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"Johann Ricke"
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    My favorite story about George Bush the elder is how on the White House tennis court, he would fire himself up when serving by shouting "Unleash Chang!" which, I believe, combined the old 1950s GOP slogan "Unleash Chiang" Kai-shek with the diminutive 1987 French Open champion baseliner Michael Chang. This clever joke became a lost-in-the-fog...
  • @John Lilburne
    George Bush son of Prescott bush, financier of both Lenin' s and Hitler's revolution.
    A major member of skull and bones whose initiation means doing strange things in coffins in a crypt with Geronimo's skull. Skull and bones was and remains a globalist organisation which fitted nicely into the jewish preoccupation of making everyone but their own tribe rootless cosmopolitans.
    A classic deep state operative who at least betrayed his country in a very gentlemanly and cordial way.

    George Bush son of Prescott bush, financier of both Lenin’ s and Hitler’s revolution.

    He was nothing of the kind. Brown Brothers Harriman raised capital for enterprises all over the world, and that included some industrial concerns in Germany during the Weimar period and during subsequent periods as well.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • @Sean
    It is difficult to seem like a competent leader when you have the thankless task of winding up a lost war. Watergate was an attempt to gather information on something which remains unclear to this day. John Dean's wife may have been married to a clown, she certainly had some colourful friends.

    It is difficult to seem like a competent leader when you have the thankless task of winding up a lost war.

    It wasn’t lost in 1969 and Nixon, Laird, and Kissinger did not think of their task in those terms. Kissinger stated it thus: to withdraw American troops as a matter of policy and not as a matter of defeat. Gen. Creighton Abrams was able after 1968 to implement a successful strategy which neutered the Viet Cong as a military force (and implemented an agrarian reform in South VietNam). The South VietNam government fell in 1975 to a conventional invasion by the North VietNam government, who might have been stopped had the U.S. military provided air cover to the South VietNam government, something Congress would not permit.

    Watergate was an attempt to gather information on something which remains unclear to this day. John Dean’s wife may have been married to a clown, she certainly had some colourful friends

    Again, the Nixon Administration had two interlocking crews running criminal operations, one directed by Egil Krogh, the other by Gordon Liddy. You also had Charles Colson’s staff (though they appear to have never gotten their more inventive plans off the drawing board). I think it’s likely Dean account of his doings between January and June of 1972 is fictional and Gordon Liddy has in the intervening years been quite vehement about that (with some corroboration from others). Both Liddy and Dean are agreed that John Mitchell and Jeb Magruder were fully cognizant of just what Liddy’s actual duties were at the Committee to Re-Elect the President and that Liddy made elaborate presentations to both men in jonesing for a budget for his operation. We also have it from Dean that John Ehrlichman knew all about (and, in fact had ordered) the Colson office’s preliminary planning to firebomb the Brookings Institution. If I’m not mistaken, Magruder and Liddy have confirmed that Gordon Strachan was in the loop on the activities of the Liddy crew at the CRP. So, Ehrlichman, Mitchell, and H.R. Haldeman’s secretary know all about these shenanigans and somehow the President is unawares?

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Sean
    In 1966 Enoch Powell was asked for his opinion on what America should do about the Vietnam war by Dr Kissinger, Powell told Kissinger

    Kissinger made no comment, but later wrote to Powell staying that he should not take the silence as indicating disagreement. There was never any possibility of American victory in Vietnam without calling out the reserves as the army's premier tactician General Harold Johnson (Chief of Staff of the United States Army from 1964 to 1968) said would have been necessary to win; a non-starter because of the threat that China would come in as they had in the Korean war. Yet the US army had little choice but to engage the enemy's main formations, which had to be prevented from securing base areas where they could concentrate. This was cthe onventional warfare that had been disparaged as failing in Vietnam.

    General Creighton Abrams's PR spin was he took emphasis away from what Westmoreland dubbed attrition. However Abrams's first big operation resulted in the Battle of Hamburger Hill, a political disaster that effectively curtailed Abrams's freedom to continue with such operations, It simply was not possible for both domestic and foreign policy reasons for America to use balls to the wall conventional warfare, and the main force North Vietnamese units were the problem that stopped counter insurgency being the panacea that JFK was led to believe, and many after have claimed. Korea and Vietnam were clear defeats, and it was China all along. Kissinger visited Chou in 1971, and signed America's own Treaty of Paris ending the ground force US Vietnam war in 1973. China had to be got of side so they could tell Hanoi to end it. Fantasic as it seems the later bombing under Nixon was to bring Hanoi to negotiations: the US had to unleash a horrific campaign of bombing to batter Hanoi into accepting American capitulation. The North Vietnamese were loving it, they knew they could not be beaten because they controlled whether there were engagements with US forces, giving an option to simply avoid battle with US forces if the situation warranted it. As Johnson realised, the North Vietnamese regular units would always keep their casualties below what they considered a prohibitive level, and could not be swept away by US firepower unless America unleashed it's full strength, which risked a land war with China.

    WALT Rostow was isolated by Kennedy’s minions when he advocated attacking North Vietnam and invading Laos, but the more hawkish President Johnson elevated him to national security adviser. Milne demonstrates skillfully that LBJ’s bombing policy came largely from Rostow, while his relentless positive spin kept the besieged president from knowing the full extent of the catastrophe until public opinion had turned against him... the unrepentant prophet of America’s victory over communism.
    Gordon Liddy was sued by Dean over an allegation that the Watergate bugs were actually planted on Dean's orders so he could find out if the Democrats had information connecting him to a woman associated with a stripper and a call girl racket centered on the Watergate building.. Doesn't mean it is true, but the location of the bugs was puzzling as they were apparently not placed on top Dem officials or anywhere that Democratic secret strategy meetings would be discussed. They were on the phone of a low ranking person, but some one who might easily be suspected of being aware of the escort dates. Nixon certainly knew there was illegal activity by his staff, but the motive for the Watergate operation and who was behind it remains unclear to this day.
  • From the New York Times: Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. T.M. Landry, a school in small-town Louisiana, has garnered national attention for vaulting its underprivileged black students to elite colleges. But the school cut corners and doctored college applications. By Erica L. Green and Katie Benner,...
  • @Peter Johnson
    Talent distribution has (to a rough approximation) a normal distribution with a thin upper and lower tail. Your claim about the mismatch worsening due to Harvard grabbing talented-but-not-extremely-talented blacks sounds plausible, but it depends upon the distribution of college places on the elite/non-elite scale and its match to the distribution of academic talent among applicants from the preferred and non-preferred ethnic groups. The mismatch could ease or worsen for elite-but-not-Harvard colleges depending upon how the two distribution interact.

    I wasn’t trying to express that it was worse (although it may be) – what I was trying to say that in this game of musical chairs, while almost all black students are at the low end of class rankings at their respective universities, Harvard blacks are still plausible college material while at the lower ranking schools the blacks that they are able to get fall below the minimum threshold and are unable to graduate (or if they do graduate, unable to pass professional certification exams). Harvard shoves every black to the left, but theirs are still on solid ground while the ones at the other end of the line fall off the cliff.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • From the British Psychological Society's Research Digest: Many social psychologists are impeded by their ideological aversion to evolutionary psychology By Christian Jarrett A new survey of beliefs held by social psychologists (335 members of the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists) has confirmed previous reports that the field is overwhelmingly populated by researchers of a left-wing,...
    I didn't say the research projects she's involved with are invalid. But, in my opinion, in her demeanor, manner of speaking, and motivation, she typifies the 305 of 309 who supported Obama. Do you think any of the 4 who supported Romney (of 309) would have done what she did?

    No. However, I doubt many social psychologists would have done what she did. Most people are risk averse and only an odd minority are willing to lie their tuchus off in front of a nine-digit audience. (N.B., Blasey at the beginning of her career was a child development specialist, not a social psychologist).

    What was disconcerting about l’affaire Blasey is the readiness of partisan Democrats and NeverTrump twits to credit what she said. You’d think someone bringing a complaint 36 years after the fact, someone whose account was undermined by each of the four people she named as being present, someone whose account had incredible gaps, someone who could produce no evidence she ever met the accused, someone whose residence and school enrollments were such that there was no particular reason to presume she ever knew the accused, someone whose name and initials are absent from the accused’s period appointment calendar, someone who provably lied about a number of ancillary matters would encounter some skepticism from people generally. In discussions I’ve had in fora like this, I’ve yet to encounter a single identifiable Democrat willing to say plainly that her story was sh!t. Pretty amusing that most Democrats assume they’re Daniel Dennett’s Brights.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @TTSSYF
    All I was really getting at is that, in my opinion, she’s a typical Leftie psychologist of the type who voted for Obama in record numbers. It makes no difference to me as to whether any of them would have done what she did as far as publicly testifying (most people wouldn’t, regardless of their profession, and she supposedly didn’t want to, either). No doubt most, if not all, of the 305 of 309 were cheering her efforts from their living rooms.
  • From the New York Times: Louisiana School Made Headlines for Sending Black Kids to Elite Colleges. Here’s the Reality. T.M. Landry, a school in small-town Louisiana, has garnered national attention for vaulting its underprivileged black students to elite colleges. But the school cut corners and doctored college applications. By Erica L. Green and Katie Benner,...
  • @JLK

    Actually, flyover states are underrepresented at place like Harvard because not that many flyover kids are interested or minimally qualified to attend (there aren’t that many of them to begin with – more people live on the Upper West Side of Manhattan than in the entire state of Wyoming) so the admission office would actually like it if they got more of those kids.
    The Midwest as a whole has a pretty substantial population, with a lot of well-read kids who have aptitude. However, the top private universities are far away on the coasts (except for Northwestern), and the in-state flagship State U. tends to be considered (I lived in one of these states for a while) more prestigious than it really is. The local newspapers don't tout the Ivy League like the NYT does. A lot of top students in the Midwest as a consequence never apply to the private schools on the coasts. The ones who do tend to be prep school products or the kids of parents who are more aware of the benefits of an Ivy League or Stanford pedigree.

    A lot of top students in the Midwest as a consequence never apply to the private schools on the coasts. The ones who do tend to be prep school products or the kids of parents who are more aware of the benefits of an Ivy League or Stanford pedigree.

    It may also be that the parents are more into seeing their kids on a regular basis – more likely if they go to a state school – than they are into seeing their kids once a year, if that, should they enter the career path of an Ivy League grad (typically coastal city metro area job).

  • My favorite story about George Bush the elder is how on the White House tennis court, he would fire himself up when serving by shouting "Unleash Chang!" which, I believe, combined the old 1950s GOP slogan "Unleash Chiang" Kai-shek with the diminutive 1987 French Open champion baseliner Michael Chang. This clever joke became a lost-in-the-fog...
  • @AnotherDad

    No. Germany and the German people are a nation. There was no other logical outcome but reunification. Anything else would have been an imposition from outside, as the Germans had already endured at other times. I don’t think Steve really believes otherwise.
    Agree--well said Buzz.

    Annecdote: Watched the '88 Olympics with some German grad school, post-doc friends and the gal mentioned that they'd root for their Germans, but failing that these bizarro East Germans. (And these folks are Bavarians--the Texans of Germany.)

    Thatcher's view was the petulance of someone who had lived through the war, the blitz. It was well past time to be beyond that. The missed opportunity at the end of the Soviet Union was actually not getting the Cold War behind us and trying to get Russia anchored into the West--a happily and proudly white West mind you, not this putrid porridge that we have now--rather than treated like a loser and looted by Wall Street goons. Germans getting their nation back shouldn't have even been an issue.

    Russians are, despite their whiteness, fundamentally Eastern in their nature and will never be fully part of the West. They don’t need to be part of the West (especially the globo-homo West we actually have – the “proudly white” West of your imagination no longer existed by the time of the Soviet downfall) – they are their own civilization. Certain aspects of Russian civilization are worse than what we have, certain aspects are better, but most of all they are a little different. They (unlike the Chinese) are part of Christendom but a different side of it. We are the descendants of the western Romans, they are the eastern Romans (the Byzantines). We are never going to be Russian and they are never going to be Western.

    Now could the transition have been handled better? For sure, but this is mostly on the head of the Russians (with Western naivete added in – we thought that Iraq was going to be a democracy too. Same for Afghanistan. We think that everyone is really an American at heart. They ain’t). The Germans had to handle a transition to capitalism and democracy in E. Germany and they handled it a lot better because they are Germans (and because they were willing to pour a lot of $ into it, which we weren’t).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @anonymous
    Oh do shut up.

    You think beautiful Russian women like Anna Kournikova and Maria Sharapova aren't a great part of our European civilization?

    Would you prefer hanging out with some HIV + bisexual homies 2 miles from me now in Englewood Chicago?

    It's always been amazing to see White European Americans have some ridiculous confused rational why we have to hate, go to war with and kill other White European people like

    The Germans
    the Serbs

    Some other church denomination.

    I curse you and your foolish, traitor kind.

    Go live in Baltimore, fly the US flag and try to tell everyone how much you hate Russians and Love Amukun FREEDOM.
    , @J.Ross
    We controlled Russia, we inserted Yeltsin and then laughed at them for tolerating Yeltsin, we stole everything that wasn't bolted down while arbitrarily banning their products, but, hey, what does anyone want, they're Orientals.
    , @AnotherDad

    Russians are, despite their whiteness, fundamentally Eastern in their nature and will never be fully part of the West....
    I don't fundamentally disagree with this. I'm on board with my Huntington--Russia, Orthodox is a related but separate civilization from Western Christendom. A cousin.

    I was writing for brevity, not trying to go book length. The idea wasn't that we'd magically westernize them, but that we'd tie them into the West.

    Specifically the thrust should have been to put the blame on "communism" not Russia. Be magnimous. Avoid any victory lap gloating. Include them as international security partners. Generous aid, investment and trade terms to link them to Europe and the broader West. We'd have been much, much, much better off seeing Russia rise than the Chinese.

    This would always have been difficult to pull off smoothly. And in fairness to Bush I, the worst of it came later unleashing the Harvard geniuses under Clinton, encouraging the looters and then letting the neocons loose to dream and preen and scheme with the US as sole superpower. The Russians actually got *poorer* after communism ended! That's peachy. And a rightfully proud nationalistic Russian reaction to the US--neocon--bumptious hyperpower asininty was pretty inevitable. "Hey you didn't beat us, we are big swinging dicks too!"

    As I said--missed opportunity.
    , @istevefan

    Russians are, despite their whiteness, fundamentally Eastern in their nature and will never be fully part of the West.
    You could say similar things about Greeks, Israelis and others. And I imagine you will be able to say that increasingly about Western Europeans too. Either what was the West is being left behind, or what is the West is rapidly changing. I don't think guys who lived as recently as Harry Truman would even recognize us anymore.

    They (unlike the Chinese) are part of Christendom but a different side of it.
    The key part is they are a part of Christendom and are not hostile to it. Meanwhile I don't think you can say that about the West today. Werner Von Braun claimed he chose to emigrate to the USA and help us because we were Christians and the Soviets were atheists and he did not want to help them by providing them with such advanced technology. If he were alive today, I wonder what his take would be on the flip-flop of this difference.

    PS. I actually think Russians are more like Americans than many other so called Western nations. Now I am scoping this observation to rural, white and working class Americans. But it seems from anecdotal viewing of youtube videos, Russians are similar to our rednecks in terms of jovial behavior when it comes to off roading, guns, drinking, and other such low brow endeavors. Here are two funny clips, one of Russian soldiers messing around and getting their tank stuck in the mud, and the other of US soldiers doing the same. Obviously this isn't scientific, but I do think there is some similarity in the attitudes between our country boys and theirs that I don't see with other Euros.

  • From the British Psychological Society's Research Digest: Many social psychologists are impeded by their ideological aversion to evolutionary psychology By Christian Jarrett A new survey of beliefs held by social psychologists (335 members of the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists) has confirmed previous reports that the field is overwhelmingly populated by researchers of a left-wing,...
  • @Anonymouse
    >305 to 4 for Obama Over Romney

    That refers to Obama's 2012 re-election. I am suspicious of the numbers but let's look at the larger picture. The notion of voting for a man who made himself hundreds of millions of dollars as a vulture capitalist, buying up failing companies with leveraged loans so as to sell off the assets whilst firing the workers is hard to countenance. In contrast, Obama had negligible negative baggage and was/is very personable. What were the comparable figures for the Obama vs. McCain (+Sarah Palin, McCain's Hail Mary VP candidate) election? At the time of the 2008 election, after 8 horrible years of Bush and his wars, an extremely conservative friend (who published in the New Criterion and was the drama critic in the Wall Street Journal for a number of years) bashfully admitted that he had voted for Obama.

    The notion of voting for a man who made himself hundreds of millions of dollars as a vulture capitalist, buying up failing companies with leveraged loans so as to sell off the assets whilst firing the workers is hard to countenance.

    Because it would be so much better for the workers if you just shut the business and fired them all toute de suite.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
  • You hear a lot about White Privilege and White Flight, but when you look at the mortality figures lately, it looks more like White Plight. From AFP:
  • @Twinkie

    Reported by: Jiaquan Xu, MD
    And yet no data on Asian-Americans.

    Among 25-44 y.o. adults, blacks and Native Americans still outperform, but whites are (very) gradually catching up:

  • @Wilkey
    Just looking at suicide rates across the US and various First World countries it seems pretty hard to come up with any explanation for why rates are soaring. In the US the biggest gap seems to be between whites and Amerindians, on the on hand, and everyone else.

    My suspicion is that the breakdown of communal feeling has hit whites the hardest. Churches and other social organizations have waned in influence, and the disintegration of old neighborhoods thanks to desegregation and mass immigration certainly hasn't helped. The government seems to have a vested interest in social atomization, especially with regard to whites. That would seem like a cozy explanation except that, if it is a part of it, there are exceptions and confounding factors too numerous to count.

    When all is said and done I would guess that the answer isn't going to make conservatives or leftists completely happy. Part of the answer to the problem may involved less government, and part of it may involve more.

    On an unrelated question, I wonder how many blacks and Hispanics who would otherwise be dying from a drug overdose or suicide are dying violently at the hands of others. Perhaps the kinds of blacks who might be dying from an o.d. or suicide if they lived longer just aren't living long enough to die that way. Alcoholics and drug addicts tend to piss a lot of people off on their way to the grave. Piss off the wrong kinds of people - people who tend to be more violent and impulsive - and you may not live long enough to kill yourself. Many others blacks and Hispanics may be getting locked up for lengthy prison terms where they can't harm themselves quite so easily.

    I think you are off track in your last paragraph. Suicide (other than suicide by cop) is just not that popular in black culture. The 1960′s heroin epidemic (and the ’80s crack epidemic) was a largely black thing but this drug epidemic seems to have fallen more on whites. During prior drug epidemics blacks were ODing AND killing each other – one does not preclude the other. It could just be some sort of uncool fashion thing (heroin is seen as old fashioned – something done by your grandparents generation) but maybe after a couple of generations of decimation, blacks have gotten the message that heroin is bad or maybe the most addiction prone part of the gene pool is already dead. Or else blacks are relatively happier than whites – whites see their race as sunsetting while blacks see good thing to come for them and are relatively content with their lot. At this point, a lot more doors are potentially open to the average black than to a white working class guy.

    I think there are STILL a lot of blacks involved with drugs. It’s just that whites (who are 5x more numerous than blacks) are now ALSO involved with them, so it’s a much bigger problem instead of just a minority of a minority.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • Extremely anti-Trump bastions such as Park Slope Reform synagogues, the womyn's dorm at the New School for Social Research, and the Teachers College at Columbia seem to collect anti-Semitic graffiti. From the New York Times: The swastikas were at least swastika shaped rather than cactus shaped and not dyslexic, although they weren't tilted 45 degrees...
  • @Jack D
    Sorry but this sounds like typical chan paranoia/nonsense. I don't think they are doing any large scale chipping of humans in Scandinavia or anywhere (animals have been chipped for decades) and if chipping caused sterility we would know about it in short order, either from the victims or someone inside who blabbed. But it all makes a great conspiracy theory if you say it real fast and don't think too hard about it. What with cell phone tracking, facial recognition, etc. the surveillance state doesn't need to chip you to keep track of you - they can do it very nicely without a chip.

    What with cell phone tracking, facial recognition, etc. the surveillance state doesn’t need to chip you to keep track of you – they can do it very nicely without a chip.

    Anyone who uses the internet can be tracked by his web browser.

    • Replies: @Anonymous

    Anyone who uses the internet can be tracked by his web browser.
  • An anonymous commenter put together these 3 screenshots (which I've checked and are legit) of the auto-complete prompts you get on 3 big search engines when you type in "deaths from op": I don't really get why Google does this kind of thing. One reason they do this is because they can and almost nobody...
  • @Anon
    I'm familiar with information retrieval tech and worked for a small non-U.S. search engine that was acquired by a major American search engine (not Google) in the late 20th century. I've kept up with things as much as one can do from the outside since then.

    I do not buy the conspiracy angle here. I believe Google when they say that they are relying on automated algorithms.

    You cannot really compare Google with any other search engine. DDG is a guy in his pajamas coding it all by himself (and I respect that). Bing on the other hand has a good team of talented information retrieval engineers, but they are nowhere near as well staffed as Google, by an order of magnitude at least, and I don't think they are as deep into AI as Google is. These two search engines are going to implement in the most obvious way. Google will do things in a more 3D chess manner. Google's search patents reveal all kinds of crazy things that Google is thinking about that I'm sure Bing, having neither the traffic nor the excess staff of Google, couldn't care less about.

    In addition, a lot of Google's quirks derive from the fact that they are the big guys. Hackers and spammers and black hat SEOs target Google, looking for exploitable patterns. Nobody cares how they rank in Bing and DDG, so nobody targets them. Google thus has to plug the dike in all kinds of ways that the other search engines don't have to worry about.

    Google is very evil, with its advertising price controls, automated stealing of data, preferences for its own services in search results over more popular competitors, and in many other ways. But I don't think that the Google Suggestions are deliberately skewed in the way you're suggesting.

    It's not beyond the realm of possibility that some higher level component in their search software that is intended to combat black hat SEO is inadvertently skewing results in a way that seems to favor the left, in the same way that AI software tends to come to the conclusion that blacks commit a lot of crime and are not the best employees, although nobody programmed it to do that. And it is possible that when the skew is anti-right it is not caught as early as anti-left skews are caught, due to company implicit political biases.

    But my money would be that these apparently biased results are simply random quirks, with a sort of selection bias or "publication bias" on the part of bloggers added in. Here's an article from Wired making the same charges, but from a leftist perspective:

    Google Suggest was throwing out "Islamists are ... terrorists," "blacks are ... not oppressed," "hitler is ... my hero," "white supremacy ... is good," and so on.

    We know that AI is “racist” and that Google is working hard to find a way to make it not racist (and yet still produce meaningful results), which is probably impossible. We also know that Google has plenty of human resources (although not an infinite #) to throw at such problems until an automated fix is found, just as Facebook now has thousands of people searching manually for Rooshian election interference in order to keep the dogs of Washington at bay. We can also guess that they are not eager to publicize to what extent they are tweaking or hand tuning algorithms or results – they would much rather you think that it is all done by “science”. Putting this together, it’s my guess that they are doing a fair amount of hand tuning, which is some spotty and uneven combination of combatting SEOs, de-racisting their AI bots, the leftist predilections of Google employees, the commands from on high of Google management, etc.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • From my book review in Taki's Magazine: Tucker’s Treatise by Steve Sailer, November 28, 2018 Shortly after this month’s election, an Antifa mob descended upon the Washington, D.C., home of Fox News personality Tucker Carlson, his wife, and their four children, chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night.” Why...
  • @DFH

    In post-1967 Communist Poland they had an anti-Semitic purge even though 99% of the Jewish population was already dead or out of the country. Even after the remaining 1% was gone, it was STILL possible to blame invisible “Jewish influence” for anything bad.
    The eternal boomer strikes again

    The leaders of Stalinist Poland (Jakub Berman and Hilary Minc) were Jews.

    The head of the secret police (Roman Romkowski) and 37% of secret police directors in Stalinist Poland were Jewish.

    Most of the Jews were purged around the time of the Secret Speech in 1956, so by the time of the 1967 pogrom they were long gone from the levers of power. Communism was supposed to be free from race and religious prejudice, so why shouldn’t Poles of Jewish descent have been involved in it along with Poles of Christian descent? Weren’t such distinctions supposed to disappear and become irrelevant under Communism? If 37% of secret police directors were Jewish (not that you are counting – oh wait, you are) then 63% weren’t.

