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 All Comments / On "Immigration"
    “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Lin
    "This uses GDP PPP in current dollars. It has its flaws when comparing a developed country to a developing one, but not between developing countries. It gets out of the exchange rate issue..."
    First of all using 'number of years' to describe the GDP difference is semi-nonsense. Its like saying the boob size difference of a 12 years old girl and a 22 years old young woman is 'only 10 years'.
    PPPee GDP only make sense when comparing 2 countries with similar level of econ development and consumption pattern, like between Canada and USA. I'm no conspiracist, but its my opinion that PPPee GDP has 2 purposes: 1)to make people in poor countries to feel less poor, ie less agitated 2)To inflate the military expenditure of china and Russia so the US MIC can justify to increase their spendings.
    1)China and India are not at the same development level.
    2)As someone(you?) said one can hire a domestic servant in india at US$80/month and Chinese domestic maids cost 6 to 8 times as much but much fewer Chinese households have servants(rural migrants can find factory or construction jobs) but instead Chinese households have more(and cheaper)washing machines, vacuum cleaners, air-conditioners...
    (Chinese electricity generation, with extra 5 % transmission loss, is about 4.5 times that of india,with extra19% transmission loss. Chinese steel and motor vehicles(with 4 wheels or more)production are about 7-8 times that of india...)
    I'm actually sympathetic to indian uneasiness regarding their state of econ development; after all china is still as poor as Mexico or Brazil but I hate to say this:
    PPPee GDP is like a padded bra to a less endowed woman: It makes her feel 'bigger' and better

    You didn’t understand my comment at all. Fail.

    Depicting that table is extremely informative in indicating how far behind India is vs. China. It is about 10 years behind (give or take a bit). You can take per capita too, but as their population sizes are now nearly identical, the effect is the same as taking the total size of the economy.

    Click on the link so that you can understand the table.

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  • “This uses GDP PPP in current dollars. It has its flaws when comparing a developed country to a developing one, but not between developing countries. It gets out of the exchange rate issue…”
    First of all using ‘number of years’ to describe the GDP difference is semi-nonsense. Its like saying the boob size difference of a 12 years old girl and a 22 years old young woman is ‘only 10 years’.
    PPPee GDP only make sense when comparing 2 countries with similar level of econ development and consumption pattern, like between Canada and USA. I’m no conspiracist, but its my opinion that PPPee GDP has 2 purposes: 1)to make people in poor countries to feel less poor, ie less agitated 2)To inflate the military expenditure of china and Russia so the US MIC can justify to increase their spendings.
    1)China and India are not at the same development level.
    2)As someone(you?) said one can hire a domestic servant in india at US$80/month and Chinese domestic maids cost 6 to 8 times as much but much fewer Chinese households have servants(rural migrants can find factory or construction jobs) but instead Chinese households have more(and cheaper)washing machines, vacuum cleaners, air-conditioners…
    (Chinese electricity generation, with extra 5 % transmission loss, is about 4.5 times that of india,with extra19% transmission loss. Chinese steel and motor vehicles(with 4 wheels or more)production are about 7-8 times that of india…)
    I’m actually sympathetic to indian uneasiness regarding their state of econ development; after all china is still as poor as Mexico or Brazil but I hate to say this:
    PPPee GDP is like a padded bra to a less endowed woman: It makes her feel ‘bigger’ and better

    Read More
    • Replies: @Thomm
    You didn't understand my comment at all. Fail.

    Depicting that table is extremely informative in indicating how far behind India is vs. China. It is about 10 years behind (give or take a bit). You can take per capita too, but as their population sizes are now nearly identical, the effect is the same as taking the total size of the economy.

    Click on the link so that you can understand the table.
  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Anon
    Churchill of Marlborough was a snake. A remarkably talented snake, but still a snake.

    Churchill of Marlborough was a snake. A remarkably talented snake, but still a snake.

    Agreed. Treachery seemed to run in the Churchill family.

    Read More
  • @SunBakedSuburb
    " ... whites have every liberty to form their own groups. "

    Not really. If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group. Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer's cavalcade of gay Nazi camp.

    "Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture."

    I will assume you're being sincere: Apparently, you don't follow trends. The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization.

    “If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group.”

    Yet, despite SJW machinations, those whites have the freedom to form their own in-group. It doesn’t mean they are free from outside pressure. Besides, any group is “stigmatized” by their ideological opponents, so that argument goes out the door.

    “Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer’s cavalcade of gay Nazi camp.”

    Spencer’s group is indeed serious. See, you just stigmatized his merry band, yet they still remain steadfast in their desire to gain footing in their community.

    “Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture.”

    “I will assume you’re being sincere: Apparently, you don’t follow trends.”

    The trend is that the Coalition of the Fringes, Right and Left, write a narrative that normies find over-the-top.

    “The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization.”

    A societal mantra as dictated by radical white liberals, not whites in general. In similar fashion, the Alt Right demands that whites accept “race realism”, lest they be labeled “race traitors” and summarily labeled as “enemies”.

    Works both ways here.

    Read More
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Lin
    That's interesting---"On most metrics, India is 6-25 years behind China, depending on the metric. Taking a composite, the consensus is about 10-11 years behind."
    I think that depends on whose "10-11 years "...Chinese "10-11 years" or indian "10-11 years".
    Some stats: Chinese GDP in 1999=0.99 US$trillion increased to US$10trillion in2014---within 15 years

    2014 figs.( )


    1999 figs(


    the 10 folds (nominal in US$) increase was due to very fast growth, inflation, exchange rate appreciation, and 2 GDP calculation adjustments,if I remember right at 16.7% and 6.7%

    A simpler way to compare :

    This uses GDP PPP in current dollars. It has its flaws when comparing a developed country to a developing one, but not between developing countries. It gets out of the exchange rate issue.

    $5 Trillion crossed :
    USA : 1988
    China : 2003
    India : 2010

    $10 Trillion crossed :
    USA : 2000
    China : 2008
    India : 2018

    $20 Trillion crossed or to be crossed:
    China : 2016
    USA : 2018
    India : 2026 (estimate)

    Since inflation has been so low in US$, current and constant don’t differ much.

    Read More
  • That’s interesting—”On most metrics, India is 6-25 years behind China, depending on the metric. Taking a composite, the consensus is about 10-11 years behind.”
    I think that depends on whose “10-11 years “…Chinese “10-11 years” or indian “10-11 years”.
    Some stats: Chinese GDP in 1999=0.99 US$trillion increased to US$10trillion in2014—within 15 years

    2014 figs.( )


    1999 figs(


    the 10 folds (nominal in US$) increase was due to very fast growth, inflation, exchange rate appreciation, and 2 GDP calculation adjustments,if I remember right at 16.7% and 6.7%

    Read More
    • Replies: @Thomm
    A simpler way to compare :

    This uses GDP PPP in current dollars. It has its flaws when comparing a developed country to a developing one, but not between developing countries. It gets out of the exchange rate issue.

    $5 Trillion crossed :
    USA : 1988
    China : 2003
    India : 2010

    $10 Trillion crossed :
    USA : 2000
    China : 2008
    India : 2018

    $20 Trillion crossed or to be crossed:
    China : 2016
    USA : 2018
    India : 2026 (estimate)

    Since inflation has been so low in US$, current and constant don't differ much.

  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @Eustace Tilley (not)
    "When will King Arthur return?"
    For the past, Scepter'd Islers must yearn.
    They most love misty fables
    And merrie round tables
    When the thatch 'bove their heads starts to burn.

    But just for the record, in Malory’s “Morte d’Arthur”, it was in fact the great magician Merlin, not Arthur, who, it was said, would return in due time, to save England in her hour of greatest need.

    And Yes, for what it’s worth… as an Englishman, I do actually believe that, somehow, he will.

    Read More
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @TT

    No sane leaders are so stupid to self destroy. ZUS is the driving force behind by hamstrung all the developed country leaders West or East. Jp & SK might be next.
    No contradiction sir. You should be clever enough to see that why smart leaders toe ZUS order to self destroyed own country: they are hamstrung / hold ransom with the 5eyes esponage with court abusing. Obey and prosperous, or get destroyed with leak secret / false accusation.

    Look at these few countries as examples:

    SK is now purging all ex-prez who resist ZUS & Thaad installation, starting from Prez Park 40yrs jail demand.

    Pak PM Shariff will be barred from running office forever by a corrupted Supreme court overwriting elected leaders.

    Mauritius Supreme court tried to rule over elected Prez, but get fired. Immediately India with ZUS backing military intervention, but stop by China.

    Brazil most popular leaders are now been impeached and jailed for unfounded bribery to block Brics, when the proven corrupted ones are pardon to take office without been elected as Prez.

    Thailand Thaksin & family openly defended Thais interest against ZUS & work with China, he is couped by Muslim general with ZUS blessing. Court prosecuted every of his successors with bribery who won election by above 70% vote.

    Jp Abe is now facing many leak scandals targeting his cabinet. If he still refuse to toe all ZUS instruction such as joint trade war to China, he will be destroyed.

    Sri Lanka Rajapradesh, Indonesia Ah Hock, Malaysia Najib, France, Germany,…long list. No one is spared, including all Potus, JFK, Trumps or Bill Clinton.

    Spore gov just expose a social society sponsored by George Soros Open Society & USAids to meddle social view(akar color revolution). The court is now filled with Indian judges at lightning speed. PM Lee signaled his wish to step down when no apparent heir at sight. Something is brewing for agreeing to be China Bri node & not joining anti-China in SCS.

    If Modi start getting too cosy with Xi as recent moves, he will be next.

    “The court is now filled with Indian judges at lightning speed. ”

    How is this even possible? Judiciary officials (of all people) always has to be recruited from full citizens, no? How can an “Indian judge” be allowed to preside over a Singapore court? That makes no sense.

    Read More
  • @JohnnyWalker123
    You've said that the Zionists have chosen Indians to be their clerks. Can you elaborate on that?

    I don’t know what your day job is but if you’ve spent some time in tech (I mean on the field not as an HR or something; not that it is worthless but still) you’d have noticed that East Asians and East Europeans are usually highly dedicated and have a deep technical insight on average compared to Indians and the few WASPs who end up there. Apparently they know their stuff inside out. That is NOT to belittle the above average Indian or WASP but these are cold practical facts known throughout.

    Despite that, MOST middle management position is increasingly being handed down to Indians. If you think this is by accident then you are quite naive. Nothing happens by accident in the realm of ZOG. They won’t be handing out such companies like Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm to these Indians if it didn’t have the zionist stamp of approval. Remember when Broadcom tried to do a hostile takeover of Qualcomm, it was deemed a “security risk” and preZident Trump promptly blocked it. No business as usual in the “free market” apparently ;).

    And more and more of these Indians are now taking up law and becoming celebrated shysters, both corporate and civil. These were the steps our Juuish “friends” adopted when they were reining in the good ol’ USA before it became ZUS. Our Indian friends also have a similar desire to lord over us but they know the juuz have it for now. Perhaps they’ve come to the conclusion that it’s better to be second tier than to just be worker bees like the Chinese and the Koreans. And as far as the Eastern Europeans go, they better not be seen even outside the lawn of the WH.

    And there is also the pacific angle where ZUS is currently trying to reign in the dragon, the most obvious next global (economic) power. If you are Chinese you should worry more about the insidious (((globalist))) who is increasingly taking up finance in Hong Kong and marrying your women than Indians taking up roots in Singapore. Since they can’t obviously blackmail you guys to do their bidding using the old testament, they are breeding mongrels who will have divided loyalties and of course ISrael will come first for them as well. . The next fat juicy hog for these parasitical creatures happens to be China. Either ZUS will rein it in before it goes down or the mongrels start making inroads into Chinese society. Either way you’ve been “selected”. And getting India and Indians on-board helps immensely with that.

    Read More
  • @Talha

    But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting
    I fear those guys too. You can talk sense into some of them, but many of them are too deep into the muck to be able to pull them out of. Muslims, by far are the majority targets of these people - so we know the problem far too well. Here are the names and stats of the number of people killed in attacks of the mausoleums of Sufi shaykhs in Pakistan:

    spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births
    Yeah, we have kids - that's a feature not a bug. People who convert to Islam also tend to have families with kids. Maybe you don't like kids - that's not our problem - feel free not to have any and encourage your friends not to have any.

    In some cultures it's common for people to have more than one wife - what business is it of yours if they aren't bothering you in their countries? They get to have more kids you get to make fun of them at cocktail parties with your unmarried friends; both sides benefit. Please, laugh it up at our expense:

    I get it if it comes down to Muslims trying to have polygamous marriages in the West; simply make it illegal and enforce the law.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.
    Sure, I'll knock it off if your name is Ron Unz - is it? Otherwise there is a button for "ignore commenter", please use it.

    Hi Talha. I always enjoy your comments, even when I don’t totally agree with you (though I generally do). You are courteous, upbeat, honest and patient. You set a very good example here. Nice work!

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  • With regard to Mr. Trump’s Border Wall, I am skeptical. Now, I freely concede that I am not an authority on Border Walls. In fact, I have never built a Border Wall. This may surprise readers. Yet it is true. So all that follows is in the nature of speculation. Be warned. Still, though I...
  • @MEH 0910

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @SunBakedSuburb
    " ... whites have every liberty to form their own groups. "

    Not really. If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group. Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer's cavalcade of gay Nazi camp.

    "Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture."

    I will assume you're being sincere: Apparently, you don't follow trends. The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization.

    The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint

    if you’re a Brit or Swede who thinks England or Sweden have a right to maintain their ethnic and/or cultural character, then from every orifice of the hive comes the screeching of ‘Nazis! and ‘white supremacists!!!!’


    if you’re a white American who thinks Affirmative Action is wrong and racist and unfair, well then brace yourself for the orgy of hatred and screeching, ‘white supremacists!!!’

    and it goes beyond race now even to include ‘hateful constructs of the patriarchy’; like gender.

    that it’s all prima facie insane, doesn’t get in the way of they’re screeching and hysterics.

    And even here on the Unz Review, there are people who would say that any desire of white Americans to maintain any shred of their (white = racist) culture or heritage, are nothing more than vile “white supremacists”, who must be hounded and harangued for the crime of not hating their own kind (with the kind of visceral, rancorous race-hatred that they hate white people with ; )

    We live in a surreal idiocracy, where the most preposterous idiocies are given credence as if they were anything but the gibbering’s of a drooling lunatic.

    All you have to do is realize they want what you have. White people have created amazing civilizations in Europe and N. America and elsewhere, and it’s only natural that everyone else would want such things for themselves. Duh.

    But where it gets beyond ludicrous/obnoxious is when they demand white people have no right to even exist. Which is their mantra today, because they aren’t laughed out of the room, as they obviously should be.

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • TT says:
    Pls provide your source website, not tweet.

    Do you have a world charts, including India, SK, Jp, Spore, US, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Oz, Nz, South Africa, Latin America for comparison for this so called UN Multi country survey source?

    I bet you don't in this propaganda data. Only a few countries are quoted so suspiciously, yet nothing mention on the top10 highest rape ranking occupied by Western countries & India, very strange isn't it?

    According to your chart, China 22.7%=317M rapists. So majority women would have been raped by now. Yet China crime rate is so low in ranking, safer than almost all West including US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz, Norway, Sweden. India is also safer than most West.
    2017 Highest Rape Crimes
    1. SAfrica 500k, 2. Sweden 6.6k 3. US 293K 4. UK 85k 5. India 33k 6. Canada 460k 7. NZ 8. Oz 9. Denmark 10. Zimbabwe
    2017 Rape by 100,000 p. a.
    1. South Africa 4. Sweden, 7. Australia,10. Belgium, 11.US

    China rape case is 33K p. a. out of 1400M, negligible per 100K.

    US 290K rape out of 340M, that will required ?% US men to be rapist if 20% of Chinese men are rapist?

    Consider China rated so much lower than all west in rape per 100k, with so much lower crime rate, that will required all West to be ~80% been rapist? Your chart is mere nonsense, absurd at best.
    2017 Crime index
    China is bottom of crime rating, the lower, the better.
    2. PapuaNG
    5. South Africa
    14. Bangladesh
    48. Indonesia
    53. US
    58. Sweden
    61. Norway
    66. India
    69. Oz
    70. UK
    78. Canada
    79. Nz
    91. Sri Lanka
    92. China

    Wiki said China is having very low 31.8K rape per year, that will take 9400yrs for Chinese to accomplish the feat of 300M rapist even they just doing once.

    PNG 60% rapist, what kind of nonsense?
    Rape rate per 100K
    India ranked lower than all west &:Spore. So are we wrong about India?

    1. South Africa 6. Sweden 11. Oz, 13. Belgium, 14. US, 16. Nz 24. Norway, 27. France, 29. Finland, 30. SK 82. Spore, 94. India, 97. Canada, 98. HK, 107. Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, 118. Egypt…
    China wasn't rated.

    The United States of America is the top country by rape in the world. As of 2015, rape in the United States of America was 124,047 that accounts for 52.93 % of the world's rape. The top 5 countries (others are Mexico, Colombia, France, and Peru) account for 74.90 % of it. The world's total rape was estimated at 234,354 in 2015.

    such as South Africa having 500,000 rapes per year,[15] China having 31,833 rapes a year,[16] Egypt having more than 200,000 rapes a year,[17] and the United Kingdom at 85,000 rapes a year.[18]

    India is a safe Haven compare to all West in rape crimes, esp the Top 10 rapist countries, 5lies US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz. We have simply misunderstood India! Or most rape crimes wasn't reported?

    The most rapist countries are actually the WEST!!!

    Countries With Highest Rape Crime In The World 2017
    India rank 5 in this chart. But data use is old 2013. There are many inconsistency in many sites data. But in all data sources, India certainly is much better than US, UK in rape crimes. And better than most West in crimes rate.

    So look like we should welcome more Indians to US & UK since that will help lower crime rates & rape crimes!?


    10. Zimbabwe

    According to UNICEF 42% of rape in this country is done with children and as they become older the rate of rape also increases along with it. It is said that every 90 minutes a woman is raped there, that is a horrific state of mind for anyone to be in while living there.

    9. Denmark

    According to Statistics 52% women have been either sexually abused or physically abused and there may be dozens more but the women tend to go quiet, and it is understandable such a horrendous incident people just want to forget about rather than relive as these are very traumatic experiences that one can go through. In Denmark what is surprising that not only have sexual abuse been accounted for by strangers but more women that is 1 out 5 have reported to have been victims of rape by either their partners from the past or the ones they were currently with, a very frightening way to not even be sure of the person you are with.

    8. Australia

    The land down under may be famous for its coral reefs and clear blue waters but what people don’t tell you is that it is one of the countries that has 30% of sexual assault victims. Not a pretty sight indeed but according to reports only 1% of Australian women face rape by strangers where as majority of the rape takes place by friends and family and more than half go unreported. A shocking 29% of rape is committed by people who come on an account of a date or through Social Media sites.

    7. New Zealand

    Back in 2013 a gang by the name of “Roast Busters” went through West side of Auckland raping underage girls, when the story made the new it became clear that this is just a many of a number of events that goes unnoticed in New Zealand, according to research this country has one of the highest rape crime rates than the entire world average (The Lancet articles). Not to mention not only 1 out of every 3 girls but even one out of every 6 boys are likely to be raped even before they hit the age of puberty at 16. The monstrous people who do such acts are reinforced due to the fear people have while reporting it to the police and that is why only 13% end up going to jail where as a whopping 91% go unnoticed an unreported.

    6. Canada

    Canada is a country that is known for its kind and warm people but what may surprise you is that it is also filled with savage creatures and that is why 460,000 sexual assaults have been reported every year in the country (Huffington Post). 80% of the crime victims are women and 60 % of the victims are under age (under 17). According to research they found that not only are 80% of the sex offenders married or in a long term relation but the same percentage accounts for them being known to the victims either they are friends or family of the victim.

    5. India

    According to statistics after every 20 minutes a woman is subjected to rape, and very few if any are reported because the women are so scared out of their wits and because of the submissiveness women are subjected too. Rape crime rate has sky rocketed in the past few years from 24,923 in 2012 to 33,707 in 2013, we do not see any decrease in the numbers anytime soon. The target age of victims is 18-30 years of age and because of the lack of justice system that surrounds the country there is still very little being done for the safety of the women in India.

    4. England & Wales

    Down the list you will see a few countries that may have never have crossed you mind, England and Wales are one of those countries where you would least expect such horrific crimes to occur. What is surprising is that although United Kingdom has not included different forms of sexual assault as rape (meaning only penetration by penis is considered a rape, any other type of penetration by finger or object is not considered rape) still the numbers are very high. As claimed by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and ONS (office for National Statistics and Home office) out of 85,000 rape crimes that occur every year in both England and Wales, 73,000 are females whereas 12,000 are males.

    3. United States of America (USA)

    Another name that is very surprising to occur but is true nonetheless, the super power is subjected to being the top 3 countries where Rape crime is disturbingly high. On average 293,000 victims are sexually assaulted every year, this means that a women is sexually assaulted after every 107 seconds a day. You would think that a country that focuses so much on freedom of speech women would report the crimes they face but as it is commonly seen the gruesome act is just too much for people to open up about which gives lay way to sexual offenders not being caught that is 98% of the offenders to be exact who will never set a foot into jail because of not being reported.

