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A Freedom Fighter to His Last Breath
Robert Faurisson, Demonized Skeptic who Battled for the Right to Doubt
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Robert Faurisson and Michael Hoffman at the conference of the Institute for Historical Review, Irvine, California, 2002
Robert Faurisson and Michael Hoffman at the conference of the Institute for Historical Review, Irvine, California, 2002

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French Professor Robert Faurisson died of heart failure at his longtime home in Vichy, France on October 21. His life was like something out of Alfred Jarry by way of André Breton, a surreal circus in which clowns and stage magicians, barkers, burlesquers and fire-eaters, incessantly circled and mobbed the one sane person under the Big Top.

Faurisson’s sanity was an expression of his conscience and though an atheist, the historical parallels are unmistakable: Thomas More refusing on principle King Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn; Martin Luther rejecting submission to the commands of Emperor Charles V: “Here I stand. I can do no other.” Faurisson could do no other. Compromise and surrender were not in his DNA. Above all, he admired men and women who would not recant their doubts in the face of the loss of good name, bank account, career, freedom, and life itself.

Those who sneer at the professor for his “unforgivable” doubts about the existence of the holy execution gas chamber relic in Auschwitz, seldom deny that, with the exception of death, he suffered all of the other penalties for the “crime” of his skepticism. His enemies say that he merited those severities. They honor skepticism toward the dogmas they despise, and despise skepticism toward the dogmas they honor. They have made a great saint of out Galileo and an evil cretin out of Faurisson. One need not be an “anti-Semite” to note the bankruptcy of this double standard.

Faurisson’s Inspiration: Paul Rassinier

In the media’s search for the roots of Faurisson’s supposed “anti-semitism” and “neo-Nazism” (because no one can doubt The Holy Truth except from anything other than impure motives), the name Paul Rassinier is seldom permitted to intrude on the cartoon-like demonization process. It was Rassinier who was Faurisson’s spiritual and intellectual mentor. A member of the anti-Nazi French resistance, he was arrested by the Nazis, brutalized and interned in the Buchenwald concentration camp. After the war, Rassinier served briefly in the French National Assembly. In the 1950s he was deeply disturbed by what he regarded as unconscionable exaggerations of Nazi crimes, including claims of mass death by poison gas. He expressed his views in The Lie of Ulysses: A Glance at the Literature of Concentration Camp Inmates (1950), and The Drama of the European Jews (1964), among other works.

Faurisson’s study of Rassinier’s work led him to a passionate interest in his doubts and questions. To explain away this freethinking curiosity and healthy skepticism in terms of the pathology of Jew-hate, is a cheap and pathetic trick. In the 1960s Rassinier admonished Faurisson, who was a dedicated amateur athlete, “Stop the tennis and the skiing and get to work.” And work he did, un travail de bénédictin, inspiring people on the Left and Right of all races and religions, from Henri Rocques and Roger Garaudy, to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Dieudonné M’bala M’bala.

After obtaining his doctorate from the Sorbonne, Robert served as Professor of French Literature at the University of Lyon, where he taught classes on the 19th century symbolist poets such as Arthur Rimbaud, authenticated disputed texts, and became an authority on the misanthropic, 20th century dystopian novelist, Louis-Ferdinand Céline.

Céline’s friend and factotum, Albert Paraz, the chemical engineer turned writer, penned an introduction to Rassinier’s Ulysses, which led Robert in 1980 to turn to a cache of Céline’s letters published by the distinguished Gallimard press in Paris as Lettres á Albert Paraz. In one of these, reproduced on p. 276 of the book, Céline wrote the following: “(Rassinier) tends to cast doubt on the magical gas chamber. That’s quite something!”

This is a seemingly minor observation, but Robert never forgot it and repeated it in one form or another throughout his life. Céline remains a towering presence in French literature and his early intuition that there was some fabulous superstition at the heart of the homicidal gas chamber allegations, led Faurisson to the actual gas chamber at San Quentin prison in California, where he contrasted the monumental gassing apparatus there, with its massive, submarine-like door, and extraordinary, hours-long measures for safely decontaminating the chamber, with the alleged gassing facility explained as having been in operation in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Robert considered the explanation for the supposed homicidal gas chambers in Poland as “magical.” Céline’s witticism became part of his lexicon.

Faurisson entered the national scene in France 1978 after its leading newspaper, Le Monde, published his incendiary essay, “The Problem of the Gas Chambers, or the Rumor of Auschwitz.” In the United States this would be the equivalent of publication in the New York Times. Faurisson’s fate was sealed henceforth. He would either become the Doubting Thomas of Europe, or he would collapse and recant under the immense pressure and strain of the savage reaction of enraged true believers. As we know, he compounded his “heresy” further in the coming years and pressed onward with virile indifference toward the harassment and torment with which he was afflicted.

Faurisson and the Left

Though it is said by the fake news purveyors that he found a home on the extreme Right (the New York Times of Oct. 22 writes, “His notoriety only grew through an endless cycle of articles in the far-right press”), Faurisson was promoted and published by a minority of notable Leftists as well, including Pierre Guillaume and Serge Thion, who welcomed his scholarship. His 1980 volume, Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m’accusent de falsifier l’historie: la question des chambres de gaz, with a preface by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Noam Chomsky, was issued by the Marxist publishing house, La Vielle Taupe.


Why this support from some on the Left? They reasoned that the homicidal gas chamber genocide-narrative serves to forever place every crime of capitalism in a trivialized and subordinate category. “No matter how many civilians the U.S. government killed in Iraq it can’t compare to what the Germans did to the Jews,” is the cliché. Certain Leftists consider the inculcation of this mindset a tactic for the perpetual minimization of the crimes of all other forces, in particular plutocracies and oligarchies. If the gas chambers said to have been used to execute a million human beings in Auschwitz were an imposture, then some on the Left believed it was necessary to say so.

Another of Robert’s friends and colleagues was Judaic-Austrian Ditlieb Felderer, an eccentric though brilliant forensic researcher who had been a refugee as a child in the Second World War. After obtaining residency in Sweden, Felderer as an adult converted to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. He became a top researcher for them and was dispatched to study the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp, where Witnesses had been interned. He made more than a dozen trips, beginning in 1978, and took thousands of rare color photos of the museum’s “exhibits,” where he discovered to his shock, that many were fake. Felderer shared his research with Faurisson. (Felderer was excommunicated by the Witnesses for publishing his findings).

Attempting to force Faurisson into a political category to which he did not subscribe or belong, is a way of falsifying the reality that like Felderer, he was a pursuer of truth wherever it leads, and however it may surprise or appall. Unjustly assigning to him a devotion to “far-Right” ideology is intended to buttress the propaganda that he had ulterior “Fascist” or “anti-Semitic” motives. This device was employed at its most asinine level on October 22 by one Ethan Epstein, associate editor of the neocon-Republican newspaper, The Weekly Standard, wherein Epstein hallucinated the following: “Faurisson took the usual Holocaust denial line: it never happened, but it should have. One of the ironies of Holocaust denial is that it is an allegedly ‘objective’ historical inquiry, yet is embraced exclusively by those with an animus towards Jews. That suggests that Holocaust deniers are fully aware that they are lying.”

Mr. Epstein puts forth enormities that we must accept on his authority: Prof. Faurisson believed Judaic people should have been exterminated. Everyone who denies that they were exterminated has “an animus toward Jews” and is “fully aware” that they were exterminated. This is the patter of a carnival buffoon.

Zündel Trial, 1985
Confuting the “eyewitnesses” and the “expert”

Beginning in 1983, German-Canadian publisher Ernst Zündel came under intense pressure from the government of Canada for claiming that the crimes of the Nazis had been distorted out of all proportion to reality. In that year his right to mail literature was suspended by the government (he was forced to travel hundreds of miles from Toronto to Niagara Falls, New York to avail himself of a post office). In 1984 the government of Canada announced that Zündel would be prosecuted for “false news” for having published the booklet, Did Six Million Really Die? All the resources of the state were employed to assemble a formidable prosecution team consisting of “Holocaust survivor eyewitnesses,” and “one of the world’s leading experts on the Holocaust,” Dr. Raul Hiberg, author of the three volume Destruction of European Jewry. The intent was to have Zündel imprisoned for two years.

The smart money put odds on Zündel being found guilty in a matter of days, his defense disgraced and debunked. After all, like the implanted meme says, “How can you deny the Holocaust?”

But that’s the wrong question to ask. Whether or not the fact of the mass murder of Judaic persons by the Nazis qualifies as planet earth’s only officially certified Holocaust™ is not the issue, it is rather a linguistic diversion—the product of the minting of an Orwellian neologism. The Soviets, Maoists, Protestants, Catholics, African animists, Aztecs, Conquistadors, Ottoman Turks and Americans in Iraq, have all committed mass murder. The revisionist skeptic in actuality poses this question: was the murder of Judaics an unprecedented, mass chemical-industrial extermination employing poison gas?

If the answer is no, then there is very little that is unique about Nazi mass murder. It is of the same barbarity as Soviet and Maoist massacres. Faurisson devoted his life to this question on scientific and technical grounds, while doubting the official story, beginning with many of the principal fables upheld at the Nuremberg trials.

The odds-makers had it backwards. The 1985 Zündel trial turned out to be an extraordinary overthrow of the pompous assumptions of the disciples of the Nazi gas chamber extermination dogma. The “eyewitnesses,” under expert cross-examination by Doug Christie, powered by Faurisson’s intricate knowledge and command of the facts, admitted that they had not seen what they had claimed to have seen. They confessed in court they had only heard rumors and seen nothing approaching a gassing. This was an astounding turnabout.

The chief witness for the prosecution, Prof. Hilberg, that giant of Holocaustianity, found himself debating Prof. Faurisson, through defense attorney Christie’s Faurisson-informed cross-examination. Robert sat at the defense table, regularly providing Christie with texts and documents which reduced Hilberg, the “authority” whose knowledge could not be questioned, to a quivering pile of self-contradictory nonsense, and simultaneous startling revelations (there is “no scientific evidence for the gassings” was one of his confessions). This writer reported the trial from the press gallery. The contest was one for the history books: the first debate on the homicidal gas chambers between a revisionist professor and a “Holocaust” professor, wherein the latter was defeated by the former, lending weight to the probability that the gassings’ imposture maintains credibility only in a vacuum where no contradictions, challenges or cross-examinations are permitted.


Faurisson was a man of the Enlightenment. He was no “hater.” While at Zündelhaus I remember sharing a snack with him and a couple of World War II German army veterans. Robert was talking and he paused to try and recall the name of Julius Streicher, the Nazi-era publisher in Germany of the infamous Jew-hating newspaper, Der Stürmer. He asked us, “Who was that man who wrote those disgusting things about the Jews?” There was no one at the table he was trying to impress or needing to deceive, just one American revisionist and two combat vets of the German military. He was at his ease. If it had been his custom to disparage Judaic people, he would have expressed it on that occasion as a matter of habit, or one of the other times I conversed with him or overheard his conversation out of camera and microphone range. On the contrary, this was the humane tenor of Robert’s private chats. The primitive antediluvians consumed by hatred for him made themselves believe that his soul was as shriveled as their own. They were wrong.

The 1985 Zündel trial will remain Robert Faurisson’s finest hour. He paid dearly for it. In 1989, at age 60, he was assaulted in a park near his home by what the New York Times on Oct. 22 described as “the Sons of Jewish Memory.” The Times reports without elaboration that he was “beaten.” In truth Faurisson was severely beaten about the face and required reconstructive surgery. His attackers were not prosecuted. As soon as he was fully recovered, he was back on the barricades—becoming the Kafkaesque Man—always on trial, repeatedly prosecuted in dozens of cases in France for committing thought crimes and sacrilege against The Holy People (“offending the memory” etc.). He recounted to me his time in jail only in terms of the kindness and courtesy shown to him by his French-Muslim guards. He was more often fined than jailed. The financial toll was considerable. His life was in many respects impossible. Insults to his faithful wife, her expulsion from her Catholic choir, the reputational damage to his children and siblings—it was unending. Of course he became unemployable as a professor.

France’s “Faurisson Law”

In 1990, with him in mind, the French National Assembly passed the Faurisson law, otherwise known as the Fabius-Gayssot Act, criminalizing the expression of public doubts about the execution gas chamber claims. Here was a national law specifically legislated to gag one man!

After Robert was removed from his university professorship due to the enactment of Fabius-Gayssot, he challenged the legislation as a violation of his right to freedom of speech under the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.” The “Human Rights Committee” upheld his condemnation however, while the French courts ruled that the Gayssot Act was constitutional. This from a nation that had criminalized Calvinist and Huguenot theology in the 16th and 17th centuries, and then turned around and made Catholic theology a capital offense in the late 18th century. It seems that in France the inquisitor’s ignominy is ineradicable. No wonder then that when Muslims are sanctimoniously lectured about their “misplaced” rage over blasphemy against Mohammed, they respond by wanting to know how it is that Faurisson’s “blasphemy” of the gas chambers is illegal in France while attacks on their Prophet are protected speech.

L’Affaire Garaudy/Abbé Pierre

By December of 1995 Faurisson’s research had become the basis for the celebrated French intellectual Roger Garaudy’s 1995 book, Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne (“The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics”; caveat: the second edition, published in March, 1996 is self-censored). Garaudy feared citing Faurisson by name as the source for major portions of his book. This tactic did him little good. It was obvious to the enemies of freedom that Garaudy’s source was Faurisson’s published work. The Zionists and their media were exceedingly alarmed by this development, given Garaudy’s standing in French letters. He became the target of the usual libel and harassment. Their panic grew when an illustrious Catholic joined the fray.

In early 1996 the elderly Abbé Pierre, founder of the acclaimed philanthropic “Emmaus movement” and the among the most heralded and esteemed of Catholics in France, boldly came to Garaudy’s defense. It was a remarkable moment. This monk dared to say that the number of deaths at Auschwitz had been exaggerated, and that there should be debate on the question of the existence of Nazi homicidal gas chambers. Abbé Pierre informed the publication La Croix: “No longer to be able to speak a word about Jewish affairs across the millennia without being called an anti-Semite is intolerable.” In the newspaper Liberation he was quoted as saying that after he offered support for Garaudy’s position, he had seen at the Brussels airport people coming spontaneously to meet and encourage him; he stated that these people told him: “Thank you for having the courage to challenge a taboo.” He added that he hoped, “People will no longer let themselves be called anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic for saying that a Jew is singing out of tune!”

Alas, his bravado was met with such a hurricane of hysteria that it wasn’t long before Abbé Pierre was compelled to leave France and go into hiding in an Italian monastery. He declared to the newspaper Corriere della Serra,“The Church of France has…intervened so as to silence me through the pressure of the media, motivated by an international Zionist lobby.” A lynch mob atmosphere led to Abbé Pierre eventually requesting mercy by taking back his words and asking to be free from relentless harassment. He wrote:

“Anxious to Live the Truth, free of any duress, seeing my words relating to the works of Roger Garaudy, especially the book Les Mythes fondateurs de la politique israélienne…I have decided to retract my words, referring the matter entirely to the opinions of the Church experts; and, asking pardon of those whom I may have offended, I wish to leave it to God to be sole judge of the rectitude of everyone’s intentions.”

Dr. Faurisson had been engaged with the storm of controversy swirling around Garaudy and the Abbé from early 1996, when Garaudy’s publisher had privately entreated him for documents and other evidence whereby Garaudy, whose contingency planning prior to publication of his book had been inadequate at best, could defend his thesis.

It is worth quoting at some length Robert’s analysis of the affair, beginning with the sorry spectacle of the Abbé ’s capitulation: “He thus retracted his words. He confessed his sins. He begged the world’s pardon and went to the point of describing himself as being ‘free of any duress.’…Later, he would say to Professor Léon Schwartzenberg: ‘I ask your pardon’ (Le Figaro, August 22, 1996). Later still he would choose a means typical of the media to try to obtain the pardon of the Jews and a return to grace with the press. In the issue of Faits & Documents (Facts and Documents]) of October 15, Emmanuel Ratier wrote: ‘Abbé Pierre has truly made his teshuva (Jewish penitence) regarding his support for Roger Garaudy.

“…The Garaudy/Abbé Pierre affair has created the usual witch-hunt climate maintained by the media in general and the newspaper Le Monde in particular. Over the past several months, all sorts of other ‘affairs’ of the same kind have followed on the heels of one another in France, in which the victims have been suspected of having committed the mortal sin of revisionism. Let us cite, by way of example, the case of Olivier Pernet, Professor of Philosophy in Lyon, that of Marc Sautet, a promoter of philosophy cafés, that of Raymond Boudon and Bernard Bourgeois, members of the French Society of Philosophy, that of Noelle Schulman, teacher of physical chemistry at a college in the Yvelines…

“Nevertheless, on September 2nd and 3rd, Le Nouveau Quotidien (de Lausanne), published a well-informed study of revisionism in the light of the Garaudy and Abbé Pierre cause célèbre. The author J. Baynac confirmed that the revisionists, whom he called ‘negationists,’ had plenty of reason to rejoice over this scandal which had ‘changed the atmosphere in their favor.’ He noted that, as for the adversaries of the revisionists, ‘disarray has given over to consternation’…and that, since the beginning of ‘the Faurisson affair’ in 1978-1979, historians had preferred to opt out: they ‘have scattered.’

“…Baynac considered that, in order to prove the existence of the Nazi gas chambers, they had depended too heavily on witnesses, something which was ‘ascientific.’ As for scientific proof, he recalled the statement by Jewish-American historian Arno Mayer in 1988: ‘Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable.’ Then, going even further, he said that it was necessary to have the frankness to recognize that on the matter of documents, traces, or other material evidence proving the existence of the said gas chambers, there was quite simply… nothing!”

Concerning Garaudy and Abbé Pierre, Faurisson, a seasoned veteran of the brutal Zionist war on free thinking, added this trenchant and indeed profound observation: “Two octogenarians who believed that they knew about life and men, discovered suddenly with the surprise of children that their past existence had actually been, on the whole, rather easy. Both of them over the space of a few days had had to withstand an exceptional trial: that which Jewish organizations inflict as a matter of course on individuals who have the misfortune of provoking their wrath. There is in this, on the part of these organizations, neither plot nor conspiracy, but something in the order of ancestral reflex. The media, which are devoted to them and would have to pay dearly were they to do anything contrary to their wishes, know how to mobilize against the ‘anti-Semites,’ which is to say against persons who, with some exceptions, do not hate the Jews, but are hated by them.”

Faurisson and Revisionism in Iran

A decade later, in December, 2006, Prof. Faurisson’s research had obtained so great a reception in the Islamic Republic of Iran that a World War II revisionist history symposium was hosted by that nation, led by Robert. It was a great success and made headlines around the world. In 2012 Faurisson achieved the unimaginable, being the first revisionist historian ever to be honored by a head of state, when Mahmoud Ahmedinjad, the President of Iran, conferred upon him a medal for his “courage, resistance and fighting spirit.” More recently Dr. Faurisson was discovered by a new generation of the young French avant-garde, among them internationally known African-French satirist and comedian, Dieudonné M’bala M’bala.