    In pre-war Poland, Jews (who were not religious and who were interested in politics) were disproportionately drawn to leftist causes because all of the right wing parties were explicitly anti-Semitic.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • @Arclight
    It seems to me that a shift from the nominally libertarian/free market politics that dominate in the GOP on immigration and the workforce to something more like the what the labor Dems of old held would solidify the white working class vote for the party and probably scoop up more blacks and latinos as well. The GOP doesn't have to win anything approaching a majority of black or latino voters to be competitive, they just need to pick up another 5% of each than their current voter share and the Democrats would lose every national election by the same margin as Hilary in the electoral college and the GOP would scoop up another half dozen Senate seats.

    Yes, the free market line of thinking on mass immigration, trade, etc. would grow the economy faster than a more populist economic model, but the benefits of it overwhelmingly accrue to people already at the top. I'd trade a bit of growth in favor of a middle and lower class that have better economic prospects rather than letting the already well off get richer. That's supposedly what the Democrats are about but their positions on immigration and coziness with Wall Street and Silicon Valley work against most of the people they claim to care the most about.

    This is wishful thinking. Blacks are wedded to whichever party offers more gibmedats. Unless the GOP wants to compete in giving out more free stuff it will never be able to peel blacks away from the Dems. Blacks understand that they cannot compete in a free market environment and need the Democrat version of government to give them endless benefits and privileges or else they would still be living in shotgun shacks and eating cornmeal except for a few rich entertainers. Even what appears to be a black middle class exists only because they have mostly government jobs or are AA hires.

    • Replies: @Citizen of a Silly Country
    I live in the Washington, D.C. area, home to a very large black middle-class due to the federal government's massive AA. These people are stunningly incompetent. Even the military blacks who are the most disciplined and generally give effort are relatively pointless. And these are the "talented tenth."

    Without AA, the black middle and upper-middle class would collapse overnight. Best guess is that maybe one out of ten - one out five at the high end - would remain at their current level.

    As it is, there's not too much continuity to the black middle class anyway since so many of their kids falls right back into the abyss.

    Expecting Africans to achieve and act like Europeans is the folly of our time, something that even iSteve commentators are often guilty of doing.
  • From the New York Times: A simple explanation for this pattern is that older people in America tend to be quite white, and white people tend to believe in the Bill of Rights and other old-fashioned notions. Younger people ten
  • @Stephen Paul Foster
    "Another reason is because David Brooks’ peers tend to be quite smart..."

    Well, Brooks, no doubt, is "smart" but I hesitate with "quite smart" -- case in point:

    From Hot Air,

    "That first encounter [with Barack Obama] is still vivid in Brooks’s mind. 'I remember distinctly an image of–we were sitting on his couches, and I was looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant,' Brooks says, 'and I’m thinking, a) he’s going to be president and b) he’ll be a very good president.'"

    That Brooks got conned by Obama. "Obama sees himself as a Burkean,” Brooks says. A lot lesser "intellects" saw through this fraud from the start.

    That statement is an indication that Brooks is fatuous above and beyond the call of duty. Obama’s executive experience consisted of running the Chicago Annenberg Challenge into the ground. He trained as a lawyer and only as a lawyer. Pro-rating part-time and seasonal employments, he worked in law offices for all of four years. What Thomas Sowell said: the Anointed confound expertise with intelligence, then confound intelligence with articulateness. (And, in Obama’s case, confound articulateness with being articulate when a TelePrompTer is running).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • This is my second column on the two weeks that Vi and I just spent in Chengdu, China. It is meant not so much as a travelogue as a snapshot of what is going on in an economic juggernaut. Judging by email from readers, many do not realize the scope and scale of China’s advance....
  • A quote from the Nikkei article linked above:

    With its finances in a shambles, JNR eventually raised train fares by 50% in 1976, a desperate move that backfired, driving customers away and putting JNR into a worse position. Total debt ballooned to 37 trillion yen at the time of privatization, forcing it to spend more than 1 trillion yen annually to service the debt.

    Each year the company received 600 billion yen to 700 billion yen of state subsidies. But the funds did little to address the root problems.

    Eventually, the government took over JNR’s debt after it was turned into the Japan Railways group of private-sector companies. The government spent 24 trillion yen from its general-account budget to pay off part of the debt, but at the end of fiscal 2015, there was still 17.7 trillion yen of JNR debt to pay back. The debt has thus been shifted to future generations of taxpayers.

    At some point, just their Japanese counterparts, the Chinese government will probably end up using taxpayer money rather than fare revenues to pay off hundreds of billions of dollars in debt incurred to build this hugely expensive white elephant.

  • Here is much of why the US has not one inch of fast rail: It would kill of a lot of business for politically well connected airlines.

    Fred’s travel writing is fun to read, but I wouldn’t put too much stock in his analysis. Chinese rail is likely heavily-subsidized. Just how heavily subsidized? Here’s a clue – the cheapest fare from Chengdu to Chongqing, a distance of around 200 miles is 97 yuan, or about $14.

    Whereas the cheapest bus fare from Guangzhou to Hong Kong, around 75 miles away is 80 yuan, or about $11.42. Given that train travel is *always* more expensive than bus travel, even after subsidy (just compare unsubsidized Greyhound with subsidized Amtrak fares), the Chinese bullet train subsidy might be several times the ticket price.

    Meanwhile, China’s railroad authority had a debt to fare revenue ratio of over 5 to 1. American Airlines, the most indebted US airline, has a debt to fare revenue ratio of 0.5 to 1. That’s another way of saying that relative to revenues, China’s railroad authority is using 10x the leverage ratio of American Airlines. At some point those bullet train fares will have to go up. I suspect at current levels, they’re not even covering most of their operating costs, let alone debt service.

  • iSteve commenter Wilkey has worked out the technical details for how the U.S. could implement Bill Kristol's demand for "regime change" in the world's most populous country: Sounds like a plan!
  • @Jack D

    The other thing is, Israel’s military isn’t as great as it’s made out to be, they consistently suffer losses and casualties (Despite having no regard for any kind of rules of engagement) in operations that the US would never take.
    This is false in every respect. Of course Israeli soldiers are not supermen - they bleed like everyone else. Arabs consider it a great victory every time they shed Jewish blood even if it doesn't advance their military objectives at all - shedding Jewish blood IS their objective.

    If Israel had no regard for the rules of engagement they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza. In fact Israel exercises great restraint despite having an enemy that TRULY has no regards for the rules of engagement, who fire from their own civilian areas onto Israeli civilians. I would hope that the US would undertake operations to ensure its survival but maybe you are right about that (but perhaps not in the way that you meant).

    As an addendum to my earlier comment, Chinese actions in that respect aren’t even particularly unusual either as a part of its history or of anyone else’s history. The random massacre was a part of the campaigns mounted by the Anglo-Norman nobility to regain its patrimony. What limited English gains in France was the fact that its force lived off the land, and would starve if it killed every civilian along its route. Chinese forces in Vietnam were logistically self-sufficient and had no need for local provisions. The same would apply to Israeli troops in Gaza, if it chose the ancient method of settling differences. The Romans certainly killed half or more of the Jewish population in the process of suppressing the Bar Kochba revolt. In modern Gaza, all it would take is to seal off the territory while waiting for starvation to do its work. That was a key tactic used by the Romans to reduce the Jewish fortress at Masada.

    • Replies: @ia

    The random massacre was a part of the campaigns mounted by the Anglo-Norman nobility to regain its patrimony. What limited English gains in France was the fact that its force lived off the land, and would starve if it killed every civilian along its route.
    Amazing how you can read the minds of a people who died hundreds of years ago.

    There's no mention of "massacre" at your link which defines Chevauch as a "method of medieval warfare for weakening the enemy, primarily by burning and pillaging enemy territory in order to reduce the productivity of a region."

    My dictionary defines pillage as to "steal (something) using violence, especially in wartime: artworks pillaged from churches and museums."

  • @Jack D

    The other thing is, Israel’s military isn’t as great as it’s made out to be, they consistently suffer losses and casualties (Despite having no regard for any kind of rules of engagement) in operations that the US would never take.
    This is false in every respect. Of course Israeli soldiers are not supermen - they bleed like everyone else. Arabs consider it a great victory every time they shed Jewish blood even if it doesn't advance their military objectives at all - shedding Jewish blood IS their objective.

    If Israel had no regard for the rules of engagement they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza. In fact Israel exercises great restraint despite having an enemy that TRULY has no regards for the rules of engagement, who fire from their own civilian areas onto Israeli civilians. I would hope that the US would undertake operations to ensure its survival but maybe you are right about that (but perhaps not in the way that you meant).

    If Israel had no regard for the rules of engagement they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza.

    Due to radiation-related issues, I doubt any Israeli government would do this, short of the threat of being overrun, as in conquered and exterminated. However, Chinese rules of engagement would likely have ended the Palestinian guerrilla attacks decades ago. In just over a month, during its invasion of Vietnam in 1979, China is said to have killed 100,000 civilians. 100,000 here, 100,000 there, and pretty soon you run out of civilian supporters for guerrilla fighters.

    An entry in Quora describes this approach, which is probably as old as warfare itself:

    Guerilla warfare can be easily defeated if the attackers are resolute.

    Genghis Khan, probably the greatest conquerer ever, never had a problem with guerilla warfare, even though the lands he conquered included Afghanistan. Why? Because his army simply slaughter all civilians, including their babies, who dare to fight against them.

    In the Vietnam war, the Americans struggled against the Vietcongs. When China fought Vietnam, China simply romped through North Vietnam (north of Hanoi), transport removable factories/infrastructure back to China while destroying those that they cannot bring back. One crack Vietnamese division that was rushed back from Cambodia wisely decided to settle into prepared defensive positions near Hanoi instead of reinforcing the surrounded troops north of Hanoi. Why didn’t China has problem with Vietcong guerilla fighters?

    When I first visited China in the 1990s, a retired veteran bitterly told me that his Major was killed by a ~6 year old Vietnamese kid holding a secret pistol when he was giving out food to the kid. Apparently, this is not an isolated incident. Very soon, they enacted Genghis Khan’s strategy. North Vietnamese villagers encountered were simply labeled as “civilian militia”, treated as combatants and showed no mercy. PLA never encounter anymore guerilla problems because there were no civilians left to provide the guerilla with information, shelter and food!

    In the 1980s, there is no internet and no international reporter who has access to report on this. Chinese body counts, which included “civilian militia combatants”, concluded that enemy casualties were in excess of 10 times PLA losses.

    Few successful counter-revolutions occurred after Communist victories in the 20th century. Sympathetic leftist journalists and thinkers have tended to attribute this to virtuous leadership. In reality, Communist victors generally massacred the opposition. The Indonesians killed their Communist movement to the last man, woman and child, and then some. Communism never regained its momentum in the country either.

  • @Altai

    Given Israel’s impressive military force, I don’t see any reason why they can’t join the team. They no longer have any credible military threat on their border. Yes they have irregular forces, but they don’t face the organized military threat they did in 1973.
    Many in Israel want to and just assumed that Israel would play a role in the Invasion of Iraq. (And the first Gulf War before that) However, there were smarter people making the decisions and they knew that keeping Israel at arms length and out of the headlines of these shitshows was the best policy. It's incredible how the issue of these wars being totally in service not just to Israel but to a certain strand of Israel is ignored in the media. Keeping Israeli military forces out of them is a key element in allowing the media not to have to deal with that. In any discussion of the neocon wars, the word 'Israel' is conspicuous in it's absence even among fairly radical commentary.

    Meanwhile Israel's enemies (Real, perceived or just even potential) are taken out and Israel can continue to quietly ethnically cleanse Jerusalem and colonise more of the West Bank.

    The other thing is, Israel's military isn't as great as it's made out to be, they consistently suffer losses and casualties (Despite having no regard for any kind of rules of engagement) in operations that the US would never take.

    The other thing is, Israel’s military isn’t as great as it’s made out to be, they consistently suffer losses and casualties (Despite having no regard for any kind of rules of engagement) in operations that the US would never take.

    This is false in every respect. Of course Israeli soldiers are not supermen – they bleed like everyone else. Arabs consider it a great victory every time they shed Jewish blood even if it doesn’t advance their military objectives at all – shedding Jewish blood IS their objective.

    If Israel had no regard for the rules of engagement they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza. In fact Israel exercises great restraint despite having an enemy that TRULY has no regards for the rules of engagement, who fire from their own civilian areas onto Israeli civilians. I would hope that the US would undertake operations to ensure its survival but maybe you are right about that (but perhaps not in the way that you meant).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Anonymous

    This is false in every respect. Of course Israeli soldiers are not supermen – they bleed like everyone else. Arabs consider it a great victory every time they shed Jewish blood even if it doesn’t advance their military objectives at all – shedding Jewish blood IS their objective.
    Which is one reason they lose a lot.

    I don't have a dog in the Arab/Israeli fight, but the Arabs have fought pretty stupid, and are learning their lessons, if at all, very slowly. Although the Hezzies did run the IDF out of Lebanon twice.

    It's hard to sympathize with stupid.

    If the US was not dumping eight million dollars a day into this retrograde garrison state composed of people who don't really like us, and getting involved in foreign no win conflicts because of what some Jews think is good for Israel, my reaction would probably to be mildly pro-Israeli on the grounds that they are a little closer to civilized than the Arabs. But we are dumping billions into Israel and we are fighting its wars for it and I can't abide that.
    , @Richard S, @Johann Ricke

    If Israel had no regard for the rules of engagement they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza.
    Due to radiation-related issues, I doubt any Israeli government would do this, short of the threat of being overrun, as in conquered and exterminated. However, Chinese rules of engagement would likely have ended the Palestinian guerrilla attacks decades ago. In just over a month, during its invasion of Vietnam in 1979, China is said to have killed 100,000 civilians. 100,000 here, 100,000 there, and pretty soon you run out of civilian supporters for guerrilla fighters.

    An entry in Quora describes this approach, which is probably as old as warfare itself:

    Guerilla warfare can be easily defeated if the attackers are resolute.

    Genghis Khan, probably the greatest conquerer ever, never had a problem with guerilla warfare, even though the lands he conquered included Afghanistan. Why? Because his army simply slaughter all civilians, including their babies, who dare to fight against them.

    In the Vietnam war, the Americans struggled against the Vietcongs. When China fought Vietnam, China simply romped through North Vietnam (north of Hanoi), transport removable factories/infrastructure back to China while destroying those that they cannot bring back. One crack Vietnamese division that was rushed back from Cambodia wisely decided to settle into prepared defensive positions near Hanoi instead of reinforcing the surrounded troops north of Hanoi. Why didn't China has problem with Vietcong guerilla fighters?

    When I first visited China in the 1990s, a retired veteran bitterly told me that his Major was killed by a ~6 year old Vietnamese kid holding a secret pistol when he was giving out food to the kid. Apparently, this is not an isolated incident. Very soon, they enacted Genghis Khan’s strategy. North Vietnamese villagers encountered were simply labeled as “civilian militia”, treated as combatants and showed no mercy. PLA never encounter anymore guerilla problems because there were no civilians left to provide the guerilla with information, shelter and food!

    In the 1980s, there is no internet and no international reporter who has access to report on this. Chinese body counts, which included “civilian militia combatants”, concluded that enemy casualties were in excess of 10 times PLA losses.

    Few successful counter-revolutions occurred after Communist victories in the 20th century. Sympathetic leftist journalists and thinkers have tended to attribute this to virtuous leadership. In reality, Communist victors generally massacred the opposition. The Indonesians killed their Communist movement to the last man, woman and child, and then some. Communism never regained its momentum in the country either.
    , @Johann Ricke
    As an addendum to my earlier comment, Chinese actions in that respect aren't even particularly unusual either as a part of its history or of anyone else's history. The random massacre was a part of the campaigns mounted by the Anglo-Norman nobility to regain its patrimony. What limited English gains in France was the fact that its force lived off the land, and would starve if it killed every civilian along its route. Chinese forces in Vietnam were logistically self-sufficient and had no need for local provisions. The same would apply to Israeli troops in Gaza, if it chose the ancient method of settling differences. The Romans certainly killed half or more of the Jewish population in the process of suppressing the Bar Kochba revolt. In modern Gaza, all it would take is to seal off the territory while waiting for starvation to do its work. That was a key tactic used by the Romans to reduce the Jewish fortress at Masada.
    , @anon
    "they would just drop nuclear weapons on Gaza"...

    Sure and of course no radioactive clouds would float up and down the beaches of Israel…..
  • HBD blogger JayMan has recently made a blog post critiquing me for my "Hajnal denialism." I really don't know where the criticism comes from. A quick perusal of my website and Twitter reveals that I do think ancestral family systems, as explored in the works of Hajnal and Emmanuel Todd, has significant explanatory power. Heck,...
  • Note that JayMan goes so far as to seriously cite HBD differences in Korea to explain the “propensity for Communism” in the northern part. Leaving aside minor and irrelevant details such as Chinese and Soviet military involvement, it’s worth noting that the North had traditionally been more Christian and more collaborationist with the Japanese, while the South had been more nationalistic and xenophobic (according to B.R. Myers in The Cleanest Race).

    That is inaccurate. While the northern part of Japanese-occupied Korea was more Christian, it was NOT more collaborationist. Among Korean elites, northern elites were disproportionately – in other words, highly – represented in the independence movement, even setting aside those who were communists.

    By far the most collaborationist part of Korea was the southeastern part of the peninsula, especially around the major port city of Busan that had long been a commercial entrepot for and trading post with Japan and had had Japanese residents in relatively large numbers even before the occupation. Indeed, many of the elite military and industrial figures who came to dominate South Korea later came from the southeastern part of the country, and benefitted from education, training, and experience during the Japanese rule.

    Also, the greatest geographic division in Korea is not north vs. south, which is a result of the Japanese economic policy (industrial in the north, agricultural in the south) and the later international political situation that led to Soviet-American division. There is much greater geographical and historical division that runs east-west, particularly in the southern part of the country where a mountain range long cut off communication between the southeast and the southwest (indeed, highways across the two regions were not built until recent decades, so that it was faster to travel from Busan to Seoul than from Busan to Gwangju).

    The southwest was long “oppressed” by the elites in Seoul and Busan (recall that this enmity very runs deeply – the ancient kingdom of this region, Baekjae, was extinguished by the alliance of Chinese Tang and the Silla of the southeast very long ago). The southwest has always been “rebellious” since. Paradoxically, despite the fact that Baekjae had strong ties with Japan and contributed ancestry to much of Japanese royalty and aristocracy earlier, the people in the southwest – long despised by other Koreans – were the most resistant to Japanese occupation in both the Hideyoshi invasions of the late 16th century and the later modern encroachments of the early 20th.

    This southwestern rebelliousness has persisted. There were numerous communist insurgencies in the area prior to the Korean War. In the post-war period, the infamous Gwangju Uprising and the subsequent, brutal military suppression during the military dictatorship of South Korea occurred in the southwest:

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • It's considered in poor taste to notice the connection between the flow of people over the border and 21st Century California's relatively low standard of living, but from the Los Angeles Times today, a story about the poverty in the middle of the suburban San Fernando Valley: Hidden in L.A. suburbia, wrenching poverty preys on...
  • The online NY Times now has a feature called “the Comment of the Moment” , where right in the middle of a news story they will insert a bubble quoting from one of the reader comments that they have chosen as a favorite ( a “Times Pick”) . In today’s story about the gathering of criminals on the border, the “Comment of the Moment” was (for a moment) the following:

    With everything these immigrants have gone through, I am sure that many would become very successful integrating into the fabric of American society and given the opportunity, many of those little kids wearing rags and flips flaps could become doctors, lawyers or teachers. I pray and hope I get to hear their success stories one day. – Patricia Gonzalez
    Costa Rica

    Yes, all those Central American Indios are future Salks and Sabins, every one of them, despite the fact that hardly any of them have ever shown any promise in 500 years of contact with the West. Perhaps Patricia could persuade the government of Costa Rica to take in these future geniuses so that the people of her country could enjoy the scientific breakthroughs instead?

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Forbes
    The NYT posting a supportive comment of the migrant caravan crashing the US border, as written from Costa Rica. The NYT is indistinguishable from parody.

    Another exhibit for my bleating that the prog-left completely lacks self-awareness.
  • Everybody, obviously. To decide that not everybody gets to be American would be discriminatory. Seriously, the Good People culturally appropriating old Norman Rockwell illustrations by diversificationizing them has to be the lamest trend of 2018: It's funny how when the American media asks immigrants "Who Gets to Be American?" the answer usually turns out to...
  • @AndrewR
    I mean really, what does America represent? Wal-Mart, Wall Street, warmongering, Nascar, BLM, third world cities, hatred of whites, Hebrew supremacy, mass shootings, obesity, McDonald's, shitty and overpriced health care, Zionism, gay pride parades, radical feminism, forced multiculturalism, the surveillance state, police state, etc. You're free to love these things, or love America in spite of them, but I just can't bring myself to do so.

    I mean really, what does America represent? Wal-Mart, Wall Street, warmongering, Nascar, BLM, third world cities, hatred of whites, Hebrew supremacy, mass shootings, obesity, McDonald’s, shitty and overpriced health care, Zionism, gay pride parades, radical feminism, forced multiculturalism, the surveillance state, police state, etc. You’re free to love these things, or love America in spite of them, but I just can’t bring myself to do so.

    1. Wal-Mart is an efficient purveyor of retail trade. No one is compelling you to shop ther.

    2. Wall Street: no clue how you fancy a modern economy operates without capital markets

    3. ‘warmongering’ is a nonsense term, not a coherent concept.

    4. NASCAR: if you don’t like motorsports, don’t spend your time on them. If you prefer Le Mans, here it is:

    5. BLM: it’s a lousy political movement, but one indulged in by the few. The Communist Party used to command a quarter of the French electorate, which is an indulgence of the many. You’re not going to be free of ludicrous sectaries by emigrating. You’ll just have ludicrous sectaries yapping at you in some foreign tongue.

    6. Third world cities are to be found in the third world. We have urban slums. Other than Detroit, they don’t resemble 3d world cities in their amenities. The problem there is crime and disorder (about which very few people on these boards care about addressing).

    7. ‘Hebrew supremacy’ is a fantasy.

    8. ‘Mass shootings’ you find abroad as well. They’re more likely to be politically-motivated in those loci, of course.

    9. ‘obesity’ is something you’ll find the world over wherever malnutrition is uncommon

    10. McDonald’s: no one is compelling you to eat there. (And it’s also a global enterprise for a reason).

    11. ‘shitty and overpriced health care’ is a fantasy. You’re not going to get better medical care by emigrating. You might find more rational cost allocation. (A subject in which no one on this board expresses and interest).

    12. ‘Zionism’: no clue why Israel bothers you, or what that has to do with daily life in America.

    13. ‘gay pride parades’: something you will find in every occidental country in the world with a certain threshold of affluence.

    14. ‘Radical feminism’: quite uncommon outside of college campuses, and, again a feature of intellectual life all over northern Europe, in Canada, &c.

    15. “The police state” is a fantasy.

    Your problem, really, is one you encounter when you look in the mirror.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @notanon

    2. Wall Street: no clue how you fancy a modern economy operates without capital markets
    a healthy national economy needs a national capital market - Wall St is a global capital market
    , @AndrewR
    You really told me
  • Georgians have a probably apocryphal story about Andrew Young, the black former mayor of Atlanta and ambassador to the United Nations. In an address at historically black Clark Atlanta University, Mr. Young talked about white flight. “No matter where they go,” he said, “we will follow. No matter how far away they move, we will...
  • @redmudhooch
    and what exactly is electing Kemp or any other Republican going to do to change anything? Other than run their mouths, trash talk, stir up the hatred and division? Yall wake me up when Trump, Kemp or anyone starts rounding up and deporting black and Mexicans...

    Abrams did support the BDS movement, while Kemp and all other Republicans do not.
    “I’m going to continue to fight and spread the message that Israel has a right to exist as a state and will not invest in companies that support BDS,” Kemp told the RJC, referencing Abrams’ vote against anti-BDS legislation.

    So Kemp supports taking away your Constitutional right to boycott Israel.
    Only under Republican leadership and with a Republican governor has the state invested in Israel Bonds. Georgia currently holds $20 million in Israel Bonds. Do you think that Ms. Abrams, who voted against Israel while minority leader and has sought support from and campaigned with a known anti-Israel advocate, will continue to support the purchase of Israel Bonds? Brian Kemp not only has pledged his continued support, but put that in writing with an ad in this newspaper.

    Georgia has had a Republican, Senate, House, and governor since 02-2003. Looking at the charts above, has anything improved since then? If you remember how Republicans gained the Governorship, it was from the flag being changed by Barnes (D) in 02. Perdue (R) then ran on letting the flag be decided by the voters, then once he was in, the Confederate flag was no longer given as a choice. So voters were stabbed in the back by Perdue.

