Data is great.
A game plan is even better.


Quantitative data and expert analyst insights married together to give you actions for now and the future.


We believe data are vital. Consumer information is also vital. Analyst insights? Imperative. But when married together, data, consumer information, and insights combine to give stakeholders unparalleled abilities to tackle the new media and games market. Our syndicated and bespoke reports combine gold-standard metrics; detailed audience segmentation and sentiments; and input from expert analysts to offer comprehensive topical overviews on different markets and segments. Clients also receive an understanding of the opportunities, necessities, and future of each market, arming you with the ability to make actionable plans.



Know where to go and how to get there. Bespoke strategy reports let our analysts guide you to your goals.

The digital games market is vast and particular, so answers to your questions shouldn’t be generic. Our bespoke research and reports allow us to identify your unique position and opportunity in the market, whether as a publisher, hardware maker, brand, advertiser, or anyone else. Our data and research teams will sit down to discuss the hypothesis we’re testing or problem we’re solving, and offer expertise on the market to get you the information you need to make decisions and execute your plan. Here’s how we helped one client make some big decisions.




A major hardware maker needed to know: who is the game streaming audience, why don’t some people stream, and is there an opportunity for them to offer a product to help? 486M people watched gaming video content like live streams in 2015. That’s a lot of consumers. Were those consumers our client’s consumers? How could our client position a product for them?

Using a combination of data on the streamer audience, and a bespoke consumer survey of over 1,000 qualified streaming viewers and streamers respondents, we assessed their current behavior, their hardware purchasing habits, their brand recognition, and pain points in streaming.


Our expert analysts found a large discrepancy between streamers and non-streamers in their hardware ownership. And what else? One of the biggest reasons non-streamers don’t stream is a lack of quality hardware. Armed with these insights and others from the custom report, our client is now pursuing streaming hardware for this new—and massive—audience.


Contact our analysts to learn more.

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