Any lingering questions as to how President Donald Trump address to the nation was going to play out at 9 PM ET Tuesday got answered Tuesday morning when a Trump re-election campaign ad was unfurled on the TV news landscape.

Meanwhile, broadcasters announced Tuesday morning would carry the Democratic response, which will be delivered by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer who have they anticipate, based on Trump’s past statements,  that Trump’s speech will be “full of malice and misinformation.”

Trump’s southern border apocalypse ad ran Tuesday morning on CNN as the cable news network Trump has called The Enemy of the People discussed Trump’s credibility crisis in his primetime address:

Drugs, terrorists, violent criminals, and child traffickers trying to enter our country though our southern border.

But Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi care more about the radical left than keeping us safe.

The consequences? Drug deaths, violent murder, gang violence.

We must not allow it!

Every country defends their borders. President Trump wants to defend ours.

The Democrats must stop playing politics and support real border security


“I’m Donald Trump and I approved this message,” Trump said, as the ad wrapped while the words: “Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President. Approved by Donald Trump” played on screen.

Broadcast networks’ late-night stars have blasted their bosses for the decision to give Trump the free airtime for his political message: