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    From the British Psychological Society's Research Digest: Many social psychologists are impeded by their ideological aversion to evolutionary psychology By Christian Jarrett A new survey of beliefs held by social psychologists (335 members of the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists) has confirmed previous reports that the field is overwhelmingly populated by researchers of a left-wing,...
    I think the problem is that psychology, psychiatry, etc., like so much of academia, has been infected with Leftism. It's a legitimate field of study and work, but it's been corrupted.

    ” It’s a legitimate field of study and work”

    NO it is not a “Legitimate” field of anything, the basic error being in the comparison of one human mind to another in order to forecast behavior and reaction.
    This is, and has always been an impossible and rediculous undertaking as each and every human , intelligent or moronic, is unique, and the pseudo-scientific approach applied by the world of psychology says that one persons future behavior can be determined through the observation of the behavior of another, or others, this being the reason why so many criminal offenders turn out to be “repeat” offenders in spite of psychological “expertises” to the contrary : The dumb-ass shrinks assume that random human behavior can be categorized and packaged into groupings, therefore their totally erroneous “catalogs” of human psychological disorders.


    PS My sister took psych courses for three years at Mich State, and woke up one day laughing at the absurdity of their premises, thus quitting.

    • Replies: @TTSSYF
    Many a person has accumulated great wealth by making broad generalizations about human behavior. Anything can be taken to a ridiculous extreme. You’re free to hold a contrary opinion from mine...and I won’t tell you, as you’ve me, that you can’t.
  • President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting...
  • To the Admin : Pray tell, just why is my legitimate and factual response to post nr 204 not being posted?

    The poster of nr 204 has severely insulted me, suggesting that I am a liar which I profoundly reject, and I am not given the chance to prove otherwise through the blockage of my response.


    • Replies: @renfro
    Because its off topic dumbo.
    And my reply to you was off topic....for which I was rightly chastised.
    You have a habit of spewing out 'assertions' you don't back up.
    And occasionally I respond when I shouldnt bother.
    You have no expertise in US music history.
  • That’s the law. Nothing can be done about it. And that’s the liberal reaction to any rational action to stop the stampede of uneducated, unruly, fractious, antagonistic masses toward and over the U.S. southern border. Liberals call law-enforcement unlawful. Or, they shoehorn the act of holding the line into the unlawful category. Prevent uninvited masses...
  • @Frederick V. Reed
    I dont get it. I read many pieces like this one, and all are correct. At least three billion people would come to the US if they could. Not all are especially undesirable in themselves, but diversity is always troulbe. The open borders people are not actually stupid. So why do they do it? I have friends in South Africa who tell a horrible story of what goes. MS |3 is almost as bad. Why do the googoos do this? My impression is that they are mad at their parents andthis is their way of getting evern. No?

    ” Why do the googoos do this”

    Very simple : Because they are insane, and they are pushing relentlessly towards a communist “Workers paradise”, which of course will never manifest, and instead will lead to pandemonia, bloodshed and the end of the US, and westen Europe.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete

    ...and instead will lead to pandemonia, bloodshed and the end of the US, and westen Europe.

    Don't look now, but all that's long been a done deal. I thought you Mensans were into pattern recognition; what happened?

  • From the British Psychological Society's Research Digest: Many social psychologists are impeded by their ideological aversion to evolutionary psychology By Christian Jarrett A new survey of beliefs held by social psychologists (335 members of the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists) has confirmed previous reports that the field is overwhelmingly populated by researchers of a left-wing,...
  • @Art Deco
    Mr. Mensa, you're confounding psychology, which is a variegated academic discipline, with clinical psychology, which is one of its vocational affiliates. Only a modest minority of academic psychologists study the sort of phenomena with which clinical psychologists concern themselves.

    ” I am not “confounding” or “variegrating” anything, rather my point being EVERYTHING, all of the concepts, theories, therapy, everything originating within the “teachings”of one Sigmund Freud, without exception is pure unadulterated garbage, and the damage resulting through the application of these concepts far exceed any minute positive resultings.


    • Replies: @Art Deco
    all of the concepts, theories, therapy, everything originating within the “teachings”of one Sigmund Freud,

    The position of psychoanalysis within clinical practice began to decline around 1965. When I worked at a university medical center, we had one psychiatrist in that department who made a public point of his psychoanalytic training. That man was born in 1923 and died in 1996. Psychoanalysis was never more than an odd fragment within academic psychology and I think you'd have to scrounge to locate a department wherein it is taught as anything but a historical curio. The academic aspect of clinical psychology is a modest part of what you find in academic psychology departments. Again, the department I know best had neurophysiologists, experimental psychologists who did animal behavior studies, specialists in cognition, social psychologists, &c. They had of a dozen or so faculty one person who studied abnormal psychology (in addition to personality, her other specialty).
  • President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting...
  • @renfro
    For more on Gabbard read this in depth article on her background and weird religious connections.

    Her support for Israel is well known:

    At CUFI Summit, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard... - Christians United for Israel ...

    Like Nikii Haley she also has political (and probable financial) connection to Zionist Adelson:

    ''Gabbard's Zionism and Islamophobia have won her acclaim and support from all sorts of unsavory characters--like right-wing billionaire and Zionist Sheldon Adelson, who infamously declared that "all Muslims are terrorists."

    In addition to loyally defending Israel, Gabbard has also proved a reliable servant of Adelson's business interests. She introduced legislation against online gambling to protect his casino empire against Internet competition. Adelson thanked her by giving her the Champion of Freedom award at a celebration he sponsored in New York last May.''

    *What is basically happening is that the Jews haven't been able make enough inroads with Hispanic voters who they wanted to bring to the Israel side and couldn't find any popular (and female)Hispanic political figure to they seized on the US Indian immigrant group to push forward politically ....which was a better fit anyway because of the India-Israel alliance. Gabbard is violently anti Islam as is India and Israel. India wants to declare itself a "Hindu State" like Israel has declared itself a Jewish State.

    She : TG, is a Democrat and also was an officer in the US Army, and in case you have no inside experience than be informed : there is something freaky and wierd about a military officer who is aligns with the Democrats, it just doesn’t jibe, and she having been surrounded by comrades who were most likely all Republicans, she most certainly came across as a : wierdo; and politically I would wager to say that she is probably totally confused on issues.


    • Replies: @ChuckOrloski
    Authenticjazzman opined: "... there is something freaky and weird about a military officer who is aligns with the Democrats...,"

    Hey AJM!

    Once again, above, you hit the wrong note!

    US Vietnam veteran & Republican Senator Chuck Have tactfully aligned with the Obama adminstration. *

    Also, MENSA Board of Directors might be inclined to reevaluate you due to this sophomoric judgement on Tulsi Gabbard: "... and she having been surrounded by comrades who were most likely all Republicans, she most certainly came across as a : weirdo; and politically I would wager to say that she is probably totally confused on issues."

    Fyi, to All Brothers & Sisters:
    The elite & powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) could readily headhunt & find a high-IQ guy like AJM who arrogantly professes to know all the political "issues " and after a short tutorial by Henry Kissinger, for example McCain's pupil Sarah Palin, and voila, the CFR has another star adept at CONTROLLING & interpreting the "issues" for dumb goyim intake!

    * Calling geokat, U.R. Comment, Research Specialist: Have tried but failed to access an extremely funny but truthful Saturday Night Live (SNL) skit which provided extraordinary satire on the US Senate's hearing prior to Chuck Hagel's appointment as Obama's Secretary of Defense. Can you search for this, geo? So, so, so very good & daring that I am unsure a posting of the skit here on this article thread will survive. Thanks!
  • @renfro

    Everything that the rest of the world wants to purchase from Americans was invented by Jews, more or less.
    Jews aren't and have never been 'inventors'....they are 'commercializers' .
    They take the inventions of others and 'mass market' them.
    They have always been 'merchants'..... their main talent is seeing what inventions they can sell to the mass market.

    They didn't invent the movie camera to make moving pictures with or invent the sewing machines and automated sewing process in clothing like Levis.
    They are not "original thinkers".....they are 'adapters' of others inventions.

    ” They are not “original thinkers” : Hebrews.

    Total nonsense : The greatest, most prolific “original thinkers” in the US field of art having been the Jews of “tin-pan alley”, starting with Berlin, the Gershwins, Kern, Hammerstein, Kahn, Styne, the list is almost endless, and without the magnificent creations of these gifted folks the US would be, from a cultural standpoint a far poorer place.


    • Replies: @anon
    How do you know? for every prominent Hollywood director or for every Art director or for every Symphony director , hundreds are eliminated because the later don't belong to Jewish tribe. The NYT says certain art is good and the artist becomes good . The overt and covert jew connections are evident . As it is in media where CNN and MSNBC are nothing but parade of Jews or FOX which is which is nothing but everyday genuflecting to Jews , so are in arts, academy and in Congress. Jews are eulogized while wake of the civilization is displayed in its most darkest relief. No on gets the chance .
    , @renfro
    Sorry old chap but non Jews far out number Jews in famous American composers.

    I have to point out the REALLY MOST FAMOUS IN THE WORLD , NONE OF WHOM WERE JEWS----Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Rachmaninoff ,Tchaikovsky, Wagner and Mozart.

    Chronological list of Famous American composers

    From Wikipedia
    1 Baroque
    2 Classical era
    3 Romantic
    4 Modern/contemporary

    Charles Theodore Pachelbel (1690–1750)

    Classical era
    John Antes (1740–1811)
    William Billings (1746–1800)
    Justin Morgan (1747–1798)
    Raynor Taylor (1747–1825)
    Supply Belcher (1751–1836)
    John Christopher Moller (1755–1803)
    Alexander Reinagle (1756–1809)
    Daniel Read (1757–1836)
    Samuel Adams Holyoke (1762–1820)
    Oliver Holden (1765–1844)
    Benjamin Carr (1768–1831)
    James Hewitt (1770–1827)

    Anthony Philip Heinrich (1781–1861)
    Lowell Mason (1792–1872)
    Francis Boott (1813–1904)
    William Henry Fry (1813–1864)
    Richard Storrs Willis (1819–1900)
    George Frederick Bristow (1825–1898)
    Edmond Dédé (1827–1903)
    Charles Lucien Lambert (1828–1896)
    J. C. D. Parker (1828–1916)
    Louis Moreau Gottschalk (1829–1869)
    William Mason (1829–1908)
    Charles Crozat Converse (1832–1918)
    Benjamin Johnson Lang (1837–1909)
    Frederic Archer (1838–1901)
    Eugene Thayer (1838–1889)
    Dudley Buck (1839–1909)
    John Knowles Paine (1839–1906)
    Benjamin Dwight Allen (1841–1914)
    William Gilchrist (1846–1916)
    Silas G. Pratt (1846–1916)
    John Thomas Douglass (1847–1886)
    Frederick Grant Gleason (1848–1903)
    William Burdine Blake, Sr. (1852–1938)
    Emma Roberto Steiner (1852–1929)
    Arthur Foote (1853–1937)
    Edwin Arthur Jones (1853–1911)
    George Whitefield Chadwick (1854–1931)
    John Philip Sousa (1854–1932)
    Johann H. Beck (1856–1924)
    George Strong (1856–1948)
    Arthur H. Bird (1856–1923)
    Humphrey John Stewart (1856–1932)
    Edgar Stillman Kelley (1857–1944)
    Henry Schoenefeld (1857–1936)
    Timothee Adamowski (1858–1943)
    Harry Rowe Shelley (1858–1947)
    Frank Van der Stucken (1858–1929)
    Victor Herbert (1859–1924)
    Reginald De Koven (1859–1920)
    Edward MacDowell (1860–1908)
    Charles Martin Loeffler (1861–1935)
    Walter Damrosch (1862–1950)
    Henry Holden Huss (1862–1953)
    Ethelbert Nevin (1862–1901)
    Horatio Parker (1863–1919)
    Sidney Homer (1864?–1953)
    Jean Paul Kürsteiner (1864–1943)
    Harvey Worthington Loomis (1865–1930)
    Harry Burleigh (1866–1949)
    Carl Valentin Wunderle (1866–1944)
    Amy Beach (1867–1944)
    Margaret Ruthven Lang (1867–1972)
    Charles Sanford Skilton (1868–1941)
    Harry Lawrence Freeman (1869–1954)
    Victor Harris (1869–1943)

    Scott Joplin (1867/68–1917)
    Joseph Carl Breil (1870–1926)
    Howard Brockway (1870–1951)
    Louis Coerne (1870–1922)
    Henry Eichheim (1870–1942)
    Frederick Converse (1871–1940)
    Henry Kimball Hadley (1871–1937)
    Arthur Nevin (1871–1943)
    Arthur Farwell (1872–1952)
    Rubin Goldmark (1872–1936)
    Edward Burlingame Hill (1872–1960)
    Daniel Gregory Mason (1873–1953)
    Mary Carr Moore (1873–1957)
    Fitzhugh Andrews (1873–1961)
    Charles Ives (1874–1954)
    Bert R. Anthony (1876–1923)
    Frederick Ayres (1876–1926)
    John Alden Carpenter (1876–1951)
    Carl Ruggles (1876–1971)
    Blair Fairchild (1877–1933)
    Frank La Forge (1879–1953)
    Ernest Bloch (1880–1959)
    Arthur Shepherd (1880–1958)
    Charles Wakefield Cadman (1881–1946)
    Richard Hageman (1881–1966)
    Paul Hastings Allen (1882–1952)
    Marion Bauer (1882–1955)
    Seth Bingham (1882–1972)
    Ralph Lyford (1882–1927)
    Charles Tomlinson Griffes (1884–1920)
    Louis Gruenberg (1884–1964)
    Wallingford Riegger (1885–1961)
    Deems Taylor (1885–1966)
    John J. Becker (1886–1961)
    Edward Joseph Collins (1886–1951)
    Joseph Lamb (1887–1960)
    Florence Price (1887–1953)
    Ernst Toch (1887–1964)
    Philip Greeley Clapp (1888–1954)
    Philip James (1890–1975)
    Frederick Jacobi (1891–1952)
    Katherine K. Davis (1892–1980)
    Ferde Grofé (1892–1972)
    Douglas Moore (1893–1969)
    Leo Ornstein (1893–2002)
    Bernard Rogers (1893–1968)
    John Laurence Seymour (1893–1986)
    Robert Russell Bennett (1894–1981)
    Walter Piston (1894–1976)
    Mark Wessel (1894–1973)
    Leo Sowerby (1895–1968)
    William Grant Still (1895–1978)
    Howard Hanson (1896–1981)
    Leroy Robertson (1896–1971)
    Roger Sessions (1896–1985)
    Virgil Thomson (1896–1989)
    Jaromír Weinberger (1896–1967)
    Henry Cowell (1897–1965)
    Erich Korngold (1897–1957)
    Stanley R. Avery (1897–1967)
    Quincy Porter (1897–1966)
    Ernst Bacon (1898–1990)
    Avery Claflin (1898–1979)
    George Gershwin (1898–1937)
    Roy Harris (1898–1979)
    John Woods Duke (1899–1984)
    George Frederick McKay (1899–1970)
    Randall Thompson (1899–1984)
    George Antheil (1900–1959)
    Aaron Copland (1900–1990)
    Ernst Krenek (1900–1991)
    Otto Luening (1900–1996)
    Elinor Remick Warren (1900–1991)
    Alfredo Antonini (1901–1983)
    Ruth Crawford Seeger (1901–1953)
    Harry Partch (1901–1974)
    Celius Dougherty (1902–1986)
    John Vincent (1902–1977)
    Meredith Willson (1902–1984)
    Stefan Wolpe (1902–1972)
    Vernon Duke (1903–1969)
    Vittorio Giannini (1903–1966)
    Undine Smith Moore (1904–1989)
    Marc Blitzstein (1905–1964)
    Paul Creston (1906–1985)
    Ross Lee Finney (1906–1997)
    Miriam Gideon (1906–1996)
    Hubert Klyne Headley (1906–1996)
    Normand Lockwood (1906–2002)
    Willson Osborne (1906–1979)
    Louise Talma (1906–1996)
    David Tamkin (1906–1975)
    David Van Vactor (1906–1994)
    Franz Waxman (1906–1967)
    Alec Wilder (1907–1980)
    Leroy Anderson (1908–1975)
    Elliott Carter (1908–2012)
    John Verrall (1908–2001)
    Charles Naginski (1909–1940)
    Elie Siegmeister (1909–1991)
    Samuel Barber (1910–1981)
    Paul Bowles (1910–1999)
    William Schuman (1910–1992)
    Bernard Herrmann (1911–1975)
    Alan Hovhaness (1911–2000)
    Gian Carlo Menotti (1911–2007)
    Julia Smith (1911–1989)
    Wayne Barlow (1912–1996)
    Arthur Berger (1912–2003)
    John Cage (1912–1992)
    Don Gillis (1912–1978)
    Conlon Nancarrow (1912–1997)
    Hugo Weisgall (1912–1997)
    Milton Adolphus (1913–1988)
    Margaret Bonds (1913–1972)
    Henry Brant (1913–2008)
    Norman Dello Joio (1913–2008)
    Alvin Etler (1913–1973)
    Vivian Fine (1913–2000)
    Clare Grundman (1913–1996)
    Morton Gould (1913–1996)
    Jerome Moross (1913–1983)
    Gardner Read (1913–2005)
    Cecil Effinger (1914–1990)
    Irving Fine (1914–1963)
    Roger Goeb (1914–1997)
    Alexei Haieff (1914–1994)
    Gail Kubik (1914–1984)
    David Diamond (1915–2005)
    George Perle (1915–2009)
    Vincent Persichetti (1915–1987)
    Robert Strassburg (1915–2003)
    Milton Babbitt (1916–2011)
    Ellis B. Kohs (1916–2000)
    Ben Weber (1916–1979)
    Ruth Shaw Wylie (1916–1989)
    Edward T. Cone (1917–2004)
    Robert Erickson (1917–1997)
    Lou Harrison (1917–2003)
    Ulysses Kay (1917–1995)
    Robert Ward (1917–2013)
    Leonard Bernstein (1918–1990)
    Howard Boatwright (1918–1999)
    George Rochberg (1918–2005)
    Joseph Willard Roosevelt (1918–2008)
    Jacob Avshalomov (1919–2013)
    Leon Kirchner (1919–2009)
    Paul Manz (1919–2009)
    Helen Tobias-Duesberg (1919–2010)
    Earl Kim (1920–1998)
    John La Montaine (1920–2013)
    Harold Shapero (born 1920)
    Douglas Allanbrook (1921–2003)
    Jack Beeson (1921–2010)
    William Bergsma (1921–1994)
    Karel Husa (born 1921)
    Andrew Imbrie (1921–2007)
    Ralph Shapey (1921–2002)
    Leo Smit (1921–1999)
    Romeo Cascarino (1922–2002)
    Lukas Foss (1922–2009)
    David N. Johnson (1922–1987)
    Francis Thorne (born 1922)
    George Walker (born 1922)
    Ursula Mamlok (born 1923)
    Peter Mennin (1923–1983)
    Ned Rorem (born 1923)
    Daniel Pinkham (1923–2006)
    Mel Powell (1923–1998)
    Mark Bucci (1924–2002)
    Ezra Laderman (born 1924)
    Benjamin Lees (1924–2010)
    Robert Starer (1924–2001)
    Tony Acquaviva (1925–1986)
    Robert Beadell (1925–1994)
    Frank Lewin (1925–2008)
    Kirke Mechem (born 1925)
    Gunther Schuller (1925–2015)
    Paul W. Whear (born 1925)
    Earle Brown (1926–2002)
    Richard Faith (born 1926)
    Morton Feldman (1926–1987)
    Carlisle Floyd (born 1926)
    Lee Hoiby (1926–2011)
    Ben Johnston (born 1926)
    William O. Smith (born 1926)
    David Tudor (1926–1996)
    Dominick Argento (born 1927)
    John W. Downey (1927–2004)
    Donald Erb (1927–2008)
    Walter Hartley (born 1927)
    Janet Maguire (born 1927)
    Salvatore Martirano (1927–1995)
    Richard Maxfield (1927–1969)
    Richard Swift (1927–2003)
    Samuel Adler (born 1928)
    Ruth Anderson (born 1928)
    T. J. Anderson (born 1928)
    James Cohn (born 1928)
    Jacob Druckman (1928–1996)
    Nicolas Flagello (1928–1994)
    Robert Helps (1928–2001)
    Thea Musgrave (born 1928)
    George Crumb (born 1929)
    Leonard Kastle (1929–2011)
    Charles Knox (born 1929)
    Robert Muczynski (1929–2010)
    André Previn (born 1929)
    Yehudi Wyner (born 1929)
    Robert Ashley (1930–2014)
    Larry Austin (born 1930)
    Robert Cogan (born 1930)
    Frederick A. Fox (born 1931)
    Richard Hundley (born 1931)
    Alvin Lucier (born 1931)
    Peter Westergaard (born 1931)
    Donald Martino (1931–2005)
    John Towner Williams (born 1932)
    Leslie Adams (born 1932)
    Marvin David Levy (born 1932)
    Martin Mailman (1932–2000)
    Pauline Oliveros (born 1932)
    Garland Anderson (1933–2001)
    Leonardo Balada (born 1933)
    Easley Blackwood, Jr. (born 1933)
    Pozzi Escot (born 1933)
    Morton Subotnick (born 1933)
    Robert T. Anderson (1934–2009)
    Benjamin Boretz (born 1934)
    Mario Davidovsky (born 1934)
    Bernard Rands (born 1934)
    James Tenney (1934–2006)
    Richard Wernick (born 1934)
    Samuel Jones (born 1935)
    Terry Riley (born 1935)
    Peter Schickele (born 1935)
    Charles Shere (born 1935)
    Conrad Susa (born 1935)
    La Monte Young (born 1935)
    Harold Budd (born 1936)
    Stuart Dempster (born 1936)
    Steve Reich (born 1936)
    Robert Suderburg (1936–2013)
    Jan Bach (born 1937)
    David Del Tredici (born 1937)
    Philip Glass (born 1937)
    Robert Moran (born 1937)
    Maryanne Amacher (1938–2009)
    William Bolcom (born 1938)
    David Borden (born 1938)
    Paul Chihara (born 1938)
    Gloria Coates (born 1938)
    John Corigliano (born 1938)
    Alvin Curran (born 1938)
    John Harbison (born 1938)
    Frederic Rzewski (born 1938)
    Gregory Short (1938–1999)
    Harvey Sollberger (born 1938)
    Joan Tower (born 1938)
    Charles Wuorinen (born 1938)
    Jon Appleton (born 1939)
    Tom Johnson (born 1939)
    Tomas Svoboda (born 1939)
    Ellen Taaffe Zwilich (born 1939)
    Margaret Brouwer (born 1940)
    Adrienne Albert (born 1941)
    Roger Lee Hall (born 1942)
    Meredith Monk (born 1942)
    Robert Morris (born 1943)
    Joseph Schwantner (born 1943)
    William Albright (1944–1998)
    Charles Amirkhanian (born 1945)
    Thomas Oboe Lee (born 1945)
    Thomas Pasatieri (born 1945)
    Peter Lieberson (1946–2011)
    Jan Swafford (born 1946)
    John Coolidge Adams (born 1947)
    Roger Craig Vogel (born 1947)
    Thomas Albert (born 1948)
    Richard Festinger (born 1948)
    William Ackerman (born 1949)
    Stephen Paulus (1949–2014)
    Christopher Rouse (born 1949)
    James Adler (born 1950)
    Frank Ferko (born 1950)
    Michael Schelle (born 1950)
    Craig Russell (born 1951)
    Roger Bourland (born 1952)
    Robert Een (born 1952)
    Donal Fox (born 1952)
    John Luther Adams (born 1953)
    Daniel Asia (born 1953)
    David Leisner (born 1953)
    Roberto Sierra (born 1953)
    Bruce Adolphe (born 1955)
    Richard Danielpour (born 1956)
    Kenneth Fuchs (born 1956)
    Michael Gandolfi (born 1956)
    Miguel del Aguila (born 1957)
    Douglas Knehans (born 1957)
    Paul Moravec (born 1957)
    Juliana Hall (born 1958)
    Frank Ticheli (born 1958)
    Sebastian Currier (born 1959)
    Sidney Corbett (born 1960)
    Kamran Ince (born 1960)
    Thomas Hecht (born 1960)
    Edward Knight (born 1961)
    Lowell Liebermann (born 1961)
    Michael Abels (born 1962)
    Mark Adamo (born 1962)
    Jennifer Higdon (born 1962)
    Christopher Theofanidis (born 1967)
    Peter Boyer (born 1970)
    Eric Whitacre (born 1970)
    Timothy Archambault (born 1971)
    Peter Askim (born 1971)
    Jason Wright Wingate (born 1971)
    Dan Coleman (born 1972)
    Carter Pann (born 1972)
    John Mackey (born 1973)
    Mark Aanderud (born 1976)
    Scott Perkins (born 1980)
    Nico Muhly (born 1981)
    Nicholas Urie (born 1985)
    Roger Zare (born 1985)
    , @renfro
    [It's bad commenting behavior to copy/paste long lists that are completely off-topic.]