French people are sometimes viewed as complicated, difficult, humorless and prolix. But when the peculiar genius of the French manifests, it does so in a spectacular burst of defiant individualism personified by men I have dubbed the “The Four Musketeers” of the modern age: Antonin Artaud, L.F. Céline, Marcel Lefebvre and Robert Faurisson.

There is a streak in the French national character that caused Le Monde to prominently publish Faurisson’s doubts in 1978, something that would have been nearly impossible in the New York Times, or any other major American newspaper. Robert garnered allies from elite ranks of French society: the aforementioned Pierre Guillaume and Serge Thion, and Henri Rocques, whose PhD. dissertation at the University of Nantes in 1985 challenged the claims of gas chambers in Belzec; Bernard Notin, Prof. of Economics at the University of Lyon; this writer’s French publisher, Jean Plantin, and others who shall for the present remain anonymous. Despite draconian laws, revisionism in France (prejudicially termed “negationisme”), has what Thomas Molnar termed “sociological presence,” perhaps more so than in any other country, including Britain and America. Faurisson did not achieve this alone, but it would not have been possible without him. Moreover, throughout the world the scholars and activists he has influenced and inspired are innumerable.

While in full command of his mind and body, for the better part of Robert’s last days on earth he was visiting his birthplace in Shepperton, England, where he gave a speech amid some seventy friends and well-wishers, after which he returned to his home in France, where he died peacefully and painlessly. What a tribute to him from that God in whom he did not believe.

Robert Faurisson, 1929-2018. Requiescat in pace.

Michael Hoffman is the author of The Great Holocaust Trial: The Landmark Battle for the Right to Doubt the West’s Most Sacred Relic, which was banned by Amazon on August 13.

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  1. Rational says:


    Thanks for the excellent eulogy for a great Holocaust scholar, Sir.

    If somebody showed me evidence that my ancestors were not really genocided, I would be glad. But not the Judaists.

    Because they WANT to believe they are holocaust survivors, as that is the most holy thing for them, as it helps them understand why God made them “chosen”.

    Holo = whole. Caust = burn.

    Avram tried to kill his own son Issac and offer him as burnt offering, holocausten, Korban Olah to Yahweh. Yahweh stopped him and therefore so declared him as chosen.

    Genesis 22:2: “offer him there for a holocaust upon one of the mountains”

    Issac was therefore the first holocaust survivor.

    Torah says repeatedly, that Yahweh loves the smell of burning flesh—Korban Olah.

    Per Wikipedia article on Korban and its subtype, called Olah:

    “The Hebrew noun olah (עֹלָה) occurs 289 times in the Masoretic Text of the Hebrew Bible…………..It means “that which goes up [in smoke]“..

    “Olah’s traditional name in English is “holocaust”, and the word olah has traditionally been translated as “burnt offering.” The term was translated as holocauston in the Septuagint. Today, some English Bible translations render the word as holocaust, and others translate it as “burnt offering”.


    So when people deny the Holocaust, they are denying that Judaists are “Chosen”–and Judaists do not like that.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Miggle
  2. all Faurisson and the rest of the Denialists accomplished

    was give the Jews another opportunity to do their favorite thing:

    play the Victim.

    and not a day goes by when I don’t damn Adolf to hell and back

    for starting in on the Jews

    and not finishing. Like Faurisson et al., the Nazis

    did Zion a vast and terrible favor.

    which (((they))) have since parlayed

    into complete, destructive dominion over the White Nations.

  3. anon[165] • Disclaimer says:

    if the Holocaust is a lie, is it the biggest lie of all time?

    • Replies: @Wally
    , @phil
  4. Anonymous[343] • Disclaimer says:

    But Teh Jews are Chosen, the Jew Testament says so! “The people of Israel, chosen.” (Romans 9:4) Almost as annoying as the Jews with their holocaust are the Jew-worshipers with their very similar “persecution” complex on which they score reward points (Matthew 5:12) for use during the afterlife in a magically-floating Jewrusalem. Muh martyrdom!

  5. Anonymous[120] • Disclaimer says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    Anybody who opposes the Jews is akshually assisting them. So very edgy.

  6. tac says:

    Robert Faurisson with Gilad Atzmon:

    • Replies: @eah
  7. Wally says:

    As was originally announced three days ago, I posted news of his death at shortly thereafter.
    The great Dr. Robert Faurisson has passed.:
    Dr. Faurisson after an attempt on his life by Jews, only liars do this:recommended:

    “After the war, many Jews stayed in Europe and many others scattered throughout the world, settling in nearly sixty countries. So it was that in the late 1990s the teams put in charge by Steven Spielberg of gathering survivors’ testimonies had to go to nearly sixty different countries to record the said testimonies on video”

    Dr. Faurisson was quite aware that The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds. See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

  8. Woe betide the sinner who steps on the toes of thin-skinned tyrants. I haven’t read enough into the narrative that is not to be questioned to render an opinion, but I deeply admire anyone who persists in questioning any Holy Narrative and notions of infallibility. I’d like to think that there are legions of skeptics out there with the courage and strength of character possessed by the late Robert Faurisson, but few, I suspect, are willing to give up the comforts of civilization and place their heads into the jaws of the totalitarian Komodo Dragon. A most interesting read.

    • Replies: @Wally
  9. Respect says:

    Michael Hoffman , I am reading your book ” The occult Renaissance Church of Rome ” and I find it very very interesting , thank you for your book , it is a great work .

  10. What I miss is Rassinier being a member of the French socialist party, when being a resistance fighter in France.
    That Rassinier was brutalized in Buchenwald and Dora, I did not find it in his book I have, though of course concentration camps were not holiday camps.
    But he describes very brutal behaviour by the autonomous camp management.

    After WWII Rassinier was thrown out of the French socialist party, his crime was that he explained in great detail the deaths in the concentration camps.
    These camps were autonomous, as the Warsaw ghetto was autonomous, Poliakov describes it.
    The camp management was about 25% of those in the camps, they ate well, up to 3500 kcal a day, Elie Wiesel confirms this.

    Rations in the camps were higher than what the allies allowed German civilians after WWII.
    But, ‘thanks’ to the overconsumption of the camp management the 75% got so little food that they died after six months.
    Rassinier stayed alive because his wife sent him food every week, as he writes ‘food was the money in the camps, you could buy anything with food, such as staying in the hospital, or not being forced to work’.

    The camp managements of course consisted of those thrown into the camps first: socialists, communists and ordinary criminals.
    After WWII Rassinier was thrown out of the French socialist party, of course the camp deaths could not be the fault of socialists, the Germans did it.

    • Replies: @Hans
  11. anonymous[367] • Disclaimer says:

    “The financial toll was considerable. His life was in many respects impossible. Insults to his faithful wife, her expulsion from her Catholic choir, the reputational damage to his children and siblings—it was unending. Of course he became unemployable as a professor. »

    Thank you for this brilliant piece. I don’t even know her first name but, I’d argue that it would have been almost impossible for a man to keep on fighting, to never surrender, to never betray the truth w/o having on his side a woman with such a character. Even when one believes in God – Abbé Pierre is a very good example – it seems that very,very few indeed can withstand what Professor Faurrison , always with great dignity, managed to do.

    Mrs Faurrison deserves a biography – or at least an article, written, of course by you –Mr Hoffman.

    Maybe then “our feminists” will learn what means to be a woman and that a woman can “stand by his man” when he isn’t a war criminal, an American president(I’m repeating myself) and a well-known rapist , but just a man of character, like the great Professor Faurisson.

    Men and women with character are very rare indeed. Maybe if you write that biography or article, we, les Abbés Pierres of this world, will learn something.

    What’s their secret ? Is there a secret ?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @anarchyst
  12. Miggle says:

    Torah says repeatedly, that Yahweh loves the smell of burning flesh—Korban Olah.

    But doesn’t the “burnt” of “burnt offering” simply mean roasted? G-hyphen-d loved the aroma of the holocaust, didn’t he? Probably not the smoke of burning flesh but the savor of roast lamb.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  13. Miggle says:

    A fabulous article on Robert Faurisson. Michael Hoffman, thanks!

    • Agree: eah
  14. “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.”

  15. Anon23 says:

    Michael Hoffman, excellent article! How wonderful to see this homage to Faurisson, whose work and courage will be remembered.

    • Agree: Moi, RVBlake
  16. Hans says:
    @jilles dykstra

    For details on life in the concentration camps, see National Socialist Concentration Camps – Legend and Reality By Jürgen Graf –

    An excerpt:

    3.5. Terror by Criminals and Communists

    The mixing of political and criminal inmates could have frightful consequences for the politicals, since the criminal inmates were often the dregs of the underworld, creating a veritable reign of terror in many camps. Whether the camp administration recruited the “Kapos” (trustees) from the “Reds” or “Greens” was a matter of life or death to many inmates. Austrian Jewish Socialist Benedikt Kautsky, who spent the years between 1938 and 1945 in a number of different concentration camps (Dachau, Buchenwald, Auschwitz and, once again, Buchenwald), wrote the following in relation to terror by criminal inmates:[60]

    “Whether the criminals or political prisoners ruled a camp was a matter of life and death for ordinary inmates. In Buchenwald or Dachau camps, the responsibility incumbent upon the camp officials [recruited from] the ranks of the politicals was allocated as skillfully as possible; many SS – attacks were nipped in the bud, sabotaged or robbed of their effectiveness by passive resistance. Other camps under the leadership of criminals, such as Auschwitz and Mauthausen were hotbeds of corruption, where the inmates were cheated out of their rightful allocations of rations in food, clothing, etc. and furthermore mistreated in the grossest manner by their fellow inmates.”

    Other former concentration camp inmates have painted a darker picture of the camp officials recruited from the ranks of the political prisoners. Paul Rassinier, French resistance fighter and founder of Holocaust revisionism, described the terror of Communist inmates in Buchenwald in his book Le Mensonge d’Ulysse, written in 1950. Those inmates tyrannized other, non-Communist inmates and robbed them of their food packages, which was equivalent to a death sentence for many of them.[61] In a U.S. Army report drawn up following the liberation of Buchenwald states that the Communists gradually took power away from the criminal Kapos and – to some extent in collaboration with the SS – killed many inmates. They were said to have been responsible for a large proportion of the brutalities in the camp and were said to have controlled the distribution of food packages.[62] That the camp administration failed to take sufficiently energetic steps to put an end to the actions of the criminals and Communists must be considered a serious act of negligence.

    [62] Egon W. Fleck and Edward A. Tenenbaum, Buchenwald: A Preliminary Report, U.S. Army, 12th Army Group, 24 April 1945. National Archives, Record Group 331, SHAEF, G-5, 17.11, Jacket 10, Box 151 (8929/163-8929/180), quoted according to M. Weber, op. cit. (note 2), p. 293f.

    Fleck & Tanenbaum’s report is available at

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  17. And now his watch has ended.

    RIP sir

  18. @anonymous

    ” Of course he became unemployable as a professor. » ”
    A special law came in France with the obligation to fire holocaust deniers.

    • Replies: @renfro
    , @Wizard of Oz
  19. There is a streak in the French national character that caused Le Monde to prominently publish Faurisson’s doubts in 1978, something that would have been nearly impossible in the New York Times, or any other major American newspaper.

    That’s because the French are an intellectually serious people and they treat their intellectuals like the Americans treat their entertainers and athletes.

  20. Anonymous[574] • Disclaimer says:

    You might want to peruse this article that includes this quote from the Bible:

    “Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God.”

    Ritual Human Sacrifice in the Bible
    (Why does God want me to burn animals and humans?)

  21. @Haxo Angmark

    I think you are wrong to say Faurisson gave the jews a new opportunity to appear as victim.

    It is clear to any observer that would listen to Faurisson and learn about the physical assaults he was victim of, that the victim has been him (as were the other revisionnists).

    The reports of Faurisson death by the french media and politicians has been abject, to say the least; as usual, they overplay their hand.

    • Replies: @Mike P
  22. Wow their’s a revisionist in an Austrian prison for more than 15 yrs and still not free.

    The nouvelles de Wolfgang Fröhlich

    Who remembers that a new trial concerning him had begun in the utmost discretion on March 26, 2018 in Krems (Austria)? Indeed, how could one justify before a public opinion that finally begins to wake up the fate of Wolfgang Fröhlich, incarcerated for 15 years for “crime of thought”?

    The Austrian justice wanted Wolfgang Fröhlich, 67, chemical engineer graduate, is declared incapable of discernment because ‘ it continues to support its technical report ‘ expert questioning the ‘ existence of gas chambers, and the prosecution considers its insistence on submitting his thesis to forensic evidence is the product of ‘ a deranged mind.

    Since about 1995, Wolfgang Fröhlich has sent to magistrates, members of the Austrian Parliament and thousands of politicians and newspapers documents in which he declared that the alleged Nazi gas chambers were a LIE (his word). Surprisingly it n ‘ was no real trouble then.

    Then, in 2001, when ‘ he has published a book of 368 pages titled Die Gaskammer Lüge , his arrest has been decided, but it s ‘ is subtracted from the research. It seems that the police n ‘ then had not shown great zeal to find him.

    From his trial;

    Aufdenblatten (Prosecutor): “In your opinion were mass gassings with Zyklon B technically possible?”

    - Fröhlich: “No.”

    – Aufdenblatten: “Why not?”

    – Froehlich: “The pesticide Zyklon B is hydrocyanic acid absorbed in a granular-shaped carrier substance. It is released through contact with the air. The boiling point of hydrocyanic acid is 25.7 degrees [Celsius]. The higher the temperature, the more rapid is the rate of evaporation. The delousing chambers in which Zyklon B was used in NS [German wartime] camps and elsewhere were heated to 30 degrees and higher, so that the hydrocyanic acid would be released rapidly from the carrier granules. However, in the half-underground mortuaries of the Auschwitz-Birkenau crematories, where witnesses claim that mass killings with Zyklon B took place, the temperatures were very much lower. Even if one allows for the warming of the spaces by the body warmth of the hypothetical prisoners, the temperature would not have been more than 15 degrees, even in summer time. Consequently, it would have taken many hours for the hydrocyanic acid to evaporate. “According to eyewitness reports,
    the victims died very quickly. The witnesses mention time frames of ‘instantaneous’ to ‘15 minutes.’ To be able to kill the gas chamber prisoners in such a short time, the Germans would have had to use ridiculously large amounts of Zyklon—I estimate from 40 to 50 kilograms for each gassing. This would have made any work in the gas chamber fundamentally impossible. The special-detachment [Sonderkommando] people, whom the witnesses say were assigned the task of clearing out [dead bodies] from them [the gas chambers], would have collapsed immediately upon entering the rooms, even if they were wearing gas masks. Enormous amounts of hydrocyanic acid would have streamed out into the open, and would have poisoned the entire camp.”

    But then he’s just a chemical engineer what would he know compared to ‘Historians’ like Hilberg and Van Pelt.

    Auschwitz’s dead it’s just a matter of time before some respectable main stream historian comes out and points out the nudity of the emperor.

  23. A previous comment of mine made on the great Holocaust thread.

    If 1.1 million Jews were gassed in Auschwitz then Rudolf Hoess the commandant would have confessed to exactly that number not the wild 2-3.5 million figure unless you are telling me that he didn’t know how many were gassed and that the Germans were unable to keep a cumulative tally of how many they gassed which is preposterous. Why would Hoess exaggerate the figures as if 1.1 million isn’t a crime enough. This very fact should tell you how worthless his ‘confession’ is.

    Secondly if 1.1 million Jews were gassed in Auschwitz then we would have a detailed and technical description of the gassing from Hoess but what do we have? In his first confession we find that the Zyklon B gas was released from shower heads an utterly ridiculous idea which just shows that the people drafting his ‘confession’ were unaware of the fact that Zyklon B came in the form of pellets not gas. A few weeks later when they became aware of that fact they changed the story to the ridiculous holes in the roofs of Krema 2 & 3 holes which don’t exist! But then this stupid procedure was discontinued in Krema 4 & 5 and the utterly absurd procedure of throwing Zyklon B through a window with Grills was adapted!! The fabricators of the gassing story didn’t know that the crystals degas very slowly thus making the retrieval of the still degassing crystals after a mass execution impossible. These fabricators were also unaware that the crystals have to spread out evenly in order for the gas to diffuse evenly through the room thus rendering the throwing them into a room full of people criminally stupid. The Americans were aware of this and in their gas chambers had the crystals dropped into sulphuric acid to release the gas instantaneously.

    Had Hoess wanted to gas Jews in Auschwitz he had the best weapon on hand the automatic Zyklon B blowers which were there in the delousing chambers. This machine automatically opened the can of Zyklon B crystals and blasted it with hot air thereby accelerating the gassing process. With this machine both the problems of retrievability and even diffusion are solved but no the Nazis behaved like monkeys trying to Juggle balls. You know why they didn’t use this blower because the fabricators of the gassing hoax had no idea how technically retarded it was to use Zyklon B pellets to gas humans enmasse.

    The reason we don’t have a coherent and technically feasible description of the gassing from Hoess is simple – he didn’t know as he had not gassed anyone and that’s the same reason Leuchter and Germar didn’t find any trace of Cyanide in the ruins of Krema 2 – there weren’t any gassings there. None of the ‘sonderkommandoes’ ever report on cherry red corpses which are the result of Cyanide executions. Add to this the mind boggling stupidity of holding mass gassings using Zyklon B in a crematorium where the ovens were allegedly working 24/7 when Zyklon B is an explosive gas albeit in higher concentrations. This would be ruled out purely on safety basis but all this was not known to the hoaxers. If the Nazis were gassing millions there would have been a wealth of technical literature on it discussing optimum conditions, safety protocols, quality controls, product evaluation, toxicological reports and they would have experimented with lots of gases, they had already weaponized nerve gas and they would have surely experimented with them on the Jews. But what do we have Pesticide and that old Soviet diesel engine – LOL

    Combine this with the coke usage, cremation capacity the Bletchley park intercepts which show nothing untoward Auschwitz is dead. It’s just a matter of time before some reputed main stream historian announces that the emperor has no clothes.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @utu
  24. Mike P says:
    @like a frog

    Have a look at Haxo’s website for evidence that he is not entirely rational about this whole thing.

    • Replies: @Wally
  25. @Haxo Angmark

    Hitler tried to stop the jews from doing what they have succeeded in doing: Destroy Europe and Europeans everywhere. They have succeeded despite Hitler and the Nazis, not because of them.

