, he didn’t mention drinking childrens blood and he certainly didn’t say that they were drinking it today.

    What I find interesting from the comment is the threat of ostracization by, one must assume, kosher writers who will not discuss the jew taboo.

    If MQ wasn’t such a typical racial supremacist, he would realize that Unz has become a hangout for writers who have been banished by the kosher sites, like John Derbyshire, who was banned from virtually all conservative sites for mentioning how africans are so violent. Other ones not willing to discuss the JQ, like say Fred Reed don’t really matter, and I’ll bet there are plenty of new authors willing to help plumb the depth of these new truths revealed by Ron Unz. I can’t believe Sailer would bail on Unz because of jews flinging spittle either.

    MQ is way off of target with this threat, and besides what is the upside for both authors and readers by posting on one of the only sites not only willing to discuss the truth, but actually revealing important truths long covered up by a malicious tribe of sadists.

    Finally, I will mention that there is no doubt that jews tortured and sacrificed Christian children. And there is no doubt that they murdered and committed horrendous additional crimes to cover it up, and likely more to cover up the cover up. The important point here, is that even if in all of history only one Christian child died at the hands of jews performing rituals, that would be infinitely more than died in gas chambers, steam chambers, buried alive, or thrown in firey pits at Auschwitz.

    • Agree: Them Guys
  1113. Sean says:

    The expansion has already stopped, because Israel already has too many crazy Arabs inside the border of the 1967 expansion. It’s an internal colonisation problem of settlements and removing minorities. Arabs within the walls of Israel are too numerous for them to be given full rights and the country to still be a Jewish one, but there is no appetite to give Arabs the West Bank. The current suspended status of the peace process in which Israel only wants peace and will give back much “occupied territories” that Israel quite clearly intends to keep all of cannot go on for ever. The border demostrators that israel is killing, and using airstrikes to disrupt are only going to get worse. So they are looking for a way out.
    David Ben Gurion. …. Living in New York he and a friend—Yitzhak Ben Tzi, who later became Israel’s first president—spent some of their time writing a book about Eretz Israel. It was meant to show that, contrary to the views of many, the country was sufficiently large and fertile to serve as the Jewish homeland. Also that the Arabs—no one yet spoke of Palestinians—living in it were, in reality, the descendants of the ancient Jews and could therefore be converted back to Judaism. Whether this claim was seriously meant is hard to say.[...]

    ….an article about the future he wrote for Look Magazine in 1961. The Cold War would come to an end. Russia would become social-democratic. Europe would be united. Armed forces would be dissolved and replaced by a sort of global police force. There would be an international court based in Jerusalem. Science, particularly brain science, would make tremendous strides. Energy would be nuclear-based and so plentiful as to make interplanetary voyages possible. There would be a sort of injection enabling blacks to become white and whites, to become black (why anyone would want to do the latter is not clear); that way, the racial problem in the USA would finally be solved. Average life expectancy would rise to almost 100 years.

    Ben Gurion refused to utter Menachem Begin’s name but it is his integral nationalist vision and the military Zionism of Ze’ev “Rifle Practice” Jabotinsky that won out.

    Socialism as the other side of the Zionist coin internationalism that Israel was set up with is gone, the recent state for Jews bill passes in the Knesset shows most Israelis realise they are just a nation of a particular people with their own state in a world of other peoples’ nation-states (as Avraham Stern leader of Lehi, who proposed an alliance with Nazi Germany, understood from the begining).

    The only remaining military deterrent to transfer is Iran, which the Saudis fear and hate even more now than they did before. An American war against Iran would take in Iranian bases in Lebanon and Syria and the chaos and confusion would provide cover for expulsion , especially as it would be a massive provocation to West Bank Arabs . Once they transfer the bulk of the West Bank Arabs to Jordan (the country that those people already get passports from by the way) Israel will be castigated as having gone Nazi. The Israel Lobby always has first call on all Jews who want to be respected in their community (almost all of them), so the defence of Israel will distract the Diaspora Jews, even the quite liberal or leftie ones, from being pro-immigration. Trump has already shown Israel he is their friend by moving the embassy. Destroying Iran will be next, and then Israel will know what to do. Israel’s victory in 1967 made American Jews less tolerant of the American left’s Third World causes. Benny Morris now says in retrospect failure to expel the Arab population of West bank in 1967 was a serious error, a demographic correction will be another six day war, and set Diaspora against the pro Third World left, which will be much less Jewish and much less formidable .

    • Replies: @utu
  1114. @Seraphim

    This is complete nonsense. By citing those bizarre sources, you’ve just shown how preposterous those claims were. They are of the same “weight” as are numerous “testimonials” including witches during renaissance & Reformation.

    There are no claims about Jewish “poisoning of the wells” in the early medieval times; no in eastern Christian lands; no in Islamic lands; … Evidently, those claims coincided with religious hysteria following Crusades & black death.

    So, this whole stuff is just a myth, nothing more. There is no way for a rational person to accept that Jews of any era prior to the 20th C could have even imagined to provoke plague. To believe this means to be a certified lunatic.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Art
    , @Seraphim
  1115. mcohen says:

    Long live the good Jew,
    from the Lord’s table who threw,
    a bone he must chew.
    To carry water to the tree in eden,
    on a path well worn and beaten,
    so the fruit of knowledge may be eaten.
    So tarry not on the road to hell,
    with your insult and mocking bell,
    nothing will grow from a poisoned well.

    Mcohen 2018

  1116. utu says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    There is no way for a rational person to accept that Jews of any era prior to the 20th C could have even imagined to provoke plague.

    Chemical and Biological Warfare in Antiquity

    In antiquity, naturally occurring toxins were exploited to wage primitive and relatively sophisticated forms of chemical and biological warfare. A wide array of poisonous plants, venomous insects and reptiles, pathogens, and toxic chemicals were weaponized in ancient Europe, the Mediterranean, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, India, China, and North and South America. Evidence for the concept and practice of toxic warfare can be traced back to thousands of years, to the Hittites of Asia Minor. Such tactics and weapons did not require a scientific understanding of toxicology, epidemiology, or chemistry, or depend on advanced technology: they arose from observation and experimentation with easily available toxic substances. Attacking an enemy’s biological vulnerabilities with secret toxic agents could be advantageous when facing armies with superior numbers, bravery, skills, or technology. Yet the use of chemical and biological weapons also raised practical and moral dilemmas in ancient cultures.

    Since ancient times, biological weapons have been part of man’s arsenal

    And though diseases were not well-understood, ancient battlers did recognize ways to encourage illness. Scythian archers dipped arrows in blood and manure or in decomposing bodies, for example. Others dropped dead bodies into water wells or catapulted decomposing, plague-infected corpses over battlements. According to memoirs, the Tartar army pelted a Genoese outpost at Kaffa in the Ukraine with infected bodies, and fleeing Italians took the plague back with them to the Mediterranean area, setting off the Black Death.
    Biowar in Ancient Times
    Not only in sieges, but also in civil wars and in conflicts with exotic “uncivilized” cultures, whole populations are demonized, and traditional constraints on vicious weapons and total war are set aside. Holy wars (such as in the Greek Sacred War against Kirrha in 590 BC when the first docu- mented tactic of poisoning water occurred) and the quelling of rebellions (as when the Romans poisoned wells in Asia) are just two more situations that encouraged the use of bioweapons to target non-combatants as well as warriors.

    The Devastating and Diabolical Ancient Origins of Biological Warfare

    In the 14 th century The Black Death, or the plague, swept through Europe, the Near East, and North Africa, resulting in the widest-spread health disaster in history, killing 75 to 200 million people. It is harrowing to realize that a part of the terrible pandemic was due to the deliberate infection of populations during warfare.

    Dead bodies were flung over the walls of besieged cities in attempts to terrify, and to introduce intolerable stench (the smell itself was thought to carry disease), rot, and infection to the enemy.

    Based on a 14 th century account by the Genoese Gabriele de’ Mussi, it is said that in 1343 a war erupted between the Genoese and Mongols over control of caravan trade routes between the Black Sea and the Orient. The Mongols attacked Caffa, a Genoese colony in Crimea, but the sieging armies also had to contend with the Black Plague which had ravaged their numbers. In the end, the Mongols could not sustain the years-long attack, but as a parting shot they hurled “mountains” of plague-ridden dead across the walls with the intent of infecting the whole of the city with stench alone. It is said plague devoured the population inside the city walls. This nasty tactic has been repeated many times since then, even as late as 1710 when Russians besieging Swedish forces in Estonia allegedly catapulted dead plague victims into the city of Reval.

    • Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
  1117. Art says:

    The nonsense about Rothschild influence is pretty standard fare but the idea that the Lord Mayor of London is a Rothschild nominee and, equally, that his opinion matters to the UK government is so totally barmy that one would be interested in some consultant psychologist or psychiatrist to UR explaining how the perpetrators’ brains work.

    that his opinion matters to the UK government

    Oh dear — “a Rothschild Jew would never influence a government” – we must be crazy?


    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  1118. Art says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    There are no claims about Jewish “poisoning of the wells” in the early medieval times

    Why do people believe such bad things about Jews?

    Maybe because of this?

    Israeli minister: Israeli jets should drop bombs over the heads of Gaza children

    Israeli Education Minister Naftali Bennet has insisted that Israeli warplanes should drop bombs over the heads of Palestinian children flying kites into Israel, Ynet Net News reported.

    During the meeting of the Israeli Security Cabinet on Sunday, which convened to discuss the latest Israeli attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip, Bennet said: “Why not shoot anyone who launches aerial weapons at our communities, and at the cells?

    “There is no legal impediment. Why shoot next to them and not directly at them? These are terrorists for all intents and purposes.”

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Christianity — Art

  1119. @Bardon Kaldian

    there was absolutely impossible to cause plague by “poisoning the well”

    True, but it is possible that someone could have tried using a method they thought might work.

    Colonial Americans considered plans to distribute smallpox infected blankets to Indian tribes they were at war with. It may be possible this scheme would not have worked scientifically. However, if an Indian discovered a trader of blankets had been paid by a Colonial governor to distribute smallpox infected blankets to them, they might have killed him, even though the science of future generations would know it wouldn’t work.

    I am open to the possibility that the event never happened, but at the same time I am open to the possibility that the mass burnings that occurred in response never happened either, so there’s that.

    • Replies: @Rich
  1120. Art says:

    believes Jews drink the blood of Christian babies…

    Oh my’ Oh dear’ — only a Jew can use the words “blood libel” – if anyone else utters those words or discusses those words – they are clearly anti-Jew.



    Think Peace — Do No harm — Maintain Western Christianity — Art

  1121. @Talha

    US ministry of propaganda (MSM) seek to conflate “radical Islam” and all forms of Islam with the Islamic Republic of Iran, including the belief that Iranian women dress like Yemeni or Arab women.
    They don’t

    • Replies: @Talha
  1122. @Art

    Of course a former Shell CEO is president of the NATO strategic committe because of his supposedly blue Dutch eyes

  1123. @SolontoCroesus

    ” ["I'm Jewish." Is reality, facts, evidence, logic different if one is Jewish?] ”

    The thought often crossed my mind when discussing with jews

  1124. Talha says:

    Hey S2C, totally agree. Though there is a wide array of adoption. Some women in Iran dress very conservatively and very close to conservative Arab cultures (you’ll find these around Qom and Mashhad). Others dress as bling-bling as they can get away with – Tehran is full of them. And everything in between. The MSM should not be trusted as far as practically anything with Iran – especially any Israeli official they give airtime to (what a joke!). They are trying to pull off they same thing they did with Iraq; slowly, slowly build up pressure until we buy anything:

    “We have to save these poor women from their oppressive culture – let’s bomb their cities!”


    • Agree: SolontoCroesus
    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  1125. Robjil says:

    An urgent letter to Zuck is needed about this.

    Dear Zuckie,

    Here is a list of Big H deniers:

    All the people involved in bringing back a form of Nazism to take over a large country in Europe are big H deniesrs. If the big H was real and so bad. Nazism would never be brought back to life. So here Zuck is short list for you:

    Cookie Nuland
    Joey Biden
    The US government
    Western MSM
    The EU

    P.S. the list could be a lot longer, anyone who supports the US puppet state of Ukraine is a big H denier.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  1126. Wally says:

    Very well said, Talha.


  1127. Wally says:

    Interesting discussion on Zuckerberg’s comments and the response by his sister who wants to ban free speech on the ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’, see:

    Zuckerberg: Facebook will not ban Holocaust denial / but sister Randi promotes law against free speech

  1128. utu says:

    You are painting a very depressing picture. You believe that both the left and right are Jewish run operations and the only hope for the West is to help Zionist to achieve their goals of Araberrein Israel.

    So we should give Israel a war with Iran during which Arabs will be ethnically cleansed form West Bank and Gaza and Hezbollah will be destroyed. This will distract anti-West Jewish liberals from pushing more pro immigration policies.

    How long the Jewish liberals will remain distracted?

    I would take this deal under a condition that all Jews would move to Israel. Otherwise the push for pro-immigration policies will continue. Jews do not suffer from a cognitive dissonance when advocating two contradictory points if both of them are good for the Jews.

    • Replies: @Sean
  1129. @Talha

    Thank you, Talha.

    Shiraz and Isfehan compete for the most liberal cities; Mashad & Qom — definitely conservative.

    To enter the precincts of the Shrine in Mashad, western women must wear a chador — that’s the garment made of about 2 acres of cloth, wrapped from head to ankle (in Iranian parlance, hijab covers just head and neck; frequently, a scarf is substituted). Chador are borrowed from a kiosk at the entrance gate, where Iranian women assist in the wrapping.
    Don’t know if Mashad has a Comedy Central, but watching western women attempt to navigate in a chador is fine entertainment. otoh, an Iranian woman worth her prayer beads can arrange her chador, ride a motorcycle through Tehran traffic with child on the handlebars and groceries in the back.

    I landed in Tehran airport in middle of the night. An Iranian basketball team had won some major contest and arrived at about the same time; a small crowd of Iranians bearing flowers was there to greet them. The women wore black chadors over drop-dead gorgeous clothing, high heels THAT high, exquisite make up and hair artfully arranged to test the limits of the modesty police. A sight I will not soon forget.

  1130. Rurik says:

    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Heros,

    For every jew that fought for Hitler, how many lied about the holohoax, how many are still profiting today, and how many participated the terrorizati0n and destruction of Palestine?

    The percentages are no doubt disappointing, but I still honor those Jews who fought loyally for Germany, just as I would honor those today, who would repudiate what’s being done in Palestine, and reject the wholesale destruction of Western civilization, which does seem to be some kind of (psychotic) imperative for all Jewish supremacists- that do tend to mark the majority of Jews, but certainly not all of them.

    Also, we must remind ourselves that the Jewish supremacists would get nowhere fast were it not for the depraved enthusiasm of the armies of SJW and treasonous scum in our own ranks.

    This guy seems to personify both of those degeneracies

    heebs or yids, what can we call them?

    Jewish supremacists

    it works for me.

    In fact I find it the perfect descriptive term, because it delineates the Jews who have no desire to harm us or the Palestinians

    vs. from those that do – the Jewish supremacists.

    But alas, as you mention, the former are far, far too few. Whereas the latter seem to be the rule.

    I wonder, other than men like Gilad Atzmon, how many other Jews are there that support both the rights of the Palestinians, and the rights of Brits to persevere, as Brits?

    Because the Jews I can think of, either support the plight of the Pals, or the plight of the Brits (and Germans and Swedes and French)- who’re very rapidly watching as their nations and futures are sent spiraling into the abyss of eternal strife, hatred, and ultimately of course; genocide.

    Not too many Jews I can think of support Trump’s immigrations reforms, and support the Palestinians.

    They don’t want to hear about the death of our people and our culture,

    Most people are sheep-like. They simply want to pursue their best options in life while avoiding the landmines and obstacles that are out there. But I’m sure you’ve done a lot of good by planting a lot of seeds. Those seeds will eventually germinate, if the soil is fertile enough. And as more and more people seek out information like who owns and controls fake news media like (((CNN))), their eyes will slowly open, and one more warrior for truth and hope will stumble into the light.


    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @jilles dykstra
  1131. @Robjil

    Thanks just the same, Robjii, but I reject that form of argument that uses Nazism as the all-purpose comparative standing for “that which is the ultimate evil.”

    Nazism — actually, National Socialism — as well as Mussolini’s Fascism, should be defined, studied and understood on their own terms.

    Similarly, so should Bolshevism, zionism, and holocaustism.

    Those five phenomena — National Socialism, Fascism, Bolshevism, zionism, holocaustism — are distinct from one another, and some are radically different from each other. As I understand it, NS is radically different from zionism, which, in turn, is more appropriately compared to Bolshevism.

  1132. ANONYMOUS[107] • Disclaimer says:

    that his opinion matters to the UK government is so totally barmy that one would be interested in some consultant psychologist or psychiatrist to UR explaining how the perpetrators’ brains work.

    . . . acknowledging the while that Jews dominate the psychology – psychiatry industry.

  1133. Rurik says:

    ““I don’t want to live in a world where Holocaust deniers are given a voice and I think we absolutely need to be having a debate at a national level on whether they deserve a place on any platform at all,” Randi Zuckerberg said.”

    Absolutely get your popcorn, S2C!

    The Germans are and have been brow-beaten and savaged with generations of hate propaganda, reducing them to self-loathing lemmings. And they always were a lock-step sort. You should see the way Germans looked at me when I jaywalked in their cities. They were aghast, and I was astounded that people would stand there like drones for three minutes when there obviously wasn’t a car or train or anything coming from any direction.

    But since they didn’t have permission, not only would they stand there, they’d glower at anyone who didn’t- with outraged looks for the temerity to think for themselves. And do, accordingly.

    (just an observation)

    The British are too gay. The Swedes are too nice. The French, are – well.. the French.

    But when they tell Americans, (and I DO NOT mean Canadians) that we’re verboten to talk about something, well then I suspect that they’ve not really glimmered the true nature of the ‘scrappy, ‘ruggedly individualistic’, American.

    I remember how the feds were being treated at Ruby Ridge. The locals were getting ready to barbeque them. They were forced to make a hasty retreat.

    or consider the Bundy affair. These guys were getting ready to throw down against the Fiend

    It may seem like too little, too late, but I know a lot of guys who’re telling me they’re more than ready for the day the Fiend comes for their guns. Some of them act like they can’t wait.

    Tell Americans that we’re not allowed to talk about something, and I bet there’s going to be a blowback, just like Trump’s (not unlikely, but literally unbelievable!) ascent to the White House, was a blowback by scrappy Americana against the arrogance and depravity of the Fiend.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1134. Rurik says:

    I DO NOT mean Canadians

    no offense Geo (and others ; )

    Obviously I wasn’t referring to you, and I suspect you must know of what I’m talking. The Canadians I know would rather die than be ‘offensive’ in any way.

    • Agree: geokat62
  1135. @Ace

    You say tax cuts, deregulation, and union breaking like that’s a bad thing.

    Tax cuts and deregulation are usually not a good idea, but union breaking is particularly harmful to the interests of the masses. Unions are a democratic institution that enables workers to bargain for better wages, healthcare, civilized working conditions, and human rights. When unions were crushed during the 80s and 90s, workers were put at the mercy of oligarchs and financiers.

    The problem with Americans is that they often willingly accept propaganda about how “union bosses” keep them poor. The “right to work” movement dangles the possibility of higher-wages for “high performers,” but most workers don’t realize that they’ll never make it into that elite group. So they end up working harder with reduced benefits, healthcare, working conditions, and salary.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1136. @utu

    Are you that loony? I have said that Mongols had catapulted corpses into besieged cities & that was the only way to try to provoke the plague. Poisoning the wells has absolutely nothing to do with it.

    The problem with most antisemites is not their world-view; it is the level of their stupidity & irrationality that are of epic proportions. If one could just condense idiocy, blind superstitions & absurdist lunacy and sell them like soda, antisemites would, along with feminists & SJWs, be the richest recognized group in the world.

  1137. anonymous[107] • Disclaimer says:

    dude looks like he had a vibrator in his pants & Page was, um, sexting er texting him.

  1138. Rich says:

    That story about Colonial Americans giving smallpox blankets to Injuns is a fable. Never happened. It was in a scene from a movie in the early 30′s where a Hessian colonel does it. It never actually happened.

    • Replies: @Hippopotamusdrome
  1139. annamaria says:
    @jacques sheete

    “Armand” had extremely profitable “relationships” with Russian art:
    “The Bolsheviks first looted the churches. Then they sold the imperial family’s crowns, tiaras, necklaces and Faberge eggs. Finally, they helped themselves to Old Masters hanging in the Hermitage museum. …
    The world’s oldest edition of the New Testament, the contents of whole palaces, icons and Impressionist masterpieces were also part of the booty the Bolsheviks put on the international art market in the 1920s and 1930s. …
    Among the curios snapped up by Western collectors were the Russian Empress’s wedding crown, paintings by Rembrandt, Botticelli, Cranach the Elder, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Poussin and Degas and icons from the 15th and 16th centuries. …
    Russia’s culture minister, Mikhail Shvydkoi, said: “Sometimes I think that the Bolsheviks were consciously taking revenge on the imperial family. These sales in the 1930s were economically senseless.”
    Armand Hammer, the Soviet Union’s favourite capitalist, was also used as a middleman, selling antiques on behalf of Moscow in American department stores. He remained popular with the Soviet regime, and was given a Malevich painting in the 1970s. He sold it for one million German marks soon afterwards.”

    The deciders of Soviet Russia:
    “You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.
    It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.” Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and critic of Communist totalitarianism

  1140. @SolontoCroesus

    SolontoCroesus wrote: “Those five phenomena — National Socialism, Fascism, Bolshevism, zionism, holocaustism — are distinct from one another, and some are radically different from each other.”

    Hi S2C,

    I concur with your intelligent view, “NS is radically different from zionism,” and I believe Bolshevism had sprung from the rotten root of Zionism.

    Of course, now the fruit of the rotten root is become “Globalism,” which I believe has the malignant potential to become The “ultimate evil.”

    Globalism is controlled by what tricky “America First” PreZident Trump, & during a mistaken moment of public candor, might have called “Bad hombres.”

  1141. Art says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    The problem with most antisemites is not their world-view; it is the level of their stupidity & irrationality that are of epic proportions.

    Oh my’ — our knuckle dragging Jew loving howler monkey – Bardon — is screeching again. Look – he is so excited – he is jumping up and down scratching his armpits – squealing “Jew victim Jew victim” – he is so cute.

    Poor little guy – the more noise he makes – the less people listen to him.

    He will never be anything more than a monkey mouth for the Jews. He does not have the intellectual capacity to think anything more than tribe – thoughts of peace cannot penetrate his monkey brain.

    Sad – so sad for him.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Western Christianity — Art

    p.s. Loves Jews – hates America – what a loser.

  1142. L.K says:

    SolontoCroesus says:Next New Comment
    July 21, 2018 at 7:20 pm GMT • 100 Words

    Thanks just the same, Robjii, but I reject that form of argument that uses Nazism as the all-purpose comparative standing for “that which is the ultimate evil.”

    Nazism — actually, National Socialism — as well as Mussolini’s Fascism, should be defined, studied and understood on their own terms.

    Similarly, so should Bolshevism, zionism, and holocaustism.

    Those five phenomena — National Socialism, Fascism, Bolshevism, zionism, holocaustism — are distinct from one another, and some are radically different from each other. As I understand it, NS is radically different from zionism, which, in turn, is more appropriately compared to Bolshevism.

    Great post, Solonto.

  1143. L.K says:

    A snippet from the book “Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years” by
    Israeli Professor Israel Shahak, mentioned in the excellent Unz article, and which helps us understand the thought processes of many Jews…

    The results of the scandal were, for me, rather negative. Neither the Israeli, nor the diaspora, rabbinical authorities ever reversed their ruling that a Jew should not violate the Sabbath in order to save the life of a Gentile. They added much sanctimonious twaddle to the effect that if the consequence of such an act puts Jews in danger, the violation of the Sabbath is permitted, for their sake.

    It became apparent to me, as drawing on Talmudic laws governing the relations between Jews and non-Jews, that neither Zionism, including its seemingly secular part, nor Israeli politics since the inception of the State of Israel, nor particularly the policies of the Jewish supporters of Israel in the diaspora, could be understood unless the deeper influence of those laws, and the worldview which they both create and express is taken into account. The actual policies Israel pursued after the Six Day War, and in particular the apartheid character of the Israeli regime in the Occupied Territories and the attitude of the majority of Jews to the issue of the rights of the Palestinians, even in the abstract, have merely strengthened this conviction.

  1144. Sean says:

    Yes Western Jews might do bad things even if we get them out of the trap they’re in, but they will certainly do much worse things if we don’t get them out of it.

    “Every attempt [by the State of Israel] to keep hold of this area [the West Bank and Gaza] as one political entity leads, necessarily, to either a nondemocratic or a non-Jewish state. Because if the Palestinians vote, then it is a binational state, and if they don’t vote it is an apartheid state.”

    During the twenties, David Ben Gurion wrote a book saying the Palestinians would convert to Judaism, apart from Jabotinsk, the early Zionist movement was completely out of touch with the reality of what they were doing , but the scales have dropped from their eyes judging by the law they just passed. Israel not willing to pay the price for being a light unto nations, they are an ordinary nation state that has absolutely no intention of handing over a chunk of territory around its capital.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Anonymous
  1145. @annamaria

    Speaking of frauds, the NYT (of all places) actually admitted to his scams and deviant behavior in a rather long article about him. One example of many…

    One benefit of the tycoon’s Russian
    connection was an official Fabergé stamp, given to him in
    Moscow, which he used to authenticate fake Imperial jewelled

  1146. @SolontoCroesus

    …I reject that form of argument that uses Nazism as the all-purpose comparative standing for “that which is the ultimate evil.”

    Count me in. It’s another form of mental laziness and a sign of gross ignorance and any author who engages in it is loathed by me as an utter ignoramus.

    • Replies: @bjondo
  1147. @Bardon Kaldian

    If one could just condense idiocy, blind superstitions & absurdist lunacy and sell them like soda, antisemites would, along with feminists & SJWs, be the richest recognized group in the world.

    Instead, we have Zionists…

  1148. @JohnnyWalker123

    I agree that unions can be a good thing, at least up to the time they get subverted and taken over by the mafia, which seems to have happened fairly regularly. Same thing happens with government and religious and other institutions as well, unfortunately.

    Since most taxes eventually wind up funding various scams, tax cuts are a great idea.

  1149. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    One thing I forgot in my post about Armand Hammer is that the Soviet government gave him the hallmark stamps for Faberge eggs. He recruited some jewelers and set up a shop in France and they turned out counterfeit Faberge eggs for decades.

    It was his ships that arrived at the Port of Barcelona at the end of what ignorant liberals call the * Spanish Civil War. As they retreated the Russians stole massive amounts of machinery, technology and equipment which was shipped the Russia via the Med and the Black Sea on Hammer’s ships.

    *. Spanish civil war was an attempt by the Soviet Union to conquer Spain in the 1930s. Despite the entire world’s press siding with the Soviet and American Jews, the greatest man of the 20th century, General Franco defeated the Soviets and saved Spain.

  1150. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    You are right that poisoning wells wouldn’t spread plague. Cholera and other intestinal diseases can be spread by simply dumping human and animal manure in wells.

    As for anti semites are stupid ignorant morons. It’s just not true. Anti semities
    are people who can see through propaganda and find the truth.

    There’s an old French saying, “ Don’t listen to what he says, watch what he does.”

    I stopped reading and listening to the Jewish
    “ We’re just do gooders who just want to save blacks Hispanics illegal immigrants criminals and LGBQTU from evil KKK White Christians “

    around my 23rd birthday just by observing what American Jews were doing in just one small city.

  1151. bjondo says:
    @jacques sheete

    My take.

    Nazism is Judaism.
    Hitler is Jew.

    This lunatic, fevered description of of the ultimate evil is projection.

    Projection, diversion by Jew.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1152. annamaria says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    “ is the level of their stupidity & irrationality…”
    — Could you provide your grade for the ‘level of stupidity & irrationality ‘ exhibited by certain theocratic “democracy?”
    “Israel is arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine: Azov Battalion online propaganda shows Israeli-licensed Tavor rifles in the fascist group’s hands …
    … the Israeli defense ministry’s arms export agency says they are “careful to grant licenses” to arms exporters “in full coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government entities.”

    • Replies: @Art
    , @Wally
  1153. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Another old French saying, Society is like stew. The scum rises to the top. The dregs fall to the bottom. In the middle are the good meat and vegetables.

  1154. “If we understand the mechanisms and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”
    When Austrian-American Edward Bernays transcribed those thoughts into his 1928 book, Propaganda, he was most likely reflecting on the grandest hoax in history – perpetrated on humankind by his Zionist forefathers roughly a century earlier – that “Jews” were (and still are) chosen by “God” to be an exceptional, superior, separate, people and nation.
    Ever since, the masses (including “Jews”) – minds controlled and regimented according to the Zionist will, unconsciously and without a second thought – believe that “Jews” are a people, a race, and a nation, and not just adherents of the Jewish religion.
    So now, after roughly 170 years of programming, humanity credulously accepts the con. What is most disconcerting for me is to see critical, independent thinkers; revisionist historians (including Israeli); authors; academics, and politicians, wrestling with how to refer to non-adherents of the Jewish religion. Most simply continue to use the word Jew, and thus the hoax continues, unquestioned.
    But what else can any of us do, or say? How else to describe a non-practicing Jew?
    Well, how do we describe non-religious Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, etc? We don’t, as no such creatures exist. We refer to people by their nationality: American, Canadian, German, Russian, etc, or by their race (within the human race): white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black and Australoid, and most, or many, of us don’t give a damn about their beliefs.
    As there is no way any of us is going to change the minds of the regimented masses and their Orwellian group-think – I’m suggesting a solution: when writing, we enclose with quotations the word “Jew” and its derivatives “Jews,” “Jewish,” “Jewishness,”, and preface any book, article, remark, or comment with something like:
    “I enclose the word Jew in quotations to indicate that I’m referring – not to an adherent of the Jewish religion – but to a person who believes – wittingly or not – that (s)he belongs to the God-chosen, exceptional, superior, separate race, people, and nation.”
    When speaking, we try to avoid using the word(s) at all, unless referring to followers of the Jewish religion. If necessary, we preface our remarks with something similar to the above.
    Zionists will continue to disseminate the farcical lie and use it as their ancient and malicious Pharisaic-Talmudic WMD to instigate global mayhem; to destroy anyone who dares question their God-given right to world hegemony; to effect regime change worldwide (including the U.S.); to slaughter and exterminate Palestinians and Arabs; confiscate their land, and eventually annex the entire Middle East as their God-given “Jewish State.”
    They will continue to distract us with such fabricated accessories as “Orthodox,” “Sephardic,” “Ashkenazi,” “Khazarian,” “Kabbalistic,” etc, as if there were not only a “Jewish” race but different tribes or sects within it. Whether Orthodox or Paradox, Sephardic or Sefarcical; Ashkenazi or Ashkenutty; Khazarian or Caesarian, Kabbalistic or cannibalistic, they do not exist.
    The only evidence the Zionist con-artists ever provided has been an anthology of ancient oral anecdotes – transcribed centuries after they allegedly happened – into what is commonly referred to as the Old Testament or Tanakh, or Mikra.
    I appreciate that what I’m saying is simplistic, but I continue to try to understand how and why the con happened and how humanity swallowed the hook, line, and sinker.

  1155. @bjondo

    Yup, it’s all a fraud. Gross exaggeration and worse.

    Their modus operandi includes extensive use of this.:

    “Blame others for your own sins.”

    J. V. Stalin, Anarchism Or Socialism ? December, 1906 — January, 1907

    • Replies: @utu
  1156. @Anon

    Where did you find such interesting info? (I don’t doubt any of it.)

    I wonder if he was involved with the massive transfer of US wealth to the USSR via Lend Lease…

    • Replies: @Anon
  1157. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Cajuns live about 200 miles from New Orleans.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1158. @Anon

    I wonder if he was involved with the massive theft of US wealth during and after WW2, including atomic technology and material and supplies to print US currency.

    Take the case of copper. American copper resources became so critical during the war that bus bars of the metal, on electric panel-boards, were replaced with conductors of silver, borrowed from the Treasury’s vaults at West Point. Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, was scarce enough to warrant serious debate over substituting steel in shell cases. With such facts in mind, Lend-Lease shipments of copper, brass and bronze to the Soviet Union, divulged in the Russian lists, seem terrifying. They aggregated 642,503 tons, valued at $283,609,967

    -G. R. Jordan, From Major Jordan’s Diaries, p 69

  1159. @Sean

    That Wikipedia link to the article on Ehud Barak is doubly interesting. It is often said on UR threads that Wikipedia is in effect censored by Jewish interests. Yet the words you quote appear there, which suggests that the censorship us done with a light touch. Perhaps realism prevails about what is useful editing and censorship.

    There are a couple of little linguistic tells that suggest that the first language of the writer(s) of the Ehud Barak Wikipedia article is not English. No surprise if it was an Israeli who wrote it. That probability also serves as a reminder that Israeli Jews can be a lot more straightforward about human rights and other Israel focused concerns than diaspora supporters (often) are.

    • Replies: @Sean
  1160. Here’s one example of how he used an American president against the interests of the USA.:

    In April 1973, after 12 years of efforts, Hammer finally reached a definitive $20 billion agreement with the Russians for his fertilizers. In return, the Soviet Union would supply Occidental with a million metric tons of ammonia, potash and urea per year which it would sell through its Hooker Chemical subsidiary. And with its Libyan oil money, Occidental no longer needed American bank credits to finance the deal.

    Even though the United States Department of Mines objected that the massive transfer of Florida phosphates to the Soviet Union would deplete American reserves, President Nixon wrote a letter to William Casey, then the head of the Export-Import Bank, in which he strongly recommended granting the Soviet Union a low-interest loan of $180 million to build the plants and pipelines it needed for the Hammer enterprise. Nixon declared that the loan would be in the ”national interest,” and it was therefore approved by Casey.

  1161. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    How about learning to and bothering to read before offering more of your brainfarts Art.

    It was about the lunatic’s suggestion that the British government would take much notice of the Lord Mayor of London, though what is said about the Rothschilds is about 150 years out of date to the extent that there is any truth in it at all. See what Thorfinnsson said earlier.

    • Replies: @Art
  1162. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    One of my regular Saturday tennis fours includes a Muslim and a Jew. The former keeps Ramadan as I know from his weeks of weakness and I trust his line calls but the Jew not only plays on Saturday but eats pork. Can I trust his?

  1163. @Anonymous Jew


    I’m sorry but growing up around “Beastie Boys” (Sort of Proto-whiggers because many Jews were from the hood) and assorted street Jews, I’m just disbelieving of their chosen status or uniform position as the US over-class.

    A good number were winos as well, who would always be shouted at by the local Rabbi when trying to bother him for money to buy booze-Jack Daniels was their drink of choice.

    Sorry, but not every Jew belongs to the over-class or is even terribly intellectual.

    Many are WEIRD but a good number are a rough lot without a two pennies to rub together. This could be on the New Jersey-Pittsburgh-Cleveland-Detroit-Chicago axis, where common or garden rust-belt Jews live, as oppose to Manhattan or Hollywood.

    As for the Khazar thing, there are obviously a few Jews like Rosanne Barr or Bob Dylan who have this Turkic mongol appearance but most Jews look like Henry Winkler are simply a Mediterranean genetic casserole of Levant, Greek and Roman ancestry and like Proval or Dan Hedeya they always play assistant mobster types.

    Polish Jews like Harvey Keitel who are blue-eyed Slav-looking are probably descended from local converts at the time the King of Poland invited the Jews who have negligible Levant genes.

  1164. Art says:

    … the Israeli defense ministry’s arms export agency says they are “careful to grant licenses” to arms exporters “in full coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other government entities.”


    Doesn’t that make you feel good?

    The whole Israeli government has the same stamp of approval – it says “Talmud Determined”

    We know what that means “no justice.”

    Think Peace — Art

  1165. @Ron Unz

    Just a thought – on which your thoughts would be especially valued…..

    In Australia where, historically, our small population used to follow first English or more broadly British fashions and then, in the 20th century, with sometimes 20 year lags, American ways, we never had the equivalent of the great Red State flyover country of small towns stocked with Bible bashing [choose insulting description to taste].

    The Catholic Church in Australia has long since lost battles against legal abortion and there is no serious Protestant vote on anything. And I don’t detect any Jewish animus against Christians. Even after the increase in the Orthodox Jewish numbers thanks to Hitler, and then the creation of Israel it is difficult to detect any great anti-Christian Jewish community feeling – though you could question whether I would notice and also note that Jews are proportionately fewer in Oz than in the US. So….

    My theory is that a great many Jews in America are people like me who simply have no sympathy with the religion or ideas of the Red State Protestants any more than with the now retreating Catholic hierarchs. Maybe there are not many big battles to be fought – though Roe v. Wade may need to be defended – but the divide (tinged with contempt) is mostly cultural in a broad sense with nothing much Judaic involved. Consistently with this speculative analysis I would accept that in parts of the US – at least in the East – there is a critical mass of Jews which tends to keep a cultural bubble sealed for many and allows trivial reinforcement like retelling of stories of grandpa’s being blackballed by the golf club.

    Am I on a discernible track?

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @iffen
  1166. @Anon

    Aren’t most whites in Louisiana of French-Canadian descent?

    • Replies: @Anon
  1167. Them Guys says:

    Rurik: Note the obviously hand made/home made protest signs at Randy Weaver support protest. Now compare to EVERY lefty dem lib protest event. Be it BLM African negroes, or Radical feminists, or ANTIFA Bolsheviks…… Every such lefty group, Illegal Mexicans also, Have perfect same sized, same colors combos, exact same wooden stick signs attached to, etc etc always all the same.

    I consider this as solid 100% Proof that such lefty protests are all massivly funded by Soros, Hillary’s Foundation tax free org, and the like. They are all like professional Union workers walk out strike protests with Pre designed, Pre Made, Pre funded signs and even uniforms or identicle T-shirts with same slogans…..In other words it shows how Randy Weavers supporters were all Real, actual grass roots ground up and sincere as can be. Pro funded lefty mob protests consist of massive percentages of brainwashed, marxist trained followers that will Riot and Loot and destroy vehicles they don’t own, then end with burn down city protest is held in. They will riot etc at drop of a chicken bone.

    This fakery can be seen also when protests in other distant nations are shown on american msm news shows, and even though nobody in those nations speaks english, most every protest sign is written in Engliish!…it screams Pure Propaganda intended for american viewers in order to rally duped marxist trained/brainwashed usa peoples to join in and demand “justice” etc for folks in nations most usa fools can’t locate on a world map.

    Follow the crowd, be a lemming, allow peer pressures to captivate and rule their small minds, in a nut shell so to speak eh.

    I rather trust and have far smaller group like Randy Weavers supporters in My Fox Hole if it comes to that, than to even consider to allow any of those Plastic Pre Fab, Trained like a circus seal idiots seen on tv at most every lefty protest and every mexican illegals “marches”.

    You are also very correct on how Many guys are fed up and litterally chomping at bit to Lock & Load and do a real solid usa fix job. I cannot count how many where I live at in up north mich area. It be far eaiser to just count those who aint chompin at bit, and most around here, are already loaded and locked!

    Best advice one can give when newbees to truth and red pills ask “What can we/I do”?

    Tell them to, Buy More guns and way more Cases of Ammo! Can never have enough.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @RobinG
    , @Rurik
  1168. anarchyst says:
    @Them Guys

    Yes, look up “Crowds On Demand”. It is a real jewish-owned company that provides protesters for any event. You can bet that antifa and other left-wing protesters are mostly being paid by “Crowds On Demand” or other like companies that provide “bodies” for any event. The pay is around $15.00 per hour while their “handlers” are paid more. “Crowds On Demand” WAS used for most of the major protests and riots that have been orchestrated by the left for the past few years or so.