    The greatest, most prolific “original thinkers” in the US field of art having been the Jews of “tin-pan alley”,
    Tin Pan Alley huh?......I only see two Jews who made it out of tin pan ally to the big time, Berlin and Gershwin.
    Tin Pan Alley is the name given to the collection of New York City music publishers and songwriters who dominated the popular music of the United States in the late 19th century and early 20th century.
    The song publishers who created Tin Pan Alley frequently had backgrounds as salesmen. The background of Isadore Witmark was selling water filters. Leo Feist had sold corsets, and Joe Stern and Edward B. Marks had sold neckties and buttons.

    Little that they 'published' was exactly 'enduring'...and as I pointed out earlier this is the typical jewish talent for commercialization....not a national cultural achievement or important contribution to 'arts and music'. In addition most of their song writers lyrics were drawn from what they mistakenly thought was 'southern culture' and from black jazz creators. Not surprising the ones that remain popular are the ones drawn from the southern and black jazz imitations.

    Tin Pan Alley's biggest hits included:
    "A Bird in a Gilded Cage" (Harry Von Tilzer, 1900)
    "After the Ball" (Charles K. Harris, 1892)
    "Ain't She Sweet" (Jack Yellen & Milton Ager,1927)
    "Alabama Jubilee" (Jack Yellen & George L. Cobb, 1915)
    "Alexander's Ragtime Band" (Irving Berlin, 1911)
    "All Alone" (Irving Berlin, 1924)
    "At a Georgia Campmeeting" (Kerry Mills, 1897)
    "Baby Face" (Benny Davis & Harry Akst, 1926)
    "Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home" (Huey Cannon, 1902)
    "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" (Gus Edwards & Edward Madden, 1909)
    "Carolina in the Morning" (Gus Kahn & Walter Donaldson, 1922)
    "Come Josephine in My Flying Machine" (Fred Fisher & Alfred Bryan, 1910)
    "Down by the Old Mill Stream" (Tell Taylor, 1910)
    "Everybody Loves My Baby" (Spencer Williams, 1924)
    "For Sentimental Reasons" (Al Sherman, Abner Silver & Edward Heyman, 1936)
    "Give My Regards to Broadway" (George M. Cohan, 1904)
    "God Bless America" (Irving Berlin, 1918; revised 1938)
    "Happy Days Are Here Again" (Jack Yellen & Milton Ager, 1930)
    "Hearts and Flowers" (Theodore Moses Tobani, 1899)
    "Hello Ma Baby (Hello Ma Ragtime Gal)" (Emerson, Howard, & Sterling, 1899)
    "I Cried for You" (Arthur Freed & Nacio Herb Brown, 1923)
    "In the Baggage Coach Ahead" (Gussie L. Davis, 1896)
    "In the Good Old Summer Time" (Ren Shields & George Evans, 1902)
    "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree" (Harry Williams & Egbert van Alstyne, 1905)
    "K-K-K-Katy" (Geoffrey O'Hara, 1918)
    "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" (Beth Slater Whitson & Leo Friedman, 1910)
    "Lindbergh (The Eagle of the U.S.A.)" (Al Sherman & Howard Johnson, 1927)
    "Lovesick Blues" (Cliff Friend & Irving Mills, 1922)
    "Mighty Lak' a Rose" (Ethelbert Nevin & Frank L. Stanton, 1901)
    "Mister Johnson, Turn Me Loose" (Ben Harney, 1896)
    "My Blue Heaven" (Walter Donaldson & George Whiting, 1927)
    "Now's the Time to Fall in Love" (Al Sherman & Al Lewis, 1931)
    "Oh, Donna Clara" (Irving Caesar, 1928)
    "Oh by Jingo!" (Albert Von Tilzer, 1919)
    "On the Banks of the Wabash, Far Away" (Paul Dresser 1897)
    "Over There" (George M. Cohan, 1917)
    "Peg o' My Heart" (Fred Fisher & Alfred Bryan, 1913)
    "Shine Little Glow Worm" (Paul Lincke & Lilla Cayley Robinson, 1907)
    "Shine on Harvest Moon" (Nora Bayes & Jack Norworth, 1908)
    "Some of These Days" (Shelton Brooks, 1911)
    "Swanee" (George Gershwin, 1919)
    "Sweet Georgia Brown" (Maceo Pinkard, 1925)
    "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" (Albert Von Tilzer, 1908)
    "The Band Played On" (Charles B. Ward & John F. Palmer, 1895)
    "The Darktown Strutters' Ball" (Shelton Brooks, 1917)
    "The Little Lost Child" (Marks & Stern, 1894)
    "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo" (Charles Coborn, 1892)
    "The Sidewalks of New York" (Lawlor & Blake, 1894)
    "The Japanese Sandman" (1920)
    "There'll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight" (Joe Hayden & Theodore Mertz, 1896)
    "Warmest Baby in the Bunch" (George M. Cohan, 1896)
    "Way Down Yonder in New Orleans" (Creamer & Turner Layton, 1922)
    "Whispering" (1920)
    "Yes, We Have No Bananas" (Frank Silver & Irving Cohn, 1923)
    "You Gotta Be a Football Hero" (Al Sherman, Buddy Fields & Al Lewis, 1933)
    , @Sparrow
    Here is what these sick m***ther f***kers are good at:

    ...and majority of US males are stolen of their birthright(s) because of this undeserved cruelty. What chance did this newborn have? Where was his mother is this sick shit. Pedophilia incorporated.
    , @tac
    LOL, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .....[ad finitum].......That is the most audaciousness claim I've come across in a while! That is say A LOT!

    The most famous Jewish composer of all time is most likely Felix Mendelssohn (German Jew young prodigy) who pails in comparison of the greats: Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, List, Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Haydn, Vivaldi, Paganini, Scarlatti (Domenico & Allesandro), Rachmaninoff, Saint-Saëns, Schuman, Monteverdi, Verdi, Rossini, Puccini, Bellini ...

    Although Pissaro and Rothko are probably some of the most know Jewish artists again they also pail in comparison to: da Vinci, Michelangelo, Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet, Raphael, Renoir, Cezanne, Vermeer, Gauguin, El Greco, Degas, Dalí, Botticelli ...

    For the sake of brevity, philosophy, architecture, theatre,,, with the closest possible exception, in which Jewish contribution should be appreciated, is literature.
  • From the British Psychological Society's Research Digest: Many social psychologists are impeded by their ideological aversion to evolutionary psychology By Christian Jarrett A new survey of beliefs held by social psychologists (335 members of the Society of Experimental Social Psychologists) has confirmed previous reports that the field is overwhelmingly populated by researchers of a left-wing,...
  • @Art Deco
    Mr. Mensa, you're confounding psychology, which is a variegated academic discipline, with clinical psychology, which is one of its vocational affiliates. Only a modest minority of academic psychologists study the sort of phenomena with which clinical psychologists concern themselves.

    Bullshit, I am not “confounding” or “variegrating” anything, rather my point is EVERYTHING, every concept which has roots in the “teachings” of one Sigmund Freud, all of the nonsensical theories derived from his bonkers crap , ALL OF IT is garbage.

    Plus the implied distinction between “academic” shrinks, and “clinical” shrinks is futile and non-sequitur, as the incured damage by both of them far exceeds any minute positive results achieved.


    • Replies: @TTSSYF
    I think the problem is that psychology, psychiatry, etc., like so much of academia, has been infected with Leftism. It's a legitimate field of study and work, but it's been corrupted.
  • No big suprise as shrinks ( Psychologists/Psychiatrists) just happen to be the craziest assholes of all of society, plus they are all leftists. Then of course Psychology and it’s partener in crime Psychiatry being the most absurd pseudo-sciences ever concocted by mankind, the havoc they wreak upon humankind alone through the legal system/divorce courts, is beyond comprehension.

    AJM “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained us army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

    • Replies: @Art Deco
    Mr. Mensa, you're confounding psychology, which is a variegated academic discipline, with clinical psychology, which is one of its vocational affiliates. Only a modest minority of academic psychologists study the sort of phenomena with which clinical psychologists concern themselves.
  • President Donald Trump’s recent statement on the Jamal Khashoggi killing by Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince might well be considered a metaphor for his foreign policy. Several commentators have suggested that the text appears to be something that Trump wrote himself without any adult supervision, similar to the poorly expressed random arguments presented in his tweeting...
  • @anon
    "Lose Europe and America loses its empire. In the long term, this American strategy will fail."

    The US is inevitably on the way out from Europe. There are the obvious points you mentioned, but demographic changes will seal the deal. Cultural links with that continent (and even Asia) will be severed or damaged significantly once the US turns majority non-European and is run by the likes of Alexandria Cortez or Kamala Harris. Europe will want their own destiny as Europeans, and I don't blame them. The United States is the source of the multicultural infection. Just watched a British drama from the early 90s - almost zero fake diversity. It was glorious. Compare that with modern British television like Jodie Whittaker's Dr. Who. Barf. It is disgusting what the US has forced onto Europe in a desperate attempt to maintain cultural ties.

    ” Will be severed or damaged significantly once the US turns majority non-European and is run by the likes of Alexandra Cortez or Kamala Harris”

    Dead wrong as the Europeans are awaiting with baited breath, the arrival of these loonies onto the US political scene and they cherish the vision of the US being “run” (destroyed) by the likes of these leftist nut-cases, they are already aware of who they are, the new crop of US marxist crazies.

    Their most profound wish however is to see MO in the white house, ( the psychotic Germans worship the ground she walks on) , and the then inevitable end of America as we knew it.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    • Replies: @jacques sheete

    Dead wrong as the Europeans are awaiting with baited breath...
    What did they bait their breaths with?
  • @Jeff Stryker
    I suspect it has more to do with the money Jews have in US banks. You have to remember too, that Jews are inexorably linked to the US economy. They developed Hollywood, for example. They invented Levi jeans. Everything that the rest of the world wants to purchase from Americans was invented by Jews, more or less.

    This is underscored by the fact that the US does not manufacture anything any longer. So the influence of gentiles who owned factories has shriveled to zero.

    All the US has is its media and its currency. Therefore the non-Jews who were the backbones of US unions and industrialization are not relevant.

    ” Everything that the rest of the world wants to purchase from Americans was invented by Jews, more or less”

    Harldy anyone in the US is aware of the continuous demand for American musical instruments in all of Europe. No upstanding Jazz guitarist in Germany or the UK would play anything other than a Gibson or Fender jazz model.
    Plus American wind instruments : trombones, trumpets have always been favored by the European Jazz community, and I have never read anywhere that these devises had been “invented” by the Hebrews, although they, the Jews most certainly have their share of great song “inventors” : Gershwin, Kern, Hammerstein, Kahn, Berlin, etc.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained us Army vet, and pro jazz artist.

  • An op-ed in the New York Times: The American military should only be used to protect vital American interests, such as those found in the Sahara and the Hindu Kush, rather than to protect trivial objectives like preventing a column of young foreigners from marching across the United States border. Moreover, it's inhuman to force...
  • @Jack D
    I completely lost you on the acronyms. JD.

    ” I completely lost you on the acronyms”

    No big deal, with your intelligence you get my point anyway.


  • @Autochthon
    I did not vote earlier this month. I will never vote again. I was hornswoggled into supporting Trump at great personal sacrifice an loss (because of the hateful, criminal pppulace and the corrupt government in Mexinchifornia, I was literally driven out of my home and now community by a campaign of persecution launched against me).

    In return for this I got a lying sack of shit for my president and Moreno of the same from Ryan, McConnell, and the rest of those clowns. That the guy gave sinecures to his daughter and his son-in-law – completely unqualified people in a morbid of bald and shameless nepotism – and then installed in the cabinet a bunch of the same corrupt scum he purportedly wanted cleared out...

    I now want the fall to accelerate. Let the hordes swell until they are eating each other in the streets. I'm confident in my abilities to handle myself and protect my family. Why I want is the empire to burn so that one day my descendants can live in their own nation again – and that can never be for so long as the evil empire endures.

    I expect many, many others now take positions something like this one.

    ” In return for this I got a lying sack of shit for my president”

    Yeah so you now think that HC would have not been a lying sack of shit a zillion times more so than DT.

    You can’t BS me friend, you voted for HC, and you are experiencing great pain because she did not manage to cheat her way into the WH.


    • LOL: Autochthon
  • @notanon
    the corrupt establishment Left and their NPC army has but the thinking Left hasn't - they're only a small minority but they have most of the agency - should be interesting.

    ” The thinking left”


    The “Thinking left”. You win the grand prize for the joke of the century.

    There is no such animal as a “thinking” leftist, unless you want to consider the manifold storms of confusion, malice and dissolution running through their sick minds as : “thinking”.

    Each and every single one of them are fucking insane beyond redemption, although there are, and have been cases of an occasional individual waking up to the reality of his/her lunacy.


  • To the admin : Just why the fuck are my harmless and factual postings required to be consistantly held up for “moderation”, and all other posting are published without delay?


  • @Thea
    The left abandoning their anti-war stance may be the biggest tragedy of our times.

    Nonsense : The left never held an anti-war stance pertaining to leftist “wars-of-liberation”. In fact they supported said conflicts and solicited funds for the support thereof.