  26. anon[389] • Disclaimer says:

    i dont know much about the supposed Holocaust but i can’t help noticing that the “deniers” sound very credible

  27. anarchyst says:

    Today’s new “religion” is “holocaustianity”–the religious dogma that 6,000,000 jews were turned into lampshades, soap, or shrunken heads.
    This “belief system” is so pervasive, “shrines” to “holocaustianity” have been built, all over the world, even in countries where this “act” never took place.
    Add to that, these “shrines”, quite often are funded with taxpayer dollars, which technically is illegal and unconstitutional in the USA.
    This “religion” even uses the court systems in various countries to punish non-believers, akin to the Salem witch trials or Spanish inquisition. These “kangaroo courts” are so blatant in their demands that non-believers “repent”, they resort to using a questionable legal doctrine of “judicial review” in which TRUTH that runs counter to the “official belief system” CANNOT BE ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE AND WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED OR ENTERED INTO THE RECORD BY THE COURTS. If this isn’t “witch trial quackery” or inquisition-style proceedings, I don’t know what is.
    Monika Schaefer and Ursula Haverbeck are but two “dissenters” from “holocaustianity” who are doing “hard time” in German maximum-security prisons for seeking TRUTH by questioning “holocaustianity” claims.
    The “holocaustianity” believers and promoters are “kicking the holocaustianity ball down the road” with their latest scam. You see, according to two jewish psychologists, “holocaust transference syndrome” is the concept that “holocaust” dreams and anguish are not only inheritable, but can be transferred to non-related individuals, but only by and to jews. These two jewish psychologists advocate that holocaust “reparations” be extended to these (and future) “survivors” of the so-called “holocaust”.
    It is long overdue to put the holocaust industry out of business.
    It is said that “the light of day is the best disinfectant”. Put all of the “holocaust” claims on the table for all to see…and let the chips fall where they may…

  28. Another bogeyman has died. I heard the gigantic collective sigh of relief from the ADL, and felt the wind from it.

    RIP M, Faurisson.

    • Replies: @anon
  29. Rich says:

    The French are an intellectually cowardly people because they allowed a law to stand that denies free speech and academic freedom. Imagine a law that prevents one from pursuing the truth? Ridiculous.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  30. anon[389] • Disclaimer says:

    sounds like you were gassed, maybe apply for reparations

  31. anarchyst says:

    There is NOT ONE DOCUMENT outlining any extermination plan for jews or others. In fact, prominent Zionists collaborated with the German government and formulated plans at the highest level of the German government for the transfer of jews to what was then known as Palestine. Absolutely nothing about extermination.

    Official International Red Cross figures for all camp deaths total around 731,000-NOT 6 million. In fact, population totals pre-WW2 and post-WW2 show an INCREASE in the jewish population in post-WW2 Europe immediately after the cessation of the war.

    If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD IT KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would it build camps hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical, recreational and other ancillary facilities? Would it not have been easier to just eliminate them without going through all of this trouble? Why would they expend massive effort on logistical movement utilizing their limited energy resources if the goal was extermination? Things do not add up.

    Something BIG stinks in this whole jewish holocaust deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made deals with the German government in order to make life uncomfortable for jewish Germans. In fact, it was jewish Zionist leaders who first proposed that all jews wear the yellow Star of David armband so that they could be easily identified. German jews considered themselves Germans first and had no desire to emigrate.

    The establishment of a homeland along with the 6,000,000 figure was a Zionist dream since the 1800s. Many periodicals of the day starting with the 1800s touted the “six-million” figure.

    What better way to encourage emigration to a foreign land than to make things difficult for the cream of German society (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish holocaust is out . . .

    As cremation of ONE human body takes hours, the amount of time claimed by holocaust promoters is a physical, scientific and statistical impossibility. Their claims also do not account for the “downtime” that crematoria require for maintenance, etc. In addition, there are no mass burial sites that are commensurate with the claims of “six-million” or even “one-million”. There is also a jewish prohibition on excavation of claimed possible burial sites. WHY? Because THEY DO NOT EXIST. There is even a prohibition on the use of ground penetrating radar to search for burial sites. WHY?? If millions were gassed and cremated, the activities would have lasted well into the 1950s.

    The so-called jewish holocaust has been turned into a de-facto religion (“holocaustianity”)in which no deviation from orthodoxy is permitted. In fact, in most European countries, independent investigation into jewish holocaust truths is strictly forbidden under pain of fines and imprisonment. In the USA, things are not quite as bad, only job loss and personal and professional destruction at the hands of those of the tribe that FEAR the real truth of the jewish holocaust being exposed is evident. A questionable judicial “trick” used in holocaust trials is that of “judicial notice” in which TRUTH CANNOT BE USED AS A DEFENSE OR ENTERED INTO EVIDENCE IN THE KANGAROO COURTS THAT PROSECUTE THOSE WHO DARE TO INVESTIGATE THIS HISTORICAL EVENT. Judicial notice, once invoked against a defendant, disallows the introduction of evidence that does not conform to “commonly accepted beliefs” about the “holocaust”, EVEN IF THE EVIDENCE EXPOSES THE “HOLOCAUST” LIES AND FABRICATIONS THAT CAN EASILY BE DEBUNKED. A question for you holocaust promoters-why are there laws that criminalize the search for truth?? What are you afraid of??

    When the truth about this historical event comes out, it will change much of the world’s perception about those that are using this event as a cash cow that keeps on giving. . . there’s NO business like SHOAH business. Zionist complicity in this event is carefully covered up.

    A good example of present-day censorship is the fate that awaits those that dare question official jewish holocaust orthodoxy. Most European countries have criminalized ANY line of thought that deviates from the official jewish holocaust story. WHY?? In fact, TRUTH is no defense when it comes to all things holocaust. Ask noted WW2 researcher David Irving, who was forced to recant TRUTH in order to avoid punishment.

    The latest “vicitms” of “holocaustianity” are Ursula Haverbeck and Monika Schaefer, both are grandmothers who have been prosecuted and sentenced to maximum-security prison in Germany for “incorrect thoughts”.

    If people only knew of the planning that took place (among those of the chosen) to engineer the jewish holocaust, there would be a pogrom of massive size. You see, the jewish holocaust was necessary in order to force the establishment of a jewish state. In this case, the ENDS justified the MEANS. There have been many holocausts of much greater misery throughout human history, yet the jewish holocaust is the only one that counts . . . It is interesting to note that the term “holocaust ” to mean “mass extermination” was never used during or immediately after WW2, only coming to vogue in the 1960s, when it was noted that “guilt” could be assigned and reparations could be procured.

    Look at the deification and commercialization of the so-called jewish holocaust while the much larger communist (true) holocaust is conveniently forgotten. To assure a continuing supply of jewish holocaust survivors, jews are tattooing their ATM (oops, I mean camp numbers) on their children and grandchildren. In addition, jewish psychologists have come up with a new concept, and disease-holocaust transference syndrome”. You see, only jewish children and grandchildren of jewish holocaust survivors are infected with this disease and should also be considered holocaust survivors, eligible for holocaust reparations. According to these jewish psychiatrists, even unrelated individuals can be “infected” with this “malady”.

    Since the Zionist jews declared war on Germany in 1933 (yes, 1933), the Germans had no choice but to complete the Zionist plan of marginalizing German jews (to say the least).. This fulfilled the Zionist plan of forcing German jews to emigrate to Palestine while making the world grant jews a homeland-Israel. It is interesting to note that the German boycott of jewish businesses lasted for one day, whil the jewish boycott (actually the jews’ declaration of war on Germany) started in 1933 and lasted until the summation of WW2.

    Zionists have been predicting a jewish “homeland” for the last two-hundred years while predicting a holocaust of 6 million for the same amount of time. The ACTUAL number of non-combatant deaths in the European theater of operations is approximately 731,000, NOT 6 million (official International Red Cross figures). The International Red Cross had full access to all of the camps for the duration of the war, yet reported NOT ONE INSTANCE of extermination or mass murder.

    Regarding that holocaust showplace, Auschwitz, there are engineering inconsistencies in the design of the so-called gas chambers. The doors are not of a gas-tight design; it would have been impossible to retrieve the bodies, and there is no means to ventilate the rooms after the so-called gassing took place. There is a gas chamber chimney that is not connected to anything. From an engineering standpoint, these are very serious errors that would have caused the deaths of the operators of these supposed gas chambers. As Germans were excellent engineers, it is difficult to observe the glaring engineering errors that presently exist in these camps.

    American execution expert, Fred Leuchter travelled to Auschwitz, surreptitiously obtained samples from the purported gas chambers, had them tested and published his results. The absence of Prussian blue (ferricyanide) in ALL of the samples, save one, was PROOF that the gas chambers did not exist. The one positive sample was taken from a room used to disinfect clothing. In fact, the chimney for the supposed gas chamber does not connect to anything.

    Mr. Leuchter was rewarded for his search for TRUTH by his professional and personal character assassination by those of the tribe. He lost all of his federal and state contracts, and was prosecuted under an obscure Massachusetts law for practicing engineering without a license-a law which had never been used vindictively before or since. . .After his report was published, he was harassed by Israeli “deep state” types (mossad) who he successfully “outed”.

    It is no secret that after WW2, the Soviets attempted to create the death camps for propaganda purposes. Yes, there was extreme deprivation and suffering, many people perished. The prime cause of death was typhus. As allied bombings destroyed most of the infrastructure, typhus was at epidemic levels. THIS is what caused the massive amounts of human deaths . . .NOT gassing.

    It is interesting to note that, before the camps were liberated by the allies, the camp occupants chose to flee with the German troops, rather than be “liberated” by the Russian allies.

    It is said that “the light of day is the best disinfectant in the search for truth” Unfortunately this quote does not apply to “all things holocaust”. It appears that there are those “holocaust” promoters who are afraid of the TRUTH. Hence the prosecution and incarceration of those who dare question aspects of this historical event.

    I urge all holocaust believers to check these things out for yourselvesIF YOU DARE. You will not like what you find.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    , @Anonymous
  32. The revisionist skeptic in actuality poses this question: was the murder of Judaics an unprecedented, mass chemical-industrial extermination employing poison gas? … If the answer is no, then there is very little that is unique about Nazi mass murder. It is of the same barbarity as Soviet and Maoist massacres.

    Hell, without the poison gas story, the ‘holocaust’ would be a lot like what’s happening right now on the West Bank or in Gaza.

    • Agree: renfro
  33. anarchyst says:

    The search for TRUTH in the face of considerable obstacles is always difficult. God bless the Faurissons…and all who search for truth.

    • Replies: @tac
  34. eah says:

    I especially recommend the video ‘A Revisionist Life’ — the part where he talks to tourists at Dachau — people interested in this subject should take the opportunity now to download these videos, as they will probably not always be easily available.

    Sad to hear of his death — a man of great courage and intellectual integrity, with a sense of humor too.

  35. @Hans

    My list of books on jewish persecutions before and in WWII is nearly forty.
    ” That the camp administration failed to take sufficiently energetic steps to put an end to the actions of the criminals and Communists must be considered a serious act of negligence. ”
    There hardly was a camp administration, the only thing Germans were interested in was that each morning enough workers appeared for work, this was the task of the autonomous camp leaders.
    All books written by former camp inmates state that the SS guards hardly ever entered the camps.
    One of course may blame the German government for lack of control, however, here was a country fighting for its very existance, fighting a war they blamed jews for.
    So, if German officials knew what went on, did not care what went on, or did not want to know what went on, anybody’s guess.
    I’ve seen copies of letters complaining that jews were missing, but if these were genuine, and if any action was taken, not clear.
    One thing is clear, the German jew Klemperer, never deported, he lived in Dresden, knew nothing about gas chambers
    BTW, his description of the bombing of Dresden, maybe as horrible as the Cambodian killing fields.
    Victor Klemperer, ‘I will bear witness, A diary of the Nazi years, 1942-1945’, New York 1999

    • Replies: @Wally
  36. @anarchyst

    The Final Solution was very simple, concentrating all jews temporarily in work camps, after the war deporting them to Madagakar, where they would have to take care of themselves, isolated from the rest of the world, to prevent parasitism
    Hans Jansen, ‘Der Madagaskar Plan, Die beabsichtigte Deportation der europäischen Juden nach Madagaskar’, München 1997
    Hans Jansen is (was ?) Dutch, collaborator of the Wiesenthal Centre in Brussels.

    Neufeld and Berenbaum, editors ‘The bombing of Auschwitz’, 2000, New York
    has as an appendix a copy of the meeting of the Jewish Council in Jerusalem, end of 1944, when the Auschwitz industries, synthetic rubber, oil and aircraft fuel, were bombed from N Italy.
    The meeting, Ben Gurion present, also the USA consul, the question; should the camps be bombed ?
    Answer: no, it might be that jews got killed.

    • Replies: @Wally
  37. @Rich

    You’ve no idea of jewish power in France.
    Former president Sarkozy is a jew, though formally catholic, former president Hollande is a jew, president Macron worked for the French De Rothschild Bank, I suppose he’s a jew.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Anon
  38. @Grahamsno(G64)

    Indeed the French admire intellectuals, their intellectuals are not always bright.
    After Faurisson’s article in Le Monde, in fifteen years time nog having found any evidence for gas chambers, some 24 French intellectuals answerded that these gas chambers must have existed, six million jews died.
    Faurisson’s reply was not published.

  39. Wally says:

    Yes, the laughable & easily debunked ‘holocaust’ narrative is a lie and it is the biggest scam of all time. Simple.

  40. Wally says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    I guess if you are stupid enough or paid enough to believe in the fake ’6M Jews’ then you could say that Jews are “victims”.

    BTW, the 6M lie has been claimed by Jews since at least 1823. Oops.

    • Replies: @anastasia
  41. Durruti says:

    Nice article by Michael Hoffman.

    Even mentioned Dieudonné.

    Please Pay Attention!

    I am not an anti-Semite; I like Arabs.

    The overwhelming majority of Jews are not Semites (peoples from the Middle East). If you do not like Jews, you do not like Jews, but it is highly unlikely that you are an anti-Semite.

    Linguists of the world unite! Just what was the plot of Orwell’s 1984?

    The actual anti-Semites are the Zionist Land Thieves, who denigrate, steal from, and murder Semites, by the millions.

    Do you recall when Netenyahoo said (in front of Ms. Merkel), that Palestinians were responsible for the Holocaust? Do you wish to hear what Meir Kahane’s proto-Nazi ‘Jewish Defense League’ said about Arabs?

    One of many sources for the origins of Jews is Arthur Koestler’s “The Thirteenth Tribe.” Koestler worked on a Kibbutz in the 1930s, and suffered in 3 Concentration Camps. He had a habit of telling the truth.

    ***It is about time that the ‘experts’ of Jewish History, (as well as the ‘experts’ of the History of the Middle East), learned to live up to that label.*** ‘Experts’ do not fail to accurately identify the very origin of their subject.

    The Zionist claim to Semitism, is a key part of their claim to a portion of the Middle East. The misuse of the term – also impedes its correct use – to condemn imperialist Zionism.

    The mis-directional use of the label “anti-Semite” must be corrected if one wishes to clarify the issues confronting humankinds worst crime, that of the ongoing ethnic-cleansing (elimination) of the Palestinian People. In 2018, all other crimes branch from this one crime.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  42. Wally says:
    @Unrepentant Conservative

    ” I haven’t read enough into the narrative that is not to be questioned to render an opinion …”

    So why haven’t you?
    After all, you are being robbed on a daily basis because of The Big Lie.

    No excuses now, the necessary information is readily available. Investigate and help put an end to this outrage.

    The ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ are scientifically impossible frauds.
    See the ‘holocaust’ scam debunked here:
    No name calling, level playing field debate here:

    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
  43. Wally says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Thousands of known Jews lived in Berlin throughout the duration of the war.

  44. Wally says:
    @Mike P

    Indeed, see Haxo Angmark shot down repeatedly here:

    American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz:

    It’s no contest.

  45. Wally says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Today the phrase “final solution” has been morphed into the false meaning of ‘extermination of Jews’.

    However, that phrase was in common usage relating to Jews, even by Jews:

    “I owe my permission to submit the Zionist plan for the final solution of the Jewish Question.”
    - an early father of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, letter to the Czar, November 22, 1899.

  46. Yee says:

    There’re 3 narratives that cannot be challenged in the West – Hitler, Stalin, Mao.

    If you can buy the Stalin and Mao narratives, why not the “Hitler killed 6 million”? They were trotted out to you by the same bunch of people…

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  47. It won’t end until, 1) the Third Temple is built in the from the ashes of the Dome of Rock of bricks of all the world’s gold, precious stones and metals, 2) the world government is permanently seated in Jerusalem with extrajudicial powers, 3) the world bank is established in the same city with rights endowed to create fiat money, 4) the acceptance of the Twelve Tribes as the lords of the untermensch, 5) the coming of the moshiach.

    • Replies: @St. Longinus
    , @Anonymous
  48. Anon[425] • Disclaimer says:

    Robert was talking and he paused to try and recall the name of Julius Streicher, the Nazi-era publisher in Germany of the infamous Jew-hating newspaper, Der Stürmer.

    But even Hitler and many Nazis despised Streicher as too extreme. He was so nutty that ‘respectable’ Nazis kept their distance from him. There’s a famous footage where Hitler refused to shake Streicher’s hand.

    While many details of Shoah have been proven to be false, I don’t find it surprising that Nazis carried out horrible exterminations.

    Even regimes without genocidal ideologies carried out mass horrors. Turks against Armenians, Soviets against Poles, US and Japan against one another in Pacific sphere.

    Nazis did have an ideology of extermination, so what did they do with a lot of Slavs and Jews in the Eastern Front? Bloodbath. Most Jews were shot to death, but the Holocaust Industry stressed gassing to make Nazi crimes seem more sinister.

  49. renfro says:
    @jilles dykstra

    ” Of course he became unemployable as a professor. » ”
    A special law came in France with the obligation to fire holocaust deniers.

    No need for law in US….the Jew’s ZOA get everyone fired here:……200 more examples where these came from.

    ZOA to CNN & Temple University: Fire Bigot Jew-Hater Marc Lamont Hill
    October 24, 2018

    ZOA Praises U. of Mich.: Punishes Pro-BDS Prof. – As ZOA Urged
    Date: 10.10.18

    ZOA’s Mort Klein Book Review: Geraldo Rivera Writes Anti-Israel Book – Fox Should Fire Him | Breitbart
    August 2, 2018

    ZOA Demands Expulsion of Stanford Student Who Threatened Physical Violence Against Zionists (Jews)
    July 26, 2018

    ZOA to William Paterson Univ.: Terminate Professor Teaching Anti-Semitic Lies
    June 13, 2018

    ZOA to MSNBC: Fire Joy Reid for Anti-Semitic Comments & Conspiracy Theories
    June 11, 2018

    ZOA: By Co-opting “Never Again” Title for His Book Opposing Guns, David Hogg Trivializes the Holocaust
    April 24, 2018

    JTA: ZOA Calls On Secy/State Tillerson to Resign Over Israel-Hating Report On Terrorism
    July 25, 2017

    ZOA Condemns Wells Fargo, AT&T, American Air, Verizon, Prudential, Staples, Hosting Anti-Semite Roger Waters
    June 23, 2017

    ZOA to Sen. Gillibrand: Cancel Bigoted CUNY Commencement Speaker Sarsour
    April 26, 2017

    ZOA Strongly Criticizes Pope Francis Comparing European Refugee Centers to “Concentration Camps”
    April 25, 2017

    ZOA Condemns Evangelical Lutheran Church for Supporting Anti-Semitic BDS
    September 6, 2016

  50. @Grahamsno(G64)

    That’s because the French have been Judaized in a manner different from how the Americans have been Judaized.

  51. @Reuben Kaspate

    Are the “Noachide Laws” somewhere in that list?

    • Replies: @Reuben Kaspate
  52. utu says:

    That he could not provide description how the Zyklon B was delivered is a pretty good point.

    Do you have link to transcripts form his testimonies and his autobiography to see the evolution of his stories?

    • Replies: @Wally
  53. anastasia says:

    A truly exceptional man. There was no presumption in him, a truly rare quality. There are not many like him walking around on this earth. I am hoping in Unz that I have found another.

