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Scarce News on Admiral Stearney’s Death
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If you are a regular reader of The Jerusalem Post you would have learned on December 1 that the top officer for all U.S. Navy operations in the Middle East, Vice Admiral Scott Stearney, had been found dead in his home in Bahrain. The Reuters wire story that The Jerusalem Post was simply passing on was an official statement from U.S. Chief of Naval Operations, John Richardson. The statement gave no cause of death or any other information except to assure us that foul play was not suspected.

If you get your news from The Washington Post, on the other hand, you wouldn’t even know that much, right up to the time that I am penning this report. Try searching “Scott Stearney Washington Post” and see what you get. Nothing comes up related to his death, no matter what search engine you use. Can one think of a greater reason to be suspicious of Admiral Stearney’s death than that? Surely The Post must know that the death of this very important man, who had some 20,000 subordinates, is newsworthy. If it were clearly of natural causes or the result of an accident, could there be any doubt that they would have at least reported it? At the same time the death is so mysterious that the Navy feels obligated to volunteer that there couldn’t have been any foul play involved.

So what was the cause of the Admiral’s death? On the next day, December 2, The Washington Times prepared us by telling us that it was “likely a suicide” according to reports, CBS and lots of other news organs then nailed it down with the old familiar “apparent suicide” mantra. (That’s the other “David Martin” who contributed to the CBS report.)

So what was it about the death that has satisfied the Navy and the Bahrain police that there was no foul play and that suicide is the most apparent cause? Was there a suicide note? Had Stearney indicated any signs of depression? By what manner did Stearney take his own life? Did he shoot himself through the mouth into the head like they tell us Vince Foster did or twice in the head as they say Gary Webb did? Did he shoot himself in the chest, as they say Admiral Jeremy Michael Boorda did? Did he slice his wrists and bleed to death in his bathtub, like they tell us Danny Casalaro did? Did he hang himself as they say Deborah Jeane Palfrey, the “DC Madam,” did? Did he leap to his death as they say James Forrestal and Gus Weiss and Frank Olson did?

Three weeks have now passed and not one of these basic questions has been answered. Even worse, no one in our supposedly fierce and aggressive press is even asking them, from all indications. Number one in the Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression seems to be the order of the day. They’re all just dummying up.

Trump’s Boorda?

In a very recent previous article, we suggested that pharmaceutical executive turned Health and Human Services executive, Daniel Best, tasked with trying to get national drug prices down, might well be called Trump’s Vince Foster because he had been found mysteriously dead and they were calling it an “apparent suicide.” Boorda’s death came almost three years after Foster’s. Stearney’s death is right on the heels of Best’s, but otherwise, one might well call Stearney “Trump’s Mike Boorda.” Some folks on Twitter have taken exception to my first comparison, saying that there is no indication that Trump had anything to do with Best’s death. But there’s no evidence that I know of that Bill Clinton—or Hillary Clinton—had anything to do with Foster’s death, either. To be sure, as Harry Truman used to say, the buck stops in the president’s office, but that saying fits Trump just as well as it fits Clinton.

Most of all, all four deaths fairly reek of cover-up, and as with the first two, the press, with its utter lack of curiosity, is into the cover-up right up to its eyeballs. One hardly knows whether to call it irony or effrontery that, near its death rattle, Time magazine has just designated the press collectively the Person of the Year, the noble “guardians” of the truth.

Since the military had complete control of the Boorda matter, we learned less about it than we did in the case of Foster. They told us that he had written two suicide notes, but we were never allowed to see either of them, and that didn’t seem to bother the press at all. No autopsy was released, but they did say that he had shot himself in the chest, a most unusual means of committing suicide. They didn’t say that he was depressed, as they described Foster, but they told us that he was bothered over having been caught wearing medals to which he was not entitled, presenting us with a reason for suicide that was even stranger than the means by which they said he did it.

When the reason offered for an important person’s mysterious and violent death doesn’t make any sense, it is natural that people would look for other possible reasons. I didn’t learn of any other possible ones at the time for Boorda, but here are some that I have discovered recently.

David Vine, in Base Nation, How U.S. Military Bases Abroad Harm America and the World, suggests one possible motive for murder on page 124. “It was only in the 1990s that the commanding officer in Naples, Admiral Michael Boorda, finally ordered [U.S. Navy personnel] to leave [Camorra-owned Villaggio Coppola] ‘because of the poor condition of the buildings and high crime.’”

Vine describes Campania’s Camorra as the oldest criminal organization in Italy. Though less well known than Sicily’s La Cosa Nostra, it still has an iron grip on the region, and it is no less murderous than its Sicilian counterpart. Vine hints, then, that this murderous outfit might have taken revenge on Boorda, and he directs us to this web site in which some pertinent questions are asked: . An early quote we find there gets to the heart of the matter, and it applies equally to the death of Admiral Stearney at this point and likely into the future, unfortunately:

Basics: Do I personally believe that ADM Boorda committed suicide? Good question. I really don’t know how to answer that. There are not enough facts in evidence for me to answer that question with any degree of certainty. And that lack of public evidence is at the crux of the problem.

The writer sums up Part 2 of his posting this way:

Adm Boorda died for a reason, and I seriously doubt the “Vs” (military decorations) were the reason. And I don’t think it was a botched inside Navy hatchet job either.

Something’s dreadfully wrong here. If you look at all the information presented, your news nose *has* to be twitching as much as mine on this.

There’s something rotten in the state of Denmark and it appears to me the press has collectively backed off and cynically written off the man’s death as another Washington occurrence.

Sadly, the news noses of those whose job it is to tell us what’s going on, the supposed media watchdogs, if you will, never seemed to twitch even once, and there’s no indication that they’re twitching over Stearney’s unexplained death, either.

Into the information vacuum created by the authorities, it is only natural that we should find a lot of speculation, some theories more plausible than others, and some more genuine than others. Here’s the very first anonymous comment on the posting:

I’ve worked in Naples, Italy for less then a year and the word about Admiral Boorda out here is he was the victim of a mafia hit by the commorah. He helped land a contract with a suspected member of the mafia in building a military base called support site in gricignano Italy, I heard the navy pays a million a month just to rent the land. All the Italians here claim he was murdered.

And here is the last one: “Boorda was terminated because he opposed chemtrails…”

Perhaps we get a lot closer to the truth about Boorda’s demise in a 2014 article by Tony Bonn in The American Chronicle entitled “The Murder of Admiral Jeremy Boorda.” Bonn first mentions two popular theories for what he believes was surely a murder, the opposition to chemtrails and that he had guilty knowledge of the illegal shipment of arms to Bosnians in the Balkan War in which this country participated. Bonn’s favored explanation, though, is completed unrelated to either one. Citing a 2012 article by Glenn McDonald in that we were unable to locate, Bonn writes:

MacDonald alludes to the Kay Griggs revelations in which she, married to Marine Corps Colonel George Griggs, relates that her husband was most likely involved in the Boorda murder.

Griggs goes into considerable detail about the Tailhook scandal which was a vast Marine Corps and Navy homosexual sex ring involving very senior naval personnel. We would never have assumed that to be the cause of the murder until we watched the full 8 hour interview of Kay Griggs given in 1998 in which she suggested that her husband was involved in the murder.

Griggs is vitally important to understanding how the Marine Corps and Navy work. She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in the gay sex rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.

When the scandal broke, it was painted as a call girl / sexual harassment story, but Griggs set the record straight by pointing out that it had everything to do with extensive homosexual activities and rites.

Griggs also stated that her husband George was an assassin for the Marine Corps though it always operated under Army command. Thus her husband was involved in countless assassinations of Americans.

Boorda made the “mistake” of firing or easing into retirement too many of the individuals involved in the Tailhook operation, earning numerous powerful enemies such as General Jim Joy, General Al Gray, General Victor Krulak, General Carl Steiner, and many more senior military officers who sponsored and participated in the rituals.

Boorda hit a raw nerve in attempting to clean up the scandal and debauchery but did not know the extent of the animosity and power behind the cabal of officers committed to these practices.

While we cannot be dogmatic about the reason for his murder, we are certain that Tailhook was the root cause of his demise.

Well, we can certainly understand why our propaganda press wouldn’t want to go there, can’t we? The entire Kay Griggs interview is still on YouTube in four parts., by the way, as of December 11, is not buying the suicide explanation for Stearney, either. They’re pretty sure that it must be a murder, but they don’t even have any educated guesses as to who did it and why at this point. Curiously, rather than comparing it to Boorda’s “suicide,” they compare it to that of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, a subject about which this writer knows a good deal more than the average writer.

Stearney Death Theories

Quickly attempting to fill the information vacuum on Stearney’s death was a writer who uses the apparent pen name of “Sorcha Faal.” One can search her name on the Net and find that this person, supposedly a female, has engendered quite a high level of skepticism about the probity of her writing through the years. I can see why. It looks an awful lot like disinformation. Her conclusion is that Trump had Stearney bumped off to prevent him from starting World War III. The article is chockablock with links, giving the impression that she is documenting her charges.

December 2, 2018

Russia-Saudi Arabia Celebrate Trump “Suiciding” Top US Navy Admiral Ready To Start World War III

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

An interesting Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting the most significant events occurring at the 2018 G20 Buenos Aires Summit says President Putin and Saudi Arabian leader Mohammad bin Salman were both “celebratory” [праздновать] after receiving confirmation that President Trump had “eliminated” [устранить] by suicide US Navy Vice Admiral Scott A. Stearney—who as the commander of US military forces in the Middle East was singlehandedly trying to provoke World War III by his ordering a massive bombing campaign that over the past few weeks has killed at least 206 civilians, including by his using internationally outlawed white phosphorous bombs—but whose reign of terror is now over after he was discovered, just hours ago, dead by a gunshot wound to his head at his home on the US military base in Bahrain—that caused Putin to personally thank Trump during an informal meeting, and US National Security Advisor to the President John Bolton to approach Yuri Ushakov, Assistant to the Russian President, and confirm that the US side would like to resume and normalize dialogue—that Foreign Minister Lavrov replied to by stating “we are ready for this as soon as our colleagues are”. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

All the links I checked worked, but they hardly support the thesis. As commander-in-chief, the man ultimately responsible for putting Stearney in his position just seven months ago, Trump could just as easily removed him from the job. He hardly needed to kill the man. So much for Sorcha.

Perhaps more fruitful and honest speculation comes from a person who is as forthcoming about his identity as Sorcha Faal is reticent, former CIA agent and Marine Corps officer, Robert David Steele (not to be confused with “former” British spook, Christopher Steele, of Fusion GPS dossier infamy). One can download his 12-page résumé at the Huffington Post. (One wonders if, in the years of overlap of CIA and Marine Corps, his Marine Corps associates, including his superiors, knew of his divided loyalty.) Here is Steele’s contribution:

UPDATE: My intentional provocation produced two push-packs, both equally credible:

01 [Admiral Stearney] was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message JSC (?). Sidebar: US Navy operation, Zionist preoccupied in Syria.

02 He was not assassinated by Bahreini at direction of ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), but rather “suicided” by a JSOG (Joint Special Operations Group) specialist (they are still responsive to Dick Cheney via COG channels) inserted into his special protection detail). Sidebar: JSOG is ready to abandon Dick Cheney & the Cabal, the SEALS that died over a false Bin Laden and were then culled after the fact are not forgotten.

I have no direct knowledge. What I do know, rooted in a blessed life, is that a false flag is planned that frames Iran for an attack on the US Navy; the US Navy has not cleaned house within 5th Fleet; we are still vulnerable to treason within the 5th Fleet.

All of this is separate from the Zionist and Saudi Arabian false flag chemical attacks being offered within Syria.

I have been reminded that President Barack Obama was obliged to fire a prior Admiral in the Middle East for planning precisely the same false flag operation.

I am reminded that Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Jeremy M. Boorda was suicided (murdered), with a Deep State / Zionist media cover story over unauthorized medal pins. The story was false — every time an IG inspection is held — and Boordawent through many of them — there is a specific focus on medals and the officers are the first to be examined.

I, for one, am somewhat receptive to the idea that Stearney’s unexplained death might be related to some very dangerous nefarious event in the works. We just don’t know what it is, yet. That is precisely the sort of speculation in which I engage in the article, “Was Katharine Graham Killed for 9/11?” She suffered multiple skull fractures supposedly from a fall on a sidewalk in Sun Valley, Idaho, in mid-July 2001. We have never been told if anyone witnessed the fall and if she was alone when she fell, who discovered her. “Democracy Dies in Darkness” proclaims The Washington Post on its masthead these days, but they never really told us anything about their own publisher’s death.

Similarly, Ernest Hemingway and Phil Graham were very influential friends of President John F. Kennedy. Both died by shotgun, Hemingway in the summer of 1961, Graham in the summer of 1963. They say Graham, Katharine’s estranged husband and Post publisher at the time, committed suicide. With Hemingway they give us a choice. It was either a suicide or an accident while cleaning his gun. Whatever the case, it was certainly convenient for Lyndon Johnson and the authorities that these two were out of the way when JFK was taken out later in November. And before that, convenient suspicious political deaths had been going on with much greater frequency than most people realize.

Press Getting Worse

Comparing what we were able to learn about Vince Foster’s death to that of Mike Boorda, we could say that it was because the military is simply secretive by nature. But have a look at the reporting on the Best and the Stearney deaths. It’s likely that we’ve actually heard the end of it, but at least the Navy told us that Stearney’s death is being investigated. We weren’t even told that in Best’s case, and the press with its silence seems to be quite satisfied.

What we see going on appears to be the continuation of something that I reflected upon in a 2014 article entitled, “Anonymous CIA Official Dies Violently”:

Noticing the change in the reporting from Foster to [John] Millis to Weiss to “John Doe” we also see a very disturbing trend. They keep telling us less and less. Looking back on it, they’re probably kicking themselves now for even giving out the names of the previous high-level sufferers of premature death, including Admiral Jeremy Boorda, former CIA head William Colby, and State Department official John Kokal. If the trend continues, will they even tell us in the future when someone important has died, suspiciously or otherwise? Maybe the policy started back in 2005, or even earlier, and we just didn’t know about it. It was only in doing research for this article that we discovered Wayne Madsen’s report of another State Department “suicide” in 2005 in which the victim’s name was apparently never reported.

I wasn’t far off the mark. From all indications, The Washington Post has not yet told its readers that either Daniel Best or Admiral Scott Stearney is dead.

(Republished from DC Dave by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Sean says:
    The Army acknowledged Friday that Maj. Gen. John Rossi committed suicide on July 31, making him the highest-ranking soldier ever to have taken his own life. Rossi, who was 55, was just two days from pinning on his third star and taking command of Army Space and Missile Command when he killed himself at his home at Redstone Arsenal in Alabama. ‘ About 20 veterans a day kill themselves, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs, putting them at 21% higher risk of suicide compared with civilian adults. The suicide rate for active-duty troops was similar to that of civilians in 2014, according to the most recent data released by the Pentagon. The Army’s rate of 23.9 suicides per 100,000 soldiers was the highest among the services.

    Almost 20 years ago, Adm. Jeremy Boorda, the Navy’s top sailor, killed himself with a gunshot to the chest. Then the chief of naval operations, Boorda had been the focus of an investigation into his improperly wearing combat medals. The four-star officer was the highest-ranking ever to have killed himself.

    I wasn’t far off the mark

    What is your major malfunction?

    The ead of Russia’s GRU spy agency, Igor Korobov. died weeks after being carpeted by Putin over the embarrassing GRU gay steeple spotters escapade. His predecessor Igor Sergun, also died unexpectedly, in 2016. Even Russian men in high positions habitually go on binge-drinking ‘missions’. And so they tend to pass away in their late 50s. Ulysses S. Grant would have fitted right in there. Philip Graham was a alcoholic, so was Ernest Hemingway. It did little for their mental stability.

    • Replies: @David Martin
  2. Sean says:

    But despite departments’ efforts to hire mentally healthy candidates, enlisted officers still kill themselves at the same rate as the general population. In 2016, 108 cops across the country took their own lives, according to Badge of Life, a nonprofit organization that tracks police suicides; according to a 2018 study from the Ruderman Family Foundation, the number of police officers who died by suicide was more than triple that of officers who were fatally shot in the line of duty.

    • Replies: @Frankleespeaking
  3. I have been alerted to the fact that the Google search for “Scott Stearney Washington Post” turns up the following URL: The headline article there is “Alaska buildings were prepared to withstand quake.” It is under the National news roundup category, though, and if you scroll down you find the following short item:

    “Senior U.S. admiral found dead in Bahrain: The admiral overseeing U.S. naval forces in the Middle East was found dead at his residence in Bahrain, the Navy said Saturday, adding that foul play was not suspected. Vice Adm. Scott Stearney was commander of the Bahrain-based 5th Fleet. The Navy did not specify the cause of death.”

    The thrust of the article is hardly changed by this discovery. This is just that first very sketchy report, and it’s pretty well buried away. If The Post were not, in effect, hiding this story from the public a search using those terms would generate a number of hits, and one would think that at least one of them would be a prominent article.

    The foregoing three paragraphs now constitute an addendum to the original article.

    • Replies: @Hail
  4. Miro23 says:

    A very interesting article referring to the strange and questionable “suicides” of Admiral Jeremy Boorda (16th May 1996) highest ranking US naval officer and Chief of Naval Operations, and now also Admiral Scott Stearney (1st December 2018) US Chief of Naval Operations in the Middle East.

    For example, the evidence for Pizzagate type advancement/blackmail in the Navy:

    Griggs is vitally important to understanding how the Marine Corps and Navy work. She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in the gay sex rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.

    Boorda made the “mistake” of firing or easing into retirement too many of the individuals involved in the Tailhook operation, earning numerous powerful enemies such as General Jim Joy, General Al Gray, General Victor Krulak, General Carl Steiner, and many more senior military officers who sponsored and participated in the rituals.

    Provocation or not:

    01 [Admiral Stearney] was “suicided” (assassinated) because he was going forward with a false flag approved by Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Trump team got to him in time to stop it and message JSC (?). Sidebar: US Navy operation, Zionist preoccupied in Syria.

    02 He was not assassinated by Bahreini at direction of ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence), but rather “suicided” by a JSOG (Joint Special Operations Group) specialist (they are still responsive to Dick Cheney via COG channels) inserted into his special protection detail). Sidebar: JSOG is ready to abandon Dick Cheney & the Cabal, the SEALS that died over a false Bin Laden and were then culled after the fact are not forgotten.

    I have no direct knowledge. What I do know, rooted in a blessed life, is that a false flag is planned that frames Iran for an attack on the US Navy; the US Navy has not cleaned house within 5th Fleet; we are still vulnerable to treason within the 5th Fleet.

    Maybe, or maybe not, but I can see the Zionist logic for the False Flag in that last paragraph, and the fact that False Flags need collaborators and detailed prior preparation.

  5. Thanks for this piece informing on yet another of the seemingly endless stream of ‘suicidings’, which also go on in Europe in a lesser number, e.g., the unbelievable 2015 ‘self-shooting’ of brave young (with happy family) French Police Commissaire Helric Fredou, shortly after he took charge of investigating the Charlie Hebdo ‘massacre’, Fredou finding it was a strange event indeed

    Another aspect of the ‘suicidings’ is the way that establishment-tied goons in the USA, directly use the threat of a murder ‘suiciding’ to silence people, telling the victim being extorted, how easy it is to plant false media which will paint the victim as disturbed, after his death.

    A threat to jail an ex-DOJ employee for ‘contempt of court’, and then kill him via a fake-suicide hanging whilst a prisoner, was a prominent aspect of the recent US Dept of Justice filing on crimes involving Robert Mueller. The filing says Mueller’s FBI indulged friends of a US federal judge making this threat, in a scheme involving a Hillary donor and Mueller’s future law partners, also allegedly defrauding millions of client funds … and then paying Mueller a rich share after Mueller left the FBI.

    That file on Mueller in the hands of Trump’s lawyers, ready to deploy, seems to have made Trump confident enough to re-tweet a photo of Mueller in jail, Trump also tweeting that, “Heroes will come of this, and it won’t be Mueller”

  6. Searching “Stearney obituary” on DuckDuckGo one thing that came up well down the page was a YouTube video with the title, “Scott Stearney suicide & George Bush death!!!” At YouTube the message that comes up when you click on it is, “This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with with the video has been terminated.”

    One can’t help suspect that there is a connection between the posting of the video and the account termination. Maybe the terminated one can post it at 153 News where I have a channel (DC Dave).

    I was unable to find any routine obituary for Adm. Stearney such as I found for Daniel Best. Maybe someone else can.

  7. So Robert David Steele believes Trump has the ability to tap into a network of killers and off a Navy admiral in order to halt a false flag event planned by the shadow government? I’ve read that Trump, in his business life, has made use of private sector spies, but what Steele asserts is in a whole different realm. Cheney or Hillary? That is believable. Trump? He’s had deep state bureaucrats and shadow government operatives after his ass from day one. At this point it seems Trump won’t be around for 2020; the guy the CIA set up with a boy, Mike Pence, will be a placeholder until the Democrats, which is now the political party of the deeps and shadows as the Republicans wither away into oblivion, place their favored Maoist in the White House.

  8. @SunBakedSuburb

    Not to defend Steele, but as prominent as Donald Trump has been for a long time, he remains in his own way almost as big a mystery man as Barack Obama. See my article “Who Is Donald Trump?” Don’t forget that he got into the casino business by purchasing Resorts International, a joint Mob-CIA operation.

    • Replies: @SunBakedSuburb
  9. JLK says:

    Stearney was a key figure in the escalation against Iran, so his “suicide” should rightly be under the microscope.

    No need to conflate the issue with the strange Griggs allegations.

  10. anon[155] • Disclaimer says:

    Well, we can certainly understand why our propaganda press wouldn’t want to go there, can’t we? The entire Kay Griggs interview is still on YouTube in four parts.

    i listened to all ~8 hours

    she seems mostly believable, only a few times drifts into a little bit of seeming paranoia

  11. Thanks for the article. It’s important to keep this story in the news.

  12. @David Martin

    Thanks for the link; I’ll check it out. I’ve read most of your substantive article on Vincent Foster’s supposed suicide. Good stuff!

  13. Hail says: • Website
    @David Martin

    New York Times ran the story dated Dec. 1:

    A version of this article appears in print on Dec. 2, 2018, on Page A12 of the New York edition with the headline: U.S. Admiral Found Dead At His Home In Bahrain.

    If it was on page A12 of the paper edition, it’s unlikely it got much play on the web. No follow-up articles or ‘mentions’ in any other articles. The word ‘suicide’ does not appear in the Dec. 1 article. On cause of death it says only:

    Vice Adm. Scott A. Stearney was found in his residence in Bahrain…no foul play was suspected.

  14. I would not take lightly the explanation that it was the unauthorized wearing of military awards and decorations that ultimately led to the suicide of Admiral Boorda. It is incomprehensible to me why a four star admiral would be so stupid as to wear on his uniform in plain view medals that every senior officer in the fleet would know were unauthorized. Which leads me to believe there was a deficiency in his character, some instability in his mental processes, that led him to believe he could get away with the fraud. But sooner or later the guilt of doing so would wear on his mind to the extent he could no longer face his peers and subordinates.

  15. @Simply Simon

    Calling the whole world’s attention to the matter by killing himself over it hardly seems like the way he would have reacted to this personal crisis, if, indeed, such a crisis even existed.

    • Replies: @Simply Simon
  16. Anonymous[289] • Disclaimer says:

    The trump team? He has a team?

  17. Bravo to Ron Unz for giving DC Dave a spot on The Unz Review.

  18. @SunBakedSuburb

    You presume that the deep state is monolithic. It is not; there are a number of factions all jockeying for their own benefit. Trump needn’t have been involved at all. If Adm. Stearney were part of a cabal to create a false-flag event in Iran, there easily could be other cabals which wanted to stop him from doing so. Let’s call those cabals The Good Guys.

    Precious little of government, federal, state or local is out in the open. Perhaps as much as 80% of it is a dark, dark web. Though one may disagree with my percentages, anyone who believes that government is done in the sunshine is blind to the darkness.

  19. @David Martin

    When a person commits suicide, I doubt he cares what the world thinks.

    • Replies: @NoseytheDuke
  20. Except that they’re telling us that that is precisely why he killed himself, he cared so much about what everyone might think of his wearing unearned medals. Furthermore, however we depart the world, I think we all care about our legacy to one degree or another. Call it the “George Bailey effect” in this Christmas season. Just because our opinion molders repeat something over and over, sort of like the anti-war monk Thomas Merton being shocked to death by a household appliance or anti-Zionist Defense Secretary James Forrestal trying to hang himself from a 16th floor window because he read a depressing poem, doesn’t mean that it makes any sense.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  21. Hail says: • Website

    I would note that the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria was announced the morning of (EST) of Wednesday December 19. By late evening December 20, media also reported that U.S. forces in Afghanistan would soon be cut in half.

    This article is dated December 21 but perhaps was written before these announcements, which seemingly all of us by surprise.

    We have since learned that neither the Syria withdrawal nor the Afghanistan (half-)withdrawal were snap decisions; both, rather, were long in the works for “weeks” at least, media have reported. President Trump uncharacteristically kept his cards close to his chest on both moves.

    There is no mention of Afghanistan in the article and except the quoting of Robert David Steele, there is no mention of Syria (Steele’s mentions of Syria appear to be unrelated to a U.S. disengagement scenario). The timeline looks to be that both moves (Syria and Afghanistan) were in the works already when Admiral Stearney died (Dec. 1).

    The role of Fifth Fleet (Admiral Stearney’s) ought to at least be noted, given those pre-Christmas withdrawal announcements:

    Fifth Fleet is a component command of, and reports to, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM).

    As of 2015, CENTCOM forces are deployed primarily in Afghanistan…Iraq and Syria

    (Excerpts from wiki articles)

  22. Dave, it bears pointing out that your first sentence is wrong, which means the whole article is wrong.

    Stearney’s death was published in the Washington Post on December 1st. To suggest that Hackworth was a Deep State Zionist stooge is a bridge too far.

    Iran is not the boogeyman. They haven’t shot down any of our airliners but we blasted one of theirs out of the sky for no good reason.

    • Replies: @David Martin
    , @Alfred
  23. @Val Miller

    Please see my comment #3 above on the matter of the Washington Post’s coverage of Stearney’s death. The notion that this very minor inaccuracy makes the whole article wrong is simply absurd, and surely the writer knows it. Furthermore, back before I had ended my print subscription in final disgust, I had noticed a bit of trickery that they were pulling that might be at work here. Call it a CYA technique to accompany its news suppression. If you knew about a certain news development and put in some search terms, a Post article would come up. But the article never appeared in the print edition and was virtually impossible to find on its home page. In short, The Post made sure that they would not be the first to inform you of this news.

    I don’t know what those references to [Col.?] Hackworth and Iran are about.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  24. @Simply Simon

    That’s a simplistic viewpoint. People commit suicide for all sorts of reasons. A “now they’ll be sorry that they did this to me” guilt trip is quite common, as is having a martyr complex. As David Martin suggests, it is the media dog that didn’t bark that raises suspicions in this case, and the frequency of so many “convenient for some” suicides by individuals in positions of power.

    • Replies: @Bill Jones
  25. @David Martin

    Perhaps you shouldn’t ignore the traditions in which suicide restores honour, or at least cancels out the shame.

    • Replies: @renfro
  26. PeterMX says:

    You neglected someone. The allies claimed Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess hung himself using a rope in 1987. The 80 something Hess had been in prison since 1941, when he flew solo to England in an attempt to end WW II. Churchill promptly had him jailed and the British media declared Hess mentally ill, which is the line the allies still use today. In 1987 he was murdered, likely by a black American guard that still lives in Berlin today. The allies declared it a suicide, Hess’s family and others say it was not. Hess was old and frail, had no strength and could not have fastened the rope and hung himself as claimed.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  27. Alfred says:
    @Val Miller

    “They haven’t shot down any of our airliners but we blasted one of theirs out of the sky for no good reason.”


    So who do you think really blew up Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie. Gaddafi? Give us a break.

    Of course it was the Iranians and the fact that no one has since shot down any more Iranian aircraft is ample proof that the Iranians sent a strong message that has not been forgotten.

    The captain of the Vincennes got a medal from Bush not long after shooting down the Iran Air plane.

    • Replies: @ploni almoni
  28. The Spandau prisoner supposed to be Rudolf Hess committed suicide a few weeks or even days before he was to be released.
    The USA Spandau doctor wrote a book explaining he was not Rudolf Hess.
    This is consistent with the theory that the real Hess died in a flying boat accident, a real accident, BTW, in Scotland in 1943.
    What the flying boat as doing there has never been explained officially.
    I’m 99% sure that the Spandau man was suicided, had he been able to talk freely, my opinion, WWII history would have been turned upside down.
    USA history knows quite a number of weird deaths, Patton, Forrestal, Kennedy, even FDR.
    If this Stearney was suicided, no idea.
    A motive is lacking.
    But even FDR is accused of plain murder, to make pro war Willkie republican president candidate in 1940.
    When governments perpetrate crimes, very seldom these crimes are proved beyond reasonable doubt.
    If some in the Dutch government were part of the possible MH17 conspiracy, for me it is possible, would explain unexplained facts, but if they were, w’ll never know.

    • Replies: @Carroll Price
  29. anonymous[278] • Disclaimer says:

    President Trump had “eliminated” [устранить] by suicide US Navy Vice Admiral Scott A. Stearney—who as the commander of US military forces in the Middle East was singlehandedly trying to provoke World War III by his ordering a massive bombing campaign that over the past few weeks has killed at least 206 civilians, including by his using internationally outlawed white phosphorous bombs—but whose reign of terror is now over after he was discovered, just hours ago, dead by a gunshot wound to his head at his home on the US military base in Bahrain

    Evil scum dispatched to an eternity in Hell… but, perhaps not early enough.

    Anyway, justice served. Move on.

  30. onebornfree says: • Website

    Bluntly, the admiral was a mafia crook living off of stolen money, essentially no different from any other government employee.

    So it is certainly possible, even highly likely that he was bumped off by other government criminals who saw him as a threat for whatever reason. Who knows? Who cares? Same old story. [Go watch the Godfather movies or that recent HBO series starring Kevin Spacey- I forget the name of it].

    I believe it is essential for the individual to understand the true nature of all governments. So, this just in:

    “Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be “reformed”,”improved”, nor “limited” in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature.” onebornfree

    “Taking the State wherever found, striking into its history at any point, one sees no way to differentiate the activities of its founders, administrators and beneficiaries from those of a professional-criminal class.”
    Albert J. Nock

    ……and there’s plenty more where that came from :-)

    Regards, onebornfree

  31. Tyrion 2 says:

    This article is pure fantasy. One might as well say that Mars is in its ascendancy next month so therefore blah blah horoscope nonsense blah blah.

    Is any part of this anything but wild speculation? Is there anyone who was “suicided” that you can give proof for? Do you really think that America has SF teams that will assassinate US Admirals and stay silent? Or that the “media”* will actively participate in the cover up?

    *All of the editors? All journalists? What hierarchy?

  32. @David Martin

    The notion that this very minor inaccuracy makes the whole article wrong is simply absurd…

    You are correct. I’d like to know what kind of “reasoning” your critic used to arrive at its conclusion. This was an excellent piece and UR is to be appreciated and commended for presenting it. Nice job.

    So far I’ve been impressed with the majority of the comments, too, with the exception of the one we’re reacting to.

    I especially appreciate your listing of suspicious and convenient “suicides” (paragraph 4), and this, from comment #18,

    Precious little of government, federal, state or local is out in the open. Perhaps as much as 80% of it is a dark, dark web. Though one may disagree with my percentages, anyone who believes that government is done in the sunshine is blind to the darkness.

  33. @PeterMX

    Regurgitating half remembered chatter doesn’t contribute much. To start with he wasn’t in his 80s but 93. While that might add support to the idea that he was too weak to harm himself I would need real evidence to persuade me of that. I have known plenty of people in their 90s who would have been able to kill themselves by using their weight to tighten round the neck a rope tied around the neck and to some stable object.

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  34. @onebornfree

    …and there’s plenty more where that came from…

    Oh, is there ever! But trying to convince people of the truth is an apparently fruitless endeavor.

    • Replies: @onebornfree
    , @onebornfree
  35. @Alfred

    here’s your break. Lockerbie Pan Am 103 blew up by itself.

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  36. @Tyrion 2

    Do you really think …that the “media”* will actively participate in the cover up?

    Do you really think that anyone here with even a couple of functioning cortical neurons would believe otherwise?

    You trolls are good for laughs while revealing yourselves so please keep it up.

    What the proprietorship of these papers is aiming at is power, and power without responsibility — the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages.

    — Stanley Baldwin, Baldwin was attacking the leading press barons of his day (Lord Beaverbrook and Lord Rothermere), The Times (18 March 1931), p. 18. 0


    PS: Your gullibility is showing.

  37. @Tyrion 2

    Operation Northwood would have been pure outrageous lunacy, had its content been leaked in the early sixties. We know better now.
    Echelon was described as fantasy when, it was leaked in early nineties. We know better now.
    Operation Mockingbird is still not widely believed. We know better now.
    Stuxnet was not believed. We know better now.

