


wicked - Network configuration infrastructure

Property Value
Distribution openSUSE Leap 15.0
Repository openSUSE Oss all
Package name wicked
Package version 0.6.47
Package release lp150.1.1
Package architecture x86_64
Package type rpm
Installed size 1.77 MB
Download size 567.22 KB
Official Mirror widehat.opensuse.org
Wicked is a network configuration infrastructure incorporating a number
of existing frameworks into a unified architecture, providing a DBUS
interface to network configuration.


Package Version Architecture Repository
wicked - - -


Name Value
/bin/bash -
coreutils -
diffutils -
fillup -
grep -
libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.14)(64bit) -
libdbus-1.so.3()(64bit) -
libdbus-1.so.3(LIBDBUS_1_3)(64bit) -
libwicked-0-6 = 0.6.47
libwicked-0.so.6()(64bit) -
sysconfig-netconfig -
systemd -
util-linux-systemd -
wicked-service = 0.6.47


Name Value
config(wicked) = 0.6.47-lp150.1.1
wicked = 0.6.47-lp150.1.1
wicked(x86-64) = 0.6.47-lp150.1.1


Type URL
Binary Package wicked-0.6.47-lp150.1.1.x86_64.rpm
Source Package wicked-0.6.47-lp150.1.1.src.rpm

Install Howto

Install wicked rpm package:

# zypper install wicked




2018-03-23 - ndas@suse.de
- version-0.6.47
- ipoib: do not fail setup on mode or umcast set failure (bsc#1084462)
- bond: avoid reenslave failure in fail_over_mac mode (bsc#1083670)
- Fix show-xml filtering by interface name (issue #735,bsc#954758)
2018-03-16 - ndas@suse.de
- version-0.6.46
- ifconfig: refresh state before link reenslave hotfix (bsc#1061051
- ethtool: query priv-flags bitmap first (bsc#1085020)
- util: fix a memory leak in ni_var_array_free
- client: refactor arp utility to add missed arp ping (bsc#1078245)
- dbus: omit zero-length hwaddr data properties
2018-02-26 - mt@suse.de
- version 0.6.45
- ibft: no IP setup on bnx2x storage-only interfaces (bsc#1072343)
- fixed format, self compare and always true issues
2018-02-02 - mt@suse.de
- version 0.6.44
- dhcp4: use rfc4361 client-id as new default for ethernet on sle15
(fate#323576). It can be also enabled/disabled in wicked-config(5).
- client: fixed broken wicked arp utility command (bsc#1078245)
- cleanup: add mising/explicit designated field initializers
- pkgconfig: fix to request libnl3 instead of libnl1
- dbus: add missing DBUS_ERROR_FAILED type to a dbus_set_error call
and enforce formatting input as string when an extension did not
returned any error message.
- Removed patch included in the source archive
[- 0001-wickedd-explicitly-unbind-slaves-on-deletion.patch]
2017-12-21 - mt@suse.de
- wickedd: clear master references on slaves when a master gets
deleted and the deletion event arrives before unenslave event
to avoid a bridge reenslave failure on restart (bsc#1061051).
[+ 0001-wickedd-explicitly-unbind-slaves-on-deletion.patch]
2017-12-16 - mt@suse.de
- version 0.6.43
- ifconfig: set MTU even if device is up (bsc#1059292)
- dhcp6: reapply confirmed addresses, also on any confirm
status other to not-on-link
2017-12-01 - mt@suse.de
- version 0.6.42
- spec: use new _fillupdir macro for fillup-templates (boo#1069468)
- dhcp: clear hostname on lease recovery/reboot (bsc#1057007)
- firewall: add firewalld and zone support (fate#320794)
- ifconfig: cleanup slaves before enslaving (bsc#1036675)
- ethtool: add rxvlan, txvlan, ntuple and rxhash offloads
- ethtool: handle channel parameters (bsc#1043883)
2017-07-28 - ndas@suse.com
- version 0.6.41
- dhcp6: fix to send up to 5 release retransmissions
- ifconfig: do not stop adding routes on one bad route (bsc#1036619)
- dhcp4: fix to use rfc4361 client-id on infiniband (bsc#1022872)
- man: ifcfg.5: Fix directory name for compatibility scripts
- dhcp4: own check for user class id strings (bsc#1045522)
- dhcp: cleanup common option update flags (bsc#1027099)
- vxlan: convert ifcfg VXLAN_REMOTE_IP to remote-ip
2017-05-04 - mt@suse.de
- version 0.6.40
- fsm: clone bound config and cleanup references fixing ifindex
reference handling in iBFT vlan configuration (bsc#1030053)
- updater: fix to not leave orphaned bg jobs on device delete,
causing to block processing of synchronized jobs (bsc#1029133)
- vxlan: initial support (boo#1026780)
- dhcp: correct and complete fqdn option support (bsc#1025757)
- bonding: properly send primary reselect to kernel (bsc#1027231)
- dbus: fix caller-uid timeout to 15sec, not 15ms (bsc#1026683)
- ethtool: handle ring,coalesce,eee parameters (bsc#1007909)
- bond: fix xmit-hash-policy option mismatch (bsc#1021914)
- ifconfig: avoid timeouts on large number of IPs by performing
ipv4 duplicate address detection, apply and sending gratuitous
ARP for chunks of multiple addresses at once (bsc#1009801)

See Also

Package Description
wicked-service-0.6.47-lp150.1.1.x86_64.rpm Network configuration infrastructure - systemd service
widelands-build19-lp150.1.10.x86_64.rpm Realtime strategy game involving map control
widelands-data-build19-lp150.1.10.noarch.rpm Data files for Widelands
wiggle-1.0-lp150.1.5.x86_64.rpm A Tool for Applying Patches with Conflicts
wiiuse-devel-0.14.0_p20150515-lp150.1.2.x86_64.rpm Development files for wiiuse
wine-3.7-lp150.1.7.x86_64.rpm An MS Windows Emulator
wine-32bit-3.7-lp150.1.7.x86_64.rpm An MS Windows Emulator
wine-devel-3.7-lp150.1.7.x86_64.rpm Files for Wine development
wine-devel-32bit-3.7-lp150.1.7.x86_64.rpm Files for Wine development
wine-gecko-2.47-lp150.1.3.noarch.rpm The Wine specific Gecko HTML rendering engine
wine-nine-3.7-lp150.1.8.x86_64.rpm An MS Windows Emulator
wine-nine-32bit-3.7-lp150.1.8.x86_64.rpm An MS Windows Emulator
wine-nine-devel-3.7-lp150.1.8.x86_64.rpm Files for Wine development
wine-nine-devel-32bit-3.7-lp150.1.8.x86_64.rpm Files for Wine development
wine-staging-3.7-lp150.1.8.x86_64.rpm An MS Windows Emulator