  1169. @Rich

    That story about Colonial Americans giving smallpox blankets to Injuns is a fable.

    Is this a case of anti-Japethetic blanket-libel?

    The idea was considered at one time.
    a letter to Colonel Henry Bouquet dated July 7, 1763

    • Replies: @Rich
    , @jilles dykstra
  1170. @Wizard of Oz

    Gallipoli sort of underscored the Irish immigrant Catholic underclass status in Australia up the First World War as played by an Irish-American Catholic-Gibson. There WAS a bit of contempt in early Australia for Irish Catholics at a time.

    As for Jews, they have less influence in Perth than Vietnamese or Greeks in Melbourne because not too many immigrated to Australia and there was never the confluence of geography (Jews congregated on the East Coast of the United States which was the center of finance and power) and ability (The film business and law put high verbal IQ’s to good use).

    Australia’s “Flyover” was always so barren and unproductive that only blacks lived there and unlike the United States where they are regarded as an urban problem, in Oz they are in the backwaters.

    I’m not going to all Marxist but while the Italians and Greeks of Melbourne produced a few nasty hoodlums and the Ecstasy-craze of the 90′s was sort of like Prohibition to Capone as far some of these Balkan and Italians went, it is really hard to muster up a Sopranos type level of organized crime in the suburbs of Melbourne.

    Vietnamese boat people were really a result of American ructions in Vietnam-unlike the US no third world country sends endless labor-and Mexicans gangs can hold their own against any pack of Russel Crowe skinheads. Even so, the Vietnamese had their own heroin czars and crime lords who were a headache and nightmare for Australia. But there is no physical border between Vietnam and Australian.

    There is a feeling in the Flyover that the people are the founding stock of the country and that later arrivals repossessed the country and economy. People in Adelaide do not resent people in Sydney to the extent that people in the US interior resent the East Coast.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1171. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @jacques sheete

    There are a few biographies of Hamner that tell the truth. I found them in a university library. You’ll also find the information in non communist histories of the Spanish Civil War.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1172. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    No. The Cajuns are of French Canadian descent. They are a minority of the people with French names.

  1173. RobinG says:
    @Them Guys

    “I consider this as solid 100% Proof … ”

    Sad. Now I’ll have to bear this lack of discernment (or experience) in mind, if I read any of your comments. Anarchyst was already expendable.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1174. Rich says:

    The Germ Theory of spreading disease wasn’t accepted by science until the 19th century, though it’s possible this British official of yours intuited its veracity a couple centuries earlier, if this letter is real. After reading a little about the incident, there appears to be some doubt about whether this attempt was actually carried out. One historian writes that the blankets in question were actually given to friendly tribes as a gift because the official was unaware, like most scientists of the time, of the germ theory. I always have a hard time with anti-White history, because everything is twisted nowadays to make Whitey look bad, to the point of lying about history.

    • Replies: @utu
  1175. Art says:

    It was about the lunatic’s suggestion that the British government would take much notice of the Lord Mayor of London, though what is said about the Rothschilds is about 150 years out of date to the extent that there is any truth in it at all.

    “extent that there is any truth in it at all” — Oh dear’ – another false hoax about Jews – how do you Jews bare it so well?

    Really — I don’t believe you.

    What did the Rothschilds do during WWII? Why didn’t Hitler take them out? Hmm?

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  1176. utu says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    There are good argument that Black Death was not a plague but it could have been anthrax or some form of Ebola virus.

    Why not plague

    (Wiki) In the Encyclopedia of Population, he [Samuel K. Cohn] points to five major weaknesses in this theory:

    -very different transmission speeds — the Black Death was reported to have spread 385 km in 91 days (4.23 km/day) in 664, compared to 12–15 km a year for the modern bubonic plague, with the assistance of trains and cars

    -difficulties with the attempt to explain the rapid spread of the Black Death by arguing that it was spread by the rare pneumonic form of the disease — in fact this form killed less than 0.3% of the infected population in its worst outbreak (Manchuria in 1911)

    -different seasonality — the modern plague can only be sustained at temperatures between 10 and 26 °C and requires high humidity, while the Black Death occurred even in Norway in the middle of the winter and in the Mediterranean in the middle of hot dry summers

    -very different death rates — in several places (including Florence in 1348) over 75% of the population appears to have died; in contrast the highest mortality for the modern bubonic plague was 3% in Bombay in 1903

    -the cycles and trends of infection were very different between the diseases — humans did not develop resistance to the modern disease, but resistance to the Black Death rose sharply, so that eventually it became mainly a childhood disease


    (Wiki) In a similar vein, historian Norman Cantor, in In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made (2001), suggests the Black Death might have been a combination of pandemics including a form of anthrax, a cattle murrain. He cites many forms of evidence including: reported disease symptoms not in keeping with the known effects of either bubonic or pneumonic plague, the discovery of anthrax spores in a plague pit in Scotland, and the fact that meat from infected cattle was known to have been sold in many rural English areas prior to the onset of the plague. The means of infection varied widely, with infection in the absence of living or recently dead humans in Sicily (which speaks against most viruses). Also, diseases with similar symptoms were generally not distinguished between in that period (see murrain above), at least not in the Christian world; Chinese and Muslim medical records can be expected to yield better information which however only pertains to the specific disease(s) which affected these areas.

    Cutaneous anthrax infection in humans shows up as a boil-like skin lesion that eventually forms an ulcer with a black center (eschar), often beginning as an irritating and itchy skin lesion or blister that is dark and usually concentrated as a black dot. Cutaneous infections generally form within the site of spore penetration between two and five days after exposure. Without treatment about 20% of cutaneous skin infection cases progress to toxemia and death.[29] Respiratory infection in humans initially presents with cold or flu-like symptoms for several days, followed by severe (and often fatal) respiratory collapse. Historical mortality was 92%.[30] Gastrointestinal infection in humans is most often caused by eating anthrax-infected meat and is characterized by serious gastrointestinal difficulty, vomiting of blood, severe diarrhea, acute inflammation of the intestinal tract, and loss of appetite. After the bacteria invades the bowel system, it spreads through the bloodstream throughout the body, making more toxins on the way.


    In 2001, Susan Scott and Christopher Duncan, respectively a demographer and zoologist from Liverpool University, proposed the theory that the Black Death might have been caused by an Ebola-like virus, not a bacterium. Their rationale was that this plague spread much faster and the incubation period was much longer than other confirmed Y. pestis–caused plagues. A longer period of incubation will allow carriers of the infection to travel farther and infect more people than a shorter one. When the primary vector is humans, as opposed to birds, this is of great importance. Epidemiological studies suggest the disease was transferred between humans (which happens rarely with Yersinia pestis and very rarely for Bacillus anthracis), and some genes that determine immunity to Ebola-like viruses are much more widespread in Europe than in other parts of the world. Their research and findings are thoroughly documented in Biology of Plagues.[27] More recently the researchers have published computer modeling[28] demonstrating how the Black Death has made around 10% of Europeans resistant to HIV.

    Note that Ashkenazi Jews from Poland and Lithuania have 25% resistance to HIV.

    • Replies: @RobinG
    , @j2
  1177. Talha says:

    I agree here; professionally done material are not ipso facto proof of external support. At my time in UCLA, our Muslim community would come up with very professional looking anti-Zionist protest material (easily printed at Kinkos [before Fedex bought them out]). I know we weren’t receiving any funds from Soros types.

    Favorite memory was when we had protested an Israeli event that was hosting some event – I think it was a fundraiser, not sure. Anyhow, we were on our way back to our little Islamic book/clothing store we used to run in Culver City and we saw a bunch of cops coming down our road and shutting down traffic. Apparently Clinton’s motorcade had decided to use our street to pass through. My guess is he was on the way to the same event we had just gotten back from, but I’m not sure about that either. We ran in to get the signs and had an impromptu protest for about a minute as the cars passed. Now I didn’t see him, but one of the brothers said he saw Clinton looking right at us and upset. Ha – so worth it! Only wish I had gotten a glance!

    Some day I’ll tell you about the day my wife and I went to a protest right after getting married – literally the day of. But it wasn’t Zionist related so I’ll keep it for another day. Yeah, we were crazy like that – good times!


    • Replies: @Them Guys
    , @Rurik
  1178. utu says:

    There is no doubt that letters and other documents are authentic.
    In one instance, as recorded in his journal by sundries trader and militia Captain, William Trent, on June 24, 1763, dignitaries from the Delaware tribe met with Fort Pitt officials, warned them of “great numbers of Indians” coming to attack the fort, and pleaded with them to leave the fort while there was still time. The commander of the fort refused to abandon the fort. Instead, the British gave as gifts two blankets, one silk handkerchief and one linen from the smallpox hospital,[12] to two Delaware delegates after the parley, a principal warrior named Turtleheart, and Maumaultee, a Chief. The tainted gifts were, according to their inventory accounts, given to the Indian dignitaries “to Convey the Smallpox to the Indians”.[13][14]

    INVOICE for 1763 June
    Levy, Trent and Company: Account against the Crown, Aug. 13, 1763
    “To Sundries got to Replace in kind those which were taken from people in the Hospital to Convey the Smallpox to the Indians Vizt:
    2 Blankets @ 20/ £299 099 0
    1 Silk Handkerchef 10/
    & 1 linnen do: 3/6 099 1399 6

    Captain Ecuyer later certified that the items “were had for the uses above mentioned,” in the inventory reimbursement request, and General Thomas Gage would later approve that invoice for payment, endorsing it with a comment and his signature.[12]

    While Ecuyer, Trent and McKee were conducting their efforts to spread smallpox to the Indian dignitaries at Fort Pitt, their superiors were discussing similar plans. General Amherst, having learned that smallpox had broken out among the garrison at Fort Pitt, and after learning on July 7 of the loss of his forts at Venango, Le Boeuf and Presqu’Isle, wrote to Colonel Bouquet, “Could it not be contrived to send the small pox among the disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them.” In addition, Amherst wrote, “Captain Ecuyer Seems to Act with great Prudence, & I approve of everything he mentions to have done.” Bouquet, who was already marching to relieve Fort Pitt and Fort Detroit, responded on the 13th, “I will try to inoculate the Indians with some blankets that may fall into their hands, and take care not to get the disease myself. I wish we could make use of the Spanish method to hunt them with English dogs, supported by rangers and some light horse, who would, I think, effectually extirpate or remove that vermin.” On July 16, Amherst replied, “You will do well to try to inoculate the Indians by means of blankets, as well as to try every other method that can serve to extirpate this execrable race. I should be very glad your scheme for hunting them down by dogs could take effect, but England is at too great a distance to think of that at present.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1179. Anonymous[358] • Disclaimer says:

    During the twenties, David Ben Gurion wrote a book saying the Palestinians would convert to Judaism,

    He never wrote such a thing.

    • Replies: @Sean
  1180. Karl says:
    @Tyrion 2

    223 Tyrion 2 > Karaites are a tiny sect of fundamentalists who believe in taking everything in the Torah absolutely literally and in the most simplistic way possible

    In your whole life, you have never even spoken face-to-face with one Karaite person

    • Agree: Tyrion 2
  1181. @Jeff Stryker

    Aboriginals are not ‘blacks’.
    About being barren, they had a rich culture.
    Mudrooroo, ‘Aboriginal Mythology, An A-Z spanning the history of aboriginal mythology from the earliest legends to the present day’, London 1994
    Labumore: Elsie Roughsey, ‘An Aboriginal Mother Tells of the Old and the New´, Fitzroy, Victoria, 1984
    The last book, not flattering for the west, to make an understatement.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1182. @Hippopotamusdrome

    Forgot in which book is described that is was done, giving blankets from USA hospitals where smallpox was treated, to Indians.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1183. @Rurik

    Jews fought for Hitler?
    New for me.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1184. @Zeidner

    ” there is no monolithic Judaism ”
    Correct, but dissidents are called traitors, Finkelstein, Pappe, Hamburger, rabbi David Shasha, anything is done to prevent that they make themselves heard, such as Germany forbidding Finkelstein and Pappe to speak in Germany

  1185. Anonymous[321] • Disclaimer says:

    Your paranoia makes you sound like PeterAUS. All that fake concern for our future wellbeing at the hands of ‘dark forces’ and a gentle suggestion that it’s better not to disturb (((them))) too much.

    What a load of bullshit!

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1186. Seraphim says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    The ‘bizarre’ source is… Jewish Encyclopedia
    sv SAVOY, by Joseph Jacobs, Isaac Broydé

    “Savoy was especially prominent in the tragedy of the Black Death in 1348. Chambéry, its capital, was alleged by the accusers of the Jews to have been the place where the poison for the wells, the supposed origin of the plague, was prepared by Rabbi Peyret and a rich Jew named Aboget. In consequence of this accusation Jews were massacred at Chambéry, Chillon, Chatel, Yenne, Saint-Genis, Aiguebelle, and Montmélian. In the last-mentioned town the Jews were imprisoned, and while they were awaiting judgment the populace invaded the prison and massacred them, with the exception of eleven persons who were later burned alive in an old barn filled with inflammable materials. A document relating to that persecution has preserved the names of the victims of Aiguebelle. These were: Beneyton, Saul, the Jewess Joyon, Lyonetus, Soninus, Vimandus, Bonnsuper, Samuel, Mouxa, Beneyton, Coen, Helist, Jacob and his son Bonionus, Parvus Samuel, Abraham, Benyon, Sansoninus, Samuel, and Magister Benedictus. However, the persecution was soon forgotten, and the Jews of Savoy resumed their occupations, which consisted chiefly in money-lending and trading in jewelry. Their success in the former is evidenced by the fact that the dukes themselves were very often their debtors”.

    Other sources quoted at:
    David Nirenberg “Communities of Violence: Persecution of Minorities in the Middle Ages”, Princeton University Press (1996)
    Carlo Ginzburg “Ecstasies: Deciphering the Witches’ Sabbath”. New York. 1991.

  1187. Jewish Ritual Murder in England Before 1290

    Arnold S. Leese

    The first known case occurred in 1144; after that, cases cropped up from time to time until the Jews were expelled from the realm by Edward I. The most famous of these incidents was that of Little St. Hugh of Lincoln in 1255. I record these cases in chronological order; and I do not deny the possibility that some of them, in which details are lacking, were “trumped up” ones, where death may have been due to causes other than ritual murder and the Jews blamed for it; but the case of St. Hugh, particularly, was juridically decided, and the Close and Patent Rolls of the Realm record definitely cases at London, Winchester and Oxford. There seems no reason to doubt that many cases of ritual murder have been unsuspected and even undiscovered.

    1144, Norwich. A twelve year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this year to Norwich. The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to trial.

    In J. C. Cox’s Norfolk Churches, vol. II, p. 47, as also in the Victoria County History of Norfolk, 1906, vol.. II, is an illustration of an old painted rood-screen depicting the ritual murder of St. William; the screen itself is in Loddon Church, Norfolk, unless the power of Jewish money has had it removed. No-one denies this case as a historical event, but the Jews of course say it was not a ritual murder. The Jew, C. Roth, in his The Ritual Murder Libel and the Jew (1935) says: “Modern enquirers, after careful examination of the facts, have concluded that the child probably lost consciousness in consequence of a cataleptic fit, and was buried prematurely by his relatives.” How these modern enquirers arrived at a conclusion like that after all these years, Mr. Roth does not say; nor is it a compliment to the Church to suggest that its ministers would allow the boy’s death to be celebrated as the martyrdom of a saint without having satisfied themselves that wounds on the body confirmed the crucifixion and piercing of the side. And why the relatives should bury the boy in a sack and then dig it up and hang it in a tree would puzzle even a Jew to explain.

    John Foxe’s Acts and Monuments of the Church records this ritual murder, as did the Ballandists and other historians. The Prior, William Turbe, who afterwards became Bishop of Norwich, was the leading light in insisting that the crime was one of Jewish ritual murder; in the Dictionary of National Biography (edited by a Jew!) it is made clear that his career, quite apart from this ritual murder case, is that of a man of great strength of character and moral courage.

    1160, Gloucester. The body of a child named Harold was found in the river with the usual wounds of crucifixion. Sometimes wrongly dated 1168. (Recorded in Monumenta Germania Historica, vol. VI (Erfurt Annals); Polychronicon, R. Higdon; Chronicles, R. Grafton, p. 46.)

    1181, Bury St. Edmunds. A child called Robert was sacrificed at Passover. The child was buried in the church and its presence there was supposed to cause miracles. (Authority: Rohrbacher, from the Chronicle of Gervase of Canterbury.)

    1192, Winchester. A boy crucified. Mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopaedia as being a false charge. Details lacking.

    1232, Winchester. Boy crucified. Details lacking. (Mentioned in Hyamson’s History of the Jews in England; also in Annals of Winchester; and conclusively in the Close Roll 16, Henry III, m.8, 26.6.1232.)

    1235, Norwich. In this case, Jews stole a child and hid him with a view to crucifying him. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates of date 1847, says of this case, “They [the Jews] circumcise and attempt to crucify a child at Norwich; the offenders are condemned in a fine of 20,000 marks.” (Further authority Huillard Breolles, Grande Chronique, III, 86; also Close Roll, 19 Henry III, m.23.)

    1244, London. A child’s body found unburied in the cemetery of St. Benedict, with ritual cuts. Buried with great pomp in St. Paul’s. (Authority: Social England, vol. I, p. 407, edited by H. D. Traill.)

    1255, Lincoln. A boy called Hugh was kidnapped by the Jews and crucified and tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy’s mother found the body in a well on the premises of a Jew called Jopin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by the judge his life if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested; eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew Copinus, who was executed.

    Hugh was locally beatified, and his tomb may still be seen in Lincoln Cathedral, but the Jewish Money Power has evidently been at work, for between 1910 and 1930 a notice was fixed above the shrine as follows: “The body of Hugh was given burial in the Cathedral and treated as that of a martyr. When the Minster was repaved, the skeleton of a small child was found beneath the present tombstone. There are many incidents in the story which tend to throw doubt upon it, and the existence of similar stories in England and elsewhere points to their origin in the fanatical hatred of the Jews of the Middle Ages and the common superstition, now wholly discredited, that ritual murder was a factor of Jewish Paschal Rites. Attempts were made as early as the 13th century by the Church to protect the Jews against the hatred of the populace and against this particular accusation.”

    At a visit to Lincoln of the Jewish Historical Society, in 1934, the Mayor, Mr. G. Deer, said to them: “That he [St. Hugh] was done to death by Jews for ritual purposes cannot be other than a libel based upon the prejudices and ignorance of an unenlightened age.” The Chancellor on the same occasion said: “It was quite obviously one of the very many cases of slander spread about the Jews from time to time. No doubt, the child died or fell down the well.”

    These people, Jews and Gentiles, bring no evidence whatever for their statement; it couldn’t have happened, they say. Why not?

    Was Henry III, weak in character as we know him to have been, ever charged with being an immoral man? Did the judges not examine the body, which was only four weeks dead? Is Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates (1847 edition) medieval and superstitious when it said of this case “They [the Jews] crucify a child at Lincoln, for which eighteen are hanged”? There are no ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ here! Or does Copinus’s confession not tally with that of Theobald, quoted above in the first Norwich case? Copinus said, “For the death of this child, nearly all the Jews in England had come together and every town had sent deputies to assist in the sacrifice.”

    No-one questions the historical facts in this case; but Jews and Judaized Gentiles alike unite in denying the fact of ritual murder.

    Strack, in his The Jew and Human Sacrifice, written in defence of the Jews against the Blood Accusation, omits all mention of this famous case, which is the subject of the Prioress’s Tale in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and is referred to in Marlowe’s Jew of Malta. Hyamson’s History of the Jews in England devotes the whole of Chapter IX to “Little St. Hugh of Lincoln,” showing the importance of the ritual murder issue in the Jewish mind today. (The following Close Rolls of the Realm refer to the case of St. Hugh: Henry III, 39, m.2, 7.10.1255; 39, m.2, 14.10.1255; 40, m.20, 24.11.1255; 40, m.13, 13.3.1256; 42, m.6, 19.6.1258. And the Patent Rolls, Henry III, 40, m.20, 26.11.1255; 40, m.19, 9.12.1255; 40, 27.3.1256; and 40, m.5, 20.8.1256.)

    1257, London. A child sacrificed. (Authority: Cluverius, Epitome Historiae p. 541.) Details lacking.

    1276, London. Boy crucified. (Authority: The Close Roll of the Realm, 4, Edward I, m.14, 3.3.1276.)

    1279, Northampton. A child crucified. Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, 1847, says of this case: “They [the Jews] crucify a child at Northampton for which fifty are drawn at horses’ tails and hanged.” (Further authorities: Reiley, Memorials of London, p. 15; H. Desportes, Le Mystére du Sang.)

    1290, Oxford. The Patent Roll 18 Edward I, m.21, 21st June 1290, contains an order for the gaol delivery of a Jew, Isaac de Pulet, detained for the murder of a Christian boy at Oxford.

    Only one month after this, King Edward issued his decree expelling the Jews from the Kingdom. There is, then, every reason to believe that it was the Oxford murder which proved the last straw in toleration.

    A similar ritual case was one of the main stimulants to the King and Queen of Spain to expel professing Jews from that country in 1492 (Leese: Jewish Ritual Murder, p. 20).

    The Jews, in attempting to escape responsibility for these deaths by ritual murder, do not hesitate to impugn the probity of two of the Kings of England, against whose moral character no-one else has dared to cast a slur. Here are some examples. Firstly the Jew Hyamson (in History of the Jews in England, 1928 edition, p. 21) wrote: “It has also been pointed out that the Blood Accusation was as a rule made at a time at which the Royal Treasury needed replenishing.” This foul accusation against men of upright character was repeated in the Jewish Chronicle Supplement, April 1936, p. 8 (speaking of the Lincoln case in the reign of Henry III): “Henceforth and especially under the zealously Christian Edward I, the Crown and its officers became almost a worse peril to the Jews than mobs intent on loot and led on by fanatic priests and knightly spendthrifts who had borrowed Jewish money. When 18th century writers of history began to examine the old records in a new sceptical temper some may be found venturing on such unkind surmises as that the alleged crucifixions of Christian children only seemed to happen when kings were short of money.”

    To deny that the cases of St. William of Norwich and St. Hugh of Lincoln were Jewish ritual murders is to accuse certain English Kings, certain English Clergy, and certain English administrators, known to be men of good morals, of murdering and torturing Jews to get their money, after accusing them of horrible crimes. In the case of St. Hugh, the sentence was juridical; in the case of St. William, the mob took the matter into their own hands because the Sheriff would take no action himself.

    Whom do you believe – the Jews or the English?

    “It is difficult to refuse all credit to stories so circumstantial and so frequent.” So says Social England concerning ritual murders in England (vol. I, p. 407, 1893, edited by H. D. Traill).

    A significant fact is that Haydn’s Dictionary of Dates, at least up to 1847, quoted the ritual murders in Norman and Plantagenet England as undisputed facts. In later editions in the sixties, all mention of them is extirpated! We may take it that the Jewish Money Power began to dictate to the Press in England somewhere in the fifties of the last century.

    “Although Edward I’s 1290 edict of expulsion was not formally revoked as Manasseh [Ben Israel] had hoped, the resumption of open Jewish worship achieved the same practical result. The edict has actually not been revoked to this day.” Joan Comay: Who’s Who in Jewish History after the Period of the Old Testament (1974).

    Abrahams, B. L. The Expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 (1895).
    Adler, Rev. M. Jews of Medieval England (1939).
    Comay, J. Who’s Who in Jewish History after the Period of the Old Testament (1974).
    fitz Stephen, W. Materials for the History of Thomas Becket.
    Gregg International. The Jews of Angevin England: Documents and Records from Latin and Hebrew Sources, Printed and Manuscript, for the First Time Collected and Translated (1893).
    Leese, A. S. My Irrelevant Defence: Meditations Inside Gaol and Out on Jewish Ritual Murder (1938).
    Martin, C. T. Transactions of the Jewish Historical Society (1899).
    Parkes, J. The Jew in the Medieval Community: A Study of his Political and Economic Situation (1938).
    Ramsay, Capt. A. H. M. The Nameless War (1952).
    Richardson, H. G. English Jewry under Angevin Kings (1960).
    Roth, C. The Jews of Medieval Oxford (1951).

  1188. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    Welcome to Unzworld. The place where you are subtly encouraged to say whatever ridiculous and psychopathic thing the very worst side of you can imagine.

    But don’t worry, get comfortable, the host is not recording you. Or your IP. Really. Even if you use a VPN to disguise it, eventually you’ll stop bothering. You can relax in your derangement.

    Also, what an amazing picture of insanity this article’s comments add up to; and amazing how essentially no other sites on the whole internet have picked it up. Instead it is essentially only mentioned on some of the more rabid commenters’ personal projection spaces.

    Then again, my claim is probably not true if this comment gets through. Bit weird how I’ve not read anything like it before though…

  1189. iffen says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    small towns stocked with Bible bashing [choose insulting description to taste].

    We use the Old Testament. According to some very smart people the Jews no longer use it, but prefer commentary. This could mean that before long we will be the “new Jews.” Hopefully a few extra IQ points comes with the package.

  1190. @Anonymous Jew

    I agree with most of this, and would add just a few things.

    There is no collective guilt. Jews, of whatever stripe, are not “guilty” because some (many?) strands of their historical culture are unacceptable to contemporary ethical standards. Germans, as a group, are not “guilty” of Nazi atrocities. Historical currents are, simply, amoral.

    There was a genocide of Jews during WW2 when perhaps 4.5-6 million people died. Many commenters deny this, but this is their problem.

    For most Jews outside of Israel there is no real Jewish identity anymore. Torah, Talmud, secular Jewish culture including philosophy, literature, music…do not exist for vast majority of diaspora “Jews”. For them, Auschwitz (as the martyrological shrine) & Israel (as a deified land of promise) had replaced traditional culture, high & low, religious & secular.

    Judaist American & European Jews should, in my opinion, settle in Israel because they, emotionally, do not belong where they are now:

    Basically, these people are not Americans & they belong to Israel.

    As for others, I don’t see how they could remain both separate & integrated simultaneously.

    • Troll: L.K
    • Replies: @Heros
  1191. @Anon

    When a jew pulls the wool over your eyes, it’s half cotton.

  1192. @jilles dykstra

    Re-read my texts.

    “Barren” as in barren landscape, as in no whites really wanted to live in the vast center of Australia or the jungles of Queensland or Darwin.

    Unsurprisingly, Italians and Greeks and Lebanese like the Mediterranean climate of Melbourne. Scots seemed to fare best in the cold rugged Adelaide.

    But whatever the case aboriginals by and large live in rural Australia.

  1193. Sean says:
    David Ben Gurion. …. Living in New York he and a friend—Yitzhak Ben Tzi, who later became Israel’s first president—spent some of their time writing a book about Eretz Israel. It was meant to show that, contrary to the views of many, the country was sufficiently large and fertile to serve as the Jewish homeland. Also that the Arabs—no one yet spoke of Palestinians—living in it were, in reality, the descendants of the ancient Jews and could therefore be converted back to Judaism. Whether this claim was seriously meant is hard to say.

  1194. @Anonymous

    Disturb (Them)

    I would not really rate Jews that highly in an actual war. There are a few tough ones, I’ve met guys who served in the IDF, but generally war against other whites is not their forte.

    The idea of Jewish Leftists or globalists actually storming Australian shores for bloody trench warfare seems unlikely.

    Can they sway public opinion? Somewhat. But less so now than 20 years ago when the internet was not around and it was only the electronic and printing press.

    In the case of Australia, it is going to be Chinese business people who reduce white Australians to squatters like they have in the Philippines or Indonesia.

  1195. notanon says:

    i think this behavior is a logical consequence of losing a homeland.

    people who lose their homeland to live as minorities among other peoples either assimilate and gradually disappear or they survive by developing parasitic-like cultural behaviors.

    for example gypsies are seen as victims of racism but if you know anything about them they have a spectacularly racist and predatory attitude towards non gypsies and although the consequences of that are very bad if you look at it purely logically their attitude has probably been necessary for their survival as a group.

    low IQ populations like this are a crime problem but a high IQ version will lead to civilizational collapse unless it’s fixed.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Anon
  1196. Sean says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The Diaspora are closer to Barak who can’t see any way out for Israel apart from a final settlement in which Israel gives land for a meaningful Palestinian state in the West Bank. Unfortunately the Palestinian side at the 2000 Camp David Summit saw that, as Barak felt compelled to make a serious offer to them, the Arabs side were in a strengthening position and should hold out. Unless the bulk of the West Bank Palestinians are transferred, time is indeed on their side.

  1197. @Anon


    When I have time, I think I’ll check, which is a particularly valuable treasure trove of resources and a virtual library.

    Bless all of you truth seekers and particularly Ron Unz!

  1198. APilgrim says:

    Semites are a people from the Middle East and their languages.

    Ancient Hebrews were, for the most part … Semites.

    Ashkenazi Jews are descended from European converts & are not Semites.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1199. RobinG says:

    Utu, I remember hearing/reading that the Black Death never went into Poland.

  1200. @notanon

    Gypsies were driven out of India, a place where theft and con are relatively acceptable, which goes to show how undesirable they really are.

    Jews go into parasitical professions-journalist, lawyer, porn star, pawn store owner=but these are really harmless or at most, an annoyance.

    Gypsies on the other hand, were never academically inclined or had the market savvy of Jews.

    So there was not much they could have done but pick pockets.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1201. Heros says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    “There is no collective guilt. Jews, of whatever stripe, are not “guilty” because some (many?) strands of their historical culture are unacceptable to contemporary ethical standards. Germans, as a group, are not “guilty” of Nazi atrocities. Historical currents are, simply, amoral.”

    Another arrogantly jewish supremacist comment attempting to exonerate jews for the, on this thread documented and exposed, thousands of years of ritual sacrifice and torture of Christian children. As always, the coverup is far worse than the crime, and in this case millions have been murdered. With the Frank murder in the ’30′s, we saw all the jewish supremacist coverup machines go into full overdrive. This uniquely jewish trait, the timeless revenge against amaleks, of being able to sadistically murder a goyim and his entire family merely for exposing jewish guilt, is also the root of the Haggenah and the Irgun, Seth Rich was recent example of how brutal jews can even be to their own.

    This massive religious based cover-up machine created by this tribe of sadistic child murders was still not able to prevent many dozens of ritual sacrifices from being exposed across Europe and the world. Some even made it to court where they were legally proven to have taken place. Yet on this very thread I do not believe any jew is willing to recognize the full extent of what this means. We also have no idea of the total number of rituals that are performed by which different jewish sects and secret societies, and not one jew is willing to name names. How can goyim identifiy jews in Israel murdering goy children around the world when all jews every unite to prevent this ancient truth from coming out. This also happens to be the true purpose of the holohoax, to unite jews in their sadistic hatred of Nazi Christians.

    If we compare the jews history of ritual child murder to todays Hollywood, owned and managed by judaics, we can get an idea of how deep the coverup is. We keep getting more little hints of what these jews have been doing to their shicksa’s and goy boy toys. We are certainly aware that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

    So it was in the middle ages too. For every ritual child torture and sacrifice, often emulating Christ on the cross, that was exposed, we can assume there were hundred, thousands or hundreds of thousands of, often orphan, children sadistically murdered that there were never exposed or were covered up.

    For each of these that were covered up, there were additional victims, often family members, often brutally and sadistically murdered too.

    So how many Christians could have been victims of these uniquely Jewish sadistic hate crimes over the centuries? Lets do a calculation. First gets some terms and parameters.

    D =Duration=How Long have jews been blood sacrificing Christians=2000 years.
    AC =Average number of countries where jews are participating in Child Sacrifice=10
    NCM=Average number of coverup murders per sacrificice=5
    CUF =Cover Up Factor=number of sucessfull child sacrifice coverups/unsuccessful=100000
    AES =Average number exposed child sacrifices per year=.1


    Thats right, Christians win the holocaust game jews. Time to pay us back for the holohoax. And if you complain, you can rot in prison like Schaeffer and Haverbeck. Age of course is no excuse for hate crimes, and no other race can hate in the same league as the jews.

    And one other thing, please don’t talk out of both sides of your mouth demanding holocaust obeisance while covering up 1 BILLION children and their families that you have ritually sacrificed.

    • Replies: @Kolo
  1202. j2 says:

    “There are good argument that Black Death was not a plague but it could have been anthrax or some form of Ebola virus. ”

    Utu, it was the plague (DNA shows it), and indeed, it spread too fast for it to be a natural epidemy. Maybe you want to read a short story about it, and especially to pay attention to what is in the Words of the Lord by Jacob Frank

    there is a quote, decide yourself if they were spreading plague knowingly or not. By the way, this guy was a messiah and many of his followers joined Freemasonry, the revolutionary one.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Skeptikal
  1203. Skeptikal says:

    Coming late to this (portion of this) thread.
    (I had read the Shahak book a few years ago. It is/was available on Amazon.)

    Re Russian art collections:
    Just read (listened to audio version) Robert Massie’s bio of Catherine the Great. He devotes quite a lot of space to describing Catherine’s collecting activities. She bought up whole collections of Renaissance and Dutch masters from, for example, English aristocrats who had gambling debts. CAtherine was very canny, overseeing the activities of her agent, whose name escapes me, as he trawled through the aristocracies of Europe looking for impecunious owners of important art.

    Here is an article about Catherine qua art collector:

    Here is a paragraph from that article:

    “After a shaky start (the paintings collected for Prussia’s Frederick II, bought in 1764, were not a splendid group), the empress and her agents began buying very, very well. In 1769, she bought 600 pictures from the exceptional von Bruhl collection. (The count had been the powerful, art-greedy prime minister to Saxony’s art collecting Augustus III.) In 1779, came 198 works from the collection of England’s prime minister, Sir Robert Walpole. Paintings by Giorgioni, Rembrandt, Titian, Rubens, Watteau and Poussin were among the thousands that came to the Winter Palace as a result.”

    I don’t anything in the article about the Bolsheviks selling art from the Hermitage.

    • Replies: @bjondo
  1204. geokat62 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, I realize you’re a very busy man, but have you given any thought to the possibility of allowing those Unzers who care to do so to somehow download their archive of comments to their own machines for safekeeping? Not sure if others feel the same way, but given your penchant for truth telling, I have a foreboding sense that this very fine site of yours may be targeted and the record of our extensive comments may be lost.

    Not sure if this is doable, but if it is it would be greatly appreciated.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1205. utu says:
    @jacques sheete

    The context of Stalin saying “Blame others for your own sins.” is entirely different:

    Oh, those Anarchists! As the saying goes: “Blame others for your own sins.” Dialectics matured in the struggle against metaphysics and gained fame in this struggle; but according to the Anarchists, dialectics is metaphysics!

    He accuses or tries to explain anarchists. I would not perpetuate it in the way you and many on internet do it.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  1206. American Pravda: Oddities of the Jewish Religion

    A gentle reminder about another possibly plausible oddity of the religion.:

    What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

    -Karl Marx, On The Jewish Question, published 1844

  1207. bj says:

    The oddity of Judaism lies in its demonic origins and covenant with blood thirsty psychopathic Yahweh’s promise of supremacy over and enslavement of all other people’s if Jews worship and emulate psychopathy idealized by Yahweh.

    The Jewish Question is illuminated by the study of psychopathy. Those who wish to worship the demon Yahweh should be removed from all nations, quarantined in Israel, lest peoples and nations of the earth perish.

    The God of Israel Is a Bloodthirsty, Vindictive Sociopath – Does This Explain the Misanthropy of the Jews?—-Laurent Guyénot

    “As he usurped the majesty of the Heavenly Father of all mankind, Yahweh in no way lost his character as a military god bent on looting and slaughtering the enemies of his only chosen people. Against the Babylonians, his sword is expected to “devour until gorged, until drunk with their blood” (Jeremiah 46:10). Against the Edomites, “it is greasy with fat” (Isaiah 34:6).

    If Yahweh had remained a tribal god from the desert, he would simply be recognized as particularly primitive and cruel, perhaps a demon escaped from hell though an Arabian volcano. But his successful claim to be honored as the true and only God is the biggest sham in human history, and a civilizational disaster of incomparable magnitude.”

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    , @Rurik
  1208. @APilgrim

    Ashkenazi Jews are descended from European converts & are not Semites.

    That concept needs to be drilled into people’s heads and sealed in.

    The true anti-Semites are the Zio-nuts and thier descendents; Exhibit A is their 7 decades of ineffably sadistic cruelty to the Palestinians, who are mostly true Semites.

    Every idea the goons promote is the opposite of reality.

  1209. … and no other race can hate in the same league as the jews.

    Both “world wars” can be reasonably viewed as unspeakably sadistic anti-goy campaigns complete with holocausts of tens (hundreds?) of millions of them, unimaginably gross wealth transfer schemes, and unithinkably successful control of vast portions of the world’s economy, yet, to this day, millions of dumb goyim and maybe some jews don’t realize how completely they’ve been had by the ruling mafia sects, or how it all continues as we comment.

    • Agree: Rurik
  1210. @bj

    But his successful claim to be honored as the true and only God is the biggest sham in human history


  1211. Rurik says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Jews fought for Hitler?

    not for Hitler, but for Germany

    Germany at the time was being menaced by a genocidal fiend; Bolshevism.

    A Satanic cult of hatred, ‘equality’ and death, and there were no people on the planet the Bolsheviks hated more than the Germans.

    Bolshevism is (I say ‘is’ because it’s still with us, in spades ; ) a manifestation of malignant envy, it drives its adherents to deranged and psychotic malevolence and ultimately murder. The only way these commies can ever mollify this all-consuming envy/malice, is to see the object of their torment suffer and die.

    Hence all those hundreds of millions of people slaughtered in the 20th century, either directly by their commie governments (Mao’s China, Khmer Rouge, Soviet Union, etc..) or the scores of millions who died fighting against that Satanic fiend – all over Europe, Indochina, S America and beyond.

    So the honorable Jews of Germany, simply saw the raw, murderous evil of Bolshevism/communism for what it was; a death cult of equality. Whereby anyone whose ability surpassed their own (endemic mediocrity), were rendered dead = finally equal.

    If it came to blows today, and the nascent socialist (communist) movement burgeoning in the ZUS right now, were to go from simmering and barely constrained lethal intent for the Deplorables – (people of ability who don’t consider the 125+ million denizens of Mexico or the billions of Africa, as equal citizens of the USA who’re entitled to equal outcome at every metric of society), to a full on civil open street battle, like it was in Germany in the early 30s….

    ..then what would America’s Jews do under such a development?

    I suspect that most would be operating the bullhorns howling that ‘the Deplorables are modern day Nazis, and deserve what they get!!!’

    But many of them.. the Stephan Millers and Paul Gottfrieds and I suspect, many, many more, once the deluded Jewish supremacists finally come to understand that the orcs they’re inviting in by the scores of millions, are going to consider them ‘white supremacists’ too.

    Indeed, once it become obvious, that the blacks and browns have no intention of living off the scraps from Wall Street and NYC Jewish supremacist’s tables, who want to use the blacks and browns to put it to whitey but good, and then muddle off back to their respective stations in society, as a permanent underclass, the Jewish supremacists will be in for a rude awakening. And when that happens, they’ll come calling at the bastions of safety and order spotting the fly-over country, and asking ‘hey, I’m a whitey too! Can I come in?’

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1212. @utu

    utu, thanks for the respectful comment but I’m aware of the context.

    Still, the principle, an ancient one, still applies, and it illustrates how some do business, e.g., when some fool blames Germans for “the” holocaust, it may be fruitful to look whose really the source of many of them.

    I also am hoping that it raises enough curiosity in some that they go read some of what Stalin wrote, which is why I always try hard to provide credible sources. It constitutes part of an education, I think.

    • Replies: @utu
  1213. Them Guys says:

    [Commenters that make little effort to comply with good spelling, grammar, spacing, and punctuation risk having their remarks trashed, or at least greatly delayed before publication.]

