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American Pravda: The ADL in American Society
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13-year-old Mary Phagan, the girl raped and murdered by Leo Frank, the founding hero of the ADL
13-year-old Mary Phagan, the girl raped and murdered by Leo Frank, the founding hero of the ADL

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In our modern era, there are surely few organizations that so terrify powerful Americans as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B’nai B’rith, a central organ of the organized Jewish community.

Mel Gibson had long been one of the most popular stars in Hollywood and his 2004 film The Passion of the Christ became among the most profitable in world history, yet the ADL and its allies destroyed his career, and he eventually donated millions of dollars to Jewish groups in desperate hopes of regaining some of his public standing. When the ADL criticized a cartoon that had appeared in one of his newspapers, media titan Rupert Murdoch provided his personal apology to that organization, and the editors of The Economist quickly retracted a different cartoon once it came under ADL fire. Billionaire Tom Perkins, a famed Silicon Valley venture capitalist, was forced to issue a heartfelt apology after coming under ADL criticism for his choice of words in a Wall Street Journal column. These were all proud, powerful individuals, and they must have deeply resented being forced to seek such abject public forgiveness, but they did so nonetheless. The total list of ADL supplicants over the years is a very long one.

Given the fearsome reputation of the ADL and its notorious hair-trigger activists, there was a widespread belief that my small webzine would be completely annihilated when I first launched my recent series of controversial articles in early June by praising the works of historian David Irving, a figure long demonized by the ADL. Yet absolutely nothing happened.

During the next three months my subsequent articles directly challenged nearly every hot-button issue normally so fiercely defended by the ADL and its lackies, so much so that a friendly journalist soon described me as the “Kamikaze from California.” Yet despite my 90,000 words of text and the 13,000 comments I had attracted, the continuing silence of the ADL was absolutely deafening. Meanwhile, my articles were read more than half a million times, with the following being a list of the most provocative pieces:

When divine wrath fails to smite the heretic and terrifying enforcers of official dogma seem to have suddenly lost their taste for battle, others gradually begin to take notice and may grow emboldened. Eventually leading pro-Russian and Libertarian websites such as Russia Insider and LewRockwell began republishing some of my most controversial American Pravda articles, thus bringing my factual claims to the attention of broader audiences. After the conclusion of the my series, I began directly ridiculing my strangely timorous ADL opponents, publishing a short column entitled “Has the ADL Gone Into Hiding?” which led the redoubtable Paul Craig Roberts to describe me as “the bravest man I know.”

Apparently the combination of all these factors at long last grew too worrisome for the ADL, and stirring from their secret hiding place, its activists have now finally released a short and rather milquetoast response to my material, one which hardly much impresses me. A few days ago, they Tweeted out their column, together with a photo of their new nemesis.


The ADL may boast an annual budget of $60 million and have many hundreds of full-time employees, but its research skills seem sorely lacking. I discovered that they opened their rebuke by denouncing me as a notorious “anti-immigrant activist.” This seems an extremely odd claim given that I have published perhaps a quarter-million words on that contentious topic over the last twenty-five years, nearly all of it online and fully searchable, and my views have never been characterized in that fashion. To cite just one example, my article “California and the End of White America” appeared as a 1999 cover-story in Commentary, the flagship publication of The American Jewish Committee, and surely anyone reading it would be greatly puzzled by the ADL’s description. Indeed, just a few years earlier, I had been a top featured speaker at the October 1994 pro-immigrant protest in downtown Los Angeles, a 70,000 strong political rally that was the largest such gathering in American history to that date.

Over the years, my political activities have been the subject of many thousands of articles in the mainstream media, including a half-dozen front-page stories in the New York Times, and these would provide a similar picture, as did the New Republic cover story chronicling my California successes. Moreover, my views on immigrants haven’t changed all that much over the years as demonstrated by my more recent articles such as “The Myth of Hispanic Crime,” “Immigration, Republicans, and the End of White America” and “A Grand Bargain on Immigration?” Perhaps the intrepid ADL investigators should acquaint themselves with a powerful new technological tool called “Google.”


I was equally unimpressed that they so hotly denounced me for substantially relying upon the writings of Israel Shahak, whom they characterized as viciously “anti-Semitic.” As I had repeatedly emphasized, my own total lack of Aramaic and Hebrew necessarily forces me to rely upon the research of others, and the late Prof. Shahak, an award-winning Israeli academic, certainly seems a fine source to use. After all, famed linguist Noam Chomsky had lauded Shahak’s works for their “outstanding scholarship,” and numerous of our other most prominent public intellectuals such as Christopher Hitchens, Edward Said, and Gore Vidal had been similarly lavish in their praise. Furthermore, one of Shahak’s co-authors was Norton Mezvinsky, a prominent American academic specializing in Middle Eastern history, himself hardly an obscure figure given that both his brother and sister-in-law served in Congress and his nephew later married Chelsea Clinton. And as far as I’m aware almost none of Shahak’s explicit claims about the Talmud or traditional Judaism have ever been directly challenged, while the online availability of his first book allows those so interested to conveniently read it and decide for themselves.


The ADL similarly denounced me for taking seriously the theories of Ariel Toeff, another Israeli academic. But Prof. Toeff, son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome, certainly ranks as one of the world’s leading scholarly authorities on Medieval Jewry, and working together with his graduate students and other colleagues, he had devoted many years of effort to the research study in question, drawing upon extensive primary and secondary sources produced in eight different languages. I found his 500 page book quite persuasive, as did Israeli journalist Israel Shamir, and I have seen no credible rebuttals.

Now the work of all these prominent academics and intellectuals may not necessarily be correct, and perhaps I am mistaken in accepting their factual claims. But I would need to see something far more weighty than a casual dismissal in a few paragraphs contained within an anonymous ADL column, whose author for all I know might have been some ignorant young intern.

Those glaring flaws aside, most of the ADL’s remaining catalogue of my numerous heretical positions seemed reasonably accurate, though obviously presented in a somewhat hostile and derogatory fashion and sorely lacking any links to my original pieces. But even this desultory listing of my mortal transgressions was woefully incomplete, with the ADL strangely failing to include mention of some of my most controversial claims.

For example, the authors excluded all reference to my discussion of the thoroughly documented Nazi-Zionist economic partnership of the 1930s, which played such a crucial role in laying the basis for the State of Israel. And the ADL similarly avoided mentioning the nearly 20,000 words I had allocated to discussing the very considerable evidence that the Israeli Mossad had played a central role in both the JFK Assassination and the 9/11 Attacks. Surely this must be one of the few times that the ADL has deliberately avoided leveling the charge of “conspiracy theorist” against an opponent whom they might have so easily slurred in that fashion. Perhaps they felt the evidence I provided was too strong for them to effectively challenge.


The worrisome incompetence of ADL researchers becomes particularly alarming when we consider that over the last couple of years that organization has been elevated into a content gatekeeping role at America’s largest Internet companies, helping to determine what may or may not be said on the most important Social Media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.

My local paper is the San Jose Mercury News and a couple of weeks ago it published a major profile interview with Brittan Heller, the ADL Director tasked with policing “hate speech” across the America-dominated portions of the Internet. She seemed like a perfectly pleasant young woman in her mid-thirties, a Stanford English major and a graduate of Yale Law, now living in Silicon Valley with her husband and her two cats, Luna and Stella. She emphasizes her own experience as a victim of cyber-harassment from a fellow college student whose romantic overtures she rejected and the later expertise she had gained as a Nazi-hunter for the U.S. government. But does that resume really provide her with the god-like knowledge suitable for overriding our traditional First Amendment rights and determining which views and which individuals should be allowed access to some two billion readers worldwide?

There is also a far more serious aspect to the situation. The choice of the ADL as the primary ideological overseer of America’s Internet may seem natural and appropriate to politically-ignorant Americans, a category that unfortunately includes the technology executives leading the companies involved. But this reflects the remarkable cowardice and dishonesty of the American media from which all these individuals derive their knowledge of our world. The true recent history of the ADL is a remarkably sordid and disreputable tale.

In January 1993, the San Francisco Police Department reported that it had recently raided the Northern California headquarters of the ADL based upon information provided by the FBI. The SFPD discovered that the organization had been keeping intelligence files on more than 600 civic organizations and 10,000 individuals, overwhelmingly of a liberal orientation, with the SFPD inspector estimating that 75% of the material had been illegally obtained, much of it by secret payments to police officials. This was merely the tip of the iceberg in what clearly amounted to the largest domestic spying operation by any private organization in American history, and according to some sources, ADL agents across the country had targeted over 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil rights organizations, with the New York headquarters of the ADL maintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans.

Not long afterward, an ACLU official who had previously held a high-ranking position with the ADL revealed in an interview that his organization had been the actual source of the highly controversial 1960s surveillance on Martin Luther King, Jr., which it had then provided to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. For many years Hoover had been furiously denounced in the national media headlines for his use of tapes and other secret information on King’s activities, but when a local San Francisco newspaper revealed that an ADL spying operation had actually been the source of all that sordid material, the bombshell revelation was totally ignored in the national media and only reported by fringe organizations, so that today almost no Americans are aware of that fact.

I am not aware of any other private organization in American history that has been involved in even a sliver of such illegal domestic espionage activity, which appears to have been directed against almost all groups and prominent individuals—Left, Right, and Center—suspected of being insufficiently aligned with Jewish and Israeli interests. Some of the illegal material found in ADL possession even raised dark suspicions that it had played a role in domestic terrorist attacks and political assassinations directed against foreign leaders. I am no legal expert, but given the massive scale of such illegal ADL activities, I wonder whether a plausible case might have been made to prosecute the entire organization under RICO statutes and sentence all of its leaders to long prison terms.

Instead, the resulting government charges were quickly settled with merely a trivial fine and a legal slap on the wrist, demonstrating the near-total impunity provided by massive Jewish political power in modern American society.

In effect, the ADL seems to have long operated as our country’s privatized secret political police, monitoring and enforcing its ideological doctrines on behalf of Jewish groups much as the Stasi did for the Communist rulers of East Germany. Given such a long history of criminal activity, allowing the ADL to extend its oversight to our largest Social Media platforms amounts to appointing the Mafia to supervise the FBI and the NSA, or taking a very large step towards implementing George Orwell’s ” Ministry of Truth” on behalf of Jewish interests.

In his 1981 memoirs, the far right Classics scholar Revilo P. Oliver characterized the ADL as “the formidable organization of Jewish cowboys who ride herd on their American cattle” and this seems a reasonably apt description to me.


Although I had long recognized the power and influence of the ADL, a leading Jewish-activist organization whose leaders were so regularly quoted in my newspapers, until rather recently I had only the vaguest notions of its origins. I’m sure I’d heard the story mentioned at some points, but the account had never stuck in my mind.

Then perhaps a year or two ago, I happened to come across some discussion of the ADL’s 2013 centenary celebration, in which the leadership reaffirmed the principles of its 1913 founding. The initial impetus had been the vain national effort to save the life of Leo Frank, a young Southern Jew unjustly accused of murder and eventually lynched. Not long before, Frank’s name and story would have been equally vague in my mind, with the man half-remembered from my introductory history textbooks as one of the most notable early KKK victims in the fiercely anti-Semitic Deep South of the early twentieth century. However, not long before seeing that piece on the ADL I’d read Albert Lindemann’s highly-regarded study The Jew Accused, and his short chapter on the notorious Frank case had completely exploded all my preconceptions.


First, Lindemann demonstrated that there was no evidence of any anti-Semitism behind Frank’s arrest and conviction, with Jews constituting a highly-valued element of the affluent Atlanta society of the day, and no references to Frank’s Jewish background, negative or otherwise, appearing in the media prior to the trial. Indeed, five of the Grand Jurors who voted to indict Frank for murder were themselves Jewish, and none of them ever voiced regret over their decision. In general, support for Frank seems to have been strongest among Jews from New York and other distant parts of the country and weakest among the Atlanta Jews with best knowledge of the local situation.

Furthermore, although Lindemann followed the secondary sources he relied upon in declaring that Frank was clearly innocent of the charges of rape and murder, the facts he recounted led me to the opposite conclusion, seeming to suggest strong evidence of Frank’s guilt. When I much more recently read Lindemann’s longer and more comprehensive historical study of anti-Semitism, Esau’s Tears, I noticed that his abbreviated treatment of the Frank case no longer made any claim of innocence, perhaps indicating that the author himself might have also had second thoughts about the weight of the evidence.

Based on this material, I voiced that opinion in my recent article on historical anti-Semitism, but my conclusions were necessarily quite tentative since they relied upon Lindermann’s summary of the information provided in the secondary sources he had used, and I had the impression that virtually all those who had closely investigated the Frank case had concluded that Frank was innocent. But after my piece appeared, someone pointed me to a 2016 book from an unexpected source arguing for Frank’s guilt. Now that I have ordered and read that volume, my understanding of the Frank case and its historical significance has been entirely transformed.

Mainstream publishers may often reject books that too sharply conflict with reigning dogma and sales of such works are unlikely to justify the extensive research required to produce the manuscript. Furthermore, both authors and publishers may face widespread vilification from a hostile media for taking such positions. For these reasons, those who publish such controversial material will often be acting from deep ideological motives rather than merely seeking professional advancement or monetary gain. As an example, it took a zealous Trotskyite leftist such as Lenni Brunner to brave the risk of ferocious attacks and invest the time and effort to produce his remarkable study of the crucial Nazi-Zionist partnership of the 1930s. And for similar reasons, we should not be totally surprised that the leading book arguing for the guilt of Leo Frank appeared as a volume in the series on the pernicious aspects of Jewish-Black historical relations produced by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam (NOI), nor that the text lacked any identified author.


Anonymous works published by heavily-demonized religious-political movements naturally engender considerable caution, but once I began reading the 500 pages of The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man I was tremendously impressed by the quality of the historical analysis. I think I have only very rarely encountered a research monograph on a controversial historical event that provided such an enormous wealth of carefully-argued analysis backed by such copious evidence. The authors seemed to display complete mastery of the major secondary literature of the last one hundred years while drawing very heavily upon the various primary sources, including court records, personal correspondence, and contemporaneous publications, with the overwhelming majority of the 1200 footnotes referencing newspaper and magazine articles of that era. The case they made for Frank’s guilt seemed absolutely overwhelming.


The basic outline of events is not disputed. In 1913 Georgia, a 13-year-old pencil company worker named Mary Phagan was last seen alive visiting the office of factory manager Leo Frank on a Saturday morning to collect her weekly paycheck, while her raped and murdered body was found in the basement early the next morning and Frank eventually arrested for the crime. As the wealthy young president of the Atlanta chapter of B’nai B’rith, Frank ranked as one of the most prominent Jewish men in the South, and great resources were deployed in his legal defense, but after the longest and most expensive trial in state history, he was quickly convicted and sentenced to death.

The facts of the case against Frank eventually became a remarkable tangle of complex and often conflicting evidence and eyewitness testimony, with sworn statements regularly being retracted and then counter-retracted. But the crucial point that the NOI authors emphasize for properly deciphering this confusing situation is the enormous scale of the financial resources that were deployed on Frank’s behalf, both prior to the trial and afterward, with virtually all of the funds coming from Jewish sources. Currency conversions are hardly precise, but relative to the American family incomes of the time, the total expenditures by Frank supporters may have been as high as $25 million in present-day dollars, quite possibly more than any other homicide defense in American history before or after, and an almost unimaginable sum for the impoverished Deep South of that period. Years later, a leading donor privately admitted that much of this money was spent on perjury and similar falsifications, something which is very readily apparent to anyone who closely studies the case. When we consider this vast ocean of pro-Frank funding and the sordid means for which it was often deployed, the details of the case become far less mysterious. There exists a mountain of demonstrably fabricated evidence and false testimony in favor of Frank, and no sign of anything similar on the other side.

The police initially suspected the black night watchman who found the girl’s body, and he was quickly arrested and harshly interrogated. Soon afterward, a bloody shirt was found at his home, and Frank made several statements that seemed to implicate his employee in the crime. At one point, this black suspect may have come close to being summarily lynched by a mob, which would have closed the case. But he stuck to his story of innocence with remarkable composure, in sharp contrast to Frank’s extremely nervous and suspicious behavior, and the police soon shifted their scrutiny toward the latter, culminating in his arrest. All researchers now recognize that the night watchman was entirely innocent, and the material against him planted.

The evidence against Frank steadily mounted. He was the last man known to have seen the young victim and he repeatedly changed important aspects of his story. Numerous former female employees reported his long history of sexually aggressive behavior toward them, especially directed towards the murdered girl herself. At the time of the murder, Frank claimed to have been working alone in his office, but a witness who went there reported he had been nowhere to be found. A vast amount of circumstantial evidence implicated Frank.

A black Frank family servant soon came forward with sworn testimony that Frank had confessed the murder to his wife on the morning after the killing, and this claim seemed supported by the latter’s strange refusal to visit her husband in jail for the first two weeks after the day of his arrest.

Two separate firms of experienced private detectives were hired by Frank’s lavishly-funded partisans, and the agents of both eventually came to the reluctant conclusion that Frank was guilty as charged.

As the investigation moved forward, a major break occurred as a certain Jim Conley, Frank’s black janitor, came forward and confessed to having been Frank’s accomplice in concealing the crime. At the trial he testified that Frank had regularly enlisted him as a lookout during his numerous sexual liaisons with his female employees, and after murdering Phagan, had then offered him a huge sum of money to help remove and hide the body in the basement so that the crime could be pinned upon someone else. But with the legal noose tightening around Frank, Conley had begun to fear that he might be made the new scapegoat, and went to the authorities in order to save his own neck. Despite Conley’s damning accusations, Frank repeatedly refused to confront him in the presence of the police, which was widely seen as further proof of Frank’s guilt.

By the time of the trial itself, all sides were agreed that the murderer was either Frank, the wealthy Jewish businessman, or Conley, the semi-literate black janitor with a first-grade education and a long history of public drunkenness and petty crime. Frank’s lawyers exploited this comparison to the fullest, emphasizing Frank’s Jewish background as evidence for his innocence and indulging in the crudest sort of racial invective against his black accuser, whom they claimed was obviously the true rapist and murderer due to his bestial nature.

Those attorneys were the best that money could buy and the lead counsel was known as the one of the most skilled courtroom interrogators in the South. But although he subjected Conley to a grueling sixteen hours of intense cross-examination over three days, the latter never wavered in the major details of his extremely vivid story, which deeply impressed the local media and the jury. Meanwhile, Frank refused to take the stand at his own trial, thereby avoiding any public cross-examination of his often changing account.

Two notes written in crude black English had been discovered alongside Phagan’s body, and everyone soon agreed that these were written by the murderer in hopes of misdirecting suspicion. So they were either written by a semi-literate black such as Conley or by an educated white attempting to imitate that style, and to my mind, the spelling and choice of words strongly suggests the latter, thereby implicating Frank.

Taking a broader overview, the theory advanced by Frank’s legion of posthumous advocates seems to defy rationality. These journalists and scholars uniformly argue that Conley, a semi-literate black menial, had brutally raped and murdered a young white girl, and the legal authorities soon became aware of this fact, but conspired to set him free by supporting a complex and risky scheme to instead frame an innocent white businessman. Can we really believe that the police officials and prosecutors of a city in the Old South would have violated their oath of office in order to knowingly protect a black rapist and killer from legal punishment and thereby turn him loose upon their city streets, presumably to prey on future young white girls? This implausible reconstruction is particularly bizarre in that nearly all its advocates across the decades have been the staunchest of Jewish liberals, who endlessly condemned the horrific racism of the Southern authorities of that era, but then unaccountably chose to make a special exception in this one particular case.


In many respects, the more important part of the Frank case began after his conviction and death sentence when many of America’s wealthiest and most influential Jewish leaders began mobilizing to save him from the hangman. They soon established the ADL as a new vehicle for that purpose and succeeded in making the Frank murder case one of the most famous in American history to that date.

Although his role was largely concealed at the time, the most important new backer whom Frank attracted was Albert Lasker of Chicago, the unchallenged monarch of American consumer advertising, which constituted the life’s blood of all of our mainstream newspapers and magazines. Not only did he ultimately provide the lion’s share of the funds for Frank’s defense, but he focused his energies upon shaping the media coverage surrounding the case. Given his dominant business influence in that sector, we should not be surprised that a huge wave of unremitting pro-Frank propaganda soon began appearing across the country in both local and national publications, extending to most of America’s most popular and highly-regarded media outlets, with scarcely a single word told on the other side of the story. This even included all of Atlanta’s own leading newspapers, which suddenly reversed their previous positions and became convinced of Frank’s innocence.

Lasker also enlisted other powerful Jewish figures in the Frank cause, including New York Times owner Adolph Ochs, American Jewish Committee president Louis Marshall, and leading Wall Street financier Jacob Schiff. The Times, in particular, began devoting enormous coverage to this previously-obscure Georgia murder case, and many of its articles were widely republished elsewhere. The NOI authors highlight this extraordinary national media attention: “The Black janitor whose testimony became central to Leo Frank’s conviction became the most quoted Black person in American history up to that time. More of his words appeared in print in the New York Times than those of W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, and Booker T. Washington—combined.

Back a century ago just as today, our media creates our reality, and with Frank’s innocence being proclaimed nationwide in near-unanimous fashion, a long list of prominent public figures were soon persuaded to demand a new trial for the convicted murderer, including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Jane Addams.

Ironically enough, Lasker himself plunged into this crusade despite apparently having very mixed personal feelings about man whose cause he was championing. His later biography reveals that upon his first personal meeting with Frank, he perceived him as “a pervert” and a “disgusting” individual, so much so that he even hoped that after he managed to free Frank, the latter would quickly perish in some accident. Furthermore, in his private correspondence he freely admitted that a large fraction of the massive funding that he and numerous other wealthy Jews from across the country were providing had been spent on perjured testimony and there are also strong hints that he explored bribing various judges. Given these facts, Lasker and Frank’s other major backers were clearly guilty of serious felonies, and could have received lengthy prison terms for their illegal conduct.

With the New York Times and the rest of the liberal Northern media now providing such massive coverage of the case, Frank’s defense team was forced to abandon the racially-inflammatory rhetoric aimed at his black accuser which had previously been the centerpiece of their trial strategy. Instead, they began concocting a tale of rampant local anti-Semitism, previously unnoticed by all observers, and adopted it as a major grounds for their appeal of the verdict.

The unprincipled legal methods pursued by Frank’s backers is illustrated by a single example. Georgia law normally required that a defendant be present in court to hear the reading of the verdict, but given the popular emotions in the case, the judge suggested that this provision be waived, and the prosecution assented only if the defense lawyers promised not to use this small irregularity as grounds for appeal. But after Frank was convicted, AJC President Marshall and his other backers orchestrated numerous unsuccessful state and federal appeals on exactly this minor technicality, merely hiring other lawyers to file the motion.

For almost two years, the nearly limitless funds deployed by Frank’s supporters covered the costs of thirteen separate appeals on the state and federal levels, including to the U.S. Supreme Court, while the national media was used to endlessly vilify Georgia’s system of justice in the harshest possible terms. Naturally, this soon generated a local reaction, and during this period outraged Georgians began denouncing the wealthy Jews who were spending such enormous sums to subvert the local criminal justice system.

One of the very few journalists willing to oppose Frank’s position was Georgia publisher Tom Watson, a populist firebrand, and an editorial he reasonably declared “We cannot have…one law for the Jew, and another for the Gentile” while he also later lamented that “It is a bad state of affairs when the idea gets abroad that the law is too weak to punish a man who has plenty of money.” A former Georgia governor indignantly inquired “Are we to understand that anybody except a Jew can be punished for a crime.” The clear facts indicate that there was indeed a massive miscarriage of justice in Frank’s case, but virtually all of it occurred in Frank’s favor.

All appeals were ultimately rejected and Frank’s execution date for the rape and murder of the young girl finally drew near. But just days before he was scheduled to leave office, Georgia’s outgoing governor commuted Frank’s sentence, provoking an enormous storm of popular protest, especially since he was the legal partner of Frank’s chief defense lawyer, an obvious conflict of interest. Given the enormous funds that Frank’s national supporters had been deploying on his behalf and the widespread past admissions of bribery in the case, there are obviously dark suspicions about what had prompted such a remarkably unpopular decision, which soon forced the former governor to exile himself from the state. A few weeks later, a group of Georgia citizens stormed Frank’s prison farm, abducting and hanging him, with Frank becoming the first and only Jew lynched in American history.

Naturally, Frank’s killing was roundly denounced in the national media that had long promoted his cause. But even in those quarters, there may have been a significant difference between public and private sentiments. No newspaper in the country had more strongly championed Frank’s innocence than the New York Times of Adolph Ochs. Yet according to the personal diary of one of the Times editors, Ochs privately despised Frank, and perhaps even greeted his lynching with a sense of relief. No effort was ever made by Frank’s wealthy supporters to bring any of the lynching party to justice.


Although I have now come to regard the NOI volume as the most persuasive and definitive text on the Frank case, I naturally considered conflicting works before reaching this conclusion.


For nearly a half-century, the leading scholarly account of the incident had probably been Leonard Dinnerstein’s book The Leo Frank Case, first published in 1966, and Dinnerstein, a University of Arizona professor specializing in Jewish history, entirely supported Frank’s innocence. But although the work won a national award, carries glowing blurbs from several prestigious publications, and has surely graced the reading lists of endless college courses, I was not at all impressed. Among other things, the book appears to be the original source of some of the most lurid examples of alleged anti-Semitic public outbursts that apparently have no basis in reality and seem to have been simply fabricated by the author given his lack of any citations; the NOI authors note these stories have been quietly abandoned by all recent researchers. Even leaving aside such likely falsifications, which were widely cited by later writers and heavily contaminated the historical record, I found the short Dinnerstein work rather paltry and even pitiful when compared to that of its NOI counterpart.


A far longer and more substantial recent work was Steve Oney’s 2003 And the Dead Shall Rise, which runs nearly 750 pages and won the National Jewish Book Award, the Southern Book Critics Circle Prize, and the American Bar Association’s Silver Gavel, probably establishing itself as today’s canonical text on the historical incident. Oney had been a longtime Atlanta journalist and I was favorably impressed by his narrative skill, along with the numerous fascinating vignettes he provided to illustrate the Southern history of that general era. He also seemed a cautious researcher, drawing heavily upon the primary sources and avoiding much of the falsified history of the last century, while not entirely suppressing the massive evidence of bribery and perjury employed by the Frank forces.

But although Oney does mention much of this information, he strangely fails to connect the dots. For example, although he occasionally mentions some of the funds spent on Frank’s behalf, he never attempts to convert them into present-day equivalents, leaving a naive reader to assume that such trivial amounts could not possibly have been used to pervert the course of justice. Furthermore, his entire book is written in chronological narrative form, with no footnotes provided in the text, and a large portion of the content being entirely extraneous to any attempt to determine Frank’s guilt or innocence, contrasting very sharply with the more scholarly style of the NOI authors.

To my mind, a central element of the Frank case was the massive financial temptations being offered by Frank’s Jewish backers, and the huge number of Atlanta citizens, both high and low, who apparently shifted their positions on Frank’s guilt in eager hopes of capturing some of that largess. But although this obvious theme was heavily emphasized in the NOI book, Oney seems to mostly avoid this obvious factor, perhaps even for personal reasons. Print publications have suffered massive cutbacks in recent years and I noticed on the book flap that although Oney is described as a longtime Atlanta journalist, he had subsequently relocated to Los Angeles. Once I checked, I immediately discovered that Oney’s book had became the basis for an independent film entitled The People v. Leo Frank, and I wonder whether his hopes of capturing a sliver of Hollywood’s vast lucre may not have encouraged him to so strongly suggest Frank’s innocence. Would an account of Leo Frank as rapist and murderer ever be likely to reach the silver screen? The quiet influence of financial considerations is no different today than they were a century ago, and this factor must be taken into account when evaluating historical events.


The NOI authors devote nearly all of their lengthy book to a careful analysis of the Frank case provided in suitably dispassionate form, but a sense of their justifiable outrage does occasionally poke through. In the years prior to Frank’s killing, many thousands of black men throughout the South had been lynched, often based on a slender thread of suspicion, with few of these incidents receiving more than a few sentences of coverage in a local newspaper, and large numbers of whites had also perished in similar circumstances. Meanwhile, Frank had received benefit of the longest trial in modern Southern history, backed by the finest trial lawyers that money could buy, and based on overwhelming evidence had been sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a young girl. But when Frank’s legal verdict was carried out by extra-judicial means, he immediately became the most famous lynching victim in American history, perhaps even attracting more media attention than all those thousands of other cases combined. Jewish money and Jewish media established him as a Jewish martyr who thereby effectively usurped the victimhood of the enormous number of innocent blacks who were killed both before and after him, none of whom were ever even recognized as individuals.

As Prof. Shahak has effectively demonstrated, traditional Talmudic Judaism regarded all non-Jews as being sub-human, with their lives possessing no value. Given that Frank’s backers were followers of Reform Judaism, it seems quite unlikely that they accepted this doctrine or were even aware of its existence. But religious traditions of a thousand years standing can easily become embedded within a culture, and such unrecognized cultural sentiments may have easily shaped their reaction to Frank’s legal predicament.

Influential historical accounts of the Frank case and its aftermath have contained lurid tales of the rampant public anti-Semitism visited upon Atlanta’s Jewish community in the wake of the trial, even claiming that a substantial portion of the population was forced to flee as a consequence. However, a careful examination of the primary source evidence, including the contemporaneous newspaper coverage, provides absolutely no evidence of this, and it appears to be entirely fictional.

The NOI authors note that prior to Frank’s trial American history had been virtually devoid of any evidence of significant anti-Semitism, with the previous most notable incident being the case of an extremely wealthy Jewish financier who was refused service at a fancy resort hotel. But by totally distorting the Frank case and focusing such massive national media coverage on his plight, Jewish leaders around the country succeeded in fabricating a powerful ideological narrative despite its lack of reality, perhaps intending the story to serve as a bonding experience to foster Jewish community cohesion.

As a further example of the widely promoted but apparently fraudulent history, the Jewish writers who have overwhelmingly dominated accounts of the Frank case have frequently claimed that it sparked the revival of the Ku Klux Klan soon afterward, with the group of citizens responsible for Frank’s 1915 lynching supposedly serving as the inspiration for William Simmons’ reestablishment of that organization a couple of years later. But there seems no evidence for this. Indeed, Simmons strongly emphasized the philo-Semitic nature of his new organization, which attracted considerable Jewish membership.

The primary factor behind the rebirth of the KKK was almost certainly the 1917 release D.W. Griffith’s overwhelmingly popular landmark film Birth of a Nation, which glorified the Klan of the Reconstruction Era. Given that the American film industry was so overwhelmingly Jewish at the time and the film’s financial backers and leading Southern distributors came from that same background, it could be plausibly argued that the Jewish contribution to the creation of the 1920s Klan was a very crucial one, while the revenue from the film’s distribution throughout the South actually financed Samuel Goldwyn’s creation of MGM, Hollywood’s leading studio.

In their introduction, the NOI authors make the fascinating point that the larger historical meaning of the Frank case in American racial history has been entirely lost. Prior to that trial, it was unprecedented for Southern courts to allow black testimony against a white man, let alone against a wealthy man being tried on serious charges; but the horrific nature of the crime and Conley’s role as the sole witness required a break from that longstanding tradition. Thus, the authors argue not unreasonably, that the Frank case may have been as important to the history of black progress in America as such landmark legal verdicts as Plessy vs. Ferguson or Brown vs. Board. But since almost the entire historical narrative has been produced by fervent Jewish advocates, these facts have been completely obscured and the case entirely misrepresented as an example of anti-Semitic persecution and public murder.

Let us summarize what seems to be the solidly established factual history of the Frank case, quite different than the traditional narrative. There is not the slightest evidence that Frank’s Jewish background was a factor behind his arrest and conviction, nor the death sentence he received. The case set a remarkable precedent in Southern courtroom history with the testimony of a black man playing a central role in a white man’s conviction. From the earliest stages of the murder investigation, Frank and his allies continually attempted to implicate a series of different innocent blacks by planting false evidence and using bribes to solicit perjured testimony, while the exceptionally harsh racial rhetoric that Frank and his attorneys directed towards those blacks was presumably intended to provoke their public lynching. Yet despite all these attempts by the Frank forces to play upon the notorious racial sentiments of the white Southerners of that era, the latter saw through these schemes and Frank was the one sentenced to hang for his rape and murder of that young girl.

Now suppose that all the facts of this famous case were exactly unchanged except that Frank had been a white Gentile. Surely the trial would be ranked as one of the greatest racial turning points in American history, perhaps even overshadowing Brown v. Board because of the extent of popular sentiment, and it would have been given a central place in all our modern textbooks. Meanwhile, Frank, his lawyers, and his heavy financial backers would probably be cast as among the vilest racial villains in all of American history for their repeated attempts to foment the lynching of various innocent blacks so that a wealthy white rapist and murderer could walk free. But because Frank was Jewish rather than Christian, this remarkable history has been completely inverted for over one hundred years by our Jewish-dominated media and historiography.

These are the important consequences that derive from control of the narrative and the flow of information, which allows murderers to be transmuted into martyrs and villains into heroes. The ADL was founded just over a century ago with the central goal of preventing a Jewish rapist and killer from being held legally accountable for his crimes, and over the decades, it eventually metastasized into a secret political police force not entirely dissimilar to the widely despised East German Stasi, but with its central goal seeming to be the maintenance of overwhelming Jewish control in a society that is 98% non-Jewish.

We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet.

Related Reading:

The American Pravda Series
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  1. Anon[282] • Disclaimer says:

    The ADL is one of the many tentacles of the only legal mafia: Jews Inc.

    Stock value based on earnings per share is overvalued and has been dropping. More to come.
    Don’t forget to tune in for the beginning of the end. That’s when the fun really starts.

    • Replies: @Anon
  2. Anonymous[346] • Disclaimer says:

    This is eye-opening stuff. Ron Unz completely shattered my previously naive view of the world. I resisted questioning the official narrative for as long as possible. After Ron opened my eyes I have followed up listeing to and reading the works of E. Michael Jones. Jones’ book Barren Metal: A History of Capitalism as the Conflict between Labor and Usury is life-altering, mind-boggling, and will destroy and good thoughts you had about capitalism and money. I’d be curious for Ron’s take on this book.

    • Replies: @Bill65
    , @Tsigantes
  3. This is one of your most valuable pieces. The only criticism I’d make is that there is a rather awkward marriage between the general attack on the ADL in its current form and your reference to its past. You don’t really relate that past so much as simply recount the Leo Frank case. As matters stand what we have here are two distinct articles; one on the modern ADL and the other on the Leo Frank case.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  4. Kuaswami says:

    Surprised to see no mention of the ADL’s economic threats against Iceland for their attempted circumcision ban:

    • Replies: @CBTerry
  5. Ron Unz has demonstrated the importance and effectiveness of saying truth to power while remaining indifferent to name-calling. His is one of the few efforts I’ve seen that may actually derail the efforts by the ADL and the SPLC to gain dictatorial control of political content online (and how lethal would that be?).

    Speak the truth, and shrug when you are called an anti-Semite, a hater, a racist, a bigot…

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @Them Guys
  6. This article is extremely well done, and is very effective and highly convincing.

  7. This is a bomb shell.

    It will enter History as the Liberation of intellectual research after a century of step by step obfuscation and massive mind control.

    Luther was right, his battle against The Masters of the Lie is finally vindicated.

    Bravo, Ron Unz!

  8. Anon[425] • Disclaimer says:

    Recently, the Power got Jonathan Pollard released. I’ll bet the ghosts of 100s of American agents who were shot in Eastern Europe as the result of his betrayal would want to lynch him. Bill Clinton got Marc Rich off the hook.

    According to the book RED MAFIYA, the FBI and NYPD were hamstrung in their operations against the Russian Mafiya(that was overwhelmingly Jewish in the US) due to pressures from Jewish groups.

  9. Anonymous[316] • Disclaimer says:

    Now suppose that all the facts of this famous case were exactly unchanged except that Frank had been a white Gentile. Surely the trial would be ranked as one of the greatest racial turning points in American history, perhaps even overshadowing Brown v. Board because of the extent of popular sentiment, and it would have been given a central place in all our modern textbooks. Meanwhile, Frank, his lawyers, and his heavy financial backers would probably be cast as among the vilest racial villains in all of American history for their repeated attempts to foment the lynching of various innocent blacks so that a wealthy white rapist and murderer could walk free. But because Frank was Jewish rather than Christian, this remarkable history has been completely inverted for over one hundred years by our Jewish-dominated media and historiography.

    These are the important consequences that derive from control of the narrative and the flow of information, which allows murderers to be transmuted into martyrs and villains into heroes. The ADL was founded just over a century ago with the central goal of preventing a Jewish rapist and killer from being held legally accountable for his crimes, and over the decades, it eventually metastasized into a secret political police force not entirely dissimilar to the widely despised East German Stasi, but with its central goal seeming to be the maintenance of overwhelming Jewish control in a society that is 98% non-Jewish.

    We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet.

    Amazing article. Thank you.

    It looks like the ADL hasn’t changed its stripes since inception. Their only mission seems to be enforcement of Jewish supremacy and unaccountability over the cattle. The goyim will be:

    - Propagandised.
    - Outspent.
    - Divided and conquered.
    - Intimidated.
    - Bribed.
    - Propagandised, again – just in case the “official” story doesn’t fit the intended historical narrative.

    Unfortunately for them, all of this is coming to an end and the worm has turned. We live in interesting times.

  10. wayfarer says:

    Examine both, the ADL and ADL-Foundation financial statements.

    Is this panhandling “non-profit” cash cow, involved with creative accounting practices, or what?


    • Replies: @The Alarmist
  11. utu says:

    I am not aware of any other private organization in American history that has been involved in even a sliver of such illegal domestic espionage activity

    Scientology perhaps?

  12. utu says:

    so much so that he even hoped that after he managed to free Frank, the latter would quickly perish in some accident

    What do we know about the lynch mob? Was anybody prosecuted? Who were the leaders? Provocateurs?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  13. Heros says:

    “The primary factor behind the rebirth of the KKK was almost certainly D.W. Griffith’s overwhelmingly popular landmark 1917 film Birth of a Nation, which glorified the Klan of the Reconstruction Era. Given that the American film industry was so overwhelmingly Jewish at the time and the film’s financial backers and leading Southern distributors came from that same background, it could be plausibly argued that the Jewish contribution to the creation of the 1920s Klan was a very crucial one”

    After Wilson’s reelection in 1916 on his campaign platform of “keeping american out of the war”, and after the Balfour agreement had been safely signed in 1916, the push was on to get the US into the war to conquer Palestine for the jews. One of the big questions was whether the South had been sufficiently castrated by reconstruction to get the southern Scotts-Irish to be willing to die in a war for Israel. Of course the jews employed Hollywood along with Edward Bernays’s propaganda techniques to convince the southerners to fight. Birth of a nation was one of the cogs in this wheel.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  14. Ron, you write: “Thus, the authors argue not unreasonably, that the Frank case may have been as important to the history of black progress in America as such landmark legal verdicts as Plessy vs. Ferguson”

    This is the firs time I’ve ever seen someone cite Plessy, which laid the legal groundwork for Jim Crow by allowing ostensibly separate but equal public accommodations, as a landmark in “black progress.”

    And whatever the misdeeds of the ADL, and I well remember the scandal over illegal surveillance, comparing the organization to the Stassi makes you sound as unhinged as people who call Trump a nazi. Can you point to a person who was imprisoned or tortured by the ADL?

    You also write: “I am not aware of any other private organization in American history that has been involved in even a sliver of such illegal domestic espionage activity”…perhaps you should read up on Scientology, which broke into FBI offices (!!!) and ended up getting tax-exempt status from the IRS after a years-long campaign taking on various branches of the US government.

    That said, your summary of the Leo Frank case is fascinating. And while I was deeply skeptical about a NOI source, you make it sound entirely credible and discreditable to the media, the incipient ADL and the factions in the Jewish community that waged the campaign on his behalf.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @j2
  15. OMG says:

    Bravo Ron.

    What a mind blowing and wonderful series.

    Please keep it up and may you be safe.

  16. The Frank case reminds me of a murder in tsarist Russia, of which a jew was the suspect.
    If I remember correctly, 200 rabbi’s wrote to the tsar that it was impossible that a jew had committed this murder.
    The tsar gave in ‘what am I against 200 rabbi’s ?’.
    Alas, right now, the number of ‘accidental’ deaths, ‘suicides’, murders, etc. that obviously benefited Israel is so long that, while in each case doubt exists, the list itself removes all doubt about Israeli involvement.
    There was a website with the murders Perez was accused of, but it seems to have disappeared.
    About the ADL, the Dutch equivalent, CIDI, also is not very bright.
    Wilders, as anti Muslim as possible, and pro Israel, was accused of being an antisemite because he’s against the EU.
    CIDI replaced the also good looking woman in her thirties, Esther Voets, by a similar woman, with about the same IQ.

    • Replies: @Johan
  17. Excellent! It is fascinating to watch intrepid Ron goading the ADL snake!
    Jeff Blankfort, a fervent anti-Zionist from California, had been the only one that went against ADL and won, in the case of ADL’s illegal surveillance of anti-Zionists and anti-Apartheid activists. Indeed ADL was a strong supporter of South African apartheid. Those with Facebook account can read Jeff’s running commentary on Israel, Jews and ADL.

  18. Biff says:

    I’m still sticking with the Streisand effect. I don’t think the ADL wants this kind of attention. Over a hundred years old with untold billions poured into it; I’m thinking they are not as dumb as they look.

  19. Bravo Ron! Yet another masterpiece in sequence! Congratulations – you now have the distinction of being counted among those whom the ADL despises! Welcome to this illustrious club!

    • Agree: AB_Anonymous
  20. Sean says:

    There exists a mountain of demonstrably fabricated evidence and false testimony in favor of Frank, and so sign of anything similar on the other side.

    so for no

  21. The case set a remarkable precedent in Southern courtroom history with the testimony of a black man playing a central role in a white man’s conviction.

    Somewhat ironically, this invites the argument that white Southerners hated Jews so much that in order to convict Frank they were even willing to break with an anti-black legal tradition and create this legal precedent.

  22. God bless the brave, courageous Ron Unz, indefatigable reader and researcher, and keep him safe from harm, in these days as his writing puts him more deeply at risk

    Ron Unz may be one of the key voices today, to help oppose the dangerous, deceiving censorship monster represented by Google and its allies, using the ADL as a self-serving weapon

    Regarding the Google – Alphabet gangsters, one of the ugly things noted about them, e.g., by military analysts on Veterans Today, is their notes about Google-Alphabet’s literal mercenary and regime change division under Jared Cohen, CIA-tied operatives formerly called ‘Google Idea Groups’ and now ‘Jigsaw’.

    Google’s mercenaries are directly charged by VT with being involved in smuggling chemical weapons from Turkey into Syria to stage the false-flag ‘chemical attacks’ unjustly blamed on Assad, child abduction and killing, and related murder of CIA targets and a journalist.

    One wonders how much and how easily, Google – Alphabet is willing to let loose its crew of regime change mercenary killers, upon writers and journalists in the USA … and maybe it has already done so.

    (For those who would sneer at the Veterans Today reference, given the site’s sometimes odd articles on space aliens etc, mixed in with important unique intel material, such as its exposure of the Edward Snowden CIA hoax, another ‘American Pravda’ media scam

    Veterans Today site principal Gordon Duff, once admitted on a broadcast, that a third of VT material he publishes is intentionally false, this is how VT’s military and intel veterans are allowed to publish the true material without getting murdered. By ‘poisoning their own well’ and ‘self-discrediting’ via space-alien etc stories, they can publish material such as that on Google Inc’s mercenary killers, with names and details of murderous operations.)

    Btw – After I gave a link to Ron Unz’s recent series of articles to the rebel Canadian Jew Henry Makow – with his own wide following – Makow has also been publishing links to Ron Unz’s series as well

  23. Bravo, Mr. Unz.


    “We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet.

    The Internet is only one of the ADL’s venues of disproportionate and pernicious influence:

    “Law Enforcement Trainings”

    More law enforcement agencies turn to ADL than to any other non-governmental organization for training, information and resources—to combat hate crimes, extremism and terrorism. ADL works with every major federal, state, local and military law enforcement agency, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to major city police departments, state police, highway patrol and sheriffs’ departments. Over the past decade, we have trained 100,000 law enforcement personnel—at no cost to taxpayers. Our newest program, ADL’s Managing Implicit Bias for Law Enforcement, provides police with the skills and strategies to counter implicit bias and build trust with the people and communities they serve.

    Holocaust Indoctrination:

    The Anti-Defamation League’s Braun Holocaust Institute, Glick Center for Holocaust Studies, provides education and resources that help educators and students study the history of the Holocaust and apply its lessons to contemporary issues of responsible citizenship, moral decision making, prejudice, hate, and genocide.

    Subversion of Roman Catholic education :

    “Bearing Witness™ Program”
    A unique professional development opportunity for Catholic school educators, designed to provide participants with the training and resources necessary to teach their students about the historical relationship between Jewish and Catholic communities and the impact of that relationship on Catholic teaching, catechesis and liturgy.

    ADL put the “war” in Culture Wars:

    Subversion of Sexual Mores

    Circling back to Internet concerns, ADL is at the forefront of media censorship initiatives, arrogating to themselves the right to decide what Americans may and may not view, read, think:

    ADL Applauds Google and YouTube in Expanding Initiative to Fight Online Hate

    The . . .ADL . . . today welcomed progress announced by Google and YouTube in blocking and removing extremist content on YouTube. Google recently started using machine learning technology, which has allowed it to remove more than 75 percent of violent extremism videos during the past month.
    ADL is a select contributing member of YouTube’s Trusted Flagger program, created in 2012 to enable organizations to notify the platform of content that violates their community guidelines . . .

    —– SHUT IT DOWN! —–

  24. Franz says:

    A splendid and concise summation of the Leo Frank case as I can imagine. Thanks to Ron Unz.

    As a schoolboy when The Leo Frank Case came out, I was curious how light it was also. It’s fairly easy to see why now: Right on the heels of the Civil Right Act someone thought a “We Suffered More” reminder had to be put into circulation, pronto. We’re all in this together and all that.

    I’m not especially surprised it was Nation of Islam that put the better book out. They had good cause. Now on my reading list.

  25. Kiza says:

    I felt a strong sense of nostalgia reading this excellent Ron’s piece for the times a century ago when justice could win. Everything is totally opposite now.

  26. Anonymous[392] • Disclaimer says:

    @Ron Unz

    Please look into Webster Tarpley for his interesting take on the cause of WW1 and WW2 and also 9/11. He is a respected historian who has written a lot about similar topics with more of a focus on the Wasps in America. Especially the Bush family.