    2. Sweden

    Not all is fun and games in Europe as one of the countries that is known for being a great tourist destination also has 63 rape cases per 100,000 population (2013, Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) one out of every three women in Sweden report that they have had a forceful sexual encounter even before they had hit their teenage years.

    What is more peculiar in this country is that with rapid times the rate have increased even more as according to reports only 421 rapes were reported in the year 1975 but in 2014 the number escalated to account for 6,620 rapes that were reported, this may mean that there are more voices standing up against what has been done to them but still a lot more must be done to put an end to these horrendous acts

    1. South Africa

    At the number one spot it is no surprise that we may see South Africa as the country already faces immense problems with poverty, malnutrition and so much more but to add to the list is a huge number of rape crimes 500,000 a year to be exact and still only one out of 9 rape cases are reported whereas the remaining are never reported (Medical Research Council). According to statistics 50 % of children have already faced this beastly crime before turning 18 and 24,892 rapes have been committed with children under the age of 18.


    The numbers that we have reported are not something to be proud of but rather it is a food for thought there still needs to be a lot done to help those who have suffered and those who may suffer in the future. Awareness needs to be built upon the fact that remaining quiet is only fueling those who commit such crimes and power comes from those who will speak and fight in this war against rape.

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  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @Rich
    A true prophet. Looking like it might be too late for Britain, now. I see they have a homosexual Hindu as Prime Minister across the Irish Sea and the childless Mrs May isn't going to do anything to stop the inflow to her country. When will King Arthur return?

    “When will King Arthur return?”
    For the past, Scepter’d Islers must yearn.
    They most love misty fables
    And merrie round tables
    When the thatch ‘bove their heads starts to burn.

    Read More
    • Replies: @Dave Bowman
    But just for the record, in Malory's "Morte d'Arthur", it was in fact the great magician Merlin, not Arthur, who, it was said, would return in due time, to save England in her hour of greatest need.

    And Yes, for what it's worth... as an Englishman, I do actually believe that, somehow, he will.
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Anon

    Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.
    You misunderstood. I means "Protect your own sisters & daughters from violent rape. "

    More than 99.9999 or probably even more of Indians who never raped their daughter or sister or dogs or cats or babies or young boys
    Are you saying violent rape or incest is rare in India at 0.0001%? Then India is safer than the whole world.

    Even in many West developed countries that happen, UK is capital of paedophiles. British never deny like Indians did. US too, rape is not uncommon, so are China, Japan, Korea, Asia & elsewhere. Indonesia has animals like hens been raped till death. Cat is quite a challenge, haven't heard, dog yes.

    But India seem very severe with common news going around the world, are they fake?

    So how will an avg indian build toilets for people who dont have it? Also there are toilets in india. Do you really think they are none? While a lot of people still dont have access to toilets, they are getting there.
    Yes, they should return to help campaign gov for sanitary, with proper sewage system. This is very important to protect country water sources, hygiene, and dignity of people.

    China did a great effort after understanding that. 20yrs ago, even in some tourist area, toilet has no door. No more. Myanmar gov is doing very good progress, South East Asia overall is improving well. Even those on India aids list, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius were ok in my travel.

    But India, most deplorable. In cities, road side toilet is only a wall, urines are flowing everywhere. Even in busy public area, people just squat & ease, no one feel ashamed. Its reported at least 40% has no toilet access. And i did that too outdoor in India, where else? Even in train station platform, the track is toilet, where women are walking around.

    If others under India aids can do, so can India do so by buying less useless weapons of $10Billions. Unlike others, all my posting never insult India has no toilet access, but merely pointed out the fact, India still got so much to do before boasting as another great nation or superpower.

    US too, rape is not uncommon,

    Come on it is not just uncommon, it is viral and terrifying. In US one in six women would have faced assault in thier life time and a rape every 98 sec… in the most advanced nation. Sexual assault and offences against women are a usual allegation against luminaries and leading figures as a a staple news! The difference is that in India we have a media, with all its defects, far more honest than the corporate CIA tail-wagging one in US, which bring out these crimes to the spot light. And also a far more responsive society, with all its defects and troubles, that raises public out cry over these evils than the one in US where they simply condone as just another incident. And no need to narrate more on pedophilia (high profile ones), isn’t it? And the gun crime capital of the world..?

    British never deny like Indians did

    Oh are you sure? The western media cover up social evils than bringing it out into the open and addressing it, except for the so called immigrants. For it hurts their hubris. I fully agree with the allegations of acute social issues that we face in India and we struggle hard (at least some of us) to build our society, unlike the hate venom spewing racists who clog this comment space who are steeped up in hubris about the so called “advanced west” all the while forgetting that they are going down the drain in history. If you need more explanations I can give stats and facts. So much for now

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  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • TT says:

    Pls provide your source website, not tweet.

    Do you have a world charts, including India, SK, Jp, Spore, US, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Oz, Nz, South Africa, Latin America for comparison for this so called UN Multi country survey source?

    I bet you don’t in this propaganda data. Only a few countries are quoted so suspiciously, yet nothing mention on the top10 highest rape ranking occupied by Western countries & India, very strange isn’t it?

    According to your chart, China 22.7%=317M rapists. So majority women would have been raped by now. Yet China crime rate is so low in ranking, safer than almost all West including US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz, Norway, Sweden. India is also safer than most West.

    2017 Highest Rape Crimes
    1. SAfrica 500k, 2. Sweden 6.6k 3. US 293K 4. UK 85k 5. India 33k 6. Canada 460k 7. NZ 8. Oz 9. Denmark 10. Zimbabwe

    2017 Rape by 100,000 p. a.
    1. South Africa 4. Sweden, 7. Australia,10. Belgium, 11.US

    China rape case is 33K p. a. out of 1400M, negligible per 100K.

    US 290K rape out of 340M, that will required ?% US men to be rapist if 20% of Chinese men are rapist?

    Consider China rated so much lower than all west in rape per 100k, with so much lower crime rate, that will required all West to be ~80% been rapist? Your chart is mere nonsense, absurd at best.


    2017 Crime index
    China is bottom of crime rating, the lower, the better.
    2. PapuaNG
    5. South Africa
    14. Bangladesh
    48. Indonesia
    53. US
    58. Sweden
    61. Norway
    66. India
    69. Oz
    70. UK
    78. Canada
    79. Nz
    91. Sri Lanka
    92. China

    Wiki said China is having very low 31.8K rape per year, that will take 9400yrs for Chinese to accomplish the feat of 300M rapist even they just doing once.

    PNG 60% rapist, what kind of nonsense?

    Rape rate per 100K
    India ranked lower than all west &:Spore. So are we wrong about India?

    1. South Africa 6. Sweden 11. Oz, 13. Belgium, 14. US, 16. Nz 24. Norway, 27. France, 29. Finland, 30. SK 82. Spore, 94. India, 97. Canada, 98. HK, 107. Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, 118. Egypt…
    China wasn’t rated.

    The United States of America is the top country by rape in the world. As of 2015, rape in the United States of America was 124,047 that accounts for 52.93 % of the world’s rape. The top 5 countries (others are Mexico, Colombia, France, and Peru) account for 74.90 % of it. The world’s total rape was estimated at 234,354 in 2015.

    such as South Africa having 500,000 rapes per year,[15] China having 31,833 rapes a year,[16] Egypt having more than 200,000 rapes a year,[17] and the United Kingdom at 85,000 rapes a year.[18]


    India is a safe Haven compare to all West in rape crimes, esp the Top 10 rapist countries, 5lies US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz. We have simply misunderstood India! Or most rape crimes wasn’t reported?

    The most rapist countries are actually the WEST!!!

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    • Replies: @TT
    Countries With Highest Rape Crime In The World 2017
    India rank 5 in this chart. But data use is old 2013. There are many inconsistency in many sites data. But in all data sources, India certainly is much better than US, UK in rape crimes. And better than most West in crimes rate.

    So look like we should welcome more Indians to US & UK since that will help lower crime rates & rape crimes!?

    10. Zimbabwe

    According to UNICEF 42% of rape in this country is done with children and as they become older the rate of rape also increases along with it. It is said that every 90 minutes a woman is raped there, that is a horrific state of mind for anyone to be in while living there.

    9. Denmark

    According to Statistics 52% women have been either sexually abused or physically abused and there may be dozens more but the women tend to go quiet, and it is understandable such a horrendous incident people just want to forget about rather than relive as these are very traumatic experiences that one can go through. In Denmark what is surprising that not only have sexual abuse been accounted for by strangers but more women that is 1 out 5 have reported to have been victims of rape by either their partners from the past or the ones they were currently with, a very frightening way to not even be sure of the person you are with.

    8. Australia

    The land down under may be famous for its coral reefs and clear blue waters but what people don’t tell you is that it is one of the countries that has 30% of sexual assault victims. Not a pretty sight indeed but according to reports only 1% of Australian women face rape by strangers where as majority of the rape takes place by friends and family and more than half go unreported. A shocking 29% of rape is committed by people who come on an account of a date or through Social Media sites.

    7. New Zealand

    Back in 2013 a gang by the name of “Roast Busters” went through West side of Auckland raping underage girls, when the story made the new it became clear that this is just a many of a number of events that goes unnoticed in New Zealand, according to research this country has one of the highest rape crime rates than the entire world average (The Lancet articles). Not to mention not only 1 out of every 3 girls but even one out of every 6 boys are likely to be raped even before they hit the age of puberty at 16. The monstrous people who do such acts are reinforced due to the fear people have while reporting it to the police and that is why only 13% end up going to jail where as a whopping 91% go unnoticed an unreported.

    6. Canada

    Canada is a country that is known for its kind and warm people but what may surprise you is that it is also filled with savage creatures and that is why 460,000 sexual assaults have been reported every year in the country (Huffington Post). 80% of the crime victims are women and 60 % of the victims are under age (under 17). According to research they found that not only are 80% of the sex offenders married or in a long term relation but the same percentage accounts for them being known to the victims either they are friends or family of the victim.

    5. India

    According to statistics after every 20 minutes a woman is subjected to rape, and very few if any are reported because the women are so scared out of their wits and because of the submissiveness women are subjected too. Rape crime rate has sky rocketed in the past few years from 24,923 in 2012 to 33,707 in 2013, we do not see any decrease in the numbers anytime soon. The target age of victims is 18-30 years of age and because of the lack of justice system that surrounds the country there is still very little being done for the safety of the women in India.

    4. England & Wales

    Down the list you will see a few countries that may have never have crossed you mind, England and Wales are one of those countries where you would least expect such horrific crimes to occur. What is surprising is that although United Kingdom has not included different forms of sexual assault as rape (meaning only penetration by penis is considered a rape, any other type of penetration by finger or object is not considered rape) still the numbers are very high. As claimed by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and ONS (office for National Statistics and Home office) out of 85,000 rape crimes that occur every year in both England and Wales, 73,000 are females whereas 12,000 are males.

    3. United States of America (USA)

    Another name that is very surprising to occur but is true nonetheless, the super power is subjected to being the top 3 countries where Rape crime is disturbingly high. On average 293,000 victims are sexually assaulted every year, this means that a women is sexually assaulted after every 107 seconds a day. You would think that a country that focuses so much on freedom of speech women would report the crimes they face but as it is commonly seen the gruesome act is just too much for people to open up about which gives lay way to sexual offenders not being caught that is 98% of the offenders to be exact who will never set a foot into jail because of not being reported.

    2. Sweden

    Not all is fun and games in Europe as one of the countries that is known for being a great tourist destination also has 63 rape cases per 100,000 population (2013, Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention) one out of every three women in Sweden report that they have had a forceful sexual encounter even before they had hit their teenage years.

    What is more peculiar in this country is that with rapid times the rate have increased even more as according to reports only 421 rapes were reported in the year 1975 but in 2014 the number escalated to account for 6,620 rapes that were reported, this may mean that there are more voices standing up against what has been done to them but still a lot more must be done to put an end to these horrendous acts

    1. South Africa

    At the number one spot it is no surprise that we may see South Africa as the country already faces immense problems with poverty, malnutrition and so much more but to add to the list is a huge number of rape crimes 500,000 a year to be exact and still only one out of 9 rape cases are reported whereas the remaining are never reported (Medical Research Council). According to statistics 50 % of children have already faced this beastly crime before turning 18 and 24,892 rapes have been committed with children under the age of 18.


    The numbers that we have reported are not something to be proud of but rather it is a food for thought there still needs to be a lot done to help those who have suffered and those who may suffer in the future. Awareness needs to be built upon the fact that remaining quiet is only fueling those who commit such crimes and power comes from those who will speak and fight in this war against rape.
  • The Brawl that Wasn't A lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. Mark Twain Sometime a bit over a year ago, I came across an article describing a big brawl that occurred in, of all places, Murmansk, way north in Russia. The story, in the Daily Caller,...
  • @Jason Liu
    "The Outsiders are criminals" is a standard line of rhetoric used all over the world to justify ethnic homogeneity. You hear the same thing in China, Japan, South Africa, everywhere. It's not supposed to be taken literally (by intelligent analysts, anyway). Even if Muslims weren't associated with rape/sharia/acid attacks/whatever, ethnic nationalists would still find some fault with them to use as excuse to reject them.

    It would be clearer and more ideologically effective to simply be honest: "I don't want these people here because I want to live in a relatively homogeneous society. Whether or not the Outsider has negative/criminal traits is irrelevant."

    “The Outsiders are criminals” is a standard line of rhetoric used all over the world to justify ethnic homogeneity. You hear the same thing in China, Japan, South Africa, everywhere. It’s not supposed to be taken literally (by intelligent analysts, anyway). Even if Muslims weren’t associated with rape/sharia/acid attacks/whatever, ethnic nationalists would still find some fault with them to use as excuse to reject them.

    This is a not so clever way of denying that muzzies are overepsented in crime. If there were not as many rapes and murders by muzzies, there wouldn’t be as many ethic nationalist who reject them. This new ethic nationalism we are seeing is reaction.

    It would be clearer and more ideologically effective to simply be honest: “I don’t want these people here because I want to live in a relatively homogeneous society. Whether or not the Outsider has negative/criminal traits is irrelevant.”

    What arrogance, people complain about Muslims being over represented in violence, which is true, and you dismiss that and claim their only wish is an ethnic state.

    You don’t give a dam about the murders and the rapes so you assume
    no one else does. you can see in the hearts of your opposition(the goyim?) and divine their intentions.

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • Indian WMM,
    fukusIndia’s stealth secret weapon to take over the world…….

    exhibit Nepal,

    Sooner or later, the voice of separation of the tarai districts may take place in Nepal. Therefore, the Nepal Army, the only organ left for safeguarding national sovereignty and national integrity, has to remain alert and introduce measures from which the tarai districts cannot be separated from Nepal’s map.
    First of all, Indian migration in tarai districts has to be stopped immediately.

    London, Washington and New Delhi continue to coordinate their policies in the South Asian region. Their shared perception is that Nepal is getting closer to China,

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  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @Uebersetzer
    Powell was defeated in 1987. He narrowly held on in South Down in 1983.

    Thanks. My mistake.

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Corvinus
    "And how about the left’s jackbooted fascism that holds that America belongs to every racial group except whites..."

    Which is patently false. First, you are absolutely misapplying the concept "fascism" here, which means "a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce." The United States is not a fascist government, contrary to your tinfoil hattery. Second, America doesn't "belong" to any one racial or ethnic group. It consists of citizens, including whites, who have not been excluded in being part of the body politic or social fabric. You have a knack for wild generalizations. Third, whites have every liberty to form their own groups. It is just that not all white people are on board with the groups that YOU want to form or be part of. Which is their freedom of association to oppose.

    "and especially whites who don’t hate themselves?"

    In your world, whites hate themselves only if they do not conform to your belief system. Which, if you truly think about it, is ridiculous. White Americans are not monolithic. They belong to a number of groups, and love their membership in those groups. They need not be virtue signaled to death by your insistence that they only love themselves if they look out for all whites.

    "How come you never speak out against that bigotry? Hint: because to you and other lefties that’s a righteous and noble hate and bigotry."

    Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture. Again, do whites have the freedom of association to choose to include non-whites in their groups, and to marry and procreate with those groups? Why or why not?

    "If you put your thinking cap on you’d see that most of the diversity worshipping white and (((white))) leftists you look to for guidance live in whitetopias and rarely choose to associate with non-whites."

    It is a matter of economics here, not race. Upper-class people want to live in nice places, regardless of race or ethnicity. That is their liberty. It is reasonable and sensible for well-off folks to live in well-off places next to people who are also well-off. Again, it's about finances. Moreover, white people who live in such areas interact with non-whites on a day to day basis, whether it be at work or at play. You either don't see it, or if you do see it, you don't want to see it.

    "Somehow I doubt most of these people will freely choose to live in the equivalent of Detroit or San Paulo, Brazil, but if that’s what you all wish then more power to you and them if you’re really true believers in the cult of “muh diversity”."

    There is no cult here of diversity, just people from different races and ethnicities who choose to interact with one another. That is called being human.

    Now, regarding Detroit, there are a host of reasons for the downfall of that city other than racial matters. Would you like to know more, citizen, and become educated on the matter?

    According to what your crystal ball? I’ll do what is necessary to protect me, my friends and family and my people."

    Your people are white Americans, which includes me.

    "I’d venture that if and when that day ever comes the prospect of tens of thousands of heavily armed and pissed off white men will give you and other lefties the worst case of diarrhea in history."

    That is all fantasy, my friend. If there is this invasion that already has taken place in the States, and whites are about to become extinct, you choosing not to lift a finger now to do something about it tells me everything I need to know.

    ” … whites have every liberty to form their own groups. ”

    Not really. If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group. Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer’s cavalcade of gay Nazi camp.

    “Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture.”

    I will assume you’re being sincere: Apparently, you don’t follow trends. The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization.

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    • Replies: @Rurik

    The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint
    if you're a Brit or Swede who thinks England or Sweden have a right to maintain their ethnic and/or cultural character, then from every orifice of the hive comes the screeching of 'Nazis! and 'white supremacists!!!!'


    if you're a white American who thinks Affirmative Action is wrong and racist and unfair, well then brace yourself for the orgy of hatred and screeching, 'white supremacists!!!'

    and it goes beyond race now even to include 'hateful constructs of the patriarchy'; like gender.

    that it's all prima facie insane, doesn't get in the way of they're screeching and hysterics.

    And even here on the Unz Review, there are people who would say that any desire of white Americans to maintain any shred of their (white = racist) culture or heritage, are nothing more than vile "white supremacists", who must be hounded and harangued for the crime of not hating their own kind (with the kind of visceral, rancorous race-hatred that they hate white people with ; )

    We live in a surreal idiocracy, where the most preposterous idiocies are given credence as if they were anything but the gibbering's of a drooling lunatic.

    All you have to do is realize they want what you have. White people have created amazing civilizations in Europe and N. America and elsewhere, and it's only natural that everyone else would want such things for themselves. Duh.

    But where it gets beyond ludicrous/obnoxious is when they demand white people have no right to even exist. Which is their mantra today, because they aren't laughed out of the room, as they obviously should be.
    , @Corvinus
    "If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group."

    Yet, despite SJW machinations, those whites have the freedom to form their own in-group. It doesn't mean they are free from outside pressure. Besides, any group is "stigmatized" by their ideological opponents, so that argument goes out the door.

    "Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer’s cavalcade of gay Nazi camp."

    Spencer's group is indeed serious. See, you just stigmatized his merry band, yet they still remain steadfast in their desire to gain footing in their community.

    “Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture.”

    "I will assume you’re being sincere: Apparently, you don’t follow trends."

    The trend is that the Coalition of the Fringes, Right and Left, write a narrative that normies find over-the-top.

    "The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization."

    A societal mantra as dictated by radical white liberals, not whites in general. In similar fashion, the Alt Right demands that whites accept "race realism", lest they be labeled "race traitors" and summarily labeled as "enemies".

    Works both ways here.
  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • Happy St George’s Day to everyone

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Miro23

    Thus, the way I see it (based on his opinion and the various comments I see from Sunni Muslims); the fighting needs should stop as soon as it can and a political solution needs to be arrived at with the major players at the table; including people who have a serious stake in the matter like Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, etc.
    Thanks for your informed opinion. These things are not so clear looking from the outside, and Western reporting seems to be mostly useless.

    So the problem are the Israelis/US/Saudis who are pushing wars more than the Sunnis or Shias themselves.

    So the problem are the Israelis/US/Saudis who are pushing wars more than the Sunnis or Shias themselves.

    I would certainly say so. The average Sunni and Shiah get along OK – we’re not super chummy; they have their mosques and we have ours and we usually don’t pray behind each other – this is unlike say the various Sunni schools that may have slight variations in prayer, but make it a point to pray behind each other. It’s really only the takfiris that want to kill Shiah (as well as plenty of Sunnis they consider deviant). I had friends in UCLA who were Shiah, still do even though I consider myself as Orthodox Sunni as they come and believe Shiah positions are heterodox (and they reciprocate).