    Yes like those Two back to back in Two weeks time frame, massive protests by Mexicans and lefty supporters back a few yrs ago. They had at least 200,000+ joined march, and after msm reported how it backfired on illegal Mexicans due to most all carried flags of Mexico, and praised all things Mexico nation, and every T-shirt had something mexico related as a slogan printed on it.

    So, they Re grouped TWO weeks later and did yet another 2nd march with even More joining in.

    So yes we can see how easy for such poor illegals seeking a better life and job and pay, just ante up Again within Two weeks, and pay for all those aprox 450,000 total T shirts at aprrox $10.00 to $20.00 Per shirt with printed slogans, same numbers of well designed printed professional signs, same number sticks to attach signs to, and TONS of Chartered Buses at aprox $2,500 per bus to take protesters to march start area. And All done not only in two weeks or less, but also all done on a few private owned home or school computers and printer machines like the machines in use at most offices and school offices or banks etc eh…”Pedro! Can ya print up another 100,000 T shirts After you get done printing them 100,000 Signs on your bedroom computer printer from HP?”

    “pedro: Si I will also dig deep into Moms piggy bank back home in mexico and find another few million $$$ to assist in paying charter buses! just as soon as I print those 100,000 flyers”.

    And all that had zero outside funds or pro-assistance from Soros and his aprox 170+ usa based non profit orgs all funded massively by soros and several other “Think Tanks” and Americas largest orgs like Ford Foundation etc. LaRaza aka “The Race”( and Not euro whitey race) gets about $60+ Million per year just from ford foundation, maybe laraza didn’t assist those Two back to back events eh?

    No, all it was/is every time is backwards non English speaking, nice folks seeking better lives and pay and they just split the massive $10 million or more total costs and march in a peace rally for open borders. Like Black lives matters eh, head honcho female was on every tv news show for a week or longer bragging how she received $150 Million Start up funds from G. Soros, and expected more yet from other orgs like Kilintons “Globalization” funds, Plus she got total Free soros owned mansion in NY was it(?) to live in with all utilities etc all paid for by soros funds.

    Must be tough coming up with such huge funds, then have to Again repeat it all over with all New USA Flags and New Pro America T-shirts, and signs, so to make a better impression after the abject backfire fail of two weeks prior, when so much in their faces anti-America but very Pro Mexico attitudes and signs and shirt slogans got most americans pissed big time and ramped up, Close the Borders attitudes going stronger yet!

    Yes we all must always give more perks and benefit of doubt to illegals and lefty anti-americans and Marxist rioters because, same as with jewish issues, there just aint ever quite enough proofs is all we be sayin eh.

    I rekon some folk, like a few Here at unz would also reject it as proof if a guy were to tell them that, he saw his goofy neighbor smack his left hand thumb a half dozen times, very hard smacks too!, due to he never yet worked with a real hammer like carpenters use….Maybe that aint enough proof solid so such folk would simply destroy their left hand thumb also when they attempt to hit nails with a hammer, because why should they trust that guy who warned them be carefull don’t do as neighbor goofy guy did and smack thumb till it hurts bad real bad.

    And my wrong choice of word use, should now mean, all I wrote or will write need be thrown out, like baby with bath water eh…Because every tiny detail and words used Must count as if we all here are doing phd level work. Well screw that attitude and screw them type folk too is my new word choices.

    • Replies: @Talha
  1214. Wally says:

    So IOW, Israel knows the ‘holocaust’ is bullshit.

    Otherwise they wouldn’t be arming ‘Nazis’

  1215. Rurik says:
    @Them Guys

    I consider this as solid 100% Proof that such lefty protests are all massivly funded by Soros, Hillary’s Foundation tax free org, and the like.

    Yes, certainly it’s evidence of a far more organized protest.

    All ‘wet blankets’ aside, your characterization as ’100%’ is no doubt due in part to the tone of my post you were replying to, where I took egregious liberties with formally recognized protocols of discourse.

    the English are not all ‘gay’, (just a critical mass, including all of their leaders and cultural elites ; )

    So in the spirit of a certain levity, you also took a certain liberty.

    However, we should be cautioned that there are some who’re ideologically opposed to us, and who’ll use any opportunity to attack any lax we display here at Unz, (no matter how petty) for their own ideological agendas.

    There is a school marm type here for instance, who considers any Swede who’s opposed to the radical transformation of Sweden into a strife-ridden shithole of a country, as being a ne0-Nazis type full of hate.

    They don’t get that what the Swedish nationalists, (or British nationalists or Alt-right types in the ZUS) are motivated by, is love. Pure love for their people and heritage and traditions and culture.

    And as these Swedes love their fellow Swedes, and love their illustrious heritage, their enemies are going to try to twist that beautiful love they have for their lands and people…

    into an expression of “hate”. And it’s pure projection. As I’m sure you must know. ;)

    I rather trust and have far smaller group like Randy Weavers supporters in My Fox Hole if it comes to that,

    you wouldn’t be alone, Them Guys.

    The ‘wet blanket, ‘school marm’ types would also seek out the safety and decency of the Randy Weaver types, if the kind of society they advocate, (diversity, multiculturalism, white genocide) were ever to reach a fevered pitch, as it has in many places.

    There were no doubt a lot of white liberal, progressive, diversity mongers in Rhodesia, demanding black rule, until that day came, and they were ordered out of their homes, (or slaughtered if they didn’t leave fast enough). As indeed is going on in South Africa as I write this. How many I wonder.. of the refugees fleeing to Russia from South Africa, were progressives demanding an end to the racism of white South Africa, only to be told to get their white arses out of their homes and farms, sans any compensation?

    How many times in history has the warning ‘be careful what you wish for’, turned out to be all too true?

  1216. Them Guys says:

    Any Germs experts here that can verify how long a small pox germ will remain potent or viable to inflict disease?…..Typical health warnings we usually get during flu season tells us that most germs only remain live to cause sickness for a few hrs or some maybe last 24 hrs at best when germs found on kit counter tops etc. Or germs found on bath sink faucet. Do blankets in a storage locker room last a lot longer? Seems I recall reading several articles that disputed small pox blankets as a fraud that would not work as intended even if tried for real.

    However we who were not there at that time, may have similar ideas or okays to it if we too faced such brutal savage killers that typically first did terrible tortures to a person, lasting weeks at times, prior to killing or allowing them to finally die off eh. I think I’d fully agree that whatever it takes to rid planet or at least usa lands of such a savage Inhuman menace is a-ok by me.

    I also think even if 100% real as per small pox blankets to cause disease, so what?…That compares to such savage vicious inhuman tortures prior to long awaited death by the unlucky victim captured alive by the savage sub humans?…No not hardly.

    I find it difficult to ponder about how most whites back then, had a universal belief in Save Last Bullet for Self and Never let the savages take You alive!…That speaks volumes as to just what they dealt with eh…Commit suicide rather than be taken alive, and if have wife and kids?…Murder them first then kill self rather than subject family and self to such brutal unspeakable inhuman savages and their evil tortures before death agendas.

    One more aspect is that most often prior to wars with injun savages, various Christian type persons or groups tried to enlighten the injuns to see how civilized society works better. Most of them got badly tortured and murdered also. So, not hard to understand attitudes whites had then eh.

    Kinda like afrcian savages and Mexican dope cartel or ms-13 mex savages today. At some point Whitey just must Take the proverbial Gloves off so to speak, and simply Waste em all for it seems history shows no other methods works.

    And I’d bet, if I were a gambler type, that if one day folks saw on tv news that the usa prez ordered Nat Guard squads or Divisions, to go into ghetto zones like Detroit and Chicago, and first warn everyone in area to go into Basements or safe room spots, and in ten min after warning sounded, Nat Guard are going to Open Fire a few Ma Duce .50 Cal. Machine guns and sweep every degenerate gangbanger and doper etc away for good…I bet a lot of folks, black folk also, and especially whites would silently cheer…Some who lived with such savages in same areas, would likely cheer Publicly and Loudly at such a positive outcome agenda. Because yesterdays savage injuns were very akin to todays savage Africans and Mexican cartel or gangbangers. And after Your wife or teen daughter got Gang raped for an entire weekend, then viciously hacked to death or set fire to while yet alive to destroy “evidence” and witness to it….You too may think similar eh. As in Eliminate them all and move on to better things once completed.

    Them Whiteys what disagrees can usually be found standing side by side at next negro loot-shoot-Riot-Burn city down event, until it really goes Hot, and same rioter negroes grab closest Whitey to murder next…Then those bleeder heart whiteys will learn finally eh. Too late. But learn they shall.

    • Troll: utu
  1217. Rurik says:

    The God of Israel Is a Bloodthirsty, Vindictive Sociopath – Does This Explain the Misanthropy of the Jews?—-Laurent Guyénot


    The ‘Jews’ are not a congenitally evil people. But their narrative, based on the

    covenant with blood thirsty psychopathic Yahweh’s promise of supremacy over and enslavement of all other people’s

    has made it inconvenient to deal with such Jews in a good faith way. When their motivating principle is that you don’t have a soul and were put here by their genocidal god to serve them as slaves.

    Just consider, the Sephardic Jews are genetically identical to the Palestinians they want to genocide.

    What can account for the Pals, being so inoffensive for generations, allowing all and sundry to come live side by side with them, Jews, Christians and Muslims, for hundreds of years…

    vs. their blood relatives the Sephardic Jews, who demand death and misery for their cousins, based purely on a religion more suited to hyenas than to humans?

    What else can explain the corruption of such ethnically and territorially distinct people as the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, if not their (megalomaniacal, racial supremacist) religion?

    These two peoples come from wildly distinct histories. One is from the Levant, the other is a blend from Eastern Europe, Turkey and Asia. The Khazars. And yet they both distinguish themselves with their treachery, rapine and hatred of all ‘others’.

    I posit that it is the demented religion of hatred and murder (red in tooth and claw) that binds these two (13) tribes to their hate-cult, and menaces the rest of the planet.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1218. @Rurik

    Damn, you write well! You continuously make great points and express them excellently too.

    • Agree: Them Guys
  1219. Them Guys says:

    the Jewish supremacists will be in for a rude awakening. And when that happens, they’ll come calling at the bastions of safety and order spotting the fly-over country, and asking ‘hey, I’m a whitey too! Can I come in?’

    Ha Ha Ha Ha ha! Like now when internet Hasbarat Jews and TeliViv online back-talkers paid by mossad always begin a reply post with…”My Fellow White People”!….Yep sure thing, just come on in to safe harbor with those well armed progun Euro Whiteys you tried so hard to destroy all of your miserable jew lifetime!…Here jewboys take My Seat at head of Table why don’t cha! heheheheh hahahah…That’ll be the Day eh.

    No, instead what folks will be seeing, is radical Marxist Bolshevik jews & their cohort shabboz white lib leftys and neocons, all of them, running back and forth between pro American whiteys side, Vs, enemys of America side, And being shot at from Both groups sides!…They well deserve it too.

    Because what they all are going to learn and learn it the Hard way, is that this time when jewry infiltrated America. They Bit Off Way More than they ever can..Jew.

    I also agree our side pro usa group will have good jews take our side too. All…Two..Dozen or so Good jews within America.

  1220. Rurik says:

    I agree here; professionally done material are not ipso facto proof of external support.

    Hey Talha,

    not 100% of the time perhaps, but as I just replied to Them Guys, I suspect that he was just rolling with the tone of my post, which wasn’t even attempting any kind of pedantic rigor.

    If we’re all expected to practice 100% scrupulous severity in our prose, I feel it may take some of the fun out of it, no?

    Certainly his wider point, that all too often the ‘spontaneous’ protests against Trump or Les Deplorables, are all too often organized by powerful Zio-forces.


    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Talha
  1221. I posit that it is the demented religion of hatred and murder (red in tooth and claw) that binds these two (13) tribes to their hate-cult, and menaces the rest of the planet.

    Several have commented on the mediocrity of some of them which obviously drives them insane; obsessive, compulsive, pathologically tenacious, jealous, and when all that fails, destructive and psychopathic, and ultimately drives them to a religion where they can hatch any ego-soothing drivel that a wretched mind can invent and stamp with the authority of some “G-d.”

    Mr Unz’s comment at 135 seems to explain a lot.:

    Indeed, since religiosity is especially strong among ultra-Orthodox Jews who are very mediocre in their academic achievement…

    It appears that resort to a G-d that loves ya and thinks yer special is the only thing some of the inadequate buffoons have to soothe their bruised egos. Making fools of others, looking down on them, mocking them and over achieving by any means possible seems an essential part of the picture too.

    So I think that you are once again correct in what binds them, and I also think that it’s interesting that the word itself may be related to a binding, or bonds, (religere) .

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Seraphim
  1222. utu says:

    I am not convinced that the DNA argument is definitive in this case.

    Thanks for the interesting link about Jacob Frank.

  1223. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Gypsies were a caste of criminals in Northern India for centuries. They never made a living by farming, the trades or small businesses. They were always criminals.

    When the Muslims conquered N India the muslims demanded mass conversions and established a government that outlawed fortune telling, magic, and other gypsy scams. The Muslim government was more effective than the previous Indian government in controlling wandering thieves like the gypsies.

    So the gypsies left for the greener pastures of Europe and swiftly claimed to convert to Christianity.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1224. Rurik says:

    they’re even translated to Spanish

  1225. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Don’t forget the Mizrahi indigenous Jews who never left but stayed and endured. They’re a big part of the criminal under class of Israel. They blame their poverty on discrimination by the Zionist European Jews.

  1226. NYCTexan says:

    The Hammer family run a Christian academy in the Cayman Islands. They also broadcast one of the largest evangelical Christian radio station out of the islands, and the current Hammer patriarch sits on the boards of several prominent Christian higher education institution. And yet they still consider themselves Jews. Of course they push a dual covenant theology, which came about after WWII. They are certainly not the only Jews who run a good portion of purportedly Christian movements from behind the scenes.

    Used to I could find pictures on the internet of the Hammers masquerading as Christians, such as that of the young Armie Hammer (yes the actor) wearing a Young Life t-shirt at Dallas Country Club. I guess they got wise and took those down.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
    , @jacques sheete
  1227. @Rurik

    Whites can leave Detroit, but it is harder for the average Swede or Brit to go anywhere. Inevitably, they are all similar to the poor Polish immigrant retiree in the Detroit ghetto-his house is worth nothing after a lifetime spent paying for it, he is taxed to death and at dusk he goes inside like peasants in Transylvania.

    It is not so much about love, as pure survival. At a certain point, given numbers, the immigrants will simply kill and rape the indigenous population. Younger women will end up being like the victims of rape in Serbia. Older people will be killed. The money will run out anyhow because nobody will be employable and taxes cannot pay for families of 5 (which is why immigrants move to Sweden or Germany instead of remaining in Malta).

  1228. Talha says:

    I definitely agree that in a massive group and in spontaneous protests, professionally made signs/materials lend weight to the suspicion. Especially in these days.


    • Agree: Rurik
  1229. Them Guys says:

    Rurik: I agree and am well aware of what you said. I also think we pro Whiteys can consider what we do by promoting truth about jews and hoax issues, as well as African savage negro issues, as a form of Love for our fellow Others….it is an act of Love for Truth, and we need to assist the masses of jews and negroes et al others, to finally speak truth also. Therefore each time one of us debunks the holyhoax rabid false claims jews keep spewing, it is simply we trying to get jews to be Honest jews.

    Same for usa negroes and various slavery and ghetto life issues etc. We are sick and tired of being labeled falsely as “Nazi deniers” and Antisemites and, rayyysssis white crakahs for simply speaking truth and facts about the too many to list deficiencies and lesser abilities most africans and negroes in America have, compared to when whiteys run things. Whites have proven in spades to run things better, period. If it were not so, we’d all still be in caves and jungles. Without modern day vehicles and most every good thing ever invented by whiteys.

    So perhaps those pro American European whites that have a good platform and write articles like here at unz has so many of…Maybe They need start promoting a new agenda called something akin to.”Please help us spread the word for an agenda to assist most jews and most blacks in America to finally become Honest Truth tellers, instead of always constant Lies about various jew and negro issues done to always Paint euro whiteys in a bad way, and creating vast hatred of whiteys, and mostly done based on Lies and False holohoax claim sob stories…..Lets join to Make Honest Jews and Blacks out of the current crop of massive percentages of Liars and wild tale fablers and story tellers who Live to Lie”. They can also promote it as, An agenda of pure Love for Others!

    And if that fails to produce a more Honest bunch of jews and negroes?….Then whiteys must move to Plan-B…..Tough Love. What Ever it takes eh, to assist them to become Honest for a change.

    Not many folk can argue with an agenda of causing Honesty & Truth to prevail and wash over the vast lands of America. A type of Clean Sweep actions some might call it. Clean is good, truth is good and honesty also is good, and whom can refutes that and still remain sane?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1230. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    they didn’t have hospitals in America in the 1740s. Maybe someone went around gathering blankets that had been used by smallpox victims. But the people who gathered and packed the blankets would have gotten small pox too.

    People didn’t know about germs in those days. But it was an ancient custom to burn clothes and bedding of people who died in epidemics because people figured they spread the disease.

  1231. Talha says:
    @Them Guys

    Look bro, I have the same suspicions as you do so I’m not saying you are this 100% wrong – that would be doing the exact thing I am discouraging.

    The Muslim community is no stranger to well-funded groups that are trying to undermine us:
    In “creating” Muslim organizations and leaders and “expanding their influence,” the key goals of the Soros-linked foundations are: reframing the community as primarily a racial or ethnic identity group rather than as a religious group; emphasizing the community’s support for Democrat-friendly political issues; and weakening the community’s traditional religious teachings such as defined gender roles and the prohibition on same-sex sexual relations.

    I already stated I’m not for mass immigration and don’t mind if the door is completely shut.

    However, absolutist statements don’t help.


    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1232. Che Guava says:

    I read and appreciated the article, can’t be bothered ploughing through the comments, but it seems like a record number for your site.

    In any case, mine now is pushing it even closer to 1,300!

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  1233. Them Guys says:

    That family of Hammer’s IIRC were Al Gore Sr.’s and his son Al Gore’s top main funders and promoters to get elected as us senator’s etc. Sure seems to be a lot of jew bolshies who have constantly funded so many dem libs to high office eh. Then after they captured the entire dem party, they started in on repubs. Today both dems and repubs are totally in bed with the worlds absolute worst examples of a human being. Maybe some folks consider being a good human being as one with tons of money and material possessions. I sure do not.

    No real honest person with integrity and who speaks truth can get elected for other than small town insignificant offices that matters little as far as doing good things to benefit americans and America. Any who may get elected must change 180 degrees or face loss of position at next election cycle.

    And first main thing all elected must do is to visit israels “Wall” of an old roman fortress, and wear a jew skull cap, swear the wall is remains of 2nd temple, and bang head against wall, then visit yeshiva Talmudic learning rooms, and sign an Oath document for AIPAC jewry to always vote Yes if its good for jews and Israel, and vote NO if it aint. No other skills or degrees nor abilities are needed to become a us rep or us senator or even usa Prez!…Just keep kissing jewish ass profusely and often and yes You Too can be elected to high office and get fabulously wealthy in quick time.

  1234. Rurik says:
    @jacques sheete

    Thanks Jacques, (and your kind sentiments are reciprocated wholeheartedly!)

    Several have commented on the mediocrity of some of them which obviously drives them insane; obsessive, compulsive, pathologically tenacious, jealous, and when all that fails, destructive and psychopathic, and ultimately drives them to a religion where they can hatch any ego-soothing drivel that a wretched mind can invent and stamp with the authority of some “G-d.”

    Mr Unz’s comment at 135 seems to explain a lot.:

    Indeed, since religiosity is especially strong among ultra-Orthodox Jews who are very mediocre in their academic achievement…

    Mr Unz may not be as attractive as Goldie Hawn, (another self-avowed Jew who seems to lack any of the rancor), just as many of the Jews I know don’t display those traits. But Mr. Unz has distinguished himself in other significant ways. A successful businessman and academic, he’s well respected for who and what he is, regardless of his religion.

    Can Max Boot say the same? If Max Boot were not a Jew (ish supremacist), what would be his credentials? He’s been (catastrophically) wrong about virtually everything he’s ever spewed.

    But as long as he hates, and hates as only a Jewish supremacist can – he gets a platform.

    How many of the known Jewish supremacist, genocidal fiends of the world, going back in history, were either particularly intelligent or distinguished themselves in sport or amore or all of the above?

    Lazar Kagonovitch or Bela Kun or Solomon Morel, Ilia Erenburg etc..

    these genocidal monsters were distinctly mediocre men.

    vs. the giants, like Albert Einstein* or Bobby Fisher, whose towering intellects set them apart. They had no need for an ego-boosting religion that told them they were super-duper special, and better than all the rest!!!

    *(please don’t tell me that Einstein was a fraud and a charlatan. He may not have been the smartest man who ever lived, [as the Jewish supremacists would have us believe], but he was very smart indeed, and yet as a mild form of Zionist, he spoke with tenderness and justice about the terrible plight of the Palestinians).

    So I suspect that there’s some there there.

    • Replies: @Wally
  1235. Rurik says:
    @Them Guys

    we pro Whiteys

    I don’t consider myself that, Them Guys,

    but you could say I’m pro-Western civilization, and it’s people. Perhaps that’s the same thing, but here in the ZUSA, I feel the Amerindians and descendants of African slaves and all the rest of the endemic races and tribes that have been here or came here, (sometimes not of their own accord) over the past centuries are all equally part of the fabric of what used to be these ‘United’ States.

    However, what you can say is that I am definitely anti – anti-Whitey. IOW anyone who says White men must be fucked-over with Affirmative Action and mass non-white immigration can eat shit and die, as far as I’m concerned.

    If you were the descendant of African slaves, God bless you, you’re my fellow countryman. If you’re the descendant of Amerindians, I love that you’re thriving on casinos and so forth.

    But if you’re a Mexican or African who demands to immigrate into this nation and get on the dole or prey on the locals, (as many or most of them do) then fuck off. You’ve got nothing coming.

    If that’s pro-Whitey, then so be it.

    Then whiteys must move to Plan-B…..Tough Love.

    well, as long as the left is definitively anti-Whitey, then I say we try the ballot box first, and if that fails, then yup.. come what may.

  1236. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “…ridiculous and psychopathic thing…”

    “Overnight Saturday Israel evacuated 800 White Helmets members and their families from southern Syria in an operation that took them briefly into Israeli territory and then on to Jordan, where they are expected to be resettled in Britain, Canada, and Germany…
    The IDF official twitter account posted the following statement: “Following an Israeli Government directive and at the request of the United States and additional European countries, the IDF recently completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization and their families.”
    – What are the names of those citizens in “the United States and additional European countries,” which requested the resettling of the White Helmets (affiliated with ISIS and Al Quade) in the United States and additional European countries?
    How come, that Israel does not want to invite the supposedly virtuous 800 White Helmets members and their families to settle in Israel? Europe has more than enough fanatical “freedom fighters.” (Thanks to the ongoing Wars for Israel) — The Jewish State has evacuated 800 White Helmets members and their families and the Jewish State should take responsibility for the evacuated.
    Here is another “psychopathic thing” of exactly the same nature: the Jewish State has been arming the neo-Nazis in Ukraine:
    Why such a tender Israeli care for the certified murderers both in Syria (White Helmets) and Ukraine (neo-Nazis)?
    Jewish Lebensraum, Tyrion 2?

  1237. @Colin Wright

    Guess the Sarkar Jews will be waiting for a train they missed: The Messiah came and went quite some time ago…

  1238. notanon says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Gypsies were driven out of India, a place where theft and con are relatively acceptable, which goes to show how undesirable they really are.

    maybe so but my point is the same – can a minority survive long term as a blood-nation among a majority without developing a hostile and predatory attitude?

    (yes – Parsis but they are also extreme, just in the opposite direction)

    if gypsies were already bad then the question simply flips to why did they stay the same and not assimilate which to my mind points to the same conclusion – the choices for low IQ minorities is either assimilation and disappearance or become like gypsies are (or something equally hostile).

    this isn’t to defend them it’s simply looking at this stuff from an evolutionary point of view.


    Jews go into parasitical professions-journalist, lawyer, porn star, pawn store owner=but these are really harmless or at most, an annoyance.

    you’re missing out the most important one – money-lending – which is extremely harmful (unless regulated in specific ways to prevent it) and the root cause imo of the vicious cycle we’ve been in since the Romans got mad.

    the point i’m making here is i think minorities who don’t want to assimilate are likely over time to evolve hostile behaviors that are harmful to the majority and the solution is people having their own homeland where they are the majority.

  1239. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The black White ratio of homeless in Los Angeles is about 75% Black 25% White. Downtown most of the homeless are black. There are no neighborhoods where the majority of homeless are White or even 50% White

    Dumpsters are never in front of the stores on the sidewalks. They are always in the back in the parking lot or alley.

    So did you spend a lot of time walking through the alleys? That’s the only way you’d have seen the dumpsters.

    There are nasty slum districts and there is the porn district in SFV. The porn district is just another standard commercial district no better or worse than any other Ventura Victory or Van Nuys Blvds commercial strips in the valley

    Why did the American partner have his office in a porn studio building in a low rent slum district ? Could he not afford better?

    Small office rent in Los Angeles then and now is inexpensive compared to residential housing Plus, there are office suites all over Los Angeles including near the airport.

    They have maybe 12 small offices, mailboxes, not PO Box addresses but street address and suite #, a couple conference rooms, copiers and printers.
    People can rent one of the small offices for 5 or 1 days a week or 2 mornings a week and reserve the conference room for meetings. Tenants get a key card to the door and the mail carrier puts the mail in the individual boxes.

    Plus a lot of law and real estate firms rent out individual offices and the tenants use their address, copiers printers etc.

    If the American partner couldn’t afford a full time office on a decent street he would have rented one of those part time offices.

    There are offices in Beverly Hills and West Los Angeles that rent for $400 to $700 a month today. They are usually on the second floor above retail stores. Or they’re in a law office that has an extra room.

    I really wonder why the American partner had his office in such a terrible area and why you spent so much time around the dumpsters in the back of the stores

  1240. notanon says:

    Gypsies were a caste of criminals in Northern India for centuries. They never made a living by farming, the trades or small businesses. They were always criminals.

    let me put it another way – would gypsies still be a separate identifiable people if they weren’t the way they are?

  1241. @NYCTexan

    What an awesome comment!

    I’ve long suspected that the pedophile “priests” are CINOs as well.

    • Replies: @NYCTexan
  1242. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The dairy farmers in Vermont and Maine are importing Hispanic farm workers whose kids are flooding the schools.

    I’m very familiar with dairy farms since my brother owns one. There is absolutely no reason to import Hispanics to work on a dairy farm.

    Maine, Minnesota and the Dakotas are flooded with Somalians and other Muslim Africans brought in by Lutheran social services which gets millions a year from the US govt for the refugee resettlement programs.

    Your references and knowledge of America are really stuck in the 1950s and 60s.

    And why the scorn for the south and southerners about which you seem to know absolutely nothing??????

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1243. @notanon

    You are wise.

    One is not a true American until resident in the ADL’s database.

  1244. Kolo says:

    Superb comment
    Keep it coming

  1245. Karl says:

    272 notanon > you’re missing out the most important one – money-lending – which is extremely harmful

    yeah, because we cannot expect grown adults who BORROW money to have any agency

    but i will also mention you’re theory to all those HORRIBLE money lenders who insist on lending money to farmers until the harvest.

    • Replies: @Svigor
    , @notanon
  1246. Svigor says:

    Fucking based! (((Ron Unz))) is a way bigger antisemite than I am!

    But seriously, over the years I’ve ignored this stuff because it’s so hard to verify, and because the most problematic segments of Jewry tended to be the less religious. And because it offers a real dilemma; if this article is even half true, then Judaism should be stamped out completely in Western countries, and religious Jews expelled. Hell, it probably justifies the expulsion of non-religious Jews, on the basis that they or their descendants present an unacceptable opportunity for this evil religion to take root again in future.

    I’ve always seen this stuff posted online in forums and pages, but always filed it in the “fringe” folder; stuff I couldn’t verify, and thus couldn’t defend and make a part of my repertoire (along with a lot of stuff I think of as “conspiracy theory antisemitism”).

    These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

    Ignorance and corruption. Ignorance in the flock, corruption in the shepherd.

    If the Gentile population became aware of these Jewish religious beliefs and the behaviors they promote, major problems for Jews might develop, so an elaborate methodology of subterfuge, concealment, and dissimulation has come into being over the many centuries to minimize this possibility, especially including the mistranslation of sacred texts or the complete exclusion of crucial sections. Meanwhile, the traditional penalty for any Jew who “informs” to the authorities on any matter regarding the Jewish community has always been death, often preceded by hideous torture.

    The veracity of this article aside, this paragraph at least is 100% consistent with what I have seen from Jews in general; they have a very deeply-ingrained culture of rationalization, dismissal, subterfuge, concealment, dissimulation, deception, denial, etc., in relation to humanity. They simply have no interest at all in any criticism leveled at Jewry other than legalistic; get the charges dropped, beat the rap, convince the plaintiff to withdraw, win in the court of public opinion, etc. Exceptions are vanishingly rare (I won’t even cite Ron as an example, as in my experience he is utterly unique).

    I think I’ve read here and there that some scholars believe that Hitler may have modeled certain aspects of his racially-focused National Socialist doctrine upon the Jewish example, which really makes perfect sense. After all, he saw that despite their small numbers Jews had gained enormous power in the Soviet Union, Weimar Germany, and numerous other countries throughout Europe, partly due to their extremely strong ethnic cohesion, and he probably reasoned that his own Germanic people, being far greater in numbers and historical achievements could do even better if they adopted similar practices.

    MacDonald’s Separation and Its Discontents deals with this question, IIRC.

    Highly distinctive cultural patterns and social attitudes can easily seep into a considerably wider population

    I’d drop qualifications and simply say that cultural patterns flow across cultural boundaries, especially within stronger boundaries (e.g., old-time Jews and more modern Jews are connected by their Jewishness). That said, I’ve been saying something similar for many years; prejudices, habits, and other problematic cultural traits tend to jump beyond their original boundaries and bases.

    If nearly all Jews for a thousand or two thousand years were taught to feel a seething hatred toward all non-Jews and also developed an enormous infrastructure of cultural dishonesty to mask that attitude, it is difficult to believe that such an unfortunate history has had absolutely no consequences for our present-day world, or that of the relatively recent past.

    Salient among them, Jewry’s bat-shit crazy neuroses about themselves, humanity, and the relationship between the two.

    One thing that sits heavily on my mind after reading this article is how very, very Jewish leftism has become, and how much more Jewish it threatens to become going forward. The J-left is obviously gearing up to do here what they did in the USSR.

    Either Jews undergo some kind of cultural Renaissance and come to grips with their own malignant history, or America is going to go the way of interwar Germany. The former seems a very unlikely outcome.

  1247. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    If you want to archive a particular page just go to: and paste the link.

    This page was already archived through that service under:

    …and you can download it by clicking “download .zip”.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1248. Karl says:

    597 [310] > If you’re not a Christian acknowledge the murders

    they were certainly murdered, but they lived by the sword, so they died by…..

    Royalty is Parasitism, isn’t it?

    • Replies: @Anon
  1249. Svigor says:

    It’s a normal human (i.e., not Jewish) response to place more blame on the drug dealer, than on the junkie.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1250. @DB Cooper

    When illiterate Jews arrived at Ellis Island, their hatred for the cross and Christianity was so great that they refused to make the normal illiterate + mark as a signature, instead they made a circle, “kikel” in Yiddish

  1251. Svigor says:
    @Colin Wright

    First off, it’s an exaggeration — and a self-defeating one — to say that the Russian Communists were ‘overwhelmingly’ Jewish. Disproportionately, certainly, and indeed, heavily, but not ‘overwhelmingly.’ Perhaps a third of the prominent figures were Jewish. Have half. The point is that Communism, while heavily Jewish, was also gentile.

    I suspect Jews were dominant through a combination of talent, solidarity, and motivation. Picture a choir with half or one third of the members singing from the same sheet, while the rest all sing random songs; what will be the “overwhelming” impression on listeners? They will hear two things; the song of the first group, and background noise.

    Second, the article gives the impression that there is some some kind of monolithic Judaism. That’s obviously untrue: Jews are some of the most quarrelsome, dissent-prone folks around. The author is actually more representative of the average Jewish intellectual than he may think. Indeed, this compulsion to dissent — rather than some sinister urge to reduce the goyim to misery — may do much to explain the attraction revolutionary creeds hold for Jews.

    This is nonsense. Ron Unz is easily the least Jewish Jew I have ever encountered. Yeah, he’s a disputatious intellectual, but then again, so am I. There is absolutely NO Jewish trend to be extrapolated from Ron’s behavior. He’s absolutely in a class of his own when it comes to Jews who criticize Jewry and Judaism. I have come across a pretty good number of Jews who criticize Jewry or Judaism over my 15 years as an online countersemite. They tend to fall into categories, and along a spectrum of loyalty to Jews, and I’ve never seen another one like Ron (though I suspect they exist, in small numbers).

    I’m not saying this to butter Ron up; I have buttered Ron up before, and would happily do so again (he deserves it; I’m very grateful to him as our host, and for other things he’s done down through the years), but it’s not what I’m doing here. I’m saying this because it’s my honest take; Ron baffles me – I have never encountered a Jew who so thoroughly breaks with the tribe. He’s entirely consistent with a Jew who simply does not give any particular fuck about Jews, being a Jew, or softening the blow for Jewry. The behavior in and of itself is not baffling at all – it makes perfect sense. The baffling part is that he is also, at the same time, of Jewish extraction. In every other instance in my experience, Jews have, at some point, sided with their tribe over humanity; they may call Jews onto the carpet, and they certainly tread onto the “ANTISEMITISM!!!” carpet (what honest and aware man hasn’t?), but they have all been warm, to a certain extent, to Jews. They all have a point where they say, “this far, and no further.” Ron is the only Jew I’ve ever encountered who more or less writes like an Aryan countersemite; he writes about Jews with the voice of the other, as we do. I’ve never encountered someone who so thoroughly embodies the usually-disingenuous phrase, “who also happens to be Jewish.” I may have Ron completely wrong, but the impression I get is that he isn’t a Jew; he’s an American who happens to have been born to the Tribe.

    As for your point about monolithic Judaism, I never find that sort of thing persuasive. We went to war with Germany over Nazism, and killed many thousands of Germans as a result. Nobody gave a fuck about monolithic Germans, or lack thereof. But I’m supposed to stop and quibble because G-d’s Chosen are in the dock? Fuck that.

    If the Jew as immaculately innocent and eternal victim paradigm is obviously inaccurate, it doesn’t follow that the exact opposite must be the case.

    Straw man. This was pulled out of your ass and doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.

  1252. notanon says:

    yeah, because we cannot expect grown adults who BORROW money to have any agency

    no we can’t – and that’s the problem (and it’s a practical problem not a moral one)

    where does the interest come from?

    with money lending that increases the productive capacity of an economy the interest can come out of that increase -> win-win

    however money lending for consumption the interest can only come out of the existing economy so it acts as a wealth transfer mechanism over time – concentrating wealth from borrowers to lenders – problem being when wealth gets too concentrated the economy stagnates cos no demand.

    (this is where the Parsi charity thing had two benefits: reducing resentment but also putting money back into circulation)

    not blaming anyone – the money-lending niche would exist without Jews but trying to survive as a minority gave Jews more of an incentive to dominate that niche cos wealth = security.

  1253. Svigor says:
    @Dan Hayes

    Not having time at the moment, I make no judgment on the validity of Unz’s findings, but I predict that a very strong reaction will arrive soon, and I trust Ron has made adequate technical preparations.

    What are the Jews going to do? Put Ron on double-secret probation? I’m sure they already wanted his nuts floating in a jar of formaldehyde.

    • Agree: Dan Hayes
  1254. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    the point i’m making here is i think minorities who don’t want to assimilate are likely over time to evolve hostile behaviors that are harmful to the majority and the solution is people having their own homeland where they are the majority.

    Excellent point but I’d turn it around. It’s the hostility (dehumanisation and fear of the host) that’s keeping the lesser gypsies/jews from assimilating.

    The smart ones are assimilating while the dumbfucks still need the dysgenic crutch. In terms of evolutionary strategy and procreation - it’s the rejects who (almost always) have to cheat.

  1255. Svigor says:
    @Tyrion 2

    It isn’t friendly. I don’t believe in it. But don’t Christians believe that only Christians go to heaven? While everyone else burns for eternity?

    A great many do not. More to the point, it takes about five minutes to get saved; no need to be born to the Master Race, cut off your foreskin, or spend years studying a thousand-year-old set of encyclopedias.

    P.S., you skipped over the slavery thing.

  1256. Svigor says:

    Even as late as the 1930s and afterward, international Zionist groups closely cooperated with the Third Reich on international economic projects, and during the world war itself one of the smaller rightwing factions, led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yizhak Shamir, actually offered a military alliance to the Axis Powers, denouncing the decadent Western democracies and hoping to cooperate against their mutual British enemies. The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, 51 Documents by Lenni Brenner, and other writings have documented all these facts in detail, though for obvious reasons they have generally been ignored or mischaracterized by most of our media outlets.

    I’ve been a countersemite for more than 15 years, and I’d never heard this one. I knew there were Zionists and Zionist organizations who cooperated with the Third Reich to varying degrees, but until now I had no idea that a former Israeli PM, a founding one, wanted to work with Hitler.

    I’m going to bring this up every time a Zionist crows about connections between Hitler and Arabs/Palestinians.

  1257. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    No problem. Just make sure to save important stuff locally. Online archives are also getting purged of wrongthink regularly. This was never supposed to be easy. :)

  1258. Svigor says:
    @mark green

    No matter how collectively powerful, accomplished, secure, connected and wealthy they become, the chosen people are constantly aspiring for more. More!

    I have to take issue with this. No matter how powerful, accomplished, connected, and wealthy it becomes, diaspora Jewry is never secure. Its power always relies upon the consent of the governed, so to speak. That power is always soft power that could blow away in a political wind in moments. This is baked into the Jewish cake – it’s the inevitable consequence of Jewish separatism and elitism. You can’t have both the numbers, and be an elite. You can’t be both exclusive, and inclusive. The Jewish diaspora is always one political sea change away from a total loss of power. That’s a big part of why they’re always on the offensive. Which is of course also why their history is so “lachrymose.”

    At some point the Jewish elite, the head, detached itself from the Jewish body and decided to live by attaching itself to humanity’s body. The world has been suffering the consequences of that decision ever since. Israel offers Jews a third option (1 and 2 being Judaism and assimilation), the opportunity to be a real, independent people again.

  1259. Svigor says:
    @Tyrion 2

    The problem with this sort of response is the fucking-over Jews have given Christianity and Whites with their intellectual output over the years. By Jews’ own standards, they deserve this article from Ron, about a million times over.

  1260. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    I see that my image was Shoah’d. Curious. After trying a few other image hosts, let’s try this one:

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1261. Svigor says:

    1. In my judgment, Shahak failed to distinguish between rabbinical rulings and local folk traditions. In his book, he includes a reference to Jews spitting in front of Christian churches and cemeteries. While this did sometimes happen, Baruch Kimmerling claimed–in correspondence with me–that this practice was a folk tradition and not an official religious practice. In any community with millions of members, some people will do disgusting things. However, that does not mean that most of its members approve of–or even know about–these practices.

    This seems naive. I.e., it seems divorced from actual experience with Jews, who will, almost to a man, deny, obfuscate, distract, dissimulate, ignore and dismiss accusations about the behavior in question…everything but respond in a way that they demand from whites in reciprocal situations (evangelize on the subject and fight for change, etc.). On the contrary, they are entirely more likely to accuse the critic of “ANTISEMITISM!!!” and work to have the entire subject deemed “ANTISEMITIC!!!”

    2. A useful perspective on the book is provided by a review by Baruch Kimmerling: This link provides a preview but gives enough to give the flavor of the review. Kimmerling’s basic claim is that Shahak exaggerates the degree of anti-Gentile animus in Judaism and that the dominant reaction is one of anxiety and fear, rather than hatred.