  54. crimson2 says:

    I don’t believe he died. Just another Nazi play for sympathy. If he’s dead, let’s see the death certificate, pictures of the body. Let his corpse be examined. But the Nazis won’t let anyone near him and we know why.

  55. anon[216] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Former president Sarkozy is a jew

    hurry up and interbreed with the invaders, you obstinant cattle

  56. anon[216] • Disclaimer says:

    one of the obozo appointees placed a picture of Mao on the wall in the White House

    can you image the uproar if an employee did the same with Hitler?

    why the double standard?

  57. anastasia says:

    How could you be “surprised” after all that indoctrination?

  58. anastasia says:

    The Jews were victims as the Japanese were victims. It’s not a nice thing to be ripped from your home and put in a concentration camp. If you are old, it is not likely you will survive it. Nor was it fun for the Japanese to be put in concentration camps, but it was worse for those in German concentration camps as bombs were falling everywhere in Germany, unlike the USA.

  59. anon[216] • Disclaimer says:

    the question that never gets asked is what would have happened to you if you were an American living in Japan when the war broke out?

  60. JLK says:

    It seems like the mainstream gas chamber narrative was thrown together with the aid of torture by elements of the Allied intelligence services after the war. It is important to understand that intelligence-fostered myths come with their own mechanisms of repression, and the anti-free speech laws that we see Europe are not direct expressions of Jewish power, they are the remnant of a lingering occupation as well as from real concern among the leadership in those countries of a public backlash if the truth came out. They had a lot to apologize for. On the other hand, a lot of people were hung or imprisoned for a long time because of the gas chamber narrative and the postwar hysteria that accompanied it.

    Jewish groups don’t run the USA, but they have a seat at the table of the elite, and their own portfolio of responsibilities. Certain promises have been made to such groups over the years. Maintaining the Nuremberg conclusions are among those promises.

    There was chaos after the war, and no one really had a handle on the number of Jews that were missing. Information from the Soviet zone was hard to come by and mostly propaganda. The Russians extracted confessions from Germans under torture and tried to charge Germans at Nuremberg for the Katyn forest massacre among other things. They actually charged and tried to execute Germans on the basis of murdering Jews using a nuclear explosion, electrocution conveyor belts, steam chambers and other fantastic stories. They overestimated the casualties at Auschwitz by at least 300% and made it a crime or career suicide to question the figure for 45 years.

    The initial news reports had gas chambers at most of the concentration camps. After a few years, honest military administrators in the British and American zones debunked the stories as far as the camps in the Western zone were concerned. That left the camps in the Soviet zone. Auschwitz and the Bug River camps in Eastern Poland became the center of the gas chamber narrative.

    I think the balance of evidence weighs in favor of the revisionists in the case of Auschwitz, as there is little to no physical evidence that the buildings in question were used as gas chambers, and plenty of evidence of torture, and mendacious, vindictive eyewitnesses.

    Parenthetically, I think we should all take a moment to reflect on how people who were uprooted, systematically stripped of their assets and used as slave labor in concentration camps had a damn good reason to be vindictive. Nevertheless, honest historians should weigh accounts for such bias.

    The Bug River camps (Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor, Chelmno) are another question. Revisionists such as David Irving and David Cole think there may have been large scale intentional exterminations in these camps. Other revisionists think they were transit camps in which Jews were deloused, robbed of any valuables they may have had sewn into their clothes and sent to smaller satellite camps in the East. There have been recent news stories that close to 40,000 small labor camps may have existed. Those in these smaller camps may have died of disease and starvation, opportunistically killed by Poles or Ukrainians in the chaos of the war and the Soviet liberation (probably more common than is currently reported, and in everyone’s best interest to blame on Nazis during the Communist years), or migrated to the Soviet Union after the war. There are numerous reports of the Soviets evacuating Jews before the Wehrmacht arrived and prominent Polish Jews such as Menachem Begin who ended up in Palestine via the Soviet Union. Solzhenitsyn’s book “200 Years Together,” which was banned from the English language discussed these evacuations.

    Information is still coming to light 28 years after the liberation of Eastern Europe from communism, and the Auschwitz narrative is very much in play as a political football in international politics behind the scenes (and it’s not the only national mythology football out there to be played for leverage). Knowledge of the frame-up gives Russia leverage against being pushed too far into an economic corner. It gives Poland leverage to keep more Polish interwar and postwar crimes like Jedwabne and the Kielce pogrom out of the Western press and to keep Poland at the center of Rumsfeld’s “New Europe.” There are signs that Jewish leaders have pressured groups to back off from a clamor for reparations claims against Poland that started appearing a few years ago, together with veiled articles in the Israeli press to the effect that we don’t control the Auschwitz narrative. There is an article in the Israeli press quoting Ephraim Zuroff of the Wiesenthal Center on concerns that new administrators of the Polish camp museums aren’t on board like they used to be. The chief rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich has asked Jewish American groups to back off from criticizing Poland so he could handle to matter “internally.” There has been a strange silence from such groups since then. There is plenty of smoke if one looks closely. There have also been articles in the Russian and British press that could have been staged as tweaks, or reminders that the Sword of Damocles hangs over the Israelis if certain national interests are ignored.

    I don’t know the totality of what happened to the Polish Jews, but it is quite clear that anti-semitism was at a fever pitch in Poland during and after the war, particularly in the eastern zone that was briefly occupied by the Soviets in 1939-1940. The same is true for the Western Ukraine. Jewish scholars in Israel and the US have no doubt learned new things since the fall of Communism regarding the actions of Poles and Ukrainians during that period, that justly should be brought to light (as should the crimes of Communism, in which Jews most certainly played a major part) if we are to learn from history. If Jews were more widely dispersed in work camps during this period, there is very likely a big part of history that rightfully should be re-written. Cutting deals to preserve the official narrative has its price.

    How many Jews died in WWII? I don’t know and don’t want to hazard an uneducated guess. I do know that millions of lives were ruined as people had to start over again in foreign countries, in poverty doing manual labor in many cases instead of being able to use their native language and occupations. That is a tragedy that shouldn’t be forgotten.

  61. phil says:

    I consider myself to be a Holocaust Revisionist and–until something better comes along–a Darwinist. When one considers the tale of Christianity and what (probably) actually happened during those days in Judea more than 2000 years ago, and all the wars and trials and politicking ever since, I would hesitate to call lies in defense of the official Holocaust story to be the greatest lies of all time. And to think of how primitive the conditions were in Judea and how FEW the number of people involved in the telling of the original tale.

    • Replies: @anon
  62. ” Bug River camps in Eastern Poland ”
    J.G. Burg, Schuld und Schicksal, Europas Juden zwischen Henkern und Heuchlern, München, 1962
    Jew Burg, nom de plume for Ginsberg, was in the large jewish camp under jewish management E of the Bug near Brest Litovsk.
    No mention whatsoever of gas chambers, not even of killing jews.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  63. tac says:

    Link to Faurisson’s letters, interviews, books, blogs and various aricles:

    This is the transcript of Faurisson’s interview in Tehran, Iran from 2006:

    alternative link:

    In case YouTube takes down the Faurisson documentary here is the bitchute copy:

  64. @anastasia

    Itis not a nice thing when your medieval town is bombed at night, also with phosphorus bombs, your house destroyed, your whole family dead.
    Some two million German civilians, most of them women, children, and old men, died by allied bombing.
    A fire in a medieval daub and wattle house town leads to a fire storm.

  65. @Anon

    There never was an Armenian genocide
    ‘The Armenians in the Late Ottoman Period’, edited Türkkaya Atatöv, Ankara, 2002.
    About this German ideology of extermination, any proof ?

  66. @Durruti

    Shlomo Sand, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’, London, New York, 2009, 2010 (Tel Aviv, 2008, hebrew)
    Kevin Alan Brook, ‘The Jews of Khazaria’, 1999 Northvale

    • Replies: @Durruti
  67. tac says:

    Sometimes truth-seekers pay with their own lives in pursuit of this noble cause. One such person was Oklahoma City police officer Terrance Yeakey, who was tortured and ‘suicided’ while gathering evidence against the official story of the OKC bombings in the face of countless threats to both him and his family.

    Very interesting case to follow. I’ve made several comments on this case for those who are interested they are here @142, and here @193.

  68. @St. Longinus

    They are implicit in the pentalogue…

  69. Only one man in a thousand has the courage of his convictions and is willing to throw everything away for the pursuit of the truth. He will be greatly missed by us all.

  70. anon[216] • Disclaimer says:

    ….I would hesitate to call lies in defense of the official Holocaust story to be the greatest lies of all time.

    its so shameful though. Who would lie about a thing like that?

  71. Durruti says:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Shlomo Sand, ‘The Invention of the Jewish People’”


    Must peruse (in English). Fascinating title.

    Reiterate the vital importance of correctly using the term “anti-Semite.”

  72. “Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts” ― Richard Feynman

    Richard Feynman was possibly the greatest physicist of the second half of the 20th century. Although he was Jewish, he was very far removed from traditional Jewish learning and practice.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  73. Zumbuddi says:
    @Haxo Angmark

    In other words, Hazo, you blame the real victims, the holocausted German people.

  74. Agent76 says:

    Oct 28, 2018 US Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 Victim Nations Since World War II

    The overall conclusion reached is that the United States most likely has been responsible since WWII for the deaths of between 20 and 30 million people in wars and conflicts scattered over the world.

    Billie Holiday – All of me

    • Replies: @Iris
  75. Wally says:

    “Nazis did have an ideology of extermination, so what did they do with a lot of Slavs and Jews in the Eastern Front? Bloodbath. Most Jews were shot to death, but the Holocaust Industry stressed gassing to make Nazi crimes seem more sinister.”

    LOL. No they did not. And you can’t even keep the lies straight.
    It’s absurdly alleged that ’6M Jews & 5M other’ were killed in the same manner.
    It’s claimed that ca. 2,000,000 Jews were shot by the Einsatzgruppen, therefore we have an alleged 9,000,000 remaining.
    No human remains for an alleged 11,000,000 in allegedly known locations, no ‘holocaust’.
    BTW, the population of London is a bit less than that 11,000,o00.

    As this site’s Ron Unz says: “Does anybody seriously believe something so totally ridiculous?

  76. Wally says:

    “Do you have link to transcripts form his testimonies and his autobiography to see the evolution of his stories?”

    To be brief, for those, search Hoess here:

    You’ll also see the laughable impossibilities and contradictions in Hoess’s statements.
    The alleged Auschwitz homicidal gassing process reviewed and demolished here., must reading:

    So easy this.

  77. Wally says:

    LENGTHY, but so worth it, select ‘more’ if necessary.

  78. @Wally

    Come on Wally, don’t picks fights with people who might be open to your position.

    • Replies: @Wally
  79. @Yee

    Not sure about Mao, but it’s probably true that Stalin’s death toll is exaggerated. However, Hitler’s is essentially a fabrication.

  80. @JLK

    You may be interested in the analysis here:

    The blogger posts here under the name “j2”.

    • Agree: Iris
  81. niceland says:

    [...]His 1980 volume, Mémoire en défense contre ceux qui m’accusent de falsifier l’historie: la question des chambres de gaz, with a preface by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Noam Chomsky, was issued by the Marxist publishing house, La Vielle Taupe.

    Why this support from some on the Left?
    They reasoned that the homicidal gas chamber genocide-narrative serves to forever place every crime of capitalism in a trivialized and subordinate category. “No matter how many civilians the U.S. government killed in Iraq it can’t compare to what the Germans did to the Jews,” is the cliché. [...]

    When I read the explanation given by Mr Hoffman, for the support from the left I was surprised. It seems to exclude the possibility that some Leftists might be truth seekers or defenders of freedom of speech!?

    The latter seems to be the case judging by Noam Chomsky brilliant defense in the “Faurisson affair”.

    It is very difficult after reading this Wiki article and direct quotes from Chomsky to come to the conclusion Mr Hoffman does in this article about his “support”. He isn’t supporting Faurissons findings, he is supporting something else, judge for your self:

    Chomsky subsequently wrote an essay entitled Some Elementary Comments on the Rights of Freedom of Expression, in which he attacked his critics for failing to respect the principle of freedom of speech. Chomsky wrote:

    Let me add a final remark about Faurisson’s alleged “anti-Semitism.” Note first that even if Faurisson were to be a rabid anti-Semite and fanatic pro-Nazi — such charges have been presented to me in private correspondence that it would be improper to cite in detail here — this would have no bearing whatsoever on the legitimacy of the defense of his civil rights. On the contrary, it would make it all the more imperative to defend them since, once again, it has been a truism for years, indeed centuries, that it is precisely in the case of horrendous ideas that the right of free expression must be most vigorously defended; it is easy enough to defend free expression for those who require no such defense. Putting this central issue aside, is it true that Faurisson is an anti-Semite or a neo-Nazi? As noted earlier, I do not know his work very well. But from what I have read — largely as a result of the nature of the attacks on him — I find no evidence to support either conclusion. Nor do I find credible evidence in the material that I have read concerning him, either in the public record or in private correspondence. As far as I can determine, he is a relatively apolitical liberal of some sort.[8]

    In a response to a letter circa 1989–1991, Chomsky stated:

    A professor of French literature was suspended from teaching on grounds that he could not be protected from violence, after privately printing pamphlets questioning the existence of gas chambers. He was then brought to trial for “falsification of History,” and later condemned for this crime, the first time that a modern Western state openly affirmed the Stalinist-Nazi doctrine that the state will determine historical truth and punish deviation from it. Later he was beaten practically to death by Jewish terrorists. As of now, the European and other intellectuals have not expressed any opposition to these scandals; rather, they have sought to disguise their profound commitment to Stalinist-Nazi doctrine by following the same models, trying to divert attention with a flood of outrageous lies.[12]

    Seems pretty clear to me.

    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
  82. If no media were owned by Jews would anyone even remember or care about the Holohaux?

    A more selfish, narcissistic people would have to be imagined in fiction if it were not for the unfortunate fact that they actually exist.

    Yes…..Israel…such a moral, upright people. (Excuse me while I wipe the vomit away)

  83. Iris says:

    ” America has the world’s best universities and think tanks, as well as the most globally influential professors and pundits, yet none of them highlighted or highlight now the fact that the most historically consequential event in 2001 was not 9/11. It was China’s entry into the WTO.”

    “Suicidal Western Wars”, in “Has the West Lost It” by Kishore Mahbubani.

    Thanks for the fine music.

    A French song to honour the fine Professeur Faurisson, whose life was a lesson in dignity. RIP.

  84. @niceland

    Chomsky has his moments of intellectual honesty, it is true. And his Reagan-era critiques of US foreign policy in Latin America were very useful. However he definitely has blind spots re. Israel, and in this sense he has more in common with the Jewish (corporatist) liberals who dominate Americans political discourse than any kind of legitimate, dissident leftist (which is pretty much non-existent on the American scene).

    It bears repeating: in the US, leftist means liberal, and while there are certainly honest and intelligent leftists, there is no such thing as an honest liberal.

  85. Iris says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    “It bears repeating: in the US, leftist means liberal, and while there are certainly honest and intelligent leftists, there is no such thing as an honest liberal.”

    Pr John Mearsheimer concurs with you: in his new book he identifies liberalism as a totalitarian ideology.

    ‘The Great Delusion; Liberal Dreams and International Realities”

  86. Art says:

    Another tribute to Robert Faurisson from a righteous Jew – Gilad Atzmon

    Think peace — Do No harm — Art

    • Replies: @chris
  87. JackOH says:

    R. I. P., M. Faurisson.

    FWIW-I’ve had the opportunity to cold-bloodedly examine historical evidence back when I was a citizen-activist. Documents, testimony, all that. It took me a serious effort of will to clear my mind of preconceptions, and to let the evidence alone speak to me. Let me tell you–that can be like grabbing a 440v line when you reach conclusions supported by the evidence and careful argument, and those conclusions are at odds with what a lot of folks believe. Scary and lonely stuff. Massively compelling, too, so you can’t leave it alone.

    I’m guessing Prof. Faurisson had that “electric” experience.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  88. L.K says:

    R.I.P, Professor Faurisson.

    Viciously persecuted for his views, never bowed down, a rare, true hero.

    • Agree: Mike P
  89. Mike P says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    In the quote provided by Niceland, Chomsky really only defends freedom of speech; he does not say whether he agrees with Faurisson on the question of the gas chambers.

    And Chomsky professes to believe the official fairy tales about 9/11, climate change, Kennedy. He is useless.

    • Replies: @Rerevisionist
  90. Bobzilla says:

    Thank you Mr. Hoffman for taking the time to write this extremely illuminating article concerning the work and life of Mr. Faurisson. It is truly an honorable thing you have done to publish the facts surrounding this man and to make known for posterity the lies levied against him. God bless.

  91. Dr. Robert Faurisson sacrificed a big part of his life to seek the truth over a historical period that is protected by law in his home country of France. A decade before the law, they did everything to destroy his career, and when they created the law they tried to silence him. It never worked because of his courage.

    I was privy to two things that I was one of the only handful of people to ever know before the event took place. The first was the possibility that he would have to renounce Holocaust Revisionism to the public in open court to avoid a prison sentence; he felt he had to for his physical health would not allow him to serve time in prison. Thankfully, it never happened. The second secret I was privy to, was the New Years Eve surprise in front of thousands when French comedian, Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, brought him on stage, which made international news.

    Sometimes, he was harsh to me like a teacher to a student, and his mentoring made me a better person and a more careful thinker. It may be a century away from now that a new historian, not yet born, will look back to our century and re-discover Dr. Robert Faurisson as a man of great intellect, tenacity, clear thinker, and most importantly, which he prized the most, courage.

    For me, Dr. Robert Faurisson is a man I will never forget. His last days on earth he was visiting his birth place in England, after the event in his honor he returned home to France, turned the key to his home and collapsed with instant death, short of his 90th birthday, three months before January 25Th.

    Rest in peace, Dr. Faurisson, you will not be forgotten.

    Michael Santomauro

    • Replies: @Anon
  92. Available free online is book. Rassinier’s “The Lies of Ulysses”: A Glance at the Literature of Concentration Camp Inmates (1950)and The Drama of the European Jews (1964). Louis Ferdinand Celine authored 5 books which should be read in the order written. I recommend them highly. Celine will take you on a vivid journey through WW2 France and Germany. His sardonic wit is never far away, and adds much color to his story. Though his work is labeled fiction I got the sense he wrote from an autobiographical point of view.

  93. Anonymous[269] • Disclaimer says:

    Nor was it fun for the Japanese to be put in concentration camps, but it was worse for those in German concentration camps as bombs were falling everywhere in Germany, unlike the USA.

    Americans are told they should have bombed the concentration camps, or at least the transportation routes leading to them? What would that have done to the supply of food and other raw necessities of the inmates?

    • Replies: @RVBlake
  94. Anon[269] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    former president Hollande is a jew,

    Citation needed.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  95. Anonymous[269] • Disclaimer says:

    FWIW-I’ve had the opportunity to cold-bloodedly examine historical evidence back when I was a citizen-activist. Documents, testimony, all that. It took me a serious effort of will to clear my mind of preconceptions, and to let the evidence alone speak to me. Let me tell you–that can be like grabbing a 440v line when you reach conclusions supported by the evidence and careful argument, and those conclusions are at odds with what a lot of folks believe. Scary and lonely stuff. Massively compelling, too, so you can’t leave it alone.

