
The Blockchain Standard for Business

The Blockchain Standard for Business

The Blockchain Standard for Business

Lition is developing the only scalable public-private blockchain with deletable data features, made for commercial products. Designed with Lition's live P2P trading use case, and co-innovated with SAP.

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What is Lition

Lition is developing the only scalable public-private blockchain with deletable data features, made for commercial products.

This state of the art protocol enables blockchain based applications to step out of their current niche into commercial mainstream deployment.

SAP co-innovation

To create the standard blockchain for business, Lition is co-innovating with SAP, the world's largest maker of business software.

By combining a permissioned distributed storage engine from SAP with Lition's permissionless consensus system, we're giving businesses a high-throughput, low-latency private transaction solution with public validation for select records.

  Key features

Paving the way
for mainstream
blockchain adoption

Your data kept private

Private data is stored on private sidechains. Quantum-computer safe.

Fast and low-priced

Smart contract executions for $0,01 with 3 sec block confirmation times

Regulation-proof and deletable

Store your private data only as long as you want to. Fully compliant with data privacy regulations

Infinitely scalable

Every new sidechain increases throughput. Cross-industry use cases and applications.

Built on a live P2P application

Our blockchain is informed by our own hands-on experience of Lition’s commercially productive dApp

Built with exclusive partnerships

Made possible through the invaluable expertise and support of key industry players

  use cases

demand met


Working P2P Energy Exchange

Lition has established the world’s first P2P energy trading solution that is fully licensed and commercially live in a mass market (Germany)


Further Energy Use Cases

Lition is creating an open energy network spanning consumers, producers, EV charging stations, smart meter providers, and electric grids with a bottom-up approach


Cross-Industry Use Cases

Next to the use cases for the energy industry, any sector involving regulated, private data at high throughput will benefit from the new technology

  Lition team





Lition Operations Team
(GASAG Group)