    Shahak could have lived for a thousand years, totally devoted them to this topic, and never been anything but a drop in the bucket compared to the exaggerations of Jews about the “ANTISEMITISM!!!” (and other “pathologies”) of the peoples they have chosen to follow wherever they are found.

    My response to your points 3-9 is similar: let the Jews be treated as they have treated us.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1262. Svigor says:

    THIS. A thousand times, this.

    Time to throw Jewry on the couch and do to them for the next hundred years what they’ve done to us for the past hundred.

    Though I think the transcript should be known ahead of time to be for the benefit of humanity, and not Jewry, because Jewry are immune to the sort of inquisition they’ve subjected us to; the purpose of the New Inquisition will be to undo the achievements of the Old.

  1263. Svigor says:

    That’s a very interesting graphic, and I’d appreciate a pedigree. I’m surprised at how many Jews agreed. Hell, I’m surprised at how many agree in every category, really. That said, it’s worth noting that BLACKS and ASIANS agreed at significantly higher rates than Jews.

    Right-leaning Whites and Jews are obviously natural enemies.

  1264. Svigor says:

    Christian Hell is almost entirely a figment of doctrine. There is no real Scriptural basis for it. The “divorced from God” thing is much more in line with Scripture.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1265. Svigor says:

    1) I’m basically an atheist (intellectually agnostic, in every other way basically atheist, well, kinda…it’s complicated (I kinda buy the Jungian sense of God and religion)), and I’m also culturally Christian and simpatico with non-heretical (most Christians are heretics) Christians.

    2) Communists despised National Socialism more than anything, but few anti-Communists are sympathetic to National Socialism, so it’s not all that hard to understand the phenomenon you’re describing.

  1266. pensword says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Also, what an amazing picture of insanity this article’s comments add up to; and amazing how essentially no other sites on the whole internet have picked it up. Instead it is essentially only mentioned on some of the more rabid commenters’ personal projection spaces.

    Equally “amazing” was the massive DDoS attack that besieged this site shortly following Ron’s publication of this article.

    Were it as irrelevant as you imply, why the desperate attempt to prevent others from reaching it? And why has Ron’s traffic surpassed that of more mainstream sites?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  1267. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    the dominant reaction is one of anxiety and fear, rather than hatred.

    The hatred is the result of anxiety & fear. Throw in some sense of supremacy (chosen ones) and it’s 99% effective.

    This is the Tribe’s “clever” secret. It works… until it doesn’t.

  1268. Jaylon says:

    Just to add more fuel to the fire that Ron has started, i present this link below. Make sense now why the Palestinians are in such trouble, too bad the Americans have also become the most useful tool!

  1269. jsm says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    England is not the mother country of Italians, Polish, Germans and Irish-Catholics in the Northern United States. We don’t even share your ethnicity as fellow whites. Colonial era means nothing to us. We are not from England and we do not care about the UK like you Southerners who go on about the colonial era.

    Screw you, asshole.

    My ancestors came from Denmark. My grandpappy understood that coming to America (founded by the English) we all had a DUTY to be grateful to the people who kindly let us in, to show THEM our loyalty, including loving their history as much as they do, taking it on as our own. If the Americans care about colonial era and UK, then, by God, so do we.

    My grandpappy assimilated the second his feet hit American soil, so much so that no one in his household was ALLOWED to speak Danish. “We speak English in this house,” immediately corrected anyone who lapsed into Danish. And he did not allow the kids to be happy about any holidays or traditions but the ones in THIS country that was so kind as to adopt us, so we adopt back.

    Anybody who thinks different ought to go back.

    • Replies: @Truth-hammer
  1270. Seraphim says:
    @jacques sheete

    The problem is in the idea that God loves only you and cares only for you!

  1271. Svigor says:

    Aaron’s comments make a lot more sense when you substitute “human” for “gentile,” but it’s not really necessary to do so to notice that he’s absorbed the Jews’ view of reality (humanity vs. Jews).

    I do it too, I guess; but from the other side of the fence.

  1272. headrick says:

    Anybody have another source on this one before I repeat it as verified truth?
    If true, it is really a penetrating insight on the nature of Jewish Bolsheviks.

  1273. Caruthers says:

    Some (few) Jews, like most European gentiles, are neither tribal nor ashamed of their ethnic ancestry. That is, they are not ashamed of their ethnic background, but it does not form a major part of their “identity.” Like eye-color, it is something they think very little about with regard to themselves or others, and they certainly do not discriminate in favor of people of their own ethnic background or seek to advance the interests of their own ethnic group.

  1274. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Blacks became America’s problem when Yankees invaded, burned, and conquered the South and set Blacks free.

    Had to Fix That For You.

    P.S., the vast majority of “ANTISEMITES!!!” are Yankees.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1275. “I knew it.”– Lt. Frank Drebin, Police Squad.

  1276. utu says:
    @jacques sheete

    the principle, an ancient one, still applies

    Absolutely. Very old principle. We did not need Freud to reinvent it as a projection. Also Stalin did not invent it. He just noticed that his opponents were guilty of it. Do not get me wrong: I do not defend Stalin. He is beyond any defense. But it is misleading to quote it outside of the context he used it.

  1277. Skeptikal says:

    The assertion that Gypsies were driven out of India because their behaviors were unacceptably bad is based on nothing at all. First of all, yes, there have been castes and secret groups in India that behaved terribly. Cf. the Thugs. And they were not “driven out.” Who would do the driving??
    But AFAIK we have no idea why this particular untouchable caste that became the Gypsies was forced to migrate, or chose to do so. Perhaps they were always nomads in an area that was becoming settled. Perhaps there was a demographic pressure of some kind. Perhaps they resisted some local ruler. Perhaps some other caste wanted to force t his caste to an evne lower status. Perhaps it was a conflict in styles worship—there are, or were, before Modi started imposing the Hindu hegemony, hundreds of religions in India. AFAIK we don’t know. Or, I don’t know and I bet you don’t know. It is pretty hard to develop hypotheses when there is virtually no archaeological evidence.

    Are you an expert in the extremely complex social history of the area that is the modern state of India?
    Your statements sound like a perfect example of the hoary adage, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

  1278. Caruthers says:

    Given the superstition rife throughout Europe during the Middle Ages and the viciousness of the Talmud toward non-Jews, it is plausible that some Jewish communities did engage in some ritualistic murder and blood-drinking of Christians. The question is empirical and should be evaluated and answered according to the evidence, not dismissed as “antisemitic” at the outset.

  1279. @jsm

    My maternal great-grandparents immigrated from Germany to America and spoke German. Of course, my grand-father was raised to speak English. My paternal grand-parents immigrated from Mexico (a weird combo am I– all women are weak-minded and should live at home until they marry– that way, their father can run off any unsuitable suitors). My father refused to teach us Spanish. He did not want us to be little Mexican-Americans, but Americans. Sad and tragic that we have devolved to the point where we are today.

  1280. Skeptikal says:

    I think it is established that the bacterium that caused the Black Death entered Europe first through the Crimea. It originated in China.

    At the time, no one knew what caused it.

    “By 1334, the plague had destroyed two thirds of China’s population and successive waves of the plague after 1348 took the lives of roughly one third of Southern Europeans.”

    it is possible that Poland was relatively spared from the plague because it was not a trading nation . . .
    This view is mentioned at the following link, but there are other reasons, such as an effective quarantine:

    • Replies: @j2
    , @j2
  1281. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    And another image was Shoah’d without a trace. Curious, again.

    After trying to upload it to multiple image-hosting services and encountering “this image is forbidden” let’s put it in text-form:

    It is in the Jewish interest, it is in humanities interest that whites experience genocide. Until white children are burned alive, white women raped, mutilated, and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorised; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.

    – Ishmael Levitts

  1282. Seraphim says:

    Blacks became Americas’ problem the moment when they have been brought in to America. It is a self-inflicted problem.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Svigor
  1283. notanon says:

    The assertion that Gypsies were driven out of India because their behaviors were unacceptably bad is based on nothing at all.

    It’s not my assertion.

  1284. Svigor says:

    Lots of people here try to put an academic veneer on their antisemitism. Comparatively small details are exploded into things like claiming the Holocaust didn’t happen. The genocidal work of the Einsatzgruppen, the endless lists, the dates marked, the deportation of the Hungarian Jews… the National Socialist state must have gone to a really great length to write things down that didn’t happen, to run trains to nowhere, and to relocate people… for what? Did they just vanish?

    I’m just a holycaust skeptic, not even an amateur revisionist, and I know more about revisionism than you do. E.g., most revisionists don’t debunk the narrative about the Einsatzgruppen the way they do the narrative about gas chambers or death camps. You can’t swing a stick in a crowd of revisionists without hitting a bunch of guys who basically limit the “genocide” of the Nazis to the Einsatzgruppen’s efforts on the eastern front.

    E.g., the basic revisionist position is not “the holocaust didn’t happen,” but that the orthodox narrative is sloppily supported, not supported, etc. The logical position for anything is that it doesn’t exist, unless it is shown to exist.

    Your questions are amusing; why relocate people you intend to murder? Why take them off the trains alive at all? Why not simply kill them on the train? Then you have no need for camps at all. That’s an enormous cost savings right there. Why relocate people you intend to mass murder?

    Lots of people try to put a psychiatric veneer on their philo-semitism or anti-antisemitism. It’s really rather tedious.

    Had to TL;DR the rest of your comment for now – I’ve read enough philo-semitic boilerplate for fifty lifetimes already.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @jsm
  1285. Svigor says:
    @James Kabala

    Yes, Martin Luther would definitely agree with you that the Church hierarchy was cucked by Jew money.

  1286. Wally says:

    “*(please don’t tell me that Einstein was a fraud and a charlatan. He may not have been the smartest man who ever lived, [as the Jewish supremacists would have us believe], but he was very smart indeed, and yet as a mild form of Zionist, he spoke with tenderness and justice about the terrible plight of the Palestinians).”

    But I will, he was a fraud and a plagiarist, charlatan too.

    Yeah, I guess at least a few brain cells are required to be so.

    So, why do you call him a “giant”?

    Or is that ‘giant hustler’.

    Or ‘giant racist’? :
    Fake Jew icon Einstein was rabidly racist, xenophobic

    Jew IQ is largely a myth established by marketing and media control, starting with the Einstein brand. The myth is necessary to justify and conceal Jewish tribal nepotism as the main factor establishing dominance of a hostile elite in host nations.

    Albert Einstein was a Fraud


    Einstein, plagiarist of the century

  1287. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Whatever the ancestors of the children of Nicholas did, nothing in the history of Russia surpassed what the Jewish communists did between 1918 and 1959 in Russia and E European countries after WW1 when their shietluved comnunjsts regimes were swiftly overthrown and after WW2 when the soviet troops were given lists of people to vekikked by the Jewish communist resistance to the German occupation

    Jew Eisner slaughtered 10,000 people in Munich in 1918. Bela Kun did the same in Hungary.
    You do realize that liberal propaganda against all Whites portrays us as the same vicious oppressors as liberals have portrayed the Czars.

  1288. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve read a bit about it. This is just my opinion The Gypsies probably left because the Muslims cracked down in their scams and cons

    Another thing would be women. In Muslim culture the women stay home and only go out for necessary shopping, family visits whatever

    But in gypsy culture the women and small children are hanging about the streets all day accosting everyone begging picking pockets shoplifting picking up and selling stolen goods and running all sorts of scams

    It appears the gypsies were just looking to broaden the base of suckers

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1289. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    according to the University of Virginia. The first ship Jamestown 1619 was a Dutch ship. And the judge who legalized slavery in Virginia 1654 was an English judge appointed by English authorities. And the plaintiff who brought the law suit that made his black servabt a shave was Antoine Johnson a lack man from Angola

    Slavery was imposed on America by England when we were a colony.

    Of course the few colonials who could afford to get into the slave trade were very enthusiastic

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @notanon
  1290. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    They’re the same thing, doctrinally speaking, and the “Scriptural” basis for both is therefore the same.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1291. utu says:

    Slavery was imposed on America by England when we were a colony.

    That’s why the moment Americans regained independence from the oppressive England they rejected slavery that was foreign and abhorrent to them.

  1292. @Tyrion 2

    What’s your take on the “blood libel”? My unresearched tentative – I would call secular common sense – view is that there would have been some such practices in the medieval world given the widespread persecution of witches, grisly tortures and executions such as hanging, drawing and quartering, belief on magic….. and the still existing relics of such thinking in gamblers’ lucky charms and Chinese feng shui.

    A dilemma for Jews is whether it is worth expunging the reality of some primitive pre Enlightenment Jewish practices at the expense of being resented for using Jewish media power and general influence to falsify history. Getting a church which still teaches transubstantiation and the direct acceptance of “saints” into “heaven” to simply deny the “blood libels” was possibly necessary for temporary anti anti Semitic purposes and all that could be done with Christian institutions that aren’t about to forswear belief in ancient and medieval myth and magic????

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Tyrion 2
    , @Anonymous
  1293. @Anon

    In Somerset’s Case in England Lord Chief Justice Mansfield is famously quoted as saying “The air of England is too pure for a slave to breathe, let the black go free”.

    I wasn’t aware of the Virginia judge’s decision. Who? Appointed by whom? (1654 was during the Cromwellian Commonwealth). Of course “England” didn’t have much control over its freebooting aristocrats and entrepreneurs so I wonder about your “imposed in America by England”. Come to think of it, how did it come about at Independence that some were slave states and some were not? Imposed by England?

  1294. @MikeatMikedotMike


    Escape From New York

    Kurt Russell reflected the new veteran. Forgotten by his country and thrown on the scrap heap while endless wars continued.

    They Live

    This was about the class wars of the 80′s and the rise of poverty and joblessness in the era of the Yuppie. See Carpenter’s commentary.

    Prince of Darkness

    Beneath the religious trappings was the reality of homelessness.

  1295. @Skeptikal

    It appears that a ruler of North India, not the Muslims, drove the gypsies out in the 9th or 10th century.

    By the time they entered Iran-from which they borrowed some of their language-they were so undesirable that they were quickly driven further West until they congregated in Southeaster Europe.

    North India of course is a constant turmoil of invaders-Aryans, Scythian, Greek. So the poster who remarked of the complicated history around the Punjab is correct.

    As for Parsi, they received permission from the an Indian King to enter India and are a tiny business elite minority who only intermarried between themselves-until recently when hemophilia led to a law that they HAD to marry non-Parsi.

    Generally, they got buy doing business. Not really social parasites at all. Tata and some of the biggest companies in India are owned by Parsi.

  1296. Svigor says:

    Nope. That’s like saying the animals in a zoo or the inmates in a prison became a problem the moment they were brought to the zoo or prison, thus absolving the psychos who broke into the zoo/prison, shot all the guards, and freed all the animals or prisoners of responsibility.

    Complete horseshit.

    Yankees made ABSOLUTELY SURE that a potential problem became an actual disaster. That’s where the blame lies.

  1297. @Anon

    It appears some North Indian king kicked the gypsies out of India before the Muslims arrived.

  1298. NYCTexan says:
    @jacques sheete

    Well not all the nondenominational churches. There are some that expressly reject dual covenant theology. They usually have healthy, good looking congregations. They also get bashed in media coverage for not embracing homosexuality in leadership positions.

  1299. Svigor says:

    There’s an unbridgeable gulf between death/separation from God and an eternity roasting in hellfire. One is basically “Heaven or nothing,” the other is “Heaven or Hell.”

    • Replies: @Anon
  1300. @Svigor


    Why don’t Jews complain of credit card debt, then?

    Why don’t Jews complain that pornography is ruining their marriages, since they are so over-represented in porn?

    Why don’t Jews complain that Mexicans are taking their jobs, since they are still classified as white and cannot be Affirmative Action hires?

    Why aren’t Jews hooked on methamphetamine or Oxy? Crack cocaine was largely an urban East Coast scourge but it largely affected blacks.

    Why aren’t Jewish girls have children out-of-wedlock if the media and Leftist pundits are attacking the family?

    Why aren’t Jewish girls in interracial relationships to the same degree as white prole girls?

    • Replies: @Svigor
    , @notanon
  1301. Svigor says:

    The assertion that Gypsies were driven out of India because their behaviors were unacceptably bad is based on nothing at all.

    It’s always a pretty good assumption that when a people is driven out by another, it’s for bad behavior. It’s not a law of the universe or anything, but it’s a good guess.

    I mean “bad behavior” in a neutral way: for shit the group doing the driving saw as bad.

    Obviously it could just be a power struggle (another good assumption, actually).

    Assimilation is the duty of the alien/minority population; guests should always be more sensitive to their hosts than the other way around, and for good reason.

  1302. @Svigor

    If it wasn’t for the North, the South would have continued to import slaves until the South was 90% black.

  1303. AaronB says:

    What you are suggesting may not be possible. To be human is to pick a side. And there will always be sides because there will always be contrasting opinions. Only people whose tempermant and functions in society set them apart are able to achieve this. Kindly doctors?

    Well, to choose the spiritual life means to do just that. You expand the circle of your ego to include everyone. There is no more gentile hating Jew or Jew hating Polish Catholic. This is the source of compassion – not to have no ego, which is impossible, but to have so large an ego that it includes everyone.

    Its not so much that there are no more sides, its that everyone is now on your side – you see everyone as implicated in your self-interest.

    This is the vision of all great religions, including Judaism. St Thomas Aquinas is no more being true to Christianity when he says the virtuous will delight in watching the torments of sinners than some Talmudic sage is when he says one need not return change to a gentile if he overpaid you and did not notice it.

    Is this difficult?

    Yes and no.

    On the one hand, not participating in the universal war means probably suffering at least some exploitation. But it opens you up to wonder, magic, joy, beauty, love.

    On the other hand, choosing to participate in the universal war means constant bad moods and anxiety, and to be cut off from beauty, wonder, and joy. This is the chronic state of most of humanity for most of history – chronic joylessness – and certainly nearly everyone on this blog. But you will be better able to avoid exploitation.

    Of course, as long as you are a living being you cannot entirely choose not to participate in the universal war, but one can reduce it to an absolute minimum.

    That is why I support some kind of nationalism – it reduces the universal war. Individualism appears to be an improvement over nationalism, but it merely increases overall warfare by pitting everyone against everyone and destroying any principle of cooperation.

    But nationalism still creates war and is hardly an ideal. It is merely a stage in the process.

    And I believe each one of us is engaged in a process – ultimately, we all will increase the circle of our ego to include everyone.

    But everything must be evaluated as part of a process – it may be good at some points, bad at others. Right now nationalism is good – in a few decades, it may represent a regression.

    But you are correct that outside of the spiritual life, and sunk in materialism, there is only the war of all against all, which is inescapable.

  1304. @Anon

    “Lutheran Social Services”

    St. Paul has the same problems as Sweden with Muslim refugees? What is the origin of these Lutherans in Minnesota? Is their last name Rebowitz or is it Palsson?

    I’m guessing the latter.

    “Vermont and Maine”

    I don’t think Hispanics will adapt to Vermont or Maine as easily as Phoenix, Arizona and more of them will return home for the age-old reason of climate. Well, we can always hope.

    “Stuck in the 1960′s”

    Actually, I’m stuck in the 1990′s. Even in the 1990′s Hispanics-or basically Amerindians-had not overrun the United States from New Mexico up to New Brunswick. This, I suspect, is a result of NAFTA.

    Somalians came in the 1990′s. This was not a phenomenon of the sixties.

  1305. Seraphim says:
    @James Kabala

    So where is the relentless persecution of the Jews in the Middle Ages? In reality they have always been protected both by ecclesiastical and temporal powers. Their status in Christian societies was regulated by the privileges inherited from the Roman Law. Popular rebellions against Jews were motivated by a perception that they were too much protected.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @notanon
  1306. @Greasy William

    Like other quasi-British colonies, the South probably would have become like Rhodesia.

    It was only because the Industrial base was in the North and they chose to import immigrants at slave wages like the Italians or the Irish, that the South did not eventually find itself in the situation that Zimbabwe or South Africa did.

    And if you look at the situation of poor whites in places like Detroit or Atlanta, I’d say it is a runner up third place to that of Boers in SA.

    The really poor Polish-American retirees or the absolute lowest income white Southerners are in harm’s way.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1307. @Svigor

    If the South had imported Italians or Polish for slave wages like the Northern US did to fuel its industrial base than there would have been no zoo to begin with.

    If Polish and Italian and Irish had been paid to pick cotton, it is unlikely there would be a zoo. The Italians are a semi-Latino people with some cultural differences, but these were relatively minor.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1308. @Svigor

    The Einsatz Gruppen.

    What is said about them is based on the testimonies of twelve of the asserted 1000 members of these asserted Gruppen, in the Neurenberg show.
    Anyone who knows how these testimonies were given places big question marks by their truth.

    Then there are the asserted mass killings and mass graves.
    Who takes the trouble to read Poliakov, his story is based on the Neurenberg testimonies, regularly finds sentences as ‘all 40.000 were shot’, by a Gruppe of 50 to 100 men.
    Try to imagine how this was done.
    Who covered the bodies with earth, it is not mentioned.
    Then there is the story that when the Russian army advanced ‘special groups with special fluids’ were sent to open the graves, and destroy the bodies completely.
    No evidence left.

    As to the pictures, Churchill had a propaganda studio in Canada.

    Then there is the weird phenomenon that the reports on the highly secret mass killings were distributed in about a hundred copies.

  1309. @Seraphim

    Protected, simply not true.
    Around 1100 or so jews were expelled from Britain.
    Around 1500 from the Iberian peninsula.
    If they were relentlessly persecuted, in my opinion not.
    But pogroms, spontaneous, or organised, did occur.
    Why and how, by whom, seldom clear, except in Russia after 1860, liberated serfs ran into debts by jews, who sold their properties.
    The church protecting jews, a fairy tale.
    Jews were an eyesore, anyone could see that the pope was not almighty.
    And, even in the sixties of the last century my wife, catholic origin, was taught in a Dutch catholic primary school ‘that jews were bad, they killed the son of god’.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1310. Them Guys says:

    Ok you make good sense and I agree soros types care more about painting muslims as militants they can use against others etc.

  1311. Svigor says:
    @Greasy William

    That’s speculation. “Oh, the South woulda this, the South was gonna that.” I can speculate that the end result would have been expatriation and emancipation, in that order. Or that the South would have seen the writing on the wall and forced the sale of all slaves to back to Africa.

    What isn’t speculation is that the Yankees closed off all possible good outcomes by invading the south, waging total war, winning, and…turning blacks loose on America.

    Supposedly “woke” Yankees have a huge problem admitting this, but fuck their unexamined, phony pride. Time to work through it, boys.

  1312. Them Guys says:
    @Che Guava

    At Russia Insider website the site owners article, also published here at unz, called “Time to Stop jew taboo” or close to that title has reached a massive Over 2,050+ Replies!!! I never saw any article with close to that number any place.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1313. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I’m not sure what your point is. If it’s that Jews are normal, you need to brush up on your stats.

  1314. notanon says:

    Slavery was imposed on America by England when we were a colony.

    the Atlantic slave trade was started by the people who used to run the white slave trade centered on Moorish Spain.

    after they got kicked out of Spain they set up new sugar plantations on the Portuguese owned Atlantic islands.

    (i think the slavery-sugar connection may go back 3000+ years all the way to Yemen/Bahrain)

  1315. notanon says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Why don’t Jews complain about…

    credit card debt:
    larger percentage involved in finance
    smaller percentage with high time preference

    mexicans taking their jobs:
    not their jobs

    not their jobs being off-shored

    out of wedlock kids:
    IQ and time preference

    jewish girls and inter-racial relationships:
    most inter racial violence (which includes sexual bullying) is in integrated prole schools

    a group with (on average) higher IQ, lower time preference and higher SES promoting harmful behaviors which are harmful in inverse proportion to IQ, time preference, SES etc will harm competitor groups more than they harm themselves – if they see weakening those other groups as a necessary preemptive self-defense against possible future persecution then they may see their (smaller) casualty rate as acceptable – they might even see their casualties from promoting harmful behaviors as eugenic as long as it’s lower than competitors.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1316. notanon says:
    @James Kabala

    i don’t know about child sacrifice – it was definitely a thing in the Levant at one time but changing to circumcision as an alternative seems highly plausible to me (which would seem to remove the motive) – although in Carthage it apparently died out but was revived later after defeats by Rome were blamed on not doing it any more.

    i find it much easier to believe someone spying on a teeth circumcision mistakenly thought they were eating the baby.

  1317. notanon says:

    So where is the relentless persecution of the Jews in the Middle Ages?

    seems more cyclical than relentless, often related to aristos removing their customary protection (often cos they owed money)

    so relentless hostility from the peasantry maybe but only cyclical hostility from the aristocracy.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1318. j2 says:

    “I think it is established that the bacterium that caused the Black Death entered Europe first through the Crimea. It originated in China.”

    The problem is that there were two strains. Please, read the link I provided, or just search from the web, two strains, spreading too fast, one coming from Crimea (where it was not spread by the rats but by bodies thrown to the city), but the second one appearing first in Holland, proposed that it came from Norway! (no ingenious plague in Norway, too cold there, it was taken to Holland from somewhere). You study the issue more and maybe you will change your opinions. There is the exact text from Jacob Frank that his group intentionally spread the plague in the 18th century. I ask you, why do you people try to deny everything?

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  1319. j2 says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard, from all pro-Israel trolls you are by far the most intelligent and the one I prefer to discuss with. There indeed was Jewish ritual sacrifice. It was a Cabbalistic practice and not so widespread in Judaism, you may say it was pre-modern Judaism, but not pre-Talmud, nor pre-Zorah. You have to read Isiah, and notice that for redemption Isiah suggest that other people die (read Isiah 43:4). It is also true that later redemption required a blood sacrifice (read Zechariah 9:11 , and do not imagine I have not read the Bible several times from one end to the other, I know it almost by hearth). There were people, Cabbalistic Rabbies, not as intelligent and cultured as you, who did these things. It was gthe Middle Ages. By the way, talking about witches in Europe, all original witches were destroyed with the exception of Finnish and Lappish witches (simple hunting magic). All Medieval European witchcraft was of Jewish origins, so here you have it, from scientific research. Killing babies for flying ointment, that originated in the Middle East, all those things originated in the Middle East and Greece.

  1320. Skeptikal says:
    @Greasy William

    “It’s always a pretty good assumption that when a people is driven out by another, it’s for bad behavior. It’s not a law of the universe or anything, but it’s a good guess.”

    Actually, it is a pretty silly “guess.”
    I should think “driving out” another group is also “bad behavior.”
    For example, if they control resources that the driving-out group covets.
    Such as how colonizers “drive out” indigenous.
    “Good guesses” do not history make.
    Documentation that the gypsies were “driven out” at all?

  1321. Seraphim says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The subject being as vast as it is touchy for the “lachrymose conception of Jewish history” (as coined by Salo Wittmayer Baron, “the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th century”), start with the Wikipedia entry ‘Sicut Judaeis’:

    “Sicut Judaeis (Latin: “As the Jews”) was a papal bull setting out the official position of the papacy regarding the treatment of Jews.
    The first bull was issued in about 1120 by Calixtus II and was intended to protect Jews. It was prompted by the First Crusade, during which over five thousand Jews were slaughtered in Europe. The words sicut Judaeis (“and thus to the Jews”) were first used by Pope Gregory I (590-604) in a letter addressed to the Bishop of Naples. Even then the Pope emphasized that Jews were entitled to “enjoy their lawful liberty.”
    The bull was reaffirmed by many popes including Alexander III, Celestine III (1191-1198), Innocent III (1199), Honorius III (1216), Gregory IX (1235), Innocent IV (1246), Alexander IV (1255), Urban IV (1262), Gregory X (1272 & 1274), Nicholas III, Martin IV (1281), Honorius IV (1285-1287), Nicholas IV (1288-92), Clement VI (1348), Urban V (1365), Boniface IX (1389), Martin V (1422), and Nicholas V (1447).
    The bull forbade Christians, on pain of excommunication, from forcing Jews to convert, from harming them, from taking their property, from disturbing the celebration of their festivals, and from interfering with their cemeteries.
    The bull of 1120 was not the first papal expression against the mistreatment of Jews. In 1065, for example, Pope Alexander II wrote to Béranger, Viscount of Narbonne, and to Guifred, bishop of the city, praising them for having prevented the massacre of the Jews in their district, and reminding them that God does not approve of the shedding of blood. In 1065 also, Alexander admonished Landulf VI of Benevento “that the conversion of Jews is not to be obtained by force.”

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1322. Skeptikal says:

    I am not “you people,” Whatever that is supposed to mean
    And I read, actually, that there were four strains of the bacterium/disease.

    Pardon my skepticism, but the Jacob Frank source doesn’t look very reliable to me.

    • Replies: @j2
  1323. Tyrion 2 says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    Obviously, there have been plenty of criminal, lunatic and evil Jews. That’s life.

    I don’t get why any Jew would think that Christian blood would have holy properties though. If anything, it would be the other way around. Christianity’s most important moment is the sacrifice of a Jew and the ritual drinking of his blood as wine. The blood libel’s most likely explanation is as a bizarre Christian unconscious projection onto the other.

    Indeed, for a religion founded on replacing human sacrifice with tokenistic animal sacrifice, it makes even less sense for there to be some sort of human blood ritual.

    I have also seen in my lifetime how panics, hysterias and imagined scares spread.

    So I am sceptical that it ever happened. It is also entirely irrelevant to the religion as it is very obviously unsupported by any texts.

    As for expunging pre-Enlightenment Jewish nonsenses, I am not for it. Being Reform, I hardly could be! I am sure that there was a lot of nonsense and indeed a lot of evil and horror and craziness.

    I am obviously going to be a bit taken aback when somebody says that it was somehow especially bad. Firstly, it wasn’t, anyone who looks at history can see the context. Secondly, the people who do so always seem to be calling for great evil now.

    Anyway, as a great believer in Enlightement values, I instinctively prefer light and open discussion to anything else. At the same time, a number of people on this thread are either trolls pretending to be psychotic or they actually are psychotic, and it would be better for everyone if people with psychoses were focussed on aliens and other fictional beings as opposed to rounding up and killing other humans.

    I don’t know where the line is between enlightened debate and merely feeding lunatics’ psychoses but I feel that this article probably straddles it.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1324. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    let the Jews be treated as they have treated us.

    They’re trying to genocide us. So much for the Jewish IQ.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1325. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    There may be to you, but there is not in Christian (or Jewish, as far as I am aware) doctrine. Do you ever reflect as to what “separation from God” might actually mean?

  1326. @notanon

    IQ & Time Preference

    Yep, I made you say it.

    • Replies: @notanon
  1327. Tyrion 2 says: • Website

    The traffic is nothing compared to Slate or Salon and the DDoS attacks are, given that they about as easy and unsophisticated as it gets, very unlikely to be made by a powerful actor. What will they do to escalate? Send a handwritten strongly worded letter?

    • Replies: @pensword
  1328. j2 says:

    “I read, actually, that there were four strains of the bacteriug m/disease.
    Pardon my skepticism, but the Jacob Frank source doesn’t look very reliable to me.”

    The argument is the following. There is a known case in England where the plague bacterium in the time of the Black Death was obtained from a package of textile sent from the continent, showing that the bacteria could survive without any living creatures for a long enough time. Selling infected textiles could explain the fast spread of the disease better than rats, as we do have an estimate how fast rats spread it from the 3rd pan-epidemia. There is an explicit text from Jacob Frank showing that this method of transmission is possible. You say his words are not very reliable here? Why is that, he writes from his experiences to his followers, it should be fairly reliable or at least, other Frankists could have done so following their master.

    Maybe you read that there were four strains, I read that there were two strains in the Black Death and they are placed in the DNA tree of the plague bacterium, neither strain exists today. This might have changed, it was so some months ago when I checked. Probably you mean that there are four strains of plague. Yes, but not all of them were in Europe in the 14th century, The problem is that the epidemia had two strains, not one.

    My apologies from alluding to you people. I said once so in the USA in a hotel, you people do not know how to use a credit card (which was true by the way). These Americans got mad: they are not you people. I guess I should have said you hotel people or something. Americans are very touchy. Very. Especially some.

  1329. Skeptikal says:

    OK, so “you people” means Americans.
    Not particularly American, and not particularly touchy. But always interested in actual documentation. Let’s leave the Middle Ages, shall we?
    I provided a ink already but I guess the link indicated I was too touchy for you to access it!

    I think the purposeful spread of plague via an infected item is quite unlikely, because anyone doing the spreading would, obviously, be exposing him-/herself to the infection. Such “spreading” would also presuppose that the spreader had some understanding of the concept of infection by a germ or bacterium or tiny “thing” that could cling to something and spring to another human. I don’t think anyone had such understanding in the 14th century, but if he/she did, common sense would dictate that he/she would not be purposefully handling items tainted by the disease-creating thing. Even the idea of washing hands before and after handing sick people to avoid spreading disease and infection such as gangrene did not occur to anyone until Lister (1827–1912) came along.

    For some scientific info on the genesis and DNA of Yersinia pestis, with an interesting map:

    • Replies: @j2
  1330. @Tyrion 2

    Indeed scepticism is appropriate but it doesn’t overcome the damned if you do, damned if you don’t, dilemma for Jews contemplating using pressure to impose censorship. Sophisticated PR is obviously very difficult to employ effectively but it’s a pity that the response can’t be to say “sure it’s not impossible that some medieval outliers amongst Jews were as deranged as the contemporary witchburners or as the 20th century Jonestown suicides, or even Islamist fanatics, but they were never part of mainstream Judaism even at it’s most alienated from host societies etc….”

    • Agree: Tyrion 2
  1331. j2 says:

    Ok, sorry, Skeptical. You are not touchy, you just are not “you people”, that’s all. I understand.

    I did not pay attention to your link in your comment but will look at it.

    Your argument that no people before the knowledge of germs could have been intentionally spreading the disease is shown incorrect by the writing of Jacob Frank that you ignore. You find there exactly a case when he advised his people to spread the plague (by selling infected items to Christians) and avoid being infected themselves (obviously by imposing some rules). I do not think Jacob Frank had an idea of germs, so avoiding being infected did not presuppose having an idea of germs. It required following a set of ritual cleanliness rules.

    I will look at your map, but can you look at the spread of the Black Death and try to invent a good reason why it omitted Poland (apart from the fact that some people were expelled from most of Europe and allowed to Poland, an irrelevant coincidence). Poland does not have natural boundaries, indeed the plague did spread there later. Quarantine methods can work in a city (like in Italy), but not in the scale of a country, it is simply impossible. The Black Death went around Poland. That is odd.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  1332. notanon says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    distribution of IQ and time preference
    predatory response
    shepherdly response

  1333. Skeptikal says:

    An earlier link I provided has a credible hypothesis as to why some plague waves did not hit Poland. These hypotheses are in line with the hypothesis as to the main ways that the plague bacterium entered and spread in Europe in different eras.

    • Replies: @j2
  1334. j2 says:

    “It originated in China.

    At the time, no one knew what caused it.

    “By 1334, the plague had destroyed two thirds of China’s population and successive waves of the plague after 1348 took the lives of roughly one third of Southern Europeans.”
    it is possible that Poland was relatively spared from the plague because it was not a trading nation . . .
    This view is mentioned at the following link, but there are other reasons, such as an effective quarantine:”

    These are the links you have provided. The first explains that one strain of the plague came from Crimea to Europe and originated in China. The route of this strain is well-known. It is the other strain that started in Holland that creates the doubts.

    The second one tries to explain that nobody knew what causes plague. While this was true as as as Christianity is concerned, you have to remember the plagues of Moses against Egypt and the plague that killed Assyrians who had a siege around Jerusalem and the disease attacked king Hezekiah. It is very possible that those people knew of plague. The Turks knew very well as they threw the bodies of people who died in plague over the walls of the Italian city in Crimea. Those people knew that the disease is highly infective and can be used as a tool.

    About the Black Death omitting Poland, I can only say that it circulated Poland and attacked Russia and Baltic countries, and I do not see any merit in efforts of explaining that Poland, at that time a major power, did not have trade routes, or that quarantine was effective in protecting this country and could not protect any other country. Quarantine did protect two cities in Italy and natural barriers did protect mountains of Spain, but Poland could not be protected in such ways. That is my opinion, not possible. Any time I travel in Poland I think: gimme 2000 tanks and I can run over the whole country. It does not have natural protections, unlike some other countries.

  1335. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    It was only because the Industrial base was in the North and they chose to import immigrants at slave wages like the Italians or the Irish, that the South did not eventually find itself in the situation that Zimbabwe or South Africa did.

    OF COURSE, Yankee-Judean menacing and threat of Yankee imperialism on behalf of negroes were probably the primary factors in the end of White rule in Rhodesia and South Africa, too.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1336. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Yeah if the South hadn’t worn that dress, the North wouldn’t have been inflamed to rape her. We all know the Yankee excuse.

    “If you hadn’t filled that zoo with animals or that prison with criminals, there would have been no disaster for us to unleash.”

    Great story bro, thx. Great protips for preventing Yankee-caused disasters. Don’t have black slaves, and Yankees won’t invade and set them all free to be America’s greatest, self-perpetuating disaster. Don’t be Conservative, and Yankees won’t have to force shitty leftist laws down your throat. Etc.

    It will be wonderful watching Yankee hegemony crumble. I don’t know if I’ll live to see it, but someone will.

    The problem with using White labor in the South is that White men died of tropical diseases. If the South had relied on imported White labor, there would have been no South. So this whole argument you’re using is Yankee Monday-morning QB retcon bullshit.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1337. Svigor says:

    The traffic is nothing compared to Slate or Salon and the DDoS attacks are, given that they about as easy and unsophisticated as it gets, very unlikely to be made by a powerful actor.

    It’s interesting to see how logic works in your world; “big things never attack little things.”

  1338. j2 says:

    You provided a link to a recent paper on plague strains. You must know of several earlier papers, which include the two strains of the Black Death. What your link makes very clear is that there is no endemic Norway plague. The strain that appeared in Holland during the Black death did most probably not come from Norway.

    We may have different explanations for why the Black Death omitted Poland, but the main problem is why the epidemia was carried by two different strains of plague at the same time. That is unlikely. About Poland, still it is a strange coincidence, like protection by God after admitting God’s people there. (No suggestions, I do believe in miracles)

  1339. Svigor says:

    often related to aristos removing their customary protection (often cos they owed money)

    WTF I love aristos now.

  1340. Svigor says:
    @Them Guys

    P.S., the altright has forced many, if not most, (((Big Media))) sites to withdraw their phony “free speech” comment features, so they’re a lot rarer now, but sites like Breitbart routinely get 15, 20 thousand comments on articles. Mostly useless comments, but….

  1341. @Svigor

    Yankee-caused disasters

    Don’t look at most of us Yankees, the majority of us did not arrive in the US until after the Civil War except for WASPS in New Hampshire.

    Tropical diseases

    You know, there’s something third world about the South. Voodoo, hurricanes, Latin dictators running Miami.

    Leftist laws

    Agree with you. Integrated schools are bad.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1342. @Svigor

    Britain could not afford to keep Rhodesia.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1343. @Anonymous

    The Jews live elbow-to-anus with Irish-Catholics and Italians and Arabs in NYC and have not done them in yet.

  1344. Rurik says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Britain could not afford to keep Rhodesia.

    that’s preposterous

    Rhodesia was the ‘breadbasket of Africa’

    the only reason they went suicidal was due to massive pressure from (especially) Perfidious, pedophile Albion, and the length and breath of the zio-western world.

    Just like S. Africa. Because Bruce Springsteen and Sting refused to play concerts there.

    Exactly like all the (((forces))) demanding the West open their gates to unlimited and transformational immigration from hostile populations intended to wipe out Europe and Western civilization for all time. Just as (((they))) wiped out Rhodisia and are doing to S. Africa, and Sweden and France and England and N. America and on and on….