    Get your facts straight.


  • @Jack D
    You keep glancing at it but never hit the nail on the head - China has better human capital than Mexico. It's all racial/genetic. Everything else you mention is just a side effect.

    Mao led China into an abyss - if Mexico had done the same it would have taken centuries for them to recover. At the end of the Cultural Revolution they were basically starting from zero - the universities had been closed, the professors and students sent to the countryside and some killed or their health broken. But because of China's high quality human capital they were able to catch up relatively quickly. We saw the same thing in Japan - we literally nuked them and yet because of their high quality human capital they were able to recover quickly. Mexico in some ways is still recovering from the Conquistadors. As you say, to the extent that Mexico has an entrepreneurial class, it is usually foreign - Mestizo geniuses of any kind are rare.

    (Having a high IQ population does not immunize you against mad dictators - see Germany).

    Germans, the most profound BC/HC/BO worshipers on planet mirth, who are now suffering under DTS more severely that any other peoples on this insane planet, most certainly cannot be classified as a “High IQ population” otherwise they would have long ago abolished their hideous big brother “Meldepflicht”, the code requiring every citizen or resident to report, under penalty of law, their address to the local police registry office : Polizeiliches Meldeamt.

    I have only encountered one German citizen who understood and hated the philosophical implications of this grotesque law, and he moved to the US decades ago.

    Germans basically are authority-worshiping “subjects”, and this sick mindset permeates all of US society,
    displayed through the verneration of all of the BSers of society : Judges, journalists, states-attorneys,medicos,attorneys, politicians, etc.


    • Replies: @Jack D
    I completely lost you on the acronyms. JD.
  • @prime noticer
    it's one thing when NYT runs article number 10,000 like this. another when somebody like admiral mcraven says something profoundly idiotic like, attacks on the media are the greatest threat to democracy in his lifetime, or some such rank nonsense. what a babbling moron. almost, almost as stupid as the general who said the greatest casualty would be our diversity.

    in the last 15 years almost every military man with a profile high enough to appear in the media, has revealed himself to be a slug brain pawn, who can't see much beyond the sights on his weapon. they are genuinely, totally clueless about how the world is changing, and should only be consulted for their opinion when you want to blow things up or kill people

    mattis, kelly, mcmasters, pure garbage. most annoying is how tough they talk. especially that mattis twerp. talking about how he's gonna kill everybody who crosses him. they couldn't defend america from transexuals, let alone secure the southern border.

    trump thinks it's 1960 and military men are of the high caliber he observed when he was growing up. the truth is, schwarzkopf was the last real leader of US forces. the decline began in earnest with shinseki and the preposterous worship of colin powell.

    it's probably the case that all the officers coming out of the clinton era and later are suspect.

    extra lulz - vice president pence staring down putin like he was gonna do something. what total frauds these guys are.

    Well seeing as they all went through the US marxist edumacation system what can be expected,

    Deep down inside the majority of the last two generations of high ranking ossifers probably consider the US to be the root of all evil as they were brainwashed into believing by their leftist perfessers, and you can bet that they are all BC/HC/BO worshipers.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973 , airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

  • Last week, the White House revoked the press pass of CNN's chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, and denied him access to the building. CNN responded by filing suit in federal court against the president. Acosta's First and Fifth Amendment rights had been violated, said CNN. The demand: Acosta's press pass must be returned immediately...
  • @Alfa158
    Nope, quite the opposite. I’m saying that once the Leftists are entirely back in power, they will stop pretending that we have a Republic instead of an Empire. All that old pale, male, Northern European, Enlightenment stuff about individual, natural rights will be swept aside. It will be then be all about naked power, and the political process will finish becoming two wolves and a sheep having a free, fair, and open referendum on “what are we having for dinner?”
    I say entirely back in power because the Leftists already rule our civilization from pre-school all the way to the grave. They think they just need to get over those infuriating temporary speed bumps in the road like the Trump presidency and the fact a few White frogs are finally objecting to getting themselves boiled and want to jump out of the pot.

    Okay so I did in fact misunderstand you, in spite of my “Mensa” qualifications, and it pleases me to find that we are on the same sheet of music.


    • Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
    Why'd you put "mensa" in quotes like that? You been screwing with us the whole time? ;-}
  • @Citizen of a Silly Country
    Yeah, I've always thought that an iSteve weekend of golf and meet-and-greets would be great . . . if not for the fact that we'd all get our names and photos on a naughty list that I'm sure would bite us in the ass at some point.

    Regarding normies, they are a tough nut to crack. I get it. It took me awhile to reach the point that I'm at. But I did move, whereas so many Whites see what's going on, know that it's bad (you can see it in their expressions), but then don't move intellectually down the road. I suppose that it's difficult to accept that your worldview isn't correct and that the only world that you've ever known is disappearing.

    Heck, you see it around here. Sailer continues his strategy of tossing amusing barbs at TPTB hoping that they'll see the light. They won't. (In part, that's because a large portion of them are Jewish, and they already know that they're not telling the truth. They're just trying to change the demographics and use whatever argument works.) Yet, Steve sticks with his hope that CivNat will save the day. It won't, but he keeps tilting at windmills.

    No one seems to be saying, "OK, we've lost, so what's coming next and what do we do about it - both as a people and as individuals?"

    It's just more the same: Hey, look at how hypocritical those guys are, or Hey, look at how illogical those guys are, or Hey, look at how those non-Whites aren't acting White.

    As I've occassionally joked, the iSteve/Unz crowd is like a debate team in a gang fight. The other side doesn't care if you're more witty or more logically correct. It's a fist fight, not a debate.

    The time for intellectual debate is ending - likely ended awhile ago. The birth demographics tell you where things will be. Whites will be a minority in the United States. The only question is how we'll be treated and whether we'll coalesce as a group and fight back.

    Ron Unz argues that we'll have the rather benign California situation - Whites are a minority but not a persecuted minority. (Granted, California isn't exactly a middle-class paradise, but you don't see Whites getting point out either.) He may be right. Even if he is, that future is no place for any White person who isn't upper-middle class or higher.

    KenH and I see a more grim future.

    Who's right? Who knows. But it doesn't matter because there's a reasonable chance that things will turn out more like what KenH and I envision, and no White person should take that risk. The fact that you have a 5 in 6 chance of not blowing your brains out doesn't mean that you should risk playing Russian roulette.

    Back up plans are always a good idea, but they're especially important when you know there's a much than normal chance that something bad is coming.

    ” Back up plans are always a good idea”

    Nr One “back up plan” is : Russia, the largest country on earth, covering eleven time zones, and Americans who do not want to deal with the unavoidable pandemonia which is lurking just around the corner ( meaning the next presidential election) , should start learning Russian now, and informing themselves as to the logistics surrounding the relocation.


  • To republic : Sorry, I meant to respond to post nr 13.


  • @republic
    She resigned, was not kicked out of the press corp.

    A great lady, when she was attacked for being anti Semitic , she replied that she was Semitic. (of Lebanese origin)

    ” A great lady”

    Bullshit, she was a deranged, ranting, leftist nut-case, without an ounce of wisdom, insight or genuine edumacation.

    Typical for ALL leftist (Democrat) crazies.


    • Replies: @Citizen of a Silly Country
    HT is no martyr. She's exactly as you explained. She just happened to point out that Jews are hypocrites and was summarily un-personed.
  • @Alfa158
    He did ban Acosta for breaking the usual rules for press conferences. Rules are irrelevant to the Left, only power matters.
    I’m not sure which Republic you are referring to. The American Republic no longer exists, it is just an Empire now. The sham will disappear as soon as the Democrats regain control.

    ” The sham will disappear as soon as the Democrats regain control”

    Don’t know if I am misreading you : So what you are saying is when the insane corrupt grifters, the Democrats, “regain control”. Things will get back to normal.

    You are apparently suggesting that when politicians such as Democrats who assume that when Islands such as Guam are overloaded with incoming US troops they will as a result “tip over”, as suggested by a Democrat politico, you are suggesting that things will improve when such nitwits are back in “control”.

    Holy shit, I just can’t deal with this leftist lunacy any lnoger.


    • Replies: @Alfa158
    Nope, quite the opposite. I’m saying that once the Leftists are entirely back in power, they will stop pretending that we have a Republic instead of an Empire. All that old pale, male, Northern European, Enlightenment stuff about individual, natural rights will be swept aside. It will be then be all about naked power, and the political process will finish becoming two wolves and a sheep having a free, fair, and open referendum on “what are we having for dinner?”
    I say entirely back in power because the Leftists already rule our civilization from pre-school all the way to the grave. They think they just need to get over those infuriating temporary speed bumps in the road like the Trump presidency and the fact a few White frogs are finally objecting to getting themselves boiled and want to jump out of the pot.
  • Michelle Obama will be back in the news shortly as she sets out on her Getting Paid book promotion tour. Michelle possesses a perfectly natural liking for money, and she's certain to get a lot of it. An ironic thing about Michelle Obama, feminist icon, is that she absolutely hated it when people encouraged her...
  • @Charles Erwin Wilson II

    And you are really reading me, a dyed in the wool conservative, wrong.
    If you think America is a lost cause, then I am reading you right.

    We will win. The open question is how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

    America is far from a lost cause. I am not too sure about Europe, and the antipodes give me pause, but I am confident about our eventual victory.

    It breaks my heart but I see no way of coming out on top of this dilema. They, the leftist psychopaths, own the legal system, the media, the judicial system, the edumaction system, the medical field, the entertainment field, and on and on.
    The leftist teachers and perfessers, have managed in the schools and universities, to convince the youth that the Democrats, are “fair” and the Republicans are heartless greedy racists, who will take away are of the “rights” of minorities, gays, women, etc.
    I have been saying to no avail for years on end that the Republicans must wrest the “race card” away from them and begin throwing it back at them as relentless as they have been wielding it towards the Republicans for the last sixty years.
    The Republicans, aside from DT, simply do not want to fight this to the end, rather they have succumbed to the rediculous notion that the only way to get along with them, the leftists, it make (fruitless) concessions and every example of this being a fatal exercise in futility, simply go over their heads.


  • @Charles Erwin Wilson II

    America is a hopeless case.
    No, it isn't. We will win this, and when we do, we will be sure to keep anyone with a '” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz musician.' profile as far from the levers of power as possible.

    ” We will win this” : Just who is the “we” of this equasion? As far as the so-called “conservative” politicos are concerned : they are far too terrified of the “race card”, GS’s antifa armies burning down cities from coast to coast, and the superhuman “wrath” of the BC/HC/BO clique, to make any real efforts at turning this leftist pandemonia around.

    And you are really reading me, a dyed in the wool conservative, wrong.


    • Replies: @Charles Erwin Wilson II

    And you are really reading me, a dyed in the wool conservative, wrong.
    If you think America is a lost cause, then I am reading you right.

    We will win. The open question is how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

    America is far from a lost cause. I am not too sure about Europe, and the antipodes give me pause, but I am confident about our eventual victory.
  • This is what can de defined as leftist “progress” : installing a brazen, uncouth, unread, double-digit IQ classlesss fool into the WH.

    Meaning the US has “progressed” from an entity headed up by such sophisticated men of letters such as Jefferson, to a fools paradise in which boogoolooing nit-wits are to be in the position of having to deal with cunning actual “statesmen” such as VP, and then having the floor mopped up by their own stupidity and complete lack of insight.

    America is a hopeless case.

    Authenticjazzman ” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz musician.

    • Replies: @Charles Erwin Wilson II

    America is a hopeless case.
    No, it isn't. We will win this, and when we do, we will be sure to keep anyone with a '” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz musician.' profile as far from the levers of power as possible.
  • The Democratic Party has won control of the House of Representatives. Its members effectively will be able to block all legislation that the Senate passes and the president wants. They also will be able to unleash their subpoena power mercilessly on the executive branch. Will the members of the new majority view their victory primarily...
  • @Jus' Sayin'...
    The dimocrats can hold all the hearings they want. They don't get to do real criminal investigations and prosecutions. If Trump gets the right AG he can probably put away half the dimocrats on and off the Hill and do it with one heck of a lot of publicity. Suggested starting points: the Clinton/Obama Uranium One scandal, Debby Wasserman-Schultz on YouTube openly committing multiple felonious violations of the USC, the Awan scandals that she was trying to coverup, the collusion within the DNC and between the DNC and various Obama agencies to try and derail first Bernie Sanders's and then Trump's election campaign, the collusion of the DNC with various deep state agencies and Britain's MI6 in furtherance of these goals, etc., etc. Investigation of these would benefit the American public and do real, possibly irreparable damage to dimocrats. I expect that some behind the scenes horse trading will prevent this and cool the jets of the crazier dimocrats, e.g., Nadler and Waters.

    There are important non-partisan issues that Trump and a dimocrat Congress could address. These include a long-range plan for restoring the country's infrastructure and extricating us from our many dangerous foreign entanglements and wars. Unfortunately, with regard to the latter issue all the major politicians in this country, Trump included, are in thrall to Israel and the fifth-column Zionists and their neocon spawn who infest every corner of our government and major institutions.

    It will never happen as long as the spineless Republicans remain terrified of the horrific superhuman “Wrath” of the BC/HC/BO clique, and they are consumed with visions of GS’s “antifa” armies rampaging through the cities and burning them to the ground.

    As long as the gutless Republicans hold on to these self-created irrational fears, and remain terrified of the “race card”, instead of confronting and dealing with the situation, and finally coming to the realization that the BC/HC/BO/GS, clique are not a conglomerate of otherworldly “ubermenschen”, rather a grouping of cowardly BSers, things will not change, rather worsen.


  • From American Enterprise Institute: First, that's 147 million adults, not including dependent minors. Second, that's 147 million adults saying the U.S. is their first choice destination. Third, according to Gallup, a total of 640 million people say they want to move to a First World country. So if the U.S. were to have Open Borders,...
  • @Anon
    Because it was probably not covered on TV by ABC, NBC or CBS.

    Wasn't there a Time magazine article about the browning of America in the 60s or 70s?

    Also, considering that college students and faculty cheered Clinton when he said US would be white minority, maybe whites are crazy.

    I mean how did 80% of Americans come to support 'gay marriage'? What kind of sick world are we living in? If 25% of people supported 'gay marriage', it'd be sick. But 80%?

    ” Maybe whites are crazy”

    My viewpoint is that this entire planet is “crazy” , and the most prevailing “crazy” desire amongst the “craziest” folks being : Self-destruction, self-flagulation.

    Look this malaise boils down to one single issue and that being the terrible fear of the “wrath” of BC/HC/BO/ and the visions of GS’s “antifa” armies rampaging through the cities and burning everything to the ground, and until this irrational self-generated fear is confronted and dealt with, things are simply going to become worse without limits.


  • @unpc downunder
    If the United States had open borders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would find it even harder to pay her rent, but that possibility doesn't seem to have dawned on her or her supporters:

    ” But the possibility doesn’t seem to have dawned on her” : AOC

    Nothing rational has ever dawned on her as she is totally insane and she has no clue as to the havoc and bloodshed her ideas, if realized, will hurl upon the US and it’s hapless citizens ( Democrat morons) who support such a maniac.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician.

  • The Democratic Party has won control of the House of Representatives. Its members effectively will be able to block all legislation that the Senate passes and the president wants. They also will be able to unleash their subpoena power mercilessly on the executive branch. Will the members of the new majority view their victory primarily...
  • @gustafus21
    And another thing.... Napolitano and Gowdy opined early on that it was more important to "save and protect" the reputation of the FBI, CIA and NSA .... than obtain justice for a rogue president.

    Short term pain... long term gain....

    Each of the above and others - in and out of the administration - are "cautioning" the president against "harming our reputation "abroad".... as though the world believes we are some beacon of justice and truth.. har har.

    The game I see being played is all behind the scenes ... Trump DC team trying to stave off an international embarrassment and national crisis of enormous proportions..... pleading with DC heavyweights - that Trump is a madman - cannot be reasoned with... that he wants Justice - that Americans deserve to know Obama and his administration were guilty of TREASON.....

    So deals will be made. AGAIN nobody goes to jail.... nobody pays.... everybody agrees to "clean up" the offending agencies... save them from ruin... that they may continue to entrap, bankrupt, and destroy targets with impunity.... planting evidence, orchestrating false flags... pretty much business as usual after a few fall guys lose their job ... and probably keep their pensions and perks.

    Much of this depends on how much dirty laundry our Donald is hiding. My instincts tell me he was vetted pretty well by his handlers in Tel Aviv and the MIC .... knowing that his style and bombast would generate at least this level of push back, assassination attempts, and the ruination of any and all who joined the administration. Trump knew this was coming, and so did his backers.

    So I think he's holding many if not all the face cards. I suspect he will target the most egregious players and cut a deal to get what he wants. Unfortunately, I think the Obola virus and wife Mike escape with their cushy benefits package.

    There is some hope that the Clinton's are so reviled by the Bernie Bots ... that there may be some appetite to take them out... the problem is ALL THE DONORS are subject to claw back taxes and penalties should Charles Ortel's scenario play out.... too many billionaires at risk

    My money sez Clinton's skate on Foundation corruption .... but at a VERY HIGH PRICE.

    I think our Donald gets what he wants...absolute tyranny over the Supremes for a generation - the WALL, end to chain migration, break up of social media demons.... and 2020

    ” Absolute tyranny over the Supremes for a generation”

    So having leftists on the high court in the majority is fine with you and does not constitute a “tyranny”?

    Look you German know-it-alls : “deutsche Besserwisser” have caused enough strife and mayhem on this planet for the next thousand years : “am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”, so why don’t you just shut the fuck up and keep your noses in your own affairs, such as with the German media demanding that the US alter it’s gun laws to match the totally restrictive German codes. and then the Germans demanding that the US abolish it’s electoral college, which was responsible for their “Liebling” HC losing the election.
    Apparently the psychotic Krauts think that they did in fact win the War, and they are entitled to determine US internal policy: WC’s “Boots or throat” axiom is in fact still as pertinent as ever.

    Regarding AN : the only reason why such nit-wits prevail is because the US is permeated with the German mind-set of authority worship, otherwise such shit-talking morons would blanketly rejected

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician : last gig sunday past.

  • Commenter Buzz Mohawk writes: I took Mrs. Mohawk to an IMAX theater on the first day of release. My wife the Hungarian race realist noticed that there were no black people in the audience. We usually see disproportionate numbers of them in places like movie theaters and malls where this was. They have lots of...
  • ” The Republicans are pretty consistently mediocre”

    Just which population groupings do the Democrat voting blocks consist of?

    First off, the millions of urban high school drop-out, unread, uninformed, outside of the left-wing media, low IQ, BC/HC/BO worshiping DT haters.

    Secondly, the air-brained academic clique with their BS degrees in “social/gender studies”, “art history, and other worthless nonsense.

    Thirdly, the drugged-up, moronic Hollywood shiot-talkers, and their Dummkopf followers.

    Add to these fools the media and most attorneys, and judges, and you have the most “mediocre” voting blocks possible.