  lition in the media

Latest News

Huffington Post
3 Dec 2018
Meet The Men Who Ditched Well Paid Jobs In Big Energy To Tackle Climate Change
For many years, Richard Lohwasser and Kyung-Hun Ha were highly paid executives at large energy utility companies in Germany. “I was making really good money,” Ha said. He had regular 9-to-5 hours, and the firm provided him with a big BMW and ample vacation time.
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8 Nov 2018
Why the Energy Sector Meets the Conditions for Decentralization
It makes sense. When Facebook is listening to your conversations and tailoring ad content accordingly, and Equifax is losing credit card and social security numbers by the millions, burning the old house to the ground seems like a plausible solution. Blockchain startups left and right have latched onto this ethos of disruption, vowing to fundamentally redefine established industries from the bottom up.
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7 Nov 2018
Ethereum Energy Project Now Powers 700 Households in 10 Cities
A little-known ethereum project called Lition is quietly helping real German citizens find cheaper energy. Launched earlier this year, Lition is already a licensed energy supplier in Germany with clients in 12 major cities (including Berlin, Hamburg and Munich) who are now using its decentralized energy market. Built on top of the ethereum blockchain, the Lition market connects consumers directly with energy producers big and small.
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YAHOO! Finance
11 Oct 2018
Strategic Partnership with the Blockchain Infrastructure Company Lition
Coinsilium announces Strategic Partnership with Lition Technology AG Lition develops the next generation Blockchain Infrastructure - Token Sale for $25m
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11 Oct 2018
Coinsilium Group Limited: Strategic Partnership with the Blockchain Infrastructure Company Lition Technology AG
Coinsilium  announces Strategic Partnership with the Blockchain Infrastructure  Company
Lition Technology AG for its  US$25m Token Sale.
Coinsilium Group Limited (NEX:COIN), the blockchain venture builder, advisor and
investor that finances and manages the development of early-stage blockchain technology
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FNTIMES 대한민국 최고 금융 경제지
1 Oct 2018
리티온, 블록체인∙AI 결합 플랫폼…친환경 에너지 혁명 ‘속도’
[한국금융신문 김수정 기자] 리티온 (Lition)이 블록체인과 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(AI) 등 기술이 결합된 플랫폼을 내세워 친환경 에너지 혁명을 가속화하고 있다. 리티온은 블록체인과 더불어 IoT, AI 기술까지 사용자에게 제공하는 세계 최초의 블록체인 P2P 친환경 에너지 거래 플랫폼이다. 지난 3월 베를린에서 출범해 에너지 공급자 라이선스를 취득했다
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1 Oct 2018
NEWS Lition applies Blockchain Technology and AI to accelerate the green energy revolution
While governments around the world move at a snail’s pace to implement regulations to combat climate change, consumers are starting to take things into their own hands by adopting new technologies to help them reduce their energy usage and access green energy sources on their own terms. One company that offers its users the capabilities of IoT, AI, and blockchain technologies all rolled into one is Lition, the world’s first blockchain peer-to-peer green energy trading platform
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19 Sep 2018
Cidades Inteligentes e a Revolução Energética Verde
O mundo está rapidamente se tornando mais urbanizado, com 60% da população global projetada para residir em cidades até 2050. A expansão urbana coloca pressões extras sobre as cidades e suas infra-estruturas, e uma das maiores dificuldades enfrentadas pelas cidades hoje é sua dependência de rede elétrica desatualizada sistemas
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19 Sep 2018
스타트 창업기업 리션, ‘스마트 시티와 친환경 에너지 혁명’ 솔루션 개발
전 세계의 도시들이 파나소닉(Panasonic), 구글(Google)과 같은 기업들과 리션(Lition)과 같은 창업 기업들과 함께 스마트 시티 솔루션을 공동 개발에 나서 화제다.
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19 Sep 2018
智能城市与绿色能源革命 (Lition)
市及其基础设施带来了额外的压力 如今城市面临的最大负担之一是其对过时电网系统的依赖。许多管辖区已经在规划“智能电网”技术形式的未来绿色能源输送解决方案。2016年,数字城市技术支出估计约为800亿美  
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11 Sep 2018
Blockchain: Gasag kooperiert mit Berliner Startup Lition
Das Startup-Unternehmen Lition GmbH hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Konsumenten und Erzeuger auf direktem Weg über eine eigens entwickelte Energiebörse zu verbinden. Die digitale Plattform basiert auf der Blockchain-Technologie und ist seit Mai 2018 auf dem Markt. Gestartet ist die Plattform unter anderem mit Erneuerbare-Energien-Anlagen der Gasag. Die Kooperation der beiden Unternehmen beschränkt sich jedoch nicht auf die Energieerzeugung. Vielmehr greift Lition auch auf Dienstleistungen im Bereich Abrechnung und Service der Gasag-Tochter BAS zurück.
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11 Sep 2018
GASAG kooperiert mit LITION
Der Netzbetreiber, Energiedienstleister und -erzeuger GASAG und das Berliner Start-up LITION haben ein gemeinsames Blockchain-Projekt realisiert. LITIONs 2018 gestartete Energiebörse kooperiert nun mit nachhaltigen Erzeugungseinheiten der GASAG und zusätzlich auch bei Abrechnung und Service mit der GASAG-Gruppe. Die digitale Plattform basiert auf einer hybriden Blockchain. Kunden sparen, Erzeuger gewinnen „Durch unsere Technologie können sich Kunden einen Erzeuger ihrer Wahl aussuchen“, berichtet Dr. Richard Lohwasser, Geschäftsführer und Gründer von LITION. Kunden und Erzeuger werden durch die Blockchain-Technik ausgesprochen direkt miteinander vernetzt, sodass sie nicht nur die Quelle ihres Stroms selbst bestimmen können, sondern sogar täglich ein neues Angebot von einem anderen Erzeuger auswählen oder aber LITION beauftragen können, jeden Tag ihren Strom von der günstigsten Anlage zu beziehen. Der Einsatz der hybriden Blockchain stellt dabei bei jeder Transaktion sicher, dass diese privat ist und dennoch durch einen unveränderlichen Datensatz im öffentlichen Zustand der Blockchain verifizierbar – heißt durch das Netzwerk zu genehmigen – ist. Der Strombeitrag fließt über die monatliche Rechnung ohne Umwege an das ausgewählte Kraftwerk. Am Ende sparen Kunden und Erzeuger wie Solar,- Wasser und Windkraftwerke erhalten mehr Geld. „Wir freuen uns, dass wir eine sehr fruchtbare Kooperation mit LITION haben und neben Unterstützungsfunktionen im Service und nachhaltigen Erzeugungsbereich auch sehr viel von dem Berliner Start-up lernen“, kommentiert GASAG-Vorstandsmitglied Matthias Trunk.
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11 Sep 2018
Lition Blockchain Envisions Smart Cities and the Green Energy Revolution
Cities across the globe team up with corporations such as Panasonic, Google, and start-ups like Lition to co-develop Smart City solutions. A smart city offers two-way communications via IoT sensors and AI technology to link buildings, streets, sidewalks, and other components of an urban center, and uses the collected data to address the needs of citizens and visitors. A smart ecosystem connects all layers of a city, from the air on the street to underground sewage and water services.
Environmental sustainability and energy efficiency is one of the critical aspects of smart city innovation. In Europe, for example, the European Technology Platform (ETP) Smart Grids initiative directs vision and strategy for European green energy delivery via smart electricity networks. They aim to create an electrical infrastructure that can sustain economic growth, integrate renewable energy sources and reduce urban environmental impact. A smart grid’s two-way communication capability between a utility and its customers will allow the former to adjust precisely for consumer demand.
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6 Sep 2018
Lition veux révolutionner le secteur de l’énergie grâce à un système Blockchain pour l’échange d’énergie