    Abrams was a bad candidate for GA. One way to guarantee your loss in the South is running on gun control, taking guns away from law abiding citizens. Her talk about Stone mountain didn't help her either, though I din't hear her talk about it during the election, it still came back to her.

    She probably would have won if not for these two things. The healthcare issue is gonna bury the Republicans if they don't do something about it soon. Republicans always run on lower taxes, but I can tell you, taxes always go up for the poor and middle class in GA. They only want low taxes for rich and big business. Our property taxes went up over $100 this year for no reason at all, I live in rural GA. and nothing has changed here for years, nothing! Republicans raised the gas tax a couple years ago to keep the gas prices on the airlines at Hartsfield airport low.

    Either way you look at it, both parties suck. All of them are crooks and criminals, both side love identity politics and race baiting that makes life harder on average folks, especially in the workplace. Both parties put the rich first, both support mass immigration to give the capitalist system more and more growth and profits. Neither is talking about the Jewish control over the media or The Lobby and all of the corruption and blackmail that comes with it. Democrats seem to be growing more of a spine to stand up to Israel. Neither party seems to want to stand up to the MIC and all of their fraud and looting. Neither party talks about rolling back the police state, Patriot act, NDAA, privacy or censorship on the web. Nobody wants to do anything about raising wages. Nobody wants to talk about the price of everything going up, while wages stay the same......

    Not much difference no matter who you vote for. Best thing to do in my opinion is not encourage their bullshit and refuse to vote.

    So Kemp supports taking away your Constitutional right to boycott Israel.

    So you boycott Israel, the country collapses, Israel’s 6m or so Jews end up in the US, and you think that will reduce Jewish influence stateside?

    • Replies: @Sir Launcelot Canning
    Ridiculous logic. Just because some Americans and Europeans boycott Israel doesn't mean the entire country will collapse.

    Kentucky is the latest state to punish BDS supporters. Dumb Kentucky Baptist fundamentalists.

    If we populist patriots were better organized (and funded) we could have attorneys challenge this absurd violation of the First Amendment.
    , @Z-man
    I'm sure Mr. redmudhooch doesn't expect the Jews of Izrahell to move back to the USA. I don't want to talk for him but I would think he figures BDS could influence The Zionist Entity to agree to a fair deal with the Palestinians or better yet force a one state solution on the Zionists because to most Jews money isn't everything it's the ONLY thing. Unfortunately BDS has a long way to go.
    , @El Dato
    Thanks for the Hasbara Dose.

    I always need one in the evening.
  • Here's another Retconned Rockwell, of which Hernan Cortes aptly notes: "Reimagined Norman Rockwells are unintentionally hilarious Frankenstein's monsters of kitsch and sanctimony:" Culturally appropriating old Rockwells in the name of Diversity is obviously tasteless and lowbrow, but it's Big in 2018. So far, I haven't seen any recasting of pictures by Rockwell's predecessor as top...
  • @Hhsiii
    Big no nos on thanksgiving:

    1. Don’t wash the turkey. It spreads bacteria to other surfaces.
    2. Don’t undercook. Don’t go by skin color. Thermometer. Don’t overcook either but that’s so you don’t gag on dry turkey.
    3. Refrigerate leftovers quickly. Within 2 hours of cooking.
    4. Do not pass a baby around the table. Diaper leaks. Keep baby in high chair or crib, preferably away from table.

    I’m making a capon. The 2 year old will be in his high chair. Probably not eating capon and watching peppa pig.

    Roasting a whole turkey is mission impossible because the white meat is overcooked before the dark meat is done.

    A whole roasted turkey looks photogenic but you can’t eat a picture.

    Here’s my strategy for the beast – 3 dishes out of 1 bird.

    1. Turkey soup – wings, ribs, back, neck, gizzard. Better than chicken soup.

    2. Turkey oven braised “osso bucco” style – legs and thighs. The sauce (finely chopped onions, carrots, celery and tomato) is fantastic with pasta although arborio rice is more authentic.

    3. Roasted turkey breast. Dry brine to get some salt into it because otherwise turkey breast tastes like nothing. Do not allow to go past 160F. If it wasn’t so damn cold I’d smoke it outdoors.

    12 lbs. or more of roasted bird is sheer monotony but if you break down the bird you can cook each cut to best advantage. The same reason we break down cattle, sheep, etc.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Hhsiii
    That’s why I’m doing an 8 lb capon. Also enormous. Next time I may practice during the year to see if I can do a balllotine. Debone, make darkmeat into a forcemeat, roll it and tie it up.

    This year just roasting with a regular gravy and a bourbon mushroom cream sauce. Stuffing. Just Arnold store bought but I’ll throw in some sage from the garden. Growing like a weed anyway. Oyster pan roast. String beans with ham hock and white vinegar. Yams with marshmallow. Yeah I know. Will throw some bourbon in there too.

    My sister in Brooklyn will be having a Rockwell kitsch gathering. Indian husband, daughter with black boyfriend. Other daughter with Jewish boy friend (war correspondent Matt Rosenberg). I hear Max Boot may stop by.

    My gathering is just a pallid group of pale faces.
  • From the Associated Press: The Andaman islanders of North Sentinel Island in the Indian Ocean near Burma are pygmy negritos who, I believe, are the last known isolated tribe on earth to have their own island. There are other out-of-contact tribes in the Amazon forest and perhaps elsewhere, but the North Sentinelese are noteworthy for...
    I almost feel like I stumbled onto some self-loathing white liberal rag. Missionaries are, overwhelmingly, wonderful and self-sacrificing people who sincerely want to enlighten and alleviate suffering. Why would they be idiots, but these inbred, low-IQ primitives, who would put you in a pot and cook and eat you without a thought, are to be admired as noble savages?

    I almost feel like I stumbled onto some self-loathing white liberal rag.

    No, you’ve stumbled onto boards inhabited by people who admire the Alec Baldwin character in Glengarry Glen Ross.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Mr. Anon

    No, you’ve stumbled onto boards inhabited by people who admire the Alec Baldwin character in Glengarry Glen Ross.
    I would admire him more than I would admire you, Shelley.
  • From my new book review in Taki's Magazine of Wesley Yang's fine collection of essays entitled The Souls of Yellow Folk: Read the whole thing there.
  • @Twinkie

    On the other hand, the gender gap is worse for Asian immigrant men than for assimilated, American-born Asian men. Yang, for instance, is now married.
    Rather like the NYT burying inconvenient facts several paragraphs into its pet idea articles, you, Mr. Sailer, seem to do something similar once in a while when the ideas you push don't quite add up to what you claim (I am still waiting for your disavowal of your earlier claim that South Asians in America would turn out to be Republican-voting, because they are talkative or something).

    You know full well that the disparity between Asian female intermarriage rate and that of Asian males in America is largely an artefact of birth status. In other words, the intermarriage rate gap between American-born Asian females and American-born Asian males narrows dramatically compared to that between foreign-born Asians.

    Contrary's Yang's whining, American-born Asian males seem to enjoy rather high marriage rates, perhaps the highest among all races in the United States. And of course Yang's pitiful self-image is all the more odd since American-born Korean males have the highest intermarriage rates (while your erstwhile would-be Republican Indian-American males have the lowest).

    There’s a lot of interesting data on interracial pairings (including cohabitation) in Wikipedia:

  • @Calvin Hobbes
    Slightly related racial resentment item:

    There’s a long NYT article from yesterday about Dr. Tamara O’Neal, a black emergency room physician in Chicago who was shot and killed by her former fiancé. The guy also killed a cop and another woman.

    Anyway, the article says that when Tamara O’Neal was an undergrad at Purdue, a professor told her she would not be able to become a doctor, and that she was driven to prove him wrong.

    Like La Griffe du Lion wrote after describing affirmative action in medical school admissions, if you get a black doctor in the emergency room, pray that he or she got into med school through the front door. My guess is that Dr. Tamara O’Neal would not have had a chance of getting into med school without affirmative action.

    Like La Griffe du Lion wrote after describing affirmative action in medical school admissions, if you get a black doctor in the emergency room, pray that he or she got into med school through the front door.

    You are going to have to pray REAL hard because almost all black professional school attendees get in based on affirmative action. Some of them might have gotten into lesser med schools than the one that they attended but the ones that go to lower tier med schools would not have gotten in at all. Ask the doc where he/she went and if it is not in the top 50 then pray extra hard.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Dave Pinsen
    I wondered in this Twitter exchange whether AA might account for the alleged superiority of foreign docs.

    Could also be based on subjective measures related to ethic affinity (Indian lady likes getting treated by Indian doc).
    , @International Jew

    Some of them might have gotten into lesser med schools than the one that they attended
    It's super-hard to get into any American med school. There's no long tail of mediocre institutions as in the law school business. There are exactly 141 American institutions where you can get an MD now. That's it. (Thank the AMA.)

    My nephew (a recent grad from UC Berkeley) could tell you about white Berkeley kids with near-straight-As and 90th %tile MCATs who applied to a dozen med schools last year and didn't get into a single one.

    The exception is med schools within the "historical black college" world, such as Meharry or Howard. But in the absence of Affirmative Action, the number of true African Americans (i.e. think Michelle, not Barak) at the rest of the 141 American med schools might be about four or five in a good year.

  • From Rolling Stone: Meet the Woman Bringing Social Justice to Astrology Chani Nicholas is transforming horoscopes from quips about finding true love and stumbling into financial good fortune to pointed calls to action By ARIANA IGNERI Chani Nicholas doesn’t care for the hulking Alex Katz painting, depicting a trio of suited white men, hanging behind...
  • @Steve Sailer
    My favorite Jack Parsons story is him getting off a multi-hour phone call in Pasadena in 1927 when he was 13 and his parents asking, "Who were you talking to?" and the kid saying, "Oh, just my friend Werner, he's really into rockets too." And then parents get a multi-thousand dollar long distance phone bill because their little Jack in Pasadena has been gabbing away with little Werner von Braun in Germany.

    Kind of hard to believe – an international phone call in 1927 was no small thing. You didn’t just dial up your friend. You had to book it in advance with the international operator who would call you back when they made the connection. Future SS-Sturmbannführer von Braun was 15 in 1927 – did he even speak English at that time?

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • An op-ed in the New York Times: The American military should only be used to protect vital American interests, such as those found in the Sahara and the Hindu Kush, rather than to protect trivial objectives like preventing a column of young foreigners from marching across the United States border. Moreover, it's inhuman to force...
  • @Jack D
    You keep glancing at it but never hit the nail on the head - China has better human capital than Mexico. It's all racial/genetic. Everything else you mention is just a side effect.

    Mao led China into an abyss - if Mexico had done the same it would have taken centuries for them to recover. At the end of the Cultural Revolution they were basically starting from zero - the universities had been closed, the professors and students sent to the countryside and some killed or their health broken. But because of China's high quality human capital they were able to catch up relatively quickly. We saw the same thing in Japan - we literally nuked them and yet because of their high quality human capital they were able to recover quickly. Mexico in some ways is still recovering from the Conquistadors. As you say, to the extent that Mexico has an entrepreneurial class, it is usually foreign - Mestizo geniuses of any kind are rare.

    (Having a high IQ population does not immunize you against mad dictators - see Germany).

    As you say, to the extent that Mexico has an entrepreneurial class, it is usually foreign – Mestizo geniuses of any kind are rare.

    AMD is kind of a case in point. The previous CEO, is a mestizo from Mexico. He brought the company to its knees. The new chief is a lady from Taiwan. AMD is doing a Lazarus – that which was practically dead is now giving Intel a run for its money. As with other turnarounds, there is a great deal of serendipity involved. But the contrast is pretty striking.

    • Agree: jim jones
    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
    AMD is doing a Lazarus – that which was practically dead is now giving Intel a run for its money.

    That's good to hear because Intel has been fairly dead in the water in recent years when it comes to making PC chips faster.

  • @anon
    "I enrolled to fight in the Middle East."

    Uh, is that real? What dolts. Virtually no one I have ever known has signed up to fight in the Middle East (read: Israel). The mask slips.

    Israel conducts its own defense using its own precious flesh and blood. No US soldier has ever died defending Israel. You must be mixing up Israel with the Saudis or Kuwaitis or someone.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @ATBOTL
    Every single American soldier who died in Iraq died for Israel.
  • One of the questions that I brought up in my review of Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff's The Coddling of the American Mind was whether the usual high degree of unhappiness found on college campuses is getting worse. This could just be random noise, but here's an article from New Zealand finding a similar trend:...
  • @obwandiyag
    In the Middle Ages, there were no dorms or fraternities. Students, average age 30, rented rooms.

    On the other hand, the University of Bologna was run by students. Yes, students hired and fired teachers, decided on the curriculum, etc. Now you might say this is a recipe for disaster. But you must realize that most students were older than their teachers, that, as there was no financial aid, they had to save up to go to college, and thus, they were highly motivated to hold teachers to a high standard, and to get all they could out of their education.

    The University of Paris was run by the teachers. This was also preferable to a college run by "administrators," otherwise known as useless leeches.

    This was also preferable to a college run by “administrators,” otherwise known as useless leeches.

    The director of physical plant, the chief of purchasing, the comptroller, the treasurer, the CIO, and the registrar are useful enough. So are the people in charge of miscellaneous services (mailroom, bookstore, campus transportation, shipping and receiving). I doubt the athletic director is a troublesome influence most places (they are at schools overly invested in sports). The chief of fundraising is useful (though may be running something of a scam). The troublesome administrators are the the provost, the instructional deans, the dean of students, and the president to whom they report. The provost and the instructional deans are invariably faculty members (though some are hired-to-tenure from the outside). The president is usually a quondam professor as well, but not invariably. The dean of students and his minions commonly come from the ranks of the world’s MEd holders. For the most part, the faculty do own the situation.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @obwandiyag
    Typical sophomoric academic who doesn't know what I am talking about because he has no experience of the outside world, or even of outside reading.

    All those administrators are useless time-serving nonentities who get paid more than teachers for doing nothing. And the athletic director is worst of all. In the middle ages, students got together their own soccer games in the streets of Bologna. Not freaking "Athletic Directors"&%($)@#* Fie on them and you, you time-serving, can't read, doesn't know anything nonentity.
  • From the London Review of Books: In contrast, I gave Carl's big book a less credulous review in Taki's Magazine. ... We tend to think of heredity as having something to do with traits that are passed from generation to generation, but in many ancient societies, the words for ‘kin’ and ‘kinship’ often denoted connections...
  • Remarkably, researchers have found that a pair of siblings may share as much as 61.7 per cent of their DNA, or as little as 37.4 per cent.

    Wait, but I thought that all humans share 99.9% of their DNA? I am 99.9% similar to random African strangers but only 37.4% similar to my blood brother? This is some kind of strange math.

    • Agree: ben tillman
    • LOL: bomag, Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Mark Spahn (West Seneca, NY)
    Like Jack D, I too am bewildered that "human and chimp DNA is 99% identical" but "a pair of siblings may share as much as 61.7 per cent of their DNA, or as little as 37.4 per cent." It is unsurprising that human and chimp DNA is so similar, because most of their DNA is just to set up the biochemical machinery to make a mammal. Similarity would be less between the DNA of mammals and millipedes. But why is sibling DNA so dissimilar? I must be misunderstanding something fundamentally here. Somebody please set me straight.
    , @Hypnotoad666
    In fact, you are apparently more related to a fruit fly (60% same DNA) than your brother.

    Think about that next time he wants to borrow money.

  • The Ferguson Effect is one of the more blatant in the history of social science. It occurred both on a modest scale nationally, and on an acute scale locally in cities where BLM triumphed, such as St. Louis in 2014, Baltimore in 2015, and Chicago in 2016. But it's not part of The Narrative. From...
  • I guess I’m all wrong. I saw all the drama on TV about the Michael Brown slaying in Ferguson and I started to think of those events as the Ferguson Effect but I took its meaning a little differently.

    I was struck how all the black people would come on TV and tell preposterous lies. That’s when the Ferguson Effect took root in my psyche. After that when I see a black person on TV saying anything, I immediately presume they are lying.

    • Agree: Mr. Rational
    • LOL: Johann Ricke
  • From my new movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there.
  • @Anon
    Yet, he has absolutely no aplomb in any situation, no capacity to stand up for himself, no capacity to induce anyone else to back off.

    Personality makes a man. There are plenty of men who served in the military and came out not one bit manlier. He has a mostly passive personality.

    His children steal from his billfold and he’s uncertain what to do. This is 1967.

    Kids are into consumer culture. Lots of parents in the 60s were blind-sided by kid behavior. See the movie PEOPLE NEXT DOOR.

    He isn’t angry, he isn’t disgusted, he doesn’t brood.

    But would acting like Newman make him any better as a man?

    Again, it's personality. He is clearly distressed but has a passive personality.

    He’s not trying to do the right thing. He has no idea how to handle adult life at all.

    He does try to do the right thing by not taking the bribe from the student. He is generous to his brother. And he tries to be understanding and empathetic, too much so. And despite all his personal problems, he pulls it all together to be there at the Bar Mitzvah. Also, in a movie where so many people try to take advantage of others and situations, he stands out as contrast. He's not a crusader or activist, but in not doing what others so easily do, he does maintain a center.
    But then, as you've noted, being good and decent isn't enough. Others will step all over you. He doesn't go around DOING the Right thing but he does NOT do the wrong things. Granted, this poses a paradox. If you're a nice good guy who doesn't do wrong and if others see it as weakness and take advantage of you, is your goodness a kind of badness? If good attracts exploitation by the bad, isn't it bad? And then, if one must be bad to fend off the bad, is being bad a kind of good?

    Or is there a problem with merely being passively good? When tempted by corruption, he says no. So, he maintains goodness within his own personal sphere. But he doesn't try to do anything to make the larger world better. He rebuffs corruption but doesn't try to save the world from corruption. Maybe that was Job's problem. He was a good man who obeyed God but had no vision of life beyond being good in his little world. He didn't have the vision of Jesus. And maybe that's also the problem with American Conservatism. While good white conservatives are mostly concerned about the tidy nice little lives and being good citizens, OTHERS think big about the future of America and destiny of the world.

    Part of the problem is so many things hit him at once. His wife, the upcoming Bar Mitzvah, his brother's problems with the law, the car accident, the threat of lawsuit by student's father(about defamation), and etc. If you don't push, you get pushed. But in pushing, you can easily become another a**hole.

    Personality makes a man. There are plenty of men who served in the military and came out not one bit manlier.

    Never met such a person. And, no ‘personality’ does not. Personality is an aspect of character.

    He has a mostly passive personality.

    No, he has a craven and dithering personality. To say he’s passive says he’s the recipient of the acts of others, not that the acts of others induce no reaction. The one element of resistance you see him undertake is exploring a lawsuit against the neighbor impinging on his property.

    His children steal from his billfold and he’s uncertain what to do. This is 1967. Kids are into consumer culture. Lots of parents in the 60s were blind-sided by kid behavior. See the movie PEOPLE NEXT DOOR.

    Blindsided by behavior that was novel and outside their experience, which petty larceny was not. I recall my own mother ca. 1971 at sea with some of my sister’s antics. When a party crasher invaded her bedroom and emptied her purse of cash, that she could get her mind around.

    But would acting like Newman make him any better as a man?

    Who is ‘Newman’?

    Putting his bloody paycheck in an account his wife cannot access, telling said adulterous wife if she wants his co-operation in a divorce proceeding she gets her tuchus out of his house, not allowing her paramour over the transom, and telling her in no uncertain terms that the man’s relatives will be paying for his funeral is what a better man would do. Also, telling daughter dearest that the next time she steals four days worth of household cash expenditures from him, she’ll be in front of a suburban JP and telling her that it’s time she started earning is what a better man would do. As for the odious student in his class, the cash should have been turned over to the dean of students with a letter delineating the sequence of events; the student’s father merited a complaint to the police or a letter from an attorney.

    There is a distinction between being good and being harmless. A good man has a store of righteous anger. Rules don’t enforce themselves.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Anon
    Never met such a person. And, no ‘personality’ does not. Personality is an aspect of character.

    When the draft existed, all kinds of men served in the military. Take Gomer Pyle. If you take a wuss or wimp and put in a military uniform, he may look tough on the exterior. But inside, he's pretty much the same person. Also, once a person is out of the military, he regresses to the norm of his actual manhood.
    Whether a person joins the military or a hippie commune, alphas will be alphas, betas will be betas, and omegas will be omegas. An alpha who didn't serve in the military will dominate an omega who did serve in the military.

    These days, maybe there are tougher guys in the military because it's voluntary. So maybe only those who want 'to be all you can be' join. But even this is true to some extent. Many join for benefits. Also, they join a tough outfit because they feel weak or insignificant as individuals. Most guys in my high school who joined the military weren't the most impressive guys. And after they came out of the military, they were the same dufuses.
    Military is a place where you are ordered and trained to be manly. It is a place of obedience and submission. It is about creating killers but also orderly dogs. You are supposed to 'yes sir' all the time. Consider how difficult it was for the guy in CASUALTIES OF WAR to go against the command.

    Personality makes the man. If you haven't noticed this, you don't know reality. If an omega joins a fraternity, he may feel alpha cuz he's surrounded by Cool Guys. But he will still be an omega. And once out of the fraternity, he will revert to what he is. It's the Skippy Syndrome. Skipper will always be Skipper. Same with girls. Feminism talks about sisterhood and equality, but look at any women's group, right or left, and there is a hierarchy of big sisters and little sisters. And a lot of this has to do with personality. Take the movie THE GROUP based on Mary McCarthy novel. The girls all went to the same school and are friends, but they are so different. Why? Personality.
    Now, one way that the weak personalities can become aggressive is via ideology. Having low individual will and agency, they use ideology as crutch for empowerment. This was the case in OLENNA, about a young woman who has no will and confidence. The only way she can feel empowered is via ideology and cult of victimhood.

    No, he has a craven and dithering personality. To say he’s passive says he’s the recipient of the acts of others, not that the acts of others induce no reaction.

    What are you, a semantic schoolmarm? Now, you're getting all Oleanna-ish on me over issue of diction. Craven and Dithering are part of passive personality. It's the inability to be firm and strong. Not all passive personalities are craven and dithering, but most craven and dithering types are passive in life. Also, things are complicated in the house. Many people indulge family members in ways they don't with strangers. It could be due to love or just sentimentality. And maybe he wasn't so appalled by his wife's demand for divorce because he didn't love her all that much in the first place. He did what he was supposed to do: get married and have kids, but there was no great love there. One thing for sure, the wife isn't much of a looker. He later shares a joint with some hot Jewish woman next door and has a dream of having sex with her.
    As for the relationship between him and his kids, problematic as it may seem, it's still miles above how most fathers are raising their kids today.
    Another problem is that others come at him with fists wrapped in velvet glove. His wife asks for divorce but in a proper Jewish way. So, her act of betrayal is presented in the form of faith to Jewish tradition. The Rabbis who tell him utter nonsense wrap their 'advice' with pseudo-profoundities. 'Look at the parking lot' from the young rabbi(who might be a pothead). Or the story about the dentist, the moral of which is 'who cares about the goyim?' And his brother causes so many problems, but he's such a sorry sack of pitifulness that it's impossible to just kick him out. And even as his son is into pot and consumerism, he dutifully prepares himself for the Bar Mitzvah. And the guy who takes his wife comes with wine and flattery. A stronger person would have pulled off the velvet glove and bitten the fist, but there are too many people like him. Just look at Congress. All those whore politicians like Paul Ryan. The Power came to them with sticks and carrots. If the likes of Ryan disobey, it's the stick. But if they obey, it's lots of sweet carrots.

    In some ways, the father in SERIOUS MAN, as pathetic as he is sometimes, has more integrity that most politicians and businessmen today. Even as he submits to one humiliation after another, he at least knows he is being compromised and used. So, he does seek an answer from the Rabbis. He is passive/aggressive in this sense. He wants to know WHY. In contrast, most cucky-wucks and NPC's who are totally owned and controlled by the System don't even dare to ask. They are content with being used-up whores.

    Blindsided by behavior that was novel and outside their experience, which petty larceny was not.

    What you call 'petty larceny' always existed BUT things got wilder in the 60s because (1) there was more to steal -- parents of boomers were more affluent than parents of GG and (2) there were more temptations: the need to buy latest clothes, albums, drugs, gas for cars, and etc. The level of youth-obsession and all the petty crimes it inspired did blindside the parents in the 60s.

