Cabot PhillipsConta verificada


Contributor . Public fan of Jesus and politics. Secret fan of Taylor Swift and White Chocolate Mochas. Digital Alum.

Washington, DC
Participa desde dezembro de 2013

@cabot_phillips está bloqueado

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  1. há 6 horas

    Toby has been cruisin' for a bruisin' and I am his cruise director.

  2. há 7 horas

    People at the gym when I turn on:

  3. há 8 horas

    Being an amphibian really seems like an unfair advantage

  4. há 20 horas

    Contrary to popular belief, there are only two seasons: -Girl Scout cookie season -Not Girl Scout cookie season

  5. há 23 horas

    Announcer for this NBA game just called a player "amphibious...." because he could dribble with both hands...

  6. 18 de jan
  7. 18 de jan
  8. 18 de jan

    Trespassing? These students have every right to stand on public property and pass out constitutions to their fellow classmates.

  9. 18 de jan
  10. 18 de jan

    TAKE THE WORLD AND GIVE ME JESUS **But I'll also take pizza rolls**

  11. 17 de jan
  12. 17 de jan

    It's that time of year again where girls start posting old pics of them at the beach saying "Ughh take me back to _______"

  13. 17 de jan

    Never miss a moment from the campaign trail by signing up for our weekly newsletter delivered every Friday morning:

  14. 17 de jan

    My 5 favorite shows 1) Breaking Bad 2) House of Cards 3) Friday Night Lights 4) Narcos 5) Always Sunny

  15. 17 de jan

    Honestly, if you don't watch the NPR Tiny Desk Concerts on youtube, what're you doing with your life?

  16. 17 de jan

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia has low key become one of the 5 best shows on television

  17. 17 de jan

    MLK gave this speech the day before he was assassinated. It will give you chills. Watch it.

  18. 16 de jan

    So you gonna sell your vacation home or nah?

  19. 16 de jan

    Radio station 1 "time for a commercial break" Radio station 2 "same here" Radio station 3 "us as well" Radio station4 "we play country 24/7"

  20. 16 de jan

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