Le concept de Lition : connecter l’énergie verte et les consommateurs

Le Lition Energy Exchange apporte transparence et durabilité dans le système énergétique actuellement fermé en connectant directement les producteurs d’énergie verte aux consommateurs intelligents. Grâce à la nouvelle technologie Blockchain de Lition, les producteurs d’énergie bénéficieront d’un rendement supérieur de 30 %, tandis que les consommateurs paieront 20 % moins cher. Lition rend cela possible en supprimant des intermédiaires et en mettant en place des structures d’entreprise allégées et des processus efficaces. En mars, le fournisseur d’énergie basé à Berlin a reçu des licences d’énergie difficiles à obtenir et a déjà construit une importante base de clients couvrant 11 villes allemandes.
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23 Aug 2018
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21 Aug 2018
리션 “그린 에너지 부문 블록체인 혁신 주도”
독일 그린 에너지 블록체인 거래 플랫폼인 '리션(Lition)'이 주목받고 있다. 소비자는 리션 플랫폼에서 전력 공급자와 가격을 선택해 그린 에너지 생산자와 직접 거래할 수 있다. 블록체인 기술 특성인 '스마트 컨트랙트' 기술을 활용, 제3자 중개인이 필요 없다. 21일 리션 CEO 리하르트 로바서(Richard Lohwasser) 박사는 “현재는 에너지 공급 시스템이 효율성과 가격 경쟁력이 낮고, 또 소비자들은 공식 전력 시스템에서 공급하는 에너지에 대해 잘 모르고 구매한다”며 “뿐만아니라 전력 공급 시스템이 너무 복잡하고 불투명해 소비자들이 에너지원을 정확히 파악할 수 없다. 석탄 에너지조차 ‘그린’이라는 명칭을 달고 비싼 가격에 팔리는 실정이다"며 '리션' 플랫폼의 필요성을 설명했다.
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20 Aug 2018
When It Comes to Green Energy’s Blockchain Revolution, Lition Is Ahead of the Pack
Among the vanguard companies leading the change towards a decentralized green energy blockchain system is Germany’s Lition which is working with global technology giant SAP on its blockchain solution. Their platform was developed to connect consumers directly with green energy producers and give them more choice over where their energy comes from and how much they pay for it. Because Lition is built on blockchain technology it makes the process of buying energy directly from producers much easier, since transparent smart contracts eliminate the need for third-party brokers.
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10 Aug 2018
Lition is the world’s first operational peer-to-peer energy trading platform
“Bringing power to the people,” is the motto of Berlin-based Lition, and the green energy blockchain trading platform is poised to do that globally.
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9 Aug 2018
리션(Lition), ‘P2P 에너지 거래 플랫폼’ 소개
친환경 에너지 블록체인 거래 플랫폼 '리션(Lition)'이 주목받고 있다. 이 플랫폼은 현재 폐쇄된 에너지 시스템에 투명성과 지속 가능성을 가져올 것으로 전망된다. 블록체인 애플리케이션을 통해 친환경 에너지 생산자와 소비자를 직접 연결하여 시너지 효과 창출에 기여한다.
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31 Jul 2018
Первым делом потребитель
«Принося энергию людям» — с таким девизом блокчейн-платформа Lition, продающая природосберегающую возобновляемую энергию, начинает этим летом публичный ICO.
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24 Jul 2018
“为人类带来能源”是总部设在柏林的Lition的座右铭, 绿色能源区块链贸易平台准备在全球范围内来实现这一目标。该项目为目前封闭的能源系统带来了透明度和可持续性,并在 Lition的区块链应用中直接将清洁能源生产商与消费者联系起来。该公司已经获得了德国能源供应商的许可, 并在德国11个城市建立了越来越多的客户群。 Lition的全功能平台已经在德国4100万户家庭中使用。通过绕过不必要的中间人, Lition的能源交易所为客户节省了平均20 %的电费,同时也使得电厂收入增加了30 %。
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30 Nov 2018
Verbraucher an die Macht: Die Blockchain im aktuellen Praxiseinsatz
Die Blockchain machte 2018 einen vielversprechenden Eindruck. Der Bitcoin-Boom sowie der darauffolgende Crash zum Jahresanfang katapultierten sowohl Kryptowährungen als auch die Blockchain ins Rampenlicht. Und seitdem dreht sich ein Großteil der Diskussionen in den Bereichen Technologie, Finanzen und Innovationen um dieses Thema.
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30 Nov 2018
2018年,人们纷纷看好区块链的前景。年初的比特币繁荣和崩溃让加密技术和区块链成为人们关注的焦点,此后,比特币一直是众多科技、金融和创新讨论的主要内容。主要的出版媒体争相将整个新闻团队都投入到报道加密技术, 据报道,大多数《财富》500强公司都将区块链纳入其商业模式,美国国会举行听证会,试图了解加密技术的性质。如果说2017年是比特币吸引世界关注的一年,那么在 2018年,世界将试图了解这一现象背后的技术
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News Naver
30 Nov 2018
리션(Lition) “현재의 블록체인은 일상생활에 적용 어려워”
독일의 P2P 에너지 거래 플랫폼 블록체인 기업 리션(Lition)이 '현 세대의 블록체인은 일반인들의 일상 생활에 있어서 별로 도움이 되지 않는다'는 입장을 밝혔다. 리션의 홍보 책임자 G 크리스찬은 “블록체인은 2018년에 대중에게 ‘이 기술은 우리의 삶을 송두리째 바꾸어 놓을 것이다’ 와 같은 많은 약속들을 하였다”며 “그러나 우리는 2018년을 고작 한달 남짓 남겨둔 이 시점에서 그 수많은 약속들이 정말로 이루어졌는지 확신할 수 없다”는 견해를 보였다.
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Portal do Bitcoin
30 Nov 2018
Poder para as pessoas: Implantando o Blockchain hoje
O Blockchain fez grandes promessas em 2018. O boom e o crash do Bitcoin no início do ano catapultou a criptomoedas e o blockchain para os holofotes, onde comandou grande parte das conversas sobre tecnologia, finanças e inovação desde então.
