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Anatoly Karlin Andrei Martyanov Andrew Joyce Andrew Napolitano Audacious Epigone Boyd D. Cathey C.J. Hopkins Chanda Chisala Egor Kholmogorov Eric Margolis Forum Fred Reed Agnostic P-ter Godfree Roberts Guillaume Durocher Gustavo Arellano Ilana Mercer Israel Shamir James Kirkpatrick James Petras James Thompson JayMan John Derbyshire Jonathan Revusky Kevin Barrett Lance Welton Linh Dinh Michael Hudson Mike Whitney Pat Buchanan Patrick Cockburn Paul Craig Roberts Paul Gottfried Paul Kersey Peter Frost Peter Lee Philip Giraldi Razib Khan Robert Weissberg Ron Paul Ron Unz Steve Sailer The Saker Tom Engelhardt A. Graham Adam Hochschild Aedon Cassiel Ahmet Öncü Alex Graham Alexander Cockburn Alexander Hart Alfred McCoy Alison Rose Levy Alison Weir Allegra Harpootlian Amr Abozeid Anand Gopal Andre Damon Andrew Cockburn Andrew Fraser Andrew J. Bacevich Andrew S. 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"jeff stryker"
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    John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • TIME BANDITS was not bad.

    Schlesinger seemed to specialize in homoerotic stuff like Penn and Hutton or Voight and Hoffman but outside that bromance gone bad stuff he never could do much.

    SCORSESE was a pretty good technician but Italian mean streets and mobsters were all he really knows and remade the same movie about 10 x.

    POLANSKI has been hit or miss. Sometimes his paranoia hits the mark and sometimes it does not. His deeply personal films about alienation in cramped apartments or relationships gone bad are his forte and that is about it. Again, he remade REPULSION twice.

  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @jeff stryker

    My impression of white Canadians was the following (Overall)-

    1) They were rather like hicks even though they were urban and not very street smart. I'm talking about the Anglo whites and not Greeks, Italians or other Toronto ethnics could have been from NYC because Greeks, Italians or whichever seemed to be the same everywhere.


    BENGALI (Sorry I cut off)

    Here are some more things I learned in Canada

    …Many Jamaicans were mentally ill. I lived near a halfway house in London and everyday black schizos would come trudging out and throw fits in public.

    …Northern Ontario had only whites and Natives and was far less productive or wealthy as Southern Ontario.

    …White Canadians as a whole were not very entrepreneurial. Those that had in-demand marketable skills went to the US. Of course this is vast generalization, but they just tended to lack the dynamism that whites in the US or other countries have.

    …White Canadians tended skewed towards substance abuse. They smoked pot in Tim Horton’s parking lots all day between caffeine highs and hit the bars. But when I was in Canada cocaine was popular. Probably only in my time and place then, but many white Canadians were addicted.

    …I can see why white Canadian girls were easily pimped. They were, for lack of better word, earthy. Unlike American or Indian girls, being promiscuous in Canada was not frowned upon. Additionally, they loved cocaine. Jamaicans could simply get them hooked on a cycle of cocaine and BBC’s.

    …Being a criminal was rather easy in Canada and I was able to see why so many Canadians might dabble in petty crime. Police were not as vigilant and what you would do 5 years for in the US you would only do a few months for in Canada. I lived in a hotel that was broken into twice by a female heroin addict. She just kept coming back and breaking into the hotel (I think she stayed there once) and the cops did nothing. In the US, they would have arrested her quickly and locked her up for years.

    …Because people had no guns or property laws, if someone was mad at someone in Canada they would simply go over to their house and break in and assault them. This happened to a girl I was banging named Tracy down from Manitoulin Island for the same training course. She offended some Natives somehow and they came over to her house and were going to simply walk right in to assault her and she grabbed her father’s 22 repeater and pointed it at them. This saved her then, but the Natives all wanted her and she had to move to Sudbury.

    …On the subject of Natives, they are pretty awful in Canada. They seem crazier in Canada than in the US and more pissed off.

    • Replies: @Bliss

    Northern Ontario had only whites and Natives and was far less productive or wealthy as Southern Ontario.
    What is the intentional death rate (murder + suicide) there?

    Greenland has similar demographics: it is all North Asians (Inuit) and Northern Europeans and their mixes. Greenland’s intentional death rate (127.3) is the highest in the world by a large margin:

    So much for Derbyshire’s “Arctic Alliance” fantasy.
  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    You Goras should be thanking the Indian man for what he did for Mississauga and Brampton. As you have mentioned in another comment, the Peel was at one point filled with rabid and extremely degenerate Jamaicans, who themselves pimped the white girls, and ran the drugs into Canada. This region was once the basketcase of Ontario, and it was indeed quite a dysfunctional hellhole as the productivity was decreased with all the drugs, mainly opioids and cocaine, and all the young guys and girls who got hooked on the powder Not to mention, many joined the drug game for the extra cash and for the "stacks", and many girls joined the trafficking business, as many were unassuming and snow white, which helped with border security. The drug mules from this area were a problem for many years. When the Punjabis(both Sikh and Muslims from West Punjab) moved in, things changed. The Sikhs came from the Jatt castes, as did the Muslims, and the Jatts have been powerful warriors over the years. They were originally pastoralists and agriculturalists but they took up arms with the local zamindars as time passed, against the Mughals, and they lead many of such rebellions. They evolved into a group that was more fighting oriented, and they became worthy warriors. Now fast forward to the time of this migration from Punjab, when tensions between the Punjabi Sikhs and the Indian government is high when the Khalistani movement is at its the peak, with Indira Gandhi ordering the commandos to enter the holiest shrine in Sikhism(the Harmandar Sahib) and whatnot. The Punjabis felt a connection to that, they felt a connection to their Khalistani brothers, and since they came from these warrior castes, they became more interested in this kind of stuff. They obviously did not get along with the blacks, and they were much more intelligent(duh), and the problems solved themselves. The Jamaicans and other assorted blacks were not as creative, or willing as the Punjabis, nor were they as brainy. And as they began to get settled, they handled the blacks well. The brutality of Sikhs cannot be forgone, as they really let out their hardcore mindset on the blacks. Remember Bindy Johal? I certainly do. But I digressed. Now, Brampton and the Peel Region, in general, is a prosperous centre of enterprise and business, and it is growing daily, with a lot of major business headquarters located there. Indians transformed the place into something worthwhile. Our own Singapore, one might even say. All thanks to the powerful and effective ethnic cleansing of undesirable Negroid populations located within this former hellhole of a place. I do not support, nor do I condone genocide of any form, however, one must take into account the greater good, and how it can be achieved. Was it achieved? Did the cruel methods and barbaric acts justify the results? Did the end goal justify the means involved within these great acts? One would suggest it did, as the Jamaican gangs have largely died down, the pimping of white whores have stopped for the most part, and because the flow of the drugs have also ebbed, and one might even say...halted.


    My impression of Anglo Canadians was the following-

    A) They seemed rather like hicks or smaller town whites in the US even in urban areas. Rather naive without a great deal of street smarts and a sort of country simplicity.

    B) A few were ambitious but in the main they had a strange lethargy to them. They seemed aimless and listless.

    C) They drank too much and smoked a lot of pot.

    D) When I was in Canada (Early 2000’s) cocaine was popular, which was surprising to me, and many of the white Canadians were addicts. While I never used cocaine, I took a few hits of pot here and there for politeness sake in Canada. Many white Canadians (My age, born in the seventies) were stoned all the time.

    E) Anglo-Canadian girls (Pleasantly for me then) were promiscuous. Generally they were rather tomboyish without much in the way of feminine modesty. They were also naive and I saw how easy it was for a black with line of coke and to pimp them. The girls had no common sense.

    F) They tended follow American cultural fads slavishly.

    G) They were unworldly and rarely traveled. They were wealthier overall than Americans in terms of bare necessity (Shelter, food, health) but few had any real disposable income.

    H) They disliked/feared Natives, not without reason. Aboriginal Canadians were like Mexicans without the work ethic.

    I) White biker gangs were quite brutal in Canada and lower class Canadian whites were often mixed up with them to some degree somehow.

    J) White Canadian women had often been strippers.

  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    You Goras should be thanking the Indian man for what he did for Mississauga and Brampton. As you have mentioned in another comment, the Peel was at one point filled with rabid and extremely degenerate Jamaicans, who themselves pimped the white girls, and ran the drugs into Canada. This region was once the basketcase of Ontario, and it was indeed quite a dysfunctional hellhole as the productivity was decreased with all the drugs, mainly opioids and cocaine, and all the young guys and girls who got hooked on the powder Not to mention, many joined the drug game for the extra cash and for the "stacks", and many girls joined the trafficking business, as many were unassuming and snow white, which helped with border security. The drug mules from this area were a problem for many years. When the Punjabis(both Sikh and Muslims from West Punjab) moved in, things changed. The Sikhs came from the Jatt castes, as did the Muslims, and the Jatts have been powerful warriors over the years. They were originally pastoralists and agriculturalists but they took up arms with the local zamindars as time passed, against the Mughals, and they lead many of such rebellions. They evolved into a group that was more fighting oriented, and they became worthy warriors. Now fast forward to the time of this migration from Punjab, when tensions between the Punjabi Sikhs and the Indian government is high when the Khalistani movement is at its the peak, with Indira Gandhi ordering the commandos to enter the holiest shrine in Sikhism(the Harmandar Sahib) and whatnot. The Punjabis felt a connection to that, they felt a connection to their Khalistani brothers, and since they came from these warrior castes, they became more interested in this kind of stuff. They obviously did not get along with the blacks, and they were much more intelligent(duh), and the problems solved themselves. The Jamaicans and other assorted blacks were not as creative, or willing as the Punjabis, nor were they as brainy. And as they began to get settled, they handled the blacks well. The brutality of Sikhs cannot be forgone, as they really let out their hardcore mindset on the blacks. Remember Bindy Johal? I certainly do. But I digressed. Now, Brampton and the Peel Region, in general, is a prosperous centre of enterprise and business, and it is growing daily, with a lot of major business headquarters located there. Indians transformed the place into something worthwhile. Our own Singapore, one might even say. All thanks to the powerful and effective ethnic cleansing of undesirable Negroid populations located within this former hellhole of a place. I do not support, nor do I condone genocide of any form, however, one must take into account the greater good, and how it can be achieved. Was it achieved? Did the cruel methods and barbaric acts justify the results? Did the end goal justify the means involved within these great acts? One would suggest it did, as the Jamaican gangs have largely died down, the pimping of white whores have stopped for the most part, and because the flow of the drugs have also ebbed, and one might even say...halted.


    My impression of white Canadians was the following (Overall)-

    1) They were rather like hicks even though they were urban and not very street smart. I’m talking about the Anglo whites and not Greeks, Italians or other Toronto ethnics could have been from NYC because Greeks, Italians or whichever seemed to be the same everywhere.


    • Replies: @jeff stryker
    BENGALI (Sorry I cut off)

    Here are some more things I learned in Canada

    ...Many Jamaicans were mentally ill. I lived near a halfway house in London and everyday black schizos would come trudging out and throw fits in public.

    ...Northern Ontario had only whites and Natives and was far less productive or wealthy as Southern Ontario.

    ...White Canadians as a whole were not very entrepreneurial. Those that had in-demand marketable skills went to the US. Of course this is vast generalization, but they just tended to lack the dynamism that whites in the US or other countries have.

    ...White Canadians tended skewed towards substance abuse. They smoked pot in Tim Horton's parking lots all day between caffeine highs and hit the bars. But when I was in Canada cocaine was popular. Probably only in my time and place then, but many white Canadians were addicted.

    ...I can see why white Canadian girls were easily pimped. They were, for lack of better word, earthy. Unlike American or Indian girls, being promiscuous in Canada was not frowned upon. Additionally, they loved cocaine. Jamaicans could simply get them hooked on a cycle of cocaine and BBC's.

    ...Being a criminal was rather easy in Canada and I was able to see why so many Canadians might dabble in petty crime. Police were not as vigilant and what you would do 5 years for in the US you would only do a few months for in Canada. I lived in a hotel that was broken into twice by a female heroin addict. She just kept coming back and breaking into the hotel (I think she stayed there once) and the cops did nothing. In the US, they would have arrested her quickly and locked her up for years.

    ...Because people had no guns or property laws, if someone was mad at someone in Canada they would simply go over to their house and break in and assault them. This happened to a girl I was banging named Tracy down from Manitoulin Island for the same training course. She offended some Natives somehow and they came over to her house and were going to simply walk right in to assault her and she grabbed her father's 22 repeater and pointed it at them. This saved her then, but the Natives all wanted her and she had to move to Sudbury.

    ...On the subject of Natives, they are pretty awful in Canada. They seem crazier in Canada than in the US and more pissed off.
  • @BengaliCanadianDude

    You’d think that the Gujarati Muslim
    I have Gujarati blood and I'm not exactly fond of the Jews myself. Do I count?


    To the extent that whites blame anybody for Brampton looking rundown or overcrowded or whatever, it is not Jews they assign blame too.

    Strangely, Canadians Jews have stayed under the radar.

    So you tell me, why Canadian Goras blame Indians for transforming Brampton but not Jews.

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude
    You Goras should be thanking the Indian man for what he did for Mississauga and Brampton. As you have mentioned in another comment, the Peel was at one point filled with rabid and extremely degenerate Jamaicans, who themselves pimped the white girls, and ran the drugs into Canada. This region was once the basketcase of Ontario, and it was indeed quite a dysfunctional hellhole as the productivity was decreased with all the drugs, mainly opioids and cocaine, and all the young guys and girls who got hooked on the powder Not to mention, many joined the drug game for the extra cash and for the "stacks", and many girls joined the trafficking business, as many were unassuming and snow white, which helped with border security. The drug mules from this area were a problem for many years. When the Punjabis(both Sikh and Muslims from West Punjab) moved in, things changed. The Sikhs came from the Jatt castes, as did the Muslims, and the Jatts have been powerful warriors over the years. They were originally pastoralists and agriculturalists but they took up arms with the local zamindars as time passed, against the Mughals, and they lead many of such rebellions. They evolved into a group that was more fighting oriented, and they became worthy warriors. Now fast forward to the time of this migration from Punjab, when tensions between the Punjabi Sikhs and the Indian government is high when the Khalistani movement is at its the peak, with Indira Gandhi ordering the commandos to enter the holiest shrine in Sikhism(the Harmandar Sahib) and whatnot. The Punjabis felt a connection to that, they felt a connection to their Khalistani brothers, and since they came from these warrior castes, they became more interested in this kind of stuff. They obviously did not get along with the blacks, and they were much more intelligent(duh), and the problems solved themselves. The Jamaicans and other assorted blacks were not as creative, or willing as the Punjabis, nor were they as brainy. And as they began to get settled, they handled the blacks well. The brutality of Sikhs cannot be forgone, as they really let out their hardcore mindset on the blacks. Remember Bindy Johal? I certainly do. But I digressed. Now, Brampton and the Peel Region, in general, is a prosperous centre of enterprise and business, and it is growing daily, with a lot of major business headquarters located there. Indians transformed the place into something worthwhile. Our own Singapore, one might even say. All thanks to the powerful and effective ethnic cleansing of undesirable Negroid populations located within this former hellhole of a place. I do not support, nor do I condone genocide of any form, however, one must take into account the greater good, and how it can be achieved. Was it achieved? Did the cruel methods and barbaric acts justify the results? Did the end goal justify the means involved within these great acts? One would suggest it did, as the Jamaican gangs have largely died down, the pimping of white whores have stopped for the most part, and because the flow of the drugs have also ebbed, and one might even say...halted.
  • @EastKekistani

    Like Brits importing Gujarati African colonies simply said in deed “You are stupid Negros”.
    I support India annexing Kenya and Uganda.

    The Malay politicians are educated and also know that the Chinese need some sort of protection and are going to be paying somebody for it.
    This is what is awful but yes this is true. Foreign rule is the price to pay if people in a tribe do not learn how to shoot.


    Actually during the Indonesian massacre some of the Western men married to Chinese Malaysians who’d served in the army did try to organize the Chinese merchants into militia to protect their own Chinese families and interests.

    But the Chinese there had bribed the Indonesians for so long they had no idea how to fight.

    One or two Americans were killed in that massacre. The numbers are too great. You’d run out of bullets. Market-dominant minorities are just that-minorities.

    You become like the living in DAWN OF THE DEAD surrounded by zombies.

  • @EastKekistani

    I remember a statement that a Black imam once told us immigrants, he said something along the lines of the following:
    “You guys have the most pathetic racism. You think you’re better than black people, but you act like you are inferior to whites. At least when we blacks first got rid of this mindset, we went all the way – the black man is god!!!”
    This works very well for fellah tribes. To me black pride is simply retarded simply because it does not in fact elevate blacks above whites socioeconomically, politically or militarily and is something we can easily use to strengthen our existing alliance with whites. Don't forget that Chinese just like Jews actually got along with the British rulers but not the Malay mass...

    World Anglo power needs allies. In the white world they have Jews. Outside the white world they partnered with Japanese and Chinese. I wish to continue this partnership. We will take care of everything outside the white world.


    Chinese can co-exist with everyone. They may believe that whites are inferior and I know whites feel they are in some ways inferior but Chinese men are not running around raping white women and white men are not giving AIDS to Chinese women.

    Other families do not flee a neighborhood when Chinese move in.

    Even the Chinese Triads were kind of a good thing when the Communist government chased them to the US. They actually “rehabilitated” (Advised to run away from home, threatened, beat up, killed) Chinese-American street gangs and Chinatown became safer for whites. Like Italians, Chinese organized crime is so discreet that other races and even the cops don’t notice it.

    • Replies: @AaronB
    Alt-right types and white nationalists like Karlin, Sailer, and Derbyshire feel inferior to Chinese - and Jews. They are working class people with intellectual gifts. A sense of status inferiority is almost genetically bred in to them - its like the ghosts of generations of servile ancestors is speaking through them.

    I don't think mid level to upper level whites feel inferior to Chinese, or Jews.

    The Chinese don't feel superior to whites. They have an inferiority complex that manifests as arrogance.

    At the same time, everyone feels secretly superior to everyone. Small tribes in the Amazon are secretly preening themselves over some cherished superiority they and only they possess, and that alone matters.

    The human race is a comedy.
    , @EastKekistani

    Chinese can co-exist with everyone.
    Of course. We want to co-exist with even blacks but blacks do not want to co-exist with us.

    They may believe that whites are inferior and I know whites feel they are in some ways inferior
    That doesn't really matter. Whites and NE Asians are currently #1 and #2. In the future this may become #2 and #1. That won't really change much for everybody recognizes that we are both way better than the average human lol. The difference between a gold medal and a silver medal is not very significant while the difference between having a medal and not even qualifying is very significant..
  • @EastKekistani

    I would say many of them would love a White version of Judaism if that were possible.
    LOL. I definitely do want an NE Asian variant of Judaism.

    “everyone hates us because of our success and wants us eliminated so we need a homeland of our own.”
    LOL. This describes my mentality well. "We are a bunch of high-IQ people who are inherently divided. However since many low-IQ tropical peoples hate us so much we have to fight back before our complete extermination..."

    Yup – you don’t see Zionists giving out stuff to Africans, they take people’s land and then try to make them feel bad about fighting it.
    Yup. I admire Israel for bombing people without announcements.

    My personal outlook is in fact very similar to that of Ze'ev Jabotinsky. I feel like the modern world to ethnic Chinese is like early 1930s to Ashkenazi Jews. I'm in fact mentally prepared for fleeing from genocidal mobs and facing a global extermination attempt. The partial extermination will come which will be painful but it will be the only thing that can force normally a Hobbesian and cunning people who are always extremely divided to have enough social unity to establish our own Israel, a democratic state that actually cares about the people and will protect the diaspora in tropical shitholes.


    China has had Jews since the silk route days. They have a small community in Beijing. Portuguese Jews have been in Macau since day dot.

  • @Talha

    Well, I do actually think like a Jew.
    As do many WNs. Having spent a good amount of time here and studying their thought patterns, I would say many of them would love a White version of Judaism if that were possible.

    Just like Jews we need to found our own state
    Yup - Israel is brought up in these circles quite a bit - going back to my initial point about how ubiquitous that thought pattern has become. Now, it does perhaps seem an inevitable outcome of a particular group being disproportionately in control of the media (as well as other) narratives for so long. I find it amusing that so many people who do not like Jews or complain about what Jews have done to society are quite on board with a White version of the Zionist program; which basically boils down to - "everyone hates us because of our success and wants us eliminated so we need a homeland of our own."

    the commie one is fraudulent
    Yup - you don't see Zionists giving out stuff to Africans, they take people's land and then try to make them feel bad about fighting it.

    It's funny, on another thread, some Zionist was deflecting by talking about how Palestinian refugees aren't legally granted full rights in Lebanon. I thought it was funny; it's like some guy kicking someone out of their house and, when the guy goes to live with his aunt, the same guy who is squatting in the house complains that the poor guy's aunt treats him badly and derides her because she gave him a room in the basement instead of the upper floor.



    …Except that I don’t see the Muslims in America or the Brahmins or the NE Asians or the Italians complaining that Jews are culturally degrading them or impacting their bottom-line.

    You’d think that the Gujarati Muslim or Arab would be most affected. Except they’re not.

    The people complaining that porn and banks and Hollywood are destroying them are whites. Rural or exurban ones in the main.

    It is not even the traditionally urban whites. Like Irish-Catholics or Italians or Russians.

    And if a white ethno-state is the solution, why are the de facto white ethno states like the Ozarks or other Central Valley of California so poor?

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude

    You’d think that the Gujarati Muslim
    I have Gujarati blood and I'm not exactly fond of the Jews myself. Do I count?
  • @Truth
    ...well, Dubaï is 40 years ols, NYC is 300.


    If Jews are so intelligent and all-powerful in the US, why do are their cities (Chicago, LA, NYC) some of the grimiest?

    Why, if Jews hate Arabs so much, are Arabs able to create wealthy cities?

    Yes, Dubai has oil. But the US has every primary economy under the sun. Minerals, oil, wood etc. Yet it has more poor than Dubai and had the US not cheated and pulled the terrorism card Dubai would control their ports too.

    • Replies: @notanon

    If Jews are so intelligent and all-powerful in the US, why do are their cities (Chicago, LA, NYC) some of the grimiest?
    1) usury is parasitic

    2) the secret of whitopias is wypipo have a thing for creating public goods like parks etc.