  • By Thursday, the targets of the mailed pipe bombs had risen to nine: George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, John Brennan, Eric Holder, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Joe Biden and Robert De Niro. That list contains four of the highest-ranking officials of Barack Obama's administration: the president himself, his vice president, his secretary of...
  • @anon
    "He Was Crazed": What We Know About Suspected Mail Bomber Cesar Sayoc

    by Tyler Durden
    Sat, 10/27/2018 - 08:22 Zero Hedge

    Yes Trump supporters are crazy , not only crazy they are dupes as well.

    ” Yes Trump supporters are crazy, not only crazy they are dupes as well”

    Yeah, and the blue-haired, pussy-hat wearing, screaming at the sky, storming the shrink practices with their DTS malaise, Democrats, are not crazy.

    You are full of shit.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa”, IQ tested above 150 points, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician. ( and DT voter)

  • Commenter Buzz Mohawk writes: I took Mrs. Mohawk to an IMAX theater on the first day of release. My wife the Hungarian race realist noticed that there were no black people in the audience. We usually see disproportionate numbers of them in places like movie theaters and malls where this was. They have lots of...
  • @RichardTaylor
    I liked the Whitey song being inserted because it emphasized two important things:

    - It was Whites who went to the moon

    - Blacks, and the Left more generally, thought it was a waste of time and money

    ” Blacks and the Left more generally , thought it was a waste of time and money”

    Well myself, white and ultra conservative, I consider ALL space exploration, including those hundred million dollar telescopes, to be a bombastic waste of money, seeing all of it being paid for by the tapped-out US tax-slaves who get up at five in the morning and trek off to their menial lobs, simply to provide the parasitic “reseachers” with their research toys, through billions of Dollars of tax revenue.

    If the the “researchers” finance their hobby out of their own pocket, fine, however when they are milking the poor working stiffs to death, then the whole thing must be reconsidered and altered.


  • @Jack D
    The reason that Armstrong got all the credit is that we have a deep seated need for heroes who succeed in single combat. David slaying Goliath. St. George slaying the dragon. The chief of the tribe, King Arthur, Stalin, etc. The same reason no one remembers who any President's VP was. Alcock and Brown crossed the Atlantic almost a decade before Lindbergh (Newfoundland to Ireland) but no one remembers them in part because there were two of them. Edwin Peary was not alone when he reached (or did not reach) the North Pole - with him were not only Henson but 4 Eskimos, but Peary got all the credit. Sir Edmund Hillary. Columbus. Etc. So it was inevitable that whoever set foot on the moon first would be the one remembered because that's how the human mind operates.

    And nobody remembers the Italian team who scaled K2, a far more dangerous climb, before Hillary went up Everest.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician.

  • @Desiderius

    how paradoxical it is that an ordinary-seeming personality ended up with a unique place in history
    Nothing paradoxical at all about it here in Ohio, and not just Ohio. That's the America we know up close and personal.

    ” Ordinary-seeming personality”

    Not only “ordinary” but wierd and contradictory as well, seeing as he threw in with the insane Democrats upon entering politics.

    ” That’s the America we know up close and personal”.

    Yeah we sure do know how manifest crazy they, the Democrats, are, and that he, Armstrong, chose to align with them perplexed me and tossed me for loop way back then. There is simply no rationalization for a sane person teaming up with them, the lunatic Democrats.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz artist.

    • Replies: @Desiderius
    The Democrats are only intermittently insane. The Republicans are pretty consistently mediocre.
  • It’s not a shock that Postmodernism has taken hold of subjects such as Literature or Social Anthropology. The more subjective the subject is, the easier it is for ideology to infiltrate it. But surely quantitative science—like genetics and physics—will survive as a fortress of logic? Wrong. An article this week in The New York Times...
  • @Authenticjazzman
    " Did they at the time see the rewards?"

    You mean the "rewards" of Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or Chernoble, Madame Curies reward of nuclear poisoning.

    Look with these abberated kinds of rewards mankind would be better off without research in these areas, but you have missed my point anyway, and that being ; The "scientists" delving into said fields are more than welcome to do so as long as they finance it themselves.
    What I strongly disapprove of is that the poor assembly-line tax-slaves are forced to finance the "hobbies" of these "Researchers.
    Add to these facts the element that most of the researchers are Marxists, then you have the whole story.

    It simply turns my stomach when I think about these telescopes costing hundreds of millions of Dollars and used to take purty, and totally useless pictures of spiraling star formations hundreds of light years away.

    For what fucking purpose are these immense amounts of tax-slave monies being
    wasted? Answer : for no actual functional purpose whatsoever, rather than to provide entertainment and activity for the “research” assholes who have no fucking concern or even gratitude for the guys on the production lines who are providing them, the “researchers” with these ill-spent, in reality totally wasted assets.

    It pains me to think of the the poor working stiffs, who arise at five in the morning and trek off to their menial jobs, so as to generate the billions and billions of wasted monies, im order to keep the “researchers” happy and occupied, billions which most certainly could be applied to far more sensible and worthy areas, phooey.


    • Replies: @OEMIKITLOB
    I agree.
  • OK … here’s a question for you. Let’s assume, strictly for the purposes of argument, that Donald Trump is literally Hitler, or at least a proto-Hitlerian fascist, like the neoliberal ruling classes and the corporate media have been saying he is. And let’s go ahead and also assume that he’s a treasonous Russian intelligence asset...
  • @Reuben Kaspate
    Last evening, October 23, 2018, on the PBS Newshour, the dried-up prune, Judy 'Southern Belle' Woodruff was cajoling a danderhead named Daniel Dale, who happens to be a reporter for the Toronto Star, in calling Trump a liar and which he did. He went on to pontificate about how many times a day the president is lying: 4.5 lies per day. Who in the world asked a shitty little newspaper out of Toronto, of all places, to judge American President? Why don't they worry about their own pothead, pussyhat wearing Justin Trudeau, who is selling out the real Canucks?

    Bravo, couldn’t have said it better myself, and it reminds me of the fucking Germans who in their media are incessantly demanding that the US alter it’s constitution to fordbid the private ownership of guns such as in Germany.

    Plus they, the Krauts, who apparently think that they did in fact win the war, and are now entitled to determine internal US policies, are also demanding that the US eliminate it’s “electoral college”, which caused their Liebling HC to lose the election.

    WC’s “Boots or Throat” axiom is now just as then, true and actual.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army Vet, and pro jazz artist.

  • It’s not a shock that Postmodernism has taken hold of subjects such as Literature or Social Anthropology. The more subjective the subject is, the easier it is for ideology to infiltrate it. But surely quantitative science—like genetics and physics—will survive as a fortress of logic? Wrong. An article this week in The New York Times...
  • @jilles dykstra
    " silly-ass “scientific” projects, which bring no rewards to society "
    Fundamental scientific research never had any direct reward to society.
    Yet, in many cases, these rewards came.
    Around 1936 three German scientists dicovered that atoms could be split.
    Did they at the time foresee any rewards, do not think so.

    ” Did they at the time see the rewards?”

    You mean the “rewards” of Hiroshima, or Nagasaki, or Chernoble, Madame Curies reward of nuclear poisoning.

    Look with these abberated kinds of rewards mankind would be better off without research in these areas, but you have missed my point anyway, and that being ; The “scientists” delving into said fields are more than welcome to do so as long as they finance it themselves.
    What I strongly disapprove of is that the poor assembly-line tax-slaves are forced to finance the “hobbies” of these “Researchers.
    Add to these facts the element that most of the researchers are Marxists, then you have the whole story.

    • Replies: @Authenticjazzman
    It simply turns my stomach when I think about these telescopes costing hundreds of millions of Dollars and used to take purty, and totally useless pictures of spiraling star formations hundreds of light years away.

    For what fucking purpose are these immense amounts of tax-slave monies being
    wasted? Answer : for no actual functional purpose whatsoever, rather than to provide entertainment and activity for the "research" assholes who have no fucking concern or even gratitude for the guys on the production lines who are providing them, the "researchers" with these ill-spent, in reality totally wasted assets.

    It pains me to think of the the poor working stiffs, who arise at five in the morning and trek off to their menial jobs, so as to generate the billions and billions of wasted monies, im order to keep the "researchers" happy and occupied, billions which most certainly could be applied to far more sensible and worthy areas, phooey.

  • @ThreeCranes
    I don't recall anyone here asking you this; what instrument do you play?

    Saxophones : Alto, Soprano, ( straight) , Flute, and vocals.


  • It’s all about the money, and the so-called “scientists” are terrified of the loss of “grants”, they are worried sleepless that the already milked dry tax-slaves are becoming less and less willing to finance their useless futile hobbies such as “astronomy” or “gender studies” or “space exploration”.
    I have long wondered why these parasitic MFs demand that the guys who get up at five in the morning and go faithfully to their places of work, why theser guys are supposed to put up the monies for the fucking telescopes used by these assholes to follow their “passions”, and there are myriads of other examples of billions wasted on silly-ass “scientific” projects, which bring no rewards to society, and only serve to allow the “scientists” to live a life of carefree luxury on the back of the hapless working stiff.
    It affords absolutely nothing positve for society to be wasting billions upon billions of Dollars observing occurances trillions of miles away, and which are forever impossible to physically explore.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz artist.

    • Replies: @jilles dykstra
    " silly-ass “scientific” projects, which bring no rewards to society "
    Fundamental scientific research never had any direct reward to society.
    Yet, in many cases, these rewards came.
    Around 1936 three German scientists dicovered that atoms could be split.
    Did they at the time foresee any rewards, do not think so.
    , @ThreeCranes
    I don't recall anyone here asking you this; what instrument do you play?
  • From the NYT: One of the really interesting historical questions is the cause of the apparent rise in mental illness during the Late Obama Age Collapse. The new book by Jonathan Haidt and Greg Lukianoff called The Coddling of the American Mind reports an increase in self-reported "psychological disorders" among college students of about 140%...
  • @anon2028
    I don't think the Obama administration caused an increase in mental illness so much as just directed underlying cause towards transgenderism and away from anorexia, Goth, ADHD, and other psycho-social disorders. At one time, everybody loved to play amateur Freudian, then it was repressed memories of abuse, then projecting that onto children in the daycare "abuse" scandals.

    I think the underlying cause is this fundamental human need for drama. The safer we become the more people need to find drama that's missing from their lives. Morality tales and dragon slaying in all its forms have existed as long as man. When people don't have enough drama in their lives, they manufacture it.

    That was one of the interesting things about listening to lectures by Jordan Peterson: His theorizing about archetypes and the need for balance between chaos and order. It fit what I'd observed as need for drama, but not too much, in a persons life.

    This really came home when I observed people's reactions in Iraq to danger. Insouciance and eye-rolling about security measures when people felt safe on the FOB turned to panic, anxiety, and mass dispensing of Ambien when danger reared its ugly head. Then when the danger had passed, a return to insouciance, but now it was tinged by war stories with their exaggerations to the new people arriving in theater who hadn't experienced the threat.

    Very insightful observations , Chapeau!

    Humans are fascinated by “drama” and “suffering”, strife, etc. And they most certainly will go to any extreme to manufacture such experiences, if their lives are empty of any other form of excitement or stimulation.

    Being able to play a music instrument, especially as one grows older, is perhaps, for a myriad of reasons, one the most beneficial activities possible.


  • Leftist movements have always been a refuge for nut-cases.
    If one were to conduct a survey of the party affiliations of the pierced, blue-haired folks in the waiting rooms of shrinks, even decades ago, one would come up with the results of 99% identifying as : Democrats/Greens/Socialists/Communists.
    Try having a civilized, rational, “sane” conversation with a typical college/university perfesser.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    • Replies: @Jim Don Bob
    “One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.”
    ― George Orwell, The Road to Wigan Pier
    , @Anonymous

    Leftist movements have always been a refuge for nut-cases.
    George Orwell's famous passage about Socialist nutcases in full:

    One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words 'Socialism' and 'Communism' draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, 'Nature Cure' quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.

    One day this summer I was riding through Letchworth when the bus stopped and two dreadful-looking old men got on to it. They were both about sixty, both very short, pink, and chubby, and both hatless. One of them was obscenely bald, the other had long grey hair bobbed in the Lloyd George style. They were dressed in pistachio-coloured shirts and khaki shorts into which their huge bottoms were crammed so tightly that you could study every dimple. Their appearance created a mild stir of horror on top of the bus.

  • So, it’s three weeks before the US midterm elections, and it looks like we have got ourselves a horse race! That’s right, folks, once again, it’s time to start playing with those forecast maps on Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight, and obsessively following the fluctuating poll numbers of congressional candidates you have never heard of...
  • @Timur The Lame
    Wow, the "it's your duty to vote"* meme punched into the heads of the citizenry in public school and pushed throughout seemingly needs a coal chisel to be dislodged. Even on it is durable.

    The funny thing about politics is that it mixes intellect with emotion and the result is that often seemingly intelligent and even keeled persons transform into high IQ idiots.

    USA folks, you are offered a choice every 4 years between Coke and Pepsi when your organism craves and requires pure spring water. Thats it. The only addendum would be that Coke and Pepsi in my example be owned by the same holding company.

    All the " ...but we would have gotten Hillary" idiots are channelling their inner pussy hat. Modern voting specifically in America is the very best contemporary example I could give if asked for an example of Einstein's definition of insanity.

    *Municipal and local politics may be exceptions in given situations.


    ” But we would have gotten Hillary idiots”

    So and you are one of the idiots who would have voted for her.

    Such as all idiot leftists, you think that your viewpoint is the superior one,

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • From The New Yorker: First generation testing services had an amusing knack for reporting Ashkenazi Jews as part American Indian: famously, Larry David was declared to be 3/8ths Native American in 2009, which sounds like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, but actually happened. But they've gotten a lot more competent over the years. ... The...
  • @dfordoom

    Thirdly : I regard ALL Democrat politicos as lunatics, grifters, liars, and fork-tongued scoundrels
    Quite right. Whereas Republican politicos are lunatics, grifters, liars, and fork-tongued scoundrels.

    A clear sign of stupidity (and insanity), which you repeatedly display, being the inability to descern “differences”. For the classical “Dummkopf”, such as yourself, all thing are equal.


  • So, it’s three weeks before the US midterm elections, and it looks like we have got ourselves a horse race! That’s right, folks, once again, it’s time to start playing with those forecast maps on Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight, and obsessively following the fluctuating poll numbers of congressional candidates you have never heard of...
  • @AnonFromTN
    It ain’t that simple. Here in TN Reps nominated a Neanderthal female for Senate and Neanderthal male for Governor. In contrast, Dem nominees are former pretty reasonable governor for Senate and former fairly reasonable mayor of Nashville for governor. Both belong to my species. What’s a man to do?

    ” In contrast, Dem nominees are form pretty reasonalbe governor for Senate and former fairly reasonable mayor of Nashville for governor”

    The is no such thing as a “reasonable” Democrat, and even if they appear superficially to be reasonable they still represent the party of purple-haired crazies and it’s horrid leftist policies on display in Venezuela.


    • Replies: @AnonFromTN
    I agree that it’s hard to find a reasonable Dem. Problem is, finding a reasonable Rep is just as hard. For example, Trump did not deliver on most things expected of him: did not stop a single war, did not improve relations with any country, did not invest in the infrastructure (wasting even more money on the Pentagon than Obama), did nothing to improve education, doesn’t even talk about fiscal responsibility, etc. To add insult to injury, his policies in the ME are even more pro-Israel and anti-American than those of his predecessors.
  • @jacques sheete

    ... as the “vons”, the blue-bloods, were amongst the staunchest supporters of H.
    Are you expressing surprise here. or what? Why would they not be the "staunchest supporters of H," given the fact that "Germany is as hard-core capitalistic " as it was then as well, and some capitalists were against the Bolshies while some US and Brit capitalists used the Reds for their own ends?

    At least they probably thought they were defending their country against the world-revolution Commie hordes while the Americans sold out to the Commies lock, stock, and barrel. If you disagree, take the time to find out who financed the troubles in Russia and supported the USSR, then read Marx's Commie Manifesto and tell me that your beloved USA is not Commie to the core.

    While some here may have "no actual fucking clue as to the inner workings of the Germany system," you seem to have no clue at all, f'in or toherwise about the 'Merkin system which is nothing more than violent slavery dressed up as liberty.

    Mensa? Ha ha.

    ” While the Americans sold out to the commies lock , stock and barrel”

    I knew this before you were born, and if you had read any of my prior postings on this subject, you would have realized that I have been saying that the rich capitalist honchos are, and have been supporting the commies since Marx arrived.

    Look you do nothing but insult and slander and you view yourself as some kind of “wise” guru, and I consider you to be a blathering fool, so if you have problems with my Mensa qualification, why don’t you contact them and advise that they have been, according to your criteria, awarding qualification to undeserving individuals, and perhaps they will demand that I return my Mensa certificate which I have held for forty-plus years.


    • Replies: @jacques sheete
    So, what do you think about voting for politicians? :)

    PS: As for your dimwit attempt at insulting me regarding "guru" status, I am neither one, nor do I aspire to be one. I think gurus stink although not as bad as politicians and have no faith in them either.

  • @renfro
    Well I avoided voting in the last election but I think in this mid term I might go against most of my own domestic issues and much as I hate it, vote for a balance out the power of the WH.

    If a Dem majority ends up impeaching Trump I can live with that because that would get rid of Israel's man in our WH, Jared Kushner, who is ruining the US in the ME. ...that is my no 1 issue and I'm sticking to it.

    ” As much as I hate it, vote for a Dem”

    Voting for a Dem, any Dem, is nothing more than an admission that one is insane.


  • @peterAUS

    ....invaluable information and insight into the German mentality and world-view..
    Well, at one hand you are the man on the ground and inside.
    At another, as posted below:

    Your “Authenticjazzman ” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz performer” title is tiresome and brands you as an individual who seems to be insecure in your own situation. You would do well to drop it…
    you are sending a bit of conflicting message here, for some.

    In practical terms, while your observations are definitely "Mark 1 eyeball", the conclusions could be lacking.

    Having said that, well, maybe the "Mensa etc" thing is the result of living for so long among Ze Germans......

    A question, if I may:
    Are the Germans of that group you've been moving in/around (say, middle/upper middle class) still the same as those during "A.H."?
    Or, has the "De-Nazification" worked as planned, or it's just skin deep? Ready to be shed on a moment notice if circumstances are, again, right for that ?

    “At another as posted below:

    “Your Authenticjazzman, Mensa qualified etc”

    You are mixing postings as these remarks are not from myself, rather they are from post nr 49.

    “Are the Germans youve been moving in/around” still the same as those during AH”?

    I am reflecting upon events of forty/fifty years ago, not today.


    • Replies: @peterAUS

    “Are the Germans youve been moving in/around” still the same as those during AH”?

    I am reflecting upon events of forty/fifty years ago, not today.

    I am just trying to understand.

    If....if those Germans of today are really de-Nazified and properly brainwashed into the current required mindset ("progtards"), I don't, actually, get what is so special about them comparing to the rest of West?

    I mean, "progtards" are the same everywhere.

    You said

    Germany is as hard-core capitalistic as the US


    be that as it may, there are also plenty "progtards" in USA and they don't appear to be hard core capitalistic.

    So, my question could change into:
    How many "hard core capitalistic Germans" vs "progtard" Germans are in those circles you move in/around (middle/upper middle class)?

    The former could bring a certain scenario in Germany and around. The later can bring quite another.
  • @M Edward
    In America it's actually the Communist-Democrats vs Zionist Republicans. Booth parties are controlled by Zio-Bolsheviks. Israel and Russia.

    As far as Europe ?

    Having 6 to 8 different parties to choose from only waters down the whole process and leaves a huge void wherein corruption and conspiracy between the parties can flourish.

    ALL Social-Democrats in Europe and America are controlled by Russia.

    The west will be brought down by Israel and Russia along with their little buddy, China.

    Just wait and see.

    ” All Social-Democrats in Europe and America are controlled by Russia”

    This is rediculous beyond words , as Russia today is totally removed from the leftist “social-democratic” mand-set.

    They are controlled by one GS, and his marxist cohorts.


    • Replies: @M Edward
    No, what is ridiculous is that so many people, such as yourself, believe such a ridiculous idea.

    "New Lies for Old" by Anatoliy Golitsyn

    Wake up, and stop being a "Useful Idiot"
  • @anarchyst
    Almost every president had "warts"...three that you mentioned were outright genocidal murderers and should have been brought up on war crimes charges. Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, jailed newspaper publishers that did not "toe the party line" and pushed for "slash and burn" policies in the South. Roosevelt knew about the Pearl Harbor "false-flag, tried to "stack" the Supreme Court, outlawed the private possession of gold bullion and coins, and instituted government policies that bordered on communism. Uncle Joe Stalin was a pal of his, as he consigned Eastern Europe to a life under communism. Eisenhower was responsible for millions of German deaths with his self-imposed concentration camps AFTER WW2, in which millions of ordinary German soldiers and others were imprisoned under starvation conditions. Eisenhower's only redeeming value was to push back against the zionists in the 1950s. Malcom X was a proponent of self-imposed segregation and self-help for blacks, which would have been an improvement over our present-day "civil-rights" problems. Although he had a hatred of whites, he recognized that we had a growing jewish problem as well.
    Your "Authenticjazzman ” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz performer" title is tiresome and brands you as an individual who seems to be insecure in your own situation. You would do well to drop it...

    ” Your “Authenticjazzman” “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz performer” title is tiresome and brands you as an individual who seems to be insecure in your own situation”

    Says who : Maybe a psychologist BSer, or a perfesser of social studies.

    As far as being “insecure”, anyone who has experienced such a bizarre and eventful life such as myself, is far removed from “insecurity”


  • From The New Yorker: First generation testing services had an amusing knack for reporting Ashkenazi Jews as part American Indian: famously, Larry David was declared to be 3/8ths Native American in 2009, which sounds like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, but actually happened. But they've gotten a lot more competent over the years. ... The...
  • @Rosie

    Look I just don’t know who you are trying to fool with your rediculous contention that she, EW, or any other fork-tongued Democrat, is concerned with the welfare of the peasants.
    I don't recall saying that. I don't know her heart. I do know that she has been banging the drum about the embattled middle and working classes for many years. This isn't some new thing for her.

    Quoting you : ” She rails against the growing concentration of of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite”
    You're not quoting me there. You're quoting the NYT.

    Yeah a “tiny elite” of which she , with her six-figure income and estimated 14 million in estimated assets, is a select member.
    Being rich doesn't preclude being a sincere populist. Trump is richer than her many times over, isn't he?

    I don't understand why you're reacting this way to my assessment of Warren. I don't think you understand how recent, and conditional, is the White working class swing to the GOP. The reason we're talking about Warren now is because many in the Democratic Party recognize that she can appeal to the White working class, which they cannot do without, at least not just yet.

    ” I don’t think you understand how recent , and conditional , is the white working class swing to the GOP”

    You are talking down to me, as if I am an uninformed cretin.

    Look lets get one thing straight right now : There is nothing that you understand which I am unable to understand, myself as a “Mensa” society qualifier, and having been tested with IQ results upward of 150 points.

    Secondly : I grew up in Detroit, and am more familiar with the conditions and inner-workings of the
    “Working-class” than you could ever imagine.

    Thirdly : I regard ALL Democrat politicos as lunatics, grifters, liars, and fork-tongued scoundrels, and EW is right up at the top as far as dishonesty and hypocrisy is concerned.


    • Replies: @dfordoom

    Thirdly : I regard ALL Democrat politicos as lunatics, grifters, liars, and fork-tongued scoundrels
    Quite right. Whereas Republican politicos are lunatics, grifters, liars, and fork-tongued scoundrels.
  • So, it’s three weeks before the US midterm elections, and it looks like we have got ourselves a horse race! That’s right, folks, once again, it’s time to start playing with those forecast maps on Real Clear Politics and FiveThirtyEight, and obsessively following the fluctuating poll numbers of congressional candidates you have never heard of...
  • @Chris Bridges
    Hey, Hopkins, "based in Berlin", easy for you to say don't vote, no difference between them, what use is it, and similar crap. Those of us who actually live in America know damn well how important this election is. We know that Trump - for all his faults and despite being cockblocked by RINO's and Democrats - has tried to do the right thing and has accomplished an astonishing amount in a short time. Yeah, jerk, there is a difference, a big one. On one side are the American people (including plenty of hand-wringing cowards) and on the other there is a collection of criminals, subversives, foreigners, Soros lovers, and socialist assholes.
    Enough of your world weary nonsense, Hopkins. Some of us have children and grandchildren we want to see live in a world worth having.
    Stay in Berlin, or Vienna, or Rome and gobble your Sacher tort mit Schlag, you witless turd.

    Myself having lived in Germany for forty-plus years, I am quite familiar with this leftist type of
    Ex-pat such as Hopkins. These individuals spent 24/7 badmouthing the USA and sucking up to the leftist Germans they hung around with, never letting an occasion pass in which they could prove their point about the evils of the capitalistic US versus the qualities of the , as they saw it, “socialistic” Federal Republic of Germany, even though, typical for their ilk, they had no actual fucking clue as to the inner workings of the Germany system.
    They never comprehended that Germany is as hard-core capitalistic as the US, for example debt forgiveness being thirty years, however it, Germany, does manage to camoflage its true ruthless nature with its pseudo “government” health-care and welfare payments, including rent and cash pmt to folks with no inclination to earn their own living.
    I have been married to three “upper-class” German women, a “von”, an MD, and remain married to my third German wife, a retired teacher, and these relationships have afforded myself with invaluable information and insight into the German mentality and world-view, and I can say that Hopkins is abjectly clueless regarding Germany or Europe as a whole, and I would wager to say that he voted for HC, and is still in but-hurt due to her, thank heavens, loss.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz artist.

    PS : My first wife’s mother had in her collection of war memorbilia, a photo of her uncle, a high ranking officer , standing directly next to AH, as the “vons”, the blue-bloods, were amongst the staunchest supporters of H.

    • Replies: @peterAUS

    ....invaluable information and insight into the German mentality and world-view..
    Well, at one hand you are the man on the ground and inside.
    At another, as posted below:

    Your “Authenticjazzman ” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz performer” title is tiresome and brands you as an individual who seems to be insecure in your own situation. You would do well to drop it…
    you are sending a bit of conflicting message here, for some.

    In practical terms, while your observations are definitely "Mark 1 eyeball", the conclusions could be lacking.

    Having said that, well, maybe the "Mensa etc" thing is the result of living for so long among Ze Germans......

    A question, if I may:
    Are the Germans of that group you've been moving in/around (say, middle/upper middle class) still the same as those during "A.H."?
    Or, has the "De-Nazification" worked as planned, or it's just skin deep? Ready to be shed on a moment notice if circumstances are, again, right for that ?
    , @jacques sheete

    ... as the “vons”, the blue-bloods, were amongst the staunchest supporters of H.
    Are you expressing surprise here. or what? Why would they not be the "staunchest supporters of H," given the fact that "Germany is as hard-core capitalistic " as it was then as well, and some capitalists were against the Bolshies while some US and Brit capitalists used the Reds for their own ends?

    At least they probably thought they were defending their country against the world-revolution Commie hordes while the Americans sold out to the Commies lock, stock, and barrel. If you disagree, take the time to find out who financed the troubles in Russia and supported the USSR, then read Marx's Commie Manifesto and tell me that your beloved USA is not Commie to the core.

    While some here may have "no actual fucking clue as to the inner workings of the Germany system," you seem to have no clue at all, f'in or toherwise about the 'Merkin system which is nothing more than violent slavery dressed up as liberty.

    Mensa? Ha ha.
  • @Durruti
    Nice succinct essay by CJ Hopkins

    There is no reason to participate in a Zionist Banker Controlled (actually) non election.

    The Key point to be made here - is that our Republic was overthrown in a Coup D'etat on November 22, 1963. All Presidents & American governments have been Un-Constitutional since the assassination of our last constitutional President, JF Kennedy.

    All the candidates are Traitors, serve a Foreign entity, Rothschild and other Zionist Banking Oligarchs, and their military staging area, Israel (occupied Palestine).

    Politicians violate their Oath of Office (of loyalty to only 1 Nation, the USA), as soon as they accept $money from a foreign entity such as (AIPAC), and, or, hold dual citizenship with a foreign entity, (Sen Schumer is just one on many examples. Ron Emanuel is another). The American Knesset gave 28 standing-ovations to foreign Rothschild servant, Netanyahoo. As Tolkien asked "Whom do you serve"?

    The Dem & Republic Gangs, aptly critiqued by Jesse Ventura, are aligned on all essential policies, from the economy (recall the Bailout vote?). Those who led the opposition to that $13Trillion Bailout giveaway Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich, were quickly removed from office. The gangs' vote for vast military appropriations (half the American budget), and $$$ to Israel. So called 'progressives, such as Sen Sanders talk peace, but vote for all these military & political giveaways.

    The quality of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Eisenhower, and other earlier leaders, ended with the massacre of John & Robert Kennedy, and ML King, Malcolm X,, & John Lennon, and our Republic.

    Since 1963, The American People have triggered to Legitimize by their Vote all sorts of Traitorous trash, from the sleazy Clintons, and the obedient Bushes, to Hollywoodian Reagan, to the entity who never existed, Hollywood Obomber (irrelevant to discuss where he was born), to a money launderer, Casino Trump. This legitimacy scam continues to local elections for City Council & Tax Collectors. Each future so called 'Presidental' hopeful will be morally inferior to their predecessor. These puppet (and increasingly depraved), 'Presidents' are nothing but Quislings, for totalitarian immoral murdering foreign powers. The other politicians admire them for their 'success' and wish to earn their 30 pieces of silver.

    There is no democratic choice. Honest Patriotic candidates are eliminated, by being unable to finance their campaign, to being rendered unable to breathe.

    There is a Solution to our political prison. Our Yellow Brick Road winds through Lexington and Concord.

    This is where our Republic was born.

    This is where our Beloved Democratic Republic will be restored.

    With our Sovereignty & our Honor.


    for the Anarchist Collective

    Respect All! Bow to None!

    ” The quality of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, the Roosevelts, Eisenhower, and other earlier leaders, ended with the massacre of John and Robert Kennedy, and ML King, Malcom X, & John Lennon, and our Republic”.
    Just what are you trying to say here as in spite of my Mensa qualification, I cannot begin to comprehend your point.
    Just wtf did John Lennon and Malcom X have to do with the “quality of Washington, Jefferson” etc?
    Look, you come across as a very confused individual, and with your quip “there is no democratic choice, you seem to imply that we could just as well have put HC in the WH.

    Authenticjazzman ” Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    • Replies: @The Scalpel
    "Just what are you trying to say here as in spite of my Mensa qualification, I cannot begin to comprehend your point."

    Did they teach you this style of writing in Mensa?
  • From The New Yorker: First generation testing services had an amusing knack for reporting Ashkenazi Jews as part American Indian: famously, Larry David was declared to be 3/8ths Native American in 2009, which sounds like a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode, but actually happened. But they've gotten a lot more competent over the years. ... The...
  • @Rosie
    I'm afraid I must disagree with you.

    From the NYT

    "Warren lays out a position I’d call enlightened populism. She rails against the growing concentration of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite; argues that this concentration of economic rewards has also undermined our political system; and links unequal wealth and power to the stagnating incomes, growing insecurity and diminishing opportunities facing ordinary families. She puts a face on these stresses with capsule portraits of middle-class travails: a Walmart worker who needs to visit a food pantry, a DHL worker forced to take a huge pay cut, a millennial crushed by student debt.

    Of course, if you have a problem with economic populism, I understand that, but that doesn't change the fact that it would be very appealing to White working class swing voters.

    Quoting you : ” She rails against the growing concentration of of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite” Yeah a “tiny elite” of which she , with her six-figure income and estimated 14 million in estimated assets, is a select member.

    Look I just don’t know who you are trying to fool with your rediculous contention that she, EW, or any other fork-tongued Democrat, is concerned with the welfare of the peasants.
    She, as an leftist academic, a leftist BSer, looks down her nose at the unwashed masses, such as all of the leftist con-artists do.


    • Replies: @Rosamond Vincy
    I can't speak to her personally, but I do know that type. The most Marxist, Feminist, [insert-cause-here]-ist ones on my campus were always the ones who wouldn't talk to the maintenance staff unless they wanted them to do something, not even to say "Good morning" or complain about the weather. There was a maintenance strike at one point, and all the SJWs joined enthusiastically in the protests, and even trashed the bathrooms (seriously inconveniencing employees with wheelchairs or guide dogs who had to go to the next building). One academic with a working brain and soul knew some of the maintenance staff from her church, and was disgusted by the hypocrisy--even told me privately that the maintenance staff never told anyone to mess up the bathrooms; they were just going to refrain from cleaning them. She predicted that the perpetrators weren't going to be nearly as enthusiastic about cleaning up the mess they had made when the strike was over.

    When the strike was over, the SJWs went back to ignoring the maintenance staff unless they wanted them to do something. And they were nowhere around when the bathrooms needed to be cleaned up from their vandalism.
    , @Rosie

    Look I just don’t know who you are trying to fool with your rediculous contention that she, EW, or any other fork-tongued Democrat, is concerned with the welfare of the peasants.
    I don't recall saying that. I don't know her heart. I do know that she has been banging the drum about the embattled middle and working classes for many years. This isn't some new thing for her.

    Quoting you : ” She rails against the growing concentration of of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite”
    You're not quoting me there. You're quoting the NYT.

    Yeah a “tiny elite” of which she , with her six-figure income and estimated 14 million in estimated assets, is a select member.
    Being rich doesn't preclude being a sincere populist. Trump is richer than her many times over, isn't he?

    I don't understand why you're reacting this way to my assessment of Warren. I don't think you understand how recent, and conditional, is the White working class swing to the GOP. The reason we're talking about Warren now is because many in the Democratic Party recognize that she can appeal to the White working class, which they cannot do without, at least not just yet.
  • @Rosie

    This is suicidal. My retired teacher, charity volunteering, Democratic voting mother loves Warren.
    Indeed. If I'm not mistaken, Warren's actual politics aren't that bad when you look past the cringeworthy Fauxcahantas larping. I think she would have been a good candidate for the Dems, appealing as she is to nice White ladies. It's good for Trump that she is out of the way.

    ” Warren’s actual politics aren’t that bad”

    Bullshit, the political concepts of each and every democrat ( not saying that republicans are beyond reproach) the political goals and worldviews of ALL democrats are steeped in insanity, with the hidden end goal of a northern version of Venezuela for the US.


    • Replies: @Rosie
    I'm afraid I must disagree with you.

    From the NYT

    "Warren lays out a position I’d call enlightened populism. She rails against the growing concentration of income and wealth in the hands of a tiny elite; argues that this concentration of economic rewards has also undermined our political system; and links unequal wealth and power to the stagnating incomes, growing insecurity and diminishing opportunities facing ordinary families. She puts a face on these stresses with capsule portraits of middle-class travails: a Walmart worker who needs to visit a food pantry, a DHL worker forced to take a huge pay cut, a millennial crushed by student debt.

    Of course, if you have a problem with economic populism, I understand that, but that doesn't change the fact that it would be very appealing to White working class swing voters.
  • @George
    My Elizabeth Warren dossier:

    Was she an affirmative action hire?

    Her law degree is from a public university Rutgers which according to Wikipedia is rare. As of 2011, she was the only tenured law professor at Harvard who had attended law school at an American public university.

    On the other hand she has a long career of teaching at increasingly more prominent universities and doing research while raising a family. She joined the Harvard faculty after working there as a visiting prof and the Ivy League Univ of Penn. She was highly cited specializing in bankruptcy and commercial law (aka real law not some weird gender fluidity bs law).

    It is not clear to me she needed any affirmative action, her cv is pretty massive for a law professor and step by step over decades she does all the right things entering Harvard. It is not clear if she applied to work at Harvard or if Harvard sifted through CVs of visiting professors they liked and contacted her.

    Back to affirmative action, I don't think the Cherokee thing got her special treatment at Harvard. Being a female, a mother, and an Oklahoman might have.

    Her cv is:

    1968 She married an IBM employee.
    1970 She got a BS Speach Pathology, proceeded to teach disabled children after getting a waiver for not having teaching credentials.
    1972 She gave birth to a daughter.
    1974 She started Rutgers Law School.
    1976 She graduated Law School and gave birth to her second child.
    1977-1978 She did lawyering type jobs from home while the raising the child and was a lecturer at Rutgers Law School.
    1978 She got divorced
    1980 She marries a University of Pennsylvania Law School Professor.
    1978–83 Houston Law Center where she became Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in 1980, and tenure in 1981. 1981 Visiting Prof at University of Texas School of Law
    1983–87 Full Prof Houston Law Center and researcher at Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin (1983–87). 1985 Visiting Prof at the U of Michigan.
    1984 Silly 'Pow Wow Chow' book is published including not very Cherokee recipes from Warren.
    1987-1995 Endowed Prof at University of Pennsylvania Law School. 1992 Robert Braucher Visiting Professor of Commercial Law Harvard Law School.
    1995 Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law at Harvard Law School

    Okay so fifty years of delving into the sicko world of justitia, lawyering being the most abberrated human endeavor since the advent of human thought : The mad-cap world of fork-tongued barristers, states-attorneys, power-mad grifters, sadists otherwise known as “judges”, downright thieves and leftist shit-talkers beyond any comparison, and this background somehow qualifies her parade around 24/7 as a pompous perfesser, and considered by the leftist blue-haired nut-cases as someone who could actually run the entire country from the WH.
    Damn the end is nigh and apparently no way to hold it off.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz peformer

  • I am looking forward to the rebound controversy tomorrow in which the Prestige Media takes Trump's bait and runs stories denouncing Trump for LYING that Senator Elizabeth Warren is only 1/1000th American Indian when the Settled Science suggests she is actually more likely 1/256th American Indian. In his recent memoir of working for Richard Nixon...
  • @Prester John
    Hillary has a history of opening up her fat yap before thinking--going back to that stupid "baking cookies" remark. Her chief weakness as a POTUS candidate was that she had the subtlety of a blacksmith.

    ” Her chief weakness as a POTUS candidate was that she had the subtlety of a blacksmith”.