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Invest In Blockchain
30 Nov 2018
Power To The People: Deploying Blockchain Today
Blockchain made big promises in 2018. The Bitcoin boom and crash at the beginning of the year catapulted both crypto and blockchain into the spotlight, where it has commanded much of the tech, finance and innovation conversations ever since.
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Entrepreneur EUROPE
8 Nov 2018
Power to the People: How Energy Works on the Blockchain and Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention
The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently issued a stern warning: End humanity’s dependence on fossil fuels within a decade or become directly responsible for not halting irreversible climate change. Clearly we have to pay attention to climate change. And, here, one of the biggest areas we can change is the power sector; that's because, currently, 33 percent of the world’s power comes from oil, while coal is responsible for 28 percent, and natural gas, 24 percent
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FNTIMES 대한민국 최고 금융 경제지
1 Oct 2018
리티온, 블록체인∙AI 결합 플랫폼…친환경 에너지 혁명 ‘속도’
[한국금융신문 김수정 기자] 리티온 (Lition)이 블록체인과 사물인터넷(IoT), 인공지능(AI) 등 기술이 결합된 플랫폼을 내세워 친환경 에너지 혁명을 가속화하고 있다. 리티온은 블록체인과 더불어 IoT, AI 기술까지 사용자에게 제공하는 세계 최초의 블록체인 P2P 친환경 에너지 거래 플랫폼이다. 지난 3월 베를린에서 출범해 에너지 공급자 라이선스를 취득했다
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1 Oct 2018
NEWS Lition applies Blockchain Technology and AI to accelerate the green energy revolution
While governments around the world move at a snail’s pace to implement regulations to combat climate change, consumers are starting to take things into their own hands by adopting new technologies to help them reduce their energy usage and access green energy sources on their own terms. One company that offers its users the capabilities of IoT, AI, and blockchain technologies all rolled into one is Lition, the world’s first blockchain peer-to-peer green energy trading platform
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19 Sep 2018
世界は急速に都市化が進んでいます。そして2050年までに、世界の人口の60%が都市に居住すると予測されています。 都市化の進行が都市とそのインフラにますますプレッシャーを与える中、現在都市が直面する最も大きな負担の1つは、時代遅れの電力系統システムへの依存だと言えるでしょう。
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9 Aug 2018
Lition – 世界初のピアツーピアエネルギー取引プラットフォーム
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Energate Messenger
8 Aug 2018
Gasag kooperiert mit Blockchain-Plattform
Berlin (energate) - Der Berliner Energieversorger Gasag bringt Grünstrom-Anlagen in eine Blockchain-Plattform ein. Dazu kooperiert das Unternehmen mit der Lition Energie GmbH.
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7 Aug 2018
Lumenaza: 2,5 Millionen für Energiewende-Software
Der Energiemarkt wird vielfältiger: Dezentrale Wind- und Solaranlagen produzieren ebenso Strom wie große Kraftwerke, Batterien und andere Speichersysteme können die Energie konservieren.
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7 Aug 2018
Blockchain-Technologie vernetzt Konsumenten und Erzeuger direkt
Berlin (ots) - LITION verbindet Konsumenten und Erzeuger auf direktem Wege über eine eigens entwickelte Energiebörse. Die digitale Plattform basiert auf der neuen Blockchain-Technologie.
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7 Aug 2018
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Wallstreet online
7 Aug 2018
Blockchain-Technologie vernetzt Konsumenten und Erzeuger direkt
Berlin (ots) - LITION verbindet Konsumenten und Erzeuger auf direktem Wege über eine eigens entwickelte Energiebörse. Die digitale Plattform basiert auf der neuen Blockchain-Technologie. Dafür startet LITION mit Erneuerbaren Energien-Anlagen der GASAG. Die Energiebörse für Jedermann ist seit Mai 2018 auf dem Markt und kooperiert nicht nur mit nachhaltigen Erzeugungseinheiten, sondern auch bei Abrechnung und Service mit der GASAG-Gruppe.
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CryptoCool News
5 Aug 2018
Berlin-based energy start-up Lition brings power to the people
The company is already licensed as an energy supplier in Germany and has built up a growing client base in 11 German cities. Lition’s fully functional platform is already available to 41 million households in Germany. B
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19 Jul 2018
Lition is The World’s First Operational Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform
“Bringing power to the people,” is the motto of Berlin-based Lition, and the green energy blockchain trading platform is poised to do that globally..
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  Lition partners