    Why, if Jews hate Arabs so much, are Arabs able to create wealthy cities?
    there are two factions, some think if they replace white people with Muslims it'll be like Moorish Spain again while others realize this won't work while Israel exists and a comfortable dhimmi status would require sacrificing Israel

    it's basically

    Israel-first, anti-white second


    anti-white first, Israel second

    (plus numerous smaller factions no doubt).
    , @Truth
    Dubai is an artificial society that is going to crash as quickly as it was erected and the Arabs know it. They have a saying in Kuwait that you might have heard:

    "My Grandfather rode a camel
    My Father drove a car
    I fly a private jet
    My Son will drive a car
    My Grandson will ride a camel..."
  • @Talha

    Don’t forget that Chinese just like Jews actually got along with the British rulers but not the Malay mass…
    Yeah, Muslims don't take kindly to non-Muslims coming in and trying to lord it over on us. We keep on trying to kick them out on principle. Others simply roll with it and try to figure out how they can benefit from the gambit:
    "I for one, welcome our new insect overlords..."



    It is more complicated than that. Like Sri Lanka’s Tamils, Chinese were imported by Brits. This was because they felt these people were more capable and energetic.

    The importation itself was an insult. Like Brits importing Gujarati African colonies simply said in deed “You are stupid Negros”.

    Then, these people are left to rot after Independence by Brits (Who did in fact take in Idi Amin’s Indians).

    The Malay politicians are educated and also know that the Chinese need some sort of protection and are going to be paying somebody for it.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    Like Brits importing Gujarati African colonies simply said in deed “You are stupid Negros”.
    I support India annexing Kenya and Uganda.

    The Malay politicians are educated and also know that the Chinese need some sort of protection and are going to be paying somebody for it.
    This is what is awful but yes this is true. Foreign rule is the price to pay if people in a tribe do not learn how to shoot.
  • @Talha

    Many Chinese complain about this as it’s unacceptable in a true democracy
    Correct, it's not a true democracy. Once you drop the need for that label, you can get more creative of how to set up society.

    Now, I personally have a problem with that setup since it is done via ethnic definitions and not religious ones. For instance, I don't see why a Chinese Muslim can't be treated legally exactly like a Muslim Malay as long as he adheres to the same rules as all Muslims are supposed to.

    the minorities and liberals would all be up in arms about it.
    Likely - see above point about being locked into a model.



    Some Chinese-Filipinos in Mindanao do become Muslims.

    • Replies: @Talha
    Yes - there are Chinese converts to Islam in Malaysia. It would help further if the Malays didn't link Islam to ethnicity like they currently do.

  • @EastKekistani

    Where did you get the absurd idea that the jews are as homogeneous as the chinese?
    Sorry for not being sufficiently accurate. Most Jewish groups tend to be very homogeneous. Ashkenazis are just one of them.

    Fine. Since you are good at catching handwaving I will respond to you just like how I respond to @res.

    Ashkenazi are a hodgepodge of Semitic, Italian and Slavic.

    • Replies: @notanon
    yes but the current Ashkenazi population largely derive from a small segment of the original population - the ones who survived various population bottlenecks like the Black Death in Poland.
  • @EastKekistani
    Well I can also argue that this phenomenon exists not because there are too many NE Asians but instead it is because there are not enough NE Asians. We don't have the same kind of shit in Taiwan, Singapore, China, Hong name it. The main reason why this phenomenon exists is because there are too many incompetent Austronesians which caused exploiting them to be profitable.

    We can compare this scenario to Rhodesia. The main problem in Rhodesia was not that whites had too much power. Instead the main problem is that Rhodesia was not white enough to be both stable and prosperous. The best way to handle the high IQ minority + low IQ majority situation is to make the high IQ group demographic majority.


    High IQ groups in low IQ demographic majorities are like guys being hit on by a completely drunk woman who is temporarily willing to screw-it is morally wrong but not exactly rape because no violence or force occurred.

  • @EastKekistani

    The Malays seem to not let things get too out of control when it comes to making sure they are in charge.
    If China ever gets rid of the fucking traitorous commies we are not going to allow SEA to continue to chimp out.

    Malays chimpout IN China?

  • @Talha
    Wow - that sounds pretty bad. Maybe the Filipinos need to take a few tips from the Malays.

    The Malays seem to not let things get too out of control when it comes to making sure they are in charge.


    I can only theorize about differences-

    Islam, and I am not one but obviously fasted through Ramadan and celebrated Eid and speak some Arabic, tends to give practitioners some sort of sense of self-respect and assertiveness. Show me a Pakistani Muslim who lets Brahmin behave to him like they do to lower-caste Indians.

    Islam is all about people respecting the rights of others (At least other Muslims). Jews I honestly don’t know of. Christians judge poorer Christians with more contempt than either Jews or Muslims judge poorer members of their faiths.

    Also, Islam spread by trade. Therefore most Muslim countries have a legacy of trade which means Chinese cannot completely run the economy.

    • Replies: @Talha

    Islam is all about people respecting the rights of others (At least other Muslims).
    This is correct - violation of these rights will result in oprobrium on the Day of Judgment. We have to respect other's rights too (as per sacred law). However, you are right in that Muslims have specific obligations (and distinct rules that pertain to each other) that they do not necessarily have to others.

    Also, Islam spread by trade.
    Yes, especially in the Indian Ocean trade networks that you have worked across. Interestingly, Islam (specifically the Shafi'i school which is the predominant school of all those areas - minus Oman) became prominent in part because of the stability and standards it brought to the commerce across such diverse areas:
    "In the Muslim communities of the commercial centres of the Indian Ocean, the Shafi’i madhhab was of particular prominence; adherence to a common school of law was an important factor in commercial dealings as it could be relevant in the adjudication of disputes. Ibn Battuta, always glad to display his own schooling in Shafi’i jurisprudence, noted its prevalence among Malabar’s Muslims as well as Samudra’s ruling house....All seems to point to wards interlocked commercial and scholarly networks, which Ulrike Freitag describes as a concrete intermingling of trade, scholarship, and at times, politics."
    Islamic Connections: Muslim Societies in South and Southeast Asia kind of guys.

    Therefore most Muslim countries have a legacy of trade which means Chinese cannot completely run the economy.
    Good point.

  • @EastKekistani
    Blacks and Africanizers. It's really that simple. What you said describes NE Asia as well.


    I thought Africans were only in Guangzhou. And a small number of them. And you mean to tell me tough Chinese guys from those Northeast cities or Triads are scared of Nigerians? Disgusted maybe. But scared?

    Or that a few thousand blacks in one district in Guangzhou are imperiling Chinese?

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    ?? Oh maybe we have some misunderstanding. NE Asia is like Dubai, not the Africanized West.
  • @AaronB

    Funny how the Chinese nationalists on here, all ensconced in America, want to promote the fiction that China is this font of Confucian serenity.

    This is why I cringe when I read the China boosters like Ron Unz, Karlin, and that absolutely insane Godfree fellow.

    These people have no clue what they're in for if China ever gets on top. Luckily that will never happen.

    I understand the desire to find a utopia elsewhere if your own society is going through troubles - but have some common sense!


    If China is on top.

    Visit Philippines.

    You have rampant corruption, because Chinese bribe politicians (A little harder in the US overall but they can donate to lobbies).

    You have zero job security or minimum wage. Most Filipinos are out of a job after sixth months.

    You have millions of people living in squats. Even people who own land are poor.

    You have enormous meth distribution and drug wars. You have massive police corruption.

    You have arson because Chinese burn down one another’s buildings.

    You have no start-ups because Chinese will never give non-Chinese any access to capital and own/run banks.

    You have Chinese thugs doing whatever. And lots of hired killers.

    If you saw what happens when Chinese run a Southeast Asian country you would run right over to your nearest Temple or Cathedral and start kissing the shoes of Saul Epstein and Pat Kennedy in the Beltway for the fact that the Hebe and Mick limousine liberals are still running things who have some sort of moral compass.

    • Replies: @Talha
    Wow - that sounds pretty bad. Maybe the Filipinos need to take a few tips from the Malays.

    The Malays seem to not let things get too out of control when it comes to making sure they are in charge.

    , @EastKekistani
    Well I can also argue that this phenomenon exists not because there are too many NE Asians but instead it is because there are not enough NE Asians. We don't have the same kind of shit in Taiwan, Singapore, China, Hong name it. The main reason why this phenomenon exists is because there are too many incompetent Austronesians which caused exploiting them to be profitable.

    We can compare this scenario to Rhodesia. The main problem in Rhodesia was not that whites had too much power. Instead the main problem is that Rhodesia was not white enough to be both stable and prosperous. The best way to handle the high IQ minority + low IQ majority situation is to make the high IQ group demographic majority.

    , @AaronB
    People do what they can get away with for the most part.

    There is no group in the West that has comparable superiority to whites - Jews are vastly outnumbered by high IQ whites, who compose more than two thirds of the cognitive elite, and their IQ advantage is far lower than the Chinese advantage over Philippinos anyways. So there is no group in the West that can behave quite this bad.

    Whites in these places were not necessarily better during colonial times when they could get away with it. And the Japanese were pretty bad in Chinese areas when they could get away with it.

    My point is - looking to China for a moral alternative to a troubled West is silly. And looking to China for a technological future is equally silly.

    I was reading a book on China the other day, written in the 1920s, and the author was saying how among all the various Europeans and Americans active in China it was common for everyone to think China was on the cusp and verge of great things, and never learning their lessons after these great things failed to materialize, and he was mocking that attitude as China always being the "land of the future" in perpetuity.

    Evidently there is something about China that seems to "promise" much, but never fulfill.

    I laughed because this is exactly what people are saying today about China, 100 years later. It is always on the verge of great things.

    For the Western mind, China exists as a blank canvas on which to project our dreams and hopes. I have done it myself. Only extensive experience with actual Chinese in China can possibly kill the illusion - and not always.

  • @notanon

    To say that whites did not benefit from anything Muslim is a lie, as Islam was a vector of transmission through which Arab inventions reached the West.
    Arab, Persian, Indian and Chinese.

    SJWs like to pretend it was all Arab - which illustrates the knots people tie themselves into when they try to be PC.

    I lived in Dubai and lived in Southeast Michigan and Phoenix. So…

    A Why does Dubai have a better infrastructure than most cities in the US? Sure, people are rich in LA or Manhattan but the infrastructure is falling apart. The rustbelt is literally that. Bridges are rusty.


    B Why does Dubai have a nicer skyline of skyscrapers?

    C Why is it safe to walk around Dubai any time of the day but not most US cities. There is no part of Dubai where you will say “oh, this turnoff is a death trap” but the average person in the US makes a mental note of the worst parts of the city.

    D Why are there less addicts and homeless in Dubai. The LA homeless were particularly bothersome. And redneck tweakers in Arizona were everywhere. It was not even blacks in the Southwest, it was rednecks tweakers. Why are junkies literally everywhere in the West but not Dubai.

    E I knew Americans who stayed in Dubai just so their kids would not have to attend public schools in the US. Why are schools safer in Dubai?

    F Much is made of Arab violence but why does Dubai have lower crime than the US?

    G Why isn’t Dubai dirty like Chicago or complete decaying like Detroit or St. Louis or other cities?

    H Why aren’t Arab women promiscuous like white girls? Oh sure, Dubai has prostitutes. But none of them are on welfare as single mothers. The number of single mothers in the US on welfare or their mother is struggling horribly seems enormous.

    I Why is their less overall social disorder and collapse of norms. Like 13 year old girls with piercings or high school kids on hard drugs or prisons full in Dubai?

    Sorry, but I just don’t think the Arab countries I was in were superficially worse than the US or their civilization inferior.

    If Western civilization is so great than why all the single mothers, junkies, crime, teenage promiscuity. Of course someone here will blame Jews, but Arabs seem unaffected by Jews. Dubai is wealthy and Jews had nothing to do with that.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    Blacks and Africanizers. It's really that simple. What you said describes NE Asia as well.
    , @notanon
    western civ has been poisoned by the banking mafia

    (but my point wasn't west vs islam - my point was that Europe got access to Arab, Persian, Chinese and Indian inventions through Arabs i.e. they weren't all Arab inventions but SJWs say they were cos of the twisted logic of PC)
    , @Truth
    ...well, Dubaï is 40 years ols, NYC is 300.
  • @Commentator Mike

    You disappoint me.

    If they want to fight to the death, OK – we’ll give them a fight
    You are an American now so I suppose "we" refers to Americans and not Muslims. I'd prefer if you were neutral with regard to the warmongering of your adopted country. But if you're still egging for a fight in some Muslim cause I really don't know what to say. Even in a conflict between Muslims and Americans I'd expect you to stay neutral unless you want to go back to the Muslim country of your ancestors and take up the cause there.

    And with regard to Mongols they may have destroyed an Arab civilisation but they were building another one - their own. After all Kublai Khan ruled the largest empire ever from China, another civilisation they conquered, and he was a rather cultured man himself. I wouldn't say Mongols converted to Islam, except for a small percentage, but Kublai Khan did employ Muslims in high government positions.


    It is rare for Americans to actually do that. A few Irish-American Vietnam veterans served as instructors for the IRA teaching them guerrilla warfare and demolitions. Not many though.

    And while some penniless vet in some lousy Chicago or Boston Irish-American neighborhood might not care if he lost his passport, most Muslims don’t want to lose theirs.

    California is much better than Pakistan.

  • “Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speechdelivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their...
  • @Thomm
    Remember that being a poor, rural white does not make someone a White Trashionalist. Many White Trashionalists are the product of intelligent parents from wealthy families. Somehow, all the genetic advantages pass them over.

    Note, also, the high degree of homosexuality present among White Trashionalists. They openly say that they would rather have sex with a white man over a black women (even a pretty black woman), simply because race transcends sexual orientation, and that no baby is better than a mulatto baby.

    White Trashionalists are individuals within which genetic wastematter collects. The white race has the unique ability to segregate and expel genetic waste into carrier individuals who are unlikely to reproduce. It is why functional whites (the other 80% of us) are so successful.


    1) Few of them KNOW their ethnic background. When I moved to Phoenix from Southeast Michigan, I notice that nobody knew what sort of European ancestry they had. Except of course the Italians, who obviously look physically different from other whites.

    2) Some like Milo were half-Jewish. A few were Jewish, full-stop.

    3) One or two were Italians or Polish. I knew one who was Sicilian who despised Mexicans, loathed them, but was one of those Ralph Macchio/KARATE KID swarthy types. The Polish skinhead looked a bit like Bronson and obviously some Mongol got into his gene pool.

  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @jacques sheete

    The ruling elite, none of whom would ever send their children to public schools, don’t care what happens to poorer whites.
    Of course. And why that needs to be stated (and it obviously does) is something that annoys the bleep outta me. Obviously the babies need to believe in some big daddy who'll protect them or some big mama who cares for them all their lives, or some messiah who luvs them.

    Now returning to the subject of hoaxes it seems that most of those who believe in the official versions to the Moon Landing theory, intelligent as they may be, are engaging in group think, and as Le Bon tells us, crowds are in a state of expectant attention which renders suggestion easy.

    Here's more.

    The first perversion of the truth effected by one of the individuals of the gathering is the starting-point of the contagious suggestion… By dint of suggestion and contagion the miracle signalised by a single person was immediately accepted by all. Such is always the mechanism of the collective hallucinations so frequent in history — hallucinations which seem to have all the recognised characteristics of authenticity, since they are phenomena observed by thousands of persons.

    To combat what precedes, the mental quality of the individuals composing a crowd must not be brought into consideration. This quality is without importance. From the moment that they form part of a crowd the learned man and the ignoramus are equally incapable of observation.

    -Le Bon, The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind, (1896) pp. 24-25.


    “Men spinning around the earth and the young get on to the old like you lot”

    Says the old bum to Malcolm before he and his friends bash him in CLOCKWORK ORANGE.

  • @Plato's Dream
    Because Canada and Australia don't have Hollywood (or the Pentagon).

    Well, Australians watched MAD MAX but did not believe it.

    Whereas when Americans watched LETHAL WEAPON 2 they genuinely believed that South African diplomats would sell heroin and shoot policemen in Los Angeles if Mandela was not elected.

    Just like Americans will believe that muggers who look like Jeff Goldblum will mug tough-looking Polish ex-miners who like Bronson.

    Why I don’t know.

    • Replies: @dfordoom

    Just like Americans will believe that muggers who look like Jeff Goldblum will mug tough-looking Polish ex-miners who like Bronson.
    Americans do seem to be even more gullible than non-Americans.

    I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the U.S. was founded on silly Enlightenment fantasies that it was going to be the one perfect society on the planet. When that turned sour Americans got crazy and started looking for enemies to blame.
  • @onebornfree
    jeff stryker says: "Australia is probably a nicer country overall because minimum wage is higher. "

    Right! Unless, that is, you come to understand that minimum wage laws were deliberately designed by the early eugenicists to eliminate minorities, the poor, disabled etc. from being able to work and support themselves, thus ensuring their gradual "die off" and a smaller, supposedly superior quality gene pool:

    Regards, onebornfree


    Well, the US did have unions. Of course the Irish and Jews and Italians took these over for their own nefarious ends. The Irish created the modern-day Democrat machine and then Jews assumed the mantle.

    The Italians, well, they just stole from the pension to build casinos and then buried Hoffa so he would not be able to give them up for it.

    Anyhow, I’m an American who has been to Australia and overall it is a better country.

  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @Talha

    And of course would be called a Kallu or everything else.
    LOL! Yeah, the northerners get all uppity like that. Pretty sad, but funny.


    From the perspective of a foreigner North and South India are different countries.

    Even redneck whites in California know what the Hindi line means. I’m sure of that.

    See, the poor whites living in trailers are always saying “India is a shithole” but they are really referring to Bihar.

    Generally, South India is not that bad. Socialism worked for them in conjunction with remissions.

    I’ve been from Kashmir to Kerala. I know the country well on the street-level.

    Goras are kind of a regressive presence in India like a lamp. Pretty soon Indians will open up and start heaping the insults on one another with Nair calling Punjabis “wops” (In reference to their Greek admixture) or Sikhs “Camel Jockeys” in reference to their sword dancing.

    As for Sikhs, who just seem like rednecks to me, well, we know what Kallu means.

  • @EastKekistani

    I knew these sort of white girls as a young man in the US. They were not Donald Trump’s daughters, though some came from solid middle-class homes to begin with.

    Usually they were dim, promiscuous and often borderline criminal to begin with.

    By the time they got into relationships with blacks, they had already been rampantly promiscuous but when I was young (Born in 1974) in the nineties their motivation was mainly drugs.

    Those who like blacks tend to be like blacks. Not surprising.

    Bliss pointed out that many Chinese male prostitutes as well as female ones moved to Africa to ply their wares.

    Let me tell you about Korean male prostitutes in Philippines. Who could make $500 a night from gay sex.

    Every, every single one of the got AIDS.

    Oh? Do SEAs actually consider our men to be semi-female or something? Yeah gay sex tends to spread HIV. Thailand has even more HIV compared to the Philippines.

    BTW how do Filipinas think about NE Asian guys? Do they think we are a bunch of incels, effeminate guys, yellow Jews who aren't into them much or something else?

    So what you will see is a bunch of Chinese “rent boys” and hardcore aging female prostitutes from the Chinese-Russian border towns coming back into Chinese airports with open sores and visibly dying from AIDS.

    More great cultural transmission.



    Korean rentboys in the Philippines are the “Butches” who are masculine and do the “topping” in homosexual parlance. They are mostly hired by old-money Spanish-blooded gays whose money is in land (These people are similar to Portuguese Macau folks).

    Chinese-Filipinos are homophobic and any Chinese-Filipino who is gay keeps quiet about it.

    Korean female hookers were also around in Cebu. They run $500 a throw for non-Koreans. Again, Spanish Filipinos use them. These people are descended from Spanish colonists whose mistress got the land in her name after Independence like the Portuguese mixed-bloods in Macau. They are horrendously lazy and dissolute. They possess dual-citizenship like the Macau half breeds but prefer being rent-seekers or landlords in Philippines.

    Most Chinese female hookers are from Russian border towns up North.

  • @EastKekistani
    Yes and human 2.0s may completely exterminate human 1.0s simply because the former will be much stronger, much smarter, much more knowledgeable and much more capable than the latter assuming that AI, aliens or WMD won't ruin everything.

    So if the first human 2.0s appear remaining a human 1.0 might no longer be a viable option. After all when early Indo-Europeans conquered Europe and Mongols conquered Baghdad remaining an ordinary native dude wasn't a viable option either..People can cry that horse-riding Aryans and canon-firing Mongols had unfair advantages before their executions but who cares?


    Yes but look at how the caste-system set up by Polacks (Let us call the Aryans what they are) held India back.

    Pathans or whoever restrained the Aryans from getting a foothold so they wandered through the Kush into India instead.

    Unless the group with a temporary technological advantage kills EVERYBODY then you have North India.

    Pakistan might have some predominant groups like Sindh or Jains who are market-dominant and somewhat resented by Baluchi (Who are mostly assholes and drunks from my own Oman experience).

    But this is not the furious race hatred Kashmiri Pandits and Nairs harbor. And believe me, I know it.

    The only reason Nair hired me as a consultant for their Delhi op was because the Malayalam HATED North Indians so much, they could go there. And of course would be called a Kallu or everything else. A white had no bone to pick.

    Remember, neither do I. I was simply the man-on-the-street Gora from Detroit who was put in India as a very young man with very little per diem but was street smart enough to get by.

    Both Brahmin and Nair poured out their hatred for one another to me. North Indians and South Indians could never ever do anything but tell whites what total pieces of complete shit Hindi or Malayalam were.

    • Replies: @Talha

    And of course would be called a Kallu or everything else.
    LOL! Yeah, the northerners get all uppity like that. Pretty sad, but funny.

  • @Talha
    This doesn’t make sense again other than the genetic diversity part. I mean if you look at the manuscript evidence from a place like Timbuktu, then it is fairly obvious that SubSaharan Blacks were pretty open to learning from what other societies had to offer.

    I mean one of the main ways that whole enterprise began was that Muslim African rulers traveled through the rest of the Muslim world for things like Hajj and saw places like Tunis, Alexandria, Cairo and other major city centers and invited and hired scholars from other parts of the Muslim world to come and settle in their local and share the knowledge they had. This is not controversial historically. The famous traveler, Ibn Battuta (ra), who literally traveled all over the Muslim world wrote about his stay in the area.

