Troth Kindred Program

The Troth Kindred Program (TKP) exists to provide local and regional representation of The Troth.

The Troth Kindred Program
(16.03.01 Q42018)

TKP Standard Operating Procedures


TKP kindreds are sovereign entities with control over their own events and policies. To maintain Troth Affiliation,TKP kindred policies cannot conflict with The Troth's Inclusion Statement. The Troth is not responsible for the internal matters, conflicts, or decisions of our TKP kindreds. In matters of ritual, the Kindred’s Thew is sovereign. 


  • To be considered a Troth Kindred, a kindred must be 2 or more Full adult members, see Bylaw 4.2.2 for definition of Full Member.
  • TKP Kindreds may, at their discretion, act as an extension of The Troth’s Official Hall, and may hear Officer oaths, petition the Rede to assign Schuld for an oath that has been broken, and perform other duties on behalf of The Troth as requested by the Rede.
  • Groups participating in the TKP will have their group name and contact information listed in Idunna. The members will be invited to participate on a TKP Member lists and will be listed on the Troth’s website.
  • TKP Kindreds may request funds to help offset event costs. If the cost is under $100, the Coordinator has the ability to approve the expenditure. If over $100, the Coordinator will put it to a vote on the TKP e-list. Each Kindred Representative gets a vote, passage requires a simple majority of votes cast within a 2 week period.  TKP Coordinator will contact the Reckoner for the funds to be sent. 


The following are the procedures for groups wishing to join the TKP:

  • A TKP Kindred must have Bylaws that do not conflict with The Troth, its Bylaws, Position, Mission, and policies, and it must provide to the TKP Coordinator two letters of recommendation from the broader pagan community;
  • A TKP Kindred must affirm the following statement: With The Troth I stand against any use of Germanic religion and culture to advance causes of racism, sexism, homophobia, white supremacy, ableism, or any other form of prejudice.
  • The application will be shared with the TKP e-list and Facebook group where it will be voted on by current member Kindreds. The voting will be open for two weeks and will be decided by a simple majority of votes cast.
  • The Kindred Leader or Voting Representative must take the Troth’s Officer Oath prior to hearing Oaths on behalf of the Troth.


  • Upon hearing a Troth Officer Oath, the TKP Kindred representative will notify the e-list of having heard it. At which time the Coordinator will inform the Steer and the Rede. This should include in written form the time, date, assigned Schuld, and any members witnessing the oath.  
  • All TKP Kindreds must perform one ritual per year open to all Troth members who wish to attend. Per Rede 4.07 and 4.11, TKP Kindreds retain sovereignty and may decide which spiritual beings they do and do not honor, so long as it is consistent with the Troth Position Statement.
  • All TKP Kindreds will submit a quarterly report giving a summary of the groups activities or any activities done on The Troth’s behalf via webform.
  • All TKP Kindreds will either submit one article per year to Idunna; or have a member serving as a volunteer serving the larger Troth community.
  • Each TKP Kindred will select one person to represent them on official votes. This does NOT have to be the specific leader of the Kindred, however they do have to be a Full Member of the Troth.
  • The Rede will select the TKP coordinator from among the members of TKP Kindreds for a term of 3 years. Nominations will be sought on the e-list and facebook group. The coordinator can serve no more than 3 consecutive terms.


  • The TKP Coordinator will assist members with ideas for Kindred building.
  • The TKP Coordinator will recruit established Kindreds to the program and process applications within two weeks for voting by current member groups.
  • The TKP Coordinator represents the program to the Rede and is responsible for bringing member group concerns.
  • The TKP Coordinator is responsible for setting up a face to face meeting at Trothmoot for those interested or current members of the program. If they are unable to attend, they will designate a member of a TKP Kindred to host in their place.

Removal of A TKP Kindred or Hearth

  • If a TKP Kindred, its members, or its leadership has shown through deed or word that it violates the  inclusive nature of The Troth.
  • Depending on the severity of the infraction, Kindreds will either be suspended from the program or removed entirely.
  • Under a period of suspension, the Kindred will lose its vote and access to TKP funds.
  • A vote will be made by the other TKP Kindreds to determine what is an appropriate response for the infraction.  The vote would need a supermajority to pass (2/3).
  • This process has no repercussion on individual membership in the organization, however the individual(s) in question are still subject to disciplinary action by the Rede and/or inquiry by the Ombudsman.
  • This process does not ban other members from reapplying in the future as a new kindred or joining another TKP kindred.
If you are interested in joining the Kindred Affiliation Program, please see our Application Form page.