Lition has established strategic partnerships with key industry players who provide invaluable expertise and support.

Details about our various partnerships will be released soon. Please sign up to our newsletter and follow our social channels to stay up to date with the latest developments.

  Lition roadmap


Q4 2017

  • Company incorporated
  • Initial Fundraising
  • Licensing process for electricity supplier initiated
  • Alpha version of app
  • First partnerships initiated
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Q1 2018

  • License as electricity supplier in Germany obtained
  • Energy trading platform beta-test
  • First green power plants connected to Lition Energy Exchange
  • First employees on board (4 internal and 6 external)
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Q2 2018

  • Lition tariffs are available to mass-market (>41 million households)
  • First customers connected (households and SMEs)
  • Scaling up connected green power plants to 18 GWh in Germany
  • Integration of smart reader use case
  • Business requirements for blockchain infrastructure specified
  • Design of technical blockchain architecture initiated
  • Technical advisory with SAP starts
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Q3 2018

  • Use case for electric vehicles piloted (with Chinese partner)
  • P2P use case piloted in the energy retail sector (in partnership with Asian partner)
  • Leading energy partners onboarded
  • Lition staff grows to 25 (internal and external)
  • Lition representative office opened in China
  • Technical whitepaper released
  • Blockchain prototype
  • Development with leading tech partner starts
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Q4 2018

  • Commercial readiness for electric vehicle charging use case (with Chinese partner)
  • Launch of time-sensitive tariffs for customers with smart reader
  • Expansion to Asian partners with P2P use case
  • Testnet MVP ready
  • Testnet Blockchain API
  • Testnet Dev. Toolkit, Dev & Admin release
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Q1/2 2019

  • Expansion of P2P trading use case also for large industrial clients
  • Launch of smart grid use case
  • Launch of energy-data driven recommendation use case
  • Testnet 1.0 Public release
  • First use cases migrated
  • DApp Partners onboarded
  • Team Scale-Up
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Q3/4 2019

  • Growth of partner network within energy sector
  • First pilots of regulated industries outside energy sector that deal with private data
  • Mainnet 1.0 Public release
  • Testnet Update
  • Large-scale use case migration
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  • Large-scale marketing for ecosystem
  • Worldwide commercial, large-scale use cases of industries outside of energy (mainly healthcare, finance)
  • Mainnet 2.0 Public release with full set of features
  • Read more Less





Technical Whitepaper


Press Pack

Press Pack

Dr. Richard Lohwasser

Co-Founder & CEO

Richard holds a Ph.D. in energy economics and is an international awarded IT specialist and blockchain expert. At 15, he was fluent in 7 different programming languages. At 17, he developed and founded the startup, a Top-10 website at that time in Germany, with 1 million views per day. Later he completed a 5-year university program in 3 years and graduated as No. 1 student. After founding another tech startup in California and working for 6 years as a strategy consultant for McKinsey, he was appointed the youngest director in the history of Vattenfall: a US$ 10bn European utility corporation. Directly before Lition, Richard was managing director of German operations at leading independent international energy supplier ExtraEnergie, where he was responsible for >350 employees and US$ >1bn in sales.

Dr. Kyung-Hun Ha 하경훈

Co-Founder & COO

Kyung has a strong management and IT background. He holds an MBA and Ph.D. in IT (Summa cum Laude). He has been a director for Online at Vattenfall, one of four leading multinational energy conglomerates in Germany with more than US$ 10 bn in sales. Currently, he is a senior director responsible for operations at GASAG, a US$ 1,4 bn leading energy supplier in Germany. In addition to his operational functions with Lition and his role at GASAG, he is an expert in the field of online marketing & data analytics. Prior and in parallel to his corporate career, he has successfully founded five start-ups in the tech and ecommerce sectors.

