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Influencing career advice

A male automotive engineer shows tow students how to use machinery in a workshop.

Talking directly to students helps spark their career ideas

Demand is rocketing for skilled workers. New Zealand needs more than 480,000 workers by 2025.

So how do you get skilled workers before your competition does?

The answer to the skills gap lies in influencing the career advice given to Year 7 to 11 students.

How BCITO influences career advice

The construction industry needs 76,000 more workers by 2025.

So the Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation (BCITO):

  • has a dedicated section on their website for schools
  • provides teaching resources for advice on careers in building
  • gives building and construction industry information and advice to career advisors and Gateway co-ordinators
  • gives career advice to school students, and links them with employers to talk to or do work experience
  • takes part in career expos and events that showcase construction careers
  • help teachers do job shadowing at construction workplaces so they understand the industry.

Whenua Kura and career advice

Iwi landholders are running multi-million dollar agricultural business, yet only 9% working in the agricultural sector are Māori. Iwi can’t attract young people to work as managers so they are in danger of becoming just ‘investors in their lands’ and not ‘stewards’.

So Whenua Kura:

  • set up a collaboration group with industry experts and Careers New Zealand to plan ways to deliver career advice in schools
  • creates resources for career advisors in schools to encourage careers in iwi agribusiness.    

Updated 28 Nov 2017