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Wales manager Ryan Giggs bans golf and tells Gareth Bale to use custom seat

Giggs is concerned that playing golf could put a strain on Bale’s body
Giggs is concerned that playing golf could put a strain on Bale’s bodyAFP/GETTY IMAGES

Ryan Giggs stopped Gareth Bale from playing golf in China last week and suggested that he drives with a customised seat in an effort to keep his star player free of injury.

The Wales manager was concerned that swinging clubs during their China Cup campaign could put a strain on Bale’s body and lead to a potential recurrence of one of the muscle injuries that have affected him during his time at Real Madrid.

Bale and some of the players had a round of golf organised for them during time off on Saturday afternoon but the game had to be cancelled. There were no complaints from the players about the decision, which was one of the changes introduced by Giggs as he sought to lay…

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