    Could you please provide a reading list or road map for those who wish to undertake this journey and judge for themselves?

    What are the most memorable or important pieces of evidence you discovered?

  96. Anon[269] • Disclaimer says:
    @Michael Santomauro

    Sometimes, he was harsh to me like a teacher to a student, and his mentoring made me a better person and a more careful thinker.

    Can you give some examples? For our edification? For his memory? For posterity?

  97. Anonymous[269] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Jew Burg, nom de plume for Ginsberg, was in the large jewish camp under jewish management E of the Bug near Brest Litovsk.
    No mention whatsoever of gas chambers, not even of killing jews.

    Would the explanation be that it was under Jewish management?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  98. @the grand wazoo … should get you to Rassinier’s online book: “The Lies of Ulysses”.

  99. Wally says:

    “The Bug River camps (Treblinka, Majdanek, Sobibor, Chelmno) are another question. Revisionists such as David Irving and David Cole think there may have been large scale intentional exterminations in these camps. ”

    Yawn.There is no more proof for that nonsense than there is for the rest of scam.

    The narrative says millions upon millions of human remains exist in known locations, the above included, yet those remains do NOT exist.

    The alleged gas chambers at those camps were scientifically incapable of doing what is alleged they did. It’s simply science over propaganda.

    For much more see comments 1737, 622, 172. It’s no contest.
    here: American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz:

  100. Wally says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Since when is busting someone on their laziness, feigned or otherwise, ‘picking a fight’?

    We do debate here, right?

  101. Anonymous[222] • Disclaimer says:

    There is NOT ONE DOCUMENT outlining any extermination plan for jews or others.

    What about the Wannsee Conference notes?

  102. Anonymous[222] • Disclaimer says:
    @the grand wazoo

    Though his work is labeled fiction I got the sense he wrote from an autobiographical point of view.

    What use is it if it is fiction?

  103. Pheasant says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Chomsky is just a standard Jewish intellectual gatekeeper. There are many of them. The best that can be said of him is that he is a clever and dedicated sophist. His card was pulled when it was pointed out that we went into Iraq for Israel not oil. Mearshimer and Walt definitevly showed where Chomsky’s loyalty lies and it isnt to the truth. Chomsky is a fraud like all the rest of them. A millionaire socialist who invests in arms companies (yes really). A fighter for the rights of Palestinians who opposes any kind of effective action against Israel. A champion of free speech except where it is where the Jews are weakest- wouldnt be useful indeed. Interestingly there are many critiques of his work in linguistics that are interesting it seems he had a baleful influence there as well.

    Someone once called Chomsky an intellectual bully. But not being able to see/discuss the Jewish question we cannot see why he is one. If you have not figured out by age 25 that Chomsky is not speaking in good faith and that it is all an act then you should give up.

    • Replies: @Mike P
    , @Joe Levantine
  104. @Anonymous

    Do not understand the question.
    Also there the available food was not distributed fairly.
    Burg made money by acting as a clown, this made it possible to buy food and survive.
    The jewish camp did not differ from the ghetto in Warsaw, where the leaders ate quite well, where were restaurants with wine and liquors, while poor jews without connections died of hunger, see Poliakov.
    As Brug writes, ‘rich jews eating well in the Bug camp restaurant(s?), hungry children at the doors’.

  105. @Anon

    Citation of what ?
    What is common knowledge in France ?

  106. utu says:

    A very good comment.

    As far as the alleged “Russia leverage” and “Poland leverage” I entertained a similar idea in early 1990′s but I haven’t seen any evidence of their existence nor a will in Poland or Russia that it would be used if they had it. The Holocaust narrative is throughly internalized there. The only issue for Poles and Russian is that they want to have the narrative of their suffering acknowledged. So I would put it into the wishful thinking category.

    • Replies: @JLK
  107. @Professional Stranger

    If anyone made the experiment the arbiter of truth it was Feynman
    Jagdish Mehra, ‘The Beat of a Different Drum, The Life and Science of Richard Feynman’, Oxford 1994
    Richard Feynman, ‘The Character of Physical Law’, Cambridge MA 1967, 1989
    Richard P. Feynman, ‘The Meaning of It All’, London 1998

  108. RVBlake says:

    Yes, that eminent WWII historian, Pope Francis, has criticized the Allies for not bombing the train lines.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  109. Thank you Michael for this article. To print and keep it.
    The “usury”book is the best history and economic book there is.

  110. Mike P says:

    Agree wholeheartedly. Another indication of Chomsky’s phoniness: while he “rose up to defend” the reputation of his brilliant former student Norman Finkelstein in so many mellifluous words, he did not lift a finger against the Israel lobby when they set about ruining Finkelstein’s career.

  111. @Anonymous

    Does it not strike you as weird that a conference, where a decision about extermination was made known, had any minutes ?
    About the Final Solution, it was quite simple, deporting all jews to camps where they could work, ‘Arbeit macht frei’ (=work liberates), then, after the war, deporting all of them to Madagascar, where, in isolation, no connections with the rest of the world, they would have to take care of themselves, no parasitism any more.
    Hans Jansen, ‘Der Madagaskar Plan, Die beabsichtigte Deportation der europäischen Juden nach Madagaskar’, München 1997
    Dutch Hans Jansen was a collaborator of the Brussels Wiesenthal Foundation.
    After WWII even the British government supported the Madagaskar plan.

  112. @RVBlake

    Bombing of railway lines was technically impossible:
    Neufeld and Berenbaum, editors ‘The bombing of Auschwitz’, 2000, New York

  113. @Mike P

    I saw Chomsky on a film or video, laughing at Faurisson, saying he was just mad, when discussing his preface. As you say, Chomsky is useless. But don’t let’s forget all the Jew-driven garbage has helped keep Jewish war crimes out of sight. To this day. From the Jewish viewpoint, it’s been very successful. Maybe this will continue

  114. Puisse l’intrépide Robert Faurisson reposer en paix.

    “Why this support from some on the Left? They reasoned that the homicidal gas chamber genocide-narrative serves to forever place every crime of capitalism in a trivialized and subordinate category. “No matter how many civilians the U.S. government killed in Iraq it can’t compare to what the Germans did to the Jews,” is the cliché. Certain Leftists consider the inculcation of this mindset a tactic for the perpetual minimization of the crimes of all other forces, in particular plutocracies and oligarchies. If the gas chambers said to have been used to execute a million human beings in Auschwitz were an imposture, then some on the Left believed it was necessary to say so.” (fin de citation) Trop vrai!

    “While in full command of his mind and body, for the better part of Robert’s last days on earth he was visiting his birthplace in Shepperton, England, where he gave a speech amid some seventy friends and well-wishers, after which he returned to his home in France, where he died peacefully and painlessly. What a tribute to him from that God in whom he did not believe.” (fin de citation) Peut-être qu’il y a une grâce de Dieu après tout.

    Puissions-nous tous avoir le courage de Monsieur Faurisson et ceux qu’il a inspirés!

  115. @Anonymous

    Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli professor of holocaust studies who has won multiple awards for his service to Israel stated the following

    QUOTE “The public still repeats, time after time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews was arrived at. ” END QUOTE

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Wizard of Oz
  116. anon[302] • Disclaimer says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Genrik, your fame is increasing of late.

    maybe soon a Hollywood movie will be made with you as the star

  117. JLK says:


    I have no doubt that the Eastern European and Russian publics are still largely under the sway of Soviet propaganda with respect to the Holocaust and WWII, but as in all countries they have intelligence agents and high public officials who are privileged to have access to the old records.

    I believe that there are longstanding agreements between Western and Soviet intelligence (and its successors in Russia and Eastern Europe) about the Auschwitz narrative and many other historical issues that have been discussed here in the UR, where the official account just doesn’t seem right to intelligent observers who look closely.

    I believe that the current international tension is more unstable than during the Cold War and more dangerous than commonly believed. As I posted earlier, there are signs that various countries have been (deniably of course) signaling each other that some of these longstanding agreements are in danger and may be used as bargaining chits. Of course I could be wrong, but if you are interested take a little time and google the few examples I mentioned. There are many other news stories I have personally noted but not listed.

    • Replies: @utu
  118. ‘I have no doubt’, and twice ‘I believe’.
    I believe, and have no doubt, that green men live on the other side of the moon.

  119. Wally says:

    Recommended demolitions of the absurd claims about the ‘Wannsee Conference minutes’:
    Much ‘Holocaust’ But No History: The Failure of Rabbi Berenbaum, Book Review By Robert Faurisson:

    The Wannsee Conference Protocol, Anatomy of a Fabrication, By Johannes Peter Ney:
    The Razor and the Ring, By John Weir :

  120. Vojkan says:

    I feel no sympathy for Faurisson. Zionists stink. The whole holohoax narrative stinks. The problem with Faurisson is that he hates the Jews so much that he has ended up justifying the nazis. Like many old angry white men on the alt-right. I have a problem with that.
    WWII isn’t just the “Holocaust”. I don’t give a damn about Elie Wiesel’s fake stories. I give a damn about the suffering Germany has inflicted upon my people.

  121. Hans says:

    And now the Schaefers have been convicted of crimethink for exposing the Hoax of the 20th Century -

  122. anon[405] • Disclaimer says:

    WWII isn’t just the “Holocaust”. I don’t give a damn about Elie Wiesel’s fake stories. I give a damn about the suffering Germany has inflicted upon my people.

    and what people is that?

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  123. Wally says:

    Jews received no more “suffering” than anyone else in WWII, in fact they received less than many.
    The ‘Nazis’ did nothing that wasn’t commonplace worldwide. Therefore the claims about them are pure Jew propaganda for profit. So you have nothing, but you do want the checks to keep coming.
    We feel no sympathy for your fake narrative. The world is now onto your demented people.

  124. @Mike P

    It is certainly true that, like Sanders, Chomsky has more in common with conventional Jewish liberals than any kind of legitimate leftists. But credit is occasionally due.

  125. @Vojkan

    German crimes in the course of a war they didn’t really want (for the most part) were not particularly worse than those committed by the victors, on balance.

    BTW, the real question to you is, was Faurisson right, or wrong, about what he said concerning the “Holocaust”? It seems you agree that he was basically right. So what’s the problem, then?

  126. utu says:

    upon my people

    Your people have been played.

  127. utu says:

    if you are interested take a little time and google the few examples I mentioned

    I am interested and actually googled the Tear Drop Memorial but haven’t found anything what you were alluding to. Why don’t you share your thinking here?

  128. Anonymous[290] • Disclaimer says:
    @Reuben Kaspate

    Concerning #4

    Of the Twelve Tribes, Ten are ‘lost’ and what you have left is Judah, Benjamin and part of Levi.
    Jews being the descendants of Judah, son of Israel.

    If you are interested, look up the predictions their father Israel made on his deathbed of each of his sons.
    Judah…Judah is a lion got up from the kill…. His brothers will serve him…

    • Replies: @Reuben Kaspate
  129. @Vojkan

    Faurisson didn’t “justify” the nazi. The nazis have been punished, as has been the german people.

    What he said was that the holohoax was the justification for the unfair tragedy set on the palestinians, and for the stupid eternal guilt put on the german people.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  130. ” The nazis have been punished, as has been the german people. ”
    Victors write history.

  131. @Vojkan

    ” The problem with Faurisson is that he hates the Jews so much that he has ended up justifying the nazis. ”
    In 1978, or 1980, Faurisson published an article in Le Monde, in essence just writing that after fifteen years study he had not been able to find evidence for gas chambers where humans were killed.
    24, if I remember correctly, French intellectuals in reply wrote an article ‘there must have been gas chambers, six million jews died’
    Faurisson’s reply to them was not published, French public opinion was outraged.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
    , @Vojkan
  132. @anon

    Elie Wiesel, ‘La Nuit’, 1958, 2007
    Did not find any fake in this book, on the contrary, Wiesel admits he never saw a gas chamber, just assumed that they existed, he admits the self management of the camps, and confirms that those belonging to the self management remained in perfect health, they ate more than enough.
    And he admits that Auschwitz was a large industrial centre, that there was a hospital for inmates, on top of that writes that there was an inmate gardener who grew vegetables.
    So, in essence, he writes the same as for example Rassinier.
    One difference, when the Red Army was coming, Wiesel and his father could have remained in the camp, Rassinier was not given the choice.
    Are people today unable to read ?

    • Replies: @JLK
  133. @jilles dykstra

    Would you please provide a reliable (irrefutable) reference to that law as I would be pleased to have it in my armoury.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  134. @Genrick Yagoda

    You led me to follow up that Yehuda Bauer quote – usually quoted completely without context, as seems to be your intention too. I thoroughly recommend that you read the Wikipedia article on him if you haven’t already.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  135. Anonymous[722] • Disclaimer says:
    @like a frog

    Faurisson didn’t “justify” the nazi. The nazis have been punished, as has been the german people.

    “Punished” for what?

    • Replies: @anon
  136. Everything is based on lies with the zionists, there is no jewish people no jewish race, a jew is somebody practising judaism that’ s all, no holocaust, no historical rights to Palestine, the Arabs were there for 1200 years before the Israelites who stayed 90 years before spreading out … Lies, lies lies just a bunch of thieves and murderers, Apartheid Israhell is a rogue state which bombs civilians with phosphorus bombs and cluster bombs and use snipers to shoot civilians with explosive bullets which are forbidden by the Geneva convention . Apartheid Israhell acquired nuclear technology by deceiving and is not even filed as a nuclear power even though they have nuclear missiles pointed in direction of all the capitals of Europe …
    About the holohoax the biggest financial and political scam of the XXth century let’ s go back in history …
    According to the Red Cross in 1945 271,000 jews died in the labour camps mostly from typhus and malnutrition since Germany was carpet bombed by the allies almost no food came to the camps, that the explanation of the news reels of scrawny prisonners and stack of srawny corpes … So when the USRR liberated the camps they followed the British propaganda designed in 1943 about the gas chambers and the 6 millions to demonize the Germans and hide the hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by the intense bombing of France and Germany …
    One of the many proofs of the holohoax is the fact that the 6 millions a figure which appears as early as the XIXth century and in the New York Time in 1906 …,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

    • Replies: @Wally
  137. Iris says:

    Many thanks and utter respect to Mr Hoffman, the author of this article, who exemplifies dignity and intellectual integrity, just like Pr Faurisson did.

    I read this article and explained the author’s background to an elderly family member who cannot read English. She said that people like Mr Hoffman are” exceptional human beings” with an extraordinary sense of ethics. So on her behalf, thanks for making humankind less ugly by your mere presence among us.

  138. @Wizard of Oz

    Suppose by ‘that law’ you refer to what in fact was the ‘silence Faurisson’ law:

    Principale innovation juridique, elle réprime la contestation de l’existence des crimes contre l’humanité qui furent définis dans le statut du Tribunal militaire international de Nuremberg.
    I now must translate from one language not my own into another not my own.
    But let me try:
    Main legal innovation, denying crimes against humanity defined in the legal basis of the Nuremberg trial is not allowed.

    • Replies: @anarchyst
    , @Wizard of Oz
  139. @Mike P

    Can one expect that a member of a group completely betrays that group, with, in the case of Chomsky, grave consequences for the group ?

    • Replies: @Mike P
  140. lavoisier says: • Website
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    It bears repeating: in the US, leftist means liberal, and while there are certainly honest and intelligent leftists, there is no such thing as an honest liberal.

    It is becoming clear that there is a great deal of truth in what you are saying.

    Alternatively, the dishonesty (inability to acknowledge uncomfortable facts) may simply be a manifestation of stupidity?

  141. Mike P says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Chomsky pretends to be some sort of upstanding citizen of the world; and he basks in admiration for this supposedly noble and principled stance. If he wants to put loyalty to his tribe first, I guess that is his choice; but if he did that openly, his cult following would instantly evaporate. He is play-acting for the sake of maintaining his standing and influence among the secular left. In short, he is a phoney.

    • Replies: @Hans
  142. anarchyst says:
    @jilles dykstra

    It’s called “judicial notice” and has been successfully used in every holohoax (oops, I mean holocaust) dissenter’s trial in order to disallow real “evidence” that runs counter to the “official holocaust narrative”.
    Judicial notice is used to hide the TRUTH…nothing more.

  143. anon[332] • Disclaimer says:

    punished for losing the war, of course

  144. @jilles dykstra

    I was referring the law you mentioned as requiring the firing of Faurisson from his academic post. Nothing in the linked Wiki article seems to say anything about that….

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  145. Odd that Hoffman makes no mention of Vincent Reynouard, perhaps the most prominent of Faurisson’s successors.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @jilles dykstra
  146. anonymous[739] • Disclaimer says:

    The 6 Million Gassed Jews HOLOCAUST – supposedly the unique, worst crime in human history works in 2 main ways:

    1) A Stalin Soviet/George Orwell 1984 way where he who controls the past controls the future – so there is an official totalitarian state approved version of World War II history with the persecution of Jews the 6 Million Gassed Jews as THE main event in this history and this history is THE GOOD WAR between good and Evil and somehow Britain and the United States insist that this is still THE GOOD WAR as evidenced by the 6 MILLION GASSED JEWS. Anybody that even questions any small part of this official history is ostracized as a traitor to the American, British nation… not so much any more in Russia.

    2) A fundamentalist religious myth identical to the Jewish ethno centric religious myths of the Jewish Old Testament Bible.

    The 6 MILLION GASSED JEWS is 100% True – a Biblical Truth the same as the Jewish Tribal God Jehovah parting the Red Sea in Exodus to all the Jews God’s Chosen People to escape the evil Egyptians (not God’s Chosen People the same as US, the Germans)

    I hope everyone notices how Revisionists are described as

    Holocaust Deniers – unbelievers, religious heretics.

    Revisionists efforts to use science to prove that large parts of the 6 MILLION GASSED JEWS myths are impossible in the real world, that doesn’t effect the myth any more than scientists arguing that the parting of the Red Sea was impossible – as the Jews would get stuck in the mud.

    But – we’re talking BIBLICAL TRUTHS and this 6 million gassed jews fundamentalist myth gets constantly recycled to support new wars, slaughters against the constantly changing enemies of Israel, enemies of the Jews.

    Please note that Syria’s Assad was/is constantly accused of being HITLER and accused of GASSING LITTLE CHILDREN like Hitler did to the Jews.

    I guess it’s nice that this Neo Conservative/Zionist war mongering lies haven’t resulted in another Iraq type US/UK war against secular Arabs in Syria as was done in Iraq. There is a little less enthusiasm for these Neo Conservative/Zionist wars in Red State, Bible Belt America – but the fundamentalist myth still works.

  147. Hans says:
    @Mike P

    Very true, Mike. Chomsky is a gate-keeping fraud. Here he functions to limit 9/11 truth –

    Howard Zinn was another –

    • Replies: @utu
  148. JLK says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Elie Wiesel, ‘La Nuit’, 1958, 2007

    The first Wiesel book (in Yiddish) in the mid-1950 alleged that Jews were killed by burning in open trenches at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Which could have been a reasonable mistake. A lot of prisoners died of typhus in the soggy Birkenau camp after it was first built, and they had to be buried because no crematoria had yet been installed. This contaminated the groundwater supply and caused more deaths. The wife of one of the camp commanders died as well. By all accounts, the bodies had to be dug up and cremated on pyres before being re-interred.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
  149. anon[332] • Disclaimer says:
    @Tono Bungay

    why, has he passed too?