    • Replies: @Skeptikal
    , @Anonymous
  1345. Did the British quit India because of (They) too? How about Singapore?

    Was this in the hopes that Chinese or Indians would kill the Brits?

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1346. Skeptikal says:

    “Exactly like all the (((forces))) demanding the West open their gates to unlimited and transformational immigration ”

    It sounds as though you are equating contemporary immigration with the forced transport of black Africans to North America and the Caribbean.

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1347. annamaria says:

    The Jewish State’s gift for London:
    “Some 98 White Helmets members were rescued by the Israel Defense Forces on Saturday night, as part of an evacuation mission that saw a total of 422 people collected from Syria and transferred across Northern Israel and into Jordan…
    The UK is prepared to offer asylum to up to 500 White Helmets members or relatives of the group, officially known as the Syria Civil Defence. …
    The UK new Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt who has heaped praise on the organization – which is funded heavily by the UK government – claiming Saturday night’s evacuation carried out by Israel was “fantastic news” as the White Helmets were the “bravest of the brave.”
    – From the comment section: “The ‘bravest of the brave’ have to be ‘rescued’ from their own people, who they ‘selflessly’ were helping while collecting millions of dollars from the west and faking attacks by the Syrian government.”
    – An honest voice by Craig Murray: “They may be jihadists but they are our jihadists. Fascinating that the ‘White Helmets’ are being brought straight to the UK with families when the Afghan and Iraqi military interpreters were not. The British government does not do this from humanity or obligation.”
    – The UK government should resettle White Helmets next to the homes of the Friends of Israel and their best friend Jeremy Hunt.
    Mark Regev, Israel’s ambassador to Britain, tweeted: “Mazal tov to Jeremy Hunt on his appointment as Foreign Secretary. Looking forward to further strengthening the Israel-UK partnership.” Guess, the enthusiastic supporter of “our jihadists,” Mr. Hunt, was appointed to his post of UK Foreign Secretary by the Friends of Israel in the UK.

  1348. jsm says:

    Svig, you’re a National Treasure; I’ve said it before.

    This point you made all those years ago opened my eyes:

    Your questions are amusing; why relocate people you intend to murder? Why take them off the trains alive at all? Why not simply kill them on the train? Then you have no need for camps at all. That’s an enormous cost savings right there. Why relocate people you intend to mass murd

    Exactly. If you intend to murder them and you don’t want the local populace to know, the EASY way to do it is to lock them in cattle cars, drive out to the hinterlands somewhere, unhook the cars containing them, go away. The *thirst* will kill them with a whole lot less effort than building camps with fake shower rooms delivering cyanide gas administered by tablets dropped down chutes into the room.
    Why would anyone, sadist or not, go to all the *bother* of building all that infrastructure to kill people when thirst will do it a whole lot easier?

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1349. Mulegino1 says:

    The Einsatzgruppen on the Eastern Front were simply anti-partisan units operating over a vast expanse of territory and which never amounted to more than a few thousand members.

    Nobody doubts that some Jews were executed by them- either as partisan criminals (partisan activity was illegal under the articles of war), communist party commissars, or in hostage reprisal shootings for the same partisan activity, which in many cases involved horrible atrocities to German troops, including mutilating their bodies. Such shootings were not expressly illegal at the time.

    The Shoah business continues to exaggerate the number of victims of the Einsatzgruppen by several orders of magnitude. The “women and children” allegedly shot were in all likelihood not women with babes in arms or babies or toddlers, but women and adolescents who were often frequently involved in partisan activity.

    The most ridiculous aspect of this farce is the claim that the Germans sent an SS led crews to go back to the killing sites, dig up the graves and destroy the evidence by mass outdoor cremations. The idea of a work crew moving around an enormous land mass conducting mass excavation and cremation operations, dodging partisan attacks, etc. is ludicrous. If the Holohoax industry’s figures are to be believed, we are talking about the exhumation and cremation of 100 times the victims buried at Katyn. Simply ridiculous.

    The only mass traces of human remains throughout this vast are – commensurate with hundreds of thousands killed- are the military cemeteries and the mass graves of the victims of the NKVD.

  1350. Rurik says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Did the British quit India because of (They) too? How about Singapore?

    in part

    because England aligned itself with the forces of the Fiend, and dashed their empire on the rocks of hatred and envy for Germany.

    Had the Brits aligned with Germany, and helped Hitler to destroy the Bolshevik Fiend, then today Muslims wouldn’t be gang raping British school girls right and left. Duh.

    Was this in the hopes that Chinese or Indians would kill the Brits?

    It isn’t a matter of ‘killing the Brits’ per se.

    It’s a matter of invading and colonizing and imposing yourselves upon them, which is what the Indians and Pakistanis and Jamaicans and everyone else is doing.

    And why not? When your will to persevere has been crushed by generations of zio-liberal, soul-sewage pumped out by the (((media))) into the British society, and especially the impressionable children.

    I don’t blame the invaders for coming and taking over England, (and Sweden and France and California, etc…) Rather I blame the venal and rotten British (and Swedish and French, et al) aristocracy. Especially the British, because it was their bellicose treachery that doomed Western civilization in the first place, by their sniveling fealty to all things Rothschild.

  1351. Rurik says:

    “Exactly like all the (((forces))) demanding the West open their gates to unlimited and transformational immigration ”

    It sounds as though you are equating contemporary immigration with the forced transport of black Africans to North America and the Caribbean.

    how so?

    The forced transfers were intended to enrich a wealthy class of aristocrat scum at the direct expense of the people being transferred.

    The unlimited immigration is intended to enrich the same class of wealthy scum at the direct expense of the people being replaced. They just decided that it’s more lucrative to use African and Indian cheap labor replacing the less docile Brits of England. And, it dovetails with the Jewish supremacist’s (and some commenters at Unz) desire to genocide white Westerners off the planet.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1352. Svigor says:

    Svig, you’re a National Treasure; I’ve said it before.

    Yeah but I never get tired of hearing it. :)

    I kid, but, thanks for the kind word.

    And yeah, for all I know, The Narrative is legit. I’m not an historian. I just know it really stinks. A lot.

  1353. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I’m not blaming Yankees today, I’d’ve thought that was obvious. No one alive today is to blame.

    But 1) it was Yankees’ fault back then, and 2) it is Yankees today who are completely full of shit and unwilling to acknowledge reality. They constantly point the finger at the South, like Southerners or the Confederacy waged or “forced” the War of Northern Aggression (how the fuck doing anything short of invasion or large-scale physical aggression or blockade or something similar forces someone else to wage an aggressive war is beyond me; NO, secession doesn’t FORCE aggressive war, NO, slavery + secession doesn’t FORCE aggressive war). And that’s fine coming from your typical shitlib or cuckservative Yankee but I’m not going to listen to it from “woke” or racially-aware Yankees who should know better.

    P.S., the Florida panhandle is the South, the rest is Latin America or Florida or whatever, not the South.

  1354. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    Good point. It’s a coordinated attack against the white race on all fronts. It doesn’t matter if it’s a former colony or ancient homeland.

    Thankfully, we’re waking up and the Tribe is facing the ride of a lifetime.

  1355. pensword says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Slate and Salon: anodyne content, longer web presence. Unz has surpassed stats for and is gaining on TAC.

    And however “unsophisiticated” you imagine the DDoS attacks to be, they effectively block a significant amount of traffic for extended periods of time, a phenomenon which would 1) explain lack of access to Ron’s article and 2) demonstrate that the usual suspects don’t find Ron’s article as unimportant as you would have us believe it is.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1356. ANON[408] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Everyone follows your comments Ron so let me take advantage of that to see who might find proof online that Tina Green (Christina indeed) is Jewish. The fact that her husband, with the name [Sir] Philip Nigel Ross Green, is as obviously Jewish as Harry Dexter White doesn’t count, and the fact that their son had a bar mitzvah only adds a question re conversion (not likely one valid in Israel where the Greens show no sign of settling, or even being buried near Robert Maxwell). While one can only commend the Greens splendid example in combating the fiscal fiend could they not have taught Bernie Madoff how to settle withthe most aggrieved losers and stay out of jail?

  1357. anarchyst says:

    There is NOT ONE DOCUMENT outlining any extermination plan for jews or others. In fact, prominent Zionists collaborated with the German government and formulated plans at the highest level of the German government for the “transfer” of jews to what was then known as Palestine. Absolutely nothing about extermination.

    Official International Red Cross figures for all camp “deaths” total around 731,000–NOT “6 million”. In fact, population totals pre-WW2 and post-WW2 show an INCREASE in the jewish population in post-WW2 Europe immediately after the cessation of the war…


    If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD IT KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would it build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical, recreational and other ancillary facilities? Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? Why would they expend massive effort on logistical movement utilizing their limited energy resources if the goal was extermination? Things do not “add up”…

    Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the German government in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans. In fact, it was jewish Zionist leaders who first proposed that all jews wear the “yellow Star of David” armband so that they could be easily identified. German jews considered themselves Germans first and had no desire to emigrate.

    The establishment of a “homeland” along with the 6,000,000 figure was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. Many periodicals of the day starting with the 1800s touted the “six-million” figure.

    What better way to encourage “emigration” to a foreign land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .

    As cremation of ONE human body takes hours, the amount of time claimed by holocaust ™ promoters is a physical, scientific and statistical impossibility. Their claims also do not account for the “downtime” that crematoria require for maintenance, etc. In addition, there are no mass burial sites that are commensurate with the claims of “six-million” or even “one-million”. There is also a jewish prohibition on excavation of claimed possible burial sites. WHY?? Because THEY DO NOT EXIST. There is even a prohibition on the use of ground penetrating radar to search for burial sites. WHY?? If millions were gassed and cremated, the activities would have lasted well into the 1950s.

    The so-called jewish “holocaust ™” has been turned into a de-facto “religion” in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish “holocaust ™” truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the “tribe” that FEAR the real truth of the jewish “holocaust ™” being exposed is evident. A questionable judicial “trick” used in “holocaust ™” trials is that of “judicial notice” in which TRUTH CANNOT BE USED AS A DEFENSE OR ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE IN THE “KANGAROO COURTS” THAT PROSECUTE THOSE WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE THIS HISTORICAL EVENT. Judicial notice, once invoked against a defendant, disallows the introduction of evidence that does not conform to “commonly accepted beliefs” about the “holocaust ™”, EVEN IF THE EVIDENCE EXPOSES THE “HOLOCAUST ™” LIES AND FABRICATIONS THAT CAN EASILY BE DEBUNKED. A question for you “holocaust ™” promoters–why are there laws that criminalize the search for truth?? What are you afraid of??

    When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a “cash cow” that “keeps on giving”. . . “there’s NO business like “SHOAH business”. Zionist complicity in this event is carefully “covered up”.

    A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question “official” jewish “holocaust” orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the “official” jewish “holocaust” story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to “all things holocaust ™”. Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment.

    The latest “vicitms” of “holocaustianity ™” are Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer, both 80 plus-year-old grandmothers who have been prosecuted and sentenced to maximum-security prison in Germany for “incorrect thoughts”.

    If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the “chosen”) to engineer the jewish “holocaust”, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish “holocaust” was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many “holocausts” of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish “holocaust ™” is the only one that counts . . . It is interesting to note that the term “holocaust ™” to mean “mass extermination” was never used during or immediately after WW2, only coming to vogue in the 1960s, when it was noted that “guilt” could be assigned and reparations could be procured.

    Look at the “commercialization of the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish “holocaust ™” “survivors”, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean “camp” numbers) on their children and grandchildren. In addition, jewish psychologists have come up with a new concept, and “disease”–”holocaust ™ “transference syndrome”. You see, children and grandchildren of jewish “holocaust ™” survivors are infected with this “disease” and should also be considered “holocaust ™” survivors, eligible for “holocaust ™” reparations. According to these jewish psychiatrists, even unrelated individuals can be “infected” with this “malady”.

    Since the Zionist jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a “homeland”–Israel. It is interesting to note that the German boycott of jewish businesses lasted for one day, whil the jewish boycott (actually the jews’ declaration of war on Germany) started in 1933 and lasted until the summation of WW2.

    Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a “holocaust ™” of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures). The International Red Cross had full access to all of the camps for the duration of the war, yet reported NOT ONE INSTANCE of extermination or mass murder.

    Regarding that “holocaust ™” “showplace” Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called “gas chambers”. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called “gassing” took place”. There is a “gas chamber” chimney that is not connected to anything. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the “operators” of these supposed “gas chambers”. As Germans were excellent engineers, it is difficult to observe the glaring engineering errors that presently exist in these “camps”.

    American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported “gas chambers”, had them tested and published his results. The absence of Prussian blue (ferricyanide) in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the “gas chambers” did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing. In fact, the “chimney” for the supposed “gas chamber” does not connect to anything.

    Mr. Leuchter’s was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the “tribe”. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts “law” for “practicing engineering without a license”–a law which had never been used vindictively before or since. . .After his report was published, he was harassed by Israeli “deep state” types (mossad) who he successfully “outed”.

    It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to “create” the “death camps” for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering–many people perished. The prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.

    It is interesting to note that, before the camps were “liberated” by the “allies”, the camp occupants chose to flee with the German troops, rather than be “liberated” by the Russian “allies”.

    It is said that “the light of day is the best disinfectant in the search for truth” Unfortunately this quote does not apply to “all things holocaust ™”. It appears that there are those “holocaust ™” promoters who are afraid of the TRUTH. Hence the prosecution and incarceration of those who dare question aspects of this historical event.

    I urge all “holocaust ™” believers to check these things out for yourselves–IF YOU DARE. You will not like what you find…

  1358. @pensword

    Seriously, who is (probably) doing it, and with what backing? I set aside the fact that Ron’s genius could easily devise an AI self-educating bot to give UR the caché of DDoS [?] attacks though I trust thatvhis faithful pack of volunteer conspiracists will follow up on that.

    Why seriously? Because it raises in yet another way the dilemma faced by Israel’s and, more broadly, the Jewish community’s defenders that the organised protest or counterattack itself does long term harm to Jews and Israel.

  1359. Anon[408] • Disclaimer says:

    I’m ambivalent about all this genociding of whites business. My wife and I and our children are so white that we wonder how we can get strong enough sun creams. But I wouldn’t want our genes to be confined to mixing with those of 95 per cent of whites – even whites before the great Dysgenic Slide started. Can I be forgiven on UR for encouraging my issue to mate with high IQ healthy kind Asians and even Jews?

  1360. Anonymous[155] • Disclaimer says:

    I’m ambivalent about all this genociding of whites business. My wife and I and our children are so white that we wonder how we can get strong enough sun creams…

    Gosh, we must be some kind of karmic twins. Me, my wife, (her boyfriends), and our kids (and their Xirfriends) are also 120% super-white but we can’t be bothered about this white genocide business (lol). Let’s swap sun cream tips instead (lol).

  1361. @Skeptikal

    He equates the effect to be the same. I’d say that US blacks have a worse predisposition towards society than Jamaican or Nigerian blacks in the UK, who immigrated out of their own free will.

  1362. @Anon

    If you’re daughter married some nominally-white Jew I’m willing to bet she’d be better-off than marry Cletus Billy Ray’s son who is a whigger with an Oxy habit. He might even have a decent job.

    And at any rate, most interracial relationships are-as another poster pointed out-the end result of white prole Protestant kids (Since most Irish or Italian kids will attend Catholic schools) in “integrated prole schools” (As one poster put it) and involve and out-of-wedlock black male and a poor white girl.

    I think most whites would be hard-pressed to really identify a Jew. Most of them look a bit like Henry Winkler but its not consistent.

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1363. @anarchyst

    You seem, like Wally, to be obsessed with the 6 million figure. I remember getting reproved in the 70s for saying that I had read that the figure might be more like 4 million but it is now commonplace in the MSM to say 4.5 to 6 million. So, no need to obsess. The website of the Yad Vashem data base of Shoa names has about 4.5 million listed though claiming they are part of 6 million. Of course Hitler would have happily shipped Germany’s Jews to somewhere out of Europe in return for a lot of money in 1933-34. Of course some Zionists played up anti Semitism and sought to take advantage of it. But equally, human beings have shown themselves repeatedly capable of genocide and, given the stab-in-the-back version of 1918, Nazi racial theory and the Jewish-Bolshevik-Communist ogre based on some truth, what’s the problem with believing that some senior Nazis planned a final solution by extermination and that plenty of willing helpers followed orders (since they couldn’t play round lynching blacks as KKK members in the Confederate states)? They were all shrewd enough to keep it from being shouted from the roof tops and recorded with incriminating signatures.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  1364. 2430540

    Dammit. Editing didn’t work twice. For “deprived” read “reproved”. OK fourth time lucky.

  1365. Anonymous[199] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    What’s your take on the “blood libel”? My unresearched tentative – I would call secular common sense – view is that there would have been some such practices in the medieval world given the widespread persecution of witches, grisly tortures and executions such as hanging,

    To the extent these are not true, perhaps people received the impression in good faith due to the Jewish practice of cutting babies’ foreskins and sucking off the blood?

    Another theory is that the blood libel stories are more metaphorical than literal.

  1366. Talha says:

    Wow pretty amazing this made Newsweek:
    Birthright—or “Taglit,” meaning “discovery”—has provided free travel to Israel for more than 650,000 young Jews since it was established, in 1999. Its proponents see the 10-day trips as vital in helping young Jews connect with their cultural identity and enjoying what the organization considers its collective heritage.

    But the popular activity is facing accusations of bias, dishonesty and ignorance from the very people it is trying to attract. In recent weeks, young Jewish people have publicly railed against the institution. On two separate occasions in the past month, participants abandoned Birthright in the middle of their tours, filming the moment they walked out. The rebels then headed for Palestinian areas to experience what they said was a more authentic and honest portrayal of the political situation in the country.


    • Replies: @Art
  1367. @Seraphim

    All this may be true, but even under the Habsburgs jews were not allowed to own property.
    J.S Bromley, ed., The new Cambridge modern history, volume VI, The rise of Great Britain and Russia, 1688 – 1715/25’, 1970 Cambridge
    Then there is the fact of exclusion from many occupations, thus the phenomenon that jews went for new occupations, such as photography.
    As I wrote before, around 1100 jews were expelled from England, around 1500 from the Iberian pensinsula.
    How jews perceived their situation:
    André Schwartz-Bart, ‘Le Dernier des Justes’, 1959, 1980 Paris
    Jakob Wassermann, ‘Die Juden von Zirndorf’, 1897 1999 München
    Nothing about equal rights

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1368. jsm says:

    Absolutely, so long as said issue moves to Asia or Israel, and stays there.

  1369. anarchyst says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Actually the figure for ALL camp deaths is approximately 731,000, recently validated by International Red Cross records. As the International Red Cross had access to all German camps, it would have been extremely difficult to hide evidence of extermination.
    As I stated in my previous tome, why would Germany go through the expense of transporting people to the camps if the intent was extermination? Why waste the fuel for the trains as well as other logistical expenses. Why would “extermination camps” have theaters, swimming pools, and even brothels?
    The jewish holocaust ™ is a fraud that can no longer be supported. Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer are but two of many revisionists who are doing hard time for attempting to expose the TRUTH about this minor event in human history.

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Wizard of Oz
  1370. j2 says:

    “Actually the figure for ALL camp deaths is approximately 731,000, recently validated by International Red Cross records.”

    This is probably a fairly correct figure for the deaths in the camps in the West (all Europe apart of the Soviet Union as in 1940 and Romania). If you add the deaths in Romania (Romanian camps and transports 123,000), Yugoslavia (shootings 60,000) and the war and terror in Poland (say, 50,000) you get close to 1 million in the West, then there is the East, say 1.3 million from camps and shootings. Then you have the problem that 4.5 million disappeared. 1M can be explained that they went to the USA, maybe 0.5M can be explained that they were not born or went to Western Europe. You still have to assume there was almost a million more in the SU than told in 1948, which is not so clear. But otherwise your figures are fine. The question is of what happened in the SU of 1940.

  1371. @j2

    A Polish officer who survived Soviet captivity in 1939 recounted how his camp based in the Kola peninsula (worse than Siberia during the winter) filled up with Polish Jews who fled east after October 1939. Almost all of them were communists who expected refuge from their Soviet brothers after escaping Hitler’s half of Poland. Instead they were accused of being Fascist spies and thrown into the camps with a 5 year sentence, often with the very clothes they fled east in. Most did not survive the fierce winter of 1939-40.

    The number of Jews who disappeared into the Soviet Union is never spoken of, but it must have been a significant number. Stalin was certainly happy to let Hitler take the “credit” for those dead Jews, just like with the Polish officers at Katyn.

    The only historian to tackle this question was Walter Sanning, but even he could only go so far with the dearth of reliable census information. In accounting terms, the missing Jews of Poland are a “plug” that always allows the number to hit the magic figure of 6 million.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1372. Rurik says:

    Can I be forgiven on UR for encouraging my issue to mate with high IQ healthy kind Asians and even Jews?

    By all means.

    and while you’re at it, also encourage your son to be gender-fluid

    and your wife to … well, explore the progressive ways of diversity to keep your marriage spicy.

    I even found what looks like a photo of you and your fam

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1373. @Rurik

    Jewish and Asian women are good for relationships because a few scraps of traditionalism clings to them.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1374. Svigor says:

    I suppose getting you to fight for anything is out of the question, if you’re asking us about your kids’ mating preferences.

    Obviously it’s a rhetorical question, so I’ll give you a rhetorical answer: remember not to support any environmental causes that might involve preservation of anything. That would make you such a hypocritical piece of shit that a singularity might open.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1375. Svigor says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Maryland is a Catholic state, and by far the most wiggered-out, jungle-fevered dump I’ve ever seen.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Anon
  1376. Svigor says:

    Then you have the problem that 4.5 million disappeared.

    “Solving” that problem with the holocaust narrative creates an even bigger problem. You can’t even convict one person of murder another in court today with just a missing person report, but I’m supposed to buy somebody doing it 4.5 million times?

    A real investigator, with nothing but a missing person report in hand, will go out and find forensic evidence. You know, physical evidence? If he has 4.5 million missing person reports in hand, his job is presumably much easier, because he can look for huge caches of physical evidence.

    There has been no effort to do this that I am aware of. No ground-penetrating radar, no nothing.

    A demagogue, unlike an investigator, has no such burdens and need only cook up a nice conspiracy theory.

  1377. @Svigor

    those are probably not Italians or Jews so I’m guessing the vast majority are Irish.

  1378. @Hamlet's Ghost

    The fact is well known, not what happened to them, or how many they were

  1379. Rurik says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Jewish and Asian women are good for relationships

    Hey, to each one’s own, man.

    whatever floats your boat.

    I myself have dabbled in all and sundry, and find no fault with any of the fairer members of any race. I adore all their exquisiteness, Jewish, Asian, and the rest. (with minor and rare exceptions ; )

    but when I lament the fate of South Africa, as it descends into the abyss, and I’m responded to with snarky snide comments about ‘white racial purity’ or some such snot, I know my interlocutor is not participating in good faith.

    Sometimes I’d like to see them swap places with a South African farmer’s family about to be tortured to death, so that they might understand that the war on Whites is very real indeed.

    Snarky snots like to pretend otherwise, and hold up their ignorance as a badge of some kind of ‘virtue’.

    It’ s not. ;)

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1380. @anarchyst

    Zionist cooperation with Eichmann for jews leaving Germany by the Donau Black Sea route:
    Yitshaq Ben-Ami, ‘Years of wrath, Days of glory Memoirs from the Irgun’, New York, 1982
    This ended when a ship with migrants sank in the Black Sea, some 400 dead.
    What it was, torpedo or mine, has never been ascertained.
    Britain in 1939 stopped jewish immigration to Palestine, but could not prevent nightly landings.

  1381. @Rurik


    In Detroit it is the opposite. The urban Polish-Americans, who’ve always live in Detroit and whose property was not worth a rat’s turd, were trapped in the city. The Jews and middle-class whites moved to suburbs which even 40 miles away were safe and the Southerners-transplants anyhow-returned to the South.

    The white farmer is a Boer and unlike the British South African he has no connection to the UK. Boers, like the Polish, had no links outside South Africa.

    The setting is different but the end result is the same.

  1382. Art says:

    On two separate occasions in the past month, participants abandoned Birthright in the middle of their tours, filming the moment they walked out. The rebels then headed for Palestinian areas to experience what they said was a more authentic and honest portrayal of the political situation in the country.

    Hi Talha,

    Great comment — things are coming apart for the Talmudic Zionists. Their 100% lock on the Jew mind is failing. They cannot attack these young Jews as “anti-Semites.” Truth will out!

    The Achilles heel of the Big Jew Talmud types is Israel itself. Always shining the light on current Israeli behavior will defeat them. The great wall of “victimhood” is falling in the eyes of the world.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @Talha
  1383. @Svigor

    I’ve done the environmental bit myself or with my money. Tens of thousands of trees planted and I confess that, while mostly native not all indigenous to the areas planted.

  1384. @anarchyst

    I know nothing of validation of any total figure by the Red Cross
    In true revisionist spirit let me ask an obvious question. Can you name the Red Cross people who visited Auschwicz and say when they were there? Those Red Cross records would have to show you that.

    The “why would they” questions lack all sense of human reality. Imagine what might have occurred if orders had been simply given to soldiers in Antwerp and Budapest to go to each Jewish home, find the Jews there and kill them within the day.

  1385. Talha says:

    Hey Art,

    Great comment

    I wish I could take credit, but the real credit goes to those young people that are seeing through the Zionist sham.

    They cannot attack these young Jews as “anti-Semites.” Truth will out!



    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Art
  1386. As an Arab woman do you really approve of the thuggish behavior of (A few) Arab-Americans in Detroit who might pimp white women or otherwise commit crimes against Americans?

    Or refugee crime in Sweden or somewhere.

    No, of course not.

    Why would the average Jewish person in the US really be that fond of what happens in Al Quds?

    The reality is that after World War II the Europeans and Americans wanted the homeless and displaced Jews to go somewhere, anywhere, out of the way of the Western World. So they encouraged them to immigrate to Israel as way of sending them SOMEWHERE, ANYWHERE.

    The same was true of Operation Magic Carpet from Yemen. Yemen wanted to be rid of Jews and Israel was willing to accept them.

  1387. anarchyst says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    The International Red Cross figures for the camps were hidden by the Soviets and released after the fall of the Soviet Union. There is no reason to dispute them. You can bet that any reports of atrocities within the camps would have been reported by the IRC. The Soviets hid the figures in order to demonize the Germans with their fake holocaust ™ claims. In fact, Russian troops were much more brutal than any German troops

  1388. anarchyst says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Look it up for yourself. I’m not going to do your research for you. The actual documents are out there.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1389. annamaria says:

    Comments on the Jewish State’s “altruistic” help for White Helmets and other fanatical jihadists:
    “The evacuated members of the White Helmets are expected to be resettled in Canada, Germany, and some other countries. We’d like to ask why they are not fleeing to Syria, why they don’t want to return to the Syrian society? There’s only one answer – they are the force, which the West counted on to destroy the Syrian society.”
    — “White helmets were supposed to be made up of locals from the cities and towns with no affiliation to any side…..So, why are they running away from their communities if they are regarded as heroes?”
    — “Because the war is coming to an end, and all of them were about to be caught and persecuted for their multiple false flags and crimes against humanity. At least there should not be any more hoaxed chemical attacks in Syria any longer, and Assad would no longer be falsely blamed for crimes he did not commit.”
    — “Yeah, those false flags have just been imported into an European city near you. I give it a maximum of 6 months before terrorist attacks again suddenly become regular headline news.”

  1390. Heros says:

    “As for your point about monolithic Judaism, I never find that sort of thing persuasive. We went to war with Germany over Nazism, and killed many thousands of Germans as a result. Nobody gave a fuck about monolithic Germans, or lack thereof. But I’m supposed to stop and quibble because G-d’s Chosen are in the dock? Fuck that.”

    Well said, my sentiments exactly. But it is even worse, because once you quibble, they will throw the talmud and the torah and the bible at you hoping somehow that will simply give up after years of wasted time, thousands of wasted dollars, and a sharply degraded life from having to deal with such shysters and their lawfare.

    They are all simply jews, and Christians have to assume every word they ever said was a lie, since they all are to this day enforcing their lies on us, like holohoax, hate speech, “antisemitism”, 9/11, Eretz Israel, Talmud, etc.

    Since jews have spent the last few centuries censoring the free speech of Christians, and since we now know that we can trust nothing they have ever said or written, then why should we waste our time trying to discern the truth from the sewage they spew and not simply flip the table and take away their freedom of speech?

  1391. iffen says:

    that are seeing through the Zionist sham.

    Sham? You think Zionism is a sham? Really?

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Anon
  1392. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    Maryland is a Catholic state

    Do you mean “was founded as a Catholic state”?
    Unless things have changed drastically since 2014?

    • Replies: @Svigor
  1393. Talha says:

    Yeah and supported by a bunch of supporting shams.

    An atheist movement out of Europe to provide a homeland to gather a bunch of disparate and spread out Jews onto a holy land based on Biblical claims and history…

    It’s as if a bunch of ex-Muslims apostates tried to revive the caliphate – you think I would take it seriously?


    • LOL: AaronB
    • Replies: @iffen
  1394. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    He speaks, no doubt, of our erudite online friend and fellow commenter:

  1395. Them Guys says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    So by your warped logic, unless some unz forum poster can Name the actual Sailor man who hoisted the sail on the Mayflower ship…..Then it means no such ship set sail and no pilgrims ever landed in America or Plymouth rock…

    How such obviously smart souls here can be so idiotic when ever the issue revolves around jews?

    Same goes for German Reader, regardless How many links and quotes by them what should know, like grandson of Jacob shiff et al…Its still not quite enough proof….There just must be some wiggle room so he/they can refuse to accept facts about international jewry and all the problems that infernal infiltrating tribe of misfits and nation wreckers has ever caused or done.

    Most all other issues and they’d remain silent….But mention the taboo jew and they are off to the races.

    I guess even very smart folks can be brainwashed by the jews eh.

    Most of these type folks sure would make good lib dem’s. Main requirement to be a dem lib is be unable and unwilling to ever admit when wrong.

    Even if somehow you could get EVERY alive jew in entire world Today, to sign notarized witnessed by two others, statements, and also publicly Swear on a stack of Talmud’s, to the statement something like “YES! We entire world Jews ADMIT every fuckin thing jews have been accused of, of funding and inventing and doing and running and profiting by and from Russia Revolt of 1917, We worlds jews are guilty as charged…Period”

    These naysayers would still remain in Deep Denial and Demand MORE PROOF!


    • Replies: @Anon
  1396. @anarchyst

    I don’t want research. Just your quickly looking up the detail of facts you claim to be confident of. Now I infer that you have relied OP n some dodgy website that feeds your prejudices and you want others to believe, as you do, that the Red Cross was unable to say what it’s people had done and seen for several years in the 1940s but now relies entirely on documents held by the Soviet Union. BS.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  1397. @AnonFromTN

    My grade school teacher taught me that someone who says Solzhenitsyn is “a third rate” writer and then drops names like Shalamov and Bulgakov is a phony.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @AnonFromTN
  1398. iffen says:

    An atheist movement out of Europe to provide a homeland to gather a bunch of disparate and spread out Jews onto a holy land based on Biblical claims and history…

    But that’s what is was and that is what they did. How is that a sham?

    • Replies: @Talha
    , @Rurik
  1399. Talha says:

    Well OK – I guess if they want to buy what those guys were selling…

    Seems like a snake oil operation to me, but whatever.


  1400. Art says:


    It appears that Netanyahu has blinked on a full-fledged attack on Gaza.

    Clearly Israel’s image just cannot stand another Gaza massacre.

    Think Peace – Art

    p.s. These belligerent bad boys are catching the heat these days – Trump is correctly being castigated for his stupid all caps text attack on Iran.

  1401. Rurik says:

    How is that a sham?

    because murdering people and stealing their land based on a grotesquely perverted interpretation of the Bible..

    is no more legitimate than cutting off people’s heads based on a grotesquely perverted interpretation of Islam?

    (Sorry Talha, I couldn’t resist).

    • Replies: @Talha
  1402. anarchyst says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I see the hasbara are being threatened by the TRUTH finally coming to light. Watch the hasbara scatter like cockroaches when exposed to the TRUTH. Of course you don’t want research as you know that your holohoax is going DOWN as more and more people realize the the holocaust ™ was the biggest hoax and scam ever inflicted on humanity. If I knew how to upload images on to Unz, I would post them here.

  1403. Art says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Can you name the Red Cross people who visited Auschwitz and say when they were there?


    How convenient to sidestep the questions of responsibility for the outcome of Talmudic and Elders of Zion thinking. Thinking that way has consequences.

    The anti-human thinking in those screeds causes blowback. The JQ is alive once again.

    Israeli actions are a megaphone – they broadcast the Talmud attitude for all to see.

    Fact – Israel has destroyed the worlds sympathy for Jews.

    Think peace – Do No Harm — Art

  1404. Seraphim says:

    Between 1.5-2 million Jews residents of SU and annexed parts of Poland and Baltics after September ’39) have been evacuated from the western parts of SU beyond the Urals at the outbreak of the war.
    Total Jewish population in Europe 1939: 6.5 million
    Number of Jews claiming indemnity payments from West Germany for having suffered ‘physicalyl and psychologically’ under the Nazis: 3.5 million
    Jews have praised this action which ‘saved them from the Holocaust’.
    Not anymore:

    “Germany to Compensate Jews Who Fled the Nazis in the Soviet Union. This is the first time the German government has recognized the suffering of those who fled for their lives during the Holocaust”@

    “Germany has agreed to grant one-time compensation to Jews who fled the Nazi onslaught in the Soviet Union during World War II, even if they ended up in regions that Nazis did not conquer, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany announced on Sunday.
    Payment will go to Jewish victims of Nazism from the former Soviet Union who live in Israel, the United States, Germany and other Western countries. This is the first time the German government has recognized the suffering of those who fled for their lives.
    “Jews who fled ahead of the advancing Nazis in order not to be murdered were nevertheless victimized beyond imagination,” Claims Conference chairman Julius Berman was quoted as saying. “This payment can never bring back what was lost, but it is an acknowledgment of what they endured during the war.”
    Hardship Fund payments of 2,556 euros will be made starting January 1 to Jews who fled between June 22, 1941, and January 27, 1944, from parts of the Soviet Union that were up to 100 kilometers from the most easterly advance of the German army, even if they were not later occupied by the Nazis.
    Among those eligible will be Jews who fled Moscow and Stalingrad (today Volgograd), as well as those who fled Leningrad (today St. Petersburg) between June 22, 1941, and September of that year, when German forces began their 900-day siege of the city.
    More than 1 million Jews were murdered during the Nazi occupation of the former Soviet Union and entire Jewish communities were eradicated. Thousands of Jews who realized that coming under Nazi occupation was a virtual death sentence fled eastward to try to escape.
    Roman Kent, the Claims Conference treasurer and a member of the team that negotiated the agreement, expressed satisfaction that Jews who fled were being recognized by Germany as victims of the Holocaust”.

    • Replies: @j2
  1405. Talha says:

    Dive on in – the water’s fine!


  1406. Svigor says:

    The place is a multicult hellhole, so obviously the native whites there are going to be more Catholic than the general population. Also, I was there in the early nineties.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1407. You should not tell our secrets. No problem, the goys are so stupid. The Christian Evangelicals are the dumbest people on the planet. They are our “useful idiots”.

  1408. @jilles dykstra

    Paul is an imaginary figure, like a TV spokesman for a company. The Letters were real (and span 200 years), but Paul was not. He started out as a revolutionary, and went through four different re-writings before he was given “Roman Citizenship” and sent off to Rome. The religious ideologues, like advertisers are always creating imaginary people to get their message across. Moses was also imaginary.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1409. Anon[189] • Disclaimer says:
    @Them Guys

    Did you actually read what others wrote? Your Mayflower analogy is absurd. Is it not perfectly reasonable to hold those revisionists who insist that there would have had to be documents really proving the intentional Holocaust to the same standards when what appears to be a novel line of BS is dragged up and the believer hasn’t a clue what’s in the documentation he Hope’s is going to be conclusive. If he had ever looked at the documents he relies on he would have to be able to say that there were visits to Auschwicz by real people with names who then made reports.

    As it is I regard it as a reasonable inference that the Soviet Union did appropriate some Red Cross records which did deal with some limited number of those mistreated by the Nazis – maybe 762,000. What would that prove?

  1410. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    Explicit Prots are 52% of the population, and a significant portion both of them and of Catholics are probably black. But probably the most visibly religious are Catholic because religious Christians nowadays are Mormons (if counted Christian), Evangelicals, or Catholics, and, of these, Catholics have more of a historical presence, certainly in Maryland of all places.

  1411. Art says:

    But probably the most visibly religious are Catholic because religious Christians nowadays are Mormons (if counted Christian), Evangelicals, or Catholics, and, of these, Catholics have more of a historical presence, certainly in Maryland of all places.

    Maryland may be Catholic – but the Jews own the politicians.

    Congressman Steny Hoyer has a residence in his home district – Tel Aviv.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  1412. Seraphim says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Protection offered to Jews in the Middle Ages does not mean ‘equal rights’. This conception did not exist in the Middle Ages. As a matter of fact their status everywhere was that of ‘peregrini’, aliens, not of citizens. They were permitted to settle under precise conditions expressed in the various statutes emitted by the King (or the authorities of the land, city, etc and always revocable), but never as natives unless baptized, which always refused.
    Jews in England were ‘wards of the King’ . This meant that Jews came under the direct jurisdiction and protection of the crown, a status which allowed them, for example, freedom of the king’s highways, exemption from tolls, the ability to hold land directly from the king, and physical protection in any of the vast network of royal castles built to assert Norman authority over the kingdom.
    I quote from Wikipedia for convenience:
    “Henry granted a charter to Rabbi Joseph, the chief Rabbi of London, and his followers. Under this charter, Jews were permitted to move about the country without paying tolls, to buy and sell, to sell their pledges after holding them a year and a day, to be tried by their peers, and to be sworn on the Torah rather than on a Christian Bible. Special weight was attributed to a Jew’s oath, which was valid against that of twelve Christians. The sixth clause of the charter was especially important: it granted to Jews the right to move wherever they wanted, as if they were the king’s own property (“sicut res propriæ nostræ”). As the king’s property, English Jews could be mortgaged whenever the monarch needed to raise revenue and could be taxed without the permission of Parliament, eventually becoming the main taxpaying population.
    English Jews experienced a “golden age” of sorts under Henry II in the early 12th century due to huge economic expansion and increased demand for credit. Major Jewish fortunes were made in London, Oxford, Lincoln, Bristol, and Norwich…”

    From the Les Estatutz de la Jeurie (Statutes of the Jewry) of King Edward I of 1275 which ‘placed a number of restrictions on Jews of England, most notably outlawing the practice of usury’:
    “Privileges of the Jews”
    ‘And foreasmuch as it is the will and sufferance of Holy Church that they may live and be preserved, the King taketh them under his protection, and granted them his peace; and willeth that they be safely preserved and defended by his sheriffs and other bailiffs and by his liege men, and commandeth that none shall do them harm or damage or wrong in their bodies and their goods, movable or immovable, and they shall neither plead nor be impleade in any court nor be challenged or troubled in any court except in the court of the King whose bondsmen are; and that none shall owe obedience, or service or rent except to the King or his baillifs in his name unless it be for their dwelling which they now hold paying rent…”

    So, the Kings were protecting the Jews. From the revolt of the ‘populace’ exceeded by Jewish usury, by the abuse of their privileges, by their refusal to sit at the table with their hosts, by their hostility towards the religion of their hosts, by their financial malversations.
    The expulsion was rather a measure to protect them from greater harm.

  1413. @ploni almoni

    That tells me all I need to know about your grade school teacher and his/her knowledge of Russian literature.

