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Introduction. Refugee and asylum legislation is now a key policy area for many major immigrant-receiving countries. The UN Refugee Agency estimates there are currently 28.5 million refugees and asylum seekers worldwide, with most originating in South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Syria. The world’s largest refugee hosting countries are located near the epicenters of those countries experiencing... Read More
The Poignant Psychohistory Of A Social Justice Warrior
A specter is haunting British and American scientists who have the courage to explore non-PC topics—a specter named Ben van der Merwe. He’s a case study in what goes into making a Cultural Marxist Social Justice Warrior. Over the last year, this toothy graduate student’s journalism has “exposed” the London Conference on Intelligence [Exposed: London’s... Read More
If Democrats are optimistic as 2019 begins, it is understandable. Their victory on Nov. 6, adding 40 seats and taking control of the House of Representatives, was impressive. And with the party's total vote far exceeding the GOP total, in places it became a rout. In the six New England states, Republicans no longer hold... Read More
The murderous race war against whites that has covered for its 19 years has entered a new and in some ways more chilling and potentially dangerous phase. I believe the time has come for victims to consider legal action. Actual anti-white attacks, say, with a sucker punch to the side of the head from... Read More
What if Christmas is a core value of belief in a personal God who lived among us and His freely given promise of eternal salvation that no believer should reject or apologize for? What if Christmas is the rebirth of Christ in the hearts of all believers? What if Christmas is the potential rebirth of... Read More
A “Big League Politics” Interview about paleolibertarianism
BIG LEAGUE POLITICS: Being a preeminent paleolibertarian thinker today, how would you define paleolibertarianism and how does it differ from standard paleoconservatism? ILANA MERCER: First, let’s define libertarianism. libertarianism is concerned with the ethics of the use of force. Nothing more. This, and this alone, is the ambit of libertarian law. All libertarians must respect... Read More
A Christmas present for the American and Syrian people
President Donald Trump’s order to withdraw from Syria has been greeted, predictably, with an avalanche of condemnation culminating in last Thursday’s resignation by Defense Secretary James Mattis. The Mattis resignation letter focused on the betrayal of allies, though it was inevitably light on details, suggesting that the Marine Corps General was having some difficulty in... Read More
A Confidential Note to Various "Alt-Right" People and Others Dated: August 21, 2017 I've been very dismayed by the recent "political purge" being conducted by some of the largest Internet companies, in which numerous controversial websites of the "Alt Right" have suddenly been "disappeared," and in which all sorts of basic Internet services such as... Read More
My traditional Christmas column goes back to sometime in the 1990s when I was a newspaper columnist. It has been widely reprinted at home and abroad. Every year two or three readers write to educate me that religion is the source of wars and persecutions. These readers confuse religion with mankind’s abuse of institutions, religious... Read More
An Interview with John Derbyshire
2019 is almost here. As everyone knows, 2019 is the year when the dystopian sci-fi movie Blade Runner takes place. 2019 will also be the ten year anniversary of the release of John Derbyshire’s paradigm-shifting bestseller We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, a book which paints a dystopian future for America even more disturbing and... Read More
I am a big fan of President Trump’s Christmas greetings. We need a US president to wish Merry Christmas in this dark time. And by declaring his troops’ withdrawal from Syria, he almost earned the right to do it. Do not forget: the anti-Christian wave that covered the world had began in the US. In... Read More
Introduction 2018 marks the centenary of the birth of Jewish-American conductor, pianist, composer and teacher Leonard Bernstein. This milestone has seen a global bonanza of 2,500 concerts, programs, exhibitions and theatrical productions. Bernstein features prominently in the pantheon of “Jewish geniuses” as designated by the West’s Jewish-dominated cultural and intellectual establishment. Bernstein’s centenary year inevitably... Read More
Papua New Guinea Looks Better and Better II
Having just returned from two weeks in the curious environs of Washington, DC, I offer a few observations on the national lunacy deposit: The de-Christianization of the country, or at least this part of it, is almost complete. I can think of hearing the word “Christmas” only twice in two weeks of trough-inciting retail advertising.... Read More
So there’s going to be at least a brief government shutdown over the Democrats’ refusal to fund President Trump’s Wall. Good. I cheered on the Wall when Trump put it at the front of his campaign in 2016. And of course we should have a secure barrier to separate us from the semi-barbarous countries to... Read More
It seems that every time we look at the legal maneuverings that reflect upon President Donald Trump, the allegations of unlawful behavior by him add up. We know that two teams of federal prosecutors are examining his pre-presidential and his in-office behavior. Special counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether Trump and his campaign reached an... Read More
“We Must Be Eternally Vigilant against Racism”
As Mark Twain probably never said: “History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.” Old patterns return in new forms, ancient errors and superstitions slide back into unsuspecting modern minds. It’s very unwise for liberals in 2018 to think themselves superior to the past, because in some ways they’re far inferior. If you believe in the... Read More