    • Replies: @Tono Bungay
  150. utu says:

    Chomsky is a gate-keeping fraud.

    Perhaps he is. But his point was well taken.

  151. @Anonymous

    The original Tribes may have been lost, indeed the three mentioned mayn’t be the original Tribes, but those three will create nine new ones to serve their interest and there are plenty of people right here ready to join in for the benefits galore!

  152. @anon

    No, he is alive and apparently living in exile in the U.K.

  153. @Wizard of Oz

    ” Main legal innovation, denying crimes against humanity defined in the legal basis of the Nuremberg trial is not allowed. ”
    What is your problem with this sentence ?
    You really think that the French educational system allows convicted criminals to stay as teachers ?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  154. @JLK

    I referred to the 1958 translation into French, re published in 2007, with a foreword by Wiesel.
    ‘Burning in open trenches’, not easy where the ground water level is just beneath the surface.
    No mention in the mentioned book.
    Auschwitz was chosen for producing synthetic rubber, engine oil and aviation fuel, because there was abundant water and coal.
    Typhoid is transmitted by lice, Zyklon B kills lice, gas chambers were used everywhere by Germany in WWII in the east, in order to kill lice, and prevent typhoid.
    Delousing clothes took an hour and a half.

    • Replies: @JLK
  155. @Tono Bungay

    Reynouard debunked the Oradour sur Glane massacre, for which German troops were blamed, but what was caused by stupidity of De Gaulle’s Free French
    Vincent Reynouard, ‘Die Wahrheit über Oradour, Rekonstruktion und Forschungsbericht eines Franzosen, Was geschah am 10. Juni 1944 wirklich ?’, Stegen am Ammersee, 2005 (Le Massacre d’Oradour, Antwerpen 1997)
    Otto Weidinger, ´Kameraden bis zum Ende, Das SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 4 „Der Führer“, 1978, 2007, Dresden
    Reynouard was sentenced to two years prison.
    The Oradour persecution records are not accessible until 2053.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Vojkan
  156. Vojkan says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Why do you all focus on gas chambers? I don’t. I don’t believe in the ’6 million’ narrative. Notwithstanding. Google ‘Walter Rauff Tunis’. Ignore the Wikipedia entry, it’s bullshit. Dig deeper. You won’t tell me Tunisian Sephardic Jews ruined Germany, will you?

    • Replies: @Mike P
    , @Wally
  157. Vojkan says:
    @jilles dykstra

    You are one of the rare people who comment here that I respect for having intellectual honesty. I am no more fond of zionazis than you are, especially after what they did to Serbia. The history of WWII just happens to be a little more complex than the simplifications imposed by both zionists and revisionists. That’s what I reproach to Faurisson, he focused on the non-existent tree, the gas chambers, and he missed the forest.

  158. anon[449] • Disclaimer says:
    @jilles dykstra

    The Oradour persecution records are not accessible until 2053.

    lol, nothing screams “We care about the truth” like sealing records for 50 years

  159. Vojkan says:
    @jilles dykstra

    In front of de Gaulle’s stupidity, Germans could have refrained from burning alive French peasants who just wanted to see their backs. I don’t punish stupidity by committing mass-murder, but then I’m neither German or nazi.

    • Replies: @Wally
  160. @jilles dykstra

    You seem to have forgotten what you said, namely ” a special law came in France with the obligation to fire holocaust deniers” and that it was a law which could be so described that I asked you to identify.

    Your embarrassed attempt to wriggle out of the position you had put yourself in by pointing to what (you assert by implication) is a general obligation of (presumably all elements of) “the French educational system” to sack teachers who are convicted of (whatever you might call) crimes only proves that there was and is no law such as you claimed.

    As to your latest version I would have thought even in the current Brussels based version of the Holy Roman Empire universities would defend, on grounds of academic freedom, professors prosecuted and convicted where there was any hint of the prosecution having been discretionary and politically motivated regardless of the fact of conviction. And Googling “what offences are crimes” will quickly get you a list of hundreds which include careless driving, failure to keep proper records and many others for which it would be ludicrous to imagine a professor of anything being sacked.

    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
  161. JLK says:
    @jilles dykstra

    Yes, Auschwitz had the most advanced synthetic rubber plant in the world under construction. That’s one reason to believe that Allied intelligence knew a lot more about the complex during the war than they are admitting. The US lost 90% of its rubber supply ( in Southeast Asia) after Pearl Harbor and that was making production of its own synthetic rubber a strategic imperative. The best technology the US had in 1942 was obtained from IG Farben in the 1930s.

    • Replies: @my2cents
  162. @Wizard of Oz

    The only thing embarrassing here is your continued obsession with speciously denying the nature of laws that criminalize opinion on a historical event.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  163. Wally says:

    But the Germans did not ‘burn alive French peasants’, and you have no proof they did.
    Simple stuff really.
    Persecution in France for “The Waffen-SS: Innocent at Oradour”, By Vincent Reynouard:

    more on the lies about Oradour-sur-Glane here:
    “…. but then I’m neither German or nazi.”

    But you are indoctrinated and that indoctrination does not withstand scrutiny, as has been shown.

  164. Vojkan says:

    Your hatred of Jews blinds you. In the very same way hatred of white Christians blinds liberals. You negate nazi crimes based on your prejudice against Jews, I read WWII history based on ordinary people’s testimonies. I have no opinion regarding gas chambers, I have an opinion of nazis based on what people who survived their terror told me. No four thousand miles apart web site will ever change my opinion about nazis. I also met them and their descendants personally. Liberals stink from the soul. Nazis stink too. I am Orthodox Christian buddy. I don’t believe in order. I believe in beauty.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @utu
    , @anon
    , @Wally
    , @Bukowski
  165. JLK says:

    There were real Nazi atrocities, and yes there were gas chambers. Gas chambers using bottled carbon monoxide (not cyanide) were used to kill mental patients and people from the old folks homes in the T4 euthanasia program. Hitler personally initialed the order. I have never seen this contested by the revisionists. One of the criminals involved in the T4 program was an unsavory character named Christian Wirth (Google him), who later ended up at one of the Bug River camps. He and his buddies supposedly rigged an ad hoc execution chamber that used engine exhaust. This story is much more credible than the cyanide gas chambers at Auschwitz, although the killing capacity appears to have been limited.

    There was also an SS unit operating in the East known as the Dirlewanger Brigade made up of convicted criminal sociopaths. They acted accordingly and were responsible for many atrocities.

    The revisionism debate mainly revolves around the Auschwitz cyanide gassing narrative.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
    , @Wally
  166. Mike P says:

    Ignore the Wikipedia entry … Dig deeper.

    Why don’t you share with us the sources that you trust? If you commend Jilles for his honesty (with which I concur), why not follow his example and provide sources?

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  167. Vojkan says:
    @Mike P

    I don’t impose my opinion on people. I have given enough for you to look for yourself. ‘Walter Rauff Tunis 1942′. Ignore the Wikipedia entries Google puts on top. Dig deeper. Refine your search. You can find the historical documents if you really want to find them. I don’t impose my will on anyone. I give you hints. Whether you’ll follow them or not is your will.

    • Troll: Mike P
  168. utu says:

    All your life you were fed stories of Serbian martyrology and heroism and the never ending stories of the fabulous and glorious Yugoslav partisans. It is safe to make an offhand assumption that 50% of them are untrue. Most likely even more. The numbers you were told are inflated.

    The reason for the high toll in Yugoslavia is because it was torn by civil war between different political factions and between different ethnic groups. Civilians were killed by every side. And we know something about the propensity for civilian killing by Yugoslavs from recent wars in 1990′s. And you did not need to have Germans around.

    Stories of heroism and martyrology are always amplified and presented out of context or in false context. But the stories are told because they make people feel good about themselves. They give people a license to feel self righteous. This is a great feeling but usually it is achieved on false pretenses.

    After the WWII the regime that secured the power in Yugoslavia continued killings. It is estimated that 70,000 Croats and Slovens were killed after the war. Also 50,000-70,000 ethnic Germans and Hungarians were killed. How many Serbs were killed I could not find.

    The responsibility for the killings during the war falls on all sides. Germany occupied Yugoslavia and Yugoslavia capitulated. In accordance with the international laws of war (Geneva and Hague) then in force the occupier had a right to suppress any insurgency and could carry out reprisals including taking hostages and executing them. The occupier had the right to create detention facilities like concentration camps. This is the reason that many Wehrmacht officers were not tried on charges of atrocities after the war. Many SS officers were tried but only because it was decided by the Allies to categorize the SS as a criminal organization not protected by the Geneva and Hague conventions.

    It was one factions of the Serbs that decided to not respect the unconditional capitulation terms and then it was joined by the communist faction when it got its go ahead from Stalin after June 22, 1941. Before then communists were actually supporting Germans on the orders from Moscow. These two factions were aided and abetted by London and Moscow. As it often happens London and Moscow were fighting their war using civilians from another country. It is sad that Serbs showed a lack of political wisdom and allowed themselves to be manipulated and used by foreign powers with disregard for the welfare and safety of its civilian population. Serbia gained nothing from this warfare. Only horrible losses. All you got is your glory and hundreds of thousands of dead. The glory will not hide the fact that you are greatly responsible for the dead. I hope that future generations of Serbs will come to terms with it.

    It is already over 70 years since the war. It is time to sober up and snap out form the hysterical school of history. You are a big boy. It is possible you might be too old to deprogram yourself but there are sources available and you can try.

  169. Vojkan says:

    Auschwitz is the problem. Revisionists say Auschwitz is not what Jews say it is. Therefore nazis are not bad people. Nazis were awful people, Auschwitz notwithstanding.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @Anon
    , @Wally
  170. Vojkan says:

    I’ve read only your first line. I happen to have been an adviser to the late prince Alexander, pilot of the RAF during WWII, the son of prince Paul, the last regent of Yugoslavia, who negotiated a pact with Hitler’s Germany. I am aware of all the historical circumstances of the time. I am aware that Serbs would have been much better away if they hadn’t demonstrated, manipulated by the English, against that pact.
    Yet, I can’t fathom the nazis. I loathe them. It comes down to being Christian or not and they are not.

    • Replies: @utu
  171. Wally says:

    Your beloved Walter Rauff debunked here:

    Gas Vans – forgeries galore!, Part I: SS Just to SS Rauff, By Widukind :
    Gas Vans – forgeries galore!, Part II: Wetzel to Lohse :

    The demolition of claims about Rauff continue here:

    Revisionists are just the messengers, the absurd impossibility of the laughable ‘holocaust’ storyline is the message.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  172. JLK says:

    Truth is truth. Let the chips fall where they may.

    I don’t think many of the revisionists want to live in a dictatorship.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  173. Vojkan says:

    You believe in what you want to believe. I can’t help you. My doctor happens to be a North African Jew. He expressed despair at Zionists but I wasn’t sure of his sincerity. Well, he’s the only doctor I would entrust with my life.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Wally
  174. utu says:

    No Christianity recommends or approves a willful blindness. Christianity did not make you loath nazis. Tito communist propaganda did. But you were young and impressionable w/o intellectual and emotional defenses. But now you are an adult who in principle should be able to reevaluate the story about the reality you were made to imbibe and the inevitable emotions it produced. You are a victim. of a lie and manipulation that you willfully embrace. Hiding behind Christianity is a copout and a sign of cowardice.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  175. Vojkan says:

    I definitely hope we won’t all end up in a system that fulfils their frustrations.

  176. anon[206] • Disclaimer says:

    You negate nazi crimes based on your prejudice against Jews, I read WWII history based on ordinary people’s testimonies.

    as we know from “holocaust” testimonies, ordinary people lie and are often mistaken – sometimes things that didn’t happen seem real in their mind

    • Replies: @Anon
  177. anon[206] • Disclaimer says:

    He expressed despair at Zionists but I wasn’t sure of his sincerity. Well, he’s the only doctor I would entrust with my life.

    this is odd

    some people like being lied to

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  178. Vojkan says:

    You assume that I swallowed communist propaganda. The problem is I didn’t. It caused me problems. I lived most of my life France. Which I consider my homeland before Serbia. I returned to Serbia because of the neighbourhood my mother setlled in.
    I’m not happy with it but I have two homelands. I detest the EU because I wish my two homelands to assume their sovereignty.
    I understand the complexity of the situation Serbia has been put in. Holding grudges is not the way Serbia can extricate herself out of that situation.
    I wish Serbs were smarter but I can’t be smarter than them. I don’t comment about Serbs, I comment about more important things.

  179. @utu

    Credit where it’s due, excellent comment.

  180. Vojkan says:

    He saved ny mother’s life and he almost lost his for being Nicolas Sarkozy’s doctor and being ethical. Then, If you believe Jews are inherently evil, I can’t dissuade you.

    • Replies: @anon
  181. anon[206] • Disclaimer says:

    funny you mention (((sarkozy)))

    wasn’t he the one who told the French people “if you don’t hurry up and interbreed with the foreigners, it will be made mandatory”??

    sounds like he regards them as nothing more than cattle

  182. @Beefcake the Mighty

    Rubbish from start to finish. I am appalled at people being prosecuted for attempts to research and speak the truth. I also hold pedantic nerds like Jilles Dyxtra to higher standards than people like you who pose as common sense roughnecks.

    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
  183. @Beefcake the Mighty

    Now for a chance of civil conversation as your deliberate, and to me surprising, words provoke my curiosity and suggest a question.

    You say ” in the US leftist means liberal” which is the reverse of the explanation I have given and heard given to young non American Anglophones. That is because to us (non Americans) “liberal” has retained an attachment to its 19th century heritage when J.S. Mill and other late Enlightenment figures gave it it’s content. I don’t know enough to relate it back to the etymogical connection with freedom but I do know that, outside America, Liberal Parties are right of centre anti-socialist.

    Your use of liberal shows that, for you, it has a defined meaning which is not the traditional non-American one. It is capable of including leftists but is something different. Can you explain what that something is, and how the word got to have that meaning.

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  184. @utu

    I confess that changes in the laws of war over the last 100 years, and the implications for understanding 100 years of history, is not a subject I know much about. But my reading of your comment prompts the question: did the same defence of German actions apply to France? To Holland? To Belgium? Presumably not to Czechoslovakia – or Poland, Hungary or Romania?

    • Replies: @utu
  185. JLK says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Etymology and symbolism is routinely twisted around in American politics to suit the lockstep preferred narrative. Red is the traditional color of the left, but somehow all of the TV networks and newspapers settled on a color scheme that refers to Republican controlled areas as “red states.”

  186. utu says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Actually there was a trial of Wehrmacht generals serving in Yugoslavia and Greece:

    (1) Reprisals, executing hostages: “The tribunal also remarked that both the British Manual of Military Law and the U.S. Basic Field Manual (Rules of Land Warfare) permitted the taking of reprisals against a civilian population. (The British manual did not mention killing, but the US manual included killing as a possible reprisal.) Nevertheless, the tribunal still found most of the accused guilty on count 1 of the indictment because it considered the acts committed by the German troops to be in excess of the rules under which the tribunal considered hostage taking and reprisal killings lawful.”

    (2) Executing guerrillas: “the partisan fighters in southeast Europe could not be considered lawful belligerents under Article 1,” “Consequently, no criminal responsibility attaches to the defendant List because of the execution of captured partisans.”

    What is also interesting. The wiki seems to suggest, if I am reading it correctly, that Germans were made responsible for crimes committed by Croatians even though there was no German troops in Croatia but Croatia was Germany’s ally however not sufficiently sovereign.

    Still the sentences were relatively mild. They got convicted by one word: “excessive” which imo, court was not in a position to determine what was excessive and what was not at that time in that place.

    After the war some articles of Geneva convection conceding this matters were changed and under a new law all those generals probably would be hanged.

    I do not understand what is your question about France vs. Poland.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  187. Anon[215] • Disclaimer says:

    You can’t credibly sate that Nazis were bad people “auschwitz notwithstanding”, because without auschwitz the opponents of the Nazis lose their moral credibility.

    Without their moral credibility, the Nazi claims against Nazi enemies become more credible and thus morally dominant. See how that works? There can be no willful ignorance of lies, here.

    In other words, if what Nazi enemies say cannot be trusted, then one then has to give the Nazis the benefit of the doubt and see their enemies how the Nazis saw them.

    One has to begin to take the Nazi claims as to the nature of their enemies seriously. One has to begin to take their worldviews seriously. If we do that, then siding with the enemies of Nazis becomes morally contemptible.

    This entire modern house of cards is built on a pedestal of neo-morality. However, integrity is still at the heart of that morality because it supports all further claims.

    Uncovering a big lie, such as auschwitz, permanently damages that integrity and thus eradicates the moral platform upon which modern morality rests.

    The prior universal morality, to which we would revert, was very close if not identical to Nazism. Nazism is merely that prior subtextual morality with a lot more scientific method and overt statements instead of socially accepted universal truths.

    I highly doubt that modern people are the moral superiors of 19th century and prior people. Our civilization’s embrace of so much everyday barbarism and social degeneracy illustrates as much.

  188. utu says:

    It is recent and by design of one party.

    “The current terminology of “red states” and “blue states” came into use in the United States presidential election of 2000 on an episode of the Today show on October 30, 2000, wanting to avoid any implied connection between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party. According to The Washington Post, the terms were coined by journalist Tim Russert, during his televised coverage of the 2000 presidential election.”

    “Even earlier, in the 1888 presidential election, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison used maps that coded blue for the Republicans, the color perceived to represent the Union and “Lincoln’s Party”, and red for the Democrats.[10] The parties themselves had no official colors, with candidates variously using either or both of the national color palette of red and blue (white being unsuitable for printed materials).”

    “There was one historical use, associated with boss rule, of blue for Democrats and red for Republicans: in the late 19th century and early 20th century, Texas county election boards used color-coding to help Spanish speakers and illiterates identify the parties;[11] however, this system was not applied consistently in Texas and was not replicated in any other state. In 1908, The New York Times printed a special color map, using blue for Democrats and yellow for Republicans, to detail Theodore Roosevelt’s 1904 electoral victory.[12] That same year, a color supplement included with a July issue of the Washington Post used red for Republican-leaning states, blue for Democratic-leaning states, yellow for “doubtful” states, and green for territories, which had no presidential vote.[13]“

  189. @Wizard of Oz

    A distinction without a difference. I quoted Bauer accurately in response to a poster wondering “what about Wannseee” when asked about orders for this mythical “holocaust”.

    If you are trying to make a point you are failing miserably.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  190. Wally says:

    IOW, I have refuted your propaganda and you have no response to the facts I present.

    Since you’re afraid of debate, why do you even come here?

    This is you.

  191. Wally says:

    [Select 'more' if necessary.]