    This whole thing was really kicked off with the invasion of Iraq and the forces it unleashed. In times of desperation, war, crisis etc. some of the worst elements of society come out and this is simply part of human nature.

    Take for instance the break up of Yugoslavia. Let’s put the Muslims aside for a bit. In that conflict, once civil order broke down; Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Croats committed war crimes against each other’s populations. Things were going fine for a good long while, but this brought divisions, that most people really hadn’t cared about, to a crescendo.

    Another good example before this whole mess is the Armenia-Azerbaijan war in the 90′s. Azerbaijan is almost 90% Shiah, but plenty of Sunni volunteers went to fight on their side.

    There is little doubt in my head that much of this would simply not have occurred without the external interference. That doesn’t mean that, naively, everything was fine and dandy – rather external forces were the catalyst for the mess we see today.


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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Bliss

    I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time
    You seem to spend more time here sucking up to alt-right racists than with your kids.

    Thanks for more of your opinions.

    sucking up to alt-right

    It should be clear to anybody here, I’m not interested in becoming their “wing man” and I’m not interested in begging them to accept me or let me stay in the West. I’m preesenting them a solution to their problem; a solution that will require them to re-calibrate their understanding of how to relate to the question of race and how to prioritize it in the hierarchy of purpose.

    If they don’t like the solution, they are welcome to look for others – no skin off my back.

    I certainly won’t be spending time sucking up to the Left, as Dr. Shadee Elmasry wisely distilled their positions:

    than with your kids

    First, why not get married have a few kids 3-4 and then balance work with driving them back and forth from this/that practice, helping with their homework, dedicating your weekend to keeping them busy and happy going to the Y for swimming, BJJ classes, etc. – then I’ll give your advice any weight. So…how many kids do you have again?

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Rurik

    holocaust’ scam
    everyone who denies the Holy Holocaust - when the most evil people that ever lived tried to murder God Himself (the Jewish people) are as bad as the Nazis in Hungary who demand to remain Nazis, who refuse to do what they must - blend their Nazi genes away in a sea of homogenizing humanity.

    We are all humans, but some humans, (Nazis like the Hungarians) want to preserve their unique Nazi ethnic identity. This is where George Soros comes in, and flings open the gates to the Nazi kingdom, to a purifying wave of African migrants and gypsies and Muslims and everyone else they can get, who in time, will blend away the vile identity of Hungary's (and Germany's and Norway's and France's) Nazis, and save God's people from the next time Hitler wants to make soap and lampshades.

    ” … to a purifying wave of African migrants … ”

    should be

    ” … to a putrefying wave of African migrants … ”

    that’s more accurate.

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Bliss
    The worst parts of the US are still better than the best parts of India in most ways: they have reliable electricity, water supply, food supply, garbage collection, schools for everyone, medical care etc.

    Boastful indians like you are probably the most shameless people on the planet.

    I didn’t mention India in that comment at all (not am I an Indian). You meant to reply to ‘South Asian’.

    It takes a negro level of stupid to get something that basic wrong.

    Read More
  • @Daniel Chieh
    Well, it does depend on the individual. But my general experience is that Indians tend to be highly nepotistic and power-seeking(I've written once before about an insanely company-destroying scheme one ran; they can be unbelievably toxic), American whites tend to be honest and well-rounded, Russians to be highly skilled and focused if generally dissatisfied with everything around them, and Chinese to be skillful but have an annoying tendency to slack off right at the end(I call it "doing it 90%", but quite often, being lazy about the 10% gives them a terrible reputation).

    I suppose I've been hard on Indians so much that I should mention one really impressive case I knew. This was a guy who was an insanely dedicated PHP programmer, extremely good and very talented in every way. He was so unambitious that in spite of his skills which clearly merited over 6 digits, he was happy only ever making $20 or so an hour, taking the train and reading a book every day while sharing an apartment with three other guys. So in most ways, he was contrary to the usual expectations, but I did feel rather sad for him because he really did just seem to want to be a slave and nothing else.

    Its just generalities, though.

    If you had to compare American corporate managers to Chinese corporate managers, what would you say are the similarities and differences?

    My general sense is that the Chinese like to promote workers with “hard” technical skills into management. American corporate culture (outside of the software industry) seems more amenable to promoting people who are socially adept or good at bull5hitting. These are (of course) generalizations and there are plenty of competent American managers, but I think Corporate America places more emphasis on being verbally facile. I think that might explain some of the differences between the American and Chinese economies.

    It seems like the ambition of the average Chinese kid is to study engineering at Tsinghua and then open a factory to produce something of value. The ambition of the average American kid (when he’s not dreaming of being a rapper or celebrity) is to have some sort of BS job like “corporate social media director.” The more above-average American kids prefer profesisons like law or finance. American seem to disdain acquiring “hard” skills and doing real work, instead preferring jobs in which there’s a lot of talking and self-promoting.

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  • @Talha

    Material advancement is not a sine qua non of public hygiene
    Completely agree. My comment was simply about lack of a functional sewer system and running water. I know people that have traveled through some of the toughest parts of the third world in Muslim areas. The people there might be poor, but they keep up with the rules of ritual purity and hygiene.

    In fact, they would never think about not washing their hands after using the restroom - something I've seen people do in our office restroom time and time again; I think women might be better about this, but plenty of men seem to have an aversion to washing their hands.

    I never touch the door handle in those places without a paper towel.

    cleaner than India
    I wonder if this has to do with the caste system which has gradations based on levels of purity - the bottom being those that are not expected to have the same level of purity as the few at the top. I'm no expert on this subject, but this paper seems to imply that is one of the issues at the root:
    "This chapter limits itself to a discussion of the role played by caste and untouchability in severely constraining the sustainability of sanitation programmes in India. We are not arguing that this is the only challenge facing programmes such as CLTS in India, but reducing OD in India would be impossible without understanding and challenging notions of purity and pollution which prevent Indians from adopting and using latrines."

    There is no same stratification in, say, Muslim cultures where the poor and the rich are expected to maintain the same rules of hygiene and ritual purity.


    Good point. Having an outhouse means someone else (an untouchable) will clean up your mess for you.
    The caste system also messed India up by fragmenting its polity, as a result of which public property is abused like nowhere else.. the tragedy of the commons on steroids.

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Miro23

    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren’t exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy.
    Who was looting who? As background, my view is that aristocracies have to earn their position a national leaders. Early on it was quite straightforward, and usually on the battlefield, for example John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough:

    His leadership of the allied armies consolidated Britain's emergence as a front-rank power. He successfully maintained unity among the allies, thereby demonstrating his diplomatic skills. Throughout ten consecutive campaigns during the Spanish Succession war, Marlborough held together a discordant coalition through his sheer force of personality and raised the standing of British arms to a level not known since the Middle Ages. Although in the end he could not compel total capitulation from his enemies, his victories allowed Britain to rise from a minor to a major power, ensuring the country's growing prosperity throughout the 18th century.

    But by the "Belle Epoque" 1871-1914 European aristocracies were a useless decadent elite.

    I would connect the rise in power of the commercial middle classes and industrialists to the Industrial Revolution. They were contributing more and wanted political power, and they got it through their money and democracy (actually allied with the old aristocracy) with the downside of the not so welcome growth of a politically aware working class.

    For me this was the start of a classic problem that still hasn't been resolved. The commercial and industrial elite should be the new aristocracy on grounds of wealth, power and influence, but they are motivated by the desire for private profit and will manipulate the state to enrich themselves. Classic 21st century USA.

    The French revolution set the scene, and was somewhat earlier 1789 - 1799, but it's a fact that all French non-aristocratic classes were exploited and oppressed through excessive taxation - and I would accept the consensus that this triggered the revolution.

    Churchill of Marlborough was a snake. A remarkably talented snake, but still a snake.

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    • Replies: @dfordoom

    Churchill of Marlborough was a snake. A remarkably talented snake, but still a snake.
    Agreed. Treachery seemed to run in the Churchill family.
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • Anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    I dont disgaree with most of what you said, but then you say something like this:

    ''The world simply must stop Indians invasion through mass migration, and send every single one back to where they are, India. Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.''

    More than 99.9999 or probably even more of Indians who never raped their daughter or sister or dogs or cats or babies or young boys and if some among them who comes to the west to make a honest living, should go back and stop raping his sisters and daughters and build toilets? Are you saying they should not rape when they didnt rape to begin with? and also build toilets for others. Building toilets needs a lot of govt permissions like everywhere. The water and sewege supply boards needs to give clearance. So how will an avg indian build toilets for people who dont have it? Also there are toilets in india. Do you really think they are none? While a lot of people still dont have access to toilets, they are getting there.

    If you dont want indians to come to the west fine, but dont say stuff like that just because they came to the west or defended themselves when somebody called them idiots or rapists or implied them as evil. A few cousins of mine are in the west and they make a honest living and they are not rapists of other women or their sisters or daughters or anybody.

    Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.

    You misunderstood. I means “Protect your own sisters & daughters from violent rape. ”

    More than 99.9999 or probably even more of Indians who never raped their daughter or sister or dogs or cats or babies or young boys

    Are you saying violent rape or incest is rare in India at 0.0001%? Then India is safer than the whole world.

    Even in many West developed countries that happen, UK is capital of paedophiles. British never deny like Indians did. US too, rape is not uncommon, so are China, Japan, Korea, Asia & elsewhere. Indonesia has animals like hens been raped till death. Cat is quite a challenge, haven’t heard, dog yes.

    But India seem very severe with common news going around the world, are they fake?

    So how will an avg indian build toilets for people who dont have it? Also there are toilets in india. Do you really think they are none? While a lot of people still dont have access to toilets, they are getting there.

    Yes, they should return to help campaign gov for sanitary, with proper sewage system. This is very important to protect country water sources, hygiene, and dignity of people.

    China did a great effort after understanding that. 20yrs ago, even in some tourist area, toilet has no door. No more. Myanmar gov is doing very good progress, South East Asia overall is improving well. Even those on India aids list, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius were ok in my travel.

    But India, most deplorable. In cities, road side toilet is only a wall, urines are flowing everywhere. Even in busy public area, people just squat & ease, no one feel ashamed. Its reported at least 40% has no toilet access. And i did that too outdoor in India, where else? Even in train station platform, the track is toilet, where women are walking around.

    If others under India aids can do, so can India do so by buying less useless weapons of $10Billions. Unlike others, all my posting never insult India has no toilet access, but merely pointed out the fact, India still got so much to do before boasting as another great nation or superpower.

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    • Replies: @RMCT

    US too, rape is not uncommon,
    Come on it is not just uncommon, it is viral and terrifying. In US one in six women would have faced assault in thier life time and a rape every 98 sec... in the most advanced nation. Sexual assault and offences against women are a usual allegation against luminaries and leading figures as a a staple news! The difference is that in India we have a media, with all its defects, far more honest than the corporate CIA tail-wagging one in US, which bring out these crimes to the spot light. And also a far more responsive society, with all its defects and troubles, that raises public out cry over these evils than the one in US where they simply condone as just another incident. And no need to narrate more on pedophilia (high profile ones), isn't it? And the gun crime capital of the world..?

    British never deny like Indians did
    Oh are you sure? The western media cover up social evils than bringing it out into the open and addressing it, except for the so called immigrants. For it hurts their hubris. I fully agree with the allegations of acute social issues that we face in India and we struggle hard (at least some of us) to build our society, unlike the hate venom spewing racists who clog this comment space who are steeped up in hubris about the so called "advanced west" all the while forgetting that they are going down the drain in history. If you need more explanations I can give stats and facts. So much for now
  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Talha

    How do regular Sunnis see this? A success, a failure or what?
    I cannot arrogate myself to speak on behalf of all Sunnis. I can only speak of the ones I am most familiar with - traditional ones and even more moderate minded ones are not happy with Saudi, that's being generous. Saudi has not only helped destroy Syria but has caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

    That said, I don't know of a single Sunni in my circle who likes the Assad regime. Many of them, like myself feel his saving grace is that the people who would replace him after the civil war are even worse.

    My personal go to person on these matters is Shaykh Muhammad Yaqoubi who is a traditional scholar (and Sufi shaykh) in exile in Moroccco. He is very out-spoken about the damage done by Saudis to the Muslim world, yet is also against the Assad regime. He spoke out against the regime early on and had to leave the country, however - as early as 2015 he was stating publicly; " continuing the fight is no longer in the interest of Syrians."

    Thus, the way I see it (based on his opinion and the various comments I see from Sunni Muslims); the fighting needs should stop as soon as it can and a political solution needs to be arrived at with the major players at the table; including people who have a serious stake in the matter like Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, etc.


    Thus, the way I see it (based on his opinion and the various comments I see from Sunni Muslims); the fighting needs should stop as soon as it can and a political solution needs to be arrived at with the major players at the table; including people who have a serious stake in the matter like Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, etc.

    Thanks for your informed opinion. These things are not so clear looking from the outside, and Western reporting seems to be mostly useless.

    So the problem are the Israelis/US/Saudis who are pushing wars more than the Sunnis or Shias themselves.

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    • Replies: @Talha

    So the problem are the Israelis/US/Saudis who are pushing wars more than the Sunnis or Shias themselves.
    I would certainly say so. The average Sunni and Shiah get along OK - we're not super chummy; they have their mosques and we have ours and we usually don't pray behind each other - this is unlike say the various Sunni schools that may have slight variations in prayer, but make it a point to pray behind each other. It's really only the takfiris that want to kill Shiah (as well as plenty of Sunnis they consider deviant). I had friends in UCLA who were Shiah, still do even though I consider myself as Orthodox Sunni as they come and believe Shiah positions are heterodox (and they reciprocate).

    This whole thing was really kicked off with the invasion of Iraq and the forces it unleashed. In times of desperation, war, crisis etc. some of the worst elements of society come out and this is simply part of human nature.

    Take for instance the break up of Yugoslavia. Let's put the Muslims aside for a bit. In that conflict, once civil order broke down; Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Croats committed war crimes against each other's populations. Things were going fine for a good long while, but this brought divisions, that most people really hadn't cared about, to a crescendo.

    Another good example before this whole mess is the Armenia-Azerbaijan war in the 90's. Azerbaijan is almost 90% Shiah, but plenty of Sunni volunteers went to fight on their side.

    There is little doubt in my head that much of this would simply not have occurred without the external interference. That doesn't mean that, naively, everything was fine and dandy - rather external forces were the catalyst for the mess we see today.

  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Escher
    Material advancement is not a sine qua non of public hygiene. I have traveled in some fairly poor countries - all of which were significantly cleaner than India.

    Material advancement is not a sine qua non of public hygiene

    Completely agree. My comment was simply about lack of a functional sewer system and running water. I know people that have traveled through some of the toughest parts of the third world in Muslim areas. The people there might be poor, but they keep up with the rules of ritual purity and hygiene.

    In fact, they would never think about not washing their hands after using the restroom – something I’ve seen people do in our office restroom time and time again; I think women might be better about this, but plenty of men seem to have an aversion to washing their hands.

    I never touch the door handle in those places without a paper towel.

    cleaner than India

    I wonder if this has to do with the caste system which has gradations based on levels of purity – the bottom being those that are not expected to have the same level of purity as the few at the top. I’m no expert on this subject, but this paper seems to imply that is one of the issues at the root:
    “This chapter limits itself to a discussion of the role played by caste and untouchability in severely constraining the sustainability of sanitation programmes in India. We are not arguing that this is the only challenge facing programmes such as CLTS in India, but reducing OD in India would be impossible without understanding and challenging notions of purity and pollution which prevent Indians from adopting and using latrines.”

    There is no same stratification in, say, Muslim cultures where the poor and the rich are expected to maintain the same rules of hygiene and ritual purity.


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    • Replies: @Escher
    Good point. Having an outhouse means someone else (an untouchable) will clean up your mess for you.
    The caste system also messed India up by fragmenting its polity, as a result of which public property is abused like nowhere else.. the tragedy of the commons on steroids.
  • @Anonymous
    ''Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.''

    I am a higher caste person and no such thing exists. And the rest of your comment is filled with so many extreme exaggerations. A few people do that and you accuse all the millions of the people of the caste and hundreds of millions of the country.

    It will be Good if you can help clarify. All i have stated were publicized so much in West & Asia news, even in India English msm which don’t seem to be a smearing campaign.

    Frequently we read tourists are gang raped, Indian women are gang raped with brutality or burnt to death. The higher caste men are raping lower caste without been punished, eg. Last yr news reported that two cousins were raped & haged on tree when they went outdoor to ease themselves. Their parents couldn’t get police to take action as that’s happening frequently. So father committed suicide.

    If its not rampant, why so many widespread protests & India msm publicizing which don’t benefit India image at all.

    I traveled & conduct biz in India formerly, & have some friends there. When they told me caste system still widely practised, its quite shocking for me at this age. I doubt they have anything to gain in tarnishing their own people or country.

    May be not as obvious in main city, is these rampant in smaller cities & villages?

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  • One day the world meet together. They decided to trumpet their own achievements.

    UK: we are industrial revolution pioneer with best English education system. We are greatest colonial power. Everyone agreed and follow. All start industrialization, learn English & colonized others.

    US: our democracy are greatest, with best innovations & finance, best uni & superior military, best petrol dollar, best 5eyes esponage, best subversion, best war mongering, best cybercrime, best opiods, best terrorism …hedgmon in a single word. Everyone agreed & follow. The world get rape endlessly since.

    Canada: we are largest land next to Russia, biggest water resources & lakes, best city to live in. Everyone agreed.

    Oz: our cities are world best ranking. Everyone agreed.

    Nz: our cattles is the most, grazing on grass & drinking stream water only. Everyone agreed.

    Japan: our industry quality is best, with most industrial people. Everyone agreed & follow.

    Germany: our precision technology is best, our cars is excellent. Everyone agreed & follow.

    France: our luxury goods & wines are the best, our fashion & arts are excellent. Everyone agreed & follow.

    Russia: our aerospace technology is best, military is excellent, largest oil & gas, biggest country, best vodka…Everyone agreed & follow.

    Switzerland: our country as a whole is best, with great finance & innovative sectors, very safe, clean & beautiful. Everyone agreed & follow. Spore aimed to be another Swiss.

    Spore: our city has most No1 rankings, No1 IQ/SAT/Maths/Science/Reading, No3 GDP(ppp) per capital, most efficient & clean, best airports, airline, best seaports, best industrial parks, best education system, best Oil&Gas offshore platform, best marine laws, most expensive city, cars, properties…Everyone agreed & follow.

    China: our country is greatest manufacturing hub, biggest markets, No1 import/export & trade partners of every country, No.1 in Agri, No1 in Hydropower, No1 in Solar/Wind/Green energy, No1 Steel producer, No1…No1…with fast ascending in technology, innovations, first Quantum, telecom 5G, AI, EV, best FSR, …No3 in military, 3rd to space walk, …we will surpass combine total of US & EU GDP by 2040.…our socialism system is showing good result…

    India: Hey hey hey, stop that, all, what so great, don’t you hear i frequently boasted India will be next Greatest Superpower surpassing China?

    All dizzying: what do you have sir, we haven’t seen a single Made In India product on our shelves so far, nor will we buy if any?

    India: we have highest growth rate of 7.5% surpassing China 6.3% after modifying many parameters, many great technologies, innovations, industrialization, I. T., service sector, call centers, biggest military shopping sprees,… the most promising land & greatest people.

    World: Like what, pls give one specific example that India is going to be greatest? Even your GDP growth miraculously stay at 7.5%, it will take 127yrs to reach China’s.

    India: Listen attentively, i shall proudly proclaimed, we have zero, nothing, nil, nada, to excel or be No1, not even sufficient toilet or electricity to go around. Only 1950′s railways. Highest corrupted system, Highest debts, lowest exports, lowest industry, highest deficit, highest 40% illiteracy, highest crimes, highest pollution, highest rapists, highest hostility to every neighbors, no resources,…biggest Demoncrapcy of 1.34B!

    World: oh…you are just a shameless liars. How can that be Greatest Superpower.

    Fukus: its true, its highly likely, we have evidence from CIA, NSA, MI6, they never lied, ask Bush, Obama, Trumps, Blair, May, Boris, Sarkosky, Macron…India will be Greatest No1 Superpower.

    India: no…no…listen world, i no shameless liar, our most talented 1.34B indians will be exported with loads of BS to you. Look at how well our people BS here in unz, in US corps, WH, Congress, everywhere.

    Don’t our most talented Nikki Harley impressed you in UN (lying) about Skirpal & Syria chemical WMD, threatening (like Indian bully) to whole world about Jerusalem US embassy…? How about many indian CEOs that sunk nearly every great corp they helmed?

    That’s our best Indians i guaranteed you will get everywhere if you give me your ruling power. I guaranteed, trust Modi, he never lied in his non awareness of Gujarat Muslim massacre, as its Chief Minister then.

    When we ruled the 5lies US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz, with EU & Spore through WMM, invaded all South Asia & neighbours lands, we will be the biggest empire in GDP & sole hyperpower, 2nd to none! Then all your achievements will be mine. What does China count to India. We are Greatest!

    We guaranteed to make everyone great like India. Come take a look & deep sniff. If its any iota worst, we will return your land back, no question ask. Trust us, Indians never lies to lies so that our lies are not a lies.