In itself, criminal justice reform for non-violent offenders is not anathema to Trump’s libertarian supporters (check). For what it symbolizes in the broader political context, however, the passing of the First Step Act—as the criminal justice reform bill is called—is a bit of an abomination. Good or bad, the First Step Act is Jared Kushner’s... Read More
After six all-American decades in business, Toys "R" Us crashed in 2018, closing its 735 U.S. stores and filing for bankruptcy. As it happens, however, the Washington-branded outfit, Mistreatment and Misconduct "R" Us (or M&M "R" Us), continues to thrive, as it has this century so far. In case the holiday season has swept your... Read More
I must confess that I feel a bit awkward about reviewing Dr. Boyd Cathey’s outstanding anthology, The Land We Love: The South and its Heritage. I am, as the reader may notice, mentioned in the preface, along with Clyde Wilson, as one of the author’s two most significant guides in preparing these essays. And despite... Read More
If you want change, begin to play hardball
In his recent article “Averting World Conflict with China” Ron Unz has come up with an intriguing suggestion for the Chinese government to turn the tables on the December 1st arrest of Meng Wanzhou in Canada. Canada detained Mrs. Meng, CFO of the world’s largest telecoms equipment manufacturer Huawei, at the request of the United... Read More
The French are the best. The men don’t get fat. The women don’t sleep alone. The kids are well-behaved. They have the best architecture, the best way of living, best bread, best wine, best olive oil, best cooking, some of the best writing, films, painting, poetry, perfume - and women. They also excel in revolutions.... Read More
International “Reading Solzhenitsyn” Conference in Lyndon, Vermont, September 7-8, 2018
No, Solzhenitsyn did not imagine himself as a god. He is another kind of artist, the one, he says, who “recognizes above himself a higher power and joyfully works as a humble apprentice under God’s heaven, though graver and more demanding still is his responsibility for all he writes or paints—and for the souls which... Read More
U.S. immigration policy is nested in the broader issue of our time: the struggle of settled Western nations with their distinctive national characters and familiar—familiar, I mean, to the citizens who comprise them—their familiar styles of managing their public affairs, the struggle of these nations to keep their nationhood intact against the ambitions ofglobalizing elites.... Read More
How does the West get away with its pretense of being an alliance of great democracies in which government is the servant of the people? Nowhere in the West, except possibly Hungary and Austria, does government serve the people. Who do the Western governments serve? Washington serves Israel, the military/security complex, Wall Street, the big... Read More
They swore he’d never build, just tear down. He was, after all, the ultimate loner president with a grim history of bankruptcies. It was obvious that, among other things, he’d destroy the country’s alliances. And admittedly, these last two years his strength hasn’t always been in building. Take that “big, fat, beautiful wall” of his.... Read More
Globalists Really Are Ruining Your Life
You know the story: the globalists want your guns. They want your democracy. They’re hovering just beyond the horizon in those black helicopters. They control the media and Wall Street. They’ve burrowed into a deep state that stretches like a vast tectonic plate beneath America’s fragile government institutions. They want to replace the United States... Read More
Medieval, a finishing school for the British aristocracy, site of numerous vital discoveries (IVF, the structure of DNA), you don’t get much more prestigious than Britain’s University of Cambridge. So imagine the Leftist gnashing of teeth when Noah Carl, a 28 year-old sociologist who has argued in a high-impact journal that researchers must be allowed... Read More
I was recently struck by a video by the French civic nationalist and anti-Zionist Alain Soral. I have to personally credit Soral’s videos, among other things, for breaking the mainstream conditioning which had prevented me from thinking outside of the liberal-egalitarian sandbox, so to speak. Hence, while I am quite critical of important parts of... Read More
See also: Narrative Collapse: Is Charlottesville’s James Alex Fields The Next George Zimmerman? To say the rule of law is dead assumes a precise definition. It means criminal justice is guided by public opinion, ideology, and media pressure rather than any semblance of an objective process or written code. It’s to say that justice is... Read More
Over the course of my life I have received many recognitions, awards, and high honors, including the French Legion of Honor, the US Treasury’s Silver Medal, the International Journalism Award from the Press Club of Mexico, and Who’s Who in the World’s Lifetime Achievement Award, but as proud as I am of these awards, The... Read More
Is it coincidence or contagion, this malady that seems to have suddenly induced paralysis in the leading nations of the West? With lawyer-fixer Michael Cohen's confession that he colluded with Donald Trump in making hush money payoffs to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, America's stage is set for a play that will run two years.... Read More
Once a year I like to pretend like my blog is some kind of "respectable" mainstream outlet and I engage in the (admittedly totally silly!) exercise of nominating some "man" (sorry, "person" is unbearably politically correct and once you go down that route you end up calling mentally deranged freaks "ze/zir/zee/etc" and the like). Hey,... Read More
Last week, federal prosecutors in Washington and New York filed sentencing memorandums with federal judges in advance of the sentencings of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen. President Donald Trump's former campaign manager and his former personal lawyer had pleaded guilty to federal crimes, and the memorandums, which are required by the federal rules of criminal... Read More
Ever wonder what it would be like for a website or platform to suddenly just pull the plug on an enormous swath of its users? Not just one or two thought criminals (such as, to pick at random, American Renaissance), or even a few dozen or hundred users, but a massive purge? Well, you are... Read More