    • Replies: @CanSpeccy
    , @S
  27. These articles by RU are the best reads anywhere on the net — calm, exacting, thorough, fact-laden, logically rigorous and ultimately explosive in their impact. They venture into regions no one else seems willing to go –Ron-David v ADL-Goliath.

    • Agree: Craig Nelsen
  28. CBTerry says:

    I’d like to see an examination of how Jews made the disgusting practice of circumcision mainstream in America. I do not have the time or resources to examine it, but from what I have learned I suspect that it was foisted on gentile American as a female health measure by Jewish ObGyns. Earlier references to Kellogg are a red herring that have no link to its current acceptance.

    God Bless Iceleand, and God Bless Ron Unz.

    • Replies: @Kuaswami
  29. Bruno says:

    If most institutions are built on lies and opportunistic legends, then there wouldn’t be anything particular to ADL.

    It’s like realizing that Democrats are founded by 3 Jews without pointing that Republican … too !

  30. Jewish involvement in the KKK would make an interesting film – working title The Kosher Klan.
    Not that Hollywood, as constituted, would ever make it.

  31. TomVe says:

    Mr Unz you never cease to amaze. A unique blend of scholarship and journalistic writing style. Even time I read one of your articles I’m moved to write to my alma mater and ask for a tuition refund.

    As they use to say in Radio Days: “Keep those cards and letters com’n folks.”

  32. Hans says:

    Excellent, Mr. Unz.

    Just as the police and prosecutors in the Old South would not allow a child rapist to walk free in order to blame an innocent black, the same forces in Old Europe did not blame innocent Jews for ritual murder of Gentile children and allow the truly guilty to go free and prey upon others.

    Here’s an old piece by M.C. Piper on the ADL which may be of interest to readers: ADL Spying Exposed Nationally –

    It was also covered in his excellent survey of treachery, The Judas Goats –

    • Replies: @Wade
  33. @Tyrion 2

    Trying to interpret that, presumably not wholly complinentary, I have come up with the thought that you regard the ADL as quite nicely characterised as a windmill. Right?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @NoseytheDuke
  34. Another great article Ron, although as Colin Wright also indicates, I feel the two parts of the article linking the Frank case to the present day role of the ADL as the Stasi like policer of public discourse is only loosely tied together. The evolution of the latter role deserves one or two articles on its own and I am sure the evolution of the ADL as a leading cheerleader for Israel would be at the heart of it.

    One recent snippet I do remember about the international role of the ADL was that it was identified as the origin of a letter threatening Jews in the Donbass in April 2014 and distributed to Jews outside their synagogues, which led to John Kerry and the West kicking off about the anti-semitic nature of the Donbass rebellion. Given the views of the Azov batallion and Svoboda, that was really a case of mistaken identification (or maybe not)

    • Replies: @FDW
  35. “A black Frank family servant soon came forward with sworn testimony that Frank had confessed the murder to his wife on the morning after the killing, and this claim seemed supported by the latter’s strange refusal to visit her husband in jail for the first two weeks after the day of his arrest.”

    This is called hearsay, and is inadmissable.

    You’ve totally gone off the deep end.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
    , @Mike P
  36. We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet

    We should also ask whether it is wise to allow so much of the media—newspapers, advertising, broadcasting, cinema—to be owned and run by a community which makes little secret of its hostility to America’s founding peoples and their religion. Just a few months ago, The Forward published a clear statement of that hostility, in the context of an attack on Stephen Miller and immigration policy:

    ‘Miller, on the other hand, wholeheartedly embraces and embodies an ideology that many American Jews see as a threat to their own well-being, given that it promotes a vision of America as a white Christian nation.’

    Whites’ well-being would be best served by America remaining overwhelmingly white. Jews’ well-being demands the end of white America, and Jews are formidable opponents.

    • Replies: @Durruti
  37. To see what the Zionists have done and are doing in their satanic goal of a Zionist controlled NWO, read THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, there you will see the Zionist game plan for their NWO, they are not even hiding their plans, anyone who reads the Protocols will see it laid out right before their eyes.

    May God help America as it will need divine intervention to survive the satanic Zionist attack on America.

    • Replies: @Patricus
  38. Whitewolf says:

    The ADL, the self appointed moral policeman of the US, sure has an interesting history. It’s backers today seem to be following in the footsteps of it’s founders. Only with more power backing them up. Which is a scary thought when you consider how much support they drummed up then for a man they knew was guilty of raping and murdering a child.

  39. JC says:

    plenty of people from the top to the bottom have been trying to wake up Americans about the organised jews menace in the US for a long time…at least 100 years of it. the Federal Reserve which is neither Federal or a reserve but is mostly a privately held jews bank…the media monopoly..,the New York Times was founded by Americans but bankrupted (imo) by jew in the 1890s and jews bought and have controlled it ever since..ABC CBS NBC were all founded by former russian jews..Ted Turner tried to buy CBS in the 80s but the jews would have nothing of thier media being non-jew owned……a note of NYT and CBS (viacom)..both are public companies but that is a they both have 2 classes of shares 1 for the public the other for ownership in both cases the ownership is held by the jewish family that actually controls it…neither one ever criticises the zionist regime while never stopping criticising everyone else in the ME

  40. Excellent article. I think every effort, however small, should be made to defy and destroy groups like the ADL, as they have been a consistent threat to 1st Amendment rights in the US.

  41. As an American who has been spoon-fed the “woe-is-us” narrative of Jewish sufferings both real and imagined, I must say my ossified brain has been stretched to the point where I’m inclined to expunge the Judeo from “Judeo-Christian” once and for all and trust that Almighty God will sort them out at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, I will keep a suspicious eye on their ongoing mischief. Thank you Mr. Unz for a most informative series.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  42. Ron, this of all your thrillers should be turned into a film script. But I fear that the persuasive effect of your devotion to truth will be undermined if you don’t shore up your credibility on some of your other heretical eruptions.

    I set aside your curiously anachronistic view that Israel in 1963 would have dared assassinate a US President. It is your dilettantish approach to 9/11 that demands correction as a “has Ron Unz gone mad” message to me from an otherwise sympathetic investment banker prompted me to note.

    You cannot on your record be accused of naiveté. But you seemed to take seriously that the one man with the clearest motive for promoting the 9/11 attacks should be believed when he denied responsibility shortly afterwards when Mullah Omar was being pressed to give him up. And later of course he had the US government doing all the publicity for him.

    It is much more to the point that Khalid Sheik Mohammed hasn’t blamed Israel is it not?

    But that is incidental compared with your failure to turn your physicist’s intellect on to the one crucial question. That is whether the WTC buildings could only have collapsed as they did if they were prepared beforehand for demolition and the demolition charges set off at appropriate times. Apart from considering that Mossad might conceivably have facilitated the Arabs’ attack for which there is negligible actual evidence, the serious charge of Israeli crime has to depend on the official version’s science being radically wrong and demonstrably so. It goes without saying that the underresourcing and other limitations of the Commisdion of Inquiry could be explained by the wish to provide cover fot the CIA, FBI and White House. Scientific investigation deserves your attention.

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
    , @Jim Given
  43. @Fluesterwitz

    white Southerners hated Jews so much that in order to convict Frank they were even willing to break with an anti-black legal tradition

    Simply not true.

    There was a long tradition of White Southern elites treating Jews as equals.

    That is why David Levy Yulee and Judah P. Benjamin, for example, were able to rise to positions of such prominence in the antebellum south.

    Until 1820, Charleston had the highest percentage of Jewish residents of any American town.

    In 1640 Barbados, which in many ways provided the template for the society of the American deep South (many of the first settlers of South Carolina were from Barbados), became the site of the first openly Jewish community in the Anglo-Saxon world after Edward I’s 1290 expulsion order.

    Jews were prominent everywhere the slave trade was important: importation points such as Barbados, Jamaica, Leeward Islands, Charleston, and Savannah, and slave trading centers such as Newport Rhode Island and New York City.

    If Southern Whites hated Jews so much that they were willing to exonerate guilty Blacks and in order to frame innocent Jews, wouldn’t this have already happened sometime during the almost 3 centuries (1640 – 1913) the three peoples had been living together before the Leo Frank case?

    Leo Frank was convicted despite the White South’s prejudice against Blacks, and also despite the White South prejudice in favor of Jews.

    Southern antisemitism came into being after 1913 as a consequence of the ADL’s behavior during the Leo Frank case.

    • Agree: Carroll Price
  44. Mr Unz,

    What’s this I hear about you showing up for this?:

    November third.

  45. Anonymous[305] • Disclaimer says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    The scope of Scientology’s behavior and actions is much narrower, primarily focused on maintaining its riches via its tax exempt status and the occasional promotion of Dianetics and keeping its members in the fold.

    Not even a close comparison.

  46. @milosevic

    Thank you, that was worth watching.

  47. @Wizard of Oz

    “I set aside your curiously anachronistic view that Israel in 1963 would have dared assassinate a US President. “

    They dared attack a US Navy ship four years later. For two solid hours. And strafe the lifeboats.

    • Replies: @Hans
    , @jilles dykstra
  48. Hans says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    “What is so chilling and cold-blooded is that they could kill as many Americans as they did in confidence that Washington would cooperate in quelling any public outcry.” – Admiral Thomas Moorer, US Navy & Chairman, Joint Chiefs, Aug. 24, 1983

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
  49. “Two notes written in crude black English had been discovered alongside Phagan’s body, and everyone soon agreed that these were written by the murderer in hopes of misdirecting suspicion. So they were either written by a semi-literate black such as Conley or by an educated white attempting to imitate that style, and to my mind, the spelling and choice of words strongly suggests the latter, thereby implicating Frank.”

    This reminds me of the crudely written message left at the site of one of the Ripper murders that seemed to implicate Jews but was written in such a way as to suggest a coarse anti Semitism instead.

    Many people believe that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew named Aaron Kosminski and the fact that Jews vehemently deny this adds weight to the charge of his guilt.

    I’d love to see Ron put his inimitable research skill to the this topic.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @S
    , @Tyrion 2
  50. ThereisaGod says: • Website

    Mr Roberts was right about you Mr Unz. Furthermore, you do more for the Jews who hate you than they know.

  51. The miraculous survival of Ron Unz with his head in the lion’s mouth is due to factors that go beyond ADL’s span of control. The big thing that’s changed is CIA’s relationship with one of its favorite cutouts. The ADL is not The political police — it’s one of many organizations to which CIA delegates criminal repression. CIA still has the armed forces reserves, illegal moles in government agencies at all levels, crooked cops, extremist groups, and transnational organized crime.

    Now CIA is busted for systematic and widespread universal-jurisdiction crimes including torture, use of banned biological weapons, aggression by sending armed bands of irregulars, and armed attacks on the domestic civilian population as a pretext for increased repression. Russian intelligence actually knows how to do HUMINT, as opposed to criminals ops, and they are using their take to indict CIA. CIA impunity is a problem for the world, and the world is on it. Gina Haspel’s got her tit caught in this wringer.

    So CIA has decided to blame Israel for some CIA crime. They pull the Cleavon Little Blazing Saddles Act, “He’p me, He’p me!” CIA is just a poor terrified hostage, that’s it. Mighty Israel is making poor little CIA do bad stuff with that finger gun.

    ADL is on the razor’s edge. If they were to crush Dr. Unz like a bug, the Mockingbird media’s response might not be ANTISEMITE!!!11!!!. It might be, “See? It’s those dirty Israelis censoring our American Freedoms with their Jewy dirty tricks.”

    • Replies: @renfro
  52. Durruti says:

    I have my differences with Unz, & do not trust him. He absolutely refuses to discuss, or permit to be discussed on his website, SOLUTIONS for the ails we Americans.

    Unz went as far as removing my comments – on the necessity to Restore Our Republic! Whether or not he agrees with my political analysis. – – Why did he remove (censor them)? If he is so intelligent and well educated, why did he not enter open debate-discussion, on just what happened on November 22, 1963 (not only who committed the crime, but the reasons for the crime)? I repeatedly offered to present an article on the subject (and sent Unz a copy of one such article that I and others have circulated).

    However: Unz’ recent articles are informational, cutting edge, read by many thousands, and well worth reading.

    This article deals with information we Americans must learn. This information will help us regain our sovereignty.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @jilles dykstra
  53. bucky says:

    Possible, but again, Ron Unz does the thing where he cites from authority — the authority being some author or himself, but doesn’t really lay out any information himself to explain why exactly it is so convincing. He just states that it is convincing. He also does so without laying out any evidence, or doing any skeptical analysis of the sources, because as these are fringe sources there is likely a lot wrong — with grains of truth perhaps, but still, much will be paranoid and simply insane. Any true analysis would sift through the sources with a skeptical bent. That would be more convincing than what is here.

    Oddly enough, Unz does the same thing as his purported enemies. Many people take what the ADL says as truth and don’t do a fine-grained analysis of it. Many people cite conventional wisdom from various establishments as ending arguments, without going into the details.

    It is possible that class hatred of Leo Frank led the white southerners to conveniently overlook the black janitor who others have said was the real murderer. We certainly know the reality of crime statistics in the current day and it isn’t a far stretch to say that many lynchings were in fact justified and many of those lynched were in fact guilty.

    It is also possible that Leo Frank murdered the girl.

    If you don’t go into the details of the case, if you just go about arguing from reputation, drawing on the biases of the readers, against Jews, for blacks, what have you, then it becomes he said she said. It’s nothing.

    • Agree: Tyrion 2
    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Sean
  54. FDW says:
    @Malaysian Truther

    For a look at possible Stasi-like activity on the part of the ADL, see John T. Flynn’s WWII-era pamphlet, THE SMEAR TERROR — if you can find it. Would be a good candidate for Ron’s library of HTML books.

  55. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Obsessive Contrarian

    Hearsay can be admitted sometimes. Plus standards of evidence change over the years.

    The real evidence was physical. Mary has shoulder length wavy reddish blonde hair. Frank had 2-3 inch Caucasian straight dark hair. Some of his hair was found on her head shoulders and chest.

    There were only 2 men in the factory that day, a White and a black. Frank was arrested and tried because of the physical evidence he left on Mary.

    Frank was known to the girls who worked in his factory as a grabber groper and harasser. “ Never be alone with Mr Frank “ was the motto of the girls who worked in his factory.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  56. @Fluesterwitz

    And yet their anti-Semitism wasn’t enough to keep a Jew (from New York, no less) to open up a pencil factory in their midst and employ young white girls to work for him. Nor to allow that Jew to buy a house in the best neighborhood and employ black servants, or to go to social events with their Christian neighbors.

    Yep, Jim Crow era Atlanta must’ve been a regular Auschwitz.

  57. pensword says:

    Thank you for contributing such valuable work, that we may fathom with greater depth the most politically-incorrect topic of our time. The Frank debacle isn’t one with which I’d been intimately familiar, but you’ve convinced me he was certainly guilty. The EIR piece was also enlightening. I hadn’t previously known the proximity of connection between the ADL and Pollard.

    Took them less than a week to respond to your previous piece. I must say, they are the undisputed masters of dark comic relief.

  58. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Read my post 56. The reason Frank was arrested and tried is that he left physical evidence in Mary; his dark Caucasian hair.

    He left his hair on Mary’s head shoulders and chest. Had a black man left his hair on Mary the race of the murder rapist would have been obvious.

    Since a White man left his hair on Mary, they arrested the only White man who had access to Mary that day.

  59. schrub says:

    Anybody who thinks that Frank might have been innocent had better read the prosecutor’s very meticulous and detailed closing statement in this case. Frank’s alibi was as full of holes as a swiss cheese.

    Only one of Atlanta’s five major newspapers was even slightly impartial in this case. The rest were fervent supporters of Frank’s innocence. The outright abuse of the prosecution team in the media, both locally and nationally (before and after the trial) was truly remarkable and unprecedented.

    Here is a curious bit of information I recently came upon. After Frank’s death sentence was commuted by Georgia governor John Slaton to life imprisonment, a unique request was made by Frank’s legal team (and apparently granted) that Frank be allowed to have his own furniture from home in his cell and a servant from home be allowed to come into his cell to clean it up.

    This request must have been considered a wee too extreme and might have been part of a slowly evolving tipping point. The citizens of Atlanta must have started realizing that the next step would have been a full pardon of Frank by the now fully bribed Georgia governor Slaton.

    Needless to say, the citizenry quickly ended this possibility.

  60. Seraphim says:

    God works in mysterious, but wondrous ways. No matter what, Truth will rise above falsehood like oil above the water. Knowledge of truth is what sets a man free, and proclamation of it even freer. You can’t put the light under the bushel. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled”. American ‘Pravda’ is a momentous event that I am hopeful will have enormous importance. God bless you Ron.

  61. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    They’ve found the ripper murderer thru DNA. It was a chief suspect Aaron Kosmenski Jewish immigrant. The police saved the clothing of all the victims.

    DNA was taken from the clothing in hopes that as so often happens in stabbing a the murder cut himself. The shawl of Catherine Eddowes had blood of the murderer on it as well
    as her own

    DNA was taken from a descendant of Kosmenski. It matched the DNA on Catherine Eddows shawl.

    Kosmenski was known to be insane. He’d attacked women in daylight on public streets before. After the 5th victim was found Kosmenski was out in a mental hospital and the killings ceased.

    Jack was the immigrant Jew Kosmenski as proved by his DNA on the victim’s shawl.

  62. @Craig Nelsen

    Who killed Swedish prime minister Palme, and prime minister to be Anna Lyndh ?
    Lyndh wanted an EU economic boycott of Israel.
    Why did Hammarskjöld have a plane accident ?
    Churchill had no problem in killing Polish president in exile Sikorski.
    De Gaulle for a long time in WWII refused to fly.
    David Irving, ‘Accident – The death of General Sikorsky’, 1979, München (German translation)
    Sikorsky had survived an amazing number of plane accidents already:
    Jan Ciechanowski, vormals polnischer Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten, ´Vergeblicher Sieg’, Zürich 1948 ( Defeat in Victory, New York, 1947)

  63. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I wish Ron would censor Jeff Stryker.

  64. @Durruti

    Not trust in what ?
    Does he write lies ?
    You may disagree with him in his political views, but this has nothing to do with what I see as trust.

    • Replies: @Durruti
  65. nickels says:

    These is an entertaining melee to watch.
    Not unlike the soldiers of Red Cloud against Forty Kearny, Unz pesters the ADL for a while until their ego takes a bruise and they decide to peek their heads out for a counterattack.
    Thereup0on they are surrounding and destroyed in a yet more powerful intellectual sally.

    The tides have turned on them. Their doom is written across the pages for all to see.

  66. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Yes, and Ron’s routine as “dragon slayer” is either self-refuting (his tilting at windmills has made all the splash one would expect i.e none) or insufferably self-aggrandising (he is such an amazing and legendary hero that the battle was over in one blow.)

    Or perhaps it is just all a joke – a funny way to collect the world’s anti-Semites onto one site…does even one of this series of articles make sense? Nevermind when combined.

    • Disagree: Kiza
    • Replies: @Druid
    , @Anon
    , @Sean
    , @annamaria
  67. anon[133] • Disclaimer says:

    That’s all well and good, but why did Jews want to save Leo Frank in the first place? Perhaps I’m missing something

  68. Ron, I can’t think you enough for your exposure of what is true and factual.

    Now, has taken us so far on this journey toward re-calibrating the scales of justice, but don’t stop now. Where do we go from here? Whatever it is it will be non-violent and legal and just and defensive. But, Ron, you have the moment. As a group (you, your readers, Phil Giraldi, etc.) we should not lose the moment. Now is the time to stand up to these bullies. And not just by writing comments at the end of an article. I assume that many people reading this today would be willing to get involved in an organized resistance (think 1960s civil rights). I’m not a leader, but I am prepared to follow. Anyone else? Because we can only get so many people to read (or read at all). It’s time to condense Ron’s body of work and take it to the masses.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  69. Ron Unz says:

    The real evidence was physical. Mary has shoulder length wavy reddish blonde hair. Frank had 2-3 inch Caucasian straight dark hair. Some of his hair was found on her head shoulders and chest.

    That’s very interesting. I’ll admit that nearly all of my knowledge of the case comes from the three books I referenced. If what you’re saying is correct, it’s quite odd that the NOI authors failed to mention that item, given their very heavy research into the media coverage and other contemporaneous primary documentary evidence.

    What was your source for that information?

  70. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Obsessive Contrarian

    Wife also divorced him as soon as possible.

    • Replies: @Hamlet's Ghost
  71. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    Read quotes from the trial transcripts in a book in either UCLA or USC library in Los Angeles.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  72. crimson2 says:

    Mel Gibson ruined his own career.

    When will your whining cease? People don’t like Nazi rhetoric and if you go around spewing it the way that Ron Unz does, then you’re going to be ostracized. This isn’t the ADL sabotaging your career. It’s you being a pathetic human being that no one wants to deal with.

  73. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    One for all and all for one. Another reason was probably capitalists vs labor.

    The capitalists were still on top in 1913. But the labor movement was growing in power. A capitalist not just exploiting 10 to 16 year old girls working 12 hour days 6 days a week for $1.25 a week was just the thing to spur a labor movement in the south as well as the rest of the country.

    That was also during the big movement for compulsory school thru 8 th grade.

    I doubt Jewish employers were any worse than other employees at the time. Turning it into a Jew vs anti Semite thing kept the factory exploitation of children out of the newspapers.

    Just my opinion

  74. Hannibal says: • Website

    I have already translated into French :
    1) Ron Unz, un kamikaze en Californie

    2) American Pravda : Juifs et Nazis

    3) Ron Unz – Pourquoi on cache aux Juifs les raisons de l’antisémitisme

    4) La malhonnêteté, l’hypocrisie, la haine des autres et le subterfuge dans la religion juive par Ron UNZ

    and I am going to translate American Pravda: The ADL in American Society

  75. Sean says:

    Even Lindemann admitted that anyone with the evidence him that that was against Frank would be very likely to find himself in court. Apart from what has already been mentioned, and his propinquity to the scene of the crime, which was a machine room across the hall from his office

    1) Before the body was discovered, Frank telephoned the watchman Lee to ask if everything was all right at the factory, although he had never done this before.

    2) Frank initially denied to detectives that he knew who Mary Phagan was although he made up her wage packet and had to walk past her work station whenever he went to the toilet

    3) Frank altered Lee’s time sheet to make it look as if he could have committed the murder.

    His actions were not that of an innocent man.

  76. utu says:

    We should look at Leo Frank affair in the context of Jewish tradition and expectations vis-à-vis the gentile legal system and society in general.

    Since 1264 in Poland Jews were protected under the Statute of Kalisz. This statute was reaffirmed and ratified by subsequent Polish monarchs Casimir III of Poland in 1334, Casimir IV of Poland in 1453, and Sigismund I of Poland in 1539. Basically Jews in Poland where form 80% of all World Jewry came form has significant autonomy and legal protection. The most important was the first point of the Statute of Kalisz:

    Should a Jew be taken to court, not just only a Christian must testify against him, but also a Jew, in order for the case to be considered valid.

    which basically indemnified Jews in non Jewish courts and legal system. Jews were outside of the law of gentiles while at the same time believing they were under a constant threat of persecution from gentiles. It is interesting that the Statute of Kalisz (point 35) imposed the Good Samaritan law on gentiles making it their duty under the penalty of 30 shillings to give aid to any Jew being attacked.

    On the one hand Jewish organizations that represents Jews and define their role in gentile host society had no other choice but to follow the centuries old tradition which was the total denial of Leo Frank guilt because Jews may not be judged by gentiles. On the other hand Leo Frank case was really godsent. It helped to antagonize Jews agains their new American host and cast them in the same role of poor persecuted Jews of France, Poland or Russia. Leo Frank served the same role as Dreyfuss in France and Mendel Beilis in Russia: organize and increase the cohesion of Jewish diaspora under the threat of anti-Semitic gentile host, reduce assimilation and defection. Basically nothing new, the same old shtick that worked so well for Jews to keep them Jewish over the centuries.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @CanSpeccy
  77. The Kaliforinan kamikazi strikes again.
    Thank you sir.
    The cat is out of the bag but still locked in this room; it’s our duty to let it out.
    We have all the evidence and can see the going ons in the occupied territory of Gaza and the world.
    Please take a public stand; stand for morality, ethics and expose the criminals everywhere.
    Thank you again, Mr. Ron Unz
    P.S. and say a prayer for the little 13 year girl, forced to work, raped and killed.

  78. Ron Unz says:

    Read quotes from the trial transcripts in a book in either UCLA or USC library in Los Angeles.

    That’s extremely interesting. Both the NOI and the Oney books mention that the trial transcript disappeared from the Fulton County courthouse sometime during the 1960s, forcing the authors to rely upon the Brief of Evidence, a far less comprehensive account of the proceedings prepared for the Appeals process. However, they suggest that most of the important presentations were presented in great detail in the local newspaper coverage.

    If other copies of the full transcript existed at various major research libraries, it’s a shame that none of the researchers were aware of these or made use of them.

    • Replies: @Anon
  79. Thank you, Ron Unz, for providing sourced information that is almost impossible to obtain from any other reliable and acceptable source. I suspect that the ADL’s strategy of ignoring Ron Unz and the Unz Review is the only practical one available to the ADL Large-scale attacks on Unz and the Unz Review would only advertise the Review’s existence and draw further readers, many of whom would find at least some of the Review’s many counter-narratives convincing, particularly in light of the meticulous research which Mr. Unz and other regular contributors provide.

  80. @Anon

    She also refused to be buried next to him at the family grave plot.

  81. anarchyst says:

    Mel Gibson was right…

    • Agree: Druid
  82. Art says:

    Mel Gibson ruined his own career.

    Clearly that is an obvious lie. That is how the Talmudic Jew culture works – just lie and lie and lie.

    Create chaos – get in a gentile’s face and lie – and then get the Jew controlled media to repeat the lie over and over.

    The Talmudic Jews can not help themselves – they will be ostracized again.

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @crimson2
  83. utu says:

    why did Jews want to save Leo Frank in the first place

    In my comment #78 I tried to address this question. If they did not they soon would cease to be a distinct ethnic minority. This was Jewish modus operandi that kept them what they are.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  84. Anon919 says:

    Perhaps because they are not likely to admit any Jew could commit a crime, the tribe must stick together at all costs. Why do they fawn over Roman Polanski when court transcripts clearly show he drugged, raped and sodomized a child while she cried and said “no”? You won’t find a single Jew in Hollywood who denounces him.

    The exception, of course, is when a Jew commits the crime against another Jew. If Bernie Madoff had stolen from anyone but Jews, I believe he would be spending his twilight years on a yacht somewhere while his team of lawyers dragged out endless appeals.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anon
  85. renfro says:
    @Israel Shamir

    FYI…Re….Jeff Blankfort

    As an example of Jewish gate keeping by the so called anti Zionist Jews, Phil Weiss banned Jeff from mondoweiss site for commenting on the Nazi-Zionist collaboration.

    That caused a wholesale exodus of most of us non Jews to a friendfeed blog set up for us deserters.
    Jeff commented there and said that he although he inquired as to his banning he never got an answer .

  86. I am all in for cleansing. Cleansing of Zionism, and not Jewishness. Ron Unz has put down a marker I abide with, being part Jew or semite. Israel belongs in hell, it is a robber barony, better exterminated, like the pests they are. These individuals are not human, they are Gollum’s, pityful bastards better put down. They have forefeighted their rigth to lif, by their choice of government.

    “Ceterum censeo Israelum esse delendam.”

    Fuck it.

    • Replies: @crimson2
  87. I thank Ron Unz for this terrific learning experience.

    1993, when news reached me about the SFPD bust of an ADL headquarter, I was very occupied by work, subsequently inattentive. Since then, with full disclosure, I forgot about the crime.

    Noting Ron’s having wondered about possible espionage-prosecution under RICO, I cannot allow for any reason why it was not prosecuted.

    Uh, except for the obvious fact that ADL was unaccountable under the rigged Hebrew law ‘o the land.

  88. Mary Phagan was a very pretty girl.

    She was killed by a sexual predator.

    Seems an obvious icon for #MeToo.

    An American Anne Frank, except no dastardly Nazis took Mary Phagan to a hospital to try to save her life.

  89. @utu

    Jews were prominent in the slave trade, also a topic NOI has researched.

    Failure to gather the wagons around Frank might have exposed more Jews to unpleasant accusations.

    (Tony Martin is introduced by Michael Hoffman; Must See video)

    Many, many of today’s Jewish elite have southern roots and made the nucleus of their fortunes in the South before movin’ on up to New York; Atlanta had the second largest population of Jews in USA at time of War between the States.

    • Replies: @Anon
  90. @crimson2

    Mel Gibson ruined his own career.
    When will your whining cease? People don’t like Nazi rhetoric and if you go around spewing it

    I don’t know much (I really don’t care about celebrities) about Gibson’s case but I distinctly recall Jewish organizations objecting to Passion of the Christ for a pretty evident reason of Jews being portrayed as, well…you know, people who betrayed Christ. Plus, what’s so “Nazi” about stating the obvious fact of Hollywood being a thoroughly Jewish enterprise which was set up by Jews with everything which comes with the territory. There is even a book about that, and not one if my memory doesn’t fail me. There is also no denial of the US being a unique nation in terms of being a hub of the Holocaust Industry–a Joint Venture between US Jewish organizations and said Hollywood. Holocaust in US was completely monetized and industrialized and, in fact, they should have tried IPO on Wall Street for that. In fact, American Jewry is primarily responsible for trivializing and discrediting Holocaust–I am not Holocaust denier, despite the fact that I do have issues with numbers, but 26 standing ovations by the US Congress for Israeli leader who got to this session even without proper protocol and humiliated POTUS, however contemptible he was, kinda gives a feel of what is going on.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @crimson2
  91. crimson2 says:
    @Den Lille Abe

    They have forefeighted their rigth to lif, by their choice of government.

    “Ceterum censeo Israelum esse delendam.”

    Fuck it.

    Oh, dear. It seems that Ron’s non-stop spew of Nazi rhetoric is riling up the less intelligent of his followers. I’m sure some violence is next. The story about lynching a Jew gets them rock hard for blood.

    Anyway, you halfwits may take down a few innocents, but it’s your own death warrants you’re signing here.

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
    , @annamaria
  92. Anon[394] • Disclaimer says:

    maddoff ripped off plenty of non Jews. His big scores came from pension funds and municipal and national health endowments and pension funds. A lot of his money came from European cities endowment funds for the support of the health system and other municipal responsibilities.

    Elderly jewish women dripping with jewelry were bussed in to weep and wail about maddoff. The real money in investments doesn’t come from ordinary millionaires. It comes from retirement funds and municipal, university state and national investment funds. The ripoff of the Europeans might have been the reason the SEC finally went after him.

  93. Art says:

    This was merely the tip of the iceberg in what clearly amounted to the largest domestic spying operation by any private organization in American history, and according to some sources, ADL agents across the country had targeted over 1,000 political, religious, labor, and civil rights organizations, with the New York headquarters of the ADL maintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans.

    “the ADL maintaining active dossiers on more than a million Americans”— that should be the focus of our attention.

    Do the Jews have goat pictures of every politician in America?

    We MUST find out!

    Think Peace — Art

    • Replies: @annamaria
  94. Anon[394] • Disclaimer says:

    The way the entertainment Jews and everybody else in the auditorium stood up and gave Polanski a standing ovation for his lifetime award in absentia at the academy awards was an acknowledgement and cheer for the boot in our face. He sodomized her because he asked her if she was on the pill. She wasn’t so he turned her over. In what world are 13 year olds on the pill?

    The entertainment industry world.

    • Replies: @Anon8243
  95. TheOldOne says:

    E Michael Jones devoted an entire chapter of his book “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”, published in 2007, to the Frank case.

    Just sayin.

    Thanks, Mr. Unz; you’ve become a hero to me, even though you are mistaken on the immigration question.

  96. “We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet.”

    Love the understatement.

    Since “it is hard for a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it”, when may we expect an article on the pivotal role of usury?

  97. renfro says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Speak the truth, and shrug when you are called an anti-Semite, a hater, a racist, a bigot…

    Excellent advice.

    Someone here recently berated me for hating all Jews because I constantly refer to all the Fifth Column’s manipulations as the Jews .

    My real reason for doing that is to help in some small way to de-sensitize the Jew taboo…….which is what Unz does in a large and magnificently factual way.

    Bravo Unz!

    • Agree: Craig Nelsen
  98. Durruti says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Thanks for observing my comment.

    Your question, “Not trust in what?” indicates you did not read, or understand my short comment.

    I quote my own relevant and crystal clear comment.

    “He absolutely refuses to discuss, or permit to be discussed on his website, SOLUTIONS for the ails we Americans.

    Unz went as far as removing my comments – on the necessity to Restore Our Republic!”

    <b>Censorship invites distrust. Why do we approach alternate media outlets in order to raise our voice, rather than the New York Times and other mainstream outlets?

    I also attempted the corrective “I am not an anti-Semite; I like Arabs.” The educated Mr Unz also refuses to tackle that one. Hint – the overwhelming majority of Jews are not Semites (peoples from the Middle East). Can you see reasons for Zionist Oligarchs to misdirect our most basic media of communication, (language), in order to cover up Their Racist Apartheid anti-Semitism? What was the point of Orwell’s 1984? If Jews are peoples from the Middle East, (Semites), then they may claim rights to some portions thereof? Zionism against Palestinians and other Arabs is a racist Apartheid anti-Semitic (not to mention imperialist), crime.

    Koestler’s The 13th Tribe explains the origins of most Jews (including my Mother’s family).

    God Bless!

    Long life to you & Unz.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  99. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Webster tarpley is an idiot and preposterous liar, as I demonstrate here.

  100. JNDillard says:

    In attempting to place this remarkable accounting of the racist roots of ADL in a broader historical context, what appears to be happening is a broad and epic backlash to the hubristic control of the mainstream narrative. It so denounces and ridicules common human decency and universal human rights that rational minds question its plausibility. People who are attacked for exposing injustice get mad, and that anger spreads against theADL, the major perpetrator of the repression, to Zionism, its supportive ideology, to Israel, the international sponsor and enforcer of apartheid, and then to Judaism and Jews in general, for not policing their own zealots. Along with anti-zionism and anti-Israeli voices (such as BDS), genuine anti-semitism is getting louder and louder, which both validates the chronic victim script of Judaism and places great responsibility on those Jews who have not spoken up against Zionism, Israeli apartheid, and the submission of American power structures – media, congress, corporations, before the Zionist agenda. Jews: you have a responsibility to speak up and police your own, as Mr. Unz is doing, because you have relative credibility within your community in relationship to gentile voices. It is important to remember that there is a small and growing contingent of such courageous Jewish voices that speak out against Zionism, and those voices are becoming louder as polls show Jewish millennials losing faith in Israel due to its apartheid policies. Because Jews play such a large role in American banking, corporate, media, and political life, when the multiple massive financial bubbles we are living in burst, Jews are likely to get a large share of the blame, and rightly so, because they will bear an outsized portion of the responsibility. This will be true not only economically, but geopolitically, in Israel. Because Israel has made a two-state solution impossible, they will soon be confronted with a majority Arab state. Things are unraveling fast. I predict that confrontation with destiny is less than ten years away, and Mr. Unz is propelling a broad-based and quickly spreading public awakening.

    • Replies: @FLgeezer
  101. S says:

    Please look into Webster Tarpley for his interesting take on the cause of WW1 and WW2 and also 9/11. He is a respected historian who has written a lot about similar topics with more of a focus on the Wasps in America. Especially the Bush family.

    Excellent article regarding the Leo Frank case by Ron Unz.

    While I’m not familiar with the Webster Tarpley fellow you mention, of something that’s multi-faceted and involving multiple peoples, folks should have a solid understanding of the more purely Anglo-Saxon aspect of things as you allude.

    A portion of that involves the centuries old A-S ideology of a future global ‘New Rome’ empire which historically they believed was to be centered upon a US/UK axis (with an emphasis on the United States) and dominated by the Anglo-Saxon people, namely powerful elements of their elites and hangers on.

    I very much think the Bush’s (in particular Bush ’41), Clintons, the past PM’s Churchill and Blair, Queen Elizabeth II and other British royalty, as well as other Anglo-Saxonish elites and hangers on going back to the time of the 1776 American Revolution and before, are and have been very much aware of the New Rome ideology, and which may help in part to explain some of their past actions.

    The New Rome (1853) – pg 73-74

    ‘we do not conquer, we liberate..’

    ‘…We go behind nationalities to find the people. This is the head and front of our offending; this is what will give to the American Revolution the empire of the world.’

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @David
  102. Robjil says:

    Mel’s outburst happened in the summer of 2006 during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Mel was correct. Israel and Israel firsters are into the Seven nations to destroy mantra. He was protesting that. Our 500 BC media is quiet about that since it loves 500 BC more than the 21st century. The seven to destroy agenda comes from Deuteronomy 7.1-2 written in 500 BC.

    • Replies: @Anon
  103. anarchyst says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Mel Gibson capitulated to jewish interests by removing the phrase “may his (Christ’s) blood be upon us and on our descendants” from the dialogue in “The Passion of the Christ”.

    • Replies: @Hamlet's Ghost
  104. renfro says:

    Somewhat ironically, this invites the argument that white Southerners hated Jews so much that in order to convict Frank they were even willing to break with an anti-black legal tradition and create this legal precedent

    No it doesn’t. They would have preferred to find the black guilty but the evidence against Frank was too overwhelming.

    I think you have to be a Southerner to understand how society worked back then. Blacks were at the bottom of the totem pole , Jews were acceptable in business dealings but not in gentile society. Well into my young adulthood Jews were excluded from mingling with upper gentile society. This was a hangover attitude from the Civil War and the Jewish carpetbaggers who flocked to the South to take advantage of a population in disarray . ….mainly the Blacks, who became quickly indebted to Jewish merchant stores by getting supplies on credit based on repaying when his crops came in ….often the newly freed black farmer ended up losing whatever small plot of land he had for not being able to pay the debt and was converted to a tenant farmer for the Jew. This was also the case with struggling white farmers but not as much as with the blacks.

    Anti-defamation League Files Complaint Against Southern Resort Hotel
    January 12, 1966

    • Replies: @Anon
  105. geokat62 says:

    I very much think the… Clintons… and Blair, are and have been very much aware of the New Rome ideology…

    Had you written “New Zion ideology,” your assertion would’ve been much more convincing.

    • Replies: @S
  106. Mike P says:
    @Obsessive Contrarian

    This is called hearsay, and is inadmissable.

    It is inadmissible in a court of law – which this forum is not.

    • Replies: @Liberty Mike
  107. Ron Unz says:

    What do we know about the lynch mob? Was anybody prosecuted? Who were the leaders? Provocateurs?

    Actually, the suspicions you seem to be raising were extensively discussed by the NOI authors.

    They emphasize that Frank was apparently something of an egomaniac, with that tendency worsened by the massive national MSM coverage he had been receiving during his two years of appeals.

    The NOI authors argue that Frank’s very wealthy and powerful Jewish backers might have feared that if he lived and perhaps eventually regained his freedom, his loose tongue and love of the media limelight might have eventually led to the discovery that he had been 100% guilty all along, which obviously would have created enormous problems for his supporters. Therefore, they speculate that these individuals either gave a green light to Frank’s killing or perhaps even helped ensure that it happened.

    While they provide some intriguing bits of evidence in support of this hypothesis, I’d regard it as highly speculative at best.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @utu
    , @Carroll Price
  108. songbird says:

    I’ve mentioned it before here, but I think one of the most startling examples of the power of the ADL is the Zakim-Bunker Hill Bridge in Boston.

    The bridge is near Bunker Hill. It has design elements which incorporate the monolithic memorial of Bunker Hill, once and for many years the tallest building in Boston. The memorial commemorates liberty and the birth of America, how is it possible that the regional head of the ADL could be hyphenated to that? Is there anything remotely similar? Some minority special interest group being hyphenated to a famous battle in nation’s fight for independence?

    Critics of the decision were called antisemites.

  109. renfro says:

    The ADL is not invincible. I have wondered why more people don’t sue for being labeled anti-Semites. I can only guess it is the financial cost and fear of losing, although I think juries usually have good noses for sniffing out rot.

    Anti-Defamation League Suffers Major Legal Defeat

    Colorado Jury Orders Jewish Group to Pay $10.5 Million for Defamatory Statements

    ”In a legal decision rich with irony, a jury in a federal court case in Denver, Colorado, has found that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a powerful Jewish special interest group, had defamed a local couple. On April 28, 2000, the jurors awarded $10.5 million in damages to William and Dorothy Quigley. This is the first court verdict ever against the influential 87-year-old organization. The award, a quarter of the ADL’s $45 million annual budget, was substantially more than the Quigleys had requested.

    At a 1994 news conference, the ADL had accused the Quigleys, a couple in the Denver suburb of Evergreen, of perpetrating the worst anti-Semitic incident in the area in ten years. The ADL accused them of launching a campaign against their Jewish neighbors, Mitchell and Candace Aronson, to run them out of town and threatening to commit acts such as painting oven doors on their neighbors’ home. Concluding a four week trial, the jury found that more than 40 statements by Saul F. Rosenthal, director of the ADL’s Mountain States chapter, were defamatory and “not substantially true.”

    The Quigleys, who are Roman Catholic, and the Aronsons — neighbors on the same street two houses away — got along until the Aronsons’ large dog allegedly attacked the Quigley’s smaller dog. As the dispute escalated, Mitchell Aronson tuned in a police scanner to eavesdrop on private conversations by the Quigleys over their cordless telephone. The Aronsons’ nearly 100 hours of recorded telephone conversations violated the amended federal wiretap law, which makes it illegal to record conversations on a cordless telephone, to transcribe the material, and to use the transcriptions for any purpose.

    The Aronsons sought help from the ADL, whose local director publicly denounced the Quigleys as anti-Semites. Director Rosenthal illegally used the tapes to charge at a news conference in December 1994 that the Quigleys were engaged in “a vicious anti-Semitic campaign.” He expanded on these charges later that same day in an interview on a Denver radio talk show.

    Acting on complaints from the Aronsons, the local District Attorney filed ethnic intimidation charges against the Quigleys. But the county prosecutor later dropped the charges and, in an open letter, apologized to the couple, saying he had found no evidence that either had engaged in “anti-Semitic conduct or harassment.” The DA also paid the Quigleys $75,000 as part of an out-of-court settlement.

    The numerous damage awards include one million dollars in economic and non-economic damages for William Quigley and $500,000 for Dorothy Quigley. The couple was also awarded more than $8.7 million in punitive damages and other, lesser amounts.”

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Anon
    , @Craig Nelsen
  110. Anon[425] • Disclaimer says:

    The ADL is one of the many tentacles of the only legal mafia

    Yes, it’s part of a system. Recently I watched WIZARD OF LIES, an HBO movie about Bernie Madoff directed by Barry Levinson and written by Jewish pros.

    Pretty well done and well-acted, but it hardly showed anything about the operation. All it did was humanize the larger Madoff family as having had no clue. Also, with DeNiro as Madoff, even the arch villain is more personable than anything else.

  111. crimson2 says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    I am not Holocaust denier, despite the fact that I do have issues with numbers

    Ron Unz is.

    And you probably are too.

  112. crimson2 says:

    The Talmudic Jews can not help themselves – they will be ostracized again.

    This is the part that you and Unz and the other denizens of this mad place don’t get. The ADL won the argument. They beat you thoroughly because you and your ideas are dumb trash. So, cry about it, I guess, but don’t delude yourself with dreams of pogroms.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Art
  113. renfro says:
    @Nikolas Cruz JROTC All-star

    The CIA has no love for or trust in the Israelis.

    False Flag
    A series of CIA memos describes how Israeli Mossad agents posed as CIA Agents to recruit members of the terrorist organization Jundallah to fight their covert war against Iran


    Buried deep in the archives of America’s intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush’s administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents. According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives — what is commonly referred to as a “false flag” operation.

    The memos, as described by the sources, one of whom has read them and another who is intimately familiar with the case, investigated and debunked reports from 2007 and 2008 accusing the CIA, at the direction of the White House, of covertly supporting Jundallah — a Pakistan-based Sunni extremist organization. Jundallah, according to the U.S. government and published reports, is responsible for assassinating Iranian government officials and killing Iranian women and children.

    But while the memos show that the United States had barred even the most incidental contact with Jundallah, according to both intelligence officers, the same was not true for Israel’s Mossad. The memos also detail CIA field reports saying that Israel’s recruiting activities occurred under the nose of U.S. intelligence officers, most notably in London, the capital of one of Israel’s ostensible allies, where Mossad officers posing as CIA operatives met with Jundallah officials.

    “It’s amazing what the Israelis thought they could get away with,” the intelligence officer said. “Their recruitment activities were nearly in the open. They apparently didn’t give a damn what we thought.”

    Interviews with six currently serving or recently retired intelligence officers over the last 18 months have helped to fill in the blanks of the Israeli false-flag operation. In addition to the two currently serving U.S. intelligence officers, the existence of the Israeli false-flag operation was confirmed by four retired intelligence officers who have served in the CIA or have monitored Israeli intelligence operations from senior positions inside the U.S. government.

    There is no denying that there is a covert, bloody, and ongoing campaign aimed at stopping Iran’s nuclear program, though no evidence has emerged connecting recent acts of sabotage and killings inside Iran to Jundallah. Many reports have cited Israel as the architect of this covert campaign, which claimed its latest victim on Jan. 11 when a motorcyclist in Tehran slipped a magnetic explosive device under the car of Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, a young Iranian nuclear scientist. The explosion killed Roshan, making him the fourth scientist assassinated in the past two years. The United States adamantly denies it is behind these killings.

    According to one retired CIA officer, information about the false-flag operation was reported up the U.S. intelligence chain of command. It reached CIA Director of Operations Stephen Kappes, his deputy Michael Sulick, and the head of the Counterintelligence Center. All three of these officials are now retired. The Counterintelligence Center, according to its website, is tasked with investigating “threats posed by foreign intelligence services.”

    The report then made its way to the White House, according to the currently serving U.S. intelligence officer. The officer said that Bush “went absolutely ballistic” when briefed on its contents.

    “The report sparked White House concerns that Israel’s program was putting Americans at risk,” the intelligence officer told me. “There’s no question that the U.S. has cooperated with Israel in intelligence-gathering operations against the Iranians, but this was different. No matter what anyone thinks, we’re not in the business of assassinating Iranian officials or killing Iranian civilians.”

    “It’s easy to understand why Bush was so angry,” a former intelligence officer said. “After all, it’s hard to engage with a foreign government if they’re convinced you’re killing their people. Once you start doing that, they feel they can do the same.”

    A senior administration official vowed to “take the gloves off” with Israel, according to a U.S. intelligence officer. But the United States did nothing — a result that the officer attributed to “political and bureaucratic inertia.”