    Everyone boots all indians back to its same shithole, India, unchanged since 1960s.

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  • and to any other indians here too.. stop commenting unless you say all indian men are sh*t.

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  • Anonymous[725] • Disclaimer says:

    I beginning to get the feeling that the more indians say all of them are not rapists or defend themselves against allegations of stupidity or something, the more some of them will say they are. And some of them will even accuse them of raping their sisters, daughters, young girls and boys, animals, babies.

    You want to hear us telling we are all rapists right? Okay we are all rapists we rape everybody and everything. We also dumbasses, dregs.

    I am signing off. Dagon i think you should stop commenting too. Unless you want to be accused of raping babies and animals too. Let them think or say whatever they want about indians. They are not wrong, we are like that.

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  • Anonymous[248] • Disclaimer says:

    I dont disgaree with most of what you said, but then you say something like this:

    ”The world simply must stop Indians invasion through mass migration, and send every single one back to where they are, India. Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.”

    More than 99.9999 or probably even more of Indians who never raped their daughter or sister or dogs or cats or babies or young boys and if some among them who comes to the west to make a honest living, should go back and stop raping his sisters and daughters and build toilets? Are you saying they should not rape when they didnt rape to begin with? and also build toilets for others. Building toilets needs a lot of govt permissions like everywhere. The water and sewege supply boards needs to give clearance. So how will an avg indian build toilets for people who dont have it? Also there are toilets in india. Do you really think they are none? While a lot of people still dont have access to toilets, they are getting there.

    If you dont want indians to come to the west fine, but dont say stuff like that just because they came to the west or defended themselves when somebody called them idiots or rapists or implied them as evil. A few cousins of mine are in the west and they make a honest living and they are not rapists of other women or their sisters or daughters or anybody.

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    • Replies: @Anon

    Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.
    You misunderstood. I means "Protect your own sisters & daughters from violent rape. "

    More than 99.9999 or probably even more of Indians who never raped their daughter or sister or dogs or cats or babies or young boys
    Are you saying violent rape or incest is rare in India at 0.0001%? Then India is safer than the whole world.

    Even in many West developed countries that happen, UK is capital of paedophiles. British never deny like Indians did. US too, rape is not uncommon, so are China, Japan, Korea, Asia & elsewhere. Indonesia has animals like hens been raped till death. Cat is quite a challenge, haven't heard, dog yes.

    But India seem very severe with common news going around the world, are they fake?

    So how will an avg indian build toilets for people who dont have it? Also there are toilets in india. Do you really think they are none? While a lot of people still dont have access to toilets, they are getting there.
    Yes, they should return to help campaign gov for sanitary, with proper sewage system. This is very important to protect country water sources, hygiene, and dignity of people.

    China did a great effort after understanding that. 20yrs ago, even in some tourist area, toilet has no door. No more. Myanmar gov is doing very good progress, South East Asia overall is improving well. Even those on India aids list, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius were ok in my travel.

    But India, most deplorable. In cities, road side toilet is only a wall, urines are flowing everywhere. Even in busy public area, people just squat & ease, no one feel ashamed. Its reported at least 40% has no toilet access. And i did that too outdoor in India, where else? Even in train station platform, the track is toilet, where women are walking around.

    If others under India aids can do, so can India do so by buying less useless weapons of $10Billions. Unlike others, all my posting never insult India has no toilet access, but merely pointed out the fact, India still got so much to do before boasting as another great nation or superpower.
  • @Talha

    it just doesn’t jive!
    Don't get me wrong - the West is not paradise by any measure. Having lived in various parts of America (and my wife is a family/marriage counselor), I can guarantee you it is not. It is materially advanced - that is just an objective metric.

    If it was paradise, then most Western countries wouldn't have suicide rates far above places like Jordan, Algeria and the Philippines.

    A society can make hell out of shiny lights, cool gadgets, clean streets and on-demand sex.


    Material advancement is not a sine qua non of public hygiene. I have traveled in some fairly poor countries – all of which were significantly cleaner than India.

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    • Replies: @Talha

    Material advancement is not a sine qua non of public hygiene
    Completely agree. My comment was simply about lack of a functional sewer system and running water. I know people that have traveled through some of the toughest parts of the third world in Muslim areas. The people there might be poor, but they keep up with the rules of ritual purity and hygiene.

    In fact, they would never think about not washing their hands after using the restroom - something I've seen people do in our office restroom time and time again; I think women might be better about this, but plenty of men seem to have an aversion to washing their hands.

    I never touch the door handle in those places without a paper towel.

    cleaner than India
    I wonder if this has to do with the caste system which has gradations based on levels of purity - the bottom being those that are not expected to have the same level of purity as the few at the top. I'm no expert on this subject, but this paper seems to imply that is one of the issues at the root:
    "This chapter limits itself to a discussion of the role played by caste and untouchability in severely constraining the sustainability of sanitation programmes in India. We are not arguing that this is the only challenge facing programmes such as CLTS in India, but reducing OD in India would be impossible without understanding and challenging notions of purity and pollution which prevent Indians from adopting and using latrines."

    There is no same stratification in, say, Muslim cultures where the poor and the rich are expected to maintain the same rules of hygiene and ritual purity.

  • @Dagon Shield
    You made the Paki laugh at least... India, as you most likely feel, is a place where shit happens but in the US of A and New York City at that... it's all relative. Clean up your own ass first before pointing that muddy finger at others!

    Posting angry responses doesn’t change the fact that India is a very dirty country with a poor sense of public hygiene and civic responsibility.

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  • Anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    Yup exactly.

    The reason every Indian thread derails is because Indians would rather play games and not confront hard truths.

    India has enough smart people to be a competent country, but their entire existence seems to be pretty and immature.

    North Indian civilization is older than China, sure it got lot of smart wise people to make India on par with China. I have met some humble & wise Indians like good Chinese or whites thinkers with virtue, but they will never survive in India corrupted system.

    When you travel to upper north like Himacha Pradesh, you can see totally different Indians. They are tall fair skin, polite and smart generally. They respected life so much that most are vegetarian. Even old bulls unable to plough are left to graze in wild. Quite crimes free & amazing clean with pines forest & greenery. Even not rich, life is simple & clean.

    Their gentle manner & honesty make us visitors felt shameful when we occassionally tried to throw some supremacy or attempt to outwit them for better deals.

    And tourists from other part of India are seemed wealthy & peaceful lot, well behave. Totally different from dusty filthy Middle, Southern parts & cities filled with stinking sewage & crimes.

    Their corrupted ruling caste & unfitting demoncraptic system are ruined entire country. The abled wealthy ones simply left for better pastures, leaving the poors & uneducated to rot. Education is so bad that their school textbooks are riddled with mistakes if you tried read one.

    Now their gov is trying to export their (semi-skilled cheaters) top 20% or 268M to the world under disguise of IT talents to ruin the world.

    Try visit, you will find there is simply nothing inside India, not even reliable electricity & water supply, no real industry, no real R&D & innovation, a boasting failed military industry, no valuable service industry except poor call centers with fake US accents but retard technical support. Its worst than SEAsia country. Not even Walmart can open. Banks are so untrustable with fake LC full of cheats that advanced payment is mandatory for business.

    They only have one great thing, 1.34B of majority illiterate poor people, interwoven with violent rapists & cheats. Ask every decent Indians, they will readily tell you how they despise their shameless country folks that lied & steal habitually, many are drunkard.

    Of course there are always some exceptional good ones, may be top 1%(13.4M) that are flooding the world with mixture of top 10%(134M) scoundrels, trying to dominate other countries now.

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  • Anonymous[264] • Disclaimer says:
    Of course not all Indian men are rapists. Nice straw man argument.

    But, it's clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.

    You said this: ”Your appalling language says a lot about Indian men’s attitude towards women — utter disrespect.”.

    To which i replied, good job assuming all indian men as evil or r*pists.

    ”But, it’s clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang rap*d, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.”

    A lot of indians protested many many times on the streets. What else should they have done? Should they have lynched the rap*st on the street. I dont disgree with it, but do you really think it is possible to happen?

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  • Anonymous[348] • Disclaimer says:
    And they have penchant for raping babies too if you read their news. Caste system is still so widespread, if a woman meet lower caste men, the man is killed & his sisters raped as punishment. That high caste woman, is sometimes gang raped for weeks by their caste leaders, a group of their wise very old men. They said its a punishment & sex education to cleanse a horny woman.

    Just search abit you can get tonnes of India rape news. Its out of control, and police will punish complainants for a little bribe, court took decades to hear, culprits burned the victims & her family. Victims are ordered to marry their rapist as settlement.

    Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.

    Even dogs are not spared, a Indian security guard was caught after people find him always lock himself inside with the guard dog, which groaning in painful swollen ass.

    The society is simply sickened with poverty & illiteracy, Hindu caste system & rampant corruption, spiraling a great civilization to a cesspool. Yet indians here are still trying to sell Indian snake oil & export their problem out instead of trying to improve their country.

    ”Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.”

    I am a higher caste person and no such thing exists. And the rest of your comment is filled with so many extreme exaggerations. A few people do that and you accuse all the millions of the people of the caste and hundreds of millions of the country.

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    • Replies: @TT
    It will be Good if you can help clarify. All i have stated were publicized so much in West & Asia news, even in India English msm which don't seem to be a smearing campaign.

    Frequently we read tourists are gang raped, Indian women are gang raped with brutality or burnt to death. The higher caste men are raping lower caste without been punished, eg. Last yr news reported that two cousins were raped & haged on tree when they went outdoor to ease themselves. Their parents couldn't get police to take action as that's happening frequently. So father committed suicide.

    If its not rampant, why so many widespread protests & India msm publicizing which don't benefit India image at all.

    I traveled & conduct biz in India formerly, & have some friends there. When they told me caste system still widely practised, its quite shocking for me at this age. I doubt they have anything to gain in tarnishing their own people or country.

    May be not as obvious in main city, is these rampant in smaller cities & villages?
  • Anonymous[348] • Disclaimer says:
    Of course not all Indian men are rapists. Nice straw man argument.

    But, it's clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.

    You said this : ”Your appalling language says a lot about Indian men’s attitude towards women — utter disrespect.”

    to which i replied good job assuming all indian men are evil or rapists.

    ”But, it’s clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.”

    They protested many times on the streets. What else can they do? Are you asking for average people to lynch the rapist on the street?. This is dont disagree with, but do you really think this is possible to happen?

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  • Anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    @Dagon Shield
    I remember being in the deep woods of Missouri once with a white friend, a good working man, in a moment of enlightenment he said to me, you think all white people are good and smart but I want to take you a country place where you will see real America. Lo and behold, we end up in a honky-tonk at late night with no lights outside for miles. A roaring place with loud but good country music band and a sea of lily white faces. Something out of a Hollywood film... exciting but scary. He took me to a table of his friends and introduced me as a friend. All were polite but one refused shake my hand and the hatred he felt towards me and the disappointment in his kin for bringing me there was palpable. At times it seemed that the whole place,with at least a few hundred people, was staring at me. It was a bit scary and unsettling. Needless to say, we didn't stay too long to enjoy ourselves. You said Ihad guts... well after that night, fear is a commodity i don't traffic in. So, I defend what I believe to be right, albeit not to orther peoples liking. There is no turning back!

    I said you have guts because you actually speak as a Indian, unlike those like Thomm pretending to be whites shamelessly.

    But you are too hostile & not able to reason out even been given facts. That make you a very bad example of Indian, like a typical Indian scoundrel most Indians also hated.

    There was once a Indian using Malla as handle, he defended India veraciouly, backing with facts. When been corrected of India faults, he always readily accepted gracefully. He even notified us the truth like India invaded China, South Tibet, etc.

    This is what make a Indian respectable, that we enjoyed debating and find out mutual problems. Individually none of us is responsible for all these shits created by our corrupted politicians & historical burden, but to lied shamelessly like some Indians here trying to distort facts are unforgivable fault.

    So pls stop continue to tarnish Indian name with such bad behavior when its already so notorious. Even the last few good indians are buried. The world don’t want to see more such Indians coming to our countries to destroy our prosperity & peace, no matter how intelligent they are, because they are crafty scoundrel.

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  • @TT
    And they have penchant for raping babies too if you read their news. Caste system is still so widespread, if a woman meet lower caste men, the man is killed & his sisters raped as punishment. That high caste woman, is sometimes gang raped for weeks by their caste leaders, a group of their wise very old men. They said its a punishment & sex education to cleanse a horny woman.

    Just search abit you can get tonnes of India rape news. Its out of control, and police will punish complainants for a little bribe, court took decades to hear, culprits burned the victims & her family. Victims are ordered to marry their rapist as settlement.

    Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.

    Even dogs are not spared, a Indian security guard was caught after people find him always lock himself inside with the guard dog, which groaning in painful swollen ass.

    The society is simply sickened with poverty & illiteracy, Hindu caste system & rampant corruption, spiraling a great civilization to a cesspool. Yet indians here are still trying to sell Indian snake oil & export their problem out instead of trying to improve their country.

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    • Replies: @TT
    Pls provide your source website, not tweet.

    Do you have a world charts, including India, SK, Jp, Spore, US, UK, Sweden, Belgium, Oz, Nz, South Africa, Latin America for comparison for this so called UN Multi country survey source?

    I bet you don't in this propaganda data. Only a few countries are quoted so suspiciously, yet nothing mention on the top10 highest rape ranking occupied by Western countries & India, very strange isn't it?

    According to your chart, China 22.7%=317M rapists. So majority women would have been raped by now. Yet China crime rate is so low in ranking, safer than almost all West including US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz, Norway, Sweden. India is also safer than most West.
    2017 Highest Rape Crimes
    1. SAfrica 500k, 2. Sweden 6.6k 3. US 293K 4. UK 85k 5. India 33k 6. Canada 460k 7. NZ 8. Oz 9. Denmark 10. Zimbabwe
    2017 Rape by 100,000 p. a.
    1. South Africa 4. Sweden, 7. Australia,10. Belgium, 11.US

    China rape case is 33K p. a. out of 1400M, negligible per 100K.

    US 290K rape out of 340M, that will required ?% US men to be rapist if 20% of Chinese men are rapist?

    Consider China rated so much lower than all west in rape per 100k, with so much lower crime rate, that will required all West to be ~80% been rapist? Your chart is mere nonsense, absurd at best.
    2017 Crime index
    China is bottom of crime rating, the lower, the better.
    2. PapuaNG
    5. South Africa
    14. Bangladesh
    48. Indonesia
    53. US
    58. Sweden
    61. Norway
    66. India
    69. Oz
    70. UK
    78. Canada
    79. Nz
    91. Sri Lanka
    92. China

    Wiki said China is having very low 31.8K rape per year, that will take 9400yrs for Chinese to accomplish the feat of 300M rapist even they just doing once.

    PNG 60% rapist, what kind of nonsense?
    Rape rate per 100K
    India ranked lower than all west &:Spore. So are we wrong about India?

    1. South Africa 6. Sweden 11. Oz, 13. Belgium, 14. US, 16. Nz 24. Norway, 27. France, 29. Finland, 30. SK 82. Spore, 94. India, 97. Canada, 98. HK, 107. Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, 118. Egypt…
    China wasn't rated.

    The United States of America is the top country by rape in the world. As of 2015, rape in the United States of America was 124,047 that accounts for 52.93 % of the world's rape. The top 5 countries (others are Mexico, Colombia, France, and Peru) account for 74.90 % of it. The world's total rape was estimated at 234,354 in 2015.

    such as South Africa having 500,000 rapes per year,[15] China having 31,833 rapes a year,[16] Egypt having more than 200,000 rapes a year,[17] and the United Kingdom at 85,000 rapes a year.[18]

    India is a safe Haven compare to all West in rape crimes, esp the Top 10 rapist countries, 5lies US, UK, Canada, Oz, Nz. We have simply misunderstood India! Or most rape crimes wasn't reported?

    The most rapist countries are actually the WEST!!!
  • @Talha
    I’m always inviting everyone to Islam; it’s the best use of my time. You think I’m here to banter about with people I don’t know regarding politics as if it’s the greatest thing on earth? I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time, don’t you?


    I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time

    You seem to spend more time here sucking up to alt-right racists than with your kids.

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    • Replies: @Talha
    Thanks for more of your opinions.

    sucking up to alt-right
    It should be clear to anybody here, I'm not interested in becoming their "wing man" and I'm not interested in begging them to accept me or let me stay in the West. I'm preesenting them a solution to their problem; a solution that will require them to re-calibrate their understanding of how to relate to the question of race and how to prioritize it in the hierarchy of purpose.

    If they don't like the solution, they are welcome to look for others - no skin off my back.

    I certainly won't be spending time sucking up to the Left, as Dr. Shadee Elmasry wisely distilled their positions:

    than with your kids
    First, why not get married have a few kids 3-4 and then balance work with driving them back and forth from this/that practice, helping with their homework, dedicating your weekend to keeping them busy and happy going to the Y for swimming, BJJ classes, etc. - then I'll give your advice any weight. many kids do you have again?
  • @Thomm

    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go.
    That isn't true. The worst parts of the US are always specifically where blacks concentrate. Black, unsurprisingly, are the most Democrat-voting group of all.

    White Trashionalists are just as bad as blacks, but they are never concentrated in one place. Whites who are simply rural and poor are not 'trash'. Impressive white parents can still produce a waste-matter offspring.

    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time.
    This IS true, yes. The definition of 'white' keeps expanding.

    The worst parts of the US are still better than the best parts of India in most ways: they have reliable electricity, water supply, food supply, garbage collection, schools for everyone, medical care etc.

    Boastful indians like you are probably the most shameless people on the planet.

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    • Replies: @Thomm
    I didn't mention India in that comment at all (not am I an Indian). You meant to reply to 'South Asian'.

    It takes a negro level of stupid to get something that basic wrong.
  • @JohnnyWalker123
    Chinese in Ethiopia.

    Chinese in Ethiopia.

    Wow. Sounds good, looks good. Great discipline and harmony. Things are looking up for Africa.

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  • @JohnnyWalker123

    Could you write about your experiences with Eastern Euro, Asian/Chinese, Indian subcontinental, and Whites in the work place?

    I've noticed certain differences among these groups and would be interested in seeing what you think.

    Well, it does depend on the individual. But my general experience is that Indians tend to be highly nepotistic and power-seeking(I’ve written once before about an insanely company-destroying scheme one ran; they can be unbelievably toxic), American whites tend to be honest and well-rounded, Russians to be highly skilled and focused if generally dissatisfied with everything around them, and Chinese to be skillful but have an annoying tendency to slack off right at the end(I call it “doing it 90%”, but quite often, being lazy about the 10% gives them a terrible reputation).

    I suppose I’ve been hard on Indians so much that I should mention one really impressive case I knew. This was a guy who was an insanely dedicated PHP programmer, extremely good and very talented in every way. He was so unambitious that in spite of his skills which clearly merited over 6 digits, he was happy only ever making $20 or so an hour, taking the train and reading a book every day while sharing an apartment with three other guys. So in most ways, he was contrary to the usual expectations, but I did feel rather sad for him because he really did just seem to want to be a slave and nothing else.

    Its just generalities, though.

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    • Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
    If you had to compare American corporate managers to Chinese corporate managers, what would you say are the similarities and differences?

    My general sense is that the Chinese like to promote workers with "hard" technical skills into management. American corporate culture (outside of the software industry) seems more amenable to promoting people who are socially adept or good at bull5hitting. These are (of course) generalizations and there are plenty of competent American managers, but I think Corporate America places more emphasis on being verbally facile. I think that might explain some of the differences between the American and Chinese economies.

    It seems like the ambition of the average Chinese kid is to study engineering at Tsinghua and then open a factory to produce something of value. The ambition of the average American kid (when he's not dreaming of being a rapper or celebrity) is to have some sort of BS job like "corporate social media director." The more above-average American kids prefer profesisons like law or finance. American seem to disdain acquiring "hard" skills and doing real work, instead preferring jobs in which there's a lot of talking and self-promoting.
  • @Dagon Shield
    You put so much into your posts and coynters that I feel at a loss to retort but I'll try...

    To pin it on the horse of atheism doesn't seem fair. Zoroastrians, a group unknown to most, have managed to bring down their numbers to abysmal levels notwithstanding their religious convictions and wherewithal to maintain their lot in good stead to boot. And non-orthodox Ashkenazi seem to be following in the same path... perhaps real education plays the part.

    Don't misunderstand me, I like Bantus but could they be as inventive as the Swede? I would bet that you would have a better chance of convincing a Scandinavian to alter his behavior to save the planet than to stop a Bantu from destroying his paradise, today.

    The operative word in the third para is millions not billions... it may have gone too far to salvage it with mere millions... just saying.

    Georgia is good and Georgians are better-just look at Sophie Shavernadze-but can it be done in Austria? I do appreciate Mozart...

    To pin it on the horse of atheism doesn’t seem fair.

    It’s not just atheism (though the seem to be in the lead by being behind everyone) – it’s anybody that signs onto post-modern values. Muslims are not immune; those Muslims who live La Vida Dolce also don’t have many kids – if any.