Dr. Manfred Gabriel

Board Member

Manfred has invested more than US$ 1.2bn, with 850mn from institutional investors. He holds a Ph.D. in Business. He was one of the founding partners of ADVISUM in 2001 and has since developed, raised, invested in, and jointly managed funds. He founded various start-ups and invested in more than 100 companies with approx. 35.000 total employees and a combined revenue of more than US$ 7 bn. Prior to this, he was Managing Partner at the investment firm GCI Management in Switzerland, and an account manager at Cap Gemini responsible for growing and restructuring companies in the technology, automotive and financial sectors like Deutsche Bank, BMW AG and Citigroup.

Jan Wiedenhaupt

Board Member Legal/Finance

Jan graduated in business and engineering. He has served as a founding partner and managing director of ADVISUM since 2001. He developed, invested in, and jointly managed funds for institutional investors with more than US$ 700m. As of right now, he’s been responsible for a volume of more than US$ 1 bn. Additionally, he has founded four start-ups. Before that he was a member of the management board of GCI Management Germany, a now stock listed investment firm. Earlier he served as Engagement Manager at Cap Gemini, responsible for clients like Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Telekom, and other clients in the financial and technology sectors.

Reinhard Lohwasser

Board Member Technology

Reinhard completed his master’s degree in physics and holds an MBA. He has been a partner of ADVISUM since 2006. Until now, he has been responsible for an investment volume of more than US$ 400m. Additionally he founded three startups, one together with his brother Richard Lohwasser. Before that, Reinhard worked for Lucent Technologies in various top management positions, such as Global Product Management Team Lead, where he held the profit and loss responsibility for the worldwide leader in optical multiplexer. Prior to that, he worked as a consultant for Cap Gemini, GCI Management, and Lockheed Martin, USA, in the field of atomic physics.

Stephan Vogel

Business Development Manager

Stephan has a degree in economics and a master’s degree in international business, with a strong focus on marketing and tech business processes. He is an experienced leader having worked for more than a decade as a senior project and business development manager for T.A. Cook, a leading strategy and implementation consulting boutique focused on asset-intensive industries. There, Stephan founded the Brazilian office and converted millions in sales. With his strong entrepreneurial mindset, he plays a key role in building Lition, propelling the company to be the blockchain standard for business across all industries.

Stephan Bialek

Head of Finance & Operations Manager

Stephan is a certified accountant. As a department manager at ExtraEnergie, he ensured correct billing and revenue assurance of 700.000 customers. He was responsible for more than 30 employees in the area of finance, accounting, and controlling. His excellent leadership qualities and successful optimization of operating processes were a significant benefit for the department. Stephan has also studied information systems with a focus on development, administration, and web connection of DB2 and SQL databases. Furthermore, he successfully founded an e-commerce platform for World of Warcraft.

Benni Wörpel

Blockchain Marketing Manager

Benni has a B.A. in Science and Technology and a master’s degree in integrated natural resource management. His main focus areas are renewable energy and climate change and methodology and modelling of sustainability. He is a blockchain pioneer, and is certified by the first blockchain university courses in Germany. His master’s thesis examines the implementation of blockchain technology in a carbon cap and trade scheme. Benni has marketed and partnered with various startups, and is also an early investor in bitcoin and altcoins.

Chris Kilchling

Brand & Design Manager

Chris has led branding and design across many industries. In the blockchain space, Chris served as Creative Director of Crypto Club Africa and is now responsible for all brand and design matters at Lition. Prior to this, he earned a diploma in graphic design and accumulated 15 years of multidisciplinary experience while working as a brand consultant and creative director on projects around the globe. He specializes in the development of corporate identities for forward-thinking brands in a variety of markets. Through his work, he has elevated numerous successful companies by implementing compelling and fully-integrated design and branding strategies.

Susanne Hößler

Senior Data Analyst

Susanne's working career began at AMD, where she technically supported both private and business clients. Her strong analytic mindset and technical understanding not only enabled highly efficient service, but also prepared her for nearly a decade as Data Analyst at eg Factory, a leading IT and operations service provider in Germany. Susanne led the analysis of the company's >700.000 customers. Working closely with senior tech experts and company leadership, Susanne’s data-driven approach fundamentally influenced business procedures and company decisions.

Amy Xiao

Marketing & Community Manager

Amy has worked with multinational companies for more than 9 years, and has gained tremendous experience in global sales and marketing. Her work environment has always been very international so she has excellent, customer-driven communication skills. Amy runs our Chinese social media channels and community building. Additionally, having studied international business English for several years, Amy is currently translating all relevant material about our blockchain technology for the Chinese market.