    - Complete lies. I challenge you for proof of all of that. You have none.
    - And lets do actually see this ‘Hitler order’.
    - There is no proof for your discredited ‘murder of mentally ill / disabled’ under the T4 program, there was an euthanasia program as there is worldwide.
    - “Google him,”? Now that’s really to get an impartial result from Zionist Google, not. LOL
    - The real “Revisionist debate” has in fact shot down all that you said and the Auschwitz claims. Your desperate fall back attempt to a ‘holocaust-lite’ has no merit whatsoever.
    Frankly you have no clue what you are talking about. All that you stated has been utterly crushed by myself and many others here:
    American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz: – quick example: see comment 103.
    “Does anybody seriously believe something so totally ridiculous?” – Ron Unz

    Your laughable “Dirlewanger Brigade” shot down with ease here. The Einsatzgruppen and the Holocaust, By Joseph Bishop :
    I also see you ignored my other comment above in comment #76 above which refutes your silly claim about a “Dirlewanger Brigade”.
    No immense humans remains as alleged, no ‘holocau$t’, no “holocaust-lite”.

  192. Wally says:

    “Death camp” Auschwitz” easily debunked again:


    - An “extermination camp” where thousands of Jews chose to stay behind when the Germans left.
    - An “extermination camp” where most of the inmates, more thousands, chose to leave WITH the Germans.
    - An “extermination camp” where 1,250,000 human remains are supposedly buried, but no one can show us these remains.
    - An “extermination camp” where many Jews gave birth.
    - An “extermination camp” where the absurdly alleged homicidal ‘gas chambers’ could not have worked as alleged, as proven repeatedly, scientifically impossible.
    - An “extermination camp” where fake ‘gas chambers’ were “reconstructed” AFTER THE WAR.
    - An “extermination camp” where detailed aerial photos of the period show nothing that is alleged to have been happening.
    - An “extermination camp” where there are even obvious, laughable attempts to tamper with aerial photos that make a mockery of the fake storyline.
    Auschwitz Aerial photos, tampered with to fit the fake story:
    - An “extermination camp” where there are countless Jew “survivors”, yet the fake narrative says ‘the Germans tried to kill every Jew they could get their hands on.’
    -An “extermination camp” where so called “survivors” say the most impossible and conflicting things that do not hold up to scrutiny, would be laughed out of a legit court of law.
    - Healthy Jews at Auschwitz ‘liberation’:

  193. @JLK

    ‘Etymology and symbolism is routinely twisted around in American politics to suit the lockstep preferred narrative. Red is the traditional color of the left, but somehow all of the TV networks and newspapers settled on a color scheme that refers to Republican controlled areas as “red states.” ‘

    That’s similar to our reason for putting Labor Day all the way back to September. There was a period when we wanted to make absolutely certain there was no overlap with Communist symbology. So the more left-wing of the two parties could have been represented with almost any color — except red.

    • Agree: anarchyst
  194. ChopinFan says:

    Many thanks for this introduction and farewell to a brave and dedicated hero. It simultaneously warms my heart that someone would suffer such misfortune for their fortitude and saddens me that after so many years, the criminal Zionists still control so much of our world.

    My undying respect to all of the stalwarts for truth despite the consequences, living or dead.

    “The truth though the heavens may fall!”

  195. Anon[366] • Disclaimer says:

    What do you make of Himmler’s diaries and letters? (I have already done the search with “forged” included….).

    • Replies: @anon
  196. @Genrick Yagoda

    The context you ignore is that Yehuda Bauer was merely pointing to the fact, as he concluded it was, that the Wannsee Conference was just a bureaucratic follow up to decisions alresdy made, essentially by Hitler, as not entirely explicitly recorded by Himmler, when the Madagascar Plan was clearly no longer feasible. Are you up to date with the latest discoveries of Himmler diaries and letters in Russian archives and, surprisingly, in Tel Aviv?

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  197. @JLK

    But I still don’t get to know how “liberal” got to the state of usage in the US where Beafsteak the Mighty could say that in the US “leftist means liberal” and “there’s no such thing as an honest liberal”. I suppose that could be because there is a contradiction within his last paragraph.

    • Replies: @JackOH
  198. @utu

    Thanks. Interesting. My first thought was to ask whether the Germans and French had a treaty of surrender which made partisan activity subject to old rules of reprisals. Oradur-sur-Glanes comes to mind. In the case of Poland and possibly many other countries I was presuming that there had been no formal surrender by a sovereign government so no exculpatory laws of war to get Germans off the hook.

    • Replies: @anon
  199. JackOH says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard, I think “liberal” in the States came to mean government intervention of all sorts in the 1930s with the advent of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs. I think the new “liberal” definition in the States was sort of based on the idea of “liberating” Americans from the confusion and unemployment of the Depression. That, of course, pretty much subverts the actual meaning of “liberal”, which some American writers now refer to as “classic liberalism” to distinguish it from “state liberalism” of the Rooseveltian interventionist sort.

    I’m working from memory so I could have the subversive etymology of “liberal” a bit wrong, but I think I’m fairly close.

  200. @Wizard of Oz

    OK, now you are outright lying.

    QUOTE follow up to decisions alresdy made, essentially by Hitler, as not entirely explicitly recorded by Himmler, when the Madagascar Plan was clearly no longer feasible. END QUOTE

    Show me some evidence that a) any such thing occured, and b) Yehuda Bauer stated anything like what you claim he did.

    And whatever is found in a dairy in Tel Aviv has nothing to do with the impossibility of the “holocaust”, with its magical fairy tales of the Diesel of Death and gassing Jews with bug spray.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  201. @Wizard of Oz

    Well, some American libertarians (not me) still embrace the term “liberal” in its classical sense, which is how it’s often used in Europe (and I’m guessing Australia). In American political discourse, “liberal” is synonymous with “progressive”, i.e. accepting of capitalism/corporatism with some kind of welfare state. Not surprisingly (as libertarians like Rothbard, following the leftist historical Kolko, stressed), this position is not only amenable to Big Business, historically business interests have bankrolled progressive/liberal movements (as they do now).

    In the current US, permissible political discourse is between two variants of liberalism: an official right (Republicans), and official left (Democrats), with little if any fundamental disagreement and only bickering over details. We all know how the non-mainstream Right is demonized, but in the US the non-establishment Left is (to a less fanatical extent) is likewise marginalized, esp. on foreign policy. (Keep in mind the old pro-labor left, despite its many flaws, did care about the interests of ordinary people, unlike modern liberals who serve the oligarchs against the middle class.)

  202. anon[254] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    to get Germans off the hook…

    off the hook for what?

    are you similarly concerned about getting the Soviets and Western Allies “off the hook” for their misdeeds? or do you conveniently ignore them?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  203. anon[254] • Disclaimer says:

    what do you make of them?

  204. @JackOH

    This is largely accurate. It should be kept in mind that classical liberalism, admirable as it was in many ways and also quite different in many ways from it’s modern variant (associated with the American Democratic Party, e.g.), did sow the seeds of its own perversion/degeneration through some of its core precepts, namely universalism, individualism, and equality, all of which can be sensibly conceived when explicitly limited/confined, but are far too prone to weaponization by a hostile elite (which is exactly what happened in the West).

    • Replies: @JackOH
  205. Wally says:

    Where is your proof for your claimed “nazi crimes”?
    All you do is recite what you cannot prove. Why?

    In your illogical, anti-science mind, witchcraft is factual.
    There is certainly much, much more “ordinary peoples’ testimony”, complete with court documents, to witchcraft & sorcery than to the ‘holocaust testimonies’. Laughable ‘holocau$t testimonies’ where impossible and contradictory claims abound.
    I challenge you to give us just 3 of your ‘testimonies’: what they said in their own words, where, & when.
    recommended: Lectures on the Holocaust / Controversial Issues Cross Examined :

  206. One Tribe says:

    Thank you, so much, Mr. Hoffman, for bringing this inspirational eulogy, and enlightening those ignorant, like me, of the warriors in this desperate battle for humanity.

    While the information itself I value greatly, I believe it also worth noting the almost sublime delivery, which facilitates my absorption of the message greatly.

    Thank you; lovely functional art is one of the greatest accomplishments of human.

    Thank you Mr. Unz for providing the infrastructure facilitating the exchange of this goodwill information.

  207. @anon

    What you ignore was that the context of the conversation was Wehrmacht activities during the period of German occupation of much of Europe – and what class of war applied.

  208. @Genrick Yagoda

    I am sorry to find that UR threads now have an addition to the already excessive number of uncouth commenters who use the word “lie” and it’s cognates stupidly or carelessly.

    If you do an elementary internet search on Yehuda Bauer you will find that I have given a fair summary of the information I passed on about the Bauer’s view of the responsibility of Hitler who, of course was not at Wannsee.

    As to your “whatever is found in a dairy [sic] in Tel Aviv” remark I note, from memory, that the diaries – which were not written personally by Himmler – were found in Russia but what was in Tel Aviv included personal letters. How can you say that what Himmler wrote to his family could not support the view that Himmler was engaged in a final solution of the JP without knowing what they said?

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
    , @anon
  209. @Wizard of Oz

    First, typo flames are not cool, particularly from someone who commits then himself.

    Second, what Yehuda Bauer stated in the quote in question was that Wansee was one step along the way to mass murder, and was not where this fantasy “final solution” was created. And that is all. My response was perfectly correct to the poster I was initially replying to, and your pack of speculation and grafting your hallucinations onto Bauer’s alleged words are in fact a a lie.

    As before, it DOES NOT MATTER what is in some diary. There were no fantasy gas chambers, and there was no Diesel of Death. Therefore, “the holocaust” is simply that some Jews died in the war, and some were murdered. Too bad, so sad. So were more Germans, and they were the ones who were holocausted.

    And that is the subject. Care to stay focused on the subject for a while?

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  210. anon[254] • Disclaimer says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    As to your “whatever is found in a dairy [sic] in Tel Aviv” remark I note, from memory, that the diaries – which were not written personally by Himmler – were found in Russia but what was in Tel Aviv included personal letters.

    sounds about as believable as those conveniently discovered Hitler diaries that were written in about 80 notebooks, all of the exact same style

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  211. @Genrick Yagoda

    You do have a cooler moniker than Wally but a similar attitude I see to investigating evidence starting with “the Germans didn’t do any mass killing of Jews in pursuit of any policy of ethnic cleansing”. As the Nazis were into mass killing of the disabled it is hard to see why you have a problem about the Jewish bit.

  212. @Wizard of Oz

    The available evidence supports the claim that large-scale killings of Jews were harsh, wartime measures (i.e. driven by contingency), and not some grand plan of extermination. There is little evidence to support the official story (gas chambers, etc.).

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  213. @Beefcake the Mighty

    Thanks. They are on my to read list. Good to have you placed in the von Mises camp. It is propitious for civil discourse. I never got round to reading a massive von Mises tome a colleague gave me though I was glad he had got me onto Hayek. The last time I crossed swords with an Austrian schooler was when one writer for Australia’s Quadrant went overboard in his anti-Keynesianism (as usual in a form which neglected to notice the subtlety and nuance of Keynes’s genius) and blamed Keynes for Roosevelt policies and outcomes that JMK actually opposed and criticised, plus refusing to acknowledge that the WW2 boom was very much a vindication of Keynesian advocacy of the government spending money when no one else is willing to. (I blame a kind of primitive anti Keynesianism for Congressional and Administration failure to boost infrastructure spending in 2008 instead of leaving nearly everything to monetary policy).
    PS I am connected to pre welfare state thinking by memory of my father’s sending a large amount of money for an air fare that I could have got out of a European government with the explanation “perhaps I haven’t lived long enough under a welfare state”.

  214. @Beefcake the Mighty

    How do you connect the removal of women, children and the elderly from France, Belgium, Holland, Hungary and Italy to your explanation as “harsh wartime measures (I.e. driven by contingency [?perceived necessity])”? It went on long after any plans for permanent relocation to Madagaskar or Russia had collapsed.

    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
  215. @Wizard of Oz

    Sure. I’m sure you’re aware, von Mises and Hayek were very different thinkers, and I regard von Mises as superior, notwithstanding Hayek’s greater popularity. BTW you’re probably referring to Human Action, von Mises’ magnum opus and a tour de force of economic science. Not light reading, but very rewarding.

  216. @Wizard of Oz

    BTW, you have a fair point that many Austrian school economists dismiss Keynes (and to be honest, to some extent Marx as well (for economics, not politics)) too quickly. He was definitely a brilliant thinker, though very flawed in many ways. In particular, his understanding of the demand for money is critical to understanding modern, capitalist economies and crises in particular. It actually fits in very nicely with the Austrian conception of the structure of production, something Rothbard actually recognized but unfortunately failed to follow through on. Bottom line is, Keynes was in fact right that Say’s Law does not apply to money. Money is not a “veil”, as the neoclassicists believe.

  217. @Wizard of Oz

    The Germans wanted all Jews as far removed from their sphere of influence as possible. Obviously during wartime emigration was not possible, as it was during the 30’s. This is not a defense of these policies, but it is not cause for puzzlement either, as all of the belligerents in WW2 subjected suspect peoples to population transfers. Germans efforts were obviously exacerbated by the fact that the State collapsed as the war was lost, but fundamentally they were not particularly different from what the other participating states were doing.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  218. @Wizard of Oz

    I’ve had an interest in this subject ever since Zundel kicked the crap out of the “holocaust” back in 1983 and again in 1985. I’m well aware that euthanasia of the disabled occured. This was not an uncommon thought in most advanced nations, but the Germans were bit more serious about cleaning up the gene pool.

    I’m also aware that there were some Mai Lai style massacres of Jews that occured. It was war, after all, and anyone who thinks any side has lily white hands is delusional.

    Having stated that, there is no evidence whatsoever of any mass extermination program on the part of the Germans. There is far more compelling evidence that the Germans were the victims of an attempted “holocaust” than the other way around.

    I liked things a lot better when there was such a thing as The West, before “the holocaust” myth was created. As Emil Lachout testified at the Zundel trial his boss issued orders in 1948 to tell the Jews to shut up and quit lying about “gas chambers” or they’d be arrested. Lachout actually produced a copy of these orders and it was entered into evidence. The text of these orders is copied below:

    Military Police Service Copy

    Circular Letter No. 31/48 Vienna, 1 Oct. 1948 10th dispatch

    1. The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps: Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Mauthausen and its satellite camps, Natzweiler, Neuengamme, Niederhagen (Wewelsburg), Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Theresienstadt.

    In those cases, it has been possible to prove that confessions had been extracted by tortures and that testimonies were false.

    This must be taken into account when conducting investigations and interrogations with respect to war crimes.

    The result of this investigation should be brought to the cognizance of former concentration camp inmates who at the time of the hearings testified on the murder of people, especially Jews, with poison gas in those concentration camps. Should they insist on their statements, charges are to be brought against them for making false statements.

    2. In the C.L. (Circular Letter) 15/48, item 1 is to be deleted.

    The Head of the MPS Müller, Major” Certified true copy: Lachout, Second Lieutenant

    • Replies: @utu
  219. utu says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    The Lachout’s document looks very fishy. I would even say it is silly. I can’t imagine anybody drafting anything like that in 1948.

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
    , @Wally
  220. @utu

    What do you mean? There was a duplicate copy in the Austrian records.

    It was entered into evidence and accepted as such at the Zundel trial. What is “silly” about telling Jews to shut the hell up with their whoppers? That’s how things would work in a normal world.

  221. Wally says:

    Indeed, the authenticity of the Lachout Document is doubted by some.
    However, as was said here:

    “Regardless, the contents of this ca. 1948 document are essentially correct. Neither Lachout or any of the signatories were ever prosecuted for ‘forgery’ in a country where ‘holocaust denial’ is illegal. Lachout was in fact compensated by the Austria govt. for false charges against him. ‘Fabrication’ has never been fully demonstrated.”

    [Lachout included] The Müller Document, Historical News and Comment, By Robert Faurisson:
    much more:

    • Replies: @JLK
    , @utu
  222. Anon[436] • Disclaimer says:

    What a busy and curious lot of Anons! I presume we can start with none of us UR pundits having seen the original or read much of the now extensive Himmler material that all seems to be authentic, unlike the notorious Hitler Diaries. Anyway, doesn’t seem to be faced with a narrage of fraud claims or even scholarly doubts [though I would be interested to know more about the diaries that were written up by assistants, unlike e.g. the Crossman Diaries (dictated I think - come to think of it, for all I know, so were Himmler's)]. Isn’t it striking that the authoritative Yehuda Bauer seems to have found supoort for the notion of Hitler’s responsibility for the move from unhealthy exile to killing in Himmler’s words in diaries or letters?

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  223. @Beefcake the Mighty

    I think people defending the Germans would be right to suppose that almost any country’s people could have been worked up to providing the Leader’s “willing executioners” with the wrong kind of leadership, institutions and propaganda. Think Japanese of whom I only know the most delightful civilised people. Think KKK. But it was Germany that had Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels and other leading pseudo-scientific antisemites as leaders. Then – *the point I find it hard to get past* when your explanation is given – why the rounding up snd transport of women, children and elderly? Starting with rationality, why not add workung age Jewish males to the French and other forced labour working in Germany – and Auschwicz – and leave the rest behind as hostages and a burden on their non Jewish neighbours?

  224. @anon

    That was my reaction too, but a few years has passed and there doesn’t seem to have been any exposure of fraud. Apparently the diaries merely add extra years to ones already accepted and not personally written by Himmler. If I was more interested I would go into the question of exactly how the scribes devised the content. But a miscellaneous collection of letters etc. seems likely not to be forged though I suppose some eccentric nerd could have been beavering away in Tel Aviv with the enthusiasm of someone recreating the Turin Shroud. Still, do you know of any work that has actually discredited the authenticity of the Himmler material? From memory the long available Himmler diaries, starting with, 1938, make it clear enough that Naxi leaders wanted to do an ethnic cleansing of Jews so the essential question becomes whether they decided that killing was the acceptable default method.

  225. JackOH says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Beefcake, yes, agree.

    ” . . . [S]ow the seeds of its own perversion/degeneration through some of its core precepts, namely universalism, individualism, and equality . . .”.

    Yep. I think the late Theodore Lowi, probably plenty of others, too, did a bang-up job of demonstrating the disastrousness of coercive “state liberalism”. I’m sort of working my way through a biography of Michael Harrington, and the arrogance of those in his circles is at nosebleed levels.

    Re your earlier comment:

    “In the current US, permissible political discourse is between two variants of liberalism: an official right (Republicans), and official left (Democrats), with little if any fundamental disagreement and only bickering over details. We all know how the non-mainstream Right is demonized, but in the US the non-establishment Left is (to a less fanatical extent) is likewise marginalized, esp. on foreign policy.”

    True. Republicans and Democrats agree the huge piles of crap laws, policies, and enabling mainstream journalism we live under amount to a big chocolate sundae by assumption, and the only things worthy of debate are whether cherries or whipped cream, or both or neither, ought to be the topping.

  226. Bukowski says:

    The article doesn’t mention it but Robert Faurisson also drew attention to the Anne Frank story with a work entitled Is the Diary of Anne Frank Genuine ? – See also –

  227. @Anon

    What does the “now extensive Himmler material” have to do with anything?

    If there were no Jews gassed by bug spray or croaked in the Diesel of Death there was no “holocaust”.

    Anything else is gorilla dust, thrown up to try to escape from the obvious.