    Putting his bloody paycheck in an account his wife cannot access, telling said adulterous wife if she wants his co-operation in a divorce proceeding she gets her tuchus out of his house

    Look, I agree with you from a moral perspective. The guy should man up more.
    But art isn't just about right and wrong but trying to understand why it's so difficult to do the right thing due to so many reasons. It's like politics. Why can't all politicians be like Jimmy Stewart in MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON and speak the truth and stand up for principles? Why can't academics and journalists stand up to PC in favor of courage and truth? I wish they could, but due to formative, circumstantial, and professional reasons, they can't. Most people in movies don't act ideally. Some are just wicked, but others find it's difficult to do the right thing even if they want to. The world around them won't allow it, and most people are weak inside. People are more dogs than cats. Art makes us explore why people are the way they are instead of what they should be. Notice in MILLER'S CROSSING, the only way the hero can straighten things out is in a roundabout way. In a crooked and twisted world, it's hard to shoot straight. You have to seek wormholes.

    And you gotta stop being like Steve Martin in relation to Art. Art is a fatso, not a lean mean fighting machine.
  • @Autochthon
    There was good reason we called the man prominently absent from that list The Great Communicator.

    He cheated, of course, having been an actor. Orson Welles seriously considered running for the senate at one point. Now there would have been the most eloquent politician who ever lived; people would have been absolutely rapt by his voice, delivery, and words. Alas, we get now stuffed suits because the qualification isn't being brilliant or even charismatic: it's being anodyne.

    Andrew Jackson, John Calhoun, Daniel Webster, William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson – not one of them could get elected today for being "scandalous." Think about that.

    Trump got 'round it only by being filthy rich and – more importantly – having the luck to run against a gorgon in a two-party system.

    Trump got ’round it only by being filthy rich and – more importantly – having the luck to run against a gorgon in a two-party system.

    None of the 16 Republican candidates he competed against were gorgons, though people who’ve worked for Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina have uncomplimentary things to say about them. They were all caught flat-footed by the immigration issue. (Rick Santorum was supposedly something of an immigration hawk, but he was in 2016 having no success at marketing and fundraising, his performance in 2012 not replicable for some reason).

    Trump I think that scares the media witless. They’ve amused themselves for decades stirring up sh!tstorms against candidates they despise and here comes a man who breaks the gaffe meter several times a week and they can hardly touch him.

    Reagan wasn’t ‘cheating’. Radio, screen acting, and public relations were how he’d earned his living. As a union official, he also learned something of the business side. He was atypical among Hollywood types in that he not only had opinions, he’d given serious thought to policy questions. About 8% of the 1911 cohort had some measure of tertiary schooling. Reagan and his brother came from a small town petit bourgeois family impecunious enough that they were likely worse off than a great many of the wage earners who made an infrequent purchase from the family shoe store. Those of their stratum were not ordinarily college material. They both attended, both earned degrees, and both made an excellent living in Southern California. Reagan often said strange things and you couldn’t talk to him when he’d made up his mind, but the systemic cock-ups you saw during the Nixon Administration you didn’t see with Reagan. There was more there there than his detractors realized.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • Here's a new study that vindicates what entrepreneurial actress Suzanne Somers was saying in her diet books in the 1990s: that starch and sugar are worse than fat. From the NYT: How a Low-Carb Diet Might Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight Adults who cut carbohydrates from their diets and replaced them with fat sharply...
  • @Altai
    Two more examples of the silent oppression of non-blondes by blondes.

    In Denmark, Ms Priyanka Kalra is disappointed that she has gone from being considered fair and lovely by Indian standards to having to compete with Danish women. (I feel for her, that is some drastic whiplash and Danish guys are quite attractive too, the Torment of Tantalus but by the same token, nobody asked her to go live in Denmark.) The correct answer is that the Danes are wrong for simply wanting to be left alone, they are infact racist for having not done anything at all. Are there really Danes going up and down the isles of Netto at darker girls and going 'you're ugly!'?

    Western beauty standards carry with them an inherent racism — rooted in the white West’s colonization of the rest of the world. Living within these standards as a woman of colour, never “beautiful enough”, provokes feelings of insecurity and inferiority.

    Suddenly, the reason for my Kenyan friend in Aarhus not talking to the guy at the bar because she doesn’t think that she is “beautiful here” meant so much more than mere lack of confidence, and now my Nigerian friend’s experience of being called an “ugly refugee” while shopping at Netto was not just a racist incident any more.

    These differences are highlighted even further when you are surrounded by women who effortlessly and naturally fit the standards. “My body hair is more prominent in Denmark,” said a Pakistani friend while laughing. Being aware of my own hair removal regime, I couldn’t join her in the hysteria. The idea of beauty doesn’t just play on the self-esteem but also causes psychological distress that disrupts day-to-day life. These subconsciously imposed notions from generations of social conditioning threaten the physical and mental health of every individual. Yet, every time I have had this conversation, the awkward silence at the table is only broken by a “everyone has their insecurities, this has nothing to do with race”.


    "my Nigerian friend’s experience of being called an “ugly refugee” while shopping at Netto was not just a racist incident any more." It was worse than racism, he called her ugly!

    This is from the SBS which is basically an entire channel run by the ABC in Australia, originally for some programming exploring and showcasing non-Anglo-Celtic Australia but is now a functionally anti-white heterosexual channel. (So much so that they run Australia's entry to the Eurovision and haven't once sent a white person to the contest.) Being run and staffed by ethnocentric and aggrieved Australian-born children of recent immigrants.

    A few years ago, I was on a date. It was 11pm; we were in the city and walking back to his place. My date, who later became my boyfriend, is a charming and intelligent African Australian, deeply attuned to his own racial identity – as you would have to be growing up brown in Australia. I am an Asian-Australian woman.

    It was our third date. We were on Lonsdale Street when a group of loud, drunk white men stumbled in front of us. One of them turned to my partner and whisper-shouted, “Congratulations man, you got an Asian girl! How did you get an Asian girl? You’re Black.”

    By the time I was fifteen, I wanted nothing to do with my race. I went to bed every night wishing I could just wake up white. I hated my parents because my life would have been so much easier if they weren’t Chinese – if I hadn’t been born Chinese. I stopped speaking my language. I had heard too many ching chong chang’s when I walked down the street, courted too many catcalls, encountered countless white men who would leer as they passed me and shouted “ni hao” at the same time.


    It's weird how all these racial incidents keep happening to people who've been obsessed with their race their whole life. Lots of people are embarassed by their parents but don't go around demanding the ethnic cleansing of the people she wished her parents were like. What is the issue here for her? She seems to have wanted to be Anglo-Celtic Australian, clearly diversity isn't strength, but I suspect she is for open borders for Australia.

    There’s the narrative and there’s what that article really said. The narrative is that there is this white beauty standard, an environmentally created facet of white male hegemonic patriarchy, which causes all non white women to feel lesser.

    Then there is what that article said which is that black women feel like ugly refugees, the Pakistani girl is hairy but she’s laughing at it and the Chinese girl is in demand.

    Last I was in Europe, most black women were at least somewhat ugly given that they are completely black West Africans. The exception were street walkers, who were surprisingly good looking. If not for being there, I would have thought “refugee” prostitutes were merely women who took a boat to Europe and had no other prospects. Not so. A lot of the street walkers were clearly chosen and shipped over to appeal to a European audience. The human traffickers picked out some very good looking west African girls and sent them over for this purpose.

    The Pakistani girl has got a problem, the hairiness, but that’s not hard to remove. Her bigger problem is probably what her uncles would do to her if they found out she was dating a danish dude.

    And the Chinese girl has got no problems but the narrative just has to pretend that all women of color face similar challenges when reality is that no one is more different to an African woman than an East Asian woman.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • I wasn't closely following the midterm elections campaign, but the results seemed to be about as expected for Donald Trump and the Republicans. With some races still undecided, the Democrats will apparently pick up close to 35 House seats, giving them solid control, and also a half-dozen governorships, while losing at least a couple of...
  • @Jeff Stryker
    One of the strange things is that in Canada Indians-particularly Sikhs-took to crime quickly. But in the US, Indian-Americans have been relatively well-behaved.

    No Indian-American neighborhood has gangsters. But East Vancouver and Brampton are getting as bad as LA.

    Indians I knew in Dubai would move to Brampton and then leave, claiming the Indo-Canadians had just gone plain crazy.

    But East Vancouver and Brampton are getting as bad as LA.

    Based on 2017 statistics, Brampton and Vancouver had murder rates of 2.7 and 3 per 100K population, respectively, compared to LA’s 7.3 in 2016.

    My guess that Indians expats in Canada who repatriate to India probably have an issue with fewer economic opportunities in Canada vs the US. Some of that may be due to more Asian immigrants in Canada, thereby providing more competition, on top of Canada’s Euro-like tax and regulatory policies, which hamper those economic opportunities.

  • Commenter Chrisnonymous makes a good point: There's an interesting phenomenon although
  • @RunningMan
    It seems more a sign of the times that I'm the only one Who Sees the Appeal of Blonde Hair...

    I have no idea why any man would choose a non-blonde

    Although admittedly, I am a maybe because eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap I'm able to see whose really worthy in an evolutionary perspective

    Men are just desperate to mate with anything so they settle for non-blondes...take what you can get!

    I have no idea why any man would choose a non-blonde

    On average, blondes are less good-looking than brunettes. If you look at the Swedish pop band ABBA, it’s pretty obvious that the brunette is way better-looking than the plain-Jane blonde. It’s a mystery to me why women dye their hair blond. The vast majority look worse as bottle blondes. For the ones that look better, it’s mostly because the fair hair distracts from their sub-average facial features. Good-looking brunettes look worse with blond hair.

  • From my new movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there.
  • @Anon
    Not an act of filial piety to portray your father as a shlemiel rolled by everyone around him.

    But the rolled deserve more sympathy than the rollers. Also, he asks for justice and meaning, not favors or short-cuts.

    Clyde the Asian student asks for favors by bribery. Bernbaum in MILLERS is always asking for mercy after pulling dirty tricks. He's asking for something he doesn't deserve. The guy in FARGO is out for short cut to money. NO COUNTRY has a guy who becomes addicted to a suitcase full of money. Everyone wants a short cut to fame or money in BIG LEBOWSKI. It's the Gold Rush, Game
    Show, or Gangster mentality. By bribery, theft, blackmail, or pleading for mercy, they are trying to get in front of the line.

    In contrast, the father in SERIOUS MAN tries to do the right thing, and when the world turns against him, he wants to know why. He's sometimes pitiful but also pitiable.

    It's not Father Knows Best but still Father Tries Best.

    In contrast, the father in SERIOUS MAN tries to do the right thing, and when the world turns against him, he wants to know why. He’s sometimes pitiful but also pitiable.

    Actually, the character is a series of contrivances, as is the plot. It may be true that literature deals with the possible rather than the probable, but you begin to pile the improbable higher and deeper and it damages (in this case ruins) the quality of the plot and the characters.

    1. The protagonist has a 16 year old daughter, so it’s a reasonable inference he’s been married for about 18 years and is about 42 years old.

    2. Recall a 42 year old man at that time was likely to have had military service (> 70%). He’s been married for 18 years. He’s had children at home for 16 years. He’s been earning a living (or had fellowships) for close to 20 years. Yet, he has absolutely no aplomb in any situation, no capacity to stand up for himself, no capacity to induce anyone else to back off.

    3. There’s no mention of any trade he’s ever had other than teaching, yet there he is at age 42 without tenure. And you’d think a middle-aged professor would have some experience with troublesome students and the games they play (as well as an understanding of disciplinary procedures) but he’s quite unsure on his feet. (You’ll notice from the conversation with his department head he has no idea how to put together a tenure application)

    4. His children steal from his billfold and he’s uncertain what to do. This is 1967. Even in a moderately affluent family, cash withdrawals from the bank are going to be around $35 a week, most of it kept in the mother’s purse because she’s doing the shopping. They empty his billfold and he dithers.

    5. Expressive divorce wasn’t common among my mother’s contemporaries. Women divorced alcoholic husbands, they divorced tomcatting husbands, they divorced husbands with volcanic tempers if the children were out of the house. He isn’t angry, he isn’t disgusted, he doesn’t brood. He allows the man cuckolding him to put on cloying performances in his house (a parody of California flakiness ca. 1977) and then is later manipulated into paying for the man’s funeral (as if the man had no assets and no relatives).

    He’s not trying to do the right thing. He has no idea how to handle adult life at all.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Anon
    Yet, he has absolutely no aplomb in any situation, no capacity to stand up for himself, no capacity to induce anyone else to back off.

    Personality makes a man. There are plenty of men who served in the military and came out not one bit manlier. He has a mostly passive personality.

    His children steal from his billfold and he’s uncertain what to do. This is 1967.

    Kids are into consumer culture. Lots of parents in the 60s were blind-sided by kid behavior. See the movie PEOPLE NEXT DOOR.

    He isn’t angry, he isn’t disgusted, he doesn’t brood.

    But would acting like Newman make him any better as a man?

    Again, it's personality. He is clearly distressed but has a passive personality.

    He’s not trying to do the right thing. He has no idea how to handle adult life at all.

    He does try to do the right thing by not taking the bribe from the student. He is generous to his brother. And he tries to be understanding and empathetic, too much so. And despite all his personal problems, he pulls it all together to be there at the Bar Mitzvah. Also, in a movie where so many people try to take advantage of others and situations, he stands out as contrast. He's not a crusader or activist, but in not doing what others so easily do, he does maintain a center.
    But then, as you've noted, being good and decent isn't enough. Others will step all over you. He doesn't go around DOING the Right thing but he does NOT do the wrong things. Granted, this poses a paradox. If you're a nice good guy who doesn't do wrong and if others see it as weakness and take advantage of you, is your goodness a kind of badness? If good attracts exploitation by the bad, isn't it bad? And then, if one must be bad to fend off the bad, is being bad a kind of good?

    Or is there a problem with merely being passively good? When tempted by corruption, he says no. So, he maintains goodness within his own personal sphere. But he doesn't try to do anything to make the larger world better. He rebuffs corruption but doesn't try to save the world from corruption. Maybe that was Job's problem. He was a good man who obeyed God but had no vision of life beyond being good in his little world. He didn't have the vision of Jesus. And maybe that's also the problem with American Conservatism. While good white conservatives are mostly concerned about the tidy nice little lives and being good citizens, OTHERS think big about the future of America and destiny of the world.

    Part of the problem is so many things hit him at once. His wife, the upcoming Bar Mitzvah, his brother's problems with the law, the car accident, the threat of lawsuit by student's father(about defamation), and etc. If you don't push, you get pushed. But in pushing, you can easily become another a**hole.
    , @Desiderius
    In a word, he's unserious.
  • Here's a new study that vindicates what entrepreneurial actress Suzanne Somers was saying in her diet books in the 1990s: that starch and sugar are worse than fat. From the NYT: How a Low-Carb Diet Might Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight Adults who cut carbohydrates from their diets and replaced them with fat sharply...
  • @notanon
    people who have been grain farming the longest (like most east asians) are probably better adapted to carbs

    the northern european staple was weighted more towards dairy farming or pigs until they got the heavy plow c. 1000 years ago so lots of butter, cheese, cream, fatty meat etc

    the northern european staple was weighted more towards dairy farming or pigs until they got the heavy plow c. 1000 years ago so lots of butter, cheese, cream, fatty meat etc

    The average northern European did not have enough resources for lots of meat or dairy. The 16th century French ruler, Henry IV, once said “If God keeps me, I will make sure that no peasant in my realm will lack the means to have a chicken in the pot on Sunday!”

    • Replies: @notanon
    milk, butter, cheese, cream

    28 The stratification of medieval food is discussed in Stephen Mennell, All Manners of Food: Eating and Taste in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present, 1996: "Eating in the Middle Ages: the social distribution of food", pp 41ff; Mennell observes, "Dairy produce very much remained identified with the lower orders and disdained by the grand", adding "one of the few ways in which peasants in the mountains of Provence had a dietary advantage over the archbishop [of Arles] was in their high consumption of cheese."
    peasant food
  • @Spangel
    Yes, I learned the hard way. I ate beef at least once a day for 20+ years and now in middle age, I have major cholesterol issues.

    But it worked for the weight and body fat problems though. I was lean and mean despite my growing cardiovascular problems.

    Yes, I learned the hard way. I ate beef at least once a day for 20+ years and now in middle age, I have major cholesterol issues.

    But it worked for the weight and body fat problems though. I was lean and mean despite my growing cardiovascular problems.

    If I might ask, where are you on the BMI (body mass index) range? Above, at the upper border, in the middle, at the lower border, or below?

    • Replies: @Spangel
    Throughout my early adulthood, I was on the leaner side of normal. Now I am still within the healthy normal range but a shade over the middle of normal. But it’s only been one year since I all but gave up read meat, and I fear I may continue to gain if I continue eating the way I am. I try to eat a lot of fish but I just get sick of it. I never tired of a burger.
  • From my new movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there.
  • @Art Deco
    Don’t you agree that Donald Trump’s spoken English is pretty poor?

    Compared to whom? See Henry Fairlie's writing on the subject of political oratory 30 years ago. This is not a novel complaint. Jimmy Carter had no oratorical skills at all, George Bush the Elder was painful to listen to, Walter Mondale and Richard Nixon were scripted and deadly dull. Gerald Ford could be a capable public speaker, but it required in his case much more preparation than he was willing or able to give, so there are only scattered examples of it; most of the time, he was soporific. Barack Obama was verbally fluent, but never inspiring (mostly because you knew there wasn't any there there).

    Barack Obama was verbally fluent

    Only when scripted. Off-the-cuff, he was inarticulate.

  • Here's a new study that vindicates what entrepreneurial actress Suzanne Somers was saying in her diet books in the 1990s: that starch and sugar are worse than fat. From the NYT: How a Low-Carb Diet Might Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight Adults who cut carbohydrates from their diets and replaced them with fat sharply...
  • @Redneck farmer
    You can also eat more carbs if you physically work for a living. If you're walking behind a horse all day, spending 10 hours a day in a factory using a lot of muscle power, or manually (womanually?) running a household, you don't get fat. If you ride a tractor, sit behind a desk, and household chores are largely automated, you tend to get fat.
    But remember the wisdom of Spinal Tap:"The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin'".

    Exactly. People in E. Europe lived on a high carb diet – lots of bread and potatoes and cabbage and beans, etc. . Meat was mainly as a flavoring – you’d make a big pot of soup for the whole family which you would eat with plenty of bread and there would be 1 little piece of meat on the bone (more bone than meat) in there to give it a little flavor and maybe you’d get a little taste of meat in each serving. If you were poor, none at all. People couldn’t afford to eat big hunks of meat. But people worked outside all day in the cold so they didn’t get fat. Also very little sugar in the diet.

    I think the key to not getting fat (aside from vigorous exercise) is some kind of limited diet. People eat more when there is a large variety of foods to choose from. If you arbitrarily cut out entire categories (no carbs or no meat or no sugar – it doesn’t really matter which as long as you cut out a big enough category) then you are going to eat less overall. Bread will make you fat if you eat a whole bunch of it and then go on and have a full meal but if bread IS the meal then there’s a limit to how much of it you feel like eating. If you are disciplined you could eat a little bit of everything and be fine (French meals feature many courses but the portions for each course are small by American standards) but most people don’t know when to stop so cutting out a whole category makes it simpler.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • From People: Jada Pinkett Smith Admits to Struggling with Bias: 'Blonde Hair on White Women Just Triggers Me' ALEXIA FERNANDEZ, November 12, 2018 08:01 PM Jada Pinkett Smith is revealing what “triggers” her about white women. On Monday’s episode of Red Table Talk, the 47-year-old actress [and wife of Will Smith] spoke about the relationship...
  • @obwandiyag
    But all of you imbeciles DO think "robbed by a black guy once and now you’re saying all black dudes are thieves and dangerous." In other words, you are NOT self-aware nor objective, and Jada Pinkett Smith is therefore superior to you.

    If you light your straw man on fire, the smoke will keep the tsetse flies away.

    • Replies: @Stan d Mute

    If you light your straw man on fire, the smoke will keep the tsetse flies away.
    It’s going to take more than one burning straw man to keep the flies off this beach..
  • From my new movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing there.
  • @Twinkie

    Or, extremely cutting, accurate characterizations of Asian-Americans.
    Or caricatures of Asians - esp. males - as Jews would like them to be.

    You know a lot of single unemployed Asian-American guys who live with mom and dad and hit on overaged pregnant women in the upper Midwest? That was a character in “Fargo.” On the other hand, Jews are often characters of conscience or hapless victims in their films.

    So, to simplify, Jews = heroes/noble victims, non-Jewish whites = villains, Asians = losers.

    You know a lot of single unemployed Asian-American guys who live with mom and dad and hit on overaged pregnant women in the upper Midwest? That was a character in “Fargo.”

    I tend to think that was just a character where they decided to cast an Asian guy just to be different. They could have inserted a Hispanic or black guy, but that would racist. And a white guy would be too much like any number of stock white guy characters. The Asian character stuck out more, because he was the diametric opposite of the Miyagi character in Karate Kid.

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
    There's an Asian student -- "I know about the cat!" -- in "A Serious Man" set in the late 1960s at, presumably, the U. of Minnesota. Their dad was a professor of economics there, so probably they had some contact with Asians growing up.
  • Here's a coming reform of social media: You'll have three "channels"--e.g., CBS, NBC, & ABC--and you will sit and watch them. To change the channel, you will walk across the room, turn the knob, and then go sit down again and watch what's on that channel. We must do this for Diversity.
  • @Jack D
    I am really not a big fan of the patent system as it currently exists. The people I see mostly benefitting from the patent system (big drug companies, patent trolls, lawyers, etc.) are not people who deserve to be benefitting so richly. A patent is a government granted monopoly on an idea and I'm not a big fan of monopolies. We need some system to assure that inventors have an incentive to invest in research and invent new things but not the system that we have, which I think causes more harm than good.

    I am really not a big fan of the patent system as it currently exists.

    We have the worst patent system, except for all the other ones out there.

  • @Buzz Mohawk

    Was his device (Telefot) ever used? No, of course not. You need a Sarnoff for that.
    Farnsworth set up his own system, gave many demonstrations and made his own broadcasts. He licensed his system as far as Germany. His equipment was among those used to broadcast the 1936 Olympics there.

    The television camera used on the surface of the moon during Apollo 11 was a Farnsworth image dissector type. It was determined to be well-suited for the first landing, due to it's simple design and suitability to the brightly-lit, high-contrast lunar landscape.

    You don't "need a Sarnoff for that."

    You are obviously a Farnsworth fan. His image dissector required extremely bright lighting and was impractical. It was very quickly replaced in broadcasting with Zworykin’s iconoscope. Farnsworth had some blocking patents that RCA could not circumvent but broadcast TV could not have been based on his original image dissector because it sucked. Likewise, Farnsworth’s patent #2,087,683 put a block on Albert Rose(nblum)’s image orthicon (also developed at RCA) but Farnsworth could never get his version to actually work (just as Zworykin could never get the device he described in his 1923 patent to work).

    Now Sarnoff was an arrogant asshole and Zworykin didn’t really invent TV as he was said to have in the RCA PR machine’s version of history (which for decades was the accepted version). But RCA spend $50 million 1930′s $ (when $50 million was a LOT of money) turning TV into a practical system and without that (0r a comparable investment by someone else) Farnsworth’s crude image dissector could not have been the basis for TV as a practical device found in everyone’s living room.

    Farnsworth makes a great story of the lone inventor vs. the giant soul crushing corporation but any highly complex modern invention pretty much requires the resources of a giant soul crushing corporation to be made into a consumer product. Even Edison (in his later years) had the resources of a giant lab (his own) behind him.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Buzz Mohawk
    Jack, nothing you just wrote contradicts my main point, which is this: RCA could simply have paid Farnsworth for the use of his patents, instead of dragging him through court for years and lying about his role in making that very complex system work. He provided a missing piece.

    The Wrights went though the same thing with Glenn Curtiss, and the outcome was the same. Wing warping and the three-axis control of an airplane was copied by Curtiss in the form of ailerons, and the court eventually, after years, found the two to be equivalent, but only after Wilbur gave up much of his life and health fighting for the truth. The Brothers provided a missing piece.

    Edwin Armstrong, inventer of FM, was similarly screwed by Sarnoff and ended up jumping to his death from his transmitter tower. The tower is still there and was used as a temporary replacement for the World Trade Center antenna after September 11, 2001.

    I may be a Farnsworth fan, but you seem to be a fan of screwing inventors.

  • @Buzz Mohawk
    Spoken like a low-trust lawyer.

    BTW I didn't make this about Jews, you (and others) did.

    I don't dispute anything you said, though. :P (Except that it doesn't always have to go to the courts where you guys make your money. Lawsuits should be an exception, not the rule.)

    The law encourages settlement. But because patents are such a high stakes, all or nothing bet they often get litigated because neither side wants to settle for half a loaf. The patent holder thinks he is entitled to the whole enchilada and the challenger thinks he should pay little or nothing.