    The African rulers even bought Turkish slave soldiers who brought with them knowledge of warfare against more advanced societies; one of the reasons they were so dominant militarily in their region. Again, some “wild” people would not have been able to benefit from that exchange or even be perspicacious to know there was value in that knowledge, to benefit their society, by bringing in outsiders.

    Now that obviously wouldn’t have happened if your narrative was sound. But the parameters of communication and engagement were on terms of brotherhood which is highly necessary for some kind of a positive outcome.



    So you are aware, the Muslim falaj system found its way to Spain for irrigation and from their to California without which the place would still all look like Death Valley.

    To say that whites did not benefit from anything Muslim is a lie, as Islam was a vector of transmission through which Arab inventions reached the West.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    So you are aware, the Muslim falaj system found its way to Spain for irrigation and from their to California without which the place would still all look like Death Valley.
    It is the Iranian qanat. Yes, I admire ancient Persia. They had early refrigerators (!) too.

    , @notanon

    To say that whites did not benefit from anything Muslim is a lie, as Islam was a vector of transmission through which Arab inventions reached the West.
    Arab, Persian, Indian and Chinese.

    SJWs like to pretend it was all Arab - which illustrates the knots people tie themselves into when they try to be PC.
  • @EastKekistani

    History tells us that there are far stronger reasons to fear nukes, ‘ethnobioweapons’ etc in the hands of the race to which the Mongols belonged.
    LOL. Negroids really want a Caucasoid-Mongoloid nuclear race war so that there will only be Negroids and Australoids left after it. That isn't surprising... I was already expecting that.

    Well to actually address the content of this poorly written comment we must note that Mongoloid pastoralists behave very different from Mongoloid agriculturalists which is almost entirely about pastoralism, not race. To understand this which is extremely hard for blacks we can compare the murder rates of different nations.

    NE Asian peasant tribes are exceptionally peaceful while pastoralist groups aren't.

    Mongolia and Central Asian countries don't exactly possess nukes or ethnobioweapons..


    On the subject of Japan, who raped Nankging and raped white women in Portuguese Macao and Dutch Indonesia half to death as comfort women…here is the reality.

    Europeans and Chinese both understand that beneath the high IQ faux-conformity and civilized veneer of Japan is a mad rapist killer who only wants to pillage with no particular military goal but merely the sadistic joy of complete destruction.

    Every white and Asian leader, deep down, understands that.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    On the subject of Japan, who raped Nankging and raped white women in Portuguese Macao and Dutch Indonesia half to death as comfort women…here is the reality.

    Europeans and Chinese both understand that beneath the high IQ faux-conformity and civilized veneer of Japan is a mad rapist killer who only wants to pillage with no particular military goal but merely the sadistic joy of complete destruction.

    Every white and Asian leader, deep down, understands that.

    Well I won't call it a veneer. We know how to suppress brutality even though my race is actually capable of more savagery than even Negroids if unleashed. In China there are comparable people, namely rebel peasants. They even ate people. However in NE Asia as long as there is any kind of government and people aren't literally starving the savagery immediately ends.

    This is why the raping Japan in 1941 and the peaceful Japan in 1920 and 1960 are the same entity with similar people. The almost autogenocidal China in 1960 and the peaceful China in 2010 are also the same entity with similar people.

    NE Asia is very predictable (yes, a lot more predictable than any other race) if you know how we operate which is fairly different from how the rest of humanity operates.

  • @EastKekistani

    Of course we also “fraternized” with the conquered Nazi ladies:
    Wow! Muhdikking! Hell Negroids sure as hell enjoy raping women from all races. Well, I will translate Negroid-speak into English here. What they really want is the feeling of dominating people which they obtain by muhdikking their women.

    Hell the commie traitors import these Negroids into China which is why they are spreading HIV like crazy..through muhdikking. Damn. Commies give them scholarship, the best dorms and pretty female classmates (学伴) to muhdik.

    We have to oust the commies and their Negroid clients.


    I knew these sort of white girls as a young man in the US. They were not Donald Trump’s daughters, though some came from solid middle-class homes to begin with.

    Usually they were dim, promiscuous and often borderline criminal to begin with.

    By the time they got into relationships with blacks, they had already been rampantly promiscuous but when I was young (Born in 1974) in the nineties their motivation was mainly drugs.

    And bear in mind that German women were poor in WWII and some would screw for a candy bar.

    As for Chinese and Africans, we go back to Guangzhou being the AIDS vector to China. Whoever is using African prostitutes is crazy, crazy, crazy.

    Bliss pointed out that many Chinese male prostitutes as well as female ones moved to Africa to ply their wares.

    Let me tell you about Korean male prostitutes in Philippines. Who could make $500 a night from gay sex.

    Every, every single one of the got AIDS.

    So what you will see is a bunch of Chinese “rent boys” and hardcore aging female prostitutes from the Chinese-Russian border towns coming back into Chinese airports with open sores and visibly dying from AIDS.

    More great cultural transmission.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    I knew these sort of white girls as a young man in the US. They were not Donald Trump’s daughters, though some came from solid middle-class homes to begin with.

    Usually they were dim, promiscuous and often borderline criminal to begin with.

    By the time they got into relationships with blacks, they had already been rampantly promiscuous but when I was young (Born in 1974) in the nineties their motivation was mainly drugs.

    Those who like blacks tend to be like blacks. Not surprising.

    Bliss pointed out that many Chinese male prostitutes as well as female ones moved to Africa to ply their wares.

    Let me tell you about Korean male prostitutes in Philippines. Who could make $500 a night from gay sex.

    Every, every single one of the got AIDS.

    Oh? Do SEAs actually consider our men to be semi-female or something? Yeah gay sex tends to spread HIV. Thailand has even more HIV compared to the Philippines.

    BTW how do Filipinas think about NE Asian guys? Do they think we are a bunch of incels, effeminate guys, yellow Jews who aren't into them much or something else?

    So what you will see is a bunch of Chinese “rent boys” and hardcore aging female prostitutes from the Chinese-Russian border towns coming back into Chinese airports with open sores and visibly dying from AIDS.

    More great cultural transmission.

  • @EastKekistani
    Why are blacks even allowed to serve in any navy or air force at all? I mean..they are only good as infantry. Allowing a black person to touch a plane, a ship, a missile or a tank is a bad idea.

    Yeah, thankfully they have no nukes. Otherwise maybe Idi Amin or some other crazy black ruler may actually begin to nuke nearby countries or even nuke Eurasia. Blacks are unpredictable. Maybe they will smoke some drugs, quarrel with mistress #73 and press "da red button". BOOM! The entire world would then be baffled at WTF happened. It may even be the cause of a nuclear WWIII as everybody might believe that US, Russia or China was behind the BOOM instead of a black president quarreling with mistress #73.

    Well, if Taiwan were politically Dutch until WWII it would have been yet another Austronesian shithole simply because the Dutch would not try to make it a settler colony.

    It is clear that Koxinga accidentally made sure that Taiwan became a First World country. It is unfortunate that he died before he could conquer Luzon. White Spain is great. However it sure as hell did not bother to actually racially whiten the Philippines. Had Koxinga conquer Luzon it would have been First World just like Taiwan.


    Perhaps the West could deal with an African dictator with a nuke by recognizing him as the King of Scotland or something.

    But the Main Negro in these countries (And the countries themselves) changes every 30 minutes or so.

    So who would have the nuke? How would we negotiate with them.

    See, ultimately when Westerners try to prevent Iran or whichever country from developing nuclear weapons what they are really saying is…You are too stupid as a race to have a nuclear weapon.

    Which brings us to how China would react if blacks or Mestizos did take over the US.

    When the Main Negro is in the White House or the Mestizos take over the US and cartels US the white house to sell cocaine, what will Asia do then?

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    Perhaps the West could deal with an African dictator with a nuke by recognizing him as the King of Scotland or something.
    Lmao. Idi Amin actually "had" that title.

    But the Main Negro in these countries (And the countries themselves) changes every 30 minutes or so.
    Yeah. Well the country borders don't really change much. However these governments don't necessarily control their territories beyond the capital so the amount of actual leaders are fairly large. So for example FDLR in DR Congo may have more power in one village or two compared to officials appointed by Kinshasa.

    See, ultimately when Westerners try to prevent Iran or whichever country from developing nuclear weapons what they are really saying is…You are too stupid as a race to have a nuclear weapon.
    I don't think so. It is more like keeping the nuclear club small so that each member has more power.

    Which brings us to how China would react if blacks or Mestizos did take over the US.

    When the Main Negro is in the White House or the Mestizos take over the US and cartels US the white house to sell cocaine, what will Asia do then?
    Right. If America truly becomes black-dominated there is a possibility that it will simply address the trade issue with EU, China or India by nuking.
  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @iffen
    There are loads of Stanley’s in the US who end up abandoned.

    You will not get an argument from me that the current economic structure has not beaten down the working class. The elites don’t even pay lip service to the idea that the working class should share in the benefits of the economy. Your post-industrial graveyards didn't fall from the sky. There were created by intentional economic policies.

    My point is that since everyone can’t move or get to a better economic environment, we would benefit by working to improve conditions in the home communities. It is very complicated. I will end up surrounded by blacks and others, and I don’t plan on moving. The school that my children went to was about 5% black. The grandchildren go to the same school and it is over 50% black now. The parents of the youngest would really like to get her into a private school, but since the income of the working class has been flat for about the last 40 years or so there is no way that they can afford it. I guess I put a lot of faith into the idea that decent incomes for the working class would solve a lot of problems.

    Australia is probably a nicer country overall because minimum wage is higher.

    My brother, an urban planner, moved from California back East because he could not afford a private school.

    My father, a research scientist, could afford to send me to Catholic school. But I heard horror stories from junior high friends. Utter horror stories. My grades were good enough to get a scholarship to a private high school. This was mostly because by high school the blacks are 18 or 19 year old career criminals by then. It is not uncommon for blacks in high school to go to prison for murder in the 10th or 11th grade.

    The ruling elite, none of whom would ever send their children to public schools, don’t care what happens to poorer whites.

    • Replies: @onebornfree
    jeff stryker says: "Australia is probably a nicer country overall because minimum wage is higher. "

    Right! Unless, that is, you come to understand that minimum wage laws were deliberately designed by the early eugenicists to eliminate minorities, the poor, disabled etc. from being able to work and support themselves, thus ensuring their gradual "die off" and a smaller, supposedly superior quality gene pool:

    Regards, onebornfree

  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @EastKekistani

    What an idiot. What part of “Arabs and Africans have been intermingling for millennia” didn’t you understand?
    Intermingling? Like...Arab conquerors raped black slavegirls? Oh yeah. That's what led to the state of Sudan.

    Arabs were part-african long before they became great, you numb skull.
    You mean, some Arabs were stunted even before they came out and conquer the Middle East? Yeah.. Fucking Ethiopia corrupted Yemen. I know.

    And it was not negroids but mongoloids (the Mongols) who “ruined their greatness”. Unbelievable how ignorant of history you are.
    Mongols conquered anyone they could. Steppe people did steppe things regardless of race.

    The Middle East was fucked up by mongoloid invaders. That’s why many Arabs and Persians still hate mongoloids. It is only the Turks among the muslims who don’t, because it was the Turks who benefited the most from the Invasion of the Mongol Hordes.
    Again, steppe people did steppe things regardless of race.

    As for European Civilization it’s decline began with the two World Wars, which had nothing to do with Africans. Instead mongoloid Imperial Japan played an important role in cutting Europe down to size by its easy victories over the European Empires in Southeast Asia during WWII.
    The decline of European civilization was not caused by Japan taking over some territories that were really hard to defend and far from Europe..

    Maybe it’s you who wants to fuck up Africa?
    What does "fuck up Africa" even mean? If you think building some infrastructure or doing businesses is fucking up Africa I have nothing to say...


    Breaking News…

    Another black GI in Japan went on a stabbing spree and killed some girls today before committing suicide.

    Thank goodness Africans are not intelligent or wealthy enough to have nuclear weapons.

    As for Europeans getting their asses kicked in Asia, sure it has happened. Taiwan, for example, when the Chinese defeated the Dutch.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    Why are blacks even allowed to serve in any navy or air force at all? I mean..they are only good as infantry. Allowing a black person to touch a plane, a ship, a missile or a tank is a bad idea.

    Yeah, thankfully they have no nukes. Otherwise maybe Idi Amin or some other crazy black ruler may actually begin to nuke nearby countries or even nuke Eurasia. Blacks are unpredictable. Maybe they will smoke some drugs, quarrel with mistress #73 and press "da red button". BOOM! The entire world would then be baffled at WTF happened. It may even be the cause of a nuclear WWIII as everybody might believe that US, Russia or China was behind the BOOM instead of a black president quarreling with mistress #73.

    Well, if Taiwan were politically Dutch until WWII it would have been yet another Austronesian shithole simply because the Dutch would not try to make it a settler colony.

    It is clear that Koxinga accidentally made sure that Taiwan became a First World country. It is unfortunate that he died before he could conquer Luzon. White Spain is great. However it sure as hell did not bother to actually racially whiten the Philippines. Had Koxinga conquer Luzon it would have been First World just like Taiwan.

  • @EastKekistani

    China is an opaque communist dictatorship.
    Sadly yes.

    Therefore China is much more likely to wrongfully accuse people on trumped-up charges.
    Yes but not against Africans. Commies love you guys and import them to corrupt our ladies.

    The African countries would never be able to get away with that.
    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    If they tried the Chinese and their African lawyers would cry bloody murder on Twitter or on CNN.
    Lmao. NE Asians have no rights because we are cucked as fuck while allowing you blacks to walk over us. If all of us NE Asians simply disappear CNN won't care lol. On the other hand if a black country disappears CNN will scream.

    The global elites want the NE Asian race exterminated for the same reason why they want to destroy the white race, namely they know that we can challenge them. They will destroy the Middle East and India too. Their end game is a world filled with only two castes, the elites themselves and the black mass.


    I once asked an Indian why Africans sold drugs in Asia when they knew they would end up eventually being busted and going to jail.

    Chinese jails are not that bad for Africans. It is better than going back to the jungle to live in a shanty with 3 foot rats running around and open sewage, isn’t it?

    There is plumbing in Chinese jails and three meals a day and a bed.

    The food is not great but it is steady.

  • @Commentator Mike

    I think the Chinese are overrated. They work hard long hours and save every cent and then they go and gamble it all away. I've never met gamblers as passionate as the Chinese. I remember like 4o years ago being in a western city with hardly a Chinese on the street and very few Chinese businesses and yet after midnight the casinos were about 30% full of Chinese and I used to wonder where did they all spring up from. And in Macau all those hard working Hong Kongers go to lose on the weekend all they've slaved to earn during the week, while corrupt Guangzhou bankers go and lose millions they've embezzled to feed their gambling habit and then go back to the stadium to get the bullet. And I've heard of Chinese businessmen losing their cars, houses, businesses, and even wives and daughters on the mahjong tables. (of course not generalising to all Chinese, there are some exceedingly modest, cultured, ethical and spiritual Chinese, but few).

    What's the point of it all? All that industriousness just to feed a loser's gambling habit. Sure they do some well and contribute to development but observing all that I used to think the Malays got it right just relaxing and taking it easy.

    My own take on the third world is that the fault is with rapid, uneven and inappropriate development which leads to massive population growth. Tropical climate provides well for a good, natural, easy going and relaxed lifestyle but for a limited population living traditional village based lifestyles. But of course capitalists see people as markets since they can't sell shit to monkeys so they go and promote population growth, urbanisation, and whatever else it takes to sell their crap to people in those countries and so create all the chaos that comes along with that. So in a few decades those countries went through what the west went over centuries and now their numbers far exceed that of whites. Consider that in 1900 the world population was less than 2 billion and nearly 40% white and compare to today. It's all because of "sell, sell, sell", and that will be the end of the world eventually. As when everything is automated and robotised to maximise profits who will they sell stuff to, as people without jobs won't have money to buy anything?

    Since this thread is about IQ and it being related to material achievements, did you even see some rich twat sitting in a super expensive sports car with some dolled up bird in the passenger seat moving at snail pace in a horrendous traffic jam going nowhere choking on smog of traffic, factory, and open burning fumes? Now how smart is that? Never being able to press the foot to the gas pedal and enjoy the speed that car can offer. And in places where they have highways that you can really do that on, the cops fine you for breaking the speed limit.


    Why do whites tend to be ravaged by crystal meth in rural America but blacks have not been?

    Why do so many Irish-American men find sodomizing male children so irresistible? When you hear of an American cardinal or basketball coach who was sodomizing young boys you will know without hesitation that his name will be Seamus or Padrig.

    Why do blacks find cocaine so addictive. I’m one of many whites who tried it a few times in his youth and could not for the life of me understand how anyone could steal their mother’s jewelry to pay for it.

    When we break the human genome down, we’ll probably find that different races have different pleasure centers with greater receptors for particular vices.

  • “Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speechdelivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their...
  • @Thomm
    You are right. But remember that White Trashionalists are leftists at heart. They want socialism and big government. Just like the Third Reich was economically socialist.

    It is funny that a Somali Muslim woman who hates America, a person who is the very poster-child of non-assimilation and the type of immigrants we DON'T want, is nonetheless a heroine to these 70 IQ WN wiggers.

    She despises Jews. Forget anything else, including the fact that it is the Jewish presence in the US that has prevented Pakistanis and North Africans from getting a foothold like they did in the UK or Europe which in turn prevented Cleetus Ray Bob’s daughter from being groomed.

    Therefore she is adored by white nationalists.

    The reason is there is nothing Jews can do to her. If she ends up back on welfare in Minneapolis what the hell, it is better than Somalia.

  • @Thomm
    You are right. But remember that White Trashionalists are leftists at heart. They want socialism and big government. Just like the Third Reich was economically socialist.

    It is funny that a Somali Muslim woman who hates America, a person who is the very poster-child of non-assimilation and the type of immigrants we DON'T want, is nonetheless a heroine to these 70 IQ WN wiggers.


    Here is the irony. Jews, always ridiculed as near-Communist socialist, actually fare far better in free-market economics that the GOP constituency that is hard-right.

    Saul Epstein doesn’t howl for Fed bailouts and need welfare in his NYC brownstone. It is Billy Bubba Klaxton who would fare slightly better under socialism.

    And the National Socialists of Germany were just that. You cannot have fascism, socialist, dictatorships in capitalist countries where wild individualism and celebration of free enterprise defines the political system.

    Because most white nationalists are poor and come from poor remote regions even blacks and Mexicans do not want to live, they are dependent upon the government.

    They use to vote Democrat. Working poor whites put Clinton in office, which makes his wife’s statement about deplorables rather ironic since her husband was elected for being an unabashed redneck while Bush was the despised Old Money East Coast Elite WASP. We used to call these people “Reagan Democrats”.

    But Hillary mostly wanted programs which benefited blacks and Cholos. She quite possible wanted to marginalize the white deplorables who first put her in power in 1992 forever.

    • Replies: @Thomm
    Remember that being a poor, rural white does not make someone a White Trashionalist. Many White Trashionalists are the product of intelligent parents from wealthy families. Somehow, all the genetic advantages pass them over.

    Note, also, the high degree of homosexuality present among White Trashionalists. They openly say that they would rather have sex with a white man over a black women (even a pretty black woman), simply because race transcends sexual orientation, and that no baby is better than a mulatto baby.

    White Trashionalists are individuals within which genetic wastematter collects. The white race has the unique ability to segregate and expel genetic waste into carrier individuals who are unlikely to reproduce. It is why functional whites (the other 80% of us) are so successful.
  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @iffen
    It was not really a community.

    We are social animals and “need” a community (just like we “need” a religion). The gradient mixture of individualism vs. community has been shifting in the direction of individualism for a long time. This is not a problem for most people. Indeed, it has allowed the maximum flourishing of the individual with all the concomitant benefits for all of society. After all, one can just “adopt” a sports team or political ideology, etc. However, for the less capable, that is, those without the necessary traits and skills to adjust to our current social and economic environment, life is not good. What, if anything, should be done about this is the question.


    I keep going back to Stanley, a husky Polish guy who played football at Central Michigan on a scholarship. He was also getting a degree in advertising journalism.

    Then, in his sophomore year aged about 20 or 21, he got a Polish Catholic girl pregnant. He returned to Flint and married her.

    At that point, Stanley was stuck. He borrowed from his parents and mortgaged a box and got a job running a salon.

    Flint’s Polish population fled. The city became a half-deserted graveyard of crack deals and murders. Years later, I contacted Stanley on social media.

    His wife, ironically, abandoned him and ran off to California with their kid. She met some guy out their in Northern California and was out the door with their kid. Stanley had to stay in Flint to pay for the box he mortgaged to raise a family he had never intended to have with her long after his ex-wife and daughter were gone out West to sunnier climes and better economies.

    I asked Stanley why he stayed and he told me he could not give his house away. Somehow, he managed to hold a job. His brother ran away to Chicago’s Polish community to become a cop.

    Stanley could not afford to leave. Go where? Be homeless in Florida or California with the bank after him? Half of a completed degree? Little money.

    There are loads of Stanley’s in the US who end up abandoned.

    Here is the thing to remember to. The 1% already has their suitcases packed. They figure the US will get worse and become more like Brazil and then it will time for them to manage their assets from the house in France or wherever. IT millionaires generally seem to like New Zealand.

    And when things get really bad in the US the people who made all the money off the backs of the labor class will flee in private jets to homes in new countries. Their money is not in US banks. It is in Switzerland or Hong Kong or Seychelles.

    We saw this in South Africa. The wealthy and educated SA whites abandoned Boer blue-collar people to the mercy of the ANC. The same thing will happen in the US.

    It has happened to whites who could not get out of post-industrial graveyards like Detroit or Flint like Stanley.

    • Replies: @iffen
    There are loads of Stanley’s in the US who end up abandoned.

    You will not get an argument from me that the current economic structure has not beaten down the working class. The elites don’t even pay lip service to the idea that the working class should share in the benefits of the economy. Your post-industrial graveyards didn't fall from the sky. There were created by intentional economic policies.

