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Last Updated: Monday, 16 June, 2003, 14:38 GMT 15:38 UK
Turkey and Pakistan boost ties
By Paul Anderson
BBC correspondent in Islamabad

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan is in Pakistan for a three-day visit to discuss regional security and develop trade and economic links.

Pakistani Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali (L) and Turkish counterpart Recep Erdogan
The two leaders hope for closer economic ties
Mr Erdogan has been meeting his opposite number, Zafarullah Khan Jamali, as well as President Musharraf.

Although Turkey and Pakistan are ideologically and politically similar they do not have close economic ties.

After his visit to Pakistan Mr Erdogan will head for a two-week tour of the United States and western Europe.

Fond memories

Huge banners festoon the main diplomatic and government road in Islamabad, welcoming Prime Minister Erdogan and revealing the importance of his three-day visit.

President Musharraf has a special place in his heart for Turkey.

As a boy he lived there when his father was posted to Ankara and he speaks fluent Turkish.

He is said to model himself on the founder of modern, secular Turkey, Kamal Ataturk.

At present, he sees echoes of Pakistan's military-led struggle to democracy in Turkey's efforts to introduce democratic reforms and reduce the influence of the military.

President Musharraf and Mr Erdogan both argue that what they see as the benign intervention of the military is helping rather than hindering their countries' journey to democracy.

For that reason, General Musharraf, who took power in a bloodless coup three years ago, is refusing to bow to opposition demands that he give up his role as chief of army staff.

He says the time is not right, but Mr Erdogan's visit is about much more than sharing political experiences.

It is also about boosting trade between both countries, which currently stands at a meagre $170m a year.

The prime minister has brought a team of more than a 100 business leaders with him, in the hope of striking new deals and developing new markets.

Erdogan holds cabinet talks
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Pakistan renews Kashmir talks call
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