    Do no not ascribe to ignorance, what can be ascribed to pure intent evil. The Evil Empire of the US is an eliksir of humankinds fails, and can only be cleansed by its total and utter destruction of it and its vile minion Israel, deconstructed and never allowed again to gain statehood, but to live as a hunter gather society in Antarctica, with penguins as their sacred holy untouchable Gods.

    I kid ye not.

    • Replies: @Tyrion 2
  38. People commit suicide. There seems to be an epidemic of it in the Military…no need for anymore nutty conspiracy theories…..Endless Wars…wives and girlfriends cheat…come home from deployment…shoot your brains out….My friend a USMC Gunnery Segeant had to go up on a ladder several times to cut the rope-electric chord around the neck of young men who came back from deployment to ME to an unfaithful girlfriend-spouse….and committed suicide……He told me:”When you get deployed for battle….you better have your personal affairs back home in order…or you are at high risk for suicide…

    These multiple deployments no doubt take a toll on the Officer Corp also…..Multiple long term deployments for these men are psychologically damaging……no need for another dopey conspiracy theory from the psychotics……

    By the way..I enjoy the autopsy photos of JFK….JFK was a WAR CRIMINAL…

  39. @ploni almoni

    Of course it did. It was tired of flying that silly route.
    And the Twin towers decided to disintegrate, because the wanted to see China.
    And the Kennedy’s have a suicidal streak in the family, they just all have some sort of violent death.

    Fact is the US with the revelations from Snowdon and other Whistle blowers, is perfectly capable of anything you can imagine. The is no need to make horror movies anymore, because reality has sped pas fiction along time ago.
    The US created the Contras, Al Qaeda, supported Pinochet, Somoza, The Shah, etc, etc.
    Any sany person would likely want to become Commander of a camp containing a part of the US and Israel populus. It is a mild form of genocide, but if the remaining 7,5 billion deem it necessary, it must be good, nez pas ? Its like cutting of a boil, it hurts, but it does you good.

  40. @Tyrion 2

    Your comment is out of touch with reality, to put it mildly. While you may disagree to the total deconstruction of the US as a punishment for its vile deeds, you sure have reading capability and can learn through that.
    So I’d say troll.

  41. @onebornfree

    Bluntly, the admiral was a mafia crook living off of stolen money, essentially no different from any other government employee.

    “… I spent most of my [33 years in the Marine Corps] being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers.

    In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for [crony] capitalism.”

    Major General Butler USMC, War is a Racket, 1935

  42. onebornfree says: • Website
    @jacques sheete

    jacques sheete says: “Oh, is there ever! But trying to convince people of the truth is an apparently fruitless endeavor.”

    On thing I must very reluctantly give the government full credit for is its highly successful mass indoctrination/ brainwashing of people via the public “education” system, [ with said publics very own money, directly stolen from them by the government, to boot !] , that has convinced these oh so willing dupes that the government is good, their friend, necessary and able to do many , many wonderful magical things both for the dupes personally, and, at the same time, for “societies” benefit.

    I find it hard to imagine a more perfect scam than that one :-) .

    But, let’s not forget, as P.T. Barnum famously said: “There’s a sucker born every minute” .

    When everyone’s been dumbed down by the ” education” system, I’m afraid that the inevitable end result will always be : “stupid is as stupid does”.

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  43. Prusmc says:
    @Simply Simon

    As I Recall, Col Dave Hackworth of VN fame published a military blog, SFTT and he waslike like the Drew Peason of the Armed Forces inside information. HE revealed to Broida that he had proof that at least one of his decorations for valor was a fake.

  44. Tyrion 2 says:
    @Den Lille Abe

    Do no not ascribe to ignorance, what can be ascribed to pure intent evil. The Evil Empire of the US is an eliksir of humankinds fails, and can only be cleansed by its total and utter destruction of it and its vile minion Israel, deconstructed and never allowed again to gain statehood, but to live as a hunter gather society in Antarctica, with penguins as their sacred holy untouchable Gods.

    I kid ye not.

    You sound like Isaac Newton but when he was old and insane.

    As for your examples, Northwoods never happened. Echelon is a signals intelligence programme of the type that is basically a given – not listening into Soviet communications would be negligent. Mockingbird happened but was a short-lived thinking out of the box influence operation. Stuxnet is a cleverly designed computer worm aimed at a hostile power, not a programme to assassinate American flag officers.

    I wouldn’t even say that any of the above showed evil intent. Oh, they listened to Soviet communications…prepare the fainting couch…

  45. @Wizard of Oz

    The death of Rudoph Hess conspiracy is in leaque with the Lizard people conspiracy.
    Rudolph Hess spit in the face of his captors, because he died in prison, meaning the US, Britain and France would have to withdraw from the Spandau Prison, per agreement from original accords of 1946, and not the ones made up to cover his release in 1987 or 1988, which would have granted the western Allies infinitive stay at the Spandau.
    Hess was a better than normal IQ fellow, a 120, he understood he was a pawn, had always been a pawn, and he had a chance of putting a sick in the wheel, and he took it.
    Be aware also at the Nuremberg Fake Trials that officers were stripped of distinctions, which is illegal. Only propagated by the US and its child ISIS.

  46. @War for Blair Mountain

    Well, this didn’t take long…

    …conspiracy theories…

    Ya gotta love the psittacine chorus of gulls. What a hoot.

    Remember this whenever you “tune in” to the boob tube.:

    Ours is a problem in which deception has become organized and strong; where truth is poisoned at its source; one in which the skill of the shrewdest brains is devoted to misleading a bewildered people.

    -Walter Lippman, A Preface to Politics (1913), quoted in The Essential Lippmann, pp. 516-517

    Lippman was involved in Allied propaganda; see Crewe house book.

    PS: It’s called the “boob tube” for a reason. Don’t be a booby!

  47. @War for Blair Mountain

    Should you not concentrate on Chemtrails ? That is where we admire your comments. This matter is probably too complicated. Please stick to chemtrails and Area 51, you are an expert on those.

  48. @onebornfree

    … brainwashing of people via the public “education” system, [ with said publics very own money, directly stolen from them by the government, to boot !] , that has convinced these oh so willing dupes that the government is good, their friend, necessary and able to do many , many wonderful magical things both for the dupes personally, and, at the same time, for “societies” benefit.

    Oh, c’mon now; what are you a kunspirasee theerist er sumpin? They wouldn’t do that, would they? ;) ;)

    “Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a proportion of men, long after nature has released them from alien guidance (natura-liter maiorennes), nonetheless gladly remain in lifelong immaturity, and why it is so easy for others to establish themselves as their guardians. It is so easy to be immature.”

    An Answer to the Question:
    What is Enlightenment? (1784)

    We are, without a doubt, a society of narcissistic infants.

  49. @Tyrion 2

    You sound mostly like some from a Marx Brothers movie, Like Dr. Hugo Z. Hackenbush or Otis B. Driftwood. You make exactly as much sense.
    And now I am being kind. You have unfortunately squandered what little intellect you were given, alcoholism and drug addiction hinders great mind to flourish. But you outright rejection of the truth is in a league of its own, so it is difficult for me to classify.

    I am perfectly aware Operation Northwood did not happen, we are both not morons, but just the matterr of it beeing discussed should have you thrown down arms. Joint Chiefs of Staff approved it, so the highest military commanders in the US, were OK with killing countless innocent citizens with no qualms. Not one said ” Are you fucking mad, or even pulled a gun and demended him arrested for treason …..
    See who is the Hoess in this discussion, or are you too ignorant.

    • Troll: Tyrion 2
  50. @Tyrion 2

    …Northwoods never happened.

    Therefore it was never planned, and conspiracies don’t exist. I get it now.


    PS: You may want to consider remedial troll training courses somewhere. :)

  51. Members of the Zionist Mafia serve at the pleasure of the Don.

  52. @Den Lille Abe

    You obviously have never read my Unz Review comments…until today….I am the biggest anti-9/11 Truther Sewage on Unz Review….you dirty ignorant SLUT JANE….

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  53. @Simply Simon

    Or it could have been something as simple as a trivial mistake by an aide or a vendor in setting up Boorda’s uniform. If Boorda didn’t check (and he would have had other things on his mind, he was an Admiral, not a 2nd Lt.), the mistake could have persisted indefinitely. That is at least plausible.

    If Boorda cared about the display on his chest, it would have been simple to say the mistake was of such a trivial nature. Admirals are supposedly mature adults, and there was no obvious motive for falsely claiming medals. Being Admiral is more of a prestige item than most medals. Admit a trivial mistake, continue with your job. Simple as that.

    It makes the suicide theory a deal less plausible.

    OTH, the Navy has had considerable trouble with its officer corps over the past decade or two as its personnel mission becomes increasingly PC, increasingly self contradictory, while its friend and adversary the sea remains unchanged.


    • Replies: @Simply Simon
  54. onebornfree says: • Website
    @jacques sheete

    jacques sheete says:“….trying to convince people of the truth is an apparently fruitless endeavor.”

    I would advise you not to try too hard. It’s better to just sit back, poke fun at all of the blatant contradictions, and have a good laugh, in my experience.

    Don’t forget, most of the people here and elsewhere are your natural enemies- they do not want to be “woken up”, they are too old, too asleep and too comfortable inside their matrix “reality”, and do not wish to be made to feel uncomfortable by folks like ourselves.

    And so I say, “pass the popcorn”:

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Agree: jacques sheete
  55. @War for Blair Mountain

    focus mainly on you closing remark, as the rest is the ordinary pure nonsense. What is a Slut Jane ?
    My name is not Jane and I am a male, so what now ?
    I have read your comments, most infantile, imbecile rantings without cohesion and meaning, do you want to add anything ? Thought not, I had it covered.
    People commenting from dilapidated basements often has now sense of their surroundings, they often are confused, and i RL situations they are dead before they knew what hit them.
    This Mr. Mountain something has been spouting his nonsense for a long time. I t is free speech here at Ron (Praise him) but still utter nonsense, it is fact free hallucinations born on fentanyl highs, in a cold and damp environment. Such a waste!!
    MR Mountain could have contributed more at serving quick meals a McD instead of publishing noise here, but he chose not. TSk, tsk Mr. Fact -Free, hos is it to be called out on your senseless stream of nonsense. You have not once in you long and arduous history of posting ever posted facts, just non sense taken from the first and best nonfactual source. Well done. You have in many long nonsensical posts established yourself as the the King of Nonsense on this Blog. *Grats’ , (Please Ron, an award!) You have worked hard and I proclaim you a winner! You are a winner! Now Your basement feels warmer , Right? You are chosen , right?
    Wrong! You are are utter superfluous!

  56. annamaria says:
    @Tyrion 2

    “…Stuxnet is a cleverly designed computer worm aimed at a hostile power…”

    Correct. The US (guided by the ever hateful Israel-firsters) has been teaching the whole world how to run terrorist activities on the web.

  57. wayfarer says:

    Your greatest enemy will hide in the last place you would ever look.


    California Directed Energy Weapon Proof

  58. @Tyrion 2

    “Do you really think that America has SF teams that will assassinate US Admirals and stay silent? Or that the “media”* will actively participate in the cover up?

    *All of the editors? All journalists? What hierarchy?”

    Kenneth Starr and his team were forced by the 3-judge panel that appointed him to include in his report a 20-page letter by John Clarke, the lawyer for the witness Patrick Knowlton, that utterly destroys the conclusion of Starr’s team (including Brett Kavanaugh) that Vince Foster committed suicide. To this day not one news organ in the United States has reported that that part of the report even exists.

