WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System 1
Louis DN, Ohgaki H, Wiestler OD, Cavenee WK (Eds.)
WHO Classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System.
4th Edition
International Agency for Research on Cancer: Lyon 2007

C70, C71 and C72 - Tumours of the central nervous system:

Astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumours
    9440/3 Glioblastoma
        9441/3 Giant cell glioblastoma
        9442/3 Gliosarcoma
    9401/3 Astrocytoma, anaplastic
    9424/3 Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
    9430/3 Astroblastoma
    9381/3 Gliomatosis cerebri
    9400/3 Astrocytoma, NOS
        9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma
        9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma
        9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma
    9400/3 Diffuse astrocytoma
        9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma
        9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma
        9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma
    9400/3 Astrocytoma, low grade
        9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma
        9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma
        9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma
    9400/3 Cystic astrocytoma
        9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma
        9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma
        9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma
    9400/3 Diffuse astrocytoma, low grade
        9420/3 Fibrillary astrocytoma
        9410/3 Protoplasmic astrocytoma
        9411/3 Gemistocytic astrocytoma
    9421/1 Pilocytic astrocytoma
    9384/1 Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
    9444/1 Chordoid glioma
    9444/1 Chordoid glioma of third ventricle
    9431/1 Angiocentric glioma

    9450/3 Oligodendroglioma, NOS
    9451/3 Oligodendroglioma, anaplastic
    9382/3 Mixed glioma

Ependymal and choroid plexus tumours
    9383/1 Subependymoma
    9383/1 Mixed subependymoma-ependymoma
    9391/3 Ependymoma, NOS
        9391/3 Cellular ependymoma
        9393/3 Papillary ependymoma
        9391/3 Clear cell ependymoma
        9391/3 Tanycytic ependymoma
    9394/1 Myxopapillary ependymoma

    9390/0 Choroid plexus papilloma, NOS
    9390/1 Atypical choroid plexus papilloma
    9390/3 Choroid plexus carcinoma

Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumours
    9492/0 Gangliocytoma
    9505/1 Ganglioglioma, NOS
    9505/3 Ganglioglioma, anaplastic
    9493/0 Dysplastic gangliocytoma of cerebellum (Lhermitte-Duclos)
    9412/1 Desmoplastic infantile astrocytoma
    9412/1 Desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma
    9413/0 Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
    8693/1 Extra-adrenal paraganglioma, NOS
    8693/1 Nonchromaffin paraganglioma, NOS
    8693/1 Chemodectoma

Tumours of the pineal region
    9361/1 Pineocytoma
    9362/3 Pineoblastoma
    9362/3 Mixed pineal tumor
    9362/3 Transitional pineal tumor
    9362/3 Pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation

Embryonal tumours
    9470/3 Medulloblastoma, NOS
        9474/3 Large cell medulloblastoma
    9470/3 Melanotic medulloblastoma
        9474/3 Large cell medulloblastoma
        9500/3 Neuroblastoma, NOS
        9490/3 Ganglioneuroblastoma
        9501/3 Medulloepithelioma, NOS
    9508/3 Atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor

Primary central nervus system lymphomas (PCNSL)
    9930/3 Myeloid sarcoma

Germ cell tumours
    9064/3 Germinoma
    9070/3 Embryonal carcinoma, NOS
    9071/3 Yolk sac tumor
    9071/3 Hepatoid yolk sac tumor
    9100/3 Choriocarcinoma, NOS
    9080/1 Teratoma, NOS
        9080/0 Teratoma, benign
        9080/3 Teratoma, malignant, NOS
        9080/3 Immature teratoma, malignant
        9084/3 Teratoma with malignant transformation
    9085/3 Mixed germ cell tumor

Tumours of cranial nerves
    9560/0 Neurilemoma, NOS
    9560/0 Acoustic neuroma
    9560/0 Pigmented schwannoma
    9560/0 Plexiform schwannoma
    9560/0 Cellular schwannoma
    9560/0 Degenerated schwannoma
    9560/0 Ancient schwannoma
    9560/0 Psammomatous schwannoma
    9540/0 Neurofibroma, NOS
        9550/0 Plexiform neurofibroma
    9571/0 Perineurioma, NOS
    9571/0 Intraneural perineurioma
    9571/0 Soft tissue perineurioma
    9540/3 MPNST with glandular differentiation
    9540/3 Epithelioid MPNST
    9540/3 MPNST with mesenchymal differentiation
    9540/3 Melanotic MPNST
    9540/3 Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
    9540/3 Melanotic psammomatous MPNST

        9531/0 Meningothelial meningioma
        9532/0 Fibrous meningioma
        9537/0 Transitional meningioma
        9533/0 Psammomatous meningioma
        9534/0 Angiomatous meningioma
        9539/1 Atypical meningioma
        9530/3 Meningioma, malignant

Mesenchymal non-meningothelial tumours
    9161/1 Haemangioblastoma
    9150/1 Hemangiopericytoma, NOS
    9150/1 Hemangiopericytic meningioma
    9120/0 Hemangioma, NOS
    9133/1 Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, NOS
    9120/3 Haemangiosarcoma
    9140/3 Kaposi sarcoma
    8850/0 Lipoma, NOS
    8861/0 Angiolipoma, NOS
    8880/0 Hibernoma
    8850/3 Liposarcoma, NOS
    8815/0 Solitary fibrous tumor
    8810/3 Fibrosarcoma, NOS
    8830/3 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma
    8890/0 Leiomyoma, NOS
    8890/0 Plexiform leiomyoma
    8890/0 Lipoleiomyoma
    8890/3 Leiomyosarcoma, NOS
    8900/0 Rhabdomyoma, NOS
    8900/3 Rhabdomyosarcoma, NOS
    9220/0 Chondroma, NOS
    9220/0 Enchondroma
    9220/3 Chondrosarcoma, NOS
    9220/3 Fibrochondrosarcoma
    9180/0 Osteoma, NOS
    9210/0 Osteochondroma
    9180/3 Osteosarcoma, NOS

Melanocytic lesions
    8728/0 Diffuse melanocytosis
    8728/1 Meningeal melanocytoma
    8720/3 Malignant melanoma, NOS
    8728/3 Meningeal melanomatosis

Tumours of the sellar region
    9350/1 Craniopharyngioma
        9351/1 Craniopharyngioma, adamantinomatous
        9352/1 Craniopharyngioma, papillary
    9582/0 Granular cell tumor of the sellar region