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2020 Healing
; Having Good Sex

By Leighana Martindale

This is part three in a series of posts written to help inspire and motivate you to put your mental, spiritual and physical needs first in 2020. We’ll offer ideas and steps to help you achieve peace and happiness in the new year.

In 2020 we are “having good sex with people who deserve us, staying hydrated, leaving behind toxic relationships, communicating our feelings, not letting anyone waste our time, and spoiling ourselves with love!”
- Candice Reels, Female Collective

While this is absolutely important on every single level, let’s focus on ‘having sex with people who deserve us’.

Energy Exchange

Too often we hurt ourselves by giving our energy to people who do not deserve it or by refusing to allow ourselves the pleasure we deserve. Where we place our energy, and our relationship with pleasure directly affects our lives. Which is why it is important to pay attention to where we are putting our energy and who we are allowing to exchange energy with us.

We all crave intimacy, as this is a crucial part of our human experience and one we all deserve. But regardless of that intense craving, we need to be mindful of who we are exchanging energy with and respect ourselves. Every time we are intimate with someone, even a new partner whom we may have just met, we are exchanging and absorbing that person’s emotional baggage. While some of that baggage may be joy, the other portion is their junk. At times this exchange is subtle but other times it is not so subtle and we take on their energy as our own.

Entangling energy is a beautiful experience that can be rewarding and encourage growth. But this could also be something that is soul sucking and numbing. Ask yourself, is the relationship rewarding? Do I feel challenged and uplifted? Or is the relationship draining? Do I feel defeated and exhausted? Depending on your answers will determine whether this relationship promotes your healing and growth or if it is blocking you from your highest self.

It’s 2020 and entangling energies are bound to happen so let’s go over basic ways to detangle these knots.

Drinking lots of water is a sure fire way to help flush your system, as well as meditation and strengthening one’s aura field through energy healing, chakra healing, and crystal use. Aura cleansing and balancing is a way to level your energy and come back to yourself.

Get That O and Zzz

Beyond energy exchange, we all need to be demanding the pleasure we deserve. For too long women’s needs have been brushed to the side. If your partner(s) isn’t pleasuring you like you would like (even if you just met them!), or if you’re not orgasming as you should, then SAY something!

Communication is key, and the majority of the time, your partner(s) is not purposefully not pleasuring you. They probably just need a little direction and you need to not feel fearful to give it. Just ensure that you are being kind and courteous of your partner’s emotions in the process.

As Arianna Huffington said on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert, “Orgasms are Mother Nature’s Ambien - without side effects!”, and we all need a good night’s sleep!

Root Chakra Healing

Root chakra healing and alignment is an important key to sexual wellness as it is linked to your reproductive muscles, the stronger those muscles the easier it is to control your sexual energy. The Root Chakra greatly impacts your sexuality and feeling of security. You can use affirmations like, “I am safe” and other mantras to begin healing your Root Chakra.

An imbalanced Root Chakra can be blocked by fear and various forms of trauma. When not healed we can feel insecure, anxious, have panic attacks, feel emotionally disconnected and our sexuality diminished.

More resources you can use for working on your Root Chakra are yoga - these specific poses - as well as using Youtube. Youtube is a great resource for finding healing meditations, tapping mantras, and other amazing resources. This is one of the Root Chakra Healing videos I play while falling asleep.

Tip: Set a timer on your TV and play guided meditations as you fall asleep.

better sex cleansing energy energy exchanges 2020 health 2020 leighana

CBD as a Treatment for Muscle Pain

Dr. Brent Wells, D.C. is the founder of Better Health Chiropractic & Physical Rehab and has been a chiropractor for over 20 years. His practice is offering massage therapy in Anchorage, chiropractic care, physical therapy,  and other various services designed to help give you long-lasting relief from different health problems.

Muscle pain is a common problem that can be caused by a variety of different things. While there are medications you can use to help heal it, these aren’t always the healthiest option to use. They might also be a little expensive. Because of this, you might instead look at using CBD as a treatment for muscle pain. Below you’ll find more information behind what CBD is and how it can be used to help treat your muscle pain.


What is CBD?

CBD (cannabidiol) is an organic compound that naturally occurs in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC (the compound that can make you feel “high”), CBD won’t cause intoxication. When used, CBD will react with various receptors in your endocannabinoid system and possibly reduce anxiety, inflammation, and/or pain. Because of this, it can be used as a treatment for many different types of pain and illnesses.