    My point is that since everyone can’t move or get to a better economic environment, we would benefit by working to improve conditions in the home communities. It is very complicated. I will end up surrounded by blacks and others, and I don’t plan on moving. The school that my children went to was about 5% black. The grandchildren go to the same school and it is over 50% black now. The parents of the youngest would really like to get her into a private school, but since the income of the working class has been flat for about the last 40 years or so there is no way that they can afford it. I guess I put a lot of faith into the idea that decent incomes for the working class would solve a lot of problems.
    , @jacques sheete

    We saw this in South Africa. The wealthy and educated SA whites abandoned Boer blue-collar people to the mercy of the ANC. The same thing will happen in the US.
    According to Douglas Reed, something similar happened to the Germans as well, and he seems quite credible to me. The story is so often repeated that you'd think more folks would have figured most of it out by now. It should be common knowledge.
    , @anon
    i used to think you were an idiot

    lately i'm not so sure
  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    But you just said there are Bengalis in Guanzhou doing much better than Chinese in Guanzhou...?


    That would be true. They are in the export business. Clothing mostly. Leather in particular, for obvious reasons.

  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    There are Bengalis in Guanzhou? What the hell?


    Well there was Buddha….

  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    Interesting. We have the based Punjabis to thank for that, in Brampton, the intimidation they do and how hardcore they really are, it's scared the blacks out. Tamils also have been helpful in Toronto, with smaller gangs run by blacks, and not a significant foothold gained by them(blacks).

    I read these stories too, and all the videos that came out protraying Indians as "racist" and what not , but yeah I had a feeling those dindus actually did some wrong, as people pointed out in the comments section that they were selling drugs, women and the likes. It adds up.

    Tariq Jahan was a cuck//He should have kept his damn mouth shut, and let the Mirpuris handle the blacks after their declaration of war against the Pakistani community, through their fatal hits and runs,and orchestrated attacks. Bloody cunts. Let it happen, let the blacks feel the wrath. But no. Tariq Jahan had to be an imbecile


    You are too young to remember when Jamaicans ran rampant over Brampton and London etc. The other blacks were children of US draft dodgers born in Canada during the amnesty.

    They cucked the whites as badly as any blacks have ever cucked another race in the history of civilization.

    Jamaicans sold weed to 12 year old kids. They hung around high schools recruiting white girls to pimp out on Jane and Finch or traffic to the US.

    And of course, they spread AIDS because when not cucking white Canadian men, they were on the “down low”.

    Also, they brought the scourge of crack cocaine to Ontario.

    Mostly though, Brampton was a dump.

    White Biker gangs did not help. They were willing to subcontract the drug dealing and peeler bar recruitment to Jamaicans.

    When Indians moved in, this ended.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    When Indians moved in, this ended.
    Well I already have a gut feeling that both whites and most of NE Asia will be Islamized within a hundred years while Sikhs and Tamils will probably continue to be non-Muslim assuming that AI, nuclear war or aliens won't destroy the world.

    The white race is really making the same mistake we are making now since "race realist" really means "dude who flees from blacks" even on websites such as Ni*germania and Chimpmania. That's literally what we are doing. Nobody likes blacks yet everybody gives in to them every day. Moreover both the White Nationalist community and the NE Asian nationalist community which encompasses most of NE Asia are highly infertile. Everybody talks about racial survival and the need for babies yet very few actually bothers to make many babies. It reminds me of late Roman period, late Han dynasty and other great civilizations that are just about to be conquered by pastoralists.

  • @EastKekistani
    Well, thankfully I don't gamble. Gambling is very idiotic.

    It's a world where high-IQ races pwn low-IQ ones. Yes and that can not change. The main thing I care about is for high-IQ races to have peace so that we can continue to dominate low-IQ ones..

    Seriously it seems that Malays are screwed in a manner I previously thought wasn't even possible. What's up with the lethargy? Do they have a lot of worms?


    This is true. Europeans can probably be credited with having the least amount of restraint and responsibility in this respect. Chinese in Southeast Asia do not ENSLAVE anyone. They are merely merchants. And they would argue that if Filipinos did not work for them they would have no jobs period (Though Malay women often find an 80 year old German or American and being his wife becomes her job).

    Chinese did commit some crimes against Austronesian people in Taiwan. But nothing like whites in America or Australia who shot indigenous people.

    Whites have pushed Opium on Chinese and Chinese have pushed heroin on whites. Neither group is innocent.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    This is true. Europeans can probably be credited with having the least amount of restraint and responsibility in this respect.
    That's really fine. I have learned a lot from Europeans, Arabs and Mongols. Old NE Asians were WAY TOO SOFT which was why Malays dare to chimp out against us at all.

    Chinese in Southeast Asia do not ENSLAVE anyone. They are merely merchants. And they would argue that if Filipinos did not work for them they would have no jobs period (Though Malay women often find an 80 year old German or American and being his wife becomes her job).
    Well, Filipinos are just inherently fucked. Even Muslim Malays once fucked with them and enslaved them.

    Chinese did commit some crimes against Austronesian people in Taiwan. But nothing like whites in America or Australia who shot indigenous people.
    Actually it is fairly comparable. Just like Amerinds & Australoids Taiwanese abos were really violent. They were largely headhunters. So the Chinese settlers essentially fought a brutal and long race war against them until they have been reduced to their current status, not very different from what whites did.

    Singapore on the other hand was peacefully NE Asianized.
    , @EastKekistani

    Whites have pushed Opium on Chinese and Chinese have pushed heroin on whites. Neither group is innocent.
    This is why we need a racial alliance or at least a long-term non-aggression treaty. We can't afford to fuck with each other when we are both fucked in terms of TFR, cuckedness and low social unity in addition to AI and aliens. Remember Byzantines, Sassanians and.....Rashiduns who ended up fucked up both of them.
  • @Bliss

    By the way, your Chinese contempt for “Malays” is showing. You wonder why they rise up in Indonesia and Malaysia every generation or so and massacre the Chinese merchants. It is because you cannot disguise your contempt towards them even when they buy your cheap imports and create billionaires like Henry Sy out of poor Fujian orphans that would have been beggars if they stayed in China...........You just show up in Indonesia or Philippines as an arrogant alien race with innate contempt for Malays and then you wonder why they massacre you every so often.


    True dat.

    The pompous preening of this pathetic little prick and his ilk could be the prelude to another pogrom. In Africa this time.

    Speaking of pogroms, the worst mass lynching in American history was of the Chinese in Los Angeles in 1871. It wasn’t blacks or malays who slaughtered Chinese then, it was white anglos and mexicans.


    It was Irish immigrants in California who did that in competition with Chinese for jobs, mostly on the railroad.

    We see the same animosity towards Ibo merchants in Guangzhou in China and in NYC with Italian-Americans. Ibo merchants are shrewd business people but arrogant and as shopkeepers they often treat the locals like shit.

    As a result, every so often the Italian-Americans get tired of Ibo owning half the stores in their districts and treating them like shit. So there is a burnout.

    Same thing happened to the Koreans in LA.

    Its always the same whether Ibo in Italian-American neighborhoods or Chinese in Southeast Asia. Some alien race of merchants takes over the economy and uses their money to bribe political influence while behaving with undisguised contempt to the locals.

    Then there is a riot over some other matter or political disruption like Indonesia or in the case of Italian-Americans they just get tired of Ibo shopkeepers treating them with complete contempt while taking their money…then there is a burnout.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    Are you joking? Igbos aren't that powerful outside Nigeria at all.
    , @BengaliCanadianDude
    There are literally no Ibo shopkeepers in Italian neighbourhoodsx and they have no power at all
    I remember that scene in the movie, probably because I saw it 2 months ago. It was over the top acting, with an overwrought musical score by Quincy Jones, who I only recently discovered is a freemason -- a Boule from Chicago. That would certainly explain his stellar career and his many big bags of shekels... but I digress, though I think a strong case can be made that membership in secret societies and selling your soul to the devil is a much better predictor of success than IQ.  

    E. Micheal Jones claims that the Pawnbroker, the first movie to show a woman's breasts, opened the floodgates for Jewish pornography and its normalization. Shrewdly, the Jews argued that it was cinéma vérité and a homage to the victims of the Holocaust. (Steiger plays a Jewish pawnbroker in New York who survived the Holocaust. What a surprise?)

    However, the actual scene of the naked woman -- a ghetto negress in need of quick cash for a drug fix goes into the pawn shop, exposes her breasts and propositions the pawnbroker -- had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

    Of course, no one dared complain about the negress and her gratuitous tits for fear of the Jews and their cries of antisemitism.

    The scene with the prostitute is not unrealistic; I am from Detroit and was a young man during the worst years of the crack epidemic when crack whores (These were Polish and Hillbilly women from the South not black) would ply their wares with underage boys 15 around the Warren (Detroit suburb) high school.

    Steiger was ironically German Catholic in real life. He also played the comically distressed Irish-Catholic priest in AMITYVILLE.

    It has been said that he was stinking drunk in every single scene of every film he ever did, as he would stay up all night getting wasted before he went on camera.

    • Replies: @MAOWASAYALI
    What is the common denominator between middle-aged Jewish men and teenage goy boys?

    High hormones and a strong sex drive! The Rabbis are notorious and infamous in the whorehouses of Tel Aviv.

    Speaking of sex for shekels, the scene with the negress prostitute in the pawn shop was not realistic to me. It was not only unreal but surreal.

    Here's the unreal part: Steiger, the fat pawnbroker, was just as fat in the movie's flashbacks of him in the Nazi concentration camp 20-years earlier, and had he been made into a lampshade he would have made a very big one indeed.  

    Here's the surreal part: despite almost being made into a very big lampshade -- truly a very immoral and unnoble end for the fat pawnbroker -- he remains a very moral and noble and fat Jew who rejects the negress prostitute's offer of sex but still gives her the money for her dope.

    How realistic and or surreal is that? How many times has that happened in real life? When did a pawnbroker -- Jew or otherwise -- ever give you money for nothing?

    Sad about Detroit, really sad, but we know who shipped in the crack and allowed it to be distributed: the usual suspects and their "Intelligence Agencies." If you don't already know, Mike Ruppert, former LAPD narcotics detective, exposed the CIA and its role in creating the crack epidemics in Los Angeles and all across America in the mid-1980s and beyond. 

    Former LA Police Officer Mike Ruppert Confronts CIA Director John Deutch on Drug Trafficking: 


    Now that I reflect upon it...

    E. Micheal Jones's accusation is spot on: it was a gratuitous flashing of tits (soft porn) and, in hindsight, race mixing propaganda (Kalergi Plan) to boot. The Pawnbroker came out in 1964 and paved the way, eight years later, for Deep Throat, the first full-on pornographic movie for mainstream goy audiences in 1972, and today, Jewish porn in 2019 is as American as mom's apple pie and baseball was in the 1960s.

  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    You cant hide behind the guise of "common knowledge". Come. ON.

    I read about it in Lonely Planet. Also Wikipedia.

    The Sinhalese came from the Bay of Bengal but nobody seems to know exactly where.

    Andaman Islanders were in Sri Lanka first and it is possible that ancient Tamil sailors might have known of the island previously as well. I’ve been told that by Tamil Nadu and it is plausible.

    The Sinhalese are Buddhist which suggests the settlement could have been the result of Hindu persecution.

  • @BengaliCanadianDude
    You are a pretty ok guy. You should have joined this site earlier. Tell this guy what he needs to know about Asians(ALL ASIANS).

    I truly do admire they way the Arabs handled blacks in the past, castrating them, killing them, enslaving them, sterilizing them, and the whole shebang. Necessary evil. If they had not done things their way....we'd have an even bigger Black problem


    Well the Chinese could do what Indians do to Africans in India or what Bengali do in London.

    Dole out barbaric, every-bone-in-the-body broken, three months in the hospital beatings to blacks who are caught selling drugs or even being loud.

    It seems to work. Jamaicans are not selling weed in Brampton any longer. Africans decided Calcutta was not the best place to set up shop after Bengali groups of men publicly beat the shit out of them. I even read that migrant Indian prostitutes ganged up on African hookers and beat them up for stealing customers in the Mumbai’s red light district.

    Bengali being artistic seemed to bring a furious creative inventiveness to beating African loudmouths. There was one article I read stating that they stripped one nude and smeared his genitals with Deep Heat in the Calcutta market for hassling some local Desi girl.

    Africans seemed to get with the program in India and cleared out, though the media did portray you as racist.

    But Indians, god bless them, have never really given a shit what Goras thought of them.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    Well the Chinese could do what Indians do to Africans in India or what Bengali do in London.
    From my experience on anti-black sites I finally conclude that the only way to handle blacks is to use the method Arabs use.

    Dole out barbaric, every-bone-in-the-body broken, three months in the hospital beatings to blacks who are caught selling drugs or even being loud.


    We are generally way too peaceful to do that. Instead the typical NE Asian just flees from blacks, causing blacks to be emboldened all the time.

    Bengali being artistic seemed to bring a furious creative inventiveness to beating African loudmouths. There was one article I read stating that they stripped one nude and smeared his genitals with Deep Heat in the Calcutta market for hassling some local Desi girl.
    Bengalis are already doing much better than Chinese in Guangzhou despite Pakistanis sometimes describing them as weak.
    , @BengaliCanadianDude
    Interesting. We have the based Punjabis to thank for that, in Brampton, the intimidation they do and how hardcore they really are, it's scared the blacks out. Tamils also have been helpful in Toronto, with smaller gangs run by blacks, and not a significant foothold gained by them(blacks).

    I read these stories too, and all the videos that came out protraying Indians as "racist" and what not , but yeah I had a feeling those dindus actually did some wrong, as people pointed out in the comments section that they were selling drugs, women and the likes. It adds up.

    Tariq Jahan was a cuck//He should have kept his damn mouth shut, and let the Mirpuris handle the blacks after their declaration of war against the Pakistani community, through their fatal hits and runs,and orchestrated attacks. Bloody cunts. Let it happen, let the blacks feel the wrath. But no. Tariq Jahan had to be an imbecile
  • @EastKekistani

    Deluded bozos like you look like servile, self-loathing suck ups when you try to join whites or yellows in black bashing.
    I need to inform you black fuckers that we NE Asians are a third group who are neither white nor POC.

    We don't give a shit about how anyone think about us because we are doing well and have enough nukes and maybe even ethnobioweapons to deter any genocide attempt. Yes I'm serious when I say "ethnobioweapons" because Chinese companies do own genetic information of whites. Maybe (actually likely) so do the Japanese as well. China and North Korea have nukes. Japan pretty much has nukes.

    Don't mess with us for we used to live in environments that were even harsher than Europe but still managed to survive and thrive. We are conflict-averse and are a lot more patient than even whites but when we can not stand your BS any more and have to fight back you will suffer in a way a lot worse than what first Arabs and then whites did to you. Don't force us to do so.


    The harshest parts of China were the Western deserts and Uyghurs were never much of a lot.

    Actually, you’re wrong. Han civilization began early because you were not living in tortuous malarial jungles or frigid wastelands. Same reason Greece and Rome developed before Finland.

    Chinese navigators actually interacted with East African traders fairly peacefully. No, you did not run around jungles with nets like Brits literally trying to steal black people.

    AIDS is an ethnobio weapon in itself. Blacks evolved some resistance to malaria which gives them greater susceptibility to HIV. As I mentioned, when Chinese rounded up the Nigerian prostitutes in Guangzhou some RIDICULOUS percentage were HIV positive. Same with African drug dealers who are tested for AIDS going into Chinese prisons. A high number have AIDS.

    I have to wonder which madman of any race would have unprotected sex with an African prostitute? Any Chinese man who is going into the African district of Guangzhou to have sex with black street hookers is mad, mad, mad.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    Actually, you’re wrong. Han civilization began early because you were not living in tortuous malarial jungles or frigid wastelands. Same reason Greece and Rome developed before Finland.
    Well during the last Ice Age the effective population of surviving Mongoloids was even lower than the effective population of surviving Caucasoids. Moreover NE Asia is much colder than Europe (and North Africa & India & Middle East) with comparable latitude. For example we can compare Seoul and Madrid. The former is much colder than the latter. Same for Tokyo and Heraklion, Shanghai and Cairo. Devoid of wheat and dairy products we had much worse diets too.

    It is not easy to be NE Asian and continue to exist. This is exactly why we have the highest mutational load and the lowest genetic diversity among all races.

    Chinese navigators actually interacted with East African traders fairly peacefully. No, you did not run around jungles with nets like Brits literally trying to steal black people.
    Confucians were like SJWs. We should have conquered East Africa just like whites and Arabs. Damn.

    AIDS is an ethnobio weapon in itself. Blacks evolved some resistance to malaria which gives them greater susceptibility to HIV. As I mentioned, when Chinese rounded up the Nigerian prostitutes in Guangzhou some RIDICULOUS percentage were HIV positive. Same with African drug dealers who are tested for AIDS going into Chinese prisons. A high number have AIDS.
    Right. Avoiding blacks is usually a good idea.
  • @EastKekistani
    Well, here are what I would do if I were the (Austronesian) President of the Philippines for example:

    1. All Spaniards, white American, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in the Philippines can only marry native Austronesian Filipinos.

    This is based on a real Paraguayan policy aimed at preventing the emergence of a white overclass.

    2. Mandatory vaccination, nootropics, micronutrient pills and deworming first among kids and then the entire population.

    This improves phenotypical IQ.

    3. Import the education system from Singapore.

    For a country as undeveloped as the Philippines creativity is a lesser problem. Getting results ASAP is necessary.

    If things actually improve to at least the level of Vietnam rote learning will be phased out and an Anglo system will be used instead.

    4. Maximize the amount of foreign aid to the Philippines.

    Get along with America, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in order to ask for gibs. Ask UN, World Bank, IMF etc for gibs too. Have good relations with China too if possible again for gibs. Commies are actually fairly willing to offer gibs. 2 and 3 especially 2 require a lot of money to work so there is need for a lot of aid at least in the beginning.

    Later aid will be rejected to achieve self-sufficiency.

    5. Restrict foreign ownership of crucial industries.

    Enough said. When you temporarily can't compete with foreigners you need protectionism.


    1. Chinese-Filipinos don’t own the girly bar business in the Philippines (I was in it) because they are family people. It is run by whites, with Germans specializing (Needless to say) in underage bar girls.

    Getting whites and Chinese to marry local women would be impossible. However, Spanish unlike Chinese-Filipinos tended towards concubinage while married to Spanish wives. Hence their Filipino mistresses children inherited the land when they returned to Spain and today are the land-owning elite of the Philippines.

    Pil-Ams are mostly abandoned. I’ve seen this a million times in the Philippines. An American deadbeat goes there, starts a family and then his bar or restaurant or money-lending business fails. He leaves them. They never hear from him again.

    2. Yes, this would be a good idea.

    3. Yes, true. In point of fact schools in the Philippines are underfunded but not as dangerous as public schools in US cities because there are no blacks or Mestizos.

    4. Foreign AID? The Filipino politicians steal all of it like Marcos did. If you wish for the Chinese to contribute, fine. It will buy some politician a house for his mistress. Malays/Austronesian cannot control these base impulses. They have a high-time preference.

    5. Restrict foreign ownership. Chinese-Filipinos are citizens, so this is impossible. I assure you the casinos where they gamble will continue to be owned by whites. And girly bars just employ to many women to be banned.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    This is why things won't ever work out for them. A racially NE Asian leader in their shoes will more or less develop similar ideas but as Austronesians they just can not.

    I'm actually very serious about 1 because the only way for low-IQ, high time preference tribes not to be dominated is to expel all high-IQ racial foreigners except for tourists and the intermarried. High-IQ foreigners obviously won't voluntarily assimilate into a low-IQ culture which is why forces have to be applied. Their money and good genes will belong to the currently lower-IQ nation.

    Libertarianism is good..but only when you are strong. So it is not for lower-IQ tribes. When wolves and sheep are both free sheep will just be eaten.

    As for 3 maybe Austronesian kids just don't like studying due to high time preferences. But maybe nope because the Malays in America and Canada aren't terminally school-phobic. Here obviously Malays need to scream that they are actually East Asian and that NE Asians and SE Asians are one race so that maybe they will somehow feel that they should do as great as Japanese people. As usual collective identities only help below average members and actually harm above average ones whenever there is no war based on the said identities.

    As for 4 if they don't even have enough self-control to build some bridges to connect their islands or implement 2 there is nothing I can say.

    As for 5 I obviously do not consider citizenship to be important. Only ethnicity is. A foreigner is defined as a racial foreigner, not someone who does not have a Filipino passport. Laws in an ethnostate should exist to serve racial interests. Hence laws against contemporary racial interests just need to be amended or repealed.

  • @EastKekistani

    By the way, your Chinese contempt for “Malays” is showing. You wonder why they rise up in Indonesia and Malaysia every generation or so and massacre the Chinese merchants. It is because you cannot disguise your contempt towards them even when they buy your cheap imports and create billionaires like Henry Sy out of poor Fujian orphans that would have been beggars if they stayed in China.
    You are right. We do need to be more subtle.

    Jews probably feel the same way deep down about other Caucasians BUT they can hide these private opinions towards non-Jewish whites behind nationalism, a common cultural identity, media manipulation.
    This is really what NE Asians should have been doing in SE Asia. Unfortunately we don't seem to have the chutzpah to culturally fuck up SE Asia forever.

    You Chinese are so left-brained you lack the verbosity to do this. You just show up in Indonesia or Philippines as an arrogant alien race with innate contempt for Malays and then you wonder why they massacre you every so often.
    Yeah. Same for Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa, etc..


    Every casino in the Philippines more or less is owned by Jews or British shareholders. Why? Because whites want to skin off Chinese-Filipino productivity by exploiting your belief in luck and propensity to gamble.

    While the Chinese merchants at least DO SOMETHING (Give Malays jobs, build infrastructure, keep military dictators like Marcos out of office) the whites simply open casinos where Fujian Chinese will gamble their money away.

    And you can be sure some Jewish American or European will open a casino in Melanesia or New Guinea pretty soon too.

    Also, whites run the sex industry in the Philippines. Point blank. It is a business that Chinese cannot enter because they came to the Philippines as family men.

    I know this because I co-owned a girly bar.

    What is my point? Whites are no angels in Southeast Asia.

    Of course Chinese-Filipinos who have had to send their son to rehab after he gambled away their pharmacy (Yes, this happened to a Chinese family I knew) cannot rise up and massacre Jewish and white casino shareholders in New York or LA somewhere.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani
    Well, thankfully I don't gamble. Gambling is very idiotic.