Qinwei Hao

Managing Director Lition China

Qinwei is a graduate of the renowned China Youth College for Political Sciences (中国青年政治学院), which only accepts 100 students per year. Thereafter, she earned a master’s degree in economics from the University of Cologne. She then held various managerial positions in an electrical company, where she worked for more than 7 years. Thanks to the international context she has worked in, Qinwei has developed a strong intercultural mindset which fits Lition’s global vision. As Managing Director, she is leading Lition’s Chinese branch in implementing EV charging stations in China.

Dr. Marco Borghesi

Lead Backend Developer

Marco holds a Ph.D. in Energy Engineering and an EMBA from Kellogg-WHU, a top-notch program. He is a senior venture developer and founder of various start-ups, such as Aldabra and OEEX. Marco has more than twenty years of experience in product and business development, with profound expertise in energy markets, cleantech, blockchain and IT. He consults leading energy suppliers in blockchain technology. Marco commits part of his free time to support young entrepreneurs and is a mentor in accelerator programs such as the Rockstart Energy accelerator.

Artur Basak

Lead Frontend Developer

Artur holds a B.A. in computer science. He is an outstanding specialist with strong skills in front-end development, and a deep knowledge of a vast range of technologies including blockchain. Artur started to program in the 5th grade. Currently, Artur serves as Blockchain and Fullstack Developer and has contributed an impressive number of successfully implemented projects. Furthermore, Artur is a programmer and lead software developer at *instinctools. He continues to master his skills day by day, and he enjoys sharing his profound knowledge as a teacher and lecturer.

Nastassia Metselitsa

Scrum Master

Nastassia has an extensive academic background. After her studies she started to work on various IT related topics in the sales department. After successful delivery, she moved quickly into the project management position for *instinctools clients. As Project Manager her strength lies in facilitation skills, agile approaches, time and resource management, and providing technical expertise. Nastassia is very fond of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency projects in the renewable energy sector.

Aliaksandr Zimakou

Blockchain & Frontend Developer

Aliaksandr started his career path with getting practical experience in back-end development. Thanks to an impressive number of implemented projects across various domains, Aliaksandr developed a strong skill set in front-end, full-stack and blockchain development. Aliaksandr is very enthusiastic about studying new technologies, such as Ethereum ERC20, as well as learning new programming languages. He quickly improves hard and soft skills and is able to program and lead sophisticated projects. He is also an early investor in bitcoin.

Vladislav Nickulcha

Blockchain & Frontend Developer

Vladislav has many years’ experience in software development. He started his career as a Frontend developer still being a student in Information Management and is now mastering his professional level in the blockchain development. The number of technologies he knows on a professional level is constantly increasing. Working for *instinctools Vladislav participated in more than 10 major implementation projects and got the priceless experience of communication with people all over the world.

Jan-Patrick Schulz

UX/UI Expert

Jan has a degree in communication psychology. He started his career as a consultant in communication planning for multinational clients in DACH and Eastern Europe at Initiative Media GmbH. Lately, he solely focuses on digital product development driven by user insights. He researches, designs and evaluates high-end digital user experiences. He is a professional user researcher, product designer, and innovation facilitator with 6 years’ experience in UX consulting in the energy sector and across various other markets at eparo GmbH and additional freelance engagements.

Sina Garohn

Energy Billing Lead

Sina did her dual studies in the telecommunication sector with Deutsche Telekom AG. Soon after she moved to the energy sector in which she has been working for the GASAG Group in various positions for almost a decade. She is an expert in the energy market and operational processes. Her main field of expertise are billing, controlling and team leadership. Sina is a well-recognized change, being responsible for continuous improvement, stakeholder management, process optimization and quality assurance. Sina is highly motivated applying blockchain smart contract billing solutions.

Paul Otto

Manager Controlling

Paul has a Master’s degree in Business, with a special focus on controlling and sales. After his studies he worked for Vattenfall, a leading multinational energy conglomerate. He is now working for the GASAG Group since many years. In total he has more than ten years of work experience in the energy sector, covering a wide range of expertise in B2B sales and financial controlling. As a department manager for controlling, billing and energy suppliers change management Paul has great leadership skills, but also extensive knowledge regarding financial data analytics.

Sven Lewerenz

Manager Digital Services

Sven holds a degree in Telecommunications and started his career as a technology consultant for Detecon, with international projects in Kuwait and Slovakia. He worked many years as a project manager, CIO and Operation Director for large utility companies such as the GASAG Group in Berlin. Sven has a strong entrepreneurial mindset and a passion for technology. Throughout his working life, Sven is an enthusiastic driver of the energy revolution in Germany and has designed projects for energy management solutions, smart metering rollouts and electric mobility.