Is CBD Safe and Legal to Use?

While CBD is safe to use, it does come with a few rare side effects. This can include fatigue and nausea. It can also sometimes cause blood thinning. Because of this, it’s important to talk with your doctor if you use certain medications to ensure mixing them with CBD is safe. CBD can affect people differently, which means there are no one-size-fits-all answers.

CBD is also legal to buy in most states because most batches don’t contain psychoactive chemicals. In Canada, it’s legal if purchased from a federally regulated cultivator or processor.

What Causes Muscle Pain?

There are many things that can cause muscle pain.

  • Tension and stress

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Lyme disease

  • Cramps

  • Arthritis

  • Sprains

  • Polymyositis

Symptoms of Muscle Pain

Muscle pain comes with a handful of symptoms.

  •  Soreness and tension in one area

  • Stiffness

  • Trouble moving around

  • Fevers

  • Swelling and redness

The Benefits of Using CBD Oil for Muscle Pain

You’ll discover that CBD oil comes with a handful of benefits.

It Reduces Soreness

CBD oil can help to significantly reduce soreness in your muscles. This is because it stops your muscles from cramping and tingling which can cause severe pain. It also reduces inflammation which could spread throughout your muscles and cause irritation.

It Can Prevent Strain

Another interesting benefit of using CBD oil for muscle pain is that it can keep your muscles healthy. This is because it encourages them to be more flexible which can prevent strain and other similar injuries.

It Helps You to Sleep Better

When you have muscle pain, it can sometimes be very difficult to get a good night’s rest. When you rub CBD oil on the affected muscles, it can soothe them. This can help you to sleep better because you won’t be in pain.

How to Use CBD for Muscle Pain


Below are some ways you can use CBD as a natural treatment for muscle pain.

Rub it on the Area of Concern

You’ll find both CBD oils and salves you can use to rub on areas that are in pain. If you use CBD oil, you can put a few drops where your muscle pain is and then gently rub it in. For salves, simply take a little on your finger and rub it around the area of concern. The CBD will eventually soak into your skin and get to work calming inflammation and tenderness. This is often the best way to use CBD for muscle pain because you can place it directly on painful areas.

Take a CBD Pill or Gummy

Another way you can take CBD for muscle pain is to consume a CBD pill or gummy. After ingesting it, the oil will spread throughout your body and work to calm receptors that are causing pain. Most CBD pill and gummy products will have a chart on the back you can use to find the right amount you need to take. It is important to follow this to ensure the CBD pill or gummy works well for your needs. Keep in mind this option takes a bit longer for pain relief because it needs to pass through your digestive tract first.

Put a Few Drops Under Your Tongue

You could also put a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue. This way, it immediately enters your bloodstream to get to work.

Other Methods to Use Alongside CBD for Muscle Pain

Visit a Chiropractor

A chiropractor can help to reduce muscle pain alongside CBD oil. A chiropractor for muscle pain will try various adjustments on your body to help with not only reducing pain but increasing flexibility in your muscles as well. Your chiropractor might incorporate massage techniques into your session as well to help relax the muscles that were treated. After visiting the chiropractor, you can then rub CBD oil on the sections adjusted for even more relief.

Use Ice

You could also place an ice pack on the muscles that are in pain. This is because it works to numb the pain while also reducing inflammation. Ice can also help stop stiffness. Once you’re done using ice on your muscles, you can massage some CBD oil on them for quick relief.

Eat an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Another way to help your CBD oil to work well with your body is to consume an anti-inflammatory diet. Food items high in anti-inflammatory properties not only work to reduce inflammation but release antioxidants throughout your body. They also contain amino acids which have been proven to keep your muscles free from pain and soreness.

Some anti-inflammatory diet choices include:

  • Turmeric

  • Cherries

  • Beans

  • Salmon

  • Spinach

  • Ginger

  • Pineapple

  • Green tea

  • Chia seeds

  • Blueberries

  • Garlic

  • Walnuts


Soak in Epsom Salts

Soaking your body in Epsom salts can help to reduce muscle pain as well. This is because it releases minerals into the water, like magnesium, which are then absorbed into your body. This works to calm tense muscles which might be creating tingling sensations or flare-ups. Once you’re done using Epsom salts you can then apply some CBD oil to areas of concern.