    It's a world where high-IQ races pwn low-IQ ones. Yes and that can not change. The main thing I care about is for high-IQ races to have peace so that we can continue to dominate low-IQ ones..

    Seriously it seems that Malays are screwed in a manner I previously thought wasn't even possible. What's up with the lethargy? Do they have a lot of worms?
  • @EastKekistani

    I read some horrifying figure about a Guangzhou sweep of African prostitutes and illegals that many were HIV positive and that their Guangzhou African district was the AIDS vector to China.
    Yep. Blacks are just sources of trouble. They rob us, rape our women, spread HIV and tear up their passports so that China does not know which SSA country to deport them to.

    As for Fujian in Southeast Asia, one has to admire Henry Sy arriving as an orphan in Philippines and building SM.
    Yep. :-)

    Not everything the Fujian Chinese have done in Southeast Asia is positive. They created the meth problem there. They exploit the poor Malays mercilessly. They cheat and are dishonest.
    That really depends on what "exploit" means. If your males don't like to work and spend your (sister's) last peso in a Chinese-owned store then it is your problem.

    Of course cheating is rampant. We don't have a military tradition so basically we do what Jews do. I don't deny that.

    However, I’ve talked to Chinese-Filipinos and like the Chinese on this board, they all say that if Chinese did not run the economy the country would have no economy at all.
    I won't say that they would have no economy at all. However if they get rid of the Chinese their country will be run by Anglos, Japanese, Jews, Tamils or whoever else enters the Philippines next. The effect of such removal won't be too different from decolonization. If whites are out of some shithole NE Asians and Indians are in and will take over the ecological niche whites once occupied. The lives of natives will just continue to suck. It's just that simple.

    If they really want to fix the Philippines (or Malaysia) they have to make their natives competitive at any cost (e.g. nootropics, social engineering, deworming etc). If this can work then there will be no Jewish/Chinese/Gujarati/Lebanese Problem. Instead maybe blacks will begin to complain about a Filipino/Malay Problem. If this can not work then such "problems" will persist.


    An American view of Chinese-Malay tensions in Philippines.

    1. Most Fujian Chinese despise homosexuals and a good number of Filipino males are gay. Homosexuality is celebrated by Malays.

    I knew a Chinese-Filipino actor who was really pretty good. But a Filipino director came on to him and he went berserk in the studio office and started beating him up. Of course, he went on to become a prosperous Cebu businessman. I won’t give his name.

    2. Blood sugar levels and biochemical lethargy. Malays seem to be less energetic and “crash” after every meal. They eat lunch and then have to sleep for 3 hours. Many are diabetic. They seem lethargic in a biochemical sense. Chinese-Filipinos seem more physically energetic.

    3. Addiction. Malays seem to be prone to addiction. Many are drunkards. Gambling addicts. And of course, meth addicts.

    4. Promiscuity. There is no family unit or filial piety with Malays because the women are promiscuous and prone to prostitution. Some moral compass does not exist with Malay women. So single mothers are pandemic.

    5. Social trust/Corruption. Malays steal and lie. So unlike Americans or Chinese or Jews, no social credit can exist because they cannot trust one another and ripping another Malay off is greatly admired among them. By their cultural standards, lying is a form of domination and control by which manhood is established.

    6. White exploitation. Needless to say Philippine casinos are owned by American and European whites. Brits or Jews, in the main. Why? Because Chinese-Filipinos will gamble away their money there. So whites are also exploitative. We are aware that Chinese superstition regarding luck allows us to callously exploit Chinese through casinos and gaming.

    Whites also own the girly bars (Including me, previously). Chinese-Filipinos won’t touch this business, feeling it is completely amoral. Whites of course, are not only sex tourism members…they’re also the CEO’s. Unlike Chinese-Filipinos, they do not come to the Philippines with their families which keeps the worst aspects of male colonial behavior held in check.

    • Agree: Dieter Kief
    • Replies: @Commentator Mike

    I think the Chinese are overrated. They work hard long hours and save every cent and then they go and gamble it all away. I've never met gamblers as passionate as the Chinese. I remember like 4o years ago being in a western city with hardly a Chinese on the street and very few Chinese businesses and yet after midnight the casinos were about 30% full of Chinese and I used to wonder where did they all spring up from. And in Macau all those hard working Hong Kongers go to lose on the weekend all they've slaved to earn during the week, while corrupt Guangzhou bankers go and lose millions they've embezzled to feed their gambling habit and then go back to the stadium to get the bullet. And I've heard of Chinese businessmen losing their cars, houses, businesses, and even wives and daughters on the mahjong tables. (of course not generalising to all Chinese, there are some exceedingly modest, cultured, ethical and spiritual Chinese, but few).

    What's the point of it all? All that industriousness just to feed a loser's gambling habit. Sure they do some well and contribute to development but observing all that I used to think the Malays got it right just relaxing and taking it easy.

    My own take on the third world is that the fault is with rapid, uneven and inappropriate development which leads to massive population growth. Tropical climate provides well for a good, natural, easy going and relaxed lifestyle but for a limited population living traditional village based lifestyles. But of course capitalists see people as markets since they can't sell shit to monkeys so they go and promote population growth, urbanisation, and whatever else it takes to sell their crap to people in those countries and so create all the chaos that comes along with that. So in a few decades those countries went through what the west went over centuries and now their numbers far exceed that of whites. Consider that in 1900 the world population was less than 2 billion and nearly 40% white and compare to today. It's all because of "sell, sell, sell", and that will be the end of the world eventually. As when everything is automated and robotised to maximise profits who will they sell stuff to, as people without jobs won't have money to buy anything?

    Since this thread is about IQ and it being related to material achievements, did you even see some rich twat sitting in a super expensive sports car with some dolled up bird in the passenger seat moving at snail pace in a horrendous traffic jam going nowhere choking on smog of traffic, factory, and open burning fumes? Now how smart is that? Never being able to press the foot to the gas pedal and enjoy the speed that car can offer. And in places where they have highways that you can really do that on, the cops fine you for breaking the speed limit.
  • @EastKekistani

    Fujian Chinese would seem to be the only merchants in China. Certainly the Manchu had military traditions and Han Chinese as well.
    Not really. Cantonese, Hakkas, Wu-speakers.. Han Chinese traditionally really don't emphasize on the military which is why we are fucked up by commies since commies were originally comparable to a cult that actually fought.

    Of course Fujian Chinese are going to be the merchants of Southeast Asia. And of course Malays have the same resentments towards them that Africans felt towards Gujarati.
    Cantonese and Hakkas too. Yep. These SEA natives just chimp out instead of doing anything to improve their situation...

    Outside of Southeast Asia, Fujian Chinese are not controlling entire economies. Definitely not the US, whose corporations and banks are already owned by Jews and Whites.
    We are also at work in Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, Sub-Saharan Africa and other shitholes. This obviously does not apply to the West though because Jews and Whites are competent and have advantages in terms of old money & connections.

    Even in Singapore, the Indians have prevented Fuji Chinese (Much less Han) from completely controlling the economy to the extent they control the economy of the Philippines or Indonesia.
    Tamils definitely do well, yes. Though Singapore is obviously a Chinese-dominated country.

    “Don’t emphasize military”

    That is why some Siberian horseman known as Manchus from Russia or Korea took over China from the Han population and appointed themselves the rulers of China.

    “Cantonese too”

    Cantonese are nobody in the Philippines. In fact they are almost as poor as Filipinos. Any Chinese-Filipino who is anybody is from Amoy. I know this because I worked in Cebu with Chinese-Filipinos and my mistress was a Chinese-Filipino. I’m probably more familiar with the history of Chinese Filipinos than the average mainland Chinese person.

    “SEA Natives chimp out”

    I’m somewhat sympathetic to their position. They have no chance. They are generally lethargic due to blood sugar levels and cannot make it through a workday without sleeping for 3 hours after lunch; they are drunkards who are prone to addiction and the Chinese callously exploited this by turning them into hopeless methamphetamine addicts; the women are promiscuous and they are hyper-sexual, hyper-fertile; they are compulsive liars and thieves so their society has no “Social credit” like Chinese or Jews or British because none of them can trust one another; they are prone to corruption so the politicians rob them blind and the police only care about shaking down older Australian and American pedophiles.

    Malays are one of the most screwed races on earth. They do a little better in America where the Chinese or Spanish half-breeds cannot run rampant over them.

    “This does not apply to the West”

    Any white American who is pissed off that Jews and Irish-Catholics run the US should visit Philippines and then he would be kissing the feet of Jews at his nearest Jewish temple.

    If Fujian Chinese took over the US meth labs would be bubbling ominously on every corner; unions would be outlawed; minimum wage would plummet; people would squat everywhere homeless; politicians would be bought and sold like candy in a bag.


    Some Chinese Singaporeans have accused the US of fiddling with their immigration laws so that a significant Indian population prevents the Chinese from possessing a vassal state outside Mainland China.

    It could be true.

    However, Indians tend to diffuse some of the rage that Malays feel in Indonesia and Malaysia towards Chinese.

    However, I think we will see more Indonesia’s in New Guinea or definitely Africa as time goes on and Fujians really seize the economy. Unlike Jews, who can hide their arrogance and sense of superiority and disguise being an alien race, Chinese are really unable to do this.

  • EAST

    Uyghur are Turks.

    By the way, your Chinese contempt for “Malays” is showing. You wonder why they rise up in Indonesia and Malaysia every generation or so and massacre the Chinese merchants. It is because you cannot disguise your contempt towards them even when they buy your cheap imports and create billionaires like Henry Sy out of poor Fujian orphans that would have been beggars if they stayed in China.

    Jews probably feel the same way deep down about other Caucasians BUT they can hide these private opinions towards non-Jewish whites behind nationalism, a common cultural identity, media manipulation.

    You Chinese are so left-brained you lack the verbosity to do this. You just show up in Indonesia or Philippines as an arrogant alien race with innate contempt for Malays and then you wonder why they massacre you every so often.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    By the way, your Chinese contempt for “Malays” is showing. You wonder why they rise up in Indonesia and Malaysia every generation or so and massacre the Chinese merchants. It is because you cannot disguise your contempt towards them even when they buy your cheap imports and create billionaires like Henry Sy out of poor Fujian orphans that would have been beggars if they stayed in China.
    You are right. We do need to be more subtle.

    Jews probably feel the same way deep down about other Caucasians BUT they can hide these private opinions towards non-Jewish whites behind nationalism, a common cultural identity, media manipulation.
    This is really what NE Asians should have been doing in SE Asia. Unfortunately we don't seem to have the chutzpah to culturally fuck up SE Asia forever.

    You Chinese are so left-brained you lack the verbosity to do this. You just show up in Indonesia or Philippines as an arrogant alien race with innate contempt for Malays and then you wonder why they massacre you every so often.
    Yeah. Same for Solomon Islands, Fiji, Samoa, etc..
    , @Bliss

    By the way, your Chinese contempt for “Malays” is showing. You wonder why they rise up in Indonesia and Malaysia every generation or so and massacre the Chinese merchants. It is because you cannot disguise your contempt towards them even when they buy your cheap imports and create billionaires like Henry Sy out of poor Fujian orphans that would have been beggars if they stayed in China...........You just show up in Indonesia or Philippines as an arrogant alien race with innate contempt for Malays and then you wonder why they massacre you every so often.


    True dat.

    The pompous preening of this pathetic little prick and his ilk could be the prelude to another pogrom. In Africa this time.

    Speaking of pogroms, the worst mass lynching in American history was of the Chinese in Los Angeles in 1871. It wasn’t blacks or malays who slaughtered Chinese then, it was white anglos and mexicans.
  • @EastKekistani

    God bless my granddad. Idi Amin was the best Africa could do. A bumbling ape who had the intelligence of a rock.
    Yes, we need to #RememberIdiAmin. When we list the crimes of blacks against the rest of the world we should not forget Idi Amin's chimpouts and how a few blacks attempt to ruin Guangzhou. Hell even Japan isn't safe from blacks and their crimes. There is a small Nigerian community in Japan which is very criminal. So does the blacks in the USAF that taint the reputation of America by committing crimes in Japan.

    What the hell is a fuji chinese?
    Fujian Chinese. They are doing well.


    I read some horrifying figure about a Guangzhou sweep of African prostitutes and illegals that many were HIV positive and that their Guangzhou African district was the AIDS vector to China.

    As for Fujian in Southeast Asia, one has to admire Henry Sy arriving as an orphan in Philippines and building SM.

    Not everything the Fujian Chinese have done in Southeast Asia is positive. They created the meth problem there. They exploit the poor Malays mercilessly. They cheat and are dishonest.

    However, I’ve talked to Chinese-Filipinos and like the Chinese on this board, they all say that if Chinese did not run the economy the country would have no economy at all.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    I read some horrifying figure about a Guangzhou sweep of African prostitutes and illegals that many were HIV positive and that their Guangzhou African district was the AIDS vector to China.
    Yep. Blacks are just sources of trouble. They rob us, rape our women, spread HIV and tear up their passports so that China does not know which SSA country to deport them to.

    As for Fujian in Southeast Asia, one has to admire Henry Sy arriving as an orphan in Philippines and building SM.
    Yep. :-)

    Not everything the Fujian Chinese have done in Southeast Asia is positive. They created the meth problem there. They exploit the poor Malays mercilessly. They cheat and are dishonest.
    That really depends on what "exploit" means. If your males don't like to work and spend your (sister's) last peso in a Chinese-owned store then it is your problem.

    Of course cheating is rampant. We don't have a military tradition so basically we do what Jews do. I don't deny that.

    However, I’ve talked to Chinese-Filipinos and like the Chinese on this board, they all say that if Chinese did not run the economy the country would have no economy at all.
    I won't say that they would have no economy at all. However if they get rid of the Chinese their country will be run by Anglos, Japanese, Jews, Tamils or whoever else enters the Philippines next. The effect of such removal won't be too different from decolonization. If whites are out of some shithole NE Asians and Indians are in and will take over the ecological niche whites once occupied. The lives of natives will just continue to suck. It's just that simple.

    If they really want to fix the Philippines (or Malaysia) they have to make their natives competitive at any cost (e.g. nootropics, social engineering, deworming etc). If this can work then there will be no Jewish/Chinese/Gujarati/Lebanese Problem. Instead maybe blacks will begin to complain about a Filipino/Malay Problem. If this can not work then such "problems" will persist.

    , @EastKekistani
    Well, here are what I would do if I were the (Austronesian) President of the Philippines for example:

    1. All Spaniards, white American, Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in the Philippines can only marry native Austronesian Filipinos.

    This is based on a real Paraguayan policy aimed at preventing the emergence of a white overclass.

    2. Mandatory vaccination, nootropics, micronutrient pills and deworming first among kids and then the entire population.

    This improves phenotypical IQ.

    3. Import the education system from Singapore.

    For a country as undeveloped as the Philippines creativity is a lesser problem. Getting results ASAP is necessary.

    If things actually improve to at least the level of Vietnam rote learning will be phased out and an Anglo system will be used instead.

    4. Maximize the amount of foreign aid to the Philippines.

    Get along with America, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan in order to ask for gibs. Ask UN, World Bank, IMF etc for gibs too. Have good relations with China too if possible again for gibs. Commies are actually fairly willing to offer gibs. 2 and 3 especially 2 require a lot of money to work so there is need for a lot of aid at least in the beginning.

    Later aid will be rejected to achieve self-sufficiency.

    5. Restrict foreign ownership of crucial industries.

    Enough said. When you temporarily can't compete with foreigners you need protectionism.

    , @Okechukwu

    I read some horrifying figure about a Guangzhou sweep of African prostitutes and illegals blah blah blah...

    Thousands of Chinese Prostitutes Are Flocking To Africa For Lucrative Fortunes

    Basically, it's another scramble for Africa, just a bit unusual one and nuanced one. From Uganda, to Cameroon, influx of Chinese prostitutes is deeply palpable. There seems to be a fertile ground in this continent for them to flourish, capitalizing on every bit of improvements that the African middle-class is achieving. So, as China has made considerable inroads in Africa - signing mega-deals with governments, building resplendent infrastructure and opening special economic zones - Chinese sex workers have also followed suit, offering services to both locals and expatriates.


    Unfortunately, one of such other trades is prostitution. In Kenya, Ghana, Rwanda, Lagos, Abuja -Nigeria, South Africa, the story is the same-a group of Chinese young and very attractive girls have joined the business of pleasure-oldest profession in the world, prostitution.

    Kenya busts, deports 12 Chinese involved in prostitution

    Kenya battling with Chinese prostitutes, arrests 15 at brothel

    13 Young Chinese Prostitutes Arrested in Lagos

    Angola deports China 'gangsters'

    They allegedly targeted other Chinese, kidnapping businessmen for ransom and sometimes burying victims alive.

    They lured women to Angola, promising well-paid jobs, but then forced them into prostitution, Chinese police said.
  • @BengaliCanadianDude

    Sinhalese because they were originally a Bengali people.
    That's what I was asking about. Source?


    Sinhalese were derived from Orisso and Bengal in ancient times. Following Buddhisms persecution by Hindus, more Bengalis arrived there in the centuries to follow.

    I supposed you could look on Wikipedia. Or anywhere else. Personally I trust nothing on the internet because an idiot with a laptop and a penis to bang on it can upload anything.

    But this is common knowledge. Andaman Islanders lived in Sir Lanka before the Sinhalese, I should add.

    Again, common knowledge.

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude
    You cant hide behind the guise of "common knowledge". Come. ON.
  • @BengaliCanadianDude

    Africans felt towards Gujarati.
    God bless my granddad. Idi Amin was the best Africa could do. A bumbling ape who had the intelligence of a rock.

    What the hell is a fuji chinese?



    The Chinese merchant community of Southeast Asia are mostly from the Fujian Province, known colloquially as “Fuji” Chinese. Mostly around the port of Amoy.

    Cantonese did not get a foothold in Southeast Asia as merchants and few are Han Chinese. Northern Chinese are non-existent there.

    If you are from Windsor or Sarnia, just drive right across to Detroit. You don’t need to go all the way to Uganda to see how fast an Idi Amin will run a place right down the tubes.

    • Replies: @EastKekistani

    If you are from Windsor or Sarnia, just drive right across to Detroit. You don’t need to go all the way to Uganda to see how fast an Idi Amin will run a place right down the tubes.
    Hell. They are even causing trouble in Guangzhou, Tokyo and Okinawa. NE Asians tend to love cities which is why whenever we arrive at the West we tend to accidentally bump into a lot of blacks and get redpilled.

    I remember that fucking Mao had this retarded idea to build a railway (TAZARA) from Zambia to Tanzania for Sino-African friendship (WTF is that?!) for free. Then China tried to get some black "engineers" to come to Beijing and get trained by their Chinese counterparts (for free). Eventually we had to kick a large amount of these blacks out since they fucking couldn't obey Chinese laws. When Chinese folks returned home these blacks began to steal stuff which forced Chinese workers to return to Africa just to keep the line running. Eventually the railway predictably broke down.

    That's just only one project.. Blacks are beyond help.

    , @BengaliCanadianDude
    Are these "Fujis" China's own version of Gujarati Ismailis?
  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @iffen
    Linh has been both of them, though perhaps for a fleeting moment he was slated to be the next “Joy Luck Club” Asian hot new writer of the literati.

    You must know more about LD than I. I only know him from his articles at UR. IMO he has the eye and ear of an exceptional artist devoid of condescension toward the common folk. (At least I thought so.)

    That must make his fall from brief grace and a promising career very steep indeed.

    I wonder if “fuck dem Jews” came before “a Jew fucked my career.”

    is comparably better off overseas.

    I’ve told you before that I don’t castigate you for leaving.

    It was what we were taught.

    Save yourself; fuck the community.


    I came from a bedroom community of white-collar fathers-lawyers, scientists like my father, doctors, businessmen-who themselves had merely moved there because Detroit by then was a terrible place to raise kids and they were willing to commute.

    It was not really a community. Families were always moving. To Chicago, out West, down South, to DC. A bunch of people from Texas moved into the community who were transferred up from Dallas.

    No idea what happened to the kids I grew up with. White-collar professionals move 4 or 5 times during their kids childhood and usually retire somewhere warm.

    As the author of the Budapest article commented, from the very beginning there was a rootlessness in expats lives. Dad moved around for work, parents divorced, siblings long gone to who knows where.

    Additionally, you have to understand what post-industrial rustbelt cities in Michigan are like. I had a college roommate who was a Polish-American from Flint. He got a Polish Catholic girl pregnant in his sophomore year who refused to get an abortion and he found himself stuck in Flint. Years later, from Dubai, I called him after we got in touch on FACEBOOK. His former tidy Polish neighborhood was one great big black crackhouse. He could not get out.

    White flight in the US is all about self-preservation. When the ship goes down, rats swim in all directions as fast as they can to keep the sinking ship’s currents from pulling them down with it.

    Most white middle-class Americans are internal migrants anyhow. My brother moved to California when he was 18 after getting a scholarship to UCLA. He became an urban planner and for many years praised Orange County and California as the future. Then Southern California seemingly worsened. He moved once more back East, because he had kids by then. Then, because his Japanese wife really detested the East Coast, they moved to Hawaii.

    • Replies: @iffen
    It was not really a community.

    We are social animals and “need” a community (just like we “need” a religion). The gradient mixture of individualism vs. community has been shifting in the direction of individualism for a long time. This is not a problem for most people. Indeed, it has allowed the maximum flourishing of the individual with all the concomitant benefits for all of society. After all, one can just “adopt” a sports team or political ideology, etc. However, for the less capable, that is, those without the necessary traits and skills to adjust to our current social and economic environment, life is not good. What, if anything, should be done about this is the question.
  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @EastKekistani
    Yep. Most mainland Chinese have this irrational hatred towards Japan and Japanese while the global racial status of NE Asians used to be exclusively earned by them. That's very unfair. They are like Mongoloid Germans while we are like Mongoloid Jews. That means they are more careful & honorable while we are more cunning. The cause of the phenomenon is obvious and analogous to what happened in Europe. The old Japanese elites were warriors while the old Chinese elites did not know how to use a sword or a gun just like their Jewish counterparts.

    What I really want is Caucasoid and Mongoloid civilizations to coexist peacefully as parallel civilizations, have our respective nation states while we explore space and handle blacks together as responsible humans.

    Chinese still resent Japan due to the war. Understandable, considering the extent of their crimes.