A Spectre is haunting the Unz Review — the spectre of a highly ethnocentric Jewish commenter called Tyrion 2. He possesses all of Kevin MacDonald’s “background traits for Jewish activism,” from ethnocentrism and intelligence to aggressiveness and psychological intensity. With shameless disregard for facts and logic, he assails any criticism of Jews at the Unz... Read More
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to trace outbreaks to Patient Zero, the index case—the first patient to get, then transmit, a disease. Is this government agency doing due diligence in the cases of the polio-like paralysis infecting hundreds of America’s kids? By the dictionary’s telling, epidemiology is “the branch of medicine... Read More
Conservatism without race realism is a hideous thing. We started getting unwelcome glimpses of this horror show during the 2016 elections when a fair number of supposedly reliable conservatives decided they preferred the arch-liberal Hillary Clinton to the solidly-conservative Donald Trump. The fact that many of them still do two years down the line proves... Read More
So it appears the privatization of France isn’t going quite as smoothly as planned. As I assume you are aware, for over a month now, the gilets jaunes (or “yellow vests”), a multiplicitous, leaderless, extremely pissed off, confederation of working class persons, have been conducting a series of lively protests in cities and towns throughout... Read More
Something is missing
When George H.W. Bush died on November 30th, America’s two self-proclaimed newspapers of record The Washington Post and The New York Times were both quick off the mark in publishing what appeared to be definitive obituaries of the former president and statesman that had clearly been prepared in advance. The obit by The Times and... Read More
In the great cultural war which surrounds race and intelligence, James Flynn is on the side of the angels. I know this because he told me so. Happily, I know him well enough to know he was joking: he was admitting that he was well aware that his mostly environmentalist perspective was far more acceptable... Read More
Washington is once again gripped by the specter of a government shutdown, as Congress and President Trump negotiate an end-of-year spending deal. A main issue of contention is funding for President Trump’s border wall. Sadly, but not surprisingly, neither Congress nor the administration is fighting to cut, or at least not increase, spending. Federal spending... Read More
Free speech and the ability to speak truth are being shut down. It is happening with the complicity of the print and TV media, the liberal/progressive/left, the US Department of Justice (sic), the law schools and bar associations, Congress, and the federal judiciary. The attack on Julian Assange is the arrow aimed at the heart... Read More
In a Crippled World, All the News That’s Fit to Splint
Breaking News! -- as NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt often puts it when beginning his evening broadcast. Here, in summary, is my view of the news that’s breaking in the United States on just about any day of the week: Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Or rather (in the president’s style): Trump! Trump! Trump!... Read More
Defending Women Against Bat-Brained Viragos
In my capacity of shade-tree anthropologist at large, I am trying to make sense of the far Left. It is tough sledding. Most of it makes as much sense as lug nuts on a birthday cake. Help me. I am really confused. I can’t see that the Left actually is Left, I mean. The Left... Read More
The cross-examineress for the defense went very easy on him, letting him waffle through a less-than-compelling testimony.
The author was present in Charlottesville during the August 2017 melee. He has been reporting from the courtroom since the trial started. For more of his coverage, see here. Charlottesville, December 6. A key defense witness testified today, the last day of arguments in the trial of James Fields, who is accused of first degree... Read More
Some discoveries are just too shocking to digest. Recently I wrote of intrepid Ron Unz, the Californian maverick publisher and IT-genius, who dared to share with his readers his insights into the ideas and motifs of revisionists, or Holocaust Deniers, as their enemies call them. But this absolutely verboten topic fades into irrelevance in comparison... Read More
What planet do we actually live on? Start with this fact: the last four years -- 2015, 2016, 2017, and (it seems a sure thing) 2018 -- will be the hottest on record. And if that doesn’t seem like evidence enough of something worth noting, how about 20 of the last 22 years being the... Read More
I took my first hit of speed in 1970 during my freshman year in college. That little white pill -- Dexedrine -- was a revelation. It made whatever I was doing absolutely fascinating. Amphetamine sharpened my focus and banished all appetites except a hunger for knowledge. I spent that entire night writing 35 pages of... Read More
The nation has paused this week from its toxic political battles to remember the kindness and gentleness of President George H.W. Bush. He was kind to Bill Clinton, who defeated him in 1992, and to Ross Perot, whose unusual entry into the presidential race that year siphoned conservative voters away from Bush and enabled Clinton... Read More
A New Faith Stirs in the Courtroom of James Fields
Charlottesville City Circuit Court, December 4, 2018. If you seek a demonstration of vigorous legal argument, you will not find it here. These proceedings are repetitive, inane and, well, boring. But they have a different virtue. The trial of James Fields may be irrelevant as an example of good law or sound logic, but it... Read More
Category Classics
The sources of America’s immigration problems—and a possible solution
Confederate Flag Day, State Capitol, Raleigh, N.C. -- March 3, 2007
An alliance of pro-immigrant Democrats and anti-immigration Republicans could finally fix our broken system
Not What Tom Jefferson Had in Mind