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The World in Flames


Francis Parker Yockey
The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey
Ed. K. R. Bolton and John Black Morgan IV
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2018
350 pages

Release Date: December 2018 

The World in Flames collects all of Francis Parker Yockey’s surviving essays and correspondence, including recent and never-before-published archival discoveries. The volume is edited with an Introduction and annotations by K. R. Bolton, the foremost expert on Yockey’s life and thought. The World in Flames is an indispensable volume for understanding America’s most important anti-liberal thinker.

The World in Flames is the first published volume of the new three-volume Centennial Edition of Francis Parker Yockey’s Writings.



Francis Parker Yockey
The World in Flames: The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey
Ed. K. R. Bolton and John Black Morgan IV
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2018
350 pages

Release date: December 2018

The World in Flames collects all of Francis Parker Yockey’s surviving essays and correspondence, including recent and never-before-published archival discoveries. The volume is edited with an Introduction and annotations by K. R. Bolton, the foremost expert on Yockey’s life and thought. The World in Flames is an indispensable volume for understanding America’s most important anti-liberal thinker.

The World in Flames is the first published volume of the new three-volume Centennial Edition of Francis Parker Yockey’s Writings. The General Editors of the edition are Greg Johnson and John Morgan.

Volume One:
The Philosophy of History & Politics
Edited by Greg Johnson
(San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2019)

Volume Two:
Der Feind Europas/The Enemy of Europe
(San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2020)

Volume Three:
The World in Flames
The Shorter Writings of Francis Parker Yockey
Edited by K. R. Bolton
(San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2017)

Each volume in the edition will be published in a limited hardcover edition of 200 numbered copies, as well as in paperback and electronic versions. As with in our edition of Savitri Devi’s works, the hardcovers will be manufactured to the highest academic press standards.

Note: If you wish to collect all three volumes in the limited edition, and ensure that they all bear the same number, you can order the whole set in advance. Because of the manufacturing time, the limited edition of The World in Flames will be available in February, 2018. Please bear in mind that Imperium will be released in 2019, and The Enemy of Europe will be released in 2020.


Editor’s Introduction by Kerry Bolton

1. Philosophy of Constitutional Law (1936)
2. The Tragedy of Youth (1939)
3. Life as an Art (1940)
4. Twentieth-Century Metaphysics (ca. 1945-48)
5. 1848–1948: Years of Decision (1948)
6. Italo-English Convention (1949)
7. The Proclamation of London of the European Liberation Front (1949)
8. Correspondence with Adrien Arcand (1949-50)
9. Correspondence with Virginia Johnson (1950-52)
10. Thoughts Personal and Super-Personal (ca. 1950)
11. Miscellaneous Notes (ca. 1950-1953)
12. Thoughts Upon Waking (ca. 1950-1953)
13. Two Reflections (1950, 1953)
14. The Death of England (1951)
15. America’s Two Ways of Waging War (1951)
16. America’s Two Political Factions (1952)
17. Correspondence with Dean Acheson (1952)
18. What is Behind the Hanging of the Eleven Jews in Prague? (1952)
19. Culture (1953)
20. Letter to Wolfgang Sarg (1953)
21. Translator’s Preface to Der Feind Europas (1953)
22. Oswald Spengler, the American Jewish Committee, and Russia (1954)
23. The Destiny of America (1955)
24. “Hang On and Pray”: Arnold Toynbee, Co-Existence Apostle (1956)
25. China (1959)
26. The World in Flames (1960)

Appendix 1: Guy Chesham, What Price Western Union? from Union #1 (1948)
Appendix 2: Frontfighter, issues 4, 7, 10, 11, 13, & 23 (1950-52)
Appendix 3: Excerpts from Frontfighter in FBI files (1950-52)
Appendix 4: Letter of resignation of Guy Chesham from the Union Movement (1951)
Appendix 5: In Memoriam–Francis P. Yockey by H. Keith Thompson (1960)


About the Contributors

Francis Parker Yockey (1917–1960) was born in Chicago. After studying at the University of Michigan, Georgetown University, and the University of Arizona, he graduated cum laude from the University of Notre Dame Law School in 1941. In 1946, Yockey worked as an attorney for the Nuremberg Trials in Germany. In 1948, Yockey published Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics (2 vols.) under the pen name Ulick Varange. In 1949, Yockey published a manifesto, The Proclamation of London. In 1953, he published The Enemy of Europe. But Yockey was not just a political theorist. He was a political actor. For the remainder of his life, Yockey traveled the world, using a bewildering array of passports and fake identities, building a network of contacts with National Socialist exiles, Arab nationalists, Marxists, and Third World liberation movements. His ultimate aim was a unified Europe, free to pursue its destiny without the domination of outside powers. He committed suicide on June 16, 1960 in the San Francisco Jail, where he was being held on charges of passport fraud. Since his death, Yockey has been recognized as America’s foremost anti-liberal thinker and exerts a steady and growing influence on the New Right.

K. R. Bolton holds Doctorates in Theology and a Ph.D. h.c. His books include Revolution from Above (London: Arktos Media, 2011), Artists of the Right (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012), Stalin: The Enduring Legacy (London: Black House Publishing, 2012), The Parihaka Cult (London: Black House Publishing, 2012), The Psychotic Left (London: Black House Publishing, 2013), The Banking Swindle: Money Creation and the State (London: Black House Publishing, 2013), Babel Inc.: Multicultralism, Globalisation, and the New World Order (London: Black House Publishing, 2014), Perón and Perónism (London: Black House Publishing, 2014), Zionism, Islam, and the West (London: Black House Publishing, 2015), and More Artists of the Right (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2017). He is the world’s foremost expert on Yockey and the author of a definitive forthcoming biography.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Hardcover, Paperback, Three-volume set

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