    In the modern world big corporations all have their own portfolio of patents and they usually cross license each other in a sort of Mexican standoff, but not always (see Apple vs. Samsung).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • From Heavy's write-up of the latest bad guy:
  • @Citizen of a Silly Country
    Define "anti-Semitic."

    You people hold this over gentile Whites like the sword of Damocles. I'm done with it. Jewish leaders want Whites to be minorities in their own lands, and you want us to lie back and take it. I'm sorry some psychopath did something terrible, but the idea that his actions mean that I can't fight back against the destruction of my people is ridiculous.

    Re-think whatever you want. Jews are on forefront of demanding that gentile Whites just lay down and die as a people. No!

    Do you deny that Jews are massively overrepresented in those funding groups that want to swamp gentile White countries with non-Whites? If so, you're a liar.

    Good luck trying to work your guilt on blacks or Asians and Indians. They'll laugh in your face - as they should. The world is changing my friend. The days of hissing anti-semite or racist to shut people up are dying. You overplayed your hand. I'm sure that normies will cower at this latest atrocity, but a growing number of us will not play your game.

    The world is changing my friend. The days of hissing anti-semite or racist to shut people up are dying. You overplayed your hand. I’m sure that normies will cower at this latest atrocity, but a growing number of us will not play your game.

    The fact that you have to post this anonymously is a sign that this “growing number” represents hope rather than reality. In reality, a growing number of people are voting for Democrats, and you can bet this influences the way GOP pols position themselves on race issues. We can’t even keep a horde caravan of illegal aliens out who are currently making their way, in plain view, towards the US-Mexico border, without getting a lot of flak from non-Jewish media and pols, and you think this is a sign that more people are getting worked up? You’re whistling past the graveyard.

  • Here's a coming reform of social media: You'll have three "channels"--e.g., CBS, NBC, & ABC--and you will sit and watch them. To change the channel, you will walk across the room, turn the knob, and then go sit down again and watch what's on that channel. We must do this for Diversity.
  • @Buzz Mohawk
    You're annoying me again, Jack. I know all about what Zworykin did. His "TV camera" as you say, did not work until he saw Farnsworth's solution to the problem. As for a CRT display, that was child's play in comparison. Sure Vladimir had chops, but he was also a thief.

    Putting an army of RCA engineers to work, with Sarnoff providing massive corporate funding, was no great accomplishment after someone else solved the critical problem. As I'm sure you know, poor Philo figured it out when he was fourteen and had it working by the time he was 21.

    As for Zworykin being Russian and not (((Russian))) I don't give a f*ck. He and his buddy Sarnoff nearly destroyed Farnsworth, as Sarnoff also destroyed Edwin Armstrong, the inventor of FM radio, as I'm sure you know.

    This is the way of the world. The big $ and credit go to the hustler Jobs and not to the electronic genius Woz. Inventing a world changing device and running a successful consumer products company (which involves getting access to capital, managing people, marketing your product, etc.) are two completely different skill sets. Sarnoff couldn’t do what Farnsworth did and Farnsworth couldn’t do what Sarnoff did.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    This is the way of the world. The big $ and credit go to the hustler Jobs and not to the electronic genius Woz.
    The same sentence could be redone many times. E.g.,

    The big $ and credit go to the hustler [Gustavus Adolphus] and not to the [political] genius [Axel Oxenstierna].

    , @Buzz Mohawk
    Thank you, Captain Obvious.

    In Sarnoff's case, he preferred to steal what he could not buy. He had a rule at RCA: No paying of royalties to anyone.

    When David refused to sell his intellectual property to Goliath, the giant stole what rightfully and legally belonged to David.

    Farnsworth's business model was to invent, own patents, and make money through royalties. He would have been happy to collect fees from RCA for the use of his solution. Poor Philo came from a high-trust world where such plans work.

    Bill Gates and Co. got very rich writing software, retaining ownership of it, and licensing it. That is a similar model. What RCA did was equivalent to trying and failing to buy Windows, then refusing to pay fees to use it, and grafting it onto their own system and claiming it as their own.

    They eventually lost in court and had to pay those royalties they found so onerous, but only after nearly destroying a genius and causing ill will that lasts to this day.

  • Historian Sean McMeekin offers a different perspective on Armistice Day in an L.A. Times op-ed: It was never quiet on the Eastern Front. Still isn't By SEAN MCMEEKIN NOV 11, 2018 | 3:05 AM ... Something has always been missing from our popular understanding of World War I, however. The armistice signed at Compiègne, France,...
  • @Old Palo Altan
    Do you?

    I don't.

    But then again I am thinking of something rather like Paul Fussell's "top out of sight" class.

    Read his excellent book on the topic if you don't know what I am referring to. Insightful and, better still, very funny.

    I had a look at his book when it came out. Some inventive observation. However, he was a literary critic, not a sociologist. And, as was noted by reviewers, he didn’t have the same ironic detachment from his own class that he did from everyone else’s. One of his wives sliced him up in a memoir. Good for her.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar
    I just found Fussell's Wartime in the closet. That, and John Costello's more erotic take, is handy when faced with someone who touts "the Good War".
  • @The Anti-Gnostic
    Which is sorta the whole point: the retreating British and French set up Westphalian structures designed for classical nation-states where nothing of the sort existed. Where the tribal areas frayed into desert, they just got out their rulers. So ever since there's been conflict over maintenance of inorganic structures.

    If you recall the high ambitions the ideologues in the USG had for Afghanistan and Iraq this should be sounding familiar.

    The British and French empires left large, reverberating footprints. Extruded parsing of economic stats doesn't prove anything.

    I think if you expect a political order to emerge in something other than a territorial state, you’re bound to be disappointed. You’ll have a territorial state with congenial politics or uncongenial politics, but you will have a territorial state. The Ottoman Empire was not some sort of non-territorial body. There were provincial administrations in the Fertile Crescent.

    If you recall the high ambitions the ideologues in the USG had for Afghanistan and Iraq this should be sounding familiar.

    I know of no ‘high sounding ideologues’ in the State Department, the Defense Department, or the CIA, then or now. They may be there. I couldn’t name them. I suppose you could reprint George Bush’s speeches. Treating ceremonial public addresses as if they were inter-office memoranda is a bit of inanity Andrew Bacevich favors. Not my deal and shouldn’t be yours.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • @The Anti-Gnostic
    Yeah. Other than Africa, the Middle East, the Far East, North America, and the Caribbean the British and French empires were practically nowhere to be found on the world stage.

    If you could capture the British and French imperial experience in a single phrase, it would surely be "tread lightly."

    It's not at all like British and French imperial policy shaped the modern world or anything like two world wars and something called Vietnam. Or divvied up the Middle East in poorly conceived, top-down prescriptions in any way. Whatsoever.

    It’s not at all like British and French imperial policy shaped the modern world or anything like two world wars and something called Vietnam. Or divvied up the Middle East in poorly conceived, top-down prescriptions in any way. Whatsoever.

    I think you mean ‘divvied up the Fertile Crescent’. Iraq and Lebanon have suffered insurrection and civil war because of ethnic and confessional cleavages. OTOH, Syria’s a broken down wreck even though the population is almost entire Arab, is predominantly Sunni and is predominantly composed of people who speak Levantine vernaculars; the minority confessions in Syria aren’t concentrated geographically, so there was no pathway to better boundaries. Jordan to date has been a passably successful endeavour even though its Arab population is derived from three distinct streams (one indigenous, two migratory), one of which has a history of being quite disruptive in the other countries where they’ve settled.

    I answered your other points before you made them.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic
    Which is sorta the whole point: the retreating British and French set up Westphalian structures designed for classical nation-states where nothing of the sort existed. Where the tribal areas frayed into desert, they just got out their rulers. So ever since there's been conflict over maintenance of inorganic structures.

    If you recall the high ambitions the ideologues in the USG had for Afghanistan and Iraq this should be sounding familiar.

    The British and French empires left large, reverberating footprints. Extruded parsing of economic stats doesn't prove anything.
  • @Jake
    And Neocons like Max Boot would vote for Marxism over Trump.

    Even Hillary Clinton is small time evil compared to many Neocons.

    Even Hillary Clinton is small time evil compared to many Neocons.

    When did Max Boot or Jennifer Rubin hoover up 8-digit sums in pre-paid bribes? The closest you get to that sort of behavior would be the grossly inflated salaries the nonfeasant boards of National Review and Commentary are paying Richard Lowry, Kevin Williamson, and John Podhoretz. (FreedomWorks, Catholic Answers, and Hillsdale College are among the notable NGOs exposed for this sort of thing).

    Max Boot and Jennifer Rubin write opinion pieces for a living. That’s it. They’re both ornaments of the non-profit sector with no real following with the crucial exception of a couple of people who sign the checks. Rubin once had a more consequential position practicing law. No clue whose ox was gored in her years doing that.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Reg Cæsar

    (FreedomWorks, Catholic Answers, and Hillsdale College are among the notable NGOs exposed for this sort of thing).
    The president of Catholic Answers is Christopher Check, who spent 20 years as VP of the paleocon Rockford Institute. So this assertion looks rather strange. Can you back it up?

    Is CC just a figurehead, and some big donor is using CA to funnel funds? Or do he, Fr. Hugh, and the others think they can buy their way back in and take over?
  • From IBM Research's page on Fairness in AI Publications: I can't
  • @MG
    “Samosa” itself derives from a cognate Arabic word. But the Indian samosa is an Indian creation, and nothing like the samosa equivalents you get elsewhere.

    “Nothing” is an overstatement.

    Obviously the commonality is a savory filling enclosed by dough and then fried or baked until brown. The Central Asia samsa (probably the mother of them all) is usually baked and often made from a bread dough rather than a flaky short dough so it is clearly different than the Indian samosa, but it is still its relative both in name and concept. In other places the sambusak (a Persian name) takes the shape of a half moon rather than a pyramid. Anything with potatoes (perhaps the most common filling) must antedate their introduction into India (probably via the Portuguese in Goa). Some variations (e.g. the samoosa of the Cape Malays in S. Africa) are close to the Indian version both in name and form. So the samosa is both an Indian import and an export and not a “pure” Indian thing at all. Since Asia is one big landmass (and the trade routes extended to Africa and eventually Europe and the New World) it’s hard to find anything that is purely Indian.

    The concept is not exactly rocket science and so other cultures’ versions (the Cornish pasty, the Spanish empanada, the Jewish knish) maybe be cases of parallel evolution rather than related.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • For awhile, I've been pointing out a couple of trends. In one, America seems to be slowly drifting toward what might be called hypocritocracy or Rule by Actresses, in which whatever actresses happen to be complaining about at the moment dominates public life. For example, the Democrats doing well in Tuesday's election only seems to...
  • Her face has that Joan Rivers look. I’d wager some of the $20 million has paid off plastic surgeons.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Sean
    Any other aspiring actress who looked like her would have a nose job in their teens.
  • From IBM Research's page on Fairness in AI Publications: I can't
  • @Jack D
    When you have a billion people there are going to be some very good looking women among them just like there are some 7 foot tall basketball players among the billion Chinese, just by the law of averages. But I think it is much, much lower than for say Italian women. There are 30 million women in Italy and over half a billion in India but I would venture to say that there are more good looking Italian women (in raw #s) than there are attractive Indian women.

    Outside of Africa, Indian women are (at least to my eyes) among the least attractive races on average. Rather than tending toward a cafe au lait color that can be very attractive in Latino women, their skin tone tends toward the ashy and is even darker around the eyes giving them the appearance of raccoons or having 2 black eyes. Their hair looks oily even when it isn't. I'm not sure what it is, but the arrangement of their features is just not appealing in most cases. You can't point to any obvious systemic aesthetic flaw as in the case of Africans with their wide noses and woolly hair (or Jews with their big noses) but somehow the overall arrangement is not felicitous to Western eyes. When God was giving out looks, he really was stingy when it came to Indian women.

    When God was giving out looks, he really was stingy when it came to Indian women.

    I suppose tastes vary greatly. I’m a fan of Indian women. And their cooking is, of course, divine. Availability is an issue. My perception is they tend towards endogamy within not just ethnicity but caste, even more than Indian men.

  • From the NYT Opinion page: The Newest Jim Crow Recent criminal justice reforms contain the seeds of a frightening system of “e-carceration.” By Michelle Alexander, Nov. 8, 2018 Michelle Alexander became a New York Times columnist in 2018. She is a civil rights lawyer and advocate, legal scholar and author of “The New Jim Crow:...
  • @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Maybe this sounds crazy, but I’ve got an idea for solving the problem of too many black men in jail, so let me just throw it out there. Here it goes:

    Black men should try committing fewer crimes.
    As a matter of fact, Steve, your solution is radical - and crazy.

    In reality, you're asking blacks to behave in a way that doesn't suit their DNA in general. It's no different than saying that the answer to the achievement gap is that "Blacks should study harder."

    It'll help, but it won't solve the problem. More importantly, it's a temporary solution. As soon as you stop forcing blacks to study so hard, they'll stop and everything will revert back to where it was.

    Blacks aren't White. Blacks don't want to be White - though they do like all the stuff that we give them.

    The problem isn't black criminality. Blacks will be blacks. The problem is putting blacks and Whites together into one society and expecting them to behave the same. Of all people, you should know that.

    We're applying White societal standards to blacks. It's not fair in many ways.

    Your solution that blacks should just magically commit fewer crimes actually would require a massive societal overhaul because we would be forcing blacks to fight their natural tendencies. To lower black crime, we'd need to go back to a very religious society where White norms are pushed down the throat of blacks and where White culture dominates. Blacks would still commit far more crimes than Whites, but they'll commit less than they do now.

    Your simple solution in fact would be a reversing of all of the cultural changes that have occurred over the past 60 years. That's pretty damn radical - and crazy.

    The problem is putting blacks and Whites together into one society and expecting them to behave the same. Of all people, you should know that.

    I don’t know how to break this to you, but blacks and whites have been living together in this country for 400 years. You have about 15 million blacks living uneventfully in small concentrations in the larger society as we speak. There is no legitimate purpose to a white ethnostate. You need something simpler, which is a police force that is amply staffed and willing and able to do it’s job.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @notanon

    living together in this country for 400 years
    segregated because of the black crime rate - until the media got rid of segregation thus causing the deaths of large numbers of white people.
    , @Citizen of a Silly Country
    I don't know how to break it to you, but the point of my comment - and you know this - wasn't to promote a White ethno-state. It was simply to point out that Steve was acting like one of the many pundit who inexplicably believe that there's no such thing as race and even if there was, our differences are only skin deep.

    Steve knows that blacks are genetically prone to be more criminal than Whites so his suggestion that they just commit less crimes is an odd one. It's like asking the Rottweiler breed to be nicer; it's not in their nature. They need to be trained to keep their aggression under control.

    Is that what Steve was suggesting? If so, he should say so.

    Regarding your comment, yes, I am aware that blacks and Whites have been living together - not particuarly happily, I might add - for 400 years. Thanks for bring that to my attention. Not sure how I missed that all these years.

    You have about 15 million blacks living uneventfully in small concentrations in the larger society as we speak.
    Wow, the power of your logic is overwhelming. Are you next going to tell me that there are White criminals too or that some of the most gentle people that you have known are black.

    Let's see if you can wrap that giant brain around this idea. You have two communities one is black and one is white. In the white community, 1 out of 100 people is a violent criminal. In the black community, 7 out of 100 are violent criminals. Here are two facts about these communities:

    1. 93% of blacks are just swell people "living uneventfully"
    2. The black community is seven times more violent and dangerous than the White community, a level of danger that makes life miserable for the people living there

    Yes, both of these are true at the same time.

    You need something simpler, which is a police force that is amply staffed and willing and able to do it’s job.
    Yes, so you can impose White norms on black communities. If blacks really wanted lower crime, they'd do it themselves. Btw, who gets to pay for all of these cops and support staff? Whites, that's who.

    There is no legitimate purpose to a white ethnostate.
    What the hell does that even mean? Is there a legitimate purpose to a Japanese ethnostate or a Korean ethnostate or a Jewish ethnostate. Who is this great and good God that determines what is legitimate?

    What about self-determination? What about right to be ruled by and to live among your own? What the desire to not be a minority?

    Do you even think before you write.
    , @bomag

    There is no legitimate purpose to a white ethnostate. You need something simpler, which is a police force that is amply staffed and willing and able to do it’s job.
    An ethnostate wasn't suggested, but interesting that the idea is immediately quashed.

    I wouldn't say that good policing is really a simpler solution, given that such public works tend to follow a sinusoidal curve: good results followed by laxness followed by renewed efforts. And one man's good policing is another man's overreach, e.g. Black Lives Matter.

    And it is not so much "a white ethnostate" as the alternative, but a community filled with individuals of any ethnicity that don't commit crime; thus suburbs and high end urban areas that sort by income and occupation.

  • This woman is a mulatto who in the course of her life has been succored by Vanderbilt University and Stanford University, not to mention the offices of Mr. “Justice” Harry Blackmun. Her sister parlayed berths at Cornell and Stanford into decades of secure employment first at Ohio State then at the University of Oregon. You can see her sister’s blech research programme here ( Michelle Alexander doesn’t do real estate closings or wills and estates. She works in the har-de-har public interest bar while drawing income from academic sinecures (Union Theological Seminary) and sorosphere patronage.

    We have one woman whose fancies herself quite the ‘fighter for justice’ while working to make the daily life of impecunious working-class blacks as disagreeable as she possibly can. Her sister, having been so sweetly nurtured by this country all her life, is in the business of trashing it in university press books which will be purchased by university libraries and left to collect dust there unless some faculty member much like her assigns reserve readings from them. Condign punishment for these two would be to strip them of their citizenship and dump them on any Eurotrash latrine too inept to resist having to take them. They’re not doing a bloody bit of good for any party with whose welfare decent people should concern themselves.

  • The high tech graverobbing business has finally started to get its hands on some New World DNA. American Indian tribes have been particularly resistant to letting ancient skeletons found in their region be genome scanned, so most of the ancient DNA work in the past involved Canadian or Latin American skeletons. But now some American...
  • @The Alarmist

    "This was a very weird discovery — that about 2% of the ancestry of a few Amazonian tribes appeared more closely related to Andaman Islanders in the Indian Ocean than to anybody else closer."
    That's not a weird discovery: A number of South Pacific culture have lore about sending people across the big ocean.

    The reason they have lore about this is because they did – that’s how the Pacific Islands were populated. The Polynesians started from Taiwan and worked their way across the Pacific in outrigger canoes. They didn’t reach New Zealand until around 1,000 AD (the aborigines of Australia arrived circa 50,000 BC).

    Some of the distances were vast – Marquesas to Hawaii is around 2,000 miles and it’s not like you are aiming for an unmissable continent – a few degrees off course and there is only the vast emptiness of the Pacific. God knows how many expeditions were lost at sea for every successful one.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Curmudgeon
    Re New Zealand.
    Two very interesting videos about the "original" populations:

    Also left out of the analysis was the origins of the blond mummies - the Cloud Warriors in the Andes.
  • From Vox: But, honest, we were not thinking about open borders before Nov 7, 2018, 9:00am EST. The idea that it was time for fully open borders just suddenly came to us at 8:59am EST. After the election. After ... Trump was entirely making this up that we were just waiting for the election to...
  • @Jack D
    That's why these statistics are not that meaningful. Sure if you are in the nursing home and break some ribs then you will get pneumonia and die because no one is going to pay any more attention to you after your fall than they did before you fell, but Notorious RBG is going to be watched 24/7 and get antibiotics up the wazoo and made to get out of bed, etc.

    That being said, there is a limit to what medical science can do against the ravages of time and disease and RBG should probably be buying her mayo in the pint jar.

    That being said, there is a limit to what medical science can do against the ravages of time and disease and RBG should probably be buying her mayo in the pint jar.

    Pint jar seems optimistic. I’m thinking packet-sized mayo for deli customers.

    • LOL: Mr. Rational
  • Evidence keeps accumulating that the liberal half of America took a sudden swerve into political extremism and psychological problems around 2013. Why? Commenter TheMediumIsTheMassage offers a pop cultural suggestion. “A central question about our time is: Why did Democrats go nuts in c. 2013?” This is indeed a central question of our time and while...
  • @larry lurker
    In fairness, "Soros" really kind of is shorthand for "the Jews," even if MAGA types like the unconquered Seminole Filipino don't realize it. I disagree with the rest of the tweet though.

    In fairness, “Soros” really kind of is shorthand for “the Jews,” even if MAGA types like the unconquered Seminole Filipino don’t realize it.

    That’s like saying Koch brothers is shorthand for the Christians. Back in the real world, Soros is shorthand for Soros, the man who broke the Bank of England.

    • Replies: @Steve Sailer
    I'm pretty well-informed but it's probably only since the rise of Wikipedia in the mid-2000s that I've been aware that Soros is Jewish and the Koch Brothers aren't.

    "Soros" is a nearly unique palindromic Esperanto name that didn't have any Jewish associations before George Soros became famous. Soros isn't exceptionally Jewish looking either, although I see on Google that he was somewhat more Jewish looking when he had dark hair. I suspect that once his hair turned white he took to having it dyed a sort of blond.

    Re: Koch Brothers. In contrast, the most famous Koch in the 1980s was the very Jewish mayor Ed Koch of New York. And being ideological libertarians hardly seemed definitely non-Jewish.

    On the other hand, I just now looked at some pictures of the Koch Brothers, and they are very non-Jewish looking. But I didn't know that until just now.

  • Oddly enough, this vicious 2008 rock-throwing Republican assault on a movie star (Kumar from the Harold & Kumar movies) doesn't appear to have gotten any media attention whatsoever before Penn's tweet today. Here's a 2008 local newspaper account of Kal Penn's late August visit to the U. of Florida that leaves out all mention of...
  • @Federalist

    I’m sure that sort of sentiment [that they all have to go back] was common among the Wampanoag and Pequot.
    Where are the Wampanoag and Pequot today and why?

    How far back are you taking this “They all have to go back” idea?
    Immigrants from non-European countries and their descendants.

    Immigrants from non-European countries and their descendants.

    We can’t keep even new illegals from coming in, let alone legal aliens from whatever source. But you want to remove immigrants from non-European countries and their descendants, who now number perhaps 35% of the nation’s voting population (or more, if you use the one-drop rule). I suppose if you’re gonna dream, you gotta dream big.

  • Some believe that the Cold War ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell apart. In retrospect, many observers also believe that a golden opportunity was missed to heal the wounds inflicted by over 45 years to hostility between the Washington and Moscow. Rather than encouraging development of a Russia that would adhere to Western...
  • China is welcome to assert any interest it may have in the south China sea. They aren’t, however, welcome to do that when it means trampling the rights of the neighbors as they have done with all their neighbors in the south China sea. China is setting herself up for war, and that’s why the vast expansion of her military. Xi is not good for China, anymore than Mao was. Neither much cared about the Chinese people.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
    'China is welcome to assert any interest it may have in the south China sea. They aren’t, however, welcome to do that when it means trampling the rights of the neighbors as they have done with all their neighbors in the south China sea. China is setting herself up for war, and that’s why the vast expansion of her military. Xi is not good for China, anymore than Mao was. Neither much cared about the Chinese people.'

    None of this explains why we should involve ourselves.

    Back in the day, we used to say 'tut tut,' and go on about our business.
    , @DB Cooper
    Looks like its China's right in the South China Sea that has been trampled by its neighbors, not the other way around. Classic MSM up is down left is right logic.
    , @Skeptikal
    Thanks for reminding me that the USA is the world's policeman. LOL.
    , @denk
    In MSM, the PC narrative is never to mention the Jews, in AM, the PC recital is to blame everything on the Jews !

    My non PC pov, the truth is some where in between.

    Like I say, the Jews mainly concentrate on ME, whereas the assault on Asia, especially China has been an anglo enterprise dating back to Mackinder's 'heartland theory'.

    Hence, my very non PC take on whats the driving force behind five centuries of fukus imperialism..


    MIC, WARstreet.

    Last but not least, white trash supremacists like quartermaster and his ilks, lots of them where it come from.
  • Open thread. Also, aren't the Democratic strategists cutting it a little close with their timing of revealing their proof of Trump's Russian collusion just before the Midterms? And what was today's Christine Blasey Ford Corroborating Evidence blockbuster? I missed it, but the Dems did deliver it, right?
  • @jbwilson24
    “And the Chinese are a long way off in “soft power”: the Han Chinese have high IQ but are not very creative and never will be. ”

    I think that view is outdated. Yes, Chinese students cheat like mad and they are generally not creative compared to European/Jewish students. They have the advantage of numbers. The creative ones are still quite numerous and backed up by the legions that are suited for more routine and less creative work.

