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    Answer 1/8

    You'll be more likely to make a team if:

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    • The Correct Answer:

    Youshould be the one who wants to achieve your goal. Don't set goals based just on what your friends, parents, or others think. That makes it harder to stay motivated and on track.


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    Question 2/8

    "Talking back" to my parents will ...

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    Answer 2/8

    "Talking back" to my parents will ...

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    We're not talking about yelling and screaming here. It’s more about talking withyour parents and lobbying for your point of view when something is important to you.

    First, figure out what you want. Try coming up with good reasons and explanations. Then, talk about it in a calm, rational way.

    Practice this type of "talking back" and you may be better able to stand up for yourself outside of your family, too.

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    Answer 3/8

    Which of these is a good goal to make?

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    • The Correct Answer:

    To set yourself up for success, goals should be:

    • Specific: Walk for 20 minutes
    • Achievable: Walk two days a week. (It's not like you promised to walk every day. You can do this.)

    When goals are unrealistic (cutting all sugar) or too vague (who decides what’s hot or not?) you are not as likely to succeed.

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    Question 4/8

    Telling all my friends on Facebook that I want to run a three-mile race …

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    Answer 4/8

    Telling all my friends on Facebook that I want to run a three-mile race …

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    • The Correct Answer:

    Use peer pressure for the positive by letting other people know about your goals. You'll be less likely to bail if you have to face your friends.

    You may even inspire a friend to join you and set the same goal. Then you can have a workout buddy or agree to check in with each other to stay on track. Just having someone to talk about race day with can help keep you excited and motivated!

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    Answer 5/8

    If I want something bad enough, I should:

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    While a positive attitude helps, you've got to take action.

    A good action plan includes:

    • Long-term goal -- For example: Get into college
    • Short-term goal or Action step -- Improve my chemistry grade
    • Specifics --
      • How: Study an additional 30 minutes
      • When: Monday, Tuesday, and Sunday nights

    Remember, when you tell other people your goals they can help support you. 

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    Question 6/8

    True or False? If at first you don’t succeed, switch to a different plan.

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    Answer 6/8

    True or False? If at first you don’t succeed, switch to a different plan.

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    • The Correct Answer:

    Life may trip you up on the way to your goal but stick with it and don't toss your plan. You may just need to tweak it.

    • Was your short-term goal too big? Say you want to get more sleep and planned to go to bed early every night.

      Make some baby steps.Go to bed earlier just three nights a week.
    • Is it specific enough? Details!

      What time will you start getting ready for bed?
    • Maybe you just had a bad day.

      Keep going.

    Here's a trick: Use every Monday to re-focus on your goals. Check how you’re doing and plan your week's action steps.

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    Question 7/8

    Don’t celebrate until you reach your big goal.

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    Answer 7/8

    Don’t celebrate until you reach your big goal.

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    • The Correct Answer:

    Definitely celebrate when you reach your big, long-term goal. But it’s OK to celebrate when you reach smaller, short-term goals, too! It can help keep you motivated.

    For example: Working to make the basketball team? If shooting hoops on Saturdays for a month is a short-term goal andyou do it, reward yourself. Download a new song, hit the movies with friends, or check out a book you’ve wanted to read.

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    Question 8/8

    Writing down goals can help you reach them.

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    Answer 8/8

    Writing down goals can help you reach them.

    • You answered:
    • The Correct Answer:

    Committing to your goals in writing and tracking your progress is a great idea! It can up your chances of reaching them.

    Try free apps or online tracking tools to help you keep score of your successes. Some tools can even send you reminders like, "Have you walked today?"at specific times to help you keep your promises to yourself.

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    Your Score:

    You correctly answered out of questions.

    Your Score:

    You correctly answered out of questions.

    RESULTS: Well, done, champ! Your goal-setting know-how is impressive. Which goal are you going to conquer next?

    RESULTS: Not too shabby. Seems like you know a thing or two about successfully setting goals and getting what you want. Which goal is next on your list?

    RESULTS: Oops. Looks like you learned some new ways to get out there and go after what you want. There’s no stopping you now. Good luck!

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