    The debate over Jundallah was resolved only after Bush left office when, within his first weeks as president, Barack Obama drastically scaled back joint U.S.-Israel intelligence programs targeting Iran, according to multiple serving and retired officers.

    Israel regularly proposes conducting covert operations targeting Iranians, but is just as regularly shut down, according to retired and current intelligence officers. “They come into the room and spread out their plans, and we just shake our heads,” one highly placed intelligence source said, “and we say to them — ‘Don’t even go there. The answer is no.’”

    The 2009 attack was just one in a long line of terrorist attacks attributed to the organization. In August 2007, Jundallah kidnapped 21 Iranian truck drivers. In December 2008, it captured and executed 16 Iranian border guards — the gruesome killings were filmed, in a stark echo of the decapitation of American businessman Nick Berg in Iraq at the hands of al Qaeda’s Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. In July 2010, Jundallah conducted a twin suicide bombing in Zahedan outside a mosque, killing dozens of people, including members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

    “This certainly isn’t the first time this has happened, though it’s the worst case I’ve heard of,” former Centcom chief and retired Gen. Joe Hoar said of the Israeli operation upon being informed of it. “But while false-flag operations are hardly new, they’re extremely dangerous. You’re basically using your friendship with an ally for your own purposes. Israel is playing with fire. It gets us involved in their covert war, whether we want to be involved or not.”

    The Israeli operation left a number of recently retired CIA officers sputtering in frustration. “It’s going to be pretty hard for the U.S. to distance itself from an Israeli attack on Iran with this kind of thing going on,” one of them told me.

    While many of the details of Israel’s involvement with Jundallah are now known, many others still remain a mystery — and are likely to remain so. The CIA memos of the incident have been “blue bordered,” meaning that they were circulated to senior levels of the broader U.S. intelligence community as well as senior State Department officials.

    What has become crystal clear, however, is the level of anger among senior intelligence officials about Israel’s actions. “This was stupid and dangerous,” the intelligence official who first told me about the operation said. “Israel is supposed to be working with us, not against us. If they want to shed blood, it would help a lot if it was their blood and not ours. You know, they’re supposed to be a strategic asset. Well, guess what? There are a lot of people now, important people, who just don’t think that’s true.”

  114. utu says:

    Yes, but the other lesson is that the label of anti-Semitism is worth $10 millions. So if you got labeled and it sticks your worth drops by $10 millions. The weapon they have remains very powerful. To really disarm it we would have to come to the point where accusations of anti-Semitism would be just ignored with a shrug “so what.” In Soviet Union being called reactionary or revisionist would cost you job, freedom and even life but now nobody cares. This is the point we want to get to with the anti-Semitism.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  115. I remember that 1993 ADL raid in San Francisco quite well. Sam Donaldson was filling in as the ABC News anchor and the raid was his top story! I’m sure any video of this has long since been memory holed but I remember my jaw dropping at the time. I was subscribing to the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and knew this was big, big stuff. Massive respect to Donaldson.

  116. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    The books I read were 1930s books. It’s amazing what can be found in college libraries, even in colleges founded in the 20 th century. Often when a college is founded other college libraries donate books. Often really old books can be found.

  117. @Mike P

    What was the basis of the black servant’s assertion that Frank had confessed the murder to his wife?

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @Anonymous
    , @Liberty Mike
  118. Everybody lies. but that is not too important.
    What I would like to find out is the yield on the latest issue of bonds.

  119. FLgeezer says:

    >Things are unraveling fast. I predict that confrontation with destiny is less than ten years away, and Mr. Unz is propelling a broad-based and quickly spreading public awakening.

    And may it be so JNDillard!

  120. Thank you, Mr. Unz, for another thoughtful and intelligent analysis.

    Incredibly, the Frank case brings to mind a book that millions of American schoolchildren were required to read and discuss in the classroom during their formative years: ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.

    This famous piece of politically-correct fiction (‘Mockingbird’) shares many similarities to the Frank case except that in ‘Mockingbird’, the fictional perp is an ignorant, white man (living in a racist, white Southern community) whereas in the non-fictional Frank case, a revised, politically-correct Jewish narrative would have us believe that a ‘falsely accused’ Jew was ‘scapegoated’ by bigoted whites who wanted to blame an innocent Jew for the unsolved murder of a white girl simply because–you guessed it–he happened to be Jewish. Oy vey.

    Thank you for shedding light, Mr. Unz, on another self-serving kosher yarn.

    Jewish narcissism and self-pity is without peer.

  121. @songbird

    You may know that Zakim’s son, Josh, recently lost his bid to unseat Bob Galvin in the Massachusetts Democrat primary for Secretary of the Commonwealth.

    The younger Zakim is a Boston City Councilor. Galvin has been the Secretary of the Commonwealth since 1994.

  122. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Mark Twain’s Life In The Mississippi has a couple chapters about Jewish store owners and money lenders cheating the freed blacks.

    The problem was so bad that there was a plan to establish cooperative stores for everyone. Blacks and Whites. It never happened

    Some of the Faulkner Robert Penn Warren and other southern writers feature a store owner running a Shylock business exploiting blacks.

  123. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    I wonder if he really said it. The deputy sheriff who claimed Mel said it was a Jew. He probably followed Mel for days.

  124. @crimson2

    Please stop labeling people. It is showing your baby teeth.

  125. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Ron Unz

    The professional Jews don’t mind creating Jewish martyrs. It does seem far fetched

  126. @Hans

    John McCain Sr was the admiral who gave the order to stand down, if I remember correctly. And Senator John McCain Jr was chairman of the Senate Banking Committee when many of the regulations meant to prevent media ownership concentrated in too few hands were gutted. Viacom and Sumner Redstone major beneficiaries and long time campaign donors.

    So, of course, the media played up McCain’s funerals like he was the greatest patriot that ever lived when, in fact, he was truly a contemptible traitor. Actually, the way he was lionized is practically proof that he was a scoundrel. Call it the McCain Rule: the glory bestowed on a politician in death is in direct proportion to the infamy they deserve. If you don’t believe me, remember, the last great over-the-top national panegyric was for Ted Kennedy.

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @Skeptikal
  127. @crimson2

    And you probably are too.

    Let me put it in simpler terms–I originate from a very different culture and history than Ron Unz, for all my deepest respect to Ron. These were my people who were digging up Babyi Yar and liberated Auschwitz (yes, this wasn’t Obama’s uncle who did this–Russians/Soviets did liberating), among many other concentration camps. So, I do not deny Holocaust, albeit I do have issues with numbers since some clarity has to be established on numbers of Jews fighting as Red Army soldiers and officers among some other issues. Plus some other things, so no–there was no 6 million. But Holocaust did happen, same as it happened to dirty Slavs such as myself. But you missed my point completely–only in the US (plus in Western Europe) Jewish Holocaust (Armenian genocide by Turkey was the first official one) is viewed as a pivotal event of the WW II–it was not. It was just another atrocity. This one specifically designed against Jews. So, my only question is–what is the real number. It certainly is not 6 million but it is also, certainly, in low millions. 2-3? I don’t know. So, do you get my position?

    1. Holocaust as deliberate elimination of Jews did happen. But it was one of several genocides.
    2. What is the real number? I don’t know.
    3. In the US Holocaust has long since stopped being a matter of history but is an industry designed to hammer mostly ignorant on real WW II history America into utter moral submission by means of guilt, both direct and by association. In US Holocaust is a Chutzpah. In Russia–it is totally different thing.

    Simple as that.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Mike P
    , @Seraphim
    , @Skeptikal
  128. utu says:
    @Ron Unz

    From what I have just read about the mob it was not a mob as we imagine a mob. It was very professionally organized operation with few participants and some important people behind it who funded it. The whole operation was impeccably executed.

    Since Leo Frank could have never been exonerated beyond a reasonable doubt and would remain a killer in the mind of majority there was no moral lesson or benefit to ADL having him lingering in prison and everybody saying or at least thinking that he was alive because of the power of Jews and that he really got away with murder. By having him extrajudicially killed he was instantly transformed into a victim of anti-Semitism and from a liability became an invaluable asset to the Jewish cause. There could not have been a better ending to this story. No playwrights of Greek tragedies or Shakespeare or Ibsen or Chekhov could have written it better. The play wrote itself. It was the only possible outcome. Were there playwrights behind the last act of the play that we do not know of? Obviously this is speculative. But because his extrajudicial killing was necessary to resolve the play I would not be surprised if some Jewish Iago character was a part of the cast.

    • Replies: @j2
  129. @crimson2

    Anyway, you halfwits may take down a few innocents, but it’s your own death warrants you’re signing here.

    Death warrants? Please explain what you mean.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @crimson2
  130. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    He didn’t ruin his career. He went in the make that Aztec movie. That earned tens of millions

    He’s been a producer and director ever sincePassion of the Christ. When he got old and wrinkled he had the sense to become a producer and director and make even more money than he did as an actor.

    I admire Jack Nicolesen for playing realistic old men. I don’t admire Stallone Redford and Eastford for playing men in the prime of life in their 70s

    • Replies: @Wally
  131. @Israel Shamir

    Here’s a TV interview I did with Jeff Blankfort about 15 years ago. Mr. Blankfort knows his subject well.

  132. David says:

    Not to say any thing against S, but one letter commenter handles play havoc with selectively blocking commenters. When one blocks “e” for example, a few dozen other commenters get blocked because they end in e, or something like that — I couldn’t actually discern the pattern. “Rosie” was one that was blocked when “e” was.

    How about a min handle length of 3 characters?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  133. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Liberty Mike

    The servant over heard it. The servnts also told police that Frank called his Rabbi to the house as soon as he cane home that day. The Rabbi got there before the police did.

    Something that would lead a reasonable man to believe Frank knew about the death before the police or anyone else did.

  134. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Wonder how much of a retainer the Quiggley attorney got before he agreed to take the case. Going up against the ADL was a big risk for both the Quigleys and their attorney

  135. j2 says:
    @Andrew Gilbert

    “perhaps you should read up on Scientology”

    Track the origins of scientology, it is an offshoot of the same Judeo-Masonic esoteric/occult conspiracy, just the same as B’nai B’rith is, and Israel, Thule society, Mizraim and all these others. If you start following the Freemasonry conspiracy, it is the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, the Zionist conspiracy, the banker’s conspiracy, the messianic conspiracy. It is exactly the same, only changing the cover organization every now and then. There is only one conspiracy that matters in this short history.

  136. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Crimson2 means ADL is compiling names and addresses and they’ll get us first.

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
  137. utu says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Armenian genocide by Turkey was the first official one

    No, Circassian genocide perpetrated by your people was the fist one.

  138. Seraphim says:

    Any drop of truth in the sea of falsehood would make bigger waves. The ‘controversial’ problem of the Jewish role in the ‘Russian Revolution’ cannot be understood without the ‘Statute of Kalisz’. One can ‘demonstrate’ that Jews were insignificant among Bolsheviks, but forget the Bund, the Mensheviks, the SRs, the Kadets (The Kadets “were unwaveringly committed to full citizenship for all of Russia’s minorities” and supported Jewish emancipation. The party drew significant support from Jews and Volga Germans and a significant number of each group were active party members” – from Wiki, no less).
    Isn’t that the “Undzer Shtik”, aka ‘Jewish Mob, Jewish Mafia, Kosher Mafia, Kosher Nostra’? The ‘Khazarians’? Yes, the same ‘old shtik’. They hate Russians, they abhor Orthodoxy (why do they want to make up a Khazar- Zaporizhian-swidomite ‘Ukrainian’ pseudo-’Orthodoxy’?). Dreyfuss, Beilis, Frank, same old shtik (you would not disregard the role of Jacob Schiff, revealed by Ron).

  139. j2 says:

    “But because his extrajudicial killing was necessary to resolve the play I would not be surprised if some Jewish Iago character was a part of the cast.”

    I think you are correct. That is completely logical and there could not be a better outcome for ADL than a lynch by Gentiles, as things went as they did.

  140. Mike P says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    These were my people who were digging up Babyi Yar

    Do you have a reference for that?

    • Replies: @Hans
  141. Anonymous[311] • Disclaimer says:
    @Liberty Mike

    QUOTE: What was the basis of the black servant’s assertion that Frank had confessed the murder to his wife?

    Presumably he “overheard” the confession, as domestic servants are wont to do.

    If the servant actually heard Frank admit to the murder directly or by inference (“Honey, I really screwed up this time”), the overheard statement would be admissible in court as an “admission against interest” on the part of the out-of-court speaker (Frank). This is a long-established exception to the hearsay rule.

    Of course, even if the testimony is admitted in court, the credibility of the witness and the meaning of the overheard statement would remain subject to challenge.

  142. renfro says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    McCain was no patriot, he was a disgusting yellow runt.

    ”There are those who wrap themselves in flags and blow the tinny trumpet of patriotism as a means of fooling the people. ”

    George Galloway

  143. Skeptikal says:
    @Colin Wright

    I think the relevance of the Frank case, as presented by RU, is not only that it was the foundational event of the ADL but that it also represents a paradigm of how the ADL controls and distorts public narratives by inventing untrue “facts,” suppressing actual facts and genuine information, and creating and then playing on stereotypes—mainly, the Jew as victim of antisemitism.

  144. @Liberty Mike

    Thank you.

    Thus, given that Conley was subjected to 16 hours of cross-examination, I don’t see his assertion as being inadmissible hearsay. The bugaboo with hearsay is its admittance without the benefit of cross-examination.

  145. Skeptikal says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Ted Kennedy was far from perfect, but he was a damned sight better than John McCain.
    These two are in separate universes.

    • Replies: @Liberty Mike
  146. Johan says:

    “The worrisome incompetence of ADL researchers”

    I do take it that Mr. Unz realizes that the ADL is about slander campaigns which are designed to stick with the credulous and biased public, say, maintenance of the decades long perception management of the public through the owned Western propaganda media, so that he is not really surprised about the lack of research they do? Or perhaps some study of the methods of propaganda is useful.

  147. anon[282] • Disclaimer says:

    Crimson joo
    Back to spew?
    Everyone hates jews right?
    You’re all such moral, upright people!
    How can this be?
    Cue the violins and weeping.
    Distort, distract and defame.

    Go tell it to a Palestinian criminaljoo

  148. Re Renfro 115: “The CIA has no love for or trust in the Israelis.” Truer words were never spoken. The Government of Israel makes itself useful, that’s all. If you need something done that a psychopath on PCP won’t do, you can always just go to Israel. They’ll do anything. 911 is the conclusive proof.

    This is simply a case where the GOI might be more useful as scapegoat and punching bag than as a henchman. Recall that KCIA once had the Mossad agents’ current job of bribing US legislators for compromise (Tongsun Park!). That kind of role entails a beating and retrenchment.

    The Bush family’s hokey little set piece: “What’s a Neocon, Daaad?” “Israel.” is just one of the tricks they periodically pull out of the bag. It gets the press to hyperventilate because the wrong faction is in power, and diverts from the real issue: Because of Section 202, whoever’s in power is a kleptocratic dictator. Because if CIA does it, they get away with it, illegal or not.

  149. Skeptikal says:

    “To really disarm it we would have to come to the point where accusations of anti-Semitism would be just ignored with a shrug “so what.” . . . . This is the point we want to get to with the anti-Semitism”


    I don’t agree.
    Shouting “Fire!” in a theater is a crime.
    So s ould be the frivolous charge of antisemitism.
    In fact, the problem nowadays is that the charge is greeted basically with a shrug—a shrug that the accused person is an antisemite and and comprehension that one must speak in a PC fashion to avoid any offense against PC rules.

    That is, the assumption is that one must and should self-censor to avoid the AS accusation, even when it comes to, say, a factual description of what, say, Jews have done to Palestinians.
    So, I think that it behooves victims of AS charges to fight back and nail the AS crowd.
    So that *they* become the ones to watch their tongues and self-censor, not their victims.

  150. Here’s part 1 of a TV interview I did with Jeff Blankfort about 15 years ago. Mr. Blankfort knows his subject well.

    • Replies: @mark green
    , @ChuckOrloski
  151. @Ron Unz

    The go-to primer on the ADL is this publication by Executive Intelligence Review, The Ugly Truth About The ADL, that the provides the historical background to the origins of this operation, an operation that must be seen within the context of the British Empire’s continuing attack against the United States of America.

    Such a work actually provides a further context upon which many Jews have actually been dupes and agents of the very prejudice that they profess to oppose but are in fact agents of an evil that should be understood as ‘oligarchy’ that treats man as a beast, and ensures that Jews act as such, rather than to express the wisdom of Genesis that man is made in the image of God.

  152. Johan says:

    One must think of ADL writings as pieces of text based on a propaganda format, the main ingredient being the repetition of powerful words which must trigger solidly implemented associations in the Western mind, trigger words like: anti-semitism, extreme-right, Nazis, Hitler, genocide, etc.
    So they are variations on the same theme, designed to trigger and maintain associations.
    It would be all too boring and unconvincing if they said the same lines over and over again, so there needs to be some variation, some custom material apparently targeted at the subject in question (the writings of Mr. Unz and his sources in this case), some appearance of reason, and of course, the trigger words.

  153. Another great post to add to the brilliant “American Pravda” series.

    For an in depth look into the murder of Mary Phagan I recommend Tanstaafl’s 11 part podcast series on that subject:

    Well done, Ron, another goal kicked!

  154. Seraphim says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    Well, it is not as ‘simple as that’.
    Baby Yar is a hoax invented by Vassily Grossman and Ilya Ehrenburg. If Stalin forbade “The Black Book of Soviet Jewry or simply ‘The Black Book’ (Russian: Чёрная Книга, Chiornaya Kniga; Yiddish: דאָס שוואַרצע בוך‎, Dos shvartse bukh), also known as ‘The Complete Black Book of Russian Jewry’, it was for good reasons, there were all lies.
    This book was the “result of the collaborative effort by the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC) and members of the American Jewish community to document the anti-Jewish crimes of the Holocaust and the participation of Jews in the resistance movement against the Nazis during World War II. The 1991 Kiev edition of The Black Book was subtitled ‘The Ruthless Murder of Jews by German-Fascist Invaders Throughout the Temporarily-Occupied Regions of the Soviet Union and in the German Nazi Death Camps established on occupied Polish soil during the War 1941–1945′. The book was not allowed to be published in Russian upon the conclusion of war. Its insistence on the uniqueness of Jewish suffering – above and beyond the rest of Soviet citizenry – was denounced by the Central Committee as anti-Soviet”. (Wikipedia, known for its lack of ‘bias’).
    Stalin payed with his life for his affront to the masters. Russians are blamed that they did not understand that their role was just to fight ‘fascism’ (and the mythical ‘Holocaust’) and create the ‘Jewish Soviet Republic’ in Crimea and Ukraine, not defending their country (oh, such a primitive thing).
    Well, they do create the ‘Jewish Soviet Republic’ in Ukraine nowadays, although it looks more like a ‘chocolate factory’ (Po-Rosh Hashanah?).
    ‘Holocaust denial’ is a criminal offence in many countries, not yet in America, but better stay on the safe side. But denial of Communist crimes against the Russian people, against his Church, is a moral offense, an offense against the truth.

  155. @Skeptikal

    Neither of which include Mary Jo Kopechne.

  156. @mark green

    OOPS! Sorry. I didn’t mean to post that segment twice. Here’s part two of the interview. Blankfort drops bombs. He leaves little wonder why the ADL was spying on him.

    • Disagree: ChuckOrloski
    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  157. @crimson2

    This is the part that you and Unz and the other denizens of this mad place don’t get. The ADL won the argument. They beat you thoroughly because you and your ideas are dumb trash.

    And yet here you are, crimson2, you can’t resist, can’t stay away.

    So which one is the car wreck and which one is the rubber-neck voyeur?

  158. Johan says:

    “a major profile interview with Brittan Heller, the ADL Director tasked with policing “hate speech” ”

    “expertise she had gained as a Nazi-hunter for the U.S. government”

    Expertise, really…? this must have been one of the most funny interviews ever (aside of Putin being questioned about alleged Russian meddling with..). Meddling with, really…? was what Putin secretly was thinking.
    I wonder, did they wear clowns noses during the ‘profile interview’? Nazi hunter for a Nazi (spirit) controlled US government…

  159. But because Frank was Jewish rather than Christian, this remarkable history has been completely inverted for over one hundred years by our Jewish-dominated media and historiography.

    The official Judeo-American narrative is narrated in the highest court of authority in Judeo-America: the movies, TV and theatre.

    Filmgoers with long memories, however, recognized Robert Rossen and Aben Kandel’s screenplay as a blow-by-blow recreation of the Leo Frank-Mary Phagan case of 1915. Phagan, a 14-year-old employee in an Atlanta pencil factory, was found murdered. The bulk of the evidence pointed to a black janitor (who, indeed, confessed to the crime years after the fact), but race-baiting Atlanta newspaper publisher Tom Watson decided to go after Leo Frank, the Northern Jew who owned the factory where Mary worked. “We can lynch a nigger any time,” the politically ambitious Watson is alleged to have said, “but when do we get a chance to hang a Yankee Jew?” Thanks largely to Watson’s “guilt by headline” campaign, and to Fulton County’s cooperative solicitor general, Frank was found guilty and sentenced to death

    Then the Telemovie Epic Saga (over 4 hours) based on the original movie which was based on the original play: The Murder of Mary Phagan (1987) with an all-star cast of Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, and Peter Gallagher as The Innocent Jew.

    Although the evidence points to another suspect (who years later confessed to the crime), the authorities choose to bring charges against Leo Frank (Peter Gallagher), a Jewish “outsider” who owns the pencil factory where Mary worked.

    Only Georgia-governor John Slaton (Jack Lemmon) perceives the bigotry and opportunism at the base of Dorsey’s case. Within the limits of his power, and at the risk of destroying his own political career, Slaton tries to see that justice is served. Alas, … The Innocent-Jew is persecuted and murdered by the evil animalistic goyim in that time immemorial motif that has served the jew so well.

    Steve Sailer should write a review.

    • Replies: @AB_Anonymous
  160. Ronnie says:

    The real question is why is there such an over-representation of jews in the MSM and other professional areas? Before WW2 the Germans are notable for asking themselves the same question. In our modern era is it really because they are smarter than us? Or is it because we feel responsible for the holocaust which has been pumped up to overwhelm us with guilt. I think that it is also because the Jews suppress the goys after the Jews stack the deck and then select themselves. Now they have well honed methods for doing this, like coordination by the tribe, raw power, nepotism and calling people anti-semites et cetera. They just do not play by the conventional rules – this needs to be analyzed – it is causing a really unpleasant distortion of life for naive Americans at all levels which is covered up by the Jewish endeavor. The US and UK press today is a horrible example of this domination and preoccupation. The recent widespread attempts by Jews in the UK and their US helpers to discredit Corbyn is indeed a sickening farce. And why do Jews account for at least 25% of the students and graduate students at Ivy League schools and dominate other top institutions of higher learning where they are selected over better qualified non-Jews? Hopefully the ongoing legal action against Harvard by the Asians will throw some light on the machinations of this crude racism, where obviously better qualified Asians are systematically classified as inferior to Jews and others by the unfair aberrations of the selection process. The underlying forces can only be unrealistic manifestations of superiority and elitism by the chosen.

    • Replies: @Skeptikal
  161. Skeptikal says:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    “1. Holocaust as deliberate elimination of Jews did happen. But it was one of several genocides.
    2. What is the real number? I don’t know.
    3. In the US Holocaust has long since stopped being a matter of history but is an industry designed to hammer mostly ignorant on real WW II history America into utter moral submission by means of guilt, both direct and by association. In US Holocaust is a Chutzpah. In Russia–it is totally different thing. ”

    A reasonable position.

    Babi Yar was invented/made up.

    Not a reasonable position.

  162. Patricus says:

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was conclusively proved a fraud and a plagiarism in 1922. The author was an agent of Russian secret police and wrote the Protocols in Paris in the last years of the 19th century. It was “lavishly plagiarized” from Dialogues in Hell between Montesque and Machiavelli written in the 1860s, a French work. The Dialogues had nothing to do with Jews. It was an attack upon Napoleon. The Russian author basically replaced Napoleon with Jews.

    It was translated to English in 1920 and an edition of the London Times devoted an entire issue to the Protocols and the newspaper fully endorsed its validity. Two years later a reporter from the same paper exposed the fraud. The Times then retracted its endorsement.

    The Protocols is said to be the second largest selling book in the world. The fraudulence of the book doesn’t prove that Jews are innocents in all things.

    Congratulations for the fine work of Ron Unz.

  163. Skeptikal says:

    ” And why do Jews account for at least 25% of the students and graduate students at Ivy League schools and dominate other top institutions of higher learning where they are selected over better qualified non-Jews? Hopefully the ongoing legal action against Harvard by the Asians will throw some light on the machinations of this crude racism,”

    I reckon at Harvard it has to do with a new group of heavy-hitting donors.

  164. A very interesting and welcome article but it leaves out other aspects of the ADL’s history that would further strengthen Unz’s case although I do appreciate his providing a link to one of my articles on the ADL spying operation that appeared in CounterPunch.

    What he apparently missed was the one legal case that arose from the spy scandal, that of myself and two others, who with former congressman Pete McCloskey, himself a target of the ADL for his pro-Palestinian positions, working pro bono, successfully sued the ADL for illegally spying on opponents of Israeli occupation and South African apartheid.

    My colleague and co-founder of the Labor Com. on the Middle East , Steve Zeltzer, and I were also active in the anti-apartheid movement, and were the immediate targets of Roy Bullock who infiltrated the first meetings of our LCOME and would be later described by ADL’s spy chief, Irwin Suall, as his “top fact finder.” The third person, Anne Poirer, was very active in the anti-apartheid movement which was also a target of the ADL which was no surprise, given Israel’s close ties to South Africa.

    With depositions and status hearings the case was in the courts for ten years, largely because we would not accept any cash settlement from the ADL that included a confidentiality agreement that would have precluded us from speaking publicly about the case. Finally, on the Friday before the case was set to go to court, the ADL relented or rather, said it was doing so, but the agreement ADL’s tricky legal team sent over to McCloskey’s office, contained the confidentiality clause. Pete caught it and called the ADL’s lawyers that they had better get a new agreement over without that clause or he would see them in court and they complied.

    That is why the ADL will never come near me or try and get my radio program off the air. And when listeners ask how I am able to get away with saying what I do about Israel and the Jewish Establishment in the US, I tell them the ADL story and how the ADL doesn’t want me to tell my listeners about how its number one spy, Bullock, was also working for South African intelligence, spying on African exiles and the anti-apartheid movement in the US and how, according to the SFPD, Bullock had a key and the floor plan of the Orange County office of Alex Odeh, the head of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Com, who was murdered a quarter of a century ago when a bomb when off as he entered that very office.

    Bullock, a beefy weight lifter had infiltrated the ADC chapter in San Francisco where he became good buddies with a fellow named Marc Richey who pretends to be an advocate for Palestine but who I have accused of being an agent provocateur, and like Bullock, one of his targets over the year has been me.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Ron Unz
    , @mh505
  165. @Anon

    Certainly the SPLC is. And, I’m guessing Google, among others are taking names as well.

    But a certain part of especially murderous Jews, it seems to me, dreams of outright genocide. Remember, US taxpayers paid to migrate the Jews of the Soviet Union to the United States en masse under the Lautenberg Act in 1991 or so. The claim was they were facing “anti-Semitism”. My guess is, if you were a Jew facing hatred from the Russians it wasn’t because the color you painted your house violated zoning codes. Just after the Bolshevik Revolution, some American diplomat sent a cable remarking how the revolution was a Jewish affair, and “Jews of the greasiest type” or something to that effect. We paid to bring them here and that was a quarter century ago–more than enough time for the impact to be felt keenly. These Jews, I believe, do not separate us into “Russians/bad, Americans/good”. We are simply Christians, and the activities that had the Russians in a fury were transported here. Genocide is the end game just as happened in Russian.

    So Crimson’s comment about a “death sentence” is interesting, but inconsequential, as we are all already under a “death sentence”. And, obviously, he believes that as well.

  166. @Ron Unz

    I was wondering what was it like to live with 200+ IQ.

    I’m sure all of us readers contemplate some illusions of grandeur, have you considered some longer piece on that topic? By that I’m implying that effective politics is done on collective level, as per your illustration.

    Great piece as always, any comments on ron’s style? I actually really like it, reminds me of that old calvinist, gary north.

  167. @mark green

    Greetings from Scranton, Mark Green!

    While discussing a hesitant Congress to engage another war less than 20-years after the Vietnam debacle, I especially admired Jeff Blankfort when he explained how AIPAC salesmen shopped around the (non-Jewish) war buyers-market in order to get the Senate to vote in favor of the G.H.W. Bush administration’s passion to go to war in the Gulf for Israel.

    Fyi, I recall watching CNN at the time, and wanting to spit when Bush would cackle about his will to overcome ‘Merkin timidity to go to war again.

    Uh, please tell me, Mark Green, does anyone do unnecessary/immoral war and terror-cultivation better than Jewish Lobbies?

    Thanks a lot for providing the video, MG! One more thing: at the interview, you look intense & like Vlad Putin gone toupee blonde.

  168. @Pat Hannagan

    This is one of these cases where the name of the movie and its year,
    “The Murder of Mary Phagan (1987)”, just like the title of the book
    “The Leo Frank Case” (Leonard Dinnerstein, 1966), may tell us a bit
    more about the case than the movie or the book themselves.

  169. Kuaswami says:

    Circumcision as a modern “medical” practice began among the French in the early 19th century, but never caught on there. It was adopted in mid-19th century Victorian Britain as a medical practice aimed at curbing masturbation, which was thought to be the cause of any physical or mental ailment you could think of. Although it began among gentile doctors, Jewish physicians were nonetheless influential on the practice, as Judaism had long performed circumcision in large part to denude male sexuality and curb impulse. From there the practice spread throughout the English-speaking world- America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, even South Africa.

    Only in America are the majority of males still circumcised.

    In America circumcision’s original main proponent was John Harvey Kellogg, a Seventh-Day Adventist, but it would be sometime before circumcision became the norm. Even though they weren’t the originators of the practice, Jews have had a profound influence on the practice in the US (just look up the meaning of names behind the Gomco clamp, the most-widely used circumcision device in American history, and also the Mogen clamp) and are the prevailing reason why it remains the majority, and of course why it remains fully banned in no country on Earth and is of little to no concern on the part of the UN and such except when it comes to fanatically promoting it as a key tool against preventing AIDS or an unimpeachable “religious freedom.”

    The normalization of circumcision in the US and other parts of the Western world are long-overlooked reasons as to how Jews became so “integrated” and powerful in America and elsewhere. What was seen in Western culture going back to the Ancient Greeks as a barbaric practice, a form of genital mutilation (and eventually seen as an Unchristian mutilation) and a key dividing feature between Judaism and Christianity became normalized to completely universalized in large parts of the Western world, especially in many parts of the US to this day. It’s no coincidence that the one Western nation where circumcision remains a majority also has the largest Jewish population and the highest degree of outmarriage between Jews and non-Jews. If anything, it could easily be argued the adoption of circumcision in Victorian medicine improved the image of Jews in the Anglo world:

    “Nor was the style and technique of circumcision standardised until much later, probably with the invention of the Gomco clamp in the 1930s. In the late nineteenth century there was immense disagreement among doctors about how it should be done and how much tissue should be excised; some urged the maximum possible, others the minimum needed to free the glans, others a middle course. Jewish practice was often taken as a model, but it was the modern Jewish style, involving the tearing back of the foreskin and its radical removal which attracted the most support. In fact, English (and then American) circumcision techniques turned out to be significantly more severe than most ritual or tribal varieties. Little was known about Islamic circumcision techniques, but Moslems they did not enjoy the high status achieved by Jewish people, who came to be regarded as exemplars of sanitary wisdom in the late nineteenth century.”

    For more on the Jewish influence on American circumcision, see:

  170. Wally says:

    It was about the Mayans, not Aztecs, ‘Apocalypto’. He made a ton of money from it.

    Gibson’s ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ did too, including various awards.

    • Replies: @Anon
  171. @mark green

    Hey MG!

    Sorry for posting “disagree.”

    At moment, was eating a greasy “Price Chopper” rotisserie chicken and my finger slipped.

    • Replies: @mark green
  172. crimson2 says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Anyone who attempts a “cleansing” will likely be cleansed themselves instead.

    • Replies: @Johnny Smoggins
  173. @Patricus

    The Protocols are real , and I stand by what I said and the Protocols fit with everything that the Zionists have done and are doing.

    • Replies: @Patricus
  174. Ron makes a pretty good argument here. I didn’t know about the ADL to MLK connection. I thought that was all Hoover and his boys.

    I am a little concerned that he (Ron) is tackling too many things at once. To me, JFK and 9/11 stand alone and don’t require any connection to Israel or ADL. If they end up there, fine, so be it. However, it reminds me of Sandy Hook being used to smear Alex Jones and Jim Fetzer. Once you give these people an opening you could regret it.

    I have already seen a politician (Christopher Smith R-New Jersey) on C-SPAN dodge 9/11 questions by invoking antisemitism. It was disturbing in a lot of ways.

    Might be interesting to see a screenplay based on the NOI book. Even if you can’t get it made into a movie, you might make some money on the Catch and Kill angle.

    Mr. Smith shows up at about 10 minutes in.

  175. @Jeff Blankfort

    Scranton, Pa, greetings Mr. Blankfort!

    Taking further Mark Green’s spot-on assessment about your having “dropped bombs”in the interview, I suggest you dropped the immaculate MOAB!

    Was taken aback in (splendid) awe when you explained how the praiseworthy CBS Executive hand-wrote a response letter to you instead of having typed it & mailed.

    Reason, “he knew the Israeli Lobby would receive it before you.” (Gasp, Zigh!)

    Thank you very much for your principled & gutsy service!

    Am in awe, Sir. With dudes like weight-lifter Bullock potentially lurking, suppose you must check behind hedges every time you arrive home in the “Homeland.” God protect and keep you.

    • Replies: @Jeff Blankfort
  176. Art says:

    The ADL won the argument.

    99.9% of the American people do not know that there is an argument.

    Who is going to win when they do.

    HaHa – HaHaHa – HaHaHaHaHa!

    Think Peace — Art

  177. Any non-Jew, especially Whites, who doesn’t oppose Jewish power is an idiot. Anti-semitism is the natural response to the Jewish collective, their culture, and their institutions. Hostile without reason doesn’t begin to describe them.

    Leo Frank wasn’t lynched in Atlanta. He was lynched in Marietta, 25 miles north of Atlanta, my hometown, and the hometown of one side of Mary Phagan’s family. The anti-Semitism angle never really made sense, since Marietta has long had prominent Jewish merchants. I’d never even heard of either Leo Frank or Mary Phagan until some Jewish transplant kid in high school started raising the issue. I’d actually passed Phagan’s gravesite and the site of Frank’s lynching on a daily basis without being aware of either.

    On recent trips home, I’ve noticed that the site of Frank’s lynching is now something of a local shrine and historical site, and the local theater group was performing a play about Frank’s innocence. I’m glad I left.

  178. bj says:

    Laurent Guyénot hypothesizes circumcision (genital mutilation) on the eighth day of life is an epigenetic trauma which operates as a mind control device. The Jewish baby boys are programmed to be paranoid and intellect centered; incapable of empathy for other human beings. The barbaric tribal practice effectively creates a psychopathic personality necessary to exploit a host population. History is replete with such golems as Leo Frank created by the ritual terror of the savage practice.

    • Replies: @Anon
  179. Miggle says:

    Ron, I haven’t yet fully read the article and haven’t got to earlier comments which may say this, it seemed so urgent to say it. You need a bodyguard, one at least, and several backup ISPs, I’d suggest in parts of the world where Jewish lobbies are very weak, perhaps China, Iran or such places.

  180. Johan says:
    @jilles dykstra

    “About the ADL, the Dutch equivalent, CIDI, also is not very bright.
    Wilders, as anti Muslim as possible, and pro Israel, was accused of being an antisemite because he’s against the EU.”

    Yes, well, the slandering propaganda is not bright indeed, it is habitual and like spraying with bullets, its not about being informed or intelligently targeting but about repetition and shooting it around hitting as much people among the opposition as you can, so at times some bullets reach your own side.

  181. @Patricus

    What is curious is that I have never met anyone who has mentioned the Protocols who has actually read it. I have tried and find it arduous reading but I have found very little that could not come from the lips or the pen of any number of rabbis in Israel, including the most loved and respected.

    I recall overhearing a one time friend, the former 60s activist and now a respected Univ of Columbia professor, Todd Gitlin, telling a small group of people that the Protocols described how Jews would sacrifice Christian children (“Oh, the horror of it!” When I walked over and asked him if he had actually read the Protocols, he had to admit that he hadn’t in front of his adoring listeners.

    I have always wondered why creating such a forgery, not a small task, would be attempted were not Jews considered quite powerful at the time.

    One of its statements, that the life of a single Jew is worth the life of a thousand non-Jews, is something repeated by rabbis and accepted as a given by the Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox in Israel and the US. I’m not sure what that statement would have to do with Napoleon.

    • Replies: @Patricus
    , @Druid
  182. Anon[794] • Disclaimer says:

    [email protected]

    As to the Perkins/Murdoch/Gibson stories your piece opens with: these stories tell more about whites than do they about Jews.

    Whoever spreads anti-white racism gets a free pass. Not only whites do not protest — also, a part of them protests against you or me if you or I are protesting anti-white racism.
    Whose fault is this?

    I wish whites acted as a group (and by the way I wish males did likewise) instead of being engulfed in solipsistic virtue-signalling pretence races against one another as they are.
    I’d like if there were an ADL-like organization that would protest whenever anti-white racism (and by the way, misandristic, like) is proffered. There isn’t any, and I am not sure it’s the ADL’s fault.

  183. @ChuckOrloski

    Bullock, who apparently had some pokice training, did actually ram me with his shoulder when nobody was looking at a flea market in Marin County which, by coincidence, both of us frequented. We essentially put him out of business although convincing others that he was an ADL pig proved more difficult,

    • Replies: @JackOH
    , @ChuckOrloski
  184. geokat62 says:

    I used to previously visit 4 or 5 different websites to get my daily fix of political analysis. I had each of the following sites opened in a separate tab of my browser from left to right in order of preference:
    … and a few random others.

    Well, over the last few years, kept moving to the left of my browser to the point where today, it is practically the only site I visit. And it’s easy to explain why. Nowhere on the worldwide web can you find articles and contributors that speak so loudly and clearly truth to power. In addition to Dr. Phil Giraldi’s top notch material, we have Ron Unz’s Our America Pravda series. There is simply nothing else like this on the Internet. These two men are some of the most courageous and fearless truth-tellers out there. And what makes UR extra special is that you occasionally see a few distinguished individuals make surprise cameo appearances. I’m talking about people like Cynthia McKinney, Alison Weir, Robert Spencer (spoiler: not a fan), Jeffery Blankfort, Brother Nathanael, etc.

    The only thought that constantly goes through my mind is where will I get this kind of information should UR one day disappear. Needless to say, it’s a very depressing thought.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  185. S says:

    The point of my entry was that broadly speaking a great many of the Anglo-Saxon power elites (not ‘just’ the Clintons and Blair) have historically likely at least had some awareness of the ‘New Rome’ ideology, even into modern times.

    Naturally an ‘awareness’ doesn’t necessarily translate into dedication to or even belief in the ideology, though even so the person might still be influenced by it.

    Awareness of the ‘New Rome’ or belief in it doesn’t stop belief in other additional ideologies, such as the unfortunate (and absurd) British Israelism, nor does it neccesarily stop other influences (ie a support for Israel or political Zionism, etc which might not be there under other circumstances) which might occur when as in the case of the Trump and or the Clinton families (ie Chelsea) there has been inter-marriage with Jewish persons.

    Anyhow, it’s not a zero sum game in this, belief in the one ideology by a person doesn’t preclude their belief in the other. It’s why I used the term ‘multi-faceted’ and the phrase ‘may help in part to explain some of their [Anglo-Saxon] past actions’ in regards to the A-S ideology of the ‘New Rome’.

    Specifically I think the A-S power elites and their hangers on are corrupt frauds whom should have been overthrown long ago.

    Chattel slavery and its trade corrupted them, particularly so in the United States; they then became even much more corrupt when rather than abolishing chattel slavery and its trade as should have been done in the 19th century the British Empire and the US instead quite literally and simply monetized it with the introduction of the ‘cheap labor’/mass immigration system to the world, and pawned that off as its ‘abolition’.

    Compounding the disastrous situation even further (if such was possible), besides the unfortunate dream of a truly global empire, ie the ‘New Rome’, there has been the long term dysfunctional relationship which has existed between the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish peoples, a relationship which I believe has been ultimately destructive towards both peoples, one best fixed for both peoples by amicable if at all possible separation.

    I’d like to think I would say exactly the same as I’ve said here if I was Jewish.

    I applaud and commend the brutal honesty Ron Unz has displayed regarding his Jewish people as an example to others and their respective peoples in his American Pravda series of posts.

    I strive for that brutal honesty regarding my own.

    The times demand it.

    ’…the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington.’

    Time (Sept 22, 1958) – DIPLOMACY: The New Rome

    Flying into the U.S. from the far ends of the earth, a flock of foreign statesmen last week demonstrated that the roads which once led to imperial Rome and London now converge on Washington. Unlike their counterparts in the days of the Caesars and the Gladstones, they came not as satraps but as friends. But each of these ambassadors to the new Rome had a plea or a complaint…,9171,863882,00.html

    • Replies: @geokat62
  186. Anon8243 says:

    The sex was oral, vaginal and anal, it’s all in the court transcripts.

    Although, interesting to note, if Polanski had only had anal sex with her he would not have been considered a rapist under Talmudic law.

    • Replies: @Anon
  187. anon[140] • Disclaimer says:

    When Ron Unz’s body is found cut into little pieces it will be dismissed as suicide and not investigated.

  188. geokat62 says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Anyone else?

    I’m prepared to pack my bags at the drop of a hat.

  189. geokat62 says:

    I’m talking about people like Cynthia McKinney, Alison Weir, Robert Spencer (spoiler: not a fan), Jeffery Blankfort, Brother Nathanael, etc.

    … and I would be remiss if I didn’t include the inimitable Mark Green. Mark for President!

    • Agree: ChuckOrloski
  190. JackOH says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    ” . . . [R]am me with his shoulder when nobody was looking . . .”.

    Jeff, a shoulder slam is exactly how a crooked cop touched me up back when I was something of a citizen-activist (non-ADL related) in my area . I did some informal investigating. Seemed the cop was trying to ingratiate himself with a local Mr. Big whom I’d apparently offended with my local writing and speaking. The bent cop got his government job, but drink did him in eventually, and he got canned.

    Wealthy individuals and private organizations using corrupt cops for intelligence-gathering and rough stuff? Yep.

    BTW-I heard Pete McCloskey speak here maybe twenty-five years ago, and he’s one of the calmest, most level-headed speakers I’ve yet heard.

    • Replies: @Jeff Blankfort
  191. @crimson2

    You people have another 9-11 in the works?

    • Replies: @nsa
  192. @Jeff Blankfort

    Jeff Blankfort lucidly wrote on the Hard Times getting the Dickens word-out on the inner Bullock: “… convincing others that he was an ADL pig proved more difficult,”

    Speaking very respectfully, your having taken a “ram in the shoulder” at the Marin County flea market sorta’ pales in comparison to the D.C. cop-tackle Ray McGovern got while challenging Gina Haspel at her CIA Director truth-torturing (Z)enate shearing.

    Nonetheless, & from the bottom of my old Spartacus ticker, congratulations, Sir…, and thanks again for such distinguished service!

    Selah, Roger Waters and Pigs With F35 Wings Flying Over Syria.

  193. geokat62 says:

    I’d like to think I would say exactly the same as I’ve said here if I was Jewish.

    That’s indeed a laudable standard… one to which I, myself, wish to strive.

  194. ANONYMOUS[107] • Disclaimer says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    ” . . .get involved in an organized resistance (think 1960s civil rights.”

    Do you, Sir Launcelot Canning, or anybody else at Unz Forum, think that a brick-and-mortar location for ‘organized resistance’ is feasible, desirable, possible?

    Where would it be — Washington, DC? California? New York? in the Rust Belt/ Red States / flyover country?

    What might make such a center/location stand out or otherwise grab attention?

    Anybody have any experience with GoFundMe?

    • Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  195. @anarchyst

    Actually, he removed the subtitled translation from the film. Caiaphas still says it in the original Aramaic. A biblical quote so noxious that Jews themselves can hardly bring themselves to say it.

    Whether this was a capitulation or a very clever way of drawing attention to that phrase is hard to say. Gibson may have helped pique some interest in a verse by making the directorial equivalent of the proverbial dog that didn’t bark.

  196. Druid says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Still using the zio attack of smear without facts. M

  197. CanSpeccy says: • Website

    Since 1264 in Poland Jews were protected under the Statute of Kalisz. This statute was reaffirmed and ratified by subsequent Polish monarchs Casimir III of Poland in 1334, Casimir IV of Poland in 1453, and Sigismund I of Poland in 1539. Basically Jews in Poland where form 80% of all World Jewry came form has significant autonomy and legal protection. The most important was the first point of the Statute of Kalisz:

    Should a Jew be taken to court, not just only a Christian must testify against him, but also a Jew, in order for the case to be considered valid.

    which basically indemnified Jews in non Jewish courts and legal system. Jews were outside of the law of gentiles…

    Why was this so? Are Poles masochists by nature, or were people bribed to enact and retain the Statute of Kalisz?

    Assuming the latter, then Poland of old look pretty much like the US, UK, EU, etc. of today, where a corrupt indigenous elite sells out its own people to the Money Power, or globalists, many of whom, as it happens, are Jews.

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @utu
  198. Anon[354] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    To be “anti-Semitic” is to be pro-humanity. To not be anti-Semitic is an irrational position. After all, Jews are anti-everyone-else.

    Just go to your country already. You won’t be able to refrain from starting trouble unless you do so. If you won’t refrain from starting trouble, what exactly is the justification for your existence outside of Israel? That’s correct: there is none.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  199. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    A writer, it may have been Borges, asked how we would feel about Don Quixote if he had killed someone. We don’t have to wonder how the the ADL still feel about Frank.

    Can we really believe that the police officials and prosecutors of a city in the Old South would have violated their oath of office in order to knowingly protect a black rapist and killer from legal punishment and thereby turn him loose upon their city streets, presumably to prey on future young white girls?

    That is an excellent point; even if they were not concerned about the girls they would surely understand that they would be ruined if the man they freed struck again. The same would apply to Frank’s defence team, and perhaps explains why:-

    Lasker himself… hoped that after he managed to free Frank, the latter would quickly perish in some accident.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  200. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    You’re right, a bribed corrupt indigenous elite cheerfully let the Jews run Poland for them.