    In 2004, the Seeley Mudd Manuscript Library of Princeton University sent out a press release that, after 55 years of suppression, they have the report of the official investigation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal’s “suicide.” I had obtained it on my third FOIA try and sent it to them. As far as the MSM are concerned, Forrestal’s “Warren Commission Report” is still secret. They all ignored the press release.

    In March of this year Hugh Turley and I published The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, which utterly destroys the popularly believed–thanks to the news media–story that Merton was wet from a shower and died from accidental electocution. Just yesterday The New Yorker had an article on Merton that continued to state precisely that, and our book has been completly ignored by the MSM.

    Do you need any more evidence of media complicity in major murder cover-ups?

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  59. Anglo-America, wake up! The exotics (Jews, Arabs, Guidos etc) are killing you… qui bono?

  60. @Sean

    Here it is two years after the fact, and this is the first that even I, as well-plugged-in as I am, had heard of Gen. Rossi’s death. I’d say that that’s another one that really needs looking into. Notice the complete paucity of details in the USA Today article. On what firm basis did that reach the conclusion that he was the culprit in his own murder? What means was used? Who found the body? What do those closest to him think? What was the motive? Nothing, and our great watchdog press is just hunky dory with that. Welcome to the USSR as far as the protection we get from high level malfeasance by our press is concerned. Wake up, people. What did our press ever tell us about Col. James Sabow’s “suicide”?

    • Replies: @cassandra
    , @Wizard of Oz
  61. wayfarer says:

    Admiral George E. R. Kinnear II

    Knew the family fairly well.

    Rented a room in a house they had owned in San Diego.

    Sad stuff happened to some of their children, that was eerily unexplainable.

    Always had a sense that dark geopolitical forces were responsible for the progeny’s untimely fates.

    • Replies: @SteveRogers42
  62. republic says:

    Somewhat related to this article is the very high number of mid level to upper level banker’s suicides over the past few years. Zero hedge use to be a good sources for this information.

    I don’t think political and financial type murders were very common prior to the 60s, but both types seems to be rising at an exponential rate.

    Perhaps it is a sign of the decadence of late empire.

  63. eah says:
    @Tyrion 2

    *All of the editors? All journalists? What hierarchy?

    • Replies: @Miro23
  64. Quickly attempting to fill the information vacuum on Stearney’s death was a writer who uses the apparent pen name

    The thing with government secrecy and information vacuums is that anybody can write anything.

    Sources say the admiral hung himself from a doorknob with a red necktie.

    We have been informed the CIA has audio of Navy Seal assassins torturing the admiral for ten minutes before hacking him up with machetes in what was described as a midnight full moon luciferian ritual like something out of Apocalypse Now.

    The toxicology report has been classified but is said to have included a heroic dose of cocaine, heroin, xanax, adderall, and alcohol.

  65. renfro says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Suicide doesn’t restore honor in American military culture. Its more a culture of ‘take your punishment.’

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  66. @Den Lille Abe

    Comrade Den Lille Abe

    You gotta lighten up…have a few beers…then go to YouTube:SNL SKIT…DAN AKYROD…JANE CURTIN…”JANE..YOU DIRTY IGNORANT SLUT!!!!”…the funniest line ever uttered in a Comedy Skit….

  67. renfro says:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    By the way..I enjoy the autopsy photos of JFK….JFK was a WAR CRIMINAL…

    I have noticed you are quite a freak. Maybe we should alert PETA that you make snuff films of yourself crushing parakeets.

  68. @Counterinsurgency

    “Qr it could have been something as trivial as a simple mistake ………setting up Boorda’s uniform.”.
    I don’t think so. Admirals probably have at least a dozen different uniforms to which medals and decorations are affixed. Admirals live in grand style better than star grade officers in the other services. He also has at least one senior grade (captain) serving as his aide who is there to fill the admiral’s every whim. The aide had to know the medal(s) were unauthorized so he was complicit in the matter, Discretion is the better part of valor.

    • Replies: @Counterinsurgency
  69. renfro says:

    I’ m not going to add to the conspiracy theories but it is unusual for people in power to commit suicide.
    It occurs most often when they see ‘no way out’ of something that could ruin their life or when they are faced with some disease that will ravage them and make them ‘helpless’.

    • Replies: @onebornfree
  70. Miro23 says:

    The United States doesn’t have an independent media – it has the Greater Israel propaganda department + a Greater Israel sleaze (entertainment) department.

    All these outlets were obliged to read out the same script.

    • Agree: jacques sheete
    • Replies: @onebornfree
  71. @War for Blair Mountain

    I have no intention to. But thank you for the explanation.

    Now can I pursuay not to post nonsense anymore?…..
    No I thought not.
    So I will kindly not reply , but ignore. Your comments are as the leaves of last year. A nuisance but avoidable if I go indoor.
    Stay not too well

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  72. @renfro



    The JFK autopsy photos are best viewed with cornbeef and cabbage……and a six pack…

    According to Marine Biologists…..The Martha Vineyard Blue Crab Population were enjoying JFK jr and his wife with cornbeef and cabbage…and sixpacks… a depth of 100 feet…

  73. @David Martin

    …the report of the official investigation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal’s “suicide.”

    Forrestal’s death came quickly to mind when I began reading this article and I’ve always thought the official reports of suicide were bogus.

    Would you be willing to share any resources for more details?

    For those who may not know who Forrestal was, here’s a link to a decent article on him.

    … it was Forrestal who personally alerted freshman Senator McCarthy to the Communist menace and “named names” to him of key persons in our federal government who were consistently shaping our policies and programs to benefit Soviet Russia. It was Forrestal who thus directly inspired McCarthy’s subsequent exposés of Communist influence and subversion in the federal government.

    -Dave Martin, James Forrestal And Joe McCarthy

    Commies and Zionists have killed and still kill millions in their quest for world control; why would anyone not suspect Forrestal to have been killed by either? Yeah, yeah I’mma kunspirasee theerist.

    • Replies: @David Martin
  74. @Den Lille Abe

    Hey DLA,

    Please stop.; you’re making monkeys of your critics and it’s hilarious!



    PS: Jeg er glad du er her. Tusind tak!

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  75. Apparently, he’ll be replaced by Rear Adm. Paul Schlise. Anyone have any word on him?

  76. mcohen says:

    24 the may 2018.stearney was appointed in may so maybe there is a connection
    From wikimpedia

    Stearney served as commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT), U.S. 5th Fleet, Combined Maritime Forces from May 2018 until his death on December 1, 2018.[

    This happened in may

  77. cassandra says:
    @David Martin

    Here it is two years after the fact, and this is the first that even I, as well-plugged-in as I am, had heard of Gen. Rossi’s death.

    The cases cited in your article, as well as this post, begs the question, now what? While I’m someone who values tidbits of even partial knowledge (which of course places me in the proud company of like-minded “conspiracy theorists”), I find myself at something of a loss trying to fit most “suspicious” suicides into some kind of coherent worldview.

    As a counter example, your Kay Griggs series was very illuminating, because it went beyond suspicion and opened the window on specifics about which I’d no idea.

    Stories like hers can coalesce into a picture that extends beyond an immediate episode. Operation of high-level pedophilia is another example: while the Franklin affair, the Jimmy Saville episode, the “lost” dossier implicating the British Royalty, and the personalities surrounding Jeffrey Epstein, each appear to be isolated curiosities, taken together, they suggest the existence of pedophiliac practices at high levels. As further reports (e.g., Sibel Edmunds) reinforce this narrative, the probability increases that pedophilia might be a significant carrot/stick (blackmail) motivator, and so deserves increasing consideration when forming hypotheses about behind-the-scenes elite motivations, just as the Griggs case.

    Obviously, the reefs of confirmation bias are especially prominent hazards in navigating these waters, but given the incompleteness of the reporting, and the manifest intent to keep so much submerged, the difficulty of knowing how much trust to place in ones own conclusions, and the annoying need for constant reassessment, comes with the territory (albeit compensated by the joy of acquired insight).

    The frustration expressed at the beginning of this post arise from the fact that the points you reveal are really proto-reporting, facts that a good reporter will dig up before proceeding with a full-blown investigation. Deeper investigation is vastly more difficult, and should be supported by the greater resources, including connections, of the MSM. Good luck with that, as readers of American Pravda say.

    So, many thanks for bringing these issues to our attention.

    • Replies: @David Martin
  78. schrub says:

    The strangest and maybe one of the most revealing murders just happened recently without, as far as I can tell, any media investigation at all. None.

    This was the recent death Boston crime lord and longtime FBI informant Whitey Bulger who seems to have been recently transferred to a regular prison after residing for years in a heavily protected, “safe” prison environment that had been specifically designed for government snitches like him and ex- Mafia member informants. Within just a few hours of his coming to this new prison, he was murdered while sitting in his wheelchair. Very little has been revealed about this mysterious death.

    How was this transfer to a regular prison population allowed considering Bulger’s considerable notoriety and the knowledge of what fellow prisoners do to “snitches”? How did his murderers learn so quickly about his new presence? Was anyone punished for proposing and then allowing this very dangerous transfer to a general prison population to occur? No one seems to know.

    Bulger has a very curious connection to present day events. Boston based Bulger was informing to the FBI for many years about his fellow east coast gangsters, both Irish and Italian. At least part of this time, he was working under the supervision of none other than Trump arch-enemy Robert Mueller. Mueller was working for the US Attorney for the District of Massachusets (1986-1987) where he would have at least have known about Bulger’s status as an informant. This knowledge would have only increased while Mueller was US Assistant Attorney general for the Criminal Division from 1990-1993. One thing definitely stands out. Mueller knew Bulger and Bulger knew (possibly a lot) about Mueller.

    There is a rumor floating around that while Bulger was an informant, the FBI (and maybe Mueller) conveniently overlooked at least three murders he committed to protect his identity. . There is another rumor out there that three innocent men were sent to prison by the FBI specifically to cover up crimes committed by Bulger. Did these coverups occur under Mueller’s watch?

    Consider this timeline: Republican Mueller loses his post at the Criminal Division in 1993 after having been replaced by a Democrat appointee of the new Bill Clinton regime at the Criminal Division. This new Democrat Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, either ignoring (maybe not even knowing about Bulger’s previous privileged status as an informant) starts to go after Bulger. Bulger then suddenly goes on the lam in 1994 after having been conveniently informed about his upcoming arrest. There is the curious question about who exactly informed Bulger about this upcoming arrest. A patsy was conveniently found to take the blame but for doing this but was it actually him or did the information about the upcoming arrest given to Bulger come from much higher up?

    Bulger then flees to Santa Monica, California where he resides in apparent peace and prosperity for the next sixteen years despite having his name and face plastered all over the FBI’s ten most wanted list and after apparently not having had received any plastic surgery to disguise his appearance. Didn’t the Santa Monica police during this period ever look at the FBI’s ten most wanted list. If they would have, they might have noticed their neighbor Bulger’s face on it a wee bit sooner. It’s as if Bulger had suddenly become invisible in Santa Monica. Was, however, this invisibility merely by chance?

    Bulger’s whereabouts were then apparently (and possibly deliberately) forgotten during the George W. Bush regime 2000-2008.

