Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website

Recently I’ve been talking with some friends who don’t fit into the traditional SEO, publisher, or writer-with-delusional-dreams-of-becoming-a-famous-blogging-rock-star categories. They want to build and run websites in their spare time about subjects they are interested in. But they don’t want them to be  hobby websites; they want to use them to supplement their income. One of the lessons I’ve tried to … [Continue reading Why You Need Different Templates for Your Website]

Building Links & Driving Traffic with How To Posts

When you are looking to build links and drive traffic, one of the time tested methods that continues to work is creating “how to” style posts. In this article, we’ll look at some examples and discuss how to get the most out of the tactic, how to take advantage of seasonal search/traffic volume, and some potential trouble spots to watch … [Continue reading Building Links & Driving Traffic with How To Posts]

Who Are You Writing Blog Posts For

Who are you writing your blog posts for … people or search engines? Depending on your intended audience your posts can and should be radically different in tone and style. This concept is related to my my post on how to choose keywords for your blog posts. When you write a post or article on your blog you have to … [Continue reading Who Are You Writing Blog Posts For]

How Often Should You Update Your Website

When I talk with small business owners or look at their websites, one of the frequently-asked questions (or subject that I notice requires attention) is how often should you update your website, and how many websites are filled with outdated information.

Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You

Syndicating your content is a tricky game. On the one hand, getting more exposure for you, your brand, or your company is a good thing. On the other hand, having another site outrank you for your own content is not a good thing. In this post, I’ll take a look at some of the pros and cons and offer some … [Continue reading Content Syndication: How to Make it Work for You]

Short Term Content Versus Evergreen Content

I’ve got a confession to make. I used to be a short term traffic junkie. I ran other websites where I’d get up early in the morning or stay up late into the night, blogging about the news in that space. And no it wasn’t SEO related subject matter. But I learned something on the way–short term content can be … [Continue reading Short Term Content Versus Evergreen Content]

What is Evergreen Content

Evergreen Content is a subject I talk about quite frequently on this blog, but it’s not something I’ve ever devoted a post to explaining. Hopefully this post will solve that problem.

Creating Head & Tail Content

Although I have mentioned head & tail content on this blog a few times, I haven’t devoted an entire post to it, which is probably an oversight on my part.

Creating and Using an SEO Editorial Calendar

I’ve mentioned the benefits of having an editorial calendar several times on this blog, and Lisa has done an excellent job of explaining why you need an editorial calendar from a content production point of view; however, what I haven’t talked about is how to use an editorial calendar from an SEO perspective. From an SEO perspective, an editorial calendar … [Continue reading Creating and Using an SEO Editorial Calendar]

How to Do A Content Audit of Your Website

If you have a website that’s been around for a few years and you’re looking for ways to make some improvements, one of the tactics I recommend is doing a content audit. 

Content Ideas – Creating an Ongoing Series

One of the problems that website owners and bloggers encounter on a regular basis is coming up with ideas for posts. One of the tactics that I like to employ is creating a regular ongoing post series.

Creating Better Auto-Generated Text

Over the past two weeks we’ve taken a look at different aspects of copywriting, including aspects such as the value of good copy, outsourcing your content, and tools to make your content better. To round out the series I thought I’d touch on auto-generated content and how to make it better.

When To Pay Top Dollar for Copy

It took Leo Tolstoy six years to craft the 460,000-word War and Peace. A cheap copywriting service could churn out as many words for your website for just $9,200 (at 2 cents a word) over the course of a few weeks. Added to this, standards of literacy and attention spans on the web are plummeting. We’re all illiterate More than … [Continue reading When To Pay Top Dollar for Copy]

The Tales Silently Told By The Cannons Of Titles

What Bestselling Authors Know About Writing Titles They vary by genre, but the majority of bestselling authors and editors return to the same hooks time and again to routinely sell obscene amounts of books. On the recommendation of Clayton Makepeace, a celebrity in the web’s direct response copywriting world, I decided to visit a bookstore and peruse the titles on … [Continue reading The Tales Silently Told By The Cannons Of Titles]

Is Google Stealing Your Content and Hijacking Your Traffic

Google has long been an advocate of “build great content”; however, in reality, it’s turning into “build great content … and if we like it we’ll take it from you, put it on our pages, and deprive you of that traffic. Without compensation.” Strong accusations, sure, but I’m willing to step up to the plate, put my money where my … [Continue reading Is Google Stealing Your Content and Hijacking Your Traffic]

Is Web 2.0 Creating An Ad Trend Towards Promoting Content?

If you pay attention to the ads that monetize most of the web, you’ve likely noticed a trend towards ads that promote content.

Link Building and Development Mistakes – Treetrunks and Houses on Stilts

When someone asks me to look at their backlinks there are two problems that continually popup, websites supported by lots of tiny weak links, or websites supported by one single overwhelming link. Neither case is pretty, and if your website is like the house pictured above it’s easy to see what a precarious position you’re putting yourself in.