  201. nsa says:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    The joo nukes exist for the blackmail of Europe, Russia, and their most useful of idiots, America. The jooies have been supplied with nuke capable subs by their old pals, the suicidal Germans, making the joo nuke threat very credible, even across oceans. The original fissionable materials were provided by jooie traitors in the US and French governments. If the jooies actually razed a US city, does anyone doubt the US government would cover it up? Just a larger version of 911 or USS Liberty? And right here at, skeptical commenters would question the validity of those almost new passports belonging to known Iranian terrorists found immediately amongst the radioactive smoldering ruins, and the usual hasbara trolls would be offering verbose confusing counter explanations while laughing their asses off . The conniving self-serving jooies own that shtetl on the Potomac, Washington DC, and can get away with anything…….including lobbing a nuke into a US city.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  202. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Almost all American boys are circumcised when they’re a few hours old. Does it have the same effect on them?

    • Replies: @bj
  203. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:

    Didn’t know that. Thanks. I remember at the time the liberals were all writing articles about how unsophisticated and puritanical Americans are about sex.

  204. @Patricus

    How do you explain that many of the protocols appear to be being implemented and what is described in them is actually happening? Coincidence? I think it’s more likely that what we have seen of the Protocols is just a more modern version of a much older secret plan for global domination that has been kept secret as it has been updated over time.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  205. utu says:

    Are Poles masochists by nature, or were people bribed to enact and retain the Statute of Kalisz?

    The 1290 expulsion of Jews from England was forced on King Edward I. He had to be bribed to do it, iirc. But apparently the money class who was in competition with Jews recognized that it was worth it. Are there any studies that demonstrate to what extent this decision was responsible for subsequent development of strong native money class and what bearing it had on turning England into what it became? I do not expend a study like this to be undertaken nowadays but England has vast old archives and things must have been written before. England was a self aware power that knew what was it all about.

    On the other hand, in Poland it went in the opposite direction. Did bringing Jews and giving them extra special privileges make Poland permanently weak and underdeveloped? There is no doubt that it was a bribery which should not be surprising from the rulers who still 100 or so years earlier were selling their own people to slavery where the slavers were Jews working for Muslims. See the story of the patron saint of Poland and Bohemia who was killed 200 years earlier:
    He has a vision of Christ telling him to save Christians from slavery by the Jewish traders
    He pleads with the Duke of Bohemia for the release of Christians slaves by their Jewish masters

    It had been alleged that some of Kalisz Statute was the result of forgery in 15 century.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  206. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Don’t even think that you area a match for Ron Unz.
    Are you an admirer of the ADL? — Then go on their website and praise their infinite wisdom. And don’t forget that the the Jewish Lobby (including the ADL) has been approving the revival of nazism in Ukraine.
    One more time for Tyrion 2: the Jewish Lobby (including the ADL) has been approving the revival of nazism in Ukraine.
    So stop your nonsense about antisemitism on this forum.

    • Replies: @Druid
  207. dvorak says:

    Another Unz missive, as usual it’s RIGHT DOWN THE SMOKESTACK.

    h/t Pat B.

  208. I suspect the ADL/Jewish mafia is responsible for a lot of the crimes that were blamed on whites in the past as well as present. I think most of the mass/school shootings are carried out by these terrorists. The Las Vegas shooting was no doubt a false flag op by Israel/Mossad. The Dylan Roof SC shooting had all the marks of a Jewish provocateur psyop too. Lots of the shooters are Jews, and its always Jewish pols like Feinstein and Schumer screaming the loudest for grabbing the goyim guns. They’re getting pretty careless with their BS and people are starting to see it for what it really is. Not good!
    Ever hear any American pols call for disarming Israelis after they murder and terrorize Palestinians?
    I think a lot of the things blamed on the KKK back in the 60′s was probably the work of these provocateurs too. The 1963 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama. The murder of the three civil rights activists Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney in Meridian, Mississippi 1964, yep those names sound pretty Jewish. Coincidence?

    All of it is typical Jewish tactics of provoking and committing acts of violence and blaming the other guy, to sow hate and division.Same thing they do in the Middle East to the Arabs, creating division between the people. Same thing they do in America with their control of MSM, with the cops shooting unarmed black man, intentionally provoking riots, the Rodney King case, the media no doubt stired up that hornet nest and got riots started, probably all the way back to the Tulsa Race Riots in 1921.
    Look at the case of Michael Kadar, the Jewish kid caught not long ago calling in bomb threats to Jewish centers and ADL offices all over the damn place. Even selling his terrorism and blackmail services on the internet. Look into this kid, its unbelievable. They’re notorious for these hate crime hoaxes on themselves.
    Its unending the lengths they will go to to divide and conquer. Gain sympathy for themselves while making everyone else hate each other.
    I guess it really shouldn’t be surprising since they are the original terrorists, the so called state of Israel was founded through acts of terrorism, false flags, lies, murder, and theft.
    Starting to make sense? I could go on all day.
    Keep up the good work Mr. Unz. Folks are waking up to their evil games.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
  209. @Fluesterwitz

    A not so odd thought just popped into my head, and it is … Today, Frank would walk, and the black janitor convicted, hanged and cremated. That’s how corrupt we have become.
    So, the ADL has for it’s foundation the Frank murder trial. I think we can all agree with the adage. “That which doesn’t begin well … doesn’t end well”. The ADL’s future doesn’t look good. ADL = Assholes in a Demented League.

    • Replies: @Anon
  210. annamaria says:

    crimson2: “People don’t like Nazi rhetoric…”

    What people? Israeli have been helping Ukrainian neo-Nazi:

    The ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center both have accepted Ukrainian neo-Nazi:
    The Israeli citizen Kolomojsky was the main financier of Ukrainian neo-Nazi:

    The Jewish Power has been the driving force behind the revival of Nazism in Ukraine.

    • Replies: @crimson2
  211. It’s an exception to the hearsay rule— an admission by a party against his own interest.

  212. @JackOH

    Pete was 90 at his last birthday and was still lucid with a great sense of humor when I visited him a year ago. What I can tell you for sure from my experience is that I know of no other lawyer who would have risked their career by taking on the ADL and then bringing former Mossad agent, Victor Ostrovsky down from Canada for a deposition.

    While the ADL lawyers were reasonably friendly to the three of us (and why not, their legal fees being paid by the ADL pushed the lead lawyer to the head of the law firm), they saw in Ostrovsky the face of their enemy. If one had any doubts that the ADL is an overseas branch of the Mossad, their demand that Ostrovsky turn over to THEM the documents he had taken when he skipped out on Mossad was proof beyond any doubt.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  213. bj says:

    Our problems began when we attempted to publish our findings in the open medical literature. All of the participants in the research including myself were called before the hospital discipline committee and were severely reprimanded. We were told that while male circumcision was legal under all circumstances in Canada, any attempt to study the adverse effects of circumcision was strictly prohibited by the ethical regulations. Not only could we not publish the results of our research, but we also had to destroy all of our results. If we refused to comply, we were all threatened with immediate dismissal and legal action.

    Unfortunately I don’t know….but I suspect the interruption of bonding and homeostasis after eight days is a crucial element the programming. As noted above, research on the topic is forbidden!

  214. @ChuckOrloski

    Hi Chuck. No apologies necessary. Thank you for your support. Enjoy your delicious meal. Best Regards- Mark

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  215. @utu

    Haven’t you left out a big slice of the Slav/slave story? Weren’t Vikings the leading slave snatches and traders for hundreds of years? Mostly selling in Constantinople to Christians perhaps???

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @utu
  216. Anonymous[101] • Disclaimer says:

    The Jewish question is going to be unsolvable soon – if it isn’t already. At some point they’ll have enough firepower to take the world down. The Sampson Option seems like the way they’d prefer to go out. One last blast of malevolence as an FU to the world.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  217. @NoseytheDuke

    Does it not occur to you that most successful Jews in Germany and further West before 1914 (or 1900 or 1918) would, if shown the Protocols as written by a Jew, have dismissed it as the work of some silly young or mad old fantasist? Think Monash or Isaacs for Australia. Think Rufus Isaacs (Marquees of Reading) or Edwin Montagu for the Poms.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @utu
    , @Miggle
  218. S says:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    As a rule in cases where words or symbols have been found carved/written on to the skin of alleged assault victims (or even nearby to where the alleged attack took place) that seem to point guilt at some person or group, it’s just about always found to be a hoax, as in the case with a very great many alleged ‘hate crimes’…ie the person alleging the attack did the carving/writing themselves.

    I’d not be surprised if there’s a close correlation with that and the scenario you describe, and that investigators (certainly nowadays) are quite cautious about letters and such found at crime scenes as to their veracity.

  219. @Israel Shamir

    That is what Jeff Blankfort replied on Facebook regarding this article by Ron Unz:

    Jeff Blankfort A very interesting and welcome article but it leaves out other aspects of the ADL’s history that would further strengthen Unz’s case although I do appreciate his providing a link to one of my articles on the ADL spying operation that appeared in CounterPunch.

    What he apparently missed was the one legal case that arose from the spy scandal, that of myself and two others, who with former congressman Pete McCloskey, himself a target of the ADL for his pro-Palestinian positions, working pro bono, successfully sued the ADL for illegally spying on opponents of Israeli occupation and South African apartheid.

    My colleague and co-founder of the Labor Com. on the Middle East , Steve Zeltzer, and I were also active in the anti-apartheid movement, and were the immediate targets of Roy Bullock who infiltrated the first meetings of our LCOME and would be later described by ADL’s spy chief, Irwin Suall, as his “top fact finder.” The third person, Anne Poirer, was very active in the anti-apartheid movement which was also a target of the ADL which was no surprise, given Israel’s close ties to South Africa.

    With depositions and status hearings the case was in the courts for ten years, largely because we would not accept any cash settlement from the ADL that included a confidentiality agreement that would have precluded us from speaking publicly about the case. Finally, on the Friday before the case was set to go to court, the ADL relented or rather, said it was doing so, but the agreement ADL’s tricky legal team sent over to McCloskey’s office, contained the confidentiality clause. Pete caught it and called the ADL’s lawyers that they had better get a new agreement over without that clause or he would see them in court and they complied.

    That is why the ADL will never come near me or try and get my radio program off the air. And when listeners ask how I am able to get away with saying what I do about Israel and the Jewish Establishment in the US, I tell them the ADL story and how the ADL doesn’t want me to tell my listeners about how its number one spy, Bullock, was also working for South African intelligence, spying on African exiles and the anti-apartheid movement in the US and how, according to the SFPD, Bullock had a key and the floor plan of the Orange County office of Alex Odeh, the head of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Com, who was murdered a quarter of a century ago when a bomb when off as he entered that very office.

    Bullock, a beefy weight lifter had infiltrated the ADC chapter in San Francisco where he became good buddies with a fellow named Marc Richey who pretends to be an advocate for Palestine but who I have accused of being an agent provocateur, and like Bullock, one of his targets over the year has been me. Some of those reading this may, naively. be one of Richey’s FB friends.

    • Replies: @utu
  220. @Kuaswami

    I am inspired to think that circumcision rises only to the level at which, amazingly (because who thinks of Karl Marx as a satirist in Das Kapital) Marx raised everyday criminals. Think of all the jobs they create for police, lawyers, magistrates and gaolers he said. Is circumcision more than a job creation scheme for people with little in the way of medical expertise or alternative employability, plus some third rate philosophers and theologians? Oh I forgot the party organisers for the Jews who take it seriously.

    BTW if any more is to be said about this boring subject let’s remember Othello’s “I took by the throat the circumcised dog and smite him thus”. He wasn’t referring to anyone as unimportant as a Jew but to a Turk who represented a real threat to Western Christendom.

  221. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Vikings Chechen Tartars Jews and Mongols all slave raided E Europe for sale to the Turks.

    The Vikings were supposed to stop when they became Christians. Maybe they did. The Jews were the slave traders of Spanish 10 to 14 year girls to the Arabs, one of the reasons for their expulsion

    Don’t be so defensive about your tribe.

  222. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @the grand wazoo

    Meh , nowadays there’s DNA evidence.

  223. utu says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Jewish Radhanites slave operations precedes Vikings by 200-300 years. Probably Vikings learned from them. Viking operations in Iberia are hypothetical but not proven. The slave greatest slave markets in Europe were in Prague, Lyon and Venice and Vikings were not known to frequent these places.

  224. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

    To be “anti-Semitic” is to be pro-humanity. To not be anti-Semitic is an irrational position. After all, Jews are anti-everyone-else.

    Absolutely. Couldn’t agree more. The Tribe will suicide itself because they have nothing else to offer. Every lie is a perishable, dysgenic crutch at best.

    It’s kinda’ amazing that a parasite will feel pride before a fall – but it happens all the time.

  225. @Jeff Blankfort

    Interesting book
    Victor Ostrovsky, ‘Mossad – the other side of deception’, 1994

  226. @Wizard of Oz

    The more I find out about Soros’ activities in Europe, the more I think that Henry Ford was right about the Protocols ‘they describe what’s going on’.

  227. @Durruti

    Koestler’s book is not very convincing, but Sand’s is.
    Shlomo Sand, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’, London, New York, 2009, 2010 (Tel Aviv, 2008, hebrew)
    Then there is
    Kevin Alan Brook, ‘The Jews of Khazaria’, Northvale NJ, 1999
    But history at that era, 7th century etc, is quite difficult to find out, as also demonstrates
    E. – F. Gautier, ‘Le Passé de l’Afrique du Nord’, 1937, 1952, Paris
    The complexity of the history of N Africa in that era baffles me.
    Jews, Muslims, christians, tribes fighting each other, quite complex.
    So, as Brook tries to show, the simple explanation of the Khazars, all of them, all of a sudden, converting to judaism, may well be wrong.
    One thing is sure, asjkenazi jews are quite different from sephardic jews.
    We in the Netherlands had the sephardic jews, descendants of those who fled from the Iberian peninsula.
    In present Israel, asjkenazi jews disciminate the sephardic jews.
    In the Ottoman empire, asjkenazi jews were seen as ruthless, not so the sephardic jews.

    • Replies: @Miggle
  228. utu says:

    I have just reread Israel Shamir’s

    Double Dreyfus

    while searching for parallels with the Leo Frank affair. There are some though the scale of the Leo Frank is much smaller. I recommend reading it.

    I also remember reading somewhere in Israel Shamir, which I can’t find now, that he found a definitive confirmation that the Dreyfus affair made the big Jewish machers to realize that the take over of press and control of media must be one of Jewish priorities.

    In my opinion the Leo Frank affair helped to unify Jews in America and reduced the danger of dissipation of Jewishness via assimilation by enhancing the perception of Anti-Semitism. The lesson was: do not be fooled by friendly America. While it is not exactly like the Tsarist Russia it also is Anti-Semitic and dangerous to the Jews so we must double down on our Jewishness. We must transform the world because this world hates us everywhere.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  229. Tyrion 2 says:

    A writer, it may have been Borges, asked how we would feel about Don Quixote if he had killed someone

    Leo Frank was in prison for life when a gang broke in, kidknapped him and murdered him. Nobody was charged.

    • Replies: @Sean
    , @Anon
  230. Ron Unz says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    This interesting discussion reminded me of Jeff Blankfort’s very long interview from a dozen years with with Indy Media, in which he discussed his long history with the ADL and the Israel Lobby:

    Looking at it again, it seemed so interesting and still so relevant that I think I’ll go ahead and run it as a main feature some time within the next week or so.

    • Replies: @Cloak And Dagger
  231. utu says:
    @Israel Shamir

    I would like to know at which point Israel gave its OK to end the white regime in South Africa. What conditions have been fulfilled that satisfied Israel and The City of London? Was it the completion of neutron bomb testing? Was it the completion of ethnic biological weapon testing? Was it the transfer of some assets from SA to Israel? Was it the transfer of gambling operations from Sun City to American and Indian Casinos?

    I am asking because frankly I do not believe that the anti apartheid activities in the West including those by Mr. Blankfort shortened the apartheid rule in South Africa by a single day.

  232. utu says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    that most successful … would have dismissed it as the work of some silly young or mad old fantasist

    It all depends on the voltage applied to their testicles, which sadly has never been tried. Nazis had their chance with Louis Nathaniel de Rothschild but got greedy and took $21,000,000 ransom instead.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  233. @mark green

    Morning, Mark Green,

    Am recalling JFK’s great secret society speech, 1961, (below) and how he hesitated to name threat-names. Lends me to figure he knew knives were stationed close by and ready to take him down.

    Again, thanks very much for your servus here!

  234. Hans says:
    @Mike P

    Babi Yar is undiggibleuppable due to the “geysers of blood” that shoot out of the “trembling” ground.

    Please see Weisel’s Paroles d’étranger (Editions du Seuil, 1982), p. 86. Bradley Smith takes on the Nobel Prize Winner at

    Mr. Smith apparently never got the Letter to British clergy and BBC:

    “Experience has shown that the best distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy. Unfortunately the public is no longer so susceptible as in the days of ‘Corpse Factory,’ the ‘Mutilated Belgian Babies,’ and the ‘Crucified Canadians.’

    Your cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from the doings of the Red Army by your wholehearted support of various charges against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into circulation by the Ministry.

    Your expression of belief in such may convince others.” – H. Hewett, Assistant Secretary, British Ministry of Information, Feb. 29, 1944. See Rozek, Edward, Allied Wartime Diplomacy: A Pattern in Poland, John Wiley & Sons, NY. pp. 209-210

    • Replies: @Mike P
  235. Bill65 says:

    I just looked up that book on Amazon and it`s only in hard back and priced at £147.00 !!! Pity because I would like to read it. E Michael Jones is on Youtube quite a lot and is always worth listening to but his book is way too expensive .

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Hans
  236. Bill65 says:

    Great article by Ron Unz , again . I just wish he could be more widely read and not just in the USA but over here in the UK as well as things are pretty much the same here. Ron Unz I salute you.

  237. mh505 says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    One wonders if such a lawsuit could still be won in today’s America ….

  238. @utu

    I can’t believe you intended that as a response to what I wrote about the likely attitude of patriotic highly assimilated Western Jews to the Protocols if treated as the work of a Jew wanting to be taken seriously. However you prompted me to look up the unfortunate Nathaniel who evidently wasn’t up to ruling the world and even seems to have married out.

  239. annamaria says:

    Crimson2, the Jewish State and Jewish Lobby have been the active revivalists of Nazism in Eastern Europe. Why are you so eager to remind the readers about the Holocaust-biz travesty?

    “How the Israel Lobby Protected Ukrainian Neo-Nazis:”

    — The Jewish State has been run by the succession of thugs and murderers: “Sabra and Shatila: The Secret Papers. Carefully Planned Israeli Atrocities Led by Ariel Sharon:”

    “the “cleaning” or “combing” out of Sabra and Shatila was planned, coordinated and commanded by the Israeli military. It was an Israel operation, involving the intelligence agencies and approved by the Israeli government. The Falangists were trained and armed by Israel and the LF commanders were “totally subservient” to the commander of the Israeli force sent to the camps, the 96th division. The Falangists were told when to enter the camps and when to leave.

    The Israelis lit up the camps at night with flares so the Falangists could see what they were doing (or who they were killing) and they stood ready to provide medical assistance to wounded men and intervene if they got into trouble [same sensitivity as towards ISIS, Crimson 2]. There were only civilians and there was no armed resistance from them. The Falangists did their work silently, mostly with knives so that the next victim would not be aware of the fate of the one before him (or her – many of the dead were women and children and even the camp animals were butchered)

    Professional electronic tapping of the Falangist communications network inside the camps was maintained in addition to “improvised” tapping of the conversations inside the HQ of the 96th division.”

    — Crimson 2, take your professional whining about your “eternal and incomparable victimhood” to some other places. Your pretenses on Jewish moral superiority are disgusting.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  240. @mh505

    mh505 wrote: “One wonders if such a lawsuit could still be won in today’s America ….”

    Hi mh505!

    Maybe Harvey Weinstein has access to Ron’s U.R. article and he could/will (!) provide a “hands on” comment to your interesting question.

    Uh, ex-Senator Al Franken too.

    Thank you!

  241. Hans says:

    Bill65, please check out E. Michael Jones’ site –

    The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit is available for $48. A must-read and worth every penny.

    • Replies: @schrub
  242. annamaria says:

    The Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center turned to be the very active supporters of the revival of Nazism (see Ukraine today under Kagans-Groysman rule). Meaning, the Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center are the active Holocaust deniers. Know your family, Crimson2.

  243. annamaria says:

    “The Sampson Option seems like the way they’d prefer to go out. One last blast of malevolence as an FU to the world.”

    – Fortunately, the banksters want to enjoy their wealth; moreover, some “chosen” really love their progeny. Let’s hope that the deciders have enough influence to manipulate the mad dogs of Judaism.

  244. Ron Unz says:

    Not to say any thing against S, but one letter commenter handles play havoc with selectively blocking commenters. When one blocks “e” for example, a few dozen other commenters get blocked because they end in e, or something like that — I couldn’t actually discern the pattern. “Rosie” was one that was blocked when “e” was.

    Actually, this was caused by a software bug of which I hadn’t previously been aware but have now fixed.

    This should work properly now.


    I would not put it on the East Coast or West Coast – look what happened at Charlottesville. To me, it would be better to start in Flyover Country. That way it could get a good start before the Establishment bullies start to take a sledgehammer to it.

    The resistance primarily needs: a wealthy benefactor, a charismatic leader, legal counsel, and one or two full time workers to get started. Is it possible that the author of this article could be a wealthy benefactor? Would Mr. Unz allow a link to a crowdfunding page to raise some funds? How many readers would be able to donate? I would, especially if it were even nominally under Mr. Unz’s (or Mr. Giraldi’s, etc.) oversight for accountability. We need to know that the money is going to good use. When I donate to Phil Giraldi’s organization I don’t worry about my (paltry) donation getting used appropriately.

    I would not try to start this on social media. Big brother is watching there. Rather, two or three of you should meet over dinner somewhere to brainstorm.

    Most of all, the resistance should be DEFENSIVE and not OFFENSIVE. We are standing up for ourselves – allegedly like the ADL and the NAACP. If they are allowed to “stand up” for themselves, why not us? How can they legally criticize that?

    Then, let the lawsuits come. This will cause a great cash outlay on their part (probably a drop in their bucket), but will expose them and spread awareness and resentment.

    They are not going to let us defend ourselves on their terms, which is the current world we live in. How can we create an alternate world, with our own media and paradigms?

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @SolontoCroesus
  246. @mh505

    Hi mh505, it’s me again.

    Your question continues to intrigue.

    Admit being very cynical, but had the sharp tongue & witty Clinton-Man, James Carville, been around during Leo Frank’s murder trial, he might have helped the Jewish unjust “Cause” by branding departed Mary Phagan as “trailer trash.”


    • Replies: @mh505
  247. annamaria says:

    The generous sponsors for the viciously Russophobic and war-cheerleading Atlantic Council include, you guess, the Jewish Power:

    An amazing fruit of the FaceBook-Atlantic Council cooperation:
    “… about 5 months ago, Facebook announced that is was officially partnering with the Atlantic Council … The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab has little intention of putting a stop to actual disinformation groups and rather silences those that speak a message opposing their own. Many of the pages and accounts taken down have been political (often leftist), anti-war, independent journalists and media outlets that are known to go against the grain of mainstream media outlets.”

  248. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Johnny Smoggins

    Many people believe that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew named Aaron Kosminski and the fact that Jews vehemently deny this adds weight to the charge of his guilt.

    Your comment is perfectly analogous to a satire of a medieval witch trial. Well done!

    • Replies: @TheJQ
  249. schrub says:

    I agree. It is an invaluable book for those who truly want to know both the past and what might well be our future. (For example, see the chapter on Jews and their truly outrageous behavior in Pre-Partition Poland.)

    It is also a bargain considering its monumental size and weight.It is about the same dimensions and and mass as an individual volume of the old Encyclopedia Britannica. It is so big you could do substantial damage to any burglar if you hit him over the head with it.

  250. geokat62 says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    How many readers would be able to donate? I would, especially if it were even nominally under Mr. Unz’s (or Mr. Giraldi’s, etc.) oversight for accountability.

    I would, too.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  251. Anastasia says:

    Wikopedia Ron Unz “In November 2013, Unz launched the website, The Unz Review, a blogging platform which “bills itself as an ‘alternative’ to the ‘mainstream media’”.[24] According to the Anti-Defamation League, the webzine is an “outlet for certain writers to attack Israel and Jews”. More generally, according the ADL, while Unz “does not appear to be an anti-Semite, he provides support to extreme anti-Israel ideologues”.[25] Unz has donated tens of thousands of dollars to the far-right website VDARE, claiming that he supports them because they are “mostly broke and they write interesting things.”[26]”

    Jewish organizations like the ADL do not refer to Ron Unz as an anti-semite, an epithet that the most obscure authors of less inflammatory writings have been unable to escape. What’s more, Wikopedia states the case more affirmatively by publishing that Unz “appears not to be an anti-semite.” How is such an escape possible. Houdini would bedazzle me less. Ron Unz himself takes note of the deafening silence, , but engages in little speculation as to the reasons why. It is certainly not due to Unz’ Jewish descent, as Shahak and Shamir and countless others have been unable to avoid the wrath that inevitably descends upon them. Nor can it only be due to the weight of his arguments and fine details of his research, for as brilliant and painstaking as he is, there are others as brilliant and painstaking, or almost as brilliant. Some of them are still sitting in German prisons. Instead, he keeps writing, almost as a dare , creating an image in my own mind of his placing own head on a chopping block, but not facing down, but facing up, patiently waiting for the blade to fall, and almost smiling. I find both predator and prey puzzling.

  252. @Israel Shamir

    I would not so get cocky just yet, even if the author was kind enough to cite my work, knowing fully well that the ADL arsenal is cconsiderable and it’ll be deployed to exact revenge in due time, after all, if we can depose mighty monarchies, what is American Pravda?

    • Replies: @anastasia
    , @anon
    , @Them Guys
  253. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You hit the agree button for bucky’s comment 55 saying that the important thing is whether Frank can be convincingly shown to have committed the murder or not. I concur.
    “A large number of American companies that were planning to open plants or move their corporate offices to Georgia sent letters to the governor declaring they were staying away from Georgia due to the disgraceful [pardon] denial.”22. And so, after Esquire published Steve Oney’s article, THE LYNCHING OF LEO FRANK in September 1985, a second application was filed for a posthumous pardon with the Georgia parole board, which this time agreed to seriously consider another way to give Leo Frank justice.23 Instead of asserting Mr. Frank’s innocence, Atlanta attorneys Dale Schwartz and Charles Wittenstein, the ADL’s southern regional counsel, assisted by David Meltz and Clark Freshman, went to Plan B and argued the state of Georgia’s failure to protect Leo Frank from the lynch mob during his imprisonment at the Milledgeville state prison farm and its subsequent failure to bring his killers to justice, amounted to the state’s de facto complicity in his demise. Therefore, Frank’s lynching per se was so egregious an injustice it overshadowed the issue of his innocence or guilt in the murder of Mary Phagan. They also insisted it was Georgia’s responsibility to atone and repent for its past sins in this case, and asked that Mr. Frank be pardoned without addressing the issue of guilt or innocence—to send a strong signal Georgia no longer condoned anti-Semitism and mob violence, and that it wanted to heal these old wounds by renouncing bigotry, acknowledging injustice and righting this tragic wrong.24

    Governor Slanton explicitly agreed with you both, because he said as much in announcing the commutation of Frank’s death penalty sentence

    Slaton said, “but I cannot stand the constant companionship of an accusing conscience which would remind me that I, as governor of Georgia, failed to do what I thought to be right…. It means that I must live in obscurity the rest of my days, but I would rather be plowing in a field than to feel that I had that blood on my hands.”

    Clearly, Slanton commuted the sentence solely on the grounds that Frank was quite likely to be an innocent man. If, in fact, it must have been obvious to him that Frank was guilty of murder, then the Governor had deliberately attempted to defeat the ends of justice. The people of Georgia were very well informed about the evidence and testimony in the case, which was covered exhaustively in the newspapers. After he commuted the sentence (just before the end of his term) Slanton was besieged in his mansion by a huge mob claimant for his life. and had the militia not been called out to save him he might well have been lynched. Slanton’s explanation was one people of the time thought egregious, such that no reasonable person acting reasonably could have made truthfully expounded it.

    The ADL is about fighting Antisemitism and they still pretend Frank was lynched in an act of bigoted Antisemitism because fear keeps the Jewish community cohesive and contributing to the ADL. The ADL tried to get Frank pardoned on the grounds he was innocent and failed. Then they used economic pressure and the argument that the state had to failed to prevent him being murdered while a prisoner as an argument for pardoning him (although being predictably murdered in prison is not grounds for a pardon). There is no doubt he was murdered, but the state can hardly be blamed for not bringing a case it could not possibly have won, for no jury would convict. And we know why, as did everyone in Georgia back then: Frank was guilty of murdering a 13 year old girl who resisted his rape of her. The ADL mid eighties case was there was no rape and Conley had tried to steal Mary Phagans’s paltry wages, and they still implicitly suggest that Frank died a victim of Antisemitism.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  254. Wally says:


    Why are you censoring my responses

    [Too repetitive. Stop clogging up so many comment-threads by acting like a mindless spambot if you want your comments published. Your behavior is unfair to other commenters and you'd probably me much happier at a different website.]

    • Replies: @Heros
  255. Thanks to the great and fearless Ron Unz for further exposing the Jewish problem.
    Maybe this will embolden other researchers.

  256. Dr. Eric Karlstrom has done good research on this:

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  257. @annamaria

    ” The Israelis lit up the camps at night with flares so the Falangists could see what they were doing (or who they were killing) ”
    Correct, see
    ‘From Beirut to Jerusalem’, Thomas L Friedman, 1989, New York
    Friedman writes ‘then and there I buried the state of Israel’.
    However, he did not, he now writes for NYT

  258. Durruti says:
    @Johnny Rottenborough

    Courageous statement:

    “We should ask ourselves whether it is appropriate for an organization with such origins and such recent history to be granted enormous influence over the distribution of information across our Internet”

    Supported by revealing quote:

    “‘Miller, on the other hand, wholeheartedly embraces and embodies an ideology that many American Jews see as a threat to their own well-being, given that it promotes a vision of America as a white Christian nation’”

    Heaven forbid; we don’t want none of that “Christian” stuff.


    What the Zionist Oligarchs, Rothschilds, and the others, are doing to the Palestinians, and attempting against the Syrians, Iraqis, Egyptians, Yemenis, Lebanese, and the other Arab Nations, who occupy the desired spots for eretz Israel, is not new to history. The first Holocaust was done by a Jewish tribe – to the inhabitants of Jericho. They exterminated every man, woman, child, and living thing (animals-livestock) as they followed the instructions of their god (story detailed in the Old Testament). An entire Nation, who occupied prime Middle East real estate (modern day Palestine), was genocided. Many patterns of history do not change.

    The Zionists are the Holocaust Deniers,</b> and the Anti-Semites (Semites are peoples from the Middle East – the overwhelming majority of Jews hail from Europe-not Semites). Zionists deny the holocausts against the Armenians, the Serbs, African Tribes, Native Americans, and a dozen other nationalities.

    Whether one accepts the Old Testament as hard-proven history, or not, The genocide against the Nation of Jericho is celebrated in Church & Synagogue throughout the world. I have sung the song in synagogue & church. Nice recordings by Mahailia Jackson, and Elvis, available-just google.

    A neighbor has asked her pastor if he understands the history behind that song.

    But I digress.

    God Bless!

  259. @utu

    There are so many jews in S Africa that I wonder if Israel supports the end of white rule.
    But I have a far better question, who assisted apartheid S Africa after the sanction began in setting up synthetic fuel plants ?
    They appeared overnight.
    And who made possible passenger flights from S Africa to Europe, making a landing for fuel at some remote island for the African coast, where obsolete planes with smoking exhausts brought the fuel .
    The S African contribution to Israel seems te have been a nuclear testing site.
    Maybe also S African coal to Eilath, the pretext for the 1967 war.

  260. Them Guys says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Indeed, and Ron Unz should be the Main key speaker at the us senate committee hearings regarding the current tactics used by major internet orgs like Facebook et al. And if Ron Unz ever did get invited to speak out, he needs be sure to let the senators all know that Ron too is Jewish. Then blast their Marxist and Anti Gentile, Anti White, and Anti America agendas and tactics of ADL—SPLC–AJC–And several hundred more pro Jew orgs, that like prior named two major orgs of adl and splc, are also anti everything aforementioned here.

    High time we see a full end of this ongoing “Is it Good for Jews”? basis for most everything those Jewish orgs are based upon. They need move to Israel where they can enjoy a Jewish State, and maintain an all for Jews vs Nothing at all for non Jews mentality and agendas.

    Time we end such idiotic and dangerous agendas of America existing for sole reason of, what’s good for Jews= #1 reason to exist as a nation. No other situation in history, other than wherever Jewry infiltrates as its New Tribal Host Nation, shows a tiny less than 2% of general population having such massive controls and power. It can and should be fast ended. No real reasons the Others, that 98+% of Americans, cannot put end to these radical, dangerous practices and agendas.

    Ron Unz, if he spoke out at a official congressional hearings on the very same issues, and in same ways as he writes of here at his own website. Would root out and demolish every scam, swindle Lie so often heard by various corrupt Jews and Shabbos Goy non Jew gentile speakers and so called, “Experts” which are the usual and typical types we see or hear at every congress and senate hearing. Then the same clown scammers repeat the same Lies and false histories on every major msm tv news show…….Time folks tune out and reject all such fakery and demand we hear from Honest and sincerely concerned Jews who are real experts like Mr. Unz.

    And also, “If” ADL and SPLC and their 99.99% of Jewry followers really desire a real end of everything which has always led up to a situation that they call as, Antisemitism, then I recommend as their best number one option to be. Copy-Cat Jews such as Ron Unz and likewise begin to write or speak Factual Truths!…Not many of even the most rabidly actual anti-Semites could find fault with nor in Mr. Unz. For he does due diligence in full research, then simply tells it as it really is, and as well proven by vetted documentations that even ADL or SPLC Cannot honestly refute. Oh, yes, such agenda driven orgs will still try to refute him, but anyone with at least an IQ of luke warm will fast see through their subversive and falsified tactics. Much akin to Sol Alinsky, tactics eh.

    If Ron’s Entire American Pravda series of articles were put into a public schools History Text Book, and Mandated to be read and taught at every usa school, beginning with say, 5th grade and continue until 12th grade until it sinks in deep and is remembered. The next and following generations of Americans would know real factual historic truths on Holohoax and WWII issues, plus many more major and important subjects. And would never again fall for the current falsified scam phony histories that now 4-5 gens of Americans have been criminally subjected to for so long.

    • Agree: anarchyst
  261. @geokat62

    Likewise, geo, I would too!

    But, but, we must recognize the monstrous real life obstacles.

    Subsequently, fyr, I will present an example of Solomon Northup from the memoir, “12 Years a Slave.”

    Eh-hem, as a (married) young & ambitious black fellow who strolled the streets of Saratoga Springs, NY, March 1841, and looking for a good job, he met two dudes who Solomon thought were circus company CEO’s.

    The headhunters were Merrill Brown and Abram Hamilton who successfully enlisted Solomon, starting wage $1.00 per day and given musical talent, he had opportunities to advance!

    (Zigh). Without informing his wife, and traveling south merrily by train to the D.C. Pennsylvania-based Gadsby’s Hotel, Solomon observed something very wrong, got pains in his head, and realized he was no longer “free.”

    Minus the obvious social change & of course being bound & gagged, such is the present fate of millions of dumb goyim-Americans. Below for your consideration I shall offer a quote from Mr. Northup’s enlightening “12 Years A Slave.”

    “So we passed, hand-cuffed and in silence, through streets of Washington — through the Capital of a nation, whose theory of government, we were told, rests on the foundation of Man’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness happiness.”

    Maybe, just maybe, you got the depressing moral of the story which I spun, geo?


    Selah, the Diaspora and greater than 12 centuries as slaves to Hebrews?

    • Replies: @geokat62
  262. Patricus says:

    You could be right that Jews are plotting awful things for humanity. I am convinced the Protocols are a forgery and plagiarism. 20 or 30 minutes searching on Google will turn up evidence to support the fraudulent nature of the publication. That doesn’t mean Jews are not planning such things. It only means one publication is dubious. I have no idea what some Jews are planning.

  263. Tyrion 2 says:

    Bucky made many points. I agreed with most of them, so I hit “agree”.

    I don’t care about Leo Frank. I’d never heard of him and I have no idea why anybody would care about his case. I suspect Ron is the person who cares most about him in the whole world. I find that bizarre.

    As far as I am concerned anybody who is ranting on about any single criminal act that happened over a hundred years ago is pretty strange. We can’t really know either way, all the prose in the world will not provide a great context and it is of zero contemporary consequence.

    My last comment to you was merely pointing out the irony in what you wrote. That amused me. It is also reminiscent of what Ron did with David Irving, which was to make the case that Irving was a free speech martyr when it was actually him who initiated the libel lawsuit.

    With Frank, he seems to be making the case for the awesome power of the ADL based off some guy they supported through his legal process getting convicted, imprisoned for life and then kidknapped and lynched. This is not a strong case!

    Also, considering the possibly zero white men who were lynched in major conurbations post 1915 and the fact that his lynching wasn’t prosecuted, it seems reasonable to conclude that Frank’s Judaism was a factor in his murder. No one is arguing that his murderers assuming his guilt was not also a factor, nor even denying that it was the primary one. That would be absurd.

    Finally, that Ron seems determined to revise every single historical event involving Jews into a story of Jewish demonhood, means I have no doubt Ron is mostly wrong. No group of people are demons just as no group are angels. One might take that as a criticism of the Anti-Defamation League, but I am not sure this is more than Ron’s strawman. I don’t see them making Jews out to be eternal angels – then again, I don’t see the ADL at all! Furthermore, if their job and role is to fight defamation and Ron has taken the opposite role, then he could at least be honest and call his own work that of the Pro-Defamation League…

  264. Anon[257] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    It was an execution for the rape and murder of a 12 year old girl. Despite the millions in today’s dollars spent on bribes justice was done.

  265. anarchyst says:

    Ron Unz is a national treasure whose writings and creation of the website is greatly appreciated.

  266. Them Guys says:

    Plus, they also already had close to a decade of influence especially in every southern state, via the Cyrus Scofield Zionist KJV version of the bible. Nothing else since early 1900 era has so influenced and corrupted American Christianity like that fraud apostate bible version. A grand total mockery of the bible. Scofields bible was also, Re-written at least three times!…Last time being just before the 1967 Jewish Israel war!….In order to make Jewry look much more like victims, and heros of every future as well as past war or agenda done by Jews. And also to conjure up far more guilt complex within Goyim Christians if they Dare reject or refute Scofields painting of international Jewry as the “Chozens” etc.

    Today just over 100+ years since his bible version become the top best seller in America, we can see the results. 65 Million brainwashed and well duped Christian souls losing their salvation, by refusal to heed the 2000 year old new testament warnings about the dangers of, Judaizering Pastors. And their warped, wrong, falsified apostate agenda.

    And nothing short of a, Clockwork Orange movie type method to fix their minds, will ever convince such duped souls of how totally wrong and apostate they, their judaizering pastors, and their phony Scofield bibles really are…..Which has placed America and its peoples in a very dangerous and deadly position. Which if not radically changed, and changed fast, this entire nation will crumble and fall like a house of cards built upon sand.

  267. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Hello Sir Launcelot,

    Interesting thoughts you posted.

    re: “Look what happened in Charlottesville.”
    In my opinion, “what happened in C’ville” was a function of poorly thought-out activism on the part of Alt-right, and the deliberate and sustained agenda of ADL and its minions to subvert an American icon, and I’m not talking about Robert E Lee but of Thomas Jefferson: ADL & its fellow travelers had had C’ville in its sites for at least a decade — remember: the AIPAC-ish flower blooms in the dark. C’ville was targeted to send the message that zionists had the power to diminish the home field of a US Founder.
    Thus, wrt to the issue at hand, I don’t think “Charlottesville” should carry that much weight as to where a central organizing point of Unz-inspired and Unz-informed Resistance — or Re-Assertion?? — should be located.

    re: your suggestion of “flyover country.”
    OK, I get your point.
    But who is your audience?
    A few years ago, several of us Unzites, or Giraldi-groupies ( ! ) created a Facebook page and made plans to make plans for a demonstration, or a conference at National Press Club, focused on the attack on the USS Liberty. Those plans never took flight, but under Phil Giraldi’s leadership, we did meet at Arlington Cemetery on the anniversary of the attack on the Liberty.

    We met with family members of deceased and survivors of the attack on the Liberty, read out the names of the victims of the attack and paid them respect, then met for lunch nearby.
    SO — there has been an attempt to create what you propose, and a core of like-minded (more or less) supporters.
    (If I may — others of us also participated in a KickStart campaign to launch Gareth Porter’s book, Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare”

    Helena Cobban, who created JustWorld Books, based in Charlottesville, VA, spearheaded the project, published the book, and accompanied Porter to numerous book events.
    Cobban has recently moved JustWorld Books from Charlottesville to Washington, DC.)

    When we kicked around the idea of a protest or a conference, we recognized that the people we needed to influence were Congressional staffers, and that they would not even travel six miles up Connecticut Ave. to attend a conference; to be effective, you need to be where the Ears are, or where the Ears can be enticed to come.

    Again, I understand the immediate appeal attached to “Flyover Country,” — a quick look at the Electoral College map that put Trump in the White House drives the point home

    but I repeat:
    Who is your audience?

    How will you reach them?

    What resources and models already exist?

    How will three or four people in Kansas or Ohio or even Pittsburgh, PA (Lewis & Clark set off to map Flyover Country from the shores of the Ohio River in Pittsburgh), operating without benefit of social media, have a voice loud enough or wide enough to match decibels with ADL? (Although — I recall that Regnery Press started as a not-for-profit in Chicago, Ill — before a split-up in which a major branch sprouted in Washington.)

    Please understand: I do not by any stretch of the imagination seek to discourage you or demean your purpose and enthusiasm; quite the contrary: I want your vision to be realized and to make a difference. I think it will take some tough, clear-eyed planning and hard work. I want to be a part of it, and I want it to succeed.

    Based on the experience related to Gareth Porter’s book, and to a similar, earlier experience sponsoring, supporting and hosting authors of other significant books, which in turn were inspired by the impact of books like Thomas Paine’s The Age of Reason: Paine, and authors like him, CHANGED the course of history.

    I am excited that JustWorld Books is moving to Washington, DC.

    It’s a long, hard slog to get a book written, but Payne’s Change Agent was a pamphlet: there are several commenters on Unz who would make terrific pamphleteers; maybe JustWorld Books would be willing to publish them.

    Ron Unz and Unz Forum are terrific resources and personal as well as intellectual models.

    So is Phil Giraldi’s Council for the National Interest

    as well as Alison Weir and If Americans Knew

    OK, so we have these resources and models, and earlier attempts at forming a group: We ‘organized’ on a Facebook / closed group; it petered out relatively quickly; I don’t even remember where it is. An even larger problem is that No form of communication is private.
    The threshold problem is, how to get a core group together to organize?

    Here’s a wild-a** thought: Those of us who are interested and able can purchase a ‘burner’ phone; set a date to publish the numbers on an Unz article to be designated; then contact each other by phone and plan a meet-up. Then we trash the phones.

    Whadda ya think?

  268. @Tyrion 2

    ” Finally, that Ron seems determined to revise every single historical event involving Jews into a story of Jewish demonhood, means I have no doubt Ron is mostly wrong. ”

    Can you specify historical events involving jews that were beneficial ?
    After writing this I pondered my mind for several minutes, but nothing came up.

  269. geokat62 says:

    Maybe, just maybe, you got the depressing moral of the story which I spun, geo?

    While the odds are very much stacked against us, Chuck, I always draw inspiration from what the granddaughter of Shimon Peres, Mika Almog, told the mainly Jewish audience in a speech she gave at a J Street conference, early in 2017:

    In 2012, President Obama awarded my grandfather the Presidential Medal of Freedom. “Shimon,” he said, “teaches us to never settle for the world as it is. We have a vision of the world as it ought to be… and we have to strive for it.”

    What Presidents Perez and Obama suggest is a great daunting task. But if at moments fear should creep into your heart, to tell you it’s an impossible task, look no further than Israel. Zionism has always been against all odds. So if Israel is possible anything is possible.

    We must always strive to prevent those moments when fear creeps into our hearts, Chuck.

  270. Patricus says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Jeff Blankfort:

    Like you, I found the Protocols pretty tedious reading. I suppose I read about 3/4 of the work. I came across a web site where the Protocols were compared paragraph by paragraph to Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesque. Many Protocol passages were a sentence by sentence copy of the Dialogues (which was written in the 1860s). In some cases word for word copying. The Dialogues were a satire on Napoleon and the author (Joly) spent some time in a French prison for his troubles. It is interesting that Napoleon was no Jew but his supposed machinations were the same as the supposed schemes of Zionists: control of central banking, debasing currencies, financial control of popular media, upending the institutions of religion and family, etc., etc.

    Surely there must be some wicked and nefarious Jews but personally I find most to be inoffensive. They are not nearly as powerful as some think. Jews are apparently declining in numbers and eventually their current influences will recede. They are overrepresented in certain professions and occupations but under represented in others.

    It is curious how Jews have been disliked for so long and in most of the places they lived. It must be because of their resistance to assimilation. They seem to be well assimilated in the US. This country is probably the best place Jews have ever lived, as it is for other groups. As they intermarry with gentiles in increasing numbers we will probably see them move to the right over generations. Others trod the same well worn path.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Jeff Blankfort
    , @utu
  271. Anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    As far as I am concerned anybody who is ranting on about any single criminal act that happened over a hundred years ago is pretty strange.

    Passover, Purim and Hanukkah commemorate Jewish suffering that resulted from goy criminality.

    Oy vey.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  272. Tyrion 2 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    What do you mean by “historical events” that “were beneficial”? Can you give me some examples of any historical events that fit your definition of “beneficial”? It would help me to understand your question.

    Also, does that you are sort of doubling down on Ron’s strange demonisation of Jews make you wonder if you might actually be one of the bad guys? You know, because demonising groups of people is normally the prelude to bad people acting awfully?

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  273. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “I don’t care about Leo Frank. I’d never heard of him and I have no idea why anybody would care about his case. I suspect Ron is the person who cares most about him in the whole world. I find that bizarre.”

    – The paper is about the origin and nefarious activities of the Anti-Defamation League. The ADL was founded in memory and defense of Leo Frank. That is, the ADL is the organization that “cares most about him [Leo Frank] in the whole world.”