Marco Radtke

Energy Billing Specialist

Marco has a B.A. in Economics and a Master in Business Informatics, with a special focus on ERP Systems, innovation and entrepreneurship. He has worked in various start-ups for the rocket internet group and has therefore a strong entrepreneurial mindset. In recent years working for the GASAG Group he gained substantial knowledge of the energy market, applied information technology and billing. During project work Marco applies best practice process modelling and agile project management tools.

Dr. Jürgen Müller

Technology Advisor

Jürgen holds a Ph.D. in IT Systems Engineering from the Hasso Plattner Institute where he was co-representative of Professor Plattner’s research chair at the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) for Software Systems Engineering, University of Potsdam, Germany. Besides numerous teaching activities, he mainly contributed to research projects in the area of In-Memory Data Management.

Jürgen is Chief Innovation Officer of SAP, the world’s leading enterprise software company with over 335,000 customers in over 180 countries and €22 bn in revenues. Jürgen has global responsibility for innovation across SAP and advises the executive board on all innovation-related topics in the tech field. As SAP's main driver for innovation, he has a deep understanding of the most recent tech trends, especially blockchain technology.

As Lition's chief advisor for innovation and blockchain technology, Jürgens assures Lition develops the most technically sound, innovative and tangible solutions to conquer the market. Therefore, Jürgen is working very closely with Richard and Kyung to plan and execute all tech and innovation decisions.

Kelly Ford

Sales & Marketing Advisor

Kelly is a serial international entrepreneur with 28 years of international marketing and strategy experience including 2 venture-funded tech startups (SiteAdvisor and Hunch) with successful exits (to McAfee and eBay). Most recently, Kelly served as Chief Marketing Officer at leading European mobile bank N26. During his marketing leadership, N26 became one of Europe’s most successful FinTechs, expanding from 2 countries to 17, growing its customer base 12x to more than 1 million, and raising in excess of $200M in venture capital.

Before N26, Kelly was CMO for PayPal in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Prior to that he served as Head of Marketing, for EBAY in New York, as Sr. Director of Marketing for MCAFEE and as Director of Media Strategy for AOL. His early career included 8 years in international brand management at the iconic Campbell Soup Company as well as several years in boutique strategy consulting to Fortune 500 clients. Kelly has an Electrical Engineering/Computer Science degree from Stanford University and an MBA from INSEAD.

Kelly’s deep experience in brand building, performance marketing and international growth strategy will be an invaluable asset as Lition builds a trusted consumer brand with global presence.

Sang-Seop Lee 이상섭

Advisor Blockchain & Energy Use Cases

Sang-Seop is working as Head of Specialists and Leading Energy Expert for the Korea Block Chain Association (KBCA), primarily conducting research and providing blockchain consulting services for the smart energy age. With his strong ties to the international energy community and profound technical know-how, Sang-Seop constantly explores the implementation of blockchain technology in the energy sectors with leading experts and executives around the globe.

Sang-Seop has worked in the tech and IT sectors at various senior executive positions for over 16 years. For seven years he has been the Head of SI Division of Gabia, one of the leading South Korean-based companies dedicated to the provision of internet infrastructure services. Prior to that, he worked as a Managing Director at Godosoft Co. Ltd., the leading e-commerce solution provider in South Korea. Sang- Seop has a Sociology degree from the prestigious Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea.

Prof. Dr. Markus Bick

Advisor for Research

Prof Dr. Markus Bick has been Head of the Chair of Business Information Systems at the ESCP Europe, one of the top tier Business Schools in Europe, since 2005. His chair of talented researchers and developers mainly focuses on the effective and efficient development and utilization of information systems like blockchain technology, as well as on the challenges and opportunities related to digital transformation. His main objective is to gather theoretical knowledge, methods and tools regarding modern digital information systems and technologies. During his tenure at ESCP Europe, Prof. Dr. Markus Bick has published countless journals, conference papers, and book contributions at highly renowned outlets worldwide. He holds a Ph.D. in Business and Information Systems from the University of Duisburg-Essen, where he worked as a researcher at the Department of Information Systems for Production and Operations Management (Prof. Dr. H. Adelsberger).

As Lition’s advisor for research, Prof. Dr. Markus Bick strongly supports Lition with the latest research insights in blockchain and key drivers for market adoption.

Eddy Travia

Advisor Digital Token Economy

Eddy Travia is a pioneer investor in blockchain technology startups and the CEO of Coinsilium, a London-based venture builder, accelerator and investor in early-stage blockchain technology companies (NEX:COIN). In July 2013, after several years in private equity in Greater China, Eddy co-founded Seedcoin, the world’s first global incubator of digital currency startups and, in May 2014, was named among the ‘Top three Most Influential Investors’ at the Blockchain Awards. Eddy has led early-stage investments in 17 blockchain companies around the world. He also regulary delivers keynote speeches on blockchain and advises corporates and financial regulators.