    Religion is one of those things that you don’t just give lip service to; if all you do is call yourself something, but don’t live by the principles then you derive no benefits. The Great Human Culling is at hand, some people seem eager to no longer have their genes part of the human enterprise – their call.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I like Bantus but could they be as inventive as the Swede?

    I agree, but from the perspective of the Earth (which is what I was talking about) – why should it care? The Swede certainly does – but he is obviously biased. The Swede is a far greater drain on resources – probably uses as much per year as half a small Bantu village. I like Swedes, my wife is from Swedish background and I have a bunch of in-laws there – I seem to want them to stick around more than they themselves do, again not many kids among the lot of her cousins and the ones that do have a kid are not married. I’m simply talking about objective metrics here.

    but can it be done in Austria?

    Not sure – the article makes it clear that this may only work in places where religion is already felt as a presence. The Orthodox church in Georgia seems to be playing that role.


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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • How do regular Sunnis see this? A success, a failure or what?

    I cannot arrogate myself to speak on behalf of all Sunnis. I can only speak of the ones I am most familiar with – traditional ones and even more moderate minded ones are not happy with Saudi, that’s being generous. Saudi has not only helped destroy Syria but has caused a humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

    That said, I don’t know of a single Sunni in my circle who likes the Assad regime. Many of them, like myself feel his saving grace is that the people who would replace him after the civil war are even worse.

    My personal go to person on these matters is Shaykh Muhammad Yaqoubi who is a traditional scholar (and Sufi shaykh) in exile in Moroccco. He is very out-spoken about the damage done by Saudis to the Muslim world, yet is also against the Assad regime. He spoke out against the regime early on and had to leave the country, however – as early as 2015 he was stating publicly; ” continuing the fight is no longer in the interest of Syrians.”

    Thus, the way I see it (based on his opinion and the various comments I see from Sunni Muslims); the fighting needs should stop as soon as it can and a political solution needs to be arrived at with the major players at the table; including people who have a serious stake in the matter like Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, etc.


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    • Replies: @Miro23

    Thus, the way I see it (based on his opinion and the various comments I see from Sunni Muslims); the fighting needs should stop as soon as it can and a political solution needs to be arrived at with the major players at the table; including people who have a serious stake in the matter like Iran, Iraq, Russia, Turkey, Jordan, etc.
    Thanks for your informed opinion. These things are not so clear looking from the outside, and Western reporting seems to be mostly useless.

    So the problem are the Israelis/US/Saudis who are pushing wars more than the Sunnis or Shias themselves.
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Anon
    There is no one peaceful nation not afraid of Christianity crusade heaping havoc with violent killing. But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting, spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births polygamy.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.

    Yet the Hindu extremists beat the Muslims up side down traditionally, slaughtering thousands in Modi's state Gujarat. And that genocidal help Modi won landslide elections for his heroic acts . Coincidentally, Gujarat is also the place Thorfinnson has a pad, a legit white man business in India he asked us to believe.

    But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting

    I fear those guys too. You can talk sense into some of them, but many of them are too deep into the muck to be able to pull them out of. Muslims, by far are the majority targets of these people – so we know the problem far too well. Here are the names and stats of the number of people killed in attacks of the mausoleums of Sufi shaykhs in Pakistan:

    spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births

    Yeah, we have kids – that’s a feature not a bug. People who convert to Islam also tend to have families with kids. Maybe you don’t like kids – that’s not our problem – feel free not to have any and encourage your friends not to have any.


    In some cultures it’s common for people to have more than one wife – what business is it of yours if they aren’t bothering you in their countries? They get to have more kids you get to make fun of them at cocktail parties with your unmarried friends; both sides benefit. Please, laugh it up at our expense:

    I get it if it comes down to Muslims trying to have polygamous marriages in the West; simply make it illegal and enforce the law.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.

    Sure, I’ll knock it off if your name is Ron Unz – is it? Otherwise there is a button for “ignore commenter”, please use it.

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    • Replies: @mark green
    Hi Talha. I always enjoy your comments, even when I don't totally agree with you (though I generally do). You are courteous, upbeat, honest and patient. You set a very good example here. Nice work!
  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @KenH

    And what happens when the majority of whites in those nations directly oppose the Alt Right’s jackboots of nationalism for only white people?
    And how about the left's jackbooted fascism that holds that America belongs to every racial group except whites and especially whites who don't hate themselves? How come you never speak out against that bigotry? Hint: because to you and other lefties that's a righteous and noble hate and bigotry.

    Do not these whites have the freedom to association to include non-whites as being “their own people” and “one of them”?
    If you put your thinking cap on you'd see that most of the diversity worshipping white and (((white))) leftists you look to for guidance live in whitetopias and rarely choose to associate with non-whites. Somehow I doubt most of these people will freely choose to live in the equivalent of Detroit or San Paulo, Brazil, but if that's what you all wish then more power to you and them if you're really true believers in the cult of "muh diversity".

    I would venture you fortunately lack the guile and gumption to engage in such action. St. Breivik, you are not.
    According to what your crystal ball? I'll do what is necessary to protect me, my friends and family and my people. I don't need to beat my chest and act tough or tell you what my plans are. I'd venture that if and when that day ever comes the prospect of tens of thousands of heavily armed and pissed off white men will give you and other lefties the worst case of diarrhea in history.

    Indeed, in this context, Patrick is right when he says “as we have ceased to be a moral and religious people”.
    Are you auditioning for the late Rev. Billy Graham's job?

    “And how about the left’s jackbooted fascism that holds that America belongs to every racial group except whites…”

    Which is patently false. First, you are absolutely misapplying the concept “fascism” here, which means “a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce.” The United States is not a fascist government, contrary to your tinfoil hattery. Second, America doesn’t “belong” to any one racial or ethnic group. It consists of citizens, including whites, who have not been excluded in being part of the body politic or social fabric. You have a knack for wild generalizations. Third, whites have every liberty to form their own groups. It is just that not all white people are on board with the groups that YOU want to form or be part of. Which is their freedom of association to oppose.

    “and especially whites who don’t hate themselves?”

    In your world, whites hate themselves only if they do not conform to your belief system. Which, if you truly think about it, is ridiculous. White Americans are not monolithic. They belong to a number of groups, and love their membership in those groups. They need not be virtue signaled to death by your insistence that they only love themselves if they look out for all whites.

    “How come you never speak out against that bigotry? Hint: because to you and other lefties that’s a righteous and noble hate and bigotry.”

    Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture. Again, do whites have the freedom of association to choose to include non-whites in their groups, and to marry and procreate with those groups? Why or why not?

    “If you put your thinking cap on you’d see that most of the diversity worshipping white and (((white))) leftists you look to for guidance live in whitetopias and rarely choose to associate with non-whites.”

    It is a matter of economics here, not race. Upper-class people want to live in nice places, regardless of race or ethnicity. That is their liberty. It is reasonable and sensible for well-off folks to live in well-off places next to people who are also well-off. Again, it’s about finances. Moreover, white people who live in such areas interact with non-whites on a day to day basis, whether it be at work or at play. You either don’t see it, or if you do see it, you don’t want to see it.

    “Somehow I doubt most of these people will freely choose to live in the equivalent of Detroit or San Paulo, Brazil, but if that’s what you all wish then more power to you and them if you’re really true believers in the cult of “muh diversity”.”

    There is no cult here of diversity, just people from different races and ethnicities who choose to interact with one another. That is called being human.

    Now, regarding Detroit, there are a host of reasons for the downfall of that city other than racial matters. Would you like to know more, citizen, and become educated on the matter?

    According to what your crystal ball? I’ll do what is necessary to protect me, my friends and family and my people.”

    Your people are white Americans, which includes me.

    “I’d venture that if and when that day ever comes the prospect of tens of thousands of heavily armed and pissed off white men will give you and other lefties the worst case of diarrhea in history.”

    That is all fantasy, my friend. If there is this invasion that already has taken place in the States, and whites are about to become extinct, you choosing not to lift a finger now to do something about it tells me everything I need to know.

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    • Replies: @SunBakedSuburb
    " ... whites have every liberty to form their own groups. "

    Not really. If a group of whites publicly professed in-group preference and wanted to coalesce around identitarian issues, white sjw Stalinists would move quickly, primarily on social media, to stigmatize such a group. Especially if said group was more serious than Richard Spencer's cavalcade of gay Nazi camp.

    "Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture."

    I will assume you're being sincere: Apparently, you don't follow trends. The societal mantra, especially for whites, is to accept enforced diversity without complaint or be doxxed, which will be followed by economic marginalization.
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • Anonymous[363] • Disclaimer says:
    The article isn’t about Indians in the UK.

    It’s about Indians in America so your comment is pointless and stupid.

    The two different groups have very different goals. The UK Indians want a more pro business government. So they are conservative.

    Indians in America want more discrimination against American Whites and more affirmative action opportunities for blacks Browns tans and yellows.

    Two different populations, two different goals.

    Indians in Britain support the Conservatives because Labour is the party of Muslims (and has been since the Attlee government created Pakistan in 1947). It’s a tribal thing, not about economics.

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @dfordoom

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.
    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren't exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy. The poor old huddled masses usually weren't consulted and were either exploited by the revolutionaries or were hostile to the revolution.

    It's usually not the genuinely downtrodden who revolt. It's usually a rising new elite trying to displace the old elite.

    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren’t exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy.

    Who was looting who? As background, my view is that aristocracies have to earn their position a national leaders. Early on it was quite straightforward, and usually on the battlefield, for example John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough:

    His leadership of the allied armies consolidated Britain’s emergence as a front-rank power. He successfully maintained unity among the allies, thereby demonstrating his diplomatic skills. Throughout ten consecutive campaigns during the Spanish Succession war, Marlborough held together a discordant coalition through his sheer force of personality and raised the standing of British arms to a level not known since the Middle Ages. Although in the end he could not compel total capitulation from his enemies, his victories allowed Britain to rise from a minor to a major power, ensuring the country’s growing prosperity throughout the 18th century.


    But by the “Belle Epoque” 1871-1914 European aristocracies were a useless decadent elite.

    I would connect the rise in power of the commercial middle classes and industrialists to the Industrial Revolution. They were contributing more and wanted political power, and they got it through their money and democracy (actually allied with the old aristocracy) with the downside of the not so welcome growth of a politically aware working class.

    For me this was the start of a classic problem that still hasn’t been resolved. The commercial and industrial elite should be the new aristocracy on grounds of wealth, power and influence, but they are motivated by the desire for private profit and will manipulate the state to enrich themselves. Classic 21st century USA.

    The French revolution set the scene, and was somewhat earlier 1789 – 1799, but it’s a fact that all French non-aristocratic classes were exploited and oppressed through excessive taxation – and I would accept the consensus that this triggered the revolution.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    Churchill of Marlborough was a snake. A remarkably talented snake, but still a snake.
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • Check out this blog:

    Indian Hindus – Portrait of a Parasitical People

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  • @South Asian
    I will freely admit that India is a shithole by Western standards.
    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go. Also, rural America, which currently suffers from a major opioid crisis is also a humongous shithole.
    The best state in the United States is Massachusetts, the most liberal state. They are on the top when it comes to everything. The best education, bar none. Harvard, MIT, you name it. Probably the most educated people in all of America.
    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time. They have historically been receptive to immigrants.
    Same goes with New York, which has sizable Irish and Italian populations.
    The ones that are hostile to immigrants are the ones that are suffering.
    Should I have any sympathy?
    Maybe try to develop your state. Give people proper education regardless of background. I am talking about Mississippi and Alabama, that, due to hostility against blacks, are essentially speaking major shitholes.

    India is a $hithole by ANY standard. People who have travelled to other third world countries all agree that India filthiness is in a class of its own. Check out this site:

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  • Anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    Hey OCF,

    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren’t uncommon.
    I agree, I was just saying that the particular example seemed really over the top as an example of typical views of Indian immigrants.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite.
    I have the same exact issue.

    I can't speak for other Muslims, I can only speak for myself and plenty of other traditional Muslims I know. We are a religion, we are not an ethnicity. From my perspective; I hope native White people in Europe and America flourish. I have nothing against them. As of now, they are their own worst enemy; they have kicked religion to the side and have voluntarily taken up self-destructive practices that have destroyed their families. Fear of demographic takeover by immigrants is a simply a symptom of the greater disease. You guys have to figure out a solution after some very serious self-reflection.

    Islam is a solution that can get you back on track - it has worked for every single White convert I know. Anyone of them that is married has 3 to 4 kids; their future generations are secured. They have told me what they were up to before and it is clear there is no way they would have settled down and had a family without that change.

    If you don't like Islam, that's fine, find another solution and make it quick - time is running out.

    For me, if the behavior of Muslim immigrants like myself and others are getting in the way of Westerners accepting Islam, then we fully deserve to be kicked out and I pray that God either changes our ways or makes that happen quickly for both of our sake:
    "Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (60:5)

    What is at stake is salvation in the afterlife; it is better for you if you all accepted the religion and kicked us all out. We will, inshaAllah, forgive you as brothers and simply start life again. I'm being very straight with you - because this is not a joking matter.

    I am very, very sick and tired of SJW Muslims not getting what is at stake here - they are being very petty and selfish; thinking it's all about them and their comfort in the West. It's not - it's much bigger than that - if we have to leave as a price for Westerners accepting Islam, it's a price well worth paying. God will compensate us handsomely. Maybe other groups of immigrants only care about not being tossed out, but that doesn't affect me. I was born in the briar patch and I don't mind being tossed back:

    Take a look at these brothers - I and very happy they have started a much needed dialog on this important topic and back them fully:
    "How, exactly, promoting the migration of Muslims to non-Muslim western countries (mostly dreaming of welfare paradises) – especially with the huge rates of riddah or at least indulging in forbidden activities – is in any way conductive to the greater good of 'Islam in the western world'?"


    There is no one peaceful nation not afraid of Christianity crusade heaping havoc with violent killing. But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting, spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births polygamy.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.

    Yet the Hindu extremists beat the Muslims up side down traditionally, slaughtering thousands in Modi’s state Gujarat. And that genocidal help Modi won landslide elections for his heroic acts . Coincidentally, Gujarat is also the place Thorfinnson has a pad, a legit white man business in India he asked us to believe.

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    • Replies: @Talha

    But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting
    I fear those guys too. You can talk sense into some of them, but many of them are too deep into the muck to be able to pull them out of. Muslims, by far are the majority targets of these people - so we know the problem far too well. Here are the names and stats of the number of people killed in attacks of the mausoleums of Sufi shaykhs in Pakistan:

    spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births
    Yeah, we have kids - that's a feature not a bug. People who convert to Islam also tend to have families with kids. Maybe you don't like kids - that's not our problem - feel free not to have any and encourage your friends not to have any.

    In some cultures it's common for people to have more than one wife - what business is it of yours if they aren't bothering you in their countries? They get to have more kids you get to make fun of them at cocktail parties with your unmarried friends; both sides benefit. Please, laugh it up at our expense:

    I get it if it comes down to Muslims trying to have polygamous marriages in the West; simply make it illegal and enforce the law.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.
    Sure, I'll knock it off if your name is Ron Unz - is it? Otherwise there is a button for "ignore commenter", please use it.
  • Simple solution to the ‘Indian problem’:
    - No more h1b
    - No more citizenship to any immigrant (takes care of chain migration)
    - citizenship for only folks born in USA to legal immigrants

    How do we get there:
    - Make STEM subjects very rewarding for our own students – tons of awards for gifted
    - State efforts to shift focus from NBA, NFL and other sports in schools to technical and scientific studies
    - Convince folks that importing slaves, immigrants for the ‘dirty work’ does not pay in the long term

    Make federal law changes/amendments to insure:
    - Punishment of corporations or individuals that sacrifice domestic workers’ interests for their corporate/personal gains
    - Best talent, and not ethnic quota, becomes criteria for opportunities in NFL, NBA, Ivy education, Fed/State jobs
    - Education, Infrastructure are assigned higher priorities than being the policeman of the world

    Once we get there and then if we do not need those American citizens of Indian heritage like me, we can throw them out. I will have no issues with that. Life is short. Live only where you are appreciated.

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  • TT says:
    Of course not all Indian men are rapists. Nice straw man argument.

    But, it's clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.

    And they have penchant for raping babies too if you read their news. Caste system is still so widespread, if a woman meet lower caste men, the man is killed & his sisters raped as punishment. That high caste woman, is sometimes gang raped for weeks by their caste leaders, a group of their wise very old men. They said its a punishment & sex education to cleanse a horny woman.

    Just search abit you can get tonnes of India rape news. Its out of control, and police will punish complainants for a little bribe, court took decades to hear, culprits burned the victims & her family. Victims are ordered to marry their rapist as settlement.

    Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.

    Even dogs are not spared, a Indian security guard was caught after people find him always lock himself inside with the guard dog, which groaning in painful swollen ass.

    The society is simply sickened with poverty & illiteracy, Hindu caste system & rampant corruption, spiraling a great civilization to a cesspool. Yet indians here are still trying to sell Indian snake oil & export their problem out instead of trying to improve their country.

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    • Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
    , @Anonymous
    ''Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.''

    I am a higher caste person and no such thing exists. And the rest of your comment is filled with so many extreme exaggerations. A few people do that and you accuse all the millions of the people of the caste and hundreds of millions of the country.

  • @TT
    What a truthful Indian. But... but why none of the neighbors has a scanty look of Indians, all so chinky look and none want to be with India?

    India’s immediate neighbours are India… just because the Cracka broke it up (which is regretted now by the empire) doesn’t change that… it’s all coming back!
    Too bad, China will block Indian land grab wet dream like Mauritius case with its mighty army. One day South Tibet with 7sisters will be liberated by China.

    Nepal is safe now from India oil blockage with China help. Pak is well equipped by China & Russia to defend against another attack. Bhutan & Sikkim may soon find a chance to get China help. Sri Lanka has extensive cooperation with China to defend against India aggression. Myanmar has historically purge Indian sepoy deployed by British colonist to populate their fertile Ayyerwaddy delta.

    Even Iran is now inviting China & Pak to build their seaport instead of India. Afghanistan don't want India RAW inside.

    Africa is purging Indians, granting mega projects to China instead of poor inferrior Indian companies. Oz is backlashing on Indians WMM long ago. Even UK people are hating Indians now. Singapore is at boiling point.

    Traditional ally Russia is cosy up with Pak against traitor India, watching how Indian dance with the ZUS wolf, even let ZUS tour their rented Russia nuke sub.

    Even India best soulmate USA, their people are getting so fed up. If Indian touch Jp, they will commit suicide by cutting own abdomen. Korean will never accept.

    Only Bangladesh alone is left in the world for India, but you don't want your poor Muslims brothers after breaking them from Pak by war.

    Every single neighbors or countries close or far hate & fear poor filthy hostile India. Everywhere Indians touch people scream for help…ooh…what a great nation can that be when it has no single friend except their colonial master Anglozionist? Go try Zionists Isreal see if they will welcome you.

    Chinese in Ethiopia.

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    • Replies: @Bliss

    Chinese in Ethiopia.
    Wow. Sounds good, looks good. Great discipline and harmony. Things are looking up for Africa.
  • TT says:
    Those states are not a shithole. You are just racist and stereotyping. Why is it a shithole? Because there aren't enough Starbucks there for you?

    Comparing any of these states to a literal shithole India is a joke. You don't see pigs snatching a baby and running off with it in Kentucky.

    Not pigs, its their smartest Indian mongrel. They are hungry, even human wastes are not enough for pigs & dogs roaming their every streets. Cows are chewing up plastic bags too at highways. Food is scarce, but… but trust them, Indians will make America great again like another India, the next sole Greatest Superpower surpassing China & USA as they declare.

    Thomm said India is China in 2009. But Chinese eat dogs for tonic, India dogs eat Indian baby for food in 2018. Mamamia, what a great comparison.

    Dagon Shield said Washington big apple people & dogs shit on open just as Indians did on same level….but we pick up our dog poopoo to avoid fine, India dogs fight over Indians poopoo to avoid hungry. Mamamia, what a great comparison.

    Sure they will make America great again, if US dogs start eating babies & fighting over our poopoo.

    Read More
  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @Hunsdon
    Is America today the some people, the same polity, the same nation, as it was it 1500?


    Answer the question rather than go all SJW.

    Read More
  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • TT says:
    @Dagon Shield
    India's immediate neighbours are India... just because the Cracka broke it up (which is regretted now by the empire) doesn't change that... it's all coming back!

    What a truthful Indian. But… but why none of the neighbors has a scanty look of Indians, all so chinky look and none want to be with India?

    India’s immediate neighbours are India… just because the Cracka broke it up (which is regretted now by the empire) doesn’t change that… it’s all coming back!

    Too bad, China will block Indian land grab wet dream like Mauritius case with its mighty army. One day South Tibet with 7sisters will be liberated by China.

    Nepal is safe now from India oil blockage with China help. Pak is well equipped by China & Russia to defend against another attack. Bhutan & Sikkim may soon find a chance to get China help. Sri Lanka has extensive cooperation with China to defend against India aggression. Myanmar has historically purge Indian sepoy deployed by British colonist to populate their fertile Ayyerwaddy delta.