    “The ADL has 29 offices in the United States and three offices in other countries, with its headquarters located in New York City. Abraham Foxman was the national director from 1987 for more than a quarter century. In November 2014, it was announced that Jonathan Greenblatt would succeed Foxman as national director in July 2015. The national chair is Barry Curtiss-Lusher.”
    – You see, there are a lot of Jewish people who care about Leo Frank, the Jewish rapist and murderer of a 13-year-old girl.

    “The ADL holds that it is important to remember the Holocaust, in order to prevent such an event from reoccurring”
    — This is not true. The ADL has been highly referential and even protective towards the neo-Nazi in Ukraine:
    “John Conyers wanted to block U.S. funding to neo-Nazis in Ukraine. But the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center refused to help.”

    The ADL is deaf and blind to a genocide when the perpetrators of the genocide involve Jews, such as the so-called Young Turks’ (aka Donmeh Jews) involvement in the Armenian genocide. “Was it genocide? It was wartime. Things get messy” (Abraham Foxman). These words of Foxman should be reminded, often, to the expansive holo-biz staff, “Was it holocaust? It was wartime. Things get messy.”

  274. Miggle says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    They would not. Denounced, not dismissed. Isaac Isaacs, because so totally anti-Zionist, was out of favor with almost all Australian Jews. Zionists had been acting in an evil manner suggestive of the Protocols. The latter would not be simply dismissed.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  275. … a long list of prominent public figures were soon persuaded to demand a new trial for the convicted murderer, including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Jane Addams.

    Henry Ford? Really!? My image of him has just been shattered. I thought he was one of us!

    • Replies: @gregor
  276. Tyrion 2 says:

    Those were not “single criminal acts” nor have I ever seen anyone ranting and raving over them.

    They are no more the spur for contemporary grievance than the Battle of Agincourt is.

    And at least all of those are actually epic, and interesting, like the story of Troy or Gilgamesh.

    Surely I shouldn’t have to explain the above? Your attempted “gotcha” is painfully stupid.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @annamaria
  277. utu says:

    I came across a web site where the Protocols were compared paragraph by paragraph to Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesque

    Really? Link please.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
    , @Patricus
  278. Them Guys says:
    @Unrepentant Conservative

    Unrepentant Conservative wrote:.. I’m inclined to expunge the Judeo from “Judeo-Christian” once and for all and trust that Almighty God will sort them out at the appropriate time.

    Indeed yes. Re-Read the parable of Wheat Vs Tares (weeds that look like wheat until matured). Then consider how so many Jews change names and some even do plastic surgery in order to better “fit” into a European White aka real whiteys, lands and society. And once understood properly, that parable is obviously speaking of international Jewry aka Khazars, as the Tares. Which can mean only one thing else. That since in at least the past 2000 years history, every of the 109 Prior to America, Host nations of Jewry that have all booted Jews out close to 300 times! Have most if not all, been a European White created and run nation.

    That parable explains how the wheat are Gods real and good righteous children, with the tares being fraud wheats, who get infiltrated in and/planted by their father, Satan the devil, and done secretly after darkness befalls the lands where the wheat got first planted. Later on its explained by Christ to the several apostles present, and who asked what it all meant, that both the wheat and tares represent actual Human people. And that at an appointed time, Gods time, it is the tares who will be totally Uprooted, and then the field hand workmen, planters of the wheat, are going to bundle up tares and throw them into the hell fires already burning.

    There are No other two main races or groups any where, which can be who is spoken of other than, European Whites and Jews. Who else look so alike as to fool even the best of experts? Which is also mentioned in that parable as main reason the wheat planter work men were told to await the maturity of tares during or close to harvest time, before the up rooting’s begin in earnest. Due to when fully matured, the tares change and become much more easy to recognize as a Fake wheat aka a weed. Note how when you look at photos or movies etc of Jews as small kids or teens and younger adults, they usually do look much more like a typical euro white. But look at when same Jews are older and matured, how then most really look far more Jewish. Exceptions can always be found yes, often due to some have far more real euro white dna. Or get better nose jobs done. But in General, on average what I stated here holds.

    Now that so many are so quickly awakening to all these issues and roles played by Jewry etc…Can that “Harvest” time be very far off still? Not very likely. And unlike the many prior uprooting events in the past which simply booted them out of the nations, this parable seems to speak of a final last time event eh. Sort of a real Final Solution event perhaps. Lord knows its long over due some folks claim.

    Help MAGA by, Making America Nation, #110 and…Never Again! sure would make for great bumper sticker no?……when wondering folks inquire as to what does the Nation #110 mean or stand for?….Explain about how 109 prior Host nations of international Jewry aka Tares, have Booted Out Jews at least 300 times for acting so Jewy Jewish and wrecking every host nation they have infiltrated. Give them Unz Pravda series website address or link too!

  279. @geokat62

    geokat gave me this brotherly “Fear not” heads up: “We must always strive to prevent those moments when fear creeps into our hearts, Chuck.”


    Nonetheless, & as you know, “fear” creeps into hearts easier when awareness of the prevailing root of Evil is strained.

    A suggestion. People are prone to fear less for what they become aware of.

    Thanks, geo!

  280. @Tyrion 2

    Also, does that you are sort of doubling down on Ron’s strange demonisation of Jews make you wonder if you might actually be one of the bad guys? You know, because demonising groups of people is normally the prelude to bad people acting awfully?

    In other words:

    – The party that does the demonizing is the “bad guy”

    – Bad guys are the “bad people who act awfully”

    – The group that is demonized by the “bad guys” are those against whom “awfully bad acts” are carried out.

    Correct me if I’ve got the process wrong.

  281. anastasia says:
    @jilles dykstra

    They can do good on the individual level, but never as a group. Group think is dangerous. Jewish group think is even more dangerous.

  282. Anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Those were not “single criminal acts” nor have I ever seen anyone ranting and raving over them.

    Nah. They went far beyond “ranting and raving” into the realm of pathology.

    And at least all of those are actually epic, and interesting, like the story of Troy or Gilgamesh.

    Yet the Frank saga isn’t mythical. It’s real. And your attempt to describe it as an ordinary, run-of-the-mill criminal act that had no effect on today’s society is just plain dumb. It was the single most important event that led to the creation of the ADL whose influence is not unimportant.

    Your attempted “gotcha” is painfully stupid.

    Says the imbecile who pretends not to understand the importance of the event that started the ADL.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  283. Miggle says:
    @jilles dykstra

    So, as Brook tries to show, the simple explanation of the Khazars, all of them, all of a sudden, converting to judaism, may well be wrong.

    Who said all of a sudden? Quickly, yes. All phallists and polytheists yes, all converted. But that doesn’t happen instantly anywhere, and the Khazars allowed freedom of religion.

    What happens everywhere is that when the rulers convert, when the elite is of a different religion, the masses, even if they are Jews as in Palestine following the Muslim conquest, quickly almost all convert. In the latter case starting to call themselves Arabs. Quickly meaning over a very few generations.

    • Replies: @Miggle
  284. Andrew Anglin commenting on Ron Unz, responding to a link in the Daily Stormer’s ‘best comments’ highlights – Anglin writes:

    Yeah, Unz is great.

    I think he’s arguably the best living blogger.

    But he’s also a weirdo Jew troublemaker who is obviously just hellbent on causing chaos, and isn’t really even right-wing.

    I read the stuff myself, but I’m not going to syndicate it. I have previously allowed people to cite him, and have cited him myself, but he’s not someone I am interested in being directly linked to.

    Maybe it’s just because it’s so personally frustrating that all the most competent anti-Semites are Jews.

    His JFK pieces were particularly interesting, as I’ve never seen someone make a solid case for the Mossad being behind that particular deed before.

    What I would really like to see however is an Unz analysis of the relationship between Oliver Cromwell and the Jews.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @Miggle
  285. Miggle says:

    See also Simon Dubnow, History of the Jews in Poland. Gutenbooks have it. May be evasive but contains such things as a group of Lithuanian Jews having their origins in Crimea.

  286. Tyrion 2 says:

    Yet the Frank saga isn’t mythical. It’s real. And your attempt to describe it as an ordinary, run-of-the-mill criminal act that had no effect on today’s society is just plain dumb. It was the single most important event that led to the creation of the ADL whose influence is not unimportant.

    What influence the ADL currently has is not created by people thinking Leo Frank was innocent.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Anonymous
  287. @geokat62

    Obvious am now talking to myself, geo, but one more thing about America’s fatal Awareness Deficit.

    Will now discuss the “American” journalist Jamal Kashoggi Murder/Disappearance Precedent.

    Let’s posit that one of our treasured-Brother journalists visits Istanbul for a conference, enters a hotel faculty, and is fucked-up by Saudi “rogues.”

    Uh…, What would President Trump do?


  288. In each nation where Jews “Set up shop”, there are gentiles who recognize and oppose the Jewish domination of media, government and financial sectors as the tribe advances their historically repeated agendas. Expansion of government parameters precedes the introduction of Jews from legal sectors, in conjunction with media sectors, to justify and develop specific laws that protect so-called “Minorities”, a faction which Jews attach themselves to. In Russia, Stalin enacted similar protections for Jews, which specified the Death Penalty for violators.

  289. Tyrion 2 says:

    Whatever one says about Andrew Anglin’s political views, his writing style is funny and makes him likeable even while he is being grossly rude.

    As for Jews in early modern England:

    Here’s Samuel Pepys visiting the main synagogue on Simchat Torah – the rowdiest religious festival –

    Up and to my office, where all the morning, and part of it Sir J. Minnes spent, as he do every thing else, like a fool, reading the Anatomy of the body to me, but so sillily as to the making of me understand any thing that I was weary of him, and so I toward the ‘Change and met with Mr. Grant, and he and I to the Coffee-house, where I understand by him that Sir W. Petty and his vessel are coming, and the King intends to go to Portsmouth to meet it. Thence home and after dinner my wife and I, by Mr. Rawlinson’s conduct, to the Jewish Synagogue: where the men and boys in their vayles, and the women behind a lattice out of sight; and some things stand up, which I believe is their Law, in a press to which all coming in do bow; and at the putting on their vayles do say something, to which others that hear him do cry Amen, and the party do kiss his vayle. Their service all in a singing way, and in Hebrew. And anon their Laws that they take out of the press are carried by several men, four or five several burthens in all, and they do relieve one another; and whether it is that every one desires to have the carrying of it, I cannot tell, thus they carried it round about the room while such a service is singing. And in the end they had a prayer for the King, which they pronounced his name in Portugall; but the prayer, like the rest, in Hebrew. But, Lord! to see the disorder, laughing, sporting, and no attention, but confusion in all their service, more like brutes than people knowing the true God, would make a man forswear ever seeing them more and indeed I never did see so much, or could have imagined there had been any religion in the whole world so absurdly performed as this. Away thence with my mind strongly disturbed with them, by coach and set down my wife in Westminster Hall, and I to White Hall, and there the Tangier Committee met, but the Duke and the Africa Committee meeting in our room, Sir G. Carteret; Sir W. Compton, Mr. Coventry, Sir W. Rider, Cuttance and myself met in another room, with chairs set in form but no table, and there we had very fine discourses of the business of the fitness to keep Sally, and also of the terms of our King’s paying the Portugees that deserted their house at Tangier, which did much please me, and so to fetch my wife, and so to the New Exchange about her things, and called at Thomas Pepys the turner’s and bought something there, an so home to supper and to bed, after I had been a good while with Sir W. Pen, railing and speaking freely our minds against Sir W. Batten and Sir J. Minnes, but no more than the folly of one and the knavery of the other do deserve.

    • Replies: @anon
  290. @Tyrion 2

    Tyrion 2 & Ron Unz work hand-in-glove: Unz describes the phenomena and practices and Tyrion supplies the walkin’ talkin’ example, of pilpul, of dissimulation, of Talmudism gone amok.

    But that’s not why I called —

    re #288:

    Tyrion 2: Also, does that you are sort of doubling down on Ron’s strange demonisation of Jews make you wonder if you might actually be one of the bad guys? You know, because demonising groups of people is normally the prelude to bad people acting awfully?

    S2C: In other words:
    – The party that does the demonizing is the “bad guy”
    – Bad guys are the “bad people who act awfully”
    – The group that is demonized by the “bad guys” are those against whom “awfully bad acts” are carried out.

    You’ve not disagreed so I assume you agree.

    Substituting for “bad guys” and “demonized” and “victims,”
    and harking back to 1933 – 1945,
    Historical documents reveal that:

    Jewish elites in USA undertook a campaign of demonizing “Hitlerites” by early March, 1933.
    At that time, “Hitlerites” had done nothing to Jews in Germany.
    Jews were the “demonizers.”
    Demonizers – “bad guys.”
    Jews were the “bad guys.”

    Jews proceeded to “act awfully” against the demonized group.
    “Bad guy” Jews maneuvered “demonized” Germany into a war.
    In the course of that war “Bad guy” Jews participated in the planning and execution of firebombing of German civilians, a war crime and a crime against humanity.
    Those against whom those “bad acts” were carried out were, just as Tyrion 2 stated, the German people who had earlier been demonized by “Bad guy” Jews.

    Now, Tyrion 2 wants to dismiss (that) history that does not push his & his tribe’s buttons.
    He would likely wish to pilpul aside that well-documented history of “bad guy” Jews demonizing, then firebombing, German civilians.

    But the same stunt is being repeated, wrt to Iran:

    Iran is relentlessly demonized by “bad guy” Jews.
    Just as in the case w/ Germany, heavy sanctions are imposed on Iran with the goal of destroying Iran’s economy, fomenting rebellion among the people, and toppling the government.
    (It failed in Germany & it will fail in Iran, but since we’re talking about a people who have carried out the same stunts for a good part of 2,000 years, we have to consider we’re dealing w/ either slow learners or the insane.)
    The goal is to shatter Iran, subvert its culture, and take control of its people, resources and heritage, just as was done wrt Germany.

    Demonizers: Jews & Allies

    Demonized: Germany, Iran

    Bad acts: Economic warfare; firebombing civilians

    Bad actors: Jews & Allies

    Victims: Germans, Iranians

    It’s simple algebra to attach the right labels to the right characters.

  291. Seraphim says:

    In 1937 Louis Ferdinand Celine wrote these memorable lines:

    « le capitaine Dreyfus est bien plus grand que le capitaine Bonaparte. Il a conquis la France et l’a gardée »

    • LOL: utu
  292. anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Dave on 15 Oct 2006 •

    “disorder, laughing, sporting, and no attention”

    Sam’l could visit my synagogue this year on Simchat Torah and make the same observation. Too bad he didn’t return for Purim.

  293. gregor says:
    @Digital Samizdat

    Maybe this was his red pill? Isn’t this several years before he published TIJ?

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  294. anon[319] • Disclaimer says:
    @Reuben Kaspate

    The hubris of the hebe knows no bounds.

  295. @utu

    What was necessary was that Nelson Mandela would agree to allow the World Bank and the IMF to come into South Africa without restrictions and other than share the wealth with top officials of the ANC, the economic control of South Africa’s resoures would, for the most part, remain in white hands.

    As to what I and others in the anti-apartheid movement in the US contributed to the end of SA apartheid is a matter of opinion which I suspect, is based on assumptions and beliefs that serve as filters when viewing historical events.

    Back in 1990, I wrote a piece for City Lights Review in San Francisco that posed the question: “If South Africa had a lobby like the Israel Lobby…” It didn’t have any lobby to speak of and nothing like the Israel Lobby which is a 50 states “take no prisoners” operation.

    • Replies: @utu
  296. Seraphim says:

    What certainly does not appear in the Jolly’s supposed ‘source’ of the Protocols and clearly show who the real authors are, is the following protocol:

    “If one of our people should unhappily fall into the hands of justice amongst the Christians, we must rush to help him; find as many witnesses as he needs to save him from his judges, until we become judges ourselves”.
    Dreyfuss, Beilis, Frank. Checked.

  297. Anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    What influence the ADL currently has is not created by people thinking Leo Frank was innocent.

    The ADL fuels the myth of his innocence to this day and anyone who sees his innocence as mythical is denounced as anti-Semitic. So … those who agree with the ADL regarding Frank do empower them.

    I don’t see anybody saying ALL of their influence comes from “people thinking Leo Frank was innocent.” Then again, argument losers do tend to grasp at strawmen.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  298. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You may not be interested, but the ADL still thinks Frank is very important four decades after they got him pardoned.

    With Frank, he seems to be making the case for the awesome power of the ADL based off some guy they supported through his legal process getting convicted, imprisoned for life and then kidknapped and lynched. This is not a strong case!

    Frank was pardoned because the ADL exerted pressure. He was pardoned for murdering and raping a little girl even though Georgia maintained he was guilty. The ADL are not entirely without influence it seems. Mary Phagan and the whole South were defamed by Hollywood

    She was turned into a tits and ass jiggling slut in a land of moronic bigots.

    Truth is a defence to an action for defamation. The case of Frank demonstates the imputation conveyed by this post is substantially true, and if the ADL continue to associate the Jewish community with such a discreditable cause after Ron’s judicious analysis, it is they who should call themselves the “Pro-Defamation League”.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  299. mh505 says:

    Admit being very cynical

    The only way to “survive” these days, if you don’t want to become emotionally stunted or else end up in the loony bin … LOL

  300. @Patricus

    It is certainly true that Jews have had it better in the US than in other countries and ,I suspect, most would acknowledge that. The problem is that a minority of Jews in the US and other Western countries who are both well heeled and well organized have come to control or dominate the key sectors of our government and society that have anything to do with Israel which include, most prominently, both political parties, the US Congress, all of the state legislatures and the mainstream as well as liberal media.

    In the insider language of the pro-Israel minority, these are considered “warm” Jews. For them, what other Jews may think of Israel or anything else doesn’t matter. Thus, polls showing that US Jews feel this way or that about Israel and the Palestinians have no political significance when it comes to the halls of Congress where AIPAC and a handful of sister organizations set the rules, such as the Foundation for The Defense of Democracies, a successor to PNAC, and the Wash Inst. for Near East Policy, founded by AIPAC in 1985, not to lobby for pro-Israel policies, but to set them, The compliant media never mentions their Israeli and US Zionist connections,

    As for the media, articles regarding certain events that would be viewed as unfavorable to Israel and its supporters that are routinely published in the Israeli press,both in English, as well as Hebrew, rarely appear in th US press. They have all the bases as well as the truth well covered up.

    • Replies: @David Baker
    , @Patricus
  301. @wayfarer

    Right up there with the $PLC.

  302. Tyrion 2 says:

    I don’t see anybody saying ALL of their influence comes from “people thinking Leo Frank was innocent.” Then again, argument losers do tend to grasp at strawmen.

    I didn’t say all, did I? Please re-read your final sentence.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  303. Tyrion 2 says:

    Frank was pardoned because the ADL exerted pressure.

    He was pardoned after being kidknapped from custody and brutally murdered! That context is obviously pretty important…

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Sean
  304. crimson2 says:

    Oh, sure. Israel also funds the lizard men and chemtrails.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @Anonymous
  305. Tyrion 2 says:

    That’s a long, sophistical and barely coherent way of expressing “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter”. It is moral relativism ad absurdum masquerading as intellectualism…ignored.

  306. crimson2 says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Can you specify historical events involving jews that were beneficial ?

  307. Wade says:

    M.C. Piper, like Ron Unz was a national treasure.

  308. @Tyrion 2



    “. . .barely coherent way of expressing “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter””

    . . .a tiresomely repetitive way of expressing, “It’s OK if Jews do it.”

  309. Macs says:

    They will continue to ignore you as long as they can, though that may not be very long. No doubt they are looking into your personal details for a weak point to exploit. Don’t take up any dangerous hobbies!

  310. Anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I didn’t say all, did I?

    You wrote

    What influence the ADL currently has is not created by people thinking Leo Frank was innocent.

    What you wrote means ALL influence the ADL currently has. So … yeah, you did say it.

    • Disagree: Tyrion 2
  311. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “It is moral relativism…”

    — Correct. The Jewish State’s pillars rest on moral relativism. This is why the Holo-whining and (Jewish) victimhood-peddling are so disgusting. The Jews put themselves on a pedestal as the most victimized and the most moral. Well. The history of the Jewish Bolshevik revolution has dispelled both memes.

    The well-known terrorist proclivities and activities of the founding fathers are not a secret any more. The Nakba makes a counterweight to the profiteering Holo-biz schema.

    The pernicious influence of the Jewish Power on the US policies, including the deeply immoral and criminal foreign policies and the violation of the First Amendment at home (BDS), expose the Jewish Community at large as an unprincipled and unscrupulous predator. Too many Israel-firsters in the US government.

    Again, the Jews put the Jewish tribe on a pedestal for the profiteering reasons; this made the Jewish sins very visible.

  312. geokat62 says:

    Here’s a wild-a** thought: Those of us who are interested and able can purchase a ‘burner’ phone; set a date to publish the numbers on an Unz article to be designated; then contact each other by phone and plan a meet-up. Then we trash the phones.

    Whadda ya think?

    I’m in.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  313. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    There is one and only one tribe that has this kind of encouragement for their young:
    “Blessed is he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” — That is a hatred-dripping and thoroughly amoral Jewish slogan against Iranians, a supplement for the disgusting Purim story.
    But the Jews still pretend on having superior intelligence and superior morality. Ridiculous.

  314. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “He was pardoned after being kidknapped from custody and brutally murdered! That context is obviously pretty important…”
    – Leo Frank was a rapist and murderer. And he has become the model for the ADL. This is important.

  315. annamaria says:

    Do you have any refutation for the facts? No?
    Then, if you insist, “the Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center turned to be the very active supporters of the revival of Nazism (see Ukraine today under Kagans-Groysman rule). Meaning, the Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center are the active Holocaust deniers. Know your family, Crimson2.”

    • Replies: @Anon
    , @crimson2
  316. @Tyrion 2

    As I understand it, when oppression drove Jews out of Russia around the turn of the last century, they moved en masse to Germany, where they were met with tolerance and openness. Within two generations the Germans were trying to exterminate them.

    I try to imagine what would cause a whole people to unify like that against a group–what would it take in the United States, for example, to cause us as a nation to begin the methodical extermination of a particular racial group. But I can’t imagine us at that level. Even against vanquished enemy Native tribes during the process of conquest, dispossession was the rule, not, as is the global historical norm, genocide.

    Anyway, I don’t see whites running extermination camps. I’m not so sure about blacks, browns, and yellows. But Jews–that’s a different story. I have no problem imagining Jews executing a genocide. It seems to fit somehow their rhetoric.

    Now, Germany, in my view, of all the countries I’ve ever been to, is the one country that doesn’t feel like a foreign country. Despite the language difference, Germany feels more American to me than the UK. So it really is perplexing what it was that was able to generate such a genocidal rage among a tolerant and open people–people like us.

    I’ve asked this question of many Jews (admittedly, online) and I don’t believe I’ve ever received an answer that didn’t put the blame one hundred percent on German ressentiment or the diabolical machinations of Martin Luther or German drunkenness or something. I’ve never heard a Jew say what role they might have played.

    What say you?

  317. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    If there was any question about his guilt there would certainly have been an excellent case for a pardon. But although it was always beyond reasonable doubt that Frank’s conviction was sound, the ADL said point blank that Frank was innocent. In the last decade they have become somewhat equivocal on the matter of his being innocent of raping and murdering Mary Phagan, but they still regard his conviction being reversed as a victory in the battle against Antisemitism, judging by their website.

    Lots of convicts get killed in prison. Only in this case was a posthumous pardon given, and considering the extreme seriousness of his offence, a pardon was a remarkable testament to the ability of the ADL to dictate the narrative and bend a state to its will. When you marry that power to an apparent higher value put on the life of a loathsome person who happens to be a Jew than on the life of his gentile victim, you get a recipe for abuses.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Tyrion 2
  318. @songbird

    I went to a friend’s wedding in Boston some years ago. Near historic Fanueil Hall we came upon a small monument in the walkway leading to the hall. Most of that area has original red brickwork and colonial style architecture. This monument was different. It was grey, shiny marble exterior with glass panels and steam billowing out the top. Uh-oh, I had a feeling….Yep, it’s true, another Holocaust memorial. Right in the midst of America’s historical founding center.

    It almost stood as a challenge to American history. As if to say “Fuck you, American goyim. Your history is nothing compared to the Shoah.”

    • Replies: @songbird
    , @Craig Nelsen
  319. Heros says:

    Sorry Ron Unz,

    If you want to stop “comments unfair to other commentors”, then you should focus on the likes of crimson2, Jeff Stryker or the wizard of oz. These jews clearly come on to your site to antagonize and provoke goyim who are providing any kind of analysis. crimson2 often even makes veiled threats of jewish retaliation, tracking and monitoring.

    Also, you should stop your shadow banning by putting placeholders in Wally’s and other’s comments that you don’t like. This is really far more fitting to someone like Greenblatt of the ADL.

    • Replies: @Anon
  320. @geokat62

    I am in, S2C.

    Will await a signal for the next step, acquisition of “throwaways,” and there’s now three. Thanks.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  321. anon[201] • Disclaimer says:

    American Defamation League. Committed to promoting Jew interests at Americans expense.
    The Jewish Destruction League. Pillage the goyim. Cause we can.

    The ADL, JDL, AJC et al ad nauseum are Hate Groups. They exist as the legal arm of Jewz Inc.
    RICO statutes anyone?

  322. Heros says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    “Within two generations the Germans were trying to exterminate them.”

    Since Unz has decided that depraved jews like crimson2 and tyrone2, whose sole purpose posting here is to bait and threaten goyim. are more deserving of the privilege of using this commenting forum than Wally, I shall pick up his banner.

    Present your conclusive proof that “Germans were trying to exterminate them”.

    To the contrary, there is loads of proof that it was the jews who were trying to exterminate the Germans, the Russians and all of Christianity.

    • Agree: Zumbuddi
    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
    , @Anonymous
  323. songbird says:
    @Hamlet's Ghost

    I was recently struck by how the Freedom Trail in Boston had been hijacked or parasitized by the two victimhood narratives of blacks and Jews, which didn’t have any physical presence there when I was a kid.

    It really is about real estate. Any tourist taking a canned tour will now hear about both. I imagine it also worms its way into the fieldtrips of endless young schoolkids.

    • Replies: @Zumbuddi
  324. @Hamlet's Ghost

    “As if to say “Fuck you, American goyim.”

    I get the same feeling from this:

    in Baltimore where they have removed this:

  325. Ron Unz says:

    … a long list of prominent public figures were soon persuaded to demand a new trial for the convicted murderer, including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Jane Addams.

    Henry Ford? Really!? My image of him has just been shattered. I thought he was one of us!

    Maybe this was his red pill? Isn’t this several years before he published TIJ?

    I also had some thoughts along similar lines.

    I’d think that the Frank case was the highest-profile controversy regarding Jews in America to that date, and certainly provided enormous evidence of organized Jewish influence being deployed, apparently unfairly. Yet it went almost entirely unmentioned in Ford’s International Jew books published just a few years later. I suspect personal embarrassment may have been a factor.

    Interestingly enough, Tom Watson’s, Frank’s leading nemesis, who was endlessly vilified as an “anti-Semite,” later denounced Ford and his books for their vile “anti-Semitism”…

  326. Zumbuddi says:

    There’s a museum of Jewish history across from Independence Hall in Phila.

    Jews run the Wilson Center, ensuring that the truth about that blackmailed spineless toad never emerges.

    A Jew whose all time hero is Louis Brandeis, because “more than anybody, he secured Palestine for Jews,” runs the Center for the Constitution.

    It’s bad enough that Jewish billionaires use their wealth to subvert American politics.

    The greater outrage is that Jews use taxpeyer dollars to distort OUR history & brainwash our kids.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  327. @Miggle

    An interesting theoretical answer to my theoretical offering. Maybe you know what the Protocols say in detail, which I certainly don’t. But here’s a speculation in answer to your apparently logical offering. Around 1905 Isaacs and Monash would both have dismissed the Protocols as silly fantasy. But, depending on a reading of the Protocols in detail, maybe you could be right about Isaacs in 1947.

  328. @Ron Unz

    Reference you rely on please Ron for Tom Watson’s denunciation of Ford for his anti-Semitism. Was he perhaps virtue signalling out of self-interest resulting from his hammering over the Frank case (and with perhaps, also, an instinct for revenge against Ford connected to his support for Frank)?

  329. Anon[147] • Disclaimer says:

    What a pathetic creature you are that can’t even recognise your (real or imagined enemies). It should make you feel vulnerable. Still, try exercising what passes for your mind and see if you can make any case at all for Jeff Stryker or Wizard of Oz being Jewish.

  330. I am incredulous over the fact that the ADL actually commented in the form of an article on the Unz expose. Maybe they are not as smart as they are made out to be.

  331. yuflner says:

    In 1988 Jack Lemmon starred in a TV mini series titled Murder of Mary Phagan.

  332. @Ron Unz

    According to this piece, Watson was an “onerous anti-Semite,” and Leo Frank was only accused of murder. Typical.

  333. @Sean

    Indeed Tyrion2 allows his partisanship to let down his intellect. For example it is quite perverse to suggest as he did that Ron may care more about Frank and his case than anyone when he was just using the case for his well aimed attack on the ADL – which does not come well out of this article and thread and is made to look like an organisation for which Jewish lives count far far more than those of anyone else however personally admirable.

  334. Anon[147] • Disclaimer says:

    What are you saying/implying/asserting here?

    • Replies: @annamaria
  335. annamaria says:

    Ah, this traitorous Brandeis:
    “1. Brandeis helped craft Britain’s Balfour Declaration of 1917, and got the US government to sign on, thereby committing western powers to the project of establishing the Jewish state.
    2. Brandeis promoted the view that it was patriotic for Jews to advocate for a Jewish state– “to be good Americans, we must be better Jews, and to be better Jews, we must become Zionists”—a claim that allowed the American Zionist movement to grow by immunizing it against the dual loyalty charge.”

    “Brandeis enlisted Frankfurter, then a professor at Harvard Law School, as his paid political lobbyist and lieutenant… Working together over a period of 25 years, they placed a network of disciples in positions of influence. One reason Brandeis and Frankfurter kept their arrangement secret was that such behavior by a sitting Supreme Court justice is considered highly unethical.

    Later, when Frankfurter himself became a Supreme Court Justice, he used similar methods, “placing his own network of disciples in various agencies and working through this network for the realization of his own goals.”

    Frankfurter had joined the Harvard faculty in 1914 at the age of 31, a post gained after a Brandeis-initiated donation from financier Jacob Schiff to Harvard created a position for Frankfurter. … for the next 25 years, [Frankfurter] shaped the minds of generations of the nation’s most elite law students.”

    After Brandeis become head of the American Zionist movement, he “created an advisory council– an inner circle of his closest advisers– and appointed Felix Frankfurter as one of its members.”

    Brandeis was a leader of “an elitist secret society called the Parushim, the Hebrew word for ‘Pharisees’ and ‘separate,’ which grew out of Harvard’s Menorah Society.” … Brandeis used the Parushim “as a private intellectual cadre, a pool of manpower for various assignments.” Brandeis recruited ambitious young men, often from Harvard, to work on the Zionist cause – and further their careers in the process.”

    “Brandeis was not a fool, he was a traitor. … James Clark McReynolds, who was on the Supreme Court with Brandeis and later Frankfurter, knew what was going on and despised Brandeis and Frankfurter for their treason. MacReynolds was branded an “antisemite” and was buried in ignominy and obscurity.”

    The keywords: Brandeis, Frankfurter, zionism, highly unethical, traitors

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  336. @Craig Nelsen

    Please. Anti-Semitism is one thing. For it to be pushed by people so uninterested in the facts that they can make such ignorant statements as in your first sentence beggars belief. Tiny element of truth…. Even long established assimilating Jews in Germany found the Ost Juden who did come to Germany in their funny clothes and dreadlocks quite embarrassing but, so what… you know b-all about your obsession.

    • Replies: @Craig Nelsen
  337. Mr Unz,

    I believe there is a deeper Jewish element to the Frank case. The elements of legal chicanery, high finance, and historical revisionism are pretty clear. There is though a deeper religious demand here. Pidyon Shvuyim as the religious obligation to free captive Jews would certainly play a part in such a zealous attempt to liberate this patently guilty man. I suspect the Jews of 1913 were more religious than their modern coethinics, but I also suspect this lingers in cultural vestiges as well.

  338. @Ron Unz

    Jeff Blankfort got banned from Mondoweiss. That should tell you all you need to know about Phil Weiss and JVP.

  339. @jilles dykstra

    What an epochal event. Nothing came to your mind from that amazing list of books with which you regale us.

    How about the killing of Jesus. Or don’t you credit the Jews with that? Or the writing up and spreading stories about Jesus? That was another Jewish collective effort.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  340. @Ralph Seymour

    The very epitome of obsessive madness. Consider only the truly amazing list of institutional conspirators!

  341. For a detailed account of the rebirth of KKK in the 1920s, read The Second Coming of The Invisible Empire by Sandersville, Georgia native, Dr. (MD) Williams Rawlings, in which he discusses the Mary Phagan case in some detail.

  342. Right off hand, I can’t think of a single Jew who’s been convicted of a high profile crime, who was not later declared by the Jewish community to be innocent of all charges. Including Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, convicted and executed for selling atomic bomb documents to Communist Russia shortly after World War 2.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @Wizard of Oz
  343. Miggle says:

    Without commenting on the weirdness of this comment generally, Cromwell was against, perhaps the first against all forms of religious discrimination. A biographer whose name I’ve forgotten wrote of Cromwell’s disgust at religious riots between one Protestant denomination and another in his army, I think his own, the Congregationalists, opposing the Presbyterians. He demanded they put all that behind them. And, that at the time of his death he was in negotiation with the Roman Pontiff on the ending of the restrictions placed on the members of the Pontiff’s sect in England, the legacy of their bloody persecution of Protestants, Bloody Mary’s burning of two hundred Protestants in England including bishops, her husband’s burnings or other killings of 20,000 of them in the Netherlands, and then the plot to blow up King James half a century later. Not to mention another Queen Mary heading for Scotland inspired by that pleasing and sacred entertainment of her youth, watching Protestants being burned in Paris, and the implications of that for England in circumstances that didn’t eventuate.

    Cromwell wanted all that consigned to the past, the end of all religious discrimination. Because he died before finalizing negotiations or getting Papal agreement it was another two centuries before Romanists in England regained normal rights. It’s probably the real reason he allowed the Jews back. The real father of the Enlightenment. Or grandfather. Although that supposedly originated in France it was inspired by the amazing spectacle of religious freedom in England that blew the minds of some Frenchmen. The legacy of Cromwell.

    So there’s Miggle’s off-the-cuff analysis of the relationship between Oliver Cromwell and the Jews.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  344. @Ron Unz

    According to Dr. William Rawlings’ excellent book, The Second Coming of the Invisible Empire, Leo Frank was taken from a state prison farm located near Milledgeville, Georgia, by 28 men from Marietta, Georgia, who after capturing him, drove all night, returning him to Marietta, Georgia where he as lynched at 7:00 am the following morning of August 17th, 1915 in the front yard of a house where Mary Phagan had once lived.

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
  345. Anonymous[400] • Disclaimer says:

    Tyrion 2 & Ron Unz work hand-in-glove: Unz describes the phenomena and practices and Tyrion supplies the walkin’ talkin’ example, of pilpul, of dissimulation, of Talmudism gone amok.

    Haha. So true.

  346. @Heros

    Alright. I thought at some point there was an attempt made to exterminate, but what do I know. It wasn’t really central to my point, anyway.

    “Within two generations the Germans were, [so you claim], trying to exterminate them.”


    • Replies: @Heros
    , @SolontoCroesus
  347. @Wizard of Oz

    Here is the sentence you call “ignorant”:

    “As I understand it, when oppression drove Jews out of Russia around the turn of the last century, they moved en masse to Germany, where they were met with tolerance and openness. “

    Where is the ignorance?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  348. Anonymous[897] • Disclaimer says:

    Since Unz has decided that depraved jews like crimson2 and tyrone2, whose sole purpose posting here is to bait and threaten goyim. are more deserving of the privilege of using this commenting forum than Wally, I shall pick up his banner.

    Crimson2 and tyrone2 are useful in training us to recognise and deal with Hasbara shilling (at a very low level, admittedly). Wally should be fine as long as he’s not completely copy-pasting responses. I like him and appreciate his efforts but sometimes he’s literally spamming identical content.

    That said, he was a lion in the Holohoax thread.

    • Agree: mark green
  349. j2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    “… a long list of prominent public figures were soon persuaded to demand a new trial for the convicted murderer, including Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Jane Addams.”

    Henry Ford was a Freemason, Frank was a high B’nai B’rith person, what do you expect? Freemasons are not anti-Semitic. If they appear anti-Semitic, like Ford, they are Zionists trying to force Jews to Palestine through anti-Semitism and do it because B’nai B’rith wants it. Protocols have a so clear Mizraim Freemasonry appearance that it is virtually certain that they were penned by some Theosophists (that is, the Masonic circles) with the sole purpose of creating anti-Semitism with the purpose of pushing Jews to Palestine with the purpose of creating Israel with the purpose of gaining the world rule. Thomas Edison was also a Freemason. Jane Addams could not know anything of the backgrounds, so was mislead.

    • Replies: @Carroll Price
  350. Druid says:

    Maybe he gets ten shekels for every time he brings it up. It’s a living for an idiot!

  351. Anonymous[897] • Disclaimer says:

    In related news: ACLU just admitted that it’s proudly anti-white.

  352. Anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:

    lizard men

    crumbson & his reptile fetish strike again.

  353. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    You start with a lie: that those Jews were welcomed. You then conflate modern America with modern Germany and then modern Germany with 1930s Germany. Your entire point is based on your feelings and you demand a response.

    The Nazis slaughtered the Jews but also the Gypsies and the Eastern Europeans in general. Yet you want to pretend that they were a gentle and sensitive people who must somehow have been rightfully provoked! Goebbels murdered his own children.

    Massacres have happened throughout history. They tend to occur when a nation is going through a tumultuous time: economic depression and post-WW1 PTSD is more than enough explanation. They also tend to focus on outgroups, for obvious reasons. As for Jewish behaviour: I have no doubt there were some annoying cosmopolitan Jews and that there were bad Jews and blah blah blah but what are you trying to justify? And through a folksy point that you feel Germans are nice so the Jews must have deserved it? Bizarre.

    • Replies: @Wally
    , @Craig Nelsen
  354. Tyrion 2 says:

    You’re right and it is why Jews and Quakers have shared religious resources in London since Cromwell.

  355. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Carroll Price

    You’re an idiot. What about David Berkowitz “Son of Sam” whom they made movies about his disgusting criminality…

  356. Tyrion 2 says:

    The ADL thinks he was innocent. Other people disagree. Or are you claiming they actually believe he was guilty? Because that is what you and Ron would have to claim to expose some evil in their mentioning of Leo Frank.

    Meanwhile, it remains an inarguable fact that he was murdered – not executed; and that his Judaism contributed to this.

    I note you also regard his pardon as some sort of evil or show of power but what the hell does a pardon after you’ve been lynched even mean?

    Nor was his death the result of an ordinary prison fight. A gang of 28 broke in, kidknapped him and lynched him much later.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @annamaria
    , @Sean
  357. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Meanwhile, it remains an inarguable fact that he was murdered – not executed; and that his Judaism contributed to this.

    Sorry. That is a bit strong. It seems highly probable that his Judaism contributed to his murder.

    • Replies: @lanskrim
    , @Mr. Anon
  358. @Craig Nelsen

    It was particularly the words an masse which provoked my reaction as you clearly hadn’t bothered to check your facts. Surely you knew such figures as 1.5 million Jews in America in 1900 compared to about 550,000 in Germany in 1933 by which time about 2 million Russian Jews had immigrated to the US since 1880 when Germany was discouraging Jewish immigration.

  359. @Carroll Price

    It’s my understanding that Frank was lynched in a wooded area on the land of a local farmer, in an area that would have been well outside of town at the time. The “mob” that abducted Frank was made up of prominent men. I’d never heard of Leo Frank or Mary Phagan growing up in Marietta, but I recognized many of the surnames of the men involved in Frank’s lynching, and likely knew some grandchildren or great-grandchildren, or relatives of some sort, of the men involved.

  360. Heros says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    Actually I liked your comment aside from that one little slip, I mostly commented because I disapprove of Ron Unz censoring Wally. I would have said something to the effect that:

    “Germans were forced to try to induce the jews to leave Germany, even if jews took all their stolen wealth with them”.

    Here is a great review of the 1927 jewywood movie “The Jazz Singer”. Blackpilled shows how the movie was made by jews, directed by jews, and starred the jew Al Jolson. It is a very racist movie were jews degrade blacks, and in the near hundred years since it was made it has been used as a “white racism” bludgeon against whites by jews. Jews have been doing this since long before they started bringing black slaves into the US.

    Jews use blacks as bullets against whites.

  361. @Craig Nelsen

    Within two generations the Germans were trying to exterminate them.

    I try to imagine what would cause a whole people to unify like that against a group

    The answer IS . . .


    Rat a tat tat tat . . .

    They Didn’t!

    Germans did not attempt to exterminate Jews, not in two generations, not in one decade, not in one war.

    –I try to imagine . . .what would it take in the United States, for example, to cause us as a nation to begin the methodical extermination of a particular racial group. But I can’t imagine us at that level. Even against vanquished enemy Native tribes during the process of conquest, dispossession was the rule, not, as is the global historical norm, genocide.

    You can’t imagine it because it didn’t happen in reality, but only in imagination —

    Jews themselves tell us so –

    “It has been American movies, perhaps more than any other medium, that has shaped how we understand and remember these events.

    . . .

    Of all art forms, movies . . . give the greatest illusion of authenticity, of truth . . .
    We assume that there is . . . verisimilitude, authenticity, but there is always some degree of manipulation. . .”

    But Thank you and Blessings on your pea-picking little heart for the preamble to your statement:

    when oppression drove Jews out of Russia [and Poland] around the turn of the last century, they moved en masse to Germany, where they were met with tolerance and openness

    Indeed, and it was not Germans who did the oppressing of Jews, it was other Jews caught up in the frenzy of either budding zionism or Communism or both, and Russians and Poles.

    Ramzpaul’s “The New Caravan: 3 Lessons” posted this morning on the Unz video channel:

    Ramzpaul is usually astute, but he relied on the Hollywood version of Jews in Germany — the “Imaginary” history . . . when he said:

    “Point One: People want to come to the United States.

    Can you imagine in Nazi Germany, when all the Jews in the world, after Hitler became in power, they wanted to come into Germany no matter what. They wanted to travel through Spain and then through France, and then frantically trying to get into Germany, where Hitler was in power?

    Well, of course not! Why would they want to do that? Hitler was supposedly horrible on the Jews, so why would they want to try to get in to Germany? It would make no sense!”

    In fact, Jews DID try “frantically” to get into Germany while Hitler was in power.

    Jews from Poland were so frantic to get into Germany that Hershel Grynszpan shot a German diplomat out of his frustration that his Polish parents were not permitted to cross the border and enter Germany.

    Remember that?

    It happened in November, 1938, almost six years after Hitler became chancellor of Germany.

    • Agree: Cloak And Dagger
    • Replies: @annamaria
  362. @Craig Nelsen

    Alright. I thought at some point there was an attempt made to exterminate, but what do I know. It wasn’t really central to my point, anyway.

    My god.

    Do you vote?

    “What do I know?”

    I toss around statements like, “Germans tried to exterminate all the Jews” just for the hell of it. I heard someone at a bar say it; his tats were spectacular, so I figured he knew his stuff —-”

  363. @Wizard of Oz

    The theory that Paul created christianity as a secret agent of the Roman emperor to undermine jews culturally, after having beaten them militarily, is an attractive one.
    If this theory is correct, then Jesus never existed.
    Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, ‘Verschlusssache Jesus, Die Wahrheit über das frühe Christentum’, (The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, 1991), 2005, Bergisch Gladbach
    Already around 1850 books appeared in Germany, that argued, based on new testament inconsistencies, that Jesus never existed.
    As with king David, no archeological evidence whatsoever.
    Hazardous occupation, archeology in Israel, in stead of confirming bible and Torah the other way round.
    Amy Dockser Marcus, ‘The view from Nebo, How archeology is rewriting the bible and reshaping the Middle East’, Boston, 2000
    Thomas L Thompson, ‘The mythic past, Biblical archaeology and the myth of Israel’, London 1999
    I can recommend the Adam and Eve interpretation of Thompson.
    Anyone interested in how one can interpret old hebrew stories in any way
    Robert Eisenman, ‘The New Testament Code, The cup of the Lord, the Damascus convenant, and The blood of Christ’, London 2006
    I did read all the 1300 pages.
    I’m a curious person.
    But no wisdom was acquired this time.

  364. @annamaria

    Bruce Allen Murphy, ‘The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection, The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices’, New York, 1983
    H.N. Hirsch, ‘The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter’, New York, 1981
    The 1937 diary of Frankfurter disappeared from the library where these diaries are (were ?).
    Frankfurter wrote the LendLease law, that gave FDR unlimited powers to aid allies in WWII.
    When the law was debated in senate or house in vain was asked who wrote the law.

  365. @SolontoCroesus

    Well, Mein Kampf was published, I think, from memory, in 1924.
    The book called jews parasites.
    Then, in 1926, do not know the speech myself Hitler held a very anti jewish speech.
    So, when Hitler came to power in 1933, things did not look good for jews in Germany.
    In Hitler’s party, moreover, there were anti jewish members galore, Göbbels one of them.
    Der Stürmer, also from memory, an anti jewish weekly, maybe even daily, does not matter much.
    When, in May 1940 Germans occupied the Netherlands, a jewish colleague of my father, college profesor, gassed himself with wife and children.

    Maybe the essential moral WWII question is, was Hitler right in reducing jewish power in Germany, or were jews right in trying to get rid of Hitler ?
    Writing this, I again wonder, why did not German jews foresee that controlling Germany, to a large extent, from 1870 on, would lead to a catastrophe ?
    Mutatis mutandis the same question about the present USA.

  366. geokat62 says:

    Realizing that many European Americans are starting to question the merits of its Big Lie that Diversity Is Our Strength, the ADL is ramping up its propaganda campaign in a futile effort to perpetuate their Big Lie.

    That battle over the repeal of Hart-Cellar is heating up!

    Here’s more detail on the ADL’s latest efforts to perpetuate its Big Lie:

    Immigration: Embracing Diversity as Strength

    A Nation of Immigrants: 60th Anniversary Edition


    Immigrants and refugees of yesterday left a legacy of diversity, ingenuity and perseverance, and newcomers of today carry forth this tradition for a bold 21st Century America. Kennedy’s words are as relevant now as they were in 1958.