CBD oil is a great treatment to use if you’d like to combat muscle pain naturally. It will work quickly at reducing the pain and inflammation in your body so you can get instant relief.





cbd cbd salve cbd oil muscle pain back pain

Spotlight Series: Yvonne Perez Emerson

Located in Portland, Oregon and founded in 2016. Make & Mary™ has roots in folk medicine and heritage craft making. Made with the finest ingredients using full-spectrum CBD, cannabis aromatherapy and herbal adaptogens, Make & Mary’s clean skincare solutions and lifestyle products are organic, wild-crafted, vegan, non-gmo, and cruelty free. Every product is custom formulated and crafted in-house with ingredients from local and regional sources with shared values.

This week, we’re learning more about the company history and the personal story of Yvonne Perez Emerson, the woman behind the brand.

Follow the company on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.


How did you get involved in the cannabis industry?

In 2016, when rec became legal in Oregon I opened up my creative studio and began hosting workshops that introduced cannabis to an audience through art and design. Our experiences are centered on creative self-care and were the first of their kind. We mostly focus on heritage craft practices and also host yoga, sound baths, and breathing sessions. Everything is infused with cannabis. In late 2017, I decided to use my experience in folk medicine to create a Make & Mary line of wellness within beauty products. We launched mid-2018 and recently introduced new products and designs as we’re now reaching a much larger audience.

Tell us a little bit about your product or service 

Our “highly inspired,” all-inclusive workshops are centered on self-care, process, and community. These are fun and creative maker events that are cannabis-friendly. We have teaching artists that come in and I also teach classes. We offer a diverse range of classes and have covered tincture making to natural dying to wooden spoon making.

Our product line is a premium CBD beauty and wellness line. We are vegan, cruelty certified, organic, and use only full-spectrum CBD grown just 50 miles from our headquarters. We are also sustainably conscious. All of our vessels are reusable and we have done away with labels, we silk-screen right on the bottles. 

We utilize the benefits of pure cannabis essential oil in our aromatherapy products. Our candle is an airtight stash jar and our unique to market inhalers can be reformulated over and over again. 

Our current product line includes: 100 MG Face & Body Serum, 150 MG Rosemary Lavender Roll-on, 150 MG Turmeric Ginger Roll-on, three 50 MG Magic Wands: Natural Wonder (plain and simple), Earth Sister (desert sun-kissed), Free Spirit (shimmery Gold); Calm Inhaler, Clarity Inhaler, and our Soulshine Candle.

What time does your day typically start and what does a normal day look like to you?

I arrive at work at 6:45 am and usually leave by 6 pm or afterward. I try to start the day with some me-time—drawing, writing, or making something. Then, I take care of emails. I am also the owner and Creative Director of The Study graphic design studio, so I manage both businesses. Typically in a day I am writing, designing, organizing maker workshops, making products, shipping products, and meeting with the community. I try to steal a long lunch for a motorcycle ride as much as possible, but, the hustle is real, sister!

What is your vision for your company going forward?

I am looking to grow Make & Mary and continue to evolve with new products and experiences. We are working on a recycling program for our bottles, and I have a philanthropy passion. I want to use my background to give back to this community through art and I am passionate about developing something to help expunge folks incarcerated for cannabis use. I’m joining a diversity board to help put that plan in action. 

Eventually, I’d like to see the Make & Mary products across the country and possibly open up a retail store.

What would an ideal post prohibition society look like to you? 

Legalization across the US. More women in leadership roles. Everyone incarcerated for weed set free and given the tools and funds to start over. More POC in this business with a clear path for them to succeed. More education for parents on the benefits of the plant.

What was your first experience with cannabis like? 

I started smoking weed at 11 years old, but I grew up with it. Both my parents consumed and even brought weed over from Mexico several times. It’s been a long time since that first time, but I am sure we stole the weed from my mom’s friends and lit up in our treehouse.

Tell us about some of the challenges you face working in the cannabis industry

I think the biggest challenge is acceptance from the government and trying to work with processors and banks. What a nightmare. I finally have a great solution, but they did not make it easy for us. I’m not too concerned about breaking rules, but it would be nice not to. 