    (Underestimating the importance of routine work in STEM fields is dangerous. Most STEM jobs do not require high creativity, but rather discipline and perseverance).

    Compared to the dwindling number of European (and even Jewish) PhDs in STEM fields, the Chinese have a decisive advantage. China is taking off in terms of peer reviewed publications, and it their researchers are not hampered by concerns about political correctness (e.g., they have a eugenics program).

    The USA has outsourced much of its industrial production to China. Recent Pentagon reports show that there are major issues in the procurement pipeline. Industrial production wins conflicts; merely ask the Japanese about how easy it was to manufacture tires during WW2.

    We’ve outsourced this stuff because it is cheaper, not because it is impossible for us to make the stuff here (or in Mexico). In the event of a conflict we could bring stuff onshore pretty quickly if we had to. We can do amazing stuff if we have to – it’s just cheaper if we don’t have to.

    For the Chinese OTOH, shutting off the pipeline of Western $ would have massive consequence for their economy. Could some insane Mao type guy do it anyway? Maybe, but the Chinese people (including the military who own many civilian industries) really enjoy being rich. Chinese also enjoy not having their one and only children not die in overseas military adventures. Xi has been consolidating his power but I’m not sure that the Chinese would really be willing to follow him into hell or that he is really interested in taking them there.

    My prediction is that the Chinese will probe for Western softness and take advantage wherever they think that they can get away with it, but not up to the point of open warfare or irreparably breaking their relationships with the West. The corollary to this is that the West has to draw bright lines (e.g. hands off Taiwan) and let them know that we are not going to let them get away with pulling a Putin in Crimea shtick and that there would be big consequences if they did.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • In the Eastern Time Zone, the Democrats' Blue Wave is looking pretty small so far. If this trend holds up, who and what do you think the Democrats and their media enablers will blame? - Putin - White men - Not enough black murderers being allowed to vote - The Voting Rights Act of 1982...
  • @Labatt Blu
    I wouldn't call this a ho-hum evening for the Democrats. They were expected to take control of the House of Representatives, which they did by a wide margin. Sure, they couldn't take the Senate, but most people were predicting that they wouldm't.

    Trump did better than average for a mid term election. In the places where he campaigned, his candidates mostly won. He even picked up a couple of Senate seats. He couldn’t campaign in all 435 House races. There was no resounding rejection of his policies the way the Resistance was hoping for.

    Trump is happiest when he is in combat and so D control of the House will give him plenty of red meat for his 2020 campaign. It’s not like Paul Ryan loved him anyway.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Corvinus
    "There was no resounding rejection of his policies the way the Resistance was hoping for."

    Rejection, yes. Resounding? Depends upon one's ideology.

    Governorships in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan for Democrats, which had been under Republican control.

    Democrats picked up 5-7 net gubernatorial positions.

    Democrats won the popular vote in all House races by 10%.

    Democrats gain 28 to 37 seats in the House.

    100+ women in Congress for the first time.

    States that Trump won by 10-15% in 2016 were decided by 1-3% in 2018.

    The extended majority in the Senate only solidifies what they would be doing anyways with that control.

    With a divided Congress, it would appear only clear bipartisan legislation will pass. So the added Senate seats then mean…what?

    Definitely high profile Senate races in Florida and Texas they lost, but historically close in Texas, and Florida has always been neck and neck in those contests. So perhaps there is drastic under appreciation, or an over evaluation, of what had happened yesterday.
    , @YetAnotherAnon
    "Trump is happiest when he is in combat and so D control of the House will give him plenty of red meat for his 2020 campaign. "

    Funny - that's exactly what the BBC's James Naughtie said an hour or two ago. The BBC don't see it as a resounding rejection either, although that's what they would have loved. They think Trump will thrive on division, because that's what he loves to create, unlike Obama (that's what they said! BLM, gentle giants, Trayvon and dead policemen all forgotten).
    , @Anonym
    That is exactly it. Trump added the Trump buffs to candidates in the senate, and was successful. The house was too diffuse to do that for.

    Unfortunately Dave Brat and Kris Kobach were kicked to the curb.
  • Open thread. Also, aren't the Democratic strategists cutting it a little close with their timing of revealing their proof of Trump's Russian collusion just before the Midterms? And what was today's Christine Blasey Ford Corroborating Evidence blockbuster? I missed it, but the Dems did deliver it, right?
  • Cruz wins. Heidi is out. Republicans keep Senate. Maybe will gain seats in the Senate?

    PA court designed Congressional redistricting map was very bad for R. Dems may pick up 7 seats in PA alone. Judicial power in America is scary and undemocratic (small d).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @istevefan
    Was that ever appealed to the US Supreme Court?
    , @Lowe
    Wow, so basically the House shifted to the Democrats this term because of the PA redistricting.
  • From Politico: As I explained last June, California, the home of Silicon Valley, counts votes slower than Third World countries like Paraguay. Of course, countries like Paraguay don’t have mail ballots coming in by slow boat and migrant caravan from Honduras, Guatelombia, the Galapagos Islands, the Kerguelen Islands, Transnistria, Abbottabad, Abkhazia, Azkaban, Raqqa, Narnia, and...
  • @Hippopotamusdrome

    Richard Dawkins: "Orange man bad"


    Dear US voters, don’t blame Dems for the excesses of the overzealous left. Those deplatformings, safe spaces, gender politics & Islamophilia are just silly. Trump is more than silly, he’s a seriously bad man: a liar, a dangerously unstable, bullying denier of scientific facts.


    a seriously bad [person]: a liar, a dangerously unstable

    While Hillary Clinton, OTOH, is

    a seriously bad [person]: a liar, a dangerously unstable…

    It’s not like we had a choice between Trump and Thomas Jefferson.

    • Agree: dwb, Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Dtbb
    If Jefferson ran today as a democrat I wouldn't vote for him. Washington neither.
  • Andrei Belousov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control, has recently made an important statement which I shall quote in full and then provide a translation. Original Russian text: "Тут недавно на заседании Соединенные Штаты заявили, что Россия готовится к войне. Да, Россия готовится к войне, я это подтверждаю....
  • @Anon

    Given the capital injections, US will use new technology to teach Russia the it must choose between being a gas station tributary of China or a respected ally of America.
    Russia has always dream to be America ally, only if its been treated with slightest respect & mercy. That's all she wanted to be West most obedient maid, but in return they only rape her like whore in 1990's, and continue to abuse & humiliate her until this moment.

    Still she humbly offered whatever she has hoping for his acceptance, no? Under West humiliation, sanction & existential threat, Russia is still selling heavy rockets, Titanium, aerospace technology, ISS cooperation, energy, whatever its dear USNato partner/colleague desire.

    With China, Russia is well respected as equal, with great deal of economic & security benefits, a world largest market to export, a reliable supply source. And China has never invaded Russia in entire history.

    The choice is clear, be a Western whore or respected Chinese friend.

    Russia has always dream to be America ally, only if its been treated with slightest respect & mercy. That’s all she wanted to be West most obedient maid, but in return they only rape her like whore in 1990′s, and continue to abuse & humiliate her until this moment.

    Russia’s corrupt politicians filled and continue to line their pockets with the revenues from Russia’s vast natural resources. And point their fingers at the West, which invested tens of billions in Russia only to be forced to write off those investments when the Russian government decided to revoke the terms that led them to invest that capital.

    Russia’s idea of respect is to be allowed to annex new territory without interference. That’s not going to fly, any more that we are going to go along with Britain re-acquiring the territories that used to fly the Union Jack.

    • Replies: @Avery
    {.... the West, which invested tens of billions in Russia....}

    Nice self-delusion, or crude disinformation.

    The vile, rapacious Neocon goons, who had a hand in installing the corrupt drunkard Yelsin in the chaotic aftermath of the breakup of USSR, looted $100s of billions of Russia's industrial and natural wealth and moved it to the West. Criminal billionaire looters took the stolen billions and ran to London or Tel Aviv. Not only they stole $100s of billions, but they continued their efforts to interfere in Russia's internal politics from abroad, like the traitor Berezovsky, who choked on his loot and committed suicide. (.....hopefully he was 'suicided' either by his MI6 masters or the FSB).

    Another Neocon frontman looter Khodorkovsky continued fomenting a 'revolution' in Russia, and was rewarded for his efforts with a nice long vacation in sunny Siberia, then was expelled.

    {Russian government decided to revoke the terms...}

    Russian government decided that it had had enough of Neocon gangsters looting Russia's natural wealth. Oh, btw, US government revokes agreements and terms of agreements all the time: selective "outrage" much?
    , @AnonFromTN

    Russia’s corrupt politicians
    Do you mean to say that European and American politicians and controlling them MIC fat cats are not corrupt? Too bad you are the only one believing this BS. Pentagon contractors steal more than all Russian oligarchs combined.
  • @Sean
    Even the relatively powerful Soviet Union, through it might have been able to conquer Western Europe, could not have defeated America, the world's most powerful economy, in a global conventional WW3. So America would have no reason to use nukes first. Russia has strategic space to retreat into and has no reason to go nuclear against the West, because even if they invaded Russia it could expect to win a conventional war in the end.

    No leader would use nuclear weapons, they all scream they would go out in a blaze of glory, but not one of them would, and it may not be irrelevant to mention that the elite would be the first to go in a nuclear exchange. The history of nuclear weapons shows that the small ones like the nuclear bazooka and even so called medium range weapons have been progressively eliminated so as to make a firewall between conventional war and ANY kind of nuclear weapons use. All countries know that once you go nuclear you go nuclear for good and can count on reciprocal escalation at the very least.

    No leader would use nuclear weapons, they all scream they would go out in a blaze of glory, but not one of them would, and it may not be irrelevant to mention that the elite would be the first to go in a nuclear exchange.

    Precisely. Alexander being a prominent exception, political leaders are not known for their self-sacrificial tendencies. And Al died in his 30′s.

    • Replies: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    Do not be so certain in your claims. US made considerable progress in miniaturizing and specializing in nuclear weapons. They were tested and used in Iraq war,
  • From the New York Times: And then about a thousand words on how black slavery was bad. ... But the strongest “rhyme” between fugitive slaves in the 19th cen
  • @Jonathan Mason

    Putting people with pre-existing conditions in the same pool as young healthy people is the same as putting alcoholics in the same auto insurance group as teetotalers – the latter ends up subsidizing the former. The insurance company doesn’t really care as long as they make their profit, but it’s unfair to certain customers.
    In that case the pools are not big enough. When I had health insurance through the state of Florida, they did not say things like "Ooh, we cannot insure your wife, because she might be an alcoholic for all we know. No we cannot insure your daughter because she is allergic to strawberries."

    The bigger problem is that commercial insurance is not a good way to fund a health care system for a large industrialized nation. Almost every single developed democracy has a better system. Possibly it might work a bit better if the government said "OK, we will give Medicare to all the diabetics and epileptics, but you insurance companies will have to insure everyone else and we will tell you what the maximum premiums and deductibles in each state will be. You can compete with each other on customer service."

    The difference is that the US is the only major nation where the insurance industry and legislators form an organized crime syndicate.

    Trump was elected based on claims that he would fix this and provide affordable health insurance and drugs for all. However, somewhere along the way he fell into a swamp and had to be pulled out.

    The only reason Republicans and Democrats fight elections so bitterly is that the candidates know that they are made for life if they can get in on the Washington gravy train.

    you insurance companies will have to insure everyone else and we will tell you what the maximum premiums and deductibles in each state will be.

    People want unlimited health care but they don’t want to pay for it. If you ration what insurance companies charge but not what they must pay for , that is a recipe for driving insurance companies into bankruptcy. Socialism only works until you run out of other people’s money.

    The way this works in other countries is that healthcare gets rationed. You can have this drug but not that drug. You want some elective surgery – we’ll put you on the list and call you in two years if you are still alive. Etc.

    • Replies: @Dave Pinsen
    Discussions about healthcare payment systems in America usually degenerate into our status quo versus nationalized systems with rationing like Britain’s, but there are hybrid models that seem better than ours and theirs. France, Singapore, Germany, and other countries seem to have better approaches than us or the UK.
  • @Jack D
    The Indians didn't really have a strong concept of land ownership and it's hard to say if they really understood what "selling" the land meant. Land to them was, in relation to their population size, a more or less unconstrained resource the way we think of air so there was no need for a system of registering land titles (not to mention that they were illiterate so there was no way to record these things anyway). Agriculture did not take place in any fixed place - they would burn a clearing in the forest, farm it for a year or two and then when the soil wore out they would burn a new clearing. They didn't have teepees like the Plains Indians but they didn't have much in the way of permanent structures - they tended to move around with the seasons to follow fishing or hunting opportunities.

    Now in credit to the Dutch and the British, they thought that they were doing the right thing by "buying" the land instead of just taking it by force the way that the Spanish did. Some white guy would give you a bunch of beads or something - the Indians must have thought that they were getting a good deal, as if someone told you that they wanted to pay you for the air in your backyard. The white guys thought that they had a good deal because they had just bought Manhattan Island for $26. But in retrospect, there was no real "meeting of the minds" at all.

    Now in credit to the Dutch and the British, they thought that they were doing the right thing by “buying” the land instead of just taking it by force the way that the Spanish did.

    Not just the Spanish. Just about every conqueror in recorded history (and probably unrecorded history as well). For instance, you’d be hard-pressed to think of an instance where a Russian, African, Chinese or Muslim ruler purchased land rather had his armies acquire it in the usual manner – at swordpoint.

    • Replies: @J.Ross
    Russian explorers going East had instructions to attempt to trade fairly and establish good relations where possible with Siberians.
    But these are Russians; they were also told to "beat them up a little" if necessary.
  • @Jack D
    That's why I don't understand why "pre-existing conditions" is such a big campaign issue. As I understand it, it applies mainly to people in the individual market and not to large employer sponsored plans (which have enough of a large pool of their own to negate adverse selection) nor obviously to those with any kind of government coverage. People in the individual market are a fairly small segment of the population.

    Putting people with pre-existing conditions in the same pool as young healthy people is the same as putting alcoholics in the same auto insurance group as teetotalers - the latter ends up subsidizing the former. The insurance company doesn't really care as long as they make their profit, but it's unfair to certain customers. In the case of pre-existing conditions, it's one more FU from the Baby Boomers to the younger generations. Is there any generation in American history that has screwed their kids in so many different ways?

    People in the individual market are a fairly small segment of the population.

    8.8m is small relative to the total population. But if even half of these people are eligible to vote, they could be politically decisive, depending on how changes in Obamacare are affecting them.

  • The national media has been full of stories today about the discovery of anti-Semitic graffiti at a liberal Brooklyn synagogue last evening. Well, new information has now come to light ... First, though, from the New York Times last year: After Years in Foster Care, Intern ‘Adopted’ by City Hall Catches a Break James Polite,...
  • @Anon
    "I can hardly wait for the Times’ follow up article in which this guy’s acts are blamed on racism."

    They went with mental illness this time.

    But racists were responsible for stigmatizing treatment and making him go of his meds.

    To be fair, that’s not what the article said. It pretty much blamed mental illness, which still relieves Polite of any element of agency. Even when blacks are not the direct victims of racists (not too many KKK members at Brandeis or in Brooklyn so it’s hard to construct a credible narrative even by the standards of the NYT) they are always the victim of unfortunate circumstances and are therefore never responsible for their own actions.

    In the article, Quinn admits that as his mental illness got worse so did his anti-Semitism, so it was obviously well known to her even before this incident.

    I’m sure that if the graffiti writer/ fire setter had been white the Times would have been equally sympathetic to their mental illness.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
  • Today, Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller follows up my scoop yesterday on the identity of the individual who defaced a Brooklyn synagogue anti-Semitic graffiti that the national media was intending to turn into a nice Weekend Crisis. As I pointed out yesterday the vandal suspect is James Polite, a black, gay, black studies major...
  • @Jack D
    Black women have done better than black men in general - there's no black male equivalent of Oprah. Since women are hypergamous it's hard for black women to find matches among black men that are more (or even equally) accomplished, especially since accomplished black men seem to prefer white women along with everyone else. Sometimes these women can find white men but most white men are not attracted to black women. So it's a very tough dating market among black females in the professional class.

    Sometimes these women can find white men but most white men are not attracted to black women. So it’s a very tough dating market among black females in the professional class.

    Is it even possible to tell if the problem has nothing to do with physical attraction, and everything to do with the potential for all kinds of racially-charged conversations? The majority of blacks I have dealt with have brought up anti-black racism at some point in time. Who wants to deal with that day in and day out, in a life partner? A guy who is stuck on black women, such as Robert De Niro, has probably embraced the black narrative. But how many men are like De Niro?

  • Andrei Belousov, deputy director of the Russian Foreign Ministry's Department of Nonproliferation and Arms Control, has recently made an important statement which I shall quote in full and then provide a translation. Original Russian text: "Тут недавно на заседании Соединенные Штаты заявили, что Россия готовится к войне. Да, Россия готовится к войне, я это подтверждаю....
  • Tennesseean re [48], Allison’s Thucydides trap is a Classics 101 fail from bureaucratic hack Graham Allison, who munched CIA dingleberries for a living. If Allison had read more than the Spark notes, he would know the Spartans determined to go to war with Athens not because Athens was vaguely ascendant in some way, but because Spartan leaders met and concluded, we have to fight them, they’re not going to leave us alone.

    Now that Russia is at that point, it would be useful to shed the CIA brainwashing that bled this trusting country white. Allison is yet another fluffed Harvard mediocrity. His gift to posterity is his incredible feat of making the the Kennedy School into a place where paunchy middle-aged political science teachers can score student babes.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • @Degenerate Scumbag
    The “Trade war” that Trump has started with China is merely an attempt to normalize a lop-sided trade position to one that is more equitable. You are mistaken if you think China has the position of strength.

    China is heavily dependent on Western consumption of their exports to keep their economy going – this is the engine that drove their phenomenal growth over the past few decades. They indulged in currency manipulation on a grand scale to keep this scheme going, with the tacit consent of the Globalist US Establishment. One major effect was the hollowing out of US domestic manufacturing industry. Trump got elected on pledges to do something about this, and he’s making good on those promises. Import tariffs swing the balance back towards domestic manufacturing, re-importing jobs that were exported over the past few decades.

    What can China do about this? Nothing. Even the massive stock of US debt that they hold (a necessary consequence of their currency manipulation) is no trump card at all, quite the opposite. As masters of their own currency, the US will always be able to service this debt, it’s main relevance is to the value of the dollar. All China would achieve by dumping it is to undo their currency scheme, tank the dollar, and make US manufacturing even more competitive. With the US now self-sufficient in oil production, they would feel no downside to a cheap dollar.

    China needs to work more on building its domestic consumption to balance its economy in a sustainable way. When the dust settles, they will remain a significant global economic power, but not the superpower they were projected to be by some, who shortsightedly imagined the US would continue to consent to this lopsided arrangement indefinitely, in deference to the Globalist money-God and at the expense of their own citizens.

    As for Russia, I think (hope and pray) that Trump is just posturing at the moment, a necessary charade given the ongoing seditious conspiracy from within his own Government. My hope is that he will be able to consolidate his power after the mid-terms and deliver the detente with Putin that was promised. We shall see.

    China is heavily dependent on Western consumption of their exports to keep their economy going

    That’s kind of a backwards explanation of what is actually happening. China is highly dependent on Western companies that hire Chinese workers through subcontractors (i.e. Foxconn, Flextronics, et al) to produce goods there. What the tariffs do is cause these companies’ subcontractors to move their plants out of China, thereby leaving large numbers of Chinese employees jobless. Americans will still want to buy iPhones, but a good chunk of Chinese Foxconn employees who used to make them for the US market will be looking for other employment once the tariffs hit.

    The real kicker is that even Chinese companies will start moving some of their production out of China in order to take advantage of lower costs in the Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. And from the perspective of the owners of those Chinese companies, moving that production abroad has the virtue of keeping their capital out of the reach of the Chinese Communist Party, which seems to believe that it has the right to confiscate property owned by any citizen of China at will.

  • From the New York Times, the latest on a scandal with a bunch of iSteve-related angles: Goldman Sachs Is Drawn Into Prosecution of Vast Financial Fraud By Matthew Goldstein, Alexandra Stevenson and Emily Flitter Nov. 1, 2018 Goldman Sachs is facing one of the most significant scandals in its history, a multibillion-dollar international fraud that...
  • @anonymous
    Investor Who Won Big Betting on Housing Collapse Falters With China Bets
    Kyle Bass says ‘the subprime market was similar to what is happening in China today’

    Kyle Bass was able to make a right call on the housing crash in 2008 but since that initial success his hedge fund has been a loser. He has staked his reputation on a China crash predicting it for years but it hasn't happened. He is now trying to get hands on to make it happen.

    Kyle Bass was able to make a right call on the housing crash in 2008 but since that initial success his hedge fund has been a loser. He has staked his reputation on a China crash predicting it for years but it hasn’t happened. He is now trying to get hands on to make it happen.

    That was in March. Since then, China’s Shanghai index has gone down almost 20%. If he was short and failed to make money, he must have somehow picked all the wrong horses to bet against.

  • @YetAnotherAnon

    "Harrow was the place where Winston Churchill was so painfully dim that he only managed get through it all by using his politician daddy as his protector and money donor. "
    You should read his account of his school days.

    Harrow Entrance Exam, Latin paper.

    "I wrote my name at the top of the page. I wrote down the number of the question 'I'. After much reflection I put a bracket round it thus '(I)'. But thereafter I could not think of anything connected with it that was either relevant or true. Incidentally there arrived from nowhere in particular a blot and several smudges. I gazed for two whole hours at this sad spectacle: and then merciful ushers collected my piece of foolscap with all the others and carried it up to the Head-master's table. It was from these slender indications of scholarship that Mr. Welldon drew the conclusion that I was worthy to pass into Harrow. It is very much to his credit. "
    Maths for Army Entrance (Sandhurst)

    "Of course what I call Mathematics is only what the Civil Service Commissioners expected you to know to pass a very rudimentary examination. I suppose that to those who enjoy this peculiar gift, Senior Wranglers and the like, the waters in which I swam must seem only a duck-puddle compared to the Atlantic Ocean. Nevertheless, when I plunged in, I was soon out of my depth. When I look back upon those care-laden months, their prominent features rise from the abyss of memory. Of course I had progressed far beyond Vulgar Fractions and the Decimal System. We were arrived in an 'Alice-in-Wonderland' world, at the portals of which stood 'A Quadratic Equation.' This with a strange grimace pointed the way to the Theory of Indices, which again handed on the intruder to the full rigours of the Binomial Theorem. Further dim chambers lighted by sullen, sulphurous fires were reputed to contain a dragon called the 'Differential Calculus.' But this monster was beyond the bounds appointed by the Civil Service Commissioners who regulated this stage of Pilgrim's heavy journey. We turned aside, not indeed to the uplands of the Delectable Mountains, but into a strange corridor of things like anagrams and acrostics called Sines, Cosines and Tangents. Apparently they were very important, especially when multiplied by each other, or by themselves! They had also this merit—you could learn many of their evolutions off by heart. There was a question in my third and last Examination about these Cosines and Tangents in a highly square-rooted condition which must have been decisive upon the whole of my after life. It was a problem. But luckily I had seen its ugly face only a few days before and recognised it at first sight.

    I have never met any of these creatures since. With my third and successful examination they passed away like the phantasmagoria of a fevered dream. I am assured that they are most helpful in engineering, astronomy and things like that. It is very important to build bridges and canals and to comprehend all the stresses and potentialities of matter, to say nothing of counting all the stars and even universes and measuring how far off they are, and foretelling eclipses, the arrival of comets and such like. I am very glad there are quite a number of people born with a gift and a liking for all of this; like great chess-players who play sixteen games at once blindfold and die quite soon of epilepsy. Serve them right! "

    Churchill was the greatest man of the 20th century.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @anon
    thanks for the laugh
  • The national media has been full of stories today about the discovery of anti-Semitic graffiti at a liberal Brooklyn synagogue last evening. Well, new information has now come to light ... First, though, from the New York Times last year: After Years in Foster Care, Intern ‘Adopted’ by City Hall Catches a Break James Polite,...
  • @Jack D
    It's hard to tell if the guy is poetic or just schizo. His writing has a certain manic "word salad" quality that a lot of psycho writing exhibits. He sounds high IQ for a black person but the mental illness gets in the way.

    It’s hard to tell if the guy is poetic or just schizo. His writing has a certain manic “word salad” quality that a lot of psycho writing exhibits. He sounds high IQ for a black person but the mental illness gets in the way.

    I think it’s merely today’s fashion. Jackson Pollock with words. No particular talent required – just a willingness to fake it until he makes it. Given how strong the Dunning-Kruger effect is with the average black person, maybe he really thinks this is genius-level work, unfairly maligned by racist wypipo. Frankly, with this type of material it’s hard to tell how much of a given artiste’s (of any color) success has to do with his presentation skills and how much is pure luck.