    Then under the new Obama regime, the hunt for Bulger is finally remembered and it begins afresh. An extensive effort begins to locate Bulger. This search is finally successful in 2011. Bulger is captured and put on trial and found guilty of many crimes including multiple murders.

    You can bet that Bulger, after being convicted, was then more than happy to reveal to his Obama Democrat prosecution team all sort of revealing things about his illegal work for previous Republican administrations. This was done so that he could guarantee that his life sentence could be served in semi-pleasant (i.e. safe) and maybe even a country club-like setting (you know, just like where Jonathan Pollard and Bernie Madoff ended up).

    Just a short time ago, this agreement was suddenly put aside by people who are unknown and he was deliberately set up to die. He simply knew too much to be kept alive. He had outlived his usefulness and now only was a potential threat.

    Addendum: How the MSM explains (excuses) how Bulger was never recognized for the sixteen years he was on the loose.

  79. (That’s the other “David Martin” who contributed to the CBS report.)

    Which one are you? I’d like to read more of what you’ve written and have no use for the CBS Dave Martin.

    • Replies: @Jonathan Revusky
  80. @jacques sheete

    There’s some stuff here:

    I’ve been meaning to put up some more of his work.

    The canonical DcDave site is still however.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  81. Heresy Central. Luv it.

    Slightly OT, but DM has a great article there, “Who Is Donald Trump?” that should be read by all true believers.

    The real Trump motto.: Let’s Make America a Great Cesspool Again!

  82. Anon[171] • Disclaimer says:
    @Den Lille Abe

    That must have made you feel better. Now how can we give you a big enough space to run around in so you will be exhausted by bed time?

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  83. onebornfree says: • Website

    Miro23 : “The United States doesn’t have an independent media – it has the Greater Israel propaganda department + a Greater Israel sleaze (entertainment) department.”

    As Frank Zappa once astutely observed: ” the MSM is just the entertainment wing of the military industrial complex” , [or words to that effect].

    Regards, onebornfree.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  84. onebornfree says: • Website

    renfro: “I’ m not going to add to the conspiracy theories but it is unusual for people in power to commit suicide.
    It occurs most often when they see ‘no way out’ of something that could ruin their life or when they are faced with some disease that will ravage them and make them ‘helpless’.”

    “Live by the sword, die by the sword” is most likely the real story here.

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @Prusmc
  85. @wayfarer

    Read the wiki. He was a stud. RIP.

    • Replies: @wayfarer
  86. @schrub

    Didn’t Whitey also win the MA state lottery while in prison?

  87. @renfro

    Yes, but. Supposing that you knew that a well read if not intellectually inclined high ranking officer used to like to compare Japanese samurai with Roman aristocrats? I merely invite extension of the imagination.

  88. @David Martin

    Thank you Sir!

    I actually just finished reading that excellent piece and was led to it, indirectly, after Jonathan Revusky mentioned the link to the website. I wonder how long it will take to understand the particular links in the present case to such things as this… :

    Seasoned Assassins

    At critical moments in U.S. relations with the Arab world and Israel there has invariably been some one person who has seen the problem in full perspective, bestirred himself, and attempted to tell the story to the American public. Equally invariably, like the wolf at the head of the pack, he has been forthrightly shot down, his pen or voice stilled, and the gaping vacuum once more becomes apparent.
    (Alfred M. Lilienthal, op. cit.

    Was Stearney about to bestir himself and spill the beans on something?

  89. @onebornfree

    As Frank Zappa once astutely observed: ” the MSM is just the entertainment wing of the military industrial complex” , [or words to that effect].

    He would have been more correct to say that the mass media is the propaganda and entertainment wing of the global mafia.

    “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.”
    –William Colby, former CIA Director, cited by Dave Mcgowan, Derailing Democracy

    “You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month.”
    –CIA operative, discussing the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories.

    Deborah Davis, “Katherine the Great”

    “There is quite an incredible spread of relationships. You don’t need to manipulate Time magazine, for example, because there are [Central Intelligence] Agency people at the management level.”

    –William B. Bader, former CIA intelligence officer, briefing members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, The CIA and the Media, by Carl Bernstein

    May I also mention the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, whose Frank Wisner gushed that he was the maestro of a “mighty Wurlitzer” that was “capable of playing any propaganda tune he desired?”

    Yes, we in the USA have a free press. It’s free to feed us BS 24/7/365.

    PS: Wisner is upposed to have committed suicide as well. He should have kept his mouth shut, I think.

  90. @David Martin

    Did you notice that Colonel Albin said of Sabow that he was the kind of guy who might have thought that “suicide was the manly thing to do”. The most intriguing thing about that linked article is the way the forensic evidence is left complicated but underexposed.

  91. wayfarer says:

    A dying breed, a stud mustang!

    His kids were fearless big wave surfers.


  92. onebornfree says: • Website

    “Do you really think …that the “media”* will actively participate in the cover up?”

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @David Martin
  93. Prusmc says:

    As I understand It, there was a very well orchestrated campaign to induce Admiral Kimmel to commit suicide before he could testify about Pearl Harbor.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  94. @War for Blair Mountain

    I don’t use the commenters to ignore function but I don’t bother reading the comments of quite few commenters and you are one of them. You are more than welcome to retaliate in kind.

    One last thing, I’d suggest that you leave comedy to the professionals.

    Have a nice day.

  95. Christo says:

    An article including the most far-fetched “stuff” , I have read on this forum. The details the timing around and and about Adm. Boorda’s death , remove it from conspiracy theory. He killed himself. To come out 20 years later saying otherwise with nothing at all, won’t change that.

    The rest of the article? I don’t know , It kept mixing in so much other bull , I really couldn’t see anything supporting any conspiracy about this new Adm.’s death. either. Lost interest trying to sort it out.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    , @ka
  96. @Christo

    Yada yada yada. Do you even know what a conspiracy is?

    Using the doofus mass media popularized buzzwords, catchphrases and cliches doesn’t reflect well on anyone’s creativity, intelligence or honesty and dismissing the message of this article in such an offhand and supercilious manner doesn’t particularly present you as a thinker of competence.


    • Replies: @Christo
    , @Christo
  97. @Simply Simon

    I’ve worked with them. They aren’t superhuman. An aide failing to get the display right might well never be noticed by a busy and somewhat political military executive. Servant problem, don’t you know, and much else on his/her mind. Admiral might get a ding for not providing a good example to the troops, but only if he or she was in temporary political disgrace.

    Heck, I remember one of Admiral that made it a practice to close the door to her office when the office Marine played the Marine Hymn – weakening the social structure and morale of the office she worked in and the organization that it was part of.

    The thing to remember about elites is that they serve in an organization staffed by non-elites who are not super-geniuses. This means that the elites can’t be super-geniuses either – try putting a 150 IQ topologist in command and see what happens.
    Nor can the elite be near obsessive-compulsives who check every detail every time. The micro-managers get weeded out and sometime relieved for cause when commanding ships and the like.

    Everybody would like elites to be demigods. Heaven and Hell are both absolute dictatorships, and everybody wants to go to a secular Heaven, run by the equivalent of God. Beautiful wish, but it doesn’t happen. God isn’t manifest on earth as a senior manager, it seems. Managers are just specialized workers, no more, no less. They know their business and not necessarily any more. Did you really expect anything else to be true?


  98. @jacques sheete

    Hej jacques sheete

    Thanks a lot and the same of you contributions, thoughtful and informing.

    A happy new year to you!

  99. @schrub

    A good summation.
    I remember at the time he was transferred, I thought it curious, considering his background, and the next day he was dead, which i read also. I found it all suspicious, but thanks to your comment I can make my own connections.
    Cheers! and a happy New Year!

  100. @schrub

    Supposedly Bulger was also an early test subject of MK-Ultra. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s been an intelligence asset his entire life.

  101. ka says:

    The conspiracy theory — Saddam WMD
    Saddam Anthrax attack on New York
    Saddam meeting Prague in Atta ( does it matter ? May be Atta meeting in Prague But tell that to the readers of NYT and viewers of FOX- They don’t know what the fuck they are being told -Atta is in Prague or Prague in Atta is same to them )

    Saddam and Bin Ledeen cavorting in cave or in palace ( again they don’t know they are true patriots and sing – I don’t k now what Iran or Iraq is )

    Then they come and say sorry . End of the story . The series ran its course

    Now new conspiracy

    Gaddafi is distributing Viagra and about to kill millions

    That ran its course
    then came Syria is using Gas on its people and again and again has used on its people. This has not run its course . Stay tuned.

  102. @Anon

    What an informative comment! It is as fulfilling as sucking an ice cube or humping with your pants on and zippers up.
    In short, a waste of space and precious bodily fluids. Why dont you take up gainful employment; you could be working a in a Max Prison Gang or getting shot smuggling drugs or make headlines getting caught recruiting for ISIS.
    You are less useless than a an American newspaper from yesterday. That at least can be used wrapping fish.

  103. Probably something to do with the Afghan heroin trade, lots of money being made there.. the refusing to go along with Iran false flag seems plausible, maybe they wanted him to blow up a ship full of US sailors or something? Call Israel, I’m sure they’d be willing to do it. Again..

    Pat Tillman was murdered for threatening to come back and spill the beans on what was going on. Can’t believe he didn’t get a mention in the article. Sad!

    Doctors examining Tillman’s body after he was killed in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators that the three bullet holes in his head appeared to have been fired by an M-16 from less than a dozen yards away rather than the 100 meters or so that the military has claimed.

    Army medical examiners were suspicious about the close proximity of the three bullet holes in Pat Tillman’s forehead and tried without success to get authorities to investigate whether the former NFL player’s death amounted to a crime, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.

    “The medical evidence did not match up with the, with the scenario as described,” a doctor who examined Tillman’s body after he was killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan in 2004 told investigators.

    The doctors — whose names were blacked out — said that the bullet holes were so close together that it appeared the Army Ranger was cut down by an M-16 fired from a mere 10 yards or so away.

    • Replies: @David Martin
  104. Crimson2 says:

    You guys are way too close to the chemtrail project, so expect us to do some extra spraying over your home towns.

    • Replies: @Den Lille Abe
  105. Christo says:
    @jacques sheete

    You will rarely hear me use that word combo, “conspiracy theory”. I know too well how it has been abused in the Anti-white War , and labeling historical revision with all the denier bull . No I use it “correctly’ and I will rarely use it since I am aware of the weight it carries.

    Using “conspiracy theory” for postulating that Adm Boorda’s suicide was actually a murder I think it qualifies. Moon Landing being a hoax is another good “conspiracy theory”.

    Of course the ultimate “conspiracy theory”, was no theory as it was quite a successful real “conspiracy” The Big H. leading to the Big Iz. but that is another topic and certainly near the opposite of what you thought of my POV when I used that two word in my earlier post, LOL. Relax , have to reclaim lost ground by restoring proper usage of some terms rather than accepting them to only being used to denigrate white people.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  106. @Crimson2

    Apply to blair mountain something he knows everything but is a specialist on chemtrails.
    What is chem-trails BTW…
    It goes against all flat earth belief that chemtrails excist. So in that sense they are right. But wrong on some other major issues.
    And no, the Earth is only 62 years old, anything before me is made up fantasy and propaganda, religious soup for the masses. The Earth is 62 years old and it will die, with me, in less than 20 years. How is that long ears! Got your attention? Where is Bigfoot when I need him ?

