Scouting Resources


This website aims to provide useful information and resources for those in the Scouting movement.

Scouting is an international, uniformed youth movement. It provides young people, from 6 years of age upwards, a wealth of opportunity to develop and grow.

For more information on Scouting in the UK please visit the official website of the Scout Association:


Scouting Resources is an 'unofficial' site run by a dedicated leader in the UK Scouting movement. It aims to provide information, ideas and resources that are not easily obtainable elsewhere.

Possible new look?

Scouting Resources is still alive

While I may not have had a great deal of spare time to upload some of the vast amount of Scouting resources I have, the site and myself are still very much alive and kicking. I hope to be thinking about some changes on here over the summer. At the moment I am toying with a new look and a move to some more managed system (up until now Scouting Resources has been completely handcoded in html).

Scouting Resources - new look

Take a look and tell me what you think. It is early days yet so features and pages will be added, layout and colours will be tweaked.

What can Scouting Resources do for me?

An overview of what you can gain from the site

Scouting Resources can provide a useful source of information for scouters and scouts alike. With basic introductions and information on all the major Scouting skills and some detailed work and information on specific areas it can form the basis of your own work.

The site offers a good deal of material on the more 'traditional Scouting skills such as Map, Compass, Camping, Knots and Pioneering. These include pictures and 'tutorials' on the major subject areas and the Links section can provide an excellent selection of links to further information.

The Scouting programme is well catered for with sections on Weather, Codes, Signs, Countries, Cultures and the Jungle Book.

Part of the unique attraction of scouting are those things that you rarely get a chance to experience elsewhere. Remember how much fun your first Campfire was? With hundreds of Campfire songs and Stunts and Skits you can keep the campfire magic going. Even when you have exhausted these you can get your hands on hundreds more from the Links section. This is equally true for Games, Scout Leaders need never be hard pressed for a game idea again.

There is information for the leaders among us too. You can take a look at the Downloads section and see what you might find useful in your group. The Ideabase holds a few good ideas and the Links section links you to thousands more.

If all else fails you can contact us to ask for help from the Swapshop or the Contact page.

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Challenge yourself. Join the adventure.

Interested in joining Scouting? Scouting offers a section for all ages, from Beavers, through Cubs and Scouts, to Explorers and beyond. Scouting is the largest uniformed youth movement in the world. Find your nearest group and how Scouting can help you.

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