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Optimal Trajectories by Implicit Simulation
NASA Glenn Research Center
Cleveland, OH

Welcome to the OTIS homepage

The OTIS web site is the primary means for obtaining the latest version of OTIS4. Past versions of OTIS are neither maintained nor available to the public.

OTIS is a general purpose trajectory optimization program. It can and has been used to support analysis for a variety of vehicles and missions, including aircraft, spacrcraft and launch vehicles. The generality of OTIS4 allows users to define their own variables, objective function, and constraints, and equations of motion. OTIS4 is also capable of optimizing the trajectories of underwater autonomous vehicles and classic control problems such as the brachistochrone and supersonic aircraft minimum-time-climb.

OTIS is currently at version 4.0.18. OTIS4 was the 2008 recipient of NASA's Software of the Year Award.

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Date of Last Site Update: July 2016