Having a luxury beauty line has also been interesting. At first, being so early to market, people did not see the value, but now it’s the magical ingredient. One of my biggest challenges is that I am self-funded and don’t come from money. I am working hard to have Make & Mary be something that is good to the core, which means things are a little more expensive for me to produce. But I have values and I want to make something that’s not harmful to the environment or anyone. I want my products to be clean, sustainable and eco-friendly. My workshops are design-focused experiences, and I believe that everyday people smoke weed, we just need to talk about it and have opportunities to be with a community that says this is normal. It would be really nice to share these experiences more publically using platforms and advertising like other businesses.

What are some solutions you’ve found?

I’ve used my design business to fund buying inventory supplies in higher volumes—this has really helped me reduce costs. Being resourceful, I’ve managed to put all of my money back into the business to help it grow. I’m also lucky that I am a designer and that has saved me a lot of money on packaging and strategy. Recently, I have asked for some help from family and friends and I’m leaning into programs that the community has for helping POC business owners. If I don’t stand up for myself first, no one will. 

Also, I am unapologetic about what I am doing. I don’t ask permission, I come from the heart and with intention. I really believe that what we put out there will come back to us. So I keep visualizing myself where I want to be and the universe always surprises me with the right answers. I have to trust in myself and have faith.

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about cannabis?

That you don’t have to consume that much to enjoy the benefits. I really am a big fan of micro-dosing, it’s done wonders for me.

What is one thing you wish everyone knew about your product or service?

Just one thing!? OK, this product is real. It’s not some money scheme, it’s made with intention, formulated simply, with a holistic approach. I believe that we should learn to be our own caretakers, that means we have to be intuitive with our bodies; internally affects us externally. I want everyone to be highly inspired; that’s not just about infused creativity, it’s about being inspired to live the life you want and need—taking care of yourself in all aspects. I feel like that’s what Make & Mary helps people do, it’s a self-care experience whether you’re taking a class or using a medicinal roll-on.

If you could go back in time and do it all over again, what (if anything) would you do differently? 

Buy a cannabis processing license from day one! We will eventually add THC to our line and now it’s not easy to access in Oregon—having your own. Ok one more: In the beginning, when designing this brand, I quickly put out something that didn’t look like weed but also didn’t represent me. This new brand refresh has spunk, and it’s much more reflective of who I am… and who we are. I created muses for myself to guide this brand. I wanted something that was a cross between Versace, Stevie Nicks and Patti Smith—stylish, feminine and rebellious. My first go around was safe. Now, I’m not hiding behind the safe veil of CBD—it comes from the cannabis plant, after all, and we should respect that.

What is your favorite way to consume cannabis?

I like to smoke it. There is something about that ritual. Also tinctures, I don’t drink alcohol, so making mock-cocktails is nice for socializing.

Concentrate or flower? Why?

Flower. I want that connection to the plant from its primitive form.

Do you think cannabis legalization will change the world for the better? Why?

Oh hell yes! More people should consume—we need to lighten up as a society and destress. Cannabis is good at that!

What advice would you offer to another woman who is looking to get into the industry?

Go for it. Be heart-centered. Make something people want and don’t be afraid to leap—we are more powerful than we think we are. And, let your opinions be heard..more women need to be heard.

make & mary oregon cannabis skincare topicals yvonne perez emerson

Check Out Our Latest Obsession: The HighTop

We sat down with the creators of the HighTop tube to get the scoop on one of the most innovative cannabis accessories for 2020…


Marketing Specialist, Philip, along with his partners Nick & Massi who both focus on sales, distribution and retail are the three geniuses behind the HighTop - the newest cannabis accessory that we all didn’t know we needed (and it’s quickly become the one we #dopeladies can’t live without). This product speaks for itself - you ash, you stash and you get on with the activities that you just might prefer to do a little bit lifted. 

The Back Story

So why did these three lovely and very funny gentlemen, who are friends from high school, decide to make all of our lives a little bit easier?

It turns out that this is another case of innovation by necessity. They were frustrated about constantly putting out their doobs along the edges of their patio window ledges (the WORST for cleaning) and all the other odd places we cannabis tokers find to ash our half-used joints. Philip, Nick & Massi came together to design one of the most convenient accessories on the market today. From conception to production it has taken a couple of years of hard work to get things in gear. A labour of love that any small business owner can truly relate to. First starting with product sketches then joining forces to source and develop an interchangeable joint holder specifically for those of us that often like to savour our smoke.