    Even Iran is now inviting China & Pak to build their seaport instead of India. Afghanistan don’t want India RAW inside.

    Africa is purging Indians, granting mega projects to China instead of poor inferrior Indian companies. Oz is backlashing on Indians WMM long ago. Even UK people are hating Indians now. Singapore is at boiling point.

    Traditional ally Russia is cosy up with Pak against traitor India, watching how Indian dance with the ZUS wolf, even let ZUS tour their rented Russia nuke sub.

    Even India best soulmate USA, their people are getting so fed up. If Indian touch Jp, they will commit suicide by cutting own abdomen. Korean will never accept.

    Only Bangladesh alone is left in the world for India, but you don’t want your poor Muslims brothers after breaking them from Pak by war.

    Every single neighbors or countries close or far hate & fear poor filthy hostile India. Everywhere Indians touch people scream for help…ooh…what a great nation can that be when it has no single friend except their colonial master Anglozionist? Go try Zionists Isreal see if they will welcome you.

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    • Replies: @JohnnyWalker123
    Chinese in Ethiopia.

  • God bless America!

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  • Sorry! The comment # 553 is in response to the comment # 545 to Anon[107]… thanks!

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  • @Dagon Shield
    What? Did you just wake up from a stupor? Lay of the moonshine... it's shriveled your brain. Make America great again and then we'll talk!

    Make America great again and then we’ll talk!

    lets get this straight,

    You’r saying….

    unless our murkkan soulmates clean up their own acts,

    We’ll carry on raping and killing minors in India

    WTF ?????

    it comes after an appalling week of news about the abuse of children in the country, with a seven-year-old boy murdered and mutilated in Delhi and an eight-year-old girl raped for three days at a temple in Kathua before being killed

    Read More
  • @South Asian
    I will freely admit that India is a shithole by Western standards.
    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go. Also, rural America, which currently suffers from a major opioid crisis is also a humongous shithole.
    The best state in the United States is Massachusetts, the most liberal state. They are on the top when it comes to everything. The best education, bar none. Harvard, MIT, you name it. Probably the most educated people in all of America.
    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time. They have historically been receptive to immigrants.
    Same goes with New York, which has sizable Irish and Italian populations.
    The ones that are hostile to immigrants are the ones that are suffering.
    Should I have any sympathy?
    Maybe try to develop your state. Give people proper education regardless of background. I am talking about Mississippi and Alabama, that, due to hostility against blacks, are essentially speaking major shitholes.

    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go.

    That isn’t true. The worst parts of the US are always specifically where blacks concentrate. Black, unsurprisingly, are the most Democrat-voting group of all.

    White Trashionalists are just as bad as blacks, but they are never concentrated in one place. Whites who are simply rural and poor are not ‘trash’. Impressive white parents can still produce a waste-matter offspring.

    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time.

    This IS true, yes. The definition of ‘white’ keeps expanding.

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    • Replies: @Bliss
    The worst parts of the US are still better than the best parts of India in most ways: they have reliable electricity, water supply, food supply, garbage collection, schools for everyone, medical care etc.

    Boastful indians like you are probably the most shameless people on the planet.
  • I remember being in the deep woods of Missouri once with a white friend, a good working man, in a moment of enlightenment he said to me, you think all white people are good and smart but I want to take you a country place where you will see real America. Lo and behold, we end up in a honky-tonk at late night with no lights outside for miles. A roaring place with loud but good country music band and a sea of lily white faces. Something out of a Hollywood film… exciting but scary. He took me to a table of his friends and introduced me as a friend. All were polite but one refused shake my hand and the hatred he felt towards me and the disappointment in his kin for bringing me there was palpable. At times it seemed that the whole place,with at least a few hundred people, was staring at me. It was a bit scary and unsettling. Needless to say, we didn’t stay too long to enjoy ourselves. You said Ihad guts… well after that night, fear is a commodity i don’t traffic in. So, I defend what I believe to be right, albeit not to orther peoples liking. There is no turning back!

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    • Replies: @Anon
    I said you have guts because you actually speak as a Indian, unlike those like Thomm pretending to be whites shamelessly.

    But you are too hostile & not able to reason out even been given facts. That make you a very bad example of Indian, like a typical Indian scoundrel most Indians also hated.

    There was once a Indian using Malla as handle, he defended India veraciouly, backing with facts. When been corrected of India faults, he always readily accepted gracefully. He even notified us the truth like India invaded China, South Tibet, etc.

    This is what make a Indian respectable, that we enjoyed debating and find out mutual problems. Individually none of us is responsible for all these shits created by our corrupted politicians & historical burden, but to lied shamelessly like some Indians here trying to distort facts are unforgivable fault.

    So pls stop continue to tarnish Indian name with such bad behavior when its already so notorious. Even the last few good indians are buried. The world don't want to see more such Indians coming to our countries to destroy our prosperity & peace, no matter how intelligent they are, because they are crafty scoundrel.
  • Anonymous[648] • Disclaimer says:
    @South Asian
    I will freely admit that India is a shithole by Western standards.
    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go. Also, rural America, which currently suffers from a major opioid crisis is also a humongous shithole.
    The best state in the United States is Massachusetts, the most liberal state. They are on the top when it comes to everything. The best education, bar none. Harvard, MIT, you name it. Probably the most educated people in all of America.
    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time. They have historically been receptive to immigrants.
    Same goes with New York, which has sizable Irish and Italian populations.
    The ones that are hostile to immigrants are the ones that are suffering.
    Should I have any sympathy?
    Maybe try to develop your state. Give people proper education regardless of background. I am talking about Mississippi and Alabama, that, due to hostility against blacks, are essentially speaking major shitholes.

    Those states are not a shithole. You are just racist and stereotyping. Why is it a shithole? Because there aren’t enough Starbucks there for you?

    Comparing any of these states to a literal shithole India is a joke. You don’t see pigs snatching a baby and running off with it in Kentucky.

    Read More
    • Replies: @TT
    Not pigs, its their smartest Indian mongrel. They are hungry, even human wastes are not enough for pigs & dogs roaming their every streets. Cows are chewing up plastic bags too at highways. Food is scarce, but... but trust them, Indians will make America great again like another India, the next sole Greatest Superpower surpassing China & USA as they declare.

    Thomm said India is China in 2009. But Chinese eat dogs for tonic, India dogs eat Indian baby for food in 2018. Mamamia, what a great comparison.

    Dagon Shield said Washington big apple people & dogs shit on open just as Indians did on same level....but we pick up our dog poopoo to avoid fine, India dogs fight over Indians poopoo to avoid hungry. Mamamia, what a great comparison.

    Sure they will make America great again, if US dogs start eating babies & fighting over our poopoo.
  • Anonymous[648] • Disclaimer says:
    Dagon, at least you have guts to defend India openly, albeit in a foolish negative way by causing more damage with lies & hostility. If you could wisely defend with facts when someone wrongs India, and admits when cases that india is at fault, that will make discussion fruitful.

    But look at your other kins, Thomm, Thorfinnson, M. Thomas, Mike P …they are all pretending to be whites out of shame as Indians, shamelessly lying everywhere. Is that what majority Indians suppose to be?

    Thomm has been openly exposed so many times even by Ron, yet he insisted he is the superior white & going around spew his lies with false data, abuses other whites by calling them WN thresh, invented stupid word wigger & blue hair feminist. If he is truly a white elite, the West will be gone case consider his often retard comment ending with abusing words. Fortunately he is just another shameless smooth lying Indian.

    Thorfinnson is a smart ass, he know what he speaks with facts, but pretending to be Swedes and singing Bollywood song with Thomm is too obvious another shameless Indian. So are the rest of deceitful indians.

    We all can see most Indians are skillful in practising sophistry with good English here, lying shamelessly with hostility, but deceitfully pretend to be whites is most disgusting trait of crafty scoundrel.

    What kind of race is that, even jews are shame into hidding. If US or any country will to allow such scoundrels to come in, they are doomed.

    The world simply must stop Indians invasion through mass migration, and send every single one back to where they are, India. Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.

    What's good if your ancestor land is a complete shithole and you want convince the whole world to believe Indians are great people that can bring benefit if allow in en mass?

    You get out of India to avoid that filthy shithole, then you want to convert your host to another shithole by flooding them with same shameless lying cheaters. What good does that bring you & mankind other than spreading like a plague.


    Yup exactly.

    The reason every Indian thread derails is because Indians would rather play games and not confront hard truths.

    India has enough smart people to be a competent country, but their entire existence seems to be pretty and immature.

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    • Replies: @Anon
    North Indian civilization is older than China, sure it got lot of smart wise people to make India on par with China. I have met some humble & wise Indians like good Chinese or whites thinkers with virtue, but they will never survive in India corrupted system.

    When you travel to upper north like Himacha Pradesh, you can see totally different Indians. They are tall fair skin, polite and smart generally. They respected life so much that most are vegetarian. Even old bulls unable to plough are left to graze in wild. Quite crimes free & amazing clean with pines forest & greenery. Even not rich, life is simple & clean.

    Their gentle manner & honesty make us visitors felt shameful when we occassionally tried to throw some supremacy or attempt to outwit them for better deals.

    And tourists from other part of India are seemed wealthy & peaceful lot, well behave. Totally different from dusty filthy Middle, Southern parts & cities filled with stinking sewage & crimes.

    Their corrupted ruling caste & unfitting demoncraptic system are ruined entire country. The abled wealthy ones simply left for better pastures, leaving the poors & uneducated to rot. Education is so bad that their school textbooks are riddled with mistakes if you tried read one.

    Now their gov is trying to export their (semi-skilled cheaters) top 20% or 268M to the world under disguise of IT talents to ruin the world.

    Try visit, you will find there is simply nothing inside India, not even reliable electricity & water supply, no real industry, no real R&D & innovation, a boasting failed military industry, no valuable service industry except poor call centers with fake US accents but retard technical support. Its worst than SEAsia country. Not even Walmart can open. Banks are so untrustable with fake LC full of cheats that advanced payment is mandatory for business.

    They only have one great thing, 1.34B of majority illiterate poor people, interwoven with violent rapists & cheats. Ask every decent Indians, they will readily tell you how they despise their shameless country folks that lied & steal habitually, many are drunkard.

    Of course there are always some exceptional good ones, may be top 1%(13.4M) that are flooding the world with mixture of top 10%(134M) scoundrels, trying to dominate other countries now.
  • TT says:

    And no head will roll bcos PM Lee has allowed new migrants Indians take hold of gov sectors
    Followed by...

    No sane leaders are so stupid to self destroy.
    There are some major contradictions going on here...


    No sane leaders are so stupid to self destroy. ZUS is the driving force behind by hamstrung all the developed country leaders West or East. Jp & SK might be next.

    No contradiction sir. You should be clever enough to see that why smart leaders toe ZUS order to self destroyed own country: they are hamstrung / hold ransom with the 5eyes esponage with court abusing. Obey and prosperous, or get destroyed with leak secret / false accusation.

    Look at these few countries as examples:

    SK is now purging all ex-prez who resist ZUS & Thaad installation, starting from Prez Park 40yrs jail demand.

    Pak PM Shariff will be barred from running office forever by a corrupted Supreme court overwriting elected leaders.

    Mauritius Supreme court tried to rule over elected Prez, but get fired. Immediately India with ZUS backing military intervention, but stop by China.

    Brazil most popular leaders are now been impeached and jailed for unfounded bribery to block Brics, when the proven corrupted ones are pardon to take office without been elected as Prez.

    Thailand Thaksin & family openly defended Thais interest against ZUS & work with China, he is couped by Muslim general with ZUS blessing. Court prosecuted every of his successors with bribery who won election by above 70% vote.

    Jp Abe is now facing many leak scandals targeting his cabinet. If he still refuse to toe all ZUS instruction such as joint trade war to China, he will be destroyed.

    Sri Lanka Rajapradesh, Indonesia Ah Hock, Malaysia Najib, France, Germany,…long list. No one is spared, including all Potus, JFK, Trumps or Bill Clinton.

    Spore gov just expose a social society sponsored by George Soros Open Society & USAids to meddle social view(akar color revolution). The court is now filled with Indian judges at lightning speed. PM Lee signaled his wish to step down when no apparent heir at sight. Something is brewing for agreeing to be China Bri node & not joining anti-China in SCS.

    If Modi start getting too cosy with Xi as recent moves, he will be next.

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    • Replies: @nurayofsun
    "The court is now filled with Indian judges at lightning speed. "

    How is this even possible? Judiciary officials (of all people) always has to be recruited from full citizens, no? How can an "Indian judge" be allowed to preside over a Singapore court? That makes no sense.
  • Anonymous[648] • Disclaimer says:
    The person whom he was replying to accused all indian men of being like like that. That said he should not have said that. He should have simply called out the accusation. But good job assuming all indian men are evil based on what he said. Or assume he is like that based on what he said. Women speak like that to men too but you dont see women like that when they do that. And good job assuming all indian men as rapists too. You take a few examples of indian men and assume all indian men in india and all indian men in the west are like that? All 600-700 million of them in india and worldwide?

    And if it makes you feel any better indian men face far more disrespect and abuse from indian women than vice versa. Dont believe me? Go to india and see for yourself. Laws in india are so in favor of women that a lot of them harass men every day. Go to indian houses and see for yourself.

    Of course not all Indian men are rapists. Nice straw man argument.

    But, it’s clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.

    Read More
    • Replies: @TT
    And they have penchant for raping babies too if you read their news. Caste system is still so widespread, if a woman meet lower caste men, the man is killed & his sisters raped as punishment. That high caste woman, is sometimes gang raped for weeks by their caste leaders, a group of their wise very old men. They said its a punishment & sex education to cleanse a horny woman.

    Just search abit you can get tonnes of India rape news. Its out of control, and police will punish complainants for a little bribe, court took decades to hear, culprits burned the victims & her family. Victims are ordered to marry their rapist as settlement.

    Its a higher caste privilege to rape low caste. Most Indians know.

    Even dogs are not spared, a Indian security guard was caught after people find him always lock himself inside with the guard dog, which groaning in painful swollen ass.

    The society is simply sickened with poverty & illiteracy, Hindu caste system & rampant corruption, spiraling a great civilization to a cesspool. Yet indians here are still trying to sell Indian snake oil & export their problem out instead of trying to improve their country.
    , @Anonymous
    You said this : ''Your appalling language says a lot about Indian men’s attitude towards women — utter disrespect.''

    to which i replied good job assuming all indian men are evil or rapists.

    ''But, it’s clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang raped, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.''

    They protested many times on the streets. What else can they do? Are you asking for average people to lynch the rapist on the street?. This is dont disagree with, but do you really think this is possible to happen?
    , @Anonymous
    You said this: ''Your appalling language says a lot about Indian men's attitude towards women -- utter disrespect.''.

    To which i replied, good job assuming all indian men as evil or r*pists.

    ''But, it’s clear that India still has a very primitive view on tape. And that there are a lot of Indians who are not bothered much by little girls getting gang rap*d, something that is universally abhorred in civilized society.''

    A lot of indians protested many many times on the streets. What else should they have done? Should they have lynched the rap*st on the street. I dont disgree with it, but do you really think it is possible to happen?
  • I will freely admit that India is a shithole by Western standards.
    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go. Also, rural America, which currently suffers from a major opioid crisis is also a humongous shithole.
    The best state in the United States is Massachusetts, the most liberal state. They are on the top when it comes to everything. The best education, bar none. Harvard, MIT, you name it. Probably the most educated people in all of America.
    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time. They have historically been receptive to immigrants.
    Same goes with New York, which has sizable Irish and Italian populations.
    The ones that are hostile to immigrants are the ones that are suffering.
    Should I have any sympathy?
    Maybe try to develop your state. Give people proper education regardless of background. I am talking about Mississippi and Alabama, that, due to hostility against blacks, are essentially speaking major shitholes.

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    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Those states are not a shithole. You are just racist and stereotyping. Why is it a shithole? Because there aren't enough Starbucks there for you?

    Comparing any of these states to a literal shithole India is a joke. You don't see pigs snatching a baby and running off with it in Kentucky.
    , @Thomm

    However, admit that comparatively speaking the US states that are more than >90% White are also shitholes. West Virginia, Kentucky, Kansas, not to mention all the flyover countries in the middle where no immigrant wants to go.
    That isn't true. The worst parts of the US are always specifically where blacks concentrate. Black, unsurprisingly, are the most Democrat-voting group of all.

    White Trashionalists are just as bad as blacks, but they are never concentrated in one place. Whites who are simply rural and poor are not 'trash'. Impressive white parents can still produce a waste-matter offspring.

    The biggest group in Massachusetts are the Irish, who once were considered non-White. The second largest ethnic group are Italians, who again were considered non-White at one point in time.
    This IS true, yes. The definition of 'white' keeps expanding.
    , @DB Cooper
    India is a $hithole by ANY standard. People who have travelled to other third world countries all agree that India filthiness is in a class of its own. Check out this site:
  • Anonymous[648] • Disclaimer says:
    I have noticed after working many years with indians is that they have a strong fetish for white women. Why do indian men want white girls so badly. The attraction is definitely never reciprocal though. It's embarrassing how they leer, lust and are so desperate when a white woman is around the office. Never seen such perverted men in my life

    Yes, Indian men have a lot of racial insecurity because of their caste system. They use racial superiority, and the idea that they are part white, as an excuse to discriminate against their fellow low caste Indians.

    So being able to fuck a white women would be a big deal to them because they would see it as moving up the racial hierarchy.

    Also, Indian women have the exact same thoughts and when given the chance to freely choose they always choose the white man. This makes Indians even more bitter and determined to show that they can bag white women. A whole world of cringe ensues.

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Miro23
    A good analysis. Unfortunately there's a natural tendency for formation of elites who use state power to protect their elite status. Democracy has to guard very carefully against this.

    Also, over time, elites tend to become decadent end exploitative. For example, European aristocracies grew out of out of legitimate military leadership, but morphed into a decadent crowd concerned with the good life, hunting and ballrooms - with the Russian aristocracy prior to the Revolution being a classic example (check out Pushkin's world).

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.

    The US is no different. It has a protected elite that have their own rules, and economic inequality that exceeds the British or Russian aristocracies at their peak. They even use the same phrase as the French Ancien Régime when referring to the great unwashed (Les Déplorables).

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.

    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren’t exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy. The poor old huddled masses usually weren’t consulted and were either exploited by the revolutionaries or were hostile to the revolution.

    It’s usually not the genuinely downtrodden who revolt. It’s usually a rising new elite trying to displace the old elite.

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    • Replies: @Miro23

    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren’t exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy.
    Who was looting who? As background, my view is that aristocracies have to earn their position a national leaders. Early on it was quite straightforward, and usually on the battlefield, for example John Churchill, the 1st Duke of Marlborough:

    His leadership of the allied armies consolidated Britain's emergence as a front-rank power. He successfully maintained unity among the allies, thereby demonstrating his diplomatic skills. Throughout ten consecutive campaigns during the Spanish Succession war, Marlborough held together a discordant coalition through his sheer force of personality and raised the standing of British arms to a level not known since the Middle Ages. Although in the end he could not compel total capitulation from his enemies, his victories allowed Britain to rise from a minor to a major power, ensuring the country's growing prosperity throughout the 18th century.

    But by the "Belle Epoque" 1871-1914 European aristocracies were a useless decadent elite.

    I would connect the rise in power of the commercial middle classes and industrialists to the Industrial Revolution. They were contributing more and wanted political power, and they got it through their money and democracy (actually allied with the old aristocracy) with the downside of the not so welcome growth of a politically aware working class.

    For me this was the start of a classic problem that still hasn't been resolved. The commercial and industrial elite should be the new aristocracy on grounds of wealth, power and influence, but they are motivated by the desire for private profit and will manipulate the state to enrich themselves. Classic 21st century USA.

    The French revolution set the scene, and was somewhat earlier 1789 - 1799, but it's a fact that all French non-aristocratic classes were exploited and oppressed through excessive taxation - and I would accept the consensus that this triggered the revolution.
  • @Mario Partisan
    First, like you, I have described myself as a recovering leftist. Second, I’m not responding for the purpose of fighting, but rather to discuss and maybe to learn.

    You disagree with me that the French revolution was nationalistic. I will admit: I’m not an authority on the French revolution and could stand to read more about it. However, from what I understand, “Citizen” was a common way for people to address each other during the revolution. It seems to me that there is a connection between the concept of citizenship and the concept of a nation.

    Was it not the revolution that transformed the French people from subjects of the king into citizens of the nation? It seems to me that a country under a hereditary absolutist monarchy is more akin to a gigantic feudal manor than to a nation. It is when the people go from being subjects to citizens (a democratic change) that a nation is born.

    You say that the revolution was the first step in the globalist agenda. In hindsight, the revolution may have been a step towards a global order, but I don’t think that was a planned outcome.

