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Unparalleled reporting and commentary on politics and culture, humor and cartoons, fiction and poetry, and reviews and criticism.

New York, NY
Joined May 2008


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  1. Two British-produced comedies, “Sally4Ever” and “The Bisexual,” focus on women in crisis, and are each launched into action by an agitating marriage proposal:

  2. A hundred years after the Armistice, Megan Marshall reads her grandfather's letters from the First World War.

  3. The musician Nick Cave’s newsletters to his fans cultivate the radical notion that people can still be good to one another.

  4. The great fear among true Brexiteers is that, even after leaving the E.U., Britain will not be free.

  5. Fifty years later, the Beatles’ White Album is still good, still indelible, still as clean and pure as its sleeve, requiring no explanation or description beyond the band’s name.

  6. Retweeted
    Nov 4

    Why religion? A moving personal history by ⁦⁩ on life, death, hope, and solace.

  7. It's overwhelmingly clear that the majority of Americans want to move toward comprehensive gun control—and just as clear that no national political path forward can be found right now.

  8. The fractious, frustrating thrills of “Widows”:

  9. Digitization promises to make medical care easier and more efficient. But are screens coming between doctors and patients?

  10. Justin Torres on his brother, who is homeless: “It occurs to me that I am insisting on the necessity of expanding a system that consistently makes him feel like shit.”

  11. Just as every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, so, too, every imperfect democracy has institutional shortcomings all its own:

  12. Who cares that 's Humberto Leon and Carol Lim don't sew?

  13. A hundred years after the Armistice, a woman reads her grandfather's letters from the First World War.

  14. In : Congratulations! You’ve decided not to introduce more humans into this infinite hellscape. Here’s what you can expect as you navigate the miracle of not conforming to society’s expectations.

  15. In the coming weeks, the Conservative Party’s anti-E.U. wing must decide whether to support the government’s version of Brexit or to try and wreck it in Parliament in the hope of bringing about a more victorious departure..

  16. The musician Nick Cave’s newsletters to his fans both demystify his persona and directly address longtime fan curiosities.

  17. The laugh that the Hulu comedy “The Bisexual,” goes for—and earns—is a chuckle at the tension between a protagonist's worldly-wise façade and her sensitive inner self:

  18. On , we tease out the connections between the financial crash of 2008 and the ever-worsening climate crisis in Florida:

  19. Retweeted
    Nov 9

    No President since Nixon had disrespected the norm that Justice Department criminal investigations should not be interfered with for political gain—until Trump fired Sessions.

  20. The musician Nick Cave’s newsletters to his fans both demystify his persona and directly address longtime fan curiosities.


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