  1414. @ploni almoni

    How do we now know what was imaginary or not two thousand or more years ago ?
    Archeology does not lie, therefore being an archeologist in Israel has become an hazardous occupation.
    No biblical story has been confirmed, not even the existence of king David
    Amy Dockser Marcus, ‘The view from Nebo, How archeology is rewriting the bible and reshaping the Middle East’, Boston, 2000
    However, after the wars against the jews a triumph arch was built in Rome, this seems to implicate that the wars against the jews were seen as equal to the wars against the Gauls.
    Having beaten the jews militarily, it does not seem improbable that Rome wanted to destroy the jewish belief by introducing a rival religion.
    That this rival religion would backfire on the Roman empire certainly was not foreseen.

  1415. j2 says:

    1. “Between 1.5-2 million Jews residents of SU and annexed parts of Poland and Baltics after September ’39) have been evacuated from the western parts of SU beyond the Urals at the outbreak of the war.
    2. Total Jewish population in Europe 1939: 6.5 million
    3. Number of Jews claiming indemnity payments from West Germany for having suffered ‘physicalyl and psychologically’ under the Nazis: 3.5 million”

    I am not any special expert on this topic (the same with most topics), but I made my own calculations that you can find from my blog. BTW, they do not support the official story: just starting from officially accepted numbers and by doing ordinary addition and subtraction you can definitively prove that the death toll officially given to Auschwitz is far too high and that a substantial number survived the Operation Reinhard camps. This does not mean that the official numbers are correct, only that these conclusions follow even from those numbers. Now I go to your comment.

    1. Yes, it is well-known and taken into calculations that 60-80% of the Jews on those areas escaped or were evacuated.

    2. The figure 6.5M in 1939 is most probably wrong. The total Jewish population in Europe in 1939 is not known because the figures from former Russia areas are based only on a census in 1890ies and there was large scale immigration, a world war, creation of new states, communistic revolution and so on. We can be rather confident with the Western European figures, and Poland had a consensus in 1932, but to the east from that it is quite unknown. I am familiar with Walter S. Sannings book, but I do not accept everything there. I think we should take the Polish consensus of 1932 as OK, then not assume large emigration from Poland after that because it is not supported by death tolls (excluding the death camps) that are known. But, there is the SU of 1940. The figure given by American Jewish Congress is 2.8M. I think it is at most 1.8M, because I see the increase in the US Jewish population (this is claimed by Sanning, I verified it in my calculations but only got 1M this way). Then we may still drop the figure by max 0.5M, which may be reasonable (but lacks a proof) because many moved to Western Europe and with so many mostly young people emigrating, the birth rate must drop. After doing these, there is still some gap. It can be filled in many ways, for instance, by assuming that the death rates in Soviet camps were very high, or that the Jews in German camps died in the war (building roads and airports or working in military industry is not a healthy occupation in a war, you will be bombed). But I do not have a proof of these things.
    So, assuming that the SU figures for 1939 are correct, the population was 8.9M. I do not believe in the SU figures and with good arguments say 7.9M, with weaker arguments I can accept 7.4M, but not lower. We disagree with 0.9M, about a million as I said.

    3. The figure 3.5M asking for compensation seems correct. You had 0.6M in Western Europe not transported, 0.4M camp survivors, 1.5M escapees in the SU, and then 0.5M in Romania, and 0.25M coming to the DP camps after 1946, and 0.2M Polish Jews surviving, not caught by Nazis. That sums to
    0.6+0.4+1.5+0.5+0.25+0.2=3.45M. Am I missing something? I mean, these figures are true and correct and they do give this figure you state, but there is still missing 0.9M that we may think died in the SU, but we do not know how they died.

    I do not accept the official figures, but I also do not accept incorrect revisionist figures. Calculate your figures, see what they actually give and what arguments have a good proof and what are only suggestions. Suggestions may be correct, but they are not proven. Cannot be taken as proven.

    • Agree: utu
  1416. APilgrim says:

    Background: Western Christian Churches continue to evaluate doctrine de novo. This process is sometimes evidentiary, such as new data from science &/or archaeology. Other times, the matter is ancient & doctrinal, such as the ‘Filioque Clause’. So, for example I, as a Lutheran, accept the Nicene Creed, both with (Western Church Version) and without (Eastern Church Version) the ‘Filioque Clause’.

    Question: Is it fair & accurate to state that,

    ‘The Talmud was not written by Semites in general or by Hebrews in particular?’

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1417. bjondo says:

    Third, Solzhenitsyn. In the context of Russian literature, he is third-rate at best.


    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1418. @bjondo

    Never lived in Brooklyn. That place is for “Jewish” losers who pretended that they were “persecuted” to get free handouts from gullible US government. Currently from TN, but that’s irrelevant for the discussion at hand.

    Relevant point is, I can read Russian (and Ukrainian, for that matter) in addition to English. I read Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Blok, Bulgakov, Sholokhov, Mandelstam, Pasternak, and many others including Solzhenitsyn in their original language, in sharp contrast to most people holding opinions about Solzhenitsyn based on hearsay or translations at best.

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @Jeff Stryker
  1419. bjondo says:

    Is difficult for me to argue point with you. I don’t know Russian language. I just relate what those I know who are Russian lang fluent say. Their opinion of Solz is high. Reason? Until now, never thought about asking why.

    The only ones I know, yes, a limited survey, who regard Solz similar as you do, are Yid or die hard communists – Yid or not.

    The Yid part always relevant, whether from Brooklyn, Tn or moon.

  1420. @bjondo

    Have to disappoint: I am neither Yid nor communist. I strongly suspect KGB had a file on me when I was in the USSR, although in the 1980s, while collecting info just in case, KGB mostly pretended that everything is hanky-dory (you had to be really insistent to get persecuted for something political).

    I read quite a few of things Solz wrote, and in my book the best one was “One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich”. However, Shalamov, who was in real GULAG camps and wrote very convincingly about them (Kolyma tales), ridiculed it as a fake. He should know, he was where normal prisoners were, whereas Solz spent his time exclusively in VIP camps. This made a lot of people think that he must have been a KGB informer.

    BTW, Shalamov was not the only writer who despised Solz. Baklanov (who wrote pretty good war novels) held the same opinion, mostly because Solz claimed that he always wanted to get to the front. There was nothing easier at the time, so the fact that Solz actually moved farther and farther away from the front (where real bullets and shells fly) showed that he was lying through his teeth. That was not the only lie he told. In my book, his major sin is not the lack of serious talent (you are either born with it or you aren’t), but his lies and airs. He clearly tried to emulate Tolstoy’s War and Peace in his Red Wheel series, which to anyone familiar with Russian literature was as ridiculous as a gnat trying to emulate an elephant.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1421. utu says:

    This is very simple. Many people who write here were beneficiaries of the Bolshevik system. They had family members who were the executioners. They will never accept Solzhenitsyn because he is the one who keeps pointing a finger at them:

    The questions Solzhenitsyn raised were devastating and unanswerable: Who were the executioners? ‘Where did this wolf-tribe appear from among our own people?’ he asked. ‘They were not aliens, not foreigners, but men, Russian men, made of the same tissue and fed by the same blood…. Does it really stem from our own roots? Our own blood? It is ours.’
    Russia’s ignorant still hate Solzhenitsyn
    And we believe that the traditional Russia that Solzhenitsyn celebrated is emerging, more from its own force than by political decisions. Solzhenitsyn served Western purposes when he undermined the Soviet state. But that was not his purpose. His purpose was to destroy the Soviet state so that his vision of Russia could re-emerge. When his interests and the West’s coincided, he won the Nobel Prize. When they diverged, he became a joke. But Solzhenitsyn never really cared what Americans or the French thought of him and his ideas. He wasn’t speaking to them and had no interest or hope of remaking them. Solzhenitsyn was totally alien to American culture. He was speaking to Russia and the vision he had was a resurrection of Mother Russia, if not with the czar, then certainly with the church and state. That did not mean liberalism; Mother Russia was dramatically oppressive. But it was neither a country of mass murder nor of vulgar materialism.

    Imagine Russia ruled by people resembling Solzhenitsyn’s vision of a decent man. Solzhenitsyn was far more prophetic about the future of the Soviet Union than almost all of the Ph.D.s in Russian studies. Entertain the possibility that the rest of Solzhenitsyn’s vision will come to pass. It is an idea that ought to cause the world to be very thoughtful.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  1422. Wally says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    lengthy, see ‘more’

    I challenge Wizard of Oz to actually show us the millions of alleged human remains that Jew claim still exist and that they allegedly know where they are.

    As for Auschwitz:

    - An “extermination camp” where thousands of Jews chose to be left behind when the Germans left.
    - An “extermination camp” where most of the inmates, more thousands, chose to leave WITH the ‘evil’ Germans.
    - An “extermination camp” where 1,250,000 human remains are supposedly buried, but no one can show us these remains.
    - An “extermination camp” where the absurdly alleged homicidal ‘gas chambers’ could not have worked as alleged, as proven repeatedly, scientifically.
    An “extermination camp” where fake ‘gas chambers’ were “reconstructed” AFTER THE WAR.
    - An “extermination camp” where detailed aerial photos of the period show nothing that is alleged to have been happening.
    - An “extermination camp” where there are even obvious, laughable attempts to tamper with aerial photos that make a mockery of the fake storyline.
    Auschwitz Aerial photos, tampered with to fit the fake story

    - An “extermination camp” where there are countless Jew “survivors”.
    - An “extermination camp” where so called “survivors” say the most impossible and conflicting things that do not hold up to scrutiny, would be laughed out of a legit court of law.


    - Healthy Jews at Auschwitz ‘liberation’:

    - Fat Jew at “death camp”:

    For a thorough demolition of the alleged Auschwitz gas chambers & alleged Auschwitz homicidal gassing process see analysis at:

  1423. Rurik says:

    The Yid part always relevant, whether from Brooklyn, Tn or moon.

    I’ve read with interest and occasionally pleasure the posts of AnonFromTN.

    I don’t believe he’s a zhid, (the proper Russian pejorative), but I do believe he’s a Soviet apologist, and as someone else just pointed out, many fans of the Soviet system are not too fond of Solz.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1424. Art says:

    The Talmud is evil – it is antithetical to Western Christian culture. The activities expressed in The Elders of Zion are evil. The are evil because they are extremist and tribal.

    All those who subscribe to either are tainted with evil.

    Think Peace — Do No harm — Art

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  1425. Anonymous[126] • Disclaimer says:


    I’m considering religion not because I’ve seen God – I’m considering it because I’ve seen the disciples of devil and my sense of justice is red-lining.

  1426. Seraphim says:

    The real problem is the ‘double think’ in these matters. The acceptance of contradictory sentences as equally true. Filioque and non-Filioque is the same. It is not. The ‘apocryphal gospels’ have not the same evidentiary power as the canonical ones, no matter what the ‘biblical criticism’ (of Lutheran origin) say.
    Another problem is the entertaining of confusions like ‘The Talmud was written by Semites in general or by Hebrews in particular?’ in order to obscure the simple fact that the Talmud was written by Jews.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1427. APilgrim says:

    Ron Keeva Unz
    Publisher Unz Review

    I am impressed with the breadth & depth of your research; as well as your moderating forbearance. A friend of long-standing recently recommended your site. We are both slogging through the references as well as reading your essays. Many of the readers are well informed. I don’t consider the Holocaust Deniers to be convincing, though there is some legitimate basis for evaluating the numbers. I knew a number of European Theater GIs who liberated those death-camps.

    One primary reference to Judaism, seldom used by Jews is: Yosef ben Matityahu, (AKA Titus Flavius Josephus) a 1st-century Romano-Jewish historian, General & Priest. Most Jews have long considered Josephus to be a traitor equal to or worse than Saul of Tarsus (AKA Saint Paul). Josephus ‘War of the Jews’ and ‘Antiquities of the Jews’ are goldmines of ancient Judaism.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Wally
  1428. Seraphim says:

    Solzhenitsyn was not attacked for his lack of talent but for the facts he revealed and documented. And these have been said in the ‘Archipelago’ which is something more than the literary genre of lamenting ‘letters from exile’ inaugurated long ago by the Roman poet Ovidius with his “Epistulae ex Ponto’ and ‘Tristia’. Shalamov’s tales are, like it or not, fiction. He was embraced by the Russophobic Western ‘left’ because he was a Trotskyist, at a time when the ‘West’ was swallowing the idea that the real victims of Stalin were the ‘true, immaculate Communists’ of Trotsky, victims of Stalin’s antisemitism and ‘Veliko Russian nationalism’. Russians’ sufferings counted for nothing.

    ‘Red Wheel’ was not dismissed because of his ‘ridiculous’ pretensions to emulate Tolstoy, but because it debunked the mythology of the ‘sacred history’ of the ‘Greatest Revolution’. To say nothing of ’200 years’. The facts exposed were to hard to deny, hence the recourse to character assassination (and downright censorship).

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1429. APilgrim says:

    The Nicene Creed was adopted at the First Council (~318 Bishops) of Nicaea, Bithynia (now İznik, Bursa province, Turkey) convened by Roman Emperor Constantine I in AD 325. There was no Filioque in this Universal Creed, adopted by both the Eastern and Western Church.

    The Third Council of Toledo in AD 589 was conducted by the Roman Catholic Church, adopted the Filioque Clause into Western Christianity. The Nicean Creed with Filioque has never been adopted by the Eastern Church.

    Authorship and timing also matter in considering the Talmud, which I personally consider to be derivative works. Little, if any of the Talmud appears to have been Semite in origin.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1430. @Seraphim

    Shalamov’s stories are factually true. In many of them he recounts his personal experience in the GULAG. His stories do not claim that “true communists” were mostly imprisoned, he actually describes a great variety of people in the camp, likely reflecting the reality. His stories, their tone, the style of narrative ring true, at least in there native language. What’s more there is nothing Russophobic in them, but he is not a crazed “patriot” like Dugin (BTW, have you noticed that words “patriot” and “idiot” rhyme in most languages? I guess Dugins of the world deserve just that).

    In contrast, Solz’ prose sounds contrived and pretentious, like the writing of someone trying to be 100 times bigger than he is.

    The worst thing is, he lied more than he told the truth. His GULAG Archipelago and Red Wheel are more than 50% lies, just like Soviet propaganda. Westerners who have no idea what the reality was could swallow it line, hook, and sinker, but the people who lived in Russia and had friends and relatives of the older generations (at least parents and grandparents) won’t buy it, as they knew some reality. A few former Russians, mostly Jews who faked “persecution” to get free handouts from gullible morons, and phony “human rights defenders” who faked the same thing for the same reason, would cling to Solz lies, as they match their own fake narrative. Jews weren’t even turned off by Solz’ open anti-Semitism (those “200 years together”), following their tribe’s dictum “anything for a profit”.

    As far as censorship is concerned, Shalamov, Bulgakov, and even Baklanov were censored more than Solz, who immediately saw the opportunity of playing victim of Stalin’s regime (even though he never was in a real GULAG camp, only in the VIP ones) and published quite a bit during Khruschev period, including “One day…”.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @annamaria
  1431. Seraphim says:

    These are the facts. The problem is that the ‘Filioque’ was an innovation adopted by a provincial council, contrary to the Creed adopted by the Universal Church and deemed a heresy. There was no ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ Church at the time, as there was not yet a ‘Catholic’ and an ‘Orthodox’ one. There was the Church in the ‘Eastern’ parts of the Empire and the same Church in the ‘Western’ parts. The ‘Filioque’ created the ‘Western Church’ as opposed to the ‘Eastern’. The ‘Eastern’ Church did not adopt the clause, but strongly condemned it because it was false in principle, denying the very words of the Christ. The credal formula is the verbatim quote of John 15:26: ‘the Spirit of Truth which proceedeth from the Father’. It would be surprising that the Protestants so keen on ‘Sola Scriptura’ adopted the non-scriptural Filioque and strenuously defended it against the objections of the Orthodox, if we forget that they followed the same puffed up illusion that their own reason is the measure of all things.

    The problem of Semitism or not in the Talmud is irrelevant. Talmud was written by Jews, for the Jews to be the font of “all Jewish thought and aspirations”, serving also as “the guide for the daily life” of Jews, at a precise moment in time (which is well known).

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1432. @AnonFromTN

    Those handouts must be meager. There’s a fair amount of Jewish poverty in New Jersey, Brighton Beach and Spokane, Illinois.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
    , @Wally
    , @Anon
  1433. Seraphim says:

    Now why would one trust Shalamov more than Solzhenitsyn? He is his own witness.
    Jews weren’t turned off by ‘Solz’ open anti-Semitism’? Why then all the foaming at the mouth reviews denouncing ‘Solz’ anti-Semitism’? The censorship I was referring to was the one applied in the West.
    I never said that Shalamov was Russophobic, neither that he claimed that only ‘true communists’ were imprisoned. It is dishonest of you to say that I said that. Shalamov was pushed to the fore in the West by the Russophobic ‘left’ and neo-con ‘right’ (if there is any difference) in the same campaign to discredit Solz’.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1434. @bjondo

    Communism is not the reason white proles in the US Podunk fell behind first the Irish and Jews of the East Coast, then the Asians of the West Coast and now gobble Oxy in their weather-houses in the hollows or plains.

    When I see some able-bodied young white man from the sticks or exurbs rolling down the street acting like Eminem and imitating black jailbirds I know for a fact that his Dad will be an ex-Beavis and Butthead type “butt rocker” who listened to Judas Priest and wore a mullet like the actors in ROADHOUSE and was about 23 when he was born and that his mother was 21 and that both were aimless young townies.

    His father was “not there for him” because of his long affair with methamphetamine and when said whigger was growing up, more often than not it was actually his 20-something Mom or Dad’s weary parents in the forties who had to raise him.

    There might have been a marriage-in the 90′s among white rural Protestants there was still societal pressure there-but the marriage was a sham and by the time the whigger went to school he was being raised by his mother alone or by grandparents.

    Being the guilty culprit in a couple of pick-ups of slutty young Moms in the 90′s I’ll know that he was looked after at home while Mom “went out” as a young woman to the local meat-market bars.

  1435. annamaria says:

    “Jews weren’t even turned off by Solz’ open anti-Semitism (those “200 years together”), following their tribe’s dictum “anything for a profit”.
    – Has the book been published in the UK or the US already? I do not see it on Amazon, except as the untranslated text (in Russian).

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
    , @Skeptikal
  1436. APilgrim says:

    There are lots of solas: (Fide, Scriptura, Gratia, Deo-Gloria …). The Western Church never had power to force the Eastern Church to do anything. The Western Church had it’s specific heresies, Scriptural References & ‘Right-Reason’, leading to their adoption of The Filioque. For example: Bible, Gospel of John, Chapter 20, Verses: 20-23: … “And when hee had so saide, hee shewed vnto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the Lord. Then said Iesus to them againe, Peace be vnto you: As my Father hath sent me, euen so send I you. And when he had said this, hee breathed on them, and saith vnto them, Receiue ye the holy Ghost. Whose soeuer sinnes yee remit, they are remitted vnto them, and whose soeuer sinnes yee retaine, they are retained.”

    European Yids fabricated the Torah, a derivative collection of drivel & invective … IMHPO. I am not presently aware of any Hebraic Tribal involvement in the authorship of the Torah. The Torah is arguably pseudo-Judaic.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1437. Rurik says:

    [Off Topic]

    something weird is going on with Ron Unz’s ‘American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath’ thread. At least for my computer. I can’t reply to some of the replies to me, since the format has become tweaked.

    I figure this is a glitch, but I just wanted to point it out.

    Sorry, carry on..

    • Agree: utu
    • Replies: @utu
    , @Ron Unz
  1438. APilgrim says:

    The canonical books of the Old Testament, New Testament are, and have always been treated as vastly different from ‘other-sources’.

    So the Apocrypha, Rabbinical essays, Qur’an, Ḥadīths, Book of Mormon, Book of Scientology … are lesser, and somewhat suspect works, which are reasonably referred to as drivel and/or heretical.


  1439. APilgrim says:

    The book of Job, is arguably the most ancient written work and certainly predates Moses. Job was probably contemporary to Abram (AKA Abraham). Job is the only book of the canonical Old Testament, which was not penned by a Hebrew, as he predated them. It is not even certain, to my present understanding, that Job was a Semite.

    Josephus is the best, if not the only, direct (non-NT-canonical) source of 1st Century Hebrew religious practices and social mores.

    Most of the ‘trouble with the Jews’ relates to the Talmud, rabbinical works, rather than the canonical works of the OT. I don’t particularly care how people ‘self-identify’, or what they think they believe, or where they suppose it to be sourced. I am much more interested in what they do, which reveals who they are.


  1440. @annamaria

    I don’t know. I read it in Russian. You don’t want to learn Russian, though, if it’s not your mother tongue: way too much grammar, like Latin. Nouns change, verbs change, even adjectives change depending on gender (all nouns have gender, which can be masculine, feminine, and neutral, and verbs and adjectives change according to the gender of the noun they apply to), tense, and their role in the sentence.

  1441. @Seraphim

    When it comes to trusting or distrusting a piece of literary work, it’s a matter of opinion. In my case, I go by the quality (lying dramatically reduces the quality of writing even in case of talented people: just look at Pasternak’s pro-Soviet verses and compare them to his honest ones) and the overall style (natural or contrived). Besides, I know for a fact that many Solz’ assertions are lies. From my perspective, he cried wolf many times too many. In contrast, I don’t know a single case when Shalamov was proved to lie.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1442. @Rurik

    Thanks for sensing the truth, at least some of it. I am not a “zhid” (BTW, it is pejorative in Russian and Ukrainian, but a neutral word for a Jew in Polish or Czech). However, I am not a Soviet apologist, either. I believe that in the early days (Lenin and Stalin) Soviets committed many heinous crimes, whereas in the later days (Khruschev, Breznev, and kaleidoscope of “leaders” after that) Soviet policies in many areas were just plain stupid.

    I subscribe to the modern Russian saying about Soviet propaganda “what they told us about socialism turned out to be lies, but everything they told us about capitalism was perfectly true”.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1443. utu says:

    Correct. Something wrong with comments at ‘American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath’ . They seem to being swallowed.

  1444. @Jeff Stryker

    I don’t have first-hand knowledge, as I had a paying job from day one in the US. However, I am glad to hear that these handouts aren’t generous: after all, it’s my tax money being wasted on these fraudsters.

  1445. Art says:

    Super great article – many many great comments!

    Hmm — will we reach 1500 comments – is that a record?

    How many total published words on this article – it must be a record.

    Curious — Art

  1446. Ron Unz says:

    something weird is going on with Ron Unz’s ‘American Pravda: The Bolshevik Revolution and Its Aftermath’ thread. At least for my computer. I can’t reply to some of the replies to me, since the format has become tweaked.

    I figure this is a glitch, but I just wanted to point it out.

    Thanks, it’s now been fixed.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  1447. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    Royalty is Parasitism, isn’t it?

    Only to the extent that government is parasitism.

  1448. Anonymous[290] • Disclaimer says:

    I knew a number of European Theater GIs who liberated those death-camps.

    That is impossible. There were no death camps liberated by GIs. All the alleged death camps were in Poland.

  1449. Seraphim says:

    I am very curious what assertions of Solz’ you know ‘for a fact’ that they are lies. In his description of the facts of the revolution, of the ’200 years’, of Gulag.

    The disparaging of his attempt “to emulate Tolstoy’s War and Peace in his Red Wheel series, which to anyone familiar with Russian literature was as ridiculous as a gnat trying to emulate an elephant” was pushed by the same Western ideologues posing as literary critics who glamorized Shalamov. They decided that the ‘magnus opus’ of Vasili Grossman’s ‘Life and Fate’ “the greatest Russian novel of the 20th century” is the one to be compared with ‘War and Peace’ (“stupendous twentieth-century heir” to War and Peace), because erh…, “he was one of the first journalists to write about the ethnic cleansing of people in Eastern Europe and he was present at many famous battles” (behind the front line, of course) and the heroes of the War were the Shtrums. And that his book was destroyed by the nasty KGB and because Grossman was, well… Grossman. Ah, of course that he was an ‘anti-totalitarian’ anti-Stalinist. For him the betrayal of the nascent Russian freedom in 1917 by the Bolshevik Revolution was Soviet Russia’s original and inexpiable sin.
    Evocative of Shalamov, Grossman wrote how a dying in a Gulag camp somewhere above the Arctic Circle, an Old Bolshevik confesses to a comrade and a fellow prisoner: “I don’t want to say it; it is like a torture to say it.… But this is my last revolutionary duty, and I will do it.… We have made a mistake.… We did not understand liberty. We crushed it.… Without liberty, there is no proletarian revolution.”

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1450. Seraphim says:

    I have some difficulties in following your argument. What exactly do you want to demonstrate? That there is a scriptural ground for the Filioque in John 20:20-23?
    I don’t really understand your confusing take on the origins of the Torah (perhaps you meant the Talmud), ‘Hebraic Tribal involvment’, ‘pseudo-Judaic’. What is the meaning of all? I wonder whether you understand what you are trying to talk about.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1451. @Seraphim

    Sorry if I ruin your stereotypes. I have an excuse: I never read any Western critics. In my book you can discuss only the literature you can read in the original language. Everything else is pretentious BS.

    I am not a fan of Grossman. I would rate his literary talent below many, including Shalamov or Baklanov. Pretty much at the same level as Solz: a lot of pretense, very little substance or talent.

    I am not responsible for whatever Western critics say about Solz. I have my own opinion based on reading his writings and those of many other Russian writers and poets. Reading in Russian, not in translation. I feel fortunate, as I can read, write, and speak Russian, Ukrainian, and English.

    Now, if I rate Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Gogol, and Tolstoy at 100 points, Turgenev would come at about 70, Bulgakov (Master and Margarita) and Sholokhov (And quiet flows the Don) at between 90 and 100, Shalamov at 70, Blok and Mandelstam at 80, Pasternak and Baklanov at 70, Solz and Grossman at about 20 at best. Dostoyevsky was right in his “Demons” – it’s tough luck to be a middling talent in Russian literature. Solz might have been a towering giant in Latvian, Lithuanian, or Swahili literature, but he is a pigmy in Russian.

    As to his lies, it’s hard to know where to start. More than half of what he asserted was untrue. Most of his numbers in Archipelago are lies. Today real historians studied opened archives and published realistic estimates of GULAG prisoners, those shot by the regime, “kulaks” (rich peasants) who died when their property was confiscated and they were exiled, etc. My grandfather personally saved a family of those “kulaks”, a couple and their two kids, while the other two of their children died, because they were thrown out of their house in winter and weren’t even allowed to dress properly. One of my aunts and her husband were shot (and their little daughter grew up in my grandparents’ household), the husband of my grandfather’s sister was arrested (later shot by occupying Germans, as he flatly refused to serve them as a mayor of his city), etc. The regime did commit many heinous crimes, but Solz numbers are way off. He lied about practically everything. I don’t know whether he lied to inflate his importance, or he was just blinded by his monarchism, but lie he did.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1452. I am astounded!

    Thank you Ron Unz, for bringing the facts to this spring of information, in the mainstream media desert of fact-based information distribution.
    Of course it takes courage.

    Thank you for not bowing to the bullying censorship of the empire.
    Please keep fighting.

  1453. Wally says:

    ” I don’t consider the Holocaust Deniers to be convincing, though there is some legitimate basis for evaluating the numbers. I knew a number of European Theater GIs who liberated those death-camps.”

    What’s ‘not convincing’? Tell us specifically.

    The alleged “death camps” were all supposedly in Poland, where US GIs never went.

    You haven’t the slightest idea what you are talking about.

    The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
    See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

  1454. The number of comments posted here is so large I find it difficult to enter into the discussion at this point. Nevertheless I have posted my own reflections on this article on my own blog – I hope the moderators do not mind my linking to it:

    • Replies: @j2
  1455. j2 says:

    I read your post and can write some comments to your three points.

    1. Kabbalists made magic by calling many different spirits, including God and Satan. The practice was to tie a spirit to a talisman with a ritual and then later use this talisman for casting spells forcing the spirit to do the magic. For approaching God and other powerful spirits you needed sacrifices. These spirits (God, good and bad angels) are gods in the generic sense of the word god in religions.

    2. You find two gods from the extended Zohar (not Zohar proper, but from those Zoharic writings that actually are the most important) from Idra Rabba and Idra Zuta. The names used for the two gods are Makroprosopus and Microprosopus. They are aspects of one God, but it does not change much. Macroprosopus is the one with one eye and no eyelid, so he never closes his eye, while Microprosopus closes his eyes (must have two eyes and eyelids). So this smaller god closes his eyes on Israel when he gets angry and then from his nostrils comes out smoke. He can only be pacified by sacrificial blood. Idra Zuta commands drinking the blood. Microprosopus is not a nice god, while Macroprosopus is what you would compare to the Christian God. But the article does not so much refer to this. It refers to the tribal morals in Talmud: you can lie, cheat, do usury and so on, towards outgroup but not towards ingroup.

    3. In many religions (like Christianity, Islam) non-believers burn in the Hell but that usually does not much worry the nonbelievers. It is worse if somebody wants to destroy them on the earth. In Zohar proper you read that the Amaleks must be destroyed and that the ten kings of Edom must be destroyed. For kabbalists both terms meant Christians as easily follows from the context in Zohar: those who have suppressed/are ruling them in the time of the writing of the text. Many religious groups try to separate, like the Amish and the Roma, but they treat the out-group in quite different ways, some such groups are clearly hostile to the outgroup.

    You comment in the end about Islam, Israel and alt-right. If you have read Koran, you have a good idea of Islam, how you would like that religion, or not like it. Coming from a Christian country you most probably think you have a good idea of Christianity. You should read certain parts of Talmud and check what there actually is, it is in the web. Luther did study Talmud, maybe you should not immediately assume he was wrong. Just check it. S

  1456. Seraphim says:

    But now, just between us, have you really read Solzhenitsyn? Solz’ ‘numbers are way off’, you tell me. But actually he admits that is a provisional estimate, waiting for the publication of archives to establish the exact number.
    And you want to convince me (or anyone for that matter) that Solz’ lied about the ‘kulaks’ after you tell about how many of your family were killed?

    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @AnonFromTN
  1457. Rurik says:

    that Solz’ lied about the ‘kulaks’

    If anyone lied about the Kulaks it was Walter Duranty and the (((NYT)))

    The Kulaks (the most successful farmers in the region) were deliberately and systematically starved to death by the millions. Slowly, excruciatingly, forced to watch their children waste away in front of the eyes. Perhaps the most cruel torture imaginable. And all because they objected to being slaves.

    what the terrible fate of the Kulaks prove, is that communism was never about a workers paradise and a repudiation of the capitalists. Rather it was a scheme to enslave and or genocide the productive classes.

    We see it playing out again today in the West, as the middle and working classes are driven into the ground as armies of invading hostiles descend upon the targeted people as their replacements.

    And all of it orchestrated at the highest levels by (((wealthy banksters))) with a genocidal motivation.

    Just like with the Bolsheviks/Soviets.

    And all to the endless lies and militant urging of the (((NYT)))

  1458. Rurik says:

    I subscribe to the modern Russian saying about Soviet propaganda “what they told us about socialism turned out to be lies, but everything they told us about capitalism was perfectly true”.

    can’t argue with that!

    I am not a Soviet apologist,

    perhaps it’s relative

    my opinion of the Bolsheviks/Soviets is that they were yesterday’s version of Zionists.

    Drunk on power, they used that power to punish the people they hated. With the Bolsheviks/Soviets is was people with ability. People who were capable of feeding themselves (and others), and didn’t need the government for anything. Kind of like the Rhodesians, who were also genocided for being envied people of ability and the wrong ethnicity.

    Just as in Palestine today, they’re drunk on power and punishing those whom they hate.

    When I learn about the horrors of the second world war, especially the aftermath, I can’t help but have a special place for the Bolsheviks/Soviets. People try to pretend that the Kulaks and the Holodomor were a separate event completely removed from that war, but I see it differently.

    I see the fate of the Kulaks as being very much intertwined with the war, because even as the (((NYT))) and the (((western press))) were lying about it all- the Germans certainly knew what was happening, and knew without a shred of doubt that this is what the Fiend intended for them as well. I’ve said it often, the Nazis came into existence as a direct result of the very real threat of the Bolsheviks, who were trying very hard to take over Germany. There were even bloody fights in the streets between Bolsheviks and Nazis who were fighting over Germany’s fate.

    Had there been no genocidal Bolsheviks, hell bent on enslaving Germany, then there would have been no Nazis as an answer to these hatred-consumed monsters.

    So when you say you’re not an apologist for the Soviets, it sort of depends on perspective.

    If you’re like me, and consider the Bolsheviks to be unspeakably evil fiends in human form, (based on what they did and why), then just talking about them as if they were a neutral factor in the 20th century, is doing the memory of their millions upon millions of victims a terrible wrong.


    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1459. @Seraphim

    As a matter of fact, I did read Solz. Not in the last ~20 years, though: there are hundreds of thousands of books and human life is short, so one has to be selective. I stopped reading him as soon as I realized that he is a liar and found that he is a low-grade writer, nowhere near even the mid-range in Russian literature.

    As to numbers, mine are anecdotal, and they do not gibe with his. Out of my and my wife’s extended families totaling at least 70, three people were repressed, two of which were shot by Stalin’s regime and one by the Germans. Out of six “kulak” family members I know about four survived (thanks to my grandfather, but he was not the only one helping). In general, “kulaks” constituted ~3-5% of Russian peasantry, which was ~70% of the USSR population in late 1920s. Most (>75%) exiled “kulaks” survived, although they certainly suffered without being guilty of anything. Do your math. There are serious studies now that the archives are opened (Soviets were meticulous bureaucrats, just like German Nazis, and kept records of everything), and they contradict Solz assertions.

    From my perspective, murdering 100 innocent people is a mass murder and a crime against humanity, but someone saying that 100,000 people were murdered instead of 100 is still a liar. To make it simple, if you murder three people, you are a murderer and deserve severe punishment. However, if someone accuses you of murdering thirty people, while you only murdered three, that someone is a liar and a fraud. That’s what Solz is, even if we discount his other sins, like being NKVD (later became KGB) informer, running away from the front, etc., that were not unambiguously proven.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1460. Skeptikal says:

    It has been translated into German. I can’t at the moment give chapter and verse on that. I have on occasion thought I might translate it from German into English.

    But here is something available in English—I can’t vouch for it:

  1461. @Rurik

    Look, Soviets were in power for 74 years (1917-1991), and the regime changed significantly during this period. While the early Bolsheviks can be considered Zionists, Stalin shot many of them (one of few good things he did). The original Bolsheviks were murderous criminals without any scruples, whereas late Soviet Union (since 1953, Khruschev and after) was evolving into a stable totalitarian regime that did a lot of things to remain stable and survive. These things weren’t all bad, although the actions of the regime were often misguided. In fact, in late Brezhnev period and afterwards it was pretty hard to get imprisoned for political reasons. Even KGB mostly pretended that everything is fine. They kept tabs on you (I am almost sure they had a file on me), but even if you were actively anti-regime and spoke your mind freely, they first talked to you to scare you and force you to stop your activities, and arrested you years later only if you did not relent. As a matter of fact, since Stalin’s times there was not this level of uniformity in the MSM as we see now in the US and its vassals. Comparing to today’s American MSM, Soviet “Pravda” (main newspaper of the communist party) was a paragon of honesty. They reported facts selectively and twisted them, but they never stooped to pure lies and invented stories, like the MSM in self-appointed “democratic” countries do today.

    I also remember that I got free education at the Moscow State University, which was as good as you get from Harvard or Yale paying upwards of $200,000 for it in the US today. I had essentially free dorm for five years in Moscow, paying two rubles per month for it (out of 40-ruble monthly stipend I was getting for good grades at the MSU). Healthcare was also free in the USSR. Apartments were very cheap: I paid 8 rubles 47 kopeks per month for my one-bedroom (out of 143-ruble salary). Kindergartens were also ridiculously cheap. Although communist bosses lived a lot better than ordinary people, the differential was never as grotesque as it is in the US or today’s Russia. The authorities did not let anyone steal too much, so there were no oligarchs. Basically, late Soviet regime was much friendlier to the ordinary person than the society in the US. But they carried their equalizing too far: if you were good at what you are doing, you didn’t get much more than someone really bad and lazy. That killed the regime in the end, not military competition with the US, as the American elites via their propaganda machine assert in their hubris.

    You are right that Nazis were spawned and supported by the West (including Zionists) out of fear of Bolsheviks. I just don’t see how this justifies the West or the Nazis. It was the same game as the US creating, arming, and training Al-Qaida and ISIS to fight SU and Russia. Using criminals as tools makes you a criminal.

    Neither Bolsheviks nor Nazis, or Al-Qaida and ISIS, for that matter, are neutral factors. They are all criminals that deserve to be hanged. My point is, that their enablers are also criminals and deserve the same punishment.

    As to numbers of victims, see my response to “Seraphim”.

    • Agree: Ron Unz
    • Replies: @Skeptikal
    , @utu
    , @Rurik
  1462. Skeptikal says:

    “I also remember that I got free education at the Moscow State University, which was as good as you get from Harvard or Yale paying upwards of $200,000 for it in the US today. I had essentially free dorm for five years in Moscow, paying two rubles per month for it (out of 40-ruble monthly stipend I was getting for good grades at the MSU). Healthcare was also free in the USSR. ”

    I was in Czechoslovakia in 1992 (teaching).
    It was truly sad, how convinced young people were that getting rid of communism, and all of the social benefits it conferred, was going to lead to some kind of shangri-la.

    They coulnd’t grasp how stressful life can become when you can’t afford a place to live, health care, transportation, and an education, not to mention dirt-cheap world-class cultural events. The lack of “choice” in shops was a reality, as were other drab aspects of the USSR and the Eastern Bloc. Without question, the lack of blue jeans was a good reason to overthrow the whole regime!!!

  1463. APilgrim says:

    Yes, I inadvertently typed Torah (5 books of Moses) rather than the intended Talmud (Rabbinical writings).

    I do not intend to continue the 1,500 year East/West debate on the Filioque and/or the accompanying bilateral slaughters & sacks.

    I make a distinction between the ancient Hebrew religion and Talmudic derivative pseeudo-Jew, crap-theology.

    How difficult is that?

    • Replies: @Anon
  1464. utu says:

    You perfectly exemplify what Solzhenitsyn meant by obrazovanshchina.

    Obrazovanshchina (Russian: образованщина, “educationdom”, “educaties”,[1] “smatterers”) is a Russian ironical, derogatory term for a category of people with superficial education without higher ethics of an educated person.

    Solzhenitsyn defines obrazovanshchina as the category of people who refer to themselves as “intelligentsia” solely on the basis of having a higher than middle education. Solzhenitsyn explains the selection of the term by reference to Vladimir Dahl’s dictionary, which distinguished the terms образовать (to educate) and просвещать (to enlighten), the former concept having a superficial character, “external gloss”

    One could get good technical education in USSR and probably you did learn math, physics and chemistry. But you could not get a decent education in studying philosophy, sociology, psychology, history or religion. You really do not know what being educated really means. Try to step back and look at your life. When in the USSR you were young. It was there you first time fell in love, get first time drunk and got laid first time. At best it is your nostalgia and mediocre broad education that is responsible for you often sounding like a sovok. I am just trying to explain you w/o getting into your family history and their role in the USSR.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
    , @Skeptikal
  1465. Yes, a wonderful article. For further reading I recommend The Controversy Of Zion by Douglas Reed. In it he answers your questions on every page without guile or bias. He was a former British war correspondent who was alive when eastern European Jews colonized Palestine. He saw and wrote about it first hand.

  1466. Rurik says:

    whereas late Soviet Union (since 1953, Khruschev and after) was evolving into a stable totalitarian regime that did a lot of things to remain stable and survive. These things weren’t all bad

    I know some people who had similar experiences, like a woman from East Germany and another woman who grew up in Hungary. They both seem well adjusted, more or less, and have never spoken a word that I know of against their respective governments, growing up.

