I have a generic type which is shown below and want to create a factory to product an IItem by creating a descendant of TItem. Further would like to register the factory with the Parent TItem so that it can spawn multiple children objects of the type registered with the factory. I have seen this done with factories registered in a TDictionary but never with a parameterised type.

  IItem<T> = interface (IInterface)
    Function GetParent:IItem<T>;
    Procedure SetParent(aItem:IItem<T>);
    property Parent:IItem<T> read GetParent write SetParent;

  TItem<T> = class(TInterfacedObject,IItem<T>)
    FParent : IItem<T>;
    FData : T;
    Function GetParent:IItem<T>;
    Procedure SetParent(aItem:IItem<T>);
    property Parent:IItem<T> read GetParent write SetParent;
    Constructor Create(aParent:IItem<T>);

I would like to use a TItemFactory that creates an IITem implementing a descendant of TITem by passing in the class to a constructor. This factory will be called from within TItem so T will only be known when TITem is instantiated with a concrete data type. I have attempted to create this factory class but the compiler rejects my attempts to use the generic type. My question is how can I create the TItemFactory class and be able to pass in a class to be created.

My thoughts for this were:

  TItemClass = class of TItem<T>;

  TItemFactory<T>= class (TObject)
    Function getItem:IItem<T>;
    constructor Create(AClass:TItemClass);

However this does not compile so I must be on the wrong track.

  • Very difficult to know what you are asking. For sure you can write this code. May or may not be useful. What is your question? – David Heffernan Nov 6 '15 at 22:30
  • @David I have edited the question to be more specific about what I am trying to do here, hope that makes sense – cheechaway Nov 8 '15 at 22:34
  • I still cannot understand this. I cannot see any factory. Your interface is not good because all instantiations have the same GUID. – David Heffernan Nov 8 '15 at 22:40
  • Ok, removed the GUID off the interface and put up what I had been thinking for the factory. – cheechaway Nov 9 '15 at 5:55
  • 1
    Instead of passing the item class to the factory, pass TFunc<IItem<T>> – David Heffernan Nov 9 '15 at 6:49

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