

The East Side Coastal Resiliency (ESCR) Project is an integrated coastal protection system that will reduce the risk of flooding and facilitate access to the waterfront, creating improved public spaces and enhanced natural areas. Stretching from Montgomery Street to East 25th Street, the ESCR Project will strengthen 2.2 miles of urban coastline against floods and rising sea levels, while providing social and environmental benefits to the community the other ninety-nine percent of the time.

Skyline of New York City

At East River Park, the City is designing a system of berms between the FDR Drive and the park to help protect the neighborhood from future storm surge and rising sea levels. At the same time, the City is working with the community to envision improvements to the waterfront, including a series of potentially re-imagined pedestrian bridges into the park. Further, the East River Bikeway and Park's service road are envisioned to run along the base of the berm, creating varied biking and jogging experiences.

What is a Berm?

A berm, also sometimes called a "levee," is a raised land form created to protect or separate low-lying areas from adjacent water bodies. They can be landscaped with grasses and other plantings, or designed to accommodate additional functions – such as roads, bike paths, public spaces, and green areas.

At Stuyvesant Cove Park, elevated and enhanced open spaces will work together with the forthcoming ferry landing, cultural facilities, and kayaking amenities to create a vibrant waterfront. The use of deployable elements will maintain views and access to the water at critical locations, ensuring continued connections between the neighborhood and its waterfront.

Taken together, the ESCR Project builds physical, social, and economic resiliency - strengthening the City's coastline while reestablishing public space, enabling outdoor gathering opportunities, and improving waterfront accessibility.

Community Benefits of the ESCR Project

  • Flood Risk Reduction
  • Improved Park Access
  • Enhanced Public Spaces