    But then there were of course the Hungarians of the fifties who obviously weren’t too enamored of the regime. And they were crushed under an iron Soviet boot. Then of course there was the Prague Spring in 68, and the Polish October, and other signs of ill-content.

    I’ve been over there, (East Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and others. Not Russia yet) and I’ve seen the grey, drab building lacking any verve or panache. Just functional, and deliberately solemn looking.

    Bullet holes in the brick walls all over East Germany. A strange feeling in Czechoslovakia. I can’t quite name it. Kind of like they were waking from a terrible nightmare, but that may have been my own spin on it.

    But in all, I suppose it was tolerable. But then being an American, and having lived in this information bubble, the only people I remember talking about it over here were people like Ayn Rand, and she wasn’t singing its (communism’s) praises.

    . Comparing to today’s American MSM, Soviet “Pravda” (main newspaper of the communist party) was a paragon of honesty

    now that, I damn sure believe.

    They lie about everything over here. And the American people are some of the worst educated on the planet, as far as I’ve seen, and I know a lot of foreign nationals.

    Sometimes it bristles to hear their devil’s lies. Iraq blah, blah. Syria blah, blah. Iran, Libya, Ukraine, Crimea, Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch, Kuwait baby incubators, Putin shot down the plane!, ‘they hate us for our freedom!! and all their endless lies.

    you didn’t get much more than someone really bad and lazy. That killed the regime in the end, not military competition with the US, as the American elites via their propaganda machine assert in their hubris.

    that’s interesting, and one of the benefits of participating here at Unz. We get different perspectives from people like you that we don’t get every day.

    I’m not agreeing 100% that Reagan’s military spending didn’t at least help to bring down the regime, (I confess I rather believed it was a significant contributing factor, if not the biggest, but what you’re saying makes perfect sense too. Why slave away to bolster your lazy neighbor’s welfare, when he sits on his arse?

    Indeed, I consider communism as the very definition of slavery. “Being forced to toil for the benefit of others”, That’s my running definition. You’re a slave if you’re forced to work for a government just as much as if you’re forced to work for a white plantation owner. In fact if you work hard and well, the white plantation owner is even more likely to give you extra benefits for your extra effort, I would imagine. (I’m rambling, I know. It’s one of my failings)

    Nazis were spawned and supported by the West (including Zionists) out of fear of Bolsheviks.

    As much as that’s true too, I meant the German people were susceptible to their (National Socialist) message, because they had endured the ((Weimar)) regime, and were aware of what the Bolsheviks were doing in places like Ukraine. I wonder who you or I might have supported if we were faced with deciding between the Nazi vs. the Bolsheviks, as millions of Germans and Poles and Ukrainians and Russians and Latvians and so many other were forced to pick which uniform they would wear. It reminds me of the 2016 election, when people were alarmed that anyone could possibly support Donald Trump, and those of us who did vote for him, were simply shocked that there were people who entertained the possibility of the alternative.

    I suppose there were a lot of Germans who despised the Nazis as arrogant and racist, but then when considering the alternative, – slow starvation genocide, (something the Germans knew all too well what that was like), figured ‘Jesus Christ, this guy Hitler is a bit much, but do we really want to be genocided?’

    I just don’t see how this justifies the West or the Nazis.

    it doesn’t justify the atrocities that some Nazis committed, but it does make it easier to understand why so many Germans (and Russians and others) supported Hitler’s campaign to crush communism, which- as you mention, was a horror show in its early days.

    Using criminals as tools makes you a criminal.

    reminds me of the French and Indian wars, or the war of 1812

    Using savages (they were at the time) as tools makes you a savage. Not that the Brits were any better than the French, just that from everything I’ve glimmered from being on this rock, war is to be avoided.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @AnonFromTN
    , @Wally
  1467. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    There is also the Mishnah or so-called “Oral Torah”, which is part of the Talmud but is maintained by many rabbis to be part of the Torah as well.

  1468. APilgrim says:

    The ancient Hebrews slaughtered the Tribe of Benjamin over the mistreatment of a slvt (concubine), as outlined in the Canonical OT book of Judges Chapter 19. The incident was a precedent, of sorts, for women’s rights and property rights.

    Their remedy, to continue the existence of the Tribe of Benjamin, by ‘altruistically’ breeding all the widows & orphans, was … interesting.

    Present-Day Hebrew & Jewish ‘reform’ is often somewhat convoluted & self-serving, IMHPO.

  1469. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    I’ve been over there, (East Germany, Hungary, Slovakia and others. Not Russia yet) and I’ve seen the grey, drab building lacking any verve or panache. Just functional, and deliberately solemn looking.

    If you look at the buildings NYC put up about the same time you will see the same thing.
    Government without soul is pretty awful.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  1470. Seraphim says:

    My friend, you are beating around the bush. Around the BS actually.
    Solz’ did not say that 66 million were murdered but, to quote him from the part of Gulag you did not read:
    ‘According to the estimates of emigre Professor of Statistics Kurganov this ‘comparatively easy’ internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959 a total of…sixty-six million – 66,000,000 – lives. We, OF COURSE, CANNOT VOUCH FOR HIS FIGURE, but we have none other that is official. And just as soon as the official figure is issued the specialists can make the necessary CRITICAL CORRECTIONS’.
    And they have been made.

    And before he died:
    “I have spent well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

    The crux of the matter is not how many people have been ‘really’ killed, but that they have been killed at all in the name of an utopian ideal.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @AnonFromTN
  1471. @utu

    This is the most ridiculous comment I read in a while. I thought something like this when I was a naive idiot 28 years ago, before first-hand experience in the US.
    I teach grad students for 17 years and I served on the admissions committee of our grad school for 7 years. I’ve never encountered so narrowly educated people lit the US college graduates. Compared to them, despite silly limitations we were incredibly broadly educated. LOL

  1472. utu says:

    Our friend from TN has still a long way to go. No point arguing with him now.

    ON SOLZHENITSYN. by Alexander Schmemann

    I would not have dared to write about Solzhenitsyn at all, not being a literary critic, had I not been so astonished by what I can only call the Christian inspiration of his writing. For me the most important, the most joyful news in the “miracle” of Solzhenitsyn was that the first national writer of the Soviet period of Russian literature was at the same time a Christian writer. I would like to conclude with a few words on this, even though it is very complex.

    When I speak of a “Christian writer” and of Solzhenitsyn in particular, I have in mind a deep and all-embracing, although possibly unconscious perception of the world, man, and life, which, historically, was born and grew from biblical and Christian revela- tion, and only from it.

    Solzhenitsyn’s writings are almost entirely about ugliness, suffering, and evil. His world truly “lies in evil;” not in an abstract, metaphysical sense, but in a very real one: the nightmare reality of the labor camp, the Mavrino sharashka, and the cancer ward. Yet nowhere, never, not once (and let the reader check my assertion) do we find or even sense in all his works that ontological blasphemy about the world, man, and life, the poisonous whisper of which can be heard so clearly in so much of “contemporary art.”

    Evil in Solzhenitsyn always remains on a moral, and therefore personal plane; it is always related to the conscience which is in every man. It is not a failing, an absence of something, a blindness or a lack of responsi- bility; it is man’s betrayal of his humanity; it is his fall.

    But then, in this dark night, in a country which more than half a century ago officially renounced its Christian name and calling, there arises a lone man who through his art reveals the lie and the sin of that dilemma and liberates us from it. A writer. A Russian writer. A Christian writer. For this liberation, for this witness, and for its coming from Russia, making Russia herself again and again ours; for preserving “unspoiled, undisturbed, and undistorted the image of
    On Solzhenitsyn 481 eternity with which each person is born,” our joyful gratitude to
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

  1473. @Seraphim

    If you sincerely believe ya guesstimate of someone with dubious credentials based on lack of information is more credible than the estimates of serious historians based on careful analysis of available data, nobody can help you. Just get a vagina outfit and join a pro-Hillary demo
    As to lies, weren’t lots of people killed for lieu? All Americans and Iraqies were killed for lies, all Americans and Afghanies were killed for lies, etc. Nothing special there

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @annamaria
  1474. Wally says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    “There’s a fair amount of Jewish poverty in New Jersey, Brighton Beach and Spokane, Illinois.”

    No there’s not.

    Says who? You?

  1475. How would you know? You’re clearly rural, white and have never been North Jersey or Brighton Beach.

  1476. Robjil says:

    This Unz site is the Galileo of our time. In the past 100 years, the Big J – Israel, the Big J rulers, and Big 6 H – have been the center of the universe. All things revolve around the big J according to our MSM. Any questioning of this fact will lead to jail time, ostracism, or being unemployable. The Galileos at this site are the heroes of our time. The world has to be brought back to balance. Logical, rational and critical thinking has to be brought back again. All things should be allowed to be discussed and questioned. Our planet will be destroyed if the 500 BC thinking patterns of our Big J rulers continues. In the end Big J thinking, is about absolute power without pity. In the end, if they “win”. They will never be satisfied. Power never is. So in the end two Big Js will be left on a blacken nuclear destroyed earth. They will fight it out until the last one “wins”. This Big J “winner” will be all alone on a blacken nuclear destroyed earth.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @Dissident X
  1477. QUERY

    How do you suppose Jews get money that other Americans do not have?

    They have a star of David on the ATM card so the bank just lets them withdraw as much cash as they want?

    The walk into finance or loan offices and when the Jews see that they are Jewish they gift them with the money, no interest?

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @Anon
  1478. Seraphim says:

    You definitely beat around the BS. It is obvious that you don’t know what you are talking about. But nobody can help you either. You wouldn’t need a ‘vagina outfit’ because clearly you do help yourself.

  1479. APilgrim says:

    The best Hebrews of history are generally numbered among the best of humanity.

    The worst Hebrews are generally numbered among the worst of humanity. Ancient Jews, from the Tribe/Region of Judah mirror those observations of the ancient nation Israel/Hebrews. Ashkenazim, European converts to Rabbinical Talmudic nonsense, … are somewhat similar. And they ‘self-identify’ as Jews.

    If the Ashkenazim are genetically distinct, culturally antithetical, and practice a different religion from the ancient Jews; why should the rest of us consider them to be Jews?

    ‘Self-Identification’ is an unreliable metric.

    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
  1480. iffen says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    How do you suppose Jews get money that other Americans do not have?

    Many of them squeeze it out of the souls of the less capable like non-Jews such as sewer pond scum M. Romney.

  1481. @APilgrim

    DNA tests suggest that European Jews are 47% Levant and the rest is European with a great degree of matriarchal side Italian which indicates that Jews wandered the Mediterranean rim into Rome and married local women. At this point, more or less, they were a new subgroup.

    Since Sicilians are essentially whites with a degree of Phoenician and Arabic in their genes, it could be said that the closest to Jews genetically are Sicilians.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1482. joeblo says:

    If the Ashkenazim are genetically distinct, culturally antithetical, and practice a different religion from the ancient Jews; why should the rest of us consider them to be Jews?

    Because they are
    the dominant ethnicity within Zionism
    the originators of Zionism
    the manipulators of all other variants into joining them in the Zionist crime (but as plain cannon-fodder and hewers of wood, etc.)
    and, last but first in importance
    the overwhelming majority among the “Jewish” ethnicity in the US and UK

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1483. Skeptikal says:

    “You perfectly exemplify what Solzhenitsyn meant by obrazovanshchina. . .
    One could get good technical education in USSR and probably you did learn math, physics and chemistry. But you could not get a decent education in studying philosophy, sociology, psychology, history or religion. You really do not know what being educated really means. ”

    Utu, what an arrogant sod you are, telling others what they do and do not know.
    Clearly, whatever your own level of formal education, your personal development is sorely lacking in a number of important areas, such as humlity, curiosity, receptivity, genuine intellectual engagement, and on and on.

    I suggest you reread your Solz and step back and look at your own conceited, self-righteous self.

  1484. APilgrim says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Let’s not neglect the Black genomic makeup of Italians & Sicilians, due to the Carthaginians.

    Carthage was founded by Phoenicians in the 9th century BC. There were many marriages between the Phoenicians and locals, so there was plurality of North Africans (Blacks) in Carthage. The Sicilian Wars, or Greco-Punic Wars, were a series of conflicts fought between Ancient Carthage and the Greek city-states led by Syracuse, Sicily, over control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean between 580–265 BC. The genome of General Hannibal Barca (247 BCE – 183/181 BCE) was predominantly from North Africa & the Levant, he was not light skinned. He would probably be considered ‘Black today.

    There is a contemporary cartoon of Greek-Carthaginian mingling in Sicily: the left side parodies the Greek Gorgon (mascot), while the right side caricatures the Phoenician-Punic ‘grinning’ mask, which has undeniably ‘Black’ features.

  1485. Skeptikal says:

    “You perfectly exemplify what Solzhenitsyn meant by obrazovanshchina. . .
    One could get good technical education in USSR and probably you did learn math, physics and chemistry. But you could not get a decent education in studying philosophy, sociology, psychology, history or religion. You really do not know what being educated really means. ”

    Utu, what an arrogant sod you are, telling others what they do and do not know.
    Clearly, whatever your own level of formal education, it is sorely lacking in a number of important areas, such as humlity, curiosity, receptivity, genuine intellectual engagement, and on and on.

    I suggest you reread your Solz and step back and look at your own conceited, self-righteous self.

    • Replies: @Anon
  1486. APilgrim says:

    LDS & FLDS (Mormons) propose, and perhaps believe that their ‘Temple’ in Salt Lake City, Utah is the new ‘Temple of God’. Nobody else believes that the Temples of Solomon and Herod, in Jerusalem has been replaced by Mormon naming conventions. Mormons also consider that Satan will be ultimately redeemed into the good graces of God.

    Ashkenazim & Mormons are entitled to ‘self-identify’ and believe what they wish. The objective basis for such proclamations are not particularly convincing to the rest of us.

    Sticking a feather up one’s kiester, will not make you a chicken. IMHPO

  1487. joeblo says:

    A feather won’t do it. What determines identities is the fact that Zionism is supported by the overwhelming majority of those who still call themselves “Jewish”, and the fact that the Ashkenazi have the absolute power within Zionism.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1488. Anon[202] • Disclaimer says:

    I think you meant to reply to someone else?

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  1489. APilgrim says:

    Your arguments are ‘might makes right’, & Self-Identification, by Pseudo-Hebrew, Non-Semitic-Genome, Non-Judah-descent, self-identifying, ‘Jews’.

    Yiddish was originally a German dialect with words from Hebrew and several modern languages, mixed in, and is today spoken mainly in the US, Israel, and Russia.

    Christianity is, by far and away, the largest ‘Jewish-Sect’, and most of the actual POWER behind Zionism. There are approximately: 1.2B Roman Catholics, 300M Orthodox, 80M each of Presbyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, Ana-Baptists, and Methodists. Even minor Christian denominations vastly exceed the total numbers of ‘Hebrews/Jews’.

  1490. joeblo says:

    Tell us something everybody doesn’t know.
    I only make present that the “but we don’t carry any responsibility for the crimes of Zionism” argument is bullshit as long as there is a majority of Zionists among people who call themselves “Jewish”, period.

    What the flute you are looking for is impossible to guess.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1491. Skeptikal says:

    Yes, I meant to reply to Utu.
    Sorry. I don’t know how that happened!
    Sometimes text remains in the “reply” box when I think it has already been posted, or somthing.

  1492. APilgrim says:

    1,400 years of Muhammadan: atrocity, barbarism, terrorism, cruelty, flesh-trade, oppression, iconoclasty, and war does not lend itself well to condemning much of anything … anywhere, @ any time.

    Muhammadans do NOT have any moral claim to anything in the Levant, or beyond.


    Christian Crusades, Zionist Expansion, and Secular objectives have rightly and repeatedly wrested Israel from Muhammadans. Constantinople should be NEXT. Again IMHPO

    • Replies: @j2
  1493. I suggest that if you make the effort to digest the robust content of this website, you will come a long way to understanding our current disheartening situation:

  1494. Ron Unz is certifiably insane.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
    , @Wally
  1495. APilgrim says:

    Only a foolish idiot diagnoses a patient, without an examination.

  1496. j2 says:

    “1,400 years of Muhammadan: atrocity, barbarism, terrorism, cruelty, flesh-trade, oppression, iconoclasty, and war does not lend itself well to condemning much of anything … anywhere, @ any time.
    Muhammadans do NOT have any moral claim to anything in the Levant, or beyond.”

    Have you read the Koran? Koran is very similar to Old Testament Judaism enhanced with the Talmudic Jewish and Christian belief in Heaven and Hell, that was not in old Judaism. Koran repeats that there is one God and recites tales of Moses, Noah, Jesus and so on. There is very little that you can say is not according to the beliefs of the People of the Book, as Mohammad read the book. In the first suras there is often the command to slay the idolaters, but it is not any different from the old Testament, to exterminate the Kanaan people. Christians of a certain type are idolaters, but if you do not insist that Mary had intercourse with God and they conceived a child and this child is a god himself and rules a kingdom of his own, Mohammad would have agreed with you. Mary sura tells just the Christian story of how Christ was born of a virgin by the spirit of God, Jesus is Messiah and wonder-maker for Muslims and comes in the last days. Nothing what Mohammad said of Christians is against what Christianity actually believes (it is not trinity: God, Mary, Jesus, which Mohammad opposed, it is trinity in one), also nothing he said of Jews is against the Old Testament.

    Mohammad’s army conquered the Levant but mostly it did not replace the people. The people living there had a choice: accept the new religion, be killed, or if from the people of the book, do not claim things that Koran says are false. Most did this, thus the people living in the Levant derives from the people living there before Islam.

    If we talk about Abrahamic religions, which claim all this of Adam, Paradise, Abraham, Lot, Moses and so on, so it is not exactly scientific. Islam is exactly good as a new version of Christianity and Judaism. Wrestling Palestine from Palestinians is about the same as conquering any country from the people living there. The difference with Israel is that Jews pushed away the original inhabitants, while Islam simply converted them (by force) to accept a new religion (which was about the same anyway). Koran does not support atrocity, barbarism, terrorism, cruelty, flesh-trade, oppression. It is just the same stories as in the Old testament. God is one, kill the idolaters, later: let them burn in Hell. Either you have not read Koran or you intentionally write propaganda. All of these Abrahamic religions are similar, and morally not so good, and they claim there is the single jealous God of Israel.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @APilgrim
  1497. @Ron Unz

    Ron I would like to think introducing you to Simon Shama’s “Belonging: The Story of the Jews 1492 to 1900″ might be some return for the pleasure and stimulation you have given with your recent (21st century) discoveries. Apparently given to me late last year shortly after publication I have just started on its 800 pages by tackling its first and last chapters, both very readable.

    In the last chapter you may find yourself sympathizing with Theodor Hertzl who, as events of the 1890s – if not precisely the Dreyfus Affair as he later seemed to claim – crystallized his view that emancipation had failed and that a homeland for Jews was necessary. Like you he had the experience of being surprised by what he had found had already been written.

    The description of the convulsions in France and the diviseness the Dreyfus Affair caused – or revived – is truly horrifying to a modern secularist and, for me, makes Zionism as a concept for the years before 1914 a pretty innocent and even practical idea.

    I was unaware of the specifics of French division over Dreyfus. Apparently Cézanne and Dégas were on the virulently anti-Dreyfus side in contrast to Vuillard and Monet to mention only well known names that come back to mind. Enjoy.

    • Replies: @iffen
  1498. Seraphim says:

    There is not exact equivalence between Mahomed’s command to exterminate the idolaters all over the world and the command to exterminate only the people of Canaan.
    Mary sura makes a blunder that the Muslims are at extreme pains to obfuscate: Mary was the sister of Moses! You need a serious ‘suspension of disbelief’ to take seriously the utterances of the prophet. What prophet is one who talk demonstrable falsehoods? Whatever he says about Christ is BS.

    • Replies: @j2
  1499. APilgrim says:


    I read an English translation of the Koran, 20 years ago. The Koran is, for the most part, a rehash of OT stories. (It is a Derivative-Work.) There are a few additions, such as: Young Egyptian General Moses using Ibis (birds) to protect his army, in a swamp, from ‘flying-snakes’. The surprise attack from the swamp resulted in a conquest of an African nation (Ethiopia?).

    Muhammad was reportedly illiterate, (if memory serves), so I assume he stole the Koran Manuscript. In any event, Muhammad was a child-molesting, murderous fraud, and probably a psychopath, IMHPO. Ancient Jews stoned false-prophets; so Muhammad would have been a rock-pile, if they had their way.

    There are no corporal punishments, much less executions called for in the New Testament. The three modern religions do NOT worship the same God, IMHPO.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  1500. @Zeidner

    Isn’t this link a bit more appropriate?

  1501. iffen says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    crystallized his view that emancipation had failed and that a homeland for Jews was necessary.

    Emancipation didn’t fail; assimilation failed.

  1502. Art says:

    Injecting reality.

    The Talmud is not just a dirty nasty book that is mendaciously against humanity. It is alive and being practiced, it is Zionist Israel’s guiding light. That nasty tome controls Zionism.

    This very day – the Talmudic driven Israelis commandeered a ship on the open seas filled with dearly needed med supplies, headed for Gaza.

    Helping a Gentile is forbidden by the Talmud.

    Why does humanity permit this evil?

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

    p.s. Western media is not reporting this outrage.

  1503. Robjil says:

    That is very sad news about Gaza. We live in very sad times all over the word. Gaza has the full treatment of Talmud/Zion rule. Talmud/Zion Change and not Climate Change is destroying our planet at alarming rate. Yet, we are not allowed to talk about it except at such sites as Unz. The Talmud/Zion rulers are clamping down on free speech all over the net. Talmudic Zionists are after any nation not under their control. Most of middle east has been ripped up and destroyed for the Talmud Zionist rulers of our planet. Iran is sticking out like a sore thumb. This why there is endless chatter among the Talmudic Zionist rulers about Iran. Russia is also a target because it broke free from Talmudic Zionist rule since the 1990s.
    The Talmudic Zionist see themselves as the center of the universe and everyone “must” think so. Any one who disagrees is an “anti-semite” or “racist”. No questioning or criticism are allowed about the Big H, Israel, and Big Js. If one criticizes any of these three – jail time, ostracism or unemployment is the end result. Two Canadian citizens, Monika Schaefer and her brother Alfred Schaefer are on trial in Germany now for “denying” the mandatory view of the Big H. In Canada this is not a crime for jail time, only for ostracism or non-employment. This is not a good sign for our times. If this trend continues, Germany may have to ask land back from Poland to built jails for big H deniers from all over the world.

  1504. annamaria says:

    “Jews weren’t even turned off by Solz’ open anti-Semitism (those “200 years together”), following their tribe’s dictum “anything for a profit”.

    — The sequestration of “Two Hundred Years Together” by all publishing houses in the UK and the US speaks for the exceptionally high degree of irritation that the documentary has produced among the tribalists. Also, it does not have the sense to accuse the documented facts in antisemitic bias.

  1505. annamaria says:

    Why don’t you explore the customs of sexual treatment of children in Talmud? You put yourself in a proverbial glass house.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1506. j2 says:

    In Mary sura Mary is called the sister of Aaron, but this is explained that it is just an expression of how virtuous she was. The Pharaoh of the Exodus is called Haman. Does that seem incorrect to you? The prophet was just a simple man and could make errors, but how do you know Mary did not have a brother named Aaron and Pharaoh did not have the name Haman, and what does it matter?

    In the first suras there is the command to kill idolaters, but later there are suras where it is not advised but they are just to burn in Hell. Idolaters can convert, so it is not a command to exterminate a people, like Old Testament tells of some Canaan people: exterminate them all.

    Having read many times the main works of these three Abrahamic religions, I find them all requiring some amount of suspension of disbelief as you say, or reading them as one reads old religious beliefs. Like one reads Popol Vuh and other texts.

    What text about Christ in Koran is BS in your opinion? I think they follow a certain Judeo-Christian tradition which somewhat differs from the gentile Christian interpretation.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1507. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I think you mean Skokie, Illinois not Spokane. Skokie is one of the wealthy Jewish north shore suburbs of Chicago although not as wealthy as the Jewish suburbs of Highland Park, Glencoe, Winnetka, Willmmette of Chicago
    Might be spellcheck.

    Stick to what you know, the slums and ruins of Detroit

  1508. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Why is a man who claims to be Lutheran so eager to defend Jews from the least amount of criticism?

    You remind me so much of the Los Angeles Jews who defended Mike Millikan so vociferously during his trail for multiple financial frauds and greeted him as a conquering hero when he got out of prison.

  1509. Seraphim says:

    Now, Mary of whom Mahomed speaks is Mary the Mother of Jesus. We know for sure that she had no brother at all. And we know that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was not called Haman from the book of Exodus. It does matter if you praise the truth. Sure Mahomed was a man who made errors, but he pretended that every word was inspired by God and his followers can slit your throat if you don’t admit that every word is the absolute truth.
    Idolaters can convert, but if not they can be killed.
    What the Koran says about Christ is BS, because they follow a wrong tradition, which does not ‘somewhat’ differ from the ‘gentile’ Christian interpretation, but differs fundamentally. It is a Jewish tradition.
    You did not read any works of the ‘abrahamic’ religions. Clearly not the Bible if you can say that the Pharaoh was named Haman. You wouldn’t ask so candidly how do we know what we know.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
    , @j2
  1510. APilgrim says:

    I am Choctaw/American, Lutheran & an Electrical Engineer.

    Please describe my ‘Glass-House’.

    The Talmud is derivative drivel; IMHPO.

  1511. APilgrim says:

    Regarding the brother(s) of Mary Θεοτόκος:

    Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Perhaps Zebedee was her older brother?

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1512. Seraphim says:

    And hypothesis is not evidence. Where did you take the idea that Zebedee was Mary’s brother from?

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1513. j2 says:

    I know that the Mary sura is of Mary the mother of Jesus and that there is a common claim that Mohammad mixed up Miriam, sister of Moses and Aaron and Mariyam, mother of Jesus. However, this can be explained and is explained by Islamic theologists that sister of Aaron does not here mean sister in the real sense. How do we know if Mary mother of Jesus has a brother named Aaron? We know that Mary had a sister called Mary, according to one reading. How do we know what was the name of the Pharaoh of the Exodus, when there was no Israelite Exodus and the story is from Hyksos expulsion and the Pharaoh was Ahmose I. I know who was Haman in the Book of Esher and that this is another confusion. In Koran Mohammad does not emphase that every word is inspired by God, like e.g. Paul does. But Koran forbids talking bad about the Prophet, so let’s not do so, less the believers will slit our throats.

    But anyway, Koran is not a bad book. It does not say that Jesus boils in shit, like one other book does. Koran is very much in line with the Old Testament + belief in the Heaven and Hell, resurrection of the dead, so there is Day of the Lord and belief in one God. Mohammad told old stories and did not pretend to make miracles. And the theme of killing the unbelievers is not so prominent in the latter 1/3 of the book. And yes, it is more in line with Judaism in the understanding of Jesus, but I do not think the difference is so fundamental.

    I am Christian and have read the Bible many times through and also Gnostic, Dead Sea Scrolls, Kabbalistic texts, apocryphs of all kinds, church fathers and so on, whatever, studied it for decades. There is not only one view of Jesus. It is a complex of Abrahamic religions where different ideas have each own roots.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1514. APilgrim says:

    WRT the Zebedee sibling question: From the ante-Nicene literature.

    More particularly Hegesippus (Ἡγήσιππος, 110 AD– 180 AD) … via … Eusebius of Caesarea, (AKA Eusebius Pamphili, Εὐσέβιος τῆς Καισαρείας, 260 – 340 AD) ‘Brethren’ is less definitive than the Gospel lineages of Jesus of Nazareth, begat & was the son of. Aramaic apparently is weak on the distinction between sibling and cousin.

    So, I personally consider: Zebedee, Salome, Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph, Mary Θεοτόκος , and Mary the wife of Clopas … extended family. I never pursued the matter beyond that.

  1515. They say Germany conquered Holland (may 1940)
    Are they lying?

    • Replies: @Heros
  1516. Seraphim says:

    There are actually two, and only two, views of Jesus.

    1. He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;whose kingdom shall have no end.
    2. He is not anything of the above.

    These views cannot be both true at the same time. One is true and authoritative because it was handed down by Jesus himself, the other are the ‘personal opinions’ (that is the meaning of ‘hairesis’ – heresy) of ‘men [who] will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires’ and ‘turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths’ (Paul, whose words were inspired by God, as you admit).

    • Replies: @j2
  1517. @Rurik

    Sorry for the delay: I was traveling. Actually, driving through the semi-rural, mostly white, not really politically correct America. Tell you what, I feel sorry for these people. They are woefully uninformed, pathetically unskilled and uneducated, not prepared to work hard, and mostly overweight. They can’t compete; they would lose in fair competition with anyone. When the Empire crashes and the Ponzi schemes of the US dollar and the US debt unravel, these people would be left with very little. They have no idea what crimes their government is perpetrating all over the world in their name. They are the ultimate “innocent spouse”, but they will be left holding the bag for what the US oligarchs via wholly owned US government are doing. Their only guilt is that they feel OK knowing nothing about anything and naively believing that the US is a democracy and other BS broadcast by the US propaganda. So they will be very much surprised when the chickens come home to roost. They will become suddenly poor and lost, as a moron in China is just as dumb and uneducated, but costs maybe 1/10th or 1/20th of what they cost today. They will be shocked when their income goes down to their actual worth. I do feel for them as a person who survived the downfall of one empire and is equipped to survive the downfall of another one.

    Now, back to your question. In my view, the decisive factor of the downfall of the USSR was that there was nobody prepared to defend it. Virtually all the skilled, educated, and active people good for anything were annoyed by the “equalizing”, whereas people good for nothing were just that, good for nothing. The trigger of the downfall was the desire of the elites to steal a lot more that the Soviet system allowed. They achieved their goal: suddenly there appeared oligarchs, essentially mega-thieves who stole what was the state property in the USSR. The rest of the population was cheated, but they realized that they were swindled out of everything too late. There are lots of people now, young and old, who feel nostalgic for the Soviet times, for all those benefits they’ve lost. However, history is irreversible, the clock cannot be turned back.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
    , @Rurik
  1518. APilgrim says:

    Anon from Tennessee is a sad case; a smug, smarmy, nihilist.

    We won’t know, or care; when he eats a bullet … alone.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1519. j2 says:

    “1. He is the Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father; from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;whose kingdom shall have no end.
    2. He is not anything of the above. ”

    Seraphim, I like your angelic name. No, these are not the alternatives. Paul (who, as you agree, is inspired by God) writes that Jesus was the son of Joseph. There are many views, and the view 1) is not in contradiction, only at that time Jews saw the world differently than you. It was not so that miracles were impossible, it was not so that word have only one meaning.

    In Koran (not being a Muslim, I hope I present this correctly), it is accepted that “He is the Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah)”, “who for us men, and for our salvation”, “was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate” and “ascended into heaven” and “from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead;whose kingdom shall have no end.” Isa will come and fight the Masid al-Dajjal (the false prophet, the Anti-Christ), Mahdi will help Isa, but he will die. And of course it is accepted in Koran that God is “by whom all things were made”. What Mohammad did not accept was “the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father”, but this view was not present in Pauline times. That Jesus “sitteth on the right hand of the Father” was confirmed even by Jacob the Just according to Josephus Flavius, and it is naturally correct in this context. Wherefrom else Isa comes at the end of the times?

    So, almost everything what you wrote as the Christian confession of the faith, which in the Lutherian church is similar with some changes, is accepted in Islam, but not the claim that Jesus was a god. This you have to understand by what Mohammad means: in old Arabic religion, Allah had many daughters, who were gods. Christianity is actually monotheistic, despite the difficulties to grasp wording of the position of Jesus. In Islam Jesus has the spirit of God, but is a mortal man, which incidentally is in reality the same what Christianity teaches: Jesus did die, he was mortal. There is a common misconception that Koran denies that Jesus died in the cross and another person took his place. This is not what is said in the Koran, only that PEOPLE did not kill him (people had no power over Gods plans), and Jesus was taken to God, but before that he lived a long life on earth, but again, what means long in this place?

    Of course, Islam is not Christianity, and the Christian view of Jesus is not accepted in Islam, and vice verse. I am not a believer of this type and prefer not to take parties, but from a scholar point of view, these views are not as far apart as the supporters of these views may believe.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1520. Seraphim says:

    I am again surprised that you, that I assume are an assiduous reader of the Bible, twist the words of Paul. He did not write that “Jesus was the son of Joseph”. Romans 1:1-6 reads:

    “Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, 2 (Which he had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures,) 3 Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; 4 And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead: 5 By whom we have received grace and apostleship, for obedience to the faith among all nations, for his name: 6 Among whom are ye also the called of Jesus Christ”.


    Now, certainly the Quran does not say the words that you put in quotation marks. It denies that Jesus died, was not crucified and most fundamentally that he did not raise from the dead (the declaration that he was the Son of God, according to Paul). There is not a ‘misconception’ that the Quran denies the death of Jesus. It does it emphatically. All other interpretations given by Muslim commenters that would approximate the Christian ones have been rejected by the Islamic ‘orthodoxy’ because they were not in accord with the Quran. The story of Dajjal, Mahi, Isa is not in the Quran.

    Saint John Damascene (+749) was the first Christian who exposed the ‘superstition of the Ishmaelites which to this day prevails and keeps people in error, being a forerunner of the Antichrist’, quoting exactly the suras of the Quran and so nullifying all the accusations of the Muslims apologists that Christians misrepresent what Mahomed said.

    “From that time to the present a false prophet named Mohammed has appeared in their midst. This man, after having chanced upon the Old and New Testaments and likewise, it seems, having conversed with an Arian monk, devised his own heresy. Then, having insinuated himself into the good graces of the people by a show of seeming piety, he gave out that a certain book had been sent down to him from heaven. He had set down some ridiculous compositions in this book of his and he gave it to them as an object of veneration. He says that there is one God, creator of all things, who has neither been begotten nor has begotten. He says that the Christ is the Word of God and His Spirit, but a creature and a servant, and that He was begotten, without seed, of Mary the sister of Moses and Aaron. For, he says, the Word and God and the Spirit entered into Mary and she brought forth Jesus, who was a prophet and servant of God. And he says that the Jews wanted to crucify Him in violation of the law, and that they seized His shadow and crucified this. But the Christ Himself was not crucified, he says, nor did He die, for God out of His love for Him took Him to Himself into heaven. And he says this, that when the Christ had ascended into heaven God asked Him: ‘O Jesus, didst thou say: “I am the Son of God and God”?’ And Jesus, he says, answered: ‘Be merciful to me, Lord. Thou knowest that I did not say this and that I did not scorn to be thy servant. But sinful men have written that I made this statement, and they have lied about me and have fallen into error.’ And God answered and said to Him: ‘I know that thou didst not say this word.”

    The fundamental point of difference between Christianity and Mahomedanism is the resurrection. As Saint Paul said:

    “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen: 14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain. 15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not. 16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. 18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. 19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable. 20 But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. 21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming. 24 Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. 25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death”.

    • Replies: @iffen
    , @j2
  1521. @APilgrim

    Have you seen your psychiatrist lately? He/she has a serious reason for concern. On the other hand, psychiatric disorders are incurable. Look on the bright side, though: the symptoms can be managed.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1522. Heros says:
    @From The Hague

    “They say Germany conquered Holland (may 1940)
    Are (((they))) lying?”

    That is for certain. The question is when was the last time (((they))) told the truth.

    The truth of 1940 is that Churchill wanted to mine Narvik and then take Norway and then continue to Denmark. Quisling (another good man smeared by jews) informed Hitler, who preempted the British in Norway and Denmark.

    In the meantime, France had positioned 2million soldiers on the Belgian border, and the BEF had almost another half million.

    France and England were already violating Belgian and Dutch “neutrality” with impunity by flying aircraft over the lowlands. Hilter found out about allied pressure being put on Belguim and Holland to allow the ZOG allies to march through Belgium and into the Ruhr. Again, Hitler caught wind of this attack and put an end to it.

    It is important to remember that France had already invaded Germany in the Saar in 1939, and that throughout this entire period Hitler was begging Churchill to negotiate a return to the status quo ante, but Churchill’s owners, the Rothschilds, wanted war, just like today.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  1523. APilgrim says:

    “… In Koran (not being a Muslim, I hope I present this correctly), it is accepted that …”

    You failed entirely … Please read the book, B4 summarizing it.

    The Koran portrays Jesus of Nazareth, Moses, etc as prophets, supplanted, updated & corrected by the: Mass-Murdering, Child-Molesting, Iconoclastic, illiterate, ‘Prophet-Muhammad’.

    • Replies: @j2
  1524. APilgrim says:

    Pejoratives in general are unconvincing. Psycho-babble is laughable. Diagnosis without examination is quackery.

    Bulverisms ironically are diagnostic of severe brain damage.

    “The modern method [of argumentation] is to assume without discussion that [your opponent] is wrong and then distract his attention from this (the only real issue) by busily explaining how he became so silly. In the course of the last fifteen years I have found this vice so common that I have had to invent a name for it. I call it Bulverism. ” Clive Stapleton Lewis

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
  1525. @Heros

    ” The truth of 1940 is that Churchill wanted to mine Narvik and then take Norway and then continue to Denmark. ”
    Continue to Sweden, the Kiruna iron ore.
    But no Quisling was needed, anyone somewhat important in London at the time knew:
    Colonel Roderick Macleod, D.S.O., M.C., and Dennis Kelly, ‘TIME UNGUARDED The Ironside Diaries 1937- 1940′, New York, 1963
    Ironside at the time was the British army commander.
    His opinion of politicians, including Churchill, was very low.

    • Replies: @Heros
  1526. @APilgrim

    That’s pretty self-critical. You are quite ruthless with yourself. There might be hope for you yet.

    • LOL: APilgrim
  1527. iffen says:

    Your exquisite trivia and minutia of early Christianity is enjoyed and appreciated, but it is just that, trivia and minutia.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1528. Heros says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The key point here is the jewish lies about Hitler’s motives. After Hitler was elected in 1933 and Judea declared war on Germany, the jews started assaulting Germany on many different fronts. Propaganda, media, finance, trade, subversion, even war against ethnic Germans outside of Germany.

    Again, this is just a typical jewish charge of anti-semitism. It was the jews and their communist hacks who were attacking the Ausland Germans trying to provoke WWII, yet they were projecting their hate for Christians onto the Germans in the form of charges of “anti-semitism”.

    The jews and their puppets decided to keep escalating until they got their war, just like today. When the Germans kicked the allied jew puppet armies back to Dunkirk, they escalated again. They deliberately brought the war to Scandinavia, just as today, when they couldn’t get their desired results in Syria, they expand the war into Yemen, Ukraine, Iran and finally Russia.

    • Replies: @anonymous
    , @jilles dykstra
  1529. Seraphim says:

    I gather that your serious and whole view of early Christianity is no different than the currently recycled anti-Christian heresies which were never concerned with the trivia and minutia of historical accuracy.

  1530. anonymous[253] • Disclaimer says:

    “When the Germans kicked the allied jew puppet armies back to Dunkirk…”

    And have you ever asked yourself why Hitler didn’t finish off the jew puppet armies ?
    Hitler expressly gave orders to his forces not to do it.

    Why did Hitler have great admiration for the “English”- Zio- Empire ?

    Why the two largest regular contributors to the Nazi Party were the general managers of two of the largest Berlin banks, both of Jewish faith and one of them the leader of Zionism in Germany.? ( see ex-German Chancellor- 1930-1932 -Heinrich Brüning .)

    “when they couldn’t get their desired results in Syria …”

    And why they couldn’t ? Because the new saviour of the white race -Putin-, didn’t allow them ?

    But Putin is a jew….You know that , don’t you ?

    I don’t know what’s going on in Syria ,but I’d suggest to you to be a little bit more skeptical.

    “they expand the war into…Ukraine”.

    Isn’t that bizarre ? We’re told that Russia lost millions fighting against fascism… just to let a bunch of fascists in power in….Ukraine ?