    “Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life.”

    So wrote Kennedy in his timeless essay, A Nation of Immigrants, published by Harper Perennial in this updated edition at a time when the U. S. veers from its historic role as a beacon for those seeking opportunity and refuge.

    The foundation of this country was built by strivers, dreamers and thinkers in the name of progress. Kennedy sought to improve the policies of his time by pushing for the elimination of the national origins quota system which was achieved with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965.

    Today we must honor those American values and reject a return to immigration policies which violate the very essence of our nation’s commitment to inclusion and acceptance.

    We were strangers once too.
    We cannot stand by silently, but must take inspiration from A Nation of Immigrants to speak out loudly to ensure fair,  humane and compassionate approaches to immigrants and refugees.

    In the introduction and foreword, Congressman Joe Kennedy III, grand-nephew of President Kennedy, and Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO and National Director, each share stories of their own families’ struggles and remind us of the ties that bind us all together.

    In the late 1950s, which was — like today — a time of rising xenophobia, ADL reached out to John F. Kennedy, then a Senator from Massachusetts, to address this issue.

    His essay, which was the last manuscript he wrote, became the book “A Nation of Immigrants.” On October 1 5, 2018, ADL and Harper Perennial released the 60th anniversary edition of “A Nation of Immigrants.”

    His prose reminds us that the country must remain a beacon for newcomers to these shores whether in search of opportunity or refuge.

  367. Hans says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ford had his awakening on board a ship while on a peace mission to Europe:

    It was the Jews themselves who convinced me of the direct relationship between the international Jew and war. In fact, they went out of their way to convince me. On the peace ship were two very prominent Jews. We had not been at sea 200 miles before they began telling me of the power of the Jewish race, of how they controlled the world through their control of gold, and that the Jew and no one but the Jew could end the war. I was reluctant to believe it but they went into detail to convince me of the means by which the Jews controlled the war, how they had the money, how they had cornered all the basic materials needed to fight the war and all that, and they talked so long and so well that they convinced me. They said, and they believed, that the Jews started the war, that they would continue it as long as they wished, and that until the Jew stopped the war it could not be stopped. I was so disgusted I would have liked to turn the ship back.”

  368. @anon

    Frank was a member of B’nai B’rith. And that is part of the oath in that special sect, of which the ADL is a branch.

  369. Tsigantes says:


    Try Alibris and other book sellers. Better still order it from E. Michael Jones website. The Amazon price is set deliberately high to discourage buyers.

  370. @SolontoCroesus

    Thank you, Solonto, for your response, as well as your previous efforts to make positive changes.

    Here’s what I’m thinking: We can only make change by having big bucks, big firepower, or big crowds. Nothing else will change policymakers’ minds. We can never match the Zionist Establishment’s money or military power. But perhaps we could gather up a big, indignant, pissed-off crowd. Trump did. I think that same jaded populist crowd would support us. (But first I would like to see what lessons there are to be learned from the failure of the Occupy movement. How can we prevent our movement from fizzling like theirs?)

    So how to build this crowd? Well, I don’t think it is with books and long, footnoted articles. Many of the people we need don’t read that stuff. They watch NFL and TV news and maybe magazine and newspaper articles. So the information has to be condensed to the most basic points, and then disseminated. I can see myself, on a volunteer basis, dropping off newsletters, pamphlets, or very short books in mailboxes at night to spread awareness.

    But I wouldn’t go to the politicians first. Build it up first – and soon! And keep it respectable, so that the insults and slurs hurled at us won’t stick. I would chuck this Holocaust denial business, because that will be an albatross around our necks.

    We are white people tired of being demonized. We are Christians of all colors. We are heterosexual males weary of being marginalized. We are people of different religions who just want to practice our religions in peace without hindering others. We are people of all colors who want to stop the erosion of our constitutional rights. And it’s past time we are organized enough to lobby in DC. But do get organized first. Chances are we will only have one shot to get it right.

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  371. Anon[249] • Disclaimer says:

    But why would that have been problematic in the South in 1915?

  372. Tsigantes says:

    Thank you Mr. Unz! Now how about looking at the Leopold and Loeb case in Chicago?

  373. Them Guys says:
    @Reuben Kaspate

    Spoken like expected from a true Tare weed eh. This revenge claim made just again proves Christ correct as quoted by John in New Testament verses of, John 8:44…Ie; Jews=Satan’s children and Jews will do as Satan, Lie–Steal–Murder. “Ye are Of Your Father Satan” So true. As the past 3,500 years history well proves.

    Note: that one major Failure for International Jewry, and especially the greasiest types such as found at ADL and SPLC and within every us congress and senate lefty Jew member, has been their abject failure to disarm Americans of their God given Right to Own Firearms, the 2nd amendment clause. Nothing has been so under constant attack during past 60 years, like the 2nd amend. Bar none other agendas, period.

    Regardless how much and how often they tried, and still do try, every major push for antigun laws etc. Has been met with a huge run on gun stores….During their Jewish Pet Monkeys Prez admin era of Hobammy……The FBI stated they were going to Stop their monthly media reporting’s of how every month a new record of gun buyers was set…Only to again get broken by new larger numbers of gun buys next month!…..Huge, massive, numbers of firearms bought like never in the entire history of America to date. Actual huge nationwide shortages of every type firearm! Massive long lines at literally every known store which sold firearms and/or ammo!..Yutube videos showing Lines wrapped around huge sporting good stores that re-wrapped around several layers of patriotic gun buyers!

    With a brand new phenom never yet seen in modern era times…That being when we began to see every tv news msm report on how so Many, Many first time gun buyers were actually, Former antigun Lib Dems whom now saw the proverbial light and were buying guns like crazy! Then signing up for gun Safety training classes across the entire nation!…..True, Real numbers of owners now likely exceed 150,000,000+ eh!…Some “Arsenal” huh?….Oh, and vast majority are also European Whiteys!!!….Same whiteys ADL Jews so Hate.

    And those FBI Nics check records do Not include any Private gun buys..Only brand new or used guns bought from a fed licensed FFL Stores are recorded. So when private sales are included, nobody really knows how much larger record sales numbers really were/are.

    But one thing is Certain…When the day arrives that we see well over a 100,000,000+ USA Patriots that are armed to the proverbial teeth, get collectively fed up enough, and do a real America Fix job Via a brand new and much needed Christian Crusade against the Devils own spawn/children and every evil done by them….That’s when we really shall see whos “arsenals” matter most, eh!

  374. @Carroll Price

    How about Bernie Madoff, Leopold and Loeb?

    • Replies: @Them Guys
    , @Carroll Price
  375. Them Guys says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Don’t put anything into any us mail boxes…Nobody other than us mail carriers and whoever owns the mail box can legally open or insert anything into a mail box..Huge fed law offence! And easy to get busted based on your orgs name etc….Other public dispersed flyers and bumper stickers are okay.

    • Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  376. Them Guys says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Try again..Madoff don’t count, as he ripped off mostly other wealthy Jews. And Jews abide by their satanic Talmudic “Laws” which state that while it is Never any Crime, Nor Sin, to screw over, rob blind, cheat, swindle, scam, harm or Murder a Goyim Gentile…..If any Jew does those things to any fellow Jew….Then it IS a very bad wrong done..And should be prosecuted fully as a crime and sin against a Jew.

    There is no Separation of Synagogue & State in the U.S. Supreme Court

    Jewish Law Comes to D.C.
    by James D. Besser, The Jewish Week, 12/6/2002
    The Jewish Week reported that Scalia is fascinated with Talmudic law and is involved in the launch of a Talmudic law institute in Washington D.C. with Nathan Lewin, Alan Dershowitz and Noson Gurary, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi.


    “Conservative Catholic” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Studies Talmud with Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

    U.S. Knesset… er… “Congress”:

    There is no Separation of Synagogue & State in the US Department of (kosher) Education

    May 25, 2018, A Dangerous Liaison Between Synagogue And State
    by Toni L. Kamins, Forward

    There is no Separation of Synagogue & State in the U.S. Knesset… er… um… Congress

    Keep in mind that Chabad is among the most viciously racist entities on the planet and, relative to their numbers, their political influence at the highest levels of the three branches of “our” government is as astonishing as it is pernicious. Chabad even convinced the US Congress and US President Reagan to insinuate their genocidal Noahide Law into the USA:
    Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi to Congress: “Congress Convenes to Fulfill Noahide Commandment”

    Chabad Rabbi Preaches Talmudic ‘Noahide Laws’ to Congress Again

    There is no Separation of Synagogue & State in New York courts
    …where “custody battles required rabbis…on your side…family courts… (are) part of local political machinery… rabbis…collaborate to keep children away from a non-observant (non-Talmudic) parent.”
    In Death of Ex-Hasid Estranged from Her Religious Children, A Mirror for Trauma of Many
    A father reflects on his own efforts to stay close to his children after deciding to live a secular life
    By Shulem Deen, Tablet Magazine, October 2, 2013

    There is no Separation of Synagogue & State in innumerable U.S. jurisdictions where Jews define public property as their domicile

    more insanity of Talmudic Judaism — Eruv the magic rabbinical wire!

    Wow! Jews string an Imaginary wire around several city blocks, then claim it as Jewish Only territory! And then only Jews can control what commerce occure within their “Magic Wire-Circle” zones!….No limit to the insane, evil, Satanic minds of such Jews.

    What a dark irony that Judaic mass media brainwash you with fear of Islamic sharia when Judaic halacha and Noahide Law are the greater danger to both body and soul.… and they’re already he-ere!

    Antonin Scalia
    the late talmudic “Conservative Catholic” Supreme Court Justice
    March 11, 1936 – February 13, 2016

    “Conservative Catholic” Justice Antonin Scalia to be Keynote Speaker at Meeting Sponsored by Extremist, Ultra-Racist, Talmudic Group

    “Conservative Catholic” Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Studies Talmud with Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
    “The Jewish Week reported that Scalia is fascinated with Talmudic law and is involved in the launch of a Talmudic law institute in Washington D.C. with Nathan Lewin, Alan Dershowitz and Noson Gurary, a Chabad Lubavitch rabbi.”

    Jewish Law Comes to D.C.
    James D. Besser, The Jewish Week, 12/6/2002

    Justice Challenges Privacy Rights at Talmudic Conference
    by Yosef Lewis, News 1/30/09

    Justice Scalia: A man of “true faith and allegiance”
    by Louie Verrecchio, February 15, 2016

    and then there is his son, the Novus Ordo presider: Scalia ‘Traditionalism’

    Check out the Judaism dot is, website this is all taken from! Amazing, Great Photos and tons of Videos that go with many of these linked issues etc!….Amaze yourself with a several hours long EdJewcational Tour that will fast enlighten your duped by Jewey mind, eh.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  377. Wally says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “The Nazis slaughtered the Jews but also the Gypsies and the Eastern Europeans in general.”

    No they did not. While you keep repeating such absurdities, you cannot present proof of such claims. If you can, then please do. We would welcome such a debate here


    The ‘homosexuals & gypsies’ canard is merely an attempt by Jews to buy votes for their laughable and impossible ’6M, 5M others, & gas chambers’.
    The alleged “Gassing” of Gypsies in Auschwitz on August 2, 1944, By Carlo Mattogno :
    “Consequently, we can be certain that the story about the gassing of the gypsy-camp is not grounded in historical fact.”
    Gypsy Holocaust? The Gypsies under the National Socialist Regime, By Carlo Mattogno : the Fate of Gypsies in the Third Reich, A Review, By Ilse Schirmer-Vowinckel :
    Sinti and Roma – Yarns, Legends, and Facts, By Dr. Otward Müller
    Gypsies and Homosexuals in the Camps

    The Myth of a Nazi Extermination of Homosexuals by Jack Wikoff:
    homosexuals – Yad Vashem …:

  378. lanskrim says:
    @Tyrion 2

    He was murdered because he was perceived to be escaping justice. His Judaism contributed only insomuch as it helped him to obtain a commuted sentence.

    If his name had been Leo Vanderbilt or Rockefeller, and his family had undertaken a massive two year campaign to secure his exoneration culminating in an 11th hour sentence commutation, it’s highly likely the same result would have occurred.

  379. allis says:

    Craig Nelson:

    If the betrayal of Germany by German Zionists during World War One did occur, that would account for German fury towards the Jews. Does anyone know of evidence that Freedman’s assertions are false?

    • Replies: @Hans
    , @Hans
    , @Jeff Blankfort
    , @Hans
  380. @Jeff Blankfort

    “..Jews have had it better in the U.S. than in other countries…” Jews were doing well in Germany prior to the rise of the Third Reich. Then their Zionist factions arranged for Hitler to gain power, and conduct his campaign to remove Jews from Europe. Naturally, their ‘refuge’ was Palestine, where the aforementioned Zionists orchestrated the support of Britain and the U.S. to establish the Jewish Nation of Israel. European Jews were reluctant at best to pull up stakes from their comfortable homes and thriving businesses to populate such a barren and disputed region. It took some first class finagling by their brethren in the media and government sectors to convince Jews it was time to leave.

    • Replies: @Jeff Blankfort
  381. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “… it remains an inarguable fact that he was murdered and that his Judaism contributed to this.”
    – Did Judaism contribute to Leo Frank being a rapist and murderer and falsifier?

  382. It is remarkable to look at the ADL website and see a prominent banner about White Supremacists, and articles about hatred towards Jews, Latinos, and immigrants. Every category of hate except anti-Gentilism.

    It should not be hard to produce a report about contemporary anti-Gentilism that is far more damning than the ADL report on White Supremacists (which is merely the usual narrative on Charlottesville, Alex Jones etc).

  383. annamaria says:

    “Jews from Poland were so frantic to get into Germany that Hershel Grynszpan shot a German diplomat out of his frustration that his Polish parents were not permitted to cross the border and enter Germany.
    It happened in November, 1938, almost six years after Hitler became chancellor of Germany.”

    — That some interesting morsel of information.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  384. annamaria says:
    @jilles dykstra

    “…why did not German jews foresee that controlling Germany, to a large extent, from 1870 on, would lead to a catastrophe?
    Mutatis mutandis the same question about the present USA.”

    – So true. They cannot go against their “superior” nature, I guess.

  385. Jim Given says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I set aside your curiously anachronistic view that Israel in 1963 would have dared assassinate a US President.

    Ron Unz never claimed that “Israel” assassinated a US President. He claims that the Mossad appropriated special ops dedicated to assassinations, and aided te factions within te CIA that hated JFK and wanted him dead. Understanding this requires a grasp of the complexities of covert black ops. The straw man summary quoted above is wholly inadequate to this task.

    David Ben-Gurion stated that JFK’s views on Israel and Palestine; Israel and acquisition of atomic weapons, etc. posed a threat to the very existence of Israel. Is this sufficient motive to trade a US president seen as hostile to central Zionist initiatives for one quite receptive to those initiatives.

    As for addressing “the science” of the WTC collapse, you do not do this at all. Do you believe existing scientific study favors your viewpoint? I have no informed opinion. Many who do differ with you-

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  386. utu says:

    Patricus, I have asked you already once to provide the link to the comparison that you have seen or give examples of this word for word copying that you claim you have seem.

    I came across a web site where the Protocols were compared paragraph by paragraph to Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesque. Many Protocol passages were a sentence by sentence copy of the Dialogues (which was written in the 1860s). In some cases word for word copying.

    If you do not provide it I want it be stipulated here that you, Patricus, are a liar.

    • Replies: @j2
  387. @Them Guys

    Good info to know. Thanks. I am not that worldly or tech savvy. That’s why legal advice is needed. (Or I could not be lazy and simply search for “putting flyers in mailboxes” online before I go off like a loose cannon!)

    But, still, this anti-Gentile information needs to be disseminated to the masses. Not too many of them read the Unz Review. If they did they wouldn’t have the patience to digest some of the articles.

    Maybe we need a Michael Moore-type figure.

    But I like that there are guys on here today getting burner phones and ready to do something besides write online comments. If I see a crowdfunding page for them I will donate!

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Craig Nelsen
  388. Hans says:

    Allis, it’s one of those issues labeled as a “canard” by the ADL et al so it is certainly true.

    Some Europeans had had a belly-full of Jewish rule by 1882 resulting in a gathering of intellectuals in Dresden.

    See the Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism: The First Anti-Jewish Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882) at

    • Replies: @utu
  389. utu says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Are you saying that it was Nelson Mandela that decided it as if he was in any position to say no? Is this the level of your understanding how the things work? I asked about the role of Israel. When and why did Israel give a green light to changes in South Africa? Are you saying that Israel had nothing to do with it?

    • Replies: @Jeff Blankfort
  390. Them Guys says:

    I sometimes wonder if, very elder experienced Kabala/Talmudic Rabbis have achieved a kabalistic black magic method to invoke a real apparition of Satan the Devil in real time. And then use it on American officials when, after doing the famous head bang against that old Roman Fortress Wall, they get taken to some private area and told what their marching orders to please Israel are, and do Is it good for Jews once back at work on congress etc?

    Something of Satan, or similarly nerve bending acts to scare the living crap out of those officials and fast get them to agree to comply with whatever Jews demand. It may sound crazy to some folk, but I for one put Nothing past them Jews and Rabbis. Some Rabbis claim they can conjure up a live Golem man out of clay and spittle, then breathe life into it so it comes alive and will do dirty evil deeds for Jews and Rabbis…Real?…I do not put anything past such evil doers.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  391. Seraphim says:
    @Them Guys

    Jared and Ivanka attend a Lubavitcher Synagogue, grovelling at Rebbe’s Schneerson (the ‘Moshiach’ = Messiah) grave. How about that?

    • Replies: @Them Guys
  392. Hans says:

    Allis, it’s one of those issues labeled as a “canard” by the ADL et al so it is certainly true as they work overtime on “problematic” items of history.

    Some Europeans had had a belly-full of Jewish rule by 1882 resulting in a gathering of intellectuals in Dresden.

    See the Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism: The First Anti-Jewish Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882) at

  393. @Rurik

    I don’t know how to make this meme display, but it’s a good one!

    Just remove the “?itok=_0j5I0wa” thusly:

    • Replies: @Rurik
  394. @annamaria

    It’s not new information, annamarie; I’m sure you are aware of it: Grynszpan’s assassination of the German diplomat is the event that set off Kristallnacht.

    Ingrid Weckert and Carolyn Yeager argue that Grynszpan was supported by zionists, and that part of the incitement of the German rioters was carried out by zionist agents.

    Ramzpaul’s (erroneous) statements about Jews and their desire/lack of desire to enter Germany during the time Hitler was in power, actually provides evidence to support an unequivocal claim made by Jewish historians Richard Breitman and Allen Lichtman, that

    “from shortly after Nazis consolidated power early in 1933, until Kristallnacht, in November, 1938, National Socialists quelled physical violence against Jews, and no Jew was sent to concentration camp until Nov. 1938.” (Breitman & Lichtman, FDR and the Jews)

    That’s from the kosher horse’s mouth. inasmuch as Breitman and Lichtman had privileged access to “The German Archive,” that huge trove of German documents that Allies removed from Germany and stored in Alexandria, VA.

    The trove languished until the early 1950s, when a team of historians led by Gerhard Weinberg of Columbia University cataloged and microfilmed them, returning the originals to Germany and retaining the copies for the US National Archives. Robert Wolfe, who had been among those Jewish persons who acquired documents from Germany and later used them in prosecution of Germans in Military Tribunals, participated with Weinberg’s team and was later employed by National Archives in 1961 became the director of the German Archive from ~ 1965 until shortly before his death in 2014.
    Wolfe collaborated with Elie Wiesel and other Jewish organizations and interests in further prosecuting Nazi kriminals, thus making the world safe for the perpetuation of a one-sided Jewish narrative of WWII.

  395. utu says:

    Thanks for the link. I forgot the that word “archenemy” existed.

    In the course of the past centuries, the culture, civilization, prosperity, and future of the European Christian peoples were threatened, in turn, by Arabs, Tartars, and Turks – peoples of a foreign race and religion whose attacks and onslaughts were successfully fought back by the weapons of European Christians at the time. Likewise, in our times, another foreign race threatens the culture, civilization, prosperity, and future of the European Christian peoples – a foreign race that is no less dangerous. Nay, in terms of its means and objectives, it is probably even more dangerous than those aggressive national elements. This foreign race is the Jewish race.

    The proper instinct of the European Christian peoples has kept this natural, sworn archenemy in check until very recently. It is an archenemy against whom restrictive legislative regulations have only proven to be half measures and inadequate weapons for protecting Christian people.

    Since the beginning of the current century, however, this situation has changed quite radically, on a step-by-step basis, in some European countries.

    The victorious ideals of the French Revolution – liberty, equality, and fraternity – have torn down the barriers against the Jewish race that had been erected for the protection of the Christian peoples.

    • Replies: @Hans
  396. Seraphim says:
    @jilles dykstra

    After a certain age (that you freely declared) reliance on memory is tricky.

  397. Patricus says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Jeff Blankfort:

    Do you think it is possible the United States could disconnect from the middle east altogether? In the past there was a good argument that the oil was vital for our survival and we had to be involved. These days it is evident we could produce all the oil we need. There may be serious implications for our allies and perhaps we would have to break away incrementally.

    Israel and her US supporters won’t like the idea but, in the end, we don’t need Israel and the influential US supporters could be pushed aside. It would be nice to see our military budget reduced several hundreds of billions per year. An added benefit, we wouldn’t be despised so much.

  398. Check this link on proof Jews run the media and the website for the leading expose on Jewish crime and tricks.

  399. annamaria says:
    @Them Guys

    The “kabalistic black magic method” has two prongs: money and tribalism that approves any kind of behavior in the name of the tribe.
    … The description of a Golem brings Dick Cheney to mind.

  400. Patricus says:


    Here is one link about the relationship between Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu and Protocols of the Elders of Zion. When I first ran into this relationship, more than a year ago, there was a wonderful web site where a paragraph from Dialogues was on the left side of the screen and the plagiarized paragraph from Protocols was on the right. Great for comparison. There were scores of these passages. Unfortunately I didn’t find that web site in my quick search today. I confess I haven’t yet read Dialogue in Hell except for the above passages and a quick scan of it. Did read Protocols.

    There is a great deal on the internet about Dialogue and Protocols.

    As for whether or not certain Jews are scheming to control the world, I don’t know. I am pretty confident the Protocols is a fraud and very weak evidence for indicting Jews as a group, or even any individual(s).

    • Replies: @utu
  401. @j2

    The commutation of Leo Franks sentence from death by hanging, to life in prison without parole, was entirely political in nature. With this being evident by numerous appeals of the verdict to higher courts all resulting in confirmation of the jury’s verdict, rendering mute charges being made than and now that an innocent man had been the victim of a lynch mob. Which while being technically true, nevertheless resulted in the sentence of the jury being carried out as it should have been.

  402. @Patricus

    Do you think it is possible the United States could disconnect from the middle east altogether?

    Not a chance in hell as long as Israel continues to exist. Oil is a secondary issue.

  403. @Jim Given

    Avner Cohen,’Israel and the Bomb’, New York 1998
    Kennedy had threatened Israel not to provide them with weapons any more if they continued developing the atomic bomb.

    • Replies: @Adrian
  404. @ChuckOrloski



    @ Sir Launcelot Canning

    Thank you, geokat62, Chuck Orloski, and Sir Launcelot Canning; you be the best.

    I’m getting grief from family about exposing myself/them, which of course is a large part of the complaint many of us have about the zionist power configuration.

    Something’s gotta happen.

    Putting together a team that’s pulling in the same direction, especially when it has to be done with no budget, and as invisibly as possible, is only part of the challenge.
    Defining goals and actions toward that goal is a huge problem.

    Sir LC, you said to “chuck this Holocaust denial business, because that will be an albatross around our necks.”
    Sorry Friend, That’s non-negotiable.
    I’ve had this argument before: someone mentioned a FriendFeed group where very worthy participants argued time and time again to “drop the Holocaust denial bit.”
    I can’t do that.
    My perspective is that removing that albatross around our necks is exactly what must be accomplished. The holocaust has been used as an impregnable shield, or a cloak of invisibility, granting impunity to zionists to carry out whatever strikes their fancy.

    Their holocaust narrative is ridiculously wrong, and unjust, and the instrument by which zionists keep “heterosexual white male Christians . . .” under their control.

    Allowing that false narrative to stand is the same as allowing the wrong man to remain imprisoned for life while the real criminal(s) not only go free, but repeat their crimes.

    Perhaps it’s just a matter of style or personal preference: I take your point, Sir Launcelot, that many of the people we would seek to persuade and enlist will not read a book or a pamphlet.

    This is going to sound harsh, but maybe that is how those people got into the fix they are in: our adversary has achieved its goals thru sophisticated and relentless effort, much of it involving more high-brow methods — books, think tanks, professorships, access to legislators and the like, with less emphasis on street protest: zionists deploy BLM and other crazies like pussy hats to do that degrading work that is, in my view, less effective in the long run.

    (Harshness alert again:)

    Whatever else zionists are, they are committed to their vision, and they bring zealous energy to it.

    People are going to have to choose:
    If “white people [are] tired of being demonized. . . .[and] are Christians of all colors. We are heterosexual males weary of being marginalized. . . . who just want to practice our religions in peace,” want to make their voices heard,
    it may be they are going to have to give up on NFL and TV news and start to read that stuff.
    It’s for damn sure Jews / zionists are not going to give up on publishing their stuff. So we need to arm ourselves to meet them on their field of battle.

    I wish it were possible to remain comfy in our Barcaloungers and resolve this centuries-old dilemma with the silver bullets of a massive rally in DC, or a killer bumper sticker, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.

    This is a real battle, and we have to train and exercise just as any soldier or Olympian.

    We also have to develop intelligence networks: How do the zionists do what they do? How can our exposure of their secret acts help us to fracture their networks of control?

    You said, “. . .perhaps we could gather up a big, indignant, pissed-off crowd. Trump did.”
    A few years ago I heard Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of J-Street, answer a question posed by his children’s Hebrew school teacher. The teacher asked, “What shall we tell our children [about the Israel-Palestine conflict]?”
    Ben-Ami answered, “We have to tell them the truth. If we lie, and they find out, there will be resentment.”

    Do you think exposure — brutal, relentless exposure of the many ways the zionist power configuration has lied to the American people — the people who watch NFL and (are lied to via) TV new — could be enough to “piss them off” to the point of radically disempowering them?

    –> Remember the guy who threw his shoes at George Bush?

    –> Remember the guy who shouted out to Obama, You Lie?

    I suggest we “throw shoes” at the heads of major television networks:
    Ask yourself — and maybe Verizon and Comcast and CNN network execs — why you should send them $80 to $150 a month when they lie to you.

    That might stir up some mojo.

    I think we have the brainpower to do these things.
    We need the will and the courage.

    Zionists have made those two factors very hard for most of us to summon: Zionists have maneuvered so that they have freedom of movement and can operate with impunity, while we risk our careers, our families, our financial security, and our honor.


    That sounds like something I once heard: the men who resisted the predations of King George’s government put at stake “their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor.”

    So what’s it gonna be: NFL or “Lives, fortunes, sacred honor?”

  405. utu says:

    Unfortunately I didn’t find that web site in my quick search today.

    You can’t provide a link. We have to believe you. There is no reason for it. From now on I consider you a liar and a troll.

    • Replies: @Patricus
  406. @Wizard of Oz

    Seldom if ever mentioned by the MSM, with their being Jews not mentioned or buried in the final paragraph or obscure footnote.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  407. Hans says:

    Utu, you are most welcome. An important word and makes me wonder about Simon Bar Sinister from Underdog.

    “Fiendishness and science are always a bad combo. Arch-enemy of Underdog.”

  408. PS One UUUge handicap I struggle with is inability to fully use internet techniques.

    I was just thinking about a conference that really made me mad.
    The head of the Goethe Institute introduced Christopher Hitchens and A C Greyling to discuss the morality of Allied firebombing of Germany.

    The Goethe guy said, “We Germans have no right to talk about our suffering.”


    2 million German women were raped by Russian soldiers as Germany collapsed.

    I wish someone with some technical savvy would add these photos:

    to the #MeToo movement.

    @ 1.07

  409. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Those who prey on children are predictably subject to homicide in prison. It is no grounds for a posthumous pardon.

    The ADL’s website used to hold up Frank as a blameless Jew. Now it merely says he was Jewish, as if the former description was making them guilty of pleonasm.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  410. anarchyst says:
    @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Every one of Michael Moore’s “schlockumentaries” are anything but honest and are based on half-truths and outright lies.
    In “Roger and Me” he claimed that GM CEO Roger Smith refused to meet with him and dodged every attempt to meet with him. In fact, Roger Smith offered Michael Moore an interview, but was promptly rebuffed. This meeting would have destroyed the whole premise of the movie.
    In “Bowling for Columbine”, Moore’s flawed premise was that the free, unrestricted commerce in lawful firearms was responsible for that deadly event. He brings up one bank’s successful marketing of its services by insisting that firearms were being given out to depositors in an indiscriminate fashion. Once again, Moore failed to note that every firearms transfer was done in a lawful manner, with federally-mandated “background checks” being performed in every case.
    In “Sicko”, his “schlockumentary” on the American health-care system, he used Cuba as a prime example of a good health care system. What he failed to mention was that the average Cuban citizen has little access to high-tech health care, but is relegated to a lower tier of service. The high tech health care services are available only to foreigners and communist party officials–not the average Cuban citizen.
    All of Michael Moore’s “schlockumentaries” are “full of holes”, lies and fabrications.
    Michael Moore is not to be trusted.

    • Replies: @SolontoCroesus
  411. Patricus says:

    OK Utu,

    I did provide a link. Read the Introduction. And go get them Jews.

    • Replies: @utu
  412. I have been aware of the existing critique against the zionist organisations and considered the critique to be warranted. However I have never believed that it has been only a matter of what the jews want. But always seen it as a proxy for the British empire since that is how it expressly began. Since however so many years have passed since the B’nai B’rit was created by the British freemasons in the 1840s along with the Palmerston governments official declaration of the Israel project, it cannot be outruled that meanwhile the British proxy has somehow broken free to some extent and taken on an agenda of their own.


    Despite that possibility, I think it is more likely that the British and their likeminded in the angloamerican establishment (the other branch of Britains control over the US) utilise the zionist organisations to demand what they already want making it seem they are under the jewish yoke.
    For what is the alternative for the empire if Israel is no longer a priviledged receiver of support?
    Does anybody doubt that Israel and any potential remaining rich supporters in the west would seek other allies? Think about it and you may realise that the Us/Uk are simply supporting Israel for the same reason it was originally conceived by Britain over two centuries ago: as a bridgehead against the rivals. Back then it was Napoleon I’s France and Russia.
    Do you doubt that China and Russia would welcome peaceful cooperation between the former imperial bridgehead and her former objects of hatred in ME?
    Do you doubt that western jews might be quite capable of helping to bring it about?

    Now like I implied I have been equally annoyed with the role played by those zionist organisations, but I have been quite sure that they get away with it because in reality they despite appearances are fully aligned with the Us/Uk adherents of the parasitic (~British) agenda.
    Trump however has staked out what looks like an effort to break with that agenda. So now, suddenly the previously discussed alignment isnt as simple anymore.
    So Unz enters the scene. Not saying he is some kind of hitman running somebody else’s errands. It simply is overdue to bring it up and now it is more welcome in the Us.
    Unz brings up the reaction to Mel Gibsons film about Christ.
    Miles Mathis has analysed it and I quote: “Mel Gibson isn’t promoting Christianity here. He is subtly blackwashing it, making you think that anyone who has anything to do with Christianity (or any other religion) is mentally ill.”
    So dont automatically assume that film is antisemitic in the eyes of those who appear to think so.
    I would summarise Mathis view as the film being a psyop. Another one among a whole range of psyops targeting the western public.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @Zumbuddi
  413. Hans says:

    “Certainly the Protocols are a forgery, and that is the one proof we have of their authenticity. The Jews have worked with forged documents for the past 24 hundred years, namely ever since they have had any documents whatsoever.” – Ezra Pound

  414. @anarchyst

    There are plenty of videos that can be used to inform and motivate the Movement we seek to create.

    We might start by making a note of the web address, the participants, the topic. Then we can compile a list; sort topics and associate the video with, for example, an article by Phil Giraldi; prepare a small program and present it at a neighborhood potluck or barbecue.

    We can share our “finds” and thereby spread them around the country.

    I’m keenly interested in educating Catholics, especially, about zionism.

    One starting place might be a video series by Rabbi Henry Abramson, especially his review of Theodor Herzl

    I’d add to the video review of Nordau’s work on Degeneracy

    • Replies: @geokat62
  415. utu says:
    @Peter Grafström

    Miles Mathis is paranoid schizophrenic.

    • Replies: @Peter Grafström
  416. Zumbuddi says:
    @Peter Grafström

    If Israel is such a useful tool for Americans, why hasn’t Mossad been blamed for killing Khashoggi?

    It would get everybody off the hook, weapons sales could proceed, no need to punish anyone.

    Isn’t that what friends are for?

  417. @SolontoCroesus

    October Scranton Greetings, S2C!

    Agreed, LC’s following advice is unwise, a surrender: to “chuck this Holocaust denial business, because that will be an albatross around our necks.”

    In the above context, please, please (!) retreat into this article by Ron, & carefully read & inculcate Ilyana Rozumova’s brief but vital comment # 417?

    For me, Ilyana R. succinctly described what Adolph Hitler and the National Socialist Party desired!

    And this is why internal-Zionist elites, including Rabbi partners, worked closely in steed with an accommodating “Nazi” export-immigration policy & toward the establishment of a Jewish state, in the eastern Mediterranean-basin.

    S2C — Will avoid “preaching to the choir,” but I shall end by making the following point: The US, British, and likely French top gun Zionist Jews wanted it their way, & opposed the Heartland’s “Transfer Agreement.”

    Fyi, am open for criticism, my Brother. Guten nachten.

  418. @SolontoCroesus

    Oops, S2C!

    My pinky finger was drinking and the referenced “Ilyana Rozumova” comment is actually # 79.


  419. crimson2 says:

    You’re a moronic conspiracy theorist. I thought I made that clear with the lizard men reference.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  420. geokat62 says:

    So what’s it gonna be: NFL or “Lives, fortunes, sacred honor?”

    Or, the way my forefathers put it:

    Eleftheria i Thanatos

  421. geokat62 says:

    One starting place might be a video series by Rabbi Henry Abramson, especially his review of Theodor Herzl

    I’d recommend the Culture of Critique for Normies series, instead:

  422. geokat62 says:

    If Israel is such a useful tool for Americans, why hasn’t Mossad been blamed for killing Khashoggi?

    As I’ve stated repeatedly in the past: I’d love to get a glimpse of the Mossad’s “To Do” list.

    • Replies: @Hans
  423. utu says:

    No you did not provide a link to:

    I came across a web site where the Protocols were compared paragraph by paragraph to Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesque.

    I wold like to see this comparison of paragraph by paragraph.

    You added a 2nd lie.

  424. Hans says:

    Geokat62, not sure what’s hot at the moment besides funding mayhem in Syria, Yemen, etc.

    An early number was the false flag terror by Jews against Jews in Iraq and elsewhere as detailed by Naeim Giladi –

    “I write this article for the same reason I wrote my book: to tell the American people, and especially American Jews, that Jews from Islamic lands did not emigrate willingly to Israel; that, to force them to leave, Jews killed Jews; and that, to buy time to confiscate ever more Arab lands, Jews on numerous occasions rejected genuine peace initiatives from their Arab neighbors. I write about what the first prime minister of Israel called ‘cruel Zionism.’ I write about it because I was part of it.”

    People should also consult Ilan Pappe’s The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine but only if they have very stout hearts and strong stomachs.

  425. @Sir Launcelot Canning

    Well, I’m doing my bit. About to file a lawsuit in the Western District of Missouri against the SPLC. If I succeed in liberating the half billion dollars they’ve got squirreled away in offshore tax havens, all those burner phones will be iPhones.

    • Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
  426. utu says:

    On the nature of Jewish solidarity by Otto Weininger:

    Jews, then, do not live as free, self-governing individuals, choosing between virtue and vice in the Aryan fashion. They are a mere collection of similar individuals each cast in the same mould, the whole forming as it were a continuous plasmodium. The Antisemite has often thought of this as a defensive and aggressive union, and has formulated the conception of a Jewish “solidarity.” There is deep confusion here. When some accusation is made against some unknown member of the Jewish race, all Jews secretly take the part of the accused, and wish, hope for, and seek to establish his innocence. But it must not be thought that they are interesting themselves more in the fate of the individual Jew than they would do in the case of an individual Christian. It is the menace to Judaism in general, the fear that the shameful shadow may do harm to Judaism as a whole, which is the origin of the apparent feeling of sympathy. In the same way, women are delighted when a member of their sex is depreciated, and will themselves assist, until the proceeding seems to throw a disadvantageous light over the sex in general, so frightening men from marriage. The race or sex alone is defended, not the individual.

  427. The first step in treating cancer is diagnosis.
    When does treatment begin?


  428. annamaria says:

    You welcome: The Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center are the active supporters of the revival of Nazism in Ukraine. Meaning, the Jewish State and ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center are the active Holocaust deniers. Know your family, Crimson2.

    If you have any complains and grievances about Israel’s arming the neo-Nazi in Ukraine, you may convey the complains and grievances to the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center. Though it is doubtful that these two wealthy organizations will be interested in straining their relationships with the Nazi-supporting Jewish State.


  429. @Patricus

    “Do you think it’s possible the United States could disconnect from the middle east altogether?” It is not only possible, it is essential that the U.S. should refrain from any involvement with the Middle East. Our country can no longer dabble in Globalist agendas that require our deploying thousands of troops, billions of dollars worth of hardware and other combat necessities to sustain a military presence in that region. The U.S. has every raw material needed to sustain our manufacturing capability to supply staple goods to our population. We also have energy supplies sufficient to end our dependence on foreign oil . Trump articulated those issues during his campaign. It is time for us to hold him to his promises, and forge sovereignty and national security within our own borders.

  430. @Patricus

    There will be no US disengagement from the Middle East as long as the Israel Lobby/Jewish political/religious establishment holds the US political process in thrall at every level, federal state, and local.

    One of its most remarkable achievements has been its ability to disguise the extent of its power from the general public which has required the collaboration, conscious or unconscious, of the leading spokespersons for the Palestinian cause in the US, namely Noam Chomsky, Phyllis Bennis, and Norman Finkelstein. The three, all of whom are Jewish, dismiss out of hand the notion that pro-Israel Jews are and have been the primary architects of US Middle East policy.

    When it comes to describing Israel’s crimes, however, they do so in the strongest terms which tends to convince the less informed that they are serious in their opposition to Israel. This, I have argued, is less relevant in resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict than exposing to the American public the names and motives of those who are pulling their politicians’ strings and for what country’s benefit.

    • Agree: mark green
  431. @utu

    I have seen no evidence of Israel having any role in South Africa’s changes and, in contacts with South African activists, all of whom abhored Israel, I have never encountered a hint of it. The two countries were very close politically and militarily but I am not sure where you got the notion that Israel was in any position to determine the future of South Africa by giving it a “green light.”

    My information came from the late South African poet, Dennis Brutus, who had been a prisoner with Mandela on Robben Island and who was furious not only at Mandela’s concessions to the IMF and the World Bank but that other ANC officials went along with it.

    If you have evidence, not supposition, that Israel was “running” So. Africa I would be interested in seeing it.

    • Replies: @utu
  432. @allis

    It wasn’t betrayal of Germany by German Zionists in WW One, who were a distinct minority, that would have been used against Germany’s Jews but the role that those outside of Germany, in Britain and particularly, the US, played in causing their defeat.

    There is considerable circumstantial evidence that the British issued the Balfour Declaration as a reward for the Zionists, and US Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, in particular, for persuading his close friend, Pres. Wilson, to bring the US into the war against Germany, without whose troops Britain would have had no chance of winning.

    Whether the US would have entered the war anyway without Brandeis’s urging is a matter of speculation. What seems clear is that in the eyes of the British, it was the Zionists who had saved them. On top of that, key Zionists such as Bernard Baruch, who would become an adviser to FDR, were among those pushing for the harshest penalties against the Germans at Versaille.

    The role of the Zionists became clear when, after issuing the White Paper in 1939, limiting Jewish immigration into Palestine, both Chaim Weizmann, the head of the WZO and Samuel Landman, who had been among those negotiating for the Balfour agreement, reportedly wrote op-eds in the British press, accusing HRM’s government of double crossing them. It is clear these would have been translated and published in Germany.

    • Replies: @allis
  433. @David Baker

    Indeed, Jews, who numbered approximately, 750,000 in 1933, were doing better, financially, than most Germans, and were heavily involved in the country’s financial life. Only a tiny minoriy were Zionists, most seeing themselves as proud Germans and a number had fought in the Kaiser’s army in the war.

    They were targeted by the Zionists because they were considered to be at the pinnacle of the Jewish pecking order, far above the Polish and the Russians and the rest of East Europe.

    From what I have read, the Zionist factions were in no position to arrange for Hitler to come to power. He was backed by some large corporations such as IG Farben as well as some in the West. What the Zionists did was propagandize among the non-Zionist Jews in a way that served Hitler’s anti-Jewish propaganda and, of course, with the Transfer agreement, they helped to break the anti-Nazi boycott.

  434. utu says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Thank you for addressing my questions.

    Israel’s relationship with South Africa – CIA report

    • Replies: @Jeff Blankfort
  435. Tsigantes says:


    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was conclusively proved a fraud and a plagiarism in 1922.

    The story of the first ‘proof’ that the Protocols were a fraud makes curious reading. Alan Dulles was posted to Constantinople in 1920 while his brother was attending the Versailles conference in a junior capacity. (Why he was in Constantinople is another story not relevant here, but worth looking into.)
    At the same time Philip Graves (older brother of the poet Robert and a British intelligence officer) was The Times of London correspondent.

    As told the story is that Dulles introduced Graves to an indigent Russian aristocrat – to this day unnamed and thus possibly apocryphal – who could provide definitive proof that The Protocols were a fraud in exchange for money. Dulles paid, and Graves wrote a 2 part expose for The Times.

    The proof was a book The Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu published in 1864 by Maurice Joly. an obscure French pamphleteer and agitator against the regime of Napoleon III. Graves claimed that 60% of the Protocols was plagiarised from this book. Thus The Times exposee ‘proved’ that The Protocols were a fraud.
    These details are even recorded in Wikipedia – that goldmine of untruth.

    Since then however, later study has show that the correlation is considerably less than 60%; that Joly was a Masonic jew involved in and jailed for revolutionary activity; and that it is suggested that it is just as likely that Joly plagiarised The Protocols, not the other way round, since the actual date of writing The Protocols is unknown.

    I’m just passing this on.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Seraphim
  436. @utu

    Thanks. That report provided more details about what I knew in general. It would be interesting to know what was on the DENIED pages.

    South Africa’s Sun City was the favorite vacation spot for Israeli Jews and for some of their Jewish supporters from the US. What the US and Jewish did not publicize, for obvious reasons, was that Leon Klinghoffer, the American Jew who had been thrown from the Achille Lauro by Palestinians in 1985, had been visiting Sun City with his family.

    • Replies: @utu
  437. @Jeff Blankfort

    ” Only a tiny minoriy were Zionists, most seeing themselves as proud Germans and a number had fought in the Kaiser’s army in the war ”
    Proud Germans, they were unable to see that this infuriated many Germans, jews who saw themselves as bearers of German culture.
    As there is no USA culture, except the hamburger culture, and the money culture, it seems difficult to me for USA citizens to understand that in Europe we have some 28 distinct cultures.
    Quite sure that our national row about Black Pete is not understood anywhere in the world.

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
  438. j2 says:

    “Patricus, I have asked you already once to provide the link to the comparison that you have seen or give examples of this word for word copying that you claim you have seem.;

    Utu, you find a table with comparison from the sometimes not so reliable Wiki

    These passages are in both texts and either both are copying from the same source or Protocols copy from Joly, but notice the following:

    Joly does mention Jews: he writes, some evil people have taken the ways of the Jews. By this he means the Mizraim lodge. They were the the force that lifted Napoleon III to power in 1848. Adolphe Cremieux, a Jewish Freemason, suggested that Luis Napoleon be the president. Luis Napoleon was in his youth a Carbonari. Later he proclaimed himself a king and Freemasons did not like it. A Carbonari tried to kill him. In Alexander Dumas’book Joseph Balsamo jesuits are conspiracing, but Josef Balsamo (Cagliostro) was the head of Egyptial Freemasonry, later to become Mizraim freemasonry. Jesuits in Dumas mean Freemasons. To Joly these methods in the Dialogies are the old Jewish ways.

    There is no way to make a distinction between Joly and Protocols: the conspirator group in both is the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, and it was true in France of Napoleon III, as it was true in Russia, only in the newer form of Judeo-Communists. B’nai B’rith and its high member Jacob Schiff funded the Russian revolutions. Mizraim lodges become inactive after the Paris Commune 1871. But B’nai B’rith continued after that. Freemasons tried to stop Judeo-Communists around 1890 when they got full access to Mizraim archives. Freemasons tried to create a new Illuminati to stop the communists. One effort was Martinism (also called Synarchy). Papus, the leader of Martinists, did warn the Czar and he warned of the Jewish (communistic) conspiracy. Blavatsky, the leader of Theosophy, did warn of the Jewish conspiracy. The Nazi party was created by the Thule Society, founded by Theosophist and Mizraim member Sebottendorf, for the purpose of opposing the Judeo-Communistic conspiracy. As a telling sign, the Protocols end to the signature Sion 33 degree. That is Masonic and also messianic Jewish. Mizraim and Mephis lodges were the only Freemasonry lodges where Kabbalah was studied. They were messianic, cabbalistic, and many Frankists had joined these lodges after converting to Catholicism when Frankists were expelled from Judaism.

    It is also not correct to claim that the Protocols accuse the Jews (the Jewish people) of a conspiracy. The Protocols say that the Elders create all anti-Semitism because it is necessary. This place refers to the Jewish people as the smaller cousins of the Elders. Thus, the Elders in Protocols are Jewish Freemasons (like B’nai B’rith) or Jewish Communists. The Protocols were not penned by the Russian Ohrana. They first appeared in Theosophic circles and almost certainly were written by Theosophists. They draw heavily from Mizraim documents, and can very well have copied Joly’s book as it presents Mizraim methods, but the target is not Mizraim, which was inactive in 1890ies. The target is the Judeo-Communistic conspiracy but Theosophists, who wrote Protocols, did not have direct access to their program. Judeo-Communists used Freemason methods: Trotsky studied Freemasons and you can easily see how Communists copied the Jacobin solution (army commander-political comissar) to the Soviet army. This solution worked well in 1790, but was very poor in 1939. So, the Judeo-Communistic conspiracy was a copy of the Freemason conspiracy after the latter had been stopped. Exactly the same Jewish bankers supported Jewish Communists and Jewish Zionists, an example being Jacob Schiff of the B’nai B’rith.