  228. Bukowski says:

    Vojkan wrote “I am Orthodox Christian buddy”. I was wondering if you condemn the American bombing of Serbia in 1944 on Easter Day. It wasn’t a coincidence that this happened. The Americans deliberately bombed on this day to show their contempt for Orthodox Christianity.

    • Replies: @Vojkan
  229. JLK says:

    It seems like there were conflicts between what I’ll call the “Morganthau revenge team” that descended on Germany after the liberation and the regular Army people. Patton in particular wasn’t having any of it. Morganthau’s resignation was eventually accepted by Truman. Ongoing civil administration procedures such as de-Nazification and war crimes investigations were turned over to the regular occupation authorities and the West German government shortly thereafter. Morganthau’s plan to strip Germany of all industry was abandoned in favor of the Marshall Plan.

    Morganthau probably extracted a few promises from Truman on his way out. Truman inserted the six million figure into one of his speeches. Truman however was not in a position to promise a Nazi-Stalinist state mandated version of history because that is not the American way.

    • Replies: @utu
  230. utu says:

    I’d rather go with this opinion form your codoh forum:
    As far as I know, no leading revisionists has been ready to stand up for this document, but one can see why Faurisson was initially tempted to give it space. The forgery incorporates his own misreading of the famous Martin Broszat letter of 1960, which said, first, that no gassings took place at Dachau, Buchenwald and Belsen; and, second, said that no gassings which were part of the Final Soluton took place on German soil. It was very natural to misread this document as saying that no gassings of any kind took place on German soil, and this claim is still parroted on neo-Nazi sites as if the Broszat letter were proof of the fact.

    But the Broszat letter did not actually deny, and Broszat himself elsewhere explicitly affirmed, that homicidal gassings took place at other German camps. If he had made such a denial he would have been challenging the declared findings of several British trials which in 1947 had established – to the satisfaction of the court – that there were homicidal (but not genocidal) gas chambers at Ravensbruck and Neuengamme. Broszat would never have dared to challenge these findings, and the moribund Allied War Crimes Commission of 1948 would not have had the materials or the motive to do so.

    Whenever some newly discovered document seems too good to be true, from your own point of view, you may be sure that it is not true

    Let me add this:

    (1) What is “The Allied Commissions of Inquiry?” Has anybody shown that such commission even existed? Who was its chairman, who worked for it? Did anybody bother to do research on it?

    (2) What do you know about Captain Muller? Anybody tried to identify that anybody with this name worked for the Military Police and was deployed to Austria in 1948? No, you did not try because you yourself do not believe in this document.

    (3) The following camps

    Gross-Rosen and Stutthof were in Poland
    Theresienstadt were in Czechoslovakia
    Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen were in Eastern Germany in Soviet occupation zone

    which means US army had no access to them.

    It is a very primitive forgery done by not very smart person. David Irving never spoke about it because he did not want to undermine Zundel trial but he knew it was a forgery.

    You and CODOH should retire this document from your arsenal of arguments because it is a dud and it hurts your credibility even further except among morons who frequent your site who do not know what credibility is.

    • Replies: @Wally
  231. utu says:

    Trumna got rid of Morgenthau before the Potsdam Conference (July 1945).

    In 1945, when Harry S. Truman became President, Morgenthau insisted on accompanying Truman to Potsdam by threatening to quit if he was not allowed to, Truman accepted his resignation immediately.[39] He devoted the remainder of his life to working with Jewish philanthropies, and also became a financial advisor to Israel. (Wiki)

    Possibly this saved Germany. Yet, still he published in October 1945 his book “Germany is Our Problem in which he described and motivated the Morgenthau plan in great detail. Roosevelt had granted permission for the book the evening before his death, when dining with Morgenthau at Warm Springs. Morgenthau had asked Churchill for permission to also include the text of the then still secret “pastoralization” memorandum signed by Churchill and FDR at Quebec but permission was denied.”

  232. anon[405] • Disclaimer says:

    i think we should spend our time investigating the crimes of this Genrikh Yagoda instead

    he seems to have matched anything the Germans did all by himself, and strangely very little media coverage

  233. The post you quoted is a lie.

    Emil Lachout testified in a Canadian Court room that he prepared this document for Mueller, witnessed his signature and personally signed the document. It was accepted as evidence in the Zundel trial.

    So the entire premise that “no leading revisionists has been ready to stand up for this document” Is a steaming 3 coiled pile. You should retire your fantasies and stick with the evidence.

  234. Wally says:

    “You and CODOH should retire this document from your arsenal of arguments because it is a dud and it hurts your credibility even further except among morons who frequent your site who do not know what credibility is.”

    Fake argument again by the utterly debunked True Believer in the impossible ‘Nazi gas chambers’, utu. See his ‘gas chamber’ silliness shot down here: – comment 429

    I have shown that many consider it a questionable document. But as usual utu needs to lie to distract from his major blunder as shown above and the massive beating he repeatedly took here: American Pravda: Holocaust Denial, by Ron Unz :

    • Replies: @utu
  235. utu says:

    Listen you moron, I gave you several arguments why the document is fake. The best one is that several camps, actually most of them, listed in the document were out of reach to American authorities because they were in Soviet occupied zone, Poland and Czechoslovakia.

    You idiots in CODOH do not know basic geography of Central Europe and where the camps appear on the map. But I forgot that you do not have to look on any map because you know that you won’t find any camps there because the camps did not exist. Is that the way your peanut brain works?

    I said it before but must repeat it again that somebody is sabotaging the revisionist movement by letting moron like you be its chief spokesmen here at UR.

    The Lachout document should be retired from the arsenal of arguments because every time you use it you compromise yourself. But perhaps that is your objective.

    • Replies: @Wally
  236. Perhaps you were in too much of a religious frenzy to notice, but Lachout and Mueller were AUSTRIAN MP members, and the commission of Inquiry they ere attached to had 2 members from every allied country.

    In your religious mania you claim that QUOTE Gross-Rosen and Stutthof were in Poland
    Theresienstadt were in Czechoslovakia
    Sachsenhausen, Ravensbrück, Sachsenhausen were in Eastern Germany in Soviet occupation zone END QUOTE

    But all of these places during the war WERE A PART OF GERMANY. So it is entirely irrelvant to your fantasies that their post war occupation proves anything, other than that you are a rather comical liar.

    People who served in these places were well positioned to be able to document to the satisfaction of everyone that there were no fantasy gassings there, so either you think the people reading this are too dumb to notice the difference, or you are.

    The Lachout document is perfectly accurate and authentic, has never been shown otherwise, and speaks of a better time when we used to tell you clowns to shut up and quit lying or face arrest.

    • Replies: @utu
  237. Wally says:

    Whoa, Gas Chambers Believer Utu, your little panties are in twist. The truth can do that.
    Yep, you ignore my comments because they debunk your childish lies.
    And then you desperately try to change the subject to where the well known camps were located, WTF? … as if no one but you really knew. LOL
    As I said: “I have shown that many consider it a questionable document.”
    But you choose to ignore that.
    As was also posted & you dodged:

    “Regardless, the contents of this ca. 1948 document are essentially correct. Neither Lachout or any of the signatories were ever prosecuted for ‘forgery’ in a country where ‘holocaust denial’ is illegal. Lachout was in fact compensated by the Austria govt. for false charges against him. ‘Fabrication’ has never been fully demonstrated.”

    BTW, CODOH numbers have increased drastically since I started posting here.
    Oh ouch!!

    • Replies: @2stateshmustate
  238. Vojkan says:

    I apologise for having overlooked your answer. The Easter greetings the USA and the UK have repeatedly sent us throughout the 20th century are reasons why I consider them as enemies for eternity.

  239. utu says:
    @Genrick Yagoda

    Your document states

    The Allied Commissions of Inquiry have so far established that no people were killed by poison gas in the following concentration camps

    What was The Allied Commissions of Inquiry? Any of you geniuses ever tried to find out?

    Austria was under occupation. Yes, they had their own police but the document specifically states it was The Allied Commissions that establish this or that.

    Let suppose there was some Allied Commissions. How could they establish facts on the ground? They could make a phone to a former camp commander and ask him if he had any gassing done? But obviously this could not happen because nobody would believe any SS commander and they were all in jails anyway having their balls crashed.

    Or they would have to go to camps and investigate there. And this could not happen because they could not have access to the camps in Soviet zone and Soviet block countries. Should I repeat it?

    You are even greater more than Wally. At least Wally sometimes knows when to shut up. That the camps were in Germany during the war it is really irrelevant because, try to think now and employ your two neurons, the investigation was done after the war. I will repeat: camps were in Germany during the war but investigation if any had to be done after the war. There was no Allies or any Allies Commissions in Germany during the war. Unless they were parachuted to do a clandestine investigation so this document could be produced for morons like you.

    This document is forged 100% just like you are a moron 100%.

    • Replies: @Wally
  240. You appear to be the typical religious nut holocaustian.

    You don’t seem to understand how trials work. At the discovery phase both the defense and the Crown are required to submit their list of witnesses, and what their testimony was going to show. Both sides did this.

    Every single religious Nut holocaustian knew in advance who Emil Lachout was, and what would be his testimony. If they were able to challenge him, they would have done so in court or under cross, or called a rebuttal witness.

    Since they were unable to do so, all we are left with is fantasy howling and wailing from you plug-your-ears-and-hold-your-breath children claiming that it isn’t true after the fact.

    It is true. It’s been certified in court. It’s on the record forever as a geniune and court certified document. And in better times we used to tell you children to shut up and quit lying or face arrest.

  241. If there was anything even remotely like mass gassings in Germany (i.e. something that could be portrayed as a Western counterpart to Auschwitz or Treblinka), it is a certainty that the Americans would have propagandized it to no end. That they didn’t is pretty compelling indication that nothing like this existed on German soil. At most there would have been vestiges of the T4 program which of course had nothing do with “extermination” and thus useless for propaganda purposes.

    • Replies: @anon
  242. Wally says:

    ” At least Wally sometimes knows when to shut up.”

    IOW, when its easier to let you & those like you hoist yourselves by your own petard. LOL comment 429

  243. chris says:

    Excellent Interview, Art; thanks for the link!

  244. anon[134] • Disclaimer says:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    If there was anything even remotely like mass gassings in Germany (i.e. something that could be portrayed as a Western counterpart to Auschwitz or Treblinka), it is a certainty that the Americans would have propagandized it to no end. That they didn’t is pretty compelling indication that nothing like this existed on German soil.

    weren’t there lots of silly American troops claiming they had liberated “Nazi death camps”?

  245. Wally says:

    “weren’t there lots of silly American troops claiming they had liberated “Nazi death camps”?”
    Yes there were, and they were lied to and told to clam it.
    Here’s a classic propaganda photo:


    A solder from the U.S. 7th Army examines the door to the supposed gas chamber of Dachau. In reality a lice disinfection room.
    The Gas Chamber at Dachau: Now You See It, Now You Don’t, By Carlos Whitlock Porter:
    Buchenwald—A Dumb Dumb Portrayal Of Evil. By DenierBud :
    Nazi Shrunken Heads, A 24-minute free video about lies By DenierBud :
    The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies, By Theodore J. O’Keefe :

  246. @anon

    Probably. Many Americans to this day believe their relatives liberated Auschwitz (which, unless their relatives served in the Red Army, is a fantasy).

  247. Tony M says:

    Britain conducted what were called intruder operations on German radio stations, using two requisitioned 500KW (that’s a huge amount of power) RCA-made transmitters intended for a thus aborted US nationwide AM radio station, which were combined with an antenna-farm, including one gigantic antenna known as Aspidistra, located (it is thought) near what is now the new-town of Milton Keynes in England, which could reach even eastern-Europe. Using this apparatus they could ‘shout down’ German broadcasts for those not in close range to the genuine transmitter and seamlessly replace the broadcast content with their own fair imitation, right down to correct martial music and flawless German speaking mimics who were indistinguishable from the original broadcasts’ announcers. Whole news broadcasts on German stations could be completely faked, to subtly spread disinformation, doubts and unrest, and often the audiences were none the wiser.

    In addition to this there were numerous ‘black’ shortwave stations staffed by emigres catering to their own targeted audiences, such as the French resistance, bogus German troop station Soldatensenders, and the notorious GS-1 (Gustav-Siegfried Eins) with its star announcer, the crude and entertaining, seemingly well-informed Der Chef (and his trusty adjutant), who were tracked down and shot dead whilst on the air, though the credibility of his grisly demise was stretched somewhat when the ‘live’ program was repeated for those who might have missed it the first time. Many of the German military enjoyed it immensely, and tuned in regularly despite being well aware it was a fake ‘Feindsender’ and probably appreciated the seemingly idiotic blunder of the double joke execution.

    Details of this can be found in the book ‘The Black Game’ by Ellic Howe, whose specific role in the propaganda war was as an expert forger, who had presciently in the 1920s been buying up cheaply old-german ‘fraktur’ dies for hot-lead casting of typefaces, as with movements such as Bauhaus, more modern simplified and sans-serif fonts were coming into common use in Germany, a trend which the Nazis in the ’30s reversed. Howe too was involved in forgeries such as the Himmler stamp which graces the paperback cover, and could and did produce perfect facsimiles of every conceivable German-issued official document with ease.

    A related book by someone who worked closely with Ellic Howe, which I haven’t read is Dennis Sefton-Delmer’s ‘Black Boomerang’.

    The author (Howe) contends and admits that in the field of propaganda in war, they were prepared to do and say anything, it really was no holds barred devious stuff. It was by these broadcast mediums, especially those staffed by unhinged emigre avowedly diehard Communists and religious and other fanatics that gas-chamber, death-camp and such stories were propagated and gained currency, though the veracity of their more extravagant claims left much to be desired.

    Even the offical ‘white’ state-propaganda BBC echoed them as the rumours fed back, firstly in 1942, though undoubtedly higher-echelons in this black game were aware of their somewhat incestuous origins, some US newspapers were given to making the most specious claims too.

    The relevance is that the author, Howe, was aware that many of the false stories planted by radio and printed-matter distributed in and broadcast to Axis and occupied-countries, was being repeated back to agents and sources in those countries as ‘truth’ and ‘facts’, and filtering back to Britain, via this grapevine and analysed almost as audience-research, but in the field it was reinforcing, further spreading and embellishing stories those in the know had planted themselves and knew were gross falsehoods. Those unfortunates arriving at concentration-camps were thus already primed with all manner of groundless beliefs and apprehensions.

    Someone the other day mentioned here (in another thread), in passing, the 1920 “Secrets of Crewe House’, this book sheds no light on anything, it is triumphalist mendacious still in war-time mode drivel, it is itself possibly the most dire dishonest, hypocritical lie-filled propagandist tract it has ever been my misfortune to read.

    • Replies: @JLK
  248. JLK says:
    @Tony M

    Sefton Delmer speaking with a German professor after the war ended:

    I am of the central office you talked about: Atrocity propaganda – and with it we won the total victory.” I replied: “I know, and now you must stop it!” He retorted: “No, now we shall start all the more! We shall continue this atrocity propaganda, we shall intensify it, until nobody shall accept a good word from the Germans anymore, until all the sympathy you had in other countries shall be destroyed, and until the Germans themselves shall be so confused that they do not know anymore what they are doing!” I terminated the conversation: “Then you shall burden yourself with a great responsibility!”

    • Replies: @anon
  249. anon[997] • Disclaimer says:

    “No, now we shall start all the more! We shall continue this atrocity propaganda, we shall intensify it, until nobody shall accept a good word from the Germans anymore, until all the sympathy you had in other countries shall be destroyed, and until the Germans themselves shall be so confused that they do not know anymore what they are doing!”

    sounds exactly what (((they))) do to white countries now – ruining lives

    • Replies: @JLK
  250. JLK says:

    Things aren’t working out very well in South Africa these days, but one thing I admired about the end process of Apartheid was the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Tell the truth about the past so we can all accept it and heal, and you will have immunity.

    I see the Holocaust debate in the same light. It isn’t about scoring points. Disclosure and acceptance of the full truth is simply the best way to move on and heal. As long as there is doubt, an us-versus-them attitude and dirty tactics and allegations against those who have a good faith disagreement on the interpretation of evidence, the wounds will remain open. Most of the revisionists agree that the Jewish population of Europe was horribly wronged in WWII and that a large number didn’t make it through the war.

    But premeditated industrialized mass murder is a sin of a different sort. If there were no cyanide gas chambers, the allegation that this happened has done psychological damage to Germans, Jews and all the Europeans who helped with the roundup. It insults all people of German heritage, including the millions that served in the U.S. Armed Forces in WWII and the innocent Germans of today who were unborn or children during war. I probably can’t adequately describe the psychological effect it has had on Jews in America, Israel and elsewhere, but I can imagine the level of hatred one would have to struggle to suppress and the toll it would take.

    If the tale was propagated to shame the Germans and diminish their national spirit after the war, it was a bad idea in the long term. It has polarized the American political debate and contributed to the damaged psyche of a nuclear weapons state. If Israel uses them on Russia, for example, we in America can expect to be targeted in turn because it is well known that we winked and abetted the proliferation.

    • Replies: @anon
    , @refl
  251. anon[389] • Disclaimer says:

    I probably can’t adequately describe the psychological effect it has had on Jews in America, Israel and elsewhere….

    I can – the effect on them seems to have been to make them feel incredibly self-righteous, as though they are the moral judge of all others on the planet

    • Agree: Beefcake the Mighty
  252. my2cents says:

    How was Rassinier brutilized in Buchenwald??…..Karl-Otto Koch, husband of infamous Ilse Koch and commandant of Buchenwald was put against the wall and summarily shot in early 1945 for having stolen from a Jewish person and having killed a Jewish doctor who cured him of a venereal disease.
    Ill treatment in the camps was not allowed. Most ill treatments were committed by inmates against each other. Dora was a work camp and Anything that would interfere with the health of the workers needed for the war effort resulted in punishment of the staff. Your over consumption by the staff is an invention.
    Elie Wiesel is a big HOAX!!!! He was never in Auschwitz, nor in Buchenwald.
    People did not die because of starvation or gas chambers. They died of Typhus which is what most people during war died of. History is full of that scenario.
    Since this is all about Robert Faurisson I wonder why you should bring up Rassinier?

    • Replies: @Genrick Yagoda
  253. refl says:

    “If the tale was propagated to shame the Germans and diminish their national spirit after the war, it was a bad idea in the long term.” – it worked, and it worked against the West as a whole. In Germany today there is basically no such thing as a national spirit, and I do not see how this could ever return.
    As there is no way to openly discuss what really happened in the era of the World wars we will be left with this sickly distorted story and there is no way to find anything like reconciliation.

    Germans today are mostly consumed by their Sündenstolz – they take pride in being the greatest sinners and the greatest repenters that there ever have been in the history of the universe.

  254. @my2cents

    Yes, Koch was shot….after being put on trial by the German military!

    If the nutty fables were true, the German military would have given Karl Otto a medal, not arrested, tried, and executed him.

  255. Thank you for this very enlightening article. Dr. Robert Faurisson could have been the inspiration for the song The Impossible Dream. But the thing to keep in mind is that it isn’t impossible, that the truth will prevail. But it will take individual courage. I add Dr. Faurisson to my list of heroes along with Ernst Zundel

  256. @Wally

    Bravo Wally! Keep up the good work.

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