    Garbage, her chief weakness was that she is a DEMOCRAT and the sonambulant Americans are beginning to wake up to the truth about these underhanded grifters/scumbags.

    And just how do you come to the conclusion that Blacksmiths, are born as “unsubtle”?


  • What if the whole purpose of an independent judiciary is to be anti-democratic? What if its job is to disregard politics? What if its duty is to preserve the liberties of the minority -- even a minority of one -- from the tyranny of the majority? What if that tyranny can come from unjust laws...
  • @Corvinus
    The fact of the matter is that the Supreme Court serves as a useful check to excessive legislative power and protects the liberties of citizens.

    ” Protects the liberties of citizens”

    Yeah sure especially when the crazy leftists are in the majority on the court, wise latinas and all.

    Damn, don’t you ever stop to examine the absurd bullshit that you are incessantly spewing?


  • I am looking forward to the rebound controversy tomorrow in which the Prestige Media takes Trump's bait and runs stories denouncing Trump for LYING that Senator Elizabeth Warren is only 1/1000th American Indian when the Settled Science suggests she is actually more likely 1/256th American Indian. In his recent memoir of working for Richard Nixon...
  • @Stephen Paul Foster
    "Being smart can make one arrogant, and arrogance can lead to shutting one’s mind."

    Case in point, Barack Obama. He seemed to believe that every platitude and banality that popped out of his mouth was the depth of profundity. Those who didn't swoon were "bitter clingers."

    The all-knowing German “Besserwisser”, consider him to be the most intelligent, eloquent, well-spoken, sophisticated, “statesman” to have ever set foot upon planet mirth.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • Introduction The decisive electoral victory of far-right Brazilian presidential candidate, Jair Bolsonaro startled politicians and analysts of the traditional parties of the left and right. The possible implications for the present and near future raises a number of fundamental questions whether it represents a ‘model’ for other countries or is the result of the specific...
  • To the deranged leftist mind, anyone who does not openly declare himself to be a “progressive”, is then automatically assumed to be a “fascist”
    The masses, around the planet, are waking up to the fact that the Marxists never, ever, had their well being in mind, and that their, the Marxist’s, fake “Altruism” was just that, fake.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

  • From the NYT Opinion page: Republicans are paranoid! You can tell by how they are just on the verge of rounding up dissidents into soccer stadiums. That's why the stock market has hammered Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos's net worth down to, uh, ... well ... that's not the point. The point is that my...
  • @Jim Don Bob
    I never liked The Wizard of Oz even as a kid. I thought it was stupid, and Judy Garland was waaaay too old for the part.

    “Over the rainbow” is one of the most beautiful tunes to be part of the “Great American songbook”, and H Arlen is dwelling in the pantheon of American musical geniuses.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • At the time of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August a year ago, Donald Trump was the only prominent American politician to blame both sides for the violence. This evenhandedness suggested his administration might be equally evenhanded in bringing charges of rioting and violence. Starting with the President’s own inauguration, antifa...
  • @niteranger
    The problem is Sessions is a wimp. He is afraid of BLM, Antifa, and the Communistos. He should be investigating what's going on in Oregon right now with Antifa intimidating citizens. Trump has also failed on this. Words mean nothing only actions count. Sessions should use the Justice Dept. just like Holder did. Give them some of their own medicine. If Trump had any balls he would set up a task force for investigating the the rights of citizens who are being silenced by these clowns including universities and colleges.

    Put a little fear in them. The longer people do nothing the more power they will get and the worse it will be.

    Agreed, however the conumdrum being for DT that if he begins to go after these leftist lunatics, GS will order his armies into action and cities will burn from coast to coast.

    The leftists have the non-leftists by the balls simply because they, the non-leftists, allowed them, the leftist lunatics, to wield the race card without counter-action for fifty-plus years.

    I have been saying for years on end : Turn it around on them and start throwing the race card back at them, as fact is millions and millions of voters vote for the Democrats, because they view the Republicans as “racist”.


    • Replies: @niteranger
    They won't burn much for long. Once this starts you'll see guns come out and watch these suckers run. There will be a bounty on Soros and friends. It will only take a few ex military snipers to quickly put an end to this stuff. They will burn the Communist cities like LA, New York, Philly etc. and those so called progressives will be begging for Trump to send in federal troops.

    Security think tanks and our government know this will happen. They haven't been stock piling all that ammo for nothing. If the Repubs were smart they would push this forward because once it starts all those Commie loving Caviar Leftists will suddenly change their tune. Most of these people live in guarded communities far away from the mainstream of this mess. Once they are threatened it will be fun to watch them go crazy.
  • Antifa : Originating in Germany, along with Communism, Psychology, Heroin, manic authority worship, green madness : “Die Gruenen”, purple-haired crazies, Bauhaus, the list of abberations having been spawned in Deutschland could go on and on.

    Deutschand die Quelle allen uebels : Germany , the source of all evil.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    • Troll: Josep
    • Replies: @Anon
    Fuck off, Jew / groid. You also obey your master.

    Stop blaming Jewish nastiness on the Germans, who tried to cleanse themselves of all evil before the Jewish Enemy conquered them by marshalling foreign armies on two-fronts (both necessary for victory against the superior Germanics). You follow the typical Jew propaganda technique in omitting obvious information in a desperate attempt to craft a propaganda morsel, because you have nothing else that is remotely viable.

    The mongrelized, high admixture Neanderthal Jew can never match the German, in all but deceit and cunning, and certainly not in goodness / morality. Universal morality and Judaism are mutually exclusive concepts. As any honest Orthodox Jew would readily omit.

    If you had an IQ worth touting, you wouldn't rely on appeals to authority (ie: "I'm probably correct because of Mensa"), which discredit your arguments via attachment of a rhetorical fallacy.

    Only the bottom barrel untermensch think that advertising membership in an org with a mere 130 IQ entry qualification is something that bolsters your credibility. That score is barely high enough to serve as a professor at a respectable college, and we can view how lost that wider group is. Mensa membership barely qualifies you as capable of consistently cogent thought, let alone capable of crafting believable propaganda. As we can note here.

    I think you may have hit the ground too hard, one too many times, jumping out of airplanes with the rest of the riff-raff. Or perhaps have damaged the blood vessels in your brain via the repeated buildup of cardiopulmonary pressure from blowing on bugles with the negroes. Marijuana doesn't cure that. Whatever the source, the probable damage is giving you a laughable sense of over-confidence in these matters.

  • What if the whole purpose of an independent judiciary is to be anti-democratic? What if its job is to disregard politics? What if its duty is to preserve the liberties of the minority -- even a minority of one -- from the tyranny of the majority? What if that tyranny can come from unjust laws...
  • @Brabantian
    Yes and yes here ... Andrew Napolitano perhaps tho doesn't say it all ... the 'all' being that the Anglo culture cult of law and judges being able to decide big policy things, is just plain wrong ... Judges should operate in a narrow frame, referring controversial questions back to parliaments

    And Napolitano is right, the Judge Kavanaugh Student Beer Party show, may have been a distraction stitch-up

    For all its flaws, the Continental European Napoleonic legal system, bows to the principle that it is not some 'piece of paper', some oligarch-agent-interpreted 'CONstitution', but the revolutionary power of common people, which must be served.

    And this bears fruit in practice, given how Napoleonic law countries have much less jailing (1 out of 1000 in Western Europe, vs 1 out of 140 in USA), much less intrusion on people's lives, much less confiscation of personal assets via draconian and often corrupt 'judgements' or police seizures ... Funny how assets & property are overall safer in 'socialist' Continental Europe

    USA 'rights' are on paper, whilst USA judges seize assets and jail people like mad, USA 'rights' notwithsanding ... USA judges seemingly eager to declare the US Constitution doesn't apply to the victim they can destroy

    Flaws in European law, like some excessive 'hate speech' prosecutions - historically grounded in the Jewish-lobby-led 'holocaust denial' laws - still do not change that there is overall, much more justice in Continental Europe. And even the hate speech prosecution extremes, are getting worse in Anglo law Britain than on the Continent.

    As Napolitano hints, the "attack on Brett Kavanaugh" circus, can be seen as a devious calculated scheme to install Kavanaugh

    This attack successfully distracted from very substantive concerns about Brett Kavanaugh, and by a combination of being distracting, and also self-imploding, helping Kavanaugh win his key 'deciding' lifetime position on the US Supreme Court

    - Kavanaugh apparently helping the Clintons to abuse a witness and hide evidence in the 'suiciding' by gunshot of Hillary law partner Vince Foster, viewed by many as one of the dozens of murders in the 'Clinton Body Count'
    - Kavanaugh apparently as a Bush White House staffer lying and committing perjury regarding receipt of stolen files, as noted on Unz
    - Kavanaugh apparently supporting torture and suppression of civil liberties in his legal career, as Judge Napolitano notes above

    Was it really an 'anti-Kavanaugh' attack ... or a circus, with hireling Deep-State-tied women, to help hide the more important concerns re Kavanaugh's bio, and help Kavanaugh get into his lifelong position which he already now enjoys?

    ” Much less intrusion on people’s lives” : Absolute nonsense : In Germany, the most dominent european contry, all residents are required to report their new addresss, under the tyrannical big-brother “Meldepflicht” to the local police citizen registry office.

    “Much less confiscation of personal assets”, again total nonsense. In Germany debt forgivness takes thirty years, as compared to seven in the US., and this oppressive code is directly related to “asset confiscation” if one is able to put two and two together.

    “There is overall much more justice in continental Europe”. And again total hogwash. In Germany for example a court order, or any court correspondence which is held at the local post office of the recipient, and is not picked up within thirty days, due to the absense of the receiver, illness, vacation , whatever, is then considered “served” with all of the possible negative consequences, regardless of the fact that is was not actually “served”.

    The list of legal injustice metted out by the european system could fill tomes, and the you simply do not know what you are talking about.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airboren trained US Army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  • From the NYT Opinion page: Republicans are paranoid! You can tell by how they are just on the verge of rounding up dissidents into soccer stadiums. That's why the stock market has hammered Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos's net worth down to, uh, ... well ... that's not the point. The point is that my...
  • @reiner Tor
    If the Republicans are an authoritarian regime in waiting, then perhaps they should be banned. As should be any party which is suspected of being authoritarian by a select set of progressive pundits and politicians.

    ” reiner Tor” translated from German means : unadulterated fool.

    So at least this guy is somewhat aware of his own nature.


  • @Paleo Liberal
    Personally, I would love to see Elizabeth Warren as President. She tends to favor the little guy over the powerful interests. Love her or hate her, she is a populist. Just a left-wing populist, which I understand isn’t terribly popular on a right-wing site.

    I don’t think she had a chance, because the big banks and other big money donors HATE her.

    I know the vast majority of you right-wingers don’t like her, but consider this:

    Suppose the positive candidates are:

    Joe Biden (D-Big Banks)
    Hillary Clinton (H1-B Tata)

    Or Elizabeth Warren.

    Just as I, a left winger, find Trump less objectionable than Paul Ryan or Mark Pence or Ted Cruz, I think many of you would find Warren the least objectionable of the three.

    ” Personally, I would love to see EW as president”

    So you openly and candidly admit that you are out of your mind, and clueless beyond redemption.

    Look I know there a millions of leftist morons such as yourself out there who sleep with “Das kapital” under your pillow, but be aware my friend : You will not be permitted to transform the nation into a northern version of Venezuela, and your are being exposed by the minute for what you actually stand for. : Mayhem, and wanton bloodshed.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro Jazz performer ( last gig, sunday past )

  • Bret Kavanaugh is a pathological liar and in any position of power he is a danger to society. I do not say this lightly, nor am I referring to Kavanaugh’s aberrant behavior that Dr. Christine Baisley Ford and others testified about: the attempted rape, sexual battery, drunkenness, blackouts and aggressions. All of that is important...
  • @Beefcake the Mighty
    Hey authentic sack of shit, why did you misquote me? Isn’t copy-and-paste a prerequisite for Mensa? I think even today’s Army has higher standards, I guess the 70’s were different.

    Look guy I mistyped and I meant to post exactly your original wording of “There are honest and intelligent leftists”, so there is no reason for your acrimoneous flipout.


  • @Beefcake the Mighty
    Of course he isn’t. There are honest and intelligent leftists, but there is no such thing as an honest liberal.

    ” There are honest and intelligent liberals”

    Nonsense. The leftist mind-set which is based in the worship of the concepts of Karl Marx, automatically excludes genuine “intelligence” which can be reduced down to the attribute of Wisdom. and this explains why there are so many leftist “Mensa” members ; they are indeed endowed with a certain aspect of “Intelligence” however they are lacking any “Wisdom” whatsoever.

    “There is no such thing as an honest liberal” My brother, a hard-core liberal residing in Ann Arbor, is honest to the bone, he, I hate to say it, however is apparently lacking the “Wisdom” to see through the lies and double-standards of liberalism.


    • Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
    Hey authentic sack of shit, why did you misquote me? Isn’t copy-and-paste a prerequisite for Mensa? I think even today’s Army has higher standards, I guess the 70’s were different.
  • @Skeptikal
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an extraordinary woman who is now in, I believe, her nineties.
    If you happened to see the documentary about her life you would have seen that in her youth she was a vibrant, beautiful, serious woman who worked unbelievably hard as a full-time attorney while caring for her children, her ill husband, and more.

    Your "commentary" is off the charts insulting and speaks volumes about your own character not to mention startlingly poor judgment.
    I'll never take another think you write here seriously.
    I now know what kind of shallow, callow person you are and the sense of self-importance that drives you to think it is mete for you, a nobody who likely has achieved very little in life, to make cheap shots and a cheap joke at the appearance of an 85-year-old woman .

    Shame on you.

    ” She was a vibrant, beautiful, serious woman, who worked unbelievably hard as a full time attorney”

    Yeah she “worked unbelievably hard” to implement the “Frankfurter Schule”, and the installation of marxist mind-set into the hapless naive american peoples who, in tune with their adopted from germany authority worshiping propensity, were inclined to believe her BS as an attorney and a judge must know what is right for the helpless, clueless peasants.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained uS Army vet, and pro jazz artisit.

  • OK lets get down to business and quit skirting around the issues and euphemizing the situation:

    Fact is ALL Republicans, conservatives, and non-democrat persons belong in jail, for life with no possibility of parole, unless of course they are willing to undergo a compleate and total denazification, and will then vow to adhere to the SJ, marxist principles 24/7 for the rest of their natural lives.

    For the execution of this concept there wil be certain fenced-off and or walled areas consisting of one or two US states, perhaps Oregon and Mass, which will then serve as the retaining areas for said political criminals : non-Democrats

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified sine 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • Republican leaders are "a bunch of wimps," said Jerry Falwell Jr. Conservatives and Christians need to stop electing "nice guys." "The US needs street fighters like Donald Trump at every level of government because the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps." So tweeted the son and namesake of the founder of the Moral Majority,...
  • @Coemgen
    Bill Clinton took advantage of his underling by using her for his sexual pleasure.

    For at least the decade previous to this being made public, a boss having a sexual relationship with an employee was considered the height of immorality and put the boss in legal jeopardy (civil and criminal).

    An independent thinker would wonder why--suddenly--it was no longer a problem for a boss to be using an employee for sexual purposes.

    Before you try to counter with "Lewinski consented" to the act, the thinking at that time was that the employee was unable to freely consent to sexual activity with the boss (much like a sixteen-year-old girl cannot give legal consent for a twenty-one-year-old man to have sexual activity with her).

    ” Why-suddenly- is was no longer a problem for aboss to be using an employee for sexual purpose”

    Why? Very simple : If the boss is a Democrat he will be forgiven for any and all transgressions. Democrats are above the law and above all ethical, moral codes, plus the PTB, and the media will turn their unscrupulous actions around and portray them as positive.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualifed since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

  • From Fox News: He also claims she used his credit card to charge $600 after he'd broken up with her for her infidelity and
  • It s high time that the atrociously naive Americans finally rid themselves of the ghastly German mind-set of authority and title worshiping.

    This rediculous adulation of “Doktor” titles and perfesser titles, held in most part by abject fools, nut-cases and downright idiots, this sickening German-mindset of worshiping of such blatent fools simply because they were inducted into the meaningless, showered with Benefits” world-wide club of “Herr- Doktors” causes more strife than could be entered into tomes of depiction.

    Having resided in several german university towns in which these nit-wits ( Herr Doktors ) parade around celebrating and congratulating themselves 24/7 and being adored by the hapless peasants : ” Guten Tag Herr Doktor”, wie geht es Ihnen Herr Doktor, was a revelation of insanity non-plus.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

    • Agree: Hibernian
    • Replies: @passive-aggressivist
    Are you trying to be this ironic?
  • Republican leaders are "a bunch of wimps," said Jerry Falwell Jr. Conservatives and Christians need to stop electing "nice guys." "The US needs street fighters like Donald Trump at every level of government because the liberal fascists Dems are playing for keeps." So tweeted the son and namesake of the founder of the Moral Majority,...
  • The week-spined Republicans are irrationally terrified of the “wrath” of the BC/HC/BO/GS cabal, and they live with visions of VF, ruminating through their cowardly minds.
    They will never, ever begin to go after these leftist scumbags until they realize that their fear and images of the “superhuman” evil powers of the dissolute democrats are self-created.
    And then there is of course the “race-card” , the main bludgeon of the marxists which they, the Republicans, should have turned around and hurled back at the them with a vengence.
    Then there is the apparition of cities burning after GS orders his armies into action.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • Until two weeks ago, President Donald Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court seemed a sure thing. He ably handled more than 1,200 questions put to him by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He demonstrated even to his adversaries a masterful command of constitutional jurisprudence. The FBI...
  • ” No woman wold go through what Ford is going through”

    Damn I have encountered myriads of bullshit on the net but this takes the absolute cake as the most absurd assertion ever.

    Just what is she “going through”, when fact is she in now being elevated to the pantheon of foremost SJWs nationwide, and she will be viewed as a “hero” of women’s causes for the rest of her days, aside from all of the other “benefits” which will be showered upon her, and the most ironic aspect of this farce being that she is an advocate of the phoney “pseudo-science” of psychology, which only confirms the notion of her as an abject nut-case.
    My sister went through three years of psych at Michigan state, and dropped abruptly out, after waking up one morning after seeing the light regarding the crock of shiot psychology and it’s partner in crime psychiatry.

    AN’s idiotic anti-DT commentary turns my stomach to the point that I don’t even care to opine thereon.


  • One of the more interesting aspects of Pulitzer-winning biographer David J. Garrow's colossal 1460-page 2017 biography of Barack Obama, Rising Star, was how much cocaine Obama kept snorting with his rich leftist Pakistani pals a couple of years after graduating from college in 1983. Garrow told the Los Angeles Times last year: Garrow had access...
  • @anonguy
    I'd advise every Trumpista to now oppose the Kavanaugh nomination.

    If he ascends to the SC, for the rest of his career he will be beholden to others for his own moral purity, which is a really uncool situation.

    He will be genuflecting for the rest of his life.

    Is this really what you guys want?

    Man, I'm totally digging this thread.