During a fun video chat with these innovative founders, Massi pulled out his personal holder - in true Miami style - gold and black - demonstrating to us how each of the three parts of this can be changed to represent your individuality. 

The HighTop Shop gifted us with two ash and stashes one in a beautiful light pink and one in black, which actually allows us to swap the colours to customize.to our liking. This, in particular blew us away because of course, coordinating with our moods is ideal! 

But what about the environment?

In this day and age, being mindful of the impact we have on the environment is critical for any product maker, including these guys. In fact, all remaining plastic used in the manufacturing process is reused to produce more Ash & Stashes. Kind of like how they use broken Kit Kats to make the Kit Kat filling (true story). Philip mentioned that they do plan on switching to a more eco-friendly, hemp plastic in the future with some more product options featuring glass and metals such as aluminum for those who prefer a more luxurious feel. 

Keep your eyes open for this product across North America and especially in your local retail stores. This #dopeladies approved joint tube is a force to be reckoned with and we at Her(B) Life are excited to see this company grow!

Business Note: Own a company and looking for some cool swag that will truly stand out? HighTop would be more than happy to provide you with wholesale price points and will include your logo/graphics stickers for an Ash & Stash that LITERALLY has your name on it. 

the HighTop ash and stash tubes innovations gift guide

Episode 8 - Maybe They’re Just Getting High?

Welcome to Sessions by the Her(B) Life. We are back for season 2 with a new lineup of people who have made cannabis their business. Between advocates, industry professionals, influencers and creatives, we’ll be showcasing some of the industry’s best and brightest in a new episode every Thursday.


Y2K feels like it was just yesterday, but as you know, soon we’ll be entering the third decade of this millennium. Barring a cataclysmic event, it’s reasonable to assume that the popularity of cannabis will continue to grow. Thus far it has done a stellar job of creeping it’s way back into the mainstream,, once again embedding itself as a staple ingredient for a happy and healthy lifestyle.

Yet with all the hubbub around recreational cannabis, it was it’s medical potential that paved the way for this dramatic shift in public opinion. Alas, there’s still a lot of scepticism and confusion around medical cannabis. All too often I hear questions like, “isn’t it just a placebo? Does it really even work? Are people just getting high? 

Which is why this episode on chronic pain management and cannabinoid therapy is a must for anyone who’s ever pondered “what the hell is medical cannabis?”

We’re very lucky as this Session we have Dr Sana-Ara Ahmed hosting, a practicing clinical Anesthesiologist, Interventional Pain & Cannabinoid Medicine Specialist in Canada. She is the owner and operator of Alberta based medical clinic Genuvis Health, which provides integrative and compassionate chronic pain management for Calgarians. The successful incorporation of medical cannabis into her practice for treating chronic pain, anxiety, depression, functional sleep disorders and opioid related issues has well established Dr. Ahmed as an expert in the field.

She is joined by Shabana Safari, colleague and nurse at Genuvis Health who has been working with Dr Ahemd for more than a year. This episode they addresses that big green elephant in the clinic;  when is comes to understanding medical cannabis the wider medical community is rather uninformed. 

This leaves many patients vulnerable and open to harm caused by unchecked biases and misinformation, as well as diminished treatment options. Dr Ahmed’s clinic is one of just a few that utilise cannabinoid therapy, and she is one of just a few doctors that are specialising in this treatment modality. 

Interestingly both Dr Ahmed and Shabana entered the world of medical cannabis with biases toward the plant. Like many, there was an underlying distrust as well as a big dose of scepticism towards the concept of cannabis as medicine. Both women reveal how it was their first hand experience interacting with and seeing the incredible transformations of patients that ignited their passion for the plant. 

A must listen episode for all healthcare professionals, tune in as Dr Ahmed and Shabana speak frankly about their experiences treating patients with cannabis.

The Her(b) Life Sessions podcast is committed to broadening the cannabis conversation by highlighting the women working in the industry. Each episode we have a new set of  hosts discussing contemporary cannabis issues, giving you a direct line into the evolving cannabis landscape. Don’t miss out on the next Sessions episode and subscribe now.

This session is brought to you with the help of Sundial Cannabis, the natural alternative for modern wellness.


