Graduate School at the Faculty of Arts

Doctoral education for the research disciplines within the humanities, theology and education studies

Upcoming courses and PhD defences

Mon 01 Jan
00:00-00:00 | Online
Online Course in Web Archives and Web Archiving
Build an understanding of how and why archived web content differs from analogous material (such as printed books), and get hands-on experience with web archiving.
Thu 16 Aug
00:00-00:00 | Campus Aarhus
Empiriværkstedet – kursus i kvalitativ metode E2018
16. august - 13. december 2018: Formålet med kurset er at: A) få en mulighed for at fordybe sig i analyser og diskussioner af eget og andres kvalitative empiriske materiale. B) Derigennem skærpe sine analytiske, metodiske og videnskabsteoretiske viden og færdigheder. C) Få indblik i, at metode vedrører alle faser i et forskningsprojekt – fra indledende spørgsmål og design til datagenerering og analyse. D) Og derigennem blive trænet til at gennemføre et sammenhængende argument.
Wed 19 Sep
00:00-00:00 | Campus Aarhus
Affective Methodologies - seminar series
19 September - 21 November 2018: Participants of this course will get a thorough introduction to the methodological challenges of working with affect. The seminars also poses a chance to meet and talk to prominent people in the field.