    Manchus were the warriors in China. It is why they took over China. But of course they were not exactly Chinese, being from Siberia somewhere.

    As for handling blacks, China seems to have a fairly peaceful and thriving African immigrant community. And those that sell drugs or prostitute end up in your prison system.

    As an American, my experience with Asian-Black relations has been that they are worst in LA between Koreans and Blacks. These two groups of people did not coexist at all peacefully when Korean merchants were in the black ghettos.

    And of course, the LA riots were a mini-pogrom of sorts.

  • @EastKekistani

    Not the against rational, the non rational. Like there being “something” about the Chinese mentality that is unquantifiable but exerts tremendous influence on its development.
    Which has caused NE Asia to be non-expansionist to the point that SE Asian pogrom mobs kill us all the time and we don't even fucking retaliate even once. Yeah I know. This is something to be fixed by genetic engineering and even transhumanism if necessary.

    Or that the German army was able to produce a more effective officer corp using nonquantitative methods like interviews and subjective opinion than the American army using scientific IQ tests.

    There are situations where we will never have full knowledge – reason is limited in these areas.

    So being devoted exclusively to reason will make you ignore realities that don’t fit your methods or tools, and give you a worse mental model and make you less effective in the real world.
    Sure. That's still not obscurantism though. It is likely that people as animals can have good heuristics when dealing with other people.

    The second issue is the imagination – you say reason investigates the real world. But the real world is mediated by our minds, our imaginations. Einstein’s intuitions about the nature of reality had to be tested by reason – but without those intuitions his reason was useless.
    Sure. In STEM research people including me think out of the box and non-rigorously all the time and only make things rigorous when we actually verify our intuitions.

    So repress and suppress ones imagination, get too caught up in reason and numbers, you lose reason.
    I don't think we really have this problem. We all just handwave things and then rigorously test them.


    Chinese have been lording it over the Philippines since the Spanish left and the Southeast Asians there have yet to form mobs or pogrom them (To use a word the Jews came up with in Russia).

    This has only happened in Indonesia and Malaysia.

    Also, bear in mind that Chinese there are a small minority and it is possible for the Malays to do this. In Singapore, it is impossible.

    Chinese merchants, knowing they were outnumbered, always bribed police and politicians. It worked most of the time.

    As the small market dominant minority, they were not going to defeat a vast population. Impossible.

    In Singapore, where Indians have sometimes been regarded as a scourge and do not outnumber Chinese, the Chinese have fought them at times.

  • @EastKekistani

    The Zionists understood this very well. In a way, there were more anti-Semitic than any Nazi. They understood that diaspora Jewry developed extremely unhealthy coping mechanisms – understandable but very negative both for themselves and their hosts.
    I think the same is happening in the Chinese and maybe Lebanese & Gujarati communities. Basically we are the Jews among Mongoloids and I'm serious about that. I think the main cause of the problem is lack of military and hence aristocratic traditions. Both the Jewish and Chinese communities put scholars at the top of a social hierarchy and completely neglect military traditions. In Chinese culture there are obviously also the hard-working manual laborer and the cunning official in addition to the shrewd merchant and the bright and physically weak scholar. However just like in the Jewish community there are almost no warriors due to 重文轻武.

    Fuji Chinese would seem to be the only merchants in China. Certainly the Manchu had military traditions and Han Chinese as well.

    Of course Fuji Chinese are going to be the merchants of Southeast Asia. And of course Malays have the same resentments towards them that Africans felt towards Gujarati.

    Outside of Southeast Asia, Fuji Chinese are not controlling entire economies. Definitely not the US, whose corporations and banks are already owned by Jews and Whites.

    Even in Singapore, the Indians have prevented Fuji Chinese (Much less Han) from completely controlling the economy to the extent they control the economy of the Philippines or Indonesia.

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude

    Africans felt towards Gujarati.
    God bless my granddad. Idi Amin was the best Africa could do. A bumbling ape who had the intelligence of a rock.

    What the hell is a fuji chinese?

    , @EastKekistani

    Fujian Chinese would seem to be the only merchants in China. Certainly the Manchu had military traditions and Han Chinese as well.
    Not really. Cantonese, Hakkas, Wu-speakers.. Han Chinese traditionally really don't emphasize on the military which is why we are fucked up by commies since commies were originally comparable to a cult that actually fought.

    Of course Fujian Chinese are going to be the merchants of Southeast Asia. And of course Malays have the same resentments towards them that Africans felt towards Gujarati.
    Cantonese and Hakkas too. Yep. These SEA natives just chimp out instead of doing anything to improve their situation...

    Outside of Southeast Asia, Fujian Chinese are not controlling entire economies. Definitely not the US, whose corporations and banks are already owned by Jews and Whites.
    We are also at work in Melanesia, Polynesia, Micronesia, Sub-Saharan Africa and other shitholes. This obviously does not apply to the West though because Jews and Whites are competent and have advantages in terms of old money & connections.

    Even in Singapore, the Indians have prevented Fuji Chinese (Much less Han) from completely controlling the economy to the extent they control the economy of the Philippines or Indonesia.
    Tamils definitely do well, yes. Though Singapore is obviously a Chinese-dominated country.
  • @BengaliCanadianDude

    Rahul was killed in Tamil Nadu, correct. However, I'm not so sure about your point about us. Source?



    My point was that Tamil Nadu’s sympathies were with Tamils in Sri Lanka while Northern India’s were with Sinhalese because they were originally a Bengali people.

    Also, that the problem was yet another one of British creation.

    That is all.

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude

    Sinhalese because they were originally a Bengali people.
    That's what I was asking about. Source?
  • @homahr
    Tamils are extremely intelligent. I work with them in my job and they are very humble despite their high intelligence. I find the northern Indians, Punjabis to be a bit more arrogant and they definitely look down upon the south Indians (Telugu/Tamil).

    Interestingly, Tamils and Telugu people do not speak Hindi. They tell me they don't need to.

    It's a shame that Hindu India did not help the Tamils in Sri Lanka, but actually helped the Sri Lankan Buddhists slaughter their Tamil Hindu brethren. But the Tamils definitely fought back, killing and humiliating the Indian Hindu and Indian Sikh soldiers when they were in Sri Lanka.

    You can blame the British for Sri Lanka too.

    The original settlers were Bengali who we know as the Sinhalese. The British imported the Tamils and then left them there.

    And it was in Tamil Nadu that the one girl blew up Gandhi’s son, no?

    • Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude

    Rahul was killed in Tamil Nadu, correct. However, I'm not so sure about your point about us. Source?

  • @AaronB
    Yes, the Chinese do have a certain "quality" to their thinking - a certain "cognitive signature", if you will. And so do Jews, so do European whites, etc.

    You are right to point out that it is utterly unquantifiable and I find these differences fascinating and meaningful. One cannot understand what a particular people are capable of without attending to these differences.

    How poor a figure does an abstract generality like IQ cut beside the concrete reality!

    Its like saying world IQ is 82. What a perfectly useless thing to say. Or giving a battery of tests which yield a single abstract number that is supposed to represent total cognitive function. How misleading.

    Like the medieval scholastics, we have gradually become too abstract and general. This isn't how science was done in its early successful years.

    Our science and knowledge of the world will advance - our maps and models of reality - when it will return to earth again - towards actually reality in its richness.

    Abstraction and generalizations have their place - but when they are everything, our maps are useless.


    Rod Stieger actually summed up Jewish cognition in his rant as the crazed and bitter pawnshop owner in “The Pawnbroker” to his hapless Latino assistant.

    Because Jews never owned land and became merchants over the centuries, their intelligence skews towards the mercantile and shrewd. It is not spatial intelligence per se (Though yes, there has been Einstein and many STEM Jews) but merely that of merchant races.

    Steiger, one of the few actors who could only be engaging when he was ranting and was reputedly half-mad from his WWII experiences and horrendously shitty childhood, actually surmised Jewish intelligence in this rant.

    Watch the PAWNBROKER, you’ll see what I mean.

    Steiger himself was not Jewish, he was the son of a German woman and a third-rate British stage actor who abandoned them. But he gives the most realistic explanation of Jewish intelligence probably ever acted on film

    • Replies: @AaronB
    Its more or less true.

    The Zionists understood this very well. In a way, there were more anti-Semitic than any Nazi. They understood that diaspora Jewry developed extremely unhealthy coping mechanisms - understandable but very negative both for themselves and their hosts.

    And American Jewish friends of mine often feel viscerally uncomfortable in Israel and of those who move there, most return. Because their diaspora developed coping mechanisms are profoundly out of place there, and they are surprised to discover an atmosphere that is very "non-Jewish" according to their cultural lights.

    I tell what did you expect! It's a culture founded on explicit, self-conscious rejection of diaspora culture! They don't like it when I say that lol :)

    Some diaspora Jews though blend in seamlessly, of course.
    I remember that scene in the movie, probably because I saw it 2 months ago. It was over the top acting, with an overwrought musical score by Quincy Jones, who I only recently discovered is a freemason -- a Boule from Chicago. That would certainly explain his stellar career and his many big bags of shekels... but I digress, though I think a strong case can be made that membership in secret societies and selling your soul to the devil is a much better predictor of success than IQ.  

    E. Micheal Jones claims that the Pawnbroker, the first movie to show a woman's breasts, opened the floodgates for Jewish pornography and its normalization. Shrewdly, the Jews argued that it was cinéma vérité and a homage to the victims of the Holocaust. (Steiger plays a Jewish pawnbroker in New York who survived the Holocaust. What a surprise?)

    However, the actual scene of the naked woman -- a ghetto negress in need of quick cash for a drug fix goes into the pawn shop, exposes her breasts and propositions the pawnbroker -- had nothing to do with the Holocaust.

    Of course, no one dared complain about the negress and her gratuitous tits for fear of the Jews and their cries of antisemitism.

  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @iffen
    It is rather sad to see someone who has a gift for seeing and writing about the “little people” of America and their unrequited and smashed dreams turn his talents to lampooning and squashing the dreams of the “little people” of Vietnam.


    Linh has been both of them, though perhaps for a fleeting moment he was slated to be the next “Joy Luck Club” Asian hot new writer of the literati.

    That must make his fall from brief grace and a promising career very steep indeed.

    Someone like myself was nobody in the US but, having never known anything better, is comparably better off overseas.

    • Replies: @iffen
    Linh has been both of them, though perhaps for a fleeting moment he was slated to be the next “Joy Luck Club” Asian hot new writer of the literati.

    You must know more about LD than I. I only know him from his articles at UR. IMO he has the eye and ear of an exceptional artist devoid of condescension toward the common folk. (At least I thought so.)

    That must make his fall from brief grace and a promising career very steep indeed.

    I wonder if “fuck dem Jews” came before “a Jew fucked my career.”

    is comparably better off overseas.

    I’ve told you before that I don’t castigate you for leaving.

    It was what we were taught.

    Save yourself; fuck the community.
  • @Commentator Mike

    I don't disagree. I was referring to an article Jonathan linked about a fat white British bitch falsely claiming she was raped by muslims in the UK. I think Jonathan claims that most of those Muslim on white rapes, including the ones in Cologne on New Year's Eve, are fakes and hoaxes. Maybe a few are, but most are true.

    But American GIs have no business in the far East just as immigrants have no business in Europe and US, but then nobody of influence cares what I, you, or us here on UR, think. Oh, except maybe some pathetic liberal haters with time on their hands to get people they disagree with in trouble for thought and hate crimes.



    AMERICAN GI’S OVERSEAS (My Experience)

    * In Dubai some US black US sailors got off a carrier and managed to get into a vicious brawl with Arab locals in a Kentucky Fried Chicken within 10 minutes. I don’t know how you get into a brawl in a KFC in broad daylight stone cold sober, but they did.

    * one French-Canadian sailor went off with some locals who promised him booze on his shore leave. They indeed got him drunk and then something like 18 of them sodomized him and left him lying in the desert with his trousers down bleeding out his anus. I worked for a media outlet and when you work for the local press you find out what the government tells them to suppress.

    * Also in Dubai, some US Marines began harassing an Australian friend of mine and his family at a fairly upmarket Mexican Restaurant called Pavo Real. He was with his wife and family and for no reason at all these boozed-up US Marines began to hassle him. My Australian friend was a nice guy but had been a bouncer in university and was a big guy. In a blind panic he punched one out to protect his family.

    * In the Philippines, a Marine on leave visiting his girlfriend who was a neighbor, pulled a knife on someone. He spent a few hours in jail. I called the US Embassy and they bounced him. He returned to Afghanistan.

    * Many of the black Americans living in Philippines were ex-serviceman. Most of them came from ghettos in the US so awful that the Philippines is actually an improvement so they take their military pension there. In this Sergeant’s case, he was so abusive that some Filipinos broke into his house and stabbed him to death. The guards were probably complicit. He was so hated by all Filipinos that there was never a suspect.

    * My Cebu coworker was an Australian cop who had stumbled upon a US Navy sailor being attacked by Emus patrolling the Sydney park. The sailor had decided to hurtle cans of lager at at a flock and they attacked him enraged.

    NB Australia banned US Navy personnel or at least curtailed their shore leave to an extremely restricted perimeter.

    When you have been overseas for 20 years, you hear of these things. Most are alcohol related.

    Anybody in the US can walk off the street and enlist. Most of them are high school educated, not the white-collar professionals who work overseas as civilians and are usually 25 or older.

  • “Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speechdelivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their...
  • @Nicolás Palacios Navarro
    My parents were both descendants of Basques who fled Spain in the 1870s along with hordes of others in the fallout of the Third Carlist War and the resultant final termination of their foruak. They were not Mexicans. Incidentally, my parents liked them individually, but would also often refer to them collectively in private conversation as los hunos (the Huns), and their children as los motitos (the little motorcycles) because of the peculiar timbre their voices tend to take when upset or distressed.

    My brother actually quit his job in Los Angeles as an urban planner and moved to the East so his kids could attend better schools-that is how terrible his perception of the school system is there, private or public.
    Your brother is a smart man. L. A. U. S. D. schools are where dreams go to die. So bitter was my experience there that both my wife and I have resolved to home school all our children. (She, fortunately, attended a school system in a much higher income area and as a result enjoyed a superior experience to mine.)

    As for killing drug dealers, not everyone is willing to clean chicken coups. Where there is demand, there will be retail suppliers.
    Sad, but very true.


    I am getting tired of hearing that the black urban underclass and redneck whites are once again the guinea pigs for what ever soul-destroying drugs mad scientists in China or Italian mafia or Colombia have decided to test the market with.

    No idea what your age is, but I was 20 in 1994 when crack-fried grown black men would walk up to you and offer to perform oral sex for money to purchase crack at bus stations or wired-up tweaker rednecks would follow a person begging change for their next hit of meth back then.

    In the late 90’s, the poor white tweakers would dig through garbage like dogs to find returnables or an address to pull an identity theft with. And the problem with meth was most intense in the Southwest.

    Curiously, it seems to be an Anglo-Saxon and black problem. I never saw Italians or Hispanos-Mediterranean whites-ravaged by drug addiction.

    Now we hear that Opoids are the latest addiction.

    As for the school system, public ones are terrible back East in most neighborhoods but my brother lives in a fairly upmarket zip code. In Los Angeles, even as an urban planner he did not make enough to send his daughter to a private school.

    His wife was a Yorba Linda Japanese-American who really loathed the East. She did not like the cold, the snotty uptight people, the dirt and crowds. But for the sake of their daughter she moved there.

    • Replies: @Nicolás Palacios Navarro

    No idea what your age is, but I was 20 in 1994 when crack-fried grown black men would walk up to you and offer to perform oral sex for money to purchase crack at bus stations or wired-up tweaker rednecks would follow a person begging change for their next hit of meth back then.
    We are not too distant in age; I am less than a decade behind you.

    I recall what you describe as not being a terribly uncommon occurrence here in Los Angeles during that time. On my way to the Central Library one afternoon circa 1998, a black man who clearly was not in his right mind was begging me for money, then added that he was even prepared to perform fellatio upon me should I spare him some cash. My upbringing was very strict, conservative, and frankly sheltered. When this person told me that, I recall abruptly crossing the street in abject terror, threading my way through passing cars, so horrified I was by him. My parents had profound disdain for blacks and I had (and still have) a great fear of the mentally infirm, so that explains my rather extreme reaction. (Incidentally, I must admit to inheriting my parents’ contempt for blacks and especially black culture.)

    In the late 90’s, the poor white tweakers would dig through garbage like dogs to find returnables or an address to pull an identity theft with. And the problem with meth was most intense in the Southwest.
    Back in my late teens and early 20s I knew a few such people. Nice people the whole lot of them, but unfortunately addled by their addictions. One of these acquaintances died from a meth-induced heart attack at age 21. Needless to say, I have never so much as touched recreational drugs in my entire life. Pointless and expensive habits.

    I never saw Italians or Hispanos-Mediterranean whites-ravaged by drug addiction.
    That has changed substantially. A common topic of conversation between my wife and I is our revulsion over how normalized drug use has become. I am not talking about marijuana, though its distinct odor has become practically ubiquitous in public spaces throughout California. Rather, use of meth, ecstasy, heroin, and countless virulent homemade concoctions are now remarkably commonplace among people our age and younger. And then there are the people addicted to prescription medications.

    Traditionally there has been a strong disdain for drug use among Hispanics. (It was only northern Mexicans—the least cultured, intellectually developed, and most widely represented among their country’s immigrants—who have had a longstanding susceptibility to using marijuana.) Nevertheless, I was surprised to find that they were the only ethnic demographic with a majority opposed to our state’s legalization of marijuana back in 2016. But those stigmas are quickly being washed away as I type. Most of the younger people have a profound self-hate and shame about their ethnic background, jingoistic screeching about “brown pride” and the like notwithstanding. Because of that, because of a lack of security in their ethnic identity and their place within their community—what little remains of it, anyway—they become prone to self-destructive, deliberately time-consuming behaviors in order to fill in that void.

    My theory is that people with a strongly developed sense of identity and community, as well as strong ties to family are less likely to be swayed towards addiction or sexual deviancy. Community-enforced shame is likely an important factor in keeping those tendencies in check. Somebody who is deeply connected with family and community would not want to engage in behaviors that would be a humiliation before them, after all.

    As for the school system, public ones are terrible back East in most neighborhoods but my brother lives in a fairly upmarket zip code. In Los Angeles, even as an urban planner he did not make enough to send his daughter to a private school.

    His wife was a Yorba Linda Japanese-American who really loathed the East. She did not like the cold, the snotty uptight people, the dirt and crowds. But for the sake of their daughter she moved there.

    I believe it. Hardly anything is affordable in Los Angeles anymore. As late as the early 2000s, for example, one could easily find a two-bedroom apartment in the neighborhood I had grown up in for circa $500 a month. Today you would be lucky to find a closet for something approaching that price. (The median in that area for a two-bedroom now is about $2,300.)

    Of course, it does not escape my notice that California’s population has literally doubled in the span of my lifetime. Our legislators and bureaucratic functionaries seem as if they will not be pleased until we are all living cheek-by-jowl as do the Japanese or Koreans in their major urban centers. Sometimes I give serious consideration to starting over back in my parents’ home country—until I realize that the same class of elite psychopaths wrecking the social fabric here are already well on their way to doing the same there. But I digress...

    Fortunately, my wife (also Asian) happens to love the East Coast as she lived there during her college years.

    We are actually looking to move there in the next few years. The particular area we are considering is considerably cheaper to rent and buy than Southern California and is close to her alma mater, where she is seeking work. For myself, the location affords me far wider access and opportunity for furthering my rather esoteric interests than does Southern California. (Although it has improved vastly in that respect over the past half century.)

  • I just got off Skype with Kevin Barrett. Interviewed, I sat in the dusty office of our dustier plastic recycling plant. Truck horns and roosters crowing provided background noises. Though we covered many topics, I want to expand on just one, that of America as a religion. Unless you’re a reactionary, assbackward asshole, you believe...
  • @Commentator Mike
    Hi there,

    I'll react.

    You obviously don't know much about the taste in women among different cultures and haven't heard the saying that "Arabs buy their meat by the kilo". If you haven't noticed, blacks, Arabs, and muslims like their women fuller. You know, according to them, there is more to xxxx in that case. So you shouldn't judge by your own perception, like "one man's meat ..."

    You also draw on a few cases and then (at least you give that impression) you extrapolate to other incidents. This being a hoax won't bring back to life all those others they've slay raped.

    Maybe these women should be commended for fighting back even hoaxing rapes. After all it's a war out there. Didn't someone say "by any means necessary"?

    Since we always have to justify ourselves, I'll say first of all that I'm against all rapes, and that I'm also against rapes perpetrated by invaders, be it American GIs in Japan or muslims in Europe.

    The extremes left-wing media is about 60-70% the same as extreme right-wing media, except one lot blame the whites while the other lot blame the blacks and other assorted coloureds. I'm sure they could have even more in common if they stopped discussing history. Now if they could at least get together on issues they agree on, maybe we could at least put an end to western military interventionism and the excesses of Zionism, if not Judaism.


    It isn’t Americans grooming English girls in Okinawa. It is Pakistanis. Americans, most of whom are Irish or Italians or Polish with nary a drop of English blood, really have nothing to do with the UK. The US does not even have much of a military presence in England since the air force bases closed.

    I don’t know why Brits are so focused on the States.

    When you accuse the average Yank of knowing nothing about the UK you are right. They know and care little.

    And yet Brits are endless fascinated with America. A land of corrupt Irish-American politicians with IRA sympathies, ghetto blacks and Mexicans. A largely poor country with a few pockets of obscene wealth.

    America is not your problem, bro. The Pakistani who is probably grooming your 12 year old daughter outside 2nd form as I write this is your problem, mate.

  • @Biff
    The Power of Denial

    The idea of America as a great world religion presents Americans with an existential paradox, which Bellah surely understood when he wrote in 1967 — and it is this:

    No Universalist faith in full flood can see itself as just another religion. Other blueprints for life, those that came before, may be ignorant and wrong-headed, or perhaps the best of them may indeed foreshadow God’s final vision for humankind. But now they are all, overturned. The Final Word has arrived.


    Why would America be a religion, and not Australia or New Zealand or Canada. After all they are relatively new countries which attracted immigrants and refugees to.

