Canova Contests The Results Of Congressional Race Against Wasserman-Schultz, Calls For Revote

Unlike the faux “#Resistance” against fictional Russian-collusion or Russian-hacking, Tim Canova is the singular example of real resistance against actual US election rigging in one of the most corrupt political fiefdoms in the country.

Opinion: Why A Revote Is Necessary After Brenda Snipes Resigns Amid Florida’s Midterm Insanity

Unfortunately, we will most likely never see the race between Canova and Wasserman-Schultz invalidated or a re-vote instituted, no matter how obvious the election fraud undergirding the results may be. The resignation of Brenda Snipes removes one face of corruption from the field but does nothing to address the systemic underpinnings that allowed such overtly intentional election rigging to occur in the first place.

Opinion: Is Debbie Wasserman-Schultz’s Caricature Of A Political Career Finally Coming To An End?

When retelling the political saga surrounding former DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz over the last two years, one could be forgiven […]

The Critical Difference Between Tim Canova And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

It is beyond critical that the entire country – not just Floridians – throw the full weight of their support behind Canova in whatever form they can. It may not be enough to prevent yet another episode of vote tampering, but it will at the very least help to expose the US Democratic process for the sham that it is if election interference takes place again.

Opinion: Attempted Censorship Of Christine Assange Reveals How Powerful Her Voice Is

The establishment has revealed the degree to which it fears Christine through its own coercive actions. The net result of their efforts will be, instead of silencing her, Assange supporters listening more intently than ever to what she has to say. They will work even harder to ensure that her voice is heard loud and clear.

Precariousness Of Assange’s Asylum Intensifies Solidarity Efforts

During the emergency Unity4J discussion, Cian Westmoreland cited his favorite quote from the novel Cloud Atlas, explaining that he first came across the book and quote while serving in Afghanistan. He said that the passage emphasized the importance of even the smallest actions in shaping our future. The statement is intensely apt in describing the current fight for Assange’s safety. Each of our individual small acts – and equally our small inactions, will shape our collective future in determining whether the integrity of free speech is protected, and whether Assange will one day go free.