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Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting, holding corporate media accountable for distortions & omissions since 1986.

New York, NY
Joined July 2009


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  1. Retweeted

    Thomas Friedman’s first personal tweet is begging his buddy MBS to not embarrass him after he ran his PR over the past year. This means he didn’t return his calls and this was the only way he could reach MBS which is sad because Friedman’s pretty famous and probably a billionaire

  2. Retweeted
    14 hours ago

    Here's Jeff Bezos, owner of the Washington Post, yukking it up back in March with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whose government appears to have just murdered a Washington Post columnist.

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  3. Retweeted
    Oct 5

    I spoke with 's Counterspin today about how to rein in 's monopoly power (and also addressed some other news thing that happened today):

  4. Retweeted
    Oct 5

    "it looks like Brett will be confirmed for the Supreme Court—despite, well, despite so very many things"

  5. Retweeted
    Oct 5

    NYT's apology for giving Kavanaugh article to Bazelon highlights the absurdity of the idea that people with expertise can't have opinions for objectivity's sake ( / FAIR)

  6. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    "The fight began when New York Times Magazine writer Emily Bazelon shared a byline on a straightforward story (10/1/18) based on a police report about Supreme Court nominee Brett instigating a bar fight"

  7. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    "Former Commander Burge, with a gang of his cops known as the “Midnight Crew,” terrorized communities of color and engaged in the systemic torture of more than 100 black men."

  8. Retweeted
    Oct 5
    Replying to and

    "Stephen Bannon has called his Breitbart website “the platform for the alt-right” (Mother Jones, 8/22/16).": "Breitbart News is “the platform for the alt-right,” boasts Stephen Bannon.": Any questions?

  9. Oct 5

    Why are Republicans so set on pushing through a candidate opposed by a coalition of Christian churches, as well as thousands of law professors, as well as anyone concerned with sexual assault?

  10. Oct 5
  11. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    My latest for : How the mainstream press—as the NYTimes showed again this week—still clings to the outdated + flawed notion that journalists cannot reveal personal opinions about a subject and also fairly and accurately cover it.

  12. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    War's a comin' cuz that's all John Bolton knows - & it'll be a grand distraction firing a bunch of cruise missiles into Iran to keep Mueller off the front pages

  13. Retweeted
    Oct 1

    "Whatever the motivation, billionaires buying up media is another step toward oligarchy, as a handful of super-wealthy individuals assume power over crucial news outlets, both locally and nationally."

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  14. Oct 4
  15. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    There was this -- but seems exceptional and not really smoking gun catches -- perhaps I've missed something, or perhaps the issue is framing

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  16. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    It would be very hard to count the number of times Kavanaugh has lied under oath, but someone really should try. Notice how all the "Trump fact checkers" haven't really.

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  17. Retweeted
    Oct 4

    For more about why a failing grade from the Treatment Advocacy Center is something to brag about, read "Mindless and Deadly: Media Hype on & Violence"

  18. Oct 4
  19. Oct 4

    "To this day, even in this post-Ferguson era, the tendency is just to publish the police blotter."

  20. Oct 4

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