    • Replies: @Biff

    Why would America be a religion, and not Australia or New Zealand or Canada.
    Going to public school in America as a young lad, it was illegal for the school staff to take you to a church, but it wasn’t illegal for them to bring the church to you in the form of a flag, statues, idols, pledges, and a whole lot of stories - works of fiction designed to sell, Sell, SELL! Just like any other religion.

    Support the troops! They are fighting for the most abstract ideal a religion could have - freedom.

    , @Plato's Dream
    Because Canada and Australia don't have Hollywood (or the Pentagon).
  • David Becker has released a new version of the World’s IQ. Each country has a score showing the cognitive abilities of their citizens, this being a blend of genetics and the environment of each country, particularly as regards education and health. The world’s global score is 82. This is 12th percentile rank on the Greenwich...
  • @Talha
    I don’t doubt there has been some cultural and genetic fusion, but the genetic study I cited simply doesn’t make that connection. I’m open to the idea that the Marsh Arabs in Iraq are descendants of settlers from Oman, but I’d like to see a little evidence first.



    Well that and Portuguese, Zanzibari, Baluchi, Sindhi…Oman was a crossroads. Yemen, less so.

  • @Talha
    I’ve read that the Marsh Arabs are probably the closest genetic relatives of the ancient Sumerians.

    Sorry, too lazy to find a reference right now, but Omani origins seems to be far-fetched.

    And yes, the Persians were all the way down in Yemen. That was actually one of the first points of conflict between the Sassanids and early Muslims. The local governor of Yemen converted and threw in his lot with the Hijaz (I believe he sent them hundreds of well-made swords as a gift). Persia lost her choke point on the Red Sea. War was inevitable, it was only a question of when and on whose terms.



    I lived in Oman and spent time on the Straits of Hormuz and that is not quite true. The channel is so narrow that there has been cultural and genetic fusion since antiquity. Iranian is even spoken in Musandam.

    In Bahrain, tensions exist between the Iranian indigenous and Arab rulers.

    • Replies: @Talha
    I don’t doubt there has been some cultural and genetic fusion, but the genetic study I cited simply doesn’t make that connection. I’m open to the idea that the Marsh Arabs in Iraq are descendants of settlers from Oman, but I’d like to see a little evidence first.

    , @BengaliCanadianDude
    Persian is spoken, you mean
  • @Talha
    True Arabs are those that descend from one of the actual tribes:

    Otherwise they are Arabized people as you stated.

    It is important to note that the borders of Iraq actually cover the regions inhabited by some of the ancient tribes like Bani Tamim - those people are still quite knowledgeable about their lineage.



    The only Arabs in Iraq or Iran are in the Southern swamps and probably migrated from Oman. I’ve been to Musandam and the straits of Hormuz are a narrow channel.

    Persian empire colonized the Middle East and ruins of Iranian forts are fairly ubiquitous in Yemen, Oman and East Saudi. I’ve seen them.

    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
    Ruins of Iranian (Persian, to be exact) fortresses are even in Georgia.
    , @Talha
    I’ve read that the Marsh Arabs are probably the closest genetic relatives of the ancient Sumerians.

    Sorry, too lazy to find a reference right now, but Omani origins seems to be far-fetched.

    And yes, the Persians were all the way down in Yemen. That was actually one of the first points of conflict between the Sassanids and early Muslims. The local governor of Yemen converted and threw in his lot with the Hijaz (I believe he sent them hundreds of well-made swords as a gift). Persia lost her choke point on the Red Sea. War was inevitable, it was only a question of when and on whose terms.

  • “Unlike other presidents, I keep my promises,” Trump boasted in a speechdelivered on Saturday to the Republican Jewish Congress at a luxury hotel in Las Vegas. Many in the audience wore red yarmulkes emblazoned with his name. In his speech, Trump condemned Democrats for allowing “the terrible scourge of anti-Semitism to take root in their...
  • @Nicolás Palacios Navarro
    To a certain degree I can empathize with these people. On the other hand, it is still difficult to understand why they willfully forsake a crucial cornerstone of their ethnic heritage as their dilemma is one that I am personally familiar with.

    My parents were working class immigrants and, while very loving and supportive, were not exactly scholars. My schools were located in colorfully urban areas and essentially were holding pens rather than institutions dedicated to edify young minds. Drug addiction and various kinds of self-abuse were common among my high school peers. My alma mater boasted some of the highest drop-out rates in all of California. During my time there only something like a quarter of my ninth grade peers made it to graduation. I myself dropped out at 10th grade, frustrated with my school’s lack of opportunities for actual learning.

    It would have been easy for me to pick up a drug habit and fill my mind with junk culture. However, I did not. For that I have my father to thank for instilling in me a lasting and profound distrust of trends and majority opinion. But it also required a sense of willpower which, I personally feel, very few young people in my time possessed and even fewer do now. Nevertheless, the choices are clear: wallow in self pity and destroy yourself and community, or resolve to dispel the haze of sentimentality from one’s worldview and improve yourself.

    Especially in 2019 we cannot claim to somehow be unaware of the pernicious collective effects of “recreational” drug use. Not for nothing did Brenton Tarrant call for white nationalists and their fellow travelers to kill their local drug dealer. If one is to incarnate the ideals of ethnic pride, then one needs to reject the physical and spiritual poison which society peddles. If one is unable to even take that first and vital step, everything else one does and say, no matter how lofty or just, becomes suspect. At least to me.

    Navarro is a Basque name. Your parents were what? Mexican immigrants of Basque Spanish origin? Or is that your avatar?

    Or were they Armenian? Iranian? From where did they immigrate?

    My brother actually quit his job in Los Angeles as an urban planner and moved to the East so his kids could attend better schools-that is how terrible his perception of the school system is there, private or public.

    As for drugs, you get tired of hearing that the white working class is being wiped out by this “Drug epidemic” or that “New drug crisis”. First it was crack cocaine in the eighties, then meth in the nineties and now Opoids.

    It is wearying. As for killing drug dealers, not everyone is willing to clean chicken coups. Where there is demand, there will be retail suppliers.

    • Replies: @Nicolás Palacios Navarro
    My parents were both descendants of Basques who fled Spain in the 1870s along with hordes of others in the fallout of the Third Carlist War and the resultant final termination of their foruak. They were not Mexicans. Incidentally, my parents liked them individually, but would also often refer to them collectively in private conversation as los hunos (the Huns), and their children as los motitos (the little motorcycles) because of the peculiar timbre their voices tend to take when upset or distressed.

    My brother actually quit his job in Los Angeles as an urban planner and moved to the East so his kids could attend better schools-that is how terrible his perception of the school system is there, private or public.
    Your brother is a smart man. L. A. U. S. D. schools are where dreams go to die. So bitter was my experience there that both my wife and I have resolved to home school all our children. (She, fortunately, attended a school system in a much higher income area and as a result enjoyed a superior experience to mine.)

    As for killing drug dealers, not everyone is willing to clean chicken coups. Where there is demand, there will be retail suppliers.
    Sad, but very true.
  • @Wally
    I remind you that Euro-whites are generally being denied their great composers.

    It's considered 'racism' if schools teach about the greats.

    Instead Euro-white youth are fed the lowest IQ music one could ever imagine, they are being taught to imitate the lowest IQ segment in the world. And it's not rock music, it's certainly not great composers like Schumann or Mozart.


    To some degree, poor whites do this as a matter of survival in high school to avoid being clobbered by minority creeps.

    And many of these Euro-whites are the children of poor parents. Or even middle-class ones but have grown up in divorce, drugs, degradation.

    They relate to Eminem. Poor broken home. Single mother. Young fatherhood. Smoking pot and doing other drugs to smooth over the rough spots.

    • Replies: @Nicolás Palacios Navarro
    To a certain degree I can empathize with these people. On the other hand, it is still difficult to understand why they willfully forsake a crucial cornerstone of their ethnic heritage as their dilemma is one that I am personally familiar with.

    My parents were working class immigrants and, while very loving and supportive, were not exactly scholars. My schools were located in colorfully urban areas and essentially were holding pens rather than institutions dedicated to edify young minds. Drug addiction and various kinds of self-abuse were common among my high school peers. My alma mater boasted some of the highest drop-out rates in all of California. During my time there only something like a quarter of my ninth grade peers made it to graduation. I myself dropped out at 10th grade, frustrated with my school’s lack of opportunities for actual learning.

    It would have been easy for me to pick up a drug habit and fill my mind with junk culture. However, I did not. For that I have my father to thank for instilling in me a lasting and profound distrust of trends and majority opinion. But it also required a sense of willpower which, I personally feel, very few young people in my time possessed and even fewer do now. Nevertheless, the choices are clear: wallow in self pity and destroy yourself and community, or resolve to dispel the haze of sentimentality from one’s worldview and improve yourself.

    Especially in 2019 we cannot claim to somehow be unaware of the pernicious collective effects of “recreational” drug use. Not for nothing did Brenton Tarrant call for white nationalists and their fellow travelers to kill their local drug dealer. If one is to incarnate the ideals of ethnic pride, then one needs to reject the physical and spiritual poison which society peddles. If one is unable to even take that first and vital step, everything else one does and say, no matter how lofty or just, becomes suspect. At least to me.

  • @Nicolás Palacios Navarro

    Back in the nineties when working-class White Nationalists listened to heavy metal and looked like Steve Tyler from Aerosmith this was true. Whiggers were called “wannabes” then and mocked or derided constantly.
    Have there ever been white nationalists who listened to and took pride in Wagner operas and Schubert lieder? (Not talking about prewar French, British, Russian, pan-German, etc. nationalists, whose aims and ideals were substantially different from modern white nationalists.) I have to admit that it has always perplexed me as to why modern white nationalists, who often trumpet the superiority of the Western Civilization they believe is a creation solely their own, have an affinity for junk music. One would think that the fact that not a few composers and musicians harbored views which prefigured theirs (e.g. Wagner, of course, but also Percy Grainger, Modest Mussorgsky, Hans Pfitzner, Igor Stravinsky, Max von Schillings, Vincent d’Indy et al) would stimulate their listening interest.

    Most white Nationalists are from poor rural backgrounds. The urban whites have “ethnic pride” rather than white pride.

    Italians, Irish and of course Jews in the urban areas have their particular cultural ties. They also have money, voting districts, churches, politicians who back this up.

    Whereas white Nationalists are generally poorer whites from the US interior. Their connections to Europe are very distant and tenuous unlike Irish-Americans or Italians or Jews who maintain cultural and financial ties with their ancestral countries.

    Poor whites like this generally have no money. They are caught in a cycle of rural Anglo-Celtic Protestant Evangelical poverty that involves being born poor, becoming young parents, growing up in post-industrial regions, being far outside the East Coast beltway etc.

  • @Nicolás Palacios Navarro

    Back in the nineties when working-class White Nationalists listened to heavy metal and looked like Steve Tyler from Aerosmith this was true. Whiggers were called “wannabes” then and mocked or derided constantly.
    Have there ever been white nationalists who listened to and took pride in Wagner operas and Schubert lieder? (Not talking about prewar French, British, Russian, pan-German, etc. nationalists, whose aims and ideals were substantially different from modern white nationalists.) I have to admit that it has always perplexed me as to why modern white nationalists, who often trumpet the superiority of the Western Civilization they believe is a creation solely their own, have an affinity for junk music. One would think that the fact that not a few composers and musicians harbored views which prefigured theirs (e.g. Wagner, of course, but also Percy Grainger, Modest Mussorgsky, Hans Pfitzner, Igor Stravinsky, Max von Schillings, Vincent d’Indy et al) would stimulate their listening interest.


    White liberals hide their white nationalism behind “ethnic pride”. By referring to themselves as “Irish-American” or “Italian-American” or whatever, they assert white cultural pride without using the word “white”.

    How many times do you meet an urban liberal who listens to Eminem? Or acts like a whigger?

    Here is the thing. For some reason cultural degradation does not ravage white urban ethnic democrats as completely as it does the poor white proletariat. Take the sixties. Jews and Irish-Catholics spearheaded the radicalism-Hoffman, Hayden etc. But in the aftermath, they became wealthy stockbrokers and or senators like Hayden.

    Meanwhile, it was the Anglo-Saxons working middle class who ended up wrecked on drugs, divorce and decadence. Abie Hoffman was back on Wall Street carrying a briefcase and Tom Hayden was running for office in the 1980’s while LSD casualties were now 40 and homeless with flashbacks and many Gen X kids had been raised by divorced hippie Moms introduced them to pot.

    Whiggerdom did not really come into fashion until 1998. They existed before then, but were always regarded with some scorn.

    White Americans seemed to go off their heads completely in the Clinton era. I’m talking about working class ones.

  • @Aufklærer108

    WN wiggers
    Isn't a 'wigger' someone who emulates African-American culture? That would make 'WN wigger' a contradictio in adjecto, an oxymoron, no?

    Not as much anymore. Back in the nineties when working-class White Nationalists listened to heavy metal and looked like Steve Tyler from Aerosmith this was true. Whiggers were called “wannabes” then and mocked or derided constantly.

    But in the twenty five years since then, Eminem and other white musicians have made black culture so mainstream that young whites cannot imagine a time when they were not whiggers.

    • Replies: @Nicolás Palacios Navarro

    Back in the nineties when working-class White Nationalists listened to heavy metal and looked like Steve Tyler from Aerosmith this was true. Whiggers were called “wannabes” then and mocked or derided constantly.
    Have there ever been white nationalists who listened to and took pride in Wagner operas and Schubert lieder? (Not talking about prewar French, British, Russian, pan-German, etc. nationalists, whose aims and ideals were substantially different from modern white nationalists.) I have to admit that it has always perplexed me as to why modern white nationalists, who often trumpet the superiority of the Western Civilization they believe is a creation solely their own, have an affinity for junk music. One would think that the fact that not a few composers and musicians harbored views which prefigured theirs (e.g. Wagner, of course, but also Percy Grainger, Modest Mussorgsky, Hans Pfitzner, Igor Stravinsky, Max von Schillings, Vincent d’Indy et al) would stimulate their listening interest.
  • @anonymous
    The juden are making you honky-mofers "refugees" in your own cursed cesspool. Worry about that more, soulless trash.

    Yes, but look what Pakistanis did to England. Unchecked Muslim immigration might lead to a fourth underclass in the US like UK has which would finally cause a societal collapse. We can just barely cope with the inner-city blacks, barrio Hispanics and rural poor whites. Barely.

    But if Muslims were to enter unchecked of the sort that flood Europe, we’d be screwed.

  • @Bill

    They are equivalent only in that each were empty slogans that resulted in nothing.
    And that they got votes.

    You didn't need any special antennae to understand about welfare queens. Blacks spent the 70s (really the 20s-70s, but it accelerated in the 70s) violently ethnically cleansing whites from their former residences in rust belt cities. Whites understood very well that they were experiencing a black people problem and that Reagan was promising to help. Needless to say, he did nothing. However, white people largely did not understand that blacks were a mere weapon wielded by Reagan's masters.

    Similarly, you don't need any special antennae to understand about immigrants. The hollowing out of the middle class due to expansion in low skill labor supply is clear to the white people who are affected. That it is largely an immigrant problem is also clear. Trump promised to do something about it, and he's apparently not going to. And for the same reason.

    If you're just making the point that white people are not racist, then yeah, you're right. But that's a bad thing which urgently needs to be changed. It's precisely this fear of being racist which makes the Atwater strategy work. Nobody expected Reagan to say "Blacks are destroying every rust belt city. I will expel them / isolate them in fixed neighborhoods / violently crack down / whatever" because that would be racist. It would have been even more implausible for him to point out the vile collection of real estate developers and cheap labor capitalists who were behind the whole thing. He resorted to dog whistles. Whites accept the dog whistles because they internalize the demented notion that racism is bad.

    Really, it's more sinister than that. Whites aren't allowed openly to have interests, so the only way they are permitted to pursue their interests is by embracing various governance ideas which, if enacted, would disproportionately benefit them (they think): law and order, low taxes, free markets, a small state, etc. Of course these same ideas really, really, really disproportionately benefit the rich guys who are the real power behind the GOP.

    Reagan marked the point when the traditional white ethnics who’d supported Kennedy-Polish, Irish, Italians-became “Reagan Democrats”.

    He was also the first president to be elected from the suburbs because the power shifted as whites fled cities like Detroit to suburbs.

    As for ethnic cleansing, it left the US cities far more impoverished. When Jewish and Irish-Catholic money left the ghetto, it became even more impoverished.

    Rich people and previously corporations supported the GOP because of de-regulation and lower taxes. Poor whites supported it simply so they could be allowed to keep a gun in their house and so that violent offenders would be locked up for life.

    If you remember Willie Horton, this cannot be overstated. Bush was elected merely because he promised to end work furloughs for prisoners and supported the death penalty.

  • @Nicolás Palacios Navarro

    It’s fun to throw that claim in white liberals’ faces, but it’s obviously false.
    If this is “obviously false”, then why do I just as obviously see the very opposite in action in white liberal enclaves? It is hard for me to overlook the fact that monied white liberals have priced out many of the very Hispanics they claim to defend, for example. This is especially the case in Los Angeles, including the neighborhood in which I grew up, formerly and historically consisting mostly of working class Hispanics.

    It’s the backers of the GOP who want cheap labor, not white liberals.
    Both white liberals and GOP boomer “economic conservative”-types, anyway.

    The Democrats are the Real Racists!!! Seriously?
    Not so much the “real” racists, as they are the only ones who wield actual power and influence. I am certain that most of these white liberals do not consciously regard themselves as racists. But, again, their actions ultimately do not improve the lot of Hispanics, but rather keeps them subservient as a grateful underclass, which is more insidious. At least the racists on the far right have the decency to proclaim their beliefs openly, which allows opponents to prepare their parry and retort. How does your average working class Hispanic defend themselves against an opponent who claims to be their “ally”, offers them various superficial tokens of their esteem, yet quietly disenfranchises them behind their back, and holds all effective political power?

    White liberals and GOP “Boomers” are both in the upper 5 or lower 6 figures. They are not worried about getting laid off from their job cleaning houses or washing cars.

    In their opinion, the small meek Hispanic woman who cleans house has some exotic charm. The redneck overweight white woman who does so is less appealing, for example.

    This purely economic.

    However, many white former Democrats object to the Indians in the H-IB program because they are in the IT business. Not many poor whites in their trailer parks or seedy exurbs care if every code job is done by an Indian. It is not their profession.

  • @Jonathan Mason

    Publish a proposed Treasury regulation that prohibits the sending home of remittances by people who cannot document lawful presence in the United States.
    This would not work, it would just create a huge criminal enterprise for sending remittances by some other channel like PayPal. People already get ripped off enough by Western Union, but with new restrictions, they would be ripped off more by criminal enterprises.

    Mandatory E-Verify for all employment would be much more effective with prison sentences for employers, not employees, should illegals be employed.

    A lot of these "illegal immigrants" should be classified either as illegal tourists or as refugees and dealt with as the case may be.

    Trump seems to be thoroughly confused about the whole thing. Only the other day he was claiming that his father was an immigrant, when he was actually born in the US. At least two of Trump's wives have been immigrants, one of whom may have worked illegally when in the US on a tourist visa. I imagine most families in the US have similar stories buried somewhere.

    If there really is an emergency on the southern border, I see no reason why emergency funds should not be used to provide extra ICE staff, set up refugee camps, donate food and medical services to refugees, and so on.

    In the American tradition, contracts to provide refugee camps could be privatized and companies like Holiday Inn and Waffle House could step in to provide board and lodging to the hungry homeless hordes.

    But how much of an emergency is it really at the southern border? I have not heard of travel advisories for the San Diego area due to the US having lost control of that territory overrun with lawless invaders and normal life disrupted.

    Why is the US-Canadian border so well-enforced. There is no immigration problem there and the border is enforced from Nova Scotia and Maine to Vancouver and Washington.

    When the Canadian border was enforced, there was no liberal outcry. Nobody protests.

    I knew one Canadian med tech who sneaked over the border as a joke when he was 18. He was locked in an US immigration jail for two years (And we are talking about a harmless teen with no criminal record) and years later was not granted amnesty to work as a hospital nutritionist in the US.

    Canada levies even more restrictions. You cannot enter Canada if you had a drunk driving conviction.

    Yet nobody protests the rigidity of the US-Canadian border.

    I believe Trump is under zionist control and will start a war with Iran for his zionist masters and that will bring in Russia and then it will go nuclear and this is what the zionists want, the destruction of Russia, but it also will be the suicide of the US, but the satanist zionists are willing to sacrifice America along with their puppet Trump.

    Where would all those Zionists go during the Nuclear Winter? Is their an underground Israel large enough for every Zionist in the world to last for months or years following nuclear strikes?

    • Replies: @DESERT FOX
    They think that enough of the earth will survive and their DUMBs are huge and are all over the US and Europe, one of the biggest is under the Denver airport and they are all connected by underground tunnels with high speed magnetic trains , and this is a fact, I know it sounds like fiction but it is real.

    The satanic zionists do not care if hundreds of millions die as long as they get their zionist NWO, there are a lot of sites to research this subject,,,,, etc..
  • On a sunny day Violeta and I will inhabit our faithful CRV and wander about, without being excessively directed toward anywhere in particular, along the south shore of Lake Chapala, maybe striking off randomly in search of interesting pueblos. Warm wind. Ranchera music. There are roads good and bad fraught with minor adventures and curiosities....
  • @Achmed E. Newman
    That was a nice photo-essay, Mr. Reed. You've got a decent life down there.

    I did notice your bragging on your being one of the cool gringos down there, as opposed to the "hill people". That's kind of like how the cooler Hispanic immigrants here are the ones who learn some English, drink beer and have BBQs with their American friends and don't put Mexican flag tags on their front bumpers. That was an "analogy". I reckon you don't have those down there.

    I'll leave that aside and just note that I had a similar experience with a dozen or so jackrabbits in west-central Texas on a 2-lane road at 3 in the morning. I went into the other land to pass them slowly, but then they ran in that lane too. I got down to 5 mph before I gave up, pulled over and slept in the car for a few hours. Yeah, I've been everywhere in this here land.

    Oh, that Helen Keller thing in China is hilarious! Since you are supposed to be non-PC, I will tell the only Helen Keller joke that I remember anymore:

    How come Helen Keller couldn't drive?

    Because she was a woman.


    You know it is funny. I adjusted very easily to other countries like Dubai, Indian, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Kuwait etc.

    But I just could never understand Mexicans. There was something unpredictable and primitive about them like no other group of people I was ever around. In Phoenix, they scared me.