    In the preface Joly asks the reader to read the book slowly, that it has important political teachings, that the thoughts are commonly known and the approach Machiavelli represents is ond and had never changed. Freemasons started subversive actions only just before the French Great revolution. The old ideas are older than that. They may be what he called the ways of the Jews, but they may also be the collection of old Machiavellian methods used by Jacobins and others.

    In the preface Joly states that he is only the editor of these thoughts. He is explaining ideas that were known at that time (in some circles). Joly has about seven pages that seem to have been plagiated from Eugène Sue’s novel Les Mystères du people, (published 1849-1856 and banned in 1857, so also a book with some forbidden content). This may indicate that there was an older text that Sue, Joly and the Protocols used.

    Joly mentions who are the Machiavelli. In Dialog 7 it is told that the goal is a society consisting of millionaires, soldiers and proletars. Notice that there is no king mentioned. Machiavelli is not Napoleon III. The leaders are the millionaires. It agrees very well with the forces supporting Napoleon III. They were saint-simonists. They included mizraim lodges (Philippe Buchet had these connections), revolutionaties (like Amand Bazard, Philippe Buchetin), messianic people (like Bartholemy Prosper Enfant) and Jewish-origin bankers (like Oliver Rodrigues and Gustave d’Eichtal). In Dialogue 7 Machiavelli suggests that one must unite econimists, babkers, industrialists, capitalists, visionaries and millionaires. These are the Machiavellis. Furthermore Machiavelli considers speculators better than industry, so Machiavelli seems to be investment bankers and speculators.

    So, as a conclusion, the Elders of the Protocols and the Machiavelli of the Dialogues are exactly the same group: Masonic or Masonry-type subversive secret society with a strong Jewish element in the form of investment bankers. B’nai B’rith is a tool of this group, so is ADL.

    I hope this comment is helpful this time.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @utu
  439. Anonymous[746] • Disclaimer says:

    it is suggested that it is just as likely that Joly plagiarised The Protocols, not the other way round

    Very interesting possibility.

  440. Tyrion 2 says:

    It wasn’t homicide in prison though.

    • Replies: @Sean
  441. @Craig Nelsen

    Oh absolutly take that hateful anti-white anti-gentile organization down. You will be a hero. My prayers are with you.

  442. Anon[789] • Disclaimer says:

    This article was absolutely devastating. I’m still in shock an hour later. Ron Unz just dropped on a 20 megaton thermonuclear device on ADL headquarters and all their paid activists like Tyrion 2 can do is repeat nonsense like: “It seems highly probable that his Judaism contributed to his murder.” Disgusting, immoral, outrageous defense of a now obviously guilty rapist-murderer. These people have no shame.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  443. Anon[364] • Disclaimer says:

    “Leo Frank was in prison for life when a gang broke in, kidknapped him and murdered him. Nobody was charged.”

    Leo Frank was in prison for raping and murdering a girl, a crime he obviously committed. Jewish ethnic activists poured money and media attention into the area in an effort to get him off the hook and, possibly, arranged for the man to get an undeserved commutation from his just fate at the last minute. There was no guarantee after their actions that he wouldn’t one day walk the streets again, which I’m sure he would have. Hollywood and the media have spent decades obfuscating these facts while smearing everyone but the perpetrator.

    “gang broke in, kidknapped him and murdered him.”

    Couldn’t have happened to a better guy, either. I haven’t yet seen you defend Osama Bin Laden for his extrajudicial killing. Why not? Did that guy even get a trial? What’s the difference? Oh, … never mind.

    “gang broke in, kidknapped him and murdered him.”

    What is the probability that Tyrion 2 would even be on this thread if Frank had been a Palestinian or a white Gentile?

    • Agree: Craig Nelsen
  444. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    He was killed as a result of being in the state’s custody. If a dozens of armed men came to a prison and took a convict away there is not much the state can do. Everyone knows for those with certain crimes on their record, time in prison can be time their life is in serious danger and the state has no duty to pardon any convict who predictably meets his demise as the result of racial animus. For instance I am sure it came as no great surprise to anyone that Jeffrey Dahmer (killer of black boys) was murdered in prison by a black man already serving a whole life sentence, who also killed another white murderer (that had blamed blacks for murdering his wife) at the same time. A pardon for Dahmer was hardly in order, was it?

  445. anarchyst says:

    Most of the so-called “civil-rights” workers of the 1950s and 1960s were jewish marxists who had an ulterior motive in stirring up the black race.
    We used to have a saying: “Behind every negro, there is a jew”. It turns out that the so-called “civil-rights” movement WAS orchestrated by communist jews.
    Even Eisenhower was in on “it” when he sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, in violation of “posse comitatus” in order to push the anti-white “civil-rights” agenda. Betcha there was “a jew in the woodpile” there, also.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @Hans
  446. Tyrion 2 says:

    Disgusting, immoral, outrageous defense of a now obviously guilty rapist-murderer.

    Alright, NPC (789)…

    …but it isn’t a defence of the bloke. As I said, I have no idea if he was guilty or not. I am not defending him at all, however I am not a fan of people being kidknapped from custody and being lynched.

    Surely my position is not disgusting or outrageous, even if reasonable people may disagree with it?

    My point instead is that Ron specialises in this sleight of hand. In this instance, he uses a strongly argued case for Frank’s guilt to claim that the ADL are liars and horrible and evil, and super powerful.

    But none of those defamations really follow.

    Are they liars for disagreeing with him on Frank’s guilt? Probably not, what other Jewish serial killer types have they tried to keep out of jail? Furthermore, plenty of reasonable people have stated that he was innocent. Reasonable people may disagree even if the above is a compelling argument.

    Second, are they evil for defending Frank? Again, probably not, based on the above, based on that it was a hundred years ago and based on the fact that defending someone in court, even if they are totally obviously guilty, is still serving justice.

    Third, getting a bloke pardoned after he has been kidknapped from custody where he was imprisoned for life and then lynched is not exactly the world’s greatest show of power.

    If that is the World Jewish Conspiracy, please sign me out! Let me into the Kardashian one instead. At least their man got off! And he wasn’t lynched…

    …you might have considered the above points, but you went with your programming and gave a scripted burst of moral outrage. Great.

    • Replies: @geokat62
    , @Sean
  447. Anne Lid says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Why would it have infuriated Germans? Hungarians are not infuriated when minorities identify with their culture. Why would Germans?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  448. Hans says:

    Allis, in his article on Jewish control of US Presidents, Freedman writes,

    “Germany’s October 1916 peace offer was on the table before the British War Cabinet; it needed only one signature to end the war. Great Britain would have quickly accepted Germany’s peace offer if the World Zionist Organization had not Interfered.

    The British War Cabinet was then taking their instructions from Talmudists in London. When the British War Cabinet decided to accept Germany’s peace offer, the World Zionist Organization offered to railroad the United States into the war in Europe as Great Britain’s ally if Great Britain promised the Talmudists of the world Palestine as compensation after Germany’s defeat with the United States as an ally…

    Germany considered the October 1916 London Agreement a stab in the back by Talmudists of the world. In view of the Emancipation Edict in Germany in 1822, Germans regarded the London Agreement as a double-cross by Talmudists in Germany. Quota systems then existed in all other countries in Europe. There was no quota system in Germany after the Emancipation Edict of 1822 for Talmudists. ” (

    I would also consult the following for additional info:

    History of the Balfour Declaration -

    Against Our Better Judgment, by Alison Weir, (a truly outstanding short book with a wealth of sources)

    • Replies: @Hans
    , @allis
    , @jilles dykstra
  449. Them Guys says:

    Yes I knew about those two Chabad devotees. All of Trumps adult kids married Jews. And his two teen kids now both have Jewish boy/girl friends too.

    I read an article, cannot recall which website now, maybe it was at…TheZog dot org or com..???

    That article was written by one of Trumps longest time Jew pals and also is one of his top lawyers or advisors or whatever?….They grew up together since small kids in NY…He said, he probably knows more about Trump than almost anybody else. And says that in his honest opinion, if Trump could have just one single wish granted, of all the many wish possibilities you can think of…His one wish would be to have been born as a Real Jew!…More than all other things possible to wish for, being a real Jew by birth is what he said would be Trumps wish.

    When you consider everything to date about Trump and his almost total Jew staffs and friends and appointees etc…Plus his kids he so encouraged to marry a Jew…..I have zero problems in believing that guy is correct about Trumps wishes. So His daughter as a member of the nations main top Chabad Lubavitcher Synagogue of Satan, is No surprise.

    • Replies: @Ralph Seymour
  450. Hans says:

    Anarchyst, you might enjoy this on Patton and Eisenhower –

    It is said the Eisenhower was promoted over many, many better qualified soldiers as he was Bernard Baruch’s tool. Can’t recall sources on that, but Douglas Reed’s excellent The Controversy of Zion has great info of Baruch as does the previous link.

    Controversy of Zion –

  451. Hans says:

    Whoops, you’ll get no history outta that political windup toy. For the History of the Balfour Declaration, please see

  452. geokat62 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    My point instead is that Ron specialises in this sleight of hand. In this instance, he uses a strongly argued case for Frank’s guilt to claim that the ADL are liars and horrible and evil, and super powerful.

    Speaking of sleight of hand, who is the originator and propagator of Big Lie #1: Diversity Is Our Strength?

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  453. annamaria says:

    Thank you for the wealth of information. Fascinating.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  454. Tyrion 2 says:

    According to Google NGrams, that specific phrase is not featured in a single book. (Maybe I did the search wrong?)

    So, if that is the case, it is likely that the phrase is mostly a form of hyperbole used on the dissident right to characterise the progressive opinion.

    I did find this by Greg Hinton:

    Or maybe this, from Tom Perez in 2010?

    But there are very limited sources even on normal Google search that are actually proposing the phrase and not decrying it.

    • Replies: @geokat62
  455. Wisely, geokat reminded: “Speaking of sleight of hand, who is the originator and propagator of Big Lie #1: Diversity Is Our Strength?”

    Am pleased to see the volume of comments appearing on the Leo Frank murder & investigation of 13 year old Mary P.

    Of course, as several assembled here at U.R. understand, the 9/11 Crime of the 21st century, resulting in 3,000 deaths & an immoral GWOT, advantageous to Israel, was never investigated.

    (Zigh) Prior to 9/11, Neoconservatives rooted in the PNAC had a phoney narrative prepared to invade Afghanistan prior to Silverstein’s order to “pull” WTC-7

    Thanks, all.

  456. utu says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Since you have mentioned Sun City in Bantustan of Bophuthatswana, imo, there is a link between it and the development of gambling industry on American reservations. The link is the same money interests behind. It is possible that in Sun City the know how for running such operations was developed to circumvent the local laws and using the loophole of Bantustan or Indian Reservation. Do you remember College Republicans and Jack Abramoff spending some time in South Africa in early 1980s?

  457. @SolontoCroesus

    Agreed. None of this is going to change by itself.

    But FIRST, people have to become aware of the game.

    Ron Unz is doing his part.

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
  458. @Them Guys

    No doubt.
    It looks like a duck, swims like a duck, flies like a duck, quacks like a duck…………

  459. @jilles dykstra

    1924 did not pop up out of nowhere, Jilles.

    David McCullough maintains that the Franco-Prussian war was the precursor to WWI – WWII.

    An article in Eclectic Magazine in 1881, ten years after Germany won the Franco-Prussian war and achieved unification,

    starts with these paragraphs:

    “Alone we did it,” was the German’s boast. Help had neither been asked nor given. Germany must, before all things, be made German by Germans. The proud sense of willing sacrifice in a national cause; the self-respect born of endurance and achievement; the secret consciousness of a proud place won among the nations, such as, in his wildest dreams of a united Fatherland, the political visionary had not dared to picture, contributed to swell the glad triumph of Teutonic arms.

    “That was ten years ago.
    To-day, despite the picture we have conjured up (a revival, is it would almost seem, of all that was best in the proud days of Germany’s fame and chivalry), a cry comes up from the conquering country that ll has been in vain–in vain the sacrifice of German blood and gold; vain the endurance and the loss; vain the glory and the fame. Germany belongs not to herself; she belongs to an alien race–a race with which her children claim no affinity and own no sympathy; Germany, we are told, belongs to the Jews.

    The lengthy article relates that Jews had been an integrated part of Germany for nearly a millenia, but that upon victory and unification, Jews from other regions flooded into Germany and exploited her victory, primarily through usury, which resulted in many Germans losing their businesses, farms, homes; Jews came to dominate media and flooded into universities, supplanting native Germans whose forebears had created those institutions.

    SIDEBAR: As if to validate that German complaint, in August, 1933, after excoriating the “Hitlerites” as “barbarians,” Samuel Untermeyer said to a Jewish audience assembled to raise funds for construction of Hebrew University in Palestine:

    ” [Jews] to whom Germany owes in large part its prosperity and its great scientists, educators, lawyers, physicians, poets, musicians, diplomats and philosophers, who are the backbone of its past cultural life. . . . For the Jews are the aristocrats of the world. “

    In this same years, 1881, the Haskalah movement in Russia, and with it the zionist movement, began to gain force, as Jacob Raisin records here:
    Russian Jews were among those who flocked to Germany and took advantage of German success, to the detriment of the German people themselves.

    In #461, Hans reviews Benjamin Freedman’s recounting of how British and American Jews/zionists brought about the defeat of Germany in exchange for the Balfour Declaration, with insult added to injury at Versailles, where “Zionist Jews emerged with a dual triumph: a homeland for Jews . . .and guarantee of Jewish rights in [Europe],” according to Edwin Black in “The Transfer Agreement.”

    Leonard Stein was Chaim Weizmann’s right-hand man as Weizmann relentlessly lobbied British government to effect that exchange; Stein details the process in “The Balfour Agreement”

    Part of the British strategy to defeat Germany was imposition of a total blockade that resulted in the starvation deaths of ~700,000 German civilians. The blockade persisted for over six months past the time of German armistice, causing even more death of civilians from starvation.

    Jews were at the forefront of the “German revolution,” and according to this paper on the Yad Vashem website, Jews dominated Germany’s politics, finance and culture in the Weimar era, 1918 – 1933

    Most people are aware that Germany experienced killing hyperinflation and massive unemployment in the Weimar years, as well as what many Germans viewed as the debauching of their culture in the arts.

    gotta break off

    above are just a few of the events that occurred before Hitler was born, and before he called Jews “parasites” in 1924.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @jilles dykstra
  460. @jilles dykstra

    Writing this, I again wonder, why did not German jews foresee that controlling Germany, to a large extent, from 1870 on, would lead to a catastrophe ?
    Mutatis mutandis the same question about the present USA.

    This seems to be a bug in the Chosen software that prevents self-checking or self-criticism and, thus, self-awareness. Debugging calls for an effort to implement a self-critical plug in.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  461. Tyrion 2 says:

    Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys, the man who invented the DNA fingerprint technique 30 years ago, described it as an “interesting but remarkable claim that needs to be subjected to peer review, with detailed analysis of the provenance of the shawl and the nature of the claimed DNA match with the perpetrator’s descendants and its power of discrimination; no actual evidence has yet been provided”.

  462. @Ralph Seymour

    Awareness, Awareness, Awareness!

    Fyi, paleontologist, author, late-Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, wrote that the greatest evil imposed upon Mankind is diminishment of the unlimited faculty for AWARENESS.

    So, Ralph Seymour, I totally agree with your 1st step: “people have to become aware of the game.”

    Indeed, “Ron Unz is doing his part,” and I cannot claim to know anyone whose doing better at teaching both either the genuinely studious and the unaware.

    Doubtless, RS, a probable large percentage of ‘Merkin people are “unaware” due to either ideology/prejudices, fear, jingoism, or maybe learning deficiencies.


  463. geokat62 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    According to Google NGrams, that specific phrase is not featured in a single book. (Maybe I did the search wrong?)

    Forget about Google, you’re looking in the wrong place.

    Not sure if you subscribe to the ADL On the Frontline, but if you do, perhaps you could tell us if the contents on page 8 are consistent with Mark Weber’s claim:

    For some time, the ADL has promoted the slogan “Diversity is Our Strength.” In keeping with this motto, which it claims to have invented, the ADL has devoted effort and resources to persuading Americans — especially younger Americans — to welcome and embrace ever more social, cultural and racial “diversity.” /17

    Footnote 17. ADL On the Frontline (New York), Summer 1997, p. 8. This issue of the ADL bulletin also noted with some pride that President Clinton, in his Feb. 1997 “State of the Union” address, had given an unexpected boost to what it called the “ADL tag line.” In that address, Clinton said: “My fellow Americans, we must never, ever believe that our diversity is a weakness. It is our greatest strength.”

    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Tyrion 2
  464. @geokat62

    Hey geokat,

    Fyi, &perhaps unlimited by the political sphere, during 1980′s, segments of the Roman and Byzantine Catholic churches were promoting “unity in diversity.”

    Such faculties shared in common the hope for union of the Catholic West and Orthodox East. Uh, to date, ain’t happening.


    Post scriptum: Interesting to keep in mind Pope Francis and his will for the ZUSA & European nations to welcome endless war refugees who suffered miseries due to the unnecessary & immoral GWOT. When Francis spoke at Capitol porch, he said, “God bless America” to resounding cheers.

  465. @Jeff Blankfort

    Jewish financiers aided Hitler’s campaign, and the effort by Zionists to compel their brethren to emigrate to Palestine–a goal they previously had little success with until Hitler came to power–advanced with the advent of the Transfer Agreement, which offered European Jews the means to leave the continent with all their trappings. Zionists continuously published the “Six Million Jews” figure in their periodicals (embellished with terms such as “Exterminate”) prior to WWII, even prior to Hitler. Those articles are not mentioned when Jews defend the “Holocaust” Six Million from scrutiny.

  466. allis says:

    Hans, thanks for all the information and suggested resources.

  467. allis says:
    @Jeff Blankfort

    Jeff, thanks for the information.

  468. Tyrion 2 says:

    Not sure if you subscribe to the ADL On the Frontline,

    Is that the ADL newsletter? Why would I do that? So I can be lectured by a bunch of progressive activists on all the good work they’d like me to think they’re doing?

    If they’re concerned with gross acts of defamation in contemporary America, they could start with the accusations against Kavanaugh; some of whose accusers, including some mentioned in the Senate, were absolutely obviously fictional and based off clear prejudices – prejudices which establishment organs like the NYT have a transparent, boastful role in fanning.

  469. annamaria says:

    The video was removed from YouTube as “offensive.” The assault on the First Amendment on the march.

  470. annamaria says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    “This seems to be a bug in the Chosen software that prevents self-checking or self-criticism and, thus, self-awareness.”
    – Thank you for the definition. This exactly bug makes the Chosen different from the Germans and Russians.

  471. @Anne Lid

    The point is that German jews saw themselves as those representing German culture.
    As to Hungary, in the thirties jews were removed from all important jobs:
    ‘Christianity and the Holocaust of the Hungarian Jewry’, Moshe Y Herclz, 1993 New York University press

    • Replies: @Anne Lid
    , @Hans
  472. @Hans

    ” When the British War Cabinet decided to accept Germany’s peace offer, ”
    Never heard of GB considering peace.
    Highly improbable, the war aims of GB were the dismemberment of two empires, and making Germany a minor power forever.

  473. utu says:

    I hope this comment is helpful this time.

    No, not really. Only in one thing, you made me go to see my favorite analysts in these matters, Peter Myers whom I haven’t visited in many years. He has a quite a lot material and what is most important are the quotes from many sources. His approach is rational and skeptical. He unlike you does not formulate definitive sentences with the verb “is” as if he knew, instead he keeps speculating and looking at several hypotheses at the same time gathering pro and con evidence for each of them. He put quite a lot of work in it including reading from the oldest sources “Kindly note that reading 19th Gothic German is not the best of fun…” He has several good, I think, insights.

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  474. Seraphim says:

    The Joly’s pamphlet was virtually unknown. It was suppressed almost immediately and remaind unknown (as well as the author) until Israel Zangwill ‘discovered’ the plagiarism. It’s all BS dust in the eye.

    • Replies: @Wade
  475. Anonymous[746] • Disclaimer says:

    Better double-check that info. J2 never provides sources for his tales.

    • Replies: @utu
    , @j2
  476. Anonymous[314] • Disclaimer says:

    Does anyone have a copy of the PDF for Vol 2 or 3 of The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews? I could only find Vol 1 on the LibGen project site.

    • Replies: @TM
  477. utu says:

    Correct. Very complex pathology.

  478. @renfro

    I am requesting a jury trial in my suit against the equally noxious SPLC. To me, the liability is clear, but the entire country seems to have been seized by a kind of madness. I’m not sure confidence in the jury system is well-placed.

  479. j2 says:

    “Better double-check that info. J2 never provides sources for his tales.”

    Exactly so. People, who do give sources for disputed issues try to impress the reader with their sources, but it would not be a disputed issue if the solution would follow from sources. Other sources claim other things and checking all sources leads only to a confusion and conclusion that the issue cannot be solved. This misses the point as many of these sources come from people who intentionally confuse issues. Thus, in every conspiratorial or otherwise disputed issue there are false leads that all have lots of sources and they seem to be scientific studies, but they are intentionally wrong.

    This is why I prefer not to give sources and hope that the reader will double-check the info. (Like by reading the Protocols and the book of Joly carefully, noticing the places I mentioned) I only point the reader to some direction by explicitly writing what you may call claims, but what I personally concluded to be true after my study on the issue. Some of my conclusions are based on long thinking and hard to find information and therefore my conclusions may at the beginning seem wrong or unjustified. Do not be alarmed by this, my conclusions are not without basis, though some of course may be wrong. I do not ask you to believe anything I write. It is just a pointer if you want to look at it yourself. Nobody should ask anybody to believe in any version of history. History is not a field that allows any exact proof and it is full of intentional falsification, made to look impressive by listing sources and using scientific language, but is still intentionally false.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Heros
  480. @SolontoCroesus

    ” David McCullough maintains that the Franco-Prussian war was the precursor to WWI – WWII. ”
    The unified Germany around 1900 seriously threatened economically the GB empire.
    On top of that, German political and economic expanding influence to the SE, in the Ottoman empire, control of the Straits, Mosul oil, the Berlin Baghdad Basra raliway, even threatening the British in Egypt.
    Zionism began around 1890 under German protection, around that time the Kaiser visited Jerusalem.
    Few people read German, Schacht describes how he as a boy witnesssed the positive economic effects of the unification.
    Hjalmar Schacht, ´76 Jahre meines Lebens’, Bad Wörishofen, 1953
    A.J.P. Taylor, ‘The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848 – 1918′, 1954, 1971, Oxford
    The same Taylor shows that Hitler never wanted war:
    A J P Taylor, ‘The Origins of the Second World War’, 1961, 1967, Londen

    • Replies: @Hans
  481. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:

    People, who do give sources for disputed issues try to impress the reader with their sources

    Some do but that’s hardly the rule. Your unwillingness to bolster reason (logic) with any kind of data (sources) is not resonating with me. Why don’t you try to impress me with some sources and your ability to connect the dots between those sources anyway? That way I might be able to evaluate those proclamations much better.

    my conclusions are not without basis, though some of course may be wrong

    And yet you’re unwilling to reveal that “basis” and most of your claims are presented as hard, indisputable facts. Honestly: you’re hitting too many red flags on your way down.

    • Replies: @j2
  482. Hans says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Someone pointed out that Deutschland Uber Alles is a song celebrating national unification of the German states not the (((Hitler Wants to Conquer the World))) lie that has been repeated ad nauseum. Even the Jimmy Wales-o-pedia admits as much: “German grammar distinguishes between über alles, i.e. above all else [for me], and über allen, meaning “above everyone else.” However, the latter misleading translation was chosen by the Allies during both World Wars for propaganda purposes”

  483. @Tyrion 2

    So you will cop to annoying cosmopolitanism as the Jewish contribution to German hatred of Jews. Great. That’s some real honest soul-searching there. Now if every Jew were so moved and y’all had a real conversation and admitted you were powerless over your annoying cosmopolitanism, why, I believe all this turmoil would be over. Of course we would have to do our part to overcome our murderous hypersensitivity to cosmopolitanism.

    • Replies: @David Baker
  484. @Zumbuddi

    “If Israel is so useful..”
    Israel ceasing to pretend(Like Sharon or Netanyahu) they control the Us
    and switching allies would be less useful.
    The Saudis were exposed, ie somebody has a hold on them.
    That is more valuable for controlling them than helping them to hide it.

  485. Tyrion 2 says:

    So you will cop to annoying cosmopolitanism as the Jewish contribution to German hatred of Jews.

    It isn’t copping to anything. I didn’t do anything. I was born much, much later. Regardless, I will agree that Jewish cosmopolitanism at the time most certainly contributed to the anti-cosmopolitan Nazis also hating the Jews.

    Now if every Jew were so moved and y’all had a real conversation and admitted you were powerless over your annoying cosmopolitanism, why, I believe all this turmoil would be over.

    I don’t think Jews are powerless over how they behave at all. It was merely an observation. Also, what turmoil?

    Of course we would have to do our part to overcome our murderous hypersensitivity to cosmopolitanism.

    Have you murdered anyone?

    Regardless of our entirely different worldviews, yours entirely predicated on a social or specifically racial (as you define it) theory of justice and mine of simply justice, it does leave the following questions unanswered:

    Why are SJWs driven into a murderous rage by white people? What have white people done? SJWs are of all races including white, so what have you done to justify their hatred?

    See? It is pretty bloody silly…

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Craig Nelsen
  486. @utu

    [Too much off-topic lunacy. You'd probably be much happier at a different website.]

    Miles Mathis successfully debunked the impostor who has played Stephen Hawking since the mid 1980s. They had to ‘retire’ the guy after even the msm gave it a serious consideration.


    I think anyone who knows about Hawkings serious type of illness, agrees that there was something suspicious about his apparent longevity.
    I think Mathis particular treatment influenced the outcome.
    Mathis in the cases I have seen seems to deliberately add errors which contradict his otherwise frequent use of analysing images. Say like forgetting about the effect of perspective.
    His science is an insult to a real scientist but that may be a trick to drag attention to his other material. I suspect he does have some kind of vague intel connection because he always returns to that reference frame.
    Disinfo combined with some genuine contributions.

  487. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Why are SJWs driven into a murderous rage by white people?

    They’re not driven into a murderous rage by white people. They’re driven into ineffective hysteria by carefully-positioned Jews.


    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  488. Tyrion 2 says:

    So Nazis hate Jews and it is caused by Jews, but when SJWs of all races hate white people, it is also caused by Jews?

    Oh, and if SJWs only hate white people it is Jews fault, but if they slaughter white people, it is white people’s fault?

    Just asking to try to understand your ad hoc social justice scheme here!

  489. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You know that you could finish this conversation by admitting that your only reasoning is something about power?

    But I suppose that’d involve admitting to yourself that being “JWoke” is exactly the same thing as being “woke”, and you guys just found and deleted every mention of “white” and replaced it with “Jews”.

    Or did they steal from you? Who appropriated from whom? That’s a question that’ll get both of you salivating.

  490. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    So Nazis hate Jews and it is caused by Jews, but when SJWs of all races hate white people, it is also caused by Jews?

    What Nazis? We’re living in the 21st century. The White Race – all 900 million of them – are rejecting your tiny, deformed tribe, and their tiny, soy-enriched golems in SanFran bathhouses.


    It’s like you don’t even understand your position in the clusterfuck.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  491. Tyrion 2 says:

    It would have been shorter to write that “Jews are only fit to live underground like grovelling goblins.”

    It would also have revealed less about your personal issues.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  492. j2 says:

    Anonymous 304, when talking about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, you are talking about a document that was “proved”to have been copied from the Dialogues written by Joly. And the forger was “proven” to be the Russian Ohrana. Now we know, or maybe you do not know but all researchers of the topic do know, that Ohrana could only have forged one of the versions, but the Protocols appeared in two versions. So, all these “proofs”were simply cheating.

    If you were an honest person, you would find all sources in my claims from such politically correct sources as the Wikipedia But as you are what you are, you write what you write. Let me make you one question. The year 1848 is known in history as the crazy year of Europe. It is known by all historians that the revolutions and revolution attempts that year were organized by revolutionary freemasonry, that is Mizraim and Memphis lodges. Raising Luis Napoleon, later Napoleon III, to power in 1848 was done by the same forces. So my question is, what in the world do you argue against, it is all well known. Napoleon III was raised to power by Freemasons, Joly opposes to Freemasons, Mizraim lodge, it had Jewish connections. It is all known. Just read the history, there is no need to put references on issues that everybody knows.

    (Just to tell you, I studied the topic for 15 years, I have a pile of note books in the cellar and they are full of exact references. But most of these references were to old books (like from 1800) which once available in the web as pdfs in a certain address, probably they are not available any more in that address if anywhere. I say, do your own research, you will almost certainly easily find everything I wrote, if not, contact me, I will in that case find it for you if you are honest, but as you are a troll, which is clear, I really do not care to spend my time on trolls. Check yourself, you will find the same as I did.)

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Seraphim
  493. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tyrion 2

    OK. I didn’t expect any reasonable questions from you, frankly.

    Jews are only fit to live underground

    Nope, only a tiny sliver of Jews might be saved.

    • Troll: Tyrion 2
  494. Anonymous[304] • Disclaimer says:

    Check yourself, you will find the same as I did

    Really? I don’t think so.

    1) I’d provide my sources. – (When!)

    2) I’d explain my methodology in trusting those sources and connecting the dots, - (When!)

    3) “Just to tell you, I studied the topic for 15 years, I have a pile of note books in the cellar and they are full of exact references.” – (no one cares for another, “I have it all in the cellar”, Internet retard.)

    That’s all you’re “offering”? A grand, immaculate, set-in-stone proclamations about life, universe and everything?

    …but you’re simply unable to offer any kind of data or reason connecting that data to make a case?

    Go fuck yourself, troll.

    • Replies: @j2
  495. Rurik says:
    @Cloak And Dagger

    Thank you Cloak

    BTW, motivated by a video someone posted of a movie they made about the rape/murder of the child, (transformed into a grown woman/tart for the silver screen), I checked out the other adaptation they made as a TV series in the 80s.

    It starts out with Mary going around the pencil factory on her day off, (a Confederate celebration of sorts, with lots of ‘good ol’ boys’ and KKK types all around, with the Southern girls acting like lusty drunks), and then you see the kindly black janitor and Frank at the factory, when they shoot to a scene of a hulking white man menacing the janitor, as Frank wanders up.

    It turns out the unkempt and scary looking white guy was recently fired by Frank, but wants to get his shoes from inside the factory. Frank grudgingly allows the janitor to allow the guy access, and then you don’t see him again until much latter, when it turns out he’s the leader of the lynch mob.

    The actor playing the ‘evil white guy’ is Nick Wyman, shown here playing an typical German (Nazi) in one of the Die Hard movies.

    his character’s name in the 80s movie is a very German-sounding ‘Lund’.

    He ends up being the main guy organizing the lynching.

    I haven’t done the research that Mr. Unz and others, like the NOI have done, but somehow I doubt there was any giant white guy who was inside the factory that day, especially one that was fired by Frank and named Lund.

    Could it be….

    Is it just possible??!??

    that the Jews in Hollywood were trying to smear yet another German-type white guy for having committed the heinous crime, only to then try to frame and lynch first a Negro, and then when that didn’t work an innocent Jew for the crime?

    And when the authorities discovered the evil plot and foiled it just in time, the German (evil white guy, with his KKK friends) took it upon themselves to lynch the innocent Jew, because that’s what evil white guys, (especially Germans!!) do?

    I didn’t watch the whole thing, and the link that I saw it on recently said it’s no longer available.

    But you can pay to watch it if you have the stomach.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  496. @Tyrion 2

    No one on this site will have any trouble giving you a highly detailed description of how SJWs came to hate white people. All we have to do is site the Oct 19, 2018 issue of the New York Times, with supporting evidence in the Oct 18, 2018 issue of the New York Times, further corroborated with the Oct 17…well, you get my point. Then we can head over to Hollywood and make a painstaking list of… but why bother. It’s easier and more descriptive and more accurate to say that Jews are the source of that hatred.

    You and your fellow travelers, on the other hand, maintain the less plausible scenario where everyone was happily going about their business in Germany when suddenly for no reason, just after 3 in the afternoon, the German people were seized with an unaccountable hatred of Jews–absolutely no reason for it except for the “anti-Semitism” which, apparently, Martin Luther put in the water supply.

    And before you knew it mobs of Germans were raping lovely Jewesses for hours on broken beer bottles .

    I’ve always been curious. Amongst yourselves, do you have a different version?

    • Agree: Rurik
    • Troll: Tyrion 2
    • Replies: @Rurik
    , @Hans
  497. Rurik says:

    this is the link where you could watch the whole miniseries two days ago

    Reminds me of Hurricane Carter

    A race-hate consumed Negro thug murders white people because they’re white, including “Hazel Tanis, died almost a month later, having been shot in the throat, stomach, intestine, spleen and left lung, and having her arm shattered by shotgun pellets.”

    The murderous, hatred-consumed animal wasn’t just convicted once, but twice.

    Only to have his conviction overturned by a fecal judge who said the trial was tainted by race, (since race was the very fucking motivation for the murders! DUH!)

    But we all now know that blacks can never be racist, or commit hate crimes, because that women who died from a shotgun blast by a race-hate consumed orc, had all the power.


    Sorry to get a little off topic, but then we all know the ADL (and the others like the SPLC, etc..) all cum in their pants when a black or brown rapes or murders a white person, because even the most psychotic black murderous racist on acid, could in a million lifetimes never, ever even come close to the hatred of a Jewish supremacist for those whom they envy.

    • Agree: Craig Nelsen
  498. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Sorry. That is a bit strong. It seems highly probable that his Judaism contributed to his murder.

    Why does it seem “highly probable”? I am not aware of any facts that tend to indicate that. He was lynched because he was widely viewed at having escaped justice because of political and economic pressure brought to bear on the state of Georgia.

    For someone in the UK, you sure seem to be sure of relatively small details of American history – details you weren’t even aware of until you read this column.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  499. @Craig Nelsen

    The German people didn’t “Hate Jews” until Jews arranged for that sentiment to foment, thus giving rise to the Third Reich and their campaign to “Purify” Germany of Parasites, Mentally Ill citizens, Jews, Communists, Gypsies and Homosexuals. Jews were doing well in Europe, but Zionists were orchestrating the hatred of their brethren among gentiles in order to compel their tribe to leave that continent, while narrowing their choices for refuge to Palestine or the U.S. (Where they could establish other Bolshevik-style governments…) If you study the history of this tribe, you’ll see a consistent pattern of their behaviors, and their hasty departures from nations they’ve economically and culturally decimated.

  500. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Mr. Anon

    I tried to look for a lynching with similar circumstances of a non-Jewish white guy in the same era and couldn’t find any.

  501. Mr. Anon says:
    @Carroll Price

    Seldom if ever mentioned by the MSM, with their being Jews not mentioned or buried in the final paragraph or obscure footnote.

    As I recall (it’s been a long time since I saw it) Hollywood’s fictionalized retelling of the Leopold and Loeb case – Compulsion – made no mention of the killer’s ethnicity. Dean Stockwell and Bradford Dillman played the two killers.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  502. Rurik says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    when suddenly for no reason, just after 3 in the afternoon, the German people were seized with an unaccountable hatred of Jews–absolutely no reason for it except for the “anti-Semitism”

    not just the German people, but the scores of nations that have felt the existential need to expel these genocidal supremacists from their nations~ or perish.

    I was taught that the Spanish Inquisition was a bad thing.

    I’ve since come to understand that Spain had a choice, either expel the Satanic fiends among the ranks of the tribe, or suffer the genocidal humiliation and extermination of a Moor bedding every one of your white, formerly Christian wives and daughters, (if not sons).

    cue this scene:

    and in fairness, Sicilians weren’t spawned by “niggers”. They were however ‘spawned’ by dusky Muslims tho, and so they stopped being who and what they were; white people with blue eyes and other Nordic-type features.

    Just as so many other places, now languishing in a stupor of mediocrity.

    This is what (((they))) demand for Germany (and everywhere else white folks endure).

    You know, I had a thought recently…

    What if! the Germans did try to exterminate the Jews from their midst?

    Is that not exactly what Morgenthau and others advocated for all of Germany?

    This is my question..

    IF, the Jewish supremacists wanted to genocide Germans from Germany, (as indeed the historical record shows they were attempting), then if so, why would it be any less heinous or wrong for the German people to want to return the favor in their own lands?

    Indeed, are not right now, the Jewish supremacists of the world engaged in ethnic cleansing and genocide in the holy land?

    If this is somehow OK, then why have the German people been subjected to so much opprobrium for so many generations for doing much less than what the Jewish supremacist Zionists are doing today. Right now, as we speak?

    And just consider, the Germans wanted the Jews out of their Germanic nation and ancient lands,

    whereas the Jewish supremacists want to genocide others out of the Palestinian’s ancient lands.

    The whole idiotic narrative is upside-down. If a people have a right to expel hostiles out of their lands, then Palestine has just as much right to expel Jewish supremacists as did Germany. As did Spain. As did the countess others who found it an existential necessity to expel these genocidal fiends, or perish under a tsunami of dusky hoards.

    ~ Soros’s ‘migrant caravan’

    • Replies: @David Baker
  503. j2 says:

    “1) I’d provide my sources. – (When!)

    2) I’d explain my methodology in trusting those sources and connecting the dots, – (When!)”

    I never promised to provide my sources or explain my methodology to anybody. I suggested that everybody does his own research, so go do your own research. Why do you think that other people should provide you with sources and explain you their methodology? To you, who are you that I should offer you anything?

    “Go fuck yourself, troll.”

    This is you. This is your level of communication and thinking. Why should anybody care of what you think?

  504. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Mr. Anon

    Did you want the actors to wear a yellow Star of David armband?


    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  505. Hans says:
    @Craig Nelsen

    “I’ve always been curious. Amongst yourselves, do you have a different version?” ROFL, Mr. Nelson, but an excellent question.

  506. @Tyrion 2

    I tried to look for a lynching with similar circumstances of a non-Jewish white guy in the same era and couldn’t find any.

    And this is evidence how?

    One little understood aspect of lynching in those days is that the racial breakdown of the victims corresponds significantly to the racial breakdown of people currently sitting on death row in the US. In other words, it was how our society administered justice to criminals in those days.

    And, there were probably as few Jews lynched as there are Jews sitting on death row today.

    It is easy, after reading Unz’ piece, to see why the ADL is so hated and why Jews excite such hostility in non-Jews. It is ironic that an organization that exists, ostensibly, to prevent damage to the reputation of the Jewish people does so much damage to the reputation of the Jewish people. Even more remarkable is the fact that you are so blind to it. Unfortunately, the complete lack of Jewish self-awareness or self-reflection as evidenced by you means things will never change. You all will go right on supporting a human flu virus like Abe Foxman, and screeching “anti-Semite” at anyone who complains. Thankfully, not all Jews are like you and the loathsome Abe Foxman.

  507. Tyrion 2 says:

    A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

    And with that, to this absurd thread, goodbye.

    • Replies: @Sean
  508. @Tyrion 2

    Don’t worry. If you leave now you can still get a good price on your assets. Don’t, however, wait too long. At some point there will be a massive glut.
    Good times ahead!

  509. @Rurik

    Hitler did not order the extermination of the Jewish people. Rather, he was hip and thigh with Zionists to convince European Jews that their welcome had worn out, and they had better hit the road or Adolf would turn them into soap, or other household products. The myth of the Hitler Orders to Exterminate the Jews arose from the fertile imaginations of Nuremberg participants, along with authors such as Raul Hilberg, who was forced to confess the Hitler Orders did not exist, after he was asked to produce those orders during his testimony at a 1985 criminal trial in Canada. However, Hilberg did state their existence was derived from a far flung bureaucracy of mind readers (?!) Where Hitler revealed his heartless, despotic nature was when he rounded up European War Refugees and exploited them as laborers; a policy which culminated in the horrible deaths of those hapless people from starvation, disease, suicide and bombing campaigns.

    • Replies: @Rurik
  510. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    … pardoned after he has been kidnapped from custody where he was imprisoned for life and then lynched is not exactly the world’s greatest show of power

    Only if the case against Frank was dubious could one call the pardon and the current establishment narritive anything but an alarmingly awesome demonstration of Jewish persuasion. It suited his co-coreligionists that Frank died, but even in a very similar and celebrated case of the time in Russia in which the the accused was acquitted, a powerful moral weapon was created against the wider society, which was not without faults, as no society is, but took a decided turn for the worse when Jews became its new aristocracy as an elite that held fantastic ideas about the malevolence of white gentiles.

    The Jewish critique and the altuistic punishment it created played a part in the Tsar himself (and his daughters) being the ones imprisoned and subjected to horrible abuse and death.

    My point instead is that Ron specialises in this sleight of hand. In this instance, he uses a strongly argued case for Frank’s guilt to claim that the ADL are liars and horrible and evil, and super powerful.

    But none of those defamations really follow

    The case coalesced organised Jewry around a thesis that American society was corrupt before Frank was even convicted. The Jewish community centered on NYC wanted a Beilis affair

    “Anyone wanting to see the major stars of New York’s Yiddish stage on Thanksgiving weekend in 1913 had three choices: Mendel Beilis at Jacob Adler’s Dewey Theater, Mendel Beilis at Boris Thomashefsky’s National Theater, or Mendel Beilis at David Kessler’s Second Avenue Theater.”[14]

    The prosecution of Frank was seized upon to indict American society in the way Russian society already had been. Frank being merely accused and held awaiting trial was enough of an affront to mobilize the Jewish community over-against their hosts. And Frank still is being used that way, which is why the ADL don not care whether he was innocent of rape and murder, and the Washington Post published an article last year about bigots trying to overturn the established “consensus” among historians that Frank was innocent and only convicted because of evil male white gentiles. The idea that white men are bad is gaining strength partly as a result of the transfiguration of a murderer into a symbol of gentile malfeasance.

    Here are some additional reasons to not only think Frank was guilty and jury had no option but to find him so, but that the ADL can not sincerely believe his conviction had anything to do with antisemitism.

    Frank made a crucial mistake by talking to the police before he had got benefit of counsel, saying he had definitely not left his office all afternoon. The timing of Phagan’s entrance to the factory was established by testimony of a friend of Phagan; a couple previous to Phagans entrance to the factory, and a key witness just subsequent to Phagan’s walking in, established that Frank had not in fact been in his office, thereby allowing the prosecution to catch him in an untruth, and place him somewhere other than his office while Phagan was in the building. On the stand he suggested he may have unconsciously went to the nearest toilet, which was in the back of the metal room, but the timing (further established by a scream heard coming from the factory) meant he would have had to step over the body of Phagan.

    Although Conley was in the building when the murder was committed, Frank never cast any suspicion on Conley until after Conley accused him. In relation to Lee the nightwatchman who arrived after the murder and was also a perfect fir for the tall “sleam” (sic)night witch implicated by the note left by the murderer; when confronted in his cell by detectives with Conley’s statement about how he had been paid to take the body of body of Phagan from the metal room (across the hall from Frank’s office) down to the furnace where he was supposed to burn it before the watchman showed up, and help with the note, Frank declined to speak about Conley’s allegations he had committed the murder. Innocent behaviour would be to instantly accuse Conly of being the killer.

    While it is implausible at first blush that anyone of Frank’s education and position in society would murder a 13 year old girl, but I don’t think anyone who knows as much as the ADL about this case could sincerely assert that Antisemitism must have entered into the belief that he was a murderer, either for the jury or the lynch mob.

    My point instead is that Ron specialises in this sleight of hand. In this instance, he uses a strongly argued case for Frank’s guilt to claim that the ADL are liars and horrible and evil, and super powerful.

    The case for Frank being not guilty was always most strongly argued by the ADL, and the settled verdict of historians is he was innocent and, according to the Washington Post last year, a victim of Antisemitism. That is telling evidence against the ADL, because they know better.

  511. Seraphim says:

    If you study only the Wikipedia, you would find out that the ‘problem’ of the Protocols was solved by an investigation ordered by the hated Prime-Minister Stolypin in 1905:
    “Stolypin’s fraud investigation, 1905
    A subsequent secret investigation ordered by Pyotr Stolypin, the newly appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers, came to the conclusion that the Protocols first appeared in Paris in antisemitic circles around 1897–1898. When Nicholas II learned of the results of this investigation, he requested, “The Protocols should be confiscated, a good cause cannot be defended by dirty means.” Despite the order, or because of the “good cause”, numerous reprints proliferated”.
    I did refer to these conclusion in a number of comments I made from the moment Ron Unz opened the Pandora box of the ‘Oddities of the Jewish Religion’. I certainly don’t bear any grudge that they have been overlooked. Most people can’t let truth stand in the way of a ‘good story’ (like the Joly ‘plagiarism’, Okhrana and the like).

    • Replies: @j2
  512. Rurik says:
    @David Baker

    Hitler did not order the extermination of the Jewish people.

    I agree.

    But my point is, ‘so what if he did?’

    I seem to have this problem with it being hunky-dory for Jewish supremacists to call for the extermination and genocide of Germany’s German population, as in the Morgenthau plan (and others), but then somehow if it were Gentiles calling for the extermination of their enemy, it is somehow ‘beyond the Pale’.

    I believe that it is more or less agreed upon that the Europeans who settled the American continent did a lot of Amerindian genocide and ethnic cleansing themselves. But I’ve never seen the sort of demonization for that event that I’ve seen from ((Hollywood and academia)) for the persecution of Europe’s Jews during WWII. (A war that Jewish supremacists demanded in the first place)

    All I’m saying is that some balance be applied.

    If it’s OK for Jewish supremacists to demand the extermination of Gentiles, (either though non-white immigration or war), then why is it somehow verboten to wish upon them the very thing they demand for us?

    When we hear Jewish supremacists in Israel call for the extermination of Palestinians, as less than human, and an existential threat to Israel…

    then why shouldn’t the Palestinians be encouraged to feel the same way about their executioners?

    If it’s good for the goose, why not the gander?

    If it’s OK for Morgenthau and FDR and others to want to genocide the German race off the planet, then why is it bad or unreasonable for Germans to feel the same way about their executioners?

    What I’m getting it.. is that we in the zio-west have marinated in the stew of Jewish supremacist media and Hollywood and Madison Ave and academia for sooo long, that we’ve sort of adopted their own self-aggrandizing, megalomaniacal view that they’re somehow special. And that it may be provocative for Jewish supremacists to call for the genocide of Palestine’s Arabs, but for an Arab to return the sentiment, is somehow an unforgivable faux pas.

    Why is that?