    ” I’d advise every Trumpista to now oppose the Kavanaugh nomination”

    Rediculous, as they will then continue to shoot down, in the same perfidious manner, each and every new candidate who does not comply with their leftist worldview.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • If the Left is ever going to come together to save the world from Donald Trump and his legions of fascistic Putin-Nazis, we're going to need to confront our primary enemy ... the international working classes. Yes, my comrades, I'm afraid it's time to face the facts, depressing as they are. The working classes are...
  • @Jeff Stryker
    probably because it is more pleasant than being a white prole in the US.

    That is why I moved overseas.

    ” Probably because it is more pleasant than being a white prole in the US”

    It would never dawn upon me to view myself as a “white prole”, just why would someone assume such a role if if they do not fit into such a category, and how others view myself has no importance.

    I do not view my brother, even though he is a hard-core liberal, who currently lives in Ann Arbor, or my wonderful (conservative) sister in Plymouth as “White proles”

    AJM “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airboren trained US Army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  • Thursday is shaping up to be the Trump presidency's "Gunfight at O.K. Corral." That day, the fates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and much else, may be decided. The New York Times report that Rosenstein, sarcastically or seriously in May 2017, talked of wearing a wire into the...
  • @byrresheim

    This sort of thinking is exactly why Kavanaghs accuser is taken seriously.

    Trying to paint a non-slut as a slut doesn't cut it.

    Apparently you haven’t seen the photo running through the net of her at a party, passed out drunk on a picknik table, wearing only a bikini bottom with empty booze bottles surrounding her.
    This of course does not constitute a status as a “slut”, it does however reveal the lie behind her astute, uppity posturing.


    • Replies: @Randy the Auditor
    Calling the accuser a "slut" is a distraction at best and counterproductive at worst. We should concentrate on what we can prove: The woman is almost certainly a liar.

    Why is her memory so conveniently bad about the place and date of the alleged attack, and how she got home afterward? And why did she demand a "full investigation" by the FBI before she gave her testimony? If the accuser is telling the truth (or even believes she's telling the truth), why doesn't she simply tell what she knows? It appears that she is being very careful to avoid saying anything that can be disproven.

    , @nsa
    You used the mensabonic spelling "picknik table" instead of the more common and accepted "picnic table".
  • If the Left is ever going to come together to save the world from Donald Trump and his legions of fascistic Putin-Nazis, we're going to need to confront our primary enemy ... the international working classes. Yes, my comrades, I'm afraid it's time to face the facts, depressing as they are. The working classes are...
  • @RadicalCenter
    “Why thank YOU kindly” for your detailed response.

    I’ll agree that your love of jazz and its practitioners is inexplicable.

    After someone says that he has lived in a country for decades, it’s natural to ask if he has become a citizen there.
    Thus, I’m not sure why you put my question “are you a citizen” in quotation marks as if it was unusual or annoying.

    I’ll be sure never to compliment you or express agreement with your views. I didn’t imply that you needed my approval, just trying to be friendly.

    Lastly, if you’re so proud to be an American, why are you spending most of your adult life continuously elsewhere?
    And in a place you are bitter about, on balance.

    Now I regret replying to you, as your snotty, snide, demeaning counter reply consists of nothing but acrimoneous, hostile venom.

    As to why I have spent many years overseas, this is really none of your businesss.


    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    probably because it is more pleasant than being a white prole in the US.

    That is why I moved overseas.
    , @Jim Bob Lassiter
    I have read many of your posts and have found them overall to be insightful and net contributions to whatever discussion is at hand. However, I'm going to suggest that wearing MENSA on your sleeve might contribute to bringing out the worst in some other reader/commenters.
    , @RadicalCenter
    Nothing about us is anyone’s “business” here. Some people choose to share personal info and anecdotes, or politely decline. I see you can’t manage that.
  • @RadicalCenter
    Hi AJM, I have come to look forward to your comments. It took a while ;) but you have a refreshing and often well thought-out perspective. Even though I can’t fully fathom the jazz thing.

    Ich bin neugierig, if you’ve lived in Germany so long, are you a citizen?
    If so, may I ask whether you have voted for the Alternative fuer Deutschland?

    My wife and I interact with Germans and first-generation german-Americans frequently because our kids are learning german. Our experience mostly corroborates your harsh assessment, though we do know several sensible Germans. They are not extremists, but nor are they prepared to just let terrible things happen to their people and their nation.

    But in the end, they are outnumbered by the Germans willing to go quietly into subjugation by hostile and less advanced alien peoples. The Germans are still too slow to wake up, given the harms visited on a great number of Germans by the nonEuropean invaders.

    Why thank you kindly for your approval of my ideas. “Are you a citizen” (of Germany) : Nope I am still a proud and patriotic US citizen, and plan to stay as such.
    Regarding Germany : don’t get me wrong as there are many, many positive aspects of German culture to be considered, however at the present time the leftist political crazyness has reached new levels of intensity, for example what really infuriates me is the constant railing in the German media regarding US gun laws and their demand that the US alter it’s constitution so as to make private gun ownership next to impossible such as in Germany.
    It seems as if the Germans think somehow that they rule the world and that they are called upon to determine internal US policy, which is in fact none their fucking business.
    Aside from this they have, since the election, been also demanding that the US alter it’s voting laws so as to eliminate the “electoral college”, which was cause of their “Liebling” HC losing to DT.
    I am sure that you are familiar with Winston Churchill and his “Boot or throat” axiom, which seems to be today sadly as pertinent as eighty years years past.
    A country with such hideous big-brother laws on the books such as the so-call “Meldepflicht”, the ghastly code which Germans support and agree with, requiring that each resident report their address upon moving to the local police registry office : “Meldeamt”, such a country in which it’s citizens do not even consider the philosophical implications of such a tyrannical law, such a country is not qualified to be consistantly pointing its finger at other nations.

    PS Jazz is a passion and as such inexplicable.

    • Disagree: Josep
    • Replies: @RadicalCenter
    “Why thank YOU kindly” for your detailed response.

    I’ll agree that your love of jazz and its practitioners is inexplicable.

    After someone says that he has lived in a country for decades, it’s natural to ask if he has become a citizen there.
    Thus, I’m not sure why you put my question “are you a citizen” in quotation marks as if it was unusual or annoying.

    I’ll be sure never to compliment you or express agreement with your views. I didn’t imply that you needed my approval, just trying to be friendly.

    Lastly, if you’re so proud to be an American, why are you spending most of your adult life continuously elsewhere?
    And in a place you are bitter about, on balance.

    , @Josep
    If you really hate it in Germany, then, assuming you haven't left yet, what are you still doing there? What's preventing you from returning to America?
    What's the point of living in a country (especially a white-majority one) if you view the majority of its inhabitants so lowly?

    It seems as if the Germans think somehow that they rule the world and that they are called upon to determine internal US policy, which is in fact none their ****ing business.
    Didn't Pat Buchanan make it clear at least once that it's the other way around?
  • Thursday is shaping up to be the Trump presidency's "Gunfight at O.K. Corral." That day, the fates of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and much else, may be decided. The New York Times report that Rosenstein, sarcastically or seriously in May 2017, talked of wearing a wire into the...
  • @F0337
    Even a leader of unparalleled integrity and probity would likely be outmatched and outflanked by what we call "the Swamp" and alas, that's not Mr Trump to begin with. I do believe that Trump is patriotic and wants what's best for the country but 1) that's not enough--he also has colossal personal liabilities and issues of character and 2) our nation's capital is full of people who are neither patriotic nor do they want what's best for the country.

    The Establishment doesn't take kindly to apostates, whatever their stripe.

    ” Issues of character”

    Bullshit, DT is basically a “good guy”, a down to earth straight-shooter, the exact opposite of all of the slimey, fork-tongued, smooth-talking “Politicians”, who have been milking the hapless US tax-slaves for eons on end.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  • She will start crying and feeling intimidated by those evil white old conservatives, and then they will vote to not confirm him.

    The underlying issue here being that nobody has the guts to call her out as the nut-case she, along with all other “shrinks”, is.

    Psychology/Psychiatry being the most odious, destructive pseudo-sciences known to mankind.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  • If the Left is ever going to come together to save the world from Donald Trump and his legions of fascistic Putin-Nazis, we're going to need to confront our primary enemy ... the international working classes. Yes, my comrades, I'm afraid it's time to face the facts, depressing as they are. The working classes are...
  • @Anon
    We get it Jeff, you left the slums of Ann
    Arbor* and by intelligence hard work and sheer will pulled your self out of your welfare slum by moving overseas.

    * Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country with a highly educated population, a midwestern Palo Alto.

    I wish you’d get it straight, Ann Arbor or the White slums of Detroit. Guess it depends what you’re snorting up your nose or drinking when you post.

    And you got married after age 25 and that makes you oh so superior to people who married under 25.

    Why not start your own blog, I Hate Degnerate Anglo Celts. Net ?

    ” Ann Arbor, one of the wealthiest towns in the country, with a highly educated population”

    With a highly educated population: edumacated in the benefits of introducing marxism, “and green” madness to the hapless US tax-slaves.

    Ann Arbor is a hotbed of purple-haired crazies, and over-paid marxist perfessers knocking down six figure tax-slave dollars for their effort in the transformation of the US into a northern version of Venezuela.: “Wealthiest towns in the US”.


    • Replies: @Jeff Stryker
    I honestly wouldn't know, personally.

    My parents lost the house in Ann Arbor when I was in my teens and I spent my last year of high school living with my grandmother in what was then a nicer part of Detroit.

    After graduating from high school I spent four years at Central Michigan University in the dormitories.

    Finally, I spent a single year in Phoenix. A place I detested.

    It was only a chance offer that led to me to Dubai but I found that I liked being overseas better.

    So I have no lived in Ann Arbor since I graduated from high school in 1992.

    I've not even set foot in the United States since the fall of 2007.
    , @Anon
    It’s a college town. Town of crazy liberals, it goes without saying. That’s why Portland is so crazy. It has the Nike headquarters but the only other businesses is colleges and their crazy liberals. Can you imagine living in one
  • @Malla

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.
    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

    “Positive German achievements”

    Look friend I lived in Germany for forty-plus years, and I am fully aware of the manifold positive achievements of the the creative German peoples. The problem with these neurotic, tormented folks being their unsurpassed know-it-all attitude : the infamous ” deutsche Besserwisserei”

    “German Jewish achievements mostly”, Agreed, however this does not justify the glorification and revererance afforded by the Germans themselves of such destructive , oppressive, german-jewish accomplishments as : communism, and psychology, and the naming of streets all over Germany after Karl Marx.


    • Replies: @Malla

    Agreed, however this does not justify the glorification and revererance afforded by the Germans themselves of such destructive , oppressive, german-jewish accomplishments as : communism, and psychology, and the naming of streets all over Germany after Karl Marx.
    Denazification worked too well.
    , @RadicalCenter
    Hi AJM, I have come to look forward to your comments. It took a while ;) but you have a refreshing and often well thought-out perspective. Even though I can’t fully fathom the jazz thing.

    Ich bin neugierig, if you’ve lived in Germany so long, are you a citizen?
    If so, may I ask whether you have voted for the Alternative fuer Deutschland?

    My wife and I interact with Germans and first-generation german-Americans frequently because our kids are learning german. Our experience mostly corroborates your harsh assessment, though we do know several sensible Germans. They are not extremists, but nor are they prepared to just let terrible things happen to their people and their nation.

    But in the end, they are outnumbered by the Germans willing to go quietly into subjugation by hostile and less advanced alien peoples. The Germans are still too slow to wake up, given the harms visited on a great number of Germans by the nonEuropean invaders.

  • @Maus
    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is "nigh unto fifty years;" not "onto," which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.

    ” To think you made a profession of playing the sounds of negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, wagner”

    For your information, myself I studied classical flute performance, and the glories of Bach, Mozart, Teleman, in conservatory for four years with a top “Abschluss”

    Secondly your racist ignorance as to the qualities of Jazz music only disqualifies your pseudo-knowledge of classical music.

    Today is the birthday of John Coltrane, black musical genius, and on the level of Bach and Mozart, along with Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and a plethora of other unsurpassed brilliant black musical artists.

    Regarding my employment of the ” apostrophe” : You apparently do not know that all grammar “rules” are nothing but arbitrary opinions of so-called “experts” : there are no natural laws governing the rules of language, as there are no natural laws governing the rules of musical creation.

    Over the last hundred years mankind has had more than enough of : “Am deutschen Wesen soll die Welt genesen”


  • Golden rule number one : All things evil, oppressive , destructive, inhumane, cruel etc, originate in Germany , the cosmic nuthouse where every town of size incorporates a “Karl Marx Strasse”.
    Now I have been trying to sort this out in my simple way of seeing things for nigh onto fifty years, and I am nowhere close to an answer, an answer to the seemingly naive question as to just what could move a city/town to name streets and erect monuments to a crazy asshole who’s “Teachings” resulted, through their implementation, in the murders a hundred million hapless human beings.
    Now of course if you care to engage in a crazy-making discussion with a typical know-it-all German, a “Deutscher Besserwisser” regarding this strange phenomena he/she will proceed to inform your that Marx was one of the world’s greatest “philosophers”, or that he was concerned with the welfare of an oppressed humankind, and he/she will employ any and every twisted logic so as to justify this disgusting abberation, and you will then come away scratching you head and pondering the question all over again the question of : Just why do the Germans feel compelled to name streets after a mad-man who’s concepts were the most bloody of all of history. I am guessing that the unobtainable answer lies within the same question applied to a gruesome “scientific” display of dissected human cadavers offered for public viewing to this day in prestigeous town of Heidelberg, the seat of the oldest university in Deutschland. Of course the question remains unanswered such as the question of did they, the Germans really make lampshades and sausage from human corpses.

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.

    And last but not least : the German axiom that to be a “leftist” is to be an intellectual., and to be a “conservative” is to be a redneck clod.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz performer.

    PS This comment is directly connected with the subject at hand, in spite of it’s non-sequitur appearance.

    • Troll: Josep
    • Replies: @Reactionary Utopian

    ... to a crazy asshole who’s “Teachings” resulted ...

    ... after a mad-man who’s concepts ...

    ... in spite of it’s non-sequitur ...
    Its/ it’s. Whose /who’s.

    Boy, those Mensa standards fall a little farther every day, don’t they?
    , @Maus
    Your Mensa brag grows wearisome. In addition to your problems with the apostrophe (HT to Reactionary Utopian), the correct usage is "nigh unto fifty years;" not "onto," which is a preposition of place rather than time or distance.
    And your hatred of Germans and all things Germanic is laughably irrational. To think that you made a profession of playing the sounds of Negro caterwauling in preference to the glories of Mozart, Bach, Wagner and other German composers of true musical genius makes me discount your opinion on other matters accordingly.
    , @Malla

    Germany : the source of manic authority worship, communism, psychology, heroin, bauhaus, “green” madness, etc etc.
    German Jewish achievements mostly.

    Positive German German achievements, too much to list them here. Let us just go with some awesome buildings and cities.

  • Paul Krugman could tell Brett Kavanaugh was another Haven Monahan just by looking at him. Haven't you people watched any romantic comedies going back to The Graduate in 1967? The mean rich kid who loses the girl to the mensch in the last reel always looks like Kavanaugh. Everybody knows that. A photo from when...
  • @NickG
    Someone once said to me that if you want shit in your life get married or buy an Alpha, some guys do both.

    Alphas in the 70s and 80s UK were notorious rust buckets, the sills and lower doors would rust through in short order.

    ” Alfas in the 70s and 80s were notorious rust buckets”

    I owned eleven including several exotic models which would be high-money collectors items today. My last one was a Montreal, the only one I ever had any problems with : The trans went out, and also the mechanical! fuel injection. I actually aquired a “new”, however two year old Giulia Sprint 1300, one of the last ones produced, in nov 1967.
    My favorites were the five Bertone GTs I owned. And I never saw a spot of rust on any of them.

    Alfas on the road are the greatest handling, driving machines ever built, and the DOHC four-banger a work of art, such a a fine swiss (mechanical) watch.


  • Before his election as president it was understandable that Donald Trump’s critics should have vastly underestimated his ability as a politician. It is much less excusable – and self-destructive to effective opposition to Trump – that they should go on underestimating him almost two years after his victory. Every week there are more revelations showing...
  • To the admin : I am strongly suggesting that you folks ban from further posting, this lunatic posting under the name of “Harold Smith”

    Quoting him : “Fat ugly and queer”

    This crazed person is now using your site for the purpose of venting his homophobic urges, and you certainly are aware of how such anti-gay diatribe can end up causing you problems you did not bargain for.


    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    First, you're the one who started with the ad hominem, right? But now you don't like it?

    Second, the word "queer" can mean "worthless" or "differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal."

    queer adjective
    \ ˈkwir \
    Definition of Queer (Entry 1 of 3)
    queer money
    2a : differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal

    *(2) : mildly insane : TOUCHED*

    c : absorbed or interested to an extreme or unreasonable degree : OBSESSED
    d often disparaging + offensive
    (1) : sexually attracted to members of the same sex : HOMOSEXUAL, GAY

    (2) : of, relating to, or used by homosexuals : GAY sense 4b

    3 : not quite well
  • Paul Krugman could tell Brett Kavanaugh was another Haven Monahan just by looking at him. Haven't you people watched any romantic comedies going back to The Graduate in 1967? The mean rich kid who loses the girl to the mensch in the last reel always looks like Kavanaugh. Everybody knows that. A photo from when...
  • @Anonymous
    Hatred of psychiatry is about the only redeeming value Scientology possesses.

    ” Hatred of psychiatry is about the only redeeming value Scientology possesses”

    Disagree, I am not a scientologist, I have however read many of LRH’s treatises and I consider him to be perhaps the most brilliant mind of the twentieth century.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualied since 1973, airborne trained US army vet, and pro jazz performer.

  • @carol
    Yeah I remember that. My husband's first wife did that. He buys it because it was a handy explanation for Everything. I told him it was BS but he said it was Science.

    Also, in the 80s my best friend "discovered" she was molested by her father, the light of her life! I heard this from a third party. To her credit she has never mentioned it to me but only what a great guy he was. But I think it served as a tactic to get disability retirement out of her FedGov job.

    But it became a gimmick for every Hollywood attention whore since then.

    Psychology with the partner in crime of Psychiatry, are two of the most perfidious pseudo-sciences ever concocted by on this sowieso loony bin otherwise know as : Planet Mirth.
    The immense damage caused by the clueless nut-cases otherwise know as Shrinks, could not be put into a billion tomes, starting with the horrid results of divorce proceedings in which countless fathers have lost their beloved children due to the crazy-ass “expertises” conjured up by sadistic assholes who fucking know what the end-results of their BS will produce.

    I had, decades ago, a buddy who had earned his degree in clinical psychology at the prestigeous university of Heidelberg, ( aside from this he had inherited a huge fortune) . anyway he wanted to kill himself, amongst other reasons being the fact that he hated himself as having been born a German person.

    So I said look why don’t you just use your schooling on yourself and perform self-therapy, to which he replied : You cannot apply psychological training to your own person, it will never work. So okay we then proceed to take daily walks along the lovely banks of the river in Heidelberg, and I then applied my own version of counseling to his situation which did indeed bring him out of the doldrums to the point where he had then accepted a position at a rehab center for heart patients, and they loved him there, his secret being : At my advice he deliberately avoided using any concepts he picked up during his studies and rather simply listened to his patients and councelled
    them within the parameters of : common sense.