    If you go back in history, you find man living in small clans consisting of a handful of people who are closely related to each other. At some point, man progressed towards a higher level of social interaction. Was that progression part of the globalist agenda? No, of course it wasn’t. It seems to me that much of human social evolution consists of a natural widening of the sphere of human interaction, from clan, to tribe, to city-state, to nation-state…

    The creation of nations is the result of expanded means of transportation, and of communication, which bring people of different regions into increased contact with one another, and thus create the basis for common language, traditions, and identity on a greater geographical scale than was previously possible. Revolutions like the French revolution formalized into law what had already been made possible by changes in the material base of society, and were the last step in creating nations of citizens. In that sense, they were nationalistic.

    Once a nation has come together, you have a united entity that is capable of interacting with other united entities, can trade, form alliances, sign treaties, etc. Meanwhile, the means of transportation and communication continue to advance, bringing nations into increased contact with one another. The birth of nations was a step towards the birth of a global order. What you characterize as the globalist program of the French revolutionaries is likely natural human social evolution. Yes, nationalism and internationalism are distinct ideologically; but historically, they are just links in an evolutionary chain, with the latter standing on the shoulders of the former.

    Finally, you say the revolution was imperialist. In a way, you are correct. It was after the revolution that Napoleon came to power, declared himself emperor, and began the conquest of other countries. But I don’t know that this was the original agenda of the revolutionaries. It may be that empire was forced on the French. The French revolution was a radical departure from the political forms that Europe had inherited from medieval times. It is likely that “all the powers of old Europe had entered into a holy alliance” to suppress the revolution. The French revolution did not have the benefit of two huge oceans separating itself from its enemies; the enemies were at the border. Maybe it was a case of export or die.

    While it may appear that I am endorsing globalism here, there is a difference between organic internationalism on the one hand, and forced globalism, with its manufactured identity politics, on the other. One is ground up and natural, the other top down and artificial. I think what I said in my previous post above still stands. The world is not a simple place. Our minds reflect reality, and if my thoughts appear somewhat contradictory, it is because the world we live in is contradictory.


    It seems to me that there is a connection between the concept of citizenship and the concept of a nation.

    Ah, that’s where we differ. I see the concept of citizenship as being fundamentally hostile to nationalism. But then I’m instinctively a blood-and-soil kind of nationalist.

    To my way of thinking both the French and American Revolutions were anti-nationalist. Both were infected, fatally, by universalist ideas.

    It seems to me that a country under a hereditary absolutist monarchy is more akin to a gigantic feudal manor than to a nation. It is when the people go from being subjects to citizens (a democratic change) that a nation is born.

    There again our perspectives differ. To me a nation is a gigantic feudal manor – a web of mutual duties and responsibilities. I can’t see how democratic nationalism can exist in the long term.

    Maybe it was a case of export or die.

    I think that’s the nature of revolution.

    I can see where you’re coming from and I appreciate your courteous reply. It’s just a matter of totally different perspectives. I see stability and order as being more important than progress and growth.

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Dagon Shield
    For crying out loud, are you trying to proselytize OilCanFloyd on Unz,com? OilCanFloyd a Muslim... imagine that..
    Rapture is at hand... hallelujah!

    I’m always inviting everyone to Islam; it’s the best use of my time. You think I’m here to banter about with people I don’t know regarding politics as if it’s the greatest thing on earth? I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time, don’t you?


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    • Replies: @Bliss

    I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time
    You seem to spend more time here sucking up to alt-right racists than with your kids.
  • Anon[107] • Disclaimer says:
    @Dagon Shield
    You sound like a mongrel of Chinese origin; are you? The fact is China invaded and occupies to this day a separate and sovereign nation of Tibet. And if you are white, your inbuilt prejudices are preventing you from seeing that reality... enough said!

    Dagon, at least you have guts to defend India openly, albeit in a foolish negative way by causing more damage with lies & hostility. If you could wisely defend with facts when someone wrongs India, and admits when cases that india is at fault, that will make discussion fruitful.

    But look at your other kins, Thomm, Thorfinnson, M. Thomas, Mike P …they are all pretending to be whites out of shame as Indians, shamelessly lying everywhere. Is that what majority Indians suppose to be?

    Thomm has been openly exposed so many times even by Ron, yet he insisted he is the superior white & going around spew his lies with false data, abuses other whites by calling them WN thresh, invented stupid word wigger & blue hair feminist. If he is truly a white elite, the West will be gone case consider his often retard comment ending with abusing words. Fortunately he is just another shameless smooth lying Indian.

    Thorfinnson is a smart ass, he know what he speaks with facts, but pretending to be Swedes and singing Bollywood song with Thomm is too obvious another shameless Indian. So are the rest of deceitful indians.

    We all can see most Indians are skillful in practising sophistry with good English here, lying shamelessly with hostility, but deceitfully pretend to be whites is most disgusting trait of crafty scoundrel.

    What kind of race is that, even jews are shame into hidding. If US or any country will to allow such scoundrels to come in, they are doomed.

    The world simply must stop Indians invasion through mass migration, and send every single one back to where they are, India. Then you Great people can help build Great India there with more civilize living condition starting from basic sanitary & stop rampant violent rapes on your own sisters & daughters.

    What’s good if your ancestor land is a complete shithole and you want convince the whole world to believe Indians are great people that can bring benefit if allow in en mass?

    You get out of India to avoid that filthy shithole, then you want to convert your host to another shithole by flooding them with same shameless lying cheaters. What good does that bring you & mankind other than spreading like a plague.


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    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Yup exactly.

    The reason every Indian thread derails is because Indians would rather play games and not confront hard truths.

    India has enough smart people to be a competent country, but their entire existence seems to be pretty and immature.
  • @Ju Ahn
    I'm pretty sure Europeans were intimidated and fearful enough when the Huns and Mongolians ravaged their Eastern front.

    As for your penis size reference, maybe you should go bow down to your BBC master race.

    >I’m pretty sure Europeans were intimidated and fearful enough when the Huns and Mongolians ravaged their Eastern front

    Genghis Khan was one of our guys, fool. I will be damned if I am going to sit here and let a little Korean eunuch talk about Mongols. They humiliated your people while Russians lived with dignity.

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  • @Talha
    Hey OCF,

    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren’t uncommon.
    I agree, I was just saying that the particular example seemed really over the top as an example of typical views of Indian immigrants.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite.
    I have the same exact issue.

    I can't speak for other Muslims, I can only speak for myself and plenty of other traditional Muslims I know. We are a religion, we are not an ethnicity. From my perspective; I hope native White people in Europe and America flourish. I have nothing against them. As of now, they are their own worst enemy; they have kicked religion to the side and have voluntarily taken up self-destructive practices that have destroyed their families. Fear of demographic takeover by immigrants is a simply a symptom of the greater disease. You guys have to figure out a solution after some very serious self-reflection.

    Islam is a solution that can get you back on track - it has worked for every single White convert I know. Anyone of them that is married has 3 to 4 kids; their future generations are secured. They have told me what they were up to before and it is clear there is no way they would have settled down and had a family without that change.

    If you don't like Islam, that's fine, find another solution and make it quick - time is running out.

    For me, if the behavior of Muslim immigrants like myself and others are getting in the way of Westerners accepting Islam, then we fully deserve to be kicked out and I pray that God either changes our ways or makes that happen quickly for both of our sake:
    "Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (60:5)

    What is at stake is salvation in the afterlife; it is better for you if you all accepted the religion and kicked us all out. We will, inshaAllah, forgive you as brothers and simply start life again. I'm being very straight with you - because this is not a joking matter.

    I am very, very sick and tired of SJW Muslims not getting what is at stake here - they are being very petty and selfish; thinking it's all about them and their comfort in the West. It's not - it's much bigger than that - if we have to leave as a price for Westerners accepting Islam, it's a price well worth paying. God will compensate us handsomely. Maybe other groups of immigrants only care about not being tossed out, but that doesn't affect me. I was born in the briar patch and I don't mind being tossed back:

    Take a look at these brothers - I and very happy they have started a much needed dialog on this important topic and back them fully:
    "How, exactly, promoting the migration of Muslims to non-Muslim western countries (mostly dreaming of welfare paradises) – especially with the huge rates of riddah or at least indulging in forbidden activities – is in any way conductive to the greater good of 'Islam in the western world'?"


    For crying out loud, are you trying to proselytize OilCanFloyd on Unz,com? OilCanFloyd a Muslim… imagine that..
    Rapture is at hand… hallelujah!

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    • Replies: @Talha
    I’m always inviting everyone to Islam; it’s the best use of my time. You think I’m here to banter about with people I don’t know regarding politics as if it’s the greatest thing on earth? I have four kids, I’ve got way better things to do with my time, don’t you?

  • @KenH

    Let’s see, you still want a race-based immigration system, rather than a merit based one. You are very un-American in your nature.
    I'm un-American? Oi Vey!! But America's immigration system was race based almost exclusively favoring white Europeans until 1965. Only free, white person qualified for citizenship until after the civil war. You're either stupid, historically illiterate, a liar or a combination thereof.

    You see race in everything, just like the BLM blacks.
    So says the lunatic who worships and fetishizes Indians.

    That is why 84% of Microsoft is non-Indian.
    Doesn't matter when Indians are overrepresented by 16x when they are not superior to orientals and whites in terms of cognitive ability. But they do work for less and help immensely with anti-white diversity targets.

    Rome wasn't built in a day and if you knew anything about major corporations you'd know that a CEO can only alter the demographics so much in a four year period especially if the normal attrition and turnover rate is low. Eight to ten years is a different matter. Suggest you find out the absolute number and percentage of Indian employees before dot head took the helm until now and then we'll have our answer and how employee demographics are trending. Scurry along and make yourself useful.

    But America’s immigration system was race based almost exclusively favoring white Europeans until 1965.

    Not only was that 53 years ago, but the 1924 Act only restricted Asians (ME, South Asia, East Asia).

    Africans and Latin Americans were not restricted under the 1924 Act. Look it up.

    Eight to ten years is a different matter.

    I guarantee that if an Indian runs Microsoft or Google for 10 years, those companies will still be under 25% Indian.

    Not everyone obsesses over race at all times like you do.

    See my song in Comment #24. I wrote it for your benefit.

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  • @Talha

    Maybe it’s the only way to depopulate God’s green earth.
    You're kidding right? Post-modernism riding atop the great horse named Atheism is doing a fine job. Populations are dropping everywhere below replacement levels. The only places that seems not to be the case is much of the Muslim world and Africa.

    If the Earth was a self-contained organism, I could could easily see it infect certain societies with a virus called atheism to cut down their numbers. Specifically those same societies that reach beyond sustainability levels and are a disproportionate drain on resources; i.e. if a Bantu African uses 1/50th the amount of energy that a Swede does - see where I'm going with this. From the perspective of the Earth (if we give it a personification); a human is a human is a human (just one that is more costly to maintain)...we might think otherwise, but we're obviously biased.

    There is no need for nuclear weapons; the law of averages is working its way through. As I said on another thread, millions of people are voluntarily exiting the game show "Survival-of-the-Fittest" in an orderly line through the door called “Thanks for playing”.

    Governments are at a loss as to how to bring the birth rates back up. The only serious one that got back on its feet that I know of is Georgia - religion played a role:
    "Before Patriarch Ilia’s policy, Georgia had below-replacement-rate fertility: they weren’t having enough kids to keep the population stable. After the mass baptisms began, the fertility rate rocketed to above-replacement levels and has stayed there for nearly a decade, suggesting that there is likely to be a discernible impact on completed fertility as well."


    You put so much into your posts and coynters that I feel at a loss to retort but I’ll try…

    To pin it on the horse of atheism doesn’t seem fair. Zoroastrians, a group unknown to most, have managed to bring down their numbers to abysmal levels notwithstanding their religious convictions and wherewithal to maintain their lot in good stead to boot. And non-orthodox Ashkenazi seem to be following in the same path… perhaps real education plays the part.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I like Bantus but could they be as inventive as the Swede? I would bet that you would have a better chance of convincing a Scandinavian to alter his behavior to save the planet than to stop a Bantu from destroying his paradise, today.

    The operative word in the third para is millions not billions… it may have gone too far to salvage it with mere millions… just saying.

    Georgia is good and Georgians are better-just look at Sophie Shavernadze-but can it be done in Austria? I do appreciate Mozart…

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    • Replies: @Talha

    To pin it on the horse of atheism doesn’t seem fair.
    It's not just atheism (though the seem to be in the lead by being behind everyone) - it's anybody that signs onto post-modern values. Muslims are not immune; those Muslims who live La Vida Dolce also don't have many kids - if any.

    Religion is one of those things that you don't just give lip service to; if all you do is call yourself something, but don't live by the principles then you derive no benefits. The Great Human Culling is at hand, some people seem eager to no longer have their genes part of the human enterprise - their call.

    Don’t misunderstand me, I like Bantus but could they be as inventive as the Swede?
    I agree, but from the perspective of the Earth (which is what I was talking about) - why should it care? The Swede certainly does - but he is obviously biased. The Swede is a far greater drain on resources - probably uses as much per year as half a small Bantu village. I like Swedes, my wife is from Swedish background and I have a bunch of in-laws there - I seem to want them to stick around more than they themselves do, again not many kids among the lot of her cousins and the ones that do have a kid are not married. I'm simply talking about objective metrics here.

    but can it be done in Austria?
    Not sure - the article makes it clear that this may only work in places where religion is already felt as a presence. The Orthodox church in Georgia seems to be playing that role.

  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @Rich
    A true prophet. Looking like it might be too late for Britain, now. I see they have a homosexual Hindu as Prime Minister across the Irish Sea and the childless Mrs May isn't going to do anything to stop the inflow to her country. When will King Arthur return?

    “When will King Arthur return?” It will not return because of Derbyshire. Derbyshire was still an English subject when Powell gave his speech. Derbyshire could have started or participated in movements to stop the invasion of England. But what did he do? He imported himself to the USA. Then, he imported a brown Chinese woman and had Chinese offspring with her. The now American Chinese woman and Chinese daughter voted for Obama. Derbyshire is partial to Ivanhoe. His son will never be an Ivanhoe. He is infamous for his “The Talk” article. Obviously, he did not have the talk with his Chinese wife and daughter. And if he did, they ignored him. When Derbyshire lived in England, it was still a Christian country. Now he is an atheist and he wrote in article that he does understand Christians. He will help his pagan Chinese wife with her pagan ancestor worship rituals. Maybe Derbyshire doesn’t like the speech because of his Chinese family. He’s just trying to get shekels in his tincup so he scribbles nonsense like this.

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Miro23
    A good analysis. Unfortunately there's a natural tendency for formation of elites who use state power to protect their elite status. Democracy has to guard very carefully against this.

    Also, over time, elites tend to become decadent end exploitative. For example, European aristocracies grew out of out of legitimate military leadership, but morphed into a decadent crowd concerned with the good life, hunting and ballrooms - with the Russian aristocracy prior to the Revolution being a classic example (check out Pushkin's world).

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.

    The US is no different. It has a protected elite that have their own rules, and economic inequality that exceeds the British or Russian aristocracies at their peak. They even use the same phrase as the French Ancien Régime when referring to the great unwashed (Les Déplorables).

    Thanks for the compliment.

    Also, over time, elites tend to become decadent end exploitative.

    Agree. That’s why Jefferson said “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @OilcanFloyd
    I'm not talking about myself, and I don't have any plans. Just letting you know how lots of people view people like you. You should be told that you aren't wanted, and that actual Americans are harmed by having you here. Life isn't better because large numbers of people like you have been allowed to come here.

    I don't know what the future holds, but you shouldn't feel so sure about your place in it. History is full of population transfers, and you could easily be transfered right back to where you belong, and many Americans would cheer your departure. That's just a fact.

    Now that you are taking in somewhat lower tone, I’ll tell you that your point is well taken but hopefully, you will understand that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and also, I say off the record (it sounds funny, right?), that your anxieties and apprehension towards people who haven’t been here long enough-in relative terms and are of swarthy skin in a society so hung up on skin color, which adds to already inflamed passions-but seem to be doing better than the natives are only natural but at the same time, in my opinion, misplaced, as transfer of population inward, albeit different from the current majority, is as necessary as you and yours were in previous times.

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  • @OilcanFloyd
    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren't uncommon.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite. Well, I hate both. Many Muslims come to the West and gladly support the people who destroy their homelands in destroying the native cultures and people here. Why?

    I'd support bringing the troops home and turning the criminals who started the wars over to their victims, but I can't do either. Most immigrants to America support the destruction of America, though they just call it change. I give Muslims much more slack than I'm willing to give Indians, who have absolutely nothing to complain about, but still are hostile.

    Hey OCF,

    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren’t uncommon.

    I agree, I was just saying that the particular example seemed really over the top as an example of typical views of Indian immigrants.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite.

    I have the same exact issue.

    I can’t speak for other Muslims, I can only speak for myself and plenty of other traditional Muslims I know. We are a religion, we are not an ethnicity. From my perspective; I hope native White people in Europe and America flourish. I have nothing against them. As of now, they are their own worst enemy; they have kicked religion to the side and have voluntarily taken up self-destructive practices that have destroyed their families. Fear of demographic takeover by immigrants is a simply a symptom of the greater disease. You guys have to figure out a solution after some very serious self-reflection.

    Islam is a solution that can get you back on track – it has worked for every single White convert I know. Anyone of them that is married has 3 to 4 kids; their future generations are secured. They have told me what they were up to before and it is clear there is no way they would have settled down and had a family without that change.

    If you don’t like Islam, that’s fine, find another solution and make it quick – time is running out.

    For me, if the behavior of Muslim immigrants like myself and others are getting in the way of Westerners accepting Islam, then we fully deserve to be kicked out and I pray that God either changes our ways or makes that happen quickly for both of our sake:
    “Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.” (60:5)

    What is at stake is salvation in the afterlife; it is better for you if you all accepted the religion and kicked us all out. We will, inshaAllah, forgive you as brothers and simply start life again. I’m being very straight with you – because this is not a joking matter.

    I am very, very sick and tired of SJW Muslims not getting what is at stake here – they are being very petty and selfish; thinking it’s all about them and their comfort in the West. It’s not – it’s much bigger than that – if we have to leave as a price for Westerners accepting Islam, it’s a price well worth paying. God will compensate us handsomely. Maybe other groups of immigrants only care about not being tossed out, but that doesn’t affect me. I was born in the briar patch and I don’t mind being tossed back:

    Take a look at these brothers – I and very happy they have started a much needed dialog on this important topic and back them fully:
    “How, exactly, promoting the migration of Muslims to non-Muslim western countries (mostly dreaming of welfare paradises) – especially with the huge rates of riddah or at least indulging in forbidden activities – is in any way conductive to the greater good of ‘Islam in the western world’?”


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    • Replies: @Dagon Shield
    For crying out loud, are you trying to proselytize OilCanFloyd on Unz,com? OilCanFloyd a Muslim... imagine that..
    Rapture is at hand... hallelujah!
    , @Anon
    There is no one peaceful nation not afraid of Christianity crusade heaping havoc with violent killing. But they fear the Muslims Islam Jihadist, who believe their terrorism is God blessed with virgins awaiting, spreading their religion by multiplying with uncontrolled births polygamy.

    Pls stop selling your Islam like Christian missionary.

    Yet the Hindu extremists beat the Muslims up side down traditionally, slaughtering thousands in Modi's state Gujarat. And that genocidal help Modi won landslide elections for his heroic acts . Coincidentally, Gujarat is also the place Thorfinnson has a pad, a legit white man business in India he asked us to believe.
  • @Thomm
    Let's see, you still want a race-based immigration system, rather than a merit based one. You are very un-American in your nature.

    You see race in everything, just like the BLM blacks. You are, once again, a wigger. Your own words prove it.

    it’s safe to assume Microsoft’s dot headed CEO is doing his part to Indianize the company as much or more than his predecessors.
    That is why 84% of Microsoft is non-Indian.

    You’re the quota queen. You just called for 60% “Asian”immigration and 40% white (mostly Russian).
    I said there should never be a quota. Only merit. That is the mix that a merit-based system will deliver. Your projection is evidence of your extremely primitive thought processes.

    See, this is a topic that requires an IQ 40 points higher than what you possess. Since you have just a Negro IQ, you are a wigger.

    Let’s see, you still want a race-based immigration system, rather than a merit based one. You are very un-American in your nature.

    I’m un-American? Oi Vey!! But America’s immigration system was race based almost exclusively favoring white Europeans until 1965. Only free, white person qualified for citizenship until after the civil war. You’re either stupid, historically illiterate, a liar or a combination thereof.

    You see race in everything, just like the BLM blacks.

    So says the lunatic who worships and fetishizes Indians.

    That is why 84% of Microsoft is non-Indian.

    Doesn’t matter when Indians are overrepresented by 16x when they are not superior to orientals and whites in terms of cognitive ability. But they do work for less and help immensely with anti-white diversity targets.

    Rome wasn’t built in a day and if you knew anything about major corporations you’d know that a CEO can only alter the demographics so much in a four year period especially if the normal attrition and turnover rate is low. Eight to ten years is a different matter. Suggest you find out the absolute number and percentage of Indian employees before dot head took the helm until now and then we’ll have our answer and how employee demographics are trending. Scurry along and make yourself useful.

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    • Replies: @Thomm

    But America’s immigration system was race based almost exclusively favoring white Europeans until 1965.
    Not only was that 53 years ago, but the 1924 Act only restricted Asians (ME, South Asia, East Asia).