  • @Old Palo Altan
    Not the same, no, but analogous.

    The borderline but statutory entries are shown the door within a year, fifty years ago and, surprisingly, today as well.

    My "ever thus" was about the principle, not about the persons to whom it was, and it cheers me to note, still does apply.

    The sour note is, of course, provided by the fact that my friends would not be allowed in now, while dregs like poor Kashawn are ushered through the door.

    But at least they are ushered right back out again.

    The sour note is, of course, provided by the fact that my friends would not be allowed in now, while dregs like poor Kashawn are ushered through the door.

    But at least they are ushered right back out again.

    The exclusion of today’s equivalent of your friends is the Left Coast’s loss. And hopefully some flyover state’s gain.

  • @TelfoedJohn
    His adoptive parents seem to have been the types to fill him in on Jewish victimhood stories, so I’m guessing he was desperate for supply to meet demand in the hate crime business. I would not be surprised if his new parents put him up to it. Perhaps, like Fagin, they have a whole brood committing hate crimes to serve the cause.

    This is 180 degrees opposite to what happened. You couldn’t possibly be more wrong. Polite resented Jew liberals as patronizing, and railed against Zionism. Humans naturally resent being in need of charity and hate those who help them. It was entirely predictable that Polite would bite the hand that fed him.

    In fact, you and Polite could be good buddies except for the fact that he hates white people too. But at least you agree on the Jew hating part.

    • Agree: TelfoedJohn
    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    I am sometimes curious as to whether you distinguish people who really do hate Jews per se-they do exist, and I have met them, but I think they are fairly rare-and those who do not hate or even necessarily dislike Jews per se, and may even be in a certain way pro-Zionist, but who understand Jews for what they are, a distinct and separate people who are on average more intelligent but who strongly tend to advocate and work for what is good for Jews as they see it despite its often corrosive effect on non-Jews and are willing to say so in public.

    And if not, whether you could do so but choose not to or whether you simply can not perceive any ability for such to exist.
    , @Harry Baldwin
    I wanna bite the hand that feeds me
    I wanna bite that hand so badly
    I want to make them wish they'd never seen me

    --Elvis Costello, Radio, Radio
  • There have of course been horrible anti-Semitic crimes committed in this vast country by white male rightists, such as the recent Pittsburgh murders and in 2014 an attack on a Jewish center in the Midwest that wound up murdering several gentile visitors. But, what about in well-documented New York City? From the New York Times:...
  • @Hans
    There's definitely a whole bunch of "anti-semitism" in this one but as a beast of the field* I have to confess that I haven't worked it all out yet:

    Hasidic Jews who beat and blinded gay black man are handed just 150 hours community service - and are trying to avoid doing it in 'culturally diverse' NYC area -
    Wondering when the persecution will end

    "But the men told the court last week that they wanted to do the community service at Chai Lifeline, a group that works with Jewish children with life-threatening illness."


    This is like man bites dog. For every Jew on black attack in American history there must be 1,000 black on Jewish beatings.

    The folks who administered the beatings were part of a citizens patrol. Someone had reported that this shvartze was vandalizing cars in the neighborhood – they had no way of knowing his sexual orientation. The Hasidim have had to put with living side by side with vibrant types in Brooklyn for decades and it is trying to say the least – less tough Jews fled to the suburbs decades ago. He was blinded only in 1 eye – in the course of trying to arrest him and his struggling back, someone stuck their thumb in his eye by accident. The prosecutors had a weak case – the shvartze was the only one who could make the identification and his testimony was weak (probably because he was trying to avoid confessing to vandalizing the cars) so a plea bargain to community service was the best they could do. One of their fellow patrol members went to trial and his conviction was overturned on appeal so he got off completely.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • @HaveMyDoubts
    The issue is not that the typical Jewish person makes for a good neighbor. On that point, I agree.

    What keeps anti-Semitism alive is two things:
    1) A small minority of left-wing, politically active Jewish intellectuals have made a decades-long hobby of undermining the cultural fabric of the US, primarily through media and academia.
    2) The vast majority of Jews, who do not fall into group 1, nonetheless refuse to call out their co-ethnics for their bad behavior, or outright deny it. For good or bad, this shapes the perception of the group as a whole.

    As you note, by most socioeconomic metrics, the Jewish people are equal to or better to the random Gentile. But where they fail miserably is the ability to chastise their own, more so if the offender has had some financial success. Asking a typical US Jewish person to speak candidly about say, George Soros, is about as fruitful as asking Linda Sarsour to speak candidly about the burqa.

    You see this kind of “Will you denounce X?” trap coming from the Left (especially the media) all the time. They ask moderate Republicans to denounce Trump, Trump to denounce the right, etc. They are still talking about Trump’s answer that there are good people on both sides.

    This is nothing but a divide and conquer trap. No one is obligated to denounce anyone that they don’t feel like denouncing, except in totalitarian states. I don’t particularly like George Soros but it’s not my job to denounce him. If you feel like denouncing him, denounce him all you want but leave me alone.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @HaveMyDoubts
    No JackD, it's called an honest conversation.

    It was not a divide-and-conquer trap to expect White Southerners in 1960's Mississippi to speak out against Jim Crow. Those who didn't were culturally shamed, correct?

    Nor is it to expect honest Black intellectuals to acknowledge crime statistics. Nor is it to expect a liberal Muslim to acknowledge issues with women's rights. That's not to say every person should be an apologist for their group. That would be identity politics. But it does mean that if a given subject comes up, they should not attempt to shut down the debate entirely. That too would be identity politics.

    We've been at a point in the US for decades where basically any group can say, "Yes, there is a problem with some of group Y doing X, but they do not speak for every person in group Y." But for the US Jewish population on this one particular subject, that day never comes.

    At this point, the record is unequivocal for leftist Jewish intellectuals undermining gentile culture via mass media and academia. This is likely a small fraction of the total US Jewish population, but the record exists nonetheless, and that small group has been quite effective. In the age of the internet, where unflattering facts will eventually be surfaced, some fraction of US Jews will need to address this in a substantive way, other than accusations of anti-Semitism.

    Ironically, there does seem to be one group of Jews that is capable of doing this: namely, Israelis. Perhaps having to build a nation -- as opposed to critiquing one -- lends to a greater deal of clarity.

  • Commenter Almost Missouri writes: Almost Missouri says: October 31, 2018 at 5:48 pm GMT • 400 Words(Edit-2601497) I’m on board with almost all Sailerisms: Invade the world, invite the world, in hock to the world. Who–Whom Strange New Respect (haven’t heard that one lately) First Law of Female Journalism Merkel’s Mistake/Boner Rape of Russia Victory...
  • @Buck
    Slavery was an uneconomic system which was doomed to die in the new United States. It was good-hearted Yankee Eli Whitney who saved it with the cotton gin. Those poor negroes on Miss Greene's plantation had a terrible time picking seeds from the cotton bolls until Mr. Whitney alleviated their drudgery with his 1793 invention.

    Overnight, upland cotton farming and slavery became economic and entrenched until a half-million white men died ending it 70 years later. Now American blacks have assumed the role of "obsolete farm equipment" with perennial high unemployment/underemployment, generational welfare and high crime rates. The cost/benefit analysis of having 50 millions blacks in America is negative.

    It's the same here today. Third world immigration is hailed as a demographic savior of the low birthrate West. Except we are also the post-industrial, knowledge economy West on the cusp of AI disruption of the labor market. In this scenario, inviting illiterate immigration is about as bad as economic policy gets.

    This is the problem – obsolete farm equipment can be melted down for scrap, but obsolete human populations are virtually permanent. You bring in a slave or a migrant worker to pick crops for one season and two centuries later his descendants are still here and have multiplied exponentially. The entire Caribbean could be a vacation paradise but slavery turned it into an extension of Africa with African crime rates and it is going to be that way forever.

  • From a new paper (PDF) released yesterday: In other words, even leaving aside immigrants, scientists can see that English people who migrate out of coal towns like Rotherham for the bright lights of the metropolis tend to have higher polygenic scores for educational attainment (i.e., years of education) than English people who stay home in...
  • @Anon
    Herrnstein's theory makes a lot of sense to me because my impression was that back before the smarties all trotted off to the Ivies, it was much more common for the smart fraction in a city to end up in the mayoral or councilman's office, as presidents of local banks, companies, and nonprofits, as police chief, and so on. I think Murray presented evidence of more social diversity in residential neighborhoods, with the richer people in nicer or bigger houses mixed in with more middle class and working class in less impressive houses. So the kids would play together. The cops all lived in the city and were your neighbors.

    My first girlfriend in high school was from "across the tracks" and had no college ambitions, but was really sweet and attractive. Hypothetically, if all she had to do is raise kids and cook, she wouldn't have needed college. But my kids would be dumber. But did people think about that then?

    Nowadays you need two incomes, or at least a fallback wife job for when the male gets discarded from the work force. And with the smarties all congregating in Murray's five elite zip code cluster areas, they never even meet any dumb people who aren't black or immigrants (who somehow are mysteriously never are considered marriage material).

    Back in the day, it was more common for lawyers to marry their secretaries, doctors their nurses, etc. But these women were not the same women who become secretaries and nurses today. These were women who today would become lawyers and doctors themselves.

    Now there were (and are) some rich guys who only care about looks – they don’t want an intellectual equal, they just want a “10″. Trump seems to pick wives this way. Wives plural because women who are “10s” don’t stay that way for very long so you have to keep trading them in on a new model.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @YetAnotherAnon
    "they don’t want an intellectual equal"

    Surely most men want an intellectual nearly-equal?

    @Luke Lea - I was working in finance when the UK govt spent billions and raised interest rates several times in a morning - up to 15% IIRC - to defend sterling against Soros. But when the whole market followed him they threw in the towel. Should have gone to 25%!!

    , @Old Palo Altan
    "Back in the day" for me means before the Civil War. I can only speak of the area I know well, which is New England. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there were two sorts of Harvard and Yale families: those who had, in the broadest sense, founded both places, and all the rest.

    The first sent their sons to both colleges as a matter of course, most were clergymen or in the law. This kept on in a very regular pattern for the whole of the period I am addressing.

    The other sort were farmers who could just manage the costs of sending their promising second or third (or seventh or eighth) son to Harvard or Yale (the occasional truly remarkable ones getting scholarships); these invariably became clergymen or teachers in schools they often founded themselves. The truly brilliant might graduate to tutorships at their colleges, from which they would either go on to professorships or move into, again, the church or the law. Very few business people or traders were college men until the middle of the nineteenth century, even if throughout this period they might well have married the daughter of one. By the 1850s however it was increasingly the done thing for a newly opulent China trader to send his sons to Harvard, including the ones marked out to take over the family firm.

    The two sorts intermarried, less in the seventeenth century, but increasingly as the decades went by until, by around 1800 such intermarriages were quite unremarkable. My point is very simply that an intellectual elite was being formed from the very beginning of our nation's history, at least in New England, and therefore, in this one particular and very remarkable part of America, Herrnstein's guess is just plain wrong.
    , @Old Palo Altan
    "Back in the day" for me means before the Civil War. I can only speak of the area I know well, which is New England. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there were two sorts of Harvard and Yale families: those who had, in the broadest sense, founded both places, and all the rest.

    The first sent their sons to both colleges as a matter of course, most were clergymen or in the law. This kept on in a very regular pattern for the whole of the period I am addressing.

    The other sort were farmers who could just manage the costs of sending their promising second or third (or seventh or eighth) son to Harvard or Yale (the occasional truly remarkable ones getting scholarships); these invariably became clergymen or teachers in schools they often founded themselves. The truly brilliant might graduate to tutorships at their colleges, from which they would either go on to professorships or move into, again, the church or the law. Very few business people or traders were college men until the middle of the nineteenth century, even if throughout this period they might well have married the daughter of one. By the 1850s however it was increasingly the done thing for a newly opulent China trader to send his sons to Harvard, including the ones marked out to take over the family firm.

    The two sorts intermarried, less in the seventeenth century, but increasingly as the decades went by until, by around 1800 such intermarriages were quite unremarkable. My point is very simply that an intellectual elite was being formed from the very beginning of our nation's history, at least in New England, and therefore, in this one particular and very remarkable part of America, Herrnstein's guess is just plain wrong.
    , @Charles Erwin Wilson II

    Back in the day, it was more common for lawyers to marry their secretaries
    Please tell me you did not do so.
    , @Desiderius

    Trump seems to pick wives this way.
    Only the middle one.

    The other two can more than hold their own.
  • From the New York Times: Also STDs. Limited prescriptions of what constitutes a “normal” pelvis or birthing process might lead doctors to perform unnecessary interventions — like induced labor, cesarean sections or the use of forceps — which can further exacerbate harm, said Lia Betti, an anthr
  • This strikes me as being like the article about the “new discovery” that the Greeks and Romans painted their statues, when in fact this has been known for decades if not centuries.

    Maybe this is related to the fact that NY Times reporterettes nowadays all look like they are 12 years old and have been half-educated in some grievance studies program (albeit at a prestigious U). I have socks in my drawer that are older than they are.

    The old cynical line is “I was born at night but not last night” but these women really were born yesterday. For them, everything is new (especially when viewed through the amazing kaleidoscope of race/gender which allows you to see the world in a wonderfully new and woke way), even things that others have known for decades.

    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    AGREED about the apparent naivety of these young reporters, Jack. Upon reading the excerpts again, there is another thing that keeps standing out as a theme in lots of these articles that Steve Sailer reads for us (NY Times, Atlantic, whatever...) . That is, we all are supposed to be getting more aware that it's not a white country anymore. That's what this article seems to be preaching:

    "Hey, even OB docs better get with the times! This is not just your country anymore. Not all birth canals are the same. Did you know that? Well, now you do! (ohh, you did, well, DIVERSITY!"
    The reason I wrote "apparent naivety" above is that I think, as Veracitor below (and the excellent Brenda Walker @ VDare) points out, there are SERIOUS health problems that Americans haven't had to deal with for a half-century or more that have come back. It's all do to uncontrolled immigration.

    One would think, that to be an ace reporter and do a service to the public to make one's life meaningful, one should get into these stories of these old diseases coming back. Lots of people get sick, even lots of women and minorities (so there's that), and some die. I guess destroying the American culture and white race is more meaningful - I mean, that's what I'm getting from all of this.
    , @Desiderius
    Hard to know much when all one reads is Twitter.
  • What do you think of the idea of Trump issuing an executive order abolishing birthright citizenship? Of course, birthright citizenship is a massive scam: here's my 2011 article translating a Chinese birth tourism ad listing seven ways you are being ripped off by random foreigners. It's certainly less Constitutionally absurd than Obama's plot to issue...
  • @Wilkey
    I’ve been told by an 85% reliable source that RBG has been recently DXed with pancreatic cancer.

    That seems rather unlikely. Pancreatic cancer, in every case that I've known, is basically a death sentence. If Ginsburg had it at her age it would probably already be affecting her work. Announcing that Ginsburg was on the way out would probably be one of the few things that might actually rescue Dem attempts to win control of the Senate.

    Announcing that Ginsburg was on the way out would probably be one of the few things that might actually rescue Dem attempts to win control of the Senate.

    1. What, the pro-abortion people will turn their megaphones up to 11? The demonstrators will go from hysterical to ultra-hysterical? Anyone who is going to vote on this issue is already voting Dem. I think the Dems gave it all they got and it looks like they are going to fall short on the Senate.

    2. RBG is a private person. She clearly has all sorts of ailments that she has not spoken publicly about but which affect things like her ability to keep her head up. She had ample opportunity to retire during the Obama administration and allow Obama to appoint another Wise Latina to replace her but she didn’t. It seems pretty clear to me that she intends to die in the saddle so we are not going to learn about her final illness until it is really final – either when she is dead or checks into the hospital for the last time.

    3. Pancreatic cancer is usually a quick death but it depends on the form. Steve Jobs lasted a lot longer than most (which just meant that he suffered more).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Joe Stalin
    Speaking of pancreatic cancer, director John Milius has had this for years. How well is he doing today?
    , @Reg Cæsar

    3. Pancreatic cancer is usually a quick death but it depends on the form. Steve Jobs lasted a lot longer than most (which just meant that he suffered more).
    On the other hand, Todd Bol, the creator of the Little Free Library movement, was diagnosed with it early this month, and was dead by the 18th.
  • From Heavy's write-up of the latest bad guy:
  • @res
    Thanks for your reply. A good counterpoint. Some thoughts.

    Whether Newton was a crank or not in some aspects seems open to debate. My understanding is he did try to put his alchemy work on a scientific basis, but it still sounds pretty crankish. Kind of like obsessively trying to build a perpetual motion machine scientifically.
    Once you open things up to areas of expertise things become more complicated. One could argue vitamin C was an area of expertise for Pauling, but it is clearly distinct from his primary field of chemistry (e.g. at the molecular bonding level).

    Not sure how convincing this is, but this popular article comes down on the crank side:

    Your points about Jewish traits and tendencies as well as the minority/majority aspects of this dynamic are somewhat convincing.

    The radical/uniqueness/leader point is significant, but I don't think that is uniquely Jewish (it corresponds to your take on Pauling IMHO).

    Your Operation Finale comment was useful, but I again don't see the Jewish specificity there. One thing I think you left out in your comparison is really high end (say 99.99% vs. 99%) analytical skills. With a hammer like that it is all too easy to go nail hunting. With a real risk of GIGO. Especially in the absence of effective feedback.

    Perhaps useful to note that I am a non-Jewish white with a somewhat similar background. My experience was that the prodigy thing was not uniquely Jewish (observation of others) and I show some of the traits we are discussing (both good and bad) myself.

    Regarding your own experience, do you think Jews were overrepresented in this subset relative to their representation in the source groups (high achievers)? This ties into Desiderius' comment--where I think making a distinction between socially un/acceptable cranks is worthwhile while noting that both are still cranks, but the social responses to them tend to be very different.

    The “crank” phenomenon (Unz, Fischer, Chomsky, etc.) is not uniquely Jewish but Jews are overrepresented even beyond their overrepresentation in the far right tail of the IQ distribution (which is already considerable). Aside from the genetic IQ factors, I think that there are cultural factors which account for the difference. As someone mentioned, the Jewish apostate or convert (who knows and betrays the “secrets of the Jews”) has for centuries been a sort of stock figure in Western culture and who often received praise, honors and reinforcement from the larger society. Whereas vice versa is pretty much non-existent.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @snorlax

    Whereas vice versa is pretty much non-existent.
    iSteve celebrity Morris Dees, who has made a $$$ career in revealing to Jewish grannies how America is overrun with secret KKK Klaverns.
    , @silviosilver

    As someone mentioned, the Jewish apostate or convert (who knows and betrays the “secrets of the Jews”) has for centuries been a sort of stock figure in Western culture
    For example?
    , @res
    I wonder if part of this perception (overrepresented) is due to the Jewish cultural tendency to vehemently call out those apostates. Whereas other forms of crankiness are either quietly cranky or cranky in a way which is currently socially acceptable (e.g. much of liberal arts academia going on about matters like genetics about which they know worse than nothing).
  • From my movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing
  • @anonymous coward

    The lunar landing was the first shoot from the seed of life we call Earth.
    The photo and video evidence for the Moon landing is fake. There were probably no men on the moon.

    The real surface of the moon is brown. See the photos from Apollo 10, the Soviet Zond or the Chinese Chang'e.

    Anything with a gray moon is fake.

    The photo and video evidence for the Moon landing is fake. There were probably no men on the moon


    Yup, not alot of people know this but the moon landing was actually shot on a mock up set on the grassy knoll outside the Texas Book Repository building in Dallas Texas.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
  • From Heavy's write-up of the latest bad guy:
  • @Jack D
    For those who don't read Yiddish (or Moshe's somewhat unofficial transliteration), Jabotinsky was saying, "JEWS! Run away from here. Don't ask me how and don't ask me where but run even if you have to do it BAREFOOT!"

    This was good advice. I wish my parents had heard it and taken it. No one then could foresee that Hitler would turn to outright extermination but between Hitler and Stalin there was clearly nothing good in store for the Jews of Eastern Europe.

    I don't know what the history is but for some reason every S. African Jew I have ever met is Lithuanian.

    I don’t know what the history is but for some reason every S. African Jew I have ever met is Lithuanian.

    You and me both.

  • Well, just as I expected, my morning NYT had wall-to-wall coverage of the Pittsburgh shooting, naturally with much of it focusing on the horrific anti-Semitism involved, plus the right-wing anti-immigrant angle.

    It certainly does seem to be the worst anti-Jewish attack in modern American history. The Times described the previous most deadly anti-Semitic attack as having been the killing of a family of four in 1985, none of whom were Jewish, and the killing of three non-Jews as recently as 2014.

    Given that all these previous examples of monstrous anti-Jewish attacks actually killed no Jews, that made me a little curious, so I went to Wikipedia, that font of our Respectable Truth. Unsurprisingly, there’s a huge 10,000 word article on the massive history of Anti-Semitism in the United States, but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t list a single case of an actual anti-Jewish killing.

    Presumably some Jews must have died in the large number of random mass-shootings we’ve had in recent decades, but when was the last time any Jews actually died in anti-Semitic attacks? Considering the gigantic decades-long MSM focus on anti-Semitic violence, there must surely have been at least some since the celebrated Leo Frank case of 100 years ago, but offhand I can’t think of any.

    Sometimes the impression you get from the MSM is a little distorted…

    • Replies: @Nathan
    The only one I could think of:

    But there were no fatalities at the community center.
    , @Inquiring Mind
    Mr. Unz:

    Thank you for hosting Steve Sailer and other contributors on your Web site.

    Thank you for providing a forum where readers may also contribute comments freely without a special account and password. Thank you for your tolerance and patience with opinions you may not personally agree with. Thank you for a place where people can speak what is on their mind, and where we can work out differences by force of argument instead by force of compulsion or worse yet, force of violent acts.
    , @Anon
    You wrote a 10,000 word article accusing Jews of using gentile blood to bake matzah. Yes your ezine us far more balanced , measured and neutral than the msm.
    , @Lot
    "it doesn’t list a single case of an actual anti-Jewish killing."

    Yeah that guy who went into the Overland Park Jewish Community Center and starting shooting people, then drove to Village Shalom retirement center and did the same, that's wasn't an anti-Jewish killing at all.

    "Several items were seized from the suspect's home in Aurora, Missouri, including three boxes of ammunition, a red shirt with a swastika symbol, antisemitic publications (such as Mein Kampf written by Adolf Hitler), a list of kosher places, directions to synagogues, and a printout of the KC Superstar competition at the community center."

    Maybe he'd have done a better job if Jews were properly labeled like your friend Phil Giraldi advocates. Your featured book author Adolf Hitler had one idea on this.
    , @Henry's Cat
    Forgive me if you covered the Frank case in your American Pravda series - I have the remaining ones bookmarked - but do you have an opinion as to Frank's guilt?
    , @Matra
    It's mostly forgotten now but a Pakistani Muslim shot a few Jews, one fatally, in 2006: 2006 Seattle Jewish Federation building
    , @lavoisier

    It might be time for you to lay a little low.

    I think you are a rare man in terms of your honesty and your intelligence.

    But you publish information that could certainly be considered anti-Semitic.

    You were wondering why the ADL was not going after you?

    They will be going after you now for sure.

    And they will have the full support of the US government and the leaders who have taken an oath to support the constitution.

    Count on it.
    , @Doug
    > Unsurprisingly, there’s a huge 10,000 word article on the massive history of Anti-Semitism in the United States, but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t list a single case of an actual anti-Jewish killing.

    Ron Unz's schtick is getting tiresomely repetitive and obvious. The gist is Mr. Unz says something like "Hey guys, everybody thinks [X] but I read this [Source Y] and can't find any mention of [X]." Oh wait... when you actually bother to read [Source Y] it turns out that Unz was full of shit. Either Unz's reading comprehension is severely lacking given his self-described 200 IQ... Or he's just plain outright lying and misrepresenting things for whatever self-serving ideological agenda he has this week.

    Let's actually consult the Wikipedia article in question. It's available here:

    Well, let's just jump right down to the "Hate Crime" subsection. The very first paragraph lists an unambigious anti-Jewish killing that took place in America less than five years ago:

    > On April 1, 2014 a racist man, former member of the Ku Klux Klan arrived to the Jewish center of Kansas City and murdered 3 people, two of them were on their way to the church.[85] After his capture the suspect was heard saying "Heil Hitler".[86]

    Don't worry, I'm sure Unz has some sort of schizophrenic justification for why this doesn't count. Maybe a vague Usenet post from 1994 or a made up unsourced factoid from a poorly formatted white supremacist pamphlet that actually proves this was a false flag operation by Mossad.
    , @Eagle Eye
    The whole incident is far too pat, and the timing - at the peak of early voting - is too neat. Whatever the subjective motivation of the patsy, this was NOT a spontaneous event, but a carefully planned operation, probably to rile up anxiety and shore up the Democrat vote.