    I’d never want to live in the Southwest of the US because of Mexicans. And while you can sort of avoid inner-city blacks because they lack the money or the initiative to go very far from the hood, Cholos will pop up everywhere.

    Here’s the funniest thing. I went to Spain and did not have any problems there. Spanish people do not even look like Mexicans, at least not the average Cholo in Phoenix. There are no Brown Pride gangs in Spain at all.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    Jeff, I don't have quite the experience with those "cholos" as you. I won't argue against that opinion. As far as the Spanish go, keep in mind that not many of the Mexicans and Central Americans have majority Spanish blood. What you don't like about them may have to do with their American Indian genetics, which would lead me to think you wouldn't have much good to say about the remaining American Indians either.

    Outside the reservations, there really aren't any serious contingents of them anyway. On the reservations, well, it's just pretty depressing. Part of that is the free stuff - Socialism leads to lack of initiative. It's sad what happened to those people. That's why you don't let your country get flooded via mass immigration ... oops!
  • RAY

    When I was in college, the police would do the same thing with students. Get some reasonably hot girl, usually a policewoman in her early 20’s who looked younger, and have her convince some horny guy to give her a bag of marijuana. The college kid would then be busted for dealing, usually just selling her an eighth or something.

    Meanwhile, at least in the 90’s, crack houses operated fairly openly. Some of this has to do with warrants. Police cannot enter the property of crack dealer without a warrant. Also, crackheads have an unhealthy look that is unmistakable. Many normal people smoke pot.

  • John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • @Dave Bowman
    The name wasn't familiar to me, so I looked him up. He's dark for one reason - though he's "British by birth", whatever that means (London), he was christened "Marco Giuseppe Salussolia" ! Actors and their stage names, eh ?

    But then I always used to think that Andy Garcia was Italian-American, like Pesci and De Niro !

    Pacino, who resembles Garcia enough to play his family member in GODFATHER, often played Hispanics although he was Italian.

  • On a sunny day Violeta and I will inhabit our faithful CRV and wander about, without being excessively directed toward anywhere in particular, along the south shore of Lake Chapala, maybe striking off randomly in search of interesting pueblos. Warm wind. Ranchera music. There are roads good and bad fraught with minor adventures and curiosities....
  • @Commentator Mike
    In PI, and those other SE Asian countries, if running a business you always need to have a woman you trust to do the hiring, firing, or complaining to workers. That's what foreigners running things there told me, that you could get killed for firing someone or even just complaining about shoddy work. But a Filippina, or other local women in those other countries, can often get away with a lot more when dealing with local guys than a foreigner can. It's just the way it is. You always need a woman as an intermediary out there, even looking at a guy directly in the eyes or raising your voice can cause trouble. Of course finding women you can trust can be a problem too but it's possible.

    There were not many women in my business and I had a few powerful friends in the Philippines who would back my play.

    The foreigners who are killed most often are Indian loan sharks. Once they are shot, nobody owes them any money.

    However, you are correct. If you anger someone and especially someone of any local importance it is better to leave the country immediately.

    This puts long-term foreign residents in a real bad spot. If they have lived in the Philippines for years and own a house there and a survival business, one argument can mean running for the plane. Most counteract this by befriend/bribing one powerful local person.

    Still, I once heard of an Englishman who was deported for life giving a powerful man the finger at a traffic stop. Most Filipinos who own expensive cars are important people, and this rich Filipino paid to have him deported.

  • John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • @Hapalong Cassidy
    Mark Strong is another James Bond-like British actor who is very dark-looking. When he first came on the scene I often mistook him for Cuban-American actor Andy Garcia.

    White Cubans are from Northwest Spain, as indicated by Galician names like “Garcia”. Castro’s father was born in Northwest Spain.

    The other Cuban Spanish subset are Canary Islanders, who are obviously darker complected. But in the main, most white Cubans trace their roots to Northern Spain.

    Northern Spain is in the League of Celtic Nations. So obviously there is a genetic link between them and the Irish or Welsh.

  • On a sunny day Violeta and I will inhabit our faithful CRV and wander about, without being excessively directed toward anywhere in particular, along the south shore of Lake Chapala, maybe striking off randomly in search of interesting pueblos. Warm wind. Ranchera music. There are roads good and bad fraught with minor adventures and curiosities....
  • @Commentator Mike
    I know about 15 years ago Manila was the murder capital of the world so I was surprised by these latest stat. Maybe Duterte has cleaned up the place and made it safer. Things do change. They say Medellin is nothing like it was once was.


    For some reason, Filipinos are fond of methamphetamine. Not just of smoking it, but also dealing. I once asked a Filipino neighbor how much a Filipino street dealer made. He told me about 1500 pesos a day. That’s good money. Duterte is yet to create an economy which offers employment opportunities to replace drug dealing for poor young men.

    Like Colombia, Philippines was a Spanish colony. And for whatever reason, Spanish colonies always have corruption and crime. Taiwan is only 740 miles from Philippines but much safer and has little corruption.

    As for crimes against foreigners, I myself have suffered a few.


    I suffered a burglary in Cebu. In that instance I was totally cleaned out. Even my passport was stolen as I slept.

    More distressingly, prior to the robbery a police officer on duty had parked outside the villa to introduce himself earlier in the afternoon to me.

    Because there were no visible signs of forced entry, I have always wondered if the policeman himself was not behind the robbery. That was fairly common.


    I was pickpocketed on a Jeepney. This is common for any foreigner who rides Jeepneys.


    My cell was stolen by a work crew I hired to repair the rundown villa I rented. Since they were not employed by the landlord, he merely shrugged.

    I bought a cheap older cell nobody could sell after that. Many foreigners have their cells stolen. I knew three or four other foreigners in the Philippines whose phone was stolen.


    On one occasion I was dipped in public.


    1. Outside my villa one night young men were swilling liquor and insulting me. Unwisely, especially given my age of 38, I insulted them back and they chased me to the gates of my subdivision. This was my own stupidity. I was told by the security gate guy that both were known as local drug addicts.

    2. I fired a Chinese-Filipino from a powerful family. My boss, who was English, made me. The Chinese-Filipino told me he was a “powerful man” and would kill me. He’d been dismissed for drinking on the job. Routine stuff, but he did come from a wealthy family. So I asked some other Chinese-Filipinos and they scoffed, saying that he was thought of as an idiot by other Chinese-Filipinos. Nothing came of that, anyhow.

    I’d be dishonest to say the Philippines was a great place. Its not. It is far more dangerous than any other country I went to in Southeast Asia.

  • John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • @Alden
    The Normans were blond Norwegians 200 years before the conquest. Why are all these people who’ve never been to Europe pontificating about shades of European hair and skin?

    I’ve been in all over Europe from Ireland to Sweden to Spain. I’ve never been to Italy. I’ve never been East of Germany however.

    Albeit briefly. I never spent much time in these countries.

    Most of the people on this blog have at least visited Europe and some of them are Europeans or British.

    • Replies: @Alden
    So why are they posting ignorant stereotypes from some 1890s book about alpines and Mediterranean’s?
    Or maybe they mistook the Algerians in Paris for French people?
  • @Alden
    How would you know about Jews or any other Americans? You left America 30 years ago. All you know about America is your Armageddon fantasies.

    I left the US in 1999 when I was already 25 years old. I’m still in relatively early middle age (45) but was not a kid either when I moved to Dubai from Phoenix. I was then in my mid-twenties.

  • @Alden
    Your life and experiences in the degenerate White slums of rural Michigan, Detroit and Phoenix are very unusual and experienced by very few other American Whites. In fact, the Whites you knew before you fled to the Asian porn business are so unusual most of us Unz readers don’t think they existed at all.

    Asian porn business? I don’t know anything about that. It is illegal in most of Asia (Besides Japan of course).

  • @republic
    She was an Anglo-Indian, meaning a person of English descent born in India.

    This term is now consider historical.

    other examples of Anglo-Indians were, George Orwell , Rudyard Kipling and Vivien Leigh

    Today the term, Anglo-Indian, British Asian or British Indian refers to a person of Mixed Indian and English parentage.

    These people are no different than the children of Swedish oil engineers born in Kuwait or white Americans born in Aramaco oil compound hospitals in Saudi.

    There is no Indian blood in them at all. These were merely military brats of Victorian British administrators.

    There was not a whole lot of British intermarriage with locals in India, compared to Spanish colonies. White women did not run around as promiscuous race mixers in Victorian days and British soldiers did not intermarry with Indians like Spanish in Mexico.

    • Replies: @republic

    There was not a whole lot of British intermarriage with locals in India
    At the time of Indian independence in 1947, there were around 2,000,000 mixed Anglo-Indians.

    About 240,000 British subjects, (pure English) lived in India in 1870, around 165,000 in 1921. and 155,000 in 1931.

    During the British Raj these people of mixed ancestry were a privileged class and held many key administrative roles.

    After Independence, their privileged position in society ended and many moved overseas.

    Today there are around 300,000 to 1,000,000 in India, 90,000 in the UK and smaller numbers elsewhere in the world.
  • @Dave Bowman
    Quite right - though I believe there was probably much more French (Breton) and Spanish (Castilian) influx and cross-fertilisation of White Celtic women during the middle-ages than is normally thought to have been the case, once the Norman invaders had paved the way.

    The most perfect example of the dark British phenotype which always springs to mind for me is that of the much-underrated actor Tony Anholt - one-time star of The Protectors, a very popular British tv series from the 1970's - and in my own view, the very best James Bond we never had.

    Genetic links between Norther Spain and Welsh or Irish suggest that a Neolithic link dating back to the Bronze Age. Long before 1066.

    As for Brittany, it was Celts fleeing Britain from German tribes-Jutes, Saxons and Angles.

  • @Dave Bowman

    the jews in the movies were pulling this stuff back then
    Absolutely spot-on.

    And all that's really changed since then is that, instead of the story ending at the altar - as it did in Hardy's day - now we see everything but full penetration, followed by "marital boredom" , emotional unhappiness, cheating, adultery, heartbreak, emotional chaos, outraged communities, broken families, social breakdown - and of course the man - or woman - responsible losing no time in screwing ten others, mostly without even the formality of a declared relationship.

    Plus the orphaned kids, suicidal ex-partners, lost lives, atomised societies and a nation headed towards disaster - everything the Jew cultural marxists have always wanted and yearned for, for the highly-intelligent, stable, productive, happy, balanced, normal, CHRISTIAN White societies they hate and despise.


    Yet Jewish families do not have these social pathology, except perhaps a high divorce rate. What protects Jews from these cultural ravages you listed?

    Why are Jewish families or communities not affected to the same degree?

    After all they watch the same films? There is no Kosher and non-Kosher film genres.

    But they are less affected than whites.

    • Replies: @Alden
    Your life and experiences in the degenerate White slums of rural Michigan, Detroit and Phoenix are very unusual and experienced by very few other American Whites. In fact, the Whites you knew before you fled to the Asian porn business are so unusual most of us Unz readers don’t think they existed at all.
    , @Alden
    How would you know about Jews or any other Americans? You left America 30 years ago. All you know about America is your Armageddon fantasies.
  • On a sunny day Violeta and I will inhabit our faithful CRV and wander about, without being excessively directed toward anywhere in particular, along the south shore of Lake Chapala, maybe striking off randomly in search of interesting pueblos. Warm wind. Ranchera music. There are roads good and bad fraught with minor adventures and curiosities....
  • @Commentator Mike
    I think the best thing as an expat is not to burn your bridges but to keep some connection to your home country, and keep visiting friends and family regularly and perhaps get some income going too. I know it's easier said than done and one needs to have the means to live in two places simultaneously. If one can afford it and set themselves up for life nicely, the best is to just keep moving around as things keep on changing.

    Filippinos are absolute killers. They have pastimes such as "thrill kill" where they kill just for the fun of it and not even to join some gang. They also prefer to end most crimes with murder, and eliminating the victims and witnesses seems to give them more pleasure than the profits of crime, hence the common "slay rape". For pious Christians they sure can be vicious.

    But things are changing. From the latest statistics in the ASEAN region I see that Malaysia is now No. 1 in crime and the Philippines is way down, just above Singapore and Brunei, and rates as safer than Vietnam, Thailand, or Indonesia. Surprise, surprise, Philippines now rates as safer than the UK or the US:


    I lived in the Philippines for three years and there is no possible way it is safer than Thailand or as safe as Singapore, which has less crime even, then Western countries. No way is Philippines that safe and I lived there from 2010-2013.

    On the other hand, while the Philippines is dangerous at night, during the day it is usually safe outside the squats. Most crimes in the Philippines towards foreigners are drug-related. Burglary, theft, mugging, cons. But thrill kills? I had not heard of those.

    I’d say the black ghetto and Mexican barrio parts of the US are more dangerous than the Philippines.

    Heck,parts of Manchester at night are more dangerous.

    Most violence in the Philippines is drug related because they love their meth so much.

  • John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • @AaronB
    @Jeff Stryker

    The Normans who invaded England were Scandinavian, perhaps mixed with Franks, who were a blond Germanic people, and Celts, a blond people as well. The dark complexioned Frenchmen were from the South, and they weren't really part of a 'France' that had not yet been created yet and were not present in the North in any large numbers till centuries later.

    As for the blond lanky English type, there is a famous passage where English prisoners are paraded in Rome and described as blond, pale, and angelic looking. I believe but am not entirely certain this was before the Romans left Britain in 410.

    In any event, DNA tests reveal that the population of Britain has had very little genetic influx from any of it's invaders and is actually largely the same as at the time of the Roman invasion.

    At the end of the day, the dark complexioned English type - which is not just a matter of coloring but also of lacking typically gracile Nordic features, like say Clive Owen - may originate from pre-Roman elements. Who is to say some band of adventurous Phoenicians or Greeks or Etruscans did not wash up in England's shores?

    Welsh and Irish DNA is apparently nearest to Basque. I’ve read that.

    And the Angles, Saxons and Jute people did not show up from Germany and Denmark until the Romans left the UK

  • On a sunny day Violeta and I will inhabit our faithful CRV and wander about, without being excessively directed toward anywhere in particular, along the south shore of Lake Chapala, maybe striking off randomly in search of interesting pueblos. Warm wind. Ranchera music. There are roads good and bad fraught with minor adventures and curiosities....
  • @Commentator Mike
    Apparently that has happened to a lot of expats in Thailand. Some end up begging on the streets, some move to Cambodia, then it gets harder for them there too. And many opt for that famous Pattaya flying club jump from a high rise without a parachute, that's unless they were murdered, or had their manhood chopped off, by their Thai wives. But it can end up bad for them in their home countries too, getting mugged and killed by foreign imports from those same countries, ending up broke, cheated by fraudulent Jew run investor schemes, cleaned out by their wives in divorce proceedings, or fired from respectable jobs for some non-PC utterance. It's enough to drive you mad - and many indeed are. But why focus on the negative? Look on the bright side of life wherever you are.


    Seen-it-all-Asian Expat

    If you gave them a one-way ticket, most of them would cash it out and spend the money on hookers and booze.

    “Anthony” was a hickish ex-US soldier and Iraq oil worker who had long since spent his money and was living in the streets of Philippines when I met him in an internet cafe. His story to me was that he left his e mail account open and his account was hacked and all his money stolen.

    I later heard that he had been given 4000 Pesos by the Philippine Department of Tourism to return to the US Embassy in Manila to be repatriated for hotel and travel.

    He spent the money in a girly bar.

    Anthony got more out of control. He beat up a lady boy. He started a fight with some Korean college kids who chased him down the road into the Philippines Tourism Police Station who beat him up right on the precinct floor.

    So I happened to be in the US Consulate and mentioned him to the American staff. There was an out of control American homeless guy slowly going mad on the streets of Cebu.

    The American staff told me they had already dealt with him. He had actually refused the repatriation.


    I did a two-week consultation job in Phnom Penh and there is no way you could get by there mooching off other Westerners. There are not enough Westerners and the country is too poor. You’d also be in serious danger in Cambodia homeless from desperate or anti-Western locals, whereas you could blend into the street scene in Philippines or Pattaya.


    Laighton was an older American scrap dealer who met a Filipino woman online. He fell in love with her.

    He sold his scrap business in Vegas and moved there. He gave her $30,000 to build a house.

    When he returned to Philippines to start a new life the Filipino woman’s husband was drinking beer in the living room…by law she owned the property.

    At this point, he was really to broke to return to the US. So he ended up spending the rest of his life in the Philippines complaining how much he hated Filipinos. Yet with the money he still had left, he could not afford to live in the US.

    I could tell dozens of other stories but you get my point.

    The foreign imports in the US are Amerindians from Latin America who prey upon Americans. In the UK, I found your Pakistanis and Bangladeshis to BE A JOKE when I saw South Asians in estates trying to imitate black gangsters.

    Southeast Asian imports are not committing crime. There are a few Asian gangs in the US but very few.

    • Replies: @Commentator Mike
    I think the best thing as an expat is not to burn your bridges but to keep some connection to your home country, and keep visiting friends and family regularly and perhaps get some income going too. I know it's easier said than done and one needs to have the means to live in two places simultaneously. If one can afford it and set themselves up for life nicely, the best is to just keep moving around as things keep on changing.

    Filippinos are absolute killers. They have pastimes such as "thrill kill" where they kill just for the fun of it and not even to join some gang. They also prefer to end most crimes with murder, and eliminating the victims and witnesses seems to give them more pleasure than the profits of crime, hence the common "slay rape". For pious Christians they sure can be vicious.

    But things are changing. From the latest statistics in the ASEAN region I see that Malaysia is now No. 1 in crime and the Philippines is way down, just above Singapore and Brunei, and rates as safer than Vietnam, Thailand, or Indonesia. Surprise, surprise, Philippines now rates as safer than the UK or the US:
  • A few days ago, an Ilyushin IL-62M liner carried over a hundred Russian soldiers and officers to Caracas. Symbolically, they made a stopover in Syria, as if saying that Venezuela is the next country after Syria to be saved from ruin and dismemberment. The military mission was led by the Head of General Staff, General...
  • @Michael McNulty
    As an eight year old kid in 1968 during the Vietnam War I'd often sit through the news at tea-time waiting for the kid's programs to start. I never listened to what was said, I wasn't interested, so the lies they told about the whys and wherefores went over my head, but I noticed they were American planes carpet-bombing the jungles of South East Asia. Those planes had white stars on the side not red ones. After that I said America was the belligerent force behind the Cold War endangering the whole world. Before 9/11 it was difficult to make people believe the threats posed by America but since then they've made it obvious to most just how dangerous they are.

    During Vietnam the Brits were in Northern Ireland and Rhodesia with their own once-feared Empire winding down.

  • John Schlesinger’s 1967 adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s 1874 novel Far from the Madding Crowd should be a universally recognized cinema classic. But although it received generally positive reviews and did well in England, today it is virtually unknown, even among my friends who are film buffs. I am going to comment on the movie only,...
  • @Alden
    What’s PUA?

    Pick Up Artist. A man who specializes in one night stands.

  • @AaronB
    I suspect it comes from the Romans.

    In his novel The Way We Live Now, Anthony Trollope says a dark complexion is associated with nobility and lends an air of distinction, and his nobleman character is dark.

    Welsh were considered lower class in Britain, and its known the Celts were very blond (although Celts were Aryan, so maybe you were referring to pre-Celtic Welsh elements)


    Genetic testing of high-caste Indians indicates Slavic DNA and Aryans probably originated around the Black Sea or Caspian Sea or possibly even the Ukraine. These Slavs entered Indian from Northern Iran and were referred to by Dravidian erroneously as from the land of Arya (Iran) but did not originate there.

    Welsh may indeed have more Roman admixture than English or Scots. But their DNA is nearest to Basque.

    You have to remember the blonde lanky English type we associate with Malcolm McDowell or Charlie Hunnan was derived from Jutland and Saxony in Denmark and Northeast Germany. These people arrived AFTER the Romans legions left Great Britain.

    The dark-haired aristocracy are the Frogs who arrived from Normandy in 1066.

    • Replies: @Alden
    The Normans were blond Norwegians 200 years before the conquest. Why are all these people who’ve never been to Europe pontificating about shades of European hair and skin?
  • @Hapalong Cassidy
    The dark-skinned phenotype is fairly common in the British Isles and I haven’t seen a conclusive explanation as to where it comes from. Some other people that come to mind are Catherine Zeta Jones, John Rhys Davies, and Tom Jones. More often than not they tend to have Welsh ancestry. My guess is that this look comes from the oldest group to inhabit the the British Isles,, before the Aryan invasions.


    The blonde Malcolm McDowell or Charlie Hunnan looks we associate with Englishman were not present until AFTER the Romans left and entered via a small number of Jutland and Saxony seafarers from Denmark and Germany.

    Welsh apparently possess a phenotype most similar to Basque as do the Irish.

    Romans intermarried with Welsh to a much a greater degree than in England or Scotland and the ancient Italian in Welsh genes tends to be greater.

    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
    "Romans intermarried with Welsh to a much a greater degree than in England or Scotland and the ancient Italian in Welsh genes tends to be greater."

    Welsh and Italians do seem to get on very well. They both like a drink and a song, and both have great national anthems. But there's all sorts of Welsh, they're not all dark like the 'black Irish'.

    South Pembrokeshire, 'Little England Beyond Wales', was Norman and Fleming, and the Welsh Valleys people are descendants of miners and steelmen from all over the UK.

  • @SunBakedSuburb
    I'm one of those 70s film nuts, and the 70s was the zenith of Ryan O'Neal's stardom. But I could never connect with the dude, or any of his films other than Barry Lyndon (1975). And yeah, O'Neal was/is a disaster of a human being. Kubrick was one of those three-dimensional chess guys that some claim Trump to be, and I think he casted O'Neal in the title role because of O'Neal's innate vapidity.

    I never bought O’Neil in LOVE STORY or CHASING THE MOON.

    He seemed like the tough little Irish fighter that he was in real life and was most believable as LYNDON or THE DRIVER of the ex-con in TOUGH GUYS DON’T DANCE, a scrubbed-up Mickey Rourke without the hangover.

    Like McDowell or the Lolita girl, O’Neal seemed to be put on earth simply to have played that role. Similar to the Ermey as the DI in FULL METAL JACKET.

    Kubick had a superb eye for casting. Whatever happened to Shelly Duvall? But she was very good in the SHINING.