    We’re supposed to believe that Russia, which knew about the coup d’état- couldn’t have done nothing against a bunch of fascists before they overthrew the leg government of Ukraine ??

    I’m afraid things are a little bit more complicated.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1531. j2 says:

    “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;”

    I do not think this can be read in any other way that that Paul considers Jesus the son of Joseph. The Davidic seed is through Joseph according got the genealogy in the Gospels and according to the flesh means a natural father. Koran, however, agrees with the Church that Jesus was born from a virgin through God’s spirit.

    The issue in what sense Jesus was the Son of God was disputed, not the claim that he was the Son of God in some way. I offer a historical explanation: originally Semitic people considered El as the supreme god, the god of time and sky, the same god as Greek Titan Cronus. El had the consort Asherah and 70 sons, two of them being Baal Hadad (actually the son od Dagon) and Yahweh. In the Persian time Persians required that Jews redefine their religion on a monotheistic basis as Zoroastrianism had only one god, Ahura Mazda. Therefore the escort of El, who had at that time become the escort of Yahweh, Asherah, the Queen of the Heaven, was dropped. Of the 70 sons of El Jews knew closer two: Baal Hadad and Yahweh, both were storm gods, but with different characteristics: Baal Hadad was the god who died and was reborn, the protector of people and agriculture, the savior of people, as he was the later version of the Sumerian god Enki. Yahweh was an angry storm god, the god of nature, a later version of the Sumerian god Enlil. When these both were merged with El to make only one god, we get Yahweh, Baal Hadad, El, or the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The two first are sons of the third, who is the highest and who must never be offended as El (Sumerian An) is the ruler of the times and causes the end of the times with a catastrophe that can destroy the humanity and everything.

    Mohammed did not have our knowledge of ancient religions of that area and he did not know that Allah (El) had originally had 70 sons (nobody counted the daughters) and that these sons had been merged to Allah so that Allah was three in one, Yahweh, Hadad, El. He thought only of pre-Islamic Arab religion where Allah was the supreme god and he had three daughters (the three goddesses of the satanic verse). These goddesses were not merged with Allah, they were separate gods with their own reign. Mohammed did not accept Jesus as a god since that would have meant that Jesus had his own reign and could overthrow Allah. But this is not the case, Jesus, the Messiah, was already merged as Hadad to the single God (who for the Persians was Ahura Mazda, the Lord of Wisdom). How do we know that this is the way it happened? From the concepts of angels and Heaven/Hell in Christianity, those are Zoroastrian concepts, which came to Judaism late through Pharisees. Before that the priests and scribes had changed Judaism into a monotheistic religion but without these imported features. If you track these concepts, you will find where they came from, when they came from, and what they actually mean. The true meaning and correct understanding of a religion is not obtained by listening to what the religious teachers today say, nor by praying, but by studying the history of the religion and applying a set of plausibility rules to the flow of ideas.

    Hope this explains to you the two things: why Jesus is the Son of God and God is Trinity, and why Mohammed opposed to Jesus being the son of God in a different, more literal, sense.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @Art
  1532. j2 says:

    “The Koran portrays Jesus of Nazareth, Moses, etc as prophets, supplanted, updated & corrected by the: Mass-Murdering, Child-Molesting, Iconoclastic, illiterate, ‘Prophet-Muhammad’.”

    Yes, and in what way have I stated something different. But Mohammed was not illiterate, he could write, I think.
    Koran has rather few mentions of Jesus.
    - Jesus as a child made a clay bird alive (from a Christian child gospel)
    - Jesus was born out of virgin Mary with the order of the spirit of God
    - Jesus made miracles and preached the good gospel
    - Jesus was taken up to God, it appeared to people that they had killed Jesus
    - God set mercy to the hearts of the followers of Jesus
    - Jesus announced that Ahmed will come after him (this is the comment that Jesus will send a helper, but in Christian version no name of the helper is given)
    - Jesus is not god, repeated many times
    - Mary is not god, mentioned once
    - Jesus is not Allah’s son, as Allah does not have a consort and has not conceived sons. (As Mohammed appreciated sons more than daughters, he could easily discard the pre-Islamic believe that Allah had three daughters by saying that would God have daughters and you have sons!)

    Apart from idolatry (worshiping other Gods than Allah) Koran says rather good things of Christians, it is more negative of the Jews, though of course, Muslims have the correct message and most of these People of the Book are evil-doers and they will burn in the Hell. Well, this is typical to all sects. In the later suras Mohammed does not stress killing the unbelievers, like in the first ones. But the Revelation in the New Testament is not exactly pacifistic either.

    The view of Jesus in Koran is not quite the same as the view of Jesus in Christianity, but in Christianity there is also only one God and Jesus is not a separate god from this single God.

    I do not defend the truth of Koran or the merits of Islam. I just mentioned what is said of Jesus in Koran as I have read the book three times.

  1533. APilgrim says:

    So, we are in agreement that Muhammad was a Mass-Murdering, Child-Molesting, Iconoclastic, Psychopath?

    You wrote, in response to my earlier statement: … “The Koran portrays Jesus of Nazareth, Moses, etc as prophets, supplanted, updated & corrected by the: Mass-Murdering, Child-Molesting, Iconoclastic, illiterate, ‘Prophet-Muhammad. … Yes, and in what way have I stated something different.” …

    I read the Koran. I doubt that you have read the Bible, which the Koran advises Muslims to read, though few of them ever do so.

    • Replies: @j2
  1534. APilgrim says:

    Decidedly NOT a Jew.

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a baptized, active, Orthodox Christian, and benefactor of the Russian Orthodox Christian Church, as well as the Roman Catholic Church. Putin is named after Saint Vladimir, who converted Ukraine & Russia to Christianity.

    Putin has restored many Billions of Dollars worth of church properties, confiscated by the communists, to Christian Churches. Vladimir Putin is by default, the de facto head of Christendom. The Bishop of Rome is a communist and there are, at present, no other contenders for this title.

    So, there’s that.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  1535. Seraphim says:

    You lost me. Mahomed did not have the knowledge of religions of his time, of Christianity that is, which was there for six hundred years already. Sadly, you haven’t either.
    Now, the suggestion that the concept of virgin birth came to Christianity from the Muslims is baffling.

  1536. anonymous[253] • Disclaimer says:

    Putin’s mother is jewish. That’s all he needs to be considered as a full
    member of the tribe. Being a “baptized, active, Orthodox Christian” doesn’t mean nothing for the tribe and if Putin wants to get his passport, he certainly can get it tomorrow.

    “Vladimir Putin is by default, the de facto head of Christendom. “.

    I do not believe that we should consider this Pope or any other as the “head of Christendom” but to consider Putin as such can only be taken as a joke.

    In my world, the “”head of Christendom”” doesn’t have a war criminal as friend – the King of the Kingdom of Israel.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1537. APilgrim says:

    Don’t be droll.

    Objective link to maternal lineage, of Putin’s Christian Mother, and Grandmothers, who presented him for Baptism in an Orthodox Christian Church as an infant?

    • Replies: @anonymous
  1538. APilgrim says:

    The 1st Jewish communities of significant size came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066. Jews were declared to be direct subjects of the king, unlike the rest of the population. This was an ambivalent legal position for the Jewish population, in that they were not tied to any particular lord but were subject to the whims of the king, it could be either advantageous or disadvantageous. Every successive king formally reviewed a royal charter, granting Jews the right to remain in England. Jews did not enjoy any of the guarantees of the Magna Carta of 1215.

    The Edict of Expulsion was a royal decree issued by King Edward I of England on 18 July 1290, expelling all Jews from the Kingdom of England. The expulsion edict remained in force for the rest of the Middle Ages.

    The edict was overturned during the Protectorate more than 350 years later, when Oliver Cromwell permitted Jews to return to England in 1657.

  1539. Heros says:

    “Dozens of Children in Iowa have Vanished in lead up to the Blood Moon Eclipse”


    “However, Tibbetts is not alone. According to the Missing Person database published by the Iowa Department of Public Safety, 48 people have gone missing in the last two weeks, and 34 of those people are children.

    On the same day that Tibbets disappeared, two minors were also reported missing in Iowa—Mackenzie Lipp, 16; and David Harn, 16. In the next two days, another eight children were reported missing—Mackenzy York, 15; Malachi Vanderpool, 15; Nazario Campbell, 13; Joshua Wallace, 17; Nia Howe, 15; Madeline Francis, 15; Joesiah Armstrong, 14; and Yaritza Arita, 15.

    Thomas Bishop, 16, was reported missing on July 22, and Isabelle Buckman, 14, and Yvette Avila, 17, on July 23. The numbers then increased again July 24 when five children were reported missing—Summer Williams, 17; Asa Starr, 14; Belinda James, 15; Alberta Harlan, 16; and Maydelin Guerra-Albatado, 15.

    Tyron Woolery, 16; Serenity Wieman, 13; and Emagehn Champagne, 17, were all reported missing on July 24. Six people were reported missing in Iowa on July 26, and all of them were minors—Daishaney Phillips, 16; Anna Marousek, 17; Eric Magnussen, 14; and Mckenna Driver, 15.”

  1540. j2 says:

    “So, we are in agreement that Muhammad was a Mass-Murdering, Child-Molesting, Iconoclastic, Psychopath?”

    I have read the Koran three times and the Bible four times, as Christianity was my religion, and still is.
    About Mohammed what we agree:

    Mass-Murdering. I agree that he fared war and in war many people are killed. Yet, read the sura that says, in a battle cut off the heads of unbelievers, and capture them, and then release them or ask for a ransom. Release them, it says. Islam does not demand extermination of unbelievers. But we agree that what was done was done for the religion, the pagans and idolaters were killed because Mohammad thought it was God’s wish.

    Child-Molesting. There were marriages of under-aged girls. One sura even says, count the time (three menstruation periods) and for wives who do not yet menstruate count 3 months. We would call these marriages child-molesting. They did not at that time. Koran allows to a man his wives and his slave girls. Of course, this is not what modern Western women would accept.

    Iconoclastic, absolutely. Mohammed hated all pictures of living creatures (he considered Mani a picture maker, who in the Last Day will be asked to give a soul to his pictures, which he cannot), especially much Mohammed abhorred pictures of Saints and gods. This iconoclasm started in Christianity before Mohammed.

    Psychopath?, No, I do not think so. Nothing in Koran brings to my mind that diagnosis. Normal, I would say. Fanatic in religion, I would say. Some of the last suras indicate that he actually thought as he wrote. I think he was largely an honest man, but of course a fanatic. He had problems with his wives and slave girls, but who would not having 6 wives and still slave girls. He asked for debts and took loot, not a Saint, but I see no reason to picture him as a devil either. Medieval character.

    • Replies: @Seraphim

    2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.kjv


    2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.niv

    Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. kjv
    for most who call themselves Christian i bear little hope, the video in the top link is a good first step on the way to some real knowledge if you are a Christian or secular. simply because he tells you and me many objective truths and factual information on a topic no one in murica dares to even contemplate out of fear that the truth will be known to their sons and their righteous anger even maybe they wont forgive you for destroying their gspot and the ability to know true sexual pleasure.
    no wonder it is so easy to lead you to the slaughterhouse, most of you fear thinking independently because your government have housetrained you by propaganda the last 100 years. Just read trough the comments on this site and you will know im right no matter what side of the isle you have chosen to put all your faith and energy into,, it amuses me that your own bias will prove my point.. yet you are incapable of seeing you are all repeating buzzwords from the same actors that prefer you divided and mindless.

  1542. anonymous[253] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re a believer , aren’t you ?

    Yes, Putin is a ” Christian “, but then you can say that the Pope is a christian, Tony Blair is a christian, Trump is a christian….We are all Christians.

    Those who can understand know that Putin isn’t a christian.

    “Their racial nature is their religion”

    If you’re interested read it and maybe you will understand who Putin is.

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1543. anonymous[253] • Disclaimer says:

    “Anti-Communism is anti-Semitism.”

    Supposedly In 1941, New York Publication “Jewish Life,” and “Jewish Voice,” told their readers that Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism. The New York publication “Jewish Voice,” July and August of 1941, page 23.

    Can someone please confirm if this is true ?

  1544. APilgrim says:

    There is no maternal Ashkenazim and/or Sephardic geneology in the ancestry of Russian Federation President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, (or for that matter on his paternal side).

    Maria Ivanova Putina (Shelomova) Russian: Мария Ивановна Путина (Шеломова)
    Birthdate: October 04, 1911 (86), Birthplace: деревня Заречье
    Death: July 06, 1998 (86) – Pesochny, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia
    Immediate Family:
    Daughter of Иван Aндpeeвич Шеломов and Elizaveta Alekseevna Shelomova
    Wife of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin
    Mother of Viktor Vladimirovich Putin and Vladimir Putin, President of Russia
    Sister of Иван Иванович Шеломов and Пётр Иванович Шеломов
    Occupation: Factory worker
    Managed by: Malka Mysels, Last Updated: May 27, 2018

    Not that DATA matters to zealots, for facts are irrelevant to those sorts.

    • Replies: @FB
  1545. FB says:

    This article is so hopelessly disjointed that I find it amazing that Mr. Unz considers it a ‘candid analysis’…

    What is the unifying thread in this 8,000 word opus inconsequens…?…there is none…

    The title suggests ‘oddities of the Jewish religion’…so I was expecting a discussion of religion…even though I’m not really interested in that subject…but the discussion of Talmudism and Jewish rabbinical extremism turns out to be simply a jumping off point for a number of unrelated vectors shooting off in all directions…only a couple of which could be described as relevant or interesting…

    One is the subject of ‘Jewish’ influence in the US media…a decent subject worthy of serious discussion, if only for the fact that the media is largely owned by persons nominally of the Jewish faith [but more important, due to its utter corruption and inability to inform in any way]…but alas, this, like all the other tangents, goes exactly nowhere…is there a reason for the media’s fanatical and surreal support of Israel…?

    We are left to guess…is it because ‘Jews’ own the media, or is today’s media perhaps just another historical case of American jingoism in service of longstanding US national myths of benevolent imperialism…?

    We are no wiser for reading this article…do the ‘Jews’ in the media even care about anything other than making money and attaining power…?…it would seem rational that this might be so…do these same Jews create and push an agenda of their own, or are they simply serving up the dish that is most in demand…?

    Then we have the subject of economic parasitism, which is of course a hugely serious subject…and has been since the dawn of homo sapiens…again, this little mini-essay starts off promisingly…with a succinct historical summary of Jewish land-ownership in Eastern Europe [I note approvingly here the author's precise terminology of 'arrenda' obscure word in the English, but still in use in Eastern Europe in regards land rent and tenant farming]…

    …which leads to the most relevant and interesting point in this discussion… just where has our financialized economy gone off the rails…?…Mr. Unz provides an interesting chart here…

    A very good graphic that shows the exact point in time where wages begin diverging from the steadily rising slope of economic productivity…which happens in the mid-1970s…

    But why did this happen…?…we are left to guess, because Mr Unz then chooses to go off on yet another mini-tangent about the benevolent and rational economic policies of Hitler…[which is true enough, since Hitler, like Henry Ford believed that workers needed to be paid enough to be able to buy the cars they are making...and Hitler also raised corporate taxes severalfold, something that is unthinkable in today's parasite capitalism]…

    Back in April on this website I posted a comment under a terrific Michael Hudson article with a similar graph that also pinpoints the exact moment in time where the direction of our economic life abruptly changes…

    This showing the trajectory of the top one percent’s share of total wealth over the last 100 years..and lining up precisely with the graph dug up by Mr Unz from this source…

    We note from this graphic an even more important insight…it’s as if a ‘switch’ was thrown in the decade of the 1970s that reversed the steady decline of the top one percent’s share of wealth in the previous decades, starting with the FDR era…and since then the rich have climbed back to the levels of the robber baron class of 100 years ago…the above from a 2014 study from the London School of Economics…

    Together the two charts show us what really happened…wages start tanking in the 1970s, while economic output continues to climb…at the exact same moment in time, the top one percent start accumulating an ever-increasing share of wealth…it does not take a rocket scientist to see who has gained at the expense of whom…and when exactly this big switch occurred…

    Now certainly this is a very big subject that is worthy perhaps of a book, if not several…ordinary people are hugely disillusioned and angry today [as evidenced by the frustrations vented 24/7 on this website]…they hearken back to the golden age of the mid-20′th century when a single wage earner could afford a good house, dignified working conditions, and education and upward mobility for his children…the company president made perhaps 10 times that of the shop floor worker [all of this not unlike Hitler's prewar Germany]…and there was no such thing as a debt-leveraged sword of Damocles hanging over the entire economic edifice of the nation, where anything and everything has been turned into an interest-bearing ‘financial instrument’…

    But here again, this hugely important subject is left to die on the vine as the author makes another bizarre leap of astounding proportions into the ‘subject’ of Jewish ritual sacrifice of Christian children…really…?

    I guess we are supposed to connect the dots and conclude that the ritual sacrifice story means it’s ‘the Jews’ who threw that macro-economic switch in the 1970s and turned us all into debt slaves who don’t even have $500 in the bank…?

    I really think this author can do better…his JFK essay had none of the sloppiness and fatal lack of focus seen here…clearly Mr. Unz is a careful and critical reader of history with much natural curiosity, and is inclined to presenting his case methodically and with due respect to a reader’s intelligence…he should avail himself of a good editor…

  1546. FB says:

    Hmm…I don’t know…so Putin’s mother’s maiden name was Shelomova…?

    Shelomova => Shlomo Putin…?

    I can see it…

  1547. Art says:

    The true meaning and correct understanding of a religion is not obtained by listening to what the religious teachers today say, nor by praying, but by studying the history of the religion and applying a set of plausibility rules to the flow of ideas.


    That is a great and truthful statement.

    We are a species of people with brains that have commutable ideas. True human history is about the creation and flow of ideas – not about poobobs and potentates.

    Zoroaster must be considered the father of Western thought. The Persians are Europeans, who migrated to the Fertile Crescent.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1548. As one or more readers have remarked, this article is rather sprawling in scope, so perhaps my question will not be considered completely off-topic. One of the authors cited in the article is Kevin MacDonald, and my question is about his thesis of Jewish intellectuals working for what he calls “Jewish interests”; I will focus on two examples that he gives: Karl Marx and Ayn Rand. It is well known that those two thinkers are in the extreme opposites of the ideological spectrum, and I do not think anyone would disagree that the followers of one of them are fierce adversaries of the followers of the other. That being so, how can they both be working for “Jewish interests”, whatever this may mean? All appearances would indicate that, if one of them is working in any way for the interests of one particular group, then the other would be working against said interests, since they defend opposite ideologies and opposite political and economic systems.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Seraphim
  1549. geokat62 says:

    Zoroaster must be considered the father of Western thought. The Persians are Europeans, who migrated to the Fertile Crescent.

    Woah, Art. Where are you getting this stuff from? S2C sending you private emails?

    • Replies: @Art
  1550. geokat62 says:
    @Brás Cubas

    I will focus on two examples that [Kevin MacDonald] gives: Karl Marx and Ayn Rand.

    I’m familiar with Prof. MacDonald’s analysis of how Jewish intellectuals initiated and advanced a number of important intellectual and political movements during the 20th century, including Boasian Anthropology, Marxism Communism, Freudian Psychoanalysis, and Frankfurt School Cultural Marxism. But I don’t recall anything mentioned about Randian Libertarianism. Do you mind refreshing my memory on this? Namely, which Chapter and what page number of the CofC does he delve into the Randian Libertarian School of Thought, in any detail?

    Thanks, in advance.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1551. Marjie says:

    I am so sorry you have absolutely no clue about Judaism or Jews. So sad.

  1552. Art says:

    Zoroaster must be considered the father of Western thought. The Persians are Europeans, who migrated to the Fertile Crescent.

    Woah, Art. Where are you getting this stuff from? S2C sending you private emails?

    geokat62 — (SMILE) — Zoraster is worthy of a look – check him out — Art

  1553. Seraphim says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Jews always act to obtain ‘what’s good for the Jews’. That’s why they can be so ‘flexible’. Is Marxism ‘good for the Jews’? they go marxists. Is Marxism no more good for them, they go Ayn Rand. Prof. MacDonald is right.

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Brás Cubas
    , @iffen
    , @Old Jew
  1554. j2 says:

    “Jews always act to obtain ‘what’s good for the Jews’. That’s why they can be so ‘flexible’. Is Marxism ‘good for the Jews’? they go marxists. Is Marxism no more good for them, they go Ayn Rand. Prof. MacDonald is right.”

    I agree with this, but would like to formulate it a bit differently. There is elite in every system and a group that wants to replace that elite by themselves can fervently support any of these systems, as long as they get to be the elite in all of them. So, you get this classical situation (historically proven) that Communists of a certain group are supported by bankers and large capitalists of the same group, even though they should be in different sides of the barrier. They are not, both are against their out-group and for the group interests in any given system.

  1555. @geokat62

    MacDonald argues that Jews place a high value on the competition between individuals, and that is what Ayn Rand stands for, succinctly. I am not sure of where exactly he says that, but I think it is when he discusses neoconservatives, many of whom idolize Rand.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1556. @Seraphim

    Thank you for your response. I have no definitive answser to them. At any rate, the works of those two thinkers are a permanent reference, regardless of the motives or historical situation which supposedly gave rise to them. According to your line of reasoning, one or both of them might become useful to other groups or individuals, depending on the actual situation they are experiencing at any given time or place.

  1557. iffen says:

    Must be why hedge funds run by Jews are successful.

  1558. Old Jew says:

    You wrote:
    Jews always act to obtain ‘what’s good for the Jews’

    Communist Jews believe: What is good for mankind is good for the Jews.
    Zionist: A Jewish state is good for the Jews
    Banker: I am a Jew. Therefore what is good for me is good for the Jews.

    How did you get them to agree?

  1559. j2 says:
    @Old Jew

    “Communist Jews believe: What is good for mankind is good for the Jews.
    Zionist: A Jewish state is good for the Jews
    Banker: I am a Jew. Therefore what is good for me is good for the Jews.
    How did you get them to agree?”

    Very simply, money talks. There were originally no Zionistic Jews, there were traditional Jews, who occasionally made ritual murders as their Cabbalistic rabbis thought that otherwise they will not return to Israel. These assimilated bankers finally got irritated, when asked to pay for all those court cases and social help, and wanting to look more modern, so they created Zionism and pushed by force the Jews of Europe (those who remained) to Palestine. They had to do so, because many Jews had become Communistis and they were starting to be a problem. Yes, the bankers supported them, as you must support your brother, but they did not want that. So, Jews to Palestine was their solution. Finally only money speaks. Agreement comes after the others see how many died.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1560. @Old Jew

    That’s hardly a unique mentality. Every Communist would believe that. We call them idealists.

    A Jewish state is good for Jews? How strange.

  1561. macilrae says:
    @Rob McX

    I knew who the seller was and what you say makes a lot of sense. Nothing can be simple in such cases! I wonder what would have happened if the bidding had continued – likely, again, nothing so simple as a successful bid.

  1562. Art says:
    @Old Jew

    Communist Jews believe: What is good for mankind is good for the Jews.
    Zionist: A Jewish state is good for the Jews
    Banker: I am a Jew. Therefore what is good for me is good for the Jews.

    How did you get them to agree?

    Not our problem — hmm – they all agree on Gentiles.

    Here is what the Jews agree on— killing Gaza med girls and shooting off boy legs. (150 murdered this last go around – thousands maimed for life.)

    See Israel and see the true nature of the Jew.

    Get real – don’t be gullible – there is no division among the Jews when it comes to Gentiles.

    The darkness of the Talmud rules the Jew mind.

    Jew communist, Jew Zionist, and Jew banker all treat humanity the same – with contempt.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Art

  1563. Rurik says:

    thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply.

    I travel a bit and get behind on these threads, but wanted to say thank for your thoughts and the benefit of your experiences. The Unz Review is made more valuable by your contributions.

  1564. geokat62 says:
    @Brás Cubas

    MacDonald argues that Jews place a high value on the competition between individuals

    No. MacDonald argues that Jews place a high value on competition between groups:

    “Ultimately, these [political and intellectual] movements are viewed as the expression of a group evolutionary strategy by Jews in their competition for social, political and cultural dominance with non-Jews.” Preface to CofC

    … but I think it is when he discusses neoconservatives, many of whom idolize Rand.

    Really? I wasn’t aware of this. Could you provide a few examples that support this assertion?

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1565. Seraphim says:
    @Old Jew

    You can tell me!

    • Replies: @Old Jew
  1566. @Heros

    You do not seem to know that Hitler’s anti jewish measures were not fun for jews.
    A colleage professor at the college where also my father was a professor committed suicide with his whole family after Hitler had occupied the Netherlands.
    So, for me, it is understandable that jewry declared war on Germany.
    At the same time, it is also understandable for me that Hitler, so to speak, wanted Germany back from jewry.
    ‘From prejudice to destruction’, Jacob Katz, 1980, Cambridge MA, the only jewish historian who more or less blames jews for antisemitism.
    My idea also is that indeed, since getting equal rights, and after 1870, in the unified Germany, jews behaved stupidly.

  1567. Seraphim says:

    Many, if not all, Jewish bankers and assorted ‘tycoons’ are great donors for ‘poor and needy’ Jews all over the world, for Jewish foundations, museums (Holocaust museums), scholarships for Jews and, last but least for Israel. They always fight against ‘discrimination of Jews’ (and anti-semitism, of course).

  1568. APilgrim says:

    It is not possible, in my opinion…to take the Torah seriously, to believe as I do, that ultimately, it’s from G-d, and be on the Left. That’s why — I’m not Orthodox — but that’s why Orthodox Jews tend to be on the Right. They take their religion seriously. They believe God is the source, and they reach certain conclusions. I’ll give an example, ’cause examples always make these things clear. Religious Jews and religious Christians know people are not basically good. The further secular you get, the more people believe people are basically good.

    Dennis Prager talks with Ben Weingarten about his conservative views, religiosity, reason versus emotion, Western values in immigration policy, and social media. Transcript: Recording: available on Itunes, but there is a problem in the file.

    • Replies: @Art
  1569. Art says:

    Religious Jews and religious Christians know people are not basically good.

    Dennis Prager talks with Ben Weingarten about his conservative views, religiosity, reason versus emotion, Western values in immigration policy, and social media.

    Prager’s claims of Jewish historic moral authority are absurd – all one must do is look at apartheid Israel and view its treatment of the Palestinian people. No honest person can see good in Zionist Talmudic Israel.

    Prager’s claims of US Jews being great Americans are also bogus. Clearly their first loyalty is to the Talmudic state of Israel – not America.

    Prager’s claims that American Western culture is built on the Jew tradition that sees people as fundamentally bad, is totally off the mark. The American ideal of “We the People” is a positive affirming notion of human goodness.

    Think Peace — Do No Harm — Maintain Hope, Love, Truth, & Idealism — Art

    • Agree: Iris
  1570. @geokat62

    I must be having a false memory. I cannot locate a reference by MacDonald to Ayn Rand (except in a quote of another author), but he does think that libertarianism is bad:

    So the question is: was Ayn Rand acting against her own interests as an individual, or as a member of a group, or both, when she put forth her ideas?

    Is her theory only suitable for outgroups? If true, was it intended as such, or was that an unexpected outcome? And what about Christianity?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  1571. iffen says:
    @Old Jew

    Hi Old Jew. You like jokes about Jews.

    Do you know the one about how copper wire was invented?

    Two Jews fighting over a penny.

    • Replies: @Old Jew
  1572. geokat62 says:
    @Brás Cubas

    So the question is: was Ayn Rand acting against her own interests as an individual, or as a member of a group, or both, when she put forth her ideas?

    Not sure about Ayn Rand, but according to the article you linked to, MacDonald argues that members of the Frankfurt School were very supportive of individualism for goys, but not for Jews:

    But Kaufmann also notes that this libertarian tendency became part of the culture of Western suicide in the 20th century. One of the things I noticed in writing the chapter on the Frankfurt School for The Culture of Critique was that these very Jewish (and therefore profoundly anti-libertarian in their own commitments) former Marxists had nothing but good things to say about individualism. “In the end, the ideology of the Frankfurt School may be described as a form of radical individualism that nevertheless despised capitalism—an individualism in which all forms of gentile collectivism are condemned as an indication of social or individual pathology.”

    • Replies: @APilgrim
    , @Brás Cubas
  1573. Old Jew says:

    True. Thanks

    So:” what is good for the Jews?”

    Two Jews = 3 p0l0tical parties.
    and as many political opinions.

  1574. Old Jew says:

    Such a beautiful Hebrew name: SERAPHIM

    Seraph ekhad one Fiery Angel.
    Shtey Srafim = two Fiery Angels.

    Thus with your name combining a plurality of Fiery Angels
    you ought to intuit what is good for us Jews.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1575. APilgrim says:

    Obviously never read ‘Atlas Shrugged’, or any subsequent writings of Ayn Rand.

    Ayn Rand ALWAYS pursued her own perceived ‘best interest’, and advocated nothing else.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1576. @geokat62

    Below is an adaptation of MacDonald’s text for Christianity. I wrote it just to see if it made sense.

    “Christianity is a strong tradition in European history — the tradition of unfettered altruism. Christians saw their neighbor-loving ideology as an aspect of their Northern European ethnic heritage, and as an evolutionary psychologist I agree that there is an ethnic basis to altruistic tendencies.

    But this altruistic tendency became part of the culture of Western suicide in the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries. One of the things I noticed was that the these “former” Jews (Jesus, Saul of Tarsus, etc.) had nothing but good things to say about altruism. In the end, the ideology of Christendom may be described as a form of radical altruism — an altruism in which all forms of gentile collectivism are condemned as an indication of social or individual pathology.”

    So, does it make any sense? Any thoughts?

    • Replies: @j2
  1577. @APilgrim

    What you wrote is fairly obvious, but my questions are:

    1. Were her “perceived” best interests actually her real best interests (supposing it is possible to tell the two apart)?

    2. Were her best interests as an individual also the best interests of her ethnic group (supposing there is such a thing)?

    • Replies: @APilgrim
  1578. APilgrim says:
    @Brás Cubas

    1) Neither my call, nor yours.

    2) Probably no such thing.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  1579. j2 says:
    @Brás Cubas

    The text makes perfect sense to me. What part you find nonsensible? So he says that the Christian ideology of loving your neighbor was turned in the 19th, 20th and 21st century (by evil people) to a suicidal political program where Christians do not defend themselves while they are being killed.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
    , @Seraphim
  1580. @APilgrim

    Are you saying that:

    1. If someone offers me the Brooklyn bridge at an incredibly affordable price, and I buy it, there is no objective means of determining whether I got a good deal?

    2. The ADL, AIPAC, JDL, etc, are organizations with an imaginary purpose?

  1581. @j2

    As I said, the text is my own. It is not by Kevin MacDonald. I merely adapted a text by MacDonald, mostly by replacing “individualism” with “altruism” and “libertarianism” with “christianity”.

    I have no opinion about what I wrote. Yet.

    I value your opinion anyway.

    Are the “evil people” to whom you refer virtually all the Catholic and Protestant leaders presently in office or in activity? Just asking.

    • Replies: @j2
  1582. Seraphim says:
    @Old Jew

    Seraphims intuit that the best for Jews is to realize that salvation is through Christ and be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. That this was the promise that God made to them.
    If they wish other ‘goods’ better to beware what they are wishing for.

  1583. j2 says:
    @Brás Cubas

    I do not remember when I used the term evil people, but once I used it as a quite from Maurice Joly’s Dialogies, There he says that some evil people have taken Jewish ways. He meant the secret societies in Napoleon III time France, notably the Mizraim lodge. Most members were Catholic by religion, but basically they were revolutionary and occult Freemasons. I have not noticed them after the Paris Commune fell 1871.

  1584. Seraphim says:

    MacDonald, as a professed atheist and social Darwinist, is unwilling to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of Christianity, which he degrades to just ‘an ideology of unfettered altruism’, acceptable if it reflects ‘the Northern ethnic heritage’ of tribal ethnocentrism, but condemnable if it is extended to all humans (especially if they are ‘colored’) as the Christ commanded. ‘WASP’ ethnocentrism. He seems to not realize that the ‘White’ ethnocentrism is the child of Jewish ethnocentrism through the Protestant make up of America.

  1585. Seraphim says:

    ‘then release them or ask for a ransom’. It was always ‘release them for a ransom’. They were released for ‘free’ if they converted to Islam.

    (Sahih Muslim Book 19, Hadith 4360, online source ):
    “The Muslims that day (i.e. the day of the Battle of Badr) killed seventy persons and captured seventy. The Messenger of Allah said to Abu Bakr and `Umar (Allah be pleased with them): What is your opinion about these captives? ABU BAKR SAID: THEY ARE OUR KITH AND KIN. I THINK YOU SHOULD RELEASE THEM AFTER GETTING FROM THEM A RANSOM. This will be a source of strength to us against the infidels. IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE THAT ALLAH MAY GUIDE THEM TO ISLAM. Then the Messenger of Allah said: What is your opinion, Ibn Khattab? He said: Messenger of Allah, I do not hold the same opinion as Abu Bakr. I am of the opinion that you should hand them over to us so that we may cut off their heads. Hand over `Aqil to `Ali that he may cut off his head, and hand over such and such relative to me that I may cut off his head. They are leaders of the disbelievers and veterans among them. THE MESSENGER OF ALLAH APPROVED THE OPINION OF ABU BAKR and did not approve what I said. The next day when I came to the Messenger of Allah, I found that both he and Abu Bakr were sitting shedding tears. I said: Messenger of Allah, why are you and your Companion shedding tears? Tell me the reason. For I will weep, or I will at least pretend to weep in sympathy with you. The Messenger of Allah said: I weep for what has happened to your companions for taking ransom (from the prisoners). I was shown the torture to which they were subjected. It was brought to me as close as this tree. (He pointed to a tree close to him.) Then God revealed the verse: “It is not befitting for a prophet that he should take prisoners until the force of the disbelievers has been crushed…” to the end of the verse: “so eat ye the spoils of war, (it is) lawful and pure. So Allah made booty lawful for them.”

    Otherwise the opinion of all four schools of jurisprudence was that adult male prisoners of war may be executed. The decision for an execution was at the discretion of the Muslim leader.

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Iris
  1586. j2 says:

    “Otherwise the opinion of all four schools of jurisprudence was that adult male prisoners of war may be executed.”

    This is the Middle Ages, this was the practice. There is a lot of the need of a religious war and chopping the heads off from unbelievers in the beginning of Koran, later the tendency is to have Allah punish them with the Hell. Reading Koran I found it quite similar to Torah in many ways. In both there is the in-group and the out-group and you treat well the in-group only. Be kind to your kin and your family in Koran, but it is like in the Old Testament.

    About Jesus, I have a bit different opinion that you probably have. I think his love your enemy was only for those to be given as a sacrifice for the sins of the people. The people (the tribe) had committed sins and that is why they were under the Kittim. To have a new war against the Kittim it was necessary to redeem the sins. The ones to be sacrificed had to be good as God is good and volontary. But they prepared for the war of 66 AD. This is clear (to me) from Jesus promising to come soon in the signs of the sky. That was the comet of 66 AD. Josephus tells of strange signs, deat waking up, God’s army seen in the sky. And that war was to be like in the Revelation, blood up to the knees. The Revelation is a story of that war, not a prophesy, but a confirmation of the mission of Jesus. The prophesy there is only in the very end. Jewish Christianity was also about chopping heads off the enemies, just like the other two related religions. Only Paul made it a good religion.
    Or, that is how I have come to interpret it after studying it.

    “MacDonald, as a professed atheist and social Darwinist, is unwilling to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of Christianity, which he degrades to just ‘an ideology of unfettered altruism’, acceptable if it reflects ‘the Northern ethnic heritage’ of tribal ethnocentrism, but condemnable if it is extended to all humans (especially if they are ‘colored’) as the Christ commanded. ‘WASP’ ethnocentrism. He seems to not realize that the ‘White’ ethnocentrism is the child of Jewish ethnocentrism through the Protestant make up of America.”

    You probably are right about his views in general. I read his three books, but otherwise do not know his opinions. In those books he writes that Christian altruism is very fragile. Northern whites can do it as they were hunter-gatherers recently and had to help each others, but people from more tribal cultures will try to dominate and gain group favors if allowed to come to such an altruistic culture. He thinks these differences in behavior have a genetic basis. I did not notice from the books that he was a white ethnocentrist. He more like claimed that many of the other people will refuse to play along the rules of an altruistic society and will support interests of their group only. I think this can be true with some groups, not all.

  1587. Seraphim says:

    Well, in reality Jesus did not promise that he would come soon and in any case not to restore the Kingdom of Israel, which the Jews and the ‘Judeo’ Christians were awaiting (and are still awaiting today).


    “23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matthew 24:23-27).

    “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. 44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh” (Matthew 24: 36-44).

    “6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth”. (Acts 1:6-8)

    Yes, Jewish ‘Christianity’ was about chopping the heads of the enemies. But it was not the Christianity of the Apostles.

    “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence” (John 18:36).

    Now, the ‘sign of the Son of Man’ will not appear in the in the sky, but in Heaven, the location of the throne of God as well as the holy angels, the abode for the righteous dead in the afterlife. In the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ which is ‘within you’. No, Jesus was not talking about physical things, but about spiritual ones. Actually it should read ‘the miracle of the Son of Man’.

  1588. Ivan K. says: • Website

    Here a conservative American Jew and others give their critiques on Unz’s article on Judaism and its influence:

  1589. Iris says:

    “Otherwise the opinion of all four schools of jurisprudence was that adult male prisoners of war may be executed. The decision for an execution was at the discretion of the Muslim leader.”

    Yeah, right. There are countless real-life examples throughout History where Jewish communities thrived and even sought refuge in Muslim-led countries when persecuted.

    Jewish people fled to all parts of the Ottoman empire when Andalucía fell to the Reconquista, and had a good life for a couple hundreds of years.
    Before that, they prospered for about 7 centuries in Muslim-lead Andalucía.
    They lived safe in Palestine, under Muslim rule, for over a millenary.

    Give me one , just one example of Muslim anti-Jewish pogrom in History that would have been motivated purely by Jewish hatred

    Same old, same old: always aggressing, talking off your backside and blaming your own sins on others.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  1590. Seraphim says:

    Irrelevant conclusion. Nothing to do with the matter in question. Jewish refugees in Muslim lands were NOT prisoners.

  1591. Wally says:

    “it doesn’t justify the atrocities that some Nazis committed”

    More unproven propaganda.
    So, what “atrocities” are those? Do tell, be specific.

    “I suppose there were a lot of Germans who despised the Nazis as arrogant and racist”

    They were no more ‘”arrogant and racist” than anyone else.

    Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.

  1592. Wally says:

    Indeed, that was / is the tactic used by communists against those with opposing views.

  1593. @SimplePseudonymicHandle

    “It works so well that there’s an article up above using sweeping generality to smear millions of people with Satan worship.”

    So this is incorrect?

    “Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. “

  1594. Patricia says:

    Very interesting essay and now I more thoroughly understand European antipathy toward the Jews. A system in which the subjects are ruled by foreigners – globalism – is the system today’s Left works to establish. It is predatory, ruthless, hostile, extractive and, if they succeed, against considerable opposition, in fully establishing their world government here in the US, it promises to be murderous, with white Christians being the first and primary object of their extermination goals. They are actively promoting hatred of whites in the mainstream and leftist media and in our schools and universities, a very strange turn of events. Perhaps non-white Christians will be next. Today’s Left plans to ultimately exterminate about 90% of the world population, reducing the rest to slavery and ensuring they will be the ones reaping the profit. Are Jews playing a role in creating this? Who knows. What is certain is that many disparate groups are involved in creating it, grouped together under the title “progressive”.

  1595. Barry says:

    You refer to Putin as a real Russian, however according to his biography he is a Jew as his mother was a Jewess. I refer you to:

    Two other articles on the same subject – and

    A reevaluation of Putin as “savior of Christianity” badly needs to be done.

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