If you want to know more about this Sessions host you can find her via the below links.

Dr Sana-Ara Ahmed via her Twitter @drsanaara

Dr Sana-Ara Ahmed via her Instagram @drsanaara

Sessions, by Her(B) Life is a production of Blue Dream Media.

Produced by Tiyana Matliovski and Executive Producer, Gill Polard.

cannabis industry dan sutton tantalus labs siobhan mccarthy blyssful alchemy

Review: The Mount Revelstoke Park Kit from 420way.ca

We’d like to disclose that a Mount Revelstoke Park kit was provided to our writer to review for this post. However, we are in no way obligated to write positive reviews and we do not collect any fees if you decide to purchase a kit yourself.

420way.ca offers curated kits full of everything you need for a positive cannabis experience - everything except the buds.

Each kit is designed with the consumer in mind, whether your are new to cannabis or not you should be able to find a kit that suits your needs. There are kits for edibles enthusiasts, that include everything you need (except the buds) to make infused goodies at home. There are kits for people who vape on the go, and for people who vape at home and are looking for a table top set up. Don’t worry smokers, you’re covered too. There are a couple of kit options for smokers who like good old fashioned flower.

This Canadian company has thought of and supplied everything for buyers. “We take away the confusion in choosing the right accessories from trusted brands and then we provide the support you need to make sure you can fully enjoy your chosen experience.” Said Sherri, the woman behind the company ( oh yeah, did we mention 420way.ca is run by a woman? Now you can support your sisters while smoking weed!)


We got the chance to try out the Mount Revelstoke Park Kit, which retails for $469.00 and is worth every penny, especially if you are just starting to build out your stash box. Let’s go through all the items included in this kit.

STR8 Case 2-layer lockable case with a Ryot Combination Lock

Something to keep it all in. These cases are made of ultra high-impact polypropylene (PP) and are water and dust proof so all your valuables will stay safe - adding an extra layer of protection is the combination lock included.


Arizer Air 2 Vaporizer & USB Charging Cable + Wall Adaptor & Travel Pouch

I kinda love this vaping beast. It heats up fast, has an easy to read display and delivers a smooth & tasty vapor. It’s a great beginner vaporizer because its easy to use and has a really precise digital temperature control and it’s even easier to clean (hallelujah) Learn more about the Arizer Air 2 here. It’s also regularly priced at $289.99.


2x Glass Mouthpieces, Glass Aromatherapy Attachment

Options are awesome! The mouthpieces are made with borosilicate glass for optimal performance and vapour paths.

Stirring Tool

Gotta have this handy to ensure the flower is getting exposed properly.

Cleaning Brush, 420Way Hemp Cotton Swabs, 420Way Cleaning Spray & Sharing wipes

Everything you need to keep things neat and tidy (and germ free if you’re a selfless sharer).

TBH, these additions may not seem sexy or fun but its important to keep your vaporizer clean and its a bitch to go looking for cleaning tools so to have all of these included in the kit was a really thoughtful touch that I personally, appreciated. You can also get more from 420way.ca when your supplies run low.


Glass Storage Jar with re-writeable label & 420Way Black Label Marker

OK I LOVE this! Its cute, its compact and its reusable. It’s definitely going into regular storage container rotation.


AVB (Already Vaped Bud) Storage Jar

At first I thought this was just another jar but in fact, it’s a pretty smart idea. You can reuse AVB in edibles because AVB is already decarboxylated so adding it to your cooking or sprinkling onto your salad or steeping it in a teabag are all great ways to get the most out of your weed. It’s nice to have a dedicated jar for this purpose.

Santa Cruz Shredder 3-piece Herb Grinder

HOLY CRAP THESE GRINDERS ARE AMAZING. They don’t call these “the world’s best grinders” for no reason. The teeth on a SHREDDER are guaranteed for life and are made with medical grade, ultrasonically cleansed anodized aluminum. The textured grip makes the SHREDDER a favorite among patients who are suffering from hand or wrist pain. It also retails for about $80.


Digital Scale

Obsessively weighing everything from now on. This is a great scale created by True Decimal Scales, the Plasma-100 scale has the capability of measuring with an accuracy of 100g x 0.1g.

