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The Secret to High Social Media Rankings: How to Get Klout [Kindle Edition]

Miriam Slozberg
5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (1 customer review)

Kindle Price: $4.99

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Book Description

"The Secret to High Social Media Rankings: How to Get Klout is not only an excellent but an important read for general, business owners, marketers, social media specialists,anyone in the PR field, authors, radio personalities, coaches, politicians, musicians and anyone else who makes an impact on the public. You will find out from this ebook the significance of Klout, a tool that measures your social influence across the internet and gives an individual a score.
You will also discover why Klout has a strong impact on you and your business, and effective steps on how to increase your score is explained in detail in this ebook. If your business happens to involve any of the fields described above, this ebook is a must have."

Product Details

  • File Size: 316 KB
  • Print Length: 46 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Booktango (October 12, 2012)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B009SZ2RV8
  • Text-to-Speech: Enabled
  • X-Ray:
  • Word Wise: Not Enabled
  • Lending: Enabled
  • Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,141,006 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
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Most Helpful Customer Reviews
By Peter X
Format:Kindle Edition
Back in the day, it was sufficient to get a lot of business through television, radio and print. Not that advertising through that is not effective. However it is only effective to a degree. It just broadcasts that something is available and that is it. Old style marketing does not trigger you to buy a product or service anymore. What people are doing now, as soon as they hear about a new product or service, they check to see what others are saying about it on Facebook and Twitter. They want to see if the company is even on those platforms, and want to see if they are engaging with fans and followers. If it appears all positive, or mostly positive, that is what will trigger the consumer to act on buying or not. Social Media is where consumers, job seekers and employers are relying on. And they are also looking for business owners who have a positive presence, and are engaging and influential.

Those are the ones who will end up with more clients, customers, and job seekers who have a positive and strong online presence have a higher chance at getting a job. Miriam talks about the importance of social media engagement as well as a social scoring tool called Klout and why it is important that business owners and job seekers have a high Klout score.

This ebook helped me see the value in maintaining a strong online presence, and I am glad to have come across it.
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More About the Author

I am a Canadian married mother of two children, and currently I am working as a social media and SEO consultant, and social media influence coach. I am the owner of Gemini Rising Ltd, an online marketing company and that was created in June of 2011. I am the co-owner of Social Influence University, a membership educational program on social media influence, as well as other social media related services provided. Before that however, I was practicing astrology and writing spiritually based books. It was a phase in my life and even though this will always be a part of me, my focus right now is on social media and online marketing. To connect with me go to


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