    • Replies: @jacques sheete
  107. Christo says:
    @jacques sheete

    Forgot to really mention why I felt my usage of conspiracy theory was correct.

    I was working for the USN/USMC when this occurred . And knew some of Amr. Boorda from reading various articles of his, his conduct during some events that occurred as he was in the higher echelons of the Navy.His carreer was intriguing to me since he was a “Mustang” prior service enlisted and that he rose that high in rank. And I as well knew of Hackworth and read his opinions on the matter. Then reading and or running various details surrounding his suicide as much that anyone said or was public record. Then there was the fact I am a veteran, and what Hackworth’s said of Boorda and what Boorda said of Boorda and the timing all point toward Boorda committing suicide at that time. A form of repentance, As it can be inferred from Boorda’s various levels of commands he would have signed off on many discharges of sailors and Marines being busted or thrown out of the Navy for exactly what he did(improper wearing of awards). Price paid , perhaps too much in hindsight, but way more than for some internet blogger to be mudding up the historical record and in a way besmirching Boorda’s already tarnished image without any presentations of facts.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  108. @cassandra

    What you’re looking for is a general theory of corruption, and I’m not sure that one is possible. See my latest attempt to make sense of Vince Foster’s murder and the cover-up for my stab at it. I started off with illicit drugs and ended with high level pedophilia. Did you notice the absolute press hysteria of denial over the big pedo-implying stuff in the Podesta emails? The parents of my murdered young neighbor, Tommy Burkett, formed a national organization called Parents against Corruption and Cover-up. A high percentage of their members were military families. The family of Kenneth Trentadue were also members. Both Burketts died of particularly fast acting cancers, reminiscent of the one that killed Jack Ruby. Their web site, rescued from the Internet archive, is among the list of links at my web site.

    • Replies: @onebornfree
  109. @redmudhooch

    And Pat Tillman’s trusting the rat, Noam Chomsky, thinking he was a genuine government critic, may have been what did him in. See the addendum to my article here:

  110. mcohen says:

    On and on the list goes.The deaths could be military assainations by the enemies of the usa.
    The internet and computers are a liability and not the asset tech companies will have you believe.
    But then no secrets no surprises no wars.

    You see me but i see you in the future

  111. Ahoy says:

    @ jacques sheete #34

    “But trying to tell the people the truth is apparently a fruitless endeavor”. How true!

  112. Sparkon says:

    As it can be inferred from Boorda’s various levels of commands he would have signed off on many discharges of sailors and Marines being busted or thrown out of the Navy for exactly what he did(improper wearing of awards)

    Any citations to support your inference?

    I too am a veteran, and I’ve never heard of anyone being thrown out of any service for improper wearing of service ribbons. Indeed, Boorda wasn’t busted or thrown out of the USN when informed by the Navy that the embellishments were unauthorized, but rather, he simply stopped wearing the embellishments.

    In any event, according to his Wikipedia article, Boorda had verbal authorization from Adm. Zumwalt to wear one of the embellishments.

    However, Boorda stopped wearing the two “V” devices on these two service ribbons about a year before the Hackworth investigation, after Boorda had been informed by the Navy that he was not authorized to wear them.

    Ah so, rather than being busted or thrown out of the Navy, Boorda simply stopped wearing the two tiny ‘v’ embellishments on two of his service ribbons after being informed that he wasn’t authorized to wear them, and this already at least a year before Newsweek began its investigation, and well before his alleged suicide.

    The facts don’t add up to support the finding that Boorda killed himself. He was in good spirits, and the alleged motive of shame had already expired. Did he really shoot himself in the chest…twice?

    The pertinent question is whether or not the alleged anger of senior Navy staff officers toward Boorda because of Tailhook had expired. In other words, did anyone have a motive to kill the Admiral?

    What the Navy has hidden is that the CNO was murdered. MacDonald obtained the witness of one Chief Medical Corpsman who stated that he saw 2 bullet holes in Boorda’s body. The official story is that Boorda shot himself in the chest with a hollow point bullet, but the truth is that his murderer killed him with 2 shots to the chest.

    All persons who knew Boorda were shocked by the “suicide.”

    • Replies: @Christo
    , @Christo
  113. @Counterinsurgency

    Whoa! Love it.

    Everybody would like elites to be demigods. Heaven and Hell are both absolute dictatorships, and everybody wants to go to a secular Heaven, run by the equivalent of God. Beautiful wish, but it doesn’t happen.

    Not only does mass man want the elite to be demigods, but they expect them to be Messiahs too. Dream on, sukkas!

  114. onebornfree says: • Website
    @David Martin

    David Martin says: “What you’re looking for is a general theory of corruption, and I’m not sure that one is possible. “

    Here you go :-) :

    “Because they are all ultimately funded via both direct and indirect theft [taxes], and counterfeiting [central bank monopolies], all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams which cannot be “reformed”,”improved”, nor “limited” in scope, simply because of their innate criminal nature.” onebornfree

    Regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  115. @Prusmc

    Thanks for this tidbit.:

    As I understand It, there was a very well orchestrated campaign to induce Admiral Kimmel to commit suicide before he could testify about Pearl Harbor.

    I’ve spent a lot of time studying the attack on PH and related subjects but never heard that. Nevertheless, I do not doubt it and find it fascinating that one (such as myself) can never learn all the details no matter how much time and effort we may invest.

  116. @Christo


    Don’t worry; I’m perfectly relaxed and never happier than when I’m holding someone’s feet to the fire except when they do the same to me.

    Bless you.

  117. @Den Lille Abe

    Where is Bigfoot when I need him ?

    Probably running in terror from Big Mouth who’s pretending to be motivated by the desire to save humanity, and, BTW, conveniently taxing us fools to pay for it all.

  118. Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression.

    It’s a good piece. But why not add, if only as a subtitle, and make love last?
    In fact, you have to let all those 17 attitudes slip when she uses them (basically whenever she opens her mouth or hits a virtual keyboard with her fingers) and use them yourself whenever she unconsciously wants you to (basically, whenever you communicate anything).

    You understand why the élite are at the helm when you come to see the 17-list is descriptive of all (normal) people. The élite are no inventors of a game, just the aptest and best vo-ordinating players. This switches over the perspective, thus the whole sight changes.

    The media are the social analogon to the seducer in the couple. They would be punished if they were sincere, instead of pretending to being sincere and, sometimes, not even pretending that (thus subcommunicating their power, which furthers fascination in the seduced).

  119. Sparkon says:

    all governments are essentially, at their very cores, 100% corrupt criminal scams.

    Are you sure it’s 100%? This Internet thingy was a government project. So was/is the Interstate Highway System. Airports, hospitals, fire departments, sanitation and sewage systems — to mention just a few — all rely to a greater or lesser extent on some government’s ability to tax the citizens who benefit from these public services, but you — and others here — seem to be saying that’d we’d be better off without all the services since we’re the ones paying for them.

    Anyway, assuming for the sake of argument that your comment is accurate, what is your recommended solution?

    Specifics please, not vague platitudes or shop-worn clichés: How do we build and enjoy public services without some government or governing body in charge?

    • Agree: RobinG
    • Replies: @onebornfree
    , @Bill Jones
  120. onebornfree says: • Website

    Sparkon says: “Are you sure it’s 100%? “

    The 2 exact reasons for my assertion were clearly given in my quote, prior to the part you have conveniently extracted here.

    If you don’t agree with me that “legalized” theft and counterfeiting are criminal activities then, “Houston, we’ve got a problem” :-)

    Sparkon says: “How do we build and enjoy public services without some government or governing body in charge?”

    You obviously need to think long and hard about this issue , I’m not going to help you, here, for free to boot ! :-)

    All I’m prepared to do “for free” is to perhaps get persons like yourself to understand the true core nature of the governments they all mostly worship and adore, nothing more.

    So no “free solutions to solve all the worlds problems” from me right now, I’m afraid. Just a clue, it’s called “voluntarism”. Do your own research.

    regards, onebornfree

    • Replies: @Sparkon
  121. And let just add not in context, yes we have mass rape in Sweden by foreiners’ everybody has been raped at least once, me too and my cat multiple times, the police id sad the have been raped too, the Canadian geese avoid the Skaene now because most geese have been raped too, even the rapists complain they are being raped.
    Dont come here, you will be raped and your pets too!!
    Stay away!

    • LOL: Mike P
    • Replies: @atlantis_dweller
  122. @onebornfree

    Have the media unanimously covered up the truth about 9/11? See “Waxing Indignant over 9/11 Truth.”

    • Replies: @onebornfree
  123. @Den Lille Abe

    Why do you have only one cat, by the way?

  124. Mr. Davis, upon reading your Children’s Fantasy Writers, I was led to expect you’d like a much scantly referred psychology paper: Ritual Deception: A Window to the Hidden Determinants of Human Politics, by John O. Beahrs.

    This complements well my other comment short up this one, in that “love”, romance, marriage, communal work, are all instances of politics.
    Unless you do it for your own acclunt and sake, there is no point to battling untruth and its endless army, because you are just trying to win over human nature itself, and no less than that.

    Plato wrote that those who tell the stories, govern. “Best” stories was implicit.

  125. Sparkon says:

    Ah so. We should have built the Interstates with “voluntarism” you say? Obviously, you’ve thought “long and hard” about the issue…clearly for at least a second or two.

    All I’m prepared to do “for free” is to perhaps get persons like yourself to understand the true core nature of the governments they all mostly worship and adore, nothing more.

    Well, it’s mighty gracious of you to favor us with your valuable insights and your delusions of grandeur. In your paid work, do you charge extra for those cool clichés when followed by an awesome smiley, or is that just a standard gratuity?

    (Just asking for a friend doing a cost-benefit analysis)

    • Replies: @onebornfree
  126. Christo says:

    You are pulling from an article at the American Chronicle by Tony Bonn, Now that, like this UNZ article I think is pulling from the same place Military Corruption. The article here at UNZ it is fair to guess gets its basis for the Sterney side at

    now I am sure Glen McDonald (editor of Mil Corruption) has an article (or several) about his Boorda theories , which might explain the aside mention in the article here of Booda’s suicide and this current death (which I don’t if it was a suicide or murder ) either way two deaths does not a link make by themselves.

    Please note , I will only go as far as I can be certain of , to do justice to discussing the myriads details involved would demand literally days to reconstruct the chain of events, timing of both the V scandal and as well the details of the days of Boorda’s suicide. I spent those days 20+ years ago , and won’t spend that much time going back just to bury Glem McDonald’s “conspiracy theories” that are based on what the wife of another guy who had he own “conspiracy theories” about Boorda’s death and the whole he was murdered because he” Boorda” got in the way of some

    ” She states that it is nearly impossible to rise to colonel / commander or above without participating in the gay sex rituals which dominate the upper reaches of the US Navy.”

    because Tailhook was not about some dyke being offended at being grouped at the yearly carrier’s pilots frat party/drinking binge/orgy in Las Vegas. Why would a Dyke go to a party with hundreds of druink navy officer’s except to start a big pro-LBGT (anti-whitew anti male destroy the navy PC scandal

    But instead tainhook was about a “secret group of Filed Grade homosexuals in the Navy LOL

    Realize Glen McDonald is a disinformation agent. He does include alot of truth in some of his stuff , but then he throws in weird shit like that. That actually covers up what Tailhook was about (Some Dyke wanting to disgrace all them TOP-GUN Navy Alpha MALE all-American women-banging captian American/Tom Cruise /types that are carrier pilots. Ever meet them? They ain’t homo’s

    So Glen McDonald, in this case is pushing misinformation about some bogus homo ring killing Boorda to cover themselves rather than the actual lesbian busting up the Navy Carrier officer clique and their “famous ” party they threw every year.