    Africans and Latin Americans were not restricted under the 1924 Act. Look it up.

    Eight to ten years is a different matter.
    I guarantee that if an Indian runs Microsoft or Google for 10 years, those companies will still be under 25% Indian.

    Not everyone obsesses over race at all times like you do.

    See my song in Comment #24. I wrote it for your benefit.
  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @geokat62

    Liberty, Equality, and Freedom are guarantees that nobody’s boot is on your neck.
    Give it up, already.

    The data are in... and the results are overwhelming. The ADL's Diversity Is Our Strength meme has been completely debunked. Don't believe me? Just look at what is transpiring in the Rainbow Nation, where the black majority leaders are inciting their people to "shoot to kill" the remaining white farmers. Or, better yet, see how warmly Diversity is being embraced by the ADL's pet project, the Jewish state, where virtually no one can become a citizen, unless they are Jewish.

    While the nationalism of the past admittedly may have had its ugly side, it is making a comeback for a reason. With each passing day, more and more of The Dumb Goyim are snapping out of the cultural Marxist spell that Liberty, Equality, and Freedom are guarantees that nobody’s boot is on your neck and are starting to realize that the future is looking very dim for themselves and their offspring. And, truth to told, all the diversity training in the world cannot remedy this situation.

    No, as As Orwell predicted, there will always be someone's boot on our neck. That said, if I were Hungarian, I'd rather have Orban's boot on my neck than Soros'.

    More than 600,000 white English people have left London in the last 20 or so years, and now we have an epidemic of acid attacks and stabbings taking place in that city. According to the leftits and liberal establishment, things would only get better when white people left, especially the white working and lower middle classes. (I guess they are still figuring out a way to blame white people.)

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Dagon Shield
    Let India and China shoot it out over Tibet... I am for a real, third world war involving all nations not just a few lucky ones. Maybe it's the only way to depopulate God's green earth.

    Maybe it’s the only way to depopulate God’s green earth.

    You’re kidding right? Post-modernism riding atop the great horse named Atheism is doing a fine job. Populations are dropping everywhere below replacement levels. The only places that seems not to be the case is much of the Muslim world and Africa.

    If the Earth was a self-contained organism, I could could easily see it infect certain societies with a virus called atheism to cut down their numbers. Specifically those same societies that reach beyond sustainability levels and are a disproportionate drain on resources; i.e. if a Bantu African uses 1/50th the amount of energy that a Swede does – well…you see where I’m going with this. From the perspective of the Earth (if we give it a personification); a human is a human is a human (just one that is more costly to maintain)…we might think otherwise, but we’re obviously biased.

    There is no need for nuclear weapons; the law of averages is working its way through. As I said on another thread, millions of people are voluntarily exiting the game show “Survival-of-the-Fittest” in an orderly line through the door called “Thanks for playing”.

    Governments are at a loss as to how to bring the birth rates back up. The only serious one that got back on its feet that I know of is Georgia – religion played a role:
    “Before Patriarch Ilia’s policy, Georgia had below-replacement-rate fertility: they weren’t having enough kids to keep the population stable. After the mass baptisms began, the fertility rate rocketed to above-replacement levels and has stayed there for nearly a decade, suggesting that there is likely to be a discernible impact on completed fertility as well.”


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    • Replies: @Dagon Shield
    You put so much into your posts and coynters that I feel at a loss to retort but I'll try...

    To pin it on the horse of atheism doesn't seem fair. Zoroastrians, a group unknown to most, have managed to bring down their numbers to abysmal levels notwithstanding their religious convictions and wherewithal to maintain their lot in good stead to boot. And non-orthodox Ashkenazi seem to be following in the same path... perhaps real education plays the part.

    Don't misunderstand me, I like Bantus but could they be as inventive as the Swede? I would bet that you would have a better chance of convincing a Scandinavian to alter his behavior to save the planet than to stop a Bantu from destroying his paradise, today.

    The operative word in the third para is millions not billions... it may have gone too far to salvage it with mere millions... just saying.

    Georgia is good and Georgians are better-just look at Sophie Shavernadze-but can it be done in Austria? I do appreciate Mozart...

  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Talha
    Ah OK - both are trying to play each other, I get it. Sounds like the developing relationship between the Saudis and Israel.


    OT but I was wondering about the Sunni – Shia divide. It’s the Shias who are facing off against the US/Israel and defending Lebanon, while the Sunni leadership of Saudi Arabia ally with Israel/US/ ISIS + support the “regime change” projects.

    How do regular Sunnis see this? A success, a failure or what?

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  • @Corvinus
    "Every white nation needs to be governed by a pro-white Caesar whose highest priority is the welfare of his own people above all things if it is to survive."

    And what happens when the majority of whites in those nations directly oppose the Alt Right's jackboots of nationalism for only white people? Do not these whites have the freedom to association to include non-whites as being "their own people" and "one of them"?

    Some would argue that we are heading to a civil war. Assuming it occurs by 2033, are you prepared to join the front lines, or remain in the back as an armchair warrior if and when the shooting starts? Are you prepared to curb stomp little boys and girls, many of them white, merely because you pay homage to this "pro-white Caesar"?

    I would venture you fortunately lack the guile and gumption to engage in such action. St. Breivik, you are not.

    Indeed, in this context, Patrick is right when he says "as we have ceased to be a moral and religious people".

    And what happens when the majority of whites in those nations directly oppose the Alt Right’s jackboots of nationalism for only white people?

    And how about the left’s jackbooted fascism that holds that America belongs to every racial group except whites and especially whites who don’t hate themselves? How come you never speak out against that bigotry? Hint: because to you and other lefties that’s a righteous and noble hate and bigotry.

    Do not these whites have the freedom to association to include non-whites as being “their own people” and “one of them”?

    If you put your thinking cap on you’d see that most of the diversity worshipping white and (((white))) leftists you look to for guidance live in whitetopias and rarely choose to associate with non-whites. Somehow I doubt most of these people will freely choose to live in the equivalent of Detroit or San Paulo, Brazil, but if that’s what you all wish then more power to you and them if you’re really true believers in the cult of “muh diversity”.

    I would venture you fortunately lack the guile and gumption to engage in such action. St. Breivik, you are not.

    According to what your crystal ball? I’ll do what is necessary to protect me, my friends and family and my people. I don’t need to beat my chest and act tough or tell you what my plans are. I’d venture that if and when that day ever comes the prospect of tens of thousands of heavily armed and pissed off white men will give you and other lefties the worst case of diarrhea in history.

    Indeed, in this context, Patrick is right when he says “as we have ceased to be a moral and religious people”.

    Are you auditioning for the late Rev. Billy Graham’s job?

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    • Replies: @Corvinus
    "And how about the left’s jackbooted fascism that holds that America belongs to every racial group except whites..."

    Which is patently false. First, you are absolutely misapplying the concept "fascism" here, which means "a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce." The United States is not a fascist government, contrary to your tinfoil hattery. Second, America doesn't "belong" to any one racial or ethnic group. It consists of citizens, including whites, who have not been excluded in being part of the body politic or social fabric. You have a knack for wild generalizations. Third, whites have every liberty to form their own groups. It is just that not all white people are on board with the groups that YOU want to form or be part of. Which is their freedom of association to oppose.

    "and especially whites who don’t hate themselves?"

    In your world, whites hate themselves only if they do not conform to your belief system. Which, if you truly think about it, is ridiculous. White Americans are not monolithic. They belong to a number of groups, and love their membership in those groups. They need not be virtue signaled to death by your insistence that they only love themselves if they look out for all whites.

    "How come you never speak out against that bigotry? Hint: because to you and other lefties that’s a righteous and noble hate and bigotry."

    Because it is not bigotry for white people to make their own decisions about race and culture. Again, do whites have the freedom of association to choose to include non-whites in their groups, and to marry and procreate with those groups? Why or why not?

    "If you put your thinking cap on you’d see that most of the diversity worshipping white and (((white))) leftists you look to for guidance live in whitetopias and rarely choose to associate with non-whites."

    It is a matter of economics here, not race. Upper-class people want to live in nice places, regardless of race or ethnicity. That is their liberty. It is reasonable and sensible for well-off folks to live in well-off places next to people who are also well-off. Again, it's about finances. Moreover, white people who live in such areas interact with non-whites on a day to day basis, whether it be at work or at play. You either don't see it, or if you do see it, you don't want to see it.

    "Somehow I doubt most of these people will freely choose to live in the equivalent of Detroit or San Paulo, Brazil, but if that’s what you all wish then more power to you and them if you’re really true believers in the cult of “muh diversity”."

    There is no cult here of diversity, just people from different races and ethnicities who choose to interact with one another. That is called being human.

    Now, regarding Detroit, there are a host of reasons for the downfall of that city other than racial matters. Would you like to know more, citizen, and become educated on the matter?

    According to what your crystal ball? I’ll do what is necessary to protect me, my friends and family and my people."

    Your people are white Americans, which includes me.

    "I’d venture that if and when that day ever comes the prospect of tens of thousands of heavily armed and pissed off white men will give you and other lefties the worst case of diarrhea in history."

    That is all fantasy, my friend. If there is this invasion that already has taken place in the States, and whites are about to become extinct, you choosing not to lift a finger now to do something about it tells me everything I need to know.
  • Today, April 20th, is the fiftieth anniversary of British politician Enoch Powell's Birmingham speech against mass Third World immigration into his country. Editor Peter Brimelow has an eloquent post about this and has reposted the speech itself, with supporting hyperlinks brought up to date. There are YouTube clips of Powell actually delivering bits...
  • @anony-mouse
    And yet:

    1/ Lots of people here are big supporters of Jez, who will bring in lots more non-British into Britain (don't blame him-they'll vote for him).

    2/ Lots of people here oppose May who is in the middle of a 'scandal' caused by her governments' relatively higher immigration controls:

    The square was renamed after the Empire Windrush ship, which carried settlers from Jamaica to England in 1948, to celebrate the contribution of the African Caribbean communities to the area.

    How do we get from there to rude demands for gimmethats?

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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Talha
    Can anything that stupid be taken seriously? That might be a 17-year old or even a non-Indian doing a false-flag.

    Maybe I’m not good at this, but I tend to not take over-the-top stuff too seriously. That guy sounds like a slightly more aggressive Tiny Duck - do you take that seriously? Why?

    I don’t even take the guys too seriously who talk about going postal on Muslims. You’ve got to look at what the majority supports. Views out of left field will get shut down out in the open. The guy probably got unhinged because of too many people telling him to go home. It gets under one’s skin if one hasn’t been through training to control one’s emotions and reactions.


    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren’t uncommon.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite. Well, I hate both. Many Muslims come to the West and gladly support the people who destroy their homelands in destroying the native cultures and people here. Why?

    I’d support bringing the troops home and turning the criminals who started the wars over to their victims, but I can’t do either. Most immigrants to America support the destruction of America, though they just call it change. I give Muslims much more slack than I’m willing to give Indians, who have absolutely nothing to complain about, but still are hostile.

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    • Replies: @Talha
    Hey OCF,

    Talha, I do think immigrants should be told how they are viewed. My views aren’t uncommon.
    I agree, I was just saying that the particular example seemed really over the top as an example of typical views of Indian immigrants.

    My issue with many Muslims (and others) is that they hate the invade, but love the invite.
    I have the same exact issue.

    I can't speak for other Muslims, I can only speak for myself and plenty of other traditional Muslims I know. We are a religion, we are not an ethnicity. From my perspective; I hope native White people in Europe and America flourish. I have nothing against them. As of now, they are their own worst enemy; they have kicked religion to the side and have voluntarily taken up self-destructive practices that have destroyed their families. Fear of demographic takeover by immigrants is a simply a symptom of the greater disease. You guys have to figure out a solution after some very serious self-reflection.

    Islam is a solution that can get you back on track - it has worked for every single White convert I know. Anyone of them that is married has 3 to 4 kids; their future generations are secured. They have told me what they were up to before and it is clear there is no way they would have settled down and had a family without that change.

    If you don't like Islam, that's fine, find another solution and make it quick - time is running out.

    For me, if the behavior of Muslim immigrants like myself and others are getting in the way of Westerners accepting Islam, then we fully deserve to be kicked out and I pray that God either changes our ways or makes that happen quickly for both of our sake:
    "Our Lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve, and forgive us, our Lord! Verily, You, only You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise." (60:5)

    What is at stake is salvation in the afterlife; it is better for you if you all accepted the religion and kicked us all out. We will, inshaAllah, forgive you as brothers and simply start life again. I'm being very straight with you - because this is not a joking matter.

    I am very, very sick and tired of SJW Muslims not getting what is at stake here - they are being very petty and selfish; thinking it's all about them and their comfort in the West. It's not - it's much bigger than that - if we have to leave as a price for Westerners accepting Islam, it's a price well worth paying. God will compensate us handsomely. Maybe other groups of immigrants only care about not being tossed out, but that doesn't affect me. I was born in the briar patch and I don't mind being tossed back:

    Take a look at these brothers - I and very happy they have started a much needed dialog on this important topic and back them fully:
    "How, exactly, promoting the migration of Muslims to non-Muslim western countries (mostly dreaming of welfare paradises) – especially with the huge rates of riddah or at least indulging in forbidden activities – is in any way conductive to the greater good of 'Islam in the western world'?"


  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @KenH

    Ah OK – both are trying to play each other, I get it. Sounds like the developing relationship between the Saudis and Israel.
    Do you know something about Orban and Hungary the rest of us don't in regards to Israel? I do know that Israel was an ally of white S. Africa but did nothing to protect it from machinations by S. African and American Jewry which resulted in the imposition of black rule on the white minority.

    So if Jewry decides that Hungary must be diversified via the Afro-Islamic invasion don't expect Bibi or any other Israeli prime minister to object.

    Do you know something about Orban and Hungary the rest of us don’t in regards to Israel?

    Nope – which is why what you stated makes sense. Both sides are trying to play each other for whatever benefits that construes on the global stage.


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  • “Merit-based immigration” is seen as the gold standard of immigration reform by many Republicans and conservative policy wonks. But it could lead to their political ruin. We already have a clear window into what a merit-based policy could bring to the political landscape: look at the Indian colonization of Seattle’s Eastside—the area across Lake Washington...
  • @Dagon Shield
    Blah, blah blah blah! Hope you bite better than your bark... you gonna need it to put into effect your plans. Hope you are not a couch potato that fantasies about being of some importance through violence for you will lose... stick to your day job at the local carwash.

    I’m not talking about myself, and I don’t have any plans. Just letting you know how lots of people view people like you. You should be told that you aren’t wanted, and that actual Americans are harmed by having you here. Life isn’t better because large numbers of people like you have been allowed to come here.

    I don’t know what the future holds, but you shouldn’t feel so sure about your place in it. History is full of population transfers, and you could easily be transfered right back to where you belong, and many Americans would cheer your departure. That’s just a fact.

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    • Replies: @Dagon Shield
    Now that you are taking in somewhat lower tone, I'll tell you that your point is well taken but hopefully, you will understand that what is good for the goose is good for the gander and also, I say off the record (it sounds funny, right?), that your anxieties and apprehension towards people who haven't been here long enough-in relative terms and are of swarthy skin in a society so hung up on skin color, which adds to already inflamed passions-but seem to be doing better than the natives are only natural but at the same time, in my opinion, misplaced, as transfer of population inward, albeit different from the current majority, is as necessary as you and yours were in previous times.
  • @JohnnyWalker123

    Could you write about your experiences with Eastern Euro, Asian/Chinese, Indian subcontinental, and Whites in the work place?

    I've noticed certain differences among these groups and would be interested in seeing what you think.

    A groupie!

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  • @Thomm
    Translation : You are butthurt because I reminded you that you are the dregs of the white race. Most white Americans prefer a law-abiding skilled immigrant over a Trashionalist like you.

    It is YOU who are on MY lawn.

    Get off my lawn, faggot!

    You are as base and common as they come. Who are you fooling? You likely aren’t even white or American. You certainly aren’t any sort of elite.

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  • @Talha
    Can anything that stupid be taken seriously? That might be a 17-year old or even a non-Indian doing a false-flag.

    Maybe I’m not good at this, but I tend to not take over-the-top stuff too seriously. That guy sounds like a slightly more aggressive Tiny Duck - do you take that seriously? Why?

    I don’t even take the guys too seriously who talk about going postal on Muslims. You’ve got to look at what the majority supports. Views out of left field will get shut down out in the open. The guy probably got unhinged because of too many people telling him to go home. It gets under one’s skin if one hasn’t been through training to control one’s emotions and reactions.


    It was probably oilcanfloyd pestering him to go back to India…

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  • A fortnight ago, Viktor Orban and his Fidesz Party won enough seats in the Hungarian parliament to rewrite his country's constitution. To progressives across the West, this was disturbing news. For the bete noire of Orban's campaign was uber-globalist George Soros. And Orban's commitments were to halt any further surrenders of Hungarian sovereignty and independence...
  • @Mario Partisan
    First, like you, I have described myself as a recovering leftist. Second, I’m not responding for the purpose of fighting, but rather to discuss and maybe to learn.

    You disagree with me that the French revolution was nationalistic. I will admit: I’m not an authority on the French revolution and could stand to read more about it. However, from what I understand, “Citizen” was a common way for people to address each other during the revolution. It seems to me that there is a connection between the concept of citizenship and the concept of a nation.

    Was it not the revolution that transformed the French people from subjects of the king into citizens of the nation? It seems to me that a country under a hereditary absolutist monarchy is more akin to a gigantic feudal manor than to a nation. It is when the people go from being subjects to citizens (a democratic change) that a nation is born.

    You say that the revolution was the first step in the globalist agenda. In hindsight, the revolution may have been a step towards a global order, but I don’t think that was a planned outcome.

    If you go back in history, you find man living in small clans consisting of a handful of people who are closely related to each other. At some point, man progressed towards a higher level of social interaction. Was that progression part of the globalist agenda? No, of course it wasn’t. It seems to me that much of human social evolution consists of a natural widening of the sphere of human interaction, from clan, to tribe, to city-state, to nation-state…

    The creation of nations is the result of expanded means of transportation, and of communication, which bring people of different regions into increased contact with one another, and thus create the basis for common language, traditions, and identity on a greater geographical scale than was previously possible. Revolutions like the French revolution formalized into law what had already been made possible by changes in the material base of society, and were the last step in creating nations of citizens. In that sense, they were nationalistic.

    Once a nation has come together, you have a united entity that is capable of interacting with other united entities, can trade, form alliances, sign treaties, etc. Meanwhile, the means of transportation and communication continue to advance, bringing nations into increased contact with one another. The birth of nations was a step towards the birth of a global order. What you characterize as the globalist program of the French revolutionaries is likely natural human social evolution. Yes, nationalism and internationalism are distinct ideologically; but historically, they are just links in an evolutionary chain, with the latter standing on the shoulders of the former.

    Finally, you say the revolution was imperialist. In a way, you are correct. It was after the revolution that Napoleon came to power, declared himself emperor, and began the conquest of other countries. But I don’t know that this was the original agenda of the revolutionaries. It may be that empire was forced on the French. The French revolution was a radical departure from the political forms that Europe had inherited from medieval times. It is likely that “all the powers of old Europe had entered into a holy alliance” to suppress the revolution. The French revolution did not have the benefit of two huge oceans separating itself from its enemies; the enemies were at the border. Maybe it was a case of export or die.

    While it may appear that I am endorsing globalism here, there is a difference between organic internationalism on the one hand, and forced globalism, with its manufactured identity politics, on the other. One is ground up and natural, the other top down and artificial. I think what I said in my previous post above still stands. The world is not a simple place. Our minds reflect reality, and if my thoughts appear somewhat contradictory, it is because the world we live in is contradictory.


    A good analysis. Unfortunately there’s a natural tendency for formation of elites who use state power to protect their elite status. Democracy has to guard very carefully against this.

    Also, over time, elites tend to become decadent end exploitative. For example, European aristocracies grew out of out of legitimate military leadership, but morphed into a decadent crowd concerned with the good life, hunting and ballrooms – with the Russian aristocracy prior to the Revolution being a classic example (check out Pushkin’s world).

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.

    The US is no different. It has a protected elite that have their own rules, and economic inequality that exceeds the British or Russian aristocracies at their peak. They even use the same phrase as the French Ancien Régime when referring to the great unwashed (Les Déplorables).

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    • Replies: @Mario Partisan
    Thanks for the compliment.

    Also, over time, elites tend to become decadent end exploitative.


    Agree. That’s why Jefferson said “the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
    , @dfordoom

    In this context the French revolution was a reaction against excessive taxation and their exploitative aristocracy.
    I think you may be making the mistake of seeing the French Revolution as a spontaneous uprising of the oppressed masses. Most of the revolutions of the 17th and 18th centuries were uprisings of the increasingly powerful and wealthy middle classes who weren't exploited or oppressed but who saw the chance of looting the aristocracy. The poor old huddled masses usually weren't consulted and were either exploited by the revolutionaries or were hostile to the revolution.

    It's usually not the genuinely downtrodden who revolt. It's usually a rising new elite trying to displace the old elite.