    • Replies: @Anonymous
    Hatred of psychiatry is about the only redeeming value Scientology possesses.
  • @NickG

    The Graduate in 1967?
    Was there ever a more miscast leading man in a big movie?

    My first Alfa Romeo, I owned eleven over the course of twenty years, which I purchased new in may of 1966, was the identical model as the red one in the “Graduate”, however light blue, a so-called “Duetto” two-seat rag-top, with DOC, four-wheel discs, five speed manual trans and double weber carbs.
    Alfas were the greatest cars ever conceived.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz performer.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    > five speed manual trans

    , @NickG
    Someone once said to me that if you want shit in your life get married or buy an Alpha, some guys do both.

    Alphas in the 70s and 80s UK were notorious rust buckets, the sills and lower doors would rust through in short order.
  • Before his election as president it was understandable that Donald Trump’s critics should have vastly underestimated his ability as a politician. It is much less excusable – and self-destructive to effective opposition to Trump – that they should go on underestimating him almost two years after his victory. Every week there are more revelations showing...
  • @Harold Smith
    "Yeah Wikipedia, a declared opponent of DT, is a bonafide source of information pertaining to DT."

    Yet you don't actually dispute the substance of the Wikipedia article, you just don't like it, right knucklehead?

    "You are full of shit."

    You're supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile drivel, goofball.

    "Authenticjazzman 'Mensa' qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, pro Jazz artist, and morally incompetent fool."

    ” You don’t actually dispute the substance of the Wikipedia article”

    I most certainly do “dispute the substance” of the Wikipedia article, as I fucking know that they are going to automatically lie and distort any information pertaining to DT, the very same as would the NYT twist and mutilate anything relating to DT.

    Look I consider you to be a leftist moron and buffoon, so let us just agree to disagree and dispence with any further communication.


    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    "I most certainly do “dispute the substance” of the Wikipedia article, as I fucking know that they are going to automatically lie and distort any information pertaining to DT, the very same as would the NYT twist and mutilate anything relating to DT."

    What's wrong asshole, you're too fat, ugly and queer to consult the references the article cited?

    "Look I consider you to be a leftist moron and buffoon,"

    Yo shit-for-brains (and everything else) the only way an animated pile of dog shit such as yourself could hope to insult me, would be if I somehow had your approval.

    "Authenticjazzman: ignorant, arrogant, stupid, feckless, fat, ugly and queer since at least 1973"

  • Good work Mr. President! You have now managed to lay the groundwork for a grand Chinese-Russian alliance. The objective of intelligent diplomacy is to divide one’s foes, not to unite them. This epic blunder comes at a time when the US appears to be getting ready for overt military action in Syria against Russian and...
  • @Cratylus
    What an idiotic column this is. First of all it is full of a Cold War mind set. We are on one side and Russia and China are our “adversaries,” the accepted MSM designation for them at the moment. Margolis is right in lock step with the lying big media which may soon switch from “adversaries” to “enemies.”
    Second, the observation that Russia and China are being “forced together” is so old it is getting whiskers. But so is Margolis - so a hoary Cold War mentality and seeing the new in the very old is no surprise.
    Third, since the beginning of the unipolar moment the US has led the West in trying to ensure the everlasting domination of said West that began 500 years ago - roughly. It has been a period marked by non-stop wars, death and destruction. We ought to be striving to end it. What could be more advantageous to such an anti-imperialist, anti-hegemonist development than a close partnership, economic and geo-strategic, between Russia and China. We ought to be singing its praises rather than critiquing it as closet Exceptionalist/Imperialist/Hegemonist apologists like Margolis are doing.
    It is a tribute to the open-mindedness of Unz to publish it - or maybe they were doing it to let us see that Margolis has no clothes. But it is not a pleasant site.

    All American politics are connected to the “gay” issue, and the bonkers US leftists are furious because Russia has not adopted their, the US leftist’s, gay stance, and they are crazy enough to risk an atomic conflict just to get their point across.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US army vet and pro jazz performer.

  • Before his election as president it was understandable that Donald Trump’s critics should have vastly underestimated his ability as a politician. It is much less excusable – and self-destructive to effective opposition to Trump – that they should go on underestimating him almost two years after his victory. Every week there are more revelations showing...
  • @Harold Smith
    On April 7, 2017 on the orders of Donald Trump, the U.S. military attacked the Shayrat airbase in Syria with a barrage of 59 cruise missiles.

    According to Wikipedia, both civilians and Syrian military personnel were killed in Trump's attack:

    "Seven or nine Syrian soldiers were killed,[2][3] including a general;[43] Russian military personnel were also present at the airbase at the time it was attacked.[44] According to Syrian state news SANA, nine civilians were also killed in the attack, including four children. SANA also stated that five of the civilians were killed in the village of Shayrat,[52] outside the base, while another four were killed in the village of Al-Hamrat, and that another seven civilians were wounded when a missile hit homes in Al-Manzul, four kilometers (two and a half miles) away from the Shayrat air base.[53] According to Russian defense ministry, four soldiers were killed and two soldiers were missing.[48]"

    How did Trump know that the Syrian government would not retaliate? How did Trump know that a third party (Israel) wouldn't spoof a retaliatory attack by the Syrian government? How did Trump know that this act of aggression wouldn't start a war with Russia? He obviously couldn't have known any of these things beforehand. He obviously didn't give a damn. Trump was not only willing to murder as many Syrians and Russians as might have been at the wrong place at he wrong time during the attack, but he was willing to risk an escalation of hostilities that could've killed many more people.

    Trump's attack on Syria was illegal, immoral and unconstitutional; it was a completely indefensible crime.

    On August 8 1969, on Charlie Manson's orders, the "Manson family" murdered Sharon Tate and four other people at 10050 Cielo Drive, Los Angeles, CA. On August 9, 1969, they murdered two other people, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, at 3301 Waverly Drive, Los Angeles, CA.

    Donald Trump's mass murder of people in Syria on April 7, 2017, is morally indistinguishable from Charlie Manson's mass murder of people in Los Angeles on Aug 8 and 9, 1969 in Los Angeles CA.

    Charles Manson's attack on people in Los Angeles was illegal and immoral; it was a completely indefensible crime.

    Charles Manson = psychotic mass murdering psychopath = Donald Trump.

    “According toWikipedia”

    Yeah Wikipedia, a declared opponent of DT, is a bonafide source of information pertaining to DT.

    You are full of shit.


    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    "Yeah Wikipedia, a declared opponent of DT, is a bonafide source of information pertaining to DT."

    Yet you don't actually dispute the substance of the Wikipedia article, you just don't like it, right knucklehead?

    "You are full of shit."

    You're supposed to be looking at your monitor, not your mirror, as you type your infantile drivel, goofball.

    "Authenticjazzman 'Mensa' qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, pro Jazz artist, and morally incompetent fool."
  • @Harold Smith
    Trump's a mass murderer. How is a mass murderer not a "monster"?

    Harry S. Truman ( Democrat) ordered the employment of two atom bombs, with the resulting murders of hundreds of thousands of civilians.

    FD Roosevelt (Democrat) ordered the fire-bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, Mannheim, Pforzheim, Schweinfurt, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Köln, Würzburg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Hannover, Dortmund, Berlin, Mainz, causing thousands upon thousands of civilian deaths, the list goes on and on, however because they were Democrats they are forgiven for these actions, as Democrats are permitted to commit any heinous action whatsoever, and then simply due to the fact that they are democrats, their actions will be justified and rationalized.

    You are talking shit, and have no clue as to the issues at hand.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz artist.

    • Replies: @Harold Smith
    "Harry S. Truman ( Democrat) ordered the employment of two atom bombs, with the resulting murders of hundreds of thousands of civilians."

    Did I say differently? And your point is?

    "FD Roosevelt (Democrat) ordered the fire-bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, Mannheim, Pforzheim, Schweinfurt, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Köln, Würzburg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Darmstadt, Düsseldorf, Hannover, Dortmund, Berlin, Mainz, causing thousands upon thousands of civilian deaths, the list goes on and on, however because they were Democrats they are forgiven for these actions, as Democrats are permitted to commit any heinous action whatsoever, and then simply due to the fact that they are democrats, their actions will be justified and rationalized."

    Well it's your strawman so I guess you can have your way with it. Knock your socks off, chump.

    "You are talking shit..."

    Sorry chumpy but the incoherent babbling here is yours, not mine.

    "and have no clue as to the issues at hand."

    The issue at hand is apparently your psychopathy, which is on display for everyone to see.

    "Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, pro Jazz artist, and morally incompetent fool."

    There; I fixed it for you.

  • Republicans may not be interested in racial politics, but racial politics is interested in them. Unfortunately, they have no idea how to respond—and it’s going to start costing them elections. Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, running against black Democrat nominee Andrew Gillum, is currently reeling from a Fake News media controversy accusing him of...
  • @Respect
    Who told you I am a leftist ? , and do you take yourself for a what ??

    Remember My-Lai ? , unfortunately there were many My-Lay in the Vietnam war , do you think that was a legitimate war action or just a nazi massacre ?

    The truth is above right or left .

    ” Unfortunately there were many MY-Lay in the Vietnam war”

    Bullshit were you there, where are you obtaining your false information, because my (deceased) brother spent a year there in the infantry and came home with a stiff leg and a bad heart, and he said no such thing, and apparently you have never heard of such Viet Cong niceities such as “bungee-sticks”.

    Look you are a leftist US hater, whether you admit it or not, and your most fervent desire is to see the US humiliated and wronged, and I know precisely your viewpoints, before you even utter them, so we shall just agree to disagree, as I consider you to be a dishonest, stupid fool.


  • Good work Mr. President! You have now managed to lay the groundwork for a grand Chinese-Russian alliance. The objective of intelligent diplomacy is to divide one’s foes, not to unite them. This epic blunder comes at a time when the US appears to be getting ready for overt military action in Syria against Russian and...
  • @Alistair
    In the absence of the US leadership; president Putin is de facto leader of the “Semi-Free World”- it’s refreshing to see the old foes are forging new alliances, but they’re also reshaping the world without the United States at the helm.

    The world is learning to move on without the US; the Trump’s Republicans are leading the US into further isolation and total irrelevancy in the new world order - beside Turkey and Germany who are actively seeking for an alternative military alliance to replace NATO - even Israel is testing new level of cooperation with Russia and China - and perhaps that’s what Mr. Putin was aiming for all along; to break up the western alliances.

    Collusion or not, thus far, Mr. Trump has been effectively acting for the Russian's interests; i.e. weakening and dismantling the old western alliances;
    “See what Mr. Trump has done for Russia so far:
    - weakening Transatlantic relations,
    - undermining EU,
    - undermining NATO,
    - undermining US intelligence agencies,
    - and getting the Republican Party to cheer all this”
    ( Prof. Vali Nasr, )

    Without the US at the helm, it’s not surprising to see that Russia and China are filling the gap; president Putin should get all the credits for that, he is de facto leader of the “Semi-Free World”.

    ” Weakening and dismantling the old western alliances”

    The old “western alliances” only exist on paper. None of the treaty participants could be trusted to abide by their promise to aid another member in cases of attack upon their territory.
    The main participants in the NATO alliance have now moved radically to the left of center, and they steeped in total opposition to US policy, unless the US democrats are in power.
    DT did not “dismantle” the alliance , it becomes dismantled each and every time the Republicans are in power, as the european “social democrats” simply hate the US republicans with an irrational manic passion.


  • Republicans may not be interested in racial politics, but racial politics is interested in them. Unfortunately, they have no idea how to respond—and it’s going to start costing them elections. Florida GOP gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis, running against black Democrat nominee Andrew Gillum, is currently reeling from a Fake News media controversy accusing him of...
  • @Respect
    Come on jazzman , forget about the american suplies to Russia in WWII, and remember that they were payed cash in gold . If the yankees had opened a second front earlier that would heve been a real relief to Russia .

    And I repeat , the yankees never won a war since Corea , the yankees are experts in carpet bombing unarmed civilians , in Corea they killed about 3 million of corean civilians , mainly in the north , that why the north coreans hate the US so much .

    ” And I repeat, the yankees never won a war since Korea”

    And I don’t give a fuck what you repeat, as you are not the ultimate voice of authority on this or any other subject, and your opinion is not any more valid than mine.

    Regarding Viet Nam : So according to your bizarre leftist viewpoint, whoever suffers the most casualities such as North Viet nam, is the winner.
    You evidently, as unedumacated as you appear, you evidently are not aware of the goals and parameters as applied to warfare, those being : Inflict the most harm/casualties upon the enemy, and assume/occupy the enemies territory, and this is precisely what has occured in Viet Nam, as the US inflicted far more damage and casualities upon the communist insurgents then they, the North Viet forces brought upon the US forces, and then after the combat action ceased the US, or rather the US capitalist entity, like it or not, has converted the nation of Viet Nam into a capitalistic phenomena.
    Look you are over your head, as I know what your leftist talking points are before you even utter them, so we shall just agree to disagree and leave it at that.

    “Forget about the American supplies to Russia” : This is beyond absurd, as without those supplies Russia would have lost the war.

    You really are more than clueless.


    • Replies: @Respect
    Who told you I am a leftist ? , and do you take yourself for a what ??

    Remember My-Lai ? , unfortunately there were many My-Lay in the Vietnam war , do you think that was a legitimate war action or just a nazi massacre ?

    The truth is above right or left .
  • @Respect
    Thank you Liza , I will have a look at , even if the author is racially crazy as you say .

    In WWII the " inferior " russians beat the " superior " germans . In Poltava the russians beat the swedes . In Nordlingen the spanish , italians and imperials beat the swedes . The yankees never won a war since Corea

    I read a chinese tale about the creation of man . It says that when God created man he did a clay man and put it in the oven , but kept it too long and the clay burned , and thus the negro was created . Then he cooked the next clay man but did not keep it long enough in the oven and was too white , whithout color , so the white man was created , And finally God cooked a 3 rd clay man neither too black not too white , and like this the yellow men was created , the perfectly cooked man .
    Anyway those too blond too white too tall protestants of northern europe are too raw , they lack something .

    ” In WWll the inferior Russians beat the superior Germans” yeah with millions of tons of American supplied weaponry, and American supplied foodstuffs.

    “The Yankees never won a war since Corea” : Bullshit, the north Vietnamese with 2.5 million losses compared to the US losses of 55 000, and Viet Nam now home to Mc Donalds, Burger King and KFC, most certainly did not defeat the US, as propagated by leftist America haters, such as yourself.

    By the way “Corea” is spelled Korea, and otherwise you, as an leftist ignoramous, have no clue as to what you are blathering about.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician.

    • Replies: @Respect
    Come on jazzman , forget about the american suplies to Russia in WWII, and remember that they were payed cash in gold . If the yankees had opened a second front earlier that would heve been a real relief to Russia .

    And I repeat , the yankees never won a war since Corea , the yankees are experts in carpet bombing unarmed civilians , in Corea they killed about 3 million of corean civilians , mainly in the north , that why the north coreans hate the US so much .
  • German technocrat Thilo Sarrazin, author of 2010's Germany Abolishes Itself, which sold an insane 1.5 million copies, has a new book out, much to the disgust of everybody except German bookbuyers, who have bought up 100,000 copies in two weeks. From the Financial Times of London: Hostile Takeover: How Islam Hinders Progress and Threatens Society,...
  • @Stephen Paul Foster
    "In the Koran, Sarrazin sees only “intolerance, violence, hatred for infidels, backwardness and the oppression of women...”

    Intolerance, violence and hatred -- Sarrazin is currently experiencing all of these from his enlightened, tolerance-worshiping, anti-fascist critics in the form of death threats, vandalism of his house, harassment of his wife, etc.

    The American occupational forces, post-WWII did a great job of training the new ruling class of Germans in the reflexive use of "neo-Nazi" and "Fascist" to denounce anyone slightly to the right-of-center who dares to express an opinion not officially sanctioned. Then, of course, the likes of Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, and Erich Fromm spent lots of time in the U.S. disseminating the anti-Fascist gospel through our prestigious universities which are now fully-accredited Schools of Anti-Fascist Theology focused exclusively on the discovery of recondite manifestations of racism.

    Chapeau, You sir are totally aware of the circumstances which led up to the current situation plus The “Frankfurter Schule” having been the catalyst for the transformation of the US edumacation system into a marxist indoctrination activity.

    Add to this the fact that Germany is the most neurotic, confused nation on planet earth and then we have the recipe for chaos and mayhem such now as being experienced.

    And then add to this malaise the phenomena of the omnipresent German “Besserwisserei”, German know-it-all-ism : Germans, of course with exeception, are basically right about everything, and are manically inclined to authority worship : Germans worship Politicians , clergy, journalists, medicos, judges, “artists” and all things “Links” ( leftist) etc.

    They hate DT, among other things because he is not a bonafide “Politician”.

    They are unable to comprehend the tyrannical philosophical implications behind their police-state residence registration law : “Meldepflicht”, and they erect monuments to such illustrious characters as : Karl Marx.

    Whew just reflecting upon their crazyness wears me out.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained uS Army vet, and pro jazz artist.

    • Troll: Josep
    • Replies: @Josep

    Add to this the fact that Germany is the most neurotic, confused nation on planet earth and then we have the recipe for chaos and mayhem such now as being experienced.

  • From France24:
  • @Hail

    I was struck by the fact that he adopted two quite distinct manners for his personal encounters. [...] To us round-eyes, he was the Laughing Buddha you may have seen on TV, all smiles and merry quips.
    Is it possible that the Dalai Lama's occasional White Supremacist comments are given because he expects a particular audience at a particular time/place wants to hear them? A religious zen-master move.

    The May 2016 "They Have to Go Back" interview was with German conservative standard-bearer Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung just at the time conservative pressure had forced Merkel to abandon her wild "there is no limit" (direct quote from Merkel, Sept. 2015) Islamic refugee policy.

    The September 2018 white-supremacist comments from Racist Lama were given, quote, "at a conference in Sweden's third-largest city of Malmo." We know that Islamic migrants have demonstrated, rioted, etc., against White Supremacy in recent years there, and that some locals are worried. The white-supremacist Sweden Democrats were the largest party in southern Sweden, around Malmo (see here; Malmo is at the southern tip; Sweden Democrats = yellow).

    ” German conservative standard-bearer Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”

    Dead wrong : FAZ is as far left as the NYT.

    Decades ago it was indeed a conservative publication.


    • Replies: @Hail

    FAZ is as far left as the NYT.

    Decades ago it was indeed a conservative publication

    The entirety of German politics has drifted left, of course, especially since the political-institutionalization of Holocaust ideology by about the 1980s, a discourse that became hegemonic not just there but for all of us. There was nothing to do but drift left or die.

    Anyway, FAZ has criticized Merkel from the right in the mid-2010s.

    (As if that is hard to do.)

  • Well this should throw the crazy-ass German leftist “Gutmenschen” into a shock induced coma seeing as they worship the ground he walks on.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro Jazz musician.