    He (Glen McDonaldld ) did the same thing when it came with the USS Fitzgerald collision, using “bull” instead of looking at the actual cause, An incompetent white female at odds with an incompetent black female with an inc ompetent black male ‘harassing her”(and probably banging one or both IDK-demands more research, all three present on the bridge that night, and none of them doing or able to do their jobs. Mc Donald ignored and certainly didn’t mention the racial and sexual aspects that lead to that collusion , I wrote him and called him out on it.

    But i digress, Back to the article you site – or he Boorda was killed becuase he was going to expose the “Chemtrails” thing which I still don’t fathom what chemtrails is about , or he was going to expose the “scandal”of the Clinton admin/ the Navy/US giving guns to Bosnian Moslems( some “scandal” as it was publicly known at the time)

    That article you site and its parent just throws alot of “mud” and hopes something sticks

    Anyway the article you site and its parent article make several reaching assumptions and insertions of misinformation if you didn’t notice them.

    A couple other things here; notice the use of 2 “bullet holes”. The things is ,an entrance wound and an exit wound could be counted as “two” “bullet” “holes” , So that line is not any absolute proof but Tony Bonn and Glen McDonald (hate he has the same last name as the great Occident Quarterly publisher) treat it that way ) run with that as if it is, and please note that info to begin with is “hearsay” 2 places removed. , And the homo tailhook reason is like 3 places hearsay. would (now) alot of research just to go back through all that garbage mix with truth to separate and compare with other POV’s to really understand this stuff , far more than this blog reply I am doing now.

    continued- I am scared to lose a longer post -I apologize for the messy post and lack of edit given how posting edit works here, typing is difficult and a slow operation for me in this first place, and maintaining attention/being clear is an issue with me as well . hands disabled/don’t work well , in pain, on a lot of meds, such is my life
    I’ll re-read your post and attempt to address further next post

  127. onebornfree says: • Website
    @David Martin

    David Martin says: “Have the media unanimously covered up the truth about 9/11?”

    This just in : the media were directly involved in the claimed events of 9/11.

    On the morning of 9/11 all 5 US nationwide MSM incs.[ABC,CBS,CNN, Fox, NBC] broadcast 100% fabricated [ i.e fake] computer generated imagery of a plane strike [ Fl.175 into WTC2] , and later on the collapses of WTC2 , then WTC 1.

    Those 100% fake “live” broadcasts lasted 102 minutes, all told, as has been exposed by lone 9/11 researcher Simon Shack in his 2008 video series “September Clues” :

    Here is an addendum to “September Clues”, which clearly reveals, via close, detailed, frame by frame analysis, the complete fraudulence of all of the original, as aired, mainstream news networks “live” 9/11, broadcasts; complete with impossible scenery perspectives, impossible building dimensions, fake “view from helicopter” shots, and an impossibly mobile bridge:

    Regards, onebornfree

  128. onebornfree says: • Website

    Sparkon says: “Ah so. We should have built the Interstates with “voluntarism” you say?”

    And heeeeeeere’s another free smiley for ya: :-)

    regards, onebornfree

  129. Christo says:

    As to the “V medal” thing. Yes of course Boorda was not thrown out for the V’s . And no, in and of itself , any sailor or service “person” wearing unauthorized devices , as you might know from being a military veteran of some sort , might well be just chewed out or they might might face UCMJ action which depending on their commanders, and what else they might have been accumulated from being wrote up and earlier UCMJ’s can lead to a discharge . Sorta like the “3 strikes law” but in the military a ‘”sailor” might get away , get busted numerous times or maybe just once and boom out the door, In the Army , the 3rd counseling statement was usually the line for UCMJ action , but it is all situational, command dependent and luck too IMO.

    As to being able to site a person’s name now or specific acts 2o+ years after the fact? I am sorry I can’t, and honestly am wary as of yet if this is a action to dismiss what I am saying . All I can say is yes I do recall an incident mentioned in the ‘Navy Times” about a “problem” sailor being caught for unauthorized wear of something om Guam I do not recall. And that sailor being “chaptered out” for it . Can I recall his name or a periodical number date or page?, nope. Can I recall in what function this would have passed across Boorda’s desk or his position at the time?, Nope, But I remember that instance happening because it was a glaring example of hypocrisy on Boorda’s part , given the timing and attention of all this stuff I had at time. As I noted I was greatly interested in Boorda , his suicide and that whole Hackett medal incident , so such a minor event , I noted it because it was a concrete black mark , that simply could not be dismissed, though it was never noted/connected publicly in anything. IIRC!,, maybe Hackett mentioned something to this effect, It has been a long time , and sadly my memory of 20-25 year old details, snippets and ect.’s, is not up to MLA- Turabian footnote standards.

    But it doesn’t matter , if you think a General Officer of the O-9 rank with 40 years of service as a commanding officer or a reviewing/board officer never once wrote up ,or signed off , on a UCMJ action of a lower rank service member for uniform violations which either directly or indirectly contributed to that lower service member being dismissed. Or as CNO of the entire Navy never wrote , reviewed on signed off on the various and numerous SOPS issued about making ‘paper” on uniform violations , just believe what I said is bull. Firsthand, I saw cases while in the army done by far lower rank officers numerous times. As well I read of the incident I mentioned and others, in passing, taking place in the Navy while I was working as a USN/USMC civilian contractor.

    Anyway , Boorda , by wearing those V and then by action admitting guilt by removing them , and going on for years , do you think that might not have “ate’ at him inside . Anyone with a shred of honor it would have . And yes , I do remember reading Zumwalt’s “expost facto ”
    damage control opinion and even the general Navy’s opinion of such V’s even before Boorda’s suicide and long before Zumwalt announced publicly about Boorda being “authorized” to wear them, since those V’s basically were a “gimme” on Navy Bronze stars in Vietnam for officers in similar positions to Boorda at the time.

    Doesn’t matter , on paper , or rather the lack of paper called Orders which give you the authorization to wear such things, Boorda walked around for a while being what is known as a PX Warrior. He did not have paper for them, therefor he did not have them , and he wore them anyway.

    And , IMO it is of real note he took them off , and at the same time he was the top guy and obviously is supposed to “set the example” for the entire Navy and Corps. And then for whatever personal reason he removed them, but he was photographed wearing them and then later here comes Hackworth , with his reputation for exposing such stuff to the US public . Yep , I can see that as quite possibly causing intense internal conflict and stress and guilt in a man such as Boorda, even if everyone one around him according to that site’s 3rd person ? hearsay”statements that said they were “surprised” at his suicide , well? No Duh. It happens in a lot of suicide cases. And this happy and “looking forward” to retirement ? Yes , alot of servicemen (PC police here I am) look at getting out of the military as a happy day, but it as well brings stress, uncertainty, fear, and depression to many that they will be “out of job” or more actually out of something they LOVED to do all their life and now it will be gone . It happens. There is also, from what I heard/read in the army, in the case of 30+plus years military retirees, “most” or “more than half” don’t live 5 years after they retire . In the Army , I heard even half of 20 years retirees don’t last 5 years.
    I don’t know if that is statistically true , but it has a ring to it, and that “die 5 years after retiring”did scare a lot of the dudes I knew with Vietnam combat patches back in the 80′s like my grizzled platoon and First sergeants as they approached retirement. Midlife crisis on top of it all as well

    In Boorda’s case , I looked at his position, his past, and the numerous SEVERE stress factors hitting him all at once as being a “perfect storm” that led to his suicide . Junk was coming at him from many directions even from inside himself.

    Occam’s Razor IMO is hard to exclude here. trading Boorda’s suicide for a Chem trail “conspiracy” whoops, or a top secret murderous homosexual general officer’s club, or all gay Navy pilots association, or some statement/claims given of a now dead supposed IDK? Marine “secret agent ” by his WIFE , to an internet misinformation agent(Military Corruption’s Glen M- though you can find “pieces of truth there , if you know what is missing LOL) just does not cut it , without a lot of “first-hand” refuting evidence . Where is it? A photo of 2 entrance holes on Boorda’s chest would be nice.,


    • Agree: Simply Simon
  130. @NoseytheDuke

    The fact that women tend to use the least disfiguring methods tends to belie Mr Simon’s view.

  131. @Sparkon

    The internet thingy was not a government project, merely the initial network technology: which btw piggybacked off the phone system: a privately developed technology.
    The Internet Highway system, implemented by an ex CEO of General motors was the corrupt use of tax payer dollars to kill off the existing railway system.
    You would benefit from listening to

    Airports, hospitals, fire departments all existed prior to their usurpation by the State: the latter by the way still are the predominant providers, most fireman in the US are volunteers.
    I have my own water and sewage systems.

    If you are going to be hanging around at Unz you should try to get acquainted with reality otherwise fuck-off back to whichever Statist hell hole you call home.

    • Replies: @Sparkon
    , @NoseytheDuke
  132. @Counterinsurgency

    I respect your arguments but any time a medal with the “V” designation is worn it should merit special attention if it is indeed part of the aide’s responsibility. I am not familiar with Navy decorations but I do know there is a big difference in the army’s award of the “V” device on the Bronze Star. The “V” device was only awarded for valor in actual combat whereas the plain Bronze Star was awarded just for being in the theater of operations perhaps as a clerk-typist.

  133. Believe it or not, I fully agree with you. All medals should be treated with respect, and medals for actual combat service _must+ be treated with respect if the military society is to be functional, and I’m seriously sad that they aren’t.


  134. @Sean

    “Rossi, who was 55, was just two days from pinning on his third star and taking command of Army Space and Missile Command…”

    Yes, I can see how he would be despondent…

  135. Sparkon says:
    @Bill Jones

    I have my own water and sewage systems.[...]If you are going to be hanging around at Unz you should try to get acquainted with reality otherwise [blah blah blah f-bomb blah blah blah]

    I take it then the reality with which you think I should get acquainted is the one where everyone has their own water and sewage systems, just like you?

    Your reality sounds not only highly impractical, but also more than just a little bit elitist.

  136. @Bill Jones

    Friedrich List said, “Essential infrastructure is vital to the wellbeing and security of the nation and is thus too important to be left to the whims of profit”. The US did quite well when following List’s principles of a mixed economy. Some things are better when controlled by the free market and others by government. It is the lack of severe penalties for corrupt government officials that is the main problem and I suggest this would change should corrupt behaviour be equated as treason and punishable as such.

  137. Anonymous[249] • Disclaimer says:

    Addendum: How the MSM explains (excuses) how Bulger was never recognized for the sixteen years he was on the loose.

    This level of obfuscation – with a full piece in Psychology Today – itself screams “Deep State.”

    Ironically, Mueller himself now finds himself in much the same position as his former partner in crime Whitey Bulger – he knows far too much for many people’s comfort, especially the Clintons.

    Mueller would probably not survive very long if the Clintons regain a measure of power under a Democratic administration.

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