    Why is it never condemned by any official or academic that I know of, that powerful men in FDR’s regime were calling for the genocide of Germany?

    Why is it never mentioned, that as the world’s Jewish supremacists demand the genocide of Europe and the Western world though immigration and blending, that we in the West never seem to demand that Israel open its gates and its wombs to unlimited African and Arab and Asian and other immigrants?

    We need to have parity, if we’re ever going to have social justice, no?

    We need to spread the benefits of diversity and multiculturalism to Israel first and foremost!

    Are not the main people screeching for diversity Jewish supremacists?

    Well then we need to demand the same thing for the ‘shinning light unto all nations’, no?

    If genocide is good for Germany, and Palestine, then why not Israel?!

    If diversity is good for Germany and North America, then why not Israel?

    We simply need to start treating all people equally, and obey the Tikkun olam in our hearts that demand we all benefit from genocide and diversity in the same way, regardless of our race, gender, nationality, or sexual identity.

    One Love!

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @David Baker
  513. @Rurik

    Perhaps you need to study this issue further. JEWS arranged for the Extermination of Jews, but not in the context of an actual gentile-conducted genocide. Instead, they published their ubiquitous “Six Million” figure dozens of times, citing non-existent pogroms of their tribe to justify the Zionist goal of establishing their “Homeland” in Palestine (That was another ruse, since these people have no bloodline to those folks, nor are they “Semitic”.)

    • Replies: @Rurik
  514. Rurik says:
    @David Baker

    JEWS arranged for the Extermination of Jews, but not in the context of an actual gentile-conducted genocide.

    yes of course, powerful Jewish supremacists orchestrated the enmity between ordinary (not-supremacist) Jews and their Gentile neighbors, for their own nefarious agendas. Just as they do today, when they force Muslims into France and Germany in cataclysmic numbers, and know that otherwise inoffensive Jews will suffer, and perhaps move to Israel.

    I get that. I get the endless lies about the ‘holy six million / gas chambers bullshit, blah, blah, blah….

    But my point is more metaphysical / philosophical.

    My point is that if Germany and France and the entire western world must commit suicide via mass-immigration of non-Westerners..

    then why isn’t the shining light of western democracy and democratic values eagerly demanding the same genocidal program for their nation, eh?

    I’m simply calling for parity.

    If Germans are to be congenitally maligned for perpetuity for a crime they never even had a hand in, then what is the crime?!

    if it’s OK and laudable to advance an agenda of genocide for Germany, then why isn’t it just as laudable to advance the same agenda for Jews?

    Are Jews somehow more sacrosanct than Germans or Palestinians or Amerindians?

    Why are there twenty seven thousand Holocaust museums in the ZUSA, when there are none for the genocide of the Amerindian that I know of?

    Is there anyone on this planet that can say with a straight face that Jews are more worthy than Germans or Arabs or Amerindians?

    And if not, then why the raging, in-your-face double standard?

    • Replies: @OilcanFloyd
    , @David Baker
  515. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Silence generally denotes assent. In addition to his failure to respond to being confronted with Conley’s allegation by instantly accusing him, and remaining silent until the trial. Frank remained very guarded even when in front of the court. He elected to make a lengthy un-sworn (ie he could not be questioned by the prosecution on it) prepared statement to the jury that the prosecution were not allowed to mention had not been tested by cross examination as all other witness testimony had. By comparison Frank’s main accuser Jim Conley was subjected to cross examination for 16 hours by Frank’s lawyers. It was clear at the end of his testimony that that Conley at the very least had emerged with his credibility intact. An innocent man in Frank’s position would surely have decided to be sworn and let the jury perceive the his ring of truth as his evidence stood up to attacks by the prosecution, but Frank did not do that. Perhaps he did not realise the court was turning against him, him being unschooled in the art of persuasion? Hardly.

    His Cornell yearbook noted “His genius found expression in three-phased generators and foundry work. … His services as a debating coach… have made him a fame hard to equal.

    Finally, regarding the grounds for the pardon being the state’s failure to protect Frank. Understanding the danger he was in following riots over his death sentence being commuted, prison authorities sent Frank to a rural jail for his own safety. Another prisoner attacked him slashing his throat, before a guard intervened to save him. This was only about a week before he was kidnapped and lynched. It is absurd to think the ADL are not aware what kind of man Leo Frank was.

  516. TM says:

    This is one of the fraudulent copies. It only has 222 pages while the authentic has 334 pages. Get yours from Amazon.

  517. You are 100% correct. Leo Frank did rape and murder Mary Phagan. I have been an expert on this case for a long time. I could write pages on this and the lies surrounding the “poor innocent Leo Frank” myth. Normally, the ADL would’ve done a big remembrance in 2015 of the lynching of Frank, but they stayed mum, because they know damn well themselves that their poster boy was guilty. The GA Board of Pardons and Paroles also do not believe he was innocent. They caved to pressure in the 1980s to grant a posthumous pardon, but it was based on his lynching rather than belief that he was innocent. The corrupt Gov Slayton took Jewish money under the table to commute Frank’s sentence to life just before leaving office.

  518. Wade says:

    Very interesting. Do you have sources for this?

    • Replies: @Seraphim
  519. bj says:

    Jews admit organizing White Genocide

  520. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Did you want the actors to wear a yellow Star of David armband?


    No, but you sound like you would like them to.

  521. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    I tried to look for a lynching with similar circumstances of a non-Jewish white guy in the same era and couldn’t find any.

    You didn’t try very hard did you? Try this:

    CTRL-F white

    It’s called “Wikipedia”. All the kids are using it now.


    • Troll: Tyrion 2
  522. Adrian says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Is that so? I thought that at that stage it was mainly France that was supplying Israel with weapons. The planes used for the Pearl Harbour like surprise attack on the Egyptian airforce that started the Six Day War were French Mirages. De Gaulle stopped that weapons supply. He had threatened to do so if Israel started that war – which it did.

  523. j2 says:

    “Stolypin’s fraud investigation, 1905
    A subsequent secret investigation ordered by Pyotr Stolypin, the newly appointed chairman of the Council of Ministers, came to the conclusion that the Protocols first appeared in Paris in antisemitic circles around 1897–1898. ”

    Yes, this is correct and Stolypin’s conclusion is correct. In the Protocols there is a reference to the Suez channel funding scandal and to “object lessons”, they date the final form of the Protocols to about 1895, the first information is from 1897 when Glinka obtained them. The Protocols contain older text, as some passages are similar to Joly’s book from 1864, thus the origin of the first form/sources of this document cannot be dated but it cannot be earlier than 1864. Glinka got the document from Theosophic circles, so these anti-Semitic circles were Theosophic and from them is a direct line to the Thule Society, which was strongly anti-Semitic. Who ever edited the document in 1890ies had access to Paris Mizraim lodge material, which is implicated by the signature in the Protocols Sion 33 degree (that is, the origin is claimed to be Masonic. Mizraim and Memphis degree systems go to 90 and 92 (today 99 in Memphis-Mizraim) but for a short time Mizraim used the 33 degree system around 1870. Mizraim become nonfunctional in 1871, only the mother lodge lárc en ciel in Paris still existed. Freemasons and Theosophists renewed the rite in 1890ies. This is the time the Protocols were written and almost certainly from these circles. There were two versions of the Protocols in Russia, one was the one Glinka had, it was in Ohrana hands and Ohrana may well have edited this version, but the other was published in a far-right paper. Ohrana did not have access to it. The one in the far-right paper seems to have had Ukrainian editor/translator. All seemingly conflicting accounts of the Protocols can be logically explained by assuming two versions.

    The Protocols is not an original document by Jewish Elders, it was written as a warning of the Judeo-Communistic conspiracy by Freemasons/Theosophists, who knew of the earlier Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. As no Masonic circles were truly anti-Semitic, the reason was Zionistic, to push the Jews to Palestine. These occultists were messianic, kabbalistic. Kabbalah is totally messianic.

    The Protocols fit to what happened, because the methods used by Judeo-Communists were the same as those used by the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy, the Judeo-part refers to the same group of people. It is the way of infiltration, tying a country with debts, controlling media and education, you see the way also today in some countries, while it is not any more Masons or Communists. Now it may be Judeo-Neocon. The conspiracy was real in France between 1848 and 1871, it was real in Russia after the revolutions. The methods used were quite correctly described in the Protocols, therefore it is not important that it is a forgery in a sense, it describes the methods correctly.

    If you want an authentic document by the Jewish Elders, then it is Torah: Abraham cheats and steals the land by buying a burial place but later they take all of the land, Jacob cheats and steals the land by building a well on somebody’s land, Joseph lies, infiltrates close to Pharaoh and exploits Egyptians with usury and favors his own. Just read this authentic document as a set of teachings of the methods and compare to the Protocols, and check Talmud to see how Torah is to be interpreted. Talmud is just an interpretation of Torah. It is all in Torah already.

  524. Seraphim says:

    I did indicate the link at the beginning of the series of American Pravda dedicated to the Jewish problem. It contains the most exhaustive discussion so far of the problem of ‘Protocols forgery’. Some people have perused it.

    • Agree: utu
  525. Seraphim says:

    I had recommended Peter Myers blog at the very beginning of the American Pravda series about Jews, in anticipation of the inevitable reference to the Protocols ‘problem’, to offer an up to date analysis of the problem, hoping that the usual poncifs would not be again presented as ‘new discoveries’ that would destroy the ‘forgery’. I have indicated also the Wikipedia entry about the Protocols, which, surprisingly, presents the history of the publications of the Protocols in Russia from 1903 to 1917.

    • Replies: @utu
  526. Anon[199] • Disclaimer says:

    Shame on all the anti-gentilic racists in this comment thread defending this disgusting child rapist and murderer. All these liars can do is falsely imply that this guy being Jewish was the sole reason for his conviction. Stop victim blaming. The article makes it clear that it had nothing to do with it.

    However, it is indeed clear that Frank being Jewish was responsible for the Jewish media defending him. Find me one example of a non-Jew white gentile being defended to the same degree by the same media as Frank anywhere and anytime in modern American history. You can’t because it never happened. It is 100% clear here that Frank received the disgusting, shameful level of support and historical retconing he did because fellow ethnocentric Jews rallied around him solely because he was of the same tribe. Bigots. Tribal politics at its worst. He was clearly guilty even then, and they knew it, but they supported the guy anyway through endless media coverage, fabrications, lies, bribes, implied threats, and name calling.

    Honestly, how has this not been made into a Hollywood movie? It would seem to be ripe for the silver screen: a racist rich Jew attempts to incite racial tensions in order to get other black suspects lynched, thereby ending his murder trial…but when that doesn’t work, Jewish media moguls flood a small, impoverished Georgia town with bribes, fabrications, and name calling in order to get an obviously guilty man off the hook. At the last minute, he gets a pardon (probably through bribery or other corruption), with the possibility that he’ll get further clemency down the road. The people, however, took matters into their own hands and delivered to Frank the punishment he sought to incite against his poor, barely literate, black victim. Moral of the story: Karma. The bigot who attempted to incite a lynch mob against some poor black man ended up inciting one against himself, and deservedly so.

    Oh, wait. It was. The one movie they made on the subject was sympathetic to the child rapist! So, don’t ever tell me that these people don’t control the entertainment industry or that it’s not important to consider managing who does control it.

    The ADL should be called out on this. Tweet this article at them and DEMAND they remove all references to this rapist child murderer from their organization. Their refusal will say a lot about them, and it will say a lot about the people who continue to associate with them afterwards.

    • Agree: ChuckOrloski
  527. Anne Lid says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Some Hungarian jews have quite happily assimilated. Is this the same book that you mentioned in another place, that claimed that after Jewish journalists were removed, some papers halted? I have tried to look for similar claims in Hungarian and found nothing. Not contesting the removal, but that it would have stopped papers from being written. That’s ridiculous. Jealousy must have had some other causes than “this Jew is more German than me”. It is a compliment, not an offence to the culture.

  528. @Rurik

    There is so much about the holocaust that is outright fabrication, and so much has been exaggerated that it’s hard to say what the official story even is. All I can make of it is that Jews everywhere, throughout time, are the constant, righteous victims whose actions and motives should never be questioned, while all whites are suspect, at best, and are to be attacked and destroyed, and the holocaust is to be continually massaged and crafted as justifucation. The Jewish collective is making war on whites in every way except militarily. If Jews in Weimar Germany and prior were as bad, then they deserved to be kicked out of Germany, at the very least.

    Any white who doesn’t oppose Jewish power and privilege, their culture, religion, and collective is blind, at best. Anti-Semitism should be viewed as a natural and healthy reaction to Jewish aggression and corrosiveness.

    Pushing the Leo Frank lies goes right along with the holocaust agenda. The local college near Phagan’s burial site and Frank’s lynch site now has a permanent Anne Frank exhibition. I wonder if there is a section devoted to Leo Frank’s victimhoodhood? The school is located minutes from a major Civil War battlefield, yet it wastes space and resources on Anne Frank. It’s funny how that works.

    • Agree: Them Guys
    • Replies: @Rurik
  529. Heros says:

    I really enjoy reading your comments J2. Whereas Ron Unz will write articles thousands of words long trying to examine one event in this long history of jewish subversion and corruption, and in the end fail to tie it in to other events he has written about, you provide the perspective tying the individual trees of the blood sacrifice forest into a comprehensive vista. Its as if Ron Unz is stuck stumbling around in the forest because he is so fascinated by each new revelation that he focuses only on each “scholarly” or more appropriately “kosher” detail.

    I have only been j-woke for a han dfull of years, and your comments, and those of others like Hans, have really helped me to tie many of these seemingly isolated points of history together.

    Do you comment on other blogs? Do you only comment on Unz review in these AP articles?

    I agree with your point about linking to dozens of reference articles because Utu and the other hasbara style agents will never read them, let alone take the time to coherently and politely rebut them. As you say, these are your opinions, no one has to believe them. Utu and the anonymous troll army are therefore forced to try to smear and deflect because they cannot acknowledge this evil forest that they so desperately try to keep concealed, usually by attempting to burn each tree as soon as Ron Unz finally exposes it. At best they can only quibble individual trees because to define and describe the forest would further expose their schizophrenic and luciferian belief system.

    • Replies: @j2
    , @Ace
  530. TA says:

    Leo Frank’s Racist Trial Defense Strategy:

    And when [James] Conley did not recall whether he had finished his breakfast on a day four months before, [Leo Frank's attorney] Luther Rosser snorted: “Don’t you know a nigger never had sausage on the table without eating it?” Sneering at Conley, he fumed, “They put some clean clothes on you, didn’t they, so the jury could see you like a dressed-up nigger.” …

    And though the Georgian newspaper reported that Luther Rosser referred to Conley “with unsparing epithets,” the Jewish defendant [Frank] “shook hands with [Rosser] warmly and congratulated him upon his speech.”

    Source: The Secret Relationship, Vol. 3, p. 134.

    • Replies: @Sean
  531. Hans says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Jilles, we see the same thing today everywhere in the West with Jews in control of all aspects of the “culture” – TV, movies, publishing, “art”, education. Not only do they “represent” things to the rest of us, but they also strictly enforce the “truths” and “norms”. It’s a lie-filled sewer at this point, but it’s hatred to question or attack it.

    With the recent memories of Jewish run Commie horror, it should not be surprising that Jews had been removed from positions of power in Hungary. Cecile Tormay’s 2-volume account, An Outlaw’s Diary, is a fine account of the terror unleashed by Bela Kun and his Jewish cadre on Hungary in 1919. See

    David Irving has an excellent book on the 1956 uprising against the return of the Jews to power and is a must have-

    People should also take a look at the rogue’s gallery of cutthroats from Kun’s regime here: Cécile Tormay – An Outlaw’s Diary, selections of pics and text on the Jewish communist takeover of Hungary. Forms a good supplement to Birinyi –

  532. Anne Lid says:

    This reminds me of the 1882 Tiszaeszlár blood libel. (At the time all major international media covered it.) A servant girl disappeared and some Jewish people were accused of ritually killing her, but ultimately cleared. The defender was baron Károly Eötvös, the prosecutor József Bary. They both had written a book about it, available in Hungarian on the web (I am not aware of any translations). A cadaver was fished out of the Tisza river (by Jewish rafters) eighty days after the disappearance, wearing Eszter Solymosi’s clothes, and having a pouch of paint tied to her wrist (she was sent for paint on the day of her disappearance). There were no cuts on her, so she cannot have been murdered as described. If the body was never found I would have believed in the innocence of the accused, but having read the medical report (only a year or so ago) it is clear that the deceased was dead for only two weeks, and it was not Eszter at all.
    I have looked into both books, Eotvos is verbose and the style is annoying, to much waffle and emotion. Bary is bitter at times, but much more rational, detail and fact oriented.

    • Replies: @j2
  533. Sean says:

    Yes, the defence strategy was to contrast Frank with his black accuser and another key black witness (Lee) as if they were clearly untrustworthy. It is often said that the jury simply took a black man’s word against a white man’s in the case, but Frank gave no sworn testimony, he merely made a statement without taking an oath, which meant he could not be questioned to see if his account held together when subjected to a courtroom interrogation. The intense and extended cross examination of Conley on his sworn testimony by Frank’s defence lawyers made Frank’s evasion of a punishing cross examination by the prosecution fatal to any credibility his account would otherwise have had against the black star prosecution witness. It must have been forcefully apparent to the jury that Frank was not behaving like a man with truth on his side.

    Yet Frank’s lawyers must have realised all this while his trial was taking place and they they didn’t put him on the stand to be questioned like anyone would expect, as Frank himself, if innocent, would surely have demanded to. He was a good talker and debater who could have held his own against a prosecutor that had lost his last two murder trials. The defence lawyers of Leo Frank had no option but to protect him from cross examination, say “nigger” and complain about anti-semitism over and again in court, because they knew Conley had told the truth. The ADL know it too.

  534. @Rurik

    If you are suggesting that Jews must submit to “Parity” by accepting goyim immigrants into Israel, or wherever their posh hamlets where they luxuriate with their billions of shekels/dollars/Euros are situated, you don’t know Jews. Their own Jewish brethren from Ethiopia are despised by white Jews in Israel. Ethiopian women are sterilized by injections, while Ethiopian men are conscripted into the military as cannon fodder for the IDF, and beaten savagely for violations of stringent regulations. Eastern European Gentile women ARE allowed to enter the “Holy Land” (Oh brother…) as prospective employees for jobs advertised in their newspapers, but when these women arrive, they are beaten, their passports are confiscated, and they’re forced to work as Sex Slaves within Israel’s thriving brothel industry. Your U.S. Tax Dollars at work……

    • Agree: Rurik
  535. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    You’re the troll here, you petulant idiot.

    By the way, I notice that you didn’t admit that you were wrong. Yes – there were contemporaneous cases of white gentiles being lynched. But I guess that doesn’t serve your narrative, so you’ll just pretend that isn’t the case.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @mark green
  536. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Mr. Anon

    Similar circumstances retard…similar circumstances…as I said.

    • Replies: @Sean
    , @Mr. Anon
    , @Mr. Anon
  537. utu says:

    I must have missed your comment with that link. I like Peter Meyers work and I gave links to his three toolkits as you can see. He seems to be balanced an behave like a rational researchers when confronted with dubious and often contradictory data.

  538. This is why we will never have a race war as the (((scumbags))) want it; instead, it will be humanity versus (((humanity))) – winner take all.

  539. Just once it would be nice to hear from this race of psychopaths: “yes, we were wrong. We murdered your ancestors.”
    Their silence being evidence of their psychopathic lack of remorse, I call for the expulsion of all Jews from European lands, seizure of assets and war crimes trials for leaders and quislings.
    A race of vermin, begone Jews!

  540. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2 Taken from law enforcement and lynched in two successive incidents, in one case prisoners were lynched after being taken from federal custody.

    Regarding the the circumstances you allude to; yes, someone being killed after he had been convicted in a proper trial, and sentenced to death is unique, as is the lynching of a Jew. But those two facts are connected. Back in 1915 no white gentile convicted in 1913 of the sex murder of a child would have still been alive (dozens of appeals) let alone been given a commutation of sentence. The Anti Defamation League saw Leo Frank as an American Mendel Beilis (Frank’s NYC grave is only yards from Beilis’s). It is simply untrue that his conviction, and the ramshackle Georgian state prison system’s inability to protect him from inmates (he was moved to a safer jail, but had his neck slashed) or a mob had anything to do with Antisemitism. The ADL know it.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
    , @TA
  541. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Tyrion 2, you have stubbornly refused to comprehend the following text provided you on several occasions already:

    “If passed, Conyers’ amendment would have explicitly barred those found to have offered “praise or glorification of Nazism or its collaborators, including through the use of white supremacist, neo-Nazi, or other similar symbols” from receiving any form of support from the US Department of Defense. …

    Despite their stated mission to combat anti-Semitism and violent extremism, the ADL and Wiesenthal Center refused to support Jeffries and Conyers’ proposal.

    …Right Sector, the radical right-wing movement earned plaudits from the ADL’s Foxman…”

    “Andriy Parubiy, the new secretary of Ukraine’s security council, was a co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (SNPU), otherwise known as Svoboda. And his deputy, Dmytro Yarosh, is the leader of a party called the Right Sector which“flies the old flag of the Ukrainian Nazi collaborators at its rallies.”

    What kind of danger has made the American Jewish community so receptive to Ukrainian radical right-wing movement and neo-Nazi?
    Meanwhile, “Ukraine had more anti-Semitic incidents in 2017, than any other former Soviet country and more than all anti-Semitic incidents in all former Soviet countries combined.”

    It took four years for the hesitant awaking up:


    • Replies: @Sean
    , @Tyrion 2
  542. Sean says:

    What has that got to do with the ADL and Leo Frank? You are going off on tangents.
    rank’s lawyers filed three successive appeals to the Supreme Court of Georgia and two more to the U.S. Supreme Court, all on such procedural issues as Frank’s absence when the verdict was rendered and the excessive amount of public influence placed on the jury. Ultimately the U.S. Supreme Court, still on procedural grounds, denied Frank’s appeals; however, a minority of two, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Charles Evans Hughes, dissented. [...] Slaton reviewed more than 10,000 pages of documents, visited the pencil factory where the murder had taken place, and finally decided that Frank was innocent. He commuted the sentence, however, to life imprisonment, assuming that Frank’s innocence would eventually be fully established and he would be set free.

    • Replies: @annamaria
    , @annamaria
  543. @Mr. Anon

    Weren’t there also dozens of Whites who were lynched for stealing cattle or horses during the 19th century?

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  544. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Similar circumstances retard…similar circumstances…as I said.

    Now you are just lying. Look at the list, nitwit. They ARE similar circumstances.


  545. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Similar circumstances retard…similar circumstances…as I said.

    And it will never be “similar circumstances” in your eyes as long as it is a question of a fellow tribesman.

    I don’t mind you being an ethnic chauvanist. I mind you lying about it.


  546. j2 says: • Website

    Thanks for your kind words.
    “Do you comment on other blogs? Do you only comment on Unz review in these AP articles?”
    Only Unz, not only AP.

  547. j2 says:
    @Anne Lid

    I do not read Hungarian, but from secondary sources in the 1882 Tiszaeszlár blood libel there was the testimony of a boy, who claimed to have seen the event from a key hole. (He could not have seen it through the key hole, but he may have participated in carrying the body, as his younger brother had told.) In this testimony the boy says that Torah forbids burying the body, so it was carried away and thrown. This is also a very good indication that the accusation was correct. All bodies in ritual murder accusations were thrown, often to the side of a river.

    The ritual murder was based on Sanhedrin 43 a in the Babylonian Talmud. The passage probably has other meanings for most Jews, or maybe no meaning at all, but for kabbalistic Jews of those times it commanded a ritual murder. The text orders that Nezer must be cast away from the grave like an abhorred root. Thus, the body of the sacrifice cannot be buried. Everything in Talmud is justified by the holy scriptures, the Mosaic Law, so it is basically correct to say that the Torah tells it, as the boy said. Kill an innocent discipline of Yeshu (a Christian boy as the first born son) in a secret place to honor the God and throw the body away. If does not describe the death of Jesus, which was not in a secret place, though the body disappeared from the grave. But it is of the Messiah, because Matthai “when” is the end of the times when the Messiah appears, the Messiah is slain and no-one from him is left (Daniel) and Nezer (a twig) is the Branch of David, a Messianic title. Sacrificing of the first born son is the command in the Torah that cannot be undone, only the son is redeemed. As Sanhedrin 43 a is about Yeshu, Jesus, it is very clear that Jesus was associated with the Messiah in a certain way, not only as a false Messiah, but also as an acceptable sacrifice to God, a redeeming sacrifice. Thus, a ritual murder was necessary for redemption and redemption was necessary for the return to the home country, in the mind of a messianic kabbalist, that it, not for all Jews. This is why ritual murders were more common in the times when the return to the home land was expected, that is the end of the times. But in the end of the times also other end of the times prophesies must be fulfilled, such as the great persecution where only the reminder survives and returns to Palestine. Therefore persecutions are necessary for the plan, and ritual murders cause persecutions, which is what kabbalists wanted as they wanted the return to the home land.

    “Our Rabbis taught: Yeshu had five disciples, Matthai, Nakai, Nezer, Buni and Todah. When Matthai was brought [before the court] he said to them [the judges], Shall Matthai be executed? Is it not written, Matthai [when] shall I come and appear before God?37 Thereupon they retorted; Yes, Matthai shall be executed, since it is written, When Matthai [when] shall [he] die and his name perish.38 When Nakai was brought in he said to them; Shall Nakai be executed? Is it not written, Naki [the innocent] and the righteous slay thou not?39 Yes, was the answer, Nakai shall be executed, since it is written, in secret places does Naki40 [the innocent] slay.41 When Nezer was brought in, he said; Shall Nezer be executed? Is it not written, And Nezer [a twig] shall grow forth out of his roots.42 Yes, they said, Nezer shall be executed, since it is written, But thou art cast forth away from thy grave like Nezer [an abhorred offshoot].43 When Buni was brought in, he said: Shall Buni be executed? Is it not written, Beni [my son], my first born?44 Yes, they said, Buni shall be executed, since it is written, Behold I will slay Bine-ka [thy son] thy first born.45 And when Todah was brought in, he said to them; Shall Todah be executed? Is it not written, A psalm for Todah [thanksgiving]?46 Yes, they answered, Todah shall be executed, since it is written, Whoso offereth the sacrifice of Todah [thanksgiving] honoured me.”

  548. Tyrion 2 says:

    1868 is a different time than 1915. As far about as Jim Crow and societal defining affirmative action.

  549. Tyrion 2 says:

    “If passed, Conyers’ amendment would have explicitly barred those found to have offered “praise or glorification of Nazism or its collaborators, including through the use of white supremacist, neo-Nazi, or other similar symbols” from receiving any form of support from the US Department of Defense.

    Do you think that anybody who has ever offered praise of anything that might be considered linked to that should be made anathema? I don’t.

    • Replies: @annamaria
  550. @Mr. Anon

    The Abbeville press and banner., December 06, 1905, Image 8

    An alleged attempt to criminally assault Ida beavers, a six-year-old negro girl, so infuriated the negroes in the Darktown section of Atlanta that … a white man … came near being lynched.


    Omaha daily bee., October 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

    a negro was lynched by a mob of his own race for assaulting a colored girl.


    The Washington herald., January 14, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

    A mob of North Carolina negroes lynched the proprietor of a negro theatrical outfit because his show did not come up to the advance agent’s promises.

  551. TA says: • Website

    More Racism of Leo Frank


    His main trial attorney was the South’s premier advocate, the famed Luther Rosser, and in open court he had this incredible exchange with an expert witness who testified that a bloody shirt had indeed been planted at Newt Lee’s home:

    Rosser: The shirt had the odor of blood on it when you first got it, didn’t it?

    A. Yes.

    Rosser: Then, wouldn’t the odor of blood have killed the odor of “nigger”?

    A. No.

    Rosser: Then, if a nigger had just put on his shirt and had taken it off in an instant, your nose would “get him”?

    A. Have you ever smelled a negro, Mr. Rosser?

    Rosser: More than you ever smelled. I was smelling them before you were born.

    Jewish civil rights icon Leo Frank sat nodding approvingly at his attorney’s cross-examination prowess.

  552. TA says: • Website

    The Frank case provided Jews with the opportunity to test run their “black anti-Semitism” trope. Here, the “worst case of anti-Semitism in American history” is (to them) really about a black man victimizing Jews, committing a murder and pinning it on a Jew. In their construction, white gentiles were also victims of this lone black monster who hypnotized a whole state and got away with murder. “Black anti-Semitism” allows Jews to endlessly bleat about their victimhood while not directly implicating the more powerful whites, and thus risk a real reaction. Until now, it has been a winning strategy. The Unz article series on the ADL is an example of their history catching up with them. Seems like Foxman skedaddled just in time. Look at the ADL’s confusion over Unz’s exposes:

  553. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Mr. Anon

    Your point is falsified by me naming one Jew who was punished without anti-Semitism bring a factor.

    I’ve therefore already falsified it on this thread.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
  554. annamaria says:

    Perhaps you need to revisit Tyrion2′ lamentations about the “misunderstanding” of the zionists’ policies and his invectives towards non-Jews.

    Do you disagree that the revival of Nazism in Ukraine had been sparked by the “most blatant coup d’etat” coordinated by the zionized State Dept, including such important figures as Nuland-Kagan and Pyatt (both are Jewish).
    Why Israel is tolerant towards its citizen Kolomojsky, the the main financier of neo-Nazi battalion Azov?
    Why Ukrainian neo-Nazi are armed with Israeli rifles? (with Knesset blessing):

    It is the visceral hatred for Russia and Russians, which has been guiding the US zionized Russphobes.

    Here is a new development in Ukraine: the US & vassals want to punish an independent state that dares not to follow the ZUSA dictate:
    “Ukraine decided to send Hungary a clear hint and sent a convoy of armored vehicles to Zakarpattia…”

    From the comment section:

    “Orban’s Moscow visit a middle finger gesture to EU after last week’s humiliation:”

    “Russian President Vladimir Putin is reviled as an enemy of the West in general, and of the EU in particular, and yet Hungarian Prime Minister Orban continues to conduct “business as usual” with the master of the Kremlin.

    The “salon des refusés” of political dissidents in the EU is getting bigger by the day. Less than a week after his government was condemned in a vote in the European parliament, Orban is in Moscow for talks about energy with Putin. His visit to Russia is the political equivalent of giving the EU the finger following last week’s humiliation.”

    Massa doesn’t tolerate the slaves pulling on their chains. No notions of independent action or thinking allowed.”

    — Hence the Ukrainian neo-Nazi convoy of armored vehicles heading towards the border with Hungary.

  555. annamaria says:

    Back to the amazing foundations of the Anti-Defamation League:

    Sean wrote: “Slaton reviewed more than 10,000 pages of documents, visited the pencil factory where the murder had taken place, and finally decided that Frank was innocent. ”

    The facts: “Governor John M. Slaton was part owner and senior law partner of the law firm that represented Leo Frank at his trial, the law group was called, ‘Rosser, Brandon, Slaton and Phillips’. Basically Slaton commuted the death sentence of his own law client. This law firm formed in early July 1913, weeks before the Leo Frank trial began. Isn’t that a conflict of interest? A part owner of the lawfirm representing Leo Frank at his trial, commuting the death sentence of its client?!? Is that not a gross betrayal of the Governor’s power to commute a convicted murderer’s death sentence?”

    “Slaton reviewed more than 10,000 pages of documents, visited the pencil factory where the murder had taken place, and finally decided that Frank was innocent.” — Wrong, the last page of Slatons 29-page commutation letter, Slaton says he is sustaining the verdict of the judge, jury and appeals courts, he says nothing about thinking Leo Frank is innocent. In fact he never says during in his entire life that he thought Leo was innocent.”

    Why all the fuss around the rapist and murder Leo Frank:

    “In addition to being an executive of Atlanta’s National Pencil Company, Leo Frank was also a B’nai B’rith official — president of the 500-member Gate City Lodge in 1912 — and even after his conviction and incarceration Frank was elected lodge president again in 1913. As a direct result of the Leo Frank conviction, the B’nai B’rith founded their well-known and politically powerful “Anti-Defamation League,” or ADL.

    – The importance of testifying under oath: “The jury knew that Leo Frank had had months to carefully prepare his statement. But what was perhaps most damaging to Leo Frank’s credibility was the fact that every witness at the trial, regardless of whether they were testifying for the defense or prosecution, had been sworn, and therefore spoke under oath, and had been subject to cross-examination by the other side — except for Leo Frank. Thus it didn’t matter if the law prevented the prosecution from commenting on the fact Leo Frank had refused cross examination, opting instead to make an unsworn statement, because the jury could see that anyway. Making an unsworn statement and refusing to be examined does not prove that one is guilty, but it certainly raises eyebrows of doubt. …

    The ugly racial element of this defense ploy is rarely mentioned today. The fact that it was Leo Frank, a Jew (and generally considered White in the racial separatist Old South), who first tried to pin the rape and murder of Mary Phagan on the elderly, balding, and married Black man Newt Lee (who had no criminal record to boot) is not something that Frank partisans want to highlight. …

    – The unfortunate wife of Leo Frank:

    “Confession Number One — April 26, 1913: Leo Frank’s murder confession number one was made to Jim Conley when Leo Frank told him he had tried to “be with her” (have sexual intercourse with Mary Phagan) and she refused him. According to Conley, Frank then stated he had hit her, knocking her down, then adding “I guess I struck her too hard and she fell and hit her head against something.” Some of Mary Phagan’s bloody hair was discovered on Monday, April 28, 1913, by Robert P. Barret on the handle of a lathe in the second floor Metal Room.

    Confession Number Two — April 26, 1913: According to the McKnight family, Leo Frank confessed to murdering Mary Phagan to his wife Lucille Selig Frank on the evening of April 26, 1913, at around 10:30 pm, saying to his wife that he didn’t know why he would murder — and asking his wife for his pistol so he could shoot himself. Lucille reportedly told her family, and her household cook and cleaning lady Minola McKnight, about what happened that evening. Minola McKnight told her husband Albert McKnight, and full documentation can be found in State’s Exhibit J (see the Appendix to this article). Decades later, Lucille Selig Frank refused to be buried in the Frank family plot next to her husband, leaving explicit instructions to the contrary.”

    “The New Georgia Encyclopedia (NGE) with a disingenuous mask of academic legitimacy, openly falsifies the facts surrounding the principals and events associated with the 1913 murder of Mary Phagan and trial of Leo Frank.”

  556. Ace says:

    It’s a pity Mr. Unz’s writing is not up to your standards.

  557. Rurik says:

    There is so much about the holocaust that is outright fabrication, and so much has been exaggerated that it’s hard to say what the official story even is. All I can make of it is that Jews everywhere, throughout time, are the constant, righteous victims whose actions and motives should never be questioned, while all whites are suspect, at best, and are to be attacked and destroyed, and the holocaust is to be continually massaged and crafted as justifucation. The Jewish collective is making war on whites in every way except militarily

    but my point is that it’s all psychological. They don’t have the means to wipe us out militarily, or they’d do so with gusto!

    So they use what they’ve got. Control of our central bank = and therefor control of everything else. The levers of our institutions and direction of our culture and destiny.

    And they’ve been using that for over a hundred years.

    Every movie they make, every sitcom or Madison Ave ad always has an (often subtle if imperceptible) psychological bullet aimed at our collective heart.

    There is a reason the Holocaust is so sacrosanct in the Western public’s sub-conscious, and that’s because it’s been put there by clever and unrelenting programming. Just like all the other programming we’ve been subject to.

    The only power that the Holocaust has, is psychological power, and only because we give it that power.

    Consider.. when Jews celebrate their most holy holiday, they celebrate the wholesale slaughter of their enemy’s (non-Jewish) children.

    For most Jews, this is just a perfunctory throw back to a silly religion, and Passover is just an opportunity to get together with friends and relatives and have a nice meal.

    But for some Jews, (the Jewish supremacist, murderous Zionists), celebrating the death and misery of non-Jews is an existential culmination of their masturbatory delusions of ‘chosen-ness and divine superiority over the goyim.

    They actually believe!!! that they, and only they were put here by their tribal pig-god of genocide and rape, to rule over the cattle-like animals they call ‘goyim’.

    And all I’m saying.. is that if it’s somehow considered OK, or even commendable for these Jewish supremacists to celebrate the death of their enemies..

    That perhaps we’re looking at the Holocaust all wrong.

    Perhaps we should see it in a completely different light.

    Perhaps, when we consider that most of the Jews (and communists and radical homosexuals and thieving gypsies and other enemies of Germany and Christendom) that were actually put to death during the ‘Holocaust’, were given their reward for working to destroy and enslave Germany in particular, and the West in general – that we should look at the pictures of Jewish Bolsheviks and supremacists being shot by SS guards, with a different feeling about that kind of thing.

    Perhaps, just as Jewish supremacists celebrate the mass-murder of Gentile children on Passover, alternatively, those myriad victims of Jewish supremacists today, (including Palestinians and Iraqis and Libyans and Ukrainians and Russians and every single Western father or mother who’s had a daughter raped and murdered by invading orcs into Europe or N. America….

    Perhaps they too should learn to celebrate what happened to murderous, genocidal Jewish Bolshevik supremacists during WWII – in the ditches and camps where they were herded into.

    If I know anything about Jewish supremacists, then when they hear the tales of Polish officers and professors and poets being shot in the brain at the edge of a ditch at Katyn, or Ukrainian families being starved to death by the millions, it gives them a boehner like nothing else.

    Maybe we’ve been looking at the Holocaust all wrong, all these years of Jewish Hollywood supremacist programming.

    Maybe, just like seeing that murderous rapist Leo Frank dangling from that noble rope, and feeling a twinge of contentment at the sight, knowing what a vile and monstrous fiend he was, perhaps it’s long overdue when we look at images of the Holocaust in the same way?

    Imagine your family was one of the thousands upon thousands of Hungarian Gentile victims of the sadistic Bela Kun, but then though some serendipitous miracle, you were appointed to be his hangman when he became inconvenient to the Soviets. Why wouldn’t you feel a rush of exhilaration as you fitted the noose around the beast’s neck? Could anyone blame you if you wished to have your photo taken next to the scaffold as Kun danced out his last feculent breaths?

    To share with all your relatives, and have displayed at the local town hall. Perhaps show to your friends at the church social, and proudly tell your grandchildren?

    Why shouldn’t’ the untold hundreds of millions of victims of 20th century Jewish communism feel a pang of justice (even in the afterlife) at the deaths of some of their tormentors at the hands of the Nazis?

    If you were a family member of the millions of Ukrainian peasant famers and their familes who were cruelly and excruciatingly starved to death by Jewish supremacists in the 1930s…

    Should you feel pity – or grim satisfaction when you see a commie Jewish supremacist emaciated in a concentration camp?

    If you were a Palestinian, who lost his loved ones at Baruch Goldstein’s massacre, and your children were shown photos of Baruch’s beaten corpse in the state schools to make them feel guilty that their relatives had beaten this man to death, as Jewish supremacists make a monument to his execrable memory

    could you be forgiven if your told your Palestinian children that the Palestinians who beat Goldstein to a deadly pulp were heroes?

    and that if only the Jewish supremacists who built and honor his memory at that abomination they call a memorial, could suffer the same fate!

    That’s sort of how I’m starting to see the Holocaust museums and memorials that are festering like so many open lesions upon our nation.

    As a way for Jewish supremacists to mock the staggeringly horrific deaths of the 20th century of untold scores of millions of Christian men, women and children, who died at the hands of Jewish supremacists and their lackeys FDR and Churchill [Rot in Hell], and who now mock their deaths and profane their memory with these ‘Holocaust’ abominations upon our sacred soil.

    But we don’t have to look at the Holocaust and the museums and memorials the same way the Jewish supremacists look at them, just like they do the monument to Baruch Goldstein.

    We can interpret them in our minds and souls in our own way, Jewish supremacist Hollywood programing notwithstanding.

    Perhaps it’s time we adjust our kneejerk reaction to photos of the ‘Holocaust’.

    Perhaps it’s time we become our own Pavlov and no longer act as the ‘dog’, and reject the programming of our Hollywood and government text book narratives.

    When Palestinians contemplate Baruch Goldstein and his memorial, they do so in a different way than the Jewish supremacist pilgrims to his memorial do. What is stopping the survivors of the mass slaughter of Gentiles of the 20th century from doing the same when we see the monuments our murderous have built to themselves to celebrate, (in Passover style) the slaughter and genocide of our ancestors?

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  558. Tyrion 2 says:


    A leading member of a specific organisation was strongly defended by that organisation. They succeeded in getting his death penalty reduced to life imprisonment.

    While imprisoned for life, he was kidknapped and lynched. Without even bringing the murderers to trial the Governor gave a sop to that organisation by pardoning the now hung-by-the-neck man.

    No other man of his skin colour had been kidknapped from prison and lynched in a decade so many were convinced his murder was partly due to his religion.

    Also, the murderers were not even accused.

    The organisation he was a leader in therefore formed a branch dedicated to combating hatred of their religion. Such hatred did and still does exist. Much more of it existed then, while it is reduced to a handful of websites now.

    The branch of that organisation has continued to the present day. It has crept its mission considerably, partly because its original mission has been rendered mostly irrelevant. The branch is now a nuisance for a variety of modern-day reasons.

    Those reasons are then shrouded by the a writer through his use of remarkably extreme hyperbole to compare them to the STASI. Seemingly because they have “files” on many people and organisations. Whatever that means. Certainly they’d be the cheapest STASI type organisation in the history of the world.

    The writer owns one of the few anti-Semitic websites, a proud one in fact, and also decides to relitigate the guilt of the executed man, in order to find him guilty again. Whether he intends to exhume him and re-hang the corpse, no-one knows.

    The point of all this is to prove incredible Jewish power spanning back at least a hundred years. Although, of course, the story above shows nothing of the sort. It is also to somehow undermine the ADL. An organisation that collects negligible capital from the story anyway.

    Anyone who objects is a crypsis Hasbarist Khazar Satanist Zionist fanatic spy, deserving of abuse, death threats and worse. The collective commenters then rejoice in that their own echos reach back to them without substantial disagreement.

    So despite the self-evident absurdity of tbe positions they hold as elucidated above, there does remain a few crucial questions:

    If the proto-ADL will move heaven and earth to save any Jew, no matter how obviously guilty, from justice….why haven’t they otherwise?

    If the ADL instead were attempting some sort of publicity coup to change public opinion, could they not have picked a Jew with a better case? After all, the commenters here maintain it is absolutely impossible for an honest and knowledgeable man to maintain Frank’s innocence…therefore there had to be many better cases.

    • Replies: @Mr. Anon
    , @Sean
  559. Anonymous[332] • Disclaimer says:

    Amazing. Respect!

  560. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Have you heard about Helen Thomas, a respectful elderly journalist who spoke privately about Palestine with a Jewish man who turned to be an informant ? — She was hounded and lost her job.

    There are numerous cases when the Jewish Lobby persecuted people for the words that were critical of Israel’s crimes. People were put to prison for researching the WWII when the research questioned the Jewish assessment (in words and numbers) of the Nazi treatment of the Jews.

    One more time, the Conyers’ amendment condemned the glorification of Nazism and the use of Nazi symbols; the ADL and Wiesenthal Center refused to support the amendment.

    You personally need to make a choice whether it is not OK to support Nazism — or the ongoing revival of Nazism in Ukraine is OK because it is profitable for the zionists in their fight against the Russian Federation. If you are for realpolitik, then you have zero moral ground to bloviate about bad Arabs, antisemitism, aggressive Iran, Shoah, and other Jewish memes.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  561. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    Your point is falsified by me naming one Jew who was punished without anti-Semitism bring a factor.

    I’ve therefore already falsified it on this thread.

    Your contention is that any Jew who was lynched was lynched because of anti-semitism. You probably believe that any Jew who was murdered was murdered because of anti-semitism. Your special-pleading is rather obvious. Your motivations are transparent, and therefore your opinions are uninteresting.


    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  562. Mr. Anon says:
    @Tyrion 2

    A leading member of a specific organisation was strongly defended by that organisation. They succeeded in getting his death penalty reduced to life imprisonment.

    You don’t know what you are talking about. Frank wasn’t a leading member of the ADL. The ADL was formed the same year Frank was arrested – largely in response to his arrest. Whether your blather is ethnically self-interested squid-ink or just due to lazy ignorance, I neither know nor care.

  563. Mr. Anon says:
    @mark green

    Weren’t there also dozens of Whites who were lynched for stealing cattle or horses during the 19th century?

    Very likely. The trope comes from somewhere. It probably wasn’t as common as movies make it out to be, but it probably did happen. I suppose commenter Tyrion2 thinks that they were all jewish cowboys.

  564. Tyrion 2 says:

    You’re attenpting a guilt by association with people who are guilty by association with people who are guilty by association argument. Tenuous doesn’t begin to describe it.

    Also, if you think the Russians aren’t au fait with the Israelis (especially the Israeli right) you are not a keen observer of international affairs.

    As an anecdote: every Russian Israeli I met loved Putin, Trump and Israel. They also hated the New York Times and the whole progressive clownshow.

    Any politically aware ordinary (not rich or weird) Israeli assumed I was a dumb prog diaspora Jew and admonished me to never be a cuckservative and certainly never be a bloody lib. Having read Sailer’a stuff since the age at which CBF’s fictional groping was, I found it easy to agree.

    You can say Jews proportionately cause problems for what you support. That probably makes sense. Just please don’t adopt a splittist persona and self-discredit by going to la la land.

  565. Sean says:
    @Tyrion 2

    The only person to be lynched after being convicted is only the Jew to be lynched and the only one to get a posthumous pardon solely on the basis that his fate was due to Antisemitic mob rule.

    After all, the commenters here maintain it is absolutely impossible for an honest and knowledgeable man to maintain Frank’s innocence

    The ADL still say he was the victim of Antisemitism and he was not. They currently imply the totality of objective evidence against him was weak and that is very far from being honest of them.

    It was hardly an ideal case for the ADL’s foundation campaign from the evidential point of view but the timing was perfect because Leo Frank could be presented as an American Mendel Beilis. Among American Jews Beilis’s case was hot news and so celebrated it was easy to mobilise Jews to organise for Frank. Such was their power that the facts of the case and the trial became obscured.

    The ADL would quite possibly have succeeded in getting Frank freed, two members of the Supreme Court (including Oliver Wendell Holmes) wanted to overturn his conviction on the supposed basis that the jury were threatened with death if they did not convict. There was not a word of truth in the allegations that the jury was influenced by threats or Frank being Jewish, but in a mere two years the ADL had made that the accepted version for America’s most eminent legal mind.

  566. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Mr. Anon

    That wasn’t my contention. I guess you failed middle school comprehension.

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