Canara Bank New York Branch SWIFT BIC Code

Canara Bank New York Branch SWIFT BIC Code

Here are the details of the Swift Code for the Canara Bank in the city  located in the Country United States Of America (USA) that has the branch name New York Branch.

Swift Code or otherwise known as the Bank Identifier Code (BIC Code) is the international bank code to identify specific banks around the world. With the help of Swift code, you can transfer money to international banks and you only need the Swift code to trace the money. The Swift code contains the complete information of your bank and country. It contains the bank code, the location code and the country code in it. It means that you can even find the Branch name by knowing the Swift code or BIC code only.

What is a (Canara Bank) Bank Identification SWIFT Code?

  • Bank Code: It Consist on 4 letters Code. That is basically shortened version of bank's name.
  • Country Code: It Consist on 2 letters Code. These 2 letters identify the country in which bank is located.
  • Location Code: It Consist on 2 letters or numbers. These 2 characters represent a location code. That says where that bank's head office is.
  • Branch Code: It Consist on 3 characters that are optional. “XXX” is to identify the particular branch, instead of the bank's head office.

Swift / BIC Code for Canara Bank located in New York Detailed Information

Bank / InstitutionCanara Bank
Branch NameNew York Branch
Bank Code
Country Code
Location Code
Branch Code
Address405, PARK AVENUE, SUITE 904
Country(United States Of America (USA)


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