420way kits cannabis curious vaping arizer air santa cruz shredder avb

Focusing on Physical Health for 2020

By Leighana Martindale

This is part two in a series of posts written to help inspire and motivate you to put your mental, spiritual and physical needs first in 2020. We’ll offer ideas and steps to help you achieve peace and happiness in the new year.

In 2020 we should all be loving our bodies, nourishing our minds, and taking necessary steps to heal. With this goal comes the need to eat better, exercise, and to cater to our bodies’ needs. Giving ourselves the nourishment, love, and attention we all deserve. While we are all in very different places on our journeys, there is no doubt we all need to continue to take care of ourselves physically.


Nutrition and Diet

We are born with two homes: our bodies and this planet so the number one thing we can do for both of our homes is to begin cutting out meat and dairy products. Trust me this isn’t easy, and if you’re like me with a family from Arkansas, then you grew up on meat, cheese, and a shit ton of carbs. So transitioning to a vegetarian or vegan diet can be especially hard for those not accustomed to this lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

I find cutting everything out ‘cold turkey’ can be tricky so realistically, you should expect to have slip-ups, but that’s okay! We all have to start somewhere and going vegan/vegetarian is an entire lifestyle change so be patient with yourself.

Whether your goal is to completely cut out all meat and dairy products or if it is just to consume less meat and dairy products, there are a few things I like to think of that make me want to try harder and eat better. For example, my skin. Dairy products and cheese especially clog pores, so when you’re pissed about your breakout, think of what your diet has been lately.

The second and biggest push for me is gut health. Think of all the diseases, allergies and issues people have developed over the last 20 years. From a huge spike in those with celiac, lactose intolerant, and the scariest: H. Pylori.

What Is H. Pylori?

Over 40% of the American population and over 50% of the entire world lives with the bacteria known as H. Pylori but many do not know as symptoms are broad and can vary. But what is H. Pylori and what does it do?

This bacteria lives in your stomach lining and causes various issues like being unable to eat meat, dairy, gluten, tomatoes, sugar, things high in fat, processed foods, and things with a high acidity [like coffee]. When active H.Pylori causes a lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and when going untreated causes ulcers. An unsettling fact I recently learned from a friend going to medical school is that 90% of stomach cancer is caused by H. Pylori.

90 fucking percent! That’s scary! Even beyond those statistics, an alarming number of people are being diagnosed with celiac and as lactose intolerant as well as a number of other allergies and gut issues. This is our bodies begging us to nourish them, so let’s focus on a few things we can do to promote a healthy gut and a healthy body.

  • Great foods:

    Broccoli Sprouts, Garlic, Kimchi and other pickled foods, vegetables in general

  • Plant-Based Diet

  • Probiotics: Kombucha

  • Manuka Honey

  • Antioxidants [Vitamin C]

  • Practice Meatless Mondays or make a strict no meat in the house rule if you’re just started to

    kick meat

Let’s Get Physical

Basic movement, you would be shocked how much just walking frequently and dancing often can do for you. Studies have shown that dancing helps reduce stress levels, increase serotonin, and help to develop new neural connections. As if anyone should need an excuse to jump around and shake it out, now you have one! So blast the music and go full dancing queen at least once a week although I recommend at least once daily as often as possible.


Stretching is my most favorite ways to connect with my body. No matter what your flexibility level is, we all have the ability to stretch. When stretching use this time to practice being present. Think about each part of your body and focus on the muscles that are stretching. Connect with and be present with this piece of your body. When you are finished stretching dance around a little to loosen and warm your body. If you do this for as little as 5 minuets daily, you will be surprised by how much more connected you feel with your body and the progress you can make just by practicing a little a day.


Yoga is another great and fun option that also has a starting place and position for everyone. Start where you feel comfortable and watch your mobility and strength grow. I challenge you to do a minimum of three sun salutations a day for a week. By doing this many people report that they experience a sense of calm and looser muscles. Try it for yourself as it could be a great way to begin your journey.


If you want to step it up a level though, look for local classes. Push yourself to even do a hot yoga class at some point. I will warn you now, they are definitely intense and extremely hot.

Treating our bodies with the respect they deserve is so important and such a huge part of healing ourselves. If we do not nourish and respect our physical bodies, how do we expect to respect our minds and selves? While there are many aspects involved in healing oneself, the physical is one that should be a huge focus this coming year. So join me in the challenge to heal, to treat ourselves better.

health 2020 new years resolutions leighana