    Not coincidentally, the incident was also planned to prepare the ground for a comprehensive gun ban, and for further censorship of competing social media (

    As Mr. Unz noted, anti-Semitism in the U.S. does not seem to have resulted in any verifiable murders. This is statistically astounding: let's assume some 2 per cent of the population are Jewish, and only half (1 percent) are readily identifiable as Jewish to non-Jewish strangers. Also, let's assume only 1 percent of the population carry serious anti-Jewish animus. Thus, conservatively, we would have:

    1. Three million (3,000,000) Jew haters and

    2. three million (3,000,000) identifiable Jews,

    yet no clear anti-Semitic murder seems to have been documented over the past 100 years.

    Now, suddenly a few days before an election, we have the Left's wet dream: a single incident in a house of worship with multiple sympathetic victims, an "AR-15 ‘style’ rifle," postings on a Twitter rival, etc. THE WHOLE SCENARIO SCREAMS FALSE FLAG.

    , @FKA Max

    ...when was the last time any Jews actually died in anti-Semitic attacks?

    The number of Jews who died in the attacks is variously estimated at between 270 and 400.[152][153][154][155] The lower figure tracks closely with the percentage of Jews living in the New York area and partial surveys of the victims' listed religion. The U.S. State Department has published a partial list of 76 in response to claims that fewer Jews/Israelis died in the WTC attacks than should have been present at the time.[152][156] Five Israeli citizens died in the attack.[157]
    , @Lowe
    That's interesting, isn't it? If there haven't been any Ant-Semitic killings in a long time, that means something is different now. Is it something passing, or something permanent?
    , @Roderick Spode

    The LA shooter produced no dead bodies but not for lack of trying.

    The 2014 shooter mentioned by others in reply to your post killed three Gentiles, but one imagines he thought they were Jews at the time, which is grimly humourous if you think about it.

    Sometimes I do wonder about you, Unz. Are you getting back at some relative?
    , @FKA Max
    Here is another resource that might be helpful in your research, Mr. Unz:

    Terrorist Incidents and Attacks Against Jews and Israelis in the United States 1969-2016

    Jewish targets often serve as precursors to larger attacks: Perpetrators of well-known larger attacks, such as the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, were first involved in anti-Jewish incidents -

    , @Lucas McCrudy
    There was shooting in 1999 at the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center where 5 were wounded and one mail carrier killed by some lunatic.
    , @Ian M.
    What about the Jews murdered by Tamerlan Tsarnaev in Waltham?
  • @Jack D
    I used to think that the antisemitic commentary around here was relatively harmless and within American First Amendment traditions but now I wonder - is such talk dangerous because it may inspire less stable individuals to violent actions?

    We see the same phenomenon on Islamic forums. If you say that the West must be destroyed or the Jews must go often enough then some people are going to take it literally.

    I used to think that the antisemitic commentary around here was relatively harmless and within American First Amendment traditions but now I wonder – is such talk dangerous because it may inspire less stable individuals to violent actions?

    This logic could be applied to just about every category of political criticism. In practice, legal sanctions will be applied only to right-wing critiques of left-wingery.

  • Commenter Buzz Mohawk writes: I took Mrs. Mohawk to an IMAX theater on the first day of release. My wife the Hungarian race realist noticed that there were no black people in the audience. We usually see disproportionate numbers of them in places like movie theaters and malls where this was. They have lots of...
  • @RouterAl
    Would I be wrong that the designer and chief engineer on the Saturn 5 rocket Arthur Rudolph recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor for extraordinary services (later withdrawn) was expelled from the USA after pressure from the Jews.
    The Saturn 5 was the last all liquid fuelled 3 stage rocket to leave the earth , in total 13 times without a fail , all the other later rockets are glorified fire works with solid fuel boosters , an easier engineering feat to achieve.
    A time when the USA dreamed large and had the will and skill to make it happen.

    You forgot to mention why he was expelled.

    Rudolph was operations director for V-2 missile production in the underground factory at Mittelwerk. Between 12–20,000 (mostly Jewish) prisoners died while building the V-2 rockets at Mittelwerk, which is more than the number that died in actual V-2 bombardments. So the V-2 may have been the only weapon in history that killed more production workers than enemy citizens.

    We had our own native rocket genius, Robert Goddard and didn’t need Nazi war criminals. von Braun and his circle considered Goddard to be a god, but in his own country he was a prophet without honor during his lifetime. The US Army was just not interested in rockets until the Germans started dropping them on London.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Why, pray tell, were these workers dying? Were the Germans killing them on purpose, or were they dying of disease and starvation? It doesn't make sense that you would kill people building your weapons for you on purpose nor that you would not make a good faith effort to keep them able to work.

    And in the real world, you don't expel someone from your country even if he did rotten things if you invited him in and he contributed significantly to your own war effort. If the leadership of a country can't say NO to a tiny but noisy minority group the noisy minority group needs to be kicked out no matter whether the noisy minority group is right or wrong. Even if they are an asset in many ways, they are just too powerful for the majority to tolerate.
    , @Anonymous

    Rudolph was operations director for V-2 missile production in the underground factory at Mittelwerk. Between 12–20,000 (mostly Jewish) prisoners died while building the V-2 rockets at Mittelwerk
    Any such deaths were almost certainly accidental. You wouldn't want to lose your manufacturing workers in the middle of a war.
    , @Joe Stalin
    "These documents surfaced when the Office of Special Investigations was formed in the Justice Department to investigate war crimes. The office conducted an investigation and interviewed survivors of forced labor at the V-2 factory. Fred Sher, the director of special investigations, said that this evidence was presented to Mr. Rudolph and that he signed a document agreeing to relinquish his United States citizenship. In return, the Justice Department agreed not to pursue his case in the United States.

    "The Justice Department handed the information over to West Germany. In 1987 that Government ruled there was insufficient evidence to justify trying Mr. Rudolph.

    "Feeling vindicated, Mr. Rudolph began trying to regain his American citizenship and return to the United States. Some present and former employees at the Marshall center and elsewhere at NASA supported him, saying that Mr. Rudolph's contribution to the American space program had never received the proper credit.


    "Arthur Clarke recently
    observed that the 20th century will be
    remembered, not for the world wars,
    or other horrible events, but for the
    first manned landing on the Moon.
    Arthur Rudolph will be
    remembered by history as the man
    who managed the Saturn V rocket
    program, that took men to the Moon."
  • From the NYT: It's like that umpire who declared a homer to be an out last week. He wasn't hurting the Astros, he was just helping the Red Sox. Anyway, one of the interesting questions I haven't heard about being brought up in the Harvard trial is whatever statistical modeling Harvard no doubt has done...
  • @Jack D
    Harvard benefits greatly from all sorts of tax exemptions paid for by all taxpayers so telling Asians "go get your own university - this one belongs to white people (especially Jews) and our black pets and we make the rules" is not going to fly. Asians have every right to participate in the institutions of American life in accordance with the civil rights laws and shouldn't be required to build their own "separate but equal" institutions while Harvard continues to break the law.

    Of course the law is not that you have to admit only by SATs but it IS the law that you can't discriminate based on race (e.g. by giving every Asian applicant a low "personality" score without ever meeting him/her). To me it is very notable that the alumni reviewers who actually met Asian American applicants in person rated them about equal in personality with white students but the admission officer reviewers (who were working off of paper files) rated them lower - this smells of manipulation done to cut down on the # of Asians.

    Harvard benefits greatly from all sorts of tax exemptions paid for by all taxpayers so telling Asians “go get your own university – this one belongs to white people (especially Jews) and our black pets and we make the rules” is not going to fly. Asians have every right to participate in the institutions of American life in accordance with the civil rights laws and shouldn’t be required to build their own “separate but equal” institutions while Harvard continues to break the law.

    While it’s tough that some Asians and whites can’t get into Ivy League schools, I can’t get too worked up about it. The reality is that individual ability determines futures more than schools. I think of exclusionary Ivy League policies as affirmative action for second tier schools, which get much smarter students than they otherwise would have. As these students graduate from those second-tier schools and excel in the real world, these latter schools will eventually be acknowledged as centers of excellence themselves. In time, the Ivy League race quota administrators will fritter away the first mover advantage their forebears attempted to preserve by admitting only the best, political correctness be damned. The republic will be much healthier once elite educational institutions are distributed throughout the country rather than concentrated in the Northeast.

    • Agree: Desiderius
  • From the New York Times news section: I mean, what's the point of having a border if not to let any random mob march across it? Commenter kihowi says, "the complaint seems to be that Trump, cynically, is using political issues to sway the election." The right of any mob from anywhere to march across...
  • @YetAnotherAnon
    OT - Google ("be evil") joins the #MeToo ranks.

    Women seem to like the current “sexual harassment as a crime (/fireable offense, expellable offense)” regime because it gives them tremendous heads I win/tails you lose power – sleep your way to the top, and then if the relationship doesn’t pan out, then months or years later, report it and get the bastard fired/expelled/jailed.

    But this doesn’t seem to be very fair to men.

    One possibility is to prohibit all sexual relationships between certain groups – executives and those they supervise, professors and students, etc. It seems to me that this infantilizes the “junior” partner (who is usually female) – she is no longer an adult free to choose to have a relationship with another adult. Unattractive women like this rule because it levels the playing field for them, but again, what is in it for others? I suppose the right to be “left alone” and not having your boss pester you for sex. But again as an adult you should be able to handle unwanted advances on your own, as women did in the past. Really I think the best thing to do would be to say “your personal relationships are just that – personal. We as your employer consider them none of our business. If your co-worker commits a crime (grabs you or rapes you), then bring it to the attention of the police and if he is convicted he will be fired, but until then it’s none of our business. Y’all are adults and have to figure this stuff out for yourself the way you do with the rest of your personal life.”

    But, even if we keep this whole questionable regime in place then at a minimum we need to put a MUCH shorter fuse on reporting. Here is the NYTimes summary of what led to Rubin’s resignation:

    By 2013, she had cooled on him and wanted to break things off but worried it would affect her career, said the people. That March, she agreed to meet him at a hotel, where she said he pressured her into oral sex, they said. The incident ended the relationship.

    The woman waited until 2014 before filing a complaint to Google’s human resources department and telling officials about the relationship, the people said. Google began an investigation.

    I would say that the fuse on reporting should be EXTREMELY short – like 24 hours. Any longer and you get into seller’s remorse type situations. The current situation where you can rat out your co-workers/fellow students/etc. YEARS later is ridiculous.

    • Replies: @L Woods
    As long as idiot white males continue to think that Women are Wonderful and that this lunacy will only burn their sexual rivals and can somehow never happen to them, it will just go on and on. There is no limit to the license and entitlement women will seize that isn't imposed by the boot heel of "the patriarchy." The idea that the wheel of fortune could turn on them or their relations requires a degree of logical thinking to which their moral and intellectual capacity is unequal.
    , @YetAnotherAnon
    Agreed. I assumed the report of "pressurised into oral sex" was a Weinsteinan-type occurrence where the women thought her job/career development was on the line if she refused - didn't realise they'd been doing the deed for some time and the "pressure" was the sort of thing that can occur between partners (not present company of course).

    There was also a report of a woman who'd gone for a Google role and was invited away for what she thought was an extended interview, which involved requests to massage the interviewer. She didn't - and she didn't get the job. Now that's more Weinsteinian.

    Young female grad at interview.

    "How do you see my position within the Google organisation?"


    , @Fred Boynton
    Women seem to like the current “sexual harassment as a crime (/fireable offense, expellable offense)” regime because it gives them tremendous heads I win/tails you lose power – sleep your way to the top, and then if the relationship doesn’t pan out, then months or years later, report it and get the bastard fired/expelled/jailed.

    There is also the case that when women sleep their way to the top, they don't want to allow younger women to do the same thing to compete against them; the older women want to pull that ladder up behind them and not allow younger women to use the same weapon to get ahead.
  • From the NYT: It's like that umpire who declared a homer to be an out last week. He wasn't hurting the Astros, he was just helping the Red Sox. Anyway, one of the interesting questions I haven't heard about being brought up in the Harvard trial is whatever statistical modeling Harvard no doubt has done...
  • Generally speaking, the Harvard admission people are lying because whenever they move their lips they are lying. But, I have heard the admission process analogized to casting a show or putting together an interesting dinner party. There are parts in the show for nerds, parts for jocks, for the artistic types, etc. Even for people with future (and present) donor potential. But you want a mix of ALL of these types – some of each. Not ALL nerds, not ALL future donors, etc. – that’s really boring.

    In a monoracial society this would be fine. The problem is not really with this concept (although back in the day before the Jews showed up Harvard had no problem basing admission solely on test scores – since everyone was a WASP anyway, they figured that the other traits would be sort of randomly distributed among the admittees – you’d have smart jocks, smart musicians, smart introverts, smart extroverts, etc.)

    The problem is that Harvard (and the other universities) have allowed this process to be contaminated with racial bias. The very origin of the “holistic” admissions system was as a way to introduce racial bias against Jews, who filled the same role as Asians do today – book smart but thought to possess”negative personality traits”.

    The problem with racial bias is while that stereotypes usually have a lot of truth attached to them, they are not ALWAYS true. If you are a young black man hailing a cab you are more LIKELY to be a mugger but you yourself may be Genius T. Coates and have zero desire to mug anyone. There are a lot of leftist Jews but you might be Stephen Miller. So if you just make a firm or semi-firm rule – never pick up blacks in your cab, always assume that Asians are nerdy, always assume that Jews are Bolsheviks, you are being unfair to those individuals. Which is why the law has made race prejudice illegal.

    But OTOH, as I said before, stereotypes have some validity – if you are a cab driver who picks up every black youth who tries to flag you even if he is flashing gang signs and has a suspicious bulge in his coat, you may not live long. So somehow, you need a filter that looks beyond just race and fairly evaluates the individual as an individual. An admission by test system, like auditioning musicians behind a curtain, is a sure way to avoid race prejudice but it’s not the ONLY way to achieve fairness and it has the disadvantage that it hides not only skin color but ALSO actual negative traits (or lack of other positive traits aside from test taking/cheating ability).

    Could Harvard design a system that would allow them to “cast” their class for various types in a fashion that was free of race prejudice (without resorting to crude mechanistic systems or taking nearly impossible measures to disguise the race of the applicant from the reviewers)? That’s probably impossible but they could probably do a lot better than they are now, where they are clearly putting their thumb on the scale for certain racial groups and not others. Humans are never going to achieve godlike impartiality but they can at least try while what they are doing now is the opposite – they are expressly trying to favor certain races (and thus disfavor others).

    • Agree: Johann Ricke, Twinkie
    • Replies: @miss marple
    Just how long have we had the SAT?
    , @Jefferson
    "never pick up blacks in your cab, always assume that Asians are nerdy, always assume that Jews are Bolsheviks"

    Asians voted for Hillary Clinton at an even higher rate than Jews did, so ALWAYS assume that Asians are Left Wing Communists.
    , @academic gossip

    Harvard admission people are lying because whenever they move their lips they are lying.
    My priors were similar but I am not so sure after all that has come out.

    Oddly, TPTB at Harvard since the start of the case seem to never have had an objection to SFFA getting years of detailed admission data for analysis. Their position seems to have been "sure, look over the data, we can give it to you on a CD". You can find statements from their lawyers to that effect in documents from the early hearings, .

    They only objected to a disclosure of student essays on the grounds that they contain identifiable personal information. Harvard must have had years of advice from legal counsel on how to arrange its admissions in expectation of a day when they would be sued, and seems to have been confident (maybe overconfident) of its legal position.

    The business about the "buried internal report" looks much more like something Harvard did not anticipate that has come back to bite them, at least in PR terms. It is another nothingburger as a statistical analysis of the Asian admission, but will embarrass them for years to come if they don't make a detailed explanation of why it is a nothing. They are trying very hard to not say what those unobserved factors are. I'm not sure what is worse publicity: for Harvard to put forth a (correct) theory that Asian stereotypes are quantitatively demonstrated in their applicant population and nondiscriminatory admission (of Asians) is being run on that... or to avoid the issue and pick at flaws in the plaintiff's statistical analysis.

    It's as though they are more afraid of appearing genuinely racist by positing certain facts about Asian academic qualities, than appearing to discrminate in the name of the noble cause Diversity.

    The very origin of the “holistic” admissions system was as a way to introduce racial bias against Jews, who filled the same role as Asians do today – book smart but thought to possess”negative personality traits”
    That narrative is decades out of date. Physics PhD admission is "holistic" too, though it probably doesn't care as much about the specific nature of applicants' hobbies. The more subjective and non-academic information is available, the better a judgement can be made even on intellectual ability and potential. Tests are used in admission for efficiency and cost savings. When Harvard is rich enough to have a huge admissions office, of course they will use it to the hilt including all the holistic factors. Longer comment on that here:

  • Above are a couple of informative graphs showing how extremist Democrats became on the key issues of race and immigration after Obama won re-election. A central question about our time is: Why did Democrats go nuts in c. 2013? A second question is whether Democratic ideological extremism is related to the apparent rise in psychological...
  • @Paleo Liberal
    How can I vote for Democrats?

    Two words: Scott Walker.

    The local races don’t matter. Either the Republicans put up token opposition or none at all.

    Senate? That won’t be close either. Tammy Baldwin runs some of the best campaigns in the country. Six years ago she beat a popular former governor — Tommy Thompson — for an open seat. Now she is an incumbent running against a hack.

    Governor? Walker has been terrible. Wisconsin and Minnesota faced similar challenges, but Minnesota fared much be better than Wisconsin. So did just about every Midwestern state. He gutted the schools, the roads, the University of Wisconsin — the golden goose that has been driving the economy of the state for about 150 years — and screwed over workers. All for tax cuts for the rich.

    Attorney General? Brad Schimmel is just a political hack. Pretty much ruined the DOJ. I have voted against Democrats who were incompetent political hacks, so why should I cross party lines to vote for incompetent Republican hacks? The previous GOP AG was a decent guy and a good lawyer who happened to be a Republican, but he left after one term.

    The state Treasurer is a partisan Republican hack as well.

    The Sec of State is a nobody, but harmless. He is a Democrat. Why not vote for a harmless nobody over an unknown? The SoS cannot do any good, and can only cause harm. So I’ll vote for the ancient harmless incumbent.

    Sorry, but if Republicans want my vote, they will have to do better than hacks who are completely in the pockets of lobbyists.

    To be fair, Rep. Glenn Grothman is an honest and principled conservative. He isn’t in my district.

    Now she is an incumbent running against a hack.

    i.e a normal person with a normal home life and a normal career, who didn’t run for public office until she was 44 years old and has never held an elective office wherein the place of business was more than about 70 miles from her home. Can’t have such a person stinking up Congress in her old age.

    • Agree: Desiderius, Johann Ricke
  • The Superficiality of Today’s Television Social critic Neil Postman contrasted the futures predicted in Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World in the foreword of his 1985 book, Amusing Ourselves to Death. He wrote: Neil Postman’s book, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Or Public Discourse in an Age of Show Business(1985), had its origins at the Frankfurt...
  • @DB Cooper
    Not really. High IQ people can be mislead and deceived. The MSM is pretty sophisticated in creating narratives that has no basis in reality. You live in a foreign country so you are out of the self-contained bubble and can get a different set of perspectives, most people never go abroad. Or even if they do it is on a short term basis.

    LETHAL WEAPON 2 – An Examination of Stupidity

    Twenty years later I caught the film on cable in the Philippines and could not believe how stupid it seemed and what an obvious attempt at discrediting South African government by Hollywood liberals it was.

    Diplomats selling heroin in Los Angeles! Embassy Staff breaking into police officers houses and beating them up! White South African Embassy staff doing drive-by’s police officers…

    As an adult who’d by then spent 10 years overseas I could not believe how stupid it seemed. To think that the public could be made to believe this Leftist Garbage.

    Not long ago I saw the trailer for BLACK PANTHER. Some stiff-looking black actor in a silly costume-doubtlessly white thespians playing the villains.

    To think some young woman will watch that and go out and seek some black thug for a boyfriend who will do her in, as so often happens to white women who get mixed up with them.

    Of course I have no choice. When I first moved overseas there was no cable and I lost track of the media anyhow.

    I did not have much interest in it.

    • Agree: Johann Ricke
  • Above are a couple of informative graphs showing how extremist Democrats became on the key issues of race and immigration after Obama won re-election. A central question about our time is: Why did Democrats go nuts in c. 2013? A second question is whether Democratic ideological extremism is related to the apparent rise in psychological...
  • @SteveM
    You have to recognize that there is a parallel universe on the Republican Right whose theology is the Cult of Military Exceptionalism. I.e. too much "defense" spending is never enough, the unaffordable America as Global Cop Gorilla model is sacrosanct and the fear-monger/war-monger musings of the "Generals" can never be challenged. Combined together with a flaccid Congress and Deep State Hacks, they form a recipe for perpetual war out the wazoo.

    The lunatic Left gives us warped social policies whose costs are no doubt high but difficult to calculate directly. While the lunatic Right has stuck taxpayers with $5 TRILLION in bills for the Middle East quagmires alone.

    Both sides are populated with opportunistic parasites. Although for the war-monger parasites on the Right, it's more obvious that they always walk away rich from their wreckage.

    Come the mid-term elections most voters will have little more choice than picking their poison...

    You have to recognize that there is a parallel universe on the Republican Right whose theology is the Cult of Military Exceptionalism. I.e. too much “defense” spending is never enough, the unaffordable America as Global Cop Gorilla model is sacrosanct and the fear-monger/war-monger musings of the “Generals” can never be challenged.

    Defense is about 13% of total government spending. In Eisenhower’s time, it hovered at around 10% of GDP (aka annual national output). It is now around 4%.

    Government spending (federal, state and local) is around 35% of GDP.

    I’d say the real problem is that non-defense government spending has increased in leaps and bounds over the decades. Defense spending as a % of output has increased from 100 years ago because having oceans on both sides isn’t as much of a barrier as it used to be. The Japanese certainly discovered that having an ocean to their east was no barrier to American reprisal for Pearl Harbor. And that was before the supersonic age.

  • From my movie review in Taki's Magazine: Read the whole thing
  • @Jack D

    And there is already iconic film, that pretty much everyone has seen, of the one interesting thing Armstrong did.
    I assume you mean Apollo 13 but the interesting thing that Armstrong did was set foot on the moon and the Apollo 13 astronauts did not. Ironically making a movie about a failure (Titanic) is inherently easier than making a film about a success.

    No one has contrasted this movie to The Spirit of St. Louis movie with (a much older than the real Lindbergh) Jimmy Stewart (himself a genuine war hero), a movie from a simpler, more optimistic time. Lindbergh is the American cowboy, the knight in shining armor who defeats the Atlantic in single combat. No wife and kids burden him, no annoying crew members. Even at the time of its release, the film was criticized for not showing more of the inner man and what made him tick (the who) and focusing more on the what-when-where of his biography. Probably because what really made him tick was a burning hatred of Jews [just kidding]. Ironically the film was written by German Jewish refugee/genius Billy Wilder.

    Ironically making a movie about a failure (Titanic) is inherently easier than making a film about a success.

    I’m inclined to say that’s not necessarily the case. While tragedy can involve high drama, it’s also inherently depressing. “It’s always darkest before it goes completely black” is not necessarily a motif that paying audiences will get in line to see. The Titanic movie made it more palatable by throwing in a sappy, but doomed, love story on top of another contrived sub-plot about class conflict.

    • Replies: @Anon
    Every Titanic movie was a romantic movie till the end. One was a couple going back to America to get a divorce who fell in love all over again as the ship went down.

    The latest Titanic was loaded so with PC cliches it was awful. I saw it later on TV. Best scene when an entire wall of dishes crashed down.

    People like happy endings or at least when the lovers survive the war or whatever.
  • @anonymous coward

    The lunar landing was the first shoot from the seed of life we call Earth.
    The photo and video evidence for the Moon landing is fake. There were probably no men on the moon.

    The real surface of the moon is brown. See the photos from Apollo 10, the Soviet Zond or the Chinese Chang'e.

    Anything with a gray moon is fake.

    Also the earth is flat so the idea that the moon orbits the earth is wrong. The moon is towed thru the sky in a cart pulled by majestic birds.

    • LOL: Johann Ricke
    • Replies: @Bies Podkrakowski
    You forget about the elephants and turtle.